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Unit 5 One world
5.1 Vocabulary
across 60 prep əˈkrɒs

active volcano 60 n phr ˌæktɪv vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ

along 60 prep əˈlɒŋ

appear 61 v əˈpɪə
bank 60 n bæŋk
bay 61 n beɪ

burst 60 v bɜːst

capital city 61 n ˌkæpətl ˈsɪti

cattle 61 n ˈkætl

central 60 adj ˈsentrəl

city 60 n ˈsɪti
coast 60 n kəʊst
control 60 v kənˈtrəʊl

country 61 n ˈkʌntri
crack 61 n kræk
crops 61 n krɒps
dam 60 n dæm

dangerous 60 adj ˈdeɪndʒərəs

destroy 60 v dɪˈstrɔɪ

destruction 61 n dɪˈstrʌkʃən
die 61 v daɪ
drought 60 n draʊt

dry 61 adj draɪ

earthquake 60 n ˈɜːθkweɪk

erupt 61 v ɪˈrʌpt
eruption 61 n ɪˈrʌpʃən

evacuate 61 v ɪˈvækjueɪt
evacuation 61 n ɪˌvækjuˈeɪʃən
experience 60 v ɪkˈspɪəriəns
explode 61 v ɪkˈspləʊd
extinct volcano 61 n phr ɪkˌstɪŋkt vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ
extreme weather 61 n phr ɪkˌstriːm ˈweðə
fall 61 v fɔːl

feed 61 v fiːd
flight 61 n flaɪt

flood (1) 60 n flʌd

flood (2) 60 v flʌd
flow 60 v fləʊ

foothills 60 n ˈfʊt hɪlz

forecaster 61 n ˈfɔːˌkɑːstə
geographical features 61 n phr ˌdʒiːəˌɡræfɪkəl
glacier 60 n ˈɡlæsiə

government 60 n ˈɡʌvəmənt

ground 61 n ɡraʊnd
heavy rain 61 n phr ˌhevi ˈreɪn
hill 61 n hɪl
hurricane 60 n ˈhʌrəkən

island 60 n ˈaɪlənd
kill 60 v kɪl

land 61 n lænd
local area 61 n phr ˌləʊkəl ˈeəriə
locate 60 v ləʊˈkeɪt
location  61 n ləʊˈkeɪʃən
major 60 adj ˈmeɪdʒə

mountain 61 n ˈmaʊntən
mountain range 61 n ˈmaʊntən reɪndʒ
natural disaster 60 n ˌnætʃərəl dɪˈzɑːstə

northern 60 adj ˈnɔːðən

one day 61 adv phr ˌwʌn ˈdeɪ

overlook 61 v ˌəʊvəˈlʊk

peninsula 60 n pəˈnɪnsjələ
population 61 n ˌpɒpjəˈleɪʃən
predict 61 v prɪˈdɪkt
prediction  61 n prɪˈdɪkʃən
produce 61 v prəˈdjuːs
production 61 n prəˈdʌkʃən

reduce 60 v rɪˈdjuːs

reduction 61 n rɪˈdʌkʃən
risk 60 n rɪsk

river 60 n ˈrɪvə

rock 61 n rɒk
scientist 60 n ˈsaɪəntəst

sea 61 n siː
send something out 61 phr v ˌsend ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈaʊt
shake 61 v ʃeɪk
situate 61 v ˈsɪtʃueɪt

south 61 adv saʊθ

strike 60 v straɪk

stunning view 61 n phr ˌstʌnɪŋ ˈvjuː

surround 60 v səˈraʊnd
tornado 61 n tɔːˈneɪdəʊ
tsunami 60 n tsʊˈnɑːmi
tsunami zone 60 n tsʊˈnɑːmi zəʊn
valley 60 n ˈvæli

volcano 60 n vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ
wave 61 n weɪv
weather forecast 61 n ˈweðə ˌfɔːkɑːst

The river flows for 5,464 kilometres from the glaciers of Tibet, across northern
and central China and along the foothills of the Himalayas.
Vesuvius is an active volcano and it has erupted many times.
The river flows for 5,464 kilometres from the glaciers of Tibet, across northern
and central China and along the foothills of the Himalayas.
During an earthquake the ground shakes and cracks appear.
I live in Zhengzhou on the banks of the Yellow River.
Naples is situated on the Bay of Naples and the famous volcano, Mount Vesuvius,
overlooks the city.
Our government is building twenty-six dams to control the river and reduce the
risks, but I’m still worried that it will burst its banks and flood my city
The capital city of my country is on the coast.
The drought continues in Texas. Cattle are dying and milk production has fallen
by fifty percent.
The river flows for 5,464 kilometres from the glaciers of Tibet, across northern
and central China and along the foothills of the Himalayas.
The city is situated on a peninsula, so it is surrounded by water.
I live on the coast in a tsunami zone.
Our government is building twenty-six dams to control the river and reduce the
risks, but I’m still worried that it will burst its banks and flood my city.
The capital city of my country is on the coast.
During an earthquake the ground shakes and cracks appear.
Without rain, farmers can’t produce crops to feed the animals.
Our government is building twenty-six dams to control the river and reduce the
risks, but I’m still worried that it will burst its banks and flood my city.
What’s the most dangerous thing about the place where you live?
100 years ago, there was a major earthquake in San Francisco – it killed 3,000
people and destroyed eighty percent of the city.
The floods brought death and destruction to the area.
Four million people died when the Yellow River flooded in 1931.
At the moment, the worst thing is the drought because without rain, farmers can’t
produce crops to feed the animals.
Eastern areas should stay dry tomorrow.
We get small earthquakes all the time, but scientists think a major earthquake will
strike in the next thirty years.
Vesuvius is an active volcano and it has erupted many times.
The worst eruption of Vesuvius was in 79AD and it destroyed the Roman cities of
Pompeii and Herculaneum.
It would take seventy-two hours to evacuate Naples and the surrounding cities.
Police ordered the evacuation of the building.
Have you ever experienced a drought, a hurricane or an earthquake?
A volcano is a mountain that can explode and send out hot rocks.
An extinct volcano does not erupt any more.
The weather can be extreme, so we just have to check the weather forecast
The drought continues in Texas. Cattle are dying and milk production has fallen
by fifty percent.
Without rain, farmers can’t produce crops to feed the animals.
After the recent volcanic eruption, the government has reduced the number of
flights in and out of Naples.
The worst flood was in 1931 – four million people died.
The Yellow River is dangerous because it floods a lot.
The river flows for 5,464 kilometres from the glaciers of Tibet, across northern
and central China and along the foothills of the Himalayas.
The river flows for 5,464 kilometres from the glaciers of Tibet, across northern
and central China and along the foothills of the Himalayas.
Forecasters are predicting that the summer will be hotter and drier than usual.
What are the main geographical features of Belgium?

