Full Time Lotery System 1-300

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Chapter FTLS 1: Full-time lottery system

"Master, thank you. Your service is good. If you use a car next time, I will call
you 33."

A black limousine came down alone, said to the driver who was driving inside, and
said, walking towards his house carrying a bag.

"Okay, you go slowly."

Behind the man, the car driver probed out and said to the man. After the man
disappeared completely, the driver took the smile back and said, "Hey, I've made
more than thirty yuan by running this long road. If I go on like this, I won't even
earn the cost of this car came back."

Having said that, the driver looked at his car, more accurately, it should be a
small broken car. This car looks a bit new, but it is actually a used car. This is
the driver. It cost 50,000 yuan to buy it. So the decoration inside is very simple,
with almost nothing except the necessary things.

This car is Mei Sangrui. It sounds like a tall foreign brand. In fact, it is only
produced by a domestic car brand manufacturer who doesn't know a few lines. The
original price is only 140,000 to 550,000. In the automobile industry of more than
ten million, this car is a veritable broken car.

The driver's name was Chen Ze. Although he was a driver, he was only 22 years old.
After graduating from university one year ago, Chen Ze joined the industry of the
unemployed army. He has done everything, but he hasn't done anything for a long
time. If he laughed at himself, what he was doing and what he was eating at that
time Nothing left.

It was like this until the Chinese New Year. At that time, it seemed that the
prospect of online car hire was very good. Many people were doing this, and Chen Ze
happened to have passed his driving license when he was in college. Therefore, he
and his family decided to work out Online taxi driver.

Not to mention, in the two months he just worked, his income was okay. He could
earn more than 10,000 a month. Although he worked hard, he was satisfied when he
saw such a high income. But these two months are no longer possible. With the
merger of several ride-hailing companies, Chen Ze found that his income has
plummeted. Last month, there were only more than 5,000. This month, it seems that
even 5,000 are gone. .

If this continues, Chen Ze estimates that he will not be able to do it again. The
problem is that even the cost of this second-hand car has not been earned, so Chen
Ze feels that he must stick to it anyway.

"It's so late?" In the car, Chen Ze lit a cigarette, took a sip, and looked at the
time on the phone. He doesn't like smoking, but since he became a driver, because
he often has to drive at night, he has to learn to smoke and use tobacco to
stimulate himself, so as not to be too tired and dangerous.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and Chen Ze did the math. He got up
in the sports car from five o'clock in the morning and had run for almost sixteen
or seventeen hours.

Chen Ze spit his breath and thought again, "Forget it, run for another hour, or go
on like this, really this car's money won't come back."

Thinking about it this way, after taking the last breath, he started the car again
and ran towards the front. While running, Chen Ze opened the software on his phone
and wanted to see if there were any orders nearby.

"No? That's too bad luck."

Seeing that there was no list on the software, Chen Ze muttered in his mouth. He
looked up and saw a kitten suddenly rushing out of the curb, then he was scared to
the spot after seeing his car.

"Be careful!"

Chen Ze shouted instinctively, and at the same time he hurried the steering wheel
to the right and stepped on the brakes.

Here! !! !! !! !!

The car ran out immediately, but thankfully Chen Ze reflected quickly. His car
stopped in front of the kitten. The kitten had no problems, and Chen Ze himself was
not so lucky.

The sudden brake made him hit the steering wheel. Fortunately, he fastened his seat
belt, otherwise the whole person might have to fly out.

With a bang, Chen Ze was dizzy!

"Confirm the host, the full-time lottery system begins to bind. The first task is
to become the city's most famous taxi driver. For two months, the skills acquired
in the lottery in this task will be permanently bound. Failure will be wiped out.
Original One hundred points for skills, for the first draw. "

Suddenly, a metallic sound appeared in Chen Ze's mind.

He was still a little dizzy, he immediately froze, because he found a page in his
mind, with a few big words on it: "Full-time lottery system!"

Below these large characters, there are many small characters to explain this full-
time lottery system. In addition to this main page, there are many sub-pages,
including skill pages, popularity pages, sweepstakes pages, task pages, and many
more pages.

After seeing these, Chen Ze stopped completely: "These, what are these ghosts?"

It took a long time before Chen Ze accepted this full-time lottery system. He
looked at the small print on the main page again and finally understood what the
full-time lottery system was.

It turns out that this full-time lottery system is to publish tasks, let bound
hosts engage in various industries and become the pinnacle of those industries. Of
course, every time before entering the industry, the original 100 skill points will
be provided for a lottery, draw and Industry-related skills.

Of course, the lottery cannot be drawn only before entering the industry every
time. As long as the skill points are sufficient, the lottery can always be drawn,
but the skill points required for the lottery will be higher than once. The
acquisition of skill points is the popularity obtained when completing the task.
The higher the popularity, the higher the skill points obtained.

However, the skill points obtained by the lottery can only be used when performing
related tasks. Only when the tasks are completed can they be permanently bound and
can be used at will in the future.

When the peak of an industry is reached and the task is completed, the second task
released by the system is completed to enter a new industry. If the mission fails,
it will be obliterated.

And this full-time lottery system naturally wants the host to try all the
professions in the world and become the pinnacle of every profession.

"Oh my God, all the professions in the world, if all this is done, what kind of
monster must appear, it is impossible for humans to appear such people, master all
the professions in the world!"

After understanding this system, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Chen Zemuttered to

himself, it is difficult to believe what kind of person will appear after
completing all the tasks of this system, or it should not be called, but monster.

"Right, what's my first assignment?"

Chen Ze looked at his task page and found that the first task turned out to be the
most famous taxi driver in the city, with a popularity value of more than two
thousand, and the time was two months.

"This, how to complete this task?" Chen Ze thought for a while, but didn't know how
to proceed. "Forget it, first look at the skills that can be related to the driver
for the first time."

Thinking, Chen Ze opened the raffle page again, with the words "driver" written on
the page. Obviously this time the raffle was limited to the driver's line.

Pressing the start key, his original one hundred skill points were consumed
immediately, and then a skill appeared on the page: "Car God possessed experience,
time 30 minutes."

"This, what kind of ghost skills, only thirty minutes, or what car God own
experience, how can this accomplish this task?"

Chapter FTLS 2: Car God possessed

"Am I dreaming last night?"

Waking up early the next morning, Chen Ze thought to himself that he remembered
what happened last night, and he still ca n’t believe it. The full-time lottery
system creates super talents who are proficient in all walks of life. What is it?
What the **** are they?

Chen Ze closed his eyes and found out that all of this was not a dream. There were
several pages in his mind, and the main page read a few words about the full-time
lottery system.

"It's really true, how on earth can we accomplish this task? It will be difficult
to complete in two months to become the most famous driver in the city."

Chen Ze frowned and thought that this task could not be completed well. Now he is
not even an unknown soldier. To become the most famous person, even if it is only
the most famous driver, Chen Ze has no idea how to start. There is no way Feeling
of starting.

"Forget it, think about it when you have time. It still matters to make money now."
After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't think of any clues, so Chen Ze
finally decided to talk about sports cars first. For their kind of online taxi
drivers, although they do not have to spend a lot of money on their heads every day
like regular taxi drivers, they are still very hard.

Especially people like Chen Ze who are anxious to make money back from the car,
will leave the car every morning, even if he knows that business will not be very
good in the morning, but he can't sit still at home.

It's the same today. I left the car early in the morning, but Chen Ze's luck was
obviously good. He took an order early in the morning and went to Yandang Mountain.

Yandang Mountain is a large mountain near the city where Chen Ze is located. The
mountain is very steep. The road up the mountain is very difficult to walk. It is
not because there is no road or the road conditions on the mainland are poor. On
the contrary, the government has built a good road for this mountain.

But the problem is that this Yandang Mountain is really steep and the mountain is
extremely complicated. Therefore, the road repaired by the government can be called
nine bends, eighteen turns, and seventy to eighty degrees. Drivers are even afraid
to drive here, especially down the road.

And because it is not close to the city center, many taxi drivers are reluctant to
go there. However, Chen Ze is different. He is not very good at driving, but he is
not afraid of the road up and down the mountain, and if it is far away, it means
more money. If he can get people on the road when he returns, it is better .

Especially when there is no business in the early morning, when I come back, I just
catch up with the peak period of the car, perfect!

So happy, Chen Ze took the man who was going to Yandang Mountain and drove towards
Yandang Mountain. It took him more than an hour to send the person to his
destination. Of course, most of the time is spent on the careful uphill, after all,
although Chen Ze is not afraid, he is not stupid.

After receiving the payment confirmed by the passenger, Chen Ze had a smile on his
face and was very happy. He also greeted the passenger several times, asking him to
use the car in the future and to find himself.

The way back is even slower. As the saying goes, it is easy to go downhill but not
downhill, let alone go down this Yandang Mountain. And Chen Ze also wanted to see
if there were anyone in the neighborhood who needed a car, so he was driving more

Not to mention, it really made him wait for an order. But after he dialed the
number of the person who reserved the car, he froze somewhat.

"I, I'm at the intersection ahead, under a big, big tree, trouble you, come here
quickly, I'm going to give birth soon, no, I have to hurry to the hospital.

The phone was intermittent, and there was such a voice. It was a woman's voice, but
she was still a pregnant woman.

Hearing the call, Chen Ze pondered for a moment, then drove the car quickly towards
the front. Soon, Chen Ze saw the woman leaning against the big tree. He quickly got
out of the car and took a closer look, only to see the woman look terribly defeated
and sweaty.

After seeing Chen Ze coming, she said very weakly: "Trouble you, quickly, take me
to the City Women and Children Hospital."

Chen Ze was startled: "You, are you alone?"

Such a pregnant woman would come out to take a taxi alone, which is unimaginable.

"Yes, my husband is on a business trip, and my due date is in the next few days,
but today suddenly, suddenly, I will give birth, please take me to the City Women
and Children's Hospital, ah, I can't do it." The pregnant woman said
intermittently, As he talked, he looked at Chen Ze with imploring eyes, as if he
was afraid that Chen Ze would not give him away.

"no problem."

Chen Ze nodded, he could not see the death, he immediately lifted the pregnant
woman into the co-pilot, and then he started the car and drove down the mountain.

"Please, please be as fast as possible. I feel that I may soon be giving birth. I
can't wait." The pregnant woman leaned on the co-pilot, and said weakly.

"No problem, rest assured, I will take you to the hospital as soon as possible."
Chen Ze nodded, while speeding up the car.

However, it is said to speed up, in fact, where can we go? The mountain here is so
steep, the mountain road is really difficult to walk. If you get up fast, don't
care if you take the pregnant woman to the hospital, even if your own car may rush
out of the mountain and fall below the cliff.

Therefore, although Chen Ze wanted to drive fast, he finally walked down the
mountain at a speed of forty or fifty yards. At this speed, it would take at least
forty or fifty minutes to go down the mountain.

"Ah, I, I'm going to give birth. I can't do it anymore. The hospital, hasn't the
hospital arrived yet?"

Above the co-pilot, the pregnant woman seemed to be a little confused, yelling
loudly, and clutching the seat tightly with her hands.

Seeing her look, Chen Ze was anxious. He could see that the pregnant woman really
was about to have a baby. But on such a mountain road, he couldn't send her to the
hospital immediately. After getting down the mountain, he said that the road was
smoother, and the city's women and children's hospital was not far away. But this
part of going down the mountain is too difficult, and it can't go on at all.

However, if she does not drive as soon as possible, Chen Ze feels that this
pregnant woman is likely to be born directly in the car. Now it ’s not a TV series.
It ’s easy for a pregnant woman in the TV series to have a baby outside, but Chen
Ze knows that if a pregnant woman is born in his car and delivered by him, I ’m
afraid it will easily happen. impossible.

So Chen Ze got anxious and wanted to go down the mountain quickly, but couldn't
find a way.

"How can I increase the speed of the car as safely as possible?" Chen Ze bit his
lip, UU read a book www.uukanshu.com thought to himself. Suddenly he remembered the
lottery last night.

By the way, did n’t you get a car **** experience last night? There are thirty
Although I don't know how the car **** possessed it, at least it can drive faster
than it is now.

Thinking about this, he immediately turned to the skill page in his mind, clicked
the car **** possessing skills, and was ready to start using it. I saw a flash of
light on that skill page, followed by a thirty-minute countdown.

"The car **** possesses it, open it!"

Then, Chen Ze, who was holding the steering wheel, had a strange feeling, as if the
car and the road were all under his control, and the mountain road just felt
breathtaking just now.

"Rest assured, I will send you to the hospital now."

Chen Ze opened his mouth and said that the accelerator pedal had hit the bottom,
and the pointer in the dashboard began to rise continuously, forty yards, fifty
yards, sixty yards, seventy yards.

Chapter FTLS 3: ghost

Yandang Mountain, the mountainside!

A group of cars are going down the mountain at a very fast speed, they form a line,
and easily pass the dangerous bend in the eyes of ordinary people at a fast speed.

The leader of this group of cars is a yellow luxury car. The overall vehicle is
streamlined and looks very luxurious. And the speed of this car is very fast, all
the way down the mountain at a speed of more than a hundred yards, although the
vehicles behind are also fast, but they are still being thrown away by him.

The owner of this car is named Yang Qi, who is the captain of this team. This team
is also the fastest underground team in Yandang Mountain. He was able to be the
captain, in addition to the best performance of his car, but also because of his
best driving skills.

At this moment, the intercom inside his car was constantly sounding, the voice of
the driver of the vehicle behind.

"Hong Liang, you can. You are in good shape today, but you are better than me."

"Haha, that's it, my speed is over 80 yards today."

"Hey, I'm almost at this speed, and Yandang Mountain is running cool."

"But the boss is the most powerful. He should have been over ninety yards. It still
deliberately slowed down, otherwise we would have left us."

The sound from the walkie-talkie kept coming out, obviously everyone behind was
very excited.

Also, drag racing, especially on this mountain road where life and death are on the
edge, is the easiest way to make adrenaline soar.

"You guys, pay attention. We are practicing today for the Friday night game. Don't
do anything wrong."
At this time, Yang Qi said, apparently as those in the walkie-talkie said, the
current speed is far from the peak of Yang Qi, although it is more than a hundred
yards, he is still very calm.

"I know the captain."

"It's the captain. We will definitely win on Friday."

"Haha, to let them know how powerful our team is, it is impossible for other teams
to win us in Yandang Mountain."

The people inside the walkie-talkie said in succession that they were all very
confident. It was impossible for anyone to beat them on this mountain.

"Ah, here, what's going on? Am I a hell?"

Suddenly, such a voice came from the intercom. Before waiting for Yang Qi to react,
another person sounded a similar voice at once: "Oh my God, so fast, how could that
be, ghost, is it a ghost?"

"It's too fast. How can this car drive so fast, I'm not dreaming."

"How could this be so fast, this, this, is this really a ghost? I was thrown away
in one bend, just one bend."

"Impossible, Mei Sang Rui, it's Mei Sang Rui's car. How could this car drive so
fast, this is impossible."

The whole walkie-talkie was messed up. Everyone kept exclaiming and yelling. It
seemed that something incredible happened to them.

Yang Qi was a bit messy, and it took me a while to understand what was happening.
It turned out that there was another car in the back, surpassing all the players'
cars behind him, and it seemed unbelievably fast. All the cars were almost thrown
away in almost one or two turns.

What's more critical is that the car that comes here seems to be Mei Sangrui, a car
of more than 100,000.

"Missang Rui's car, what a joke, how could such a thing happen, how can such a car
drive so fast."

Yang Qi whispered, it was really hard for him to imagine what was going on behind
him, even a Mei San Rui car passed them all. The worst car in the back was hundreds
of thousands. How could it be overtaken by a Mei Sang Rui, how could this be.

Hum! !! !! !! !!

Just as Yang Qi was thinking about these things, there was a sound of an engine
behind him, and then a black car appeared behind him. The speed was very fast, it
was a Meisangrui.

"It turned out to be true, Mei Sangrui was able to drive so fast." Yang Qi then
determined that what happened inside the walkie-talkie turned out to be true.

He immediately kicked the accelerator and raised the speed of the car to the
highest speed. As the captain of the Yandangshan team, he naturally cannot allow
vehicles to pass him here, especially a Meisangrui.
Is his luxury car comparable to Mei Sangrui. Sure enough, when mentioning his
speed, Mei Sangrui behind him was immediately distanced by him. The car behind the
line was not his opponent.

Noticing this, Yang Qi's face relaxed a lot: "Mei Sang Rui is always Ma Sang Rui.
If you want to surpass me, that is impossible."

Although the Mei Sang Rui behind was briefly pulled away, it was not immediately
thrown away. Because there was a big curve ahead soon, this curve was close to 50-
60 degrees, it was very difficult to drive through.

Even with Yang Qi's current technology, he had to reduce the speed to pass,
otherwise he had to rush out of the mountain.

However, after Yang Qi slowed down, something that he couldn't believe happened,
and saw that Mei Sangrui behind him approached his car all the way, and then

"He didn't slow down. He didn't slow down. Is this, how is this possible? Is the
driver in Meisang Rui driving this road for the first time? Do n’t know the curve
ahead? How can such a speed pass? It ’s impossible to pass the curve ahead! "

Yang Qi murmured to himself, obviously shocked. He couldn't believe that the car in
front didn't slow down after going through such a curve. At such a speed, Yang Qi
thought that it would never pass.

Here! !! !! !!

Just when Yang Qi thought that this Meisangrui would rush out of the mountain road,
the car in front suddenly swung to the right, then quickly moved to the left,
drifting in a way that Yang Qi could not imagine. Passed this detour. UU Reading
Book www.uukanshu.com

"This, this, inertial drift, this is inertial drift!"

Yang Qi murmured to himself, his eyes widened. He then realized that it was not
that the car in front was unfamiliar with the mountain road, but that the
technology of the car in front was too high, so high that it was unimaginable to

By the time he passed this detour, the Mei San Rui in front was completely gone,
and just one corner completely threw away his first rider in Yandang Mountain.

Yang Qi stopped the car, walked out of the car and looked at the distant mountain
road, his eyes were still inconceivable: "So fast, how can it be so fast, who is
the owner of this car? It is incredible."

Soon, other members of Yang Qi's team arrived here. After they saw Yang Qi stopped,
they all got out of the car and exclaimed each other, all of which were

"The license plate of that car is our city's license plate, so the owner of this
car should be a person from our city. There are such masters in our city, it is too
hard to imagine." Yang Qi said, "or I It is more willing to admit that this car is
driven by a ghost, how can a normal person, so fast! "

Chapter FTLS 4: Increased popularity

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, really thank you."
He was the husband of the pregnant woman that Chen Ze sent. Soon after Chen Ze
brought the pregnant woman to the hospital, the man rushed to the hospital.

However, it seems that he just came from the train station, apparently just
returned from a business trip.

"Thank you. If it weren't for you, my wife would be in danger today. Thank you so
much for bringing my wife to the hospital." The man said again, and quickly handed
Chen Ze a cigarette.

Chen Ze took the cigarette, but didn't smoke it, but he said, "This time you are
lucky to meet me. If you change someone, your wife is really dangerous. Your wife
is about to give birth. How can you pay back? Will you travel? "

"You don't know about this. My wife's due date is more than ten days. I didn't want
to go on a business trip, but this time my company couldn't get out. I thought it
shouldn't be so fast, so I went. Who I know this happened. Thank you so much. It ’s
not you and my wife who are really dangerous. "

"It's okay, just be safe, just pay more attention to this aspect in the future. But
you don't have to worry about it. When I just came here, the doctor said nothing
was wrong, and the mother and child will be safe." Now. "

With that said, he turned and walked outside the hospital.

"Wait." The man said now. He immediately walked in front of Chen Ze, took a red
envelope from his own briefcase, and handed it to Chen Ze. "This is thank you for
your reward. According to the rules of my hometown, anyone who helped the delivery
will have a red envelope. Yes, although you didn't help the midwife, it was a big
help, this is for you. "

"This!" Chen Ze didn't expect to have a red envelope for a while, hesitated.

"Just hold it, just as if you were blessing for my unborn child." Then, the man
forced it into Chen Ze's pocket.

Chen Ze nodded, knowing that it is not good to not take this red envelope: "Good,
then I thank you too."

"You're good to go." The man said.


Chen Ze nodded and walked out of the hospital. He walked out of the hospital hall
and came to the parking lot. After turning on his car, he sat on it with one butt,
and then ignited the cigarette that the man handed over. I took a sip, closed my
eyes, but remembered the feeling when I just went down.

"Is that the feeling of the car? It turned out that the car can still drive so fast
and so stable."

Lying down the mountain just now is definitely the most unforgettable memory of
Chen Ze's life so far. Obviously, the speed has reached the limit, but in the face
of that road, there is no trace of fear in his heart, but he is very calm.

Moreover, such a fast speed can even control the car steadily, and went down the
mountain almost without stepping on the brakes.

This kind of speed, this experience, which Chen Ze could n’t even think of in the
past, but also his own second-hand small broken car, an old style more than ten
years ago, front-rear drive, but the car is only four meters long First, the engine
and the new car are completely incomparable, but they can be so fast.

He never thought that the car could even drive to this state. Those who can reach
this state can no longer be called people.

This full-time lottery system is really a good thing. Maybe you can really become
an industry elite with it.

Thinking of this, Chen Ze was excited, he took another few puffs of cigarettes, and
then opened the full-time lottery system. I saw on the skill page that the
possession of the car **** had taken eighteen minutes. And twelve minutes.

These eighteen minutes are the time before Chen Ze rushed down Yandang Mountain and
rushed into the city. Of course, there are cameras everywhere after entering the
urban area. Chen Ze didn't dare to drive so fast, so he suspended this skill, so
there are still twelve minutes.

Closing the skill page, Chen Ze opened the task page again, and suddenly found that
it showed that his task of becoming the most famous taxi driver in the city in two
months had progressed, and the popularity value that had been reset to zero
actually jumped It's five.

The prize can be drawn once when it reaches one hundred, the second prize when it
reaches one thousand, and the task is completed when it reaches two thousand.

"The popularity has actually increased."

Chen Ze froze, then reacted, it must be that he rescued the pregnant woman today.
The pregnant woman and her husband's gratitude increased Chen Ze's popularity.

That's right, but it's not just the pregnant woman and his husband, and Chen Ze met
the team when he went down the mountain. The people in the team marveled at him and
increased his popularity. Of course, Chen Ze didn't know this.

"It turns out that this can increase popularity. As long as you follow this
direction, you can continue to increase until you complete the task."

In the task of becoming the city's most famous driver, the system gives a
quantified standard, which is that the popularity value reaches 2,000. In the past,
Chen Ze didn't know how to increase this popularity, but now, vaguely, Chen Ze felt
he had grasped the key to completing the task.

After thinking about all this, Chen Ze opened the red envelope. Although he didn't
care much about the red envelope, actually he now needs every penny.

When you opened it, Chen Ze was happy, and there was actually a thousand dollars in
it: "Haha, a thousand dollars, it is so much money to give a person, it is good. It
would be nice if I had more such business in the future. , Money, and popularity. "

After a while of fun, he collected the money and then left the hospital by car.

In the hospital ward, the pregnant woman who was admitted to the hospital by Chen
Ze was lying on the bed. Although her face was pale, it was obviously not a big
deal. Aside from her husband, she held a small baby, apparently she had just Child

"Ha ha ha, the child is so cute, it looks exactly like me." The man smirked,
looking at him, and the pregnant woman's face also smiled: "Look at you smiling,
yes, the one sent me The driver who came? Has he left? I haven't thanked him yet. "

"I have already left, I have already thanked him, thanks to him this time." The
pregnant woman's husband said, "But why did you get to the hospital so soon? Wasn't
you still at home when you called me? Why did you arrive at the hospital in less
than half an hour? You were confused when you called, and you must have been away
from home at that time. "

"No, I don't remember very well. It seems that the driver was driving fast, seems
to be particularly fast, and it seemed to take less than ten minutes to go down the
mountain." The pregnant woman frowned, thinking, "So only I came to the hospital so
soon. I read the book www.uukanshu.com. I remember it was like this. "

"Going down the mountain in ten minutes?" The old lady of the pregnant woman opened
her mouth and laughed, as if she had heard something particularly funny, "How is
this possible? You must have misremembered. Our mountain can be opened in fifty
minutes." It's already very fast, how can it be more than ten minutes. It must be
what I guess, you are confused, you don't know when you went down the mountain. "

"Is that so?" The pregnant woman thought for a while, with a puzzled expression on
her face.

Just then, a nurse came in, "How are you feeling now? You're fine."

"Not bad," said the pregnant woman.

"That's good." The nurse nodded. "But you came really fast. Didn't you say you were
still on Yandang Mountain when you called our hospital? You just arrived at the
hospital in less than half an hour?" "Said the nurse at will.

Upon hearing her words, the pregnant woman's husband and the pregnant woman looked
at each other, and they saw an unbelievable expression in the eyes of each other.

The driver actually rushed down Yandang Mountain more than ten minutes.

Chapter FTLS 5: Your car was requisitioned

"Thank you, Master."

"The master will just be here."

"Trouble you, master."

The next two days, Chen Ze still took orders as usual and drove the guests by car.
However, Chen Ze still had no clue about the task proposed by the system.
Especially after the excitement period that day passed, Chen Ze found out that
although the car **** possessed a very powerful body, it was useless for this task.

There are only twelve minutes left, and even if there are still thirty minutes,
then how do you rely on these thirty minutes to achieve the goal of the city ’s
most popular driver? You must know that this goal requires the system's popularity
to reach two thousand. The popularity is only five, or the reason for sending the
pregnant woman.

In other words, according to this situation, I have to send at least 400 such
pregnant women to complete this task, and it will take two months. How is this

And what if we do n’t rely on sending pregnant women? You can't rush to the city
center by yourself, use these twelve minutes to perform car skills. In this case, I
am afraid that the popularity has not yet reached two thousand, and he has been
taken away by the police.

Therefore, Chen Ze once again failed to show up. When there was free time every
day, he would stop and think about it. See if there is any way to increase your

It's the same now, just finished sending a guest, he stopped to think about it, by
the way also take a break.

Ding Ding Ding!

Chen Ze couldn't figure out a way, but his cell phone rang, and he took it out to
see that it was his mother's call.

"Hey, mom." Chen Ze said.

"Ozawa, how's it going? How are you doing? How is your business?" Chen Ze's mother

Although Chen Ze and his parents are in a city, Chen Ze has moved out. He felt that
he was an adult when he graduated from college, and it was awkward to live with his
parents, so he moved out when the business was good a few months ago. Although the
business is now much worse, but in order not to worry his parents, he Naturally
will not move back.

Fortunately, the monthly rent is a few hundred yuan, and Chen Ze can barely afford
it now.

"Relax, mom, my body is good with the business of driving. With a monthly income of
more than 10,000, it is no problem to support myself." Chen Ze said. Although the
business was not good, but otherwise his mother was worried, he still said so.
"It's you and my dad. Pay attention to your body. If you are uncomfortable, you
must go to the hospital. Don't feel bad about the money. I'll give it."

"Hmm." Maybe it was a little bit happy to hear Chen Ze's words, and there was a
laugh from Chen Ze's mother over the phone: "I told you good news, Ozawa, your aunt
Chen said yesterday to introduce you to a girl.

"Ah, Aunt Chen introduced the girl again? What she introduced was not reliable. I
have been pawned a few times." Chen Ze said when he heard what his mother said.

Talking about Chen Ze's most headache now, in addition to making money and this
system, it is a blind date. Chen Ze himself was not in a hurry, he felt that he was
still young. And I do n’t have much money now, not when I say this.

But his parents were very anxious, and he had been introduced to Chen Ze several
times, including the aunt Chen. However, they are all very unreliable. Chen Ze has
seen a few of them, which are either demandingly outrageous or have a lot of
problems. So now he heard his mother say that Auntie Chen introduced him again, and
his head went straight up.

"This time is different. This time I made it clear. It is absolutely reliable. I

heard that I still graduated from a prestigious university. I have a good job.
Although my job is not very clear, but your aunt Chen is also very good, and she
has agreed to You meet, the time is set on Friday, that is tomorrow, you have to
take good care of this time. You are not too young, you have to find a girlfriend.
"His mother said in a very firm voice.
"Well, send me the time and place to meet, I will meet tomorrow." Chen Ze
helplessly said. He didn't believe the other party would have such good conditions.
If you do, you won't find a blind date.

"Not to meet each other, but to pay attention." Chen Ze's mother said again.

"Good." Chen Ze nodded helplessly.

After remembering the time and place to meet the girl, Chen Ze hung up the call
with his mother, and then opened the phone again to pick up the order.

"Hey, where are you?"

He received another order, but when he reached the place where the passenger said,
but did not see the passenger, Chen Ze opened the telephone again.

"Sorry, Master, wait for me. I'm still packing at home, and I'll be out right away,
up to five minutes." On the other side of the phone, the passenger's voice came.


Chen Ze was speechless. He actually had to wait for him for five minutes, and it
might time out. Chen Ze did not want to wait at all. However, there is no way to
wait. If you cancel the order yourself, it will affect your credibility. So there
was no way, Chen Ze went out and waited.


Just when Chen Ze had just turned off the car, there was a sudden sound of a huge
engine behind him, and then a car rushed past Chen Ze, very fast.

"What the hell? Drive so fast on the street, not afraid of a traffic accident."
Chen Ze muttered frowning as he looked at the car. He noticed that the speed of the
car was at least 80 yards and was clearly overspeeding.

And it's still on this kind of continuous street, it's just going to create a
traffic accident.

Sure enough, a car immediately hit the railing beside the road in order to avoid
the vehicle. However, the driver of that car seemed to be technically good,
controlling the vehicle deftly avoiding the vehicles on the road.

"This car is really weird. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Chen Ze muttered. He

thought the car was really strange.


Just then, Chen Ze's car door was suddenly opened. Chen Ze turned his head and saw
a girl sitting in with a look of anxiety: "Quickly, catch up with the car in
front . "

"Ah?" Chen Ze paused. "Miss, did you make the wrong car? My car is an online
booking and I'm waiting for guests."

Chen Ze's guest this time was a man, so he determined that the girl seemed to be
sitting in the wrong car.

"Yes, this is your car." The girl said, she turned to her side and looked at Chen
Ze. At this time, Chen Ze found out that the girl was actually very beautiful, with
bright eyes and bright teeth, which was a lot of sweat.

But when Chen Ze was surprised by the girl's appearance, the next words of the girl
made Chen Ze more stunned.

"I'm the police, this is my police card." The girl said, took out a document and
handed it to Chen Ze, "the car just past was three fugitive suspects, I need to
catch up with them. Now I Announce that your car has been temporarily requisitioned
by me. "

Chapter FTLS 6: Once again with car god

"There were three wanted prisoners in the car in front. We managed to find out
their whereabouts. We were about to arrest them. Who knew they were noticed by the
three. And the car driving in them was really good. Five or six cars here were
thrown away by them. I also just crashed in front of the car, so I levied your car.

On the road, while Chen Ze was driving, the policewoman spoke to Chen Ze about the
situation of the wanted man in front.


Chen Ze nodded and drove chasing behind the three wanted criminals. However, he has
no interest in these three wanted criminals, and he is not Superman, and this kind
of justice does not turn to him.

Besides, if it was not the request of the police, he would not even catch up. At
this moment he was still thinking about the guest he was waiting for, hoping that
the guest would not complain to the company after seeing him leave.

As for this policewoman, it is quite beautiful, it should be regarded as a police


The policeman also seemed to notice Chen Ze's carelessness and urged: "Hurry up,
the car will run away."

"Safety first." Chen Ze said, "Moreover, this street has a speed limit of sixty.
I'm almost speeding."

Hearing Chen Ze's words, the police took a while to speak, this time, this guy is
actually thinking about speeding or not.

"Relax, you are doing something special, we will call the traffic team afterwards,
it will not count you as speeding." Jinghua said.

"This, okay." Chen Ze nodded helplessly and accelerated. However, although it is

accelerating, it has not been added to how fast. After all, this is on the
continuous road, and if his technical speed is too fast, it can be completely

So soon, the car of the wanted man ran away. Soon after, Chen Ze drove to a fork in
the road. The wanted man's car was gone, so he didn't know which way it was running

"It's lost. In this case, you can only give up." Chen Ze said, and he was relieved,
ready to let the police get off the bus and continue to do business.
But who knows that the policeman didn't give up at all, she took out a walkie-
talkie-like thing: "Reception desk, which way did the car just go?"

It turned out that in addition to her, the police had already contacted the traffic
team, and the traffic team had to monitor and monitor the car to prevent it from
running away.

"Into the road on your right, you are now more than 500 meters away from them, and
the distance is still widening." The voice came from the intercom.

"I know, rest assured, I will not lose it." The policeman said, pointing to the
road on the right, so that Chen Ze continued to chase.

Chen Ze had to follow up. He saw that the policeman would not give up if he did not
catch up with the three wanted criminals. He had to increase the speed as much as
possible to avoid wasting time doing this.

However, Chen Ze was somewhat surprised. Although his speed has been adjusted to
the fastest in the safe range, which has reached 70 yards, he was still thrown away
by the car. If it hadn't been for the cooperation of the traffic team, I'd have
lost it.

"Strange, the driving skills of the wanted criminal who drove are a bit powerful.
In such a downtown area, the speed can still be so fast, and there has been no
accident. This technology is definitely not comparable to ordinary people." Chen Ze
said, "Three wanted Who is the offender? "

"I don't know exactly who they are. I only know that they committed a crime in a
neighboring province three years ago and were wanted. After three years of escape,
they have not caught it, and the bounty has also increased from the beginning of
thirty thousand Now it's 100,000. "Jinghua said, she was also anxious, her face
showing anxiety.

"A bounty? One hundred thousand?" Chen Ze froze.

"Yes, as long as you help the police catch these three wanted criminals, you can
get a 100,000 bounty." Policeman said.

"That is to say, if I now help you catch the three of them, that 100,000 is mine?"
Chen Ze asked.

"That's right." The police nodded, she was also very strange, and she didn't know
exactly what the three wanted criminals were doing, especially because the speed of
the car was too fast, which surprised her.

Recalling that they just dumped all five or six of their cars and even caused three
of them to crash, the policeman felt that today is very tricky, I'm afraid I can't
catch three of them.

"Xiao Qing, it has been found out that these three wanted criminals were wanted
because of robbery and wounding. All three were unemployed, but one of them seemed
to have trained in a professional convoy for some time. I want to become a
professional driver, but I do n’t know what was expelled from the team, and then
became a vagrant. ”At this time, another voice came from the intercom of the

After hearing this voice, the policeman all understood it. No wonder, no wonder
that the car was driving so fast and the car skills were so good. It turned out
that one of them was almost a professional driver. Professional drivers, even those
who almost become professional drivers, are far from the average person.

After understanding this, the policeman became a little discouraged and

disappointed. She knew that if the car in front was really such a character, it
would not be possible to catch up today. That was almost a car driven by a
professional driver. How could this person who he had requisition catch up with?
This is absolutely impossible.

"Forget it, you can stop, you can't catch up."

Jing Hua was just about to say this sentence, and when Chen Ze gave up, he suddenly
heard Chen Ze's faint sentence: "Sit down, I want to catch up."


The policeman froze, turned his head and looked at Chen Ze, and saw that the man in
front of him had suddenly changed his temperament. It seemed that he was just an
ordinary driver, even a hairy driver.

But now suddenly a lot of calm and fortitude, the tone of the speech is unchanged,
but it is convincing. That looks really handsome and tastes.

In particular, it is in stark contrast to the reluctance just to be completely

unwilling to catch up, it is simply not alone.

"What's going on?" Jinghua was a little confused.

"That 100,000 yuan is mine." Chen Ze said, suddenly the policeman reacted.

Co-authored, co-authored this guy's change, all for the 100,000 yuan? This guy is
really a fan of money.

Despise, despise!

Jinghua thought to herself that she was about to speak again to let Chen Ze give
up. After all, she was almost a pro driver, she didn't think that when Chen Ze
could catch up, Chen Ze's voice rang again.

"Wait a bit faster, UU reading www.uukanshu.com. You have to fasten your seat belt.
Don't cry out."

"How is it possible that I am a policeman? I have never experienced any strong

winds and waves. I can make a sound when I ride a car?" The policeman responded,
and she let go.

For Chen Ze's words, she felt a contempt for her.

Cry out, what a joke. Just this broken car, just this guy, can you make yourself

"Really, that's good." Chen Ze smiled lightly, and a voice sounded in his mind at
the same time: "The **** of the car possessed, open!"

Hum! !! !! !!

The engine sounded violently, and there was a sharp turn ahead, but Chen Ze's car
accelerated, 70 yards, 80 yards, 90 yards, 100 yards!
Suddenly, there was a terrifying cry inside the car, and it was this policeman who
spoke. She slaps her face in an instant, panicking: "You, what are you doing, but
the curve ahead, slow down, my god, mother, ah !!!"

Chapter FTLS 7: Black lightning

In the city traffic command center, several policemen stood in front of the big
screen. The big screen displayed the current road conditions in the city, and these
policemen stared at the two cars inside the big screen. One was the car of the
fugitive, and the other was a Mesano.

