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なまえ: __________________

Stage 4 Japanese

Unit 3: かぞく
I can do the below in ひらがな
☐ Understand and use basic greetings

☐ Give and ask for names

☐ Understand basic classroom instructions

☐ Understand Japanese numbers

☐ Give and ask about phone numbers

☐ Say and ask about ages

☐ Say and ask about nationalities

☐ Talk about where I live

☐ Talk about both your own family and other people s families

☐ Describe people with adjectives

☐ Write and read 日 本 人 何 父 母

Time to show off!

Demonstrate your ability to write ひらがな and introduce a friend in Japanese.

Communication Task

Describe a friend or classmate in Japanese with a spoken skit.

 Give their name  Say where they live

 Give their age  Describe their personality

 Say their nationality with an adjective

 Say who / how many people are in their family and give the above information

about each family member.

 Use a photo if you are not introducing a classmate.

In groups, you will listen to each other and complete profiles of the people

being spoken about to demonstrate your understanding.

Comprehension Task

You will complete a reading task.

 Read a text written in ひらがな where someone introduces their family

members and answer questions in English.

Creative Task

Find out about a famous Japanese celebrity and make a poster about them

written in both ひらがな and English.

Classroom Instructions

みなさん everybody はい yes
どうぞ here you go いいえ no
すみません excuse me ありがとう thanks
ありがとうございます thank you (polite)
しつもん ありますか any questions?


ください please しずかにして be quiet

たって stand up いって say
すわって sit down まって wait
きいて listen あけて open
みて look しめて close
かいて write みせて show
よんで read

Language Structure
Can you remember how to combine the word please with a command to

say please _____?

Write an explanation below.

1. Write the English meaning beside each expression, then number
the corresponding pictures.

2. Write the appropriate instructions to match what the robot is doing.

Titles and Greetings

Terms of address
~せんせい suffix for teachers ~くん suffix for boys
~さん suffix for people ~ちゃん suffix for pets/cute
おはよう morning (inf.) ばいばい bye bye (inf.)
おはようございます good morning (for.) さようなら goodbye (for.)
こんにちは hello じゃまたあした cya tomorrow
こんばんは good evening おやすみ night (inf.)
もしもし hello (telephone) おやすみなさい good night (for.)

Language Structure

Write an explanation below of when Japanese people use the suffixes

さん, くん, ちゃん and せんせい。


Who should you use formal and informal language with?

1. Fill in the empty speech bubbles with the letters from the list.

a. えま です。 b. せんせい、おはようございます。
c. また あした。 d. さようなら。
e. こんにちは、 ゆきさん。 f. おなまえは?

2. Write letters in the appropriate boxes to match the Japanese with the

3. Fill in the below table in ひらがな with the appropriate greetings and farewells.
Morning greetings and Daytime greetings and Nighttime greetings and
farewells farewells farewells

First meetings and giving your name


(お) なまえ Name (polite) ~です。 (it) is

わたし/ぼく i/me なん・なに what
おなまえは なんですか What s your name?
はじめまして Nice to meet you
ぼくの なまえは ____ です。 My name is ________.
よろしく おねがいします Please look after me from now on.

Language Structure

 In Japanese, in which order do you say your family name and first name?

Asking someone s name

Write the question and answer pattern for asking and giving a name.



1. Listen to the expressions and repeat them. Write the English meaning
beside each expression and then match them to the corresponding

2. Write the below dialogue in ひらがな.

ようこ Hello. What s your name?

たき Nice to meet you. My name is Taki. What s your name?

ようこ Nice to meet you. I m called Yoko. Please look after me from now on.

たき Please look after me. Goodbye.

Counting to 100
れい・ぜろ zero 六 (ろく) six
一 (いち) one 七 (なな・しち) seven
二 (に) two 八 (はち) eight
三 (さん) three 九 (きゅう・く) nine
四 (よん・し) four 十 (じゅう) ten
五 (ご) five ひゃく one hundred

Language Structure
Four, seven and nine

There are two ways to say four, seven and nine. In general, you use よん, なな and

きゅう (but when counting to ten people often say し and しち ). Be careful of

saying し as it also means death ! For this reason many Japanese hospitals don t

use the number four on room numbers or floors.

