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Marriage Counseling Cuckold


This is a sequel to "Comic Con Cuckold."

Jenny is modeled after actress Katy Mixon from "Eastbound & Down."

Haylie is modeled after actress Laura Haddock from "Da Vinci's Demons."


Benjamin and Jenny Blethyn decided to begin marriage counseling because their relationship has
been rocky ever since returning from Comic Con, where Jenny turned Benjamin into a cuckold.
They have just started their first one hour session with Dr. Timothy Boothe, who is in his early
forties and always has a hidden agenda when it comes to supporting hot wives in fragile
marriages. He is a true opportunist.

Benjamin and Jenny sit together on a comfy couch while Dr. Boothe studies them from a high
back leather chair, already fantasizing about what Jenny would look like naked. He wondered
how many sessions it would take before she ended up on the business end of his dick? He'd
already helped Jenny's cousin, Sharona, quit smoking by weaning her off cigarettes and onto
blowjobs. Naturally, he volunteered to be the recipient of those blowjobs.

"So, what brings you two here today?" Dr. Boothe asked.

"An...affair," it pained Benjamin to say. "It happened several weeks ago."

Jenny shook her head. "No, it wasn't an affair."

Dr. Boothe found this intriguing. "Explain?"

"I did sleep with another man, but..." Jenny was reluctant to continue.

"Don't be shy. I'm a professional. You can tell me anything." Dr. Boothe was calming.

"I had sex with a man we met while on vacation, but Benjamin was cool with it."

Dr. Boothe was thrilled to hear this. "Benjamin, is this true?"

"I did not encourage her to...fuck...that guy." Benjamin shuddered.

"But, you didn't intervene. All indications were that you wanted it to happen."

Benjamin, embarrassed, refused to make eye contact with his wife.

"Have you two considered separating?"

"No, never, we're deeply in love," she said assuredly.

Dr. Boothe began taking notes. "Benjamin?"

"I guess I'm just afraid."

"That Jenny will leave you for another man?"


Jenny takes her husband's hand. "Honey, I told you, that will never happen."

"So, the trust has been damaged?" Dr. Boothe asked.

Benjamin nodded. "I guess it has."

"If you didn't want me to fuck Alexander, then you should have stopped us."

Benjamin looked to be on the verge of an outburst. "Or..."

"Benjamin, please, let Jenny finish." Dr. Boothe smiled at Jenny, comforting her.

"This is totally unfair. You clearly wanted me to have sex with him." Her eyes began to swell.
"We left the drapes open in the hotel so you could watch us. Now, I'm the bad guy because I
fulfilled your fantasy."

Dr. Boothe placed his notepad on the coffee table. "I think I see what the problem is. Jenny, you
rushed into sleeping with another man before Benjamin had a chance to express his wishes, so it
seems as if your actions were not as selfless as you claim."

Jenny sheds a single tear. "Oh... I guess I didn't think about it like that."

"Benjamin, perhaps if you were more assertive, you could put yourself at ease?"

Benjamin shrugged. "Maybe."

"Benjamin, I think I can help you to rectify your mistake."


"We're going to act out a scenario."

"Like being in a play?" Jenny asked in an innocent manner.

Dr. Boothe grinned slyly. "You could perceive it that way."

Jenny beamed as she wiped her tears away. "Cool, I acted back in high school."

"And I'm sure you're quite talented. You definitely have that movie star sparkle."

Dr. Boothe stood up and joined the couple on the couch, sitting between them.

"'s the scenario?" Benjamin asked.

"Let's pretend that I'm an old college buddy in town for a visit."

Jenny's ego had been boosted. "Well, what's your name?"


"And where are we?" she asked.

"In your living room, watching home movies."

She nods, excited about putting on a performance. "Okay."

Dr. Boothe gets into character. "I've really missed you guys."

Jenny plays along. "Yeah, we missed you too... Timothy."

"Jenny, wow, you haven't aged a bit."

She blushes. "Oh, that's nice of you to say."

Dr. Boothe puts his arm around her. "I mean it. You're absolutely gorgeous."

"Thank you. You look great, too."

"No, I'm getting old. Notice how I have a few grey hairs?"

"It makes you look distinguished. Some women find that look sexy."

"Some women?" Dr. Boothe whispered in her ear. "Including you?"

"Well, yeah, how could I deny that you're an attractive man?"

"You're so sweet. Benny is a lucky man."

Jenny snickered. "He doesn't like being called Benny."

