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GLOBAL POLITICS GLOBALIZATION Realist view Realists have typically adopted a sceptical stance towards globalization, seeing it more in terms of inten- sifying economic interdependence (that is,'more of the same’) rather than the creation of an interlocking slobal economy. Most importantly, the state continues, to be the dominant unit in world politics. Instead of being threatened by globalization, the state's capacity for regulation and surveillance may have increased rather than decreased. However, realists are not simply globalization deniers. In assessing the nature and significance of globalization, they emphasize that glob- alization and the international system are not separate, stil less rival, structures. Rather, the former should be seen as a manifestation of the latter. Globalization has been made by states, for states, particularly dominant states. Developments such as an open trading system, global financial markets and the advent of transna~ tional production were all put in place to advance the interests of western states in general and the USA in particular. Furthermore, realists question the notion that globalization is associated with a shift towards ppeace and cooperation. Instead, heightened economic interdependence is as likely to breed ‘mutual vulnera- bility, leading to conflict rather than cooperation. Liberal view Liberals adopt a consistently positive attitude towards globalization. For economic liberals, globalization reflects the victory of the market over ‘irrational’ national allegiances and ‘arbitrary’ state borders. The miracle of the market is that it draws resources towards their most profitable use, thus bringing prosperity to individuals, families, companies and societies, The attraction of economic globalization is therefore that it allows markets to operate on a global scale, replacing the ‘shallow integration of free trade and intensified interdependence with the ‘deep’ integration of a single slobal economy. The increased productivity and inten- sified competition that this produces benefits all the societies that participate within i demonstrating that economic globalization isa positive-sum game, a game ‘of winners and winners. Liberals also believe that glob- alization brings social and political benefits. The freer flow of information and ideas around the world both ‘widens opportunities for personal self-development and

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