As a domestically produced cheap car, Mei Sangrui doesn't know how many cars there
are in the city. These policemen are usually used to it. But now, there are
extremely shocked expressions on his face, and he can't believe what happened in
front of his eyes.

Because in the big screen, this black Meisang Rui is as fast as the same black
lightning. If it were fast, it would be nothing. But the problem is not only fast,
but the whole body seems full of aura, very smart.

If the average person was so fast, they would have crashed on this street long ago,
but this car is like a smart angel, easily avoiding various obstacles and obstacles
on the road, and a little speed during various corners There is no reduction, all
kinds of drifts seem extremely thrilling, but it feels extremely safe.

"My God, what kind of driver did Xiaoqing find? This, this, and this, can drive the
car so fast and control it so well on this kind of road, this is unimaginable."

"Master, top master. Even if it is a professional driver, it is definitely the best

wave. It is hard to imagine that a Meisangrui can drive so fast and so aura."

"I didn't see it with my own eyes today. I really can't imagine it. A Meisang Rui
can drive so fast."

These policemen spoke one after another. They were so surprised that they couldn't
believe their eyes. Although I saw on the big screen Fang Qing found another car
and chased it up, but it was obvious that the car she was on was not fast, and it
seemed that the driver's technology was not very good, and the distance from the
fugitive was constantly zoom out.

And they investigated out of the three fugitives, and one of them was almost a
professional driver. Since this is the case, it is even more impossible to catch

Therefore, these policemen are desperate, and are ready to let Fang Qing abandon
the pursuit of the fugitive. If he cannot catch up, it is impossible to catch up
with a person close to the level of a professional driver.

However, at this moment, the Fang Qing Mei Sangrui was on the same level as the
chicken, showing an incomparable skill and speed, even catching up, and getting

From the perspective of the displayed car skills, the driver of the car Fang Qing
was sitting on is probably far better than the fugitive close to the level of a
professional driver.

how can that be?

If this is true, then the person sitting on the Meisangrui should be a professional
driver, but a professional driver, and a professional driver with such good
technology, how can a car like Meisangrui be driven.

How is this possible, who is the driver in this car?

All the police officers at the scene thought about it.

"Look at it, everyone, you have to catch up with another turn." At this moment, a
policeman spoke.

Hearing what he said, the others quickly looked over. Sure enough, in just a few
minutes, the Mei Sangrui caught up. There was a short turn, and the last turn
caught up.


The crowd spoke. Although they didn't know who the driver was, they were extremely
excited after seeing him catch up with the fugitive.

In a street, the fugitive's car, three fugitives now have an extremely relaxed and
excited expression on their faces.

"Haha, even the few broken policemen who want to catch up with us are simply
wishful thinking."

"Just, don't look at who our second brother is, a former professional driver, let
alone these ordinary policemen, that's

Those with good car skills can never catch up with us, they only have to eat the
exhaust of our car, ha ha ha. "

In the car, two men sitting in the co-driver's cab and in the back spoke, and they
were extremely arrogant.

And when they heard what they said, the second brother who drove the car also
smiled and said, "Of course, how can those miscellaneous pieces be?

Can catch up with me. "

Although many drivers of professional drivers have been training for many years,
their driving skills have been greatly degraded, and the cars they drive now are
just ordinary cars that have been temporarily seized, but in the face of ordinary
people, they are ordinary. Police, he also has absolute confidence that he can get
rid of them.

What just happened also proved his self-confidence, so his face was naturally

Hum! !! !! !! !!

Just then, a loud engine sound came from behind. The driver looked up into the
rear-view mirror, and immediately saw a black Mesang Rui appearing behind him,
quickly passed the curve just by drifting, and then chased them violently.

The face of the man who drove changed immediately after seeing the car. Although he
only watched a little bit, he could feel that the driver of the car behind him was
quite extraordinary.

A driver with a car with such extraordinary skill caught up, and the man
immediately responded, and the latter car must come after him.
"You are seated, and a car is coming after you, it looks like a stubble."

The second brother opened his mouth and said that he had stepped on the throttle to
the bottom and wanted to throw the car behind him away.

And when he heard the words of the second brother, the other two people in the car
also changed their faces, without the lightness they had just had, and quickly
looked back, they immediately saw the black Meisangrui.

"This, how could there be a car to catch up."

"This is Mei Sangrui. How could it be so fast?"

The two yelled, escaping for three years, and they probably knew about car skills
and so on, and they could immediately see that the man driving behind was very

No, it should be very good.

It was unimaginable to chase after driving a Mei Sang Rui.

The two looked at each other. Although the car they were sitting in was not a good
car, it was definitely not comparable to Mesang Rui. But just catching up, a Mei
Sang Rui actually caught up.

They both swallowed, knowing that there was really a big trouble behind this time.

"Don't make a noise. The Mei San Rui in the back is really powerful, but it is
impossible to catch up with us." The second brother who drove the car growled and
said he raised the speed all the way.

He absolutely did not believe that someone from UU Reading www.uukanshu.com could
catch up with him.

However, things are different from what he thought. Although it is only a

Meisangrui in the back, it is constantly approaching, especially every corner, it
is closer.

Seeing it, he will soon catch up.

Noticing this, the two fugitives who didn't drive both showed panic and eclipsed
faces. They can all feel that the driver of the car in the back seems to be more
powerful than the second brother, much better.

The second brother who drove the car also gritted his teeth, and his face was a bit
low. "I didn't think it was really better than me, but the car skills are so good
that they can never catch up with me. It is not racing now."

Then, he immediately tilted his head to the left, and the oncoming vehicles on the
left side of the road immediately slipped out of control in order to avoid them.
The two brothers seemed to have expected it, and they immediately turned the
steering wheel to the right, and smartly controlled the vehicle to avoid the car.

The car, out of control, hit the black Meisangrui behind. And because of the sudden
incident, the Mei Sangrui did not seem to anticipate this situation at all, and
immediately watched the out of control car hit.
Chapter FTLS 8: The police vomited
"Be careful."

The traffic command center, looking at the two cars colliding on the big screen,
all the policemen were frightened. They never expected that the fugitive who was
driving was so cruel. He deliberately grabbed the lane and forced the vehicles on
the road. Out of control, and collided with the Mei Sangrui who was chasing him.

If you really hit a traffic accident, not only will you not be able to catch the
three fugitives, but you will also be punished severely.

All of a sudden, all the policemen mentioned their throats.

On the road, the second brother driving the fugitive had a cruel smile on his face:
"What good is it to drive a car, dare to mess with me and let you confess here."

He looked up to the rearview mirror, and wanted to see with his own eyes the
Meisangrui car chasing him.

As a result, something stunned him.

I saw that Meisangrui's body swayed to the right, and the vehicle rushing in front
of it instantly became a parallel line, and then the body swayed to the left, an
acceleration, and it was dangerous and dangerous to avoid the collision. Passerby

The entire process takes less than three seconds!

Seeing this scene, the second brother on the fugitive's car was stunned. He
couldn't believe what happened.

Three seconds, less than three seconds, did such a thing. In just three seconds,
the average person has no time to respond at all, but the driver in that car
actually controlled the car to avoid the car that hit it, and hid with superb car

This is simply impossible.

The cold sweat on his brother's face came out, because he knew it was his word, and
at this time it was already a car crash. However, the driver behind did this, and
the car skills were far beyond the imagination of the second brother.

"Here, who is driving behind this? Terrible, terrible, how can there be such a
high-skilled person, how can such a person appear here, it should be right on the
professional circuit."

The second brother murmured to himself that someone like this was chasing after
him. He felt that today he was afraid that it would be difficult for him to fly.

And the traffic command center, seeing the scene of Mei Sangrui on the big screen,
all the policemen were stunned, and they did not expect that the driver of this car
had such high technology.

"My God, what kind of car did Xiao Qing get in!"

"Mei Sang Rui, the technology of people who drive such cars is so good."

"It's unimaginable to avoid a person who hits this fast in such a short time."
The policemen said in succession that their mouths were wide open.

"Okay, tell other colleagues as soon as possible, and ask them how the card is in
front of them? The three desperate fugitives must not be allowed to run away." At
this time, the top officers of these policemen said.

"Yes." The rest of the police responded in unison.

On the street, the fugitive's car was still running, and Mei Sangrui was still
closely behind, and not too far away, apparently to hang them, so that they could
not escape.

After the fugitive's car noticed this, he became very irritable and wanted to get
rid of Mei Sangrui, but he couldn't get rid of it. They also wanted to repeat the
trick, but found that there were no other vehicles on the road.

"It's over, Mei Sangrui from the back deliberately hangs us like this, it must be a
card in the front, otherwise it is impossible to have no car." Noting this, the
second brother thought to himself that his heart was dark and totally unaware What
to do. There is a set card in the front and a chase in the back, and the car cannot
be dropped anyway.

Soon, a checkpoint really appeared in front of it. Several big trucks placed the
checkpoint and blocked the road.

"Fighting, since I can't rush forward, I can only turn around and hit the
Meisangrui. I don't believe that the driver of Meisangrui can fight with us. He
must give way when we turn around. "The second elder roared, and a fierce
expression appeared on his face. After three years of escape, he has long been used
to fighting with his life. He didn't believe that the man who drove behind him had
the momentum and dared to fight him.

He said that he slightly braked, and then the steering wheel turned to the left,
and he immediately turned around.


Just as their entire body was crossing, the Meisangrui in the back suddenly
accelerated again, and even hit them directly in the middle of their body.

Here! !! !! !! !!

The three fugitives' vehicles were directly slammed into the big truck at the
checkpoint, slammed into the big truck, and finally the car was stopped.

"This guy, it's terrible."

The three fugitives in the car never expected that the next Meisangrui would dare
to do so. They were stunned in an instant, and before the faint, the three people
unified the idea.

Immediately, the police at the checkpoint rushed out and surrounded the fugitive's
vehicle with a gun and handcuffs.

The back door of Mei Sangrui was also opened. Chen Ze got up and down from the car.
He lit a cigarette and took a sip. The situation just seemed dangerous, but in fact
everything was under Chen Ze's control. Maybe someone else hit the car this way,
and one accidentally destroyed the car by himself.
But for him who possesses the possession skill of the car god, it is just a trivial
matter. The control of the car by the car **** has reached a level that is
unimaginable to ordinary people. It seems dangerous, but in fact it is not
dangerous at all.

Not only is there no danger, even this Meisang Rui Chen Ze dare to guarantee that
there will be no major damage.

When seeing the vehicle of the fugitive in front, Chen Ze had a smile on his face.
Although the time spent by the car **** had just run out, UU read www.uukanshu.com
but 100,000 yuan was in hand.

At this moment, the door of the co-cab was also opened, and the policeman rushed
out, very fast.

"It's really dedicated."

Chen Ze had some admiration in his heart. He didn't expect that after experiencing
a moment of thrilling pursuit, and the policeman was still shouting in the car and
was frightened, she was so rested that she didn't know how much physical strength
was wasted. No rest, or catch the three fugitives the first time.

Dedication is too dedicated. It is indeed the people's police, serving the people.

Just when Chen Ze admired the policeman, he suddenly heard a wow, screaming noise.
Chen Ze turned his head and saw that the policeman lay on the ground and vomited.

It turned out not to be dedication, but after Chen Ze's car skills just now, she
finally couldn't help vomiting.

Before, I felt that Chen Ze was contemptuous of her and felt that there was
absolutely nothing wrong with her. Not only did she call all the way, but after
Chen Ze stopped, she finally spit out.

Chapter FTLS 9: Popularity rises again

"Dude, you are so good. How do you train your car? Why are you so good?"

"Yeah buddy, you didn't know that we all watched at the monitoring center at that
time. I have never seen anyone whose car skills are so good. We must teach us when
we have time."

"Yeah, yeah, it's so handsome. The dodge and hit is just like filming. It's so

Inside the police station, a group of policemen surrounded Chen Zedao. They opened
their mouths and expressed their admiration for Chen Ze.

Half an hour ago, Chen Ze helped the police to subdue the three fugitives, and then
he was brought here, saying that he would sign several names to prove the situation
on the scene. As a result, Chen Ze just finished signing, and the gang of police
gathered around and started talking.

These police officers saw Chen Ze's car skills at the monitoring center. I heard
other people mention it if they didn't see it. There was no way Chen Ze admired
each other, so they came around and said that. They I really want to see what a
person with such high skills looks like.

Also, can you learn two-handed car skills from him?

After hearing what they said, Chen Ze smiled, took out a cigarette from the
cigarette case, took a sip and took a bit of mystery: "I'm driving a car for a
ride. I don't have any skills. Maybe it is a long practice Out."

"Master, absolutely master."

When I saw Chen Ze's unpredictable appearance, and heard Chen Ze's words, everyone
immediately felt that Chen Ze was really unfathomable. This kind of car skills can
be trained by himself. Is it a legendary natural wizard? ?

"I won't say the car skills, but this is the first time I've seen a wolf like Fang

"Yeah, Fang Qing is usually cold and strong in business, and we are all a little
afraid of her. Usually I always look like I have everything, and I was the first
time I saw her so embarrassed."

"Hey, vomiting so miserably, this image is ruined, Chen Ze, you have to be careful,
maybe she will get you in trouble."

The policemen said with a smile again. What they said had aroused Chen Ze's
interest. Cold, Fang Qing, were they talking about the policeman just now?

Thinking of the policeman getting out of the car and vomiting, Chen Ze also

But just then, a cold voice came over: "You don't go to work, what are you doing

Chen Ze turned her head and looked at it. The person who spoke was actually the
police officer. At this time, she changed into a police uniform and looked slim and
with a touch of British spirit, which made Chen Ze's eyes shine.

However, the policemen around Chen Ze were like mice when they saw cats. As they
said, after hearing her words, the police officers scattered away immediately.

"Your status is very high, they all listen to you like this." Chen Ze smiled at
Fang Qing.

He didn't worry about how Fang Qingzhen was really treating him. If he knew how to
help her catch the three fugitives this time, why not retaliate against him because
he spit it out later?

"Please breathe out, no smoking is allowed inside the police station." Fang Qing
didn't answer Chen Ze's words, but spoke coldly.

Indeed, she does not intend to do anything to Chen Ze, nor does she blame Chen Ze.
But now thinking of the shameful look after getting off the car, she felt a little

I can usually play those roller coaster roller coasters and the like, why did I
vomit so badly this time? It's too ruinous and shameful.

However, Fang Qing knew that there was no other way. The situation at that time was
too horrible. The roller coaster was not comparable to the roller coaster. Those
who knew at least knew that nothing would happen, but sitting on that car, it felt
like they would In the event of an accident, it will roll over at any time.
At the most dangerous time, Fang Qing felt that she was about to run into it, but
she didn't run into it, and then continued this cycle. Who can bear this, how could
this not spit.

She glanced at Chen Ze. Although Chen Ze wasn't to blame in her heart, she was a
little grateful, but she was still awkward. And how did this guy drive the car so
fast and so stable?

Of course, Chen Ze didn't know what Fang Qing was thinking. Looking at her frosty
appearance, he had to take a breath and said, "That's fine, I'm fine."

"It's okay, you can go now." Fang Qingdao, "But I still want to remind you that
this time is a special situation. You can never drive so fast in the future. If it
is so fast or so fast, even if you technical OK, I'm afraid something will happen.

"Be assured, I'll be fine." Chen Ze said easily.

"Who said, you drive so fast, how can you guarantee that everything is not good,
not every time you are as lucky as today." Fang Qing immediately stressed.

But Chen Ze smiled: "Why, you don't believe me? Forgot you questioned my
consequences in the car before?"

When he heard what he said, Fang Qing immediately remembered that when he was in
the car before, this guy did remind himself to take a seat and said that he was
driving a little faster and to be prepared for himself. At that time, he squirmed
his lips, didn't take it seriously, and ended up vomiting so miserably.

Thinking of this, I saw Chen Ze's smile again. Fang Qing couldn't help but lose
face, she felt really shameful: "You can go, let's go." She didn't want to face
Chen anymore Ze, so as not to think of what happened just now.

After speaking, Fang Qing turned and left, but before taking a few steps, he was
stopped by Chen Ze again. She looked back and saw an embarrassed expression on Chen
Ze's face. After a long while, she said, "Well, when will that 100,000 yuan be
given to me?"

Fang Qing: ""

She suddenly remembered that this guy was trying to die like this for 100,000 yuan,
and daring to die like that!

Wealth fan, is really a money fan.

"Of course I'm anxious. I'm a poor person. I plan to live on these 100,000 people,
otherwise it's dangerous for anyone to catch the three fugitives. I'm not a
people's policeman. I don't need to take such a big risk for the people." .

"After completing the procedure, I will call you in your bank card. Didn't you just
tell us your bank card number? It will take up to half a month to call you," Fang
Qing said.

"That's good, thank you today."

Having said that, Chen Ze walked towards the outside. Now he is in a good mood.
Although he lost a single business and used up the car God's possession experience,
it still wastes these hours. But it wasn't in vain. I could get 100,000 yuan.
One hundred thousand is enough to make money from this used car.

Just out of the police station, Chen Ze was immediately surrounded by a group of

"Hello, I'm a reporter from the Evening News of this city. May I ask if you helped
the police catch the fugitive today?"

"Hello, I'm a reporter from a local TV station. I want to interview you about the
fugitives today."

"Hello, I'm a reporter from this city's News Network. May I interview you?"

The group said in a row that Chen Ze was immediately fooled by them and reacted for
a long time. It turned out that these people were reporters from the local news
media. After hearing about his arrest of the fugitive, they immediately ran over to
interview him.

Understand this, UU reading www. Chen Chen cooperated with them in an interview.
However, he also planned to run a sports car again, so he just said a few words
casually, introduced himself, and found an excuse to leave.

Back on his car, Chen Ze habitually turned on his full-time lottery system, but
suddenly found that his popularity had actually risen again, from five to thirteen.

"What's going on? Why is it rising again?"

Chen Ze murmured to himself, he soon understood that this was because the police in
the police station admired him. The more people admired him, the faster his
popularity would rise.

"Wait, if that's the case, then if the news just came out and let more people know
about me and admire me, wouldn't it be that my popularity will continue to increase
until it becomes this city The most famous driver, complete this task. "

Thinking of this, Chen Ze was excited, and he finally found a way to complete the

Thinking about this, he immediately rushed out of the car and rushed towards the
group of reporters again: "It was not detailed enough just now, I will brag you
now, no, let me introduce you to me."

Chapter FTLS 10: Blind date

Friday, 6pm, in the park.

Chen Ze stopped the car and walked towards Changyi of the park. Before walking
over, he also sorted out his meter in the mirror.

Today he came to see the blind date his mother said yesterday. Although Chen Ze was
not interested in this blind date, he decided to meet because of his mother's

Out of courtesy, Chen Ze changed his clothes before coming here today. Of course,
it is not a good dress, but it is refreshing enough.

Walking to the bench, there was no one nearby, and the girl who was going to go
with Chen Ze was clearly not yet. Chen Ze sat on the bench and waited for her to
get up.

According to the agreement, Chen Ze is wearing a white shirt and black jeans today.
The girl will wear a blue skirt to make it easy to recognize. After sitting down,
Chen Ze looked around and found no girl in a water-blue dress.

Therefore, while waiting, Chen Ze opened his system. I saw that on the page of
popularity, Chen Ze's popularity increased a little, from thirteen to fifteen.
Obviously, I don't know who heard about it. His affairs have increased his

This made Chen Ze very excited. The interview yesterday was broadcast tonight. Chen
Ze was thinking about how much popularity would increase after the interview was

"I don't know how much it can increase, if I can increase it to two thousand at a
time, I will complete my task." Chen Ze thought to himself.

He knew it was impossible, and the system wouldn't make this task so easy. However,
it is not bad to add a little bit.

And when the popularity value reaches one hundred points, the lottery can be
carried out. The first lottery was a car **** experience. Chen Ze is looking
forward to what the second lottery will draw about driving skills.

Shut down the system, Chen Ze looked at the time, it was almost time to meet, but
the girl never appeared.

"It won't be my pigeons, don't come." Chen Ze muttered to himself.

"Hello." At this moment, a girl's voice came from behind.

"finally come."

Chen Ze thought to himself that he turned to look at the girl, and then he froze.

"It's you."

"It's you."

Chen Ze said with this girl, Chen Ze had a ridiculous feeling in her heart at this
moment, how could it be her? This is a coincidence, too dog blood.

"I can't think of you, Officer Fang Qing." Chen Ze said, awkwardly.

Fang Qing was also a little embarrassed. She had thought that she would never see
Chen Ze again in her life, but she never expected to see it again the next day.
Moreover, she was still the object of her blind date. She remembered what she had
vomited yesterday and felt hot. It's too shameful. She hasn't encountered such a
shame in her life.

There was some silence between the two, not knowing what to say. To be honest, the
two of them met yesterday and they didn't even know each other. However, they are
different from ordinary blind date, so they suddenly didn't know what to say, so
they just became silent.

"Ha, I didn't expect you to know Aunt Chen." Chen Ze spoke, breaking the silence.

"Well, Aunt Chen has been a neighbor of my family for more than ten years. I have
said many times that I would introduce a boyfriend to me. I didn't want to come.
Fang Qing said, and said helplessly.

It was only two years since she graduated from college, but she was urged by her
parents because she was so devoted to her work that she never found a boyfriend.
Later, her neighbor Aunt Chen joined in. Finally, Fang Qing couldn't stand them.
The ears on the ear roots decided to meet with the blind date, but unexpectedly it
was Chen Ze.

"The same is true of me. Aunt Chen is a good friend of my mother for many years. My
mother also asked her to introduce her. I was also urged by them for a long time,
so I could n’t come out to meet. I want to say that their older generation is too
anxious Now, the times are different now, how can there be such anxiety so early.
"Chen Ze said, complaining the same, in this regard, he and Fang Qing are the same,
are being driven crazy by their parents.

"Who said no." Fang Qing spoke, and the two looked at each other, and suddenly
laughed. They reached an agreement on this issue and the embarrassment between them
just disappeared quickly.

"Well, you walked too fast yesterday. I haven't had time to ask you. Is your car
okay? It hit the fugitive's car that way yesterday. There should be no major
damage. You will be reimbursed for repairs. "Fang Qing said at this time.

"It's okay, I just lost some paint. The problem is not big." Chen Ze glanced at his
car in the distance and said.

"That's good. I'll ask you for your 100,000 yuan, and probably come down this
week." Fang Qing said again.

"Really? That relationship is good, 100,000 yuan." Chen Ze laughed at the good


At this moment, a voice came over, and Chen Ze took a closer look, and it turned
out that Fang Qing's stomach was screaming. Fang Qing noticed this, and his face
turned red.

"Let's go, I invite you to dinner, just to thank you for asking me about the
hundred thousand quick money." Chen Ze began.

"No, you can eat, but I ask you." Fang Qing said.

"Huh?" Chen Ze froze.

"Yesterday you helped us catch three fugitives. I haven't thanked you yet, so I
have to ask for this meal, and I have to thank you for it." Fang Qing laughed.

"Okay, let's go." Chen Ze nodded and led Fang Qing toward his car. Opening the door
of the co-driver's cab and looking back, Fang Qing stood aside.

"What's wrong?" Chen Ze froze. "Get in the car."

"Well, let's stop driving your car, I, I'm afraid of me!" Fang Qing didn't
continue, but apparently she wanted to say that she was afraid she vomited again.
The impression she gave yesterday was really impressive. It's too deep.

Seeing Yinghua Fang Qing, who was so cool yesterday, Chen Ze burst out laughing
with a little care.

Yandang Mountain, the sound of motors roaring as vehicles ran through the

Two cars, one red and one yellow, were traveling on the hillside. I saw that both
cars were very fast. The yellow one was fast enough, more than one hundred and ten
yards. The speed of ordinary vehicles was already so fast. Off the mountain road,
but the car was still running firmly on the mountain road.

The other red vehicle was faster than the yellow one, and it was still a lot
faster, and it gradually left the yellow vehicle far behind until it completely
disappeared in the rearview mirror of the car. inside.

In the end, the red vehicle rushed down the mountain with a large lead. After
rushing down, a braided man came down from the red sports car with a proud smile on
his face. After seeing him, a group of people waiting below the mountain road
surrounded the top together and kept cheering.

The man looked around, looked at the expression of unsatisfactory faces, and raised
his eyebrows and smiled: "Everyone says that Yandang Mountain is difficult to run,
and Yang Qi, the first driver of Yandang Mountain, is extraordinary in technology,
known as Yan The downhill **** is the fastest, haha, I do n’t think so, I have n’t
worked hard today, but he fell down. ”

"Haha, what is the first driver of Yandang Mountain, and where can you compare with
Mo Ge, you are the first driver of our solar train team, and where are these third-
rate small teams comparable?"

"That is, Mo Ge, you just played it casually, and Yang Qi was far from you."

The people around the driver laughed after hearing what he said.

"what are you saying!"

The people all around were blasted, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com shouted in

While they were talking, Yang Qi also came to an end. He got out of the car and his
face was quite ugly. He had no idea that the driver on the other side was so
powerful, he tried his best and still failed.

After seeing Yang Qi, the people around the driver were even more arrogant.

"The first rider in Yandang Mountain is just a joke. You Yandang Mountain, none of
you in Yucheng can do it, it is not our opponent at all.

"Yeah, what Yandang Mountain has the fastest downhill is so funny that it can't be
funny anymore."

"The Yandang Mountain team, but a bunch of countrymen sitting in the sky watching
the sky."

Listening to this group of people, Yang Qi's teammates and the people who came to
the crowd were all completely angry.

"You are wrong. The first driver of Yandang Mountain, the fastest downhill **** was
not me any more than a few days ago." Just then, Yang Qi said.
"Oh? Who is that person?"

Chapter FTLS 11: Online taxi driver

Yucheng, on the highway, a row of good cars lined up in a straight line, running
straight on the road.

Headed by a red sports car, the motor is roaring, the music on the car is loud, and
it is obvious that this sports car is very arrogant. The man driving the car with a
pigtail was the man who had just defeated Yang Qi in Yandang Mountain.

With a wild smile on his face at the moment, he was in a very good mood.

"Mr. Mo, I don't understand." At this moment, a man in the co-pilot spoke.

"What do you not understand?" The man with the pigtails said lightly.

"You have won that Yang Qi tonight, and you have completed the record of conquering
all the downhill teams in our province. Why should you agree to them and what kind
of new generation of Yandang Mountain downhill? The fastest race? As for their
amateur third-class team, it will definitely not be your opponent. "

"What do you know, my goal is not them at all." Mo Ge started, looked at the
rearview mirror, his mouth slightly raised, "How can this third-rate team be my
opponent, my goal has always been us Captain of the Sunfire, I just want to lift
that guy off the captain's position by conquering the province. "

"Then you've done it today, why bother doing it all," said the man.

"Huh." Mo Ge waved his lips. "Without defeating everyone and letting everyone be
convinced, how can I take this captain's position and shut everyone up?"

Speaking, this Mo Ge looked at the people around him and said with a smile: "Rest
assured, I know where you are afraid of an accident, I am afraid I will lose. But
on Yandang Mountain, what can a third-rate team like this be? Master, I have won in
the whole province. How can I lose here? I don't look at this kind of team at all.
No matter what kind of opponents will emerge, I will definitely not lose next week.

In Yucheng, a large house, many people gathered in the house. Everyone's face was a
little dull and anxious. It seemed that something was pressing on their minds.

"Be sure to find that person, the one who has a beautiful beauty." At this time,
one person spoke, and it was Yang Qi, the team leader of Yandang Mountain. Play
with us once, this time you must not lose. "

The match in Yandang Mountain just ended with Yang Qi's fiasco. This is Yang Qi's
absolutely unacceptable. Therefore, at the end, he said that there are people who
are more powerful than him, and asked the Sunfire to try again next week. Yang Qi
originally thought that the group of Sunfire would not accept it. Who knows? They
actually accepted it.

In this case, Yang Qi must definitely use this opportunity to make a comeback next
week. Naturally, there was only one person who could make a comeback, that is, the
beautiful Sangrui who easily surpassed them all in Yandang Mountain that day.

So in any case, you must find him.

"Yeah, yes, I heard that the Mog of the Sunfire has swept across the province. Our
Yandang Mountain is the last place. If we lose again here, Mog is really invincible
in the province. I am afraid we will The Yandangshan team will become the biggest
background and the biggest joke, so we really can't lose. "

On the other hand, everyone in the audience is from the Yandangshan team. If they
lose, it will be the biggest background of Mog's invincible record. In that case,
it will really become a joke, and everyone will not. Willing to be a joke.

"Is that the person who can open the US Sang Rui surely win?" At this moment, one
person suddenly asked, this person did not go to Yandang Mountain to train that
day, and has not seen the strength of the US Sang Rui, so he asked. Road. He was
weird because judging by the performance of the Sun Fire Mog today, he has not lost
to the professional level.

However, when everyone mentioned Mei Sangrui, they all had the respect and
confidence in their faces. It seemed that as long as they found Mei Sangrui, they
would definitely win.

It's just a Mei Sang Rui. Is it really so powerful?

"of course."

Everyone agrees!

"Wang Hao, you didn't go that day. If you go, you will know how ridiculous your
question is."

"The sun fire is really powerful, and Mog's strength has indeed reached the
professional level, but if it is the Mei San Rui, then there is absolutely no

"Missang Rui can definitely win, there is no doubt about this."

The crowds started talking, and they still had a look of confidence. Looking at
them, Wang Hao was even more interested in the Meisangrui among the people.

"Okay." At this time, Yang Qi said again, "So the focus of our team these days is
to find that Mei San Rui."

"But how do you find it? We are so big in Yucheng, and this kind of car like Mei
Sangrui is too common. It may be difficult to find it." Another said.

When he heard what he said, everyone else was silently thinking about it. A car
like Meisangrui is probably the most common car. If you want to find such a car in
the big city of Yucheng, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

"It's not easy, but it's not like there is no way." Yang Qi said, "Although the Mei
San Rui is just an ordinary car, the driver who drives that car is definitely not
easy. From the performance of the car he showed that day , Must be a master of
driving skills, and not ordinary, according to my estimation, that driver is likely
to be a former professional driver, and is a very high ranking professional driver.

Yang Qi continued: "I think it should be around 30 years old. People in this age
group have enough energy and good enough car skills, and their status should be a
professional driver. Only professional drivers have such skills. . So what we have
to investigate next is to find out if there are retired drivers in our city in
their thirties. If there is one, I think it must be that person. "

"Well, that makes sense."

"It's true. It should be a retired driver in his thirties."

"Okay, just look for it."

Everyone nodded and thought Yang Qi was right.

"Ah, that's it, that's the car, that's the driver."

At this moment, there was an amazing cry in another room, and then a person ran
over with a mobile phone: "Large, everyone, let's take a look. The Mei Sangrui we
met that day came to the news. It's in our local news in Yucheng. "


After hearing what he said, UU read the book www. uukanshu.com immediately crowded
around, there was a news directly on the phone, and there was a picture on the
news, with a black Meisang Rui in the picture, the license plate is exactly the
same as that of Meisang Rui.

The crowd reacted at once: "It's it, that's it, this is the car, and the ghost
vehicle that day is this car."


While everyone was yelling, the other spoke again, as if something terrifying had
been discovered.

"Write in the news, write this, the driver of this car is a ride-hailing driver,
only 22 years old, and just graduated from college."


Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Twenty-two years old!

Online car driver!

How is this possible!

Chapter FTLS 12: invite

Chen Ze looked at the man sitting next to him, and looked at the two people sitting
in the back row, feeling strange.

The three men have been staring at him silently since they hit his car, especially
Chen Ze, who likes to stare at his hands and feet, feels a little hairy.

"What are these three people, is it foot fetish? No, I haven't heard of such a
pervert recently."

Chen Ze thought to himself, how he felt his luck today, how he met the three of
them. At this moment the only thought in his mind was to drive quickly and send
these three people to their destination early.

"Hello, may I ask if you drove down this car from Yandang Mountain this Monday." At
this moment, the man above the co-driver's seat suddenly spoke.
"Monday?" Chen Ze froze.

"Yes, Monday." The man nodded.

Chen Ze recalled that he did go to Yandang Mountain on Monday. It was the day he
picked up the pregnant woman and got off the bus.

"Yes, I've been there, in the morning." Chen Ze said, he was a little weird,
wondering what these people were asking about this.

And these three people, after hearing Chen Ze's words, immediately became excited,
with a smile on his face, looking at Chen Ze's eyes became hotter, which made Chen
Ze's hair more and more hairy.

When Chen Ze thought what the three men were going to do, he suddenly heard the man
above the co-pilot say, "It's so kind of you, we have been looking for you for a
long time."

"Looking for me?" At this moment, Chen Ze was completely blinded.

"Oh, that's it." Seeing Chen Ze's expression of doubt on his face, the man quickly
explained. "My name is Yang Qi, and I'm the captain of the Yandangshan team. The
team happened to practice in Yandangshan that day. I've met with you, I don't know
if you remember it. "

It turned out that this man was Yang Qi. After knowing Chen Ze's identity last
night, he couldn't help it, and immediately brought two people from the convoy to
Chen Ze for the first time today.

Although they didn't know Chen Ze, they knew the approximate location of Chen Ze's
usual driving from the news last night, and then waited here for a long time before
finally getting on Chen Ze's car. Therefore, Chen Ze began to observe as soon as he
came up, just to see how Chen Ze controlled his vehicle.

"Oh, it seems to be the case."

Chen Ze nodded, he did remember that he seemed to overtake a lot of cars that day,
and those cars seemed to be quite fast. But he was in a hurry to send the pregnant
woman, so he didn't care much.

After hearing Chen Ze's words, the expressions on the faces of the three men became
even more excited. Yang Qi said, "Yes, after we saw your car skills that day, I
think your car skills are very good. Next Friday evening at eight We have a game
that cannot be lost, at the top of Yandang Mountain, but the opponent is really too
strong, so I hope you can participate in this race on behalf of our team and win. "

In fact, on this car, Yang Qi didn't see how good Chen Ze's car skills were. He
even thought it was impermanent, but he knew that many masters were very low-key.
The person in front of him might be such a person, so it was immediately Speak out
his invitation.

"Don't go." Who knew that Chen Ze immediately refused.

"What?" Yang Qi and the other two froze when he heard Chen Ze's words, and then
anxiously said, "Why don't you go, Mr. Chen Ze? Is it something that day?"

"No, but I don't like races." Chen Ze shook his head. He knew that this kind of
drag racing was dangerous, especially this amateur mountain road drag racing, and
even a race that would cause a car accident if it was not done well.

However, this is not the biggest reason for his refusal. The biggest reason is that
the time for the car **** to possess skills has run out. Now he is the most
ordinary driver. He has no superb car skills at all, and it is also a waste to go.

Although the lottery can still be continued, the popularity of the next lottery
will reach one hundred, and the current popularity is far from one hundred.

After the news broadcast last night, Chen Ze's popularity has indeed improved, but
Chen Ze's depressing discovery did not increase much, it only increased from a
dozen to more than 40, and it was still far from a hundred.

He glanced over the news and found that only local news sites covered him, the
other two did not report at all, and the coverage of the report was very small.

Originally, this local news site did not even have 100 people's traffic a day. With
such a small page, not many people noticed Chen Ze at all.

Therefore, the increase in popularity has greatly exceeded Chen Ze's expectations.
By this morning, Chen Ze found that the popularity had only reached more than forty
and close to fifty. The next draw was still a bit far in the future.

So in order not to let them down, Chen Ze rejected them.

"Here, Mr. Chen Ze, you don't have to think about it again. This race is really
important to us. Our Yandangshan team must not lose. If you shot it, I think we can
win it." The last opening was also trying to persuade Chen Ze.

"Sorry, I really do." Chen Ze still shook his head and was about to say something,
and suddenly heard a word from them: "This time we and the other team's stakes are
20,000 yuan, as long as you can Win, those 20,000 yuan are yours, plus 10,000 yuan
we compensate you for, a total of 30,000 yuan. "

"How much?" Chen Ze froze.

"Three thousand yuan." The three said in unison. "As long as you can win, the
reward for this game is thirty thousand yuan."

In the evening, Chen Ze's room was inside.

After taking a bath, Chen Ze lay on the bed and kept saying, "Thirty thousand yuan,
thirty thousand yuan, unfortunately, it is a pity."

He was still thinking about the three people he met in the morning, not to mention
that the 30,000 yuan was really very attractive to the current Chen Ze, after all,
he was poor.

However, in the end Chen Ze refused them. Chen Ze knew that he could not win.
However, the three people did not seem to give up, and told Chen Ze before getting
off the bus. If they changed their minds and called them, they would always wait
for Chen Ze.

Therefore, Chen Ze still regretted it, and thought that if there were 20 minutes
left, no, it would be 15 minutes for the car **** to possess it, and he could earn
30,000 yuan. UC Reading www.uukanshu.com

Now watching these 30,000 pieces fly away from the front, heartache, this is really
heartbreaking for Chen Ze, who does not pick up money when he goes out and loses

He was lying on the bed, and suddenly thought of another possibility: "It looks
like not only money, I can increase the popularity by giving it away. If I win this
game, it will certainly increase the popularity."

Thinking of this, Chen Ze's heart was even more painful, and he finally found a new
method to increase popularity, but there was no way to implement it.

