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Prepared by: Tasneem R.


The differences between language and Mathematics

Many people think that Language and Mathematics are just two subjects are
being studied at school or university. in fact, they are two different things, there are
many differences between the two, and there are similarities too. Differences and
similarities are both exist and I think that they are equal.

Mathematics and Language differ in many things. When comparing the two
subjects, the most obvious difference lies in the way of teaching. Mathematics can be
studied alone, whereas language requires practicing with others in crucial. I think that
Mathematics is a very boring subject for many students some time complex. In
contrast, Language is more flexible and more exiting. Another difference between the
two subjects, the field that we use the two subjects, for example Math is more likely
to use in engineering and business , while Language is used in press and authors use
language wildly . Gender gap plays an important difference, males are more likely to
study mathematics, while females tend to study language.

Although the nature of two ways of teaching may differ in two subjects, they do
share some core principles. Language learning requires memorizing and practicing
vocabulary. In the same way, math involves memorizing and practicing formulas.
also, the two subjects could be learned from face to face learning or distance learning,
more over both language and mathematics are very important for everybody.
Language use to communicate and to express ourselves and our feeling and we can
learn more than the native language. In the same way, mathematics is important in
every field in life like science and chemistry and without it scientists couldn’t have
their theories' and we couldn't see the technological development in today's word.

When we are talking about two different subjects, surly there will be differences
and similarities between both. Many students like language and others prefers
mathematics, for me, I prefer language because I like to write when I want to express
my feelings. I can't imagine the world without language or mathematics so I think that
the both are essential.

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