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Farm management S.L. 1.


Handbook EN 270317 1

1 Zoom on farm ambient........................................................................................................11
2 Zoom on ventilation............................................................................................................12
2.C Set diagrams...........................................................................................................14
2.D Ampere.............................................................................................................15
2.E Cooling/Humidification..............................................................................................15
3 Zoom on flap......................................................................................................................16
4 Zoom on ambient heating....................................................................................................17
5 Zoom on radiant heating......................................................................................................18
6 Zoom on animal s accountancy.............................................................................................20
7 Zoom on bird weighing........................................................................................................21
8 Zoom on feeding.................................................................................................................22
9 Zoom on feed distribution....................................................................................................23
0 Zoom on silos.....................................................................................................................23
C. Alarm..........................................................................................................................24
C.D Silence alarm.............................................................................................................25
C.E Reactivate alarm.........................................................................................................25
C.F Restart feed system.....................................................................................................25
C.H Alarm state................................................................................................................26
D. Settings......................................................................................................................28
D.1 Climate...............................................................................................................29
D.2 Animal accounting.......................................................................................................32
D.2.F Eggs accounting..........................................................................................................33
D.3 Feeding...............................................................................................................34
D.3.1 Time clocks.....................................................................................................34
D.3.1.1 Meal times.......................................................................................35
D.3.1.2 Light times.......................................................................................36
D.3.1.3 Water times.....................................................................................36
D.3.1.4 Timer 1 times...................................................................................37
D.3.1.5 Timer 2 times...................................................................................37
D.3.2 Special meal...................................................................................................39
D.3.2.1 First feed upload/Supplementary meal.................................................39
D.3.2.2 % variation of feed in the daily curve.....................................................39
D.3.2.3 Fixed meal from day.. to day................................................................40
D.3.2.4 Manual feed amount..........................................................................40
D.3.2.5 Medicated water...............................................................................41
D.3.2.6 Fast...........................................................................................41
D.3.3 K recording.....................................................................................................42
D.3.4 Silos upload....................................................................................................42
D.4 Bird weighing.............................................................................................................43
D.5 Calendar curves..........................................................................................................44
D.5.1 Calendar curves setting....................................................................................45
D.5.2 Curves activaction...........................................................................................47
D.0 Starting cycle.............................................................................................................49
D.0.F Pre-start up cycle.............................................................................................51
E. Installation.................................................................................................................52
E.1 Climate...............................................................................................................52
E.1.1 Heating....................................................................................................53
E.1.1.1 Ambient.....................................................................................54
E.1.1.2 Radiant heaters................................................................................56
E. Modulating heaters...........................................................56
E. Sparking heaters..............................................................58
E.1.1.3 Fan-jet............................................................................................59
E.1.1.4 Conditionings..............................................................................60
E. Night time heating range.....................................................60
E. Increase for humidity........................................................61
E. Decrease for humidity / Stop for Ventilation..........................62
E.1.2 Flap.........................................................................................................63
E.1.2.1 Depressiometer...........................................................................64
E.1.2.2 Associative % ...................................................................................65


E.1.2.3 Natural.......................................................................................66
E. Temperature set..............................................................66
E. Floating......................................................................67
E. Proportional................................................................69
E.1.2.4 Potentiometer recording....................................................................70
E.1.2.5 Conditionings..............................................................................71
E. Increase pressure based upon outdoor temperature...............72
E. Anemometer...............................................................73
E. External forcing................................................................74
E. Draft function..................................................................75
E. Delta temperature............................................................76
E. Opening reduction for outdoor temperature..........................77
E.1.3 Ventilation................................................................................................78
E.1.3.1 Temperature set...............................................................................79
E.1.3.2 Air-exchange...................................................................................81
E.1.3.3 0-10V Ventilation..............................................................................85
E. Proportional................................................................85
E. Steps.........................................................................87
E.1.3.4 Conditionings..............................................................................90
E. Increase Ventilation based upon indoor humidity...................91
E. Increase Ventilation based upon indoor humidity...................92
E. Decrease air-exchage set based upon outdoor temp...............93
E. Maximum ventilation based upon outdoor temperature..........94
E. Night time ventilation settings............................................94
E. External forcing................................................................95
E. Winter/summer ventilation................................................95
E. Ventilation delay..............................................................96
E. Increase Ventilation based upon indoor C02/NH3...................97
E. Various/Index................................................................100
E.1.4 Humidification.........................................................................................101
E.1.5 Cooling...................................................................................................102
E.1.6 Probe average...............................................................................................105
E.1.7 Special inputs................................................................................................106
E.1.8 Alarm.....................................................................................................107
E.1.8.1 Temperature.............................................................................108
E.1.8.2 Humidity...................................................................................109
E.1.8.3 Pressure...................................................................................110
E.1.8.4 Heating.....................................................................................111
E. Ambient....................................................................112
E. Radiant.....................................................................112
E.1.8.5 Amper meter..................................................................................113
E.1.8.6 C02/NH3.......................................................................................114
E.1.8.7 Index H..........................................................................................115
E.1.8.8 Flap.........................................................................................116
E.1.8.9 External blocks...............................................................................117
E.1.8.0 Alarm test......................................................................................118
E.2 Feeding............................................................................................................119
E.2.1 Bird weighing................................................................................................120
E.2.1.1 Load cell data .................................................................................120
E.2.1.2 Plate1 calibration ............................................................................122
E.2.1.3 Plate 2 calibration............................................................................122
E.2.2 Feed weighing...............................................................................................123
E.2.2.1 External counters............................................................................123
E.2.2.2 Volumetric................................................................................123
E.2.2.3 Silo weighing..................................................................................124
E. Load cell data.................................................................124
E. Silo 1 calibration.............................................................125
E. Silo 1 calibration.............................................................125
E. Silo 3 calibration.............................................................125
E. Automatic upload...........................................................126


E.2.4.d % Luminosity change.......................................................................130
E.2.5 External counters...........................................................................................130
E.2.6 Alarm settings...............................................................................................131
E.2.7 Alarm activation............................................................................................133
D.3 Clock.................................................................................................................134
D.4 Language...........................................................................................................134
D.5 Manual..............................................................................................................135
D.5.1 Relay outputs................................................................................................135
D.5.2 0-10V outputs...............................................................................................135
D.7 Password...........................................................................................................136
D.8 Display..............................................................................................................137
D.0 Bootstrap...........................................................................................................137
E.H USB management....................................................................................................138
G. Archive......................................................................................................................140
G.1 Alarms/Failures/Events..............................................................................................140
G.2 Climate..............................................................................................................142
G.3 Heating times...........................................................................................................143
G.4 Animals present........................................................................................................144
G.5 Feeding.............................................................................................................145
G.6 Bird weighing...........................................................................................................145
G.7 Silo upload. ..............................................................................................................146
G.8 Daily inspection........................................................................................................147
G.9 Cycle total................................................................................................................148
G.9.1 Feeding..................................................................................................148
G.9.2 Climate...................................................................................................149
H. Check control...................................................................................................................150
H.1 Climate..............................................................................................................150
H.1.1 Climate blocks...............................................................................................151
H.1.2 Probes average..............................................................................................153
H.1.3 Flap potentiometer recording...........................................................................153
H.1.4 Flaps working analysis....................................................................................154
H.1.5 Delta flap analysis..........................................................................................154
H.2 Feeding.............................................................................................................155
H.2.1 Feeding program state....................................................................................155
H.2.2 Lighting program state....................................................................................155
H.6 Inputs...............................................................................................................156
H.7 Relay ouputs.............................................................................................................157
H.8 0-10V outputs...........................................................................................................157
H.9 Load cells.................................................................................................................158
H.9.1 Plate load cells...............................................................................................158
H.9.1 Silo load cells.................................................................................................158
H.H Info...................................................................................................................159


The main feature of the Qfarm range is the color display screen (7”) with WVGA 800x480 dots resolution.
The user interface is easy and friendly. The easy touch screen systems gives both the typical “easy to
use” approach of a touch screen system and the strength and mechanical protection of a polycarbonate
IP55 keyboard.
At every screen the function keys display a different graphic making the program very user friendly.
Each programming step has its own help screen so the program has a “built in” instruction manual.

The Qfarm IP55 protection standards (protection against dust and water jets) make it ideal for damp
and dusty environments.


The easy touch system makes the program easy to be used.

Each programming step comes with its help screen so the program has a “built in” instruction manual.

Setting screenshot. When arrived to the last screenshot the display looks like this:

Input the value by using the keys or pressing on the numeric keyboard .. .......

confirm by pressing , to escape press .

Some symbols appear frequently on display:

= by pressing this key you go to the Home screenshot

= by pressing this key you go back to the previous screenshot

= by pressing this key you go to the next page

= by pressing this key you go to the previous page


The main Qfarm feature is that you can fully set and customize the house working configuration.
This is easily done connecting the Qfarm to a PC thru the Qfarm Lab software.
The Qfarm can manage up to 112 inputs, 108 on/off outputs, N. 44 0/10V outputs.
Qfarm Lab programming software has a step-by-step procedure with graphics and notes which enables
you to define and configure the working parameters of the house.
Once the configuration has been completed, Qfarm Lab will print out the list of the components along
with their wiring diagram.
Each complete house configuration is saved to a “program file” which is stored in the PC and transferred
to Qfarm by USB pen drive. Program files can be recalled from Qfarm and edited at any time.
The program settings (temperature, relative humidity, etc.) and all the settings which are related to
the house functionning are directly set by the Qfarm.
The Qfarm programming is assisted by HELP screenshots; while programming only the variables
previously set by PC are shown. (i.e. If Heat 1 is the only option selected, the further heating options
will not be shown. Same rule applies to flaps, cooling, ventilation, etc.).

Summing up:
- The house configuration (number and type of Heaters, flaps, ventilators, etc.) is set by PC and
uploaded to Qfarm via the Qfarm Lab software.
- The program settings related to the functionning of the system (temperature set, Relative
Humidity set, etc.) is done directly on the Qfarm.

Data transfer
Communication with external world is by USB pen drive.
The main programming parameters, the archive downloads and software updates can be made by PC
connection via the USB pen drive (see par. E.H).

USB socket


Configuration by P.C.
The Settings which characterize the system (number and type of heating, number and type of flaps,
ventilation’s type, etc.) will be set from PC and uploaded on Qfarm module by the Qfarm Lab

Ventilation’s table (Qfarm Lab software)

Plant option window (Qfarm Lab software)


It’s the main reference screenshot of Qfarm.

Actual size= 153x92mm

It’s the main reference screenshot of Qfarm which display the main system parameters.

It pops up when you switch the unit on or when you press the key

The various screenshots and some settings too are displayed according to the basic setting made by
the Qfarm Lab configuration software.
From the Home page you can go to the Zoom page (keys . ....... ).

Some symbols appear frequently on display:

= by pressing this key you go to the Home screenshot

= by pressing this key you go back to the previous screenshot

= by pressing this key you go to the next page

= by pressing this key you go to the previous page


1. Zoom on farm ambient

Path: Home>

See paragraph

> Index H. > Probes average

Displayed only if average temperature of sensors is activated

(see par. E.1.6)

> Index T.
Th e p erc eiv ed tem p e ratu re
(Index) is calculated according
to the temperature/ Relative
Hu mid ity co rr ela tio n t ab
uploaded by Qfarm Lab.
To activate Index mode
see par. E.

Displayed only if Index curve is loaded by Qlab.


2. Zoom on ventilation (Normal ventilation mode)

Path: Home> : when Ventilation is set to Normal mode this screenshot is displayed.

If Index is active
(see E. In Air exchanges On:
remaining time to end
of On.

In Air exchanges Off:

remaining time to end
of Off.

If Index is active and

the Humid climate
block is On
(see E.

See paragraph 2.C D.1 2.E 2.F G.2 H.1.1

Ventilation details

Step working Shows the working ventilation step.

Ventilation set Temperature set of ventilation: start up temperature of ventilation.

Variation set Variation set. It’s the variation in Set of temperature.

If different from 0.0° it means the set is conditioned. Press H to display.

Block status Active= one of blocks are activated. Press H to see which block is activated.

Current ventilation Type of ventilation which is currently working (Climate A or B). It’s displayed
only if a double ventilation option is activated and it shows which one.

0-10V Ventilation When using 0-10 V ventilation it shows the output value.

Dehumidification set %RH value over which Dehumidification is activated (see par. E.

Air exchange
Air exchange It shows if air-exchange mode is active (ON) or not (Off).

Air exchange step Shows the working air-exchange Step.

As standard Air exchange step 1 is working. When the Exchange rotation
option is selected the displayed step can be different.

% Air exchange It shows the % of ventilation time during Air exchange.

Air exchange time Duration of Air Exchanges. It sums up pause and working time.


2. Zoom on ventilation (M3/h ventilation mode)

Path: Home> : when Ventilation is set to M3/h/Kg mode this screenshot is displayed.

If Index is active
(see E.
Remaining time to
end of On.

Remaining time to
end of Off.

If Index is active and

the Humid climate
block is On
(see E.

See paragraph 2.C D.1 2.E 2.F G.2 H.1.1

Ventilation details

Step working Shows the working ventilation step.

Ventilation set Temperature set of ventilation: start up temperature of ventilation.

Variation set Variation set. It’s the variation in Set of temperature.
If different from 0.0° it means the set is conditioned. Press H to display.
Block status Active= one of blocks are activated. Press H to see which block is activated.

Current ventilation Type of ventilation which is currently working (Climate A or B).

Air exchange t shows if air-exchange mode is active (ON) or not (Off).

0-10V Ventilation When using 0-10 V ventilation it shows the output value.

Dehumidification set %RH value over which Dehumidification is activated (see par. E.

Air exchange

Given ventilation % of working ventilation referred to 100% of the installation.

Minimum calculation % of minimum ventilation according to M3/h/Kg calculation.

Given m3 Current M3/h given by the ventilation system.

System total m3 Total M3/h of air capacity in the ventilation system.

Females Number of females in the shed.

Weight of females Average daily weight of females.

Males Number of males in the shed.

Weight of males Average daily weight of males.

m3/h/Kg factor M3/h given by ventilation for each Kg of meat.


2.C Set diagrams

Path: Home> >


2.D Zoom on amperometric

Path: Home> >

2.F Zoom on Cooling / Humidification

Path: Home> >

See Ventilation zoom


See paragraph D.1 H.1.1


3. Zoom on flap
Path: Home>

See Ventilation zoom


Name of Flap

See paragraph
D.1 3.F G.2 H.1.1

Go to next page
(if number of Flaps is > than 8)

Pressure drop Outdoor/indoor static pressure difference as felt by the pressure sensor.

Pressure set Pressure set .

Variation set Variation set. It’s the variation in Set of temperature.

If different from 0P it means the set is conditioned. Press H to display.

Block status Active= one of blocks are activated. Press H to see which block is activated.


4. Zoom on ambient heating

Path: Home> : when heater is set to Ambient mode this screenshot is displayed.

See Ventilation zoom


Name of Heater

See paragraph 4.C D.1 4.E 4.F G.3 H.1.1

Go to next page
(if number of Heaters is > than 8)

Set reference Temperature set of the Ambient heating.

Variation set Variation set. It’s the variation in Set of temperature.

If different from 0.0° it means the set is conditioned. Press H to display.

Block st at us Active= one of blocks are activated. Press H to see which block is activated.

= Disabled ambient heater.

By disabling ambient heating you can disable the minimum temperature ambient alarm after an initial
period of start-up. When entering into the ambient heating screenshot, the exclusion is displayed
(also displayed in the Home page).

To enable the alarm, press .

key= Fan-jet screen viewing.


5. Zoom on modulating heating

Path: Home> : when heater is set to Modulation mode this screenshot is displayed.

Heat minimum 10%

Heat demand 23%

In the case of 0-10V

See Ventilation zoom modulating heating this
(2) screen appears

See paragraph 5.C D.1 G.3 H.1.1

Radiant heating set Temperature set of Radiant heating.

Variation set Variation set. It’s the variation in Set of temperature.

If different from 0.0° it means the set is conditioned. Press H to display.

Minimum alarm set Temperature set of Minimum alarm of Radiant Heating.

Heat demand Status of open-heat relay.

Cold demand Status of close-cold relay.

Block status Active= one of blocks are activated. Press H to see which block is activated.

= Disabled radiant heater.

By disabling radiant heating you can disable the minimum temperature ambient alarm after an initial
period of start-up. When entering into the ambient heating screenshot, the exclusion is displayed
(also displayed in the Home page).

To enable the alarm, press .


5. Zoom on spark heating

Path: Home> : when Radiant heater is set to Spark mode this screenshot is displayed.

See Ventilation zoom


See paragraph 4.C D.1 G.3 H.1.1

Radiant heating set Temperature set of Radiant Heating.

Variation set Variation set. It’s the variation in Set of temperature.

If different from 0.0° it means the set is conditioned. Press F to display.

Minimum alarm set Temperature set of Minimum alarm of Spark Heating.

Minimum Status of minimum heating.

Maximum Status of maximum heating.

Spark Status of sparking unit.

Block status Active= one of blocks are activated. Press H to see which block is activated.

= Disabled radiant heater.

By disabling radiant heating you can disable the minimum temperature ambient alarm after an initial
period of start-up. When entering into the ambient heating screenshot, the exclusion is displayed
(also displayed in the Home page).

To enable the alarm, press .


6. Zoom on animals accountancy

Path: Home>

See paragraph D.2 6.F G.4


7. Zoom on bird weighing

Path: Home>

% of weight
measurement in
the +/- 10% from
average weight

See paragraph D.4 G.4

Plate 1: graph of captures Plate 2: graph of captures

referred to last 10 days* referred to last 10 days*

* Appears only with Type of weight capture= Target (E.2.1.1.H.0)


8. Zoom on feeding
Path: Home>

Displays only the silos

Not displayed with
in the system
"Meal at will"
(not display ed with
volumetric control)

hours of current meal hours of current meal

% increase of feed in % increase of water in

current meal compared current meal compared
with yesterday meal at with yesterday meal at
same time same time

Beyond a certain value it

can be display ed in red
colour (see E>2>3>H>9)
See paragraph D.3 G.5

The following graphs are displayed:

Water consumption, today and yesterday distributed
Water/feed ratio, today and yesterday distributed

See paragraph D.3 G.5 H.2.1

Water % graphics Meal % graphics


9. Zoom on feed distribution

Path: Home>

Auger off

Auger on

Hopper full
Auger off
Meal either when the
whole Programmed
Hopper empty meal has b ee n
Auger on
distributed or when it’s
not Meal hours.

See paragraph D.3 H.2.2 G.5 H.2.1

0. Zoom on silos
Path: Home>

This icon is displayed

when silos is being

See paragraph
G.7 H.2.1

C. Alarm

C. Alarm
The icon displayed on top of key gives the situation of the alarm: that iocn is also displayed on the

high left corner in all others screenshots (with exception of icon ).

No alarm is running now. Alarm is anyway enabled.

Delay in alarm intervention: one or more alarms are activated.

After 1 min the current alarm will be activated.

Alarm is running now: one or more alarms are activated.

Alarm silenced (but ready to start again in case of new alarm conditions).

General alarm is excluded by external selector. The Qfarm alarm functionality is unchanged.
The fact that the external alarm circuit was shut off it’s displayed and recorded in the archives.
The alarm exclusion can be signaled by a buzzer (see par. E.> Buzzer alarm exclusion).

Internal battery voltage fault.

Warning: in this case proper functionning of program is not sure.

Path: Home> : is displayed the current Alarm Status.

Active Alarm

Silent Alarm

See paragraph c.D C.E C.F H.1.1

Alarm is ON:
Max 10 alarms are simultaneously displayed (for the complete list see par. G.1).

System failure is ON:

Max 10 system failure are simultaneously displayed (for the complete list see par. G.1).

Note: when alarm is Active it’s displayed and recorded and the alarm relay is activated.

when alarm is Silent it’s displayed and recorded but the alarm relay is not activated.

C. Alarm

C.D Silence alarm

Path: Home> Alarm> Silence

Using this procedure you can silence the current alarm: to confirm.

When the alarm is deactivated, homepage displays the icon.

Warning: this procedure only operates on the current alarm, future alarms will not be affected.

When a new alarm is activated the icon of the alarm key goes back to .

C.E Reactivate alarm

Path: Home> Alarm> Reactivate

Using this procedure you can reactivate the current alarm (the alarm would be reactivated should a new
alarm be triggered): to confirm.

C.F Restart feed system

Path: Home> Alarm> Restart

Using this procedure you can restart the feeding/water system following the activation of a stop feeding
alarm (see par. E.2.6): to confirm.

C. Alarm

C.H Alarm state

Path: Home> Alarm> Alarm state

* *


* *

* The status of alarm can be:

ON= the alarm is enabled and currently activated
Enabled= the alarm is enabled
Display= Alarm is silent (it’s displayed and recorded but the alarm relay is not activated).
Active or Silent modes are set in in par. Alarm (E.1.8 - E.2.7).

C. Alarm

C.H Alarm state

Path: Home> Alarm> Alarm state

* The status of alarm can be:

ON= the alarm is enabled and currently activated
Enabled= the alarm is enabled
Display= Alarm is silent (it’s displayed and recorded but the alarm relay is not activated).
Active or Silent modes are set in in par. Alarm (E.1.8 - E.2.7).

D. Settings

D. Settings
Path: Home> Settings

All the end-user parameter settings which are related to the system functionning are in this section
(from Settings you can directly access from any Zoom Screenshot).
You can directly go to setting from every Zoom screenshot by the key .

D. Settings

D.1 Climate
Path: Home> Settings> Climate


This screenshot is displayed whenever the Normal Ventilation has been activated.

Heating Temperature set of the heating system.

(Range: -30.0°...23.0°...50.0°)

Ventilation Temperature set of the starting ventilation.

(Range: -30.0°...25.0°...50.0°) Below this temperature the system ventilation using air exchange
(if activated).

Air exchange Minimum ventilation rate during step 0, programmed as a % of the

(Range: 0%...10%...100%) cycle duration.
I.e. when set at 10% with a cycle duration of 10 minutes the
ventilation during air-exchange will run 1 minute on and 9 minutes
off. If activated, the automatic calculation of the air-exchange %
will use this as the minimum % of air-exchange; as the ventilation
temperature changes, this % will be recalculated.

Minimum ventilation Minimum step of ventilation.

(Range: 0...16)

Maximum ventilation Maximum step of ventilation.

(Range: 0...16)

Once a calendar function is activated the “calendar activated” icon is displayed on the programming page

Example of Ventilation Set is input from calendar and

calendar activation it’s not editable in Setting

D. Settings


This screenshot is displayed whenever the M3/h/Kg Ventilation has been activated

Heating Temperature set of the heating system.

(Range: -30.0°...23.0°...50.0°)

Ventilation Temperature set of the starting ventilation.

(Range: -30.0°...25.0°...50.0°) Below this temperature the minimum air exchange is calculated
based upon m3/h/Kg.

Maximum ventilation Maximum st ep of vent ilat ion.

(Range: 0...16)

m3/h/Kg minimum ventilation Minimum ventilat ion in m 3 required per Kg/bird.

(Range: 0.10...0.90°...5.00) This parameter determines the calculation of minimum ventilation.

Once a calendar function is activated the “calendar activated” icon is displayed on the programming page

Example of Ventilation Set is input from calendar and

calendar activation it’s not editable in Setting

D. Settings

D.1.H Temporary change of ventilation set

Path: Home> Settings> Climate> Variation

Duration of change Duration of the temporary change. When set to 23:59 the change(s)
(Range: 0h.00m...23h.59m) will remain active until the next starting cycle is carried out (D.0).

