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Running head: DATA ANALYSIS 1

Association mining rule

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Association mining rule

The association rule mining is a data mining process that involves finding the rules

governing associations and causal objects between sets of items. Therefore, in a given set of

transactions with multiple items, the association rule finds the rule that governs the way items are

bought together (Dhanalakahmi & Porkodi, 2017). Thus, it provides the probability of the co-

occurrence of the item in a collection. In this case, the relationship between the co-occurring

items is expressed as the association rule.

Apriori algorithm is a classical algorithm useful in frequent mining itemsets and their

relevant association rules. Mainly the apriori algorithm is applied in the database with a large

number of transactions (Yuan, 2017, March). For instance, the apriori algorithm is used when

dealing with items customer buys in the supermarket. It helps to group the related items closely

together hence making it for the buyer to identify them. Also, this enables to enhance the sales

performance of the business.

Item generation using apriori refers to frequent itemset whose support is more significant

than some user-specified minimum support. The data mining involves frequent itemsets that play

a vital role which is used to identify the correlations among the fields of database, the use of

double hashing based frequent itemset use the hashing method to store database in vertical data

format (Gaikwad, et al. 2017).

The use of double hashing is advantageous in that it prevents the issues of a hash

collision. Again, the use of double hashing ensures no secondary clustering problem during the

generation of itemsets. Also, the use of this method ensures the computation is more comfortable

faster and more efficient compared to other techniques (Yuan, 2017, March). Thus, the double

hashing based frequent itemsets provide to eliminate unnecessary, redundant scans in the data

set. Hence, it enables the utilization of less space and time.



Dhanalakahmi, P., & Porkodi, R. (2017). A Survey on Different Association Rule Mining

Algorithms in Data Mining. IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science, 126-133.

Gaikwad, P. R., Kamble, S. D., Thakur, N. V., & Patharkar, A. S. (2017). Evaluation of Apriori

Algorithm on Retail Market Transactional Database to get Frequent Itemsets. Annals of

Computer Science and Information Systems, 10, 187-192.

Yuan, X. (2017, March). An improved Apriori algorithm for mining association rules. In AIP

conference proceedings (Vol. 1820, No. 1, p. 080005). AIP Publishing LLC.

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