Heartbreaking, he opened the system and wanted to see how much the current
popularity value was. It was more than forty in the morning. Although the news had
passed a day, it should be fifty now.

As a result, after opening, it unexpectedly exceeded his expectation, and it has

already reached sixty-five. The stamina is somewhat sufficient, and the growth rate
is far above his expectation.

"It's okay to think of stamina, and this day has increased nearly 20 popularity."
Chen Ze thought to himself, "No, only Saturday today, the popularity has reached
sixty-five, that game is next Friday. Engage Not good, maybe it can slowly rise to
a hundred before then, so that we can draw a lottery again. There is something
going on in this competition. "

Chapter FTLS 13: Eye-catching

In the next few days, the popularity of Chen Ze's system continued to rise.
Although the rate of increase was getting slower and slower, it was getting closer
to one hundred. According to this increase, it is indeed possible that it will be
on Friday. Time reaches one hundred.

At the same time, the news that the Sun Train team's Mog will fight Yandang
Mountain finally spread in the driver circle.

The Sun Train team is the first team in the province because it is supported by the
real professional team Sunfire. Moreover, both the size and the driver's technology
are far from comparable with other amateur teams. In addition, Mog can currently be
said to be Sunfire's most famous team members have real professional-level

Therefore, the province itself is very concerned about him. After seeing him
sweeping other downhills in the province before, he was convinced by Moge one by
one, thinking that Moge should be the first in the province's amateur competition.

This time, Yandang Mountain is the last battle that Moge swept the province. Last
Friday ’s game was too sudden. Many people did n’t even get the news. After knowing
that the game actually started, they all regretted it. It's a pity to miss this
Mog's final battle.

But now, everyone suddenly heard the news, Mo Ge actually wanted to fight Yandang
Mountain again, and heard that he was going to compete with Yandang Mountain's real
downhill first.

After hearing the news, the driver circle was boiling.

"Unexpectedly, Mog had to fight against Yandang Mountain's team again, didn't he
say that he was their best driver last week? Why did this suddenly come downhill
again, who is this person?"

"Regardless of who he is, I missed the game last week. I will not miss it this
time. I heard that it was an 8 o'clock game on Friday evening. I have to check it
out this time."

"I'm going, too. If Mog also wins this time, he can finish the feat of sweeping the
whole province. This has never been done by anyone in the past. I must watch him
finish it at the scene."

"Must go. Although I don't know who is the first on the downhill of Yandang
Mountain, I don't think it will be Mog's opponent. The only people who can defeat
Mog are professional drivers. This time I will also go. Look at Mog's last battle.

Everyone in the province's driver circle has said that everyone is completely
interested in this Friday's race. Although everyone is not near Yandang Mountain,
it is not too far from Yandang Mountain, and everyone has a car. Therefore, one by
one intends to go to see this game on Friday and see Mog's last battle.

The news spread like this, and it was thoroughly spread in the driver circle. This
race can be said to have attracted much attention.

Soon, it will be Friday.

From the day it started to dark, a steady stream of vehicles with foreign license
plates drove into Yandang Mountain, then stopped at Yandang Mountain, and the
people who got off the vehicle occupied the top, bottom or corner of the mountain.

There is still an hour before the start of the game. Every corner of Yandang
Mountain is full of people. Everyone has a look of expectation and excitement on
his face.

"Ah, ah, I'm looking forward to it. What kind of game will it be tonight? Who do
you think will win tonight? Mog, or that Yandang Mountain downhill first?"

"Of course it is Mog. He is the first driver of Sunfire, and his strength has
reached the professional level, which is not comparable to that of ordinary amateur

"That is, this Yandangshan team is not very famous in the province. I heard that
there are no strong drivers in the team and it is impossible to win Moge."

"The Yandangshan team cannot win. Today is the last battle. After winning this
battle, Mog's journey is perfect. How could he lose here?"

Everyone spoke, everyone thought that the winner was Mog.

Hum! !! !! !! !!

At this moment, a booming engine sound came from a distance, everyone quickly
looked towards the distance, and saw a red sports car lead, a row of vehicles
approached the mountain road in order.

"Here it is, the Sun Train. Mog's car is first."

"It is indeed the Sun Train team. It is really luxurious and elegant."

"Mogg ’s 100km acceleration takes only 29 seconds, a powerful full-time four-wheel

drive system, 6 twin-turbos and 6-speed dual-clutch gearboxes. It is known as a
sports car among sports cars. This year, it created 7 The lap time of 38 seconds
shocked the entire supercar class. With such a weapon and Mog's strength, I really
can't imagine that he could lose. "

After seeing Mog and the other members of Sunfire, everyone said, one of them even
talked about the current performance of Mog. After hearing his introduction,
everyone else was stunned, and it felt that Mog was simply too powerful. How did
Yandang Mountain's so-called downhill first win?

Just as everyone was talking, the team led by Mogg even started to perform,
constantly accelerating, and then one by one began to drift when they were about to
make a turn, but unlike the drift everyone imagined on the scene, their drift was
very Close to the edge of the cliff, where most people are afraid to approach.

And the leading Mog, almost drifted along the cliff.

Seeing this scene, everyone was completely stunned.

"Here, the strength of this solar train team is too great, I am afraid that
everyone in this is not an opponent."

"It's horrible, especially the front Mog, who accidentally rushed straight down. He
was able to drift along all the way, just to control the control of the car to the

"Invincible, it is invincible."

Everyone said, the word invincible appeared to everyone's mind.

In the Mog car, UU reading www.uukanashhu.com was different from everyone's

expression of excitement and excitement. Mog's face was calm as if to shock these
people's car skills.

"Mo Ge, there is still one hour to go before the race. You can see if you will run
for a while. You will run this mountain road in Yandang Mountain once last week.
You are not familiar with this mountain road. I think you have to run at least a
little more. "

At this moment, the intercom in Mog's car came with such a sentence.

"No need, although this Yandangshan mountain road is very dangerous, it is not
difficult for me." Moge said, "Besides, you have seen the strength of the
Yandangshan team last week. There is no threat to it. It ’s not necessary for my
driver to spend this energy. Do you think this opponent can threaten me today? "

"No, but, then, that's okay." The walkie-talkie was hesitant, he seemed to want to
say something, but in the end said nothing.

Mog did not seem to take his words to heart at all, and seemed to think of
something exciting, and said to the walkie-talkie: "Everyone, after winning the
game today, we will immediately return to the team. Then the captain's position is
me Yes. "

Chapter FTLS 14: I rely on, Mei Sang Rui!

"Boss, did Chen Ze really agree to come? Why haven't you arrived yet?"

On the top of the mountain, Yang Qi and his party have already come here, watching
that there is less than an hour left from the game, but Chen Ze has not yet made an
appearance, and some people muttered involuntarily.
"He called yesterday and said he would come over. In that case, I think he will
definitely come. The reason why he hasn't come yet, I think it may be because of
something else." Yang Qi said.

After hearing their words, everyone nodded, and all hopes were pinned on Chen Ze
today. Yang Qi had no other choice but to look forward to the appearance of Chen

Hum! !! !! !! !!

At this moment, the sound of a roaring engine rang from under the mountain, and
when everyone heard Yang Qi's face changed, they knew it was Mog and they came.

Sure enough, in their thinking, a red car started, and a row of cars drove over.
The momentum was so arrogant that it stopped until they were in front of Yang Qi,
and then a man with a pigtail walked out of the car. When he came out, he said
arrogantly, "Is that Yandang Mountain downhill first?"

"What? Why are there so many people today?"

Inside the black Mei Sang Rui, Chen Ze murmured to himself, he was running on the
mountain road of Yandang Mountain, but at this moment the situation of Yandang
Mountain scared him, and Yandang Mountain, which was usually nobody, was actually
now Every intersection was full of people, and there were at least a hundred cars
parked under the mountain, which was scary.

"Why are there so many people? Wouldn't they all come to watch the game? There are
so many people paying attention to this game?" Chen Ze thought to himself, he found
that he seemed to underestimate the game, or more accurately, he There is no
concept at all about this competition, who it is, how it is compared, what car the
opponent is, and how his opponent's car skills are unknown.

However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that his
popularity has not broken through one hundred so far.

That's right, although it's been another week or so, the increase in popularity has
weakened in the last few days, and the delay has not reached 100. So far, the
popularity has actually stuck at 99.

This is why Chen Ze will be so late. He originally wanted to wait until the
popularity reached 100 and took the second skill. Then, after 4 pm today, the
popularity would not rise and he was stuck. Ninety-nine, Chen Ze has waited till
now and still hasn't broken through one hundred, there is no way, he had to come

As for popularity and the second skill, he hopes to be able to start drawing before
the game or after the game starts.

"I hope it's too late." Chen Ze thought to himself, if there was no way to draw the
second time, he knew he would not win today.

While thinking about it, Chen Ze drove towards the top of Yandang Mountain while
driving. On the way he also called Yang Qi and told him he was about to arrive.

But on the road, his car was a bit eye-catching, and many people noticed it. After
all, tonight's party of drivers, and these drivers' cars are relatively good, Chen
Ze, this beautiful Sang Rui, is particularly prominent.
"Which team is this? How can Mesano be? Can this car be a driver?"

"Yeah, this isn't a ridiculous laugh. Which team even accepts such broken cars."

"Maybe it's passing. Whoever drives this kind of car must be passing by."

Some people whispered while watching Chen Ze's car, and quite despised Chen Ze's

However, just after Chen Ze's car passed by, a message suddenly came from the
mountain: "The car that competed with Mogg arrived and just passed here."

"No, I haven't seen any luxury cars passing by."

"Yeah, don't say what a luxury car is, there are no better modified cars."

"Yeah, just a Mei Sang Rui passing by."

The crowd choked, all of a sudden all of them reacted, and an unbelievable thought
emerged in their hearts: "No, not that Mesang Rui is the car tonight."

At the top of the mountain, less than ten minutes from the start of the game, Yang
Qi had been watching the mountain road, looking forward to the appearance of Chen
Ze. All of them had their hearts in their throats just now. I wonder if Chen Ze
would show up. But finally received a call from Chen Ze, and Chen Ze told them that
he had come, which made them relieved, and instead looked forward to the appearance
of Chen Ze.

Standing next to Yang Qi, they all looked down at the mountain, and they also knew
that the opponents tonight's match were coming.

"Who will be the first person on the downhill **** of Yandang Mountain and what
kind of car will it drive? I am looking forward to it." Looking down the mountain,
Moge said, but his eyes were full of self-confidence.

The other members of the Sun Train team were also very curious, and they wanted to
know what kind of car that made these guys in Yandang Mountain dare to compete with

In the eyes of a lot of people, a black car turned on with the lights on.

"Are you here?" After seeing the far shadow of this car, all members of the Sunfire
spoke immediately, reacted, and felt that it was a car competing with Mogg.

But soon they overthrew the idea in their minds, because the vehicle they saw was
just a Meisangrui.

"No, just Mei Sangrui. It should be a passing car."

"Yes, it can't be this car, and it can't be Mesang Rui anymore."

"This must not be, who would be stupid enough to race with a car like Mesano."

The members of Sunfire started to speak, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com exhausted

their previous imagination, but all of a sudden they froze because they saw the
group of Yandangshan team facing the beauty Sang Rui greeted him, still shouting
something in his mouth.

Seeing the actions of these people, everyone in the Solar Train team immediately
responded: "I rely on it, it's impossible, it's really Meisangrui."

Moge's face was also the color of iron and blue, and he had no idea that it would
be a Meisangrui.

At the foot of the mountain, the news of a Mei Sang Rui competing with Moge was
immediately spread, and the entire Yandang Mountain was a sensation.

"Just kidding, with Messantridge and Mogby, and Mog's, isn't this killing?"

"What is Yandangshan team playing now? It's just that Mesang Rui's broken car came
to Mogby. Isn't this a joke?"

"Okay, well, tonight it's white, and Mei Sangrui, Moge is just a spike, there will
be no suspense."

"I'm still suspicious, I think it's going to be rolling all the way this time, and
Mogg is at least half the distance of Sanme.

Chapter FTLS 15: 99

"Chen Ze, the race tonight is a racing race. Whoever reaches the bottom of the
mountain first wins, and the one stopping there is your opponent."

On the mountain road, Yang Qi and they stood outside Chen Zeche and spoke to Chen
Ze, who was sitting inside.

"He, he is strong, but you are stronger." Later, Yang Qi added with some

After hearing their words, Chen Ze nodded, and then looked at the red, fiery red
color, and the wind-like shape, and at a glance it was definitely not an ordinary

Just through this car, Chen Ze can feel the momentum of his opponent tonight.

"Opposite is a car. I drove a Meisangrui. Isn't that a shame on him?"

Chen Ze murmured to himself, although he didn't know who was on the opposite side,
but he could know from this car that it was not ordinary people, plus the crowd of
so many people on the mountain road, let alone Chen Ze was not a fool, even a fool
should Knowing that the opponent is definitely not an ordinary person, obviously I
am afraid that he is a very famous driver.

To deal with such a driver, he actually drove a Meisangrui over, Chen Ze looked at
the Mogs in front of them, and felt that it was really furious to change to

Mog's members of the Sun Train team did exactly what Chen Ze thought, and they were
really going to explode.

"What does this Yandangshan team mean? They can't drive us, so do we have a Mesang
Rui to humiliate us?"

"Yeah, it's a shame, Mei Sangrui, what a joke, Mo Ge, I suggest you don't continue
tonight's game."

"It's actually a beautiful San Rui. The person who drives that Mei San Rui also
looks very young. Whether or not he is 20 years old is a problem. I actually use
this kind of person to compare with Mo Ge. I also recommend Mo Ge. Don't compare. "
"A beautiful San Rui also claims to be No. 1 on the downhill of Yandang Mountain,
which is just a joke on purpose. Not to mention Mo Ge you, even if our team is
alone, we can definitely kill him."

When he heard the words of the crowd, Moge said nothing. He looked up at Chen
Zemei's Mei Sangrui, looking calm, and then said, "Either Mei Sangrui or other
cars, I will not put it in anyway. In my eyes, my goal today is not that car at
all, no matter whether the driver is driving Mei Mei Sang Rui or driving millions
of luxury cars, it has no meaning to me, he is not in my eyes at all. You Remember
my goal is to win tonight and go back to take the captain's position, so it doesn't
matter what car is opposite. "

After hearing Mog's words, the crowd was silent for a while. They knew that Mog was
telling the truth, but they still felt a little bit embarrassed. The opposite side
actually used Mesang Rui as their opponent, and they really felt a little
humiliating to them.

"Mo Ge, you are right. It doesn't matter which car is opposite, it is impossible to
win us." Finally, everyone said.

"Um." Mog nodded, and then said, "When is it? Can we start the game?"

"Two minutes before the game." One person looked at the time.

After hearing what he said, Mog sat back in the car. At the moment, his car was
standing side by side with Chen Ze's Mei Sangrui, on the same starting line.

After seeing him, Chen Ze wanted to say hello to him, but he did n’t speak yet, but
he heard Moge say, “You do n’t need to say hello to me or introduce yourself.
Anyway, we wo n’t meet again after tonight. Yes, you have no chance of winning this
game. "

"So crazy?"

Hearing what he said, Chen Ze froze, but did not expect to hear such a word. This
person is really not ordinary.

"Well, there are less than thirty seconds to play. Please prepare for both."

At this moment, another sound was heard, and Chen Ze quickly sat up and was ready
to start the game.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, start!" Fat shouted,
with the first two words, Chen Ze and Moge stepped on the throttle at the same

Hum! !! !! !! !!

I have to say that it is really a sports car in a sports car. Like a shell, it
rushed out in an instant, and the acceleration was more than three times that of
Chen Ze. Suddenly, Chen Ze fell behind, and the distance began to widen.

"it is good!"

Seeing this, all members of Sunfire's convoy yelled excitedly:

"Mugo, come on, let that Mei San Rui know that we are great."
"A Mei Sang Rui wanted to compete with us, and Mo Ge gave him some colors to see."

"Mugo come on, let everyone know how great our Sun Train team is."

Everyone said, but Yang Qi's face was even worse. They had expected that the
beginning was definitely backward, because after all, Mei Sangrui couldn't compare.
But when he got to the detour, it was Chen Ze's world.

"Three corners. From the perspective of how Chen Ze ran with us that day, he only
needs three corners to pass Mo Ge and then shake him off."

"I also think that Mog will soon know how powerful Chen Ze is."

"The crowd of the sun is so crazy, I see how they cry."

Yang Qi spoke, full of confidence in Chen Ze.

Soon, the feedback of the first corner of the game came back: "Mo Ge, we Mo Ge is
ahead, the speed has exceeded one hundred yards, Mei San Rui, that Mei San Rui is
very slow, and the speed is about sixty Right and left, Mo Ge has begun to open the
gap. "


Hearing this first feedback, Sunfire's team was even more excited, and Yang Qi was
completely stunned, totally unaware of what was going on, how could it be so slow.

"Maybe, maybe Chen Ze has his own tactics. Yes, it must be." Yang Qi said finally.

Not long after, the feedback from the second corner also came back: "It's still Mo
Ge leading, he's so fast, it's really our No. 1 driver in the Sunfire, it's too
great. It's the Mei Sangrui, it's just like that The car is average, the speed is
still sixty, and it is already far behind Mo Ge. "

The third corner also reported back: "It's still Mo Ge that leads, Mo Ge has
determined the absolute lead, and Mei San Rui's performance is still not as good as
a car."

"what happened?"

After listening to the feedback from these three corners, Yang Qi looked at each
other and held each other completely. Originally thought that up to three corners
could completely lead Mog, but the opposite is true now.

what on earth is it? How can this be?

Yang Qi, they couldn't figure it out. No one could communicate.

"Hahaha, I knew it would be the case. It was you who deliberately sought to
humiliate us, and I told you that your idea was wrong."

"That is, a Mei Sangrui wants to compete with Mo Ge, it is just a delusion, this
game has no suspense from the beginning."

"It's ridiculous that Yandang Mountain finally invited you out to be a beautiful
Sang Rui. I see that after this fiasco defeat, what other faces do you have in the
driver circle?"

The members of the Solar Train team laughed at Yang Qi. After listening to their
words, Yang Qi would be furious, but there was no rebuttal, because they did not
know what happened to Chen Ze. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com

On the Yandangshan Mountain Road, Moge ran all the way, passed four corners at high
speed in a row, and then said to the intercom inside the car: "What is the current
situation? How far is the Mesang Rui behind me?"

"Mr. You have been 35 seconds ahead of him. If you continue to develop this
situation, you will be at least half the time." There was a word from the intercom.

"Thirty-five seconds? Half the time? Haha, as expected, this match really didn't
have any suspense. The Mei Sang Rui was really useless." Moge laughed, in his
heart. It's very easy, and it's a bit slower.

Now that he can ensure victory, Moog feels that there is no need to go all out.

But at the moment Mei Sang Rui in the back, Chen Ze was sweating.

He had already guessed that his opponent was very strong, but he didn't expect it
to be so strong, and the blink of an eye was completely gone: "No, if you want to
win, you must rely on the second skill."

Thinking about this, Chen Ze opened the popularity of the system again, still
staying at 99!

Chapter FTLS 16: 100

"Very strong, really strong. Who is the opponent in front of you?"

On the mountain road, inside Mei Sangrui's car, Chen Ze controlled the car with
sweat, thinking of his opponent. He had already guessed that his opponent was very
strong, but after this contact he found that he was so strong, much stronger than
the fugitive he had encountered the previous two days. After just one corner, he
had been completely shaken away.

However, Chen Ze didn't have any thoughts at this moment to think more about the
opponent's affairs. He put all his mind on controlling the vehicle. Yandang
Mountain Road is too dangerous. Now it is night, it is naturally more difficult to

Rao is that Chen Ze has invested all his energy, but still can barely control the
vehicle at 60 yards, or in a straight line, and must decelerate when encountering
detours. This is also the result of the improvement of car skills after he
experienced the possession of the car god.

If he was before he got this system, I'm afraid he won't be able to maintain even
sixty yards.

"No, if you want to win him, you must draw a second skill."

Chen Ze thought to himself that he knew it was the only possibility to win.

So after running straight again, he immediately opened the system in his mind and
checked it again. The popularity was still ninety-nine.

"System, how popular is still ninety-nine, this afternoon has not risen at all,
this is impossible."

Chen Ze shouted anxiously that the system is artificial intelligence. Usually Chen
Ze doesn't talk to the system very much, but now it is different. Chen Ze must
figure out what is going on.

The popularity has risen to ninety-nine this afternoon, and for several hours, it
has not moved at all. It is only a little bit away from the lottery, that is, the
last bit, but it is not reached. It really makes Chen Ze very much. Anxious.

"Popularity stays on a statistic indicating that your popularity has not increased
in the past few hours. If there is an increase, then the popularity will increase."

A frosty, mechanical sound rang in Chen Ze's mind.

"It's impossible that it hasn't increased. Did my report last week have lapsed?"
Chen Ze asked.

"It's not that there is no increase at all. There is a decimal point after the
popularity value. The decimal point shows that your popularity value is still
increasing, but it is increasing very slowly, so it has not reached one hundred."
The system said again.

"How long will it take to reach a hundred?" Chen Ze said.

"It is estimated that it takes at least one person to reach one hundred. If you
want to draw, please increase at least one person."

Hearing this, Chen Ze was a little silent, now he is driving, where to go to

increase popularity.

But if there is no popularity, then this time you lose.

For a while, the situation became extremely detrimental to Chen Ze.

"Is this where they play tonight? There are so many people in an amateur game, it's
really lively."

Below Yandang Mountain, a police car drove over. After stopping at the end, several
policemen came down, one of them watching the crowd around him.

"It's annoying. It's just an amateur game. Why do we need the police to maintain
order? Besides, this should be regarded as drag racing. It's illegal." The other
police said with some complaints.

"Okay." At this moment, the police chief led by these policemen said, "This match
is reported to our public security organs, so it is not illegal. We do n’t have any
major issues when we come tonight, just keep order in secret. Let the game make any
mess. "

This police officer is a female police officer. She looks very delicate and it is
Fang Qing.

Although she said so in her mouth, Fang Qing was actually very helpless. She just
received a notice tonight that Yandang Mountain would have a match and asked her to
take some people to maintain order in secret.

Fang Qing was already off work at that time, but there was no way but to follow the
instructions of his superiors and bring a few interns.

She looked around and saw everyone around the end of the downhill ramp, so she also
said, "Let's go to the end first."
Then, she led these interns to the end. Because they are all wearing casual
clothes, the people at the end did not notice them, but talked happily about the
current situation.

"Mog is really great. I heard that he has been leading for almost a minute."

"Horrible, he won this time and swept the province. He is indeed the first driver
of Sunfire."

"It was originally that he drove a car that was almost a bit worse, not to mention
an ordinary Meisangrui. The man who opened the Meisangrui was simply overwhelmed."

Listening to everyone's words, Fang Qing gradually figured out the current
situation. It seems that the open person is leading, and it is a lot ahead. The
open person sounds very powerful.

Although Fang Qing didn't know much about racing, she knew what kind of vehicle she
was, so she was a little stunned when she heard it.

The person who competed with this car turned out to be a Meisangrui, the most
common domestically produced car.

Wait, Mei Sang Rui?

Fang Qing immediately linked the Mei Sangrui and Chen Ze's one. Wouldn't these two
cars be one car? Chen Ze, who is racing today?

Fang Qing and Chen Ze haven't met a few times and haven't seen each other since the
last date, so in fact they are not even friends. However, Chen Ze's handcart skills
and the Mei Sang Rui left a deep impression on her.

Is it true that the person who competed with the match was really Chen Ze? Is he
downwind now?

"Yes, that Mei Sang Rui seems to be Yucheng's local car."

"It's Yucheng's car. When the car passed, I specifically wrote down his license
plate number, which was 46985."

At this moment, the two people standing next to Fang Qing spoke and heard their
words, Fang Qing was certain that the lagging Meisang Rui was Chen Ze, because Fang
Qing also remembered Chen Ze's license plate number.

"Really Chen Ze, is he behind?" Fang Qing thought of looking at the rugged mountain
road in the distance.

"If you lose, this Mei Sang Rui from Yu Cheng will lose. It is impossible to win. I
think this time it was a fiasco."

"I feel the same way, it must have been a terrible defeat, but the opponent drove

The people next to them spoke again. Fang Qing couldn't bear to hear what they
said: "I think Mei Sang Rui will win, yes, Mei Sang Rui will win."

Although I met Chen Ze last week, I have also seen Chen Ze's car skills. However,
Fang Qing has always felt that Chen Ze's car skills are not too cold, which is too
But now, after hearing the sound of mocking Chen Ze around, she couldn't help but
cheer Chen Ze. UU Reading Book www. Although uukanshu.com is the opponent, she
still believes that Chen Ze will win.

He could catch such a difficult escape, how could he lose here.

In this way, among the taunting voices that Chen Ze must lose, there was only one
voice supporting Chen Ze.

What Fang Qing didn't know was that just after she said these words, Chen Ze's
system immediately received this information, and the popularity that stayed at 99
for a long time finally rose to 100.

"The popularity reached 100, and the conditions for the second draw were met. Does
the host immediately start the draw?"

Hearing the words of the system, Chen Ze froze, but unexpectedly it reached a

However, he did not think so much, but immediately chose Yes, and then started the
second draw on the draw page.


The draw started, and the skills of various drivers kept flashing on the page.
Finally, a skill stayed on the page: "Hand of the car god!"

Chapter FTLS 17: Car God's Hand

"The hand of the car **** is the hand of the car **** who holds the steering wheel,
and the hand of the car **** is equivalent to the ability of the car **** to
control the steering wheel."

Chen Ze looked at the explanation of the hand of the car **** on the skill page and
muttered to himself. After speaking, the whole person was a bit excited. The
ability of the car **** to control the steering wheel, if it is really this
ability, it is incredible.

Thinking about this, Chen Ze quickly clicked on the equipment, and immediately, the
system's voice rang again: "Hand of the car god, equipment!"

Suddenly, Chen Ze felt that the whole hands had a completely different feeling. The
steering wheel no longer felt difficult to control, but seemed to be doing an
extremely simple thing.

"That's it, this is it."

Chen Ze muttered to himself, his body shaking with excitement.

He kicked the throttle, immediately raised the speed, and rushed forward.


The speed is very fast. Before entering the next corner, the speed has been
mentioned for more than a hundred yards. Then Chen Ze started to use the hands of
the two gods to control the steering wheel and manual gear to prepare to corner at
full speed.

Chen Ze believes that with the hands of the two car gods, it is enough to ensure
full cornering.
Here! !! !! !! !! !!

Chen Ze's Mei Sangrui started drifting before entering the corner. After entering
the corner, the entire vehicle started to slip, and the whole car swayed and ran
into the cliff.

"Not good, Mei Sangrui made a mistake in the corner, and everyone will fall apart."

At this moment the cliff was full of people, watching this Mei Sangrui slam into
it, yelling one by one, and scattered away.

"what happened?"

Chen Ze thought to himself that he quickly turned the steering wheel, controlled
the car to pass dangerously and dangerously across the cliff, and barely passed the

After passing this curve, Chen Ze took a sigh of relief, and almost flew out of the
cliff just now, leaving Chen Ze's back wet directly.

"What the **** is going on? How did the car suddenly lose control just now?"

Chen Ze thought to himself that he looked at his hands and suddenly understood:
"It's the feet, the speed of the feet can't keep up, right, the speed of the feet
can't keep up. Although the hands already have the car god's Strength, but my feet
are still my own feet, so I ca n’t work well with my hands all of a sudden. ”

Chen Ze figured out the problem, which lies in the feet. Although he has the hand
of the car god, but does not have the ability to support the foot, so the car
suddenly loses control.

However, this is not a big problem. Indeed, if the ability on the feet cannot keep
up with the ability on the hand, there is really no way to exert the maximum power
of the car god's hand, but it is not that the power cannot be exerted.

As long as the ability to keep up with the feet as much as possible, then there is
no problem.

Thinking about this, Chen Ze remembered the feeling of the car **** at the time,
and the feeling and usage of the feet at that time.

When the car **** possessed his feet, he could definitely keep up with the hand of
the car god, so as long as he can remember the feeling at that time and try to get
his feet to that state, he can exert the power of the car god's hand. .

While thinking about the feeling at that time, Chen Ze slowly increased the
throttle, allowing his feet to slowly catch up with his hands.

"Yes, this is the feeling, this is the feeling."

Chen Ze murmured to himself, he finally let his feet find the feeling at that time,
then faced a corner with a small angle in front, kicked off the accelerator, and
finally started to exert the power of the car god.

The top of Yandang Mountain!

Yang Qi's face showed a worried and anxious expression on their faces, and they
were still waiting for the result of Chen Ze's game.
The original crowd was very confident in Chen Ze, but judging from the news that
has just been sent back from far away, it seems that Chen Ze has fallen far behind,
and his performance is unremarkable, even better than their team. Anyone, this made
everyone very worried.

"Relax, there will be no problem with Chen Ze. Although I don't know what he is
thinking about in front of him, he has to run like this, but as long as he shows
the strength of that day, there will be no problem."

"Yeah, I believe this person, he will be able to come back."

"Chen Ze must be fine."

Yang Qi talked one after another and encouraged each other.

"Haha, are you still daydreaming?"

Just then, there was a sudden sound next to him. The person who spoke was a member
of the Solar Train team.

"Just that Mei Sang Rui, just that driver you can still think he can come over now,
I really don't know where your confidence comes from."

"That is, that person is simply unremarkable, and driving a car like Mei Sang Rui,
how could it be Mo Ge's opponent, you are just daydreaming."

"Did you just hear the news from our walkie-talkie? The Mei Sangrui has been behind
for almost a minute, and the car just lost control at that curve, and almost rushed
out. If we can win, I Give you my car. "

"Let's just admit defeat, otherwise I'm afraid that Mei Sang Rui won't even win,
I'm afraid I won't finish the whole journey."

The members of the Solar Train team spoke. They were full of self-confidence in
Mogg, and the news that came back later also showed that Mogg had taken advantage
of it. Mei Sangrui had no chance to make a comeback, even almost rushed. Out of the

So they think they have won here, and now they hear Yang Qi they feel that they can
still make a comeback. Now they can't help it, they laugh at it and feel that they
really don't know where the confidence comes from.

After hearing what they said, Yang Qi's faces became very ugly, and they wanted to
refute what they said. But before the words were spoken, the members of the Sunfire
laughed: "Okay, since you are not convinced, let you listen to the performance of
your Mei Sangrui next turn."

He turned on the walkie-talkie and said, "Missang Rui introduces us to the next
corner. The sound is louder."

"Okay." The intercom said, it didn't take long, and the intercom spoke again. "Come
here, it's fast, Meisang Rui is fast, the speed has exceeded one hundred yards, no,
it should have exceeded one hundred and two. Ten yards. "


The group of people who heard the man's sun stunned, one hundred and twenty yards.
This was a speed that Chen Ze's car had never reached before.
Before waiting for them to say anything, another word came from the intercom: "Oh
my god, Mei Sang Rui entered the corner, UU reading book www.uukanshu.com did not
slow down, so fast, too fast, it will rush out No. No, I did n’t rush out, Mei
Sangrui passed, no deceleration drifted, and the speed and speed reached 132 yards.
My God, it was faster than Mo Ge just now on this curve. And the drift is even
worse. "

"What? Impossible!"

At this moment, the people who caught the fire were completely stunned, totally
unaware of what was going on. Based on their knowledge, it was impossible for the
Mesang Rui to do this step.

Just in their hair, the intercom rang again, and several corners began to report:

"Missang Rui is too fast. Is this still Miansang Rui? The speed of turning is so
fast that it is hard to imagine."

"My corner is faster than Mogren. Is this car really Meisang Rui? How could Meisang
Rui be so fast?"

"Closed up. This car is closer to Mogg."

Hearing these words, the members of Sunfire could not speak at all, and Yang Qi
looked at each other and saw the excitement on the opposite side. They knew that
the competition had just begun.

Chapter FTLS 18: Surpass

On Yandang Mountain Road, Moge's car ran on it, and it was almost approaching the
last section.

Mog in the car was relaxed, and even lit a cigarette and smoked.

He thought Yang Qi's statement last week that even if it wasn't a hard fight today,
it would take a lot of trouble. As a result, who knows how easy it is, even less
than last week's intensity.

"It's weird. This Yandangshan team has a problem in its head. What's the first
thing to go down the slope? The result is such a parallel import with Meisangrui,
ridiculous, really ridiculous.

Moog shook his head and took a cigarette. He is in a good mood now. After winning
this game, he will go back to press the palace. Now his attention is no longer on
this game, but he wants to hear that his captain will hear it after going back. His
record, what kind of appearance will he see him.

"After the Yangtze River pushed forward, it should be my captain." Moge laughed.

Hum! !! !! !!

Here! !! !! !!

Suddenly there was a violent sound of the engine from behind, as well as the
friction of the vehicle running at high speed and cornering.

"Huh? A car chased from behind?"

Hearing this voice, Mog suddenly responded.

"What car? Will it be the Mesang Rui? No, although my speed has slowed down a lot,
but definitely not the Mesang Rui can catch up. So if it is not Mesang Rui, what
other cars? "

Mog thought that he quickly looked into the rearview mirror, and as a result, a
small light spot appeared in the rearview mirror, and the light spot gradually
caught up.

Mog finally saw clearly. The car that was catching up was Mei Sanrui, the one that
raced with him.

"How could it be? How could this car catch up with me? It's impossible. How could
Mei Sangrui catch up with my car? Is it an illusion?"

Mogg was stunned and couldn't believe what was going on. But whether he believes it
or not, Chen Zemei's Mei Sangrui catches up.

"Finally caught up. This car is running too fast. If the distance is shorter or the
skill of the car **** comes later, it may not be able to catch up."

Inside Mei Sangrui, after catching up, Chen Ze took a long breath and thought to

Although the power of the car god's hand could not be maximized because of his
feet, he was able to control the car god's hand after just adapting for a while,
and he could barely let the heel get on the car. Therefore, they will catch up, and
Chen Ze is confident to surpass the past.

Thinking about it that way, he increased the throttle again, and made a humming
noise, rushing towards it.

"Regardless of whether you are hallucinating or not, even if you can catch up with
me, it's only because I care about it, and I can throw you away immediately."

Inside, Moge thought to himself that he looked at Mei Sangrui in the rearview
mirror, threw the smoke from his mouth out of the window, and then stepped on the
throttle as far as he could to run.

He feels that the reason why this Mei Sangrui catch up is because he has slowed
down because of his previous intentions. Once you get serious, you can get rid of
the car in minutes.

The horsepower is not comparable to Mesang Rui, so as soon as Mog refueled, Mesang
Rui began to fall behind and was pulled away.

Seeing that the distance started to widen again, Moog nodded with satisfaction,
feeling that everything was as he thought.

But soon, there was another very sharp curve ahead. Mog had no choice but to slow
down and drift. Otherwise, even he would be off the runway.

"This corner is really anxious, I'm sorry. But I'm not good at it. The Mei Sang Rui
behind is probably even more uncomfortable. After this corner goes out, this car
will not appear after me. Inside the sight glass. "

Mog thought to himself that he looked up at the rearview mirror, and he was
stunned. I saw that Mei Sangrui didn't know when, but he had closely followed him.
Before the turn, Mei Sangrui was further away, but she was pulled back immediately
after entering the turn.

"No way, how could this car get closer to me in the corners. Isn't his technology
better than me?"

Mog thought to himself that he was absolutely reluctant to admit this fact. The
reason why he is called the first driver in Sunfire and the reason why he wants to
be the captain is because he thinks his driving skills are the whole team, no, it
is the best among amateur drivers in the province.

But now, there is someone better than his car skills, and that person is still Kai
Mei Sang Rui.

If this can make Mogg admit it?

Many people came to watch this game. Every corner is full of people, and this
corner is no exception.

When they saw that Mei Sangrui overtook Mog's car, and even when the curve
gradually approached Mei Sangrui, all the people at the corner were shocked.

"How, how is it possible that Mei Sangrui has caught up, this is impossible."

"Not only is it catching up, but it is still getting closer to this car in the
corner. Is this Mesanoric driver's skill better than Mogg?"

"Oh my god, I can't believe it. How could someone have better car skills than Mog,
this is just dreaming."

The news immediately reached the top of the mountain, and the people on the top of
the sun and the mountains of Yandang immediately knew the news.

After learning about it, the people of Sunfire were silent. They did not expect
that it was simple, even the victory had been set before the start of the game.
Such a change happened in the game. Mei Sang Rui even caught up, and the driver
showed better technology than Mog.

On the Yandang Mountain team, after hearing the news, Yang Qi also looked at each
other, and both saw surprise and joy in each other's eyes.

Although they were very confident in Chen Ze before the game, Chen Ze fell behind
so much at the beginning of the game, which made them all desperate. Now they are
going to make a Jedi comeback. Even the big ups and downs are not theirs.

On the mountain road, after Chen Ze approached Mog, several more corners were
passed. Each corner of Chen Ze was continuously approaching, and each straight line
began to fall behind, but in general, it was constantly approaching. Mog's car.

All of this stunned the audience on the curve, and Mog was sweating and felt the
pressure never before.

