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Welcome to Smiles Experience Centre

[Introduction (showing broader zoning)]

The proposed Chemistry block at Nehru Science Centre, aiming at showcasing – the history,
evolution and applications of the subject, is divided broadly into 3 zones-
The Central dome, which takes visitor through the vast scale/expanse of the subject, built on the
introductory theme of “Everything around us is matter”.

The Left (to entry) wing, takes visitor to the very basics of the chemistry, covering elementary topics
like Atom, Molecular Structure, Acids-Bases, Metals- non metals etc.

The Right (to entry) wing, is more towards explaining the real life inclusions and applications of

[Installation 1 (Dome)]

“Everything around us is matter”.

At the first interaction, the visitors will be astound by the vast expanse of the subject, starting right
from the origin of universe in relation to chemistry.

Visitors will lie down on the floor to watch a 3-4 min immersive documentary on “Chemistry and
Universe” through the ceiling.

The documentary will include mention of Chemistry in classical Indian texts, like Atharvaveda
(1000BC), early metallurgy, paper- ink writing from Taxila and the concept of “Anu” and “Parmanu”
as mentioned in Vedas.

[Installation 2 (Interactive Periodic Table)]

Partially visible from the dome, the Interactive Periodical Table is the next thing to be explored,
giving the names and elemental properties of all the elements discovered till date.
It’s a two-layer installation, firstly the fascia tells visitor about the Symbol, Atomic no, and Mass no.

You can flip the fascia to look inside each element, to know more about it, its physical form, physical
sample or ores.

The panel on the right, dictates evolution of Mendeleev’s periodic Table, starting from Dobernier’s
Triads and Newland’s Law of Octaves.

[Installation 3 (Walk through the Times)]

After that the visitors will a virtual walk through different eras of historical developments in the field
of chemistry. Provided with the gears to walk, run and hold, the user will stand inside the pod and
will experience the journey of discoveries, inventions and developments in chemistry.

[Installation 4 (Atom)]

After briefing about the historical background of the subject, the first interactive interface describes
about the very elementary unit of chemistry – “An Atom”
The central hologram shows Sir Ernest Rutherford’s Alpha Scattering experiment, explaining the
presence of positively charged- nucleus at the center of atom, one of the experiments which
changed the course of chemistry.

[Installation 5 (Molecule)]

Stepping ahead the visitors will understand how atoms are bonded together to form molecules, the
fundamental unit of any compound. The user can slide rotoscope screen over the familiar
compounds to know about its molecular unit.

The visitor can play -“Valency” a game, educating about a molecule, compound making and valency,
on a digital interface.

[Installation 6 (Compound Poker- Game)]

Through this installation the visitor can explore about the basics of compounds, its formations and
existence in nature through his tablet. In Compound Poker- game can be played after a briefing
about the basics of compound formation and game of poker by multiple players at a time.

Hence, the visitor learns about formation of compounds and related concepts and earns coins.

[Installation 7 (Acids – Salts - Bases)]

After a game of compound poker, the visitors are made aware of the abundance of naturally
occurring acids, bases and salts around them, through an integrated 3-display-installation. This
installation can be operated in two modes-

Info mode - The visitors can pick any acid/Salt/Base independently from the bottom interface,
whose properties and applications are shown in the front digital panels respectively. Also, a marker
will read its pH value on the scale.

Tutor mode – A couple of visitors can pick an acid and a base separately, the central digital panel will
show the reaction between the two and the products formed.

[Installation 8 (States of Matter)]

This central engaging installation explains about the different states of matter which exists in the real
world and the parameters controlling them. The visitor can alter certain physical parameter to play
around with the state of any selected compound, and come up with interesting inferences.

[Installation 9 (Organic Chemistry)]

The Visitors Interact with the first panel on the left to know basics of organic chemistry, molecular
models and bond formations. The visitor can play an interactive organic chain formation game
where he rotates and joins the lego structures to form a chain organic compound. The digital screen
behind the physical installation act as a tutor to play the game.

The panels on the right reveals the practical use of organic compounds in industry.

[Installation 10 (Metal and Non-Metals)]

The installation dissipates information about occurrence of metals/ non-metals and their application
in day to day life.

[Installation 11 (Chemistry Lab experience)]

The immersive lab setup will enable students and teachers to perform different school lab
experiments and understand the process and products of the experiments through digital means.

[Installation 12 (Tunnel)]

After gaining knowledge about the elementary topic of chemistry, it’s time for visitors to lighten
up, and walk through a tunnel to the next zone.

While moving through the tunnel the visitors riffle over s, p, d, f block elements of periodic table,
their properties.

[Installation 13 (Elements, Their ores and extraction)]

The foremost installation of this zone, the industrial pods, tells visitors about how the pure
elements, discussed in previous zone are actually extracted from their naturally existing ores. The
pod will have a digital introductory interface about the basics of extraction and refinery processes. A
projection mapping show describes about the details of extraction and refining process.

[Installation 14 (Environmental Chemistry)]

This segment of the proposed science center evokes sense of responsibility among the visitors to be
more accountable towards the environment.

Firstly, the installation explains the visitor the presence of chemistry in our food in form of
carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins etc. The interactive touch wall allows the user to dive deep
into the details of food chemistry.

The central projection wall explains the different cycles existing in nature through a sequential
manner, of whom WE are an integral part.

The digital panel on how to manage and treat waste raises awareness among visitors. The medium
also explains various methods of waste treatment and ongoing research and developments in this

[Installation 15 (Guess who?)]

It’s time to learn some advances applications of chemistry. “Guess who” is a multi-player plotted
game which aims to find a culprit of an offense through the means of biological identification
(fingerprinting). After a brief game, the medium also tells visitors about advance forensic sciences
and hidden chemistry in them.

[Installation 16 (Teleporter)]

Moving towards final arena, the teleporter installations is a play-way immersive experience,
showcasing documentaries about the great scientists and their remarkable contribution in the field
of Chemistry.

[Installation 17 (Chemistry & Future)]

Finally, the circular inclined sit-n-watch pod will brief about the career options in this field and leave
the communication between visitors and Science Centre open ended about future perspectives of

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