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(a) It is a particular characteristic of the exploratory works that they do not allow for the
establishment in advance of rigid rules. Indeed, the provisions will have to be adapted
continuously to the local conditions of the job site and according to the obtained
results during the execution of the works.

(b) The present specifications have to be regarded as a general guideline, without giving
rigid directives or being unchangeable; a guideline which has to be adopted
continuously to every encountered situation on the job site, and by this without giving
any reason for claims or reclamation on behalf of the Contractor.

(c) The work shall be carried out in accordance with relevant Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS) as listed below:

 c

 IS 5529 Part 1 1985 (In situ permeability tests in overburden)

 IS 5529 Part 2: 2006 (In situ permeability tests in bedrock)

 IS 6935: 1973 Method for determination for water level in boreholes

 IS 4453:1980 Code of practice for sub surface explorations by Pit, Trenches, Drifts

and Shafts
 IS 4464:1985 Code of practice for presentation of drilling information and core

description in foundation investigations

 IS 5313: 1980 Guide for core drilling observations

 IS 1892: 1979 Code of Practice for Subsurface Investigation for Foundations

 IS 2131: 1981 Method for Standard Penetration Test for Soils.

 IS 10060: 1981 Code of Practice for Subsurface Investigation for Power House Sites

(d) It is understood, that contractor already gets acquainted with the project area, the
local conditions of the site, the general working conditions, the site access, drift access
routes, hydrology, the temperature and overall climatic conditions prior to the award
of the work.

(e) All works shall be carried out with the least possible damage to the site and its
surroundings and the environment. Any damage to the property of others shall be
immediately repaired at the Contractor’s cost.

(f) The Contractor has to keep, permanently during the drilling works, a specialist on site,
having the experiences of similar job sites and of the same magnitude. That specialist
has to be approved by PEL before starting of any works of drilling; the name and
curriculum vitae of the specialist has to be submitted for approbation to PEL at least
one (1) month prior to starting of the drilling works.

(g) The enumeration of particular instances in which PEL's opinion, judgement or

determination will control, or in which work shall be performed to his satisfaction or
subject to his inspection, shall not imply that only the enumerated matters shall be so
governed or performed, but, without exception, all work shall be so governed or

(h) All safety precautions as per Health and Safety shall be obeyed at all times.


(a) The Contractor shall perform the following drilling operation in any kind of material
and at the locations shown on the drawings or directed by PEL:

 Drilling of holes up to maximum diameter of NX size with minimum core diameter

of 54.7mm in any kind of material, for exploration, installation of instruments,
including piezometers, with or without core recovery, with or without water
pressure tests.

(b) For exploratory boreholes drilled in the river bed, the Contractor shall construct
floating drill rig platform(s), anchored to the river bottom or to the abutments as
necessary to withstand the current, providing the required means to access the
platform(s). For the exploratory holes drilled on the abutments, the Contractor shall
construct the drill rig platforms and the necessary access tracks.

(c) The diameters specified in the drawings or as directed by PEL shall be obtained at the
maximum depth required. The drilling equipment shall be capable of drilling at any
angle and be capable of being set to an accuracy of one degree.

(d) Holes shall be drilled from positions shown on the drawings or as directed by PEL with
a tolerance of 1 m.

(e) All holes shall be drilled without mud support and without the use of grease “rod-
dope” or other non-water soluble material or the lubrication of the drill rods. The
concentration of any additive in the drilling water shall not exceed the manufacturer’s
recommendation. The type of additives to be used shall be subject to the approval of

(f) All holes shall, immediately after or as indicated by PEL, be thoroughly washed out
with water under pressure from the bottom. Water flushing shall continue until the
wastewater runs clear.

(g) The location, direction and length of holes and their reference numbers will be as
shown on the drawings or as agreed with PEL, who may at any time increase or
decrease the number of holes or instruct drilling to a greater or lesser depth.

(h) The order and timing in which holes are drilled shall be instructed by or agreed with

(i) The diameter of the drill holes may not be less than the diameters indicated in the
drawings. For percussion drill holes, the bit diameter shall be at least 8 mm greater
than that of the coupling used for drill rods.
(j) Any drilled cored hole not used for further purpose shall be grouted in accordance
with the requirements of the present specifications.

(k) For all drilled holes, a complete log shall be prepared by the Contractor and
submitted to PEL in duplicate within 7 days of completing drilling. The forms to be
used for the logs shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted for approval to
PEL prior to the start of the work. The forms shall be in digital format. The original files
shall be submitted to PEL on a weekly basis.

(l) The log shall be kept close to the borehole and be updated continuously as drilling
progresses. It shall contain the following minimum information:

 location;
 borehole number;

 type and diameter of boring;

 ground level and/or borehole level respectively;

 immediate, intermediate and equilibrium water levels with times and dates; notes on
colour and losses of drilling water, etc.;

 water pressure at the borehole mouth, if existing;

 description and state of weathering of rock and the levels of its boundaries;

 the results and levels of all in-situ testing, including water pressure test results;
 a record of the Contractor’s observation on progress of boring, rate of operation,

type of bit and speed of rotation of bit.