"Oh, right, I forgot..." Dr. Boothe winked. "Benjamin, go fix us some drinks?"

Benjamin was not enjoying himself whatsoever. "What? How?"

"Pretend the corner is the kitchen." Dr. Boothe shoos Benjamin away.

"Right..." Benjamin goes and stands in the corner, next to a potted plant.

Jenny was fully into the spirit of this exercise. "So, Timothy, doing any sightseeing?"

Dr. Boothe placed his thumb on Jenny's chin and turned her face towards him. "I've wondered
for years what I would do if I ever got you alone..." Then, he planted a soft kiss on her luscious
lips. Benjamin's eyes went wide.

She quickly pushes him off. "Wait... Timothy..."

"Jenny, I've always loved you. We belong together."

She tries to compose herself. "I'm sorry... I don't understand..."

Dr. Boothe breaks character. "Remember, we're acting out a scenario."

She looked to her husband, then back at Dr. Boothe. "Okay, so what do I do?"

"You want me as bad as I want you." He then began kissing her neck.

"What about Benjamin?" she asked, trying not to get excited.

"He's in the kitchen..." Dr. Boothe slipped his hands under her blouse and fondled her breasts.
"He can't see us at the moment." He leaned in and kissed her parted lips, slipping his tongue into
her mouth. She then began kissing him back, her tongue swirled sensually in his mouth. When
she placed her hand on his thigh, Dr. Boothe broke off the kiss and turned to Benjamin. Jenny
was surprised that they stopped just as they were getting into a nice rhythm.

"Benjamin, I'm very disappointed in you," said Dr. Boothe.

"Excuse me!?" Benjamin was irate.

"You're response time is quite lacking."

"I don't believe this..."

"You'll have to wait outside for the rest of the session."

"No way." Benjamin shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere."
Dr. Booth still had his arm around Jenny. "You missed your window to alter the outcome of the
scenario, now the ball is in Jenny's court. It's up to her to decide how she responds to Timothy's
advances." He goes back to fondling her breasts while justifying his behavior to Benjamin.
"Counseling is not an exact science. All couples are unique." Then, he started nibbling on her
earlobe. Something which Benjamin knew Jenny loved. It was their special way of showing

"What kind of doctor are you?" Benjamin protested. "This is insane."

Flustered, Jenny chimed in. "Honey, please, I think he knows what he's doing."

"You trust that he's not taking advantage of you?"

"He came recommended from my cousin, Sharona."

That reminder did little to relax Benjamin as he has a low opinion of Sharona.

"What are you two gonna be doing while I'm gone?" Benjamin asked.

"It's all part of the process that you're left to speculate," Dr. Boothe explained.

Benjamin departed, huffing and puffing, angry that Jenny was going along with this bullshit. Dr.
Boothe was clearly a fraud. Benjamin exchanged dirty looks in the waiting room with Haylie, the
receptionist. Haylie was in her late twenties, blonde, and slender. She was filing her nails and
skimming through a fashion magazine.

"Is this normal for counseling?" Benjamin asked. "Banishing the husband?"

"Consider yourself fortunate," Haylie replied. "Dr. Boothe is a brilliant man."

Benjamin rolled his eyes. About a half hour later, Jenny exited Dr. Boothe's office. She was
glowing. Benjamin didn't want to discuss anything in front of Haylie, so he simply paid the bill,
then he and Jenny departed. Haylie checked out Jenny's ass as she walked out the door. Haylie
appeared aroused, so she visited with Dr. Boothe.

Haylie kicked her heels off as she entered the office, closing the door behind her.

Dr. Boothe was in his chair, admiring her long legs. "When's my next appointment?"

"Forty five minutes." She unbuttons her blouse, revealing a white lace bra.

"Good." Dr. Boothe unzipped his fly and exposed his stiff, eight inch member.

She hikes her skirt up and slips her matching lace panties off. "Did you bang her?"
"No, not yet," Dr. Boothe lamented. "She's nowhere near as slutty as her cousin."

Haylie straddles Dr. Boothe. "But, I think Mrs. Blethyn is much sexier."

"True." He reached under her skirt and caressed her slit. "Sharona was a skank."

Dr. Boothe could feel how wet his sexy little receptionist was.

"Skank?" She closed her eyes and let out a gasp. "Is that a clinical term?"

"It is if I say it is..." Dr. Boothe groaned as she impaled herself with his cock.

