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FINAL TEST REPORT ON DESIGN FOR CONCRETE MIX OF GRADE M20, M25, M30, M35, M40, M45 & M50 Cement : Birla A1, 53 Grade, OPC TEST ORDER NO. BL/1887/7/2018 Dated : 20.07.2018 Project : “Arvind Oasis Project” AUGUST 2018 REPORT FOR Mss. Montecarlo Limited, 107, 1st Floor, Prestige Copper Arch Building Next to Safina Plaza, Infantry Road, Bangalore ~ 560 001, India. © BUREAU VERITAS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED \ Construction Services Laboratory SERRE 948,45, 46 6 47, Grom & 1 Floor, 1" Main, Pete Chennaypa Inis. Estate, Megndi Road, aaa Komakshivalya, Bangalore 560079 6) BUREAU VERITAS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED Construction Series Laboreary “Test onder No, BL/1887/72018 #48, 45,46.& 47, Ground & I" Floor, I Main, Pete Chennappe Ind. Estate, ated :20.072018, ‘Magati Road. Kamakshipalya, Bangalore 560.079 ours NABL Accredited Laboratory as per og ratory as per ISO 17025 ‘To: Mis Montcalo Limited, Banglore Projet: Arvind Oasis Projet A. | INTRODUCTIO! On reference from Mis. Montecarlo Limited, 107, 1% Floor, Prestige Copper Arch Building Next to Safina Plaza, Infantry Road, Bangalore ~ 560 001, India, vide their E-mail Dated 26.06.2018, 27.06.2018 & 30.06.2018 design of concrete mix for M20, M25, M30, M35, MAO, M45 & MSO grades of concrete were taken up for the project “Arvind Oasis Project” in our laboratories vide our Test Order No. BL/1887/7/2018 Dated 20.07.2018. The Important criteria kept in view while designing the concrete mix are strength, durability and workability of concrete, Various methods employed for concrete mix design, such as, ACI, and IS have been referred to. ‘The mix proportion is arrived at theoretically, based on IS recommendations. Appropriate modifications are made depending on the material properties observed and also the specific requirements of the job. Concrete cubes are cast and tested for | compressive strength at the end of 7 days and 28 days. | B. | MATERIALS*: 1. | Cementitious: a) Cement Brand : Birla-A1, 53 Grade, OPC (Batch No. ~ W: 29, M: 07, Y:18 as observed on the cement bags submitted for Mix Design) b) GGBS Source : JSW 2. | Aggregates: a) Fine aggregate | Manufactured sand, b) Coarse aggregate | Angular crusher broken coarse aggregate of max size 20mm. 3. | Admixture : ‘Auramix 200 of M/s Fosroc Chemicals (1) Pvt. Ltd. (for M20 to M35) Auramix 400 of M/s Fosroc Chemicals (I) Pvt. Ltd. (for M40 to M50) | The characteristics of the materials are given in Tables 1 — 5. Water used in the laboratory for trial cast is potable, * As furnished by the customer. Lof 13 Contraction Services Laboraory “Test onder No, BL/1887/72018 443,45, 6 & 87, Ground & 1 Floor!” Main, Pete Chennappa Indl. Extoe, ated :20.07 2018 ‘Magadi Road, Kamakshipatya, Bangalore 560 079 6 BUREAU VERITAS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED NABL Accredited Laboratory as per ISO 17025 ‘To: Mls, Monecalo Limited, Bangalore Project Arvind Oasis Project, C,_| DATA FOR MIX DESIGNS: T. | Mixes to be designed M20, M125, M30, M35, M40, M45 & M50 with aggregates of maximum size 20mm. Characteristic compressive strength of | For M20, itis 20 N/ concrete at 28 days (feck) For M25, it is 25 N/ For M30, it is 30 N/sqmm For M35, it is 35 N/ For M40, it is 40 N/ For M45, it is 45 N/ and For MS0, it is 50 Ni/ 3, __| Desired degree of workability. Corresponding to a Pumpable slump @ 90 min 4. [Maximum size of aggregate supplied. | Angular 20mm and down 3. | Expected degree of quality control in the field. Control level A * 6. | Target mean compressive strength of | For M20, it is 26.6 conerete at 28 days For