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Chapter 1501: What Are You Doing/ Now, Future

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1777: What Are You Doing?

“Ugh, that… This room is indeed a little stuffy. Why don’t we open the window?”
Yang Ming didn’t know how to answer, so he changed the subject.

Yang Ming, who was always known for his cleverness and eloquence, was defeated
today. It seems that I’m not invincible. When I encounter an opponent like Jing
Xiaolu, I’m really powerless!

Thinking about my previous opponents… Chen Mengyan is a good student. I have a lot
of excuses when I skip class. Chen Mengyan is naturally not my opponent. However,
against Jing Xiaolu, a chick who deceives for fun, I really feel like I have met my

Yang Ming didn’t plan to continue with Jing Xiaolu. If he did, he might get hooked

Yang Ming stood up and opened the window. A cold breeze hit Yang Ming, making him
sneeze. Those wretched thoughts also disappeared with the cold.

“The air here is not bad. It is better than in the city,” Yang Ming took a deep
breath and said.

“What are you doing? I just took off my coat and you opened the window. Are you
trying to freeze me to death?” Jing Xiaolu also shivered from the sudden cold
draught. Her previous impure thoughts disappeared like Yang Ming.

She was a little annoyed at Yang Ming’s incomprehensible style but was also
thankful that he was not the kind of person who liked to take advantage of others’
misfortune. However, she felt a kind of empty feeling in her heart.

“Ugh…” Yang Ming closed the window with a little embarrassment. “Well, what about

“It’s okay. I was just simply saying. I’m not too cold.” Jing Xiaolu felt that she
was too wayward just now. It was better to not let Yang Ming hate her, so she
changed her remarks quickly.

“…” Yang Ming was a little speechless as he shrugged. “I don’t know what’s going on
with Bi Hai? Should I call and ask?”

“En…” Jing Xiaolu nodded with a complex expression. Are these opportunities always
so fleeting?

Yang Ming looked at the time. It’s been almost twenty minutes. Why isn’t Bi Hai
moving? We agreed for him to come to the room to find me after everything is done.
Why is it taking so long for him to come?

Yang Ming looked at the hotel phone’s dial code on the bedside table and dialed the
number for Bi Hai’s room.
“Beep… beep… beep…” The call was connected, but there was only a continuous beep
sound. No one answered the call.

“No one answered?” Jing Xiaolu asked strangely. “Did you call the wrong number?”

The hotel’s phone receiver was relatively loud, so Xiaolu could also hear the
prompt dialing sound even when she stood at the side.

“It can’t be? I just dialed according to this dial code reference.” Yang Ming
pointed to the dialing code next to the phone.

Just as Yang Ming was speaking, the phone finally connected. Before Yang Ming
spoke, Bi Hai roared, “I already said I don’t want a prostitute! I brought my wife!

After Bi Hai finished talking, Ge Xinyao’s moan could be heard over the phone. It
seemed to be intentionally catered to Bi Hai’s words as if showing off to whoever
was on the phone. It was astonishingly loud.

Yang Ming was a little dumbfounded by this sudden change. What the hell is this Bi
Hai doing?!

“That…” Yang Ming wanted to speak, but Bi Hai had already hung up the phone.

“Hung up…” Yang Ming reluctantly turned to look at Jing Xiaolu but found that she
was looking at him, flushed. Yang Ming suddenly realized that Jing Xiaolu also
heard the sound from the telephone receiver.

“En…” Jing Xiaolu nodded somewhat shyly.

“What the hell is Bi Hai doing?” Yang Ming was a little dumbfounded by the
situation. The ambiguous atmosphere between him and Jing Xiaolu had just eased a
little bit, but Bi Hai made it murky again. So he said with a distressed tone,
“Isn’t Ge Xinyao on her period? What the hell is this?”

“How would I know…” Jing Xiaolu smiled wryly, “Maybe it’s over?”

“…” Yang Ming was just simply complaining. He didn’t expect Jing Xiaolu to answer
him. This topic suddenly made Yang Ming feel awkward.

“I’ll scold this bastard!” Yang Ming was so angry that he called again.

This time, the phone was answered very quickly. But before Bi Hai could speak, Yang
Ming yelled directly, “Bi Hai, what the hell are you doing?”

“Ah? Ah? Brother Yang?” Bi Hai was shocked when he heard Yang Ming’s voice, and he
started to stutter, “I… I… I’m doing… I… I’m doing it with Ge Xinyao…”

“Ahem…” Yang Ming almost couldn’t catch his breath as he started laughing to death
after hearing this… Bi Hai is really outrageous. He can actually answer me like
this. Yang Ming’s anger was dissipated by Bi Hai’s answer. “I didn’t ask who you
are doing it with. I just called to ask what is going on with you?”

Jing Xiaolu also heard Bi Hai’s answer. She almost bent over and laughed, but she
didn’t dare to make a sound. She could only cover her mouth and resist the impulse
to laugh. Her body was so uncomfortable.

Bi Hai’s answer was really indecent. It was inappropriate for a girl like Jing
Xiaolu to laugh without the slightest scruple.
“Ah? Brother Yang, you were the one who just called… I… This…” When Bi Hai heard
Yang Ming say that he made the previous call, he was frightened and started to
sweat. “Brother Yang I didn’t know that it was you who just called. I thought it

Speaking of this, Bi Hai stopped and somewhat was afraid to continue.

“Who did you think it was? Why don’t you say it? Quickly explain,” Yang Ming asked
with a sneer.

“I… That…” Bi Hai said a little embarrassingly, “A woman called earlier and coyly
asked me whether I wanted a prostitute. I said I didn’t… but after a while, she
called and asked again…”

“Then I called and you thought that I was the same person?” Yang Ming heard Bi
Hai’s words and didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. But he also understood Bi
Hai’s approach… After the college entrance examination, when the whole class went
to the resort, didn’t I receive such a call? Finally, I yelled into the phone
anxiously but realized that it was Chen Mengyan who called. I know that

So it was reasonable for Bi Hai to make such a mistake due to his anxiety. Yang
Ming did not plan to blame him, as his anger had fully dissipated.

“Hehe…” Bi Hai chuckled twice to express agreement with what Yang Ming said.

“But isn’t Ge Xinyao on her period? You just…” Yang Ming voiced the doubts in his

“Just … Hehe…” Bi Hai said a little embarrassedly. “That voice from before turned
me on a little, and Ge Xinyao was afraid that I would sneak away and make mistakes…
so the two of us…”

“Are both of you done?” Yang Ming broke into a sweat immediately when he heard Bi
Hai’s explanation. He didn’t expect Jing Xiaolu to guess correctly.

“This…” Bi Hai hesitated a bit. “Brother Yang, do you want us to end… or not…”

“…” Yang Ming almost threw the telephone receiver directly to the ground. Why is Bi
Hai also doing this? Jing Xiaolu just asked me, “Do you want me to take everything
off? Or just take off the coat?” Bi Hai actually…

Jing Xiaolu naturally understood Bi Hai’s words. Although she was also shy, she
couldn’t help but smile.

“What do you mean by what do I want?” Yang Ming said angrily. “Can I control
whether you end it or not?”

“Ugh… it’ll take a while…” Bi Hai said carefully…

“Okay, you go ahead. We’ll talk afterward,” Yang Ming reluctantly hung up after
talking. He turned his head to Jing Xiaolu and said, “This guy is too lousy.”

“*Giggle*…” Jing Xiaolu finally couldn’t help but laugh as she rocked back and
forth, “This time, I have more ways to tease Sister Xinyao!”
“Ring…” The telephone on the bedside table suddenly rang.

“Could it be from Bi Hai?” Yang Ming muttered to himself as he glanced at the phone
in confusion.

###Chapter 1778: Now, Future.

Yang Ming answered the phone, “Hello?”

“Sir… would you like a massage service? Our service is very good, only two hundred
yuan for the night…” A coy and charming female voice came from the phone.

Isn’t this the call that Bi Hai mentioned? Yang Ming can’t help but get turned on.
The girl’s voice was really bewitching. Men who are slightly a little unsteady
would probably give in to her request. It was no wonder that Bi Hai was turned on.
Even someone as determined as Yang Ming couldn’t help but be shaken.

However, she sounded really nice… It turned Yang Ming on a little. He secretly
glanced at Jing Xiaolu, and thought, Jing Xiaolu didn’t seem to hear what was said
over the phone this time. If she heard it, the atmosphere here would become even
more ambiguous…

Of course, Yang Ming wasn’t stupid enough to get this massage service. Yang Ming
knew that the person who called and the one who came would be two different people.
These hotels usually hired a few girls with a sweet voice to call…

Alas, after speaking on the phone, she would not speak again. Yang Ming just wanted
to decline, but Jing Xiaolu grabbed the phone and said, “I don’t want it. I’m a
certified masseuse!”

After speaking, Jing Xiaolu slammed the phone.

“Ugh…” Yang Ming was confused by Jing Xiaolu’s actions. Although Yang Ming knew
that Jing Xiaolu was very formidable, that was all in the past. Since working in
Ming Yang Entertainment, Jing Xiaolu had presented a gentle lady image. Yang Ming
was suddenly puzzled when she flipped out at this time. Just as Yang Ming was about
to ask her, Jing Xiaolu spoke first.

“Yang Ming, what are you doing?” It could be seen that Jing Xiaolu was really angry
this time. Otherwise, Jing Xiaolu would never talk so loudly to Yang Ming like when
they met in the cafeteria for the first time.

Even if she had a small temper, she just grumbled for a while. She never yelled so
loudly before.

“I… What am I doing?” Yang Ming was baffled by Jing Xiaolu’s sudden anger.

“Do you think that I’m not even as good as those massage ladies?” Jing Xiaolu saw
that Yang Ming was not acknowledging his fault. She stood up and glared at Yang

“What are you talking about? When did I say that?” Yang Ming was even more wronged
this time.

“You still don’t admit it!” Jing Xiaolu sneered and said. “Then why didn’t you just
hang up after you picked up the phone? You still looked at me with a shifty-eye?
Tell me, are you tempted to call that massage service?”

“I…” Yang Ming, who was suddenly accused by Jing Xiaolu, didn’t know what to say.
“What do you want to say? Do you want to explain? The explanation will just be a
cover-up anyway!” Jing Xiaolu’s sentence directly stopped Yang Ming from

Yang Ming didn’t know what to say. According to Jing Xiaolu, whatever I say will
just be a cover-up… Why am I so wronged?

However, Jing Xiaolu became even more emotional as she spoke, “Yang Ming, I know
you have always looked down on me, You think that I used to be a girl delinquent. I
like you and chase after you, but you still ignore me! I admit that I can’t be
compared with Chen Mengyan, nor Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia, but you can’t ignore me
like this! Do I turn you off so much that you need to find a masseuse?”

“This… I…” When Yang Ming heard Jing Xiaolu’s complaint, he really felt
dumbfounded. However, Yang Ming also learned of Jing Xiaolu’s inferiority feelings.

Although Jing Xiaolu was now a major shareholder holding the shares of two
companies, and also the chairman of one of them, all of these things couldn’t cover
up Jing Xiaolu’s sad past.

Even though Jing Xiaolu did not sell her body and soul, swindling was always
dishonorable. It was inevitable for Jing Xiaolu not to have this inferiority
complex when compared to a good girl like Chen Mengyan.

“I took the initiative to give myself to you, but you actually want to find someone
else. Yang Ming, tell me, do you look down on me…” Jing Xiaolu’s voice choked a
little as she said this.

“Xiaolu, what the hell are you talking about? When did I say I was looking for a
masseuse?” Although Yang Ming had learned of Jing Xiaolu’s inferiority complex, it
was still very strange. Why is Jing Xiaolu so sure that I look for a masseuse?

Even if she was a delinquent non-mainstream girl before, she is a company’s

chairman now. She still feels that a masseuse is better than her?

“If you aren’t looking for a masseuse, then why didn’t you immediately decline or
hang up after receiving her call but look at me out of the corner of your eyes?”
asked Jing Xiaolu.

“You mean this!” Yang Ming smiled bitterly. “Xiaolu, you have misunderstood. I
didn’t hang up immediately because I remembered about the thing with Bi Hai. I was
afraid that after you hear it, you would be afraid that I will be as turned on as
Bi Hai, making the atmosphere between us even more…”

“Really?” Jing Xiaolu’s eyes lit up after hearing Yang Ming’s explanation but she
still asked a little doubtfully.

“Of course it is true…” Yang Ming said, “You think too badly of me. How can I find
a masseuse? Also, I do not look down on you…”

“Nothing… then don’t take it to heart…” Jing Xiaolu was a little embarrassed, but
she didn’t want to discuss the “look down” topic Yang Ming mentioned.

“Xiaolu, do you think that I, or others, look down on your past?” Yang Ming did not
avoid this topic and continued to ask. He felt the need to untie Jing Xiaolu’s
heart knot. Otherwise, this would always be a pain in Jing Xiaolu’s heart. Maybe,
it would cause fatal harm to her in the future.
“Yang Ming, stop talking about it… just consider it nonsense. I don’t want to
mention the past…” Jing Xiaolu shook her head.

“Xiaolu, in fact, you can see that I am free almost every day now. There are many
employees in companies. It even seems as if I am very powerful in Song Jiang… In
fact, I also had a bad past…” Yang Ming sighed, “You were a delinquent girl, and I
was a little punk. Both of us are very similar. How can I look down on you?”

Jing Xiaolu also knew some of Yang Ming’s past. Yang Ming’s words really made
sense! I used to always look at Yang Ming’s women and feel that my past was
disgraceful, but I did not think of Yang Ming’s past!

“I’ve even been to the detention center. So isn’t my past worse than yours?” Yang
Ming said, “Because Zhiyun is affectionate and righteous, I was released from
prison. You used to be a punk that advocated fighting and violence… so was I!”

“So, we’re still the best match?” Jing Xiaolu was always troubled when she compared
her past with the women next to Yang Ming. It was always a knot in her heart. But
she felt cheerful after listening to Yang Ming. She felt so much more relieved!

Yes, Yang Ming used to be a little punk, so what else do I have to worry about?
Thinking about it, Yang Ming does understand my past very well. He is probably more
familiar with the kind of delinquent scamming girl that I used to be.

“That’s most likely.” Yang Ming listened to Jing Xiaolu’s words and smiled
bitterly. He didn’t expect Jing Xiaolu to be so lighthearted. She was okay with it
once it was all explained. There was no need to drag it on.

“Haha,” Jing Xiaolu couldn’t help but laugh. “Then, would Chen Mengyan and others
look down on me in the future?”

Nothing is happening now, but she is thinking about the future? Yang Ming couldn’t
help but be amazed, Jing Xiaolu is thinking too far ahead, right? But we will most
likely not make any progress, at least not before I go to Yunnan.

However, Yang Ming couldn’t bear to disappoint Jing Xiaolu at this moment, so he
said, “If she looks down on you, doesn’t that mean she looks down on me too? Do you
think she does?”

“That… will not happen…” Jing Xiaolu thought for a moment. That is really the case.
If Chen Mengyan looked down on me, wouldn’t she look down on Yang Ming too? She
couldn’t help but feel happy again.

Chapter 1502: Came Fast/ Malicious Plan

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1779: Came Fast

Zhang Kaiyuan squatted next to the wall below the villa. It was fine at the
beginning, but after a while, he began to freeze and shiver. Spring in the North
was cold. Zhang Kaiyuan didn’t eat much because of his previous depression. After
drinking a lot of alcohol, he was exposed to the chill wind and he immediately felt
hungry and cold.

“Why hasn’t Brother De come yet? He couldn’t be messing up with me, right?” Zhang
Kaiyuan was holding his phone. He hadn’t received a phone call for so long, and he
didn’t know if Brother De had started the journey or not.

Zhang Kaiyuan wanted to call Brother De and ask, but he was afraid that Brother De
would be annoyed. So, after thinking for a long time, he put the phone back in his
pocket, took out a cigarette, and started smoking.


Jing Xiaolu’s tantrum eased the ambiguous tension in the room by a lot. It was at
least not as awkward as before. Jing Xiaolu had opened her heart and the distance
between them had disappeared.

Yang Ming had also learned the fragile side of Jing Xiaolu’s heart. But to be
honest, Yang Ming really didn’t think much of Jing Xiaolu’s past! Yang Ming, who
also had similar experiences, felt that Jing Xiaolu was a unique delinquent girl.
It was quite rare to be able to remain chaste after being in such a society for a
long time! During his punk years, there were so many delinquent girls who flung
themselves towards him and the people around him. Yang Ming knew all about the
rotten lifestyle of those delinquent girls. Because Yang Ming was thinking of Su Ya
at that time, he had no intention to bother with other women. Otherwise, he might
be fooling around all day.

“Are you happy now?” Yang Ming asked Jing Xiaolu, who was no longer sorrowful but

“En… I’m sorry, I misunderstood you before…” Jing Xiaolu thought of herself wrongly
accusing Yang Ming before of wanting to find a masseuse and could not help but be

“It’s fine. But you said that you are a certified masseuse? What did you mean?”
Yang Ming remembered Jing Xiaolu’s previous sentence on the phone

“I… I was just simply speaking,” Jing Xiaolu said embarrassedly. “Why? Do you
really want to try?”

“… That’s alright…” Yang Ming really wanted to say why not, but his reason still
defeated his desire.

“En, then I have to learn when I have free time and give you a massage in the
future,” said Jing Xiaolu.

“This…” Yang Ming didn’t know how to answer, and was silent for a while before he
said, “Why don’t we go out for a walk? I didn’t eat much just now. Let’s see if
there are any snacks around here.”

“En, what about Sister Xinyao and the others? Are we not waiting for them?” Jing
Xiaolu was a bit hungry after hearing Yang MIng’s words. She had; also not eaten
much before.
“It’s been two hours and they’re not finished yet. Bi Hai is really fierce…” Yang
Ming looked at the time and said helplessly.

“Oh…” Jing Xiaolu blushed, apparently thinking of something. Jing Xiaolu noticed
that she had become so pure now. I used to talk dirty with Sister Xinyao and it was
fine. Why am I blushing now?

He left the room together with Jing Xiaolu and took the elevator downstairs.

“Yi? What’s that?” Jing Xiaolu looked strangely at a blinking red dot under a wall
near the villa.

Jing Xiaolu couldn’t see clearly in the darkness. It was pitch black.

Yang Ming looked up and was a bit surprised! The red dot Jing Xiaolu mentioned was
the light from a burning cigarette. The smoker was actually Zhang Kaiyuan! What the
hell is this kid doing here in the middle of the night?

If not for Yang Ming’s special ability that allowed him to see that Zhang Kaiyuan
had not taken off his pants, Yang Ming would have thought he was squatting there
and pooping!

“Oh, what a stupid person with no quality. He is actually pooping there,” Yang Ming
said while glancing at Jing Xiaolu. He deliberately spoke louder so that Zhang
Kaiyuan could hear it clearly.

“Ah! How is this happening!” Jing Xiaolu listened to Yang Ming’s words and covered
her mouth subconsciously with her hand, and even turned her head away. “It is too

“Yes, should I teach him a lesson?” Yang Ming asked with a smirk.

Zhang Kaiyuan naturally heard Yang Ming’s words. He was angry! He thought, You are
the one pooping! I’m just squatting here to smoke a cigarette… Ugh. As soon as he
thought of this, Zhang Kaiyuan assessed his posture. I really do look like someone
who is squatting to poop… This look is so unusual.

Zhang Kaiyuan was angry hearing that Yang Ming wanted to come and teach him a
lesson. You’re going to teach me a lesson? That Wang Lin is not with you. You think
you are outstanding? How dare you teach me a lesson?

However, Zhang Kaiyuan did not want to have a conflict with Yang Ming so early for
the sake of his future plans with Brother De. He could only bear Yang Ming’s

“Forget it. It’s very dirty…” Jing Xiaolu shook her head after hearing Yang Ming’s

“Alright. Let’s ignore him,” Yang Ming shrugged. Originally, Yang Ming didn’t
intend to trouble Zhang Kaiyuan. He just said these few words to frighten him.

This was because Yang Ming could see clearly that Zhang Kaiyuan was squatting and
smoking instead of pooping. If he was really pooping, Yang Ming wouldn’t mind going
to make him sit on his own poop.

Yang Ming didn’t understand why Zhang Kaiyuan was squatting on the ground and
smoking. Isn’t this problematic? However, Yang Ming didn’t want to bother about
other people’s business.

Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu stopped looking at Zhang Kaiyuan and walked far away.
Zhang Kaiyuan was relieved. To be honest, he was very afraid of Yang Ming
approaching him. If Yang Ming saw him squatting here, it was difficult to guarantee
that he wouldn’t be suspicious. If Yang Ming discovered beforehand that he was
looking for Brother De, he would not achieve his purpose.

Looking at Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu leaving, Zhang Kaiyuan was relieved while
secretly rejoicing at the same time. It seems that even God wants to help me! Zhang
Kaiyuan noticed that Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu had returned to the room for so long
without coming out. He thought they wouldn’t come out. He was thinking about how to
trick Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu to come out after Brother De arrives. Now, there
was no need. The problem now was that he didn’t know when Brother De would arrive.
It was better for Brother De to reach here before Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu
returned to the villa. Otherwise, it would be useless.

However, Zhang Kaiyuan was not in a hurry to follow Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu. If
they did not venture far from the villa, they were most likely walking in the
surrounding streets. They could not go too far. There was only a small town near
the resort. The whole town was about the same size as a village, so it was easy to
find people.

Zhang Kaiyuan was just anxious about Brother De’s locations. After Yang Ming and
Jing Xiaolu left, Zhang Kaiyuan couldn’t help but finally dial Brother De’s phone

“Hello? Zhang Xiaonao, right?” Brother De answered the phone quickly, “Why did you
call me? Are you in a hurry?”

“I’m not in a hurry… it’s alright. Brother De, I was afraid that this kid wouldn’t
come out of the villa’s room. It would be hard to handle if that was the case !”
Zhang Kaiyuan quickly explained. “It just so happens that this kid is outside
walking around. I think it’s easier to take action now!”

“Oh, so it’s like this. Hehe, don’t worry. We will be there soon. We’re on the way.
We have just reached Songyu Town!” said Brother De.

“Ah, you have already arrived in Songyu Town? So fast?” Zhang Kaiyuan was a little
surprised by Brother De’s speed. Songyu Town was not far from Jidun City, so he was
not far from the Immortal Resort. It would only take another half hour to reach
here by driving. Of course, this was if Brother De drove at normal speed. The
expressway had a speed limit. Zhang Kaiyuan didn’t know how Brother De could drive
so fast!

According to expressway’s speed limit, they should take at least four hours to
reach the destination from my hometown unless they speed! I know this from the last
time I went home with my father!

Did Brother De speed? Isn’t he afraid of being fined?

“Haha, my Nissan van has been modified so it can drive very fast!” Brother De said,
“I promised you, so naturally, I have to arrive there sooner!”

“Thank you, Brother De!” Zhang Kaiyuan was touched. Brother De is really handling
this matter! It seems that the one-hundred-thousand yuan spent on new years was not
in vain.
“Okay, no need to thank me. Let’s meet later and talk about it!” Brother De just
wanted Zhang Kaiyuan to remember his favor so that it would be easier to handle
things in the future.

Brother De did not care about speeding. Anyway, the car’s license was fake. It
didn’t matter if they were caught on tape.

###Chapter 1780: Malicious Plan

Sure enough, Brother De came quickly. Within half an hour, a phone call was made to
let Zhang Kaiyuan know that they had reached the Immortal Resort’s gate.

Zhang Kaiyuan became excited when he received the call. He even rushed to the
resort’s gate. He had been squatting under this wall for several hours. Zhang
Kaiyuan felt that his butt was going to freeze!

Zhang Kaiyuan wouldn’t freeze here and would instead return to his room if he
wasn’t afraid of not being able to track Yang Ming’s whereabouts. Since Brother De
had arrived, Zhang Kaiyuan hurried over to greet him. He then planned to hurry back
to his room after this to avoid others’ doubts.

Zhang Kaiyuan saw a white old-fashioned Nissan van at the resort’s entrance. Zhang
Kaiyuan doubted his eyes a little. This old broken car can drive so fast? But
thinking about it, Brother De said before that this car has been modified. It is
probably a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

As Zhang Kaiyuan approached, the Nissan van’s door opened. Brother De stuck his
head out from the door, and called Zhang Kaiyuan, “Zhang Xiaonao, get in the car!”

After Zhang Kaiyuan greeted Brother De, he quickly got on the Nissan van. He was
overjoyed to see Brother De bring several underlings with him. These people could
not only settle Yang Ming, but even Wang Lin would also not be their opponent!

“Brother De! You are so fast!” Zhang Kaiyuan said flatteringly, “Your car is really
good. It isn’t eye-catching on the outside, but it’s so fast!”

“Of course, I replaced the engine with that of a sports car’s!” Brother De nodded
proudly. “This car is specially used as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Last time,
there was a car that looked down on me on the expressway. So, I stepped on the gas
and overtook him. He couldn’t catch up with me the entire way. In the end, the dumb
fellow didn’t look carefully when overtaking a car, so he crashed into the curb.
Fortunately, his car was good. Otherwise, he would die with the speed he was
driving at!”

“Haha…” Zhang Kaiyuan naturally knew that Brother De must be bragging. Even if he
changed this Nissan’s engine, it would not be possible for him to drive faster than
a professional sports car. However, Zhang Kaiyuan did not expose him, but only said
with an envious expression, “Really? That’s awesome! Brother De, I think your car
is better than my dad’s Mercedez!”

“En, that’s normal!” Brother De nodded contentedly, “Right, where is this kid you
mentioned? Tell me in detail about how you want me to teach him a lesson.

“Right, talk about business, talk about business!” Zhang Kaiyuan naturally also
wanted to get to the topic quickly. But he was afraid that Brother De would be
unhappy if he brought it up as soon as they met. So, he had to do some boot-licking
for a while. However, since Brother De took the initiative to bring it up,
shouldn’t he take advantage?
“You asked me to teach him a lesson. Will the boy suspect you afterward?” Brother
De asked. “Does your father know about this?”

Brother De was not afraid that the boy who would be taught a lesson would
investigate him. But he was afraid that the boy would know it was perpetrated by
Zhang Kaiyuan and would look for Zhang Laofu. Then, he would have done a bad thing
with good intentions!

“No, he won’t as long as I don’t show up!” Zhang Kaiyuan said. “My dad doesn’t know
about this, but I don’t need to let him know. Brother De, you wouldn’t not help me
because of this, right…”

“How could that be!” Brother De heard Zhang Kaiyuan say this and thought about it.
There are pros and cons to this matter! It might be possible for Zhang Laofu to
complain that I condoned Zhang Kaiyuan’s fights. But from another perspective, if
Zhang Laofu is kept unknowing, it would be a common secret between me and Zhang
Kaiyuan. At that time, in order to keep this secret, doesn’t Zhang Kaiyuan have to
be obedient and help me?

In the future, if Zhang Kaiyuan, a person close to Zhang Laofu, is on my side, my

plan can be implemented more smoothly. So he said, “I was just simply asking. In
this case, don’t let your dad know about it. After all, it’s not a glorious thing!”

“Brother De, you are so particular!” Zhang Kaiyuan initially thought that Brother
De wanted to back off and not help him. But when he heard this sentence from
Brother Die he was overjoyed!

This was no wonder. Although he was the one who lost one-hundred-thousand yuan to
Brother De, Brother De was not stupid. Brother De knew that without Zhang Laofu
inciting it, how could Zhang Kaiyuan have the courage to lose a hundred-thousand

Now, he was here to help Zhang Kaiyuan, but he didn’t let Zhang Laofu know. Then,
he would be returning this one-hundred-thousand yuan favor in vain. He still had to
return the favor to Zhang Laofu again in the future!

“To mingle in society, you need to have a code of brotherhood. If you don’t have
it, then you can’t mingle in society! Right?” Brother De said arrogantly. “Well,
tell me what to do later!”

“Okay, okay!” Zhang Kaiyuan nodded again and again, and told Brother De about his
plan, “In a while, after you see the kid, so and so… and then the girl next to

Zhang Kaiyuan began to talk about the malicious plan he had thought of before.

“What?” Brother De was a little surprised when he heard Zhang Kaiyuan’s plan. “This
isn’t good, right? Aren’t you breaking the law? If the girl reports this to the
police, wouldn’t you be sent to prison?”

“Hehe, rest assured, Brother De! At that time, just give her some medicine and let
her take the initiative to find me. Wouldn’t that make it alright? Then record a
video to threaten her with. Let’s see if she dares report to the police or not!”
Zhang Kaiyuan said indifferently.

“That is also possible!” Brother De was not a good guy at all. He had performed
murder and arson, let alone this. However, he was a little worried about Zhang
Kaiyuan’s future, so he reminded him.
After all, if Zhang Kaiyuan really went to prison because of this, then the matter
of wanting to attract Zhang Laofu to invest in the company would certainly fizzle
out. That would certainly be a loss.

However, when he heard that Zhang Kaiyuan had planned so carefully, Brother De was
fine with it.

“No problem. Brother De, that girl is not someone good. By the time the video is in
our hands, I will definitely discredit and finish her if she dares to call the
police!” said Zhang Kaiyuan.

“Okay, but are you sure that rich second generation will not call the police?”
Brother De nodded and asked again. It appeared that Brother De was not a reckless
person. He always thought carefully before he acted.

“It is he who gave up the woman to survive. Would he still have the face to call
the police? Besides, if he doesn’t admit it, what is the use of him calling the
police?” Zhang Kaiyuan said it as if it was a given. “Also, it’s just a woman. I
don’t believe he will avenge a woman. He is not a fool!”

“This is true. Since he can give up on the woman, he is a timid person. Such timid
people will not avenge others,” Brother De nodded in agreement. “Okay, I’ll just do
as you say!”

Actually, there was still a bit of risk in this matter. But how could there be
large returns without any risk? When Zhang Kaiyuan proposed this plan, Brother De
couldn’t be more tempted!

Once Zhang Kaiyuan commits this kind of crime, he will be on the same boat as me.
If I hold his criminal evidence in my hands, Zhang Kaiyuan will obediently listen
to my words and do things for me in the future!

Especially when Zhang Kaiyuan mentioned the video, Brother De was reminded that he
could back up another video for himself. It was tantamount to grasping Zhang
Kaiyuan’s lifeline.

“Ma Laosi, a few of you will do this in a moment. Can you do it?” Brother De
commanded Ma Laosi.

“Relax Brother De. It’s a small matter!” Ma Laosi agreed easily. He was familiar
with this kind of thing. He did it a lot in his hometown, so he didn’t take it

The crimes he had done over the years were enough for him to die multiple times, so
such things were no longer important in his eyes.

“Zhang Xiaonao, where is that kid you mentioned?” asked Brother De.

“He should be near the resort. Just now, I saw that kid take the girl out. Let’s
drive around the resort. Maybe we can see them!” said Zhang Kaiyuan.

“Let’s go. Ma Laosi, drive!” Brother De commanded Ma Laosi.

“Okay!” Ma Laosi started the car and drove slowly along the street in front of the

I haven’t been here for a long time. I remember the last time I came here was a
year ago. However, at that time, I was well-regarded. Even Jidun City’s boss had to
nod his head when he saw me… but now… Brother De secretly reminisced about his

Chapter 1503: Whose Broken Car is This?/ You Know Him?

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1781: Whose Broken Car is This?

The scenes of the past appeared like a movie in front of Brother De. The
humiliation, the former hostility, and those who hurt and insulted him in the past
made Brother De clench his fist again.

Is my strength enough? Brother De had thought about this more than once. He now had
a dozen underlings under his control, and each of them was a master of fighting.
What else did he lack?

What he lacked was the courage to fight to the death to stand above others.

Brother De’s hatred grew the more he walked on this land. He even had the impulse
to go and seek revenge immediately, but his rationale calmed him down.

This time, he came to teach someone a lesson for Zhang Xiaonao, not to take
revenge. Brother De could only convince himself this way.

“Did you see him? Where is he?” Brother De put aside his thoughts and said to Zhang
Kaiyuan who was looking everywhere.

“I’m looking. There are so many people by the roadside snack stalls!” Zhang Kaiyuan
originally thought that it would be easy to find them in this small place, but as
soon as he went out, he realized that the snacks stalls in this area were

“This is a scenic area. The nearby villagers are counting on this to make money!”
Ma Laosi said. “But we have a car. It doesn’t matter if we make two more laps.”

Ma Laosi could see that the boss really wanted to help this time instead of just
doing it superficially so he really put in effort.

“Thank you, Brother Si!” Zhang Kaiyuan said, flattered.

“No need to thank me. Just look outside. Don’t let the kid return. If he does, we
would not be able to help and would have come all the way here in vain!” reminded
Brother De.

“Relax, Brother De. My eyes are like binoculars. They are quite amazing!” Zhang
Kaiyuan bragged. However, as soon as he bragged, Zhang Kaiyuan yelled, “They are
just ahead, in front! I see them. They are in front!”
Zhang Kaiyuan pointed at a Xi’an-style lamb stew shop not far away and yelled,
“They’re at the shop just in front. It’s called Old Man Wang’s Xi’an-style Lamb
Meat and Bread Soup Shop!”

“Wow!” Brother De widened his eyes in surprise. “Zhang Xiaonao, do you have some
kind of special ability? How can you see so far? I can’t even see clearly whether
the people over there are men or women, but you can still recognize people?”

“Ugh… Brother De, I just noticed their car parked at the entrance…” Zhang Kaiyuan
said a little awkwardly. “The blue BMWX5 at the entrance is driven by the kid and
the girl. I saw it before!”

“…” Brother De was a little speechless and patted Zhang Kaiyuan’s shoulder. “You
scared me. I thought you had some special ability!”

Brother De was pleasantly surprised for nothing. Originally, he thought, If Zhang

Xiaonao really has a special ability, wouldn’t I have a greater possibility of
taking revenge if I do him this favor?

But after hearing Zhang Kaiyuan’s explanation, Brother De reluctantly accepted the
reality. It turns out that there are not so many special abilities in the world.
Even if there is, I will not encounter them. The chances of that are just too thin.

“I’m kidding…” Zhang Kaiyuan said embarrassingly.

“That kid drives a BMW? He’s quite rich!” Brother De didn’t mind. He commanded Ma
Laosi to drive the car closer to the entrance of the Old Man Wang’s Xi’an-style
Lamb Meat and Bread Soup Shop, and said to Zhang Kaiyuan, “Zhang Xiaonao, do you
see them here?”

Old Man Wang’s Xi’an-style Lamb Meat and Bread Soup Shop was like a food stall.
There were no doors in summer, and there was a glass door in winter. So, the
situation inside could be seen clearly.

Zhang Kaiyuan quickly looked towards Old Man’s Wang Xi’an-style Lamb Meat and Bread
Soup Shop and found Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu’s figures!

Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu had originally planned to go out for a walk, but Jing
Xiaolu was physically a bit weak because she didn’t eat at night. Yang Ming was
fine due to his strict and special training, but to accommodate Jing Xiaolu, they
returned to the resort’s restaurant to drive the car. However, it gave Zhang
Kaiyuan an obvious target.

“They are there, the second table on the right. It’s the guy in the blue casual
sportswear and the girl in the black windbreaker!” Zhang Kaiyuan pointed at Yang
Ming and Jing Xiaolu and said to Brother De.

“Oh? This girl looks so innocent and beautiful. No wonder you have spent so much
effort! It’s worth it!” Brother De couldn’t help nodding after seeing Jing Xiaolu.
Because Yang Ming was facing away from him, Brother De couldn’t see what Yang Ming
looked like. However, Brother De was not interested in men. How Yang Ming looked
didn’t matter to him.

“Hehe…” Zhang Kaiyuan couldn’t help but laugh when he thought that he could enjoy
Jing Xiaolu’s body soon. “But I have to thank you, Brother De, for all of this!”

“Relax, count on me!” Brother De patted his chest and said. “Ma Laosi, take someone
with you. Do you know what to do? Just do as we said before. As for how to find a
problem, you think about it yourself. You’re better than me at this!”

“No problem, Brother De. Sit back and watch!” Ma Laosi stepped on the gas and
turned the steering wheel, and stopped in front of Yang Ming’s BMW.

Ma Laosi parked the car, took three of his men, and walked into Old Man Wang’s
Xi’an-style Lamb Meat and Bread Soup Shop in three steps.

The four of them walked in with a stern look and a gangster walk. So, the shop
owner knew these four people were difficult customers as soon as they entered the
shop. He dared not offend them. He quickly went over and greeted, “Sir, what would
you like to eat?”

“Move aside,” Ma Laosi wasn’t here to eat. He came to trouble Yang Ming and Jing
Xiaolu, so he didn’t bother to glance at the shop owner and pushed him aside.

The shop owner was stunned, but he also dared not speak. Such an honest businessman
definitely did not dare to offend these kinds of street punks. The shop owner knew
the consequences of offending such people. Nevermind them coming to thrash his
store every few days, his business could never be stable again.

“Sir, is there anything that we didn’t serve well? Please don’t take things to
heart…” The shop owner thought that it was because of some previous poor service,
so he quickly said this.

“Go away, old man. This has nothing to do with you!” Ma Laosi flung his hand, “Move
aside. We are here to find someone!”

“Oh… oh…” The store owner was immediately relieved when he heard that they didn’t
come to cause trouble with the shop, but to look for someone. “Then go ahead and do
your thing first. If you want to eat anything, let me know!”

The shop owner wanted to say something else, but when he saw Ma Laosi’s impatient
face, he immediately stopped talking and moved aside.

Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu noticed these four people as soon as they entered through
the door, but they didn’t pay much attention. They thought that they were the local
punks who came to cause trouble. Yang Ming didn’t intend to interfere in this

“Whose broken car is outside? Stand up for me!” Ma Laosi pointed at the entrance,

A broken car outside? Ma Laosi’s yell made everyone in the store look outside. They
saw two cars parked outside, a new blue BMW and a white Nissan van that could not
be any more broken-down…

Most of the people who came to eat here didn’t drive. They were either nearby
villagers or people of a similar status., So they just looked up at the car
outside, then bowed their heads again.

They naturally thought that the so-called broken car that Ma Laosi mentioned was
the broken white Nissan van outside.

“Da… da… damn. I’m ask… asking you. The broken car outside… whose car is it? Can’t…
can’t you hear? Are… you all deaf?” Seeing that there was no response, Ma Laosi
became anxious immediately! As soon as he became anxious, he stuttered, and his
childhood defect reappeared.

###Chapter 1782: You Know Him?

He came here to cause trouble. Originally, he thought that Yang Ming and Jing
Xiaolu would answer when he yelled. But when he saw that they were still sitting
there and not talking, he became angry!

These people are ignoring me? This is too disdainful, right? It seems that I have
to be a little fiercer!

So, Ma Laosi went straight to Yang Ming’s table, and slammed it, shaking the dishes
on top until they almost fell to the ground. “Look… Look at you two… you don’t seem
like… like someone good. Quickly tell me, the broken… outside… in front of the
entrance, is it yours?”

Jing Xiaolu wanted to speak but was stopped by Yang Ming’s gaze. These people were
really strange. As soon as they entered the door, they started clamoring about the
car outside. Then when no one answered, these people charged straight to their
table. This made Yang Ming suspicious.

An assassin’s keen insight was not a joke. If Yang Ming guessed right, these people
were targeting them.

“You… you… are talking to me… talking to me?” Yang Ming didn’t know where these
people came from, so he decided to tease them and figure out the details. So he
mimicked how Ma Laosi stuttered and answered, “The broken… the broken… car outside?
It’s… not mine!”

“You… you… you dare to imitate me?” Ma Laosi glared at Yang Ming. He pointed his
finger at him, ready to fight.

“I didn’t imitate you. I was swindled,” Yang Ming shrugged innocently. “The broken
car outside is really not mine.”

“Not… it’s not yours, then… Whose is it?” Ma Laosi thought, It’s alright if you are
swindled by me. If you dare to imitate me on purpose, I will kill you!

However, Ma Laosi did not think about it properly. Yang Ming stuttered before he
was swindled. What about after he was swindled? He suddenly became fluent again?

“How do I know which bastard it belongs to?” Yang Ming shook his head, “When we
came to eat, the broken Nissan van was not parked there yet!”

“I… I… I didn’t ask you about the broken… whose broken Nissan van that is, I asked…
I asked you, that B… BMW!” Ma Laosi became anxious.

“I really don’t know whose broken car it is,” Yang Ming continued to shake his

“I… I… I didn’t ask you about that broken car! Why can’t you… can’t you understand
what I’m saying?” Ma Laosi was furious. Does this kid have a low IQ, or is his
ability to understand that bad? I have already said it so clearly. Why does he
still not understand and continue to ask?

However, at this time, most of the customers who were eating at the store
understood Yang Ming’s words, and couldn’t help but cover their mouths as they
laughed. However, because of Ma Laosi’s fierce appearance, they were afraid to
laugh loudly.

Even the shop owner couldn’t help but feel that this had avenged their terrible
attitude from before!

“Brother Si, he is scolding you! He is calling you a bastard!” One of Brother Si’s
men quickly went forward and explained. “This kid is smart. He understands but
pretends not to!”

“What? You… you called me a bastard?” Ma Laosi finally realized it. The kid kept
talking about the broken car. So he was talking about this. He called me a bastard?
How can I spare him!

Even without Brother De’s command, I will kill this kid!

“I didn’t call you your mother’s bastard,” Yang Ming said innocently. “I really

“You didn’t scold me… then who are you scolding?” Ma Laosi saw that Yang Ming
seemed truthful and was a little confused.

“Aiya, Brother Si, don’t talk nonsense with this little kid. This little kid has
hidden meanings in his words. He didn’t scold your mother, he is scolding you!” Ma
Laosi’s men were smart; he saw through the trap in Yang Ming’s words.

“Okay… wow! You really scolded… scolded… scolded me!” Ma Laosi said as he pulled
Yang Ming’s collar, “You… stand up for me!”

Yang Ming seemed inadvertent. He slightly avoided Ma Laosi’s hand. Ma Laosi came
back empty-handed, but because he moved too forcefully, his body was not stable.
Therefore, he fell to the ground. However, his palm pressed into the bowl of lamb
soaked in bread in front of Yang Ming, and was scalded. Ma Laosi quickly pulled his
hand out, shaking it constantly.

“Brother, what are you trying to do? I answered whatever you asked me. What else do
you want?” Yang Ming looked extremely innocent, but he was secretly overjoyed.

With your skill, you dare to show off in front of me? Before this, it seemed that
Ma Laosi accidentally fell. In fact, Yang Ming lightly touched the acupoint on Ma
Laosi’s legs with his hands and numbed it, causing Ma Laosi’s unsteadiness.

Of course, Ma Laosi naturally did not know that Yang Ming had such skills. He just
thought that it was all caused by his bad luck.

Yang Ming’s question reminded Ma Laosi. Yeah, I came here to find trouble, so there
must be a reason, right? So he said, “You, do you know… what… what… what you did

“I don’t know,” Yang Ming shook his head.

“You… you parked your car. It’s too… too… too hindering. I have nowhere to stop…”
Ma Laosi wanted to finish talking about his excuse to find trouble, but the more
anxious he was, the more he stammered!

“This brother, please let your underling speak for you,” Yang Ming looked at the
strenuous Ma Laosi, and said to him, “I become anxious just from hearing you talk.
I’m sure it’s hard for you to talk too, right?”

Ma Laosi listened to Yang Ming’s words and thought that this was really the case,
so he pointed to one of his men and said, “Qiangzi, you say it!”

Ma Laosi’s men were actually anxious too. At this time, they got Ma Laosi’s
approval, so Qianzi jumped out immediately. He pointed at Yang Ming, “I am most
annoyed by you rich people. You don’t know how to behave after getting a luxury
car. The way you park is so hindering. Do you think you’re awesome? Idiot, I’m
telling you that our boss has no place to park. Do you know this?”

“Oh.” Yang Ming nodded.

Qiangzi thought that this kid would be scared and would beg for mercy after this
remark. But he did not expect that this kid would actually say “oh” so calmly. He
is too calm, right?

“You tell me. How can this be settled!” Qiangzi felt that it couldn’t be helped. He
had to continue to talk.

“Okay, what do you think?” asked Yang Ming.

“Hehe, consider yourself tactful!” Qiangzi saw Yang Ming asking this question, and
he was immediately relieved. It seems that this boy became indifferent after
encountering many violent situations. He immediately enters the stage of talking
directly about the conditions!

“Ok,” Yang Ming nodded.

Qiangzi was pleased when he saw Yang Ming being so obedient. “Now, there are two
ways for you. One is to give the car to our boss, and then break your own hands and

“Oh, what about the other one?” Yang Ming continued to ask with no sign of

As soon as Qiangzi looked at Yang Ming, he felt even more strongly that this kid
had encountered many similar situations. He knew that the first condition was often
difficult to achieve and that there must be a second compromising condition. There
just had to be some kind of sacrifice.

However, Yang Ming’s calmness made Qianzi a little uncomfortable, so he decided to

mess with Yang Ming, “There is one more thing. We will help you break your legs and
hands, and then drive your car away.”

“Oh, I got it.” Yang Ming nodded after listening.

“Ah?” Qiangzi was really stunned this time! Yang Ming is so calm that it is
terrifying, right? Why is he responding like that to such a scary suggestion?

Inside the broken Nissan van, Brother De’s breathing became quicker, and he
clenched his fists that he had just unclenched “The kid you mentioned, is it him?”

Brother De pointed at Yang Ming from the window and asked Zhang Kaiyuan.

“It’s him. What’s wrong? Brother De, is there something wrong?” Zhang Kaiyuan also
felt Brother De’s abnormality and asked carefully.

“Heh… nothing… it’s him… it’s him…” Brother De’s expression became distorted, “Yang
Ming, I didn’t expect to meet you here!”

“Ah? Brother De, do you know him?” Zhang Kaiyuan did not expect that Brother De
would actually call out Yang Ming’s name. It was a bit shocking!

Chapter 1504: He’s an Old Acquaintance/ Go to Hell

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1783: He’s an Old Acquaintance

Previously, Zhang Kaiyuan didn’t mention Yang Ming’s name because he felt that
Brother De wouldn’t know who Yang Ming was, so he used a pronoun like “that kid”
instead. However, he didn’t expect that Brother De actually could call out Yang
Ming’s name accurately!

Does Brother De know Yang Ming from before, or does he have any relationship with
Yang Ming? Zhang Kaiyuan was a bit nervous when he thought of this. I asked Brother
De to come here to teach Yang Ming a lesson, but can Brother De teach Yang Ming a
lesson if he knows him? What if the opposite happens and Brother De teaches me a
lesson instead? That will be a disaster.

So, after Zhang Kaiyuan asked Brother De if he knew Yang Ming, he waited for
Brother De’s answer.

“I naturally know him!” Brother De grunted and said. “I will never forget him in my

“Ah? Brother De, what do you mean by that?” Zhang Kaiyuan heard that Brother De
seemed to have a bad relationship with Yang Ming that even seemed to be very nasty.
It appeared that Brother De hated Yang Ming a lot. Therefore, Zhang Kaiyuan
inquired after sighing in relief.

“Hmph Hmph, this kid fought for my enemy when I was in the detention center. He
kicked me and broke my nasal bones. I’ll always remember that kick!” said Brother
De resentfully.

This Brother De was naturally Yu Xiangde who was driven out of Song Jiang City by
Bao Sanli with the help of Hou Zhenhan. Of course, Yu Xiangde did not know that
Yang Ming was actually Bao Sanli’s boss. He also did not know that Bao Sanli drove
him out of Song Jiang City at Yang Ming’s incitement. He had not returned to Song
Jiang City for a long time, so naturally, he did not know the insider information
of Song Jiang City.

His hatred for Yang Ming was just based on Yang Ming’s kick during their time at
the detention center! Yu Xiangde didn’t even know Yang Ming’s family background. He
never saw Yang Ming again after that, so naturally, he didn’t think Yang Ming had
anything to do with Bao Sanli now.

When he saw Yang Ming, he remembered all the new and old hatreds in his mind! Yu
Xiangde would never forget that humiliating kick! He was also an underworld boss,
but his nasal bone was actually broken by a brat. This made him lose face. How
could he let it go?

“Ah? No way. Is this kid that good at fighting?” Zhang Kaiyuan heard Brother De’s
words and looked at him in disbelief, “Brother De, are you joking?”

“Of course I’m not joking. Can I simply joke about this kind of humiliating and
shameful thing?” Brother De glared at Yang Ming.

“But this kid is a rich prodigal child. I took a dig at him when I was in the
parking lot but he didn’t dare to say anything or fight me. However, his
subordinate had a bad temper and almost broke my neck!” Zhang Kaiyuan was still
very puzzled because Yang Ming didn’t give him the impression of a strong person.
He looked like a timid and wealthy child instead.

“Did this guy turn over a new leaf after leaving the detention center? Does he not
dare to do whatever he wants anymore?” Brother De frowned after hearing Zhang
Kaiyuan’s words.

Brother De carefully looked at Yang Ming again and confirmed that it was the right
person. Zhang Kaiyuan had also confirmed that this person was Yang Ming. There was
no reason for Brother De to suspect that it was a case of mistaken identity.

“So? Out of these two choices, which one do you choose?” Qiangzi couldn’t help but
ask when he noticed that Yang Ming was unaffected and did not seem to be nervous at

“Oh,” Yang Ming said plainly as he glanced at Qiangzi. “The car is not mine. It’s
hers. I have no right to decide whether to give it to your boss,” Yang Ming said as
he pointed at Jing Xiaolu.

Then he said, “As for breaking my hands and feet, I don’t think you are capable of
doing it.”

“You…” It was not the first or second time that Qiangzi did this kind of
threatening stuff. Each time, he managed to scare the victim until they wet their
pants. If he gave two terrifying choices, the person would cry and cry, begging him
to give them a chance to live. How could there be someone as calm as Yang Ming?

Yang Ming’s reaction was beyond Qiangzi’s expectations. Qiangzi glanced at Ma Laosi
awkwardly, “Brother Ma, what should I do? This kid is quite arrogant.”

“Kid, look at… look at your smooth skin… you should be used to pampering… used to
it!” Ma Laosi said as he stared at Yang Ming. “If you don’t… don’t want your hands
and feet to be broken, I will give you another option… ”

“What option?” Yang Ming continued to ask indifferently.

“This girl next to you is pretty good. She is exactly the type our boss likes. So,
you can let us beat you up, then let us take your girl away. Then this matter will
be settled!” Qiangzi saw that it was very difficult for Ma Laosi to speak, so he
hurried to speak first.

“This way…” Yang Ming finally figured out what this group’s intentions were. It
turned out to be directed at Xiaolu! Previously, Yang Ming wondered, Isn’t it just
a parked car? Is it worth coming in and shouting with such anger?

Our car was parked there first, and it didn’t hinder him. It is simply nonsense
that I blocked his car. There is no evidence of this at all.
Yang Ming didn’t believe that they saw that the relatively expensive BMW outside,
and wanted to scam him for some money. After all, there are a lot of people eating
in this shop. Why are these guys so sure that the BMW car belongs to me and Jing
Xiaolu? Are they all living gods?

Therefore, Yang Ming was skeptical about why these people were directly looking for
trouble with Jing Xiaolu and himself. Also, he heard something about giving the car
to them and breaking his legs and hands, so he was even more certain that these
people had ulterior motives!

If they want to hit me, they can do so directly. What is with all this nonsense?

In the end, Qiangzi finally stated the group’s purpose. It was Jing Xiaolu! Yang
Ming didn’t think it was directed at Jing Xiaolu at all. He felt that it had been
directed at himself. However, it seemed that he had guessed it wrongly.

Yang Ming looked up and glanced inside the Nissan van outside the shop. Previously,
Yang Ming didn’t care much about it. Naturally, he didn’t use his special ability
to see inside the car, but now that things were becoming a little strange, Yang
Ming naturally had to investigate.

When Yang Ming’s gaze looked through the Nissan van’s steel body and fell on the
face of the person inside the car, Yang Ming’s expression suddenly became a little

When he saw Zhang Kaiyuan, one of the people in the car, Yang Ming suddenly
understood the situation! This guy had always coveted Jing Xiaolu and had enmity
with Yang Ming. So it was not strange for him to find a few people to teach Yang
Ming a lesson and take away Jing Xiaolu.

But Yang Ming froze when he saw the other person in the car! This person was
actually Yang Ming’s acquaintance! To be precise, it was an old acquaintance. Yang
Ming had known him for a long time. Although they never saw each other again, Yang
Ming still remembered him!

However, Bao Sanli seems to have told me that Yu Xiangde was dead? How could he
appear here? Is he the backup whom Zhang Kaiyuan found?

Just as he was thinking, Qiangzi said again, “Kid, come with us!”

As Qiangzi was talking, he and Ma Laosi’s other four men pushed Yang Ming to the
bread soup shop’s entrance. There were many people in the bread soup shop, and it
was inconvenient to fight in a crowded place, lest some people call the police.

Yang Ming was wondering about Yu Xiangde when he saw him, so he didn’t mind
Qiangzi’s push. He just wanted to go out to meet Yu Xiangde, and see what that kid
had to do with Zhang Kaiyuan.

Jing Xiaolu saw Yang Ming going out with Qiangzi and the others without resisting.
Although she was a little puzzled, she knew that Yang Ming never did things that he
was not sure of. So she followed Yang Ming with peace of mind. Ma Laosi wanted to
push Jing Xiaolu, but she said, “I will go on my own!”

Ma Laosi felt that he could not be rough as this was the woman who Zhang Xiaonao
liked, so he didn’t do anything to her. He went out of the bread soup shop with
Jing Xiaolu in front of him.
The customers and the owner of the bread soup shop all sighed. It seems that it is
inevitable for this boy to be beaten up. But it is uncertain what kind of
humiliation his beautiful girlfriend will suffer!

What a pity! However, no one dared to speak up to Ma Laosi’s four big punks. They
were afraid to invite trouble. After all, these people were ordinary people. How
could they be those punks’ opponents?

###Chapter 1784: Go to Hell

Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu followed Ma Laosi out. Yang Ming was about to knock on
the Nissan van’s window and let the two acquaintances come out to see each other.
Just before that happened, the Nissan van’s door opened, and someone jumped out!

When Yu Xiangde saw Yang Ming walk out of the shop, he couldn’t help it anymore. He
wanted to beat up Yang Ming and make him pay the price of the kick he gave back

Yu Xiangde could bear with his hatred of Bao Sanli, but Yu Xiangde felt that he
didn’t need to bear with his hatred of Yang Ming anymore. Otherwise, he was simply
a coward!

I probably am not currently strong enough to fight against Bao Sanli now. As for a
weakling like Yang Ming, what reason do I need to be afraid of him? He should be
afraid of me!

So, Yu Xiangde couldn’t control his emotions anymore. He opened the car door and
jumped out.

“Brother De, what are you doing…” Zhang Kaiyuan was taken aback by Brother De’s
move. He lowered his head subconsciously as he was afraid to be seen by Yang Ming!

However, Brother De closed the door again after he got off. This made Zhang Kaiyuan
relieved. As long as he wasn’t exposed, it didn’t matter if Brother De went down.
Since Yang Ming and Brother De were hostile to each other, then Yang Ming would not
even suspect Zhang Kaiyuan this time. At that time, he could forcefully push Jing
Xiaolu down, and Yang Ming could only blame it on Yu Xiangde.

Zhang Kaiyuan had made a good plan, but he didn’t expect Yang Ming to have special
abilities. Yang Ming already knew that Zhang Kaiyuan was in the car, so hiding was
actually a waste of time.

“Yang Ming, we haven’t seen each other for a long time!” Yu Xiangde came down with
a cold face and sneered at Yang Ming, “That kick was fierce!”

As Yu Xiangde was talking, he subconsciously touched his nose. It was as if the

pain and humiliation had reappeared, and his hatred for Yang Ming deepened again.

“Hehe, I was wondering who it was. Aren’t you Yu Xiangde?” Since Yu Xiangde had
gotten out of the car, Yang Ming didn’t plan to reveal that he already knew Yu
Xiangde was in the car before. He pretended to be surprised as he looked at Yu
Xiangde. After all, it would become a hassle if Yu Xiangde were to become
suspicious even though Yang Ming was not afraid of trouble now.

“Hehe, little brat, do you still recognize Uncle Yu?” Yu Xiangde was surprised to
see Yang Ming recognize him. He and Yang Ming had only met once in the detention
center. Yu Xiangde remembered Yang Ming because the pain and humiliation Yang Ming
caused him was unforgettable, but it was a bit difficult for Yang Ming to remember
someone he had trampled on.

But Yu Xiangde didn’t think too much about it. He just thought that Yang Ming had a
good memory. In this way, it saved Yu Xiangde the trouble of explaining.
Previously, Yu Xiangde specifically emphasized that kick to remind Yang Ming of his
identity, for fear that Yang Ming didn’t know who he was.

“I always remember those who have forgotten their pain very clearly, so I can give
them a deeper lesson next time,” Yang Ming said as he looked contemptuously at Yu

“Screw you.” Yu Xiangde spat on the ground. “Little brat, you are quite arrogant.
Today, your Uncle Yu will settle the score with you! I’ll let you know what a
mistake it was to kick me back then!”

“Really…” Yang Ming smiled plainly. “It seems you haven’t learned any lessons. Bao
Sanli drove you out of Song Jiang. You didn’t become an honest man, you seem to be
up and running again instead?”

“Stop with the nonsense!” Although Yu Xiangde was surprised that Yang Ming knew
that he was driven away by Bao Sanli, he didn’t think it was anything particularly
strange. This was not too much of a secret. As long as Yang Ming knew someone in
the underworld, he could understand the details of this matter. “Ma Laosi, you guys
break this boy’s legs and hands for me!”

“Ah? Okay!” Ma Laosi was stunned. Previously, he just simply said that he would
beat up Yang Ming to frighten him. He didn’t expect that Brother De would really
order them to do so! However, after hearing their conversation just now, he quickly
responded as he realized that the two of them had a lot of hatred from before. He
waved to Qiangzi and said, “Do it!”

Ma Laosi raised his fist and was ready to punch Yang Ming. Qiangzi also fiercely
raised his leg to trample Yang Ming.

“Bang… Bang… Bang… Bang…”

There were four sounds. Before Yu Xiangde could even see what was going on, Ma
Laosi and his three men were all on the ground unmoving. Their life and death were

They were only four punks. It was very easy for Yang Ming to deal with them. Yang
Ming could kill them instantly if he wanted to. They were not on the same level as
Yang Ming at all.

Yu Xiangde was astonished, completely astonished! All four of my men are lying on
the ground like corpses in the blink of an eye? I didn’t see what was going on, and
it is over already? Isn’t Yang Ming too terrifying?

For someone with this kind of skill, aren’t I trying to look for death by teaching
him a lesson? Yu Xiangde finally felt that something was wrong at this time. No
wonder Yang Ming has always been indifferent. He is not afraid of me at all!

“Yu Xiangde, I find that you have a bad memory.” Yang Ming looked at Yu Xiangde
with some pity. “I can see that you are focused on revenge, and you have recruited
a group of men to try to rise again. But I have to say, you’re not self-aware.

“There is a saying that it is not too late for a gentleman to take his revenge
after ten years, but what if he cannot take his revenge after ten years? If it was
still impossible to avenge himself in twenty, thirty, or even a hundred years,
would he still seek revenge?

“The first thing you needed to do when you saw me was to run away, instead of
pretending to be awesome and acting like you could take revenge on me. That would
only make you die faster.”

Yu Xiangde’s face turned bitter when he heard Yang Ming’s words. He was unwilling!
Yes, he was really unwilling! Obviously I took people to come and cause trouble
with Yang Ming, and it looked like I could take revenge. Why did the whole
situation suddenly change?

Yang Ming is so powerful now. He instantly killed four of my men. Yang Ming even
became the one threatening me?

Why is seeking revenge so hard for me?

Yu Xiangde looked at Yang Ming with bloodshot eyes. He didn’t believe that he had
failed. It is so difficult to get revenge on Yang Ming. Is there any hope if I look
for Bao Sanli?

Yu Xiangde’s breathing became more and more stressful. He refused to accept it. He
wanted to make Yang Ming die. Finally, the anger and hatred in Yu Xiangde’s heart
defeated his reasoning. He took out a pistol from his pocket and pointed it at Yang
Ming, “Yang Ming, go to hell!”

This pistol was Yu Xiangde’s trump card! Under normal circumstances, he would not
take it out. He only considered taking out this gun at the most critical moment!

After all, things like guns were contraband. Although Yu Xiangde mingled in the
underworld, this kind of thing could obviously be used against him, so he didn’t
want to take it out in public.

He had bought it from a Vietnamese guy, for a lot of money. It usually stayed on
him except when he showed off to his brothers. Fortunately, several of his
conflicts with others were basically one-sided situations. Yu Xiangde didn’t need
to take action. Several of Yu Xiangde’s men could beat others up into a pulp, so
there was no need for him to use the gun.

“Yang Ming, you didn’t expect this, right? Haha, you didn’t think I had a gun,
right?” Yu Xiangde looked at the stunned Yang Ming and was instantly smug. He
desired this feeling. Yu Xiangde enjoyed the way he felt when everything was in his
control, and Yang Ming was finally not calm!

Chapter 1505: Multiple Twists and Turns of Events

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1785: Multiple Twists and Turns of Events

“Yang Ming, what’s the use even if you are good at fighting? Can you fight against
a bullet? Or do you think that you are faster than a bullet?” Yu Xiangde looked at
Yang Ming condescendingly. “Hahahaha, Yang Ming. You never expected that this would
happen even in your dreams! You don’t know that I have a gun? I had no intention of
eliminating you, but you forced me to! You have forced me to use this gun! Think
about it. You refuse to go to heaven even if there was a pathway for you. You would
rather go to hell even if there was no pathway for you to go through. You are
seeking death!

“If you had let my subordinates beat you up viciously and break both your hands and
legs, wouldn’t that have solved the problem? You would just become a disabled
person. You would have been fine after you stayed put and recovered for half a year
to one year. However, you just refused to accept this and wanted to show off your
heroic and enduring ability. Aren’t you capable? Aren’t you ruthless? What will you
do this time?”

Zhang Kaiyuan, who was in the Nissan van, was alarmed and frightened when he saw
Yang Ming instantly take down Ma Laosi and Qiang Zi. He did not expect Yang Ming to
be so powerful. He was afraid that Brother De would be no match for Yang Ming. He
was afraid that Yang Ming would get into the car to harass him after he knocked
down Brother De.

If even Brother De is no match for Yang Ming, how can I fight against Yang Ming?
Zhang Kaiyuan even regretted calling Brother De impulsively!

While Zhang Kaiyuan was despondent and regretful, he suddenly saw Brother De take
out a pistol and point it at Yang Ming’s forehead! It… was a real pistol!

Although Zhang Kaiyuan had seen a pistol on TV, it was the first time he had seen a
real one. Brother De actually has a pistol? Haha, Yang Ming, this shall be the end
of you!

This sudden turn of events caused Zhang Kaiyuan to almost shout out in excitement.
He was dancing and gesticulating with joy in the car and accidentally knocked his
forehead. However, he no longer felt pain! This was because the situation in front
of Zhang Kaiyuan had made him extremely excited!

Zhang Kaiyuan shook his fist with enthusiasm. It seemed that I was really right to
find Brother De! Brother De better kill Yang Ming with a single shot. That way, I
will permanently have one less rival in the future!

As for whether Brother De would have any trouble from killing Yang Ming, or whether
he would be implicated in this matter, Zhang Kaiyuan did not think of such matters.

Jing Xiaolu was initially a little nervous when she saw Ma Laosi and Qiang Zi
surrounding Yang Ming along with the two other thugs. However, she immediately
became excited and her gaze was filled with admiration when she saw Yang Ming take
down all four people in one go without any problem.

Jing Xiaolu was a girl who worshiped violence. At this time, when she saw Yang
Ming’s martial arts skills, she admired Yang Ming even more. She even had the urge
to embrace Yang Ming and kiss him without letting him go.

However, Jing Xiaolu’s excitement did not last long. Jing Xiaolu’s smile froze when
Yu Xiangde took out his gun unexpectedly and pointed it at Yang Ming!

This was a real pistol! Jing Xiaolu did not expect that Yu Xiangde would have such
a thing. Jing Xiaolu was totally frightened when she saw Yu Xiangde’s lunatic look!
Will he actually shoot?

Jing Xiaolu subconsciously had an impulse to rush and grab the pistol. At this
moment, Jing Xiaolu understood why Zhou Jiajia had made such a stupid move in the
past! Am I not having the same thoughts too?

However, although this idea was very intense, Jing Xiaolu suppressed the urge. She
was more rational compared to Zhou Jiajia. This was because she thought of what
Zhou Jiajia had said at that time. Zhou Jiajia said that even if she did not shield
Yang Ming, Yang Ming would still have been able to dodge the shot! If she were to
shield Yang Ming now, he would be even more troubled!

It was Zhou JIajia’s previous words that made Jing Xiaolu’s impulsive thoughts
subside. She turned her head slightly to look at Yang Ming, who had a stunned and
odd expression on his face. Jing Xiaolu’s heart was even more confident!

From Jing Xiaolu’s understanding of Yang Ming, if Yang Ming had such an expression
in this situation, it meant that Yang Ming was confident in resolving it. Yang Ming
was a rational person. Since there was no expression of fear on Yang Ming’s face,
what else did she have to worry about?

Jing Xiaolu felt relieved when she thought of this.

In fact, Jing Xiaolu had really guessed right! Yang Ming had a shocked facial
expression because he was astonished that Yu Xiangde did not ask for mercy, but
rather, he stupidly took out his gun to deal with Yang Ming!

Even if you wish to die, you don’t want to die this way, right? At first, Yang Ming
had no intention to kill Yu Xiangde. Hence, he did not attack Yu Xiangde’s other
four henchmen violently. He just knocked them out.

But this Yu Xiangde was obstinately persistent and was even futilely trying to kill
Yang Ming with a pistol! In Yang Ming’s opinion, this was a big joke! An amateur
was pointing a pistol at the King of Assassins. What could the ending be?

It would be easy to guess the ending even without thinking about it! Nevermind an
amateur such as Yu Xiangde, even assassins who pointed a pistol at Yang Ming would
essentially be seeking for death. What was so great about Yu Xiangde?

This matter would naturally end up in a tragedy. Just as Yu Xiangde was

indescribably happy and enjoying the sensation of being superior at this moment,
things took a new turn again.

The pistol that was originally held in Yu Xiangde’s hand had mysteriously fallen
into Yang Ming’s hand for unknown reasons! The situation shifted immediately. Yang
Ming pointed the pistol between Yu Xiangde’s eyebrows.

Yu Xiangde’s complacent smile remained on his face. However, it was frozen and
remained fixed there.

“Yu Xiangde, you are stupid, really stupid. There is a book called “So Pure, So
Flirtatious”. You should learn from it. I think you are so stupid and ignorant,”
Yang Ming looked at Yu Xiangde mockingly. “You didn’t listen to what I said
previously. Do you think you are quite capable? Do you think that you can do
something to me even if you are holding a pistol? I must say that you are really
Although Jing Xiaolu thought that Yang Ming had a surefire plan, it was impossible
for her not to be worried at all in this critical situation. Just when Jing Xiaolu
was nervous, she heard Yang Ming actually preach to Yu Xiangde again. She was
puzzled why Yang Ming did so. Upon taking a closer look, she found that Yu
Xiangde’s pistol was magically held in Yang Ming’s hand.

Jing Xiaolu did not even see how Yang Ming did it. It was just like when Ma Laosi’s
group of four people collapsed on the ground just then. Yang Ming was
incomprehensibly agile.

Yu Xiangde was completely dumbfounded at this time. Not only was he dumbfounded,
but he was also in despair! Previously, he refused to yield. But now he had started
to admit defeat. This gap in strength had finally made Yu Xiangde recognize

He did not simply have a small gap with Yang Ming. It was like night and day. What
Yang Ming said previously was right. Ten years was not too long for a gentleman to
take revenge. However, if he could not take revenge even after many years, then it
would be best to give it up.

“Yang Ming, kill me if you have the guts. Do you dare?” Yu Xiangde knew that he was
done for today. He might as well go all out. He was certain that Yang Ming and him
were not the same type of people. Yang Ming would not dare to shoot!

Yang Ming was a rich prodigal child and had a bright future. If Yang Ming shot him
at this time, then no matter how capable Yang Ming’s family was, he would probably
spend most of his life in prison.

“You don’t need to provoke me. In fact, killing you is not difficult,” said Yang
Ming indifferently.

Zhang Kaiyuan did not expect things to take a completely new turn again. The pistol
in Yu Xiangde’s hand had fallen into Yang Ming’s hand. his excitement did not last
for ten minutes before tragedy happened.

Who is this Yang Ming? He is so powerful that he is nimble at snatching guns.

However, when Zhang Kaiyuan heard Yang Ming say that it was not difficult to kill
Yu Xiangde, he thought of something! Previously, he was in complete despair. He was
preparing to kneel and beg for Yang Ming’s forgiveness if Yang Ming found him. A
wise man knew better than to fight when the odds were stacked against him. He would
think of other methods once he escaped.

However, when Yang Ming said that he would shoot Yu Xiangde, Zhang Kaiyuan had
second thoughts. This might be a good thing. If Yang Ming kills Zhang Kaiyuan, he
will be prosecuted for intentional homicide for sure. He will be sentenced to life
imprisonment no matter how capable he is.

With that, would I not have Jing Xiaolu in the bag? Thinking about this, Zhang
Kaiyuan began to pray in his heart. Yang Ming must shoot and kill this Yu Xiangde.
That way, he will land in jail, haha!

Zhang Kaiyuan was undeniably a sinister man. In an instant, he betrayed Yu Xiangde.

###Chapter 1786:

“You shoot! You shoot now!” Naturally, Yu Xiangde did not believe Yang Ming’s
words. He increasingly thought that Yang Ming did not dare to shoot him when he saw
how Yang Ming had become calmer! Hence, he wanted to provoke Yang Ming!

Yang Ming would either let him off or shoot him. Anyway, he had no chance of
exacting his revenge and there was no meaning in staying alive. It was better to be
killed by Yang Ming, and let him be sentenced to life imprisonment. That way, he
would consider this as winning this round.

“Yang Ming, don’t be impulsive!” Jing Xiaolu was scared this time! She was afraid
that Yang Ming would impulsively fire the gun! Although Jing Xiaolu’s blood was
boiling and her body was all heated up, she knew that movies and reality were two
different things. Once Yang Ming fired the pistol, what awaited him was a prison
sentence. “Don’t listen to his nonsense. You must not shoot him!”

“Hehe, Xiaolu. Don’t you think that this person deserves to die?” Yang Ming asked
Jing Xiaolu while looking at Yu Xiangde.

“He really does deserve to die. Naturally, someone will eliminate him. But if you
kill him, you will be breaking the law!” Jing Xiaolu did not want anything to
happen to Yang Ming.

“Hehe, since he deserves to die, he can die.” Yang Ming spontaneously pulled the
trigger while talking. Yu Xiangde’s jaw suddenly dropped open. A bloody hole
appeared on his forehead and he slowly collapsed to the ground.

The angle that Yang Ming fired at was very artistic. This was so that Yu Xiangde’s
forehead would neither leak blood nor brain juices. There was no feeling of disgust
at all. Yang Ming purposely chose this angle because he was afraid that Jing Xiaolu
would feel sick after watching it.

For Yang Ming, who was an assassin, this was an easy thing.

The gun was fired! He really did shoot! Jing Xiaolu’s eyes widened in horror. “Yang
Ming, why did you shoot? Did you really shoot?”

“En, I didn’t expect you to have such strong guts. You were not fearful even when
you saw this person dying in front of you.” Yang Ming was somewhat surprised by
Jing Xiaolu’s reaction. He thought she would scream.

“Why would I be scared when this kind of scum is dead!? I can’t wait to celebrate!”
Jing Xiaolu frowned. “But what will you do? You shot and killed someone. In a
while, the police will come and arrest you, right? What’s wrong with you? Why are
you so impulsive? Ai, I’m so upset!”

Jing Xiaolu was really anxious, so she grabbed Yang Ming’s clothes and shook him
continuously. “Why are you always making everyone worry about you? If you get
caught, what am I going to do? What about Sister Mengyan and the others? Say

“He was going to shoot me first. Naturally I had to kill him,” Yang Ming shrugged
his shoulders and said indifferently.

“Aiya, you are not a policeman. Even if he shot and killed you, you still can’t
kill him!” said Jing Xiaolu. “Otherwise, give me the gun and I will wipe off your
fingerprints. When the time comes, I will just say I am the one who shot him!”

Jing Xiaolu was going to grab the gun in Yang Ming’s hand after she finished
“What are you doing? Xiaolu!” Yang Ming was startled. He did not expect Jing Xiaolu
to be so resolute that she would have the idea of going to jail for him. This made
Yang Ming’s heart tremble and overflow with emotions.

“What do you mean what am I doing? Give it to me quick! It will be too late if we
don’t act now. You still have so much to do. I am one who is cut off from others.
It’s nothing. Take care of my grandma for me. If I am not sentenced to death, come
and visit me often…” Jing Xiaolu became more and more emotional and tears started
to roll.

In fact, she was reluctant to be separated from Yang Ming. But her conviction of
not wanting anything to happen to Yang Ming strengthened her.

“Alright, Xiaolu. I understand your thoughts. Thank you.” Yang Ming took a deep
breath. “This Yu Xiangde didn’t die in vain. At least, it allowed me to understand
your feelings for me.”

Yang Ming did not think that Jing Xiaolu’s love for him would be this firm. He
thought that Jing Xiaolu would gradually forget him after he went to Yunnan. But he
did not expect that Jing Xiaolu would behave this way!

Jing Xiaolu’s resoluteness could also be seen from today’s events.

“Yang Ming, what are you joking about?” Jing Xiaolu laughed angrily. “You can still
joke at a time like this?”

“Xiaolu, don’t be afraid. It’s alright.” Yang Ming squeezed Xiaolu’s small hand and
comforted her.

“How can it be alright…?” Jing Xiaolu was bewildered. “So many people saw it!
Although this place is isolated, you came out from the meat and bread soup shop
with this guy’s henchmen. Many people witnessed it. Once they investigate this
matter, you will be the first suspect!”

“Actually, what they witnessed was Yu Xiangde coming to look for trouble with me.
That way, everything will be fine.” Yang Ming laughed. Having said that, Yang Ming
suddenly thought of Zhang Kaiyuan who was still in the Nissan van.

In his heart, Yang Ming understood that Yu Xiangde’s presence here was because of
Zhang Kaiyuan! This kid is very sinister. It would be a game over for me today if I
didn’t know martial arts. Would Jing Xiaolu be abducted by him? Yang Ming could
imagine what would have happened then!

Anger surged in Yang Ming’s heart when he thought of this. He looked inside the
Nissan van. He saw Zhang Kaiyuan excitedly making a call with his cell phone.
“Hello, is this Jidun city’s police station? I want to make a report. There was a
murder in the alley next to Old Man Wang’s Xi’an-style Lamb Meat and Bread Soup
Shop near the Immortal Resort. Please come over immediately!”

This kid actually called the police? Yang Ming was a little flabbergasted. Could it
be that Yu Xiangde was not called by him? He was pondering, and saw Zhang Kaiyuan
talking to himself. “Brother De, I’m sorry. I didn’t expect you to get involved
when I asked you for help. However, it’s okay. You did not die in vain. When the
police catch Yang Ming, Jing Xiaolu will be mine! Haha, Brother De, I will burn
more Joss paper for you. Don’t blame me for this!”

When Yang Ming heard what Zhang Kaiyuan said, he felt both fury and amusement in
his heart. He felt that Yu Xiangde’s death was not worth it. Yu Xiangde’s death was
a bit horrible. He died without reason. Although he was killed by Yang Ming’s
hands, it was actually Zhang Kaiyuan who killed him.

However, Yang Ming was aggravated by Zhang Kaiyuan’s sinister behavior. At this
time, this kid was still thinking about framing him and taking Jing Xiaolu. How
could Yang Ming let him be?

Yang Ming raised his hand and coldly fired a shot at Zhang Kaiyuan’s crotch. How
could this scrapped van with thin door panels stop the bullets? Zhang Kaiyuan let
out a blood-curdling scream and passed out in pain.

Yang Ming’s shot was very accurate. It accurately scrapped Zhang Kaiyuan’s future
bloodline. Yang Ming would never show mercy for such a person.

“Ah? Yang Ming, why did you shoot again? There are more people in this car?” Jing
Xiaolu also heard the sound of gunfire and Zhang Kaiyuan’s blood-curdling scream,
and looked at the van in horror.

“Zhang Kaiyuan is inside. He was the one who called this Yu Xiangde,” said Yang
Ming casually. “This kid is nothing. When he saw that I killed Yu Xiangde, he
wanted to call the police to arrest me and take you. So, I just killed his future

“Ah!” Jing Xiaolu didn’t have time to think about how Yang Ming knew about this at
this time. She subconsciously believed Yang Ming’s words. At this moment, her main
concern was to deal with Yang Ming’s aftermath.

However, when Jing Xiaolu was worried, Yang Ming casually picked up the phone and
dialed Xia Bingbao.

“Brother Xia, this is Yang Ming,” said Yang Ming.

“Yang Ming, what’s the matter?” Xia Bingbao knew that Yang Ming would never call
him unless he had an issue. So, he was accustomed to Yang Ming’s phone call,
knowing that he would not visit a temple without a cause [1].

“I’m at the Immortal Resort now. A former enemy has shot me…” said Yang Ming.

“What!? Are you alright?” Xia Bingbao immediately asked before Yang Ming could
finish. Yang Ming was now a national treasure. He should not suffer any mishap. The
trip to Yunnan was imminent and yet such a thing happened, “Are you injured?”

“No, I killed him. One of his accomplices who reported the incident was wounded by
me,” said Yang Ming. “I think that I was probably a little scared. As for the

Chapter 1506: What Should I Do If You Are Dead/ Even You Too
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1787: What Should I Do If You Are Dead

“Yes, stop! I think you’re fine now!” Xia Bingbao was shocked when he heard Yang
Ming talk about the mission. He was afraid Yang Ming would not go!

In fact, Xia Bingbao also knew that the personnel performing this mission had a
ninety percent probability of dying. Xia Xue’s participation was decided by the
head of the family. Xia Bingbao could not do anything to change it. His father’s
train of thought differed to his. His father thought that Xia Xue needed to gain
some experience. Otherwise, she would be too inexperienced to be a Police Captain
due to her young age.

However, Xia Xue was in this line of business, so it was reasonable for her to
participate in this mission. However, it was not fair for Yang Ming. Yang Ming was
not a full-time employee. He was a college student enjoying a good life. Wasn’t it
a bit cruel to make him undertake such a mission?

However, Xia Bingbao had no choice. After all, this was a major mission to
eliminate the evildoers for the public’s wellbeing. If Elder You was allowed to
cultivate his sinister arts, the consequences would be disastrous!

Although this seemed to be a bit of a sci-fi sensation with evil arts, it was
happening right now! Xia Bingbao had also witnessed Elder You’s practice of
consuming human blood to master his arts.

“It was just a joke,” said Yang Ming lightly. “Since I promised you, I will go.”

“Ugh…” Yang Ming’s calm tone actually made Xia Bingbao’s eyelids feel moist, but he
held in his emotion and said, “You youngster got into trouble again and made me
clean up your mess. Tell me where and I’ll send someone to take care of it!”

“Hehe,” Yang Ming naturally noticed the change in Xia Bingbao’s temperament, but he
didn’t comment on it. “Jidun City, in a small alley next to the Old Man Wang’s
Xi’an-style Lamb Meat and Bread Soup Shop near the Immortal Resort.”

“I’ll get my people in Jidun city to go over,” Xia Bingbao agreed after listening
and hung up the phone.

“Yang Ming, who are you calling? What is this mission thing? What are you talking
about?” Jing Xiaolu waited for Yang Ming to hang up the phone, then confusedly
asked, “Can this person help you?”

“Wait and see.” Yang Ming smiled.

“Then we are waiting here? Are we waiting for the police to come and arrest us?”
Jing Xiaolu felt that she and Yang Ming were behaving silly. After killing a
person, is he waiting to be arrested? Does he not even consider running away?

“It’s not certain who will be arrested,” Yang Ming glanced at the Nissan van and
said without any worry. This Zhang Kaiyuan and Yu Xiangde had teamed up and
attacked him. Could Xia Bingbao let them off? Yang Ming had an important mission
now, and these two guys wanted to kill him. Yang Ming guessed that Zhang Kaiyuan
would be worse off after being worked over by Xia Bingbao.

“Ah?” Jing Xiaolu looked at Yang Ming stupefied. “Could it be that the police are
coming to arrest them, not you? They are the victims!”

“You’re wrong. I’m the victim,” Yang Ming shrugged and said. “He wanted to kill

“This…” Jing Xiaolu thought in her heart, Indeed they wanted to kill you, but that
does not mean you can kill them!

As the two of them were talking, sirens were heard from a distance. A standard
police car and a black Audi A6 with an official plate stopped in front of Yang

Yang Ming glanced at the row of passes stuck on the A6 car’s windshield and knew
that this car was from his side. It seemed that Xia Bingbao responded really fast.
His men actually arrived at the same time as the police. As a matter of fact, Zhang
Kaiyuan was the first to report to the police.

However, Yang Ming also knew what kind of organization he was in. It was not
surprising that the response speed was fast.

A man in a black suit and sunglasses jumped out of the Audi car quickly and walked
towards Yang Ming. While walking, he compared Yang Ming to an image on his cell
phone’s screen. Yang Ming used his special ability to see the phone screen in the
hand of the man in the black suit. It was his photo. It looked like Xia Bingbao had
sent his photo to the man.

The man confirmed that Yang Ming matched up to the image on his cell phone, and
then said enthusiastically, “Mr. Yang? I was assigned to come over here by Captain
Xia. My name is Li Zhi. May I have a look at your credentials?”

Yang Ming was exasperated by Li Zhi’s caution. After he checked the photos, he
still had to check Yang Ming’s credentials. But there was nothing wrong with being
careful. Yang Ming also understood that so he gave his special credentials to Li
Zhi without question.

Li Zhi flipped through it quickly and returned it to Yang Ming. He confirmed the
authenticity of the documents as soon as he went over it once. “Thank you, Mr.
Yang. My apologies. I have to act according to rules.”

“It’s nothing.” Yang Ming waved his hand. “It must be troublesome for you to come
over at this late hour.”

“It’s my duty. Captain Xia told me. Mr. Yang, you are a key person that must be
protected, and there can not be any mishap! These little rascals must be blind when
they wanted to shoot you. I think that they don’t want to live,” said Li Zhi.

“Brother Li, one of the five men lying on the ground was killed by a bullet shot to
the head, and four are unconscious. The person inside the car is fatally injured
and unconscious. What do you want to do now?” This policeman had taken over this
case after receiving a phone call from Xia Bingbao. He only came here to assist Li
Zhi in handling this case.

“Send the wounded to the hospital first, and confirm the identity of the dead,”
said Li Zhi. “Detain those unconscious people first. Mr. Yang and I will
interrogate them.”

“Yes, Brother Li.” Several police officers began to deal with the scene according
to Li Zhi’s instructions.

Jing Xiaolu stared in disbelief from the side! Who is this Li Zhi? He decided this
case in a few words and the police seem to be assisting him!
The strangest thing was that he actually asked Yang Ming to show some kind of
documents. After Yang Ming showed the documents, the two of them became like
comrades at the front line. Moreover, Li Zhi actually said that he would go and
interrogate the several unconscious people with Yang Ming!

Does Yang Ming have this power?

“Mr. Yang, where are you going now? Do you think we should interrogate these people
now, or shall I take you back to rest?” asked Li Zhi.

“I do not need to go to the interrogation. You can just simply ask them. The reason
behind this matter is actually very simple. I accompanied my girlfriend to her
class reunion. A man had a crush on my girlfriend before. That’s the guy whom I
shot in the lower part of his body. He found a few people from the underworld to
teach me a lesson and to abduct my girlfriend. The guy that he found also had
enmity with me before. I kicked him when he was in the detention center. So he
wanted to kill me with a gun. The end result was that I snatched the gun and killed
him instead.” Yang Ming explained briefly.

“That’s what happened!” Although Li Zhi was a little curious about what Yang Ming
was doing in a detention center, he did not ask much. Anything was possible in Yang
Ming’s field. Maybe Yang Ming went undercover.

“Please help me deal with the follow-up matters. I will not go. I am now going back
to the Immortal Resort,” said Yang Ming.

“I’ll accompany you!” Li Zhi said quickly.

“You don’t need to accompany me!” Yang Ming waved his hand, “I can go back on my
own, and I have a car here.”

“Mr. Yang, Captain Xia gave me a do-or-die order to protect your safety. I must
escort you to the hotel safely!” said Li Zhi firmly.

“This… isn’t necessary, is it?” Yang Ming smiled painfully after hearing this.
“It’s only a short distance. I can go alone!”

“This is a mission!” Li Zhi said firmly again. “Captain Xia ordered me to do so!”

“Ugh…” Yang Ming was really a little helpless and had to say, “How about this? I’ll
call Brother Xia!”

“That’s fine.” Li Zhi nodded. “Mr. Yang, I was ordered to protect your safety at
Captain Xia’s insistence. I really can’t leave. Please understand my

“It’s okay. I understand!” Yang Ming nodded in understanding. Li Zhi naturally

obeyed Xia Bingbao. Yang Ming did not need to follow this kind of strict
discipline. He was more casual. Those who were permanent staff followed orders

As Yang Ming spoke, he took out the phone and dialed Xia Bingbao’s phone number.

Xia Bingbao quickly picked up the call, “Yang Ming, how’s it going? Has Li Zhi
rushed over yet?”
“He is here. It’s been resolved, but he said that you want him to protect me?”
asked Yang Ming with a grin.

“Yeah, you youngster will either be assassinated or shot one day. I’m scared. Don’t
die before you go to Yunnan. I have already made a report to my superior. How can I
report that you are dead?” said Xia Bingbao kindly.

###Chapter 1788: Even You Too

“This…” Yang Ming broke into a sweat. “Well, I admit that I have exaggerated the
facts previously. Actually, I am fine.”

“You youngster, if I don’t teach you a lesson, you will start to fool around with
me!” Xia Bingbao laughed after hearing Yang Ming’s words. “Give Li Zhi the phone. I
will tell him!”

“Okay, wait a minute!” Yang Ming passed the phone to Li Zhi and said, “Brother Li,
take the call. It is from Brother Xia.”

“Captain Xia!” Li Zhi quickly took the phone and said respectfully, “I am Li Zhi!”

“Li Zhi, is everything settled over there?” asked Xia Bingbao.

“Everything is settled!” said Li Zhi. “Mr. Yang is fine.”

“Okay, you can go back,” said Xia Bingbao. “Yang Ming is much stronger than you.
You don’t need to protect him.”

“Okay, Captain Xia!” Li Zhi was not offended and answered unhesitatingly. Li Zhi
naturally knew that Yang Ming was a very important person in the organization.
Otherwise, Xia Bingbao would not be so nervous. He had no doubts about Yang Ming’s
abilities. It could be seen from the few people lying on the ground before.

“Well, you can return the phone to Yang Ming,” said Xia Bingbao.

“Yes, Captain Xia!” Li Zhi said, and passed the phone to Yang Ming again. “Mr.
Yang, Captain Xia is asking for you.”

Yang Ming nodded and took the phone, “Brother Xia, is there anything else?”

“You youngster better behave for the moment. Do not get into any mishaps!” Xia
Bingbao warned.

“Relax, Brother Xia, I’m fine.” Yang Ming smiled. “It has nothing to do with my
restlessness. It was someone who provoked me!”

“En, if someone attacks you, just kill them. Don’t leave troubles for the future.”
Xia Bingbao exclaimed. “But don’t misuse this privilege. I’m just afraid that after
you leave, your enemies who you did not completely eliminate will trouble your

“I understand. I know my limits.” Yang Ming was not a mass murderer. So far, the
people that Yang Ming had killed deserved to be dead. There were reasons for their
deaths. Yang Ming would not lift his hand against the innocent.

“It’s good that you know. I will not say anything else. Take care,” said Xia
Bingbao. He knew Yang Ming’s temperament quite well, so he did not worry that Yang
Ming would act rashly.
“Take care.” Yang Ming hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

“Mr. Yang, I will leave first. This is my business card. If you need anything,
please contact me at any time. This Jidun city is within my jurisdiction.” Li Zhi
handed his business card to Yang Ming after Yang Ming pocketed his cell phone.

“Okay,” Yang Ming nodded. He pondered for a while, then pulled out a business card
to hand it to Li Zhi. “This is my contact information. There is no job title
printed on it, only a phone number.”

Yang Ming’s business card was simple. It was similar to plain white cards with only
his name and phone number printed on it.

“It’s okay, hehe.” Li Zhi glanced at the business card with a smile, and carefully
put t away, “I will leave then.”

“Contact me through phone,” said Yang Ming.

Li Zhi did not say anymore. He turned around, got into the car, and drove away.

Jing Xiaolu’s stared at Yang Ming in worship and admiration, “Yang Ming, am I not
dreaming today?”

“Of course not.” Yang Ming shook his head.

“What does Li Zhi do? And who is that Captain Xia?” Jing Xiaolu waited till Li Zhi
left. She had too many questions to ask Yang Ming, “How come everything was settled
as soon as he came?”

“Li Zhi is attached to a national special agent organization. Captain Xia is his
top boss… and of course mine as well…” said Yang Ming with a grin. In reality, Yang
Ming did not want to tell Jing Xiaolu any of these things. But he did not expect
for such a thing to happen coincidentally today. Yang Ming had no choice but to
reveal his identity.

In the current situation, Jing Xiaolu would not give up asking if he tried to hide
some things. Moreover, Jing Xiaolu was smart. She would not believe it if Yang Ming
just uttered some nonsense. As of now, Yang Ming might as well be truthful with
Jing Xiaolu. Yang Ming believed Jing Xiaolu was a conscientious person. If he told
her to keep it secret, she would not go and tell Chen Mengyan and the rest.

“What! Your top boss as well? Does that mean that you are also an agent?” Jing
Xiaolu’s eyes widened in surprise and she looked at Yang Ming in wonder, “Really?”

“I shot Yu Xiangde and am still standing here okay. Are you saying it is fake?”
Yang Ming shrugged.

“Yeah! It turns out that you are an agent, really an agent. There is really such a
profession!” Jing Xiaolu exclaimed with excitement. “I kept on wondering why you
were so calm. You have the privilege! Can you kill whoever you want?”

Yang Ming looked at Jing Xiaolu and shook his head helplessly. My other identity is
that of the King of Assassins so theoretically, I can kill anyone I wish. But I
also have the identity of an agent. How can I kill indiscriminately?

“Xiaolu, we also exercise discipline. This Yu Xiangde is not a good person and he
wanted to kill me first. I had no choice but to kill him.” Yang Ming explained. In
fact, Yang Ming did not want to kill Yu Xiangde initially, but he discarded his
inhibitions after Yu Xiangde took out his pistol. People like Yu Xiangde had too
strong a desire for revenge. Even if Yang Ming let him go this time, he might not
have any ideas in the short term, but no one could guarantee that in the long term
this guy would not be tempted to seek revenge or to attack the people around him.
By that time, it would be too late for Yang Ming to regret!

Especially now that he was going to Yunnan, Yang Ming did not want to leave any
future problems. So, he had to cut off the roots of the problem.

“So that’s the case. But it’s still so cool!” said Jing Xiaolu. “Yang Ming, why
didn’t you tell me before?”

“This… is also confidential…” Yang Ming had to say. “This time you are also
involved, so it can’t be helped.”

“So, am I the only woman who knows your secret?” Jing Xiaolu was surprised by Yang
Ming’s words.

“There is one more, but you don’t know her.” Yang Ming was referring to Wang
Xiaoyan, “She can also be considered to be in my profession.”

“She is also an agent?” Jing Xiaolu did not expect Yang Ming to have such a woman.

“Not an agent, but her nature of work is similar,” said Yang Ming.

“Oh, that is to say, I am the only one among your normal women who knows your
secret?” Jing Xiaolu continued to say narcissistically.

“Ugh… you can say so.” Yang Ming nodded wryly.

“Hehe, haha, hee hee…” Jing Xiaolu started to giggle after hearing Yang Ming’s

“Why weren’t you a little scared just now?” Yang Ming changed the subject as he did
not want to get entangled on this topic. Yang Ming did not want to disclose his
Yunnan trip if possible

“I used to mingle in the underworld before! I saw many people fighting and slashing
others, and I saw blood almost every time. What’s so scary about it? I still feel
fired up!” said Jing Xiaolu.

Yang Ming suddenly started sweating when he heard this. But he also understood that
he was also involved in fights before this. Wasn’t he accustomed to it? But Jing
Xiaolu was more ruthless than him.

“Get in the car. Let’s go back. This is like eating a meal.” Yang Ming sighed and
called Jing Xiaolu to get in the car.

“Well, why didn’t you ask Li Zhi to escort us back?” Jing Xiaolu remembered Li Zhi
and said with some disappointment.

“Escort? Why would I want him to do that?” Yang Ming looked at Jing Xiaolu

“It would be so cool to have him drive his car drive in front of us with lights
flashing and siren screaming. How awesome!” said Jing Xiaolu.

“Ah?” Yang Ming did not expect that Jing Xiaolu wanted to have Li Zhi send him back
just for this! He was amused. “What’s so awesome about this…”
Chapter 1507: Like Them/ Pinky Swear
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1789: Pinky Swear

However, Yang Ming got over it after a moment of silence. Jing Xiaolu was such a
person. She worshiped money and power and was quite vain. Although these were bad
habits, if she changed one day, Yang Ming would not be used to it!

Jing Xiaolu would always be Jing Xiaolu. She would say whatever she liked, and
would not make false pretenses. Yang Ming really liked her.

“Anyway, I think it would be very awesome. My classmates would be envious if they

saw this at the resort,” said Jing Xiaolu.

“…” Yang Ming smiled helplessly, “I feel nothing…”

“Of course you think it’s nothing. You are in a privileged class!” Jing Xiaolu
groaned, “Yeah, by the way, since Li Zhi’s car can have lights and sirens
installed, can you install it in my car too? Or else, can we install it in my car?”

“…” Yang Ming was speechless for a while. “Li Zhi is really busy, and you… want to
install it for fun…”

“Okay, I don’t want to install it!” Jing Xiaolu heard Yang Ming say this, and did
not force it.

“You are willing to install these lights and sirens. I will just leave it to you.
The courier company’s car should have the permission to install this stuff. Then
let Bao Sanli get you a permit. Just don’t get caught,” Yang Ming said as he looked
at Jing Xiaolu’s disappointed face.

“Ah? Really, that’s great!” Jing Xiaolu said excitedly immediately after hearing.

“…” Yang Ming thought to himself. Am I holding the candle to the devil?

Jing Xiaolu seemed to read Yang Ming’s mind and said, “Relax, I won’t mess with it.
I’ll find an isolated place to play it to my heart’s content…”

“Then, isn’t there something wrong with you?” Yang Ming was speechless after

“So What! I like it!” said Jing Xiaolu.

Jing Xiaolu started the car and drove towards the Immortal Resort. Due to the
previous conflict, the two had no intentions to eat. Although Jing Xiaolu did not
seem to be excited on the surface, she trembled while holding the steering wheel.
She was a little scared and fear lingered in her heart.
This was usually the case. She did not feel anything at that time. Later on the
more she thought about it, the more scared she became. She felt the same way as
Yang Ming the first time he killed someone, that Jiu Shuisheng.

He did not feel anything at the time. He only felt uncomfortable after he reached

“Are you okay?” Yang Ming asked, “Are you scared?”

“Me? How can I be scared…?” Jing Xiaolu was indeed very scared. Although she had
seen many fights and had seen blood, this was the first time she had seen someone
die. Although the process was not very bloody, the thought that a person just died
like that was really scary!

Moreover, if Yang Ming had not snatched the gun away and had been shot at and
killed Yu Xiangde, she would have fallen into Zhang Kaiyuan’s clutches. She was
very clear what the outcome would have been.

“Hehe…” Yang Ming saw that Jing Xiaolu refused to admit to it. He did not say much
but just smiled.

“Yes, Yang Ming, what is this mission I heard you talking about? You want to go to
Yunnan? Are you going to take up the mission?” Jing Xiaolu suddenly remembered what
Yang Ming mentioned before when he called Captain Xia.

“En…” Yang Ming hesitated, then nodded, “I thought you didn’t remember. I didn’t
expect you to remember.”

“How can I not remember? I am not amnesic!” Jing Xiaolu frowned. “Yang Ming, what
mission are you going to perform?”

“It is nothing…” Yang Ming shook his head, “You know, certain things are meant to
be kept secret…”

“Oh…” Jing Xiaolu heard Yang Ming’s explanation and reluctantly groaned. “If you
can’t say it, then forget it…”

Yang Ming was silent. The matter had already reached this point. Although Yang Ming
did not want to hide from Jing Xiaolu anymore, it should, however, be hidden for as
long as possible. Now that Jing Xiaolu had not found anything unusual, there was no
need to say more. It was best that Jing Xiaolu did not know.

Yang Ming did not speak, and the car’s atmosphere chilled immediately. Jing Xiaolu
was concentrating on driving the car… In her heart, she wondered what mission Yang
Ming had to do.

“No!” Jing Xiaolu suddenly exclaimed, “Yang Ming, are you hiding anything from me?”

“Hiding from you? What do you mean?” Yang Ming was stunned by Jing Xiaolu’s sudden

“Yang Ming, you tell me. Is your mission very dangerous this time?” Jing Xiaolu
stopped the car by pressing her foot on the brake pedal. She turned her head and
asked while looking directly at Yang Ming.

“Dangerous? Why do you say that?” Yang Ming had to admire Jing Xiaolu’s keen
intuition. He did not say a word, yet she could guess the danger of this mission.

“Because I remember a sentence you said before! What you said was – since I
promised you, I will go!” said Jing Xiaolu. “Yang Ming, you don’t need to hide.
What does this sentence mean? You know it better than me. If there is no danger,
how come you speak so solemnly about this matter?”

“This…” Yang Ming thought, How could this be? You could deduce so much from one
sentence? This is too… But Yang Ming had to admit that Jing Xiaolu’s analysis was
very reasonable. If these words came from someone else, there was no guarantee that
he would have the same idea.

“Am I right?” Jing Xiaolu asked Yang Ming without giving him a chance to think.

“Well, since that’s the case, I won’t hide it from you!” Yang Ming sighed and
decided not to hide anymore. As a matter of fact, Yang Ming knew Jing Xiaolu’s
temperament. If he did not explain clearly today, Jing Xiaolu would definitely not
give up. She would investigate both openly and secretly. It would not be worthwhile
if everyone knew by then.

So Yang Ming might as well talk to her and let her keep it a secret.

“You really are hiding something from me!” Jing Xiaolu was simply skeptical and
uncertain previously, but Yang Ming acknowledged it immediately. This left Jing
Xiaolu with no doubt.

“Drive first. We’ll go to the room and then talk about it,” Yang Ming said and
looked at where Jing Xiaolu stopped the car. It was neither good nor bad. Although
it was a remote place at night and there were not many passing cars, it was still
not a place to talk.

“Then don’t fabricate nonsense to fool me!” Jing Xiaolu glanced at Yang Ming and
said, “You are not thinking about how to lie to me on the way back, right?”

“How could that be?” Yang Ming rubbed his chin. “Since I have decided to tell you
the truth, I will not lie to you.”

“Okay, these are your words. Pinky swear!” Jing Xiaolu said as she extended her
little finger of her right hand towards Yang Ming.

“Ugh... Alright.” Yang Ming also reached out and tugged on Jing Xiaolu’s pinky
finger with his own.

“Pinky swear lasts for a hundred years, whoever disregards it is a rascal…” said
Jing Xiaolu eloquently.

“…” Yang Ming was somehow lost for words when he heard this. Isn’t this what
children do? Who could be bound by this? However, Yang Ming still played along and
gave her his pinky finger.

“You say it too!” Jing Xiaolu was a little upset that Yang Ming did not recite the
words and reminded Yang Ming.

“I still need to say it?” Yang Ming was dumbfounded.

“Of course you need to say it. Pinky swear involves two people, so both people have
to say it to be effective!” said Jing Xiaolu.
“Okay, I will recite it!” Yang Ming reluctantly said, “Pinky swear lasts for a
hundred years, whoever disregards it is a rascal… Ok?”

“En, all right!” Jing Xiaolu seemed to be assured. She happily drove the car
towards the resort.

Jing Xiaolu parked the car downstairs in the villa building, Yang Ming and Jing
Xiaolu got off and went upstairs. They passed by the room of Bi Hai and Ge Xinyao.
Jing Xiaolu wanted to knock on the door and inform them that she and Yang Ming were
back, so there was no need to go out. But she suddenly blushed when she heard cries
of ecstasy coming from the room.

“What’s wrong?” Yang Ming asked confusedly as he did not approach. He did not
speculate either. He saw Jing Xiaolu suddenly return after she was about to knock
on the door.

“No…nothing…” Jing Xiaolu blushed and shook her head.

“Oh?” Yang Ming glanced puzzled in the direction of Bi Hai’s room. Then he
understood immediately. Through the door panel of Bi Hai’s room, Yang Ming saw what
was going on inside…

I did not expect that Ge Xinyao is really crazy… Yang Ming took a glance and
quickly withdrew his gaze. It was not proper to watch this scene.

###Chapter 1790: Like Them

“Let’s go. Don’t bother the two of them! They are really into it. How long have
they been at it?” Yang Ming said to Jing Xiaolu, a bit lost for words.

“En…” Jing Xiaolu heard what Yang Ming said, and knew that Yang Ming had discovered
the secret within the room. Although she wondered how Yang Ming discovered it, she
did not ask.

The two of them returned to their room. This time Jing Xiaolu was more relaxed. She
took off her coat and hung it up. She lay on the bed lazily, “Aiya, coming back to
the room is more relaxing!”

“En,” Yang Ming went to wash his hands and poured himself a glass of hot water.

“Yang Ming, can you say it now? What mission are you going to perform?”Jing Xiaolu
sat upright and asked impatiently. “You said you’ll tell me when we are back.”

“I thought you forgot it again!” Yang Ming looked at Jing Xiaolu’s current
seriousness. It was difficult to relate it to the relaxed mood when he first
entered the room.

“I just stretched my lazy bones just now,” said Jing Xiaolu. “Yang Ming, tell me
quickly. Do you have something to hide?

“I…” Yang Ming smiled painfully. “Indeed, I am going to execute a mission, and
there are some risks to it.”

“Is it just some risks?” Jing Xiaolu frowned doubtfully, “If only that, why are you
so solemn? You even said – since I promised you, I will go!”

“I said this because the mission is special and I have to go. No one else can,”
said Yang Ming. “So if I don’t go, this mission will be difficult to accomplish…”
“So there are just some risks which are not serious at all?” Jing Xiaolu asked.

“It’s like this. Although there are some risks, I didn’t want to let you know
because it will burden you psychologically. So I haven’t said it!” said Yang Ming.
“Things have already ended up as such today. Since you asked me, I spoke the truth.
Just keep it to yourself. I don’t want you to tell Chen Mengyan and the rest.”

“I can keep this a secret…” Jing Xiaolu nodded, “How come I have a feeling that you
purposely kept things simple?”

“How is that possible?” Yang Ming smiled painfully, “I don’t know the specific
details of the mission. So that’s all I can say at the moment…”

“Really…” Jing Xiaolu frowned and began to think carefully over Yang Ming’s words.

Yang Ming did not bother her, knowing that Jing Xiaolu did not quite believe him.
It would take some time for her to digest his words. So he waited for her to figure
it out before she spoke.

“No!” Jing Xiaolu said suddenly, “Yang Ming, your mission is definitely not so
simple, right? Don’t lie to me!”

“This mission is indeed not easy, and I didn’t lie to you!” Yang Ming knew that
Jing Xiaolu still did not believe his watered-down explanation, but he didn’t know
why she was so determined.

“Yang Ming, why did you transfer all the company’s shares to me, Bao Sanli and Hou
Zhenhan?” Jing Xiaolu finally realized what she felt was wrong! It was Yang Ming’s
recent unusual behavior!

Somehow Yang Ming started to be nice to her and transferred most of the company’s
shares to her name. The previous Yang Ming would not behave so unusually. If there
was nothing unusual, why would Yang Ming give her the shares? She was not Yang
Ming’s woman yet. Why should he give the shares to her?

Jing Xiaolu did not think much about it previously. She was just happily immersed
in love. Now when she thought about it, it was quite fishy! There was only one
reason for Yang Ming to do this, and that was to make arrangements before he left!

Maybe Yang Ming already knew that his mission this time was very dangerous, and it
was unknown whether he could return. So he made prior arrangements before he left!

Although she had not really become Yang Ming’s woman, the two had known each other
for some time and liked each other. Yang Ming left her a part of his shares. This
explained it all…

However, thinking of the terrible implications of the arrangements he made prior to

his departure, Jing Xiaolu could not help shaking! If her guess was all true, Yang
Ming would not…

“Yang Ming, you tell me. Do you already know that your mission is very dangerous
and it is likely that you will not be able to come back? Did you distribute the
company shares to us in advance because of this?” Jing Xiaolu jumped from the bed
and looked nervously at Yang Ming. Her voice became a bit sharp because of anxiety.

“It turns out that this caused your suspicion…” Yang Ming did not expect that such
careful preparations would still be flawed. He did not think much about the
company’s shares. As a result, Bao Sanli and Hou Zhenhan discovered a flaw.
And now it was Jing Xiaolu. It seems that he was still too arbitrary at first. It
might be better to slow things down.

“Sure enough! Yang Ming, is your mission really dangerous?” Jing Xiaolu’s heart
sank when she heard Yang Ming’s words, and was more convinced of her guess.

“You can say so.” Yang Ming could not hide at this moment, “There is a ninety
percent chance that I will die this time.”

“But you are still going!” Jing Xiaolu was suddenly anxious, “Yang Ming, you are
stupid! It is such a dangerous thing. No one else will go. Why do you have to go?”

“Someone has to go. If I go, I have a better chance,” Yang Ming said indifferently.
“For me, it’s a ninety percent chance of dying, but for others, it is a hundred

“Oh…” After listening to Yang Ming’s words, Jing Xiaolu could not help but feel
amused, “How can you still joke around at a time like this?!”

“Xiaolu, now that I’ve said this, there are things I still want to talk to you
about!” Yang Ming said as he looked at Jing Xiaolu. “Xiaolu, I know how you feel
about me. As for my feelings towards you, I can probably say that I like you. But
you are different from Mengyan and the rest. Their dependence on me is far beyond
imagination. So I will not tell them until the moment I leave.”

“I am the same as them. How is it different!” Jing Xiaolu could not help but

“You listen to me first.” Yang Ming gestured at her to calm down, “After all,
nothing has happened to you and me. After I leave, the company will be left to you.
I hope you can start a new life in the future. That is why I am unwilling and am
avoiding having any further relationship with you! ”

“As for Chen Mengyan and the rest, I have prepared enough money for a lifetime for
them. They are willing to stay and wait for me, and I can’t change their minds. If
one day they don’t want to wait, they can start a new life.” Yang Ming continued,”
But based on my understanding of them, I’m afraid they will wait forever!”

“Why, Yang Ming. Do you think I can easily change my affections to another person?”
Jing Xiaolu finally could not help it when she heard Yang Ming’s words. “Yang Ming,
I, Jing Xiaolu can clearly tell you, the only man that I have really loved in my
life is you. Why do you say that to me!?”

Yang Ming did not expect Jing Xiaolu to be angry with him, and quickly explained,
“I am not admonishing you. I just think that we haven’t come to that stage yet. You
should accept the situation and move on. Forget about me and start a new life.”

“That’s what you think. I don’t agree with you!” Jing Xiaolu raised her head
stubbornly, staring straight at Yang Ming. “Yang Ming, although I, Jing Xiaolu, am
not a manly man, I mean what I say. You want me to accept the situation and move
on. Then, okay!”

“What do you mean?” Yang Ming suddenly found Jing Xiaolu’s glare a little scary,
and asked quickly.

Jing Xiaolu did not answer. She rushed directly to Yang Ming’s body and began to
tear his clothes forcefully, “Yang Ming, I’m going to be the same as Sister Mengyan
and the rest!”
Jing Xiaolu did not know where her courage came from. She was worried about a lot
of stuff before. But at this moment, she did not want anything. She just wanted to
be Yang Ming’s woman to express her heart.

“Xiaolu, calm down…” Yang Ming did not expect Jing Xiaolu to be so crazy.

“No! Yang Ming, kiss me!” Jing Xiaolu said, and she took the initiative to kiss
Yang Ming… This was not getting Yang Ming to kiss her. It was her initiative…

Chapter 1508: No Discrimination Allowed/ Endlessly?

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1791: No Discrimination Allowed

Yang Ming was not uncomfortable with Jing Xiaolu originally. But because he was
worried about his trip to Yunnan, he kept a distance from her. However, when facing
Jing Xiaolu who was as passionate as fire, Yang Ming was unable to restrain his

“Xiaolu…this…” Yang Ming was at a complete loss due to Jing Xiaolu’s abrupt

“Don’t say anything…” Jing Xiaolu did not allow Yang Ming to say anymore, and
ferociously kissed his mouth…

After Bi Hai and Ge Xinyao finished their high-intensity exercise, they took
another bath. Bi Hai suddenly remembered the matter that Yang Ming had come to
discuss with him. He suddenly exclaimed, “Xinyao, Brother Yang called us just now!”

“Ah, why didn’t you say so earlier?” Ge Xinyao immediately felt anxious when she
heard this. “Right, didn’t we say previously that we would go out after I went to
our room for a bathroom break? How long has it been? Ah… It’s been more than two
hours. Brother Yang and Xiaolu must be waiting impatiently! ”

“I told you when I answered the phone just now. You didn’t listen clearly…” Bi Hai
said with a bitter expression. “Why pin the blame on me?”

“Is it?” Ge Xinyao was a little embarrassed when she heard Bi Hai’s words.

“Never mind. Let’s stop talking further. Let’s quickly freshen up and find Brother
Yang and others. Otherwise, if Brother Yang starts to blame me, I can’t bear the
consequences!” Bi Hai said as he put on his clothes quickly.

“You are still talking about it. It wouldn’t be like this if you answered that
call!” said Ge Xinyao. “We are husband and wife. It will be embarrassing if Brother
Yang and Xiaolu know about it. How are we supposed to meet in the future?”
“What’s wrong with being husband and wife? Brother Yang will only be happier when
he sees that our relationship is good,” said Bi Hai. “Hurry up. Don’t dilly dally
and quickly put on your clothes. Why are you still putting on makeup? Brother Yang
and the others will not disdain you.”

“Okay, okay! I’ll be done right away!” said Ge Xinyao.

The two of them dilly-dallied for more than ten minutes before they finished
dressing up. Bi Hai did not dare to delay. Together with Ge Xinyao, he left the
room and went straight to Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu’s room.

They rushed to the door of Yang Ming’s room. Bi Hai was about to knock on the door,
but was pulled back by Ge Xinyao, “Wait!”

“What’s wrong? What are you doing?” Bi Hai turned back in confusion and looked at
Ge Xinyao inexplicably, “What now?”

“Listen. What’s the sound inside?” Ge Xinyao said as she pointed at Yang Ming’s

“Oh? Is there a sound?” Bi Hai was startled. He was not paying attention
previously. This time, Bi Hai listened carefully upon Ge Xinyao’s reminder. As
expected, he heard a subtle yet strange activity inside the room.

At first, Ge Xinyao was afraid that Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu were discussing
something important. So, she did not allow Bi Hai to interrupt. She planned to
assess the situation before she proceeded. But when she listened carefully, she
clearly understood what the sound in the room was…

Bi Hai was not stupid and immediately realized what it was. The strange sound in
Yang Ming’s room was also in his room earlier. Hence, he was not unfamiliar with

“Brother Yang and Xiaolu wouldn’t be doing that, right?” Ge Xinyao whispered with a
blushing face.

“What do you think?” Bi Hai was also a little embarrassed. “It’s not like only the
two of us can do it and others can’t!”

“Hmph, you are still reasoning? If I didn’t remind you, you would be stupid enough
to knock on the door. At that time, even if Brother Yang didn’t say anything,
Xiaolu would hate you!”

“Yeah, thank you for reminding me!” Bi Hai nodded in agreement as she was right.
“You reminded me twice in a row today. Looks like I always need you by my side in
the future. Otherwise, it will be hard to predict when I will make another

“So you still know this,” said Ge Xinyao. “I thought that you wanted to break up
with me after you got better. I don’t look pretty. I know. You were a little
hooligan in the past. Hence, it was nothing. But now,…”

“Xinyao, what are you talking about? How can I break up with you?” Although Bi Hai
did have such thoughts before, he now rejected such thoughts. “Even if you agree,
Brother Yang and Xiaolu will kill me if they know. Please spare me. I’m still
afraid that you will break up with me!”
“Are you telling the truth?” Although Ge Xinyao knew that what Bi Hai was saying
might not be completely true, she was nevertheless happy when she heard those

“Of course, it is true!” Bi Hai swore to heaven. “I will let Brother Yang kill me
if I say any false words…”

“What does your saying false words have to do with Brother Yang?” Ge Xinyao glared
at Bi Hai.

“Hehe…” Bi Hai laughed twice. “What should we do now? Wait at the door?”

“Are you stupid? If you wait here, Brother Yang and Xiaolu will think that you were
eavesdropping when they come out. Wouldn’t you just be annoying them?” said Ge
Xinyao. “You are too slow at responding. I think that if I am not by your side
keeping an eye on you, you will offend Brother Yang and Xiaolu sooner or later!”

“Then, let’s go back to the room?” Bi Hai was not annoyed and laughed.

“En,” Ge Xinyao nodded. “I think we should do that…”

“Hehe, me too…” Bi Hai wrapped his arm around Ge Xinyao’s waist and quickly
returned to his room…


“Yang Ming, I didn’t lie to you. This is my first time!” Jing Xiaolu said while
searching the bedsheets.

“I didn’t say you lied to me…” Yang Ming was lost for words.

“When I asked you to keep me as your mistress before and told you that I was still
a virgin, you seemed skeptical,” said Jing Xiaolu.

“…” Yang Ming shook his head with a bitter smile, “It’s not that I did not believe
you back then. I just didn’t want to keep you as my mistress.”

“Then, what about now?” Jing Xiaolu asked unsparingly.

“Now you support me. I have given you my company. I have no money left…” Yang Ming

“Ha, that’s fine. No matter who supports who, I have achieved my objective! Yang
Ming, you are not allowed to treat me differently to Sister Meng Yan and the rest
in the future! If you go to Yunnan, I will wait for you to come back!” Jing Xiaolu
felt very happy now.

In the past, she used to see some people posting all sorts of depressive messages
and grievances on the internet after losing their virginity. However, she didn’t
feel any of these at all. Instead, she felt relaxed, as if she had accomplished a
major event in life.

“Okay.” Since it had developed to this stage, Yang Ming naturally would not
persuade Jing Xiaolu with any meaningless advice. But Jing Xiaolu’s way of handling
matters today really moved Yang Ming.

Although her perseverance was a bit silly, this was, however, the Jing Xiaolu he
knew. Once she decided on something, she would never turn back.
“I can not persuade you about going to Yunnan to execute the mission either. You
must have deliberated carefully before deciding. I know that persuading you will be
futile,” Jing Xiaolu said solemnly. “However, let me tell you. Now, you have
another woman who cares about you and misses you. Before you do anything, think
about us! We are all waiting for you to return.”

“Relax, I’m not a fool.” Yang Ming embraced Jing Xiaolu in his arms, and smiled
pitifully, “It’s true that I promised Brother Xia to perform this mission. But if
my life is really in danger, I will still choose to run for my life at the first
opportunity. Besides, I am not in a suicide squad. So, I will act according to my

“I have some peace of mind because you said this!” Jing Xiaolu nodded. “You never
do things that you are not confident about, right?”

“Yeah…” Yang Ming was hesitant in his heart. Was he confident? It seemed that he
was not confident at all. Yunnan was Elder You’s territory. Would he be able to
come back after he went there?

“I’ll help you keep it a secret from sister Meng Yan and the others!” Although Jing
Xiaolu was a little worried about Yang Ming’s dangerous job, Jing Xiaolu was more
excited to have finally become Yang Ming’s woman. In particular, only she knew most
of Yang Ming’s secrets. Not even Chen Mengyan knew.

“I will find an opportunity to talk to Chen Mengyan about your affairs. However, it
may not be now. I hope you don’t mind.” Yang Ming did not want to create any family
disputes before he left. At that time, even if he left for the mission, he would
not be at peace.

“It’s okay. I understand.” Jing Xiaolu did not care much about this, “It’s not too
late to wait for you to return and talk about it. I’ll go and strengthen my bond
with Sister Mengyan and the others. Then, we’ll talk about it!’

“It’s great that you understand.” Yang Ming let out a sigh of relief, “Xiaolu,
thank you.”

“Aiya, what is there to thank me for? Do you have to be so mushy? Between you and
me, is there a need for this?” Jing Xiaolu frowned. “Yang Ming, I’m hungry. How
about you?”

###Chapter 1792: Endlessly?

“This is not nonsense? We haven’t eaten anything and we have been doing physical
work here for so long. How can we not be hungry?” Yang Ming smiled sadly.

“Should we go out again to have some supper?” Jing Xiaolu suggested, ” We won’t run
into bothersome people again, right?”

“Okay, I happen to be hungry. I’ll give Bi Hai a call to see if they are done,”
Yang Ming laughed. “They must be done now since it’s been so long.”

Yang Ming picked up the intercom phone on the night table and dialed the phone in
Bi Hai’s room.

Bi Hai and Ge Xinyao were engaging in a second battle. Suddenly, they heard the
phone ringing. Bi Hai was startled, “Why is the phone ringing again?”
“Don’t bother with it!” Ge Xinyao was aroused. How could she be bothered by the

“It can’t be Brother Yang calling, right? Otherwise, should I just answer it?” Bi
Hai asked, worried.

“It’s impossible. You just went to Brother Yang’s room. It’s not like you didn’t
hear what Brother Yang and Xiaolu were doing. How can it be them?” Ge Xinyao denied

“That’s true. I won’t answer it then.” Bi Hai nodded. He no longer bothered with
the phone ringing and continued to battle with Ge Xinyao.

“No one answered?” Yang Ming frowned doubtfully, “The two of them wouldn’t have
gone out by themselves, right?”

“Who knows?” said Jing Xiaolu. “Why not try to call his cell phone?”

“Okay.” Yang Ming hung up the phone and dialed Bi Hai’s cellphone with his own.

However, a busy tone sounded from the phone. Yang Ming was amazed to find out there
was no phone signal in this villa building!

Since there was no signal on his cell phone, Bi Hai’s phone would not have any
signal either.

“Does your phone have signal?” Yang Ming asked Jing Xiaolu.

“Ah? No signal? Wait a while. Let me take a look.” Jing Xiaolu took her handbag
from the bedside table. She took out her mobile phone from it, and glanced at it,
“Neither do I. There seems to be a shield in this villa.”

“Forget it, let me call the room phone again.” Yang Ming had no choice but to dial
Bi Hai’s room phone again.

Bi Hai and Ge Xinyao didn’t expect the phone to be ringing endlessly. It had just
stopped ringing but now it rang again.

“It’s so annoying. Bi Hai, why don’t you answer it?” Ge Xinyao was annoyed by the
phone’s ringing.

“Okay, I’ll take it!” Bi Hai leaned over and reached out to answer the phone,

“Bi Hai, are you there? Why didn’t you answer the phone just now?” Yang Ming had
lost hope. But unexpectedly, Bi Hai actually picked up the phone.

Alas, before Yang Ming heard Bi Hai’s reply, he heard Ge Xinyao’s strange sound…

Ugh, these two guys. How are they not done yet? They are way too potent!

“Ah? Brother Yang! I… I didn’t hear it just now…” Bi Hai didn’t expect that Yang
Ming was the one who had called. He was shocked and quickly explained, “I didn’t
hear it just now. The line broke off when I was about to answer the call…”

“What are you doing?” Although Yang Ming had probably guessed what Bi Hai and Ge
Xinyao were doing, he was still bewildered and doubtful. Aren’t these two too
potent? Isn’t this going against common sense?
“I…I…” Bi Hai didn’t dare to lie. He hesitated for a while, but said, “Xinyao and I
are doing that…”

“You two are really potent. It’s been more than three hours.” Yang Ming sighed,
“Okay, I admit defeat!”

Bi Hai smiled bitterly. What more than three hours? We were initially done. But,
when we went to the door of your room and heard something that shouldn’t be heard,
we suddenly had the urge again. Who can be blamed for this?

However, his thoughts were just his thoughts. Bi Hai did not dare to say them out
loud. If he said it, Yang Ming would know that he was eavesdropping. How could Yang
Ming still not deal with him?

“Hehe… we took a break in the middle…” Bi Hai explained.

“Alright then. Both of you hurry up. Xiaolu and I are going to have supper. If you
can finish within ten minutes, come here. If not, we are not waiting for both of
you,” Yang Ming hung up the phone after he finished talking.

“Wait… Brother Yang… We will definitely come over in ten minutes…” But before Bi
Hai could finish talking, a busy tone came from the phone.

Ge Xinyao did not dare to move when she heard Bi Hai mutter the words “Brother
Yang”. She plucked up her ears to carefully listen to Yang Ming’s words. At this
moment, she did not bother with other matters. She got up from Bi Hai’s body and
quickly put on her clothes.

“What were you moaning foolishly for? Brother Yang thought we were still not done
yet!” Bi Hai glared angrily at Ge Xinyao, “We have severely embarrassed ourselves

“You still criticize me? Didn’t you want it too? If you didn’t want it, would I be
moaning on my own?” Ge Xinyao immediately retorted.

“Before this, you told me not to answer the phone. The call was made by Brother
Yang!” Bi Hai was left speechless by Ge Xinyao and had to change the subject.

“Okay, don’t pin the blame on this and that. Let’s go and find Brother Yang this
instant!” Ge Xinyao was unwilling to argue with Bi Hai and quickly put on her

Bi Hai was also thinking the same thing. So, he quickly put on his clothes. The two
of them left the room one after another and quickly ran to Yang Ming’s room.

When they arrived, they saw Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu coming out of the room. They
suddenly awkwardly ran towards them and greeted, “Brother Yang, Sister-in-law

“You two are fast this time,” Yang Ming said while looking at Bi Hai and Ge Xinyao.

“Hehe…” Bi Hai forcefully laughed as he felt that it was inappropriate to explain

anything else.

“Let’s go out and eat something together,” said Yang Ming.

The four people went downstairs together. But when he saw Jing Xiaolu’s BMW car
parked just in front of the villa building, Bi Hai was a little surprised, “Brother
Yang, did you go out just now?”
“En, we went out for a while.” Yang Ming nodded. “We waited for both of you but you
didn’t turn up. So, the two of us went out for a stroll.”

“Ugh…hehe…” Bi Hai didn’t expect Yang Ming had already gone out beforehand and
suddenly felt a bit embarrassed.

“Get in the car. Let’s all take Xiaolu’s car.” Yang Ming did not talk much and
commanded Bi Hai and Ge Xinyao.

Jing Xiaolu was still the driver. They drove out of the Immortal Resort and arrived
at a nearby snack street.

Yu Xiangde’s white Nissan van had already been driven away. The street was calm
again. When Yu Xiangde was shot and killed by Yang Ming, no one saw the incident
because it happened inside an alley. So there was no impact.

“Do you still want to have that mutton meat and bread soup?” Yang Ming asked with a
smile when he saw Jing Xiaolu passing by Old Man Wang’s Xi’an-style Lamb Meat and
Bread Soup Shop.

“No. Let’s change to another restaurant this time.” Jing Xiaolu shook her head,
“How about we go for a barbecue?”

“Okay, I don’t mind. Bi Hai, what about you guys?” Yang Ming turned his head and

“The two of us love to eat anything. We are not picky eaters,” said Bi Hai quickly.

“Okay, then barbecue it is” Jing Xiaolu parked the car next to a nearby barbecue

The four of them got off and simply ordered something to eat.

Bi Hai and Ge Xinyao were also hungry. Before this, they did not eat much and used
up more energy than Yang Ming. So, they did not care about their composure at this
moment and started to gobble up.

With Yang Ming beside her, Jing Xiaolu felt that it was not appropriate to eat
savagely. However, she did not have a huge appetite. She became full after eating
some of the ordered food.

None of them drank alcohol. After filling up their stomachs, Bi Hai got up to pay
the bill, “Boss, how much is it?”

The boss glanced at Bi Hai and looked at the BMW car parked at the door. He then
pressed the calculator a few times and said, “The total is four thousand and

“Oh…ah?” Bi Hai was stunned when he heard four thousand and eight, “How much?”

“Four thousand and eight!” The boss repeated.

“Boss, did you calculate wrongly? The things that we ordered are at most two
hundred yuan.” Bi Hai looked at the shop owner in astonishment.

“Yes, it’s four thousand and eight.” The boss frowned and irritatedly said, “What’s
the matter? You can drive a BMW and yet you have no money to pay the bill?”
Chapter 1509: Don’t Think of Leaving Without Paying/ Destroy the Shop (A)
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1793: Don’t Think of Leaving Without Paying

“This isn’t about which car I’m driving. It’s the bill that’s not right,” Bi Hai
also frowned. “Show me the receipt!”

“Here.” The boss casually handed the receipt over to Bi Hai, and was not afraid of
him looking at it.

Bi Hai received the bill, held it up and appraised it. He immediately realized
which part was not right. Each lamb skewer cost twenty yuan! Isn’t it two yuan on
the menu?

As for the chicken neck, it’s price was raised from three yuan to fifty yuan. The
chicken wing’s price had also changed from five yuan to eighty yuan. As for other
foods, their prices were increased by at least tenfold.

“Boss, how can you count the bill like this? The lamb skewers are supposedly two
yuan each. How come it is twenty yuan each now? And these chicken necks, aren’t
they supposed to be three yuan each? Why did you write fifty yuan?” Bi Hai said as
he pointed at the numbers on the bill.

“Two yuan for a lamb skewer? Who told you that it’s two yuan? I wouldn’t even
profit if it was two yuan,” The shop owner rolled his eyes and said, “My shop’s
lamb skewers were originally twenty yuan to begin with. Did you see wrongly, or did
you imagine it?”

“Show me the menu again!” Bi Hai’s face turned a little gloomy. Before this, he
didn’t feel anything and thought that the owner had counted the bill wrongly. Now,
he vaguely guessed something. This boss wants to scam me, right?

The shop owner didn’t mind at all. He took out a menu and casually handed it to Bi
Hai, “The price is written here and it is very fair. Check it yourself!”

Bi Hai took the menu and flipped through it. He immediately realized that something
was wrong when he saw the first page. Although this menu seemed to be the same as
the one he had used to order, the prices on it were the same as the inflated prices
on the bill.

On the menu, it was written very clearly that one lamb skewer was twenty yuan, and
one grilled chicken neck was fifty yuan. As for the other stuff, the indicated
price was the one that had been increased by more than tenfold.

Did I really get it wrong? Bi Hai squinted his eyes. It can’t be. Even if I saw
wrongly, Yang Ming, Jing Xiaolu and Ge Xinyao would have been able to tell when I
was ordering. If the price was really that high, it would be impossible for them to
not have any objections.

“Xinyao, come here for a while!” Bi Hai waved his hand at Ge Xinyao and asked her
to come over.

Ge Xinyao was blushing and felt embarrassed when she saw Bi Hai did not come back
for so long after going to settle the bill. He kept looking at the receipt and the

You rarely treat us. Why are you so stingy? Why are you comparing the receipt with
the menu? She was quite some distance away from Bi Hai and the shop owner, so Ge
Xinyao could not hear what they were talking about.

When she saw Bi Hai calling her over, she suddenly felt puzzled. Just settle the
bill. Why are you calling me over? However, Ge Xinyao still stood up and went over.

“What’s wrong? Why is it so hard for you to settle the bill?” Ge Xinyao complained
as she walked over.

“Xinyao, look at the menu and the receipt. Doesn’t it have some problem?” Bi Hai
frowned and handed both the menu and the receipt to Ge Xinyao.

“Look at what? What’s there to look at? Just settle the bill quickly. Don’t get
laughed at by Brother Yang and Xiaolu,” Ge Xinyao felt a little sorry and said. She
thought, Is Bi Hai being so persistent just because of a few yuan? If Brother Yang
and Jing Xiaolu come to know of this, wouldn’t he be making a fool out of himself
in front of them?

“Xinyao, there are some problems with this receipt. Have a look before you say
anything!” Bi Hai said firmly.

“What’s there to look at?” Ge Xinyao took the menu and receipt. She frowned like Bi
Hai after glancing at it, “What? This meal is four thousand plus yuan? Is this a

“Look at the menu again. I remember that when I was ordering the lamb skewers just
now, they were two yuan each. How did it change to twenty yuan for one?” Bi Hai
said as he pointed on the menu in Ge Xinyao’s hand. “I thought that I remembered
wrongly, so I asked you to come to take a look.”

“It was two yuan to begin with!” Ge Xinyao opened the menu and saw that the lamb
skewer’s price had really changed to twenty yuan. Although Ge Xinyao wasn’t lacking
any money now, she didn’t want to spend unnecessarily.

If it was three to five yuan, then she would just let it be. Ge Xinyao would be too
lazy to argue. However, this barbeque would cost four thousand and eight hundred
yuan. Isn’t this a joke? What did we eat? Seafood or abalone?

“Boss, what’s the meaning of this? Are you trying to scam us?” Ge Xinyao was now
certain that the shop owner was trying to scam them. This kind of stuff always
appeared on the paper. After tourists went to eat at a tourist spot, the meal that
was originally a few hundred yuan would suddenly become a few thousand yuan.

“Scam? What scam? The price is written on the menu, and it is very fair. You ate
here, and you ordered the dishes. This means that you agreed with the menu’s price.
How can you say that I’m scamming you?” The shop owner said with a determined face.
He was intent on scamming them.
In actuality, the boss had used this method to scam an unknown amount of tourists
that came here to visit. He always felt satisfied whenever he did it.

All these people were similar. They were all from overseas, and did not want to
cause any troubles. Most of them were rich, and did not really mind these few
thousand yuan.

Because of this, although they were angry, they were not willing to persist. They
thought that the boss would have strong background locally since it was his turf.
As foreigners, they wouldn’t be able to fight off the locals.

The boss had captured their mentality, and always felt satisfied whenever he
scammed them. The boss had prepared two menus. One was for the locals, and the
other was to trick the foreigners.

The boss saw Bi Hai and the others driving a BMW that had a foreign license plate.
Thus, he decided to scam them.

Although the locals in this restaurant knew that the boss was scamming Bi Hai and
the others, none of them were busybodies. They did not expose it. Who would care
about this matter? It had nothing to do with them at all. They would not just
offend the boss for no reason.

Besides, they were from the same town. They met him regularly. It would be awkward
for them to disrupt his business.

“You have prepared two sets of menus. The menu you showed us before wasn’t the same
as this one!” said Ge Xinyao. “Show me the menu you gave us just now!”

“What menu just now?” The boss widened his eyes and said, “Miss, don’t spout
nonsense! I’m running a business here, and it’s fair and square. How can I have two
sets of menus? From the looks of it, you guys are trying to run away without paying
the bill after eating?”

“I don’t care about running away without paying the bill. However, if I were to do
so, what can you do?” Ge Xinyao also got angry. She was not someone kind to begin
with, and was also an overbearing person during her time as a student. Now that Bi
Hai was doing very greatly, and was working under Yang Ming and Bao Sanli, no one
dared to offend Ge Xinyao in Song Jiang City.

How could Ge Xinyao not be angry when this little barbeque shop owner wanted to
scam her?

“What can I do? Don’t even think about leaving without giving money!” The shop
owner gritted his teeth, and shouted at the kitchen, “Zhang Dapao, go clamp their

“I got it, boss!” A fatty with a meaty face strolled out from the kitchen. In his
hand was a car clamp. He directly walked towards the shop’s door, raised his hand
and locked Jing Xiaolu’s BMW. After that, he casually took the key, walked inside
the shop and passed it to the boss.

“You…” Ge Xinyao never expected to meet a more overbearing person this time. In
Song Jiang City, no one dared to act like this towards her. However, someone dared
to act like this in a small town like Jidun City! They even asked someone to clamp
her car.
“Miss, tell me this time. Are you going to give me money?” The shop owner sneered
while holding the keys. His face was filled with a “don’t think of leaving without
giving me money” expression.

Originally, Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu did not really notice the matter regarding Bi
Hai and Ge Xinyao. Since they had developed their relationship to a more intimate
level they stuck to each other like glue. Only when the boss asked someone to clamp
the car outside after arguing with Ge Xinyao did Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu notice
the problem.

###Chapter 1794: Destroy the Shop (A)

However, Yang Ming did not stand up. He could just let Bi Hai settle this kind of
problem. If Bi Hai really could not settle it, it wouldn’t be too late for him to
intervene then.

“Boss, right?” Bi Hai’s gaze turned cold, “Before doing something, you better think
of the consequences. Don’t do things that you will regret. Before scamming someone,
you should consider their identity first. See if they’re someone you can offend!”

“Yeehaw? You’re threatening me?” The shop owner did not show any signs of being
afraid after hearing Bi Hai’s words. Instead, he laughed loudly. He had heard this
kind of speech many times. These tourists that he had scammed had come from many
different lands, and some were very influential in their area. However, their
powers were useless when they arrived here. This place was his territory, and his
will was absolute!

“I guess it’s counted as a threat,” said Bi Hai plainly.

“Haha, I’m not afraid of threats! Many people have threatened me. I have heard this
kind of threat at least a hundred times. But how about now?” The shop owner laughed
without any worries, “I’m still standing here perfectly fine! I don’t care what
identity you have over there, and how influential you are. If you’re here, don’t
think of leaving without giving money!”

“Do you not believe that I’ll destroy your shop?” Bi Hai said calmly after looking
at the shop owner.

“Ha, that is the funniest joke I’ve ever heard! Destroy my shop? Give it a try! See
if you can leave this village while standing!” The shop owner sneered, and yelled
in the direction of the kitchen, “Dapao, bring some men out!”

After the shop owner’s voice sounded, Zhang Dapao that went to clamp the car just
now brought four to five delinquents out. They surrounded Bi Hai and Ge Xinyao.

“Why? You still want to destroy my shop now?” The boss looked at Bi Hai
complacently. The shop owner was not afraid at all because there were these men in
the kitchen. There were some punks among those tourists that were scammed. However,
they gave in when they saw the broad-shouldered Zhang Dapao leading a group of
teenagers out. They just admitted that they were unlucky, gave the money and left.

This was also why the boss dared to take action against Yang Ming, Bi Hai and the

Bi Hai still had a little confidence in fighting against Zhang Dapao. After all, Bi
Hai also grew up in a chaotic environment. Sometimes, fighting does not only rely
on pure strength and body size, but also techniques.
It was no problem for Bi Hai to face Zhang Dapao one-on-one. However, Zhang Dapao
was not alone. He still had four to five delinquents beside him. From a glance, it
was apparent that they were experienced in fighting, which made Bi Hai lack

All of a sudden, Bi Hai’s face turned uncertain. If this was Song Jiang City, he
could call a bunch of people with a single phone call, and immediately flatten this
barbeque shop. However, now…

“Talk, kid. Weren’t you very capable just now? Didn’t you want to destroy my shop?
Why aren’t you destroying it now? Destroy it! If you don’t destroy it, you’re a
coward!” The shop owner could naturally feel Bi Hai’s fear, and said insultingly.

“Since you want it to be destroyed so much, then let me fulfill your wish.” Bi Hai
did not say anything, but another voice sounded. It caused the shop owner, Zhang
Dapao, the delinquents and the customers in the restaurant to turn their heads at
the same time.

The one who spoke was Yang Ming. When Yang Ming saw Zhang Dapao bringing out the
few delinquents, he knew that Bi Hai could not handle them. Seems like I’ll have to
deal with this myself.

He then stood up and slowly walked towards Bi Hai and the shop owner. He said while
walking, “Everyone here saw it. When the time comes, please be my witness. It was
this shop owner that begged me to destroy his shop!”

Although the customers did not dare to offend the shop owner, they did not know
about Yang Ming’s origins. Since Yang Ming dared to say such words, he must have
some backing. The customers lowered their heads and did not dare to say anything.
They decided to side with the more powerful person. Before the victorious one was
decided, they wouldn’t speak.

Yang Ming was just casually speaking. He didn’t even need any witnesses. If he
wanted to destroy anyone’s shop, he didn’t need any reason to do so. A reason is
merely used to comfort the heart before doing something evil.

“Brat, are you tired of living?” The shop owner concluded that this punkish Yang
Ming who had just appeared was the leader of the group when he noticed that Bi Hai
was not saying anything. “Brat, you seem like you are the leader, right? I’ll give
you one sentence. Pay for the meal, and you all can leave.”

However, Yang Ming did not even bother looking at the boss. He directly walked in
front of Zhang Dapao and checked him out. He then said plainly, “You’re called
Zhang Dapao, right? Was my car clamped by you?”

Without waiting for Zhang Dapao to finish speaking, he immediately raised his hand
and grabbed Zhang Dapao’s throat, and lifted him up, “I’ll give you one second.
Unclamp my car.”

“Cough cough… You scumbag! I curse your mom!” Zhang Dapao’s breathing became
labored after his throat was grabbed by Yang Ming. He started to cough violently,
“Let me go. I’ll kill you! Why are you all just standing there? Take action!”

When Yang Ming grabbed Zhang Dapao’s neck, both the shop owner and Zhang Dapao’s
underlings were dumbstruck. He never expected Yang Ming to really take action,
especially in front of so many people!

Yang Ming also looked much skinnier than Zhang Dapao. However, he could lift him up
with one hand. This guy is not ordinary.
Zhang Dapao’s underlings came back to their senses after receiving Zhang Dapao’s
order. They fiercely pounced at Yang Ming with raised fists. They wanted to start a

Yang Ming did not let Zhang Dapao go, and did not even look at the few delinquents
that were coming in his direction. Instead, he raised a leg and simply parried a
few times. The few delinquents ended up all falling to the ground at the same time,
wailing like kids.

Yang Ming had already killed someone previously, so he did not want to be cruel. He
just wanted to give them a warning, so he just broke their bones.

Yang Ming’s actions stunned the shop owner. Zhang Dapao who was scolding Yang Ming
was also stunned.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Ming had defeated five delinquents. The shop owner did
not even see what happened clearly. They were already lying on the ground before he

No matter how stupid the shop owner was, he knew he had encountered someone hard to
deal with today. Yang Ming was much stronger than the few delinquents he hired.

“What did you tell me just now? You were scolding my mother?” Yang Ming’s hand that
was grabbing onto Zhang Dapao did not relent at all. He did not even bother looking
at the few delinquents, and directly stared at and questioned Zhang Dapao.

“I… I didn’t…” Zhang Dapao’s started to break into a cold sweat. He was the kind of
punk that liked to bully the weak, but feared the strong. When he saw how Yang Ming
defeated five of his underlings in an instant, Zhang Dapao did not dare to have any
temper anymore. In fact, he had become afraid of Yang Ming.

He didn’t know how badly the five delinquents were wounded. But he knew that they
must have been wounded badly from their tragic screams. I’m the leader, and I
scolded Yang Ming just now. Doesn’t that mean I’m in much more danger?


Yang Ming casually pressed Zhang Dapao’s face into the wall heavily. The back of
Zhang Dapao’s head crashed into the wall and started bleeding. Luckily, Zhang Dapao
was thick-headed, and wouldn’t die just from a crash.

“I’ll ask you one more time. What did you say about me…?” Yang Ming asked.

“I… I… I said curse your mother…” Zhang Dapao almost wanted to cry.

“Go unclamp my car.” Yang Ming released his hand. He was too lazy to argue with
him. His mood before this was quite good, but it was ruined by this Zhang Dapao

Zhang Dapao sat on the ground. Although he was very nervous, he did not dare to
delay Yang Ming’s orders to unclamp the car. He turned his head to the boss, and
the boss quickly passed the keys in his hand over to Zhang Dapao.

Zhang Dapao did not care about the pain at the back of his head. He ran to the door
and unclamped Yang Ming’s car. After that, he quickly ran back, “Brother, I’ve
unclamped it…”

“En.” Yang Ming nodded. “It was a bit longer than one second, but I’m too lazy to
argue with you.”
“Thank you brother, thank you brother!” Zhang Dapao immediately said gratefully. He
felt wronged as he was already in such a state, yet he had to gratefully thank the
person who beat him up. It can’t be helped. He’s more powerful than I am.

Yang Ming’s fight just now had truly shocked Zhang Dapao and the shop owner. They
thought that they had encountered an international Chinese kickboxing champion.
Isn’t he too agile?

Chapter 1510: Destroy the Shop (B)/ Addicted to Vandalism

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1795: Destroy the Shop (B)

“You’re welcome.” Yang Ming said calmly as he looked at Zhang Dapao. “Alright, now
that you have unclamped my car, how about we discuss the matter of destroying the

Yang Ming casually took a chair and sat on it. He then looked at the shop owner and
Zhang Dapao.

“This…” The shop owner originally thought that Yang Ming would just let this matter
be after he had beaten up the few underlings and his car was unclamped. He never
expected Yang Ming to still remember the matter of destroying the shop.

“Why? Didn’t you ask me to try to destroy it? You aren’t letting me try it now?”
Yang Ming looked at the shop owner scornfully and said.

“It’s not that, big brother. We were too blind, and didn’t know that a person such
as yourself had come into our shop. We even tried to scam your money desperately.
Please be benevolent towards us, and overlook this matter…” The shop owner said
carefully. “Big brother, how about this? Your meal will be free of charge. How
about it?”

“Free of charge? Why didn’t you say that just now?” Yang Ming did not show him any
respect. “My friend had already warned you just now. He wanted to discuss with you,
but you didn’t agree. It was only after I took action did you come and beg me.
Aren’t you too free?”

“Ugh…” The boss groaned. He thought, If I knew how powerful you were, I would
really have nothing better to do if I insisted on scamming you. If I did that, not
only would I be too free, but my brain would also have some problems. Why would I
still cause problems for you even when I know I can’t defeat you?. If that isn’t
being silly, what is?

However, although the boss thought like this, he dare not say so. He was afraid
that Yang Ming would beat him up if he said it. The boss could only say, “Big
brother, how about you eat something here?”
“I’m already full. Why should I eat?” Yang Ming felt a little hilarious. “You now
have two choices. One, I beat you and Zhang Dapao up until you both can’t move.
After that, I’ll destroy the shop by myself.”

“What else…” The boss quickly asked. The first choice was really too hard. He would
never choose this.

“The other one is you destroy the shop yourself,” said Yang Ming. “To be honest,
I’m too lazy to take action.”

“This…” The boss smiled bitterly after hearing it. Why is it still about destroying
the shop! “Can it not involve destroying the shop…”

“What do you think?” Yang Ming asked.

“I think… argh…” The boss let out a long sigh helplessly, and his eyes flashed with
a hint of a grudge. “Big brother, are you sure that there’s no other way to settle

“I have already given you a chance, but you did not appreciate it. Chances will
always be gone in an instant. Since you have missed it, just remember this lesson.”
Yang Ming was not someone unforgiving. However, this shop owner’s methods were a
little too extreme. Before this, Bi Hai had already revealed the consequences the
boss would suffer if he were to continue scamming. However, the boss did not listen
at all. Who could he complain to?

“Alright. Zhang Dapao, take action.” A hint of ruthlessness flashed through the
boss’s eyes, but it vanished in an instant. He waved his hand at Zhang Dapao,
“Bring a hammer!”

“Ah?” Zhang Dapao looked at the boss in shock, “Boss, you really want to destroy

“If we don’t destroy it, it will be destroyed by someone else! Stop talking. Go get
it!” The boss ordered Zhang Dapao.

“This… Yes, boss!” Zhang Dapao could only go to the kitchen. As for those
underlings that were wailing in agony, Zhang Dapao did not have the time to care
about them. He was too busy himself.

“This big brother, you are very ruthless today. Since you want to destroy my shop,
fine. I’ll destroy it for you!” The boss looked at Yang Ming and said, “But let me
give you some advice. Forgive someone when it’s appropriate, and don’t force things
too much. No one can always remain so overbearing.”

Yang Ming snorted. He could naturally hear the threatening intent from the boss’s
voice. He wanted to convince Yang Ming to let him go. It went without saying.
However, Yang Ming did not want to let him go just like that. “I feel like this
advice can be given to you as well. Forgive someone when it’s appropriate. Who
knows who was forcing things just now?”

“Alright. Since that’s the case, I won’t say anything else.” The shop owner nodded,
and shouted at Zhang Dapao, “Zhang Dapao, what are you procrastinating for? Hurry
up and bring the hammer here!”

“I’m coming, boss!” Zhang Dapao was eavesdropping on the conversation in front
while he was in the kitchen. When he heard how ineffective his boss’s words were,
Zhang Dapao understood that he would have to take action today.

“Everyone that came here today, our shop has some special conditions, so please
take your leave early! Sorry for the inconvenience. I hope everyone understands.
You don’t have to pay the bill. It’s on me,” The shop owner told the customers.

Many guests had already finished eating, but they just stayed back to watch the
show. When they heard that the boss was treating them, they were very happy and
cheered. Although they could not continue to watch the show, it was already quite

Besides, if the shop was really destroyed, it would definitely affect them.
Everyone decided to leave their seats while having different thoughts in their

Some thought that the boss was too unfortunate, and some pitied him. Some felt that
this was bound to happen since the boss always scammed the customers. Today’s
happenings would teach him a lesson.

After the last batch of customers left the barbeque shop, the shop owner waved his
hand at Zhang Dapao, “Start destroying!”

“Yes, boss!” Zhang Dapao raised the hammer and started destroying the shop.
However, he was destroying some unimportant stuff like beer bottles or bowls and

“If you want to destroy it, at least make it look more realistic!” The shop owner
decided to go all out. He took the hammer Zhang Dapao brought from the kitchen and
destroyed the television at the side. With a loud “bang”, the television’s LCD
panel broke. The whole television fell onto the floor with a “clunk”.

It was apparent that the shop owner was ready to go all out. Zhang Dapao was
shocked when he saw it. This LCD panel is seven thousand plus yuan, and you’re
destroying it just like that? The LCD panel is the most expensive part of the LCD
television. If the LCD panel is shattered, the television would not have any value
even after it is repaired! The shop owner did this because he did not want it
anymore, and did not think about whether it could be repaired after the incident.

Zhang Dapao also lifted his hammer and started destroying together with the boss.
At first, he felt a little pressured as he felt that this was destroying money.
However, after a few smashes his desire to destroy awakened. He felt very satisfied
after destroying the hotel’s stuff. With just a wave of his hand, a glass or a
currency detector would be destroyed with a “bang”. The feeling was too awesome.

In actuality, everyone had a desire deep down which made them want to vent. If this
desire was lit, it would be hard to suppress. Originally, the shop owner and Zhang
Dapao were destroying the shop because of Yang Ming. After that, it was solely
because of pleasure. They got very excited, and could not stop themselves.

“Alright, that should be it.” Yang Ming felt that it was enough when he saw that
the whole shop was filled with shattered glass. After saying that to the shop
owner, he turned around and walked towards the door.

Jing Xiaolu, Bi Hai and Ge Xinyao would naturally not remain here when Yang Ming
left. They followed Yang Ming outside.

“Boss, big brother asked us to stop. We can stop destroying the place already!”
Zhang Dapao stopped after hearing Yang Ming’s words. Although he was feeling very
satisfied, the whole shop was worth money. He had to force himself to stop.

“Oh,” The shop owner replied, but his hammer never stopped. It was still flying
around and destroying anything it came across. The sound of items breaking sounded

“Boss… We don’t have to destroy anymore!” said Zhang Dapao.

“No need to destroy anymore?” The boss shook his head, “Since we started
destroying, let’s continue. I’m feeling very satisfied right now.”

“Ah?” Zhang Dapao was stunned for a moment, and stared at the boss in surprise.
“How about me?”

“You continue too!” The boss said, “There’s not much fun if you stopped and only I

“Oh? Then that’s fine!” Zhang Dapao was happy after hearing this. Originally, he
didn’t feel the fun of destruction, and he felt sorry for the destroyed items. So
he forcefully stopped himself. Now that he had his boss’s approval, Zhang Dapao
could finally continue feeling satisfied. As he thought until here, he lifted the
hammer in his hand again.

