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The Effectiveness of Using Tourism

Brochures toward Students’ Writing Ability Descriptive text
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requiment

Internship 3

Writen By :

Mochamad Deva Firmansyah







The Effectiveness of Using Tourism

Brochures toward Students’ Writing Ability

By :

Mochamad Deva Firmansyah

Abstract: Many students said that writing is one of skills which

difficult to master. However, if the teacher can present the suitable media

related tothe topic, writing will be fun and easy to master. In teaching

writing, ateacher must be able to present suitable media in the class that

can attractstudents’ motivation in teaching and learning process. So, the

students can express their thought, feeling or idea. Actually, there are

many media which can be used in teaching writing, one of them is using


brochure. Tourism brochure is a short booklet or pamphlet. It is thin,

boundless which usually gives information about forthcoming events,

place, holiday sites, product etc.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Tourism Brochure, Writing ability


The first of all, the writer would like to express his sincere thanks

to almighty Allah SWT who has given health, blessing, guidance and

inspiration to the writer in finishing this The writer realizes that he can

not complete this report without the guidance, advice, suggestion,

support and encouragement for many people during the writing on this

report. In occasion, the writer would like to thanks to:

1. Mr. Roziq, S.Pd.,M.Si. As principal of SMAN 8 Kediri which has given

place and time permits to the writer in order to implement internship 3


2. Mrs. Meikrisnawati. S,Pd as a teacher tutor who always guide and direct

the writer in writing this research.

3. Mr. Dr. Ali Anwar, M. Ag. As a field guidance lecturer who always

provide support and provision mentally so that the writer is ready and able

to carry out the task of internship 3 in SMAN 8 Kediri.

4. Teachers and employees at SMAN 8 Kediri who have given a lot of

guidance to the writer.

5. All members of the internship 1,2 and 3 group at SMAN 8 Kediri who

have worked well together so that internship program can run well.

Thus the report of the implementation of this Classroom Action

Research is compiled, hopefully useful for writer, school parties and

readers in general.



A. Background of the Study

English as one of the important language is used by most people in

the world as the first or second language as tool of communication. For

example in Europe, English has become the international language of


So, it means that if someone wants to communicate with other

people from other country, he or she should master English. It makes

English is one of important lesson that should be taught to the students.

In Indonesian, English is the foreign language that is important to be

developed. Therefore, students of elementary school has been introduced

about English, so when they entered to the junior high school, they have

had the basic of English.

Junior high school is a formal school in Indonesian and the students

who just graduate from elementary school. So, in teaching Junior High

School students, teachers need to be creative in correlating the main topic

to the real situation and students can learn the linguistic features

automatically, because students in this level is students who are in the

transition level from elementary school which is basically they are young

learner. The teacher’s role will take important part in the process of

motivating the students to get a lot of information about the language


In learning English as the foreign language, we have to know the

four basic skills and components. The four skills are reading, speaking,

writing and listening, while the components are grammar, vocabulary and

pronunciation. Writing skill is the most difficult to master, because


consists of other skill and language components, such as organization,

grammar and vocabulary. Furthermore, Don Byrne (1984: 3) stated that,

‘we can now begin to see why writing is commonly a difficult activity for

most people, both in the mother tongue and in a foreign language’.

Writing is called productive skill. It means that writing is a process in

which the writer produces something that contains about writer’s


feelings, or ideas. Writing is a unique tool for language learning


and Renandya. 2002).

Writing is important for students to learn how to think

critically and creatively. Writing improves a person’s ability to think

concisely and clearly. Students learn to organize their ideas in a cohesive

and flowing manner. Writing is an essential part of developing child.

Hedge (2003: 302) stated that writing is the result of employing strategies

to manage the composing process, which is one of gradually developing

a text. Actually writing is to produce a text trough activities from

someone’s thought or idea which start from drafting until revising and


Many students said that writing is one of difficult problems in English

skills. Because in writing the students try to elaborate their idea or they

must express their idea to achieve writing form. Richards and Renandya

(2002: 303) stated that the difficulty lies not only in generating and

organizing ideas,but also in translating these ideas into readable text.

Many students especially beginner stages, they do not require much

active production of language.

