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Mobility Routine (Mobile / Printer Friendly Version)

This is part of ‘The Floreio Project’

Ido’s Squat Clinic (perform 10 reps per side)

Dynamic Soleus Stretch

Hip Rotations on all fours
Squat Hip Rotations
Static Toes Stretch
Dynamic Toes Stretch
Static Squat Position
Dynamic Squats

Ido’s Squat Clinic 2.0 (10-30reps if dynamic. 10-30sec if static.)

Knee Push aways (if possible, straighten elbow)

Knee Push away (static hold)
Sky reaches (if possible, extend range)
Sky reach (static hold)
Buddha prayers (extend range with fist to fist)
Squat bows with thumbs up (extend range by fist to fist)
Squat bow (static hold)

Basic Shoulder ROM and Stabilization Routine

External rotation (10-15 reps)

Lateral raise to 45deg (10-15reps)

clockwiserotations ,
ccwrotations ,
hold stretched position at end for 10sec
Arms overhead: 10 reps of each:
Arms in a T position, repeat above protocol
Arms down below, repeat above protocol

Scapula Mobilization Routine (10 slow reps, pause at both ends)

Band Scapular Push Ups

Overhead Straight Arm Pull Down
The Whippet
Band Dislocates

Wrist Warm Up/Prep

Finger Pulses
Palm Pulses
Side to Side Palm Rotations
Front Facing Elbow Rotations
Side to Side Wrist stretch (lean/push away)
Rear Facing Wrist stretch – palms down
Rear Facing Wrist stretch – palms up
Rear Facing Elbow Rotations (star trek vulcan salute)
Forward Facing, Lean Forward as much as possible


10 Heel Raises -> 10 steps forward and 10 back on toes

10 Toe Raises -> 10 steps forward and 10 back on heels
10 Inversions -> 10 steps forward and 10 back inverted
10 Eversions -> 10 steps forward and 10 back everted


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