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PRI, a leading corporate guardian of India’s natural resources, believes
in a ground-up approach to achieve end-to-end sustainability

N today’s world of busi- ‘Creating Shared Value’,

ness and governance, the which include:
two catchphrases are CSR w To re-conceive products
(corporate social responsi- and markets in a manner
bility) and philanthropy. that they meet the societal
However, over the past few needs, and address un-
years, since 2011, a new served or underserved cus-
buzz-phrase has emerged tomers. This was akin to the
— ‘Creating Shared Value’. decades-old thinking of how
Unlike the former two, corporations can benefit
which focus on ‘giving from serving the ‘bottom of
back to the society’, the the pyramid’.
latter relies on creating w To re-define productivity
crucial and sustainable in a company’s value chain
values within the corpora- and drive it through better
tion, and among stakehold- and efficient utilisation of
ers, and local communities resources, employees, and
that can be shared be- partners.
tween them. Several w To enable the develop- three fronts. Guillaume concept at PRI is largely im- Each stage in the lifecycle BETTER FUTURE: In MP, w Roll-out of an effective en-
companies like Pernod ment of local-cluster that Girard-Reydet, MD & CEO, plemented through its envi- of PRI’s products has a di- women are empowered vironmental management
Ricard India (PRI) have can improve skills and sup- PRI, explains, “Our corpo- ronment and water rect and an indirect impact with sustainable and system.
consciously adopted this pliers’ bases, and support rate social responsibility stewardship programmes. on the environment. This global best practices in w Promotion of a sustaina-
approach. institutions in the local purpose is to enhance qual- Essentially, they entail a impact is exacerbated by agriculture ble agriculture and biodi-
The co-authors of this communities where a com- ity of life towards a better ground-up approach that the climate and environ- versity protection.
seminal management ap- pany operates to boost pro- future for the communities aims at end-to-end sustain- ment phenomena that pose w Preservation of water
proach, Michael E. Porter ductivity, innovation, and around our operations. Our able practices. The multiple risks to operations, resources.
and Mark Kramer, empha- growth. belief in the long term is Environment Stewardship including on procurement w Reduction in energy con-
sised on the three levels of PRI is way ahead on these only by creating value, for Programme includes the of raw materials and water sumption and carbon
both our shareholders and management of natural re- management in particular. footprint.
for the society. We are com- sources, reduction in land To counter these risks, the w Development of sustaina-
mitted to the development degradation and biodiver- company has enumerated ble products and a reduc-
of thriving and resilient sity loss, and restoration of an overall environment pol- tion in the impact of waste.
PRI is committed to the communities, and on stew- water. Both conservation icy, ‘Roadmap For 2020’, In addition, the over-arch-
development of thriving and arding the planet’s natural and sustainable practices which sets out clearcut pri- ing policy is aligned to the
resilient communities, and resources for future genera- form an integral part of it. orities and objectives. United Nations’ Sustainable
create value for the society tions, with a particular This is done at the three lev- The five areas of commit- Development Goals (SDGs).
focus on water.” els of organisation, stake- ment under this umbrella The SDGs are a global blue-
‘Creating Shared Value’ holders, and communities. policy include: print for the UN’s member