‘Ventilation’ set change Variation of the ventilation set. If ‘Ventilation set’ (D.1.2) is set to
(Range: -5.0°...0.0°...5.0°) 25°, entering +1.0° will increase the operating ventilation set to 26°.

‘Heating’ set change Variation of the heating set. If ‘Heating set’ (D.1.1) is 23°, entering
(Range: -5.0°...0.0°...+5.0°) +1.0° will increase the operating heating set to 24°.

‘Air exchange’ set change Variation of the air exchange set (minimum ventilation in M3/hr/kg).
(Range: -50%...0%...+100%) The entered percentage change is a percentage of the current air
exchange setting.
Example, if ‘Air exchange’ (D.1.3) is set to 10%, entering a change
of +20% will increase the operating air exchange to 12%
It is possible to input a temporary change (negative or positive) in these sets for a prefixed timing.
After that the changed set will go back to initial value.
When the temporary change set is activated (by clicking on Active key) the remaining time of duration
of change will be displayed. By pressing the End key the change of set will be stopped.

D. Settings

D.2 Animal accounting (only if M3/h/Kg Ventilation or Feeding has been activated).

Path: Home> Settings> Animal accounting


Females dead today Number of dead females today.

(Range: -999999...0...999999)

Females culled today Females culled today for legs problems.

for legs problems The culled birds do not account as bird mortality.
(Range: -999999...0...999999)

Females culled today Females culled today for legs problems.

for other problems The culled birds do not account as bird mortality.
(Range: -999999...0...999999)

Females removed today Number of females removed today.

(Range: -999999...0...999999)

Females introduced today Number of females introduced today*.

(Range: -999999...0...999999)

... Same for Males.

The setting of the number of animals works in real time with the animals accountancy (the first entry
of the day value is = 0 and afterwards you will find the setting value previously entered, which can be
edited anytime): it’s archived on 24:00.
In case uncorrect numbers were entered during previous days of cycle, the program allows negative
numbers to be introduced as correction.
Once set the total number of animals at cycle start up (this step is made in the Starting cycle see par.
D.0) it’s important to set number the dead or removed animals on a daily basis so that the program can:

- In M3/h/Kg Ventilation, the minimum ventilation is calculated on the present number of animals.
- In Rationed Feeding distribute the exact amount of feed.
A change in the number of animals will automatically recalculate the feed to be distributed, even if
the meal is running.
In case extra animals were added, in order to adjourn the conversion you should add the feed which
has been previously consumed by these animals.
To do so see Special meal>Manual feed supply (see par. D.3.2.4).

D. Settings

D.2.F Eggs accounting

Percorso: Home> Imposta> Clima>> Eggs accounting

Eggs collected today type A Eggs collected today type A.
(Range: -999999...0...999999)

Eggs collected today type B Eggs collected today type B.

(Range: -999999...0...999999)

Eggs collected today type C Eggs collected today type C.

(Range: -999999...0...999999)

The setting of the number of eggs accounting in real time with the animals accountancy (the first
entry of the day value is = 0 and afterwards you will find the setting value previously entered, which
can be edited anytime): it’s archived on 24:00.

In case uncorrect numbers were entered during previous days of cycle, the program allows negative
numbers to be introduced as correction.

D. Settings

D.3 Feeding (only if Feeding has been activated).

Path: Home> Settings> Feeding

This screenshot is displayed whenever the Feeding has been activated.

D.3.1 Time clocks

Path: Home> Settings> Feeding> Time clocks

D. Settings

D.3.1.1 Meal times

Path: Home> Settings> Feeding> Time clocks> Meal times

continue untill
meal 15

You can program up to 15 daily meals (digit 'Separator' key to separate hours from minutes).
The first meal can go further 24:00: in this case, when the meal starts ‘day of cycle’ is increased by
one unit and it’s not possible to go back to the previous day.
Note: by setting a 00:00 period the following meal (if any) will not be executed.
If the setting of the period meal are contradictory, feed distribution will not take place and a ‘Wrong
time’ message will be displayed.

By pressing you enter in this programming page:

By this programming step you can give a different % of feed at each feed meal.
The sum of the active meals (in which a timing has been selected) must be 100% and should not contain
any 0%. On contrary case the program equally divide the % in equal % parts (in Zoom on feeding are
shown the % meal in use).

D. Settings

D.3.1.2 Light times

Path: Home> Settings> Feeding> Time clocks> Light times

continue untill
period 15

You can program up to 15 daily periods (digit 'Separator' key to separate hours from minutes).
The first period can go further 24:00.
Note: by setting a 00:00 period the following period (if any) will not be executed.
If the setting of the period hours are contradictory, period will not take place and a ‘Wrong time’
message will be displayed.

D. Settings

D.3.1.3 Water times

Path: Home> Imposta>Settings> Feeding> Time clocks> Water times

continue untill
period 15

You can program up to 15 daily periods (digit 'Separator' key to separate hours from minutes).
The first period can go further 24:00.
Note: by setting a 00:00 period the following period (if any) will not be executed.
If the setting of the period hours are contradictory, period will not take place and a ‘Wrong time’
message will be displayed.

% Water By this programming step you can give a different % of water at

(Range: 0....100%) each water meal. The sum of the active water meals (in which a
timing has been selected) must be 100% and should not contain
any 0%. On contrary case the program equally divide the % in equal
% parts (in Zoom on feeding are shown the % water meal in use).

Water/feed Daily water/feed ratio in distribution:

(Range: 0.00...99.99) arrived to this value the distribution of water is terminated *1.
Setting 0.00 the function is excluded.
Can be scheduled.
This intervention will not activate any alarm (for setting Minimum
and Maximum water/feed Alarm see par. E.2.6).

Note: the water/feed ratio is calculated in this way:

Water distributed in the current day (liters)

Scheduled feed (Male + Female) for the current day (Kg)*1

The distribution of water is never terminated, as the calculation of the water/feed ratio is coherent
only after a meal.

D. Settings

D.3.1.4 Timer 1 times (customizable by QLab)

Path: Home> Settings> Feeding> Time clocks> Timer 1 times

continue untill
period 15

You can program up to 15 daily periods (digit 'Separator' key to separate hours from minutes).
The first period can go further 24:00.
Note: by setting a 00:00 period the following period (if any) will not be executed.
If the setting of the period hours are contradictory, period will not take place and a ‘Wrong time’
message will be displayed.

D.3.1.5 Timer 2 times (customizable by QLab)

Path: Home> Settings> Feeding> Time clocks> Timer 1 times

Idem Timer 1

D. Settings

D.3.2 Special meal

Path: Home> Settings> Feeding> Special meal

D.3.2.1 First feed upload / Supplementary meal

Path: Home> Settings> Feeding> Special meal> First feed upload / Supplementary meal

Feed to be given You can enter the desired quantity of feed both before the cycle
(Range: 0kg...100000kg) starts and in the early days of the cycle (in the latter case the
running meal must have finished or the feeding curve of the day in
Gr/bird is = 0).
You can use this procedure to add feed to the end of the meal.
This extra feed is both accounted in feed consumptions and recorded
in Archive>Feeding>Supplementary meal.
After setting the Kg of feed to be given, press Enter to start the
Press Delete to stop the procedure, press Home to exit without
stop the procedure (it will continue until the distributed of the
programmed feed is over).

D.3.2.2 Variation of feed in the daily curve

Path: Home> Settings> Feeding> Special meal> % Variation of feed in the daily curve

% Meal Variation in % of distributed meal.

(Range: 80 %...100%...200%) The meal distribution can be changed as % of preset value.
This does not affect the original distribution curve and the variation
will affect all the following meals.
100% = meal is as per curve.
Less than 100% = meal reduction.
More than 100% = meal increase.
A new cycle will reset the % Meal to 100%.

D. Settings

D.3.2.3 Fixed meal from day.. to day..

Path: Home> Settings> Feeding> Special meal> Fixed meal from day.. to day..

You can fix the time window of the days in which the Gr/Bird to be distributed are fixed. In this period
the feed distribution is done disregarding the value set by the feeding calendar, so that the feed
quantity given is constant.

Start day of fixed meal This is the day when the program switches from the feed daily
(Range: 0...999) curve to the fixed meal.

End day of fixed meal This is the last day of the fixed meal.
(Range: 0...999) Afterwards the program goes back to the daily feed curve.

Gr/bird fixed meal Quantity of gr/bird given as fixed meal.

(Range: 0gr...9999gr) Setting 9999 gr distribution is given to will.

As standard setting the meal is 9999g (at will) from day 0 to day 200.
Change this setting to switch to the rationed meal according to growth curves (see par.D.5).
I.e if from day 20 you want to switch to rationed feed you have to set End day of fixed meal=19.

D.3.2.4 Manual feed amount

Path: Home> Settings> Feeding> Special meal> Manual feed amount

Feed manually distributed but has not been weighed in the silos.
The setting of Manual feed supply works in real time with the birds accountancy (the first entry of the
day value is = 0 and afterwards you will find the setting value previously entered, which can be edited
anytime): it’s archived on 24:00.
In case uncorrect numbers were entered during previous days of cycle, the program allows negative
numbers to be introduced as correction.

Manual feed supply Amount of feed manually distributed that has not been weighed in the silos.
(Range: -32000kg...0kg...32000kg) This amount is added to the total amount of feed distributed during the day.
This setting operates in real time, at the begining of the day will be reset
o 0, during the day the figures entered will be added together and the total
for today will be shown.
If incorrect data of previous day were entered it is possible to enter negative
data to correct the error.
Consumption is recorded and stored in Archive>Feeding>Manual feed supply
(see par. G.5).

D. Settings

D.3.2.5 Medicated water

Path: Home> Settings> Feeding> Special meal> Medicated water

Programming the quantity of medicated water to be distributed (if any).

Medicated water to be given Quantity of water to be dosed into the medicated water tank (this is
(Range: 0Lt...10000Lt) included in the water consumption).
Enter the number of litres to be dosed then press the Enter key.
Press Delete to stop the procedure, press Home to exit without stop
the procedure (it will continue until the water tank is empty).

Medicated working:
when starting the medication mode, the Water line valve will be closed and the Fill Medication tank
valve is kept open until the tank has reached the required level.
The starting of water pump to download the tank (Empty medication tank) will be operated according
to the settings in Medication mode (see par. E.2.3):
0= the download water pump starts as soon as the medicated water level has been reached in the tank.
1= the download water pump starts 1 minute after the upload of water into the tank has been started.

The water pump works until is switched off by the tank level sensor* (Water tank empty sensor
contact) then the pump is switched off and the Water line valve is opened again.

* At pump start up (Empty medication tank) the intervention of the tank level sensor (Water tank
empty sensor contact) is delayed by 2 minutes to avoid system fluctuations.

D.3.2.6 Fast period programming

Path: Home> Settings> Feeding> Special meal> Fast period programming

You program the day of cycle and the time you want to start the fast.

Hour of start fast Hour of start fast (00:00 = not active).

(Range: 0h.00m...23h.59m)

Day of month of start fast Day of the current month you want to start fast.
(Range: 1...31)

Month of start fast Month you want to start fast.

(Range: 1...12)

At fast start up, silos spyral and feeding lines are switched off. Lights are switched on (if required).
Water is turned on (during off hours). After some time feeding line can be started on again for some
time to empty the system (see par. E.2.3 Off timer mangers in fast - On timer mangers in fast).
The fast activated mode is given by the ALARM key being on. You go out from fast following the
Restart feed system procedure (see par. C.F). At that moment the daily meal is being distributed
(if in meal hours) otherwise meal will not be distributed anymore (in this case meal can be manually
distributed according to the First feed upload/Supplementary meal, see par. D.3.2.1 procedure).
When Hour of start fast = 00:00 fast is not performed. When fast is over the Hour of start fast is
automatically set to 00:00. A new cycle will reset these values.

D. Settings

D.3.3 K recording
Path: Home> Settings> Feeding> K recording

Active only in a volumetric feed distribution system (no Silo’s load cells in the system).

K calculation procedure (start) Press Enter to run the feed auger for 30 seconds, collect the feed
(Range: 30”) in a container and weigh it.
ATTENTION: whilst the auger is running the hopper limit switch is

After 30” this screenshot is displayed:

K calculation procedure (end) Enter the weight, in kilos, of feed the auger moved during the 30
(Range: 0.0kg...5.0Kg...300.0kg) second run time. Based upon this setting the feed distribution
system converts the auger running time into kilos of feed distributed
to the birds.

By activating this procedure the feed distribution will be stopped (if it’s on); by pressing Enter it starts
for 30 sec then stops and the next screenshot is displayed (the one where you set the Kg of feed
downloaded in 30 sec) then by pressing Enter the distribution starts again (if it has to).
The input value of KG is archived in par. E.2.2.2 (and can also be directly entered).
During the auger working the hopper limit switch input is NOT ACTIVE !
Always check hopper is not already full.

D.3.4 Silos upload

Path: Home> Settings> Feeding> Silos upload

Active only in a volumetric feed distribution system (no Silo’s load cells in the system): by this procedure
you can manually record the silos uploads, so they can be archived (Archive>Upload>Silos).
When silos have load cells the silos uploaded is automatically handled, recorded and archived.

Silo upload Weight of feed loaded in the silo. Using this procedure you can
(Range: 0kg...32000kg) manually enter the amount of feed loaded into the silo, so they can
be archived (Archive>Upload Silos).

D. Settings

D.4 Bird weighing (only if Bird weighing has been activated).

Path: Home> Settings> Bird weighing

In case of Type of weight capture= Automatic (E.2.1.1.H.0) the following settings will be displayed:

Plate 1 capture weight Average daily weight of birds.

(Range: 0gr...42gr...50000gr) The program automatically updates this value based upon the
averages weight of the previous period. This daily value can be
adjusted to change the average capture weight.

Plate 2 capture weight Average daily weight of birds.

(Range: 0gr...42gr...50000gr) The program automatically updates this value based upon the
averages weight of the previous period. This daily value can be
adjusted to change the average capture weight.

In case of Type of weight capture= Target (E.2.1.1.H.0) the following settings will be displayed:

Plate 1 target weight variation In case growth is not according to the target weight as programmed
(Range: -80%...0%...80%) in the calendar (Home>D>5>1>E>2-3), this % discrepancy enables
to correct the capture weight without having to correct the growth

Plate 2 target weight variation In case growth is not according to the target weight as programmed
(Range: -80%...0%...80%) in the calendar (Home>D>5>1>E>2-3), this % discrepancy enables
to correct the capture weight without having to correct the growth

In case of cycle with females + males, when all females are taken away the program will automatically
switch to the Male cycle and the Females weighing plate will became the 2nd Male: the bird weighing
unit which was set on Females starts weighing Males from the beginning of the next day (for this step
the actual capture Male weight is automatically copied on the new bird weigh unit).

D. Settings

D.5 Calendar
Path: Home> Settings> Calendar curves

Qfarm allows to calendarize the following settings:

CLIMATE= Heating, Ventilation, Exchange air, Dehumidification, m3/h/kg.

FEEDING= Females target weight, Males target weight, Females Gr/bird feed,Males Gr/bird feed,
Water/feed, Maximum luminosity %.

The calendar program works in a way that allows to input data on several points (up to 20) which
represent the days of live of animals.
The curve is then automatically calculated by adjacent points by linear interpolation.

To activate the CLIMATE section of calendar (Heating, Ventilation, etc) see par. D.5.2.
The FEEDING section of calendar is always active. Unless the fixed meal is activated, see par. D.3.2.3.
In this case by de-activating the fixed meal, the calendar is automatically activated.

D. Settings

D.5.1 Calendar curves setting

Path: Home> Settings> Calendar> Calendar curves setting

graphic curves By pressing you go to next
step (continue to point 19)
By pressing you go
to Feeding curve

graphic curves By pressing you go to next
step (continue to point 19)
By pressing you returns
to Climate curve

To activate the CLIMATE section of calendar (Heating, Ventilation, etc) see par. D.5.2.
The FEEDING section of calendar is always active. Unless the fixed meal is activated, see par. D.3.2.3.
In this case by de-activating the fixed meal, the calendar is automatically activated.

D. Settings


Age of birds *1 Day of life of bird at this point of the growth curve.
(Range: 0...999) Cannot be changed (=0) at point zero of curve.

Heating Heating set at this point of the growth curve.

(Range: -30.0°...30.0°...50.0°)

Ventilation Ventilation set at this point of the growth curve.

(Range: -30.0°...32.0°...50.0°)

Air exchange Air exchange set at this point of the growth curve.
(Range: 0%...3%...100%)

Dehumidification*2 Dehumidification set at this point of the growth curve.

(Range: 0%...80 %...100%)

m3/h/Kg minimum ventilation m3/h/kg set at this point of the growth curve.
(Range: 0.10...0.90°...5.00)

Last point of curve If YES, beyond this day, all the values at this point are
(Range: No...Yes) kept constant for the remaining days.
It's not present at point zero of curve.


Age of birds *1 Day of life of bird at this point of the growth curve.
(Range: 0...999) Cannot be changed (=0) at point zero of curve.

Females target weight Females target weight at this point of the growth curve.
(Range: 0gr...42gr...50000gr)

Males target weight Males target weight at this point of the growth curve..
(Range: 0gr...42gr...50000gr)

Females Gr/bird feed Females feed quantity, in grams/bird, at this point of the growth
(Range: 0gr...9gr...50000gr) curve*3.

Males Gr/bird feed Males feed quantity, in grams/bird, at this point of the growth
(Range: 0gr...9gr...50000gr) curve*3.

Water/feed ratio Water/feed ratio at this point of the growth curve*4.

(Range: 0.00...99.99)

Maximum luminosity % (FFU) Maximum luminosity % at this point of the growth curve.
(Range: 0%...100%)

Last point of curve? If YES, beyond this day, all the values at this point are
(Range: No...Yes)
*1 kept constant for the remaining days.
It's not present at point zero of curve.

These settings can be set either on the Climate page or on the Feeding page (their value will be copied
from one setting page to the other).
See par. E.
By setting 9999 the feed distribution is given at will until the first day when the value is different
from 9999 (rationed feed).
By setting 0.00 the water distribution is given at will (water will be distributed without limitation at
set time).

D. Settings

D.5.2 Curve activation

Path: Home> Settings> Calendar> Calendar curves activation

Heating curve Heating curve status.

(Range: No...Yes) No = Curve not active
Yes = Curve active

Ventilation curve Ventilation curve status.

(Range: No...Yes) No = Curve not active
Yes = Curve active

Air-exchange curve Air-exchange curve status.

(Range: No...Yes) No = Curve not active
Yes = Curve active

Dehumidification curve Dehumidification curve status.

(Range: No...Yes) No = Curve not active
Yes = Curve active

m3/h/Kg rate curve m3/h/Kg curve status.

(Range: No...Yes) No = Curve not active
Yes = Curve active

Water/feed rate curve Water/feed curve status.

(Range: No...Yes) No = Curve not active
Yes = Curve active

Maximum luminosity % (FFU) Water/feed curve status.

(Range: No...Yes) No = Curve not active
Yes = Curve active
The CLIMATE CURVES calendar (and the Water/feed - Maximum luminosity % calendar curve -) need
to be activated in order to be input.
The FEEDING CURVES calendar (except the Water/feed calendar curve) is always active.
Unless the fixed meal is activated, see par. D.3.2.3. In this case by de-activating the fixed meal, the
calendar is automatically activated.

Once a calendar function is activated the “calendar activated” icon is displayed on the programming page
Example of Ventilation Set is input from calendar and
calendar activation it’s not editable in Setting

D. Settings

The change of the set of the Heating implies changes in other settings related to this set, according to
the following scheme:


When this parameter has a Continue
01 01 01 16 MINIMUM HEAT
negative value, it’s deducted until to
Alarm Alarm Alarm
from the Heating set.
It’s valid for all relative sets
Minimum Minimum Minima
relative set relative set set relativo
(Ambient) (Ambient) (Cappe)
01 Heating
Continue relative set
until to 16 Heating
relative set
relative set
Set referred to the Heating set programmed in Settings>Climate
Heating This Set can be set by Calendar
Heating indoor temperature
of the relative probe

The change of the set of the Ventilation implies changes in other settings related to this set, according
to the following scheme:

When this parameter has a

FLAP Continue until to FLAP
negative value, it’s deducted 01 16
from the Ventilation set.
It’s valid for all relative sets

01 Flap
Continue relative set
until to 16 Flap
relative set
Flap temperature
of the relative probe


Continua fino a..
0 1 2 16

Step 1 Step 2 Step 16

relative set relative set relative set

Set referred to the Ventilation set programmed in Settings>Climate

This Set can be set by Calendar
Ventilation temperature probe

D. Settings

D.0 Starting cycle

Path: Home> Settings> Starting cycle

Pressing Enter will start a new cycle and delete all information from the previous cycle!
Cycle must be started up in order to enable the feed distribution and bird weighing functions!

Important: At the beginning of a new cycle, the program automatically performs the following operations:
- resetting of all filings relevant to the previous cycle.
- recording of the weight of the silos (filed as Silos upload see par. G.7).

Pressing you go out without confirming the start up of cycle

Pressing you display the initial setting data of current cycle
Pressing you get in the screenshot of pre-start up of cycle (see next paragraph)
Pressing you confirm the start up of cycle and get in the next page screenshot.

D. Settings

Once the start up of cycle has been confirmed the screen will display this:

Age of birds Age of the birds, in days, introduced at the start of the cycle.
(Range: 0...999)

Number of females Number of females (if any) at cycle start up*.

(Range: -999999...0...999999)

Number of males Number of males (if any) at cycle start up*.

(Range: -999999...0...999999)

Weight of females Average weight, of female birds, at the start of the cycle.
(Range: 0gr...42gr...50000gr)

Weight of males Average weight, of male birds, at the start of the cycle.
(Range: 0gr...42gr...50000gr)

First meal distribution Kg of feed distributed before the start up of cycle.

(Range: 0...100000) When using the pre-start up of cycle (see next paragraph) the feed
distributed before the animals incoming is automatically displayed.
In any case this value can be input and edited.

When cycle is started with "Mixed birds" (males + females are not separated) and 2 weighing plates
are installed, you must input a number of males and a number of female birds, even if the real number
is unknown. Just make sure the total number of birds is correct.
To set scales for "Mix" working as above see E.2.1.1.H.0 (Type of weight capture= Target).

D. Settings

D.0.F Pre-starting cycle

Path: Home> Settings> Starting cycle> Pre-start

To get out without To confirm the

pre-start of cycle pre-start of cycle

Pre-starting cycle.
You can start the cycle before the incoming of animals so you can get implement the following functions:

- Pre-heating of ambient. The Heating is enabled: the working set is the one input in Heating,
(see par. D.1) this is not the one of the calendar, which (if activated) is operational at cycle start up only.
During this phase only the heating is working (Ventilation is off).

- First supply of feed as per procedure described in Settings>Feeding>Special meal>First feed upload
(par. D.3.2.1), the mangers can be filled up.

When Pre-starting cycle is running will be displayed on the right upper corner of
the screen.

Then, when the birds are incoming into the shed you should perform a Starting cycle procedure (see
previous paragraph*) the Kg of feed previously distributed are displayed in the settings First meal
distribution (this amount can also be edited).
The working time of the heating system and the total quantiy of feed which was distributed during the
pre-start of cycle are accounted in the data of the first day of cycle.

*Getting into the pre-start of cycle (see previous paragraph) will activate the display of the following
page, to remind the pre-start is running.

E. Installation

E. Installation
Path: Home> Installation

E.1 Climate
Path: Home> Installation> Climate

E. Installation - Heating

E.1.1 Heating installation parameters

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Heating

According to what was set by Qfarm Lab, the Qfarm can control:

- 16 ON-OFF or 0-10V heaters (also a combination of them up to 8 heaters).