The river flows for 5,464 kilometres from the glaciers of Tibet, across northern
and central China and along the foothills of the Himalayas.
Our government is building twenty-six dams to control the river and reduce the
risks, but I’m still worried that it will burst its banks and flood my city
During an earthquake the ground shakes and cracks appear.
The Chinese weather centre have predicted more floods after more heavy rain.
Hills that overlook famous cities sometimes give you stunning views.
Hurricane Katrina, which struck the Gulf Coast on August 29, 2005, was the
largest and third most intense hurricane ever recorded in the US.
Cyprus is an island.
100 years ago, there was a major earthquake in San Francisco – it killed 3,000
people and destroyed eighty percent of the city.
The crocodile lays its eggs on land.
A river can burst its banks and flood the local area.
San Francisco is located on a peninsula, so it is surrounded by water.
His apartment is in a really good location.
100 years ago, there was a major earthquake in San Francisco – it killed 3,000
people and destroyed eighty percent of the city.
A volcano is a mountain that can explode and send out hot rocks.
Are the foothills of the nearest mountain range very far away?
Four people tell us what it’s like to live in a place where natural disasters have
happened before and will probably happen again.
The river flows for 5,464 kilometres from the glaciers of Tibet, across northern
and central China and along the foothills of the Himalayas.
It’s possible that an earthquake will strike one day.
Naples is situated on the Bay of Naples and the famous volcano, Mount Vesuvius,
overlooks the city.
San Francisco is located on a peninsula, so it is surrounded by water.
Naples is Italy’s third largest city, with a population of nearly one million people.
It’s impossible to predict when Vesuvius will erupt again.
The data can be used to make useful economic predictions.
Without rain, farmers can’t produce crops to feed the animals.
The drought continues in Texas. Cattle are dying and milk production has fallen
by fifty percent.
Our government is building twenty-six dams to control the river and reduce the
risks, but I’m still worried that it will burst its banks and flood my city.
We discussed the new strategies for noise reduction.
Our government is building twenty-six dams to control the river and reduce the
risks, but I’m still worried that it will burst its banks and flood my city.
400 million people live in the river valley, but the Yellow River is dangerous
because it floods a lot.
A volcano is a mountain that can explode and send out hot rocks.
We get small earthquakes all the time, but scientists think a major earthquake will
strike in the next thirty years.
Rivers usually flow from the mountains to the sea.
A volcano is a mountain that can explode and send out hot rocks.
During an earthquake the ground shakes and cracks appear.
Naples is situated on the Bay of Naples and the famous volcano, Mount Vesuvius,
overlooks the city.
The centre of the earthquake was located twenty kilometres south of the city.
We get small earthquakes all the time, but scientists think a major earthquake will
strike in the next thirty years.
Hills that overlook famous cities sometimes give you stunning views.
San Francisco is located on a peninsula, so it is surrounded by water.
Here in Dallas, Texas, we get tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and droughts.
Japanese authorities are looking for new projects that could reduce the risk of
I live on the coast in a tsunami zone.
400 million people live in the river valley, but the Yellow River is dangerous
because it floods a lot.
A volcano is a mountain that can explode and send out hot rocks.
A huge wave struck Jamaica, killing 2,000 people.
The weather can be extreme, so we just have to check the weather forecast
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
5.2 Grammar
across 62 prep əˈkrɒs
city 62 n ˈsɪti
common 62 adj ˈkɒmən
continent 62 n ˈkɒntənənt
country 62 n ˈkʌntri
countryside 62 n ˈkʌntrisaɪd
economic growth 62 n ˌekəˌnɒmɪk ˈɡrəʊθ

education 62 n ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃən
exist 62 v ɪɡˈzɪst
farmer 62 n ˈfɑːmə
free 62 adj friː
grow (1) 62 v ɡrəʊ

grow (2) 62 v ɡrəʊ

health care 62 n ˈhelθ keə

improve 62 v ɪmˈpruːv

industrial area 62 n ɪnˌdʌstriəl ˈeəriə

inhabitant 62 n ɪnˈhæbətənt
innovation 62 n ˌɪnəˈveɪʃən

invent 62 v ɪnˈvent
locate 62 v ləʊˈkeɪt
major 62 adj ˈmeɪdʒə
megacity 62 n ˌmeɡəˈsɪti
plant 62 n plɑːnt

pollution 62 n pəˈluːʃən
poverty 62 n ˈpɒvəti
provide 62 v prəˈvaɪd

public transport 62 n ˌpʌblɪk ˈtrænspɔːt

solution 62 n səˈluːʃən

space 62 n speɪs
the north 62 n ðə ˈnɔːθ
the United Nations 62 n ðə juːˌnaɪtəd
tiny 62 adj ˈtaɪni
total 62 n ˈtəʊtl

vertical 62 adj ˈvɜːtɪkəl

world population 62 n ˌwɜːld ˌpɒpjəˈleɪʃən

Across the globe there are 27 megacities.

The city is situated on a peninsula, so it is surrounded by water.
Megacities are more common in Asia, particularly in India and China.
Asia is the largest continent in the world.
The capital city of my country is on the coast.
For the first time in history, more people live in cities than in the countryside.
Because of economic growth, food has improved, health care has improved and
people are living longer.
In our country education and health care are free.
Does poverty exist in big cities?
Jack Ng, a farmer, has invented a vertical farm.
In our country education and health care are free.
During the twentieth century, the population of the world grew from 1.65 billion
to 6 billion.
The tiny country has very little space to grow food.
Because of economic growth, food has improved, health care has improved and
people are living longer.
Because of economic growth, food has improved, health care has improved and
people are living longer.
Some people think pollution is only a problem in major industrial areas.
Across the globe there are 27 megacities – cities with more than 10 million
One small country may have found a solution: Singapore is a country which is
famous for innovation.
Jack Ng, a farmer, has invented a vertical farm.
The capital city is located in the north.
Some people think pollution is only a problem in major industrial areas.
Across the globe there are 27 megacities – cities with more than 10 million
The vertical farm only produces a few different kinds of vegetable but there are
plans to expand it to include more plants.
Some people think pollution is only a problem in major industrial areas.
Millions of elderly people live in poverty.
The biggest problem that megacities have is how to provide food and water for
their inhabitants.
More and more people travel on public transport to work.
One small country may have found a solution: Singapore is a country which is
famous for innovation.
This tiny country has very little space to grow food.
The capital city is located in the north.
Across the globe there are 27 megacities, and by 2025 the United Nations predicts
the total will be 36.
This tiny country has very little space to grow food.
Across the globe there are 27 megacities, and by 2025 the United Nations predicts
the total will be 36.
Jack Ng, a farmer, has invented a vertical farm.
What was the world population in 1900?
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
5.3 Listening
admit 63 v ədˈmɪt

after-school club 63 n phr ˌɑːftə ˌskuːl  ˈklʌb

air quality 63 n ˈeə ˌkwɒləti

bicycle rack 63 n ˈbaɪsɪkəl ræk

car park 63 n ˈkɑː pɑːk

climate change 63 n ˈklaɪmət tʃeɪndʒ

comment 63 v ˈkɒment
concentrate on 63 phr v ˈkɒnsəntreɪt ɒn
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
eco-school 63 n ˈiːkəʊ ˌskuːl
environment 63 n ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt

environmental 63 adj ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl

environmentally 63 adj phr ɪnˌvaɪərənˌmentəli
friendly ˈfrendli
farm 63 n fɑːm
fast food canteen 63 n ˈfɑːst fuːd kænˌtiːn

global warming 63 n ˌɡləʊbəl ˈwɔːmɪŋ

issue 63 n ˈɪʃuː
light 63 n laɪt

locate 63 v ləʊˈkeɪt
low-energy light bulb 63 n phr ˌləʊ ˌenədʒi ˈlaɪt
organic 63 adj ɔːˈɡænɪk
poor 63 adj pɔː

protect the 63 v phr prəˌtekt ði ɪn

environment ˈvaɪrənmənt
recycle 63 v ˌriːˈsaɪkəl

recycling 63 n riːˈsaɪklɪŋ

recycling bin 63 n riːˈsaɪklɪŋ bɪn

renewable energy 63 n rɪˌnjuːəbəl ˈenədʒi
responsible 63 adj rɪˈspɒnsəbəl
Science 63 n ˈsaɪəns
secondary school 63 n ˈsekəndəri skuːl
solar panel 63 n ˌsəʊlə ˈpænl
Technology 63 n tekˈnɒlədʒi
turn something off 63 phr v ˌtɜːn ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈɒf

two-thirds 63 n ˌtuː ˈθɜːdz

unnecessary 63 adj ʌnˈnesəsəri

vegetable 63 n ˈvedʒtəbəl

vegetable garden 63 n ˈvedʒtəbəl ˌɡɑːdn

worry 63 n ˈwʌri

Did you know that two-thirds of British teenagers admit they can do more to
protect the environment?
About a year and a half ago, one of our teachers started an after-school club called
‘Friends of the Planet’.
British teenagers’ top three environmental worries are: poor air quality, global
warming, not enough recycling.
There was no bicycle rack in front of the supermarket, so I had to secure my bike
to a road sign.
It has been decided that the car park next to the city forest will be extended.
In our Science lessons we’ll focus more on environmental issues like climate
change and global warming.
The interviewer comments that Michael is probably not a typical teenager.
Science and Technology lessons will concentrate a lot on environmental issues.