Because of the consideration that English language is difficult to

learn, it is appear unconfident from students to conduct writing. They are

afraid how to apply the grammar using correct vocabulary. Determining

the topic is one of the simple problem for students Junior High School.

Where they will do about this topic, also the students do not know what

the definition of topic itself. They need some stimulation from the

teacher to produce their words and it is impossible if the teacher have to

guide the students one by one. It is not effective in teaching and learning

process. They feel difficult to express their idea, they have any ideas that

hidden in their thought. Actually, writing is fun and we can get many

benefits from writing,such as: writing can improve your academic

performance, writing allows you to create and maintain a marketable

image of yourself in the eyes of potential and current employers because

good writing skill suggest a logical mind, an ability to interact with a

wide public, and writing enhances personal and community relationship

White (1943: 18). Especially in teaching writing Bazerman (1976: 8)

State that writing in school have relationship between the students and

teacher. The teacher selects material to discuss with students,give

students book to read and assigns writing for their ability in learning

English and express their idea well.

B. Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope in this study is teaching writing by using tourism brochures

toward students’ writing ability in descriptive text in the elevent grade

students of Senior high school 8 Kediri .In addition, because the

researcher has

limited time to conduct the research, she can not research the students’


of writing all genre texts. Therefore, the researcher limits the study only


the students’ writing ability in descriptive text using tourism brochures.

C. Significant of the Study

The result of the research is expected to give some important contribution

to those related:

1. For the Students

- To help students understand the descriptive text easily.

- To increase the feeling of pleasure and motivation to learn.

- To increase liveliness, creativity, and students learning outcomes are


2. For the English Teacher

- The teacher will easy teach writing by using tourism brochures.

- Help to improve the quality of teacher professionalism as an educator.

- Developing the learning models that are effective, efficient, and able to

engage students active in learning English, especially in writing



A.The Nature of Writing

1. What is writing

Writing is one of the most difficult English language skills that the

second language learners need to build and achieve (Cahyono, 2011: 23).

In addition, according to Collerson (1988 : 105), writing can be one of

the most effective means of learning. The act of writing is not just a

matter of

transcribing ideas waiting fully developed in the writer’s mind. It is a

powerful process for discovering and shaping meaning. Those can be

concluded that writing always makes the language learners worry about

what they have to write in writing activity. It is because they must master

the language component well and have enough experience to be

expressed in written form. When thinking about writing, it is helpful to

make a distinction between writing for learning and writing for writing

(Harmer, 2007: 112). In this case of the former, writing is a practice tool

to help the students practice and work with language they have been

studying. Therefore, more the students write; they get more experience

and practice about language they learn. As a result their language ability

improves well.

On the other hand, writing for writing is directed at developing the

students’ skill as writers. It means that the main purpose for activities of

this type is that students should become better at writing, whatever kind


writing that might be. In writing for learning, the language itself is the


focus of attention, whereas the construction, layout, style and

effectiveness of the whole text are the focus of writing for writing.

B. Teaching Descriptive Text Using Tourism Brochures

One of four skills that difficult to do is writing. Because in writing

students must take out ideas in their mind. Actually, the key to learning


write is feeling confidence in students’ abilities. But, many students do


enjoy writing because they feel that they can not do it correctly and need

much time to do it.

Actually all students are capable to becoming excellent writer. The

process of writing method values the talents and grows of individual


and makes them want to continuous writing because they feel good about

their writing. But beside that should be any some media to support in the

teaching writing activities, one of them is by using tourism brochure.

Tourism Brochure is also known as a short booklet or pamphlet. It

is thin, boundless booklet and usually gives information about something

such as forthcoming events, places, holiday sites, products etc. in this


tourism brochures as type of writing are tools to keep in touch with the

writing skill, this lead the students to set out their ideas and to know their

comprehension in describing the place which they see in the brochure.

When writing students can express their ideas, feels or their thought and

give the students chance to describe about a place which they see in the


In this time, the teacher teaches writing descriptive text by using

tourism brochure as follow

1. The teacher gives the students a brochure of the place. Then, ask

students to write description about the place which they see in the

brochure. Before write it, the teacher explains about simple present

tense because it has relation with descriptive text. The researcher

chooses descriptive text as the material because the students still have

many difficulties in describing something or place.