- 4 fan-jet destratificators
- 1 Modulant Output radiant heater or 1 x two stages automatic ignition radiant heater or 1 x 0-10V.

The Temperature Settings of the Heating (marked with Heating x relative set) refer to the set Heating
programmed in Settings > Climate (par. D.1): when changing the main function set (Heating), the
sub-functions change accordingly. This Set can be set by Calendar (par. D.5.1).
For example with a set Heating= 20.0° and a Heating 1 relative set = 1.0° the set of temperature
working of the Heating 1 will be of 21.0° (20.0° + 1.0°).


When this parameter has a Continue
01 01 01 16 MINIMUM HEAT
negative value, it’s deducted until to
Alarm Alarm Alarm
from the Heating set.
It’s valid for all relative sets
Minimum Minimum Minima
relative set relative set set relativo
(Ambient) (Ambient) (Cappe)
01 Heating
Continue relative set
until to 16 Heating
relative set
relative set
Set referred to the Heating set programmed in Settings>Climate
Heating This Set can be set by Calendar (see par. D.5.1).
Heating indoor temperature
of the relative probe

*In case of Heat Index control is the temperature as felt by the animals (see Index par. E.

Influence of Blocks on Heating operation.

Normal Heating’s working can be influenced by some block condition (par. E.1.1.4).
The intervention of those blocks is visualized in Zoom on heating and in Climate blocks (par. H.1.1).

E. Installation - Heating

E.1.1.1 Ambient
Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Heating> Ambient

These parameters refer to the functioning sets of Ambient Heating.

01 (Heating*) Temperature set of Heating 1 referred to the Set Heating

relative set programmed in Settings>Climate (par. D.1).
(Range: -30.0°...0.0°...30.0°)

Continue until to..

Temperature set of Heating 16 referred to the Set Heating
16 (Heating*) programmed in Settings>Climate (par. D.1).
relative set
(Range: -30.0°...0.0°...30.0°)

Type of action Ambient heating:

Type of action Normal = On-Off functioning
(Range: Normale...Derivativo) Derivative = Derivative On-Off functioning.

Temperature differential
Heating differential (only for Normal functioning).
(Range: 0.0°...0.2°...30.0°)

Derivative Heating derivative

(Range: 0.0°...0.2°...30.0°) (only for Derivative functioning).

Derivative proportional
(Range: 0.0°...0.2°...30.0°) Heating proportional
(only for Derivative functioning).
0-10V proportional
(Range: 0.0°...0.2°...30.0°) 0-10V heating proportional
(only for 0-10 V functioning).

The name of the heaters can be customized (using the software Qfarm Lab).

For the minimum temperature alarm setting see Alarm> Heating> Ambient (par. E.

E. Installation - Heating

ON-OFF HEATING MODE (with functioning = Normal)

ON differential


OFF Heating 1 probe


Set referred to the Heating set programmed

01 Heating relative set
in Settings>Climate (par.D.1)

- Heating = 28.0° (programmed in Settings>Climate par.D.1)
- 01 Heating relative set = 1.0°
- Differential = 0.2°
As per the above settings the heater starts at 29.0° (28.0+1.0) and stops at 29.2° (28.0+1.0+0.2).
Same as 02 Heating ... 16, but referred to the set 02 Heating relative set ... 16 Heating relative set.

DERIVATIVE HEATING MODE (with functioning = Derivative)

Heating 1 probe temperature

Heating 1 probe temperature

Set referred to the Heating set programmed
01 Heating relative set
in Settings>Climate (par.D.1)

0.2° Hysteresis






0.2° Hysteresis

In the derivative mode the heating working pattern is according to the indoor temperature trend.
We suggest the following setting:
Derivative proportional = 1.0°
Derivative = 0.2°
Same as 02 Heating ... 16, but referred to the set 02 Heating relative set ... 16 Heating relative set.


0-10V proportional



0-10v output computated

with 0,1V resolution. 0V 0V Heating 1 probe

Set referred to the Heating set programmed

in Settings>Climate (par.D.1)
01 Heating relative set

Same as 02 Heating ... 16, but referred to the set 02 Heating relative set ... 16 Heating relative set.

E. Installation - Heating

E.1.1.2 Radiant heaters

Path: Home> Install> Climate> Heating> Radiant heaters

E. Modulating heaters

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Heating> Radiant heaters> Modulating heaters

These parameters refer to the working sets of Heating by Radiant Modulating.

Radiant relative set Temperature set of Radiant heating referred to the Set Heating
(Range: -30.0°...0.0°...30.0°) programmed in Settings>Climate (par. D.1).

On time warm Working time in the Warm band.

(Range: 0.0”...1.0”...900.0”)

On time cold Working time in the Cold band.

(Range: 0.0”...1.0”...900.0”)

Maximum off time Maximum Off time.

(Range: 0.0”...60.0”...900.0”)

Neutral band Neutral band.

(Range: 0.0°...0.2°...30.0°)

Warm modulation band Extension in ° of the Warm modulation band.

(Range: 0.0°...5.0°...30.0°)

Cold modulation band Extension in ° of the Cold modulation band.

(Range: 0.0°...5.0°...30.0°)

0-10V Minimum 0-10V heating minimum % (only for 0-10V functioning).

(Range: 0%...100%)

0-10V Proportional 0-10V heating proportional (only for 0-10V functioning).

(Range: 0.0°...5.0°...30.0°)

0-10V Delay movement Delay when actioning 0-10V applied to any 1% step
(Range: 0.0”...1.0”...10.0”) (only for 0-10V functioning).

For the minimum temperature alarm setting see Alarm> Heating> Radiant (par. E.

E. Installation - Heating


Warm modulation band Neutral Cold modulation band

On Off On Off On Off On On Off On Off On Off On

Set referred to the Heating set

Radiant relative set programmed in Settings>Climate

100% 100%
OFF time calculation *

OFF time calculation *

90% 90%
80% 80%
70% 70%
60% MODUL. 60%
50% HEATING 50%
40% 40%
30% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%

ti.On ti.On

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Warm modulation band Cold modulation band

Radiant heater
probe temperature

When the system works in Floating proportional mode, the On working time is fixed, where as the
OFF time starts from a maximum value (Maximum off time) and it is gradually reduced according to
the cold and hot band width (Warm modulation band and Cold modulation band).
Example: in the middle of the Hot band (Warm modulation band), OFF time is 50% of Maximum off time.
The minimum OFF time is never below the ON time.
When in the neutral band (Neutral Band) the system is OFF.
Beyond the Warm modulation band and Cold modulation band the system is always ON.


0-10V Proportional
5,0V Minimum % controlled
by 0-10V Minimum

0-10v output computated

with 0,1V resolution. 0V *1 0V Radiant heater
probe temperature

Set referred to the Heating set programmed in

Settings>Climate Radiant relative set

Minimum opening according to 0-10V Minimum.

0-10 increasing and/or decreasing working is delayed by 0-10V Delay movement for any 1% step.
I.e. when setting 0-10V Delay movement = 1.0" 100 secs are necessary to go from 0% to 100% of

E. Installation - Heating

E. Sparking heaters

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Heating> Radiant heaters> Sparking heaters

These parameters refer to the working sets of Heating by Radiant spark ignition.

Radiant relative set Temperature set of Radiant heater referred to the set Heating
(Range: -30.0°...0.0°...30.0°) programmed in Settings>Climate (par. D.1).

Maximum delta Maximum flame differential.

(Range: 0.0°...0.5°...30.0°)

Minimum delta Minimum flame differential.

(Range: 0.0°...1.0°...30.0°)

Spark waiting time Time to be waited before the ignition starts.

(Range: 0.0”...15.0”...900.0”)

Spark ignition time Time of duration of ignition spark.


Type of minimum valve N.O valve (valve opens when the power is off).
(Range: N.O...N.C.) N.C valve (valve closes when power is off).

Minimum flame block No = block is not active: heaters will be shut off as soon as
(Range: No...Yes) required temperature is reached.
Yes = block is active: heaters will be kept to minimum as soon
as required temperature is reached (heaters are always
kept on).

For the minimum temperature alarm setting see Alarm>Radiant (par. E.

Maximum delta

Minimum delta

OFF Radiant heater
probe temperature

Set referred to the Heating set

Radiant relative set programmed in Settings>Climate

The heating start up will be at the preset start up temperature (Heating+Radiant relative set): the
MAXIMUM and MINIMUM valves are being opened and the system is kept in stand-by for the
Spark waiting time*, after the ignition starts. Ignition lasts as long as the Spark ignition time.
If temperature increases by the Maximum delta value, the MAXIMUM is switched off while the MINIMUM
value is kept on. MINIMUM will be switched off if the temperature will increase by the Minimum delta
value (unless Minimum flame Block= Yes, in this case MINIMUM flame is always kept on).

* The stand-by time at start-up (MAXIMUM valve is kep on for a while, typically 15 secs) in order to
put gas pipeline in pressure (as long as the spark is not on, the safety device of heaters does not
supply gas) after that the spark time starts (typically it lasts for 45 secs).

E. Installation - Heating

E.1.1.3 Fan-jet
Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Heating> Fan-jet

These parameters refer to the functioning sets of Fan-jet.

Delta temperature Set of temperature range between high and low Fan-jet temperature
(Range: 0.0°...1.0°...30.0°) sensors.

Temperature band Fan-jet temperture band

(Range: 0.0°...0.5°...30.0°)

Working time Fan-jet working time.

(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s)

Waiting time Fan-jet waiting time.

(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s)

% 0-10V Minimum ventilation % 0-10V Minimum ventilation

(Range: 0%...10 %...100%)

Switch off during on ventilation Fan-jet is switched off during the ON ventilation period.
(Range: No...Yes)

Temperature band

FAN-JET * Controlled by
Working time and waiting time and from
ON-OFF Ventilation On with
Switch off during on ventilation= Yes

OFF High probe temperature -

Low probe temperature
Delta temperature
Temperature band

* Controlled by
Ventilation On with
FAN-JET Switch off during on ventilation= Yes

% 0-10V 0-10V
Minimum vent. High probe temperature -
Low probe temperature

Fan-jets work this way:

1> On-Off working mode.

The 2 temperature probes (high sensor - low sensor) deifine the Delta temperature.
Beyond the preset Delta temperature value the fan-jet is working to be switched off when
temperature goes below the Temperature band.
Working mode can be set by timer (Working time - Waiting time).
Fan-jets can be switched off when ventilation is On (Switch off during on ventilation).

2> 0-10V working mode.

The 2 temperature probes (high sensor - low sensor) define the Delta temperature.
Beyond the preset Delta temperature value the fan-jet is started at % 0-10V minimum ventilation.
Fan-jets can be switched of ventilation is On (Switch off during on ventilation).

E. Installation - Heating

E.1.1.4 Conditionings (Heating)

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Heating> Conditionings

Normal heating functioning can be influenced by some block condition.

The intervention of those blocks is visualized in Zoom on heating and in Climate blocks (par. H.1.1).

E. Night time heating settings

Path: Home> Install> Climate> Heating> Conditionings> Night time heating setting

By this conditioning you can adjust the night time Heating set of temperature. As option you can also
change the nightime Ventilation set of temperature (par. E. Conditioning Ventilation).

Night start time Time when the night time period starts.
(Range: 0h.00m...23.h59 m)

Night end time Time when the night time period ends.
(Range: 0h.00m...23.h59 m)

Night time set variation Variation of the Heating setting during the night time period (+ or -).
(Range: -30.0°...0.0°...30.0°)

Note: when setting 00:00 as start and end time, night ventilation range is excluded.

E. Installation - Heating

E. Increase for humidity

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Heating> Conditionings> Increase for humidity

If outdoor and indoor humidity probe is connected, the dehumidification can be influenced by the
Outdoor - Indoor RH difference so when the outdoor climate is dry (compared with indoor conditions)
dehumidification works by increasing the ventilation rate (see par. E.; when the outdoor climate
is humid (compared with indoor conditions) dehumidification works by operating the on-off heating.

Humidity delta Dry climate = the Ambient %RH is higher than the Maximum indoor
Indoor/Outdoor humidity ( see par. E. and the difference between indoor and
(Range: 0%...100%) outdoor %RH is higher than the Humidity delta Ind/Outd value.
In this case dehumidification starts by reducing the Ventilation Set
(ventilation is increased).
Humid climate = the Ambient %RH is higher than the Maximum indoor
humidity ( see par. E. and the difference between indoor and
outdoor %RH is lower than the Humidity delta Ind/Outd value.
In this case dehumidification starts by increasing the Heating Set
(ventilation is not increased).
Humidity delta Ind/Outd =0 the de-humidification by heating is disabled.

Heating set increase Increase of the Heating Set temperature (par. D.1) for every 1% increase
(Range: 0.0°...30.0°) of indoor humidity above the Max indoor humidity (par. E.

Maximum set increase Maximum increase of the Heating Set (par. D.1) for de-humidification.
(Range: 0.0°...2.0°...30.0°)

In case the system is working in “Ventilation by Index” mode (par. E. and with humid outdoor
conditions the ventilation works according to the reading of the ambient indoor temperature (the
“perceived temperature” reading is automatically excluded). Dehumidification is performed by increasing
the Heating Set (if linked to Index according to par. E.

ON fixed=2%


Ventilation Set Heating Set
Increasing Decreasing

Delta humidity Indoor /Outdoor

Humidity delta

For every 1% of RH in excess after the Block is activated (Maximum indoor humidity par. E.,
the temperature Set of the Heating is increased of the value set in Heating set increase until a maximum
value set in Maximum set increase.

* Increase of Heating set controlled by

Heating Maximum set increase and Humidity delta

OFF Indoor humidity

Max indoor humidity

E. Installation - Heating

Example with Delta RH = 15% Dehumidification is done by heating up to a difference of 15%, beyond
this value the heating is not working but the Ventilation set is being reduced so air changes are

For example with set:

Heating = 22.0° (par. C.1)

Maximum indoor humidity = 70% (par. E.
Heating set increase = 0.2°
Maximum set increase = 2.0°

Below 70% of indoor humidity (Maximum indoor humidity) the temperature set of ambient Heating
will be 22.0°, at 70% of indoor humidity will be 22.2° (22.0°+0.2°= 22.2°), due to increase of 0.2°
(Heating set increase) for every extra 1% of ambient humidity, up to a maximum increase of 2.0°
(Maximum set increase) which will bring temperature set of ambient Heating= 24.0° at 79% of indoor

If the difference in %RH (Indoor/Outdoor) goes back to be more than 15% the increase in the Heating
Set is not used anymore but at its place the Ventilation Set is being reduced (in case the system is
working in INDEX mode, the Index functionning is reactivated).

E. Decrease for humidity / Stop for Ventilation

Path: Home> Install> Climate> Heating> Conditionings> Decrease for humidity / Stop for....

Off heating By this conditioning the air heating (not the spark heating) is switched
(Range: No ...Yes) off whenever the Ventilation is switched on.

No = not operational.
Yes = when Ventilation is on (both Air changes and Ventilation), Ambient
Heating is switched off.
Attention: do not set this function when ventilation is in M3/h
mode. If so heating will not operate.

Heating set decrease No = No reduction in the Heating Set

(Range: No ...Yes)
Yes = the Heating set is reduced to the same amount of the Ventilation
Set, as computed by the function Increase ventilation based on indoor
humidity (see par. E. and Increase ventilation based on indoor
C02/NH3 (see par. E.

E. Installation - Flap

E.1.2 Flap installation parameters

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap

According to what was set by PC, the Qfarm can control up to 16 Flaps according to following typical

Dynamic ventilation systems:

- Proportional according to ventilation steps (while increasing ventilation, air inlet open proportionally)
with potentiometer or with 0-10V output.
- Pressure drop (thru the DP59/W pressure drop control module).
- Pressure drop + potentiometer to align air inlets to same degree of opening (thru the
pressure drop control module + potentiometer).
- Delta T= depressiometer with potentiometer alignment of the flaps and with zone temperature probe
(the Flap is controlled by the depressiometer and the temperature probe acts if, between two or more
Flaps, the temperature difference exceeds a certain value of Delta t).

In Natural ventilation systems:

- Floating or Derivative (no potentiometer)
- Proportional (by potentiometer or by 0 -10V)
- Aligned (with flaps feedback potentiometer): it allows to align this flap to another flap controlled by

- Flap is closed in normal working conditions. It opens up only as emergency unit (par. E.1.8.8).

Influence of Blocks on Flaps operation.

Normal Flap’s working can be influenced by some block condition (par. E.1.2.5).
The intervention of those blocks is visualized in Zoom on flap and in Climate blocks (par. H.1.1).

E. Installation - Flap

E.1.2.1 Depressiometer
Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Depressiometer

When the flap is set to be controlled by pressure sensor, the flap position is set to give the required
negative pressure of the system (measured by the DP59/W unit).
The system can be operated in 2 ways:
a- according to the start/stop cycle of the flap gearmotor
b- by feedback potentiomenter. This is suitable when system has 2 flaps or more to be kept aligned.
In this case the flaps operate according to an advance percentage.
c- as b, but it also gives the control of temperature of the zone so to give max Delta T from different

Air pressure set Sets the ambient operating pressure (Pascal).

(Range: 0P...20 P...300P)

Neutral band No Flap action neutral band.

(Range: 0P...6P...300P)

Working time Flap working time.

(Range: 0.0”...2.0”...900.0”)

Waiting time Flap waiting time.

(Range: 0.0”...5.0”...900.0”)

Progress % flap movement: when the flap is fitted with a potentiometer the
(Range: 0%...3%...100%) flap will move this % after each Waiting time (only with Flap with

Minimum opening % Flap minimum opening with (only with Flap with potentiometer).
(Range: 0%...100%)

Minimum opening operation Always = Minimum opening position is always in use.

(Range: Always...Off-Step 0)
Off-Step 0 = during OFF ventilation in step 0 (in Air exchanges) the
flap is closed (unless there is a request to open by pressure sensor).
Pressure adjust Pressure readout correction (+ or -).
(Range: -5P...0P...5 P)

1 Pascal 1 Pascal
ON * ON *



1/2 Neutral band 1/2 Neutral band

Pressure set
Air depression

* Depressiometer Flap=
controlled by Waiting Time and Working Time.
Depressiometer Flap with potentiometer=
controlled by Waiting Time - Progress - Minimum opening.
Delta T= depressiometer with potentiometer + temperature probe=
conditioned by: Waiting Time - Progress - Minimum opening - and by the Delta. T conditionings
(see E.
When set Flap aligned (with feedback potentiometer) the flap will be aligned to the reference flap
(as per Qfarm Lab settings).

E. Installation - Flap

E.1.2.2 Associative %
Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Associative %

Associative (A)
Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Associative %> Associative (A)

With set the Associative Flap working the Flap associative A is positioned to the various % of opening
according to the step of ventilation inserted (with feedback potentiometer).

Step 0 flap position % position Flap associative A at 0 ventilation Step.

(Range: 0%...100%)

Step 1 flap position % position Flap associative A at 1 ventilation Step.

(Range: 5%...100%)

Step 2 flap position % position Flap associative A at 2 ventilation Step.

(Range: 10 %...100%)

Step 3 flap position % position Flap associative A at 3 ventilation Step.

(Range: 15 %...100%)

Continue until to..

Step 16 flap position % position Flap associative A at 16 ventilation Step.

(Range: 0%...100%)

% Flap A Step0 Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 Step5 Step6 Step7 Step8 Step9 Step16
posit. posit. posit. posit. posit. posit. posit. posit. posit. posit. posit.

Step 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 until to.. 16

E. Associative (B)

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Associative %> Associative (B)

Same for Associative A but referred to Associative B.

E. Associative (C)

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Associative %> Associative (C)

Same for Associative A but referred to Associative C.

E. Associative (D)

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Associative %> Associative (D)

Same for Associative A but referred to Associative D.

E. Installation - Flap

E.1.2.3 Natural flap

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Natural flap

E. Temperature set

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Natural flap> Temperature set

When Natural Air Flaps is selected, flaps works according to the signal given by the indoor temperature

The Temperature Settings of the Natural Flap (marked with Flap x relative set) refer to the set Ventilation
programmed in Settings > Climate (par. D.1): when changing the main function set (Ventilation), the
sub-functions change accordingly. This Set can be set by Calendar (par. D.5.1).
For example with a set Ventilation= 25.0° and a Flap.1 relative set = 2.0° the set of temperature working
of the Flap 1 will be of 27.0° (25.0° + 2.0°).

01 (Flap*) Temperature set of Flap 1 referred to the set Ventilation programmed

relative set in Settings>Climate (par. D.1).
(Range: -30.0°...0.0°...30.0°)

Continue until to..

16 (Flap*) Temperature set of Flap 16 referred to the set Ventilation

relative set programmed in Settings>Climate (par. D.1).
(Range: -30.0°...0.0°...30.0°)

The name of the flaps can be customized (using the software Qfarm Lab).

When this parameter has a FLAP Continue until to... FLAP

negative value, it’s deducted 01 16
from the Ventilation set.
It’s valid for all relative sets

01 Flap
Continue relative set
until to... 16 Flap
relative set

Set referred to the Ventilation set programmed in Settings>Climate

Ventilation This Set can be set by Calendar (see par. D.5.1).
Flap temperature
of the relative probe*

*In case of Heat Index control is the temperature as felt by the animals (see Index par. E.

E. Installation - Flap

E. Floating
Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Natural flap> Floating

E. Flap 1
Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Natural flap> Floating> Flap 1

These settings establish the working of the Natural Flap with driving Floating or Derivative (the driving
Floating or Derivative allows to obtain a regulation on the Flaps without the help of the feedback
potentiometer) according to the indoor temperature.

Neutral band No Flap 1 action neutral band. Only with Floating flap.
(Range: 0.0°...0.2°...30.0°)

On time Working time Flap 1.

(Range: 0.0”...1.0”...900.0”)

Maximum off time Max Off time Flap 1.

(Range: 0.0”...10.0”...900.0”)

Close band Extension in ° of the flap close modulation band.

(Range: 0.0°...5.0°...30.0°) Only with Floating flap.

Open band Extension in ° of the Flap 1 open modulation band.

(Range: 0.0°...5.0°...30.0°) Only with Floating flap.

Type of action Type of flap 1 action.

(Range: Floating...Derivative) Floating or Derivative.

Derivative Flap 1 derivative (only for Derivative functioning).

(Range: 0.0°...0.2°...30.0°)
Flap 1 proportional (only for Derivative functioning).
(Range: 0.0°...3.0°...30.0°)

These settings (as the functionning diagrams shown here below) refer to Flap 1; the settings of the
other flaps can be programmed by getting to “settings”.

E. Installation - Flap


Closed band Neutral Open band

On Off On Off On Off On On Off On Off On Off On

Set referred to the Ventilation set

01 Flap relative set programmed in Settings>Climate

100% 100%
OFF time calculation *

OFF time calculation *

90% 90%
80% 80%
70% 70%
60% FLAP 1 60%
50% 50%
40% 40%
30% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%

ti.On ti.On

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Closed band Open band

Flap 1
probe temperature

* When the system works in Floating proportional mode, the ON working time is fixed
(On Time), where as the OFF time starts from a maximum (Maximum off time) and it is
gradually reduced according to the cold and hot band width (Closed band and Open band).
Example. in the middle of the Closed band, OFF time is 50% of Maximum off time.
The minimum OFF time is never below the On Time.
When in the neutral band (Neutral band) the system is OFF.
Beyond the Closed band and Open band the system is always ON.

DERIVATIVE WORKING MODE (with Type of action= Derivative)


0.2° Hysteresis
Flap 1 probe temperature

Flap 1 probe temperature

Max value + 0.2°

O Derivative


FF Derivative



Min value + 0.2°°

0.2° Hysteresis


Set referred to the Ventilation set

01 Flap relative set programmed in Settings>Climate

* ON A and ON C : ON relay is controlled by the cycle given by On time and Maximum off time.

