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Session 1 - AITSL standards and General Capabilities

Begin with Welcome to Country and explain significance of this.

Provide attendees with an overview of the 5 sessions.
Describe human context - depict a real scenario involving ATSI student within the Australian
education system.
Guide a group discussion about the ethical, moral, educational, political, social, cultural issues that
arise out of this scenario.
Use this as a platform to then discuss how AITSL standards and ACARA General Capabilities are in
place to support these issues.
Share resources/ideas/strategies as a group about this.

Session 2 - Racism

Begin with a discussion in the human context.  Ask people to share stories where racism has been
encountered to those they know - if people feel comfortable sharing.
Share the Whiteness questionnaire (Macintosh)
Discuss Adam Goodes situation and talk about racism specifically in this situation.  Share clips of how
it has been discussed in some of the mainstream media.

Use prompting questions to discuss whiteness, privilege and being a 'recovering racist'.
Session 3 - Master Narratives
Ask group what the "Australian identity" is.  If ICT permits, ask peers to find a single image (via
google search) to show what this is.  Discuss the similarities and differences that arise out of this.
Questions to group include why is this a good/bad thing? How to overcome the Master Narrative?
Why is this important?

Session 4 - Great Australian Silence

Ask group to share Australian history as THEY were taught it in schools.  Ask group to share what
they now know was correct and incorrect about this.  Talk about why they think this happened.  

History wars.

Redfern address.

Kevin Rudd's apology.

Question to the group?  Has the silence ended?  Will the silence ever end?  What does this mean in
the classroom?  How do we prepare students?

Session 5 - Cultural Considerations and Classroom Pedagogy

Ask for reflections about what has been covered so far and if any classroom changes have resulted.
This session will be practically focused.
Discuss Welcome to Country again and the use of warnings.
Discuss cultural implications around language use, priviliege and racism - drawing on previous
Provide examples of pedagogy (see EMT690 presentations etc) and discuss UDL benefits as an aside.
Tie this all in with the ethics of teaching, remind peers of reasons they are teachers, and supplement
this with the requirements of AITSL + ACARA.

The resources to supplement this program might include: - The Invisible Discriminator - The Redfern Address - Redfern Now Episode from Season 1, Episode 4 

Riawunna House - Come Walk With Me - 

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