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P GB 50014-2006

Code for Design of Outdoor Wastewater Engineering

(2011 Edition)

Issued on: January 18, 2006 Implemented on: June 1, 2006

Jointly Issued by the Ministry of Construction (MOC) and the General

Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine (AQSIQ) of the People's Republic of China
National Standard of the People's Republic of China

Code for Design of Outdoor Wastewater Engineering


GB 50014-2006
(2011 Edition)

Chief Development Department:

Shanghai Urban-Rural Development and Transport Commission
Approving Department:
Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China
Implementation Date:
June 1, 2006

China Planning Press

Beijing 2011
Announcement of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural
Development of the People's Republic of China


Announcement on Publishing the Partial Revision of the National

Standard "Code for Design of Outdoor Wastewater Engineering"

It is hereby announced that the partially revised provisions of "Code for Design of
Outdoor Wastewater Engineering" (GB 50014-2006) are approved and the corresponding
former provisions shall be abolished simultaneously.
The partially revised provisions and the specific contents will be published on the
relevant website of MOHURD and the recent issue of "Standardization of Engineering

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China

August 4, 2011
Revision Explanation

This standard was drafted by revising "Code for Design of Outdoor Wastewater
Engineering" (GB 50014-2006) by the Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute
(Group) Co., Ltd. jointly with the organizations concerned according to the requirements of
Document Jian Biao [2010] NO.43 of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
of the People's Republic of China-- "Notice on Printing 'the Development and Revision Plan
on Engineering Construction Standards in 2010'".
The main revised technical contents: Provision "except the arid districts with small
rainfall amount, the newly built districts shall adopt the separate system" was supplemented;
provision "the existing districts adopting the combined waste water engineering system, if
conditions permit, shall conduct reconstruction" was supplemented; provision "the storm
water comprehensive management shall be carried out according to the concept of low impact
development (LID)" was supplemented; provision "the designed storm water flow amount
shall be calculated by adopting the mathematical model method" was supplemented;
provision "districts where the integrated runoff coefficient is relatively high shall adopt the
infiltration, and adjustment and storage measures" was supplemented; provisions on the
application conditions of plastic pipe were supplemented; provisions on the arrangement and
calculation of storm water storage tank were supplemented; and the design load of biological
filter was corrected, etc.
In this code, the provisions underlined are modified content, and the provisions printed
in bold type are compulsory ones and must be enforced strictly.
Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development is in charge of the administration of
this code and the explanation of the compulsory provisions, Shanghai Urban-Rural
Development and Transport Commission is responsible for the routine management, and
Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute (Group) Co., Ltd. is responsible for the
explanation of specific technical contents. During the process of implementing this code, the
opinions or suggestions, whenever necessary, can be posted or passed on to Shanghai
Municipal Engineering Design Institute (Group) Co., Ltd.-Outdoor Water Supply and
Drainage Design Codes and National Standards Administrative Group (No.901, Zhong Shan
Bei Er Lu, Shanghai City, 200092, China) for reference in future revision.
Chief development organization, participating development organizations, chief drafting
staffs and chief examiners of this partial revision:
Chief development organization: Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute
(Group) Co., Ltd.
Participating development departments: Beijing University of Technology
Shanghai Municipal & Traffic Design Institute
Hangzhou Wisdom Water Supply and Drainage Engineering Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute
Chief drafting staffs: Zhang Chen (in the order of the number of strokes in the surnames)
Zhi Xiahu, Shi Hong, Zhu Guanghan, Chen Yun, Chen Yan, Chen Yilong,
Xiao Jun, Shao Yaoming and Zhu Yuwen
Chief examiners: Li Yi, Li Yansong, Kong Lingyong, Wang Xiuduo, Li Shuyuan and

Luo Wanshen

Announcement of Ministry of Construction of the People's
Republic of China


Notice on Publishing the National Standard "Code for Design of Outdoor

Wastewater Engineering" of the Ministry of Construction of the People's

Republic of China

"Code for Design of Outdoor Wastewater Engineering" has been approved as a national
standard with a serial number of GB 50014-2006 and shall be implemented from June 1, 2006.
In which, Articles 1.0.6, 4.1.4, 4.3.3, 4.4.6, 4.6.1, 4.10.3, 4.13.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.9, 5.1.11, 6.1.8,
6.1.18, 6.1.19, 6.1.23, 6.3.9, 6.8.22, 6.11.4, 6.11.8(4), 6.11.13, 6.12.3, 7.1.3, 7.3.8, 7.3.9,
7.3.11, 7.3.13 are compulsory provisions and must be enforced strictly. The former "Code for
Design of Outdoor Wastewater Engineering" (GBJ 14-87) and "Announcement on Partial
Revision of Engineering Construction Standard" (No.12 in 1997) shall be abolished
This code is published by China Planning Press under the organization of the Standard
Rating Research Institute of the Ministry of Construction.

Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China

January 18, 2006

According to the requirements of Document Jian Biao [2003] No.102 issued by the
Ministry of Construction--"Notice on Printing 'the Development and Revision Plan on
Engineering Construction Standards in 2002~2003'", the former national standard "Code for
Design of Outdoor Wastewater Engineering" (GBJ 14-87) (1997 edition) was
comprehensively revised by Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design General Institute under
the governing of Shanghai Urban-Rural Development and Transport Commission.
The main revised technical contents: Add the contents of water resource utilization
(including renovated water recycling and storm water collection and utilization), terms and
symbols, trenchless technology and double pipe laying, anti-sedimentation, intercepting well,
intersection of renovated water pipe and drinking water pipe, deodorization, biological
removal of nitrogen and phosphorus, sequencing batch reactor, biological aerated filter,
advanced wastewater treatment and recycling, disposal, inspection and control of sludge;
adjust the contents of the integrated runoff coefficient, the pollutant output of each person per
day in the domestic wastewater, the space of the inspection wells in straight pipe section, land
treatment and the like; supplement the contents of the roughness coefficient of plastic pipe,
energy conservation of water pump and oxidation ditch; and delete the double-layer settling
In this code, the provisions printed in bold type are compulsory ones and must be
enforced strictly.
The Ministry of Construction is in charge of the administration of this code and the
explanation of the compulsory provisions; Shanghai Urban-Rural Development and Transport
Commission is responsible for the specific management and Shanghai Municipal Engineering
Design General Institute is responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents.
During the process of implementing this code, the opinions on modification and supplement,
whenever necessary, can be passed or posted to the chief development organization --
Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design General Institute "Code for Design of Outdoor
Wastewater Engineering" National Standard Administrative Group (No.901, Zhong Shan Bei
Er Lu, Shanghai City, 200092, China) for reference in future revision.
Chief development organization, participating development organizations and chief
drafting staffs of this code:
Chief development organization: Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design General
Participating development departments:
Beijing General Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute
China Northeast Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute
North China Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute
China Northwest Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute
Central and Southern China Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute
Southwest Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute of China
Tianjin Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute
Hefei Municipal Design Institute

Shenzhen Municipal Engineering Design Institute
Harbin Institute of Technology
Tongji University
Chongqing University
Chief drafting staffs: Zhang Chen (in the order of the number of strokes in the surnames)
Wang Xiuduo, Kong Lingyong, Li Yansong, Liu Guangxu, Liu Liping, Liu Zhangfu,
Liu Changzhong, Zhu Guanghan, Li Yi, Li Chengjiang, Li Chunguang, Li Shuyuan,
Wu Jihua, Wu Yuhong, Chen Yun, Zhang Yupei, Zhang Zhi, Yang Jiang, Luo
Wanshen, Zhou Kezhao, Zhou Tong, Nan Jun, Yao Yujian, Chang Jing, Jiang Zhijin,
Jiang Jian, Lei Peishu and Xiong Yang


1 General Provisions .............................................................................................................. 1

2 Terms and Symbols ............................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Terms ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Symbols .................................................................................................................. 12
3 Designed Flow Amount and Water Quality ...................................................................... 15
3.1 Domestic Sewerage Amount and Industrial Wastewater Amount.......................... 15
3.2 Storm Water Amount .............................................................................................. 15
3.3 Combined Water Amount........................................................................................ 17
3.4 Designed Water Quality .......................................................................................... 18
4 Sewerage Pipe Ditch and Ancillary Structures .................................................................. 19
4.1 General Requirements............................................................................................. 19
4.2 Hydraulic Calculation ............................................................................................. 20
4.3 Pipe ......................................................................................................................... 22
4.4 Inspection Well ....................................................................................................... 24
4.5 Drop Well ................................................................................................................ 25
4.6 Water Seal Well ....................................................................................................... 26
4.7 Storm Water Inlet.................................................................................................... 26
4.8 Intercepting Well ..................................................................................................... 26
4.9 Water Outlet ............................................................................................................ 28
4.10 Drainage of Interchange........................................................................................ 28
4.11 Inverted Siphon ..................................................................................................... 29
4.12 Ditch ..................................................................................................................... 29
4.13 Pipe Integration ..................................................................................................... 30
4.14 Strom Water Storage Tank .................................................................................... 31
4.15 Storm Water Infiltration Facilities ........................................................................ 32
5 Pumping Stations ............................................................................................................... 33
5.1 General Requirements............................................................................................. 33
5.2 Designed Flow Amount and Designed Head .......................................................... 34
5.3 Collecting Tank ....................................................................................................... 34
5.4 Design of Pump House ........................................................................................... 35
5.5 Outlet Water Facilities ............................................................................................ 37
6 Wastewater Treatment ....................................................................................................... 39
6.1 Site Selection and General Layout .......................................................................... 39
6.2 General Requirements............................................................................................. 41
6.3 Bar Screen ............................................................................................................... 42
6.4 Grit Chamber .......................................................................................................... 43
6.5 Settling tank ............................................................................................................ 44
6.6 Activated Sludge Process........................................................................................ 46
6.7 Chemical Phosphorus Removal .............................................................................. 55
6.8 Oxygen Supply Facilities ........................................................................................ 55
6.9 Biofilm Process ....................................................................................................... 58

6.10 Returned Sludge and Excess Activated Sludge..................................................... 62
6.11 Natural Treatment of Wastewater .......................................................................... 63
6.12 Advanced Wastewater Treatment and Recycling .................................................. 64
6.13 Sterilization ........................................................................................................... 67
7 Sludge Treatment and Disposal ......................................................................................... 68
7.1 General Requirements............................................................................................. 68
7.2 Sludge Thickening .................................................................................................. 68
7.3 Sludge Digestion ..................................................................................................... 68
7.4 Mechanical Sludge Dewatering .............................................................................. 71
7.5 Sludge Delivery ...................................................................................................... 73
7.6 Sludge Drying and Incineration .............................................................................. 73
7.7 Sludge Integrated Application................................................................................. 74
8 Inspection and Control ...................................................................................................... 75
8.1 General Requirements............................................................................................. 75
8.2 Inspection ................................................................................................................ 75
8.3 Control .................................................................................................................... 75
8.4 Computer Control and Management System .......................................................... 76
Appendix A Method of Establishing Rainfall Intensity Formula ......................................... 77
Appendix B Minimum Clearance of Sewerage Pipes and Other Underground Pipelines
(Structures) .............................................................................................................................. 79
Explanation of Wording in This Code ..................................................................................... 80

1 General Provisions

1.0.1 This code was formulated with a view to making the wastewater engineering design in
China implement the scientific outlook on development and comply with the national laws
and regulations, and achieving the goals of prevention and control water pollution, enhancing
and protecting environment, improving the health level of the people and ensuring the safety.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the design of permanent outdoor wastewater engineering in
the constructed, extended and renovated cities and towns, industrial areas and residential
1.0.3 The design of wastewater engineering shall be mainly in accordance with the
approved urban overall planning and wastewater engineering professional planning, shall be
proceeded from the overall situation, and correctly handle the relation between industry and
agriculture, urbanized areas and nonurbanized areas, short-term and long-term, concentration
and dispersion, and discharge and utilization according to the planning age limit, engineering
scale, economic benefit, social benefit and environmental benefit. Upon comprehensive
verification, the design of wastewater engineering shall be able to accomplish environmental
protection, economization of lands, advanced technology, economy and rationality, safety and
reliability, and being suitable for local actual conditions.
1.0.4 The choice of the sewerage system (separate system and combined system) shall be
determined according to the general planning of the urban, and combining the integrated
consideration of the local landform characteristics, hydrological conditions, water body status,
weather characteristics, former sewerage facilities, degree of the wastewater treatment, the
water exit utilization and so on. Different districts in one city may adopt different sewerage
systems. Except the arid districts with small rainfall amount, the newly built districts shall
adopt the separate system. The existing combined waste water engineering system, if
conditions permit, shall conduct the storm water and wastewater separating reconstruction
according to the requirement of urban sewage planning; the one that does not have storm
water and wastewater separating conditions temporarily, the combination measures of
interception, adjustment and storage, and treatment shall be taken.
1.0.4A The storm water comprehensive management shall be carried out adopting the
method of headwater reduction, process control and tail end treatment according to the
concept of low impact development (LID), shall control the diffuse pollution, prevent and
control the local flooding disaster and improve use the degree of storm water.
1.0.5 The design of waste water engineering system shall take comprehensive consideration
of the following factors:
1 The recycling of the wastewater and the reasonable disposal of the sludge;
2 Coordination with the wastewater and sludge treatment and disposal system in the
neighboring areas;
3 Coordination with the water supply system and flood drainage system in the
neighboring areas and this area;
4 The probability of accepting the industrial wastewater and doing the centralized
treatment and disposal;
5 Proper reconstruction of the former wastewater engineering facilities to fully play the

efficiency of the engineering.
1.0.6 The water quality of the industrial wastewater drained into the urban waste
water engineering system shall comply with the relevant standards, and shall not
influence the normal operation of the urban sewerage pipe ditch and the wastewater
treatment plants; it shall not harm the maintenance management personnel and shall
not influence the reuse and safe discharging of the outgoing water after treatment or the
treatment and disposal of the sludge.
1.0.7 The design of the wastewater engineering shall adopt the new technology, new process,
new material and new equipment that are assayed and tried to be effective on the basis of
continually summing up the experience in scientific research and production practice.
1.0.8 The wastewater engineering should adopt the mechanized and automated equipment,
and the one with heavy operation, influence on safety and health hazard shall adopt the
mechanized and automated equipment.
1.0.9 The design of wastewater engineering not only shall comply with this code, but also
shall meet the relevant current standards and codes of the nation.
1.0.10 In the earthquake, collapsible loess, expansive soil and permafrost areas and the
other special areas. The design of wastewater engineering shall also meet the requirements of
the current relevant special codes.

2 Terms and Symbols

2.1 Terms

2.1.1 Wastewater engineering, sewerage

Engineering of collecting, transporting, treating, recycling and disposing the wastewater
and storm water.
2.1.2 Waste water engineering system
An entirety composed the wastewater and storm water collecting, transporting, treating,
recycling and disposing facilities in a certain way.
2.1.3 Sewerage system
Way that collects and transports the urban wastewater and storm water in one district,
including two basic ways: combined system and separate system.
2.1.4 Wastewater facilities
The general term of the pipes, structures, equipment and the like in the wastewater
2.1.5 Combined system
The sewerage way to collect and transport the urban wastewater and storm water by
using the same pipe ditch system.
2.1.5A Combined sewer overflow
The condition that the water exceeding the interception capacity of combined waste
water engineering system drains into the water body at the time of raining.
2.1.6 Separate system
The sewerage way to collect and transport the urban wastewater and storm water by
separately using different pipe ditch systems.
2.1.7 Urban wastewater, sewage
The general term of the comprehensive sewage, industrial wastewater and infiltrated
ground water.
2.1.8 Urban wastewater system
An entirety composed the urban wastewater collecting, transporting, treating, recycling
and disposing facilities in a certain way.
2.1.8A Diffuse pollution
The phenomenon that the pollutants in atmosphere and ground surface are carried into
the receiving water body through rainfall and surface runoff scouring and subsequently
pollute the water body.
2.1.8B Low impact development (LID)
It emphasizes that the urban development shall reduce the impact on environment, its
core is to, on basis of the concept of headwater control and impact load postponing, construct
the urban waste water engineering system matching with the nature, rationally utilize the
landscape space and take corresponding measures to control storm runoff, and also reduce the
urban diffuse pollution.
2.1.9 Urban wastewater sludge
Sludge produced in the urban wastewater system.

2.1.10 Dry weather flow
Wastewater transported by the combined waste water engineering system on sunny
2.1.11 Domestic wastewater, sewage
Wastewater produced during the living and activities of residents, which mainly includes
the wastewater produced by toilet, washing and bathing.
2.1.12 Comprehensive sewage
The sewage produced from resident living and public service.
2.1.13 Industrial wastewater
The wastewater produced during the industrial production process.
2.1.14 Infiltrated ground water
The ground water entering into the sewerage pipe ditch through the damaged places of
pipe ditch and ancillary structures.
2.1.15 Peak variation factor
The ratio of the maximum hourly wastewater amount in the maximum day to the average
hourly wastewater amount in the average day
2.1.16 Runoff coefficient
The ratio of the surface runoff amount and rainfall amount within the catchment area.
2.1.17 Rainfall intensity
The average rainfall amount in a certain duration, which means the depth of rainfall in
unit time and is usually expressed in the rainfall volume in unit time and unit area in relation
to engineering.
2.1.18 Recurrence interval
The average interval time that the rainfall equal to or larger than certain statistical object
occurs once within a certain long statistic period.
2.1.19 Duration of rainfall
Any continuous time interval during the precipitation process.
2.1.20 Catchment area
Area of the storm water collected by the storm water pipe ditch.
2.1.20A Local flooding
The phenomenon that heavy rainfall or continuous rainfall exceeds the urban drainage
capacity and results in the urban ground having catchment disaster.
2.1.21 Inlet time, concentration time
The time that the storm water runs from the surface at the farthest point of the
corresponding catchment area to the inlet of storm water pipe ditch, which is named as inlet
time (concentration time) for short.
2.1.22 Interception ratio
The ratio of the intercepted storm water runoff amount during the precipitation to the
average dry weather flow amount of the combined waste water engineering system.
2.1.23 Drainage pumping station
The general term of sewage pumping station, storm water pumping station and combined
sewage pumping station.
2.1.24 Sewage pumping station
The pumping station to lift wastewater in the separate waste water engineering system.

2.1.25 Storm water pumping station
The pumping station to lift storm water in the separate waste water engineering system.
2.1.26 Combined sewage pumping station
The pumping station to lift the combined wastewater in the combined waste water
engineering system.
2.1.27 Primary treatment
The process removing and reducing suspended matters in wastewater through
sedimentation treatment.
2.1.28 Secondary treatment
The process, after the primary treatment, further removing the colloid and dissolved
organic matter in wastewater by biological method.
2.1.29 Activated sludge process, suspended growth process
One method of biological wastewater treatment. This method is to continually mix and
culture the microbial colonies in wastewater under artificial conditions to form the suspended
activated sludge. It uses biological action of activated sludge to decompose and remove the
organic pollutants existing in wastewater and make the sludge separate from water, and most
of the sludge returns back to the biological reaction tank and the excess part, as excess
activated sludge, is discharged out of the activated sludge system.
2.1.30 Biological reaction tank
A structure using activated sludge process to conduct biological treatment for wastewater.
The interior of reaction tank is able to meet the needed conditions of biological activity and
may be divided into anaerobic, anoxic and oxic states. In the tank, the sludge shall be kept
suspended and be mixed fully with wastewater.
2.1.31 Activated sludge
The cotton-like body that are propagated in biological reaction tank and contains various
microbial colonies.
2.1.32 Returned sludge
The activated sludge that is separated in secondary settling tank and returns back to the
biological reaction tank.
2.1.33 Bar screen
The device that is used for catching the relatively big floating matters or other foreign
bodies in water.
2.1.34 Bar screen machine
The machine that mechanically removes the residues caught over the bar screen.
2.1.35 Fixed raking machine
The fixed machine that is set corresponding to each group of bar screen to remove the
2.1.36 Mobile raking machine
Several groups of bar screens or one ultra-wide bar screen is set with a mobile machine
removing residues in turn according to a certain operation procedure.
2.1.37 Grit chamber
The structure to remove the large size sands or grains that have relatively big deadweight,
are able to settle freely.
2.1.38 Horizontal flow grit chamber

The grit chamber to separate sands from the wastewater that flows along the horizontal
2.1.39 Aerated grit chamber
The grit chamber to separate sands by applying air from one side of the chamber to make
water flow spirally.
2.1.40 Vortex-type grit chamber
The grit chamber to separate the sands from water depending on the rotational flow
centrifugal force that is formed by intake water.
2.1.41 Sedimentation, settling
The process removing the suspended matters in water through gravitational
sedimentation action by utilizing the density difference between them and water.
2.1.42 Primary settling tank
The settling tank built before biological treatment structure to reduce the concentration
of solids in wastewater.
2.1.43 Secondary settling tank
The settling tank built after the biological treatment structure to separate sludge from
2.1.44 Horizontal settling tank
The water tank in which wastewater flows along the horizontal direction to settle the
solids in the wastewater.
2.1.45 Vertical flow settling tank
The water tank in which wastewater enters in from the central pipe and flows upward
vertically to make the solids in it settle.
2.1.46 Radial flow settling tank
The water tank in which wastewater flows in a decelerating speed along the radial
direction to make the solids in wastewater settle.
2.1.47 Inclined tube (plate) settling tank
The settling tank in which inclined pipe (plate) is set to make the solids in wastewater
settle efficiently.
2.1.48 Aerobic, oxic
The environmental state with dissolved oxygen or also with nitric nitrogen in the
biological treatment of wastewater.
2.1.49 Anaerobic
The environmental state in the biological treatment of wastewater without dissolved
oxygen or nitric nitrogen.
2.1.50 Anoxic
The environmental state in the biological treatment of wastewater with insufficient
dissolved oxygen or without dissolved oxygen but with nitric nitrogen.
2.1.51 Bio-nitrification
The process that the nitrobacteria oxidize ammonia nitrogen into nitric nitrogen at oxic
state during the biological treatment of wastewater.
2.1.52 Bio-denitrification
The process that the denitrifying coliform reduces nitric nitrogen to nitrogen gas at
anoxic state during the biological treatment of wastewater.

