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The exact placement of MSU's and throw the British out of ea ster n Cyrenaica. The Add".
dumps does, of course, depend on the Gazala campaign ensued.
.. .2 if Ramcke Heav y Airborne Infamry
specific situation. However, some concepts After Gazala, when the Brit ish army seemed to is cOl11miued
are worth keeping in mind: (I) The closer a have been completely demolished and lhe way t o
dump is to the units supplied by iI, Ihe better; .. .1 if Folgorc Glider Infantry is committed
the Nile dclla open, Rommel decided 10 use the
(2) Supply lincs thaI run north-south are bel- forces slotted for Herkules (the Sicilian Luftwaffe .. . 1 for each Axis Air Point committcd (16.13)
ter than ones that run east-west (this is in particular) in his drive o n Egypt. The Malta in- Subtract...
because a north-south line has a smaller vas ion was .><:rapped, de spite the ove rwhelming
... 1 for each Commonwealth Air point at Malta
southern flank than an east-....·eSI line, and is opposit ion of [he German General St aff. Malta
thus easier to protect from a nanking recovered, and its deleterious effect on Axis supply ... 2 if any C ommonwealth unit is in General
maneuver); (3) Always, always check that lines grew. Within a few months. more than a third Supply and west of Lxx23
your supply grid is Out of range of all enemy of the Axis materiel whie:h lOok .s hip for Africa The Assaullindex is totalled. a~ld the die is rolled.
units, regardless of whether or not such was falling prey [ 0 Allied interdiction. If the roll is le ss than or equal to lhe Assault Index ,
enemy units would die after cutting your sup- If Operation Herkules had laken place as sc hedu l- the invasio n succeeds and the provisions of 16.4
ply lines; (4) If you find you must have a ed. Malta would almost surely have fallen, Axis apply. If the roll is greater than the Assault Index,
vulnerable spot somewhere, keep dumps supply lines would have rema ined onen, and the [he assault faiLs, There are no specific: penairies to
stacked with your forward positions , so that course of the wa r in the desert m ight have been a failed invasion.
they will still be in supply if cut off. drastically altered. The following rule gives the
[16.4] SUCCESS
Axi s [1layer [h e opt ion 10 go tli ro ugh with [he
Territory alsault on Mal [a . If lhe inva sion succeeds ([1er 16 .3). [he following
pwvisions apply:
It is an inhumane but correct observa- GENERAL RULE:
tion that territory is worth more than 1. Subtract 3 from all future rolls on the Axis
During [lie Air AlIoca[i on Pha se of his Plav er-
Convoy Arri va l Table (supercedes 7.55).
casualties in The Desert Fox. The vic!.Orv Turn on Game-Turns 15. 16 . or 17. the Axi.1 pl~ ye r
conditions speak only of territory, not may annou nee that he is launching an invasion of 2. The A xis play er reccives one additional Refit
bodies. The only exception to this is a Com- Malta. Depending on the force, allocated to the in- Point of each nationalit y each Reinforcement
monwealth failure to withdraw unils on vasio n , Malia will eit her stan d or fall. 1f [he island Phase following the invasion.
schedule, which is viorth a small town for I[ ands, Axis supply will ,on[inue 1D he interdicted, 3. An y Commonwealth Air Points assigned 10
each unit not withdrawn. Units are only If the island falls, the Axis player will almost im- Malta are el iminated. No Air Points may ever be
valuable in The Desert Fox as vehicles for mediately begin to profil in [he way o f irH;reased assigned to M a lta in the future.
capturing and holding tcrritory. This is not to materiel and tTinforcell1c nt "
say thaI they should be thrown awa y PROCEDURE :
recklessly, but only that one should not be
overly concerned with losing them if a valid
After the Axis player has declared thai he will
launch the invasion, he slates what units will be
objective can be accomplished by their committcd to t he assault. The Assault Index is
sacrifice. GENERAL RULE:
dete rmined by Case 16.3 . The die is rolled, and the
effec ts of the invasion are assess ed. In some cir<:umstanccs, a player will want to delay
Optional Rules a hos[i le advance without sacrifidng an entire regi-
The following three Sections are addi- mentlO do so . In such a situation, the player may
tional rules for The Desert Fox. They may be [16.1] AXIS RESTRICTIONS detach small formaliuns fro m his units . These
used individually, or together. The first Sec- [16 . 11] The Axis player must commit on e or both detachments function as any other units friendly
tion was designed by Eric Sven Ristad, Ihc of the following units to the Ivlalta invasion: to the owning player, within the provision s of the
second by J Matisse Enzer, and t he third by Folgo rc Glider Infantry (Italian) and Ramcke I'ollowi ng Cases.