In Derivative mode the flap works according to the “trend” of the indoor temperature.
We suggest the following settings: Proportional = 1.0° Derivative = 0.2°

E. Installation - Flap

E. Proportional
Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap Natural> Proportional

E. Flap 1
Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap Natural> Proportional> Flap 1

When flap working is set on Natural 0-10V or with Feedback Potentiometer, flap works in natural
ventilation mode and is actioned according to the temperature probe in a proportional way according
to the position of the flap (when controlled by potentiometer a feedback potentiometer is required).

Neutral band Hysteresis band extension of Flap *1

(Range: 0.0°...0.2°...30.0°)

Proportional Proportional band of Flap.

(Range: 0.0°...3.0°...30.0°)

Minimum opening % Minimum opening of Flap.

(Range: 0%...100%)

Maximum opening % Maximum opening of Flap.

(Range: 0%...100%)

These settings (as the functionning diagrams shown here below) refer to Flap 1; the settings of the
other flaps can be programmed by getting to “settings”.

Potentiometer Working 0-10V Working

Proportional 100% *3 10V
Proportional 10V *3

75% 7,5V

50% 5,0V

25% FLAP 1 2,5V FLAP 1

0% *2 Flap 1 probe 0% *2 Flap 1 probe

temperature temperature

Set referred to the Ventilation set Set referred to the Ventilation set
01 Flap relative set programmed in Settings>Climate 16 Flap relative set programmed in Settings>Climate

In order to minimize the flap adjustments, a “no work” proportional band can be set at proportional
band of not driving (Neutral band).
For example with Neutral band= 0.2° the flap driving will be made every 0.2° of variation of the
temperature probe. When increasing this value the number of on-off cycles is reduced but the
accuracy of the system is reduced too.
Minimum opening according to Minimum opening.
Maximum opening according to Maximum opening.

When flap is controlled by feedback potentiometer (PT option), the accuracy of the system is given by
the accuracy of the flap mechanical system.
The system checks and corrects this deviation to optimize the system.
To obtain the complete closing and opening flaps, when set 0% is required and 100%, closing and
opening relay stays always in "on" condition in order to stop the flap with safety's limit-switch.

E. Installation - Flap

E. Potentiometer recording > Flap 1

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Potentiometer recording> Flap 1

ATTENTION: before running this calibration procedure ensure that the flap operates correctly in
manual mode.


This recording procedure refers to Flap 1 only; the recording of the other flaps settings can be
programmed by getting to “settings”.
The recorded values are also recorded in the “Flap recording” register (par. H.1.3).

E. Installation - Flap

E.1.2.5 Conditionings (Flap)

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Conditionings

Normal Flaps functioning can be influenced by some block condition.

The intervention of those blocks is visualized in Zoom on flap and in Climate blocks State (par. H.1.1).

E. Installation - Flap

E. Increase pressure based upon outdoor temperature

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Conditionings> Increase pressure based upon out.

By this conditioning the flap working pressure can be conditioned to the outdoor temperature.
This function is very important, as it allows the flap opening to be decreased during winter conditions
so that cold air is pushed upward.

Outdoor temperature set If the outdoor temperature drops below this setting the Pressure set
(Range: -30.0°...10.0°...50.0°) will be increased (as set at E.1.2.1).

Increase set pressure The amount the Pressure set is increased for every 1° the outdoor
(Range: 0P...300P) temperature drops below the Outdoor temperature value.

Max. pressure increase Maximum increase of the Pressure set.

(Range: 0P...10 P...300P)

ON fixed=0.2°

OFF Temperatura

Outdoor temperature set

For every 1° decrease of outdoor temperature when the Block is activated (Outdoor temperature set),
the Pressure set of the Flaps is increased until a maximum value set in Max Increase.
This function is very important, as it allows the flap opening to be decreased during winter.

i.e. when considering the following sets:

Pressure set = 20P (par. E.1.2.1)

Outdoor temperature set = 10.0°
Increase set pressure = 2P
Maximum pressure increase = 10P

Above 10.0° of outdoor temperature (Outdoor temperature set) the flap working depression will be 20
Pa, at 10.0° of outdoor temperature will be 22P (20P+2P= 22P), due to increase of 2P (Increase set
pressure) for every lower outdoor temperature degree, up to a maximum increase of 10P (Maximum
pressure increase) which will bring set of flap working depression= 30P at 6.0° of outdoor temperature.

E. Installation - Flap

E. Anemometer
Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Conditionings> Anemometer

By this conditioning the windmeter located on right or left side can condition the opening/closing of each

Left anemometer set Threshold intervention speed of the left windmeter (Km/h).
(Range: 0K...30 K...500K)

Right anemometer set Threshold intervention speed of the right windmeter (Km/h).
(Range: 0K...30 K...500K)

Wind gust minimum time Minimum duration of a gust of wind. If the duration of the gust
(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s) exceeds this time the wind intervention will operate.

Duration of intervention Duration the intervention will operate for this time.
(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s)

01 (Flap) Flap closing with intervention anemometer:

(Range: Disabled...Left...Right...Left-Right) Disabled = No operation on flap by wind.
Left = Left anemometer closes the flap.
Right = Right anemometer closes the flap.
Left-Right = Left and right anemometer closes the flap.

Continue until to...

16 (Flap) Set weather the flap 16 can be controlled by the anemometer:

(Range: Disabled...Left...Right...Left-Right) Disabled = No operation on flap by wind.
Left = Left anemometer closes the flap.
Right = Right anemometer closes the flap.
Left-Right = Left and right anemometer closes the flap.

ON Controlled by
Wind gust minimum timing

Left anemometer

Controlled by OFF Left wind speed

Duration of intervention

Left anemometer set

ON Controlled by
Wind gust minimum timing

Right anemometer

Controlled by OFF Right wind speed

Duration of intervention

Right anemometer set

E. Installation - Flap

E. External forcing

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Conditionings> External forcing

By the Conditionings the flaps can be conditioned to work according to following parameters:

Decrease block Limit Flaps step allowed (decreasing steps) when

(Range: 0...16) Flap decreasing forcing external contact is closed*.

Increase block Limit Flaps step allowed (increasing steps) when

(Range: 0...16) Flap increasing forcing external contact is closed*.

01 (Flap) State of Flap 1 is influenced by following options:

State 0= No block enabled
(Range: 0...10) 1= Close by ‘External 1’ block contact
2= Close by ‘External 2’ block contact
3= Open by ‘External 1’ block contact
4= Open by ‘External 2’ block contact
5= Close by Outdoor minimum block (see next parameter)
6= Open by Outdoor maximum block (see next parameter)
7= Open when cooling is On (temperature+humidity)
8= Closed when cooling is On (temperature+humidity)
9= Open when cooling is On (only by temperature, %RH block is
10= Closed when cooling is On (only by temperature, %RH block
is disregarded).

Continue until to..

16 (Flap) Same as state of flap 1 but referred to Flap 16.

(Range: 0...10)

Outdoor minimum block Outdoor temperature under which activates the ‘Outdoor min block’.
(Range: -30.0°...-10.0°...50.0°)

Outdoor maximum block Outdoor temperature over which activates the ‘Outdoor max block’.
(Range: -30.0°...40.0°...50.0°)

This feature allows to force by external selector a max step of closing/opening of flaps.

E. Installation - Flap

E. Draft function

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Conditionings> Draft function

If system is set on Natural Ventilation mode and has a top-roof flap, this function enables accurate
control of temperature in the upper part of the shed so that the natural “upward” convection air path
is garanteed.

01 (Flap) Intervention Draft on Flap 1:

Activation 0 = Flap 1 is not influenced by the draft sensor
(Range: 0...2) 1 = Flap 1 is influenced by the draft sensor 1
2 = Flap 1 is influenced by the draft sensor 2.

Continue until to..

16 (Flap) Same as Flap 1 state but referred to Flap 16.

(Range: 0...2)

Delta intervention draft Differential of intervention between the probe of the Flap and the
(Range: 0.0°...30.0°) probe of Draft.

When the sensor feels the temperature in the upper part of the shed is lower than the roof-top flap
sensor (located inside the shed at lower level) gives a signal so the roof-vent starts closing and
temperature of upper part of shed goes up proportionally to re-create a proper upwards draft.
The max number of draft probes is 2.

fixed=0.2° ON *

OFF Flap probe temperature - Draft probe temperature

Delta intervention draft

The Draft Block is activated if the temperature of the Draft probe is lower than the Delta intervention
draft to the temperature of the probe of the flap controlled by the Draft Block (it is usually the Flap
of the “roof-flap”).
With the intervention of the Draft Block the Flap controlled by this Block draft will work with the
probe of Draft (1 or 2), up to when the temperature of the draught probe won't again overcome the
temperature of the probe Flap.

E. Installation - Flap

E. Delta temperature

Percorso: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Conditionings> Delta temperature

In forced ventilation sheds relevant indoor temperature differences might occur.

I.e. higher temperature can be found close to the exhaust fans area compared to the air inlet/cooling
system areas (Longitudinal difference of temperature).
Relevant temperature difference can be also found in the air inlet areas when sheds
are very wide (Cross difference of temperature).
To minimize the differences, you can manage groups of air inlets in independet way.
Each group will refer to its own temperature sensor so each air inlet (window) will separatly influence
its own close area (you can separately control 16 air inlets thru 16 different sensors).
Each air inlet requires a temperature probe and a feedback potentiometer
(working by depressiometer with temperature adjustment probe).

Delta T Difference of temperature (+ or -) for Delta T intervention.

(Range: 0.0°...0.5°...30.0°) 0.0°= Delta T working excluded.

Sampling time Delta T samplig time check.

(Range: 0m.00s...05 m.00s...10m.00s)

Max change in opening % of Max change in opening of flap according to Delta T intervention.
(Range: 0%...20%...50%)

i.e. when considering the following sets:

Delta T= 0.5°
Sampling time= 5m.00s
Max change in opening= 15%
Progress= 3% (par. E.1.2.1)
Minimum opening= 5% (par. E.1.2.1)

When the zone temperature of a flap differs by 0,5°C (+ or -) by the average temperature of the
activated flaps (for this type of system) the position of the flap is adjusted by 3%
(Progress). Opening or closing will take place according to the value of Delta T (positive or
negative). This check will be performed every 5 min (Sampling time).
Max adjustment of flap position will be + or - 15% Max (Max change in opening).
According to the Delta T adjustment flap which is (for example) 50% opened can be closed down to
min 35% or opened up to 65% max.
Anyway the flap adjustment will not force the window to close below 3% (Minimum opening).

E. Installation - Flap

E. Opening reduction for outdoor temperature

Percorso: Home> Installation> Climate> Flap> Conditionings> Opening reduction for
outdoor t..

By this conditioning the Flap % of Opening (Associative operation) can be conditioned to the outdoor
This function is very important, as it allows the flap opening to be decreased during winter conditions
so that cold air is pushed upward.
Outdoor temperature set Outdoor temperature set below which flap opening reduction.
(Range: -30.0°...10.0°...50.0°)

Opening reduction Flap Opening reduction (calculated on the flap position) for every
(Range: 0%...100%) 1° less than the outdoor temperature set (with Associative
i.e.: when decreasing by 10% an opening already set as 20% the
total final opening will be 18%.

Maximun opening reduction Maximun Flap opening reduction.

(Range: 0%...50 %) i.e.: max reduction opening is 50% so if opening is already set at
20% the max opening will be 10%.

ON fixed=0.2°


OFF Temperatura

Outdoor temperature set

For every 1° decrease of outdoor temperature when the Block is activated (Outdoor temperature set),
percentage of Flap opening (with Associative operation) is decrease of the value set in Opening
reduction, until a maximum value set in Maximun opening reduction.

i.e. when considering the following sets:

Step 1 flap position = 20% (par. E.

Outdoor temperature set = 10.0°
Opening reduction = 10% (% calculated on the flap position)
Maximun opening reduction = 50% (% calculated on the absolute value of Step 1 flap position).

When External Temperature is over 10.0° (Outdoor temperature set) flap opening will be 20% (Step 1
flap position), at 10.0° of external temperature opening will be 18% (20% - 10% of 20%= 18%) due
to 10% reduction (Opening reduction) for every lower outdoor temperature degree, up to a maximum
of 50% reduction (Maximun opening reduction, % calculated on the absolute value of Step 1 flap
position) which will bring flap to 10% opening at 6.0° of outdoor temperature.

Note: The example refers to the % of the window position at Step 1 (Step 1 flap position), but the
reduction applies to all other connected steps.

E. Installation - Ventilation

E.1.3 Ventilation installation parameters

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Ventilation

According to what was set by PC, the Qfarm can control up to 16 independent and fully configurable
ventilation steps according to following typical actioning:

- On-Off.
- Fan speed control by transformer.
- Proportional by 0 -10 V for triac / inverter speed control.
- Or a combinations of the 3 systems above.

The calculation of the minimum ventilations air changes can be:

Normal ventilation mode:

When indoor temperature is lower than the set Ventilation, program controls minimum ventilation by
activating ventilation by timer function to avoid thermal shocks; Air exchanges are influenced by
outdoor temperature (can be reduced when outdoor temperature is low).
In systems working by Normal On-Off Ventilation, the ventilation step che be set into a cyclic mode
according to the ‘Air exchanges Tab’ (programmable by PC) so all fans can be used in sequence.
When temperature goes up again, more ventilation steps will be activated.

M3/h/Kg ventilation mode:

The minimum ventilation air flow is set by the M3/h/Kg and work for lower temperature than required
by the set. This means that the minimum ventilation rate is calculated according to the number of
animals, their weight and the required M3 of ventilation per Kg live weight.
When the indoor temperature is higher than required the M 3/h/kg calculation rate is left and the
system goes into the “normal” mode (the ventilation steps are activated according to the ambient
If this working mode was set by PC, number of animals must be kept updated. Also at cycle start-up
the proper parameter must be inputed (nr. of bird, weight of bird at start up, etc.).

Influence of Blocks on Ventilation operation.

Normal Flap’s working can be influenced by some block condition (par. E.1.3.4).
The intervention of those blocks is visualized in Zoom on ventilation and in Climate blocks (par. H.1.1).

E. Installation - Ventilation

E.1.3.1 1.3.1 Temperature Set

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Ventilation> Temperature set

The Temperature Settings of the Ventilation steps (marked with Step 1 relative set) refer to the set
Ventilation programmed in Settings>Climate (par. D.1): this Set can be set by Calendar (par. D.5.1).
For example wit h a Ventilation Set = 25.0° and a Step 1 relative set = 1.0° the start up temperature of
Step 1 will be of 26.0° (25.0° + 1.0°).
Apart the Step 1, the sets of start of the whole other Step (from Step 2 to Step 16) they are referred
to the start up temperature of the previous step.

Step 1 Temperature set of Step 1 referred to the set Ventilation

relative set programmed in Settings>Climate (par. D.1).
(Range: 0.0°...0.0°)

Step 2 Temperature set of this step above the previous step (Step 1).
relative set
(Range: 0.0°...1.0°...30.0°)

Step 3 Temperature set of this step above the previous step (Step 2).
set relativo
(Range: 0.0°...1.0°...30.0°)

Continue until to..

Step16 Temperature set of this step above the previous step (Step 15).
relative set
(Range: 0.0°...1.0°...30.0°)

Ventilation differential Differential Ventilation: given a Ventilation step, it’s the difference
(Range: 0.0°...0.2°...30.0°) in temperature required to go back to the previous step.


Continue until to..
0 1 2 16

Step 1 Step 2 Step 16

relative set relative set relative set

Set referred to the Ventilation set programmed in Settings>Climate

Ventilation This Set can be set by Calendar (see par. D.5.1).
sonda Ventilazione*

*The reference’s temperature of the Ventilation can be also the average among the probes of the
Ventilation, the Flaps probe, and the Heating probes (see Probe Average par. E.1.6).
In case of Ventilation Index control is the temperature as felt by the animals (see Index par . E.

E. Installation - Ventilation

Ventilation Ventilation
differential ON *1 differential ON *1

The same for all
the other steps
OFF * (max 16)

Step 1 relative set Step 2 relative set

Set referred to the Ventilation set programmed in Settings>Climate

Ventilation This Set can be set by Calendar (see par. D.5.1)
Ventilation temperature probe

Ventilation steps are programmed “one by one” in sequence according to the temperature pattern
as set by Qfarm Lab.

Ventilation Rotation
When temperature is higher than the Ventilation Set, the last relays can be cyclically rotated as per
“Rotation Tab” (setting by Qfarm Lab) to the Rotation time and the Minimum rotation step and
Maximum rotation step (see par. E.1.3.2).
In this way you can cyclically shift the start up of the last ventilation step (to rotate air changes steps
see next paragraph).

E. Installation - Ventilation

E.1.3.2 Air-exchange
Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Ventilation> Air-exchange

Setting the working parameters of Air exchanges.

When Step 0 is activated (it happens when indoor temperature is lower than the set Ventilation,
programmed in Settings>Climate par. D.1) program controls minimum ventilation by activating
ventilation by timer function to avoid thermal shocks; Air changes are influenced by outdoor temperature
(can be reduced when outdoor temperature is low, see Ventilation’s Conditioning par. E.
In systems working by Normal On-Off Ventilation, the ventilation step can be set into a cyclic mode
according to the ‘Air exchanges Tab’ (programmable Qfarm Lab) so all fans can be used in sequence.

Cycle duration Duration of air exchange cycle. This is the total of the on and off
(Range: 0m.00s...10 m.00s...60m.00s) operating times of the air exchange.

Exchange band Proportional Band in which the working time (ON) is calculated as
(Range: 0.0°...1.0°...30.0°) percentage of the duration of the Air Exchanges cycle.

Exchange maximum % Maximum % of Air changes.

(Range: 0%...80 %...100%) When this is set at 0% the ON time is calculated based upon the Air-
exchange setting programmed in Settings>Climate (see par. D.1)*.

Minimum step exchange Minimum Ventilation step in cyclic rotation during the phase of Air
(Range: 1...16) exchanges (0 = Air exchanges are not activated)*.
The cycle sequence mode is the one set by Qfarm Lab.

Maximum step exchange Maximum Ventilation step in cyclic rotation during the phase of Air
(Range: 1...16) exchanges*.
The cycle sequence mode is the one set by Qfarm Lab.

Position flap in exchange Flap position during Air exchange (ventilation step 0: during on time).
(Range: 0...1...2) 0=during Air exchange flaps are positioned as step 0.
1=during Air exchange flaps are positioned as the current active step.
2=during Air exchange the flaps are closed.

Closing flap in off time m3/h Closing Flap during ventilation Off time in m3/h.
(Range: Yes...No) Yes= during ventilation Off the flaps are closed.
No= during ventilation Off the flaps are positioned as the current
active step.

Minimum on Minimum time On ventilation calculated in Air exchange and in

(Range: 0m.00s...0m.10s...1 m.00s) M3/h/Kg Ventilation.

Minimum rotation step Minimum ventilation step in cyclic rotation during the phase of Cyclic
(Range: 1...16) rotation. The cycle sequence mode is the one set by Qfarm Lab.

Maximum rotation step Maximum ventilation step in cyclic rotation during the phase of Cyclic
(Range: 1...16) rotation. The cycle sequence mode is the one set by Qfarm Lab.

Rotation time Duration of rotation of the last ventilation relay.

(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s) When Ambient temperature > to Ventilation set, last ventilation
relay inserted can be cyclically rotate on other ventilation relay (as
set by Qfarm Lab in Ventilation table) in ground of settings
Rotation time and Minimum - Maximum rotation step.


E. Installation - Ventilation

Previous step memory Yes = when 100% of step is reached, the parzialization will only affect
m3/h/kg the next step (the previous step stays at 100%).
(Range: Yes...No) No = when 100% of step is reached, the parzialization will affect
current step and the next step.

% max air changes in M3/h This is the max working percentage of the step (Steps are activated in
(Range: 0 ...100 )
% %
sequence and % of M3/h is re-calculated at each step).
This function works only with Previous step memory m3/h/kg= No.

Active only in Normal ventilation mode.

E. Installation - Ventilation

Working structure of “Air-exchanges” in ON-OFF Normal Ventilation Mode

Exchange band
*1 Relay output in the time
ON 100%

Maximum % controlled by
Time cycle Exchange maximum %

Time cycle

Time cycle

Minimum % controlled by
Air exchange % *3
OFF 0%

Minimum time on the relay=
Set referred to the
Minimum on. The relationship time On Step 1 relative set
/ time Off is calculated every 0.1° of Ventilation set
the Exchange band. Ventilation temperature probe

Air-exchange (works on Step 0 of ventilation).

Inside the Exchange band, starting from a minimum % percentage, the program will switch Step *2 of
Ventilation with On-Off time duration calculated according to indoor temperature.
Working time will be increased according to temperature to reach the complete ventilation step capacity,
until to Exchange maximum %.

i.e. when considering the following sets:

- Ventilation = 28.0° (see par. D.1)

- Air exchange = 10% *3 (see par. D.1)
- Time of exchange cycle = 10m.00s
- Exchange band = 1.0°
- Exchange maximum % = 100%
- Minimum step exchange = 1
- Maximum step exchange = 4

The system will work as follows:

- Below 27.0° (28.0° Ventilation Set - 1.0° Exchange band) the ventilation step will work 1 minute
every 10 minutes of the cyle (10% of Time of exchange cycle). This for any temperature below 27.0°.

- When T = 27.1 ° Step one will work 2 minutes and will pause for 8 minutes (Time of exchange cycle=
10m); for every 0.1° increase in temperature the “On working time” will increase by 1 minute and
the “Off working time” will decrease by 1 minute accordingly (being the cycle duration still 10m) to
reach 10m (100%) of “On working time” at 28.0° (Ventilation Set).
The max percentage can be limited (Exchange maximum %).
When setting Exchange maximum % = 0 the “On working time” is kept fixed as per value
Air exchange programmed in Settings>Climate (par. D.1).

- Beyond 28.0° (Ventilation Set) Step 1 is always on.

For example with set: Minimum step exchange = 1 and Maximum step exchange = 4 during the On
time Steps from 1 to 4 will be rotated.
If the setting was Minimum step exchange = 1 and Maximum step exchange = 1 the working step
would have been only the step 1.

This value (as set in Settings>Climate, see par.C.1) can be influenced by the outdoor temperature,
see par. E.

E. Installation - Ventilation

Working structure of Air-changes in ON-OFF “m3/h/Kg Ventilation” mode

*1 Relay output in the

Exchange band
ON 100%

The minimum % is Time cycle

automatically ON OFF ON 75%
calculated according
to th e M3 /h/ Kg Time cycle
parameter and to the STEP VENT.
Minimum Variation ON OFF ON
to garantee the minimum
block *3 calculated airflow*2.
Time cycle STEP VENT.
to garantee the minimum
calculated airflow*2.