2.1.53 Mixed liquid recycle
The process to increase the nitric nitrogen used for denitrification by returning the mixed
liquid in oxic tank back to the anoxic tank.
2.1.54 Biological phosphorus removal
The process to remove phosphorus in wastewater by discharging the excess activated
sludge that contains a large amount of poly-P bacteria when treating the wastewater by
activated sludge process.
2.1.55 Anoxic/oxic process (ANO)
The biological treatment method that treats wastewater at anoxic state and oxic state
alternately to improve the removal rate of total nitrogen.
2.1.56 Anaerobic/oxic process (APO)
The biological treatment method that treats wastewater at anaerobic state and oxic state
alternately to improve the removal rate of total phosphorus.
2.1.57 Anaerobic/anoxic/oxic process (AAO, which is also named as A2/O)
The biological treatment method that treats wastewater at anaerobic, anoxic and oxic
states alternately to improve the removal rate of total nitrogen and total phosphorus.
2.1.58 Sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
It is one form of activated sludge process. It conducts such treatment procedures as water
intaking, reaction, sedimentation and drainage in chronological order in one reactor.
2.1.59 Fill ratio
The ratio of wastewater amount entering into the reaction tank to the effective volume of
reaction tank during a complete period of sequencing batch reactor process.
2.1.60 Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN)
The sum of organic nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen.
2.1.61 Total nitrogen (TN)
The sum of organic nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen.
2.1.62 Total phosphorus (TP)
The sum of the organic phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus in water body.
2.1.63 Oxic sludge age
The mean retention time of activated sludge in oxic tank.
2.1.64 Sludge age, sludge retention time (SRT)
The mean retention time of activated sludge in the whole biological reaction tank.
2.1.65 Oxidation ditch
It is one form of the activated sludge process, its structure is in sealed ditch shape
without end and is used for degrading and removing the organic pollutants and nutrients (like
nitrogen and phosphorus) in wastewater.
2.1.66 Oxic zone
The oxygenated zone of biological reaction tank. In oxic zone, microbes degrade
organics and have nitration.
2.1.67 Anoxic zone
The non-oxygenated zone of biological reaction tank and the zone with existence of
nitrate and nitrite. When the biological reaction tank contains a great deal of nitrate and nitrite
and also obtains enough organics, denitrification reaction can be conducted in this zone.
2.1.68 Anaerobic zone

The non-oxygenated zone of biological reaction tank and the zone without nitrate or
nitrite. The phosphorus accumulating organisms absorb organics and release phosphorus in
this zone.
2.1.69 Biofilm process, attached growth process
It is one method of biological sewage treatment. This method purifies wastewater by
utilizing the adsorption and decomposition of biofilm to organic pollutants.
2.1.70 Bio-contact oxidation
The wastewater treatment method composed of the filler immersed in wastewater and
the aerating system. Under the condition with enough oxygen, the wastewater contacts
extensively with the biofilm on the filler surface, which purifies the wastewater.
2.1.71 Biological aerated filter (BAF)
It is a kind of structure of biofilm process. The wastewater treatment structure combined
with catalytic oxidation and filtration. Under the condition with enough oxygen, the oxidation,
filtration and back flushing process of organics in wastewater is completed, which hereby
purifies the wastewater. It is also named as particle filler biological filter.
2.1.72 Rotating biological contactor (RBC)
It is a kind of structure of biofilm process. The wastewater treatment structure composed
of the water tank and the rotating disc. The biofilm growing on the disc surface contacts with
the oxygen in the air repeatedly and then purifies the wastewater.
2.1.73 Biotower
It is a kind of structure of biofilm process, in which the light weight plastic carriers are
arranged in layers, the wastewater that is sprayed downward sufficiently contacts with biofilm
on filler and the air that flows from bottom to top, and hereby the wastewater is purified.
2.1.74 Low-rate trickling filters
It is also known as trickling filter (traditional or ordinary biological filter). Due to low
load, large occupied area and good purifying effect, the removal rate of BOD5 may be as high
as 85%~95%.
2.1.75 High-rate biological filters
It is one form of biological filter, which improves hydraulic loading and solves the
blocking problem depending on such measures as backflowing the treated water and
restricting the organic load in intake water.
2.1.76 BOD5-volumetric loading rate
The BOD5 (kg) undertook by unit volume of biological reaction tank per day. Its unit of
measurement is expressed in kg BOD5/(m3·d).
2.1.77 Hydraulic loading rate
A kind of expression mode of load, which means the receptible BOD5 of every 1m2 per
2.1.78 Fixed distributor
The water distributing device composed of fixed water distribution pipes and nozzles in
the biological filter.
2.1.79 Rotating distributor
The rotating water distributing device composed of several water distribution pipes. It
pushes the rotation axis of water distribution pipe to rotate by using the reacting force
produced by the water flow that is spouted out from the orifice of water distribution pipe, and

hereby achieves the purpose of uniformizing the distributed water.
2.1.80 Rock filtering media
The granular material that provides carrier for microbial growth and filter the suspended
matters, including crushed stone, pebble, slag and haydite, etc.
2.1.81 Plastic media
The material used to provide carrier for microbial growth, including hard, soft and
semi-soft filler.
2.1.82 Natural treatment of wastewater
The wastewater treatment method by using natural biological action.
2.1.83 Land treatment
Use the ecological wastewater treatment method that is composed of
soil-microbes-vegetables and the cyclic utilization of nutrient substances and water in this
system to make the plants grow and breed and be continuously used, and hereby realize the
resourcization, harmlessness and stabilization of wastewater.
2.1.84 Stabilization pond, stabilization lagoon
The wastewater pond that is built with diking and impervious barrier through appropriate
artificial finishing and make natural treatment to wastewater through the physical and
biological action of aquatic ecosystem.
2.1.85 Sewage farming
A kind of method by using land to make natural biological treatment to wastewater,
which, on the one hand, cultivates plants by using wastewater and, on the other hand, purifies
wastewater by using soil and plants.
2.1.86 Artificial wetland, constructed wetland
It is a kind of method by using land to make natural treatment to wastewater. It is the
artificially constructed water tank or trench, the vascular plants of reed type and the aquatic
plants with developed root system are planted, the wastewater is purified by sufficiently
contacting with medium surface suffused with biofilm and the dissolved oxygen in form of
plug flow.
2.1.87 Wastewater reuse
The general term of the reclamation, regeneration and utilization of wastewater,
including the purification and reutilization of wastewater and overall process of realizing
water circulation.
2.1.88 Advanced treatment
The treatment set after conventional treatment.
2.1.89 Renovated water, reclaimed water
The water obtained by appropriately treating the wastewater to reach a certain water
quality standard and to meet a certain kind of service requirements.
2.1.90 Membrane filtration
The technology to remove pollutants through the filtration of permeable membrane in
the advanced wastewater treatment.
2.1.91 Granular activated carbon adsorption tank
The adsorption tank in which the medium is granular activated carbon only.
2.1.92 Ultraviolet (UV)
Ultraviolet is a part of electromagnetic wave, and the wave spectrum zone with

ultraviolet wavelength of 200~310 nm (mainly of 254 nm) is used for the wastewater
2.1.93 Ultraviolet dose
The ultraviolet amount irradiated onto t he living being (the biodosimetry dose or
effective dose of ultraviolet), which is obtained through bioassay test.
2.1.94 Sludge treatment
The treatment process of the minimization, stabilization and harmlessness of sludge,
which generally includes such processing processes as thickening, conditioning, dewatering,
drying or incinerating.
2.1.95 Sludge disposal
It means the final consumption process of the treated sludge, which generally includes
land application, landfilling and building materials, etc.
2.1.96 Sludge thickening
The method of reducing the sludge moisture and the sludge volume by adopting gravity,
air floatation or mechanical method.
2.1.97 Sludge dewatering
The process of further removing a great deal of moisture from the thickened sludge,
which generally adopts the mechanical way.
2.1.98 Sludge drying
The process of removing most of the moisture from the thickened sludge by such actions
as infiltration or evaporation.
2.1.99 Sludge digestion
The process of making the organic matters in sludge be biodegraded and stabilized
through anaerobic or oxic method.
2.1.100 Anaerobic digestion
The process that the anaerobic microbes make the organic matters in sludge be
biodegraded and stabilized under the anoxic condition.
2.1.101 Aerobic digestion
The process that the aeromicrobes make the organic matters in sludge be biodegraded
and stabilized under the oxic condition.
2.1.102 Mesophilic digestion
The digestion process of sludge at 33~35℃.
2.1.103 Thermophilic digestion
The digestion process of sludge at 53~55℃.
2.1.104 Raw sludge
The untreated primary sludge, the secondary sludge (excess activated sludge), or the
mixture of both.
2.1.105 Primary sludge
The deposit discharged from the primary settling tank.
2.1.106 Secondary sludge
The deposit discharged from the secondary settling tank or biological reaction tank
(sediment zone or the sedimentation and sludge discharging time interval).
2.1.107 Excess activated sludge
The activated sludge discharged from the system of secondary settling tank or biological

reaction tank (sediment zone or the sedimentation and sludge discharging time interval).
2.1.108 Digested sludge
The sludge treated through anaerobic digestion or aerobic digestion, of which, compared
with raw sludge, the total amount of organic matter is reduced by a certain degree and the
property is stabilized.
2.1.109 Digester
The structure making biodegradation and stabilization to organic matters in sludge
2.1.110 Digest time
The mean retention time of sludge in the digester.
2.1.111 Volatile solids
The lost weight of sludge solids at 600°, which represents the content level of organic
matters in sludge that are able to be biodegraded.
2.1.112 Removal percentage of volatile solid
The percentage ratio of the degraded and removed volatile organic solids in sludge
through sludge digestion.
2.1.113 Cubage load of volatile solids
The weight of volatile solids in the raw sludge that is put into unit volume of digester in
unit time.
2.1.114 Sludge gas, marsh gas
It is commonly called as biogas. It is the gas produced by the decomposition of organic
matters in sludge at the time of anaerobic digestion, its substantial components are methane,
carbon dioxide, and a little hydrogen, nitrogen and hydrogen sulfide, etc.
2.1.115 Sludge gas burner
The device used for burning and consuming sludge gas, which is also name as biogas
2.1.116 Backfire preventer
The device used for preventing and blocking backfire. At the time of accident or when
the system is unstable, if the pressure of sludge gas in pipe is reduced, the fire at the burning
point will spread towards the air supply direction through the pipe, and this is called as
2.1.117 Sludge heat drying
The process making the moisture in sludge separate along the phase change by heat and
mass transfer process under the condition with external heating, which makes sludge into
dried product.
2.1.118 Sludge incineration
The process using incinerator to completely mineralize the sludge into a little ash.
2.1.119 Sludge integrated application
The method that takes sludge as useful raw material and utilize it for various uses and is
the optimal way of sludge disposal.
2.1.120 Sludge land application
The disposal way to use the treated sludge as medium soil or the soil amendment
material on such occasions garden greening, soil improvement and farmland.
2.1.121 Sludge farm application

The effective disposal mode of sludge in agricultural land, which generally includes
using the sludge that has passed the harmless treatment in farmland, orchard and pastureland,

2.2 Symbols

2.2.1 Designed flow amount

Q——the designed flow amount;
Qd——the designed comprehensive sewage amount;
Qm——the designed industrial wastewater amount;
Qs——the designed storm water flow amount;
Qdr——the dry weather flow amount before the intercepting well;
Q'——the designed flow amount of pipe ditch after the intercepting well;
Q's——the designed storm water flow amount of catchment area after the intercepting
Q'dr——the dry weather flow amount after the intercepting well;
no——the interception ratio;
H1——the weir height;
H2——the channel depth;
H——the total height of channel and weir;
Qj——the wastewater interception amount;
d——the diameter of wastewater interception pipe;
k——the correction coefficient.
A1, C, b, n——the relevant parameters in the rainfall intensity formula;
P——the designed recurrence interval;
t——the duration of rainfall;
t1——the inlet time;
t2——the storm water flowing time in the pipe ditch;
m——the reduction coefficient;
q——the designed rainfall intensity;
Ψ——the runoff coefficient;
F——the catchment area;
Qp——the designed flow amount of pumping station;
V——the effective volume of storage tank;
ti——the water intake time of storage tank;
β——the safety coefficient for volume calculation of storage tank;
to——the emptying time of storage tank;
η——the discharging efficiency of storage tank at time of emptying.
2.2.2 Hydraulic calculation
Q——the designed wastewater flow rate;
v——the flow velocity;
A——the effective sectional area of water flow;
h——the flow depth;
I——the hydraulic gradient;

n——the roughness coefficient;
R——the hydraulic radius.
2.2.3 Wastewater treatment
Q——the designed wastewater flow rate;
V——the volume of biological reaction tank;
S0——BOD5 of intake water of the biological reaction tank;
Se——BOD5 of outgoing water of the biological reaction tank
LS——BOD5-sludge loading of outgoing water of the biological reaction tank;
LV——BOD5-volumetric loading rate of outgoing water of the biological reaction tank;
X——the average concentration of mixed liquid suspended solid in the biological
reaction tank;
XV——the average concentration of mixed liquid volatile suspended solid in the
biological reaction tank;
y——the proportion of MLVSS in MLSS;
Y——the sludge yield coefficient;
Yt——the overall yield coefficient of sludge;
θc——the sludge age, which is the mean retention time of activated sludge in the
biological reaction tank;
θco——the designed sludge age in oxic zone (tank);
Kd——the attenuation coefficient;
Kdt——the attenuation coefficient at t℃;
Kd20——the attenuation coefficient at 20℃;
θT——the temperature coefficient;
F——the safety factor;
η——the total treatment efficiency;
T——the temperature;
f——the sludge transformation rate of suspended solids;
SSo——the suspension concentration of intake water of the biological reaction tank;
SSe——the suspension concentration of outgoing water of the biological reaction tank;
Vn——the volume of anoxic zone (tank);
Vo——the volume of oxic zone (tank);
VP——the volume of anaerobic zone (tank);
Nk——the total Kjeldahl nitrogen concentration of intake water of the biological reaction
Nke——the total Kjeldahl nitrogen concentration of outgoing water of the biological
reaction tank;
Nt——the total nitrogen concentration of intake water of the biological reaction tank;
Nte——the total nitrogen concentration of outgoing water of the biological reaction tank;
Nae——the ammonia nitrogen concentration of outgoing water of the biological reaction
Noe——the nitric nitrogen concentration of outgoing water of the biological reaction
△X——the amount of excess activated sludge;
△XV——the biological sludge amount removed from the biological reaction tank

Kde——the denitrification rate;
Kde(T)——the denitrification rate at T℃;
Kde(20)——the denitrification rate at 20℃;
μ——the specific growth rate of nitrifying bacteria;
Kn——the half rate constant of nitrogen in nitrification;
QR——the amount of returned sludge;
QRi——the recycle amount of mixed liquid;
R——the returned sludge ratio;
Ri——the recycle ratio of mixed liquid;
HRT——the hydraulic retention time of biological reaction tank;
tP——the hydraulic retention time of anaerobic zone (tank);
O2——the oxygen demand of wastewater;
OS——the oxygen demand of wastewater under standard conditions;
a——the oxygen equivalent of carbon, which is 1.47 when the carbonaceous matter is
calculated in BOD5;
b——a constant, which is the oxygen amount required for oxidizing 1kg ammonia
nitrogen and is taken as 4.57;
c——a constant, which is the oxygen equivalent of bacterial cells and is taken as 1.42;
EA——the oxygen utilization rate of aerator;
GS——the air supply amount under standard conditions;
tF——the water intake time of every SBR biological reaction tank in every period;
t——the time of one operation period of the SBR biological reaction tank;
tR——the reaction time of every period;
ts——the sedimentation time of SBR biological reaction tank;
tD——the water discharging time of SBR biological reaction tank;
tb——the standby time of SBR biological reaction tank;
m——the fill ratio of SBR biological reaction tank.
2.2.4 Sludge treatment
td——the digest time;
V——the total effective volume of digester;
Qo——the volume of raw sludge put into the digester every day;
Lv——the cubage load of volatile solids in digester;
Ws——the weight of dry volatile solids in the raw sludge put into the digester every day.

3 Designed Flow Amount and Water Quality

3.1 Domestic Sewerage Amount and Industrial Wastewater Amount

3.1.1 The designed flow amount of urban dry weather flow shall be calculated according to
the following formula:
Qdr=Qd+Qm (3.1.1)
Qdr——the designed flow amount of dry weather flow before the intercepting well (L/s).
Qd——the designed comprehensive sewage amount (L/s);
Qm——the designed industrial wastewater amount (L/s);
In the areas where the underground water level is relatively high, the infiltrated ground
water amount shall be considered and should be determined according to the determination
3.1.2 The ration of inhabitant domestic wastewater and comprehensive sewage shall be
determined according to the local ration of water consumption, combining the level of
internal water supply and drainage facilities in buildings. It may be adopted as 80%~90% of
the local relative ration of the water consumption.
3.1.2A The design scale of waste water engineering system shall be determined reasonably
according to the planning and popularization degree of waste water engineering system.
3.1.3 The peak variation factor of comprehensive sewage amount may be adopted according
to the variation data of the local actual comprehensive sewage amount. If no determination
data is available, the peak variation factor may be valued according to the requirements of
Table 3.1.3 of this code.
Table 3.1.3 Peak Variation Factor of Comprehensive Sewage Amount
Average daily flow (L/s) 5 15 40 70 100 200 500 ≥1000

Peak variation factor 2.3 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3

Note: Where the average daily sewage flow is the intermediate value, the peak variation factor may be obtained by using
interpolation method.

3.1.4 The determination of the domestic wastewater amount and bathing wastewater amount
in industrial areas shall be in accordance with the relevant requirements of the current
national standard "Code for Design of Building Water Supply and Drainage" (GB 50015).
3.1.5 The determination of the industrial wastewater amount and variation factor in
industrial areas shall be in accordance with the process characteristics and shall also be
coordinated with the relevant current requirements of the Nation on industrial water

3.2 Storm Water Amount

3.2.1 When adopting the rational formula, the designed storm water flow amount shall be
calculated according to the following formula. For the districts with permissible conditions,
the designed storm water flow amount may also be calculated by adopting the mathematical
model method.

Qs=qΨF (3.2.1)
Qs——the designed storm water flow amount (L/s);
q——the designed rainfall intensity [L/(s·hm2)];
Ψ——the runoff coefficient;
F——the catchment area (hm2).
Note: When there is industrial wastewater discharging into the storm water pipe which is allowed to be discharged into it, its
water amount shall be accounted into it.

3.2.2 The integrated runoff coefficient controlled by planning shall be enforced strictly, and
the districts with integrated runoff coefficient above 0.7 shall adopt the infiltration,
adjustment and storage measures. The runoff coefficient may adopt the values specified in
Table 3.2.2-1. The average runoff coefficient of the catchment area shall be calculated in
weighted average according to the type of ground surface; the integrated one may adopt the
values specified in Table 3.2.2-2.
Table 3.2.2-1 Runoff Coefficient
Ground type Ψ

Various roofs, and the concrete or bituminous pavement 0.85~0.95

Large block stone pavement, or the macadam pavement with bituminous surface treatment 0.55~0.65

Graded macadam pavement 0.40~0.50

Dry brick or macadam pavement 0.35~0.40

Unpaved soil pavement 0.25~0.35

Garden or green land 0.10~0.20

Table 3.2.2-2 Integrated Runoff Coefficient

Conditions of areas Ψ

City building dense area 0.60~0.85

City building intensive area 0.45~0.6

City building sparse area 0.20~0.45

3.2.3 The designed rainfall intensity shall be calculated according to the following formula:

167 A1 (1  C1gP)
q (3.2.3)
(t  b) n
q——the designed rainfall intensity, [L/(s • hm2)];
t——the duration of rainfall, (min);
P——the designed recurrence interval, (year);
A1, C, b, n——Parameters, which shall be determined through calculation according to
statistical method.
In such districts having over ten years of automatically recorded rainfall amount, the
designed rainfall intensity formula should adopt annual multi-sampling method, and in the
districts with suitable conditions, the designed rainfall intensity formula may adopt the annual
maximum value method. If it adopts the annual maximum value method, it shall be carried
out with the recurrence interval correction shall be carried out, and may be compiled
according to the relative specification in Appendix A in this code.
3.2.3A According to the climatic variation, the rainfall intensity formula should be revised.

3.2.4 The designed recurrence interval of the storm water pipe ditch shall be determined
according to the factors like the characteristic of catchment area, the character of landform,
the weather characteristic and so on. The same recurrence interval or different recurrence
intervals may be adopted in the same waste water engineering system. The recurrence interval
shall adopt 1~3 years. In the important main roads, important districts or the districts where
water catchment in short period can result in relatively serious consequence, it shall adopt 3~5
years and shall be coordinated with the road design. In the districts with preferable economic
condition or having special requirements, it should adopt the specified upper limit. In the
especially important districts, it may adopt 10 years or above.
3.2.4A All necessary steps shall be taken to prevent flood from impacting the urban waste
water engineering system.
3.2.4B The capacity of the urban waste water engineering system to remove the surface
catchment shall be checked and shall be determined after technical and economical
comparison according to such factors as urban characteristics, catchment influence degree and
water level regulation and control of inland river. Generally, the capacity of removing the
surface catchment shall be checked according to the recurrence interval, and the recurrence
interval shall adopt 3~5 years; in the important main roads, important districts or the districts
where water catchment in short period can result in relatively serious consequence, it shall
adopt 5~10 years; in the districts with preferable economic condition or having special
requirements, it should adopt the specified upper limit; the districts that are unqualified
presently may reach the standard by phases. In the especially important districts, it may adopt
50 years or above.
3.2.5 The duration of rainfall in the storm water pipe ditch shall be calculated according to
the following formula:
t = t1 + mt2 (3.2.5)
t——the duration of rainfall, (min);
t1——the inlet time (min), which shall be determined according to the distance, slope
degree of the landform ground bedding condition and usually is 5~15 min;
m——the reduction coefficient, m=2 for pipes, m=1.2 for open ditches, m=1.2~2 for
buried pipes in steep slope district ,and m may equal to 1 for the sewerage pipe ditches in such
districts with preferable economic condition and relatively high safety requirements;
t2——the storm water flowing time in the pipe ditch (min).
3.2.5A Measures, like storm water infiltration, adjustment and storage, shall be taken to
reduce the storm water runoff production amount at headwater and to postpone the outflow
3.2.6 Where the storm water runoff amount is increased and the conveying capacity of
sewerage pipe ditch fails to meet the requirements, the storm water storage tank may be set.

3.3 Combined Water Amount

3.3.1 The designed flow amount of combined pipe ditch shall be calculated according to the
following formula:
Q= Qd+Qm + Qs = Qdr+ Qs (3.3.1)

Where, Q——the designed flow amount (L/s);
Qd——the designed flow amount of comprehensive sewage (L/s);
Qm——the designed industrial wastewater amount (L/s);
Qs——the designed storm water flow amount (L/s);
Qdr——the dry weather flow amount before the intercepting well (L/s).
3.3.2 The designed flow amount of pipe ditch after the intercepting well shall be calculated
according to the following formula:
Q'=(n0+1)Qdr+Q's+Q'dr (3.3.2)
Q'——the designed flow amount of pipe ditch after the intercepting well (L/s);
n0——the interception ratio;
Q's——the designed storm water flow amount of catchment area after the intercepting
well (L/s);
Q'dr——the dry weather flow amount after the intercepting well (L/s).
3.3.3 The interception ratio no shall be determined through calculation according to such
factors as the water quality and amount of dry weather flow, the hygienic requirements of
discharged water body, the hydrological conditions, climatic conditions and economy, and the
size of drainage area, which usually is taken as 1~5. In one same waste water engineering
system, one same interception ratio or different interception ratios may be adopted.
3.3.4 The designed recurrence interval of storm water of the combined pipe may be
appropriately high than that of the storm water pipe under the same conditions.