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nations to address the chal- lenge to the conservation- ulation to breathe fresh air. to 370 million people, who tive to becoming a ‘wa-
lenges that the planet faces, ists and local communities. One of the most critical reside largely in urban At the heart of PRI’s Water ter-neutral’ organisation by
which are related to poverty, PRI’s environment policy component of any environ- slums where piped water 2021. In order to achieve
inequality, climate, environ- is closely attuned with the mental strategy, especially infrastructure is difficult to Stewardship Programme is the this aim, multiple far-reach-
mental degradation, pros- country’s target of SDG 15.5, in a country like India, has build, and in rural areas principle of 4-R’s — Reduce-Re- ing initiatives and innova-
perity, peace, and justice. which includes urgent and to include water. The situa- with contaminated water use-Recycle-Recharge tions, which limit
Sunil Duggal, Vice significant action to reduce tion is frightening, to say sources. environmental stress while
President (Corporate degradation of natural habi- the least. By 2050, it is esti- More than 820 million enhancing manufacturing
Affairs), PRI, adds, “All our tats, halt the loss of biodiver- mated that the per capita Indians do not have access efficiency, have been em-
programmes are aligned to sity and, by 2020, protect availability of water in the to piped water, and 70% of to the SWN’s report. states. At the heart of the bedded at our production
the SDGs, and provide us and prevent extinction of country will drop by 40- the country’s sources are Fortunately, the policy mak- programme lies the princi- sites.”
with a common language to threatened species. Under 50% due to rapid population contaminated by pollutants. ers have realised the impor- ples of 4-R’s – Reduce- For example, the group’s
contribute to India’s the company’s biodiversity growth and higher commer- Hence, the government tance of such enterprises, Reuse-Recycle-Recharge. regular water audits im-
Development Goals, and RURAL INTERVENTION: upgrade plan, it has regener- cial use. A report by the Safe needs to act urgently, and which include water ATMs At the organisational level, prove the process efficiency
then measure how we are In Behror, the Gram ated the Kudikunta Lake Water Network (SWN) con- immediately. Small water and community purification according to P. Sriram, Vice in its manufacturing plants
also contributing to the Sangathan conducts a (Hyderabad), and Hauz Khas cludes that the government enterprises are cheaper, but plants, as an alternative. President (Operations), PRI, through sensor-based taps,
world’s sustainability.” meeting under the Lake (Delhi). This has ener- will need to spend Rs they require policy changes, Under its Water “Through the ongoing prac- interlocking of water
Take the case of biodiver- Samridhi programme to gised the local biodiversity 44,000 crore on 220,000 and at least a doubling of Stewardship Programme, tice of reducing water con- washer for No run-No water,
sity in the country. At a pos- help villagers become and ecosystem, as well as en- small water enterprises to tariffs to help bridge the na- PRI has implemented a sumption by 50%, we are optimisation of the rinse
itive level, India is one of self-sufficient abled the neighbouring pop- provide safe drinking water tional water gap, according 360-degree plan in several looking at the larger objec- water pressure for minimal
the 17 mega-diverse nations,
as identified by the
Conservation International,
and has four diversity hot-
spots. It has 668 protected SAMRIDH
areas, which comprise sanc- BHARAT
tuaries, national parks, tiger
PRI’s initiative, “Samridhi”, in Behror,
reserves, elephant reserves, Rajasthan, which is being implemented by its
community reserves, and partner, S. M. Sehgal Foundation, seeks to cap-
conservation reserves. ture, conserve, and harvest rainwater with the
Recognised as one of the construction of watershed structures; improve
eight Vavilovian centres of farm livelihoods to bring prosperity to more
origin and diversity of crop than 8,000 villagers through promotion of wa-
plants, it possesses more ter-saving agriculture practices; and digital lit-
eracy and life skills education for youth. The
than 300 wild ancestors and
project targets Goal 1 and Goal 6 of the United
close relatives of cultivated Nations Sustainable Development Goals
plants, which are still evolv- (SDGs), i.e. ‘No Poverty’, and ‘Clean Water and
ing under natural condi- Sanitation’, respectively.
tions. India is home to
Project Samridhi is an integrated three-year
89,000 animal species,
plan to benefit the five villages of Karoda,
46,000 plant species, and Antpura, Untoli, Banhad, and Maharajawas. It
nearly half of the world’s will create and rejuvenate ponds for surface
aquatic plants. With only water storage that can be used by communi-
2.4% of the planet’s land ties for domestic, irrigation, and animal hus-
mass, it houses 7-8% of the bandry purposes; create groundwater recharge
recorded species. structures, viz nala bunds and recharge wells;
Unfortunately, at the neg- construct soak wells for wastewater manage-
ment and groundwater recharge; promote wa-
ative level, rapid economic
ter-saving irrigation practices; and facilitate
growth and limitations in digital literacy and life skills education classes.
integrating environmental Community engagement will be an integral
concerns with development part of the project with continuous capacity
planning have put pressure building and training.
on the existing biodiversity. Anjali Makhija, Chief Operating Officer, Sehgal
With half of the country’s Foundation, says, “Emphasis will be laid on or-
land under cultivation, ris- ganising community members into a gram san-
ing population, and the in- gathan that will be trained to ensure
creasingly-evident threat of sustainability of the physical assets and social
climate change, the protec- capital created during the course of the project.”
tion of diverse habitats is
posing a formidable chal-

