House Keeping (Shazoo)

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STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Effective Date: Revision #: 01

Department: Administration SOP #: ADM/2/013

Title: Housekeeping
Written by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Authorized by:
Name Muhd. Musa Umar Farooq Tariq Mahmood Ansar Sohail Malik
Designation Admin Office Admin Manager Q. A Manager / MR Director Technical

To keep the factory area neat & clean to meet the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and
to ensure hygienic conditions in the factory premises.

This SOP applies to the whole factory premises.

Manager Administration / Officer, House Keeping Supervisors, Sanitation Staff, Section Incharges, QA


4.1 Floor Maintenance Machine (with Plastic / Jute Brush)
4.2 Vacuum Cleaner
4.3 Glass Cleaning Kit
4.4 Mopping Trolley / Brush
4.5 Floor / Mopping Brush
4.6 Broom Sticks with Handle
4.7 Floor / Glass Cleaning Detergents
4.8 Floor Polish
4.9 Dusters
4.10 Steel Ladder
4.11 Dustbins

5.1 Employment of Cleaners:
Production Area:
A total of 13 cleaners are employed for cleaning of production areas who work under the supervision of a
House Keeping Supervisor. Section vise deployment of cleaners is as under:
 Tablet / Capsule 02
 Liquid 01
 Ampoule 01
 Eye Drops 01
 Q.C / Q.A / R & D / Micro 01
 F.G / RM / PM Stores 01
 Main Gallery 01
 External Area 01
 F. Male Changing Area 01
 Male Office Changing Area 01
 Male Worker Changing Area 01
 Reception & Director Technical Office 01
In case of absent cleaner of any section / department, the cleaner from external area is shifted to that section
for the day.

The Schazoo Pharmaceutical Laboratories (Pvt.) Ltd.

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STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Effective Date: Revision #: 01

Department: Administration SOP #: ADM/2/013

Title: Housekeeping

External Area / Offices:

 01 cleaner are provided for the cleanliness of external areas and offices who work under the
supervision of a House Keeping Supervisor.
Following activities are performed as regards cleaning:
5.2.1 Waste Disposal / Garbage Removal: This is done as per SOP for Disposal of Solid & Liquid Wastes
ADM/2/05Garbage of each section is collected through brush / broom, segregated, put in the specified
dustbins and taken out to garbage store where it is placed at specified segregated places.
5.2.2 General Cleaning: It is meant mostly for external area. Broom is used to collect garbage, dust and
alike particles. Afterwards through wheel borrow we disposed off the garbage at proper place in the
adjacent cultivated fields out side the factory premises. .
5.2.3 Floor Cleaning: Jute brush is used for floor cleaning.
5.2.4 Vacuum Cleaning: Vacuum cleaner is used to remove dust / particles from, windows, doors and
corners etc. Air pipe of the machine is kept in the hand and nozzle is rubbed on the area to remove
dust. Dust bowl is emptied as required.
5.2.5 Dusting:
(i) Dry Dusting: A duster is folded in layers. Then dust is removed through it from one side to the
other. This may be done clockwise or anticlockwise but not in both direction simultaneously.
(ii) Damp Dusting: A wet duster (coarse cloth) is scrubbed from right to left at the place already dry
5.2.6 Mopping: Scrubbing / Cleaning of floors with a bunch of thick strings or soft material fastened to it.
(i) Dry Mopping: When scrubbing is done through dry cloth.
(ii) Wet Mopping: It is done through wet cloth which is soaked in water / cleaning
5.2.7 Washing: The required area is cleaned with water. This is done with water / cleaning detergent as per
requirement. Before washing, the respective area is cleaned as per 5.2.2 / 5.2.3. In offices / production
area, detergent is sprinkled / spread on floor. Then Floor Maintenance Machine (FMM) is used to scrub
the area with plastic brush. At the same time, water is drained through wipers, collected with the help of
wet and dry vacuum cleaner, then the area is dried through mopping (5.2.6).
5.2.8 Floor Polishing: This is done to make the floor shiny and good looking. After defining the area to be
polished, it is cleaned with detergent and dried through mopping (5.2.7). Polish is the applied on floor
using cloth by hand and is left to be dried for five minutes. Floor is then scrubbed using FMM with jute
brush two to three times.
5.2.9 Cobweb Removal: Cobwebs (if found) are removed through a bamboo with a dry duster fastened at
one end and specified for the purpose. After removal, the respective place is mopped with wet duster.
Ladder may be used as required.
5.2.10 Glass Cleaning: Glass cleaning kit is used for this purpose which includes aluminium rod, water
sprinkler containing detergent like Glint, wiper, scrapper and angle adapter. Glass is first dusted through
dry duster. To remove stains on the glass, scrapper is used while ensuring that glass is not damaged.
Detergent is sprinkled over the glass and then wiper is used to clean it. Movement of wiper is one sided.
For windows / glasses at height, aluminium rod fixed with wiper and angle adapter is used.

5.3 Housekeeping Plan (ADM/3/73): All the housekeeping activities are performed through a detailed
Housekeeping Plan encompassing the areas, required cleaning procedures and their frequency,
inspecting / supervising persons and documents, required resources and skills, and the section wise
glass cleaning schedule.
5.4 Detailed procedure of entering specific sections / areas is mentioned in Sanitation Procedures
5.5 Daily cleaning check sheet SM/3/01-06 is maintained by each department / section. It is checked and
verified by Quality Assurance Officer. Daily Housekeeping Report ADM/3/72is maintained be each
department / section which is endorsed by Housekeeping Supervisor, respective section representative

The Schazoo Pharmaceutical Laboratories (Pvt.) Ltd.

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STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Effective Date: Revision #: 01

Department: Administration SOP #: ADM/2/013

Title: Housekeeping

and Administration Officer on daily basis. Any deviation from standard procedures is immediately
rectified and, if necessary, brought to the notice of Manager Administration.
5.6 Disposal of solid and liquid waste is done as per SOP ADM/2/05.
5.7 Personal Hygiene is ensured as per SOP ADM/2/11. Uniforms of all employees are washed as per SOP
ADM/2/08 to meet the GMP requirements.
5.8 Building Maintenance / Project Handling is conducted as per SOP ADM/2/01.
5.9 Pest control activities are administered as per SOP ADM/2/10.
5.10 Housekeeping supervisors / cleaners perform their duties in accordance with their respective Job
Descriptions (JDs).
5.11 Administration department draw cleaning / sanitation material from RM Store as per approved
entitlement and issue these items to cleaners on required basis. Housekeeping supervisor supervises the
cleaning process in various sections of production area as per Housekeeping Plan.
6.1 Housekeeping Plan ADM/3/73
6.2 Daily Housekeeping Report ADM/3/72
6.3 Daily Cleaning Check Sheet SM//3/01-06
7.1 SOP for Sanitation Procedures SM/2/01-09
7.2 SOP for Waste Disposal ADM/2/05
7.3 SOP for Personal Hygiene ADM/2/11
7.4 SOP for Washing of Uniforms ADM/2/08
7.5 SOP for Pest Control ADM/2/10
7.6 SOP for Building Maintenance ADM/2/01

The Schazoo Pharmaceutical Laboratories (Pvt.) Ltd.

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