Richard Berg. ' - lIea vy Infantry (German) . A unil committed to PROCEDURE :
tli e assault never arr ives as a rci nfon;emen t ,
regardle.l s of [he success or the invasion. \\'hich A player rnay announce hi$ intention to fo rm a
[16.0] Operation Herkules units he a.s signs to I he invasion is up to Axis player, dcta cilmelll during any friendly Movement Phase
but his decision will affect the chances of the by declaring from which un it tile delachment will
COMMENTARY: come. A detachmelll cou nter is placed with the
assault (16.3).
The effec ts of logi ,[ics was of paramount impor- friendly unit, and a die is rolled to determine if [he
[16.121 The invasion may nOi be launched hefore fri en dly llnit is depletcd as a result of the forma-
tance in the North African campaign, and [he
the Axis Air Allocation Phase of Game-Turn 15 , tion _ The detachment may then m ove (but not at-
island of Malta was crucial to the war of supply.
nor aftcr that Phasc of Game-Turn 17. tack) uillil the beginning of the next friendly Rein-
The island dom inated [he Axis su ppl y and com-
munica [ions line.l , ot'lentimes to deadly effeci. [H;.13) The Axis p laye r may not init iate a raid on fo rc ement Phase. at which point il is removcd,
/l.lalta (6', 3) during the turn of an invasion. He may CASES:
A plan was proposed for the invasio n of Malta as
commit Air Points in ex act ly the same manner as is
early as April, 1941. Although the plan was ac-
cepted as feasible and considered at several poillls
described in 6.3 (expending supply units as nor- [17.1] RESTRICTIONS ON THE
mal). but their effects are de termined d ifferentl y FORMATION OF DETACHMENTS
during the war. it was never implemented. The
(sec 16.3). [1 7. 1 I) Detachmen ts may only be fo rmed during a
plan for thc in vasio n was code-named Operation
Herkules. and was scheduled for mid-1942. Air- [16,1 4J If an invasion is allcmpted. t he Axis player friendly Movemenl Phase.
borne and amphibiollS forces consi>ling of Ihe mus t pe rmancmly exp end one A ir Point, in addi-
tion t o Air Poim s assigned per 16.13. No assault [17 . 12) Detachments may only be formed from a
Italian "marine.I ," the folgorc Glider Infantry
Division, and the German Ramcke Heavy Air- may be atrcmpted unless this one Air P oi nt is friendly uni t of one of the following types; infan-
available to be expended. tty, mechanized infantry, armor, motorized infan-
borne Infantry Division were to assault the island ,
try, heavy weapons. hcavy infantry, heavy air-
supported by elements of the Italian Navy. Am- [16.15 J No more t han one invas ion ma y be lau nch- borne infanlry,
phibious landing. craft were prepared in Ita)y, and ed dur ing the cour,e of a game.
in March of 1942 Kesselri'ng's Sicilian Luftwaffe [17 . 13) A unit may not be used to form a derach-
[ 16.2] COMMONWEALTH ment if i[ is depleted , disrupted, has a Morale
intensified its bombing raids on Malta. de slroyin g.
planes on the ground, and prevellling sllpply ,hip,s
RESTRICTIONS Rat ing of 3 or 4, or is out of General Supply.
fr om reaching the island. In April alone. nearly No more than one Air Point may be tran sferred 10
[17 . 14) No more than two detachments may be
7. 000 tons of bombs were dropped. Malta during a given Ai r Allocation Phase if no
formed by a player in a Player-Turn, and no more
Commonwealth uni l is in General SU[1ply in a hex
Chllrchill realized [ha t Malta was in deep trouble . wes t of Lxx23. This rule supercede, 6.31 , and is than one detachment may be formed. from a given
and ordered a major offensive in North Africa 10 applicable throughou t the entire cou rse of the unit in a Player-Turn.
seize lhe airfields in western Cyrenaica and enable game, regardles s of whet her or not an invasion is 117 . 15] The unit from which adetachment is form-
the Deser[ Air Force [0 come within ran~e of ever all€rnp[ed . ed loses 2 Movemen[ Points dur ing the Phase in
Malta and provide lhe island with air suppon. which the detachment is placed Oll lhe map (i.e., if
Reluctant and ill-prepared, Auchinleck, Ihe [16.3] ASSAULTINDEX a detachment is formed from a unit with a Move-
Br itish commander in the desert, promised a June The Assault Index for an invas iun is calcu lated as ment Allowance of 22, the un it would have a
offensive. At the sa me time, Rommel decided to follows: Movement Allowance of 20 for thal Phase).