Our eco-school will grow vegetables, and we’ll use them for school dinners.
Did you know that two-thirds of British teenagers admit they can do more to
protect the environment?
Our government is not interested in environmental issues.
We want to make environmentally friendly changes to schools.

We buy all our vegetables from a local farm.

We have numerous fast food canteens selling hot dogs, fish and chips, burgers,
bacon sandwiches, fizzy drinks and more.
British teenagers’ top three environmental worries are: poor air quality, global
warming, not enough recycling.
Science and Technology lessons will concentrate a lot on environmental issues.
British teenagers say they could recycle more, turn off unnecessary lights and
spend less time in the shower.
San Francisco is located on a peninsula, so it is surrounded by water.
Everybody should use low-energy light bulbs to save electricity.

Thanks to the vegetable garden, our school dinners will be very organic and cheap.
British teenagers’ top three environmental worries are: poor air quality, global
warming, not enough recycling.
Did you know that two-thirds of British teenagers admit they can do more to
protect the environment?
British teenagers say they could recycle more, turn off unnecessary lights and
spend less time in the shower.
British teenagers’ top three environmental worries are: poor air quality, global
warming, not enough recycling.
There aren’t enough recycling bins in my area.
Governments should support renewable energy such as solar power or wind
We are responsible for the future of the planet.
Does your school have Science lessons on global warming?
Our ‘Friends of the Planet’ group has members from six other secondary schools.
We have solar panels on the roof of the school – there are fifty panels altogether.
Does your school have Technology lessons on renewable energy?
British teenagers say they could recycle more, turn off unnecessary lights and
spend less time in the shower.
Did you know that two-thirds of British teenagers admit they can do more to
protect the environment?
British teenagers say they could recycle more, turn off unnecessary lights and
spend less time in the shower.
Our eco-school will grow vegetables in our vegetable garden, and we’ll use them
for school dinners.
Our eco-school will grow vegetables in our vegetable garden, and we’ll use them
for school dinners.
What are your top three environmental worries?
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
5.4 Reading
affect 64 v əˈfekt
air pollution 64 n ˈeə pəˌluːʃən
anybody 64 pron ˈeniˌbɒdi

area 65 n ˈeəriə
bring a story to the 65 v phr ˌbrɪŋ ə ˌstɔːri tə ðə
global community ˌɡləʊbəl kəˈmjuːnəti
bring something alive 64 v phr ˌbrɪŋ ˌsʌmθɪŋ əˈlaɪv
canyon 65 n ˈkænjən
climate change 64 n ˈklaɪmət tʃeɪndʒ

combine 65 v kəmˈbaɪn

come across 64 phr v ˌkʌm əˈkrɒs ˌsʌmθɪŋ

community 64 n kəˈmjuːnəti

culture 65 n ˈkʌltʃə

cut the grass 64 v phr ˌkʌt ðə ˈɡrɑːs

cute 64 adj kjuːt

deforestation 64 n diːˌfɒrəˈsteɪʃən

dense 64 adj dens

dense rainforest 64 n phr ˌdens ˈreɪnˌfɒrəst

desert 64 n ˈdezət

destroy 64 v dɪˈstrɔɪ

earth 64 n ɜːθ

elect 65 v ɪˈlekt
employee 64 n ɪmˈplɔɪiː

endanger 64 v ɪnˈdeɪndʒə
endangered species 64 n ɪnˌdeɪndʒəd ˈspiːʃiːz

environment 65 n ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt

environmental 64 adj ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl

experience 65 v ɪkˈspɪəriəns

explore 65 v ɪkˈsplɔː

export 64 v ɪkˈspɔːt
forest 64 n ˈfɒrəst
forever 65 adv fərˈevə

fun 65 adj fʌn

global community 64 n ˌɡləʊbəl kəˈmjuːnəti
global warming 64 n ˌɡləʊbəl ˈwɔːmɪŋ

goat 64 n ɡəʊt
google 64 v ˈɡuːɡəl
headquarters 64 n ˈhedˌkwɔːtəz
help somebody do 65 v phr ˌhelp ˌsʌmbɒdi ˈduː
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
holiday destination 64 n ˈhɒlɪdeɪ ˌdestə
illegal 64 adj ɪˈliːɡəl
imagine doing 64 v phr ɪˌmædʒən ˈduːɪŋ
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
interactive map 64 n ˌɪntərˌæktɪv ˈmæp
Internet connection 64 n ˈɪntənet kəˌnekʃən
invade 65 v ɪnˈveɪd
issue 64 n ˈɪʃuː
knowledge of 65 n phr ˈnɒlɪdʒ əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ
land 65 n lænd
lawn mower 64 n ˈlɔːn ˌməʊə

leader 64 n ˈliːdə

local community 64 n ˌləʊkəl kəˈmjuːnəti

logger 65 n ˈlɒɡə
logging 64 n ˈlɒɡɪŋ
mathematical 64 adj ˌmæθəˈmætɪkəl

modern technology 65 n phr ˌmɒdn tekˈnɒlədʒi

neighbourhood 64 n ˈneɪbəhʊd
one of the leaders 65 n phr ˌwʌn əv ðə ˈliːdəz
outside world 64 n phr ˌaʊtsaɪd ˈwɜːld
overpopulation 64 n ˌəʊvəpɒpjəˈleɪʃən
people 65 n ˈpiːpəl

plant 64 n plɑːnt
pollution 64 n pəˈluːʃən
rainforest 64 n ˈreɪnˌfɒrəst
raise awareness of 64 v phr ˌreɪz əˈweənəs əv
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
recycling 64 n riːˈsaɪklɪŋ

satellite technology 64 n ˈsætəlaɪt tekˌnɒlədʒi

set up a company 65 phr v set ˌʌp ə ˈkʌmpəni

share 65 v ʃeə

southern 65 ˈsʌðən
species (plural: 64 n ˈspiːʃiːz
survive 64 v səˈvaɪv

take action 64 v phr ˌteɪk ˈækʃən

team 64 n tiːm
tool 65 n tuːl

trainer 65 n ˈtreɪnə

tribe 64 n traɪb

upload 65 v ʌpˈləʊd

valley 65 n ˈvæli
virtual 65 adj ˈvɜːtʃuəl
way of life 64 n ˌweɪ əv ˈlaɪf
wildlife 64 n ˈwaɪldlaɪf

wood 64 n wʊd

Deforestation affects the global community as well as Amazonian tribes.

Air pollution from traffic fumes affects mostly big cities.
Now anybody can ‘visit’ anywhere on earth – places you never imagined visiting,
such as Antarctica and the Sahara Desert.
Eastern areas should stay dry tomorrow.
He looked for ways to bring the story of his people to the global community and
raise awareness of their problems.
Teachers sometimes use Google Earth to bring lessons alive.
With Google Earth, you can travel through the valleys of the Grand Canyon.
Google Earth can inform people about environmental issues, such as deforestation,
endangered species and climate change.
They combined modern technology with the tribe’s traditional knowledge of the
I use Google Maps to look at places I’ve come across in books or films.