(m) All cores shall be logged by the same person to avoid discrepancies in description of

(n) The logs of all cored holes shall show the percentages of core recovery and the rock
quality designation (RQD).

(o) After the completion of the work the Contractor shall prepare a complete
investigation report for the approval of PEL. The report shall include the following:

Method statement

Summary of drillhole/drifts details and interpretation

Calculation of water tests

Various constraints

Recommendations etc

(a) Drilling equipment shall be of recent manufacturing and on no account be older than
10 years.

(b) All and any equipment for drilling, including spare parts shall be available and
operational in sufficient number at site in order to comply with all requirements of the
work and the work programme.

(c) At least one equipment shall be capable of drilling holes up to a depth of 50 m.

(d) Investigation holes shall be drilled, where indicated on drawings or as directed by PEL
with core recovery to determine the condition of the rock.

(e) All core drilling shall be performed with rotary-type hydraulic feed core drilling
equipment, bottom discharge diamond bits and triple tube, swivel inner tube, type
core barrels. The DCDMA holes will be required to be drilled to varying depths. The
Contractor shall ensure that cores obtained are in as good a condition as possible
from all holes.

(f) Holes to be drilled in the river bed to investigate the thickness and characteristics of
the alluvial deposits will be vertical as well as inclined with an expected maximum
depth of 50 m, measured from the surface of the alluvial deposits. Holes to be drilled
on the abutments shall be drilled vertical or inclined with up to 45° on the vertical, up
to a maximum depth of 100 m.

(g) Drilling lifts shall be terminated and the cores removed from the barrel as often as
considered necessary to secure the maximum possible amount of core. The core run
should not exceed 1.5m however; in shattered/sheared strata core run should be
restricted to 0.5m.

(h) All core recovered should be properly stacked in the standard wooden core boxes and
data as per IS: 4078 with proper partitions, markings and suitably covered and locked,
before preserving in core store for inspection. The description of core samples shall
be recorded as per IS: 4464. When no core is recovered, it shall be recorded as
specified in the continuous record of core recovery and RQD to be mentioned as per
IS: 11315.

(i) The cores in the box shall be placed in the correct sequence after extraction from the
core barrel. The core at the bottom of each lift shall be marked immediately after it
has been placed in the box and a corresponding mark shall be printed on the side of
the box and on the rock core.

(j) When the core is not recovered, timber blocks (dummy) of a square cross section shall
be placed in the box. These timber blocks shall be cut to the same length as the core
losses and placed in the positions for which the core was lost. If these positions
cannot be determined, the blocks shall be placed at the top of the lift.

(k) A box shall not contain cores from more than one hole. Designating marks, hole
numbers and elevations shall be placed on the boxes and along the line of the cores.

(l) The core boxes shall be transported to the designated place, as decided by site in
charge by contractor.

(m) Digital and printed colour pictures shall be taken by the Contractor from all cores in
the boxes with a legible indication and in good light conditions. A scale should be
shown on each core box. The colour pictures shall be attached to the drilling report.



(a) During the progress of the work, the contractor in consultation with ‘PEL will identify
pieces of the cores for the performance of laboratory tests.

(b) The core pieces shall be removed from the boxes, securely wrapped, clearly marked
and safely stored. The Contractor will transport the cores to the testing laboratory.

(c) The spaces in the core boxes shall be filled with a wooden marker indicating the
depth of the sample.


(a) Test In overburden: the length and number of test section will be communicated

(b) Test in rock: the length and number of test section will be communicated separately.


(a) Water pressure test shall normally be carried out in drill holes with core recovery or
where directed by PEL at any depth or location.

(b) All tests should be carried out as per IS: 5529 (Part I & II).

(c) Water pressure tests shall be carried out with clean water in stages of depth not
exceeding 3 m, unless otherwise agreed with PEL. The rate of flow shall be determined
to an accuracy of 10 percent for flows exceeding 1 litre/min, using an air vessel to
smooth out fluctuation of pressure. The results shall be expressed in Lugeon units. 1
Lugeon is determined by a water pressure test where a leakage occurs of 1 litre of
water per minute per meter length of hole under pressure of 100 N/cm2 (10 kg/cm2).

(d) The water pressure test shall be carried out between a packer and the bottom of the
hole or between packers in depth stages to suit the variation of jointing of rock. The
length of any packer shall not be less than 1 m.

(e) Should the flow be too great to hold the specified pressure, the flow shall be held
constant at the maximum discharge of the pump, and the pressure shall be observed
at one-minute intervals over a period of 10 minutes. If the results do not give an
adequate indication of the required grouting, the tests shall be repeated using two or
more shorter-stage lengths.


(a) Standard penetration tests (SPT) shall be carried out every 1.5m in overburden and
zone of very weak / sheared rock (no of SPT tests will be communicated separately).