###Chapter 1796: Addicted to Vandalism

Yang Ming, Jing Xiaolu and the others walked out of the barbeque restaurant. Jing
Xiaolu turned around to have a look, and was surprised to see that the shop owner
and Zhang Dapao were continuing to destroy the shop. She couldn’t help but felt
strange, “Yang Ming, why are they still destroying the shop? Didn’t you tell them
to stop?”

Yang Ming’s eyes were sharp. He already saw the conversation between the shop owner
and Zhang Dapao. He shrugged and smiled while saying, “They got addicted to
vandalism and can’t stop anymore.”

“They’re so rich!” Jing Xiaolu spat from her tongue after hearing it, “It seems
like they scammed quite a lot of people these few years. They’re so rich that they
don’t feel heartbroken from destroying these items.”

“Possibly.” Yang Ming did not explain any further. He got into the car with Jing
Xiaolu, Bi Hai and Ge Xinyao.

“Brother Yang, you’re so powerful!” Bi Hai’s admiration came from his heart, “The
person I, Bi Hai, admire the most in my whole life is you. With just a few kicks,
the few delinquents lay on the ground unmoving! Actually, I was a little afraid at
first. I wanted to just suffer a little, and let the matter die down. After all,
this wasn’t Song Jiang, and I didn’t want to fight over this. However, I never
expected Brother Yang to appear like a deity!”

“Nonsense. Of course Brother Yang is stronger than you!” said Ge Xinyao. “What
matters can’t be settled if Brother Yang takes action?”

“Xinyao, seems like you like Brother Yang more than me!” Bi Hai smiled and said.

“Of course, what do you think? If Brother Yang wanted me, I would have kicked you
away. Sadly, I don’t have Xiaolu’s luck.” Ge Xinyao did not hide the thoughts in
her heart, and said directly.
However, Bi Hai was not jealous, “You’re spouting nonsense. If I were as strong as
Brother Yang, would I even want you?”

“What’s wrong, Bi Hai? You think you’re suffering a loss by having me?” Ge Xinyao
glared at Bi Hai.

“How can that be? I’m just spouting nonsense…” Bi Hai immediately laughed and tried
to change the topic.

“Enough, the two of you. How is that complimenting me? Why does it feel like it’s
not anything good?” Yang Ming smiled bitterly.

Bi Hai laughed forcefully, while Ge Xinyao stuck her tongue out.

Jing Xiaolu was not as surprised and excited as Bi Hai and Ge Xinyao when she saw
Yang Ming’s performance just now. After all, Yang Ming had instantly knocked Yu
Xiangde’s four underlings unconscious, and had snatched a gun away from Yu
Xiangde’s hands which was much more shocking. He was far more fierce compared to
just now. Because of this Jing Xiaolu who knew about Yang Ming’s methods was not
that shocked by Yang Ming’s actions.

When they returned to the resort, Yang Ming, Jing Xiaolu, Bi Hai and Ge Xinyao
returned to their respective rooms. Just as he reached the room door, Yang Ming saw
Wang Lin rushing over.

When Wang Lin saw that Yang Ming had come back, he was a little embarrassed.
“Brother Yang, I’m sorry. After I returned to my room, I felt a little drowsy so I
decided to take a nap. I just woke up just now. Xiaoran also did not call me, and
went to play with her friends, which caused me to forget about the time. You…
didn’t look for me, right?”

“It’s fine. Xiaolu drove just now,” said Yang Ming. “If you’re feeling
uncomfortable, sleep first. It’s fine.”

“Then… I’ll go back first?” After finishing the whole table of delicacies, he felt
a little sleepy. He didn’t know what combination of dishes he ate that made him
feel this sleepy.

“It’s really alright. Don’t overthink it,” Yang Ming smiled and said.

After sending Wang Lin away, Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu both returned to their room.
Since they no longer had a boundary between them, Jing Xiaolu just casually
undressed and told Yang Ming, “I’ll take a bath first. Want to bathe together?”

Although Jing Xiaolu wanted to act as though she had an intimate relationship with
Yang Ming, she couldn’t help but blush when she said that.

“Ugh… You shower first. I’ll shower later.” Yang Ming was also a little
embarrassed. After all, the two of them hadn’t reached the stage where they could
face each other without holding anything back. They had just confirmed their
relationship today, so Yang Ming felt a little unnatural.

“Alright…” Although Jing Xiaolu let out a sigh of relief, she also felt a little
disappointed. She was actually very nervous. On the one hand, she wanted to reject
Yang Ming. If not, she would feel awkward when they showered together. On the other
hand, she wanted to be together with Yang Ming. She was very conflicted.

Jing Xiaolu walked to the bathroom to shower. Yang Ming looked at the bed sheet
that had bloodstains on it. He phoned the reception and asked them to bring a new
bed sheet.

After a short while, a waiter knocked on the door. After Yang Ming confirmed that
Jing Xiaolu’s bathroom door was closed, he opened the door for the waiter.

“Greetings, sir. This is the bed sheet that you wanted.” The waiter handed the
bedsheet over to Yang Ming.

“Ugh… How much is it?” Yang Ming asked.

“Didn’t you want to change it? Just give us the dirty bed sheet,” said the waiter.

“Ugh…” Yang Ming sweated a little and said, “I have thrown the previous bedsheet
away. How much is this? I’ll pay for it together with the hotel fees.”

“Sir, is that so?” The waiter was a little confused. He thought, Why did you throw
it away just because it’s dirty? Such a rich guy. I really don’t understand a rich
guy’s life. Of course, he would not say it out loud. He just said respectfully, “I
don’t know about this. How about I go and ask the management, and tell you later?”

“Sure.” Yang Ming nodded. After hinting to the waiter that he could leave, he took
the bed sheet into the room.

After changing the bedsheet, Yang Ming folded the dirty one and placed it aside. He
didn’t know if Jing Xiaolu had the habit of collecting, so he did not dare to
simply dispose of it.

Yang Ming turned on the television and casually watched it for a while. Jing Xiaolu
came out of the bath wearing a robe. She looked extraordinarily refined. If he
didn’t know Jing Xiaolu’s attitude, he would’ve thought that she was extremely

When he thought of Jing Xiaolu’s temper, her appearance changed in Yang Ming’s
eyes. It made her look more attractive. Isn’t a girl that has both a wild and pure
type very popular now…?

When she saw Yang Ming staring at her, Jing Xiaolu was secretly happy. She
purposely spun around in front of Yang Ming, “Am I pretty?”

“En…” Yang Ming nodded.

“Then why didn’t you tell me that last time! I have been losing my confidence ever
since I met you,” Jing Xiaolu complained. “I only managed to retrieve a bit of it
just now.”

“Your make up was like a ghost last time. Only a ghost would think that you look
good.” Yang Ming smiled bitterly.

“You’re the one that looks like a ghost!” Jing Xiaolu snorted, “Oh, right. Since
you think that I’m pretty, that means you’re a ghost!”

“Hehe,” Yang Ming did not refute. He smiled, and wanted to go hug Jing Xiaolu.

“Go shower first. Your body smells of barbeque oil and smoke.” Jing Xiaolu pushed
Yang Ming away embarrassedly. This was actually just an excuse. She was merely
feeling shy.

“Then I’ll take a shower.” Yang Ming nodded, and walked towards the bathroom.
Yang Ming smelled his body and realized that there really was a barbeque smoke

After he turned on the hot water, Yang Ming prepared to take a bath. As he looked
at the water pipe on top of the bath, Yang Ming couldn’t help but remember about
the first time he came here with Zhou Jiajia. At that time, the water pipe
exploded… That was the time where the relationship between them changed, and it
turned quite flirtatious.

Just as he was about to apply the shower gel, he heard Jing Xiaolu’s surprised
scream outside. Yang Ming was shocked. What could have happened to Jing Xiaolu when
she’s in the room?

Before Yang Ming could ask anything, the restroom’s door was opened. Jing Xiaolu
rushed in and yelled in surprise, “Yang Ming, where’s the bedsheet? Why is the
bedsheet gone?”

After Jing Xiaolu had finished bathing, she was prepared to sit on the bed while
watching the television. She suddenly remembered the bloodstains that were on the
bedsheet, and lowered her head. She then realized that the bed sheet had been
changed into a new one.

Jing Xiaolu didn’t really mind it when she came back before this. Now that she
remembered it, her face paled with shock when she realized the bed sheet had been
changed. This bedsheet was very precious, and she was planning to keep it as a
memento. However, it disappeared just like that.

Could it be the waiters of the villa? But, they can’t just come in and change the
bedsheet without saying anything! Jing Xiaolu was anxious. She didn’t have time to
think too much about it. She decided to ask Yang Ming if he knew about the
bedsheet, so she barged into the bathroom.

She never expected Yang Ming to have taken his clothes off. She thought that Yang
Ming had just entered the bathroom.

Yang Ming was surprised by Jing Xiaolu barging in. He consciously used his hand to
cover up his most important body part. However, when he remembered how he had been
intimate with Jing Xiaolu before, Yang Ming lowered his hands. He said awkwardly,
“I changed the bedsheet just now…”

Chapter 1511: Manager Sui Yuemin/ Sui Yuemin’s Intention to Blackmail

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1797: Manager Sui Yuemin

In fact, Jing Xiaolu was also a little embarrassed. She subconsciously wanted to
turn around and leave, but she had the same thoughts as Yang Ming. She stopped her
steps, looked at Yang Ming and said, “Then… Where’s the original one?”
“I placed it under your handbag,” said Yang Ming.

“Oh… You scared me to death. I thought that the waiter took it away already.” Jing
Xiaolu let out a sigh of relief, “Continue your shower. I won’t disturb you

Jing Xiaolu quickly exited the bathroom and patted her chest that was trembling
nervously. She thought, Why am I so perverted? I kept staring at Yang Ming non stop
after going in… En, his body figure is quite good.

Oh my, what am I thinking about? However, Jing Xiaolu suddenly changed her
perspective. She thought, What’s wrong with me looking at his body? I like him, and
I’m also his girlfriend now. Why can’t I look at it?

Jing Xiaolu suddenly felt righteous when she thought of this. There’s nothing wrong
with me looking. Hmph hmph.

After going back to the room, she found the previous bedsheet under her handbag.
She immediately kept it inside her handbag.

After the waiter left Yang Ming’s room, he went back to the reception. He asked his
colleague Little Yu, “Little Yu, Room 307’s guest said that he has thrown the
original bed sheet away, so I gave them a new bed sheet. How much does a bedsheet
cost? He said that he would pay for it.”

“This… I’m not sure. I have never encountered such a situation before!” Little Yu
shook his head, “Are you able to find the previous bed sheet? If it can be found,
then he doesn’t have to pay.”

“The thing is, he threw the previous bedsheet away…” The waiter shook his head.

“Then I don’t know anymore. I advise you to ask the Manager. I can’t decide this
matter,” said Little Yu.

“Alright, guess that’s the only choice left!” The waiter stood up and was about to
find the Manager.

Sui Yuemin was a little unhappy these days. His elder brother Sui Yuejin was
murdered by someone anonymously, and his nephew Sui Guangqi had succeeded the
family’s huge wealth. Sui Yuemin’s position became a little awkward.

When his elder brother Sui Yuejin was still here, he would just pretend to not see
what underhanded stuff Sui Yuemin did at the Immortal Resort. He just let his
little brother do whatever he wanted to.

But now, the person in charge wasn’t Sui Yuejin anymore, but his son Sui Guangqi.
After Sui Guangqi inherited the position, he went through the auditing records and
found out some problems with the resort.

Originally, Sui Yuemin thought that since Sui Guangqi was his nephew, he would just
let it be even if he really discovered some problems. He just had to be more honest
in the future. However, he never expected Sui Guangqi to suddenly transform into
another person after Sui Yuejin passed away.

Until now, Sui Yuemin still remembered those ambiguous words Sui Guangqi told him
after he looked through the auditing records the moment he inherited the position.
The incident happened in the office he was in right now. However, Sui Guangqi was
the one sitting in the chairman’s seat. He was crossing his legs while flipping
through the pile of records on the table. Sui Yuejin felt a little resentment
towards Sui Guangqi’s lack of manners. He thought, At the very least, I’m your
uncle. How can you just sit there? Have you lost the concept of seniority?

However, everyone just discussed official matters when they were in the company.
Sui Yuemin could not find any reason to scold him. After all, no matter what
relationship Sui Guangqi had with him, Sui Guangqi was now the new chairman of the
company. Even if he was Sui Guangqi’s uncle, he was still considered as his staff.

“Uncle, this resort has been in business for such a long time. Why is it not
profiting much?” After seeing the data, Sui Guangqi raised his head and asked

“Ugh… Guangqi, as you already know …” Sui Yuemin was interrupted by Sui Guangqi the
moment he opened his mouth.

“Uncle, this is the office. You should call me chairman.” Sui Guangqi frowned. He
thought, I’m just giving you respect by calling you uncle. How can you not know
what’s happening? How can you still try to leech off me? Can’t you have a little

“This…” Sui Yuemin’s facial expression froze momentarily. He felt awkward and
angry. Previously, when his elder brother was still the chairman, he could call him
“elder brother” and his elder brother would not say anything. He didn’t ask Sui
Yuemin to call him chairman.

On the other hand, his nephew was… However, no matter what, Sui Yuemin was working
under someone else now. He gritted his teeth, and could only hold it in. “Chairman,
as you know, this resort is in a rural area. It’s at West Star Mountain which is
between Song Jiang and Jidun City. Since it’s so distant, people will only come
during the weekends. Usually, it’s basically empty. Since we have so many workers
to pay, how can we profit?”

“Is that so?” After hearing Sui Yuemin’s explanation, Sui Guangqi smiled without
agreeing or denying anything, “But why do I feel like this isn’t what I saw?”

“Ah…” Sui Yuemin didn’t know what Sui Guangqi wanted to say, and felt a little

“What day is it today?” Sui Guangqi turned his head and asked the beautiful
secretary beside him.

“Chairman Sui, it’s Monday today,” said the secretary with a sweet and childish

“Did you hear that? My uncle, the Manager of the Immortal Resort, today is Monday!”
Sui Guangqi snorted. “Everyone says that Monday is the day with the least business.
Budo you know what? Little Tao, tell him what we saw when we came here.”

“Yes, Chairman Sui.” The secretary Little Tao smiled attractively at Sui Guangqi.
After that, her face turned disdainful when she faced Sui Yuemin, “Mr. Sui Yuemin,
when the chairman and I came here, we saw that the entrance was filled with cars.
Although it wasn’t as full as during weekends, two-third of the spots were filled.
The chairman also went to the reception to consult them, and originally wanted the
most luxurious high-end presidential suite. However, the receptionist told us that
the presidential suite had already been reserved for the whole year!”

“This…” Sui Yuemin’s sweat started trickling down his face. He never expected his
nephew to be this aggressive.

“Uncle, this high-end president suite requires three thousand yuan per day, right?
And he reserved it the whole year? Even if you gave him fifty percent off, you
should still have received five hundred forty-seven thousand and five hundred yuan.
How can the resort not earn any money?” Sui Guangqi looked at Sui Yuemin, “We can
earn this much with just a presidential suite in a year. How about the others?
Don’t tell me that the worker’s salary here is very expensive. If every waiter can
get ten thousand yuan per month, then I would just work here next time.”

“That presidential suite… Actually… It isn’t reserved…” Sui Yuemin’s cold sweat
continued to trickle down his face. He had no choice but to explain.

“If it isn’t reserved, where did it go? You have a room, and yet you don’t want to
rent it to a customer? What kind of problematic business management is this?”Sui
Guangqi sneered.

“Actually, I am the one who stays there. The resort is too far away from the city,
and I have to drive a few hours after work. It’s too annoying. So, I let your aunt
stay here with me in this resort together,” Sui Yuemin explained. “I thought that
no one would stay in the presidential suite, so I stayed there…”

“Oh? Do you mean that you were thinking of the resort when you stayed in the
presidential suite?” Sui Guangqi was humored, and asked.

“This… That isn’t true…” Sui Yuemin knew that Sui Guangqi was scrutinizing him

“Uncle, you are enjoying quite a lot, huh? You’re even staying at the high-end
presidential suite. Did the resort become your house?” Sui Guangqi snorted, “Let’s
not talk about this. How about you tell me, how is there nobody in the resort under
normal circumstances? Do we have to have a look and see the check-in percentages of
the resort?”

“This… There’s no need to…” Sui Yuemin’s cold sweat continued to trickle. He
decided to go all out, “Chairman, just say it. What do you want to do?”

Sui Yuemin had already thought about it. Since he was Sui Guangqi’s uncle, he would
just be scolded at most. What else can he do to me? He felt that his nephew simply
wanted to assert his dominance. While he felt that it was a little unfair, he had
no other choice.

“Uncle, if we were to deal with this matter privately, it would be our Old Sui
Family’s business. However, if we were to make it official, then you would have
gone against the laws of the economy. If I were to show your account to the
Economic Investigation Team, what do you think will happen?” Sui Guangqi asked.

“You…” Sui Yuemin never expected that Sui Guangqi wanted to corner him, and even
wanted to send him to prison. He got anxious immediately, “Sui Guangqi, I’m your
uncle, your dear uncle! When you were young, I still hugged you and played with
you! You can’t do this!”

###Chapter 1798: Sui Yuemin’s Intention to Blackmail

“Hehe, that’s right. You’re my uncle, my dear uncle. I’m just making a hypothesis.”
Sui Guangqi laughed, “Uncle, seeing how you and I are uncle and nephew, I won’t
look too much into your wrongdoings. However, spit out all the money you had
pocketed in the last few years…”

“I… What did I pocket? Guangqi, don’t spout nonsense!” Sui Yuemin felt a little
heartache when he was requested to spit all the money out. This was even crueler
than sending him to prison.

“Sigh,” Sui Guangqi pretended to be in a state of difficulty, and let out a sigh,
“Fine, uncle. On behalf of my deceased father, which is your elder brother, how
about this? I’ll give you a way out. If you want to proceed with it, then we would
still be uncle and nephew in the future. I won’t look into your other
responsibilities. However, if you were to object, then we can only make things

“Make things official… What do you mean…?” Sui Yuemin was a little anxious,
“Guangqi, you just gave me two paths. Can’t I choose anything else?”

“Hehe, uncle. You’re a smart guy. You should be clear about which path you should
pick.” Sui Guangqi still had a sneer on his face.

“Fine, you win! I’ll pick the first path!” said Sui Yuemin.

“Alright, first path. Uncle, you have chosen the right one.” Sui Guangqi said in a
relaxed manner, “Uncle, you and I know how much money you have pocketed. It’s been
so many years, hehe. If we were to put it badly, you can open up another resort
with it.”

“This… It’s not that much…” Sui Yuemin did not object to the fact that he had been
pocketing the company’s money. However, he didn’t want to admit that he took that

“Let’s not talk about this. I won’t look into it anymore, “said Sui Guangqi. “How
about this? The market price of this resort is one hundred million and twenty
thousand yuan. Seeing how you’re my uncle, I’ll give you a discount. One hundred
million yuan, and I’ll sell this resort to you. Next time, you can continue
managing the business, and won’t have any relations with the group anymore.

“This… Where can I take out one hundred million from?” Although Sui Yuemin said
that, he started to analyze the possibility of it happening.

“Whether you can work it out or take out the money, it has nothing to do with our
group.” Sui Guangqi continued, “No matter if you borrowed or saved up the money, I
am already benevolent enough to give you this path. Go think about it yourself. Do
you want to go to jail, or continue being the Manager?”

“Fine! I’ll buy it!” Sui Yuemin gritted his teeth and said. He had no other choice.
Sui Guangqi was already considered as taking care of him by giving him this path.
Although Sui Yuemin had pocketed only around one hundred million yuan during the
past few years, the resort would be his after he gave this one hundred million yuan
away. He didn’t have to worry about not being able to profit.

It was obvious that Sui Guangqi had planned this beforehand. He knew approximately
how much Sui Yuemin had pocketed during the past year, and knew that he had no way
of bargaining. Everyone was aware of this matter.

“Seems like uncle is a smart man.” Sui Guangqi nodded, “Then it’s settled.
Congratulations, uncle. You have become the owner of the resort.”
Sui Yuemin laughed forcefully twice. He felt an emotion he couldn’t describe deep

Now that the resort had become his, Sui Yuemin could never be like he was before
and only focus on trying to pocket the money. He now had to worry about the
resort’s management.

After this hundred million yuan was given out, Sui Yuemin would still have a few
hundred thousand left. This wasn’t enough to pay for the entertainment as well as
the maintenance of the resort’s facilities. Because of this, Sui Yuemin was
thinking of ways to try and get more money to compensate for it.

As for the high-end presidential suite, Sui Yuemin had already moved out of it long
ago. He stayed in a normal guest room with his wife. Since the resort was now his,
he would naturally use this room to earn money.

“Knock knock knock…” The sound of someone knocking the door came from outside of
the office. Sui Yuemin said casually, “Enter!”

The waiter from the reception, Xiao Zhang, walked in, “President Sui, I’m Xiao
Zhang from the reception.”

“En, what’s the matter?” Sui Yuemin had a faint impression of him. He looked at
Xiao Zhang and asked.

“It’s like this. A guest wanted me to send a bedsheet over, so I went to change it
for him. However, he said that the previous bed sheet had already been thrown
away…” said Waiter Xiao Zhang. “The guest said that he would compensate us.
However, I have never encountered this kind of situation before. I don’t know how
much I should ask him to pay…”

“Do you have to find me for such a small matter?” Sui Yuemin frowned, “Just pick up
the bed sheet that he threw away. It’s just a bedsheet anyway…”

“I also said the same thing. However, the guest said that the bed sheet is really
gone. He wanted to just pay money,” Waiter Xiao Zhang said embarrassedly.

“Gone? He really said so?” Sui Yuemin was surprised for a moment, and suddenly had
some interest in the matter.

“Yes, he said so,” said Xiao Zhang.

“Oh? Tell me, how many guests are in the room? Is it a guy and a girl?” Sui
Yuemin’s face suddenly had a strange expression.

“That’s right. When they came back to the villa and were parking their car outside,
I was the one that helped direct them,” Xiao Zhang nodded and said.

“Hehe…” Sui Yuemin laughed treacherously. “I know what they used that bed sheet

Sui Yuemin was actually quite smart. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to pocket so
much money from the resort. After he thought about it for a moment, he immediately
understood. The man and woman must have used the bedsheet as a memento. This kind
of thing had also happened in the past. However, most people just cut off a piece
of the bedsheet and left. They wouldn’t want to buy the entire bed sheet.

“Ah? What is it used for?” Xiao Zhang still hadn’t realized yet.
“Do you remember the times when people cut part of their bedsheet?” Sui Yuemin
laughed treacherously and asked.

“Ah! I understand now…” Xiao Zhang’s face started to blush. He understood what Sui
Yuemin meant.

“What car did they drive?” A plan appeared in Sui Yuemin’s mind

“BMW X5,” said Xiao Zhang.

“BMW X5? Does that mean that they’re quite rich? Seems like the guy is from a rich
family?” Sui Yuemin was happy after hearing what the guest’s vehicle was. He was
even more certain that his plan would work.

“That’s not it. I saw the woman driving,” Xiao Zhang quickly explained.

“A woman? That’s even better!” Sui Yuemin snickered, “I was afraid that the guy
won’t pay for the girl’s bed sheet. Now, it’s all good. Seems like this girl is
also a princess from a rich family!”

“President Sui, you… what do you mean? I don’t understand it.” Xiao Zhang was a
little confused.

“Since it’s such an important thing, of course it requires a little bit of money.
How about this? You tell the guest in the room that the bed sheet is one hundred
thousand yuan!” Sui Yuemin was a little too poor recently. If it was previously, he
wouldn’t even bat an eye for one hundred thousand yuan. However, he needed this
hundred thousand yuan for emergency use now.

“What! One hundred thousand?” Xiao Zhang’s mouth widened in shock after hearing it,
“President Sui, how much did you say?”

“One hundred thousand. What’s wrong? Just tell them that the bedsheet was imported,
and it’s made out of Australian Wool. A hundred thousand is already considered
cheap.” Sui Yuemin simply made an excuse.

“This… Isn’t inappropriate, right?” Xiao Zhang suddenly couldn’t decide, “What if
they don’t want to pay us…”

“Don’t want to pay? That’s fine. Just let them find the thrown bed sheet and return
it,” said Sui Yuemin.

“President Sui, aren’t we being a little too overboard by doing this?” Xiao Zhang
didn’t really want to scam others.

“Am I the Manager or are you?” Sui Yuemin frowned, “What’s wrong? You don’t want to
work here anymore?”

“No… Alright, I’ll go speak about it…” Xiao Zhang had no choice and could only nod.

“If you can’t even do this thing well, what can you do? Just call me if anything
happens.” Sui Yuemin waved his hand and signaled Xiao Zhang to leave.

Xiao Zhang had no choice but to go to Room 307, Yang Ming’s room, with a bitter
face. He was the son of a farmer living nearby, and lived a very simple life. He
had never done anything bad before. Every time when a guest left their stuff
behind, he would always return it back to them. However, the boss wanted him to
scam others this time…
After Xiao Zhang reached Room 307, he hesitated for a moment and knocked on the

“Who is it?” Yang Ming had just finished showering and was wearing his pajamas. He
asked after he heard the knocking sound.

Chapter 1512: Overthinking/ Seeing Brother Bai Again

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1799: Overthinking

“Sir, I’m the waiter at the reception, Xiao Zhang. I was the one that gave you the
bedsheet,” Xiao Zhang said politely.

“Waiter? Give me a moment.” Yang Ming buttoned up his shirt and opened the room

“Greetings, sir. About the bedsheet matter just now, I have consulted our boss…”
Xiao Zhang stuttered due to his obvious hesitation

“What’s wrong with you?” Yang Ming looked at Xiao Zhang in confusion, “Just say
whatever you need to say.”

“Sir, our boss said that this bedsheet costs one hundred thousand yuan. It’s made
out of Australian wool…” Little Zhang said carefully.

“Australian wool? One hundred thousand?” Yang Ming was stunned.

“Sir, don’t be angry. I’m just a waiter, and I was sent to pass on the message. The
price was actually set by our boss, not me…” The waiter immediately said carefully
when he saw Yang Ming’s shocked expression as he was afraid that Yang Ming would
vent his anger out on him.

“Your resort’s normal cotton bed sheets are made out of Australian wool?” Yang Ming
was entertained by the waiter’s words. As a matter of fact, a hundred thousand yuan
meant nothing to Yang Ming right now. However, even if he was rich, Yang Ming
didn’t want to be scammed just like that.

“Yang Ming, what’s the matter?” Jing Xiaolu walked out of the room and asked.

“There’s an issue with the bedsheet. The resort’s owner asked me to compensate them
with a hundred thousand yuan,” Yang Ming shrugged and told Jing Xiaolu.

“Ah? Hundred thousand?” Jing Xiaolu also looked at the waiter in shock, “Are your
resort’s bedsheets made out of gold?”

“Ugh… I didn’t set the price. It was my boss. I’m just here to pass on the
message…” Xiao Zhang immediately explained.

“No wonder this place is filled with scammers. So this is where it originated
from!” Jing Xiaolu was naturally talking about the barbeque incident previously.
She never expected this resort to be filled with scammers.

The waiter Xiao Zhang smiled awkwardly. However, he had no right to make any

“Yang Ming, let’s not keep the bedsheet. Let’s just return it to them.” Although
Jing Xiaolu felt that it was a pity to return the bed sheet, she was reluctant to
spend a hundred thousand yuan for it. She would rather not have it, simply because
it wasn’t worth it.

Jing Xiaolu was this kind of person. Although she was a little vain, she was even
more stingy. Although she had her own company now, her personality was still the
same. Her attitude had not changed.

After hearing Jing Xiaolu’s words, Xiao Zhang knew that the owner’s guess was
right. He couldn’t help but smile bitterly. Seems like the owner has the potential
to become a profiteer.

“Your boss is Sui Yuemin, right?” Yang Ming asked as he looked at the waiter Xiao
Zhang. “Does he want to die?”

“Ga!” Xiao Zhang was stunned after hearing Yang Ming’s words. He never expected
Yang Ming to call out his boss’s name. Does Yang Ming know the boss? Besides, his
tone seems so prideful. He even asked if the boss wants to die. Who in the world is
this guy?

“If your boss wants the money, ask him to come to speak with us,” Yang Ming looked
at Xiao Zhang and said plainly.

“Yes, sir…” Xiao Zhang immediately backed out. He instinctually felt that this
guest’s identity wasn’t that simple. He wanted to quickly go report it to Sui

Xiao Zhang didn’t even call the boss. He decided to go to Sui Yuemin’s office
himself. He quickened his steps and ran towards Sui Yuemin’s office and knocked on
the door.

“Come in.” Sui Yuemin thought, So many things have happened tonight. It wasn’t this
busy last time. Luckily I haven’t gone back to my room to sleep yet. Otherwise, no
one would be in the office.

“President Sui …” Xiao Zhang pushed the door open and walked into the office.

“Oh? Xiao Zhang, how was it? Have they paid yet?” Sui Yuemin asked when he saw Xiao

“No…” Xiao Zhang shook his head.

“You can’t even handle such a task. It was such a simple one. How could you not
receive any money?” Sui Yuemin frowned.

“President Sui, it went like this. I told that male guest that the bedsheet was
Australian wool, and it was worth a hundred thousand yuan. The female guest said
that it was expensive, and asked him to return the bed sheet to us,” said Xiao
Zhang. “But the male guest suddenly said, ‘Your boss is Sui Yuemin, right? Does he
want to die?’”

“What? You’re saying that the male guest knows that I am the owner?” Sui Yuemin was
shocked after hearing Xiao Zhang’s words. He asked, “What is that guest’s origins?”

“The room was reserved by a man named Zhang Kaiyuan from the class reunion. He
should be a member of this class reunion…” said Xiao Zhang.

“Zhang Kaiyuan? I have never heard of him before.” Sui Yuemin shook his head. “Such
a boastful tone! He even asked me if I wanted to die?”

“That’s right. He even said that if you want the money, you have to go meet with
him personally,” said Xiao Zhang carefully.

“If that’s so, then I would really like to meet this guy! I’ll see what kind of
person he is!” Sui Yuemin stood up as he said this. He then told Xiao Zhang, “Lead
the way. I’ll go personally.”

“Yes, President Sui.” Xiao Zhang let out a sigh of relief. With Sui Yuemin leading
the way, he felt safer. He didn’t have to worry about the guests of Room 307 making
things difficult for him.

On the way to the room, Sui Yuemin started to frown and think. Who in the world
knows me, and has such a boastful tone. However, even after thinking for a long
time, he couldn’t think of who this person might be.

When they reached Room 307, Xiao Zhang knocked on the door.

Yang Ming opened the door and glanced at Xiao Zhang. After that, his gaze fell onto
Sui Yuemin who was behind Xiao Zhang.

“Sui Yuemin, how are you doing?” Yang Ming looked at him and asked plainly.

Sui Yuemin was a little surprised after seeing Yang Ming. He felt that Yang Ming
was a little familiar, but he didn’t know where he had seen him before.

“Who are you?” Sui Yuemin thought for quite some time, but he still couldn’t
recollect who Yang Ming was. He subconsciously regarded Yang Ming as a child of
someone he knew.

This person might be someone who had a high position. Otherwise, the child wouldn’t
be so arrogant.

“Sui Yuemin, it seems like your memory is really bad. I’m Yang Ming,” Yang Ming
looked at Sui Yuemin and said.

“Yang Ming… Yang Ming!” I remember! You’re Sui Guangqi’s classmate!” Sui Yuemin had
a decent memory. When Yang Ming said his name, Sui Yuemin remembered the time when
Sui Guangqi had his class reunion here. Someone named Yang Ming had taught Zhang
Penbai and his few underlings a lesson at that time.

Yang Ming nodded, “That’s right. It’s me.”

“I was thinking about who you were! So you’re Sui Guangqi’s classmate. How dare you
have such an arrogant tone!?” After Sui Yuemin knew Yang Ming’s identity, he
started to laugh without any fear, “If you said that you were Sui Guangqi’s
classmate before this, I might have given you some respect. But now, even if Sui
Guangqi came here personally, I wouldn’t show him any respect as well! Xiao Zhang,
tell him who this resort belongs to now!”

“President Sui… has already bought this resort…” said Xiao Zhang helplessly.

“What nonsense are you talking about? How is this matter related to Sui Guangqi?”
Yang Ming was a little confused after hearing Sui Yuemin’s words.

“Didn’t you want to use Sui Guangqi’s identity to pressure me?” Sui Yuemin thought
that Yang Ming wanted to act innocent, and decided to directly expose him.

“Me? Use Sui Guangqi to pressure you? Is that idiot so powerful?” Yang Ming
couldn’t contain his laughter after hearing what Sui Yuemin said. “Aren’t you

“Overthinking?” Sui Yuemin frowned, “Since you don’t want to use Sui Guangqi’s
identity to pressure me, then I’m sorry. The bedsheet is a hundred thousand yuan.
Pay according to the price. You can’t even pay one cent less.”

“Are you sure?” Yang Ming looked at Sui Yuemin with a smile.

“You destroyed the bedsheet. Pay according to the price. What’s there to not be
sure about?” said Sui Yuemin. “I heard that you both drove a BMW here. You
shouldn’t be short of a hundred thousand, right? Otherwise, you can also return the
previous bed sheet. We have it all in our bills!”

“Fine. I’ll make a phone call and ask someone to send the money over,” Yang Ming
nodded and said.

“Sure. I’ll wait for you to make the phone call!” Sui Yuemin looked like he was
certain that he could scam Yang Ming.

###Chapter 1800: Seeing Brother Bai Again

Yang Ming took out his telephone book and dialed Bao Sanli.

“Brother Yang, what’s the matter?” Bao Sanli originally wanted to sleep. When he
heard the phone ring, he felt like complaining about who was calling him so late at
night. When he saw that it was Yang Ming, he suddenly felt energetic.

After Bao Sanli knew that Yang Ming was about to perform a dangerous mission, his
attitude towards Yang Ming didn’t turn cold. Instead, he became more respectful and
enthusiastic. Since he recognized Yang Ming as his boss, he would be loyal to him
for the rest of his life.

“Baozi, who’s responsible for our company in Jidun City?” Yang Ming asked. After
Guo Jinbiao in Jidun City had been eliminated by Yang Ming, his territory was being
managed by Bao Sanli.

Although Yang Ming let Bao Sanli end all of his underworld businesses afterwards,
they still had control over the underworld forces. They did not do any illegal
business anymore. Instead, they started to focus on nightclubs, hotels, KTV and
other industries.

“Jidun City is managed by that brat, Zhang Penbai. He was originally from Jidun
City, so I sent him there,” said Bao Sanli.
“Zhang Penbai? How can that be? It’s him!” Yang Ming immediately laughed after
hearing this. “Alright. Ask him to send a hundred thousand yuan to me at the
Immortal Resort. I’m in the villa building, Room 307.”

“Alright, I’ll ask him to do so,” Bao Sanli immediately agreed. He didn’t ask Yang
Ming why he needed the money. After following Yang Ming for a long time, he knew
Yang Ming’s habits. If Yang Ming wanted to say something, he would naturally say
it. If he didn’t want to, there would be no point in asking.

After hearing Zhang Penbai’s name, Sui Yuemin’s face turned gloomy. Zhang Penbai
was not a stranger to him. Last time, this person was working under him. However,
because of that time where he meddled in Sui Guangqi’s affairs and caused a
conflict with Yang Ming, Sui Yuemin fired him. According to rumors, he was working
under a very powerful brother in Song Jiang City. After that, there was no news
about him anymore.

Coincidentally, Zhang Penbai was dispatched to manage this place after the boss of
Song Jiang City destroyed JIdun City’s boss, Gui Jinbiao. Zhang Penbai also had
lots of issues with Sui Yuemin. After taking over Jidun City, he came to trouble
Sui Yuemin’s every two or three days. Although Sui Yuemin was angry, he didn’t dare
to do anything. How could he dare to offend Jidun City’s boss?

Sui Yuemin regretted not treating Zhang Penbai well previously. However, who could
have expected that Zhang Penbai would undergo such a drastic change?

Afterwards, Sui Yuemin had no choice but to beg his big brother Sui Yuejin to help
him apologize. He even invited Zhang Penbai to a meal. Afterwards, he promised to
give Zhang Penbai a certain amount of commission every month. Zhang Penbai let Sui
Yuemin off the bat simply because he respected Sui Yuejin and the Sui Family. He
didn’t even consider Sui Yuemin as a member of the Sui Family.

At this time, when he heard Yang Ming calling someone named Baozi and ordering him
to make Zhang Penbai send a hundred thousand yuan over, Sui Yuemin was stunned.

This can’t be, right? Yang Ming knows Zhang Penbai? He let Zhang Penbai send the
money over? Does he still want his life? Is Zhang Penbai’s money that easily
acquired? Every month Zhang Penbai doesn’t even care about the money I give him. I
even have to smile apologetically to him!

If Zhang Penbai were to come here to deliver the money, and if I were to receive
it, can this resort still operate?

Sui Yuemin broke out in a cold sweat when he thought of this. However, after
thinking for a while, he thought, This isn’t right! I must be overthinking. At that
time, Yang Ming was the one who defeated Zhang Penbai and his underlings, which
caused me to fire Zhang Penbai. Zhang Penbai should be opposing Yang Ming instead.
It’s impossible for the two of them to have any relations.

That’s it! It must be a different person. There are too many people with the same
name. How can there be such a coincidence? This Zhang Penbai can’t be that Zhang

Besides, what identity does Zhang Penbai have? He already owns four to five
nightclubs and KTVs. How is it possible to ask him to send money over at midnight?

Before this, Yang Ming said “The person responsible for our company in Jidun City”.
If that’s so, this Zhang Penbai must just be a liaison staff from a branch office.
Meanwhile, the Zhang Penbai that I know of is an underworld boss.
After thinking of this, Sui Yuemin finally calmed down, “Have you finished
speaking? When will he deliver the money?”

“He’ll be here in a while.” Yang Ming never expected Sui Yuemin to still remain so
calm even after he mentioned both “Baozi” and “Zhang Penbai”. He was a little

Could it be that Sui Yuemin is doing really well right now, and does not even care
about Zhang Penbai? Or could it be because Zhang Penbai is doing quite badly in
Jidun City, so everyone doesn’t respect him at all?

If Zhang Penbai was really doing badly, Yang Ming would be willing to give Sui
Yuemin a hundred thousand yuan.

“A while? Fine, I’ll wait here. I’ll see if he comes in a while or not!” said Sui

“Suit yourself. This is your hotel, so I won’t be entertaining you.” Yang Ming
wanted to close the door.

“What are you doing? You’re asking us to stand outside?” Sui Yuemin wanted to raise
his leg to enter the room. However, he kicked Yang Ming’s door instead.

“I rented this room with my money. You have no right to enter now, right?” Yang
Ming asked.

“This…” Sui Yuemin thought for a while. Yang Ming had a point. Although he felt a
little angry, he held it back when he remembered that he would receive a hundred
thousand yuan later.

Zhang Penbai was in the sauna right now. An underling rushed to him while holding a
phone, “Brother Penbai, Brother Penbai, phone call, you have a phone call!”

“What phone call? It’s so late at night. Can’t you see that I’m in the sauna?”
Zhang Penbai frowned.

“It’s Brother Bao’s phone call!” The underling quickly said.

“Ah! Quickly give it to me!” Zhang Penbai quickly stood up when he heard that the
one calling was Bao Sanli. He snatched the phone from the underling’s hand and
picked up, “Hello, Brother Bao. I’m Penbai. Do you want me to do anything?”

“Brother Yang is at Room 307 in the Immortal Resort. Give him a hundred thousand
yuan right now.” Bao Sanli did not explain anything to Zhang Penbai. He just gave
his orders.

“Brother Yang? Oh… alright, alright. I’ll go now!” Zhang Penbai was a little
stunned when he heard “Brother Yang”. However, he immediately knew who Bao Sanli
was talking about. It’s Yang Ming!

Previously, Zhang Penbai didn’t know about Yang Ming’s identity. It was only when
he was dispatched to Jidun City to take control over it that he heard from Bao
Sanli about Yang Ming’s identity. He felt both fortunate and afraid.

I never expected Yang Ming to be my final boss!

From then onwards, Zhang Penbai had always wanted to find a chance to help Yang
Ming do something. However, he had no chance to do so in Jidun City. Now that Bao
Sanli had given him this mission, Zhang Penbai was very happy.
He immediately rushed out of the sauna room and wore his clothes. He then told the
underling that had given him the phone, “Quickly go prepare a hundred thousand
yuan. After that, follow me to the Immortal Resort. The boss needs it for an

“Boss? Is it Brother Bao?” The underling asked subconsciously.

“It’s not Brother Bao, but his boss! It’s our big boss!” Zhang Penbai glared at the
underling, “Why are you asking so much? Hurry up! Let me tell you, if you delay
this official matter, I won’t let you off the bat!”

“Ah! Yes!” The underling didn’t dare to ask anymore, and quickly went to prepare
the money. He was confused about the identity of Brother Bao’s boss. Why do I not
know of him? However, after seeing Zhang Penbai’s facial expression, he did not
dare to simply ask.

Very quickly, the underling took a bag of money and ran over, “Brother Penbai, it’s

“If it’s ready, then let’s go!” Zhang Penbai nodded and quickly went out of the
bath’s door. He then sat on the passenger seat of a Mercedes Benz.

The underling sat on the driver seat and started the car. He then drove towards the
Immortal Resort.

“Hurry up! Drive faster!” Zhang Penbai kept pushing the underling to drive faster,
and complained that he was driving too slow.

“Brother Penbai, do you think that Brother Bao’s boss lacks this hundred thousand
yuan? Why have I not heard about Brother Bao having a boss? Could it be a liar?”
The underling asked with confusion.

“He’s not a liar! Brat, if you keep spouting nonsense, watch how I’ll kick you out
of the car!” Zhang Penbai was immediately angry, “What do you know? Do you think
you can see someone of that level? Not to mention his boss, you haven’t even seen
Brother Bao a few times!”

“Alright. Brother Penbai, I’m sorry…” The underling quickly apologized. He thought
about it, and realized that it was practically like that. He was just an underling.
How could he come in contact with someone of that caliber?

Chapter 1513: Shocked/ Leave!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1801: Shocked

Zhang Penbai glared at his underling and thought. How could this person have so
little insight? I didn’t realize it previously. Should I replace him in the future?

Is the boss’ boss someone he can know casually? Thinking back, if it wasn’t for a
coincidence, I wouldn’t have any contact with Brother Yang.

That underling didn’t dare to say anything. He carefully accelerated the car, all
the way until they arrived in front of the villa at the Immortal Resort.

Yang Ming closed the room door, ignoring Sui Yuemin and the waiter outside. He took
Jing Xiaolu’s hand and walked to the bed, then used the remote to turn on the TV.

“Yang Ming, why are you agreeing to give him the money? It’s not like your usual
style?” Jing Xiaolu looked at Yang Ming with a doubtful expression. Yang Ming
seemed a bit cowardly at the moment compared to his previous ruthlessness towards
Yu Xiangde and his display of strength at the barbeque restaurant. He let people
send money here without argument.

“Someone tried to sell us bed sheets for a hundred thousand yuan, and they also
said that we could just not buy it. We only have to return the bedsheets. We can’t
say it’s a forced transaction, right?” Yang Ming spread his hands as he explained
to Jing Xiaolu, “We want to buy it ourselves. How can we not let them raise the

“But they are extorting!” Jing Xiaolu was quite dissatisfied with the price of one
hundred thousand yuan. It was obvious that she was a bit unwilling to buy the
bedsheet. “Yang Ming, let’s return the bed sheet to him.”

“Return it? How could I do that? Isn’t it something memorable?” Yang Ming laughed.

“That … It’s nothing. It’s enough as long as you and I know and keep it in our
hearts.” Jing Xiaolu continued, ” It’s better to use the one hundred thousand yuan
to buy me some mink coats! I don’t even have one until now!”

“…” Yang Ming was a little speechless after hearing Jing Xiaolu’s words,
“Discounting the revenue from the shares, isn’t your monthly salary alone already
in the tens of thousands?”

“You aren’t even willing to do that!” Jing Xiaolu said, “I’m just this stingy. I
can’t change it!”

“Then why didn’t you feel bad when I took you to buy clothes?” Yang Ming smiled
bitterly after hearing her.

“It doesn’t feel the same!” Jing Xiaolu said, “Anyway, I think using a hundred
thousand yuan to buy a damaged bedsheet makes me feel like a fool. It’s not worth

“We’ll see. When the money comes, Sui Yuemin might not even dare to accept it.”
Yang Ming felt that he hadn’t discovered it previously, but wasn’t Jing Xiaolu
actually too cute?

Previously, Yang Ming felt that Jing Xiaolu was a girl who worshipped money. But
now it seemed that it was simply a facade. She was actually a very petty girl on
the inside.

Alas, it was not surprising after thinking of her family background. She had a sick
grandma. Jing Xiaolu used to place more importance on wealth than her life, but the
money that she managed to collect was all used to pay her grandma’s medical bills.

One could say that Jing Xiaolu’s greed for money was a consequence of her family’s
conditions. Although she had money now, her calculative and stingy mentality had
remained, causing the current situation.

She had a complex personality due to her family’s complicated environment, the need
to carry the family’s burden and mingling with the underworld society from a young

Being vain but stingy at the same time seemed contradictory. But after coming round
to the idea, it didn’t feel like anything strange.

“Won’t dare to take it? What do you mean?” Jing Xiaolu was a bit stunned after
hearing Yang Ming’s explanation. “Sui Yuemin seemed like he wouldn’t give up if he
doesn’t get the money today. How could he not take it?”

“It’s not easy to explain. You’ll know once you see it later.” Yang Ming laughed.

Yang Ming’s mobile phone rang just as he said it. He took out the mobile phone and
glanced at it. TIt was an unknown number. Maybe Zhang Penbai had arrived.

Yang Ming answered the phone, “Hello.”

“Brother Yang, I’m Zhang Penbai. I’ve reached the bottom of the Immortal Resort’s
villa building.” Zhang Penbai knew that Yang Ming didn’t like people who talked a
lot, without getting to the point. So he spoke concisely.

“Oh, it’s you. Come on up. I’m in room 307,” said Yang Ming.

“Okay, I’ll go up now.” Zhang Penbai saw that Yang Ming didn’t seem to be
dissatisfied with his arrival time and was relieved in his heart.

He had arrived here as fast as possible. But because the mountain road of West Star
Mountain was not very easy to travel at night, it still took a while. He was afraid
that Yang Ming would be impatient, so he took the initiative to call Yang Ming.
Seeing that nothing was amiss, he felt relieved.

Zhang Penbai carried a bag of money, and went upstairs with his underling.

He took the elevator to the third floor. As soon as he came out, he saw Sui Yuemin
and a waiter standing not far away. Zhang Penbai froze for a while. What was Sui
Yuemin doing here in the middle of the night?

However, Zhang Penbai had something important to do today. He wasn’t willing to be

delayed because of these little things, so he ignored Sui Yuemin and went to Room

Originally, Sui Yuemin didn’t notice Zhang Penbai as he was standing sideways.
Zhang Penbai didn’t care about this. However, when Zhang Penbai walked beside Sui
Yuemin, he suddenly found that Sui Yuemin was standing at Room 307’s door.

As the saying goes, good dogs don’t stand in the way. Zhang Penbai immediately
became angry, but he didn’t want to be too arrogant as he did not want to leave a
bad impression on Yang Ming in the room. He patted Sui Yuemin’s back and said
coldly, “Get out of my way!”
Sui Yuemin was so annoyed that Yang Ming shut him out without giving him face. Sui
Yuemin still held in a lot of repressed grievances because of Sui Guangqi. He
didn’t know who Yang Ming’s backer was but believed that Yang Ming was so arrogant
because of his identity as Sui Guiangqi’s classmate.

At this moment, someone patted him on the shoulder and asked him to make way. This
was his territory – the Immortal Resort! Who would be so bold to make a Manager
like him give way?

“What do you mean by make way? Can’t you pass from the side? Is this road yours?”
Of course Sui Yuemin was furious! In fact, Sui Yuemin’s way of questioning was
quite thoughtful. If the person said that the road was his own, he could be
arrogant and take out his business card to let the other party know that he was the
resort’s owner.

Zhang Penbai was a little stunned by Sui Yuemin’s answer! Zhang Penbai had
something today and didn’t want to talk to Sui Yuemin. He didn’t care about Sui
Yuemin nor did he make a fuss about Sui Yuemin not saying hello despite being near

However, Sui Yuemin started being arrogant! He actually asked me whose road this
was. Did Sui Yuemin take the wrong medicine?

However, before Zhang Penbai could get angry, his underling was unwilling. He and
Zhang Penbai had troubled Sui Yuemin a lot, so he was insensibly upset with Sui
Yuemin. He grabbed the back of Sui Yuemin’s collar, “Did you go blind? Brother Bai
was giving you face by asking you to make way, and you actually asked who the road
belonged to?”

“Ah!” Sui Yuemin was pulled back by Zhang Penbai’s underling. He was about to get
angry, but he was shocked when he heard the name Brother Bai! When he turned his
head, he didn’t just see Zhang Penbai! He also saw one of Zhang Penbai’s underlings
who would always trouble him!

Sui Yuemin was immediately a little dumbfounded. Why did Zhang Penbai come with his
underling in the middle of the night? Wait … Zhang Penbai… Sui Yuemin suddenly
thought of something. When Yang Ming made the phone call previously, he mentioned a
person called Zhang Penbai would send the money over. Could it be that the Zhang
Penbai he mentioned is this Zhang Penbai?

At this moment, even if Sui Yuemin was stupid, he probably understood that Zhang
Penbai was indeed the Zhang Penbai! The Zhang Penbai, who had done something here.
The Zhang Penbai that he never dared to offend ever again.

“Brother Bai, you … Why are you here?” Sui Yuemin subconsciously asked while
babbling. Although he had already probably guessed the reason, he still had some
hope and prayed that it was just an accident that Zhang Penbai had come here. He
hoped that he wasn’t the Zhang Penbai that Yang Ming had called!

“I’m here to send money to my big boss. I don’t have time to take care of you now.
But you better remember that this incident won’t be finished just like this.” Zhang
Penbai glared at Sui Yuemin. He then looked at his underling and said, “Let him go
first. We don’t want to let Brother Yang hear us quarreling at the door. It would
be bad if Brother Yang heard it.”

###Chapter 1802: Leave!

“Yes!” The underling listened to Zhang Penbai’s command, and quickly let go. But he
warned, “This time we have some serious business to do. I’ll spare you for now. Get
out of my sight.”

“This …” Sui Yuemin really didn’t dare to leave at this moment. The reason that
Zhang Penbai came was obvious now. As Zhang Penbai said, he came to send money to
his big boss. Now as he was at room 307’s door, and he was also called Zhang
Penbai. It is obvious who the boss is… Why am I so unlucky?

Sui Yuemin knew that even if he ran off, he couldn’t escape this forever. Would
Zhang Penbai forgive me if he knew that I came here to extort Yang Ming? When he
thought of this, Sui Yuemin decided he might as well stay here and weather the
coming storm. It would be better than escaping.

For now, it would be better to admit his mistake in front of Yang Ming instead. If
Zhang Penbai only listened to Yang Ming’s words, he might change his mind if Sui
Yuemin escaped. By then, the resort would be in chaos.

Sui Yuemin regretted this matter. Why did I have to be so lowly and make the staff
extort the one hundred thousand no matter what? Am I really short of one hundred
thousand yuan? When one is unlucky, everything can go wrong. I really have been the
victim of a series of unfortunate events over the past few days.

“What? You don’t want to leave?” Zhang Penbai saw Sui Yuemin standing still at the
door while muttering to himself. It seemed like he didn’t want to leave. Zhang
Penbai instantly became angry. Are you courting death?

“No, no … I came to this room to find someone …” Sui Yuemin hurriedly explained. He
didn’t want Zhang Penbai to misunderstand anything.

“Oh? Did you come to visit Brother Yang too?” Zhang Penbai froze.

“Yes, yes!” Sui Yuemin nodded quickly.

“Ah…” Zhang Penbai was startled. He didn’t expect Sui Yuemin to come to meet Yang
Ming. Was he also summoned by Yang Ming? Does he know Yang Ming?

Zhang Penbai’s heart suddenly tensed when thought of this! He couldn’t figure out
what the relationship between Sui Yuemin and Yang Ming was. If these two people had
a good relationship, his previous attitude would get him into trouble. If Yang Ming
comes to know, wouldn’t I be dead?

“Brother Sui, haha, my little Qiangzi was not sensible before and offended you.”
Zhang Penbai said while patting his underling on the back of his head, “Why don’t
you apologize to Brother Sui?”

“Ah... yes!” The underling didn’t know why Zhang Penbai had suddenly changed his
tone, but he naturally couldn’t refute Zhang Penbai’s words. So he quickly said,
“Brother Sui, I’m sorry!”

“Tsk, I call him Brother Sui and you also call him Brother Sui?” Zhang Penbai
anxiously patted his underling’s head again, scolding, “Do you not have a brain?”

“Yes, President Sui,” The underling said quickly.

Sui Yuemin was suddenly overwhelmed by Zhang Penbai’s sudden change. How come he is
suddenly respectful to me? What the hell is going on?

However, Sui Yuemin was not stupid. He could pocket money under Sui Yuejin’s eyes
for so many years. Naturally, he knew his ways. He hesitated a little, and
understood why Zhang Penbai was behaving like this. The reason was simple. Just
now, he mentioned that he also wanted to find someone in the room. Zhang Penbai had
obviously mistakenly thought that he had a degree of relationship with Yang Ming in
the room. Zhang Penbai wasn’t sure if Sui Yuemin was Yang Ming’s guest, so his
attitude underwent a hundred eighty-degree change.

However, although Zhang Penbai misunderstood, Sui Yuemin didn’t dare to accept it.
But it was also difficult to explain, so he said bitterly, “You’re too polite. Just
call me Old Sui.”

“How is that possible!?” Zhang Penbai said with a smile, “Let’s go in together,

Zhang Penbai was afraid Yang Ming would be in a hurry, and it wasn’t appropriate to
delay Sui Yuemin at the door. So he quickly proposed to enter the room.

“Okay…” Sui Yuemin nodded awkwardly. He wasn’t used to Zhang Penbai’s politeness,
and there was no way to explain it at this moment. So he could only deal with this
situation one step at a time.

Zhang Penbai knocked on the door, and Yang Ming’s voice came from inside the room,
“Please come in.”

Zhang Penbai carefully opened the door and walked in with a smile, “Brother Yang,
I’m here. Brother Bao asked me to send a hundred thousand yuan…”

“Oh, Penbai, you’re here.” Yang Ming glanced at the door and nodded. But when he
saw Sui Yuemin follow them in, Yang Ming frowned suddenly and said, “Did I let you
come in?”

“Ah?” Zhang Penbai was suddenly stunned by Yang Ming’s cold words, “Brother Yang …
I … didn’t you let me in?”

“Not you. The one behind you,” Yang Ming explained as he knew that Zhang Penabi had
misunderstood from his words just then.

“Ah… Xiao Qiangzi, he was talking about you! What are you doing here!? Get out!”
Zhang Penbai turned and shouted at his underling.

The underling was startled. Thinking he shouldn’t have come in, he hurried back

Yang Ming saw this scene, and didn’t know whether to cry or to laugh. At this time,
only Sui Yuemin knew who Yang Ming was referring to.

“Brother Bai… he was talking about me, not Brother Qiangzi …” Zhang Penbai said

“Ah?” Zhang Penbai heard Sui Yuemin’s explanation and felt somewhat inexplicable.
“He was talking about you?”

It was difficult for Sui Yuemin to explain. So, he simply told Yang Ming, “Brother
Yang, I was joking previously. You see, how could you also get Brother Bai to come
here? How could that bedsheet be worth a hundred thousand yuan? I was just joking…”

“Oh, I lost your stuff. Of course I will pay for it.” Yang Ming said lightly, “It’s
Australian wool. It’s worth the price. No big deal.”
“I … I was really kidding …” Sui Yuemin was about to cry, “Brother Yang, don’t make
fun of me. How can I ask for your money…?”

“Penbai, did you bring the money?” Yang Ming stopped caring about Sui Yuemin. He
turned to Zhang Penbai and said, “Give it to Sui Yuemin.”

“I brought it… Oh, okay.” Zhang Penbai had also grasped the situation from Yang
Ming’s words, realizing that Sui Yuemin had extorted a hundred thousand yuan from
Yang Ming. But he also knew that it was not his turn now to speak. In front of Yang
Ming, he was only a small character. It was still up to Yang Ming to make the

So whatever Yang Ming said, he just had to do it. It was Yang Ming’s decision
whether to take care of Sui Yuemin or not.

“This … no need. There’s really no need!” Sui Yuemin saw that Yang Ming was dealing
with this in a business manner, and was suddenly anxious. How could he dare to ask
for the money!?

“President Sui, count it. This is one hundred thousand yuan.” Zhang Penbai opened
the bag in his hand and handed it to Sui Yuemin.

Although Zhang Penbai didn’t say anything, his aggressive eyes explained the
problem and made Sui Yuemin shudder.

“I don’t want it. I really don’t …” Sui Yuemin didn’t even dare ask for the money,
especially since the money was delivered by Zhang Penbai.

“Why don’t you give face to Brother Yang? Brother Yang asked you to take it. Don’t
you want it? Or do you think it’s too little?” Zhang Penbai asked coldly.

“Ugh… I… I’ll take it …” Sui Yuemin was startled. He tremblingly took the bag from
Zhang Penbai’s hand.

“I have compensated you. You may leave now,” Yang Ming said while looking at Sui

“Brother Yang …You’re great and generous. Please don’t hold me accountable for my
previous offences. I was really joking. Please let me go…” If Sui Yuemin couldn’t
see Yang Ming’s transcendent identity at this moment, he was a fool.

Zhang Penbai’s respectful attitude in front of Yang Ming had explained everything.
Yang Ming had not asked for Zhang Penbai as a pretense. He had really made Zhang
Penbai his errand boy to send money!

This difference could be seen from the subtle details. Yang Ming stood high above
all, while Zhang Penbai acted like he was of a low status.

“President Sui, Brother Yang asked you to go out. Didn’t you hear it?” Zhang Penbai
frowned. He stopped Sui Yuemin from continuing, and gestured at him to leave.

Sui Yuemin was really anxious now. In desperation, he knelt down with a thump,
“Brother Yang, Brother Bai, please stop playing with me, I… I…”
Chapter 1514: You Take The Money/ Potential Enemy
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1803: You Take The Money

Yang Ming didn’t expect Sui Yuemin to succumb in this manner. Yang Ming really
didn’t want to care about Sui Yuemin as too many things had already happened. First
was the issue with Zhang Kaiyuan and Yu Xiangde, then there was the barbecue
restaurant incident. After that, Sui Yuemin came to extort him again. So by the
time it was Sui Yuemin’s turn, Yang Ming really didn’t want to care about him.
Instead, he called Bao Sanli and asked him to send him some money.

If Yang Ming cared about it, he would have demolished this Immortal Resort. He
wouldn’t call Bao Sanli so calmly. Of course, Yang Ming did not care whether Sui
Yuemin dared to take this money or not.

Since he dared to request money from Yang Ming, he must have the courage to receive

“This is my room. Why are you crying at my room door?” Yang Ming frowned when he
saw Sui Yuemin kneel on the ground with snot and tears as he spoke incomprehensible

“Brother Yang, I was wrong. Please don’t make me take the money!” Sui Yuemin begged
hard, “I’m not stupid. I know I can’t take this money. If I take it, I will be
finished and my resort can’t continue doing business …”

“Did I ever say such a thing?” Yang Ming retorted.

“This … Does it still need to be said?” Sui Yuemin smiled bitterly, “Brother Yang,
as soon as you leave, Brother Bai will probably not spare me.”

“Oh, you get up first.” A lightbulb suddenly flashed in Yang Ming’s mind and he
thought of some ideas.

“Yes… Yes…” Sui Yuemin didn’t dare to oppose Yang Ming’s words. He stood up
quickly. But he didn’t dare to stand upright. He stood there with a bowed figure,
“Brother Yang, please spare me.”

“We won’t talk about this for the time being. I ask you, whose resort is this now?”
Yang Ming asked.

“This resort is now mine.” Sui Yuemin didn’t dare to hide it. Although he didn’t
know why Yang Ming asked this, Sui Yuemin still answered Yang Ming’s question
truthfully. After all, Zhang Penbai knew all these things clearly.

“It doesn’t belong to Mount Jing’s Immortal Group?” Yang Ming asked.

“No. I bought it myself,” said Sui Yuemin respectfully.

“Is Sui Guangqi in charge right now?” Yang Ming asked.

“Yes, it is my brother’s son Sui Guangqi. But this kid is really nothing. He
doesn’t care about me as his Second Uncle. It actually cost me all of my savings to
buy this resort and made me penniless. I still owe a huge load of debt. Otherwise,
I wouldn’t think about scamming one hundred thousand yuan because of this lost
bedsheet!” Sui Yuemin vented all his anger about Sui Guangqi. Sui Yuemin believed
that the ] whole thing today had been caused by his nephew Sui Guangq’s actions. If
it wasn’t for him, how could he place importance on this one hundred thousand yuan?

“Oh, so that is the case. I wondered if you still wanted this resort to stay open
since you actually came up with such a trick to extort customers.” Yang Ming nodded
slightly to show that he understood.

“Brother Yang… You can’t actually blame me for all of this. I was forced to do such
inhumane things. Please let me go…” Sui Yuemin saw that Yang Ming’s tone seemed
lenient, and immediately tried to use this chance to free himself.

“Let’s just forget about today’s affairs. You can hold onto the hundred thousand
yuan. Consider it as emergency funds,” Yang Ming said while waving his hand.

“Ah? That’s not possible, Brother Yang. No matter how poor I am, I can’t take this
money!” Sui Yuemin was anxious. He really didn’t dare to accept this money. He
thought Yang Ming didn’t plan to let him go and hurriedly said, “Brother Yang, tell
me. What must I do for you to let me go?”

“I didn’t say that I can’t let you go?” Yang Ming was stunned. He did not expect
Sui Yuemin to not understand what he said, “I have already said very clearly. Let’s
just forget about today’s issue.”

“This money …” Sui Yuemin didn’t understand. If the issue was solved just like
that, then why did Yang Ming still give him money?

“This matter is over. Just take the money,” said Yang Ming. “But this money is not
for nothing.”

“What do you mean?” Sui Yuemin was even more puzzled.

“Don’t you get it?” Yang Ming was helpless.

“Ah! I see!” Sui Yuemin smacked the back of his head upon Yang Ming’s reminder. He
said, “Brother Yang, I understand. You mean to say that there’s something that you
want me to do?”

“It seems that you are not too stupid. I almost thought that I picked the wrong
person,” said Yang Ming lightly.

“Brother Yang, just tell me. As long as I, Sui Yuemin, can handle it, I won’t
hesitate!” Sui Yuemin immediately guaranteed while patting his chest. “However, you
also know what I, Sui Yuemin, am capable of. You seem to be able to do everything
that I can do…”

“I have to think about this, and I will tell you in time. But it will only benefit
you. There is no harm.” Yang Ming gave Sui Yuemin peace of mind in advance to save
him from feeling uneasy.

“Okay, okay!” Sui Yuemin was reassured when he heard Yang Ming say so. He knew that
since Yang Ming said that there was only good and no harm, it must be true. Yang
Ming had a supreme identity, hence he had no need to deceive Sui Yuemin. If Yang
Ming wanted to push him into the fire pit, he could only grit his teeth and jump
in. It couldn’t be helped.

But Yang Ming said that there would be benefits. Sui Yuemin was relieved. He did
not expect that he could pick up a big benefit this time by extortion. Although he
didn’t know what the unknown benefit was and how good it would be, at least the
immediate benefit was that Zhang Penbai would not treat him badly in the future. He
was now working for Yang Ming. In other words, he was also Yang Ming’s man like
Zhang Penbai. Zhang Penbai couldn’t be arrogant to Sui Yuemin anymore, right?

Although Sui Yuemin hadn’t figured out what Yang Ming’s real identity was, it now
seemed that it was not simple. This could be seen from Zhang Penbai’s attitude
towards Yang Ming. Therefore, following such a person would definitely not
disadvantage him.

“En, then you should leave first.” Yang Ming waved his hand to signal that Sui
Yuemin could leave.

“Okay, Brother Yang. I’m leaving now …” Sui Yuemin knew that he was finally fine.
He looked back in a cold sweat and saw that Zhang Penbai was smiling amiably at him
again. He returned the smile when he reached the door “Brother Bai, I’m leaving …”

“Brother Sui, you’re too polite.” Zhang Penbai said with a polite smile. He didn’t
know what Yang Ming wanted Sui Yuemin to do now. But it did not matter what he did.
Yang Ming’s attitude indicated that he intended to let Sui Yuemin go this time.
Thus, Zhang Penbai would naturally not say anything. Moreover, it was hard to say
whether Sui Yuemin would become one of Yang Ming’s underlings in the future.

Sui Yuemin did not have much satisfaction with Zhang Penbai’s complete change in
attitude. However, he sighed. In many cases, a single decision can change someone’s
fate. If he didn’t kneel and ask for forgiveness with snot and tears, Yang Ming
might not have said what he did eventually. His fate at that time could be

But now, it had changed miraculously. The opportunities in life are really

Yang Ming suddenly decided to let Sui Yuemin go because he thought of Sui Guangqi,
the guy who was infatuated with Zhou Jiajia. Strictly speaking, the hatred between
them had already been settled. Between the two of them, one was at Mount Jing while
the other was in Song Jiang. There were not many chances for them to meet.
Previously, Sui Guangqi had just inherited his wealth as a rich prodigal child. So
he didn’t have great ability.

But now it was different. Sui Yuejin was dead. Sui Guangqi had taken over his
father’s position and now served as the Immortal Group’s chairman. Of course, this
was not a big deal. Who the chairman of the Immortal Group was had no relationship
with Yang Ming.

What made Yang Ming change his mind was that he suddenly thought of Sui Yuemin’s
previous words. He said that the resort was already his, and it had nothing to do
with Sui Guangqi. So Yang Ming relying on the identity of being Sui Guangqi’s
classmate was inappropriate.

This sentence by Sui Yuemin showed that there seemed to be a strong hatred between
him and Sui Guangqi.

So Yang Ming thought of this and simply asked about the ownership of the resort. He
just wanted to probe Sui Guangqi’s personality. He didn’t expect that Sui Yuemin
would already babble about Sui Guangqi’s evil deeds. Although he didn’t go into
detail, it could be seen from his words so far that Sui Guangqi was a strong person
as well as a vengeful person. This caused Yang Ming’s alertness to rise.

###Chapter 1804: Potential Enemy

Wouldn’t this type of opponent trouble him if he was ignored? Especially since his
trip to Yunnan was approaching and it was unknown whether he could return safely.
What if he left and Sui Guangqi came to pester Zhou Jiajia?

Yang Ming’s character was still kind, but now he knew that giving an inch was
equivalent to giving a mile. Fine, since this person is a threat to me, I should
make a move before he can grow stronger.

Of course, Yang Ming could eliminate Sui Guangqi without any worries. Even if Xia
Bingbao learned about it, he would not say anything. However, Yang Ming was not an
arrogant person. If he killed Sui Guangqi without reason, people would criticize
him. The best way was to find a fuse.

When he saw Sui Yuemin, Yang Ming knew that he had found his fuse.

Sui Yuemin was also a member of the Sui Family. If Sui Guangqi was squeezed out of
the Immortal Group, others would not say anything. Yang Ming had no intention on
the Immortal Group’s business. He had enough money to give his women. It was
useless to want more money. This decentralized business would also be difficult to
control and operate.

All he had to do was to help Sui Yuemin while Sui Yuemin and Sui Guangqi were
fighting for power. As long as Sui Guangqi held no power, he wouldn’t amount to

Yang Ming was not worried about whether Sui Yuemin would backstab him after taking
control of the Immortal Group. Firstly, Yang Ming did not have the idea to make Sui
Yuemin his underling. It was useless to want him as an underling.

Secondly, it could be seen from Sui Yuemin’s mannerisms today that he was a timid
person. If someone stronger than him were to beat him, he would only kneel and beg
for mercy. He was not a dangerous person like Sui Guangqi.

So after Sui Yuemin gained power, he would only be grateful to Yang Ming. Even if
Yang Ming wasn’t present, Zhang Penbai and Bao Sanli were people that he could not

“Penbai, you can leave too. You have worked hard tonight,” Yang Ming said to Zhang
Penbai after Sui Yuemin left.

“What hard work. I had nothing else to do tonight” Zhang Penbai scratched his head
and smiled, “Then, Brother Yang, I’ll leave first and not disturb your rest.”

Yang Ming nodded and signaled that Zhang Penbai could leave.

After Zhang Penbai left, Jing Xiaolu asked with some confusion, “Yang Ming, why did
you change your mind and give the money to Sui Yuemin in the end?”

“En, it’s because I know his nephew. He’s called Sui Guangqi, and he’s one of Zhou
Jiajia’s suitors…” Yang Ming didn’t hide this matter from Jing Xiaolu either. Since
he had told Jing Xiaolu that he would leave in a while, it wasn’t necessary for him
to hide these things.
Yang Ming talked about the incident when he accompanied Zhou Jiajia to attend the
class reunion at the Immortal Resort, and he talked about Sui Guangqi. He also
described Sui Guangqi’s character, and why he was concerned to not make
preparations before he left. Finally, he talked about what he intended Sui Yuemin
to do.

“So that is the reason. You really do plan ahead!” Jing Xiaolu naturally nodded
after hearing it and said, “This person listens to what you say on the surface, but
he is also someone who can be patient and is unforgiving. It will really be a
troublesome thing if you don’t solve it.”

“I will think about it again and see if there are any other unresolved troubles.
Before I go, I have to solve all your troubles.” Yang Ming rubbed his temple and
smiled bitterly, “Otherwise I wouldn’t feel relieved after I leave!”

“Oh… Right!” Jing Xiaolu exclaimed suddenly, “There is one more person who we need
to solve together!”

“Who is it?” Yang Ming asked suddenly.

“Liu Jifei. What if this guy causes trouble for me after you leave?”Jing Xiaolu
said. “You can’t treat them differently. I’m yours now.”

“Ha…” Yang Ming broke into cold sweat and said, “I have been planning to deal with
this man for a long time, even without you. I will not let him continue to be this

Yang Ming did not have a good impression of Liu Jifei. Not only had he framed Yang
Ming’s company, but he had also incited a robbery of the bank notes escort vehicle.
He had troubled Yang Ming all this time. Yang Ming would naturally not leave him

Yang Ming intended to let Xia Bingbao collect the evidence and submit it directly
to Xia Xue or the Jiangyan Police. Liu Jifei would be sentenced to ten or twenty
years in prison once he was caught.

“I see. I thought you forgot about it!” Jing Xiaolu was overjoyed when she heard
Yang Ming’s words.

“Even if nothing happened tonight, I can’t just leave your matter aside.” Yang Ming
smiled bitterly. “However, now it seems that the shares given to you are a little

“How could it be extra? Why? You don’t want to give it to me?” Jing Xiaolu
immediately became a little unhappy after hearing it, and asked a little aggrieved.

“Originally, I gave you the shares to let you start a new life and run the company
yourself.” Yang Ming explained, “But now, I might as well give you a lot of money
and let you wait for me at home at ease.”

“Then I still want the company. I will wait for you in the company as well. I don’t
want to stay at home every day as a housewife. I will be laughed at.” Jing Xiaolu
shook her head, “Also, how cool is it that I am the chairman now. Everyone bows
down to me. I don’t want to lose this feeling.”

Yang Ming listened to Jing Xiaolu’s words and smiled. He didn’t say much anymore,
He just said, “It’s up to you!”

The barbeque shop was in shambles after the fanatic vandalism by its owner and
Zhang Dapao. Looking at the barbeque shop filled with broken scraps on the floor,
the shop owner finally woke up! What have I done? Am I possessed? Did I actually
vandalize my own shop until it turned into this state?

It must be because of that guy previously. If he hadn’t forced me to do so, why

would I do it? The shop owner’s eyes were filled with hatred once he thought of
Yang Ming.

He never thought it was because he was too engrossed in smashing that he didn’t
stop when Yang Ming had told him that it was okay to stop smashing.

“Zhang Dapao, stop!” The shop owner saw that Zhang Dapao was still looking for a
target with the sledgehammer. He was instantly furious, “Have you not smashed
enough? You’re making me lose everything!”

“Ah?” Zhang Dapao was scolded by the shop owner so quickly, he stopped his hand
quickly with some grievances in his heart. Didn’t you just tell me to continue
smashing it? Why did you change your mind at this time? Is this a prank?

However, the shop owner was the boss and he was only an employee. How could he not
listen to the boss? Zhang Dapao quickly threw away his sledgehammer and ran to the
side of his boss, asking carefully, “Boss, what do we do now…?”

The shop owner looked at the mess in the shop. The more he saw, the angrier he
became. A foreigner had come here and caused trouble in the shop owner’s territory
just based on the fact that he knew some kung fu. He really didn’t want to live!

The shop owner would have been better off if he did not start thinking about this.
With just a spark, it became unstoppable. The shop owner became more fed up the
more he thought about it. He was a local bully. Now that he was bullied, how could
he raise his head to face others now?

Thinking of this, the shop owner couldn’t help it, “Dapao, come here!”

“Boss, I’m here. What do you need?” Zhang Dapao stood beside the shop owner and
asked hastily.

“You and that loafer Yao Sanpao are buddies, right?” The shop owner asked.

“Yeah, we are sworn brothers. I am Dapao, he is Sanpao. He is my blood brother

too!” Zhang Dapao replied.

“Oh, how much would it cost to ask him to go and deal with a person?” The shop
owner didn’t lack money. But he just couldn’t stand it.

“Deal with who?” Zhang Da Pao asked. “Is that the guy just now?”

“Yes, it’s him. It doesn’t matter how much money it is. You must let the kid know
who is the strongest here!” The shop owner said fiercely.
Chapter 1515: Underground Boxing King/ What is Your Job
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1805: Underground Boxing King

“That kid is a little troublesome…” Zhang Dapao was dazed when he heard Yang Ming’s
name. He flinched at the thought of Yang Ming’s powerful martial arts and his
injured brothers.

“I told you, money is not a problem. That kid must be taught a lesson,” said the
shop owner.

“Boss, money is really not the problem. The main problem is that that kid is too
difficult to handle!” Zhang Dapao said embarrassedly. “If I find Sanpao, he will
definitely not ask for money. But the main problem is who to find…”

“I see…” The owner was a little disappointed when he heard Zhang Dapao’s analysis.
But it was undeniable that Zhang Dapao was telling the truth. The owner himself saw
how powerful Yang Ming was. He also knew that although Yao Sanpao was a village
bully near West Star Mountain, he was still not a martial arts expert.

“I’ll give Sanpao a call and ask him anyway…” Zhang Dapao thought and suggested
after looking at how disappointed the owner was. The owner usually treated him
well, so whenever he was in trouble, Zhang Dapao would try his best to help out.

“Okay then, you give him a call and see.” The shop owner’s face brightened up with
hope again.

“En, I’ll call him now…” Zhang Dapao already expected that this call would not have
any result. He knew the strength of Yao Sanpao and his fellows. They were only
slightly stronger than him and were not Yang Ming’s opponent.

The phone call reached Yao Sanpao, and he quickly picked up the phone, “Elder
brother? Where are you?”

Yao Sanpao and Zhang Dapao were sworn brothers. There used to be an Erpao named Yu
Erdai [1]. He later started writing web novels and left both of them.

“Third brother, where are you? I have something to ask from you!” said Zhang Dapao.

“What’s the matter? Why don’t you come over and tell me? I can introduce fourth
brother to you.”

“Fourth brother? What fourth brother? Where did this fourth brother come from?”
Zhang Dapao asked, baffled. There were only three people when we swore brotherhood.
Where did this fourth brother come out from? Is Yan Sanpao so drunk that he is

“Fourth brother is a sworn brother I met in the South in my early years. He is very
powerful. You will know when you come!” said Yao Sanpao. “My younger brother, isn’t
he your fourth brother?”

“Aiya, Sanpao, I have no time to drink with you now! I’m really looking for you to
help with a huge matter!” Zhang Dapao finally figured out where the fourth brother
whom Yao Sanpao mentioned came from. If this fourth brother is Sanpao’s sworn
brother, he is also my sworn brother.

Usually, Zhang Dapao really would like to get acquainted with this brother.
Although he had brothers in all corners of the county, friendship was still the
most important! This was especially considering he was someone who liked to
befriend everyone. But he did not have any interest today.

“What’s the matter? Why are you acting this way?” Yao Sanpao asked curiously.

“My boss’s shop was picked on by a martial arts expert! Now his shop is wrecked and
my boss wants revenge!” said Zhang Dapao briefly.

“Oh, it’s just something like this. It’s easy to handle. Who did it? I’ll go get
revenge for you!” Yao Sanpao said uncaringly.

“Sanpao, I have to say, your tricks are similar to mine. I’m talking about a
martial arts expert. Someone who is ferocious and can defeat four to five people in
one go. Do you have anyone under you who can really fight?” Zhang Dapao smiled
bitterly. Deep down in his heart, he knew that Yao Sanpao must be drunk, otherwise
he would not boast like this.

“What martial arts expert? Why should I be afraid of him? He may be a martial arts
expert, but we have the Boxing King here!” said Yao Sanpao. “Let the fourth brother
settle this matter for you!”

“Boxing King? Fourth brother? What do you mean?” Zhang Dapao was even more baffled
after hearing Yao Sanpao’s words.

“When I got to know your fourth brother, he was a gold medalist in the southern
underground boxing ring. Let me tell you, even the world boxing champion is not
even his opponent!” Yao Sanpao had drunk too much so he naturally started boasting.

“Underground boxing ring? So powerful?” Zhang Dapao was muddle-headed by Yao

Sanpao’s explanation. What a coincidence! Here I was worrying about how to explain
it to my boss. But now I suddenly have an underground boxer gold medalist as my
fourth brother? God is favoring me, right?

“That’s right,” Yao Sanpao continued to boast. “This fourth brother of mine is
great. He can kill an elephant with just a punch. Don’t talk about a martial arts
expert. Even if the world champion came, he would still win without a doubt!”

“That’s great. I’ll leave it to fourth brother. After this kid has been settled,
I’ll treat you and fourth brother to a meal!” Zhang Dapao believed Yao Sanpao’s
words. This was not something that could be casually joked about. If this fourth
brother really did not have any capability, Yao Sanpao would not praise him so.

“No problem. Don’t worry about the meal. We are your brothers so naturally we will
help you. Your concerns are also our concerns!” said Yao Sanpao. “As for you
inviting us to drink, you are my elder brother. You ought to ask us out to drink.
There is nothing else to be said.”

“Okay, I know you are the man!” said Zhang Dapao. “When will you and fourth brother
come here?”

“We will come right this moment. We’ll go over now. Wait for us!” said Yao Sanpao.
“That’s fine. We’ll wait for you at the barbecue shop!” Zhang Dapao answered.

In fact, the shop owner was just trying out his luck when he asked Zhang Dapao to
call Yao Sanpao. He also knew that Yao Sanpao’s capability was nearly the same as
Zhang Dapao when it came to martial arts. Yao Sanpao was not Yang Ming’s opponent
at all!

He did not want to give up, and wanted to confirm things again. That was why he
urged Zhang Dapao to make the call. Who would have known that he would get an
unexpected result with this call!

When Zhang Dapao and Yao Sanpao were on the phone, the shop owner heard everything
clearly. He did not expect an underground boxer to come over. This was an
unexpected surprise!

“Dapao, your third brother is really capable. He actually has an underground boxing
king as his sworn brother!” The shop owner said excitedly. “If it’s like this, we
won’t have to be afraid of that brat anymore!”

“That’s right. My third brother is nothing much, but he has a lot of friends. We
really called him at the right time!” Zhang Dapao was also delighted because he
would not disappoint the boss this time.

Zhang Dapao used to be very poor. The shop owner was a distant uncle who helped his
house financially. After his parents passed away, Zhang Dapao joined the underworld
society and found a job at the barbecue shop at the same time. The shop owner took
good care of him and Zhang Dapao always remembered his kindness.

Shortly after, an old ordinary Volkswagen Santana sedan with translucent tape stuck
onto its worn glass stopped in front of the shop. Two people jumped out of the car.

One of the men was Yao Sanpao, who had huge arms and a large waist. At first
glance, he looked like a ruthless character. The so-called fourth brother, however,
looked ordinary with an average build.

There was nobody else beside Yao Sanpao. The only one who could be called the
underground boxing champion was the guy next to Yao Sanpao.

Zhang Dapao and the shop owner were slightly disappointed. Is this person really
the boxing champion? Or was Yao Sanpao just bragging?

“Sanpao… is this the fourth brother you talked about?” Zhang Dapao was slightly
suspicious in his heart but he did not say anything. As the saying goes, don’t
judge a book by its cover. Otherwise, he and the shop owner wouldn’t purposely
create trouble for Yang Ming!

He looks normal. How did anyone even know that he is a martial arts expert?

“Dapao, Uncle Bo, let me introduce you. This is my fourth brother,” Yao Sanpao
introduced the man beside him to Zhang Dapao and the shop owner.

“Hello…” Zhang Dapao held out his hand to shake with Feng Sibiao. Zhang Dapao
wanted to test Feng Sibiao, so he started to exert his strength and clamped Feng
Sibiao’s hand tightly.

Feng Sibiao naturally caught onto Zhang Dapao’s intention to test him. Feng Sibiao
understood his appearance and body size clearly, so it was normal for Zhang Dapao
to not believe his capability.
###Chapter 1806: What is Your Job

Feng Sibiao smiled slightly, and started to exert some force. He suddenly held back
Zhang Dapao’s hand and squeezed it hard.

Cold sweat immediately started flowing down Zhang Dapao’s forehead. He normally had
a strong grip and, even Yao Sanpao was not his opponent. Zhang Dapao did not expect
Feng Sibiao to squeeze his hand even harder and a feeling of admiration sprung in
his heart. This man is really capable.

“Brother, I’m so glad to meet you. I heard from third brother that you are a
righteous man.” Feng Sibiao did not mind Zhang Dapao’s probing. After he exerted
his strength with his hand, he let go and did not continue further.

“Sorry for offending you before this. Fourth brother, you are a person with real
martial arts!” said Zhang Dapao in admiration.

“Hehe, I’m just trying to earn a living.” Feng Sibiao smiled “Oh yes, I heard from
third brother that you want me to help settle a martial arts expert? What

The shop owner was also a careful person. After seeing Zhang Dapao and Feng Sibiao
compete against each other, he also knew that Feng Sibiao was indeed a capable

“It’s like this…” The shop owner recounted how Yang Ming ‘created trouble’ in the
store. Of course, he said nothing about his previous scam.

“Oh…” After listening to the shop owner’s tale, Feng Sibiao looked at the
underlings lying on the floor who were injured by Yang Ming, and said
disapprovingly, “He’s just fast and that’s all. He’s nothing much. He still lacks

“Ah? This is just a little faster?” The shop owner, Zhang Dapao, and Yao Sanpao,
all showed frightened expressions.

“Naturally, when you are boxing, if you are slow, you will lose all opportunity to
attack. If so, you will be beaten naturally. That’s why speed is very important for
boxers,” Feng Sibiao explained. “Strength is also important. This person’s strength
is still lacking. Although he has great speed, he sacrificed his strength. He is
obviously still not mature enough!”

“Ah?” The shop owner and everyone else was stunned. Such a powerful person is
someone immature in Feng Sibiao’s eyes?

“Hehe, if it was me, these guys would experience more than just a few dislocated
leg joints,” Feng Sibiao laughed. “If I was the one attacking, their legs would be
fractured instead.”

“Ah!” The shop owner and everyone else were so surprised that their jaws dropped.

“Hehe…” Feng Sibiao continued to smile slightly, and then punched a steel pillar
supporting the stall. Suddenly, a large fist print appeared on the steel pillar
with a “bang”.

“Ah!” The shop owner and others were still dumbfounded, but they believed Feng
Sibiao’s words. If such a fist hit a human’s bone, they would definitely be

“Fourth brother, don’t show off. You have just recovered from your last injury. Why
would you hit a steel pillar!?” Yao Sanpao frowned when he saw Feng Sibiao’s

“It’s fine…” Even after saying so, Feng Sibiao’s face color changed. He thought of
his injury six months ago. It was the first time in his life he had suffered such a
serious injury. He was forced to lay on his sick bed for more than half a year
before he recovered. However, he was drifting away from his pinnacle.

Feng Sibiao found it hard to imagine that there was still someone so powerful in
the world. Am I too short-sighted or was the person I met too powerful? Anyway, it
had already passed and Feng Sibiao was unwilling to think about it again.

After he recovered, Feng Sibiao took refuge with his sworn brother, Yao Sanpao, who
knew about his current situation. He knew that he couldn’t return to the
underground boxing ring in his current condition. Although he had recovered from
his injury, he could not regain his peak strength and could not go to the
underground boxing arena as he would be beaten to death sooner or later. So Feng
Sibiao had to helplessly give up the life of a boxer.

Fortunately, it was not bad with Yao Sanpao. After Feng Sibiao arrived, he needed
an opportunity urgently to show off his strength, and today’s matter was just

As a matter of fact, after Feng Sibiao was injured, he became a lot more cautious.
If the opponent was weaker than him, he would choose to attack. If the opponent was
stronger, he would not force himself to attack.

After examining the injuries of the few people carefully, Feng Sibiao determined
that Yang Ming did not have much capability. How could he know that Yang Ming
showed them mercy at the time? Otherwise, these guys would not be just injured.
They would be dead already.

Yao Sanbao nodded his head after hearing Feng Sibiao say that it was no problem.
Since Feng Sibiao was confident, he didn’t say much. He just turned to the shop
owner and asked, “Uncle Bo, where is the martial arts expert?”

“He is definitely staying at the Immortal Resort. I know his license plate number.
I can take you there!” said the shop owner.

“Okay, I’ll go gather some of my brothers and we’ll go with fourth brother to find

“I don’t need so many people. I can do it alone.” Feng Sibiao waved his hands
indifferently to stop Yao Sanpao from looking for others.

“Hehe, in fact, I just want my brothers to see the heroic fourth brother!” said Yao

“Hehe, okay, let them experience what a duel between experts is like and what is
the perfect combination of speed and power!” Feng Sibiao nodded after hearing Yao
Sanbao’s words and said profoundly.

“Yeah, how can we miss such a fight between experts. This is a good opportunity to
learn!” Zhang Dapao also nodded his head with deep conviction.

Hence, Yao Sanpao started to call his followers to gather at the barbecue shop.
When the followers heard that they could watch a boxing king in action and the
boxing king would also show the perfect combination of speed and power, they were
all interested!

This was such a rare opportunity. An underground boxing match was impossible in
this small village, so they all hurried over once they received Yan Snapao’s call.

After they finished gathering, the group went towards the Immortal Resort.

On the way, Feng Sibiao did not hesitate to tell Zhang Dapao, Yao Sanpao, and the
followers about boxing techniques and how to use the perfect combination of speed
and strength.

After listening to Feng Sibiao’s explanation, they found out they were like a frog
at the bottom of a well. There was so much more to fighting! As a result, they had
even higher expectations on Fen Sibiao’s so-called perfect combination of speed and

“Fourth brother, don’t take care of that brat so fast!” A follower said.

“Yes, fourth brother, you have to let us see clearly. If you kill that kid with one
punch, we won’t have anything to look forward to!” said another follower.

“We want to learn the perfect combination of speed and strength. You can’t keep it
to yourself later!” Another person said.

“Rest assured. I will try to drag out the fight as long as possible and let the kid
do more tricks. You guys will see how I neutralize them and how I defeat him!” Feng
Sibiao said smugly.

“That’s great!” Everyone nodded their heads and agreed.

The group of people entered the Immortal Resort and reached a villa. The shop owner
with sharp eyes saw the BMWX5 SUV parked in front of the villa. He pointed to the
car and said to Zhang Dapao, “Dapao, look at the license plate number. Is that the

Zhang Dapao followed where the shop owner was pointing and saw the BMW. He looked
carefully at the license plate number, and said, “Yes, that is the car. Boss, it’s

“Okay, since it is his, let’s smash the car first!” The shop owner said
resentfully. He wanted to smash the car when he thought of his wrecked shop.

“No problem. Leave it to me!” Zhang Dapao did not enjoy himself thoroughly while
wrecking the shop. He would definitely not reject the chance to enjoy something so
good at this moment. He rolled up his sleeves so he could begin.

Sui Yuemin was just walking out of the villa when he saw a group of people
surrounding a BMW. He remembered that the waiter told him this car belonged to Yang
Ming. Nothing must go wrong with this car here. He quickly walked over and asked,
“Hey, what are you guys doing? What are you all planning to do?”

“Who are you?” Zhang Dapao glanced at Sui Yuemin and asked.
Chapter 1516: Big Shot/ I Am His Master
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1807: Big Shot

“What are you doing?” Zhang Dapao glanced at Sui Yuemin and asked.

“I am this resort’s Manager! What do you think I’m doing?” Sui Yuemin behaved like
a harmless kitten in front of Yang Ming, yet he now turned into a lion and began to

“Oh, Manager. You can leave now. There is nothing for you here,” Yao Sanpao swayed
leisurely over and said as he patted Sui Yuemin’s shoulder.

Sui Yuemin did not know Zhang Dapao and the shop owner, but he knew Yao Sanpao! He
was a bully from a nearby village. Yan Sanpao was not as ruthless as Zhang Penbai,
but hang Penbai no longer meddled with things like underworld fights. He was also
running a legal business of hotels and security companies. So, Yao Sanpao had
become really famous in the last half year, thus becoming the new talent.

Usually, Sui Yuemin and Yao Sanpao would not cross each other. Yap Sanpao knew that
Sui Yuemin’s backer was the Sui Family of Mount Jing. In the face of a
distinguished family like this, Yao Sanpao knew where he stood. Although he was a
local bully, those people were very capable. However, Yao Sanpao still couldn’t
resist the opportunity to come here to collect money. Sui Yuemin also didn’t have a
choice. A small financial loss could prevent disaster, and so he would give Yan
Sanpao just a little to get him to leave.

“San… Sanpao, why are you here?” Sui Yuemin was obviously stunned when he saw Yao

“Hehe, Sui Yuemin. A few brothers are here to do business. If you are acquainted
with the owner of this car, it’s better for you to not get in the way,” Yao Sanpao
said threateningly.

“Yao Sanpao, we don’t usually cross each other. Why are you causing problems in my
territory today? Do you not take me seriously?” Sui Yuemin didn’t seem to flinch as
he said in a stern voice.

If this car was owned by another guest, Sui Yuemin would not care about it. The
hotel parking lot was free and convenient, but they had no obligation to watch the
cars. If a car was smashed, it wouldn’t be the hotel’s responsibility.

However, this car belonged to Yang Ming, his newly recognized boss. He could not
ignore it! He had just escaped from Yang Ming’s hands earlier, so it was time for
him to perform now. If Yang Ming knew that Sui Yuemin had turned a blind eye to
someone smashing his car, what would he think?

“I say, Sui Yuemin. Do you really consider yourself a major character in the city?
I used to give you face because your elder brother is Sui Yuejin, the head of Mount
Jing’s Sui Family. I did not want to start a feud with you,” said Yao Sanpao
indifferently. “Your nephew is in power now. I heard that you were kicked out of
the Immortal Group a few days ago, and bought this resort for yourself. Don’t think
that I don’t know. If you get lost today, we will have no problems. In the future,
we will remain separate and not interfere with each other. But if you are nosy,

Yao Sanpao was actually not quite willing to oppose Sui Yuemin, the local resort
Manager. After all, it was only because the resort existed here that his
underground business could exist!

Otherwise, how could there be so many people going out and having fun in this small
village? How could there be so many people opening up shops here? Where would he go
to collect the protection fees?

However, if Sui Yuemin got in the way of his business forcefully, he could only
start a fight. Yao Sanpao was not afraid that Sui Yuemin would bring the resort
away. The resort was built here, and it was not as if it could be demolished.

“Yao Sanpao, I will give you a word of advice. If you recognize the situation,
leave this place at once. Otherwise, don’t blame me for not warning you. The big
shot that will be coming in a while is not someone you can offend.” The reason why
Sui Yuemin was so confident was because he knew that Zhang Penbai had followed him
and was about to show up. With Zhang Penbai here, there would be no need for Sui
Yuemin to be afraid of Yao Sanpao!”

“Big shot? What big shot? Could you, Sui Yuemin, also have some sort of big shot
backer? Could it be your dead brother?” Yao Sanpao laughed after hearing Sui
Yuemin’s words. “If your dead brother were to come, I would actually give him some
face. However, if it’s that brat nephew of yours, you don’t have to mention it. I
don’t care about that brat.”

“I was just wondering who is it that is so arrogant. It turns out to be Yao Sanpao.
Why? Did you get so sick and bored of being a bully in your own village that you
came out for a walk?” Zhang Penbai’s voice was heard. Although he didn’t see how
Sui Yuemin and Yao Sanpao had gotten into a conflict before this, Sui Yuemin had
been chosen by Yang Ming. It was obvious that Zhang Penbai would have to protect

Moreover, Zhang Penbai had long found Yao Sanpao unpleasant to his eyes. This guy
was too arrogant. When Guo Jinbiao was around in the past, this kid was honest and
humble. After he took over the territory of Jidun City and quit the underworld to
start up a legal business, Yao Sanpao thought that he was weak and began to fight.

“Pfft, I was just wondering who the big shot would be. It turns out to be Zhang
Penbai!” Yao Sanpao said in slight disdain when he saw Zhang Penbai come over.
Zhang Penbai couldn’t stand Yao Sanpao, and Yao Sanpao also couldn’t stand Zhang

Zhang Penbai was like a huge mountain pressing on Yao Sanpao’s head in Jidun City,
making it impossible for him to maneuver. Although Yao Sanpao was already a big
boss in this mountain village, Zhang Penbai was the big boss of Jidun City. Yao
Sanpao’s village was just one of the villages in Jidun City. The gap between these
two was as vast as the gap between the sky and the earth!

Yao Sanpao had long wanted to replace Zhang Penbai. You say that you are now
engaged in legitimate industries, so why are you still holding the name of an
underworld boss? Doesn’t this equate to being a dog in the manger [1]?

In the past, Yao Sanpao was afraid of Zhang Penbai’s capability and did not dare to
do much to him. On the surface, he would still appear respectful. However, things
were different now. Today, he had his fourth brother, Feng Sibiao, by his side. He
was someone with the Boxing King status. No matter how great Zhang Penbai’s men
were, they would probably get beaten up badly by Feng Sibiao.

When Zhang Penbai heard Yao Sanpao’s arrogant words, his face muscles twitched. He
didn’t expect Yao Sanpao to be so bold. Yao Sanpao dared to call him by his name,
and even had a face full of disdain.

Although Zhang Penbai knew that Yao Sanpao did not respect him before, he still
appeared respectful on the surface. This was why Zhang Penbai also had no intention
of doing anything to Yao Sanpao.

“Yao Sanpao, have you been a bit impatient recently?” Zhang Penbai frowned and
asked Yao Sanpao.

Yao Sanpao in turn smiled strangely and patted Feng Sibiao’s shoulder. “Fourth
brother, I shall hand this man over to you.”

Feng Sibiao nodded. He took a step forward, and asked as he looked at Zhang Penbai,
“Third Brother, is this the martial arts expert?”

“No, he’s just a pretender. He didn’t know what to do after opening a few venues in
Jidun City, and came over to show off in our West Star Village!” said Yao Sanpao.
“Fourth brother, show him!”

“No problem.” Feng Sibiao nodded. “Since you are not some martial arts expert, I
have no need to chat with you!”

After saying this, Feng Sibiao rushed over to Zhang Penbai. Zhang Penbai was also a
fighting expert before this. When he saw that Feng Sibiao was coming at him with
ill intentions, his face changed. He didn’t expect that Yao Sanpao would dare to
let someone attack him. Did Yao Sanpao take something for him to have the guts of a
leopard, or does he have some sort of backer? And who exactly is this fourth

However, before Zhang Penbai could think about it in detail, Feng Sibiao’s punch
flew over. Zhang Penbai was just about to dodge, but he was shocked to find out
that his opponent’s punch was too quick. He was unable to respond, and the punch
smashed into the bridge of his nose. Blood sprayed out immediately, and Zhang
Penbai was knocked out to the ground by that punch.

Zhang Penbai had not fought in a very long time. No matter how good he was at
fighting, how could he be a professional boxer’s opponent? Zhang Penbai’s
underling, Qiang Zi, was just about to check on Zhang Penbai. However, he also
realized that a fist was coming quickly toward him. It was his final trace of
consciousness before he also got knocked out.

The underlings Yao Sanpao brought over all looked at Feng Sibiao in admiration.
What an instantaneous defeat! A true instantaneous defeat! The fights they usually
fought were group fights, and it was unusual for them to knock people out even
after fighting for a long time. Feng Sibiao was incredible. He got rid of Zhang
Penbai and that little brother with just one punch!

At that moment, Feng Sibiao’s image had immediately become a godlike existence in
these followers’ eyes! This was Zhang Penbai, a man whom they used to be incredibly
afraid of. Feng Sibiao had actually knocked him out with no hesitation!
###Chapter 1808: I am His Master

“Fourth brother, you are too great. Could this be the perfect combination of speed
and strength?” An underling asked in excitement.

“This is considered nothing!” Feng Sibiao waved his hands mysteriously. “They are
just small fries. I didn’t even have to use ten percent of my strength!”

“Ah! You’re already so great with less than ten percent of your strength?” Yan
Sanpao’s men exclaimed.

“In a while, when the martial arts expert comes, I will show more than fifty
percent of my skills. Look carefully then. That will be the perfect combination of
power and speed!” said Feng Sibiao.

Sui Yuemin did not expect that Yao Sanpao had become so arrogant. He didn’t even
take Zhang Penbai seriously. Although Sui Yuemin was anxious to show his loyalty
toward Yang Ming, he couldn’t just give up his life. He ran quickly toward the
villa after Feng Sibiao knocked out Zhang Penbai…

“Third Brother… That boy fled…” Feng Sibiao looked at Sui Yuemin’s silhouette and
said to Yao Sanpao.

“En, let him go. He is going to report to that martial expert. You can tell that
Zhang Penbai and Sui Yuemin are probably with that brat!” Yao Sanpao was not a
fool. He could already infer the relationship between these people when Sui Yuemin
stopped him from smashing the car.

However, Yao Sanpao was not worried about anything. Today, he was simply in for an
inch, in for a mile [2]. Since Zhang Penbai had already been knocked out, a few
more people wouldn’t matter. When Feng Sibiao defeats the martial arts expert after
he arrives, his position in Jidun city would definitely be established.

“Bad news… Brother Yang, something has happened!” Sui Yuemin rushed hastily to Yang
Ming’s room door. After looking back to see that no one was after him, he let out a
sigh of relief. He didn’t think that Yao Sanpao would come to cause trouble here
today. He didn’t even put Zhang Penbai in his eyes. It was apparent that he was

Hearing the loud knocking on the door as well as Sui Yuemin’s yells, Yang Ming
opened the door with some astonishment. He looked at the panicked Sui Yuemin and
asked, “What happened to you?”

“Brother Yang, bad news! Something big has happened!” Sui Yuemin said, “Yao Sanpao
brought a group of people here to cause trouble!”

“Yao Sanpao? Who is Yao Sanpao?” Yang Ming had never heard of such a name.

“Yao Sanpao is a village bully in West Star Village here at West Star Mountain. He
has a few men under him, and is extremely arrogant in this area. However, he has
never caused me any trouble!” Sui Yuemin said in a breath, “But I’m not sure what
happened today. He brought a few men to the resort and went straight to your BMW
wanting to smash it. I just so happened to see it when I went downstairs and
immediately went over to stop them. However, Yao Sanpao didn’t give me any face.
Afterward, Brother Bai came out. As a result, Yao Sanpao ordered someone called
Fourth Brother to deal with him. He knocked out Zhang Penbai and his man to the
ground with just one punch. I then immediately came upstairs to report to you!”
Although Sui Yuemin was panicking, he was still articulate and concise. He spoke
with simple words but precise meaning. Yang Ming understood what he was saying
easily. In general, someone called Yao Sanpao had come to cause trouble, and wanted
to smash his car.

Yao Sanpao… I don’t remember such a person though?

“Yao Sanpao… What’s his relationship with Zhang Dapao?” Yang Ming suddenly thought
of Zhang Dapao from the barbecue restaurant before. The only name he knew with the
word “Pao” in it was Zhang Dapao. There was no one else.

“Zhang Dapao? He is Yao Sanpao’s sworn brother. Yao Sanpao is his third brother.”
Sui Yuemin knew Zhang Dapao, and so he blurted out.

“Oh? Sworn brothers?” Enlightened, Yang Ming nodded. “That’s it then. I know why
they came.”

Yang Ming didn’t expect that the owner of the barbecue restaurant had still not
given up, and that Zhang Dapao had used one of his sworn brothers, Yao Sanpao, to
cause a scene. That was why they wanted to smash his car.

It was just unfortunate that Sui Yuemin and Zhang Penbai had spotted it. As a
result, Zhang Penbai was unlucky, and Sui Yuemin had run up to report the news.

It was possible that Yao Sanpao had deliberately let Sui Yuemin go to notify Yang
Ming, to make him go downstairs.

“Let’s go. I’ll take a look with you.” Yang Ming said as he stood up.

“Yang Ming… I want to go too!” Jing Xiaolu wanted to join in on the fun when she
heard that the incident was caused by Zhang Dapao.

“Let’s go together then.” Yang Ming simply didn’t take Zhang Dapao or Yao Sanpao
seriously. So, he agreed easily when Jing Xiaolu proposed to go together.

“Brother Yang, the opponent has a very powerful man. He managed to knock out
Brother Bai and his man with just one punch. They have even brought a whole group
of people. Perhaps…?” Sui Yuemin asked with concern.

“No need. Let’s go straight away.” Yang Ming stopped Sui Yuemin from continuing.
Sui Yuemin’s intention was probably to stop Yang Ming from going downstairs for
now. He wanted to call a few men, and only go downstairs after a while.

Sui Yuemin stopped talking when he saw Yang Ming’s persistence. He went downstairs
with Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu.

When Yang Ming appeared at the villa’s entrance, he saw a BMW that had broken front
and rear windows. Naturally, it was Jing Xiaolu’s. Perhaps the metal body of the
car was relatively strong, hence only the glass was shattered. In a short period of
time, no other serious damage had been done.

“Third Brother, Fourth Brother. It’s him!” Zhang Dapao recognized Yang Ming and
Jing Xiaolu at a glance. “That’s the kid!”

“Fourth Brother, it’s up to you!” Yao Sanpao patted Feng Sibiao’s shoulder and said
as he knew that the main character was coming.

Feng Sibiao nodded. He took a few big steps and strode toward Yang Ming. “I heard
that you are incredibly powerful? A martial arts expert? You can single-handedly
fight several men? Hehe, kid. Today, I will let you see what we call the perfect
combination of speed and power!”

Yang Ming frowned as he looked at Feng Sibiao! This person is so familiar. I have
definitely met him before… Wait…

“Your name is Feng Sibiao, right?” Yang Ming did not answer Feng Sibiao’s question,
but asked directly.

Feng Sibiao didn’t expect the kid in front of him to call out his name. He was
stunned. “How do you know?”

“You have a younger brother, Fei Biao. Right?” Yang Ming continued to ask.

“You… Who are you?” It was not unusual to be able to call out Feng Sibiao’s name.
Many people had watched Feng Sibiao’s matches when he fought in the underground
boxing ring. It was possible to know his name. However, there were not many people
who were able to call out his brother’s name!

“I didn’t think that you had recovered,” Yang Ming looked at Feng Sibiao and said
calmly. “I thought that my disciple had beaten you into a vegetative state.”

Yang Ming had completely confirmed Feng Sibiao’s identity when he saw Feng Sibiao’s
shocked expression! Feng Sibiao was the southern underground boxing champion whom
one of Yu Xiangde’s men, Fei Biaom had brought to fight against Hou Zhenhan. As a
result, he was defeated instantly by Hou Zhenhan!

Yang Ming remembered clearly as he had studied this person in detail back then.

“Your disciple… Who is your disciple?” Feng Sibiao was even more taken aback when
he heard Yang Ming’s words. An ominous premonition flooded his heart.

“Hou Zhenhan. Don’t you remember?” Yang Ming smiled as he looked at Feng Sibiao.
“He didn’t make you lose your memory, right?”

“You … You are Hou Zhenhan’s master?” Feng Sibiao’s face twisted up immediately
when he heard that name! Hou Zhenhan was an eternal pain in his heart!

That kind of strength was not something he could compete with. The quick defeat
inflicted by his opponent led to a great trauma in Feng Sibiao’s heart. The reason
why he had not reached his peak after recuperating for the last half year was also
because of this trauma!

In other words, the three words, Hou Zhenhan, had become the ghosts of Feng
Sibiao’s heart.

Feng Sibiao did not expect that this person who stood in front of him was actually
Hou Zhenhan’s master! Of course, Feng Sibiao was not a fool. However, this was in
fact an incredibly private matter that even Yao Sanpao didn’t know about. Excluding
the people involved, who else could have known about this?
Chapter 1517: A Duel Between Masters?/ Legendary Master
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1809: A Duel Between Masters?

Yang Ming was able to call out his name and also knew Hou Zhenhan’s name. Feng
Sibiao really had to believe him. Although he had his doubts, he didn’t dare to
take the risk. If this person is Hou Zhenhan’s master, aren’t I courting death?

Thinking of this, Feng Sibiao thought that it wasn’t appropriate to stay here for a
long time. He had experienced Hou Zhenhan’s striking speed, so he wouldn’t give
Yang Ming a chance to strike! So, Feng Sibiao pretended to be inadvertent. He
turned around and ran immediately. His two legs seemed to be equipped with hot
wheels. His speed was beyond imagination; he was a man as fast as the wind,
covering a couple of hundred meters just like that.

It could be said that the name, Hou Zhenhan, had become his tightening-crown spell
[1] and also the devil within him. He could no longer leave this strange circle. He
even often awoke because of nightmares at midnight. Hou Zhenhan’s incredible speed
and strength woke him constantly; it had become his nightmare.

When Feng Sibiao heard any of the three characters in ‘Hou Zhenhan’ in his daily
life, he would feel uncomfortable and even tremble. Once bitten by a snake, live
ten years in fear of a well rope. Feng Sibiao was exactly such a person.

So, the only thing he could do at times like these was run away. The farther the
better! In his opinion, even if the person in front of him wasn’t Hou Zhenhan’s
master, he would at least have something to do with Hou Zhenhan. Otherwise, it was
impossible for him to know of such a secretive matter!

Not many people knew that he had been invited by Fei Bao, Yu Xiangde’s underling,
at that time. He disappeared for a long time after his injury and only reappeared
in the underworld recently when he had recovered. How does this boy know about such
a secretive matter?

Therefore, Feng Sibiao believed that Yang Ming’s claim was true. He ran away
swiftly as it was best for him to quit now.

When Yang Ming saw Feng Sibiao’s arrogant look, he thought Feng Sibiao would
execute some secret moves. He was stunned when Feng Sibiao suddenly vanished in the
blink of an eye with a speed faster than a rocket.

In addition, Zhang Dapao, Yao Sanpao, and Yao Sanpao’s underlings were all stunned
at the same time. They all looked at each other in surprise and thought. What is
Feng Sibiao trying to do?

“Could this be the duel between masters? The perfect combination of speed and
strength?” An underling sighed in surprise. “His speed is really fast! But… where’s
his strength?”

“Are you talking nonsense? How could you run so fast without strength?” Another
underling said while pretending to have understood it.

“Oh… I see. That’s definitely it. It really is the perfect combination of speed and
strength!” The underling who first posed the question said with sudden realization.
“Yeah, it’s very fast and speedy!” Others sighed, “But why doesn’t he attack? Why
did he run in the opposite direction?”

“How could we know about it? Masters are always unfathomable, aren’t they? Maybe
his move is so great that he needs a certain buffering distance before he can use
it. It must be because he’s preparing his move, right?” One of the underlings said

“That makes sense!” The other underlings nodded in agreement after hearing this,
“That should be the case. A master is a master after all…”

“But why is he running farther and farther away? This… distance should be enough,
right? Why hasn’t he stopped yet?” An underling asked confusedly when he saw Feng
Sibiao running farther into the distance. He was already well over a couple of
hundred meters away.

“Oh…” Everyone felt the same way after listening to it. This distance is a bit too
far. What is Feng Sibiao trying to do?

At the beginning, Zhang Dapao and Yao Sanpao shared the same thoughts as these
stupid underlings. They thought they were watching Feng Sibiao’ executing the
perfect combination of speed and strength. Feng Sibiao’s methods and speed when he
knocked out Zhang Penbai and Little Qiangzi earlier on had shocked everyone, so
they were very confident in him.

But now, Feng Sibiao kept running farther and farther away without looking back.
Even if Yao Sanpao was any stupider, he would still know what had happened! Only my
stupid underlings could think up the reason that Feng Sibiao needs a buffer before
he can perform a big move. This is not a television show. What buffer is needed

Moreover, Yao Sanpao knew about an underground boxing ring’s size. The boxing ring
is only so big. What kind of big move can he perform here? If it needed such a long
distance, he would have to get up to the spectator seats! That is impossible.

Therefore, it could be concluded that Feng Sibiao wasn’t showing any perfect
combination of speed and strength, nor was he preparing any big killing move. He
was just simply running away!

Feng Sibiao had become frightened and run away immediately after Yang Ming finished
saying a sentence! Although Yao Sanpao was unwilling to believe this, the fact was
right in front of him.

“Shut up, all of you!” Yao Sanpao was irritated with his underlings’ jabbering. He
was at a loss for a moment after scowling at them.

Why are the few of us still standing here when even Feng Sibiao ran away without
saying a word? How can we offend this person in front of us when even Feng Sibiao
doesn’t have the guts to offend him?

The underlings didn’t understand why Yao Sanpao was angry. However, they also
immediately shut their mouths when they realized that the situation had turned

Yang Ming definitely would not let Feng Sibiao run away so easily. He hadn’t dealt
with the matter of his smashed car yet. Also, weren’t Zhang Penbai and his
underling also knocked down by Feng Sibiao as well?

“Why are you leaving just like this? Our stuff hasn’t been settled yet!” Yang Ming
lifted his hand as he said this. A flying needle shot out of his fingertips at an
unbeatable speed, and directly pierced the acupoints on Feng Sibiao’s leg. Feng
Sibiao’s right leg, which was pedaling back and forth constantly, suddenly
stagnated. It became stiff and refused to follow orders. But His body still rushed
forward due to inertia and his brain’s control over his left leg.

This caused Feng Sibiao to lose his center of gravity and fall forward to the
ground. He bit the dust after falling down with a loud “bang” sound, and couldn’t
get up.

“Ah!” A miserable blood-curdling scream came out of Feng Sibiao’s mouth. Although
he was quite far away from everyone, his scream was exceptionally clear at this
empty resort on this quiet night.

Zhang Dapao, Yao Sanpao, the shop owner, and all the underlings were stupefied!
Even Sui Yuemin’s jaw dropped as he felt that it was inconceivable! Only Jing
Xiaolu, who was standing next to Yang Ming, remained sober and proud. She thought,
You’re really rushing towards your death by trying to show off in front of my
husband without being aware of your strength!

Yang Ming had actually knocked down Feng Sibiao who had run more than two hundred
meters away with just a casual shot. What kind of scary martial art is this? Could
this be the legendary “touch of death”?

Although they were unwilling to believe it, there was no other explanation. He only
casually waved his hand and Feng Sibiao immediately fell to the ground. He was a
legendary martial arts master.

“You, go and retrieve him,” Yang Ming instructed Yao Sanpao as he pointed at Feng

“Ah… me?” Yang Sanpao pointed at himself in surprise and asked.

“Yes, you. You can even try to run away with him but it will be at your own risk,”
Yang Ming said lightly.

“I don’t dare!” Yao Sanpao was stupefied after witnessing Yang Ming’s skills. He
couldn’t think of running. He would be served Yang Ming’s touch of death just like
Feng Sibiao if he tried to run away.

Yao Sanpao didn’t have any thoughts to mess with Yang Ming at the moment. He was
completely deterred by Yang Ming. It would be lucky for him not to be incriminated
by Yang Ming.

Yao Sanpao turned around and ran quickly towards Feng Sibiao. Feng Sibiao was still
unable to stand up when Yao Sanpao reached him. His entire right leg seemed to be
unresponsive as if it was no longer his own.

The feeling of deep fear and horror he felt towards Hou Zhenhan from half a year
ago besieged Feng Sibiao once again! When Yang Ming said, “Are you leaving just
like this? Our stuff isn’t settled yet,” Feng Sibiao was feeling amused. Of course
I’m running away. Why would I stay here?

Even if I run away, what can you do about it? Feng Sibiao was quite confident in
his speed. Moreover, Yang Ming’s car had been smashed, so Feng Sibiao wasn’t
worried that Yang Ming could catch up.

However, this was just his initial wishful thinking.

###Chapter 1810: Legendary Master

Before his thoughts materialized, Feng Sibiao suddenly felt that his right leg was
numbed and out of control. He then fell to the ground heavily.

Feng Sibiao tried to stand up, but he realized in horror that his right leg was
completely unresponsive! His leg was out of his control as if it wasn’t a part of
his body.

Feng Sibiao only realized now that Yang Ming’s words weren’t said casually. He had
already put them into action! Feng Sibiao no longer had any doubts that Yang Ming
was indeed Hou Zhenhan’s master!

Only that person’s master could do this! Feng Sibiao knew that he had failed
completely! After realizing the truth, Feng Sibiao wasn’t in a rush to run away
anymore. He knew that he couldn’t run away. It would just be a futile struggle if
he tried.

He had come to the wrong conclusion previously. The injuries of his four underlings
weren’t due to Yang Ming’s inadequate strength, but because Yang Ming showed them
mercy and didn’t want to kill them.

AfterYao Sanpao ran over to help him, Feng Sibiao stood up with his support, and
limped towards Yang Ming. He could only admit defeat as he couldn’t run away
anymore. Although Feng Sibiao didn’t know what was waiting for him, he still forced
himself to face it.

“At that time I was thinking, why are there so many people looking to trouble me
when I haven’t offended anyone here?” Yang Ming looked at Zhang Dapao and the shop
owner with a faint smile after Yao Sanpao left, “It’s indeed you two who are making

“It’s… Haha… just a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding…” The shop owner was

really dumbfounded. How could he be Yang Ming’s opponent when even the great Feng
Sibiao had run away right after seeing him?

The shop owner regretted his stinginess. Why couldn’t he learn his lesson after a
loss rather than thinking of revenge? If he could swallow his pride, these matters
wouldn’t happen.

Therefore, the shop owner once again showed an awkward yet horrified expression. He
said the same words that he said to Yang Ming in the barbecue restaurant, that it
was a misunderstanding.

“Misunderstanding?” Yang Ming couldn’t help but laugh after listening to the shop
owner’s words. “You told me earlier that it was a misunderstanding, but why have
you come to me again?”

“This…” The shop owner was speechless and his face was blushed. He didn’t know how
to explain, but he was extremely scared. He was afraid that Yang Ming would deal
with him the same way he dealt with Feng Sibiao. He clenched his teeth and said, “I
was wrong! Yes, I was offended before and wanted to take revenge. But now I don’t
want to and dare not to, so please forgive me!”
The shop owner’s straightforwardness dumbfounded Yang Ming, “Do you admit it?”

“I admit it. Let me know how you want to punish me! What belongs to you belongs to
you, it won’t belong to you no matter how if it doesn’t belong to you [2], I’m… I’m
ready to risk everything!” The shop owner seemed to be ready to risk everything. He
didn’t care anymore as he knew that he couldn’t escape.

“Punishment?” Yang Ming hadn’t thought about how to punish the shop owner. There
were too many people just like him. He wouldn’t be able to punish them all even if
he wanted to. And he couldn’t kill him just because of this matter. Yang Ming was
in a dilemma and didn’t know what to do. So, he turned to Jing Xiaolu, “Xiaolu,
what do you think?”

“Let him pay for the car! How can he be let off so easily when my car is
destroyed!” Jing Xiaolu only had eyes for money. She didn’t suffer any loss other
than her smashed car. So naturally, she wanted to extort money from the shop owner.

Yang Ming immediately understood Jing Xiaolu’s meaning. He couldn’t help but laugh
at her greed for money. However, he admitted that extorting money from the shop
owner to teach him a lesson was the best solution.

“I’ll compensate for the car no matter how much it is!” The shop owner was afraid
that Yang Ming would injure him to the degree that he had to stay in the hospital
for a year or so. Once he heard Jing Xiaolu’s words that gave him a way out by
paying money, he couldn’t disagree and immediately responded.

“It cost 1.03 million when I bought it. After all the standard procedures, it cost
around 1.2 to 1.3 million. How much do you want to pay?” Jing Xiaolu asked.

“Hu…” The shop owner was relieved. He knew about the car’s value. It seemed that
Jing Xiaolu didn’t extort too much money from him. He was able to fork out that one
million as he had a small saving of five million after a few years of cheating and
deceiving. The shop owner didn’t want to offend a person who could make Feng Sibiao
turn around and run away. He was willing to settle the matter with some money.

“I… I’ll pay half a million. Is that okay?” The shop owner thought, Half a million
should be more than enough to repair a car worth a million, right?

“Half a million? This is a new car! It was newly-registered!” Jing Xiaolu looked at
her beloved car that was smashed in distress.

“How about we do it this way. You take out half a million.” Yang Ming then turned
to look at Yao Sanpao who was holding Feng Sibiao by the arm, “You two were in it
too, right? Both of you also fork out half a million combined. This will make the
total one million. Then, this matter will be settled.”

Yang Ming could see that Feng Sibiao was a timid person, so there was no need to
kill him. Yang Ming reckoned that Feng Sibiao would be so scared that his calves
would cramp the next time he heard his name, and wouldn’t even think of revenge.

“Okay, okay…” Before Yao Sanpao could answer, Feng Sibiao nodded and answered
hurriedly, “I’ll compensate. I am willing to pay a million, let alone half a

Feng Sibiao was a rich man. He didn’t make little money from his earlier boxing
years. He now had a net worth of at least 10 million. So, he was very happy that he
could pay money to avoid misfortune! Yang Ming was already equivalent to a monster
to him.
“Oh, sure. I was going to let you take out half a million. Since you are willing to
take out one million, then one million it is!” Yang Ming was very satisfied with
Feng Sibiao’s approach.

“En, en!” Feng Sibiao nodded promptly, “I’ll take out a million… Brother, would you
be able to treat my leg as I have taken out an extra half a million…”

Feng Sibiao didn’t understand what had happened to his leg and elite martial arts
such as attacking the acupoints!

The bell on a tiger’s neck must be untied by the person who tied it [3]. If Yang
Ming didn’t treat it, he would be disabled for life even if he could get treated in
a hospital. So, he thought that it was worth it to buy his health with half a

He was scared of Yang Ming to his bones. So, he believed that he would be disabled
for life if Yang Ming didn’t treat his right leg!

“Oh, I’ll treat you as you have a good attitude in owning up to your mistake and
actively compensating the victim!” Yang Ming nodded and said with a smile. “I was
planning to sell a pair of crutches to you so that you could use it for the rest of
your life!”

“Ah…” Feng Sibiao was startled and he broke out into a cold sweat. He thought, That
was close! Fortunately I said something, otherwise, I would be disabled for the
rest of my life! Feng Sibiao thought he was lucky. It was completely worth it to
spend this one million!

Yang Ming casually patted Feng Sibiao’s waist twice. Suddenly, Feng Sibiao could
feel his right leg and he was overjoyed. He turned around twice and exclaimed, “Oh?
Is my leg treated? I can walk now. It’s amazing. Look, I can jump now!”

Having said that, Feng Sibiao jumped twice on the ground to show everyone that his
leg was treated.

“…” Yang Ming was a little speechless when he looked at Feng Sibiao’s stupid act.

Yao Sanpao, Zhang Dapao, and the shop owner were really surprised when they saw
that Feng Sibiao had been treated just like that! They knew Feng Sibiao had no
reason to lie. The only possibility was that Yang Ming really knew the legendary
acupoints martial arts. This was the only way he could instantly treat Feng
Sibiao’s leg!

Attacking the acupoints, the touch of death, these were all legends! Could they
provoke such a powerful legend? Initially, the shop owner felt that the half a
million he took out was too much. Now, it seemed that it wasn’t too much! Yes, it
really wasn’t even enough…

Chapter 1518: Yang Ming is Speechless/ News of Annexation

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1811: Yang Ming is Speechless

Feng Sibiao was extremely excited that his legs were fine and he didn’t dare to
delay any further. He immediately said, “Brother, give me your card number. I will
make a call to transfer the money now!”

Feng Sibiao was clear that he couldn’t go back on his words. Since Yang Ming could
heal his disability in an instant, he also had the ability to handicap him again
instantly. Feng Sibiao was also the kind of person who would not provoke others
once he was convinced. This was why he was safe and sound even after competing in
underground boxing for so many years. Otherwise, if he wanted to take revenge on
others after losing, he would have probably died a long time ago!

How could a gap in strength be so easily surpassed? Especially after reaching a

certain level, it was even more difficult to improve. Feng Sibiao, a top boxer, was
very aware of this. Sometimes, a little gap in strength would be fatal.

So, Feng Sibiao never went out and provoked someone stronger than him. He couldn’t
even wait to run if he found someone stronger than him. Why would he still provoke
them? Wasn’t that looking for death? It was even worse if he encountered someone
like Yang Ming. He couldn’t run away even if he wanted to. Fortunately, it was
possible to exchange money to avoid disasters. It seemed that Yang Ming had no
intention to ruthlessly kill him. This was the best result.

“Give him the account number,” Yang Ming said, glancing at Jing Xiaolu.

“Oh… Ok!” Jing Xiaolu didn’t expect Feng Sibiao to be so forthright. So she gave
him the card number of a previously empty card.

Feng Sibiao didn’t say anything after receiving it, but directly phoned the bank to
transfer the money. It didn’t take long for Jing Xiaolu’s mobile phone to receive
the text message notifying that an extra one million had been added to her account.

“What about you?” After Feng Sibiao transferred the money, Yang Ming looked at the
shop owner.

The shop owner didn’t dare to neglect, and quickly followed Feng Sibiao’s actions.
He called and made a transfer. Soon, a sum of five hundred-thousand yuan was
transferred into Jing Xiaolu’s account.

“Okay, you may go.” After Yang Ming received the money, he was naturally unwilling
to talk to them.

“Go? We’re going now!” The shop owner was relieved but very regretful. Why did I
think of getting revenge? This is great now. I did not even get my revenge; I lost
five hundred-thousand instead.

The shop owner did not dare to linger any longer. This man is too ruthless. Even
the boxing champion who I thought was amazing is not his opponent. Who else can I
depend on?

The shop owner, Zhang Dapao, and Yao Sanpao had all turned around and were ready to
leave, but Feng Sibiao stood still with some hesitation.

“Why don’t you go?” Yang Ming glanced at Feng Sibiao and asked. He thought, Does
this guy want to say a few more words?
“Brother… Can you tell me your name?” Feng Sibiao asked hesitantly.

“Oh?” Yang Ming said slightly, “Why? Do you want to remember my name so you can
come back to seek revenge after practicing for a few years?”

“No, brother, you misunderstood…” Feng Sibiao shook his head continuously, “I don’t
have that intention. I was thinking, when someone says your name in the future when
I’m out and about, I’ll hurry and run!”

“Ha?!” Yang Ming heard Feng Sibiao’s words and suddenly didn’t know whether to
laugh or cry, “You… well, my name is Yang Ming.”

“Brother Yang, I’ll remember it. Rest assured, if someone calls your name in the
future, I will definitely run away!” Feng Sibiao said solemnly and resolutely.

“En, I got it. You may go,” Yang Ming waved helplessly.

“Brother Yang, then I’ll go now!” Feng Sibiao then turned away.

Sui Yuemin, who was standing aside, was dumbfounded. He didn’t expect Yang Ming to
be so strong. As long as someone reported his name, Feng Sibiao would run away! Sui
Yuemin felt that it was not a bad thing to mingle with Yang Ming. At least I can do
as I please at West Star Mountain in the future!

Regardless of whether it’s Yao Sanpao or Zhang Dapao, they dare not offend me!

“Brother Yang, for your car… Should I find a repair shop to tow it away?” After Sui
Yuemin waited for those people to leave, he rubbed his hands and asked Yang Ming.

“En, go do it. Fix it as soon as possible,” Yang Ming nodded, He was very satisfied
with Sui Yuemin’s performance.

“Yes, I’ll just make a call. The owner of the nearby Dahua Repair Factory is my
buddy. I’ll ask him to repair it for Brother Yang overnight! I’ll try to make it
available for tomorrow,” said Sui Yuemin.

“Don’t worry too much about it. We came with other cars,” said Yang Ming.

“It’s fine, it’s fine!” Sui Yuemin said confidently as he was willing to take
charge of this matter. Just as he was about to make a phone call, he suddenly saw
Zhang Penbai and his underling, Qiangzi, lying on the ground. He quickly asked,
“Brother Yang, do you need me to call an ambulance to take both of them to the
hospital first?”

“No need!” Yang Ming waved his hand and walked towards the two. He squatted down,
and patted both of them twice. Then, they woke up warily.

“Screw you, you dare to hit me. I will kill you!” Zhang Penbai started sputtering a
slew of curses as soon as he woke up.

“Who will you kill?” Yang Ming glanced at him coldly.

“Ah! Brother Yang!” Zhang Penbai suddenly sobered up and was taken aback. He was
suddenly a little embarrassed. “Brother Yang, did I faint?”

“Nonsense,” Yang Ming said angrily. “You still want to kill them. They are much
more capable than you. Who can you kill?”

“This…” Zhang Penbai was a little embarrassed, “I was just simply saying…”

“Okay, I won’t blame you for this. The other party is better than you, so there is
no way to deal with it. You can go back!” Yang Ming said nothing else and stood up.

“Yes, Brother Yang, then… is this matter over?” Zhang Penbai was a little depressed
as he had suffered such a big loss. He was still thinking about getting his face

“Brother Yang solved it for you just now!” Sui Yuemin quickly explained to Zhang
Penbai, “After that guy, Feng Sibiao, saw Brother Yang, he ran away. Even I became
ashamed after seeing how fast he ran!”

“Ah? Brother Yang is so awesome!” Zhang Penbai was surprised when he heard Sui
Yuemin’s words. He didn’t think Sui Yuemin would lie to him, but he was a little

“Exactly! Feng Sibiao even said that as long as someone reports Brother Yang’s
name, he would definitely turn around and run!” Sui Yuemin said proudly, as if he
was Brother Yang himself.

“Wow, that’s great!” Zhang Penbai shook again when he heard what a softie Feng
Sibiao was. “It’s good to follow Brother Yang. You can’t lose! This time, Feng
Sibiao should know who is horrifying, right?”

Zhang Penbai acted as if he was not the one who fainted just now, as if Yang Ming
could represent him.

Yang Ming listened to the conversation between the two and shook his head
helplessly. However, Jing Xiaolu was the proudest. The others boasting about Yang
Ming was equivalent to boasting about her, so she felt overjoyed.

Sui Yuemin and Zhang Penbai were busy contacting the repair shop to repair the car
while Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu went upstairs and returned to their room. They
didn’t bother with Sui Yuemin and Zhang Penbai.

“Ha, isn’t this an easy way to get money? We got one-and-a-half million in the
blink of an eye. How many things can I buy!” Jing Xiaolu held the bank card and was
constantly looking at it. She couldn’t get enough of it. It was as if her eyes were
a card reader that could read the amount on the bank card.

“Do you still lack this one million now?” Yang Ming looked at Jing Xiaolu’s
excitement and was a little bit puzzled. Even if you’re greedy for money, it
shouldn’t be to this level, right?

“It doesn’t feel the same!” said Jing Xiaolu. ” I got this one-and-a-half million
for no reason at all. Of course I am happy!”

“Didn’t you get the company’s shares for free?” Yang Ming asked in return.

“How can that count? The shares are yours, and what’s yours is now mine. It belongs
to us. How can that be for free?” said Jing Xiaolu. “This one-and-a-half million is
for free. It was given by those foolish people!”

“I would rather have those foolish people bother me less. I had to deal with this
problem the entire night. I wanted to come out and have fun tonight, but I
encountered so many troubles!” Yang Ming said as he lay in bed.

“I think it’s very exciting!” Jing Xiaolu did not agree, “This feeling of acting
bossy is so cool…”

“…” Yang Ming was speechless.

###Chapter 1812: News of Annexation

Sui Yuemin had to be complimented for having such a wide network in West Star
Mountain. The next morning, the car was parked below the villa as good as new. Even
Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu didn’t dare to believe it. The vandalism on the car last
night seemed to be only a dream.

However, the car was indeed repaired. It was unknown how Sui Yuemin did it.

Yang Ming took the car key from Sui Yuemin and nodded to him acknowledging
everything he did. It was time for Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu to return.

Yang Ming did not know how to make arrangements for Jing Xiaolu, but fortunately,
he didn’t need to think about this problem for the time being. Everything could be
postponed until he returned from Yunnan safely. If he couldn’t come back, it was
meaningless to consider these things.

After returning to Song Jiang, Yang Ming’s life was close to being peaceful.
However, Jing Xiaolu was added into his life, and they were closer than before.

Chen Zhiye and Caique’s Douglas Vast Hotel was officially opened. Every day there
were some kind of tricks and promotions, which was a fatal blow to the Song Jiang
International Hotel’s business.

The Song Jiang International Hotel’s CEO, Guo Jianchao, mentioned this issue to Bao
Sanli more than once to see if he could take any measures to stop this situation
from worsening!

After all, the Song Jiang International Hotel was now losing money every day.
Customers were coming and going every day at the Douglas International Vast Hotel,
but the Song Jiang International Hotel was completely deserted. Guo Jianchao was

However, every time he reported the hotel’s situation to Bao Sanli, Bao Sanli
always said that it was nothing and nothing needed to be done. If Guo Jianchao
didn’t know that Bao Sanli was Yang Ming’s die-hard brother, he would even suspect
that Bao Sanli was the other hotel’s spy.

After pleading with Bao Sanlu several times to no avail, Guo Jianchao couldn’t help
but call Yang Ming in person. He planned to communicate with Yang Ming about this

Yang Ming was a bit surprised when he saw Guo Jianchao’s incoming call on his cell
phone. Guo Jianchao usually contacted Bao Sanli and Hou Zhenhan for all matters,
and generally would not call him directly.

“Hello, Guo Jianchao?” Yang Ming answered the phone.

“It’s me, Brother Yang!” Guo Jianchao said quickly, “I want to discuss something
with you. Are you free?”
“Oh, let’s talk. I have nothing to do now.” Although Yang Ming wasn’t sure why Guo
Jianchao called him directly to discuss something, he gladly agreed.

Yang Ming had always been kind but firm to his subordinates. When he was supposed
to be stern, he would be stern; when he was supposed to be kind, he would be kind.

“Brother Yang, this is the case. Do you know about the matter with the Douglas Vast
Hotel?” Guo Jianchao asked first.

“Oh, I know some of it. What’s wrong?” Yang Ming had guessed the purpose of Guo
Jianchao’s call. It probably had something to do with the hotel’s operation.

“Brother Yang, the Douglas Vast Hotel has basically snatched all our customers!
They are doing promotions every day to pressure us. Our current business is
basically losing money with no one caring,” said Guo Jianchao.

“Well, business competition is inevitable, and there is nothing extraordinary about

their actions. How can we do anything for them?” Yang Ming said, laughing. During
this time, Yang Ming did not want to participate in these disputes. Otherwise, this
Douglas Vast Hotel couldn’t be smug for long.

“But they are targeting us!” Guo Jianchao was a bit indignant as he said, “All
their promotion decisions are aimed at us!”

“Didn’t I just say? There is nothing we can do about business competition,” Yang
Ming said, “I guess you talked to Bao Sanli first about this, but he didn’t say
anything. So, you came to me. Am I right?”

“This… yes!” Guo Jianchao admitted, “It is true. I told President Bao, but he
didn’t say anything. He just wants me to ignore them. I don’t think we can go on
like this, so I personally give you a call… will you blame me?”

“How can I blame you?” Yang Ming laughed, “You are just thinking for the company,
which is correct. However, Bao Sanli’s words were actually conveying my intentions,
so just leave them alone and let them be. Anyway, the Song Jiang International
Hotel is not our main business.”

“But we can’t just let them be, right? Shouldn’t we take action?” Guo Jianchao
still didn’t give up.

“They are expecting us to take action. There will still be some tricks waiting for
us. As far as I know, this Douglas Vast Hotel is an international hotel chain. They
have a lot of marketing talents who specialize in research in this area. We don’t
have to fight with professional organizations like them,” said Yang Ming. “Let them
make trouble. It will calm down after a while.”

“Oh… Alright.” Guo Jianchao felt that it couldn’t be helped. Since Yang Ming had
said so, he could only bide his time.

“Hehe, if there is any situation, please call me at any time. Don’t be too
conflicted!” Yang Ming chuckled and comforted Guo Jianchao.

“I got it, Brother Yang.” Although Guo Jianchao was not convinced, since it was
Yang Ming’s decision, he could only implement it resolutely.

So, under the aggressiveness of the Douglas Vast Hotel, the Song Jiang
International Hotel suffered defeat. Yet, they took no action which meant different
things in the eyes of people who had ulterior motives!
Song Jiang’s entertainment industry might experience a big change! The era of Bao
Sanli is about to pass! Everyone was discussing that even though Bao Sanli was very
powerful, he only had local networks. Meanwhile, the Douglas Family had deeper
relationships that were incomparable to those local rich families.

As a result, more people became friends with Chen Zhiye and Caique.

Caique also did not expect that Bao Sanli would not counterattack. Even after
Caique snatched away all his clients, he still said nothing. It caused Caique to
feel that Bao Sanli was too weak.

“Boss, that kid finally tasted defeat this time!” Chen Zhiye watched Yang Ming’s
business gradually withering. It was his ultimate goal and it had basically been
achieved now.

“I know the hotel industry very well. If he doesn’t have guests now, he will lose
money and won’t be able to support it for long,” Caique laughed and said. “It
probably won’t be long before they go out of business.”

“Boss, what do you think about acquiring his hotel?” Chen Zhiye’s eyes lit up and
he thought of a bad idea. “Now, he is losing money every day. We can use a very low
price to buy his hotel, and then turn it into our branch hotel?”

“It’s okay, but is there a need for this? After all, our hotel is already very
large and we have no need for a branch hotel,” Caique said hesitantly.

“Of course! This is necessary so that you can establish your position as the leader
of Song Jiang’s hotel industry!” Chen Zhiye said, “Think about it. The Song Jiang
International Hotel was number one in Song Jiang’s hotel industry, but it’s a
latecomer like you who have the upper hand. But if you don’t annex the previous
number one, there will always be a thorn in your side. How unpleasant would that

“That is true,” Caique was enthusiastic when he heard Chen Zhiye’s explanation. The
Douglas Family often annexed competitors in the same industry. This would make the
family hotel more famous.

“Then, let’s talk to someone at the Song Jiang International Hotel?” asked Chen

“It’s not the best timing yet. We have to make the offer when they lose everything
to get a price advantage!” Caique said, “And I want to use this annexation to give
the Douglas Vast Hotel a boost and build the hotel’s fame in the north!”

“Okay!” Although Chen Zhiye wanted to do it as fast as possible, he still had to

listen to Caique’s arrangements.

There were only a few guests at the Song Jiang International Hotel, and everyone
thought that it was on the verge of bankruptcy. At this time, the Douglas Vast
Hotel revealed to the media that they would be acquiring the Song Jiang
International Hotel!

For a while, this shocking news was everywhere in newspapers, magazines, and on the
Internet! The Douglas Vast Hotel was going to annex the former industry leader, the
Song Jiang International Hotel!

Many people who knew the background of the Song Jiang International Hotel lamented
the strength of the Douglas Family. Song Jiang’s entertainment industry might
really change owners and be occupied by the Douglas Family in one fell swoop.
This news was released by the Douglas Vast Hotel unilaterally. They had not
contacted the Song Jiang International Hotel in advance and had not reached any
consensus. However, what they wanted was this effect!

Chapter 1519: Here for the Acquisition/ Boss Wants You to Leave
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1813: Here for the Acquisition

The news of this acquisition directly pushed the Douglas Vast Hotel’s reputation to
the apex. At the same time, it further damaged the Song Jiang International Hotel’s
prestige and reputation in the industry.

How could a hotel that was on the verge of bankruptcy and waiting for someone else
to buy it provide good services? The ingredients in the dishes were probably of the
lowest-level and about to expire, right?

Anyway, since they had nothing to do and would be sold off in a while, how could
they have the mind to do all these?

Besides, the room services were also an issue. It was unknown whether the waiters
would stay or leave after the hotel was acquired. They were about to be unemployed,
so how could they still provide services seriously? Maybe the sheets would not be
changed despite being used… It was better to not stay in this hotel!

Since the Douglas Vast Hotel could acquire the Song Jiang International Hotel, it
showed that they were very powerful, and this kind of international chain hotel
could still guarantee pristine service. Therefore, the Douglas Vast Hotel was
overcrowded again and the Song Jiang International Hotel became even more deserted.

Guo Jianchao was anxious when he saw this. Yang Ming and Bao Sanli’s ambiguous
attitude made him a little more unsure of what to do. Could it be that the two
senior executives really wanted to sell the Song Jiang International Hotel?

As soon as Guo Jianchao thought of this, he felt that it was possible! This hotel
was originally bought from the Wang Family’s father and son, so Yang Ming and Bao
Sanli were not emotionally attached to it.

However, this was not the case for Guo Jianchao! After he took over this hotel, he
put all his enthusiasm and hard work into it. The Song Jiang International Hotel’s
former glory could not be separated from his efforts! So, Guo Jianchao couldn’t
bear to sell the hotel like this.

However, if it was Yang Ming who decided to sell the hotel, then he could not
refute it. If it was Bao Sanli’s decision, it would be easier to discuss it. After
all, they were both Yang Ming’s subordinates, so it was easier to communicate with
each other. Bao Sanli would most probably give him some face.
After all, the money gained from potentially selling this hotel would be
meaningless to the Ming Yang Group.

Yang Ming also saw the news on the Internet, but he dismissed it with a laugh. Yang
Ming was not surprised by this kind of business tactic. At this time, the Douglas
Vast Hotel had almost done everything they could to target the Song Jiang
International Hotel.

Yang Ming intended to let them develop as long as they did not make any excessive
moves. As long as they didn’t cross the line, Yang Ming would not do anything to

Yang Ming’s phone rang for a while. Yang Ming glanced at the caller’s name on the
screen. Unexpectedly, it was his Uncle Yang Dashan.

“Hello, Uncle?” Yang Ming answered the phone with some confusion.

“Yang Ming, what is going on with the international hotel? It is deserted because
of the Douglas Vast Hotel. I went there at noon and I heard that the Douglas Vast
Hotel wants to buy your hotel?” Yang Dashan knew that the hotel belonged to Yang
Ming. So when he heard the news, he called to inquire about it.

“Oh, I also saw the news on the Internet. Who knows what they are trying to do?”
Yang Ming was not surprised, “Uncle, you are kind for paying attention to my

“We’re family,” Yang Dashan said, “Yang Ming, do you have any problem with your
funds? Why are you not fighting back?”

“Thank you for your concern, Uncle. The funds are fine. I just don’t want to care
about them. It is normal to have business competition. As long as they don’t overdo
it, I don’t want to worry about it,” said Yang Ming.

“Since you say that, then alright. I thought that there was a problem with your
funds, so I called and asked,” said Yang Dashan. “However, if there is something
that you don’t know how to tell your dad, you can tell Uncle directly. Uncle
doesn’t mind being a villain!”

“Hehe, okay.” Yang Ming smiled. Uncle has become amiable now. This was a result
which Yang Ming was happy to see.

A few seconds after he hung up the phone, it rang again. Yang Ming looked at the
caller ID. It was Guo Jianchao again. He had called once a few days ago, but Yang
Ming did not expect him to call again.

“Hello? Guo Jianchao, what’s the matter?” Yang Ming could make a guess. Guo
Jianchao had probably called because of the Song Jiang International Hotel.

“Brother Yang, a guy named Chen Zhiye has arrived. He said that he came on behalf
of the Douglas Vast Hotel to discuss the acquisition of our hotel…” Guo Jianchao
said carefully.

Previously, although he really wanted to communicate with Yang Ming, he did not
dare to call again because of Yang Ming’s resolute ton. This time, someone from the
other party came over. Guo Jianchao could not help but call Yang Ming to report. He
feared most that Yang Ming would agree to the other party’s acquisition.
“Oh? Chen Zhiye came to you?” Yang Ming listened to Guo Jianchao’s words and was
stunned! He originally thought that the Douglas Vast Hotel released the news of the
so-called acquisition as a publicity stunt. He thought that they would not actually
come to acquire the Song Jiang International Hotel. He did not expect that they
were actually doing it. Isn’t this a little too much?

You came to make an acquisition after you alone mentioned the acquisition. Isn’t
this too one-sided? Yang Ming had a feeling of being led by the nose, and he
couldn’t help but frown. He originally never thought about doing anything to the
other party, they had become too overbearing and arrogant.

“Yes, he’s waiting in the conference room now. I don’t know how to answer him, so I
called to ask you… Brother Yang, we won’t really sell the hotel, right?” Guo
Jianchao was hesitant as he asked.

“Sell? Sell what? Who said the hotel is going to be sold?” Yang Ming sneered after
hearing this. This hotel is part of the business that was given to Jing Xiaolu. How
could I sell it?

Especially now that I have such a relationship with Jing Xiaolu, I can’t sell the
hotel! Moreover, the most memorable part of this hotel is that it is the first
place where Lin Zhiyun and I made love. How can it be sold?

“Ah! So we won’t sell it?” Guo Jianchao was surprised and happy when he heard Yang
Ming’s words, then he felt relieved. It seems that Yang Ming does not advocate
selling the hotel.

“Naturally, I won’t sell it. Send Chen Zhiye away, and make him go as far away as
he can. Don’t give him face, otherwise, he’ll be dead,” Yang Ming said plainly.

“Ha!” Guo Jianchao listened to Yang Ming’s merciless words and immediately laughed.
“Okay, Brother Yang, I’ll go and tell him now.”

“En, if there is any other news, please contact me at any time.” Yang Ming hung up
the phone. Chen Zhiye seems unwilling. He always wants to cause some kind of
trouble. I wanted to ignore him, but he is restless. It seems that I must do
something to deal with them. Also, isn’t that foreigner, Caique, causing trouble?

With Yang Ming’s affirmative answer, Guo Jianchao was not worried anymore. He felt
that Yang Ming had made plans and come up with a solution. The hotel’s current
decline in business was only temporary. Yang Ming must have a solution.

Thinking of this, Guo Jianchao walked up to the conference room where Chen Zhiye
was waiting.

Chen Zhiye was here today to humiliate Yang Ming, but he didn’t know if Yang Ming
was there or not. Even if Yang Ming wasn’t there, Chen Zhiye meant to pass on the
message to him through others.

Chen Zhiye had been aware of the Song Jiang International Hotel’s operating
conditions for a while. It could be said that it was extremely bleak. He was now
buying it. Even if Yang Ming did not want to sell it, he had to sell it!

There were only two options in front of Yang Ming: sell the hotel or go bankrupt!
Of course, this was what Chen Zhiye thought.

Seeing Guo Jianchao push the door and enter, Chen Zhiye straightened his back and
crossed his legs cockily. In his opinion, the only way out for the Song Jiang
International Hotel was to be acquired. There was no other recourse.

“So? Have you found your big boss?” Chen Zhiye looked up and asked arrogantly with
an upturned nose towards Guo Jianchao.

“Oh, I found him,” Guo Jianchao said plainly to Chen Zhiye with a funny look.

“Where is he? Did he come? Why hasn’t he appeared? Don’t get confused. I’m here to
make an acquisition to save you all. Otherwise, you will just go into bankruptcy!”
Chen Zhiye was a little upset when he glanced at Guo Jianchao and found that he
came in alone without Yang Ming.

###Chapter 1814: Boss Wants You to Leave

One of Caique’s subordinates should have been the one to come this time. But Chen
Zhiye took on the task of on-site negotiations so he could pretend to be powerful
in front of Yang Ming. He had even prepared some sarcastic comments for Yang Ming.
However, as he could not see Yang Ming in the end, Chen Zhiye felt like he punched
cotton and could not exert any strength. It felt very uncomfortable.

“Why should the boss come? Who do you think you are?” Guo Jianchao sneered, “Our
boss asked me to tell you something.”

“What is it?” Chen Zhiye didn’t expect Guo Jianchao’s words to be so arrogant. He
suddenly felt that something was wrong.

“Our boss told me to tell you to leave. Go as far as you can. I don’t need to give
you face, otherwise, you’ll be dead,” Guo Jianchao repeated Yang Ming’s words. “Did
you hear me clearly?”

Chen Zhiye’s face suddenly turned green. He did not expect Yang Ming to react like
this! The hotel is going bankrupt, yet he still dares to talk to me like this? Does
he really think he still has something to depend on? Or does he think I really
can’t force him into bankruptcy?

“Is that what Yang Ming said?” Chen Zhiye suddenly stood up while glaring at Guo

“How can you call Brother Yang’s name like that?” Guo Jianchao was immediately
upset. He grabbed Chen Zhiye’s collar and pushed him outside, “We want you to
leave. Did you not hear that? Leave, you’re not welcome here!”

How could Chen Zhiye be Guo Jianchao’s opponent? Guo Jianchao was only in his
twenties, and so he was young and strong. Chen Zhiye almost fell to the ground from
his little push.

“You… you… you…” Chen Zhiye even said “you” three times. It could be imagined how
angry he was now. He was almost carried away by Guo Jianchao. He stood at the
conference room’s door and pointed at Guo Jianchao fiercely, “Okay, good! I’ll
remember this. You wait for me! You’ll suffer soon enough!”

“Hehe, okay. I’ll wait,” Guo Jianchao said plainly, completely not putting Chen
Zhiye in his eyes. Since Yang Ming had already made a guarantee, Guo Jianchao
naturally did not need to bother with Chen Zhiye. Anyway, the hotel would not be
sold. So what if Guo Jianchao offended Chen Zhiye?

Although Guo Jianchao didn’t know what Yang Ming’s specific plan was, at least the
hotel would not be sold. They could slowly find some ways to develop their business
in the future.

Guo Jianchao and Yang Ming’s words and actions had thoroughly angered Chen Zhiye.
After Chen Zhiye returned, he began to describe to Caique about how abominable the
people at Song Jiang International Hotel were and how they vilified the Douglas
Vast Hotel and Caique. He also swore that he would not let them go.

Caique naturally did not fully believe Chen Zhiye’s words, but he did actually want
to acquire Song Jiang International Hotel at the moment. The news had also been
released. If a strong start was made but nothing was settled, Caique would not be
able to explain to his family.

When he took over as the family master, he shamelessly interfered with Song Jiang’s
hotel industry. If he couldn’t even handle a local small hotel, how could he have
the face to be the family master?

So Caique was determined to win this time no matter what. Since the other party has
a strong attitude, we have to step up our efforts! Because of what had happened in
the conference room last time, the Douglas Vast Hotel was completely against the
Song Jiang International Hotel. Both sides had fallen out with each other. Chen
Zhiye even began sending people to distribute leaflets in the Song Jiang
International Hotel’s parking lot. Customers who went to the Song Jiang
International Hotel were attracted to the Douglas Vast Hotel. The Douglas Vast
Hotel also launched a series of preferential promotions and TV advertisements
bombarded the audience one after another!

This time, Chen Zhiye wanted to completely eliminate the Song Jiang International
Hotel. He did not want to let any customer go to the Song Jiang International
Hotel. He wanted Yang Ming to taste the consequences of looking down on him! If the
Song Jiang International Hotel didn’t agree to the merger and acquisition, they
would perish on their own!

When the Song Jiang International Hotel was completely out of business, Chen Zhiye
would go over and look for Guo Jianchao again.

Guo Jianchao didn’t expect that Douglas Vast Hotel would be so absolute in their
ways. They even used such wretched tricks, which was disappointing. However, Yang
Ming did not mention how he wanted to counterattack. It was impossible for Guo
Jianchao to act lightly.

Guo Jianchao actually expected Chen Zhiye’s second visit. Guo Jianchao didn’t go to
see him first, but called Yang Ming again. Although he really wanted to throw Chen
Zhiye out again, he couldn’t act on his own initiative without asking for Yang
Ming’s instructions first.