Without the forest, the Surui community would not survive and they knew they
had to take action.
When Google Earth first appeared, nobody could have imagined that an
Amazonian tribe would use this tool to help them protect their environment and
employs 200 goats to cut the grass at Google headquarters.
Google employs 200 goats to cut the grass at Google headquarters – much cuter
than lawn mowers!
Google Earth can inform people about environmental issues, such as deforestation,
endangered species and climate change.
A narrow track wound steeply up through dense forest.
Teachers use Google Earth to bring History and Geography lessons alive: you can
learn how the Romans lived by exploring Pompeii in southern Italy, experience a
dense rainforest or even travel through the valleys of the Grand Canyon.
Now anybody can ‘visit’ anywhere on earth – places you never imagined visiting,
such as Antarctica and the Sahara Desert.
The tribal chief understood that deforestation was destroying plants and wildlife
and causing global warming.
Now anybody can ‘visit’ anywhere on earth – places you never imagined visiting,
such as Antarctica and the Sahara Desert.
They elected Chief Almir as one of the leaders of the tribe.
Google employees are allowed to use twenty percent of their working time on
their own projects.
We should do everything to save endangered plants and wildlife.
Google Earth can inform people about environmental issues, such as deforestation,
endangered species and climate change.
When Google Earth first appeared, nobody could have imagined that an
Amazonian tribe would use this tool to help them protect their environment and
their culture.
Our government is not interested in environmental issues.
With Google Earth, you can experience a dense rainforest or travel through the
valleys of the Grand Canyon.
With Google Earth, you can even learn how the Romans lived by exploring
Pompeii in southern Italy.
Illegal logging is big business in Brazil and the wood is exported all over the
Without the forest, the Surui community would not survive and they knew they
had to take action.
When Google Earth was set up in 2005, satellite technology changed forever the
way we see the world and we all became global tourists.
Google Earth is not just a fun way to explore the world.
Deforestation affects the global community as well as Amazonian tribes.
The tribal chief understood that deforestation was destroying plants and wildlife
and causing global warming.
Google employs 200 goats to cut the grass at Google headquarters.
I tried to google it, but I didn’t find anything.
Google employs 200 goats to cut the grass at Google headquarters.
When Google Earth first appeared, nobody could have imagined that an
Amazonian tribe would use this tool to help them protect their environment and
people use Google Maps to check out holiday destinations.
Illegal logging is big business in Brazil and the wood is exported all over the
Now anybody can ‘visit’ anywhere on earth – places you never imagined visiting,
such as Antarctica and the Sahara Desert.
Chief Almir knew that the interactive maps on Google Earth could help him.
To use Google Earth, you need an Internet connection.
Then illegal loggers started to invade their land and destroy the forest.
Science and Technology lessons will concentrate a lot on environmental issues.
They combined modern technology with the tribe’s traditional knowledge of the
Then illegal loggers started to invade their land and destroy the forest.
Google employs 200 goats to cut the grass at Google headquarters – much cuter
than lawn mowers!
Chief Almir, a leader of the Surui tribe, found Google Earth on the Internet and
asked them for help.
The tribal chief wanted to show the effects of deforestation, not only on his local
community, but on a global scale too.
Then illegal loggers started to invade their land and destroy the forest.
Illegal logging is big business in Brazil and the wood is exported all over the
The name Google is based on googol – a mathematical term that means ‘1
followed by 100 zeros’.
They combined modern technology with the tribe’s traditional knowledge of the
I use Google Maps to see my own home and neighbourhood.
They elected Chief Almir as one of the leaders of the tribe.
The Surui tribe didn’t have regular contact with the outside world before 1969.
Overpopulation is a global problem.
He looked for ways to bring the story of his people to the global community and
raise awareness of their problems.
We should do everything to save endangered plants and wildlife.
California introduced tough anti-pollution laws.
The Surui tribe live in the middle of the Amazon rainforest of Brazil.
Chief Amir wanted to raise awareness of his tribe’s problems.

British teenagers’ top three environmental worries are: poor air quality, global
warming, not enough recycling.
Google Earth is possible because of satellite technology.
When Google Earth was set up in 2005, satellite technology changed forever the
way we see the world and we all became global tourists.
The Surui tribe uploaded videos to Google Earth to share their way of life with
people around the world.
With Google Earth, you can even learn how the Romans lived by exploring
Pompeii in southern Italy.
Seven species of birds of prey have been observed.

Without the forest, the Surui community would not survive and they knew they
had to take action.
Without the forest, the Surui community would not survive and they knew they
had to take action.
For five years the Surui tribe and Google worked as a team.
When Google Earth first appeared, nobody could have imagined that an
Amazonian tribe would use this tool to help them protect their environment and
sent trainers to teach Surui teenagers how to use mobile phones to create
YouTube videos and then upload them to Google Earth.
Chief Almir, a leader of the Surui tribe, found Google Earth on the Internet and
asked them for help.
Google sent trainers to teach Surui teenagers how to use mobile phones to create
YouTube videos and then upload them to Google Earth.
With Google Earth, you can travel through the valleys of the Grand Canyon.
All you need for your virtual world trip is a computer and an Internet connection.
You can learn about the Surui way of life on the Internet.
The tribal chief understood that deforestation was destroying plants and wildlife
and causing global warming.
Illegal logging is big business in Brazil and the wood is exported all over the
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
5.5 Grammar
aggressive 66 adj əˈɡresɪv

attack 66 v əˈtæk

beach 66 n biːtʃ
break a leg 66 v phr ˌbreɪk ə ˈleɡ
brush 66 v brʌʃ

cage 66 n keɪdʒ

climb 66 v klaɪm

come across 66 phr v ˌkʌm əˈkrɒs ˌsʌmθɪŋ

dolphin 66 n ˈdɒlfən

elephant 66 n ˈeləfənt

every so often 66 adv phr ˌevri səʊ ˈɒfən

fall off something 66 v phr ˌfɔːl ˈɒf ˌsʌmθɪŋ

feed 66 v fiːd
female 66 adj ˈfiːmeɪl

gently 66 adv ˈdʒentli

gorilla 66 n ɡəˈrɪlə
helicopter 66 n ˈheləkɒptə
herd 66 n hɜːd

injured 66 adj ˈɪndʒəd

leader 66 n ˈliːdə

let go of something 66 v phr ˌlet ˈɡəʊ əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ

lift 66 v lɪft

make a complete 66 v phr ˌmeɪk ə kəmˌpliːt rɪ

recovery ˈkʌvəri
off 66 prep ɒf
owe something to 66 v ˈəʊ ˌsʌmθɪŋ tə
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi
protect somebody 66 v prəˈtekt ˌsʌmbɒdi
from something frəm ˌsʌmθɪŋ
rancher 66 n ˈrɑːntʃə

reach 66 v riːtʃ
rescuer 66 n ˈreskjuːə
shark 66 n ʃɑːk
surf 66 v sɜːf
surfboard 66 n ˈsɜːfbɔːd
surround 66 v səˈraʊnd