Counting past ten

In Japanese, to say nineteen you literally say ten nine . Likewise, thirty seven would

be three ten seven . One hundred and sixty eight is one hundred, six, ten, eight .

It s actually quite easy!

Nineteen: じゅう きゅう

Twenty-nine: に じゅう きゅう

One hundred and twenty nine: ひゃく に じゅう きゅう

*for one hundred , just write ひゃく , not いち ひゃく

1. Rewrite the below kanji in order from one to ten.

2. Help the busy bees find their flowers by following the numbers from 1-10.
Then, count how many of each number are left in the puzzle, writing your
answers in kanji in the table. The first has been done for you.

3. Write the English number in the box beside each corresponding picture.

4. Complete the following equations in kanji.

5. Look at the central number. What do you have to add to each of the
numbers in the boxes to get the number in the middle?

1) Thieves stole five money bags.
a) Add up the amounts in each bag and note the total in the answer space.

b) Which bag has the most money in it? __________

c) Which bag has the least money in it? __________
d) Which two bags have the same amount in them? __________

6. Fill in the missing kanji numbers in the sequence.

7. Feel like a challenge? Complete the Sudoku box, then write two of your own.

Giving phone numbers

でんわ phone ばんごう number
でんわばんごう は なん ですか。 What s your phone number?
でんわばんごう は ~ です。 My phone number is _______

Language Structure
Japanese people pronounce the dash between numbers as no .
So the following phone number would be pronounced:

0451-579-357 ぜろ よん ご いち の ご なな きゅう の さん ご なな
1. Write the English meaning beside each expression, then match it to
the corresponding picture.

~さい ~ years old はたち 20 years old

Language Structure
Do you remember how to say the ages? Write the romaji readings below – the
bolded ages have unusual pronunciations.

いっさい one year old

にさい two years old

さんさい three years old

よんさい four years old

ごさい five years old

ろくさい six years old

ななさい seven years old

はっさい eight years old

きゅうさい nine years old

じゅっさい ten years old

じゅういっさい eleven years old

じゅうにさい twelve years old

じゅうはっさい eighteen years old

はたち 20 years old

にじゅうはっさい 28 years old

さんじゅっさい 30 years old

よんじゅっさい 40 years old

1. Listen to the conversations and write their age below.

2. Listen to the expressions and repeat them. Write the English meaning
beside each expression, then match it to the corresponding picture.

3. Write the ages that come immediately after the ones given in Japanese.
e.g. 十四さい

4. Match the ages to the appropriate pictures.

5. Write the ひらがな for each age. Be careful with 1,4,7 and 8!

6. Using kanji, write the age when you:

7. Match the ages to the appropriate pictures.

8. Write the ひらがな for each age. Be careful with 1,4,7 and 8!

9. Using kanji, write the age when you:

Japan (日本) Kanji

に ひ
Sun / Day
日 ~日
Complete now!



Complete now!


なんにん なんにん
Nationality (何人) How many People (何人)

なに なん
何 ~何

Complete now!


ひと にん じん
人 ~人 ~人

Complete now!




にほん(日本) Japan オーストラリア Australia

かんこく South Korea ニュージーランド New Zealand

ちゅうごく China アメリカ America

ほんこん Hong Kong イギリス England

べとなむ ふらんす
ベトナム Vietnam フランス France

すりらんか いたりあ
スリランカ Sri Lanka イタリア Italy

いんど どいつ
インド India ドイツ Germany

いんどねしあ さうすあふりか
インドネシア Indonesia サウスアフリカ South Africa

ればのん あるめにあ
レバノン Lebanon アルメニア Armenia

何 人 ですか。 What s your nationality?
Country 人 です I m Country ese/ian/etc

Language Structure

Do you remember the rule for asking and giving your nationality in Japanese? Write

it below.

Q: A:
What s your nationality? I m Japanese.

1. Draw lines to match the flags with the country names. Then, listen
to the recording and number the country names in the order you
hear them.

1. Listen to Mr. なかむら talk about his students. Match the students
to their nationalities by noting the number of the nationality in
the speech bubble (two students are from the same country).

