Narrqative Report 2

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Sevilla, Ronald J.


Human Behavior in Organization

Narrative Report No. 2

February 27, 2020

Abraham Maslow’s Contribution to Organizational Behavior

Human Behavior in Organization is the study of both group and individual

performance and activity within an organization. This area of study examines human

behavior in a work environment and determines its impact on job structure,

performance, communication, motivation, leadership, etc. As time pass many

people, circumstances, and theory is applied to clearly understand behaviors of

human in organization, one of the big influencer in understanding human behavior in

organization is Abraham Maslow.

Abraham Maslow’s contributtion to Organizational Behavior is undoubtly

brings clear picture of how to handle people in organization specifically towards their

behavior. His motivation theory is generally acknowledged and examined. Maslow

proposed that each individual has complex arrangement of necessities at a specific

minute and his conduct is dictated by the presence of most grounded need. He

expressed that people have five sorts of requirements and physiological need is the

most grounded consequently the individual carries on in a specific way to fulfill that

need. Needs are hierarchal in nature and just one need rules at any one point of

time. When the most grounded need is fulfilled then the subsequent need rises just

like the most grounded need and human conduct is controlled in procedure of
accomplishing fulfillment in arrangement of need prerequisites. Maslow further

began that there is just one need fulfilling process is in progress at any one time.

They don't vanish once they are fulfilled yet their power is decreased (consigned)

underneath the ensuing need.

Maslow's theory of motivation and its tendency of hierarchy of needs sets out

a methodical methodology a supervisor can apply to propel his subordinates. It will

be seen that requirements are for the most part in the request. Maslow has

proposed that when a specialist is utilized he is worried about his fundamental need

of nourishment, water, asylum and garments and needs a base degree of

remunerations with the goal that the above need is satisfied (physiological need).

When the principal need is fulfilled, a supervisor must endeavor to satisfy second

need (security need) of his subordinates by giving them physical security,

professional stability and setting down different strategies, which are required for

smooth running of an association. The board must appreciate warm relationship with

representatives and guarantee free progression of correspondence so

representatives commit greatest consideration towards authoritative work. Laborers

can "have a place" to a specific association (social need). By making work gatherings

and expanding offices for social cooperation with the goal that regard need and self-

actualization needs, which are of inherent nature can be cultivated by laborers.

Maslow took this idea and created his now famous hierarchy of needs.

Beyond the details of air, water, food, and sex, he laid out five broader layers; The

physiological needs, the needs for safety and security, the needs for love and

belonging, the needs for esteem, and the need to actualize the self, in that order.
Physiological Needs, the satisfaction of physiological needs, for example,

thirst, hunger, sex, rest, and so on overshadows every other need; nay, on the

fulfillment of these requirements, is needy the very endurance and continuation of

mankind. In contrast to different necessities, the physiological needs have an

inclination of repeat. An individual may defer the satisfaction of these necessities or

potentially adjust his need fulfilling conduct to suit the way of life and the

circumstance. Cash speaks to the best way to fulfill physiological requirements. Cash

is esteemed not for the good of its own, yet for what it can purchase for us. This is

one of the components of cash rationale. Physiological requirements are limited

however are repetitive.

Safety needs, when physiological needs are met, 'safety' needs become

significant. While physiological requirements have a reference to the present, the

safety needs look to what's to come. The requirements for nourishment, dress, and

so forth are fulfilled today. Be that as it may, shouldn't something be said about

tomorrow? A man, inasmuch as he is youthful and working and procuring, can fulfill

the physiological needs as and when they happen. Be that as it may, will he have

the option to fulfill needs and battle for himself when he gets old? He should have

sensible 'safety' in his mature age as well. Understood in the satisfaction of these

safety needs is the root of many work establishments in the world today. The

pension plans, the installment of tip Act, the opportune supports Act and so forth

and other retiral benefits, go, fundamentally, to guarantee security for the man in

his mature age. An excessive amount of security makes a man crazy and indiscreet

or languid rebellious and under-profitable. Simultaneously uncertainty additionally

makes a man under-profitable. How much nothing more will be tolerated security is
an ever-present issue before the administration giving security of occupations to

their workers.

Social and belongingness needs, the requirements for social belongingness

have their source in the gregarious idea of the individual. Since man is a social

being, he has a need to have a place and with be acknowledged by different

gatherings. At the point when social needs become predominant, an individual will

take a stab at important relations with others. Individuals interface basically in light

of the fact that they appreciate it. Indeed, even such collaborations which give no

obvious unmistakable prizes are gone into essentially in light of the fact that they

sensibly guarantee one that one is a piece of the general public and is acknowledged

by the general public. We in every case live in the general public and are

encompassed by others. We may, thusly, neglect to appropriately picture the quality

of these necessities. It would to say that even the solidified lawbreakers fear the

discipline of solitary confinement. Solitary confinement is known to break the human


The casual gatherings in an association are established in a journey to satisfy

the requirements for belongingness. One of the numerous purposes behind the

casual gatherings to flourish in an association could be the workers' response to the

risk presented by boredom, inconsequentiality and insecurity the employees feel.

The least the administration can do is to perceive the way that the casual gatherings

can be an advantage for them and can be instrumental in promoting the objectives

of the association. The board doesn't make the casual gatherings and the

administration can't wreck them. The obsession for the satisfaction of these need
brings about, what is known as gathering might suspect. Regard for example self-

esteem Needs: It isn't adequate for an individual to "have a place". What he aches

for and endeavors towards is that others ought to perceive his value. A worker

remains in an association not just on the grounds that he gets his pay and other

material rewards yet he is there on the grounds that others perceive that he is

deserving of the activity and other material advantages that he gets. This needs are

classified as the need of power, the need of status, and the need of n recognition.

The fight in the association for accomplishing the hierarchical status and the force,

which goes with it, is the embodiment of the regard needs. Advancement is

acknowledgment of one's capacity to bear higher duties.

Self realization needs, in the expressions of Maslow, these requirements mean

" what a man can be ought to be". A self-completed individual has a reason; a belief

system to battle for the objective set for himself. He focuses on the input, which is

task situated and isn't taken in by the individual analysis or recognition. Since such

an individual has a reason to have faith in, numerous multiple times he swears off

satisfaction of different needs in compatibility of cause. He is unaware of the

physical environment.

In conclusion, according to Maslow, people are not always motivated to work

by security or money. The highest motivation is to contribute and to use the

individual’s skillset, popularly known as self actualization. And as a

project manager you should apply the Maslow’s theory on your project also. It will

work and with more fruitful results. We shoud just try it smartly.


Organizational Behavior by: V. G. Kondalkar(2007)

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