the bush 66 n ðə ˈbʊʃ

toddler 66 n ˈtɒdlə

transport 66 v trænˈspɔːt
trunk 66 n trʌŋk

unconscious 66 adj ʌnˈkɒnʃəs

warning 66 n ˈwɔːnɪŋ
watch over somebody 66 phr v ˌwɒtʃ ˈəʊvə
whale 66 n weɪl

The leader of the herd, which is usually the largest, oldest and most aggressive
female elephant, attacked him and he fell off his horse.
The leader of the herd, which is usually the largest, oldest and most aggressive
female elephant, attacked him and he fell off his horse.
Todd Endris, who lived next to the beach, was out on his surfboard.
Later, rescuers found the rancher, whose leg was broken.
For the rest of the day she watched over him, brushing him gently with her trunk
every so often.
The toddler wanted a better view of the gorillas, so he climbed a wall and fell six
metres into the gorilla cage.
The toddler wanted a better view of the gorillas, so he climbed a wall and fell six
metres into the gorilla cage.
A rancher, who was working in the bush, came across a small herd of about
twenty elephants.
The dolphins had surrounded the injured surfer and were protecting him from the
A rancher, who was working in the bush, came across a small herd of about
twenty elephants.
For the rest of the day she watched over him, brushing him gently with her trunk
every so often.
The leader of the herd, which is usually the largest, oldest and most aggressive
female elephant, attacked him and he fell off his horse.
A female gorilla was feeding her baby.
The leader of the herd, which is usually the largest, oldest and most aggressive
female elephant, attacked him and he fell off his horse.
The gorilla lifted the boy up gently and carried him to the door.
An American boy owes his life to a gorilla at Brookfield Zoo.
A helicopter transported him to hospital.
A rancher, who was working in the bush, came across a small herd of about
twenty elephants.
The dolphins had surrounded the injured surfer and were protecting him from the
The leader of the herd, which is usually the largest, oldest and most aggressive
female elephant, attacked him and he fell off his horse.
Suddenly, the shark let go of his leg.
The rancher told his rescuers that the elephant had lifted him with her trunk and
placed him under a tree.
The boy spent four days in hospital, where he made a complete recovery.

It was a perfect day for surfing off the coast of California.

An American boy owes his life to a gorilla at Brookfield Zoo.

The dolphins had surrounded the injured surfer and were protecting him from the
A rancher, who was working in the bush, came across a small herd of about
twenty elephants.
Three friends helped Todd get back on his board and reach the beach.
Later, rescuers found the rancher, whose leg was broken.
Todd’s friend saw the huge shark and at first thought it was a whale.
It was a perfect day for surfing off the coast of California.
Todd Endris, who lived next to the beach, was out on his surfboard.
The dolphins had surrounded the injured surfer and were protecting him from the
A rancher, who was working in the bush, came across a small herd of about
twenty elephants.
The toddler wanted a better view of the gorillas, so he climbed a wall and fell six
metres into the gorilla cage.
A helicopter transported him to hospital.
The rancher told his rescuers that the elephant had lifted him with her trunk and
placed him under a tree.
The gorilla went over to the boy, who was unconscious.
Without warning, something hit him from under the water.
For the rest of the day she watched over him, brushing him gently with her trunk
every so often.
Todd’s friend saw the huge shark and at first thought it was a whale.
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
5.6 Speaking
amusing 67 adj əˈmjuːzɪŋ
attractive 67 adj əˈtræktɪv
beach 67 n biːtʃ
clear-up 67 n ˈklɪər ʌp
clever 67 adj ˈklevə
documentary 67 n ˌdɒkjəˈmentəri
eco-school 67 n ˈiːkəʊ ˌskuːl
effective 67 adj ɪˈfektɪv
environment 67 n ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt

environmental 67 n phr ɪnˌvaɪrənˌmentl

problem ˈprɒbləm
focus on something 67 v ˈfəʊkəs ɒn ˌsʌmθɪŋ
future 67 n ˈfjuːtʃə
global warming 67 n ˌɡləʊbəl ˈwɔːmɪŋ

logo 67 n ˈləʊɡəʊ
message 67 n ˈmesɪdʒ
one 67 pron wʌn
planet 67 n ˈplænət
put up posters 67 v phr ˌpʊt ʌp ˈpəʊstəz
recycling plant 67 n riːˈsaɪklɪŋ plɑːnt
responsible for 67 adj rɪˈspɒnsəbəl fə
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
sunshine 67 n ˈsʌnʃaɪn
vegetable 67 n ˈvedʒtəbəl

weather expert 67 n ˈweðər ˌekspɜːt


These logos are attractive and amusing.

These logos are attractive and amusing.
The teacher is planning to take students to a beach clear-up.
The teacher is planning to take students to a beach clear-up.
This logo is clever and effective.
How about watching a documentary in class?
Our eco-school will grow vegetables, and we’ll use them for school dinners.
This logo is clever and effective.
Did you know that two-thirds of British teenagers admit they can do more to
protect the environment?
A visit to a recycling plant would help students understand environmental
These logos focus on the environment.
We are responsible for the future of the planet.
British teenagers’ top three environmental worries are: poor air quality, global
warming, not enough recycling.
This logo is clever and effective.
This logo has a serious message about learning.
Let’s start with this one.
The words suggest that we are responsible for the future of the planet.
We could put up posters in the classrooms.
A visit to a recycling plant would help students understand environmental
We are responsible for the future of the planet.

Global warming doesn’t mean more sunshine.

Our eco-school will grow vegetables in our vegetable garden, and we’ll use them
for school dinners.
Let’s organise a talk by a weather expert.
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
5.7 Writing
amazed 68 adj əˈmeɪzd

attraction 68 n əˈtrækʃən
be found 69 v phr ˌbi ˈfaʊnd
beggar 68 n ˈbeɡə
benefit from 68 v ˈbenəfɪt frəm
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
choose to do 68 v phr ˌtʃuːz tə ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ
depression 69 n dɪˈpreʃən
die from something 68 v ˈdaɪ frəm ˌsʌmθɪŋ

disease 68 n dɪˈziːz

electricity 68 n ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti
endangered species 69 n ɪnˌdeɪndʒəd ˈspiːʃiːz
first of all 68 adv phr ˌfɜːst əv ˈɔːl
fly 69 v flaɪ
forest 68 n ˈfɒrəst

freely 69 adv ˈfriːli

furthermore 68 adv ˌfɜːðəˈmɔː

genetics 69 n dʒəˈnetɪks
get access to 68 v phr ˌɡet ˈækses tə
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
high technology 68 n phr ˌhaɪ tekˈnɒlədʒi
instant communication 68 adj ˌɪnstənt kəˌmjuːnə
join 68 v dʒɔɪn
keep animals in zoos 69 v phr ˌkiːp ˌænɪməlz ɪn
leave somebody alone 68 v phr ˌliːv ˌsʌmbɒdi ə
level 68 n ˈlevəl
low 68 adj ləʊ
make contact with 68 v phr ˌmeɪk ˈkɒntækt wɪð
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi
medicine 68 n ˈmedsən
modern 68 adj ˈmɒdn

natural environment 69 n phr ˌnætʃərəl ɪn

on the one hand 68 adv phr ˌɒn ðə ˈwʌn hænd
on the other hand 68 adv phr ˌɒn ðə ˈʌðə hænd
opportunity for 69 n ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti fə
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
outside world 68 n phr ˌaʊtsaɪd ˈwɜːld

personally 68 adv ˈpɜːsənəli

protect 69 v prəˈtekt
rainforest 68 n ˈreɪnˌfɒrəst

recreate 69 v ˌriːkriˈeɪt
research 69 n rɪˈsɜːtʃ
running water 68 n ˌrʌnɪŋ ˈwɔːtə
species (plural: 69 n ˈspiːʃiːz
standard of living 68 n ˌstændəd əv ˈlɪvɪŋ
stress 69 n stres
stressed 69 adj strest
study 69 v ˈstʌdi
suffer 69 v ˈsʌfə
suffer from something 68 v ˈsʌfə frəm ˌsʌmθɪŋ

sum up 68 phr v ˌsʌm ˈʌp

technology 68 n tekˈnɒlədʒi

to sum up 68 adv phr tə ˌsʌm ˈʌp

traditional 68 adj trəˈdɪʃənəl

tribal people 68 n ˌtraɪbəl ˈpiːpəl

tribe 68 n traɪb

way of life 68 n ˌweɪ əv ˈlaɪf

wild 69 adj waɪld

zoo 69 n zuː

They would probably be amazed to learn about modern technology and life in
other parts of the world.
Many tribal people become beggars or tourist ‘attractions’.
Some species which used to be wild are now only found in zoos.
Many tribal people become beggars or tourist ‘attractions’.
The young people of the tribes could go to school and benefit from a modern
The tribal people chose to make contact with the outside world.

