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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS. UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS ee oe, UNISA Ieee ICS2604 October/November 2018 Sociocultural Life, Ethics and Education in Islam Duration 2 Hours 100 Marks EXAMINERS FIRST OR MA RAFUDEEN SECOND PROF MID JHAZBHAY Closed book examination This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS ~— re. UNISA Ieee? 1CS2604 ctobermovember 2018 Sociocultural Life, Ethics and Education in Islam Duraton — 2Hours 100 Marks EXAMINERS FIRST DR MA RAFUDEEN SECOND PROF MID JHAZBHAY Closed book examination ‘This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue This examination question paper consists of 2 pages INSTRUCTIONS FOR ANSWERING THIS EXAMINATION QUESTION PAPER. © Answer ALL sections «Answer TWO questions from Section A and TWO from Section B ‘* The paper is out of a 100 marks ‘* Section A carries a total of 80 marks (40 marks per essay) © Section B carnes a total of 20 marks (10 marks per question) ‘+ Read the questions carefully before answering © Whte neatly and legibly Ies2604 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2018 SECTIONA “ Wntte essays on TWO of the following topics. 1 What's the value Islam gives to the concept of knowiedge? Discuss, using evidence from the Quran and Hadith to substantiate your answer (40) 2. Imam Ghazali has highlighted virtues to be acquired and vices to be avoided in cultivating the self Discuss these virtues and vices (40) 3. The notion of duty in Islam can be classified as follows duties towards one’s self and duties towards others Discuss with reference to both sets of duties (40) [80] SECTION B Wnite briefly on any TWO of the following: 1 Education during the days of the Prophet (10) 2 Principles of Islamic economics (10) 3 Functions of the supererogatory devotional acts in islam (10) 4 The Al Azhar programme (10) [20] © Unis 2010

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