“Brother Yang, I’m Guo Jianchao,” Guo Jianchao called Yang Ming again. “Chen Zhiye
is here again. He still wants to talk about the acquisition.”

“Hmph Hmph, I didn’t expect them to really not give up,” Yang Ming listened to Guo
Jianchao and said with slight disdain, “He really isn’t sensible.”

During this time, Yang Ming knew about the Douglas Vast Hotel’s actions. Yang Ming
was very disdainful towards the inferior and insidious tricks they used, but he did
not expect that Chen Zhiye was still unwilling to give up. He was actually still
thinking about the acquisition.

Yang Ming naturally knew that Chen Zhiye had used all of these methods to target
Yang Ming in revenge for that day Yang Ming did not give him face. He wanted to use
these methods to fight against Yang Ming.

But I have to say, Chen Zhiye’s idea is too simple. So simple that he is looking
for death.

“Brother Yang, should I kick him out?” asked Guo Jianchao.

“No, promise them that we’ll schedule a time to talk about the merger and
acquisition,” Yang Ming couldn’t tolerate it anymore. Chen Zhiye and Caique’s
actions had reached Yang Ming’s bottom line.

Yang Ming didn’t care about them before, but they became more and more excessive.
He gave them an inch but they wanted a mile. In this case, Yang Ming would
naturally not acquiesce to their wishes.

Don’t you want a merger and acquisition? Well, then I’ll give you a merger and
acquisition. However, who is merging with who is not necessarily confirmed.

“Ah?” Guo Jianchao did not expect that Ming would actually agree to Chen Zhiye’s
request this time. This surprised Guo Jianchao. Why did Yang Ming change his mind?

“Do as I say,” Yang Ming didn’t explain much. By then, Guo Jianchao would know the

“But… Okay!” Guo Jianchao had no choice. In any case, he could not disobey Yang
Ming’s decision. No matter how reluctant he was, Yang Ming had already decided.
What was the use of him talking?

Hanging up, Guo Jianchao went to the conference room where Chen Zhiye was.

Although Chen Zhiye had a lot more certainty this time, he was still a little
nervous because of what happened last time. He was afraid that Yang Ming would go
crazy again and instruct Guo Jianchao to scold and throw him out.

Previously, he had already used all the means that he could use; he made the Song
Jiang International Hotel have no guests. It was unlike the last time when there
were still a few customers.

This time, if the Song Jiang International Hotel did not go bankrupt, there must be
something supernatural going on. But who could guarantee that Yang Ming and Guo
Jianchao would not go crazy? So, Chen Zhiye did not cross his legs this time, but
sat seriously in the conference room while waiting for Guo Jianchao.

“President Guo!” Chen Zhiye did not raise his head cockily like he did last time,
but politely stood up and greeted Guo Jianchao.

“Oh, it’s President Chen.” Guo Jianchao received Yang Ming’s order this time to
agree with Chen Zhiye to talk about mergers and acquisitions, so his attitude also
became better.

“So? What did your President Yang decide?” Chen Zhiye was slightly stunned by Guo
Jianchao’s gentle attitude, but then he understood. Yang Ming must want to
compromise! Otherwise, he wouldn’t have this attitude!

However, he still asked with a little uncertainty. Before getting a positive answer
from Guo Jianchao, Chen Zhiye still didn’t dare to be arrogant. What if he was
thrown out again?

“Brother Yang said to decide on a day to talk about mergers and acquisitions,” Guo
Jianchao did not have a good impression of Chen Zhiye, so he conveyed Yang Ming’s
instructions coldly.

“Oh?” After Chen Zhiye was stunned, he couldn’t help laughing again, “Ha ha ha ha!
Aren’t you powerful?”

Chapter 1520: Chen Zhiye’s Masterstroke/ In a Traffic Jam

###Chapter 1815: Chen Zhiye’s Masterstroke

“I thought you didn’t want to talk about the merger and acquisition? Didn’t you
want me to leave?” After Chen Zhiye listened to Guo Jianchao’s words, he was
finally able to raise his eyebrows and exhale. his previous cautious attitude
suddenly changed into a bossy and domineering one, “Hmph, what’s up? You can’t hold
on anymore? You finally agreed? I said earlier, sooner or later you will come to us
to discuss the acquisition!”

“Mr. Chen, I’m just repeating Brother Yang’s words. If you are going to keep this
attitude, please leave.” Guo Jianchao looked indifferently at the clownish Chen
Zhiye. He snorted disdainfully at Chen Zhiye’s rapid change in attitude.

“Attitude? What’s wrong with my attitude? I have this attitude!” Chen Zhiye didn’t
care about Guo Jianchao’s words as he had gotten a positive reply from Yang Ming.
After all, Guo Jianchao wasn’t the decision-maker and he couldn’t go against Yang
Ming’s decision. So, Guo Jianchao could only accept whatever mockery and sarcasm
Chen Zhiye gave him. He was helpless.

“Mr. Chen, mergers and acquisitions are a cooperation, not a unilateral decision.
If you insist on keeping this attitude, it’s impossible for us to negotiate even if
Brother Yang comes in person,” Guo Jianchao warned plainly as he couldn’t stand
Chen Zhiye’s attitude.

“Ha, what a joke. Can you decide on Yang Ming’s behalf? Your boss has agreed to the
merger. What power do you have?” Chen Zhiye sneered and stood up, “Come early
tomorrow morning to the conference room of the Douglas Vast Hotel, at nine o’clock
sharp. We’ll wait for you to come on time. Being late is unacceptable!”

Chen Zhiye walked out of the conference room after speaking, leaving Guo Jianchao
with a view of his retreating figure. Guo Jianchao was irritated by Chen Zhiye. He
thought, I have to desperately recommend Yang Ming not to sell the hotel. Chen
Zhiye is simply too much of a bully!

I have followed Yang Ming for so long. Yang Ming should be able to give me some
face, right?

Guo Jianchao decided to give it a try. He wouldn’t regret it anyway, so he called

Yang Ming.

“Brother Yang, Chen Zhiye has left,” said Guo Jianchao.

“Oh? What did he say?” asked Yang Ming.

“Chen Zhiye is a bit too arrogant. His words were unpleasant to hear!” Thinking of
Chen Zhiye, Guo Jianchao was annoyed for a while, “Brother Yang, can I say
something? Can we not sell our hotel?”

“Sell? Who said it would be sold?” Yang Ming could not help asking. He heard the
emotion in Guo Jianchao’s words and despite finding it somewhat funny, he was also
a little moved.

“Ah? Brother Yang, didn’t you say that you agreed to discuss the merger and
acquisition with the Douglas Vast Hotel?” Guo Jianchao was stunned. Did Yang Ming
change his mind? That is a good thing.

“Yeah, I agreed to negotiate a merger and acquisition, but I never said I wanted to
sell the hotel.” Yang Ming was dumbfounded. Obviously, Guo Jianchao had
misunderstood his meaning.

“But isn’t the merger and acquisition the same as selling the hotel?” Guo Jianchao
asked in confusion.

“Of course it’s not the same thing!” Yang Ming explained with a smile, “It has not
been confirmed who is acquiring who. Why must it be us that are selling to them?”

“Ah!” Guo Jianchao was stunned, but then was pleasantly surprised as he said,
“Brother Yang, you mean… you want to acquire them?”

Although Guo Jianchao couldn’t believe that he had heard it correctly, Yang Ming’s
words should be correct. Guo Jianchao asked again tentatively.

“I meant this all along,” Yang Ming said, “This hotel is very meaningful to me. How
can I sell it?”

“Haha!” Guo Jianchao finally laughed after hearing Yang Ming’s words, and his foul
mood over these recent days immediately changed, “I said that Brother Yang couldn’t
sell the hotel. It is actually true! Hahahaha, this is great!”

“Don’t disclose this news,” Yang Ming instructed with a smile.

“I understand, Brother Yang. Rest assured, I won’t say anything. We’ll surprise
them tomorrow! Hahaha!” Guo Jianchao said excitedly.

“Tomorrow? They set the date to negotiate the acquisition for tomorrow?” asked Yang

“By the way, I almost forgot to say it. I called this time to talk about this!” Guo
Jianchao said quickly, “Chen Zhiye said that the negotiation for the merger and
acquisition will take place tomorrow morning at nine o’clock in the conference room
of the Douglas Vast Hotel. It has to start on time. Being late is unacceptable.”

“Hehe, then let’s go at ten and let them wait,” Yang Ming smiled and said

“That’s what I thought before! Brother Yang, it’s good that you said this. We’ll
let them wait!” Guo Jianchao said forthrightly.
“I will look for you at the International Hotel tomorrow, and we will go together,”
said Yang Ming.

“Okay, Brother Yang, see you tomorrow.” Guo Jianchao hung up the phone happily.

“En,” Yang Ming hung up the phone. He found it a little funny. It seems that Guo
Jianchao has far more affection for the Song Jiang International Hotel than me. He
is even more unwilling to sell the hotel.

Chen Zhiye originally came with a mindset of just giving it a try. When he went
back, he was very enthusiastic. Yang Ming promised to discuss the merger and
acquisition. Obviously, his business can’t hold on any longer.

Chen Zhiye walked cockily. How should I humiliate Yang Ming tomorrow? Haha, I can’t
let him go so easily anyway, absolutely not! Chen Zhiye thought, Tomorrow, I must
ask for a very low price. When Yang Ming pleads for a higher price, I can take the
opportunity to propose the condition for him to break up with Chen Mengyan!

If he does not agree, I will not buy his hotel. Let him wait for death! If I don’t
acquire the Song Jiang International Hotel like this, other forces and enterprises
most probably would not be able to acquire it.

After all, no one wants to get involved with this messy issue and oppose the
Douglas Vast Hotel! At that time, whoever bought the hotel would end up being
forced into despair like the current Song Jiang International Hotel. Hence, Chen
Zhiye believed that no one would buy the Song Jiang International Hotel except for
him and Caique. Yang Ming could only act according to Chen Zhiye’s face.

Thinking of this, Chen Zhiye became happier and happier. He immediately called Chen

“Dad? Is there anything?” Chen Xiaolong was currently having a threesome with two
young ladies in a high-end suite of the Douglas Vast Hotel, so he sounded a little

“Xiao Long, are you busy? Then we’ll talk when I return,” Chen Zhiye said when he
heard Chen Xiaolong’s impatience.

“Oh, that can work. What is it?” Chen Xiaolong asked casually.

“It’s about buying that kid, Yang Ming’s, hotel,” Chen Zhiye said, “We’ll talk
about it when I go back. You go ahead and do your thing first.”

“Wait, Dad. I’m not busy now!” Chen Xiaolong pushed away a young lady under him,
then stood up excitedly and walked to the window, “Dad, let’s talk now. I’m

“Hehe, alright. Then I’ll talk to you now.” Chen Zhiye also knew that Chen Xiaolong
cared about this more than him, so he said, “I just went to the Song Jiang
International Hotel again and talked about the merger and acquisition.”

“Oh, what did Yang Ming say?” Chen Xiaolong said anxiously.

“That kid, Yang Ming, finally couldn’t hold on anymore. Haha, he agreed to discuss
the merger and acquisition with us tomorrow.” Chen Zhiye laughed, “Tomorrow, you
can see his poor appearance. Hahaha!”

“Really? That’s just great!” Chen Xiaolong laughed out loud when he heard what his
father said, “Hahahaha, it’s great that Yang Ming faces this consequence! I want to
go tomorrow too. I want to see his frail look!”

“Of course that’s fine, but you can’t show up. You should hide,” Chen Zhiye said.
“After all, it is a formal business negotiation. Your Uncle Caique will also be
there. It will be inconvenient to talk if you are there.”

“Ok, then. I’ll hide and watch!” Chen Xiaolong didn’t care where he was positioned
as long as he could watch Yang Ming suffer, “Right, Dad, about Chen Mengyan…”

“Relax, son!” Chen Zhiye laughed, “How could your dad forget about this? I have
already planned for you! When we negotiate the merger and acquisition tomorrow, I
will try to keep the price as low as possible. If Yang Ming wants to raise the
price, well, all he has to do is to give Chen Mengyan up. Otherwise, he will get

“Dad, this trick is so clever. Yang Ming will definitely give in!” Chen Xiaolong
exclaimed happily, “This time, Yang Ming is dead. Chen Mengyan is going to be my
woman! Hahahaha!”

“Hmph! That kid, Yang Ming, dares to steal my son’s woman. This time, I’ll let him
know how powerful Chen Zhiye is!” Chen Zhiye said fiercely.

###Chapter 1816: In a Traffic Jam

Yang Ming naturally didn’t know that Chen Zhiye and his son had conspired over the
phone to fabricate tomorrow’s “miserable” fate. He arrived at the Song Jiang
International Hotel the next morning.

Bao Sanli and Guo Jianchao were already waiting there. Yang Ming nodded to them,
and sat directly on the master seat.

“Brother Yang, do I need to show up later?” Bao Sanli asked after Yang Ming sat

“You don’t need to go,” Yang Ming waved. “It’s enough for me and Guo Jianchao to
go. It’s no big deal.”

“Okay, then I’ll wait here. If there is anything, call me at any time,” Bao Sanli
nodded and said.

“Brother Yang, when should we leave?” Guo Jianchao looked at the time and asked,
“The agreed time is nine in the morning. It is now forty minutes past eight…”

“Didn’t I say yesterday? We’ll only leave at ten o’clock. Let them wait a little
longer,” Yang Ming shrugged. “Baozi, go and turn on the TV. We will watch TV for a

“Okay, Brother Yang!” Bao Sanli stood up and turned on the TV. He then gave the
remote to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming flipped through several channels until he landed on an idol drama
channel. This was an idol drama that was based on Fisherman II’s novel. Shu Ya was
the female lead, playing the part of the campus belle.

Bao Sanli and Guo Jianchao didn’t know Shu Ya’s true identity. They were puzzled
seeing Yang Mign enjoy this kind of idol drama. Is Yang Ming a fan of Shu Ya?
“Brother Yang, do you like Shu Ya?” Guo Jianchao couldn’t help asking. Because
whenever Shu Ya appeared on screen, Yang Ming’s gaze never left her. Yang Ming only
diverted his gaze whenever someone else was in the picture.

“En.” Yang Ming didn’t deny and nodded.

“Go after her! Brother Yang, you are worthy of her with your current identity!
Although she is an Asian queen, you are not too shabby either, Brother Yang!” said
Guo Jianchao.

“Oh, I went after her,” Yang Ming smiled.

“Ah?” Guo Jianchao was stunned. He asked, “Did you get her?”

“I got her,” Yang Ming nodded.

“Wow! No way!” Guo Jianchao was surprised. He didn’t expect Yang Ming to
successfully pursue a huge celebrity like Su Ya. “Brother Yang, when did you get

“Last time when she came to Song Jiang,” said Yang Ming.

“Ah, so it’s like this!” Guo Jianchao remembered that when Shu Ya came to Song
Jiang for a concert, she did stay in the Song Jiang International Hotel. Is that
the time when she and Yang Ming got into a relationship?

Thinking of this, Guo Jianchao had to sigh. Brother Yang is really awesome!

“This movie is good. Baozi, help me buy a collection of the show,” Yang Ming said
while pointing to the TV.

“Ok, I’ll ask someone to buy it in a while.” This was also the first time Bao Sanli
heard that the big celebrity, Shu Ya, was Yang Ming’s girlfriend. However, he had
followed Yang Ming for a long time. He wouldn’t simply talk, so he was not as
shocked as Guo Jianchao.

Chen Zhiye got up early in the morning and began to prepare with Caique for the
merger and acquisition negotiation. Caique also knew that Chen Zhiye wanted to use
the negotiation to fight against Yang Ming, so he allowed Chen Zhiye to take the
lead in this matter. Caique’s ultimate goal was to acquire the Song Jiang
International Hotel. He didn’t really care about the process.

At eight forty-five in the morning, everything was ready. Chen Zhiye and Caique
went to the conference room and waited for the people from the Song Jiang
International Hotel to arrive. Generally, when acquiring another company, the
acquiring party should go to the other party for the negotiation to show their
sincerity. How could someone wait for the other party to come to the company? This
attitude was a bit too disdainful!

However, Chen Zhiye was waiting for the other party at the Douglas Vast Hotel in
order to show such a disdainful attitude. He just wanted to be aloof to ridicule
Yang Ming.

Chen Zhiye’s son Chen Xiaolong had already dressed up as a waiter and had hidden in
a corner. He would pretend to serve tea in a while. Caique was sitting in the
master seat, with Chen Zhiye sitting beside him.

Chen Zhiye looked at his watch. It was eight fifty-five. There were only five
minutes left until Yang Ming arrived.
Chen Zhiye cleared his throat as he assumed an arrogant posture. He crossed his
legs and waited like an arrogant host for Yang Ming to arrive.

Is this Yang Ming coming on time? Can’t he come a little early? Chen Zhiye frowned
and silently criticized.

Time passed by minute by minute. But despite five minutes passing by, no one had
entered the conference room. No one downstairs had informed him that Yang Ming had
arrived either.

“What’s going on? Isn’t it supposed to be at nine o’clock? Why hasn’t anyone come?”
Caique looked at the time and asked Chen Zhiye.

“Yes, we agreed to nine o’clock yesterday. Could the other party have changed their
mind?” Thinking of this, Chen Zhiye suddenly burst into a cold sweat. Was I played
by Yang Ming? This boy is deliberately swaying me, but has no intention of coming

It shouldn’t be! Judging from the current operating status of the Song Jiang
International Hotel, it can only wait for bankruptcy and demise if it is not
acquired. The daily cost of the hotel industry is astonishing. If you don’t make
money, you are losing money. Can Yang Ming survive? Is he really willing to go into
huge debt just to save face?

“You call and ask to see where the other party is,” Caique commanded Chen Zhiye. He
naturally knew the enmity between Chen Zhiye and Yang Ming.

“Ok…” Although Chen Zhiye did not want to take the initiative to contact Yang Ming,
he could not go against Caique’s command.

Chen Zhiye took out his mobile phone and dialed Guo Jianchao.

“Brother Yang, I got a call from Chen Zhiye!” Guo Jianchao said to Yang Ming after
he had taken a look at the caller ID on his phone when it rang.

“Oh, pick it up. Tell him we are on the way, but are stuck in a traffic jam,” Yang
Ming said plainly.

“Ok,” Guo Jianchao answered the phone and said, “What is it, President Chen?”

“It’s me. President Guo, where are you? Why haven’t you arrived yet? Didn’t we
agree to discuss the merger and acquisition in the Douglas Vast Hotel’s conference
room at nine o’clock sharp this morning?” Chen Zhiye asked with a frown.

“It’s like this, President Chen. We left a long time ago, but there is a traffic
jam. You should know that it is commuting hours now.” Guo Jianchao thought, You set
it at nine o’clock, not Brother Yang. Should it be set at nine o’clock just because
you said so? Brother Yang said ten o’clock! You should just wait.

“Ah? Traffic jam?” Chen Zhiye was stunned, and he silently cursed. There is only
one way from the Song Jiang International Hotel to the Douglas Vast Hotel. The two
hotels are within viewing distance of each other. How can there be a traffic jam?

Chen Zhiye walked up to the window and looked out of it to the scene below. He saw
that several cars drove in an orderly manner on the street. There was no traffic
jam at all.

“Yes, it’s been jammed for more than half an hour. The car in front of us hasn’t
moved yet!” Guo Jianchao held back his laughter and said seriously.

“This… well, then you guys should come as soon as possible!” Chen Zhiye listened to
the seriousness in Guo Jianchao’s tone and thought, Could it be that they did not
embark from the Song Jiang International Hotel, but another place?

Chen Zhiye felt that this was possible when he remembered that Yang Ming did not
usually stay at the Song Jiang International Hotel. It was very likely that Guo
Jianchao had picked up Yang Ming earlier, and then rushed with him towards the
Douglas Vast Hotel.

Yang Ming was the man who could make the decision. It would be useless if Guo
Jianchao came by himself. Chen Zhiye felt better once he thought of this. He hung
up the phone and said to Caique, “Boss, they were on the way when they encountered
a traffic jam, so… ”

“Oh, a traffic jam. Then we’ll wait a little longer,” Caique didn’t think much and

Alas, Chen Zhiye and Caique sat in the conference room and waited.

Some of the arrogant expressions and actions that Chen Zhiye had prepared
disappeared in this long wait. They waited for over half an hour, but Yang Ming and
Guo Jianchao still hadn’t arrived.

Chapter 1521: Some Crying/ Who Merges with Who?

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1817: Some Crying

Chen Zhiye did not feel like acting pretentious anymore. He had already uncrossed
his legs. He stood up and paced around in the conference room. He walked to the
conference room’s window and used binoculars to observe the situation over at the
Song Jiang International Hotel out of boredom.

The binoculars were bought previously to observe the customer traffic at the Song
Jiang International Hotel. When Chen Zhiye had nothing to do, he would stand here
and watch the crowd at the Song Jiang International Hotel.

Watching the crowd dwindle to its present desertedness had Chen Zhiye’s
satisfaction to a peak! This was all done by my own hands.

He dealt, the Song Jiang International Hotel one blow after another until it had
reached its present situation. Every time Chen Zhiye picked up the binoculars and
witnessed the number of customers in the opposite hotel decrease day by day, he
felt an indescribable satisfaction!

But today, he saw a scene that made him extremely angry! When Chen Zhiye picked up
binoculars and observed the Song Jiang International Hotel’s entrance, it just so
happened that two people walked out from the front door. Chen Zhiye found that they
were very familiar at first glance. Looking more carefully, he realized it was Yang
Ming and Guo Jianchao!

The two were slowly walking out of the front door while talking and laughing. They
got into an Audi A6 in the parking lot, and slowly drove towards the Douglas Vast

Chen Zhiye was furious. Weren’t you in a traffic jam? Why did you exit from the
Song Jiang International Hotel? Also shouldn’t you be in a hurry if there is a
traffic jam? You don’t seem to be in a hurry at all.

This is really deceiving. Does he not think that I’m important? If I didn’t take a
look with the binoculars, I would still be deceived. It seems that Yang Ming still
has some resentment, so he intentionally stalled the meeting to mess with me!

The first reason Chen Zhiye still thought that Yang Ming would sell the Song Jiang
International Hotel to him was that ]itss operating conditions were really bad. If
Yang Ming didn’t sell it, he would go bankrupt. The second was that although Yang
Ming tried to lie to Chen Zhiye, saying that he was in a traffic jam, he still
eventually drove to the Douglas Vast Hotel. This showed that Yang Ming still wanted
to sell the hotel, but he was just a little resentful.

Chen Zhiye coldly sneered thinking that he had grasped Yang Ming’s thoughts. You
want to mess with me? Well, wait and see. You’ll see how I will kill you with the
price in a while!

If you humbly bowed a little bit and said something nice with a smile, I might have
mentioned a reasonable price so you wouldn’t lose too much. But now, hmph!

Chen Zhiye angrily put down the binoculars. Knowing that Yang Ming and Guo Jianchao
had already come, Chen Zhiye didn’t need to watch with the binoculars anymore. He
turned around and walked back to his seat, again crossing his legs in an impatient
and cocky posture.

Soon, the waiter on the first floor called, reporting that Mr. Yang Ming and Mr.
Guo Jianchao of the Song Jiang International Hotel had arrived.

“Bring them up,” Chen Zhiye commanded arrogantly.

About three to five minutes later, the waiter led Yang Ming and Guo Jianchao to the
conference room.

“Please enter. Mr. Caique and Mr. Chen have been waiting in there for a long time.”
The waiter made an inviting gesture, and asked Yang Ming and Guo Jianchao to enter
the conference room before he left.

Regardless of Chen Zhiye’s attitude towards Yang Ming, he naturally could not treat
Yang Ming and Guo Jianchao with a similar attitude as he was just a hotel waiter.
He was polite all the while.

“Mr. Chen, Mr. Caique, I’m sorry to make you wait for such a long time,” Yang Ming
entered the conference room and said after glancing at the arrogant Chen Zhiye, and
the caucasian Caique on his master seat.

“Yang Ming, how long have you been stuck in the traffic jam? Did the traffic jam
last all the way to the parking lot of the Song Jiang International Hotel?” Chen
Zhiye said with a cold sneer. He did not give Yang Ming any face at all, and
directly voiced out his displeasure.

Yang Ming called him Mr. Chen, but he called Yang Ming by his name. It could be
seen how much he didn’t take Yang Ming seriously. However, it was no wonder. Chen
Zhiye now thought that Yang Ming was a stray dog that could only rely on selling
the hotel to survive. How could he be afraid?

“Oh?” Yang Ming frowned when he heard Chen Zhiye’s criticism. It seems that Chen
Zhiye knew that I had lied to him about being in a traffic jam.

But how did Chen Zhiye come to know? Yang Ming simply glanced around the conference
room, and found the binoculars by the window sill!

Obviously, Chen Zhiye had been watching the Song Jiang International Hotel’s
movements through these binoculars. Chen Zhiye probably saw him and Guo Jianchao
come out of the hotel and enter the car with these binoculars.

However, Yang Ming didn’t feel embarrassed at all, but sarcastically remarked, “It
seems that someone still has a voyeuristic habit.”

Since Chen Zhiye had shed all pretense of cordiality as soon as Yang Ming entered,
Yang Ming didn’t need to respect him anymore. Originally, Yang Ming thought that he
would need to consider his image and not say something inappropriate as he was
representing the Song Jiang International Hotel after all. However, Chen Zhiye was
obviously not worthy of other people’s respect. He deserved to be mocked.

“You-” Chen Zhiye was a little embarrassed after being exposed by Yang Ming, and
his face changed. He said coldly, “Yang Ming, get a hang of the situation! Now you
are asking us to buy your hotel!”

“Oh? Really?” Yang Ming smiled. “It seems that there is something wrong with my
memory. I remember that you came to me multiple times to talk about the merger and
acquisition. It seems that you took the initiative?”

“Hmph!” Chen Zhiye coldly sneered, arguing, “I am doing it out of good will. I’m
helping you seeing as you are about to go bankrupt. Don’t be ignorant!”

“So, I have to thank you, right?” Yang Ming heard Chen Zhiye’s words and looked at
Chen Zhiye with amusement. “You want to buy my hotel and I still have to thank you.
Is that it?”

“Of course it is!” exclaimed Chen Zhiye.

“Oh, unless one of us is a fool.” Yang Ming shrugged and said, “But obviously it is
not me.”

“You… you, aren’t you ignorant? Don’t you know that you are begging us now?” Chen
Zhiye never expected that Yang Ming would dare to say these things to him after
coming here. Isn’t he afraid that I will become angry and choose not to buy his

“I’m begging you? What am I begging you for? Begging you to buy my hotel?” Yang
Ming seemed to have heard something funny. “So, if I buy your hotel, you must also
thank me. Is that it?”

“Buy us? What a joke!” Chen Zhiye listened to Yang Ming’s “sophistry”, and
immediately laughed, “Are you rich enough to buy us? You actually still boast so

“Okay, Chen, don’t argue with him. We are here to discuss business. If you have a
personal enmity, you can resolve it later,” Caique waved impatiently. “Now, you
can’t solve the problem like this!”

Chen Zhiye heard Caique’s words and thought that he was right. I came to buy Yang
Ming’s hotel, and I’m also forcing him to agree to break up with Chen Mengyan. What
is the use of talking nonsense with him?

Wow, I went off track because of anger. There is no real benefit in arguing with
him. No matter how good he is in arguing, he can’t do anything but glare at us if
we don’t increase the price of the acquisition.

Thinking of this, Chen Zhiye’s mind suddenly cleared up. He cleared his throat, and
said, “Yang Ming, I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you now. If you want a good
price, it’s better for you to be sincere!”

“Oh? Really?” Yang Ming smiled casually. A good price… I hope I will give you a
good price in a while. I’m just afraid you will not dare to want it.

“You will know in a while whether it is true or not.” Chen Zhiye frowned, then
pointed to the seats opposite him, and said, “You two sit down!”

Chen Zhiye’s attitude was like a boss ordering his employees. This kind of aloof
attitude was vividly displayed. Yes, he now regarded Yang Ming as his subordinate!

Yang Ming didn’t bother to say anything to Chen Zhiye. He sat directly opposite
Caique, while Guo Jianchao sat beside Yang Ming, opposite Chen Zhiye.

Yang Ming didn’t bother with Chen Zhiye. He will be crying a bit later.

###Chapter 1818: Who Merges with Who

“Mr. Chen, can we start? If you just want to talk nonsense with Brother Yang, then
there is no need to negotiate.” Guo Jianchao said at Yang Ming’s instruction.

Chen Zhiye currently had the same thought as Yang Ming. Continue to act pretentious
now. You will cry later.

“Well, let’s get to the topic.” Chen Zhiye was too lazy to negotiate with Yang Ming
and Guo Jianchao. In his opinion, the Douglas Vast Hotel would definitely acquire
Yang Ming’s Song Jiang International Hotel. It was a matter of course; there was no
doubt! The only question was the price.

Otherwise, Yang Ming and Guo Jianchao would not be sitting here.

So Chen Zhiye didn’t say much nonsense, but took out a document from the file
folder at hand and directly pushed it to Guo Jianchao and Yang Ming, “This is an
asset evaluation of the Song Jiang International Hotel. Take a look.”

Guo Jianchao already knew Yang Ming’s true thoughts. He knew that they didn’t come
this time to sell a hotel, but to buy another hotel! Although he didn’t know if
this plan would work in the end, at least it was impossible for their hotel to be
sold. So Guo Jianchao was not very interested in any asset evaluation report. He
just took and skimmed it, and passed it to Yang Ming.
However, Guo Jianchao secretly pouted after skimming it. The Song Jiang
International Hotel is only worth twenty million? What kind of joke is this?

Just the plot of land it is on is currently worth over twenty million. This asset
evaluation is saying that the price is only twenty million including the hotel?
Isn’t this the same as bullying?

However, every decision would be made by Yang Ming. They weren’t really selling the
hotel, so Guo Jianchao didn’t bother getting angry with this report.

Yang Ming took the asset report and looked at it casually. He saw the figure of
twenty million and faintly smiled. He did not take it seriously, “According to your
evaluation, the Song Jiang International Hotel is only worth twenty million?”

Hehe, you’re finally asking about the main point? Chen Zhiye thought, I knew you
would ask! The price of twenty million yuan was set to make it difficult for you.

“Mr… Yang Ming.” Although Chen Zhiye did not want to call him Mr. Yang Ming, he had
to call Yang Ming like this because of negotiation etiquette, “The price of twenty
million yuan has already been evaluated and proved by us many times!”

“Really…” Yang Ming smiled plainly.

“Yes!” Chen Zhiye threw his hands up, “You also know the current operating status
of the Song Jiang International Hotel. It is completely losing money. During the
acquisition, the debts had to be considered, so twenty million is already the
highest price!”

“Oh, that is to say, there is no room for negotiation, right?” Yang Ming tapped his
finger on the evaluation report on the table, “The Douglas Vast Hotel has the same
basic blueprint and location as the Song Jiang International Hotel. Can I interpret
this as your hotel also being only worth twenty million?”

“This… hehe. Of course, if you are willing to think so, then so be it.” Chen Zhiye
didn’t understand Yang Ming’s meaning and thought that he was deliberately
degrading him. But it didn’t matter. The price of twenty million couldn’t be
changed, unless… Hmph hmph!

“Oh, I see. Just as I said, there is no room to negotiate?” Yang Ming nodded.

“Obviously. However, Mr. Yang Ming is also a smart person. I have additional
conditions. If you agree to it, I can increase the price.” Chen Zhiye was too lazy
to dawdle with Yang Ming. It’s like bargaining at the grocery market. You should
just directly state the purpose.

Because he thought that it was useless to talk nonsense with Yang Ming, he just
threw out his final conditions to lure Yang Ming into making a final judgment!

“What conditions?” Yang Ming remained calm, but sneered in his heart. He finally
couldn’t help but reveal his evil nature. Chen Zhiye really has other purposes.

“If you leave and break up with Chen Mengyan, I will add fifty percent to the
price, making it thirty million!” Chen Zhiye said plainly, “So? As long as you
agree, there will immediately be thirty million in your account!”

“Oh? Is it that simple?” asked Yang Ming.

“It’s that simple!” Chen Zhiye thought Yang Ming was going to agree, “As long as
you sign an additional agreement with me, this ten million is yours. If you think
about it, a woman in exchange for ten million is a great deal. How many other women
can you find with this ten million!?”

“Chen Zhiye, you did all this just for your son Chen Xiaolong?” Yang Ming
understood Chen Zhiye’s purpose, and had no time to play along with this
acquisition negotiation, “Aren’t you too generous?”

“Hehe, Yang Ming, the moment you left my room previously, I already said that you
will regret it sooner or later!” Chen Zhiye didn’t hide, but laughed out loud, “You
are still too inexperienced to fight with me.”

“Is that so?” Yang Ming smiled and did not refute, “I seemed to have said at that
time that I hope you don’t do anything impulsive, or I wouldn’t let you go easily.”

“Anyone can talk. We’ll see who will have the last laugh. We’ll see who will be
begging whom!” Chen Zhiye believed that Yang Ming was just getting some sort of
satisfaction from talking, “Now, you have to be clear about who is acquiring whom!”

“I’m very clear about the situation. I don’t need your reminder,” said Yang Ming.

“Okay, have you thought about it? Twenty million, or thirty million?” asked Chen

“What if I don’t want it?” Yang Ming closed the asset evaluation in front of him
and threw it aside.

“Yang Ming, what do you mean? You don’t want to talk about the merger and
acquisition? Aren’t you here to talk about it?” Chen Zhiye did not expect Yang Ming
to be so stubborn. He actually didn’t want to discuss it anymore.

“Who said it? Did I say I don’t want to talk about it?” Yang Ming waved his hand,
“I’m here to talk about the merger and acquisition.”

“Then you…” Chen Zhiye was stunned, and didn’t really understand what Yang Ming

Yang Ming ignored him, and turned to look at Caique who hadn’t spoken, “Caique, one
word. For twenty million, I want the Douglas Vast Hotel.”

“En?” Caique had been listening to the conversation between Chen Zhiye and Yang
Ming. He did not intend to participate at all. He said long ago that he had given
Chen Zhiye the rights and responsibility to lead the negotiation. He was just
listening. He didn’t expect that Yang Ming would suddenly ask him such a sentence.

“What?” Chen Zhiye was also stunned. He didn’t expect Yang Ming to suddenly change
the thread of discussion by saying such a sentence. “Yang Ming, what do you mean?
Do you have a problem? Now we are talking about the merger and acquisition of your

“Yeah, I said it before. I’m here to talk about the merger and acquisition. But
it’s not you who will be acquiring my hotel. I want to acquire your hotel instead.”
Yang Ming shrugged. “Sorry, I might not have made it clear to you before. Or maybe
you were too arrogant and understood it wrongly.”

“You… what the hell do you mean?” Chen Zhiye was a little dazed by Yang Ming’s

“I don’t mean much. I made my intention very clear!” Yang Ming pointed to the asset
evaluation report on the table and said, “This report was a waste of time for you,
but it’s not a complete waste. At least I can use it as a reference. Otherwise, I
wouldn’t suggest twenty million.”

“Yang Ming, are you out of your mind? You want to buy the Douglas Vast Hotel?” Chen
Zhiye was stunned and laughed as if he had heard a big joke. “Do you know what you
are saying? Let’s not discuss whether you have twenty million. Even if you do, how
can Douglas Vast Hotel be sold to you at such a low price? Are you stupid? The
price of this land alone exceeds twenty million!”

“No…no!” Yang Ming waved his hand, “Chen Zhiye, you’re wrong. I meant that this
twenty million is to buy all the Douglas Vast Hotels in China, not just in Song

Chapter 1522: It Isn’t a Word Game/ Who Did He Offend

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1819: It Isn’t a Word Game

Silence shrouded the entire room!

Chen Zhiye dropped his jaws widely in astonishment. It was like hearing a foolish
person talking about their illusions. His mouth shaped into a smile, and an
unrivaled arc came out of the corner of his mouth!

“Ha… ha…” Chen Zhiye smiled so much that he almost twisted his jaws.

On the other hand, Caique looked at Yang Ming in puzzlement and disbelief. What
qualifications and capital does this guy have to say so much? Buy all the Douglas
Vast Hotels in China? He is really not afraid of talking unrealistically!

His tone is too outrageous. isn’t he afraid of choking on his words? Twenty
million… Even two-hundred million is just the tip of the iceberg of the total value
of all the Douglas Vast Hotels in China! Even two billion would barely be
sufficient. Of course, that was the cost when it was built a few years ago or even
decades ago. It cannot be compared with the current market value. Conservatively,
the market value of all the Douglas Vast Hotels in China is more than ten billion

Even Guo Jianchao, who was already aware of the truth, was astonished by Yang
Ming’s words! Although Yang Ming said that there was no certainty on who acquires
whom, Guo Jianchao thought that Yang Ming could at most only buy the Douglas Vast
Hotel in Song Jiang City. He did not expect Yang Ming to demand such an exorbitant
amount and ask for all of the Douglas Vast Hotels in China from Caique and Chen

Is Yang Ming trying to first demand exorbitant prices so he can bargain heatedly?
It’s unlikely that he already has that much wealth. How can he make such a low-
level mistake? Betting on a diversion? Won’t you be laughed at?
But Yang Ming didn’t seem to be joking. After all, Yang Ming seemed serious when he
spoke! However, no matter what, Guo Jianchao fully supported Yang Ming’s decision.
Whatever Yang Ming said, Guo Jianchao would believe it. Although he was a little
bit astonished, he still nodded firmly and expressed his support.

“Cough- cough- cough- cough-” Chen Zhiye started to laugh with his mouth wide open,
and immediately coughed. He started tearing up and the corners of his mouth
cramped, but he didn’t feel any pain at all because he felt that Yang Ming was so
funny. He is literally the King of Jokers!

He can actually say such naive words. He is invincible!

“Yang Ming, you… hahahaha. I’m laughing to death… I can’t!” Chen Zhiye wanted to
speak, but he couldn’t help laughing. Even snot and tears were streaming down his
face, “Ah… I can’t… I’m almost done laughing…”

Yang Ming didn’t know what to say when he saw Chen Zhiye laughing non-stop. He
plainly asked, “Do you think this is funny?”

“Hahahaha… funny… haha… it’s so funny…” Chen Zhiye laughed even more when he heard
Yang Ming say so. He pounded the table non-stop, “Hahahahaha, hahahaha…”

While Chen Zhiye laughed, there was a fart-like sound of “pfft” and then the sound
of laughter from the nearby waiter’s preparation room.

Although this laughter was soft, it could be heard clearly since there were very
few people in the conference room.

Yang Ming casually glanced at the waiter’s preparation room and saw Chen Xiaolong
sitting by the door, eavesdropping. He wanted to laugh, but he didn’t dare to, so
he covered his mouth. However, he couldn’t help it. He still had to hold down his
laughter, but his entire body was shaking as if he was struck by a current. He
looked like a crazy person.

So it’s this kid. Yang Ming thought that Chen Zhiye was very interesting. Is he not
afraid of being shamed in this negotiation and still asked his son to watch? He
doesn’t seem to think so. He is hoping to humiliate me for Chen Xiaolong to see.

“Your waiter here is quite unique? He can laugh while farting. What kind of skill
is this?” Yang Ming said with a sneer in the direction of the waiter’s preparation

Because the waiter’s preparation room was next to the conference room’s toilet, it
was normal for Yang Ming to say that he misunderstood that the sound was coming
from the toilet.

Chen Xiaolong’s uncontrollable burst of “pfft” was originally from his mouth. But
Yang Ming said it was farting, which made it hard for Chen Zhiye to explain. After
all, the two sounds were similar. He couldn’t say that it was not farting; it was
just his son, Chen Xiaolong, laughing. It would expose that Chen Xiaolong was

However, although Chen Zhiye was extremely annoyed, he couldn’t stop his mouth’s
laughter. He was still laughing like crazy, “Hahahaha… you… you…”

Chen Zhiye wanted to say “Don’t shift the subject to some nonsense”, but couldn’t
say it because of laughter. He could only keep saying “you”.
“Oh, it turns out that you also think that the waiter here pooping and farting
while laughing is a unique thing!” Yang Ming looked at Chen Zhiye and said, “But,
although fun is fun, unfortunately, your management is too poor. The bosses here
have something to discuss, but he unscrupulously poops and farts while laughing. It
seems that the price of twenty million yuan is too high!”

Chen Zhiye didn’t want to laugh anymore. He wanted to stop and mock Yang Ming. But
when he heard Yang Ming shamelessly say that the price of twenty million was too
high, he couldn’t restrain himself and laughed again, “Hahahahaha… twenty million…
hahahaha… ”

Chen Zhiye was laughing all this time, but Caique was not.

Yang Ming looked at the crazily laughing Chen Zhiye, and shook his head with
regret. He turned his eyes to Caique and said to him, “Mr. Caique, it seems that
your subordinate is mentally unstable. It is not suitable for him to continue
participating in this negotiation… I don’t think there’s anything funny about this.
We didn’t laugh at all, but he is laughing alone…”

Caique was actually very angry with Yang Ming’s cynicism. People can be bold, but
they can’t be ignorant! Twenty million to buy all the Douglas Vast Hotels in China
was delusional! He even said that twenty million was actually overpriced. Caique
really didn’t know what to say to this kind of person!

He didn’t laugh because he didn’t think that this matter was very funny. Foreigners
did not have the same humor as Chinese people. He just felt that Yang Ming was
pathetic for saying these meaningless ignorant words.

“Mr. Yang Ming, I don’t think there is anything funny about this matter.” Caique
finally spoke up, “However, I don’t think you have any sincerity to negotiate. If
you are here just to say meaningless nonsense, then I think you should leave. Our
cooperation cannot go on!”

“Really? But why do I think that it is President Chen who doesn’t want to
cooperate?” Yang Ming asked back.

“Mr. Yang Ming, please don’t be delusional. We invited you to talk about the
acquisition of your hotel, but you want to acquire our hotel. Can we continue to
negotiate with this attitude of yours?” Caique asked, frowning.

“Caique? Are you mistaken? Who told you that I came here to talk about your
acquisition of my hotel?” Yang Ming laughed after hearing this. “When did I say
that? Did you personally hear it?”

“This… didn’t Mr. Guo Jianchao beside you pass on this message to Chen when he came
to your hotel in person yesterday?” said Caique.

“That is not wrong. But what I said was that I would come here to discuss the
merger and acquisition with you today, but I did not say who would be acquiring
who.” Yang Ming shrugged indifferently and looked at Caique with a cold smile, “If
you don’t believe me, you can ask Chen Zhiye. Did President Guo say that

Chen Zhiye was done laughing at this moment. He no longer laughed. He looked at
Yang Ming gloomily. Indeed, thinking about Guo Jianchao’s words yesterday, Guo
Jianchao really talked about the merger and acquisition, but he did not say who was
acquiring whom.

“Are you guys playing word games?” Chen Zhiye coughed, asking Yang Ming with a cold
look. His previous smile had vanished.

“I don’t think this is a word game.” Yang Ming shook his head, “I’m speaking facts.
I am going to acquire this Douglas Vast Hotel, and all of the Douglas Vast Hotels
in China.”

###Chapter 1820: Who Did He Offend

“Yang Ming, if you came here just to talk nonsense, you can leave.” Chen Zhiye said
coldly. “But I can tell you that everyone has an equal chance to grasp an
opportunity, and there is only one such opportunity for you!”

“Oh? What do you mean?” Yang Ming teased deliberately.Read the next chapter on our

“If you leave this conference room today, then our cooperation is over. I would be
happy to see the Song Jiang International Hotel going bankrupt step by step,” Chen
Zhiye sneered. “If we discuss the acquisition again, the price wouldn’t be as good”

“Oh, Mr. Chen Zhiye, is this Douglas Vast Hotel yours? Do your words represent
them?” Yang Ming suddenly looked at Caique ridiculously, “So the decision-maker
here is actually Mr. Chen Zhiye!”

“Yang Ming, you don’t have to drive a wedge between us!” Chen Zhiye thought he had
figured out Yang Ming’s trick. He sneered and said, “Mr. Caique has fully
authorized me to lead this negotiation. My decision is the final decision. If you
don’t believe me, you can ask Mr. Caique yourself!”

“No need to ask.” Caique also spoke at the moment. He was very unhappy with Yang
Ming’s approach, so he said directly, “Chen’s intention is my intention. It seems
that we don’t need to continue the negotiation.”

“Ai,” Yang Ming suddenly looked at Caique with a sympathetic gaze after listening
to him. “Caique, do you insist on teaming up with Chen Zhiye?”

“Mr. Yang Ming, what do you mean?” Caique did not expect Yang Ming to ask him such
a question impolitely. He became a little angry! What kind of identity do I have!?
I am the family master of the Douglas Family. I came here in person this time to
support my former subordinates. I’m usually too lazy to personally talk to such a
small character like Yang Ming. If not for Chen Zhiye, would I sit here?

But Yang Ming doesn’t seem to understand this situation yet. He actually talks all
this nonsense with me. Who does he think he is?

“I don’t mean anything. I just don’t want you to repeat your cousin’s mistake,”
Yang Ming threw up his hand and said naturally.

“What do you mean by my cousin’s mistake?” Caique frowned. “What on earth are you
trying to say?”

“How did Goode die?” Yang Ming asked suddenly.

“Goode… Ah?” Caique heard Goode’s name and froze. He looked at Yang Ming in
disbelief. Goode was the former first heir, but he was killed because he offended
some powerful and ruthless man.
But how can this young man know Goode’s name? Although his name is not a secret in
Europe’s upper-class society, how can anyone know it in this faraway China?

Even Chen Zhiye didn’t know about Caique’s family, and Caique never mentioned it.
Is this kid bluffing me after seeing some gossip on the Internet?

Caique felt that it was very possible. Yang Ming probably found the news from a
foreign gossip forum.

“Goode’s death has nothing to do with me,” said Caique coldly. “My relationship
with him is not good. You don’t have to mention him in this discussion.”

“Oh? Really? If Goode wasn’t dead, how could you be promoted?” Yang Ming asked
back, “Also, I didn’t say that his death had anything to do with you. I just wanted
to remind you that you should know how Goode died.”

Caique in front of him was the current family master of the Douglas Family in
European Ello Town! The second heir of the Douglas Family! The first successor,
Young Master Goode, had been killed by Yang Ming. His backer, the Lancer Family,
had also been eliminated by Yang Ming, including his Uncle Jetson.

Yang Ming checked the background of the Douglas Vast Hotel after learning its name.
He did not expect that it was really a business invested by the Douglas Family of
Ello Town.

As soon as Goode died, Caique had come, continuing the heir’s death-seeking
behavior. Yang Ming was speechless. Why are people in this family a little too

Yang Ming didn’t intend to do anything to him at first. To be precise, Yang Ming
was too lazy to deal with him. Yang Ming felt that the Douglas Family had already
suffered a tragedy, so Yang Ming sympathized with him and did not want to finish
the newly appointed family master.

He didn’t expect that this guy was unable to recognize others’ good intentions. He
partnered up with Chen Zhiye and pressed on step by step, finally wanting to buy
Yang Ming’s Song Jiang International Hotel. Furthermore, the opening price was just
twenty million. Yang Ming couldn’t tolerate this.

Well, now that you don’t know how to differentiate between life or death, can I
still let you go? Not taking revenge is not my style! Originally, Yang Ming only
planned to acquire Song Jiang’s Douglas Vast Hotel and slightly punish him. But
when he came here, he changed his mind and directly demanded for an exorbitant
amount. He asked for all the Douglas Vast Hotels in China.

“You… what the hell do you want to say?” Caique listened to Yang Ming’s words that
seemed to have ulterior meanings, and suddenly became nervous.

“I don’t know if you’re stupid, or if you’re impulsive, or if you have a problem

with your memory.” Yang Ming looked at Caique with pity. “Didn’t the elders in your
family tell you who Goode had offended and how he was killed?”

“Who did he offend…” Caique’s face changed again, “What does this have to do with

“Nonsense. Of course. it has something to do with me. After hearing my name, you
still dared to mix with Chen Zhiye to do this kind of thing. I really admire your
courage!” Yang Ming shook his head, “I can’t use the word courageous to describe
you anymore. You’re a daredevil! You are not afraid of death!”

“You… your name?” Caique’s face became even more unsightly. He faintly had a bad
hunch, “What on earth do you want to say?”

“Nothing. I’ll give you some time to call and ask your family’s elders about who
killed Goode.” Yang Ming didn’t explain further, but directly said to Caique.

“This…” Caique hesitated for a moment. Although he was upset at being ordered by
Yang Ming, Yang Ming’s words gave him a very bad feeling. Is there any relationship
between Yang Ming and Goode’s death?

Caique eventually picked up the phone and called one of the family elders.

“Elder, I’m Caique.” Caique wasn’t avoiding anything at the moment either. He was
nervous and went straight to the point, “Elder, I have something to ask. Who did
Goode offend?”

This matter was originally a taboo in the Douglas Family, but Caique had to inquire
about it clearly at this moment.

“Family Master Caique, why are you asking this?” The elder was stunned for a moment
as he was unclear of what Caique meant.

“Quickly tell me! It’s something important!” Caique was anxious.

“Okay…” Although the elder did not know what Caique meant, he still said, “His name
is Yang Ming. He is the son-in-law of the Butterfly Family, and someone we can
never afford to offend!”

“What! Yang Ming? You say he’s called Yang Ming?!” Caique only felt that his hand
holding the phone was trembling. At this moment, he was completely in a daze and a
little lost. His soul seemed to have vacated his body.

“Yes. Family Master, what’s wrong with you?” The elder wondered why Caique’s
reaction was so extreme, “Family Master?”

Caique could be a hundred percent sure that he had heard Yang Ming’s name from the
family previously, but he didn’t remember it! When he heard Chen Zhiye mention Yang
Ming’s name before, Caique only felt that it was familiar, but didn’t think
anything of it.

The names of Chinese people were not easy for foreigners to remember, just like how
Chinese people could not remember foreigners’ names. So Caique didn’t think much.

But at this moment, when hearing the family elders mention the name Yang Ming
again, Caique knew how much trouble he was in and what kind of existence he had

Looking straight ahead at the young man who still kept a faint smile, Caique
thought, How wonderful would it be if we could revert time…
Chapter 1523
: You’re Playing with Him/ Unforgivable
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1821: You’re Playing with Him

However, time can’t be reverted. If time could be reverted, Goode wouldn’t have
died, and Caique wouldn’t be the Family Master. It was just wishful thinking. It
could never come true.

The youth in front of Caique had a calm expression. It was hard to relate the
ruthless man who killed Goode and destroyed the Lancer Family with this youth.

The only thing Caique knew about the ruthless man was that he was from China. He
never expected that man would be sitting in front of him. Caique had even
recklessly acquiesced to Chen Zhiye’s request, and even wanted to use twenty
million yuan to buy the man’s hotel!

According to rumor, Goode’s tragic death had occurred due to him lusting for Yang
Ming’s fiance. And now, Chen Zhiye’s son Chen Xiaolong was making a move on Yang
Ming’s woman…

When he thought until here, Caique wanted to immediately cut all ties with Chen
Zhiye and shout loudly, “I don’t know this guy!” However, it would only work if
Yang Ming believed it.

Caique felt that him helping Chen Zhiye was equivalent to Thomas of the Lancer
Family helping Goode. In the end, him, Chen Zhiye and Chen Xiaolong would be done

Caique’s beautiful life from ten minutes ago had suddenly turned into a dark one.
He stared at Yang Ming and wanted to weep, but he couldn’t shed a tear, “Mr. Yang…
I… I’m the one in the wrong…”

Caique stuttered for a long time, and couldn’t find the words to express his
current thoughts. He didn’t know what he had to say for Yang Ming to forgive him.

“You’re in the wrong?” Yang Ming smiled plainly and looked at Caique. Yang Ming
already knew that Caique had confirmed his identity over the phone, so he did not
have to hide anything anymore, “Seems like your Douglas Family is seeking death? I
returned here from Ello Town, and you followed me all the way here. Are you trying
to show that you’re the new Family Master, and that you’re very overbearing?”

“This… It’s not like that, Mr. Yang. I was too muddled last time, and was tricked
by Chen Zhiye. Actually, this matter has nothing to do with me…” Caique quickly cut
his ties off with Chen Zhiye.

“Boss, what are you saying? What happened to you?” Chen Zhiye didn’t know about the
details, and why Caique was acting so strange. Why did he suddenly say that?

“Chen Zhiye, do you still not understand? Your boss has already abandoned you,”
Yang Ming said plainly while looking at Chen Zhiye.

“Yang Ming, don’t spout nonsense! Don’t try to sabotage my relationship with my
boss!” Chen Zhiye still hadn’t understood Yang Ming’s meaning. He laughed coldly
and said, “I’ve been following my boss for so many years. You can’t decide our

“Is that so… Alright, if that’s so, I won’t bother telling you anything else,” Yang
Ming looked at Chen Zhiye with pity.

Since Yang Ming didn’t say anything, Caique didn’t dare to open his mouth and sat
there silently. He lowered his head with cold sweat dripping down his forehead.
Caique regretted believing in Chen Zhiye’s words, and involving himself in this

Why did I come here to show off when I could have just been a Family Master in Ello
Town? In the end, I didn’t show anything off, and my life is already in someone
else’s grasp! Caique didn’t doubt that Yang Ming could kill him at any minute. He
was already above the law. It was just like that time no one stood out for the
Lancer Family when they were annihilated in Europe.

After Goode’s death, no one from the Douglas Family dared to voice out any
complaints. Not only did they not dare to speak out, but they also rejoiced that
only Goode had died as it meant that they were stronger than the Lancer Family
since they did not get annihilated completely.

Caique knew that even if he was killed on the spot by Yang Ming, the Douglas Family
would curry Yang Ming’s favor and praise his actions. No one would take revenge for
a bane that got killed.

No one was stupid. Only a fool would do such death-seeking acts.

Because of this, Caique could only think of how to survive and appease Yang Ming’s
rage. As for Chen Zhiye’s life, he didn’t care anymore. It’s this guy’s fault! If
it wasn’t because of him, how could I come to Song Jiang to build some hotel?

“Alright, Caique. Relax a little,” Yang Ming shrugged. “In this place, I’m still a
very reasonable person. Of course, that’s as long as you do not cross my line.”

“Yes, yes…” Caique let out a sigh of relief after hearing Yang Ming’s words.
However, he could not relax completely as he didn’t know if Yang Ming was telling
the truth.

“Caique, should we talk about the purchasing matter?” Yang Ming said as he tapped
on the asset valuation report on the table.

“Not… Not purchasing anymore, not purchasing anymore…” Caique quickly shook his
head. How can I dare to purchase Yang Ming’s hotel? I still don’t want my life to
end yet.

“Caique, pay attention. I’m just talking about purchasing. It’s not about you
purchasing from me, but me purchasing from you!” Yang Ming said calmly, “Caique,
what do you think of twenty million yuan?”

“Ah, very reasonable, very reasonable! Not bad, not bad!” Caique wouldn’t have a
heartache just for some hotels. If he were to offend Yang Ming, he and his family
could possibly be wiped off the earth. There was no point in keeping the hotels
located in China.

Besides, Caique had made an oath in his heart that he would never come to China
again. While he couldn’t offend Yang Ming, he could hide away from him. He wouldn’t
dare to come here even if he was beaten to death.

Because of this, Caique accepted Yang Ming’s proposal to acquire all the Douglas
Vast Hotels in China. As a matter of fact, the price of twenty million felt like
nothing at all.

Even if the family knew after this that he gave the hotels to Yang Ming, no one
would dare to criticize him. If you have the capability, go take it back! Do you
dare to? Caique was not afraid of their criticism.

“Really?” Yang Ming asked.

Caique was shocked. What does Yang Ming’s “really” mean? Does he think that the
price is inappropriate? Is it too high? Oh, right. Chen Zhiye had offered the price
of twenty million yuan to Yang Ming last time. It would be shameful for Yang Ming
to spend the same twenty million yuan to buy my hotel! That must be it!

As he thought until here, Caique said carefully, “Twenty million is too much. We
have no use for it. Just two million yuan is enough!”

Caique was afraid that Yang Ming would be displeased, so he immediately lowered the
price by tenfold. He didn’t dare to give the hotel to Yang Ming for free, as he
wasn’t sure if Yang Ming would accept it. Him decreasing the price to two million
was practically giving it away for free.

Chen Zhiye was very confused as he was listening by the side. He didn’t know about
the Douglas Family’s secret. Although he knew that Caique had inherited the
position as the Family Master because the first-in-line successor was killed by a
ruthless man, he could never relate that fierce man with Yang Ming. Because of
that, he couldn’t understand what Yang Ming and Caique were talking about.

“Yang Ming, what nonsense are you talking about with my boss? What Douglas Vast
Hotel acquisition? Are you sick?” Chen Zhiye asked in a displeased manner. He was
still unclear of the situation, and still thought that his side was dominant.

“Chen, don’t interrupt. We’re discussing selling the management rights of all the
Douglas Vast Hotels in China to Mr. Yang for the price of two million!” Caique
stared at Chen Zhiye with displeasure. He thought, Just die by yourself later if
you want to die. Don’t drag me down with you. After I hand the rights of management
over to Yang Ming, just die however you want to. I have to go home quickly. I won’t
bother with you anymore.

“Ah?” Chen Zhiye was stunned after hearing Caique’s words.

Sell all the Douglas Vast Hotels in China to Yang Ming for two million? Is this two
million gold or diamonds? Is Caique okay? How is this possible? This is impossible!

However, he saw how serious Caique’s face was. He doesn’t look like he’s joking.
What’s going on? All of a sudden, Chen Zhiye was confused and didn’t know what
Caique wanted to do.

However, very quickly, Chen Zhiye thought that he had figured it out. He slapped
his head and shouted in surprise, “Ha, I get it, boss. You’re playing with Yang
Ming! You’re lying about selling the hotel to him for only two million yuan! Haha,
I get it! How hilarious. This idiot Yang Ming actually believed it. He must really
lack brain cells! Haha…”

###Chapter 1822: Unforgivable

Chen Zhiye felt like his guess was the truth the more he talked, and his laughter
became happier and happier. “Haha, Yang Ming. Why do you think that two million
yuan can buy a hotel? You must be very silly. And yet, you still fell for it.
You’re even pretending to discuss here. Let me tell you, my boss was playing with

Chen Zhiye was dancing with excitement at the side while criticizing Yang Ming.
This time, not only Yang Ming, but even Caique was looking at Chen Zhiye like he
was a fool.

Guo Jianchao didn’t know how the tables had suddenly turned. Yang Ming had just
spoken a few words and Caique had called to confirm it. But it was as if Caique had
transformed into a different person afterward!

Guo Jianchao saw fear in Caique eyes, a strong sense of fear. It was just like the
time he was chasing Sun Jie. It was the same kind of fear which arose from despair
when he was being beaten up by Bao Sanli! In fact, Caique’s fear was even stronger.

Because of this, Guo Jianchao knew that this deal would be sealed. The deal didn’t
mean selling the Song Jiang International Hotel to Caique, but Caique selling the
Douglas Vast Hotel to Yang Ming.

However, Chen Zhiye had overestimated himself and thought that he had a full grasp
of everything. He was laughing lunatically like an idiot, which made Guo Jianchao
despise him.

“Chen, have you laughed enough?” Caique coldly asked Chen Zhiye, “If you have
finished laughing, please remain silent! If you haven’t, go outside and laugh.
Don’t interrupt my discussion with Mr. Yang.”

“Haha, boss. Why are you still pretending in front of me? Haha, I have already
guessed it all!” Chen Zhiye still had a “know-it-all” look. “Boss, stop playing
around with this kid. Stop dragging things out. Since he wants to die, just let him

“You’re the one that wants to die!” Caique was angered by Chen Zhiye. How can this
kid be so ignorant? Can’t he tell that I’m not capable of offending Yang Ming? And
yet, he is still spouting such nonsense. He must not know what death is.

“Ah?” Chen Zhiye never expected Caique to be in such a deep rage.

“Guo Jianchao, throw this guy into the washroom first. Lock him up together with
that kid who farted just now. Don’t let him delay our matters here. It’s irritating
me,” Yang Ming pointed at Chen Zhiye and ordered Guo Jianchao.

“Yes, Brother Yang!” After receiving Yang Ming’s orders, Guo Jianchao lifted Chen
Zhiye by the neck. He then walked towards the staff preparation room nearby the
conference room.

Guo Jianchao naturally understood what Yang Ming meant when he said to lock him in
the washroom together with the guy who just “farted”. He wanted to lock Chen Zhiye
together with his son.

The so-called “washroom” was just said to criticize both Chen Zhiye and Chen

“You… What do you want to do?” Chen Zhiye was surprised. He wanted to escape from
Guo Jianchao’s grasp, but it was too late. His body was lifted up.

“Silence. If you keep on making noise, I won’t mind making you quiet for a while.”
Guo Jianchao stared at Chen Zhiye. The “silence” he mentioned naturally meant
knocking Chen Zhiye unconscious.

Chen Zhiye shivered. He didn’t understand why things had turned out like this. Was
Caique speaking the truth? Does he really want to sell the hotel to Yang Ming? Did
he get possessed or what? How did it turn out like this?

From Caique’s “You’re the one that wants to die”, Chen Zhiye could make out that
something was unusual. Caique was really angry. He wasn’t faking it.

When he saw how Caique did not say anything when he was lifted up by Guo Jianchao,
he understood Caique’s thoughts. Caique did not want to care about him.

What went wrong? Before this, Caique was still supporting me firmly. How did it
suddenly turn out like this? Something changed suddenly, and he started to yield to
Yang Ming?

Even if Chen Zhiye thought hard about it, he could never think of the subtle
relationship Caique had with Yang Ming. He could not have expected that Yang Ming
was the one to destroy the Lancer Family, and cause the Douglas Family to be in
such turmoil.


Guo Jianchao kicked open the staff preparation room’s door, and threw Chen Zhiye

Chen Xiaolong had his ears high up and was listening to the commotion outside. He
was also curious as to why his father and Caique had started arguing with each
other because of Yang Ming.

Just as he was pondering, a powerful force came from the door. It knocked Chen
Xiaolong away and made him fall on the floor. The vibration caused him to see
stars, and made him dizzy. Before he could react, an unidentified object as big as
a sandbag fell on him.

“Ouch…” Chen Xiaolong’s bones were about to be broken apart. After howling, he
shockingly realized that the unidentified object thrown on his body was actually
his father, Chen Zhiye!

“Dad! What happened to you?” Chen Xiaolong asked, terrified.

“Stop spouting nonsense!” Guo Jianchao had already heard of how useless Chen
Xiaolong was. He even dared to make a move on Yang Ming’s woman. Guo Jianchao
kicked Chen Xiaolong in the crotch. Chen Xiaolong was in so much pain that his
eyeballs were about to burst out. After shouting tragically, he fainted.

This punishment is still considered light! The punishment I received when I made a
move on Sun Jie was even more frightening! Whenever Guo Jianchao remembered that
scene, he would tremble in fear.

“What do you want to do!” Chen Zhiye was shocked, and immediately stood in front of
Chen Xiaolong’s body to shield him. His eyes were filled with a frantic gaze, “How
dare you hit my son!? I won’t let you go!”

Chen Zhiye leaped towards Guo Jianchao as soon as he finished speaking.

“Go away!” Guo Jianchao slapped Chen Zhiye’s head and said coldly, “Stay here
obediently. Wait for Brother Yang to take care of you later. Stop making more

After he finished speaking, Guo Jianchao did not bother with them anymore. He
turned around and exited the staff preparation room after closing the room door
with a “bang”.

“Jianchao, be more careful. This hotel is going to be ours very soon. Don’t use so
much force. We still have to repair it if it’s broken,” Yang Ming said as he looked
at Guo Jianchao.

“Ah? Hehe…” Guo Jianchao was a little embarrassed, and scratched his head.

However, Caique was frightened. He thought that Yang Ming was purposely messing
with him. He quickly said, “I’ll repair it, I’ll repair it! Mr. Yang, don’t worry.
Before handing the hotel over to you, I’ll let some people check it. If there’s
nothing wrong, I’ll hand it over to you.”

“Oh, sorry for troubling you then.” Yang Ming did not make things difficult for
Caique when he saw how understanding he was.

“It’s not troublesome, it’s not troublesome. What troubles are there? This is what
I’m supposed to do,” said Caique carefully.

“For those two million, give me your account number. I’ll find someone to transfer
it to you after I go back,” said Yang Ming. “There’s no need to sign a contract.
After you have gone through the procedures, just send it to the Song Jiang
International Hotel and pass it to President Guo.”

“Yes, yes!” Caique nodded and agreed.

“En, you won’t change your mind, right?” Yang Ming asked with a smile.

“Ah? I won’t. Of course I won’t!” Caique quickly waved his hand to deny it. How
could he dare to change his mind? He couldn’t wait to quickly hand the hotel over
to Yang Ming to appease his rage.

As for the contract, Caique didn’t really care if they signed it or not. Does Yang
Ming need any contract? Even if he wanted the whole world’s Douglas Vast Hotels, I
must give it to him!

When comparing the whole family being annihilated with money, Caique knew which was
more important.

Yang Ming nodded. He had just casually asked. Yang Ming knew Caique was not an
idiot. He was not of Caique going back on his words.

“Let today’s matters end here. I don’t want to see Chen Zhiye and his son anymore.”
Yang Ming stood up, “You’ll settle this matter, right?”

“Yes, Mr. Yang. Please rest assured!” Caique assured Yang Ming.

Yang Ming did not say anything else. Instead, he waved his hand at Guo Jianchao to
signal that the two of them could leave.

After Guo Jianchao stood up and followed Yang Ming out of the conference room,
Caique let out a sigh of relief. Finally, Yang Ming has left! Everything has ended

Hmph, this Chen Zhiye. Even if Yang Ming had not said anything, Caique did not plan
on letting Chen Zhiye go. This guy almost caused my whole family’s downfall. He is

As he thought until here, Caique picked up his phone and summoned his bodyguard…

Chapter 1524: Ruthless Brother Yang/ The Abandoned Chen Zhiye

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1823: Ruthless Brother Yang

Guo Jianchao had learned a lot. He had already heard beforehand about how strong
and capable Yang Ming was from Bao Sanli and Hou Zhenhan. However, today’s matter
truly shocked him.

He now knew what being capable meant. The difference was vast compared to those
that were merely doing well. With just a few words, Yang Ming was able to take over
the management rights for all the Douglas Vast Hotels in China, which was under the
world-class hotel franchise family, the Douglas Family. No ordinary person could do

Although Guo Jianchao didn’t know how Yang Ming was able to do it, he had done it.
The truth was placed right in front of him, and Guo Jianchao could not doubt it
anymore. Even the overbearing Chen Zhiye had been instantly abandoned by Caique.

“Brother Yang, you were too cool just now! Even that Caique became so obedient!”
Guo Jianchao said satisfiedly. Guo Jianchao had a lot of pent up anger from the
Douglas Vast Hotel’s pressure over the past few days. Coincidentally, Yang Ming and
Bao Sanli had not taken any action, so Guo Jianchao could only be angry. He could
not fight back. In addition, Chen Zhiye’s prideful attitude and wanting to purchase
the hotel had only further angered him.

Today, his anger had finally been released. It wasn’t released in an upset manner,
but in a satisfying one. Guo Jianchao’s blood boiled when he thought back to how
obedient Caique was, how Caique abandoned Chen Zhiye, and how he had Chen Zhiye
thrown into the storeroom.

Brother Yang is so dope!

“They asked for it. It can’t be helped.” Yang Ming shrugged. “Originally, I didn’t
want to do anything to them. It’s their fault for being so arrogant. If they had
stuck to legal methods, I wouldn’t have done anything to them, and wouldn’t have
had the time to care about them. However, they were planning to use this to force
me to leave Chen Mengyan. Heh…”

Guo Jianchao shook his head. Chen Mengyuan was Yang Ming’s official girlfriend.
Previously, even though Sun Jie had nothing much to do with Yang Ming, he was
almost beaten to death. It was apparent what would happen if Chen Mengyan was the
one affected.

Because of this, Caique had to hand over all the Douglas Vast Hotels in China as he
had helped Chen Zhiye show off. The price Caique paid had exceeded his

If Caique knew that this was how much he needed to pay for attempting to show off,
he would never do so. Sadly, there was no way he could know of it beforehand.

“Brother Yang, why did Caique suddenly change his mind?” Guo Jianchao was very
curious about this matter. He hesitated a few times about whether to ask Yang Ming,
but was embarrassed to bring it up. After thinking about it for so long, he
couldn’t hold it in anymore.

“Hehe, you’re talking about Caique? His family is called the Douglas Family,” said
Yang Ming while smiling.

“I know that. But, how is this matter related to the Douglas Family?” Guo Jianchao

“The Douglas Family’s first-in-line successor was killed by me because he harassed

my woman.” Yang Ming did not hide it from Guo Jianchao. Guo Jianchao was considered
as his loyal underling, and had been under him for a long time. “His grandfather
tried to help him to show off, so I destroyed the grandfather’s whole family.”

“Ah!” Guo Jianchao’s jaw dropped in shock after hearing Yang Ming’s words.

Guo Jianchao had already researched the Douglas Family for a long time. Although
Yang Ming and Bao Sanli had no reaction, Guo Jianchao had viewed the Douglas Family
as his opponent.

He was very clear about Douglas Family’s property and nature, and knew how big of a
family they were. However, when he was collecting information, he had come across a
foreign gossip forum. It was talking about how the Douglas Family’s first-in-line
successor Goode Douglas had offended a ruthless person, and paid with his life.
Even Goode’s grandfather’s family, the Lancer Family, was annihilated with him.

At that time, Guo Jianchao was thinking, This ruthless guy is too ruthless. If only
I could befriend him. If I just asked him to warn Caique, Caique would definitely
back off, not target my Song Jiang International Hotel anymore.

However, Guo Jianchao felt that this was just wishful thinking, and was just
something he imagined during his free time. It could never happen.

After seeing the gossip, Guo Jianchao was curious and researched the Lancer Family.
Originally, Guo Jianchao thought that the Lancer Family was just a normal small
family, which caused it to be annihilated. If it was as big as the Douglas Family,
it would be impossible to annihilate the whole family no matter how strong the
ruthless person was.

After a quick search, Guo Jianchao was extremely shocked. The Lancer Family… It
wasn’t some small family. Instead, it was one of Europe’s top families in the upper
class! It was insurmountably stronger than the Douglas Family.

Moreover, the Lancer Family was involved in the firearms business. Such a scary
family was annihilated by a single person?
While Guo Jianchao was overwhelmed with mixed emotions, he did not really believe
these rumors. Such a powerful family got annihilated? How can this be? Could they
be joking?

After all, gossip was just gossip. No one knew if it was real or not. Guo Jianchao
searched for official news, and found out that the Lancer Family had really
disappeared. However, they were merely destroyed because of a big fire, and all of
them were burned to death.

This could just be hiding the truth, or it might be real. As for the gossip on the
forum, it might also be true, but some people that were feeling bored might have
related it to the fire as a conspiracy theory.

Those that were involved in the incident were already dead. No one knew the truth.

When Guo Jianchao heard Yang Ming talking about this, he was dumbstruck. Are the
rumors that I saw online real? And, is that ruthless man Brother Yang?

“Is it the Lancer Family?” Guo Jianchao asked while stuttering.

“Oh? How did you know?” Yang Ming was surprised after hearing Guo Jianchao’s
answer, “I never told anyone about this before, did I?”

“Ugh…” Guo Jianchao felt his blood boiling for a moment. His admiration for Yang
Ming was insurmountable and could not be described by words anymore. “Brother Yang,
you’re too strong! Before this, I saw some gossip about this matter online. They
said that a ruthless man had killed the Douglas Family’s first-in-line successor –
Goode Douglas, and also annihilated Goode’s grandfather’s family, the Lancer
Family. At that time, I thought, ‘This ruthless man is too powerful! If only I knew
this man, I could just ask him to warn Caique, and he wouldn’t trouble me anymore…
I never thought…”

“Oh? This matter has turned into gossip?” Yang Ming shook his head. He thought,
This news should have been leaked by the Butterfly Family. They used this to warn
those big families that had ill intentions towards them.

“That’s it! I understand! When Brother Yang told Caique how his brother had died
just now, I was still confused, and didn’t relate them together!” Guo Jianchao came
to a realization, “Now that I related you with the ruthless man, everything makes

“He crossed the line. Otherwise, I didn’t want to bring this matter up,” said Yang
Ming. “Actually, Caique and Chen Zhiye are nothing in my eyes.”

“Naturally!” Guo Jianchao said happily, “I was wondering why Brother Yang didn’t
really care about them. It’s because you thought that they were merely clowns, and
didn’t hold them in high regard! It was only me that was anxious. Brother Yang had
already planned ahead.”

“After we receive the hotel deed and land deed, changing the name and replanning
everything should be a long process,” Yang Ming said while being deep in thought.
“At that time, I might not be in Song Jiang. Jianchao, help Xiaolu settle this
matter. You seem to be quite talented in hotel management.”

“Ah! Brother Yang, did you say that you’ll let me take care of the hotel?” Guo
Jianchao was both surprised and happy after hearing Yang Ming’s words.
“Nonsense. Do you think I have the time to take care of stuff here?” Yang Ming
scolded jokingly, “Just don’t mess things up.”

“Relax, Brother Yang. Leave it to me!” Guo Jianchao assured.

“You little kid. Continue tooting your own horn.” Yang Ming shook his head, “You
seem to be quite excited. Not upset anymore?”

“Hehe… Seems like I was a little too narrow-minded last time. I lacked foresight.”
Guo Jianchao was laughing at himself, “If I had known about this earlier, I
wouldn’t have been angry at Chen Zhiye. I would have just treated him as
entertainment. That way, I would also have something to laugh at.”

###Chapter 1824: The Abandoned Chen Zhiye

“Entertainment?” Yang Ming shrugged, “You really know how to describe it.”

“Haha!” Guo Jianchao laughed, “Brother Yang, you didn’t know how shocked and
surprised Chen Zhiye was when I carried him over to the staff preparation room. It
was too satisfying! He still might not understand why Caique abandoned him.”

“If his family’s annihilation and his death were on the line, Caique would
definitely abandon Chen Zhiye. There was no doubt about it,” said Yang Ming as he

Yang Ming was right. When the safety of Caique’s life and his family was
threatened, he chose to abandon Chen Zhiye.

Caique’s bodyguard quickly entered the meeting room. He asked Caique respectfully,
“Family Master, do you need me to do anything?”

“I don’t wish to see those two people in the preparation room anymore. You know
what to do, right?” said Caique as he pointed at the staff preparation room nearby.

“I understand, Family Master. Don’t worry. Leave this to me.” The bodyguard nodded
solemnly. This was the first huge task that the Family Master had given him ever
since taking office. The bodyguard would naturally do it with maximum effort. Only
with this could he gain the Family Master’s approval.

The bodyguard didn’t want his job to be gone after working for just a while. After
all, although it was dangerous to work directly under the Family Master, the
benefits were huge. There were many people that aimed for this position. The
bodyguard didn’t wish for any troubles to happen.

“En,” Caique nodded. He stood up, turned around and left the meeting room. He
believed that the bodyguard had understood his intention.

Caique intended to kill both Chen Zhiye and Chen Xiaolong, and let them disappear
from the world forever. Caique didn’t feel that this was anything inappropriate.
After all, the Douglas Family originated from the underworld in Ello Town. It was
normal for the family to kill off some people.

Although this was not Ello Town, Caique wasn’t worried about anything. He was
confident that his bodyguard would not leave any traces when settling this matter.

After Caique left, the bodyguard walked towards the staff preparation room and
kicked the door open. He told Chen Zhiye and Chen Xiaolong inside whose faces were
filled with fear, “Come out. I’ll bring you both to a good place.”

“No! You can’t do this! I want to see Caique! Where is Caique!” Chen Zhiye heard
the conversation between Caique and the bodyguard in the conference room outside.
He didn’t believe that Caique would abandon him just like that. He was unwilling to
believe it.

He knew that if the bodyguard brought him outside, he would never return. Because
of this, he wanted to find Caique and talk to him face-to-face.

“The family master won’t see you,” the bodyguard said coldly. “Don’t force me to
take action.”

“No! I have followed the Family Master through life and death! I have been working
under him loyally for so many years! He can’t abandon me just like that!” Chen
Zhiye howled, “I have to see Caique! I have to ask him if he has any kindness left
in him!”

Caique didn’t actually go very far away. He was standing near the conference room,
so he heard Chen Zhiye’s howls very clearly. However, he did not go in. He knew how
to be decisive.

It was hard for Caique to make this choice as well. He was reluctant to let Chen
Zhiye die just like that. After all, Chen Zhiye had been following him ever since
he was trying to make a living. To give him up just like that…

However, everything that obstructed the family’s benefits had to be removed!

Besides, if Chen Zhiye didn’t die, Caique would have to instead. Caique wasn’t a

Hmph. If you didn’t convince me to go against Yang Ming for your son, would I come
to Song Jiang? Would I fall into this situation? If it wasn’t for you, would I lose
all the Douglas Vast Hotels in China? Caique he didn’t feel that bad anymore when
he thought of this. Chen Zhiye asked for it himself. If it wasn’t for him, I would
not end up in this state. I would still be the Family Master in Europe, and would
be able to command anyone anytime I want every day, which is pretty satisfying.

As Caique thought of this, he started to move his legs. He quickly left the meeting
room and went downstairs. He still had many things to do. For example, he had to
calculate the numbers of Douglas Vast Hotels in China and it’s assets.

Although he was the Family Master, he still needed to talk to the family’s elders.
Caique dialed the elder’s telephone again.

“Family Master Caique, why are you calling again? Do you still have any other
problems?” The elder was pondering why Caique had called him again in such a short

“Elder, please tell someone to collect data about the locations and asset’s
framework of all the Douglas Vast Hotels in China,” said Caique.

“Oh? Why do you suddenly want to calculate this data?” The elder asked curiously.

“I’m preparing to give away all the Douglas Vast Hotels in China,” said Caique.

“What… Give away?” The elder was stunned. I didn’t hear wrongly, right? Caique
wants to give away all the Douglas Vast Hotel in China? What kind of joke is this?
That’s assets worth tens of billions of yuan!
“That’s right, give it away,” Caique said helplessly. “I have to give it away. I
just received two million yuan out of courtesy. However, I’m not sure if we can
receive it.”

“Caique, are you crazy? You want to give the family’s assets away? What are you
thinking? Why is a family master helping others by bringing loss to the family?”
The elder was angry. According to seniority, he was Caique’s uncle, so he could
scold Caique.

“Elder… I have no choice. If I don’t give it away, I will be done for. Our Douglas
Family will also be done for…” Caique wasn’t prepared to tell anyone about him
trying to support Chen Zhiye to show off. He just explained with a vague sentence.
If not, this would be his responsibility. He didn’t want to lose his family master
position just like that.

“Done for? Caique, what are you talking about? Who are you giving it to? Who dares
to be so arrogant, and can bring doom to our Douglas Family?” The elder was angry
after hearing this. What kind of family is the Douglas Family? Who dares to be so

“Yang Ming …” said Caique as he sighed.

“…” The elder became silent after hearing Yang Ming’s name.

Caique did not rush him. He just allowed the elder to slowly absorb the knowledge.
When he knew that Yang Ming was the ruthless person, he was also shocked for a long

“Caique, you’re saying that Yang Ming wants all of our hotels in China?” The elder
finally spoke. In contrast to his arrogant tone just now, he started to speak

“Yes… It’s him… This is the reason why I made a phone call to you just now.” Caique
just said that Yang Ming wanted it, but did not specify the reason. After all,
everyone he brought here were underlings he could trust. He wasn’t afraid that the
family would get wind of it when he returned.

“Alright, I’ll find someone to find all the locations of the Douglas Vast Hotels in
China and calculate its assets. I’ll give you a reply as soon as possible.” The
elder immediately agreed when he heard that Yang Ming wanted them.

The elder was very clear who Yang Ming was. He believed that if Yang Ming wanted to
eliminate the Douglas Family, he would only need a few minutes. The Lancer Family
was an example.

“Alright. Call me as soon as possible,” said Caique.

After hanging up the phone, Caique let out a sigh of relief. Luckily, the elder did
not ask why Yang Ming wanted the hotels. Otherwise, he would need some time to
explain it.

However, he didn’t know why the elder didn’t even ask the reason behind it. Yang
Ming didn’t need a reason if he wanted all the Douglas Vast Hotels in China. It
could just be a whim, or he might have planned it beforehand. But the end result
was that Yang Ming still wanted it. Even if they didn’t want to, they had to give
it away.

Caique had never personally experienced how scary Yang Ming was. However, the elder
knew, which was why he was so afraid.
After entering the elevator, Caique could not hear Chen Zhiye’s screams anymore.
This is something he started. Just let him take responsibility for it.

Chapter 1525: I Am Dead/ Misunderstood

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1825: I Am Dead

“Stop yelling. The Family Master has already left,” the bodyguard said coldly at
Chen Zhiye without the slightest trace of emotion in his gaze.

“No! Impossible. Caique will not give up on me. I am his loyal subordinate. I have
always been with him from the cradle to the grave [1], helping him handle all sorts
of matters. He will not give up on me. You are lying. You go and bring Caique to
me,” Chen Zhiye shrieked as loud as he could.

The bodyguard was amused when he heard Chen Zhiye’s words. He thought in his heart,
You are his loyal subordinate? That person is me, right? I am his bodyguard, who
has followed him from cradle to the grave and I am busy helping him handle all
sorts of matters. And you are saying to the contrary?

“No need to look for him. If the Family Master wanted to see you, he would have
already met with you. If he doesn’t want to meet you, he won’t meet you again.”
said the bodyguard. “Stop talking any more nonsense. Would you rather leave by
yourself or do you want me to knock you out and drag your body away?”

“I…I will do it myself…” said Chen Zhiye. All of a sudden, he pounced up and held
the bodyguard tightly with his whole body. He did not let him budge even a bit. He
then shouted, “Xiaolong, run away immediately!”

“Dad…you…” Chen Xiaolong was scared to the point of choking, but he did not dare to
say anything in this situation. So, Chen Xiaolong had been hiding behind his
father. At this time, he saw his father restraining Caique’s bodyguard to give him
some time to escape. Chen Xiaolong was at a loss!

Although he was headstrong, he was not entirely foolish. At this moment, Chen
Xiaolong understood that his father wanted to sacrifice his life to let him escape.
But his father definitely could not escape. At this time, if he runs away…

“Don’t waste time! Run away now!” Chen Zhiye shrieked anxiously. “Why are you still
daydreaming? Run now!”

“Ah… yes!” Chen Xiaolong knew that there was no use in staying here with his
father. He did not know any martial arts, nor did he have any means of protecting
himself, let alone saving his father.

If I run away, my father will be glad and happy even if he dies. With this thought,
Chen Xiaolong responded and ran away.

Caique’s bodyguard looked disdainfully at Chen Xiaolong running towards the

conference room’s door. He shook his head disdainfully and punched Chen Zhiye’s
lower abdomen. Chen Zhiye groaned but still clung to the bodyguard tightly,
refusing to let go.

A human’s potential is unlimited once it erupts. Chen Zhiye had only one thought at
that time., He had to hold on to the bodyguard and let Chen Xiaolong run away. So,
Chen Zhiye gripped the bodyguard’s hands even tighter.

The bodyguard frowned. He did not think that Chen Zhiye would be troublesome. He
initially thought that he could knock Chen Zhiye aside with one punch. The
bodyguard punched Chen Zhiye again once he felt Chen Zhiye’s grip becoming even
tighter. This time, instead of hitting Chen Zhiye’s abdomen, he hit a fatal part –
the head.

“Bang” a loud noise could be heard. Chen Zhiye’s temple was dented halfway by his

The bodyguards were all trained professionals. They were extremely powerful.
Ordinary people could not be selected as Caique’s bodyguard.

This time, Chen Zhiye was unable to withstand the bodyguard’s strike. His skull was
fractured, and he immediately passed out and died. However, his hands still held on
to the bodyguard tightly.

It was obvious that his love for Chen Xiaolong transcended all. If Yang Ming was
present, he would have lamented how great a father’s love was. But from another
perspective, this excessive love had caused the present tragedy of the Chen father
and son!

If Chen Zhiye did not dote on Chen Xiaolong excessively, he would not have asked
Caique for help, and the current tragedy would not have happened today. So, such
excessive fatherly love was not acceptable.

“Dad!” As Chen Xiaolong ran to the door, he saw the scene of Chen Zhiye’s head
being flattened halfway! Obviously, Chen Zhiye would not survive if he was not sent
to the hospital immediately. And even if he was sent to the hospital, it was
unknown if he could be saved.

Chen Xiaolong screamed at the top of his voice and tears brimmed in his eyes. At
this moment, he began to regret. He regretted that he provoked Yang Ming and
harrassed Chen Mengyan…

Chen Mengyan was not meant for him. This tragedy was the result of seeking
something that he was not meant to have.

However, what had been done could not be undone. There was no turning back. His
father had sacrificed his life to protect him. He must be strong and live so that
his father’s death was not in vain!

Chen Xiaolong quickened his pace and ran out of the conference room.

The bodyguard frowned. He could not let Chen Xiaolong escape. Otherwise, he would
not be able to bear the Family Master’s wrath. He saw that Chen Zhiye still clasped
his hands tightly. The bodyguard shook off the grip forcefully.
“Ka…” the sound of a bone fracturing could be heard. Chen Zhiye’s hand was wrenched
off by the bodyguard and was thrown aside. He then broke into a run towards the
direction where Chen Xiaolong escaped.

Chen Xiaolong was dumb and had no experience of escaping. He rushed straight into
the elevator after running out of the conference room. He pressed the button to go
to the first floor. He thought the elevator was the fastest way to escape. Even if
the bodyguard caught up, he could only wait for the elevator to return and then go
down. By that time, he would have run far away.

But, he forgot that there was something in this world called an emergency exit.
There were staircases in every hotel in addition to elevators.

The bodyguard chased until the elevator and glanced at the descending elevator. He
then turned, ran straight to the emergency exit and went down the stairs.

The bodyguard was a professional. He just slid down the handrails instead of
running down the stairs. After a few landings, he reached the first floor, and
stopped by the side of the elevator.

The elevator had not arrived yet.

The elevator reached the first floor with a “beep” sound and the elevator door
slowly opened. Chen Xiaolong did not look outside and rushed out. He wanted to
escape here as fast as possible.

“Bang.” Chen Xiaolong felt that he had crashed into something as soon as he ran out
of the elevator. He stumbled from the impact.

“Dang it, don’t get in the way!” Chen Xiaolong found that the thing he crashed into
was a person. So, he blurted out a curse and wanted to sidestep them to continue
escaping. He did not want his collar to be lifted by someone else.

“Go back, kid. You can’t run away,” said the bodyguard coldly. His heart reasoned
that this kid was an inexperienced person. Otherwise, he would have to work hard to
catch him.

“Ah-“ Chen Xiaolong wanted to call for help, but his mouth was covered and stifled
by the bodyguard. The bodyguard shoved him into the elevator and closed the
elevator door.

He then pressed the button for the conference room floor room. The elevator slowly
started to ascend.

In the elevator, the bodyguard released his hand covering Chen Xiaolong’s mouth.
The surveillance camera in this elevator belonged to the hotel. He was not afraid
of Chen Xiaolong yelling and calling for help.

“Kid, don’t think about running away. Anybody targeted by the Family Master isn’t
able to run away!” the bodyguard said coldly without any expression.

Of course, these words could only apply to Chen Xiaolong and Chen Zhiye. Goode’s
father, the former Family Master of the Douglas family, did not want to let Yang
Ming go. But what was the result?

Chen Xiaolong was shocked and furious now. He did not expect that the bodyguard
would arrive at the elevator door faster than him. How could he still be alright
now that he was captured?

However, even if he wanted to run, he was unable to do so. How could he match this
burly macho man?

That’s right! I can play dead! Chen Xiaolong consciously thought of a “brilliant”
plan.. If he thinks I am dead, this bodyguard will let me go, right?

It was obvious that Chen Xiaolong’s idea was really stupid and naive.

“Ah… I’m dead…” Chen Xiaolong thought about it, then rolled his eyes, and collapsed
directly to the ground with a “bang”. He laid stiff in the elevator.

“Hey?!” The bodyguard was dumbfounded. Is he dead?

Before he died, he said that he was going to die? Is there such a stupid person? Is
there… Is there… Is there really such a stupid person?

The bodyguard did not know what to say. He was unable to find words to describe his
current feelings. He had run into the world’s most stupid situation. He did not
expect that there would be such a stupid person in this world. This stupidity was

Does he think that he is a fairy? Can he even predict his death beforehand?

The bodyguard was really speechless looking at Chen Xiaolong motionlessly lying on
the ground with rolled eyes.

“Hello?” the bodyguard kicked Chen Xiaolong.

Chen Xiaolong was motionless. Come to think of it, it’s a pain to play dead. Chen
Xiaolong’s eyes were getting sore. Hopefully, this bodyguard believes it.

“I heard that when someone dies, they stretch out their right leg and whine…” the
bodyguard wanted to play with Chen Xiaolong. “This kid didn’t whine. Is he faking
his death?”

###Chapter 1826: Misunderstood

The bodyguard was qualified to come here with Caique, so naturally he was
proficient in Mandarin. So, there was no obstacle for him to communicate with Chen

Ah? After a person dies, they stretch out their right leg and whine? Chen Xiaolong
hesitated in his heart when he heard the bodyguard’s words. Is this true? How come
I have never heard of such a thing before?

But, I have not seen what a dead person looks like. Who could know if the dead
person lets out an “alas” at their time of passive? However, the bodyguard’s voice
sounds serious. He should not be bluffing, right?

That’s right. I once heard an idiom called “To Breathe One’s Last [2]”, which means
“alas”. It probably refers to this. Otherwise, why would it be called “to breathe
one’s last” instead of “an astonishing life of a turtle”?

Chen Xiaolong became increasingly certain when he thought of this. It must be so.
This bodyguard did not lie to me.
“Alas—” Chen Xiaolong quickly stretched out his right leg, whined, and then
continued lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

“…” The bodyguard did not know what to say. He powerfully kicked Chen Xiaolong’s
buttock. “For goodness sake, stop pretending. Get up now! I have never seen such a
stupid person. Too stupid!”

“Wail…” Swoosh, Chen Xiaolong jerked painfully on the ground. He could not hold it
anymore, and immediately screamed.

Chen Xiaolong knew that he could not pretend anymore. He could only get up from the
ground and cover his buttock with both hands. He could not stand still, but he
glared viciously at the bodyguard, “You were lying to me?”

“Who would believe your way of playing dead?” the bodyguard twitched his lips
mockingly at him. “Before you “died”, you actually announced that you were about to
die. Are you afraid that others will not know that you are dead?”

“This…” Chen Xiaolong was embarrassed. He did not know what a dead person looked
like. He had simply yelled once then. How could he know that the bodyguard would
reason so much? He was even more enraged when he heard the bodyguard’s mocking,
“Then, you have been fooling with me after that?”

“So what if I am fooling with you?” the bodyguard smiled. “Your dad’s death was
really in vain for having such an idiot like you for a son.”

“You can not insult my father!” Chen Xiaolong stuck out his neck stubbornly.

“Huh? This little rascal is trying to be brave?” said the bodyguard dismissively.
“However, save your courage for when you see your dad. You will be meeting with him
soon enough.”

“What do you mean…?” Before Chen Xiaolong could finish his question, he felt a
sudden sharp pain on his head. Then, everything in front of him faded to black and
he knew nothing.

When the bodyguard saw that the elevator was about to stop, he immediately took
action and knocked Chen Xiaolong out. He was worried that this kid would misbehave.
This kid might mess around again after they got out of the elevator. Then, he would
have to go through the trouble of capturing him again.

The elevator door opened with a “ding”. The bodyguard lifted Chen Xiaolong out of
the elevator and went straight to the conference room.

This was the hotel management floor. So, no outsiders were roaming around here. The
bodyguard was not worried that his actions would be seen.

Back in the conference room, the bodyguard dropped Chen Xiaolong next to Chen
Zhiye’s “corpse”. At first, the bodyguard did not plan to take action in the
conference room. He thought of finding a deserted spot by the sea and killing Chen
Zhiye and Chen Xiaolong there. Then, he would use a motorboat to dump the corpses
at a place where they could be consumed by swarms of sharks. But, now it seemed
that he could only do it in the hotel.

The blood of these two people would have already coagulated by the time he got to
sea, so they would not be able to attract the swarms of sharks. Only the smell of
fresh blood could attract swarms of sharks. When a person was dead for a period of
time, their blood would slowly coagulate.
But, both of them had fainted. It would be troublesome if they were not killed and
taken away. So, the bodyguard took out a long needle and stabbed Chen Xiaolong and
Chen Zhiye in their temples. The two died in a coma without any pain.

After murdering both of them, the bodyguard called another one of Caique’s personal
bodyguards to send two large suitcases. The two packed the corpses of Chen Zhiye
and Chen Xiaolong into the suitcases and carried them out of the hotel.

They immediately drove the hotel’s commercial vehicle straight to the Song Jiang
Dock. As they passed by the vegetable market on the way, the bodyguard went down to
buy a few live chickens. These chickens would be slaughtered at sea and their blood
would be released to attract the sharks.

The Douglas Vast Hotel owned a yacht renting company that was operating on the
dock. The two managed to get a yacht without any difficulties. They carried the two
suitcases containing dead bodies with a few live chickens and went out to sea.

“Boss, this should be fine, right? According to the local sea map, sharks are often
found near here,” said the second bodyguard who had been summoned by the previous
bodyguard while looking at the sea chart.

The previous bodyguard was the leader of these bodyguards. Hence, everyone beneath
him would address him as boss.

“Sang En, please kill a chicken and see if it attracts sharks.” The bodyguard boss
looked at the sea map, nodded, and ordered the other bodyguard.

“Yes!” The bodyguard called Sang En picked up a chicken and went to the deck of the
yacht. He sliced open the blood vessels on the chicken’s neck, and threw the
chicken into the sea.

Although chicken blood flowed out continuously, it soon disappeared due to being
diluted by the seawater.

“Boss, the amount of chicken blood seems to be too little. It didn’t seem to work?”
said Sang En.

“Well, then kill a few more. Anyway, we have bought excess,” said the boss.

“Yes.” Sang En picked up a few more chickens, slaughtered them and threw them into
the sea. “Boss, it’s still not working… Ah, here they are. The sharks are here!”

Sang En had wanted to say that it had not worked, but he saw swarms of sharks
swimming towards them from a distance…

The boss took a look. After he confirmed the sharks’ presence, he said, “Hurry up
and help me throw these two bodies down!”

“Okay.” Sang En helped the boss drag out the suitcase, and then tossed the bodies
of Chen father and son into the sea. By then, the swarm of sharks had arrived,
attracted by the smell of blood, and circled around the corpses. The sharks
repeatedly devoured the chicken and the corpses of the Chen Father and Son until
there were no bones left.

Looking at the vicious sharks, both the boss and Sang En felt a shiver run down
their spines.

“Let’s go. Set sail back,” The boss ordered Sang En after he confirmed that both
corpses of Chen Father and son were destroyed.
“Yes.” Sang En nodded and went back to set sail. The boss dialed Caique’s phone.

“How’s it going?” Caique asked straight away after answering the phone. He had
recognized the caller ID on his phone and knew that the call was from the bodyguard

“Family Master, we have killed the Chen father and son, and thrown their corpses
into the sea to feed the sharks. Sang En and I watched the sharks consume their
corpses before returning,” The boss reported.

“Very good. Both of you did well.” Caique nodded in praise when he heard that the
boss had killed the Chen father and son. “I’ll take note of this incident. Since
you have done it well, I won’t treat you badly.”

“Yes, boss!” The boss was happy. After this incident, perhaps the Family Master
will regard me as a faithful confidant! As for the unfortunate Chen father and son,
they are dead for good.

Caique hung up the call and quickly dialed the number left by Yang Ming. He wanted
to inform Yang Ming quickly that he had carried out Yang Ming’s decision.

Yang Ming had just returned to the Song Jiang International Hotel not long ago and
the phone rang. He picked up the phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

“Hello?” Yang Ming answered the phone. “Who are you looking for?”

“Mr. Yang? I’m Caique!” said Caique carefully.

“Oh, Caique, what’s the matter?” Yang Ming could hear that it was Caique’s voice.
He did not know what Caique called him for as he had just left.

“Mr. Yang, I have followed your instructions to make the Chen Zhiye and Chen
Xiaolong father and son pair disappear forever,” said Caique.

“Disappear forever? What do you mean?” Yang Ming froze.

“I already told my bodyguards to kill them, and threw their corpses into the seas
to feed the sharks.” Caique was afraid Yang Ming did not understand and quickly

“Ah? You killed them?” asked Yang Ming suddenly.

“Yeah. Otherwise, should we not have killed them?” Caique was also stunned. Yang
Ming’s tone made him apprehensive. Did he misunderstand what Yang Ming meant?

Chapter 1526: Shocking News/ Love Replacement

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales
###Chapter 1827: Shocking News

“Oh… what’s done is done.” Yang Ming was speechless. Caique had really
misunderstood what he meant. What Yang Ming meant when he said that he did not want
to see the Chen father and son again in the future was that he expected Caique to
take them both when he returned to his country. But he did not expect Caique to
send someone to kill them!!

At that time, Yang Ming thought that since Chen Zhiye and Chen Fei were related, he
should let them go in the end. But, what was done could not be undone. These two
people more than deserved to die. They were not worthy of any sympathy.

The Chen father and son were just unfortunate.

“You did a good job, a very good job,” said Yang Ming.

“That’s good, that’s good…Hehe, I thought I did something wrong.” Caique breathed a
sigh of relief. “I have asked my family to count the number of Douglas Vast Hotels
in China, and provide their locations and assets owned. I believe the results will
be revealed soon…”

“En, you can contact Guo Jianchao directly about this matter,” said Yang Ming.

“Okay, then there’s no need to bother Mr. Yang…” said Caique. It was better to
contact Guo Jianchao. After all, he was nervous and scared when he had to contact
Yang Ming directly. At least Guo Jianchao didn’t have Yang Ming’s interest, and he
wouldn’t treat Caique the same way.

“…Okay, goodbye.” Yang Ming really did not know what to say. So, Chen Zhiye and
Chen Xiaolong were killed just like that?

“Brother Yang, what’s the matter?” asked Guo Jianchao who was beside Yang Ming. He
could not clearly hear the phone conversation and it was a bit strange.

“Caique ordered someone to kill the Chen father and son pair – Chen Zhiye and Chen
Xiaolong – and throw them into the sea to feed the sharks,” Yang Ming said and
shrugged helplessly. “What I originally meant was to let Caique take them both to
Europe and make them disappear from my sight. I never wanted to see them again, but
I never thought…”

“Hahaha!” Guo Jianchao burst into laughter when he heard Yang Ming’s explanation.
“Brother Yang, this Chen family is too unfortunate, right? Hahaha…”

“I think so too. What’s done is done. It doesn’t matter anyway.” Although Yang Ming
also felt that the Chen father and son were unfortunate, he did not pity them.

“This Caique is even more ruthless.” Guo Jianchao sighed. “Although I really wanted
to kill Chen Zhiye, I had no courage to do so.”

Guo Jianchao was doing legitimate business. So naturally he could not be involved
in these aspects, and Yang Ming would not let him be involved.

“I asked Caique to sort out the hotels’ information and negotiate with you. Just
follow up with it.” Yang Ming delegated the entire matter to Guo Jianchao, as he
did not have the time to deal with these things.

The property rights of all the Douglas Vast Hotels in China was an astronomical
asset in the eyes of others, but it was nothing in Yang Ming’s eyes.

The final outcome of the Douglas Vast Hotel’s supposed acquisition which rocked the
entire Song Jiang business community shocked everyone!

Half a month after the news of the acquisition surfaced, the Douglas Vast Hotel
announced some very important news across all mainstream media. The Douglas
International Hotel Group would be transferring the property rights of all the
Douglas Vast Hotels in China to the Song Jiang Ming Yang Entertainment Company.
Within one year, all the hotels’ names would be gradually changed to the Song Jiang
International Hotel.

The news was brief, and did not explain the reason or the transfer price, but such
news stirred up a perilous situation! Uninformed foreigners could only sigh at the
strong financial resources of the Song Jiang Ming Yang Entertainment Company. They
had unexpectedly completed such a large-scale acquisition all at once. Perhaps, the
purchase amount was more than ten billion.

But everyone in the Song Jiang’s local business community all understood that
things were not as simple as they seemed! Half a month ago, the Douglas Vast Hotel
had aggressively announced across major news media that it would acquire the Song
Jiang International Hotel. Half a month later, instead of acquiring the Song Jiang
International Hotel, the Douglas Vast Hotel was acquired!

Moreover, this acquisition was not simply an ordinary acquisition, but a total
acquisition! The property rights of all the Douglas Vast Hotels in China were
transferred to the Song Jiang Ming Yang Entertainment Company which was the parent
company of the Song Jiang International Hotel. What did this mean? It meant that
the Douglas Vast Hotel’s acquisition plan had not only failed, but they also had to
pay a price!

Speculation, shock, and terror flooded the entire business community in Song Jiang.
Those who previously thought that the Douglas Vast Hotel was powerful as they were
supported by an international group and the Douglas Family, only now knew how naive
they were at the time!

The surface strength of the Ming Yang Group was perhaps just the tip of the
iceberg. Their hidden strength was definitely more than this. Otherwise, how could
the Douglas family with decades of hard work sell off all the Douglas Vast Hotels
in China?

This really meant that their business was driven out of China. To start from
scratch again would be very difficult. Henceforth, the Douglas Vast Hotel would
become history in China.

The Douglas family also withdrew from the hotel industry stage in China.

When this news broke out, the head of investment promotion for the Douglas Hotel
was baffled, so he called Caique.

“Mr. Caique? What in the world is going on?” the head asked. “Are there any
problems? Can I help you to resolve it? Are there some hidden issues? Did the other
party use some unscrupulous means? Do I need to get someone to investigate?”

Investigate Yang Ming? Caique was shocked when he heard this. Dang it, are you
trying to get me killed? If you investigate Yang Ming, he will certainly think that
it was instigated by me even if you do not find anything. When he gets angry, he
will raze our entire Douglas family to the ground. I can not withstand his fury!
“Director Liu, sorry about that. This is a decision taken by our family’s senior
management, and has nothing to do with the Ming Yang Entertainment Company,” said
Caique. “Both sides are on friendly terms. But our family will make adjustments to
our business. That’s why this decision was made.”

“In that case… Looks like I was being too sensitive.” Director Liu had nothing more
to say after listening to Caique. He only called out of personal concern. Since the
hotel was built in Song Jiang, it can be called the Douglas Hotel or the Song Jiang
International Hotel. It’s still within Song Jiang’s business. It’s not important
who runs the business.

Caique hung up the phone and was relieved. Fortunately, Director Liu did not
investigate Yang Ming on his own initiative. Otherwise, Caique would have no more
excuses and would die without knowing the reason why.

After the Douglas International Hotel Chain Group released the news to the media,
the Song Jiang Ming Yang Entertainment Company also followed to confirm it. They
indicated that the renaming process of the Douglas Vast Hotels would be completed
one by one within a year.

Although many people were shocked before, they understood that the news was really
true after the Ming Yang Entertainment Company’s confirmation. Since Ming Yang
Entertainment had confirmed it, it must be true.

Uncle Yang Dashan called. Yang Ming answered with a smile, “Uncle, is there

“You little kid. You made Uncle worried. You unexpectedly made such a grand move! I
really thought that your hotel was going to be acquired by the Douglas Hotel Group!
In the end, you acquired them instead. I am shocked!” Yang Dashan was shocked after
reading the news. He could not make any response for a long time, until Ming Yang
Entertainment also confirmed the authenticity of the news. Then, Yang Dashan
hurriedly called Yang Ming.

“It was a last minute decision.” Yang Ming smiled. It was really a last minute
decision for him. If it was not for Caique and Chen Zhiye’s increasing pressure,
Yang Ming would not bother to deal with them.

“Last minute decision? That’s not possible, right? You are joking with Uncle
again!” Of course, Yang Dashan did not believe Yang Ming’s words. “But Uncle is not
an irrational person. Before the announcement, this kind of thing must be kept
secret and not be leaked. Uncle understands.”

“…” Yang Ming knew that his Uncle had misunderstood, but there was really no way to
explain it. So he laughed twice. “Oh… Uncle, it’s something like that.”

“En, Uncle is assured knowing that nothing bad happened to you. Instead, you
acquired such a large business,” said Yang Dashan. “Then I will not disturb you.
You must have a lot of work to do.”

“Okay, do call again.” Yang Ming hung up.

###Chapter 1828: Love Replacement

Jing Xiaolu’s phone call came in not long after his Uncle’s phone call. Jing Xiaolu
did not know about the acquisition previously. She knew that Yang Ming was going to
Yunnan soon. He had no other way to deal with the increasing pressure that the
Douglas Vast Hotel exerted on Song Jiang International Hotel. Jing Xiaolu
understood that Yang Ming did not want to deal with these issues then. Although he
did not agree with the Douglas Hotel’s approach, there was nothing he could say.

Yang Ming did not say anything. What else could she do? Guo Jianchao did ask her
for instructions. Bao Sanli had no solution either.

However, Jing Xiaolu never expected that Yang Ming would suddenly make such a grand
move. She did not know anything until the acquisition was successful and the news
was announced.

Anyway, she was now the chairman of Ming Yang Entertainment. Jing Xiaolu was
somewhat irritated when she thought that Yang Ming had still hidden this from her!
Those curious reporters called her on the phone but Jing Xiaolu could not answer
any of their questions!

Would anyone believe it if Jing Xiaolu said she did not know? Would those reporters
believe it? No way! So, Jing Xiaolu had to be vague, and said that a press
conference would be held after the matter was settled. Only then did the reporters
let Jing Xiaolu go.

However, Jing Xiaolu did not intend to let Yang Ming off so easily. No matter what,
I’m also his woman. Why did he not even say a word about it!?

“Xiaolu…” Yang Ming answered the phone. “What’s the matter?”

“Yang Ming, what’s the matter! Why didn’t you tell me about such a big acquisition?
The reporters are at the door, and I can’t answer any questions…” said Jing Xiaolu
feeling aggrieved.

“Ugh… this thing!” Yang Ming remembered this. Jing Xiaolu was now the chairman of
Ming Yang Entertainment. He had only informed Guo Jianchao, but Jing Xiaolu was
kept in the dark. No wonder Jing Xiaolu was irritated.

“What? You want to renege!” Jing Xiaolu was a little unhappy when she heard Yang
Ming sound like he wanted to shirk responsibility.

“No… Xiaolu. Sorry about that. This incident was my last minute decision.” Yang
Ming said with a bitter smile. “Yesterday, Chen Zhiye suddenly came to the
International Hotel and found Guo Jianchao. He said that he wanted to acquire us.
The negotiation date was set to today. So, I went over today. Who knew that Chen
Zhiye would be aggressive, and as a result, I acquired them out of anger. This
matter was a last minute decision. So, I did not inform you.”

“Oh, I see…” Jing Xiaolu understood Yang Ming. Sometimes Yang Ming would just
satisfy certain people as long as it was not intolerable. Since Yang Ming said it
was a last minute decision, that must be the case. Jing Xiaolu was a little
embarrassed about her questions. “Yang Ming, I was wrong to blame you. I’m sorry…”

“There is nothing to be sorry about.” Yang Ming laughed. “You don’t need to be so
polite with me. It makes me feel so distant.”

“En, then I will not be polite with you. Hurry up and ask someone to explain the
acquisition plan to me, lest others ask and I know nothing,” said Jing Xiaolu.

“Okay, I’ll have Guo Jianchao handle this. I will ask him to tell you,” Yang Ming
suggested. “In the future, Ming Yang Entertainment can set up a separate hotel
management department to manage these hotels. I think we should let Guo Jianchao be
responsible for this.”

“En, I’ll follow your suggestion. I will discuss it with Brother Bao and make
arrangements at that time,” Jing Xiaolu answered.

Guo Jianchao also heard what Yang Ming said, and his face suddenly lit up with
excitement! Guo Jianchao was very touched and excited by Yang Ming’s high regard
for him. It seemed that his loyalty to Yang Ming for so long had not been wasted.
Yang Ming held him in high regards.

Guo Jianchao waited for Yang Ming to hang up before saying excitement, “Brother
Yang…I… I’m afraid I can’t do it…”

“Really… a man should not say he can’t…” Yang Ming patted Guo Jianchao’s shoulder.

“Ugh…” Guo Jianchao broke into a sweat. He did not expect Yang Ming to joke with
him. “Brother Yang, I’m really afraid that…I can’t do it…”

“Hehe, how can you know that you are incompetent if you haven’t even attempted it?”
Yang Ming laughed. “Bao Sanli is not as good as you. At least you went through
proper education. You used to study business management. What about him? Isn’t he
doing well too?”

“I… will try then!” Guo Jianchao nodded.

“Don’t try, you must do it well,” said Yang Ming.

“Okay, Brother Yang. Rest assured, I will do well!” Guo Jian nodded rapidly.

The storm caused by the Douglas Hotel acquisition ended here. Although this matter
would be a conversation topic for some people for a long time, Yang Ming had
already returned to a peaceful life.

As for Zhao Ying, Yang Ming had still not found a proper way to deal with her. He
could not let go, but he did not know if he should go further, or how he could go

He figured that he was attracted to Zhao Ying around the same time as Chen Mengyan…
If not for Zhao Ying’s hesitation, she would already be with him.

However, Zhao Ying also had her own misgivings at the beginning. A student-teacher
relationship had always been a stigma and a taboo. However, Zhao Ying had resigned
and become a student again. The two of them did no longer faced this obstacle, but
because of a series of misunderstandings, the gap between them widened.

Yang Ming tentatively sent Zhao Ying a chat invitation. He unexpectedly received a
quick reply, “What?”

Yang Ming and Zhao Ying’s online relationship was becoming more and more ambiguous.
Yang Ming could always find topics suitable for Zhao Ying. After all, Yang Ming
knew the real Zhao Ying well.

“How come you are online at this time?” Yang Ming felt a bit strange. It was
afternoon. Zhao Ying should be in class.

“Don’t you know that phones can connect to QQ?” Zhao Ying was dumbfounded.

“I don’t know. I know that you can read novels through phones…” Yang Ming replied.
Zhao Ying was quite upset lately. She was even more upset after seeing Yang Ming
with Sun Jie that night. She did not expect that her good friend Sun Jie was also
Yang Ming’s woman. Although Zhao Ying did not have any other thoughts about Sun
Jie, she felt annoyed in her heart. How come all my friends one by one have a
relationship with Yang Ming, but I can not make any progress?

Zhao Ying felt that her relationship with Yang Ming was gradually becoming more
distant. It was no longer as intimate as it had been during their time at Song
Jiang No. 4 High School. That moonlit night in spring would never happen again.

As Yang Ming gradually matured, more and more girls appeared by his side. Zhao Ying
felt that she had no advantage at all.

Of course, on one hand, this caused Zhao Ying to be upset. On the other hand, this
caused her to be totally at loss. Zhao Ying felt that she had really developed
feelings for “There’s No True Love In This World”. As the chat between them became
more ambiguous, “There’s No True Love In This World” called herself “wife” and
“dear ” more frequently. Zhao Ying did not feel as disgusted as she did before.
Instead, it sounded very comfortable.

In order to be able to chat with “There’s No True Love In This World” more
regularly, Zhao Ying even installed QQ on her phone and connected to the Internet
wherever she went.

Zhao Ying was not consciously a person who was fickle in relationships. On the
contrary, she was very dedicated and persistent. Otherwise, she would not quit her
school job and go to the same university as Yang Ming.

However, Zhao Ying’s feelings for “There’s No True Love In This World” were similar
to what she felt towards Yang Ming! It was just like when she wanted to be in love
with Yang Ming but was not certain. This was what Zhao Ying was most upset about.

How can I do this? I have already decided to love only Yang Ming all my life. How
can I be interested in someone else? But, she couldn’t deny that she felt the same
way about “There’s No True Love In This World” as she did Yang Ming. Sometimes,
Zhao Ying even regarded him as a replacement for Yang Ming.

Chapter 1527: Really Difficult to Handle/ Unlucky Fan Jinzhe

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1829: Really Difficult To Handle

Although Zhao Ying knew that it was wrong, sometimes she couldn’t help but treat
the person she was chatting with as Yang Ming. When she became aware of this, Zhao
Ying felt that maybe she should calm down.

She didn’t know if she really liked “There’s No True Love In This World”, or simply
treated him as an emotional substitute for Yang Ming. This was the crucial
question. If she just treated him as an emotional substitute for Yang Ming, then it
didn’t count as her being fickle. She was just maintaining an illusion
psychologically and emotionally.

But what if she liked “There’s No True Love In This World”? Then would she be two-

Zhao Ying didn’t know who she could talk to about this. Should I talk to Sun Jie?
Of course not. If I talk to Sun Jie, Yang Ming would probably learn about it
immediately. Zhao Ying didn’t think Sun Jie could keep a secret to the point of
hiding things from Yang Ming.

Should I talk to Wang Xiaoyan? That is even more difficult. It’s the same as
talking to Sun Jie. I only have two good friends in Song Jiang, yet I can’t talk to
either of them. In the end, Zhao Ying could only hold these things in her heart.

Just as she was being upset, “There’s No True Love In This World” looked for her

Sometimes, Zhao Ying would ponder if she really considered “There’s No True Love In
This World” as an emotional substitute for Yang Ming, why would she think of QQ all
the time?

Zhao Ying knew very well that “There’s No True Love In This World” was not Yang
Ming. He was not from the start. The two had known each other for a long time, but
Zhao Ying didn’t want to admit that she had fallen in love with this internet
friend she’d never met before.

Zhao Ying felt embarrassed. Am I considered to be fickle? But taking a closer look,
the distance between me and Yang Ming is becoming further and further, and I’m
becoming closer to “There’s No True Love In This World”. If things continue
escalating like this, what choice should I make?

“What’s the matter?” Zhao Ying replied.

“It’s nothing. I haven’t seen you for a few days. I miss you a little bit,” Yang
Ming sent a 😘 in reply.

“How was it a few days? You were only offline yesterday, right?” Zhao Ying
replied 😡.

Ha, Yang Ming thought to himself. Zhao Ying remembers it quite clearly. Looks like
my online pick-up plan has some results. Sun Jie seems to be right. Online dating
is a good way to conquer Zhao Ying.

“Is that so? But don’t other people say that a day apart seems like three years?”
Yang Ming said shamelessly.

“Tsk. Why don’t you miss your girlfriend instead? Why are you missing me?” Zhao
Ying’s heart was a little moved, but she still replied to the message dismissively.

“Aren’t you my girlfriend?” Yang Ming continued shamelessly.

“Me? When did this happen? I know nothing about it” Zhao Ying was startled seeing
Yang Ming’s message. She looked around and found that Sun Jie wasn’t paying
attention to her, and nobody else was as well. Zhao Ying was relieved and replied
to Yang Ming.
“If I called you wife and you had no objections, then you naturally are,” Yang Ming
continued on shamelessly.

“… I was too lazy to correct you every time.” Zhao Ying was speechless. This
“There’s No True Love In This World”‘s face was thick enough to compete with Yang

Me… Why do I keep on comparing him with Yang Ming? What do I want to do!

Zhao Ying’s heart became even more disturbed. Although Zhao Ying didn’t want to
admit it, she was already a bit moved in reality.

Zhao Ying went through another lecture in confusion. She didn’t understand
anything. Looking at the tired Xiao Qing on the podium, Zhao Ying felt a bit
ashamed. Zhao Ying had wasted this lecture.

“Zhao Ying, let’s eat together later?” Sun Jie packed up the textbooks on the table
then put them in a carry bag while telling Zhao Ying beside her, “Qing Qing also
has nothing to do later.”

“Ah… I don’t think I will join. I still have another class on world economics
later. You all go ahead…” Zhao Ying was startled and quickly exited the QQ window
while raising her head, replying unnaturally.

Actually, the viewing angle from the phone screen was quite small. Plus, the screen
protector on it made it difficult for people beside her to see what exactly was
displayed on the screen. It was only Zhao Ying’s guilty conscience that made her do

“Oh? Alright. I forgot that economics majors have the most subjects.” Sun Jie
didn’t pay much attention to Zhao Ying’s little actions, “Some other day then. I’ll
go ahead with Qing Qing. I’m about to starve to death. I only ate some noodles at

At noon, Sun Jie and Zhao Ying ate oil noodles [1] at a new noodle restaurant in
front of the school. Although it was delicious, the portion was too little. If they
had known earlier, they would have ordered a larger bowl.

“En.” Zhao Ying put away the textbook on the desk and nodded.

“I’m leaving first!” Sun Jie waved at Zhao Ying. Sun Jie had taken Zhao Ying as her
own. After dinner that day, Sun Jie also understood Zhao Ying’s identity and knew
that she would be with Yang Ming sooner or later, so she didn’t regard Zhao Ying as
an outsider.

“En.” Zhao Ying looked at Sun Jie’s back and sighed. Sun Jie treated her as a real
sister. How could Zhao Ying not know that?

Zhao Ying was very grateful to Sun Jie in her heart, but at the same time, she was
a little worried. She was worried about how Sun Jie would treat her if she knew
that Zhao Ying was fickle and fell in love with an online friend.

Sigh … Zhao Ying grabbed her hair. This is really difficult to handle!

Fan Jinzhe was very upset for a while. He felt that he was played by Yang Ming!
Previously in the Song Jiang International Hotel’s private restaurant room, Yang
Ming had convinced him that he had offended a vengeful spirit!
Yang Ming spoke so plausibly, and really understood his thoughts. So naturally, Fan
Jinzhe believed the vengeful spirit story. He couldn’t even care to please Zhao
Ying, and stumbled to escape from the private room. He was ready to hurry back to
find a way to break the curse. In the end, he collided into someone else’s car
while he was driving because he was so shaken up. Fan Jinzhe couldn’t wait for the
people from the insurance company to come as he didn’t want to stay outside for too
long. He felt that the outside was too dangerous, so he paid the car owner
privately and hurried home.

In his opinion, the vengeful spirit must have manifested as he got into an accident
while driving by himself. He didn’t dare to linger any longer!

After Fan Jinzhe returned home, he did not dare to go out. He searched the Internet
for all things related to “Vengeful spirits”, and found quite a lot of websites
about them. But most of them were horror stories and movies. Of course, there was a
small part about the introduction of “vengeful spirits”. After Fan Jinzhe read the
introduction, he felt horrified and didn’t even dare to step outside his door. He
stayed at home and ate only instant noodles and takeaway. He didn’t go to school,
nor the company.

However, Fan Jinzhe also knew that staying at home like this couldn’t achieve
anything. Yang Ming mentioned that the manifestation of this vengeful spirit also
varied. There were some people who died of cancer. There was no saying how one
would die. There was no fixed pattern on the cause of death. I wouldn’t get any
cancer, right?

Thinking of this, Fan Jinzhe felt that he couldn’t continue staying at home. He
should go to a hospital to have a full physical examination to see if he was ill.

As a result, Fan Jinzhe drove out the door carefully and went to the largest First
People’s Hospital in Song Jiang city. He took a number and paid for a full body
examination. He was busy the entire day with blood tests and urine tests. The test
results showed that Fan Jinzhe was very healthy. Aside from a little deficiency in
his kidneys, there were no major problems.

Fan Jinzhe knew about the kidney deficiency. A while ago, he hired a girl at a
nightclub. He went to the club every day after school to mess around. In many
cases, it was several times in a single night. After this continued for more than a
year, Fan Jinzhe also knew that he couldn’t continue on like that. However, he
couldn’t live without the feeling of ecstasy until he saw Zhao Ying. Fan Jinzhe
lost all interest in the uncultured girl who only knew how to dress up after that.
So he gave her a sum of money and dismissed her.

Although Fan Jinzhe had made great efforts to replenish his body, the previous
deficit was too serious. It wasn’t something that could be easily replenished.

Holding up the inspection report, Fan Jinzhe frowned. He was not ill. Is it that
the vengeful spirit has not manifested yet? But it has been many days. It should be
time for the vengeful spirit to manifest?

###Chapter 1830: Unlucky Fan Jinzhe

However, just because his body wasn’t ill, it didn’t mean that the vengeful spirit
wouldn’t take his life in other ways. Fan Jinzhe didn’t dare to let his guard down.
He pulled strings in order to find a way to resolve this and finally managed to
contact a master from Mount Wutai – Master Sanjie.
This Master Sanije was said to have great magic powers. He had lived for over a
hundred and fifty years. He could reach up into the heavens and below to the
spiritual world. He could talk to the saints in the heavens as well as the demons
in the underworld.

This master Sanjie also had deep knowledge regarding exorcism. There were also
stories about a big boss named Lai Changyi who was entangled by a fox spirit. This
fox spirit was defeated by Master Sanjie.

Otherwise, Lai Changyi would be dead. All major hospitals have said that he was a
gone case. This Master Sanije found the root cause with one glance.

Fan Jinzhe heard that Master Sanjie was very powerful, so he quickly looked for
connections and invited Master Sanjie with a huge amount of money.

“Master …” Fan Jinzhe shoved a red envelope into Master Sanjie’s hands.

“Money is merely a worldly possession. If I really need to do something, I will

naturally ask you to donate to the temple afterward. But before I do anything, I
will not accept any money,” said Master Sanjie calmly.

What high morals! Fan Jinzhe couldn’t help but secretly nod and praise when he saw
Master Sanjie’s saintly demeanor. He had found such masters before this. However,
most of them were extremely materialistic. They would request for a huge sum of
money, then proceed to act like they were performing an exorcism. But at the end of
the day, they invited Taishang Laojun [2] and Guanyin [3]. After inviting them
over, Fan Jinzhe didn’t feel any different, but they claimed that the vengeful
spirit was chased away.

Fan Jinzhe felt that they were unreliable no matter how he thought about it!
Especially since after they declared the vengeful spirit had been chased away, he
went to another master to explain his situation who told the vengeful spirit
returned! The previous master’s powers were not enough, and the new master had to
do the exorcism again.

Fan Jinzhe was hotheaded at the moment and believed it. He spent another huge sum
of money for that master to help exorcise the vengeful spirit. In the end, that
master also invited saints and ghosts and eventually shouted that he had condemned
the vengeful spirit to the eighteenth level of hell.

Fan Jinzhe thought that since the first master had deceived him, didn’t he spend
money in vain? So he went back in anger, but the master shouted that Fan Jinzhe was
fooled after hearing his intention!

Fan Jinzhe was stunned. Why was I fooled again? So, the first master explained that
he had already helped Fan Jinzhe drive away the vengeful spirit, but Fan Jinzhe had
looked for a half-decent master. The ritual was botched and the vengeful spirit
returned to his body!

Logically, Fan Jinzhe was a very smart person who wouldn’t be fooled normally, but
he was scared to death by Yang Ming and was desperately looking for a cure. Fan
Jinzhe was shocked silly and he believed the first master’s words again.

Fan Jinzhe hurriedly asked the first master what he should do if this vengeful
spirit returned. The master told Fan Jinzhe that he would finish his business. He
demanded another donation from Fan Jinzhe and proclaimed to send the vengeful
spirit away by endangering his own powers.

Fan Jinzhe believed him again, and donated a large sum of money again to the first

The first master did the practice again, and then told Fan Jinzhe that it was done.
The vengeful spirit had been banished.

Fan Jinzhe was relieved, but at the same time, his heart felt uneasy. He was
annoyed that the second master had caused the vengeful spirit’s return, and made
him spend extra money. So Fan Jinzhe went back to the second master to ask for

In the end, it became worse. When the second master saw Fan Jinzhe returning, he
pointed at Fan Jinzhe before Fan Jinzhe could even open his mouth, “Wait! Don’t
talk first! I know why you came here!”

Fan Jinzhe was momentarily stunned, asking in his heart, You know why I came? Did
you know your powers were not good, so I came back to find you? But Fan Jinzhe
still asked, “Then why don’t you tell me why I am here?”

“Did you return to the first master?” The second master asked, looking at Fan

“Yeah, how did you know?” Fan Jinzhe was baffled. Did this second master have a
similar experience before? Did someone come back from the first master to settle
scores with him?

“Naturally, I predicted it.” The second master threw a gaze shrouded with mystery
at Fan Jinzhe and shook his head sadly, “It’s a pity. What a pity! A proper person
doomed just like that.”

Fan Jinzhe listened to the words of the second master. He was confused and frowned,
“What are you talking about? What about pity and being doomed? Can you speak more
clearly? Who is doomed?”

“Naturally, it is you.” The second master shook his head, “According to my

predictions, after you left me, you went to the former master. Is that correct?”

“Yeah, so what?” Fan Jinzhe was even more confused this time, and he didn’t bother
to find faults with the second master.

“So what?” The second master shook his head, “It’s a pity. A pity that you have
asked him to do another ritual.”

“You … how did you know?” Fan Jinzhe was even more surprised. Is this second master
so powerful that he is even able to predict this? If so, why is his power not good

“Hmph, the vengeful spirit has returned to you! I saw it! How do you think I
know!?” The second master pointed at Fan Jinzhe and said, “I spent so much effort
to drive away the vengeful spirit. Now you have got it back!”

“Ah?!” Fan Jinzhe’s jaw dropped. He was completely dumbfounded. He wasn’t sure what
to do! He was here to get justice from the second master, yet the second master
managed to say everything accurately. It made it impossible for Fan Jinzhe to not
believe him. The second master was boundless. He even managed to predict that Fan
Jinzhe had gone back to the first master!

That’s right, the first master must have lied to me. Shoot, that must be the case!
That guy wanted to get more money from me, but in the end, his power wasn’t strong
enough and caused the vengeful spirit to return!
Thinking of this, Fan Jinzhe was shocked and frightened. He hurriedly asked,
“Master, what do you say I should do now?”

“What can I do? I can’t do anything,” the second master said as he shook his head.
“I can’t help you. You can find whoever you want.”

Once Fan Jinzhe heard that the second master didn’t say anything about giving a
little more donation and risking his powers to chase away the vengeful spirit, Fan
Jinzhe felt that the first master was a liar.

If the second master wanted to lie and get my money, he could have just said so.
Why would he say that it can’t be helped?

Fan Jinzhe knelt down on the ground with a thump, “Master, you have to help me. I …
please. It doesn’t matter how much money you need!”

“It’s not a matter of money. I have expelled the evil spirits from you today, and I
have already lost a lot of power,” said the second master. “Even if you give me
more money, I don’t want to lose more power.”

As soon as he heard the second master saying this, Fan Jinzhe understood that there
was a way, but the second master was unwilling to lose power. It was not

Fan Jinzhe then said, “Master, saving one’s life is better than building seven
temples. Look, you are also a man of Taoism. You should know that saving someone is
the greatest virtue, right?”

After listening to Fan Jinzhe’s words, the second master hesitated for a long time,
but then nodded his head, “Well, then I will help you again. I can help you, but a
large donation is necessary.”

“That is natural!” Fan Jinzhe nodded quickly and agreed.

Then, the second master did another ritual to help Fan Jinzhe drive away the
vengeful spirit.

After Fan Jinzhe paid the donation, he was furious. The first master really harmed
me! He almost made me die. I can’t just let him go! I must show him who’s boss!

After Fan Jinzhe left the second master, he aggressively went towards the first
master! This time, he must expose the first master, and recover the money that he
paid previously.

Chapter 1528: There is No One Stupider Than This/ Being Fooled With
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1831: There Is No One Stupider Than This

In a nutshell, Fan Jinzhe rushed aggressively to the first master. He shouted at
the entrance, “Where is he? Come out! Shoot, you dared to deceive me. I don’t think
you want to continue your business anymore.”

Fan Jinzhe was furious. His bank card was bottomed out from just a few trips back
and forth. More than a hundred thousand yuan was spent. This was his company’s
profit for several months! It was just spent like this. How could he not feel

Furthermore, it was impossible to drive on this rugged mountain road. Fan Jinzhe
walked back and forth entirely by perseverance. He would not have been able to bear
it if it wasn’t for the exorcism.

Even though he was persistent, Fan Jinzhe was still tired and panting, especially
since he had kidney deficiency. His face was pale, and he was about to vomit blood.

“Who is making a fuss here?” The first master knew that Fan Jinzhe had returned,
but still pretended not to know. He stepped out from inside and exclaimed once he
saw Fan Jinzhe, “Ah! You-”

Seeing the first master’s expression, Fan Jinzhe became even more suspicious. He
felt that the first master saw that he had come to expose him and sneered, “What?
Are you surprised to see me?”

“Yeah … very surprised!” The first master assessed Fan Jinzhe a few times and
nodded solemnly.

“Hmph, be surprised. I’m here for you! You big liar, give me my money back!” Fan
Jinzhe gathered his confidence once he saw that the first master admitted to it.

“What? What are you talking about?” The first master froze and looked at Fan
Jinzhe, baffled, “What liar? What money?”

“Ah?” Fan Jinzhe listened to the first master, and said, “Weren’t you surprised I
came previously?”

“Yeah!” The first master frowned, solemnly saying, “You … why is the vengeful
spirit back on your body again?”

“Are you still … what? What are you talking about?” Fan Jinzhe froze suddenly,
“What do you mean the vengeful spirit is back?”

“As soon as you came in, I saw that the vengeful spirit on your body is back. So I
was surprised. What else did you think?” The first master sighed, “Such is fate.
This is how it is fated to be!”

“What are you talking about? What about fate?” Fan Jinzhe scoffed, saying, “I’ll
tell you, you old liar. Don’t use these words to fool me. I don’t believe it. Hurry
up and return the money you scammed from me!”

“Sigh! It’s okay to give you back the money. After all, the vengeful spirit on you
has not been completely driven away, so it is also considered my failure!” The
first master said, “However, don’t you talk first. I’ll calculate how the vengeful
spirit returned to you.”

“En?” Fan Jinzhe was stunned, and saw the first master pinching his fingers
together and calculating.

After a long while, the first master raised his eyebrows and said, “That’s it …
that’s really how it is! Did you go to the previous master?”

“Ah? How did you know?” Fan Jinzhe asked this time without being angry.

“Of course I calculated it!” said the first master. “It’s all because I didn’t tell
you in advance. You were deceived by him again. His power does not work, and the
vengeful spirit that I drove away was summoned back by him!”

“You … don’t lie to me!” Fan Jinzhe was startled. But thinking that the previous
master said the same before, he calmed himself and said, “Impossible!”

“If you say it’s impossible, then it’s impossible! I’ll return the donations back
to you. Your life and death has nothing to do with me. Once you return and die by
the vengeful spirit, you can’t damage my reputation.” The first master continued,
“I’ll go and get you the money.”

“This …” Hearing what the first master said, Fan Jinzhe also hesitated! This is not
right. Now it seems that this first master is not a liar. Otherwise, why would he
return the money so easily?

Unless … what he said is true? The vengeful spirit on my body has really returned?
The first master is unwilling to take responsibility, so he gave me the money back
so easily? It must be so!

Thinking of this, Fan Jinzhe could no longer remain calm, and shouted, “Master,
wait! Wait a minute!”

The first master walked a long way and said in his heart. I was just waiting for
this. But on the surface he was still very confused and turned his head, “Is there
anything else?”

“Master, please save me … help me to drive away the vengeful spirit …” Fan Jinzhe
quickly said, “I don’t want the money …”

“I better return the money to you. Today, I have made an exception to help you
banish the spirit twice at the risk of losing power, but you went to get the
vengeful spirit back again. I can’t help it. You should go to someone else!” The
first master waved his hand and said decisively.

“Master, master, don’t leave. Please save me, please!” Hearing the first Master say
this, Fan Jinzhe no longer doubted him, begging, “I was wrong. It was my bad…”

“It’s not that I don’t want to save you. It’s that I did it twice in one day. It is
something extremely detrimental to my power.” The first master shook his head and
said, “I can’t perform another ritual in you! I’m not the kind person who pervades
sentient beings. I’m just an exorcist who uses his arts to make a living, so I’m
sorry. I can’t help you anymore!”

The first master turned and walked towards the room as he spoke, ready to get Fan
Jinzhe his money.

“Wait! Master, please!” How could Fan Jinzhe let the first master go away? So he
quickly walked up and knelt on the ground holding onto the hem of the first
master’s clothes, “Master, I am willing to pay. I am willing to pay a lot of money.
Please, save me. Only you can save me now …”
“Sigh,” the first master looked at Fan Jinzhe. Shaking his head, he finally sighed,
“Man will do anything in his means to become rich. If you can bring out one hundred
thousand yuan. I will do my best and do the ritual for you again!”

“One hundred thousand …” Fan Jinzhe hesitated. Although this sum was huge, he still
gritted his teeth. “One hundred thousand, I have it! I’ll prepare it for you. Can I
do a credit card transfer? I don’t have so much cash on me now.”

The first master nodded his head and said, “Of course you can swipe your card.”

Fan Jinzhe didn’t say anything and swiped his card. He followed the steps the first
master explained and successfully accepted his ritual. After the ritual, the first
master was tired and broke into a sweat. After Fan Jinzhe left, the temple closed
its doors.

Fan Jinzhe came out from the first master’s temple feeling relieved immediately. I
was almost done for. Thank goodness I was able to persuade the first master to do
the ritual again!

However, Fan Jinzhe had spent so much extra money, which made him very upset. He
didn’t want to go to the second master to look for justice. But after walking
halfway, he couldn’t help but return to the second master. He wanted to get some
justice from the second master. At least, he wanted the second master to admit to
it. He couldn’t just let it go without understanding anything.

Until now, Fan Jinzhe still didn’t understand that the first and second master were
in the same gang. Back when they were brothers, they were known as the two Jianghu
scammers as they had scammed in the north and south of Jiangnan. They achieved
their goals with underhanded means, and fooled a lot of people. However, most
people would be alert enough not to get fooled again after the first time!

Someone like Fan Jinzhe who got fooled repeatedly was rare in the world now. It was
almost like a rare animal.

When the second master saw Fan Jinzhe actually approach again, he was stunned. Did
I see right? Why is this kid back again? Hasn’t he gotten cheated enough already?

There is no one stupider than this!

However, no matter why he had come back, the second master was overjoyed. It was
another business opportunity that had come to the door. His senior brother had just
called him and said that the boy had thrown out a hundred thousand yuan at once. He
was a rich man!! This time, the second master was prepared to slaughter him.

Thinking of this, the second master teacher devised a plan in the blink of an eye.

###Chapter 1832: Being Fooled With

When Fan Jinzhe left from the second master’s place, the issue was already very
complicated. The second master had extorted fifty thousand yuan from Fan Jinzhe.
Fan Jinzhe’s card had no more savings in it. It was squeezed dry!

After the second master sent Fan Jinzhe away, he refused more visitors because he
knew that Fan Jinzhe had nothing left. It was useless to wait for him to return, so
why not close the doors to sleep instead.
Fan Jinzhe was also very tired. He wanted to find the first master to get justice.
But when he arrived at the first master’s place, he found that it was closed. Fan
Jinzhe had to descend the mountain and return home first.

After he returned home, Fan Jinzhe thought carefully about what had happened today.
The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He suddenly
yelled! It was a scam that could be seen through easily. Fan Jinzhe was in the
situation and couldn’t see the bigger picture. He actually got scammed by those two
masters in circles!

Fan Jinzhe searched the Internet again and found that it was not just a few people
who were deceived in these two masters. But many people who were scammed once
sobered up immediately. Fan Jinzhe, on the other hand, was scammed back and forth
several times …

After reading the online post, Fan Jinzhe was so furious that his face went pale.
He was one hundred percent sure that he had been scammed. Moreover, he had been
scammed badly. Even his savings in his bank was completely emptied!

Fan Jinzhe cursed himself for being so stupid. He trusted the two guys’ stupid
words. He was quite certain that the two men couldn’t see the vengeful spirit on
him, and that their words were just nonsense.Read the next chapter on our

Thinking of this, Fan Jinzhe suddenly started sweating again. The vengeful spirit
on my body must still be there. I worked for nothing today! At this moment, Fan
Jinzhe didn’t care about money, but the vengeful spirit on him!

He decided that he must find a real powerful master to assess him this time. He
could no longer go to find it by himself.

Fan Jinzhe had learned this time’s lesson and started searching the Internet. After
careful screening, Fan Jinzhe decided on a person called Master Sanjie.

Some people on the Internet were possessed by evil things, which were then driven
out by Master Sanjie. This person had a good reputation.

So Fan Jinzhe entrusted a more superstitious business partner of his company to

inquire about the Master Sanjie. This business partner had actually made a request
from Master Sanjie in the past and knew his contact information.

Fan Jinzhe was overwhelmed with joy and quickly asked his business partner to
invite Master Sanjie. This was how the previous scene started.

Someone of high morale would not ask for money before performing rituals. The two
masters before this talked about money on and off. If you had no money, they
wouldn’t meet you. The gap was obvious.

“First tell me, what troubles have you encountered?” Master Sanjie glanced at Fan
Jinzhe and asked calmly.

“Yes, Master!” Fan Jinzhe nodded again and again, and carefully told Master Sanjie
about the vengeful spirit that Yang Ming had told him about.

“Vengeful spirit?” Master Sanjie frowned after listening to Fan Jinzhe’s words,
“What vengeful spirit? Are you sure it is a vengeful spirit?”

“I’m sure that’s what Yang Ming said at the time,” said Fan Jinzhe.
“According to my current observation, you are not possessed by any vengeful spirit
at all, and you do not have anything peculiar on your body,” said Master Sanjie
after assessing Fan Jinzhe with a few glances. “That person must have lied to you
about this so-called vengeful spirit!”

“Lied to me?” Fan Jinzhe was stunned. He did not expect Master Sanjie to say so! He
was ready for the worst, but it seemed that Master Sanjie had easily simplified
this problem.

“Yes, according to what you said, you must have offended this person. This person
must have just played you,” said Master Sanjie. “I think this is the case. Of
course, you might be doubting that my cultivation is too low, so I can’t detect the
abnormality on you. But to be honest, I really didn’t feel anything wrong with

“This … I certainly wouldn’t doubt it!” Fan Jinzhe had already known Master
Sanjie’s reputation, so he believed him, “But why did Yang Ming tell me exactly
what I was thinking?”

“Hehe, there are a lot of possibilities. I know that some strange people in society
can guess other people’s thoughts from their expressions. These types of people
have similar arts to us. They are called fortune tellers. They know what a person
is thinking just by looking at them,” said Master Sanjie. “Many people in the
underworld are so accurate, not because they can calculate, but because they can
see the thoughts on one’s face and lie!”

“Ah? Master, do you mean that Yang Ming can do fortune telling?” Fan Jinzhe felt
that what Master Sanjie said really made sense.

“I’m not sure about this. Maybe he knows how to, or maybe he just knows a little of
the basics. Maybe he learned some tricks from somewhere to deceive people. Of
course, this possibility is the most plausible,” said Master Sanjie. “Because I can
only use this reasoning to explain it to you.”

“Master, then I am not possessed by the vengeful spirit?” Fan Jinzhe naturally
believed in the master. When he heard the master say so, he was relieved.

“I don’t think so.” Master Sanjie nodded surely.

“That’s great! Thank you, Master!” Fan Jinzhe said to himself. This is a real
master. He only says what is true and doesn’t make assumptions or fabricate stuff.
If he says there’s nothing, then there is nothing. He also didn’t take the
opportunity to ask for money!

If Master Sanjie told him that he was possessed by the vengeful spirit, then did a
bunch of rituals and asked for money, he would still believe it. But he didn’t do
so. Fan Jinzhe was thankful to him that he didn’t ask for any money since he didn’t
do any ritual.

“No need to thank me. It was something I could do for you.” Master Sanjie waved his
hand, “I have a good relationship with your friend, so you don’t need to be

“Yes, yes!” Fan Jinzhe nodded repeatedly, “Master, look, how much donation do you

“Donation?” Master Sanjie was stunned, and then laughed, “I did not do any ritual.
What kind of donations would I want?”
“Ah? You don’t want it?” Fan Jinzhe was really shocked this time. Master Sanjie was
really a moral individual. He doesn’t even want money?

“Hehe, why? You would give it even if I refuse?” Master Sanjie asked.

Fan Jinzhe heard Master Sanjie’s words, and said to himself. Don’t you still want
it! Since you said this, I would feel really embarrassed to not give it to you! It
seems like even masters are no exceptions!

However, before Fan Jinzhe spoke, Master Sanjie continued, “I’m here this time
mainly to see your friends. I have a good personal relationship with him. If you
really want to give me money, just reimburse my plane ticket for this trip. As for
the hotel money, your friend has settled it, so you don’t need to.”

“Ah?” Fan Jinzhe’s eyes widened and he felt ashamed for a while. It seemed that he
had really misunderstood Master Sanjie. He simply didn’t mean to ask for money!

Fan Jinzhe naturally couldn’t just give Master Sanjie the tickets money. He
withdrew one hundred thousand yuan from his savings and gave it to Master Sanjie.
Master Sanjie refused, but it was hard to refuse Fan Jinzhe. So Master Sanjie still
accepted it in the end.

After Fan Jinzhe sent Master Sanjie away, he was furious deep down! This Yang Ming
had almost made him tire himself to death! Fan Jinzhe didn’t dare to step out of
his house for several days, and he even got scammed by two heartless masters. This
grudge couldn’t be let go of just like that!

Knowing that he was not possessed by a vengeful spirit, Fan Jinzhe went to school
again and re-launched his plan to pursue Zhao Ying. Fan Jinzhe still pretended to
be very friendly to deceive Sun Jie as if there was nothing special. But in his
heart, he had resolved to trouble Yang Ming and let him understand the consequences
of toying with him.

“Zhao Ying!” After Sun Jie left, Fan Jinzhe quickly walked over to Zhao Ying who
was packing up, “There will be a class on world economics in class 303 later. Shall
we go together?”

Fan Jinzhe was not originally an Economics Major student, but he found a way to
switch over to the economy major so he could be Zhao Ying’s classmate. So now,
wherever Zhao Ying went, he would follow. He looked like he wouldn’t give up until
he managed to successfully pursue Zhao Ying.

Chapter 1529: Elevator Man and Woman

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1833: Elevator Man and Woman

Zhao Ying frowned immediately when she heard Fan Jinzhe’s voice. She was very
disgusted by him. Although he was a bit capable, he always bragged and was fickle-
minded. It was also not a secret among her classmates that he had become a bar
waitress’s sugar daddy. Several classmates who were close with Fan Jinzhe had met
this lady and even had a meal together so the news quickly passed to the class.
Since the walls have ears, nearly everyone in the class had learned about it.

Zhao Ying had an unspoken disgust towards Fan Jinzhe who clearly led a playboy life
yet proclaimed to be a gentleman. He was fundamentally different from Yang Ming. He
was a hypocrite but Yang Ming was a real villain.

“You go first. I still have something to do,” Zhao Ying said slowly while slowing
down her packing speed.

“Hehe, it’s okay. I just happen to be free. If you have something to do, I’ll wait
for you. I’ll accompany you if you want to.” Fan Jinzhe was thick-skinned. While
speaking, he sat down in a seat not far from Zhao Ying.

“…” Zhao Ying was speechless. Did Fan Jinzhe not see my disgust towards him?

Fan Jinzhe naturally could see that Zhao Ying disliked him, but it did not matter
in his opinion.

As long as he remained committed, he would definitely be able to get the girl. To

pick up a girl, one has to be thick-skinned. After some time, it will naturally be

Zhao Ying didn’t expect Fan Jinzhe to act this way. She packed her things and
walked towards the classroom door gloomily.

Fan Jinzhe smirked slightly, stood up and quickly followed her. He naturally knew
that Zhao Ying did not have anything to do. She just said that because she wanted
to avoid him. But he did not mind. Does that mean she did not have anything to do

Zhao Ying naturally did not want to do anything to avoid being even more annoyed as
Fan Jinzhe was following her. She might as well go straight to Class 303 and wait
for the next class.

Although there was still half an hour until the next class, Zhao Ying decided to
read in the classroom.

Zhao Ying walked quickly towards the elevator and wanted to shake off Fan Jinzhe.
When she walked fast, Fan Jinzhe walked fast; when she slowed down, Fan Jinzhe
slowed down as well. When the elevator arrived, Fan Jinzhe entered too.

The elevator was a public facility and was not Zhao Ying’s home, so she had no
reason to kick Fan Jinzhe out.

At this time, many classes had already ended and only postgraduate students had
some special classes to attend. So there were not many people in the elevator.
There were only a man and a woman who looked like a couple. After Zhao Ying entered
the elevator, she pressed the button for the third floor. Fan Jinzhe came in and
stood beside Zhao Ying with a smile.

After the elevator door closed, the man and woman who were already in the elevator
started talking.

“I didn’t expect you to be so beautiful!” The man looked at the woman admiringly.
“Hehe, really?” The woman listened to the man and lowered her head shyly.

“Yeah, you’re a hundred times more beautiful than the haughty girl I was chasing
after in reality. If I knew you were so beautiful, I would have chased after you so
much earlier. Why should I pursue such a haughty girl and get ridiculed by her for
no reason?” The man sighed.

“You’re still talking about it. Didn’t I help you straighten things out on the
Internet long ago to not put all your eggs in one basket? You didn’t listen to me
back then. Why did you suddenly change your mind now?” The woman rolled her eyes
and said charmingly.

It was undeniable that the woman could be categorized as beautiful. Although she
was not as beautiful as Zhao Ying, she was considered as a higher-than-average
beauty in the College of Science and Technology which had scarce beauties.

“By the way, what happened to the boyfriend you told me about?” The man suddenly
remembered that the woman had a boyfriend in reality, and the situation suddenly
became awkward.

“He… is still the same as before. Didn’t I tell you before? I always feel like we
have a gap between us, and he’s sometimes cold but sometimes warm towards me. We
are not making much progress,” The woman sighed and shook her head.

“So… what are you going to do? Do you still want to continue like this?” When the
elevator man in the elevator heard the woman’s words, he suddenly felt like he had
a chance and asked her quickly.

“I don’t know…” The woman shook her head.

“Oh…” The man hesitated for a moment, and finally summoned up his courage, “You and
I are a couple in the online game… Should we try to make it happen in reality too?”

“This…” The woman obviously hesitated slightly and was a bit tempted by the man’s
words, but as a reserved girl, she said, “The Internet is the Internet, reality is

“We have already met. Aren’t we already friends in reality?” said the man

“This…” It was apparent that the woman had feelings for the man, but it was so
sudden that she couldn’t accept it.

“I also know that I said it abruptly. But I like you. It’s the same on the
Internet. After I met you today, that feeling extended into reality. I believe you
have the same feelings as me. Is that right?” The elevator man said affectionately,
“If not, let’s go eat something first. You think about it slowly. There’s no need
to rush to promise me. How about it?”

“En…” The elevator woman blushed and nodded her head. But anyone could notice that
the woman was keen to agree. Otherwise, she would not even accept the man’s

What, really? They managed to hook up just like this? Isn’t this a bit too
impressive? Fan Jinzhe naturally could hear their conversation and looked at the
lonely Zhao Ying beside him. He then shifted his gaze to the intimate pair next to
him and felt that it was unfair in his heart.
How come? They just met and managed to hook up. He worked so hard but he still
could not get any results. This is so unfair! Just Look at the man. He’s not very
handsome and does not even wear any branded clothes. How did he still manage to
pursue a girl?

However, Zhao Ying had a strange feeling when viewing this scene. Zhao Ying even
wondered if it was God’s intention to send this man and woman pair in front of her
to hint her something.

The dialogue and identities of this man and woman were like her, Yang Ming and
‘There’s No True Love In This World’. In this kind of triangle relationship, the
final outcome was already obvious. The man and woman in the elevator would
definitely get together. She was still unsure of her choice. What should I do now?

This made Zhao Ying’s previously wavering heart shake even more.

The elevator stopped on the third floor and Zhao Ying got out. She did not bother
to see what would happen to the elevator man and woman since she had already
arrived at her classroom.

Fan Jinzhe naturally followed Zhao Ying out of the elevator, but after the elevator
door closed, he said disdainfully, “Online dating? It sounds unreliable. How is
that possible? I think both of them are acting. They must be out of their mind.”

Fan Jinzhe was jealous of the elevator man and said such sour words. He did not
think that Zhao Ying was very optimistic about this man and woman pair. Even Zhao
Ying herself was deeply troubled by online dating so she resonated with them.

When she heard Fan Jinzhe actually showed disdain against this man and woman pair
in the elevator and said that they were out of their mind, she naturally fell into
a bad mood. She looked at Fan Jinzhe slightly and walked quickly to the classroom
without answering him.