M25, it is 31.6 Ni/ For M30, itis 38.3 N/sqmm For M35, it is 43.3 N/ For M40, it is 48.3 N/ For M45, it is 53.3 N/ and For MS60, it is 58.3 7, | Type of exposure Mild** (for M20) Moderate **(for M25 to MSO) * Site control level A corresponds to proper storage of cement, weigh-batching of all materials, controlled addition of water, regular checking of all materials, aggregate grading and moisture content and periodical checking of workability and strength. ** 1S:456-2000 describes ‘mild’ as Concrete surfaces protected against weather or aggressive conditions, except those situated in coastal area. ** 1§:456-2000 describes ‘moderate’ as Concrete surfaces sheltered from severe rain or freezing whilst wet. Concrete exposed to condensation and rain. Conerete continuously under water. Conerete in contact or buried under non-aggressive soil / ground water. Conerete surfaces sheltered from saturated salt air in coastal area 2 of 13, BUREAU VERITAS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED Consiruction Services Laboratory ‘Test order No, BLUIRS 772018 #43, 45,46 & 47, Ground & 1" Floor, Main, Pete Chennappa Indl. Este, ated :20.072018 ‘Magadi Road. Kamakshipaiya, Bangalore $60 079 NABL Accredited Laboratory as per ISO 17025 ‘To: Mis, Montecatlo Limited, Bangalore. Project: Arvind Oasis Project. DESIGN MIX: To satisfy the requirements mentioned in the data for mix design the proportion by weight listed in Table-6 & 6A has been arrived at, with marginal adjustments of trial mix for M20, M25, M30, M35, M40, M45 & M50 grades of concrete using aggregates of 20mm down. A number of trial castings have been made and the best suitable proportion based on reproduceability of 28-day compressive strength has been furnished. RECOMMENDATIONS: Compressive strength test results of the trial specimens cast in our laboratory are famished in Table-6 & 6A. It can be seen that 28-day strength is greater than the target ‘mean compressive strength indicated in item C. As such, it is recommended that the concrete mix proportions indicated in Tables-6 & 6A be adopted at site, REMARKS: The design mixes are applicable only for those materials whose properties are similar to one supplied for conducting mix design. All the materials shall be weigh batched, Suitable corrections are to be applied for weight of aggregates and water, if the aggregates are not saturated and surface dry (SSD). Correction for water absorption / surface moisture to be applied at site. ‘The properties of materials to be used shall be confirmed by testing of such materials from time to time. If any deviations in the above parameters are observed, suitable corrections for proportions shall be applied at site. BUREAU VERITAS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED Consincton Services Laborators 143,45, 46 & 47, Ground & 1" Flor, I" Main, Pete Chemnappa Indl. Estate, ‘Magadi Road, Kamakshipaly, Bangalore S60 079 “Test onder No. BL887/72018 ated 20072018 NABL Accredited Laboratory as per 1S0 17025 “To: M4. Montcalo Limited, Bangalore Projet Arvind Oasis Project 5. | Admixture dosage may be suitably adjusted at site, if required, depending on site 10. working condition and need for workability retention. The aggregates used shall be free from all deleterious materials like silt, clay, mica and other organic impurities. The gradation shall be same as that used in the design mix. At site, itis suggested to use suitable vibrators for compaction. The quality of water to be used for concreting shall conform to IS: 456-2000 (Reaffirmed 2011). In the design calculations, the degree of quality control considered is Control Level A. Hence, it is mandatory to exercise