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Road Improvement and Development Project Directorate

Upgrading/Improvement of Chandrauta-Krishnanagar Road and Krishnanagar Urban Road

Contract ID No: RIDP/337133/CKU-09/2074/075
Date: 29 August 2019
Agenda for Meeting

1. Variation of Quantites

Major Items for Variation are listed below.

BoQ Description of Works Unit Original RevisedQty Original Amount After Remarks
Item BoQ Qty Amount Variation
2.01 Clearing and Grubbing M2 15027 315259.07 Total width to be cleared not
included in original Estimate
3.02 Embankment Filling M3 77301 205056.9702 Quantity increased after joint survey
4.02 Excavation of Metalled 86,126.21 54751.653 No any sub base material found in
Road Shoulder width 3m
4.03 Sub Base 42,879.51 166915.795 For 20km road, width =15.5 +
Shoulder 1.5m both side, thickness=
4.05 Prime Coat Lit. 393,189.0 327868.479 Originally Estimated for Shoulder
0 too but excluded in this VO
4.08 20mm Aggregate Mt. 12,290.00 7195 Calculation for DBST in shoulder
(Pavement) excluded in calculation during VO
4.09 10 mm Aggregate Mt. 7,374.00 4318 Calculation for SBST in shoulder
(Pavement) excluded in calculation during VO
5.02 M10/40 M3 976.67 2546.173459 After field verification, no of slab
culvert increased consequently PCC
5.03 M15/40 M3 296.89 1357.24616 PCC for Tick Drain and Kerbstone
not included in Original BoQ
5.04 M20/20 M3 288.00 2551.758 Drain Width designed after
VO=1.5m, so Quantity increased
5.05 M25/20 M3 645.53 1243.867664 Including Deck Slab and Bus Bay
Calculation Qty increased.
5.06 Rebar Mt. 40.30 93.24668025 Bus-bay Rebar Calculation omitted,
BoQ Description of Works Unit Original RevisedQty Remarks
Item BoQ Qty
5.07 Stone Masonry M3 452.91 7594.468415 Slab culvert is to be made of RRM
instead of Brick Masonry
5.08 Brick Masonry M3 13,403.00 10230.527 Brick masonry for Slab culvert
omitted, Median height decreased
to 0.75m
5.10 Gabion M2 878.00 5074 Gabion for water logged areas
increased after joint verification in
5.11 Stone Boulder M3 161.70 900 Stone Boulder for Gabion increased
8.01 Rooted Grass Slips M2 54,127.00 100043 Slope length of embankment filling
area increased after joint survey.


 Width and thickness of Shoulder sub-base not Specified

 Prime coat and SBSD for shoulder not specified clearly.

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