Nadia Sastrivia Eka Christy (181317149) Veronika Septiara Rafly Radyatama

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Nadia Sastrivia Eka Christy ( 181317149 )

Veronika Septiara
Rafly Radyatama
Concepts of Salvation
Salvation is when a person is freed from the trap of life-and death and comes into state of
completeness. The sole purpose of salvation is to become one with God as then only all our
miseries and worldly sorrows will come to an end and we will get eternal bliss. The way an
adherent wants to achieve salvation depends on how he deem salvation, so it’s pertinent to
ponder over the views of different religions on salvation so that a person can pick up a singular
path for him/herself to attain salvation. The doctrines and rituals of different regions differ but
they do not cross swords on salvation.
A. Buddhism
Buddhism considers ignorance instead of sin as the roadblock to salvation and believes
that salvation (Nirvana) is the extinguishing of the fires owing to which there is suffering.
The three fires namely aversion (dvesha), attachment (raga) and ignorance (avidya or
moha) when extinguishes, suffering cease to exist. To reach Nirvana you must follow the
Noble Eight-fold Path. 
B. Hinduism
According to Hinduism, Moksha (Salvation) is the ultimate purpose of life and suggests
scores of ways to attain it. Salvation for a Hindu is called Moksha. Salvation for a Hindu
is called Moksha. Moksha is when an enlightened human being makes himself free from
the clutches of birth, death and miseries of life and comes into state of completeness.
He then becomes one with God. Hinduism suggests four major ways to attain salvation
which are:
1. The path of Knowledge (Jnana Yoga)
Here a devotee attains the knowledge of relationship between the soul and god
Spiritual knowledge: -leading to the knowledge of the relationship between the soul
(Atman) and God (Brahman).
2. Path of Meditation
Path of mediation is to enter the realm of god through enhanced concentration. The
idea is to concentrate so you can reach the real self within you and become one with
3. The path of Good Works
In this case, an adherent is engaged in discharging all his duties in a rightful and
correct way all his life.
C. Christianity
Christianity believes that sins are the root cause of our separation from God and the
consequence of sin is death. In the Christian doctrine of salvation, when a person is
saved from God’s wrath and God’s judgment of sin, he attains salvation. According to
Christian faith salvation is gracious and undeserved faith of God and can be had only
through unshakable faith in Jesus Christ.
D. Islam
In the Islam doctrine of salvation, good deeds purify a person and results in his
salvation. An adherent to Islam can attain salvation through alms-giving, fasting, prayer
and lead his life according to Quran. So Islam whole-heartedly believes that salvation is
possible through the worship of one god alone.

Many Religions-- common beliefs

To sum-up, all religions count on salvation and considered temporal joys of earth as transient
and sins bound us in this mortal human bodily form. Our journey of life is full of hunches and
harrowing experiences which we can triumph with the grace of almighty god. Abstinence from
sinful deeds and ardent believe on God can eventually liberate us from our miseries and the
clutches of life and death. So we can conclude that utmost devotion on God and righteous
conduct is only way to get salvation.

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