OFF 0%

Minimum time on the relay=
Minimum on. The relationship time On Set referred to the
/ time Off is calculated every 0.1° of Ventilation set
the Exchange band. Ventilation temperature probe

Air-exchange (active when ambient temperature is lower than Ventilation set): inside the Exchange
band, starting from a minimum % percentage automatically calculated (number of animals, their weight
and t he required M3 of ventilation per Kg live weight), the program will switch Step of Ventilation to
garantee the minimum calculated air flow by increasing the “ON” value proportionally to the increase
in ambient temperature, up to 100% of the step*2.
When the indoor temperature is higher than required the M 3/h/kg calculation rate is left and the
system goes into the “normal” mode (the ventilation steps are activated according to the room
i.e. when considering the following sets:
- Ventilation = 28.0° (see par. D.1)
- Minimum variation = 100% *3 (see par. D.1)
- Time of exchange cycle = 10m.00s
- Exchange band = 1.0°

With ventilation steps of 30.000 M3/h capacity and with a minimum air flow of 3.000 M3/h the
functionning will be:

- Below 27.0° (28.0° Set Ventilation - 1.0° Exchange band), the minimum air flow is given by the first
step running in a “1 minute on” and “9 minutes off” mode (in order to get 10% of fan air flow), this
referred to any temperature below 27.0°C in order to garantee the minimum calculated air flow
(3.000 M3/h)*2.
- When T = 27.1 ° Step will work 2 minutes and will pause for 8 minutes (Time of cycle = 10m);
for every 0.1° increase in temperature the On working time will increase by 1 minute and the “Off
working time” will decrease by 1 minutes accordingly (being the cycle duration still 10m) to reach 10m
(100%) of “On working time” at 28.0° (Ventilation Set).
- Beyond 28°C (which is the Ventilation set value) the M3/h/kg is left and the “normal” functionning
mode starts as the ventilation steps are activated according to room temperature.

In example when the calculated minimum air changes are more than 30.000 M3/h (i.e 36.000 M3/h)
The program can work in the two different ways:
1> Partializing step data storage m3/h/Kg= No : the 1nd and 2nd step will then run in a partial mode
and it will run at 60% capacity as it has a 60.000 M3/h overall capacity.
2> Partializing step data storage m3/h/Kg= Yes : the first fan will be kept at 100% capacity and only
the second fan will be parzialized (working at 20% partial capacity).

This value (as set in Settings>Climate, see par.C.1) can be influenced by the outdoor temperature,
see par. E.

E. Installation - Ventilation

E.1.3.3 0-10V Ventilation

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Ventilation> 0-10V Ventilation

E. Proportional
Path: Home> Install> Climate> Ventilation> 0-10V Ventilation> Proportional

The 0-10V continuous (stepless) ventilation controls an inverter system in a stepless way.

Air-exchanges ventilation % of fan speed referred to the Step 0 working period: during the Off
(Range: 0%...10 %...100%) time, ventilation is switched off.
Operative only with Normal Ventilation.

Minimum ventilation % Percentage of setting “Block manual minimum ventilation speed”.

(Range: 0%...100%)

Maximum ventilation % Percentage of setting “Block manual maximum ventilation speed”.

(Range: 0%...100%)

Working by “Normal Ventilation”




% Mainimum controlled by the

value Minimum ventilation %

Start Step X End Step Y

temperature probe

X is the first step selected by Qfarm Lab tab with 0-10V proportional functionning,
Y is the last step selected by Qfarm Lab tab with 0-10V proportional functionning.
Proportional functionning can be either associated to one step or to more consecutive steps
(from X to Y).

At the Step 0 you can activate a cycle of Air Exchanges working this way:
The % of Air Exchanges (see Settings>Climate par. D.1) settings gives the minimum percentage of
fan working time in Air Exchanges (% referred to the Cycle duration see par. E.1.3.2).
Fans will be switched on during the On working time up to % of Ventilation set in Air exchange
During the Off time fans are switched off.

E. Installation - Ventilation

Application example:

Flap 1 Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure

Relay 6 Off Off Off Off Off Off Off On

Relay 5 Off Off Off Off Off Off On On
Relay 4 Off Off Off Off Off On On On
Relay 3 Off Off Off Off On On On On
Relay 2 Off Off Off On On On On On
Relay 1 Off Off On On On On On On

0-10V Propor Propor 10V 10V 10V 10V 10V 10V

Step 0 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

In the example described in the tab the system works by 0-10V regulation on Step 1 and by On-Off
ventilation on next 6 Steps.
The 0-10V ventilation is switched on at the start temperature as programmed on Step 1 in the 0-10V
tab (in this example step 0 is active only as Air Exchanges mode) and will be increased proportionally
to 100% during the whole Step 1. Afterwards the output will be kept at 10V.

Note: at Step 0 the 0-10V ventilation activates the air changes mode according to the percentage as
programmed in Air exchange ventilation (only with “Normal ventilation”).

Working by “m3/h/Kg Ventilation”

Example with M3/h/Kg calculation = to 25% of step.
Setting of the Minimum ventilation % has the priority in case is higher than the % value calculated by M 3/h/Kg.




temperature probe

Start Step X End Step Y

X is the first step selected by Qfarm Lab tab with 0-10V proportional functionning,
Y is the last step selected by Qfarm Lab tab with 0-10V proportional functionning.
Proportional functionning can be either associated to one step or to more consecutive steps
(from X to Y).

E. Installation - Ventilation

E. Steps
Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Ventilation> 0-10V Ventilation>> Steps

0-10V Steps allow to actioning the fans in 3 ways:

Type 1 (0-10V output = RAMP on Qfarm Lab)

By a small inverter or triac controller more fans can be controlled by regulation the speed of a single
fan, once the fan has reached 100% of speed: when reached the max fan speed you can either leave
this fan at 100% speed and shift to adjust the speed of next fan, or you can set the next fan at 100%
speed and go back to regulate the speed of the current fan.

Type 2 (0-10V output = RAMP on Qfarm Lab, does not apply to m3/h/Kg ventilation).
With one or more controllers, you can get more ventilation steps in 0-100% ventilation mode by
increasing the number of fans of each single step.
For each step, the minimum start up % can be selected.
I.e. 3 steps with 6 fans:
on first step, 2 fans are controlled from minimum % to 100%. When step 2 is activated, the 4 fans
are activated at 50% minimum rate and gradually increased to 100%. When step 3 is activated, all
the 6 fans are activated at 66% minimum rate and gradually increased to 100%.

Type 3 (0-10V output = ASSOC on Qfarm Lab, does not apply to m3/h/Kg ventilation).
Allow to obtain more ventilation step (inverter or triac) at fixed %.

Step 0 exchanges % of fan speed referred to the Step 0 (in On working period): during
(Range: 0%...100%) the Off time, ventilation is switched off.
Operat ive only wit h Normal Ventilation.

Step 1 ventilation % of fan speed at Step 1 of ventilation.

(Range: 5%...100%)

Step 2 ventilation % of fan speed at Step 2 of ventilation.

(Range: 10 %...100%)

Step 3 ventilation % of fan speed at Step 2 of ventilation.

(Range: 15 %...100%)

Continue till to..

Step 16 ventilation % of fan speed at Step 16 of ventilation.

(Range: 0%...100%)

Maximum forcing Time of ventilation forcing (100%) when moving to the next step
(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s) (works both in decreasing and increasing ventilation patterns): by
this step you can clean the fan mesh of the exhaust chimney fans.

E. Installation - Ventilation

Type 1: working by “Normal Ventilation”

Example with Step x ventilation= 10%

The same for all the other




steps (max 16)






Step 1 relative set Step 2 relative set Step 3 relative set

Set referred to the Ventilation set programmed in Settings>Climate

Ventilation This Set can be set by Calendar (par. D.5.1)
temperature probe

Type 2: working by “M3/h/Kg Ventilation”

Example with M3/h/Kg calculation= to 30% of step and Step 1-2-3 Ventilation= 10%

The same for all the other




steps (max 16)






Exchange band Step 2 relative set Step 3 relative set

Set referred to the Ventilation set programmed in

Ventilation Settings>Climate and can be set by Calendar (par. D.5.1)
temperature probe

With Normal Ventilation, at the Step 0, it is possible insert a cycle of Air exchanges and work in this way:
the setting % of the Air Exchanges (see Settings>Climate par. D.1) establishes the minimum percentage
of time of ignition of the fans in Air Exchanges (% referred to the Time of exchange cycle see par.
E.1.3.2), that they will be inserted during the On time to % of Ventilation set in Step 0 exchange:
during the Off time ventilation is switched off.

With m3/h/Kg Ventilation ‘Air Exchanges’ are not actived (like upon explained) because minimum
ventilation is variable and determined from m3/h/Kg calculation.

The 0-10V steps have the following peculiarity; when activated (regardless if value is increasing or
decreasing), 100% ventilation rate can be forced for the duration given in Maximum forcing.
This is useful when trying to clean the mesh of chimney exhaust fans.

E. Installation - Ventilation

Rotating Ventilation
When the temperature is higher than the Ventilation set, the last active relays can be cyclically rotated
according to the “Rotating actioning table” (set by Qfarm Lab), to the Rotation time and to the Minimum
rotation step and Maximum rotation step (see par. E.1.3.2).

Type 2 (does not apply to M3/h ventilation)

Example with Step 1 ventilation= 10% - Step 2 Ventilation = 50% - Step 3 Ventilation = 33%








Step 1 relative set Step 2 relative set Step 3 relative set

Set referred to the Ventilation set programmed in Settings>Climate

Ventilation This Set can be set by Calendar (par. D.5.1)
Ventilation temperature probe

Type 3 (does not apply to M3/h ventilation)

% Output Vent 0-10v

Step 0 Step1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step16
Exchange Ventil. Ventil. Ventil. Ventil. Ventil. Ventil. Ventil. Ventil. Ventil.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 till to.. 16

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 15

relative step relative step relative step relative step relative step relative step relative step relative step relative step

Set referred to the Ventilation set programmed in Settings>Climate

Ventilation This Set can be set by Calendar (par. C.4)

Ventilation temperature probe

Air-Exchanges: it is possible to activate a cycle of Air exchanges, switched on at Step 0 and

which work this way:
the Air exchange set (see Settings >Climate par. D.1) the % of working time of fans in Air exchange
(% referred to Time of exchange cycle see par. E.1.3.2 ) which will be activated as % of ventilation
in Step 0 Exchange.

E. Installation - Ventilation

E.1.3.4 Conditionings (Ventilation)

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Ventilation> Conditionings

Normal Ventilation functioning can be influenced by some block condition.

The intervention of those blocks is visualized in Zoom on ventilation and in Climate blocks (par. H.1.1).

E. Installation - Ventilation

E. Increase Ventilation based upon indoor humidity

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Ventilation> Conditionings> Increase Ventilation b..

This function allows increase of ventilation rate (by reducing the Ventilation temperature Set) whenever
%RH goes beyond desired value: so the ambient is de-humidified.

Maximum indoor humidity %RH value over which Dehumidification is activated, so indoor
Calendar humidity is decresed by increasing the ventilation rate.
(Range: 0%...80 %...100%) When activating the calendar setting the message of activation is
displayed. In this case the set cannot be modified on this setting
(see par D.5.2).

Ventilation set decrease Decrease of the temperature Ventilation set (see par. D.1) for every 1%
(Range: 0.0°...30.0°) of % RH exceeding the Maximum indoor humidity value*2.
Make sure the Ventilation Differential (par. E.1.3.1.F.7) is higher or
equal to this setting.

Max ventilation set decrease Maximum decrease of the Ventilation set in Dehumidification*2.
(Range: 0.0°...2.0°...30.0°)

fixed=2% ON*
* Decrease of Ventilation set controlled
by Max ventil. set decrease

OFF Ambient

Maximum indoor humidity

For every 1% in excess of ambient humidity when the Block is activated (Maximum indoor humidity),
the temperature Set of the Ventilation is decrease of value as set in Ventilation set decrease, until a maximum
value set in Max ventilation set decrease. This reduction also applies to the Heating set (see “Heating
decrease according to indoor % Rh”, par. E.
If the outdoor RH probe is installed, the Decrease Ventilation Set is influenced by the outdoor RH
(see par E.

i.e. when considering the following sets:

Ventilation = 25.0° (see par. D.1)

Maximum indoor humidity = 65%
Ventilation set decrease = 0.2°
Max ventilation set decrease = 2.0°

Below 65% of indoor humidity (Maximum indoor humidity) the Ventilation temperature set will be
25.0°, at 65% of indoor humidity will be 24.8° (25.0°-0.2°= 24.8°), due to decrease of 0.2° (Ventilation
set decrease) for every extra 1% of ambient humidity, up to a maximum decrease of 2.0° (Max ventilation
set decrease). This will bring temperature set of Ventilation= 23.0° at 74% of indoor humidity.

When the Index working mode has been selected (set by Qfarm Lab and activated according to
par. E. this set determines the maximum ambient %RH (in case of humid cimate) on beyond
of which the Index working is de-activated and the system starts de-humidifying by increasing the
Heating set.
If the system works by Index (activated as per par. E. this function is not activated as the
Temperature/RH correlation is already done thru the Index.

E. Installation - Ventilation

E. Decrease Ventilation based upon indoor humidity

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Ventilation> Conditionings> Decrease Ventilation b..

This function allows decrease of ventilation rate (by increasing the Ventilation temperature Set)
whenever %RH goes above desired value: it permits a saving on heating*1.

Minimum indoor humidity %RH value under which works on the increase of the Ventilation
(Range: 0%...40 %...100%) set, reducing the ventilation rate *1.

Ventilation set increase Increase of the Ventilation temperature set (see par. D.1) for every
(Range: 0.0°...30.0°) 1% of % RH decreasing the Minimum indoor humidity value *1.
Make sure the Ventilation differential (par. E.1.3.1.F.7) is higher or
equal to this setting.

Max ventilation set increase Maximum increase of the Ventilation Set *1

(Range: 0.0°...2.0°...30.0°)

ON* fixed=2%
*Increase of Ventilation Set
controlled by Max ventil. set increase

OFF Ambient

Minimum indoor humidity

For every 1% decrease of ambient humidity when the Block is activated (Minimum indoor humidity), the
temperature Set of the Ventilation is increase of value as set in Ventilation set increase, until a maximum
value set in Max ventilation set increase.

i.e. when considering the following sets:

Ventilation = 25.0° (see par. D.1)

Minimum indoor humidity = 50%
Ventilation set increase = 0.2°
Max ventilation set increase = 2.0°

Above 50% of indoor humidity (Minimum indoor humidity) the Ventilation temperature set will be
25.0°, at 50% of indoor humidity will be 25.2° (25.0°+0.2°= 25.2°), due to increase of 0.2° (Ventilation
set increase) for every 1% decrease of ambient humidity, up to a maximum increase of 2.0° (Max
ventilation set increase). This will bring temperature set of Ventilation= 27.0° at 41% of indoor humidity.

If the system works by Index (activated as per par. E. this function is not activated as the
Temperature/RH correlation is already done thru the Index.

E. Installation - Ventilation

E. Decrease air exchage based upon outdoor temp.

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Ventilation> Conditionings> Decrease air-exchage b...

This function allows decrease the % of air changes when outdoor temperature is very cold.

Outdoor temperature set Outdoor temperature under which the decrease of Air exchange*1
(Range: -30.0°...10.0°...50.0°) set is activated (see par. D.1).

Air exchange decrease Decrease of the % Air exchange*1 set for every 1° decreasing of
(Range: 0%...100%) Outdoor temperature set.
i.e.: when decreasing by 10% an air exchange already set as 20%
the total final air exchange will be 18%.

Maximum set decrease Maximum decrease of the Air exchange set*1.

(Range: 0%...50 %)
i.e.: max decrease air exchange is 50% so if air exchange is already
set at 20% the max air exchange will be 10%.

ON* fixed=1.0°°
*Decrease of Air-Exchange Set
controlled by Maximum decrease AIR
OFF Outdoor

Outdoor temperature set

For every 1% decrease of outdoor temperature when the Block is activated (Outdoor temperature
set ), the % Air exchange*1 is decrease of the value set in Air exchange decrease, until a maximum
value set in Maximum set decrease.

i.e. when considering the following sets:

Air exchange = 20% (see par. D.1)

Outdoor temperature set = 10.0°
Air exchange decrease *1 = 10% (% calculated on the Air exchange).
Maximum set decrease = 50% (as % calculated value of Air exchange).

When outdoor temperature is higher that 10.0° (Outdoor temperature set) the Air exchange*1 set will
be 20%, at 10.0° of outdoor temperature will be 18% (20% - 10% of 20%= 18%), due to decrease of
10% (Air exchange decrease) for every lower outdoor temperature degree, up to a maximum decrease
of 50% (Maximum pressure decrease, as % calculated value).
This will bring set of Air exchange= 10% at 6.0°C of outdoor temperature.

m3/h minimum calculation in M3/h Ventilation mode.

E. Installation - Ventilation

E. Maximum ventilation based upon outdoor temperature

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Ventilation> Conditionings> Maximum ventilation ba..

This function allows to set a safety block on maximum ventilation.

Outdoor temperature set Sets the outdoor temperature which activates the ‘Outdoor
(Range: -30.0°...10.0°...50.0°) temperature block’.

Maximum step ventilation Maximum ventilation allowed when ‘Outdoor temperature block’ is
(Range: 0...16) activated (when ventilation is made in steps).

Maximum % ventilation Percentage maximum ventilation speed with “Outdoor temperature

(Range: 0%...100%)
block” activated (when ventilation is proportional).

ON* fixed=1.0°

OFF Outdoor

Outdoor temperature set

OUTDOOR TEMPERATURE BLOCK can influence the maximum ventilation step (in case of step
ventilation) or % maximum ventilation speed insert (when ventilation is proportional).
Below a certain external temperature (Outdoor temperature set) the maximum ventilation can be
limited (Maximum step ventilation or Maximum % ventilation).

E. Night time ventilation settings

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Ventilation> Conditionings> Night time ventilation..

By this conditioning you can adjust the night time Ventilation set of temperature. As option you can
also change the nightime Heating set of temperature (par. E. Heating conditioning).

Night start time Time (hours:mins) when the night time period starts.
(Range: 0h.00m...23.h59 m)

Night end time Time (hours:mins) when the night time period ends.
(Range: 0h.00m...23.h59 m)

Night time set variation Variation of the Ventilation setting during the night time period
(Range: -30.0°...0.0°...30.0°) (+ or -).

Note: when setting 00:00 as start and end time, night ventilation range is excluded.

E. Installation - Ventilation

E. External forcing

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Ventilation> Conditionings> External forcing

The ventilation increase and decrease steps can be blocked by an external contact.

Decrease ventilation block Limit Ventilation step allowed (decreasing steps) when
(Range: 0...16) “Ventilation decreasing contact” is closed *.

Increase ventilation block Limit Ventilation step allowed (increasing steps) when
(Range: 0...16) “Ventilation increasing contact“ is closed *.

In case Increase/Decrease Flaps blocks were set by Qfarm Lab (see par. E., these blocks
influence the Ventilation only.

E. Winter/summer ventilation

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Ventilation> Conditionings> Winter/summer ventilation

In case of winter/summer Ventilation, by this setting you can differentiate some parameters in the 2
ventilation systems.

Transit step Start up step when in summer ventilation mode.

(Range: 0...16) 0 = function not activated.

Transit differential ° Temperature differential from summer to winter ventilation: by

(Range: 0.0°...0.5°...30.0°) this differential (different from normal Ventilation differential set in
par. E.1.3.1.F.7) you can skip multiple system oscillations when
changing from one ventilation system to another.

Summer pressure set Summer ventilation air pressure set. In case of winter/summer
(Range: 0P...20 P...300P) ventilation this is the summer ventilation Pressure set and the
winter ventilation Pressure Set is the one set par. E.1.2.1.

Working time summer flap Flap working time works by summer pressure sensor (different from
(Range: 0.0”...2.0”...900.0”) the winter Ventilation one set in par. E.1.2.1).

Waiting time summer flap Flap waiting time works by summer pressure sensor (different from
(Range: 0.0”...5.0”...900.0”) the winter Ventilation one set in par. E.1.2.1).

Progress tunnel flap % summer Flap advance (only with Flap with potentiometer): the
(Range: 0%...3%...100%) feedback Flap with potentiometer will move of this percentage after
every Waiting Time (different from the winter Ventilation one set in
par. E.1.2.1).

Summer step increase delay Ventilation step time delay in Summer ventilation (different from
(Range: 0m.00s...10m.00s) the Winter ventilation one set in par. E.

Summer step decrease delay Flap closing time delay in switching a step when Summer ventilation
(Range: 0m.00s...10m.00s) is decreasing (different from the Winter ventilation one set in par.

E. Installation - Ventilation

E. Ventilation delay

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Ventilation> Conditionings> Ventilation delay

Fan shutters start Start up step, when coming from a stop, to make fan shutters
(Range: 0...1...3) opening easier (when fans are in speed voltage regulation by
transformer); this condition remains during the Shutter start time.

Shutter start time Time duration of the fan shutters start section.
(Range: 0m.00s...10m.00s)

Ventilation increase delay This is the delay in response when the ambient temperature
(Range: 0m.00s...10m.00s) requires to switch to a higher step.
On the contary flaps are operated immediately in order to make
easier flaps opening before the increase in ventilation.
In pressure operation during this delay the flaps will be forced open.

Ventilation decrease delay This is the delay in closing flaps when ventilation is decreasing,
(Range: 0m.00s...10m.00s) when ambient temperature requires a passage to a lower ventilation
step. The flap actionning is performed after this delay.

Forced block time When a further ventilation step is activated during the forced block
(Range: 0m.00s...2 m.00s) time, the forced opening of flap (controlled by depressiometer, see
Ventilation increase delay) will be activated only once.
When the forced block time = 0m.00s this function is not active.

E. Installation - Ventilation

E. Increase Ventilation based upon indoor C02/NH3

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Ventilation> Conditionings> Increase Ventilation ba..

This function can increase ventilation rate (by reducing the Ventilation temperature set or by increasing
the % of Air changes*1) whenever CO2 or NH3 will be increasing some preset values.

Maximun indoor CO2 ppm CO2 set (over this value, ventilation rate is increased).
(Range: 0pm...2800 pm...10000pm)

CO2 intervention step ppm CO2 intervention range.

(Range: 0pm...50 pm...1000pm) Note: typical= 100ppm (1% of 10000 ppm).

Ventilation temperature set Decrease of the temperature Ventilation set (see par. D.1) for each
decrease CO2 intervention step higher than the Maximun indoor CO2.
(Range: 0.0°...30.0°) Make sure the Ventilation Differential (par. E.1.3.1.F.7) is higher or
equal to this setting.

Max ventilation temperature Maximum decrease of the Ventilation set for C02 intervention.
set decrease
(Range: 0.0°...2.0°...30.0°)

% of Air exchange increase Increase % of Air exchange*1 for each CO2 intervention step higher
(Range: 0%...100%)
than the Maximun indoor CO2 (calculated on the Air exchange*1).
i.e.: when increasing by 20% an air exchange already set as 10%
the total final air exchange will be 12%.

Max % of Air exchange increase Maximum Increase % of Air exchange*1 for CO2 intervention.
(Range: 0 ...50 ...100 )
% % %

i.e.: max additional air exchange is 50% so if air exchange is already

set at 10% the total max air exchange will be 15%.

Maximun indoor NH3 ppm NH3 set (over this value, ventilation rate is increased).
(Range: 0.0pm...16.0 pm...100.0pm)

NH3 intervention step ppm NH3 intervention range.

(Range: 0.0pm...0.5pm...10.0pm) Note: typical= 1ppm (1% di 1000 ppm).

Ventilation temperature set Decrease of the temperature Ventilation set (see par. D.1) for each
decrease NH3 intervention step higher than the Maximun indoor NH3.
(Range: 0.0°...30.0°) Make sure the Ventilation Differential (par. E.1.3.1.F.7) is higher or
equal to this setting.

Max ventilation temperature Maximum decrease of the Ventilation set for NH3 intervention.
set decrease
(Range: 0.0°...2.0°...30.0°)

% of Air exchange increase Increase % of Air exchange*1 for each NH3 intervention step higher
(Range: 0%...100%) than the Maximun indoor NH3 (calculated on the Air exchange*1).
i.e.: when increasing by 20% an air exchange already set as 10%
the total final air exchange will be 12%.