(b) All pertinent bore hole data, penetration resistance (i.e. obtained by counting the
number of blows required to drive a steel tube of specified dimensions into the
soil/overburden to a specified distance using specified drop weight) and sample data
must be recorded on a boring log data sheet. The depths at the top or bottom of
each 150mm increment of sampler penetration along with the number of blows
required to affect that segment of penetration should be reported.

(c) Data obtained from SPT and the ‘N’ value collected using a 63.5 kg drop weight with
drop stroke 760mm (.76m) should also be separately reported.


(a) Standpipe piezometer shall be installed by the Contractor (will be specified by PEL, if
required) to monitor piezometric water levels and ground water levels in boreholes
selected by PEL.

(b) The depth of the piezometer shall be communicated to the Contractor one week prior
to completing the hole.

(a) The Contractor shall preserve the specified holes with PVC pipes.


(a) Mobilisation and demobilisation of equipment’s and personnel shall be paid in

accordance with the corresponding items of the Bills of Quantities.

(b) Such payment is understood to cover any and all expenses incurred by the Contractor
in connection with carrying out the work described hereinabove, with the exception of
the reinstallation from one bore hole to the other. This reinstallation will be paid
under special dislocation payment items. Payment under special dislocation items will
be paid only once for each bore hole.


(a) The total amount of drilling will be approx. 600m, and the Contractor shall not be
entitled to any extra compensation above the rates bid in the Bill of Quantities, by
reason of increased or decreased drilling or by reason of the location of these works.

(b) Measurement of work in connection with drilling operations shall be made on the
basis of the actual length of the bore hole, irrespective of the type of soil encountered
and irrespective of the amount of pressure of the ground water encountered. The
length of boreholes drilled in the river bed shall be measured from the surface of the
alluvial deposits. Only such boreholes will be measured as will be drilled to PEL's
satisfaction, i.e., which will have the specified diameter at the bottom, and where all
required operations, such as core recovery, tests and measurements are carried out in
a satisfactory manner.

(c) Payment for drilling works shall be made at the unit prices stipulated per linear meter.
The unit prices shall include compensation for all costs except those explicitly
excluded and in particular shall include: floating rig platform(s) and means of access
for the holes drilled in the river bed; rig platforms and access tracks for the holes
drilled in the abutments, use of bits of any type, temporary and permanent casings,
supply of water, drilling with an inclination, disposal of drilling debris and preparation
of drill logs.

(d) PEL may refuse to accept the whole of the work, or he may, at his sole discretion,
define a part of the actual length for measurement and payment under the following

 If the core recovery percentage is lower than specified.

 If placing of cores in core boxes is not done with care and doubts arise

concerning the sequence of the encountered strata.

 If the deviation exceeds the values specified in Subsection here above.

 If the required bottom diameter is smaller than the minimum specified.

 If the total length of a bore hole differs from that specified.

 If the boring is clogged either by objects dropped or by caving in.

 If proper measurements both of quantities and pressure are missing.

(e) For a totally rejected borehole, the Contractor will neither receive any compensation
nor payment, not may he raise any claim for extension of partial or total time limits.
Rejected boreholes shall be filled with grout at low pressure at the Contractor's costs.

(f) In case the borehole is totally rejected, the Contractor shall execute a new borehole
with the characteristics applicable to the boring which was rejected and with the
obligation to perform and eventually repeat all measuring, testing operations
provided for the abandoned borehole.

(g) Measurement of this new borehole is also subject to the conditions referred to
hereinabove in this paragraph.

(h) Measurement will not be made separately for boreholes in rock and bore holes in
sediments or other soil material.

(i) Any special payment items or increases to basic rates will only apply once to each
portion of the hole.

(j) Payment includes, if appropriate, cost of core boxes, descriptions, storage of core
boxes and transferring to the Clients permanent storage facilities, core photographs,
preparation of logs, wear of drill bits, as well as costs for all auxiliary equipment and
work except where included for elsewhere in the Bill of Quantities.


(a) Permeability tests will be measured on the basis of the actual number of permeability
tests performed to PEL's satisfaction. It is understood that PEL may refuse to accept
any permeability tests, if he has justified doubts regarding the adequate preparation
of the bore hole or if, in his opinion, any of the above-mentioned requirements have
not been observed.

(b) Permeability tests will be measured independently of the diameter of the bore hole or
of the depth below soil surface where the tests were performed. No additional
payment will be provided for moving the packer within the testing stage, so as to
attain the required decrease or rate of absorption. The measurement will also be
independent of the highest pressure specified by PEL for each test. The supply of the
required water volume for flushing the hole and performing the test is understood to
be part of the test and the Contractor is not entitled to any additional payment
irrespective of the volume of water lost for and during the test.

(c) Placing of packers for stages of minimum length of 3 m shall be included in the unit
price of the water pressure tests.

Payment will be made on the basis of the numbers of tests measured as above and
with the corresponding unit prices of the Bill of Quantities.

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