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Internship report

Jimma Institute of Technology
University-Industry Linkage and
Technology Transfer Office

Weekly report (for month four)

Week no: 1 date 01/07/2016 G.c to 06/07/2016 G.c

Weekday Activities
Monday -Most buildings are constructing the 7th floor beam. So I tried to see the obviously
Tuesday -I saw while they were casting B23 wing one seventh floor slab.

Wednesday -Continuation of previous work.

Thursday -I saw B 28 sixth floor concrete casting.

Friday I tried to see in detail about column casting and their types.
Summarization of week one of month four

In this week as I tried to dictate above most buildings are on the seventh floor.

Column :is as structural part of a building which is a vertical member that support vertical, horizontal and moments
coming from the beam ,slab, stair and other member of the structure and transfer it to the sub structure i.e.

Foundations column: Acolumn that carries the load down to a foundation must have means to transfer the

load without overstressing the foundation material.

Extensions column:When a column is too long to be built or transported in one piece, it has to be
extended or spliced at the construction site.

Internship report

Week no: 2 date 09/07/2016 G.c to 13/07/2016 G.c

Weekday Activities
Monday -Most buildings are constructing the 7th floor beam. So I tried to see the obviously
Tuesday -I saw while they were casting B26 seventh floor slab.

Wednesday -I tried to see in detail about how the vibrator works.

Thursday -I saw B25 sixth floor concrete casting.

Friday I tried to see in detail about column casting and their types.
Summarization of week two of month four

Here week again the construction is a well progress.

In addition to the obvious activities I tried to see in detail about vibration work.

Vibration: To compact concrete you apply energy to it so that the mix becomes more fluid. Air

trapped in it can then rise to the top and escape. As a result, the concrete becomes

consolidated, and you are left with a good dense material that will, after proper curing,

develop its full strength and durability.

Vibration is the next and quickest method of supplying the energy. Manual techniques

such as rodding are only suitable for smaller projects. Various types of vibrator are available

for use on site.

1. The workability of the concrete: the less workable the mix, the longer it must be vibrated.

2. The energy put in by the vibrator: bigger vibrators do the job faster.

3. The depth of the concrete: thick sections take longer

Internship report

Week no: 3 date 16/07/2016 G.c to 20/07/2016 G.c

Weekday Activities
Monday -Most buildings are constructing the 8th floor. So I tried to see the obviously activities.

Tuesday -I saw while they were casting B26 seventh floor slab.

Wednesday -I tried to see in detail about how the test of HCB.

Thursday -I saw concrete casts in most buildings.

Friday I saw B28 and B29 were at fifth floor casting.

Summarization of week three of month four

Here in this week again the construction is in progeress.

Classification of HCB

 HCB classified based on two criteria:

i) Based on compressive strength and ii) Based on size HCB Testing

1. Class A :- used for load bearing wall

2. Class B :- used for partial load bearing wall

3. Class C :- used for non load bearing wall

Used compressive strength test

Take 6 sample by visual inspection method

class Average of 6 HCB(N/mm2) Individual HCB (N/mm2)

A 4.2 3.8
B 4.0 3.2
C 2.0 1.8
Table: compressive strength of concrete

Internship report

Week no: 4 date 23/07/2016 G.c to 28/07/2016 G.c

Weekday Activities
Monday -Most buildings are constructing the 8th floor. So I tried to see the obviously activities.

Tuesday -I saw while they were casting B24 seventh floor slab.

Wednesday -I tried to see in detail about finishing work.

Thursday -I saw concrete casts in most buildings.

Friday I saw B26 and B27were at fifth floor casting.

Summarization of week four of month four

Here week again the construction is a wel progress. In addition to usual activities I tried to see about finishing

Finishing Work

Plastering : Masonry walls and ceiling are provided with a thin mortar cover. This mortar cover ,called

The plaster finish provides additional attributes to the wall such as :

- The provision of a suitable surface for decoration

- Improving the sound and thermal insulation of the element

- Improving the fire resistance of the element

There are three steps (stage) of plastering:

1. 1stcoat :-The 1st stage of plastering, is used to create a rough surface for the next coat to

adhere effectively. But for Beam, Column and slab before 1 st coat , it must be chiseled .the

main purpose of chiseling is providing good bond between mortar and wall.