Although he was very reluctant to admit it, he still had to admit that the driver
behind the Meisangrui was better than him. Looking at the current situation, I am
afraid he will lose. To be surpassed, it should be on the next corner.

"What a joke, I'm Mog, Sunfire's number one driver, and Mog, the next captain, how
can I lose here, to a Meisang Rui, to a completely unknown driver."
Inside, Moge screamed angrily, and there was another curve in front of him, but he
raised the throttle and pressed against the inner circle to shake Chen Ze off the

"Is Mog crazy? With such a fast turning speed, even he can't get out of the

"Yeah, he's just crazy. It's impossible to get out of the curve at this speed.
We'll get out of the way quickly."

"Why is Mog losing his mind, and he is accelerating here, crazy, really crazy?"

After seeing Mogg ’s car speeding up, the audience of this corner was shocked, and
then they all hurried away from the corner one by one. They knew that at this
speed, even Mogg would definitely not be able to make a smooth turn.

Chen Ze also noticed Moge's movements, and he also speeded up. Although Mog
couldn't make a turn at such a fast speed, he had no problem.

However, just after entering the corner, Chen Ze watched Moge cling to the car
turning inward. UU reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly remembered something, his face
changed a bit: "No, this corner There is a large pit in front of the inner circle.
At Mog's speed, the car will definitely lose control. How could he accelerate here,
does he not know that there is a pit in front? "

Thinking about it this way, Chen Ze quickly reduced his speed.

As soon as he slowed down, Moog's car groaned, and as expected, Chen drove into the
big pit, and then the entire car quickly lost control.

"Ah, why, how can there be pits here, it is impossible, I didn't see it here when I
came here last time."

Inside, Mogg shouted as he controlled the steering wheel.

He did not carefully investigate the mountain road of Yandang Mountain, so he was
not prepared for this big pit at all.

Despite the effort to control, the car drifted towards the edge of the mountain. In
the scream of the crowd, he stopped on the guardrail, and Chen Ze controlled the
vehicle to avoid the impact of Mogg's car, surpassing him.

"It's over, Mei Sangrui is over."

Chapter FTLS 19: victory

The bottom of Yandang Mountain is full of people at the end.

Everyone was very nervous at this moment, staring closely at the intersection.

Originally they thought this game would be an overwhelming match, and Mog won no
problem in winning the final victory. But the latest news came that the Mei Sangrui
even caught up with Mog and followed closely behind Mog.

This caused everyone to be extremely surprised, and they became nervous again. They
didn't know who would win the final victory.

"Who will win this game in the end? So nervous."

Someone asked.
"Mog, of course. He swept the province. How could he lose here?"

"My opinion is Mog, Mog, but he is the number one driver of the Solar Train team,
how could he lose to a Mesano."

"It must be Mog. Mog will not lose here. Even if he is overtaken by that Sang Rui,
even if he is overtaken, he will definitely win the final victory."

Everyone said that they almost came here to watch Mogg's game, so they can be said
to be Mogg fans. Even if it's not a Mog fan, it's all his opponents, so he doesn't
want Mog to lose here, especially to a car like Mesanui.

"Come on, Chen Ze."

Aside from the crowd, Fang Qing looked at the intersection and held his hands
tightly, thinking to himself. She is not clear about the car, but she hopes that
Chen Ze will win the race tonight.

Hum! !! !! !!

Here! !! !! !! !!

Just then, there was a sound of engine and brakes from afar. This sound attracted
everyone ’s attention. Everyone looked at the place where the sound came. They knew
that the outcome of today ’s game was coming.

Soon, a bright light appeared in front of everyone, the headlights, then the black
headlights were exposed, and then the entire body appeared in front of everyone.

"Beauty, Mei Sang Rui, is Mei Sang Rui, the first to reach the end is Mei Sang

One responded the fastest and shouted loudly. His tone was full of shock and
unbelief, and he seemed totally unbelievable to believe his eyes.

After hearing his words, everyone finally saw clearly, the car that came was Mei

Mei Sang Rui is the winner today! !! !! !!

"Mei Sang Rui, it's Mei Sang Rui who won. Oh my God, Mei Sang Rui won. How could
this be?"

"Mog lost. Mog, who swept the province, the No. 1 driver of Sunfire, and has
professional-level strength, lost here."

"I can't believe it. The one who won in the end was really Mei Sang Rui, and Mei
Sang Rui actually won!"

Everyone yelled, and everyone was in a state of extreme shock.

Unlike everyone else, Fang Qing's face showed happiness and a little smug
expression after seeing Mei Sangrui: "I knew that Chen Ze could win and even I
could spit in a car, how could I lose here. "

At the moment, on the top of the mountain, the final result was also heard in the
radio of the Sun Trainer: "Mo, Mo Ge lost, the first to cross the finish line is
Mei San Rui, Mo Ge even lost to that Mei San Rui."
"Mo Ge, he lost!"

The Sunfire drivers looked at each other. Compared to Mog's fans under the
mountain, they were the ones who couldn't believe Mog lost. They were all
descendants of Mog, racing under Mog's direction.

Moog has long been regarded as an invincible driver. At least in this amateur
level, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to beat him.

Therefore, even after Chen Ze's Mei Sangrui overtook Mog, they were still
determined that Mog could win, and he could not lose in such a game.

But the result came out, Moge lost, he actually lost, he lost to a Mei Sang Rui.

Everyone was stunned, looked at each other, and saw an incredible expression in the
eyes of each other.

On the other side, Yang Qi, who heard the result, stunned first, then shouted

"Long live, we win, long live."

"Ha ha, we won, Chen Ze he won."

"Mog finally lost to us, and it really is Chen Ze that he is going to be great."

They are so happy that since the loss last week, they have built up their hearts.
After the start of the game, when they heard that Chen Ze was falling behind and it
was almost impossible to make a comeback, their gas accumulated to the extreme.

Although I heard Chen Ze catch up later, after all, the game is not over yet, and
everything is still suspicious, so not only has the enthusiasm accumulated, but
more and more.

Now that they heard Chen Ze win, they finally raised their eyebrows and exhaled.

Mog lost to Chen Ze, and he really lost to Chen Ze. Hahaha, cool, really cool!

The Yandangshan team laughed and all started thinking about where to celebrate.

And Yang Qi remembered something, and quickly turned on his mobile phone,
transferred 30,000 yuan to Chen Ze's bank card.

After today's events, Yang Qi determined that Chen Ze was definitely a master of
car skills. Even with a Mei Sang Rui, he surpassed Moge, and this strength alone is
enough to make Yang Qi want to make a good relationship with this person.

Therefore, he will now pay Chen Ze the reward of 30,000 yuan that he promised as
soon as possible.

A few hundred meters away from the end, Chen Ze parked the car there, then took out
his mobile phone while sitting in the car. The mobile phone showed that he had just
received 30,000 yuan from Yang Qi.

"This group of Yang Qi is really creditworthy. I paid 30,000 just after the game.
It's good. If there is such a game in the future, I can earn 30,000 yuan in ten
minutes. . "
Chen Ze muttered to himself, UU reading www.uukanshu.com. He is in a very good mood
now. After just running the mountain road for more than ten minutes, I even made
30,000 yuan. Although the front is a bit dangerous, since the hand of the car ****
was drawn, this danger can be ignored.

Coupled with the 100,000 arrests of the fugitives in the previous two days, there
are now 130,000. This is not bad, really good.

"I don't know how much popularity this won for a game. How many people can I watch
today? How can I get two hundred."

Chen Ze thought in his mind that in addition to paying for the competition, he
wanted to earn popularity. There are many people today, and I am afraid that if I
win, I will earn a lot of popularity, so now Chen Ze is very much looking forward
to how much this popularity can add to him.

Thinking about this, he immediately opened the popularity page of the system, and
burst into a loud laughter: "Hahaha, the popularity value has reached 238, and
there are even 238. Does that mean that I The popularity value earned at night is
138. That's good, this is really good. In this case, the number of more games will
not only make money, but also earn popularity, the most popular To two thousand. "

Thinking of this, Chen Ze laughed even louder.

Chapter FTLS 20: Shocked 4 parties

"Mog lost, Mog lost to Yandang Mountain."

"A major event happened, Mo Ge lost. He lost in Yandang Mountain. He lost to a Mei
Sang Rui."

"A Mei San Rui beat Mog, and Mog lost to a mysterious driver."

As soon as the race was over, the news that Mog lost in Yandang Mountain spread
through the province's riders through these watchers.

As the No. 1 driver of Sunfire, Mog can be said to be one of the hottest and most
famous drivers in the current driver category. Especially after sweeping the whole
province this time, countless people were convinced by him. I don't know how many
people already think that he is the first amateur driver in the province. Even if
he is the captain of the Sunfire, I am afraid he will not be his opponent. .

Therefore, no one would think that Mog would lose this time in the final battle of
Yandang Mountain. Everyone thinks that Mog has won. The difference is just how much
time it will take to finish the last battle.

So when the news of Mog's loss reached their ears, everyone was stunned.

"Mog lost? How could he have lost!"

"That's Mog, but he lost? Who is that driver in Yandang Mountain?"

"Just kidding, a Mei San Rui beat Mog's, it's impossible."

"It's impossible, it's too horrible. How is this possible, how could Mog lose to
Mei Sangrui!"

Everywhere in the province, I don't know how many people have spoken in surprise
after hearing the news, and they can't believe the news.

Mogg, who can almost be said to be No. 1 in the province, even lost in Yandang
Mountain, and his opponent was only a beautiful Sang Rui. This, this is not a

At the beginning, many people did not believe it, and thought it was a prank, but
the news spread more and more. At the later time, the situation of the whole race
was clearly transmitted. At this time, all people believed that Mog, the No. 1
driver of the Sunfire, was I really lost.

"Mog actually lost. He lost to a Mei San Rui. What kind of car is that Mei San Rui?
Who is the driver who beat Moge?"

In the end, everyone thought!

In an apartment in the provincial capital and the city center, the phone rang.

The voice of the phone was very urgent, as if there was something urgent on the
other side of the phone.

After a while, a twenty-seven-year-old man came over. Although he was at his house
and it was already midnight, he was still neatly dressed. Obviously this was a man
of strict character.

After he came over, he answered the phone: "Hey!"

"It's me, something happened." There was a rushing voice over the phone.

"What's going on?" The man started, but his voice wasn't slow or slow, as if
nothing could make him panic.

"Mog, Mog he lost. Tonight in Yandang Mountain, Mog lost, lost to the local driver
of Yandang Mountain." The phone said.

Hearing this, the man's face showed a little surprise, and his brows slightly
frowned: "Mog even lost at Yandang Mountain. I thought he would win all the games,
and then came back to challenge me. "

"But it's not surprising. Mog's technology looks good, but his character is too
arrogant. Sooner or later, he will capsize in the gutter. I just did not expect
that he would capsize faster than I thought. The man continued, his frowning
slightly stretched.

"No, not only did you lose the game, but the most important thing was that Mogger
was just an ordinary Messant Rui. But Mog lost. The defeat was completely defeated,
not at all that Messant Rui's opponent. . "The phone continued.

"What? Mei Sang Rui?"

Until then, after hearing this sentence, the man's brow finally frowned deeply:
"Then you sort out the situation of the Mogg game tonight, and then send me a
detailed copy, Mog's failure It can't be so. "

"You want? In fact, Mog loses better, after all, if he wins, he will challenge your
position." The phone end hesitated and said.

"Of course Mog loses nothing, but our Sunfire reputation cannot be ruined on a Mei
San Rui." The man said.
"What do you want?"

"I'm going to clean up the mess and win back the honor of our Solar Train team."
The man said, "So you need to write a detailed report of the situation tonight as
soon as possible. I want to see how Mog lost of."

"OK." The man across the phone was excited when he heard the man's words. Mog had
lost what he thought was nothing, and even a little excited in his heart.

But thinking of losing to a Mei Sangrui, he was a little bit aggrieved. It was just
a Mei Sang Rui, how could it lose to such a car.

So now when he heard the man clean up the mess, he was immediately excited. If this
man takes the shot, he believes that he will be able to win the honor for Mesano.

Although Mog has always claimed that his strength has surpassed this man, in fact
he knows that this man's strength is above Mog.

"Then I write overnight and I will give you a copy tomorrow, Captain!"

The man inside the phone said, the man who answered the phone turned out to be the
captain of the Sunfire.


Chen Ze and Yang Qi sat together at a restaurant's wine table, toasting together
and toasting for today's victory.

Of course, because they still have to drive, they all just drink juice.

The current dinner is organized by Yang Qi and they celebrate Chen Ze winning the
game. To be honest, Chen Ze didn't intend to come, but couldn't hold their
enthusiastic invitation, and finally came.

After talking with them, Chen Ze learned that the Yandangshan team was indeed made
up of several rich second generations, such as Yang Qi, whose home was a real
estate developer in Yucheng. But more people are not the rich second generation,
just those who are interested in cars, and then assembled into a convoy.

Different from what Chen Ze had imagined in the past, what kind of million-dollar
car fleet is different, it should be said to be an ordinary enthusiast's team.

And in addition to these, Chen Ze also understood from their conversation who the
opponent he just defeated was actually the number one driver in the province's
first team, and this driver has even reached the professional level.

"Chen Ze, your car skills are really great. You must teach us when you have time."

"That is, how did Chen Ze train your car skills? I heard you said that you have
only been a driver for less than a year. How could it be so great? Mei Sangrui, Mei
Sangrui defeated, if not I can see it with my own eyes, I can't believe it. "

"Chen Ze, just talk about your practice skills. I also want to have your car
skills. Look at your drift when you go through the corner, it's just handsome."

Putting down the wine glass, everyone said that after this battle, everyone's
admiration for Chen Ze had reached the deepest.
Hearing the words of everyone, Chen Ze smiled, and was just about to say something,
and suddenly his cell phone rang.

Chen Ze took out a look and turned out to be Fang Qing. After meeting Fang Qing
that day, the two exchanged their mobile phone numbers, but they never called.

"Sorry, I answer the phone."

Chen Zedao said, left the wine table, walked to the corridor, and then connected
the phone: "Hey?"

"I'm Fang Qing. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com" Fang Qing's voice came from the other
end of the phone.

"I know, is there anything?" Chen Zedao said.

There was no sound on the other side of the phone. Fang Qing didn't even know why
she made the call. She and Chen Ze were not very familiar, not even friends.

But after going back, she remembered the scene of Chen Ze's game, and remembered
the look of Chen Ze's Mei Sang Rui when she crossed the finish line, and she called
Chen Ze's phone.

It was a long time before she said: "Tonight you are playing in Yandang Mountain?"

"Well? How do you know?" Chen Ze said.

"I was there to perform the task, and I just saw it." Fang Qing said.

"Yeah," Chen Ze laughed.

There was no more voice on the phone. After a while, Fang Qingsaid again, "I heard
that you won, and you won a small opponent, congratulations!"

Chapter FTLS 21: filming

"The current popularity value is 339!"

On the car, Chen Ze turned over his current popularity after sending the next

The current popularity value is not bad. After one night last night, his popularity
value has actually increased by more than one hundred, and now it has reached more
than three hundred.

"It looks like the news that I defeated Mog yesterday came out, so that's why the
popularity has increased so much."

Chen Ze thought to himself that after Yang Qi's introduction last night, Chen Ze
realized that the person he won was so powerful and so famous. So today, when I saw
so much increase, I immediately understood that it was the news.

"But this popularity is still a bit less."

Chen Ze murmured to himself, although it has increased by more than a hundred, but
now it is only more than 300, which is far from the 2,000 to complete the task. And
the time is only two months, and now more than a week has passed, this time is
still very urgent.
Therefore, Chen Ze immediately thought of a way to increase popularity. He had
thought of relying on this kind of game last night to increase his popularity. One
game at a time would increase the popularity of two or three hundred. If there were
so many times, the task It was done immediately.

But last night Yang Qi told him that there were very few matches of the same size
as last night, and most of them were only played by each other. If this is the
case, then the popularity of that kind of game will be too small.

And he is about the popularity of drivers and cars. In order to become the most
famous driver in the city, increasing the popularity must start from the automobile
side. The increased popularity from other aspects Chen Ze has asked the system, all
of which are not counted.

So now Chen Ze is a little bit embarrassed, thinking if there is any other way to
increase popularity.

Ding Ding Ding!

When Chen Ze was thinking about this problem, his cell phone suddenly thought. Chen
Ze took it out, and the incoming call reminder was Yang Tao.

"Taozi?" Chen Ze was stunned. Yang Tao was his high school classmate. He had a
desire to make movies since he was a child. Therefore, he was also a director in
the college entrance examination. Not in Yucheng.

There is also relatively little contact with Chen Ze, and they can only get
together during the Chinese New Year. Therefore, Chen Ze had no idea why he would
call himself.

"Hey, Taozi, what's wrong, you actually called me now and returned to Yucheng?"
Chen Ze answered the phone and asked.

Chen Ze just said casually that the place in Yucheng is not very large, there is no
crew at all, and it is not a holiday now, how could he come back at this time.

However, he did not expect that Yang Tao's positive voice came from the phone:
"Well, I'm back."

"You are really back? No, why are you back at this time? It won't be fired." Chen
Ze smiled with surprise.

"How could I be fired." Yang Tao's voice came from the other side of the phone.
"This time it happened that our crew was coming to Yucheng to take a picture. There
was a scene to be shot in Yucheng, so I came back."

"It turned out to be like this, then why are you calling me at this time? Come out
tonight to gather?" Chen Ze asked.

"Anything can be done at any time. This time, I have something to call for your
help." Yang Tao said.

"What is it?" Chen Ze asked.

"Well, do you want to make a movie?"

"It turns out that what you said made me make a movie."
In the filming scene, Chen Ze sat inside his Mei Sang Rui, facing Yang Tao outside
the window.

He was still wondering why Yang Tao suddenly asked him to make a movie. After
coming here, he found out that he came to make a guest appearance, saying that he
came as a disguised police driver, and then drove out of the street with his
undercover hero. There is only one lens, that is, he drove out of this street in a
car, and only his beauty San Rui appeared in the picture.

So instead of letting him come in as a guest, it is better to let his car come in.

"Chen Ze, please do me a favor. I ’ll invite you to dinner. This lens is not
difficult. After the protagonist gets in your car, you drive in the car and head
towards the front. Our cameraman will only shoot you in the back. The back of the
car, "Yang Tao said.

Yang Tao ’s crew filmed a police bandit action scene. In this part of Yucheng, the
male lead was found undercover and hunted down by a drug dealer. He finally got
into a car that had already been arranged and escaped dangerously. The hunt for
drug dealers.

The final piece of the play is that the protagonist will run away in a car, and the
car and the driver who were originally arranged by the crew left temporarily. The
assistant director in charge of the crew knew that Yang Tao was a local, so he
asked Yang Tao to find such a person.

The first time Yang Tao thought of Chen Ze.

"Well, just drive forward, right?" Chen Ze asked.

"Yes, you can drive at full speed when the male lead comes up. Right, we will
arrange two cars before and after here, it shows that drug dealers are blocking
you, but you can rest assured that nothing will happen. The two cars The speed will
come down when your car is approaching, so you can easily escape. "Yang Tao said.

"Okay, I know. Just drive at full speed and then avoid the two cars in front of
you." Chen Zedao finally confirmed to Yang Tao.

"Yes, it's simple." Yang Tao nodded.

"Well, but Taozi you owe me this time." Chen Ze said.

"No problem, come back when I have time." Yang Tao laughed.

Having said that, he asked Chen Ze to wait there. He went to the assistant director
in charge of the crew and said, "Deputy director, I'm ready, and I told him I'm
going to film the film."

"Okay ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The deputy director nodded." The driver's skills should
be good. Although the film will not be dangerous, but just in case, there are
certain requirements for the driver's technology. of. "

"Rest assured, my brother is driving a taxi, and the technology is absolutely

fine." Yang Tao patted his chest.

"That's good." The associate director nodded.

On the other side, several cars arranged to act as drug dealers were used to stop
Chen Ze. They also drove to the scene from other places and stopped.
When parking, the driver of one of the cars noticed something wrong: "Why is this
brake so strenuous? Is there any problem? Can't you wait for it?"

"Come here, come here, I'll tell you about the show."

When the driver thought about it, a voice came over, and all of his attention was
drawn to it.

This was also the driver's first filming, and it was time for excitement, so he
immediately left the brake problem behind him and said, "Come here."

Chapter FTLS 22: accident

"The 138th Mirror, Act Three, Start!"

On a street in Yucheng, a crew member shouted aloud, and with her words, the TV
drama in which Chen Ze participated was really filming.

Chen Ze was sitting in the car, and there were cameras everywhere. This was also
Chen Ze's first filming, so he was a little nervous and excited.

Naturally, he didn't dare to disturb his body. He looked around with the light,
only to see that the entire crew was sitting behind the camera, and everyone looked
at him.


At that moment, Chen Ze's car door was pulled open, and a person with blood on his
face sat up and shouted, "Come on, go, they are going to catch up."

This person is the actor of this movie. Don't say, although Chen Ze doesn't chase
the stars, but the acting of this male star Chen Ze feels really good. At this
moment there is a trace of anxiety and a trace of fear on his face, all over A
little shivering, but his eyes were extremely firm, and the undercover drug dealer,
the police officer just discovered, was vividly interpreted.

"it is good."

Chen Ze nodded, and immediately started the car and rushed out.

Soon, as Yang Tao told him before, there were two cars coming in front of and
behind him, coming towards him, seemingly blocking him. However, the speed of these
cars was not fast, especially when Chen Ze approached, the speed was completely
slowed down, Chen Ze easily avoided the two cars in front, and then rushed towards
the street .


At this moment, the director shouted with extreme dissatisfaction. When he heard
his voice, Chen Ze stopped and drove the car back.

"What's going on with you? Why are the cars driving so slowly? If they are so slow,
how can they show the urgency of the drug dealers and the madness, your drug
dealers will drive the car at the same speed as the bicycle when they are
undercover ?"

When Chen Ze walked in front of the director, he heard loudly reprimanding the
drivers who blocked Chen Ze.

"But director, if we drive too fast, we are worried about an accident." The drivers

"What are you worried about? This road is so wide, how can something go wrong.
Besides, you drive faster in the front, and then brake when you are about to touch
the back, then it doesn't matter, how could something go wrong." The director said

"This, all right." Several drivers nodded.

Then the director looked at Chen Ze again: "You and I just took a look. Although
they are okay, they are just too slow like them. Such a slow speed is not like an
undercover man trying to escape."

"Ah, do I have to speed up too?"

After hearing this director's words, Chen Ze froze. His speed is already very fast,
so I did not expect this director to be satisfied.

"Yes, you have to speed up as fast as you can." The director nodded.

Then the scene continued, and Chen Ze waited there, and then the actor of the movie
rushed into Chen Ze's car: "Come on, hurry up, they are going to catch up."

Chen Ze immediately started the car and rushed out ahead. It didn't seem to drive
the fastest, but it was much faster than just now. The two cars on the opposite
side were also much faster than the first time. They only slowed down when they
rushed to Chen Ze, and then Chen Ze rushed through them.

"No, it's still too slow. No, you have to hurry up." The director shouted loudly,
and also denied the speed of Chen Ze and their drivers.

The third and fourth times, Chen Ze and their drivers kept repeating the scene,
driving continuously, then braking, then driving, and then braking.

This director is a bit too strict, and he feels that it is not enough after four

On the fifth pass, Chen Ze complained a little: "Nima, I already knew that I would
not be here. I thought it was a fun thing to make a movie. Who knew it was so

He decided to take out all the strength of the hand of his car **** this time, add
it to the fastest, and pass the lens this time.

"Come on, let's go, they are going to catch up."

Still the actor of this movie, he quickly ran from outside the car to Chen Ze's co-
pilot, and then said in a panic.

"Okay, you are seated."

Chen Ze nodded, then hit the bottom of the accelerator with a kick, with a buzz,
the car rushed out and rushed forward.

"Okay, this section is good."

Seeing Chen Zeche's figure, the director nodded at the back. He felt that this one
started very well, was very imposing, and would go all out when the drug dealers
chased him.

Chen Ze drove towards the front of the road, and then two cars appeared before and
after. Obviously, they and Chen Ze had the same idea to drive the fastest. They
wanted to pass this shot on the fifth pass. .

"Sit down."

Chen Ze said again, and at the same time stepped the accelerator to the bottom, and
rushed towards the front car. This time, he did not intend to slow down, but
intended to rush directly at this speed.

It looks dangerous, but Chen Ze knows that nothing will happen and the other side
will slow down. Besides, there is also the hand of his car god, there will be
nothing at all.

In the car opposite Chen Ze, the driver was as imagined by Chen Ze. He did increase
the speed to the fastest, and then planned to wait until the final slowdown.

It's a distance away, and it's very close to Chen Ze's position.

"It's almost time to decelerate." The driver thought to himself that he stepped on
the brakes and wanted to slow down so that Chen Ze could avoid his car.

But at this time he was a bit frightened to find that he had clearly pushed the
brakes to the end, but the speed did not decrease.

"What's going on? Why is it useless?"

The driver thought to himself.


He desperately pressed the brakes a few more times, but it was still useless. The
brakes on his car now seemed to be broken.

"It's over, it's really broken."

The driver suddenly remembered the scene when he drove the car here, when the
brakes were out of control. It looks like it's completely out of control now.

Upon discovering this, the driver's face turned pale immediately. He looked up and
saw that Chen Ze's car rushed to his car at a very fast speed, because he could not
control his speed. His car had far exceeded the previous brakes. Immediately He was
about to run into Chen Ze's car.

"Ah, what's going on? Brake fast."

"Yeah, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com is braking fast, why not brake?"

"Hurry up, or you'll hit it."

Seeing this scene, the crew and crew of the crew were all screaming, everyone was
stunned, because everyone saw that the two extremely fast cars were about to hit
each other, if there were no special circumstances If this is the case, then there
is going to be a major accident.
"Get out of here, get out of here."

"Chen Ze, get away quickly, what's going on?"

"Hurry up."

Yang Tao and several factory workers spoke loudly to Chen Ze, but as the crowd
spoke, the two cars were about to collide.

If such a close distance really hits one another, I am afraid the consequences are
really unthinkable.

Immediately, some people's faces became pale, and many timid girls covered their
eyes with their hands directly and did not dare to look at the situation in front
of them.

Chapter FTLS 23: Everyone is staying

Inside the car, Chen Ze was driving as usual, and ran into the car in front of him.

In fact, he had noticed that the car in front was wrong, and it seemed that he
couldn't stop the car. However, he did not move, because he found that this is the
best scene that satisfies the director best. With such a fast speed and such a
dangerous distance, he can definitely satisfy the director's shooting this time.

Therefore, although it was found that there was a problem with the car in front,
Chen Ze did not evade, but continued to drive towards the front, otherwise, with
the technology of his car god, he could have avoided it long ago.

His intention was to dodge it at the last minute, leaving the director with the
perfect shot, lest he come to trouble again.

However, the actor in the car didn't know Chen Ze's intentions. After seeing Chen
Ze actually hit directly in front of him, a face was frightened and his voice
trembled quickly: "Hey Hey, what are you doing, dodge quickly, dodge quickly, you
are about to run into it, dodge it! "

"Rest assured, you can sit down, nothing will happen." Chen Ze said lightly, as if
he didn't look at the car in front.

Finally, at the shortest distance from this car, Chen Ze struck the steering wheel,
stepped on the brakes, and drove the car directly, leaving less than ten
centimeters of the body of the opposite car.

"Hide, hide, actually hide."

At the scene, seeing this scene, a person said intermittently that he thought Chen
Ze would surely run into it, who knew that he had actually escaped, and in the most
thrilling way.

Although the method was thrilling, but eventually escaped, everyone took a long

But just then, someone found a new situation: "It's not good, that Mei Sangrui will
hit the car next to it again, and can't hide it."

It turned out that there was a car next to the car opposite Chen Ze. The car was
behind the car in front. Because Chen Ze's car was not visible, the speed was
reduced by the speed of the car in front. Yes, if the car in front hits the brakes,
he will.

And this time, the car in front didn't seem to have stepped on the brakes. Although
he had some doubts, but he didn't step on it, suddenly he saw Mei Sangrui rub the
car in front and rushed towards him .

For a moment, everyone in the audience felt finished. If there is hope for the car
in front, they do n’t think they can do it anyway. Because at this time Chen Ze's
body was slanted, there was simply no way to straighten it up to avoid the car.

"It's over, this time I really hit."

Everyone thought that they could not bear to see the possible tragedy before them.

But at this moment, everyone only saw that Mei Sang Rui, who had thought that he
would collide with the second car, actually turned around in a very strange way,
straightened the body, and then the tail of the car swung to the right. He hit the
left again, and formed a parallel with the second car, then avoided the car, drove
towards the street, and finally avoided the two cars, disappearing under everyone's

"Oh my god, this can all be hidden, who is this?"

"I haven't dreamed. How can I hide from this, the control of the steering wheel is
simply out of control."

"Oh my God, who is this man? How could there be such a car technique? This car
technique is simply great."

The crowd first stunned, all immersed in the shock that Chen Ze had just brought to
them, and then shouted in excitement. Almost everyone among them would drive,
naturally knowing how difficult it was just that hand.

Change it to them, let alone the second car, even the first car may not be able to

However, this person actually controlled the vehicle to avoid two cars continuously
in such a short distance. Everyone felt that this person's control of the car and
the control of the steering wheel had reached an extremely amazing level.

Not only the crew of the crew, but the drivers of the two cars also came down at
this time, with sweating and shock on their faces, sweating out because they were
about to crash.

The shock was that they saw Chen Ze's car skills. They knew that if they replaced
them, they would definitely not escape.

"This man's car skills are really too high and too high." The two drivers thought
to themselves.

When everyone was surprised, Chen Ze drove back with the male owner and stopped in
front of everyone.

But before he got out of the car, everyone rushed up and surrounded Chen Ze in

"You, your car skills are so good. Really, it just changed to anyone who crashed,
but you actually hid. Your car skills are so good. How did you practice this and
how can you do it? Ok."

"Yeah yeah, what is your name? What does it do? How can the car skills be so good,
good is almost unimaginable. Generally, we have to use special effects for the
thrilling shots, but you have done it alone, it is difficult Imagination is simply
hard to imagine. "

"Oh my gosh, your car skills are really nothing to say, it's just great."

Everyone said, even Yang Tao said, "Chen Ze, when did your car skills be so good? I
was scared to death just now. I thought you would crash the car. As a result, you
actually escaped so easily. Are you How did you practice? "

After hearing the words of everyone, Chen Ze smiled slightly, and was just about to
say something. Suddenly, there was a sound of vomiting and vomiting.

This voice drew everyone's attention away. Everyone saw that it was the movie actor
who was just sitting in the co-driver's cab of Chen Ze. He had just experienced
such a dangerous situation with Chen Ze.

Chen Ze was naturally okay, but he was completely different and couldn't bear it,
so when he was safe, he got out of the car and vomited.

He vomited so hard that he almost vomited bile. Obviously he was just too

"Oh my god, is it just sitting in the co-pilot? Exaggerated."

"It's so bad that the co-pilot can spit it like this."

After seeing him, everyone said, many people surrounded him and wanted to take care
of the actor. After seeing his bloodless tragic situation, everyone had a deeper
understanding of Chen Ze's car skills.

After the crowd surrounded the hero, the director of the film came over and stood
in front of Chen Ze.

"Director, what was the shot just now?" Chen Ze asked.

"Very good, much better than I expected. This wrong car can be a textbook
performance for future movies." The director said with a look of excitement.

Hearing the director's words, Chen Zesong was relieved.

But before saying anything, I heard another word from the director: "Well, I don't
know if you are interested in joining my team."

"Your team? Chen Ze was stunned ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Yes, the car technique you
just showed is very amazing. If used in the movie, it will definitely be able to
make these impacts and chase the car better. So I want to invite you to join, and I
will be part of my team. "Director said.

With a look of excitement and anticipation, he turned to Chen Ze. This director is
famous for shooting police bandits, and one of the biggest highlights of police
bandits is the chase between police bandits.

However, this chase is very difficult to shoot, and a traffic accident will really
occur if you are not careful. Therefore, this director has many small ideas that
have not been filmed.
So now that I see Chen Ze ’s car skills are greatly shocked, and I feel that Chen
Ze must be able to express her creativity, so I want to invite Chen Ze to join his
team, and will be responsible for these chase scenes in the future.

He believes that Chen Ze's car skills are sufficient to deal with these dangers.

After speaking, he looked at Chen Ze with anticipation.

As a result, Chen Ze did not hesitate: "Sorry, I refuse."

Chapter FTLS 24: Chen Bailing

Of course, Chen Ze refused. After getting the full-time lottery system, he has to
enter the various industries to complete tasks according to the system. How can he
join the director's team.

Besides, even without this system, Chen Ze has no interest in filming. This time,
it will be purely to help Yang Tao.

Hearing Chen Ze's refusal, the director hurriedly spoke two more words, but Chen
Ze's attitude was very firm. In the end, as long as the director gave up, he felt
only a pity in his mind, but unfortunately, Chen Ze did not want to shoot The movie
shows both hands.

In any case, Chen Ze's part of the film was finally filmed. After telling Yang Tao,
he left the filming scene of the crew and started his taxi business again.

Soon, the night came. According to past habits, Chen Ze was going to run for a
while. But now he has a little money. With 30,000 in his hand, plus 100,000 that he
hasn't reached yet, Chen Ze is not so short of money at the moment, so he doesn't
need to fight so much.

So he drove home and was going to rest early. After returning home, he took a look
at his current popularity value, 368, which is more than 20 times than when he
checked it in the morning, but it is still too few, let alone reaching 2,000, which
is a distance of one thousand. The lottery is still far behind.

And this is still today the crew's accident, almost dangerous increase in
popularity, otherwise I am afraid it will be even less.

"It seems that the increase in popularity over Mog is about to reach the upper
limit, and the stamina is not enough." Chen Ze muttered in his mouth. "If, if there
is a similar match, it will be fine."

At the same time, a mountain road in the provincial capital!

This mountain road is winding and rugged. Although the curve is more dangerous than
Yandang Mountain, the complexity of the road conditions is far beyond, especially
the intersection of straight lines and curves, and the length of the mountain road
is much longer than Yandang Mountain It is impossible for an average person to
drive this mountain road without more than an hour.

However, just on this mountain road, at this moment, a white comet-like vehicle was
running down the mountain road, and the engine kept roaring.

His speed is unbelievable. Countless ordinary people can't pass the corners
carelessly, but he seems to be on the ground, apparently the car skills have
reached a quite high level.
Buzz! !! !! !!

Soon, the car rushed from the top to the foot of the mountain.

Poppy poppy!

After seeing the car, a person standing at the foot of the mountain quickly
applauded, and then walked towards the car.

"Captain, your downhill performance this time is 18 minutes and 35 seconds.

Although it has not reached the best record you have ever set, it is already the
fastest this year, more than Mog set two months ago. It's best to record forty-
eight seconds. "The man said, and said excitedly when the person inside the white
car came down.

The man named Chen Bailing got off the car and is currently the captain of the Sun
Train team, which is Mog who has always wanted to take the throne.

After hearing this, Chen Bailing's face calmed down: "It's still a bit lower than
when I was at its peak. If it was my peak, I should be able to lead Mogg more than
one minute."

"Although your peak speed is a bit slower than the previous two years captain, but
now the captain, whether you have the ability to control the car, the ability to
figure out the driver, and the ability to judge the race, I think Captain, you are
the true most subversive right now. "

This man spoke. His name was Zhou Wen, and he was also the old man of the Sun Train
Team. He had seen the peak of Chen Bailing's speed in the past two years.

So now when he hears Moge disobeys the captain and says he wants to replace him, he
just feels funny, maybe everyone else doesn't know the power of Chen Bailing, but
how could he not know.

Six years ago, Chen Bailing was born like a comet, and immediately swept the major
downhill riders, bringing the Sunfire to its peak all the way. Until today, he has
not lost, so he is called an undefeated white comet.

Although there haven't been many competitions in recent years, many people think
that Chen Bailing's peak has passed, and it has even caused people like Mog to try
for the captain position. But Zhou Wen knew that this was just that Chen Bailing
didn't care. If Moge really dared to challenge, he would lose very badly.

Just like today, Chen Bailing just ran away, even breaking the record set by Moge
two months ago.

And Zhou Wen also knew that Chen Bailing had really received an invitation from a
professional team. It was not like a professional driver with the reputation of
Mog. Chen Bailing really invited him from a professional team, but he refused it.

However, Zhou Wen believes that if Chen Bailing is willing to join the team, he
will soon become the best among professional drivers.

Such a person suddenly called him out today to practice the car together. Zhou Wen
believed that Chen Bailing had a new plan.

"Old week, I've seen the report you wrote me about Mogg's loss last night."

Just then, Chen Bailing suddenly spoke. Hearing what he said, Zhou Wen quickly
raised his ears.

"If your report is correct, I think Mog will lose for one reason." Chen Bailing

"What?" Zhou Wen asked quickly.

"Pride and arrogance." Chen Bailing opened his mouth, lit a cigarette, and said it
as he smoked. "According to the game you wrote, Mog had determined his absolute
leading position from the beginning, but later However, he was suddenly overtaken
by the Meisangrui. In the end, because he was unfamiliar with the road conditions,
he lost control of the car and lost the race. This must be caused by his
underestimation of the enemy. "

"Caused by neglect?" Zhou Wen frowned.