Fan Jinzhe was stunned. He did not know how he had offended Zhao Ying. Although
Zhao Ying did not talk to him just now, she did not perform any aggressive actions
too. But now, it was obvious that Zhao Ying wanted to shake him off.

Did my words about the man and woman in the elevator offend Zhao Ying? Does Zhao
Ying know them? No. If she knows them, she would have said something. From the way
Zhao Ying and the man and woman in the elevator acted, it looks like they did not
know each other.

Could it be that Zhao Ying supported this man and woman pair in the elevator? Fan
Jinzhe thought it was very possible. He quickly caught up with Zhao Ying and said,
“Zhao Ying, actually I was just joking. I am very optimistic about them too!”

Zhao Ying ignored Fan Jinzhe. She entered the classroom and found a table for two
by the window. She sat on the outside and no one could go inside.

After all, there were not a lot of postgraduate students and some of them were
skipping classes. A classroom half-filled was already impressive. The management of
postgraduate students was much laxer than undergraduate students. Classes could
usually be skipped if fixed internships and group activities were attended and the
thesis of each semester was completed. It was not mandatory to attend class.

Zhao Ying really wanted to learn, so she did not miss every class.
Fan Jinzhe wanted to sit next to Zhao Ying, but Zhao Ying chose this kind of seat
every time. He had no choice but to sit behind or at the table next to Zhao Ying.

###Chapter 1834: Investigating Yang Ming

After she settled down, Zhao Ying took the books regarding world economics out of
her bag and started to read it. But in her heart, she was still thinking about the
things between her, Yang Ming and ‘There’s No True Love in This World’.

Fan Jinzhe originally wanted to find a chance to chat with Zhao Ying, but once he
saw her start reading he could not find any suitable topic to talk to her about. He
wanted to talk to her about studies but Fan Jinzhe had just transferred to the
Economics department and he was not familiar with the material. He also did not
have the heart to study previously when he was being troubled by the vengeful
spirit so he knew nothing about world economics.

Yang Ming, Hmph. You dared to fool me. I will not forgive you! Fan Jinzhe said
resentfully in his heart.

However, he knew that since Yang Ming could invite Sun Jie and Zhao Ying to dinner
at the Song Jiang International Hotel, he definitely was not an ordinary person and
he might have a superior family background. Even though Fan Jinzhe wanted to stir
up trouble for Yang Ming, he might not have the capability to do so. He had to plan
carefully and not be reckless.

Of course, he had to find out where Yang Ming was first. He first suspected that
Yang Ming was also a student of the Song Jiang Industry University, that was why he
knew Sun Jie. But on second thought, Yang Ming did not leave with Sun Jie during
that day. If Yang Ming was also a student of that school, why didn’t they go to the
Song Jiang International Hotel together?

So Fan Jinzhe did not have much hope and entrusted a junior working in the student
union to investigate him. However, the junior was busy a few days ago and said that
he would contact Fan Jinzhe once he was free.

Fan Jinzhe was not in a hurry since he never thought that Yang Ming could be a
student at the Song Jiang Industry University. A day earlier or later would not
have much impact.

Just as he was thinking about how to strike up a conversation with Zhao Ying, Fan
Jinzhe’s phone rang. It seemed rather abrupt in the quiet classroom.

Postgraduate students willing to attend class on time were naturally the kind of
students who liked to study. Everyone was reading a book quietly and they would
turn their phone to vibrate mode when they entered the classroom. Hence, Fan
Jinzhe’s ringtone appalled them.

Many people looked up and found the ringtone’s source. They then glared at Fan

Fan Jinzhe was a little embarrassed, and he naturally knew that he had spiked the
publics’ anger. He was not the kind of student who liked to study and the only
reason why he attended elective classes was to see if he could meet any beauties.
He never expected to meet Zhao Ying.

He also knew that it was impolite to answer his phone in the classroom. However, he
wasn’t quite self-aware to turn off his mobile phone when he entered the classroom,
resulting in the current situation.
Fan Jinzhe could only make an apology gesture, grab his mobile phone and run out of
the classroom. The people in the classroom lowered their heads again and returned
to their affairs.

Fan Jinzhe walked far away from the classroom and looked at the caller ID on his
mobile phone. It was actually his junior from the student union.

“Hello? Xiao Biao,” Fan Jinzhe answered the phone.

“Brother Zhe? It’s me. When you called me a few days ago, the student union was
having a meeting so I couldn’t tell you the details. I have been busy these past
few days and couldn’t call you. You don’t mind right?” said Xiao Biao with a smile.

Xiao Biao obviously valued Fan Jinzhe very much. It was very difficult to find
employment nowadays, especially for Xiao Biao whose family did not have much
background. Although he managed to get a position in the student union, it was not
very useful in society.

Seeing that his junior year was about to pass and he needed to start job seeking
during senior year, Xiao Biao started to pay attention. He was introduced to Fan
Jinzhe through a friend. He knew Fan Jinzhe ran a company outside the school and
although it was small-scaled, the benefits were good and employees had a high wage
too. He thought that he was unable to find a job in the future, he could still pass
time at Fan Jinzhe’s company. So for that to happen, he had to build a good
connection with Fan Jinzhe now.

“It’s okay.” Fan Jinzhe did not expect Yang Ming to be in this school. Asking Xiao
Biao to look for him was just an unintentional move and he did not really care
about it, “I just wanted to ask you about someone. Can you help me ask around if
this person is from our school?”

“Oh, looking for someone. This is easy to handle. Just tell me their name and
gender and I’ll ask the discipline department in the student union to check their
files.” Xiao Biao heard it was a matter like this and relaxed. This is an easy

The student union discipline department had files of the entire student dormitory.
Every student was registered to make the roll call before bedtime easier. As long
as the person’s name and gender was known, it would be easy to locate them.

“That’s great. It’s a man named Yang Ming,” said Fan Jinzhe. “He should be about
the same age as you and I. I can’t be sure.”

“Yang Ming?” Xiao Biao was stunned, “Which Yang Ming?”

“Why? Is there another Yang Ming in the school?” Fan Jinzhe was also dumbfounded.
He did not expect Xiao Biao to ask such a question.

“There’s a freshman called Yang Ming in the computer science department of our
school. He’s very famous in our school and he even performed in the art festival.
He’s an idol of many students in our school!” said Xiao Biao. “I don’t know if this
is the Yang Ming you are talking about. Maybe there is another Yang Ming in our

“Art festival? Really?” Fan Jinzhe was a postgraduate student and he basically did
not participate in activities such as the art festival. Such activities were not
mandatory for postgraduate students and they could either choose to participate or
be absent. Fan Jinzhe would especially not even bother to participate because of
his business outside.

Fan Jinzhe generally did not attend any event unless it was deemed mandatory by the
postgraduate department.

“Brother Zhe, where are you now? I’ll go to the student union now and look for the
files of everyone named Yang Ming in the school. I’ll show them to you, and you’ll
know if it’s him!”

“Alright. I’m on the third floor of the teaching building at the School of
Economics. Give me a call when you arrive,” said Fan Jinzhe.

“Okay. I’ll go over when I’m done,” Xiao Biao said and hung up.

This school really has someone called Yang Ming? Is it that brat? However, Yang
Ming is a very common name. Someone else might also be called Yang Ming in the same
class, never mind a school. Fan Jinzhe did not really take it into heart.

Especially after hearing that this famous Yang Ming was just a freshman, he felt
that it was impossible for him to be Sun Jie’s boyfriend as she was a postgraduate
student. Both of them have a huge age gap, so how could they be lovers?

Fan Jinzhe wanted to return to the classroom, but thinking that Xiao Biao would
give him a call later, he did not return. He went to the bathroom and lit a
cigarette to smoke.

Xiao Biao was very efficient. In about ten minutes, Fan Jinzhe received a call and
he immediately picked it up.

“Xiao Biao, are you here?” Fan Jinzhe asked.

“Yes, Brother Zhe, I have already reached the third floor of the School of
Economics’ teaching building. I am near the elevator? Where are you?” said Xiao
Biao breathlessly. It was apparent that he was tired.

Fan Jinzhe was quite touched. It seemed that Xiao Biao had really put his heart on
the line to do something for him, “I’m smoking in the bathroom on the third floor.
I’ll come out now.”

Fan Jinzhe threw the cigarette into the trash can as he said this. He then walked
out of the bathroom, and said, “Alright, I see you.”

Fan Jinzhe waved at the Xiao Biao by the elevator and walked over quickly.

“Brother Zhe!” Xiao Biao also walked over quickly. He then proceeded to pass a
stack of printed materials to Fan Jinzhe, “These are the files of the people named
Yang Ming in our school. There’s just one in school and he is the person I was
talking about. One of them has already graduated, and another one is a postgraduate
student in a correspondence study course who is out of town and not in school at

“Oh, let me see!” Fan Jinzhe was interested in the postgraduate student of
Professor Han. Although Xiao Biao said that this person does not attend school,
doesn’t it answer the question of why he did not leave with Sun Jie that day?
Chapter 1530: Isn’t His Girlfriend Sun Jie?/ Sudden Call for Help
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1835: Isn’t His Girlfriend Sun Jie?

Also, as he is a postgraduate student like Sun Jie, they must have had a greater
opportunity to come into contact with one another.

Fan Jinzhe first took out the postgraduate student’s file and looked at it
carefully. He was disappointed at first glance, “He has been working for a few

“Yeah, he is taking correspondence study only because his job requires it.” Xiao
Biao nodded, “Why, is it not him?”

Fan Jinzhe looked at the one-inch photo on the file carefully and shook his head,
“It is not him. He looks completely different. They are like poles apart, one is
skinny and one is fat.”

“Oh, then look at the others. Maybe it’s the one who graduated?” Xiao Biao asked.

“En, let me look at the graduate again. It’s possible that he’s a graduate.” Fan
Jinzhe opened the file of the graduated ‘Yang Ming’ and broke out into a sweat at
one glance, “Why is this person a woman?”

“A woman?” said Xiao Biao dumbfoundedly. “I didn’t read through it. I just asked
the people from the student union to bring me the files of everyone named Yang Ming
in the school. I didn’t know the gender.”

“Forget it… Let’slLook at the last one. It’s probably not him too.” Fan Jinzhe
shook his head helplessly.

“The last one is the famous Yang Ming of our school. Brother Zhe, have you really
never heard of him?” Xiao Biao asked in confusion.

“I have really never heard of him.” Fan Jinzhe shook his head, “You also know, I
rarely participate in school activities and I didn’t even participate in the art

“Maybe this person is the one you are looking for,” said Xiao Biao.

“It’s unlikely. His age does not really match. He’s only a junior.” Fan Jinzhe
wondered. It is unlikely that Sun Jie would find a boyfriend several years younger
than her, right?

“Like this…” Xiao Biao was unclear about Fan Jinzhe’s mention of age, so he just
nodded his head in agreement.

“Eh?” Fan Jinzhe opened Yang Ming’s file. He was stunned, “Wait really? It’s really
this kid?”
Although there was only a one-inch photo in it, Fan Jinzhe recognized Yang Ming at
first glance. As the saying goes, ‘there is no mistaking it when two foes meet’. He
recognized the man as his enemy Yang Ming.

“Well, Brother Zhe, you found the kid you were looking for?” Xiao Biao was stunned
when he first heard Fan Jinzhe’s words, and then it turned into surprise! Looks
like he had hit the jackpot this time. Brother Zhe would remember his good deeds!

Otherwise, Fan Jinzhe would not be grateful towards him if he did not find the
person Fan Jinzhe was looking for even if he put in all of his effort. Fan Jinzhe
would thank him in words but would forget him soon. This would not achieve any of
the effects Xiao Biao was going for.

“Yes, that’s him. But why is he just a freshman? Also, is he the idol who had the
highest cheers at the art festival?” Fan Jinzhe couldn’t believe his eyes. This was
too outrageous. How can this person be Sun Jie’s boyfriend? A freshman and a
postgraduate. There’s a huge age gap!

Although older woman-younger man love is getting popular nowadays, Sun Jie doesn’t
look like the kind of person to be involved in a relationship like this.

“Yes, Brother Zhe, this is the guy. He received the highest cheers at the art
festival. He previously performed a martial arts program and received endless
applause. Then, under the strong demand of the audience, he performed a poetry
recital with his girlfriend and received a strong response,” Xiao Biao explained.

“Girlfriend? Sun Jie?” Fan Jinzhe asked subconsciously.

“Sun Jie? Who is Sun Jie?” Xiao Biao was also dumbfounded.

“Didn’t you say he performed a poetry recital with his girlfriend?” Fan Jinzhe
asked back.

“Yeah, that’s right?” Xiao Biao didn’t understand what Fan Jinzhe was saying.

“Isn’t Sun Jie his girlfriend? Didn’t he introduce her beforehand?” Fan Jinzhe
asked strangely.

“Sun Jie? No, Yang Ming’s girlfriend is called Chen Mengyan. This is something the
whole school knows. What’s the matter? You didn’t know this.” Xiao Biao also looked
at Fan Jinzhe, baffled.

“Chen Mengyan? Isn’t it Sun Jie?” Fan Jinzhe frowned.

“It’s Chen Mengyan. She’s also from our school. She’s a freshman in the economics
department,” said Xiao Biao. “If you are not in a hurry, I’ll go back and find the
video of the art festival last time and send it to you by email later. You will
know it when you see it.”

“Okay… I can receive videos on my phone. Just send it to my 139 phone mailbox.” Fan
Jinzhe nodded his head.

“Brother Zhe, is there anything else to do? If not, let’s go and have a meal
together?” Xiao Biao asked.

“I can’t have a meal with you today. I still have a class to attend. I’ll treat you
next time. You helped me so much, so why should you invite me for a meal?” Fan
Jinzhe laughed.
“That’s fine. Let’s talk about it another day.” Xiao Biao did not really want to
have a meal with Fan Jinzhe. He just wanted to enhance their relationship. He
nodded his head, “Then I will go back to work on the video. I’ll clip everything
about Yang Ming and send it to you.”

“Okay, sorry for troubling you.” Fan Jinzhe nodded.

Fan Jinzhe sent away Xiao Biao and returned to the classroom. The class was almost
starting and the lecturer had arrived. The students studying in the classroom had
also started to change the books on their tables to textbooks and were ready to
start the class.

Seeing that the seat in front of Zhao Ying was occupied by a girl with a pockmarked
face, Fan Jinzhe frowned. Who is it that is not perceptive? I just left for a while
and someone else has already taken my seat.

“There’s no one seating here right? Can I sit down here?” Fan Jinzhe walked to the
pockmarked face girl, pointed to the seat next to her and asked.

“Ah!” The pockmarked face girl looked up, and was surprised to see the handsome Fan
Jinzhe. Could it be that he likes me and wants to pursue me?

Thinking of this, the pockmarked face girl felt a sudden excitement in her heart.
She knew clearly what she looked like. But in the College of Science and Technology
which did not have many girls, she was considered to be average and had quite a
number of suitors.

However, she looked down on those who were pursuing her. The ones who she liked
always pursued prettier girls. This time, Fan Jinzje, a handsome man with good
conditions, wanted to hit on her. She was ecstatic!

However, out of a girl’s reservation, she still deliberately said, “You want to sit
here? I’m booking a place for my good friend here.”

Fan Jinzhe heard the girl’s coquettish voice and immediately felt shivers up his
spine. In his heart, he thought, I’m so unlucky. Who would want to sit with you? If
I didn’t want to pursue Zhao Ying, why would I even bother sitting here?

He frowned and wanted to change to an empty seat closer to Zhao Ying. But he heard
the pockmarked face girl say, “However, I don’t think she’s coming today. Why don’t
you sit here then.”

Fan Jinzhe did not want to sit there after hearing the girl’s flirty tone. He did
not expect her to stand up and indicate him to sit down before he could even answer
her question.

Fan Jinzhe was in a dilemma. To sit down, but I don’t like this girl, or to not sit
down, well she already stood up. If he didn’t take the seat, it seemed like he was
unreasonable. After all, he was the one who asked her first.

Fan Jinzhe hesitated a little but still sat down.

The girl waited for Fan Jinzhe to start hitting on her once he sat down. She waited
for a long time until the professor in front had already started teaching, but Fan
Jinzhe still did not take any action and she started to become impatient.
As the saying goes, ‘you should strive for your own happiness’. This is an
opportunity that is hard to come by. I need to grab it! This fellow seems shy. It
appears that he has used up all his courage to take initiative to request a seat
here. He then felt awkward to speak to me. I should be considerate of him.

Pretending to be a generous person, the pockmarked face girl said, “Are you a
postgraduate student in the economics department? Why haven’t I seen you before?”

“Oh… I just transferred in not long ago.” Fan Jinzhe saw the pockmarked face girl
trying to hit on him and was reluctant to answer her. He then thought of how
everyone here were classmates and they might sit next to each other in the future.
If I ignore her, I will appear as too prideful. Zhao Ying is sitting behind me. It
will be bad if she thinks negatively of me because of this. I need to answer her.

###Chapter 1836: Sudden Call for Help

“Oh, that’s why. I’m Li Xiaomei. What’s your name?” The pockmarked face girl
introduced herself somewhat shyly.

“Fan Jinzhe.” Fan Jinzhe replied lightly. He thought, “Xiaomei [1]? I think you
should be called Li Xiaoma instead. Your face is so pockmarked that it looks like a
rough steamed bread. You’re affecting my eyesight!”

“Wow, your name sounds like a Korean star!” Pockmarked face Li Xiaomei fangirled,
“Are you Korean?”

“No,” said Fan Jinzhe. Why are you talking so much?

“Then are you an ethnic Korean?” Li Xiaomei continued to ask.

“No!” Fan Jinzhe was a little furious, “It’s class time. Shouldn’t we focus?”

“Oh, yeah that’s right!” When Li Xiaomei heard Fan Jinzhe’s words, she thought that
Fan Jinzhe was the kind of good student who had good morals and achieved good
results. She stopped talking, but then smiled and said, “Okay, let’s focus in class
for now. We’ll talk after class.”

I’m not going to talk nonsense with you! Fan Jinzhe frowned secretly.

Not long later, Fan Jinzhe’s mobile phone vibrated twice. When he entered the
classroom, he deliberately set his phone to vibration mode so he would not be
discriminated against by the others again. Fan Jinzhe took out his mobile phone and
glanced at it. It was an email from Xiao Biao

Fan Jinzhe opened his inbox and found that Xiao Bao had sent him a video as a
compressed MP4 file. Xiao Biao was so thoughtful and was afraid that another file
type would not be supported by his phone.

Fan Jinzhe put on his earbuds, clicked the play button and started to watch the

The recording was not very clear. After all, the student union was not a
professional photography organization. Their equipment was just a DV [2], so it did
not have a good angle. But Yang Ming’s face could clearly be seen!

Are you kidding me? It really is this kid! If the one-inch photo was still unclear,
Fan Jinzhe was completely certain after watching the video. The person in the video
was the same person he saw in the Song Jiang International Hotel’s private room
that day.
Moreover, he spoke in the same way and the same ridiculing tone as he did that day!
Hearing this guy humiliating Ren Jianren and Li Jiasheng, Fan Jinzhe was even more
annoyed. If I knew that this guy does not keep to his promises, would I even
believe him?

Whatever vengeful spirit or anything was just nonsense. It just frightened me and
even made me waste so much money! This kid is so good at telling lies that he can
just talk nonsense at any time.

This was just the video of Yang Ming performing martial arts so Fan Jinzhe didn’t
take a closer look. After a few glances, he clicked on another video of Yang Ming
and Chen Mengyan performing a poetry recital together.

“En? It really isn’t Sun Jie?” Fan Jinzhe murmured with a frown. Could it be that
Sun Jie deliberately sought this Yang Ming to tease me? In fact, he is not Sun
Jie’s boyfriend.

In such a public event in school, such a thing like holding hands with his
girlfriend should be known by Sun Jie. Under such conditions, the only thing he
could think of was that Sun Jie, that shrewd woman, purposely sought Yang Ming to
make a fool out of him.

No way. I thought Yang Ming was Sun Jie’s boyfriend. Looks like this is not the
case. I was nearly fooled by it.

Fan Jinzhe watched this video, and naturally believed that Yang Ming’s girlfriend
was definitely Chen Mengyan. Even Xiao Biao said so, so there was absolutely
nothing wrong with it.

Since this is the case, I could take this chance to take revenge on Yang Ming while
disregarding Sun Jie’s face. This Chen Mengyan looks so beautiful. Ai, she has such
a huge age gap with me. I should remain focused on pursuing Zhao Ying instead.

Otherwise, he could have caused some troubles for Yang Ming by making a guest
appearance as his love rival. However, this might let Zhao Ying misunderstand and
negatively impact him.

Yang Ming message Zhao Ying but did not receive a reply after a long time. He only
spoke a few words to Zhao Ying but there was nothing from Zhao Ying’s side.

Yang Ming naturally knew what Zhao Ying was thinking about. He knew she was
struggling deep inside her heart and it was hard for her to make a choice. He
couldn’t blame her. After all, online dating needed to happen naturally and it was
not as reliable as dating in reality. Zhao Ying was also undetermined if he was the
netizen, or “There’s No True Love In This World” was too similar to Yang Ming and
made her feel the same way.

“What’s wrong? Why aren’t you talking anymore?” Yang Ming sent another message to

Zhao Ying felt the vibration of the phone, took it out and looked at it. It was a
message from “There’s No True Love In This World”. She hesitated, and replied, “I’m
in class. Talk to you later.”

“Okay, you focus in class. I won’t bother you anymore.” Yang Ming didn’t rush her
and gave her some time to think and choose.

At this moment, Yang Ming had a feeling of stealing his girlfriend from himself. It
excited and worried him at the same time. If he could steal his girlfriend, other
people could too.

However, Yang Ming relaxed after a little hesitation. The only reason why he could
do it was that Zhao Ying liked Yang Ming and his online personality gave her the
same vibes as he did in real life. This kind of psychological sixth sense was
impossible to be brought on by other people.

So Yang Ming was not worried that someone else would steal her away. It was because
no matter how a person acted, it was impossible for them to pretend to be someone
else. There would always be a slight difference between them. This slight
difference could lead to completely different results.

Since Zhao Ying had said so, Yang Ming minimized their chat window and casually
looked at the webpage. The recent local news online was about the Song Jiang
International Hotel’s acquisition of the Douglas Vast Hotel. Some so-called
‘experts’ came out to analyze the inside story of this merger and acquisition case.

The imaginations of these ‘experts’ were so wild. Even inside stories, which Yang
Ming himself did not even know, were also ‘dug’ out by them. Their analysis was
also well argued. It included spies, traitors, internal transfer of power etc, and
seemed like a business war novel.

“Wow, isn’t this too unreliable?” Yang Ming watched this ordinary merger and
acquisition case being analyzed by so many insiders and sighed. If these people did
not start to write web novels, it would bury their talents.

Yang Ming dared to guarantee that if these people wrote web novels, their novel
would definitely be at the peak of urban novels. Other genres like officers,
rebirth or romance had to make way for this business war.

But fortunately, no one had guessed the real reason behind this acquisition. Yang
Ming just wanted to scare Caique temporarily, but he didn’t expect the merger to be

Even if someone knew the truth and said it, nobody would believe it. This was how
things would be for now. No one would believe the truth. The fabricated myths that
were unreliable were considered to be the truth.

Yang Ming shook his head and closed the webpage. He would just let them continue
fabricating and not get rid of any rumors. The more hyped up the news was, the
higher the popularity of the Song Jiang International Hotel would be and it would
save advertisement costs.

The phone on the table rang, and Yang Ming glanced at the phone number. It was an
unfamiliar number. Yang Ming answered the call and a rushed voice sounded from the
other side of the phone, “Brother Yang… Is it Brother Yang?”

“It’s me. Who are you?” Yang Ming frowned. The voice over the phone was a little
familiar. But the tone had changed which might be due to tension. This made Yang
Ming unable to distinguish who it was.

“Brother Yang, I’m Wang Mei,” said the girl over the phone.

“Wang Mei… Oh, it’s you!” Yang Ming was stunned for a moment. He then remembered
who this Wang Mei was. She was Huang Lele’s good friend and Zhang Bing’s lover.

“Brother Yang, are you free to speak now?” Wang Mei sounded nervous.
“What’s wrong? Just tell me if something has happened.” Yang Ming frowned. Why did
Wang Mei call me? I don’t seem to be in touch with her, right?

“Brother Yang, something happened to Zhang Bing,” said Wang Mei breathlessly.
“Brother Yang, please save him.”

Chapter 1531: Mortgaging Hands and Feet/Stole My Own Lover

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1837: Mortgaging Hands and Feet

“Did something happen to Zhang Bing? What’s going on?” Yang Ming’s heart wrenched.
Yang Ming didn’t want to bother about Wang Mei’s fiddling matters, but he became
nervous immediately when he heard that Zhang Bing was in trouble. Zhang Bing was
his diehard ally since high school, and one of Yang Ming’s close friends before he
became successful. When Yang Ming returned from Europe a while ago, he had even
asked Zhang Bing out for a meal. What happened to Zhang Bing all of a sudden?

“To be precise, it is Uncle Zhang, Zhang Bing’s father, who is in trouble.” Wang
Mei said, “Brother Yang, I didn’t dare to tell Sister Sisi about this yet… I think
that only you can help Zhang Bing… ”

“You didn’t tell Zhao Sisi? Are you the only one who knows about this?” Yang Ming
frowned. It was not that he didn’t trust Wang Mei. After all, Wang Mei was also
Huang Lele’s friend and Zhang Bing’s mistress. Therefore, although Yang Ming did
not have a good impression of her, he felt that she would not deceive him.

“Yes… It was Zhang Bing who brought me out privately… I didn’t dare to tell Sister
Sisi as I’m afraid that she will be upset…” Wang Mei explained quickly.

“What do you mean? Tell me what’s going on clearly! If you say it ambiguously, I’ll
be confused! What actually happened to Zhang Bing and Uncle Zhang? What’s wrong?”
Yang Ming quickly interrupted and asked as he was fed up with Wang Mei’s
meaningless incoherent story.

“Oh... Ok, Ok!” Wang Mei was slightly embarrassed, so she cut the long story short
and said, “Here’s what happened… A while ago, Uncle Zhang’s jewelry company was
invited to participate in the International Jewelry Exhibition by them. Since
Brother Yang and Zhang Bing’s company is also a jewelry company, Uncle Zhang wanted
to bring Zhang Bing and Sister Sisi along. However, without Zhang Bing around, the
company will not be able to cope with the busy work. Therefore, Sister Sisi didn’t
go and Zhang Bing brought me along privately… Of course, we didn’t tell Sister Sisi
about this as we dared not tell her…”

“What happened then? Let’s get to the main point!” Yang Ming reminded her to
refrain from always talking about the things between her and Zhao Sisi. These
things were clear to everyone, so there was no need to say it in detail.
Furthermore, Yang Ming didn’t want to meddle in other people’s family matters.
“This time, the International Jewelry Exhibition was held in Las Vegas, so we went
to Las Vegas together. Initially, Uncle Zhang was not very pleased when he saw
Zhang Bing bring me there. But later, Uncle Zhang tacitly consented as I was
nicer…” Wang Mei explained.

Yang Ming listened impatiently. He thought to himself, You don’t have to tell me
that you are nice, right? The fact that Uncle Zhang’s impression of you changed has
nothing to do with me at all. What I care about now is what actually happened to
Zhang Bing!

However, Yang Ming understood Wang Mei’s personality, and knew that interrupting
her would be useless. Therefore, he could only endure it and keep listening to her,
“What happened then?”

“The Jewelry Exhibition is only held daily until four o’clock, so there is plenty
of time for our own arrangements at night,” said Wang Mei. “Uncle Zhang said that
Las Vegas is the City of Gambling. He had never seen a real luxury casino before
and had only watched it on TV. Therefore, he brought Zhang Bing along to experience
it… Zhang Bing also went to some casinos when he was in Macau, but the casinos
there are worse in comparison to those in Las Vegas. After all, Las Vegas is world-
famous for its classic casinos!”

“En, and then?” Yang Ming continued to restrain his temper and asked.

“Brother Yang, as you know, Lele and I were well-behaved in Macau, so I have no
interest in casinos. Plus, I also know that there are other services besides
gambling there. If I am around, Uncle Zhang will not be able to have fun to the
fullest. That is why I didn’t go and let them both go instead…” said Wang Mei. “I
really regret it now. I shouldn’t have thought so much at that time and should have
just tagged along. Then, all these things would not have happened… ”

“What actually happened?” Yang Ming was really anxious. Could it be that Zhang Bing
and Uncle Zhang met with an accident on their way to the casino?

“When the two of them returned from gambling the first day, they were still fine.
However, they were a little dispirited on the second day. When I asked Zhang Bing
what was wrong, he refused to say and just said that they lost some money.” Wang
Mei continued, “Finally, he called me on the third day, which is yesterday, and
said that they lost all their money. They even owed a lot of money and the casino’s
people detained them there. They did not allow them to return and requested the
money to be sent over… I didn’t know who to talk to. After pondering on it, only
you, Brother Yang can help them… ”

Yang Ming frowned. I can help them? It seemed that Wang Mei was clueless about the
show I put on at Huang Lele’s Casino. Moreover, it is unlikely that Huang Lele
would have told her about it, right? How is Wang Mei so certain that I can help

When Wang Mei noticed that Yang Ming didn’t speak, she thought that Yang Ming
didn’t want to bother about it, and said quickly, “Brother Yang, please. I beg you.
Please save Zhang Bing. Consider it as borrowing money from you for now. Zhang Bing
and I will work hard to repay you later. Yang Ming, I beg you. These people are
outrageous. They said that if the money is not sent over by tomorrow, they will cut
off Zhang Bing and Uncle Zhang’s hands… ”

“Cut off their hands? Aren’t these people being a little too unscrupulous?” Yang
Ming was a little shocked. Normally, regular casinos would not use such extreme and
violent methods. Although casinos were somewhat involved with the underworld, there
were also under regulatory authorities after all. They could not do as they wished.

“Yes… Yes… Zhang Bing and Uncle Zhang gambled uncontrollably and finally bet on
their hands…” Wang Mei explained carefully.

“Crap!” Yang Ming could no longer hold it and wanted to scold someone. The casinos
could not be blamed in this case. Most of the time, there would certainly be
additional conditions when it came to gambling among guests. There were people who
gambled uncontrollably to the point of using property, companies, or even wives and
children as mortgages… Didn’t Lan Ling’s father sell her to the brothel for money

A gambler’s heart was very strange. He couldn’t extricate himself if he lost to a

certain extent. He knew that his action was wrong, but he couldn’t help but keep
gambling, hoping that lady luck would shine on him and let him win all the lost
money back at once.

However, this often resulted in the loss of one’s entire fortune and families
breaking apart. When they were left with nothing, they might bet their hands, feet
and even life in order to continue gambling.

No doubt, this gambling method was done under the mutual consent of both parties as
some gamblers liked to play to the extreme. Upon seeing others bet their hands and
feet, they would play along with it willingly and the casino would not interfere.
They turned a blind eye to this kind of thing.

Of course, it could not be ruled out that someone had colluded with the casino’s
dealer to frame the guests in order to swindle a substantial amount of money.

Yang Ming didn’t know Zhang Bing and Uncle Zhang’s current situation, so he
couldn’t come to a conclusion. But it must be that Zhang Bing and Uncle Zhang had
gambled recklessly which led them to make such a decision.

Zhang Bing, oh Zhang Bing, what can I say about you? Yang Ming sighed helplessly.
If Zhang Bing was in trouble, Yang Ming would certainly lend a hand. Yang Ming was
a person who valued relationships. Not to mention Zhang Bing, he would do the same
for Tian Donghua who he had met later. Yang Ming knew that Wang Xue tried to harm
him previously but he still let her go due to Tian Donghua. The same applied to
Tian Donghua’s father, Tian Long.

Therefore, Yang Ming wouldn’t stand on the sidelines for Zhang Bing’s matter. He
was his diehard ally from high school until now! It was just a matter of how to
manage it.

“Brother Yang…” Hearing Yang Ming say ‘crap’, Wang Mei’s heart chilled with
disappointment for a moment. Isn’t Yang Ming going to care about this?

“Fortunately, Zhang Bing still has a little affection and didn’t bet you,” Yang
Ming said lightly. “Where are you? How much does he owe?”

“I am at the hotel arranged by the Jewelry Exhibition event group, the Douglas Vast
Hotel. It is very famous and all taxi drivers know it,” said Wang Mei. “As for how
much money Zhang Bing owes, he didn’t tell me in detail. The people at the casino
asked me to go there to talk about it. I… I’m afraid… I didn’t dare to go yet… ”

Wang Mei was also faithful and righteous to Zhang Bing. Knowing that Zhang Bing got
into trouble, she didn’t run away herself. After all, if Zhang Bing and Uncle Zhang
had no money, Wang Mei would likely be caught as an alternate form of payment.
Zhang Bing’s affection towards her was not in vain indeed.

“Douglas Vast Hotel?” Yang Ming was dumbfounded. Why is it the Douglas Vast Hotel
again? But fortunately, it was not the Douglas Vast Hotel that held Zhang Bing.
Otherwise, I would have to make a phone call to Caique and continue to “acquire”
the hotels in Las Vegas.

###Chapter 1838: Stole My Own Lover

“Yes… I heard that one also recently opened in Song Jiang…” When Wang Mei left, the
Douglas Vast Hotel had not been acquired by the Song Jiang International Hotel yet.
The news was spread after they left, and it was normal that they did not know as
they were away.

“Okay, wait for me. I will hurry over as soon as possible.” Yang Ming comforted,
“You don’t need to worry. Since they want money, naturally they will not harm Zhang
Bing. You don’t have to hurry over to the casino to look for them now. Try to
contact them and tell them that you are raising money from China. Buy us some time
and stall until I arrive.”

“Okay, Brother Yang. I got it… Thank you!” Wang Mei said gratefully.

“Don’t thank me. There is nothing to be thankful for considering my relationship

with Zhang Bing. However, you have changed my impression of you this time. You
should follow Zhang Bing faithfully. Your choice is not wrong.” Yang Ming said
calmly. Yang Ming knew that Wang Mei obviously had deep feelings for Zhang Bing as
she had not left by herself during this situation, but he hinted to her as he was
afraid she would do something irrational.

Before Yang Ming went to Yunnan, he obviously needed to ask someone to take over
the jewelry company business, and naturally Zhang Bing was the perfect candidate.
Therefore, it also served to remindWang Mei that even if Zhang Bing had no money
now, she should not look down on him.

For a gold digger like Wang Mei, Yang Ming felt that it was necessary to say a few
words so that she could correct any mistakes made and keep a good record if there
weren’t any.

Yang Ming rubbed his temples after hanging up Wang Mei’s phone call. When did Zhang
Bing get addicted to gambling? Or was it because he was dragged by Uncle Zhang
suddenly and lost impetuously as a result?

If it is the former, it will be difficult for him to quit gambling. If it is the

latter, I believe that he will never dare to lift a finger to gamble anymore after
this incident.

As for how much money Zhang Bing owed, Yang Ming didn’t really care about it. Money
was not a problem for Yang Ming. If he didn’t have it, he could just get some from
the local Douglas Vast Hotel. It was just a matter of a phone call. He believed
that Caique would be more than happy to sponsor it.

Prior to leaving for Yunnan, Yang Ming had not planned to leave Song Jiang’s area.
But he didn’t expect that his plan would have to be changed due to the current
situation. It was all so sudden and Yang Ming had no choice.

First, he called Bao Sanli and asked him to book the earliest flight from Donghai
to Las Vegas. Then, he textedChen Mengyan, telling her that Zhang Bing had gotten
into trouble in Las Vegas, so he had to rush there personally.

Chen Mengyan also knew about Zhang Bing’s trip to Las Vegas. She and Lin Zhiyun
were also members of the jewelry company, so she replied shortly afterward. She
asked Yang Ming what happened to Zhang Bing and whether it was serious.

Yang Ming didn’t want her to worry, so he just briefly said that Zhang Bing had
some funding problems there and he would deal with it himself.

Chen Mengyan heard Yang Ming say so and didn’t say anything further. She just
reminded Yang Ming to be careful. She had become accustomed to Yang Ming running
around and not being at home often.

On the contrary, when Yang Ming stayed at home all day long without leaving
previously, it made Chen Mengyan wonder if Yang Ming had encountered something.
Before she could ask about it, Yang Ming had something to deal with again and
needed to leave. This let Chen Mengyan’s slightest concern disappear.

Yang Ming didn’t expect Zhang Bing’s problem would solve a big problem for him
instead! If Chen Mengyan started probing, he really didn’t know how to explain why
he kept staying at home and lingering with them.

After Yang Ming finished speaking to Chen Mengyan, he sent text messages to Xiao
Qing, Sun Jie, Jing Xiaolu, and Wang Xiaoyan. Yang Ming was not worried about Zhou
Jiajia and Lin Zhiyun because Chen Mengyan was with them, and she would definitely
tell them about it.

However, in these text messages, he did not mention Zhang Bing. Instead, he just
said that he had to travel abroad to manage some issues.

After thinking about it, Yang Ming also sent a text message to Zhao Ying. Yang Ming
felt that he better not provoke Zhao Ying during this time. Let her forget about
him and develop an online relationship with the Internet’s “There’s No True Love In
This World”. However, considering that he was about to travel far away, he should
inform her even as a friend.

While Zhao Ying was listening in the lecture, the mobile phone in her pocket
vibrated twice. Zhao Ying thought it was a message from “There’s No True Love In
This World”. She frowned and took out her phone, but did not expect it to be a
short message.

However, when she saw the sender, Zhao Ying froze. It’s actually from Yang Ming! I
haven’t been in touch with Yang Ming for a while, right? Why did he suddenly send a
text message at this time?

Zhao Ying quickly pressed the read button, but only saw Yang Ming telling her in a
very bland tone that he was going abroad and she should not worry if she can’t
contact him.

What is with this Yang Ming? He has been back for so long, yet he hasn’t contacted
me since we dined together. In fact, I am the one who took the initiative to look
for him. Could it be that he already has no feelings for me?

Zhao Ying looked at Yang Ming’s monotonous text message, and her heart began to
feel agitated again. As a matter of fact, Yang Ming and I should not belong
together. The rejection at the start has probably destined today’s result.

Once I missed it, he was already gone. No matter how I try to make up for it after
that, I have missed it after all. Especially since Yang Ming is now surrounded by
beautiful women. He is not worse off without me, “Sister Zhao Ying”. Our
relationship has really been getting weaker and weaker…

Zhao Ying sighed and replied in a very plain tone: Be safe. Keep in touch when you

After reading Zhao Ying’s seemingly indifferent reply, Yang Ming’s heart was
slightly disappointed. Could it be that Zhao Ying has already fallen in love with
the “There’s No True Love In This World”?

However, immediately after that, Yang Ming lamented that he was being crazy. Am I
not the “There’s No True Love In This World” as well? I just stole my own lover.
What is there to be disappointed about?

After he contacted Zhao Ying, Wang Xiaoyan called him back.

“Yang Ming, what’s going on? Is the plan ahead of schedule?” Wang Xiaoyan’s tone
seemed a little hasty and worried.

“No,” Hearing Wang Xiaoyan’s question, Yang Ming knew that Wang Xiaoyan had
misunderstood that he was going on the dangerous mission in advance. “It is a
friend of mine. He is being held in Las Vegas as he owes some debt from gambling.
I’m going to take care of it.”

“Oh, so that’s the case…” Wang Xiaoyan was relieved after hearing that it was not a
major event, “Just find a subordinate to go there for this kind of thing. It is not
necessary for you to go personally. It is not easy for you to rest at home for a
while and yet, you are heading out now? If you don’t believe in others, I can do it
myself too.”

“Hehe, look at you. I’m just going there to solve the problem and not to kill
people. Why do you need to go there?” Yang Ming said while laughing.

“Aren’t you going to save your friend?” Wang Xiaoyan asked back.

“I need to take a look to understand the specific situation. If they were unlucky
and lost the money themselves, I can’t blame the others for it,” said Yang Ming.
“Moreover, I stayed at home for too long and I think many people are starting to
feel suspicious. Going out now will save me some trouble. ”

“That’s true. Alright, please go and come back quickly. Be careful.” Wang Xiaoyan
reminded, “By the way, have you told Victoria?”

“I haven’t. You can tell her.” Yang Ming had forgotten about Victoria.

“Okay, let me tell her then,” answered Wang Xiaoyan.

As for Huang Lele and Su Ya, they were both frequent flyers. They were not
necessarily at a certain place at this moment, so Yang Ming did not need to
specifically inform them.

Not long after Wang Xiaoyan’s phone call, he got a phone call from Jing Xiaolu. She
was also a person who knew the truth and shared the same thoughts as Wang Xiaoyan.
She was instantly concerned and asked Yang Ming if he was about to leave.

Yang Ming had no choice but to explain it in the same way and Jing Xiaolu was
relieved. Yang Ming thought he could save troubles by shortening the text message
but it actually caused such a big reaction instead. He shook his head with a bitter

Sun Jie and Xiao Qing replied to the text message quickly. Obviously, they were
accustomed to Yang Ming’s frequent trips. They just told Yang Ming to be careful
and didn’t say much.

As for his parents, Yang Ming called them instead of texting, but what he told them
was that it was about the Jewelry Exhibition. Since Zhang Bing was there, he just
wanted to go over and have a look. He didn’t specifically mention that Zhang Bing
was into trouble. Once Father Yang and Mother Yang heard that it was a company-
related matter, they didn’t say anything further.

Chapter 1532: Someone to Accompany Me/ Will You Accompany Me to the Spring Outing?
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1839: Someone To Accompany Me

Zhao Ying flipped the world economics textbook in front of her absent-mindedly. Her
mind was still thinking about Yang Ming. Where am I placed in Yang Ming’s heart?
Especially after dinner that day, Yang Ming and I have become more subtle. In
addition to Sun Jie’s relationship… Could it be that he is giving up?

Zhao Ying was unwilling to think so, but she couldn’t think of other reasons seeing
the indifferent tone of Yang Ming’s text message. This was inevitable.

Furthermore, this kind of thought was difficult to eliminate once it emerged.

“Okay, we’ll end class earlier today. The Department Secretary has something to
tell all of you,” The professor closed the lesson plan notebook in front of him and
then said to the students present.

In many universities, the Head of Department was responsible for teaching while the
Department Secretary was responsible for the students’ records and activities.
Therefore, compared to the Head of Department, The Department Secretary had more
opportunities to meet everyone.

This was because the instructors of each class were directly managed by the
Department Secretary.

Although it was stated that the Head of Department was in charge of teaching and
not the Department Secretary, the records were managed by the Department Secretary.
If any bad records were written by the time of graduation, the graduate would have
to carry around this taint with them throughout their work and their lifetime.

Hence, the students knew that they shouldn’t offend the Head of Department because
it would affect their graduation success. Neither should the Department Secretary
be offended as it would affect their university review.
Upon hearing that the Department Secretary was here, many students who were
originally looking down at their books closed their textbooks and looked up.

Xue Xiaoping was the Economics Department Secretary. She was a woman in her forties
who did not have a scholarly temperament, but she appeared to be open-minded and
experienced. Xue Xiaoping nodded to the world economics professor and signaled that
he could leave the class.

The professor also nodded and left the classroom abruptly, leaving the podium to
Xue Xiaoping.

“I don’t need to introduce myself. Everyone should know about me as I spoke on

stage during the first day of the postgraduate course.” Xue Xiaoping kept it simple
and said, “I’m here to inform you of one thing. Next weekend is the annual spring
outing of our Economics Department. After the spring outing, we are going to
organize a study tour for all of you to tour large enterprises. Therefore, I hope
no one is absent during this group outing. Please notify those who did not attend
today using the contact network that was provided at the beginning of the course.”

Xue Xiaoping said it very casually, but everyone knew that this outing required
mandatory participation. The postgraduate students’ interest in the spring outing
was not as strong as that of undergraduate students. Many students who were pressed
for time believed that it was better to utilize that time to study and read.

However, since the Department Secretary had said that they would organize a study
tour of some enterprises after the spring outing, it was necessary to participate
in it. It was likely that they would need to write a thesis on the study tour upon
returning for their semester grade. Therefore, in this case, as long as they were
not terribly ill to the point of being bedridden, they would certainly go.

As they knew that this time’s focus was the study tour afterward, no one asked
about the location and activities of the spring outing. It didn’t matter where it
was as long as they could relax.

“Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. The undergraduate students have strict
requirements and they are not allowed to bring their boyfriend or girlfriend from
other departments. However, all of you are postgraduate students, so there is no
such restriction. You can bring your boyfriend and girlfriend along to this spring
outing. Those who have children can bring them too! “Xue Xiaoping said with a

Xue Xiaoping’s words caused the students who were present to roar with laughter.
Although marriage was allowed in the university and the postgraduate students were
allowed to have children, very few people did so.

How could they have the ability to study if they had a child? However, Xue
Xiaoping’s openness was supported by many students. Amongst the roar of laughter,
they cheered and applauded at the same time.

If it was just a group of postgraduate students going to the spring outing alone,
many people would obviously feel that it was boring and a waste of time. However,
if they could take their boyfriend or girlfriend with them, they would not feel
bored anymore. In contrast, it felt like a rare and good chance to relax.

Hence, when Xue Xiaoping announced this suggestion, everyone agreed to it. Some
boys who had just courted a new girlfriend were beginning to fantasize whether they
could turn this spring outing into a good opportunity for some intimacy.
Xue Xiaoping didn’t expose some of the students below when seeing their
expressions. She was a more open-minded person. This additional suggestion was also
a last minute idea she had thought up because she had noticed that everyone was not
very interested and carried a half-hearted attitude while she spoke.

After all, the purpose of organizing this department event was to let everyone
relax a little apart from studying hard. She didn’t want everyone to go half-
heartedly and return. This was why she made this decision at the last moment. The
decision was really a wise move as the students’ enthusiasm was raised immediately.

Since they were postgraduate students already, there was no need to scrutinize them
like children because they were all grown adults. Therefore, Xue Xiaoping would not
be so old-fashioned.

“Well, since everyone seems to agree, I won’t say anything more. Each person can
bring along two people, one adult and one child; no more than that. Those without
children can only bring one person along.” Xue Xiaoping added, “The university bus
will not be able to accommodate more people. An exception is given to those who
have their own cars.”

“Hahaha…” The students present burst into laughter again. After all, they had not
heard of anyone in this class who had children. In other words, it was stipulated
that one person can only bring along another person. Of course, those who had a car
were excluded from this restriction but such people were so few that it was

“Zhao Ying, let’s buy some food and groceries together for the spring outing in a
few days. I have a car. We can bring a little more,” Fan Jinzhe turned to Zhao Ying
and said excitedly after Xue Xiaoping finished talking.

He was just worried that there was no good opportunity to further approach Zhao
Ying. It was no use if he just attended class and sat around Zhao Ying every day.
They were still two separate individuals with no progress at all.

However, if he asked Zhao Ying to go out for dinner and have fun, she would
definitely refuse. This made Fan Jinzhe feel a little helpless. But the Department
Secretary’s suggestion of the spring outing had given him a glimpse of hope!

If he handled it well, perhaps he and Zhao Ying could go one step further.
Especially the last suggestion added by Xue Xiaoping allowing them to bring their
boyfriend and girlfriend along made Fan Jinzhe feel that his chances were even

After all, the people around them were in pairs. He stood a better chance to
accompany Zhao Ying since she was alone.

Zhao Ying frowned. When she heard Xue Xiaoping said that they could take their
boyfriend or girlfriend along just now, the first thought that came to her mind
was, Who should I take? Yang Ming…?

Zhao Ying smiled wryly. Since this event was an integrated event of the Economics
Department, Chen Mengyan would definitely participate in it. It was apparent that
Yang Ming would accompany Chen Mengyan and not Zhao Ying if he was going.

Moreover, Yang Ming had just sent a text message that he was going abroad. It was
even more impossible for him to accompany her. She didn’t even have to think about
it …
It seemed that she had to go alone!

However, Fan Jinzhe’s words made Zhao Ying slightly uncomfortable. Zhao Ying was
very annoyed with Fan Jinzhe already. He would stick around her all the time like
sticky candy. No matter what she said, he didn’t bother and smiled playfully.

“No thanks, I have someone to accompany me,” Zhao Ying replied coldly to Fan
Jinzhe. She must directly stop Fan Jinzhe’s ill intentions. Otherwise, this guy
would linger endlessly.

Therefore, the only way to make Fan Jinzhe give up completely was to tell him that
she had a companion, and that he was not needed! Otherwise, no matter how she
refused, Fan Jinzhe would definitely pester her shamelessly.

“You have a companion?” Fan Jinzhe froze for a moment, but immediately interpreted
it self-righteously, “Oh, you mean Sun Jie, right? It’s okay. The three of us can
go together! I am very close with Sun Jie!”

“No, it’s my boyfriend,” Zhao Ying hesitated for a second and said firmly. She felt
that she needed to use drastic measures to get rid of Fan Jinzhe. Sure enough, this
guy was very difficult to get rid of. He was going to follow her shamelessly after
knowing that she was accompanied by someone.

So Zhao Ying decided to fabricate a so-called boyfriend to make Fan Jinzhe give up

###Chapter 1840: Will You Accompany Me to the Spring Outing?

“What?” Fan Jinzhe did not expect that Zhao Ying would actually say that her
boyfriend would accompany her. He was stunned for a while, but he chuckled and
said, “Zhao Ying, what are you joking about? Will I be unaware if you have a
boyfriend? Stop talking nonsense. Hehe… ”

“We just know each other.” Zhao Ying didn’t expect Fan Jinzhe to be so shameless.
He was still bothering her when she said that she had a boyfriend. What does he

“You guys just know each other? How is that possible? I see that you are in school
all day long. How could you have a chance…?” Fan Jinzhe originally wanted to say, I
am following you day and night. Who else can you contact besides me? But it was
inappropriate for him to say this because it would be self-degrading. Therefore,
Fan Jinzhe could only say it more tactfully.

“I got to know him through the Internet. Do you have a problem with that?” said
Zhao Ying calmly.

“Internet? It’s impossible, right? Don’t fool me!” Fan Jinzhe didn’t believe Zhao
Ying at all. He felt that Zhao Ying was placating him and even came up with the
idea of the Internet. Isn’t it too unreliable?

Is it because Zhao Ying heard that the man and woman in the elevator just now met
on the Internet, so she made up a story at the last moment about finding a
boyfriend on the Internet?

Fan Jinzhe thought this was very possible. He was a very self-righteous person.
Once he reached a conclusion, he took it as fact. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be so
frightened by Yang Ming and certain that there was a vengeful spirit attached to
his body. This led to him being cheated thoroughly by the so-called masters.

“Why? Do you want me to show you our chat history?” Zhao Ying almost couldn’t
control her fury. She had seen difficult people before. When she was at Song Jiang
No. 4 High School, Jin Gang was hard enough to deal with already. But she had never
seen anyone as troublesome as Fan Jinzhe!

“Okay!” Fan Jinzhe was sure that Zhao Ying was simply speaking nonsense, so he
responded shamelessly.

Zhao Ying was suddenly speechless. This sentence was initially meant to make him
back off, but she did not expect Fan Jinzhe to actually agree to her suggestion.
Zhao Ying finally understood what was meant by the phrase, ‘There is nothing new
under the sun’.

“Go ahead and take a look then.” Zhao Ying was also enraged, so she took the phone
out of her pocket and searched for her chat with “There’s No True Love In This
World”. She showed Fan Jinzhe the sentence where “There’s No True Love In This
World” called her ‘wife’. “Look at it clearly. You see that?”

“This…” Fan Jinzhe saw that the “There’s No True Love In This World ” netizen
really called Zhao Ying as ‘wife’, and his heart suddenly chilled with
disappointment. However, he still hoped that this was merely Zhao Ying’s suitor,
who deliberately called Zhao Ying like this to take advantage of her. He was not
really Zhao Ying’s boyfriend. Thus, he said, “This is just what he called you, but
you didn’t call him that way. How does this count?”

“Should I call him that way now to let you see?” Zhao Ying really didn’t know what
else to say to Fan Jinzhe. Is there really such a shameless person in the world?
They truly exist indeed…

“Okay.” Fan Jinzhe nodded.

Zhao Ying really wanted to smash her phone onto Fan Jinzhe’s forehead, but she was
not so impulsive. She gritted her teeth and pushed through with it. She straight
away typed in the conversation box, “Hubby, we have a spring outing next weekend
and we are allowed to bring one family member along. Will you accompany me?”

Once she finished typing, Zhao Ying clicked the send button and sent it directly.

Fan Jinzhe was really dumbfounded at this moment. He knew that Zhao Ying wouldn’t
say such things to strangers that she didn’t know. Since she said so, the two of
them must have developed to a certain stage.

However, he was not ready to give up. He fantasized that perhaps Zhao Ying had
turned her mobile phone offline? Or maybe she turned off the mobile phone’s
Internet access function so that the message was not sent out?

Hmm, it’s very possible. Very possible indeed. Fan Jinzhe said to himself. Then
I’ll wait and see if your netizen gives you a reply! If he doesn’t reply, this
proves that your message has not been sent out at all.

When Zhao Ying saw that Fan Jinzhe was still looking back at her mobile phone
without turning his head back, she asked with disgust, “Now that you saw it, why
are you still looking?”

“I want to see what your boyfriend replies, just in case he is not free?” Fan
Jinzhe initially wanted to say, ‘In case you were pretending to send a message?’
but he didn’t dare to say that for fear of infuriating Zhao Ying. So he modified
his words. His purpose was the same anyway, to wait and see.

“Wait for it then,” Zhao Ying put her phone on the table, but she felt somewhat
restless in her heart. There’s No True Love In This World will be free, right? Is
he next to the computer? Will he reject me?

Will he be shocked when he sees me calling him hubby that he will ask what’s going
on? If he asks what’s going on in his reply, then it will be very awkward and
embarrassing! If this is seen by Fan Jinzhe, he will surely continue to pester me.

But do I really want a netizen to accompany me to the spring outing? Then… when I
meet him, will we become real friends like the man and woman in the elevator?

What if he wants to develop our relationship to the next level after meeting?

Zhao Ying’s thoughts became chaotic. Although Zhao Ying had a little feeling
towards There’s No True Love In This World, it was just a little feeling. She
assumed that she had this little feeling as she considered him a replacement for
Yang Ming, but it had not developed to the point of wanting to meet him.

She decided to send this message today solely because she was forced by Fan Jinzhe
and had no other way out. Haih, Zhao Ying was a little regretful for her impulsive
behavior, but she was also looking forward to the reply.

She did something that she would never dare to do normally, which was to meet the
netizen! Under rational circumstances, Zhao Ying would never do this. But today she
was too impulsive and a little reckless.

While Zhao Ying was letting her imagination run wild, her mobile phone on the table
vibrated twice. Obviously, “There’s No True Love In This World” had replied.

After Yang Ming called his parents, he returned to the computer. He was about to
check the location of the Douglas Vast Hotel in Las Vegas.

“Hubby, we have a spring outing next weekend and we are allowed to bring one family
member along. Will you accompany me?”

Huh?! Yang Ming looked at the computer screen in surprise. Has my computer been
attacked by a virus?

This was Yang Ming’s first thought because Zhao Ying’s words were really too
shocking. She called me hubby? Yang Ming looked at the words at the end. Weekend
spring outing; bring a family member?

Could it be that Zhao Ying sent it wrongly? But it can’t be. There are only two
people who Zhao Ying will call as her husband. One is Yang Ming, and the other is
There’s No True Love In This World.

She does not have any other close friends of the opposite sex. What does Zhao Ying
actually mean? Could there be a hidden meaning? Thinking of this, Yang Ming wanted
to return a message to ask Zhao Ying to ask her what was going on, but after typing
a few words, Yang Ming pressed the delete key.

No, Zhao Ying definitely wouldn’t say this for no reason. Yang Ming knew that Zhao
Ying was a conservative girl. How is it possible that she would just call a random
person her “hubby”?

If Zhao Ying was so open and hot, then he wouldn’t have reached this situation
where he was trying very hard to approach her on the Internet. He would have slept
with her earlier last year on that night!

Although “There’s No True Love In This World” and Zhao Ying were quite familiar and
there was a flirty vibe, it was still a long distance away from her calling him

If that was the case, there was only one possibility that Yang Ming could think of.
Zhao Ying had to say this for some reason, and she also hoped that he could give
her an affirmative answer. Otherwise, she wouldn’t elaborate the details in just
one sentence!

When he was chatting with her previously, she would break it down into a few
sentences. For example, “Hubby, we have a spring outing next weekend and we are
allowed to bring one family member along. Will you accompany me?”

She would definitely split them up to:

“Are you free next weekend?”

“We are organizing a spring outing and we can take one person along.”

“Go with me if you’re free, okay?”

It wouldn’t be so compact. She wouldn’t use a long sentence to express her

intention. The long sentence more or less seemed like a command.

However, it was also implying to Yang Ming that she needed an affirmative answer!

No matter what the reason was behind Zhao Ying sending this text message, Yang Ming
decided to cooperate with her first, because Zhao Ying would definitely explain it

Chapter 1533
: High IQ/ Yang Ming’s Comfort
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1841: High IQ

Since he had guessed that Zhao Ying might have sent this text message due to some
special reasons, Yang Ming ought to cooperate with her. Therefore, Yang Ming didn’t
ask further but responded directly:

“Sure! Dear, have you finished your class?”

Zhao Ying glanced at Yang Ming’s reply, and the corners of her mouth lifted to form
a faint smile. It seemed that “There’s No True Love In This World” was not a fool.
Under this condition, he didn’t question at all but directly agreed instead.
Obviously, he had guessed that she was caught in an awkward situation.
“My boyfriend has responded to the text message. Do you want to check it out?” Zhao
Ying asked Fan Jinzhe, who was looking forward with his eyes widened. She showed
him the phone.

“En, let me see.” Fan Jinzhe nodded solemnly. The phone vibrated shortly, so it is
not necessarily a reply to the QQ message. Perhaps it was just a text message.

Zhao Ying had become accustomed to Fan Jinzhe’s shamelessness, so she was too lazy
to talk further. She thrusted her mobile phone in front of him, “See it yourself.”

Seeing that Zhao Ying had let him see it without any hesitation, Fan Jinzhe guessed
that it was most probably a message from Zhao Ying’s so-called online boyfriend.

But even though he has really replied, the content is not known yet. Maybe he
doesn’t have the time to go.

So Fan Jinzhe took Zhao Ying’s mobile phone impatiently and was dumbfounded at the
first glance!

This online boyfriend agreed without a second thought. Apparently, the two of them
have met in real life before, and they might even have met multiple times.
Otherwise, it would be impossible for the other party to agree without asking

Also, judging from the way the other person calls Zhao Ying, he is obviously used
to it. He even knew that Zhao Ying is attending a class now. This shows that they
contact frequently and know what each other is doing.

Crap! No wonder Zhao Ying was mad when I said that online dating was unreliable
when we exited the elevator. It turned out she was dating online herself!

Fan Jinzhe’s complexion turned pale. I did not expect that I would be unsuccessful
after pursuing so hard for such a long time. And yet, a netizen got her first! Why
does Zhao Ying like this kind of thing?

If I had known about this earlier, I would do everything possible to find out Zhao
Ying’s QQ number, and communicate with her online. It now seems that Zhao Ying has
established a romantic relationship with this online guy. It will be difficult for
me to intervene now.

“Zhao Ying, since we are classmates, I would like to give you a piece of advice.
Don’t be upset because the truth seldom sounds pleasant!” Fan Jinzhe suppressed his
anger and pretended to say in a very kind manner, “Do you know that online dating
is still unreliable?” You don’t know each other’s background. Do you know what he
does for a living? What is his family like? Have you looked into it yourself? No,

“So I’m telling you that you have to be careful. There are many scammers now.
Haven’t you watched that Brother Gang telling stories on TV? It’s all love scams.
If he happens to deceive your money and your love, it will be too late for you to
regret it!

“Moreover, you also knew that the net name of this person is There’s No True Love
In This World. Obviously this person is a playboy who does not take love seriously.
How can you still hang out with such a person?”

“Thank you for your reminder. But we have already met each other’s parents,” Zhao
Ying said calmly.”You don’t need to worry about it. As for the net name, there are
tons of strange names out there. Do you still believe this? If someone with the net
name of Martian appears tomorrow, would you believe that he came from Mars?”

“Ah… this …” Fan Jinzhe was so stunned by Zhao Ying’s remark that he didn’t know
what to say. He forced a smile and said, “I’m just being kind. I have no ulterior

“I know, so thank you,” Zhao Ying said with a nod.

Now that this matter had come to an end, it was inappropriate for Fan Jinzhe to
turn his head around to talk to Zhao Ying anymore. Plus, there was no reason to do
so. He could only turn his head back, feeling a little depressed. He thought that
it must be because he was absent from school for a period of time which led to Zhao
Ying looking for a male netizen. Otherwise, why hadn’t he heard of him before?
Furthermore, when he pursued Zhao Ying before, she didn’t disclose that she had a

Based on Zhao Ying’s character, if she had a boyfriend at that time, she would
definitely use this as a reason to reject him. Since Zhao Ying didn’t do so at that
time, Fan Jinzhe believed that Zhao Ying had only gotten to know this boyfriend

Thinking of this, Fan Jinzhe’s heart started to complain about Yang Ming again. If
not for Yang Ming who fabricated the so-called vengeful spirit, would I stay at
home for such a long time without daring to go out?

It is because I didn’t go out that Zhao Ying got to know other people! Fan Jinzhe
felt that if he had been with Zhao Ying all the time, she definitely would not have
had the opportunity to meet any netizens. Perhaps with his hard work and
perseverance, he would have won her over already!

Yang Ming, I will never let you go. You wait and see. I will definitely ruin your
reputation! Fan Jinzhe thought hatefully.

While Fan Jinzhe and Zhao Ying were talking, the pockmarked face girl Li Xiaomei
sitting next to Fan Jinzhe was constantly observing his movements. After hearing
what he said to Zhao Ying, Li Xiaomei also suddenly understood that Fan Jinzhe’s
target was not her, but Zhao Ying behind her all along!

Anger surged through Li Xiaomei’s heart. If you didn’t like me, then why did you
sit next to me? Are you fooling me? Why didn’t you sit behind me?

However, Li Xiaomei was not stupid either. It was easy to guess that Fan Jinzhe
must have requested to sit with Zhao Ying behind, but Zhao Ying had refused. That
was why he settled for the next best thing and sat next to Li Xiaomei.

When Li Xiaomei thought of it, her face became cold and she sneered at Fan Jinzhe,
“Let it be. She already has a boyfriend, so don’t bother to think about it. It’s
not good to be a third wheeler.”

Hearing Li Xiaomei’s words, Fan Jinzhe pulled a long face. I wonder how I have
offended this deskmate. Didn’t we chat happily not long ago? Although I was
impatient with her questions, I didn’t neglect her. Why is she mocking me suddenly?

“Did I offend you? What do you mean by this, classmate Li Xiaomei?” Fan Jinzhe
followed the principle that a good man does not fight with a woman. He was
unwilling to argue with Li Xiaomei, especially in front of Zhao Ying. Therefore,
although he was furious, he still held back and asked calmly.

“Nothing. I’m just telling you not to ruin others’ happiness. She already has a
boyfriend, so why are you still so persistent? Are you going to die without this
person?” Li Xiaomei said faintly.

Fan Jinzhe was not dumb too. At this moment, he thought of Li Xiaomei’s attitude
towards him before and after the incident as well as these scornful words. He
realized that Li Xiaomei actually liked him. She thought that he liked her too
since he sat next to her…

Fan Jinzhe was quite speechless when he understood this. He thought, Why don’t you
look at yourself? Pockmarks with a rough and big face. The mistress that I used to
fund is a few times better than you. Plus, there is a world of difference between
you and Zhao Ying. Why would I be attracted to you?

However, after knowing Li Xiaomei’s thoughts, it was inappropriate for Fan Jinzhe
to say anything, lest this woman says something even more unpleasant due to
jealousy. He said reluctantly, “I got it. Now I have finished my class and want to
leave. Will you excuse me?”

Leave? Just leave then. What is the big deal? You are not attracted to me, and I’m
not attracted to you either! You just have a pretty face. What’s so great about it!
Li Xiaomei sneered, stood up, and made space for Fan Jinzhe to let him out.

Fan Jinzhe was not waiting for Zhao Ying anymore. He knew that it would be
pointless for him to do anything now. He only had a chance if Zhao Ying gave up
completely on that online guy!

How can I let Zhao Ying be disheartened by that “There’s No True Love In This
World”? Fan Jinzhe couldn’t think of any good method at this moment. But now that
he knew that “There’s No True Love In This World” would go to the spring outing
next weekend, he could take action if an opportunity arose. The best thing was to
make him do something that would offend Zhao Ying so that his reputation would be
ruined. Consequently, Zhao Ying would no longer be with him.

Hmph, based on my high IQ, how easy it is to deal with an online guy? Fan Jinzhe
thought arrogantly. He had developed his initially small-sized company to a large-
scale one. He had managed the company well to let it prosper.

Fan Jinzhe had forgotten the pain after the wound healed. He didn’t recall who was
the one that was deceived to the point of not daring to step out of the house and
being swindled of a large amount of money by two masters.

###Chapter 1842: Yang Ming’s Comfort

Zhao Ying returned to the house that Yang Ming bought for her and looked at it. She
sighed slightly. Fan Jinzhe had forced her to make a decision today, which also
meant that her relationship with Yang Ming had concluded and came to an end.

There is no reason for me to stay in this house. The house which I used to live in
with Wang Xiaoyan has been returned. Where can I stay now?

Zhao Ying could stay at Wang Xiaoyan’s place as Wang Xiaoyan often invited her to
stay together. But now that she knew the relationship between Wang Xiaoyan and Yang
Ming, she couldn’t stay there again.
If she still maintained her current relationship with Yang Ming, there was no
problem. The problem was it was not nice to tell Wang Xiaoyan that she had another
boyfriend. When Yang Ming visited Wang Xiaoyan, it would also be very awkward.

So Zhao Ying wanted to find a house to live by herself. This neighborhood is

relatively close to the university. If I ask around, there should be a place
available for rent, right?

However, the first thing Zhao Ying’s had to do now was to explain to “There’s No
True Love In This World” about what had happened just now.

After logging into QQ on the computer, Zhao Ying sent a message to “There’s No True
Love In This World”: “Are you there?”

“Yes.” Yang Ming knew that there must be something that made Zhao Ying ask the
previous question, so he kept waiting by the computer for Zhao Ying’s explanation.
Meanwhile, he checked the Douglas Vast Hotel’s address in Las Vegas.

“Did I frighten you just now?” Zhao Ying hesitated and asked. She was not very good
at explaining and she didn’t know where to start.

“No. You must have encountered something that triggered you to say so, right?” Yang
Ming replied.

“Yeah… One of my classmates is very annoying. He even wanted to accompany me during

the spring outing. I had no other way but to tell him that I have a boyfriend.”

“But he didn’t believe me, so I sent you a message. Unexpectedly, your reply was
timely, and he finally believed it.”

Zhao Ying sent two messages at once. As Yang Ming speculated, Zhao Ying would
always split a sentence into several sentences. This was also the modern
generation’s chat habit. They send one sentence after another instead of sending
everything in one message.

“I see. I thought you really invited me to go to the spring outing with you. It
made me overjoyed just now.” Yang Ming teased her deliberately. In fact, Yang Ming
was very clear that Zhao Ying would not have such a drastic change in attitude
towards him in such a short time.

“Of course I am really inviting you to go…” Zhao Ying continued, “At that time,
that classmate of mine will definitely follow me. If you don’t go, he will
certainly not believe it.”

Yang Ming had guessed who the said person was from Zhao Ying’s words. One of Zhao
Ying’s suitors in the university who was extremely persistent was none other than
Fan Jinzhe.

This fellow was fooled by me last time, and he’s back to normal so soon? I thought
he would hide at home for at least a year before getting out.

However, Zhao Ying had indeed requested Yang Ming to go on a spring outing with
her. This surprised Yang Ming! He always felt that his progress with Zhao Ying was
not obvious. Now suddenly, Zhao Ying had actually invited him to go to the spring
outing with her as she was coincidentally forced by Fan Jinzhe. Isn’t this a
blessing in disguise? Should I thank Fan Jinzhe?

Yang Ming didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, but he was glad that he and Zhao
Ying had made progress.
“Okay, since you have invited me, how can I not go?” Yang Ming replied quickly. It
would just take three to five days for him to handle Zhang Bing’s affairs. It
wouldn’t take long, so he would be able to return by next weekend.

“En, then… Do we need to meet first? We don’t know each other yet …” Zhao Ying
hesitated. After all, this was the first time she would meet a netizen in reality.
Although the two have known each other for a long time and their relationship was
also very reliable, Zhao Ying still felt that it was a little abrupt for the two of
them to go directly to the spring outing. It was best for them to meet and
communicate first, and then talk about the future.

What if both of them could only chat on the Internet, but were incompatible in real
life? What if she realized that she didn’t like him, but liked Yang Ming instead?

So Zhao Ying was a little worried.

“There is no need, right? Why make it so serious? It’s just a spring outing. You
don’t have to carry any psychological burden as I won’t ask anything from you
immediately. Although I call you my wife on the Internet, we are still friends in
reality. I’m clear about this,” Yang Ming comforted Zhao Ying as he had guessed her

“Also, I understand what you mean. Don’t I just need to impersonate your boyfriend
and make your suitor back off? Don’t worry, I’m good at this. I’m a professional
boyfriend impersonator. My job is to pretend to be someone else’s boyfriend,” Yang
Ming continued.

Yang Ming’s words were not just randomly said. It was truly reality. Take for
example Zhao Ying. He had faked it once for her.

Zhao Ying did not expect that “There’s No True Love In This World” had guessed her
thoughts so quickly. Although she was embarrassed, she also felt happy that
“There’s No True Love In This World” was being so understanding.

Since he had said so, she would not be pretentious. Anyway, they would start as
ordinary friends first after meeting. Then, they could consider whether to continue

“Well… okay then. Let’s contact each other again when the time comes.” Zhao Ying
was in an emotional turmoil and didn’t want to say too much now, so she hurriedly
ended the conversation.

“En. Let’s get into contact again at that time.” Yang Ming didn’t say too much as
well. Everything would be put on hold until they meet. They would be able to
communicate naturally by then.

Yang Ming had asked Bao Sanli to book the earliest flight ticket, and the result
came very quickly. The flight was past twelve o’clock tonight, flying from Donghai
International Airport to Capital International Airport, and then flying directly to
Las Vegas.

“Brother Yang, the time and flight number of the e-ticket have been sent to your
mobile phone. Shall I send you off at night?” Bao Sanli called right after he
received the short message of the ticket information.

“Let Wang Lin send me at night. You don’t have to go. He can manage such a trivial
matter.” Yang Ming laughed and said, “It can now be said that your career as my
driver has ended.”
“Ha, don’t say that. I envy Little Wang too. How I wish to continue driving for
Brother Yang!” Bao Sanli also laughed. “Brother Yang, is everything alright for
this trip? Do you need our help? ”

“It’s nothing, Zhang Bing just lost a lot of money gambling. I’ll deal with it,”
Yang Ming said briefly. “It’s not a big deal.”

“Well, alright then. Shall I inform Little Wang to pick you up later?” asked Bao

“Okay, you tell him then,” Yang Ming answered.

Little Wang arrived at the door of Yang Ming’s villa at four o’clock sharp in the
evening. Originally, Yang Ming planned to depart at six o’clock. It would take him
two hours to reach Donghai and one hour to the airport. He would linger for a while
till eleven o’clock before going for security check and boarding.

However, Little Wang was afraid that there would be a traffic jam on the
expressway, so he came two hours in advance. Yang Ming thought it was possible too.
It was better to be earlier than later when it came to flights. Therefore, he
packed his luggage and got in the car.

Chen Mengyan and the others had not finished school at this time, so Yang Ming
didn’t wait for them. He just sent them a text message informing them that he was
leaving, and then asked Little Wang to rush to Donghai Airport.

Yang Ming had never looked for Little Wang ever since they had returned from the
Immortal Resort. He was very free every day and kept thinking about why Yang Ming
didn’t look for him. Most people knew that Yang Ming would not swap Little Wang
easily since Yang Ming had designated him as his driver. They wouldn’t feel that he
was being neglected when he was idle every day. On the contrary, everyone
understood that Yang Ming was very leisurely now as he had given the chairman
position to Jing Xiaolu, so naturally there would not be too many things to do.

But even so, these people would not undermine Little Wang. Although Yang Ming was
not the chairman, he was no different from the chairman. Jing Xiaolu still had to
obey Yang Ming, right?

When Bao Sanli called today to tell Little Wang to send Yang Ming to the airport at
night, Little Wang quickly polished his car excitedly before rushing to Yang Ming’s
villa. He even canceled the dinner he was meant to have with Little Ran’s family.

Chapter 1534: Knocking the Car/ You Send Me There

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1843: Knocking the Car

Of course, Little Ran and her family members would not say anything. When they
heard that Little Wang was sending the boss to the airport, they took the
initiative to cancel the dinner. They also told Little Wang that work was more
important, and they could have the family dinner at any time!

Although this statement was true, Little Wang was deeply moved. It was not like
this when he was in the security team. Let alone delaying a family dinner because
of work, Little Ran’s parents would even complain when they heard that he was
working overtime. He earned a meager salary but still had to work overtime. It was
not promising.

This difference made Little Wang cherish this hard-won job even more. Previously,
he had driven the company car to the resort. Although Yang Ming didn’t say anything
after seeing it, Little Wang had made up his mind to never again use the company
car for personal affairs when he returned.

Little Ran also understood this well and informed her parents. They also agreed
vehemently. After all, taking a taxi was not a problem considering Little Wang’s
current monthly salary.

“Brother Yang, are we going directly to the airport now?” Little Wang asked
respectfully after helping Yang Ming to load his luggage in the trunk of the car.

Yang Ming’s carry-on luggage was just a backpack, which contained two clothes for
washing and a laptop. Yang Ming did not need to bring too many things on this trip
as it was not a holiday. Just the necessities would be sufficient. Moreover, as
long as he had money, he could directly buy anything that was missing.

Just as Little Wang, traffic was backed up on the expressway. Little Wang got out
of the car to ask about it. It turned out that there was a chain reaction accident
involving three large trucks. Not only were the vehicles seriously damaged, but
their goods were all over the ground as well.

It was uncertain how long it would take for the expressway to be cleared again, and
Yang Ming was catching a flight. Little Wang had no choice but to turn the car and
go against the traffic on the expressway road. Fortunately, all the cars on the
expressway on this side were waiting in line, so it was not too dangerous. Little
Wang drove back from the emergency lane.

Of course, this was possible as they had just entered the expressway road. If they
had gone too far, it would be hard to return.

Some waiting drivers were a little surprised to see Little Wang’s car drive against
the traffic back to the toll station. But based on the current situation, it might
be the best solution. This expressway from Song Jiang to Donghai had been newly
resurfaced this year. But there was another old road they could take to reach their
destination. Although the road was bumpier, there were relatively few large trucks.
After the expressway was opened, the old road was rarely congested.

However, could they pass through the toll station by driving backwards? Little
Wang’s license plate was not a privileged number, but a random number plate chosen
by Bao Sanli. Yang Ming wanted to keep a low profile so he had requested this. If
it was like his BMW, it would be too eye-catching.

Most of these drivers also knew some privileged car numbers, but they were a little
surprised when they found that Little Wang’s car number plate was not one. A taxi
driver even reminded him kindly, “Brother, you can’t get out even if you drive
against the flow of traffic to the toll booths. They might even fine you! Just line
up! ”
“I have no choice. My boss is in a hurry to catch a flight, and I can only go this
way.” Little Wang smiled and nodded to the driver brother, “Thank you!”

As soon as the driver brother heard that they were catching a flight, he also knew
their anxious mood. Anyway, they could just get off at the expressway intersection
and leave the car there. Getting fined was ok as long as their important matter was
not delayed.

Sure enough Little Wang’s car was stopped when they reached the toll station
entrance. The toll station’s administrator also notified the traffic police on duty

Little Wang’s car number was ordinary, but Bao Sanli gave him documentation and a
permit for an armored cash escort vehicle. Little Wang initially thought that he
would get special permission by handing these over the traffic police would earn
him special permission, but unexpectedly the traffic police who came didn’t buy it.

This permit was issued by the city police department, but it was applicable for
armored cash escort vehicles. The traffic policeman noticed that Little Wang’s car
was an Audi A8, so he obviously thought that Little Wang was one of those rich
people who obtained the permit through private connections. After all, this car
model couldn’t be used to transport banknotes.

Little Wang returned to the car with a dejected face and lamented to Yang Ming
carefully, “Brother Yang, I’m sorry. I thought it was okay, but now something is
wrong. The traffic police will not let me go…”

Yang Ming didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. However, when Little Wang was about
to go against the traffic, Yang Ming didn’t stop him, so he couldn’t simply blame
Little Wang. Although Little Wang wanted to abuse the special privilege, he just
wanted to ensure Yang Ming didn’t miss his flight.

So Yang Ming just nodded, “We’re already at the expressway intersection. I’ll ask
Xiaolu to send me from here.”

“Then do I need to tell Brother Bao and see if he can find someone…” Little Wang
was ashamed to continue.

“No need. Just accept the fine. After all, you have violated the rules. It is not
wrong for you to be fined. You can get a refund on the fine amount from Xiaolu
later.” Yang Ming waved. It was not worthwhile to contact everyone for this trivial

“Okay… Thank you, Brother Yang…” Little Wang knew that apologizing wouldn’t help
him now. Furthermore, Yang Ming didn’t seem to blame him at all, so Little Wang was

I really messed things up with my good intentions! Little Wang took his driver’s
license from the car and got off to wait for the traffic police to issue a ticket.
The car might need to be detained for going against the traffic. In addition, the
traffic police suspected that his permit documentation was false and wanted to
verify it with the internal police department.

Yang Ming got out of the car and walked towards the expressway entrance with Little
Wang. Little Wang walked towards the police car parked on the side, while Yang Ming
called Jing Xiaolu as he walked.
The call was connected, but Jing Xiaolu hung up not long after. Yang Ming frowned.
Jing Xiaolu rarely misses my call. What happened this time? Just when Yang Ming was
confused, Jing Xiaolu texted, “I’m holding a middle-level leadership meeting in the
company. I’ll call you back later.”

Yang Ming was slightly stunned and speechless after reading the text message. Jing
Xiaolu is now the company’s chairman, but my mind has not adjusted to this change.
I still think that she is a schoolgirl who has nothing to do, and assumed that she
would be surely available to send me. Now it seems that Jing Xiaolu has become a
very busy lady.

Yang Ming shook his head and was about to call Bao Sanli to ask him to come over
and send him to the airport. However, he casually watched Little Wang walking to
the traffic police to accept the fine. Yang Ming’s gaze locked on the Leopaard car
which was starting up from its parked position beside the traffic police’s car.

Yang Ming tucked his phone into his pocket, picked up his backpack and chased after
the Leopaard car.

The Leopaard had started and was accelerating. However, Yang Ming’s motor nerves
were so developed that he caught up with the Leopaard in front of him in a few
steps. Yang Ming began to knock hard on the boot of the Leopaard.

Little Wang froze, and the traffic police on duty was also shocked! The traffic
police on duty knew that Yang Ming was with Little Wang. When he saw Yang Ming
coming over, he didn’t think much about it. However, he suddenly saw Yang Ming
knocking wildly on the door of his leader’s car!

This man… What is he trying to do? Is he trying to mess with my leader because he
is angry that I fined his driver? But… How can anyone mess with my leader?

Although the traffic police on duty had not experienced it personally, the rumors
of this leader were widely known!

Xia Xue had just recently been promoted to deputy chief of the police bureau. Chen
Fei removed the pronoun to become the bureau chief of the police bureau. Naturally,
the deputy bureau chief position was vacant and Xia Xue took it.

Part of the reason Xia Xue was able to take on the deputy chief position at a young
age was due to her always solving major and important cases. But it was also
undoubtedly inseparable from her background.

Xia Xue was clear that her family influence was behind her promotion. Meanwhile, as
for her few credits… It could be said that they were given by Yang Ming in vain.

Xia Xue understood the internal affairs thoroughly. She knew how she had become the
deputy bureau chief very well. Although outsiders envied her luck, there was no
objection within the bureau.

After all, Xia Xue’s promotion was accumulated based on real achievements. Of
course, some people had speculated about her background before. But if she had both
the ability and background, everyone often discounted her background. Moreover, Xia
Xue’s background was not known; it was only speculated about.

Compared to the depressed Xia Xue who had just joined the vice-captain squad a year
ago, the current Xia Xue exuded the confidence of a successful woman. But even so,
she herself knew that her true ability was actually not that great.
###Chapter 1844: You Send Me There

If it weren’t for Yang Ming contributing the credit to her several times, she would
not be promoted so quickly even with her relationship to her brother and
grandfather. She could only be a deputy captain at most, let alone deputy bureau

As a result, several major cases that she had solved were well known in the
province. Many policemen in other cities knew Xia Xue’s famous name.

Xia Xue was going to a meeting in the province today. But she found out that there
was a serious traffic jam when she reached the expressway intersection.
Coincidently, she saw a traffic police officer on duty, so she drove her car to the
side and asked him. It turned out that there was an accident on the expressway. Xia
Xue had no choice, so she decided to take the old road to go to Donghai. Although
the road was a little longer and bumpier, she would be able to reach the evening
meeting on time.

Just when Xia Xue started the car, she heard someone knocking on the trunk of her
car. Xia Xue was startled and thought that the traffic policeman just now had some
issues. She stopped the car immediately and opened the door to get out of the car.
Then, she saw Yang Ming walk out from behind the car.

“Xia Xue, luckily you stopped the car. Otherwise, I don’t know how far I would have
needed to chase you!” While Yang Ming was talking, he threw his backpack into the
back seat of Xia Xue’s car.

“Yang Ming?” Xia Xue didn’t expect it to be Yang Ming. Seeing Yang Ming’s strange
actions, she was a little puzzled, “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to Donghai to catch a flight. It’s urgent. Can you send me there?” Yang
Ming said with a grin, as if Xia Xue was his full-time driver.

“I? Send you there?” Xia Xue rolled her eyes. How did he know that I am going to
Donghai? Besides, doesn’t he have a car? Why should I send him!

“My driver is currently detained by the traffic police,” Yang Ming pointed at Wang
Lin who was not far behind him. He then said, “By the way, are you free? Sending me
wouldn’t delay your work, right?”

“It just came to your mind now to ask whether I’m free? You seemed to be talking to
me in a commanding tone just now, right?” Xia Xue was almost speechless, but she
was really helpless when facing Yang Ming.

Xia Xue was just thinking that Yang Ming had given her a few credits and felt very
grateful to him. But being grateful is just being grateful. You can’t command me as
if I was your driver, right? I’m also a deputy bureau chief!

Although she maintained the habit of driving by herself, it was not to be a driver
for others!

“I’m really in a hurry,” Yang Ming was also persistent. He directly opened the door
by the passenger seat and hopped in, “Help me. I’ll treat you to dinner when I

“Treat me to dinner? Someone apparently promised me to be my long term meal ticket.

I can eat whenever I want. What’s the big deal with a dinner treat?” Xia Xue
remembered Yang Ming’s promise and blurted out, but she blushed a little right
after saying it. Thinking of the flirty relationship between her and Yang Ming, Xia
Xue glared at Yang Ming and got into the car.

“Hehe, I’ll buy you drinks then,” Yang Ming laughed and said.

“Who cares!” Xia Xue pouted her lips, “Coincidently, I am also going to Donghai.
Otherwise, I would really want to kick you off.”

“Kick me?” Yang Ming said indifferently, “Wait until you can beat me.”

Upon Yang Ming’s reminder, Xia Xue suddenly recalled that she indeed could not beat
Yang Ming. Kicking him probably wouldn’t have any effect, so she could only start
the car indignantly.

The traffic police on duty didn’t expect Yang Ming to get into Xia Xue’s car after
banging on it. Their relationship seemed to be quite close! They were even talking
and laughing together. After taking Wang Lin’s driver’s license, he hesitated,
“Your boss knows Bureau Xia?”

“En? Bureau Xia? Who’s that?” Little Wang heard the traffic policeman’s question
and was stunned as he didn’t know who the traffic police was asking about. Little
Wang had not dealt with the police directly, so he did not know who the traffic
policeman referred to.

“It was the person who got down from the Leopaard just now,” The traffic police
said as he pointed toward the Leopaard that had just left.

“Ah? She? Isn’t she our boss’s girlfriend?” Little Wang asked with confusion.

“What? Bureau Xia is your boss’s girlfriend?” The traffic policeman was baffled for
a long time after listening to Little Wang’s answer. Xia Xue is boss’s girlfriend?
Is it true? But if it is true, I don’t need to check the car documentation anymore.
It must be genuine.

In fact, when the traffic police saw Yang Ming and Xia Xue got in the car while
talking and laughing, he knew that the permit on Little Wang’s car should be real.

“Her surname is Xia?” Little Wang hesitated a while, “Then that may not be the
case. I thought her surname was Chen.”

Little Wang knew that Yang Ming’s real girlfriend was Chen Mengyan, but he had
never met her before. Just now Yang Ming had called Jing Xiaolu but couldn’t get
through. Little Wang was not sure who he called after that. But thinking about it,
it should be Chen Mengyan.

Besides knowing Jing Xiaolu, Little Wang only heard Bao Sanli occasionally mention
Chen Mengyan.

“Is that your bureau chief? She’s so young?” Little Wang suddenly thought of Chen
Mengyan’s background, so he pretended to say inadvertently, “My boss’s girlfriend’s
father is also at the city police station. Perhaps he may know your Bureau Xia. ”

“Girlfriend’s father?” The more the traffic police listened, the more he was
confused. Who is related to who?

“Yes, our boss’s girlfriend is Chen Mengyan. Her father is also the bureau chief…”
Little Wang nodded solemnly.
After the traffic police heard Little Wang’s words, his face suddenly changed. His
surname is Chen… and he’s the bureau chief. The identity of this person is almost

The traffic police did not suspect that Little Wang had lied to him as had
previously seen that Yang Ming And Xia Xue were close. With Little Wang’s
explanation, it made sense why Xia Xue would allow Yang Ming to get into her car.

In fact, after seeing Yang Ming getting into the car, the traffic policeman
believed that Little Wang’s permit was real. He returned the permit and driver’s
license to Little Wang, “You may go now. Don’t do such a dangerous thing next time.

He didn’t dare to meddle with this kind of thing. If the car was detained, wouldn’t
he offend two chiefs at the same time?

Furthermore, it was not illegal to release Little Wang since his permit was

Little Wang didn’t expect that he would be released with just a few casual
mentions. He lamented in his heart. Brother Yang is well known indeed!

Little Wang left quickly and drove away after saying thanks. However, since Yang
Ming and Xia Xue’s car had gone far away, Little Wang had to call Yang Ming to ask
if he needed to send Yang Ming.

“Little Wang? Have you settled everything?” Yang Ming glanced at the caller ID and
saw that it was a call from Little Wang.

“En, the traffic police saw you and that… Bureau Xia are close with each other, so
he knew that the permit was not fake and let me go…” Little Wang said awkwardly,
“Brother Yang, where are you? Do you want me to send you? ”

“It’s okay. I’m hitching a ride in Xia Xue’s car. Since there’s nothing left to be
done, you can go back.” After Yang Ming heard that Little Wang was released, he
said nothing further. At that time, if Yang Ming got off and took out his
credentials, he believed he would have achieved the same effect, but he did not do

Using his credentials for such trivial matters was making a big fuss over a minor
issue. This was why Yang Ming asked Little Wang to accept the fine.

“Alright, Brother Yang. If you need anything, call me at any time,” said Little
Wang. Hearing the way Yang Ming called Xia Xue, he thought, Brother Yang is really
close with that Bureau Xia.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Ming looked at Xia Xue with interest, “Bureau Xia?
Were you promoted again?”

“Why? Can I not be promoted?” Xia Xue sneered. In front of others, she could indeed
show off her promotion. But she was facing Yang Ming. Xia Xue knew that her credits
were brought by Yang Ming, so there was nothing to show off.

“Ha, then I should congratulate you!” Yang Ming grinned, but he did not mention Xia
Xue’s credits. Instead, he said, “Was it your brother’s arrangement? Is it part of
his preparation for you to go to Yunnan?”

Xia Xue was slightly stunned. She didn’t expect Yang Ming would bring up this
matter suddenly. After hesitating, she nodded, “That should be the case. This time
all the people going are from your side. They are not of a low level. If I am just
a Vice Squad Captain, the chief may not agree to let me go. It would be different
if I was the deputy chief, so my brother may have taken this into consideration. In
addition to the drug dealer you gave me credit for, I have enough credits.”

Chapter 1535: Lack of Confidence/ Xia Xue’s Uncle

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1845: Lack of Confidence

Xia Xue frowned slightly when the topic of merit was broached. Yang Ming’s
observation skills were very sharp. Naturally, this small detail could not escape
his eyes. He knew why she was frowning.

Xia Xue was uncomfortable with having his help every time she solved a major case.
She got the credit without much effort like a free gift falling from the sky. If
she was as thick-skinned as Yang Ming, she might have accepted it with ease, and
could even pretend that nothing had happened. However, Xia Xue was different. In
the end, Xia Xue was a girl. She was not as thick-skinned as Yang Ming, so she
would be concerned with free credits.

“What’s the matter? Do you think that your credit came out of nowhere?” Yang Ming
looked at Xia Xue with a smile and asked, “Are you uncomfortable because you feel
as if you got a free lunch?”

“Hmph!” Xia Xue snorted. But Yang Ming had correctly guessed her thoughts, so she
nodded and said, “Yeah, I feel like I am cheating every time I think about it. My
success didn’t come from my own hands.”

“I have to say, you think too much!” Yang Ming heard Xia Xue admitting, and sighed
helplessly, “If I were you, I would accept this credit with ease. Even if others
knew the inside story, I would still feel at ease. ”

“Ah?” Xia Xue said suddenly, “I’m not as thick-skinned as you.”

“It has nothing to do with being thick-skinned!” In addition to being thick-

skinned, Yang Ming was also good at making things up and running his mouth, “Think
about it. Your cases were solved with my assistance. In other words, I gave this
credit to you. Hence, you feel that if I had given these credits to others, they
could also have been promoted to be the captain, or deputy chief of the bureau. Am
I right?”

“En…” After hearing Yang Ming’s words, Xia Xue nodded involuntarily. This was what
she thought, so she unconsciously nodded to acknowledge it.

“Nonsense!” Yang Ming heard Xia Xue’s affirmative reply, and suddenly cursed,
startling Xia Xue.
“Ah!” Xia Xue was confused by Yang Ming. She scolded him silently for being
impolite. Why did he curse loudly out of nowhere?

“You are so wrong!” Yang Ming snorted coldly, “Would I give it to others? Am I that
free? Do you think I’m free all day? I’m already quite busy. Also, I still have to
follow your brother for many tasks. I’m really exhausted!”

“…” Although Xia Xue knew that Yang Ming was right, he indeed did not seem to be so
busy. As for the statement of giving it to others and being very free, Xia Xue was
a little puzzled, “Why would you give it to me and not give it to others?”

“Me giving it to others? Do I know them? Do we have any connection? Why would I
give it to them?” Yang Ming said righteously, “I gave it to you because I am your
long term meal ticket. Our relationship is special. I usually help those dearer to
me and ignore those with reasons. HaHa... ”

Help those dearer to me and ignore those with reasons? Xia Xue rolled her eyes.
Only Yang Ming could say something shameless like this. However, his previous
statement of a long term meal ticket and their unusual relationship made Xia Xue a
bit uncomfortable. She did not know the meaning of the long term meal ticket
previously, so she had casually said this to Yang Ming. But when she later learned
its meaning, she became a bit embarrassed. She did not expect Yang Ming to mention
this again and again, so she slightly blushed.

“Are you not from the Supernatural Investigation Bureau? If you solve a case, you
naturally would not announce it directly to the public and instead would give part
of the credit to the local police station. If you would not give it to me, would
you not give it to the others?” Xia Xue avoided Yang Ming’s mention of the long-
term meal ticket and asked.

“When I helped you solve the case, your brother hadn’t come to me yet. I was a lone
wolf, and I loved it,” said Yang Ming.

Although Yang Ming’s reason was a bit far-fetched with some time discrepancy, Xia
Xue also had to admit that Yang Ming was speaking the truth. With Yang Ming’s
personality, he could definitely do this kind of thing.

So Yang Ming’s words made sense when she thought about it. If she did not know him
and had a better relationship with him, he would not have given her the credit.

“It looks like what you said makes some sense,” Xia Xue admitted.

“That’s it. So you don’t have to worry about it. Your ability is to settle me. This
is also a kind of ability…” Yang Ming started talking nonsense again.

“Who did you? You were the one to do me every time, okay?” Xia Xue replied
immediately after Yang Ming said something was unreliable. However, because of her
anxiety, she omitted the word settled.

She originally meant that every time she came across Yang Ming, he always ordered
her to do this and that. So how could she even order him? Even when he gave her the
credit, he was willing and she could not control him.

“Ugh… Xia Xue, I have to say, your mind is not as pure as when I first met you!”
Yang Ming looked at Xia Xue with pity, “Although you and I were both drugged at the
Wang Family’s private base at that time, we just touched and kissed each other, and
did not really do it. So this ‘do’ cannot be used recklessly! Although I wanted to
do it at the time, I decided to give up since the time and place was inappropriate
… ”

“Ahem…” Xia Xue was so annoyed by Yang Ming that she just wanted to kick someone,
“Yang Ming! Get out of the car!”

The relationship between the two had become a little ambiguous due to that
incident. When Xia Bingbao started mentioning Yang Ming in front of Xia Xue, Xia
Xue remembered that incident and always blushed unconsciously, which made Xia
Bingbao misunderstand the relationship between Xia Xue and Yang Ming. He thought
they were a couple!

It was for this reason that Xia Bingbao allowed Xia Xue to go to Yunnan with ease.
He understood Yang Ming’s character. Yang Ming was an extremely protective person,
especially towards his women. If someone messed with his women, he would kill their
whole family. Because of this, Xia Bingbao felt that if Yang Ming and Xia Xue were
together, Xia Xue would surely be safe as long as Yang Ming was not in danger.

“Oh, I will naturally get down when I reach the airport.,” Yang Ming said plainly
as if he had not noticed Xia Xue’s anger.

Xia Xue felt like she had punched cotton, immediately feeling a bit powerless.
Fortunately, she merely mentioned it, and did not really force Yang Ming to get

For a while, the atmosphere inside the car was a bit cold. Yang Ming thought about
it and decided to change the topic, “For the trip to Yunnan… Honestly, I am not
confident about it. If you can afford to not go, it would be better for you not to
go. ”

Xia Xue originally thought that Yang Ming was calling her weak. But when she turned
to the side and saw Yang Ming’s serious expression, he did not seem to be making
fun of her. Yang Ming rarely spoke this solemnly and seriously. He only spoke like
this when he was completely serious, like this moment.

“Huh?” Xia Xue asked without realizing it. Without saying anything, she waited for
Yang Ming to continue.

“You basically know some of my abilities. As a man, I am very strong, at least much
stronger than ordinary men. I believe you have a deep experience of this!” Yang
Ming watched Xia Xue’s expression as he said this. Seeing Xia Xue’s face sink
again, he quickly added, “Haha, of course, don’t get me wrong, I’m talking about
skills! Not about doing it …”

“…” Xia Xue was speechless. She didn’t know whether to cry or laugh when she looked
at Yang Ming. Can others not misunderstand what you said? And even words like I
know your ability, as a man you are strong, stronger than ordinary men, that I
deeply understand… What do I understand? Your words are too ambiguous, no?

However, after hearing Yang Ming’s explanation, Xia Xue also knew that she had
misunderstood. But Xia Xue absolutely believed that Yang Ming had said this
intentionally. Otherwise, what did the following addition of “not about doing it…”

Xia Xue knew that if she continued to struggle with this matter, Yang Ming would
probably say something again. So Xia Xue could only pretend that she did not
understand, and lightly snorted, continuing, “You mean this mission will be
dangerous? ”
“You can say so!” Yang Ming nodded, “I am not even the tiniest bit confident!”

###Chapter 1846: Xia Xue’s Uncle

After hearing Yang Ming’s words, Xia Xue could not help but fall into deep thought.
Xia Xue was very clear on how powerful Yang Ming was, and she also knew how highly
her brother valued Yang Ming from his mouth.

Yang Ming could even be regarded as one of the best in her brother’s department.

Xia Xue had especially experienced Yang Ming’s strength especially when solving the
Wang Xifan smuggling case and Chen Afu’s case of pretending to be a ghost to scare
people with Yang Ming. Yang Ming had even given her the credit afterward.

And Yang Ming usually seemed to be very calm and certain in winning. But this time
he said that he was not confident. Xia Xue knew that if Yang Ming said this, he
really was not confident.

“I also know that this operation is dangerous, but can’t you give me some
confidence?” Xia Xue smiled bitterly, “If even you have no confidence, what do you
want me to do?”

“That’s why I asked you to give up, Do not follow me and get involved in this. I
might not be able to even look after myself at that time, not to mention you.” Yang
Ming slammed Xia Xue’s self-esteem without any consideration. The more he did this,
the more effective it would be.

Although Yang Ming’s words were very sharp, Xia Xue understood that Yang Ming was
telling the truth. She was indeed very far from his level. If he was to protect
even himself, she would be in even more danger.

“This is not something I can give up on as I wish. You don’t understand our family…
You don’t know that Grandpa’s decision cannot be changed by anyone …” Xia Xue
sighed, “Of course, except for a legendary man…”

“Legendary man? What do you mean?” Yang Ming froze slightly.

“He was a very powerful person… but I haven’t seen him. He is my uncle. He
disappeared after marrying my aunt. Perhaps, Grandpa knows where he is …” Xia Xue
shrugged, “If it was anyone else, it would be impossible for grandpa to easily
acquiesce to them marrying my aunt. I heard that my uncle is fickle in
relationships and had several girlfriends… ”

Speaking of which, Xia Xue couldn’t help but glance at Yang Ming, thinking, This
boy is also something. Isn’t he very similar to my legendary uncle?

Xia Xue did not know what had happened to hers today. Maybe the mention of the
Yunnan mission had made her a bit sentimental, so she talked more to Yang Ming.

“This kind of person can change your grandpa’s decision?” Yang Ming listened very
silently, and just wanted to say if her grandpa was addled with age? “I have
several girlfriends too, so if I talk to your grandpa, would he listen to me and
tell you not to go? ”

Xia Xue was very speechless when she heard Yang Ming’s shameless words. Are you the
“My uncle is already a legend, what are you…?” Xia Xue gave Yang Ming a scornful

“What’s your uncle’s name? Perhaps I may know him. Tell me?” Yang Ming thought,
This is a legend indeed. If we could meet, I would like to ask him about his
experience in picking up chicks.

“My uncle’s name is Liu Lei, and my aunt’s name is Xia Jing. You would not know
even if I told you …” Xia Xue did not bother to hide it. Only a few people knew
about her uncle’s legend.

“Liu Lei? Xia Jing?” Yang Ming couldn’t help but widen his eyes when he heard their
names, “No way, I have read a novel called ‘So Pure, So Flirtatious Prequel’. The
main character is Liu Lei, and he has a girlfriend named Xia Jing … ”

Xia Xue listened to Yang Ming’s senseless words, and really did not know what to
say. She was telling him serious things, and he was still able to talk about

“I’m telling the truth. Don’t confuse this conversation with novels.” Xia Xue said
angrily, “There are more coincidental things in the world, and there are also many
people with the same name.”

“Yes, that Xia Jing’s grandpa seemed to belong to a national security agency. Would
that be your grandpa? Is your grandpa named Xia Dingguo?” Yang Ming did not care
about Xia Xue’s words, but asked suddenly.

“En?” Xia Xue was stunned, “How did you know?”

“No way?” Yang Ming himself was a little speechless, “Your grandpa really is Xia

“Nonsense! Did my brother tell you?” Xia Xue glared at Yang Ming. How did this boy
call Grandpa’s name directly? If Grandpa hears of this, he will be in trouble.

“It was written in that novel … If you don’t believe me, I’ll show it to you now
with my mobile phone…” Yang Ming said as he pulled out his mobile phone.

“Really?” Xia Xue was suspicious.

“Why would I fool you?” Yang Ming said as he logged in to the mobile library server
on his mobile phone. He found the book “So Pure, So Flirtatious Prequel”, searched
for the name of the relevant person and handed it to Xia Xue.

Xia Xue gave a sidelong glance at Yang Ming’s phone, only to find that Yang Ming
really had not lied to her. She was a little speechless. Could it be that my
mysterious uncle’s deeds were written into a novel?

“Well, I will look at this book when I have time.” Xia Xue believed Yang Ming for
the time being.

“En, it seems that this book is quite popular. When I get rich and famous one day,
I will contact Fishman the Second, the author of this book. I will see if I can
make him write a new book and make me the protagonist. Haha…” Yang Ming was
thinking silently in his heart.

Xia Xue was speechless with Yang Ming’s arrogant behavior, so she ignored him.

It was already nine o’clock in the evening when they arrived at Donghai Airport.
Fortunately, it was not too late. Xia Xue dropped Yang Ming off at the airport and
drove to the hotel’s conference reception to report.

Yang Ming returned a call to Jing Xiaolu. Jing Xiaolu had called him just now after
her meeting finished, but Yang Ming did not say much as Xia Xue was by his side.
Now, he called back to explain the reason for his previous call.

“Xiaolu, there was someone around me just now. It was not very convenient to talk.”
Yang Ming waited for Jing Xiaolu to answer the call before saying.

“En, I know.” Jing Xiaolu heard Xia Xue’s voice when Yang Ming answered the phone,
but she didn’t ask much.

“You may have to contact Xia Xue of the city police station often in the future.
After all, the security company and the escort company are under their management,”
said Yang Ming.

“I have met Bureau Xia before.” Jing Xiaolu didn’t ask much. She would not be
jealous for Yang Ming’s sake, especially when she knew that Yang Ming would be
going to Yunnan in a while. Fighting for these things was unnecessary.

“I’m going to Yunnan. She’s going too,” Yang Ming still explained a little.

“Ah! She’s going too?” Jing Xiaolu said, “Wouldn’t it be more dangerous for you
this way?”

“…” Yang Ming had not expected Jing Xiaolu to say such a sentence. Apparently, she
had misunderstood his relationship with Xia Xue. However, even if Jing Xiaolu was
mistaken, what she said was not wrong. He would also need to protect Xia Xue at
that time. But he instead said, “What are you thinking? Xia Xue also has good
skills. She will have no problem protecting herself.”

“Liar. You yourself are not confident, but she can protect herself. Did you think I
would believe that?” Jing Xiaolu directly exposed Yang Ming’s lie “Okay, Yang Ming,
let’s not continue with this. What did you call me for just now? ”

“Previously, I asked Xiao Wang to drop me off at the airport. However, he was
detained by the traffic police on the highway. I happened to see Xia Xue’s car so I
got into her car,” Yang Ming said. “It happened that she was also going to Donghai,
so I asked her for a ride. Before I saw her, I called you to ask if you were able
to send me. ”

“Yeah! Why didn’t you say it earlier? If that was the case, I wouldn’t have stayed
at the meeting. I would have just come right away!” Jing Xiaolu said regretfully.

Yang Ming heard Jing Xiaolu’s words and didn’t know what to say. Anyhow, she is
still the company’s chairman. To not attend the meeting and run away? What meeting
would the others have if you had run away?

“I had called you before, but you didn’t answer it yourself …” Yang Ming smiled

“Ah… yes!” Jing Xiaolu finally remembered that she had hung up on Yang Ming! This
time no one else could be blamed but herself.

“Okay, I’ll be back soon. I’ll let you pick me up then. Would that be fine?” Yang
Ming comforted.

“En, we have a deal!” Jing Xiaolu was happy again.

“This is the plan for now. I am going to the security check, and I need to find a
place to eat.” Yang Ming didn’t say much, and hung up the phone after explaining,
He got up to print his boarding pass.

Donghai Airport had added several self-service boarding pass printing machines
since the last time he came. With only a scan of their ID card, one would be able
to choose his seat and print out the flight tickets. Yang Ming found his airline
and printed his ticket, then went straight to the security check’s entrance.

However, something that surprised Yang Ming happened…

Chapter 1536: A Swift Glance at the Airport/ Caique’s Palpitating Heart

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1847: A Swift Glance at the Airport

After going through the security check, Yang Ming looked back subconsciously. He
sensed that there was someone behind him. It was a kind of intuition. Yang Ming was
shocked when he looked back. He saw an unexpected someone!

Huang Youcai! Wang Xifan’s right-hand man, Huang Youcai, who later followed the
mysterious behind-the-scenes boss. This was something Yang Ming knew from
Victoria’s investigations.

Huang Youcai was sitting in an electric wheelchair with a tall white man standing
next to him. The two were talking about something.

The white man was speaking in English, and Huang Youcai could obviously understand
English. Yang Ming could read lips and had studied English before. So, he could
clearly understand what these two were talking about.

The white man was asking, “Where did Falcon go? Why did he disappear?”

Huang Youcai’s reply was, “He probably went to the toilet?”

“The toilet? Why didn’t he say so? He just disappeared.” The white man shook his
head and did not say more.

It turns out that it was not just the two of them. There were three of them
instead. Yang Ming frowned. This meant that there was also another guy called
“Falcon” who was with them before this. It was apparent that this Falcon had
disappeared for some reason.

Of course, Huang Youcai’s “toilet” excuse was totally false. Even the white man did
not believe it. Of course, Yang Ming also did not believe it.

Yang Ming sighed a little. He could roughly guess the reason Falcon had disappeared
all of a sudden. He was probably because he saw Yang Ming and was afraid that Yang
Ming would see him.

Of course, this was just Yang Ming’s guess. However, he was confident that his
guess was pretty accurate. Yang Ming had always suspected that the behind-the-
scenes boss had a spy amongst the close people around him. This was the only way
the behind-the-scenes boss could find out about Yang Ming’s news and whereabouts

So, Yang Ming now had reason to believe that Falcon was the spy amongst close
people around him. At the very least, they should have met before. This was why
Falcon hurriedly chose to hide without saying anything to the white man or Huang
Youcai when he saw Yang Ming.

This white man looked like a guest of Huang Youcai and Falcon. They probably came
to greet him at the airport. However, Falcon didn’t expect to bump into Yang Ming,
which was why he left temporarily.

Yang Ming’s cold gaze stayed on Huang Youcai’s face. At this moment, Yang Ming was
no longer avoiding anything. The grudge between him and these people would need to
be solved sooner or later. So, he wasn’t afraid that they would notice him.

Especially with the approaching trip to Yunnan, Yang Ming did not want to leave
this lurking peril in Song Jiang. Although he didn’t know why these people had
targeted him and whether or not they would stop after he left for Yunnan, he was
afraid that they would target the people around him instead. This was the last
thing Yang Ming wanted to see.

His relatives, his women, and his friends were still here. If he didn’t find out
what these people actually wanted before he left, he would not be at ease. However,
time was a restriction. It seemed impossible for him to settle them once and for

He hoped that they were only targeting him, and would not involve other people. He
hoped that they would give it a rest if he were unable to return from Yunnan. And
if he were to return from Yunnan alive, it wouldn’t be too late to get rid of them
at that time.

A person’s sixth sense is an incredibly magical feeling. Although we have no eyes

on our backs, if someone were to stare at us with an unfriendly gaze, we would get
involuntary chills. This is also known as the so-called malicious intent.

This thing is incredibly mysterious, but is also invisible. However, many people
could sharply sense when they are being spied on or watched.

Huang Youcai felt a sudden chill on his body as he was talking to the white man. It
was as if he had been killed by someone’s gaze. Huang Youcai subconsciously looked
around him, and met Yang Ming’s cold gaze.

Intentionally or unintentionally, Huang Youcai had always been hiding from Yang
Ming. He didn’t want Yang Ming to know of his existence. He enjoyed the feeling of
hiding in the dark and being a shadow.

However, he met Yang Ming face-to-face at the airport unexpectedly!

Previously, Huang Youcai was extremely happy when Falcon mentioned that Dr.
Benjamin had sent another expert over to help them deal with Yang Ming, and came to
the airport with Falcon to greet him in person. Although he couldn’t tell if this
white man of ordinary appearance was an expert, he believed that this person was
indeed an expert since Falcon was fine with it.

Huang Youcai was also wondering why Falcon turned and disappeared suddenly. But
when he saw Yang Ming, he understood everything. It turned out that Falcon had
already seen Yang Ming, and was afraid that Yang Ming would recognize him!

Huang Youcai was a little upset when he thought of this. You’re afraid of being
recognized, but I am too! Plus, you are in disguise. It is not certain that you
will be recognized. So disloyal!

However, Huang Youcai also knew that this was a sudden incident and Falcon might
not have had the opportunity to give him a heads up. So, although he was somewhat
resentful, he understood. He thought about it in detail. Since the hatred between
Yang Ming and I has long been established, it doesn’t matter if he sees me.

Huang Youcai took a breath and calmed his previous panic. He looked at Yang Ming
calmly and nodded at him. After that, he no longer paid attention to him and walked
toward the domestic arrivals’ exit gate while talking to the white man.

Yang Ming frowned. He did not expect Huang Youcai to be so calm. However, his
previous moment of panic did not escape Yang Ming’s eyes. Moreover, Huang Youcai
did not know that Yang Ming had already discerned that there were three of them,
with the third person being called Falcon.

The Donghai International Airport was extremely large. It was not easy to locate a
person even with special abilities. Yang Ming used his 360-degree vision to scan
his surroundings but did not find anyone suspicious. He then gave up on looking as
he still had things to do. He didn’t have the time to linger around here. Even if
he did find the person, it was impossible for Yang Ming to go back through the
security check again to confirm it. Everything would have to wait until he returned
from Las Vegas.

It was not that difficult to take a flight from Donghai to the capital, and then
take a connecting flight to Las Vegas. It was already noon the next day when Yang
Ming walked out of the Las Vegas McCarran International Airport. Yang Ming got into
a taxi that was waiting for passengers at the airport gate, and spoke to the driver
in English, “Take me to the Douglas Hotel.”

“Okay.” There were many foreign guests that headed to the Douglas Hotel these days.
These taxi drivers also knew that the Douglas Hotel was the designated hotel for
the Jewelry Exhibition guests.

Yang Ming was not in the mood to appreciate the street scenery of Vegas. In the
past year, he had been to many places and was no longer as curious as he was used
to the allure of foreign lands.

The more you see these things, the more similar they all look. However, it was
commendable that there was no traffic congestion in such a prosperous international
metropolis. The journey was smooth and unobstructed.

The traffic here was completely different from that of the second-tier city, Song
Jiang. Song Jiang was already very congested, but this was not the case in Las
Vegas. The roads of this city were designed meaningfully, but they were also
undoubtedly creative.

Most of the roads in Las Vegas were not closed. They led in all directions. But
there were too many roads. It was indeed a pity that some land resources had been
wasted in this international metropolis. However, the gains from this sacrifice
were incredibly large.

Soon, the taxi arrived at the parking lot in front of the Douglas Hotel. Yang Ming
paid the fare, then exited the car and walked into the Douglas Hotel’s lobby.

“Hello, sir!” The receptionist greeted Yang Mingpolitely after he walked in. “Sir,
are you looking to stay?”

“En, but I need to find someone first.” Yang Ming nodded.

“There’s no problem with that. But I’m afraid you will not be able to stay. So
sorry, but our rooms are full and there are no more spare rooms,” The receptionist
said apologetically.

She saw that Yang Ming had come by taxi and was very new. So, she guessed that Yang
Ming was not a guest of the hotel, but a newcomer instead. So, she first asked to

So after hearing Yang Ming’s affirmative reply, the receptionist explained quickly.
This hotel had become the designated hotel for the International Jewelry
Exhibition. So, it had long been fully booked and they could no longer accommodate
any outside guests

###Chapter 1848: Caique’s Palpitating Heart

“Oh? You’re full?” Yang Ming froze for a moment. Then, he immediately found the
crux of the matter. As the designated hotel for the International Jewelry
Exhibition, it was certainly impossible for them to have any more rooms. However,
Yang Ming decided that he should first call Wang Mei before doing anything else.

Since Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang had both been detained by the casino, their
previous rooms should already be vacant. Yang Ming could just stay in their room,
and need not get another room.

“Yes. So sorry, this is the designated hotel for the International Jewelry
Exhibition…” The receptionist said apologetically.

Sure enough, Yang Ming’s guess was right. Yang Ming didn’t mind, and said, “I’ll
borrow your internal phone line first. I’m looking for a friend.”

Wang Mei had not activated international roaming on her mobile phone. Previously,
Wang Mei had used the hotel phone to call Yang Ming, and he had seen the IP number
transferred from the domestic carrier was shown. Yang Ming could not see the
specific number, but Wang Mei said that he could just call her room after he got to
the hotel.

“Sure.” The receptionist brought Yang Ming next to the lobby’s reception and handed
Yang Ming a phone. She then smiled and asked, “Sir, do you need me to dial it for

“Sure, room 617,” said Yang Ming.

The receptionist deftly dialed the extension to room 617, and handed the telephone
receiver to Yang Ming: “Sir, I’ve dialed it for you.”

Yang Ming took the phone and nodded to the receptionist in a friendly manner. The
call was connected shortly afterward, and Wang Mei’s somewhat timid voice was
heard, “Hello?”

Yang Ming was a little surprised. However, it was not surprising that Wang Mei
could speak in English considering her previous job as a flight attendant.
Especially when she was born in an international city like Macau.

“It’s me. Wang Mei, I’ve arrived,” said Yang Ming.

“Ah! Brother Yang, where are you? Oh… This is the hotel’s internal phone line, you
must be downstairs. Hold on, I’ll go down now!” said Wang Mei quickly.

“En, I’ll wait for you in the hotel lobby.” Yang Ming hung up the phone as soon as
he finished, and returned the telephone receiver to the receptionist.

Yang Ming only waited for a short time in the hotel lobby before he saw Wang Mei
come running out of the elevator. Seeing Yang Ming was like seeing a savior.
“Brother Yang! You’re here!” After she said this, Wang Mei hesitated for a while
and said, “Let’s go back to the room and talk?”

“Hold on, how many rooms did you book?” Yang Ming had to first solve the issue of
his accommodation at night.

“One!” Wang Mei said, “What’s wrong?”

“One? That many of you in one room?” Yang Ming was taken aback by Wang Mei’s words.

“Um… We got a double suite. Zhang Bing and I slept inside, and Uncle Zhang slept
outside…” Wang Mei knew that Yang Ming had misunderstood after seeing the look on
his face so she explained quickly.

Yang Ming was relieved and enlightened. He was initially wondering if this Zhang
Bing father-and-son had some kind of unique fetish. However, it was a double suite.
Yang Ming was a little uncomfortable staying there. After all, Wang Mei was Zhang
Bing’s mistress. Although it was a double suite, it was not too convenient for him
to stay there. It was better to avoid things like this if possible.

However, the hotel’s rooms were full. This was indeed a headache.

Yang Ming had already glanced around on his way here. This was the only larger
hotel around here. The other large hotels were far away, and it would not be
convenient for him to discuss things with Wang Mei if he stayed there.

“There isn’t even one room available?” Yang Ming asked the receptionist with a
bitter grin.

“Sir, I’m sorry. There really isn’t any…” The receptionist shook her head

“Alright, got it.” Yang Ming nodded. However, he did not give up. Instead, he
decided to give Caique a call first. Initially, Yang Ming no longer wanted to
contact Caique. However, things had come to this point. Only Caique would be able
to solve this current emergency.

Yang Ming’s business also included hotels. So, he knew that only the normal rooms
were full when hotels state they were fully booked. They would still have reserved
rooms for unforeseen circumstances such as inspections by the superiors from the
parent company, or connections that came to their door. They would need to have a
certain amount of flexibility.
Yang Ming found Caique’s contact information and dialed him directly.

At this moment, Caique had left China and returned to the Douglas Family in Ello
Town. Although they had lost their business in China, none of the family members
made a sound.

Seeing the elders who were swallowing their rage, Caique was happy. He thought in
his heart. You people are also bullies who are afraid of bigger bullies. You know
that you cannot afford to offend this new guy, and so you kept your mouth shut. It
seems that everyone is afraid of death!

Normally, even if it was not something caused by the family master, the family
master would certainly be impeached or even fired if the family got into such a big
mess. However, everyone was quiet this time. It was as if nothing had happened.

A sudden hurried ringtone was heard. Caique put down the documents in his hand and
reached for his phone. This was his personal number that not many people knew
about. Caique glanced at the phone, but it was a foreign call from overseas. Only
the transferred IP number was shown, and the actual number was not visible.

Caique didn’t want to pick up at first, but he still picked up after thinking about
it. “Hello, how are you? This is Caique.”

“Caique? This is Yang Ming.” Yang Ming didn’t use English either. He knew that
Caique could understand Chinese.

“Ah!” Caique was shocked when he heard Yang Ming’s voice. He was relieved that he
didn’t ignore the call earlier. Otherwise, the consequences would be unthinkable!

It seemed that his hesitation was right. If he didn’t pick up this call and Yang
Ming were to have any ideas, he would be finished!

“Hello, Mr. Yang!” Although Caique was scared and didn’t know why Yang Ming was
calling him, he asked carefully, “Is there anything I need to do?”

Caique said “I need to do”, and not “that needs my help”. This showed his ability
with words to avoid Yang Ming’s dislike.

“I’m inside of the Douglas Hotel in Las Vegas at this moment…” said Yang Ming.

Yang Ming’s words chilled Caique’s heart instantly. Oh my, for real? Why is this
malefic comet [1] all the way in Las Vegas? He’s even in the Douglas Hotel. It
couldn’t be that someone from the Douglas Hotel has offended him, right?

Oh good heavens, wouldn’t this kill me? There are so many better people to offend.
Why offend such a person? He’s even more terrifying than terrorists!

“Mr. Yang… Who offended you? I will definitely punish them!” As he thought of this,
Caique quickly expressed his position.

“What? Who offended me? No one has offended me.” Yang Ming was stunned. He knew
that Caique had misunderstood him. “I called to ask you for help. Are you

“Ah… Okay, okay…” Caique exhaled. He almost had a heart attack. It seemed that his
hotel hadn’t offended Yang Ming. That was good. As for the help, Yang Ming had
spoken. Even if Caique had to pluck the moon and stars, he would still have to do
his best!
“Mr. Yang, do let me know what’s the matter. It’s not about helping. Your orders
determine the direction of my life!” Caique said righteously.

“He—” Yang Ming laughed. “It’s not much really. I came to stay, but the hotel fully
booked. Is there anything you can do?”

“This matter is too easy!” Caique heard Yang Ming’s words, and said in his heart
that this was nothing! Each Douglas Vast Hotel had reserved luxury suites for
members of the Douglas Family. They just were not usually open, and would only be
used when members of the Douglas Family visited. This time, it just so happened to
be used for Yang Ming. So, Caique said, “Mr. Yang, do call for the manager here.
Let me speak to him! En… The manager here should be Batterton, right?”

“Okay, hold on.” As Yang Ming finished speaking to Caique, he waved at the
receptionist from before.

The receptionist walked over quickly, “Sir, what’s the matter?”

Chapter 1537: Manager is Very Amazing/ Killing Yourself

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1849: Manager is Very Amazing

“Could I trouble you to call your manager, Mr. Batterton,” Yang Ming asked the

“Ah…” The receptionist froze momentarily. She didn’t know why Yang Ming had
suddenly asked for the manager. Was he dissatisfied with the service here? However,
Yang Ming seemed to know Manager Batterton since he directly called out his name.
Therefore, the receptionist did not dare mistreat him in case the guest in front of
her had a good relationship with her boss. If she didn’t hurry to report to her
boss, her boss would blame her, and that would be unfortunate!

Thinking of this, the receptionist nodded quickly. She said, “Sir, please wait a
moment. I’ll give my boss a call immediately!”

“Okay.” Yang Ming just wanted a room, so he treated this receptionist quite well.
He wasn’t rude and didn’t have any thoughts about her.

The receptionist walked quickly to the front desk, picked up the phone and dialed a
number. It was her boss, Battterton’s, office number.

Batterton was working hard on his female secretary’s body at the moment. He pushed
the female secretary onto the desk. He was about to go for the final sprint when he
was surprised by his phone’s loud ringtone.

“Blast!” Batterton cursed. Whoever is disturbing me right now should die! As a

hotel manager in Las Vegas, he was much freer and happier compared to hotel
managers in some poorer cities!

Las Vegas was simply a paradise for the rich. Every year, he earned a lot more
money than others just from the hotel’s performance, so his life was very free. It
had become routine for him to have fun with women, drink, and gamble in the office.

And most of his staff knew not to call him unless it was important. When his
extension phone rang, he initially did not want to answer it. However, he was
afraid something important had happened. After all, the International Jewelry
Exhibition attendees were staying at the Douglas Vast Hotel. If something went
wrong, it would greatly impact the Douglas Vast Hotel’s overall reputation.

“Hello? What’s the matter?” Batterton’s voice was very arrogant. He was this
hotel’s boss and whoever was calling his extension must be his staff. So, it didn’t
matter if he had an arrogant attitude since his subordinates would not dare say

The receptionist was shocked by Batterton’s voice. She didn’t know why Batterton’s
attitude was so poor. So, she said carefully, “Mr. Batterton, a guest wants to see

“A guest? What guest?” Butterton asked impatiently.

“There is a guest who just came to the hotel and may want to stay here, but we have
no more rooms available… His friend is in the hotel and is our guest…” the
receptionist explained.

“What a mess. I don’t want to see him. Tell him I’m busy!” When Butterton heard
that it was a guest who wanted to stay in the hotel despite the hotel having no
rooms, he was so annoyed that he instantly hung up the phone. He said to the female
secretary below him, “Don’t worry, baby. I’m here!”

The receptionist held the phone dumbfoundedly. She listened to the busy tone coming
from the phone and shook her head. She was in a difficult situation as she was
caught in the middle. If the guest wanted to see the boss but the boss wasn’t
willing, the guest would be unhappy. At that point, who wouldn’t direct their
resentment to her.

“Sir, my apologies. My boss is very busy right now and doesn’t have time. You see…”
The receptionist explained to Yang Ming helplessly.

“Very busy? Busy with what?” Yang Ming frowned and said to the phone, “Caique, did
you hear that? This Batterton is so busy. He doesn’t have time to see me!”

When Caique heard this, he broke into a cold sweat. He also heard the
receptionist’s words from the phone just now. He cursed the asshole Batterton in
his heart. If you want to die, just die. Don’t drag the Douglas family down with

“Well… Mr. Yang, please don’t be angry. This is just Batterton’s attitude. It has
nothing to do with our Douglas family! Please believe me!” Caique explained
quickly. He was afraid that Yang Ming would blame him. He hurriedly attributed
Butterton’s attitude to personal behavior. What I mean is every wrong has its
cause. Search for the correct person if you get angry, Mr. Yang. Every debt has its
debtor, so don’t look for me. Go to Batterton directly!

“Oh, you don’t have to explain so much. I don’t want to trouble you,” Yang Ming
said lightly. “What now?”

“Well… Mr. Yang, ask the waiter to give Buaterton another call and ask him what he
is busy with. If he’s doing nothing, ask him to hurry down!” Caique said.

“Okay.” Yang Ming nodded and said to the receptionist, “Please call your boss again
and ask him what he is doing. If he’s doing nothing, ask him to come down just for
a while. Someone is looking for him.”

Yang Ming’s words were still courteous because he would not go so far as to cause
trouble for the receptionist. After all, she was only a low-level staff member. Why
should Yang Ming get annoyed at her?

“Okay, sir. Please wait for a moment. I’ll ask for you right away.” The
receptionist nodded and went to make the phone call.

She didn’t know Yang Ming’s background, but hearing him call her boss’s name
directly, he seemed to be someone of high status.

Batterton had just hung up the phone but the urgent ringtone sounded again not long
after. Batterton wanted to swear. Will these phone calls stop?

“Who is it? Damn, why do you always call? Don’t you know I’m currently banging a
woman?” Butterton didn’t listen to what the other side said and hung up the phone

It was just an inside call anyway. The callers were all his staff. Batterton didn’t

“Ah…” The receptionist’s face flushed after getting scolded by the boss. She did
not know what to do. Regarding her boss’s vulgar words, the receptionist was

The receptionist walked up to Yang Ming and shook her head, “Sir, as soon as I
called, the boss hung up angrily… He said, he said he was…”

The receptionist was a bit embarrassed to talk about this. She whispered, “He said
he was doing that thing…”

“What thing?” Yang Ming froze?

“Just, making love…” The receptionist couldn’t describe it using her boss’s
language directly and could only use a more implicit word.

“Ugh… Alright, you may go. There’s nothing else,” Yang Ming waved the receptionist
away and said to Caique over the phone, “Did you hear it?”

“Mr. Yang, I heard it…” Caique was sweating profusely. He already had the impulse
to throttle Batterton to death. “Please allow me to make the call. I will
personally call Batterton!”

“Alright, you call him,” Yang Ming shrugged and hung up the phone.

“Brother Yang, who are you calling? Also, do you know this hotel’s boss?” Wang Mei
looked at Yang Ming with surprise.

“I don’t know their boss, but I know their boss’s boss. He is the person I just
called,” Yang Ming said.

“Ah!” Wang Mei already knew that Yang Ming was powerful, but she did not expect
that he even had friends in a foreign country. He was not an ordinary person.

Caique was so angry. His lungs were about to explode. Isn’t this Batterton too
outrageous? Since he was a distant cousin of an elder in the family, Caique didn’t
say anything regarding his placement in a place as lucrative as Las Vegas. However,
you can’t go too far right? Isn’t offending Yang Ming pushing the entire Douglas
family into the fire pit?

Because Batterton was a mere relative of the Third Elder, Caique decided to quickly
get in touch with the Third Elder. After all, although he was the Family Master, he
could not underestimate the power of the few elders. He should at least show them
some face on the surface.

He dialed the Third Elder’s phone number. The third elder’s voice sounded, “Family
master, is there anything wrong?”

Today was not a day for family discussions. Generally, if there were no special
circumstances, the family master would not call him. Thus, the Third Elder reduced
the volume of the television channel he was watching and asked.

“Here’s the thing, Third Uncle. I have something to tell you in advance. I’m going
to replace that Batterton from Las Vegas and give him the harshest punishment!”
Caique said.

“What? Family master, what do you mean? What’s wrong with Batterton? Why do you
want to punish him like this? Don’t forget, he is also your distant cousin!” The
Third Elder’s voice suddenly sank. He thought Caique was going to replace this
lucrative position with one of his own people.

“He offended someone he shouldn’t and cannot offend,” Caique said lightly.

###Chapter 1850: Killing Yourself

“Even if he offended you, you can’t do this! Are you not giving me face anymore?”
The Third Elder was furious and roared fiercely. He thought Caique was being a
bully, Even the Family Master can’t do this right?

“If he offended me, of course, I will give you face. However, Third Uncle, the
person offended by Batterton may not give you face,” Caique said with a hmph. He
only informed Third Uncle in advance out of respect. Otherwise, he would have done
the deed immediately.

“So, it wasn’t you who Batterton offended? Are you sticking up for outsiders?” The
Third Elder became even angrier when he heard what Caique said. If Batterton
offended Caique, then he couldn’t say anything if Caique, the Family Master, wanted
to deal with Batterton. After all, the Family Master was the supreme authority in
the family. No matter what the punishment for offending the Family Master was, it
was not enough!

However, the key issue was that Butterton seemed to have offended someone else.
Yet, Caique wanted to stick up for an outsider and deal with Butterton. Isn’t this
clearly not giving me, his Third Uncle, face?

“What about it?” Caique said coldly. “Okay, I need to respond to Mr. Yang quickly.
if he gets anxious, Butterton will probably lose his life.”
“Mr. Yang?” The Third Elder froze.

“Yang Ming, Mr. Yang! Your distant relative offended Yang Ming, and I don’t want
him to affect our Douglas Family.” Caique was very unhappy with his Third Uncle’s
previous questions. So, he deliberately said, “Third Uncle, if you insist on
protecting Batterton, then I will speak with Mr. Yang. However, I’m sorry that I
can only say that it is your personal attitude, and has nothing to do with the
family! As you know, as the Family Master, I must consider the interests of the
entire family!”

What Caique meant was already very obvious. That was, if you are tired of living
and want to die, you should die alone and bury yourself alongside Batterton.
However, don’t pull down the rest of the Douglas family. We no longer have any

The Third Elder, of course, knew Yang Ming’s name. Not only did he know him, but he
dreaded the name! Goode’s death and the Lancer family’s downfall were still vivid
in his memory. He did not expect that Batterton would provoke Yang Ming! He must
really think his lifespan was too long. The Third Elder decided he wouldn’t mingle
in this. Idiot! As if he would protect the person who offended Yang Ming? If it
ended up badly, it would even drag the whole Douglas family down. That would be
even more awful!

Thinking of this, the Third Elder hurriedly said, “Family Master, this Batterton is
really too ridiculous. Just deal with him as you please. If I see him, I will
punish him severely!”

Caique sneered secretly. Weren’t you very strong before? You even yelled at me. Why
are you so weak now? However, Caique was pressed for time and too lazy to talk
nonsense with the Third Elder. He merely said, “En, I’m going to give this fellow,
Batterton, a call.”

The Third Elder quickly nodded and agreed.

After Caique finished calling the Third Elder, he dialed Batterton’s office number.

Batterton was going crazy. The phone hasn’t stopped ringing yet? Did I unleash my
rage for nothing just now? Why does it seem that these staff don’t know how to take
a hint? I have to take care of this. These people interrupted my pleasure time!

However, despite his increasing annoyance, the ringing of the phone was incessant.
It wasn’t going to stop until he answered. Batterton had no choice but to pick up
the phone.

The internal and external telephones in the office were placed side by side and
were very close to each other. Because of his current irritation, he subconsciously
assumed that this call was also made through the internal line like the previous
two calls. Batterton picked up the phone directly and yelled, “Do you want to die?
Blast! Didn’t I just say that I’m having fun with a woman? What’s the matter?”

Batterton couldn’t be blamed for being furious. After these past few calls, he had
become a little flaccid. When people reached middle age, they were most afraid of
this. This was why Batterton got more annoyed every time.

“Batterton, why are you so bold? Why does it seem that you have disregarded the
family rules and discipline?” Caique sneered. This Batterton could also be regarded
as a peripheral member of the Douglas Family and typically had to abide by the
Douglas Family’s rules.
“Who… Who are you?” Butterton was stunned by the roar over the phone and asked with

“I’m Caique,” Caique said coldly. “Why are you so bold? I asked you to come down
but you refused. I asked the waiter to ask you twice, yet you still refused. I
think you must want to have a taste of the family rules?”

The Douglas Family had started their fortune in their underworld, so their family
rules still retained some of the underworld traditions. Those who violated the
family rules were severely punished. Even If it was a light offense, it would be a
beating. If it was a severe offense, it wouldn’t be uncommon to break limbs or beat
them to death.

Therefore, Caique’s words made Batterton sober all of a sudden. The cold sweat on
his forehead also trickled down. He pushed the woman in front of him aside. His
voice began to tremble. “Family Master… I… I’m sorry. Don’t get angry, I… I just
couldn’t control myself with my girlfriend just now…”

“Bullshit. You already have a wife and children. What girlfriend?” Before calling,
Caique had casually looked through Batterton’s details. He knew Butterton’s life
well, which was why he called the Third Elder in advance to inform him.

“This…” Batterton was a little embarrassed to see his lie exposed. “Family Master,
are you downstairs? I’ll go down to meet you…”

“I’m not there. There is an important family guest downstairs. There are no more
guest rooms. Give him the best room reserved for our Douglas family!” Caique
commanded. “Let me tell you, once this matter is settled and the gentleman is
satisfied, I’ll let this go. Otherwise, you will not be able to afford the
consequences even with your death!”

“Yes, yes!” Batterton immediately agreed when he heard that there was a chance to
turn things around.

The reason why Caique did not deal with Batterton directly was because he still
needed to host Yang Ming after all. He must first ask Yang Ming’s thoughts. If Yang
Ming was satisfied with Batterton, then he would forget it. If he was not
satisfied, then Batterton should prepare for death.

He didn’t dare to make this decision himself because he was afraid Yang Ming would
blame him for being a busybody.

Batterton wiped the cold sweat from his head and hurriedly pulled up his pants. He
rushed out of the office. This regret in his heart was all because of this femme
fatale! If he had gone downstairs after the receptionist downstairs made the first
call, there wouldn’t be so many issues!

However, there was no medicine for regret in this world. He could only do his best
to make up for it. He hoped that this so-called family guest could spare him some
nice words in front of Caique. Otherwise, he was definitely finished!

Light punishment would be being relieved from his post and summoned back home to do
nothing; heavy punishment would be… Just thinking about it made Batterton break out
into a cold sweat.

“Dear, don’t leave. Shall we continue…” The female secretary didn’t know what had
happened and said in a soft voice when she saw Butterton leaving.
“Go away. If it weren’t for you, would I be in this mess?” Butterton pushed away
his secretary and rushed downstairs.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Butterton rushed to the lobby on the first
floor. He looked around and saw the receptionist. He hurriedly pulled her aside.
“Where is the guest? Where is the Family Master’s important guest?”

“Ah?” The receptionist suddenly froze. What important guest? What Family Master?
What’s going on? What happened to the boss? So she said, “Boss, who are you talking

Batterton was too lazy to explain this nonsense and let go of her. He began to look
around in the lobby.

Yang Ming saw a fat man rush down from the elevator and hurriedly asked a lot of
questions. He then confirmed that this person was the hotel manager, Batterton.
Thus, he asked Batterton, “You are Batterton, right?”

“Ah!” Batterton looked up at Yang Ming, but he did not expect to see a foreigner.
However, since the foreigner knew him, then he should be the important guest that
the Family Master mentioned. Therefore, a charming smile immediately appeared on
Batterton’s face. “Sir, I’m Batterton. You must be Family Master Caique’s important

Chapter 1538: Useful to Keep Him Around/ Casino Information

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1851: Useful to Keep Him Around

“Important guest?” Yang Ming smiled, “I guess.”

Batterton was relieved. This gentleman seemed considerably kind and easy-going. It
seemed that as long as he served him with nice words, it would be easy to escape
this time’s calamity.

“Sir, please wait for a moment. I will arrange the best room for you immediately!”
Butterton said charmingly. “Sir, I’m very sorry about my previous rude behavior.
Please don’t blame me. If you need anything, please let me know as soon as
possible. I will do my best!”

“En,” Yang Ming nodded, “Hurry up and get it done.”

Yang Ming didn’t plan on doing anything to Batterton. To put it bluntly, this was
Caique’s matter. What did it have to do with him? As long as Batterton solved the
room problem, Yang Ming was too lazy to care about Batterton’s problematic work
style and attitude. They were not his employees nor had they provoked him, so why
should he care?
“Hurry and find the house card for the internal Premium Presidential Suite!”
Batterton personally went to the front desk and commanded the concierge.

“Ah, okay!” The concierge also saw the boss’s anxiety and rushed to find him the
room card. These internally reserved room cards were usually locked, so he had to
unlock the drawer first to take them out.

Seeing the concierge’s slow movements, Batterton was a little anxious. In fact, the
concierge was not slow. These things had to be done step by step, right? However,
because Batterton was feeling anxious, seeing anything made him anxious. He
directly snatched the key from the concierge’s hands, “I’ll do it!”

The concierge quickly stepped aside and let Batterton in. Batterton quickly opened
the drawer and took out the Presidential Suite room card. However, he hesitated for
a while before taking another room card for a second room close to the Presidential
Suite. He thought that maybe Yang Ming had other friends, so he took two room
cards. If it still was not enough, there were still a few rooms that were
internally reserved for people of the Douglas family when they stayed temporarily.

Since Caique had already ordered him, he must do his best to satisfy Yang Ming.
Yang Ming would only say a few nice words about him to Caique if he was satisfied.
This way, he would not be punished.

Thinking about this key point, Batterton worked extra hard to please Yang Ming.

“Sir, the room cards are ready. This is the room card for the Presidential Suite on
the top floor. It overlooks the whole city. There are two cards. If you don’t think
this is enough, sir, just tell me directly!” Having said that, Batterton handed his
business card to Yang Ming. “This is my business card. It has my office’s internal
telephone number and my personal telephone number. If you need anything, please
inform me directly. I will try my best to fulfill it!”

Yang Ming nodded. He really had something to request of Batterton. He still didn’t
know which casino Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang were detained in. Even if he knew,
Yang Ming would not rush to seek for them.

After all, he was abroad and was unfamiliar with the people and the location. Yang
Ming did not want to act recklessly outside his sphere of influence. You emerge
victorious when you know yourself and your enemy. Yang Ming intended to investigate
the strength and background of this casino first.

Yang Ming took the business card and said, “Then, could I trouble Mr. Batterton
with something in a while?.”

“No problem, no problem!” Batterton agreed in a hurry, “Sir, you see… in front of
the Family Master…”

Batterton wanted Yang Ming to plead on his behalf to Caique. He believed that
Caique would not hold him accountable anymore if Yang Ming put in a few good words.
After all, his problem could be big or small. It all depended on Yang Ming’s

Batterton could become the CEO of one of the Douglas family’s large hotels. He was
not a fool. His mistakes were minor at most. It was just a matter of having fun
with a woman in the office. It was completely different from harming the hotel’s
interests l. However, the key problem was that while having fun with a woman, he
did not go downstairs to receive Yang Ming and angered Caique.
He believed that if Yang Ming didn’t plan to pursue the matter, Caique would let
him off the hook.

Yang Ming also understood Batterton’s meaning. Yang Ming didn’t have to rush to
exterminate him. He had something to request of Batterton, and he didn’t mind doing
a favor that cost him nothing.

Just as Yang Ming nodded, the phone in his pocket rang. Although Yang Ming’s phone
number could not be displayed on Caique’s end, Caique dialed Yang Ming’s domestic
number. After transferring and roaming, Yang Ming promptly received the call.

“Hello?” Yang Ming answered the phone.

“Mr. Yang, this is Caique. How’s it going? Has that dunce Batterton come down? Mr.
Yang, rest assured. I will punish him severely!” Caique said to Yang Ming

“He came down already. He has a good attitude. There’s no need to punish him. It’s
useful to keep him around,” Yang Ming said lightly.

“Ah… Okay, Mr. Yang. Whatever you say. Your orders are my direction in life!”
Although Caique didn’t know for what purpose Yang Ming had to keep Batterton, it
didn’t matter. Yang Ming had already decided to keep him around. It was best to
know less about the things he should not know, or he would die quickly.

“En, that’s that. I’ll look for you again if there’s anything,” Yang Ming was too
lazy to talk with Caique and hung up after a few words.

“Thank you, thank you!” Batterton didn’t expect Yang Ming to help him. He initially
hoped that it was good enough if Yang Ming didn’t say bad things about him to
Caique. However, he didn’t expect Yang Ming to compliment his attitude in front of
Caique. This made Batterton feel like he had escaped a disaster. As a result,
Batterton’s attitude toward Yang Ming became more respectful.

However, what Batterton did not expect was that Yang Ming’s casual words of “useful
to keep him”, would become an anti-death gold medal in the future! After this,
Batterton was unanimously impeached by his family members because of his major
mistake managing the hotel. He was about to be removed from his job, but Caique
suddenly remembered Yang Ming’s words—”useful to keep him around”!

Caique was shocked and hurriedly told everyone about this. As a result, everyone
decided unanimously to let Batterton continue to be the manager of the Douglas Vast
Hotel in Las Vegas.

Although he didn’t know what Yang Ming was keeping Batterton for, who dared to ask
about it? If Yang Ming went to Las Vegas one day to look for Batterton and did not
find him there, wouldn’t Yang Ming be angry with the entire Douglas family?

Who can bear this responsibility! Thus, Batterton emerged safely once again! When
Butterton knew the truth, even he didn’t know what to say. He was just too lucky.
Because of this previous matter, he was blessed by misfortune. One sentence of Yang
Ming became his anti-death gold medal.

Batterton knew what Yang Ming meant by “useful to keep him around” because Yang
Ming had said that he would request something from him later. Of course, Batterton
was not stupid enough to explain it clearly.

But Batterton was prepared to worship Yang Ming as a god. This was his backer!
Looking at Batterton still standing beside him, Yang Ming glanced at him and asked,
“Is there anything else?”

“Sir, don’t you have something you want to request from me?” Butterton said

“Oh, I’ll ask you about it later. You can go back first. I’ll call you when the
time comes.” Yang Ming still had not figured out Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang’s
whereabouts. He needed to have a detailed discussion with Wang Mei to figure these
things out.

“Okay, then I’ll go back, sir. You can call me at any time!” Batterton didn’t know
what Yang Ming’s surname was, and Caique had not mentioned it just now. So, he
could only call Yang Ming ‘Sir’.

“Wang Mei, return to your room first. Pack up your luggage and stay in the
Presidential Suite upstairs. There are two rooms. You can stay in one,” Yang Ming
told Wang Mei.

“En…” Wang Mei was worried about Zhang Bing’s safety, so she didn’t care so much
about the Presidential Suite or the like. Otherwise, if it was back then, she would
have cheered with excitement.

Batterton escorted Yang Ming and Wang Mei to the elevator. He felt relaxed as he
watched the elevator slowly ascend after its doors closed. He had finally completed
his task and escaped danger.

Now, he had to report to Caique and tell him his arrangements. Although Caique had
called before and learned from Yang Ming that he had handled it properly, it was
better for him to call himself. It was also a show of respect for the Family

“Boss, does that person not need to register…” The concierge at the front desk saw
Yang Ming going upstairs after getting the room card and reminded Batterton

“Register? What register! Do your job properly. Don’t care so much!” Batterton
glared at her, and said in his heart, How can a person who the Family Master
arranged for register? Isn’t this just looking to get beat up?

However, the concierge felt wronged. She was just reminding the boss according to
the hotel regulations. She did not expect to get scolded for no reason. It was
really bad luck.

###Chapter 1852: Casino Information

Yang Ming helped Wang Mei move her luggage to the second Presidential Suite on the
top floor. Wang Mei didn’t have much luggage. The heaviest bag contained the
company publicity information Zhang Jiefang brought along and intel about the other

Wang Mei apparently had no interest in the Presidential Suite. After placing her
luggage with Yang Ming’s, Wang Mei said anxiously, “Brother Yang, the casino called
again today and asked me to gather the money as soon as possible. Otherwise… they
won’t be so courteous anymore…”
“How much?” Yang Ming frowned, “How did you reply to them?”

Yang Ming did not mention anything about this in the hotel lobby. He didn’t want
others to know so he could remain unknown in case he took any radical actions

“I simply spoke according to Brother Yang’s orders and said that I have contacted
people in the country to send the money here,” Wang Mei said. “They didn’t disclose
how much money. They just asked me to head over, or wait for someone who can call
the shots to talk to me in detail.”

“Why? Has the debt amount not been established yet?” Yang Ming was stunned. This
casino asked people to send money but didn’t mention the amount. What could they

“Zhang Bing and Uncle Zhang gambled their lives…” Wang Mei smiled bitterly. “Who
knows what the other party was betting at that time. This must be discussed with
the other party in detail…”

“Is it not someone from the casino? So it’s another group of guests?” Yang Ming
listened to Wang Mei’s words and nodded slightly. If they had bet their lives, the
stakes would be big. Who knew what the other party would ask for their lives.

“En, I heard that it is another group of guests. However, the casino also has a
commission fee. We bring the money over, and the casino will take every opportunity
they can to make a profit. This potentially a lot of income. That’s why they’re
being so active, right?” Wang Mei did not understand the overall situation. As a
girl, she was afraid to go to the casino to investigate. She was afraid that she
would be detained, at which point she would not be able to ask for help.

“Commission?” Yang Ming smiled lightly. Things were not as simple as Wang Mei
thought. Casinos had casino rules, especially in places like Las Vegas that were
famous for casinos. The industry standards and management of casinos must be quite
comprehensive, and the management agencies would also carry out strict supervision.
This even happened in Macau, so how could it not be the case in Las Vegas?

If it was not a particularly big benefit, would they risk detaining gamblers? Even
if they wanted a commission, this was a gambler dispute. What would they stand up

There was already a smell of evil underlying this!

“Which casino?” Yang Ming asked.

“This casino is called South City, and it’s very large,” said Wang Mei. The casino
typically had an English name. Wang Mei directly said the English name of the

“SOUTH CITY [1]? Southern City? [1]” Yang Ming was not familiar with the casino
industry and did not know what kind of background this South City had.

“That should be the translation? I don’t know,” Wang Mei said.

“Do you know the background of this South City?” Yang Ming asked.

“Well… I am unfamiliar with the people and the place. I have no one to ask about
it. The computer search engines here are all in English. Although I understand
English, I only know some common terms. I don’t know these professional terms, nor
can I find any useful information. I just searched their promotional website and
address and have no other information,” Wang Mei said.
“I’ll ask someone else to inquire about it.” It was difficult to search for
background or influence online. Yang Ming simply did not believe that direct
searches could find anything useful.

Yang Ming picked up the room’s telephone and dialed the internal phone number on
the business card that Batterton had given him before. “Is this Batterton? This is
Yang Ming.”

Batterton had already called Caique just now and learned Yang Ming’s surname.
Receiving a call from Yang Ming now, he quickly and carefully said, “Mr. Yang, what
do you need me to do?”

“Do you know the South City Casino?” Yang Ming said, “Help me gather information
about this casino. The more complete it is, the better. It is best if you write out
their background and influence.”

“South City? Okay, I’ll do it!” Butterton was also very connected to Las Vegas. He
had a channel to inquire about these things. It was not difficult to fulfill and
Yang Ming’s request, so he immediately relaxed. He thought that Yang Ming had
something important for him to do. He was nervous just now, fearing danger. But now
it seemed that this was too simple.

Batterton immediately got busy after he hung up the phone. Using his contacts in
Las Vegas, he quickly compiled an investigation report on the South City Casino.

Batterton took the investigation report and knocked on the door of Yang Ming’s room

At this time, Yang Ming was talking to Wang Mei in the Presidential Suite No. 2.
However, Yang Ming already felt that there was something wrong with this incident,
so he naturally increased his vigilance. Thus, Yang Ming was keenly aware when
someone passed through the corridor,

Vaguely hearing someone knocking on the door next door, Yang Ming didn’t get up but
looked outside with his special ability. When he found out that it was Batterton,
he got up and walked to open the door of Room No. 2.

“Mr. Butterton, I’m here,” Yang Ming said. Butterton was clearly looking for him
when he knocked on the door of Room No. 1.

“Ah, Mr. Yang!” Butterton quickly turned around and said with a smile, “Mr. Yang,
this is the gathered information. I was afraid that you needed it urgently, so I
sent it over. Have a look at it first. If there is anything not detailed enough, I
will investigate again.”

“En.” Yang Ming glanced at Batterton with admiration. This guy’s work efficiency is
quite fast. He summarized the information in only half an hour. It looks very
detailed, too. “You can go first. I’ll call you if there’s anything.”

“Okay, Mr. Yang. Then, I’ll go down first and not disturb you anymore.” Batterton
quickly retreated and walked towards the elevator.

Yang Ming sent Batterton away. As he walked back to the room, he looked at the
investigation data in his hand.

South City Casino was one of the world’s gaming and entertainment chain companies.
They had invested in constructing casinos in many countries around the world. It
was unknown what kind of forces supported them at this time. However, in Las Vegas,
the boss of the Guillotine Gang, one of the three major local underworld gangs, had
close ties with the owner of the South City Casino.

Yang Ming was not surprised that the casino was connected to underworld gangs. What
was surprising was that this South City was actually a world-class gaming CHAIN
company and even Batterton did not know who was behind this casino.

However, this didn’t matter. This was of no importance now. He had to deal with the
South City Casino in Las Vegas, not the entire South City company.

Yang Ming had no intention of becoming enemies but if they really provoked him,
Yang Ming would not show courtesy. I don’t care who is behind you.

After coming to a general understanding of the background of the South City Casino,
Yang Ming did not see anything special. Next, he could only go to the South City
casino to talk face-to-face.

“Wang Mei, do you have the contact information of the person who called you? You
call them and say that the person has arrived and is ready to go over,” Yang Ming

“Ah, call them right now?” Wang Mei did not expect Yang Ming to go to the casino
immediately. Although she also wanted to rescue Zhang Bing and the others as soon
as possible, she was afraid that Yang Ming was unprepared.