00 OUTLOOK 3 June 2019 3 June 2019 OUTLOOK 00

In Behror, 8,000 farmers
co-nurture with PRI to mitigate
groundwater depletion, and
improve agriculture efficiency

water usage, use of aerated servation and sustainability

taps for reduced consump- practices. Over 8,000 farm-
tion, and level sensors in ers co-nurture with the
water storage tanks to pre- company’s key objectives to
vent overflow. An overall mitigate groundwater de-
water efficiency system is pletion, increase availability
linked to the management through surface storage and
system through: groundwater recharge, and
w Reuse of RO reject in back improve water efficiency in
wash of toilets, gardening, agriculture. These co-join
and floor washing. to the larger societal aims to BETTER QUALITY: lion litres.
w Reuse of ETP, STP, and effect social transformation Guillaume Girard-Reydet, In addition, the Group is
tertiary treated water for through effective participa- MD & CEO also engaging in agriculture
gardening. tion of the locals, especially intervention through high-
w Recycling of empty bottle women, and the participa- er-efficiency agri-practices
washing water up to 80% by tion of the youth in digital and reforestation. Initiatives
passing through multiple literacy and skills education. include imparting insights
barrier treatment system. Yet another key initiative is on improved farming tech-
w Standardised water recy- to replenish water in wa- niques to the local commu-
cling process across all the ter-stressed areas through in- nities, setting up harvesting
sites, and training and terventions of over 30 rain reservoirs that cater to the
awareness for water conser- water harvesting and re- demands for drinking water,
vation allows delivery on charge structures, over 50 sanitation, agriculture and
the reuse/recycle ponds, dams and de-silting livestock. For example, a
commitment. projects in Chattisgarh, project in Shivpuri, Madhya
From the organisation, this Nashik (Maharashtra), Pradesh, aims to enhance in-
responsibility then extends Behror and Phagi (Rajasthan), comes of 4,500 marginal
to the local communities Kolar (Karnataka), and women through high-den-
around the manufacturing Medak (Telangana). These ALIGNED TO SDGS: Sunil sity nano-orchards to in-
sites. Several initiatives are have resulted in the recharg- Duggal, Vice President crease productivity by 30%,
undertaken to protect and ing potential of over 540 mil- (Corporate Affairs) women-producer groups in
preserve water in the imme- non-timber forest products,
diate ecosystem. Duggal ex- and marketing efforts via vil-
plains, “We realise that our lage-level collection centres
business relies on this lim- and an Apex FPO.
ited and precious natural re- At PRI, creating shared
source, and we are value addresses the undeni-
committed to use these re- able linkages between soci-
sources responsibly, and etal development and
preserving them for future environmental preservation.
generations. Harvesting the Through tailored activities
depleting ground water and targeting disparate commu-
aquifers is paramount to our nity needs and challenges,
commitment, and we are the company has created a
continuously striving to de- portfolio of highly innova-
crease our water footprint.” tive solutions that are mod-
For instance, the ongoing ernising entire
projects in Behror, communities, while also de-
Rajasthan, actively engage livering measurable bene-
agri-communities in con- fits to the environment.

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