"Yes, I guess after determining the absolute leading advantage, Mog must have
relaxed his vigilance, and possibly even slowed down the speed directly. After
being caught up, it was because the neglect did not investigate the mountain road
in advance. As a result, the road conditions of even Shanshan Road were not clear,
and finally it was surpassed by the Meisangrui. Everything was because he
underestimated the enemy. If he was careful, the Meisangrui would definitely not
win. "Chen Bailing said.

Upon hearing his words, Zhou Wen's brow frowned even deeper.

underestimate the enemy? There seems to be a factor in this, but it seems to be

more than that. If it is just a neglect enemy, will it lose to a Mei Sang Rui?

"Will there be other reasons? I always think that if you simply underestimate the
enemy, it should be unlikely to lose to a Mei Sang Rui." Zhou Wendao.

"Other circumstances?" Chen Bailing smiled. "I thought about it, but you said that
the Meisangrui was not modified, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com is the most common
one on the street. If it is really the kind , Mog would not lose if he did not
underestimate the enemy. In the final analysis, it is just a Mei Sang Rui. Can it
really make any big waves? "

"This." Zhou Wen knew that Chen Bailing was a bit reasonable, but he had another
idea in his mind. If there is no problem with the car, it is just an ordinary car,
so people? That driver is probably the key to Mog's loss!

Zhou Wen looked at Chen Bailing and was just about to say something. He suddenly
heard him say, "Old Zhou, if you have time tomorrow night, go with me to Yucheng."

"Yucheng? Why go to Yucheng?" Zhou Wen asked.

"I'm going to the next book! A Mei Sang Rui must not be a stain on our team." Chen
Bailing said.

Hearing what he said, Zhou Wen suddenly became heated.

Even if his guess is right, even if there is a secret tactic for the beauty Sang
Rui driver. However, Zhou Wen believed that as long as Chen Bailing took the shot,
he would definitely win.

A Meisangrui can never be their opponent.

Chapter FTLS 25: Please tell the Meisang Rui
Hum! !! !! !!

On the mountain road of Yandang Mountain, the engine kept roaring, and several cars
of black, red, and yellow colors ran on the mountain road. The speed was very fast
and it looked very arrogant.

Of course, it's not just their cars that are arrogant. There are all kinds of
violent music in the cars. Obviously, those who drive are more arrogant.

"Haha, this Yandang Mountain is really fun, don't tell me to come here for a
special trip." An opening, after he finished speaking, the voice of other people
came out of the intercom in the car.

"Yeah, although this Yandang Mountain is not particularly large, but there are too
many corners, and it is definitely one of the best in terms of steepness. It has
not been found in the past. Fortunately, we have heard about Moge and That Mei Sang
Rui game. "

"Mog's face was really lost this time. He actually lost to a Mei Sang Rui. I
thought he would have a big victory. Who knows how to capsize the culvert in the

Hearing these conversations, the man laughed at first: "You said whether we should
challenge the Mei San Rui, a Mei San Rui, how strong he can win Mog is just good
luck. You said that if we win him, we will be famous in the province. "

"Ha ha ha, good idea, this is a god-given opportunity for us to make a name for
ourselves. A beautiful San Rui, let's win him casually."

After hearing his words, such a voice came out of the intercom again.

It turned out that the three were foreign riders, because this time Mog was
surprised and heard about Yandang Mountain, so he rushed here from afar, and wanted
to feel the magic of the downhill of Yandang Mountain. .

And in the course of running now, they actually thought of going to defeat Chen Ze
again, as long as they can win Chen Ze, then they are famous. In their eyes, a Mei
Sang Rui has nothing to worry about.


Just when the three were so arrogant and even started discussing how to celebrate
after winning Chen Ze, a white car appeared behind them, just like lightning,
catching up with them.

"There is a car, it seems to be a driver too. I should have listened to Mog's

affairs and come here to see this Yandang Mountain. Haha, but unfortunately met us,
brothers, immediately The back car flew away, letting him see how powerful our team
is. "The humane who started talking.

"Okay!" The other two shouted in excitement.

The three immediately stepped on the throttle and tried to shake the car behind.

However, they immediately discovered that they couldn't shake off in a straight
line. The latter car had better linear acceleration than theirs, and it was
obviously a modified professional vehicle.
"Hard stubble."

The three of them thought that since they couldn't shake off in a straight line,
they planned to shake the car off the curve and let the car behind know what the
real curve technology was.

Here! !! !!

Reaching the corner soon, the three cars quickly stepped on the brakes and were
ready to turn. But at this moment, they were extremely surprised to find that the
white car behind did not slow down, directly surpassing all of them, and then
reduced its speed a little when cutting into the curve. The whole car used an
extremely perfect drift mode. After this curve.

Seeing this scene, the three were shocked. They all know that the drift in front of
them can't be done anyway. The drift is far beyond the ability of amateur drivers.

"Pro rider? How is that possible!"

The three thought to themselves that after they turned the corner, they found that
the white vehicle in front had left them, like a white comet, and ran towards the

Looking at the back of the white car, one person suddenly thought of something, and
quickly yelled, "The white comet is a white comet. The captain of the solar train
team, Chen Bailing."

"It turned out to be him. Legend has it that he hasn't competed in a long time, but
he was invincible in the past. Why did he come to Yandang Mountain now?"

"My God, it turned out to be him. The drifting corner was perfect just now. I
thought he had passed the peak. Mog was stronger than him now, but he could still
tell from that corner. Unbeatable white comet. "

The other two also yelled, all three were extremely surprised. They didn't know
what Chen Bailing was going to do in Yandang Mountain, but they knew that there was
a good show again.

On the top of the mountain, Chen Bailing had already reached the top by driving. He
stood out and looked at the mountain road of Yandang Mountain from the top.

Aside, Zhou Wen stood.

"Is the south wind blowing that day?" Suddenly, Chen Bailing said.

"Yes." Zhou Wen nodded, but he was a little curious and didn't know what Chen
Baiwen was doing.

Perhaps because of Zhou Wen's doubts, Chen Bailing said: "The entire Yandang
Mountain is relatively south. If it is a southerly wind, the tire consumption will
be greater when cornering. Maybe it is nothing, but this one The mountain road of
Yandang Mountain is very winding and rugged, and high-speed driving itself consumes
a lot of tires. Adding this, I am afraid that ordinary tires will not be able to
bear it. "

"So it is." Zhou Wen nodded.

"It's not just a matter of wind direction. When we run down the slope, we usually
use tires with relatively strong grip. But this Yandang Mountain is different. His
mountain road is not an asphalt road, but a rough mountain road. This kind of
mountain road does not only need to choose tires with strong grip, but also those
that wear hard. "

Chen Bailing said, although he just ran it again, he had noticed so many links.

Hearing Chen Bailing's words, Zhou Wen also sighed. He once said that no matter how
hard Mog works, it is absolutely impossible to surpass Chen Bailing. This is not
just car skills, but also under the control of such small details.

Only by doing this can we truly be invincible. And Chen Bailing did it, so Zhou Wen
believed that he would never lose to that Mei Sang Rui.

After staying at the top of the mountain for a while, Chen Bailing took Zhou Wen to
the foot of the mountain again. At the moment, many drivers and cars gathered at
the foot of the mountain. Obviously, they heard about Mog and Mei Sangrui.

Many of them recognized Chen Bailing's car at first glance.

"A white comet is a white comet's car. It's incredible that Chen Bailing has come

"Yeah ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Didn't all say he hasn't been out for a long time? Why
is he here suddenly now?"

Everyone spoke, and they were all very excited. Although many newly joined drivers
do not know who Chen Bailing is, a large number of drivers have experienced Chen
Bailing's era and know that Chen Bailing is powerful.

So after seeing him now, they are all very excited.

At this moment, Chen Bailing came down from the car and said, "Are there any local
drivers in Yandang Mountain?"

"Ah, yes." Someone said for a moment, then immediately.

"Well, please tell me about the Mei Sangrui. I'll wait for him at Yandang Mountain
next Friday at eight and ask him to come by.

Everyone was shocked when they heard what Chen Bailing said.

It turned out that the white comet came all the way, even to challenge the

Is that Mei Sang Rui so strong?

Chapter FTLS 26: Challenge

"Thank you, sir. Your driving skills are so good. I feel vomiting while others are
sitting in the car, but I do n’t have that feeling in your car. It ’s too smooth
and I feel very comfortable."

On a street in Yucheng, a girl in the copilot seat told Chen Ze inside a Mei Sang
Rui. Hearing her words, Chen Ze smiled: "It's good to be comfortable."

"Well, I have already given the money for today. If I need to use a car next time,
I will look for you again." The girl said, opening the door and walking.
"Okay, walk slowly," Chen Ze said to the girl.

After the girl left, Chen Ze looked at his earnings today, which is not bad. He has
made more than 200 yuan. Today's business is not bad.

Chen Ze nodded with satisfaction, put away the phone, then opened the system,
checked the popularity of the system, I saw that the popularity page showed 389,
and increased the popularity by 20, but the distance Two thousand to complete the
task is still a little out of reach.

"There is still more than a month to go before the deadline of the mission. I'm
afraid I can't complete the mission in this way." Chen Ze thought to himself that
it would only increase one or twenty points of popularity every day. No mission.

"If, if there is still a game, it will be good, then it will increase a lot in one
breath, if there is a game, it will be fine." At this time, Chen Ze thought to

But thinking about it, he sighed, because Yang Qi told him that there were not many
matches like last week.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

At this time, suddenly Chen Ze's cell phone rang again. He took it out and the
caller was Yang Qi.

"Hello?" Chen Ze answered the phone.

"Hey, is it Chen Ze?" There was a voice over the phone.

"It's me, what's wrong?" Chen Ze asked.

"That's it. We just received a message here. Today, Chen Bailing came to our
Yandang Mountain and indicated that I would challenge you, and said that I will
wait for you at Yandang Mountain next Friday." Yang Qi said on the phone.

To be honest, he was very surprised. He did not expect Chen Bailing to come out.
Now the young driver may not know about Chen Bailing, but he is different. He came
from watching the race of Chen Bailing. Chen Bailing was his idol then, in his
heart. Is the undefeated myth.

Although Moog is already strong, he definitely does not think that Moog can really
defeat Chen Bailing. The facts have proved this, let alone challenge Chen Bailing,
even Chen Ze has not run.

But this time is different. This race is Chen Bailing, a so-called undefeated white
comet, the captain of the Sun Train team, and even the strength may have exceeded
those of ordinary professional drivers.

Such a person actually took the initiative to talk to Chen Ze, which really
surprised Yang Qi. However, he also knows that this is because Chen Ze won Mog's
sake. As the captain of the Sun Train team, Chen Bailing cannot leave it alone.

However, Yang Qi still hesitated because he didn't know if Chen Ze would agree to
play against Chen Bailing. It must be Chen Bailing, a Chen Bailing that he had
never lost in the past. Even if it is Chen Ze, I'm afraid it will be difficult to
If this is the case, Chen Ze will most likely not agree to the game. And if Chen Ze
didn't agree, but Chen Bailing came to the door again, it would be difficult to
handle. After all, it was Chen Bailing. Yang Qi felt that he had to give him a face

Thinking again and again, Yang Qi still made such a call to Chen Ze, and wanted to
ask Chen Ze's opinions.

"Chen Bailing wants to compete with me." Chen Ze froze.

"Yes, Chen Bailing." Yang Qi nodded.

"Who is Chen Bailing?"


Yang Qi was completely speechless. Chen Ze did n’t know Moge. He could be thought
that Chen Ze did n’t care much about the driver circle in the past two years, but
he did n’t even know Chen Bailing. No concept?

So how did he get such amazing car skills? Is it really the usual taxi?

However, Yang Qi was on the phone immediately, and Chen Bailing called Chen

"Undefeated myth? White comet? Captain of the Sunfire? Beyond the average
professional driver?"

Hearing Yang Qi's introduction, Chen Ze keenly grasped several of these keywords.


Yang Qi nodded his head sternly, listening to Chen Ze's summary, he felt that Chen
Bailing was really terrible, such a terrible opponent, don't Chen Ze really not
agree to the game.

"Still like last time, there are bets on this kind of game. If you win, you will
have these bets," Yang Qi said again, hoping to persuade Chen Ze to agree.

But before he finished speaking, there was a voice over the phone: "Yes, next
Friday, I promised."

"Ah?" Yang Qi froze for a moment, never thinking that Chen Ze promised to be so
refreshing, even how the voice still faintly excited and excited.

"Chen Ze, the opponent this time is Chen Bailing, who I just said." Yang Qi began,
reminding carefully that Chen Ze was so excited that he had no idea what was going

"I know, I agreed, that is the Chen Bailing, I promised to play against him." On
the phone, Chen Ze spoke, his voice became more and more excited.

Chen Ze was of course excited, with a smile on his face.

It can really be said that someone will send a pillow after dozing off. Just now he
was still worried that his popularity was not enough, hoping to have a game. As a
result, the game came immediately, and it seemed that Chen Bailing was still very
powerful and famous, even more famous than Mog, that is not to say that as long as
he wins, that popularity can be greatly improved again.
How can this make Chen Ze upset and unhappy, he is so happy and excited.

Although it sounds that Chen Bailing is really powerful, UU reads www.uukanshu.com,

but Chen Ze does not think he will lose. After adapting for these days, Chen Ze
finds that his ability to control the hand of the car **** is getting stronger and
stronger. If he were to play against Mogg now, he is confident that he can beat
Mogg with less thrill.

Even if Chen Bailing is stronger than Mog, he won't be out of the ranks.

Taking a step back ten thousand steps, even if you lose, it has no effect. At most,
it is ridiculed by other people who watch the liveliness and watch the war. It will
not die or reduce the popularity anyway. On the contrary, if you win, it will
increase the popularity, so why not agree, Chen Ze immediately agreed without

"I promised." Chen Ze said again.

"Ah, okay, okay."

Yang Qi nodded, although he was confused and wondered why Chen Ze was so excited
and so refreshing, but since Chen Ze agreed, his goal was achieved, so he
immediately hung up the phone and prepared to reply to Chen Bailing.

As soon as Yang Qi replied to Chen Bailing, the news spread throughout the
province's driver circles, and the whole province immediately became a sensation.

Chapter FTLS 27: No suspense

"Have you heard? Chen Bailing has gone to Yandang Mountain. He went to challenge
the Mei Sang Rui, and he was going to have a decisive battle with that Mei Sang Rui
on Friday."

"What? Chen Bailing? It's the captain Chen Bailing of the Sunfire? How could he go
to challenge that Sang Rui. Even if Mog loses, why would he go?"

"Yeah, not even Moog is his opponent. How could he go to challenge that Mei Sang
Rui? Didn't all say that Mog was already better than Chen Bailing?"

The news that Chen Bailing challenged Chen Ze immediately spread across the
province's driver circle, and immediately caused a sensation. Many drivers
naturally knew Chen Bailing, but in their knowledge, Chen Bailing was not as
powerful as Mog. At least for now, it's better than Mog.

And even Moog lost to the Mei Sang Rui, how could Chen Bailing win.

"Huh, it's just a bunch of novice drivers who don't understand anything. You really
don't think Chen Bailing is as good as Mogg."

"That is, the time when Chen Bailing was brilliant was just a few years ago, so
many people have forgotten it."

"I can responsibly say that although Moge is powerful, he is definitely better than
Chen Bailing."

At this time, some older drivers opened their mouths. These drivers all came from
the brilliant age of Chen Bailing. Naturally, they knew that Chen Bailing was
powerful, so after hearing the words of these young drivers, they all hummed.

When they heard what they said, many young drivers did n’t understand. They really
did n’t know Chen Bailing ’s past. So after hearing these words, they went to
understand Chen Bailing, and then they all learned about Chen Bailing ’s deeds.

"My God, Chen Bailing turned out to be so powerful. Although Moge almost completed
the goal of sweeping the province this time, Chen Bailing actually did it a few
years ago."

"I also found that the current downhill record of the provincial capital is still
his. Mog is nearly one minute behind the record set by Chen Bailing."

"I heard that Chen Bailing even competed with professional drivers. Even
professional drivers are not his opponents."

"And there are professional clubs that give Chen Bailing a contract, the amount is
not small, but was rejected by Chen Bailing."

Many novice riders have said, only then did they understand how powerful Chen
Bailing came over.

The unbeaten myth, the white comet, truly has the strength of a professional
driver, and even beats the true professional driver. Even the record set by Mog was
almost a minute behind.

Such a person is simply terrible!

"It turned out that Chen Bailing turned out to be so strong and stronger than Mog.
No wonder he would challenge the Mei Sangrui. He wanted to restore the honor to the
Sun Train team."

"Yeah, so you figured it out, the unbeaten myth, I don't know what kind of
performance such a person will have in Yandang Mountain?"

Those novice drivers have said one after another, everyone is looking forward to it
very much. One side is the mysterious driver who has just defeated Moog, while the
other side is the undefeated myth. In this way, the confrontation between the two
will be particularly good.

"There is no suspense, there will be no suspense. You have not experienced the era
of Chen Bailing, and everyone who has experienced that era knows that Chen Bailing
has never lost and will never lose. There is no suspense in this game."

"It's true that although the Mei Sang Rui is very powerful, in fact, he has a
certain luck in defeating Mog. If Mog did not drive into a big pit, the final win
or loss is not necessarily the strength of the mysterious driver I don't expect it
to be higher than Mogg, and it is impossible to defeat Chen Bailing. "

"Undefeated white comet. This kind of person is not even an ordinary professional
driver. It is just a beautiful San Rui. How can he win him? There is no suspense in
this race."

Some other old drivers, although they all admit that Chen Ze is indeed very
powerful, but they have all agreed that Chen Bailing has experienced the glorious
era. Chen Bailing is unlikely to lose, especially in the face of a Meisang Rui,
they have absolutely no The method imagines that the undefeated myth will be lost
to a Mei San Rui.
And hearing the words of these old drivers, some new drivers are silent, they are
muttering in their hearts, is Chen Bailing really so strong?

Soon, it arrived on Thursday. According to past habits, Chen Bailing would

familiarize himself with the field one day before each race and make adjustments to
the car, this time is no exception. He intends to pass on Thursday.

Many drivers naturally know Chen Bailing's habit, so they came to Yandang Mountain
on Thursday, and wanted to see how strong Chen Bailing was.

These riders from all over the province surrounded the sides of Yandang Mountain,
waiting for Chen Bailing's practice and modification.

The day after the competition, it was just a modification exercise that attracted
so many people. I have to say that Chen Bailing's reputation is too high.

The crowd gathered on both sides of Yandang Mountain, looking forward to the
arrival of Chen Bailing.

"Here it is, Chen Bailing's car, Chen Bailing is here." One shouted, very excited,
and the others quickly looked at it when they heard it.

I saw a white car appearing on the mountain road of Yandang Mountain. Chen Bailing
was driving. The speed was not very fast, but the driving was extremely smart,
which made people feel very spiritual.

Behind Chen Bailing's car, followed by a very large truck.

"It's an equipment vehicle. My God, Chen Bailing even drove this equipment vehicle.
He came here with the belief that he will win."

After seeing the big truck, someone spoke, and immediately someone popularized it
for people who did not know the big truck.

It turns out that this big truck is the equipment of the Sun Train team. It always
carries different auto parts, such as different engines, tires, gears, etc., in
order to debug the best state of the car in different mountain roads and different
races. Invincible Logistic services, which is why the Solar Train fleet is so

However, it will cost a lot of money to drive this equipment car ~ www.mtlnovel.com
~ Therefore, even Chen Bailing rarely drives this equipment car out. Generally, it
is only when Chen Bailing thinks that he encounters a strong enemy, or This car
will only be driven when the race has to be won.

"Chen Bailing's own car performance is already perfect, better than Mogg's car, and
the instant acceleration can reach more than 100 kilometers. Now with these
accessories, it is really difficult to imagine what state the performance of Chen
Bailing's car will be debugged tonight. . "

Looking at the equipment car behind Chen Bailing, someone spoke. Everyone else
nodded. In addition to the driver, the performance of the car is also very

With Chen Bailing's technology, plus this car, and the opponent is just a
Meisangrui, how can this broken car win the carefully prepared Chen Bailing.

Unless, the opposite driver has far more skills than Chen Bailing. And this point,
even the driver who thinks that Chen Ze is not worse than Mog thinks it is

So at this moment everyone has only one point of view:

The results of the competition will start from now, and there is no suspense

Chapter FTLS 28: This contrast is too strong

On Friday, on the road from Yucheng to Yandang Mountain, Chen Ze drove towards
Yandang Mountain.

Like last week, he was all going to play. It's just a little different from last
week. Chen Ze's car was much dirty when he went this time. The outer surface of the
car was covered with a layer of mud. In the distance, the car was even more worn.

"Unlucky, it's really unlucky. I knew that I wouldn't take that one."

Inside the car, Chen Ze said while controlling the car.

The bad luck he mentioned was about the mud on the car. Before he came, Chen Ze
also took over the business and sent it to the countryside.

Originally Chen Ze didn't plan to pick it up, but he didn't pick it until eight
o'clock, and time had already been picked up. Who knows that the road to the
countryside is full of muddy roads and puddles. Rao is based on Chen Ze's current
technology, or the car is covered with a layer of mud.

After finishing the business, Chen Ze also made more than 40 yuan, and it would
cost 20 to wash a car, so Chen Ze is very distressed now. What's more important is
that after the guest is delivered, he has no time to wash the car. In the end, he
had to drive this car that looked even more tattered than last week and drove
towards Yandang Mountain.

Ding Ding Ding!

While it was on, Chen Ze's cell phone rang again. He picked it up and Yang Qi
called it.

"Hey, I'm almost there, I will be there soon." Yang Qi on the phone asked Chen Ze
how long there is, Chen Ze answered.

On Yandang Mountain, Yang Qi and their Yandang Mountain drivers have already
gathered here. After making the phone call, Yang Qi said to everyone: "Chen Ze said
he was coming soon."

"That's good, that's good, I'm afraid he will be late."

"That is, I really didn't expect it to be this time. Chen Ze actually had to drive
a car to do business. It's really a daring artist."

"I also think that the opponent this time is Chen Bailing. I thought he would at
least practice in advance. Even if he didn't practice, he would rest more. Who
knows that he is still renting."

After hearing Yang Qi's words, everyone said.

They contacted Chen Ze early and suggested that Chen Ze come over to practice. Who
knew that this proposal was rejected by Chen Ze, and he even ran a taxi until the
end, and even went to the countryside.
This contempt of the game really made everyone stunned. At least everyone felt that
if they replaced them, they would never be able to run a rental car at this time.
You must know that Chen Bailing was on the opposite side, and Chen Bailing has been
here since yesterday and has been debugging his car here.

Speaking of this, everyone turned their heads and looked at the side of Chen
Bailing, and saw that the front of Chen Bailing's car was opened. Chen Bailing and
several other people in work clothes were still discussing and debugging the
performance of the car, hoping to improve the performance of the car. Debug to the

The car that Chen Bailing drove, white and flawless, was obviously very well

Seeing Chen Bailing's appearance, and then thinking about Chen Ze's disregarded
appearance, everyone's heart raised a bit: "Although Chen Ze is really powerful,
isn't this a little too slight?"

"No, I won't lose. Although Chen Ze despised it a little, but since he did, he must
have his grasp and he won't lose."

Everyone thought so, but whether they believed it or not, only they knew it.

Yamashita, at this moment has gathered more people than the last time, everyone is
very excited, waiting for the game tonight.

"No wonder Chen Bailing can be called an undefeated myth. I have been debugging the
car since yesterday. I want to play the best level in Yandang Mountain. There is
also logistics in this attitude. It is difficult to lose. of."

"Yeah, Chen Bailing is too rigorous in this regard. I think many professional
drivers will not be so rigorous."

"It's the Mei Sangrui, who hasn't been to Yandang Mountain training for the past
two days. You must know that his opponent is Chen Bailing. He might be too

The people under the mountain spoke while praising Chen Bailing's preparations for
the past two days, while questioning Chen Ze.

Because if they are replaced by them, they have to face a master such as Chen
Bailing. No matter how high their own car skills are, they will come to train well.
They are familiar with the mountain road of Yandang Mountain, but Chen Ze has never
appeared, everyone. I think it's not too underestimated Chen Bailing.

"What do you know, that Mei Sangrui must have been familiar with this Yandang
Mountain Road for a long time. Where do you still need to hold your feet?"

"That is, although I didn't come, I think that the driver must also take care of
the Meisang Rui at home, not much worse than Chen Bailing."

"Yeah, I think so too. The mysterious driver who opened Meisang Rui will surely
take good care of Meisang Rui at home. After all, this race is definitely more
fierce than last time, maybe it was not for maintenance of."

Immediately there was a driver's road, defending Chen Ze. Although Chen Ze didn't
come, they felt that Chen Ze must be preparing well and taking good care of the Mei
Sang Rui.
Hearing their words, the other drivers nodded, and they thought that this made
sense. Even Chen Bailing was so laborious to maintain and debug for this race, Chen
Ze will certainly do so.

Hum! !! !! !!

Just then, a sound of engines came from a distance.

"Yes, it's the Mei San Rui."

Someone screamed, and immediately others followed the sound of the engine.

Suddenly, everyone at UU reading www.uukanshu.com was stunned, and saw that Chen
Ze's Mei Sangrui was indeed here. But this Meisangrui car was covered with mud
everywhere, and it looked shabby, not to mention that it was carefully maintained,
and even the most basic cleaning was not done.

"This, what's the situation?"

The crowd was stunned. In their opinion, Chen Ze would, like Chen Bailing, take
good care of Mei Sangrui to determine the outcome. But now, it seems that there
seems to be a big gap between the facts and their imagination.

"Nima, who is this beautiful San Rui's driver? This important race does not do well
in practice, even if it is not well maintained. It does not even do the most basic
cleaning work. This is far from Chen Bailing It's too big. "

Everyone spoke, thinking of Chen Bailing's maintenance, and seeing Chen Ze's car,
they felt extremely shocked.

One was continuous practice over the past two days, constantly debugging his car,
so that the performance of the car reached its peak, while the other did not even
do the most basic cleaning work.

This gap, this comparison is really too strong.

Chapter FTLS 29: Actually a driver

"I'm going, what's going on? Why is Chen Ze's car so dirty?"

"Oh my god, why did this happen?"

"What happened? Why is the body dirty like this?"

After Chen Ze drove to the top of the mountain, everyone on the top of the mountain
was like a spectator under the mountain, and they all froze. Yang Qi and their gang
are the same, one by one can't believe their eyes.

This is going to be a race soon. How can we make the car look like this? What the
**** happened?

Yang Qi, they think it is them. If they want to compete with Chen Bailing's
opponents, they must maintain the car many days in advance, and they must wash the
car well before they come to make the car in the best condition.

As a result, Chen Ze came here in such a mess! This, this is too exaggerated.
From the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain are people who come to
watch the war. They come by driving such a car. This is too shameful.

"Sorry, I'm late."

After the car stopped in front of Yang Qi, Chen Ze walked down the road.

"Chen Ze, what's wrong with your car? Is something wrong?"

Yang Qi and they quickly walked to Chen Ze and spoke around Chen Ze.

"Something happened? Nothing happened." Chen Ze replied. He didn't understand what

Yang Qi was talking about.

"Nothing happened, so why is your car so dirty? Why is it all mud?" Yang Qi asked

"Ao, this was accidentally splashed when I sent my guests to the countryside, but I
wasted too much time on the road and did n’t have time to wash the car. That ’s why
I just drove over here. Rest assured, it wo n’t affect the performance "Chen Ze
said, explaining.


Hearing Chen Ze's words, the crowd was speechless for a while, and they did not
expect that for a long time, it turned out that Chen Ze got stuck when he sent the
guests. At this time, he actually sent the guests to the country, and after
finishing the car, he came directly to the race.

This, Yang Qi, they don't know whether it is said that Chen Ze is big-hearted or he
is very confident.

In their words, they knew that they would never be able to calm down and continue
to deliver guests.

"Chen Ze, this time, no problem."

Everyone muttered in their hearts. Although they had all seen Chen Ze's strength,
this time the opponent was already very powerful, and Chen Ze didn't pay much
attention to it, and he made the car look like this. I'm afraid it's really hanging
this time.

Well, Chen Ze is really going to lose here tonight.

"What did you say? You said you were the driver? The taxi driver?"

At this moment, a voice came, Chen Ze turned his head to look at it, and saw that
Chen Bai made one of them speak, which seemed very surprised, and after others
heard him, they looked at each other with great surprise. Chen Ze.

When these people saw that Chen Ze actually made the car so that he drove directly,
they all felt a little angry, and they worked hard to prepare for the
commissioning, but he actually took the matter completely and made the car It looks
like this.

But after hearing Chen Ze's words again, everyone was stunned, the driver? Sending
guests? The driver who defeated Mog would not sound like a taxi driver.

One person hurriedly asked, and everyone couldn't believe how a taxi driver could
win Moog's.

"Yeah, I'm the driver." Chen Ze nodded. "The mud on the car was sticky when I was
delivering the guests. I had no time to clean and just came over."

"It's a driver. A taxi driver has such good skills and won Mog. This is not a dream
for Nima."

Hearing Chen Ze's words, Chen Bailing looked at each other, and each one saw an
extremely surprised expression on the other's face.

Chen Ze's identity is very mysterious to them. They are also the first team in the
province, and they have a general understanding of the province's masters.

However, they didn't understand Chen Ze at all, what Chen Ze was called from, where
he came from, what he did, how did the car skills get practiced, and what races did
he have in the past? They didn't understand them at all.

They even guessed whether Chen Ze was a relative of a professional professional who
had been taught by the professional driver, otherwise how could he be so powerful,
but now I heard it was the driver, the taxi driver.

A taxi driver actually won Mog!

Everyone couldn't believe it. Everyone felt that this was not a dream. How could a
taxi driver win Moog?

That's Mog, Sunfire's number one driver!

Chen Ze saw that Chen Bailing's face showed an extremely surprised look, and he had
no idea what happened, and how they all saw a ghost on their faces.

"It turns out you are the driver."

At this moment, a voice came out, and then a tall man came out. It was Chen
Bailing, who had a cigarette in his mouth, but there was no surprise on his face.

"But I heard that you just finished delivering guests? What is your current
condition? How is the condition of the car?" Chen Bailing asked.

"No problem at all," Chen Ze said. "But I don't know what you are?"

"I'm Chen Bailing. This time I'm playing against you." Chen Bailing said.

"Ao, hello." Chen Ze nodded, "I have no problem myself, I can race at any time, but
there is too much mud on the car, I am afraid it will affect the race that will

Then, Chen Ze looked at Chen Bailing's equipment car. This equipment car, Chen Ze,
has recognized it for a long time, and was very surprised in his mind. I did not
expect that Chen Bailing even had such things as equipment cars.

Surprised, he got the idea of this equipment car. This equipment car is specially
prepared for car repair. Naturally, everything is available, so there are also
equipment for car washing.

"Lao Yang, help him wash the car."

Chen Bailing seemed to see what Chen Ze was thinking ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and
immediately spoke.

"Ah?" The people over Chen Bailing did not expect Chen Bailing to speak like this,
and made a surprised voice.

Chen Ze was also a little surprised, but immediately went down the slope, thanked
Chen Bailing, and passed by driving.

"Captain, why do you want our people to help the driver wash the car?" Asked one

The same is true of other people. They all think why it is better to help Chen Ze
and just leave his car out of shape?

"What's wrong with washing a car? I just want his car to return to its best
condition." Chen Bailing smiled lightly. "Otherwise, it won't be fun to win. Just a
taxi driver can pose a great threat to me. ! "

Then, Chen Bailing looked at Chen Zeche's back. He remembered his previous judgment
on Mog's loss. He thought that Mog was careless in that game, otherwise he would
not lose. Now that I have heard of the identity of Chen Ze driver, he is more
certain of this idea: "However, an ordinary taxi driver can defeat Moge, it seems
that Moge's luck is really not good enough."

Chapter FTLS 30: Chen Bailing's calculations

"It turned out that the mysterious driver of Kaimei Sanrui was a taxi driver. The
reason why there was so much mud in the car just now was to send guests."

"Oh my god, that driver is a taxi driver? Are you sure you are right? A taxi driver
can win Mogg, that's a joke."

"Yeah, how can a taxi driver be so good at technology, it's impossible."

"It's the taxi driver. The Mei Sangrui driver just admitted it at the top of the
mountain. The reason why he came so late is to do business."

Around the foot of the mountain, the passing of Chen Ze as a taxi driver caused a
lively discussion among these people. They couldn't believe their ears at all, how
could a taxi driver, a taxi driver, win Mogg, but Mogg!

"If, if it were a taxi driver, then Mogg would have lost to a driver. I don't know
how he would react if he knew this." One said.

"What can you do? Mog wasn't in the hands of the taxi driver at all. He just had
bad luck and ran into a large pit, which caused the car to lose control."

"That is, how could a taxi driver win Mog. Last Friday, Mog was obviously out of
luck. The lead in the first half is enough to show that his strength is far better
than that of Meisangrui."

"Look at the attitude of the Mei Sanrui driver towards the game. Even people like
Chen Bailing have come to prepare carefully in advance, but he is better, and he
was still doing business until the race. In his attitude, obviously It's an amateur
who can't be amateur anymore, how could he win Mog, and tonight I think he must
have been a fiasco. "

Several drivers who came over from the field have spoken. These drivers are Mog
fans. Since last week, Mog could not accept that he lost, or lost to an unknown
Now that I know this unknown driver is just a driver, I can't help but stand up and

The others listened to them, and said nothing. They didn't think that Chen Ze's
victory over Mog last week was just luck.

But from all the comparisons today, especially after knowing Chen Ze's true
identity, they don't think Chen Ze can really win Chen Bailing.

Everyone felt that this game, Chen Bailing was the winner!

On the mountain, at the moment Chen Ze's Mei Sang Rui had been cleaned, and then
Chen Ze and Chen Bailing drove their own cars to the starting point.

"Good car, this guy's car is really a good car."

In the cab, Chen Ze quietly looked at Chen Bailing's car. The pure white exudes
silver light and the streamlined body looks like a car with a real soul.

Such a car, Chen Ze knows that his Mei Sang Rui can not be compared.

However, when running on a straight road, no matter how good Chen Ze's technology
is, it is impossible to drive a car that Mei Sangrui has won over Chen Bailing.

But on a mountain road like Yandang Mountain, Chen Ze believes that there is no
problem at all!

"five four three two one!"

Yang Qi stood in front of the two cars and shouted the numbers loudly. When he
shouted one, Chen Ze's car and Chen Bailing's car rushed out, but the same as when
Chen Ze and Mog raced before, It was just the beginning, and Chen Ze was behind.

After all, he was driving Mei Sang Rui, and in terms of starting speed, it was far
from comparable to that of Chen Bailing.

"The captain is ahead."

People on the Solar Train team spoke, but although they saw Chen Bailing leading,
everyone's face didn't have much excitement. They all remembered what happened last
week. The lead at the beginning is nothing.

On the mountain road, Chen Bailing drove his car, but I don't know why, he seemed
to deliberately suppress his speed.

"This Meisang Rui doesn't seem to have undergone any modification."

Chen Bailing looked through the rearview mirror and kept looking at the Meisangrui
that followed him. He has a skill, that is, just by listening to the sound of the
engine, he can know what engine this car is, what advantages and disadvantages it

The reason why he has not mentioned the highest speed right now is to observe Chen
Ze's car.

As a result, he actually found that from the sound of Chen Ze's engine, there was
no difference from the ordinary Meisangrui, and it even seemed to be aging. Without
any modification, it was completely the most common Meisangrui on the street. .
Originally, Chen Bailing thought that he could defeat Moge. Although it was only a
Meisangrui, it should also be modified, but now the facts are completely beyond his

"Without any modification, he beat Mog last week." Chen Bailing murmured in the
car. "It looks like Mog is really unlucky, otherwise he would never be this
ordinary Mesang Rui Overtake. "

Through Chen Ze's voice, he finally confirmed his thoughts. It was only luck that
Chen Ze could beat Mog last week. Even for him, it's hard to imagine that in
addition to luck, someone will be able to catch up with Mog by pure car skills.
This is impossible!

"My car is in good condition right now, and my spirit is very good now. It can be
said that I have reached the peak now." In the car, Chen Bailing muttered to
himself, he looked at Mei Sangrui in the rearview mirror, "And you are the same as
my prediction. In this case, everything is going according to my calculations."

Hum! !! !! !!

Thinking about this, Chen Bailing's smile appeared on his face, and at the same
time he stepped the accelerator to the bottom. At the moment, his car's speed was
the highest, and he ran out towards the front: "The first half of the mountain road
is relatively smooth. Just in the first half, I will throw you away completely. "

On the top of the mountain, Yang Qi's face was worried, one by one. Although they
all believe in Chen Ze's car skills, the opponent is Chen Bailing, and Chen Ze has
hardly made any preparations, so they are always a little worried.

"Rest assured, although Chen Ze was left behind at the beginning, he will overtake
it, just like last week."