Chapter 1539: A Life for a Life/ Generate Doubt

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1853: A Life for a Life

“Now, let’s try to get this done today.” Yang Ming wasn’t willing to keep staying
here. He still had things to do at home.

“Okay…” Wang Mei nodded and called the phone number the person at the casino left
for her.

Soon, someone answered the phone. Wang Mei asked carefully in English, “Hello, I’m
someone from Zhang Jiefang’s family. We have prepared the money. What should we do

The person on the phone said a few sentences to which Wang Mei nodded and said yes.
After a while, Wang Mei hung up the phone and said to Yang Ming, “Brother Yang,
they asked you to go to the South City Casino now. After that, find the security
manager Smith.”

“Okay, I got it. Wait for me here.” After Yang Ming wrote it down, he prepared to

“Ah? I’m not going?” Wang Mei had thought that Yang Ming would take her with him.

“It would be dangerous if you go. I would need to take care of you. You just wait
for the news here.” Yang Ming also couldn’t figure out what the South City Casino
was trying to do, whether it was simply wanting money or something else.

After Wang Mei heard Yang Ming’s words, she knew that Yang Ming meant that she
would be a burden. Yang Ming would have to take care of her safety.

Yang Ming waited at the hotel’s entrance for a taxi. He told the driver the name of
the South City Casino. Although Yang Ming also saw the address of the South City
Casino in the investigation report, he was not familiar with the city of Las Vegas.
Even though Yang Ming knew the street’s name, he wouldn’t be able to find it on his

“Sir, are you going there to play?” The taxi driver smiled slightly after hearing
the address Yang Ming said. The South City Casino had a hidden rule: taxis drivers
would be rewarded with ten dollars for every guest they brought. This was why the
taxi driver was very happy and started to talk to Yang Ming.

In fact, many entertainment industries and hotels had similar rules. Taxi drivers
who brought guests would be rewarded with some money.

“En.” Yang Ming was reluctant to say anything to the taxi driver and just responded

“Take care and don’t play too big. Know when to stop.” The taxi driver also saw
that Yang Ming didn’t want to talk more, so he just reminded him. He didn’t think
much about it. He just assumed that Yang Ming was silent as he was a foreigner and
thus not very good at conversing in English.

“Thank you,” Yang Ming thought in his heart that this taxi driver’s character was
not bad. However, his reminder was not very useful for real gamblers.

If gamblers listened to advice, there wouldn’t be so many broken families in the


The scale of the South City Casino was very large, even larger than the Douglas
Vast Hotel. Yang Ming paid the fare and got off. He coldly assessed this grand

He looked at the large characters of “South City” that were shining with neon

South City, Southern City, Southern City Casino? Yang Ming frowned. The name seemed
familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before?

After entering the casino, the enthusiastic waiter greeted Yang Ming, “Sir, do you
need to exchange chips?” Yang Ming looked unfamiliar. These waiters knew most of
the VIP members of the casino. Yang Ming looked like a temporary tourist who had
come to play, so the waiter asked him directly if he was redeeming chips.

“I’m looking for someone,” said Yang Ming. “Is Mr. Smith here?”

“Mr. Smith?” The waiter froze. He immediately thought of Mr. Smith, the security
manager. Mr. Smith had explained to all the receptionists at the front desk that if
anyone came to look for him, they were to take them directly to the security
manager’s office. Thus, the waiter smiled and said, “He’s in. Please come with me.”

Yang Ming didn’t say anything. He just nodded and followed the waiter. They entered
the casino, passed through a narrow staff passage and came to an office door. The
waiter knocked on the door. A thick male voice sounded from inside, “Who is it?”

“Mr. Smith, a guest is looking for you,” said the waiter.

“Okay, bring him in,” said Smith.

The waiter pushed open the room’s door and took Yang Ming into the office. Yang
Ming saw a middle-aged black man with a somewhat vicious appearance sitting in an
office chair. In the neighboring cubicles, there were a few macho men with
differing tones and huge bellies sitting there. They seemed to be this Smith’s men.

“You go out,” Smith waved to the waiter and signaled that he could leave.

“Okay,” The waiter nodded and turned away. He did not forget to close the room’s
door before he left.

“Smith?” Yang Ming glanced at the black man and asked, “What about my friend?”

Yang Ming took the opportunity to sit on the sofa in front of Smith’s desk.

However, Smith didn’t speak. The few macho men in the cubicles stood up and
surrounded the sofa Yang Ming was sitting on.

Yang Ming turned a blind eye to these people and continued to look at Smith coldly.

“Your friend is fine,” Smith didn’t expect that this invisible pressure would be of
no use against Yang Ming. He also didn’t know whether this kid was pretending or

“How much? Name your price.” Yang Ming naturally knew that since Smith had a plan,
they would not hurt Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang.

“Name my price?” Smith shook his head, “I don’t think my word matters. You should
ask Mr. Klass. Your friends bet with him.”

Not long after Smith finished talking, the office’s door was pushed open again. An
Asian man walked in, followed by four black bodyguards.

After the Asian man came in, Smith stood up respectfully. “Mr. Klass, you should
talk to him.”

After saying this, Smith gave up his seat to Klass, the Asian man. Klass just
unceremoniously sat directly in Smith’s seat.

Yang Ming had been paying attention to Smith’s expression. Judging from his respect
for Klass, Yang Ming figured that this Klass’s status was not low. He was either
the casino’s sponsor or a very respected person. Only someone the casino didn’t
want to offend could make Smith so respectful.

Yang Ming’s initial conjecture was that the casino and a gambler united to cheat,
scamming Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang. The gambler then came out to ask Zhang Bing
and Zhang Jiefang’s family for money.
But if this was the case, the casino would be risking investigation by the
regulatory authorities to help the gambler detain people here.

However, it seemed that the security manager’s attitude towards Klass was a bit too
respectful. Could it be that his guess was wrong? Was it really because Klass’s
identity was so respected that the casino was willing to stick up for him?

“Are you a friend of Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang?” What surprised Yang Ming was
that Klass actually spoke fluent Chinese and did not use English in front of Yang

“Yes.” Now that Klass used Chinese, Yang Ming naturally also used Chinese. “How is
my friend? What do you want?”

“Your friends are fine. But are you sure you want to take care of this matter for
them?” Klass’s tone was flat.

“Just tell me how much money you want,” Yang Ming frowned.

“Money?” It was as if Klass heard something funny. “What would I want money for?
You ask Smith, ‘Am I short of money’?”

Klass’s strange attitude made Yang Ming even more confused. Not short of money?
What does that mean?

“Then what are you going to do?” Yang Ming didn’t get angry but waited for this
Klass to continue.

“A person like me, the thing I lack the least is money,” Klass shook his head as if
he was talking to himself. “For me, money is just a number without any pleasure or
excitement. I like excitement. I like adventure. I chase a moment of happiness. So,
I like to gamble lives with others!”

If it wasn’t for the fact that this matter seemed strange from beginning to end,
Yang Ming would not be so alert. Yang Ming surely would have thought that this
Klass was crazy. However, Yang Ming didn’t have that feeling now.

Although Yang Ming didn’t think that this Klass was crazy, his words still made
Yang Ming scratch his head.

“If you want to take care of this matter, then you have to gamble with me!” Klass
said while pointing at Yang Ming with the thick cigar in his hand.

“Gamble with you?” Yang Ming asked back.

“That’s right. Gamble with me. A life for a life!” Klass laughed, “If you win, I’ll
return you a life. If you win again, I will return you to another life!”

Yang Ming understood Klass’s meaning. This guy meant that if he won once, he would
return the life of either Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang to him.

“What if I lose?” Yang Ming asked back.

“If you lose, naturally, your life will be mine,” Klass shrugged, “Isn’t it fun?”

###Chapter 1854: Generate Doubt

“Fun?” Yang Ming raised his eyelids lightly, “Do you think this is fun?”

“Yeah. I already said that I want to chase excitement. Normal games no longer give
me any feeling. Only controlling the life and death of others can excite me!” Klass
said solemnly, “Of course, you can choose not to gamble. I will not force others to
do anything. You can leave now.”

“If I leave, what will happen to my friends?” Yang Ming pursed his lips. All of
Klass’s words were simply nonsense. Yang Ming already knew that since he had
already come, he could not leave alone.

“They, unfortunately, lost the bet of their lives, and I’ll be responsible for the
harvest,” Klass said like it was a common thing. “Unless someone gambles in their

Yang Ming was thinking of countermeasures while speaking with Klass. Of course,
Yang Ming was confident he could kill all the people in this room directly. He
could spare Klass alone while killing the others, and then find Zhang Bing and
Zhang Jiefang through him.

Since Klass could speak to him here confidently, Yang Ming also believed that he
was not a fool. Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang had probably been moved to some other
place and were not inside the casino.

Of course, although Yang Ming had the confidence to subdue Klass and force the
truth out of him, Yang Ming was afraid that this Klass was also a little pawn who
was pushed forward. If he subdued Klass and it turned out that he didn’t know
anything or the people behind him didn’t care about him at all, it would backfire

This was why Yang Ming was so cautious. It was also because this matter seemed
strange from the beginning. It also was not an ordinary type of strange. How could
Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang run into a psycho who gambled lives on their first
visit to this casino?

If Klass was as rich as he said and Smith respected him so much, he must be a VIP
of this casino. How could he cross paths with Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang?

Big gamblers like him gambled in the VIP rooms upstairs. Tourists like Zhang Bing
and Zhang Jiefang could only play in the first-floor lobby and had no chance of
playing with Klass. So, it was clear that something was wrong.

Having figured out the key points, and considering the gains and losses of this
matter, Yang Ming did not intend to directly take action. He would make his
decision depending on the situation, and see what tricks Klass would play after

“Oh, gambling. I’m the best at gambling lives if I do say so myself,” Yang Ming’s
words were shocking and surprised Klass.

He initially thought that Yang Ming would back down. Even if he agreed, he would be
reluctant and scared. He didn’t expect Yang Ming to agree to gamble his life and
say that he was the best at gambling lives…

Is this guy also a lunatic? Klass hesitated in his mind but thought that this kid
might just be putting on airs. Why am I afraid? So he said, “That’s fine. Since
this is the case, I have no opinion. We will meet here tomorrow at 9 am sharp. I
won’t wait if you’re late. Of course, you can choose to not come.”
“Tomorrow at nine, right? No problem,” Yang Ming responded directly. Gambling? Yang
Ming had never been afraid of anyone… Even if they were going to play something
else, Yang Ming would not be afraid either.

After Yang Ming finished speaking, he ignored Klass and stood up, ready to leave.
Klass did not say anything either, but Smith’s expression was a bit ugly. The
reason he previously asked his men to surround Yang Ming was to put Yang Ming in
his place. He was very annoyed by Yang Ming’s calm expression. When people came to
his place, which of them were not careful?

“Cough!” Smith coughed twice, hinting that his men should give Yang Ming a show.

“Boy, are you just going to leave like this?” A black macho man blocked in front of
Yang Ming.

“Is there anything else?” Yang Ming asked lightly. He naturally heard Smith’s cough
and knew this was instigated by Smith.

“You and Mr. Klass have settled your matters, but the commission your friends owe
the casino hasn’t been cleared yet!” Smith said angrily. He felt very disrespected
by Yang Ming’s attitude.

“Commission?” Yang Ming glanced back at Smith coldly. “Doesn’t the casino take the
commission from the winner? You can ask Klass for it.”

After speaking, Yang Ming walked forward. The black macho man didn’t get Smith’s
permission so naturally, he couldn’t let Yang Ming go. Like an iron tower, he
blocked Yang Ming’s path.

“Move,” Yang Ming frowned. He grabbed the collar of the black macho man and flung
him aside. The black macho man’s huge body was thrown like a cannonball and
collided loudly with the wall three meters away. The black macho man immediately
collapsed to the ground. Because his head hit the wall, he died straight away.

After doing this, Yang Ming didn’t wait to see Smith’s reaction. He opened the door
straight away and left.

Smith’s eyes widened. He didn’t expect Yang Ming to be so awesome. A seemingly

careless push could throw a macho man weighing 200 pounds. Is he even human?

It should be known that this black man’s body was already big and strong. Yang Ming
looked a lot smaller than him. But in the end, Yang Ming could hold him up with one
hand. What kind of strength is this!

“Blast!” Smith had wanted to put Yang Ming in his place, but he did not expect that
Yang Ming would put him in his place. He even made a spectacle of himself. Smith
was a little unsatisfied, “I’m going to find someone to take care of that boy!”

Having said this, Smith wanted to command his men but was interrupted by Klass on
the side, “Smith, don’t act rashly. If we mess up my boss’s big deal, never mind
you, even your casino’s boss can’t afford it!”

“Yes… Yes… Mr. Klass, I just said it for fun. Don’t get angry…” Smith was startled
and suddenly became alert. He was cooperating with Mr. Klass, so he couldn’t act
impulsively, If he messed something up, he would be finished!

Smith also faintly knew that Klass’s background was not simple. Even the big boss
of the casino feared him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t help Klass and take the risk of
being investigated by the management department.
Although the hostages had been moved to other places, the casino still had an
unshirkable responsibility in this matter. However, the boss could actually risk
the casino’s reputation being damaged and help the people behind Klass. This showed
the problem.

“Relax. I won’t let him leave here alive tomorrow,” Klass sneered.

“That is. Mr. Klass’s gambling skills are unrivaled. Even our casino consultants
are no match for you!” Smith said charmingly.

After Yang Ming stepped out of the room, he walked towards the casino’s entrance.
But he was not being idle. Now that he had realized that something was wrong, Yang
Ming directly used his special ability to lock onto the situation in the security
manager’s office.

After seeing the conversation between Smith and Klass, Yang Ming froze and secretly
thought that he had lucked out. Fortunately, thanks to his careful analysis just
now, he did not act lightly. There was indeed someone behind Klass. If he took
Klass down today, he might not have been able to find out anything and end up
hurting Zhang Bing instead.

But, why are these people doing this? Is it just to seek excitement? Yang Ming
didn’t believe his words at all. Although this matter seemed to have been provoked
by Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang, these people seemed to be targeting both of them.

However, Yang Ming couldn’t help but think that this matter was not so simple. If
his intuition was correct, this Klass seemed to be targeting him more. Especially
considering his last sentence – “Relax, I won’t let him leave here alive tomorrow.”

Chapter 1540: Guess and Doubt

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1855: Guess and Doubt

It also confirmed Yang Ming’s speculation. If he isn’t targeting me, then why does
he have to kill me? If they imprisoned Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang imprisoned to
lure me out, then why would they not wait for others to come and save me?

So, Yang Ming had reason to suspect that their target was him instead of Zhang Bing
and Zhang Jiefang. If they were targeting him, they should already know the
relationship between him, Zhang Bing, and Zhang Jiefang. They used both of them as
bait to lure him out here.

Klass’s first question to him when he first entered the door also revealed some
suspicious points. He had asked, “Are you a friend of Zhang Bing and Zhang
According to common sense, Zhang Jiefang was Zhang Bing’s father. Even if someone
came to rescue them, the person asking would think that the father was the one who
requested the helper instead of the child, Zhang Bing.

After Yang Ming came, he also didn’t say whether he was looking for Zhang Jiefang
or Zhang Bing. But Klass put Zhang Bing’s name directly in front and Zhang Jiefang
behind. So, he could determine that Klass knew he was Zhang Bing’s friend.

Although there was the possibility that this was simply a verbal error, this doubt
still made Yang Ming vigilant, and even more skeptical of the future.

There was a possibility that the security personnel had received Smith’s command
since they did not stop Yang Ming on his way out. Yang Ming exited South City
Casino smoothly.

It seemed that Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang were no longer in the casino. There was
no need for them to continue being detained here. Initially, Yang Ming’s plan was
to use his special ability to conduct a 360-degree full search of the casino to see
if he could find where they were being held. However, this idea was no longer

A taxi was waiting for passengers outside the casino. Yang Ming unintentionally
discovered that it was the same driver who had brought him here before. After
arriving here, he remained at the door to continue waiting for passengers, but he
did not expect Yang Ming to come out so soon.

The driver was stunned when he saw Yang Ming. “Young man, you lost so quickly?”

He thought, Yang Ming is way too fast? Regardless of the game he played, how could
he have lost all his money so fast?

“Hehe, I went to look for someone, not to gamble,” Yang Ming explained, lest the
taxi driver asked more.

“I see.” The driver didn’t ask anything further after hearing Yang Ming’s
explanation. He said, “Where are we going now?”

“Go back to the Douglas Vast Hotel, the place we left from just now,” Yang Ming
said. Yang Ming had no intention to roam around the city of Las Vegas. Apart from
casinos, there was really nothing famous here.

Yang Ming was not interested in casinos. If you knew that you would win every time,
would you still be interested in gambling? The gambler’s heart sought excitement
and adventure. Without the joyful feeling of adventure and excitement, gamblers
would lose their joy of gambling.

Some billionaires were already wealthy, yet even they would fantasize about
becoming rich overnight. Gambling was just a moment of excitement between the
pursuit of victory and defeat.

And when this feeling of excitement turned into knowing that you would win, would
you gamble again? Naturally not. Yang Ming was in this situation. He was not short
of money and he also knew that he would win every time he gambled. Why would he
still gamble?

After returning to the Douglas Vast Hotel, Yang Ming simply told Wang Mei about the
other party’s demands. He was going to bet with Klass tomorrow, but he didn’t
mention the specific conditions. He didn’t want Wang Mei to worry about him after
knowing it.

After informing Wang Mei that Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang were fine for the time
being, he let her rest in her room with peace of mind. Yang Ming also returned to
his room. He didn’t want to be idle. He wanted to investigate the background of the
South City Casino and Klass’ identity.

The best way to investigate the background of South City Casino was to consult with
someone in the industry. Although Batterton had great connections and a strong
background in Las Vegas, he could only inquire about the background of the South
City Casino in Las Vegas at best. Yang Ming wanted to know some of the
relationships and forces behind the South City Casino. For this, Batterton was
obviously powerless.

After thinking about it, Yang Ming dialed Huang Lele’s phone. Huang Lele’s family
were wealthy merchants in Singapore. They were also committed to operating the
global gambling and entertainment industry. They had opened casinos in many places
around the world. Although they were not as big as the South City Casino, it should
be easier for Huang Lele compared to Batterton to investigate the background of the
South City Casino.

After all, they were competitors in the same industry. Everyone knew this.

However, Huang Lele’s phone was turned off. Yang Ming thought that Huang Lele was
probably on a flight now and had to turn off her phone. But it didn’t matter. In
addition to Huang Lele, Yang Ming was now familiar with the other members of the
Huang Family.

After all, after the battle with Singapore’s Li Family, Yang Ming had established a
god-like position in the eyes of the Huang Family.

“Hello?” Huang Rongjin picked up the phone uncertainty. The phone number was
forwarded through a foreign IP.

“Second Brother, this is Yang Ming.” Because of Huang Lele, Yang Ming’s address for
Huang Rongjin changed from Brother Huang to Second Brother.

“Yang Ming! It’s you, hehe. You haven’t called me in a long time. I’ve missed you!”
Huang Rongjin heard Yang Ming’s voice and became enthusiastic.

“I’ve been a bit busy lately, so I couldn’t find time,” Yang Ming explained
apologetically. Yang Ming also couldn’t tell Huang Rongjin about his upcoming trip
to Yunnan. Although they had a good relationship, Yang Ming would not disclose this
sort of thing prematurely.

“Oh yeah, Yang Ming, why are you looking for me?” Huang Rongjin asked. He thought
it was impossible that Yang Ming called him just to greet him. There must be
something else.

“Here’s the thing. Help me inquire about the South City Casino in Las Vegas. What
is their background?” Yang Ming said.

“The South City Casino in Las Vegas? Yang Ming, have you been to Las Vegas?” Huang
Rongjin asked strangely. “This casino is also in Macau. Are they troubling you?”

“There’s also one in Macau?” Yang Ming was stunned. “Trouble me? What do you mean?”
“Yang Ming, don’t you remember? When you were in Macau, you killed the consultant
of the Nancheng Casino, Yu Deyi, and forced their casino to move out of our Huang
Family Casino’s territory. They even went out of business for a while. Basically,
you stripped them of their place in the Macau gaming industry in one fell swoop,”
Huang Rongjin explained.

“Nancheng Casino?” After Yang Ming heard Huang Rongjin’s words, he was a little
confused. Then, he said to himself, “South City, southern city… Nancheng? Damn, no
way? It’s them?”

“Yes. The English name of the Nancheng Casino in Macau is South City, which is run
by a company,” Huang Rongjin explained. “That’s why I asked, is it because of that
issue in Macau last time that they are troubling you?”

“That should not be the case?” Although Yang Ming had some doubts, he quickly
denied this. First, although he had offended the Nancheng Casino while he was in
Macau, he was representing the Huang Family Casino at that time. He was just a
representative of the Huang Family at best, so even if the people of the Nancheng
Casino had some resentment, they would vent their anger on the Huang Family people
instead of him.

Second, although Zhang Bing had also gone to Macau, he had gone there afterward.
Even if the Nancheng Casino was targeting him, they couldn’t have caught Zhang Bing
first to lure him out. Never mind that it was troublesome, Yang Ming also didn’t
believe that the senior management of the Nancheng Casino would send the images of
everyone around him to all their branch casinos because of this matter. Being able
to send his image was already impressive.

The third point was the most critical one. Even if he had offended the Nancheng
Casino, they didn’t have to gamble their lives with him. Although he offended the
Nancheng Casino in Macau, it was only in the name of a competitor. There was no
need to kill him no matter how much they hated him. Casinos were all about profit.
Rather than using this method to kill him, it was better to find a killer to kill
him without leaving behind any evidence.

Now the Huang Family was not a family they could provoke either. They had merged
with Singapore’s Li Family. This was a well-known matter. There was no way they
wouldn’t be able to find out about his relationship with Huang Lele. Wouldn’t they
just be asking for a deeper hatred with the Huang Family if the brazenly killed

If they really hated him, they should quietly kill him so no one would suspect

###Chapter 1856.

“I don’t think it is very likely. There are rules between casinos. If they want to
challenge you, they can only do it in the name of the casino. They wouldn’t act
recklessly. That would be breaking the rules. They would be isolated by the rest of
the industry,” Huang Rongjin explained, “I don’t really know about the Nancheng
Casino’s background. But, I can ask Big Brother and Father when they return. They
should know.”

“Well, once you figure it out, call me back. I still have the same China number,”
Yang Ming said.

“Okay, I’m going home to meet Father now,” Huang Rongjin said.
“There is also someone else. Help me to investigate him.” Yang Ming remembered

“En, Yang Ming. Tell me,” Huang Rongjin said.

“This person is called Klass. His gambling skills should be pretty good. Help me to
investigate him. He is an Asian man, no more than forty years old; maybe about
thirty-five years old. He’s shorter than 175 centimeters and fluent in Chinese,”
Yang Ming described Klass’s appearance and characteristics.

“Okay, I have noted it down. I’ll give you the results in a while,” Huang Rongjin
took note of what Yang Ming said with pen and paper.

Although Huang Rongjin had not given him very important news, what surprised Yang
Ming the most was that this South City Casino was actually the Nancheng Casino in
Macau. These two were from the same company.

No wonder he initially thought that the name South City was a bit familiar. It was
for this reason. They were better off since he hadn’t gone to trouble them yet, but
they came to trouble him first.

Based on Yang Ming’s judgment, the South City Casino was playing an accomplice role
in this matter. The main character was still that Klass and the one behind him.

While waiting for Huang Rongjin to call back, Yang Ming turned on the TV in the
room and watched some TV shows casually. Shortly thereafter, the telephone rang.

“Hello? Hi.” Yang Ming thought it was Huang Rongjin. It seemed that he was very
efficient in doing things.

“Yang Ming, this is Lele. Did you call me?” Huang Lele’s voice came over the phone.

“En?” Yang Ming froze, and then remembered that he called Huang Lele just now. Her
phone had the function to send an SMS notification when the phone could not be
reached. He did not expect that his phone number could not be displayed in phone
calls, but it could be displayed on the SMS.

However, Yang Ming did not understand the specific operating methods of
telecommunications companies. It seemed that mobile phones that did not have
roaming on could directly send international SMS messages. So, Huang Lele could
directly receive his number despite not having roaming.

“I called you just because I wanted to find out something from you. Seeing that
your phone was turned off, I called Second Brother. He said he’ll contact me after
checking,” Yang Ming said, “Were you on the plane just now?”

“En, I was on the plane just now. Yang Ming, I’m in Donghai and I can stay
overnight. Why don’t you come and find me? I miss you,” Huang Lele heard that Yang
Ming had called Huang Rongjin to ask about the situation, so she did not ask more.

“Ugh … I’m in Las Vegas…” Yang Ming said embarrassedly.

“Ah? You went to Las Vegas?” Huang Lele froze. She could only say disappointedly,
“That’s okay. It does not matter. Handle your matters first.”

“Or else, once I’m done here, I’ll go see you in Singapore?” Yang Ming also missed
Huang Lele a bit. After all, they had not seen each other for some time.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to go through the trouble. I’ve been flying to Donghai
these days, and I will come here again next week,” Huang Lele said.

“That’s good too. Then, contact me next week.” Yang Ming sighed. He didn’t know how
to tell Huang Lele about his trip to Yunnan. Of course, the best thing was to not
tell her.

“En, then I’ll hang up first. Are you waiting for my brother’s call?” Huang Lele

“En, he said he’ll call me in a while,” Yang Ming said. “Take care.”

“Okay.” Huang Lele hung up after speaking. Not long after Huang Lele’s call, Yang
Ming’s phone rang again.

This time, it should be from Huang Rongjin?

“Hello?” Yang Ming answered the phone.

“Yang Ming, it’s me, Rongjin,” Huang Rongjin said immediately. “I’ve asked my
father about Nancheng Casino and this person, Klass. I have compiled their
information. Let me tell you about them?”

“En, tell me.” Yang Ming did not expect Huang Rongjin to be so efficient.

In fact, the entire Huang Family considered Yang Ming as their life-saver. Huang
Rongjin had immediately informed his father of Yang Ming’s request when he returned
home. Then, Mr. Huang immediately called his subordinates, so the news came back

“Behind the Nancheng Casino is the Nancheng family in Europe. Their entire family
has exclusively occupied a small town in the southern frontier and named it
Nancheng. Their family is very famous in the European upper society and is a
superfamily. It is said that the current Family Master, Goyadod, is supported by
Miss Alice. That’s why the Nancheng family has been able to grow rapidly in recent
years. However, this is only a rumor. There is no conclusive evidence. After all,
Miss Alice is very mysterious. No one can verify this… Oh right, Yang Ming, do you
know who Alice is?” Huang Rongjin suddenly thought Yang Ming might not know who
Alice was, so he added that last sentence.

“I know her… Continue talking!” Although Yang Ming didn’t show anything on the
surface, there was already a stormy sea in his heart! Alice, it turned out to be

Yang Ming could already determine what kind of person Alice was. He initially had
doubts about her. Then, Victoria saw that she was involved with the behind-the-
scenes boss. Yang Ming could conclude that Alice was in an alliance with the
behind-the-scenes boss.

Although Huang Rongjin said that it was only a rumor that the Family Master Goyadod
of the Nancheng family had received Alice’s support, Yang Ming could now confirm
that this was not simply a rumor!

Since this matter was related to Alice, everything was becoming clearer. If he did
not guess wrong, this time’s matter was perpetrated by the behind-the-scenes boss!

He was the only one who knew about Yang Ming’s relationship with Zhang Bing and
Zhang Jiefang. He also knew that Yang Ming would stick up for Zhang Bing, and only
he could make Nancheng Casino cooperate with this matter through Alice!

Although everything seemed to be a coincidence before, Yang Ming was now convinced
that it was not a coincidence.

Now that they had spoken up and asked him to go gamble his life with Klass at
theSouth City Casino at 9 o’clock tomorrow, then they must also be fully prepared
and not be afraid that they would regret after losing!

Then he should prepare in advance instead of going to the place and getting caught
easily like a fish waiting to be shot in a barrel! Although Yang Ming was confident
in his skills, he was in other people’s territory. They could bring out large
forces and some hot weapons. He was not an invincible Iron Man, like Jetson. He
would be the one to suffer.

He looked at the time. He should still have enough time to mobilize troops now.

“In short, the Nancheng Family’s background is very strong. If it is not necessary,
don’t simply provoke them,” said Huang Rongjin. “As for this Klass person you were
talking about, I found the person who is closest to him. This person is a rich man
in Las Vegas who relied on small gambling to build his fortune in his early years.
Later, he gambled more and more and became a part-time consultant for many casinos.
His annual salary is more than ten digits.”

“Oh?” Yang Ming listened to Huang Rongjin’s explanation and was even more
suspicious of Klass. A ten-figure salary casino consultant played with Zhang Bing
for nothing? Was he too bored?

Chapter 1541:Subordinate’s Growth/ Misleading

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1857: Subordinate’s Growth

“What’s wrong? Yang Ming?” Huang Rongjin noticed Yang Ming’s doubtful tone and

“I’m fine. Thank you Second Brother.” Yang Ming said, “I will contact you if
something happens.”

“Okay, call again if you have any questions.” Although Huang Rongjin was a little
puzzled about why Yang Ming asked about these things, he didn’t ask much. Yang Ming
must have a reason for asking about these things, but the Huang Family couldn’t do
much to help Yang Ming. After all, everyone’s strength wasn’t equal and the gap was
too big. Huang Rongjin could only do his best to provide Yang Ming with some help.

After he hung up Huang Rongjin’s call, Yang Ming directly called Golden Bull.
“Butler Jing? I’m Yang Ming.” Golden Bull was still training in the Charles family.
Yang Ming planned to send him to Africa after a while to be fully responsible for
the assassin group.

“Boss!” exclaimed Golden Bull once he heardYang Ming’s calm voice.

“I’m going to assign a task to you. You must do it well.” Yang Ming commanded. It
was about tomorrow’s success or failure. Yang Ming could not be sloppy.

It would be fine if the other party didn’t use any tricks and just obediently
released the hostage after Yang Ming won. But if they didn’t release the hostage
and caused more trouble, then Yang Ming wouldn’t be polite anymore.

“Yes, boss. Golden Bull is always at your disposal!” said Golden Bull.

“You should go and arrange your manpower, then fly to Las Vegas via a special
plane…” Yang Ming made a series of arrangements for Golden Bull.

“Rest assured, Boss. I promise to complete the task,” Golden Bull promised after he
wrote down every one of Yang Ming’s orders.

“En, I’m confident in the way you do things.” Yang Ming attached great importance
to Golden Bull. Otherwise, Golden Bull wouldn’t be placed in such an important
position to focus on training.

Golden Bull was not only a powerful assassin, but also a smart manager. This was
Yang Ming’s ultimate purpose. It was impossible for Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan to
manage the assassin group’s affairs all their lives. When the island in Africa was
developed and everything here was done, it would be time for Yang Ming to retire.

Now that Yang Ming knew that these people had ulterior motives, he would naturally
not be stupid enough to go alone and gamble with them. Although Yang Ming was
awesome, he couldn’t defeat a group of people with guns and cannons!

Yang Ming was fearless in China because China had some of the strictest gun laws in
the world. But the United States was different. There were countless guns among the
citizens, let alone casinos that were deeply involved with the underworld. How
could there not be any guns?

Although Golden Bull had unrelentingly organized a team to rush to Las Vegas after
he hung up on Yang Ming’s call, they only arrived in the early hours of the morning
the next day.

After Golden Bull arrived, he was afraid to disturb Yang Ming’s rest, so he just
sent Yang Ming a text message. Then, he arranged his men to act according to Yang
Ming’s commands. Yang Ming had already made everything clear before, and Golden
Bull also understood Yang Ming’s intention. The night was quiet. It was just right
for Golden Bull to lay low and wait.

Naturally, Yang Ming wasn’t sleeping very well here. After seeing Golden Bull’s
text message, Yang Ming immediately called him, “Golden Bull, have you arrived?”

“Yes, boss. We are rushing to the South City Casino. Some brothers are already
stationed outside the casino, some brothers are pretending to be gamblers and some
brothers are mingling around in the casino. We are ready to follow Brother Yang’s
instructions!” said Golden Bull.
“En, I can rest assured with this arrangement.” Yang Ming was very satisfied with
Golden Bull’s arrangement. It seemed that Golden Bull was growing and had matured a
lot without Yang Ming realizing. He had undergone a qualitative change from that
small assassin in a small assassin group in Song Jiang.

“Captain Wang Peng is responsible for the operations outside the casino. The men
outside are all professional mercenaries, while everyone inside the casino are
professional assassins. They are my men,” said Golden Bull. “You can also directly
contact Wang Peng, Brother Yang.”

“Not bad!” Yang Ming did not expect that Golden Bull had been so careful with the
arrangement. Wang Peng’s men were professional mercenaries. These people were well-
trained at integrated operations to quickly destroy the enemy. Golden Bull’s men
were good at assassination. They were hidden in all corners of the casino, so they
could take down suspicious targets very easily.

“Thank you for your praise!” Golden Bull was embarrassed after being praised by
Yang Ming, so he chuckled twice.

“I have Wang Peng’s contact number. You should be vigilant according to my

arrangements. I will contact you at any time.” said Yang Ming.

“Yes, boss,” said Golden Bull.

Yang Ming was very pleased after hanging up the phone. My men have gradually grown
up, and I will gradually let them go to let them continue to work boldly.

He got up, cleaned up, and took a bath. Yang Ming looked at his watch. It was
already past five in the morning.

Yang Ming was not worried at all about whether the other party would play any
tricks during today’s gambling. Yang Ming did not have the nervousness and
excitement of others before the game.

I already know that I will win. What is there to be excited about?

The hotel’s restaurant only opened at six o’clock. Yang Ming lay in bed and watched
TV for a while. After seeing that it was almost time, he exited the room and went
downstairs for breakfast.

Unexpectedly, he saw Batterton standing respectfully not far from his room. When he
saw Yang Ming coming out of the room, he quickly said, “Mr. Yang, good morning!”

“Oh?” Yang Ming was stunned. He did not expect that Buatterton would be waiting
nearby the room. It seemed like he had been here for some time. The reason why he
stood there was to avoid eavesdropping on the conversation within the room. It
seemed that Batterton had been professionally trained and he was probably like this
to other members of the Douglas Family as well.

“Mr. Yang, the restaurant has specially prepared breakfast for you. May I ask if
you want it sent to the room, or do you want to go to the restaurant lounge?”
Batterton asked carefully.

“Oh, I’ll go there and eat.” Yang Ming nodded. “Wait for me to see if my friend is

“Okay, Mr. Yang.” Batterton didn’t know how Yang Ming and Wang Mei were related.
But they did not look like lovers, so they should be good friends.

Yang Ming knocked on the door of Room 2 next door. Soon, Wang Mei’s voice was
heard, “Who is it?”

“It’s me, Yang Ming,” said Yang Ming. “Are you awake? Let’s go to the restaurant
for breakfast?”

The room’s door opened with a click. Wang Mei was already dressed, but her eyes
were a little red. It seemed like she didn’t sleep well last night. She couldn’t
sleep well until Zhang Bin returned safely, so she woke up early.

“En, let’s go,” Wang Mei nodded. “But I have no appetite…”

“Hehe, eat a little. Rest assured, today I promise that Zhang Bin and Uncle Zhang
will return safely!” Yang Ming smiled and said.

“En…” Wang Mei still trusted Yang Ming’s ability. When in Macau, Yang Ming
demonstrated extraordinary powers. Wasn’t the man who kept bothering me easily
settled by Yang Ming?!

Wang Mei was surprised at Batterton’s diligence in leading the way. With
Batterton’s identity, even if Yang Ming knew his boss, there was no need for him to
do this so early in the morning!

Wang Mei increasingly felt the mystery and power behindYang Ming. It seemed that
there was no one he didn’t know nor anything that he couldn’t settle at all.

Batterton personally brought Yang Ming and Wang Mei to the hotel’s VIP restaurant.
It was a separate private room with a bathroom, a TV, some morning newspapers and
magazines, and bright floor-to-ceiling windows that showed the morning view

“Mr. Yang, please take a look. This is the breakfast menu. Is there anything you
want to eat? We will prepare it for you immediately.” Batterton passed a beautiful
menu to Yang Ming. At the same time, he gave Wang Mei another copy, “Miss Wang,

Yang Ming took a brief look at the dishes on the menu. Yang Ming didn’t have any
diet restrictions, but he didn’t particularly like Western food, so he said,
“There’s too much here. Just serve the first half.”

It was the same for Wang Mei. As a Chinese, she didn’t particularly like to eat
Western food, so she nodded, “I’m fine with anything.”

“It’s not too much. Mr. Yang, you can eat selectively!” Batterton said quickly.

“Oh, alright. Make the servings smaller.” Yang Ming waved his hand to indicate that
Batterton could go and prepare.

“Okay, Mr. Yang.” Batterton trotted out of the private room.

###Chapter 1858: Misleading

“Brother Yang, this boss is too attentive…” Wang Mei said carefully, wondering if
Yang Ming would think that she talked too much.

“Hehe, he is afraid to lose his job, so he is naturally attentive.” Even if Yang

Ming did not have a good impression of Wang Mei and thought that she was a
superficial woman, Zhang Bing liked her very much. So, Yang Ming could only accept
her. He tried to answer her questions with care, so he didn’t make things awkward
and harder for Zhang Bin.

“Brother Yang, you are amazing!” admired Wang Mei.

Yang Ming frowned. What does Wang Mei mean? But he was relieved upon seeing that
Wang Mei’s gaze was clear and had no ulterior meaning. He didn’t want Wang Mei to
be half-hearted after following Zhang Bing.

“It is really a blessing for my Zhang Bing to follow Brother Yang,” continued Wang

“Zhang Bing is a good person. Although he has some minor flaws, he is generally
great.” Yang Ming said, “As long as I live, I will always support him.”

“Brother Yang is joking…” Wang Mei was stunned, “What are you talking about being
alive or not? We are all about the same age. If we are to die, we’ll die around the
same time…”

“Hehe…” Yang Ming didn’t say much. Yang Ming was just a little emotional. It was
inappropriate to explain his trip to Yunnan to Wang Mei.

Soon after, Batterton personally started serving the food to Yang Ming’s private
room. Obviously, the raw materials were all prepared in advance; they just needed
to be cooked.

Although Yang Ming instructed Batterton to make the breakfast portions smaller, it
seemed that he did not do so. The portions were still not small, or maybe the
previous portions were even larger.

“Mr. Yang, Miss Wang, please enjoy your breakfast. I won’t bother you anymore. If
you need me, call me at any time. I’ll be at the door!” Batterton set the contents
of the dining cart on the table one by one, and then bowed and backed off.

“Just eat whatever you want.” Yang Ming pointed to the table and said to Wang Mei,
“I’ll go to the South City Casino in a moment. Just wait for me at the hotel. Don’t
go out and run around.”

“En.” Wang Mei nodded, and planned to do as Yang Ming said. Although she was
worried about Zhang Bing’s situation, Yang Ming could go by himself.

Not long after finishing their breakfast, Wang Mei’s cell phone rang. Wang Mei
said, “It’s the temporary phone number from the Jewelry Exhibition team. Maybe it’s
from the casino!”

People at the South City Casino had always contacted Wang Mei through this phone.

“Answer it. If it’s someone from the casino, pass it to me.” Yang Ming nodded to
Wang Mei.

“Hello?” Wang Mei answered the call.

“Miss Wang? I’m Smith. Is the gentleman who came to the casino yesterday there?”
Smith’s voice was heard from the phone. The dining room was quiet, so Yang Ming
heard it clearly.

“Oh, wait a minute,” said Wang Mei as she passed the phone to Yang Ming.
“Hello, Smith?” Yang Ming answered when he took the phone.

“Yes, just to remind you, don’t forget to come to the casino at nine o’clock. If
you’re not coming, just let me know,” said Smith.

“Relax, I will be there on time. But let me tell you in advance. You should bring
my friends with you. I will only bet with Klass if I see them,” said Yang Ming.

“This is no problem. You can see them when you come,” said Smith. Yang Ming’s
request was reasonable. If Yang Ming couldn’t see his friends, why would he gamble
with them? If you gamble without letting them see the bet, where is the spirit of

“Well, see you later,” said Yang Ming plainly.

In fact, when Yang Ming returned to the hotel yesterday, he noticed that someone
was following him. Yang Ming didn’t care about it and was not afraid of them.

Since they could contact him through Wang Mei, they must also know that he was
staying at the Douglas Vast Hotel. This was no secret, so Yang Ming just let them
follow. Yang Ming did not get the taxi driver to change the route. Yang Ming went
straight back to the room once he arrived at the hotel.

They probably wanted to come and see if Yang Ming went to contact some backup or to
meet someone. They followed him to the hotel and stayed at the hotel entrance to
see if he would come out to contact anyone. But when he didn’t, they were relieved.

They thought that Yang Ming was really here today to take part in the contest, not
to engage in any conspiracy. It was for this reason that Smith and Klass brought
along Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang to the casino so forthrightly.

Otherwise, they would be afraid that Yang Ming would find some strong support to
forcefully take these two men away from the casino.

After having breakfast, Yang Ming looked at the time. It was past seven o’clock,
and there was just a bit more than an hour to go to the agreed nine o’clock. So
after Yang Ming asked Wang Mei to return to the room, he left the hotel and stopped
a taxi to head towards the South City Casino.

After arriving at the South City Casino, Yang Ming saw a couple at a small plaza
not far from the casino through his peripheral vision. The young man was dressed in
a fashionable dress and sunglasses, drinking juice, accompanying and acting very
much in love with a stylish girl. Seeing Yang Ming getting off the taxi, the
fashionable man slightly shook the juice box in his hand.

Yang Ming brushed his hair without expression to indicate that he had seen the
fashionable guy. However, Yang Ming’s action was ordinary. Many people who got off
the taxi would habitually adjust their hair.

The young fashionable man was naturally Wang Peng, and the person next to him was
probably his helper. Yang Ming didn’t know her. Maybe Wang Peng had gotten her
while he was in Africa.

Yang Ming had previously suggested that they include some female members so that
they could be arranged to protect Chen Mengyan and others. However, after
Victoria’s emergence of Victoria, Yang Ming used her and never asked about female
members again.
Yang Ming quickly walked into the South City Casino. Someone among Smith’s men saw
him at the entrance, and walked over and said, “Sir, Mr. Smith is waiting in the

Yang Ming nodded expressionlessly. He followed the man across yesterday’s corridor
to the security manager Smith’s office.

“Dang dang dang-“ Smith’s men knocked on the door, and Smith’s voice was heard,
“Come in!”

The man opened the door and respectfully said, “Mr. Smith, your guest has arrived.”

“Okay, you can go and continue your work.” Smith waved and motioned for him to

Yang Ming walked into the office and saw Smith, as well as Klass from yesterday.

“What about my friends?” Yang Ming didn’t say hello to them, but directly asked
where Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang were.

Smith and Klass didn’t mind either. Smith said, “Your friends are upstairs. You
will see them when you go up.”

“Go up? Are we not gambling here?” asked Yang Ming plainly.

“Of course we are gambling at the top VIP room upstairs. It’s so small here. How
can we gamble?” Smith laughed and said.

“Upstairs? Top VIP room?” Yang Ming frowned. “Is it only just us?”

“Yes.” Smith nodded.

“Sorry, I can’t accept it.” Yang Ming shook his head. “There are no other guests
around the top VIP room upstairs. They are all your people. I have reasons to
suspect that your motives are impure.”

Smith was a little stunned. But what Yang Ming said was true. This casino was his
territory, and Yang Ming would be alone in the VIP room upstairs. So Yang Ming’s
worries were normal. If he was in the same position, he would think like this too.

However, Smith was not the decision-maker. He could only look to Klass for help.

Chapter 1542: Preconceived/ Dead End

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1859: Preconceived

“Hehe, we have no other intentions. We just want to find a quiet and comfortable
place.” Klass laughed, “However, your worry is not unreasonable.”
“That being the case, I think we should do it here. It’s fine here,” Yang Ming said

“Of course, this place is not suitable for gambling. Why don’t we go to a private
room on the first floor’s lobby?” Klass was afraid that Yang Ming would
misunderstand, so he added, “There are guests outside, so you don’t need to worry,

Even though Klass said this, he sneered in his heart. Do you think we won’t dare to
do anything to you if we are in a crowded place on the first floor? The private
rooms in this casino are all super soundproof. Whatever happens on the inside can’t
be heard from the outside.

Yang Ming hesitated, then nodded, “Well, then let’s do it in the private room on
the first floor.”

Yang Ming naturally couldn’t agree too quickly. Agreeing too quickly would make
Smith and Klass suspicious. Golden Bull and the rest were laying low in the casino
disguised as ordinary tourists. It was impossible for them to approach the VIP room
upstairs, so a private room near the lobby on the first floor was the best choice.

The reason why Yang Ming said to play in the security manager’s room was to mislead
them. He knew that Klass would definitely not agree to gamble here. There was no
dedicated table and the environment wasn’t suitable for gambling.

They had previously confirmed that Yang Ming had returned directly to the hotel
yesterday and had not been out or contacted anyone since then. Hence, they had
concluded that Yang Ming was unlikely to have any tricks.

Besides, they harbored malicious intentions towards Yang Ming, so they had a
preconceived guilty conscience. Yang Ming had guessed their thoughts, so they
agreed with Yang Ming without thinking. They were also afraid to insist on
anything, in fear that Yang Ming would become suspicious.

However, Yang Ming was certain that Klass was guilty. If he argued or insisted
instead, Yang Ming would not think much.

Klass didn’t know that he had shot himself in the foot and made Yang Ming vigilant.
It was good that he had wishful thinking, but unfortunately, Yang Ming was already
fully prepared.

Smith listened to Klass’s decision then picked up the phone, dialed a number, and
gave some instructions. The general purpose was to change the game’s venue to
Private Room 3 in the lobby on the first floor, and to take Zhang Bing and Zhang
Jiefang to Room 3.

After making the call, Smith smiled at Yang Ming, “So, is this okay? In fact,
although you have a reason to worry, our casino has a good reputation!”

Yang Ming smiled plainly, but his expression was cold.

Yang Ming sneered in his heart. Have a good reputation? If you have a good
reputation, you wouldn’t help Klass to detain them. Is this still a good
reputation? Who would believe this nonsense?

“Let’s go. Sir, how should I address you?” Klass looked at Yang Ming in a friendly

“Yang Ming.” Yang Ming mocked in his heart. He seemed to have mentioned my name to
Smith after I left yesterday, but he still pretended to not know and asked again.

“Mr. Yang, do you think we can go there now?” asked Krass.

“Let’s go.” Yang Ming stood up unwillingly. Smith rushed to the front to lead the
way while Yang Ming and Klass followed him. Behind Yang Ming were Klass’ bodyguards
and Smith’s attendants.

They followed Smith through the narrow corridor to the lobby on the casino’s first
floor. Although it was early in the morning, the casino was still lively! The
casino was open twenty-four hours a day, so many gamblers came here at night. Some
people had gambled until their eyes were bloodshot, while others wanted to win some
more after winning.

However, in general, many people lose more than they win in casinos. Otherwise, how
could casinos make money? Only a few people could win money, and few of these
people would seize the chance to directly exchange the chips for money and leave
the casino. But most of them would stay on. The more you win, the more you want to
keep winning. In the end, all of them would lose all their money.

This was the mindset of many gamblers. The sense of getting rich quickly brought
about by the wins and losses of gambling was irresistible. In the first floor’s
lobby, in addition to some tourists, there were also some desperate gamblers.

And those who were really rich had gone to the VIP room upstairs. These people were
not gamblers and did not expect to get rich overnight. They were just pursuing the
feeling of adventure and excitement. They cared little about losing money.

“Big- big- big-”

“Small- small- small-”

“Ah– I won-”

“Ah– I’m screwed-”

The casino was full of noisy sounds, and there were languages from many different
countries. It was just like a big market.

However, Smith and Klass, as well as their subordinates, were clearly accustomed to
it. They were people who had been in the casino for a long time, so they
automatically filtered out the sound.

Yang Ming just frowned, showing a little look of disgust. In fact, Yang Ming did it
on purpose. This expression was just to indicate covertly to Golden Bull that he
had seen him.

Seeing Yang Ming show a disgusted expression, Klass smiled and said nothing. It
seems that Yang Ming does not often visit casinos. Even if Yang Ming is an expert,
an expert that practiced at home is nothing but someone who disregards the outside
world. Theory alone is not feasible without practice.

Previously, Klass had discovered from the Nancheng Family that Yang Ming was a very
good gambler. But Klass didn’t take it seriously. If Yang Ming was very powerful,
the boss behind him would not have allowed him to personally come and play!
As a matter of fact, he had been following his boss for six years. He was his
boss’s proudest disciple. His hand speed was comparable to that of his boss, so he
felt that gambling with Yang Ming was very easy.

“Here it is!” Smith pointed to a VIP room not far away labeled “1F-VIP3”,
indicating that it was the third VIP private room on the first floor.

In fact, the private rooms on the first floor’s lobby were not VIP rooms at all.
They were far worse compared to those rooms upstairs and were decorated very

Yang Ming nodded, waited for Smith to open the door, and walked into the private
room with Klass. Yang Ming seemed calm and indifferent. In fact, he had used his
special ability to scope the third private room and found that Zhang Bing and Zhang
Jiefang were safe inside. There was no extraordinary structure in the private room
as well, so it was impossible for people to be hidden there. Therefore, Yang Ming
entered the private room so easily.

“Bro!” Zhang Bing sat sadly beside Zhang Jiefang. For the past two days, he was
scared to death. He finally understood that gambling a little was entertaining, but
excessive gambling was harmful. He had almost died. He was really regretful. If he
knew earlier, he wouldn’t go and gamble. But there was no solution for regret, and
it was useless for him to regret anything.

Zhang Jiefang had similar thoughts. He thought that it would be unreasonable if he

didn’t gamble at a casino while in Las Vegas. If someone asked why he didn’t go to
a casino while in Las Vegas, it would be a bit too shameful, right?

Originally, Zhang Jiefang also thought of just simply playing, so he took Zhang
Bing with him. However, it was clear that Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang were being

At the beginning, Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang had won some money. This caused
their self-confidence to inflate. The more they won, the more they wanted to
continue to win. The more they continued to win, the more they couldn’t stop.

After a series of small wins, they finally lost. However, their previous series of
wins made Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang lose their sanity, and the big loss did not
wake them up. Instead, they continued to bet through the night, wanting to win back
their capital and win some more.

People who had not gambled before were especially likely to become senseless. When
they lost a lot, someone suddenly came to find them. This person was Klass. He told
Zhang Jiefang and Zhang Bing that there was a lack of show-hands in the VIP room,
and asked them if they wanted to play to change their luck.

###Chapter 1860: Dead End

All gamblers all believed in changing their luck. So when someone suddenly told
Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang that they could transfer after they lost very badly,
they naturally agreed without hesitation!

Moreover, the two had watched Show Hand gameplay [1] in Hong Kong movies and wanted
to try it out. So Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang took a seat and gambled against
At the start, they were lucky. They initially only had a few thousand chips left,
but in a short time, their chips amounted to a hundred-thousand! Zhang Jiefang and
Zhang Bing were both very excited and emotional. They could get rich quickly off
this game!

In addition, all other games outside were controlled by a dealer, or controlled by

the gambling machine’s system. It was easy to cheat if you wanted to. Hence, Zhang
Bing and Zhang Jiefang felt that those games outside were fake. However, these
people were players of show-hand, a game that was really dependent on luck and

At the beginning, nearly everyone won or lost. Afterwards, it was Zhang Bing and
Zhang Jiefang who continually lost. In the end, they lost all the money they had
brought. They had redeemed their money for chips too many times, and had one let.
Under the encouragement of others and who knew what psychedelic soup they drank,
they actually wanted to bet on their lives. But in this round, Klass won.

Of course, a spell was indeed cast on them. The free beverages provided in the
casino were drugged, confusing their minds and removing it from their control. They
just didn’t know it.

Originally, Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang thought they were finished, but Klass
suddenly told them that they could call family and friends for help, and asked them
to find someone to have a talk. There was still room for discussion.

So Zhang Bing quickly called Wang Mei, explained the situation to her, and asked
her to contact Yang Ming for help. In Zhang Bing’s opinion, Klass didn’t need to
kill him. Asking him to call someone was naturally to pay for the debt.

So Zhang Bing didn’t think much of it and subconsciously thought that Klass wanted

So when Zhang Bing saw Yang Ming coming at this time, he was a little excited. He
thought Yang Ming had come to rescue him. However, when he saw Yang Ming and Klass
walking into the private room and not mentioning anything about releasing the
hostages, Zhang Bing was immediately a little puzzled.

“Mr. Yang, you have seen it, right? Your friends are fine. So can you gamble with
me now with peace of mind?” Klass smiled plainly as he pointed to Zhang Bing and
Zhang Jiefang.

“Yes,” Yang Ming nodded, looking at Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang. Zhang Bing was a
little excited, but Zhang Jiefang was ashamed. Despite being an elder, he needed to
rely on a junior to rescue him. This made him feel like he had lost face.

“Bro, you want to gamble with him? Don’t be fooled! He is a scammer!” Zhang Bing
was nervous when he heard that Yang Ming was about to bet against Klass! After two
days of careful reflection, he also understood that Klass must be a gambling
expert, and he had deliberately set a trap for Zhang Bing and his father.

He had bodyguards accompanying him everywhere and the casino’s security department
manager was very respectful toward him. Obviously, he was an important figure, so
how could he go to the first floor’s lobby to gamble? Moreover, even if he gambled,
he would not gamble with tourists like Zhang Bing and his father, right?

He should find someone with similar social status and at least go to the VIP room
upstairs. These various suspicious points showed that Klass did not have good
At this time, when Zhang Bing heard that Yang Ming was betting against Klass, he
naturally reminded Yang Ming.

“Mr. Yang, it looks like your friend has a lot of opinions about me?” Klass smiled
indifferently. He didn’t believe that Yang Ming had not noticed any problems. Since
Yang Ming was here despite that and still agreed to gamble with him, then
everything else was secondary.

“Zhang Bing, keep calm,” Yang Ming comforted Zhang Bing plainly.

“Oh…” Zhang Bing was very obedient to Yang Ming. He obeyed what Yang Ming said, so
he shut his mouth when Yang Ming asked him to keep calm. Although he wanted to
remind Yang Ming, he saw that Yang Ming also seemed to know that there were some
problems here. Hence, Zhang Bing did not say anything anymore.

“Klass, although it’s not nine o’clock yet, I want to finish this game quickly. Why
don’t we start now?” Yang Ming glanced at Klass and asked.

“Okay, no problem. Since Mr. Yang said so, let’s start.” Klass naturally didn’t
care. Whether it was sooner or later, he thought that Yang Ming was already doomed.

“What shall we play?” Yang Ming asked plainly as he sat casually at one side of the
gaming table.

Yang Ming’s seemingly casual behavior was actually precisely calculated. He had sat
down in the safest corner. If someone tried shooting him from the door, this was a
blind spot. And if they tried shooting him through the window, Yang Ming’s position
couldn’t be seen.

Yang Ming had observed before that even armor-piercing bullets couldn’t penetrate
the walls of this casino. Of course, if a rocket launcher was used, it was another
matter. However, it was unlikely for these people to cause such a big commotion.
This was Las Vegas, a world-class economically prosperous city. The local police
would not let them go if they used rocket launchers.

Seeing that Yang Ming was sitting at the dead corner of the room, Klass could not
help but frown. He had planned to let a sniper shoot Yang Ming if his scheme was
unsuccessful in the end. However, the position Yang Ming sat at was exactly the
safest corner in the room!

“Mr. Yang, your position is not very good. We’re the only ones playing so we don’t
have to sit so far apart. If I sat here, wouldn’t we be too far away from each
other?” Klass said casually as he pulled up the chair closest to him.

“I am a person who follows his intuition. I believe this position can bring me good
luck. I don’t want to change. I’m sorry.” Yang Ming shrugged, “If you feel that
we’re too far, sit closer if you want. I have no problem. It’s not far for me.”

“…” Krass was a little speechless. But since Yang Ming had already said so, it was
naturally inappropriate for him to ask Yang Ming to change seats. Otherwise, if
Yang Ming said that he lost because of where he was seated, then it would be

So Klass bore with his dissatisfaction and sat opposite Yang Ming. This was a long
table. If they followed Klass’ seating arrangement, they would have sat diagonally
and too far away from each other.

“Mr. Yang, you are the guest. Why don’t you suggest what we shall play?” suggested
“One round each. You can suggest a game first. I like to do as the host sees fit,”
Yang Ming said carelessly.

“Alright, let’s play the simplest game. How about Blackjack?” asked Klass.

“Sure.” Yang Ming nodded.

Blackjack originated in France but it was now worldwide. The game was played by two
to six people, using fifty-two cards other than the joker. The player’s goal was to
have the sum of the cards in their hands be as close to, but not exceed, twenty-one
as possible.

Blackjack had a long history and was also referred to as Twenty-One in the country
for short.

Blackjack card games were available in French casinos around 1700. In 1931, when
Nevada in the United States legalized gambling, Blackjack had its first appearance
in a Nevada casino club Within fifteen years, it replaced the dice game and became
a very popular casino game that involved a banker.

Klass proposed this game because it was very popular. If he proposed a less popular
game, Yang Ming might say that he didn’t know how to play or wasn’t good at it and
it would be troublesome.

“Does Mr. Yang want to simply designate a dealer, or do you want it to be arranged
by the casino?” asked Klass.

“It’s up to you.” Yang Ming didn’t think the dealer could perform any tricks.

“Smith, go outside and just ask a dealer to come in.” Klass didn’t want to tamper
the game through the dealer either because it was not realistic.

Soon, a dealer entered. Klass told him that they wanted to play Blackjack. The
dealer nodded respectfully and took a brand new deck of cards. He opened it and
tiled it on the table for Yang Ming and Klass to check.

Chapter 1543: A Gamble Gone Wrong/ Problematic Deck of Cards

###Chapter 1861: A Gamble Gone Wrong

Yang Ming waved his hand casually. Klass nodded his head in approval as well when
he saw Yang Ming had no objections.

The dealer gathered the playing cards on the table and started shuffling. Yang Ming
found it a little funny that Klass was watching the dealer’s movements without even
blinking. This guy must have deft hands and a keen vision. He’s pretty suitable to
be a thief!

“Ahh— Ahh— Ahh choo—” Yang Ming felt tingly and suddenly sneezed loudly. Klass was
startled and leaned backward as he covered his mouth. However, due to this, he lost
track of the dealer’s movements.

Of course, it was impossible to remember the position of all the cards. Klass could
only remember the top few cards. In a game like Blackjack, the only usable cards
were the ones on top. The ones at the bottom were completely useless.

Klass frowned. He didn’t know if Yang Ming did it intentionally. However, if he did
do it intentionally, wouldn’t that prevent him from remembering the order of the
cards as well? Or could it be that he never was able to memorize them, so he
intentionally caused chaos to prevent Klass from memorizing them?

Regardless, since Klass could no longer remember it, Yang Ming wouldn’t be able to
remember it as well. So, Klass was only a little dissatisfied in his heart and
wasn’t too worried.

It’s just that he was originally confident of having an eighty percent chance to
win, yet now it had become only fifty percent. This inevitably made Klass feel a
little unlucky.

Of course, there was no way he could ask the dealer to reshuffle a new deck of
cards. That would be too fake.

The dealer finished shuffling the cards and asked K’ass to cut the deck. It no
longer mattered how Klass cut it since he could no longer remember the order, so he
just cut it simply. However, with a slight shake of his hand, two cards slipped
into his sleeves.

Klass’s movements were extremely discrete and at the speed of light. People who
were next to him wouldn’t be able to notice it. Even a camera wouldn’t be able to
record and capture his movements.

However, Yang Ming had always felt that Klass was not an upright person. How could
he not be wary of him pulling little tricks? But Yang Ming sat there seemingly
indifferent, and his eyes were not staring directly at Klass’s hands. However,
would Yang Ming have to look directly if he really wanted to keep an eye on

Yang Ming had long used his special ability to lock onto Klass. It was still
possible for others to overlook it, but it was utterly ridiculous if he wanted to
hide his actions from Yang Ming’s x-ray vision.

Yang Ming had been watching Klass’s movements in detail. All of his actions were
like slow motion in Yang Ming’s eyes. When Yang Ming saw Klass hide two cards into
his sleeves, he somewhat scoffed and pouted his lips. Isn’t this guy pretty bold?
He hid not one, but two cards? Does he think I am blind?

He looked at the two cards in Klass’s sleeves. One of them was an Ace of Spades,
and the other was a Five of Diamonds. One was a big card, and one was a medium
card. Although Klass selected them by chance, his luck was indeed pretty great.
These two cards were extremely suitable for cheating. Regardless of what the cards
in his hands were, he would have the possibility to change it to be a bigger set.

However, his good luck up this point had now ended since he had run into Yang Ming.

Yang Ming smiled faintly. I’ll let you be happy for now. You will cry in a while.
When the dealer asked Yang Ming to cut the deck, Yang Ming shook his head to
indicate that it wasn’t necessary.

The dealer nodded and asked to whom he should deal the card first.

“Mr. Klass is the host, so start with him,” Yang Ming politely gestured.

Klass nodded and said nothing. It didn’t matter to whom the cards were dealt first.
It was impossible for a two-person blackjack to have a banker and players like
regular multiplayer blackjack. For the sake of fairness, both he and Yang Ming were
players. The dealer could be the banker.

Klass couldn’t remember the order of the cards anyway. However, he had already
stolen two cards, so he still was confident in winning.

The dealer gave Klass and Yang Ming two cards each, an up card and a hole card.

Klass’s hole card was the Three of Clubs, and his up card was a Four of Hearts.
This was a smaller set of cards. It was more advantageous.

Yang Ming, on the other hand, had an Eight of Hearts as his hole card, and his up
card was a Seven of Spades. Cards like these were a little tough. Fifteen points, a
breaking hand. If he asked for another card, he might bust. If he did not, his
points would be easily exceeded by others.

Klass took a look at his hole card and a smirk showed at the corner of his lips.
While he was looking at this card, he snuck a peek at both the stolen cards in his
sleeve. Then, his smile widened.

After hiding the cards, Klass put the hole card back on the table and said to the
dealer, “Hit.”

The dealer nodded and dealt Klass a card. It was a Six of Clubs.

Klass’s eyes widened. He didn’t expect that he would be so lucky! His opened cards
were now a Four of Hearts and a Six of Clubs. In his hand, he still had an Ace of
Spades. With this, he would have twenty-one points just by exchanging his Three of
Clubs hole card with the Ace of Spades in his sleeves! This was a certain killing!

As long as Yang Ming’s two cards didn’t form a direct Blackjack, he would win this
round. Of course, Yang Ming’s up card was a Seven of Clubs. It was impossible for
him to get a direct Blackjack.

Klass pretended to frown. He picked up the hole card again, and then rubbed it and
put it back to its original place. He had already completed the swap at this

“Stand.” Klass stopped.

Yang Ming was intrigued. You’re playing so seriously even when you’re cheating?
Yang Ming shrugged and said, “Stand.”

Yang Ming had seen that the next card was a Nine of Clubs. He would have busted if
he asked for another card. Then, even if he were to expose Klass, it would be
somewhat inappropriate if his cards were a bust.

Ha! Klass was euphoric when he heard Yang Ming say stand. Wouldn’t that mean that
he had definitely won? If Yang Ming had asked for another card, they might have
drawn if Yang Ming also accumulated twenty-one points with the extra card. However,
Yang Ming had actually stood. Could it be that Yang Ming thought that Krass’s cards
had already busted?

“Both sides show hands,” said the dealer.

Klass smiled faintly when he heard the dealer’s words. He reached out his hand to
reveal his hole card. It was the Ace of Spades he had swapped in. With the two up
cards on his table— Four of Hearts and Six of Clubs, it formed twenty-one points.

“My apologies, you let me win.” Klass shrugged. It was impossible for Yang Ming’s
cards to exceed his. Yang Ming would definitely lose regardless of what his hole
card was.

Klass didn’t expect it to go so smoothly today. The winner was decided with just
one game. He initially thought that he had to go through a fierce battle! It seemed
that Yang Ming was not all that. He was nowhere near as great as the rumors made
him sound. Boss was too nervous!

Klass thought that Yang Ming’s life was about to be his. So, he laughed happily and
proudly. He could almost see his boss patting his shoulders in satisfaction, and
offering him a promotion.

“My apologies, I lost focus.” Yang Ming shrugged.

“Oh, that’s okay.” Although Klass said this, he thought in his heart, Do you think
that you can use losing focus as an excuse? Do you think that you can just pretend
that nothing happened because you lost focus? Klass found it a little funny.

“There’s something I forgot to say. I’ll say it now.” Yang Ming smiled and pointed
at the deck in the dealer’s hands, “There’s a problem with this deck.”

“There’s a problem?” The dealer was stunned. Klass was also stunned. They didn’t
know what Yang Ming was implying.

Klass thought, Could it be that Yang Ming is refusing to acknowledge his defeat?

“What do you mean by this? What problems can this deck have?” said Klass with a

“If I say that there’s a problem, there’s naturally a problem.” Yang Ming laughed.

“Mr. Yang, could it be that you are deliberately looking for excuses because you
are dissatisfied with the outcome of this game?” Klass was a little displeased. It
wasn’t easy for him to win, so what was Yang Ming trying to imply with these words?
“Alright. Since you say that there’s a problem with this deck, tell me, what’s the

“There are no Five of Diamonds and Three of Clubs within these cards. So, the
result of this gamble is invalid,” said Yang Ming as he pointed at the remaining
cards in the dealer’s hands.

###Chapter 1862: Problematic Deck of Cards

“You— You’re saying nonsense!” Klass’s face changed abruptly and his heart skipped
a beat! How is this possible? How could Yang Ming possibly know what the deck is
missing? However, Yang Ming’s words were true. These two cards were currently
hidden in Krlass’s sleeves!
However, even if Yang Ming is telling the truth, he couldn’t have possibly known
this! When Klass was stealing the cards, it was impossible for Yang Ming to know
what the cards were even if Yang Ming noticed that he stole them. Plus, the Three
of Clubs was originally his hole card that he had exchanged with a stolen card
later on. That made it even more impossible for Yang Ming to know!

Klass had not stolen the cards when they first checked the deck, so Yang Ming had
also seen an unproblematic deck of cards. So, how did Yang Ming know that these two
cards were missing?

“Nonsense?” Yang Ming smiled indifferently. “We’ll know if it’s nonsense or not
when everyone sees the cards after we open them.”

The dealer did not have keen eyesight. He naturally was not able to see the scene
where Klass stole the cards. So, he was extremely puzzled at this moment. What
exactly was Yang Ming talking about? He checked the cards one by one earlier. There
were no missing cards!

“Hmph! You’re refusing to acknowledge your defeat, aren’t you?” There was no doubt
that Klass didn’t want Yang Ming to check the cards. Wouldn’t he be exposed if this
happened? Even if he wasn’t exposed, the game would be void!

According to regulations, if there is a lack of cards or other problems with the

playing cards, the result of the game is void. These were similar to the rules in
the International King of Gamblers Competition.

This allowed those who cheated to be punished. However, even so, no one would
accuse someone of cheating when there was absolutely no evidence. This was because
everyone cheated at the King of Gamblers’ level. It would be nothing more than the
pot calling the kettle black [1].

“Wouldn’t you know if it’s a matter of accountability by checking the remaining

cards?” Yang Ming said calmly.

“Alright, since this gentleman is holding suspicious, let’s check the cards.” The
dealer didn’t know that Klass had stolen the cards. He thought that Yang Ming’s
words indicated that he was the one who cheated, and was a little upset. This was
why he also agreed to check the cards. It would do him justice.

“This…” Klass didn’t expect the dealer to agree just like that. His expression
turned dull immediately, and he frowned deeply. If they checked the cards, the
results Yang Ming claimed would definitely show.

However, the dealer had already spread out the cards onto the table before Klass
could say anything. “Sir, please check carefully!”

The dealer’s tone was not too friendly. He naturally wanted to prove his innocence
and Yang Ming’s unreasonableness.

“Hehe, okay. Let’s all look for them together. Let’s see if the Five of Diamonds
and the Three of Clubs are here,” said Yang Ming with a smile.

The dealer was still alright at first, but he sneered in his heart after hearing
Yang Ming’s words. Doesn’t it just take one look to know if they are there?
However, his expression turned dull after that. Besides the five cards that had
been dealt out before, there were indeed no Five of Diamonds and Three of Clubs
amongst the cards!
In other words, Yang Ming was right. There were two cards missing from this deck!
However, the dealer had already checked the cards before this. He did not notice
any shortage. Where did the two cards go?

The dealer’s first thought was that either Yang Ming or Klass had cheated! However,
since Yang Ming could clearly state which two cards were missing, it seemed that he
knew which two cards were stolen. If Klass was the one who cheated, Yang Ming would
at most know that the deck had two cards missing, and would not be able to identify
the suit of the cards clearly!

With this judgment, Yang Ming was definitely the one who cheated! He saw that he
was about to lose, and hence said this deliberately to cancel this game. Yet, he
put the blame on the dealer!

After all, missing cards were definitely the dealer’s responsibility! The dealer
was a little angry when he thought of this. He followed up by saying coldly, “Sir,
how do you just know what’s missing from this deck? Could you be the cheater? You
should know that our casino does not welcome cheaters!”

“Is it? I cheated?” Yang Ming smiled calmly, “From the beginning till the end, I
haven’t touched the cards. Oh, right. I haven’t even touched the hole card on the
table. They were all dealt by you. Are you sure that I cheated?”

“This—” The dealer thought carefully. Indeed, Yang Ming’s hands were laid flat on
the table from the beginning until the end. His hands were clasped, and he didn’t
even touch the cards. He didn’t even touch his own cards. How did he cheat? Could
he have some superpower? That’s too ridiculous, isn’t it?

“So, those who touched the cards, you know if you cheated.” Yang Ming sneered,
“Isn’t that right, Mr. Klass?”

“It’s not me—” The dealer also knew at this moment that it was impossible that Yang
Ming had cheated. Then, the cheater was definitely Klass. However, he had already
taken his shot at Yang Ming. He used evidence to say that Yang Ming was the cheater
and reduced the suspicion on Klass. It would be somewhat unreasonable if he were to
say that Klass was the cheater at this point. It would only make him seem like a
headless chicken.

“Take him out!” Although Smith wasn’t sure what was going on, it was obvious that
the dealer was more suspicious. He also wasn’t sure if the dealer had cheated
deliberately in order to help Yang Ming, so he was extremely angry!

“Mr. Smith, it’s not me. I didn’t cheat…” The dealer was startled. He estimated
that if he were to be sent out this time, not only would he lose his job, he would
also be punished. He was immediately drenched in cold sweat!

He was somewhat frustrated at the person who cheated, and was somewhat remorseful
for stating with certainty that Yang Ming was the cheater out of anxiety. After
being refuted by Yang Ming, he could no longer pin the blame on another person.

“Don’t be so anxious! Wouldn’t we know who the cheater is just by searching the
bodies of everyone here?” Yang Ming pointed to the dealer and said, “I don’t think
he’s the cheater. If you don’t believe me, just find someone to search him.”

“Hmph! No need!” Klass saw that Yang Ming clearly wanted to make things more
complicated, and it would be a disadvantage for him. He could only swallow his
anger, “Who knows, this deck of cards may have already been problematic. This game
is obsolete. Let’s play again!”
“Carry on then.” Smith no longer persisted as even Klass had said so. He said to
the dealer, “Be more careful next time! How could you be so careless? You didn’t
even know that there were cards missing?”

The dealer really wanted to cry. However, he was relieved that he was able to

“Okay, I’ll go get another deck of cards!” said the dealer as he cleared the cards
on the table. He then put them directly in the shredder at the side of the room,
destroying them.

Klass thought that he could use the cards currently hidden in his sleeves again in
the next game. This time, all he had to do was be a little more careful when
checking the cards initially. He could declare for everyone to see that there were
no missing cards in this deck. He thought that after Yang Ming had confirmed it, he
wouldn’t be able to say that there’s a problem with the deck!

There was no doubt that Klass was good with his calculations. However, it wasn’t
certain that things would go his way.

“I think it’s better to use another company’s cards. This company’s cards don’t
seem that good. This deck was short of two cards. Who knows if the next deck would
have an extra two? For example, an extra Five of Diamonds or Three of Clubs? That
wouldn’t be too good. Isn’t that right, Mr. Klass?” said Yang Ming as he saw the
dealer take out a deck that was identical to the previous one.

“This… How is that possible?” Of course, Klass did not think that Yang Ming was
talking casually. He must have seen through his intentions. Klass was annoyed for a
while. However, he had no choice but to say, “Change it then. The manufacturer of
these playing cards really is not that good!”

The dealer was also afraid that there would be a problem. He nodded his head and
changed to another company’s cards. Each company patterned their playing cards
differently. So, the two cards that Klass had hidden earlier would have no use at
all. This made Klass a little depressed.

Zhang Bing had almost lost his heart. From the conversation between Yang Ming and
Klass, he already knew that Yang Ming was gambling with Klass for him and his
father’s sake. He was extremely moved, and deeply worried!

He was afraid that Yang Ming would lose! Then, wouldn’t he have burdened Yang Ming?

Zhang Jiefang was also blaming himself deeply. He had no face left as an elder. He
could only lower his head and remain silent. However, the nervousness in his heart
was no less than Zhang Bing’s.
Chapter 1544: Do Not Move!/ Depressed and Sullen

###Chapter 1863: Do Not Move!

A moment ago, Zhang Bing also saw that Klass’s cards had actually made up a
Blackjack. Zhang Bing suddenly felt that the sky was going to fall. Dramatic
changes would take place. Would Yang Ming’s life be endangered here?

However, Zhang Bing also knew that it was not right for him to say anything. Even
if he objected, the other party would not take him seriously. He could only look at
Yang Ming anxiously.

But when he saw Yang Ming calmly say that he had forgotten to mention something
just now, Zhang Bing knew that Yang Ming already had a countermeasure. He would not
be taken advantage of by others.

Indeed, the situation suddenly changed after Yang Ming spoke. Klass, who was
supposed to be the winner, suddenly became the loser. His face was gloomy and ugly.
Although Zhang Bing did not know how Yang Ming could change the course of events
and even know about the missing two cards in the card deck, a victory was still a
victory. No matter how Yang Ming did it, what mattered was that the final result
was to their advantage.

Zhang Bing was overjoyed. Yang Ming did not disappoint him. My bro is the Boss. He
is simply awesome. He played with Klass without a hint of temper. This way of
defeating opponents is simply too exhilarating.

“I just casually mentioned it…Correct any mistakes you make, but maintain your good
record if you did not make them. Besides, I’m talking about the quality of the
playing cards. What is Mr. Klass so agitated about? Is this playing card
manufactured by your own family?” Yang Ming said sarcastically as he smiled

“I am only commenting. What do these playing cards have to do with me!” Klass said
mockingly as his face changed. “Shall we start the game? Stop discussing the
playing cards.”

“En, you are right. Then, let’s continue.” Yang Ming nodded to the dealer,
indicating that he could start. “This time, you have to pay close attention to the
playing cards. If there are two cards missing, you will not be able to explain

The dealer’s face changed. He knew in his heart that Yang Ming was just reminding
him. Before this, he blamed Yang Ming for stealing the playing cards. But in the
end, Yang Ming never touched the playing cards. Therefore, it was definitely
impossible for Yang Ming to steal the cards. The dealer was still embarrassed over
this. So, he directed his suspicions toward Klass, especially since Klass had a
somewhat uncomfortable expression afterward. This further reinforced the dealer’s
thoughts. However, Klass was introduced by Smith, and was said to be a good friend
of the big boss. Hence, it was impossible for the dealer to have a fallout with

So, the dealer was very grateful to Yang Ming for the reminder regardless of his
previous suspicions. This time, all would be well as long as he watched Klass
carefully. The dealer gave Yang Ming a warm smile and began to unpack the playing

Klass looked even more gloomy after Yang Ming’s reminder. However, he could not
explain anything at this time. He would likely be suspected of hiding something if
he tried to explain further. So, Klass let out a groan and swallowed his anger.

“Both sides, please check the cards,” the dealer said to Yang Ming and Klass as he
spread the playing cards on the table.

“Mr. Yang, for this round, you need to watch carefully whether there are any
playing cards missing,” Klass told Yang Ming. “Otherwise, it will be bad if you
mention that there are missing cards again.”

“Hehe, I have finished looking. There is no problem. What about you, Mr. Klass?”
Yang Ming nodded with a smile.

“I have no problem too,” said Klass casually.

“Well, you can now shuffle the cards,” Yang Ming said to the dealer.

The dealer nodded his head and quickly shuffled the cards.

Klass stared at the dealer’s hand movements without blinking. Yang Ming snickered
in his heart. This guy is trying to memorize the order of the playing cards again.
Of course, Yang Ming would not allow him to do as he pleased. Yang Ming rubbed his
chin and then said, “Mr. Klass, tell me. How is it possible that there were missing
cards in the set of playing cards just now?”

“Ah…what?” Klass was fully focusing on the playing cards in the dealer’s hand. He
was immediately distracted when he heard Yang Ming’s question, “How would I know?”

However, as Klass was distracted, he could no longer track the dealer’s hand
movements. His previous efforts were useless. Klass was so enraged that his lungs
wanted to explode! This Yang Ming. He always chooses to talk nonsense at the
critical moment instead of earlier or later on. Dang it, it is really annoying!

“To say the least, this casino is quite large. I never thought that there would be
problems with the playing cards. I managed to notice the missing cards. Any normal
gambler would have lost a lot of money if they did not notice it.” Yang Ming
derided the casino at the same time. After all, Yang Ming was dissatisfied with the
South City Casino for helping Klass. Obviously, he would not give the casino face
this time.

“I’m not a producer of playing cards. How would I know?” Krass was getting
impatient. This Yang Ming is really meddlesome. I have no choice but to try to
steal some playing cards again for this round. If I can’t, I can only depend on my

Klass’s spirits were very low. He definitely suspected that Yang Ming was doing
this intentionally. He was thinking. This kid’s eyesight is not good. He can not
remember the order of the dealer’s shuffling. He purposely caused this ruckus to
make sure I do not remember it too. This causes both of us to be in the same boat,
relying on our luck.

The dealer shuffled the cards, then placed the playing cards on the table, and
said, “Please cut the playing cards.”
When Klass was about to reach out, Yang Ming suddenly said, “Stop! Don’t move!”

Klass was shocked. His heart had nearly fallen out. He silently scolded Yang Ming
for his lack of manners. He frowned and looked at Yang Ming, “What do you think you
are doing?”

“Both of us best not touch those playing cards. IIf any cards go missing this time,
you will be considered the prime suspect!” Yang Ming seemed to be reminding Klass
for his own good on the surface. But in reality, he was actually insinuating that
Klass would try to steal the cards again.

“…” Klass did not expect this Yang Ming to be so troublesome. From now on, he must
finally face his opponent properly without any of his previous contempt. Klass
finally understood why the boss wanted him to handle this serious matter, “You
don’t need to remind me. I won’t even touch it.”

Klass’s hand conveniently brushed his hair and said. “I am just doing my hair.”

The dealer broke into a cold sweat at Yang Ming’s words. Now that I think about it,
Klass might have taken the opportunity when cutting the cards to steal two cards.
In that case, I really can’t afford to be careless!

Since Yang Ming said that they would not be cutting the cards, the dealer quickly
seized the opportunity and took back the poker cards. He cut the cards twice and
said, “Who will go first this time?”

“Mr. Yang, you decide.” Klass could no longer remember the order of the cards
anyway. Hence, he might as well be generous this once and let Yang Ming decide. It
would also prevent Yang Ming from finding any flaws with the game when he lost.

“Hehe, the previous game was invalid. So, this time, Mr. Klass should be the one to
decide,” said Yang Ming with a smile.

“Okay!” Klass did not decline and said to the dealer, “Let’s get started.”

The reason Yang Ming said this was because he had already seen the cards. If he
allowed Klass to be dealt to first, Yang Ming would be getting two tens. It would
be impossible for Klass to have cards bigger than his regardless of whether Klass
asked or stopped. If Klass asked for two more playing cards, he would bust.

Klass’s face-down card was a nine of hearts. His face-up card was an eight of

Yang Ming’s face-down card was a ten of hearts. His face-up card was a ten of

Klass was to ask for the card first. He was a bit hesitant. His hand of cards was
disastrous! His playing cards added up together to seventeen points. It was neither
big nor small. He could easily lose this round if he asked for another card.

However, when he saw Yang Ming’s face-up card was a ten of spades, Klass was
troubled as to whether to ask for another card. After hesitating for a while, Klass
said, “I want one card.”

“Hehe.” Yang Ming let out a faint laugh, scaring Klass.

“What are you laughing at?” Klass was a little annoyed. He was a little scared, and
not sure whether to continue to ask for a card. What did Yang Ming’s sudden “hehe”
laugh mean? Is he laughing at my inevitable bust?

That can’t be right. Yang Ming can only see my face-up card, but he can’t see my
face down card. What is he laughing about?

“My hand of playing cards is good. Can’t I laugh twice?” Yang Ming said as if it
was normal and looked at Klass like he was a fool.

“This …” Klass was speechless. Is there anyone like you? You laughed when your hand
of cards was good? Don’t you know that beaming with joy is a taboo during gambling?
Are you afraid that others will not be able to guess your cards?

However, it was naturally impossible for Klass to fully believe Yang Ming. This
Yang Ming was extremely sly. In his opinion, Yang Ming’s gambling skills might be
terrible, but he would try to use some clever tricks to his advantage.

###Chapter 1864: Depressed And Sullen

“Even if you have a good hand of playing cards, don’t scare people,” said Klass
glumly. He then waved to the dealer, “I want another one.”

The dealer nodded, pulled out a playing card and placed it in front of Klass.

Klass’s face twitched. He did not expect to get such a card! It was an ace! This
card could be used as one point or eleven points in Black Jack. But, in the present
situation, it could only be used as one point. He would bust if it was used as
eleven points.

Seventeen points plus one point was eighteen points. Klass was even glummer. This
hand was neither small nor big. The present situation meant that he could not
continue to ask for any cards even if he was forced to. If he asked for another
one, he would most likely bust!

At the moment, he could only hope that Yang Ming’s hand was smaller than his, or
another card would bust Yang Ming’s hand.

“Stop the cards,” said Klass. “Mr. Yang, it’s your turn.”

“I don’t want any,” said Yang Ming. “I told you. My cards are good. Why would I
need more?”

“Okay, now that both parties have stopped, let’s reveal the cards,” said the

Klass and Yang Ming opened their face down cards at the same time. When Klass saw
that Yang Ming’s face-down card was also a ten, his face immediately went pale! He
had lost. He had actually lost.

“Hehe, Mr. Klass, thanks for letting me win,” said Yang Ming with a smile. “Of
course, you can also suspect there is a problem with the playing cards and ask for
a review.”

“Hmph!” Klass let out a cold snort. He had already examined whether there were any
problems with the cards before. Of course, he would not find any more faults!

From the start till the end, Yang Ming had never touched other cards other than his
face down card. Of course, Klass would not think that Yang Ming won through some
“In this case, one of these two people can go with you.” Klass nodded. “Mr. Yang,
do you want to continue to bet on the next round, or take one person away?”

Although Klass said so, he knew that since Yang Ming was here, Yang Ming would
definitely not take only one person away. He would only leave when he could take
both these people away. Klass just wanted to run Yang Ming down.

“Keep going,” said Yang Ming calmly, without anger.

“Yang Ming! Don’t gamble anymore. You take Zhang Bing away. Don’t mind me!” Zhang
Jiefang suddenly interrupted Yang Ming. Zhang Jiefang’s mood appeared excited,
“Yang Ming, please take care of Zhang Bing in the future!”

Yang Ming understood Zhang Jiefang’s sudden outburst very well. Zhang Jiefang saw
that Yang Ming had won one round and Zhang Bing was rescued. He did not want Yang
Ming to take risks by continuing to gamble. He was afraid that Yang Ming might not
be this lucky in the next round and Zhang Bing would be lost again!

Zhang Jiefang was thinking that he was already so old. If he dies, then so be it.
Zhang Bing had a long path ahead of him. Zhang Bing would be taken care of by Yang
Ming in the future. This meant that Zhang Bing would be doing well. Zhang Jiefang
could leave this world in peace.

“Uncle Zhang, keep calm.” Yang Ming faintly smiled. “When we go back, we will go
back together.”

Zhang Jiefang could only remain silent after Yang Ming said that. After all, Yang
Ming was the one who came up with the idea. He was just giving a suggestion.

“Mr. Yang, can we start?” asked Klass.

“Go ahead.” Yang Ming nodded.

The dealer cleared away the playing cards on the table, then threw them into the
shredder. He took out another deck of playing cards, and opened it to let everyone
check the cards. He then cut the cards and asked, “Who will go first this round?”

Klass’s eyes were following all the dealer’s actions this time. Yang Ming did not
say anything to disturb him. This made Klass calm down. After all, he roughly
remembered the first few cards of the deck in the dealer’s hand this time.

Although it was impossible to be completely accurate, it was close enough. In this

game, the person who asked for the card first had the absolute advantage! Klass was
disdainful of Yang Ming who remained indifferent and calm. This guy is just a
little smart and a little lucky. As long as I am careful, I can turn the tables
this round.

“Excuse me, who is going first this time?” asked the dealer after putting the cards

“Mr. Yang, you call the shots!” Klass hesitated, and felt that it was best to let
Yang Ming decide. Klass let Yang Ming decide the previous two times. If he was to
suddenly say that he wanted to go first, wouldn’t this little kid Yang Ming start
to have doubts? This kid was not easy to deal with. So, to avoid arousing Yang
Ming’s suspicions, Klass pretended to ask again.

Klass predicted that Yang Ming would allow him to start again this time as he had
allowed him to start first during the previous two rounds.
“Oh, the first time was invalid. You were the one who started first the second
time. Then, this time, I will go first. That way it will be fairer!” said Yang Ming

“What?” Klass was immediately dumbfounded when he heard what Yang Ming said. It
can’t be? Why did Yang Ming not let me take the lead this time? Why did he modestly
decline the chance to take the lead during the previous two rounds?

What in the world is this little kid Yang Ming doing? However, Yang Ming had given
a normal and flawless reason. The first time was invalid. Hence, it did not count.
Klass had made the first move the second time. So, it was pretty normal for Yang
Ming to be dealt the cards first this time.

If Klass said that he wanted to be dealt to first this time, Yang Ming would
definitely be more skeptical, and even suspect his motives. So, Klass was really
helpless. If he had known this earlier, he would not have asked Yang Ming and
straight away asked to be dealt to first. Although that was not totally safe, it
would have been better than the current situation!

“What’s wrong? Mr. Klass?” asked Yang Ming, who pretended not to know anything.

“Nothing. I am the one who was dealt the cards first previously. This time, Mr.
Yang asked to be dealt to first, which made me somewhat surprised,” said Klass.

“Oh, that was surprising?” Yang Ming giggled. “Ok then, you can go first?”

When Klass heard Yang Ming’s words, his heart beat with excitement for a while. He
just wanted to say “Alright then!” But, he suddenly pulled the brakes. If I say
this, Yang Ming will definitely suspect me. Then it will be even more difficult for
me to go first.

So Klass hesitated and said, “I don’t mind. What Mr. Yang says matters.”

“Oh, then…I’ll go first,” said Yang Ming to the dealer. “Let’s get started.”

“…” Klass’s heart was totally confused and almost fell out. When he heard Yang Ming
say “then…”, he thought that Yang Ming wanted to say “Then, I will let you go
first…”. In the end, Yang Ming said, “Then I’ll go first…!”

Dang it, if I had known earlier, I would not have modestly declined. I would have
just said, “Alright then, I’ll go first.” Wouldn’t that have solved the problem?
Why did the wolf linger in fear of the tiger? Aren’t I suffering more in the end?

Klass was disappointed twice. He had missed the opportunity twice, which made his
heart sullen to death.

However, it was useless to be depressed and sullen now. He could only try his best
to win this round. Hopefully, Yang Ming would make a mistake, go bust or stop
asking for the playing cards.

Klass had a clear picture before. The person who first asked for the cards would
have a face down Eight of Clubs and a face-up Ten of Diamonds. This added up to
eighteen points, which was relatively large, but not very big.

With this kind of hand, if Yang Ming wanted one more card, it would be an Ace of
Hearts bringing his sum to nineteen points. If he wanted yet another one, it would
be an Ace of Diamonds, bringing his sum up to twenty. If he still wanted another
one, it would be a Seven of Clubs, and he would go bust.
So, he prayed that Yang Ming would not keep going. Klass’s face-down card was a
Nine of Diamonds and his face-up card a Eight of Diamonds, which added up to
seventeen points. If Yang Ming did not ask for any cards, he would ask for two Ace
cards and it would add up to nineteen points, exceeding Yang Ming’s eighteen

“Sir, do you want a card?” the dealer asked Yang Ming.

“Oh, let me see!” Yang Ming pretended to glance at his face down and then said,
“Aiya, it’s a bit tricky! Should I or should I not?”

Klass was nervous at Yang Ming’s words. He was almost dying. Since his debut, this
was the most depressing gamble. His heart was perturbed as it followed Yang Ming’s
constant change in demeanor. If this continued, his heart would definitely fall
out. This kid was just too capable of toying with other people!

“Hehe, this is the last one. Mr. Yang, you wouldn’t want to waste your previous
efforts, right?” Klass seemingly gave a kind hint to Yang Ming. However, Klass was
indicating to Yang Ming to stop if his hand was good. Play safe and not take any
risks. After all, it was already eighteen points. If he asked for another card, he
would probably bust.

Chapter 1545: Lost Again/ This is Called Gambling Your Life

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1865: Lost again

“Oh, you’re right!” Yang Ming nodded thoughtfully at Klass’s words.

“Hehe…” Klass was elated. Does this mean Yang Ming will not take another card?
Doesn’t that mean I will win? Wow! Hahahahaha! Yang Ming, oh Yang Ming, you are
still too green to fight with me!

Although this hand [1] was not great for me, I still successfully turned around the
situation and ended up as the big winner! Wow, Kakaka, that’s great!

“This is the last game, and I don’t want to lose all my previous effort. So, I have
decided! I’ll take another card!” Yang Ming smiled gratefully at Klass after he
finished speaking.

“Ah?” Klass’s jaw dropped, and his eyes widened. He wants another card? Did I hear
right? Didn’t he already decide before not to draw another one? It should be that
he doesn’t want to. How come he is insisting that he wants another card now?

“I thought that the cards in my hand are already very big. So, I didn’t want
another one. But after hearing your advice, I think you are right. This is the last
hand. I have to gamble. Otherwise, I may lose everything I won before!” said Yang
Ming solemnly. “This will be a bigger victory… ”

Klass felt like crying when he heard Yang Ming’s words. Does this gamble lead to a
bigger victory? It seemed that my words were counterproductive? Yang Ming did not
intend to take another card, but my words changed his mind?

Oh shucks! What’s this called? Isn’t this toying with people? How did Yang Ming
become so smart? Is he really stupid or pretending to be stupid? Why am I such a
blabbermouth? Will keeping my mouth shut kill me? I just can’t keep my big mouth

In fact, what Klass did not know was that it did not matter whether he said those
words or not. Yang Ming intentionally said this to make him feel uncomfortable. If
he did not say these words, Yang Ming would have said that he meant to ask for
another card.

If that was the case, Klass would be just as upset as to why he didn’t babble his
mouth to try to persuade Yang Ming.

This was what Yang Ming wanted. Let this guy be sick to the stomach [2]. Who else
could he give such a bad time!

“Hmph.” Klass’s face did not look pleasant, but he could not change what was in
front of him. His loss was a foregone conclusion. It could not be changed.

Regardless of what happened next, it was meaningless to continue to gamble. It

would be boring. But Klass then thought up an idea. If I can trick Yang Ming into
continuing to ask for cards, he would eventually go bust, wouldn’t he?

With this thought, Klass regained some confidence. He smiled at Yang Ming, “Yeah,
but your cards are not that big. So, maybe you can ask for another card?”

“Yeah.” Yang Ming nodded and did not attempt to hide. In fact, it was obvious. Yang
Ming’s face-up card was a ten. It did not matter what his face down card was. His
total points were already over ten. So, this Ace of Hearts must be used as a point.

“I think, in this case, you might as well request another card while you are hot,”
said Klass.

“Oh, you’re right,” said Yang Ming as he nodded. “Then, I’ll get one! Dealer,

The dealer gave Yang Ming another card. It was an Ace of Diamonds.

“What?” Yang Ming pretended to be surprised and looked at the card in front of him,
“Why is it an Ace?”

Klass was very excited to see his plan working. Yang Ming seemed to be easily
duped. He believed what I said and asked for another card.

“Hah, it seems Mr. Yang is lucky!” Klass smiled. “Do you still want another card?”

Klass’s meaning was very obvious. Since Yang Ming was lucky, he should continue.

“Yes, Mr. Klass, you’re right. My luck is great!” Yang Ming nodded and said with
deep conviction.
Klass smiled with satisfaction at Yang Ming’s words. But Yang Ming’s following
words almost made him cry!

Klass listened as Yang Ming continued, “Thank you for your reminder. No one can be
lucky all the time. So, I have decided that I don’t want another card.”

Klass was going crazy. Is there a problem with Yang Ming’s ability to understand? I
gave a clear explanation. Could it be that Yang Ming did not understand? The same
thing as before happened again. It appears I can not give any hint to Yang Ming at
all. This Yang Ming has a problem understanding hints. How could I explain even
more clearly?

Of course, Klass was only silently criticizing Yang Ming. Of course, he did not
think that there was a problem with Yang Ming’s IQ or Yang Ming’s ability to
understand. Otherwise, his boss behind the scenes would not expend so much effort
to deal with Yang Ming.

In his opinion, he reckoned that Yang Ming misunderstood him as he was Chinese.
Although Yang Ming’s English was fluent, he was not able to understand subtle hints
very well.

Klass did not give it much thought before as his mind was occupied with the
gambling table. Both the dealer and Smith certainly did not understand Chinese. So,
Klass decided to speak in English. Now, it seemed like he needed to speak in
Chinese with Yang Ming!

“You are not going to think about it anymore?” Klass was a little persistent.

“Stop dealing the cards,” said Yang Ming to the dealer with a smile.

“Sir, do you still want any more cards?” asked the dealer as he nodded at Klass.

Klass knew what the next card was, and knew that he would bust if he asked for it.
It did not matter whether he wanted the card or not. He said resentfully, “No,

“Well, both sides please reveal your cards,” said the dealer after hearing Krass’s

When he saw Yang Ming’s face-down card, Klass, frustratedly said, “I lost.”

“Hehe, if that’s the case, will my friend be freed?” asked Yang Ming with a smile.

“Yes. That’s right.” Klass was very dispirited. Initially, his plan was going well.
However, Yang Ming unexpectedly won two consecutive rounds and turned the situation

Well, do I need to consider forcing Yang Ming to stay here?

“Mr. Yang, you bet for your two friends for these two rounds. Now we are even.
Isn’t it fair to bet another round?” asked Klass, pretending to be a gambling
addict wanting to continue.

“Oh, is that the case?” Yang Ming glanced at Klass with interest. Looks like this
kid is not willing to give up!
“Boss, don’t bet with him!” Zhang Bing was worried that Yang Ming would not reject
him straight away. It is not easy to gain such an advantage. Don’t lose it!

Zhang Jiefang was anxious as well. But he didn’t say anything as Zhang Bing had
voiced out his thoughts.

Klass frowned when he saw Zhang Bing causing a commotion. If he knew this would
have happened earlier, he would have asked someone to seal their mouths with
adhesive tape. This would have prevented them from stirring up unnecessary troubles
and talking nonsense.

Klass pretended he did not hear Zhang Bing and asked, “Mr. Yang, what do you

Yang Ming gestured to Zhang Bing to keep quiet. He then smiled and said to Klass,
“Your proposal is good. However, what are we betting this time? You have lost all
your chips to me.”

“Hehe, like I said. I am a person who loves excitement and risks!” Klass laughed.
“Of course, we will gamble our lives!”

“Gambling with your life? Whose life do I use? You want me to use their lives?”
Yang Ming pointed to Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang.

“Ah…Mr. Yang, you can’t be risking your friends anymore?” Klass was bewildered. He
did not expect Yang Ming to make such a suggestion! What he meant was for Yang Ming
to gamble his own life!

“I am just joking,” said Yang Ming calmly. “Well, since you like to gamble with
your life, then let us gamble with our lives!”

“En, it seems that Mr. Yang is also fond of gambling!” Klass was very happy that
Yang Ming agreed. He had already planned out. For this round, no matter what, I
will shamelessly seize the opportunity to decide whether to take the cards first or

“Hehe——” Yang Ming laughed and didn’t answer.

“Mr. Yang, what are we playing this time? Are we still playing BlackJack?” asked

“Oh, let’s change the game this time.” Yang Ming stood up when he finished talking
and walked towards Smith. Just when everyone was wondering what Yang Ming was going
to do, there was a pistol in Yang Ming’s hand.

###Chapter 1866: This Is Called Gambling Your Life

“You…what are you going to do?” Krass was shocked. Of course, he was nervous when
he saw that Yang Ming suddenly held a pistol in his hand. Is Yang Ming so enraged
by my insistence to continue gambling that he wants to kill me?

Smith’s men were also startled. All of them quickly drew out their pistols and
pointed at Yang Ming when they saw Yang Ming holding a pistol.

“Why are you so nervous?” Yang Ming raised his head and looked calmly at those
around him.

Everyone thought in their hearts, You are holding a pistol and yet you still ask us
why we are so nervous. Isn’t it obvious? Will we be nervous if you didn’t draw out
your pistol?

“I’m just looking for a gambling prop,” said Yang Ming indifferently. “Since Mr.
Klass loves risks and excitement so much, how can I deny your wish? Since we are
gambling our lives, then let’s make it even more exciting!”

“What are you trying to say?” Klass looked at Yang Ming coldly. He vaguely felt
that something was wrong.

“Have you watched The Bund [3]? There is an episode in which Xu Wenqiang and Feng
Jingyao gambled this way once,” said Yang Ming. He opened the pistol’s cylinder,
poured out all the bullets, then picked one up and put it in. Then, he quickly
turned the cylinder, spun it quickly, and snapped the cylinder back. Even Klass
could not determine where the bullet was at this speed.

Klass’s expression changed. Of course, he knew how Yang Ming wanted to gamble. He
had watched it on The Bund. Even if he had not watched it, he would still
understand what Yang Ming was doing at this moment!

Load one bullet and take turns to fire. Whoever was unlucky would get the bullet.

Yang Ming had already thought of this when he first entered the private room. Yang
Ming made this decision when he saw that Smith had a revolver pinned to his waist.

Revolvers were rarely used these days. Both Klass’s men and Smith’s men carried
automatic pistols in their pockets.

Although some countries and troops still used revolvers, it was undeniable that
revolvers, an invention from the last century, had become a part of history. The
revolver in Yang Ming’s hand was invented in 1835. It was an improved version of
the American Samuel Colt revolver, and obtained a British patent. This gun was
considered to be the first revolver that was really widely used. The revolver of a
revolver pistol usually had five to six chambers in which bullets were loaded and
rotated. The bullets were fired one at a time and were in a standby state at all
other times.

At that time, it was a trend for many sheriffs and western cowboys to pin the
revolver to their waists.

However, Yang Ming’s opinion was that Smith was just being pretentious or
pretending to be a cowboy. In a place like a casino, automatic pistols were
obviously better than revolvers in emergency situations.

But Smith was the leader of the security guard department. It was sufficient for
his men to have automatic pistols. As a boss, he could afford to be pretentious but
unfortunately this was exploited by Yang Ming.

“Mr. Yang, you mean. We use this pistol…” Klass did not expect Yang Ming to be so

“Hehe, you want excitement. I think this is the most exciting!” said Yang Ming
indifferently. “What’s wrong? Is Mr. Klass scared?”

“Scared? That is a joke! I crave excitement the most!” said Klass untruthfully as
he was cornered by Yang Ming.

“Well, in that case, let’s take a single shot each using this pistol?” Yang Ming
looked at Krass. “Between the two of us, who will go first?”
The bystanders were dumbfounded. Although they had seen similar circumstances in
movies, they had never seen anyone play this way in reality! This was simply

Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang were also dumbfounded. They did not expect Yang Ming
to be so aggressive. He brought up such a gambling game right away!

Smith too did not expect the situation to turn out like this. He knew the truth
behind Klass’s words of liking risks and excitement. It was all just nonsense.
Klass was a reputed part-time consultant of the casino. How could he like risks and

Klass was currently under a lot of psychological pressure. He had shot himself in
the foot. This made him feel terrible. Klass sighed. It was still possible for him
to back out at this time. His original thought was to stall for time. He would
stall until his men outside gave him a signal. Then, they would come in and deal
with Yang Ming. He would not need to take any risks himself.

After all, the risk of playing with a gun was too high. Any misstep would mean
death. If Yang Ming was dead, then all was well. But, if he was the one who died,
what was there to play around?

However, until now, his people had not communicated with him. This made Klass
furious. Why are these people so inefficient? Didn’t they already plan it earlier?
After I entered the casino, they would lay low in the casino on the first floor.
They would then notify me by text message after they were in position.

But, until now, Klass had not received any text messages.

Dang it, these people! Now that matters have come to a head, they must have screwed
up. When the matter comes to an end, I must discredit them before the boss!

But, it was hopeless. No matter how angry Klass was, it was of no use. Luckily, he
had prepared a backup plan and had not put all his eggs in one basket.

When he thought of this, Klass quickly pressed the send button on the mobile phone
to send out a prepared text message. This was to get his second team to quickly
come over and prepare to act.

What Klass did not know was that his people laying low in the casino hall were long
discovered by Golden Bull and others. All of them were quietly murdered or spirited
away. Golden Bull could easily distinguish these people, especially those who kept
staring at the third private room. Golden Bull had already seized all of them, one
by one. This was why Klass did not receive any news. All of his henchmen were
killed. Naturally, corpses were not able to send any messages.

But, Klass had managed to prepare an armed squad to lay low outside the casino.
This was meant for an emergency rescue. These people were more brazen than those in
the lobby. These people were fully armed with guns. They were waiting for Klass’s
orders to rush straight into the casino and shoot.

“Orders received. Everyone be on your guard and get ready to go!” The captain of
the armed squad glanced at the message on his phone and commanded his men.

“Yes!” This well trained armed squad quickly got into position and were prepared to
take action.

But, just as these people were about to leave, the unexpected happened.
“Everyone raise your hands. Otherwise, we will take action!” Wang Peng had been
observing this group of people for a long time. However, Wang Peng had ignored them
previously as he saw that they were not taking any action.

But, when he suddenly saw the leader gathering the group of people after glancing
at his phone, Wang Peng naturally could not sit and watch anymore. He immediately
called his subordinates to surround them.

The members of the armed squad were not holding their guns because they were on
standby. As a result, it was too late to draw their guns at this time. The other
group was already pointing the muzzle of their guns at them and they could only
raise their hands in resignation.

“Come with us,” said Wang Peng calmly. With a wave of his hands, these people were
disarmed and escorted into a bus that was prepared earlier.

In the private room, Klass was about to curse. What is going on with these people?
The assassination team I arranged has not taken any action. There was no response
from the armed squad either after I sent them the text message.

Looking at Yang Ming’s menacing glare, Klass knew that he could no longer stall. He
wanted to signal Smith to take action against Yang Ming but was afraid that Yang
Ming would be alerted. Rumors had it that Yang Ming was agile. Yesterday, he saw it
with his own eyes. Klass would not dare to act recklessly unless he was absolutely

Yang Ming had dared to come alone, yet he allowed Klass Smith to bring backup. From
this, Klass knew that Yang Ming must have ways to protect himself. Hence, he had
arranged for another group of people to deal with Yang Ming.

But now… Klass had run out of options. He could only force himself and say, “Then,
you go first.”

“Oh, okay.” Yang Ming nodded expressionlessly, took the gun and fired a shot at his
own temple.

Chapter 1546: The Consequence of Not Following the Game Rules/ Meet Me Within
Twenty-four Hours
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1867: The Consequences of Not Following the Game Rules

“Cluck…” There was a soft sound but no bullets were fired.

“It looks like I’m quite lucky. It’s your turn now.” Yang Ming pushed the pistol
over to Klass.

Watching Yang Ming’s relaxed expression, Klass was a little speechless and even
thought, Is this guy really unafraid of death? Doesn’t he cherish life at all? I
even boasted to him that I seek adventure. Looking at it now, who is the one who
loves adventures?

Klass frowned. He had received no text message replies on his mobile phone. These
subordinates are really useless. What’s wrong with them? There is no news at all
from the people of both teams. Aren’t they too unreliable?

As Yang Ming was looking at him impatiently, Klass had no choice but to pick up the
pistol and aim it at his temple with a wry smile. However, the muzzle was slightly
deviated away from his temple. I won’t die if I shoot like this, right?

At least, after I shoot, it is still possible for me to be rescued after I am sent

to the hospital, right? When Klass thought of this, he felt a little relieved. He
then gnashed his teeth and pulled the trigger.

“Cluck…” There was another sound, and the bullet was still not fired.

Klass felt relieved immediately. He looked like he was about to collapse. His
entire body was already soaked with sweat, as if he had just come out of a sauna.

“It’s your turn.” Klass exhaled and pushed the pistol to Yang Ming.

Now, two shots had been fired. There were four shots left, one of which had a
bullet. Therefore, Yang Ming had a twenty-five percent chance of being shot to
death. It was a very high probability!

Klass prayed in his heart for Yang Ming to die so that everything would be fine.

“Oh, okay.” Yang Ming’s expression surprised Klass. Yang Ming still seemed
unconcerned when he took the pistol. Klass was shocked. It was understandable that
Yang Ming was indifferent during the first shot previously there was a low
probability of the bullet coming out. But why is he still like that during his
second shot?

It was as if he wasn’t worried that the shot would be fatal at all. Could it be
that this brat is pretending to be fearless? It doesn’t look like it though!

Yang Ming made his next move while still being calm as usual. He took the pistol,
aimed at his temple, and pulled the trigger.

“Cluck…” There was another soft sound, and the bullet was still not fired.

“It’s your turn again, Mr. Klass.” Yang Ming pushed the pistol to Klass, “It seems
like I’m quite lucky.”

Klass cursed secretly. This Yang Ming is really unexpectedly lucky. Three shots
have already been fired and he’s not dead yet? If I fire the fourth shot… I have a
one-third chance of receiving the bullet. Looks like I am in a very risky

However, the current circumstances did not give him any other choice. He regretted
finding Yang Ming to gamble. If he had known earlier, he would not have made a fuss
about it. He should have let his men from the two teams ambush and kill Yang Ming
as soon as Yang Ming arrived.

However, my subordinates from both teams are so unreliable. If I had let them
handle the things, who knows what the results would have been like!

“It’s me again, hehe…” Klass laughed dryly and took the pistol. After glancing at
Yang Ming, Klass took a deep breath and aimed the muzzle at his temple.

Similar to last time, the muzzle was slightly deviated again. In his opinion, he
was willing to suffer a little as long as he didn’t die.

“Cluck…” Klass pulled the trigger, and a soft sound echoed. Klass didn’t feel any
pain. It was an empty shot again.

Ha ha ha ha ha! After firing this shot, he really wanted to laugh out loud. I am
really lucky! I got through another shot. Now there are only two shots left, one of
which has a bullet. It seems like it will be difficult for Yang Ming to escape this

“Mr. Yang, it’s your turn this time.” Klass returned the pistol to Yang Ming, “It’s
the last two shots. Mr. Yang, you should be careful.”

“Is it? Aren’t there two more shots? If I don’t die, then you will die. So what are
you so happy about?” Yang Ming glanced at Klass and said sarcastically.

“Uhm…” Klass was stunned for a moment. But then he realized what Yang Ming said was
right. If he doesn’t die, then I am going to be the one to die. There is no reason
for me to be excited. But if Yang Ming shoots first, he should have a higher chance
of dying, right?

“Mr. Yang, you are joking. How can I be happy? I’m just excited. As I said before,
I am an adventurous person. There is a fifty percent chance left, so I’m feeling
hyper!” Klass explained with a forced smile.

“Oh, then you may continue to be excited. If I do not die, you can be excited to
death,” Yang Ming said calmly.

“…” Klass really couldn’t figure out how Yang Ming had such courage. There were two
shots left, yet he was still not panicking. It was really strange.

Yang Ming ignored Krass. He picked up the pistol, aimed it at his temple and pulled
the trigger without the slightest hesitation.

“Cluck…” It was still a soft sound. No bullets were shot out. It seemed like
another empty shot.

Klass originally hoped that Yang Ming would die with this shot, but the result was
disappointing. Nothing happened to Yang Ming at all. Doesn’t that mean that the
last shot carries the bullet? Isn’t it my turn?

Thinking of this, Klass was suddenly filled with fear. He still had a chance to
live if it was the previous gambling game. But now he would definitely die! If he
fired this shot, he would be severely injured even if he did not die.

Klass suddenly broke out into a cold sweat. I didn’t expect such a result to occur
in the end. Isn’t this Yang Ming too lucky? He didn’t even die in this situation.
And now it’s my turn.

“Mr. Klass, shall I fire this last shot for you? Or are you going to do it
yourself?” Yang Ming looked at Klass with a sneer. “It seems like you are very

“This… I’ll do it myself…” Klass’s complexion was pale. It was unknown what he was
thinking about.

“Okay, then you go ahead and do it yourself.” Yang Ming pushed the pistol to Klass,
“You’re going to die of excitement soon.”

Klass was speechless for a while. What Yang Ming said was right. He was going to
die of excitement soon. But he was not satisfied. Why? Why? He wasn’t stupid.
Knowing that he would surely die if he fired this last shot, Klass hesitated.

He couldn’t shoot. He could never do it. I really don’t know what my men are doing.
I have still received no news up until now. Otherwise, it would be great if they
rushed in now to solve the problem at this time.

Klass hesitated, but he had a plan in mind. He slowly raised the pistol, and then
aimed at his head. Suddenly, his hand moved swiftly, and the muzzle was aimed at
Yang Ming. He pulled the trigger at the speed of light!

“Cluck…” The gun sounded, but it was only a soft sound and no bullets were fired.

However, Klass didn’t notice this detail. He subconsciously thought that the bullet
had been shot, so he stared at Yang Ming, waiting for him to collapse in a pool of

However, Klass was disappointed. Yang Ming did not collapse in a pool of blood, and
didn’t even seem wounded at all. He still remained calm and composed while sitting
there and looking at Klass scornfully.

Then, Klass realized that no bullets were shot out of the pistol. He was anxious.
How can this be possible? Maybe it got stuck? He continued to pull the trigger. ”
Cluck– Cluck– Cluck–“ It was just another series of soft sounds. No bullets were

At this time, Yang Ming moved. His hand lifted slightly, and a bullet was abruptly
shot out from between his fingers, hitting lass between his eyebrows directly.
Klass’s eyes suddenly widened, and he collapsed with a groan. He was still in his
shooting stance, holding the revolver on his right hand.

“I knew you would not follow the rules of the game,” Yang Ming sneered. “There are
no bullets in the gun. They are all in my hands.”

Yang Ming knew that there were no bullets in the gun, so he did not dodge when
Krass fired at him. Otherwise, with Yang Ming’s speed, he could completely avoid
Klass’s shot.

“Catch him! Don’t let him run away!” Smith, Smith’s men, and Klass’s subordinates
were all dumbfounded by this sudden change.

But Smith was the first to respond and ordered his men loudly.

Unfortunately, just after he yelled his order, the private room’s door was kicked
open. Golden Bull rushed in leading some men and immediately subdued everyone in
the hall except Yang Ming, Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang.

###Chapter 1868: Meet Me Within Twenty-four Hours

When Yang Ming gave the pistol to Klass, he secretly pressed the send button of his
mobile phone and got in touch with Golden Bull who was outside. So after Yang Ming
started to attack, Golden Bull also led his men to rush into the room.

“Boss, what should we do with these people?” Golden Bull asked Yang Ming after his
men subdued the people inside the room.

“Just take away their weapons,” Yang Ming lightly instructed.

“Okay.” Golden Bull obeyed the order, and commanded his men to take away all the
subdued people’s weapons before standing aside. Since Yang Ming instructed it to be
done this way, there must be subsequent steps. However, since Yang Ming didn’t say
anything, it could be that Yang Ming wanted to do it personally.

“Smith, right?” Yang Ming looked up and asked Smith, who had guns trained on his
forehead by Yang Ming’s men.

“Yes… Mr. Yang… I have nothing to do with this. It was all Klass’s idea…” Smith was
terribly frightened. Ever since Yang Ming had shot Klass to death with a bullet,
Smith was petrified deep inside.

“Is that so?” Yang Ming asked back.

“Yes, that’s it.” Smith nodded in a hurry. Although he didn’t know how these people
rushed in, it was evident that they were under Yang Ming. How could Smith dare to

“Then why were you still so arrogant to catch me previously after I killed Klass?”
Yang Ming asked with a disparaging smile.

“This…” Smith heard Yang Ming’s words and could only smile miserably, “Mr. Yang, as
you know, I’m just an employee. Our boss wants me to cooperate with Klass, so what
choice do I have? Plus, if anything happened to Klass here, our boss would find
fault on me. I had no choice but to catch you! ”

“Oh. If that’s the case, then alright, I won’t make it hard for you.” Yang Ming
glanced at Klass then said to Smith, “I’ll give you a chance to pass on a message

“Yes, yes, Mr. Yang. I will definitely pass on whatever you have to say,” said
Smith carefully.

“Tell your boss to notify the family master of the Nancheng family to meet me at
the Douglas Vast Hotel within twenty-four hours. I will not wait if he does not
come within this time, and he will bear all the consequences,” said Yang Ming as he
glanced at Smith.

“Ah…” Smith didn’t expect that Yang Ming would make him pass on such a message. He
had a distressed look. If I pass on such arrogant words to the boss, wouldn’t the
boss scold me badly?

But Smith also knew that he had no choice. He nodded carefully and said, “Okay, Mr.
Yang. Rest assured, I will pass on your message.”

“En, I hope so.” Yang Ming stood up and said to Golden Bull, “Let them go. Let’s

“Okay.” Golden Bull executed Yang Ming’s order without any further questions. He
immediately asked his men to release Klass and Smith’s subordinates from their

Although these people were released, they still dare not make trouble. The men
opposing them obviously outnumbered them and had more firearms. Wouldn’t they be
digging their own graves if they tried to fight against these people?

“That… Mr. Yang…” Smith was hesitating, but he eventually stopped Yang Ming who was
about to leave.

“Anything else?” Yang Ming glanced at him without anger. Smith was just a low-level
messenger and executive who was taking orders. Yang Ming didn’t need to stoop down
to his level. Such a person was not worthy of being dealt with by Yang Ming. In
Yang Ming’s eyes, Smith’s existence was no different from an ant. Yang Ming could
kill him easily.

“Mr. Yang… If the boss asks me what the consequences are… How should I answer?”
Smith asked carefully. He was thinking about this question previously. Since Yang
Ming had mentioned that the boss would bear all the consequences, he couldn’t
explain himself if the boss asked him what the consequences were!

“The extermination of the Nancheng family.” Yang Ming did not look at him anymore.
Instead, he led Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang directly out of the room’s door.

Smith immediately collapsed to the ground after they left. He was obviously very
terrified! After seeing the means of Yang Ming and those powerful men, Smith
finally understood how powerful Yang Ming was. No wonder those men behind him had
to deal with Yang Ming so seriously. It seemed that this brat had always been
pretending to be weak when he was actually so powerful!

Luckily Yang Ming didn’t bother to kill me because I am just a small fry.
Otherwise, I guess I would be a corpse like Klass by now.

“Boss, should we get some help quickly to stop them?” One of Smith’s men waited for
Yang Ming to leave before making this suggestion.

*Smack!* Smith slapped the man’s face, causing half of his face to swell up
immediately. Smith’s man was dumbfounded, and looked at Smith confusedly.

“God’s sake. Stop them? Didn’t you see the guns they are using? They are as
advanced as the regular army. You want to die, but I don’t want to die yet!” Smith
glared at the man and scolded fiercely, “Why do we meddle in the fights of big
shots? Let the boss solve it!”

“Oh…” The subordinate thought about it for a moment and agreed. What am I trying to
show off? Am I tired of living? He immediately shut up.

Before Yang Ming, Golden Bull and the others exited the casino, Golden Bull asked
his men to put away their weapons. No one blocked them on the way out. It seemed
that Smith was also a smart guy because he didn’t make any foolish moves.

Yang Ming’s dominance today was unprecedented. In the past, Yang Ming had the
character of not offending others if they didn’t offend him. If it was not because
he was pressed for time, Yang Ming would not take such extreme actions!

However, it was different today. Yang Ming asked Smith to pass on a message to
assert his dominance. This had already demonstrated Yang Ming’s determination to
deal with the Nancheng family! The reason why Yang Ming had become so dominant was
that he was about to leave for Yunnan soon. If these things around him were not
settled properly, Yang Ming would not be able to leave with peace of mind. So Yang
Ming had no patience to deal slowly with the people who provoked him at this time.
If you mess with me, then I will kill you, so that you will not be able to disturb
me, my family and my friends in the future.

It was also the first time that Yang Ming had killed people in front of Zhang Bing
and Zhang Jiefang. Although Zhang Bing might know a little about his dominance, he
had not seen it with his own eyes.

But Yang Ming didn’t care anymore. He also believed that Zhang Bing and Zhang
Jiefang would not do anything harmful to him.

Zhang Bing was not really surprised by Yang Ming’s approach today, but Zhang
Jiefang was shocked to the core. The Yang Ming who went to Yunnan with me
previously has now become so dominant and brutal. I don’t know what kind of people
are his subordinates. They actually have guns!

However, although Zhang Jiefang was shocked, he didn’t have any other thoughts.
After all, Yang Ming wouldn’t harm him and Zhang Bing. So he need not be afraid of

“Boss, you are so cool today!” Zhang Bing had held it for a long time, but he
finally blurted out admiringly.

“Don’t gamble anymore in the future. I can save you once or twice, but I can’t save
you for a lifetime.,” Yang Ming directly lectured him as if he did not hear Zhang
Bing’s words. “Now I am still here. What will happen when I’m gone? ”

“Alright, I got it…” Zhang Bing nodded hastily, but he said, “Boss, you are my boss
forever. How can you not care about me?”

“What if I die?” Yang Ming said coldly.

“Ah… This…” Zhang Bing was stunned as it was the first time he heard Yang Ming
speak to him in this tone. But he didn’t think much about it. He thought that Yang
Ming said it out of anger. Yang Ming requested that he wouldn’t gamble anymore in
the future. So Zhang Bing immediately promised, “Relax, boss. I won’t lay a finger
on these things in the future.”

“It’s not just gambling, but everything else too. In the future, you should keep a
low profile and not be too showy. Also, run the jewelry company honestly. Don’t run
around unnecessarily!” Yang Ming continued to preach.

“Yes, I got it…” Zhang Bing felt a little strange. This is not how Yang Ming
usually acts. What’s wrong today? Why is he chattering continuously?

Chapter 1547: The Jewellery Association Again/ Promotion and Reward

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1869: The Jewellery Association Again

“Where did you get this car?” Yang Ming looked at the Golden Bull’s car, puzzled.
It was a Chrysler Grand Caravan that had been modified and made specially
bulletproof. The car was most probably not rented or borrowed temporarily.

“Hehe, boss, this is the car of the Charles Family branch in Las Vegas,” said
Golden Bull with a smile. “These weapons were also provided by this branch.
Otherwise, it would have been very troublesome to get so many people carrying heaps
of weapons across the border! ”

“The Charles Family has a branch here too!” Yang Ming nodded. It seemed that it was
no coincidence that the Charles Family could grow to such a large scale. Their
strength was worse than the Butterfly Family, but they made up for it in other
ways. Establishing multiple network points was enough to fill the gap.

“Yes, Las Vegas is a city with a relatively large business volume. The Charles
family generally receives assassination missions aimed at some big names and
powerful people. These people often come here to play, so there are more
opportunities to attack here,” explained Golden Bull. “Boss, where do you want to
go? ”

“Douglas Vast Hotel,” said Yang Ming. “You just need to send us there, and then
stand by once you return.”

“Okay.” Golden Bull nodded without hesitating.

After Yang Ming finished talking to Golden Bull, he got in the car with Zhang Bing
and Zhang Jiefang. Although Yang Ming had shown his dominance today, he was still
not ready to tell Zhang Bing about certain matters. These things could only be said
slowly over time. The shock given to Zhang Bing today was already very

Golden Bull asked his men to go back first, then he sent Yang Ming and the others
back to the Douglas Vast Hotel personally.

“Boss…” Zhang Bing tried to speak but kept stopping. This had already happened
multiple times while he was in the car. The incident today had a huge impact on

“Zhang Bing, what are you trying to say? Just say it directly. There is nothing to
hide between us.” Yang Ming also saw that Zhang Bing seemed to have something to
say, so he asked with a smile.

“Boss, did you just… kill someone just now?” Zhang Bing hesitated, but still
expressed the concern in his heart.

“Oh… Is this what you are worried about?” Yang Ming was somewhat speechless after
listening to Zhang Bing’s concern. But Zhang Bing was an ordinary person. It was
normal for him to worry about these things. There was nothing wrong about it.

Although Yang Ming and Klass were betting on their lives, it was one thing to kill
oneself due to the lost bet, and it was another thing to be killed by others. So it
was normal for Zhang Bing to be worried that something would happen to Yang Ming.

“Yes, boss. Although you were betting lives with him, you were the one who killed
him in the end… Plus, there were so many people present. What if they call the
police?” Zhang Bing said worriedly.
“Hehe, call the police?” Yang Ming laughed. “Smith isn’t that stupid. What they did
was a violation of the rules in the first place. Furthermore, they bet on their
lives in the casino. If this news really comes out, their casino will not be able
to operate anymore. Do you think the Regulatory Department will allow them to do
this? ”

Zhang Bing pondered on Yang Ming’s words carefully. Yang Ming was right. But he
still felt a little uneasy, “But…”

“Relax. After reaching a certain level in upper society, they will not use ordinary
means to solve a problem. After suffering a loss this time, they will either give
in or seek revenge,” said Yang Ming. “But you don’t have to worry as they are
targeting me, not you. You and Uncle Zhang were just used by them.”

“Ah!” Zhang Bing already felt that something was wrong previously. Smith and Klass
didn’t have to put so much effort just for Zhang Jiefang and him. Then, when Yang
Ming appeared, he contested with Klass in a very formal way. This made Zhang Bing
feel that things were unusual.

But after hearing Yang Ming’s analysis, Zhang Bing came to understand that the
person they were actually targeting was Yang Ming, not himself.

“Boss, who are these people? How did you provoke them? Why do you even have enemies
abroad?” Zhang Bing asked, surprised.

“He– How would I know?” Yang Ming smiled bitterly. In fact, he never understood why
this behind-the-scenes boss always had to fight against him. Even with the current
situation, Yang Ming was still very clueless.

Zhang Bing thought the same. From Yang Ming’s current situation, it seemed that he
was unclear as to what these people wanted. If Yang Ming knew in advance, he would
not gamble with them patiently. Instead, he would directly instruct his men to rush
in and save them.

“Be careful then,” said Zhang Bing.

“I don’t really care. But you should be careful!” said Yang Ming. “You are a person
close to me. This identity is likely to be used by some people with ulterior
motives. Just like this time, they might try to find me through you. So if it is
not necessary, just stay in Song Jiang in the future. After all, I have been in
business there for a long time, so no one will harm you. Our people are

“I got it, boss. Rest assured, I will try to keep a low profile as much as possible
in the future.” Zhang Bing understood the general situation. He did not want to
trouble Yang Ming. In this crucial period, he would naturally be careful whenever

Zhang Bing didn’t know what had happened to Yang Ming today. Yang Ming was nagging
and talking to him endlessly like an uncle. Nonetheless, he knew that Yang Ming was
not speaking without thinking. Yang Ming would not just say something meaningless.

“Alright, take a good rest after returning to the hotel. Don’t go out and leave the
rest to me.” Yang Ming patted Zhang Bing’s shoulder, then said, “This lady, Wang
Mei is not bad. She did not leave you in your time of difficulty. But you need to
manage Sisi and your side properly.”
“Relax boss. I know what to do!” Zhang Bing nodded.

Zhang Jiefang had been sitting beside him. He was calmer than Zhang Bing. Although
he saw Yang Ming kill someone in front of him today, he was not as worried as Zhang

He could also see that Yang Ming was battling against the man behind Klass. This
was a very high-level battle. They didn’t care about the life and death of their
men, and the purpose of the man behind Klass was to kill Yang Ming. So they had
formed a state where both parties couldn’t coexist. Naturally, no one would call
the police.

It was just like how Yang Ming didn’t choose to call the police. However, Zhang
Jiefang had also learned a lesson this time. This time he and Zhang Bing were
targeted partly due to their closeness with Yang Ming. But from a different
perspective, it was impossible for the other party to take advantage of this if he
wasn’t addicted to gambling to the point of being unable to stop. After all, these
events happened as a result of his own doings.

“By the way, Uncle Zhang, how did you come up with the idea of going to the
Nancheng Casino?” Yang Ming had been thinking about this since before. This
Nancheng Casino had obviously joined hands with the boss behind Klass and planned
it beforehand. It was not a last minute idea.

In other words, why did Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang choose the Nancheng Casino?
There were many casinos in Las Vegas. Even the Douglas Vast Hotel had a small

“This… The organizer of the International Jewelry Association gave each member a
chip redemption voucher worth five thousand dollars. Zhang Bing and I thought that
it would be a waste if we didn’t play, so we went there,” Zhang Jiefang explained

“The International Jewellery Association?” Yang Ming froze for a moment. All ins
and outs of the whole matter finally made sense! It’s the International Jewellery
Association again. Previously, the behind-the-scenes boss’s men bribed the
International Jewelry Association’s people to move the International Jewelry
Exhibition to Song Jiang so that they could take action. They even involved the
Ming Yang Security Company to harm Yang Ming.

This time, it was the International Jewellery Association again. In other words,
the five thousand dollars voucher this time was probably the behind-the-scenes
boss’s idea. He sent these vouchers through some organizers of the International
Jewelry Association.

After all, five thousand dollars was not a small amount. Who wouldn’t want to take
advantage of it? So Zhang Jiefang went to the casino with Zhang Bing.

“Why, Yang Ming? Did you know about this?” Zhang Jiefang asked when he saw Yang
Ming in deep contemplation.

“They were the ones making trouble at Song Jiang’s jewelry exhibition last time.
Uncle Zhang, I believe you know what happened then, right?” said Yang Ming.

“Oh, of course I know what happened last time. The precious jewels were stolen. So
they are actually the culprits.” Zhang Jiefang also understood why Yang Ming
mentioned this.
###Chapter 1870: Promotion and Reward

“The person against me should have bribed some senior staff of the jewelry
association, leading to this incident. I think the redemption voucher of five
thousand dollars was meant for you!” Yang Ming said, “The others just happened to
reap benefits from it!”

“Yes! I was wondering why they gave Zhang Bing and I one redemption voucher each
previously? Others were only given one per party. At that time, I thought we picked
up a bargain because their staff regarded Zhang Bing as an independent attendee.”
Zhang Jiefang sighed and said, “It seems like it’s true that people who go after
small gains suffer big losses! ”

“They gave you two vouchers? It seems like they really spared no effort!” Yang Ming
was a little speechless after hearing this. Zhang Jiefang’s vigilance was also
quite low. He didn’t notice such an obvious flaw. One redemption voucher was worth
five thousand dollars. It was a substantial number. Why would they give it
casually? But perhaps Zhang Jiefang didn’t think so much previously.

Zhang Jiefang gave an embarrassed smile. “Next time, I won’t attend these functions
anymore. I’ll be well-behaved and make money in Song Jiang!”

“Yeah, Uncle Zhang. Zhang Bing has access to my contacts., You can make enough
money for a lifetime in Song Jiang with peace of mind..” Yang Ming said, “As for
the other things, you don’t have to think about it.”

Zhang Jiefang nodded. He noticed that Yang Ming was speaking in a strange tone, as
if he was going to leave here and travel far away. However, since Yang Ming didn’t
say it, Zhang Jiefang wouldn’t ask any questions casually.

Upon returning to Douglas Vast Hotel, Yang Ming asked Golden Bull to return. But
Golden Bull insisted on staying with Yang Ming. He said that Yang Ming could
instruct him to do anything at any time.

Yang Ming didn’t insist anymore. He nodded and agreed.

“Yang Ming, this hotel’s rooms are very high in demand. Why don’t we change to
another hotel?” Zhang Jiefang didn’t know that Yang Ming had already reserved a
room here. However, the rooms were really in demand when he, Zhang Bing, and Wang
Mei stayed here previously. Therefore, as a last resort, the three of them lived in
a suite. Otherwise, Zhang Jiefang would have preferred two rooms. After all,
although Wang Mei was Zhang Bing’s girlfriend, she was not really Zhang Jiefang’s
daughter-in-law. Moreover, Zhao Sisi was still around. It would be quite awkward
for Zhang Jiefang to live with her.

“There is no need to change. We can just stay here.” Yang Ming waved his hand and
went straight to the hotel’s front desk. He said to the staff member in charge of
registration, “Are there any available VIP rooms upstairs? Give me another one!”

“Ah-” The staff member recognized Yang Ming. She had seen Batterton’s respectful
attitude towards Yang Ming yesterday. So she quickly nodded and said, “Yes, I’ll
give it to you now!”

She didn’t dare to offend Yang Ming, so she found the card to the third room
upstairs and passed it to Yang Ming, “Sir, here is room three’s card.”

“En, please inform Batterton about this.” Yang Ming nodded, and walked over to
Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang with the room card, “Okay, it’s settled. Let’s go

Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang were surprised! They didn’t follow Yang Ming to the
desk, and didn’t know what Yang Ming said to the staff. They also saw Yang Ming
casually going there and saying a couple of things before the staff member found a
room card for him.

Could it be that Yang Ming knows the people of the Douglas Vast Hotel? Yang Ming’s
social circle is quite wide!

Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang both sighed in their hearts. When the few of them went
to Yunnan together one year ago, Yang Ming was still an ordinary high school
graduate. At that time, Yang Ming had no special relationships. In just one year,
Yang Ming had actually developed to the point where he could request for anything

Yang Ming entered the elevator with Zhang Bing, Zhang Jiefang, and Golden Bull.
Yang Ming pressed the elevator button to the top floor, while Zhang Jiefang pressed
the floor button of their previous room. They didn’t know that Wang Mei had moved

“It’s upstairs. Wang Mei has already moved up. You can check out of the previous
room when you are free.” Yang Ming said with a laugh, “This way, we are all next to
each other.”

“Ah! She already moved up?” Zhang Jiefang was even more surprised. He didn’t know
that the rooms upstairs were presidential deluxe suites as he had not been
upstairs. He naturally thought that there were only ordinary rooms upstairs as
well. But even so, he thought that Yang Ming was very powerful. We can change to a
new room before checking out the previous room. Moreover, the rooms are next to
each other. What relationship does Yang Ming have with this hotel’s owner to make
such arrangements?

Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang also understood that when a hotel said they were
fully-booked, it didn’t mean that it was really full. It was just that some
reserved rooms were not used for external guests. These rooms were reserved for the
influential and powerful people who had a relationship with the hotel. Yang Ming
even got three of these rooms effortlessly!

After Yang Ming stepped onto the elevator, the staff member called Batterton
hastily. Although she knew that the boss had a different attitude towards Yang
Ming, she also gave Yang Ming a room without consulting him first. She didn’t know
if the boss would be upset about it.

So the staff called to plead guilty to her boss.

Batterton was intimately playing with his secretary in his office. But at the
critical moment, the phone on the desk rang! Batterton and the secretary were both
startled by it.

“Who is it? What bad timing to call at this time!” The secretary complained.

“Don’t dally!” Batterton did not dare to be negligent. Yesterday, he was scolded by
the family master because he didn’t answer the phone. If Yang Ming had not forgiven
him, he would have almost died. He knew the family rules of the Douglas Family!

So how could he dare to neglect the phone call today? Yang Ming was still staying
here. Batterton’s nerves were still very tense.
The secretary had some grievances after she was scolded. She thought, Don’t you
usually complain like that too? What happened today? But she saw that Batterton
didn’t want to continue to play with her, so she just sat aside with her pouted

“Hello, how are you? I’m Batterton!” Batterton’s voice was so respectful that even
the secretary was surprised when she heard it. Is this my boss?

“Mr. Batterton, I am one of the staff at the front desk on the first floor. I would
like to report something to you!” The staff member continued, “Mr. Batterton, Mr.
Yang Ming brought another guest back and asked me for a VIP room card just now. I
couldn’t ask you at that time so I just gave him room three. Mr. Batterton, if you
are unhappy, please punish me! ”

The staff member couldn’t afford to offend Yang Ming, but she also couldn’t mess
with Batterton, so she pleaded guilty carefully.

“Oh? What punishment? You did a very good job. I want to raise your salary and
promote you!” Batterton was very satisfied with the way this staff member handled

If the staff called and asked permission from him and delayed for a long time, he
would be in deep trouble if Yang Ming ran out of patience and started to resent him
due to the long wait. Hence, he appreciated the staff’s promptness!

“Ah?” The staff member didn’t expect to be blessed by misfortune. She was baffled
suddenly, “Thank you, Mr. Batterton!”

“En, you’re welcome. Remember, if Mr. Yang requires anything, you should satisfy
him as much as possible. There is no need to report to me!” Batterton said, “From
today, you are the hotel’s vice president in charge of quality of service. Gather
all the staff for a meeting later to convey this instruction! ”

“Ah! Yes!” The staff was stunned. I became a vice president just like that? This
promotion is too fast, right?

Batterton breathed a sigh of relief when he hung up the phone. This staff member
does have some wit. She also noticed my attitude towards Yang Ming yesterday and
today, so she immediately gave Yang Ming a room card immediately. But she was able
to admit her mistake after that. She is a talent indeed. It is beneficial for the
hotel to promote such a person.

Otherwise, Batterton wouldn’t promote anyone randomly. Even if the staff’s

performance was satisfactory, just some bonuses would be enough.

“Ka-“ The elevator doors opened slowly. Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang were shocked
when they saw the decoration of the corridor outside the elevator!

Chapter 1548: Before He Attacked/ The Family Who Are Rushing to Die
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1871: Before He Attacked

“This…” Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang were both so surprised that their jaws
dropped! The decoration of the top floor was completely different from the
decoration of the lower floors! The top floor could only be described as a splendid

They didn’t expect this hotel to have such a luxurious floor previously. There were
flashy lights, elegant design, noble furnishings, and luxurious furniture… An
aristocratic atmosphere pervaded the whole area. It was like a scene out of a

Above the corridor was a large piece of plexiglass, through which one could see the
scenery in the sky directly. It would definitely be a beautiful sight to watch the
starry sky from here at night.

This luxurious, God-like treatment stunned both Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang.
Usually, they could only see hotel facilities of this class on the Internet and TV.
They had never experienced it themselves. This kind of thing was too distant from

Now, they could confirm that the relationship between Yang Ming and the hotel owner
was not only close, but very close indeed. No ordinary person could get three top-
end luxury suites easily.

“Zhang Bing, you and Uncle Zhang are in room two. Go back and take a rest first. I
am in room one. If there is something, just call me over the intercom l.” Yang Ming
also noticed Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang’s shock, but he did not say much.

“Okay, boss!” Zhang Bing nodded. He couldn’t wait to see what the inside of the
rooms looked like.

Yang Ming took out the room card to open the room one’s door, while Zhang Bing
knocked on the door of room two. Not long after, the door opened, and Wang Mei’s
excited high-pitch scream came from inside …

Yang Ming smiled slightly and did not disturb them. He entered his room. Meanwhile,
Golden Bull entered room three.

After Yang Ming left, Smith did not dare to delay. After all, Klass had died in the
casino. He had to report to the behind-the-scenes boss immediately.

Although the Nancheng Casino was the main business of the Nancheng Family in Las
Vegas, they also owned other businesses. They were involved in multiple industries
here such as catering and real estate. Therefore, it was not possible for the
person-in-charge of Las Vegas to be in the Nancheng Casino at all times. In his
opinion, Smith had internal support and Klass had strong foreign aid for today’s
affair. Wouldn’t it be easy to kill a foreigner?

So he didn’t worry about it at all. Govisik was sitting in a spacious and bright
office and was reading a proposal in his hand. With the Nancheng Family’s support,
he was likely to be elected as a parliament member of Las Vegas City this time.
Although he already had considerable power in the city of Las Vegas, and he was
also the boss behind the Guillotine Gang which was one of the three major
underground gangs, who wouldn’t want to grasp more power?
If he could get this parliamentary status, Govisik’s power would further expand.
Perhaps he would even be recognized by the top people in the family and be promoted
to a higher position. It was even possible that he could become one of the elders
on the family’s council!

The phone rang suddenly. Govisik frowned. All his thoughts had been devoted to
collaborating with people during this period in order to win the parliament member
position on his first try.

“Hello, Govisik speaking,” Govisik answered the phone.

“Boss, I’m Smith!” Smith said carefully.

“Oh, Smith, how are things going with Klass? Is it going well?” Govisik was
dissatisfied with Smith interrupting his thoughts. But, the family master had
ordered him to cooperate fully with Klass after all. So Govisik naturally would not
take it lightly.

Govisik knew that Klass’s strength was not weak, and he had strong support. Govisik
simply had to cooperate with him, but it was still necessary to show minimal

“Boss, I have something to report about this to you…” Smith hesitated, and said in
a frustrated tone.

“Oh, is Klass satisfied?” Govisik’s mind was not focused on the matter, so
naturally he did not hear the frustration in Smith’s words. He never thought that
Krass could possibly fail or even die. Not to mention Smith’s cooperation, even the
two teams brought along by Klass alone were very powerful. One team was dedicated
to attacks and assassinations while the other was dedicated to special operations.
If these people couldn’t get things done, it would be mind-blowing.

“…” Smith couldn’t help but sigh when he saw that his boss had not figured out the
situation. But he still had to report truthfully, “Boss, Klass is dead.”

“Oh, let him die then… What? Wait, what are you talking about? Klass is dead?”
Govisik suddenly became goggle-eyed when he heard Smith’s words. He asked Smith in
disbelief, “Smith, what are you joking about? How could Klass be dead? ”

“Boss… actually this is the case…” Smith didn’t try to hide it. He narrated the
events of Krass and Yang Ming betting on their lives from the beginning to the end.

“You mean Yang Ming killed Klass by hand?” Govisik felt a little strange. What
about the men Klass brought? Why didn’t they attack? Did these people just

“Yes… boss. Yang Ming killed Klass…” Smith said, “Moreover, he also said something
ruthless. He asked the family master of the Nancheng Family to meet him at the
Douglas Vast Hotel within twenty-four hours. Otherwise, we will bear the

“Hmph! Such arrogant words!” Govisik didn’t take Yang Ming’s words to heart. In his
opinion, this Yang Ming was just a weak man with no background. After killing
Klass, he simply said these ruthless words as he had become overconfident.

“Yes…” Smith had already transmitted the message anyway. The boss would make the
decision. It had nothing to do with him.
“I got it. That’s all for now.” Govisik frowned and hung up.

Klass is dead? This made Govisik very annoyed. Although this person does not belong
to the Nancheng family, the family master of the Nancheng Family personally asked
me to cooperate with him.

Although the family master did not request me to protect this person, I am
naturally responsible since this person was killed in my territory!

Crap. Trouble comes to me at such a critical moment! Govisik running for the
parliament election was obviously not possible without the support of the Nancheng
Family. If he didn’t handle this sudden event properly, the family master would
definitely have a bad impression of him!

What’s wrong with this Klass? He brought so many people and was still killed by
others. Is he a fool or what? He already knew from Smith’s narrative previously
that after Klass entered the casino, both of Klass’s teams did not appear from the
beginning to the end. In other words, Klass was killed before he could unleash his

What a fool! He has so many men but he still chose to pretend to be capable by
himself. Isn’t there something wrong with him? Govisik was speechless by Klass’s
approach. He obviously didn’t know that Klass’s men did not appear because they
were subdued by Yang Ming’s men earlier. He thought that this situation was Klass’s
fault as he did not coordinate well and tried to show off alone by not bringing his
men in with him.

However, regardless of whether Krass is a fool or not, he died here. I can’t just
sit still and do nothing. Even though I am not responsible for it as it was all his
fault, I still need to explain it to the family.

“Yang Ming… Crap! This kid got me into trouble. I must not let him go!” Govisik
whispered Yang Ming’s name in his mouth. No matter the grudge between Yang Ming and
Klass, I can’t let Yang Ming leave here alive since he killed Klass in my

“Is it the Douglas Vast Hotel?” Govisik formed a cold smile at the corner of his
mouth. Hmph, this kid even dared to say his place of residence. Seems like I don’t
need to waste effort looking for him. If that’s the case, let him wait for death in
the hotel!

###Chapter 1872: The Family Who are Rushing to Die

Of course, Govisik would not act rashly and send his men directly to the Douglas
Vast Hotel. After all, the Douglas Vast Hotel belonged to another power, the
Douglas Family. Although the Douglas Family was not comparable to the Nancheng
family, it was also a huge family after all.

Before I go, I need to inform them first. After all, etiquette is necessary for
certain matters.

Thinking of this, Govisik picked up the phone and called Batterton’s number.

“Hello? Good day, I’m Batterton.” Batterton was unusually polite when answering the
phone these past two days because Yang Ming was staying in the hotel. He was afraid
that the family master or Yang Ming would make an ad-hoc call.
“Mr. Batterton, right? I’m Govisik!” Govisik said enthusiastically. Although the
two of them belonged to different families, they were both respectable people in
Las Vegas, and their relationship was considered quite good.

“Mr. Govisik, good day to you!” Batterton didn’t expect Govisik to call him at this
time. But he suddenly recalled that Yang Ming had asked him to collect information
about the Nancheng Casino. Batterton’s heart skipped a beat at this moment.
Suddenly, he became vigilant and careful about Govisik. Since this matter was
related to Yang Ming, he had to take it seriously, “Is there anything?”

“It’s like this. Someone caused trouble in our casino, but this person is staying
in your Douglas Vast Hotel. Since I want to bring my men to catch him, I need to
inform you first,” said Govisik.

“Oh, I see—” Batterton heard Govisik’s words, and said in his heart that it was
just a triviality. Although the other party informed him, it was actually just a
kind reminder. If they really wanted to catch someone, there was nothing he could

“Since Mr. Batterton has no opinion about this, I will send my men over in a short
while. I hope you can explain to your staff to cooperate please?” Govisik said,
“I’ll invite you to play golf another day!”

“This is not a problem,” said Batterton. “By the way, what’s the name of the person
you’re trying to catch? It will be easier for me to arrange in advance if I know
their name.”

“Oh, his name is Yang Ming, and he is a foreigner!” said Govisik.

“What? Yang— Yang Ming?” Batterton was suddenly startled.

“Batterton, what’s wrong?” Govisik heard Batterton’s strange voice, but he couldn’t
see Batterton’s expression, so naturally, he didn’t think much about it.

“Nothing. I’ll arrange it and call you when everything is ready,” said Batterton.

“Is that so? Then should I bring my men directly, or should I wait for your phone
call?” Govisik was somewhat confused.

“Please wait for my call first. I have to make sure that the guest is in the hotel,
or else wouldn’t it be a waste if you came for nothing?” explained Batterton.

“En, you are right.” Although Govisik thought that Batterton’s words were a bit
strange, they were still reasonable. Hence, Govisik didn’t speculate much and
followed Batterton’s idea. He then hung up the phone.

After Batterton hung up Govisik’s phone, he was suddenly drenched in a cold sweat.
Luckily he asked that extra question casually. Otherwise, it would be troublesome!
He must not be careless as this matter involved Yang Ming!

Batterton did not know Yang Ming’s background, but he must have a significant
identity because even the family master respected and valued him so much!

Batterton wouldn’t say anything to Govisik if he was going to harm Yang Ming, but
he had to ask the family master first before making a decision. This was why
Batterton delayed Govisik’s side by being perfunctory.

Batterton organized his words and called the family master, Caique, “Hello, is it
the family master? I’m Batterton!”

Caique had given Batterton his personal phone number because the matter involved
Yang Ming. Therefore, Caique told Batterton that he must be informed about all news
relating to Yang Ming as soon as possible.

“Oh, Batterton. What’s the matter?” At this moment, Caique was discussing important
matters with several elders in the family. However, he quickly gestured with his
hand and answered the phone after seeing Batterton’s number.

The elders next to him were baffled. Isn’t Batterton the person-in-charge of the
family business in Las Vegas? Why does the family master put so much importance on
him? He still needs to answer the phone at this time.

At the same time, several elders were also dissatisfied with Caique’s behavior of
answering the phone. Can you answer the phone during the meeting just because you
are a family master? Then, why do you still ask us to turn off the phone? Isn’t
this unfair treatment?

However, Caique’s subsequent words made these elders hold their tongue and keep
quiet involuntarily.

“Family master, I have something important to report to you!” Batterton said, “It’s
about Mr. Yang Ming!”

“Oh? It’s about Mr. Yang Ming? What’s the matter? Tell me quickly!” Caique asked

“It’s like this… The Nancheng Casino’s owner, Govisik, called me just now and said
that a guest staying in our hotel caused trouble in their casino. They are coming
to catch him, so he informed me first. I asked for the guest’s name, and Govisik
told me that it was Yang Ming. So I delayed the other party by telling Govisik that
I would help him check if Mr. Yang Ming is in the hotel and told him to wait until
I call back. Then, I reported it to you as soon as possible!” said Batterton.

“Batterton, you did a good job!” Caique was also shocked when he heard Batterton’s
words. This was a serious matter as it involved Yang Ming. They had to be extra

“Family master, what should we do next?” Batterton asked carefully.

What to do next…? Caique was also uncertain at that moment. In his opinion, with
Yang Ming’s strength, he would not be afraid of the so-called Nancheng family.
Wasn’t the Lancer family one of the most prosperous families in Europe previously?
Yet they were wiped out instantly.

But the key is my attitude. Although Yang Ming doesn’t need my help, I have to show
some concern. Thinking of this, Caique said, “Let’s do this. Immediately report
this matter to Yang Ming truthfully and ask him what his thoughts are, and whether
he needs our help. If he needs our help, you need to fully cooperate with him! You
don’t need to ask me again! ”

“Ah!” Batterton froze and wondered. Why does the family master go to such great
lengths for Yang Ming’s affairs? However, he said worriedly, “But family master,
Govisik’s power is not weak. He seems to own Guillotine Gang, one of the three
major underground gangs here! ”

“You don’t have to worry about this! Cooperate well with Mr. Yang. No matter what
the end result is, the family will surely reward you!” Caique gave Batterton peace
of mind.

“Okay, then I’ll report to Mr. Yang now!” Batterton was relieved after getting
confirmation from Caique.

After hanging up the phone, Caique shook his head and said with a trace of irony,
“This Nancheng family is really rushing to die! You should have already burned the
incense and be grateful that Yang Ming doesn’t mess with you. You even want to take
the initiative to mess with Yang Ming now! Sigh!”

The elders who were present understood the context of Caique’s phone call. It
seemed that the Nancheng family really didn’t want to be at peace. They could have
provoked anyone, but they chose to provoke Yang Ming!

Everyone present understood Yang Ming’s power clearly.

Batterton immediately dialed the number to Yang Ming’s room after reporting to
Caique. He had already heard from the staff that Yang Ming had returned to the

“Hello?” Yang Ming answered the intercom call. At first he thought it was from
Zhang Bing or Golden Bull, but Batterton’s voice sounded from the end of the line.

“Mr. Yang, am I bothering you? I have something important to report to you!”

Batterton unconsciously used the tone he used to report back to the family master.
In his opinion, even Caique was treating Yang Ming this way, so shouldn’t he
respect Yang Ming even more?

“Oh, it’s okay. Just say it!” Yang Ming was somewhat perplexed as he didn’t know
what Batterton was trying to say to him at this time.

“It’s like this, Mr. Yang. Govisik, the person-in-charge of Nancheng family’s
business in Las Vegas, called me just now. He said that you caused trouble in their
casino and they are bringing their men to catch you. Hence, they informed me in
advance…” Batterton repeated the content of Govisik’s previous phone call to Yang
Ming, ” I have delayed them for now, Mr. Yang. What do you think about this matter?
Would you like me to gather some men…?”

Chapter 1549: Caique Gloats at Other’s Misfortune/ What Are You Looking For
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1873: Caique Gloats at Others’ Misfortune

“Gather some men?” Yang Ming said dismissively, “I appreciate your kindness, but I
will handle it myself.”

