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FCIS – Ain Shams University

Credit Hour Programs (CHP)

Academic year: 2019/2020
Academic Semester: Spring 2020
Program: Software Engineering

Final Assessment
Research Thesis [Mobile Systems (location-based) Testing]

Description and Instructions

Level Third.
Course Code SWE492
Course Title Testing and Quality Assurance

Instructor(s) Dr. Rasha Ismail & Dr. Alshaimaa Abo-alian

General Instructions - Research thesis replaces the final written exam

- The research is individual
- Each part/component of the research has a weight
- Research submission is online in electronic format
- Due date will be the date announced by faculty/program
- Research should be submitted in announced Student Template
- Plagiarism checking will be applied. Research is subject to
rejection in such case

1. Research Description

1.1. Research short description/general objectives

Location-based services become ubiquitous due to the popularity of smartphones.
The availability and validity of location-based services are often affected by mobile
user location contexts, which make mobile location-based services testing becomes
one challenging issue. In this research, you should analyze location related features
for location-based mobile apps. Then you should propose some test strategies to test
those location related features and characteristics. Moreover, a case study should be
reported to describe your test approaches and test steps in details.

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FCIS – Ain Shams University
Credit Hour Programs (CHP)
Academic year: 2019/2020
Academic Semester: Spring 2020
Program: Software Engineering

1.2. Research phases/requirements

The research must be at least 10 pages. The research should be organized in the
following sections:
- Research Title
- Research Abstract
- Research Introduction
- Research Related Work (existing work)
- Research Techniques/Algorithms/Methods
- Results (Recommendation or suggestions - statistics)
- Conclusion
- References
1.3. Research deliverables
- Research thesis document.
- PowerPoint presentation.

Best Wishes
Dr. Rasha Ismail & Dr. Alshaimaa Abo-alian

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