"Yes, we have to believe in Chen Ze, he will not lose."

"Even if it is Chen Bailing, he will not lose."

Yang Qi said, cheering each other.

"Hahaha, I appreciate your self-confidence." At this moment, a voice came over,

Yang Qi and they turned around to see, the person who spoke was Sun Wen on the side
of the fire, "but sorry, this time the driver and driver Lost, everything is in the
calculation of our captain. "

"What calculation?" Yang Qi asked.

"Of course it is a calculation for this race." Zhou Wen said, "Our captain has
calculated the strength of the driver and the driver, as well as his strength, and
the difficulty of the Yandang Mountain Road, and finally got tonight's race The
whole process."

"What will happen?" Yang Qi couldn't help asking, in fact, they had all heard of
Chen Bailing's calculations. Legend has it that Chen Bailing's calculations were
almost never miscalculated. This is done by calculating the conclusions, so seeing
Zhou Wen's appearance, knowing that this conclusion may not be very good, but he
still asked.

"In the first half, the first half of Yandang Mountain." Zhou Wen smiled on his
face. "In this gentle first half, the captain will leave the Meisangrui, and then
your Meisangrui will completely fall behind. Until the end. "

"No, Chen Ze will catch up."

"That is, even after the first half of the paragraph, it will come back later."

Hearing Zhou Wen's words, Yang Qi could not help but retorted.

"Really? Then let's wait and see." Zhou Wen laughed.

At this moment, the interphone in their hands rang: "Captain, the captain has
speeded up. The speed reached 145 kilometers per hour, so fast, the captain was
really fast, and he has begun to leave the Mesang Rui, according to the current
speed By calculation, the Meisangrui will fall far behind in less than halfway. "

"Sure enough, everything started according to the calculation of the captain." Zhou

Chapter FTLS 31: First half

Hum! !! !! !! !! Here! !! !! !!

On the mountain road of Yandang Mountain, Chen Bailing drove all the way down the
road. He is indeed a driver known as the undefeated myth. The car is really like a
comet under his control, and it passes unimpeded on the mountain road, and every
time Passing a curve will cause an exclaimed audience at the curve:

"My wife is too fast. The speed of Chen Bailing is really too fast. The curve can
even enter the curve at such a fast speed. It is indeed the captain of the

"He controlled all four tires very well, and used four-wheel-drive tires to drift,
and he has taken the drift to a new level."

"It's gone, it's already the Mei Sangrui, and Chen Bailing is indeed a white comet.
It turned out to be so powerful. Today, he looks like he won."

The audience at the corners of the bends all said, one by one, they were extremely
amazed by Chen Bailing's curve technology.

"The characteristics of the mountain road of Yandang Mountain are that the front is
much smoother than the back, and the sharp corners at the back are too large, which
makes the performance of the car impossible to play, but the front can play a lot.
So as long as the first half is used, Then I win. "

In the car, Chen Bailing, while controlling the steering wheel, thought to himself:
"Although it is unfair to use the performance of the car to suppress that Mei Sang
Rui, but the game is the game, it is to attack the opponent's weakness. "

It turned out that Chen Bailing made a calculation after fully understanding the
mountain road of Yandang Mountain, which is to make good use of the first half. He
believed that as long as he seized the opportunity in the first half and Chen Chen
was thrown away in one fell swoop, Chen Ze was May use the second half to recover

Unless Chen Ze's car skills are far better than Chen Bailing expected, but Chen
Bailing thinks this is impossible.

"Hey, how big is the difference between that Mesang Rui and me?" At this moment,
Chen Bailing asked the intercom inside the car.
"The gap has been widened for more than thirty seconds." There was a sound from the
intercom immediately.

"Thirty seconds, if you pull thirty seconds away now, there is absolutely no
problem in pulling the entire first half a minute away. In one minute, it is
impossible for that Mesang Rui to catch up with me behind."

Chen Bailing spoke, and said to himself, from this moment he was absolutely certain
that he had won the game tonight.

On the mountain road behind several bends from Chen Bailing, Chen Ze controlled the
car to pass through each bend.

"It's awesome, that Chen Bailing, but his car is still so good. I can't imagine
that the gap between my car and him in a straight line would be so great."

Chen Ze thought to himself that he already knew that he would be far behind in the
first half of this mountain road. After all, it was the same last week, but he did
not expect that Chen Bailing was so fast that he was so far behind.

However, despite this, Chen Ze's face was not in the slightest panic. It seemed
that all of this was within his expectations and under his control. He drove, and
continued to walk at his pace.

At every corner, Chen Ze used the already familiar car **** to perform corner
drift. The first half of the curve was not particularly thrilling, so Chen Ze's
speed was not slow at the curve.

Although it is impossible to show the unimaginable drifting technology like that

kind of extremely thrilling curve, Chen Ze's drifting at this moment still made the
riders who stood on the sidelines watch out for a while.

"It's great. Although the driver who drives this Meisangrui is just a taxi driver,
the driver's skills are a little better. I think his cornering is not worse than
Chen Bailing's."

"Yeah, it looks like Mog won last time and it ’s not just luck. The cornering
technology is really good, but it is still limited by the performance of the car.
It is still pulled away. It may be possible to change cars. Would be better. "

"It's really amazing, but this time I will still lose. After all, the gap between
the car and Chen Bailing's car is too big."

The drivers guarding the corners on both sides said in succession that they felt
that Chen Ze's cornering technology was indeed very good, and it didn't even seem
to be worse than Chen Bailing's, but because of the car, the two cars The gap is
still gradually widening, which makes many drivers a bit pity for Chen Ze.

They all agreed that from the current situation, Chen Ze is now losing.

"What is the difference between the two cars?"

At the top of the mountain, these members of Sunfire were not idle, and asked about
the gap between the two cars every time.

"The current gap is forty-five seconds, and the gap is expected to widen to one
minute in the first half." The intercom received a report from the members of their
Sunfire observation below.
"One minute, one minute." After hearing the report, Zhou Wen muttered to himself,
"Sure enough, it is exactly the same as the captain's calculations. If it is
enlarged to one minute, it is impossible for that Mesang Rui to catch up with the
captain. , No driver can catch up with a Mesang Rui with a minute behind the
captain. This game, there is really no suspense. "

Next to Zhou Wen, they stood with Yang Qi. After they heard Zhou Wen's words, they
looked as if they were ashamed.

Although they are very confident in Chen Ze, if the gap really reaches one minute,
they do not think that Chen Ze can catch up.

Chen Bailing was facing the opposite side. Such a person was one minute behind and
drove a Meisang Rui. Such a gap, even if Chen Ze was even more powerful, could not
be reversed.

"The competition is really no suspense."

"Do you think there is still suspense in the game?"

Another empty place on the top of Yandang Mountain, from which you can see two cars
of Chen Bailing and Chen Ze who are running downhill. And the person standing here
is exactly the Mog who lost to Chen Ze last week and one of his friends.

After losing to Chen Ze last week, Mogg suffered a major blow and did not return to
the team. However, after hearing that the Mei Sangrui was going to compete with his
captain Chen Bailing again, he took notice again, and quietly came to the mountain
tonight to see the two men's game.

From his heart, in fact, he didn't know who he hoped to win, but after seeing the
Mei San Rui falling further and further, he couldn't help asking.

"There should be no suspense ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Such a big gap, and the opponent
is Chen Bailing, it is really difficult for me to imagine how the Mei Sang Rui can
complete the reversal. Honestly, even you, it is impossible This situation
reversed. "Moog's friend shook his head and said.

"Is that so?" Mogg said. "I have a slightly different opinion."

"Huh?" Hearing Mog's words, his friend froze.

"That guy is a ghost. When Chen Bailing really knows that guy's strength, he will
know that this little difference is nothing at all."

Moog said, looking at Chen Ze's car under the mountain.

He recalled the scene when he raced with Chen Ze last week. He didn't know how much
his car was going to get better, and he did his best, but the Mei Sangrui was like
a ghost. Followed him closely until finally he lost his ability to judge in the

Such a ghost driver, Mog absolutely does not believe that he will simply lose to
Chen Bailing.

Great show, it will happen in the second half!

Chapter FTLS 32: Chen Ze's true strength

On the mountain road of Yandang Mountain, Chen Bailing had already drove through
the first half of the road and arrived at the most urgent and thrilling second half
of the curve.

From here on he had to slow down completely, because even him, he couldn't keep
running at high speed for the first half, that was just suicide.

"Although my speed has slowed down, the Mei San Rui can't get up quickly, so there
will be no problems."

Inside the car, while pressing the brakes, Chen Bailing thought to himself.

Although it slowed down, in the eyes of the ordinary riders who watched it, it was
extremely fast. Coupled with the rugged nature of the mountain road, when Chen
Bailing passed by, they all screamed and screamed loudly:

"It is indeed Chen Bailing. This kind of curve can maintain this speed, which is
too great."

"The four tires are flexibly controlled, and the center of gravity of the entire
car is perfectly controlled. This is why Chen Bailing can pass such a curve so
fast, perfect, almost perfect."

"Looking at the drifting body, it's so agile that it looks like it has wings."

Everyone said that Chen Bailing was admired to the extreme, and at the same time,
his heart was more certain. Chen Ze lost the game.

Hum! !! !!

Chen Bailing's car flashed across this curve, which aroused the admiration of the
crowd, but soon afterwards, an engine sound was heard from a distance.

"Come here? Come here again? Is that Mei Sang Rui?"

"Impossible, doesn't it mean that Mei Sangrui has been behind Chen Bailing's car
for more than a minute? This is less than thirty seconds, how could it be him."

"That is, what other vehicle should it be, and that Mei San Rui will be here for at
least half a minute."

Everyone shook their heads, eliminating the possibility of Chen Zemei Sang Rui!

At this moment, the sound of the engine in the distance continued to expand, and
then the car appeared in the sight of everyone. The lighted, black vehicle was a
Meisang Rui!

"Yes, it's the Mei Sang Rui, and the Mei Sang Rui even caught up."

Shouting in surprise when he found out that it was Chen Ze's Mei Sangrui.

Everyone else recognized it immediately, it was that Mei Sang Rui.

"Impossible, how could it be this Mesang Rui, shouldn't he still be behind a minute
away? How did he show up here?"

"This, this, this, has he chased half the distance? Impossible, this, does this
mean that he is faster than Chen Bailing?"

"Mei, Mei Sang Rui, how could this Mei Sang Rui be, he has already caught up to
half the distance in one breath?"

Everyone was so surprised that many people couldn't even say anything directly

They are actually standing in the first half of the second half, and there is still
a long way to go. But here, Chen Ze's Mei Sangrui has returned after half the
distance. This, but this shows that after entering the second half, this Mei
Sangrui is faster than Chen Bailing.

This conclusion made them unbelievable.

Hum! !! !!

Just when everyone was surprised, Chen Ze drove the vehicle at a high speed towards
this curve. He was very fast, much faster than just Chen Bailing. In particular,
Chen Bailing has stepped on the brakes and started to slow down at this place, but
Chen Ze didn't seem to see this curve at all, didn't step on the brakes at all, and
rushed towards the curve.

"Although it is a bit dangerous to not slow down at this time, there is no problem
with the ability of the car god."

Looking at the upcoming curve, Chen Ze thought to himself. Although he used the
hand of the car **** during the race last week, he was just equipped and was not
fully familiar with this skill. Naturally, there was no way to bring out the full
power of this skill.

And after this week's familiarity, he has completely figured out the power of the
car god's hand. Although the curve in front of him was thrilling, although his car
was fast, it may be difficult to get here with Chen Bailing, and he must slow down,
but if it is him, there is absolutely no problem.

This is the power of the hand of the car god, and it is his true strength now!

"No, I didn't apply the brakes. This Mei Sang Rui wanted to pass without applying
the brakes."

"Oh my god, can this curve be passed without stepping on the brakes? It's

"Everyone dodge a little. This Mei San Rui cannot pass this curve without stepping
on the brakes, and may hit us."

The people on the sidelines of the curve shouted loudly, and they also noticed that
Chen Ze planned to pass the curve without stepping on the brakes. It made them feel
incredible and felt that Chen Ze was just a lunatic.

Some people also concluded that Chen Ze would collide here and quickly avoided the
possible collision.

Hum! !! !!

Here! !! !!

Chen Ze finally rushed into the curve, then lightly applied the brakes, and at the
same time firmly controlled the steering wheel, the entire car drifted through the
curve with a great degree of curvature.
It was indeed very thrilling. Chen Mei's Mei Sangrui was walking close to the fence
at this time, but still passed the curve and passed the curve at a very fast speed.

Everyone was stunned to see Chen Ze's car passing this curve. Chen Ze, who thought
he would crash, actually passed the curve at a super high speed.

"Okay, great, even worse than Chen Bailing. The drift just now is definitely more
than Chen Bailing. And it is much worse than last week. This, is this the true
strength of this Meisangrui driver?"

Looking at the back of Chen Zeche, a driver spoke.

After a while, the other driver responded, and quickly took out the intercom: "Big,
big news, that Mei San Rui just passed me, he has already shortened the gap with
the captain by half."

At the top of the mountain, Yang Qi was despondent, and they were all very
depressed. Although the opponent is Chen Bailing, if they can, they still don't
want Chen Ze to lose, after all, Chen Ze represents their team.

On the side of the Sun Train team, one by one is very relaxed, with a relaxed
expression on their faces. They all feel that this time they have won, and even
some people have started to discuss where to celebrate after winning the game. .

"Big, big news, that Mei Sangrui just passed me. He has already narrowed the gap to
the captain by half."

At this moment, there was a sound coming out of the intercom, and it sounded on the
quiet mountain top, all of a sudden attracted everyone's attention.


Hearing what was inside the walkie-talkie, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com Zhou
Wen and they immediately responded, and quickly gathered around and asked loudly.

"That Mei Sang Rui is really, really fast, faster than the captain, and has already
caught up with the captain half the distance." The intercom said.

Then, a few interphones rang again: "That Mei Sang Rui just passed me, too fast,
really too fast. Is this his true strength? Faster than last week, distance The
captain has less than twenty seconds left. "

"Meisanru just passed in front of me. It's too fast. Doesn't he have any sense of
fear? He dared to enter the corner at such a fast speed, and the captain was only a
little ahead of him."

After hearing these news, Zhou Wen and they were all stunned. What they thought was
the victory and victory was now being caught up by the Mei Sangrui.

Their captain, miscalculated!

And Yang Qi and their side, after hearing the news, one face showed an extremely
excited look!

Chapter FTLS 33: V-shaped curve

Genius remembers for a second and provides you with wonderful novel reading.
"Very good, everything is going according to my plan, the condition of the car is
also very good, and my condition is also very good. No problem, there will be no
problems this time."

After another bend in Yandang Mountain, Chen Bailing thought to himself. He looked
at everyone's extremely surprised eyes as he turned the corner, but still
maintained the highest speed he could reach now.

Unlike Mog last week, although in his heart he has determined the absolute leading
position, but he will not slow down before the end and will not be taken lightly.
The overturning in the gutter will not happen to him.

"According to previous calculations, the Mei San Rui should now be at least one
minute behind me."

Chen Bailing thought of it again, thinking that he turned on the intercom on the
car: "Report the position of Mei Sang Rui, I want to know how far he is from me

"Team, Captain, the Mei San Rui is here, right behind you." On the walkie-talkie,
the words of their Sunfire members came, and the man choked and said, obviously
extremely shocked.

"Why, what?"

At this moment, Chen Bailing felt like he had heard it wrong, right behind him? Is
that Mei Sang Rui? how can that be!

Hum! !! !! !! !!

Just as Chen Bailing was about to question this answer, there suddenly came the
sound of the engine and the sound of the brakes.

Then, after a headlight passed through the curve he just passed, he came over!

Chen Bailing quickly looked up at the rear-view mirror inside the car, and saw his
own extremely shocked face in the rear-view mirror. In addition, there was the car
behind him, Mei Sangrui!

"Beauty, Mei Sang Rui, is really Sang Rui, how is it possible, how can he catch up,
this is impossible!"

Chen Bailing was stunned. According to his previous calculations, this Meisangrui
could not catch up anyway, let alone catch up, it was impossible to approach him!

But now the fact is in front of him, that Mei Sang Rui, the driver named Chen Ze,
actually caught up.

"Impossible, impossible, this is impossible." Chen Bailing shook his head and said,
instantly sweating. The reason why he was able to win hundreds of battles was the
precise calculations before, and this calculation also brought him great confidence
and let him know that he would definitely win.

But now that this calculation is bankrupt, his self-confidence is also broken, and
his attention immediately begins to decline. But he didn't notice so much, just
wondering why this Mei Sang Rui would catch up.

"How is that possible? How could that Mei Sangrui catch up, just a Mei Sangrui, how
could it catch up." Chen Bailing meditated in his heart, and suddenly he thought of
a possibility, "Is this a Mei Sangrui Speed is much faster than I imagined. Last
week Mogger's loss was not a matter of luck at all. Even the current me is not his
opponent in speed? "

Behind him, the Mei Sangrui approached all the way, seemingly confirming Chen
Bailing's idea.


Inside the car, Chen Bailing took a deep breath, and then spit it out, thereby
stabilizing his own mind: "Even if you are faster on the curve than I am, I will
not lose. A Mei San Rui, no matter how good the driver's technology is, it won't
win me. "

After re-focusing, Chen Bailing's speed was raised again. Although the previous
calculations were broken, Chen Bailing immediately thought of a new method. And his
method is also very simple, that is, to try to widen the gap with Chen Ze in a
straight line, so that even if Chen Ze leads the curve, it is not enough to surpass

Sure enough, this recovery of Chen Bailing started to widen the gap with Chen Ze in
a straight line.

"Catch up, but how can we get over it?"

Behind, in Mei Sangrui, Chen Ze also thought about this problem. He knows that the
gap between his car and the Chen Bailing car in front cannot be caught up in a
straight line, and the gap will be widened. And there is only one way to catch up
with Chen Bailing, which is to narrow the gap on the curve, and in which curve to
surpass him.

Beyond Chen Bailing on the curve, Chen Ze knew that the test was his skill. A few
weeks ago, Chen Ze never dared to have this confidence and was able to surpass Chen
Bailing on the curve.

But now it is different. Chen Ze looked at his hands controlling the steering
wheel: "It's up to you." He believes that the power of the car god's hand is enough
to make him surpass Chen Bailing on the curve.

In this way, two vehicles started to fight in Yandang Mountain one after the other,
and their fighting situation was continuously reported by the members of the Sun
Train team:

"Catch up, catch up, the captain's car is overtaken by that Mei Sang Rui."

"The captain's car is still in front, but that Mei Sang Rui is behind him. Mei Sang
Rui is so fast that the speed on the curve has exceeded the captain's."

"Fight, the two cars are fighting together, but the captain still has a certain

"The captain can open the gap in a straight line every time, but the corner is too
fast. Is this driver not afraid of the curve? Or is he so confident in his driving
skills that he dares to go so fast? Cornering. "


On the top of the mountain, the walkie-talkie in the hands of the Sunfire members
kept ringing, but at this time everyone was silent, and did not expect it would be
such a fierce battle.

Everyone listened quietly, waiting for the final result.

"The captain and the Mei Sangrui just passed through me. The captain still
maintained a certain advantage when he went out of the corner, but the Mei Sangrui
was already close. The v-shaped corner was in front of me. Can the captain keep
this advantage? "

In the end, the voice came out from the intercom, and everyone heard it when they
heard it.

The V-shaped curve is the most difficult curve in the second half of Yandang
Mountain. Even when Chen Bailing practiced in the past two days, he had to drop a
considerable speed on this curve, otherwise there would be no way to pass.

Now, Mei Sangrui is behind. If the captain drops too much speed at this time, and
the Mei Sangrui does not drop, then it is very likely that the captain will be
overtaken here.

And this curve is not far from the final end point. If it is surpassed here, it
means losing!

"No, the captain will not be surpassed here, he will win."

"Yes, that's how our captain could lose."

"That big V-curve is really difficult, but since the captain has to drop so much
speed, I don't believe Mesang Rui can not drop the same speed."

"That is, a Mei Sang Rui is just beyond the captain's."

The Sunfire crowds said, they shouted that Chen Bailing would win. But they know
exactly what they think. Only they know it.

"The V-shaped big curve is ahead. Although it may be overtaken here, the difficulty
of this curve is so great that even I have to slow down, and the Mei Sang Rui
cannot fail to slow down. It wo n’t be super, it wo n’t be super here. ”

In Chen Bailing's car, Chen Bailing also knew that the V-shaped big curve was
ahead, and he realized that there was a possibility of being surpassed in front of
it. But he didn't believe that he would be surpassed, and it would be difficult for
him to pass there with his technology. Even if Chen Ze was even better, he did not
believe that he could surpass him there!

Behind ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen Ze also realized the existence of this V-shaped

big curve.

"That curve is really difficult to pass if you don't slow down. But if you slow
down too much, you won't be able to get past Chen Bailing." Chen Ze thought to
himself that he was struggling.

In fact, after getting the hand of the car god, he knew that there was a way to get
there very quickly, but that required the cooperation of hands and feet. Now he has
only reached the realm with his hands, but not his feet yet.

Once the cooperation is unfavorable, let alone surpass it, it is difficult to keep
the car steady.
But now, this is the only chance!


Chen Ze thought to himself that after getting the hand of the car god, he seemed to
be imbued with the crazy genes of the driver.

With one foot of throttle, Chen Ze drove the car down the V-shaped curve, and his
hands and feet cooperated at the same time!

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Chapter FTLS 34: win

The big curve, many drivers from outside all stood here, staring forward. 81
Chinese Network

As drivers, they also know that this is the most critical part of the entire race,
not only the most difficult corners, but also the last few corners. Whoever takes
the lead here can almost tell who will win the final victory.

Therefore, everyone knows that there must be a fierce battle here.

"Who can take the lead here and whoever can win this game, I really want to know
who will win, is the captain of the Sunfire, or that Mesang Rui?" One said.

"Of course it is Chen Bailing. Although the Mei San Rui is fighting with him now,
he is still leading. The corners are so rushed. No matter how good the Mei San
Rui's technology is, it is impossible to perform here. So Chen Bailing won. "

"I also think that Chen Bailing can win. It is difficult to believe how he lost the
game. He is Chen Bailing. He is Chen Bailing."

"Mei Sangrui's driver is also very powerful, especially a taxi driver. It is

amazing that a taxi driver is so powerful that he has forced Chen Bailing to this
extent. Whether he is losing or winning today, He can blow a big wave. "

The crowd at the corner, most of these people still believe that Chen Bailing can
win, but everyone knows that today, whether Chen Ze wins or not, he has already
succeeded. After all, Chen Bailing has been pushed to this level. They are still
the first time. It is said that.

But for Chen Ze, in fact, this game must be won, how to get popularity and how to
complete the task without winning.

Hum! !! !! !! !!

Here! !! !! !!

Soon, there were sounds of engines and tires rubbing the ground in the distance.


Upon hearing this voice, everyone immediately looked towards the distance, and they
all knew that Chen Ze and Chen Bailing were here.

"Chen Bailing is ahead, Chen Bailing is ahead." One said.

"That Mei Sangrui is also chasing very closely. Behind it, it is difficult to say
who loses and who wins."
"A Mei Sangrui chased behind Chen Bailing tightly. My God, if I hadn't seen it with
my own eyes today, it would be hard for me to imagine. This is a dream!"

Others also spoke one after another. Everyone saw that Chen Bailing was leading,
but Chen Ze was closely behind him. A Mei Sangrui was so close to Chen Bailing's
car that everyone felt a sense of disbelief.

In Chen Bailing's car, Chen Bailing's sweat-soaked clothes at this moment had
disappeared calmly. He felt endless pressure at this moment. He had never felt
pressure in the past and would never imagine it before coming to the competition.

"This Chen Ze is really terrible. I was so chased by a Mei Sang Rui, I can't
believe it." Chen Bailing said, looking at Chen Ze's car through the rearview
mirror. "But I still won't lose, I will go through this curve first and then win
the game. "

Speaking, the car immediately entered the cornering area, and the angle of the
cornering was very tricky. Chen Bailing had to brake with one foot, lowered the
degree, and then turned as he had practiced.

Although he was facing very high pressure behind him, he did everything he could to
do it perfectly and seized a powerful cornering area.

"Perfect, Chen Bailing's cornering area is too perfect. It is indeed a white


"Not only was the cornering perfect, but it also grabbed a powerful cornering zone
and won, and it won."

"No problem. As long as you do this, there will be absolutely no problem."

Many people at the corner of the opening spoke. These people were all fans of Chen
Bailing. After seeing Chen Bailing's perfect turn, and grabbing a powerful corner,
they all shouted in excitement.

At this moment, Chen Bailing also showed a little pride on his face. He entered the
corner perfectly and seized this position again. He thought he had won this time
and Chen Ze could not pass him on this curve.

But at this moment, he suddenly found that Chen Ze was also entering the curve,
cutting into the curve with a very fast degree. Although it has also dropped, the
degree is still much faster than his, and he actually wants to oppose his car
through the outside lane.

"Impossible, so fast, and on the outside, it is impossible to control the car, is

this guy Chen Ze crazy? Want to roll over?" Chen Bailing was stunned.

Not only him, but the other drivers at the curve were stunned, and some couldn't
believe their eyes, watching Chen Ze's car rush over:

"No, that's impossible. How did this Mei Sang Rui feel so cornered? He will roll
over so fast."

"Is this, this, is this Mei Sang Rui crazy? It turned out so fast that it would be
impossible to get through this curve."

"Crazy, really mad, this Mei San Rui driver is really mad."
The crowd spoke because they were standing outside, so they only watched Chen Ze's
car rush towards them. The body was very unstable, and it seemed that there was a
possibility of overturning at any time.

After seeing Chen Ze's car like this, everyone reacted and immediately screamed and
ran away. They all recognized that this Mei Sang Rui could not pass this curve, let
alone Passed, it ’s impossible to roll over here.

"That's it. It needs the perfect coordination of hands and feet."

In Mei Sangrui, Chen Ze is also sweaty. Although the hand of the car **** can pass
here, he must cooperate with his feet and must cooperate perfectly, otherwise there
is only one consequence!

Although his feet still could n’t keep up, Chen Ze did his best to match his hands
with his feet and pass this curve.

"This is the moment. This moment requires the brake throttle and the steering wheel
to be used together to pass this curve."

Chen Ze seized the only chance to pass this corner and immediately used it with his
hands and feet.

Then, people outside saw Chen Ze's Meisangrui's tires in a strange direction, and
then stabilized the car with an arc they could not understand, and passed Chen
Bailing's from the outside at a very fast rate The car rushed out first.

"How is it possible, impossible to pass, how could this Mesang Rui be able to pass
like this, how did this pass?"

In Chen Bailing's car, Chen Bailing couldn't believe what was going on. He thought
that Chen Ze was absolutely impossible to pass, but he passed by in a way he
couldn't imagine, and was beside him. of.

Chen Bailing recalled the way Chen Ze just passed, and suddenly realized that only
people with very high skills, much higher than his current technology, could pass.

That is to say, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com Chen Ze's car skills are much higher
than he imagined.

I lost this game myself!

"Yes, passed?"

"This, how is it possible, how did this Mesang Rui do it? It's impossible, how
could it pass?"

"After that, this Mei Sang Rui passed Chen Bailing's car."

Looking at the back of Chen Ze's car, the crowd screamed, and then they reacted.
The Mei Sangrui did not have an accident, but passed by the fence.

What's more critical is that he passed Chen Bailing's car.

The crowd realized one thing at this time, something they could never have imagined

"Mei Sang Rui, Mei Sang Rui defeated Chen Bailing!"

Immediately, the news spread throughout the Yandang Mountains, and everyone who
came to watch the war was stunned.

Chapter FTLS 35: Weirdness

"Win, win, Mei Sangrui defeated Chen Bailing."

"My God, I can't believe it, Chen Bailing, that Chen Bailing even lost to a Mei
Sang Rui."

"It won. How could it be that Mei Sang Rui, who had treated the game so casually,
and hadn't even practiced before the game, actually won like this."

"This, me, I'm not dreaming."

At the end, Chen Ze's car kept the lead and crossed the finish line first.

After seeing this scene, everyone waiting at the finish line was stunned, and
everyone couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

The Mei Sang Rui won, and the driver of the Mei Sang Rui won. Wasn't this driver a
taxi driver? He even won the Sun Fire captain Chen Bailing with a car like Mei Sang

Here and there, everyone looked at each other, and they saw extremely shocked and
unbelievable expressions from each other's faces.

That Chen Bailing, that white comet, that unbeaten myth in the amateur driver
circle, just lost? Lost to a taxi driver?

"Oh my god, the driver who drove the taxi turned out to be so powerful, it is hard
to imagine, it is too hard to imagine."

One said at this time, the others nodded. They thought that because of the late
arrival of the Meisangrui, and the car was carrying mud, they all thought that the
Meisangrui was too arrogant, and they did not pay much attention to this race, and
they will definitely lose.

But now it seems that the reason why this Masanrui dare to do so is not because he
doesn't pay attention to the game, but because he has absolute confidence,
confident that he can win the game, and he wins with Masanui.

"Who is this Kaimei Sanrui taxi driver? It is a bit scary."

In the end, everyone thought that Chen Ze felt too mysterious.

Not only at this end point, the news that Chen Ze won Chen Bailing was like the
wind immediately, rushing from the foot of the mountain towards the top of the
mountain, and everyone along the way exclaimed:

"Mei Sang Rui won, it turned out that Mei Sang Rui!"

"My God, not only Mog lost, but now Chen Bailing has lost, who is the one who drove
this Mei Sangrui?"

"It's terrible. Chen Bailing played so brilliantly this time, but he finally lost."

"It's hard to believe. Chen Bailing lost, and it was in a Mei Sang Rui's hand."
Soon, the news reached the mountain.

Hearing the news, the group of players waiting for the sun at the top of the
mountain all showed an incredible look on their faces.

"Lost, the captain lost."

"Captain him, he lost!"

"Is the captain's undefeated record terminated? It was actually terminated by a

Messant Rui."

Mog lost last week and they felt unbelievable, but they were able to comfort
themselves, saying that it was because Mog was unfamiliar with the terrain and
rushed into the big pit and lost control of the car.

But now, this time they all know that their captain has made sufficient
preparations, not only to adapt to the terrain one day in advance, but even to
drive the equipped car, and there are no mistakes during the race, everything is in
accordance with his best The state is waving.

But even if that's the case, the team leader still lost!

All of a sudden, I don't know how many members of the Sun Train team felt shocked.
They suddenly realized the fact that Chen Ze could win, and that Mei Sang Rui could
win, not because he was lucky.

Instead, he has absolute strength, even stronger than his captain!

"Win, Chen Ze actually won again."

"Hahaha, I knew that Chen Ze would win, and he would not let us down."

"I never thought that Chen Ze could win even Chen Bailing. It was too exaggerated,
too exaggerated."

On Yang Qi's side, after hearing the news of Chen Ze's victory, everyone laughed.
Everyone was in a good mood after sweeping the haze before.

Yang Qi also said with a smile on his face: "It is unexpected that Chen Ze is so
strong that even Chen Bailing is not his opponent. Everyone, let's go down the
mountain and give this real master who ended Chen Bailing's winning streak.

"Sure enough, Chen Bailing is not his opponent."

On the top of the mountain, Moog murmured to himself as he watched the stars below
the mountain.

Although Chen Ze was behind in the first half, but he always felt that Chen Ze
could win, and now it is true, Chen Ze actually started an absolute big comeback in
the second half.

"It's amazing. This Meisangrui driver is really too powerful. I can't even think
that Chen Bailing can win. I think this Meisangrui driver's skills have reached a
superb level." Moog's Friends spoke.

He was also extremely surprised in his mind. He never expected that Chen Ze would
really make a big comeback, and Chen Ze's pursuit in the second half of the game
made him an eye-opener. He even thought that just looking at Chen Ze's performance
in the second half, it seemed The car technology has been promoted to an extreme,
and it is difficult to progress further.

"No, it's far from reaching the extreme." At this moment, Moog spoke again, and his
friend stopped him. "Although it is fast, but this car always gives me a corner A
weird feeling. "

"Weirdness?" His friend froze.

"Yes, it ’s like walking like a lame person. Although they can walk, some may be
driving fast, but they always feel unnatural. Although this Mei San Rui has been so
fast, it just gives me this. That feeling. "Moog said.

"So what went wrong?" Mog's friend asked.

Moog shook his head. "I don't know. It's just a feeling, maybe it's just an
illusion. But if it's not an illusion, then I can only say that the potential of
this Kaimei Sanrui driver is far from being driven. This person has unlimited
potential. "

Under the mountain, Mei Sangrui's car.

After Chen Ze crossed the finish line, he stopped the car. Then turned over the
popularity value and looked at his current popularity value. The reason why he came
to participate in this game, in addition to money, is to value the popularity that
he brought to him after the victory of the game.

Now that the game has won, he wants to see how much popularity he can bring to him.

"Is it six hundred and forty-eight? It's not bad, and it has suddenly increased its
popularity by more than two hundred."

Chen Ze opened the popularity page, which shows that his current popularity has
increased to 648. Before today ’s game, his popularity has just reached 400. That
is to say, now a game has increased by more than 200. After the news spreads, it
will continue to increase, reaching at least seven hundred.

Although there is still a big gap between two thousand ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, but it
is already very good. After a few more such games, the task is almost completed.
Therefore, Chen Ze is very enthusiastic at the moment. He didn't realize that
opponents like Chen Bailing were already very rare. It would be even more difficult
to come back to this kind of competition several times.

Turning off the popularity of the system, he opened the skill page again, which
showed that the skill he was equipped with at the moment was only the hand of the
car god.

"Is the car god's hand? It's terrific, but it's almost almost something."

Chen Ze thought to himself that although Chen Bailing was won today, Chen Ze knew
that he had some luck. For example, in the big curve, he actually didn't cooperate
with his feet and hands to the extreme, which resulted in mistakes when entering
the corner, but his luck was over.

Also, in each corner, the response of the foot is always a bit slower than the
hand, resulting in the power of the car god's hand still cannot be maximized, and
the degree of the car has not actually been raised to the extreme.
"If I can get my heels up, then I can at least take the car to the next level."

Chen Ze didn't know that the problem he was thinking about was exactly the kind of
weird feeling Mog felt!

Chapter FTLS 36: Meet Fang Qing again

"Have you heard? Chen Bailing also lost, losing to Yandang Mountain, and was
defeated by that Mei Sangrui."

什么 "What? Chen Bailing also lost? That Sunfire captain Chen Bailing? My God, who
is Kaimei Sanrui who is not even an opponent? Is it a retired professional driver?"

"No, I heard that it was only a local taxi driver in Yucheng, or an online taxi,
and it didn't seem to be very old."

"Oh my god, it's true, this, this, this is not possible. The taxi driver, the taxi
driver won Chen Bailing?"

After Chen Ze defeated Chen Bailing, the news immediately spread to the whole
province with the drivers on the scene. All the people in the amateur driver circle
in the province knew about it and knew that a taxi driver even won Mog and Chen
Bailing, but they still use the beautiful Sang Rui.

They all felt that it was too unimaginable. They all respected Chen Ze a little
bit. After all, a person who could drive Mo Sang Rui to win Moge and Chen Bailing
is definitely worthy of their worship.

崇拜 And this worship, here Chen Ze turned into popularity, for him to complete the
tasks given by the driver of the system.

"At present, the popularity is 728, and it has increased by nearly 100. It's not
bad. This match with Chen Bailing is really a good deal."

On the street of Wu Yucheng, Chen Ze looked at the popularity page in his system
and found that it had increased his popularity by nearly one hundred. He knew that
this was due to the news of the victory over Chen Bailing.

And not only the popularity, but he made tens of thousands of dollars through this
game, which made Chen Ze very satisfied: "If you can come back for a few more
games, it will be perfect."

Although Chen Ze knows that this kind of competition is not so simple and
achievable, he still dreams of a few more games, and then he can push the
popularity to more than two thousand, complete the tasks given by the system, and
make more money. Scenes.

I thought and thought, a smile appeared on his face.

"Forget it." After a while, Chen Ze quickly shook his head. "What am I thinking?
Now I still work, how can I think of this mindless thing."

Although he made a lot of money during this time, Chen Ze did not give up the job
of the driver of the ride-hailing. After all, the kind of competition is not fixed.
Although he made a lot of money, Chen Ze also wanted to have a fixed income.

Withdrew his thoughts, Chen Ze opened the taxi software on his phone and checked to
see if there was a new passenger list nearby. Not to mention, he found another

He quickly started, grabbed the list, and then called: "Hey? I'm the driver. Where
are you?"

"I'm waiting for you at the gate of Huangcheng District." A voice came from the
phone, a girl.

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Chen Ze spoke, then hung up the phone, and drove towards the door of Huangcheng

He was there soon, but there was no one at the gate. While he was about to call to
ask about the situation, a girl stepped out and opened the door of the co-pilot.

"Hello, I'm the driver this time. Where do you plan to go?" Chen Ze said, greeting
the girl.

"Hello master, this is the case. I used your car, but it wasn't me who was going to
take the car. I was helping my friend. He would come over right away. Will you wait
a while?" The girl said.

