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1) Proposal is to create a simple platform where a migrant (The Needy) can a make
request for a rail/Bus ticket.

2) People who want to help the needy (The Providers), can register with the platform
and help the needy.

3) Platform to publish names of The Providers who have done booking, sorted by 1)
number of tickets booked OR 2) alphabatically.

The Platform


1) A free website from Wix OR wordpress.

2) *Page 1* will have a simple google form where

a) Needy can put a request OR

b) Anyone on behalf of him can put a request.

c) Ticket request google form fields will be

i) Name of the traveller as per the ID

ii) Age

iii) Sex

iV) Date of journey

v) Source City (Can be a drop down to limit the starting points - To be


vi) Destination City (Can be a text field OR drop down - To be deliberated)

vii) Destination State.

viii) Mobile Number.

3) All these requests can be stored in a google spreadsheet linked to this google

4) App script can be used to process this spreadsheet data.

5) All these requests to be listed on the *page 2* of the website (Minus mobile

6) This page 2 will be publically acessible. I do not see a privacy issue here.

7) A tiny url can be created for the home page and circulated for people to reach
the platform.
The Providers


1) People interested in helping the Needy can register on Page 3 of the website.

2) For registration again a simple google form to be used.

3) Form fields to be

a) Their chosen name (To save their privacy)

b) Their email ID

c) Preferred destination (A drop down, consisting Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal
.....All India)

d) The provider may have a preference to help people of his/her home state OR
All India.

e) Again, all these registrations to be stored in a google spreadsheet linked to this


4) This registration form will be on the top of the page 3.

5) Below this form, we will publish *Chosen names* of the providers who have done
successful bookings.

6) Using chosen name for publication saves their privacy. Listing them encourages

The Process


1) A needy will fill the form. Data is saved in the google spreadsheet.

2) An autogenerated mail to be triggered to the Providers.

3) Mail to be sent to only those providers whose preferred state matches with
Destination State of the request.

4) Mail to contain details of the journey and mobile number.

5) Its up to The Provider to authenticate a valid needy request. We can provide

suggestions on basic authentication. Here we need to deliberate.

6) One suggestion to the provider is to call the needy and authenticate based on
their mutual consent like asking for ID proof, Destination proof, current location.

7) It is also to be left to the Provider to either book the ticket OR provide money for
8) We are connecting a needy with a provider. Most of the time it would be of a
great help. We will see.

9) Once a booking is done, provider to mark the request (on page 2) completed.
How is to be deliberated by technical team.

The Closure


1) Some feedback mechanism to be deliberated by technical team to get the

feedback from The needy.


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