2. Students start to write descriptive text. When the students finished the

task, they collect their task to the teacher to get the revise and correction

about content, organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanic.

Finally, using tourism brochure in teaching writing descriptive text

will help the teacher to know the difficulties in students writing and show

the students’ progress in writing.

C. Tourism Brochure

1. Definition of Tourism Brochure

Brochure is also known as a short booklet or pamphlet. It is thin,

boundless booklet and usually gives information about something such as

forthcoming events, places, holiday sites, products etc

(Linawati, 2008:39).

2. Text organization of brochure

(1) Title, (2) date, (3) time, (4) place, and (5) additional


(ticket box, price)

3. Language features of brochure

- Present tense - passive voice

4. Advantages of using brochure

 it can help the teacher in explaining the material to the students


 Increasing students motivation in studying

 to strengthen students comprehension toward the lesson expected

 it can bring the students closed to the very point of visual context

with reality

 it can save the time

5. Example of brochure


The hypothesis in this study is:

Ha = The Effectiveness of Using Tourism Brochures toward
Students’ Writing Ability Descriptive text for student XI Science 3
Senior High School 8 Kediri




This research is a classroom action research, which aims to

find and apply or implement some actions to improve student

learning outcomes. in high school 8 Kediri. This research was

carried out in 8 high schools Kediri which is located Jl. Pahlawan

Kusuma Bangsa No.77, Banjaran, Kec. Kediri City, Kediri City,

East Java. This research was conducted in the second semester of

the 2018/2019 academic year English subjects.


The subjects of this class action research were students of class

XI Science 3 high school 8 Kediri in the second semester of the

2019/2020 academic year. In this school year, students of class XI

Science 3 number 36 students.


Research instrument refers to any equipment used to collect the

data (Arikunto, 2010:262). As an experimental research, the

instrument used in this research was tests. According to Ary et al

(2006:201) test is a set of stimuli presented to individual in order

to elicit responses on the basis of which a

numerical score can be assigned. In this case, there are two kinds

of tests that should be done by the researcher, those are as


a. Pretest

Pretest is the test that given to all students in class XI Science 3 at

Senior High School 8 Kediri. The test is conducted to know the

students’ writing ability in descriptive text before conducting the

treatment. In this pretest, the researcher asked XI Science 3

students to write a descriptive text consisting of 2 paragraphs

which include identification and description. The topic is about

their lovely house during 40 minutes.

b. Posttest

Posttest is the test that given to all students in class XI Science 3

at Senior High School 8 Kediri to measure the students’ writing

ability in descriptive text which using Tourism Brochures. In this

posttest, the researcher asked XI Science 3 student to write a

descriptive text. That is about “Brochure of Borobudur Temple”.

It consists of 2 paragraphs which include identification and

description. And the students had 30 minutes to do the task.


1. Types of Data

This research was collected with data, which is quantitative. The

data is used to describe changes that occur, both changes in

student performance, teacher performance, and changes in class.

2. Data Sources

Data is information or basic material used to construct

hypotheses. The data sources in this study are students and


1. Students.

To get data about learning outcomes and student activities in

student learning processes.

2. Teacher.

To see the level of success in applying the group investigation



Data collection techniques used by researchers in Classroom

Action Research are:

1. Observation

These observations / observations carried out by researchers when

researchers teach in class at the first meeting. So that researchers

get a picture of the classroom atmosphere and researchers can

determine a better method at the next meeting

2. Rating Scale

Assessment here aims to determine student learning outcomes

before and after the application of the brochure method


Data obtained from the actions taken were analyzed to ensure that

the learning model using The Effectiveness of Using Tourism

Brochures towards Students' Writing Ability Descriptive text can

improve student achievement in class XI SCIENCE 3 SENIOR


According to Neong Muhajir, stated that the data analysis was

carried out through 3 stages, namely:

1) Data reduction is a simplification process carried out through

selection, focusing, and extracting raw data into meaningful


2) Data exposure is the process of displaying data more simply in

the form of narrative exposure.