Yang Ming naturally understood Batterton’s thoughts. Batterton wouldn’t be able to

say these words if he didn’t have Caique’s support. But Caique knew Yang Ming’s
strength and understood that Yang Ming didn’t need his help at all. The purpose of
ordering Batterton to say this was just to express his friendliness.

“Ah… Okay. So what should I do now?” Batterton didn’t know why Yang Ming was so
persistent. Nancheng Casino’s power is not weak. Even if I gather my men, I may not
be their opponent. Can Yang Ming go against Govisik by himself?

In fact, Batterton was not willing to offend Govisik because Govisik’s power in Las
Vegas was obviously greater than that of Douglas Vast Hotel. Batterton didn’t want
to provoke him.

Since Yang Ming doesn’t want me to participate, it is clear that he is excluding me

from this matter. So regardless of the outcome, I will have nothing to do with it.

Thinking of this, Batterton felt very grateful deep in his heart. He felt that Yang
Ming was a good person. At least he was lenient.

“Who called you? Call him back and tell him that three hours have passed and
twenty-one hours is remaining. Ask their family master to come and meet me within
these twenty-one hours. Otherwise, they will bear the consequences,” Yang Ming told

“This…” Batterton listened to Yang Ming and was dumbfounded for a moment.

“You don’t have to worry that he will target you. Just tell them that I asked you
to convey this message when you looked for me!” said Yang Ming.

“Mr. Yang, I’m not really afraid of him even though our Douglas family is not as
powerful as their Nancheng family in the city of Las Vegas. However, if you make me
pass on these words, it will definitely infuriate him…” Batterton expressed his
concern tactfully, “Mr. Yang, I don’t know how good your skills are, but there is a
saying that goes, ‘few are no match for many’. You are alone, and there are so many
of them… I’m afraid that there will be an accident!”

“Hehe, it will be fine. You can just do as I said!” Yang Ming knew that Batterton
simply said this out of kindness, and was not looking down at him. However, Yang
Ming had a plan.

Seeing Yang Ming’s resolute attitude, Batterton had no choice but to agree before
hanging up the phone. Batterton hesitated for a while, and then decided to call the
family master, Caique.

Although Caique said before that I can take full charge of handling the matters
here, Yang Ming does not need my help at all. If something happens to Yang Ming, it
will be hard for me to explain to the family master!

So after pondering about it repeatedly, Batterton decided to call Caique and report
to him what happened here.

“Hello? Batterton, how is it going?” Caique saw that it was a call from Batterton
and answered it without hesitation.

“Family master, I want to report something to you!” Batterton said carefully, “It’s
like this. Mr. Yang said that he doesn’t need any help from me, but he asked me to
pass on a message to Govisik.”

“What is the message?” asked Caique. Caique had foreseen that Yang Ming wouldn’t
need his help. It would just be a matter of seconds if Yang Ming wanted to
exterminate his Douglas Family. Why would Yang Ming need his help? It would already
be great if Yang Ming didn’t think that he was blocking the way!

“Mr. Yang asked me to tell Govisik to tell their family master to come and see Mr.
Yang within twenty-four hours. Otherwise, they will bear the consequences!” said

“Oh? Really? Hahahaha!” Caique couldn’t help but burst into laughter when he heard

“Family master, what are you laughing at?” Batterton felt a little strange. Isn’t
Mr. Yang a friend of the family master? Why is the family master laughing mockingly
at Mr. Yang? In fact, Caique was laughing mockingly indeed, but he was not laughing
at Yang Ming. Instead, he was laughing mockingly at the Nancheng Family.

“Hahaha. It’s hilarious. The Nancheng Family is going to be destroyed soon. It is

funny that these fools still don’t know what kind of person they have offended. How
pitiful! how sad!” lamented Caique. “I would apologize quickly if it was me. How
dare they even send people to provoke him? Haih, it can’t be helped that they have
pea-sized brains!”

“Family master, what are you talking about?” Batterton was bewildered and confused
by Caique’s words.

“Nothing. It’s just that the Nancheng Family is doomed. You don’t have to worry so
much. You just do whatever Mr. Yang said!” Caique commanded.

“Yes, family master. I understand now!” Batterton dared to carry out Yang MIng’s
task after getting the affirmation from Caique.

After Caique hung up Batterton’s phone, he said to the several family elders beside
him with a smile, “I’m not sure how the Nancheng Family provoked Yang Ming, this
malefic comet [1]. I guess they are probably doomed!”

“Haha, is that so? That’s good news indeed!” One of the elders was so delighted
that he roared with laughter immediately after listening to Caique’s words! His
grandson was previously in a conflict with a son of the Nancheng Family. As a
result, the elder had no choice but to bring his grandson to apologize to the
Nancheng Family because they were so powerful. Plus, he even paid a huge sum of
money to settle things.

Although the elder taught his grandson a lesson, he held a grudge against the
Nancheng Family at the same time. When he heard that the Nancheng Family had
actually provoked Yang Ming now, he was overjoyed! Indeed, justice always prevails.
Although I dare not provoke the Nancheng Family, some other people definitely dare
to! And Yang Ming can definitely afford to provoke them. Perhaps this will be the
end of the Nancheng Family.

Several other elders naturally knew the grudge between this laughing elder and the
Nancheng Family, so they all laughed together. After all, the Nancheng Family and
the Douglas Family crossed each other in many businesses, and they had a
competitive relationship. After the Nancheng Family was wiped out, the Douglas
Family would naturally be one of the beneficiaries.

“Family master, I think we should maintain a good relationship with Mr. Yang. Then
if any family dares to provoke us in the future, we can use the name of Mr. Yang as
a shield!” suggested an elder.
“Don’t talk nonsense!” Caique glared at him, “Do you think Mr. Yang is a man who
works as a hitman for others? Don’t be whimsical or else you will cause unnecessary

The elder felt that Caique’s words made sense after hearing them. If Yang Ming knew
that we used his name to teach others a lesson, he would definitely find our family
and get even with us first.

“Family master, I was just saying it casually…” The elder quickly shut up.

“Okay, our relationship with Mr. Yang is considered fine now. Although there were
some misunderstandings in the past, I contacted Mr. Yang several times and gave him
some benefits. It can be seen that Mr. Yang is not an ungrateful person!” Caique
said, “Take for example what happened to Batterton this time. Mr. Yang spared him.
In fact, he didn’t embarrass Batterton! Actually, he was courteous to us, Douglas
Family. At least our relationship now is pretty harmonious. That is enough!”

Caique’s words made the elders nod in agreement.

After Batterton hung up on Caique’s phone call, he called Govisik.

“Mr. Batterton, how is it? Is there any news? Is that person currently staying in
your hotel?” Govisik had been waiting for Batterton to call back. He had already
contacted the Guillotine Gang’s boss. They would send a team of people to catch
Yang Ming later!

In fact, the Guillotine Gang’s boss was just a spokesperson for Govisik. Govisik
was just hiding behind the scenes.

“Mr. Govisik!” Batterton smiled bitterly, “I was about to tell you about this!
After my inquiry, that Yang Ming you mentioned is indeed staying in our hotel. I
was afraid that he would run away, so I sent some men to surround his room first.
However, he seemed to realize my intentions, so he told me that he would not even
attempt to escape. Besides, he also asked me to pass on a message to you, saying
that there were only twenty-one hours remaining out of the twenty-four hours. He
asked the family master of your Nancheng Family to come to the hotel to meet him
within twenty-one hours. Otherwise, you will bear the consequences! ”

Batterton was afraid of Govisik interrupting him, so he finished what he had to say
in one go. He had already fabricated the excuses previously. It would be a bit
abrupt to directly pass on Yang Ming’s message, so he used the previous excuses.

###Chapter 1874: What Are You Looking For

“This kid has quite an arrogant tone, huh?” Govisik heard Batterton’s words, but he
didn’t care as Smith had already said something similar when reporting to him
previously. So Govisik was not surprised when he heard it for the second time.

As for Batterton’s somewhat crappy reasons previously, Govisik didn’t give it much
thought. He didn’t suspect anything.

“Yeah, that’s what he said! He also told me not to meddle in this, or else he
wouldn’t be polite!” Batterton smiled wryly, “Mr. Govisik, as you know, I’m in the
hotel business. Naturally, I am not very dominant. I dare not offend such a person!

“En, I got it. Since that’s the case, you don’t have to worry about it then. I’ll
settle things with him!” said Govisik.
“Alright, I was afraid that he would mess with me, so I changed him to the
luxurious VIP room on the top floor. After you come, you can go to him!” Batterton
said, “He’s in room one.”

“En, I got it.” Govisik was laughing at him secretly. Isn’t this Batterton too much
of a coward? A few words was enough to scare him to this extent. Not only did he
dare not do anything, he even changed him to the best private room.

“Okay, I won’t get involved in this matter,” Batterton expressed his attitude.

Govisik said in his heart. It’s great that you do not want to intervene. Now that
you don’t care about your hotel, I can do things as I wish!

Upon hanging up, Govisik dialed the number of ‘Headless Wolf’, the Guillotine
Gang’s boss. This ‘Headless Wolf’ was just a nickname. He was an Indian and was
usually responsible for the Guillotine Gang’s daily affairs. In fact, he was the
spokesman for Govisik.

“Headless Wolf, send some men to the Douglas Vast Hotel to catch Yang Ming for me
now!” commanded Govisik. In his opinion, this matter would be effortless.

“Yes, Mr. Govisik!” Headless Wolf was extremely respectful of Govisik. Although the
Guillotine Gang had some shady income, how could this meager shady income be
sufficient when they constantly needed to recruit new members to expand. It was not
even enough to cover the usual expenses. If not for Govisik’s support, the gang
would have been gobbled up by other gangs.

Headless Wolf was still very excited to be the leader of a rapidly growing gang. He
felt that he must execute everything Govisik requested properly in order to win
Govisiks’s trust and support. This would allow him to stay in this position.

After receiving Govisik’s order, Headless Wolf ordered his confidant, Mike, to take
ten men with him in two minivans and charge towards the Douglas Vast Hotel.

In his opinion, it was more than enough to send Mike to catch someone. Mike was his
confidant who held a very important position in the gang. Mike was also a team
captain under him.

All of them wore black suits and white gloves. The Guillotine Gang had sufficient
funds, and Govisik also paid more attention to these external things. Therefore,
the appearance and style of these men were comparable to those of the first-class
international gangs.

The car stopped at the entrance of the Douglas Vast Hotel, and Mike walked into the
hotel’s lobby in casual clothes, followed by ten burly men.

After Batterton finished the phone call just now, he came downstairs and stood in
the hotel lobby to wait for Govisik’s men to arrive. Batterton’s nerves suddenly
tensed when he saw a young man dressed in casual clothes walking in with ten macho
men behind him.

He knew this Mike person. He was a confidant of the Guillotine Gang’s boss,
Headless Wolf. Batterton had seen him before at a banquet previously.

“Mr. Mike, you are here?” Batterton greeted him immediately.

“En, the boss asked me to catch someone. I hope Mr. Batterton will excuse me.”
Although Mike said polite words, his expression was still cold.

“It’s alright. I have already said that I won’t get involved in this matter.”
Batterton didn’t really care. After all, these people were not good people, so
their attitudes didn’t matter.

“Where is the man?” asked Mike.

“He is on the top floor of the hotel, private room one.” Batterton said, “You can
go up using the elevator over there.”

“Okay, I got it. That’s all for you here.” Mike waved his hand and brought his men
into the elevator.

Looking at the slowly rising elevator, Batterton breathed a sigh of relief. He

quickly picked up the extension phone at the front desk to dial the number to Yang
Ming’s room.

“Hello? Is this Mr. Yang? I’m Batterton. Govisik’s men are here. It’s the
Guillotine Gang people. A man named Mike is leading a team of ten men toward you!”
Batterton reported to Yang Ming.

“En, I got it. Thank you,” Yang Ming said lightly.

After speaking, Yang Ming hung up on Batterton’s phone call and dialed the phone in
room three where Golden Bull was staying.

“Golden Bull, it’s me.” Golden Bull did not speak after receiving the call, so Yang
Ming spoke first.

“Hello boss!” Golden Bull replied immediately. He had always been cautious when
going out. So when he answered the phone, he would not speak until he knew the
identity of the other party.

“Ten men are coming toward us… En, eleven men. Please go and deal with them. Then
come and see me with the leader,” Yang Ming instructed Golden Bull.

“Yes, boss!” Golden Bull received the order and walked to the room door. He started
watching the movement of the corridor outside through the door’s peephole.

After a while, Golden Bull heard the sound of the elevator door opening, followed
by a series of footsteps. He saw a young man in casual clothes walking towards him
followed by a few macho men dressed in black.

Golden Bull opened the door of his room and walked out.

Mike was also surprised when Golden Bull came out of room three suddenly. He had
seen Yang Ming’s photos before, and he knew that Yang Ming was in room one. The man
coming out of room three was definitely not Yang Ming.

But Mike still asked, “What are you trying to do?”

Golden Bull laughed. I haven’t asked him yet, but he asked me first.

“I’m waiting for you here,” Golden Bull said lightly.

“En?” Mike froze, and then felt something was wrong. He frowned and made a
decision. No matter what this man is trying to do, I should subdue him first. So he
waved, “Catch him first!”
The ten macho men in black heard the order and gathered around Golden Bull.

Golden Bull sneered. These guys dared to take the initiative to attack me? Golden
Bull moved his body instantly. A bright dagger appeared in his hand out of nowhere,
and he weaved back and forth between these macho men speedily.

In the blink of an eye, the few macho men all received slashes on their necks, and
fell straight to the ground. Yang Ming’s previous instruction was very clear. It
was to clear the incoming men, leaving only the leader.

Since he needed to clear everyone and leave only the leader, that meant he needed
to kill everyone else. So Golden Bull showed no mercy when he attacked, leaving
Mike alone.

All of these macho men had brought pistols, but Mike had asked them to subdue
Golden Bull previously. In their opinion, Golden Bull was alone, and they had ten
people on their side. They could surely catch Golden Bull without using their

The tragedy was that they were killed by Golden Bull before they could even touch
their guns.

“You… Who are you? What are you trying to do?” Mike’s facial expression changed
instantly. It was not that he had not seen dead people before. When he fought for
territory with his men, he had seen way more gruesome scenes than this. But he had
never seen a person who could kill ten people instantly without the slightest

However, Mike was not a fool. Although he was afraid, Mike’s hand quietly touched
his waist while he spoke. He was prepared to pull out his pistol quickly! In his
opinion, even if this man was so powerful, he was not an opponent of a pistol,

But at the next moment, Mike’s face became even more distressed and pale! Because
when he touched his waist, he couldn’t feel his pistol!

Where is my pistol? Didn’t I bring it? No, I checked it before I set off.
Everything was fine! Did it fall in the car on the way?

Without his pistol, Mike lost his life-saving trump card. All of a sudden, cold
sweat dripped from his forehead.

“What are you looking for?” Golden Bull asked Mike.

[1] Malefic comet is a Chinese belief that a certain someone is the curse of a
person as though he is the person’s natural nemesis that will bring disasters to
the person.
Chapter 1550: Send the Message/ Happiness and Displeasure

###Chapter 1875: Send the Message

“I…” Naturally, Mike wouldn’t say that he was looking for a gun. However, seeing
the smiling man in front of him, Mike did not dare not to answer his question.
After all, he was a demon who could kill someone in the blink of an eye.

“Are you looking for this?” Golden Bull lifted his right hand. Suddenly, a gun
appeared in his right hand.

Mike was startled. After looking at it thoroughly, he realized that the gun in
Golden Bull’s hand was the gun that he had lost! He did not know when or how the
gun ended up in Golden Bull’s hands.

All of a sudden, Mike’s facial expression became unsightly, and he became very
pale. Deep down, he was clear that Golden Bull had gotten close to him without him
knowing, and had taken his gun away. And yet, he didn’t even realize it!

If Golden Bull wanted to kill him, he would be a corpse by now like those
underlings on the ground.

“I took it while taking care of them,” Golden Bull said ostentatiously as he looked
at Mike.

Golden Bull had learned this from Yang Ming. This was also one of Yang Ming’s most
used tactics. Golden Bull heard it from Wang Xiaoyan, and thought that it looked
cool, which was why he started mimicking it. He aimed to become an expert like Yang
Ming one day, so he was always mimicking Yang Ming’s tone and way of doing things.

More cold sweat appeared on Mike’s head. How did I offend such a person? Didn’t I
just ask him a question? Did he have to kill all of my underlings? Mike had
forgotten that he was the one who gave the order to seize Golden Bull first.

However, even if he didn’t ask anything, Golden Bull would also not let him off the
bat. Mike was just thinking too much.

“You… What do you want to do?” Mike was a little afraid now. Although he was a
small captain of an underworld gang, he wasn’t someone that was not afraid of
death. He was scared of dying.

He was now doing very well, and had even gotten Headless Wolf’s trust. If he died,
it would all be for nothing. At that time, who would even remember someone like
him? One of his capable underlings would replace him, and he would then become
history. As time passed, he would be forgotten by everyone.

“Relax, I won’t kill you now.” Golden Bull looked at Mike in contempt, “I want to
bring you to see my leader.”

“Your leader …” Mike wasn’t a fool. Even if Golden Bull said that he wouldn’t kill
Mike now, he didn’t say that he wouldn’t be killed later. But what terrified Mike
even more was the fact that Golden Bull wasn’t a leader, but merely an underling.

If he’s already this powerful, then what kind of person is his leader? Mike’s
confidence crumbled. If I knew this was going to happen, I wouldn’t have
volunteered to carry out this mission that requires capturing someone!
Originally, I thought that capturing a foreigner would be a very simple task. If I
sent ten burly guys to stand there, the person would definitely be afraid.

In the end, the ten burly guys ended up on the floor dead before they could even
speak, and I am the one afraid now.

And after all these happenings, the person that I wanted to capture has not even
appeared yet… Mike really wanted to cry. I’m really unlucky. Why was I so

“You’ll see him in a while!” Golden Bull was a man of few words, and his tone was
still very cold. Golden Bull remembered the relationship between Yang Ming and the
hotel, so he knew that the lift at the top floor should already have been locked.
No one would be able to come up anymore. Because of this, Golden Bull wasn’t afraid
that anyone would see the corpses in the corridor.

As Golden Bull was talking, he carried Mike and walked towards Room One.

Zhang Bing in Room Two did not notice the events in the corridor. After all, Golden
Bull’s took action quickly, and the commotion he made was very small. Right now,
Zhang Bing, Zhang Jiefang and Wang Mei were glad that they had returned safely, and
did not notice whatever happened in the corridor.

Golden Bull carried Mike like he was a little chick. After reaching Room One,
Golden Bull knocked on the door. The door opened almost immediately. This time,
Mike finally saw Yang Ming, the person he wanted to capture.

After Yang Ming opened the door, he turned around and walked back into the room.
Golden Bull carried Mike and followed him. After they reached the center of the
room, he threw Mike on the floor.

“Brother, I didn’t do it on purpose. I’m just a small fry, a useless character.

Everything was arranged by our boss, Headless Wolf. He asked me to go capture
someone, so I had to do so! Please don’t vent your anger on me! I couldn’t help
it!” Mike had already thought it through in an instant. Other than kneeling and
begging for forgiveness, there was nothing else he could do. Let alone how strong
Yang Ming was, just his underling alone was already very scary. He could kill ten
people in an instant. What kind of speed is this?

A wise man doesn’t fight against impossible odds. Since he could not defeat them,
he would be a fool not to plead for forgiveness. It was never too late for revenge.
If I successfully return alive, only then shall I make a decision. If I lose my
life, then what use is there thinking about other stuff?

Because of this, Mike decided to give up his pride. He didn’t care about his image
anymore, and started to kowtow. After all, image and pride was nothing. From Mike’s
perspective, his life was more important than everything.

“Get him up. Don’t dirty my carpet.” Yang Ming waved his hand at Golden Bull. He
didn’t want his carpet to be stained with blood. Although this wasn’t his house’s
carpet, it still wasn’t a good omen as he was staying here.

“Yes!” Golden Bull responded, and carried Mike up, “The leader didn’t ask you to
kowtow. Stand here obediently!”

“Ah! Yes yes!” Mike said carefully and immediately straightened his body. He never
expected that his kowtow would cause displeasure to others.
“Enough. Don’t do unnecessary things.” Yang Ming frowned. He looked at Mike with
slight contempt, “I won’t kill you.”

“Ah? Thank you! Thank you!” Mike was surprised, and immediately said happily.

“What about those men he brought?” Yang Ming ignored Mike and asked Golden Bull.

“They have been taken care of,” responded Golden Bull.

“Okay.” Yang Ming nodded. He then told Mike, “Take those corpses back with you.
Tell your boss Headless Wolf to pass the message, ‘There’s only eighteen hours
left’, on to Govisik.”

“Yes, yes. I’ll surely pass on the message!” Although Mike didn’t understand what
Yang Ming meant, it was very apparent that Yang Ming was allowing him to leave. He
naturally agreed to it very quickly. He would do anything he was told to do as long
as he could keep his life.

“En, Golden Bull. Find some bags to keep the corpses. Let him find a trolley to
take them away,” said Yang Ming to Golden Bull.

“Yes, leader!” Golden Bull lifted Mike up, and walked out of Yang Ming’s room.
After that, he threw him out the door, “Wait for me here. I’ll find a bag.”

“Yes, yes!” Mike quickly nodded. After he saw Golden Bull walking further away and
into the elevator, his mind started becoming very active. Golden Bull has left, and
Yang Ming isn’t watching me. I can run away now. Should I run or not?

His current situation was very suitable for fleeing. However, Mike was a little
hesitant. From Yang Ming’s words just now, it was obvious that Yang Ming was
allowing him to live. Even if he didn’t run away, he wouldn’t die. However, if he
did run away and was brought back here, everything would backfire if Yang Ming and
Golden Bull decided to change their mind.

To avoid causing unnecessary problems, Mike decided not to run away.

After all, Yang Ming said that he would let me go. That means that I’m guaranteed
to stay alive. Yang Ming had no reason to lie to him. It was very simple to just
kill him off. There was no point in lying to such a small fry.

With this thought, Mike waited there while feeling relieved. I guess waiting for a
while doesn’t matter. After all, I can be said to be righteous if I were to carry
those corpses back, as I did not abandon them. At that time, I can give an
explanation to Headless Wolf.

After a while, Golden Bull returned with a few polypropylene knitted bags. Golden
Bull was satisfied when he saw Mike waiting there. He threw the polypropylene
knitted bags to Mike and said, “Bag the corpses yourself.”

“Yes, yes!” Mike took over the bags and started to bag the corpses. He didn’t care
anymore, and folded the corpses if he could not shove them in. Who cares? Let me
shove you in first.

###Chapter 1876: Happiness and Displeasure

Surprisingly, Mike’s actions were very fast. He finished everything rapidly. After
that, he wiped his sweat and told Golden Bull, “Brother, I have already finished
stuffing them inside. What should I do now?”

“Oh, carry them downstairs after you have finished stuffing them inside. I’ll help
you move them into the elevator, and you’re responsible for transporting them,”
said Golden Bull.

“Okay, okay!” Mike quickly nodded.

“I’ll take six, and you’ll take four. Is there a problem?” Golden Bull ordered as
he looked at Mike.

“No… No problem!” Mike was frightened. He was stupefied when he saw Golden Bull
carrying three bags in each hand. Golden Bull carried six bags with two hands and
walked towards the elevator door. He doesn’t even look that tough. How is he so
strong? Isn’t he too powerful? No wonder he could carry me like I’m a little chick.

Mike didn’t have Golden Bull’s strength. It was tiring for him to just carry one
bag on each hand. It was impossible for him to carry all of the remaining four bags
at once.

“I… I’ll carry another round!” Mike said quickly when he saw Golden Bull looking at
him while throwing down the bags in his hands.

“No need. Just wait by the elevator.” Golden Bull turned around and walked back to
the spot. He returned quickly while carrying two bags. “Hold the elevator door for
a while later. Don’t let the door close.”

“Okay, okay!” Mike replied quickly.

The elevator rose slowly. After a while, the elevator door opened. Other than Yang
Ming and a few other people, no one was staying on the top floor of the hotel. So
no one else would come up here.

After the elevator door opened, Golden Bull asked Mike to hold open the elevator
door. He then threw all the polypropylene knitted bags into the elevator without
any hesitation. After Mike entered the elevator, the elevator door closed slowly.

After finishing everything, Golden Bull returned to Yang Ming to report on the
completed task.

As for Mike, he let out a sigh of relief, “Sigh, that was scary! I almost died
here. What kind of people are they? How are they so strong?”

The elevator paused a few times on the way down. Some people wanted to enter, but
decided not to when they saw that the elevator was filled with “goods”. Instead,
they used another elevator. After all, the hotel didn’t only have one elevator.
There were a few others.

“Ding!” The elevator stopped on the first floor, and the door opened slowly. Mike
looked around first before carefully exiting the elevator.

Batterton was waiting anxiously downstairs. He didn’t dare to go up without Yang

Ming summoning him. After Mike brought ten burly men up, Batterton was worried that
something would happen to Yang Ming.

Batterton tensed up when he saw Mike exit the elevator door stealthily. Did he
catch Yang Ming already? Is he being so careful to prevent others from becoming
However, Mike’s actions afterward caused Batterton to be surprised. After Mike
looked around, he returned to the elevator and dragged out two polypropylene
knitted bags and placed them at the elevator’s door. It seemed like he wanted to
prevent the lift from closing. After that, he dragged out two more polypropylene
knitted bags and dragged them to the hotel entrance.

Batterton got very curious. What is Mike doing? What is he dragging in his hands?
Batterton decided to go up and ask him. After all, this was his hotel. Mike would
definitely show him some respect if he were to ask him.

“Mr. Mike, what are you dragging in those polypropylene knitted bags? Do you need
my help?” Batterton went up and asked.

“Ah- Mr. Batterton?” Mike felt a little embarrassed. He forcefully laughed twice,
“No need. I’m just carrying them to the car.”

“Then let me help you,” said Batterton. He then dragged out two polypropylene
knitted bags from the elevator. However, the moment he came into contact with one
of the bags, Batterton’s facial expression changed drastically. He could vaguely
make out what these bags contained.

Mike did not turn down Batterton’s help. After all, this thing had happened in
Batterton’s hotel. Batterton had witnessed Mike bringing in ten men, but now Mike
was dragging ten bags. Mike had to explain it somehow.

“Mr. Batterton, to be honest… I messed up this time!” Mike did not hide it, “Inside
these polypropylene knitted bags are my ten underlings.”

“Ah?” Although Batterton had vaguely guessed what was inside the polypropylene
knitted bags, he was still surprised when he heard Mike say that all his underlings
were all dead. Did Yang Ming do this?

“That Yang Ming guy is very hard to deal with, and his underling is even more
powerful! I’m only alive because I was asked to pass on a message. Otherwise, I
would also…” Mike didn’t continue his words. He then told Batterton, “Mr.
Batterton, let me give you some advice. Never ever offend that guy. Otherwise,
you’ll bring yourself troubles. As for other stuff, let our boss handle it.”

Mike treated Batterton as his accomplice. He was afraid that Yang Ming would vent
his anger on Batterton. He decided to remind him.

“Ah? So powerful? Seems like I really have to be careful!” Although Batterton said
so, he thought, Seems like the family master was right. I didn’t have to intervene
in this matter. Yang Ming dealt with it on his own.

After helping to carry all the polypropylene knitted bags into the multi-purpose
vehicle, Batterton returned to the hotel lobby. Although they were moving those
bags for a long time, others were not suspicious as they just thought that they
were moving goods.

Mike drove the car and left quickly. As for Batterton, he dialed the telephone in
Yang Ming’s room immediately.

“Mr. Yang, I’m Batterton. Are you alright?” Batterton already knew that it was
impossible for Yang Ming to have any problems from Mike’s words.

“I’m fine. Has Mike left?” Yang Ming was humored. Batterton had obviously seen Mike
moving the corpses.
“Yes. I helped him carry some of those polypropylene knitted bags,” said Batterton.
“Relax, Mr. Yang. No one else joined in.”

“Oh, I got it. Go do your work first. Contact me if you have other problems,” said
Yang Ming calmly. He did not say anything further.

“Yes, Mr. Yang.” Batterton let out a sigh of relief. He knew that he had built a
decent relationship with Yang Ming. After he finished calling Yang Ming, Batterton
decided to call Caique to report the scene that had happened here.

Although Caique didn’t ask him to report, he felt that he had to tell Caique as
this was a serious matter. It would also show his respect for Caique.

Sure enough, Caique complimented Batterton after hearing his report. He asked him
to continue following the development of this matter.

“How is it?” The few elders beside Caique asked anxiously after he hung up.

“Eleven people went in, and ten of them died. The leader was kept alive as Yang
Ming needed someone to pass on a message,” said Caique.

“Haha, the Nancheng Family is foolish indeed. Can they offend Mr. Yang? Serves them
right if they die!” The elder that had conflicts with the Nancheng Family said

“Serves them right. The Nancheng Family will be done for. They had to offend no one
other than Yang Ming. He’s an existence that caused even the Lancer Family to be
annihilated!” The others agreed. After all, they had no more relations with the
Lancer Family. They could just bring this matter up casually now.

Caique smiled faintly while looking at this scene. As he got closer to Yang Ming,
his position as the family master became even more stable.

On the way back to the Guillotine gang, Mike wanted to give his boss Headless Wolf
a call to report the situation. However, he felt that it was better to report this
face-to-face. Mike decided to drive straight to the Guillotine Gang’s headquarters.

After he stopped the car in the underground parking at the Guillotine Gang’s
headquarters, he quickly got out of the car and rushed straight to his boss
Headless Wolf’s office. He then knocked on the door.

“Who is it? Why are you knocking on the door?” Headless Wolf yelled while feeling
displeased. Just as he was about to say “the door isn’t locked, just come in”, he
saw Mike stumbling into the room.

Chapter 1551: Letter of Challenge/ Leave After Having A Meal

###Chapter 1877: Letter of Challenge

“Boss, boss! This isn’t good!” yelled Mike as he rushed in.

“Why are you in such a rush? Can’t you say it properly?” Headless Wolf frowned,
“Even if you successfully captured them, you don’t have to act like that to take
credit for it.”

From Headless Wolf’s perspective, Mike must have captured them, and wanted to take
the credit for it. Since Mike was his confidant, he must be too eager to increase
his status in the gang. However, he needed a reason to increase his status. Mike
must have wanted to use this successful capture to take credit, and gain a chance
for promotion.

Headless Wolf felt that bringing a group of people to catch a foreigner wasn’t any
huge matter. This is too simple. It could be done by anyone. What credit is there
to claim?

Headless Wolf then stared at Mike, “I know what you’re thinking! You’re my
confidant. If there’s a chance, I will definitely promote you. You shouldn’t be in
such a rush. It’s just capturing someone, It’s not a big accomplishment. Others
would definitely have some objections if I were to promote you.”

“It’s not like that, boss…” Mike didn’t know how to respond after hearing Headless
Wolf’s words, and immediately shook his head.

“Enough. What do you mean by it’s not like that? You have captured the person,
right? Watch him carefully. I’ll call the boss to report it to him,” Headless Wolf
waved his hand and interrupted Mike.

“It’s not like that, boss!” Mike was a little anxious.

“I asked you to stop saying that. Why are you still saying it? Let me call the boss
first. Tell me what you want to say after I finish the phone call!” Headless Wolf
stopped him again with slight impatience.

“Boss, listen to what I have to say! I really have an important matter to report!
Something serious has happened!” Mike didn’t care too much anymore. He rushed
forward and snatched the phone that Headless Wolf had just picked up, before
returning it to its original spot.

“What happened to you? Why are you being so troublesome?” raged Headless Wolf.
“Even if you’re my confidant, you can’t be so disrespectful and impudent! Behave
yourself! If you’re still this disobedient, I won’t let you do anything in the

Mike complained in his heart. Even if you ask me to go next time, I don’t dare to
go. It’s too scary. I almost died! Just this once is enough! Who dares to go a
second time?

“Boss, I really don’t dare to go a second time! It’s too scary!” said Mike

“En? What do you mean? What happened?” headless Wolf finally realized that
something was off. He frowned and lowered the phone on his hand, “Mike, could it be
that you failed this mission?”
“I didn’t just fail it, I failed it very badly!” Mike smiled bitterly, “Boss, I
brought ten underlings with me. In the end, only I returned alive. The others are
all corpses.”

“What! Do you mean that the others are all dead? How is that possible?” Headless
Wolf was shocked. He looked at Mike in disbelief.

“Boss, do you think that I’m someone who spouts nonsense? The corpses of those
underlings are still in the car downstairs. They have been put into some
polypropylene knitted bags…” Mike said while feeling afraid, “Boss, you must not
know that Yang Ming has an underling that has unrivaled strength. He just moved his
body, and all ten brother’s throats were immediately slit. Even my gun was taken
away from me without me noticing!”

“Are you telling the truth?” headless Wolf never expected such a simple mission to
fail. Seems like that Yang Ming’s underling isn’t that simple?!

“How could I dare to simply joke about this kind of thing?” said Mike as he nodded
his head.

“We underestimated our opponent!” Headless Wolf frowned, “No wonder the boss asked
me to ensure that this mission was done well. Seems like this person isn’t simple!”

“Indeed…” Mike quickly agreed. Although the opponent was too powerful, he was still
responsible for his whole team dying, as he was their leader. By agreeing with
Headless Wolf, he could relieve his responsibility.

“En?” Headless Wolf suddenly thought about another matter. His facial expression
changed, and he said to Mike in a scary manner, “They’re all dead? Then, why are
you the only one who returned alive? You aren’t even hurt?”

“Boss, I was only released because they wanted a messenger and a corpse
transporter!” Mike blanked out for a moment, and immediately understood what
Headless Wolf meant. Headless Wolf was doubting him. He smiled bitterly and
immediately explained, “They disdained killing me, and just asked me to pass on a
message. Yang Ming asked the Nancheng Family’s family master to go see him within
twenty-four hours, or suffer repercussions.”

Headless Wolf frowned. He believed Mike’s explanation. After all, it was just a
sudden suspicion. Mike was his confidant. He had no reason to doubt Mike’s loyalty.

Besides, the boss had just recently ordered them to catch this foreigner named Yang
Ming. It was impossible for Yang Ming and Mike to have any contact.

“Hmph, such arrogance!” Headless Wolf was disdainful toward Yang Ming’s arrogant
tone. So what if his underling is very strong? Losing ten underlings doesn’t mean
anything. It just means that I underestimated my opponent.

“Indeed, boss. It was so humiliating for me today. I kneeled on the ground and even
kowtowed toward him, but he didn’t even bother looking at me!” Mike agreed angrily,
“Boss, you must teach him a lesson!”

“Enough, you don’t have to care about this matter anymore. Allow me to settle it!”
Headless Wolf snorted and said, “Go bury the dead brothers. Give some funeral
expenses to their families. I’ll let you handle this matter.”

“Yes, boss. I’ll settle it right away!” Mike was happy when he heard that he didn’t
have to care about Yang Ming’s matters anymore. He was even tasked to comfort the
family members of the dead underlings. This was a good opportunity to gain the
support of others, and raise his reputation.

The money spent belonged to the gang, and everyone would only see how kind he was.
Naturally, Mike gladly accepted this offer.

After Mike left, Headless Wolf called his boss, Govisik, with a depressed

“Headless Wolf, how did it go? Has the matter been settled?” Govisik asked as soon
as he picked up Headless Wolf’s phone call.

“Boss, something went wrong!” said Headless Wolf carefully.

“Something went wrong? What’s the problem?” Govisik asked, surprised.

“Boss, I sent eleven men to capture him. But only one person returned alive. The
other ten men all died there!” said Headless Wolf. “Yang Ming’s underling is very
powerful. He killed everyone instantly when he took action…”

“What!” Govisik stood up from his office chair when he heard Headless Wolf’s
report. He yelled in surprise, “How is that possible? Is that guy that powerful?”

“Boss, I also underestimated him previously. I never thought that he would have
such an outstanding bodyguard,” Headless Wolf admitted his mistake first. “However,
even so, that Yang Ming guy is really arrogant. He only let that underling return
alive to tell you something. The message was to notify the family master of the
Nancheng Family to meet him within twenty-four hours, or suffer repercussions.”

“Hmph!” Govisik snorted coldly after hearing Headless Wolf’s words. This wasn’t the
first time hearing this. He had also heard it from Smith and Batterton. He never
expected Headless Wolf to also bring the same message. He laughed coldly in his
heart. Isn’t this Yang Ming guy too arrogant? How does he have such confidence?
Isn’t he just relying on that one strong bodyguard? So what if he’s capable of
fighting? You can’t beat guns!

“Boss… What do you think…?” Headless Wolf quickly asked. He was perturbed after
hearing Govisik’s snort. He didn’t know what Govisik was thinking.

“How about this. Ask someone to give Yang Ming a letter of challenge, and tell him
to bring his underling to the Guillotine Gang’s headquarters!” said Govisik after
giving it some thought. “Since his underling is so capable of fighting, we would
suffer if we sent our men to find him in the hotel. After all, the Douglas Vast
Hotel belongs to other people. We can’t let too many people go in at once. We have
to take care of our reputation. Besides, not many people can get into the elevator
at once. We would suffer losses if everyone was killed batch by batch.

###Chapter 1878: Leave After Having A Meal

“That’s a decent idea. Let that kid suffer death in our gang’s headquarters!”
Headless Wolf felt that it was a good idea. It stopped unnecessary casualties.
Besides, after Yang Ming reached the headquarters, it was useless even if his
underling was capable of fighting. The headquarters was Headless Wolf’s territory.
He would do whatever he wants to Yang Ming here, Yang Ming could only accept death
obediently here.

“You don’t need me to tell you what to do next, right? After he arrives at the
headquarters, don’t show him any mercy. Just immediately surround him and beat him
up. We’ll decide what to do after we tie him up!” said Govisik.

“Boss, I understand!” answered Headless Wolf. However, he thought of a crucial

problem, “Boss, what if Yang Ming doesn’t come? He’s not a fool either. No matter
how many powerful underlings he has, he won’t be able to defeat us if he comes to
our headquarters!”

“En… Your worry is right. However, it’s unnecessary!” said Govisik as he smiled.

“Why is it necessary?” Headless Wolf was surprised.

“Think about it. Yang Ming asked the family master to meet him within twenty-four
hours, or else the family master would have to suffer the repercussions. Since this
Yang Ming overestimates himself so much, it means that he is a very arrogant and
confident man. Since

he’s like that, it is impossible for him to run away.” said Govisik, “Besides, you
can just tell him, ‘I can’t order my family master. If you want to meet the family
master, come to the Guillotine Gang’s headquarters!’ If you phrase it like that, a
person as arrogant as him would definitely go to the Guillotine Gang’s

“That’s right! Why didn’t I think of that!” said Headless Wolf happily. “Boss, your
method of provoking is really smart!”

“Don’t let anything go wrong this time. Take care of things carefully. Give me a
call after you finish everything!” Govisik knew that the incident this time wasn’t
Headless Wolf’s fault. It was just that the opponent was too strong. However, he
was still a little unsatisfied. If he didn’t underestimate his opponent, things
wouldn’t turn out like this. After all, he had lost ten underlings. That was quite
a huge force already.

“Relax, boss. There won’t be any problems this time!” guaranteed Headless Wolf.

Govisik hung up the phone without saying anything else. Headless Wolf wiped the
sweat on his forehead. After thinking for a while, he called Mike again.
Originally, Headless Wolf didn’t want to let Mike care about this matter anymore.

His original plan was to let one of the four major fighters in the gang, Slater,
personally take action. Slater was his personal bodyguard. He had no problems
fighting against eleven people alone. This problem should be settled if Slater
brought the other three major fighters with him.

However, Govisik’s phone call made him change his mind. It would be safer to let
Yang Ming come to their gang’s headquarters. With this, Yang Ming would be seized
without a fight.

After thinking about it, Headless Wolf decided to let Mike fulfill this role, as he
already had experience as a messenger. Besides, Yang Ming let Mike go last time. He
should let him go this time as well. It would avoid creating any additional

“Mike, where are you?” Headless Wolf dialed Mike’s phone again.

“Boss, I’m discussing the funeral expenses for our dead brothers with their
underlings,” said Mike

“Just hand this matter over to someone else. I have something for you to do. Come
to my office.” said Headless Wolf.

“Ah… Okay…” Mike wanted to ask the reason, but Headless Wolf had already hung up.
Mike could only go to Headless Wolf’s office anxiously.

“Boss, are you looking for me?” asked Mike carefully.

“En, it’s like this.” Headless Wolf had already finished writing the letter of
challenge, and was printing it out, “Go to the Douglas Vast Hotel one more time.
Find Yang Ming and pass this letter of challenge to him.”

“Ah? I still have to go?” Mike’s face immediately turned bitter. He was originally
very happy because he thought he didn’t have to go anymore. He never expected
Headless Wolf to change his mind.

“I’m not asking you to do anything this time. I didn’t ask you to capture anyone
either. Just pass this letter to Yang Ming,” said Headless Wolf.

“This… alright…” Although Mike really didn’t want to go, he had no choice since
Headless Wolf had already ordered him. He could only force himself to go.

“After you go, tell Yang Ming that this is a letter of challenge from us. If he’s
brave enough, come to our headquarters. As for the family master matter, just say
that we have no authority to invite the family master over. If he really wants to
find the family master, we’ll talk about it after he’s at the gang’s headquarters,”
said Headless Wolf.

“Understood!” Mike nodded and took the letter of challenge Headless Wolf gave him.
He then left Headless Wolf’s office with a gloomy face.

After removing all the corpses in the car, Mike handed the matter to his confidant.
Letting his confidants carry out such a rewarding task was better than letting
others do so. Even if he let others do it, his own men also had to gain some

Mike then drove back to the Douglas Vast Hotel. After he parked his car and got
out, he looked around carefully before entering the hotel. He felt a little awkward
when he saw that Batterton was still in the hotel lobby. However, he had no choice
but to walk inside.

“Mr. Mike? Why are you back again?” Batterton greeted him while feeling curious,
“Why is it only you this time?”

Although he was mocking Mike in his heart, he still acted like he was very

“Ah, stop mentioning it. I’m here on behalf of my boss to deliver a letter of
challenge!” said Mike helplessly. “I didn’t want to do so. However, my boss asked
me to come, so I can’t reject him. Forget it, let’s not talk about it. Let me
quickly deliver this letter of challenge away and leave. I don’t dare to stay
around here.”

“Go ahead, go ahead. Be careful!” said Batterton.

Mike reached Room One on the hotel’s top floor. After hesitating for a long time,
he knocked on the door.

Yang Ming had already heard some movements coming from the corridor. When he saw
Mike, he didn’t do anything. He just wanted to see why Mike had returned.
Yang Ming waited for Mike to get over his hesitation for a long time. After Mike
finally knocked on the door, Yang Ming asked, “Who is it?”

“Mr. Yang, it’s me, Mike!” said Mike carefully. “Can you please open the door?”

“Why? You brought more people to come capture me?” Yang Ming purposely asked, and
was prepared to open the door.

“No, don’t get me wrong. I’m not here to cause you any trouble. I don’t dare to do
so!” Mike quickly explained, “Mr. Yang, I’m here to deliver a letter of challenge!”

“Deliver a letter of challenge?” Yang Ming was surprised. He opened the door while
being filled with curiosity.

“Yes, this is it!” Mike quickly handed the letter of challenge in his hand over to
Yang Ming.

Yang Ming snorted coldly and took the so-called “letter of challenge” from Mike’s
hands before starting to read it.

Are they trying to goad me? Yang Ming looked at the letter of challenge’s phrases
in contempt. You want me to go to your Guillotine Gang’s headquarters? What a good
tactic. Do they want me to walk into the trap myself?

However, it can only be considered a trap if the person it’s targeting is not
strong enough. If the person is strong enough, it’s called destroying their

This is actually better. It saves me the effort of locating the Guillotine Gang’s
Headquarters, as they directly wrote the address for me.

Mike felt a little afraid when he saw Yang Ming remaining silent, “Mr. Yang, I have
already sent the letter of challenge. Can I leave now?”

“Leave?” Yang Ming asked.

“Mr. Yang, I’m just here to send a letter of challenge. I don’t have any other
intentions!” Mike sounded like he really wanted to cry, “Messengers shouldn’t be
killed if two factions are going against each other!”

“Heh-” Yang Ming was amused when he saw Mike’s expression, “Two factions going
against each other? Is this really two factions? Enough, I have already that I
won’t make things difficult for you. Tell that Headless Wolf that I will go. Ask
him to wait for me.”

“Okay, Mr. Yang. When will you leave?” Mike quickly nodded.

“I’ll leave after I finish eating.” said Yang Ming plainly. After he finished
speaking, he waved his hand and closed the room door.

“Sigh!” Mike let out a sigh of relief. Before Yang Ming changed his mind, he
hurriedly ran downstairs.

Yang Ming threw the letter of challenge aside and dialed the telephone in Golden
Bull’s room.

“Leader, what orders do you have?” Golden Bull also noticed that someone had passed
by the corridor. He was staring at Mike from the door the whole time. However,
without Yang Ming’s orders, he wouldn’t act on his own and do anything to Mike.

“Golden Bull, gather everyone. We’ll go annihilate the Guillotine Gang’s

headquarters later!” said Yang Ming.

Chapter 1552: Overestimated the Opponent/ Fool

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1879: Overestimated the Opponent

“Okay, boss!” Golden Bull didn’t ask when they were going or where the Guillotine
Gang was. Because in his mind, he was determined to always follow Yang Ming’s
orders. Aside from this, he also wouldn’t raise any objection about Yang Ming’s
words. But sometimes, Golden Bull would still give some suggestions for Yang Ming
to consider, “Should we also inform Wang Peng’s side to be prepared?”

This was because Wang Peng’s men were not under Golden Bull’s management. Wang Peng
belonged to Island X, and he was now a butler of the Charles family. He didn’t
belong to the Black Butterfly organization anymore.

“En, bring him along too.” Yang Ming thought about it and agreed with Golden Bull’s
suggestion. Wang Peng’s men were good at sieging. They could be of great use.

“Yes, boss. I will contact Wang Peng now,” said Golden Bull.

After Golden Bull finished calling, Yang Ming exited his room and walked to the
door of Room 2, Zhang Bing’s room. He knocked on the door and after a while, Zhang
Bing’s voice could be heard, “Who is it?”

“Zhang Bing, it’s me. Open the door,” said Yang Ming.

“Ah, bro, you’re here!” said Zhang Bing as he opened the door. “Boss, Wang Mei and
I were just talking about you. You’re too powerful! You’re amazing even when you’re

Yang Ming didn’t know whether to cry or laugh after listening to Zhang Bing’s
words, “Didn’t I tell you before to keep a low profile? Do you have no memory?”

“Haha, I’m just satisfying my vanity. Those foreigners haven’t stayed in such a
luxurious top-level suite, and we’re staying here so soon after we arrived!” Zhang
Bing scratched his head rather embarrassedly, “This time we will have something to
brag about when we go back. Wang Mei and I are just taking pictures for memories!”

Wang Mei was just holding the camera and felt a little embarrassed after hearing
Zhang Bing’s words. She glared at Zhang Bing and pulled him back, saying, “Brother
Yang, please come in. Zhang Bing, you’re such a big guy blocking the doorway. You
won’t even let Brother Yang come in!”

“Ugh, I forgot about it!” Zhang Bing quickly moved aside after hearing Wang Mei’s
words. He then said, “Bro, please come in.”

“I won’t be coming in. I’m going out to take care of some business. You both should
get something to eat by yourselves in the evening. You don’t have to wait for me.
But don’t simply go out. Don’t open the door for anyone other than me. I can see
that this door is quite sturdy. It is anti-theft like all the other doors on this
floor. It can’t be broken down unless someone uses a chainsaw. If anyone tries to
break down the door, call 911!” Yang Ming instructed Zhang Bing.

Yang Ming wasn’t afraid of anything. But he was afraid that Govisik would take the
opportunity and come to cause trouble for Zhang Bing. So Yang Ming reminded them in

“Ah… Bro, I got it!” Zhang Bing nodded again and again. Before this, he had faced a
life and death change. So he had also become cautious, “But bro, what are you going
out for? Is there any danger?”

“Well danger… It’s not dangerous for me, but might be for others.” Yang Ming

“En?” Zhang Bing froze, and immediately understood Yang Ming’s meaning. Yang Ming
was probably about to cause trouble for someone else and this person was obviously
related to the Klass from before, “Bro, please be cautious then.”

Yang Ming nodded without saying anything. After greeting Zhang Jiefang, he
retreated from Zhang Bing’s room.

Golden Bull had notified Wang Peng by now. He was already on standby at his room’s
door when he saw Yang Ming walking out of his room. But once he saw Yang Ming enter
Zhang Bing’s room, he didn’t bother them. He waited for Yang Ming to leave. Golden
Bull then stepped out of his room, “Bro, Wang Peng is ready to go. What do you

“En, let’s go.” Yang Ming felt that the Golden Bull was a lot more mature now and
far different from when they had first met. This made Yang Ming very satisfied with
him, “Where are Wang Peng and the others?”

“In our Charles Family’s Las Vegas headquarters.” Golden Bull continued, “Oh yes, a
team of Klass’s subordinates was also caught by Wang Peng. What are we going to do
with these people?”

“You can deal with it.” Yang Ming didn’t care about the lives of these people.
Since they were working for Klass, they must be prepared to die at any time. “Let’s
go to the Charles Family’s Headquarters first.”

“Okay, boss,” said Golden Bull respectfully.

Yang Ming walked downstairs and arrived at the lobby on the hotel’s first floor. As
soon as he got out of the elevator, Yang Ming saw Batterton from a distance.
Batterton also saw Yang Ming. He trotted over and greeted, “Mr. Yang!”

“I’m going out. If possible, stop the elevator to the top floor. Don’t use it
except for food delivery.” Yang Ming told Batterton.
“Oh?” Batterton froze, and immediately understood Yang Ming’s meaning. Yang Ming
was going out, and he was afraid that his friends would encounter problems during
this period. This was why he requested Batter to do such a thing. ‘It’s easily
done. Rest assured, Mr. Yang. I will deal with it! Even if you didn’t say anything,
I would still protect your friends the best I can! If I really can’t handle it,
I’ll call the police. is that alright?”

“Hehe, of course,” Yang Ming laughed.

Batterton thought, Yang Ming is indeed a ruthless man. It is not just an act. Mike
brought ten people up, and all of them were dealt with. Can an average person
achieve such a feat? Moreover, the second time Mike came around, he was obviously
frowning. It is apparent that he was really scared, and didn’t want to go up.

At the moment, he also understood why the family master Caique gloated after
hearing that the Nancheng Family had provoked Yang Ming, and predicted that they
would be finished.

It seems that the family master knows the inside story, knowing that Yang Ming is a
powerful person! However, Batterton remembered that he had almost offended Yang
Ming previously. He couldn’t help but be scared for a while. He was so shocked that
he broke into a cold sweat! He felt secretly fortunate.

Yang Ming and Golden Bull came to the underground parking lot, and boarded the
Golden Bull’s modified Caravan. Then they headed to the Charles Family’s Las Vegas

The Charles Family was worthy of being the second-ranked assassin family in the
world. Their branch in Las Vegas was magnificent. Although it was in the suburbs,
the traffic was quite convenient and the branch’s design was even more amazing!

One would think that there were even training compounds inside. The ability to
build such a facility in this bustling international metropolis also showed the
extraordinary strength of the Charles family.

“Brother Yang!” Wang Peng was already waiting at the entrance of the branch’s
building. When he saw Yang Ming and Golden Bull’s car, he immediately greeted Yang
Ming and helped him open the door.

He had followed Yang Ming earlier, but because of Hou Zhenhan’s relationship, he
called Yang Ming “Brother Yang”, which was a little different from Golden Bull that
came directly from the assassin system.

“En, your performance today was not bad, you brat!” Yang Ming smiled and patted
Wang Peng’s shoulder with a smile, “Yes, on the square, who was that girl beside
you? Is she your girlfriend?”

“No… It’s a new female recruit …” Wang Peng suddenly felt a little embarrassed,
“Brother Yang, didn’t you ask us to train some girls…?”

“Hehe, I have no other meaning. You can’t be single all your life. If you have a
chance, you can solve your personal problems.” Yang Ming laughed.

“This… let’s talk in a few years …” Wang Peng chuckled and smiled bitterly.

“Are you ready? If you’re ready we shall go,” said Yang Ming.

“Okay, where are we going now?” Wang Peng asked.

“To the Guillotine Gang headquarters. Do you have the capability to wipe them out
in one go?” Yang Ming asked with a smile.

“No problem!” Wang Peng simply nodded his head, “If it is just to eliminate them,
you don’t need to go Brother Yang. I’ll just bring some people with me.”

These men under Wang Peng were trained using the training methods of special
forces. They were good at rapid assault operations. It was extremely easy for them
to take out an entire gang den.

This team was trained by Wang Peng as mercenaries. He had also participated in the
battlefields in North Africa several times. All the team members had rich practical
experience. How could ordinary gang members be these people’s opponents?

Yang Ming thought about it. Wang Peng is right. It seems like I’m making a big fuss
for a small issue. It is just a local gang, not a big organization nor all gangs in
this area. It is just one of the three gangs. Yang Ming smiled and shook his head.

It seems that I subconsciously connected them with the behind-the-scenes boss, and
overestimated their strength.

Since Wang Peng was so full of confidence, he didn’t have to bring Golden Bull’s
men along. He could just bring Golden Bull alone.

“Let’s go, Golden Bull. You don’t have to bring your underlings along. You just
have to follow me!” Yang Ming said to Golden Bull.

###Chapter 1880: Fool

“Okay, boss.” Golden Bull nodded without any doubts.

“Wang Peng, after Golden Bull and I enter the Guillotine Gang’s headquarters, you
will bring your men to end the Guillotine Gang,” Yang Ming ordered Wang Peng. “Do
you have any questions?”

“No problem! I’ll make sure to complete the task!” Wang Peng said as he nodded
solemnly. “But Brother Yang, what should I do with the remaining gang members?”

“Do as you see fit. I don’t think this Guillotine Gang is a good gang anyways.
They’re just a group of the scum in society,” said Yang Ming lightly.

“I understand!” Wang Peng immediately understood Yang Ming’s meaning.

Golden Bull was still the one who drove. Yang Ming sat in Golden Bull’s Caravan
while it led the way, and Wang Peng’s group of people sat in a bus following far
behind. The bus was painted with the name of a tourism company. They looked like a
group of tourists traveling and didn’t attract anyone’s attention.

“Heh- With the Nancheng Family’s support, this Guillotine Gang is indeed not just
an ordinary gang!” After seeing the Charles Family branch, Yang Ming saw the
Guillotine Gang’s headquarters again!

It was actually a match for the dignified Charles’ Family branch! Although the
Guillotine Gang was not as large as the Charles family’s branch, it was based in
Las Vegas! Even if their headquarters was not located in a bustling area, the land
here was still much more expensive than suburban areas. It seemed that this
Govisik’s casino made a lot of money. It could actually afford such a large expense
for this gang!

‘”What is your business!” Two black shirted men questioned, knocking hard on the
window of Golden Bull’s car after it had just arrived outside the Guillotine Gang’s

Golden Bull ignored them and continued to drive. One of the black shirted macho men
was suddenly anxious. He stepped forward and stopped in front of Golden Bull’s car.

But Golden Bull ignored him and continued to drive forward, hitting the macho man.
Golden Bull did not listen to anyone except Yang Ming. Yang Ming didn’t let him
stop. He didn’t care about anyone in front of the car.

“Ah!” The macho man was startled. He didn’t expect the people in the car to
continue driving after he stood in front of the car. He didn’t want to make things
worse and quickly stepped away. He scolded in his heart, Who the heck is this,
driving so recklessly? Is it someone from another gang here to find trouble?

“Okay, stop here,” Yang Ming said to Golden Bull. He didn’t need to overdo things
to deal with these gatekeepers. Wang Peng and his men were on the way as well.
There was no need for Yang Ming to break into conflict with them instantly.

“Yes.” Golden Bull nodded and parked the car.

The two macho men became nervous when they saw Yang Ming and Golden Bull get out of
the car. It was as if they saw a great enemy approaching. This was outside the
Guillotine Gang’s headquarters. They couldn’t simply use their guns. Even if they
were gang members, they had to take the police into account. Although America’s gun
control was not very strict, it was a different case if they were to shoot someone
in the streets.

Strictly speaking, Yang Ming’s car was parked in a public area, and not in the
Guillotine Gang’s private territory. It was not considered private property and
they had no reason to open fire.

“Who are you two! What is your business here?” The macho man looked at Yang Ming

“Your boss asked me to come.” Yang Ming handed over the challenge letter that
Headless Wolf had gotten Mike to send over to the macho man.

“Ah!” The macho man was stunned and quickly took a look at the challenge letter.
Mike had informed him before so the macho man knew that Yang Ming was coming. When
he saw that Yang Ming had really come at this time, he didn’t dare to mistreat him!

He knew that their boss, the Headless Wolf, took this person seriously. Naturally,
he was very careful. “The two of you, please follow me. I’ll bring you to see the

Yang Ming nodded, and followed one of the macho men towards the headquarters with
Golden Bull.

Headless Wolf didn’t expect Yang Ming to really come! Although the challenge letter
was worded extremely radically and was full of provocations, he felt that if he was
the one who received such a challenge letter, he would not come recklessly!

After all, no one is a fool. Isn’t going to another’s headquarters the same as
courting death?
After receiving word from his underling, Headless Wolf was a little dumbfounded. I
didn’t hear wrongly, did I? This Yang Ming brat actually came? And he only brought
one underling? After confirming this with his underling, Headless Wolf really
wanted to laugh out loud! There were many wonders of the world, and there is also
such a fool like this?

“Let them come in!” Headless Wolf had a little smile on his face. Since they have
come, they don’t need to return anymore.

Once the underling received the order, he turned and exited the Headless Wolf’s
office. He said to the black shirted macho man leading Yang Ming, “Boss let them go
in. You can go back!”

“Yes!” The black shirted macho man nodded and agreed, then turned and left. He had
escorted Yang Ming here. His mission was completed.

After waiting for the black shirted macho man to leave, the underling said to Yang
Ming and Golden Bull, “You both can go on in.”

Yang Ming and Golden Bull didn’t say much. Pushing the door, they walked into
Headless Wolf’s office.

“You are Headless Wolf?” Yang Ming walked into the office with a grin and sat
directly on the sofa opposite Headless Wolf’s desk.

At the same time, Headless Wolf also assessed Yang Ming, and spoke to him at almost
the same time, “You are Yang Ming?”

“Hehe, it seems you aren’t self-aware!” Headless Wolf sneered Yang Ming and said in
his heart. This kid has come to my territory, yet he is so arrogant. He really
doesn’t know that he is courting death!

He wasn’t planning to show his trump card originally. But now, Headless Wolf felt
like there was no need to continue talking to Yang Ming. He could let Govisik deal
with Yang Ming directly.

“With you, I don’t need to be self-aware. But you aren’t self-aware,” said Yang
Ming coldly.

“Ha? Such arrogance!” After Headless Wolf heard Yang Ming’s words, he couldn’t help
but be amused.

“Where is the Nancheng Family’s family master?” Yang Ming had no time to talk
nonsense with Headless Wolf, “Don’t talk about useless things. I don’t wish to talk
about this with you.”

“Brat, do you really think that since you came here, you can see the family master
of the Nancheng Family?” Headless Wolf suddenly burst into laughter, “Hahahahaha!
You brat, you’re really stupid! Don’t you even think about it. The Nancheng Family
master isn’t someone that you can simply meet. Who do you think you are?”

“Heh…” Yang Ming smiled, “Unless, your challenge letter was written just for fun?”

“I’ll tell you the truth, brat. Don’t even think of leaving this time!” Headless
Wolf sneered, “This challenge letter was to trick you into coming here. You thought
you could see the family master? You’re too naive! You’re too silly and naive!”

“Oh? So you’re meaning to say that the things in the challenge letter are not true?
You won’t obey it?” Yang Ming was not annoyed when he heard Headless Wolf’s words,
but asked calmly instead.

“Of course, what else do you think?” Headless Wolf pressed his lips together.

“Well, since you’re not following it, I don’t need to follow it anymore either.”
Yang Ming shrugged and said, “Originally, I would feel a bit burdened mentally
after eliminating you. After all, you fools were going to suffer for the Nancheng
Family. But now it seems like you guys will die in vain.”

“What burden? What do you mean in vain?” Headless Wolf frowned, “What are you
talking about?”

“Nothing, you can die now. Your mission is complete.” Yang Ming threw a dismissive
gaze at Headless Wolf, and then said to Golden Bull, “Golden Bull, take him down.”

“You … what are you going to do?” Headless Wolf was startled. He didn’t expect Yang
Ming to dare to order his men act directly here, “This is my territory. You better
think about it carefully. If you dare to do anything, I won’t be polite with you!”

Headless Wolf touched the pistol hidden under the table as he said this, then
suddenly shouted, “Somebody come!”

Yang Ming and Golden Bull did not seem to hear it. Golden Bull continued to walk
forward. As soon as Headless Wolf raised the pistol, he felt Golden Bull touching
his wrist. His palm reflexively opened, and the gun fell onto the table.

Golden Bull had learned the method of striking acupoints from Yang Ming. Yang Ming
had taught some simple methods of targeting acupoints to Golden Bull and others.
Golden Bull just touched the acupuncture point on Headless Wolf’s wrist. Headless
Wolf’s palm was straightened instantly, and the pistol fell unconsciously.

Chapter 1553: When is Your Family Master Coming?/ Very Slow

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1881: When Is Your Family Master Coming?

Headless Wolf wanted to shoot, he didn’t realize that the gun had already been
snatched away. His expression turned pale, and he screamed desperately, “Come!
Someone come!”

Yang Ming didn’t stop Headless Wolf from shouting. He instead glanced at Golden
Bull, telling him to do the same.

“Bang!” The office door was pushed open, and Wang Peng rushed in.

“Catch him! Catch them for me!” Headless Wolf snarled when he saw the people coming
Wang Peng was unmoved. He had come to report to Yang Ming. He wasn’t Headless
Wolf’s underling.

“Why aren’t you moving? Didn’t you hear me talking to you?” Headless Wolf was
anxious watching this “subordinate” standing there stupidly without taking any
action, so he roared again.

“I heard you.” Wang Peng was naturally more casual than Golden Bull was in front of
Yang Ming. After glancing at Headless Wolf, Wang Peng knew that Headless Wolf had
misunderstood. He smiled slightly, and wanted to tease him a little.

“Why aren’t you moving despite not hearing it?” Headless Wolf didn’t expect that
his underlings were so stupid, “By the way, whose underling are you? Why are you so
unfamiliar? I’ve never seen you before.”

“Oh, I’m Brother Yang’s underling,” Wang Peng replied.

“Brother Yang? Which Brother Yang? What Brother Yang? Who is your Brother Yang’s
boss?” Headless Wolf froze. He had never heard of someone named “Brother Yang” in
his gang, so he subconsciously thought this Brother Yang was a petty character.
With so many gang members, it was naturally impossible for him to remember everyone

That was why he asked who the boss was above Brother Yang to see if he had any
memory of it! But, Headless Wolf was wondering, Where did my bodyguard go? Why
didn’t he come in and get such a dummy? And how did this person come in? Who
allowed him in?

“Brother Yang is Brother Yang! How would I know who is above Brother Yang!?” Wang
Peng rolled his eyes and said, “In my opinion, Brother Yang is the boss. Nobody is
more powerful than him.”

“You-” Headless Wolf was stunned, furious, “Get out! Come, somebody come! Mike?
Where is Mike? Secretary? Where is the secretary?”

“Oh, are you looking for them? They are dead,” Wang Peng said while looking at
Headless Wolf with sympathy.

“Dead?” Headless Wolf froze. Then his face changed. He started to feel that
something was wrong! I have been shouting so long for someone, but only some
Brother Yang’s underling came in, and no one else…

Although Headless Wolf was reluctant to think pessimistically, today’s incident was
a bit strange! Logically speaking, my bodyguard and secretary wouldn’t disappear at
the same time. I also shouted so many times… A bad thought surfaced in this heart…

“Yeah, they are dead!” Wang Peng nodded stubbornly.

“How did they die?” Headless Wolf asked unwillingly, and he now realized that the
person who had come in was fishy.

“I killed them,” Wang Peng replied.

“You… Who in the world are you?”Headless Wolf’s cold sweat poured out profusely. As
expected, this person is fishy.

“I have already said it. I am Brother Yang’s subordinate. Didn’t I tell you?” Wang
Peng laughed, “Isn’t that so, Brother Yang?”
“Enough, Wang Peng, don’t mess around with him,” Yang Ming smiled, as if he wanted
to end the current situation. In fact, Yang Ming had also acquiesced to Wang Peng
teasing Headless Wolf. This guy was too arrogant. Yang Ming also wanted to use Wang
Peng to mess around with Headless Wolf.

“Okay, Brother Yang.” Wang Peng stood beside Yang Ming with a smile, “Brother Yang,
all the people outside have been killed.”

“En, you have done well. It’s quite fast.” Yang Ming nodded his head in
appreciation, then looked at Headless Wolf, “Didn’t you say that this is your
territory? Since I’m here today, don’t think about leaving. Am I right?”

Yang Ming… Brother Yang… My God! Apparently this is Brother Yang! Headless Wolf
knew that he had been tricked by Yang Ming and Wang Peng. To think that he was
still giving Wang Peng orders and bombarding him with questions. In the end, Wang
Peng wasn’t even his underling! He asked in vain and embarrassed himself!

However, he was still unconvinced. This was such a huge gang. There were at least a
hundred people who were in the headquarters at any one time. How could Wang Peng
just say that all of them had been killed?

But up until now, no one had entered the office, nor had anyone reported to
headquarters that anyone else besides Yang Ming and Golden Bull had arrived. The
problem here was apparent!

“Yang Ming, what kind of tricks are you playing?” Headless Wolf was not stupid. As
soon as he realized that something was wrong, he began to be cautious.

“I’m playing tricks? Sorry, I didn’t play any tricks!” Yang Ming spread his hands
and said, “It was your challenge letter that brought me here. It was also you who
told me that since I’m here, I won’t be able to go back. You also told me that I
won’t be able to see the Nancheng family’s family master. Furthermore, you even
said that the challenge letter was a lie, and there was no need to follow it! Now
you’re asking me what kind of tricks I’m playing? Don’t you think your question is
a bit funny?”

“This…” Previously, Headless Wolf thought that if he managed to trick Yang Ming to
come, he had a nine out of ten chance to take down Yang Ming. But he didn’t expect
the tables to turn.

“Do you still not believe that your people are all dead?” Yang Ming guessed since
Headless Wolf seemed to be scared, but not terrified.

Yang Ming’s words accurately struck the crux of Headless Wolf’s thoughts. Although
Headless Wolf was a little afraid, he didn’t believe that Yang Ming’s men could
eliminate his entire headquarters! How could just one person manage to eliminate
the entire headquarters? Isn’t this a joke?

Headless Wolf carried a little bit of hope in his heart, thinking that Wang Peng
was bluffing. He thought that Wang Peng had somehow managed to mingle in with his
men, and managed to take out his secretary and bodyguard.

“Why don’t you look out of the window now?” Yang Ming said to Headless Wolf while

Headless Wolf was shocked. He turned back somewhat unnaturally, looking through the
window at the headquarters’ courtyard. With just one glance, he almost collapsed on
the ground!

A group of black-shirted men with guns and ammunition had suddenly appeared since
an unknown point in time. These people were obviously not members of their gang.
The Guillotine Gang didn’t have so many guns, and furthermore, they weren’t so

And those who should be on duty in the headquarters’ courtyard had all disappeared
at this moment. They were nowhere to be found! At this moment, Headless Wolf
realized that things were really bad!

Yang Ming didn’t lie to him. He was probably the only person alive in the
headquarters on his side!

“You… where are my people?” Headless Wolf asked subconsciously. But after asking
this question, he felt a bit ridiculous. Yang Ming had already said that his people
were dead. What was the point in asking?

Headless Wolf sat on the office chair defeated, looking at Yang Ming with dread. He
wasn’t a bold person by nature. The only reason he was able to become the
Guillotine Gang’s leader was because of his relationship with Govisik. He was the
cousin of Govisik’s mistress. It was because of this relation that he was put into
an important position. As for beating and killing people, Headless Wolf never
participated in it. He always ordered other people to do it. He just had to do his
job properly as the Guillotine Gang’s boss and just be Gosivik’s spokesperson.

In his opinion, with Govisik’s support, his position as the boss was stable. No one
could do anything to him. He could always live a good life at the headquarters,
bossing his underlings around. It was the best!

In addition, Headless Wolf had also given himself the fancy name “Headless Wolf”,
which sounded quite cool. He also fabricated the lie that he had chopped countless
people’s heads with a machete, which was why he was called Headless Wolf!

This time’s matter was meant to be a simple thing. Somehow it had become more
complicated. His opponent wasn’t some pushover. Not only did he eliminate his
entire headquarters, but now… how would they deal with him?

“Call Govisik and tell him that I have taken over the Guillotine Gang. Ask him when
will your family master come. My patience is limited and I don’t have time to play
with you!” Yang Ming said directly to Headless Wolf before Headless Wolf could
figure out what he was thinking.

###Chapter 1882: Very Slow

Headless Wolf was relieved when he heard that Yang Ming just told him to make a
call. If I do this, he shouldn’t give me a hard time.

Without his underlings, Headless Wolf had lost his boldness as a big boss. He was
like a petty and cautious character. He was in fear and trepidation with no guts to

“I… I’ll call now!” Headless Wolf nodded. Compared to the Guillotine Gang’s
previous boss, Headless Wolf wasn’t underworld material. He was only the boss
because he had Govisik backing him up, so he was able to be arrogant. Now that he
suddenly had no more underlings, he was just a shell. How could he dare to be
Yang Ming witnessed the difference between Headless Wolf’s demeanor before and
after. Previously, he felt that Headless Wolf didn’t seem like a boss. Even if it
was a new gang, a boss should have a boss’s vibe. But this Headless Wolf seemed no
different from a ruffian. This was why Yang Ming guessed that this person was
simply a spokesperson that Govisik had pushed out.

Govisik wanted to run for parliament. Naturally, he would not openly associate with
shady backgrounds so he could avoid criticism. Having a spokesperson was the best
way to handle it.

As for the Guillotine Gang’s members, Yang Ming was not polite. They were only a
group of scum anyways. They would just be parasites if they were left alive. So, he
just took it as Wang Peng helping the public take out the scum.

“Hello? Brother-in-law …” Headless Wolf was so nervous that he even forgot to

address “boss”. The words “brother-in-law” came out instantly.

“Headless Wolf, what nonsense are you spouting!?” Govisik naturally didn’t want
other people to know the relationship between them. Although it was just him in the
office, Govisik still corrected him, “Call me boss next time!”

“Boss … it’s bad! Something bad has happened!” Headless Wolf thought to himself. It
doesn’t matter what I call you, Quickly save me! “Boss, the Guillotine Gang has
been eliminated. Everyone is dead…”

“What? What are you talking about? The Guillotine Gang was eliminated by someone?”
Govisik’s brain suddenly went “whoosh”. He almost threw the phone out as he lost
his balance! He doubted Headless Wolf’s words because it was now the key time of
the elections, and his opponents would use all kinds of ways to try and attack him.
If someone decided to send people to take out the Guillotine Gang, Govisik wouldn’t
be able to deal with it due to the elections. He also couldn’t simply stand out and
show that he had relations with a gang. He could only keep it in his heart.
Govisik’s first thought was that it was one of his opponents who hired someone to
do it!

“Who did it? Was it the Speed Racer Gang or the Resolute Gang?” The names that
Govisik mentioned were the two other big gangs other than the Guillotine Gang. In
Govisik’s opinion, the only people who had the power to eliminate the Guillotine
Gang were these two gangs. They might even have cooperated!

Since there were not many gangs capable of destroying the Guillotine Gang in Las
Vegas city, Govisik first thought was that it was these two gangs.

“No… neither of them!” Headless Wolf smiled bitterly, “Boss, it was Yang Ming’s men

“What? Yang Ming?” Govisik was dumbfounded! Originally, he thought it was done by
his competitors, so he didn’t even think of Yang Ming. In his opinion, Yang Ming’s
trip to the Guillotine Gang’s headquarters was undoubtedly equivalent to death. So
how could a person who was courting death eliminate the Guillotine Gang?

“Impossible! Even if his subordinates can fight, it is impossible to destroy over a

hundred of your people, right?” Govisik subconsciously spoke loudly.

“He also has a lot of men… He has surrounded the Guillotine Gang!” Headless Wolf
smiled bitterly, “Boss, you have to save me. Yang Ming is right next to me. He
asked me to call you!”
“God!” Govisik couldn’t help but curse. This Headless Wolf really is not reliable.
It is impossible to know what he is thinking now that something like this has
happened. He didn’t even report in advance after seeing Yang Ming bring so many men
over. He only decided to call and report after the headquarters was eliminated!

The situation had already come to this. What else could Govisik do? If the Headless
Wolf had reported in advance, Govisik could still have made some arrangements and
found some way to get more members over. Even if things got worse, the more
embarrassing thing would be reporting it to the police. At least the Guillotine
Gang would still be safe!

But Headless Wolf only decided to call him after everyone was dead. What else could
he do? He was extremely disappointed in Headless Wolf. The Guillotine Gang was
completely ruined and Headless Wolf was useless to him now! If it wasn’t because of
Headless Wolf’s sister, Govisik would have switched out Headless Wolf long ago.

But now, since Headless Wolf had fallen into Yang Ming’s hands, he might as well
let Yang Ming deal with Headless Wolf. It would save him the effort! Thinking of
this, Govisik replied coldly, “You’re the Guillotine Gang’s boss. Now that
something has happened, why are you looking for me instead of solving it yourself?
Enough, if there’s nothing then I’ll hang up now! Goodbye!”

Govisik finished talking, and hung up before Headless Wolf could say anything more.
Headless Wolf was a little dumbfounded listening to the busy tone coming from the

He was not stupid. Govisik’s attitude was already obvious. He wanted to give up on
him. He hurried to call Govisik’s phone again, but the phone disconnected after two
beeps. Headless Wolf felt instantly depressed, and he dropped the phone helplessly.

“Mr. Yang… Govisik hung up on me…” Headless Wolf said carefully. Now he could only
rely on himself, “Mr. Yang, just look at me. I’m just a spokesperson pushed to the
front. Whatever I did was for Govisik. Please don’t give me any trouble. Even being
the boss of this Guillotine Gang was Govisik’s orders. It’s not my business. Even
if you eliminate the Guillotine Gang, it has nothing to do with me. Please let me
go. If you have any grudges, you can go look for Govisik. Don’t look for me…”

Headless Wolf couldn’t care less about his face, and began to plea for mercy

Yang Ming also heard the conversation between Headless Wolf and Govisik on the
phone. He knew that this guy was only Govisik’s puppet. Yang Ming had no interest
in killing such a person.

Originally, Yang Ming thought that through this matter, he could make Headless Wolf
call Govisik and get him to come out. He could deal with this thing in one go. But
it was obvious that Govisik didn’t care about Headless Wolf’s life and death. He
even hung up the phone without saying more than a few words!

This made Yang Ming’s original plan useless. Looking at Headless Wolf kneeling on
the ground for mercy, Yang Ming was too lazy to deal with him. He just looked at
him dismissively and said, “You should look out for yourself.”

After he finished speaking, Yang Ming waved to Golden Bull and Wang Peng, “Let’s

Headless Wolf was a little stunned. He looked at Yang Ming, dumbfounded, “Mr. Yang…
Brother, you won’t kill me?”
“What? Do you want to be killed?” Yang Ming frowned, saying in his heart, Why is
this Headless Wolf so slow.

“No, no!” Headless Wolf quickly denied, shaking his head like a rattle, “How could
I want to be killed? I’m not a fool. I mean, you are just letting me go like that?”

“Why are you so bothersome? Do you want to die, or not?” Yang Ming suddenly didn’t
know whether to laugh or cry.

“Of course I don’t want to die!” THeadless Wolf said quickly.

“You don’t want to die, yet you still talk so much!” Yang Ming said, “If you don’t
want to die then stay here. I’m leaving!”

“Goodbye!” Wang Peng waved at Headless Wolf.

Golden Bull glanced blankly at Headless Wolf. He picked up the pistol that had
fallen to the ground, and put it in Headless Wolf’s hands, “Here, I am giving it
back to you.”

“Ugh…” Headless Wolf watched the three men leave in dismay, and the pistol fell to
the ground again with a thump, “Hoo… I was scared to death. I never expected I
would still be alive!”

After Headless Wolf waited for Yang Ming to leave, he quickly packed his luggage
and the gang’s black money. He quickly launched his plan to flee. He knew that even
if Yang Ming let him go, Govisik might still give him trouble!

Chapter 1554: Shirking Responsibility/ Alice’s Phone Call

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1883: Shirking Responsibility

Govisik became extremely angry when he heard that Headless Wolf had run away with
the Guillotine Gang’s funds. After he listened to his subordinate’s report, he
threw the documents in his hands to the ground.

“Oh god, I knew that this boy couldn’t be trusted!” Govisik said resentfully! He
couldn’t even handle one thing, and after messing up, he even ran away without
saying anything. Why is this man so unreliable?

“Boss, do you think we should send someone to find this kid?” The subordinate asked
carefully when he saw his boss was angry.

“Forget it!” Govisik waved his hand. Although Headless Wolf had taken a lot of
money, it was nothing but a drop in the ocean to him. Not to mention he should have
consideration for others. Headless Wolf’s sister was his mistress. She had been
serving him well. Govisik didn’t want to find trouble with Headless Wolf anymore.
“You go out first!”

“Yes…” The subordinate carefully exited Govisik’s office and closed the office

Govisik was in deep contemplation. Although he knew that Headless Wolf did not have
much ability, a gang boss had many subordinates. Even if Headless Wolf couldn’t do
it, his subordinates should be able to do it, right? But since they were all
eradicated by Yang Ming in one fell swoop, this also illustrated the problem!

Previously, the family master had greeted him and asked him to cooperate with Klass
to mess with Yang Ming. The family master didn’t make it sound like a big deal at
all. However, the situation had developed step-by-step to a point where it was out
of his control. This Yang Ming did not seem to be a simple character. Among his
subordinates, besides the one who was relatively superior at fighting, there should
be another large group of people who could fight. Otherwise, the Guillotine Gang
would not be completely eradicated.

It seems I can’t make the decision for this matter. Govisik decided to report it to
the family master to see what decision the family master would make.

Thinking of this, Govisik called the family master. At this point, even if he
wanted to hide it, he couldn’t. Govisik initially did not want to tell the family
master about this matter. After he caught Yang Ming, he would report to the family
master. This way, he could show that he was decisive and wise after getting into
trouble. Although Klass deserved death, it could be considered avenging Klass if
Govisik caught Yang Ming in time. The family master would not only say nothing, but
he might even praise him.

However, the situation was now beyond Govisik’s control. Govisik wanted to catch
Yang Ming but he couldn’t in the end. Yang Ming even ended up eradicating the
Guillotine Gang. The matter was becoming bigger, and as for the family master’s
side… There were also things that could not be justified!

“Hello? Hello, this is the Nancheng Family,” The voice of the Nancheng Family’s
butler came from the phone.

“Hello butler, I’m Govisik, the person-in-charge of the family’s operations in Las
Vegas,” said Govisik respectfully. Although this butler was not anyone great, he
was still a person near the family master. Govisik had to carefully flatter him.

“Oh, Mr. Govisik, what’s the matter?” The butler’s attitude towards the people-in-
charge of the family’s important cities was still very good. When he heard it was
Govisik, he asked with a smile.

“I’m looking for the family master. There is something important to report!” said
Govisik carefully.

“Alright, wait a minute!” The butler put down the phone and informed the family
master. After getting a positive answer, he transferred the call. After a short
while, the Nancheng Family’s family master, Jotans’ voice came from the telephone,
“Is this Govisik? What’s the matter?”

“Family master, I have something important to report to you…” Govisik carefully

organized his words. Of course, he wouldn’t speak frankly. He wanted to relinquish
his responsibility as best as he could, so he thought about how to word it before
he called. “It’s about Klass!”

“Oh, what’s wrong? Didn’t I ask you to assist Klass? Is he quite satisfied?” Jotans

“Family master… something happened to Klass. He… was killed!” Govisik said

“What? Killed? What happened? Didn’t I ask you to help him? He was actually killed
in your territory. How are you running things in Las Vegas?” Jotans became angry
immediately. This Klass was introduced by Alice. The Nancheng Family growing this
large was inseparable from Alice’s support. If something bad happened to this
Klass, how was he going to tell Alice?

“Family master, don’t get angry yet. Let me explain first!” said Govisik carefully.

“Explain? Explain what? Then tell me, what the hell is going on!” Jotans was

“Family master, this is actually the case. Klass only borrowed our casino to gamble
with that Yang Ming. I wanted to help him do some things, but he refused. You know,
he also brought two teams with him, so he didn’t care about my help!” Govisik
explained. “So although I did want to help, I didn’t dare to act rashly without
Klass’s permission!”

“En, keep talking!” Jotans was no longer as angry after listening to Govisik’s
explanation. After all, Govisik’s words were reasonable! Klass brought his own
people, and it was normal for him to not let Govisik intervene.

“In the end, he and Yang Ming bet their lives in the casino by using a revolver
with a bullet in it. They each took one shot at a time…” Govisik described the
situation at that time to Jotans. “Family master, he himself wanted to play
something exciting, and when he was about to lose, he made a scene. As a result, he
was killed by a bullet from Yang Ming. Who can be blamed for this?”

“So it was like this!” Jotans understood the reason for Klass’s death and was not
as annoyed anymore. “What about Yang Ming? Did you catch him?”

“Sigh… don’t mention it anymore!” Govisik said irritatedly. “I don’t know what kind
of monster Klass provoked. That Yang Ming is terrifying! I initially thought that
since Klass died in my territory, I naturally couldn’t forgive that Yang Ming! So I
asked my subordinates, the Guillotine Gang, to catch Yang Ming, and it turned out…
Sigh, I’m so mad! This Klass really knows how to find trouble!”

“What happened?” Listening to Govisik’s complaints, Jotans found it a little

strange. “Is that Yang Ming hard to deal with?”

“He’s more than hard to deal with. He’s just impossible to deal with!” Govisik
smiled bitterly. “He eradicated my entire Guillotine Gang and spared no one! This
was a team that I painstakingly ran for many years. Just because of this Klass
matter, they were wiped out in a single day. Family master, you have to help me get
justice! Who introduced this Klass? Be sure to tell them off! He just brought us
trouble. That Yang Ming is such a ruthless man. Why did we provoke him!?”

Govisik cleanly pushed away all the responsibility for his wrong commands and put
it all on Klass. He made himself look like a victim, making it seem like he sent
the Guillotine Gang to their deaths to help Klass.
Sure enough, Jotans frowned after listening to Govisik’s complaints. Although he
was a bit angry at Govisik sending the Guillotine Gang their deaths, he thought
that all this was caused by Klass and did not direct his anger to Govisik. Instead,
he felt that Govisik was really innocent and was really unlucky, so he said, “Okay!
Stop complaining! Behind Klass is Miss Alice. Our family reached this point today
by relying on her. It’s just a little gang. If it’s gone, it’s gone! Just form a
new one!”

Govisik certainly knew that Miss Alice was behind Klass. He did not really intend
for the family master to tell Miss Alice off. He was just showing a dissatisfied
attitude to divert the family master’s attention and shirk responsibility.

When he heard the family master say this, Govisik breathed a sigh of relief.
“Alright, since the family master said so, then I can only acknowledge that this
was a stroke of bad luck!”

“En, that’s right! Also, since Yang Ming is so powerful, don’t get involved in this
matter. I’ll go and report to Miss Alice!” said Jotans.

“Oh right, family master, there is also another very important thing. Yang Ming
demanded you to meet him within 24 hours. Otherwise, you will bear the
consequences!” Govisik felt that it was necessary to pass on this sentence to the
family master as it could also highlight how powerful and arrogant Yang Ming was.

###Chapter 1884: Alice’s Phone Call

“En, I got it,” Jotans said lightly after listening. “I will deal with it.”

Jotans was very annoyed when he heard Govisik’s recounting of Yang Ming’s words.
Even if you are somewhat capable and could crush the entire Guillotine Gang, there
is no need to be so arrogant. This Yang Ming actually dares to threaten me, saying
that there will be consequences if I do not show up in twenty-four hours! Who does
he think he is!


After Yang Ming returned to the hotel, he looked for Alice’s phone number in his
cell phone and dialed it directly. Yang Ming hadn’t gone to school for a while. He
didn’t know how Alice was doing in school. However, since she started school, she
had never looked for him nor had she caused trouble with Chen Mengyan and others.
As a result, Yang Ming was too lazy to care about her. He just let her do whatever
she wanted.

However, when Yang Ming learned that the Nancheng Family was related to Alice, Yang
Ming decided to give her a hint! Yang Ming already knew that Alice and the behind-
the-scenes boss were allied together. Most likely, this Klass incident was also
related to the behind-the-scenes boss.Visit on our

Since this is the case, I should simply give Alice a call and tell her that I’m
about to deal with the Nancheng Family to irritate her!

“Hello? Hello?” Alice looked at the unfamiliar number on her mobile phone and
answered the call with some confusion. This was her personal number. No one knew it
except for a few familiar people she told. Alice had not seen this number before.
It seemed to be a number transferred from abroad, so Alice was a bit puzzled.

“Alice, it’s me, Yang Ming,” said Yang Ming.

“Ah? Yang Ming?” Alice was startled. Her hand holding the phone slightly tightened.
However, after hearing Yang Ming’s voice, Alice was relieved for no reason. Her
inexplicable irritable mood from before also suddenly disappeared…

Since Yang Ming had called her at this time, it meant that nothing had happened to
Yang Ming. Instead, he was alive and well. Then there was only one result. Klass
had failed.

Alice carefully looked at her brother who was talking to Huang Youcai not far away.
Alice lowered her voice and said to Yang Ming on the phone, “Wait for me, I’m in
class. I’ll look for a place I can talk.”

“Okay.” Yang Ming naturally didn’t know that Alice was with the behind-the-scenes
boss and his accomplices. When he heard that she was in class, he didn’t doubt her

Alice noticed that her brother and Huang Youcai hadn’t noticed her yet, so she took
the phone and walked far away until she reached an inconspicuous corner. She then
said, “Yang Ming, is there anything? You haven’t contacted me for so long. I
thought you forgot about me!”

Alice didn’t know what she was thinking. She just said these words naturally. Her
mood was also much better than before…

Earlier, when her brother said that he wanted Klass and the Nancheng Family to deal
with Yang Ming, Alice didn’t want to agree to this request for some reason. In the
end, under her brother’s request, she still called the Nancheng Family and gave
them some assignments.

However, after that, Alice was in a state of extreme irritability. For some reason,
she hoped that Klass’s plan would fail… She didn’t want anything to happen to Yang
Ming like this…

After having these thoughts, Alice was also taken aback! How can I have such
thoughts? She took a careful look at her brother and realized that he still hadn’t
noticed. While Alice was secretly relieved, she also became more irritated.

On the one hand, she was worried about this Klass matter. On the other hand, she
didn’t know what had happened to her. She actually didn’t want an enemy to die.
When she thought of Yang Ming dying, she felt her heart throb for no reason…

“No way. I’m just a little busy recently.” Yang Ming said in his heart, This chick
is quite good at acting. She already sent someone to kill me, yet she’s not
surprised to hear that I’m not dead. She’s even engaging in small talk with me like
nothing happened.

“Hehe, let’s go out for dinner together when you have time! I really miss you,
Yanyan and Victoria,” Alice spoke up till here and could not help but blush. She
didn’t know why, but she didn’t want to bring Wang Xiaoyan and Victoria and just
wanted to go out alone with Yang Ming… Alice was taken aback by her messy thoughts!

What happened to me? Could it be…? Alice didn’t dare to think further and shook her
head… My only mission is to help my brother accomplish that great thing… How can I
think about these things?

“Hehe, we’ll talk when I have time.” Yang Ming didn’t take it seriously. “Oh right,
the reason I’m looking for you this time is that I have something to tell you. That
Nancheng Family, I heard that you’re supporting them from behind?”
“Ah…” Alice’s heart started to “thump” because of Yang Ming’s sudden words. Her
face suddenly paled. “Yeah… why do you ask this suddenly?”

Why do I ask this suddenly? Yang Ming sneered. Aren’t you asking a question for
which you already know the answer? You know what you did and you’re even asking me

“Hehe, this Nancheng Family has provoked me. I’m going to destroy them. Is that
okay?” Yang Ming asked with a smile. Since you asked me why, I don’t need to be
courteous with you.

“Ah…” Alice was stunned. She didn’t expect Yang Ming to be so ruthless as to
destroy the Nancheng Family directly! Alice was suddenly in a dilemma. She knew
that it was normal for Yang Ming to direct this anger to the Nancheng Family
because of this matter, and Yang Ming must have found out she was supporting the
Nancheng family through investigation… I just wonder if Yang Ming suspects me?

“The Nancheng Family… How did they provoke you?” Alice hesitated. She pretended to
know nothing and asked carefully.

“Hehe, it’s nothing. I just can’t stand looking at them!” Yang Ming was too lazy to
explain further. He thought, Since you already know what they did, I don’t need to
tell you in detail.

“In that case…” Alice didn’t expect Yang Ming to answer like this and suddenly felt
a bit embarrassed. “Yang Ming, how did they provoke you? If it is not serious, I’ll
talk to them and ask them to apologize to you? Or compensation is fine too. After
all, they are a family I support. Can you show me some face?”

“Apologize? Compensation?” Yang Ming naturally knew that Alice would plead for
mercy for the Nancheng Family. But Yang Ming was now considering whether to become
hostile with Alice and directly expose Alice’s identity.

However, Yang Ming reconsidered and felt that now was not a good time. He was not
in Song Jiang. If he caused trouble with Alice at this time, she might target his
family or friends! Even a worm could turn [1]! Because of this matter, the behind-
the-scenes boss had begun to deal with friends around him. Yang Ming couldn’t
guarantee what they would do when they were desperate!

So, Yang Ming hesitated. This Nancheng Family was just one of Alice’s lackeys.
Without Alice, they would not be able to set off any storms. It was imperative that
he dealt with the behind-the-scenes boss. However, if he didn’t spill some of the
Nancheng Family’s blood, he would be a bit unsatisfied. Also, he had already sent
the message asking the family master of the Nancheng family to come to see him in
twenty-four hours. If he didn’t honor that, wouldn’t Yang Ming become a joke?

“Yes, I can make him apologize and compensate!” Alice said affirmatively.

“Well, then ask the Nancheng Family’s family master to come to the Douglas Vast
Hotel in Las Vegas where I’m staying within twenty-four hours to apologize to me
and give me some compensation. Let’s talk more when we meet!” Yang Ming agreed with

“Okay, I’ll call them to teach them a lesson now and ask their family master to
apologize to you!” Alice was relieved. She didn’t want Yang Ming to take revenge on
the Nancheng Family because of this matter. After all, they were her team, not her
And she didn’t want Yang Ming to lose face, so Alice agreed with Yang Ming’s each
and every request without a second thought.

Chapter 1555: He Did It/ Meeting With Zhang Bing

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1885: He Did It

“Sister, who’s on the phone?” Falcon gazed at Alice, baffled when he saw Alice
running aside to answer the phone. However, since he was discussing with Huang
Youcai just now, it was normal for Alice to go aside and answer the phone.

“Yang Ming.” Alice did not hide anything, “Klass’s mission failed. Yang Ming is
going to find trouble with the Nancheng Family!”

“Hmph.” Falcon snorted. But he did not seem surprised, “Klass is a fool. All those
years he learned from me was for nothing. He cannot even handle one Yang Ming. I
don’t know how his brain developed.”

Alice shrugged her shoulders. She found it a little funny. Can Yang Ming be dealt
with so easily?

“Finding trouble with the Nancheng Family? That doesn’t matter. The Nancheng Family
is nothing more than a chess piece. Let him do whatever he wants,” said Falcon

“I have already negotiated with him. I asked if he would stop pursuing this matter
if the Nancheng Family apologized to him,” said Alice. “Yang Ming agreed.”

“Oh?” Falcon was slightly stunned. He glanced at Alice, “I never thought that my
sister was so respected that she could change Yang Ming’s mind.”

Falcon had learned about the conflict between Yang Ming and the Lancer Family in
Europe through his channels. He knew that Yang Ming was a fierce man. But the most
annoying was that the ruthless man Jetson that Dr. Benjamin assigned to him was
actually killed off by Yang Ming!

This made Falcon’s heart throb. His hatred of Yang Ming deepened. Fortunately,
however, he could now justify looking for trouble with Yang Ming! Didn’t Dr.
Benjamin forbid him from dealing with Yang Ming? This time, Yang Ming himself
caused trouble and killed Dr. Benjamin’s subordinate. Dr. Benjamin would not let
Yang Ming go easily.

As a matter of fact, Dr. Benjamin had sent another expert to help him kill Yang
Ming and avenge Jetson! Just now, he was discussing with Huang Youcai about how to
deal with Yang Ming.
Alice’s face was faintly blushing, and it was barely noticeable. But Falcon’s eyes
were sharp. Falcon’s eyes noticed Alice’s slight change. There was a hint of an
unpleasant feeling in Falcon’s heart. Could it be that my younger sister and that
Yang Ming…? However, he remembered that he was just praising his younger sister’s
charm. It was normal for his younger sister to feel a little shy. Thinking of this,
Falcon breathed a sigh of relief.

“Brother… You wouldn’t ask me to use a honey trap right…” Alice also noticed her
brother’s peculiar gaze. Her heart tightened, but on the surface, she was shy and

When Falcon heard his sister say that, he knew he was overthinking. It turned out
that Alice had misunderstood him and thought that he wanted to use her as a honey
trap, but… Falcon gritted his teeth. If I can really kill off Yang Ming, so what if
I let my sister sacrifice a little? As long as Yang Ming doesn’t really take
advantage of her!

“You can use it if necessary. But be careful! Don’t get taken advantage of by Yang
Ming!” said Falcon.

“Brother-!” Alice blushed and lowered her head. However, she sighed in her heart.
Since when did me and my brother start to have distrust and distance between us? My
brother is actually willing to sacrifice me for his matter… On the other hand, I
have also started to hide things from my brother…

Sigh! Alice sighed slightly and threw away these unpleasant thoughts. She was a
little puzzled. My brother’s life is now very good. Why is he concerning himself
with unrealistic fame and fortune? Why is he so preoccupied with Yang Ming? Why is
he so concerned about the benefits promised to him by Dr. Benjamin?

Although he has not reached the top of the world yet, he is still one of the most
powerful and wealthy people in the world! Even though it is behind the scenes, he
controls many distinguished families at the front… This achievement is already much
stronger than many people!

To put it bluntly, if her brother retired from the underworld, her family could
rise quickly and become a super family…

“Okay, I’m just saying…” Falcon sighed, a bit ashamed of his previous thoughts.

Alice shook her head and said nothing. At this time, Alice’s cell phone rang again.
Alice said softly, “I’ll take this call!”

“En.” Falcon nodded and said nothing. He turned back to Huang Youcai.

“Hello? Hello, this is Alice.” Alice looked at the incoming phone call on her
personal phone. It was a number transferred from abroad again.

“Dear Miss Alice, I’m Jotans of the Nancheng Family!” Jotans said respectfully with
a flattering tone. He was being very humble and respectful.

“Oh, Jotans, I was about to call you.” Alice didn’t expect Jotans to call first.

“Ah?” Jotans froze. He didn’t know why Alice wanted to call him. The news of
Klass’s murder couldn’t have spread already right?
“Jotans, what happened to Klass?” Alice asked in a low voice. “I heard that Yang
Ming is going to find trouble with you?”

“Dear Miss Alice, this is what happened. Let me slowly explain it to you!” As soon
as Jotans heard Alice’s question, he quickly and carefully explained, “This is the
case. Klass asked our Nancheng Family to provide him with the casino, but he didn’t
let us get involved in other things… ”

Jotans first shrugged off his responsibilities, then continued, “Klass gambled his
life with Yang Ming, so he got a revolver and put a bullet in it. Each of them shot
one bullet…”

Jotans described how Klass and Yang Ming bet their lives in detail without any
embellishment. After all, there were other people present at that time, so Jotans
decided to recount it accurately. He mentioned how Yang Ming killed Klass with a
bullet in the end, and that he wanted to avenge Klass himself so he sent the
Guillotine Gang to deal with Yang Ming. In the end, the Guillotine Gang was easily
destroyed by Yang Ming…

“Who told you to deal with Yang Ming on your own?” Alice suddenly got angry when
she heard Jotans’ words. “I just asked you to assist Klass. Did I ask you to deal
with Yang Ming? Once Klass died, you should have reported it to me immediately. Why
did you make that decision yourself?”

“Dear Miss Alice… I…” Jotans was very resentful. This Govisik didn’t report to me
immediately after something happened. He actually made his own decision to deal
with Yang Ming, and made me get scolded by Miss Alice! However, Jotans was
naturally unable to say that his subordinate did not report to him and made the
decision himself. If he said this, wouldn’t it seem like he, the family master, was
too incompetent? His control of his subordinates was too poor?

“Well, let’s not talk about useless things. Immediately rush to Las Vegas, go to
the Douglas Vast Hotel and apologize to Yang Ming! Then, accept any conditions he
proposes!” Alice said coldly, “Start moving now!”

“This…” Jotans was a little dumbfounded. He didn’t know why Miss Alice asked him to
apologize to Yang Ming! Wasn’t she going to deal with Yang Ming?

“If you don’t want the Nancheng Family to be destroyed, hurry up!” Alice sighed. It
seemed that Jotans was still ill-informed! “Do you know about the Lancer Family
incident from a while ago?”

“Ah? I know about it. Apparently, they provoked someone and were then eliminated…”
Jotans froze. He wondered why Miss Alice was suddenly talking about this.

“The person they provoked is Yang Ming!” Alice continued, “I don’t need to say
anything else, right?”

“Ah? It was Yang Ming?” Jotans was shocked, and cold sweat dripped down his body!
He certainly didn’t think that Alice was lying to him. Alice’s words must be true!
Previously, he thought that Yang Ming’s tone was too arrogant. Yang Ming even asked
him to see him within twenty-four hours, or bear the consequences. At the time, he
thought Yang Ming was bragging, but now… he only felt fear!

“He did it! Who else do you think it was?” said Alice. “I have already made it
clear. Whether Yang Ming can forgive you or not is up to you!”

After speaking, Alice didn’t say more and hung up the phone directly. She had
already said what she had to say. But since Yang Ming had promised that he would
not continue pursuing the Nancheng Family matter, then Jotans should be able to
escape this time.

###Chapter 1886: Meeting with Zhang Bing

Jotans hung up Alice’s phone call and was suddenly so afraid that he started
sweating. He did not expect that he had provoked such a powerful existence! No
wonder Alice had also assumed a serious attitude to make arrangements for such a
long time to deal with this boy. He did not expect that it was because of this!

Jotans smiled bitterly. He thought about how a large family like the Lancer Family
was eliminated overnight. He had no doubt that Yang Ming could give the Nancheng
Family the same ending.

He picked up the phone and dialed Govisik’s phone number. He could only vent his
grievances on his subordinate!

“Govisik, you idiot, why do you take so long to answer the phone?” The phone was
picked up after two rings, but Jotans still thought the other party was too slow
and scolded him.

“Ah? Family master, I answered very quickly! I keep the phone in my hand all the
time…” Govisik said quickly after being stunned for a while. He was dumbfounded
from being scolded.

“Stupid! Because of you, I was scolded by Miss Alice!” Jotans said angrily. “You
had nothing to do so you provoked Yang Ming? I asked you to assist Klass. You
should have just assisted him. Once he was dead, you didn’t immediately report to
me. Why did you try to catch Yang Ming? Are you out of your mind?”

“Ah…” Govisik didn’t expect Jotans to suddenly become angry because of this
incident and felt a bit wronged. “Family master, I was thinking that since Klass
was killed by Yang Ming, Miss Alice would pursue our responsibility. So I thought
about catching Yang Ming…”

“Stupid! Do you know how the Lancer Family was eliminated?” Govisik growled.

“I… I don’t know?” When Govisik heard Jotans’ question, he froze and felt confused.

“It was Yang Ming who did it!” Jotans said angrily. “Why did you provoke him for no
reason? Didn’t you see how Miss Alice earnestly found a gambling expert to deal
with him from other aspects? Do you think ordinary means can handle him? You piss
me off!”

“Ah? The Lancer family… Was that done by Yang Ming?” Govisik was stunned. However,
thinking of Yang Ming’s mighty power that could instantly eradicate the Guillotine
Gang, it would not be that difficult to handle the Lancer Family.

“Of course he did it!” Jotans said angrily. “If it wasn’t for Miss Alice’s reminder
this time, our Nancheng Family would be finished! Wait for me in Las Vegas. I will
fly there right now. I have to apologize personally to Yang Ming!”

“Ah? Ah?” Govisik didn’t expect that the family master would come to apologize to
Yang Ming. It seems that what Jotans said is true. Yang Ming is really that
powerful. Otherwise, Jotans wouldn’t come over in person!

Apparently, Yang Ming’s previous words about asking my family master to see him
within twenty-four hours are not simply empty words! The funny thing is that I
previously thought of it as a joke, but now the family master is actually coming!

After calling Govisik, Jotans immediately called his butler to prepare his private
jet. He wanted to fly to Las Vegas as fast as possible.

Once he knew that Yang Ming was the ruthless man who destroyed the Lancer Family,
Jotans did not dare to mistreat him. He had no doubt that if he did not appear
within twenty-four hours, Yang Ming would eliminate the Nancheng Family

However, Jotans decided to call Yang Ming before he set off. Although Yang Ming
said twenty-four hours, several hours had already passed. What if he couldn’t get
there in twenty-four hours? Although it was a private jet, there might still be
accidents, such as being unable to land due to thick fog, etc…

Jotans got Yang Ming’s contact information from Govisik. Jotans sighed and dialed
Yang Ming’s phone number! Thinking about how he, the family master of the grand
Nancheng Family, was actually going to degrade himself to a young person other than
Miss Alice, Jotans was a little embarrassed. However, this was nothing when he
thought of Yang Ming’s power.

“Hello? Hello, is this Mr. Yang Ming?” Jotans called Yang Ming’s room and asked

“Who is this?” Yang Ming heard an unfamiliar voice and frowned. He thought for a
while and tried to guess the person’s identity.

“Mr. Yang, hello, I am the family master of the Nancheng Family, Jotans. I am truly
sorry about before. If you were offended, please forgive me!” said Jotans politely.

“Jotans? I haven’t heard of you,” Yang Ming said lightly. “Do you think you can
prove that you are the family master of the Nancheng Family by just making a call?”

“Ugh… this…” Jotans was suddenly a little embarrassed. “Mr. Yang, I’m flying in a
private jet now to plead for your forgiveness. I’m only apologizing in advance!”

“Let’s talk once you’ve arrived.” Yang Ming didn’t say much and hung up the phone.

Jotans heard the busy tone coming from the phone and couldn’t help smiling
bitterly. It appears that Yang Ming is quite haughty. It’s not going to be easy to
make this matter end well.

However, Jotans didn’t dare to mistreat him. After the butler contacted the private
jet, he hurried to the airport.

Yang Ming didn’t have much hatred toward the Nancheng Family. Since Alice had
pleaded for mercy, Yang Ming just wanted to blackmail Jotans harshly. As for the
Nancheng Family’s annihilation, it hadn’t reached that stage yet. Yang Ming really
didn’t have the time.

Moreover, the Nancheng Family was just a pawn in Alice’s hands. Whether they were
destroyed or not was irrelevant to the overall situation.

Zhang Bing didn’t expect Yang Ming to return so soon. Yang Ming had spoken very
seriously before, as if he was going to do something big, but he returned to the
hotel in less than two hours.

“Bro, shall we eat together tonight?” Zhang Bing pushed open Yang Ming’s door and
said cheerily, “Bro, I heard that this hotel has exciting activities at night.
Let’s take a look tonight?”

“En? What exciting activities?” Yang Ming was stunned.

“A strip show! The hotel’s basement is a nightclub. There are special shows every
night!” Zhang Bing whispered, “Bro, just us tonight. What do you think?”

Yang Ming looked at the excited Zhang Bing and sighed slightly. Although their
friendship had not changed, their thinking was gradually drifting apart.

If he was still his high school self, Yang Ming thought that he would have
excitedly agreed with Zhang Bing’s proposal. After all, at that time, he was
curious about women’s bodies, but now… Yang Ming really did not have much interest
in these things.

He had grown up slowly, and had matured beyond his years. He didn’t know if this
was a good thing or a bad thing.

“Okay!” Looking at the excited Zhang Bing, Yang Ming couldn’t bear to pour cold
water on him. Yang Ming would just treat it as accompanying him to have fun,

“Great! Bro, I thought you wouldn’t go with me!” When Zhang Bing heard Yang Ming’s
affirmative reply, he was even more excited. “Previously, when my dad and Wang Mei
were here, I felt embarrassed to go. But, now that I’m going with you, they won’t
know what I’m doing!”

Yang Ming smiled and shook his head. “I’ll call Batterton and ask him to prepare
dinner. We’ll eat together later.”

“Okay, bro. Everything’s settled! Tonight!” Zhang Bing reminded Yang Ming. “Don’t
forget! I’ll go back first!”

“I won’t forget!” Yang Ming scolded with a smile, “You kid, hurry back!”

After waiting for Zhang Bing to leave, Yang Ming called Batterton to ask him to
prepare dinner, and then asked about the nightclub. He asked Batterton to save him
two VIP seats.

Batterton was now in admiration and fear of Yang Ming! Although the news of the
Guillotine Gang’s destruction had not yet spread widely, Batterton, who was
concerned about this matter, had learned from the grapevine[1] that the Guillotine
Gang was destroyed. The Guillotine Gang’s boss, Headless Wolf, had also fled.
Govisik was really annoyed because of this!

However, Govisik’s current attitude was a bit ambiguous. Yang Ming destroyed the
Guillotine Gang, but he did not make any response nor did he call back… This made
Batterton curious. He understood that Govisik was afraid! He did not dare to act
lightly anymore!
Chapter 1556: Emergency During the Meal/ Ninja Turtle
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1887: Emergency During the Meal

Govisik was quite puzzled. The family master actually wanted to come to Las Vegas
in person, and was obviously very dissatisfied with his previous actions. If this
were truly the case, the family would eventually stop supporting him in the future.
Nevermind running for a parliament position, it might not even be possible for him
to continue his career in Las Vegas!

Due to this, Govisik hated Yang Ming very much. But he did not dare to provoke him.
Yang Ming was someone that even the family master did not dare to provoke. What
power did Govosik have to be able to provoke him?

However, Govisik was still dissatisfied with this matter. If I can stay as the
person-in-charge of the family’s affairs in Las Vegas, then this matter will be
over. But if the family master removes me from this post by, hmph. If I can’t live
a good life, I definitely will not allow Yang Ming to be better off. Worst comes to
worst, we will bear losses together.

Jotans rushed to the airport in a hurry. Although he had a private jet, he was not
able to fly anytime he liked. After all, flight routes over long distances must be
coordinated before flying. Otherwise, a plane crash was possible which was no
trivial matter.

“Family Master Jotans, no air routes can be vacated within four hours according to
the reply from the airport personnel,” said the butler said helplessly to Jotans.

“What?” When Jotans heard it=this, his expression suddenly became gloomy. “Not for
four hours?”

“Yes, family master, that is what the aviation department said…” the butler replied

“Did you tell them that I am the one going to use it?” Jotans asked.

“I told them… but it can’t affect normal flights!” The butler said, “The time slots
for flights are all full… Although we are a distinguished family, this matter
involves transnational routes…”

“Go negotiate again, and ask for the soonest possible time we can fly!” Jotans
snorted in a foul mood. If he was delayed for another four hours, he would not be
able to arrive within twenty-four hours. Thinking of this, Jotans’ face could not
help but be cast in a layer of gloom.

“Okay, I’ll go now.” the butler nodded quickly. He did not know what had happened
to the family master today. Why does he suddenly want to fly to Las Vegas in a
hurry? What serious matter happened?

Jotans hesitated. Although he knew that this was not a good time to disturb Yang
Ming, he still had to inform Yang Ming. If he could not arrive within twenty-four
hours, only God knows what would happen.

So, Jotans dialed Yang Ming’s phone again helplessly.

Yang Ming had just finished calling Batterton, but the phone in the room rang
again. Yang Ming thought that it was Batterton calling back. Without thinking much
about it, he picked up the phone, “Hey?”

“Mr. Yang, this is Jotans…” Jotans did not expect Yang Ming to answer the phone so
quickly. He was stunned for a moment, then quickly replied.

“Jotans? Is there anything I can help you with?” Yang Ming asked faintly.

“Well… Mr. Yang, the soonest time I can take off is only in four hours. I’m afraid
I won’t be able to arrive within twenty-four hours!” Jotans said carefully, “I
would like to plead with you for a few more hours?”

Yang Ming frowned. He had not expected Jotans to call about this matter.

“When can you come then?” Yang Ming asked with a frown.

“The earliest possible time would be tomorrow…” Jotans said, “Mr. Yang, it is not
that I don’t want to go. Instead, I really want to rush there as soon as possible…”

“Fine, tomorrow then.” Yang Ming said impatiently, “Call me when you arrive. I
don’t have time now to listen to your nonsense.”

“Ah, Mr. Yang, if I am unable to reach within twenty-four hours, you won’t take
action against our Nancheng family, right?” Jotans asked a little uneasily.

“Why are you talking so much nonsense? If I allow you a grace period until
tomorrow, it will be tomorrow. As for whether I take action against your family, it
depends on your sincerity tomorrow!” Although Yang Ming was a little bit impatient
with Jotans dilly-dallying, he still explained to him.

“Okay! Okay!” Jotans finally relaxed. Now that Yang Ming had said so, Yang Ming
would definitely not take any action until he arrived, “Mr. Yang, rest assured. I
am very sincere!”

“Okay, I’ll hang up if there is nothing else!” After Yang Ming finished speaking,
he hung up the phone without waiting for Jotans’ reply.

Jotans was left holding the phone after Yang Ming disconnected the phone call. He
sighed, and shook his head slightly. Have I been despised to this extent by any
person in the past? However, it is pretty normal that Yang Ming despises me.
Rather, I still need to please him carefully!

However, after getting a positive reply from Yang Ming, Jotans was not very
anxious. After all, if today could not work, Yang Ming had also agreed on tomorrow.
The key was in his attitude tomorrow! If Yang Ming was satisfied with his attitude,
then the matter would just end like this. If his attitude was dissatisfying, then
this time’s matter… probably not done yet!

Thinking that all this was caused by Govisik’s unauthorized decision, Jotans’ heart
was incomparably angry. He considered getting rid of Govisik as soon as he reached
Las Vegas. Las Vegas was such an important place. There were many people waiting in
line for Govosik’s position, including many young talents in the family. Why should
he use this fool?

This time, Yang Ming just wanted to blackmail Jotans for some money, so he did not
really care much about whether Jotans would come. He had even made an appointment
with Zhang Bing tonight to accompany him to the nightclub. Even if Jotans came, he
did not think that he would be free to see him.

Batterton got dinner ready, and called Yang Ming, asking him what time he would
like to have dinner. Yang Ming thought about it, then asked Zhang Bing to get
prepared so that they could go down for dinner together.

Yang Ming had barely eaten anything morning. Zhang Bing and the group also did not
have much to eat as well! When Yang Ming last left, he told Zhang Bing to be
careful and not to leave the hotel when there was nothing going on, and not to open
the door if strangers knocked. Zhang Bing was so careful that he did not even eat
or order food.

“Bro, we should be fine now, right?” Zhang Bing quickly came to Yang Ming’s room,
then lowered his voice and said, “If the matters aren’t settled, we won’t be able
to enjoy ourselves to the fullest tonight!”

“It’s basically fine. You don’t have to be so careful anymore.” Yang Ming laughed.
Previously, he was afraid that the Guillotine Gang’s men would do something bad to
Zhang Bing. Since the Guillotine Gang had been eliminated and the Guillotine Gang’s
boss Headless Wolf was on the run, Yang Ming’s worry was naturally redundant.

Batterton was still careful to escort Yang Ming and his party into the restaurant’s
luxurious private room. Upon Batterton’s personal order, the waiter busily served
the food.

Yang Ming was indifferent to Batterton’s humble attitude. Wang Mei was also used to
it due to previous events. But Zhang Bing and Zhang Jiefang’s eyes were wide in
surprise! When they learned that Batterton was the Douglas Vast Hotel’s owner, they
were extremely shocked. It was fair to say that Yang Ming had relations in Las
Vegas since he could get the luxurious top rooms of the Douglas Vast Hotel.

However, it was a bit abnormal for the hotel’s owner to serve him personally and
look so respectful while doing it! What sort of identity did Yang Ming have that
could make a condescending hotel owner serve him personally?

If this were China, it would still be possible. But this was Las Vegas in the
United States. How could this happen?

Zhang Bing’s ability to adapt was rather strong. He quickly thought that his bro
lived up to his name. Yang Ming was superb in every aspect. On the other hand,
Zhang Jiefang was really shocked. Yang Ming’s surprise this time was really too

He had heard from Zhang Bing at home that Yang Ming was not the same as he was back
then due to his great empire and great connections in Song Jiang, but that was only
pertaining to their city. Why is Yang Ming still as such even outside the city and
outside the country?

However, although Zhang Jiefang was curious, it was inappropriate to ask questions,
so he could only silently enjoy the scrumptious meal.

Soon after they started eating, a loud noise came from the private room’s door.
Yang Ming frowned, and was just about to ask Batterton what was happening when the
door was pushed open. A young man walked in and accused in English, “I’m here to
see who’s in this private room! Who dares to occupy Mr. Lang Ge’s private room?”
###Chapter 1888: Ninja Turtle

Although the man who came in did not look very fierce, his dress and mannerism
showed that he was not a good person. He looked like a rich man’s thug or

That Mr. Lang Ge he mentioned should be his boss.

Yang Ming was rather indifferent. He merely looked at the man who came in with a
bit of disgust, and did not speak up. Batterton was on his side. He believed that
Batteron would handle it.

Therefore, Yang Ming did not get up and continued to eat. He did not even look at
the man who walked in.

As Lang Ge’s direct subordinates, Slater was also one of the overbearing figures in
Las Vegas city. When were others not in fear and trepidation when they saw him? At
this moment, although he shouted, no one in the room even cared to reply to him!

Although some of them had shocked expressions, there were still some that did not
even look at him, and were still eating! Slater was angry. Wasn’t it obvious that
they were looking down at him?

“Haven’t you heard of Mr. Lang Ge? Do you want to be enemies with Mr. Lang Ge?”
Slater yelled at Yang Ming and the others.

“What Lang Ge? There’s even a slater!” Yang Ming frowned, remembering an animated
cartoon called “Ninja Turtle” that he had watched when he was a kid. There was a
big boss named Lang Ge, and under this big boss was also a small boss named Slater.

“You know I’m Slater, and yet you’re still so arrogant? Who are you?” Slater was
even angrier when Yang Ming called his name. He thought, Is this foreigner doing
this intentionally? He knows my identity and yet he is still opposing me?

“What? Your name is Slater?” Yang Ming froze and looked at the person, “Why don’t
you say that you’re a ninja turtle?”

“What ninja turtle?” Slater apparently did not understand Yang Ming.

But at this moment, Batterton, who was standing aside, hurried over and said to
Yang Ming first, “Mr. Yang, I am so sorry. It was a misunderstanding. I will
explain to Mr. Slater!”

Batterton pulled Slater out after he said this. When Slater came in, he did not see
Batterton. However, he was stunned the moment he suddenly saw Batterton, the
Douglas Vast Hotel’s manager being here, “Mr. Batterton? Why are you there?”

“Mr. Slater, these guests are arranged by our family’s family master, please
forgive me …” Batterton smiled bitterly, “Today, I’ll give Mr. Lang Ge another
private room. I can’t afford to offend the people in this room either ”

Batterton obviously did not dare to provoke Slater and Lang Ge. Lang Ge was the
leader of the Street Racer Gang, one of the three major gangs in this city!
Although the Douglas Vast Hotel did not operate those gang-related projects, as
part of the entertainment industry, it still had to rely on the protection of local
gangs. Hence, the relationship between Batterton and the Street Racer Gang was not
Therefore, Batterton did not want to offend Slater either. Although the family
master’s side was more important, Batterton was naturally even more careful since
Yang Ming could even eliminate the Guillotine Gang. Who was Yang Ming compared to
the Street Racer Gang?

But because of his close relationship with Lang Ge, he did not want to offend Lang
Ge due to this. Since Yang Ming could not be here forever and had to leave
eventually, Batterton still had to maintain a good relationship with Lang Ge for
his future.

After hearing Batterton say that the guests in the private room were from his
family, Slater knew that if he forcibly asked those people to give up the room,
Batterton would not agree!

Although Lang Ge was very powerful here, Batterton would not offend the family for
him. After all, if he offended the family, it was unsure whether he could remain
the hotel manager!

So, once Slater heard Batterton’s words, he knew he couldn’t say anything despite
being a little displeased. He could only leave the private room with Batterton and
walk to Lang Ge not far away.

“Mr. Batterton?” Lang Ge looked at the hotel manager Batterton who was walking with
Slater in surprise. He had not expected Batterton to appear here suddenly.

He came to the Douglas Hotel for a meal today, and had not informed Batterton when
he came. After all, although Batterton’s status in Las Vegas was not as high as
Lang Ge, he was a member of the Douglas family. So in front of Batterton, Lang Ge
would not be arrogant! After all, in front of Batterton’s family, his position as a
gang leader was nothing.

The Douglas Family was the real underworld godfather.

After Lang Ge came, he found out from the lobby manager downstairs that there were
already people in the restaurant’s private room where he often sat. So, he decided
to send Slater to inquire about their backgrounds. If they were not anyone
powerful, he would make them change rooms.

But he did not expect Batterton to come out of the private room.

“Mr. Lang Ge, I’m really sorry. The people eating in this room are guests of the
family master. Would you like to change to another room? It will be on the house,”
Batterton asked with a smile.

“Well!” Lang Ge frowned. Once he heard that they were guests of the Douglas family,
he immediately felt a little displeased. They are merely family guests, and not a
member of the family. Yet they still occupied the room!

But Lang Ge also knew that Batterton must be in an awkward position and would not
offend the people in the room. So Lang Ge had no choice but to do Batterton a
favor, “Alright, let’s change rooms!”

Batterton breathed a sigh of relief. He could tell that Lang Ge was apparently
displeased from his gloomy expression. But Batterton was a little annoyed. I kindly
allowed you to have another room. Are you still not happy?

You really do not know how the Guillotine Gang was finished! If you knew, would you
still be as such? You probably would lie on the ground to lick Yang Ming’s toes,
no? Batterton thought evilly.
This Lang Ge had inherited his father’s legacy, taking over the Street Racer Gang’s
top position at a very young age. Naturally, he was a bit arrogant. He did not say
much due to Batterton’s age.

But after entering the private room, he frowned and asked Slater, “Who were the
people in the private room?”

“They were a few foreigners – an older man with three children!” Slater regarded
Yang Ming and the others as children.

“Hmph! I am showing them some courtesy this time for Batterton’s sake. However, it
wouldn’t be so courteous the next time we meet!” Lang Ge sneered, “There is still
business today, so don’t care about them!”

“Yes, Mr. Lang Ge, it’s more important to pick up chicks. We just leave those
people alone first!” Slater quickly complimented.

“Is your news accurate? The kid really brought his girlfriend here?” Lang Ge heard
Slater’s words, and asked a little uneasily.

“Relax! Mr. Lang Ge, I sent someone to check with that chick’s classmate. This time
around, they came to Las Vegas to travel together, and heard that the Douglas Vast
Hotel has an acrobatic show tonight in the nightclub. The chick is very interested
in acrobatics. They will definitely come!” said Slater proudly.

“En, that’s good! Have you investigated that guy’s background?” Lang Ge said with a
snort, “He robbed my woman, and even crashed my car. Let us see how he will die!”

“We have done a thorough investigation. It seems that he is a member of a large

family in China. But it doesn’t matter. Their influence cannot reach here. This is
our territory. What are we afraid of!” said Slater in disdain.

Lang Ge also relaxed after hearing this. In his opinion, as long as the boy had no
background on the Euro-American side, it would be fine. As for China, it was so far
away. Who cared about that?

“He actually beat me in a race and made me lose face in my Street Racer Gang’s
territory. Today I want him to know who has the biggest say here!” said Lang Ge

This was actually the case. Although Lang Ge had inherited his father’s legacy and
become the Street Racer Gang’s leader, he also had another identity as a college

In school, he saw a girl, the one that Slater mentioned before. However, after
being defeated in his pursuit of her, he was also provoked by her boyfriend …
Chapter 1557: Remembering Our High School Days/ What a Coincidence!
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1889: Remembering Our High School Days

In fact, rather than a provocation, it was just the boyfriend safeguarding her.
However, as the Street Racer Gang’s young master, Lang Ge naturally could not bear
this humiliation, so he proposed to race with the guy. Whoever loses would have to
give up pursuing the girl.

Lang Ge himself did not expect the guy to actually agree. Wasn’t he looking for
trouble by racing against the Street Racer Gang’s young master? Just when Lang Ge’s
friends thought Lang Ge would surely win, an accident happened!

The guy not only won the race, but also forced Lang Ge to crash his car. Although
Lang Ge himself was not injured, his favorite Ferrari was turned into scrap from
the crash. made Lang Ge ashamed and angry. He also secretly made up his mind to
find trouble with the guy!

When Lang Ge found out that the guy had actually taken the girl to Las Vegas to
travel, he thought that God had his back! Wasn’t this Las Vegas Lang Ge’s
Territory? Since that guy came here, he wouldn’t have a chance to leave!

“Hehe, indeed, Mr. Lang Ge. The kid probably thought you were an ordinary student,
and he didn’t yet know your real identity as the young master of the Street Racer
Gang in Las Vegas!” Slater brown-nosed.

“Is it all ready?” Lang Ge asked with a snort.

“It has all been arranged accordingly, Mr. Lang Ge. You can rest assured that I
have swapped the waiter on duty today with our men!” Slater laughed. “Our people
have also replaced the roaster.”

“En, don’t stir up any problems. This place is Batterton’s territory after all. We
have to give him some face.” Lang Ge nodded.


Batterton was only relieved after he settled Lang Ge and Slater. He wiped the sweat
off his forehead, athen hurried to Yang Ming’s private room. As soon as he entered
the door, he explained embarrassedly, “Mr. Yang, I’m sorry to startle you… ”

“I’m not startled.” Yang Ming waved his hands lightly. A psycho coming in and
shouting a few words, naturally would not affect Yang Ming whatsoever. Yang Ming
simply did not place that person in his eye, so he was even too lazy to make a fuss
about it.

Yang Ming found that his temperament had improved. In the past, Yang Ming would
have directly dragged him by his collar and thrown him out. Now he just treated
such a person as a clown and did not care at all.

“Hehe, yeah, in Mr. Yang’s eyes, that person is nothing at all.” Batterton nodded

“Who are that Slater and Lang Ge? What do they do?” Yang Ming asked casually.
“Mr. Yang, this Lang Ge, is the young master of the Street Racer Gang, one of the
three major gangs in this city… Ugh, it should be two major gangs now…” Batterton
suddenly realized the fault in his words and quickly changed his statement, “The
former master of the Street Racer Gang is also Lang Ge’s father, who basically has
nothing more to do with the gang now. Hence, this Lang Ge is the Street Racer
Gang’s current master! Mr. Yang, as you probably know, a gang like the Street Racer
Gang mainly focuses on underground racing and gambling, so it consists of a lot of
young people…”

“Oh, so the previous guy was the sidekick of the Street Racer Gang’s master. No
wonder he was so arrogant.” Yang Ming heard Batterton’s explanation, but he was not
surprised, “You have a good relationship with them?”

“Well … Mr. Yang, don’t get me wrong, our relationship can only be said to be
okay,” Batterton was afraid of Yang Ming misunderstanding and hurriedly explained,
“You know, in Las Vegas, I have no gang to back me up. I’m in the entertainment
industry too. Inevitably, I have to deal with the underworld. I had to find a gang
that could shelter our hotel, and therefore I am close to the Street Racer Gang. ”

“Oh, since this is the case, I will give you some face and not do anything to
them.” Yang Ming nodded, “But if they do not know better, don’t blame me.”

“Relax, Mr. Yang, they should leave after dinner, and won’t continue to annoy you.”
When Batterton heard that Yang Ming was giving him some face, he was immediately a
little happy.

“Alright, you may go out. You are not needed here. The few of us here would like to
chat for a while.” Yang Ming saw that Batterton was still standing by the side,
looking like he was ready to serve at any time, so he waved his hand to signal that
he could leave.

“Alright, Mr. Yang, if you need anything, you can call for me at any time.”
Batterton knew that Yang Ming was dismissing him, so he quickly bowed and exited
the room.

Seeing Yang Min’s little respect for a local gang’s master, Zhang Bing and others
were extremely shocked. However, from Batterton’s words, it seemed that the three
local gangs had turned into two gangs. Is the disappearance of a gang related to
Yang Ming?

Especially when considering that Yang Ming had left to handle something, Zhang Bing
and the others were shocked! What kind of power does Yang Ming possess now?

However, all three of them were clever and didn’t ask questions. Some things were
better left known in their hearts. It would be inappropriate to ask it out loud,
especially since Yang Ming did not talk about it.

But the shock in Zhang Jiefang’s eyes became even stronger, and now there was even
a touch of admiration!

After dinner, Zhang Bing said that he had something to do with Yang Ming. Zhang
Jiefang and Wang Mei naturally did not ask much, and were glad to see Zhang Bing
leaving alongside Yang Ming. In their opinion, the closer Zhang Bing gets to Yang
Ming, the better it would be! Yang Ming was so powerful. If he could support Zhang
Bing, then Zhang Bing would have nothing to worry about in this life.

“Bro, shall we go to the nightclub downstairs now?” After knowing that Yang Ming
had reserved two VIP seats, Zhang Bing looked extremely excited!
In fact, VIP seats were at the very front. When there were performances on the
stage, iteh VIP naturally provided the clearest view.

“Now? Isn’t it a little early?” Yang Ming looked at the time.

“Really?” Zhang Bing also looked at the time. It was indeed a bit early. The
nightclub probably would not have opened yet. So Zhang Bing could only say, “Bro,
should we go and have a drink?”

“Let’s go.” Yang Ming nodded. He had dismissed Batterton just now, and Batterton
was not allowed to follow him. Hence, Yang Ming and Zhang Bing were still free at
the moment. Without Batterton standing respectfully at the side, it seemed rather
casual instead.

The two came to the bar on the hotel’s first floor and found a quiet place. Yang
Ming ordered a glass of juice while Zhang Bing ordered a glass of wine.

“You kid, when did you learn to drink this elegant thing?” Yang Ming glanced at
Zhang Bing.

“Hehe… bro, I am just following local custom!” Zhang Bing said with a grin,
“Moreover, I used to drink often when I was in school! At that time, I used to pick
up chicks on the Internet. Before working out the deal in the evening, we would
first go to a western restaurant to flirt. I often drank this!”

Yang Ming was stunned for a moment. After listening to Zhang Bing’s words, Yang
Ming also recalled the times back in highschool and found it quite nostalgic! He
also remembered that Zhang Bing back then already liked to talk about his one-night
stands on the Internet. One time when Zhang Bing was bragging about it to him, Chen
Mengyan even happened to overhear it.

His thoughts shifted to later where he saw a video of Zhou Jiajia at Zhang Bing’s
house. Yang Ming could not help but shake his head and smile bitterly. Time had
flown by without him noticing. Those days had drifted far away!

Now that he thought of it, it seemed like it was from another lifetime, from a very
long time ago. But in fact, it was really only one year ago.

One year could actually change some people and some things so drastically. If I had
not saved the old man and not received special abilities, what would my current
life look like now?

Without special abilities, he would not have jadetone gambled in Yunnan, nor would
he be able to know Liu Weishan, nor would he have got his first bucket of gold! If
he had not gone to Hong Kong, he would not have encountered Sister Xiao Qing, and
even would not have met Wang Xiaoyan’s men…

“Bro, what’s up with you?” Zhang Bing was baffled upon seeing Yang Ming distracted.

“Ha… I was thinking back to my previous high school life.” Yang Ming sighed.
Although he had gained some things now, he had lost a lot of things at the same
time, “That time was really carefree!”

“Indeed…” Zhang Bing nodded, “Bro, I don’t even know when you started to become so
powerful. You’re getting stronger and stronger. Now, I can’t even believe it! You
shocked me too much!”
“Nevermind you, even I ask myself sometimes why there are so many misfortunes
around me.” Yang Ming smiled bitterly, and returned to his normal expression.

###Chapter 1890: What a Coincidence!

Yang Ming and Zhang Bing were reminiscing about their youth when a young man and
woman approached them from the front. They seemed to be a couple, but the only
thing Yang Ming and Zhang Bing paid attention to was that they were also Asians.

The man had yellow skin and black pupils. Although he was not particularly
handsome, he exuded a bearing presence despite not wearing an eye-catching outfit.
Yang Ming also had the feeling the two came from rich families.

Since the two were Asians, Yang Ming couldn’t help but pay more attention to them.
There were many Asians in Las Vegas, but it was not common to see them in a hotel
or at a bar.

The young couple apparently saw Yang Ming and Zhang Bing, and were also stunned a
little. Hesitantly, the young man held the young woman and approached Yang Ming.

The young man nodded kindly to Yang Ming, and then sat at the table near Yang Ming
and Zhang Bing. He heard Yang Ming and Zhang Bing’s conversation, and immediately
his eyes flashed. He asked Yang Ming, “Are you two Chinese as well?”

“Yeah, you guys too?” Yang Ming nodded with a smile, feeling that the couple had no
malicious intentions. He did not mind chatting with them casually.

After all, there is a common saying that meeting a fellow countryman would cause
one to burst into tears [1]. Although Yang Ming and this young man were not from
the same hometown, they were from the same country. This was even more nostalgic in
this foreign country.

Zhang Bing only noticed the young couple behind him at this moment. Previously, his
back was turned to the couple, so he did not care. Zhang Bing only turned around
when Yang Ming talked to the people behind him.

“We are international students.” The young man nodded. “We happen to have a small
holiday, so I took my girlfriend here to the casino city to have a look around.”

Hearing that the two were international students, Yang Ming did not doubt anything.
After all, they looked and behaved like students.

“The casino city is just meh… It is fine to look around, but forget about seriously
gambling here,” said Yang Ming while glancing at Zhang Bing. Zhang Bing blushed
suddenly. He touched his chin and lowered his head.

“Hehe, we just came to take a look. We won’t gamble here. I have been to the casino
before, but I just played casually. It doesn’t matter if I win or lose,” the young
man nodded and said. “Right, you guys are…”

“Oh, we are here to participate in the International Jewelry Exhibition.” Yang Ming
laughed. “This hotel was booked by the Jewelry Association.”

“I see!” The young man nodded. “We were too late. If only we had come a few days
earlier. I heard that there was a Jewelry Exhibition. I wanted to see it, but the
school holidays did not line up!”

“I told you to take leave, yet you wanted to wait for the end of the course!” The
young man’s significant other frowned and complained.

“Hehe…” The young man smiled helplessly, but it could be seen that their
relationship was good, “Well, my name is Chen Ze. This is my girlfriend Tao

“Yang Ming.” Yang Ming was very good at assessing people. Just by looking at
people’s eyes, he would know whether they were lying. Yang Ming could now determine
that these two people were indeed students. However, Yang Ming was currently not
particularly sure of their background. However, this did not affect his interaction
with them.

“Zhang Bing!” Seeing Yang Ming reveal his name, Zhang Bing was naturally not to be

“Nice to meet you!” Chen Ze nodded, “But you two look quite young. Have you already
left school?”

“Naturally we are still in school, but we came with our elders,” Yang Ming

“So that is the case. I see!” Chen Ze suddenly realized.

At this moment, the waiter brought over something that Chen Ze and Tao Linfang had
ordered. He smiled and said in English, “Bon appetit!”

“Sure, thank you.” Chen Ze smiled and glanced at what the waiter had delivered. He
smiled apologetically to Yang Ming, and started drinking with Tao Linfang.

It seemed that Chen Ze and Tao Linfang were really here to have some drinks.
Probably because they were thirsty, they stood up and prepared to leave as soon as
they finished drinking the drinks in front of them.

“Mr. Yang, Mr. Zhang, we are leaving first. It’s good to have met you.” Chen Ze
pulled Tao Linfang along and waved at Yang Ming and Zhang Bing.

“We are just about to leave as well. See you again if there’s a chance.” Yang Ming
waved his hand.

Chen Ze and Tao Linfang left, while Yang Ming and Zhang Bing continued to reminisce
about their youth.

“Bro, those two seemed to have a great temperament!” Zhang Bing looked at the back
of Chen Ze and Tao Linfang and said, “They seemed like rich prodigal children or
the second generation of officials? They have that noble temperament.”

“I didn’t expect you to have good insights on people.” Zhang Bing’s words surprised
Yang Ming a bit, “You’re good, kid. I see that you are well trained now.”

“I usually get in touch with these people a lot, so naturally I can clearly
distinguish them.” Zhang Bing laughed, “The jewelry company often has such

Yang Ming was less surprised when he heard Zhang Bing say this. After all, the
jewelry company was the first shop in Song Jiang to propose the concept of
customizing jewelry. It was not unusual for Zhang Bing to have interacted with
these people in his daily life.

“These two people should come from well off families. But did you realize that none
of the clothes on the two of them were very valuable? They wore very common brands.
They may be regarded as branded in China. But here, these are what ordinary people
would wear,” said Yang Ming.

“I didn’t notice this.” Zhang Bing said, “Bro, you do observe carefully! Maybe
their families are more strict?”

“That is hard to tell.” Yang Ming smiled, sat for a while, and looked at the time,
“But enough of this. The nightclub should start soon, right? Should we go now?”

“Okay!” Zhang Bing was happy when he heard the words nightclub.

Yang Ming called for the waiter, handed him the room card, and let him check out
the bill.

The waiter was shocked when he saw Yang Ming’s room card! This was a luxurious
suite on the top floor. The meaning of this room card was extraordinary. This was a
room that was not open to the public! One could not live in it even if they had
money! Those who could live here aside from the Douglas Family’s top members, would
be the guests of the family.

The waiter swiped the card respectfully, and carefully returned the room card to
Yang Ming. Then, he asked Yang Ming if he had anything else he needed before he
carefully retreated.

“Bro, your room card is really awesome. After the waiter took it, his attitude
changed immediately!” Zhang Bing said with envy.

“Don’t you have your own?” Yang Ming glanced at him annoyedly.

“Ah! Yeah! I have it too!” Only then did Zhang Bing remember that his room card was
the same. He became embarrassed.

The nightclub was located on the basement floor of the hotel. Yang Ming handed the
room card to the receptionist at the door. The receptionist’s face changed, and he
said, “Mr. Yang? The boss has informed me. I will take you to the VIP seats! ”

Yang Ming and Zhang Bing followed behind the receptionist and walked into the
nightclub. But before they took two steps, a girl stumbled from the nightclub
towards the door. However, in the nightclub, someone shouted, “Quick, you go first!
Get out of here!”

Hearing this voice, Yang Ming froze slightly, and then saw the girl running over.
Yang Ming could not help but frown!

The voice that sounded was Chen Ze whom they met at the bar before, and the girl
who ran out was his girlfriend Tao Linfang!

“Slater! Go catch that chick Tao Linfang! I’ll deal with this kid!” Another voice
sounded in the nightclub, “Chen Ze, are you that impatient to die? Tao Linfang
likes me and flirted with me. What’s that got to do with you? ”

“Yes!” Slater took the orders, and strode toward the direction of Tao Linfang’s
escape towards the doorway. Although Tao Linfang was frightened, her actions were
slow. She stumbled as if she was drunk.

“Bro, isn’t she the girl from just now…” Zhang Bing also saw Tao Linfang, and was
“I know! But we have also met the person who is chasing after her.” Yang Ming
sneered as he watched Slater getting closer and closer.

Chapter 1558: Three with Two Remaining/ Go and Die if You Want To
###Chapter 1891: Three With Two Remaining

Tao Linfang stumbled towards the nightclub’s doorway hurriedly while Slater chased
after her. The waiter at the side noticed Slater, but shrank his head and pretended
not to see anything.

These people obviously knew who Slater was. They did not dare to stop him.
Otherwise, the security guards in the nightclub would have already taken action.

However, everyone knew that Slater was the subordinate of Lang Ge, the Street Racer
Gang’s master. The hotel’s security depended on the Street Racer Gang. So why would
they dare to intervene with whatever the master of the Street Racer Gang does?

“Ah? Mr. Yang… help…” Tao Linfang suddenly saw Yang Ming standing at the
nightclub’s entrance. But after starting her words, she hesitated. She then lowered
her head and continued to run towards the door without saying anything else.

Yang Ming was stunned and wondered why Tao Linfang had stopped her words halfway.
He then understood why immediately. Tao Linfang knew Lang Ge and Slater’s
identities. She wanted to ask for help but had second thoughts about it due to
their identities. Yang Ming and Zhang Bing had only come to join the jewelry
exhibition and it was impossible for them to fight against Lang Ge and Slater. Tao
Linfang did not want to involve them in this troublesome matter.

If she asked them for help, not only would they not be able to help her, but it
might even bring them trouble.

Yang Ming did not want to be a busybody. But Tao Linfang’s actions left a good
impression on him. This person is not bad. We’re both from China. I should help her
out a little.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming took a step out. He blocked directly in front of Tao
Linfang, and said, “It is alright. Let me handle it.”

Slater was chasing after Tao Linfang and was about to catch up to her. However, he
got annoyed when he saw someone suddenly stand in front of Tao Linfang like they
intended on sticking up for her! There is someone who dares to go against the
Street Racer Gang in Las Vegas? Does this person not want to live anymore?

“The kid there, get out of my way! This is none of your business. Go away if you
don’t want to die!” Slater shouted.
“Slater, we meet again?” Yang Ming looked at Slater like he was a fool, “Oh yeah, I
was eating just now and didn’t have time to bother with you. I didn’t know you were
so arrogant. You ran all the way here just to shout? Where’s Lang Ge?”

Slater was dumbfounded after hearing Yang Ming’s words. After taking a closer look,
he recognized who it was. Isn’t it this guy who snatched Mr. Lang Ge’s private room
just now when Mr. Lang Ge was going to have his meal?

At that time, the kid sat there calmly and continued eating without lifting his
head nor showing any respect. Slater got furious thinking of the previous scene.
“It’s you! Let me warn you, stop butting into other people’s business! I gave you
some respect and didn’t beat you up last time because you were Batterton’s guest.
But, if you dare to butt in now, hmph, no one can help you!”

“Mr. Yang, this has nothing to do with you. I think you should just go..” Tao
Linfang didn’t expect Yang Ming to stick up for her! In her opinion, the security
guards were all being cowards by not intervening in this sort of thing. Other
people would not even bother to be a busybody, let alone a person I just met.

But Yang Ming stood up for her. Although Yang Ming’s sense of justice touched Tao
Linfang, she didn’t want to drag Yang Ming into this. It had nothing to do with
Yang Ming and she didn’t want to involve Yang Ming in her affairs!

“It’s nothing.” Yang Ming smiled slightly, “It’s just a Street Racer Gang. I don’t
put them in my eyes!”

“Yo? Who are you? Aren’t you a bit too arrogant? Just a Street Racer Gang?” On the
other side, Lang Ge had managed to settle Chen Ze. Lang Ge was used to fights since
he had been involved in the underworlds since he was a kid. Chen Ze was not his
opponent! It just took a few hits to make Chen Ze fall to the ground seeing stars
with blood all over his face.

After taking care of Chen Ze, Lang Ge chased after Tao Linfang with Slater. He
suddenly heard someone being disdainful toward the Street Racer Gang by saying that
they were nothing. How can I, Lang Ge, as the Street Racer Gang’s master, tolerate

“Mr. Lang Ge! This kid was the one in the private room just now! He took advantage
of being Batterton’s guest and made impertinent remarks about you!”

“Oh? Sticking up for somebody? Haha!” Lang Ge laughed after he heard Slater’s
words, “Kid, I don’t care what status you have in the Douglas Family but there’s
one thing you have to be clear about. This is Las Vegas, not your territory! This
is my territory and I make the rules here! So if you want to stick up for someone,
it’s best to keep a low profile. Otherwise, I don’t care if you’re a member of the
Douglas Family, I will make you crawl out of here.”

“Oh, excuse me. I’m not from the Douglas Family. Sorry to let you down!” Yang Ming
shrugged with a smile, “Also, I’m still keeping to my words. It’s just a Street
Racer Gang and it’s nothing much.”

“Hmph Hmph! Look, kid, don’t go on talking while acting like you know anything!”
Lang Ge mocked Yang Ming’s ignorance, “Do you know our Street Racer Gang’s status
in Las Vegas? Let me tell you, we are one of the three major gangs! It seems that
you don’t know anything about Las Vegas! Don’t tell me you thought we are like
other street racers that only race cars?”

“I wonder if the three major gangs you mentioned included the Guillotine Gang. I’m
afraid that it has now only become two major gangs.” Yang Ming said lightly, “If
you continue nagging endlessly here, I don’t mind changing it into just one major

“What do you mean?” Lang Ge was stunned. He could not understand what Yang Ming was
talking about.

“Nothing, I’m just asking you to get out of the way, or else I will make your
Street Racer Gang history.” Yang Ming was too lazy to explain to Lang Ge and warned
him directly.

Lang Ge still could not quite understand Yang Ming’s words, but he immediately
laughed, “You have such pride. So what if you’re powerful in other places? You are
in the wrong place. This is Las Vegas!”

“Mr. Lang Ge, let’s not talk nonsense with this boy!” Slater frowned, “I think this
boy is just delaying time. Let’s hurry up and catch that girl, otherwise, she might
call the police and this situation may get out of hand!”

Lang Ge heard Slate’s words, and nodded deeply. He also felt that Yang Ming’s words
were inexplicable and assumed he was delaying time to wait for help. Therefore, he
didn’t continue talking nonsense with Yang Ming, and immediately headed towards Tao
Linfang with Slater!

Tao Linfang initially wanted to run. However, after seeing that Chen Ze was beaten
up by Lang Ge like a blood gourd [1], she ran toward Chen Ze and wiped the blood on
his face with a handkerchief.

At the same time, Chen Ze also heard the conversation between Lang Ge and Slater.
Seeing that they were going to catch Tao Linfang again, he quickly shook Tao
Linfang’s hand away from his forehead, “Linfang, run away! They’re going to catch
you. I’m fine here.”

“But… I can’t leave you here! They will beat you up!” Tao Linfang hesitated.

“Blargh! Still being affectionate?” Lang Ge sneered. “Don’t be delusional. None of

you can run away! Tao Linfang, I guess you didn’t expect it? If you knew this would
happen, you should have not done it in the first place. If you had followed me, I
would not go after this pretty boy.”

Lang Ge remembered the anger he experienced when he, the Street Racer Gang’s
master, was rejected by Tao Linfang. Since there’s an opportunity to vent my anger
out now, I will not let this opportunity go!

“Lang Ge, if you dare to touch Tao Linfang, I will not let you go!” Although Chen
Ze was beaten up until his face was covered with blood, he endured the pain and
climbed up from the ground. He proceeded to throw himself on Lang Ge after hearing
how Lang Ge wanted to mistreat Tao Linfang.

“Idiot!” Lang Ge kicked Chen Ze so hard that he did a somersault. “You’re this
weak, and you say you won’t let me go? If you have the ability, try not to let me
off the hook today! Such a weak person! Let me tell you, this is how the world is.
It is the survival of the fittest. Stop having any illusions. Today, your
girlfriend is mine! What can you do? You’re such a weakling you were born to be
trampled on by me!”

“You-” Chen Ze was knocked to the ground, panting heavily. Although he was furious,
he did not have the strength to climb up.

Just when Chen Ze and Tao Linfang were in despair, a cold voice sounded from

###Chapter 1892: Go and Die if You Want To

“You’re right, it’s the survival of the fittest!” Yang Ming lifted Lang Ge’s from
his neck collar and lifted him up, “Such a weak person like you was born to be
trampled on by me.”

“Who is it? Let go of me!” Lang Ge was startled, and turned back quickly to see
Yang Ming lifting him with a single hand. Lang Ge said angrily, “What do you think
you’re doing, kid?”

“Nothing much. I told you before to get out of here quickly. Since you did not
leave, you don’t have any more chances to do so.” Yang Ming laughed, “Do you have
Alzheimer’s Disease? You got amnesia so soon?”

“Let go of Mr. Lang Ge! What are you doing!” Slater was shocked when he saw Lang Ge
being lifted by Yang Ming. He drew his gun out subconsciously. He pointed it at
Yang Ming, “Kid, let go of Mr. Lang Ge if you don’t want to die!”

“Why don’t you shoot?” Yang Ming nodded indifferently to Slater.

“You… you don’t force me!” Slater had just wanted to scare Yang Ming by pulling his
gun out. Although he had killed people as a gang member, he still did not dare to
kill people in public! After all, the police were not to be underestimated. If he
shot and killed someone in public, he would be arrested and sent to prison without
a second thought.

“I’m not forcing you. You can shoot. Do whatever you want to do.” Yang Ming smiled
and ignored Slater. He then turned to Lang Ge, “So how about it? Do you remember
what I said before?”

“Hmph!” Lang Ge snorted and suddenly reached out with his hand to grab Yang Ming!
Although he was caught in the air by Yang Ming, his hands were free. He wanted to
make a surprise attack on Yang Ming! In his opinion, Yang Ming was just someone who
had more strength but no other abilities. I can take advantage of my rich fighting
experience and settle Yang Ming easily.

“What are you doing?” Yang Ming saw Lang Ge trying to attack him. He grabbed Lang
Ge’s neck collar and threw him down. Lang Ge smashed directly onto the bar counter.
“Boom.” The bar counter fell and crashed onto Lang Ge’s body. It created a large
wound on Lang Ge’s forehead and blood flowed down immediately!

The security guard nearby wanted to stop Yang Ming. But after the waiter who
received Yang Ming lowered his head and said a few words to the security guard
captain, the security guard captain immediately returned!

Staying in the VIP room on the top floor? This is the treatment that only the
boss’s family can enjoy! The security guard captain quickly informed his followers
to just observe and not intervene! In his opinion, Lang Ge could not be provoked,
but not could Yang Ming. He could only observe.

“You dare to hit me!” Lang Ge’s head was bleeding. He got up from the ground and
snarled at Yang Ming. Slater was struggling at the same time. Should I shoot?
If I shoot at Yang Ming, my life would be finished. I would have to spend the rest
of my life in prison. If I don’t shoot, Lang Ge will be beaten up! Slater
hesitated. Although I’m Lang Ge’s follower, I can’t risk my future just for Lang

“If you don’t move, I’ll shoot you!” Slater threatened while holding the pistol.

“Do whatever you want to. Stop repeating the same sentence.” Yang Ming glanced at
Slater and ignored him. Yang Ming could see that Slater was just trying to act
tough. But even if Slater really wanted to shoot, Yang Ming didn’t care. Yang Ming
had his peripheral vision trained on Slater.

Slater’s face changed color. He did not have the courage to shoot here! This was
playing with his future! After some hesitation, Slater put the pistol down, took
out his phone and dialed a number…

“Mr. Lang Ge, wait for a while. I’ll call someone right away!” said Slater.

“Call my dad and ask him to bring some people to surround this place!” Lang Ge
shouted, “So what if it’s the Douglas Family? I’ll demolish this place today!”

“Yes, Mr. Lang Ge.” Slater quickly dialed the phone and waited for a moment before
saying carefully, “Is it the old leader? I’m Slater! I have something important to
tell you…”

“Give me the phone. I’ll say it myself!” Lang Ge was impatient when he saw Slater
dilly-dallying. He reached his hand out and asked Slater to pass him the phone.

“Okay, Mr. Lang Ge!” Slater was worried about how to describe it. When Lang Ge
asked for the phone, he quickly passed it to him.

“Dad, I was beaten up by someone at the Douglas Vast Hotel!” Lang Ge got straight
to the point. “Bring your people here to surround this place! The opponent is a
guest of the Douglas Family!”