at least the same degree of quality control in the actual work, ‘he coarse and fine aggregate used shall conform to requirements given in IS:383-2016 anaes 4of 13 BUREAU VERITAS INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED Consiruction Series Laboratory 1 $8, 45,46 & 47, Ground & 1" Floor, [ Main, Pete Chennapoa In. Estate, Magadi Road, Kamakshipala, Bangalore 560 079 NABL Accredited Laboratory as per ISO 17025 “Test onler No. BLI887772018 ated: 20.07.2018, ‘To: Mis. Montecatlo Limited, Bangalore Project: Arvind Oasis Projet. G._| REFERENCES: 1. | 18:10262-2009 Concrete Mix Proportioning - Guidelines (First Revision) 2. | SP:23(S&T)-1982 Handbook on conerete mixes. 3. | IS:456-2000 (Reaffirmed 2011) Code of Practice for plain & reinforced concrete. (Fourth Revision) 4, | S:516-1959 (Reaffirmed 2013) Method of test for strength of concrete, 5. | 18:383-2016 Indian Standard specifications for coarse and fine aggregates for concrete. (Third Revision) 6. | IS:1199-1959 (Reaffirmed 2013) Indian Standard specifications for methods of sampling and analysis of concrete. 7. | IS:4926-2003 (Reaffirmed 2012) Ready-Mixed Concrete - Code of Practice 8. | IS : 269 ~ 2015 Clause 7 for OPC 53 Indian Standard Specifications for 53 grade ordinary portland cement. 9. | Neville, A.M. “Properties of Concrete” 4 Edition, — 1995- | Publicity Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Indian Branch, 482, FIE, Prathapganj Delhi 110092 eee 5 of 13 ‘To: Mi, Montecatlo Limited, Bangalore. Project: Arvind Oasis Projet. BUREAU VERITAS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMETED Consiruction Services Laboratry 843, 45, 46 & 67, Ground & 1 Floor !” Main, Pete Chennappa In Estate ‘Magad: Road, Kamatshipatya, Bangalore $60 079 'NABL Accredited Laboratory as per 180 17025, “Test onder No, BL 1887772018 Dated 200072018 (Reaffirmed 2014), IS 4031 (Part 2) -1999 (Reaffirmed 2013). [ TABLE-1 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF CEMENT REFERENCE IS : 269 ~ 2015 Clause 7 for OPC 53 SL Requirements asper | . Test Conducted Results IS : 269 - 2015 Clause 7 for No. OPC 53. Birla-Al, 1. | Brand of cement (Batch No. - W: 29, - M: 07, ¥:18) 2. | Type of cement * 53 Grade, OPC - Consistency 28.0% Not specified ce : Shall not be less than 4, | Initial setting time 115 Minutes 30 minutos , — = Shall not be more than 5. | Final setting time 305 Minutes 600 mainte Shall not be less than Compressive [> 498 52.0 MPa 27.0MPa strength: | Shall not be less than © | (average of 7 days 57.0 MPa 37.0 MPa three results) Shall not be less than | 28days 75.0 MPa 33.0 MPa FINENESS (by Blaine’s = Shall not be less than 225 7. | air permeability method) 525 mi/kg m/kg 3, [SOUNDNESS (by Le- Lomm Shall not be more than 10mm | Chatelier’s method) ‘ _ ¥ As fumished by the customer. REMARKS: Sample supplied was tested as per guidelines in IS 4031 (Part 3 to 6) 1988 feos 6 of 13 ‘BUREAU VERITAS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED Cansirction Series Laboratory “est order No, BL/1887/72018 45,45, 46.497 Ground & 1" Floor, 1° Main, Pete Chennappa Ind. Etat Dated :2007.2018 Magadi Road, Kamakshipaya, Bangalore 360 079, NABL Accredited Laboratory as per 180 17025 ‘To: Mis. Montcaro Limited, Bangalore Projet: Arvind Oasis Project. TABLE-2 CHARACTERISTICS OF FINE AGGREGATE (MANUFACTURED SAND - MS) a) Loose bulk density 1702 kg/eum ' b) Dry rodded bulk density 1962 kg/eu.m 2. | Specific gravity 2.67 3. | Water absorption 3.0% 4, | Material finer than 75 microns 12.0% 5, _| Sieve Analysi IS Sieve Cumulative Percentage Perea Pasing Designation Retained Passing Zone Zorell pone Il 4.75 mm. 03 99.7 90-100 | 90-100 90-100 