Max % of Air exchange increase Maximum Increase % of Air exchange*1 for NH3 intervention.
(Range: 0 ...50 ...100 )
i.e.: max additional air exchange is 50% so if air exchange is already
% % %

set at 10% the total max air exchange will be 15%

Minimum calculation in m3/h Ventilation mode.
CO2 and NH3 concentration in the air can act on ventilation in two ways:
1> Reduction of temperature Ventilation set by CO2 or NH3 intervention
2>Increase of Air exchanges setting by CO2 or NH3 intervention.
See diagrams on next page.

E. Installation - Ventilation

1> Decrease of Ventilation set for C02 intervent

CO2 intervention
step ON*
* Decrease of Ventilation set
VENTILAT. controlled by Maximum ventilation
temperature set decrease

OFF C0 2 indoor C0 2

Maximun indoor CO2

For every CO2 intervention step in excess when the Block is activated (Maximun indoor CO2), the
temperature Set of the Ventilation is decrease of value as set in Ventilation temperature set decrease,
until a maximum value set in Maximum ventilation temperature set decrease.
This reduction also applies to the Heating set (see “Heating decrease according to indoor % Rh”,
par. E.

i.e. when considering the following sets:

Ventilation = 25.0° (vedi par. D.1)
Maximun indoor CO2 = 2800pm
CO2 intervention step = 50pm
Ventilation temperature set decrease = 0.2°
Max ventilation temperature set decrease = 1.0°

Below 2800 ppm of ambient C02 (Maximun indoor CO2) the Ventilation temperature set will be 25.0°,
at 2800 ppm of ambient C02 will be 24.8° (25.0°-0.2°= 24.8°), due to decrease of 0.2° (Ventilation
set decrease) for every extra 50 ppm (CO2 intervention step) of ambient C02, up to a maximum
decrease of 1.0° (Max ventilation temperature set decrease).
This will bring temperature set of Ventilation= 24.0° at 3000 ppm of CO2.

1> Decrease of Air-exchange set set for C02 intervent

CO2 intervention
step ON*
* Decrease of Ventilation
AIR set controlled by Max %
EXCHANGE of Air exchange increase
OFF C0 2 indoor C0 2

Maximun indoor CO2

For every CO2 intervention step in excess when the Block is activated (Maximun indoor CO2), the
temperature Set of the Air-exchange*1 is increase of value as set in % of Air exchange increase, until
a maximum value set in Max % of Air exchange increase.

i.e. when considering the following sets:

Air exchange*1 = 20% (see par. D.1)
Maximun indoor CO2 = 2800pm
CO2 intervention step = 50pm
% of Air exchange increase = 10% (% calculated on the Air exchange).
Max % of Air exchange increase = 50% (as % calculated value of Air exchange).

Below 2800 ppm of ambient C02 (Maximun indoor CO2) the Air-exchange*1 set will be 20%, at 2800 ppm
of ambient C02 will be 22% (20% + 10% of 20%= 22%), due to increase of 10% (% of Air exchange
increase) for every extra 50 ppm (CO2 intervention step) of ambient C02, up to a maximum increase of
50% (Max % of Air exchange increase). This will bring set of Air-exchange*1= 30% a 3000 ppm of CO2.
Minimum calculation in m3/h Ventilation mode.

E. Installation - Ventilation

1> Decrease of Ventilation set for NH3 intervent

NH3 intervention
step ON*
* Decrease of Ventilation set
VENTILAT. controlled by Maximum ventilation
temperature set decrease

OFF C0 2 indoor NH3


Maximun indoor NH3

For every NH3 intervention step in excess when the Block is activated (Maximun indoor NH3), the
temperature Set of the Ventilation is decrease of value as set in Ventilation temperature set decrease,
until a maximum value set in Maximum ventilation temperature set decrease.
This reduction also applies to the Heating set. (see “Heating decrease according to indoor % Rh”,
par. E.

i.e. when considering the following sets:

Ventilation = 25.0° (vedi par. D.1)
Maximun indoor NH3 = 18pm
NH3 intervention step = 0.5pm
Ventilation temperature set decrease = 0.2°
Max ventilation temperature set decrease = 1.0°

Below 18 ppm of ambient NH3 (Maximun indoor NH3) the Ventilation temperature set will be 25.0°,
at 18 ppm of ambient NH3 will be 24.8° (25.0°-0.2°= 24.8°), due to decrease of 0.2° (Ventilation set
decrease) for every extra 0,5 ppm (NH3 intervention step) of ambient NH3, up to a maximum decrease
of 1.0° (Max ventilation temperature set decrease).
This will bring temperature set of Ventilation= 24.0° at 20 ppm of NH3.

1> Decrease of Air-exchange set for NH3 intervent

NH3 intervention
step ON*
* Decrease of Ventilation
AIR set controlled by Max %
EXCHANGE of Air exchange increase
OFF C0 2 indoor NH3

Maximun indoor NH3

For every NH3 intervention step in excess when the Block is activated (Maximun indoor NH3), the
temperature Set of the Air-exchange*1 is increase of value as set in % of Air exchange increase, until
a maximum value set in Max % of Air exchange increase.

i.e. when considering the following sets:

Air exchange*1 = 20% (see par. D.1)
Maximun indoor CO2 = 18pm
CO2 intervention step = 0.5pm
% of Air exchange increase = 10% (% calculated on the Air exchange).
Max % of Air exchange increase = 50% (as % calculated value of Air exchange).

Below 18 ppm of ambient NH3 (Maximun indoor NH3) the Air-exchange*1 set will be 20%, at 18 ppm of
ambient NH3 will be 22% (20% + 10% of 20%= 22%), due to increase of 10% (% of Air exchange
increase) for every extra 0.5 ppm (NH3 intervention step) of ambient NH3, up to a maximum increase of
50% (Max % of Air exchange increase). This will bring set of Air-exchange*1= 30% a 20 ppm of NH3.
Minimum calculation in m3/h Ventilation mode.

E. Installation - Ventilation

E. Various-Index
Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Ventilation> Conditionings> Various/Index

Index ventilation Index Ventilation function activation (perceived temperature)

(Range: No...Yes) No = Ambient sensing probe reading
Yes = Temperature as perceived by animals*.

Index ambient heating Index ambient Heating function activation (perceived temperature)
(Range: No...Yes) No = Ambient sensing probe reading
Yes = Temperature as perceived by animals*.

Index radiant heating Index radiant Heating function activation (perceived temperature)
(Range: No...Yes) No = Ambient sensing probe reading
Yes = Temperature as perceived by animals*.

Index flap Index Flap function activation (perceived temperature)

(Range: No...Yes)
No = Ambient sensing probe reading
Yes = Temperature as perceived by animals*.

Active only the Index tab has been previously loaded by Qfarm Lab.
When index is act ivat ed ( YES) the working temperature is no longer the one read by the temperature
probe, but it becomes the temperature as “perceived” by the animals. In the screenshots of the
various functions it will be displayed that the woking temperature is the Index temperature.

If any outdoor %RH has been installed in case of humid outdoor conditions the ventilation working
temperature goes back to the temperature read by the temperature probe (the perceived temperature
is excluded) and the Heating set can be increased to dehumidify the ambient (see par. E.
Heating increase according to indoor % Rh).

E. Installation - Humidification

E.1.4 Humidification
Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Humidification

The %Rh control activates the Humidification in case of low indoor %Rh, the temperature control
switches the humidification off in case it goes below the minimum indoor temperature.

Humidity start set Set of the humidity control (absolute setting). If the RH reading is
(Range: 0%...60 %...100%) below this setting the humidification control will be on.

Temp. stop Temperature stop of Humidification referred to the Set Ventilation

relative set as programmed in Settings>Climate (par. D.1).
(Range: -30.0°...-5.0°...30.0°) Below this set the Humidification is off.

On time On time Humidification.

(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s)

Off time Off time Humidification.

(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s)

Humidity differential Humidity differential.

(Range: 0%...2%...10%)

Temperature differential Temperature differential.

(Range: 0.0°...0.2°...30.0°)

* ON HUMIDIFICATION ON* ON* ON* ON* differential
Controlled by
for low indoor temperature

Continue OFF OFF OFF OFF Ambient


Humidity start set

With set On time= different from 0m.00s and On time= different from 0m.00s Humidification is operated by
timer mode with respective On and Off time (set like On time and Off time).

Minimum Temperature Block on Humidification system

The temperature control switches the humidification off in case it goes below the minimum indoor
temperature. Temperat.
ON differential


OFF Ventilation
With negative setting the value is deducted temperature probe*
from referring Set (Ventilation).
relative set
Set referred to the Ventilation set as programmed in Settings>Climate
This Set can be set by Calendar (par. D.5.1) Ventilation

* In case of Ventilation Index control is the temperature as felt by the animals (see Index par. E.

E. Installation - Cooling

E.1.5 Cooling
Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Cooling

The temperature control activates the Cooling system in case of high indoor temperature.
The %Rh control switches the cooling off in case of high indoor %Rh.

Cooling setting mode How to set the cooling system settings:

(Range: Absolute...Relative) Absolute = absolute value setting
Relative= relative value setting related to Ventilation set
(Settings>Climate see par. D.1).

Cooling 1 temperature set Temperature set Cooling 1: when the temperature is above this
relative/absolute set setting the cooling control will be on. This setting is either an
(Range: -30.0°...30.0°...50.0°) absolute or a relative setting depending upon previous option Cooling
setting mode.

Cooling 1 humidity set Humidity set Cooling 1: above this set the Cooling 1 is off.
absolute set Absolute value setting.
(Range: 0%...75 %...100%)

Cooling 2 temperature set Temperature set Cooling 2: when the temperature is above this
relative/absolute set setting the cooling control will be on. This setting is either an
(Range: -30.0°...32.0°...50.0°) absolute or a relative setting depending upon previous option Cooling
setting mode.

Cooling 2 humidity set Humidity set Cooling 1: above this set the Cooling 1 is off.
absolute set Absolute value setting.
(Range: 0%...75 %...100%)

Temperature differential Cooling temperature differential.

(Range: 0.0°...0.2°...30.0°)

Humidity differential Cooling humidity differential.

(Range: 0%...2%...10%)

On time On time Cooling.

(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s)

Off time Off time Cooling.

(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s)

Off calculated Off time automatic calculation

(Range: No...Yes) No - Yes.

Timing band Timing band of Cooling.

(Range: 0.0°...0.2°...30.0°)

Off minimum time Off minimum time calculation with Off calculated = Yes
(Range: 0m.00s...0m.10s...60m.00s)

To calibrate the %RH reading (when using the psycrometric kit):

Wet bulb calibration 1. Remove the wet sock from the wet temperature probe.
(Range: -2.0°...0.0°...2.0°) 2. Allow the wet temperature probe to dry for 10 mins.
3. Adjust the above setting to make the wet bulb temperature
match that of the dry bulb (Ventilation 1 temperature probe,
see par. H.6).
Check periodically the sock installed on the sensor has not been
clogged by calcium carbonate scale. If so, remove it then clean
or replace it.

E. Installation - Cooling

Cooling working On-Off (with On time= 0m.00)

differential ON*
* Controlled by
COOL if Humidity control is
This set can be either an absolute or a
1 relative setting according to what has
been selected in the previous option
Cooling setting mode.
OFF Ventilation
temperature probe*
If Relative= value setting related to
Ventilation set
Cooling 1 temperature set (Settings > Climate see par. D.1).

When set a On time = 0m.00s the Cooling works as a normal On-Off system.

Humidity Block on Cooling system

In case %RH Indoor Humidity goes above the max allowed value.

differential ON*

MAX *Conditions ON COOL 1

if Humidity control is
HUMIDITY present.
OFF Ambient

Cooling 1 humidity set

Same for Cooling 2 (if any).

Cooling temporized working

(with On time> 0m.00s , Off time> 0m.00s , Off calculated= NO)

differential ON* ON* ON* ON*
* Controlled by
if Humidity control is present.

OFF OFF OFF OFF Ventilation
temperature probe*
Timer band
This set can be either an absolute or a relative setting
Cooling 1 temperature set
according to what has been selected in the previous option
Cooling setting mode. If Relative= value setting related to
Ventilation set (Settings > Climate see par. D.1).
*In case of Ventilation Index control is the temperature as felt by the animals (see Index par. E.

If On time is different from 0m.00s and Off calculated= No the Timer band Cooling is working by timer
(On and Off times are as set in On time and Off time).
In the case the indoor % humidity goes above the maximum allowed value, Timer band cooling will
work continously (without temporization), in case %RH Indoor Humidity goes above the max
allowed value.
Same for Cooling 2 (if any).

E. Installation - Cooling

Cooling temporized working with Off time proportional

(with On time> 0m.00 , Off time> 0m.00 , Off calculated= Yes)

* Controlled by
if Humidity control is present.



temperature probe*
Timer band
This set can be either an absolute or a relative setting
Cooling 1 temperature set according to what has been selected in the previous option
Cooling setting mode. If Relative= value setting related to
Ventilation set (Settings > Climate see par. D.1).

With set On time= different from 0m.00s and Off Calculated= Yes inside of Timer band Cooling is
actioned in temporized mode with On time fixed (set like On time) and Off time calculated in
proportional mode (starting from maximum value set in Off time and reducing it proportionally step
by step that the inside temperature increase until the value of Off minimum time): exceed Timer
band Cooling’s working is continuous (without temporization), in case %RH Indoor Humidy goes
above the max allowed value.

i.e. when considering the following sets:

Cooling 1 temperature set = 30.0 °

Timer band = 2.0°
On time = 01m.00s
Off time = 10m.00s
Off minimum time = 0m.10s
Off calculated = Yes

The system will work as below:

- T < 30.0° Cooling will be always off.

- T = 30.0° Cooling will be switched on for 1.0 minute (On time) and will pause for 10.0’ minutes
(Off time): for every 0.1° increase in temperature, the Cooling Off time will decrease by 0.5’
minutes (after 1°C will be 5 minutes until a minimum of 10 seconds (Off minimum time).
- Beyond 32.0°C (Cooling 1 temperature set 30.0° + Timer band 2.0° ) the Cooling will be always on.

The above working configuration allows the cooling to operate in a proportional way with increasing
cooling capacity.
The humidity control (if any) switches the cooling off when the limit value is reached.

Same for Cooling 2 (if any).

E. Installation - Probes average

E.1.6 Probe average

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Probe average

When the “Average probes” is activated, this average value of temperature is the working temperature
referred to Ventilation, Humifìdification, Cooling and temperature alarms.

Ventilation 1 probe Is the Ventilation 1 probe considered when calculating the average
(Range: No...Yes) temperature value? Yes-No.

Continue until to..

Ventilation 4 probe Is the Ventilation 4 probe considered when calculating the average
(Range: No...Yes) temperature value? Yes-No.

Heating 1 probe Is the Heating 1 probe considered when calculating the average
(Range: No...Yes) temperature value? Yes-No.

Continue until to..

Heating 16 probe Is the Heating 16 probe considered when calculating the average
(Range: No...Yes) temperature value? Yes-No.

Flap 1 probe Is the Flap 1 probe considered when calculating the average
(Range: No...Yes) temperature temperature value? Yes-No.

Continue until to..

Flap16 probe Is the Flap16 probe considered when calculating the average
(Range: No...Yes) temperature value? Yes-No.

The temperature values contributing to create the average temperature are shown in Check> Climate>
Probes average (see H.1.2).

E. Installa tion- Special inputs

E.1.7 Special inputs

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Special inputs

CO2 value at 4mA CO2 probe value at 4mA.

(Range: 0pm...30000pm)

CO2 value at 20mA CO2 probe value at 20mA.

(Range: 0pm....10000pm...30000pm)

NH3 value at 4mA

(Range: 0.0pm...300.0pm) NH3 probe value at 4mA.

NH3 value at 20mA

(Range: 0.0pm....100.0pm...300.0pm) NH3 probe value at 20mA.

01 (Count impulse)*1 Recording for every impulse of this counter.

(Range: 0.00u...1.00 u...100.00u)

02 (Count impulse)*1 Recording for every impulse of this counter.

(Range: 0.00u...1.00 u...100.00u)

The name of counters 1 and 2 can be customized by Qfarm Lab (i.e. in a QFarm only Climate you
can also input the water and feeding counter).

E. Installation - Climate alarm

E.1.8 Alarm
Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Alarm


According to what was set by Qfarm Lab can control these types of Alarms:

- Minimum/Maximum Temperature Alarm

- Minimum/Maximum Humidity Alarm

- Minimum/Maximum Pressure Alarm

- Minimum Ambient Heaters Temperature Alarm

- Minimum Radiant Heaters Temperature Alarm

- Minimum Amperage and Amperometric Disbalance Alarm

- Maximum C02 Alarm

- Maximum NH3 Alarm

- Maximum Index H. Alarm

The intervention of one the above alarms will affect Flaps system (see par. E.1.8.8).

E. Installation - Climate alarm

E.1.8.1 Alarm> Temperature

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Alarm> Temperature

This alarm can keep under control the minimum and maximum ambient temperature level.
Set can be either absolute or relative ones (following the Ventilation set as programmed
SETTING>Climate, see par. D.1) so that ambient temperature will not go beyond preset minumum
and maximum values.

Alarm intervention Enabled = alarm is enabled.

(Range: Enabled...Display) Display = alarm is silent. The alarm is displayed but the alarm
relay is not operated.

Alarm delay Delay in activating alarm.

(Range: 0m.00s...10m.00s)

Minimum Temperature set of Minimum alarm referred to the Ventilation set

relative set programmed in Settings>Climate (par. D.1).
(Range: -30.0°...-5.0°...30.0°)

Maximum Temperature set of Maximum alarm referred to the Ventilation set

relative set programmed in Settings>Climate (par. D.1).
(Range: -30.0°...12.0°...30.0°)

Minimum Temperature set of the minimum alarm (absolute setting).

absolute set Below this setting the alarm is on.
(Range: -30.0°...10.0°...50.0°)

Maximum Temperature set of the maximum alarm (absolute setting).

absolute set Above this temperature the alarm is on.
(Range: -30.0°...37.0°...50.0°)

0.2° 0.2° 0.2° 0.2°

ON fixed ON fixed fixed ON * fixed ON

With negative setting the

MIN MIN value is deductded from MAX MAX
TEMP TEMP referring Set (Ventilation) TEMP TEMP
temperature probe*
Minimum relative set Maximum relative set

Minimum absolute set Ventilation Maximum absolute set

Set referred to the Ventilation set programmed in Settings>Climate

This Set can be set by Calendar (par. D.5.1)

*In case of Ventilation Index control is the temperature as felt by the animals (see Index par. E.

E. Installation - Climate alarm

E.1.8.2 Alarm> Humidity

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Alarm> Humidity

This alarm can keep under control the min and max ambient humidity level.

Alarm intervention Enabled = alarm is enabled.

(Range: Enabled...Display) Display = alarm is silent. The alarm is displayed but the alarm
relay is not operated.

Alarm delay Delay in activating alarm.

(Range: 0m.00s...10m.00s)

Minimum Humidity setting of the minimum alarm (absolute setting).

absolute set Below this setting the alarm is on.
(Range: 0%...100%)

Maximum Humidity setting of the maximum alarm (absolute setting).

absolute set Above this setting the alarm is on.
(Range: 0.0%...97 %...100%) Typically you would set this at 97% to indicate when the wet bulb
has become dry (when using the pysicrometric kit).

0.2% 0.2%
ON fixed fixed ON


Minimum absolute set Maximum absolute set

Typically the max absolute set is = 97% so it can gives the signal the wet bulb probe has become
dry(with psycrometric kit).

E. Installation - Climate alarm

E.1.8.3 Alarm> Pressure

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Alarm> Pressure

This alarm can keep under control the min and max air-pressure level.

Alarm intervention Enabled = alarm is enabled.

(Range: Enabled...Display) Display = alarm is silent. The alarm is displayed but the alarm
relay is not operated.

Alarm delay Delay in activating alarm.

(Range: 0m.06s...10m.00s) Minimum delay= 6 seconds.

absolute set Pressure set (Pascal) of the minimum alarm (absolute setting).
(Range: 0P...300P) Below this setting the alarm is on (0P= alarm excluded).

absolute set Pressure set (Pascal) of the maximum alarm (absolute setting).
(Range: 0P...100P...300P) Above this setting the alarm is on.

2P 2P
ON * fixed fixed ON

ALARM OFF OFF ALARM Air depression

Minimum absolute set Maximum absolute set

This alarm is not activated during the off ventilation period or when ventilation is operated by timer
in Air exchange or in M3/h/Kg.

E. Installation - Climate alarm

E.1.8.4 Alarm> Heating

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Alarm> Heating

E. Allarme> Heating> Ambient

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Alarm> Heating> Ambient

This alarm can keep under control the minimum ambient heating temperature level.

Alarm intervention Enabled = alarm is enabled.

(Range: Enabled...Display) Display = alarm is silent. The alarm is displayed but the alarm
relay is not operated.

Alarm delay Delay in activating alarm.

(Range: 0 .00 ...10 .00 )
m s m s

Minimum Temperature set of Minimum alarm referred to the Ambient relative

relative set set, as programmed in Heating> Ambient (see E.1.1.1).
(Range: -30.0°...-0.5°...30.0°)

ON * fixed

ALARM OFF Ambient 1 Heating
temperature probe*

relative set
01 (Heating)
relative set

01 (Heating) relative set programmed in
Heating> Ambient (par. E.1.1.1)

Set Heating programmed in Settings> Climate

This Set can be set by Calendar (par. D.5.1)

Same for all installed space heaters (from 1 to 16).

*In case of Ventilation Index control is the temperature as felt by the animals (see Index par. E.

The alarm of minimum temperature for ambient does not work if it has been excluded (see par. 4.C).

E. Installation - Climate alarm

E.1.8.4 Alarm> Heating

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Alarm> Heating

E. Allarme> Heating> Radiant

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Alarm> Heating> Radiant

This alarm can keep under control the minimum ambient heating temperature level.

Alarm intervention Enabled = alarm is enabled.

(Range: Enabled...Display) Display = alarm is silent. The alarm is displayed but the alarm
relay is not operated.

Alarm delay Delay in activating alarm.

(Range: 0 .00 ...10 .00 )
m s m s

Minimum Temperature set of Minimum alarm referred to the Radiant relative set,
relative set as programmed in Heating> Radiant (see E. - E.
(Range: -30.0°...-0.5°...30.0°)

ON * fixed

ALARM OFF Radiant Heating
temperature probe*

relative set
relative set

01 (Heating) relative set programmed in
Heating> Ambient (par. E. - E.

Set Heating programmed in Settings> Climate

This Set can be set by Calendar (par. D.5.1)

*In case of Ventilation Index control is the temperature as felt by the animals (see Index par. E.

The alarm of minimum temperature for ambient does not work if it has been excluded (see par. 5.C).

E. Installation - Climate alarm

E.1.8.5 Alarm> Ampere meter

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Alarm> Ampere meter

It controls the Amperage take up of the ventilation section and take steps when it goes below a
minimum preset value (it also works when phases are out of balance).

Alarm intervention Enabled = alarm is enabled.

(Range: Enabled...Display) Display = alarm is silent. The alarm is displayed but the alarm
relay is not operated.

Alarm delay Delay in activating alarm.

(Range: 0m.06s...10m.00s)

Minimum Ampere step 1 Ampere Minimum Alarm Set 1 .

(Range: 0.0A...1.0°...100.0A) Below this set the Alarm is on.

Minimum Ampere step 2 Ampere Minimum Alarm Set 2 .

(Range: 0.0A...1.0°...100.0A) Below this set the Alarm is on.

Continue until to...