“What? What’s going on? Lang Ge, can you make it clearer?” After Lang Ge’s father
heard what Lang Ge said, he could not grasp what was going on.

“I was pursuing a woman here but someone nosy beat me up! My head is also cracked!
Quickly ask someone to capture him!” Lang Ge explained.

“Oh? Who’s so bold? How dare he touch my son? Hmph Hmph! Does he not want to live
anymore?” Lang Ge’s father said, “Wait for me, I’ll bring people over now!”

“Okay, okay. I’ll wait for you here, I’m at the nightclub on the first floor of the
Douglas Hotel!” Lang Ge said with a smile after he heard his father’s words.

Lang Ge hung up the phone. He then pointed at Yang Ming and said, “You, kid. If you
dare, don’t leave. Let’s see how I’ll take care of you later!”

Lang Ge knew that he was not Yang Ming’s opponent. He could only diss him and wish
Yang Ming would wait until his father’s people arrived.

“Hehe, I will not leave.” Yang Ming said lightly. Since he had taken charge of this
matter, he would naturally manage it to the end! Yang Ming still had a good
impression of Chen Ze and Tao Linfang, so he decided to help them. He would only
leave after he settled this matter. Otherwise, they would be in trouble and suffer
if he left them there.
Lang Ge was happy when he heard Yang Ming did not want to leave. He thought, This
kid has guts. As long as you stay here, you will see how I take care of you later!
I’ll capture you and take you to a place where there is no one so I can use
whatever methods I want to! Don’t cry when that time comes!”

Lang Ge’s father was furious after he received his son’s call. He was well-known
for spoiling his son. Lang Ge was an only child and was spoiled since childhood.
Otherwise, he would not have been handed the Street Racer Gang!

After Lang Ge’s father got the phone call, he prepared to bring people over to beat
the guy who beat his son. That place is the Douglas Family’s territory. Since that
person is a guest of the Douglas Family, I should give Batterton a heads up! After
all, I have a good relationship with Batterton, and the Douglas Family is also one
of the big families. Since that guy is their guest, I should still tell them in

Alas, if Batterton disagreed, he would still force his way through. This person had
offended his bottom line! My son is my lifeblood! I must make that person pay for

He picked up the phone and dialed Batterton’s number. When Batterton picked up,
Lang Ge Sr. said in an unquestionable tone, “Mr. Batterton? You have a guest from
the Douglas family in your hotel, right? That person beat my son up and I’m going
to send people out to capture. Please cooperate with me on your side!”

His intention was just to inform Batterton, and did not bother if Batterton would
object. In his opinion, Batterton would not be able to oppose him.

“What? Guest of our family? Hit your son?” Batterton was dumbfounded. “Is there any
misunderstanding in this matter?”

“Misunderstanding?! It happened at the nightclub on your hotel’s underground floor.

Alright, I’m going to catch that guy!” said Lang Ge Sr.

Nightclub? Batterton’s face changed immediately. Is Lang Ge Sr. talking about Yang
Ming? Thinking of this, Batterton was not scared of Lang Ge Sr. Although he had to
rely on Lang Ge Sr. for some matters, if Lang Ge Sr. and Yang Ming got into a
conflict, he would naturally favor Yang Ming first!

“Lang Ge Sr., let me advise you. If you don’t want to die, don’t bother with this
matter!” Batterton sneered. He had fulfilled his duty of benevolence and told Lang
Ge Sr. in advance.
Chapter 1559: Four Major Platinum Fighters/ In Despair
###Chapter 1893: Four Major Platinum Fighters

“En?” Lang Ge Sr. was confused. He didn’t quite understand Batterton’s words, “What
are you saying, Batterton? What do you mean?”

Lang Ge Sr. subconsciously took Batterton’s words as a defense for Yang Ming.
Batterton had threatened him! Therefore, Lang Ge Sr. was a little dissatisfied.
Isn’t he just a guest of the Douglas Family? He’s not even a member of the Douglas
Family. Even if the Douglas Family is a major family in Ello Town, they are not in
charge of Las Vegas.

I’m the one who’s in charge here. Therefore, Lang Ge Sr.’s tone became somewhat
gloomy after hearing Batterton’s words.

“Lang Ge Sr., I don’t mean any disrespect. I’m just reminding you for the sake of
our friendship!” Batterton curled his lips and thought, Who do you think you are?
If it weren’t for our familiarity, I wouldn’t even bother to tell you this.

“What do you mean by that, Batterton? For the sake of our friendship?” Lang Ge Sr,
sneered, “I just notified you before coming for your family’s guest for the sake of
our friendship. If it were someone else, I wouldn’t have bothered to inform them
and would have got to work directly!”

“Yes, that’s right. That’s exactly why I warned you. If you were someone else, I
wouldn’t have bothered too!” Batterton said, “I have warned you anyways. I don’t
mind if you still insist on coming here. I have told you that ‘whoever comes will
die’ anyways.”

“Since that’s what you mean, we can’t continue this conversation anymore! Goodbye!”
Lang Ge Sr. put down the phone with a bang and yelled, “What the heck? Threatening
me? Let’s wait and see!”

When Lang Ge Sr. hung up the phone, Batterton put down the phone lightly. A
scornful smile crossed his lips, “Fool, I have told you that ‘whoever comes will
die’! Since you want to come, you should come then. It’s extremely foolish to rush
to your death.”

After Lang Ge Sr. called Batterton, he started to gather a team of outstanding men
from his subordinates. Soon, the four major platinum fighters of the Street Racer
Gang gathered in Lang Ge Sr.’s office.

“My son, who is your young master, was beaten by a member of the Douglas Family!
All of you follow me. After you arrive, you’ll beat them up regardless of who is
right or wrong. Hit them as hard as you can to avenge my son! It’s okay as long as
you don’t kill them!” Lang Ge Sr. commanded his underlings fiercely.

“Yes! Chief! We got it. Hit them as hard as we can but don’t kill them!” The four
major platinum fighters said repeatedly.

The four major platinum fighters were Sharp Knife, Victory, Old Fishy and Ear.
These four were the best fighters in the Street Racer Gang. Each one of them could
handle dozens of people along! As his son had been beaten up this time, Lang Ge Sr.
had summoned all four of them and was prepared to give the Douglas Family an
unforgettable lesson!

As for the other gang members, Lang Ge Sr. didn’t even bother to bring them along.
They could add some troubles or scare some people. However, only these four people
could deal with the real master! Those rabbles were useless in a duel between

Therefore, the former chief of the Street Racer Gang and his four platinum
underlings went to the Douglas Vast Hotel courageously. In Lang Ge Sr.’s opinion,
who could win a fight against these four.

Lang Ge Sr. was indeed the former chief of the Street Racer Gang. He drove a Rolls-
Royce with the speed of a Ferrari. He sped madly and stupefied everyone on the
road. It was rare to witness someone driving a steady luxury car like a Rolls-Royce
in such a manner.

Today, Lang Ge Sr. drove personally as it was his son in trouble. He ended the
drive with a drift and parked the car in front of the Douglas Vast Hotel.

A lot of waiters knew the former chief of the Street Racer Gang, Lang Ge Sr. and
knew that he was once outstanding. Although Lang Ge Sr. was now running a regular
car company, no one could forget that he was formerly the chief of the Street Racer

“Clear out, clear out! The Street Racer Gang is handling some matters here. Those
who have nothing to do with this should leave immediately, or bear the
consequences!” One of the four major platinum fighters, Sharp Knife, started
shouting as they made their way to the nightclub.

The people in the nightclub had seen Yang Ming and Lang Ge fight at the door
before, and some of them had recognized Lang Ge’s identity. These people were all
carefully discussing how this matter would develop. Now that they heard that the
members of the Street Racer Gang were here, all of them lowered their heads and
wanted to leave.

When the members of the Street Racer Gang said that those who did not leave would
bear the consequence, these people all stood up frankly and walked toward the
nightclub’s door. No one was stupid and it was obvious that the Street Racer Gang
was about to settle something here. What if the people who stayed here were treated
as part of the opposing side?

The nightclub waiters along with the security team members were forced to leave by
Old Fishy. The security team’s manager had called Mr. Batterton but Batterton told
him to not intervene in the matter. Since Batterton had said this, he might as well
leave with everyone else.

Soon, Yang Ming, Zhang Bing, Chen Ze and Tao Lingfang, Lang Ge, Slater, Lang Ge Sr.
and the four major platinum fighters were the only ones in the nightclub.

“Chen Ze, take her and leave first. You aren’t needed here.” Yang Ming glanced at
Chen Ze who was bleeding from his head and said.

“But…” Although Chen Ze was afraid, he didn’t want to leave alone! This incident
was caused by him and Tao Linfang. Yang Ming was only surrounded by the members of
the Street Racer Gang because he helped them. It wasn’t proper to leave Yang Ming
here alone at this time.

“Leave now!” Yang Ming frowned. If Chen Ze stayed, he couldn’t go all out. He could
only unscrupulously use his killing moves if Chen Ze left.

“Then… Mr. Yang, please be careful…” Chen Ze was startled by Yang Ming’s sharp
gaze. He nodded quickly and headed out while pulling Tao Linfang.

Lang Ge didn’t say anything to stop them when they approached the door. In his
opinion, as long as Yang Ming was dealt with, he could deal with Chen Ze and Tao
Linfang at any time. There was no need to keep them here! Moreover, the gang
members wouldn’t be able to use deadly force against Yang Ming if they stayed here
as witnesses. But now, if Yang Ming was killed, they would have no evidence.

Even if there was evidence, they could just easily hand over a couple of members of
the Street Racer Gang.

Lang Ge Sr. had the same thoughts, so he didn’t stop Chen Ze and Tao Linfang. He
only lifted his head after everyone was gone. He stared at Yang Ming fiercely, “Are
you the one that hit my son?”

“Yes.” Yang Ming nodded, “Are you here to apologize for your son?”

“En?” Lang Ge Sr. was confused after listening to Yang Ming’s words. He then
laughed out loud, “Hahahaha, this is the funniest joke I have ever heard.
Apologize? Do you have a fever? I’m here to deal with you! Young man, you have no
idea what’s going on even when you are on your deathbed?”

Batterton walked down only after the crowd had left the nightclub. He said to the
security team leader behind him, “Shut off the passageway and elevators to the
lower ground floor. Don’t open them without my command!”

“Yes!” The security team leader nodded immediately. He shut off the passageway and
elevators to the lower ground floor after Batterton had gone down. The people who
went up wouldn’t be able to know what was happening down there.

Batterton looked at Lang Ge Sr. from afar. He shook his head helplessly and
thought. I reminded you but you’re still here anyway. You can’t blame anyone else
then. I can’t help you when you yourself want to die!

Lang Ge Sr. also saw Batterton who stood some distance away. He couldn’t help but
sneer. This old man, what are you doing here? Are you here to plead? But pleading
won’t help you this time. I will spare no one’s feelings this time!

“You mean you and your four scrappy underlings can kill me?” Yang Ming looked at
Old Lang Ge like he was a fool.

“They aren’t my scrappy underlings. They are my four major platinum fighters!”
corrected Lang Ge Sr. “Don’t just talk. Do you know who you have provoked?”

“Who? Isn’t it just the Street Racer Gang? Aren’t you one of them?” Yang Ming asked
in reply.

“Street Racer Gang! Hmph, you still know that it’s the Street Racer Gang! Don’t you
know that the Street Racer Gang is one of the three major gangs in Las Vegas?” Old
Lang Ge asked.

“I don’t know. What I do know is that there are only two major gangs left.” Yang
Ming shrugged.

###Chapter 1894: In Despair

Lang Ge Sr. was stunned. He thought that Yang Ming was cursing his Street Racer
Gang to be destroyed so that there would only be two major gangs left. He sneered
and said, “Young man, you’re getting yourself killed! You guys, go and beat him!
It’s okay to kill him this time!”

“Yes! Chief!” The four major platinum fighters were itching to fight, especially
Ear who had been suppressing himself. He had been cultivating lately and had
reached a great level. In his opinion, Yang Ming was not a worthwhile
opponent.Visit on our

Yang Ming looked sarcastically at the four major platinum fighters who were
surrounding him. His hands shook slightly, shooting out four flying needles that
sank silently into the acupoints of these four people.

The four of them stopped immediately on the spot as though they were frozen.

“What are you doing? Hurry up!” Lang Ge Sr. saw that his four underlings had
stopped suddenly and got a little annoyed. They promised to hit as hard as they
could. Why did they suddenly stop moving? What are they thinking?

The four of them still remained at the same spot without any movement, as though
they had not heard Lang Ge Sr’s words.

“What’s the matter with you?” Lang Ge Sr. got a little anxious. Looking at the
ironic smile on Yang Ming’s face in front of him, Lang Ge Sr. felt very

“They are dead.” Yang Ming smiled lightly.

Lang Ge Sr. frowned. He reached out and pushed his underlings. As a result, Old
Fishy fell sprawled onto the ground when Lang Ge Sr. pushed him. Lang Ge Sr. was
startled and said hurriedly, “What happened to you?”

Before he could check on Old Fishy to see what was going on, the other three people
fell sprawled onto the ground as well. Lang Ge Sr. hurriedly went to check their
breathing and was terrified when he found that the four people were completely

Lang Ge Sr. was immediately very anxious. Cold sweat suddenly started pouring down
his forehead! What’s going on? Why did my four major platinum fighters all fall to
the ground silently?

Is there a plague? But Lang Ge Sr. knew that this was impossible! However, his four
underlings suddenly fell to the ground even though Yang Ming who was in front of
him didn’t even make any moves. What is going on?

Lang Ge and Slater were also happy to see Old Lang Ge and his four major platinum
fighters come to settle this matter. They were ready to witness Yang Ming being
beaten horribly. However, before Yang Ming was even touched, the four underlings
inexplicably died!

The scariest thing in the world was not death, but the unknown! If the four major
platinum fighters were beaten to death by Yang Ming, Lang Ge Sr. and Lang Ge
wouldn’t feel anything else apart from shock!

However, these four people had died inexplicably, which was the reason for his
fear! Even though he didn’t know how these four people died, Lang Ge Sr. wasn’t
stupid. He knew that the death of these four people was definitely related to Yang
Otherwise, Yang Ming wouldn’t say so calmly that these four people were dead!

Since Yang Ming could silently kill these four people, couldn’t he kill me in an
instant? Thinking of this, Lang Ge Sr. was really scared!

This situation of instant death without any signs baffled him… He looked at these
four underlings who had followed him for most of his life. They had died in such a
way… Suddenly, Lang Ge Sr was full of emotions… There was regret, unwillingness,
but the biggest emotion was fear!

Previously, he wanted Yang Ming to be beaten horribly to avenge his son. But now,
he had no such thoughts as he was extremely terrified. In his opinion, Yang Ming
was more terrifying than biochemical weapons!

Lang Ge and Slater were stupefied at this moment too! They couldn’t imagine how all
four major platinum fighters died suddenly at the same time! Yang Ming didn’t seem
to strike at all!

Deep fear emerged in their hearts the next second! They finally understood what
Yang Ming meant by he had shown mercy.

Yang Ming said that they were seeking death previously but it seemed like he was
just kidding. However, it seemed that it wasn’t a joke at all!

“You don’t need to investigate anymore. I killed them.” Yang Ming said slightly,
“They are dead no matter how you look at them They can’t be saved.”

Apart from Lang Ge Sr., Lang Ge and Slater, Zhang Bing and Batterton were shocked
too! Although Zhang Bing had witnessed Yang Ming killing people with bullets in the
casino, that was far less impactful than this!

Yang Ming had used bullets to kill people. Although greater skills were needed when
throwing bullets, it was still possible to attain this level by practicing!
Especially considering Yang Ming had showcased his throwing skills at the school
art festival, it wasn’t surprising that Yang Ming could throw bullets to kill

But now, Yang Ming didn’t throw any bullets nor do anything else. These four people
fell on the ground without any signs or wounds on their bodies. Is this the
legendary power of using the mind to kill, or a killing gaze?

Although Zhang Bing knew Yang Ming relatively well, he now felt that his bro lived
up to his name, He had reached a level that could only be admired!

Batterton felt this way even more. Although he was shocked before by Yang Ming’s
annihilation of the Guillotine Gang, that was compared to now. Batterton felt
fortunate that he didn’t offend Yang Ming after seeing Yang Ming silently kill the
four major platinum fighters of the Street Racer Gang, or else Yang Ming could kill
him with just a gaze! Lang Ge Sr. was to blame. Batterton had already told him that
whoever met Yang Ming would die, but this fellow didn’t listen. Now that his four
best underlings had all died, he might not be able to recover. The Street Racer
Gang might never recover in the future!

The Guillotine Gang was destroyed and the four major platinum fighters of the
Street Racer Gang were killed. The Resolute Gang now held a monopoly. The Resolute
Gang could become the top major gang in Las Vegas with just a little effort.

Lang Ge Sr. stared blankly at his four underlings who lay dead on the ground. He
was speechless.
“Did you just bring four people with you?” Yang Ming asked Lang Ge Sr. mockingly.

“Four?” Lang Ge Sr. looked up in surprise.

“I thought you brought the entire Street Racer Gang. I was thinking to solve it all
at once to save trouble.” Yang Ming said, “So that it wouldn’t be as troublesome as
the Guillotine Gang, where I had to go myself! Why don’t you call your underlings
so that they can all come over to die!”

Lang Ge Sr. keenly captured the few words, “Guillotine Gang” in Yang Ming’s
sentence! Yang Ming mentioned the Guillotine Gang. The Guillotine Gang was wiped
out by Yang Ming? He even went over personally to kill them?

Batterton looked at his old friend who seemed to be out of sorts and shook his head
helplessly. If you knew it would come to this, why did you do it? What were you
thinking when you called me? It’s useless to regret now.

“Lang Ge Sr., the Guillotine Gang was completely destroyed a few hours ago!”
Batterton sighed and dispelled Lang Ge Sr.’s doubt, “It was done by Mr. Yang!”

“What? The entire Guillotine Gang was destroyed! Impossible! Impossible! How could
it be destroyed when it had so many people?” Although Lang Ge Sr. had guessed
something faintly, he was unwilling to believe this fact!

Because this fact was really earth-shattering!

“I don’t believe it! Impossible, you must have lied to me!” Having said that, Lang
Ge Sr. took out his phone, dialed a number and whispered a few questions. After he
got the anxious yet affirmative replies from the other party, his phone fell to the
ground with a thud. Lang Ge Sr. sat on the ground dejectedly.

His eyes were full of regrets, fears and despair! He had called and asked a well-
informed person of the underworld. When he got the news that the Guillotine Gang
was annihilated a few hours ago because it had offended someone, Lang Ge Sr.
believed it!

He also believed Batterton’s words. This man, whoever provokes him will die. This
is no illusion.

“Batterton, why didn’t you tell me in advance? Why didn’t you tell me?” Lang Ge Sr.
slumped onto the ground in despair and shouted to Batterton, “Old friend, you
aren’t courteous in any way…”
Chapter 1560: Stop Pretending/ Deep Fear

###Chapter 1895: Stop Pretending

Lang Ge Sr. was desperate, and he looked at Batterton resentfully, “Old friend, you
are not courteous! Why didn’t you tell me that the Guillotine Gang was destroyed?
Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Hmph! I kindly told you in the past. Because we’re old friends, I didn’t want you
to come. I told you, anyone who comes will be dead! You didn’t believe it! Who can
you blame? I think I have done my best! I said everything that needed to be said.
All this happened because you did not listen to my advice!” Batterton said
unhappily after hearing Lang Ge Sr.’s complaints, “You thought I was backing up
Yang Ming, now do you see who I was backing up?”

“This…” Lang Ge Sr. thought for a while. Indeed Batterton had said all these at
that time, but I was so angry that I did not believe his words at all. I completely
thought that Batterton was backing up Yang Ming, but I did not expect that
Batterton was actually protecting me!

Ai! Lang Ge Sr. sighed. He was wondering why he didn’t listen to Batterton’s
advice. Batterton was obviously being kind, but I thought he was ill-intentioned… I
can’t blame him. Isn’t this bringing trouble to myself?

“But why didn’t you tell me more clearly? You could have said that he is very
powerful and he eliminated the Guillotine Gang. If you said that, I wouldn’t have
come!” Lang Ge Sr. smiled wryly and said.

Lang Ge Sr. knew in his heart that even if Batterton said that the Guillotine Gang
was destroyed at that time, he might not believe it. But he would still make a call
and verify it. Then, he wouldn’t be so rash.

“Hmph! What is Mr. Yang’s identity? Even our family master is extremely respectful
towards him. Could I simply talk about him behind his back?” Batterton said, “Do
you really not understand, or are you pretending not to understand? We are people
of the same level. Do we need to say something so clearly? Isn’t a hint enough?
Usually you are quite clever. Why are you so reckless this time?”

“The onlooker sees more of the game! The onlooker sees more of the game!” Lang Ge
Sr. regretted, “I was angry at that time. How could I know that it would become
like this? Ai… I regret it…”

Lang Ge Sr. had no intention to rebel against Yang Ming anymore! Yang Ming had
killed four of his underlings without a sound. What kind of strength was this?

“Old friend, you shouldn’t regret and complain. The trouble in front of you has not
been resolved yet!” Batterton reminded, “You have angered Mr. Yang. I can’t plead
for you. Good luck.”

Lang Ge Sr. just remembered that there was still a big problem in front of him.
Yang Ming was sneering at him while he was still complaining and regretting
unimportant matters…

“Mr. Yang, I’m old and confused. I failed to recognize someone as important as you…
Please let me… Let me go…” Lang Ge Sr. wanted to ask Yang Ming to let go of Lang Ge
and himself. But knowing that Yang Ming had ruthlessly wiped out the Guillotine
Gang and the four thugs in front of him without the blink of an eye, it seemed that
there was no need to beg for it. Yang Ming wouldn’t agree to it either. Since I’m
here, I most probably will not be able to leave! Thinking of this, Lang Ge Sr.
sighed and continued, “I beg you to let go of the other members of the Street Racer
Gang… The Street Racer Gang is my life’s work… Even if I’m gone, I hope it will

“Do you mean that you and your son’s lives can be exchanged for the fate of the
Street Racer Gang?” Yang Ming asked with a cold smile.

Lang Ge Sr. froze for a while, only to realize that his destiny was completely in
Yang Ming’s hands. He had no bargaining chips! He was already a lamb to be
slaughtered by Yang Ming. How could a lamb that was about to be slaughtered be
qualified to negotiate conditions? Thinking of this, Lang Ge Sr. became a little
desperate, “Isn’t this… isn’t this okay?”

“Originally, this had nothing to do with me. It was your son who was too arrogant.”
Yang Ming glanced at Lang Ge and said, “Lang Ge Sr., right? Don’t say that I didn’t
give you a chance. If you personally cripple your son, you can take him away.”

Yang Ming did not have any deep hatred toward the Street Racer Gang. The Street
Racer Gang was different from the Guillotine Gang. The Guillotine Gang had touched
Yang Ming’s bottom line, so Yang Ming killed a hundred to let the Nancheng Family
see his power.

This Street Racer Gang, to put it plainly, had just bullied two of his new friends.
Yang Ming was too lazy to do anything to them. As long as Lang Ge loses his ability
to continue to harass Tao Linfang, Yang Ming would just let them go. This would
most probably be enough to shake them and deter the father and son from doing
anything rash.

The reason why Yang Ming previously wasted four flying needles to shoot the four
thugs was to shock both Lang Ge father and son and make them genuinely fear him!
This was much more effective than directly killing four people!

Although Lang Ge Sr. and Lang Ge would also be shocked and fear Yang Ming’s
strength if he personally killed the thugs, they would definitely not be like this
now where they did not have the slightest resistance! They didn’t even dare to
think about it!

If Yang Ming personally attacked, they would not dare to think about going against
him now. But afterward, they would definitely think of a plan to take revenge on
him or Batterton, Chen Ze, Tao Linfang, and the others! They would just feel that
Yang Ming was only slightly better in fighting. As long as they send more powerful
people, they could teach Yang Ming a lesson!

That would become a numbers game. It was nothing for the Street Racer Gang, which
had a lot of gang members! But now, Yang Ming had killed four people instantly
without doing anything. Lang Ge Sr. would not think about revenge anymore, because
no matter how many people come, they would also be sent to their deaths. There was
no meaning to it at all!

“Cripple?” Lang Ge Sr. froze, and immediately understood what Yang Ming meant by
“cripple”! My son, for the sake of pursuing Yang Ming’s friends, caused such an
issue. Yang Ming’s “cripple” naturally means taking away my son’s opportunity to
continue pursuing girls…

Although Lang Ge Sr. thought that it was heartbreaking to have his son die without
descendants, it was better than both their deaths! Fortunately, I am still vigorous
although I am old. Certain functions have not been lost. Worst comes to worst, I
can just go and bear another son, which can be regarded as passing down the family

Although my son will become a crippled person, he can still be the Street Racer
Gang’s boss. With him taking care of this younger brother, my family line will not
be wiped out!

“Mr. Yang, is this true?” Lang Ge Sr. looked up at Yang Ming. This was his only
hope. He just hoped that Yang Ming didn’t lie to him.

“I naturally meant every word.” Yang Ming said, “Hurry up and do it. Don’t wait for
me to do it. Otherwise, you will die!”

“Okay! Mr. Yang, let me do it. I’ll do it!” Lang Ge Sr. gritted his teeth and
looked at his son, “Lang Ge, bear with me!”

Lang Ge naturally heard Yang Ming’s words. Although he was afraid that he could no
longer pursue girls after being crippled, it was better than losing his life,

Although I can’t pick up girls and will lose a lot of fun in my life, there are
other pleasures to enjoy. I can still eat, drink, race, and gamble among other
things. Those are quite pleasant too!

“Dad, it’s okay. You can just do it!” Lang Ge nodded. He was surprised that Yang
Ming would let him go! Lang Ge was overjoyed. Yang Ming, who could kill people in
an instant, was so forgiving.

Lang Ge Sr. hesitated a moment then raised his feet, and trampled on Lang Ge’s
lower abdomen.

“Ow-” Lang Ge screamed and almost fainted… He covered his lower abdomen, and broke
into a sweat as he was in pain. He then started to roll on the ground.

“Mr. Yang, is this okay?” After doing all this, Lang Ge Sr. did not look at his son
who was in pain on the ground, but looked up and asked Yang Ming.

“Ah-” Yang Ming smiled plainly and casually glanced at Lang Ge, who was rolling on
the ground, “Don’t pretend. It’s nothing. It’s just swollen.”

Yang Ming’s words surprised Lang Ge Sr.! His face changed instantly! Although his
kick looked fierce, he actually retained and controlled his strength skillfully,
and did not kick directly at the fatal place!

When Lang Ge Sr. was young, he was also an expert at fighting. He wanted to make a
display, so he gave a kick that looked serious, but in fact, he held back his
strength hoping that Yang Ming wouldn’t notice it.

However, he did not expect Yang Ming to notice it!

###Chapter 1896: Deep Fear

Lang Ge Sr. didn’t believe it. After all, he was a veteran at fighting, and was
unhindered most of his life. Few people could notice what he had done, but Yang
Ming actually noticed it. What did this mean? Either Yang Ming was super powerful,
or he was just bluffing!
“Mr. Yang… What do you mean?” Lang Ge Sr. pretended to be unknowing, and asked in

“What do I mean? Don’t you understand?” Yang Ming smiled slightly, “Do you want me
to take off his pants to show you?”

“This-” When Lang Ge Sr. heard Yang Ming say this, he became increasingly
suspicious that Yang Ming had really found out. Otherwise, Yang Ming would not be
so confident.

“Hurry up and be more forthright, or I will do it myself. However, if I take

action, I can’t guarantee that he will still be alive.” Yang Ming looked at Lang Ge
Sr. and said impatiently.

“I’m sorry Mr. Yang, maybe I’m not strong enough. In this case, I’ll give another
kick!” There was gloom in Lang Ge Sr.’s eyes. It seemed that Yang Ming really could
determine whether his kicks caused any substantial damage to Lang Ge!

Lang Ge Sr. didn’t know how Yang Ming did this. But considering Yang Ming’s means
of killing, Lang Ge Sr. now had no doubt that Yang Ming had a way! No matter what
this mysterious person does, it would not be surprising!

Lang Ge Sr. walked to Lang Ge helplessly. People are always like this. After seeing
a glimmer of hope, they hope for more. Lang Ge Sr. and Lang Ge should have been
grateful for Yang Ming to be able to let them live. But after being able to
survive, Lang Ge Sr. thought that the fewer consequences for him to pay, the
better. This was how people thought. They could never be satisfied.

“Son, bear with me again!” Lang Ge Sr. kicked again helplessly. This time, he dared
not show mercy. In the event that Yang Ming found that something was wrong, he
might not be so open to negotiation.


This kick was stronger than the previous one. Lang Ge screamed and passed out.

Seeing that Lang Ge had completely lost function in a certain body part of his,
Yang Ming nodded with satisfaction, “Okay, take them away. These corpses should
also be taken away! Remember, stop provoking me or the people around me. Next time,
it won’t be that simple.”

“Yes, Mr. Yang. Rest assured, I will be low-key when I go back.” Lang Ge Sr. was
bullied, but he could only smile at Yang Ming. This was the gap in strength.

Lang Ge Sr. had no doubt that Yang Ming could kill him instantly.

“There is no need to talk about this nonsense. If I want to kill you, I can kill
you instantly even if you hide at the corners of the earth. It has nothing to do
with whether you are low-key or not,” Yang Ming said scornfully.

What is awesome? This is awesome! Even after Lang Ge Sr. listened to Yang Ming’s
words, he had to sigh. He is awesome! He is just too awesome!

If someone else said this sentence, Lang Ge Sr. would surely think he was neurotic
and hide somewhere far away, somewhere that he couldn’t be found. How could he be
killed instantly? It was nonsense!
But this sentence was spoken by Yang Ming. Lang Ge Sr. believed it unconditionally
because the facts were right in front of him. The thugs weren’t even touched by
Yang Ming before they fell to the ground, dead!

This could be said to be killing using psychic powers! Lang Ge Sr. had heard of
this before. There were different witchcrafts in Asia, such as voodoo, black magic,
psychic abilities, etc… Although there was no scientific basis, they were still
very brilliant! He subconsciously regarded Yang Ming as one of these people!

This kind of person didn’t need to do anything at all. No matter if you were at the
end of the earth, he could kill you if he intended to. As long as you were
targeted, you would definitely not be able to run.

So Lang Ge Sr. was stunned for a moment and quickly said, “Mr. Yang, rest assured.
I will never go oppose your intentions!”

“I hope so.” Yang Ming nodded, “The Guillotine Gang’s territory will be given to
you. You should look out and take care of the Douglas Family’s business here.”

“Ah?” Lang Ge Sr. froze. He didn’t expect Yang Ming to give him such a big benefit!
Give me the Guillotine Gang’s territory? Then, wouldn’t the Street Racer Gang be
able to surpass the Resolute Gang in one fell swoop and become the largest gang in
Las Vegas? But even if the Guillotine Gang is gone, Yang Ming can’t have a say in
to whom their territory belongs, right? After all, the Nancheng Family was backing
the Guillotine Gang. Can they let their territory be taken away by others? Thinking
of this, Lang Ge Sr. asked with some confusion, “Mr. Yang… the Guillotine Gang has
the support of the Nancheng Family…”

“The Nancheng Family? The old bastard, Jotans, will be here soon. I will tell him
when he arrives,” said Yang Ming casually.

Lang Ge Sr. was shocked. I didn’t expect Jotans to be here. The strength of this
Yang Ming is really not ordinary! Remembering that Batterton said that even the
family master of the Douglas family was in awe of Yang Ming… Then it is not
uncommon for Jotans to come to apologize to Yang Ming in person!

Thinking that he was able to escape this time as Yang Ming was letting him go, Lang
Ge Sr. felt very lucky.

“Mr. Yang, thank you!” Lang Ge Sr. didn’t expect that he could benefit for no
reason. He originally guessed that even if Yang Ming let him go today, Yang Ming
would still probably trouble the Street Racer Gang because everything was

But not only did Yang Ming not look for trouble, he even gave Lang Ge Sr. some
benefits. Hence, it seemed that Yang Ming would certainly spare them this time and
would not seek revenge in the future.

Thinking of this, Lang Ge Sr. felt relieved. He also decided that he would never
provoke the people around Yang Ming anymore. Not only that, but he would also
protect the people around Yang Ming and let Yang Ming know that he was doing his

This Douglas Vast Hotel seems to have a certain relationship with Yang Ming, so the
Street Racer Gang will protect the Douglas Vast Hotel!

“Okay, quickly leave. I still have something to do.” Yang Ming frowned and waved a
little impatiently to Lang Ge Sr.
Lang Ge Sr. was in a difficult position. There were so many corpses on the ground.
He could drag all of them away, right? He glanced at Batterton next to him.
Batterton needed to help him by finding a few confidants to help lift the corpses

Lang Ge Sr. took his son to the hospital first. Lang Ge Sr. was clear about the
strength in his kick, so he didn’t expect his son to be healed today. It would
suffice as long as Lang Ge’s life was safe.

As for the four of his thugs, Lang Ge Sr. let a doctor he was familiar with to
examine carefully to see how they died. However, the test result showed that they
had died of myocardial infarctions [1]!

There was no trauma on the body and no foreign substance in the body. Inexplicably,
they just died of myocardial infarctions! It seemed like an accident!

“Boss, it looks like… these four people died unexpectedly from myocardial
infarctions…” Several doctors carefully examined the corpses several times, and one
of the corpses was even dissected… but the result was still the same.

“Unexpectedly?” Lang Ge Sr. was stunned. It was possible to say that one person had
unexpectedly died of a myocardial infarction. But it was a joke for all four of
them to die unexpectedly from myocardial infarctions…

These doctors were also very puzzled. How did these four people suffer myocardial
infarctions at the same time? However, Lang Ge Sr. didn’t mention the reason, so
they didn’t dare to ask more. They just said the results of their examination.

Lang Ge Sr. couldn’t help but tremble… It must be a magic spell. Otherwise, how
could Yang Ming make four people suffer myocardial infarctions at the same time?
Lang Ge Sr.’s fear of Yang Ming had reached another level!

Lang Ge Sr. could even feel the chill at his feet… If Yang Ming wanted me to die
now, I would already be dead…

“Hoo…” Lang Ge Sr. took a deep breath and said to the doctors, “Okay, there is
nothing else. Just deal with these four corpses! Don’t mention today’s incident to
anyone! Did you hear me?”

“Rest assured, boss! We won’t tell anyone!” These doctors were dedicated to the
Street Racer Gang, so they naturally knew the importance of this matter. Hence,
they obediently followed Lang Ge Sr. ‘s command.

Chapter 1561: One of Us/ What Are You Doing

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

###Chapter 1897: One of Us

After these doctors went out, Lang Ge Sr.’s face showed a shocked look! No
injuries! There are no foreign substances in the bodies either. They somehow all
died due to myocardial infarctions… What is this?

The legendary invisible killing had happened in front of him. If he didn’t

experience this shocking revelation, it was hard to imagine.

The Street Racer Gang was served by a group of top-notch doctors. The Street Racer
Gang controlled an underground racing ring. Members often encountered injuries
during the race. If there were no dedicated doctors to treat them, it would be
quite troublesome.

These doctors were top-notch professional surgeons, so they were familiar with the
kind of trauma that Lang Ge had. They were able to quickly treat it. Lang Ge woke
up after being given analgesics.

Knowing that he could not be a man for the rest of his life, Lang Ge was a little
depressed. However, he did not resent Yang Ming at all. He only had the kind of awe
and respect towards Yang Ming!

He was like a mortal who committed a wrongdoing and was punished by the gods. Not
only would he not resent the gods, but he would also regret his mistakes, lest he
make the gods unhappy and they come to punish him again!

Lang Ge had this mood now. In his opinion, Yang Ming’s existence was not something
he could go against at all. Yang Ming could kill him with just a gaze. He was as
small as an ant in front of Yang Ming!

So, instead of resenting Yang Ming, he was grateful because Yang Ming forgave him
and did not kill him even though he had caused so much trouble. The four thugs were
finished and he was just castrated. It was considered a good ending.

Lang Ge Sr. pushed the door and walked into Lang Ge’s ward. When he saw his son on
the bed, Lang Ge Sr. sighed, “Lang Ge, don’t blame your father… I was helpless and
forced to do it!”

“Dad, you don’t need to say anything!” Lang Ge said indifferently. “Dad, it’s what
Mr. Yang told you to do. You had to do it, or else we all would have died! I’m very
glad that Mr. Yang spared our lives. Otherwise, you and I would be dead!”

“Oh?” Lang Ge Sr. was stunned. He wanted to console his son, lest he take things
too hard, but he didn’t expect his son to be more accepting of the fact than him.
Since his son was fine, he said excitedly, “Son, it’s great for you to think like
this! I was afraid you would take it too hard! I was afraid you would do something
irrational! That Yang Ming is not someone we can compete with! Batterton is right,
whoever goes against him will die… I wanted to persuade you not to think of revenge
as it is impossible…”

“Dad, you can’t call Mr. Yang’s name directly! You know, Mr. Yang is an omnipotent
person with great wisdom and power. If you say his name, and he senses it, our
family will be in trouble!” Lang Ge quickly corrected his father’s words, “Also, I
didn’t even think about revenge. I think that I have been forgiven already. Why
would I think of revenge? I am not a fool. Mr. Yang can kill me without making a
move. I’m not that stupid.”

“Yes, yes… I’m wrong…” When Lang Ge Sr. heard his son’s words, he thought it made
sense. This Yang Ming is omnipotent. If he finds out that I am saying bad things
behind his back, I’ll be done for.
“Dad, we must now do our best to make Mr. Yang happy. I think that our Lang Ge
Family still has a chance to develop…” Lang Ge said excitedly, “Since Mr. Yang gave
us the Guillotine Gang’s territory, you can see that we are not without value! I
think that as long as we closely follow Mr. Yang and listen to his instructions,
our family can become a super family like the Douglas and Nancheng Families…”

“Yeah!” As soon as his son reminded him, Lang Ge Sr.’s eyes suddenly lit up, but
then it dimmed again, “But… Ai. Our family is without offspring… What’s the use of
achieving meteoric success in our career?”

“Dad, you are still vigorous although you are old. You can quickly bear me a
younger brother. I can carry on for the next few years. When I get old, my younger
brother will be able to take over. Our family will not go extinct!” Lang Ge said

“I… can only do my best…” Lang Ge Sr. blushed and nodded.

“Dad, you have to take care of the Douglas Hotel. When I return to school, I will
be a bodyguard for Chen Ze and Tao Linfang. Hence, Mr. Yang will definitely see our
efforts to repent and be happy with us!” Lang Ge was planning for the future.

“En, yes! That being said, this time’s matter is not necessarily a bad thing. If we
take advantage of this, it will be a great opportunity for us!” said Lang Ge Sr.

“Yes, Dad, I can’t wait!” said Lang Ge excitedly.


Yang Ming naturally did not think about the conversation between Lang Ge Sr. and
his son. After sending them off, he said to Zhang Bing, “Big Bing, your wish will
likely not come true tonight. The nightclub will not be open tonight.”

“…” Zhang Bing was stunned, then he said excitedly as if he was unbothered, “Bro,
the scene I saw just now was way more exciting than a performance at the nightclub!
Bro, you are too amazing! You killed them with your gaze! Those four thugs were
killed just like that!”

Zhang Bing saw Yang Ming killing for the second time in a day, so he was somewhat
accustomed to it. Not only was he not afraid, but he was also very excited. In his
opinion, it was much better than any strip show!

Especially the scene where the Lang Ge Family was scared to the point that they
almost wet their pants. It was very cool!

“You!” Yang Ming smiled wryly, “Don’t tell your dad and Wang Mei about this matter.
Just keep it to yourself.”

“Relax, Bro! I won’t simply tell others!” Zhang Bing laughed. “But, what are we
doing now? It’s still early. We won’t just go back to the room and sleep, right?”

“You have a wife waiting in your room, yet you are still asking me?” Yang Ming
glared at Zhang Bing. “If Chen Mengyan was with me in the room, I wouldn’t even
think of going out.”

“Ugh… Hehe, I thought that since we won’t be in Las Vegas forever, wouldn’t it be
in vain if we didn’t go out and explore? Such a waste!” Zhang Bing said
embarrassingly, “The nightclub here is closed, but there are many other nightclubs
outside. Why don’t we go out and explore?”

Yang Ming wanted to refuse, but after seeing Zhang Bing’s look of anticipation, he
was somewhat helpless. He thought that since the matters in Las Vegas had been
resolved and no one could go against Zhang Bing and himself, it was fine to go out
and explore the city.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming nodded, “Okay, then let’s go out and explore! But just
to be clear, I will not go to those erotic places.”

“Of course we won’t go!” Zhang Bing quickly promised, “Then we can go now?”

“Wait a minute. I’ll ask Batterton to prepare a car. It’s easier to drive around
ourselves,” Yang Ming said as he beckoned to Batterton who was not far away.

After Batterton dealt with Lang Ge’s matter, he didn’t dare to leave as he saw that
Yang Ming hadn’t left yet. After all, such a big thing had happened. What if Yang
Ming beckoned him to discuss something? So, Batterton waited at the side like a

Seeing Yang Ming beckoning to him, Batterton quickly rushed over, “Mr. Yang, Do you
have any commands for me?”

“Prepare a car for me. I’ll go out in a while,” Yang Ming instructed Batterton.

“Okay, Mr. Yang!” Batterton nodded, “Where is Mr. Yang going? Do you need a

“No, I’m just going out to explore the city. The nightclub here is not going to be
open tonight, so we want to go somewhere else and look around,” said Yang Ming.

“Oh, okay, I got it.” Batterton could only appropriately choose a car once he knew
what Yang Ming wanted it for. With that said, he turned and hurriedly ran to the
elevator to prepare the car for Yang Ming.

“Bro, you just killed those four people. There won’t be a problem, right?” Zhang
Bing waited for Batterton to leave and became a little afraid, “This Batterton will
not call the police, right?”

“Hehe, don’t worry. It’s not as serious as you think.” Yang Ming smiled. “This
Batterton’s family is called the Douglas Family. It’s an underworld family. Such
things are commonplace in their families, and they are one of us now.”

“So it’s like this!” Zhang Bing nodded assuredly.

Batterton prepared the car and came down to inform Yang Ming. He suddenly heard
Yang Ming saying “one of us now”, and there was a sudden excitement in his heart.
One of them? In other words, Yang Ming regards my family as his own?

###Chapter 1898: What Are You Doing?

Previously, Batterton was afraid that Yang Ming was dissatisfied with him and his
family. After all, he had offended Yang Ming previously. Although Yang Ming didn’t
say anything, it did not mean that Yang Ming completely accepted him. But now it
seemed that Yang Ming had no grudges. Batterton couldn’t be more excited! He
thought that he should report this good news to the family master as soon as he was

“Mr. Yang, the car is ready. I have parked it at the hotel’s entrance,” said

“Okay,” Yang Ming and Zhang Bing followed Batterton to the elevator…

“Mr. Yang, I only had a short amount of time to prepare this. You can see if you
like it…” Batterton carefully said after he brought Yang Ming to the hotel’ s
entrance, “If you don’t like it, I can change…”

Yang Ming thought it was fine. As long as the car could be driven, Yang Ming didn’t
have so many requirements.

“What?” Yang Ming glanced outside the hotel and was stunned, “Sports car? A
convertible too?”

A Porsche 911 convertible was parked at the hotel’s entrance. This was the latest
model. Yang Ming saw it online, but he didn’t expect Batterton to get it for this

“Why? Mr. Yang doesn’t like it?” Batterton saw Yang Ming’s unassuming look and
became nervous. Did I do something wrong? Yang Ming doesn’t like this kind of
sports car?

But Mr. Yang is a young man, and he goes to a nightclub or something at night.
Isn’t driving a sports car eye-catching? Or Is he old-fashioned and prefers to
drive a Rolls Royce or Bentley?

Originally, Yang Ming wanted to ask Batterton to change the car, but seeing Zhang
Bing’s excited look, Yang Ming smiled and shook his head. Yang Ming noticed that he
really seemed to be a bit old. Back then, if he had such an eye-catching sports
car, he would definitely be excited just like Zhang Bing.

But now, Yang Ming didn’t like this kind of flamboyant car. He preferred a low-key
one instead.

It seems that I have to adjust my mentality. I’m still young. Although I’m not old
yet, I still like things that old people enjoy. Yang Ming smiled bitterly. When the
matters in Yunnan come to an end, I really should live like a teenager for a while.

“It’s fine…” Thinking of this, Yang Ming shook his head, “Let it be a sports car.
It’s good!”

Batterton was relieved. He handed the keys to Yang Ming, “Mr. Yang, this is the
hotel’s car. It doesn’t matter if you crash it. It doesn’t matter if it becomes
scrap either, as long as you are fine.”

“En, I got it.” Yang Ming handed the car keys to Zhang Bing, “You should drive.”

“I drive? Bro, I know you treat me the best!” Zhang Bing excitedly took the car
keys and jumped into the car.

“I’m leaving. You don’t have to wait for me. I don’t know when we will be back.”
Yang Ming waved to Batterton, “Right, if Family Master Jotans of the Nancheng
Family comes, you can have him wait for me in the hall.”

“Ah… okay…” Batterton broke into a sweat. Jotans is the family master of the
Nancheng Family. Mr. Yang actually wants him to sit in the hotel’s lobby and wait
for him?

If others find out, they would probably be too shocked! But this was Yang Ming’s
instruction. Batterton would naturally convey it to Jotans after he arrived. As for
whether Jotans wanted to wait or not was another matter.

Yang Ming sat in the front passenger seat and Zhang Bing started the car. Listening
to the roaring engine sound, Zhang Bing’s face showed an excited and content look,
“This car is so awesome! How great would it be if I have one too!”

“I’ll give you one once we return,” said Yang Ming plainly.

“Okay… En? Bro, are you for real? You want to give me one? Are you joking? This car
is worth more than three million!” Zhang Bing was startled, “This is the latest

“There’s nothing to joke about here.” Yang Ming smiled, “With the financial
resources of your jewelry company, it is not unaffordable.”

Yang Ming was going to Yunnan. Since his good brother Zhang Bing liked this car,
Yang Ming would naturally give him one. Yang Ming thought back to the time when he
had no money. He would take a taxi to Zhang Bing’s house, and Zhang Bing would
reimburse him for the fare. This moved Yang Ming so much. Now he had the ability,
and a car was not worth much to him. Since Zhang Bing liked it, naturally Yang Ming
would give it to him.

“Heh, isn’t that public money? I don’t dare to touch it.” Zhang Bing knew the
importance of these things. Although Yang Ming didn’t set a clear boundary with
him, the company’s money should not be randomly used.

“It’s all yours in the future,” Yang Ming smiled and said.

“Bro, where are we going? I’m not familiar with this place.” After driving for a
while, Zhang Bing realized that this was not Song Jiang but Las Vegas.

“Just casually drive around. I’m not familiar with this place either,” said Yang
Ming indifferently, “It is said that all the roads in Las Vegas lead back to the
same place. You won’t get lost no matter where you drive.”

Zhang Bing had heard of the same thing, so he started to drive around aimlessly. It
was just like enjoying the night view anyway.

“Bro, look over there. That Jet-Nightclub is a famous nightclub in Las Vegas!”
Zhang Bing pointed to a sign not far away and said excitedly, “I have seen it
online before. Many singers and stars love to come here!”

“Oh?” Yang Ming had never heard of this Jet-Nightclub. Yang Ming felt more and more
out of touch with Zhang Bing’s age group. “Let’s go and see.”

“Okay! I’ll find a place to park!” Zhang Bing looked around for a parking space at
the side of the road. But they were all gone. The popularity of this Jet-Nightclub
could be seen.

“I’m going to look for it.” Zhang Bing got out of the car helplessly and started to
check whether there was a place to park.

Zhang Bing got out of the car, so Yang Ming naturally also followed. Although he
could use his x-ray vision to see if there were parking spaces around, it would be
a bit of an overkill. Even though he had special abilities, he would be a bit too
dependent on it if he used it for such trivial things.

Yang Ming didn’t want to rely on his special abilities to do everything.

“The two people in front, go away!”

As soon as Yang Ming got off, he heard someone shouting behind him. He turned back
in surprise and saw two people rushing towards them. A man in his thirties was in
front, and he was being chased by a man in his twenties who looked very young.

The man who yelled loudly was the one in the back. He noticed that Yang Ming and
Zhang Bing were stunned, so he spoke again to remind them, “Move away! The person
in front is dangerous. Don’t approach!”

Dangerous? Is the police catching a thief? But it doesn’t seem like it! Although
the man behind spoke English, what made Yang Ming puzzled was that both men were
obviously Asians!

Although there were many Asians in Las Vegas, it was a little strange for both the
pursuer and the pursued to be Asians.

However, before Yang Ming could figure out the relationship between the two, the
man in his thirties who was running ahead jumped into Yang Ming’s Porsche 911. Even
when he saw that there were no keys, he was not discouraged. He punched the place
where the key should be inserted and smashed the layer outside the central control
combination switch directly. He then prepared to find the line where the key
ignites the engine.

“You scoundrel!” Yang Ming watched the man’s action and was furious. Although this
car was not Yang Ming’s, he had still driven it out. It was smashed by somebody, so
how could Yang Ming not be furious!

Zhang Bing also saw the man’s movements, and looked at the car with a shocked and
sad expression on his face, speechless.

“What in the world are you doing?” Yang Ming also jumped into the car and grabbed
the man’s collar. Yang Ming didn’t care why he was being chased, but Yang Ming
couldn’t sit idle while his car was being smashed!

Smashing my car in front of me? Yang Ming was a little speechless. Why are there so
many bullish people? Even if you don’t know that I am a ruthless person, I am still
standing next to this car! This person dares to make a move?

Chapter 1562: You Want to Simply Leave After Smashing My Car?

###Chapter 1899: You Want to Simply Leave After Smashing My Car?

“The kid in front! Get out of the way! Don’t go near him!” The young man who was
chasing from behind saw that Yang Ming had also got into the car and was very close
to the man he was going after. He immediately got a little anxious and shouted,
“He’s dangerous!”

“Dangerous?” Yang Ming looked at the person in front of him. He was indeed quite
dangerous. He was able to blast open the surroundings of a car’s central control
switch with just a punch. He was indeed not an ordinary person.

At this time, the man whose collar was being grabbed by Yang Ming was initially
extremely annoyed and frustrated that Yang Ming had gotten into the car and grabbed
him so suddenly. However, when he heard the shouting of the man who was chasing
after him from behind, he had a sudden inspiration. He didn’t care about Yang
Ming’s hand that was grabbing his collar, and continued looking for the wire of the
car’s engine. But then he pulled a dagger out of nowhere and forced it towards Yang
Ming’s neck.

The young man who was chasing from behind felt his heart tense when he saw the
man’s action. It was true that the more one was afraid of something, the more it
would happen. The reason he went overseas this time was to perform a special task.
That man he was chasing was a confidential fugitive. The man had stolen some of the
country’s advanced technology and fled overseas. He had chased him all the way to
Las Vegas, and was prepared to assassinate him silently.

However, this man’s skills were also incredible, and exceeded most ordinary people.
Plus, he was extraordinarily cunning and would always run to busy city centers when
being chased. This way, the young man chasing was not able to let loose, nor was he
daring enough to open fire randomly! After all, this was his country’s land and the
mission was secret. If the local police noticed him, it would cause a lot of
unnecessary trouble.

Originally, he thought that he was about to catch the man right in front of him
this time. He didn’t expect that the man would jump into a convertible sports car
and try to use it to flee. The sports car’s owner also didn’t seem to notice how
dangerous this man was, and rushed up to reason with him!

If the man were to hold the sports car’s owner hostage, it would make things
difficult for him. He might even have to just let the man go! After all, if the man
had a hostage, the people passing by would call the police. Then, he would not be
able to take any further action.

When he thought of this, the young man couldn’t help but let out a sigh. However,
seeing that the man who was about to be captured was also Asian, he still had to
warn him as a compatriot, “Leave quickly! That man is dangerous!”

However, the man’s dagger was already one step ahead, pressuring Yang Ming.

A trace of satire flashed across Yang Ming’s eyes. You have already smashed my car,
and now you want to kidnap me?

“Do you want to kill me, or take me hostage?” Yang Ming asked as he slightly dodged
the man’s dagger that was rushing quickly towards him.

“Ugh?” The man was obviously surprised. He didn’t think that Yang Ming would be
able to dodge his dagger. He had a certain confidence in his agility. Otherwise, he
wouldn’t have escaped the man behind him so many times!

Damn Supernatural Investigation Bureau! They are so nosy. This is obviously the
Security Bureau’s matter, yet they ended up requesting such an expert to chase
after me even across borders. Li Dianchi’s heart was filled with dissatisfaction
and rage!
What right do they have? The chip is no longer in my hands. I have already handed
it over. Yet this lad is still following me around like a ghost and trying to kill

Dr. Benjamin is also a bastard! He promised me that he would send an expert to

protect me for a while after I handed over the chip. Yet, when I handed over the
chip, that expert did not budge and wouldn’t listen to my commands at all!

What the hell! If I knew that it was so dangerous, I wouldn’t have taken this risk
just for a few million dollars! At least I was still a well-paid researcher with an
annual salary in the thousands back in my country…

When Li Dianchi thought of this, he was so depressed he could die.

He initially wanted to take Yang Ming hostage to force the Supernatural

Investigation Bureau’s man behind to stop chasing him. However, Li Dianchi had come
to realize that the somewhat sunny and ordinary-looking handsome young man in front
of him seemed to also be a dangerous person!

What in the world? What’s going on! How am I so unlucky? He initially wanted to
take someone hostage, yet found out that the hostage was an even more skillful
expert than he was. Li Dianchi immediately felt like crying!

However, this was not the time to cry. Escape was still the most important! After
missing his shot, Li Dianchi gave up on attacking Yang Ming. Li Dianchi had already
noticed the danger he was in just from the moment Yang Ming dodged.

Li Dianchi dropped the dagger in his hand. A dagger was completely useless when
dealing with an expert. Not only could it not hurt the other people, but there was
also a huge possibility that it would harm himself. After Li Dianchi threw away the
dagger, he wanted to jump out of the car and continue running. However, he quickly
realized that Yang Ming was still grabbing his collar…

Li Dianchi had already exerted all of his force, yet he still could not escape from
Yang Ming’s grasp.

“Hai!” Li Dianchi was anxious. He wanted to hit Yang Ming’s wrist with a chop! He
was indeed like a cat on hot bricks seeing that the man from the Supernatural
Investigation Bureau was about to catch up, yet he was still caught up by this kid!
What is going on!

Li Dianchi finally understood what it meant to reap what he sowed, and to go for
wool and come home shorn.

“Peng!” Li Dianchi chopped at Yang Ming’s wrist forcefully.

“Ouch— ” A cry was heard.

Yang Ming watched as Li Dianchi suffered in pain. He sneered and looked at him in a
mockingly, “You want to simply leave after smashing my car?”

Yang Ming did not even dodge Li Dianchi’s chop. Back in those days when Yang Ming
had just been selected by Fang Tian, he had to soak and transform his body with
potions during his daily training. He punched and kicked big trees every day, and
actually damaged many of them. Even if Li Dianchi’s wrist was tough, could it beat
a big tree? To use a chop on him was basically asking for trouble and suffering!
“What the!” Li Dianchi wanted to curse. He said in his heart, Big brother, how much
is your car worth? If my escape keeps being delayed, I will lose my life! He really
wanted to slap this kid in front of him. Why is this guy unable to recognize
priorities and urgent matters?

However, Li Dianchi only thought about it in his heart. He didn’t dare to actually
slap Yang Ming! He thought about how this kid was completely fine and still able to
sneer at him after he chopped at his wrist. And as for himself, his hand was so
painful that it might fall off!

How is it the same as chopping an iron stick? Is this a human’s wrist? It’s
basically reinforced concrete!

At the same time Li Dianchi exclaimed in his heart, he knew that he could no longer
use force against Yang Ming. It was worth it to beg Yang Ming softly, “Brother, I
will definitely pay for your car. I will not renege! Let me go first. I will return
you twice the price afterward…”

Chapter 1563: Chapter 1900: Li Dianchi’s Thoughts

Chapter 1900: Li Dianchi’s Thoughts

Li Dianchi spoke a few sentences. When he saw that Yang Ming remained unmoved, he
knew that his words did not touch Yang Ming, and immediately moved up a notch,
“Brother, I beg you! I must leave now! Don’t you see? That guy behind me is chasing
after me relentlessly. You let me go. When this matter is settled, not only will I
pay you twice the money for the car, but I will also be very thankful to you! I
will definitely do so!”

“Oh-” Yang Ming gave a faint laugh. “Where am I going to look for you once you are
gone? Besides, I am traveling abroad and I may be leaving tomorrow! You will send
me the money after that? Who are you trying to fool? Do you think that I will
believe you?”

“Ah?” Li Dianchi hesitated for a moment. He knew that Yang Ming was an Asian, not a
Caucasian. However, when he saw that Yang Ming was driving a sports car in the
downtown area, he thought Yang Ming was not an Asian national. When he heard Yang
Ming say that he was here for a vacation and he was leaving the next day, Li
Dianchi could not help but be startled. Li Dianchi immediately changed his approach
and took a closer look at Yang Ming’s physical characteristics. Immediately after,
Li Dianchi turned cordial and asked tentatively, “Brother, are you Chinese?”
Li Dianchi spoke in Chinese because he felt that Yang Ming was more like a Chinese
from his detailed observation of his physical characteristics! Although Asians were
generally considered as yellow-skinned, there were still subtle differences between
people from different countries. Although it was not obvious, there was still an
eighty percent chance of guessing correctly when one looked closely.

“So what if I am? You still have to compensate me regardless.” Yang Ming had
already guessed that Li Dianchi was Chinese. Hence, he was not the least bit
concerned and turned a deaf ear [1] to Li Dianchi’s words.

“My buddy, I am also Chinese. There is a saying that goes, “Meeting a fellow
countryman will cause one to burst into tears!” Both of us are from the same
country! We should take care of each other!” Li Dianchi worked hard to make his
voice sound more touching. Even though the person from the Supernatural
Investigation Bureau would soon catch up with him, Li Dianchi had to preach
patiently to this kid in front of him to settle the matter as he could not fight
this kid. Otherwise, this kid would not let him go and he would be done for.

“You are from my country and yet you wrecked my car?” Yang Ming mockingly glanced
at Li Dianchi. “Enough nonsense, I don’t know how much this car costs in Europe or
America, but the local price is three million. You have to compensate me twice the
money, which is six million. Hand out the money now or do not even think about
leaving here!”

Yang Ming had originally planned to buy a car for Zhang Bing with his own money
when he returned to China. Unexpectedly, within half an hour, someone had taken the
initiative to send the money to him!

Although Yang Ming was filthy rich and the car was not his, Yang Ming could not let
this guy off easily! He must have some serious issues with his attitude to wreck my
car in front of me!

“Brother! You are my dear brother! Don’t you see that the fool behind is chasing
me? I have to run! I can’t let him catch me! You need to let me go first.
Otherwise, you will not be getting any of your money once he takes me away,” said
Li Dianchi. “Both of us are Chinese. My buddy, I am telling the truth. He is
extremely capable and is from a terrorist organization. Neither of us can win
against him. If I fall into his hands, it will be a tragedy!”

“I don’t care which organization he is from.” Yang Ming did not care in the
slightest. Let alone a member of a terrorist organization, even the armed
organizations from Africa can never even think about snatching someone from my

“…” Li Dianchi was about to cry when he heard Yang Ming’s words. Why is this person
not moved by persuasion or force? He turned a deaf ear to whatever I have to say!
What kind of person is he?

However, he was still relentless. “Brother, you let me go. I will return home when
you return home. You give me your contact information and I will find you once we
are back home. I will compensate you three times- no five times the price that you
mentioned. How about it?”

“Dang it! Are you mentally deficient?” Yang Ming slapped Li Dianchi’s face with his
palm. “Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and pay me or do not even think about
leaving! Enough talking about the future! I am not sure where I may go once I
return to China.”
Yang Ming was telling the truth. He would commence his trip to Yunnan not long
after he returned to China. He was also unsure whether he would be able to return
from the Yunnan Trip. Besides, who could know if this kid was just talking big?

Lin Dianchi looked like he would be done for if he was captured by the person
behind him. Whether he survived or not was another matter. Hence, Yang Ming would
naturally ask for the money first!

“Shoot! Why are you like this? It’s not like I am not going to give you the money!
Are you forcing me? Are you forcing me?” Li Dianchi started to berate harshly when
he saw that he could not move Yang Ming.

As the saying goes, the soft one is afraid of the hard one, the hard one is afraid
of the harsh one, the harsh one is afraid of those who do not fear death! Now that
I am willing to sacrifice my life, this kid will probably cower and let me go?

“Let me tell you. If you keep forcing me, I will fight you. I tell you, if I am
caught by the guy behind me, it will not end well for me!” Li Dianchi shouted.
“Dang it, no matter what, it seems like there will be death. If you don’t let me
go, I will fight you! It’s either you live or I live. And this matter will not end
well for you either even if I die!”

“Are you done?” Yang Ming quietly listened to Li Dianchi’s words and then asked

“Ugh…” Li Dianchi did not expect that his intimidation and threats had no effect on
Yang Ming. Instead, Yang Ming asked him if he was done… Isn’t this obviously
looking down on and despising me?

Li Dianchi was apprehensive, “Dang it! You are looking for death!”

With a shout, Li Dianchi recklessly pounced on Yang Ming, looking like he wanted to
fight Yang Ming at all costs.

Unfortunately, Yang Ming slapped him again. Li Dianchi was confused and disoriented
by Yang Ming’s slap. “Are you performing acrobatics? Are you asking for a beating?
Spit it out immediately! Do you have any money? If not, I am going to break you
apart! If you do have it, then get it out this instant!”

“…” Li Dian spat out a bloody tooth… He was about to be driven insane by Yang Ming!
This person is ferocious and unreasonable. I am no match for him!

However, Li Dianchi looked behind him. The figure at the back was getting. He
sighed helplessly in his heart. Whatever I say now is not going to be useful. The
person behind me is almost here. I will not be able to run away even if I say

It did not matter anymore. When Li Dianchi thought of this, he was both dismayed
and desperate. At the same time, his ferocious look changed to a meek and
persecuted look, “You do whatever you want. I have no money, only my life. Just
kill me then…”

What Li Dianchi thought was that since this kid was so cocky, then just let him
kill him. This will save me from the tortures I will have to endure if I do not
confess once the person from the Supernatural Investigation Bureau captures me.
Might as well let this kid end my life this instant.
“You want to die?” Yang Ming glanced at Li Dianchi. Yang Ming clearly knew what Li
Dianchi was thinking., But how could Yang Ming let him get what he wanted?

“Yeah, I damaged your car. I won’t pay for it. I just want to piss you off. Just
kill me! Aren’t you awesome? Do it!” said Li Dianchi as if courting death. “You are
upset with me, right? Kill me then. Hurry up!”

Chapter 1564: I Have What You Have Too

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“Oh, only after you give me the money, I’ll kill you,” said Yang Ming plainly as he
looked at Li Dianchi. “If you don’t hand over the money, it means you want to die.
There are no two ways about it.”

“…” Li Dianchi really wanted to curse. Who the heck is this person? Why can’t he
just talk nicely?

However, Li Dianchi did not wait to say anything. The young man who was chasing him
from behind had arrived. In fact, all of this had happened very quickly. He and
Yang Ming had only exchanged a few words.

The young man who was chasing after him saw that Li Dianchi was actually stopped by
Yang Ming. His eyes were filled with astonishment! He was very clear about Li
Dianchi’s skill. It was far worse than his. Otherwise, Li Dianchi would not run
away across the world when chased by him. However, compared to ordinary people, Li
Dianchi’s skills were indescribably stronger!

“Thank you for helping me to catch him!” Anyway, the person in front of him had
helped him catch the target that he had been hunting for many days. Liu Yezi spoke

“There is no need to thank me. I didn’t catch him because of you,” said Yang Ming
indifferently. This person seemed to have delicate facial features. He looked so
pretty that it made people feel that he was effeminate.

He looked Chinese. So, although he spoke English, Yang Ming replied in Mandarin.

Liu Yezi was a little stunned by Yang Ming’s words and looked at Yang Ming, “Are
you Chinese too?”

“I am here for a vacation.” Yang Ming shrugged.

“Hehe, since we are all Chinese, it is easier for us to communicate.” Liu Yezi gave
a friendly nod to Yang Ming. “Can you hand him to me? I’ll then be able to report
that I have completed my mission.”
“Hand him to you?” Yang Ming looked at Liu Yezi in astonishment. “Why should I hand
him to you?”

“This…” Liu Yezi was stunned and thought in his heart. Can’t you see that I have
been chasing him? Of course you have to hand him to me since you caught him.
However, Liu Yezi explained, “He is a person that I have been ordered to catch.”

“Oh, I don’t care if he is the one you were ordered to catch. He wrecked my car. I
want him to compensate me for it.” Yang Ming was not in the least bit concerned
after listening to Liu Yezi’s explanation. He still persisted on the matter.

“Compensate for the car?” Liu Yezi also noticed the damage to the central control
combination switch of Yang Ming’s car. Apparently, it was done by Li Dianchi… Liu
Yezi could only laugh sarcastically in his heart. If an ordinary person had their
car wrecked by Li Dianchi, it would be great if they were not scared to death. They
would not be like the person in front of him, holding on to Li Dianchi and
insisting on payment for the damages.

However, the man in front of him seemed to have exceptional martial art skills and
could not be underestimated. He wanted Li Dianchi to compensate for the damages to
the car, which meant that he had the ability to do so. Liu Yezi smiled
sarcastically, “Sir, I’m from a special department in the country. I’m performing
my mission outside the country. I have to take this person back. Since you are here
on a vacation, you should support me. Don’t worry. As for your damaged car, I can
get it repaired for you once I go back…”

Liu Yezi heard Yang Ming say before that he had come from China for a vacation. So,
Liu Yezi did not conceal his identity. He thought that Yang Ming would give him
face if he told Yang Ming his identity. After all, we are from the same country. I
am just carrying out a mission. He won’t get in the way of business, right?

“Carrying out a mission?” Yang Ming frowned. “I do not care whether you are
carrying out a mission or not. But, this guy said that he will pay me the money for
two cars. So, I will only let him go after he pays me the money!”

“Sir, do you intend to say that you will not cooperate with me?” Liu Yezi was a
little angry. Even if you know a little martial arts, you don’t have to act like
this, right? Compensate for two cars’ worth? Isn’t this blackmail?

Yang Ming became angry after listening to Liu Yezi, “Why should I believe that you
are carrying out a mission just because you say so? Who knows if you are a liar?”

“Ugh…” Liu Yezi was distracted and speechless. But, he immediately took out an ID
card from his clothes and handed it to Yang Ming. “This is my ID. Does this prove
my identity?”

“You have an ID?” Yang Ming took Liu Yezi’s ID from his hands. This was a domestic
military ID. The photo above was indeed the man in front of him. His name is…Liu
Yezi? Yang Ming had nearly laughed, “Liu Yezi? Are you a woman?”

“I am a man…” Liu Yezi blushed with embarrassment…

“Crossdresser?” Yang Ming continued to ask.

“…” Liu Yezi was a little angry. “I am a real man!”

“Oh, you are a real man! I got it. A lot of superwomen are too.” Yang Ming nodded.
Liu Yezi was completely speechless.

“I’m quite familiar with your department. But, why haven’t I met you?” Yang Ming
looked at the department that Liu Yezi’s ID belonged to. It was the same as the
department that was printed on the military ID Xia Bingbao gave him… So, Yang Ming
was a little skeptical about the identity of the person in front of him, “Is your
ID fake?”

“You haven’t met me?” Liu Yezi was stunned. “What do you mean?”

“Obviously, it means that I am also a member of this department.” Yang Ming said as
he took out his military ID from his pocket and handed it to Liu Yezi. “Don’t
simply show your ID! Don’t you know that I have a real one? You are in the same
department as I am and yet I haven’t seen you before!”

Of course, Yang Ming was just babbling. Yang Ming had not learned to identify the
authenticity of these IDs. To put it bluntly, Yang Ming was just an affiliate of
the department. How could he know whether there was any Liu Yezi in this
department? He said this just to trick Liu Yezi for the moment and see if there was
a problem with this person’s identity.

“Hey?! You too?” Liu Yezi received Yang Ming’s ID, glanced through it and suddenly
his face showed a disbelieving look! Yang Ming was really from the same department!

When Yang Ming saw Liu Yezi’s expression, he thought in his heart. This kid really
has a problem! I am only an affiliate to the organization. I don’t even know any
leaders in that department, let alone ordinary members. After checking my ID, not
only does Liu Yezi not show any doubt, but he also shows such an expression. Does
this person really have a problem?

Liu Yezi did not expect that the person in front of him was actually from the
military. At the moment, he felt a little embarrassed! He hesitated for a moment
and said, “Since you are a member of the military, I do not need to hide my
identity. The place of work stated on this ID is just my affiliate. My true
identity is to serve a special Department!”

“Special department?” Yang Ming did not expect such an explanation from Liu Yezi.
Wouldn’t the nature of his job be very similar to mine? We are both affiliates of
that department.

“Yes, this is my real ID! You must have heard of it too, right?” Liu Yezi returned
Yang Ming’s ID, then took out an ID from his pocket and handed it to Yang Ming.
“Your leaders should have told you that when our people need help, you must
unconditionally cooperate with our department to accomplish the mission!”

“Oh?” Yang Ming took Liu Yezi’s ID and looked at it with interest. At first glance,
he was dumbfounded. Could it be?
Chapter 1565: Encountering A Colleague
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Yang Ming never expected Liu Yezi to be able to take out a second identity. From
his tone, could it be that he is working with the army? Besides, what is this
special department he mentioned?

Yang Ming was interested, and took Liu Yezi’s ID. After giving it a glance, he was
suddenly dumbstruck… That can’t be, right?

“Eh? You’re… from the Supernatural Investigation Bureau?”

Yang Ming coughed twice. He then stared at Liu Yezi with a strange gaze, “Cough
cough… That can’t be, right?”

Liu Yezi was relieved when he heard Yang Ming’s words. Since Yang Ming knows about
the Supernatural Investigation Bureau, he is obligated to cooperate with me
unconditionally. He has to hand over that person to me!

“That’s right! Since you know about this department, you should know how we do our
jobs. Please give me that person!” Liu Yezi said while feeling a little displeased.
He thought that Yang Ming would hand over the person after he took out his first
ID. He never expected that he had to use his final ID.

“However… I still have to make him compensate me for my care…” Yang Ming said as he
shook his head. He handed the ID back to Liu Yezi.

“What?” Liu Yezi was stunned after hearing Yang Ming’s words. Does he not know what
the Supernatural Investigation Bureau does? He is someone from the army, and he
isn’t cooperating with me during my job?

Liu Yezi was really a little angry, “Don’t you know that you should cooperate with
us when we are doing our jobs?”

“Oh, that’s for normal military, but not for me.” Yang Ming shook his head,
“Actually, you and I are the same. Both of us are working with the military. But
I’m also working in a special department.”

“Huh?!” Liu Yezi was stunned, “Are you kidding?”

“This is my identification. Have a look,” said Yang Ming as he took out another ID
and handed it over to Liu Yezi.

Liu Yezi’s facial expression changed when he saw the appearance of Yang Ming’s ID
envelope. He took the ID with a disbelieving expression. After he opened it up and
took a look, he confirmed his guess…

Liu Yezi already had such suspicions when Yang Ming took out his ID envelope as it
was very similar to his. When he opened it and saw the contents inside, Liu Yezi
could already confirm that this ID also belonged to the Supernatural Investigation

“Colleague?” Liu Yezi passed the ID back to Yang Ming with a bitter smile. Isn’t
this too much of a coincidence?
“En, colleague.” Yang Ming nodded, “Please give me some time. Allow me to claim my
money first. After I finish claiming it, you can take him away.”

“Ugh… Alright…” Liu Yezi could only nod his head and approve of Yang Ming’s
actions. He couldn’t help it as the two of them were from the department. Neither
of them were working under each other. It was already considered very good if Yang
Ming handed the person over after he claimed his money. He couldn’t ask Yang Ming
to do anything overboard.

Since they were both colleagues, Yang Ming didn’t need to hide his methods from Liu
Yezi anymore.

In actuality, the most shocked one was Li Dianchi. He originally thought that Yang
Ming was just someone strong. However, after Yang Ming showed his military ID, Li
Dianchi felt that something wasn’t right.

While that was still bearable, Li Dianchi felt despair when Yang Ming took out the
same Supernatural Investigation Bureau’s ID. Are you serious? How is my luck so
bad? I just wanted to steal a car and capture someone hostage. How did I steal from
someone of the Supernatural Investigation Bureau? Am I that unlucky?

Li Dianchi had already accepted his fate. No wonder this guy is so powerful. He
also belongs to the Supernatural Investigation Bureau! Since I have fallen into
their hands, I don’t have a hope of escaping anymore

“Sigh-” Li Dianchi let out a sigh. He was dejected, and decided to give up

“So, are you going to pay or not?” Yang Ming asked as he pulled Li Dianchi up.

“I’m not paying! Do whatever you want! If you’re so capable, then kill me!” Li
Dianchi decided to go all out. The money in his Swiss Bank’s account was enough for
his wife and child to enjoy their life for a few generations.

Because of that, he decided to not take out even a penny. Since I’m going to die
anyway, why should I pay?

“You sure that you won’t pay?” Yang Ming stared at Li Dianchi coldly.

“I have no money. Instead, I have my life here. Do whatever you want to!” Li
Dianchi looked like he was ready to accept his death.

“Alright. You’re the one who asked me to do so. Don’t regret it later,” said Yang
Ming plainly.

“Uh… Mr. Yang… We still have uses for this guy. Please don’t kill him…” Liu Yezi
quickly reminded Yang Ming when he saw that Yang Ming was prepared to take action
against Li Dianchi.

“Relax, I know when to stop.” Yang Ming nodded. He then tapped on Li Dianchi’s
acupuncture points lightly, and threw him onto the ground. He wasn’t afraid that Li
Dianchi would run away.

Liu Yezi became anxious when he saw Yang Ming throwing Li Dianchi onto the ground.
Don’t let him run away just like that!
Yang Ming smiled lightly when he saw Liu Yezi’s guarded expression, and waved his
hand. Liu Yezi didn’t do anything when he saw Yang Ming’s confident face. After
all, everyone from the Supernatural Investigation Bureau had their own special
techniques. He also had them.

Li Dianchi never expected Yang Ming to let him go. When he fell onto the ground, he
wanted to immediately get up and escape. However, before he could run, a numbing
and unbearable pain spread across his body. It was as if a colony of ants was
biting his skin and intestines…

“Ah-!” Li Dianchi yelled frantically, and rolled on the ground. “Ah, this is
unbearable… What did you do to me? Ah…”

While Li Dianchi was howling, he was rolling around on the ground with his hands
scratching different parts of his body. However, it could not solve anything. He
was twisting his body around and rubbing his body on the floor. His shirt had
almost ripped apart, and some bloodstains had appeared on his skin. However, he was
unaware of it.

Liu Yezi was also looking at Yang Ming in shock. What kind of method is this? Why
does it resemble meridians acupuncture? Even my father doesn’t know how to do it,
right? Meridians acupuncture is a very advanced technique!

“Kill me, please! I can’t take it anymore! I’m going to die!” Li Dianchi was
crying, and wanted to commit suicide. However, he couldn’t exert any force. Other
than rolling around on the ground, he couldn’t do anything else.

“Who would compensate for my car if you die?” Yang Ming didn’t do anything. He just
stared coldly at Li Dianchi.

“Ah– I’ll give you the money! I’ll compensate you for the car. I’ll pay…” Li
Dianchi wasn’t dense. He understood Yang Ming’s words immediately. Yang Ming was
still waiting for the car’s compensation. Unless Lid Dianchi gave him the money, he
would definitely not allow Li Dianchi to die.

“I thought you didn’t want to give it,” Yang Ming said plainly as he looked at Li
Dianchi. “That can’t be, right? You can’t take anymore just like that? I still have
many methods that I am yet to execute. Such a pity…”

Chapter 1566: I’ll Pay

Li Dianchi felt like crying. He almost fainted after hearing Yang Ming’s words.
This is just the beginning? Does he still have other methods that he hasn’t
executed yet? Are you serious?

This is already enough to kill someone, and cause someone to be on the brink of
death. From Yang Ming’s words, it seems that he still has more powerful methods.
How could one survive? However, it would be better if one could just die. The most
agonizing thing is this feeling where one is on the brink of death.

Thinking this, Li Dianchi quickly said, “Brother, I’ll pay, I’ll pay! I’ll
compensate you for the price of two cars… Wait, I mean three cars! I’ll transfer
the money to you immediately. Please, let me go!”

“Oh. Just say it earlier if you want to compensate.” Yang Ming crouched and tapped
lightly on Li Dianchi’s body a few times. After that, he stood up again.

I wanted to say that earlier. However, did I have a chance? You’re too ruthless! I
give up. I really give up! After being tapped by Yang Ming a few times, Li Dianchi
felt as if he had just jumped out from a fire pit. He felt very comfortable.

“Sigh-” Li Dianchi let out a long sigh of relief. Although the painful feeling
wasn’t there anymore, Li Dianchi still felt a shiver down his spine when he
remembered that agony.

The person in front of me is too scary. He’s much scarier than the Liu Yezi that
was chasing me before! If the Supernatural Investigation Bureau had sent this
person to catch me, I wouldn’t have made it far before he caught me.

Li Dianchi’s pain slowly disappeared, and his strength was slowly regenerating.
However, he wasn’t in a rush to stand up. Instead, he continued lying down while
pretending to be out of energy.

Yang Ming did not hurry him as well. Li Dianchi did not realize the hint of
playfulness in Yang Ming’s eyes.

Li Dianchi was thinking up a plan. After he finished recovering his strength, he

would run away quickly. Since Yang Ming did not ask him to stand up, Li Dianchi was
happy to fake fatigue.

“When will you give me the money?” Yang Ming asked as he glanced at Li Dianchi.

“Huff… Huff…” Li Dianchi purposely panted heavily twice, “It’s too agonizing. I’m
going to die. Please wait for a while…”

After Li Dianchi finished speaking, he turned his eyes and looked at Yang Ming.
When he saw that neither Yang Ming nor Liu Yezi were moving, he suddenly shouted a
“hiya”, quickly stood up and ran away from them…

Liu Yezi got anxious when he saw Li Dianchi standing up, and wanted to stop him.
However, before he could stop Li Dianchi, Yang Ming extended his hand to stop him,
“Don’t be anxious…”

“En?” Liu Yezi was stunned. If he had not confirmed the authenticity of Yang Ming’s
Id, he would’ve thought that Yang Ming and Li Dianchi were working together.

However, the things that happened afterward made Liu Yezi understand why Yang Ming
did not do anything to stop Li Dianchi from running away.

Li Dianchi hopped up from the ground and wanted to run away. But when he just stood
up and rushed forward, he fell straight to the ground with a loud thump before he
could even take one step.

Li Dianchi fell face-first onto the ground, and blood rushed out from his bruised
forehead. Li Dianchi was dumbstruck. What happened to my leg? Why isn’t it
listening to my commands? Why can’t I run at all? I fell down just after I stood
up? My sense of balance isn’t that bad, right?

Li Dianchi subconsciously struggled to get up from the ground, and wanted to

continue running away. However, to his horror, he realized that he couldn’t stand
up at all. My legs feel like they’re not mine anymore. They’re not even listening
to my orders!

Previously. Li Dianchi hopped up from the ground with a little help from inertia,
not because of the strength of his legs. Now, he realized that it was impossible
for him to use the power of his legs to stand up. My legs are now useless!

“My legs… What happened to my legs?” Li Dianchi’s face showed an expression of

horror, “Why can’t my legs move anymore?”

“You’re such a sly person. You still want to run away?” Yang Ming looked at Li
Dianchi indifferently,

“I… I don’t want to…” Li Dianchi finally understood after seeing Yang Ming’s
scornful expression. Yang Ming must have done this! Otherwise, it would be
impossible for Yang Ming to not be anxious at all when I attempted to run away. He
didn’t even try to stop me!

“If you don’t want to run away, then what were you doing just now?” Yang Ming asked
with a cold smile.

“I… I felt like I had recovered, so I decided to exercise for a while… That’s
right, it was just exercising!” Li Dianchi said with a serious face.

“Enough. I don’t care if you want to exercise or run away. Stop blabbering so much
nonsense. Are you giving me the money or not?” As Yang Ming was talking, he raised
his eyebrows and extended his hand to grab Li Dianchi.

Li Dianchi was scared to death by Yang Ming’s action. He thought that Yang Ming
would do the same thing as before, and knew that he couldn’t handle it anymore. Li
Dianchi’s whole body shivered when he thought of this. He hurriedly said, “Don’t…
Don’t come over… I’ll call someone to transfer the money…”

“Then, hurry up. My time is very precious. I can’t waste it on you.” Yang Ming
frowned as he looked at Li Dianchi.

“Alright… Alright…” Li Dianchi quickly took out his phone and dialed his Swiss
Bank’s phone number. He then asked Yang Ming carefully, “Sir, what’s your account

“My account number is XXXX-” Yang Ming randomly told Li Dianchi the account number
of one of his Swiss Bank accounts.

After Li Dianchi recorded it down, he quickly started the transferring process, and
transferred two million dollars to Yang Ming. The money was enough to buy four
cars. Li Dianchi was really afraid, and wanted to just make this scary person leave

“Sir, I have already transferred two million dollars to your account. Please have a
look…” Li Dianchi said carefully, “It’s enough to buy four cars. Is it enough?”

“En, there’s no need to check. Liu Yezi, I’ll hand this person over to you.” Yang
Ming said to Liu Yezi that was beside him. He did not even look at Li Dianchi,

“Alright!” Liu Yezi also let out a sigh of relief. He felt assured when Yang Ming
handed the person over to him. However, he still asked, “Mr. Yang, this Li
Dianchi’s legs…”

“Oh, I sealed his meridian points. It will be released after forty-eight hours,”
explained Yang Ming. “There’s no need to release it now, right? Just in case he
runs away again.”

“That’s true.” After hearing Yang Ming’s explanation, he wasn’t in a rush to

release Li Dianchi’s meridian points anymore. It’s better if this guy can’t run. It
will save me so much effort.

“Alright, I’ll go play with my friends. Go report on your mission. If there’s a

chance when you return back to our country, I’ll treat you to a drink,” Yang Ming
said as he smiled at Liu Yezi and waved his hand.

“I’ll be the one to treat you. You have helped me greatly this time. If we ever
meet each other after I return, I won’t be satisfied until we’re both drunk!” said
Liu Yezi generously.

“You sound like a man when you say this!” Yang Ming smiled and teased him, “If not,
you sound too ladylike.”

“What!” Liu Yezi’s facial expression turned gloomy, and he almost fainted. He then
laughed bitterly and left while carrying Li Dianchi…

Chapter 1567: Got Lost

“Zhang Bing, come here. The matter has already been settled!” Yang Ming waved to
Zhang Bing who was hiding behind a car nearby after Liu Yezi had left.

Zhang Bing only then ran over goofily, “Bro, was the police catching the thief just
now? Wow, it was thrilling! That guy was badly tricked by you. It was so

“It was all to get money for your car.” Yang Ming pointed to the smashed part on
the Porsche and smiled, “Someone delivered the money to you right when you thought
about getting a car. Your luck is extraordinarily great! This guy gave you 2
million dollars. That’s enough for you to get four of this car!”

“No way! Is that guy so generous?” Zhang Bing was quite far away when Yang Ming was
talking to Li Dianchi. He could only tell that Li Dianchi was badly tricked by Yang
Ming but couldn’t hear their conversation clearly.

Zhang Bing was quite conscious. He went into hiding when he knew the situation was
critical. He was afraid that he would be a burden to Yang Ming if he went over as
Yang Ming would have to protect him as well. So, he only showed after the matter
had been settled.

“I’ll transfer it to your bank account when we go back. You can buy any car you
want,” said Yang Ming.

“Wow, bro, you’re too generous!” Zhang Bing jumped for joy, “Well, this guy is also
quite generous. Not only did he give us 2 million, but it’s also in US dollars

“He actually didn’t want to give it. But what could he do even if he didn’t want to
give it?” Yang Ming smiled.

“That’s true too. Right, bro, what skills did you use previously? I saw him start
rolling on the floor when you had barely touched him. He immediately returned to
normal when you touched him twice. However, his legs still seemed to be in poor
condition and he couldn’t run even if he wanted to. That’s pretty amazing!” Zhang
Bing got very excited when he thought about it.

“Hehe, it’s acupoints.” Yang Ming didn’t conceal it from Zhang Bing. Since Zhang
Bing had asked, Yang Ming told the truth. Yang Ming had thought it through at this
time. He would soon go to Yunnan so there was no point in hiding some of his
secrets from the people around him. If they wanted to know, he would tell them.

“Acupoints?” Zhang Bing’s jaw dropped as soon as he heard it. He asked in surprise,
“Bro, was it really acupoints? No way. Aren’t those martial arts experts in the
legends the only ones who know about it? Right, I still have something that I
cannot understand and I didn’t get to ask. Bro, how did you kill those four people
when you were in the hotel nightclub?”

“Those four people… Hehe, it’s still acupoints. It was done by hitting their bodies
with an undetectable small object,” explained Yang Ming.

“I see!” Zhang Bing nodded even though he did not fully understand it. He hesitated
and asked, “Bro, can you teach me?”

“Of course.” Yang Ming smiled, “I can teach you any time as long as you want to
learn. I’ll give you an illustrated manual when we get back. You should memorize
the locations and names of all the acupoints on the human body, as well as their
function and use…”

“Ugh… is it so complicated?” Zhang Bing felt somehow stressed out, “Is there
anything simpler?”

“These are the fundamentals. It was painful when I first learned it…” Yang Ming
smiled bitterly, “How can there be a shortcut for this kind of thing?”

“Nevermind then. I don’t need to learn these things since you are protecting me by
my side! It’s tiring!” Zhang Bing gave up on the idea of learning. In his opinion,
it was too much trouble.

“Haha…” Yang Ming smiled and said nothing. He could protect Zhang Bing now but he
couldn’t protect him all the time in the future. Zhang Bing still had to depend on
himself in the future.

However, it was rather unrealistic for Zhang Bing to learn acupoints and martial
arts. So, Yang Ming didn’t persuade Zhang Bing after he chose to give up. It
required one to be dedicated; persuasion by others was useless.

“Let’s go to the nightclub.” Yang Ming shook his head as he looked at the smashed

“Forget it, I’m not going. I’m itching for a sports car. I’ll go back and research
the models and designs on the internet. Now that I have two million dollars, I
don’t necessarily have to buy the 911 [1]. I can buy something else!” Zhang Bing
wouldn’t be able to have as much fun at the nightclub as there was something else
on his mind.

“You!” Yang Ming smiled helplessly, “Okay, I won’t feel at ease if the car is left
with me since the central control switch is damaged. Although it’s not my car, it
would be bad to lose it.”

“Hey, bro. Let me drive and enjoy it. There’s a chance that I won’t buy this car
and won’t be able to drive it in the future!” Zhang Bing called dibs on the
driver’s seat.

Zhang Bing wasn’t in a hurry to return to the hotel anymore once he got into the
car as his love for it had reached a certain level. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able
to stay excited for a long time or look around on the Autohome’s website with Yang
Ming when he first got into the car.

The roads in Las Vegas were wide and nice to drive on. Zhang Bing indulged in
driving the sports car on the road while Yang Ming sat quietly on the side without
disturbing him.

“Bro… I think I’m lost…” Zhang Bing went around in circles a few times before
cautiously telling Yang Ming with a bitter smile.

“You have got to be kidding me. You are lost? I thought you were enjoying it and
was just driving around in circles!” Yang Ming felt somewhat speechless as he
glanced at Zhang Bing.

“I was driving around initially. But I couldn’t find the way when I wanted to
return!” Zhang Bing smiled bitterly, “I thought all roads lead to Rome. But the
more I circled, the more confused I was. Now I have no idea where I am…”

“Why didn’t you say so earlier?” Yang Ming patted Zhang Bing’s shoulder, “Stop the

“Screech-” Zhang Bing parked the car on the roadside, “Bro, are you going to beat
me up?”

“Get off!” Yang Ming didn’t answer and got off directly from the passenger seat.

“No way! Bro, are you really going to beat me up?” Zhang Bing looked at Yang Ming

“Why would I want to beat you up? I’m going to drive the car!” Yang Ming didn’t
know whether to laugh or cry. He kicked Zhang Bing, telling him to quickly get in
the car!
“Oh, okay!” Zhang Bing got in the passenger seat. Yang Ming got in the driver’s
seat and started the engine.

After he got in the car, Zhang Bing watched as Yang Ming turned left and right by
feel alone without looking at the road… Although the roads in Las Vegas opened in
all directions, they all looked very similar. It was difficult for foreign tourists
to find the right direction, especially at night.

“Bro, you…” Zhang Bing asked, baffled.

“Returning to the hotel,” said Yang Ming.

“Do you know the way?” Zhang Bing felt even more baffled.

“Why don’t you have a look at what’s ahead?” Yang Ming pointed at the neon lights
not far away.

“Huh… En?” Zhang Bing looked at where Yang Ming pointed. His eyes immediately
widened in surprise! “No way! It’s the hotel?”

The neon lights not far away spelled out the Douglas Vast Hotel in English. In
other words, Yang Ming had led them back to the hotel with just a few turns.

Chapter 1568: Let Me Tell You a Trick

“Bro, we’re back already? How did you find the route back?” Zhang Bing looked at
Yang Ming in amazement. His admiration towards his bro was at the maximum!

“Hehe, I remembered the way. No matter where you turned, I remembered it.” Yang
Ming smiled lightly. Remembering the way was a necessary practice for an assassin.
Only by remembering the way could an assassin prepare themselves an escape route!
Regardless of the success or failure of an assassination, an assassin must evacuate
quickly. An assassin who didn’t have an escape route would easily lose his life.

Yang Ming, as the heir to the King of Assassins, naturally left himself a proper
escape route at any moment. Danger was everywhere, and hidden enemies often jumped
out at any time. So, Yang Ming did not even take going for a drive lightly.
Remembering the way he came had become his natural habit.

Yang Ming didn’t need to deliberately force himself. He memorized everything

Before when Zhang Bing went the wrong way, Yang Ming didn’t have to spare much
effort. He quickly found the way back and drove the car to the Douglas Vast Hotel.

“Bro, the more I think about it now, you are indeed not an ordinary person!” Zhang
Bing sincerely admired him. “Fortunately, I had foresight. I got you as my bro
since we were in school. Otherwise, with so many people who want to be your
underling now, there’d be no chance for me!”

“Ha-” Yang Ming heard Zhang Bing’s words and couldn’t help but smile. “Actually, as
long as you pay attention to certain details in life, there’s nothing you cannot
remember. It’s very simple. There’s nothing hard about it.”

“Forget it. With this brain of mine, I won’t be able to remember.” Zhang Bing shook
his head. “Nevermind that this is a foreign country, even in Song Jiang City, I
have a hard time remembering those routes that I don’t frequent.”

“Oh, but I have another good trick.” Yang Ming laughed after hearing it.

“En? Bro, what other tricks do you have? Quickly tell me, does it require a lot of
brainpower?” Zhang Bing asked quickly.

“No, not at all.” Yang Ming shook his head.

“Okay, that’s perfect for me,” Zhang Bing nodded with interest. “Bro, quickly tell
me, what is it?”

“Buy a navigator and download a world map. Then you will be fine,” said Yang Ming.

“Ah?” Zhang Bing froze, and immediately knew that he was tricked by Yang Ming.
Seeing Yang Ming’s smirk, Zhang Bing said bitterly, “Bro, you’re joking with me..”

“I meant it.” Yang Ming pressed a button in the car and said, “Look, the car has a
navigation system on it. Although it is in English, it’s just some simple words,
and it’s very easy to use…”

“What…” Zhang Bing looked at the car’s navigation system and almost fainted. It
turns out that there is a navigation system in the car? Then I wasted a lot of
effort making turns here and there. If I had known that there was a navigation
system earlier, I would have been able to find everything…

“So I’m telling you, you just have to be good at observing the details around you.”
Yang Ming turned off the navigator and parked the car at the entrance of the
Douglas Vast Hotel. He didn’t say anything else and just got off.

Zhang Bing looked at the navigation system in the car and sighed. I’m still lacking
a lot compared to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming entered the Douglas Vast Hotel. Batterton had sharp eyes; he quickly came
forward to greet them.

“Batterton? Didn’t I tell you not to wait for me? Why haven’t you slept yet? It’s
four o’clock in the morning?” Yang Ming hesitated. He saw an old man sitting on the
sofa nearby in his peripheral vision. When the old man saw Batterton greet him, he
also stood up and walked over.

Yang Ming could guess why Batterton was in the hotel lobby. He was waiting for him
to return. This old man was probably the family master of the Nancheng Family,

Yang Ming’s guess was naturally correct. The old man was the Nancheng Family’s
family master, Jotans. He had rushed to Las Vegas overnight and arrived at the
Douglas Vast Hotel. Batterton naturally greeted him respectfully, but told him that
Yang Ming had gone out, and had said to await his return in the hotel lobby before
he left.

As Jotans had learned about Yang Ming’s power, he came with a humble attitude this
time. Even his backer, Miss Alice, had affirmed Yang Ming’s power, and it seemed
that she didn’t intend to meddle in this matter. She just asked him to apologize to
Yang Ming himself!

In other words, if Yang Ming did not forgive him and vented his anger on the
Nancheng Family, Miss Alice might not intervene. Hence, Jotans’ only hope was to
pray for Yang Ming to forgive him.

That’s why when Jotans heard what Batterton told him, not only was he not angry,
but he even behaved himself and sat in the Douglas Vast Hotel lobby, quietly
waiting for Yang Ming to return.

Although Jotans came to apologize with humble intentions, he was still the Nancheng
Family’s family master. Although he sat in the hotel lobby waiting for Yang Ming,
it would still be inappropriate for Batterton to just leave him there, right?

So Batterton had no choice but to accompany Jotans in the lobby. Jotans was
naturally happy to have company. He wanted to know about Yang Ming’s temper and
personality in advance and had no one to ask. Since Batterton stayed with him, he
asked Batterton about Yang Ming.

Batterton did not hide anything. He did not have to hide anything from Jotans. The
Guillotine Gang was destroyed by Yang Ming. Jotans also had a certain understanding
of Yang Ming’s strength. So Batterton told him the story of how the Street Racer
Gang hot-bloodedly angered Yang Ming and the story of how Yang Ming killed four
people with his mind alone without using his hands.

Jotans was horrified to hear that Yang Ming could kill without using his hands. He
didn’t think Batterton had lied to him. There was no need to lie at their level.
So, Batterton must only be telling the truth!

However, this was too shocking. But after thinking about it, Yang Ming could
overthrow the Lancer family overnight, so this did not seem as shocking anymore!

If such a powerful person did not have special abilities, most likely Jotans
himself would not believe it too!

As he was still horrified, Jotans also felt that it was the right choice to
apologize to Yang Ming this time. If he hadn’t come, the Nancheng Family would
probably die immediately…

Jotans knew a little about what happened between the Douglas family and Yang Ming.
But it was a bit strange. Why is Yang Ming involved with the Douglas family now?
Were they not enemies before? Now they seem to have a good relationship?

However, this is all good news anyway…

Chapter 1569: Schoolboy-like Family Master
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

This showed that Yang Ming was not a petty person! Considering the Douglas Family
matter, it seemed that Yang Ming was a forgiving person.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t stay in the Douglas Family’s hotel and get along with them
so well! If Yang Ming was unforgiving, it would be difficult for Jotans to imagine
why the Douglas Family had developed so much?

So, this also made Jotans confident to negotiate and reach a compromise with Yang
Ming! Seeing the Douglas Family’s current situation, Jotans knew that everything
was negotiable. As long as he humbled himself enough and suggested favorable
conditions, he believed that this matter could be resolved.

Jotans didn’t know what Yang Ming looked like, but he suddenly saw Batterton stand
up. He also understood that Yang Ming was back! Otherwise, who else in this city
could make Batterton so attentive?

Sure enough, Jotans’s guess was correct. Batterton immediately called out Yang
Ming’s name, “Mr. Yang, you are back! The Nancheng Family’s family master, Jotans,
has arrived and is waiting for your return!”

At this time, Jotans walked over. He tried hard to make his expression look
respectful and reached out his hand enthusiastically, “Hi Mr. Yang, how are you?
I’m the Nancheng Family’s family master, Jotans…”

“Oh…” Yang Ming glanced at Jotans lightly and didn’t shake hands with him. “I’m
going back to my room to take a bath. After half an hour, come to my room to find

After speaking, Yang Ming turned around and walked straight to the elevator. He
didn’t spare Jotans another glance. Zhang Bing looked at Jotans, then at Batterton,
but didn’t say anything. He quickly followed Yang Ming and entered the elevator
with him.

Batterton’s heart suddenly tightened. He didn’t know if Yang Ming’s arrogant

attitude had annoyed Jotans or not. After all, Jotans was a family master of a
distinguished family and had a high status in Europe.

Now he had been looked down upon by Yang Ming like he was an unimportant person.
Anyone in that position would be upset! Of course, that was if they did not know
Yang Ming’s true strength. Batterton thought to himself, Even if Yang Ming
humiliated me, I would not feel anything. Instead, I would feel that I must have
done something wrong.

But, Jotans… Thinking of this, Batterton looked at Jotans, only to find that
Jotans’s face did not look upset at all. He still looked so respectful, bowing his
head humbly. He carefully said, “Yes, Mr. Yang. You go ahead with your business. I
will be there in half an hour on the dot!”

Batterton shook his head. It seemed that he was overthinking and got worked up over
nothing. Jotans was not a fool. How could he not know Yang Ming’s power? If he was
the sort of person to get angry only because of Yang Ming’s disdain, he would not
wait for Yang Ming in the lobby for so long!

A family master of a distinguished family can do even this. What else can’t be

“Bro, who was that old man just now? I heard you say that he’s the Nancheng Family
Master?” After entering the elevator, Zhang Bing couldn’t help asking.

“En, the Nancheng Casino you went to before is their family’s business. However,
it’s just a small part of their business,” said Yang Ming while nodding. “If I
don’t show that old man a little attitude, he would not know right from wrong.”

“Ugh…” Zhang Bing was astonished. He didn’t know the true identity of the Nancheng
Family’s family master. However, since he could become a family master, and after
hearing Yang Ming say that the Nancheng Casino was just a small part of their
family business, then this family master was definitely not ordinary!

Such a character was left there by Yang Ming like a clown, and he had no complaints
at all. In that case, there were only two possibilities. One was that this person
had a really good temper, but Zhang Bing did not believe this at all. A superior
with such a good temper, who would believe it?

The second possibility was that Jotans was indeed pissed but too afraid to speak
up. Yang Ming was too powerful, and so JOtans could not raise a single bit of
resistance. Of course, this was more likely.

“Don’t worry about him. Go back and take a good rest. I will deal with this guy
later.” Yang Ming patted Zhang Bing’s shoulder. “Don’t you want to choose a car? Go
back and look it up online.”

Zhang Bing also knew that Yang Ming did not want him to get involved with too many
of these matters. After all, these matters were not good matters. Yang Ming could
control them, but Yang Ming was too far away from him. He still had to live within
his own social circle.

After returning to his room, Yang Ming took a hot bath and watched TV for a while.
He made himself a cup of coffee then slowly walked to the room’s door. He had
wasted far more than half an hour.

Yang Ming opened the door and saw Jotans standing respectfully nearby. Obviously,
he had been here for a long time, but he didn’t dare knock on the door and disturb
Yang Ming.

“Come in.” Yang Ming was quite satisfied with Jotans’ behavior. He had passed the
first test. If Jotans was sensible and gave up some benefits, Yang Ming wouldn’t
mind letting the Nancheng Family go. Of course, it all depended on Jotans’
“Yes, Mr. Yang.” Jotans nodded. He carefully followed Yang Ming to the room, but
stopped at the door. “Mr. Yang, do I need to change into slippers?”

“No need.” Yang Ming waved his hand. “This room is not my house. It’s not

“Okay.” Jotans stepped into Yang Ming’s room, but he didn’t dare to sit on the
sofa. He just stood at the side respectfully.

Yang Ming ignored him and turned into his room. After a while, he came out with a
cup of coffee and saw Jotans still standing there in the same position as before.
Yang Ming smiled slightly. This also inconveniences this old man.

“Sit down.” Yang Ming raised his coffee cup, signaling that Jotans could sit down.

Jotans only then sat carefully on the sofa in the living room of the suite.
However, he didn’t dare to sit down completely. Instead, he sat with only half his
butt on the sofa. His body was completely upright, and he looked like a schoolboy
in class.

“Do you drink coffee?” Yang Ming asked lightly.

“Thank you for the offer, but there’s no need to take the trouble.” Jotans
naturally didn’t dare to ask Yang Ming to make coffee for him. He also understood
that Yang Ming was just being polite and did not actually want to make him coffee.

“Alright. Since that is the case, I won’t say too much nonsense.” It was already.
Yang Ming was reluctant to waste time with Jotans. “Let’s go straight to the

“Mr. Yang, I’m sorry!” Jotans stood up. He bowed to Yang Ming, and then said,
“Please forgive me for the previous offenses. The Guillotine Gang’s matter
afterward was also not my intention; it was all Govisik. However, as a family
master, I am willing to take on all the responsibility. Mr. Yang, please punish

Chapter 1570: Ceding Interests

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“You’re quite the gentleman.” Yang Ming saw Jotans’s attitude was still not bad and
pressed his hand down lightly in the air, “Sit down and talk.”

“Thank you, Mr. Yang!” Jotans nodded and sat down.

“Klass is dead. I’m not going to ask nor am I interested in who instructed him or
who sent him.” Yang Ming glanced at Jotans, “We are now talking about the Nancheng

Jotans was relieved after hearing Yang Ming’s words. He was afraid Yang Ming would
want to get to the bottom of this matter by asking for Klass’s details and the
identity of the person who introduced him to the Nancheng Family. If this happened,
Jotans would be in a dilemma. Miss Alice’s affairs could not be spoken of casually.
If Yang Ming were to ask, he could only keep it to himself and stay silent.

But Yang Ming did not want to investigate this matter, so naturally, Jotans didn’t
mention it.

“Thank you, Mr. Yang!” Jotans had said this previously in a careful and respectful
manner due to Yang Ming’s pressure. However, this time, it was said sincerely! Yang
Ming is definitely someone who is broad-minded and not petty!

“Okay.” Yang Ming waved his hand, and said lightly, “Don’t think this matter can be
resolved so easily.”

“Yes… I know. I definitely know it,” Jotans nodded and said quickly.

“I’m not going to continue looking into Klass’s matters, but the Nancheng Family’s
matter is not over yet,” said Yang Ming. “You can see that the Douglas family is
getting along quite well with me now, but do you know at what cost?

“I’m all ears.” Jotans was dumbfounded and immediately understood the answer to his
confusion before! No wonder the Douglas Family and Yang Ming seem to have a very
harmonious relationship. They paid a certain price!

Yang Ming and the Lancer Family was caused by the Douglas Family. Yang Ming
destroyed the Lancer Family but was now close to the Douglas family. It was
inevitable that Jotan was confused.

But the Douglas Family was quite smart. They knew they had to make a prompt
decision and it could be said that they were lucky that they survived.

“They handed to me all the Douglas Vast Hotels inChina.” Yang Ming smiled, “This is
not a secret so I believe you must have heard of it…”

“Oh? It was said to be an overall acquisition… So… It turned out to be like this!
No wonder!” Jotans realized, “So that’s why the Douglas family suddenly sold all
their hotels in China! I was puzzled. The hotel industry is obviously profitable
and the Douglas Family were developing plans to expand into the Asian hotel
industry but suddenly abandoned it halfway. So this was why!”

Previously, there were many people like Jotans who were extremely puzzled about
this matter. Some who were familiar with the Douglas Family asked them secretly
about what happened but the members of the Douglas Family were surprisingly on the
same page and said that this was the family’s plan!

However, no one could detail the specifics of the plan. Although these signs made
people doubtful, no one understood the truth and they could only trust the Douglas
Family’s explanation.

Now, Jotans finally understood the truth behind the sale of the Douglas Family’s
hotel industry in China. It was an interest ceded for compensation and it was not a
huge deal.
“I can also give up our family business in China,” Jotans said subconsciously after
knowing the truth.

“Oh?” Yang Ming snorted indifferently. “As far as I know, aside from the Macau
casino, what other business does the Nancheng Family have in China?”

“This…” Jotans suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He was not trying to play any
tricks when he said this. He just meant that since Yang Ming said that the Douglas
Family gave away some benefits, their Nancheng Family could also do the same and
let out some of their benefits!

He said this to reassure Yang Ming, but it backfired and made Yang Ming think that
he was playing some petty tricks. It was both handing over their business in China
but the Douglas Family handed over property rights of more than ten hotels and he
could only hand out a casino in Macau. The difference was huge.

“Mr. Yang, you know that’s not what I meant! I just wanted to indicate that
whatever the Douglas Family did, we, the Nancheng Family, can do it too, and we are
able to do it even better!” Jotans explained immediately as he was afraid Yang Ming
would misunderstand.

“I know. Even if you want to give me a casino, I will not accept it so easily,”
said Yang Ming, expressionless.

“Mr. Yang, I was just making my stand! I mean, our Nancheng Family can also give
out more benefits than the Douglas Family,” said Jotans. “We have businesses in the
entertainment industry in many countries worldwide. I can give out some as part of
my compensation to you.”

“Many countries worldwide? Do you think I have the energy to go around the world to
take over your entertainment industry?” Yang Ming shrugged. “Let’s start talking
practically here. I want the casinos located in Macau and Las Vegas. Of course, I
won’t stop you from opening a second one. If you have the money, you can reinvest.
I won’t restrict it.”

Originally, Jotans’s heart tightened when he heard Yang Ming wanted the casinos in
both places. These two places are called ‘World Casinos’, and they are the most
profitable ones. If they are taken by Yang Ming, the Nancheng Family will not have
a good future. After hearing that Yang Ming did not restrict them from opening
other casinos in these two places, Jotans was relieved and secretly grateful. It
seems that Yang Ming is similar to how I imagined him to be. He is not the kind of
person who is completely unforgiving.

If this is the case, Yang Ming’s condition is not too much and it is reasonable…
But this is too little, right? It’s just two casinos. It is far lesser than the
benefits given by the Douglas Family.

Jotans was not stupid, and guessed that Yang Ming had not finished his sentence
yet. He said, “Okay, Mr. Yang, please continue.”

Yang Ming nodded his head and was very satisfied with Jotans’s attitude, “Also, I
want the businesses in Singapore.”

“No problem, Mr. Yang. Please continue.” Jotans nodded. There were only a few
hotels and nightclubs in Singapore. With the two previous casinos added up, it was
still not equivalent to the hotels of the Douglas family, so Jotans knew that Yang
Ming was not finished yet.
“Add on one billion dollars,” Yang Ming said. “Other than that, there’s nothing

Chapter 1571: Meeting Liu Yezi Again

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“Okay!” Jotans gritted his teeth. Although one billion dollars was a huge amount,
it might still be worth less than those hotels sold by the Douglas family. So,
Jotans agreed. “Then, the previous matters regarding the Guillotine Gang…”

Jotans was not stupid. He knew that this was Yang Ming’s punishment for him because
the Nancheng Family cooperated with Klass previously. Yang Ming had been very
courteous towards Jotan by not pursuing Klass’s identity.

Even though this matter was over, the next issue where Govisik privately sent the
Guillotine Gang’s people to cause trouble had not been settled yet. These were two
different matters. If Jotans naively thought that the previous conditions could
settle matters altogether, then he was not worthy of being the family master.

“Hehe. As I said, the Guillotine Gang issue has nothing much to do with you.
Anyway, the Guillotine Gang has received their punishment as I have already
destroyed them.” Yang Ming shrugged indifferently. “Since the gang is gone now, it
doesn’t make sense to look into it again. Don’t you think so? ”

“Ah! Whatever Mr. Yang says is definitely correct!” Jotans nodded happily right
after listening to it. So he is letting it go just like that? Is this matter over?

“However, you can give up on the idea of setting up another Guillotine Gang. I have
already given the Guillotine Gang’s territory to the Street Racer Gang.” Yang Ming
said lightly, “I am a man of my word. If you set up a Guillotine Gang again, I have
no choice but to destroy it… ”

In fact, Jotans really had the idea of establishing another Guillotine Gang. When
Jotans heard Yang Ming say previously that he was allowed to open another casino in
Las Vegas previously, he thought of setting up another gang too. After all, it
would be unsafe to open a casino without domineering strength. So Jotans thought
that even though the Guillotine Gang was destroyed, he could still set up an Arm
Slasher Gang and Limb Chopper Gang or something like that. It would be fine once
they took over the Guillotine Gang’s territory.

However, Jotans was startled when he heard Yang Ming say these words. He knew he
could not establish such a gang anymore. Yang Ming had already stated very clearly
that he would also destroy it if another gang was established.

“Mr. Yang, I will keep your words in mind. I will not set up similar forces.”
Jotans naturally knew what choice to make. Isn’t confronting Yang Ming equivalent
to death?
“Alright. If that’s the case, you can go now.” Yang Ming waved his hand, “I’ll give
you an account number for the money, and you can just transfer it to me. The
property rights of the businesses I want should be handled as soon as possible. The
property rights can be transferred to the Huang Family in Singapore directly, under
the name Huang Lele. I believe their family is not unfamiliar to you. ”

“Singapore? Huang Family?” Jotans was stunned for a moment and frowned. He seemed
to think of something, “The previous matter regarding the Macau casino… Excuse me,
Mr. Yang, you and the Huang Family…”

“You don’t have to probe further,” Yang Ming said lightly, “I’m not afraid to tell
you about the matter in Macau previously. I was the one who challenged Nancheng
Casino previously. Why? Could it be that family master Jotans has a bone to pick
with me?”

“This…” Jotans’ expression froze. Immediately, he said awkwardly and fearfully, “I

dare not! If I knew earlier that it was Mr. Yang, I would have instructed my people
in Macau to not have conflict with the Huang Family! ”

“Alright. You can talk to the Huang Family people and just tell them that it was my
idea.” Yang Ming coughed twice and stood up.

Jotans knew that Yang Ming wanted him to leave, so he hurried to stand up, “Okay,
Mr. Yang. I will do it. After it is done, I will let you know…”

“There is no need to let me know. I will be able to see if you have done it well.
If you do not do it well, you know the consequences.” Yang Ming waved his hand
impatiently to signal that Jotans could leave.

“Okay.” Jotans saw Yang Ming frowning, and knew that he was getting on Yang Ming’s
nerves, so he left Yang Ming’s room quickly.

After sending Jotans away, Yang Ming lay on the bed directly. Although he extorted
one billion dollars and some of the Nancheng Family’s businesses, Yang Ming didn’t
feel any excitement.

He left the Nancheng Family’s businesses to Huang Lele. Even if anything happened
to Yang Ming in the future, Huang Lele would have nothing to worry about.

In fact, Huang Lele was already worry-free considering the Huang Family’s current
strength. With the addition of the African mine, the Huang Family had reached a new
height. However, the world was ever-changing. Who knew whether there would be
another ‘Li Family’ or something similar who would mess around with Huang Family
after he left?

Therefore, if Huang Lele had some business of her own, it would be enough for her
to live well as long as she was not extravagant.

As for the extorted one billion dollars, Yang Ming was planning to deposit it into
his Swiss bank account directly. He would just tell his parents the account number
and password before he left, in case they needed it.

At this point, his Las Vegas trip had come to an end.

On the evening of the next day, Yang Ming, Zhang Bing, Zhang Jiefang, and Wang Mei
embarked on the journey to return home. As for the car damaged by Li Dianchi,
Batterton didn’t say much about it. He just asked someone to drive it to the repair
shop directly.
Even if Yang Ming smashed the car to the point of it being written off, Batterton
would still cheer a few times, saying it was awesome.

However, just as Yang Ming was rushing to the airport, his mobile phone ringtone
sounded suddenly.

Yang Ming took out the phone and glanced at the caller ID. It was transferred from
China, but he couldn’t see the specific number.

“Hello, how are you?” Yang Ming answered the phone.

“Yang Ming? I’m Xia Bingbao!” Xia Bingbao’s voice came over the phone.

“Brother Xia? Is there anything?” Yang Ming wondered why Xia Bingbao had called him
at this time.

“Yang Ming, where are you now?” Xia Bingbao asked hurriedly.

“Brother Xia, I’m in Las Vegas, but I’m arriving at the airport soon. I’ll return
on tonight’s plane,” said Yang Ming.

“Great!” Xia Bingbao was relieved after hearing Yang Ming’s words, “Since you
haven’t left yet, then don’t leave first! There is an issue!”

“En?” Yang Ming froze slightly.

“Previously, you helped us, the Supernatural Investigation Bureau, make a

contribution by helping the Field Team to catch the wanted criminal, Li Dianchi. It
gave our Secret Services’ Team leader some pride.” Xia Bingbao couldn’t help but
beam when he mentioned this.

“Li Dianchi? The Field Team?” Yang Ming froze, and then he thought of Liu Yezi
previously. I believe he belongs to this Field Team. He should have reported to his
superiors about the fact that he encountered me and I helped him to catch Li
Dianchi. Otherwise, it is impossible for Xia Bingbao to know about this matter
since he is so far away.

For the first time at this moment, Yang Ming realized that the department to which
he belonged was called the Secret Services Team…

Chapter 1572: An Urgent Mission

“Our department is called the Secret Services Team?” It was really awful. Yang Ming
had been in the Supernatural Investigation Bureau for such a long time, but he
still didn’t know which department he belonged to…

“Don’t you know?” Xia Bingbao was also stunned. He was obviously perplexed that
Yang Ming didn’t know which department he belonged to.

“You have never told me before…” Yang Ming smiled wryly.

“Well, I didn’t mention it… but… I really don’t know what to say about you…” Xia
Bingbao was smiling wryly too.

“What’s wrong?” Yang Ming felt a little strange.

“It seems that I really didn’t mention it,” said Xia Bingbao. “But I am really
amazed by you, Yang Ming. There is a statement indicating which department you
belong to in the documents. Didn’t you see it?”

“I didn’t look through the documents in detail…” Yang Ming touched his chin and
felt embarrassed suddenly.

“You really are something!” Xia Bingbao was speechless, “Alright, I wanted to
praise you initially, but I’m not in the mood anymore. You really disappointed me.”

“Hey, there is nothing good about being praised by you. You always like to
compliment first before finding troubles for me. I will not be fooled.” Yang Ming

“Heh…” Xia Bingbao smiled. He was exposed by Yang Ming. “You guessed it right. The
purpose of calling you this time is to hand over a mission to you.”

“Look… As I said before, there is definitely no good news.” Yang Ming sighed, “I
say, Old Xia, didn’t we agree on this previously? Before I go to Yunnan, I won’t be
given missions. Why did you change your mind? You don’t plan to let me go to
Yunnan? Or do you want to break our agreement… ”

“Coughs… It’s not that I won’t let you go to Yunnan…” Xia Bingbao coughed twice.

“Then you want to break our agreement?” asked Yang Ming.

“…” Xia Bingbao felt stifled by Yang Ming, “Yang Ming, this is a last-minute
decision. You happened to be in Las Vegas, and you were involved in this matter
previously. So it will be more suitable for you to go. If we send someone else
over, it will be too late. On the other hand, there is really no better person than
you! ”

“Ugh… so you mean I have to accept it?” Yang Ming felt helpless. It seemed that he
couldn’t return home immediately.

“Theoretically, yes.” Xia Bingbao nodded, “However, this is also for your own good.
If you go, you can improve your relationship with Liu Yezi…”

“Improve? Me and him? Boss, I don’t like guys… Although he looks a bit like a
lady…” Yang Ming was startled.

“Yang Ming, what nonsense are you thinking about?” Xia Bingbao was speechless, “I’m
talking about cooperating with Liu Yezi. He is one of your partners for the Yunnan
trip. He is the expert I mentioned before who will cooperate with you!”

“It’s him?” Yang Ming froze. According to what I heard from Xia Bingbao earlier,
The expert who will cooperate with me seemed quite awesome. I thought it would be
hard to get along with this expert. But I didn’t expect it to be Liu Yezi. He seems
quite approachable, right?

“That’s him.” Xia Bingbao said affirmatively, “He is our Field Team’s trump card.
That is why he was assigned to perform this mission! Meanwhile, as our Secret
Services Team’s trump card, you should cooperate with him this time. He will then
cooperate with you next time… ”

“Forget it. Since you have already said so, I can only accept it.” Yang Ming heard
that Liu Yezi was going to Yunnan with him, so he decided to agree to Xia Bingbao’s
mission this time. After all, the person he was helping this time was the one who
would go to Yunnan together with him later. Yang Ming naturally wanted to interact
with him more.

“That’s right, don’t embarrass our Secret Services Team!” Xia Bingbao said happily
when Yang Ming agreed to it.

“Okay,” said Yang Ming. “What is the mission this time? Hasn’t that Li Dianchi
already been caught? What other problems are there?”

“This… Regarding the specifics of the mission, it is better to let Liu Yezi tell
you after you meet him. After all, this is their Field Team’s matter. It’s hard for
me to tell you,” said Xia Bingbao.

“Alright. In that case, I’ll contact Liu Yezi.” Yang Ming agreed.

“I’ll give you Liu Yezi’s contact details. You can contact him directly. His
superior has already told him that you will be cooperating with him,” said Xia
Bingbao. “His phone number is XXXXXXX… ”

“I got it.” Yang Ming remembered the number in his heart and said, “I’ll hang up

“Report to me at any time if there is anything,” Xia Bingbao ordered.

“I understand.” Yang Ming hung up after he finished speaking.

Yang Ming was currently sitting at the back of Golden Bull’s minivan. His voice was
relatively low, so Zhang Bing, Zhang Jiefang, and Wang Mei who were sitting in
front did not hear what Yang Ming said on the phone.

“Zhang Bing, after arriving at the airport, you get on the plane with Uncle Zhang
and Wang Mei and return to the country first. I still have other matters on my
side, so I can’t go with you.” After hanging up the phone call, Yang Ming saved Liu
Yezi’s mobile number in his contacts before speaking to Zhang Bing.

“Ah? Bro, aren’t you returning with us?” Zhang Bing was stunned after listening to
Yang Ming. They were about to reach the airport, but Yang Ming said he was not
going back with them after answering a phone call…

“Hehe, I have something else on my side. Rest assured, I will online transfer the
money for you to buy the car to your account after you go back. It will not delay
the purchase of your car,” said Yang Ming while laughing.

“Bro… That’s not what I meant!” Zhang Bing waved his hands again and again, “Bro,
am I that kind of person? I’m just a little worried… Aren’t your matters here
settled? Why do you still need to stay here?”

Zhang Bing’s words made Yang Ming feel a little moved. He smiled and said, “Relax,
it’s alright. It’s nothing to do with the Nancheng Family. It is something else
that has nothing to do with our purpose of coming to Las Vegas this time.”

“If that’s the case… Okay bro, be careful. I’ll wait for you in China…” Zhang Bing
said affectionately.

“You little boy!” Yang Ming scoffed with a smile.

After sending Zhang Bing, Zhang Jiefang, and Wang Mei to the airport, Yang Ming
watched them enter the international departures gate before getting back into the

“Mr. Yang, where are we going now?” Golden Bull asked.

“I’ll let you know after I make a phone call to ask.” Yang Ming didn’t need to be
cautious around Golden Bull at this moment. He picked up the phone and dialed Liu
Yezi’s phone number that Xia Bingbao had told him previously.

After the call was connected, there were two beeps at the other end before it was
answered promptly, “Hello.”

“Liu Yezi?” asked Yang Ming.

“Yes, speaking. May I know who you are?” Liu Yezi was stunned for a moment, then he
immediately recalled, “You are Yang Ming, Mr. Yang?”

“That’s me.” Yang Ming saw that Liu Yezi had recognized his voice, so he said
nothing further, “I received a call from my superior. Where are you? I’ll go there

“I’m at… Forget it. Where are you? I’ll look for you. I’ve been staying here for a
few days. I’m afraid it will be unsafe if we are spotted by others. Coincidentally,
I want to change to another hotel,” Liu Yezi said after hesitating for a while.

Chapter 1573: Coming Back After Leaving

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“Alright. I was staying at the Douglas Vast Hotel previously and I received my
superior’s call just before I was about to get on the plane. I’m going back now.
Please wait for me if you arrive first,” said Yang Ming.
“Okay, I’ll see you later.” Liu Yezi agreed directly without commenting further.

After hanging up Liu Yezi’s phone call, Yang Ming informed Golden Bull, “Let’s go.
We shall return to the hotel.”

“Okay, Mr. Yang.” Golden Bull nodded, started the car, and returned to the Douglas
Vast Hotel using the same road.

Upon returning to the hotel, the staff member at the front desk felt a little
baffled. Although he was not very clear about Yang Ming’s identity, he knew that
Yang Ming was no ordinary person as his boss was so respectful toward him
previously. Therefore, after seeing Yang Ming, he dialed Batterton’s number

Batterton was overjoyed at this time. He was playing games with his secretary in
the office… During Yang Ming’s stay this time, he had established a harmonious
relationship with him. Even the family master, Caique, was impressed with him.
Batterton thought that his status in Las Vegas would be extremely stable now and no
one in the family could replace him!

Not only that, but he also won the absolute friendship of the Street Racer Gang.
Previously, the cooperation between Batterton and the Street Racer Gang was only
based on interests. If Batterton did not pay a certain sponsorship fee to the
Street Racer Gang every month, their relationship would not be so.

But from now on, not only did Batterton no longer need to give a single penny to
the Street Racer Gang, but the Street Racer Gang was also more friendly than
before. When Yang Ming just left, the Street Racer Gang’s former chief, Lang Ge
Sr., made an appointment with Batterton to have dinner together.

My social status in Las Vegas will rise even further in the future too.

As Batterton thought about this, his mood started surging with joy.

“Ring-” The phone’s ringtone sounded at this moment.

“Who is it again?” Batterton frowned, and he didn’t want to answer the phone
initially. Batterton was relieved since Yang Ming was gone at this time. However,
when Batterton remembered that he almost offended Yang Ming because he didn’t
answer the phone, he was alert again. It’s better to answer the call. What if there
is something serious?

Alas, Batterton reluctantly picked up the phone.

“Hello? Who is it?” asked Batterton.

“Boss, I’m York, one of the front desk staff downstairs. Mr. Yang is back!” York
was a new staff member. The previous staff member manning the front desk had been

“What?” Batterton rose suddenly when he heard York’s words, “What did you say? Mr.
Yang is back? Which Mr. Yang are you talking about?”

“It was the previous Yang Ming… Mr. Yang!” said York. “He is back with another
gentleman who lives in the luxury suite on the top floor…”

“Ah!” Batterton was immediately sober now, “I’ll go down now!”

After speaking, he ignored his secretary, immediately put on his clothes and ran

When Yang Ming walked into the hotel, he also saw York on the phone. Yang Ming knew
that he was informing Batterton, but Yang Ming didn’t mind. After all, as a hotel
staff, York worked under Batterton. If he did not notify Batterton immediately, he
would soon be fired.

“Is my previous room still available?” Yang Ming walked to the front desk and asked
York with a smile.

“Yes, Mr. Yang. Please wait a moment, I’ll get your room card.” York quickly agreed
and went to look for Yang Ming’s room card. Naturally, York was extremely
respectful toward the person whom his boss respected so much. I believe the boss
will not blame me for making a decision without his permission, right?

While he was talking, the elevator door opened, and Batterton came out of it.
Batterton saw Yang Ming was indeed here, so he trotted over hurriedly, “Mr. Yang,
it’s really you! Why are you back again?”

“Why? Am I not welcome?” Yang Ming teased and laughed.

“Of course not!” said Batterton. “I just felt a little strange. If Mr. Yang wants
to come, I will be more than happy to welcome you. In fact, I wish you could live
here permanently!”

Batterton was telling the truth. With Yang Ming here, all his affairs would be
smooth-sailing. At that time, the family master would highly regard him.

“There were some issues at the last moment, so I came back.” Yang Ming said with a
smile, “Okay, you can carry on with your business. Don’t worry about me.”

“How can I do that!” Batterton shook his head again and again, “Mr. Yang, should I
send you up?”

“It’s not that I can’t find the way. It’s okay, just carry on with your business as
I said before.” Yang Ming smiled.

“Then… Okay …” Batterton didn’t leave anyway. He just stood aside respectfully.
Yang Ming didn’t say much.

Yang Ming took out his phone and dialed Liu Yezi’s phone, “I have arrived at the
Douglas Vast Hotel. Where are you?”

“I have arrived long ago!” said Liu Yezi. “The hotel I stayed at is not far from
this hotel. It’s less than one kilometer away.”

“It turns out you arrived a long time ago.” Yang Ming was surprised as he thought
that Liu Yezi hadn’t arrived yet.

“Yes, I have already entered the room. I’m at 4106. Are you going to come over to
meet me?” asked Liu Yezi.

“Okay, then wait for me.” Yang Ming took note of the room number, then hung up the
Firstly, Yang Ming informed Golden Bull to go back to his room on the top floor. He
would go to the fourth floor to find Liu Yezi by himself.

When he arrived at Room 4106, Yang Ming knocked on the door. After a while, Yang
Ming saw someone looking out from the door’s peephole, and then the door was

“Hello, Mr. Yang! Please come in!” After confirming that the person was indeed Yang
Ming, Liu Yezi opened the door and greeted him warmly.

Liu Yezi was a very proud person. As the Field Team’s trump card, it was inevitable
that he was a little proud. This was also the reason why Xia Bingbao hinted to Yang
Ming that Liu Yezi was not easy to get along with before!

However, although Liu Yezi was prideful, he admired Yang Ming more. Firstly, Yang
Ming’s ability was not weaker than him. Secondly, he admired Yang Ming’s acupoint
technique even more.

Therefore, Liu Yezi definitely would not treat capable people like Yang Ming with

Yang Ming entered Liu Yezi’s room and scanned the room. This was a standard double
room. Although it was very neat and clean, it was far inferior compared to Yang
Ming’s luxury suite on the top floor.

“Mr. Yang, I have checked it carefully. There is no tapping or monitoring device.”

Seeing Yang Ming scanning across the room, Liu Yezi thought Yang Ming was looking
at these things, so he explained it directly.

Yang Ming smiled bitterly. Apparently, Liu Yezi had misunderstood, “I’m not
checking these things. I’m just looking around… This is not a place to talk. Let’s
go upstairs. I’ll change you to another room!”

“Change me to another room?” Liu Yezi was dumbfounded. He did not quite understand
Yang Ming’s words, “Why should we change rooms? Is there anything wrong with this

Chapter 1574: It Was All Your Fault

“Oh-” Yang Ming smiled, “I didn’t say there is something wrong with this room. This
room is okay, but its sound insulation is not as good as those luxury suites after
all. Plus, it is inconvenient to talk because people are walking around here.”

“Luxury suites? I heard that this is the designated conference hotel of the
International Jewelry Exhibition, and it is overcrowded now. I managed to get this
room as someone just checked out,” said Liu Yezi, puzzled.

“Hehe, I know this hotel’s owner. They have reserved luxury suites on the top
floor. You will know when we go up.” Yang Ming smiled.
“Oh? I didn’t expect you to have such a connection…” Liu Yezi was a little
surprised. But this was probably quite normal for those who could be called the
trump card of the Secret Services Team.

Liu Yezi had learned about Yang Ming’s identity and background through his
superior. They said that he was an S-class secret expert. Experts of this class
were either mysterious people with special abilities or were people who had reached
the peak of martial arts. Liu Yezi was not sure whether Yang Ming was a martial
arts expert or special ability expert. But now it seemed that Yang Ming’s skills
were quite outstanding, so he was somewhat inclined to the martial arts.

“Otherwise, why would I be staying here? This hotel is luxurious indeed, but there
are too many people.” Yang Ming shrugged with a smile.

Liu Yezi didn’t say much more and packed his luggage quickly. He had no unnecessary
things, only a small carry-on bag and a laptop.

Just as he went out, Liu Yezi remembered something, “Let me call the front desk to
check out of the room…”

“No need to bother about that.” Yang Ming waved his hand.

“Bro… Our Field Team’s budget is very tight. This hotel room costs more than a
hundred dollars a night. Isn’t it a waste if I don’t refund it…?” Liu Yezi shook
his head again and again with a stingy look, “I am not like you, speaking so easily
just because you are rich. My family doesn’t give me money. I’m only relying on my
wages and expenses. Unlike you who can easily just extort a million dollars by
catching a person casually. ”

“Sigh…” Yang Ming couldn’t help but break into a sweat after listening to Liu Yezi
nagging, “I mean you don’t have to check out of this room by yourself. Just make a
call to the staff to handle it when we go upstairs later…”

“Won’t they have to check the room?” Liu Yezi was dumbfounded.

“…” Yang Ming smiled bitterly. “As I said, I know their boss. Let’s go. Relax,
everything will be alright.”

Finally, Liu Yezi walked out of the room with his bag and entered the elevator with
Yang Ming.

Although there were no other people in the elevator, Liu Yezi didn’t say anything.
Obviously, he seemed very careful.

When they reached the top floor and got out of the elevator, Yang Ming said with a
smile, “Spill it. What’s this mission all about?”

“Here… Shall we talk about it after we enter the room?” Liu Yezi hesitated.

“There is only one other room occupied on this floor and the person inside is with
me,” said Yang Ming as he pointed at Golden Bull’s room. “There is no one else in
the other rooms. The staff will not come up to this floor on their own without any

Liu Yezi had checked the corridor and found that the cameras were off. There was no
tapping device or anything similar. He couldn’t help but nod. It seemed that Yang
Ming was right. Speaking here shouldn’t be a problem.

“The things in Li Dianchi’s hands have been handed over to someone else… We must
take them back,” said Liu Yezi. “The opponent is very strong… I am not very
confident about it, so I applied for support from my superior and they sent you

“Oh? Can you be more specific? What’s going on?” Yang Ming frowned. Although Yang
Ming could glean some general information between Liu Yezi’s lines, he still needed
to know some specifics.

“Speaking of which… The root cause of this is all your fault…” said Liu Yezi
playfully while sighing and watching Yang Ming.

“Me? How is it related to me?” Yang Ming froze. Today was my first time seeing Li
Dianchi, right?

“This… It is still related… Actually, this is what happened…” Liu Yezi explained to
Yang Ming, “Li Dianchi was a researcher in one of the research institutes of our
military. He researched human potential. After you captured Chen Afu, he has been
cooperating with the people in the institute to study this topic. The researchers
have obtained inspiration from his voodoo and made important breakthroughs in
bacteriology. This is a hot scientific topic. If the research is successful, they
may use the special characteristics and principles of voodoo to create a powerful
biochemical weapon… ”

“Ugh… Then, these results were stolen by Li Dianchi?” Yang Ming roughly understood
what Liu Yezi meant… Even though I am somehow related to this, it can’t be blamed
on me entirely!

“Yes. Although the research results are not complete, it is still a secret. Li
Dianchi sold it to a European research institute. He was meant to deliver it in Las
Vegas… If it was one step earlier when Li Dianchi had not given it away yet… Haih,
it’s all my fault. I couldn’t catch up with him.” Liu Yezi sighed. “As a result,
this brat gave away the research results in Las Vegas…”

“So you want me to help you find what he handed over?” Yang Ming fully understood
Liu Yezi this time, “But are you sure that this information has not spread yet?”

Given that communication technology is so advanced now, a piece of information can

spread out quickly in a matter of seconds.

“It won’t.” Liu Yezi shook his head confidently, “This information is stored in an
encrypted chip. They can only get the information inside if they crack the chip in
a research laboratory. Li Dianchi only took the chip. They can’t access what’s

“I see.” Yang Ming nodded. In that case, this thing might still be in Las Vegas as
such a valuable thing is impossible to send by mail.

“Moreover, I’m sure that the person who was in contact with Li Dianchi is still in
Las Vegas. The only thing is that he is quite skilled, and I am not his opponent…”
Liu Yezi sighed.

“Have you fought against him?” Yang Ming frowned. “Isn’t this alerting the enemy

“I’m not that foolish,” said Liu Yezi. “The one who fought against him was also
from our Field Team and was one of my assistants. This was what happened at that
time. We followed him to the hotel where he lived. My assistant dressed up as a
gangster and followed him to the restaurant on the ground floor of the hotel. When
the man went to the bathroom, my assistant clashed with him, but he was quickly
knocked to the ground… Although my assistant’s martial arts are not as powerful as
mine, they aren’t bad either. He was knocked down within a few moves, and his arm
was broken… Upon self-reflection, I realized that I’m not that person’s opponent

“He can fight very well, huh?” Yang Ming nodded after listening to him.

Chapter 1575: Suburban Operation Base

“If fighting is the only way… then so be it… but…” Liu Yezi seemed baffled.

“But what?” Yang Ming was a little puzzled.

“But… the key problem is that after my assistant was beaten by him, my assistant
pulled out a pistol and hurriedly fired at him, but…” Liu Yezi hesitated again
after he said this, then stopped talking…

“But what? Liu Yezi, you aren’t someone who holds back your words. Why is it so
difficult for you to talk?” Yang Ming was a little impatient with Liu Yezi. He
glared at Liu Yezi and rushed him to speak.

“When I say it… you better believe it.” Liu Yezi lowered his voice.

“I’ll believe it. Just tell me…” Yang Ming thought that Liu Yezi was really wasting

“That guy was unharmed by the shot! The bullet hit his forehead and actually
bounced off…” Liu Yezi said, “Can you imagine it? This guy’s head is actually
stronger than a bullet. Is this possible?”

“Invulnerable?” Yang Ming was slightly stunned, “The bullet bounced off from his

When Liu Yezi saw Yang Ming’s astonished expression, he thought Yang Ming didn’t
believe him. Liu Yezi smiled bitterly, “I already said that it’s hard to believe. I
even told you to better believe it… What I said is true!”

“I didn’t say that I don’t believe it…” Yang Ming shook his head. Yang Ming was
shocked because he remembered someone; Jetson… That monster that he saw in the
Lancer Family resembling Superman…

Is the person Liu Yezi’s assistant met also related to Jetson? Thinking of this,
Yang Ming quickly asked, “What about Li Dianchi?”

“He’s with our Field Team Three at our operation base here.” Liu Yezi said, “He’s
about to be secretly deported back. Why? What’s wrong?”

“Did he say that this chip containing the information was sold to any organization
or individual?” asked Yang Ming.

“I didn’t have the time to ask before. I only asked who he gave the chip to, then
quickly sent someone to intercept it. As for whether we found them yet, I still
don’t know.” Liu Yezi said, “Why? Is this matter important?”

“I just want to confirm…” Yang Ming hesitated and said, “I have fought against a
person like this before, so I’m not sure if the person you mentioned is from the
same place as that person…”

“What? You have encountered a similar person before?” Liu Yezi’s eyes widened. “Are
you serious? That person is also invulnerable?”

Yang Ming nodded, “That’s right… The person I met was not only invulnerable but his
body was also like an impenetrable defense. It felt like steel whenever I struck

“In the end, that person…” Liu Yezi was shocked. But he did not doubt Yang Ming’s
words. After all, with their current identity, there was no need to make up such

“I killed him… but it was very difficult,” Yang Ming shrugged with a bitter grin.
“I lured him into the boiler in a boiler room… No matter what he was, he turned
into steam in the furnace…”

“So cruel…” Liu Yezi’s face showed a terrified expression, “Dude, you are too
fierce. You can think of such a trick…”

“What else? That guy was a complete monster…” Yang Ming said, “He was invulnerable.
Hitting him was like hitting an iron plate. I could only find other ways to destroy
him directly.”

“So, these two people are very similar. Maybe there really is some connection…” Liu
Yezi nodded, “Then, now we…”

“Go and see Li Dianchi!” said Yang Ming.

“Okay, I’ll get in touch.” Liu Yezi said as he took out his phone. He dialed a
number, informed the person on the other side that he was going to see Li Dianchi,
then hung up.

“Let’s go, Mr. Yang…” Liu Yezi excitedly called Yang Ming as “bro” previously, but
after returning to normal, he called Yang Ming as “Mr. Yang”.

“Oh… call me bro or directly call me Yang Ming. I’m not used to the name Mr. Yang.”
Yang Ming patted Liu Yezi’s shoulder, “In the future, we will be brothers that
fight side by side. I will also not call you Mr. Liu. I’ll just call you Little
“Okay…” Liu Yezi nodded. Although the name Little Yezi was a bit feminine, that was
what his parents used to call him. Liu Yezi was used to it, “Then I’ll call you
Yang Ming. Let’s go. I’ve already contacted them.”

“Where is it?” asked Yang Ming.

“At the outskirts of the city. Our operation base is in a car recycling plant.
There are usually Chinese working in this kind of factory, so it’s not unusual or
eye-catching,” explained Liu Yezi.

Yang Ming nodded, “Should I get a car?”

“That is better than hailing a taxi,” said Liu Yezi.

Yang Ming directly called Batterton and asked him to prepare a low-key ordinary
car. He did not want it to be too conspicuous.

Naturally, Batterton agreed.

After Yang Ming and Liu Yezi went downstairs, they saw a Volkswagen Passat at the
hotel’s entrance. There were many of these on the street, and it was not brand new.
Hence, it was more suitable.

“Not bad. I have used this car recently.” Yang Ming took the car key from Batterton
with satisfaction.

Batterton breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. He was speculating about Yang
Ming’s thoughts. Although Yang Ming didn’t say anything about the sports car
before, Batterton noticed that Yang Ming did not seem very satisfied. So, when Yang
Ming gave an instruction this time, he accordingly brought out a used VW Passat,
which was low-key but very comfortable to handle. It seems like I did well.

“You should drive.” Yang Ming handed the car keys to Liu Yezi.

Liu Yezi didn’t refuse and took the car keys. After all, only he knew where the car
recycling plant was. Yang Ming wouldn’t be able to find it even if he drove.

The journey to the car factory in the suburbs that Liu Yezi mentioned was
unobstructed. The front of the factory was used for business as normal, and workers
were busy dismantling abandoned cars.

After Yang Ming and Liu Yezi got off, a chubby man came over immediately, “Do you
need any help?”

“One of us.” Liu Yezi whispered to the chubby man.

“En?” The chubby man was stunned. He glanced at Yang Ming and nodded, saying
nothing other than, “Come with me.”

The fat man was the reception manager here. But at the same time, he was also an
agent of the Supernatural Investigation Bureau stationed overseas. He usually did
business when there was nothing special going on. He had several contacts within
Lie Yezi’s circles before and naturally knew him. However, this was the first time
he was meeting this Yang Ming next to Liu Yezi.
Chapter 1576: Traps on the Road
Alas, most of the hired workers in the outer area did not know the forces behind
this processing plant.

The workers in the outer area didn’t care about Yang Ming and Liu Yezi following
the chubby man toward the inner office. After all, people who came to discuss
business would be taken to the back by the chubby man. As for where they went
later, the workers didn’t know.

After traversing a spacious corridor, the chubby man turned around and walked into
a small emergency stairwell. After going down the stairs, he went through a small
narrow hallway before stopping and knocking on the door of a storage room.

He seemed to knock in an orderly and rhythmic way. It must be something like a


After a while, the storage room door was opened. Inside stood two macho men holding
guns, and they aimed the muzzle at Yang Ming and Liu Yezi.

However, after seeing Liu Yezi, the macho man who was pointing the muzzle at Liu
Yezi changed his aim to Yang Ming.

“I’m sorry, this is the rule. Please show me your credentials.” The chubby man
turned around and said to Yang Ming seriously.

“No problem.” Yang Ming was not angry. After all, the chubby man was just being
careful. Although he was brought by Liu Yezi, this was his first time here. There
was nothing wrong with them being serious and careful.

Yang Ming took out his credentials and handed it to the chubby man as he spoke.

The chubby man took the credentials, carefully inspected it for a while, then
scanned it with a machine in the side door of the storage room. After confirming
the information displayed on the machine matched with Yang Ming’s credentials, the
chubby man returned the credentials to Yang Ming, and the two macho men aiming
their guns at Yang Ming also stood down.

“Mr. Yang! Welcome! I’m sorry about just now!” The chubby man returned the
credentials to Yang Ming and explained again.

“It’s fine. I understand.” Yang Ming smiled, indicating that he didn’t mind.
“This is the expert from the Secret Services team – Yang Ming. He assisted in Li
Dianchi’s arrest.” Liu Yezi briefly introduced Yang Ming’s identity, then said to
Yang Ming, “We all call this guy Fatty. He’s our liaison here and his apparent
identity is the manager of this car recycling plant.”

“Hello, Mr. Yang!” Fatty kindly presented his hand.

Yang Ming shook hands with him, “No need to be polite. I’ll call you Fatty too.
Let’s go and see Li Dianchi first?”

“Okay, please follow me.” Fatty led Yang Ming and Liu Yezi to the locker room. The
two macho men behind them closed the door after Yang Ming and the others entered.

This storage room was just the entrance to the secret passage. After opening a
hidden door on the storage room’s wall, Fatty took Yang Ming and Liu Yezi into the
passage, passing through several rugged crossings. When he reached a dead end,
Fatty skillfully operated a hidden mechanism on the wall, and they all got out of
the passage.

They had entered a deserted underground space. There were no lights and it was
dark, but Yang Ming’s eyes could clearly see that there was a car parked further

Sure enough, Fatty got in the car, turned on the lights, and the underground space
was lit up.

“Get in the car,” said Fatty.

Liu Yezi apparently had been here before as there was no look of surprise on his
face. Yang Ming had already seen the situation inside, so he was not surprised

However, Fatty secretly admired Yang Ming who did not seem to be scared. He is
indeed an expert. No matter what, he is not afraid.

“Mr. Yang, so Li Dianchi was caught with your help. When Little Yezi mentioned it,
I was surprised. You are truly an expert. It’s a pity that I didn’t see it. But
when I met Mr. Yang today, I only then realized that you are so young! So young yet
so promising!” said Fatty while driving.

“He…” Yang Ming smiled plainly, but suddenly he looked stern. He quickly got up to
pull the car’s handbrake and shouted to Fatty, “Stop!”

Fatty was shocked. He subconsciously stepped on the brakes, and abruptly stopped
the car. However, Fatty felt somewhat confused, “What happened? Mr. Yang?”

“There is a problem with the road.” Yang Ming frowned.

“There’s a problem? It’s impossible! I have driven on this road thousands of times,
and there is an automatic cruise system in the car. There is nothing wrong with
it!” If Fatty didn’t confirm Yang Ming’s identity, he wouldn’t be talking so nicely
to Yang Ming.

His sudden action almost scared me to death!

Yang Ming did not explain. He just jumped off the car. He walked quickly to the
front of the car, then picked up a small box from the ground. He stood up and
handed it directly to Fatty, “Look at it yourself.”

Fatty did not expect Yang Ming to really pick up something off the ground. He took
it with some doubts. At a glance, his face changed drastically and became

“This… who put this here?” As Fatty said this, cold sweat trickled down his

Fatty’s vision was not bad. This was a small bomb. The trigger switch was located
on top. As soon as the car pressed it, it would detonate. Then…

“I don’t know about this. You need to investigate it yourself.” Yang Ming shrugged
and said plainly.

Yang Ming did not doubt Fatty, but who was Yang Ming? He was the new generation of
the King of Assassins, so he was always careful and vigilant. Especially in an
unfamiliar environment, he would not lower his guard.

Although Fatty’s car was cruising automatically, and it seemed that even Liu Yezi
had used this road a few times before, Yang Ming remained vigilant and kept staring
at the road in front of him.

Sure enough, Yang Ming found a problem on the road not far away.

“Mr. Yang… I…” Fatty knew that he had become the target of suspicion…

“No need to say anything. I don’t doubt you.” Yang Ming said, “Unless you want to
die yourself. If this bomb was pressed, let alone you and me, even this car would
be blown up.”

“This… Thank you…” Fatty was relieved after hearing Yang Ming’s words. However, no
matter who placed it here, it was his territory, so he couldn’t escape the blame.

“Let’s not talk about this. Let’s quickly go and see Li Dianchi. If my guess is
correct, he has already been killed.” Yang Ming sighed. It seems that something is
wrong with Fatty’s inner circle. However, this was not Yang Ming’s scope of
responsibility after all, and he couldn’t control that much.

“Okay!” Fatty took a breath, shut down the car’s cruise control system, and
prepared to drive himself. After all, such a thing had happened. Who knew if there
were similar traps on the road later on? Fatty did not dare to take it lightly.

“Go at full speed. There are no more detonators in front,” Yang Ming plainly said
as he discerned Fatty’s thoughts. Yang Ming did not stand aside doing nothing. Now
that he had found such a trap, Yang Ming did not dare to fool around with his life.
He had searched the road ahead with special abilities; at least there were no traps
within a certain range. Even if there was something ahead, it wouldn’t be too late
to say something at that time.
Chapter 1577: Li Dianchi’s Death
“En?” Fatty was stunned. He didn’t expect Yang Ming to be so confident. However,
although he didn’t have any special ability, he also belonged to the core liaison
staff of the Supernatural Investigation Bureau. He naturally knew some of their
secrets. Since Yang Ming was so confident, he must have his methods.

Therefore, Fatty didn’t question and just increased the speed slowly. He was also
worried about Li Dianchi’s safety. After all, since a bomb could be placed in front
of the car, then Li Dianchi’s side could not be better.

At this moment, Yang Ming did not think that Li Dianchi was still alive. He was
just going there to confirm it. However, Yang Ming’s attention was still on the
road and the danger ahead.

Fortunately, the person who set up the ambush might have been too confident, or may
not have had the time and energy to set up more traps and troubles. The rest of the
journey was very smooth.

The car stopped in front of a small door. Yang Ming saw that there were at least a
dozen similar small doors in this dark space. Yang Ming was not interested in
looking into them with special abilities. They must be detaining some important

Yang Ming just glanced into the door in front of the car and determined that Li
Dianchi had been killed.

“Hehe, he is most likely dead. It doesn’t matter whether we go in or not,” Yang

Ming said while looking at Fatty who was opening the door with the key.

“This… Ai!” Fatty also smiled bitterly, not knowing what to say. He knew well in
his heart that Li Dianchi’s chance of living was too slim.

Fatty opened the door, and saw Li Dianchi lying motionless on the bed. His heart
sank again. It seemed that speculation had become reality; Li Dianchi was really

“This… Mr. Yang, Little Yezi, it was my negligence that caused this… I will take
all responsibility for this matter…” Fatty’s face was very unsightly. He knew how
important Li Dianchi was and how much effort his people had put into arresting him.
He knew it very well…

Liu Yezi and the newly-acquainted Mr. Yang Ming in front of me are the ones who
arrested Li Dianchi in person, and yet Li Dianchi died in my territory. How could
Yang Ming and Liu Yezi tolerate this?

The person who they spent a lot of effort in arresting is dead. Who could be happy
about this?

“Forget it, he’s already dead,” Yang Ming said plainly. Originally, he just wanted
to confirm the identity of the person receiving the chip from Li Dianchi,
confirming whether he was with the mysterious “Central” or related to Dr. Benjamin.
However, since Li Dianchi was dead, there was no need to ask.

Anyway, it did not affect Yang Ming much if he asked or not. Regardless of whether
he could confirm if the person receiving was from Central or not, Yang Ming still
had to take action against them.

“This…” Fatty thought Yang Ming was angry. After all, from Liu Yezi’s words, Yang
Ming seemed to have made great efforts in arresting Li Dianchi, “Mr. Yang, I’m
sorry! I didn’t live up to the country’s trust…”

“It’s alright. I don’t blame you…” Yang Ming smiled, “I really don’t mind. He is
dead. What does it have to do with me? Anyway, he doesn’t have much value. We can
just get it back from whoever he gave it to. Don’t blame yourself too much. Which
system doesn’t have worms? But you need to weed out these worms; I won’t
participate in this.”

“Relax, Mr. Yang, I won’t let the worm have a good life! Before tonight, I will
give you and Little Yezi an explanation!” Fatty gritted his teeth and said
hatefully, “I’ve lost face!”

“He, let’s go find the foreigner who took the chip.” Yang Ming nodded, “Right, this
guy still has money in his bank account…”

“This, we haven’t asked yet. His money needs to be handed over, and it involves
secret things like bank accounts. It’s inappropriate for us to ask, so we were
waiting to transfer him back to China, and then have those in the country
interrogate him. I didn’t expect him to die… ” Fatty felt a little regretful when
he mentioned this, “This kid must have gotten a lot of money, but his family will
benefit from this!”

