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Name: Mahdi Gharib

ID: 11736469

Question 1:
The assigning to study the impact of a newly designed process on the
environment is sometimes more difficult because we are trying to
balance the goals of increasing jobs & income with protecting the health
of individuals. based on the degree of harm criterion after make analysis
If the risk of causing harm to the public is grave, the imperative of
protecting health should be made primary. At the other extreme, where
the risk to human health appears to be small or indeterminate, cost–
benefit considerations are more appropriate.
For example if the construction of plant cause a dangerous threat based
on the emission that pollute air and what will be follow of many
dangerous on water , nature, soil …… we should prevent this
construction . But if this plant has a filter for prevent for example 85%
of this emission so you have small thread or maybe not so cost–benefit
considerations are more appropriate and the construction will be
By adopting the optimal pollution reduction criterion that consider the
environment is clean if found that required to reduce pollution further
could be used in other way that would produce more overall human-
well-beings this analysis should no differ because the funds required to
reduce a pollutant further would save more lives if used elsewhere and
cost and benefits maybe unfairly distributed.
Question 2:

In many cultures, an exchange of gifts is a way to cement

friendships but always We must examine the gift-giving
practices & determine whether a gift should be considered
‘‘excessive’’ by the standards of the host country culture and look
at the intent of the objection to giving ‘‘excessive’’ gifts.
In this case study can’t not judge if this consider as a big gift
because we don’t know the standards of the country to say if
Sahar Should she accept the gift or not .
In my views that far on the standards , if I am in the position of
Sahar , I don’t accept this option because I don’t know the
intent of this, Maybe can open door to make other action can
consider illegal action such as bribery .
So The best choice for Sahar don’t accept this ,she do his work
in ethical way like the code of ethics talks (when The reasoning
behind the change was that the new valves were less expensive
and gave a tighter shutoff in addition to being more user friendly
and less costly) Presumably, you should not receive any estimate
outside of her company for prevent any action can able to make
damage on her reputation .
Question 3:

Exploitation, especially of the weak and vulnerable, is a serious moral

problem which is particularly likely to occur in economically
underdeveloped countries, where workers have few options for jobs.
The question ask about this subject if this case is exploitation or not. We
cannot judge direct we should consider the 5 conditions if exist or not as
the following.
1. There is an imbalance of (usually economic) power between the
dominant and subordinate or exploited party where dominant is
managers of plant and the subordinate are women working with
their young children.
2. The subordinate party needs the resources provided by the
dominant party to protect his or her vital interests Where women
working with their young children need wage
3. For the subordinate party, the exploitative relationship is the only
source of such resources where These women come from a nearby
poor village, living at almost subsistence level
4. The dominant party in the relationship exercises discretionary
control over the needed resources where Sam also discovered that
these women are paid a very low wage, while their children are not
paid anything; instead each child gets a free meal every day
5. The resources of the subordinate party (natural resources, labor,
etc.) are used without adequate compensation where the women
and child don’t have the adequate salary enough for living.

Question 4:
Sometimes individual has a complex relationship with the environment.
Some people consider the nature (environment) is something to which
we belong rather than something that belongs to us means that our
existence depend on it so you should prevent anything is affecting the
environment. Others believe doing ours aims that we want despite if
ours actions will be consider a threat on the continuity of the
environment as well as the life of human.
With regard to the marginalization of the importance of environmental
safety , we see individual choice in everyday life such as drinking from
disposable cups (for coffee or soda pop), This choice if we consume
and disposal of wastes by putting everywhere ,day after day can make
water , soil … pollution .Therefore if people consumes from this
waters or the vegetables or fruits from this soil polluted , this people
are prone to diseases such as cancer .

So for maintain on the well -begins and the continuity of the future
generation you should prevent any threat can effect on the
environment .For this purpose and in this case that this question display
for us , you have many an eco-friendly alternative to these disposable
cups. Such as Glass cups rather than plastic or carton.
Question 5:
Bribery is the biggest evil for any community and it also impacts the
overall economy of that region. Bribery is defined as the gift granted to
any individual, community or the organization for which in against the
person who granted the gift ask for some favor. The favor usually which
are asked by the person who granted the gift are illegal, which is against
eh merit system or it can be the short cut method of achieving something
for which the rules and other regulations are not been followed. Bribery
kills the faith among the person and thus the whole community becomes
money hunger.
Giving and receiving bribes are both forbidden by professional
engineering codes due to several good reasons:

– If an engineer takes a bribe she is creating a situation that

will most likely corrupt her professional judgment and
tarnish the reputation of the engineering profession.
– If she offers a bribe, then she engages in activity that will
also tarnish the reputation of her profession if discovered
and probably violate her obligation to promote the well-
being of the public.

– Bribery induces the person who takes the bribe to act

immorally by violating the obligation to act on behalf of his
client or employer.

Bribery includes two parties i.e. the active bribe and the passive bribe.
Active bribe is actually a person, group or an organization which grants
or promises to give the money or any other thing to the individual or the
organization from whom the favor will be asked. In short, the Active
bribe is the persons who offer the bribe and grant the money to the
second party, and in against they ask for any favor
some examples of active and passive bribery forms:
 Active .
 Payment of small bribes to customs officials to expedite passage of
goods through a port.
 Employing a public official’s son to influence the award of

 Passive

 Security: A security officer in a company accepts a bribe

from criminals to allow access for theft.
 A bank employee accepts a bribe to provide details of the
bank’s customers.

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