Saying where you live (local area)

どこにすんでいますか。 Where do you live?

Suburb に すんでいます I live in Suburb

とうきょう Tokyo しどにー Sydney

Language Structure
Where you live locally

Do you remember how to say and ask where someone lives? Write it below in
Japanese. Write foreign words in English letters.

Q: A:

Where do you live? I live in Epping.

1. Listen to the expressions and repeat them. Write the English meaning
beside each expression, then number the corresponding pictures.

2. Read the speech bubbles and write the details in English.

3. Now, write your own profile below. Start by writing your points in English
on the right side: name, nationality, city and age. Add a picture if you

4. Rewrite the English place names in Japanese and then colour the
corresponding English and Japanese signs the same colour.
Read the sentences and write the names of the people who live in each

5. Fill in the missing information for these exchange students using the clues.

6. Write the meaning of the below words/phrases, then find them in the

7. Read the below conversation aloud with a partner and answer the questions.

A: はじめまして。わたし は よし です。どうぞ よろしく。おなまえ は?

B: ぼく は たろう です。 どうぞ よろしく。
A: たろうさん は どこ から きました か。
B: 日本 から きました。 日本人 です。 よしさん は 日本人 ですか。
A: いいえ、 あめりか から きました。 でも、 日本 に すんでいます。
B: 日本 の どこ に すんでいます か。
A: 日本 の ひろしま に すんでいます。
B: よしさん は 何さい ですか。
A: 十五さい です。 たろうさんは 何さい ですか。
B: ぼくは 十七さい です。でんわ ばんごうは?
A: でんわ ばんごうは 0四一八 の 九二六六 です。じゃね。
B: じゃ、 またね。

Complete the table based on the conversation above.

Name Nationality Lives in… Age Phone no.

Identify and write the five questions asked in the conversation, then write your
own response.

Read the conversation aloud, changing the underlined parts in the

conversation to match these profiles.

Adam, German, Berlin, Robert, French, paris, Peter, England, London,

12 yo, 93891025 19 yo, 0409-6537 18yo, 9365-3088

Japanese Families
What do you think Japanese families are like? Do you think family life would

be similar to yours? Explain.

What would you like to find out about Japanese families?

Research Task: Complete the table below in English

In Japan the family is considered to be the basic unit of society rather than

the individual.

Aspect The Traditional Family Unit The Modern Family Unit

This type of
family consists of
The role of each
The role of the
The role of
Leisure time

Counting people
(ご)かぞく Family (polite) 何人(なんにん) how many
ひとり(一人) one person ろくにん(六人) six people
ふたり(二人) two people しちにん(七人) seven people
さんにん(三人) three people はちにん(八人) eight people
よにん(四人) four people きゅうにん(九人) nine people
ごにん(五人) five people じゅうにん(十人) ten people

Language Structure
* The Japanese language uses counters, or specific words used when
counting different things. When counting people, you generally add にん
(人)to the end of a number – except for one, two and four.

Asking how many people are in someone s family

Q: かぞくは 何人 ですか。 How many people in your family?

A: (かぞくは) 六人 です。 There are six people (in my family).

1. Listen, and write how many people each person has in their family.

2. Fill in the vocabulary to the samurai song you have learnt.

3. Connect the romaji and kanji words to the appropriate pictures.

● ● rokunin ● ●

● ● nananin ● ●

● ● sannin ● ●

● ● hitori ● ●

● ● futari ● ●

● ● yonin ● ●

● ● gonin ● ●

4. Fill in the below chart with the appropriate hiragana and kanji.

5. Write their English meanings, then match the phrases with the pictures.

Family Kanji

Complete now!



Complete now!


Family members
there are there aren t
subject marker and…

Family Members
grandfather grandmother

father mother

older brother older sister

younger brother younger sister

Language Structure
1.The particle と
The particle と is similar to and in English, and links nouns.

2. Asking who is in someone s family

Use the question word for who (だれ) when asking about someone s family.

Q: だれ が いますか。 A: (person) と (person) が います。

Who is there? There is (person) and (person).