Minimum Ampere step 16 Ampere Minimum Alarm Set 16 .

(Range: 0.0A...1.0°...100.0A) Below this set the Alarm is on.

Maximum imbalance Maximum % of ampere imbalance across the 3 phases.

(Range: 0%....50 %...100%) Above this setting the alarm is on.

Reading zero Below this value the Ampere reading is = 0 (zero).

(Range: 0.0A...0.5A...100.0A)

0.2A 0.2A
ON * fixed fixed ON


Minimum absolute step x Maximum absolute set

This alarm is not activated during the off ventilation period when ventilation is operated by timer
in Air exchange or in M3/h/Kg.

E. Installation - Climate alarm

E.1.8.6 Alarm> C02/NH3

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Alarm> C02/NH3

This alarm can keep under control the maximum ambient CO2 and NH3 level.

Alarm intervention C02 Enabled = alarm is enabled.

(Range: Enabled...Display) Display = alarm is silent. The alarm is displayed but the alarm
relay is not operated.

Alarm delay C02 Delay in activating alarm.

(Range: 0m.00s...10m.00s)

Maximum C02 C02 setting of the maximum alarm (absolute setting).

absolute set Above this setting the alarm is on.
(Range: 0pm...3000 pm...10000pm)

Alarm intervention NH3 Enabled = alarm is enabled.

(Range: Enabled...Display) Display = alarm is silent. The alarm is displayed but the alarm
relay is not operated.

Alarm delay NH3 Delay in activating alarm.

(Range: 0m.00s...10m.00s)

Maximum NH3 NH3 setting of the maximum alarm (absolute setting).

absolute set Above this setting the alarm is on.
(Range: 0.0pm...20.0 pm...100.0pm)

100 ppm 1.0 ppm


C0 2 NH3
ppm ppm

C02 NH3
OFF C02 ambient C0 2 OFF NH3 ambient NH3
ppm ppm

Maximum C02 Maximum NH3

absolute set absolute set

E. Installation - Climate alarm

E.1.8.7 Alarm> Index H.

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Alarm> Index. H

This alarm can keep under control the maximum ambient Heat index level.

Alarm intervention Enabled = alarm is enabled.

(Range: Enabled...Display) Display = alarm is silent. The alarm is displayed but the alarm
relay is not operated.

Alarm delay Delay in activating alarm.

(Range: 0m.00s...10m.00s)

Maximum Index H. Index H. setting of the maximum alarm (absolute setting):

absolute set °F ambient temperature + %Rh ambient humidity.
(Range: 0...200...300) Above this setting the alarm is on.

fixed ON

OFF Ambient temperature (°F) + + = Index H.
Ambient humidity (%Rh)

Maximum Index H.
absolute set

The Heat index is calculated in this way:

°F ambient temperature + %RH ambient relative humidity = Index X.

i.e. if temperature is 86°F (30°C) and %RH is 74%:

calculated H = 160

E. Installation - Climate alarm

E.1.8.8 Alarm> Flap

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Alarm> Flap

E. Alarm> Flap> Alarm on Flap

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Alarm> Flap> Alarm on Flap

The intervention of one the above alarms will affect flaps.

Minimum temperature Position of the flap when this alarm is active.*1:

(Range: No-Op...Open...Closed) No-Op = Flap continues to operate normally.
Open = Flap is opened when this alarm is active.
Closed = Flap is closed when this alarm is active.

Maximum temperature Position of the flap when this alarm is active*1.

(Range: No-Op...Open...Closed)

Minimum humidity Position of the flap when this alarm is active*1.

(Range: No-Op...Open...Closed)

Maximum humidity Position of the flap when this alarm is active*1.

(Range: No-Op...Open...Closed)

Minimum pressure Position of the flap when this alarm is active*1 .


(Range: No-Op...Open...Closed)

Maximum pressure Position of the flap when this alarm is active*1.

(Range: No-Op...Open...Closed)

Minimum amper Position of the flap when this alarm is active*1.

(Range: No-Op...Open...Closed)

C02 maximum Position of the flap when this alarm is active*1.

(Range: No-Op...Open...Closed)

NH3 maximum Position of the flap when this alarm is active*1.

(Range: No-Op...Open...Closed)

01 Climate generic Position of the flap when this alarm is active*1.

(Range: No-Op...Open...Closed)

02 Climate generic Position of the flap when this alarm is active*1.

(Range: No-Op...Open...Closed)

If alarm is in Display mode the intervention is excluded.
When flaps are set to Open, in case of minimum pressure alarm intervention, they are opened and
kept opened all the time (to go back to normal working conditions you should manually close them
until they go back to the normal working pressure). Either you can switch Qfarm off and then on again.

E. Alarm> Flap> Flap moving alarm

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Alarm> Flap> Flap moving alarm

Alarm delay Delay in activating alarm.

(Range: 0m.00s...5m.00s...20m.00s) Flap has to reach its final position by this time frame.
If not alarm is activated.
0:00 = alarm is excluded.
This option is available only if flaps are controlled by potentiometer.

E. Installation - Climate alarm

E.1.8.9 Alarm> External blocks

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Alarm> Externalblocks

The external block alarm intervention is conditioned by the following settings:

Heating blocks Enabled = alarm is enabled.

(Range: Enabled...Display) Display = alarm is silent. The alarm is displayed but the alarm
relay is not operated.
Intervention delayed of 2 seconds on demand of Heating On.

01 Climate generic Enabled = alarm is enabled.

(Range: Enabled...Display) Display = alarm is silent.
The alarm is displayed but the alarm relay is not operated.

02 Climate generic Enabled = alarm is enabled.

(Range: Enabled...Display) Display = alarm is silent.
The alarm is displayed but the alarm relay is not operated.

Motor protection Enabled = alarm is enabled.

(Range: Enabled...Display) Display = alarm is silent.
The alarm is displayed but the alarm relay is not operated.

Buzzer alarm exclusion Alarm exclusion (minutes) signaled by acoustic signal (buzzer) from
(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s) external contact (0m.00s= excluded). See par. C.

E. Installation - Climate alarm

Alarm> Alarm test

Path: Home> Installation> Climate> Alarm> Alarm test

The general alarm output (built in on Qfarm) can be tested both manually and automatically.

Duration of manual test Duration of alarm activation in manual test *1.

(Range: 0m.02s...10m.00s)

Duration of automatic test Duration of alarm activation in automatic test *2.

(Range: 0m.02s...10m.00s)

Automatic test start time Time insertion automatic test*2.

(Range: 0h.00m...23h.59m)

Monday Automatic test on this day?*2

(Range: No...Yes)

Tuesday Automatic test on this day?*2

(Range: No...Yes)

Wednesday Automatic test on this day?*2

(Range: No...Yes)

Thursday Automatic test on this day?*2

(Range: No...Yes)

Friday Automatic test on this day?*2

(Range: No...Yes)

Saturday Automatic test on this day?*2

(Range: No...Yes)

Sunday Automatic test on this day?*2

(Range: No...Yes)

The manual alarm activation is done by getting in Daily inspections procedure (see par. G.8.E).
Once this time is elapsed it goes back to normal conditions.

The automatic alarm activation is done at Automatic test start time in the selected days of week,
for as log as the Duration of automatic test in seconds.
Once this time is elapsed it goes back to normal conditions.

In the Daily inspection register log (see par. G>8>E), the activation of Alarm test is recorded (when
multiple daily tests are done, the last only will be recorded).

E. Installation - Feeding

E.2 Feeding
Path: Home> Installation> Feeding

E. Installation - Feeding

E.2.1 Bird weighing

Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Bird weighing

Qfarm can control 1 or 2 bird-weighing units according to the setting previously done by Qfarm Lab.

E.2.1.1 Load cell data

Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Birds weighing> Plate load cell data

Plate 1 bird type Choose between Chicken or Turkey.

(Range: Chicken...Turkey)

Plate 1 cell full-scale Full scale weight of the load cell

(Range: 0g...35000g...100000g) (see technical specification of the load cell).

Plate 1 cell sensitivity Balance loading cell data (see technical features of the load cell).
(Range: 0.8...2.000...3.300) Perform a ‘Calibration’ to automatically record this value.

Plate 1 tare weight Weight tare.

(Range: 0g...5800g...30000g) Perform an ‘Automatic tare’ to automatically record this value.

Plate 1 filter seconds Filter time of the weighing system.

(Range: 0.0...0.2”...10.0”)

Plate 2 bird type Choose between Chicken or Turkey.

(Range: Chicken...Turkey)

Plate 2 cell full-scale Full scale weight of the load cell

(Range: 0g...35000g...100000g) (see technical specification of the load cell).

Plate 2 cell sensitivity Balance loading cell data (see technical features of the load cell).
(Range: 0.8...2.000...3.300) Perform a ‘Calibration’ to automatically record this value.

Plate 2 tare weight Weight tare.

(Range: 0g...5800g...30000g) Perform an ‘Automatic tare’ to automatically record this value.

Plate 2 filter seconds Filter time of the weighing system.

(Range: 0.0...0.2”...10.0”)

E. Installation - Feeding

E.2.1.1.H Bird weighing system

Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Birds weighing> Plate load cell data> Bird weighing ..

Minimum initial % Minimum initial % (referred to weight of capture)*.

(Range: 0%...15%...100)

Maximum initial % Maximum initial % (referred to weight of capture)*.

(Range: 0%...15%...100)

Minimum final % Minimum final % (referred to weight of capture)*.

(Range: 0%...15%...100)

Maximum 1 final % Maximum final % (referred to weight of capture)*.

(Range: 0%...15%...100)

Maximum 2 final % Maximum final % (referred to weight of capture) with % uniformity

(Range: 0%...15%...100) lower than the set in Point 1>2 uniformity.

Point 1>2 uniformity % uniformity below this level the Maximum 2 final % applies*.
(Range: 0%...60%...100)

Type of weight capture Automatic: the capture weight is calculated according to the daily
(Range: Automatic...Target) average reading and automatically updated at each capture.

Target: the capture weight is the daily target weight of birds.

Note: the daily target weight of birds is calculated according to the
growth curve as set in Home>D>5>1>E>2-3.

The percentage of min and max capture weight is calculated according to these settings.
At the beginning of cycle you start with Minimum initial % and Maximum initial % to get by linear
interpolation, at the end of the cycle, a Maximum 1 final % (or Maximum 2 final % if the uniformity is
lower than Point 1>2 uniformity).

E. Installation - Feeding

E.2.1.2 Plate 1 calibration

Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Birds weighing> Plate 1 calibration

By this procedure you can calibrate the weighing system.

Plate calibration Make sure the weigher is clear and the readout = 0 (if not then perform
the 'Tare' procedure). Place a known weight on the plate.
If the displayed weight, above, does not match the weight expected,
adjust the displayed weight, using the Decr or Incr keys, to the known
weight value. Press Enter to confirm or Exit to quit without saving.

E.2.1.3 Plate 2 calibration

Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Birds weighing> Plate 2 calibration

Same procedure as per Plate 1.

E. Installation - Feeding

E.2.2 Feed weighing

Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Feed weighing

According to what was set by Qfarm Lab, the Qfarm can control the feed weight in the following ways:

1> External contact: without load cells.

The feed weighing unit is an external one. The interface signal is an electric contact.
At each and every contact, a certain quantity of Kg is recorded.
i.e. a mechanical hopper which gives a pulse every 25 kg.

2> Volumetric: without load cells.

The feed distribution system converts the silos auger working time into Kg of feed distributed to

3> Silos is weighed by load cells.

The weighing of the feed is done by the silos load cells (up to 3 silos can be managed).

E.2.2.1 External counters

Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Feed weighing> External counters

Kg per pulse Kg of feed supplied for each pulse of the feed counter.
(Range: 0.00k...1.000k...100.00k)

E.2.2.2 Volumetric
Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Feed weighing> Volumetric

K recording Weight/time factor gives the Kg of feed downloaded in 30 secs by

(Range: 0.0k...5.0k...300.0k) the silo’s auger.
According to this setting the feed distribution system converts the
auger working time into Kg of feed distributed to birds.
The automatic download procedure is done in Settings> Feeding>
K calculation (par. D.3.3), and it automatically inputs this value.

E. Installation - Feeding

E.2.2.3 Silo weighing

Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Feed weighing> Silo weighing

E. Load cell data

Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Feed weighing> Silo weighing > Silo load cell data

Silo 1 number of load cells Number of cells mounted on the silo.

(Range: 0...4...8)

Silo 1 cells full-scale Kg full scale of the loading cell (see technical features of the load cell).
(Range: 0k...5000k...100000k)

Silo 1 cells sensitivity Balance loading cell data (see technical features of the load cell).
(Range: 0.8...2.000...3.300) Perform a ‘Calibration’ to automatically record this value.

Silo 1 tare weight Kg weight tare.

(Range: 0k...100000k) Perform an ‘Automatic tare’ to automatically record this value.

Silo 1 filter seconds Filter time of the weighing system.

(Range: 0.0...1.0”...10.0”)

Silo 2 number of load cells Number of cells mounted on the silo.

(Range: 0...4...8)

Silo 2 cells full-scale Kg full scale of the loading cell (see technical features of the load cell).
(Range: 0k...5000k...100000k)

Silo 2 cells sensitivity Balance loading cell data (see technical features of the load cell).
(Range: 0.8...2.000...3.300) Perform a ‘Calibration’ to automatically record this value.

Silo 2 tare weight Kg weight tare.

(Range: 0k...100000k) Perform an ‘Automatic tare’ to automatically record this value.

Silo 2 filter seconds Filter time of the weighing system.

(Range: 0.0...1.0”...10.0”)

Press to have access to Silo 3 Data.

E. Installation - Feeding

E. Silo 1 calibration

Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Feed weighing> Silo weighing> Silo 1 calibration

By this procedure you can calibrate the weighing system.

Silo calibration Make sure the weigher is empty and the readout= 0 (if not then perform
the 'Tare' procedure). Place a known weight on the silo.
If the displayed weight, above, does not match the weight expected,
adjust the displayed weight, using the Decr or Incr keys, to the known
weight value. Press Enter to confirm or Exit to quit without saving.

E. Silo 2 calibration

Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Feed weighing> Silo weighing> Silo 2 calibration
Same procedure as per Silo 1.

E. Silo 3 calibration

Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Feed weighing> Silo weighing> Silo 3 calibration
Same procedure as per Silo 1.

E. Installation - Feeding

E. Automatic upload

Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Feed weighing> Silo weighing> Automatic upload

Automatic upload weight Kg of feed to be loaded in the silos beyond which the Automatic silo
(Range: 0k...90k...100k) uploading procedure is activated*.

Time check upload Duration time allowed for the weight in the silos to increase.
Beyond which the Automatic silo uploading procedure is
(Range: 0m.00s...0m.20s...2 m.00s) activated.

Time re-start Waiting time after a loading of the silo, after which the Automatic
(Range: 0m.00s...1m.00s...10m.00s) silo uploading procedure finishes.

Weight drift Daily minimum weight (Kg), under which the weight downloaded
(Range: 0k...20k...100k) from the silos is not recorded (inactive setting).

Typically, when setting Automatic upload weight= 90K and Time check unload=20s the program can
detect the feed truck is uploading the silos: at this point the program stops the silos auger (if working)
and activate the Automatic silos uploading procedure.
Once the upload has been completed, the feed distributions starts again automatically and the feed
uploaded in the silos is recorded in Archive>Silos upload (par. G.7).

If you were to register "silo loading false signals" due to wind action on the silo (and recorded in
Archive>Silos upload, par. G.7) we suggest to set Automatic upload weight= 90K and Time check

When the silos feed uploading is done on a “slow” way (say when the download silos auger is working
during the silos upload so that the net uploading difference is less than 90 kg every 20") we suggest
to set Automatic upload weight= 90K and Time check unload=40s.
Obviously the higher the above Automatic upload weight value the higher is the risk that Automatic
silos uploading procedure (mostly due to wind gusts acting on the silos) is unintentionally activated.
To be 100% this will not happen, we recommend to stop the feed distribution before loading the silos.

As option, “Silos uploading” sensors can be installed so they immediately recognize the silos is being
uploaded (in this case the system goes into Silos uploading mode).
In E.2.6. you can set the alarm with maximum allowed time to close the signal of the load sensor silo.
Note: Use this silo upload system where silo is NOT directly uploaded from the feed truck.
The typical use of this system is for small silos which are loaded from a big silo by an auger system.

D. Installation - Feeding

E.2.3 Distribution
Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Distribution

Hopper sensor delay Defines the delay in activating the hopper auger after the feed
(Range: 0m.00s...0m.05s...10m.00s) sensor start signal.
To avoid frequent on-off working of the silo auger due to the action
of the max level hopper sensor, this value has to be set according
to the time required by the feed hopper to become empty when
feeding lines are working.
In this way the hopper is being loading only when it’s really empty.

Delay end distribution Hoppers delay at end of every time cycle for each meal (with
(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s) rationed meal only). The feeding lines start at the beginning of the
meal and stop after this delay when the rationed meal is completed
or when the time cycle of the meal is over*1.

Delay start feeders Feeder start delay. This helps prevent the feeders running without
(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s) feed at the start of the cycle.

Feeders on time Feeders run time for when ration feeding with time delayed function.
(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s) If this is set to 0m.00s then the timing is not used.

Feeders off time Feeders stop time for when ration feeding with time delayed
(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s) function. If this is set to 0m.00s then the timing is not used.

Medication mode 0= the download water pump starts as soon as the medicated
(Range: 0...1) water level has been reached in the tank*2.
1= the download water pump starts 1 minute after the upload of
water into the tank has been started*2.

Feeders lowering waiting Feeders lowering waiting time.

(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s)
Allows to fill feeders before their descent.

Feeders lowering time When the feeding time arrives the feeders are lowered down during
(Range: 0m.00s...2 m.00s) this time settings and then the feeder starts working.

Feeders raising time When the feeding time is over, and after the Delay end distribution
(Range: 0m.00s...2 m.00s) time the feeders are raised up during this time.

Feeders stop during silos loading Feeders stop during silos loading? Yes-No.
(Range: Yes...Si)

Off timer feeders in fast When in ‘Fast procedure’ this is the waiting time of feeders from the
(Range: 0h.00m...6h.00m...12h.00m) fast start up*3.

On timer feeders in fast When in ‘Fast procedure’: feeders working after waiting time
(Range: 0h.00m...0h.05m...12h.00m) Off timer mangers in fast*3.

Light turn-off Number of minutes the lights are turned off for during meal
(Range: 0m.00s...99m.00s) distribution start.

Warning Water/Feed Water/Feed ratio above that level, the value as displayed in the
(Range: 0.00...5.00) feeding screenshot (Home>8) is highlighted in red color.

Water diagram coefficient Display coefficient referred to the Gr/bird of water as per Water/
(Range: 1...4)
Feed diagram (Home>8>F).
I.E. when setting = 2 the value of the Gr/bird of water is halved.
Not active in case of Fast.
For Medicated working see par. D.3.2.5.
For Fast working see par. D.3.2.6.

E. Installation - Feeding

E.2.4 Lighting
Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Lighting

According to the setting done Qfarm Lab, Qfarm can control light with control up to 8 lights
(by On / off output and with dawn / sunset 0-10V output), can also control the opening and closing of
hens nests.

The light timing setting is one, both for all the Lights and the Nest opening so that the farmer only
need to set the Start timing and the End timing (all settings referred to these 2 timings) and can be
programmed in Settings>Feeding>Time clocks>Light times (see par. D.3.1.2).

01 (Light 01)*

01 On light delay Delay time lighting up , referred to Start hour light.

(Range: 0m.00s...99m.00s)

01 Off light advance Advance time lighting down, referred to Stop hour light.
(Range: 0m.00s...99m.00s)

01 Minimum luminosity % % of luminosity at light start up.

(Range: 0%...10%...100%)

01 Maximum luminosity % % of luminosity at light start up + time of Ramp up time.

(Range: 0%...100%) When activating the calendar setting the message of activation is
Calendar displayed. In this case the set cannot be modified on this setting
(see par D.5.2).

01 Ramp up time Time ramp up duration.

(Range: 0m.00s...5m.00s...60m.00s)

01 Ramp down time Time ramp down duration.

(Range: 0m.00s...15 m.00s...60m.00s)

01 Minimum permanence Time during Light permanence % at sunset.

(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s)

Press to go to the programming of Lights 2, and so on up to Lights 8.

Arrived at Lights 8 press for Nests opening schedule.


Opening nests delay Delay time Nests opening, referred to Start hour light.
(Range: 0m.00s...99m.00s)

Closing nests advance Advance time Lests closing, referred to Stop hour light.
(Range: 0m.00s...99m.00s)

* Note. The name of the lights can be customized (using the software Qfarm Lab).

E. Installation - Feeding

Operation lights


Relay 01 Light ON-OFF

output OFF

100% 01 Maximum %*
50% 01 Light 0-10V
10% 01 Minimum %

01 On light 01 Ramp 01 Ramp down 01 Minimum 01 Off light

delay up time time permanence advance

Stop hour x The Start timing and the End timing can be programmed in Stop hour x
Light times Settings> Feeding> Time clocks> Lighting cycle times (par. C.3.1.2.) Light times

* Can be with calendar mode.

For lights 2-3-4-5-6-7-8 is the same

The characteristics of the 8 0-10V outputs are completely independent: each output 0 -10V may also
be associated with an ON-OFF.

Operation nests

Opening Closing
nests delay nests advance

Start hour x The Start timing and the End timing can be programmed in Stop hour x
Light times Settings> Feeding> Time clocks> Lighting cycle times (par. D.3.1.2.) Light times

E. Installation - Feeding

E.2.4.D % Luminosity change

Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Lighting> % Luminosity change

Variation start time Time (hours:mins) when the variation period starts.
(Range: 0h.00m...23.h59 m)

Variation end time Time (hours:mins) when the variation period endss.
(Range: 0h.00m...23.h59 m)

% Luminosity change % Luminosity change (+ or -).

(Range: -99%...0.0°...99%)

Note: when setting 00:00 as start and end time, luminosity change is excluded.

E.2.5 External counters

Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> External counters

Lt per pulse Liters of water supplied for each pulse of the Water meter.
(Range: 0.00Lt...1.00Lt...100.00Lt)

Kw per pulse Kw of energy supplied for each pulse of the Kw meter.

(Range: 0.00u...1.00u...100.00u)

Gas per pulse Gas of unit supplied for each pulse of the Gas meter.
(Range: 0.00u...1.00u...100.00u)

E. Installation - Feeding

E.2.6 Alarm (settings)

Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Alarm settings

Low stock alarm Set the number of meals remaining in the silos. If the number of
(0...50) meals available falls below this setting the Low stock alarm is
The Low stock alarm is calculated based upon the quantity of feed
distributed during the last meal time (0 = not active).

Minimum feed flow Kg of feed which must be downloaded in the time set at Minimum
(0k...100k) feed flow time. If the entered amount of feed falls below this setting
the Minimum feed flow alarm is activated (0=excluded)*1.

Minimum feed flow time In this time the weight decrease in the silos must not be less than the
(Range: 0m.00s...1m.00s...60m.00s) value set in Minimum feed flow otherwise the Minimum feed flow
alarm is activated. This alarm works only if silos have load cells and
it’s not operational with the volumetric system (0=excluded)*1.

Silo auger delay time This is the delay time of the silo’s auger after a Minimum feed flow
(Range: 0m.00s...1m.00s...60m.00s) alarm. After this delay the system tries to download the silos again:
after 3 unsuccessful attempts the Minimum feed flow alarm is
activated and the system needs to be reset to start again *1.

Maximum feed flow Maximum Kg of feed unloaded from the silo between two hoppers limit
(Range: 0kg...32000kg) switch activations. In this way the hopper limit signal checks the
loaded feed does not exceed the required quantity (0= excluded)*1 *2.