3) Conclusion of data is the process of taking the essence of the

data presentation that has been organized in the form of statement

sentences or formulas that are concise and concise but contain

broad understanding.

Data analysis techniques in this study are:

1. Data reduction is taken from the results of pre-tests and post-

tests conducted in learning before and after using the Group

Investigation method.

2. Data exposure is carried out to group data accordingly.

3. Conclusion of data is done by means of well-organized data,

which are then calculated according to the formula in the data

validity test




In this section, the writer presents the students’ writing

achievement before and after being taught by applying tourism brochure.

As mentioned before, the researcher uses test as the instrument in

collecting data. The test is administered to class VII-D students of Senior

High School 8 Kediri as a single-group. The question is instructing the

students to write a descriptive text. The researcher presents and analyzes

the data through two kinds of tests, they are pre-test and post-test. Those

tests are conducted to the single-group, D class that consists of 31

students. The pretest is given before being taught by applying tourism

brochure and post-test is given after being taught by applying tourism

brochure. The collected data are described in the form of table that

includes the pre-test and post-test score in the single-group.The students’

writing achievement is scored using holistic scoring rubric. The

elements of writing that are rated on the rubric are organization, idea,

content of process, scale is defined into five categories: they are

excellent, good, average, poor, and very poor.Then, the presentation of

the data is as follows:

1. Students’ writing ability in descriptive text before being taught by


tourism brochures (pre-test score).

Table 4.1 The students’ writing score before being taught by

using tourism brochures:

Subject score Predicate


A 80 Good

B 75 Average

C 75 Average

D 75 Average

E 74 Average

F 75 Average

G 75 Average

H 75 Average

I 78 Average

J 75 Average
K 75 Average


L 75 Average

M 83 Good

N 80 Good

O 73 Average

P 74 Average

Q 78 Average

R 75 Average

S 75 Average

T 80 Good

U 80 Good

V 75 Average

W 75 Average

X 73 Average

Y 73 Average
Z 78 Average


A1 74 Average

B1 68 Poor

C1 72 Average

D1 80 Good

E1 78 Average
F1 75 Average
G1 78 Average
H1 80 Good
I1 75 Average
J1 78 Average
The pre test was followed by 36 students of the experimental

group. The researcher allocated 40 minutes for conducting pre-test. The

pre test was in the form of writing instruction that the students should

make or write descriptive text, the topic was about “My lovely house”. It

was done before treatment process using tourism brochure. This test was

intended to know the result or the effect of treatment toward students

writing ability. The pre-test was administered at 13th of Feb 2020.

Based on the calculation, the results are as follows:

a. Mean = ∑( )



b. Median =



The median is the mean of the values of 16th. That is 74.

c. Mode is the most existing score that is 75.

d. Standard deviation


Sxx = ∑ - ∑( )

= 163206-

= 163206 – 161280.51

= 1925.49

S = √64.18= = 8.01

Students’ writing achievement after being taught by using tourism


(post-test score)

Table 4.3 The students’ writing score after taught by using

tourism brochures:

Score Predicate
o bject

A 95 Excellent

B 87 Good

C 92 Excellent

D 88 Good

E 87 Good

F 87 Good

G 88 Good

H 87 Good

I 78 Average

J 85 Good

K 88 Good

L 87 Good

M 87 Good

N 85 Good

O 87 Good

P 87 Good

Q 75 Average

R 76 Average
S 87 Good


T 86 Good

U 95 Excellent

V 90 Excellent

W 87 Good

X 85 Good

Y 84 Good

Z 75 Average

A1 87 Good

B1 78 Average

C1 78 Average

D1 85 Good
E1 85 Good
F1 80 Good
G1 80 Good
H1 80 Good
I1 78 Average
J1 78 Average
The post-test was also followed by 36 students of the experimental

group. The researcher allocated 40 minutes for conducting post-test. The

post-test is same as pre-test that is in the form of writing instruction that

the students should make or write descriptive text, the topic was “The

Hotel Srinakarin”. It was done after treatment process using tourism

brochure. This test was intended to know the result

or the effect of treatment toward students writing ability. The post-test


administered at 14th of Feb 2020. Based on the calculation, the results

are as follows:

a. Mean = ∑( )



b. Median =



The median is the mean of the values of 16th. That is 87.