Fr onl German Back

33 331Dpl)
o [QE] a@
(1) 1 40 (1) 1 40
Figure 2: Detachments
Commonwealth dctachments lefl in [he posilions in · 580
580 IDpl)
dicatcd greatly hinder Axis "d,,~nce. The II-'!overnent o [2E] o~
Point cosl for 8(1) Armd 10 move from ii, pre;;e m po- (1)140
sitio n to 2819 would be 2 if {h e dc\~ch me nts were no t (1) 1 40
there; wilh thc de<achmems, [he Movemc m Poi nt
cost is 16 (7 for 2M7, !i, each for 2718 and 27 1~ and
During any fr i~ndlv Reinforccment P hase, a
8 for 2819).
pl ay er may allnounce Ihat he is conven in g a
fri en dl y rccoll,'a issancc unit mee ting ce rtain re-
quirements (see IS. 1) in to a d e",,,n patrol. During
th e Refit P hase o f t ilal Pla yer-Turn , the recon-
naissance uni l's co ut1l er is rep laced b y t he ap-
p r()pr iat e desert p at rol cou nter.


[18.11] Tile following rec o n na issance un it'> may
b e co n vened to desert pa t rol s : German 33 and
580; COrtllllonwealth CI H, Royal s, and 12 Lan<:.
[H\'12) A uni ! ma y o n ly be co nvert ed to a desert
p atro l if il occl\pies 1.0701 (A xis) or Akxandria
(Common wealth), is undisrupted , and is not in a
d epk ted slate.

[17.16] Whenever a detachment is formed from a a detachment, if would ,'os t an enemy motorized [I I\, 13] A uni t ma y no! m ove l' r at lack during the
unit, the owning player immediately rolls a die: on unit 8 Movemen t Points (3 for t he r idge , 4 for the Playe r-Turn in which it is converted into a d es ert
a 101' 2, the unit is immediately depleted; on a 3, 4, rough hex, and 1 for th e dctachmenr 's ZOC) to patrol.
5, Or 6, the unit suffers no disability. enter the hex. If the unit moved on Tn another [ 11l .14J I r il desert pat rol is e liminalccL and is eligi-
rough hex, it would only (;os t 4 Movement Points h ie to be re\luilt (13.1) , the appropriate reco n -
[17.2] PROPERTIES OF DETACHMENTS to do .1 0, al the deladlrtlenr exens no ZOC into the '1ai,SarK'e uni t is pu t in lite Refit Box in i\ $ place.
In order 10 usc detachments, it will be necessary 10 ~urrounding hexes,
make the following counters:
rJ 8.l5J i\d~serl p atro l m ay be rcturn~d to recon-
[17 .28) Eu~hdetachm e nt has a 1V10vem~nt l1ais:;all~e s tatu s by f ollowing tile exa,'1 ,a rne pro-
Allowan~e of 14, regardless of the unit from " ' hich cc:du re fo r c on ve rs io n to ckse r! patrol st atU .I ; i,e"
Axis CW it was for med, il mU.' 1 "p end all <;Jllir'c P laycl'·Turll in L070] Or
Detach Detach
[17.29] A detac h lllent may ne ver enter all e ncm y Al e~ andria wit h o ut moving or at l<Jckina.
14 14 ZOe. nor may it eve r e tHer a hex occupied by an [18,16 ] No more Iha n one A)( iH.les ~rt patrol may
x2' x2 cnemy unit. C\'er be on the 1l1ap or in the p roces, o f' being form-
ed al a given 1l1(lme rtt. No nwre t h an t wo Corn-
[17.21] Deta<:hments may move as any mher unit nlUrtwcal t h dese rl p atro l, m~y ever be on t he map
friendly to their owning player, They ma y never
pr in ! he process o f hein g fo r med a[ a given mo-
force march, however. [18.0] DESERT PATROLS mellt during th e garn~.