Minimum water flow Minimum water consumption alarm below which the Minimum
(Range: 0Lt...10000Lt) water flow alarm starts, calculated in time Water check time (0=
excluded)*3. This alarm is not operation during the water OFF
periods and during the Medicated water procedure.

Maximum water flow Maximum water consumption alarm above which the Maximum water
(Range: 0Lt...10000Lt) flow alarm starts, calculated in time Water check time (0= excl.)*1 * 3.
This alarm is not operation during the Medicated water procedure.

Water flow check time Duration of Water minimum/maximum alarm check (0=
(Range: 0h.00m...12h.00m) excluded)*3.

Maximum delay water supply This is the max allowed delay in minutes to supply water from the
(Range: 0m.00s...60m.00s) start time. At the start time of water supply the supplied water
value could be already more than the value allowed by the Maximum
water flow so the alarm is delayed by this time.

Minimum Water/Feed Minimum Water/Feed ratio distributed daily:

(Range: 0.00...99.99) below this value, the Minimum Water/Feed alarm is activated*4.
Setting 0.00 the alarm is excluded.

Maximum Water/Feed Maximum water/feed ratio distributed daily:

(Range: 0.00...99.99) reached this value, the Maximum Water/feed alarm is activated*4.
Setting 0.00 the alarm is excluded.

Hens feed alarm Minimum amount of feed to be distributed within a meal period
(Range: 0kg...32000kg) (start time-end time). Setting 0 the alarm is excluded*5.


E. Installation - Feeding

Silo upload signal This is the time duration to check the silo loading signal.
(Range: 0 .00 ...20 .00 ...60 .00 )
m s m s m s When this time is over the Silo upload signal alarm will be
displayed (active only if silo upload signal is present).

Max time opening/closing nests If the ‘Opening/closing nests’ done sensors are installed,
(Range: 0 .00 ...60 .00 )
m s m s after this time closing or opening of nests must be confirmed
by the dedicated sensor (contact is closed).
On contary case the Failed nests opening/closing alarm
is activated. (0=excluded).

When any of these alarms is activated, feed and water distribution automatically stop. To re-start
the system see Restart feed system par. C.F. These alarms are automatically reset on next day.

This alarm is operation only when the feed hopper sensor is connected (see Installation Manual
par. A.19). If the sensor is not connected, set this value = 0.

During Minimum water flow check time the value of distributed water should not be lower than Minimum
water flow alarm and during Maximum water flow check time the value of distributed water should not
be exceed than Maximum water flow alarm otherwise the Water Alarm will be activated (0= alarm

Minimum water/feed.
The alarm Minimum water/feed is activated only when the water distribution is over (at the end of
the last period of water distribution).
The alarm, in addition to being reported, is filed in the day’s events.
If activated it can be silenced, see par. C.D.

Maximum water/feed.
The alarm Maximum water/feed is activated only when water distribution is over (at the end of the
last period of water distribution).
The alarm, in addition to being reported, is filed in the day’s events.
If activated it can be silenced, see par. C.D.

Note: the water/feed ratio is calculated in this way:

Water distributed in the current day (liters)
Scheduled feed (Male + Female) for the current day (Kg)

In case feed is distributed at will this alarm enables to check that a minimum feed quantity is
distributed for every programmed meal.
If this does not happen the Hens feed alarm will be triggered.
The alarm can be triggered at the end of each meal (if activated can be silenced, see par. C.D) and
it’s automatically reset at the next meal start up.

E. Installation - Feeding

E.2.7 Alarm (activation)

Path: Home> Installation> Feeding> Alarm activation

Low stock Enabled = alarm is enabled.

(Range: Enabled...Display) Display = alarm is silent.
The alarm is displayed but the alarm relay is not operated.

Minimum feed flow Idem

(Range: Enabled...Display)

Maximum feed flow Idem

(Range: Enabled...Display)

Minimum water flow Idem

(Range: Enabled...Display)

Maximum water flow Idem

(Range: Enabled...Display)

Meal unfinished Idem

(Range: Enabled...Display)

Fast Idem
(Range: Enabled...Display)

Silos upload signal Idem

(Range: Enabled...Display)

Bird weigher out of order Idem

(Range: Enabled...Display)

TLC0 - TLC2 failure Idem

(Range: Enabled...Display)

Wrong time Idem

(Range: Enabled...Display)

Minimum Water/Feed Idem

(Range: Enabled...Display)

Maximum Water/Feed Idem

(Range: Enabled...Display)

Hens feed alarm Idem

(Range: Enabled...Display)

Opening/closing nests failure Idem

(Range: Enabled...Display)

E. Installation

E.3 Clock
Path: Home> Installation> Clock

Minutes Minutes setting.

Hours Hour setting.

Day of the week Day of the current week setting.

Day of the month Day of the current month setting.

Month Month setting.

Year Year setting.

E.4 Language
Path: Home> Installation> Language

Select language You can change the displayed language.

E. Installation

E.5 Manual
Path: Home> Installation> Manual

Manual Testing procedure of outputs.

This procedure is required to operate manually the relays exits and to 0-10v (if any) so the controlbox
functionning and the extension slots (HXNE, HDY6, HXDA) connections can be tested.

Testing procedure is not recommended for the manual functionning of the system but only
for testing purposes.
The program automatically escapes from manual procedure after 5 min from last action.

The configuration of the inputs and outputs is made by P.C: with the aid of our Qfarm Lab
Qfarm Lab software also provide, for each chosen configuration, the required extension list,
the system layout alongwith the complete wiring diagram.

Complete list of the Outputs and the Inputs available at par. H6-H7-H8-H9.

E.5.1 Relay outputs

Path: Home> Installation> Manual> Relay outputs

Qf alarm Alarm relays on board of Qfarm are set into hand mode
When quitting the procedure, the relay automatically goes back to OFF.

R01 (relay name) Hand working of relay 1.

When quitting the procedure, the relay automatically goes back to OFF.

continue untill to...

R109 (relay name) Hand working of relay 109.

When quitting the procedure, the relay automatically goes back to OFF.

E.5.2 0-10V outputs

Path: Home> Installation> Manual> 0-10V outputs

U01 (0-10V output name) Manual working of Exit 0-10V N.1

when quitting the procedure, the exit automatically goes back to 0.0V

continue untill to...

U50 ( 0-10V output name) Manual working of Exit 0-10V N.50

when quitting the procedure, the exit automatically goes back to 0.0V.

E. Installation

E.7 Password
Path: Home> Installation> Password

Setting password of access to the program.

2 different password levels can be set according to the user mode (end-user, supervisor, etc).

Settings password Setting password setting (4 digits).

(Range: 0000...9999)

Installation password Installation password setting (4 digits).

(Range: 0000...9999)

Trying to access a password-protected area displays the following message:

(example of Settings password) enter the password required and press to confirm.
The password is no longer required as long as you are inside the programming section.
Passwords at start-up is set by default as 0000 (password not used).

E. Installation

E.8 Display
Path: Home> Installation> Display

Title bar Title bar

(Range: Invisible...Short...Long)

Display brightness Display brightness

(Range: 0%...100%)

Minimum brightness after waiting Display brightness after Waiting time for minimum brightness
(Range: 0%...20 %...50%) (time is calculated from the last time one key was hit).

Waiting time for min. brightness After this time (from the last time one key was hit) the display
(Range: 0m.00s...1m.00s) fades brightness down to the % preset value in Minimum
brightness after waiting.

D.0 Bootstrap
Path: Home> Installation> Bootstrap

Procedure of Bootstrap.
The 'bootstrap' procedure resets all the setting in the Qfarm back to those as originally set at the
factory. The operation table loaded into the Qfarm using the Qfarm Lab software will always remain
in the memory!

Enter bootstrap procedure Bootstrap password setting (4 digit).

ATTENTION: the 'bootstrap' procedure will delete all the settings, made by the user,
since the Qfarm was installed.

To bootstrap Qfarm the manufacturer activation code is required.

E. Installation

E.H USB management

Path: Home> Installation> USB management

Write archives on USB pen Archives can be read on PC by using the Qfarm arch-view support

Write SETS on USB pen All Qfarm SETS (settings) are recorded (don’t forget to do it
after the system testing at start up so you have a complete
configuration back-up).
You can then transfer all setting to another Qfarm unit (or in case
of unit replacement the original settings can be reloaded).

Upload SETS from USB pen If SETS were previously recorded (see previous point) the back
SETS can be selectively uploaded as following:
The INSTALLATION SET (except the ones at point ).
The RECORDINGS of the flaps potentiometers (if any) and the
RECORDINGS of the load cells calibrations (if any).

Write TAB on USB pen The working TAB (created by Qfarm Lab software) can be


E. Installation

Upload TAB from USB pen The working TAB (created by Qfarm Lab software) can be uploaded.
Identify the tab to be uploaded (press to display if there are
others tabs beyond the tab n. 5. Once that's done, press to go
back to first line of the list).
Selected by .. keys the new tab has to be uploaded.

Confirm by key the new tab has to be uploaded.

WARNING: when uploading a different TAB from the one currently loaded a
different project could be uploaded, with a completely different assignement of
inputs and outputs and functionning!

G. Archive

G. Archive
Path: Home> Archive

In the archives are recorded all the parameters related to the running cycle.
ATTENTION: the start of a new cycle resets all the files of the previous cycle.

G.1 Alarms / Failures / Events

Path: Home> Archive> Alarms / Failures / Events

Alarms: here are displayed the last 64 alarm interventions of the running cycle: each alarm shows
recording time and date.
Failures: here are displayed the last 64 failures interventions of the running cycle: each failure shows
recording time and date.
Events: here are displayed the last 64 event interventions of the running cycle: each event shows
recording time and date.

G. Archive

Absolute minimum temperature Stock of meals

Absolute maximum temperature Silo download minimum
Relative minimum temperature Silo download maximum
Relative maximum temperature Minimun water
Minimum humidity Maximum water
Maximum humidity Minimun water/feed
Minimum air pressure Maximun water/feed
Maximum air pressure Hens feed
Minimum radiant heater Opening/closing nests failure Feeding
Minimum ambient Heater 01 Meal unfinished *2 alarms
continue until to.. Fast G.1
Minimum ambient Heater 16 Silo upload sensor
Maximum C02 Climate Plate 1 cell damage
Maximum NH3 alarms Plate 1 overweight
Index H. (Temper.+humidity) G.1 Plate 1 tilted
Climate motor protection Plate 2 cell damage
Heating 1 block *1 Plate 2 overweight
continue until to.. P Plate 2 tilted
Heating 16 block *1 l
01 Generic climate
02 Generic climate
Minimum Ampere 1 n
continue until to.. t
Plate 1 TLC0 failure
Minimum Ampere 16
Plate 2 TLC0 failure
Ampere imbalance Feeding
Silo 1 TLC2 failure
Silo 2 TLC2 failure failures
Silo 3 TLC3 failure G.1.D
Ventilation 1 temperature
continue till to
Ventilation 4 temperature
Wet Bulb
Indoor humidity 4-20 mA Power restored
Outdoor humidity 4-20 mA Power failure
C02 4-20 mA Bootstrap
NH3 4-20 mA Watchdog (harware)
Outdoor temperature Watchdog (rtos)
Flap 1 temperature Filing Erased
continue till to Update procedure
Flap 16 temperature Starting cycle
Draft 1 temperature Pre-starting cycle Events
Draft 2 temperature Alarm silenced by keyboard
Flap 1 potentiometer Alarm silenced by external contact G.1.E
continue till to Climate Alarm enabled by external contact
Flap 16 potentiometer failures Manual test entry
Flap 1 moving G.1.D Manual test exit
continue till to A climate activated
Flap 16 moving B climate activated
Heat 1 temperature Start medicated
continue till to Stop medicated
Heat 16 temperature Alarm silenced by PC
Radiant Heater temperature
DP59/W pressure sensor
HXNE-1 failure
continue till to
HXNE-14 failure
Heating block alarm intervention is delayed by 2 secs
HXDA-1 failure from the closing of the alarm contact.
continue till to The alarm is active only when heating is on.
HXDA-13 failure
It's activated if, when the meal is over, the distributed
HXWM failure feed quantity is less than the programmed one.

G. Archive

G.3 Climate
Path: Home> Archive> Climate

In this archive are recorded the daily values of indoor and outdoor climate conditions.

The Medium value s

refer to the average
we ig h ted v alu e s
recorded every 30 min.

Previous Next
day day

> Last 48 hours

Previous Next
registration registration

> Graphics

G. Archive

G.3 Heating times

Path: Home> Archive> Heating times

In this archive are recorded the daily heating time.

Only for radiants with

sparking start

Previous Next
day day

G. Archive

E.5 Animals present

Path: Home> Archive> Animals present

In this archive are recorded the daily animals number.

Previous Next
day day

> Egg collection archive (only for hens)

Previous Next
day day

G. Archive

G.5 Feeding
Path: Home> Archive> Feeding

In this archive are recorded the daily feeding parameters.

Previous Next
day day

G.6 Bird weighing

Path: Home> Archive> Bird weighing

In this archive are recorded the daily birds weighing.

Previous Next
day day

G. Archive

G.7 Silos upload

Path: Home> Archive> Silo upload

In this archive are recorded all the silos uploads.

G. Archive

G.8 Daily inspection

Percorso: Home> Archivio> Daily inspection

This archive recording the performed daily inspection: first ispection is recorded from 00:00 to 11:59,
second ispection is recorded from 12:00 to 23:59. The alarm check test is also recorded (when multiple
daily tests are done, the last only will be recorded).

Previous Next
To perform the “daily day
ispection recording
press the key .

To run the alarm check test in manual mode press

the key then confirm by pressing the key..

G. Archive

G.9 Cycle total

Path: Home> Archive> Cycle total

In this archive the cycle total values are recorded.

G.9.1 Feeding
Path: Home> Archive> Cycle total> Feeding

G. Archive

G.9.2 Climate
Path: Home> Archive> Cycle total> Climate

Working time periods

for running cycle.
They are erase d b y
starting a new cycle.

Note: These times are referred to Working time periods for running cycle.
the system and are not reset at any They are erased by starting a new cycle.
new cycle but they must be erased
by their own erasing procedure.

To reset press key and keep pressed

for more than 3 sec.

H. Check control

H. Check Control
Path: Home> Check Control

Through CHECK CONTROL you can display all the working states of Qfarm.

H.1 Climate
Path: Home> Check Control> Climate

H. Check control

H.1.1 Climate blocks

Path: Home> Check control> Climate> Climate blocks

This screen gives the situation of the Climate blocks state and also shows the current conditionings (if any).
Max number of blocks displayed is 10.
Each block intervention is displayed in the Zoom 1...5 pages (Block state).

Ventilation and Heating and

Air exchange set change Flap set change

Ventilation blocks
Minimum ventilation See par. D.1
Maximum ventilation See par. D.1
Temporary change of ‘Ventilation’ set See par. D.1.H
Ventilation rotation See par. E.1.3.2
Change of ‘Ventilation’ set by indoor humidity See par. E. - E.
Maximum Step by outdoor temperature See par. E.
Maximum Ventilation % by outdoor temperature See par. E.
Change of ‘Ventilation’ set by night condition See par. E.
Ventilation increase See par. E.
Ventilation decrease See par. E.
Summer ventilation See par. E.
Reduction of ‘Ventilation’ set by CO2 See par. E.
Reduction of ‘Ventilation’ set by NH3 See par. E.

Air exchange blocks

Temporary change of ‘Air exchange’ set See par. D.1.H
Air changes rotation See par. E.1.3.2
Minimum On See par. E.1.3.2.
Reduction of ‘Air exchange’ set by outdoor temp. See par. E.
Reduction of minimum m3/h calculation by outd. temp. See par. E.
Increase of ‘Air exchange’ set by CO2 See par. E.
Increase of ‘Air exchange’ set by NH3 See par. E.

H. Check control

Heating blocks
Temporary change of ‘Heating’ set See par. D.1.H
Minimum spark block See par. E.
Change of ‘Heating’ set by night condition See par. E.
Change of ‘Heating’ set by indoor humidity See par. E.
Heating is stopped because Ventilation is On See par. E.
Fan-jet is stopped because Ventilation is On See par. E.1.1.3

Flap blocks
Minimum flap opening (flaps by pressure sensor) See par. E.1.2.1 - E.
Increase of ‘Pressure set’ by outdoor temperature See par. E.
Left side anemometer See par. E.
Right side anemometer See par. E.
Flap increase See par. E.
Flap decrease See par. E.
Flap winter See par. E.
Flap summer See par. E.
Flap External 1 See par. E.
Flap External 2 See par. E.
Open for Cooling See par. E.
Closed for Cooling See par. E.
Draft 1 Flap See par. E.
Draft 2 Flap See par. E.
Reduction of % flap opening by outdoor temperature See par. E.

Various blocks
Pre-start up cycle See par. D.0.F
Outdoor climate too humid See par. E.
Humidification minimum temperature See par. E.1.4
Cool 1 maximum humidity See par. E.1.5
Cool 2 maximum humidity See par. E.1.5

H. Check control

H.1.2 Probes average

Path: Home>> Check Control> Climate> Probes average

These are the probes on which the average temperature is calculated.

H.1.3 Flap recording

Path: Home> Check Control> Climate> Flap potentiometer recording

This screen display the values in Ohm of storage of the potentiometer of the relative Flap.
The procedure of Potentiometer Recording is explained to par. E.1.2.4

Go to next page
(if number of Flaps is > than 8)

H. Check control

H.1.4 Flap working analysis

Path: Home>> Check Control> Climate> Flap working analysis

This screen gives the situation of the operating status of the flaps with potentiometer.
The procedure of Potentiometer Recording is explained to par. E.1.2.4

Go to next page
(if number of Flaps is > than 8)

H.1.5 Delta flap analysis

Path: Home>> Check Control> Climate> Analisi ‘Delta’ Flap

This screen gives the situation of the operating status of the flaps with Delta working.

Go to next page
(if number of Flaps is > than 8)

H. Check control

H.2 Feeding
Path: Home> Check Control> Feeding

H.2.1 Feeding program state

Path: Home> Check Control> Feeding> Feeding program state




No if Feed time is ON but the meal is over (with rationed feed).
Yes if timing is temporized (see par. E.2.3).
ON during the 3 attempts of re-start the auger (see par.E.2.6 Silo auger delay time)
(not enabled) - Prog (programmed but not currently running) - Yes (running).

H.2.2 Light program state

Path: Home> Check Control> Feeding> Light program state

Programmed in Light times (see par. D.3.1.2).

H. Check control

H.6 Inputs
Path: Home> Check control> Inputs

This screen gives the situation of the Inputs state.

This is very useful at system start-up to check if HXNE extensions were properly connected.
The configuration of the inputs and the outputs of the extension modules is made by our Qfarm Lab
software: the software also provide, for each chosen configuration, the required extension list, the
system layout alongwith the complete wiring diagram.
Ventilation 1 temperature Kw counter sensor contact
continue go to Gas counter sensor contact
Ventilation 4 temperature Water 1 counter sensor contact
Wet Bulb temperature Water 2 counter sensor contact
4-20mA Indoor humidity Feed counter sensor contact
4-20mA Outdoor humidity Hopper level sensor contact
Outside temperature Open nests sensor contact
Flap 1 temperature Close nests sensor contact
continue go to Water tank empty sensor contact
Flap 16 temperature Upload silo signal contact
Draft 1 temperature
Draft 2 temperature
Flap 1 Potentiometer
continue go to
Flap 16 Potentiometer
Heating 01 temperature
continue go to
Heating 16 temperature
Radiant heater temperature
Fan-jet 1 low emperature
Fan-jet 1 high temperature
continue go to
Fan-jet 4 low emperature
Fan-jet 4 high temperature
DP59/W Pressure sensor
Ampere phase 1
Ampere phase 2
Ampere phase 3
C02 indoor 4-20mA For the ‘temperature sensor inputs’ :
NH3 indoor 4-20mA -52.1°= open circuit (connection or sensor breakdown)
Left wind Anemometer 190.0°= short circuit (connection or sensor breakdown)
Right wind Anemometer
Increment Ventilation contact For the ‘free contact inputs’ :
Decrement Ventilation contact Open = open contact
Clima A>B contact Closed = closed contact
Increment Flap contact
Decrement Flap contact
External 1 Flap block contact
External 2 Flap block contac
Motor protection contact
Heating 01 block contact
continue go to
Heating 16 block contact
Generic Alarm 01 contact*1
Generic Alarm 02 contact*1
Contact silence alarm
Counter 01*1 *1
The name can be customized (using the software
Counter 02*1 Qfarm Lab).

H. Check control

H.7 Relay outputs

Path: Home> Check Control> Relay ouputs

This screen sums up the configuration of the Outputs relays state of the HDY6 extensions.
This is very useful at system start-up to check if extensions (HXNE-HDY6) were properly connected.
The configuration of the inputs and the outputs of the extension modules is made by Qfarm Lab
software. The software also provide, for each chosen configuration, the required extension list, the
system layout alongwith the complete wiring diagram.


Alarm relay on Qfarm Silo auger
Ventilation 01 Feeders
continue go to Lower Feeders
Ventilation 18 Raised Feeders
Flap 01 Close Light 1*1
Flap 01 Open continue go to
continue go to Light 8*1
Flap 16 Close Nest opening (Ground hens)
Flap 16 Open Nest closing (Ground hens)
Heating 01 Water line
continue go to Fill Medication tank
Heating 16 Empty Medication tank
Modulating heater Heat Daily timer 01*1
Modulating heater Cool Daily timer 02*1
Spark heaters Minimum Feeding free alarm 1
Spark heaters Maximum Feeding free alarm 2
Spark On Feeding free alarm 3
Fan-jet 1 Watchdog Alarm (for HP29/W)*2
continue go to
Fan-jet 4
OFF=open relay contact
ON= closed relay contact
Cooling 1
Cooling 2
Climate free Alarm 1 *1
The name can be customized (using the
Climate free Alarm 2 software Qfarm Lab).
Climate free Alarm 3 *2
Output contact for HP29/W external alarm.

H.8 0-10V outputs

Path: Home> Check Control>> 0-10V outputs

This screen sums up the configuration of the 0-10V outputs of the HXDA extensions.
This is very useful at system start-up to check if extensions (HXDA) were properly connected.
The configuration of the inputs and the outputs of the extension modules is made by Qfarm Lab
software. The software also provide, for each chosen configuration, the required extension list, the
system layout alongwith the complete wiring diagram.

Ventilation Radiant heater

Flap-01*1 Fan-jet 1
continue go to continue go to
Flap-16*1 Fan-jet 4 0.0V = 0.0v output
Heating 01*1 Light 01*1 10.0V=10.0v output
continue go to continue go to
Heating 16*1 Light 08*1 *1
The name can be customized (using the
software Qfarm Lab).

H. Check control

H.9 Load cells

Path: Home> Check control> Load cells
This screen sums up the configuration of the load cells. This is very useful at system start-up to check
if extensions (TLC2-TLCO) and Qfarm were properly connected.

H.9.1 Plate load cells

Path: Home> Check control> Load cells> Plate load cells

Dip-switch position Dip-switch position

on amplifier TLC0 n.1 on amplifier TLC0 n.2

H.9.2 Silo load cells

Path: Home> Check control> Load cells> Silo load cells

Dip-switch position Dip-switch position

on amplifier TLC2 n.1 on amplifier TLC2 n.2

Dip-switch position
on amplifier TLC2 n.3

H. Check control

H.H Info
Path: Home> Check Control> Info

This screens identifyes the plant’s characteristics to control, according to the settings made Qfarm Lab.

> Project info > Climate info

> Feeding info

Handbook EN 270317

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