3.4 Designed Water Quality

3.4.1 The designed water quality of urban wastewater shall be determined according to the
survey data or by making reference to the water quality of the adjacent cities and towns,
similar industrial areas and residential areas. If no survey data is available, it may be adopted
according to the following standards:
1 The BOD5 of domestic wastewater may be calculated according to 25~50g per capita
2 The quantity of suspended solids in domestic wastewater may be calculated
according to 40~65g per capita everyday;
3 The total nitrogen of domestic wastewater may be calculated according to 5~11g per
capita everyday;
4 The total phosphorus of domestic wastewater may be calculated according to
0.7~1.4g per capita everyday;
5 The designed water quality of industrial wastewater may be adopted by making
reference to the similar industries, its BOD5, quantity of suspended solids, total nitrogen and
total phosphorus may be calculated by being converted into the population equivalent.
3.4.2 As for the intake water of biological treatment structure in wastewater treatment plant,
the water temperature should be 10~37℃, the pH value should be 6.5~9.5, the combination
ratio of nutrients (BOD5: nitrogen : phosphorus) may be 100:5:1. If industrial wastewater
enters into the wastewater treatment plant, the influence of hazardous substances shall be

4 Sewerage Pipe Ditch and Ancillary Structures

4.1 General Requirements

4.1.1 The sewerage pipe ditch system shall be arranged uniformly according to the urban
overall planning and construction conditions and be constructed by phases. The section size of
sewerage pipe ditch shall be designed according to the maximum hourly designed flow
amount in the maximum day in long-term planning and be checked according to the actual
water amount, and also shall take consideration of the demand of the future development of
4.1.2 The plan position and elevation of the pipe ditch shall be determined through
comprehensive consideration according to such factors as landform, soil quality, underground
water level, road conditions, former and planned underground facilities, construction
conditions and convenience for maintenance management. The outlet header shall be arranged
at the low zone in the drainage area or the zone where is convenient for the collecting of
storm sewage. The sewerage pipe should be laid along urban roads, be parallel to the road
center lines, and should be outside the fast lanes. The intercepting main pipe should be
arranged along the bankside of receiving water body. The elevation design of pipe ditch shall
take consideration of both the terrain gradient and the relationship with other underground
facilities as well as the convenience for the connection of service pipes.
4.1.3 The material, structure and foundation of pipe ditch and the joint of pipes shall be
selected and designed according to such factors as the quality, temperature, freezing condition
and section size of drained water, the pressure inside and outside the pipe, the soil quality,
underground water level, erosivity of ground water, construction conditions, and the
adaptability to maintenance tools.
4.1.3A The sectional form of sewerage pipe ditch shall meet the following requirements:
1 The sectional form of sewerage pipe ditch shall be determined according to the
designed flow amount, embedded depth and engineering environmental conditions, and
comprehensively combining local construction and pipe fabrication technical level, economy
and maintenance management requirements, and the finished pipes shall be preferentially
2 The section of large and extra-large pipe ditches shall be convenient for repair,
maintenance and management.
4.1.4 The pipe ditch delivering corrosive wastewater must be adopted with
corrosion-resistant materials, and its joints and ancillary structures must be taken with
corresponding anti-corrosion measures.
4.1.5 When delivering the wastewater that is easy to cause precipitation in the pipe ditch,
the selection of the type and section of pipe ditch must be considered with the convenience of
maintenance and overhaul.
4.1.6 In industrial areas where the storm water frequently contains hazardous substances
and pollutes the site, the storm water shall be pretreated to meet the corresponding standard
before being drained into the sewerage pipe ditch.
4.1.7 The design of the sewerage pipe ditch systems shall give priority to gravity flow, shall

set no or a few lift pumping stations. Where it is unable to adopt the gravity flow or it is
uneconomic to adopt gravity flow, it may adopt the pressure flow.
4.1.8 The design of the storm water pipe ditch system may be in combination with the urban
overall planning, take consideration of utilizing water body to adjust and store storm water,
and if necessary, the artificial adjustment and storage facility and the initial storm water
treatment facility may be constructed.
4.1.9 The wastewater pipe, combined wastewater pipe and ancillary structures shall be
ensured with their tightness and shall be carried out with water tight test to prevent
wastewater from infiltrating out and underground water from infiltrating in.
4.1.10 Where the water outlet of sewerage pipe ditch is jacked by the water level of water
body, the facilities, like flood gate, sluice gate or pumping station, shall be set according to
the area significance and the consequences caused by accumulated water.
4.1.11 The communicating pipe may be set between storm water pipe systems or between
combined pipe systems according to need, and the gate groove or gate door may be set at the
position of communicating pipe when it is necessary. The communicating pipe and the
adjacent gate shaft shall be considered to be convenient for maintenance and management.
The communicating pipe shall not be set between storm water pipe system and combined pipe
4.1.12 In the sewerage pipe ditch system, the emergency outlet should be arranged in front
of the drainage pumping station and inverted siphon.

4.2 Hydraulic Calculation

4.2.1 The flow amount of sewerage pipe ditch shall be calculated according to the following
Q=Av (4.2.1)
Q——the designed flow amount (m3/s);
A——the effective sectional area of water flow (m2);
v——the flow velocity (m/s).
4.2.2 Under steady flow condition, the flow velocity of the sewerage pipe shall be
calculated according the following formula:
2 1
1 3 2
v R I (4.2.2)
v——the flow velocity (m/s);
R——the hydraulic radius (m);
I——the hydraulic gradient;
n——the roughness coefficient.
4.2.3 The roughness coefficient of sewerage pipe ditch should be valued according to the
requirements of Table 4.2.3 of this code.

Table 4.2.3 Roughness Coefficient of Sewerage Pipe Ditch
Roughness Roughness
Pipe ditch type coefficient Pipe ditch type coefficient
n n

UPVC pipe, PE pipe and glass steel pipe 0.009~0.01 Grouted brick ditch 0.015

Grouted block stone

Cement asbestos pipe and steel pipe 0.012 0.017

Dry masonry block

Clay pipe and cast iron pipe 0.013 0.020~0.025
stone ditch

Concrete pipe, reinforced concrete pipe and cement mortar Soil open ditch
0.013~0.014 0.025~0.030
plastered ditch (including turf)

4.2.4 The maximum design fullness and superelevation of sewerage pipe ditch shall meet
the following requirements:
1 The gravity flow wastewater pipe shall be calculated according to non-full flow, its
maximum design fullness shall be valued according to the requirements of Table 4.2.4 of this
Table 4.2.4 Maximum Design Fullness
Pipe diameter or ditch height (mm) Maximum design fullness

200~300 0.55

350~450 0.65

500~900 0.70

≥1000 0.75

Note: When calculating the fullness of wastewater pipe, the short-time suddenly increased wastewater amount is excluded.
However, if the pipe diameter is less than or equal to 300mm, it shall be checked according to full flow.

2 The storm water pipe and combined pipe shall be calculated according to full flow;
3 The superelevation of open ditch shall not be less than 0.2m.
4.2.5 The maximum designed flow velocity of the sewerage pipe should meet the following
requirements: The maximum designed flow velocity of nonmetallic pipe may be appropriately
improved through test verification.
1 10.0 m/s for metallic pipe.
2 5.0 m/s for nonmetallic pipe.
4.2.6 The maximum designed flow velocity of sewerage open ditch shall meet the following
1 Where the flow depth is 0.4~1.0 m, the maximum designed flow velocity should be
valued according to the requirements of Table 4.2.6 of this code.
Table 4.2.6 Maximum Designed Flow Velocity of Open Ditch
Open ditch type Maximum designed flow velocity (m/s)

Coarse sand or low-plasticity silty clay 0.8

Silty clay 1.0

Clay 1.2

Herbaceous cover 1.6

Dry masonry block stone 2.0

Grouted block stone or grouted brick 3.0

Limestone and medium grained sandstone 4.0

Concrete 4.0

2 Where the flow depth is beyond the range of 0.4~1.0 m, the maximum designed flow
velocity listed in Table 4.2.6 of this code should be multiplied by the following coefficients:
h<0.4 m 0.85;
1.0<h<2.0 m 1.25;
h≥2.0 m 1.40.
Note: h is the water depth.
4.2.7 The minimum designed flow velocity of sewerage pipe ditch shall meet the following
1 0.6 m/s for wastewater pipe under the design fullness;
2 0.75 m/s for storm water pipe and combined pipe at the time of full flow;
3 0.4 m/s for open ditch.
4.2.8 The minimum designed flow velocity of pressure dredging pipe of wastewater
treatment plant usually may be valued according to the requirements of Table 4.2.8 of this
Table 4.2.8 Minimum Designed Flow Velocity of Pressure Dredging Pipe
Minimum designed flow velocity (m/s)
Sludge moisture content (%)
Pipe diameter: 150 ~250 mm Pipe diameter: 300~400mm

90 1.5 1.6

91 1.4 1.5

92 1.3 1.4

93 1.2 1.3

94 1.1 1.2

95 1.0 1.1

96 0.9 1.0

97 0.8 0.9

98 0.7 0.8

4.2.9 Where the sewerage pipe adopts pressure flow, the designed flow velocity of pressure
pipe should adopt 0.7~2.0m/s.
4.2.10 The minimum pipe diameter and corresponding minimum design gradient of
sewerage pipe should be valued according to the requirements of Table 4.2.10 of this code.
Table 4.2.10 Minimum Pipe Diameter and Corresponding Minimum Design Gradient
Pipe type Minimum pipe diameter (mm) Corresponding minimum design gradient

Wastewater pipe 300 Plastic pipe: 0.002; other pipes: 0.003

Storm water pipe and combined pipe 300 Plastic pipe: 0.002; other pipes: 0.003

Gully drain 200 0.01

Pressure dredging pipe 150 -

Gravity dredging pipe 200 0.01

4.2.11 At the steep place, the pipe diameter may be reduced according to hydraulic
calculation but shall not exceed Class 2 or be less than the minimum pipe diameter under the
corresponding condition.

4.3 Pipe

4.3.1 When connecting the pipes in different diameters in the inspection well, the butt joint
at pipe top or the butt joint at water surface should be adopted.
4.3.2 At the turns and joints of pipes, the angle of turning flow shall not be less than 90°.
Note: Where the pipe diameter is less than or equal to 300mm and the water head of drop water is larger than 0.3m, it may
not limited by the above-mentioned article.

4.3.2A The buried plastic sewerage pipe may adopt the hard polyvinyl choride pipe,
polyethylene pipe and glass fiber reinforced plastics mortar pipes.
4.3.2B The application of buried plastic sewerage pipe shall meet the following
1 The covering depth shall be checked based on the ring stiffness in accordance with
the engineering condition, mechanical property of materials and compaction degree of
backfill materials;
2 The buried plastic sewerage pipe set under motor lane shall not influence the road
3 The buried plastic sewerage pipe shall not adopt the rigid foundation.
4.3.2C The plastic pipe shall be laid along straight line. If it needs to be laid by turning on
meeting special circumstances, it shall be adopted with flexible connection and its allowable
deflection angle shall meet the relevant requirements.
4.3.3 The pipe foundation shall be determined according to the pipe material, joint
type and geological conditions, and adopt the concrete foundation, sand gravel cushion
foundation or arc shaped soil bedding. As for the soft base or district with non-uniform
settlement, the pipe foundation shall be taken with proper reinforcement measures.
4.3.4 The pipe connection shall be determined by the pipe material quality and geologic
conditions. The wastewater pipe and combined wastewater pipe shall adopt flexible joint.
When the pipe passes through the silty sand or fine sand layer under the highest underground
water level, or is in the defense district with seismic fortification intensity of Degree 7 or
above, it must adopt the flexible joint.
4.3.4A Where the rectangular reinforced concrete box culvert is laid on soft foundation or
nonuniform layer, the joint form of steel strip/rubber waterstop ring combined with the up and
down tongue and groove should be adopted.
4.3.5 When designing the sewerage pipes, the back flow of service pipe under the condition
of pressure flow shall be prevented.
4.3.6 The wastewater pipe and combined pipe shall be set with ventilation facilities as
4.3.7 The minimum covering depth at the pipe top shall determined according to such
conditions as pipe material intensity, external load, soil frost depth and soil property in
combination with the local pipe burying experience. The minimum covering depth at pipe top
should be: 0.6 m below the sidewalk and 0.7 m below the carriageway
4.3.8 Generally, the sewerage pipe should be buried below the frost line. If this area or the
area with similar conditions has the shallow bury experience or is taken with corresponding
measures, the sewerage pipe may be buried above the frost line and its shallow bury value
shall be shall be determined according to the experience of this area.
4.3.9 For the urban main roads whose boundary line width exceeds 40m, the sewerage pipe
should be set at both sides of the road.

4.3.10 The gravity flow pipe system may be set with air exhausting device and empting
device, and should be set with air exhausting device at the changing section after the
long-distance straight-line transportation of inverted siphon. When designing the pressure
pipe, the influence of water hammer shall be considered. The air exhausting device shall be
set at the high point of the pipe and at regular distance; the air exhausting device shall be
equipped with blast pit, exhaust valve and the like, and the building of blast pit shall
coordinate with the surrounding environment. The empting device shall be set at the low point
of the pipe and at regular distance.
4.3.11 The spigot-and-socket pressure pipe shall be determined through calculation on
whether setting buttress at the turns in vertical or horizontal direction according to such
factors as pipe diameter, flow velocity, angle of turn, pressure test standard, and frictional
force of interface.
4.3.12 When the pressure pipe is connected into the gravity pipe ditch, energy-dissipating
facilities shall be set.
4.3.13 The construction method of pipes, grooving, pipe-jacking or shield construction, etc.,
shall be determined through technical and economical comparison according to such factors
as the property of the soil layer in which the pipe is laid, the pipe diameter, underground water
level, and nearby underground and aboveground buildings.

4.4 Inspection Well

4.4.1 The positions of inspection wells shall be set at the interjunctions or turns of pipes, the
changing places of pipe diameter or gradient, the drop water places, and on straight pipe
section by a regular distance.
4.4.1A The covers of the inspection wells of sewage pipe, storm water pipe and combined
wastewater pipe shall be provided with label.
4.4.1B The inspection well should adopt the finished well, and the wastewater and
combined wastewater inspection wells shall be carried out with the water tight test.
4.4.2 The maximum spacing of inspection wells on the straight pipe section shall be
determined according to the specific conditions, like dredging method. Generally, the
maximum spacing shall be valued according to the requirements of Table 4.4.2 of this code.
Table 4.4.2 Maximum Spacing of Inspection Wells
Pipe diameter, or clear height of covered ditch Maximum spacing (m)
(mm) Wastewater pipe Storm water (combined) pipe

200~400 40 50

500~700 60 70

800~1000 80 90

1100~1500 100 120

1600~2000 120 120

4.4.3 The dimensions of different parts of the inspection well shall meet the following
1 The dimensions of the well mouth, well case and well chamber shall be convenient
for maintenance and overhaul; the dimension and position of crawling ladder and feet hole
shall be convenient for overhaul and be safe to climb up and down;

2 The height of overhaul room, with the buried depth permission of pipe, is 1.8 m
generally, the wastewater inspection well shall be calculated starting from the top of chute,
and the storm water (combined) inspection well shall be calculated starting from the pipe
4.4.4 The inspection well should be set with chute at its bottom. The top of the chute of
wastewater inspection well may be level with the position of 0.85 times of the pipe diameter
of large pipe, and the top of the chute of storm water (combined) inspection well may be level
with the position of 0.5 times of the pipe diameter of large pipe. The top width of chute
should meet the overhaul requirements.
4.4.5 At the turns of pipe, the bending radius of the center line of chute inside the inspection
well shall be determined according to the size of turn angle and the pipe diameter, which,
however, should not be less than the pipe diameter of large pipe.
4.4.6 The inspection well set at carriageway shall be adopted with the well cover and
support that have adequate bearing capacity and favorable stability.
4.4.6A The cover pedestal of the inspection well that is set on main road should be separate
from the well body.
4.4.7 The inspection well should be adopted with the anti-theft well cover. The well cover
on pavement should be level with the pavement; the well cover in green belt shall not be
lower than the ground.
4.4.8 Gate slots may be set in the inspection wells that are built at an appropriate distance
along the sewer main.
4.4.9 If the pipe diameter of the branch pipe (service pipe or connecting pipe) connected
into the inspection well is larger than 300mm, the quantity of the branch pipes should not
exceed 3.
4.4.10 At the joint of the inspection well and pipe ditch, proper measures against
non-uniform settlement shall be taken.
4.4.10A The inspection well and plastic pipe shall adopt flexible connection.
4.4.11 The sludge sump should set in the inspection wells that are built at an appropriate
distance along the sewerage pipe and also in the last inspection well before the pumping
station, and the sump depth should be 0.3~0.5m.
4.4.12 Pressure inspection well shall be set on the pressure pipe.
4.4.13 The first inspection well at the abrupt changing place of gradient of the high flow
velocity sewerage pipe should adopt the high launder drainage inspection well and shall be
taken with measures to enhancing the shock resistance and scouring capability of well case,
the well cover should adopt the exhaust well cover.

4.5 Drop Well

4.5.1 Where the water head of the pipe drop is 1.0~2.0m, drop well should be set; where the
water head of drop water is larger than 2.0 m , drop well shall be set. The drop well should
not be set at the turns of pipe.
4.5.2 Where the diameter of the inlet pipe of drop well is not larger than 200mm, the water
head height of drop water at one time shall not be greater than 6m; where the pipe diameter is
300~600mm, the water head height of drop water at one time should not be greater than 4m.

Generally, the drop manner may adopt the standpipe or rectangular vertical groove. Where the
pipe diameter is larger than 600 mm; the water head height of drop water at one time and the
drop manner shall be determined according to hydraulic calculation.

4.6 Water Seal Well

4.6.1 If the industrial wastewater can generate such gas that may trigger an explosion
or fire hazard, the pipe system must be set with water seal well in it. The position of the
water seal well shall be at the outlet where produces the above-mentioned wastewater
and on the main pipe at an appropriate distance.
4.6.2 The trap seal shall not be less than 0.25m, the well should be equipped with
ventilation facilities above it and set with sludge sump at its bottom.
4.6.3 Both the water seal well and the other inspection wells that are set in one same pipe
system shall be arranged on carriageway or in the districts with many pedestrians, and they
shall be appropriately set away from the site where open fire exists.

4.7 Storm Water Inlet

4.7.1 The type, quantity and arrangement of storm water inlet shall be determined according
to the flow rate produced by catchment area, the discharging capacity of storm water inlet and
the road type. The storm water inlet should be set with contaminant catching facility.
4.7.2 The spacing between storm water inlets should be 25~50m. The quantity of the storm
water inlets that are joined up by connecting pipes should not exceed 3, and the length of the
connecting pipe between storm water inlets should not exceed 25m.
4.7.3 If the longitudinal slope of road is larger than 0.02, the spacing between storm water
inlets may be larger than 50m, the type, quantity and arrangement of storm water inlets shall
be determined according to specific conditions and calculation. If the grade section is
relatively short, storm water may be collected at the lowest point centralizedly, and the
quantity or area of storm water inlets in this section shall be properly increased.
4.7.4 The depth of storm water inlet should not be larger than 1m and shall be set with
sludge sump as required. If the storm water inlet will be shallowly buried due to special
circumstances, it shall be taken with reinforcement measures. The depth of the storm water
inlet in the areas with frost heaving influence may be determined according to the local

4.8 Intercepting Well

4.8.1 The position of intercepting well shall be determined according to such factors as the
position of wastewater intercepting main pipe, the position of combined pipe ditch, the
elevation of the downstream water level of overflow pipe and the surrounding environment.
4.8.2 The intercepting well should adopt the channel type and may also adopt the weir type
or the combination of weir and channel. When the elevation of pipe ditch permits, the channel
type intercepting well shall be selected. If the weir type or the combination type is selected,
the weir height and weir length shall be carried out with hydraulic calculation.

4.8.2A Where diameter of wastewater interception pipe is 300mm~600mm, the height of
various weirs (positive weir, oblique weir and curved-sided weir) in the weir-type intercepting
well may be calculated according to the following formula:
1 d =300mm, H1 =(0.233+ 0.013Qj)·d·k (4.8.2A-1)
2 d =400mm, H1 =(0.226 + 0.007Qj)·d·k   (4.8.2A-2)
3 d =500mm, H1 =((0.219+0.004Qj)·d·k (4.8.2A-3)
4 d =600mm, H1 =(0.202 +0.003Qj)·d·k  (4.8.2A-4)
5 Qj=(1+n0)·Qdr (4.8.2A-5)
H1——the weir height (mm);
Qj——the wastewater interception amount (L/s);
d——the diameter of wastewater interception pipe (mm);
k——the correction coefficient, k=1.1~1.3;
n0——the interception ratio;
Qdr——the dry weather flow amount before the intercepting well (L/s).
4.8.2B Where the diameter of wastewater interception pipe is 300mm~600mm, the channel
depth and width of the channel type intercepting well shall be calculated according to the
following formulae:
H2=63.9·Qj0.43·k (4.8.2B-1)
H2——the channel depth (mm);
Qj——the wastewater interception amount (L/s);
k——the correction coefficient, k=1.1~1.3.
B=d (4.8.2B-2)
B——the channel width (mm);
d——the diameter of wastewater interception pipe (mm).
4.8.2C The channel depth and weir height of the channel-weir combination type
intercepting well shall be calculated according to the following formula:
1 The channel depth H2 shall be determined according to the topographic conditions
and the allowable drop possibility of pipe elevation.
2 The diameter d of the interception pipe shall be calculated and determined according
to the interception amount.
3 The total height H of channel and weir shall be calculated and determined according
to Table 4.8.2C by assuming the ratio value of H1/H2.
Table 4.8.2C Calculation Sheet for Total Height of Channel and Weir of Channel-weir Combination Type
Intercepting Well
D(mm) H1/H2≤1.3 H1/H2>1.3

300 H=(4.22Qj+94.3) ·k H=(4.08 Qj+69.9) ·k

400 H=(3.43 Qj+96.4) ·k H=(3.08 Qj+72.3) ·k

500 H=(2.22 Qj+136.4) ·k H=(2.42 Qj+124.0) ·k

4 The weir height H1 may be calculated according to the following formula:

H1=H- H2 (4.8.2C)

H1——the weir height (mm);
H——the total height of channel and weir (mm);
H2——the channel depth (mm).
5 The value of H1/H2 shall be checked on whether meeting the assumed condition,
otherwise, corresponding formula shall be adopted to repeat the above-mentioned calculation.
6 The calculation of channel width is the same as Formula (4.8.2B-2).
4.8.3 The overflow level of intercepting well shall be above the design flood level or the
design water level of receiving pipe. If it can not meet the requirements, it shall be installed
with anti-backflow facilities, like gate.
4.8.4 The intercepting well should be set with flow-rate control facilities in it.

4.9 Water Outlet

4.9.1 The position, type and outlet velocity of the water outlet of sewerage pipe ditch shall
be determined according to such factors as the water quality requirements of receiving water
body, the flow amount of water body, the water-level fluctuation amplitude, the wave
conditions, the dilution self purification capacity, the ground movement and the climatic
4.9.2 The water outlet shall be taken with such measures as erosion protection, energy
dissipation and strengthening, and shall be set with signs as required.
4.9.3 The water outlets in such areas with frost heaving influence shall take consideration of
building with frost heaving resistant materials, and the foundation of water outlet must be set
below the frost line.