The animals suffer from stress and depression.

After contact, many tribal people suffer and die from diseases that don’t exist in
the forests where they live.
After contact, many tribal people suffer and die from diseases that don’t exist in
the forests where they live.
They could get access to electricity and running water.
Endangered species can be protected.
First of all, the people in these tribes could enjoy a better standard of living.
Birds kept in zoos can never fly freely like wild birds.
After contact, many tribal people suffer and die from diseases that don’t exist in
the forests where they live.
Birds kept in zoos can never fly freely like wild birds.
Furthermore, the young people of the tribes could go to school and benefit from a
modern education.
We have learnt more about genetics from studying zoo animals.
They could get access to electricity and running water.

Nowadays, many of us live in a world of high technology and instant

Nowadays, many of us live in a world of high technology and instant
History shows that tribal people often join larger society at the lowest level.
I can’t think of many arguments for keeping animals in zoos.

Some people think that we should make contact with such groups, but others
believe they should be left alone.
Next, history shows that tribal people often join larger society at the lowest level.
Next, history shows that tribal people often join larger society at the lowest level.
Some people think that we should make contact with such groups, but others
believe they should be left alone.
It’d be very hard to live without medicine.
The young people of the tribes could go to school and benefit from a modern
It is very difficult to recreate the animals’ natural environments.

On the one hand, there are several arguments for making contact.
On the other hand, there are also many arguments against making contact.
There are opportunities for research.

For most people, it is hard to believe that, in places like the Amazonian rainforest,
there are still tribes who have never had contact with the outside world.
Personally, I think these tribes should be left alone to continue their traditional
way of life.
Endangered species can be protected.
For most people, it is hard to believe that, in places like the Amazonian rainforest,
there are still tribes who have never had contact with the outside world.
It is very difficult to recreate the animals’ natural environments.
There are opportunities for research.
They could get access to electricity and running water.
Some species which used to be wild are now only found in zoos.

The people in these tribes could enjoy a better standard of living.

The animals suffer from stress and depression.
Some animals become stressed because of contact with zoo visitors.
We have learnt more about genetics from studying zoo animals.
Do you realise that most animals suffer in zoos?
Firstly, after contact, many tribal people suffer and die from diseases that don’t
exist in the forests where they live.
To sum up, there are clearly strong arguments for and against making contact with
these people.
They would probably be amazed to learn about modern technology and life in
other parts of the world.
To sum up, there are clearly strong arguments for and against making contact with
these people.
Personally, I think these tribes should be left alone to continue their traditional
way of life.
Firstly, after contact, many tribal people suffer and die from diseases that don’t
exist in the forests where they live.
For most people, it is hard to believe that, in places like the Amazonian rainforest,
there are still tribes who have never had contact with the outside world.
Personally, I think these tribes should be left alone to continue their traditional
way of life.
Birds kept in zoos can never fly freely like wild birds.
I can’t think of many arguments for keeping animals in zoos.
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
Focus Review 5
activity 70 n ækˈtɪvəti

adopt 71 v əˈdɒpt
agriculture 71 n ˈæɡrɪˌkʌltʃə
air quality 70 n ˈeə ˌkwɒləti
animal rights 71 n ˌænəməl ˈraɪts
animal shelter 71 n ˈænəməl ˌʃeltə

ash 70 n æʃ
authorities 70 n ɔːˈθɒrətiz
benefit from 70 v ˈbenəfɪt frəm
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
bite 70 v baɪt

bury 70 v ˈberi
charity 71 n ˈtʃærəti
chemical 71 n ˈkemɪkəl
climb a mountain 70 v phr ˌklaɪm ə ˈmaʊntən

concerned about 70 adj kənˈsɜːnd əˌbaʊt

something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
consequence 70 n ˈkɒnsəkwəns

continent 70 n ˈkɒntənənt
cottage 70 n ˈkɒtɪdʒ

cruel to somebody 71 adj ˈkruːəl tə ˌsʌmbɒdi

cut something down 70 phr v ˌkʌt ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈdaʊn

dam 70 n dæm

damage 70 n ˈdæmɪdʒ

deforestation 70 n diːˌfɒrəˈsteɪʃən

dense 70 adj dens

destruction 70 n dɪˈstrʌkʃən
donate to somebody 71 v dəʊˈneɪt tə ˌsʌmbɒdi
drop 70 v drɒp
earthquake 70 n ˈɜːθkweɪk
ecologist 70 n ɪˈkɒlədʒəst
economic growth 70 n ˌekəˌnɒmɪk ˈɡrəʊθ
emotion 71 n ɪˈməʊʃən

energy source 70 n ˈenədʒi sɔːs

environment 70 n ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt
exotic 71 adj ɪɡˈzɒtɪk
extinct volcano 70 n phr ɪkˌstɪŋkt vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ
factory 70 n ˈfæktəri
feed 70 v fiːd
flood 70 n flʌd

focus on something 70 v ˈfəʊkəs ɒn ˌsʌmθɪŋ

glacier 70 n ˈɡlæsiə

global 70 adj ˈɡləʊbəl

global warming 70 n ˌɡləʊbəl ˈwɔːmɪŋ

habitat 70 n ˈhæbətæt
hedgehog 70 n ˈhedʒhɒɡ
help out 71 phr v ˌhelp ˈaʊt
hit 70 v hɪt
hurricane 70 v ˈhʌrəkən

hurt 70 v hɜːt

illegal 70 adj ɪˈliːɡəl

industrial city 70 n ɪnˌdʌstriəl ˈsɪti

interactive map 70 n ˌɪntərˌæktɪv ˈmæp

join a campaign 71 v phr ˌdʒɔɪn ə kæmˈpeɪn
keep doing something 70 v phr ˌkiːp ˈduːɪŋ ˌsʌmθɪŋ
lava 70 n ˈlɑːvə
litter 70 n ˈlɪtə

location 70 n ləʊˈkeɪʃən

logging 70 n ˈlɒɡɪŋ
look after something 71 phr v ˌlʊk ˈɑːftə ˌsʌmθɪŋ
major 70 adj ˈmeɪdʒə
make a donation 71 v phr ˌmeɪk ə dəʊˈneɪʃən
make a full recovery 70 v phr ˌmeɪk ə ˌfʊl rɪ
megacity 70 n ˌmeɡəˈsɪti
melt 70 v melt
meteorologist 70 n ˌmiːtiəˈrɒlədʒɪst
migrate 71 v maɪˈɡreɪt
milkweed 71 n ˈmɪlkwiːd
monarch butterfly 71 n ˈmɒnək ˌbʌtəflaɪ
mountain range 70 n ˈmaʊntən reɪndʒ

neighbourhood 70 n ˈneɪbəhʊd
northern 70 adj ˈnɔːðən
ocean 70 n ˈəʊʃən

operate on a global 70 v phr ˌɒpəreɪt ɒn ə

scale ˌɡləʊbəl ˈskeɪl
oppose 70 v əˈpəʊz
outside world 70 n phr ˌaʊtsaɪd ˈwɜːld
overlook 70 v ˌəʊvəˈlʊk

overpopulation 70 n ˌəʊvəpɒpjəˈleɪʃən
park ranger 70 n ˈpɑːk ˌreɪndʒə

peninsula 70 n pəˈnɪnsjələ

pet 71 n pet
planet 70 n ˈplænət

plant (1) 71 n plɑːnt

plant (2) 71 v plɑːnt

predict 70 v prɪˈdɪkt

progress 70 n ˈprəʊɡres
rainforest 70 n ˈreɪnˌfɒrəst
raise awareness of 70 v phr ˌreɪz əˈweənəs əv
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
recovery 70 n rɪˈkʌvəri