2. Listing family members

In Japanese, you generally respond in order of age, with the male terms coming
before female terms. Put yourself last. For example:

父 と 母 と あね と いもうと と わたし がいます。

There is my father, mother, older sister, younger sister and me.
3. Multiple family members of one type

Use the formula [family member] が [person counter] います。

あに が ふたり います。 I have two older brothers.

1. Listen and write the dialogue number next to the appropriate family picture.

2. Listen to るみ introducing さとし s family and answer the questions.

3. Kyoko has been asked to introduce her family as part of a school assignment.
Listen to the recording she has made and complete the table.

4. Match each family word to the appropriate picture.

5. かいと has drawn his family tree. Fill in each family member in Hiragana.

7. Fill in the below find-a-word in romaji.

8. Tracing out from the centre, fill in these family words.

Describing personality with adjectives

とても very ふれんどりー friendly
ちょっと a bit あたまが いい smart
ひと(人) person やさしい kind
うるさい noisy しずか quiet
かっこいい cool あかるい cheerful
かわいい cute げんき energetic / lively
こわい scary きびしい strict
おもしろい interesting / funny まじめ serious

Language Structure
Describing people with adjectives
Use the question word どんな before the word for person ひと to ask about

someone’s personality. Reply with an appropriate adjective.

おかあさんはどんな人ですか。 (ははは) おもしろい です。

Q: A:
What’s your mum like? (My mum is) funny.

1. Unjumble the ひらがな for each adjective and write the English meaning.

2. Listen to みさと talk about her family. What are they like? Circle the faces
that look most like her description.

3. Listen to each child’s message and fill in the family tree in English.

4. Listen as each student introduces a friend. Write their age and description.

5. Write the following sentences in ひらがな, and then their meaning in English.

6. Read Masako s description of her family, and circle true (O) or false (X) for each

Pets and animals

ぺっと pet うし cow
いぬ dog きんぎょ goldfish
ねこ cat はむすたあ hamster
うま horse ぶた pig
へび snake とり bird

Describing animals
ちいさい small きたない dirty
おおきい big おとなしい quiet/shy
くさい smelly

Language Structure
Asking about pets

When someone asks you if you have a pet, reply with

はい、animal が います (Yes, I have animal)


いいえ、animal が いません (No, I don t have animal).

Q: ぺっとが いますか。 Do you have a pet / pets?

はい、いぬが います。 Yes, I have a dog.

いいえ、ぺっとが いません。 No, I don t have a pet.

Using the following language patterns, ask five students in your class
about their pets. Record your answers in English.

1. With a partner, look at the four family pictures. Take turns asking and
answering the following questions about each family.




Zodiac Animal
Zodiac Animal
じゅうにし Twelve Zodiacs ひつじ Sheep

ねずみ Mouse さる Monkey

うし Ox とり Chicken

とら Tiger いぬ Dog

うさぎ Rabbit いのしし Boar

たつ Dragon ねこ Cat

へび Snake うま Horse

なに どし です か。 What year of the Zodiac are you?
ぼく は (Zodiac) どし です。 I am the year of the _______

Zodiac Calendar

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1950s とら うさぎ たつ へび うま ひつじ さる とり いぬ いのしし