“Oh, it’s not really a benefit.” Yang Ming smiled slightly and said nothing else.
Since they didn’t want this money, Yang Ming didn’t intend to let it go. When Li
Dianchi transferred money to him before, although he typed into his mobile phone
with his back turned towards Yang Ming, Yang Ming could still clearly see the
account number and the password he typed with his special ability. At first, Yang
Ming wanted to hack into his account, but later thought that it would be
inappropriate Liu Yezi would definitely ask for this money when they returned.
However, Yang Ming didn’t expect Li Dianchi to die before Yang Ming could take

Then why else should Yang Ming decline it? It was a waste to leave it alone. Yang
Ming planned to transfer the money to his account in a while. Anyway, Yang Ming had
a lot of money now. He would at least be able to leave considerable assets to his
parents and Chen Mengyan before he went to Yunnan…

“Yeah, he is dead. What’s the point of asking for money!?” Fatty didn’t know Yang
Ming’s intention. Fatty sighed, “Mr. Yang, Little Yezi, let me send you back?

“I have already said, just call me Yang Ming. My friends around me call me Big
Ming. You can call me Big Ming, just like how I also call you Fatty,” Yang Ming
said to Fatty.

“This… I’m a little embarrassed… Such a serious incident happened…” Fatty explained
a bit awkwardly.

“Well, don’t think about it so much. When Little Yezi and I get the things back, Li
Dianchi’s death will not be important anymore. I don’t think the bosses above will
hold you accountable. Even if you are held accountable, I will say something for
you. It’s nothing.” Yang Ming patted Fatty’s shoulders to comfort him.

What a good person! Fatty heard Yang Ming’s words and was so grateful that he
almost teared up. Yang Ming is the model of a good person! Not only did he not care
about the death of the person he spent so much effort in arresting, but he would
also say a few good words for me if I was punished by the bosses above. This… this…
Fatty didn’t know what to say.

“Big Ming, you are my friend. In the future, your business is my business!” Fatty
was so excited that his face jiggled constantly, “There are no words to express my
appreciation for your great help!”

“Hehe, maybe in the future I will ask for your help in my family’s matters…” Yang
Ming smiled. “I won’t hide anything from you. Little Yezi and I have to do a very
dangerous mission in a few days. So the bosses above will listen to me and consider
my feelings, so you will be fine this time. You will definitely be fine…”

“En?” Fatty was stunned, then his face became serious! Fatty was obvious about what
kind of organization he and the others were in. Since Yang Ming said that it was a
very dangerous mission, then this mission must be extraordinary…

Chapter 1578: Paving the Way Ahead

People from the Supernatural Investigation Bureau were commonly sent out on
missions. Which mission was not dangerous? They were already used to the usual
missions, so to say that this mission was dangerous, one could only imagine…

Yang Ming was the ace of the Secret Services team… and Liu Yezi was the ace of the
Field team. The difficulty of the mission was unimaginable if two aces were doing
it together…

“Big Ming, do you have anything you want me to do?” Fatty was not stupid. He
instantly understood what Yang Ming meant.

“En, if you return to China, you should be able to get a good position. If I can’t
come back, take care of my family for me…” Yang Ming sighed, a little sad… But Yang
Ming was telling the truth.

Although Xia Bingbao would also take care of his family, Yang Ming still needed to
prepare in many ways. One more ally meant one more reassurance. He helped Fatty
this time and Fatty would remember this favor. After Yang Ming was gone, Fatty
would repay the favor to Yang Ming’s family…

“Relax! Big Ming, I’ll remember this!” Fatty said calmly, “We’re from the same
organization and such a day will come for anyone. You don’t have to worry about

“Hehe, okay. It’s good to hear you say that.” Yang Ming nodded, “I’m just
mentioning it. Maybe I can come back. I have Little Yezi with me…”

“Don’t look at me. I also know how dangerous the upcoming mission is, otherwise the
bosses above wouldn’t have us familiarize ourselves with each other first…” Liu
Yezi shrugged, “But no matter how difficult it is, I’m still going.”

“You have an open mind! Let’s go! Let’s find the foreigner and bring the chip back
first,” Yang Ming said as he got in the car. Fatty and Liu Yezi also got in the

Fatty had already called someone to deal with Li Dianchi’s affairs. After sending
Yang Ming and Liu Yezi away, he would most probably start to deal with the

After returning, Yang Ming and Liu Yezi left the car recycling plant and sat in the
Passat that Yang Ming had driven before.

“I didn’t expect Li Dianchi to be killed. No wonder Li Dianchi chose to run to Las

Vegas for the delivery. It seems that the other party had planned it beforehand.”
Liu Yezi sighed, “The other party was well-prepared. If Li Dianchi was arrested,
they would get traitors within the organization to kill him…”

“He… this can’t be helped. However, Li Dianchi is not worth much anymore. He is
dead.” Yang Ming didn’t care, “Where is that foreigner?”

“Should we find him now?” Liu Yezi was stunned.

“Yeah, what are you waiting for? The night is long. What if he runs away?” Yang
Ming said, “I want to resolve it as soon as possible. I want to hurry back home to
accompany my wife. I only have little time left to accompany her.”

“Okay, but aren’t we completely unprepared? Are we going to go against him bare-
handed?” Liu Yezi agreed with Yang Ming’s proposal, but also raised his doubts.

“Is there any use in preparing?” Yang Ming spread his hand, “He is invulnerable.
Wouldn’t whatever you prepare still be useless? Can you get a missile or an atomic

“…” Liu Yezi was a little speechless. Of course he couldn’t get these things!
“That’s true.”

“If you can’t get them, then let’s go. We’ll just play by ear when we get there.”
Yang Ming said, “Tell me what you know first. Since Li Dianchi is dead, you can
tell me what he said about that foreigner.”

“En.” Liu Yezi nodded, “Li Dianchi didn’t say anything. He actually didn’t know
much. Li Dianchi told us before that it was a foreign research institution that
paid him for our research results. Someone from the institution found Li Dianchi
through the internet. Both sides established a certain degree of trust over a
period of regular communications. After they paid Li Dianchi a deposit, Li Dianchi
began to make his move. He carried a chip with the latest research materials and
arrived in Las Vegas to make a trade with the organization for the rest of the

“Did he say the name of the research institute?” asked Yang Ming.

“He didn’t say… Maybe he is not sure about it too.” Liu Yezi shook his head.

“En, you can continue.” Yang Ming listened to Liu Yezi’s words and had no regrets
about Li Dianchi’s death. Since Liu Yezi said that this kind of private network
contact was used for the transaction, the other party wouldn’t easily tell Li
Dianchi the details. It was impossible for them to tell Li Dianchi which research
institution they belong to. Both sides just negotiated the price and made the

“Although Li Dianchi worked in research and development, he was also part of the
special forces with unusual skills. He was especially good at anti-tracking… This
is why we could only pinpoint his location in Las Vegas after so long…” Liu Yezi
said, “Li Dianchi only knew what the person looks like and what hotel he stays in.
He didn’t know the rest. In my last probe, it was the bar below that hotel… but our
probe failed and our people were injured. That foreigner is just like a cyborg. He
is not afraid of a fight…”

“Cyborg?” Yang Ming was slightly stunned. He had never thought that these people
would be cyborgs. After all, this was not in line with common sense. The world
hasn’t heard of such advanced cyborgs…

However, recalling my encounter with Jetson, that Jetson might also be a cyborg as
Liu Yezi said! He was completely different from ordinary people!

“Yeah,” Liu Yezi was driving the car so he did not notice Yang Ming’s abnormality.
He continued, “So if the two of us go there now, there is basically nothing we can
do. We can’t defeat him…”

“A cyborg?” Yang Ming smiled plainly. If it is a cyborg, it will be easy! As long

as it is a cyborg, there will definitely be weaknesses in its body. This reminded
Yang Ming of Tian Long!

Tian Long’s body armor had a chink. Similarly, the cyborg must also have weaknesses
in its body. That should be its energy supply, but it wouldn’t be easily detected.
However, once it was discovered, it would be a fatal weakness!

Of course, this was just Yang Ming’s hypothesis. Yang Ming wasn’t sure yet whether
the other party was a real cyborg or not. Only when he encountered him and scanned
him with his x-ray vision could he know.

“What’s wrong? You seem very disdainful?” Liu Yezi also heard the slight disdain in
Yang Ming’s tone.

“Hehe, if it is really a cyborg, I think I have a way,” Yang Ming laughed and said.

“En?” Liu Yezi was stunned, but he did not doubt Yang Ming. No one in their
organization would lie. If they spoke, it meant that they had a certain degree of
confidence, otherwise they wouldn’t say it. So he said, “I hope so. I’m counting on
you this time. Whatever you want me to when we encounter him, just instruct me to
do it!”

“Of course, I will not be polite with you.” Yang Ming smiled, “In a while, prepare
a heavy machine gun that uses armor-piercing bullets…”

Chapter 1579: Guru Yang

“Armor-piercing bullets?” Liu Yezi couldn’t help but be stunned, “Yang Ming, do you
need such a powerful weapon? Ordinary firearms should be fine, but armor-piercing
bullets are hard to get…”

“Oh? Can’t Fatty get them?” asked Yang Ming.

“Generally, firearms are easy to buy in Las Vegas, but lethal and inhumane weapons
such as armor-piercing bullets are difficult to buy in the civilian market. Even
the black market might not sell them…” Liu Yezi explained, “Even if gun control
here is not strict, they would not allow heavy weapons to run rampant. After all,
it is a matter of local law and order!”

“Okay, then I will think of a way.” Yang Ming nodded. He wasn’t too surprised. Liu
Yezi was right. Although the United States did not have strict firearms control, no
one could get a rocket launcher or armor-piercing bullets to shoot at people on the

“Yang Ming, do you want to use armor-piercing bullets to go against that guy?” Liu
Yezi guessed Yang Ming’s intention.

“En. I’m afraid that’s the only way,” said Yang Ming.

“I hope it will work! But if we have such a big battle this time, the FBI will
notice it and track ys. I’m afraid we can’t return to China through normal
channels…” Liu Yezi said with some worry.

“He…” Yang Ming smiled, “It’s all right. Leave it to me.”

Yang Ming had never been afraid of anyone since he started his career as an
assassin. He could even safely get out of trouble in the troubled environment of
North Africa, let alone here in Las Vegas.

Liu Yezi nodded and did not have doubts. Yang Ming was well known as the ace of the
Secret Services team. Naturally, he had his excellence, just like he who was the
ace of the Field team. He wouldn’t simply lie, neither would Yang Ming.Read more
chapter on

“Hello, Batterton? I’m Yang Ming.” Yang Ming dialed Batterton’s phone again.
“Mr. Yang, do you have any commands?” Batterton answered the phone respectfully.

“This isn’t necessarily a command. Please give me the contact information of Lang
Ge Sr. from the Street Racer Gang,” Yang Ming said. Although Batterton belonged to
the underworld Douglas Family and it could be said that he could get any kind of
weapons in Ello Town, this was Las Vegas. The Douglas Family was only involved in
the hotel industry here and did not develop into Las Vegas’ underworld. It was
impossible for Batterton to get these weapons, so Yang Ming didn’t even consider

It was better to find the Lang Ge Family’s Street Racer Gang directly. They used to
be one of the three major gangs in the local area… Now they were one of the two
gangs. It should be a trivial matter for them to get firearms like armor-piercing

“Wait a minute… Mr. Yang, Lang Ge Sr.’s phone number is 00XXXXXXX,” Batterton said
a string of numbers. He then said to Yang Ming, “Mr. Yang, do you have any other

“I have nothing else. That’s all for now.” Yang Ming hung up the call and
immediately dialed the number Batterton had given him.

Lang Ge Sr. was planning the gang’s future with his son, Lang Ge Jr., in the ward.
Although Lang Ge Jr. was crippled, he was not sad at this moment. The Street Racer
Gang was able to develop to an unprecedented level. This was something to get
excited about!

The ringing of the phone interrupted their conversation. Lang Ge Sr. frowned. He
didn’t want to answer. But he still picked up the phone and glanced at it. When he
saw that it was an unfamiliar number, his heart tightened.

These two days were really eventful. Lang Ge Sr. didn’t dare to be careless, so he
answered the phone and said hesitantly, “Hello, I’m Lang Ge Sr.. Who are you
looking for?”

“I’m Yang Ming.” Yang Ming went straight to the point, “Lang Ge Sr., where are

“Ah!” Lang Ge Sr. was shocked when he heard Yang Ming’s voice. I’m really a lucky
man. Luckily I answered the call, otherwise who knows if I would anger the big
devil again and cause the Street Racer Gang to be annihilated instantly?

“Mr. Yang, hello. I’m in the hospital. Is there anything I can do for you?” Lang Ge
Sr. stood up from beside the bed in a very respectful posture. In his opinion, Yang
Ming was omnipresent. Maybe Yang Ming is nearby and he is able to observe my
current attitude!

So Lang Ge Sr. didn’t dare to neglect in the slightest. His current posture was
like a tiny ant talking to his master.

“Prepare a heavy sniper rifle and some armor-piercing bullets. I need them
urgently.” Yang Ming said, “This won’t be a problem, right?”

“No problem, Mr. Yang. When do you want it? I…” Lang Ge Sr. promised. It was not
difficult for him at all. Heavy sniper rifles were difficult for ordinary people to
get, but it was naturally a trivial matter for a gang boss like Lang Ge Sr. There
were more than ten of these in the gang’s warehouse.
“I’m at the Douglas Hotel’s entrance. I’m in the black Passat with the car number
XXX-XXX. You can just deliver it to the car,” said Yang Ming.

“Okay, I’ll do it right away.” Lang Ge Sr. didn’t know what Yang Ming was going to
do with the heavy sniper rifle. In his opinion, if Yang Ming wanted to kill people,
it could be done with just a thought. There was no need to use any firearms.

However, this is Guru Yang’s intention. Is it possible that Guru Yang’s thoughts
and intentions can be guessed by others of the same level? Maybe Guru Yang wants to
target a plane with the heavy sniper rifle. Anyway, it will be fine as long as I
follow Guru Yang’s words!

Thinking of this, Lang Ge Sr. was immediately ready to proceed and handle this
matter. Although he could command others to do it, how could it be the same? Doing
it himself would let Guru Yang know how much importance Lang Ge Sr. placed on this

“Father, did Mr. Yang call?” Lang Ge Jr. asked after Lang Ge Sr. hung up the phone.

“It’s Guru Yang! Remember, in the future, we must call him Guru Yang when we
mention him privately! Guru Yang is omnipotent. We must always have a respectful
attitude! There can be no blasphemy!” corrected Lang Ge Sr..

“Yes, Father. I was wrong!” Lang Ge Jr. nodded quickly, “You are right. He is
omnipotent, so we will call him Guru Yang!”

“En, that’s right!” Lang Ge Sr. nodded with satisfaction, “Guru Yang asked me to
get a heavy sniper rifle and some armor-piercing bullets. I’ll get them now. You
should take a good rest in the hospital! Members of the Street Racer Gang are
stationed all around the ward. If there is something, just inform them!”

“Relax, father, I’m not a kid. It’s important that you go deal with Guru Yang’s
instructions!” Lang Ge Jr. waved his hand in a hurry, motioning his father to hurry
and not delay time.

While Lang Ge Sr. was grateful for having such an understanding son, he naturally
did not dare to neglect and quickly walked out of the ward. At the same time, he
called the manager of the Street Racer Gang’s warehouse and had them prepare a
heavy sniper rifle and some armor-piercing bullets. If Yang Ming wanted one, Lang
Ge Sr. would not just prepare one. He would prepare two, one of which could be used
for future use.
Chapter 1580: Too Amazing
Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Liu Yezi looked at Yang Ming, but his face betrayed nothing… In fact, he was
secretly shocked. Yang Ming seems to have a larger network than me even though I
have been to Las Vegas several times!

With just a simple call, he could get the Street Racer Gang’s leader to prepare
some heavy sniper rifles! Also, judging by his tone, it does not seem to be a
cooperative relationship at all, but a condescending one!

He talks as if he is speaking to his servant or his subordinates. It is not a

negotiation at all. The other party cannot reject it.

Liu Yezi and Fatty had also met many times. Fatty had been operating in Las Vegas
for many years, but he was not too familiar with the local gangsters. He just knew
a little about them. After all, the car recycling plant must also be protected by
the local gangsters. Each month’s protection fee to them was indispensable.

Also, the gang the car recycling plant contacted the most was the local Street
Racer Gang! And Fatty, under the protection of the Street Racer Gang, had never
been noticed by others!

Therefore, Liu Yezi knew that Lang Ge Sr. was the Street Racer Gang’s former boss.
It was very hard for Fatty to meet these high-profile characters, but Yang Ming
could just call Lang Ge Sr. and get him to do this and that… What kind of identity
does Yang Ming have? Why is he so awesome? Liu Yezi couldn’t figure it out!

“Yang Ming, have you come to Las Vegas often?” Liu Yezi was curious. But he felt
that it was inappropriate to ask about other people’s private matters, so he could
only use this indirect approach.

“Come often? I don’t have the time. This is my first time here.” Yang Ming was not
stupid. He guessed what Liu Yezi was really trying to ask him, “What you are really
trying to ask is how I know Street Racer Gang’s leader, right?”

“Hehe… You guessed right. I’m just asking out of curiosity. You don’t need to
answer,” Liu Yezi nodded a little, embarrassed.

“Oh, yesterday I crippled L Lang Ge Jr.’s privates… So, he is afraid of me.” Yang
Ming shrugged. “It’s that simple. I didn’t know him before that!”

“Ugh… You crippled his son?” Liu Yezi was a bit dumbfounded. You crippled his son
and he is still afraid of you? It’s the Street Racer Gang! It’s good enough that
they didn’t go against you. Why are they afraid of you? Is something wrong?

“Oh, I can’t say that I was the one who crippled him. To be precise, I let Lang Ge
Sr. cripple his son himself.” Yang Ming said, “It had nothing to do with me…”

“What?” Liu Yezi was even more shocked. He was already shocked before. Now, he was
in disbelief! Incredible! Shocking! Lang Ge Sr. could actually be so obedient and
cripple his own son? “He did not resist?”

“No.” Yang Ming shook his head, “He didn’t dare. He was afraid I would wipe out the
Street Racer Gang.”
“Ugh…” Today, Liu Yezi finally realized what was fierce and cruel! Originally, he
was the best in the Field Team. But today he saw the ace of the Secret Services
Team that was a grade higher than the Field team. Liu Yezi finally knew that people
could actually be so ruthless.

“Hehe, there is a Guillotine Gang in Las Vegas. I wonder if you have heard of
them?” asked Yang Ming.

“I have heard of them… but there was news in the past few days that the Guillotine
Gang seemed to be destroyed and annexed by the Street Racer Gang?” said Liu Yezi.

It seems that Fatty’s intelligence channel is still good. Liu Yezi already knows
despite this event not happening long ago.

“Hehe, what do you mean the Street Racer Gang destroyed them… I destroyed them. I
came to Las Vegas for this Guillotine Gang.” Yang Ming laughed, “I just saw that
Lang Ge Sr. was quite obedient, so I just gave his Street Racer Gang the

“Ugh…” Liu Yezi couldn’t say anything. He was in shock. After a long time, he said,
“Brother Yang, you are a ruthless man! This is your first time in Las Vegas and yet
you turned the forces here upside down! How did that Guillotine Gang provoke you?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. My friend was playing at the Nancheng Casino. They cheated and
my friend was detained. So I rushed over from China,” Yang Ming said. “Since they
didn’t obey, I just destroyed the Guillotine Gang.”

“…” How is this possible? Liu Yezi was completely impressed by Yang Ming, “Brother
Yang, behind the Guillotine Gang is the Nancheng Family… aren’t you afraid…?”

“You think too much,” Yang Ming said plainly, “Family Master Jotans of the Nancheng
Family came personally to apologize to me and give me the Nancheng Casino. So I let
him go…”

“Wow! Wow! Wow!” Liu Yezi even said “wow” three times. “In the future, you are my
boss! You should take me under your wing! You are so amazing. You’re just like my
father in his glory days…”

“He…” Yang Ming smiled. “Take you under my wing? It’s one thing if we can come back
from Yunnan or not…”

At this moment, Liu Yezi knew that Yang Ming definitely had more shocking
identities than abilities besides the supernatural Investigation Bureau’s identity
on the surface. But he and Yang Ming had just met each other recently after all. It
was inappropriate to probe into other’s business!

Although Yang Ming didn’t conceal and told him some things, Liu Yezi was tactful.
Yang Ming might slowly tell him some other things when they go to Yunnan, so he was
not in a hurry.

As they were talking, a black minivan drove over slowly and stopped behind the
Passat. Then, the Passat’s door opened, and Lang Ge Sr. hurried over with a large

“I didn’t expect this old man to come in person.” Yang Ming opened the door with a
If it was before, Liu Yezi would be shocked to death when he saw Lang Ge Sr.’s
action. But now that he had heard so many of Yang Ming’s great deeds, these could
only be considered as trivial matters.

“Guru Yang, I’m here!” Lang Ge Sr. said respectfully as he ran over and bowed to
Yang Ming.

“Guru Yang?” Liu Yezi was shocked when he heard this.

Yang Ming was astonished. When did I become a great guru?

“Lang Ge Sr., what did you call me?” Yang Ming wondered if he heard it wrong…

“Ugh, this is the case. You are omnipotent and a great god. So, we will call you
Guru Yang!” explained Lang Ge Sr..

“Forget it. This name is too powerful. You should just call me Mr. Yang. I’m not
used to it.” Yang Ming shrugged with a wry smile.

“Okay, Mr. Yang!” Lang Ge Sr. nodded, “Here is what you wanted. I have already
prepared it. It’s in this box.”

“En, put it in the car,” Yang Ming pointed to the Passat’s back seat and said.

“Okay.” After Lang Ge Sr. put the box away, he turned and said, “Mr. Yang, do you
have any other commands?”

Chapter 1581: No Trouble at All

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“There’s nothing else. You can go… Right, wait,” Yang Ming spoke again to stop Lang
Ge Sr..

“Is there anything else, Guru Ya… sir?” Lang Ge Sr. asked quickly.

“This is my friend from the can recycling plant in the suburb Hunter. I heard that
it is part of the territory you take care of?” Yang Ming pointed to Liu Yezi and
said to Lang Ge Sr..

“Mr. Yang, please rest assured. I know what to do! In the future, the factory’s
matters are our Street Racer Gang’s number one priority!” Lang Ge Sr. was not
stupid. Yang Ming didn’t introduce Liu Yezi simply because he wanted to introduce
his friend. Otherwise, why didn’t Yang Ming just mention who this person was, but
also what this person did?

“En, you can go.” Yang Ming noticed that Lang Ge Sr. was so smart, so he said
nothing else.
Returning to the Passat, Liu Yezi said gratefully, “Bro, thank you!”

“Thanks for what?” Yang Ming was stunned.

“About Fatty’s matters!” Liu Yezi said, “Fatty’s intelligence channel in Las Vegas
in the future can only be described as powerful. Once he knows about it, he will be
very happy!”

“I’m also part of the Supernatural Investigation Bureau. Also, Fatty and I are now
good buddies. Why are you thanking me for helping him?” Yang Ming gave a wry smile.

“That’s true! I’m being unreasonable. Please don’t mind me!” Liu Yezi scratched his
head, embarrassed.

“Drive the car to a deserted place and check the heavy sniper rifle to see if there
are any problems,” said Yang Ming.

“There seems to be a small alley behind this hotel. Usually, there are no people…”
Liu Yezi was not sure, so he could only drive around first.

Sure enough, there was a small alley at the back of the hotel. It looked like the
hotel’s passage to transport cargo. There was no one in the alley now.

The Passat had tinted windows and only the windshield was slightly less opaque.
However, Liu Yezi pointed the front of the car against the wall, so no one could
see the movement inside the car when passing by.

Yang Ming picked up the box from the back of the car and opened it. He smiled
bitterly, “He prepared two. You can have one. Do you know how to use it?”

“Bro, you underestimate me!” Liu Yezi took the heavy sniper rifle and played with
it in his hands.

Yang Ming looked at his movements. It seemed that he was quite skilled, so he
didn’t say much. There were ten magazines in the box. Yang Ming didn’t expect that
Lang Ge Sr. would give him so many armor-piercing bullets. In Yang Ming’s opinion,
one magazine was enough.

“These armor-piercing bullets could pierce a tank. I don’t know where Lang Ge Sr.
got such a powerful thing!” Liu Yezi was a bit surprised when he looked at the
armor-piercing bullets in the magazine.

“The gangs here are far more powerful than those in China. In China, there are at
most punks.” Yang Ming laughed, “If you gave Lang Ge Sr. some time, I dare not say
missiles, but he could definitely get you a rocket launcher!”

“I have no problem. What about you?” Liu Yezi loaded the magazine into the heavy
sniper rifle in his hand, then set it aside and asked Yang Ming.

“No problem. Let’s go and find this foreigner.” Yang Ming said, “Right, I don’t
know what his name is yet. Do you know?

“I heard Li Dianchi call that foreigner Kevin, but I don’t know if it is a

pseudonym,” said Liu Yezi.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s real or fake. His name doesn’t matter since he is going
to die.” Yang Ming laughed, “I’m just not used to calling him the foreigner. It’s
too much work. It’s convenient to have a name.”

“The foreigner seems to like going to the nightclub to watch performances alone. He
doesn’t talk to people or look for girls to accompany him to drink. It looks as if
he is waiting for someone,” said Liu Yezi. “Our men are secretly watching him. He
hasn’t left the hotel where he is staying at yet, and he hasn’t contacted anyone

“That’s good. We’ll go over and take back the chip from him, then destroy him,”
said Yang Ming.

“In the nightclub?” Liu Yezi felt that using a heavy sniper rifle in a nightclub
was a bit too outrageous. After all, the police here were not useless.

“Of course not.” Yang Ming said, “I have a way to lure him out.”

“However, make sure that the chip is with him,” Liu Yezi nodded.

“Do you think he would put such an important thing in the room instead of carrying
it around with him?” Yang Ming did not agree.

“This is also true. If it was me, I would also carry it in person so it would be
safer,” Liu Yezi agreed.

The car stopped at the hotel’s entrance. The hotel was not as large as the Douglas
Vast Hotel, but it looked very neat and clean.

“This is the hotel. Our people are inside. I’ll contact them first,” Liu Yezi said
after he parked the car.

“En, just confirm where Kevin is and leave the rest to me,” said Yang Ming.

Liu Yezi took out his phone and dialed a number. He had bought a new sim, and there
was nothing to hide in the conversation, so he was not afraid that someone would
monitor it.

“It’s Little Yezi. How is your side?” Liu Yezi asked casually.

“Kevin went to the club and is watching a show. He’s at the third table at the
right corner. We are at the sixth table on the left,” responded the person.

“Okay, let us do the rest. You don’t need to take action,” said Liu Yezi.

“I understand,” answered the man.

Hanging up the phone, Liu Yezi told Yang Ming Kevin’s location. Yang Ming nodded,
“Wait in the car. When I come out and get in the car, you drive us away.”

“Where should I drive to?” Liu Yezi asked subconsciously.

“Wherever there are few people. Go wherever you want. Just find a good place to
make a move,” said Yang Ming.

“Okay, bro. Be careful.” Liu Yezi understood that Yang Ming wanted to lure the
enemy out. Although he didn’t know what method Yang Ming would use, it was
definitely dangerous.
Yang Ming smiled, then got out of the car and walked towards the hotel.

“Sir, do you want to stay here or just rest for a while?” The staff asked politely
as Yang Ming entered the door.

“Where is the nightclub? I have friends here,” Yang Ming said with a smile.

“Oh, sir, the nightclub is this way. Please come with me.” The staff took Yang Ming
to a staircase located at the side of the hotel lobby, “Here, you go down and there
will be someone from the staff to welcome you.”

“Thank you.” Yang Ming nodded and went downstairs.

When Yang Ming reached the bottom of the stairs, there really was a staff member
who warmly welcomed Yang Ming. But Yang Ming didn’t want to entertain him. He
exchanged minimal pleasantries with the staff member and told him that he was
looking for someone before walking in.

The nightclub here was similar to those in China. There were performances in the
front, some people chatting in the back, some drinking, and some people watching
the performance…

Chapter 1582: Lure the Enemy

Third table in the right corner, foreigner… That should be Kevin. He was watching
the performance quietly as he minded his own business, not eating snacks or

Yang Ming took a look at the performance on the stage. It was an acrobatic show.
This type of program was not as attractive as erotic dances at nightclubs. People
in the nightclubs were always interested in doing their own things and waiting for
the next erotic dance.

Only Kevin was watching with interest, as if it had been a long time since he saw
something similar.

Yang Ming smiled and walked towards Kevin. After a few steps, Kevin obviously also
saw Yang Ming coming to him, so he immediately raised his guard!

Except for a couple behind him, there were no other people near him where he was
sitting. It was obviously impossible that Yang Ming was approaching the couple at
this time, so Yang Ming was most likely looking for him.

Kevin still maintained his look of focusing on the performance, but his eyes were
tracking Yang Ming’s movement. Seeing that Yang Ming really walked to his table and
sat across from him, Kevin frowned, “I’m sorry, sir, I don’t know you. Could you
please sit in another seat?”
“Hehe.” Yang Ming smiled at Kevin, and said, “Kevin, right?”

“You are?” Kevin frowned. In the past few days, he was a little wary about Chinese
because of Li Dianchi’s affairs, so he raised his guard subconsciously.

“Hehe, you’re from Central?” Yang Ming did not answer Kevin’s question but
continued to ask.

“You…” Kevin was even more surprised. “Who the hell are you?”

After hearing Kevin’s question, Yang Ming was completely convinced this time. Kevin
was someone from Central. After hearing the word “Central”, he didn’t have any
questions but continued to ask who he was.

“Dr. Benjamin asked you to come?” continued Yang Ming.

“You are…” Kevin frowned. Suddenly Kevin spoke a jerky English sentence, and even
with Yang Ming’s hearing, he still didn’t understand what Kevin was saying.

Yang Ming secretly thought, This is not good. It might be something like a
password. It seems impossible to get more useful news from Kevin. Yang Ming
originally planned to use this ambiguous way of conversation to get some
information out of Kevin’s mouth, but now that Kevin has discovered it, Yang Ming
could only give up.

Seeing that Yang Ming was not talking, Kevin’s face suddenly sank. He was about to
say something, but Yang Ming suddenly stood up and hurriedly ran outside.

“Stop!” Kevin became increasingly suspicious of Yang Ming for knowing too much.
Kevin naturally had to figure out what was going on, so he couldn’t let him run

Even Li Dianchi didn’t know about Kevin’s identity, and he definitely wouldn’t know
about Central and Dr. Benjamin. Kevin was a little confused because of Yang Ming
saying these things. But his instincts told him that this person must be caught, or
else it would be big trouble!

Thinking of this, Kevin stood up immediately and chased after Yang Ming.

This time, Yang Ming used all his energy. He almost lost when he tried to race
against Jetson last time. These kinds of monsters from “Central” were not human at
all. They ran as fast as trains. Even if Yang Ming was amazing, he was still a
human and was slower than Jetson.

The reason he could outrun Jetson last time was because he used his x-ray vision to
his advantage to familiarize himself with the terrain and shuttle between
obstacles. Yang Ming had learned his lesson. So this time, before Kevin had any
idea of what was going on, he ran away first.

Kevin didn’t expect Yang Ming to run immediately after hearing his words. Who is
this? Even if he didn’t answer the secret signal, he didn’t have to run

So even though Kevin stood up and started chasing immediately, he was still half a
beat slower and was quite some distance away from Yang Ming.

Ignoring the security guard’s surprising look, Yang Ming quickly exited the
nightclub, went upstairs, and ran out of the hotel lobby. Although the security
guard shouted after him, Yang Ming ignored it.

He exited the hotel and got into Liu Yezi’s Passat. “Drive!”

Liu Yezi had been prepared for a long time. When Yang Ming got into the car, he
immediately shifted gears and stepped on the accelerator. The car quickly drove

At this time, Kevin also arrived at the entrance and saw Yang Ming getting in the
car and leaving. He did not give up and quickly got into another car in the parking
lot. It was obviously his car. He started the car and chased after Yang Ming’s

“Wow, this guy runs really fast… you run fast too!” Liu Yezi sighed. He just saw
how fast Yang Ming ran out of the hotel, “If Li Dianchi was as fast as you, I
simply wouldn’t be able to catch up!”

“I’m not fast. He’s faster than me!” Yang Ming pointed to the back, “If I’m faster
than him, I wouldn’t need a car. I would just run and lure him to the alley to
settle it.”

“Wow, that guy is almost non-human.” Liu Yezi operated the car skillfully. His
purpose was not to get rid of Kevin, but to lead him to an open area without
people. No car skills were needed.

Kevin was obviously not very good at driving. He didn’t know how to drift. Je only
knew how to accelerate. He was driving a Mercedes-Benz minivan, so he could not
accelerate much either. Therefore, there was a certain distance between him and Liu
Yezi, and he couldn’t catch up.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer cars on the road, and the place became more
and more remote. Kevin frowned. Where is this person luring me to? Could there be
an ambush?

However, Kevin was not afraid of an ambush. So what if a group of people ambushes
me? I can still settle every one of them, so it does not matter at all! Even in the
worst case scenario, if I really can’t handle them, can’t I just run? As long as I
run, most likely none of them can catch up with me!

“What is this place?” asked Yang Ming.

“I don’t know. I’m just driving to a place with few people. I’m not very familiar
with Las Vegas,” Liu Yezi said apologetically.

“En, drive a little further and turn inwards at the second fork,” said Yang Ming.
He had observed with the special ability that at the end of the second fork was a
barren grassland, and no one was there at the moment.

Liu Yezi nodded and turned into the second dimly lit intersection.

He didn’t ask Yang Ming why he asked him to go this way. Yang Ming must have his

Kevin was confused. He didn’t know what the people in front were doing. He watched
them turn into the second fork and followed them.

“Bro, you are amazing! You knew that there is an empty space in front?” Liu Yezi
said a little excitedly after seeing the open space in front from a distance.

Chapter 1583: Next Target

“Oh… I knew before I asked you to make the turn.” Yang Ming did not deny it. Liu
Yezi would know his special ability sooner or later, so Yang Ming did not need to
hide it. Both of them were about to embark on their journey to Yunnan to achieve
their mission, so there was no need to hide.

Kevin was even more baffled at this time. Previously, he was worried that Yang Ming
would bring a lot of helpers. Although he could wipe out all of them, he would need
to spend some effort. At this moment, Yang Ming actually lured him to an empty

There was no end in sight and he could see at a glance that there was no ambush. It
was impossible for people to hide in a place like this. In other words, Yang Ming
did not intend to ambush him with a group of people. He just deliberately led him
to a place where there was no one!

What does this mean? Naturally, Kevin didn’t expect Yang Ming wanted to kill him
alone. This was because he was confident that he was invincible. The most powerful
and invincible!

So his first thought was: Yang Ming found a place where no one is to discuss
something with me!

Seeing Yang Ming’s car stop, Kevin also stopped his car and got off. He was not
afraid of Yang Ming sneak attacking him. He would not refuse any attack!

“Bro, what should we do now?” Liu Yezi stopped the car and asked when he saw Kevin
getting off.

“Don’t you have a sniper rifle? Just stay here and use it. Anyway, there are many
bullets.” Yang Ming said, “When I tell you where to shoot, you just shoot at it!”

“No problem!” Liu Yezi nodded and agreed, “Do I get off?”

“You don’t need to get off. Just stay in the car,” Yang Ming finished speaking and
got out of the car.

“Who the hell are you? What do you want?” asked Kevin.

“Hehe, do you really want to know?” Yang Ming asked with a smile.
“Naturally I do. Otherwise, what’s your intention in leading me here?” asked Kevin.

“Oh, I lured you here just because I’m a little curious…” Yang Ming continued to
talk nonsense to Kevin as his eyes secretly scanned the inside of Kevin’s body…

When he faced Jetson before, Yang Ming had no time to scan him because of time
constraints. In desperation, he led Jetson to his demise in the boiler…

Therefore, Yang Ming didn’t understand Jetson’s structure. However, when he scanned
Kevin with his X-ray vision, Yang Ming was very shocked!

Is this a person? Obviously not!

Kevin’s body was filled with mechanical structures, not normal human internal
organs! However, Yang Ming was not horrified because of this. The key problem was
that Kevin’s head was actually somewhat normal. It had a brain and some other
normal physiological structures, but it was connected to the body by several lines
similar to electrical wires!

What in the world is this thing? Yang Ming was shocked. He did not expect
“Central”‘s technology to be so advanced that they could actually combine machinery
and the human brain!

This also explained why Kevin and Jetson were extremely strong and not afraid of
brawling. They were made of machinery, so how could they be afraid?

However, aren’t my Magical Lenses also inexplicably fused with my body? Thinking of
this, Yang Ming wasn’t too surprised about Kevin anymore. Maybe the principles are
the same. Maybe my lenses are even better than them!

Their body and head need to be connected with wires, but my lenses don’t need any
wires at all. They are worn directly on the eyes and naturally merge together with
the eyes shortly after. It seems much more advanced than these cyborgs!

In order to buy time to find Kevin’s physical weakness, Yang Ming talked nonsense
to Kevin.

“Curious? I’m curious about how you know about Central. How do you know Dr.
Benjamin?” In Kevin’s opinion, it was just a breeze to kill Yang Ming. But there
were some things that he must find out, otherwise, he could not explain to Dr.
Benjamin when he returned.

“Oh, I also know that you are a Cyborg. Am I right?” Yang Ming said with a smile.

“You…” Kevin’s face became more and more unsightly! No one knows that I’m a Cyborg
except the people at Central. Even among the people at Central, only a few core
personnel of the R & D department and the head of the department, Dr. Benjamin,
know. The members of the other departments don’t even know that I am a Cyborg!

The person in front of me actually knows that I’m a Cyborg. What is his origin?

“Who the hell are you? Tell me, how did you know that?” Kevin asked quickly.

“Oh… How do I know?” Yang Ming continued to talk nonsense, but his eyes constantly
scanned Kevin’s body… Kevin is really cautious. He is armed from head to toe…
Wait, his feet… Suddenly, Yang Ming saw Kevin’s feet and saw there was something
like a data interface! Thinking about it, this data interface should be used by
Kevin to interact with the outside world, right?

Perhaps this is his weakness! If I break this data interface and cause it to short
circuit, will he immediately die? Yang Ming thought evilly…

“What are you talking about? What do you mean by how do I know? I’m asking you. if
I know, why would I ask you?” Kevin was baffled by Yang Ming’s words. He did not
know what Yang Ming was talking about.

“Oh, okay. Didn’t you ask me how I know that you are Cyborg? Then I will tell you.”
Since Yang Ming had found Kevin’s weakness, he wouldn’t talk nonsense with him
anymore, “Because, I saw one before. He was named Jetson.”

“Jetson?” Kevin’s face suddenly changed, “Do you know Jetson?”

“Oh, I know him. I killed him, so how can I not know him?” Yang Ming smiled.

“You… you killed him? Impossible! How could Jetson be easily killed?” Kevin looked
at Yang Ming in disbelief. Jetson has been missing for a long time, and Dr.
Benjamin also didn’t talk about him.

Hearing the news that Yang Ming killed Jetson, although Kevin didn’t believe it, he
still began to have some doubts! After all, Yang Ming knows so many things, and
Jetson has indeed disappeared. Did he really kill Jetson?

“It was not easy. It was very troublesome to kill him.” Yang Ming said, “He is like
you, with a copper head and iron arms like Ultraman. How can I kill him easily? It
took a lot of effort to lure him to a boiler room and immediately burn him down…”

“You… did you really kill Jetson?” asked Kevin in surprise.

“Why would I lie to you?” Yang Ming shrugged, “Now you know why I lured you here,
right? Because, the next target I want to kill is you, Mr. Kevin.”

Chapter 1584: Kevin’s Weakness

A chill finally crept into Kevin’s heart! There really is nothing good about Yang
Ming luring me here! No wonder this kid looked for a deserted place. It turns out
that he wasn’t trying to ambush me, nor was he going the wrong way in a panic.
Instead, he wants to kill me!
Kevin didn’t quite believe that Yang Ming could kill him. Even if Yang Ming really
killed Jetson, it was because he used external forces to achieve it!

Nevermind Jetson, a boiler had such a high temperature that it could even melt an
iron lump. However, there was no boiler or volcano here. Wasn’t it a fool’s dream
for Yang Ming to kill him here?

Kevin looked at the endless open plain and a smile spread across his mouth, “You
mean, you can kill me here?”

“When you transformed into Cyborg, did your brain stop moving? Were you born
mentally disabled or do you have hearing problems? Did you not hear or understand
me? I’m going to kill you here. Otherwise, why would I lure you here? Is it because
I have nothing better to do?” Yang Ming looked at Kevin a little sarcastically.

Kevin heard Yang Ming’s confident words and was even more puzzled. Does Yang Ming
have an ingenious plan? No way. There is nothing nearby that can cause harm to me,

“Is that so? I want to see how you kill me.” Kevin once again assessed the
surroundings, confirming that there really was nothing that could hurt him nearby.

“Oh, then I will show you something. Don’t worry!” Yang Ming lowered and poked his
head into the Passat. He reached out and took the heavy sniper rifle from the car,
but lowered his voice and said to Liu Yezi, “In a while, I will lure him into
making some moves. At that time, you aim at the center of his right foot and

“Understood…” Liu Yezi didn’t know what Yang Ming meant, but Yang Ming must have
his reasons. There was no time to question. Kevin was standing aside and observing,
so Liu Yezi couldn’t ask now even if he had a question.

Yang Ming had turned his back to Kevin when speaking, blocking Kevin’s view of Liu
Yezi. Kevin did not have x-ray vision like Yang Ming, so Yang Ming did not have to
worry about Kevin seeing Liu Yezi.

The reason why Yang Ming turned his back to Kevin so easily was that Yang Ming had
360-degree vision. He could monitor Kevin’s movements at all times while not being
afraid that Kevin would play tricks. Besides, Yang Ming guessed that Kevin would
surely be curious about what he was going to show him. Also, since Kevin was
confident that Yang Ming could not do anything to him, he would not be in a hurry
to try to figure out the truth.

“Oh, what do you think of this?” Yang Ming raised his sniper and pointed at Kevin.

“Do you want to kill me with this?” Kevin looked at it and suddenly smiled. Is this
why he is full of confidence? He thought a sniper rifle could kill me? Kevin
thought the person in front was really foolish and naive!

“Yeah, what’s wrong?” asked Yang Ming.

“It’s nothing. Alright, you can die.” Kevin was a little disappointed when he saw
Yang Ming’s so-called weapon that could kill him. He wants to kill me with a sniper
rifle. Kevin was speechless. But he was not willing to dawdle with Yang Ming any

Kevin had found out most of Yang Ming’s secrets already. Yang Ming only knew so
many secrets after killing Jetson. Since he knew how Yang Ming got hold of the
information, he could easily report back to Dr. Benjamin. His only task right now
was to eliminate Yang Ming.

“Really? I want to see who will die!” Yang Ming pretended to raise his sniper rifle
and aim at Kevin’s heart.

Kevin didn’t even hide. He looked at Yang Ming with sarcasm and waited for the
bullet to hit him. A gunshot was heard. But, the bullet fell to the ground.

“Oh, you’re using armor-piercing bullets. But it is still useless.” Kevin looked at
Yang Ming with pity. He looked like he was watching a fool about to die.

“What, really? Armor-piercing bullets are not effective on you?” Yang Ming’s face
showed a terrified expression.

“You got rid of Jetson. I thought you were so powerful. I didn’t expect you to be
so stupid!” Kevin sneered. “Did you ever test the armor-piercing bullet on Jetson?
Don’t you know that it doesn’t work on me?”

“Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!”

Yang Ming fired three more shots at Kevin’s chest, abdomen, and head respectively,
but unfortunately, all the bullets still bounced off.

“It seems that you are persistent. You can try again so you can die without
regrets!” Kevin looked as if he could kill Yang Ming for sure.

In fact, he already felt that he had completely overwhelmed Yang Ming. All Yang
Ming could do was to continue firing his sniper rifle at Kevin to no effect!

However, something unexpected happened to Kevin! Yang Ming did not continue to
shoot at him, but suddenly dropped his sniper rifle, then turned and ran!

Kevin was stunned for a while. Why is he doing this again? You can’t beat me, so
you just run?

However, do you think you can run away? Are you as fast as me? I might not be able
to run faster than your car, but you are not my opponent if you are running on

Although he was half a beat slower, Kevin started to run and chase after Yang Ming…

Yang Ming was running and wondering how to get Kevin to lift his right foot… The
most effective way was to use himself as bait to lure Kevin over and let Liu Yezi
take advantage of the opportunity!

Yang Ming continued to think of this while running. He needed to find a way to get
Kevin to kick at him.

Yang Ming ran a few laps in the open space. If not for his agility, he would have
been caught long ago. He often turned sharply while running in a straight line,
which caught Kevin a bit off guard.

Kevin was also secretly cursing Yang Ming. He was so angry. He wanted to kick this
kid to death, but he just couldn’t catch up! This kid can run full speed in a
straight line then suddenly change direction. Does inertia not apply to him! Has
this kid’s physical coordination reached such a level?
Although Kevin was a robot, he couldn’t violate physical principles like Yang Ming.
He needed to slow down when he changed directions. The distance between him and
Yang Ming increased as this continued.

Every time he was about to catch up with Yang Ming, Yang Ming cleverly avoided him!

Kevin was so angry. He shouted, “Kid, don’t let me catch you, otherwise, I will
kick you to death!”

Yang Ming was thinking about how to get Kevin to kick, so he was very happy when he
heard what Kevin said! Yang Ming was also tired from running, and if Kevin didn’t
speak, he might not be able to bear it any longer!

Chapter 1585:
Kevin Suffers a Tragedy
Yang Ming suddenly changed direction again and ran to Little Yezi at the Passat,
making Kevin stagger again!

Kevin was really angry this time. He yelled as he chased, “When I catch up to you,
you’ll be finished!”

“Come get me then! Aren’t you awesome? Don’t you want to kick me to death? I want
to see how you can kick me!” Yang Ming said mockingly as he turned his head to make
a face at Kevin, “Silly Cyborg, you think you’re so great? You still can’t outrun
me… Aiya!”

Yang Ming was happily mocking Kevin, so he wasn’t looking at the road ahead. He
accidentally ran into Liu Yezi’s Passat’s bonnet and collapsed on it, screaming out

Hahahaha! Kevin really wanted to laugh! Don’t you know about not celebrating
prematurely as things could still go wrong? Don’t you know that things can suddenly
change in the complete opposite direction? Weren’t you smug? Weren’t you capable?
Weren’t you awesome? Weren’t you mocking me for not being able to catch up to you?
Didn’t you want me to kick you to death?

This is good. God is helping me. Where are your eyes? Staring back at me and
pulling a face. You are finished! Are you devastated and dumbfounded?

I’m coming! Wait to be kicked to death! Haha!

In an instant, Kevin’s body filled with energy and power. He quickly rushed to Yang
Ming. He wanted to give Yang Ming a flying kick and end his young life!

Yang Ming was lying on the bonnet, pretending to be hurt seriously from the hit. He
seemed to grimace in pain, and not notice Kevin approaching from behind him.

Kevin launched himself and sent a kick towards Yang Ming!

Kevin imagined that Yang Ming would be sent flying from the kick with his muscles
and bones completely shattered. Yang Ming would immediately die in the air!
Thinking of this, Kevin felt satisfied for no reason!

Heh… Yang Ming sneered a bit. Kevin, I don’t want to lie to you. But if I don’t lie
to you, I will be kicked to death. It’s either I die or you die. Since this is the
case, you have to die. I have to go to Yunnan, so I can’t die now.

“Bang”, a gunshot suddenly sounded. At the same time, Yang Ming suddenly rolled to
the side of the bonnet…


Kevin landed on the bonnet and made a hole in it!

At the side, Yang Ming couldn’t help but click his tongue. Luckily I dodged
quickly. Otherwise, he would’ve made a hole in me! Even if I didn’t die
immediately, I would be crippled!

Kevin’s impact was still quite strong… However, once Kevin’s leg fell into the
bonnet, he never lifted it again.

Yang Ming also breathed a sigh of relief. If he couldn’t deal with Kevin in this
way, then he could only take the opportunity to get into Liu Yezi’s car and quickly
escape. He would have to give up this task for the time being.

Liu Yezi deserved to be the ace of the Field team. When Yang Ming and Kevin were
running, he prepped the sniper, waiting to aim at Kevin’s right foot. The moment
Yang Ming fell on the bonnet, Liu Yezi already guessed that this was Yang Ming’s
strategy to lure the enemy!

Otherwise, how could the Secret Services team’s trump card be so stupid that he
collided into bonnet so hard that he couldn’t stand up when being pursued by the
enemy? Wouldn’t he be a laughing stock if this news spread out? So this was
obviously impossible.

So Liu Yezi was waiting for Kevin to come over, and Kevin really did. Liu Yezi
didn’t give him any chance and directly shot him at the center of his right foot…

Of course, Liu Yezi was also very nervous. Although he promised Yang MIng that he
would aim at Kevin’s right foot, Yang Ming did not tell him what the basis was, so
Liu Yezi was not sure whether this shot would have any effect…

However, it seemed that Kevin hadn’t been moving for a long time. This shot must
have been effective!

Liu Yezi pushed the door to get out of the car and looked at the big hole in the
bonnet from Kevin’s flying kick. He couldn’t help but feel a little fear. If this
foot landed on Yang Ming’s body, wouldn’t Yang Ming be finished immediately?
“Bro, are you okay?” Liu Yezi glanced at Kevin, then asked Yang Ming.

At this time, Yang Ming also got up from the ground, patted the dirt on his body,
and shook his head, “I’m fine. I didn’t expect it to be this effective. This guy
really suffered a tragedy by being fooled by me.”

“His brain is damaged,” Liu Yezi said, “He’s half-human, half-machine. If that’s
not what brain damage is, then what is it…”

“Pfft…” Yang Ming listened to Liu Yezi’s explanation and couldn’t help but be
amused, “According to your words, he really is brain-damaged…”

“Hehe, by the way, bro, is this guy dead?” Liu Yezi was a little afraid to touch

“He should be dead?” Yang Ming glanced at Kevin’s feet. Liu Yezi’s shot was really
powerful. The armor-piercing bullet penetrated through the interface and directly
destroyed some parts and wires in Kevin’s body. The power supply line of the foot
was destroyed, so it was impossible for this guy to move.

After hearing Yang Ming say that Kevin was dead, Liu Yezi dared to reach out. He
carried Kevin out, and left him on the ground, “He seems to be really dead. It’s a
pity that we are in Las Vegas. It’s not easy to bring a corpse back to the country,
otherwise, I would bring it back to our research institute. It will be helpful to
our technology development!”

Liu Yezi had some regrets. He also knew that the technology on Kevin was much more
valuable than the chip he had!

“Oh, then let me think of a way.” Yang Ming listened to Liu Yezi’s words and
thought, This can be considered as one last contribution to the Supernatural
Investigation Bureau before I leave for Yunnan. In case I can’t come back, the
people in the Supernatural Investigation Bureau will also remember my credit and
take care of my family. That’s enough for me…

“Do you have a way?” Liu Yezi was stunned for a moment before suddenly remembering
Yang Ming had extensive connections in Las Vegas.

“En, almost. I’ll ask around for a smuggler so we can just smuggle it back,” Yang
Ming nodded and said.

“Bro, you are powerful!” Liu Yezi had to sigh. Yang Ming is really awesome. He has
such a large network abroad.

“Don’t talk about this first. Let’s see if the chip is on him?” Yang Ming had
already started looking for the chip with his x-ray vision as he talked, “It’s in
his jacket pocket inside the vest. Just take it out.”

“Oh…” Liu Yezi obeyed Yang Ming’s words without any doubts. He reached out to
unbutton Kevin’s top, and then reached into the pocket inside Kevin’s vest. Sure
enough, he felt something inside. When he took it out, he saw that it was the
missing chip he was looking for!

But Liu Yezi was not too surprised. He was no stranger to Yang Ming’s magic now. He
was completely impressed by Yang Ming.
Chapter 1586: Impressed
After Liu Yezi confirmed that the chip was intact, he took a deep breath. He
remembered that he had followed Li Dianchi for several days all the way to Las
Vegas. Li Dianchi was then captured with the assistance of Yang Ming. In the end,
the thing in Li Dianchi’s hands was already handed over to someone else, so he was
in a bad mood!

He then brought a few colleagues to pursue Kevin. According to the team rankings,
they were also experts. But they were unable to withstand Kevin’s blows. They
suffered fractures and were sent to the hospital!

This shocked and disappointed Liu Yezi. He even wanted to give up and return to
China. After all, they couldn’t fight their opponent in this situation. No matter
how many people were sent, they would all just die!

The information in the chip was important, but unnecessary sacrifices were
meaningless. Rather than purely focusing on retrieving the information in the chip,
they must also preserve their strength.

After reporting the situation at that time to the higher-ups, Liu Yezi did not
expect that they did not allow him to evacuate, instead telling him that they were
sending another expert. But what surprised Liu Yezi was that the expert was
actually Yang Ming who assisted him in catching Li Dianchi!

And this person turned out to be the trump card of the Secret Services team,
equivalent to his position in the Field Team! But the Field team was one grade
lower than the Secret Services Team. The Secret Services Team had a lot more
experts than the Field Team, and they were also a lot more powerful. This was
because they performed special tasks, which were more complicated than ordinary
field tasks.

But what surprised Liu Yezi even more was that Yang Ming was actually the person he
needed to cooperate with on his next trip to Yunnan!

Previously, the higher-ups did not explain the details. They just wanted him to
return to recuperate after this mission, and go all out on his trip to Yunnan!

His main task in the Yunnan trip was to cooperate with others! This made Liu Yezi
very depressed. I’m the trump card of the Field Team. Every time there’s a mission,
I’m always the leader and the core of the team. This time, I have to cooperate with
Although Liu Yezi knew that this mission must be very dangerous, he had to obey the
higher-up’s arrangement even if he had grievances. Liu Yei was only a little
unsatisfied… I’m the Field Team’s trump card. Why am I just a sidekick?

But the higher-ups called him this time and told him that the person he was to
cooperate with for the Yunnan trip was actually Yang Ming, and Yang Ming would also
cooperate with him this time to deal with Kevin. Liu Yezi was already somewhat
impressed by Yang Ming.

After all, Yang Ming helped him to catch Li Dianchi, so he was very grateful to
him. Liu Yezi felt a lot better in his heart when he heard that the trip to Yunnan
was also with Yang Ming!

At least Yang Ming caught someone whom he couldn’t catch, indicating that Yang Ming
was better than him. Yang Ming was also the trump card of the Secret Services Team,
which was certainly better than his position as the trump card of the Field Team!

But at this moment, Liu Yezi was completely impressed by Yang Ming. Yang Ming
actually killed Kevin who was so difficult to deal with? Kevin died just like that?

Originally, Liu Yezi figured that being able to snatch the chip from Kevin’s hands
was a great achievement. He did not even dare to think about killing Kevin. The
enemy was too strong and he had no confidence at all!

But Yang Ming… did it. He even made it look so simple, it’s funny… Kevin suffered
such a tragedy.

Kevin was toyed with by Yang Ming like a clown, and he fell into Yang Ming’s trap
without any precautions. He was lured by Yang Ming to be shot to death by me.

Of course, although Liu Yezi was the one who shot Kevin, Liu Yezi did not feel that
he killed Kevin… he just opened fire. Any member of the Field team could do it.
Although not everyone in the Field Team was a sharpshooter, they wouldn’t be able
to enter the Field Team if they could miss such a shot from close range.

I just did it according to Yang Ming’s arrangements and executed his orders
completely, so this credit does not belong to me whatsoever. Liu Yezi still had
this self-knowledge.

“Bro, is this guy really dead?” Liu Yezi kicked Kevin who was on the ground.

“Maybe it can still be used if it’s connected to a power source?” Yang Ming was
also not very clear about this high-precision technology equipment. It could only
be transferred back to be studied by the people at the research institute.

“…” Liu Yezi was speechless. Listening to Yang Ming, he didn’t seem to regard Kevin
as a person at all, but a broken machine. However, Kevin was indeed a Cyborg…

“Move him into the car first. I will find someone to transport him back to China.
Things will be okay on this side. As long as there is no problem with China’s
customs, it will be fine.”

“Our local customs?” Liu Yezi was speechless. He didn’t expect Yang Ming to worry
about this! He didn’t even know what to say. He was worried about how to get
Kevin’s “corpse” out of Las Vegas and out of the country. As for returning home, he
didn’t even consider it at all. The Supernatural Investigation Bureau’s ship had
better privileges than the military’s ships, so they could enter the customs
completely without inspection. Yang Ming was actually worried about this? Liu Yezi
was a little puzzled. Does Yang Ming know what kind of department he works in?

“Yeah, it’s not easy to smuggle a corpse back.” Yang Ming didn’t think so much.
According to his logic, he would ask Old Buffon to find a smuggler to smuggle
Kevin’s body back.

“…” Liu Yezi said, “Bro, I am speechless. Normally for this kind of thing, the
higher-ups will send someone over to take over with just a phone call… What does it
have to do with customs…?”

“Oh…” Yang Ming was a little embarrassed, “I forgot the purpose of this corpse.
It’s our country’s research institute that is doing the studying. I thought we were
meant to bring it back secretly…”

“…” Liu Yezi didn’t know what to say. He took Kevin’s body into the car, then said,
“Bro, what are we doing now?”

“Let’s return to the Douglas Vast Hotel. I will call to find someone to get Kevin
back first. Let’s go back through the normal channels.” Yang Ming said, “That chip…
if you have a special channel, you can take it back yourself. If you are fine with
it, you can also send it back k along with Kevin’s body. The people I look for will
be totally trustworthy.”

“Then let’s send it back together…” Liu Yezi hesitated and nodded. It was
impossible to bring the chip on the plane. Who knows if there was someone from
Central at the security check. If it was detected, although the other party would
not rob them, their identities would definitely be exposed.

So it was safer to allow Yang Ming to ship the corpse and the chip back together.
Liu Yezi now had absolute trust in Yang Ming. He would unconditionally choose to
believe everything that Yang Ming said.

“Alright, so that’s decided. Report to the higher-ups, then we should prepare to

return to our country. We have stayed here for a long time, and I feel a little
homesick…” Yang Ming nodded and commanded.

Chapter 1587: The Journey Home

Huang Youcai sat frowningly next to his Boss Falcon with some complaints, “Boss,
that Kevin, why did he come here just to make an appearance, then leave? We
entertained him for two days, but he said that he had an urgent task and left.
Isn’t that brushing us off a little?”
Huang Youcai couldn’t be blamed for being annoyed. He ran from Song Jiang to
Donghai Airport to pick Kevin up personally, then waited on him with food, drinks,
and entertainment. Almost whatever Kevin wanted to do, Huang Youcai arranged it
properly beforehand and did not wait for Kevin to speak. He eagerly met Kevin’s
needs and waited on him like a master in hopes that he would take action and teach
Yang Ming a lesson!

Of course, Huang Youcai was only like this after Kevin showed his skill. Otherwise,
Huang Youcai would not be so diligent just because of Boss Falcon’s few words.

At that time, Kevin shattered a large stone with just a slap and kicked a hole into
reinforced concrete. With this mind-blowing strength, it would be easy for him to
cripple Yang Ming!

But what shocked Huang Youcai most was that Kevin was invulnerable. At first, Kevin
asked Huang Youcai to pierce his body with a knife. Huang Youcai was not too daring
at first, but went ahead when he saw Kevin smiling as he stabbed the knife at him.
The result was the knife bent and became unusable, and Kevin was still unharmed!

And all of this was carried out under the premise that Kevin did not wear any
protective clothing. So from this, Huang Youcai could also determine that the
person in front of him was indeed a master!

So he tried every means to please Kevin, hoping to use Kevin’s power to avenge Wang
Zhitao and his father. Kevin also agreed easily, saying that it would be no

But in the end, after less than two and a half days, Kevin said that he needed to
carry out a special task and left, making Huang Youcai extremely depressed! All the
efforts to curry favor previously had gone to waste.

“Youcai, don’t worry, I have contacted Dr. Benjamin. The doctor said that Kevin did
have a very important task to carry out, so he only left temporarily,” explained

“Kevin is not the only expert on the doctor’s side. Didn’t they also send an expert
last time? It turns out that there was no news of him halfway. This time another
one came, but he only stayed for two days and left…” Huang Youcai was very

“It’s not only such an expert, but the key issue is that Kevin is relatively
closer. His task this time seems to be supporting someone from our side…” Falcon
said, “So let’s wait awhile. The doctor already said that as soon as Kevin
completes his mission, he will come over as soon as possible.”

“Well, it can only be so. Ai!” Huang Youcai sighed, “Boss, I just feel a little
sullen. Don’t take it to heart!”

“I won’t!” Falcon waved his hand, “Actually, I’m more anxious than you… But
fortunately, the doctor promised me this time that nothing will go wrong. Rest
assured. Since the doctor said so, Kevin will surely come over as soon as possible
when he finishes his mission. We don’t have to worry about it.”

“I’m relieved to hear you say this!” Huang Youcai was relieved.

Of course, these two conspiring silly people were still unaware. Kevin was already
dead. Just like Jetson whom they had hopes for, Yang Ming killed Kevin as well…
They expected these two guys to deal with Yang Ming. But if they knew that Yang
Ming killed them first, who knows if they would be so confident while waiting…

However, naturally, they could not know the truth. They could only optimistically
expect Kevin to come back and kill Yang Ming…

It was a beautiful dream.

Kevin was loaded with little effort into a cargo container that the Buffon Family
shipped to Asia. According to Old Buffon, the Buffon Family did not need to smuggle
at all; they could openly ship it. No one would check Buffon Family’s goods for no

However, after leaving the country, Yang Ming’s side had to deal with the cargo’s
entry to China.

Of course, Yang Ming now knew that this was not a problem at all. Liu Yezi reported
the matter here to the higher-ups and surprised them. They were very happy not only
for getting the chip back, but also for getting a “research corpse” too. Of course,
Liu Yezi did not conceal Yang Ming’s involvement. He emphasized that the credit
belonged to Yang Ming; he just assisted.

In fact, even if Liu Yezi wanted to hide it, the higher-ups were not fools.
Whatever Liu Yezi could not handle before, it was done as soon as Yang Ming went
there. So who could this credit belong to?

To allow the ship entry, the Supernatural Investigation Bureau had sent people over
there to coordinate. After the goods entered the customs, they would be directly
received by special helicopters and transported to the capital’s research

Yang Ming and Liu Yezi bid farewell to fatty then embarked on a flight home. As for
the spy on Fatty’s side, Fatty quickly managed to expose them with his experience.

However, this person was only an outside member of “Central” who didn’t know
anything. Even after being interrogated many times, they said they really didn’t
know. Fatty couldn’t help it. He also knew that those who were sent to be spies
were prepared to be sacrifices at any time. Naturally, it was impossible for them
to understand too much.

Fatty was very grateful that Yang Ming knew the Street Racer Gang’s boss, Lang Ge
Sr.. In the future, his stronghold in Las Vegas would be safer with the protection
of the Street Racer Gang, and he would no longer need to be as careful as before.

“Yang Ming, don’t worry. I will remember this favor! I will help with anything you
need in the future!” Fatty understood Yang Ming’s intention. Yang Ming helped him
so wholeheartedly to pave the way for the future.

“Heh, then I won’t say much. I’m leaving now.” Yang Ming nodded, “The current
situation in Las Vegas is good, so just keep it going. It will not be long before
you get promoted back home.”

“Be careful. We’ll meet up again when I return to China. I don’t want to have no
guests when I arrange a banquet,” said Fatty as he laughed. They had already been
through life and death together, so there was no reservation when talking to each

“Little Yezi and I are not stupid.” Yang Ming said, “We’re not going to die. You
better be saving more money so that you can pay for the banquet!”

“Haha, rest assured. I still have some money.” Fatty smiled and sent Yang Ming and
Liu Yezi to the airport and said goodbye to them.

Yang Ming didn’t have any attachments to Las Vegas. On the contrary, Liu Yezi
attached much importance to this place since this was where he met his bro, Yang

After a few stops, the plane landed at the Capital Airport. Yang Ming said goodbye
to Liu Yezi and embarked on a flight to Donghai… But the moment he got off the
plane, Yang Ming saw an unexpected person in the waiting hall that surprised him…

Chapter 1588: Happy and Unhappy

Lan Ling! It’s Lan Ling! Yang Ming widened his eyes and saw Lan Ling next to a man!

Yang Ming was absolutely sure that the person he saw was Lan Ling, but she was far
away from him and was boarding at another departure gate. However, with Yang Ming’s
abilities, he was able to see clearly as long as he set his sight on a person.

Yang Ming’s heart was filled with an uncomfortable yet complicated feeling. It was
hard to describe the joys and sorrows of life. Rather than feeling joy at seeing
Lan Ling after a long time, he felt more bitter.

Lan Ling was very close to the man. Both of them were talking and laughing,
engaging in amicable conversation with one another. From the looks of it, they
seemed very intimate.

This made Yang Ming’s chest tighten all of a sudden! The man was a pretty boy, and
he was beyond handsome. When the word “pretty” was used to describe men, it
generally referred to beautiful men who usually appeared in the Korean TV series.
The everyday term to describe such a person would be a gigolo.

Why is Lan Ling with such a person? With Yang Ming’s understanding of Lan Ling, she
should not be showing interest in beautiful men.

Could it be that her personality changed? However, it is hard to say for sure. For
almost a year, things have remained the same but people have changed. Before this,
Lan Ling sent a few texts to me. Later, she started to text me lesser and lesser…

Could it be that Lan Ling started to fall in love with someone else?

This was a fact that Yang Ming found hard to accept. But it was right in front of
him. From the way both of them seemed intimate with each other, Yang Ming started
to believe what he saw.

Although what he saw might not be real, Yang Ming still felt really uncomfortable
in his heart…

Yang Ming thought of running over there to question her, but hesitated…

If he questioned Lan Ling now, his doubts and mistrust would be obvious. Secondly,
Yang Ming really did not dare to ask… If what he saw coincided with his thoughts,
then it would be hard for Yang Ming to accept anyway.

Lan Ling, are you still my Lan Ling? Yang Ming felt as though he were about to
collapse. He did not believe that Lan Ling would have a change of heart so easily.
But he could not keep himself from speculating further when he saw these things.

This was often the case. If he did not know about it, then so be it. But if he knew
it, it would still toss and turn in his head even though he knew it was unlikely.
He still felt anxious even though there was a possibility of a misunderstanding.

Yang Ming shook his head vigorously, trying to get rid of the messy things that
were clouding his mind, but he could not do it. When he saw Lan Ling and the
beautiful man passing through the boarding gate, he regretted his indecisiveness in
not running after them and asking her.

Even the worst result would be a lot easier to endure than this!

Lan Ling sensed that someone was observing her. As she passed the boarding gate,
she raised her head and looked in Yang Ming’s direction. An expression of
consternation and surprise suddenly appeared on her face. She opened her mouth and
was about to say something… but she was nudged by the beautiful man beside her and
hurriedly entered the boarding gate…

The beautiful man said some words to Lan Ling, which probably was to quickly enter
the boarding gate. The people behind her were waiting… Yang Ming did not look
closely. His mind was now blank and he did not know what to do.

Lan Ling seemed to notice him at the last moment. Her sixth sense was impeccable
and was considered as a special ability. So, it was not surprising that she was
able to spot him just from his gaze.

It was just that Lan Ling did not have telescopic vision. It was hard to tell
whether she identified him.

Although Lan Ling had already entered the boarding passage at this moment, Yang
Ming might be able to catch up without any hindrance if he chased after her with
his military credentials. However, Yang Ming did not do so. This was because he
still had some traces of doubts and worries in his heart. He was afraid that his
conjecture would become reality.

Yang Ming sighed and forced these thoughts to the back of his mind. Once he entered
the boarding gate, he no longer paid attention to Lan Ling’s situation. Although he
could see it with his special abilities, Yang Ming still wanted to meet Lan Ling in
person and ask her about this matter.

Perhaps, what I saw might not even be the truth.

However, Yang Ming’s mood was terrible even up to the time of boarding. First class
passengers were given priority to board the plane… After showing his boarding pass,
Yang Ming stepped on the plane immediately.

Yang Ming sat down in his seat after boarding the plane. Since Batterton booked the
ticket for the whole trip, he did not consider that Liu Yezi would not return to
Donghai with Yang Ming after getting off the plane in the Capital. Hence, he
reserved two first-class cabin tickets. The seat next to Yang Ming was also
reserved through the internet too.

Yang Ming closed his eyes. Since boarding priority was given to first-class
passengers, there was still some time before the economy class was to start
boarding. Yang Ming simply did not want to remember the previous incident. So, he
adjusted his mood and was in a state of dozing off to sleep.

Can’t go home with such a sad face, right?

Not long after, he suddenly felt a person sitting in the seat next to him… Yang
Ming frowned. The seat next to me was reserved through the internet. Nobody should
be sitting in this seat. Why would someone be sitting in this seat now?

I smell a fragrant smell. It should be a girl… However, Yang Ming was not in a good
mood right now. He did not open his eyes to look and he was too lazy to use his
special abilities to observe.


Suddenly, he felt someone kiss his face… Yang Ming was stunned. It can’t be? Who is
so daring? Did I happen to stumble upon a love-struck female passenger?

He opened his eyes in astonishment. Instead, he saw a familiar smiling face. It

turned out to be Huang Lele.

“Lele?” Yang Ming did not expect to see Huang Lele on this flight. Before this, he
was in a hazy state because of his low mood. As of this moment, he felt much better
and his depression was swept away. After all, he would not feel lonely anymore with
Huang Lele’s companionship throughout this journey.

“Yang Ming, you really are on this plane!” Huang Lele’s face was full of

“What do you mean? Did you know in advance?” Yang Ming was a little surprised by
Huang Lele’s words.

“En, my elder brother already contacted the airline. The company leaders are very
kind to me. They helped me see whether your name was on the flight to Donghai.
Since your name was there, they transferred me to this flight,” said Huang Lele.

“So, that’s the case.” Yang Ming nodded. Huang Lele’s elder brother’s status was
definitely on an equal footing with the airline’s boss. Times had changed for the
Huang Family. Their company in South Africa along with their investment enterprises
in the local country were doing well.
“I’m so happy to see you.” Huang Lele looked very excited and her face was
blushing. As she was dressed in a flight attendant uniform, it made Yang Ming feel
another sense of beauty.

“Me too.” Yang Ming nodded. He rarely met Huang Lele. He did not expect to meet
Huang Lele before going to Yunnan. This made Yang Ming very happy, “Will you be in
Donghai at night?”

“En, I can take a vacation at any time.” Huang Lele nodded her head shyly. From the
looks of it, Huang Lele held a high position in the company.

Chapter 1589: Lost For Words

“Your company is very lenient toward you,” Yang Ming laughed.

“My elder brother has business connections with them,” said Huang Lele. “Oh, the
casinos in Las Vegas and Macau, and the Entertainment City in Singapore are all
under my name. This is my elder brother’s intention… Although the family is in
charge of these businesses, all the profits belong to me.”

Yang Ming nodded. It seemed that the Huang Family’s people were quite impressive.
They did not lose their heads even though their business had grown big. They also
understood who was responsible for the Huang Family’s current growth.

“My father had also decided to put thirty percent of the Huang Family’s business
shares under my name…” said Huang Lele. “My elder brother currently has only ten

“Oh?” Yang Ming did not expect Old Man Huang to be so resolute. He gave thirty
percent of the company’s shares directly to Huang Lele, “What does your elder
brother think of it?”

“Naturally, he agrees.” Huang Lele nodded. “Elder Brother said that it’s fine as
long as I am happy…”

“Hehe.” Yang Ming smiled. “Since they gave it to you, just accept it.”

“En.” Initially, Huang Lele was hesitant. However, since Yang Ming put it that way,
she naturally agreed.

Passengers were starting to board the aircraft one after another. A few of the
passengers also started to come to the first-class cabin but it was not fully
occupied. Most of the time, there were vacant seats in the first-class cabin.

Most first-class passengers were not surprised upon seeing a flight attendant
chatting with passengers animatedly. Such occurrences were not unusual. It was also
very common for some rich heirs to pursue flight attendants on the plane.

Zhang Baogong was the male flight attendant of this flight. He was from a
prestigious family and he was able to work in this airline company because of his
family’s relations with them. He was usually undisciplined. When he was at work, he
would usually flirt with female flight attendants or be lazy.

However, the captain turned a blind eye to his behavior since he knew that Zhang
Baogang had relations with the head office.

Some of the flight attendants Zhang Baogon flirted with were more snobbish. They
understood Zhang Baogong’s family background and played along with him because of
their vanity. For those who were not easy, Zhang Baogong often gave up after
pursuing them. Anyway, I am just playing around. If I can’t be with them, then so
be it. There is no need to be so serious!

However, everything changed after he laid eyes on Hiang Lele. He immediately saw
Huang Lele as a celestial being and began to pursue her relentlessly. But Huang
Lele did not pay any attention to him at all and flat out ignored him

When he sent her flowers, she refused to accept. His invitations were rejected. At
first, Zhang Baogong was wondering if he should be more aggressive in pursuing her
but he heard that Huang Lele came from a powerful family and her brother had a
close relationship with his boss. Even though his family also had a prestigious
background, it was inappropriate to be aggressive when pursuing a woman of a
similar background. It would only make things worse and it might even escalate to
the point of both big families becoming enemies!

So, Zhang Baogong decided to use the coax and pester way to capture Huang Lele’s
heart. He believed that familiarity bred fondness. Since they met on the plane
every day, there might be a chance that she fell for him, right?

Today, Zhang Baogong and Huang Lele were on the same plane… In fact, Zhang Baogong
had already bribed the workers to make this arrangement. No matter where Huang Lele
was traveling to, he would follow.

Of course, he would not disclose this matter. He made it look like a coincidence.

All this time, he also surreptitiously inquired about the Huang Family’s situation.
The results of his inquiries shocked him! The Huang Family was Singapore’s well-
known millionaires with business in many countries around the world, especially the
profitable mining business in North Africa!

It would be a gold mine if successfully pursued this young lady of the affluent
family. Both he and his family would reap the benefits of this union.

This thought made Zhang Baogong very excited and he pursued Huang Lele with more

Zhang Baogong walked towards the first-class cabin as usual. Huang Lele had little
to do on the plane as there were hardly any duties roosted for her. This was very
similar to the young master, Zhang Baogong.

However, this also gave Zhang Baogong a lot of opportunities to hit on Huang Lele
as she was not busy.

“Lele …” Zhang Baogong entered the first-class cabin. He just called out Huang
Lele’s name but he saw her sitting next to a passenger in the first-class cabin.
The two were having an animated chat. His facial expression changed drastically and
became very ugly!

It was not unusual for first-class guests to pull over a flight attendant for a
chat. Some of the affluent young men with some money would often do this kind of
thing. Zhang Baogong usually did not bother with such matters. But he was furious
this time because the person who was chatting with the rich man was Huang Lele.

He walked over with a sullen face, “Lele, how can you be chatting during work
hours? What will happen if the captain sees it?”

Yang Ming raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhang Baogong quizzically. He did not
know what Zhang Baogong was doing but he was certain about one thing. This guy
definitely did not come over here to give Huang Lele a kind reminder. Looking at
his sulky face, he must have an ulterior motive.

Huang Lele faintly frowned but she ignored Zhang Baogong and continued to sit
beside Yang Ming.

“Lele, did you hear me?” Zhang Baogong frowned and felt bitter in his heart. Dang
it, I am also a young master! Huang Lele doesn’t even give me face. She even goes
so far as to chat passionately with a passenger at the moment. What is the meaning
of this?

“Sir, I am sorry. Our company has regulations that flight attendants are not
allowed to chat with passengers…” Zhang Baogong thought that if he spoke to this
passenger, he would not argue much. After all, it was Yang Ming who was hitting on
the flight attendant. It would be embarrassing for anyone if this matter was
disclosed to the public.

“Who stipulated these rules? You?” Yang Ming was amused. As for now, Yang Ming
could see what Zhang Baogong was getting at. It seemed that he was interested in
Huang Lele. He felt a bit uneasy when he saw Yang Ming sitting beside Huang Lele
and chatting with her.

“Sir, this is our airline’s regulation. You don’t want her bonuses to be deducted
just because she is chatting with you, right?” Although Zhang Baogong was arrogant,
he would not dare to callously insult the first-class passengers. If the passenger
lodged a complaint about him, he would still suffer even if he had personal
relations with the company.

“Bonuses? I will compensate her based on how much gets deducted. You don’t need to
worry about this!” Yang Ming waved his hand and signaled that Zhang Baogong could

Zhang Baogong was stunned momentarily. He never thought that Yang Ming would be so
tough. Usually, a gentle reminder was enough for ordinary passengers. However, this
person actually said this. Zhang Baogang was a little annoyed, “We have the right
to ask you to get off the plane if you do not abide by the airlines’ rules and

“Oh, we will only talk about this matter if you have the right to do so.” Yang Ming
did not even take Zhang Baogong seriously. This guy was clamoring like a clown.
“You…” Zhang Baogong was lost for words. Indeed, he did not have the right to ask
Yang Ming to get off the plane. If the captain did not approve of asking a first-
class passenger to get off the plane, who would dare to do so?.

Chapter 1590: Hoisted by His Own Petards

“Okay, since you insist on doing this, don’t blame me for not reminding you. In a
moment, a flight marshal will make you get off the plane and that will delay your
journey. It is not my responsibility!” Zhang Baogong dropped a lukewarm reminder,
then turned around angrily and left while thinking in his heart on how to teach
this guy a lesson!

He really did not know what was wrong with Huang Lele. She dared to chat with a
first-class passenger. Is there anything special about this passenger?

Of course, asking Yang Ming to get off the plane would be impossible without
sufficient reason under normal circumstances.

Essentially, it was impossible to get the captain to order Yang Ming off the plane.
It seemed that he could only find some other ways himself. The best way was to lure
Yang Ming into making some aggressive moves and then make a big fuss out of it.
Then, he would have a reason to get the flight marshal to escort Yang Ming off.

With this thought, Zhang Baogong made up his mind. In a while, he would be serving
hot tea to passengers. He would pretend to be careless and spill some onto Yang
Ming. If Yang Ming were to become angry and try to hit someone, then it would be
exactly what he intended. At that time, he would accuse Yang Ming of endangering
the safety of other passengers and have him driven off the plane. Although this
reason was not entirely valid, it was still a fact and the flight marshal would
give him face. The airline company would not hold him accountable either.

If Yang Ming was a soft person who dared not show his temper, it was fine. He would
apologize if Yang Ming asked him to. It did not matter much. The most that would
happen would be that he would have to pay for Yang Ming’s clothes. That was no big
deal. It was easy for a rich pampered person like Zhang Baogong who did not care
about money at all.

Also, Yang Ming would suffer being scalded and rush to the bathroom. That would fix
him up!
Of course, should Yang Ming choose the soft method, Zhang Baogong was not prepared
to give up. He would pretend to “accidentally” spill hot tea on Yang Ming again and
again. When the hot tea was finished, there were noodles and Bento boxes. Even if
Yang Ming was a mud Bodhisattva, he would still be somewhat worldly [1]. Zhang
Baogong would keep going to make him show his true colors!

Zhang Baogong’s face showed an evil smile as he thought of this. Hmph, picking a
fight with me? You are still a little inexperienced! Before going to work, I, Zhang
Baogong was a local tyrant, a small bully at school, and a boss on campus. Try to
compete with me over a woman and I will fix you up.

So, Zhang Baogong pretended as if nothing happened and headed for the economy class

“This Zhang Baogong is pursuing you, right?” After Zhang Baogong left, Yang Ming
asked Huang Lele.

“En, he is way worse than you.” Huang Lele always liked to be honest.

“Oh, what if he is better than me? Will you agree with him then?” Yang Ming could
not help but ask with a smile as he listened to Huang Lele.

“Impossible.” Huang Lele shook her head. “In my opinion, no one is better than

“Hehe…” Yang Ming liked to chat with Huang Lele because she would always give him
some joy inadvertently. Just like her name, she really was really a happy go lucky

Yang Ming had lost his previous melancholy, “Since you don’t like him, just tell
your elder brother and have him removed from your presence.”

“His family seems to be well connected.” Huang Lele thought for a while. “I
remember he boasted in front of me before, but I do not remember… It seems that his
family is also very powerful and that some of his relatives are working in the
airline company.”

“Oh, it turned out to be a pampered son with a strong background. No wonder he

talked so impulsively.” Yang Ming nodded. “There are two solutions to this. One is
that I find someone to eliminate him. The second is that you resign. There is
nothing much to do in this job.”

“No need to. He also knows my family background and he doesn’t dare to overdo it.”
Huang Lele shook her head. “I will just ignore him. I still like my current job
very much. It is easy. Everyone treats me well too… Actually, the main thing is it
gives me something to do to pass time. Otherwise, when there is nothing to do, I
can only think of you. But you cannot be with me every day.”

“Ai…” Yang Ming sighed. Huang Lele’s thoughts made Yang Ming feel lost. However,
Huang Lele was not wrong in saying that he could not accompany her every day… Even
if she moved in with Chen Mengyan, Yang Ming would still be very busy doing things
every day…

Yang Ming had considered the idea of retreating to live a secluded life. In fact,
Yang Ming started preparing for his future life by setting up his base in Island X
in North Africa. It was just that things were not settled there. Yang Ming would
not feel assured if he were to go to Island X as it was currently.
He did not know who he had offended lately. Not only had the matters with the
behind-the-scenes boss and Elder You not been resolved yet, but even Central had
inexplicably appeared somehow. Although he offended Central for the first time
because of the Butterfly Family, he did it very secretly. Almost no one knew that
he killed Jetson. Only the Butterfly Family and the Douglas Family knew, but they
would not dare to speak of it casually.

However, this time, it was impossible for the news of him killing Kevin not to leak
out. Besides, he did not know if the people at Central would point their fingers at

This life is just too nerve wracking. Every day, there are enemies and things to

The flight attendants began to serve drinks and hot tea. In the first-class
section, the flight attendant responsible for serving was Zhang Baogong. At this
time, Zhang Baogong was smiling. He changed his depressed and sullen expression,
pushed the cart loaded with drinks and began to serve the first-class passengers.

“Sir, would you like something to drink? We have Coke, Sprite, orange juice,
mineral water, hot coffee, hot tea…” Zhang Baogong asked a passenger seated not far
from Yang Ming.

The passenger asked for a bottle of mineral water. After that, the passengers
behind him ordered what they needed one after another, and the cart reached Yang

“Madam, what do you need?” Zhang Baogong asked a first-class passenger seated
behind Yang Ming.

“Coffee, please,” the female passenger behind Yang Ming said.

“Okay, please wait!” Zhang Baogong responded with a smile on his mouth. However, it
felt like flowers were blooming in his heart. What a godsent opportunity! Wakaka, I
was thinking about how to spill hot coffee onto Yang Ming and the passenger behind
him ordered a cup of hot coffee.

Zhang Baogong poured a cup of hot coffee and pretended to hand it over to the
female passenger. As the cup was about to reach the female passenger, it suddenly
moved forward, as if the aircraft was shaking and causing Zhang Baogang to lose his
footing. The cup was about to collide with Yang Ming’s head.

At this time, Yang Ming seemed to have eyes at the back of his head. He brushed his
hair casually with his hand and with one flick, the cup in Zhang Baogong’s hand
flew straight into Zhang Baogong’s face.
Chapter 1591: This Is Not Over Yet!
“Ao-” Zhang Baogong let out a horrible scream as the cup of hot coffee splashed
onto his face. He jumped up, and wailed, “It’s hot! It’s hot! Dang it! You are
trying to murder me?”

Zhang Baogong was born with a silver spoon in their mouth [1]. When had he suffered
such grievances? The hot coffee that was spilled on his face nearly made his skin
peel off!

Zhang Baogong covered his face and screamed while hopping around. He glared at Yang
Ming with a terrible look on his face, “You did that deliberately. That was
definitely deliberate! I’m going to kill you!”

Obviously, Zhang Baogong did not care anymore. Even if the company’s superiors
reprimanded him later, he just did not care anymore. He was ready to drench Yang
Ming with the pot of hot coffee in his hand.

A sarcastic look flashed acrossYang Ming’s face. He waved his hand slightly and a
flying needle plunged into Zhang Baogong’s wrist. Zhang Baogong had yet to respond
to what was happening. He wanted to pour the hot drink onto Yang Ming’s head, but
it turned out differently. How did I lose control of my hands?

Before he could lift the coffee pot, he lost strength in his hand. As a result, the
coffee pot rolled down and its contents splattered on Zhang Baogong’s body. He was
drenched from his crotch downwards to his feet!

Zhang Baogong wailed again and writhed on the floor while covering his crotch,
“Dang it, dang it, dang it! I can’t live! I can’t live anymore! Ouch… so painful…
so painful…”

The first-class cabin was very quiet before this all started. Zhang Baogong’s
ruckus woke all up the sleeping passengers who then stared at Zhang Baogong hopping
around like a clown. With looks of contempt, the passengers talked about how the
quality of this flight attendant was so low as to clutch his crotch and make vulgar
moves on the plane.

“Mom, what is that uncle doing? Why is he touching his private parts?” A child
asked his mother puzzled.

“Oh, baby, he is learning Michael Jackson’s dance [2]…” The mother threw a
contemptuous gaze at Zhang Baogong and explained to her son.

Of course, in the first-class cabin, there were also some bolder girls who laughed.
Zhang Baogong’s moves were too vulgar as if he was doing some activity that
required one to DIY [3].

“Flight Marshal, please come. Someone attacked me!” Zhang Baogong shouted loudly.
He wanted to teach Yang Ming a harsh lesson.

The flight marshal had already arrived at this time. They started moving as soon as
they heard the loud ruckus in the first-class cabin. They saw Zhang Baogong yelling
there and asked puzzledly, “What’s wrong with you?”
“Help me arrest him!” Zhang Baogong said as he pointed his fingers at Yang Ming.
“This kid endangers the safety of the other passengers! He drenched me with coffee.
Look, he scalded me!”

After Zhang Baogong finished, he pointed to his face filled with scald blisters.

“Mister, please come with us.” Although it was unclear what happened, these police
officers saw that Zhang Baogong was earnest in his accusation. So, naturally, they
had to take Yang Ming away and investigate further.

“Little Wang, he is my friend!” Huang Lele spoke up at the time and said to the
policeman. “Zhang Baogong spilled the coffee on his own, and wrongly accused my

“This…” Little Wang, the flight marshal, did not expect that the person who Zhang
Baogong accused was actually Huang Lele’s friend! Only then did he notice that
Huang Lele was actually sitting next to the man! He did not pay attention earlier.

But this time, things were a little difficult to resolve. Little Wang also knew
that Zhang Baogong was pursuing Huang Lele. It was not hard to deduce that Zhang
Baogong took the opportunity to kick up a ruckus to retaliate against the man when
he saw him sitting with Huang Lele.

Little Wang really did not want to participate in this kind of affair. But since he
came, he could not ignore it. This was a security problem that happened on the
plane. If he did not intervene, he would not be able to explain it to the captain.

“Lele, I’m just investigating. Once it’s clear, everything will be alright…” Little
Wang assured Huang Lele.

“No! There are so many people in this first-class cabin. You can ask them. Did Yang
Ming touch Zhang Baogong just now? How did he get hot coffee all over himself?”
said Huang Lele.”Access if you like watching manga,comics.

When Little Wang heard this, he realized that it was true. With so many
eyewitnesses, all I need to do is just ask, right? In this way, he would be
trusting the words of third-party witnesses. No matter what the outcome was, he
would not offend both Zhang Baogong and Huang Lele. It would be easy to explain to
the captain too.

With this thought, Little Wang quickly asked a lady seated not far away, “Miss, did
you see what happened just now?”

This lady was the child’s mother earlier on. She disliked Zhang Baogong for
corrupting her child. How could she be in a pleasant mood?

“I saw what happened!” said the lady. “The flight attendant just poured coffee for
the lady behind the gentleman. Because of the plane shaking, he accidentally
spilled it on his face. Then, he blamed the gentleman in front. He flew into a
rage. He not only scolded the man but also performed some indecent movements in
public while covering his crotch…”

Little Wang broke into a sweat. How can that be? Zhang Baogong openly behaved like
a hooligan? He glanced at Zhang Baogong and saw him turn red. Zhang Baogang then
pointed at the lady and shouted, “You are talking nonsense! Obviously, I wanted to
splash coffee onto him, but he suddenly raised his hand and blocked the coffee cup
so that it spilled on my face. Why do you say that I am careless? ”
“Oh…” The passengers in the plane froze for a moment when they heard what Zhang
Baogong said, then they all burst into laughter, “Hahahaha…”

“Did you hear that?” Yang Ming turned his eyes towards Little Wang. “This guy just
confessed himself that he was going to drench me with coffee. The result was just
that he reaps what he sows.”

“I’m sorry, sir. My apologies!” Little Wang heard the passengers’ testimony, and
now that Zhang Baogong had admitted it himself, there was no need to investigate
any further. This Zhang Baogong could really hurt others. Had he invited Yang Ming
to the security station without any reason, he would need to bear heavy
responsibility if he escorted Yang Ming off the flight at the next stop without
knowing the truth!

“No, I said wrongly. I didn’t want to splash it on him. But because the plane
shook, I couldn’t stand firm. I didn’t intend to splash on him…” Zhang Baogong
hurriedly explained as he knew that he accidentally said something wrong before.

“Hahahaha…” The passengers on the plane laughed again. “Isn’t this still not
standing firm?”

“I…” Zhang Baogong’s face was flushed. Well, since I explained it this way, is it
not the same as that lady’s testimony? I just said she was talking nonsense…

“Sir, I’m sorry. We will deal with this matter seriously!” Little Wang too ignored
Zhang Baogong, and solemnly apologized to Yang Ming.

“Oh, you will deal with it?” Yang Ming smiled thinly. “I’m afraid it won’t work.
This matter is not over yet!”

Author’s Notes:

Fishman II’s novel “So Pure, So Flirtatious Prequel”, reveals the origin of Yang
Ming lenses. The new book “The Beauty and Bodyguard” will reveal the ending of “So
Pure, So Flirtatious”…

Chapter 1592: Teaching A Lesson

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“Ah?” Little Wang was surprised. He wondered what Yang Ming meant, “Sir… Do you
have any other requests?”

“It’s not really a request,” said Yang Ming. “Do you have a satellite phone on your

“We do have it, sir…” Little Wang nodded, not knowing what Yang Ming was planning
to do since he suddenly asked about the satellite phone.
“Okay, bring me to it so I can make a call and we will talk as we walk,” said Yang
Ming. He unbuckled his seat belt and stood up.

“This… Okay!” Little Wang glanced at Zhang Baogong, signaling him to leave quickly.
Then he brought Yang Ming to make the satellite phone call.

Zhang Baogong looked at Yang Ming furiously and muttered in his mouth, “Darn, you
are lucky this time, brat. Just wait and see, I won’t let you go easily. When you
arrive at Donghai, I won’t let you get out of the airport!”

As a dandy and rich prodigal child, Zhang Baogong also had many friends in
Donghai’s underworld. He planned to gather some men to block Yang Ming at the
Donghai Airport’s gate when they arrived and make him pay for what he had just

“Is that so?” Yang Ming smiled calmly after listening to Zhang Baogong. His face
showed contempt and disdain, “Let’s see who can’t get out of the airport!”

“Hey!” Zhang Baogong heard Yang Ming’s words, and got rowdier, “Okay, let’s wait
and see! To be honest, I have connections at the airport! My men can come in, but
your men can’t! My uncle is the vice president of Donghai Airport. Hahahaha. How
about that? Are you scared now? ”

“Oh, I hope your uncle is not dragged into this with you.” Yang Ming nodded to him
and followed Little Wang to make a call.

“Pretentious. I’ll let you pretend. You’ll be in trouble later!” Zhang Baogong was
infuriated when he saw Yang Ming being so calm. He planned to contact his uncle
after Yang Ming finished his phone call.

“Sir, you don’t need to stoop down to Zhang Baogong’s level. This kid is just a
little arrogant and ignorant because his family has some social connections,”
Little Wang explained to Yang Ming embarrassingly. He didn’t expect Zhang Baogong
still didn’t want to apologize to Yang Ming at this moment and even threatened Yang
Ming with all his strength.

“Is that so?” Yang Ming snorted and took out a certificate and handed it to Little
Wang, “This is my certificate. I am on the way back after finishing my mission. I
now suspect that your flight attendant is someone from a foreign spy department and
he attempted to harm me. So you all shall restrain him first. I will make a call
and our men will take him away at the airport!”

Little Wang took Yang Ming’s document, and his facial expression changed at first
glance. This was a military document. Although Little Wang was not familiar with
the specifics of the military, it must be a special department since Yang Ming said
that he had just finished his mission…

If this was the case, Zhang Baogong really picked the wrong opponent and did a
brainless thing today!

“Okay, I will cooperate, but we can only restrain him until the plane lands. After
he gets out of the plane, we have no way…” Little Wang could still distinguish the
importance of this matter. He did not think Zhang Baogong was a spy, but the fact
that Zhang Baogong attacked Yang Ming was indeed true. Although there was a
component of retaliation to this order, it was not overdone.
Zhang Baogong could only blame himself and it had nothing to do with others.

“He, that will be enough.” Yang Ming nodded and dialed a string of numbers on the
satellite phone to inform Xia Bingbao about the incident and ask him to send
someone to take Zhang Baogong away.

Yang Ming briefly explained what happened honestly without adding embellishing. In
fact, Yang Ming didn’t want to convict Zhang Baogong or anything. He just wanted to
teach him a lesson.

Let him be imprisoned for a few days to change his arrogant nature so that he no
longer harasses Huang Lele.

Xia Bingbao probably knew this too. He could see that Yang Ming really didn’t have
the intention to charge Zhang Baogong as he only asked him to investigate whether
Zhang Baogong had any problems. This meant that Yang Ming just wanted to teach
Zhang Baogong a lesson.

Little Wang sighed secretly. Zhang Baogong even wanted to gather underworld
members, and boasted confidently that Yang Ming’s men will not be able to enter the
airport… He is from the military. How easy is it for them to enter the airport?

This Zhang Baogong can only pray for himself. Yang Ming is also a generous man who
only wants Zhang Baogong to learn a lesson. If Zhang Baogong really gets these
unnecessary people from the underworld to fight against Yang Ming, then the result
can be imagined.

Zhang Baogong was no longer there when Yang Ming returned to his seat. But Yang
Ming didn’t even bother to find him. Since the plane was still in the sky, Yang
Ming wasn’t afraid that he would run away.

“Yang Ming, is something wrong?” asked Huang Lele.

“No, but Zhang Baogong will be in trouble later.” Yang Ming smiled, “I hope this
kid learns a lesson this time and will stop in the future.”

Huang Lele sighed, “Otherwise, I can resign…”

“You don’t have to resign. If you like this job, then keep it. Perhaps after this
incident, Zhang Baogong will not harass you again,” said Yang Ming.

The plane landed at Donghai International Airport. Yang Ming and Huang Lele sat
together. No one bothered them along the way. However, a co-pilot came over to Yang
Ming to discuss Zhang Baogong’s matter, hoping that Yang Ming would deal with it in
a low-key manner and not implicate this flight.

However, the co-pilot was relieved after seeing Huang Lele and Yang Ming’s
relationship. They were talking together and laughing. From this, the co-pilot
could see that Yang Ming was only acting against Zhang Baogong, and he would not
hold the entire crew accountable.

That evening, Yang Ming did not return to Song Jiang directly, but stayed in
Donghai with Huang Lele. There was a Douglas Vast Hotel in Donghai too, but it had
become Yang Ming’s business and changed its name to Song Jiang International Hotel

The staff here didn’t know Yang Ming, but Yang Ming maintained a low-profile since
he came out to have a night with Huang Lele. He simply booked a double room and
stayed there with Huang Lele.


The next morning, Huang Lele returned to the airport, and Yang Ming returned to
Song Jiang. As for Zhang Baogong, he was probably taken away to be investigated for
a few days. He would be released if there was no problem. After all, Yang Ming was
not the kind of person who would abuse his power for revenge.

Yang Ming returned to Song Jiang in a low-key manner, and forgot about Lan Ling’s
affair for the time being. Anyway, he would go to Yunnan later. After putting an
end to Elder You’s matters in Yunnan, he would be able to see Lan Ling.

“Mengyan, I’m back in Song Jiang,” Yang Ming called Chen Mengyan.

Chen Mengyan was attending a class, but after seeing Yang Ming’s call, she still
answered, “Yang Ming, where are you now?”

“I am on my way home,” said Yang Ming.

“En… Would you like to come to campus so that we can eat together at noon?” Chen
Mengyan hesitated and asked.

“Okay, then I will pick you up at campus,” said Yang Ming.

Chapter 1593: Coercion

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Yang Ming hung up Chen Mengyan’s phone call and called Xiao Qing to let her know he
was safe.

“Sister Xiao Qing, where are you?” asked Yang Ming.

“I’m at the university. Where else can I be?” Xiao Qing heard Yang Ming’s voice and
could not conceal her surprise, “Are you back?”

“En, I am back, but I have a lunch appointment with Chen Mengyan at noon. I will
see you in the afternoon,” said Yang Ming apologetically.

“Don’t just visit me all the time. Yesterday, Godfather asked me why he hasn’t seen
you in such a long time? Could it be that you don’t want him as godfather since you
are rich now?” Xiao Qing said somewhat jokingly. She definitely knew Yang Ming was
not that kind of person.

“Ah?” Yang Ming was stunned for a moment before he remembered that he hadn’t been
to his godfather Liu Weishan’s house for a while. He had been really busy since the
end of the year. He rarely even went back to his own house, and he overlooked his
godfather and godmother’s feelings as well.

Yang Ming felt a little guilty thinking of this. I should at least see them no
matter how busy I am! I have to go and visit godfather even if I need to make
arrangements for it.”read comics on our”

“Sister Xiao Qing, I was so busy a while ago…” said Yang Ming, embarrassed.

“Hehe, of course, I know you are busy. In fact, godfather also knows it. He has
already heard that you haven’t been to our campus for such a long time. He just
nagged casually. He didn’t blame you,” explained Xiao Qing. “We all understand.”

“Okay, let me call godfather to see if he has time at noon, and then Mengyan and I
will invite him to have a meal together,” Yang Ming thought about it and said.

“That will be fine. I will not participate. You all go ahead.” Xiao Qing naturally
would not go after hearing that Chen Mengyan would go too.

“Okay…” Yang Ming did not force her as well. After all, if Xiao Qing went, she
would definitely feel awkward even if she didn’t say anything.

Liu Weishan was the deputy principal in charge of teaching at the university now,
and his workload was much heavier than before. When Yang Ming called him, he was
studying the semester’s faculty staff assessment. Nonetheless, he happily put down
his work to answer the phone after seeing Yang Ming’s number.

“Yang Ming? Are you back, kid?” Liu Weishan asked with a smile. It seemed that he
had already heard from Xiao Qing that Yang Ming went abroad.

“En, I just came back.” said Yang Ming, “Godfather, it’s been so long since I went
to your house… I…”

“Hah, it’s okay. Did this child, Xiao Qing, tell you something?” Liu Weishan smiled
and said, “I also know that you are busy. It’s okay. You don’t need to overthink

“Godfather, I actually called to ask you if you are free at noon? Mengyan and I
will treat you to lunch…” asked Yang Ming with some embarrassment.

“I have a lunch appointment at noon. But it’s okay. I’ll cancel it. Tell me where
it is and I’ll go!” Liu Weishan was overjoyed when he heard that Yang Ming wanted
to treat him to lunch!

In fact, Liu Weishan had already reached such an age where he no longer put much
value on status and power. He didn’t care about these things especially since he
had a high reputation in engraving academia across the country. Enjoying time with
family and friends was his main priority. So, he canceled the lunch appointment
without the slightest hesitation to eat with Yang Ming.

“Alright, then I will make a reservation and call you again,” said Yang Ming. It
seemed that he needed to change this original plan. Yang Ming originally planned to
find a small restaurant near campus to eat something with Chen Mengyan and the
others, but since Liu Weishan would be there, he needed to book a higher-end place.
After all, it was considered a family feast since they were with their elders. It
would be inappropriate to go to a low-grade restaurant.

Yang Ming called Guo Jianchao and asked him to book a private room at the new Song
Jiang International Hotel, which was the former Douglas Vast Hotel. Yang Ming told
him that he would have lunch there later.

Guo Jianchao naturally handled this matter quickly.


After Chen Mengyan hung up the phone, she didn’t have the mood to listen to the
class anymore. She began to text Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia to tell them that Yang
Ming had returned and invited them to eat together at noon.

“Chen Mengyan, can you explain what is the main cause of inflation in this case?”
The professor singled out Chen Mengyan.

“Ah? I…” Chen Mengyan was answering her phone and sending text messages just now.
How could she have heard the case the professor was discussing?

“Sit down and listen to the class carefully next time. As a class committee member,
don’t set a bad example by slacking off,” The professor said without mercy.

“Oh… Okay…” Chen Mengyan sat down while blushing.

The professor had been increasingly finding fault with her recently, and Chen
Mengyan also knew why. A while ago, the professor looked for her and asked her some
personal questions such as whether she had a boyfriend and other similar questions.

Chen Mengyan asked in detail only to realize that the professor wanted to introduce
his grandson to her as a boyfriend! Of course Chen Mengyan refused, but the
professor seemed to feel humiliated and held a grudge against her!

In his view, Chen Mengyan’s so-called boyfriend was simply an excuse. How could a
young girl in her first year have a boyfriend so soon? He certainly had not paid
attention nor heard of the rumors in the university either.

Therefore, Professor Wang assumed that Chen Mengyan was humiliating him. He
couldn’t stand his grandson’s coaxing and pestering at home, so he felt even more
displeased. Therefore, he often made things difficult for Chen Mengyan on purpose
in order to let her know that it would be extremely hard for her at university if
she didn’t agree to his request.

Actually, Professor Wang was still a fairly righteous person previously. He had
never received a student’s bribe for their thesis and exams. He was considered a
man of integrity! But such a person was even more stubborn. He thought that since
he had worked so hard for the university for a lifetime, it shouldn’t be excessive
to get some benefits for his grandchild when he was old.

Moreover, this matter was not a violation of principle. It was just introducing a
boyfriend. His grandson was so outstanding. He was more than enough to match Chen
Mengyan. But he did not expect Chen Mengyan to actually not agree to it!

Besides feeling humiliated, Professor Wang also felt that Chen Mengyan was not
sensible! He was a university professor from a scholarly family, and his son was a
company’s big boss. Although his grandson’s results were not ideal, his grandson
went to a university under his influence. Although it was not Song Jiang Industry
University, it was still a joint school of the university.

However, these were not important. His grandson was just muddling along in
university and would work at his son’s company after graduation. His grandson would
take over the family business in the future. With such a strong family background,
Chen Mengyan still didn’t agree to his request. No one would believe it if this
matter was spread out!

If not for his grandson being attracted to Chen Mengyan after coming to the
university to listen to his class, Professor Wang would be too lazy to be a
matchmaker. There were so many people who wanted to get married to his grandson.
Why would he be bothered about Chen Mengyan?

Therefore, Professor Wang would often find faults with Chen Mengyan during these
few classes. He was intending to pressure her!

Chapter 1594: Let Him Come Along

During the break, Professor Wang looked at his mobile phone and found that there
was a missed call. He had put his phone on vibration mode during class just now, so
he didn’t hear it.

He checked the number, and realized it was from his grandson, Wang Xigang.

Professor Wang called his grandson back hurriedly. He loved this grandson very much
as he was the only descendant of his Wang Family.

“You called grandpa just now. Is there anything?” asked Professor Wang.

“Grandpa, any updates on the thing that I told you about? Did you find Chen
Mengyan? Did she agree already?” Ever since Wang Xigang listened to his grandpa’s
class at school, he kept thinking about Chen Mengyan.

So he asked his grandfather to make a match! In the diploma college where he lived
lavishly, how could there be any decent girls? They were either shady characters or
were extremely ugly. Wang Xigang was awestruck immediately after seeing Chen

“Relax Ganggang, I’m working on it. Don’t worry, grandpa will definitely help you
to get your wife!” Professor Wang didn’t want to let his grandson down, so he
didn’t tell him about Chen Mengyan’s rejection.

“Oh, okay. Hurry up! I can’t wait!” Wang Xigang urged somewhat anxiously.

“Then, I will ask her to have lunch at noon to talk more about in detail.”
Professor Wang’s original plan was to find faults with Chen Mengyan for a few more
days so that she would give in automatically when she couldn’t stand it anymore.
But now since his grandson had urged him, he could no longer wait. So he decided to
ask her to eat together at noon today to give her a detailed analysis of the pros
and cons of dating his grandson!
“Alright, grandpa. Then I’ll wait for your good news!” Wang Xigang replied quickly.
He was overjoyed to hear his grandpa’s decision.

After hanging up on his grandson, Professor Wang thought for a moment before saying
to Chen Mengyan who was on her seat, “Chen Mengyan, come over here!”

“Oh? Ok…” It was break time now. Chen Mengyan didn’t know why Professor Wang was
looking for her. Anyway, she felt that it definitely was not a good thing.

“Professor Wang, is there anything?” Chen Mengyan walked up to Professor Wang and

“Chen Mengyan, don’t leave after class later. Wait for me. I will treat you to
lunch as I have something to tell you!” Professor Wang was afraid that Chen Mengyan
would reject him. Therefore, he used a commanding tone so that she would accept his

“Ah? Professor Wang… At noon, I…” Chen Mengyan had made an appointment to eat with
Yang Ming at noon. Naturally, it was impossible for her to eat with Professor Wang…
Moreover, Professor Wang’s so-called matter was certainly not a good thing. It was
probably about his grandson…

However, Professor Wang didn’t wait for Chen Mengyan to finish speaking, and waved
his hand, “Okay, you go back first. We are going to start the class.”

Without waiting for Chen Mengyan to answer, he walked up to the podium and said to
the students, “We will continue the class!”

Chen Mengyan felt a little helpless. She shook her head and had to go back to her
seat. However, she sent a short message to Yang Ming after sitting down.

“Yang Ming, Professor Wang wants to treat me to lunch at noon. What should I do?”

Yang Ming was currently in his car driving to Song Jiang Industry University. He
heard a notification on his phone and glanced at it. He couldn’t help being
dumbfounded. Chen Mengyan’s professor invited her to lunch? No way. Could he be
something like a perverted professor who has ill intentions on female students?

Yang Ming replied immediately, “Why does he want to eat with you? Why is he looking
for you?”

Chen Mengyan replied quickly, “He wants to introduce his grandson to me as a

boyfriend. I didn’t agree, so he always makes things difficult for me during the
class. I guess he wants to treat me to lunch today for the same thing.”

“Treating you to lunch? Okay, then you tell him that you have made an appointment
to eat with others. If he is willing to come, he can come along,” replied Yang

“Then… okay.” Chen Mengyan had to think about how to say this later.

Yang Ming parked his car in front of the university principal’s office building.
Then, he called his godfather to tell him that he had arrived, and that he could
come down when he was done with his matters.

After that, Yang Ming sent another short message to Chen Mengyan to tell her where
they were having lunch. He asked her to contact him after class, or take her
professor directly to the hotel.

Chen Mengyan was naturally stopped by Professor Wang after class. Professor Wang
was afraid that Chen Mengyan would slip away first, so he had been keeping an eye
on her. He had promised his grandson, so he had to seal the deal today.

“Chen Mengyan, let’s have lunch together. I have something to tell you!” Professor
Wang walked over to Chen Mengyan and stared at her.

“Professor Wang, I have made an appointment with my friend for lunch today…” Chen
Mengyan had already figured out how to say it.

“What friend is it? Can’t you cancel it even if you have made an appointment?”
Professor Wang frowned, and regarded Chen Mengyan’s words as an excuse
subconsciously. Otherwise, how is it such a coincidence that she has an appointment
when I invited her to lunch?

“A private room in a restaurant has already been booked. It will be inappropriate

to cancel it,” Chen Mengyan said awkwardly, “Otherwise, Professor Wang, do you want
to go with me?”

“Oh, go with you,” Professor Wang hesitated and said, “Although it is not ideal, I
really have something to tell you. Then let’s go together!”

In Professor Wang’s view, this was just an excuse Chen Mengyan came up with to
reject him. If it was an ordinary person who heard Chen Mengyan’s invitation, he
would be embarrassed to go along with her!

After all, what was the fun in joining other people’s lunch appointments? Professor
Wang naturally understood this. But in his view, Chen Mengyan had no lunch
appointment at all. She just used it as an excuse. That was why he agreed to go
with Chen Mengyan. He could expose her lie, and then take the opportunity to
pressure her!

“This… Ok… Then let’s go together…” Chen Mengyan nodded. Anyway, Yang Ming had
asked her to invite her professor along and Chen Mengyan did it accordingly.

Chen Mengyan would never agree to it in the past because Yang Ming used to deal
with this kind of problem with force. She didn’t want Yang Ming to beat Professor
Wang because of this matter.

Although she knew Yang Ming had a lot of connections now, she didn’t want this kind
of thing to happen. She didn’t like violence. But Yang Ming was much more mature in
dealing with people now, so Chen Mengyan was no longer worried. She believed that
Yang Ming would no longer solve problems in such a crude and brutal way…

What’s the big deal in going together? Who is afraid of it? Professor Wang was
certain that Chen Mengyan was bluffing so he showed no signs of weakness, and went
downstairs with her. He wanted to see where Chen Mengyan’s so-called friend who had
agreed to eat with her was, “Chen Mengyan, where is your friend? Is he waiting for
you below?”
Chapter 1595: Wonderful Imagination
“Oh… Nope. We will meet at the hotel,” Chen Mengyan shook her head and said.

Professor Wang was even more sure that Chen Mengyan was lying upon hearing her
words. Why would friends meet at the hotel? What kind of friend is this? In his
view, Chen Mengyan was a student, so the person who invited her to lunch must also
be a student. When students go for lunch, why would they go separately? Isn’t this

“Oh, what does your friend do?” Professor Wang did not expose her on the surface,
but nodded and asked.

“My friend is also a student at our school. He is in the computer science faculty,”
said Chen Mengyan.

“He’s from our school…” Professor Wang frowned, and was even more certain of his
speculation. Sure enough, her friend who invited her is also from our school. Then
it’s even more impossible!

Why don’t they go together if they are from the same school? Who are you fooling?

“Yeah…” Chen Mengyan was conversing with Professor Wang half-heartedly. She was a
bit nervous in her heart. I don’t know how Yang Ming will handle this matter.

“Mengyan, let’s go together in my car later.” Professor Wang was determined that
Chen Mengyan had lied to him, so he decided to go to the restaurant with Chen
Mengyan to see how she would act at that time.

“No, it’s okay…” Chen Mengyan shook her head…

Professor Wang watched Chen Mengyan walk with him towards the parking lot. Although
Chen Mengyan said no, Professor Wang thought that Chen Mengyan was just being
courteous and reserved, so he didn’t take it seriously. Otherwise, why was she
going in towards the parking lot if she wasn’t going in his car?

At the parking lot, Professor Wang took out his car keys and opened the door of a
Mazda VI. He was about to call Chen Mengyan. Professor Wang also wanted to show
Chen Mengyan that his family was quite well off, and she wouldn’t suffer if she
married into the family.

However, when Professor Wang turned around, he watched shockingly as Chen Mengyan
also took out her car keys and opened the door of an Audi S5! This made Professor
Wang’s eyes pop out!

An Audi S5 is much more expensive than my Mazda VI. One Audi can buy several
Mazdas. Professor Wang rubbed his eyes as he watched Chen Mengyan sit in the
driver’s seat. He had to re-examine Chen Mengyan!
Professor Wang originally thought that Chen Mengyan’s family was just average and
didn’t have much money after he noticed the clothes she wore usually. But when he
saw her Audi S5, this thought changed immediately…

How can she afford this car if her family is not somewhat wealthy?

If this was the case, then Chen Mengyan marrying his grandson and becoming his
granddaughter-in-law did not mean she was achieving a higher social position… It
seemed that his plan was slightly flawed. Since Chen Mengyan was a child of such a
family, she definitely wouldn’t agree to his request so easily!

Professor Wang sighed and blamed himself for being busy in the laboratory every
day. He had no time to look at student files or anything. If he knew Chen Mengyan’s
family background earlier, he would change his plan and use a more gentle approach.

Professor Wang was normally a righteous person. At school, he did not pay attention
to outside matters, but now it seemed that this attitude was to his disadvantage!

Professor Wang started the car anxiously and followed Chen Mengyan’s Audi S5…

Chen Mengyan drove her car to the parking lot of the new Song Jiang International
Hotel. Professor Wang did not expect this would be where they were having lunch!
This was the most high-end hotel in the city. One would not be able to dine here
without having at least a few thousand yuan…

Could it be that Chen Mengyan really has an appointment with a friend here?
Professor Wang frowned, but he didn’t quite believe it. What Chen Mengyan said
previously appeared to be full of loopholes, so he could only pray that Chen
Mengyan was lying!

Since he had already come to this point, there was no way out. In any case,
Professor Wang could only force himself to go all the way, “Chen Mengyan, has your
friend arrived? Where is he?”

“He should be here… I’ll go to the reception to ask…” Chen Mengyan locked the car
and entered the hotel lobby. Professor Wang was now more convinced that Chen
Mengyan had lied to him this time!

Ask the hotel reception? How can the hotel reception remember whether your friend
has come or not? Maybe they don’t even know your friend, let alone ask…

Professor Wang thought that Chen Mengyan must be booking a room. Then when she told
him the room number, she would wait for him to back off due to embarrassment.
Professor Wang had already exposed Chen Mengyan’s little conspiracy in his heart.
How could he let her wish come true?

So he didn’t speak. He smiled and watched Chen Mengyan go to the counter as he

stood in the hotel lobby calmly. Although the cost here was very high, it was still
affordable for Professor Wang. Let alone the fact that his son had a company, even
his salary was also very high!

Especially during this time when the old Head of Department was about to retire. He
was competing with another deputy head for the position of head. In his view, the
other deputy head’s qualifications were not as good as his. Therefore, he could be
promoted as long as he kept active and established connections.

Professor Wang was thinking that he should talk to Xiao Qing, the head of the
computer science department, one night, and buy something to visit her godfather,
Liu Weishan. Professor Wang still didn’t dare to look for Liu Weishan directly. But
since Xiao Qing was basically at the same level as himself and also a junior, he
thought that she would probably help him.

Liu Weishan was the deputy principal in charge of teaching in the school. He had
great authority in appointing and assessing Head of Departments. The university
principal would not be involved in these things usually. So Liu Weishan was the key
to whether Professor Wang could achieve his goal.

In fact, Professor Wang looked righteous on the surface, but he actually had a
thirst for power. Otherwise, he would not compete for this position. If he didn’t
have this personality problem, it was impossible that he would use his professor’s
authority to find faults with Chen Mengyan to pressure her into matching with his

However, what Professor Wang thought was, I will be the Head of the Economics
Department soon. This is also a very high position if you think about it. I guess
Chen Mengyan’s family will not object to this matter when they know about it,

While Professor Wang was happily thinking that everything would be okay, Chen
Mengyan walked to the reception counter rapidly.

“Hello, madam. Can I help you?” A staff member at the counter asked quickly when
she saw Chen Mengyan approach.

“I just need to ask something. Yang Ming has reserved a private room here, right?
Has he arrived?” asked Chen Mengyan.

“Yang Ming?” The staff was stunned for a moment. She was about to ask Chen Mengyan
for the private room number that Chen Mengyan booked, but suddenly she remembered
something. Isn’t Yang Ming the person that the senior president, Guo Jianchao,
personally asked us to take note of?

Moreover, Guo Jianchao also greeted him at the door when he came just now! This led
the staff to remember that Yang Ming was a VIP of the hotel and he could use the
VIP rooms at any time in the future!

Chapter 1596: Scolded Along

Not only that, Guo Jianchao even told the lobby manager in secret to call and
inform him when Yang Ming comes next time!
One could imagine how important Yang Ming’s identity was. Even Guo Jianchao was so
careful, so this Yang Ming must be extraordinary. Therefore, these staff members
secretly remembered the name so that they could inform their supervisor immediately
when they saw Yang Ming again.

This girl was here to look for Yang Ming, so she was definitely extraordinary too.
The staff member’s attitude became better immediately. Their service attitude was
already good originally, but now they were even more respectful.

“Madam, Mr. Yang Ming has arrived. President Guo greeted him personally. May I know
you are…?” The staff asked carefully.

“I am his… girlfriend.” Although her relationship with Yang MIgn was similar to
that of husband and wife, Chen Mengyan was still shy in front of outsiders.

“Ah…” The staff member was surprised and said hurriedly, “Madam, wait a moment.
I’ll make a call immediately.”

“Okay.” Chen Mengyan nodded, but there was some confusion in her mind. Why is this
staff member so flustered?

The staff member dialed her supervisor’s phone and quickly reported the matter to
the lobby manager. After the lobby manager heard about it, he did not dare to delay
further and quickly called Guo Jianchao and reported the matter to him.

It was just a trivial matter, yet they were making it this troublesome… Guo
Jianchao didn’t know whether to cry or laugh while listening to the lobby manager’s
solemn report, “Miss Chen is Mr. Yang’s girlfriend. When she comes next time, just
let her go upstairs without reporting to me.”

Subsequently, the lobby manager conveyed the instructions to the staff member at
the reception. The staff member told Chen Mengyan the room number hurriedly. She
wanted to take Chen Mengyan up, but Chen Mengyan refused.

I know how to go upstairs. Why do I need to have a staff member follow me around…?
Chen Mengyan really was not used to this kind of treatment.

Chen Mengyan turned around and walked back to the professor, “Professor Wang, I
have asked for the room number. Let’s go up.”

Asked for it? Professor Wang sneered in his heart, Didn’t you just book the room?
You asked for it? Can’t I see through your little tricks easily?

You want me to back out from finding out the real situation. It is not so easy!
Although Professor Wang was thinking this, his expression did not change and he
even smiled kindly, “Okay, let’s go up!”

The two entered the elevator together. Chen Mengyan pressed the button to the
sixteenth floor. All VIP private rooms were on the sixteenth floor. In Song Jiang,
only a handful of powerful people could enter the sixteenth floor. It was a symbol
of identity.

Professor Wang hadn’t been here before and didn’t know this so he didn’t care. If
Professor Wang’s son was here, his son would be very surprised!

Chen Mengyan didn’t talk much in the elevator. She still didn’t know Yang Ming’s
arrangement, so it was not suitable to say anything.

When Professor Wang saw that Chen Mengyan didn’t speak, he thought she was feeling
guilty. He thought, Hmph hmph. When we enter the private room, what are you going
to do if there is no one inside?

The elevator stopped on the sixteenth floor, and the door opened with a ‘ding’.
Chen Mengyan and Professor Wang exited the elevator. Professor Wang pretended to be
well-intentioned as he said, “Chen Mengyan, which private room is your friend in?
Why didn’t he come out to greet you? It’s so big here. What if you can’t find it? ”

“I can find it.” Chen Mengyan smiled, “It’s just in front, room 1601.”

Room 1601 was one of the best rooms on the sixteenth floor. Because it was in the
corner, two walls had clear windows and the lighting was very ideal.

“Really? But did you tell him that I am coming too?” asked Professor Wang.

“I told him.” Chen Mengyan nodded.

You told him? Professor Wang sneered in his heart. If you told him, then why hasn’t
he come out to greet me? I am considered a high-ranking official as I am the deputy
head of the Economics Department. The other party is also a student of Song Jiang
Industry University, so he should come out to greet me as per custom!

Professor Wang was a little irritated. If there is indeed someone treating Chen
Mengyan to lunch, then he is not honoring me. If there is no one, let me see how
Chen Mengyan is going to explain it!

“Why didn’t he come out to greet you? I’m a university professor as well. Is he
looking down on me?” Professor Wang said with a sullen face to embarrass Chen
Mengyan deliberately.

“Maybe he has something to do…” Chen Mengyan frowned slightly… Professor Wang was
saying strange things from the start, making Chen Mengyan feel a little disgusted.

“Something to do? I want to see what it means to respect teachers and seniors. It
doesn’t matter if you do not hang out with such a friend!” Professor Wang had
reached room 1601’s door now. Without knocking, he just pushed open the door and
entered, “I don’t know what quality of people are inside. They are too rude…”

Professor Wang was convinced that Chen Mengyan was lying to him and there was no
one in the room, so he was acting like this. Of course, even if there was someone
in the room, they would not dare to argue a word and silently accept his criticism
as they were also a student of Song Jiang Industry University.

I am about to be promoted to the Head of Department soon, and I have a lot of power
in the school. Even if this student is from another department and not from the
Department of Economics, it doesn’t matter. As long as I talk to their Head of
Department, they will definitely suffer!

So this was why Professor Wang had no scruples, and his speech was harsh and
extremely offensive.

However, Professor Wang did not expect that there was more than one person in the
private room! There were two girls, one boy, and an adult whose back was facing
him, so he couldn’t see their face clearly.
Chen Mengyan didn’t lie to me? This made Professor Wang even angrier. He was more
furious than he would be if Chen Mengyan lied to him! He was so ready to criticize
Chen Mengyan, but he couldn’t use those words anymore since there really were
people in the private room now. All of a sudden, he burst into a fury, “Are you all
students of Song Jiang Industry University?”

“Who are you?” Yang Ming raised his head and looked coldly at this Professor Wang
who shouted madly upon entering.

“Who am I? I am Director Wang of Song Jiang Industry University’s Economics

Department! Why didn’t you stand up to greet me when you saw me?” Professor Wang
was very dissatisfied with Yang Ming’s impolite attitude. How could he not be angry
when he was disregarded by others?

“You are a professor just because you claim to be one? You broke in out of nowhere.
Who knows what you are planning to do?” Yang Ming pouted.

“What are you saying? Do you have any upbringing? Where are your parents? How did
they teach a student like you without any quality? I think your parents are like
you. If you are rude, your parents are rude too. I think you should just drop out!”
Professor Wang was furious and burst out suddenly. He had held back for far too
long. He pointed at Yang Ming while scolding madly, even scolding Yang Ming’s
parents along with him…

Chapter 1597: Shattered Dreams

Yang Ming was a little lost for words. He looked at Professor Wang in front of him
and did not know whether to cry or laugh.

In fact, not every university professor conducted themselves professionally. There

were always rotten apples in advanced education institutions, such as Professor
Wang who was right in front of him.

“Whether I drop out of school or not is not for you to decide, right?” Yang Ming
was amused now. “Besides, you were the one shouting and screaming while entering
someone else’s private room. Before I figured out your identity, you scolded me and
my family members… Do you know that my godfather is sitting right here now?”

“Your godfather? Hmph! I have been standing here for so long and yet he didn’t even
greet and shake hands with me. What kind of parent is he? This godfather thing is
just nonsense!” Professor Wang’s anger had been simmering in his heart. Hence, his
temper was at its worst and he scolded everybody harshly.
When Professor Wang entered the room, Liu Weishan found his voice to be familiar.
When he claimed that he was Director Wang of the Economics Department, Liu Weishan
instantly knew who this person was.

During these past few days, Professor Wang had been visiting his office frequently
with the glorified excuse of reporting his work progress. In reality, his main
purpose was to get into Liu Weishan’s good side so that he could be promoted to
Department Head. Liu Wishan was well aware of this matter.

However, Liu Weishan was not short of money and his personal conduct was fair. He
just pretended to be oblivious to Professor Wang’s intentions when professor Wang
tried to suck up to him.

Initially, Liu Weishan was thinking of giving face to Professor Wang. Hence, he
kept this matter to himself and did not say anything. However, Professor Wang had
become more and more outrageous to the point where even Liu Weishan was scolded by
him. Liu Weishan was both amused and enraged by this!

“Wang Benwen, are you finished?!” Liu Weishan quickly stood up and spoke to
Professor Wang. “Have you no shame making a scene in a public area?!”

“Ah?” Professor Wang was immediately dumbfounded when he saw Liu Weishan. He was a
little baffled. How is it that vice-principal Liu Weishan, the person I’m trying to
curry favor with, is suddenly here?

However, Professor Wang recovered from his confusion and became deeply apprehensive
as he figured things out. Cold sweat trickled down his forehead! In this room, Liu
Weishan was the only one who was the oldest. Obviously, all the others looked like
students. Therefore, the godfather that Yang Ming mentioned could only be Liu

In that case, my scolding just now was directed to Liu Weishan… How… how could I
ever insult the vice-principal? My chances of being the Department Head…

Moreover, forget about being the Department Head, even whether I can continue
working as a deputy head is uncertain. Despite possessing many years of experience,
I am also old. Although many retired university professors returned back to
university to teach and there are no age requirements for the position, he is the
vice-principal who was in charge of the university’s teaching. One word from him
will impact my job…

“Principal Liu, why are you here…?” Professor Wang looked into Liu Weishan with
sweat beading his brow. At this moment, he wished to slap his face twice. How could
I simply blurt out insults? Now, I am completely done for. Great!

“My godson invited me for a meal. Why can’t I be here?” Liu Weishan frowned. “As
for you, Professor Wang, you just rushed into this private room suddenly and said
inexplicable things. What is the meaning of this?”

“Sorry, Principal Liu. I… I started rambling as I was agitated…” Professor Wang was
careful not to blame anyone. “But, I was not scolding you. I really had no
intention of scolding you!”

“You are not scolding me? What I heard was that you were scolding me!” Liu Weishan
coldly sneered. “Professor Wang, as professors of advanced education institutions,
the first trait we should possess is to behave respectfully. The second trait is
integrity! First of all, you boldly rush into this room and scold without
determining right and wrong. You mentioned that you were talking recklessly as you
were agitated. Fine, I will not continue pursuing this matter. However, do you have
problems with your integrity? You repeatedly insulted Yang Ming’s godfather. Unless
there is a second godfather in this room, aren’t you scolding me?”

“This…” Professor Wang was at loss for words. He did not expect that his quibble
would make Liu Weishan’s impression of him worse. He deeply regretted it
immediately. If I knew that something like this would happen, I would have just
confessed my mistakes. That way, I would give the impression of being honest. But

Not only did he not earn Liu Weishan’s forgiveness but it also made Liu Weishn have
a worse impression of him. Professor Wang was depressed this time. Looking at Liu
Weishan’s exasperated expression, his dream of becoming the department head was
shattered! And this was already being optimistic. He would be extremely lucky to
keep his position as deputy director…

What is wrong with me today? Why did I do something so irrational?

“Mengyan, there you are. Come and have a seat…” Liu Weishan ignored Professor Wang
and waved to the dumbfounded Chen Mengyan who was at the back.

Chen Mengyan had initially considered many ways that Yang Ming could deal with
Professor Wang. However, she never thought that Yang Ming would invite Liu Weishan
and use him to force Professor Wang to back out!

Of course, if Professor Wang had seen Liu Weishan earlier, he would have backed
down immediately. But now that the situation had reached this point, forget about
backing down. Whether this matter would be concluded on a happy note was another

“Professor Wang, right? My girlfriend and I invited my godfather for lunch. Why not
sit down and join us for lunch?” Yang Ming spoked to Professor Wang after pulling
Chen Mengyan to his side with a faint smile. “Since my godfather knows you, then I
believe you are indeed Professor Wang. I hope you will forgive me for my previous

“This…” Professor Wang blushed. Although Yang Ming’s words seemed to be apologetic,
it was obviously mocking him. This made Professor Wang ashamed. He lowered his head
and felt a little awkward, not knowing what to say.

“Old Wang, I don’t want to criticize you. What you did today is completely
outrageous.” Liu Weishan shook his head and was a little disappointed. “By the way,
what brings you here today? Why did you come here with Chen Mengyan?”

How could Professor Wang dare to say his true purpose in coming here at this
moment? Chen Mengyan was unexpectedly Liu Weishan’s daughter-in-law. No matter how
bold he was, he would not dare to match Chen Mengyan to his grandson anymore!

Wouldn’t that be suicidal? Professor Wang was not stupid enough to fight with the
child of a vice-principal over a woman. Moreover, judging from Chen Mengyan’s
sports car, she was not short of money at all. She will never fall for my miniscule

Ai, I really shot myself in the foot! Professor Wang regretted turning a deaf ear
to Chen Mengyan’s words. Why did he not believe her and just happily gave up?

“No…nothing… I was just walking around…” said Professor Wang awkwardly.

“Really? Just walking around?” Liu Weishan shook his head. “You are still not
telling the truth. Forget it, I have no interest in knowing why you came here. You
better reflect on your actions today when you go home…”

Chapter 1598: Visiting Yuxi

Professor Wang was very depressed. Liu Weishan now thought he was a liar and a
dishonest person. He seemed to see the position of Department Head sprout wings and
fly, getting farther and farther away from him…

However, he could not help but tell a lie as the ending would be even more
unfavorable if he told the truth!

I can’t say that I wanted Chen Mengyan to be my granddaughter-in-law, right?

Wouldn’t Liu Weishan be even more offended if I said this?

So, Professor Wang could only helplessly say that he had nothing to do and was just
passing by!

“Principal Liu, I…I didn’t mean it. Please reconsider…” said Professor Wang

“I do not bring private sentiments into the workplace,” said Liu Weishan. This
sentence made Professor Wang’s face brighten up a little. However, Liu Weishan’s
following words made him freeze!

“However, your conduct has shown that you are not suitable to be the Department
Head. You have not an excellent example, instead, you seem to be the opposite of
one,” said Liu Weishan. “This is what I have observed through my eyes. Also, I
don’t know how much I have yet to witness.”

Professor Wang could only awkwardly smile in response. How could he explain
anything at this point? No matter how he explained, it would be regarded as
covering up his misdeeds. Hence, he could only remain silent and gaze at Liu
Weishan awkwardly, “Principal Liu, I am aware of my mistakes…”

“Alright then, you can go back first. I still have to eat. I will only make the
final decision about your matters after discussing it with the heads of the
university.” Liu Weishan waved his hand, signaling that Professor Wang could leave.

Professor Wang sullenly left the private room helplessly. He nearly wept but there
were no tears in his eyes.
Liu Weishan only started to smile after Professor Wang had left. He did not even
let Professor Wang’s matter bother him, “Yang Ming, what’s happening? Did you know
that Wang Benwen was coming?”

“I had no idea that Wang Benwen was coming. But, Mengyan mentioned that the
professor of one of her classes wanted to introduce his grandson to her as a
boyfriend. Most of the time, he would purposely make things difficult for her
during lectures. This afternoon, he wanted to treat her to lunch. I asked Mengyan
to invite him over here. I was thinking about talking to him nicely. But, I didn’t
expect him to have such an attitude,” Yang Ming said with a smile without denying
the truth.

“You little kid. Aren’t you borrowing my authority?” Liu Weishan, however, was not
furious. This was because Yang Ming did not do anything improper. Wang Benwen, on
the other hand, had done something that was out of the line. Wang Benwen had
started the war before Yang Ming could even invoke Liu Weishan’s authority.

“Hehe, godfather, you won’t blame me, right?” Yang Ming admitted to it. He was
really using Liu Weishan to suppress Wang Benwen. Since Wang Benwen was a professor
at the university, he must be working under his godfather’s purview. With Yang
Ming’s godfather stepping in, Wang Benwen would not dare to harbor any thoughts of
harassing Chen Mengyan again.

but before Yang Ming was able to implement his plan, Professor Wang had appeared
out of nowhere and started scolding everyone. So, it turned out that Yang Ming did
not need to borrow someone else’s authority. This guy had immediately scolded his
godfather, Liu Weishan, badly. How could it end well for him?

“Why would I blame you for this?” Liu Weishan shook his head. “This incident shows
that you have matured a lot! I am glad. In the past, you would have rushed to the
school and beat Wang Benwen up badly.”

“Ugh…” Yang Ming scratched his head in embarrassment. However, considering his part
personality, he might have indeed done something like this.

“Hence, your use of others’ authority shows your progress!” Liu Weishan continued.
“It’s just that before I could even take action, Wang Benwen could not restrain
himself. Anyhow, this matter has been resolved peacefully. If he troubles Chen
Mengyan again, all you need to do is to tell me.”

“Okay, godfather.” Yang Ming nodded. “Mengyan, if something like this happens to
you again during my absence, you can just call godfather or Sister Xiao Qing.”

“En…” Chen Mengyan nodded. It was not that she did not think about these options
before. She just felt embarrassed to do so as it would inconvenience Liu Weishan.

“Okay, Mengyan. Let’s order immediately. All of us are here,” Yang Ming handed the
menu to Chen Mengyan. Yang Ming had picked up Zhou Jiajia and Lin Zhiyun as well
after picking up Liu Weishan. As Chen Mengyan was coming with Professor Wang, Yang
Ming naturally did not let Zhou Jiajia and Lin Zhiyun look for her.

“I will eat anything that you order…” Chen Mengyan felt embarrassed because of what
had just happened. Everyone’s mood was affected as they had waited for her to
arrive, and when she did arrive, she had brought Professor Wang along with her.

However, Yang Ming did not mind. He casually ordered a few dishes, and then asked
Guo Jianchao to prepare them.
The meal’s atmosphere was pretty good. Liu Weishan probably knew the relationship
between Yang Ming, Chen Mengyan, Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia. However, he did not
make any comments. As an elder, it would be inappropriate for him to comment on
this matter. Yang Ming could handle it by himself.

In the afternoon, Yang Ming drove Liu Weishan, Chen Mengyan, Zhou Jiajia, and Lin
Zhiyun back to campus. He then made a detour to visit Shen Yuxi, and brought along
some economic books for her. Most of these books were left behind by Tian Donghua
before he left for Donghai. The others belonged to Zhang Bing. All the books were
stored upstairs.

Shen Yuxi was very happy to see that Yang Ming remembered her. He even came to see
her and brought along so many economics books. Previously, when she talked to Yang
Ming, she was just trying her luck. She did not expect Yang Ming to really remember
her and bring her the books. With so many things to deal with daily, how could Yang
Ming even remember these minor matters?

Since the last time Yang Ming left, even though Shen Yuxi was looking forward to
Yang Ming coming to visit her for the second time, she also knew great expectations
go hand in hand with great disappointments. Shen Yuxi also admonished herself not
to indulge in flights of fancy[1].

It is impossible for Yang Ming to be in a relationship with me. I should just

steadily live my life…

As expected, Yang Ming did not visit her house for a long time. Shen Yuxi was both
disappointed and at the same time comforting herself. This is normal. It would be
terribly abnormal if Yang Ming were to come here enthusiastically…

However, Shen Yuxi did not expect that after such a long time, Yang Ming really
came to the door again. He brought over the books as promised previously. This made
Shen Yuxi both surprised and delighted.

Shen Yuxi’s mother was also very happy with Yang Ming’s visit. Naturally, she knew
what her daughter was thinking about every day. Even though Shen Yuxi refused to
admit it, how could Mother Shen not realize it?

But, Mother Shen also knew that her daughter was being carried away by her wishful
thinking. This matter was simply unrealistic. Forget about her legs being disabled
and her inability to stand, Yang Ming might not even fall for her even if she isn’t

Despite this, she still hoped that Yang Ming would often come to visit and counsel
her daughter. Now, Mother Shen was afraid that Shen Yuxi would do something foolish
once she took things too hard. She did not dare to go out to operate the vendor
stand. She could only let Father Shen operate the vendor stand alone while she
accompanied her daughter at home.
Chapter 1599:
Mother Shen’s Thoughts
After Yang Ming’s last visit, her daughter was really happy for some time. Mother
Shen witnessed it with her own eyes and naturally hoped that Yang Ming could come
around a second time.

“Mr. Yang, thank you for visiting my Yuxi in the midst of your busy schedule…”
Mother Shen welcomed Yang Ming enthusiastically. But, it made Yang Ming feel a
little awkward.

“Auntie, don’t say that. Shen Yuxi is one of our company’s employees. Of course, I
will come to visit her!” said Yang Ming with a smile.

Shen Yuxi was lying on the bed reading a book quietly. When she heard the sound of
the doorbell and her mother talking, Shen Yuxi initially did not pay attention and
thought it was a neighbor.

Recently, her mother was bored while accompanying her at home alone. Some of the
neighbors who were free would often come to chat with her mother.

This did not bother Shen Yuxi. She had told her mother many times that she was not
depressed. But her mother did not listen and insisted on accompanying her. Shen
Yuxi stopped talking about it. Maybe after a while, her mother would be at ease.

Shen Yuxi’s mood was also calm now. Although she could not walk, she had learned a
bit about business management. Bao Sanli, President Bao, said that she could go
back to work so that she would not need to stay at home every day.

Shen Yuxi did not hear the conversation in the living room. However, she heard
footsteps approaching the door of her room. Then, she heard the sound of her door
being pushed open.

Shen Yuxi did not care. She continued reading her book and did not look up, “Mom,
who’s here? Why did they leave so soon?”

“Mr. Yang is here, Little Xi,” said Mother Shen. “Take a look at yourself. You are
not even dressed properly. Isn’t that inappropriate?”

Shen Yuxi was lying on the bed. So, she was not fully dressed. It was already
summer. Shen Yuxi was just wearing a small vest and night pants. She was not even
wearing a bra underneath her vest. The content inside was looming, which made Yang
Ming’s blood boil…

It was undeniable that Shen Yuxi was very beautiful. Otherwise, Liu Zhaojun and
others would not go so wild. It was such a pity… that Shen Yuxi could not stand up
anymore and could only live in a wheelchair. It made Yang Ming sad.

Yang Ming turned his head away awkwardly to avoid looking at Shen Yuxi. He said a
little awkwardly, “I’ll go out first, Aunty. I’ll come in after Shen Yuxi gets
“You don’t have to go out. There is no need to be embarrassed,” Mother Shen quickly
said. “Yuxi, just cover yourself with the blankets!”

If it was in the past or if it was not Yang Ming who came in, Mother Shen would not
be so unconcerned that her daughter wore so little. But, it was different now. The
doctors at the hospital had already told Mother Shen that it was impossible for
Shen Yuxi to stand up again!

She had no more sensation under her waist. The problem did not come from the bones.
The bones could slowly recover. The main problem was her nerves! Nerve injuries
were the most difficult to cure.

Her daughter liked Yang Ming, and Mother Shen naturally could see it. At the
moment, Mother Shen did not expect Yang Ming to like Shen Yuxi back. Would any
normal person with a family background like Yang Ming like a girl lying in bed
every day?

She only hoped that Yang Ming could spend more time with her daughter. Even if it
was all just a lie, it was fine as long as her daughter was happy. So, she let Yang
Ming come in even though her daughter was not properly dressed. In fact, Mother
Shen also had the intention to entice Yang Ming. It would be best if Yang Ming fell
for her daughter. Even if her daughter could not get up from the bed, she was still
one of the most beautiful girls.

If ambiguous feelings develop between the two of them, then no matter whether Yang
Ming was sincere or not, or just impulsive, her daughter would be happy. This was
what Mother Shen wanted to see.

When she saw Yang Ming staring at her daughter’s chest just now, Mother Shen felt
that her plan was working. However, in the blink of an eye, Yang Ming’s gaze moved
away, and he wanted to go out. This made Mother Shen slightly disappointed.

Of course, she could not show her disappointment. Instead, she let her daughter
cover up with the quilt.

Shen Yuxi was a bit embarrassed and shyly pulled the blanket up to cover herself,
“Yang Ming…”

“Ha, you guys talk. I’ll go to make tea…” Mother Shen knew that she needed to
create an opportunity for her daughter. She turned around and left the room,
leaving Yang Ming and Shen Yuxi alone.

Shen Yuxi waited for her mother to leave, then smiled apologetically at Yang Ming,
“I’m sorry about my mother. She is a little overenthusiastic.”

“It’s okay…hehe.” Yang Ming handed the bag to Shen Yuxi. “Here are some books on
business management. I brought them for you. Take a look at them when you are

“Thank you…” Shen Yuxi happily took the bag of books that Yang Ming handed over to

“No need for thanks,” said Yang Ming. “Study hard. I have already arranged a
special position for you for when you return to the company. Aunty will be your
permanent secretary with the same salary.”
“This…” Shen Yuxi did not expect Yang Ming to be so good to her. Not only did he
keep aside a job for her, but he even arranged a job for her mother. She was a
little moved, “President Yang… Thank you…Thank you…”

“Just call me Yang Ming. What is this President Yang?” Yang Ming sweated a bit. “If
you keep calling me this way in the future, I will not come to visit you.”

“En, then I’ll call you Yang Ming.” Shen Yuxi nodded happily. The closer she got to
Yang Ming, the happier she was.

“Do you have sensation in your legs?” asked Yang Ming.

Shen Yuxi gave a dull expression and shook her head, “Not yet. But I don’t want it
anymore. It’s already great to be alive.”

“I will leave for a while in a few days. But when I come back, I will help you find
a solution.” Yang Ming sighed. Shen Yuxi should not continue life this way.
Wouldn’t her entire life be held up if she continued like this?

Yang Ming’s kindness towards Shen Yuxi was out of sympathy for her. Despite him
denying them, rumors about her being his lover had spread like wildfire in the
Nightless Club before and caused the tragedy to happen. It would be ruthless if
Yang Ming continued to deny it. Those who did not know the situation might think
that Yang Ming abandoned Shen Yuxi when she could no longer stand. So, Yang Ming
simply had to stick with her to the end.

“En…thank you…” Although Shen Yuxi had no hope for this, she nodded happily. At
least, Yang Ming would still manage her affairs.

“No need for thanks,” Yang Ming waved his hand, not knowing if he should tell Shen
Yuxi about his trip to Yunnan. But after thinking about it, he decided not to. Shen
Yuxi now regarded Yang Ming as a pillar of support. Although she did not say it,
Yang Ming could feel it. If Yang Ming went to Yunnan and did not return, how could
Shen Yuxi still have the confidence and hope to live on?

This was not what Yang Ming wanted to happen. So, Yang Ming decided to give Shen
Yuxi some hope and told her to anticipate his return.

1600 The Divine Doctor Of That Year

“I’ll go back now. If there’s anything, just call me directly.” Yang Ming did not
stay any longer. As he had given the books to Shen Yuxi, he was ready to leave.
Although Shen Yuxi was a little reluctant, she also knew that Yang Ming was very
busy every day. It was not easy for him to find the time to visit her. So, she
pursed her lips and did not say anything to keep him, “Yang Ming, I will study

She was a smart girl. She knew that there were too many obstacles between her and
Yang Ming. So, she would not readily reveal her feelings. She understood that Yang
Ming brought so many books to her out of sympathy, hoping that she could occupy
herself and find the strength to carry on.

In fact, Shen Yuxi had already accepted the reality of her situation. She would not
be so stupid to consider suicide or other such options. Even in her current
situation, she would realize her dreams through her own efforts!

When I am dead, what will happen to my parents? Shen Yuxi would not do such a
stupid thing.

So, she expressed her determination to Yang Ming, which was what Yang Ming wanted
to see.

“En, I have already talked to Bao Sanli.” Yang Ming nodded and smiled. “You don’t
have to finish all the books before going to work. You can go to work when you
think you are ready.

“You can stay in the company or stay here. Bao Sanli will arrange a special car to
pick you up every day. You can learn on the job.”

“Thank you, Yang Ming.” Shen Yuxi was very touched. Although Yang Ming might only
be sympathetic to her, it was enough.

Yang Ming walked out of the dilapidated neighborhood where Shen Yuxi’s house was,
and sighed as he looked up at the bright sky. He had no solution for Shen Yuxi’s
condition. It wasn’t just him; even the hospital doctors had no solution.

Yang Ming thought of his godfather Liu Weishan. Liu Weishan was highly prestigious
in academic circles, and he was also familiar with the famous neurosurgeon Zhong
Hanlin. Maybe godfather knows some expert neurologists?

Yang Ming had not thought about this matter when he was eating earlier. Now that he
remembered it, Yang Ming took out his phone and hurriedly dialed Liu Weishan’s
number. There was no other reason. Yang Ming just felt that Shen Yuxi was too
pitiful. She should not suffer from all this at her age. She should instead be
experiencing happiness and romance at this age.

“Yang Ming? We just finished eating together. Why are you calling godfather now?”
Liu Weishan was thinking about Professor Wang’s matter in the office. Professor
Wang definitely could not be the Department Head, but he was considering whether he
should demote Professor Wang from the deputy head’s position.

Liu Weishan was in a dilemma. If he demoted Professor Wang, it would appear as a

case of personal hatred. After all, his conflict with Professor Wang was private.
However, if he did not demote Professor Wang, this person’s character was really
hard to accept.

But after all, Professor Wang had been the Deputy Head for so many years. If Liu
Weishan demoted him all of a sudden, Professor Wang would lose face. Forget it
then, let Professor Wang be a Deputy Investigator. It has a similar status to a
Deputy Head. This would be considered as giving him some face.

“Godfather, I would like to ask you, do you know any expert neurologists?” asked
Yang Ming.

“What? Yang Ming, why did you suddenly ask this?” Liu Weishan was a little puzzled,
knowing that Yang Ming would not be interested in this out of the blue.

“This is the case. I have a friend who jumped down from upstairs and damaged the
nerves supplying her legs. Now, she can not feel anything in her lower body and can
not walk. I want to see if I can help her find a solution.” Yang Ming did not beat
about the bush and directly stated his purpose.

“Oh? That’s it… I remember. A while ago, wasn’t a girl in your company forced to
jump off a building by several punks? Her name is Shen, right?” Liu Weishan had
read about this in the newspaper.

“Shen Yuxi, that’s her.” Yang Ming did not expect his godfather to remember her

“En, I don’t know much about the field of medicine. I will call my old friend,
Zhong Hanlin. He is a leading figure in the field of medicine. I can ask him.” said
Liu Weishan. “Yang Ming, wait for my call. I will call him now.”

“Okay, godfather.” Yang Ming hung up the phone. In any case, he must do his utmost,
and only after he had done his best would he not have any regrets.

Yang Ming drove toward the villa. He had not contacted Zhao Ying for several days.
He had promised to accompany her on the spring outing… Maybe this would be his last
spring outing.

Yang Ming was unsure in his heart. He did not know if he could return safely from
Yunnan. So, this time would be considered as a showdown with Zhao Ying.

It did not take long for Yang Ming to reach home. Yang Ming had just turned on his
computer to connect to the Internet when Liu Weishan called him back.

“Hey, godfather.” Yang Ming quickly answered the phone.

“Yang Ming, I talked with Zhong Hanlin about Shen Yuxi’s case. But, Old Zhong said
that Western medicine is often unable to treat neurological problems,” said Liu
Weishan. “But, in traditional Chinese medicine, there is a theory about meridians.
If the meridians are not flowing smoothly, it will lead to the current situation.
The best treatment is acupuncture.”

“Acupuncture?” Yang Ming froze for a moment. Why didn’t I think of acupuncture?
Yeah, the nerves were known as meridians in traditional Chinese medicine.
Acupuncture has amazing curative effects. It seemed that I took the wrong approach
from the start believing that only surgery could solve the problem.

“Yes,” said Liu Weishan. “Acupuncture is the only hope left.”

“Godfather, can Professor Zhong introduce me to a powerful expert in traditional

Chinese medicine acupuncture?” Yang Ming did not know much about this.

“There are some amazing people. The best known acupuncturist in the country is
Therapist Lin Dongfang. But, he hasn’t appeared in the public sight for ten years,
and no one knows where he went. If he helped, Shen Yuxi would be able to recover
completely under his treatment. Actually, it would not be a problem at all! During
that year, there was a person whose meridians suffered trauma and were servers, but
he gradually recovered Divine Doctor Lin’s treatment.” Liu Weishan sighed. “I heard
this name ten years ago, but it’s been years since then… ”

“Recluse?” Yang Ming was startled and a little disappointed.

“I don’t know. No one knows this,” said Liu Weishan. “We can’t always figure out
the thoughts of these experts. At that time, Divine Doctor Lin was at the peak of
fame and fortune but he suddenly disappeared. Even a person like me who is
indifferent to fame and fortune can’t do what he did, disappearing completely from
sight… ”

“In that case…” Yang Ming sighed. “It seems that it will be difficult to find
Divine Doctor Lin…”

“But, don’t be discouraged. During that time, there was a doctor of traditional
Chinese medicine that knew Divine Doctor Lin and was guided by him. He is famous
now. Although not as famous as Divine Doctor Lin at that time, he is also an
acupuncture expert,” said Liu Weishan. “Old Zhong recommended him to me. I met this
person a few times, and he is not far from us.”

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