recycling bin 70 n riːˈsaɪklɪŋ bɪn

reduce the risk 70 v phr rɪˌdjuːs ðə ˈrɪsk

region 70 n ˈriːdʒən

renewable energy 70 n rɪˌnjuːəbəl ˈenədʒi

rescue centre 71 n ˈreskjuː ˌsentə

running water 70 n ˌrʌnɪŋ ˈwɔːtə
sanctuary 71 n ˈsæŋktʃuəri
scientist 70 n ˈsaɪəntəst

situate 70 v ˈsɪtʃueɪt

snake 70 n sneɪk

solar power 70 n ˌsəʊlə ˈpaʊə

species (plural: 70 n ˈspiːʃiːz


steep 70 adj stiːp

strong wind 70 n phr ˌstrɒŋ ˈwɪnd

surround 70 v səˈraʊnd

survive 70 v səˈvaɪv

temperature 70 n ˈtemprətʃə
threat 71 n θret
throw something away 70 phr v ˌθrəʊ ˌsʌmθɪŋ əˈweɪ

tribal chief 70 n ˌtraɪbəl ˈtʃiːf

tsunami 70 n tsʊˈnɑːmi
vertical 70 adj ˈvɜːtɪkəl

village 70 n ˈvɪlɪdʒ
volcano 70 n vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ
wildlife 70 n ˈwaɪldlaɪf
world 70 n wɜːld
worry about 70 v ˈwʌri əˌbaʊt ˌsʌmθɪŋ

Scientists agree that certain human activities, such as cutting down trees, can
cause floods in many regions of the world.
I’ve been thinking about adopting a pet.
Farmers shouldn’t use too many chemicals in agriculture.
Everyone will benefit from better air quality when the factory closes next year.
What can people do to better protect animal rights?
Is it important for animal shelters to ask people to prove they have space and time
to look after a new pet?
In 79AD, Vesuvius buried the city of Pompeii with ash and lava.
Japanese authorities are looking for new projects that could reduce the risk of
Everyone will benefit from better air quality when the factory closes next year.

A friend of mine who has a few snakes says that it doesn’t hurt much when a
snake bites you.
In 79AD, Vesuvius buried the city of Pompeii with ash and lava.
I often donate money to animal charities.
Farmers shouldn’t use too many chemicals in agriculture.
We were going to start climbing a steep mountain when we saw a park ranger on a
People in Liverpool are concerned about the environment.

It’s not clear whether anyone can predict the consequences of global warming
Europe isn’t the largest continent in the world.
My grandparents’ cottage, whose windows overlook a mountain range, is in a
great location.
We should report people who are cruel to animals.
Scientists agree that certain human activities, such as cutting down trees, can
cause floods in many regions of the world.
Our government is building twenty-six dams to control the river and reduce the
risks, but I’m still worried that it will burst its banks and flood my city
I hope it is not too late for our planet to make a full recovery after all the damage
we have done to it.
Google Earth can inform people about environmental issues, such as deforestation,
endangered species and climate change.
A narrow track wound steeply up through dense forest.
We didn’t oppose the destruction of wildlife habitats as it was part of progress.
I often donate money to animal charities.
If the temperature doesn’t drop tonight, most of the snow will melt quickly.
Scientists expect a major earthquake to hit Los Angeles soon.
An ecologist has climbed up the tallest tree in the park.
The government kept focusing on economic growth.
Some people say that animals should have the same rights as humans because they
have emotions.
It took us many years to realise that we won’t be able to survive as a species
without having clean renewable energy sources, like solar power, or without
stopping global warming.
People in Liverpool are concerned about the environment.
Why do you think some people keep exotic, and often dangerous, animals as pets?
An extinct volcano does not erupt any more.
Everyone will benefit from better air quality when the factory closes next year.
Without rain, farmers can’t produce crops to feed the animals.
Scientists agree that certain human activities, such as cutting down trees, can
cause floods in many regions of the world.
The government kept focusing on economic growth.
The river flows for 5,464 kilometres from the glaciers of Tibet, across northern
and central China and along the foothills of the Himalayas.
Deforestation affects the global community as well as Amazonian tribes.
It’s not clear whether anyone can predict the consequences of global warming
We didn’t oppose the destruction of wildlife habitats as it was part of progress.
When I heard a noise in the garden, I thought it was a hedgehog.
Our students help out at animal sanctuaries.
Scientists expect a major earthquake to hit Los Angeles soon.
Look at the diagram, please. The vertical line shows the number of hurricanes in
the US every year.
A friend of mine who has a few snakes says that it doesn’t hurt much when a
snake bites you.
The company, which operates on a global scale, has been accused of illegal
Before the 1992 Olympic Games, Barcelona used to be a typically industrial city
and few tourists visited it.
Chief Almir knew that the interactive maps on Google Earth could help him.
Do you sometimes join online campaigns?
The government kept focusing on economic growth.
In 79AD, Vesuvius buried the city of Pompeii with ash and lava.
There were no recycling bins in my town, so we would put all our litter in one bag
and throw it away.
My grandparents’ cottage, whose windows overlook a mountain range, is in a
great location.
The company, which operates on a global scale, has been accused of illegal
Help us look after wild animals.
Scientists expect a major earthquake to hit Los Angeles soon.
Help the hedgehog sanctuary. Make a donation today!
I hope it is not too late for our planet to make a full recovery after all the damage
we have done to it.
Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan, is a megacity.
If the temperature doesn’t drop tonight, most of the snow will melt quickly.
Meteorologists have warned of strong winds in northern England this weekend.
Monarch butterflies migrate from the US to Mexico in winter.
The monarch butterfly depends on a plant called milkweed to survive.
The monarch butterfly is recognised by its unique orange and black pattern.
My grandparents’ cottage, whose windows overlook a mountain range, is in a
great location.
I use Google Maps to see my own home and neighbourhood.
Meteorologists have warned of strong winds in northern England this weekend.
The town is situated on a small peninsula, surrounded by the waters of the Atlantic
The company, which operates on a global scale, has been accused of illegal
We didn’t oppose the destruction of wildlife habitats as it was part of progress.
The tribal chief, who studied in Paris, wants to raise awareness of the outside
My grandparents’ cottage, whose windows overlook a mountain range, is in a
great location.
Overpopulation is a serious global problem.
We were going to start climbing a steep mountain when we saw a park ranger on a
The town is situated on a small peninsula, surrounded by the waters of the Atlantic
I’ve been thinking about adopting a pet.
I hope it is not too late for our planet to make a full recovery after all the damage
we have done to it.
The monarch butterfly depends on a plant called milkweed to survive.
The monarch is becoming more common in Bermuda because people are planting
milkweed in their gardens.
It’s not clear whether anyone can predict the consequences of global warming
We didn’t oppose the destruction of wildlife habitats as it was part of progress.
We were not aware of the consequences of cutting down the rainforests.
The tribal chief, who studied in Paris, wants to raise awareness of the outside
I hope it is not too late for our planet to make a full recovery after all the damage
we have done to it.
There were no recycling bins in my town, so we would put all our litter in one bag
and throw it away.
Japanese authorities are looking for new projects that could reduce the risk of
Scientists agree that certain human activities, such as cutting down trees, can
cause floods in many regions of the world.
It took us many years to realise that we won’t be able to survive as a species
without having clean renewable energy sources, like solar power, or without
stopping global warming.
People should adopt pets from rescue centres.
There was no running water in the village where my granddad lived as a child.
Help the hedgehog sanctuary. Make a donation today!
Scientists agree that certain human activities, such as cutting down trees, can
cause floods in many regions of the world.
The town is situated on a small peninsula, surrounded by the waters of the Atlantic
A friend of mine who has a few snakes says that it doesn’t hurt much when a
snake bites you.
It took us many years to realise that we won’t be able to survive as a species
without having clean renewable energy sources, like solar power, or without
stopping global warming.
It took us many years to realise that we won’t be able to survive as a species
without having clean renewable energy sources, like solar power, or without
stopping global warming.
We were going to start climbing a steep mountain when we saw a park ranger on a
Meteorologists have warned of strong winds in northern England this weekend.
The town is situated on a small peninsula, surrounded by the waters of the Atlantic
It took us many years to realise that we won’t be able to survive as a species
without having clean renewable energy sources, like solar power, or without
stopping global warming.
If the temperature doesn’t drop tonight, most of the snow will melt quickly.
Climate change is a threat to the environment.
There were no recycling bins in my town, so we would put all our litter in one bag
and throw it away.
The tribal chief, who studied in Paris, wants to raise awareness of the outside
Japanese authorities are looking for new projects that could reduce the risk of
Look at the diagram, please. The vertical line shows the number of hurricanes in
the US every year.
There was no running water in the village where my granddad lived as a child.
Do you live near an active volcano?
We didn’t oppose the destruction of wildlife habitats as it was part of progress.
Europe isn’t the largest continent in the world.
People didn’t use to worry about the environment much when I was a child.
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
Use of English 5
alternative source of WS 10 n phr ɔːlˌtɜːnətɪv ˌsɔːs
power əv ˈpaʊə
after all WS 10 adv phr ˌɑːftə ˈɔːl
amount WS 10 n əˈmaʊnt
as long as WS 10 conj əz ˈlɒŋ əz
be in trouble WS 10 v phr ˌbi ɪn ˈtrʌbəl
climate change WS 10 n ˈklaɪmət tʃeɪndʒ
coal WS 10 n kəʊl
coal fire WS 10 n ˈkəʊl faɪə
complain about something WS 10 v kəmˈpleɪn ə
ˌbaʊt ˌsʌmθɪŋ
decade WS 10 n ˈdekeɪd
drop WS 10 v drɒp
electricity WS 10 n ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti
enormous WS 10 adj ɪˈnɔːməs
environmental problem WS 10 n phr ɪnˌvaɪrənˌmentl
flood WS 10 v flʌd
for instance WS 10 adv phr fər ˈɪnstəns

