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Paul Infantino

Silence Phones
Poetry in Song explained
Lyrics not printed or projected
Interact / experience the poem
Not know when it will end

We will present each poem

Then we will sing the setting of the poem by
various composers
Imagine sound / compositional choices

Please hold your applause in between

reading and song
Enjoy and imagine!

I Am Not Yours
Sara Teasdale
b. St. Louis Missouri
-first publish @ 23 y/o
-Simplicity / Clarity
-Classical Poetry forms
-Yearning for love, swallowed up by love
-Feeling overwhelmed
-candle imagery
-Living composer David Childs
-b.New Zealand
- current Texas

Read by Reema Maayaa

As Torrents in Summers
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
-excerpt from “The Saga of King Olaf”
-Norse crusader
-Favorite poem of Teddy Roosevelt
-Composer Edward Elgar
-better known for instrumental music
-Pomp and Circumstance
-Cantata- Opera without staging
-Small part of Olaf poem is conclusion of
the 95 minute cantata

Read by Devin Doss

Anonymous poem
John Wilbye- English
Renaissance/Baroque Madrigalist
-Secular music
-Vernacular- French, Italian, English
-Short text- longer setting
-Major/Minor Relationship

Read by Leigh Ann Cravens

Sweet Day
Poem- titled Virtue
George Herbert
b. Wales
Excellent lute player (Medieval-Baroque
Poems set by many composers
Virtue- 10 settings
Ralph Vaughan Williams
-Influenced by folk songs from his
-omitted one stanza

Read by Maggie Glenn

Let Down the Bars O death

Emily Dickinson
-one of most well known American poets
-main theme = death/morbidity
- Sheep and the flock metaphor
-Samuel Barber
Instrumental (Adagio) film score
-same summer = composed “bars”
-Loved French food, humor
“When I die, please remember I don’t want
flowers, I just want croutons. Get a sack of
croutons and sprinkle them over my coffin.”
Performed this piece @ funeral

Read by - Michelle Nguyen

Consolations- Franz Liszt
19th century composer
Virtuoso legendary hand-span
Also a writer and essayist

Consolations- perhaps inspired by poetry

collection of a similar name
Six solo piano pieces
No. 2 in E major
Rachelle Butler

Sing to Me
1. Poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
a. 1850-1919
b. from Solitude “laugh and the
world laughs with you; weep
and you weep alone”
2. Andrea Ramsey
a. University of Colorado
b. PhD from Michigan State
University in Music

Read by – Joab Suarez

The Road Not Taken

Robert Frost
Has been interpreted so many ways
Often read as “seize the day”
The Road not Taken
-Not the road less traveled by
“I tell be telling this with a sigh”

Read by Ashley Bennett

Thank Yous
Cuyamaca College

Dr. Taylor Smith

Audio Visual Tech - Bryan

Rachelle Butler
And did Those Feet- Blythe Beisigl
Poem by William Blake
More commonly known as Jerusalem
-Anthem by Hubert Parry
-A visit by Jesus would, at least temporarily
create heaven in England
-Dark satanic mills- industrial revolution
-changing landscape
-4 open ended questions in the poem
-implication of visit or not
-Optimism and hope for England

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