4.10 Drainage of Interchange

4.10.1 The sewerage of interchange shall remove the surface runoff water in the water
catchment area and the ground water affecting the road function, and the sewerage type shall
be determined according to such engineering characteristics as local planning, on-site
hydrogeologic conditions and interchange type.
4.10.2 The calculation of the surface runoff amount drained from interchange should meet
the following requirements:
1 The designed recurrence interval shall not be less than 3a, which may be
appropriately improved in relation to the important regional standard, and the different
positions of one same interchange engineering may adopt different recurrence intervals;
2 The inlet time should be 5~10min;
3 The runoff coefficient should be 0.8~1.0;
4 The catchment area shall determine reasonably. It should adopt the high water level
and high-speed drainage and low water level and low-speed drainage systems that are not
connected mutually and shall have the reliable measures for preventing high water from
entering into the low water level system.
4.10.3 The sewerage of vertical crossing underpass shall be set with independent waste
water engineering system and the water outlet must be reliable.
4.10.4 If the lowest point of the vertical crossing underpass engineering is below the

underground water level, drainage measures or the measures controlling the ground water
shall be taken.
4.10.5 The spacing between the storm water inlets of elevated road should be 20~30m. Each
storm water inlet shall be led to the surface drainage system by stand pipe separately. The
inlet shall be installed with grid mesh.

4.11 Inverted Siphon

4.11.1 Generally, the quantity of the inverted siphons passing through watercourse should
not be less than two; the quantity of the inverted siphons passing though valley, dry ditch or
rivulet may adopt one. The inverted siphon passing through obstacle shall also meet the
relevant requirements on intersection with this obstacle.
4.11.2 The design of inverted siphon shall meet the following requirements:
1 The minimum pipe diameter should be 200mm;
2 The designed flow velocity in siphon shall be larger than 0.9m/s and shall be larger
than the flow velocity in inlet pipe. If the designed flow velocity in siphon fails to meet
above-mentioned requirements, the regular flushing measures shall be added and the flow
velocity at time of flushing shall not be less than 1.2m/s.
3 The distance from the top of inverted siphon to the planned river bottom should not
be less than 1.0m generally; if the inverted siphon passes through shipping watercourse, its
position and the distance from its top to the planned river bottom shall be determined upon
the negotiation with the local shipping administrative department and shall be set with signs.
On meeting washing bank, the inverted siphon shall be considered with erosion control
4 The inverted siphon should be set with emergency outlet.
4.11.3 If the combined pipe is set with inverted siphon, the flow velocity shall be checked
according to the dry weather flow amount.
4.11.4 The clear height of the overhaul rooms of both the inlet and outlet wells of inverted
siphon should be larger than 2m. Where the inlet and outlet wells are relatively deep, they
shall be built with overhaul stand in them and the stand width shall meet the overhaul
requirements. Where the inverted siphon is of double line, the center of well cover should be
arranged at the center line of each pipe.
4.11.5 The inlet and outlet wells of inverted siphon shall be equipped with gate slot or gate
in them.
4.11.6 The inspection well in front of the inlet well of inverted siphon shall be set with
sludge sump.

4.12 Ditch

4.12.1 In the areas with flat landform and the areas with restricted buried depth or water
outlet depth, ditch (open ditch or ditch with coverplate) may be adopted to remove the storm
water. The ditch with coverplate should use local materials, its structure should be convenient
for maintenance and ditch wall may be built jointly with the road curb.
4.12.2 The bottom width of open ditch and ditch with coverplate should not be less than

0.3m. The side slope of the non-paved open ditch shall be valued according to the
requirements of Table 4.12.2 of this code based on different geology; the open ditch paved
with brick and stone or concrete block may adopt the side slope of 1:0.75~1:1.
Table 4.12.2 Side Slope Value of Open Ditch
Geology Side slope value

Silty sand 1:3~1:3.5

Loose fine sand, medium sand and coarse sand 1:2~1:2.5

Compact fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand or clay silt 1:1.5~1:2

Silty clay or clay gravels or pebbles 1:1.25~1:1.5

Semi-rocky soil 1:0.5~1:1

Weathered rock 1:0.25~1:0.5

Rock 1:0.1~1:0.25

4.12.3 When the ditch is connected with culvert, the following requirements shall be met:
1 When the ditch is connected into a culvert, the influence of the water surface set-up
of open ditch caused by such factors as area reduction and velocity fluctuation shall be taken
into consideration;
2 The culvert section shall be calculated according to the escapage when the water
surface in ditch reaches the designed superelevation;
3 The culvert shall be set with retaining walls at both ends and shall be conducted with
slope protection and bottom protection;
4 The culvert should be built into square shape. If it is circular pipe, the pipe bottom
may be lower than the ditch bottom appropriately, and the lower portion shall not be included
in the discharge section.
4.12.4 The connection place of ditch and pipe shall be set with such connecting facilities as
retaining wall. The place where the ditch is connected into the pipe shall be set with bar
4.12.5 At the turns of open ditch, the bending radius of its center line generally should not
be less than 5 times the design water level; as for the ditch with coverplate and paved open
ditch, the bending radius may adopt the values no less than 2.5 times the width of design
water level.

4.13 Pipe Integration

4.13.1 The mutual positions between sewerage pipes and other underground pipe ditches,
buildings and structures shall meet the following requirements:
1 When laying and overhauling pipes, they shall not interact;
2 If the sewerage pipe is damaged, the foundations of adjacent buildings and structures
shall not be affected and the drinking water shall not be polluted.
4.13.2 Where the wastewater pipe or combined pipe is intersected with the domestic
water supply pipe, it shall be laid below the domestic water supply pipe.
4.13.3 The horizontal and vertical minimum clearance between sewerage pipe and other
underground pipelines (or structures) shall be determined in accordance with the local urban
pipe comprehensive planning based on such factors as their type and elevation, the
construction sequence and the consequences of pipeline damages. And it may also be adopted

in accordance with Appendix B of this code.
4.13.4 Where the renovated water pipe is intersected with domestic water supply pipe,
combined pipe or wastewater pipe, it shall be laid below the domestic water supply pipe and
should be laid above the combined pipe and wastewater pipe.

4.14 Strom Water Storage Tank

4.14.1 Where it requires to control diffuse pollution, reduce crest discharge of sewerage
pipe, prevent and control impounded surface water and improve use degree of storm water,
storm water storage tank should be arranged.
4.14.2 The arrangement of storm water storage tank shall make the best of existing
4.14.3 The position of storm water storage tank shall be determined through comprehensive
consideration according to the adjustment and storage purpose, sewerage system, pipe
network layout, elevation of downstream water level of overflow pipe and surrounding
environment, etc.
4.14.4 Where the storm water storage tank is used for controlling diffuse pollution, its
effective volume may be calculated according to the following formula:
V=3600 ti (n-n0) Qdr β (4.14.4)
V——the effective volume of storage tank (m3);
ti——the water intake time (h) of storage tank, which should be 0.5h~1h. If the water
quality of overflow wastewater of combined waste water engineering system on rainy day has
no visible initial effect in single rainfall event, t1 should take the upper limit, conversely, it
may take the lower limit;
n——the interception ratio of storage tank during its operating period, which is obtained
according to the relation among the required objective reduction rate of pollution load, the
local interception ratio and the proportion of interception amount accounting for the rainfall
n0——the original interception ratio of the system;
Qdr——the dry weather flow amount before the intercepting well (m3/s);
β——the safety factor, which may be 1.1~1.5.
4.14.5 Where the storm water storage tank is used for reducing the peak flow of sewerage
pipe, its effective volume may be calculated according to the following formula:

  0.65 b 0.5  0.215 

V    1.2   1.10  lga  0.3  0.15   Qt (4.14.5)
 n t n  0.2  n 
V——the effective volume of storage tank (m3);
α——the deprivation coefficient, which is the ratio of the downstream designed flow
amount of storage tank to its upstream designed flow amount;
Q——the upstream designed flow amount of storage tank Q(m3/min);
b, n——the parameter of rainfall intensity formula;
t——the duration of rainfall (min), which shall be calculated according to Formula

(3.2.5), where m=1.
4.14.6 Where the storm water storage tank is used for improving the use degree of storm
water, its effective volume shall be determined according to rainfall characteristics, water
utilization demand and economic benefit, etc.
4.14.7 The emptying time of storm water storage tank may be calculated according to the
following formula:

to  (4.14.7)
3600Q '
to——the emptying time (h);
V——the effective volume of storage tank (m3);
Q′——the receptivity of downstream sewerage pipe or facility (m3/s);
η——the discharging efficiency, which may be 0.3~0.9.
4.14.8 The storm water storage tank shall be equipped with auxiliary facilities for washing,
exhausting and deodorizing as well as the overhaul passage.

4.15 Storm Water Infiltration Facilities

4.15.1 The urban infrastructure construction shall be reduced by taking comprehensive

consideration of storm water runoff amount. The sidewalk, parking lot, square and the like
should adopt the pervious pavement; the elevation of greenbelt should be less than that of
surrounding pavement to form concaved greenbelt.
4.15.2 If the site conditions permit, facilities, like grass ditch and seepage basin, may be
arranged to accept the surface runoff.

5 Pumping Stations

5.1 General Requirements

5.1.1 The drainage pumping station should be designed according to the long-term scale
and the pumping units may be allocated according to the short-term scale.
5.1.2 The drainage pumping station should be designed into an independent building.
5.1.3 The sewage pumping station used for pumping the sewage that may generate
flammable and explosive gas or toxic and harmful gas must be designed into an
independent building and shall be taken with corresponding protective measures.
5.1.4 The buildings and auxiliary facilities of drainage pumping station should be taken
anti-corrosion measures.
5.1.5 The distance between the separately arranged pumping station and the residential
buildings and public buildings shall meet the planning and fire fighting requirements and the
requirements of environmental protection department. The image of the surface buildings of
pumping station shall be coordinated with the surrounding environment and shall be
applicable, economical and beautiful. The areas in the pumping station shall be carried out
with greening.
5.1.6 The elevation of the outdoor terrace of pumping station shall be determined according
to the urban flood defence standard and shall meet the requirements of planning department;
the indoor terrace of pump house shall be 0.2~0.3m higher than the outdoor terrace; as for the
pumping station in such areas that are prone to flood attack, the design ground elevation at its
entrance shall be over 0.5m higher than the design flood level; if the above-mentioned
requirements can not be met, the temporary flood control measures, like gate slot, may be set
at the station entrance.
5.1.7 The storm water pumping station shall adopt the self-filling pumping station. The
sewage pumping station and combined sewage pumping station should adopt the self-filling
pumping station.
5.1.8 The pump house should be built with two entrances/exits, therein, one entrance/exit
shall be able to meet the in and out requirement of the largest equipment or part.
5.1.9 The power supply of drainage pumping station shall be designed according to
Class II load, especially the pumping stations in vital areas shall be designed according
to Class I load. If the above-mentioned requirements can not be met, the standby power
facilities shall be equipped.
5.1.10 The sewage pumping station and combined sewage pumping station in the residential
areas or the important districts shall be installed with deodorization device.
5.1.11 The underground pump house with poor natural ventilation conditions shall be
set with the mechanical air supply and exhaust integrated system.
5.1.12 The frequently attended pumping station shall be designed with sound insulation
duty room and communication facilities. As for the pumping station that is far away from the
population centres shall be installed with domestic installations for workers appropriately as

5.2 Designed Flow Amount and Designed Head

5.2.1 The designed flow amount of sewage pumping station shall be determined through
calculation according to the maximum hourly flow amount in the maximum day of the water
inlet manifold of this pumping station.
5.2.2 The designed flow amount of storm water pumping station shall be determined
through calculation according to the designed flow amount of the water inlet manifold of this
pumping station. If the interchange road is built with blind ditch, its seepage water amount
shall be calculated separately.
5.2.3 The designed flow amount of combined sewage pumping station shall be determined
through calculation according to the following formulae.
1 If wastewater intercepting device is set behind the pumping station, the designed
flow amount shall be calculated according to Formula (3.3.1) of this code;
2 If wastewater intercepting device is set in front of the pumping station, the designed
flow amount of the storm water portion and wastewater portion shall be calculated according
to Formula (5.2.3-1) and Formula (5.2.3-2) of this code respectively.
1) Storm water portion
Qp= Qs –noQdr (5.2.3-1)
2) Wastewater portion
Qp=(no+1) Qdr (5.2.3-2)
Qp——the designed flow amount of pumping station (m3/s);
Qs——the designed storm water flow amount (m3/s);
Qdr——the designed dry weather flow amount (m3/s);
no——the interception ratio.
5.2.4 The designed lift of storm water pump shall be determined according to the difference
between the water level of collecting tank and mean water level of receiving water body at the
designed flow amount as well as the head loss of the pipeline system of pump.
5.2.5 The designed lift of sewage pump and combined sewage pump shall be determined
according to the water level difference between collecting tank and outlet pipe ditch at the
designed flow amount, the head loss of pump pipeline system and the safe water head.

5.3 Collecting Tank

5.3.1 The volume of collecting tank shall be determined according to such factors as
designed flow amount, pump capacity, and working condition of pump, and it shall meet the
following requirements generally:
1 The volume of collecting tank in sewage pumping station shall not be less than the
water output of 5min of the largest water pump;
Note: If the pumping unit is of automatic control, the starting times of pump per hour shall not exceed 6.

2 The volume of collecting tank in storm water pumping station shall not be less than
the water output of 30s of the largest water pump;
3 The volume of collecting tank in combined sewage pumping station shall not be less
than the water output of 30s of the largest water pump;

4 The volume of collecting tank of the sludge pump house shall be determined through
calculation according to the sludge amount that is drained into at one time and the pumpage
of sludge pump. The volume of collecting tank of the activated sludge pump house shall be
determined through calculation according to the returned sludge amount, excess activated
sludge amount and pumpage of sludge pump.
5.3.2 The area of collecting tank in large-scale combined sewage pumping station shall be
rechecked according to the principle of surge tower in pipe network system.
5.3.3 The wastewater and storm water flowing into the collecting tank all shall pass through
the bar screen.
5.3.4 The designed maximum water level of the collecting tank in storm water pumping
station and combined sewage pumping station shall be level with the top of inlet pipe. Where
the designed inlet pipe adopts pressure pipe, the designed maximum water level of collecting
tank may be higher than the top of inlet pipe but shall not make the upstream ground of the
pipe emit water.
5.3.5 The designed maximum water level of collecting tank in sewage pumping station shall
be calculated according to the fullness of inlet pipe.
5.3.6 The designed minimum water level of collecting tank shall meet the requirements of
the selected pump suction lift. The self-filling pump house shall also meet the requirements
on the immersion depth of water pump impeller.
5.3.7 The pump house shall adopt clockwise intake water, and consideration of improving
the hydraulic conditions of water pump suction pipe and reducing viscous flow or vortex flow
shall be made.
5.3.8 Gate or gate slot shall be set before the collecting tank of pumping station; the
pumping station should be set with emergency outlet, and the emergency outlets set at sewage
pumping station and combined sewage pumping station shall be reported to and approved by
the relevant departments.
5.3.9 In the areas where the sand sediment amount in the storm water inlet pipe is relatively
high, the sand sediment facilities and cleaning equipment should be set before the collecting
tank of storm water pumping station.
5.3.10 The collecting tank shall be set with drain pit at its bottom and the gradient towards
this pit should not be less than 10%.
5.3.11 The collecting tank shall be equipped with washing device and should be installed
with mud clearing facilities.

5.4 Design of Pump House

I Water Pump Configuration

5.4.1 The selection of water pump shall be determined according to such factors as the
designed flow amount and the required lift and also shall meet the following requirements:
1 The water pumps of one same model should be selected and quantity shall not be less
than 2 but should not be larger than 8. Where the changes in water amount is very large, water
pumps of different specifications may be configured but the pump kinds should not exceed 2,
or the variable-frequency speed-adjustable equipment or water pump with adjustable impeller

may be adopted.
2 The sewage pump house and combined sewage pump house shall be equipped with
standby pumps, and the quantity of standby pumps shall not be less than 1 if the quantity of
working pumps is not larger than 4. If the quantity of working pump is not less than 5, that of
the standby pumps should be 2; if the submersible pump house is equipped with 2 standby
pumps, one may be taken as standby pump and the other may be stored for standby
application. The storm water pump house may not be equipped with standby pump, The storm
water pump house of interchange roads may be equipped with standby pumps depending on
the significance of pump house.
5.4.2 The selected water pump should meet the operation in high efficiency area at the
designed lift and shall be able to operate safely and stably within the whole working range
from the highest working lift and lowest working lift. Where more than 2 water pumps are
operating parallelly and share one outlet pipe, the operating condition of single water pump
shall be checked according to the characteristic curve of water pump and thee operating
characteristic curve of the pipe so as to make the pumps meet the design requirements.
5.4.3 As for the sewage pumping station and combined sewage pumping station connected
in multi-stage series, the influence of interstage adjustment shall be taken into consideration.
5.4.4 The designed flow velocity of water pump suction pipe should be 0.7~1.5m/s. The
flow velocity of outlet pipe should be 0.8~2.5m/s.
5.4.5 The non-self-filling water pumps shall be set with water diversion equipment and all
shall be equipped with standby pumps. The small scale water pumps may be set with bottom
valve or vacuum water diversion equipment.

II Pump House

5.4.6 The water pumps should be arranged in single row.

5.4.7 The arrangement of major units and the passage width shall meet the requirements of
the installation, working and operation of electromechanical equipment and generally shall
meet the following requirements:
1 The clearance between foundations of pumping units should not be less than 1.0m;
2 The clearance between projecting part of the unit and the wall should not be less than
3 The width of main passage should not be less than 1.5m;
4 In case of low-voltage electric distribution, the passage width in front of the
distribution box should not be less than 1.5m; in case of high voltage electric distribution, the
passage width should not be less than 2.0m. When adopting overhauling behind the
distribution box, the clearance between the rear side of distribution box and the wall should
not be less than 1.0m;
5 In the pump house with electric crane, the channel for handling appliance shall be
5.4.8 The storey height of pump house shall be determined according to such factors as the
pumping units, electrical equipment, lifting device, installation, operation and overhauling.
5.4.9 The lifting equipment of pump house shall be determined according to the heaviest
component to be lifted. If the lifted load is not larger than 3t, the manual or electric hoist

should be selected; if the lifted load is larger than 3t, the electrical single-girder or
double-girder crane should be selected.
5.4.10 The pedestal of pumping unit shall be configured according to the requirements of
water pump and shall be 0.1m higher than the terrace.
5.4.11 Where the storey height difference between pump house and motor room exceeds the
axial length specified in the technical performance of water pump, the intermediate bearing
and bearing support shall be set, and facilities, like operation platform, shall be set at the oil
tank and stuffing box of water pump. The working width of the operation platform shall not
be less than 0.6m and the platform shall be equipped with handrails. The arrangement of
platform shall meet the passing of management personnel and shall not hinder the installation
and disassembling of water pump.
5.4.12 Facilities for removing accumulated water shall be set in the pump house.
5.4.13 When laying pipes on the floor in pump house, the crossover facilities shall be set as
required. In case of overhead laying, the pipe shall not cross over electrical equipment or
obstruct the passageway, the distance from the pipe bottom to the flow at the passing position
should not be less than 2.0m.
5.4.14 Where the pump house is multi-storey building, the floor slab shall be set with lifting
hole, the hole position shall be within the working range of hoisting equipment. The size of
the lifting hole shall be amplified by over 0.2m from every edge based on the overall
dimension of the largest component to be lifted.
5.4.15 The coverplate of lifting hole above the submersible pump may be taken with sealing
measures according to the environmental demand.
5.4.16 The cooling water required for cooling, lubricating and sealing of water pump may
be come from the water supply system of pumping station, the water amount, water pressure
and pipe shall be set according to equipment requirements. If the cooling water amount is
relatively large, the cyclic utilization of cooling water shall be taken into consideration.

5.5 Outlet Water Facilities

5.5.1 If 2 or more than 2 water pumps share one outlet pipe, the outlet pipe on every water
pump shall be installed with gate valve and also shall be installed with check valve between
the gate valve and water pump. Where the sewage pump outlet pipe is connected with
pressure pipe or pressure well, the outlet pipe must be installed with such anti-counterflow
units as check valve and gate valve on it. The tail end of the outlet pipe of storm water pump
should be installed with anti-counterflow unit and should be considered to be installed with
hoisting facilities above it.
5.5.2 The coverplate of water outlet pressure well must be sealed, and the pressure shall be
determined through calculation. The water outlet pressure well of water pump must be set
with air-permeable cylinder, and the cylinder height and section shall be determined through
5.5.3 The well mouth height of open outlet well meet the high water level formed by putting
on the pump at the maximum water level of water body or the rising height of water level
when the water pump stops suddenly. The open part shall be provided with safety protection

5.5.4 The combined sewage pumping station should be set with the trial run water return
pipe, the side of the outlet well leading to the watercourse shall be equipped with water outlet
gate or be considered with the temporary plugging measures.
5.5.5 The position selection of water outlet of storm water pumping station shall avoid the
structures in water, like bridges, the water outlet and slope protection structure shall not
influence the waterways, the water flow shall not scour the rivercourse or influence the
shipping safety, the outlet velocity should be less than 0.5m/s and the approval of the shipping
and water conservancy departments shall be obtained. At the position of the water outlet of
pumping station, proper alarm device shall be set.

6 Wastewater Treatment

6.1 Site Selection and General Layout

6.1.1 The selection of the position of wastewater treatment plant shall meet the requirement
of urban overall planning and wastewater engineering professional planning and also shall be
determined according to the following factors comprehensively:
1 Be at down stream of urban water body.
2 Be convenient for the recycling and safe discharge of the treated effluent.
3 Be convenient for the centralized treatment and disposal of sludge.
4 Be at the leeward of the prevailing wind direction in summer of the cities and towns.
5 Be with favorable engineering geological conditions.
6 Require little relocation and land requisition; and have certain health protection
distance according to environmental evaluation requirements.
7 Have the possibility of extension.
8 The landform of the plant shall not be affected by flood disasters, the flood control
standard shall not be less than the urban flood defence standard and the plant shall have
favorable drainage conditions.
9 Be with convenient traffic, transportation and hydroelectric power conditions.
6.1.2 The plant area of the wastewater treatment plant shall be controlled according to the
overall scale of the project, the arrangement for stage construction shall be made, the
short-term scale shall be determined reasonably, the water amount within a year after the
short-term engineering is put into operation should reach 60% of the short-term design scale.
6.1.3 The general layout of wastewater treatment plant shall be determined through
technical and economical comparison according to the functional and flow path requirements
of the buildings and structures in the plant in combination with such factors as the landform,
climatic and geological conditions of the plant site, the optimization of the operating cost, and
the convenience of construction and maintenance and management.
6.1.4 The shape of buildings in the wastewater treatment plant area shall be concise and
beautiful, save materials, with appropriate material selection, and also make the effect of the
groups of buildings and structures coordinate with the surrounding environment.
6.1.5 The production management buildings and the domestic installations should be
arranged collectively, their position and orientation shall be as reasonable as possible and they
shall be kept at a distance with the treatment structures.
6.1.6 The wastewater and sludge treatment structures should adopt centralized layout
respectively as much as possible according to the specific situations. The spacing between the
treatment structures shall be small and reasonable, shall meet the requirements of the current
fire prevention codes of the nation, and shall meet the requirements of the structure
construction, equipment installation, burying of various pipes, and maintenance, repair and
6.1.7 The process flow and vertical design of wastewater treatment plant should make full
use of the landform and shall meet the requirements on unobstructed drainage, reduction of
energy consumption and balancing of earthwork.