future WS 10 n ˈfjuːtʃə
get power WS 10 v phr ˌɡetˈpaʊə
government WS 10 n ˈɡʌvəmənt
land WS 10 n lænd
light WS 10 n laɪt
local people WS 10 n phr ˌləʊkəl ˈpiːpəl
object to something WS 10 v əbˈdʒekt tə
planet WS 10 n ˈplænət
politician WS 10 n ˌpɒləˈtɪʃən
pollution WS 10 n pəˈluːʃən
pollution levels WS 10 n pəˈluːʃən ˌlevəlz
power WS 10 n ˈpaʊə
recycle WS 10 v ˌriːˈsaɪkəl
save electricity WS 10 v phr ˌseɪv ɪˌlek
save water WS 10 v phr ˌˈtrɪsəti
seɪv ˈwɔːtə
scientist WS 10 n ˈsaɪəntəst
solar panel WS 10 n ˌsəʊlə ˈpænl
solve a problem WS 10 v phr ˌsɒlv ə
source of power WS 10 n phr ˌsɔːs əv ˈpaʊə
ugly WS 10 adj ˈʌɡli
unless WS 10 conj ʌnˈles
used to WS 10 v ˈjuːsttuː
way of life WS 10 n ˌweɪ əv ˈlaɪf
wind farm WS 10 n ˈwɪnd fɑːm

We don’t have enough alternative sources of power.

After all, unless we do something now, we won’t have any lights or power in a few decades’ time.
The town won’t flood again as long as we don’t get enormous amounts of rain in a short time.
The town won’t flood again as long as we don’t get enormous amounts of rain in a short time.
We all know that environmental problems are getting worse and we need to solve them or the planet will be in big trouble in
the future.
Oslo, which is in Norway, is where politicians had an international meeting about climate change.
In the past people used to have coal fires in their homes.
In the past people used to have coal fires in their homes.
The man whose land was near the wind farm complained about it.

Unless we do something now, we won’t have any lights or power in a few decades’ time.
Pollution levels can’t have dropped recently because scientists still talk about them all the time.
We can recycle things and save water and electricity.
The town won’t flood again as long as we don’t get enormous amounts of rain in a short time.
We all know that environmental problems are getting worse and we need to solve them or the planet will be in big trouble in
the future.

The town won’t flood again as long as we don’t get enormous amounts of rain in a short time.
For instance, we can recycle things and save water and electricity.

We all know that environmental problems are getting worse and we need to solve them or the planet will be in big trouble in
the future.have developed clever ways to get power.
Should we leave it to governments and politicians?
The man whose land was near the wind farm complained about it.
Unless we do something now, we won’t have any lights or power in a few decades’ time.
The trouble is that local people, who don’t want to look at ugly wind farms or solar panels, often object to the plans.
The trouble is that local people, who don’t want to look at ugly wind farms or solar panels, often object to the plans.

We all know that environmental problems are getting worse and we need to solve them or the planet will be in big trouble in
the future.
Should we leave it to governments and politicians?
Pollution levels can’t have dropped recently because scientists still talk about them all the time.
Pollution levels can’t have dropped recently because scientists still talk about them all the time.
One of the most important things to do is to find different ways of getting power.
We can recycle things and save water and electricity.
We can recycle things and save water and electricity.
We can recycle things and save water and electricity.
Scientists have developed clever ways to get power.
The trouble is that local people, who don’t want to look at ugly wind farms or solar panels, often object to the plans.
We all know that environmental problems are getting worse and we need to solve them or the planet will be in big trouble in
the future.
Because of this, we don’t have enough alternative sources of power.
The trouble is that local people, who don’t want to look at ugly wind farms or solar panels, often object to the plans.
Unless we do something now, we won’t have any lights or power in a few decades’ time.
In the past people used to have coal fires in their homes.
Perhaps soon people will learn that our way of life will need to change.
The trouble is that local people, who don’t want to look at ugly wind farms or solar panels, often object to the plans.
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
Word in Focus: one
environmental issue WS 11 n phr ɪnˌvaɪrənˌmentl ˈɪʃuː

face WS 11 v feɪs
leader WS 11 n ˈliːdə
one (1) WS 11 num wʌn
one (2) WS 11 pron wʌn
one another WS 11 pron ˌwʌn əˈnʌðə
one day WS 11 adv phr ˌwʌn ˈdeɪ
one hundred WS 11 num ˌwʌn ˈhʌndrəd
one morning WS 11 adv phr ˌwʌn ˈmɔːnɪŋ
one of WS 11 pron ˈwʌn əv
one or two WS 11 phr ˌwʌn ə ˈtuː
ones WS 11 pron wʌnz

sort something out WS 11 phr v ˌsɔːt ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈaʊt

tribe WS 11 n traɪb

Look at the environmental issues. Which are the most important ones facing your
Which are the most important issues facing your country?
They elected Chief Almir as one of the leaders of the tribe.
There is one question I don’t understand.
Out of these three photos, number 2 is the one I like best.
We have known one another since school.
One day it is possible that an earthquake will strike.
This photo was taken exactly one hundred years ago.
One morning I woke up, and Elle wasn’t in her bed.
They elected Chief Almir as one of the leaders of the tribe.
I’ve got one or two things to sort out.
Look at the environmental issues. Which are the most important ones facing your
I’ve got one or two things to sort out.
They elected Chief Almir as one of the leaders of the tribe.

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