Haylie started bouncing up and down, burying his head in her tits. "Ohh...yes...yes... Dr. good..." Her bra unclasped from the front, making it easy for him to flick his tongue
across her pink nipples. "Mmm... Dr. fuck me so much better than my fiancé..." He
then pinned her down on the coffee table, driving his cock deep into her pussy.

"You got engaged?" he asked, checking her ring finger for a gold band.

"Mmm... Yes...over the weekend..." she cried as he sucked on her tits.

He was now more motivated. "Can't wait to fuck you when you're married..."

She dug her nails into his back. "Mmm... I know you love married pussy..."

"Do you want me to fuck you in your wedding dress?" he bellowed.

"Ohh...gawd...yes...that will be so hot...cheating on my husband with you..."

"I'll have to settle for Mrs. Blethyn till then..." He pulls out, allowing her to drop to her knees and
blow him until his cock swelled. "Ohh...fuck... Get ready, bitch... Here it comes..."

He tugged at her long blonde hair while shooting his hefty load down her throat.
"Ohh...fuck...yeah... Go home and kiss your fiancé with a mouth full of my hot cum..." He then
shoved her to the floor, which was for her benefit because she likes it rough.


Meanwhile, Benjamin and Jenny drove home in their beige Volvo.

"So, what happened after I left?" he asked.

She shrugged. "Nothing."

"We just talked."

Benjamin wasn't convinced. "He didn't try to kiss you again?"

"No, we discussed the possibility of he and I having some one on one sessions."

"Seriously? That's crazy talk. I hope you turned him down."

"Well, he recommended that I base my decision on your reaction."

Benjamin held his breath. "And?"

"Since you've responded overwhelmingly negative, I'll take him up on his offer."

His heart sank. "What? How else was I suppose to respond?"

"When you were in that waiting room, what were you thinking about?"

"I don't know...stuff...nothing important."

"Were you imagining me fooling around with the doctor?"

"Yes," he reluctantly admitted.

"Exactly, you're still suppressing your desires."

"But, I have no desire for you to have sex with another man."

"We'll see. Dr. Boothe is taking me to dinner and a movie on Saturday."

"You're going on a date with him!? He's suppose to be fixing our marriage!"

"And this is his method. Please, be mature about this."

"Well, what's gonna happen on this date?"

"Who knows? We'll see how it goes and you can confront your deep-seated yearning to be a
cuckold." They sat in silence for the rest of the ride. When Benjamin pulled into their driveway,
he stayed by himself for several minutes while Jenny went into their quaint one story house.

He sighed, feeling like his life was spinning out of control. If only they were checked into a
different room at Comic Con, all this drama could have been avoided.


Saturday night, date night, arrived. It was 8PM. Benjamin avoided Jenny as she prepared. She
had gone to the salon in the afternoon. She wore a purple cocktail dress, purple pumps, and a red
skinny belt. The colors of "Psylocke," the comic book heroine who Jenny was cosplaying as the
night she hooked up with Alexander at Comic Con. Benjamin heated up a TV dinner in the
microwave while Jenny checked her makeup one last time in the hallway mirror.

He thought about asking her some questions. Where were they dinning? What movie were they
seeing? His concentration was broken by a car horn honking. Was this Dr. Boothe? What a rude
and juvenile way to make his presence known. Jenny walked out the front door without saying

Benjamin knew that he should've stopped her. He went to the window in the living room and
gazed outside as Jenny climbed into Dr. Boothe's BMW. He watched them chatting for a few
minutes. He felt his dick stiffen. It wasn't until the BMW pulled away that he snapped out of his

He didn't eat his dinner. He wasn't hungry anymore. He paced in the living room, not being able
to concentrate on anything. He badly needed a distraction, but none presented themselves. Soon,
he was on his laptop and jerking off to cuckold stories on literotica. There was one suspiciously
like their Comic Con experience. Perhaps the author was Alexander Edgerton?

Luckily, a call from his nephew, David, brought him back to reality.


"Hey, Uncle Benjamin. It's David."

"Oh, hello, David. So good to hear from you."

"Yeah, it's been a while. How are things?"

"Everything's great on my end." He lied. "Thanks for asking."

"How's Aunt Jenny?"

" the movies...with a friend from the salon."

"Seeing some lame ass chick flick?"

Benjamin fidgeted in his seat. "Probably."

"Well, you dodged a bullet."

"Yeah, I'm so relieved... So, what can I do for you?"

"You know I'm graduating from college in a few months?"