1960s ねずみ うし とら うさぎ たつ へび うま ひつじ さる とり

1970s いぬ いのしし ねずみ うし とら うさぎ たつ へび うま ひつじ

1980s さる とり いぬ いのしし ねずみ うし とら うさぎ たつ へび

1990s うま ひつじ さる とり いぬ いのしし ねずみ うし とら うさぎ

2000s たつ へび うま ひつじ さる とり いぬ いのしし ねずみ うし

2010s とら うさぎ たつ へび うま ひつじ さる とり いぬ いのしし

1. What was the year that you were born? What Zodiac are you?


2. Complete this sentence in hiragana.

ぼく は ________ どし です。

3. How many animals are in the Zodiac Calendar? And why?

12 OR 13

4. Write the following Zodiac years in Hiragana.

Name: Ken Watanabe

_______ さん は ______ どし です。

Name: Shinzo Abe

_______ さん は ______ どし です。

Name: Steve Irwin

_______ さん は ______ どし です。

Name: Ryouma Sakamoto

_______ さん は ______ どし です。

Name: Aragaki Yui

_______ さん は ______ どし です。

Name: Taylor Swift

_______ さん は ______ どし です。

とら Rabbit

ねずみ Sheep

たつ Monkey

うさぎ Mouse

うし Boar

へび Chicken

ひつじ Horse

いぬ Snake

うま Dragon

いのしし Ox

とり Dog

さる Tiger

2. Hideki is introducing his family. Read the introduction and fill in the details.

はじめまして。ぼくは ひでき です。十五さい です。日本人 です。

とうきょうに すんでいます。

かぞくは 四人です。お父さんと お母さんと おねえさん と ぼく です。

お父さん の なまえは よし です。 五十二 さいです。 おもしろい です。

お母さん の なまえは けいこ です。 四十九 さいです。 やさしい です。

おねえさん の なまえは ともこ です。 二十さい です。 こわい です。

ぺっとが います。ねこ です。 かわいい です。

Place in family Name Age Description

3. Now Hideki is introducing his friend’s family. Fill in their details.

Place in family Name Age Description

4. Find the following equivalent Japanese words in the puzzle, then
unjumble the remaining seven characters to find out the mystery word.

Now, draw a picture to represent the mystery word given by the leftover clues.

Yuusuke’s family
>>Task 1<< Read about Yuusuke s family. Then in the boxes on the right,
fill in each family member s name, age and description.













My Family
Write about your own family in HIRAGANA. Use the reading task
before to assist you.
Your name:

How many people in your family?

Who exists?

Picture Family member 1 name:



Picture Family member 2 name:



Picture Family member 3 name:



Picture Family member 4 name:



Picture Family member 5 name:



Classroom Phrases
excuse me no

thanks here you go

everybody thank you (polite)

yes any questions?

Classroom Instructions
please say

stand up wait

listen open

show close

look be quiet


First meetings and giving your name

name (it) is

what i/me

what s your name?

nice to meet you

My name is _____________.

Please look after me from now on.

Titles and Greetings

suffix for teachers suffix for boys

suffix for people suffix for pets/cute th.

morning (inf.) good morning (for.)

goodbye (for.) cya tomorrow

bye bye (inf.) Hello (phone)

hello good evening

night (inf.) good night (for.)

Counting to 100

one two

three four

five six

seven eight

nine ten

zero one hundred

Giving phone numbers and ages



What s your phone number?

My phone number is _______.

~years old

20 years old


Japan Australia

China New Zealand

South Korea America

Hong Kong England

Vietnam France

Sri Lanka Italy

India Germany

Indonesia South Africa

Lebanon Armenia

What s your nationality?

I m ~ese/ian/etc

Saying where you live (local area)

Where do you live?

I live in ~

Family (polite) there are

how many people there aren t

Counting people
family how many people

one person six people

two people seven people

three people eight people

four people nine people

five people ten people

Family members
who and (particle)

there are there aren t

grandfather grandmother

father mother

older brother older sister

younger brother younger sister

Pets and describing animals

pet hamster

dog pig

cat small

horse big

snake smelly

cow dirty

fish quiet/shy

Zodiac Animals

zodiac animals sheep

mouse monkey

ox chicken

tiger dog

rabbit boar

dragon cat

snake horse

Assessment Task Feedback



 Included all necessary sentences

 Language accuracy

 Pronunciation and intonation

Sensei s feedback:

Your reflection:

*Mark each criteria with US: Unsatisfactory, S: Satisfactory or VG: Very Good!

Writing Test Final Grade: /20

Teacher feedback:

Your reflection:

Unit Reflection

Learning Checklist Sensei s

 Understand and use basic greetings

 Give and ask for names

 Understand basic classroom instructions

 Understand Japanese numbers

 Give and ask about phone numbers

 Say and ask about ages

 Say and ask about nationalities

 Talk about where I live

 Talk about family members

 Describe people using adjectives

Final Reflection

What did you enjoy about this unit? Was there anything that you disliked, or
that you wanted to know more about? Write your thoughts and feedback for



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