"Okay, no problem." Chen Ze started, waiting while he lit a cigarette and smoked.

As soon as I took a sip, Chen Ze heard a few footsteps, apparently another girl was

Hearing this voice, Chen Ze quickly prepared to smoke, but he never smoked in front
of the passengers. But before he could act, the girl sat in, and after seeing her
through the rearview mirror, Chen Ze froze a little.

The person who came here was a twenty-four-year-old girl, who looked very
beautiful. It was Fang Qing.

However, Fang Qing apparently didn't notice Chen Ze. She twisted her head and
talked to the girl who had just taken a taxi. "Okay Xiaoyang, then I'm going to
work. I have to work overtime tonight, you don't have to wait for me."

And the girl nodded after hearing Fang Qing's words, and then said to Chen Ze:
"Master, she is my friend, please help send her to the police station, and confirm
the payment when I get there."

"Ah, okay." Chen Ze froze and nodded.

Then the girl turned and went back, and Fang Qing finally sat upright,
inadvertently looked at the rearview mirror, and suddenly saw Chen Ze's face.

"Chen Ze, are you?" Fang Qing exclaimed, obviously she was also very surprised.

"It's me, what a coincidence." Chen Ze smiled, and he looked at the Huangcheng
District outside, "So you live here."

"Yeah, I rented here with two of my college classmates, the one you just saw." Fang
Qing nodded. "I don't use taxi software at all, she uses it, so she helped me just
now. It was a coincidence that I never met you when I took a taxi. "

Wu Fangqing was really a bit surprised, and he did not expect that he would hit a
taxi to Chen Ze.

Hearing Fang Qing's words, Chen Ze had a smile on his face, and was just about to
say something, but suddenly Fang Qing screamed, then reached out, and snatched away
the cigarette from his hand: "Smoke again? Smoking Not good for the body. "

Xu said, Fang Qing threw out the cigarette **** from Chen Ze while it was

Chen Ze and Fang Qing haven't met a few times. They haven't seen each other since
the last date, but only by phone. However, Chen Ze remembers that when he met that
day, Fang Qing had told him that smoking was unhealthy, so he should stop
smoking. .

"Habit, just habit, I'm giving up." Chen Ze said.

Fang Qingke didn't believe Chen Ze's words, but she didn't say anything. Instead,
she seemed to think of something. She said, "Yes, I heard that you played in
Yandang Mountain again this Friday? It seems that you have defeated a great one.
Opponent. "

"How do you know?" Chen Ze froze.

"Hum, I'm the police, you guys are illegal drag racing, can't I know?" Fang Qing

"Why don't you police leave it alone? I think they seem to be very experienced in
drag racing, obviously not the first time." Chen Ze said.

"Do you think our police don't want to care? UU reading www.uukanshu.com is just
that those of you who are racing cars are rich or expensive, and there is a
relationship behind it. In addition, it doesn't cause any trouble, just for fun.
That ’s why we did n’t care about it, but every time I still let the police
secretly go to the scene to see the situation. ”Fang Qingdao.

"Oh, this is the case." Chen Ze nodded, and he began to understand how Fang Qing
knew he was dragging a car in Yandang Mountain. It turned out to be known by secret

"My colleague went this Friday night. He has been blowing you since he came back,
saying that you are the first amateur driver in the province. It is very powerful.
We know the entire police station." Fang Qingdao, "The colleague did not like to
drive. This time it was his turn, but when he came back, it seemed like he was in a
demon. He kept talking about it, and he said that he would learn to drive himself.
Big charm? "

"I will still race next time, you will know if you go with me to see it." Chen Ze
said, in fact he is also a bit in love with racing now, in love with the speed

However, he knew that Fang Qing had no interest in this kind of car. The last time
he went there was just to complete the task, so he just said casually that he
didn't think Fang Qing would really agree.

But he didn't expect that Fang Qing actually agreed in one sip: "Okay, next time
you have a match, you must take me to see."

"Huh?" Chen Ze froze.

"What's wrong?" Fang Qing asked.

"No, nothing." Chen Ze said, "Next time I call you, where do I go now?"

去 "Go to the police station, I have to work overtime tonight." Fang Qingdao.

"it is good."

Chen Ze nodded and drove towards the road. He didn't notice that after he drove,
several cars quietly followed him behind him.

Chapter FTLS 37: Was followed

"Brother, the person who just got on the bus is the policewoman."

Above a car in Yucheng, a Huang Mao asked, pointing at the car in front, which was
Chen Zemei's Mei Sangrui.

就是 "That's her, our goal tonight." The man who drove nodded.

那 "So what are we going to do tonight? Do you want to tie her back?" Huang Mao
said, "The policewoman has always been in trouble with our boss recently. I think
we have to give her some color."

"You think we are robbers." When hearing Huang Mao's words, the man drove for a
while and said, "We're just fooling. The policewoman in front is okay to scare her.
We really tied her today, you believe I don't believe the boss can immediately tie
us up and throw them to the police station. "

"What should we do?" Huang Mao was a little confused, "Can't tie her, and she's
still a policeman, we can't move her, what can we do?"

"If she can't move, she won't move others." He drove the humane and smiled sadly.
"Did you see the car she just got on? The car was either her friend or the online
taxi she called." In short, it must have anything to do with her. Let ’s scrap the
crash of that car on the road today. That ’s not enough. It will give the
policewoman a lesson without exposing us. ”

"Good idea." Huang Mao also brought a yin-yin smile, "Yes, just scrap the car in
front, anyway, just a Mei Sangrui, just scrap it, and the owner also moved Not us.

"Yes, so you tell Huazi behind the car that they will wait until there is no
monitoring. Let's get on a few cars together and we must scrap that Mei Sangrui."
Drive the humane.

"OK." Huang Mao nodded.

Then he called each of the cars behind him.


In front of him, Chen Ze continued to drive Mei Sang Rui and headed towards the
police station. But driving, Chen Ze's car suddenly deviated from the line and ran
towards the other road.

"Hey, you went wrong. You should go the same way as the police station. You went
the other way." Fang Qing immediately discovered the problem and said to Chen Ze.

"Yes." Chen Ze said, "Look at the back, it seems that the following cars have
followed us from a long time ago. I'll try if they really want to follow us."

I heard Chen Ze's words, Fang Qing hurriedly looked back, only to see that several
cars were indeed following. After Chen Ze deliberately changed several roads, these
cars still followed.

"Here, how could there be a car following you, who offended you?" Fang Qing quickly

"This is obviously following you." Chen Ze was speechless for a while, and finally
spoke. He didn't offend anyone, and he ran for a day today, and nothing happened.
As soon as he took over Qing, these cars immediately followed, and Chen Ze knew
that he was heading for Fang Qing.

"Just think about it, have you offended anyone recently. You must have offended
someone easily as a policeman." Chen Ze said.

When he heard what he said, Fang Qing frowned quickly and thought: "No, I didn't
offend anyone." Then suddenly realized, "Yes, it's Zhu Wen, it must be Zhu Wen, and
the car behind must be Zhu Wen's person."

"Zhu Wen? Who is Zhu Wen?" Chen Ze froze.

"Let's be a big chump in Yucheng. Recently our police team caught a few of his men.
It is estimated that he hated me because of this incident." Fang Qingdao.

"It shouldn't be that I hate you. How can you find you with so many people in the
police force?" Chen Ze was a little bit puzzled. Is this perplexity now a
persimmon? Seeing Fang Qing is a woman, so she found her?

"Actually, it's not just just a few people who caught him." Fang Qing said a little

"What else?" Chen Ze froze.

"We had a little surprise when we acted, just a little." Fang Qingdao said,
comparing with his hands, meaning only a little, "I accidentally interrupted Zhu
Wen's hand. "


泽 Chen Ze was completely speechless, and he said why no one was looking for it,
but he was looking for Qingqing. It turned out that there was still a stubble that
interrupted the boss's hand. This is the average person and I can't swallow this

"You can actually interrupt the boss's hand?" Chen Ze said.

"Of course, don't look at me like that, I'm still a black belt of Taekwondo. Then
Zhu Wenfei had to practice with me. I said practice and practiced, and then
accidentally interrupted his hand." Fang Qing grunted and said quite proudly.

"I can't see it. I was scared to death in my car that day. Why was Taekwondo black
belt?" Chen Zemuttered to himself, remembering what happened when Fang Qing was
sitting next to him the first day.

"That day, I wasn't ready, you can come again and there is absolutely no problem."
Fang Qing heard Chen Ze's mutter, and immediately yelled, as if Chen Ze's words
insulted her personality.
In fact, the thing in her mind that day really insulted her personality ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ She hasn't lost her face since she was young, she actually
vomited in front of so many people, that vomiting is so miserable.

Every time she thinks about it, she can't wait to get on Chen Ze's car.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" "Nod Chen nodded, but she didn't believe her at all." Now
when I'm not talking about this, look at the cars behind me for so long. The abacus
must be a lot, I It is estimated that they thought of dealing with us without
monitoring. "

"What should I do?" Fang Qing immediately became a little nervous. Although she was
a black belt in Taekwondo, she also knew that there were so many people in the back
that she couldn't beat it alone.

"It's okay, they have to do it, and they have to catch up with us first." Chen Ze
smiled. "But you need to be prepared. There is no monitoring right away."

"Prepared? What preparation?" Fang Qing froze for a moment.

Chen Ze did not answer her, but kicked the throttle directly to raise the speed,
while one hand began to shift gears, ready to accelerate.

"you you you!"

Seeing Chen Ze's action, Fang Qing immediately became completely nervous. She could
understand what Chen Ze had prepared for her. It turned out to be his preparation
to accelerate.

Wu Fangqing immediately remembered the feeling of sitting in Chen Zeche that day,
and her forehead was soaked with sweat, her face was tense, or more prepared, she
had become frightened.

If she had a choice now, she would rather go and fight with the scramble of the
next few cars instead of taking Chen Ze's car.

"My mother, Chen Ze you, you slow me down, ah, I can't do it, I really can't do

Yong Fangqing shouted, completely forgetting that she herself had vowed to say that
if she did it again, she would be fine.

Chapter FTLS 38: tease

华 "Huazi, look, the car in front of us seems to have found us, and it will speed

On the back of Chen Ze's car, on the other one, a mess in the co-driver's cab found
that Chen Ze was accelerating and quickly spoke.

"I just found out that the acceleration is too late. There is an unmonitored area
in front. I can't let you run."

The man named Huazi spoke and said he kicked the throttle to drive his car to the

Don't say, although this Huazi is just a little bitch, but he was very interested
in the car from an early age. The first thing an adult will do is save money and
buy the car that he drives now. Not only is he buying it, he also secretly modified
it With a lot of parts inside, although it seems that this car is not very
valuable, similar to Chen Zemei Sang Rui, but in fact it is very fast, much faster
than ordinary cars, even if it is not slower than ordinary sports cars. How many.

It is for this reason that, together with Hua Zi's car skills, is actually good, so
their boss Zhu Wen only let Hua Zi come out and pursue Fang Qing.

Of course, it's not just him. Several other cars have also discovered that Chen Ze
seems to be running, and one by one will speed up immediately to catch up.

And here is exactly a straight road, so although Chen Ze speeded up, they were
still pulled back a little distance, especially Hua Zi, who was the first to catch
up to Chen Ze.

"Well, you can't run, it's a broken Mei Sang Rui. If I let you run, how will I mix
in Yu Cheng in the future, you know I'm the first driver in Yu Cheng." Looking at
the back of Chen Ze Mei Sang Rui Hua Zi said.

"You are not the first driver in Yucheng." At that moment, the junk sitting in the
co-driver's cab couldn't bear it. "The first driver in Yucheng was the Mog who
continuously defeated the Sunfire and the captain Chen Bailing. Mysterious beauty
San Rui driver. "

Xi Huazi likes to boast about how good his car skills are, and later he even blew
to the first driver in Yucheng. He has also heard Huazi's blowing method many
times, but he just smiled. Although he doesn't think that Huazi is the first driver
of Yucheng, he also knows that Huazi's car skills are really good, and it doesn't
matter if he blows his nose.

However, since more than a week ago, I suddenly heard that a mysterious driver
driving Meisangrui appeared on Yandang Mountain in Yucheng. After continually
defeating Moge and Chen Bailing, the chaos of this cab completely admired this
mysterious driver. He also likes cars, and knows what it is to beat Moge and Chen
Bailing in succession with a Meisang Rui.

So now hearing Huazi bragging like this, he can't help but refute.

After hearing his rebuttal, Hua Zi pouted his lips: "The so-called Yandang Mountain
has the fastest downhill slope, and the mysterious Meisangrui driver is actually
the same in my opinion, but I have not played against him. Really. If you play
against each other, you may not win. "

Then, he looked at Chen Zeche's back again, revealing an eagle's eyes catching the
chick: "And even if the mysterious Meisangrui driver is more powerful, it is just
one person. Other Meisangrui drivers are absolutely It's impossible to compare with
me. A small Sanssui can never escape my palm. "

As soon as Wu Huazi's words were finished, he saw that the Meisangrui in front of
him approached a curve, and then the Meisangrui passed the curve in a way that was
amazing to him.

Seeing this corner, both Huazi and the co-pilot on the co-pilot were shocked:
"This, this, this is drifting !!!"


"No, it's impossible. How can it be so powerful, how can it be so powerful. A

Meisang Rui, how can it drive so fast, this is impossible, how is this possible."
Above the car, Hua Zi shouted, with extreme shock and even fear on his face. Before
tonight, he had never thought that someone could drive Mei Sang Rui so fast. Even
when he heard the legend of the mysterious Meisangrui driver on the downhill ****
of Yandang Mountain, he thought it was false or exaggerated.

It's just a beautiful San Rui, how could it be possible to beat Moge and Chen
Bailing in succession.

But now, he was really shocked by the car in front, or Sanguan was destroyed
directly by the car in front. Obviously it's just a Meisangrui, the most ordinary
car. It's the kind that nobody would notice on the road.

But the driver in front, even this kind of Meisang Rui gave the feeling of driving
a sports car, or the most top sports car, just two bends, he was thrown without a

If it hadn't been with the car in front for so long, he would still think that the
car in front is a super sports car with Meisangrui appearance.

美 "Beautiful, Mei Sangrui can really run so fast! Who is this driver? Who is the
driver in front of me?"

I was approaching a curve again, but Hua Zi muttered to himself.

Not only him, but the people in the other cars were also stunned. Their performance
was far worse than that of Huazi. It was just a corner and all of them were thrown

喂 "Hey Huazi? Are you keeping up with the Meisang Rui in front of me? Oh my god,
how can that car run so fast, I can't believe it."

"Huazi, is it sure that the previous one is Mesang Rui? How can Mesang Rui drive so

"Mum, Hana, are we damned today?"

Xi Huazi's phone rang constantly, and people behind the car called Huazi one after
another, asking him about his situation, and also expressing his own sigh.

"I can't catch up anymore. The car was driving too fast, and I was too!" Hua Zi
said, and he drove a corner between words, but at this moment, he suddenly found
the Mei Sang Rui in front of him. Stopped there.

"Here, what's going on? Is the car broken?" Huazi thought, and he called out
immediately and found Mei Sangrui, then hung up the phone and rushed towards Mei

But before he rushed to Mei Sanrui, the Mei Sanrui suddenly started, and then drove
towards the front. Huazi chased behind him tightly, but there were only two
corners, and he was dumped again. Without a trace.

Suddenly, when Hua Zi was about to give up, she found that Mei Sang Rui stopped at
the road again. Then I went back and forth a few times like this, and finally
realized what was going on: "MD, it turned out that the car wasn't broken, it was a
deliberate trick on me. Who is that Mei Sangrui driver? He thought he could pass at
any time. Am I? How dare you play me like that, I have to catch up with him today.

He said, Hua Zi accelerated again, but still couldn't catch up, and the car in
front of him disappeared again in a short time. UU Reading at www.uukanshu.com

Then, not long after, he found that Mei Sangrui stopped at the side of the road and
was waiting for him.

This kind of disregard for his driving skills and speed seemed to tell him that he
did not put his driving skills in his eyes, which completely annoyed Huazi. He
stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and ran straight towards Mei Sang Rui. He
lost all his sanity.

Amami Sang Rui started at this time, but the speed is not fast, and Hua Zi can
completely catch up with him.

"Huazi, stop chasing, I think, I think I know who the Mei Sanrui is in front of
me." Just then, the people in the co-pilot spoke, their voices trembling, "It's the
Mei Sanrui. The mysterious driver who beat Mog and Chen Bailing in succession. Only
he, and only he can drive Mesang Rui out to this extent. "

He finally got to know who was in the co-pilot, and his voice was a little
trembling. If it was the Mei Sangrui, he knew it would be impossible to catch up.
Everything today is just a waste of effort.

At this time, however, Huazi could no longer listen to his companion, and drove
directly into Chen Ze's car. Looking at Mei Sangrui, who was getting closer,
Huazi's face showed a wry smile.

But when approaching, Chen Ze controlled the car slightly to the side, very
relaxed, as if the car was Chen Ze's body itself, avoiding the impact of the Huazi

With a slamming sound, Huaxia's car hit the fence next to the road heavily, and the
car immediately fell off. Huazi himself passed out because of the impact.

"Here, this was originally intended by this Mei Sangrui. He was waiting for me to
hit him so that I could crash the car. How can someone control this car at such a
slow speed? Before fainting, Huazi finally understood why Mei Sangrui had been
waiting for him.

Chapter FTLS 39: dinner


After a burst of brakes, Chen Ze parked the car at the gate of the police station,
then Fang Qing got up and down from the car, his face was a little pale, although
Chen Ze vomited as soon as he stopped, but obviously still suffered a lot. Scared.

"Today, thank you." Fang Qing walked out of Chen Ze's window and said to Chen Ze,
"But you don't have to drive on the road so fast in the future, it's too

Speaking, Fang Qington paused, and then continued: "But in fact, you can just drive
away, they can't catch up with you anyway, there is no need to wait to teach them
specifically, in case something goes wrong, you can Oh no."

Qi Fangqing said that just now Chen Zeming had a lot of opportunities to drive
away, but did not drive away at last, but seduced those who stumbled to catch up
and finally caused them to crash.

Although very frustrated, Fang Qing was worried that Chen Ze might have a car
accident if she was so unsure, so she reminded her that she was fine now.
"It's okay, I have a sense." Chen Ze smiled. "And if they don't punish them
tonight, what if they wait for you at the gate of the police station after I leave.
I just watched that little messy car. There are already monitors in this place, and
you can use that as evidence to catch that Zhu Wen. "

I heard Chen Ze's words, Fang Qing froze, his face improved for a moment, and then
he smiled and said softly: "Thank you!"

"Ah?" Chen Ze froze, didn't hear what Fang Qing just said.

"Nothing." Fang Qing smiled, and her impression of Chen Ze was getting better and

"What about the gangsters who are looking for you today? What are you going to do?
Although they haven't succeeded today, maybe they will come to you again later."
Chen Ze said.

"Rest assured, I'll take care of them." Fang Qing waved her little fist. "Dare to
follow and attack me, I will report to the captain right away. I have to deal with
this group of old men." . "

那就 "That's good." Chen Ze nodded. "That's all right, I'll go first."

"Okay, I have a chance to see you again." Fang nodded.

Chen Ze started the car to leave, Fang Qing looked at the back of Chen Ze's car and
thought that today Chen Ze took her to run so many roads to protect her, and also
deliberately provoked the gangsters, and Chen Ze just said The smile on his face
was even brighter: "This guy, really can't see it, it is really a good person."

At that moment, Chen Ze's car stopped suddenly, then Chen Ze's head protruded, and
hesitated a little: "That, that friend of you doesn't seem to have paid the fare,
see if you call to urge Urge her, today I took you over a lot of wrongdoings, do
you reimburse me? "

"······" Fang Qing was speechless!

In a high-end neighborhood that night.

A man with a hand around his neck looked at the clock in the room and said to
himself: "I don't know if Huazi they succeeded. The policewoman is really awful, so
she must teach her some lessons."

But just then, his phone rang, and he took it out to see that it was exactly one of
the men he sent out tonight.

He quickly connected the phone: "Hey, how's the situation, let you scare the
policewoman, did you succeed?"

"No, there is no boss, there is an accident." There was a voice over the phone.

"What happened? What happened?" The man stumbled.

"Huazi, Huazi was in a car accident. He went to chase Mei Sangrui who was sitting
on the policewoman, but he couldn't catch it anymore. Then he was enraged by the
Mei Sangrui and hit the fence on the road Above, I'm in the hospital now, "said the
"What? Mei Sang Rui, can't catch up with a Mei Sang Rui?" The person said, "Are you
kidding me, I know both Hua Zi's car and car skills, I dare not say, the whole
Yucheng There are not a few cars that can be faster than him, how could not even a
Mei Sang Rui catch up.

"Yes, it's the real boss." The phone said, in a tone like a ghost, "We are all
chasing after it, it's too fast. The Meisang Rui is too fast. I never thought about
it, one A Mei Sang Rui could run so fast. "

"How is it possible, how is this possible, how can a Mesano Rui run so fast."

人 This man is still mumbling, still can't believe what he said. But at this
moment, the door of his house was suddenly opened, and then a group of people in
police uniforms came in: "Zhu Wen is right, we now suspect that you have something
to do with a malicious attack on the police, please come with us Let's go. In
addition, there are your multiple cases. They went to the police station and
explained it to us. "


Another day, Chen Ze just finished sending a guest, then opened the popularity page
of his system, the page shows that his current popularity is 756, which is a little
more than the previous few days, but the increase is still not enough .

"It's getting slower and slower. It seems that this kind of staying power is really

Seeing this popularity value, Chen Ze thought to himself. Just a few days ago,
after finishing the game, it has already gained 728 popularity. Now it is only 756
in a few days. Chen Ze feels that this kind of staying power is really a little
bit, if it can be more sufficient Already.

"If there is still a match," Chen Ze thought to himself.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

When Chen Ze was thinking about this problem, his cell phone suddenly rang. He took
it out and saw that the caller turned out to be Fang Qing.

"Fang Qing? Why did she call me?" Chen Ze froze, but immediately connected the
phone, and then said, "Hey, is there anything wrong?"

"Can't I call you if I'm fine?" On the other side of the phone, Fang Qing's voice

"This ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ this is not." Chen Ze stunned, then said.

"It's almost the same." Fang Qing's voice came from the other side of the phone.
"But ah, there is really something going on with you today."

"What is it?" Chen Ze asked.

"Do you have time on Friday? Friday day." Fang Qing asked.

Chen Ze thought for a while, the driver of the car-hailing service like him is
actually a freelance job, and he can make time anytime, so he said, "Yes."

"That's good." Fang Qing laughed, "I'll invite you to the provincial capital to see
the performance on Friday, the performance of professional drivers."
"Performance of professional drivers?" Chen Ze froze.

"Yes, there are professional team drivers performing in the provincial capital at 2
pm this Friday, but I managed to grab the ticket. Can you go?" Fang Qingdao.

"Professional driver." Chen Ze smashed it. He had no interest in what kind of car
or professional driver in the past, but after these two races, he really wondered
if this professional driver would be What level is it better than Chen Bailing and

But in answering Fang Qing's question, Chen Ze thought of another question: "How do
you think of asking me? I remember that you don't seem to be interested in this
kind of driver.

"I don't have much interest. This is to thank you for asking you." Fang Qing said
intermittently, and some seemed to want to cover up. "It wasn't your help that day,
I guess it's difficult to get rid of those little punks. What are you planning to
repay you in a few days, you see the show, and you grab two tickets. "

He said, Fang Qing paused, and then said, "Will you go?"

"Go, I must go." Chen Ze said, he is really interested in this professional driver.

Chapter FTLS 40: Arrogant professional driver

Friday, eight in the morning!

"I'm here, come down."

Parked the car to the entrance of Fangqing Community, Chen Ze dialed Fang Qing's
phone and said.

Today is the day he and Fang Qing agreed to go to the provincial capital to see a
professional driver performance. Although it only started at 2 pm, the distance
between the provincial capital and Yucheng is not close. It takes three or four
hours on the road, so Ze got up early in the morning and rushed to the door of
Fangqing District at eight o'clock.

"I'll be right down." Fang Qing's voice came from the phone. Her voice was
cheerful, and he was clearly in a good mood at the moment.

泽 Chen Ze hung up the phone, then lit a cigarette and smoked, waiting for Fang
Qing slowly. In his impression, girls have to spend half a day going out, so this
may have to wait.

However, he did not expect Fang Qing to move very fast, only a few minutes later,
appeared in his sight.

Chen Chen didn't even smoke a cigarette at this time. After seeing Fang Qing
extinguishing the cigarette, he threw it out of the window.

Wu Fangqing told him several times not to smoke, although Chen Ze did not quit, but
did not want to smoke in front of Fang Qing, lest she be told again.


After Chen Fangqing got into the co-pilot, Chen Ze said with a smile. He looked at
Fang Qing. Today Fang Qing was obviously well-dressed, and a water-blue dress looks
very beautiful.

"Um." Fang nodded and suddenly sucked hard with his nose, as if he found something.

Seeing Fang Qing's appearance, Chen Ze quickly started the car and drove towards
the high speed, trying to draw Fang Qing's attention.

However, his distracting behavior failed, only to hear Fang Qingdao: "It seems that
there is a smell of smoke in the car, have you just smoked again?"

"No, I have already abstained," Chen Zexin vowed, "I have abstained since you said
it last time."

真的 "Really?" Fang Qing asked, "Of course, the smell of this smoke is left by my
guests. I haven't smoked anymore, I have given up."

"It's just that I haven't given up." Chen Ze said in his heart.

"That's good, just give up." Fang Qing nodded with satisfaction.

对 "Well, which professional club did the professional driver performance we went
to see today?" Chen Ze asked as he drove the car.

There are not many professional riders in the country, but there are not many
clubs. Professional riders are distributed in those clubs. Performances of such
professional riders are generally club activities, so Chen Ze asked.

"Sunfire Club." Fang Qing said.

"What?" Chen Ze froze.

"Sunfire, what's wrong with one of the largest professional clubs in the country?"
Fang Qing looked at Chen Ze and said, she was surprised how Chen Ze's reaction was
so big.

"It's nothing."

Chen Ze shook his head. He remembered that Yang Qi had told him that the reason why
the Solar Train team would be so strong was because the professional team was
behind it, and that team was called the Solar Train team.

"I didn't think it would be this team that went to the show today. I hope nothing
will happen." Chen Ze thought to himself.

While talking, Chen Ze carried Fang Qing on the highway and drove towards the
provincial capital.

Don't say that although the contact between Chen Ze and Fang Qing is not much,
there is still a lot of common discourse, the chat is hot, and the atmosphere in
the car is very good.

"Yeah, I think so too." When Chen Ze smiled and was about to say something,
suddenly there were a few loud roars behind him, apparently the sound of a car
engine, and it was not an ordinary engine .

Buzz! !! !! !! !!

Then, several cars ran past the car of Chen Ze. The speed was very fast, almost
like a race.

"These cars are modified cars."

Chen Ze looked at those cars. From the sound of the engine, he knew that it was not
an ordinary car. The engine was changed, and it was better than a train of engines.
I do n’t know how much. The appearance of the car is also how to change the wind,
so it seems that several cars are very arrogant.

Not only are the car's arrogance and speed, their speed also causes other cars on
the highway to almost fall into a situation, so their entire behavior is very

"Are these cars driving so fast, aren't they afraid of something wrong? They really
don't take national laws and their own lives into mind."

I looked at the cars in front, Fang Qing frowned. She also noticed that these cars
were not only modified cars, but also had a speed of more than one hundred.
Although they were high-speed, the weather was not particularly good now, and there
was fog, and visibility was very low. It was all a death to drive so fast.

"Some people are like this, they are pursuing stimulation and don't take their own
lives at all." Chen Ze said, echoing Fang Qing.

However, in fact, Chen Ze noticed that although these cars are arrogant, the
owner's technology is really good, and even the headed one can be said to be very
good. With this technology, even if it drives so fast, there will be no life

"Who are these people? With such good car skills, wouldn't they also go to the
show?" Chen Ze thought to himself.

However, this is only an episode of Chen Ze and Fang Qing's journey, and soon they
left this thing behind.

About eleven o'clock, Chen Ze drove the car to a service area and planned to rest
there before driving to the provincial capital.

But just stopped the car, Chen Ze found a few luxury cars next to him, just the car
of the group just now.

"It looks like the gang of drivers who didn't know how to live or die is also
resting here." Fang Qing apparently recognized the cars and said.

泽 Chen Ze nodded, and led Fang Qing into the rest area of the service area. As
soon as he walked in, he found a group of people in uniforms sitting inside, white
uniforms, with the words "Sunfire" written on the back of the uniforms.

"Sunfire? A member of the Sunfire professional team?"

Chen Ze immediately recognized the identities of these people, then took Fang Qing
to sit down, UU reading www.uukanshu.com looked at this group of people.

"Fang Qing, I guess those cars outside are the people. They seem to be the
professional drivers of Sunfire, that is, the performers we are going to watch this
afternoon." Chen Ze said, and the other side cleared.

The people outside are all modified cars and the technology is so good. It happens
to be a group of professional drivers here, let alone Chen Ze. Even a fool knows
that these professional drivers must be the drivers. They are now going to
participate. Today's performance.

"This is the case." Fang nodded, "The quality of these professional drivers is also
so poor."

I heard Fang Qing's words, Chen Ze smiled, and when he was about to say something,
suddenly the professional drivers' voices became louder:

"If I want to say shame, it's too shameful for our Solar Train team, and actually
lost to a Mei Sang Rui during the game."

就是 "That is, that Mog still wants to join our team. Even Mei San Rui can't win,
and what qualifications are allowed to join our team."

"It's the same with Chen Bailing. It was said that our team had given him a
contract in the past few years, but he didn't sign it at the end. If I didn't sign
it, it wouldn't matter that even Mesang Rui would run, if that kind of person
joined our team, It will humiliate us and pull our hind legs. "

Obviously, these people are talking about the previous match between Chen Ze and
Moge Chen Bailing.

"Well, don't say anything. What about the two amateur drivers, we professional
drivers have something to discuss." Finally, the professional driver who seems to
be headed said lightly, "Even a Meisang Ruidu If you ca n’t get it, let me say that
even our amateur team should n’t let the two of them stay again. The kind of
beautiful San Rui, the kind of driver who drives the beautiful San Rui, our
professional driver just let him do it. Definitely not our opponent. "

Chapter FTLS 41: Professional driver show

"I said, those professional drivers are crazy. Even if they are professional, you
don't have to belittle you and those who are racing against you."

里面 Inside the highway service station leading to the provincial capital, Fang
Qing sat in front of Chen Ze and said indignantly.

The gang of professional drivers just put aside their sarcasm aside, and
sarcastically talked about Chen Ze and the two people who raced with Chen Ze. What
they used to watch the sky was just amateurish, and they could win such sentences
casually. To describe them.

This makes Fang Qing very old-fashioned. Although she is not talking about her, she
still feels very uncomfortable. Even if this group of professional drivers is even
more powerful, Fang Qing feels that he should not say others, this is too arrogant.

Seeing Fang Qing's appearance, Chen Ze laughed out suddenly: "I am a professional
driver, it ’s normal to be crazy, this is a guy who eats after all."

"Then don't you feel uncomfortable? They just satirized you just now, those words,
I was very uncomfortable listening." Fang Qingdao, she thought Chen Ze would be
very uncomfortable, who knows that Chen Ze is now all right Look, even hippie

Upon hearing Fang Qing's words, the smile on Chen Ze's face closed up: "I'm not
comfortable? Of course it's uncomfortable." As he said, Chen Ze turned his head and
looked at the backs of the professional drivers, saying lightly, " If I have the
chance, I will show them that the car skills are not only the guy who eats, but
also the guy who eats. Amateur is not necessarily worse than professional. "


Provincial capital, Wangfeng Mountain!

Although the sharp curve of Wangfeng Mountain is not as good as Yandang Mountain,
the road conditions are very complicated, there are many curved roads, and the
mountain road is long.

Therefore, today's Sunfire professional team driver's show is set here. Although
there is still more than an hour to go to the show at this moment, the entire
mountain top has been parked with cars. There are also various corners on the top
of the mountain, ready to see the glory of professional drivers, the whole Wangfeng
Mountain is very lively.

At this moment, Chen Ze and Fang Qing also drove to the foot of Wangfeng Mountain.
The foot of the mountain has been closed at the moment. Only those who have tickets
to the show will be allowed to enter the mountain.

After Chen Fangqing handed in the tickets she bought, Chen Ze drove up the

"Why so many people!"

After driving up the mountain road, Fang Qing was startled and saw that the corners
were full of people. She thought that this kind of performance competition should
be a niche competition. No one came to see it. Now I know that there is actually so
many people.

"This kind of racing show is really a niche." Chen Ze explained to Fang Qing while
driving the car. "But there are so many people in our country. Any niche race, as
long as it is a little popular, will become popular. . "

When Chen Ze and Fang Qing drove up the mountain, those who watched the show on the
road also recognized Chen Ze's car.

大家 "Look at everyone, is that Mei Sang Rui the one that beat Moge and Chen
Bailing in succession?"

"Yes, yes, it seems to be that one. I am particularly impressed. This is the

license plate. I didn't expect him to come."

"I still can't believe it. How could a Mei Sang Rui beat Moge and Chen Bailing in
succession? This is incredible."

"This can only show that this Mei Sangrui driver has a high level of skill and
strength, which is far beyond our imagination."

"It would be nice if this driver competed with today's professional drivers. I
think it will look great. Isn't it that there will still be interactive
competitions with the audience after the show, maybe this Sang Rui can beat the
professional drivers."

虽然 "Although this beautiful San Rui is strong, I don't think it can beat
professional drivers. Professional drivers are professional after all, I am afraid
that they have entered a new realm, and definitely not amateur drivers can win."
"I also think so, this Mei San Rui is really powerful, but it will definitely not
be a rival for professional drivers."

Everyone said in a row, both surprised that even Chen Ze came and thought about it,
thinking that Chen Ze could not win professional drivers.

Chen Ze naturally did not know what he was going through and had caused a lot of
discussion. He drove Fang Qing up the mountain in a car. This mountain road is very
long, and most people need to drive for more than an hour. Chen Ze did not drive
very fast, but it took about half an hour.

After he went up the mountain, there were less than half an hour left for the game.

He quickly parked the car and led Fang Qing Dynasty to the past.

At the moment Laoshan was already full of enthusiasm and many people came.

And unlike Chen Ze's amateur competition, at the moment, not only is the auditorium
arranged on the mountain, but a large screen is also displayed on the big screen,
which shows the traffic conditions of Wangfeng Mountain. Obviously, it will prepare
to broadcast the entire Sunfire professional drivers. process.

On both sides of the big screen are the names of the Sun Train team and the sponsor
of the Sun Fire, Belida. This is an exhibition match, and it is also a promotion of
the Sun Train team and the Paradise.

In the middle of the auditorium, there is also a podium. Obviously, there are also
important people who are coming to watch this game.

"I'm looking forward to it. In the past, I could only watch the races of
professional drivers on TV. I don't know how powerful they are in reality."

"Yeah ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ There is no way on the TV to fully see how powerful

these professional drivers are, and now they can finally take a good look. Although
this time they are ordinary cars, not their racing field. Vehicles on board, but
the more ordinary cars, the more you can see how good their technology is. "

"Hey, I want to see how powerful the professional drivers are. Is it better than
Mog, Chen Bailing and the Meisang Rui driver. I heard that this time, the
professional drivers of Sunfire were amateur in Chen Bailing. The team spoke,
saying that Mog and Chen Bailing completely lost their reputation for the Sunfire,
and they lost to a Mei San Rui, saying that the two of them are simply not
qualified to stay in the Solar Train team. "

"I also heard that, it seems that they also decided to fire Moge and Chen Bailing,
but the other members seemed to be dissatisfied."

Chen Ze and Fang Qing found a place to sit down, and then heard the people around
them talking, Chen Ze was moved.

However, he did not participate in their words, but found a few people sitting
beside the Sunfire amateur team. Although he did not see Moge and Chen Bailing, he
saw several others.

At this moment they are angry and are talking about something excited.

"I didn't expect them to come, I don't know if they are talking about professional
I looked at them, Chen Ze thought to myself. Listening to those who just said, Chen
Ze estimated that the professional drivers must have said something to Mog and Chen
Bailing, and even made a decision, so Mog and Chen Bailing have not come now.

"It's Cao Fang, Cao Fang is here, he is actually Cao Fang!"

At this moment, the scene suddenly became a sensation, and a person's name sounded.

Hearing this name, even Chen Ze was a little stunned.

Chapter FTLS 42: Legend rider

Cao Fang, a name can represent the entire Huaxia Motorsport.

The first Chinese professional driver ever, no one can match in China. And not only
in China, but also in the top five in the world, it has also broken into the top
five in the world. You must know that the race of racing originated in the West. So
far, Western masters have taken the absolute advantage. It is difficult for any
yellow race to be here. The event is on par with Westerners.

Even before Cao Fang, no Chinese person can make a big name in this game. It is Cao
Fang, who came to the top of the international professional competitions and became
a blockbuster. The ranking quickly climbed. When he reached the top five in the
world, Cao Fang's name became synonymous with the Huaxia Motorsport.