c. Mode is the most existing score that is 87.

d. Standard deviation


Sxx = ∑ - ∑( )

= 226806-


= 786.35


= √26.212= 5.13

From the calculation result of students score before taught using tourism

brochure, the highest score achieved by students is 95 and the lowest one is 75.


range is 20, from the student’s number (N) = 31. The number of class used is 3,


the class width (interval) used is 10. From the calculation result of statistics, the

mean score (X) achieved by students is 85.13, the mode score is 87, the median

score is 87, and the standard deviation is 11.33.

D. Discussion

As stated previously, the objective of this research is to know if there is


effect applying tourism brochures in teaching writing to the Elevent

grade students of Senior High School 8 Kediri in academic year


In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher did some


to collect the data. The first step was administering pre-test to know

students’ writing ability before being taught using tourism brochures.

Then, the second step given treatments to the students. The treatment

here is teaching writing by using tourism brochures. In this treatment, the

researcher invited students to make a description of the place from the

tourism brochure which the researcher given. Actually tourism

brochure is a piece of writing that is thin, boundless booklet and usually

givesinformation about something such as forthcoming events, places,

holidays sites, products etc.

The genre chosen by the researcher in this research is descriptive

text. The researcher gave different tourism brochure in every task that

can make students interested to write different topic that can also build

their writing creativity. Every student’s task is followed by feedback both

written and orally that can improve students understanding and increase

their motivation in writing. The last step was administered posttest. In the

posttest, the students are given a test to know their

ability after they are treated by applying tourism brochures. After the-

post test was administered, the researcher got the data in the form of

pre-test and post-test score. It means that there is different writing score

of VII-D grade students of Senior High School 8 Kediri between before

and after taught using tourism brochures. Regarding on the result of data

analysis above, it is strongly related to some

advantages served by tourism brochure. According to Cahyono (2011)

stated that using tourism brochure can help teacher in explaining the

material to the students clearly, it can increase students’ motivation in

studying, to strengthen students’ comprehension toward lesson expected.

The application of tourism brochure in teaching writing also benefited, as

what Leksono (2009) stated that using tourism brochure can make the

students are more enthusiastic and motivated to write, they also more

enjoy when conducting writing.

Students also got such kind of situations for they have good

preparation before conducting writing process. Thus, the students do not

inhibited about trying to say things in foreign language. In addition, they

have enough confident to prove their vocabulary in teaching learning

process. All in all, the advantages above imply that the use of tourism

brochure gives positive effect towards students’ writing ability. It has

been verified by the result of data analysis in that there is significant

difference between students’ writing ability before and after taught by

using tourism brochures. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of

tourism brochure is effective towards students’ writing ability in

descriptive text in the seventh grade students of Senior High School 8





From the description above it can be seen that, the effectiveness of

the application of Using Tourism Brochures can improve student

achievement in class XI Science 3 Senior High School KEDIRI. This can

be known with an increase in learning outcomes. Then a conclusion can

be drawn that is worth observing, namely:

1. To be able to improve student learning achievement needs an

effective and creative method.

2. Using Tourism Brochures is one of the learning methods that can

improve student achievement in addition to also be able to hone students'

reasoning and critical thinking.

3. Student achievement in class XI Science 3 can be improved by

applying learning methods to the Group Investigation.


Based on the results of research conducted by researchers,

researchers have several notes that are constructive and positive for the

continuity of educational progress in Senior High School 8 KEDIRI,

mainly in English Subjects. The suggestions are:

1. In learning activities are expected to use a variety of innovative

learning methods so that learning is not boring.

2. Always motivate children to be active in learning, so that

children can develop their abilities not only passively, but more actively

in various learning activities.

3. In delivering material, use methods and approaches that are

relevant to the conditions of students in the class, so students do not feel

bored, bored and monotonous.

4. Furthermore, the teacher must continue to develop the ability to

carry out the learning process with learning methods and provide more

learning facilities for learning activities.

5. As for students, to further enhance their confidence in conveying

ideas, be more active in each learning activity and be able to express

themselves according to their imagination.


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