[17,22] Detachment s have no IiUpply require-
menls. They are always con sidered to be in both GE NE RA L RULE: [IS.2] ABILITIES AND RESTRICTIONS
General and Combat Supply, ON DESERT PATROLS
Certain reconnai ssan<:e unit.1 m ay be converted in-
[17.23J Detachment, exert no ZOC's into adjacent to desert patrol un its. Desert put rols have in,-rea,- Oeser! palrols function exact ly as an y other com-
hexes. 1ns lead, they exert a ZOC i rHO th e hex they ed movement and IUpply capabilities , bu t no ,om- ha t unit s w ith p are nthesized Comba1 Strengths,
occupy. Thi s zoe is 5ubje(;t to infiltration (10.3). bat ability . Hi s toricall y, t hey we re u sed to <:onduct wit h a lew e.\(; e p t ions , as listcd in the following
Except for t his ZOC and 17.27, enemy detach- raid s against rear area s tlppl y li nes . In essence, Cases.
ments may be completely ignored. these unit s represent t he Commonweal I h I.o ng [18.21] Des ert pat r o ls never need supply of any ,
Range Desert Group and S pecial Air Service kind. Thcy always are co n sid ercd to be in bo!b
[17.24] Detachments may never attack, be atla<.-k-
Brigade, as we ll as the German SondcrkoJl1malld() General and Combat Supply.
ed , or be overrun , Their only effec t is to impede
Almasy, adminedly on a somewhat abstraci le vel.
the passage of enemy un it ,. [ 18 .221 Desert pa t ro ls mu y ncver for<:e march,
[17.25] Detachmen lS ~re removed at the end of [ 18,23] Desert pa tro ls may conduci su pply over-
any Pha.l e in which they are Slacked with any The following ..-ounters [llll\l he p rodu L'<:,d hcf'H.:? ru m. They "re (ollSidercd to have a Combat
enemy combat unit (including enemy det~~h­ dcserl patrols may be used: Str eng th o f 4 for pmposes o f supply o verrun (on-
mems), or at the beginning of the first friendly Iv) , If 1I desert patro l 5 uc<:e~d s in a stlpply overrun
Reinforcement Phase following their placement Commonwealth aga in st an ene m y s upp ly unit, th e resu lrs of l ite
(whichever comes first). FrOnT Back ov erru n are trea tcd differently. If the overrun
[17,26] There is no additional erre~l to having two CIH CIHIIJpl ) would no rma lly have re s u lted in the supply uni! '$
detachmentl in the same hex. Similarly, a det~(;h­ o [§f] o@J caplll re. t he s uppl y unit is destroyed instead. Any
other resul t ha s n o e tTcc L
ment stacked wi th any other friendly unit is Ireated (1) 1 40 (1) 1 40
as if it were not there. It is not affecled b y an y at- [\S.24[ Di s]'[Jpled o r 'Jcplcted desert pa t rols may
tacks against the friendly unit, nor is it affected if not at tem pt supply overrun . Dis]'[Jpted desert
the friendly unit is overrun (although the overrun- Roy,is Royals(Dpl) patrol s ma y rceov er n ormally from their disrup-
ning unit would have 10 pay an extra Movcment o[EEl o[@ lion. Al ternat ive ly , the owning player may roillhe
Poin l 10 conduct the overrun because of the (1) 1 40 (1) 1 40 die d uring any friendl y Refit Phase. On a 1,2, or 3,
detadlrTlent '$ ZOC in the he~, as per the normal t he desert pa t rol is undi s rupled w here it stands; on
rules for ove rrun). a 4, 5, or 6, the dese rt p atro l ma y not be un-
12 Lnc 12 L"clDpl) d isrupted I hut . Depleted desert pil lroh must
[17 .27] No roads or railroads (not trails) leading
into or out o f a hex occupied by an enemy de tach- O~ o@B return to L070 ; (A xis ) or Al exandria (Com -
ment may be used. For example, if a road led (1) 1 40 (1)140 mon\Veallh) to be refit. One Re fil Point is allihat
acr05S a ridge hexside into a rough hex occupied by is required to lllldep\e te a dC5Crt patroL • •

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