6.1.8 The fire protection design of the plant area and the position and design of
digester, gas tank, sludge gas compressor room, sludge gas generator room, sludge gas
combustion apparatus, sludge gas pipe, sludge drying device, sludge incineration device
and other hazardous material warehouses all shall meet the requirement of the relevant
current fire prevention codes of the nation.
6.1.9 In the wastewater treatment plant, the yards for stacking materials, spare parts, fuel
and waste residue and for parking shall be arranged at appropriate places.
6.1.10 The wastewater treatment plant shall be set with necessary passageways leading to
structures and ancillary buildings, and the design of these passageways shall meet the
following requirements:
1 Width of main carriageway: 3.5~4.0m for single lane, 6.0~7.0m for dual-lane.
designed with turning lane;
2 The turning radius of carriageway should be 6.0~10.0m;
3 The width of sidewalk should be 1.5~2.0m;
4 The inclination angle of the escalator leading to elevated structure should adopt 30°
generally but should not be larger than 45°;
5 The width of overpass should not be less than 1.0m;
6 The arrangement of lanes and passageways shall meet the requirements of the
relevant current fire prevention codes of the nation and shall comply with the provisions of
the relevant local departments.
6.1.11 Around the wastewater treatment plant, enclosure wall shall be built according to the
site conditions and the wall height should not be less than 2.0m.
6.1.12 The gate size of wastewater treatment plant shall be able to allow the vehicle
transporting the largest equipment or component to go in and out, and the side entrance for
transporting waste residue shall be built.
6.1.13 Between the treatment structures that are of parallel operation with the wastewater
treatment plant, the water distribution devices shall be arranged uniformly. Between the
treatment structures, the switchable interconnecting pipe ditch should be set.
6.1.14 Various pipe ditches in the wastewater treatment plant shall be arranged
comprehensively and shall avoid mutual interference. If the pipes are complicated, pipe racks
should be set. The arrangement of water, mud and gas pipelines between the treatment
structures shall make the pipe ditch be short, with small loss, unobstructed flowing, unease to
block and convenient for clearing. The connection by pipe ditch between the wastewater
treatment structures shall adopt open ditch under suitable conditions.
In the pipe rack, the instrument cable, communication cable, power cable, water supply
pipe, wastewater pipe, sludge pipe, renovated water pipe, compressed air pipe and the like
shall be laid, and corresponding color codes shall be arranged.
The pipe rack shall be set with ventilation, lighting, broadcasting, telephone, fire alarm
and combustible gas alarm systems, independent waste water engineering system, lifting hole,
entrance/exit of pedestrian path, facilities required for maintenance and the like in it and also
shall meet the requirements of the relevant current fire prevention codes of the nation.
6.1.15 The wastewater treatment plant shall be reasonably arranged with the transcendental
pipe ditches of treatment structures.
6.1.16 The treatment structures shall be equipped with emptying facilities and the

discharged water shall be returned and treated.
6.1.17 The wastewater treatment plant should be set with renovated water treatment system.
6.1.18 The water supply system and renovated water system are strictly forbidden to
be directly connected with the treatment devices.
6.1.19 The power supply system of wastewater treatment plant shall be designed
according to Class II load, and that of important wastewater treatment plant should be
designed according to Class I load. If it fails to meet the above-mentioned requirements,
the standby power facilities shall be set.
6.1.20 The composition and area of the ancillary buildings of wastewater treatment plant
shall be determined based on the principle of saving according to the scale and process flow
of wastewater treatment plant, the level of computer supervision and control systems, the
management system and the like in combination with the local actual conditions, and also
shall comply with the relevant current specifications.
6.1.21 The wastewater treatment structure located in cold area shall be provided with
insulation and anti-freezing measures.
6.1.22 According to the demand maintenance and management, the facilities such as
distribution box, lighting, communication telephone, rinsing water hydrant, bathroom and
toilet should be arranged at proper places in the plant area.
6.1.23 The treatment structures shall be installed with such applicable safety measures
as handrails and non-slip ladder, the elevated treatment structures also shall be installed
with lightning protection facilities.

6.2 General Requirements

6.2.1 The degree and method of municipal wastewater treatment shall be determined
according to the current relevant national and local discharge standards, the source and
property of pollutants, the environmental function of the surface water areas into which the
wastewater is drained and the protected object.
6.2.2 Generally, the treatment efficiency of wastewater treatment plant may be valued
according to those specified in Table 6.2.2 of this code.
Table 6.2.2 Treatment Efficiency of Wastewater Treatment Plant
Treatment efficiency
Treatment method Main process (%)

Level 1 Sedimentation (natural sedimentation) 40~55 20~30

Primary sedimentation, biofilm reaction and secondary

Biofilm process 60~90 65~90
Level 2
Activated sludge Primary sedimentation, activated sludge reaction and
70~90 65~95
process secondary sedimentation

1 SS in this table means the quantity of suspended solids, BOD5 means the five-day bod.
2 As for activated sludge process, the primary settling tank may not be set according to such conditions as water quality
and process flow.

6.2.3 The wastewater treatment plant having large variation in water quality and (or) water
amount should be arranged with the facilities for adjusting the water quality and (or) water
6.2.4 The designed flow amount of wastewater treatment structure shall be calculated
respectively according to the conditions of stage construction. If the wastewater flows in
automatically, the designed flow amount shall be calculated according to the maximum daily
designed flow amount at the highest time during every stage; if the wastewater flows in by
lifting, the water distribution capacity of pipe ditch shall be checked according to maximum
combinational flow amount of the operating water pump during every stage. The designed
flow amount of biological reaction tank shall be determined according to the type and
aeration time of biological reaction tank. If the aeration time is relatively long, the designed
flow amount may be reduced as appropriate.
6.2.5 The combined treatment structure shall not only be designed according to the relevant
provisions of this chapter but also consider the influence after the intercepted storm water
flowing in, and they shall meet the following requirements generally:
1 The lifting pump station, bar screen and grit chamber shall be calculated according to
the combined designed flow amount;
2 The primary settling tank shall be designed according to dry weather flow amount
generally and shall be checked based on the combined designed flow amount, and the
sedimentation time for checking should not be less than 30min;
3 Secondary treatment system shall be designed according to the dry weather flow
amount and shall be considered with a certain combined water amount if necessary;
4 The volume of sludge thickener, wet sludge tank and digester and the sludge
dewatering scale shall be determined through calculation according to the combined water
amount and the water quality. Generally, they may be increased by 10%~20% according to
the dry-weather conditions;
5 Pipe ditch shall be calculated according to the combined designed flow amount.
6.2.6 The quantity (grid number) of the treatment structures shall not be less than 2
structures (grids) and shall be designed according to the parallel type.
6.2.7 The wastewater inlet and outlet in the treatment structures should be taken with
rectifying measures.
6.2.8 The wastewater treatment plant shall be set with the sterilizing facilities for the treated

6.3 Bar Screen

6.3.1 Bar screen must be set before the sewage treatment system or water pump.
6.3.2 The gap width between the grid bars of bar screen shall meet the following
1 Coarse bar screen: if it is mechanically cleaned bar screen, the gap width should be
16~25mm; if it is handcleaned bar screen, the gap width should be 25~40mm. Under special
circumstances, the maximum gap may be 100mm;
2 Fine bar screen: the gap width should be 1.5~10mm;
3 Before the water pump, the gap width shall be determined according to the

requirements of water pump.
6.3.3 The flow velocity of wastewater through the bar screen should adopt 0.6~1.0m/s.
Except for the rotary drum type bar screen machine, the installation angle of the mechanically
cleaned bar screen should be 60°~90°. The installation angle of handcleaned bar screen
should be 30°~ 60°.
6.3.4 The distance from the bottom front end of bar screen machine to the well wall shall be
larger than 1.5m for steel wire rope pulled bar screen machine or mobile suspended chain
hoist grab type bar screen machine and shall be larger than 1.0m for chained scraper bar
screen machine or rotary solid-liquid separator.
6.3.5 Working platform must be set at the upper part of bar screen, the platform height shall
be 0.5m higher than the highest design water level in front of the bar screen, and the working
platform shall be equipped with safety facilities and flushing facilities on it.
6.3.6 The width of the side roads on both sides of the bar screen working platform should
adopt 0.7~1.0m. The width of the front passage of working platform shall not be less than
1.5m in case of the mechanically cleaned bar screen and shall not be less than 1.2m in case of
shall not be less than handcleaned bar screen.
6.3.7 The residue over coarse bar screen should be delivered by adopting belt conveyor and
the residue over fine bar screen should be delivered by adopting spiral conveyor.
6.3.8 The feed inlet and outlet of bar screen machine, conveyor and press dehydrator should
adopt the sealing type, and may be set with deodorization treatment devices according to the
surrounding environment conditions.
6.3.9 The ventilation facilities and the toxic and harmful gas detection and alarm
devices shall be set between bar screens.

6.4 Grit Chamber

6.4.1 The wastewater treatment plant shall be set with grit chamber, and the grit chamber
shall be such designed to remove the sand particles with relative density of 2.65 and particle
size over 0.2mm.
6.4.2 The design of horizontal flow grit chamber shall meet the following requirements:
1 The maximum flow velocity shall be 0.3m/s and the minimum flow velocity shall be
2 The retention time of the maximum hourly flow amount shall not be less than 30s;
3 The available depth shall not be greater than 1.2m and the width of every grid should
not be less than 0.6m.
6.4.3 The design of aerated grit chamber shall meet the following requirements:
1 The horizontal flow velocity should be 0.1m/s.
2 The retention time of flow amount at the highest time shall be larger than 2min;
3 The available depth should be 2.0~3.0m and the breadth depth ratio should be 1~1.5;
4 The aeration rate for treating 1m3 wastewater should be 0.1~0.2m3 air;
5 The water inlet direction shall be consistent with the rotational flow direction in the
tank, the water outlet direction shall be perpendicular to the water inlet direction, and baffle
should be arranged.
6.4.4 The design of vortex-type grit chamber shall meet the following requirements:

1 The retention time of the maximum hourly flow amount shall not be less than 30s;
2 The designed hydraulic surface load should be 150 m3/(m2·h)~200m3/(m2·h);
3 The available depth should be 1.0~2.0m and the ratio of chamber diameter to
chamber depth should be 2.0~2.5;
4 Vertical paddle-type separator shall be set in the chamber.
6.4.5 The grit sediment amount of wastewater may be calculated according to 0.03L per m3
wastewater; the grit sediment amount of combined wastewater shall be determined according
to the actual conditions.
6.4.6 The volume of grit hopper shall not be larger than the grit sediment amount of 2d. If
grit discharge by gravity is adopted, the inclination angle between the wall of grit hopper and
the horizontal plane shall not be less than 55°.
6.4.7 The grit removal of grit chamber should adopt mechanical method and the grit shall be
stored or delivered out after the grit-water separation. Where artificial grit removal is adopted,
the diameter of the grit blow-off pipe shall not be less than 200mm. The grit blow-off pipe
shall be considered with plugging prevention measures.

6.5 Settling tank

I General Requirements

6.5.1 The design data of settling tank should be valued according to those specified in Table
6.5.1 of this code. The hydraulic surface loading of inclined tube (plate) settling tank should
be valued according to those specified in Article 6.5.14 of this code. The hydraulic surface
loading of the sediment zone of joint complete mixing biological reaction tank should be
valued according to those specified in Article 6.6.16 of this code.
Table 6.5.1 Design Data of Settling tank
Sedimentation Hydraulic the sludge amount Sludge
Solid load
Settling tank type time surface loading per capita per day moisture
(h) [m3/(m2·h)] (g/capita·d) (%)

Primary settling tank 0.5~2.0 1.5~4.5 16~36 95~97 -

After biofilm
1.5~4.0 1.0~2.0 10~26 96~98 ≤150
Secondary settling process
tank After activated
1.5~4.0 0.6~1.5 12~32 99.2~99.6 ≤150
sludge process

6.5.2 The superelevation of settling tank shall not be less than 0.3m.
6.5.3 The available depth of settling tank should adopt 2.0~4.0m.
6.5.4 Where sludge buckets are adopted for discharging sludge, each sludge bucket shall be
installed with independent gate valve and sludge pipe. The inclination angle between the skew
wall of sludge bucket and the horizontal plane should be 60° if it is square bucket and should
be 55° if it is round bucket.
6.5.5 Except that the volume of the sludge zone of primary settling tank set with mechanical
sludge discharge should be calculated according to the sludge amount of 4h; the volume
should be calculated according to the value no larger than sludge amount of 2d. The volume
of the sludge zone of secondary settling tank after the treatment by activated sludge process

should be calculated according to the value no larger than sludge amount of 2h, and the
continuous soil discharging measures shall be equipped; the volume of the sludge zone of
secondary settling tank after the treatment by biofilm process should be calculated according
to the sludge amount of 4h.
6.5.6 The diameter of sludge pipe shall not be less than 200mm.
6.5.7 When discharging sludge by adopting hydrostatic pressure, the static head of primary
settling tank shall not be less than 1.5m; the static head of secondary settling tank shall not be
less than 1.2m after the treatment by biofilm process and shall not be less than 0.9m after the
treatment tank by activated sludge process.
6.5.8 The maximum load of the exit weir of primary settling tank should not exceed 2.9
L/(s·m); the maximum load of the effluent weir of secondary settling tank should not exceed
6.5.9 The settling tank shall be equipped with the facilities for raking off, delivering and
disposing the dross.

II Settling tank

6.5.10 The design of horizontal settling tank shall meet the following requirements:
1 The length to width ratio of every grid should not be less than 4, the length to
available depth ratio should not be less than 8 and the tank length should not be larger than
2 The mechanical sludge discharge should be adopted and the marching speed of the
sludge discharging machine shall be 0.3~1.2m/min;
3 The height of the buffer layer shall be 0.5m if the non-mechanical sludge discharge is
adopted and shall be determined according to the height of scraper if the mechanical sludge
discharge is adopted, and the upper edge of the buffer layer should be 0.3m higher than the
4 The longitudinal slope at the bottom of tank should not be less than 0.01.
6.5.11 The design of vertical flow settling tank shall meet the following requirements:
1 The ratio of the diameter (or one side of square) to available depth of water tank
should not be larger than 3;
2 The flow velocity in the central pipe should not be larger than 30mm/s;
3 The lower opening of central pipe shall be set with horn mouth and baffle board, the
distance from bottom face of baffle board to the sludge face should not be less than 0.3m.
6.5.12 The design of radial flow settling tank shall meet the following requirements:
1 The ratio of the diameter (or one side of square) to available depth of water tank
should be 6~12 and the tank diameter should not be larger than 50m;
2 The mechanical sludge discharge should be adopted, the rotational speed of the
sludge discharging machine should be 1~3r/h, the linear speed of the outer edge of scraper
should not be larger than 3m/min. If the diameter of water tank (or one edge of the square) is
relatively small, the multibucket sludge discharge may also be adopted;
3 The height of the buffer layer should be 0.5m if the non-mechanical sludge discharge
is adopted and shall be determined according to the height of scraper if the mechanical sludge
discharge is adopted, and the upper edge of the buffer layer should be 0.3m higher than the

4 The bottom slope of the gradient sludge bucket should not be less than 0.05.

III Inclined Tube(Plate) Settling tank

6.5.13 Where it needs to exploit the potentialities of the original settling tank or to
construction area of settling tank is restricted, the inclined tube(plate) settling tank may be
adopted through technical and economical comparison.
6.5.14 The designed hydraulic surface loading of upflow counter current inclined tube(plate)
settling tank may be calculated according to 2 times of the designed hydraulic surface loading
of ordinary settling tank generally; however, as for the secondary settling tank, the designed
hydraulic surface loading also shall be checked and calculated according to the solid load.
6.5.15 The design of upflow counter current inclined tube(plate) settling tank shall meet the
following requirements:
1 The hole diameter of inclined tube (or the clearance of inclined plates) should be
2 The inclined length of inclined tube (plate) should be 1.0~1.2m;
3 The horizontal plane inclination angle of inclined tube (plate) should be 60°;
4 the top water depth of the inclined tube (plate) zone should be 0.7~1.0m;
5 The height of the bottom buffer layer of inclined tube (plate) zone should be 1.0m.
6.5.16 The inclined tube(plate) settling tank shall be set with flushing facilities.

6.6 Activated Sludge Process

I General Requirements

6.6.1 Appropriate activated sludge treatment process shall be selected according to the
various requirements, like removal of pollutants from carbon source, denitrification,
phosphorous removal and stabilization of oxic sludge, and the external environmental
6.6.2 Different operation schemes shall be set according to the possible operating
6.6.3 The superelevation of biological reaction tank shall be 0.5~1.0m if the blast aeration is
adopted; if the mechanical aeration is adopted, the equipment operating platform should be
0.8~1.2m higher than the design water level.
6.6.4 Where the wastewater contains such surfactant that produces a great deal of foams,
proper defoaming measures shall be taken.
6.6.5 Each group of biological reaction tanks should be set with water drain pipe at the
position half of the available depth.
6.6.6 The tank width to available depth ration of the corridor-type biological reaction tank
should adopt 1:1~2:1. The available depth shall be determined in combination with such
factors as the flow path design, geological conditions, type and selection of oxygen supply
facility, and fan pressure, and generally may adopt 4.0~6.0m. If the conditions permit, the
water depth may be increased.

6.6.7 The air supply amount of the oxic zone (tank) in the biological reaction tank to treat
1m3 wastewater shall not be less than 3m3 if the blast aerator is adopted. If the oxic zone
adopts the mechanical aerator, the power required for mixing the whole tank of wastewater
generally should not be less than 25W/m3 and that for oxidation ditch should not be less than
15W/m3. The anoxic zone (tank) and anaerobic zone (tank) shall adopt mechanical stirring,
the combined power should adopt 2~8W/m3. The arrangement spacing and position of
mechanical stirrer shall be determined according to the test data.
6.6.8 The design of biological reaction tank shall take full consideration of the influence or
low water temperature in winter on the removal of carbon source pollutants, denitrification
and phosphorous removal, and the measures such as decrease of load, increase of sludge age,
adjustment of the hydraulic retention time of anaerobic zone (tank) and anoxic zone (tank),
thermal insulation or warming may be taken if necessary.
6.6.9 When the raw wastewater or returned sludge flows into the anaerobic zone (tank) and
anoxic zone (tank) of biological reaction tank, the submersion inflow manner should be

II Conventional Activated Sludge Process

6.6.10 The main design parameters of the biological reaction tank treating the urban
wastewater may be valued according to those specified in Table 6.6.10 of this code.
Table 6.6.10 Main Design Parameters for Removal of Carbon Source Pollutants by Conventional
Activated Sludge Process
Returned sludge Total treatment
Type ratio efficiency
[kg/(kg·d)] (g/L) [kg/(m3·d)]
(%) (%)

Ordinary aeration 0.2~0.4 1.5~2.5 0.4~0.9 25~75 90~95

Step aeration 0.2~0.4 1.5~3.0 0.4~1.2 25~75 85~95

Bio-adsorption process contact

0.2~0.4 2.5~6.0 0.9~1.8 50~100 80~90

Joint complete mixing aeration 0.25~0.5 2.0~4.0 0.5~1.8 100~400 80~90

6.6.11 Where mainly the carbon source pollutants are removed, the volume of biological
reaction tank may be calculated according to the following formulae:
1 Calculated according to sludge loading:
24Q( S o  S e )
V (6.6.11-1)
1000 Ls X
2 Calculated according to sludge age:
24QY c ( S o  S e )
V  (6.6.11-2)
1000 X v (1  K d c )
V——the volume of biological reaction tank (m3);
So——BOD5 of intake water of the biological reaction tank (mg/L);
Se——BOD5 of outgoing water of the biological reaction tank (mg/L) (where the

removal rate is larger than 90%, Se may not be included);
Q——the designed flow amount of biological reaction tank (m3/h);
Ls ——the BOD5-sludge loading of the biological reaction tank [kgBOD5/(kgMLSS·d)];
X——the average concentration of mixed liquid suspended solid in the biological
reaction tank (gMLSS/L);
Y——the sludge yield coefficient (kgVSS/kgBOD5), which should be determined
according to the test data; where no test data is available, Y generally is taken as 0.4~0.8.
XV——the average concentration of mixed liquid volatile suspended solid in the
biological reaction tank (gMLVSS/L);
θc——the designed sludge age (d), of which the value is 0.2~15;
Kd——the attenuation coefficient (d-1), of which the value at 20℃ is 0.04~0.075.
6.6.12 The value of attenuation coefficient Kd shall be corrected according to the local
wastewater temperature in winter and summer and shall be calculated according to the
following formula:
KdT=Kd20·(θT)T-20 (6.6.12)
KdT——the attenuation coefficient (d-1) at T℃;
Kd20——the attenuation coefficient at (d-1) at 20℃;
T――the design temperature (℃);
θT——the temperature coefficient, which shall adopt 1.02~1.06.
6.6.13 The initial end of biological reaction tank may be set with anoxic or anaerobic
selective zone (tank), and the hydraulic retention time should adopt 0.5~1.0h.
6.6.14 The step aeration biological reaction tank generally should be set with multiple water
inlets at the initial end of biological reaction tank within a range of 1/2~3/4 of the total length.
6.6.15 The adsorption zone and regeneration zone of the adsorption-regeneration biological
reaction tank may be in one same reaction tank or may be composed of two reaction tanks
respectively, and shall meet the following requirements generally:
1 The volume of adsorption zone shall not be less than 1/4 of the total volume of
biological reaction tank, and the retention time of adsorption zone shall not be less than 0.5h;
2 Where the adsorption zone and regeneration zone are in one same reaction tank,
several water inlets shall be set along the length direction of biological reaction tank; the
positions of water inlets shall adapt to the demands of different volume ratios of adsorption
zone and regeneration zone; the size of water inlet shall be calculated according to the
condition that all the flow amount passing through.
6.6.16 The complete mixing biological reaction tank may be classified into joint type and
separated type. The design of joint biological reaction tank shall meet the following
1 The biological reaction tank should be round shape, and the effective volume of
aeration zone shall include the portion of flow deflection zone;
2 The hydraulic surface loading of sediment zone should be 0.5~1.0m3/(m2·h).