"You're also turning 22 if I'm not mistaken?"

"Yeah, thanks for remembering. I'm sure my dad won't."

"You gotta be patient with your old man."

"Patient? He's in rehab for a third time."

Benjamin sympathized. "We all have our demons. His is alcohol."

"Yeah, anyway, I was actually calling to ask Aunt Jenny for a favor."


"Yeah, before I graduate, I want to publish my own digital comic book."

"That's great, but how can she help?"

"She's into cosplay, right?"

Benjamin gulped. "Yeah."

"I was hoping she could model some super-heroine outfits I've designed?"

"Oh, no pretty girls at your school you could ask?"

"Sure, but Aunt Jenny would be the perfect model, being a cosplayer."

His heart sank again. "Okay, well, I'll pass along the message."

"Thanks a lot, Uncle Benjamin."

"And...umm...early happy birthday."

"Thanks. I appreciate it. Enjoy the rest of the weekend."

"I will. Bye."


Benjamin hung up. He was in a panic. The last time his wife cosplayed, she became an insatiable
sex addict. His nephew, though an adult, should not be exposed to that wild side of her
personality. Then again, there were more pressing matters to be concerned with. Her date with
Dr. Boothe.

He heard a car pull up around 1AM. He was watching TV, so he lowered the volume and waited
for Jenny to come inside. A few minutes went by with no sign of her. He turned the TV off and
went back to the window, peeking through the curtains. The BMW was parked in the driveway
behind their Volvo.

Dr. Boothe seemed to be by himself in the vehicle. His head was back, his eyes were closed, and
his mouth hung open. Where the hell was Jenny? And was with the overly jubilant expression on
Dr. Boothe's face?

Then he saw Jenny's head, partly obscured by the steering wheel, bobbing in Dr. Boothe's lap.
For the second time this month, Jenny sucked another man's cock while her husband was
reduced to the role of spectator.

The lights were off in the house, so no one could see Benjamin from the outside. The BMW was
illuminated by street lights. Benjamin worried that even though this was a quiet neighborhood
where people went to bed early, that some nosey neighbor might spy this. If he was destined to
be a cuckold, he didn't want it to be common knowledge.

Dr Boothe had stamina. Nearly twenty minutes passed before he went cross-eyed. Benjamin
could hear him groan from inside the car. Jenny rose, wiped her mouth off, and retrieved her
panties from the glove compartment. Obviously, Dr. Boothe didn't want to kiss her goodbye
because her lips were just on his sweaty prick, so they merely hugged before she exited his

Jenny finally walked through the front door, where she was greeted by Benjamin.

"Enjoy the show, honey?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, it was really hot."

"Sarcasm?" Jenny puts her panties on his head as a joke.

"Yep." Benjamin, not amused, threw the panties on the carpet.

"Why didn't you intervene?"

Benjamin is ticked. "I'm to blame... again?"

Jenny shrugged. "Dr. Boothe gave you a chance."

"Excuse me?"

"Before we left. We sat in the driveway for like five minutes." Jenny takes a seat on the couch
and removes her pumps. Her feet were sore. "All you did was stare at us from the window. How
many times did you masturbate while I was gone?"

"Just once," he said with shame.

"And just now when we pulled up. We waited for you to come outside and pick a fight with him,
which would have been romantic, but you didn't, so I sucked his cock." It seemed as if she was
reminiscing. "He's not as big as Alexander, but still bigger than you."

"So, this was all a test?"

"No, we're in marriage counseling. Tonight wasn't all about you, silly goose. We had a good
time." She was getting excited just thinking about her date. "We made out like teenagers at the
movie, played footsie under the table at the restaurant, he drove home with just one hand on the
steering wheel because he had his fingers in my tight snatch. I had three orgasms."


"Your dick just get hard?"

Benjamin hesitates before he answers. "Yes."

"You like me fucking other men? Please, just admit it."

"I hate...that I screwing other guys... It's complicated."

"Good, now that you've admitted it, we can have fun with it."

"Fun?" He appeared skeptical.

"I'll never do anything behind your back and you're always welcome to watch. If I find myself in
a situation where I fuck a guy and your not around, I'll be sure to share all the details." She
stands up and lovingly wraps her arms around him. "After a while, it will be just another normal
part of our marriage. Any feeling of shame on your part will dissipate. You won't have anything
to stress out about."


