" Rhino Poachers Prosecuted Using DNA Database" Article Summary

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" Rhino Poachers Prosecuted Using DNA Database"

Article summary

Genetic information that has been collected involving African rhinos has been

integrated into the efforts to prevent poaching. The genetic database has

thousands of African rhinoceroses, which is being used by the legal system to

identify poachers and allow for stiffer criminal sentences since it was

established eight year ago. The article highlights that even though the

database has been considered to provide a better focus on preventing

poaching, some scientists still believe that the efforts are not significant. One

of the cases that has been brought into consideration is the sentencing of a 28-

year-old Simon Ngomane following a shootout with rangers in Kruger

National park in South Africa. The evidence provided before the court

wasbecause there was DNA evidence that linked him to the killing of two

rhinos in the park.

The critics of the system believe that matching the DNA does not

necessarily mean that a defendant is guilty even though there have been less

appeals of the cases which have been determined by DNA evidence. The rise

of poaching have led to integration of this scientific approach in a bid to

prevent endangered species from extinction. The database is crucial and has
been tasked with destroying poaching syndicates although it is not a very easy

task. One of the key cases that the database has helped to track is a horn that

was recovered in Singapore was linked to a carcass that had been found a

week earlier in South Africa.

A key challenge that has been limiting the operational process of the

DNA database is the difficulty in convincing the police in foreign countries to

pursue poachers based on the system as currently handled in South Africa.

The DNA database provides crucial information that can help prevent further

poaching but it is upon the police department to investigate and ensure that a

suspect who has been arrested is apprehended based on the evidence

presented in court.

The article has been developed based on creating an understanding on

how DNA is vital in multiple ways and can be applied to improve the

wellbeing of the society. DNA is a carrier of genetic information and a form of

identification that can be used based on biological concepts. This information

therefore is crucial and related to the course where there is an understanding

on how DNA can be used to track poachers and their syndicates across the

world based on the DNA database that contains DNA information of

rhinoceros species.
The key course concept that can be identified in this case is the use of

DNA materials that is developed based on biological concepts in identifying

poachers. The application of this key aspect is key and creates a critical

understanding where it is possible to have an important understanding on the

importance of biology in general human interactions. Biology is broad and

thus the course provides an effective background where it possible to

understand how the DNA database that has samples from many of the species

is able to function.Thus, the course enables better understanding of biological

aspects that have been considered as well as creating focus on how application

in real life is an important aspect.

Poaching has been a serious issue globally and most of animals are

becoming extinct because of increased number of poachers who have been

utilizing the limitation of the rangers and authorities to track their movements

and converted poaching into a serious illegal trade across the world. The fact

that there is a new focus where poachers can be traced based on the collected

DNA evidence is the most critical thing that caught my eye on this article. It is

an idea that has not been fully implemented but it provides the way forward

regarding how the existing animals that are threatened by sustained killing by

poachers because of their precious horns can be controlled. The idea is

developed on linking the database to the legal system where any killed animal

can be traced anywhere in the world.

The development of the DNA database is in the best interests of the

citizens and it is aimed at protecting animals which bring pride to the country

and a source of revenue from the high number of tourists who visit the

country to see these animals who are not found everywhere on the planet.

Therefore, funding this research and making the whole process effective

should be done using taxpayers money due to its importance to everyone

within the society. The project is not being done for individual gains but it is

targeting at maintain the existing beauty of the land which is provide to every

member of the society. The research is very important and is critical to the

protection of all endangered species whereby the success of this database in

curbing poachers will ensure that there is further engagement to all other

species and across different countries.

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