III Biological Denitrification and Biological Phosphorus Removal

6.6.17 The wastewater entering into the biological denitrification system or biological

phosphorous removal system shall meet the following requirements:
1 In case of denitrification, the ratio of BOD5 to total Kjeldahl nitrogen in wastewater
should be greater than 4;
2 In case of phosphorous removal, the ratio of BOD5 to total phosphorus in wastewater
should be greater than 17;
3 In case of denitrification and phosphorous removal simultaneously, the requirements
stated in the above two items should be met simultaneously;
4 The total surplus alkalinity of oxic zone (tank) should be greater than 70mg/L
(counted in CaCO3); if the alkalinity of intake water fails to meet the above-mentioned
requirements, measures to increase alkalinity shall be taken.
6.6.18 In case of denitrification only, the anoxic/oxic process (ANO process) should be
1 If the volume of biological reaction tank is calculated according to the formula listed
Article 6.6.11 of this code, the hydraulic retention time of anoxic zone (tank) in the reaction
tank should be 0.5~3h.
2 The volume of biological reaction tank shall be calculated according to the following
requirements if the calculation is carried out by adopting kinetic calculation of nitration and
1) The volume of anoxic zone (tank) may be calculated according to the following
0.001Q( N K  N te )  0.12X V
Vn  (6.6.18-1)
K de X

K de(T)  K de(20)1.08( T 20 ) (6.6.18-2)

Q( S o  S e )
X V  yYt (6.6.18-3)
Vn——the volume of anoxic zone (tank) (m3);
Q——the designed flow amount of biological reaction tank (m3/d);
X——the average concentration of mixed liquid suspended solid in the biological
reaction tank (gMLSS/L);
Nk——the total Kjeldahl nitrogen concentration of intake water of the biological reaction
tank (mg/L);
Nte——the total nitrogen concentration of outgoing water of the biological reaction tank
△Xv——the microbial biomass discharged from the biological reaction tank system
Kde——the denitrification rate [kgNO3-N/(kgMLSS·d)], which should be determined
according to the test data. Where no test data is available, the Kde value at 20℃ may adopt
0.03~0.06 [(kgNO3-N/(kgMLSS·d)] and shall be carried out with thermometric correction
according to Formula (6.6.18-2) of this code;
Kde(T) and Kde(20) respectively are the denitrification rate at T℃ and 20℃;

T——the design temperature (℃);
Yt——the sludge yield coefficient (kgMLSS/kgBOD5), which should be determined
according to the test data. Where no test data is available, Yt shall be taken as 0.3 if the
primary settling tank is set and shall be taken as 0.6~1.0 if the primary settling tank is not set;
y——the proportion of MLVSS in MLSS;
So——BOD5 concentration of intake water of the biological reaction tank (mg/L);
Se——BOD5 concentration of intake and outgoing water of the biological reaction tank
2) The volume of oxic zone (tank) may be calculated according to the following
Q( S O  S e ) coYt
Vo  (6.6.18-4)
1000 X

 co  F (6.6.18-5)

μ= 0.47 e0.098(T 15) (6.6.18-6)
K n  Na
Vo——the volume of oxic zone (tank) (m3);
θco——the designed sludge age in oxic zone (tank) (d);
F——the safety factor, which is 1.5~3.0;
m ——the specific growth rate of nitrifying bacteria (d-1);
Na——the ammonia nitrogen concentration in biological reaction tank (mg/L);
Kn——the half rate constant of nitrogen in nitrification (mg/L);
T——the design temperature (℃);
0.47——the maximum specific growth rate of nitrifying bacteria (d-1) at 15℃;
3) The recycle amount of mixed liquid may be calculated according to the
following formula:

1000Vn K de X
QRi   QR (6.6.18-7)
N t  N ke
QRi——the recycle amount of mixed liquid (m3/d), for which the recycle ratio of mixed
liquid should not be larger than 400%;
QR——the amount of returned sludge (m3/d);
Nke——the total Kjeldahl nitrogen concentration of outgoing water of the biological
reaction tank (mg/L);
Nt——the total nitrogen concentration of intake water of the biological reaction tank
3 The main design parameters of biological denitrification by anoxic/oxic process
(ANO process) should be determined according to the test data; where no test data is available,
they may adopt the empirical data or be valued according to those specified in Table 6.6.18 of

this code.
Table 6.6.18 Main Design Parameters of Biological Denitrification by Anoxic/Oxic Process (ANO Process)
Item Unit Parameter value

BOD-sludge loading Ls kgBOD5/(kgMLSS·d) 0.05~0.15

Total nitrogen load rate kgTN/(kgMLSS·d) ≤0.05

Sludge concentration (MLSS)X g/L 2.5~4.5

Sludge age θC d 11~23

Sludge yield Y kgVSS/kgBOD5 0.3~0.6

Oxygen demand O2 kgO2/kgBOD5 1.1~2.0

Hydraulic retention time HRT h
0.5~3.0h for anoxic section

Returned sludge ratio R % 50~100

Recycle ratio of mixed liquid Ri % 100~400

% 90~95(BOD5)
Total treatment efficiency η
% 60~85(TN)

6.6.19 In case of phosphorous removal only, the anaerobic/oxic process (APO process)
should be adopted.
1 If the volume of biological reaction tank is calculated according to the formula listed
Article 6.6.11 of this code, the ratio of anaerobic zone (tank) to oxic zone (tank) in reaction
tank should be 1:2~1:3;
2 The volume of anaerobic zone (tank) in biological reaction tank may be calculated
according to the following formula:

VP  (6.6.19-1)
VP——the volume of anaerobic zone (tank) (m3);
tP——the retention time of anaerobic zone (tank), which should be 1~2;
Q——the designed wastewater flow rate (m3/d);
3 The main design parameters of the anaerobic/oxic process (APO process) should be
determined according to the test data; where no test data is available, they may adopt the
empirical data or be valued according to those specified in Table 6.6.19 of this code.
Table 6.6.19 Main Design Parameters of biological Phosphorus Removal by Anaerobic/Oxic Process (APO
Item Unit Parameter value

BOD-sludge loading Ls kgBOD5/kgMLSS·d 0.4~0.7

Sludge concentration (MLSS)X g/L 2.0~4.0

Sludge age θC d 3.5~7

Sludge yield Y kgVSS/kgBOD5 0.4~0.8

Sludge phosphorus content kgTP/kgVSS 0.03~0.07

Oxygen demand O2 kgO2/kgBOD5 0.7~1.1

Hydraulic retention time HRT h
1~2h for anaerobic section


Returned sludge ratio R % 40~100

% 80~90(BOD5)
Total treatment efficiency η
% 75~85(TP)

4 When treating the wastewater by adopting biological phosphorus removal process,

the excess activated sludge should adopt mechanical thickening.
5 Where the excess activated sludge by biological phosphorus removal adopts the
anaerobic digestion treatment, the pipe delivering anaerobically digested sludge or sludge
dewatering filtrate shall be taken with descaling measures. As for liquid with high phosphorus
content, the liquid should be conducted with phosphorous removal in advance and then be
returned to the sewage treatment system.
6.6.20 In case of denitrification and phosphorous removal simultaneously, the
anaerobic/anoxic/oxic process (AAO process, which is also named as A2/O process) should be
1 The volume of biological reaction tank should be calculated according to those
specified in Article 6.6.11, Article 6.6.18 and Article 6.6.19 of this code.
2 The main design parameters of biological denitrification and phosphorous removal
by anaerobic/anoxic/oxic process (AAO process, which is also named as A2/O process) should
be determined according to the test data; where no test data is available, they may adopt the
empirical data or be valued according to those specified in Table 6.6.20 of this code.
Table 6.6.20 Main Design Parameters of Biological Denitrification and Phosphorous Removal by
Anaerobic/Anoxic/Oxic Process (AAO Process, which is also Named as A2/O Process)
Item Unit Parameter value

BOD-sludge loading Ls kgBOD5/kgMLSS·d 0.1~0.2

Sludge concentration (MLSS) X g/L 2.5~4.5

Sludge age θC d 10~20

Sludge yield Y kgVSS/kgBOD5 0.3~0.6

Oxygen demand O2 kgO2/kgBOD5 1.1~1.8


Hydraulic retention time HRT h 1~2h for anaerobic section

0.5~3h for anoxic section

Returned sludge ratio R % 20~100

Recycle ratio of mixed liquid Ri % ≥200

% 85~95(BOD5)

Total treatment efficiency η % 50~75(TP)

% 55~80(TN)

3 According to the requirements, the layout pattern of intake water and returned
sludge may be changed during the process flow of anaerobic/anoxic/oxic processes (AAO
process, which is also named as A2/O process), and the process may be adjusted to such
deformation processes as the pre-anoxic zone (tank) or additional anoxic zone (tank) and oxic
zone (tank) in series.

IV Oxidation Ditch

6.6.21 Primary settling tank may not be set in front of the oxidation ditch.
6.6.22 Anaerobic tank may be set in front of the oxidation ditch.
6.6.23 The oxidation ditches may be arranged according to two groups or multigroup series
and may be set with intake water distribution well.
6.6.24 The oxidation ditch may be built jointly with or separately from the secondary
settling tank.
6.6.25 The main design parameters of extended aeration oxidation ditch should be
determined according to the test data; where no test data is available, they may be valued
according to those specified in Table 6.6.25 of this code.
Table 6.6.25 Main Design Parameters of Extended Aeration Oxidation Ditch
Item Unit Parameter value

Sludge concentration (MLSS)Xa g/L 2.5~4.5

Sludge loading Ls kgBOD5/kgMLSS·d 0.03~0.008

Sludge age θC d >15

Sludge yield Y kgVSS/kgBOD5 0.3~0.6

Oxygen demand O2 kgO2/kgBOD5 1.5~2.0

Hydraulic retention time HRT h ≥16

Returned sludge ratio R % 75~150

Total treatment efficiency η % >95(BOD5)

6.6.26 When conducting denitrification and phosphorous removal by adopting oxidation

ditch, the relevant requirements of Article 6.6.17~6.6.20 in this code should be met.
6.6.27 The intake water point and returned sludge point should be arranged at the head end
of anoxic zone, the water outlet point should be arranged in the oxic zone after the oxtgenator.
The superelevation of oxidation ditch is related to the type of the selected aeration equipment,
which should be 0.5m if the rotary brush or rotary disc type aeration equipment is adopted
and should be 0.6~0.8m if the vertical shaft surface aerator is adopted, and the equipment
platform should be 0.8~1.2m higher than the design water level.
6.6.28 The available depth of oxidation ditch is related to the performance of the aeration,
mixing and plug-flow equipment and should adopt 3.5~4.5m.
6.6.29 According to the width of oxidation ditch, one or more passes of guide walls may be
set at the curves; the baffle wall and guide wall of oxidation ditch should overtop the design
water level by 0.2~0.3m.
6.6.30 The aeration rotary brush and rotary disc should be installed at proper places in the
straight section of the ditch, the aeration rotary disc may also be installed on the curve of
ditch and the vertical shaft surface aerator shall be installed at the end of the ditch.
6.6.31 The walkway slab and working platform of oxidation ditch shall be safe, sprayproof
and convenient for equipment maintenance.
6.6.32 The mean flow velocity in oxidation ditch should be greater than 0.25m/s.
6.6.33 The oxidation ditch system should adopt automatic control.

V Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)

6.6.34 SBR reaction tank should be designed according to average daily sewage quantity;
the water conveyance facilities, like water pumps and pipes, before and after the SBR reaction

tank shall be designed according to the maximum daily sewage quantity at the highest time.
6.6.35 The quantity of SBR reaction tanks should not be less than 2.
6.6.36 The volume of SBR reaction tank may be calculated according to the following
24QS 0
V  (6.6.36)
1000 XLs t R
Q——the water inflow of every period (m3);
tR——the reaction time of every period (h);
6.6.37 The sludge loading should be valued according to those specified in Table 6.6.18 of
this code if the denitrification is the primary objective, should be valued according to those
specified in Table 6.6.19 of this code if the phosphorous removal is the primary objective and
should be valued according to those specified in Table 6.6.20 of this code if both
denitrification and phosphorous removal are carried out.
6.6.38 The time of different procedures of SBR process should be calculated according to
the following requirements:
1 Water intake time may be calculated according to the following formula:
tF  (6.6.38-1)
tF——the water intake time required during every period by every tank (h);
t——Time required for one operation period (h);
n——The quantity of every series of reaction tanks.
2 Reaction time may be calculated according to the following formula:
24 S 0 m
tR  (6.6.38-2)
1000 Ls X
m——the fill ratio, which should be 0.25~0.5 in case of phosphorous removal only and
should be 0.15~0.3 in case of denitrification.
3 The sedimentation time tS should be 1h;
4 The water discharging time tD should be 1.0~1.5h;
5 The required lime of one complete period may be calculated according to the
following formula:
t= tR+ tS +tD+tb (6.6.38-3)
tb——the standby time (h).
6.6.39 The number of periods every day should be positive integer.
6.6.40 In case of continuous water intaking, the water inlet of reaction tank shall be set with
blast deflector.
6.6.41 The reaction tank should adopt rectangular tank, the water depth should be 4.0~6.0m;
the length to width ratio of reaction tank should be: 1:1~2:1 in case of intermittent water
intaking and 2.5:1~4:1 in case of continuous water intaking.

6.6.42 The reaction tank shall be set with stationary accidental drainage facilities and may
be set at the water level when the water decanting is ended.
6.6.43 The reaction tank shall be adopted with such decanter that has proper facilities to
prevent dross from outflowing; meanwhile, the reaction tank should be set with device for
clearing dross.

6.7 Chemical Phosphorus Removal

6.7.1 If the total phosphorus in the effluent after the wastewater passing the secondary
treatment fails to meet the requirements, the effluent may be treated by adopting the chemical
phosphorous removal process. If the liquid produced during the process of primary
wastewater treatment and sludge treatment has phosphorous removal requirement, the
chemical phosphorous removal process may also be adopted.
6.7.2 The chemical phosphorous removal may adopt the pre-addition, post-addition and
synchronous addition of biological reaction tank or may also adopt the multi-point addition.
6.7.3 In the design of chemical phosphorous removal, the kind, dose and addition point of
agents should be determined according to the test data.
6.7.4 Agents used for chemical phosphorous removal may adopt aluminium salt and
molysite and may also adopt lime. Where the aluminium salt or molysite is used as coagulant,
the ionic polyelectrolyte may be added as coagulant.
6.7.5 Where aluminium salt or molysite is used as coagulant, the molar ratio of the added
coagulant to the total phosphorus in wastewater should be 1.5~3.
6.7.6 At the time of chemical phosphorous removal, the sludge amount produced shall be
6.7.7 At the time of chemical phosphorous removal, the equipment and pipes contacting the
corrosive materials shall be taken with anti-corrosion measures.

6.8 Oxygen Supply Facilities

6.8.1 The oxygen supply for oxic zone in biological reaction tank shall meet such
requirements as oxygen demand, mixing and treatment efficiency of wastewater, and should
adopt such manners as blast aeration or surface aeration generally.
6.8.2 The wastewater oxygen demand for oxic zone in biological reaction tank should be
calculated according to the following formula according to such requirements as removed
BOD5, and nitration and denitrogenation of ammonia nitrogen.

O2 = 0.001aQ(So-Se)-c△XV+b[0.001Q(Nk-Nke)-0.12△XV]
-0.62b[0.001Q(Nt-Nke-Noe)-0.12△XV] (6.8.2)
O2——the oxygen demand of wastewater (kgO2/d);
Q——the inlet flow of biological reaction tank (m3/d);
So——BOD5 concentration of intake water of the biological reaction tank (mg/L);
Se——BOD5 concentration of outgoing water of the biological reaction tank (mg/L);
△XV——the microbial biomass discharged from the biological reaction tank system,

Nk——the total Kjeldahl nitrogen concentration of intake water of the biological reaction
tank (mg/L);
Nke——the total Kjeldahl nitrogen concentration of outgoing water of the biological
reaction tank (mg/L);
Nt——the total nitrogen concentration of intake water of the biological reaction tank
Noe——the nitric nitrogen concentration of outgoing water of the biological reaction tank
0.12△XV——the nitrogen content in the microbes discharged from the biological
reaction tank system (kg/d);
a——the oxygen equivalent of carbon, which is 1.47 when the carbonaceous matter is
calculated in BOD5;
b——a constant, which is the oxygen amount required for oxidizing 1kg ammonia
nitrogen (kgO2/kgN) and is taken as 4.57;
c——a constant, which is the oxygen equivalent of bacterial cells and is taken as 1.42.
When removing the carbonous pollutants, the removal of 1kg BOD5 may adopt 0.7~1.2
6.8.3 When selecting aeration device and equipment, the calculated wastewater oxygen
demand shall be converted into the fresh water oxygen demand under standard conditions
according to such factors as the features of equipment, the depth underneath the water surface,
the water temperature, the total oxygen transfer characteristics of wastewater, the local
absolute altitude and the expected dissolved oxygen concentration in biological reaction tank.
6.8.4 At the time of blast aeration, the wastewater oxygen demand under standard
conditions may be converted into the air supply amount under standard conditions according
to the following formula.
Gs  (6.8.4)
0.28 E A
Gs——the air supply amount under standard conditions, (m3/h);
0.28——the oxygen content in 1m3 air under standard conditions (0.1MPa, 20℃),
Os——the wastewater oxygen demand of biological reaction tank under standard
conditions, (kgO2/h);
EA——the oxygen utilization rate of aerator, expressed in %.
6.8.5 The aerator in blast aeration system shall choose the product with relatively high
oxygenation performance, uniform air distribution, low resistance, be not easy to block,
resistant to corrosion and convenient for operation management and repair. It shall have
different service area, different air amount and different aeration water depth as well as such
technical data as oxygenation performance under standard conditions and the bottom velocity.
6.8.6 The quantity of aerators shall be determined through calculation according to oxygen
supply amount and service area. The oxygen supply amount includes oxygen demand of
biochemical reaction and the amount required to maintain mixed solution being with
dissolved oxygen of 2mg/L.

6.8.7 Aerators in corridor-type biological reaction tank may be arranged in the whole tank,
along the tank sides or in segments at a short distance along the tank length.
6.8.8 When supply oxygen by adopting surface aerator, the following requirements should
be met:
1 The ratio of the diameter of impeller to the diameter of biological reaction tank (zone)
(or to one side of square) shall be: 1:3~1:5 for invert umbrella type or mixed-flow type and
1:3.5~1:7 for pump type;
2 Linear speed of impeller shall be 3.5~5.0m/s;
3 Biological reaction tank should be provided with the controlling device for adjusting
the speed of impeller (rotary brush and rotary disc) or the submersion water depth.
6.8.9 The oxygenation capacity of various types of mechanical aeration equipment shall be
adopted according to the determination data or related technical data.
6.8.10 When choosing oxygen supply facility, the climatic factors such as splash, freezing
and sandstorm in winter and the environmental factors such as noise and odor shall be taken
into consideration.
6.8.11 Where wastewater treatment plant adopts blast aeration, blower house should be set.
The blower house may be set with duty room, control room, power distribution room and tool
room, and shall also be set with blower cooling system and soundproof maintenance area if
6.8.12 The type selection of blower shall be determined according to such condition as the
used air pressure, air volume of single machine, control mode, noise and maintenance
management. When selecting centrifugal blower, the working points of the blower under
various working conditions shall be checked and calculated in details and shall not get close
to the surging zone of blower, and the blower should be set with the air volume adjusting
device. In one same air supply system, the blowers of the same type shall be selected. The air
volume and air pressure of the blower and the power of configured motor shall be checked
according to the local absolute altitude, the highest and lowest air temperature, and the
relative humidity.
6.8.13 When adopting the sludge gas (marsh gas) gasengine as the motive power of blower,
the engine may be arranged together with the electric blower, they shall be taken with
isolation measures between them and shall meet the requirements of the current fire and
explosion prevention codes of the nation.
6.8.14 When calculating the working pressure of blower, factors such as the pressure loss of
the air inlet pipe and air outlet pipe system and the increase of resistance at time of using shall
be taken into consideration. The air velocity in gas pipeline should adopt: 10~15m/s for main
pipe and branch pipe and 4~5m/s for standpipe and small branch pipe.
6.8.15 The quantity of blowers shall be determined according to the air supply volume
required in different air temperature, air volume, air pressure, wastewater amount and
pollutant load.
The blower house shall be set with emergency blowers, 1 emergency blower shall be set
if the quantity of working blowers is less than 4 and 2 emergency blowers shall be set if the
quantity of working blowers is 4 or more. The emergency blowers shall be considered
according to the maximum unit configured in the design.
6.8.16 The blowers shall be set with different air dedusting facilities according to the

requirements of the product itself and the air aerator. The orifice position of the air inlet pipe
of blower shall be arranged according to the environmental conditions and generally should
be higher than the floor. The large-scale blower house should adopt air duct to intake air, the
turning point of air duct should be set with current plate. The air duct shall be carried out with
dust proofing. The inlet of air intake tower shall be set with corrosion-resistant shutter and
shall be installed with such facilities to prevent snow, fog or water vapor from freezing or
frosting on filter according to the climatic conditions.
6.8.17 When selecting the pipe material of gas pipeline, the intensity, corrosion resistance
and coefficient of expansion shall be taken into consideration. If the steel pipe is adopted, the
inside and outside of the pipe shall be conducted with different heat resistance and corrosion
resistance treatment, and the temperature compensation shall be taken into consideration
when laying the pipe. If the pipe is place in pipe rack or room, it shall be laid with thermal
insulation material or applied with thermal insulation layer on outside.
6.8.18 Flexible connecting pipe should be set at the joint of blower and gas pipeline. The
low point of gas pipeline shall be set with the moisture (or oil) relief outlet and the outlet of
purge pipe; the relief outlet leading to the atmosphere may be set if necessary and proper
noise countermeasure shall be taken.
6.8.19 The main gas pipe of biological reaction tank should be arranged in ring shape. The
top of the stand gas pipe entering into the biological reaction tank should be 0.5m higher than
the water surface. The air delivery pipe over the water surface of biological reaction tank
should be set with control valve as required and its highest point should be set with vaccum
break valve appropriately.
6.8.20 The unit arrangement and lifting equipment in blower house should comply with
those specified in Article 5.4.7 and Article 5.4.9 of this code.
6.8.21 The large and medium-scale blowers shall be built with isolated foundations, and the
width of passage between the unit foundations shall not be less than 1.5m.
6.8.22 The noise in and out of the blower house shall comply with the relevant
requirements of the current "Enterprise Noise Sanitary Standard" and "Standard of
Environmental Noise of Urban Area" (GB 3096) of the nation respectively.