"And it's not like I won't take care of your needs. You're my husband. It's my duty to satisfy
you." She rests her head on his shoulder and they slow dance. "Physically and emotionally.
Remember at Comic Con? You got to cum on my tits? That was nice, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, it was nice."

"Good..." She begins rubbing his erection. "Dr. Boothe never came inside me, so why don't we
go to the bedroom?" She takes him by the hand and leads him back to bedroom, hiking up her
dress, exposing her bare ass. He gave her right cheek a pinch to create a more playful

The sex which followed was adequate. The missionary position. Benjamin shot his load after
about five minutes, which is all Jenny was expecting. They snuggled and he slept better than he
had in several weeks.

Jenny found the message from David on a post-it note in the morning.


Benjamin drove Jenny to her one on one session with Dr. Boothe on Monday evening, but had to
remain in the waiting room. There were magazines for him to read, but all he did was stare
daggers through Haylie. He wasn't sure why he had such disdain for her. Her intercom buzzed
and she was asked by Dr. Boothe to join them in his office. This was peculiar. Why would a
doctor need his receptionist while dealing with a patient?

A few minutes after Haylie went inside, Benjamin could hear Jenny in the throes of passion. He was
expecting this to happen, but why was Haylie involved? He got up, crept to the door, and opened it just
a crack. He saw Jenny's high heels up in the air as Dr. Boothe fucked her on the coffee table. Haylie was
standing and filming them with a video camera.

"Ohh...fuck...Mrs.'re so hot..."

"Harder... Dr. Boothe... Fuck me harder..."

Dr. Boothe still had his shirt and tie on. His pants were down around his ankles. Jenny was on her back
with her sun dress bunched up around her waist. Her tits were giggling.

Jenny swore that Dr. Boothe would be wearing a condom. He almost had her knees pinned against her
own shoulders as he leaned down to kiss her, jack-hammering his cock into her pussy. Jenny gasped as
she had her first orgasm of the session.

"You like having by big dick in your married cunt?"

"Mmm...'s the only thing better than sucking your big dick..."

Only Haylie noticed Benjamin spying from the doorway. She seemed to be taking pleasure in not only
watching Dr. Boothe and Jenny have sex, but in the torment of Benjamin.

When they switched positions and Jenny began riding Dr. Boothe, her tits bouncing violently, is when
Benjamin shut the door, but he still heard Dr. Boothe bellow as he came.

Benjamin waited another fifteen minutes, hearing everything, before he returned to the doorway. He
saw them on the couch. Jenny was sitting on Dr. Boothe's lap, bouncing on his dick. Haylie was still
filming them, sitting in the high back chair with her skirt tossed away and her feet up on the coffee table.
She had her free hand down her panties, manipulating her clit.

Jenny was digging her fingernails into Dr. Boothe's thighs and he grasped her tits as she bucked harder.
"Ohh...yes... I'm...I'm gonna... I'm gonna cum...I'm cumming..." she moaned. She then laid back and
kissed him while tweaking her own nipples.

Dr. Boothe then bent Jenny over the arm of the couch and continued pounding his cock deep into her
pussy. "Ohh... YES! YES!" she cried. He clutched her sun dress, using it as reigns while thrusting into her.

"Jesus Christ... Don't stop... Don't stop... Don't...ever...stop...FUCKING ME!!!" Jenny begged as Dr.
Boothe bit down on her shoulder. Not to break the skin, just to give her an extra thrill. They climaxed
simultaneously. Haylie kept filming their post-coitus make out session, while having her own explosive
orgasm, almost dropping the video camera.

Benjamin glanced at Haylie's engagement ring before he shut the door.

Haylie was the first to return to the waiting room, smiling like a true vixen.

"Would you like to give me your email?" she asked.

"What for? Billing? I've been paying in check."

"No, so I can send you a copy of the video."

"Dr. Boothe recommends that I watch it?"

Haylie was being cruel. "The choice is yours, Mr. Blethyn."

Benjamin followed Haylie to her desk and wrote his email down on a post-it note.


Jenny had her eyes closed on the ride home. Not napping, just resting. Benjamin made mental note of a
sleazy motel just off a nearby exit. A good place for a rendezvous. Who knows how far Haylie would be
willing to go keep her fiancé from discovering what she does with Dr. Boothe behind closed doors? A
plan was forming.

Then, Jenny stirred. "Oh, don't forget to remind me to call David. I've decided that I will model for him.
He's such sweet boy... But, I keep forgetting that he's not a boy anymore. He's a man."

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