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BSMT 2B7 Date: 28-01-2020

1. How would you reconcile the emerging needs of human being regarding their health

and the need to protect the growth of biodiversity?

 We human beings cannot live without Earth but Earth can live without humans.

So as humans we also are benefited by the natures gift, from that we should be

the one protecting it, we should develop new things that will help the nature to

live longer not harming it, because we can get all our needs from the nature

itself our medicines, foods, water, air, shelter and other important things. That is

why we should look forward and make an action to save and protect the


2. Do you think that Earth can exist without human beings taking care of it? Or

biodiversity also needs human beings for it to be in a continuous growing process?

 Yes, the Earth can exist without human beings taking care of it because first of

all Earth was around 4 billion+ years old before we came along. Why? Because

Nature/Earth can live without the help of others, we are just one of those species

that are using or living in Earth. Yes, all the things that we built like buildings,

plantations, electricity plantations, nuclear power, farms, dams, satellites etc.

they will all come to an end, it will all stop working and will malfunction without

the maintenance needed. All domestic animals like dogs, cats, birds, horses and

other animals that are taken care of will die because they can’t survive living in

the wild and also no one will feed them, the satellites will fall like shooting stars

but still the Earth will live with much more cleaner air and from this it will be a

source of new vegetation that will start a new civilizations of new species.

Remember that the Earth survived the meteorites that struck the dinosaurs. And
still the Earth managed to survive and build a new life. So Earth do can exist

without humans.

3. What are small ways that you think would promote safekeeping our biodiversity?

What do you think are common human activities that can harm biodiversity? What

would be the consequences if these human activities might stopped and prohibited?

 The very first effective way to do to promote safekeeping of our biodiversity is by

lessen the use of products that may harm the nature, for example the plastic

usage, also we should take care of the good insects like bees by planting pollen

and nectar plants, also by maintaining wetlands by conserving water, strictly stop

illegal logging. First, Illegal logging is one of the common human activity that

harms the biodiversity because it leads to the loss of animals habitat and nature

distruction, second, using plastic materials that are not properly disposed, third,

are those inventions that harm the environment like factories and laboratories. If

humans stopped and prohibit these activities the people will suffer, their life will

be a lot more harder, but still we should always think before inventing

something, we should be sure that it will not just us humans but also the nature.

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