6.9 Biofilm Process

I General Requirements

6.9.1 Biofilm process is applicable to medium and small sized wastewater treatment.
6.9.2 Biofilm process may be applied separately for wastewater treatment or may be
combined with other wastewater treatment process.
6.9.3 Prior to biofilm process, the wastewater should be treated through sedimentation.
Where the intake water quality or water quantity fluctuation is large, regulating pool shall be
6.9.4 Treatment structures for biofilm process shall be provided with anti-freezing,
anti-odor and fly disinfestation measures according to the local air temperature and

II Bio-contact Oxidation Pool

6.9.5 One-stage or two-stage bio-contact oxidation pool shall be determined according to

the intake water quality and treatment degree. The plane form of bio-contact oxidation pool
should be rectangular and the available depth should be 3~5m. The bio-contact oxidation pool
should not be less than 2 and each pool may be divided into two chambers.
6.9.6 Entire pool arrangement (water and air inflow from the bottom), both-side
arrangement (air inflow from the center and water inflow from the bottom) or single side
arrangement (air inflow from the lateral part and water inflow from the upper part) may be
adopted for the filler in the bio-contact oxidation pool; the filler shall be installed in layers.
6.9.7 Filler which is non-toxic to microorganisms, easy to biofilm formation, light, with
high strength, ageing resistant, with large specific surface area and void ratio shall be adopted
in the bio-contact oxidation pool.
6.9.8 Aeration device should be arranged according to the arrangement of fillers in the
bio-contact oxidation pool. Where bottom entire pool aeration is adopted, the gas water ratio
should be 8:1.
6.9.9 Short flow of intake water into the bio-contact oxidation pool shall be prevented.
Weir-type effluent should be adopted.
6.9.10 Sludge discharge and emptying facilities shall be arranged at the bio-contact
oxidation pool bottom.
6.9.11 The BOD5-volumetric loading rate of bio-contact oxidation pool should be
determined according to the test data; where no test data is available, it should be 2.0~5.0
kgBOD5/(m3·d) for carbon oxidation and should be 0.2~2.0kgBOD5/(m3·d) for carbon

III Biological Aerated Filter

6.9.12 Upward flow or downward flow water intake mode may be adopted for the form of
biological aerated filter.
6.9.13 Pretreatment facilities such as grit chamber, primary settling tank, coagulation
settling tank and grease removal tank shall be arranged in front of the biological aerated filter;
hydrolysis regulating pool may also be arranged and the suspended solid concentration in the
intake water should not be larger than 60mg/L.
6.9.14 The biological aerated filter may be classified into carbon oxidation, nitration,
postposition denitrification or preposition denitrification according to the treatment degree.
The carbon oxidation, nitration and denitrification may be completed in the single stage
biological aerated filter or in the multi-stage biological aerated filter.
6.9.15 The body height of biological aerated filter should be 5~7m.
6.9.16 Filter head distributor should be adopted in the biological aerated filter.
6.9.17 The biological aerated filter should be set with back flushing gas supply system and
aeration oxygenation system separately. The aeration device may adopt single-hole membrane
air diffuser or perforated pipe aerator. The aerator may be arranged in the supporting layer or
filtering media layer.
6.9.18 Pebbles with good mechanical strength and chemical stability should be adopted as

the supporting layer of biological aerated filter and be arranged according to certain
6.9.19 Filtering media of the biological aerated filter shall be of good strength, not easy to
wear, high porosity, large specific surface area, good chemical and physical stability, easy to
biofilm formation, strong biological adhesion, small specific gravity, resistant to washing and
not easy to block; spherical light porous ceramsites or plastic spheroidal particles should be
6.9.20 Gas and water combined back flushing realized through long-handled filter head
should be adopted for biological aerated filter. The back flushing air strength should be
10~15L/(m2·s) and the back flushing water strength shall not exceed 8L/(m2·s).
6.9.21 Secondary settling tank may not be set behind the biological aerated filter.
6.9.22 In the carbon oxidation stage, the sludge yield coefficient of biological aerated filter
may be 0.75 kgVSS/kgBOD5.
6.9.23 The volumetric loading rate of biological aerated filter should be determined
according to the test data; where no test data is available, the BOD5-volumetric loading rate of
biological aerated filter should be 3~6kgBOD5/(m3·d); the volumetric loading rate for
nitration (calculated in NH3-N) should be 0.3~0.8kg NH3-N/(m3·d) and the volumetric
loading rate for denitrification (calculated in NO3-N) should be 0.8~4.0kgNO3-N/(m3·d).

IV Rotating Biological Contactor

6.9.24 The treatment process flow of rotating biological contactor should be primary
settling tank, rotating biological contactor and secondary settling tank. The rotating biological
contactor may adopt single-shaft single stage type, single-shaft multi-stage type or multi-shaft
multi-state arrangement according to the wastewater amount, water quality and treatment
6.9.25 The disk body material of the rotating biological contactor shall be of light, high
strength, corrosion resistant, ageing resistant, easy to biofilm formation, large specific surface
area and convenient for installation, maintenance and transportation.
6.9.26 The reaction tank design of rotating biological contactor shall meet the following
1 The sectional form of reaction tank shall be in semicircular shape;
2 The clear distance from the disk outer edge to the tank wall should not be less than
150mm; the clear distance from the disk to the inlet end should be 25~35mm, to the outlet
end should be 10~20mm;
3 The immersion depth of disk in the tank shall not be less than 35% of the disk
diameter; the center height of the rotating shaft shall overtop the water level by more than
6.9.27 The rotation speed of rotating biological contactor should be 2.0~4.0r/min, the linear
speed of the disk outer edge should be 15~19m/min.
6.9.28 The strength and deflection of the rotating shaft of rotating biological contactor must
meet the requirements for the deadweight of disk and the additional weight during operation
6.9.29 The design load of rotating biological contactor should be determined according to

the test data; where no test data is available, the BOD5-surface organic load (calculated in disk
area) should be 0.005~0.020 kgBOD5/(m2·d); it should not exceed 0.030~0.040
kgBOD5/(m2·d) for first stage rotary disk; the hydraulic surface loading (calculated in disk
area) should be 0.04~0.20 m3/(m2·d).

V Biological Filter

6.9.30 The plane form of biological filter should be circular or rectangular.

6.9.31 The filler of biological filter shall be solid, corrosion resistant, of high strength, large
specific surface area, high void ratio and be selected from local resources; generally,
inorganic filtering media such as crushed stones, pebbles, slags and cokes should be adopted.
The plastic products used as filler shall be anti-aging and of large specific surface area,
generally 100~200m2/m3, and high void ratio, generally 80%~90%.
6.9.32 The height of the bottom space of the biological filter bottom shall not be less than
0.6m; natural ventilation holes shall be arranged at the lower part around the filter tank wall
and their total area shall not be less than 1% of the tank surface area.
6.9.33 Fixed distributor or rotating distributor may be adopted as the water distributing
device of biological filter.
6.9.34 The tank bottom of biological filter shall be set with 1%~2% gradient to the catch
drain and the catch drain shall be set with 0.5%~2% gradient to the collecting drain,
meanwhile measures to rinse the bottom drainage ditch shall be provided.
6.9.35 Where crushed stones are adopted as the filler of low-rate trickling filters, the
following requirements shall be met:
1 The particle size and thickness of filler at the lower layer of filter tank should be
60~100mm and 0.2m respectively; the particle size and thickness of filler on the upper layer
should be 30~50mm and 1.3~1.8m respectively;
2 During the treatment of urban wastewater and at the normal air temperature, the
hydraulic loading (calculated in the filter tank area) should be 1~3m3/(m2·d); the
BOD5-volumetric loading rate (calculated in filler volume) should be
0.15~0.3kgBOD5/(m ·d).
6.9.36 Crushed stones or plastic products should be adopted as the filler of high-rate
biological filters; where crushed stones are adopted as fillers, the following requirements shall
be met:
1 The particle size and thickness of filler on the lower layer of filter tank should be
70~100mm and 0.2m respectively; the particle size and thickness of filler on the upper layer
should be 40~70mm and 1.8m respectively;
2 During the treatment of urban wastewater at the normal air temperature, the
hydraulic loading (calculated in the filter tank area) should be 10~36m3/(m2·d); the
BOD5-volumetric loading rate (calculated in filler volume) should be greater than

VI Biotower

6.9.37 The diameter and the diameter to height ratio of the biotower should be 1~3.5m and

1:6~1:8 respectively; the thickness of filler layer should be determined according to the test
data and generally be 8~12m.
6.9.38 Fillers of the biotower shall adopt the light materials.
6.9.39 Fillers of the biotower shall be in layers and the height of each layer should not be
larger than 2m and be convenient for installation and maintenance.
6.9.40 Natural ventilation mode should be adopted for the biotower.
6.9.41 The BOD5 value of the biotower intake water shall be controlled below 500mg/L,
otherwise the treated effluent shall return.
6.9.42 The hydraulic loading and BOD5-volumetric loading rate of the biotower shall be
determined according to the test data. Where no test data is available, the hydraulic loading
should be 80~200m3/(m2·d) and the BOD5-volumetric loading rate should be

6.10 Returned Sludge and Excess Activated Sludge

6.10.1 Centrifugal pump, mixed-flow pump, submersible pump, spiral pump or air lift
should be adopted as returned sludge facilities. Where the biological treatment system is with
anaerobic zone (tank) and anoxic zone (tank), returned sludge facilities not easy to reaeration
shall be selected.
6.10.2 The returned sludge facilities should be determined respectively according to the
maximum returned sludge ratio and maximum recycle ratio of mixed liquid of the biological
treatment system.
The returned sludge equipment shall not be less than 2 sets and shall be provided with
standby equipment; while the air lift may not be provided with standby equipment.
Returned sludge equipment shall be provided with flow regulating measures.
6.10.3 Excess activated sludge amount may be calculated according to the following
1 According to the sludge age
X  (6.10.3-1)
2 According to sludge yield coefficient, the attenuation coefficient, and the
non-biodegradation and the inert suspended substance
ᇞX=YQ(So-Se)-KdVXV+fQ(SSo-SSe) (6.10.3-2)
ᇞX——the excess activated sludge amount (kgSS/d);
V——the volume of biological reaction tank (m3);
X——the average concentration of mixed liquid suspended solid in the biological
reaction tank (gMLSS/L);
θC——the sludge age (d);
Y——the sludge yield coefficient (kgVSS/kg BOD5), which is 0.3~0.8 at 20℃;
Q——the designed average daily sewage amount (m3/d);
So——BOD5 of intake water of the biological reaction tank (kg/m3);
Se——BOD5 of outgoing water of the biological reaction tank (kg/m3);

kd——the attenuation coefficient (d-1);
XV——the average concentration of mixed liquid volatile suspended solid in the
biological reaction tank (gMLVSS/L);
f——the sludge transformation rate of SS, which should be determined upon the test data,
if no such test data is available, it may be 0.5~0.7 (gMLSS/gSS);
SSo——the suspension concentration of intake water of the biological reaction tank
SSe——the suspension concentration of outgoing water of the biological reaction tank

6.11 Natural Treatment of Wastewater

I General Requirements

6.11.1 As for the cities and towns with small wastewater amount, natural treatment of
wastewater should be adopted with caution if the environmental impact evaluation and
technical and economical comparison are reasonable.
6.11.2 Influence on the ambient environment and water body must be considered in the
natural treatment of wastewater; the quality of ambient environment shall not be reduced and
proper natural treatment method of wastewater shall be selected according to the regional
6.11.3 On basis of feasible environmental evaluation and upon the technical and economical
comparison, the wastewater may be treated or disposed by the natural purification capacity of
water bodies.
6.11.4 Where land treatment is adopted, effective measures shall be taken to prevent
contaminating the ground water.
6.11.5 Where the water quality of effluent from secondary treatment in the wastewater
treatment plant fails to meet the requirements, if conditions permit, further treatment may be
carried out by natural processing techniques such as land treatment or stabilization pond.

II Stabilization Pond

6.11.6 Where wasteland and fallow land are available and the technical and economic
comparison is reasonable, stabilization pond may be adopted to treat the wastewater. The
treatment scale of stabilization pond system used for secondary treatment should not be
greater than 5000m3/d.
6.11.7 In the treatment of urban wastewater, the design data of stabilization pond shall be
determined according to the test data. Where test data are not available, BOD5-overall average
surface organic load of the stabilization pond may adopt 1.5~10gBOD5/(m2·d) and the total
retention time may adopt 20~120d according to such conditions as wastewater quality,
treatment degree, local climate and sunshine, etc.
6.11.8 The design of stabilization pond shall meet the following requirements:
1 Bar screen should be arranged in front of the stabilization pond; where the sand
content in the wastewater is high, grit chamber should be arranged;

2 Generally, the stage number of stabilization ponds connected in series shall not be
less than 3; the effective depth of the first stage pond should not be less than 3m;
3 Multi-point water intake should be adopted for plug-flow stabilization pond;
4 The stabilization pond must be provided with seepage prevention measures;
sanitary protection zone shall be arranged between the pond site and the residential
5 The sludge stock volume in the stabilization pond is 40~100L/(year·capita); the first
stage pond shall be divided in grids and operated in parallel to clean the sludge alternately.
6.11.9 Fish pond may be arranged behind the multi-stage stabilization pond system; the
quality of water flowing into the fish pond must meet the current requirements of the nation
on fishery water quality.

III Land Treatment

6.11.10 Where land and appropriate site conditions are available, appropriate land treatment
method may be adopted upon environmental impact evaluation and technical and economical
6.11.11 The basic methods of wastewater land treatment include slow rate filtration method
(SR), rapid infiltration method (RI) and overland flow method (OF). Pretreatment for
wastewater should be carried out according to the process of the land treatment.
6.11.12 The hydraulic loading of wastewater land treatment shall be determined according
to the test data; where no test data is available, the hydraulic loading may be selected
according to the following range:
1 Slow rate filtration 0.5~5m/a;
2 Rapid infiltration 5~120m/a;
3 Overland flow 3~20m/a.
6.11.13 In the sanitation protection zone of centralized water source, including the
outcrop area of the aqueous layer, fissured rock and lava region, wastewater land
treatment shall not be adopted.
6.11.14 The ground water depth in the wastewater land treatment region should not be less
than 1.5m.
6.11.15 Where artificial wetland treatment for wastewater is adopted, pretreatment shall be
carried out. The design parameters should be determined through test data.
6.11.16 The distance from the land treatment site to the residential area and public passage
should not be less than 100m.
6.11.17 Quality of wastewater flowing into the sewage farming must meet the requirements
of the relevant current standards on water quality of the nation.

6.12 Advanced Wastewater Treatment and Recycling

I General Requirements

6.12.1 Advanced treatment process for wastewater reuse shall be selected according to the
water quality goals; the combining form of process units shall be determined upon the

comparison of several schemes and shall meet the practical, economical and stable operation
requirements. The quality of renovated water shall meet the requirements of the current
standards on water quality of the nation.
6.12.2 The process units of advanced wastewater treatment mainly include coagulation,
sedimentation (clarification and air floatation), filtration and sterilization; if necessary, such
process units as activated carbon adsorption, membrane filtration, ozone oxidation and natural
treatment may be adopted.
6.12.3 Pipes distributing the renovated water to the users are strictly forbidden to be
connected with other pipe system; in the distribution process, the renovated water shall
not reduce or influence the quality of other water.

II Advanced Treatment

6.12.4 The design parameters of advanced treatment process should be determined

according to the test data or by making reference to similar operating experience.
6.12.5 Where mixing, flocculation and sedimentation processes are adopted in the advanced
treatment, G value of the dosing and mixing facilities should be 300s-1 and the mixing time
should be 30~120s.
6.12.6 The design of flocculation, sedimentation, clarification and air floatation processes
should meet the following requirements:
1 The flocculation time is 5~20min;
2 The sedimentation time of horizontal settling tank is 2.0~4.0h, the horizontal flow
velocity is 4.0~12.0 mm/s;
3 The upward flow velocity of inclined-tube settling tank is 0.4~0.6mm/s;
4 The upward flow velocity of clarification tank is 0.4~0.6mm/s;
5 The design parameters of flotation tank should be determined according to the test
6.12.7 The filter design should meet the following requirements:
1 The filter structure and filtering media composition should be adopted according to
the requirements of the current national standard "Code for Design of Outdoor Water Supply
Engineering" (GB 50013);
2 The intake water turbidity of the filter should be less than 10 NTU;
3 The filtering speed of the filter shall be determined according to the requirements of
intake and outgoing water quality; in general, it may be 4~10m/h;
4 The operation period of the filter is 12~24h.
6.12.8 If the effluent from secondary treatment in the wastewater treatment plant fails to
meet the quality requirements for renovated water after coagulation, sedimentation and
filtration, activated carbon adsorption treatment may be adopted.
6.12.9 The design of the activated carbon adsorption process should meet the following
1 Where activated carbon adsorption process is adopted, static or dynamic test should
be carried out to reasonably determine the consumption, contact time, hydraulic loading and
regeneration period of activated carbon;
2 The design parameters of activated carbon adsorption tank should be determined

according to the test data; where no test data is available, the design parameters may be
adopted according to the following standards:
1) The empty bed contact time is 20~30min;
2) The carbon layer thickness is 3~4m;
3) The downflow empty bed filtering speed is 7~12m/h;
4) The final head loss of carbon layer is 0.4~1.0m;
5) Where flushing is carried out frequently at normal temperature, the water
flushing strength is 11~13L/(m2·s) for a period of 10~15min, and the expansion
ratio is 15%~20%; where flushing with high flow is carried out regularly, the
water flushing strength is 15~18L/(m2·s) for a period of 8~12min and the
expansion ratio is 25%~35%. The regeneration period of activated carbon is
determined according to the condition whether the outgoing water quality after
treatment exceed the water quality target value and in general, the regular
flushing period is 3~5d. Flushing water may adopt sand filtered water or
carbon filtered water and the turbidity of flushing water should be less than
3 The design parameters of activated carbon adsorption canister should be determined
according to the test data; where no test data is available, the design parameters may be
adopted according to the following standards:
1) The contact time is 20~35min;
2) The ratio of the minimum height to the diameter of absorption canister may be
2:1, the canister diameter is 1~4m and the minimum carbon layer thickness is
3m and may be 4.5~6m in general;
3) The upflow hydraulic loading is 2.5~6.8 L/(m2·s) and the downflow hydraulic
loading is 2.0~3.3 L/(m2·s);
4) The operating pressure is 7kPa for every 0.3m carbon layer.
6.12.10 Renovated water subjected to advanced treatment must be sterilized.

III Water Conveyance and Distribution

6.12.11 The laying of renovated water pipe and the arrangement of its ancillary facilities
shall meet the relevant requirements of the current national standard "Code for Design of
Outdoor Water Supply Engineering" (GB 50013).
6.12.12 The advanced wastewater treatment plant should be close to the wastewater
treatment plant and renovated water users. If conditions permit, the advanced treatment
facilities shall be constructed intensively with the wastewater treatment plant.
6.12.13 The quantity of water conveyance and distribution main shall be determined
reasonably according to the water consumption characteristics and safety requirements of the
renovated water users; the distributing main for uninterrupted water users should not be less
than two. Safety measures and those monitoring and controlling the water quality shall be
provided on the renovated water pipe.
6.12.14 The materials of water conveyance and distribution pipes shall be selected upon
technical and economical comparison for such conditions as hydraulic pressure, external load,
soil property, construction maintain and material supply. In general, nonmetallic pipes such as

plastic pipe, socket type prestressed concrete pipe and socket type self-stress reinforced
concrete pipe or metallic pipes may be adopted. Where metallic pipes are adopted, corrosion
protection shall be carried out for the pipes.

6.13 Sterilization

I General Requirements

6.13.1 Sterilization facilities shall be set for municipal sewage treatment.

6.13.2 The sterilization degree of wastewater shall be determined according to the
wastewater nature, discharge standard or renovated water requirements.
6.13.3 The wastewater should be sterilized by ultraviolet rays or chlorine dioxide or may be
sterilized by liquid chlorine.
6.13.4 The design of sterilization facilities and relevant structures shall meet the relevant
requirements of the current national standard "Code for Design of Outdoor Water Supply
Engineering" (GB 50013).

II Ultraviolet Rays

6.13.5 Ultraviolet dose for wastewater should be determined according to the test data or
similar operating experience; it may also be determined according to the following standards:
1 Effluent form secondary treatment is 15~22mJ/cm2;
2 The renovated water is 24~30mJ/cm2.
6.13.6 The ultraviolet irradiation ditch design shall meet the following requirements:
1 Water flow in the irradiation ditch is uniformly distributed and the ditch length
before and behind the lamp tube should not be less than 1m;
2 The water depth shall be able to submerge the lamp tube.
6.13.7 The quantity of ultraviolet irradiation ditches should not be less than 2. Where only
one ultraviolet irradiation ditch is adopted, bypass ditch should be arranged.

III Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorine

6.13.8 The chlorine dosage for effluent from secondary treatment shall be determined
according to the test data or similar operating experience. Where no test data is available, the
chlorine dosage for effluent from secondary treatment may be 6~15mg/L and the chlorine
dosage for the renovated water may be determined according to the hygiene index and
residual chlorine amount.
6.13.9 After passing through the chlorine dioxide or chlorine sterilization, the effluent shall
be mixed and contact, and the contact time shall not be less than 30min.

7 Sludge Treatment and Disposal

7.1 General Requirements

7.1.1 The urban wastewater sludge shall be subjected to reduction, stabilization and
innocent treatment according to the regional economy conditions and ambient conditions, and
the resourcization degree shall be improved step by step.
7.1.2 The disposal methods of sludge include using them as fertilizer, building materials,
fuel and landfilling; the treatment process of sludge shall be selected according to the ultimate
disposal way of sludge.
7.1.3 Where the sludge is used as fertilizer, the hazardous substance content in it shall
meet the requirements of the current standards of the nation.
7.1.4 The quantity of sludge treatment structures should not be less than 2 and shall be
designed according to simultaneous working. One standby sludge dewatering machine may
be taken into consideration.
7.1.5 The sludge water generated during the sludge treatment process shall be returned to
the wastewater treatment structure for treatment.
7.1.6 The odor generated during the sludge treatment process should be collected before

7.2 Sludge Thickening

7.2.1 In the thickening of activated sludge, the design of gravity type sludge thickening tank
shall meet the following requirements:
1 The sludge solid load should be 30~60kg/(m2·d);
2 The thickening time should not be less than 12h;
3 Where the moisture of sludge flowing into the sludge thickening tank through the
secondary settling tank behind the biological reaction tank is 99.2%~99.6%, the sludge
moisture may be 97%~98% after thickening;
4 The available depth should be 4m;
5 Where grid type thickener is adopted, the linear speed of the outer edge is generally
1~2m/min; the bottom gradient of the tankto the sludge bucket should not be less than 0.05.
7.2.2 In general, device to remove the dross should be set in the sludge thickening tank.
7.2.3 Where biological phosphorus removal process is adopted for wastewater treatment,
gravity thickening shall not be adopted.
7.2.4 Where mechanical thickening equipment is adopted for sludge thickening, the design
parameters should be determined according to the test data or similar operating experience.
7.2.5 Integrated machinery may be adopted for sludge thickening and dewatering.
7.2.6 Facilities capable of discharging different depth of sludge water shall be set in the
intermittent sludge thickening tank.

7.3 Sludge Digestion

I General Requirements

7.3.1 Economical, applicable and convenient-to-management sludge digestion process shall

be selected according to the sludge properties, environmental requirements, engineering
conditions and sludge disposal methods; sludge anaerobic digestion or aerobic digestion
process may be adopted.
7.3.2 After digestion treatment, the removal percentage of volatile solid in sludge shall be
greater than 40%.