2.36 mm 25.0 73.0 60-95 75-100 85-100 1.18 mm 05 50.5 30-70 55-90 75-100 600 pm 61.1 38.9 15-34 35-59 60-79 300 pm TLS 28.5 5-20 830 12-40 150 pm 82.5 175 0-10 0-10 0-10 REMARKS: 1). The sample supplied satisfies the requirements of grading Zone I as per 15:383-2016, According to IS:383-2016 for Crushed Stone Sands, the permissible limit on 150 micron IS Sieve is increased to 20%. This does not affect the 5% allowance permitted in Cl. 6.3 2). As per Table 2, SI. No. 3 of IS: 383 - 2016, for Crushed stone sands, the Material finer than 75 microns IS sieve is Maximum 15% by weight. eros 7 of 13 @) mos BUREAU VERITAS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED Construction Services Laboratory #43, 45,46 & 47, Ground & I Flor, Main, Pete Chemnappa ind. Estate, ‘Magadi Read, Kamakshipaya, Bangalore 560 079 NABL Accredited Laboratory as per ISO 17025 “eat onde No, BL/1687772018 Datod 20072018 To: Mis, Montecarlo Limited, Bangalore Project: Arvind Oasis Projet TABLE -3 CHARACTERISTICS OF COARSE AGGREGATE OF 20mm DOWN SIZE 1. | Shape Angular a) Loose bulk density 1405 kg/cu.m > b) Dry rodded bulk density 1566 kgfeum 3. _ | Specific gravity 2.69 4, | Water absorption 02% 5. _ | Sieve analysis: | Cumulative percent Specification as per IS:383-2016 IS Sieve -_ in respect of 20mm nominal size Designation Retained Passing aggregate (% passing) Graded Single sized 40mm 100 100 100 100 20mm 14.4 85.6 90-100. 85-100 i6mm 387 43 = = 23mm 943 37 = = 10mm 99.2 08 25-55 0-20 04.75 mm 100 0 O10 Os REMARKS: Sample conforms to the requirement of single size aggregate as per 18:383-2016 eee 8 of 13 ‘BUREAU VERITAS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED Construction Serees Laboratory 843,45, 45 & 47, Ground & I Floor, I” Main, Pete Chennappa Ind. Estate, ‘Magodi Road, Kamalshipave, Bangalore S40 079 NABL Accredited Laboratory as per ISO 17025 "Test onder No, BLI1887/72018 Dated :20.072018 ‘To: Mis, Monecarlo Limited, Bangalore Project: Arvind Oasis Projet CHARACTERISTICS OF COARSE AGGREGATE OF 12.5mm DOWN SIZE TABLE-4 1. | Shape Angular a) Loose bulk density 1415 kg/eum 7 b) Dry rodded bulk density 1575 kg/cu.m 3. | Specific gravity 2.69 4. | Water absorption 0.3% 5. | Sieve analysi ‘Cumulative percent Specification as per IS:383-2016 IS Sieve — in respect of 12.5mm nominal size Designation Retained — Passing aggregate (% passing) Graded Single sized 20mm i) 100 100 - Témm 0 100 = 100 125mm 35 96.5 90-100 85-100 10mm 34.4 66 40-85 0-45 4.75 mm 100 0 0-10 0-10 REMARKS: Sample conforms to the requirement of graded aggregate as per I$:383-2016. eee [90f13_] ©) in BUREAU VERITAS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED Consiraction Serices Laboratory 443,48, 6 & 47, Ground & 1" Floor, 1" Main, Pete Chemnappa Indl. Estate ‘Magodt Road, Komatshipalya, Bangalore $60 079 'NABL Accredited Laboratory as per ISO 17025 To: Mis, Montes Limited, Bangalore. Project! Arvind Oasis Projet. “Tet onder No, BL/1887/72018 Dated 20.07.2018 TABLE -5 COMBINED SIEVE ANALYSIS OF 20mm AND 12.5mm COARSE AGGREGATE ‘Cumulative % Requirements of Cumulative | Cumulative | Cumulative | __ passing when ‘Cumulative % passing Sieve Size | % passing | % passing | 20mm and 12.5mm | for 20mm graded (mm) 20mm 125mm aggregates as per 1S:383-2016 40 100 100 100 20 85.6 100 914 90-100 16 413 100 64.8 - 12.5 37 96.5 42.0 - 10 O8 65.6 26.7 25-55 475 0 0 0 0-10 penne bl BUREAU VERITAS (INDIA) PRIVATE LanTED (E92) Construction Sersices Laboratory 143,45, 46 & 47, Ground & 1 Floor, I" Main, Pete Chennapa Ind. Estate, Magadl Road, Komakshipaya, Bangalore 360 079 NABL Accredited Laboratory as per 18017025 ‘To: Mis. Montcaro Limited, Bangalore. Project: Arvind Oasis Project ‘Testocder No. BLIS8772018 Dated: 20.07.2018 QUANTITIES PER CUBIC METER OF CONCRETE (SSD CONDITION) in kgs Mix Designation M20 | M25 | M30 | M35 | M40 | M45 | M50 Cement content 200 | 225 | 240 | 260 | 410 | 430 | 450 GGBS 100 95 120 140 - - - Manufactured sand 833.3 | 8534 | 820.9 | 781.6 | 764.9 | 740.8 | 730.7 20mm Coarse Aggregate 695.7 | 683.8 | 685.3 | 679.9 | 693.6 | 700.4 | 6908 12.5mm Coarse Aggregate 463.8 | 455.9 | 456.8 | 453.3 | 462.4 | 466.9 | 460.6 | Admixture 0.90 | 128 | 1.80 | 200 | 143 1.72 | 270 [Fee Water 156.0 | 1504 | 147.6 | 152.0 | 151.7 | 150.5 | 153.0 11 of 13 £19021 ‘Aq pazqeuy pue sjepiyeur pasodoad ayy Suysn pf IV asivog : pueg pamaynueyy: (SEDO HUOWIAD) — xx “PIT 7a (1) spporwoyy soxs0 S/W Jo QOZ sue St pasn aNDITUpY seen srodax sry sayepyfeaut UoMDars09 Auy -Asoyesoqey aup Jo yeaordde uopusa oxy mnoupE “I[Ny wt yd2oxo “ponpordax oq you jeys Hoday “porsay susoyT 94 0} ATUO ayeIad SIIMSAI OY, -asea ypeo uy ayf8 94} JE pasn spepsayeU Avpnopavd ayy 40y se [Joa se aouapredx9 Jo IST OTP UY suoprpuoa poy ams 0) Kxessaoou aq Aeut SuOPEIYIPOU a{q¥IINS “xTur 9}929009 amp Jo souBULO}JOd peNVe ay) BuLAr9SqO 191) OTP) U PA}. 9q P[noys IAoqu popusurmose suorsodord x1 OUT, (b) wv Ayjeorporsod paytisa puw parjoayo aq [[eys amnyxtuspe Jo ouvuLsoJs0q (€) Ajpansadsor gp : 09 Jo ones tp UI pash aq |[PYS WILUG'Z | 7p WILUNZ Jo ojeRaIBHe assE03 (2) ‘UIs ye paride aq 0) aunystow a9RpINs / ‘uonUayar S4ITIqUYIOM. 4103 poou pure uonrpuoo Supysom ays uo Suxpuadep’ uonwoyDads s soumsemnureur sod se paysnipe diqeuns oq Aeus aimyxtumpe jo AnureNb ax, AION Peds € “T 3 930N, -sowoisno £q paytoads se wuoquo9 JeuoyeR snonAueMaD, “aus 38 payL9A aq 01 SEY SII, adrosqe soyeas 105 won (1) :SYAVWAY # * + ssp oe oer oso €87S6T! 860 ort oz | oc | sew vor 19% oz oso ives svt? wo oz ore | oc | oew odo ‘operd ¢¢ ree vie ogr ovo 9'€ 2997? 1 Lo s6 sz | 0c | SOW | ‘Iveta ou eur ozt ogo Ove SL TET zs0 oor oo | oc | ow r #0) sa99 | wowed cunt g6@ | yenoreut , (wu) sense east | ea) | mmm | “S90 com | | wtina | fans asseaidurog | PEUERO | Jorusiom say pov yenowen | A | ayy | MMO Wwsmans oA 9 | “dams | sq oumxrmpe IN porssSEns saieay sory | WENO TeuOWAE | as | MIN Jo a8es0q SnOHREOSD ‘SLAYONOD WOd (LHOTAM Ad) XIW GA.LSADOAS - 9 aTaVL "wlaLg HED PUIATY = FOTOad gear pour] opDoHOW SW OL Err [xennns soc w'0r: Pew s10z4/.88171 ON 29920 21, ‘8202 O81 40d se Ks0yes0q¢7 PoUps:00y 7BVN 60095 aoqoBu0g ‘osodysyouery ooy IpOsOHY rng ypu eon a OY of 0OLS nf PMCID ‘Lb Ob SP “SHH ro] S28 wo} IRA SHE) “Uvalde (VIQND S¥LRIA WHI () £150 €1 Hodar snp sayepyqeaur uonza1109 Auy © ~Aroweso ge] xp Jo aoadde vay oyp noypia ‘|yny UL daoxe ‘paonposdar 99 30 “paysay swat atp 0} Ayu0 aTe| we “ase youo Uy 918 92 Ie pasn s[ELIO} HUE TeMpEd oy) 104 SE [Ja SE doUDLIOdXO Jo 91 Suop{puod ppey Ins 07 Aawssovou oq Aeu suOALOYFPou! a[qENNE “xTUE 949909 oyp Jo doUBULLOJOd JeNIOE Dy) BupAr9sqo Aq pazqjeuy pur spetsoyeur pasodoad ay Suisn pjoyy oy) UT pa} aq pnoys aoge papuotmutosos suopzodosd xrut ouLL (+) “aus 18 Ajjeorpouied payin pue paxaoyo aq [[eYs ommpxTUUpE Jo aouRUUIOJ.9¢ (¢) Ayeanaadsar gp : 99 Jo ones ay) Ur pasn oq [feUS UNUG'Z] Ip UIINZ Jo oIUBausBe asse0> (Z) “anise paride oq 01 oanysious aoeyims / uondsosqe Jaye 10] UONOMIOD (1) :SYAVWAY 1 930N Riealalsc. “sowroysno amp Xq poytoods se yuoquos woul = oyedoiTBy osteo) : puvg posnjougnURPY : WUOWID — gay “OS Je PayLOA og 0} Sey Sty], * “PIT Ad (D sjeonuays oors04 S/W Jo OOF Xiu St posnamxIUpy + “uonuaier Sinqeyiom 410} paou pure uoR!puos Supyiom ays wo Suxpuadap’ uonvoyPvads s am>eynuew rad se paysnipe Arquiins aq Kew amnyxtuipe jo

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