Mortar mix design ratio:1 cement (50Kg) + 3 box sand (washed sand)

2. 2nd coat :-The 2ndstage of plastering and the major part of the plastering i.e the second

coat is plastered to make all the first coat aligned vertically and horizontally with required

Internship report

thickness .For the aligning process ,we use nails and ropes in box axes i.e. well measured

and fixed from one end to another and bottom by using plumb-bob (ቱምቢ). And then

plastering with the desired thickness or locally “Fasha” is done along the horizontal top

and bottom edge, then we wait for a day for it to cure and the area in between is then

plastered and leveled by a plane wooden or metal bar or “Riga”.

Mortar mix design r

3. 3rd Coat :- This stage of coating is the last and outermost part. It should have smooth and

uniform appearance as its aesthetic value is of great importance

Mortar mix design ratio

1 cement (50 Kg) + 2 bo x fine sand ratio

Internship report

Jimma Institute of Technology
University-Industry Linkage and
Technology Transfer Office

Monthly Internship
Report : Month four
Name student: Abraham Dagne
Student ID No: 00580/05
Mentors Name: Galeta chala
Department: Civil engineering
To be filled by the department:__________________
Submission date:_______________
Accepted by:_______________________
(Date, full name and signature:_______________

Internship report

General summarization of month four

In this month as I have to wrote in each week I tried to focus some concepts in detail.

Column :is as structural part of a building which is a vertical member that support vertical, horizontal and
moments coming from the beam ,slab, stair and other member of the structure and transfer it to the sub structure
i.e. foundation.

Foundations column: Acolumn that carries the load down to a foundation must have means to transfer the

load without overstressing the foundation material.

Extensions column:When a column is too long to be built or transported in one piece, it has to be
extended or spliced at the construction site.

Vibration:To compact concrete you apply energy to it so that the mix becomes more fluid. Air

trapped in it can then rise to the top and escape. As a result, the concrete becomes

consolidated, and you are left with a good dense material that will, after proper curing,

develop its full strength and durability.

Vibration is the next and quickest method of supplying the energy. Manual techniques such as rodding are only
suitable for smaller projects. Various types of vibrator are available for use on site.

1. The workability of the concrete: the less workable the mix, the longer it must be vibrated.

2. The energy put in by the vibrator: bigger vibrators do the job faster.

3. The depth of the concrete: thick sections take longer

Fig vibrating machine

Internship report

Classification of HCB

HCB classified based on two criteria:

i) Based on compressive strength and ii) Based on size HCB Testing

1. Class A :- used for load bearing wall

2. Class B :- used for partial load bearing wall

3. Class C :- used for non load bearing wall

Used compressive strength test

Take 6 sample by visual inspection method

class Average of 6 HCB(N/mm2) Individual HCB (N/mm2)

A 4.2 3.8
B 4.0 3.2
C 2.0 1.8
Table: compressive strength of concrete

Finishing Work

Plastering : Masonry walls and ceiling are provided with a thin mortar cover. This mortar cover ,called

The plaster finish provides additional attributes to the wall such as :

- The provision of a suitable surface for decoration

- Improving the sound and thermal insulation of the element

- Improving the fire resistance of the element

There are three steps (stage) of plastering:

1. 1st coat :-The 1st stage of plastering, is used to create a rough surface for the next coat to

adhere effectively. But for Beam, Column and slab before 1 st coat , it must be chiseled .the

main purpose of chiseling is providing good bond between mortar and wall.

Mortar mix design ratio:1 cement (50Kg) + 3 box sand (washed sand)

2. 2nd coat :-The 2ndstage of plastering and the major part of the plastering i.e the second

coat is plastered to make all the first coat aligned vertically and horizontally with required

Internship report

thickness .For the aligning process ,we use nails and ropes in box axes i.e. well measured

and fixed from one end to another and bottom by using plumb-bob (ቱምቢ). And then

plastering with the desired thickness or locally “Fasha” is done along the horizontal top

and bottom edge, then we wait for a day for it to cure and the area in between is then

plastered and leveled by a plane wooden or metal bar or “Riga”.

Mortar mix design r

3. 3rd Coat :- This stage of coating is the last and outermost part. It should have smooth and

uniform appearance as its aesthetic value is of great importance

Mortar mix design ratio

1 cement (50 Kg) + 2 bo x fine sand ratio

Internship report

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