II Sludge Anaerobic Digestion

7.3.3 Anaerobic digestion may adopt single stage or two-stage mesophilic digestion. The
sludge temperature in the single stage anaerobic digester (the first stage in the two-stage
anaerobic digester) shall maintain at 33~35℃.
Where primary settling tank system is available, the excess activated sludge or similar
sludge should be subjected to anaerobic digestion treatment together with the primary sludge.
7.3.4 Sludge in the single stage anaerobic digester (the first stage in the two-stage anaerobic
digester) shall be heated while being stirred, meanwhile, measures preventing dross crusting
and discharging upper clear solution should be provided.
Where two-stage anaerobic digestion is adopted, the volume ratio of the first stage
anaerobic digester to the second stage anaerobic digester shall be determined upon technical
and economical comparison according to the running and operation method of second stage
anaerobic digester; heating and stirring may not be carried out for second stage anaerobic
digester, but measures preventing dross crusting and discharging upper clear solution shall be
7.3.5 The total effective volume of anaerobic digester shall be calculated through the
following formulae according to the anaerobic digestion time or cubage load of volatile
V=Qo·td (7.3.5-1)
V (7.3.5-2)
td——the digest time, which should be 20~30d;
V——the total effective volume of the digester, m3;
Qo——the raw sludge amount put into the digester every day, m3/d;
LV——the cubage load of volatile solids of the digester, kgVSS/(m3·d); it should be
0.6~1.5 kgVSS/(m3·d) for the raw sludge after gravity thickening and shall not be larger than
2.3 kgVSS/(m3·d) for the high concentration raw sludge after mechanical thickening;
WS——the weight of dry volatile solids in the raw sludge put into the digester every day,
7.3.6 External heat exchange or direct steam heating may be adopted for the heating of
sludge in the anaerobic digester. The total heat consumption of anaerobic digester shall be
determined through heat engineering calculation according to the average daily temperature in

the annual coldest month and it shall include the heating amount of primary sludge, the heat
dissipation capacity of anaerobic digester (including the above-ground and underground parts),
the heat dissipation capacity of dosing and circulating pipe, etc. The selection of heating
equipment shall consider 10%~20% surplus capacity. Thermal insulation shall be carried out
for the anaerobic digester and sludge dosing and circulating pipes. Anti-corrosive measures
shall be taken for the inner wall of anaerobic digester.
7.3.7 Inner mechanical mixing or outer circulation stirring should be adopted for sludge
stirring of anaerobic digestion; sludge gas stirring may also be adopted. The stirring
(circulating) frequency of the entire sludge in the tank everyday should not be less than 3. In
intermittent stirring, the time of each stirring should not be greater than half of the circulation
7.3.8 The anaerobic digester and sludge gas cistern shall be sealed and be able to bear
the working pressure of sludge gas; its tightness test pressure shall not be less than 1.5
times of the sludge gas working pressure. Measures preventing overpressure and
negative pressure being generated in the digester (canister) shall be provided for
anaerobic digester and sludge gas cistern.
7.3.9 The anaerobic digester overflow and the surface slag discharge pipe outlet shall
not be placed in the indoor and must be provided with water seal device. Backfire
preventer must be set on the air outlet pipe of the anaerobic digester.
7.3.10 Equipment and valve facilities used for sludge dosing, circulating, heating and
switching control should be centralized; ventilation facilities shall be arranged indoors. The
centralized electricity control room of anaerobic digestion system should not constructed with
the facilities with possibility of sludge gas leakage; where the site conditions permit, the
centralized electricity control room should be constructed out of the explosion-proof area.
7.3.11 Places where sludge gas may be leaked, such as sludge gas cistern, sludge gas
compressor room, sludge gas valve control room and sludge gas pipe layer, as well as
electrical equipment such as motor, instrumentation and lighting shall meet the
explosion-proof requirements; ventilation facilities and sludge gas leakage alarm device
shall be set indoors.
7.3.12 The sludge gas cistern capacity should be determined according to the gas production
rate and gas consumption. Where no relevant data is available, it may be designed according
to the average gas production rate of 6~10h. Anti-corrosive measures shall be taken for the
inner and outer walls of sludge gas cistern. The design of sludge gas pipes and sludge gas
cistern shall meet the requirements of the current national standard "Code for Design of City
Gas Engineering" (GB 50028).
7.3.13 Where the sludge gas cistern is overpressure, the sludge gas shall not be directly
discharged to the atmosphere and the gas shall be consumed by internal combustion
type sludge gas burner. Backfire preventer must be set on the air outlet pipe of the
sludge gas cistern.
7.3.14 The sludge gas shall be utilized comprehensively that it may be used for boiler,
power generation and driving blower.
7.3.15 Sludge gas desulfurization unit may be set according to the sulfur content in sludge
gas and the requirements of gas appliances. The desulfurization unit shall be set at the
position before the sludge gas flowing into the sludge gas cistern.

III Sludge Aerobic Digestion

7.3.16 The total effective volume of aerobic digester may be calculated according for
Formula (7.3.5-1) or Formula (7.3.5-2) in this code. The design parameters should be
determined according to the test data. Where no test data is available, the aerobic digestion
time should be 10~20s. The cubage load of volatile solids for raw sludge after gravity
thickening is generally 0.7~2.8kgVSS/(m3·d); the cubage load of volatile solids for high
concentration raw sludge after mechanical thickening should not be greater than 4.2
7.3.17 Where the air temperature is lower than 15℃, thermal insulation and heating
measures should be taken in the aerobic digester or the digest time shall be properly extended.
7.3.18 The dissolved oxygen concentration in the aerobic digester shall not be less than
7.3.19 Where blast aeration is adopted in the aerobic digester, medium bubble air diffusing
equipment should be adopted; the blast aeration shall meet the air demand for cell
autoxidation and stirring simultaneously and should be determined according to the test data
or similar operating experience. Where no test data is available, it may be determined
according to the following parameters: the total air demand of excess activated sludge is
0.02~0.04m3 air/ (m3 digester volume·min); the total air demand of primary sludge or mixed
sludge is 0.04~0.06m3 air/(m3 digester volume·min)
7.3.20 Where mechanical surface aerator is adopted in the aerobic digester, the required
power of aerator shall be determined according to the sludge oxidation demand, aerator
oxygenation capacity and stirring/mixing intensity; its value should be determined according
to the test data or similar operating experience. Where no test data is available, the required
power of aerator may be determined according to 20~40W/(m3 digester volume)
7.3.21 The effective depth of aerobic digester shall be determined according to aeration
method. Where blast aeration is adopted, the effective depth shall be determined according to
the output wind pressure of blower and the resistance loss of pipe and aerator; it is generally
5.0~6.0m; where mechanical surface aeration is adopted, the effective depth shall be
determined according to the equipment capacity and generally should be 3.0~4.0m. The
superelevation of aerobic digester should not be less than 1.0m.
7.3.22 The aerobic digester may adopt open type and in the cold zone, thermal insulation
measures shall be taken. Capping or deodorization measures shall be taken according to the
requirements of environmental evaluation.
7.3.23 Device discharging the upper clear solution shall be set in the intermittent aerobic
digester; device discharging the upper clear solution should be set for continuous aerobic

7.4 Mechanical Sludge Dewatering

I General Requirements

7.4.1 The design of mechanical sludge dewatering shall meet the following requirements:

1 The type of sludge dewatering machine shall be selected upon technical and
economical comparison according to the sludge dewatering properties and requirements;
2 Generally, the moisture content of sludge before flowing into the dewatering
machine shall not be larger than 98%;
3 The sludge after digestion may be elutriated before dewatering according to the
wastewater nature and economic benefit.
4 The arrangement of mechanical dewatering room shall comply with the relevant
requirements of pump house in Chapter 5 of this code and shall consider sludge cake
transportation facilities and channels;
5 The dewatered sludge shall be stored in sludge yard or sludge bin; the capacity of
sludge yard or sludge bin shall be determined according to the sludge outlet and
transportation conditions;
6 Ventilation facilities shall be set in the mechanical sludge dewatering room. The
ventilation frequency per hour shall not be less than 6.
7.4.2 Before dewatering, the sludge shall be conditioned by drugs. The drug dosing of
sludge shall meet the following requirements:
1 The drug variety shall be selected according to the sludge properties and outlet and
the dosage should be determined according to the test data or similar operating experience;
2 After adding drugs, the sludge shall be immediately mixed for reaction and
transferred into the dewatering machine.

II Filter Press

7.4.3 The filter press should adopt belt press filter, plate-and-frame filter press, chamber
filter press or microporous extruding dewatering machine; the sludge cake yield and sludge
cake moisture shall be determined according to the test data or similar operating experience
and the sludge cake moisture is generally 75~80%.
7.4.4 The design of belt press filter shall meet the following requirements:
1 The sludge dewatering load shall be determined according to the test data or similar
operating experience; the wastewater sludge may be selected according to those specified in
Table 7.4.4 in this code;
Table 7.4.4 Sludge Dewatering Load
Initially sedimentary raw Initial sedimentary digested Mixed raw Mixed digested
Sludge category
sludge sludge sludge l sludge

Sludge dewatering
load 250 300 150 200

2 Air compressor shall be configured according to the requirements of belt press filter
and at least 1 set shall be provided for standby;
3 Flushing pump shall be configured and its pressure should be 0.4~0.6 MPa; its flow
may be calculated according to 5.5~11m3/[m(belt width)] and at least 1 set shall be provided
for standby.
7.4.5 The design of plate-and-frame filter press and chamber filter press shall meet the
following requirements:

1 The filtration pressure is 400~600kPa;
2 The filtration cycle is not larger than 4h;
3 Each filter press may be set with a plunger type sludge pressing pump;
4 The amount of compressed air shall not be less than 2m3/min per cubic meter of the
filter chamber (calculated according to the standard conditions).

III Centrifuge

7.4.6 Noise reduction measures shall be taken in the centrifugal dewatering machine room.
The noise in and out of the centrifugal dewatering machine room shall meet the requirements
of "Specifications for the Design of Noise Control System in Industrial Enterprises" (GBJ
7.4.7 Where the wastewater sludge is dewatered by horizontal screw centrifugal dewatering
machine, its separating factor should be less than 3000g (g is the gravity acceleration).
7.4.8 Sludge cutter shall be set before the centrifugal dewatering machine and the particle
size of sludge after cutting should not be larger than 8mm.

7.5 Sludge Delivery

7.5.1 Three types of delivery methods, namely belt conveyor, screw conveyor and pipe, are
generally adopted for dewatered sludge delivery.
7.5.2 Where belt conveyor is adopted to delivery sludge, its inclination angle shall be less
than 20°.
7.5.3 Where screw conveyor is adopted to delivery sludge, its inclination angle should be
less than 30° and shaftless screw conveyor should be adopted.
7.5.4 Where pipes are adopted to delivery sludge, the turning radius of the elbow shall not
be less than 5 times of the pipe diameter.

7.6 Sludge Drying and Incineration

7.6.1 In areas where conditions permit, drying field should be adopted for sludge drying; in
other areas, heat drying should be adopted.
7.6.2 The sludge solid load in the sludge drying field should be determined according such
factors as sludge properties, annual average temperature, precipitation and evaporation
capacity and by reference to the experiences of similar areas.
7.6.3 In general, the sludge drying field is divided into 3 blocks or more; the dike height
should be 0.5~1.0m and the top width should be 0.5~0.7m.
7.6.4 Artificial drainage layer should be set at the sludge drying field.
7.6.5 Unless in special circumstances, impermeable layer shall be set below the artificial
drainage layer, which shall slope to the drainage facilities with a gradient of 0.01~0.02.
7.6.6 Facilities eliminating the upper-layer sludge water should be set at the sludge drying
7.6.7 The heat drying and incineration of sludge should be carried out intensively.
7.6.8 Where sludge heat drying equipment is adopted, the product outlet shall be fully

7.6.9 The load and evaporation capacity of sludge solid subjected to heat drying and
incineration treatment shall be determined according to such factors as sludge properties and
equipment performance and by reference to the operating experience of similar equipment.
7.6.10 2 sets of sludge heat drying and incineration equipment should be arranged; if only 2
set is arranged, emergency measures, including sludge storage facilities or other standby
sludge treatment and disposal ways in the equipment maintenance period shall be considered.
7.6.11 The sludge heat drying equipment shall be selected according to the actual demand of
heat drying. Heat drying equipment with small scale, low sludge moisture and long
continuous operation time should adopt indirect heating system or direct heating system
equipped with sludge mixer and gas circulating device.
7.6.12 Sludge gas should be adopted as the energy of sludge heat drying equipment.
7.6.13 The heat drying workshop and heat drying products storage facilities shall meet the
requirements of the relevant current national fire prevention codes.
7.6.14 In the regions where waste incineration facilities, cement kilns and thermal power
generation boilers are available or to be constructed, the sludge should be incinerated with the
rubbish simultaneously or incinerated together with the bunker coal of the cement kilns and
thermal power generation boilers.
7.6.15 The sludge incineration process shall be determined according to the sludge calorific
value and circulating fluidized bed process should be adopted.
7.6.16 The sludge heat drying products and sludge incineration ashes shall be reserved,
utilized and disposed properly.
7.6.17 The sludge heat drying tail gas and incineration flue gas shall be treated to reach the
standard before being discharged.
7.6.18 Facilities monitoring the groundwater quality for a long-term shall be arranged in the
sludge drying field and its surroundings; facilities monitoring the air quality for a long-term
shall be arranged in the sludge heat drying plant, sludge incineration plant and their

7.7 Sludge Integrated Application

7.7.1 Integrated application should be considered in the ultimate disposal of sludge.

7.7.2 The integrated application of sludge shall be in accordance with the local conditions
and shall be applied with care for agricultural use.
7.7.3 As for the land use of sludge, the cumulative content of heavy metal and other toxic
substances in the sludge and soil shall be strictly controlled. The sludge used for agriculture
must meet the requirements of the relevant current standards.

8 Inspection and Control

8.1 General Requirements

8.1.1 The operation of wastewater engineering shall be inspected and controlled.

8.1.2 The inspection and control details for wastewater engineering design shall be
determined according to the engineering scale, process flow and operation management
8.1.3 The automation instrumentation and control system shall ensure the safety and
reliability of wastewater system, be convenient for operation and improve the working
conditions and scientific management level.
8.1.4 The computer control and management system should consider the existing,
construction and planning requirements at the same time.

8.2 Inspection

8.2.1 Instrumentation for relevant items shall be set for the intake and outgoing water of
wastewater treatment plant according to the requirements of the current national discharge
standard and the environmental protection departments.
8.2.2 Relevant monitoring instrument and alarm devices shall be arranged at the following
1 Drainage pumping station: hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentration;
2 Digester: sludge gas (including CH4) concentration;
3 Chlorination room: chlorine gas (Cl2) concentration.
8.2.3 The treatment units of drainage pumping station and wastewater treatment plant
should be set with inspection and monitoring instrument required for production control and
operation management.
8.2.4 Operation and accident state inspection devices shall be set for the electromechanical
equipment involved in control and management.

8.3 Control

8.3.1 The operation of drainage pumping station should be automatically controlled

according to the change of liquid level in the collecting tank; and remote measurement,
remote communication, remote control systems shall be set up.
8.3.2 Automatic control system may be adopted for the main process unit of wastewater
treatment plant with a scale smaller than 100,000m3/d.
8.3.3 Automatic control system with centralized management & monitoring and
decentralized control should be adopted for the wastewater treatment plant with a scale equal
to or greater than 100,000 m3/d.
8.3.4 Where complete equipment is adopted, the control of the equipment should be
combined with the system control

8.4 Computer Control and Management System

8.4.1 The computer control and management system shall possess such functions of
information collection, processing, control, management and safety protection.
8.4.2 The design of computer control system shall meet the following requirements:
1 The control layer, monitoring layer and management layer of the monitoring system
shall be configured reasonably;
2 The network structure and communication rate shall be selected upon technical and
economical comparison according to the specific engineering conditions;
3 The operation system and development tool shall be comprehensively considered in
such aspects as stable operation, easy to development, convenience of operation interface.
4 Function design shall be carried out for the enterprise informatization system
according to the enterprise demand and the relevant infrastructures;
5 The plant-level central control room shall be set with power box as near as possible;
the supply power shall be double circuit and the DC power supply equipment shall be safe
and reliable;
6 The area of the plant-level and station-level control room shall be determined
according to its use function and shall take the future development into account;
7 The lightning and earthing protection shall meet the requirements of the relevant
current national codes.

Appendix A Method of Establishing Rainfall Intensity Formula

I Sampling by Annual Multi-sampling Method

A.0.1 This method is applicable to the districts having over ten years of automatically
recorded rainfall amount.
A.0.2 Nine duration values, namely 5min, 10min, 15min, 20min, 30min, 45min, 60min,
90min and 120min, are adopted in the calculation of rainfall duration. The rainfall recurrence
interval should be counted according to 0.25 year, 0.33 year, 0.5 year, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years,
5 years and 10 years. Where data condition is preferable (data years ≥20 years, and
arrangement of subsample points is relatively regular), the recurrence interval of more than 10
years may also be counted.
A.0.3 The sampling method adopt the annual multi-sampling method, each duration shall
select 6~8 maximum values every year, and the subsamples of each duration shall be arranged
by size regardless of the year order, the maximum values of which the quantity is 3~4 times
of the data years shall be selected out as the basic data of counting.
A.0.4 The selected rainfall data of each duration shall be adjusted by adopting the frequency
curve. Where the precision requirement is not too high, the experimental frequency curve may
be adopted; where the precision requirement is relatively high, the theoretical frequency
curves, like P-Ⅲ distribution curve or exponential distribution curve, may be adopted. The
relation among recurrence interval, rainfall intensity and duration of rainfall, namely the
relation value of P, i and t, shall be obtained according to the determined frequency curve.
A.0.5 The parameters (b, n, A1, C) shall be obtained according to the relation value of P, i
and t, which may be carried out by using the analytical method, the combination of graphical
method and calculation or the graphical method. The obtained parameters shall be substituted
167 A1 1  C lg p 
in q  to obtain the local rainfall intensity formula.
t  b n
A.0.6 The sampling error and the rainfall formula mean square deviation shall be calculated,
which should be calculated according to the absolute mean square deviation and may also be
assisted by the calculation of relative mean square deviation. Where the calculated recurrence
interval is 0.25~10 years, in the districts with general intensity, the absolute mean square
deviation should not be greater than 0.05mm/min; in the districts with relatively big intensity,
the absolute mean square deviation should not be greater than 5%.

II Sampling by Annual Maximum Value Method

A.0.7 This method is applicable to the districts having over 20 years of automatically
recorded rainfall amount. For the districts with permissible conditions, the rainfall amount
series of over 30 years may be used, and the sampling method of rainfall samples may adopt
the annual maximum value method. If any time interval within the recurrence interval
exceeds the historical maximum value, rechecking and correction should be performed.
A.0.8 When calculating the duration of rainfall, totally nine duration values are adopted,

including 5min, 10min, 15min, 20min, 30min, 45min, 60min, 90min and 120min. In the
districts with relatively big catchment area or requiring checking the rainfall catchment
duration,150min and 180min may be added, totally eleven duration values. For the calculation
of the rainfall recurrence interval, counting should be conducted according to 2 years, 3 years,
5 years, 10 years and 20 years. Where data condition is preferable (data years ≥30 years, and
arrangement of subsample points is relatively regular), 30 years, 50 years and 100 years may
be added for counting, and the counting may be conducted mainly adopting 2 ~20 years.
A.0.9 The selected rainfall data of each duration shall be adjusted by adopting the
experimental frequency curve or theoretical frequency curve, which usually adopts the
theoretical frequency curve, like P-Ⅲ distribution curve, Gumbel distribution curve and
exponential distribution curve. The relation among recurrence interval, rainfall intensity and
duration of rainfall, namely the relation value of P, i and t, shall be obtained according to the
determined frequency curve.
A.0.10 The parameters (A1, b, C, n) shall be obtained according to the relation value of P, i
and t, which may be carried out by using the graphical method, the analytical method, the
combination of graphical method and calculation, etc. To improve the accuracy of the rainfall
intensity formula, the Gauss-Newton Method is adopted usually. The obtained parameters
167 A1 1  C lg p 
shall be substituted in q  to obtain the local rainfall intensity formula.
t  b n
A.0.11 The sampling error and the rainfall formula mean square deviation shall be
calculated, which should be calculated according to the absolute mean square deviation and
may also be assisted by the calculation of relative mean square deviation. Where the
calculated recurrence interval is 2~20 years, in the districts with general intensity, the absolute
mean square deviation should not be greater than 0.05mm/min; in the districts with relatively
big intensity, the absolute mean square deviation should not be greater than 5%.

Appendix B Minimum Clearance of Sewerage Pipes and Other

Underground Pipelines (Structures)

Table B Minimum Clearance of Sewerage Pipes and Other Underground Pipelines (Structures)
Name Vertical clearance (m)
clearance (m)

Structures See Note 3

Water supply d≤200mm 1.0

pipe d>200mm 1.5

Sewerage pipe 0.15

Renovated water pipe 0.5 0.4

Low pressure P≤0.05MPa 1.0 0.15

Medium pressure 0.05MPa<P≤0.4MPa 1.2 0.15

Fuel gas pipe
0.4MPa<P≤0.8MPa 1.5 0.15
High pressure
0.8MPa<P≤1.6 MPa 2.0 0.15

Heating pipe 1.5 0.15

Power pipeline 0.5 0.5

Directly-buried conduit 0.5

Telecommunication conduit 1.0
Pipe block 0.15

Arbor 1.5

Communication lighting and <10kV 0.5

Overground pillars and
Edge of the foundation of high voltage
poles 1.5

Edge of road curbstone 1.5

Steel rails of railway (or slope toe) 5.0 Rail base 1.2

Electric vehicle (rail base) 2.0 1.0

Foundation of crossover pipe support 2.0

Oil pipe 1.5 0.25

Compressed air pipe 1.5 0.15

Oxygen pipe 1.5 0.25

Acetylene pipe 1.5 0.25

Cable of electric vehicle 0.5

Bottom of open ditch 0.5

Foundation bottom of culvert 0.15

Notes: 1 As for the values listed in the above table, expect otherwise indicated, the horizontal clearance all refers to the
clear distance of outer walls and the vertical clearance all refers to the clearance between the external top of the lower pipe and
the foundation bottom of the upper pipe.
2 After taking sufficient measures (like structural measures), the values listed in the above table may be reduced.
3 The horizontal clearance to buildings should not be less than 2.5m when the buried depth of pipe is shallower than the
building foundation and shall be determined through calculation but shall not be less than 3.0m when the buried depth of pipe is
deeper than the building foundation.

Explanation of Wording in This Code

1 Words used for different degrees of strictness are explained as follows in order to
mark the differences in executing the requirements in this code:
1) Words denoting a very strict or mandatory requirement:
“Must” is used for affirmation; “must not” for negation;
2) Words denoting a strict requirement under normal conditions:
“Shall” is used for affirmation; “shall not” for negation;
3) Words denoting a permission of a slight choice or an indication of the most
suitable choice when conditions permit:
“Should” is used for affirmation; “should not” for negation;
4) “May” is used to express the option available, sometimes with the conditional
2 “shall comply with…” or “shall meet the requirements of…” is used in this code to
indicate that it is necessary to comply with the requirements stipulated in other relative
standards and codes.


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