The reason why he was the first professional driver was that Cao Fang retired two
years ago. In fact, he was young but had to retire because his eyes went wrong and
there was no other way. Adapt to the high speed and high intensity of professional

Nevertheless, Cao Fang is still the most famous racing driver in China. None of
them is the respect of all drivers.

Even if Chen Ze, although he didn't care much about the driver's affairs in the
past, he had heard of this person.

"By the way, Cao Fang seemed to be a member of the Sun Train team before, and he
was promoted from the amateur team. No wonder he will come today."

Chen Ze thought to himself that he also quickly got up and looked at the sensation
in front of everyone. Directly in the distance came the silhouettes of several
people, one of whom was Cao Fang!


At this moment, in a house in Wangfeng Mountain, the professional drivers of

Sunfire who are going to perform a show today are in this room, ready to change
clothes. There was only one exception. He was sitting among them, still wearing
casual clothes.

If Chen Ze is here, he can recognize that this person in casual clothes is headed
by a group of professional drivers in the morning, and it is he who claims that
Chen Ze can win with one hand and one foot.

At this moment, the manager of the team came in and saw Xu Ping didn't change his
clothes, and frowned. "Xu Ping, why don't you change your clothes?"

"Manager, I will not participate in today's exhibition match." Xu Ping said.

"What?" The manager froze for a moment, "This exhibition match is about to begin.
Why do you suddenly say that you will not participate if you do not participate?"

"It's just a show game, and it's not interesting. I don't need to participate. The
other team members just go. I'll just find a place to sit and sit." Xu Ping said

Everyone else participates, and he does not participate. This is obviously a

privilege, but Xu Ping said so rightly. Obviously, it is no longer a matter of time
for him to enjoy privileges in this team.

"This." The manager frowned. The signboard of the show had been played out, and all
the members were participating. Now Xu Ping suddenly said not to participate.
Naturally, he was a bit unwilling.

But if Xu Ping really insists, he can do nothing. Xu Ping currently has a very high
status in the team. With his superb car skills, it can be said that he does not
look at him at all.

And because he was young, the outside world called him Cao Fang's successor. This
was originally a word of boasting. As a result, he seemed to take it seriously. He
really thought he was Cao Fang's second. It's already very arrogant, and things
like saying now that you don't run are often done.

However, although the manager was dissatisfied, he felt a little helpless. He knew
that Xu Ping was young, but because the car skills were so good and the potential
was very high, so his status in the boss's mind was also extraordinary. He said no,
the manager was really Can't force him.

"Well, since you don't want to run, don't run." Finally, the manager compromised.

Xu Ping nodded, but said another thing: "I said the manager, although our amateur
team is nothing, there are a bunch of waste in it, but two of them, one Mog, and
one Isn't Chen Bailing too crap, and even a Mei Sang Rui can run, I think it's OK
to fire these two people directly, so as not to insult our reputation of the
Sunfire. "

Hearing Xu Ping's words, the manager's brow deepened and he said, "Although I don't
know why the two of them lost to a Meisangrui, the strength of the two of them is
still not bad. I don't want to deal with the two of them for the time being.
Besides, Xu Ping, don't you just call them wastes. Did n’t you just cause trouble?

Hearing Xu Ping ’s words, Jing An got up an hour ago. An hour ago, Xu Ping was nosy
and ran into the amateur team. He said that Moge and Chen Bailing were waste in
front of the owner of the amateur team. Dropping them both turned out to almost
fight with the rest of the amateur team.

This behavior of Sun Ping's manager Xu Ping is very annoyed. He knows Moge and Chen
Bailing, especially Chen Bailing. When he saw Chen Bailing's strength, he was no
worse than Xu Ping, even he thought Better still, so he issued an invitation to
Chen Bailing, but unfortunately was rejected by Chen Bailing.

Although I don't know what happened, the manager knows that there is an important
reason for Mog and Chen Bailing's loss to a Meisangrui. It is definitely not like
the waste that Xu Ping said.

On the Xu Ping side, after hearing the manager ’s words, he sneered at ~

www.mtlnovel.com ~, quite dismissive: "Even a Mei Sang Rui can't run, it's not what
the waste is, it's just a little bit to keep such people It did n’t work. And the
amateur team dared to disagree with me. If I had time, I would really like to go to
Yandang Mountain to teach the Mei Sang Rui so that everyone knows what the amateur
and professional teams are. Gap. A Mei Sang Rui, I can make up to three corners to
completely disappear in the rearview mirror of my car. "

Looking at the top of Fengshan Mountain, Cao Fang immediately caused a sensation
when everyone came. Everyone did not expect that they would see Cao Fang here. They
all screamed excitedly, and even stepped into trouble.

Even Fang Qing was a little excited. She, who has no concept of the driver circle
at all, also knew Cao Fang's power and greatness, so she was very excited, and
looked at Cao Fang with her feet.

In the end, Xin Xincao Cao Fang stepped forward to maintain order in order not to
really get things done.

"I didn't expect you to like Cao Fang."

After the order was restored, the audience sat on their positions, and Chen Ze and
Fang Qing also returned to their positions. Looking at Fang Qing's red face, Chen
Ze laughed.

"Of course, Cao Fang is a national hero. I heard about him when I was still in high
school, and I won many foreigners. No one knew him. When I was still in high
school, I was also a fan of him. Fang Qing laughed. She had no interest in idol
stars, but she had some understanding of athletes like Cao Fang. It can even be
said that Cao Fang is her idol.

I heard Fang Qing's words, Chen Ze smiled, and was just about to say something, all
of a sudden the engine sounded.

Buzz buzz! !! !! !! !!

After several modified cars appeared on the top of the mountain, Chen Ze knew that
this show was about to officially begin.

Chapter FTLS 43: They can't run you, Chen Ze

Buzz! !! !! !!

On the lookout mountain, the motor roared, the sound of tires rubbing the ground,
and the brakes were also transmitted from the top of the mountain to the foot of
the mountain. Several cars ran on the mountain road. The people who controlled
these cars were members of the Sunfire professional team.

Although the car they are driving at the moment is not a professional car, it is
completely different from the one they usually drive, but even this ordinary car
seems to become a professional car in their hands, one by one on the mountain road,
not only It is very fast, and it is smart and ingenious when cornering, and the
people watching are also boiling.

"It's awesome. It really is a professional driver. It's too fast, and the corner-
by-corner skills are great."

"Awesome, it's really awesome, it really is professional, and the skills to control
the car are really good."

"My God, can this be Mog or Chen Bailing, can they really defeat any one of them?"
On both sides of the mountain road and on the top of the mountain, audiences from
all over the province saw the performances of these professional drivers, and they
were all amazed. They knew that these professional drivers were very powerful in
the past, but how powerful were they There is no concept.

After seeing it on the spot, I realized that in the past they actually greatly
underestimated the strength of these professional drivers. From this point of view,
it seems that the strength of any one of them does not lose to Moge and Chen
Bailing, and even they suspect that even if Moge and Chen Bailing use their best
efforts, they may not be able to defeat any of them.

"There is Xu Ping, Xu Ping is not in today. He is the rising star of the current
racing season. Although he is not very young, he has shown amazing strength and is
currently the strongest person in the Solar Train team."

"Yeah, these players have such strength, to what extent does Xu Ping reach. Others
say he is Cao Fang's successor. I didn't believe it in the past, but now I have to
believe it."

"Xu Ping's strength is at least one gear higher than these professional drivers.
Sure enough, those who are professional are professional. We are amateurs who play
casually, and the gap between them is too great."

At the top of Laoshan, some amateur riders watched the performance of these
professional riders on the big screen and began to marvel. They just learned that
Sun Ping's Xu Ping would not play because of some personal reasons.

Even so, watching the performances of professional drivers on the field, they
became more and more curious about what level of Xu Ping's car skills can reach.
And many drivers and audiences were completely shocked by the performance of these
professional drivers on the field. One by one felt that people like Xu Ping were
probably high in the mountains and could not imagine, so they marveled one by one.

Suddenly, when hearing the words of these people around, Fang Qing pouted his lips:
"How can there be such a strong blow, I think these professional riders are just
like this, far worse than you."

"Ah, what do you say?"

Chen Ze froze and said with a smile. He also looked at the performances of these
professional drivers on the field. It was really powerful, but less than the
spectators in the four weeks. Chen Ze knew that the reason why these people would
blow like this was because they were scared by the professional titles of these
drivers, so they all blown up.

职业 These professional drivers are really powerful, but Chen Ze looked at them,
most of them are actually stronger than Moge, and several are not as good as Chen

As for Xu Ping, although Chen Ze has not heard of him, he has never seen his game.
However, if it is only one step higher, Chen Ze believes that it is at most equal
to Chen Bailing, or a little more.

But Chen Ze didn't expect that Fang Qing could realize this. Isn't she completely
unaware of the car? Or is it just that she heard it blowing around, disgusted and
intentionally said it?

"Last time, I saw you for the first time. When you were catching a fugitive in your
car, your car's speed and technology were better than those of today's professional
drivers. Even I think it is much better. "Fang Qing said.

She only saw Chen Ze run once, but that time left her a deep impression. So
although more than twenty days have passed since that incident, she is still deeply

After seeing this group of professional drivers, she feels that it is not so good,
which is totally better than the feeling when she was in Chen Ze last time. So
after hearing the touted words all around, she just poked her lips, rather

"Look at it, the curve they passed just now is almost the same as the curve you
passed that day, but I think you are better than them." Speaking, Fang Qing also
pointed to the big screen.

I heard Fang Qing's words, Chen Ze was a little silent. That time, the time when
the car **** possessed skills, that time was almost the same as the car **** came
to open the US Sang Rui, of course, better than this group of professional drivers
do not know how much better.

But now, although he has the hand of the car god, Chen Ze knows that he is still
far behind that time. Nevertheless, with Chen Ze's current level of development and
proficiency in the hand of the car god, there is actually no problem in defeating
these professional drivers.

"That's right."

Chen Ze didn't speak, but someone else's words came next to him. When he heard
this, Chen Ze turned his head and looked at it. The members of the Sunfire amateur
team said, they found Chen Ze and Fang Qing. , And spoke as he came over:

"We also think that the speed of these professional drivers is actually not so
exaggerated, and it is not as good as Chen Ze you."

就是 "That is, they are just holding the title of professional driver. I think it
is a little better than Mo Ge. I don't know where it is so strong."

"If it's in Yandang Mountain, I think even Xu Ping can definitely run away from
Chen Ze you. UU 看书 www.uukanshu.com"

Their voice is not small, so that everyone around them watched in the past. They
were all weird, wondering how the members of the Sun Train team started to devalue
their own team. They glanced down at Sunfire's eyes and saw Chen Ze.

"This person, this person is the mysterious driver of Mei Sangrui."

就是 "It's him. I didn't expect him to come to Wangfeng Mountain, but the members
of the Sunfire team are too exaggerated. Even if he is, I don't think they are the
opponents of these professional drivers, let alone Xu Ping."

"Yeah, how could this Mei Sangrui driver be Xu Ping's opponent, Xu Ping was Cao
Fang's second."

"If Xu Ping really competes with this Meisangrui driver, the winner is definitely
Xu Ping."

Many people around him whispered, and many recognized Chen Ze.
However, Chen Ze looked at these Sunfire amateurs. He was a little strange. What
these guys say are Sunfire people, even if they are amateurs, they won't help

Suddenly, Chen Ze wanted to understand again, yes, Chen Bailing and Moge of the
Sunfire amateur team were both ridiculed by the professional team, and even had to
drive them both away. This group of players must be dissatisfied. That ’s why I
speak to myself.

However, Chen Ze didn't know, in fact, it was not just just dissatisfaction. The
reason why they said so was that after watching the show of professional drivers,
they felt that they could not say so.

The group of members came to Chen Ze, and they were just about to say something,
but then there was a rumor next to them: "Your gang of waste is talking about who
can't run that Mei Sang Rui."

I heard this, and people around looked at it in a hurry, and found that another
person was sitting next to him with a peaked cap, and it turned out to be Xu Ping!

Chapter FTLS 44: 1 battle with Xu Ping

"Your gang of waste is talking about who can't run that Mei San Rui."

Xu Ping sat there and said lightly.

He was wearing a peaked cap, and he was not wearing the uniform of the Sun Train
team, so no one recognized him just now. Now after he spoke, everyone found out
that Xu Ping was sitting among them.

"Xu Ping, Xu Ping."

"I didn't expect him to be here, didn't he say he was a little personal, so he
couldn't participate in this event? Why actually sit here?"

"Yes, it turned out to be Xu Ping."

Everyone looked at Xu Ping and whispered, one by one seemed a little excited.
However, Xu Ping was obviously used to this kind of scene, stood up directly, and
walked in front of the amateur members of the Sun Train team: "Who did you just
say? Who is better than that Mei Sang Rui."

"That means you, what happened."

就是 "That is, don't think you are a professional driver. There is nothing you can
do about it. I can guarantee that you can't run Mei Sang Rui."

"That is to say, other people are waste, and when you really run with Mei Sang Rui,
you will know who is waste."

These Sunfire amateur drivers have said in succession that they are very annoyed
with Xu Ping. Xu Ping ran to them earlier today, scolded them all, and reduced Mog
and Chen Bailing to waste. It made them all very hot.

I just had a good time, and even they were called waste directly, and they couldn't
help but one by one, they started talking. If it was not in a public place, they
felt that they would have even beaten Xu Ping's heart.

"Waste is waste, only barking with eyes open here." Hearing the words of these
drivers, Xu Ping pouted, and did not take these people's words to heart, "You are
our professional driver and you and other amateurs play tickets Is it the same? You
are welcome to say that one of our team will be pulled out randomly, and you will
not be the opponents, including the Mei San Rui. "

"Yeah, these amateur drivers of the Suns are saying it is too exaggerated,
professional drivers must be better than amateur drivers."

"Although Mei Sangrui is really powerful, he will definitely not be his opponent."

虽然 "Although this statement is arrogant, it still makes sense. How can amateur
drivers be better than professional drivers."

After four weeks, everyone heard Xu Ping's words and began to speak. Although they
all felt that Xu Ping's words were arrogant, they all felt that there was some

After hearing the words around Xu Ping, the arrogant expression on his face was
even more obvious. He turned to look at Chen Ze, looked up and down, and then shook
his head, "You are the beautiful Sang Rui driver? Defeat the people of Mogg and
Chen Bailing? "

"It's me." Chen Ze nodded and said calmly.

"It doesn't look good, Mog and Chen Bailing have lost to you, it really is the
waste in the waste." Xu Ping said, "If you have the opportunity, I really want
everyone to know your amateur drivers and our professional drivers. How big is the
gap, you may be pretty good among amateur drivers, but you ca n’t do it with us! "

Xu said, Xu Ping was ready to turn around and leave.

But before he moved, he suddenly heard a voice: "Why not try it then."

Xu Ping saw that the person who spoke was Chen Ze.

"I just have a chance right now. Will there be an interactive race between a
professional driver and a live audience? Just try it." Chen Ze looked at Xu Ping
and said lightly.

I heard Chen Ze's words, Xu Ping's face showed a hint of surprise. He did not
expect that Chen Ze would say such words to him: "You mean, you want to challenge

"Yes, I want to challenge you!"


I heard Chen Ze's words and Xu Ping laughed immediately. He felt that Chen Ze was
too helpless. He was just an amateur driver who wanted to challenge him.

"I tell you, since I entered the professional driver circle, I have experienced a
total of 58 races, of which 45 have won the top three, and this year, I have won
the top three in all races. You are an amateur driver , Even want to challenge me!
"Xu Ping said, feeling that some big joke was heard.

The spectators and riders around him were also stunned, and none of them thought
that Chen Ze would open up to challenge Xu Ping.

"So what, do you dare to accept my challenge?" Chen Ze said, as if he hadn't heard
Xu Ping's words, and his tone was very firm.
Hearing Chen Ze's words, Xu Ping's smile disappeared. He found that Chen Ze
actually wanted to challenge him, and it seemed that he really felt that he could
challenge himself, and Xu Ping became angry all of a sudden. Contempt of him.

"Okay, then I will accept your challenge, let you know, and let everyone know how
much difference your amateur driver will have compared to our professional driver."
Xu Ping said, he has decided to do well this time Lesson learned from Chen Ze.

I said, he also looked at the group of amateur drivers of Sunfire, and then said,
"By the way, let those who disobey me know how much they will be different from

Xu Ping spoke and finally decided to accept Chen Ze's challenge!

The news spread immediately across the top of the mountain.

"Have you heard? Xu Ping is going to accept the challenge of an amateur driver,
which amateur driver? That is the Mei Sang Rui, which defeated Mo Sang and Chen

"My God, Xu Ping accepted the challenge of Mei Sangrui. Mei Sangrui won Mog and
Chen Bailing in a row recently. I don't know who will win or lose this time."

"Xu Ping and the Mei Sang Rui, although the Mei Sang Rui is very powerful, but
there is no doubt that Xu Ping will win. Xu Ping is a professional driver, or a
professional driver who is relatively high. How can he lose to A Meisang sharp. "

"It's exciting now, I really didn't expect Mei Sangrui to challenge Xu Ping."

Everyone said ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Most drivers know about the recent emergence of
Chen Ze and Mei Sang Rui, so they were very excited when they heard the news, but
almost no one thought that Chen Ze could win because the opponent was Xu Ping ,
Professional driver Xu Ping!

The news came to the podium soon, everyone heard the news, and when the audience
interactive race, Xu Ping actually accepted the challenge of an ordinary driver.

"What a joke? This is absolutely not possible."

After hearing the news, the manager of the Solar Train team spoke immediately and
denied the game. In his opinion, there is no need for a driver like Xu Ping to
compete with an amateur driver. It is a complete waste of time and energy.

How can an amateur driver in Qiu District be qualified to compete with Xu Ping.

"I think so."

Cao Fang spoke. After hearing the news, he was silent for a moment, and then said
with a smile: "Remember that before I joined the professional team, I also played
mountain road racing. Professional drivers tried the mountain race, which was also
good for them. "

Cao Fang, the legendary driver, actually ran on the mountain road before joining
the professional team that year, even when he was the king of the mountain road of
the Sunfire amateur driver, no one was his opponent.

He also has enough experience accumulated on the mountain road, which made him
become a blockbuster after joining the professional driver, and gradually gained
his current position.

So when he heard the news, he immediately remembered his year and felt that he
could agree with this idea.

How high is Cao Fang's status, since he has spoken so, other people, including the
manager who initially opposed it, naturally have nothing to say.

I nodded one by one, and this game between Chen Ze and Xu Ping was decided!

Chapter FTLS 45: 3 bends

"It turned out that this mysterious rider of Mei Sangrui looks like this, so young,
I feel younger than Xu Ping."

"It's hard to imagine, people who beat Moge and Chen Bailing in succession are so

"It's no wonder that it's so young. It's so young. You think you have some strength
and you don't know how high the sky is. You actually challenged a professional
driver like Xu Ping. I think he will be defeated here today."

"Missang Rui's driver was so young, but unfortunately today is doomed to lose

Looking at the top of Fengshan Mountain, Chen Ze and Xu Ping stood at the mouth of
the mountain, and the people around them watched two whisper.

As drivers, Xu Ping and they are already a little familiar. However, most people
saw Chen Ze for the first time, especially after seeing that he was so young, many
drivers were a bit surprised. They thought they could defeat Moge and Chen Bailing.
How could they be a very old and experienced The driver, who knows, is a boy in his
early twenties, even younger than Xu Ping.

The hairy boy who defeated Mog and Chen Bailing was so surprised. But at the same
time, they also understand why this race happened. Everyone thinks that it must be
Chen Ze's youth and vigor. When he sees a professional driver, he can't help his
own hands. High and low.

Everyone thinks that Chen Ze is losing this time, and he is destined to pay for his

Listening to people around him, Xu Ping smiled on his face, looked at Chen Ze, and
said loudly: "You still have a chance to regret it now, you can choose to abstain.
Otherwise, you will be defeated in my hands today, in So many people have lost face
in front of me. If I were you, I would definitely choose to abstain. I just
suggested that you change to our car, but it is ridiculous that you insist on using
your Meisangrui. "

"No need, let's start." Chen Ze said lightly, as if he had not heard Xu Ping and
the people around him.

After hearing this, Xu Ping's smile was even stronger: "Very well, I was afraid
that you would abstain from voting, otherwise how would everyone know the gap
between an amateur driver like you and me? Three bends, starting from here The
three corners, you only need a maximum of three corners, your car will completely
disappear from my rearview mirror. A Meisang Rui, you will never see me again in
the three corners. "
As Xu said, Xu Ping raised his hand, three fingers facing the sky, and the words
spread across the whole mountain in an instant.

"Three bends? My God, this Xu Ping is too confident, right? Three bends just want
to get rid of this Mesang Rui."

"What do you know, Xu Ping is one of the professional drivers with a very high
level in the country, and he is facing an amateur driver like Mei Sangrui, or a car
like Mei Sangrui. The three corners are very polite. . "

"That is, although the car racing today is not a professional racing car, it is not
comparable to Mesang Rui. In terms of technology and car performance, Xu Ping is
stronger than this Mesang Rui's driver. The three corners are already very
competitive. The face of this Masanui driver. "

I heard Xu Ping, everyone said. Although everyone in Xu Ping's three corners feels
a bit arrogant, Xu Ping is such a person who has arrogant capital and will not be

Even if they face a person such as Chen Ze who defeated Moge and Chen Bailing in
succession, they all feel that Xu Ping is qualified to say such things.

But Chen Ze, after hearing Xu Ping and others around him, just smiled: "I hope you
can do it."

"Relax, I will do it." Xu Ping said.

He said, the two sat in their own cars, and then the race officially started.

five four three two one!

As the countdown sounded, Chen Ze and Xu Ping stepped on the throttle and rushed
down the mountain.

Of course, as in Chen Ze ’s repeated races in the past, Xu Ping ’s car is far

superior to Chen Ze ’s car because of its performance, so it is still the first.
Just starting, Chen Ze has been left behind.

However, Chen Ze did not panic, started at his own pace, and rushed forward.

"Xu Ping is ahead, just a start, and it is several meters ahead. It seems that it
is not a big deal to leave the Mei San Rui at three bends."

"That is, although Xu Ping's car is not a professional racing car he used for
racing, but it has also been modified, especially the engine horsepower, which is
more than twice that of Meisang Rui, plus his technology, this race is very It may
be a win or lose in the beginning. "

"I always say what happens to amateur drivers when they meet professional drivers.
It seems that today they can draw a conclusion. But judging from the current
situation, I am afraid that amateur drivers will be disastrous."

Seeing the starting conditions of the two cars, the drivers around all said. They
all have experience in racing. Even if they don't, they are very proficient in
cars. Naturally, they know how big the gap between Meisangrui and a really good car

Although they are just getting started, they feel that they are doomed.
However, not everyone thinks so, they all think that Chen Ze is going to be fragile
at the beginning. Sunfire's amateur team members didn't think so. They gathered
together and started talking after seeing this start:

"It's useless to start at first, Mo Ge and the captain don't even say that they are
at the beginning, they are all at least half the distance ahead of time, are they
not chased back?"

"That is, Xu Ping really underestimated this Meisangrui. He actually said that the
three bends flew away from Meisangrui. If it is in Yandang Mountain, it is still
possible. The performance of the car can indeed do this. But we hope that Fengshan
Mountain has been curved from the beginning, although it is more dangerous than
Yandang Mountain, but there are more curves than they can not be raised from the
beginning Speed. In this case, if you want three corners to shake off Mei Sang Rui,
there is no way the fairy can come. "

"Xu Ping is really going to suffer a great deal this time."

These members of the Sun Train team have played with Chen Ze twice. Naturally, they
have a deeper understanding of Chen Ze than ordinary drivers ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~
Everyone says that Chen Ze is to be fragile, but they hold it A completely
different perspective.

"The first intersection is coming. At present, Xu Ping is already ahead of Mei

Sangrui. If the first curve is played, it is likely to leave Mei Sangrui on the
first curve."

At this time, humanely, he looked at the big screen and knew that Chen Ze and Xu
Ping had already reached the first corner.

Hearing what he said, everyone looked at the big screen. However, beyond everyone's
expectations, the first curve they expected Xu Ping to leave Chen Ze did not
happen. Instead, it seemed that Chen Ze was getting closer.

这 "This, it looks like the Mei Sangrui is still closer by the curve."

"Illusion, I also feel the distance is getting closer, this must be an illusion."

"It's impossible, how can a professional driver like Xu Ping be pulled closer as
soon as he enters a curve."

When I saw this scene, everyone said that they couldn't believe it, and thought
that they had read it wrong.

But immediately arrived at the second corner, both of them were still fast, but
from the perspective of distance, the distance between the two cars seems to be

I saw this scene, everyone looked at each other, and everyone saw an extremely
shocked expression from each other's face. A professional rider was taken closer by
an amateur rider in a corner.

Hey, does this not mean that the amateur driver's technology is better than the
professional one!

平 Xu Ping took the lead in the third corner, but Chen Ze followed closely behind.
After the three corners, Xu Ping not only did not leave Chen Ze, but Chen Ze made
the difference.
At this time, all the audience at the scene were shocked. Thinking of what Xu Ping
had just said, seeing this reality, they suddenly felt that the game didn't seem so

Chapter FTLS 46: Best route

"Okay, it's awesome. It turned out that this Meisangrui driver is so powerful, and
the curve technology is better than Xu Ping."

"Oh my gosh, I originally thought that the three bend distances would be pulled
away, but I didn't expect to be caught up."

这 "This, how is this possible, my God, this is Xu Ping. Xu Ping was actually
bitten by an amateur driver or a Mei Sang Rui."

"It's incredible, it's incredible."

On the top of Laoshan, after seeing Chen Ze biting Xu Ping on the big screen, the
audience was stunned, especially those who had never watched Chen Ze before or even
heard of Chen Ze. When they saw this scene, they couldn't believe what happened.

Many drivers who have seen Chen Ze, Moge and Chen Bailing races are also very
surprised. Although they know that Chen Ze is strong, they did not expect to become
like this. Suddenly, they thought about the two previous Chen Ze matches.

Every time this is the case, I thought I could easily win it. As a result, Chen Ze
caught up with him and finally succeeded.

Isn't it the same this time?

Thinking of this possibility, they were shocked!

上面 On the podium, everyone's face was a little bad. They thought it would be a
crushing battle, and they were even a little worried at first, worrying that Xu
Ping was driving too fast, so that the Mei Sangrui driver would not come to Taiwan.
But I never expected that this would be the situation.

Xu Ping, Xu Ping lost in the corner and lost to an amateur driver driving Mei Sang

"Xu Ping didn't exert his strength at all, he is in a bad state today."

就是 "Yes, and this car is not the car he usually drives, so it is normal to be
unable to exert his strength."

"If Xu Ping can show his strength, that Meisangrui is nothing."

These professional drivers who smashed Sunfire said in succession that they were Xu
Ping's teammates. Naturally, they are now helping him to talk and help him make
excuses. In fact, in their hearts, one by one at this moment, they were almost

Xu Ping's strength they know, absolutely above all of them, but this is actually
caught up by an amateur driver, a Mei Sang Rui.

No matter what excuses, as a professional driver, it is absolutely impossible to

explain. Nevertheless, they continued to support Xu Ping. They all said that Xu
Ping was putting water on, otherwise the Mei Sang Rui would have been thrown away.

"Don't make any more excuses." At this moment, Cao Fangdao, who was sitting in the
middle of the podium, sighed and looked at the big screen. "Let's take a closer
look at this Mei Sangrui's turning curve. Talk again. "

Cao Fang himself was born in Sunfire and is a true racing legend, so when he spoke,
everyone immediately stopped and listened to his words and looked at the big

At the beginning, everyone didn't see anything, they just didn't know why, the
speed of this Mei Sangrui was so fast.

But looking at it, everyone's complexion changed, and they made a major discovery:
"The most, the best route, this Meisang Rui, even ran the best route of Wangfeng

"Yes, that's the best route." Cao Fang said, "Each track has its own best route,
and those who can run the best route can greatly save time. Running so fast, he has
been biting Xu Ping tightly because he ran out of the best route of Wangfeng
Mountain. His cornering skills are probably far above Xu Ping. "

"how can that be!"

After hearing Cao Fang's words, the professional drivers were shocked. They all
knew that there was such a thing as the best route, but it was easier said than
done. Without deep knowledge and near perfect skills, it was impossible to run. The
best route came.

But now, an amateur driver, a Mei Sangrui, ran the best route. This, it really made
them wonder what to say.

"That, that." At this moment, another person on the podium spoke. He was also a
Sunfire person. He had followed him to watch Chen Ze, Moge and Chen Bailing's race.
"This beautiful Sang Rui driver I Some understand that he seems to be a driver and
has never been to Wangfeng Mountain before! "


When I heard what he said, everyone, including Cao Fang, was shocked.

Driver, never came to Wangfeng Mountain!

Hey, doesn't this mean that the Mei San Rui driver only ran uphill once today, and
then ran the best route.

This, how is this possible!

"It looks like today, Xu Ping lost the game. I never imagined that his opponent was
such a person." At last, Cao Fang sighed. The reason why he agreed before was only
because of his past mountain racing feelings. Thought Xu Ping would lose.

But now it seems that he knows Xu Ping is losing.

Hearing Cao Fang's words, everyone was afraid to justify it or find a reason for Xu

A driver, a person who can run the best route after only one run uphill, is not
what Xu Ping can handle.
Xu Ping and Chen Ze were running all the way on Laoshan Road. They did not know
that after they started the car, the remarks at the top of the mountain made a 180-
degree turn.

Xu Ping had already covered his face at this time. Obviously, he was very nervous
and exhausted. With an unbelievable expression on his face, he constantly looked up
at Mei Sangrui in the rearview mirror.

"How, how is it possible, how is this possible, a Mei Sangrui bite me so dead, how
is this possible, this is impossible."

Xu Ping said, he couldn't believe what was happening now, and the original plan to
get rid of Mei Sang Rui did not do it at all. Instead, he was bitten tight all the

What's more critical is that Xu Ping felt that he had exhausted all his strength,
but still couldn't shake it off, or was bitten tightly. This made him feel
unprecedented pressure and anger.

"I'm a professional driver, but Cao Fang's successor. How could UU read
www.uukanshu.com, how could it be bitten by an amateur driver or a Meisang Rui."

Xu Ping roared in the car, her mind was completely out of balance. At this moment,
there was another sharp turn in front, and Xu Ping couldn't get into the turn
because he didn't concentrate, he made a mistake!

"It feels good today!"

Chen Ze muttered to himself in the car behind him.

He actually got into the car with anger. Xu Ping made him feel unprecedented anger,
so although Xu Ping was a professional driver, he challenged Xu Ping and wanted to
defeat Xu Ping.

As a result, He also focused his attention like never before, and feels that he is
in a better state than ever.

He looked at the hand that was controlling the steering wheel, and it seemed that
today the power of the car god's hand had been fully exerted.

"Congratulations to the host, today you have exerted 70% of the power of the car
god." At this moment, Chen Ze's mind sounded a systematic voice.

"Seventy? Only 70%?" Chen Ze froze.

"Yes." The system answered.

"How is it possible? I feel like I'm 100%. I'm in a very good condition today."
Chen Ze answered.

只有 "Only 70%, this is already the biggest ability that you can currently use to
host it."

"How can you make it 100%?"

"Another skill is needed!"

The system responded. Hearing this, when Chen Ze was about to ask what skills were
needed, suddenly he saw Xu Ping's car slipping.

"He made a mistake."

泽 Chen Ze spoke, he immediately seized the opportunity, kicked the accelerator,

rushed past Xu Ping's car, and passed him.

Chapter FTLS 47: Occupation is not necessarily better than amateur

"Super, more than gone."

"Xu Ping was overtaken, Xu Ping was overtaken by that Mei Sang Rui."

"Oh my god, I'm not dreaming, even Xu Ping has been overtaken. This is not even
half of this track."

On the top of the mountain, everyone said.

I watched Xu Ping slip inside the big screen, Chen Ze easily passed from the side,
they couldn't believe their eyes.

Xu Ping was overtaken by an amateur driver and overtaken by a Mei Sang Rui. What's
more critical is that now they haven't even reached half way to Wangfeng Mountain,
but that's it, Xu Ping has already been overtaken.

Many people immediately thought about Chen Ze, Moge and Chen Bailing before the
game. Although it was not a mountain road to compare, they were at least in the
second half.

But now, Xu Ping was overtaken in the first half, not even half of the mountain
road. He has always scolded Mog and Chen Bailing as waste, but now his performance
is much worse than the waste in his mouth.


Everyone stopped talking. I feel that Xu Ping is about to start a big fight this

However, Sunfire's amateur riders and Fang Qing were very happy, and their faces
showed excitement. Although they said that Chen Ze could win Xu Ping, Xu Ping was
not Chen Ze's opponent.

But in fact, they don't even believe this statement very much, but now, Xu Ping is
really not Chen Ze's opponent. It looks like today will be a fiasco defeat. The
loser will be worse than Moge and Chen Bailing.

This made them feel very good, and the tone in my heart finally came out.

"Xu Ping just made a mistake, so that let the Mei Sang Rui overtake."

"That is, if no mistakes are made, they will not be overtaken. Everyone has

"Xu Ping will definitely come back, a Mei Sang Rui, not Xu Ping's opponent at all."

At this moment, the team of drivers of Sunfire Professional Team opened up in the
auditorium again, one by one, loudly, maintaining their teammates.

If it is before this game, their statement will definitely be supported by all the
audience on the scene, and there will be a lot of audience to speak for them. But
now, after they have finished speaking, the scene is silent, and no one else echoes
their words, and even many audiences take their words as air.

At the beginning, I clearly said that the three laps could get rid of Mei Sangrui,
but the result was not achieved.

Later said that he would stay ahead until the end, but still failed.

Now I say I will come back, how can it be done!

Sure enough, the big screen showed Xu Ping immediately adjusted it back, and
obviously exhausted all efforts, but let alone go beyond Mei Sang Rui, and was
gradually pulled away by Mei Sang Rui.

Until the end, she even couldn't keep up with Mei Sangrui's car and disappeared
into Mei Sangrui's rearview mirror.

美 When Mei Sangrui reached the end, Xu Ping even had a long way to go!

I saw that Mei Sangrui finally reached the end and easily defeated Xu Ping. Xu
Ping's teammates were all ugly.

Before this race, they never thought about it. An amateur driver and a Meisangrui
could be so fast that they completely broke Xu Ping.

That's incredible.

And all the audience at the scene, including Sunfire's amateur drivers and Fang
Qing, cheered. They all knew that they had witnessed a miracle, a miracle of
victory over weakness and even victory.

Amateur driver, Mei Sang Rui, beat the professional driver, even the young leader
of the professional driver!

"A miracle, it is a miracle. I did not expect this Mei Sangrui driver to be so
strong that even Xu Ping was not his opponent."

"Joke, this time Xu Ping has completely become a joke. Before the game, he also
said that three bends flung Mei Sang Rui, but he was thrown away by Mei Sang Rui."

"Hahaha, it's so happy, I just watched Xu Ping so arrogant and very upset. I hope
someone can teach him, and he will come immediately if he doesn't think of him."

"I see how Xu Ping is still mixing in the professional driver circle, and he has
lost so badly. The opponents are only amateur drivers and Mei Sang Rui."

The audience whispered in whispers, expressing marvel to Chen Ze on the one hand,
and gloating on Xu Ping on the other.

Xu Ping was too arrogant before. If he has the real ability, then he can naturally
continue to be arrogant. But now that he lost so badly, the arrogance before that
turned into a joke.

Soon after, Chen Ze drove back to the top of the mountain again.

He was different from when he went down the mountain. When he returned this time,
there was a thunderous applause and continuous cheers. Obviously, everyone on the
scene was already convinced by Chen Ze's performance.
On the podium, the managers of the Solar Train team and other executives are also
very ugly. The members of their own team were defeated to an amateur driver, or the
amateur driver of Kaimei Sanrui. No one will be in the mood. OK ~ www.mtlnovel.com
~ Cao Fang's face is full of excitement. He looked at Chen Ze's Mei Sangrui: "The
talents come from the rivers and mountains!"

In the car, after Chen Ze parked the car, he didn't get out of the car immediately,
but lit a cigarette, smoking and recalling the feeling of driving just now.

Seventy percent, although only seventy percent, has made Chen Ze feel powerful

"If it is 100%, which realm will you reach?"

Chen Ze thought to himself, listening to the cheers outside, he suddenly seemed to

think of something, and quickly opened his popularity value. Upon inspection, the
current popularity value actually reached 876, which directly increased by another
100 Much popularity.

And after the news spreads, Chen Ze knows that he will definitely increase more
popularity, even more than a thousand, and he will be able to draw again at that

Thought of this, Chen Ze's mood suddenly improved a lot.

Buzz! !! !! !!

At this moment, Xu Ping also drove back to the top of the mountain. After seeing
his car, the applause and cheers at the scene disappeared immediately. Everyone
looked at Xu Ping with a very strange expression, and there was no more worship
just now.

The defeat of King Wang Cheng is most obvious here.

After Chen Ze saw him, he got out of the car and walked towards him.

Xu Ping also got out of the car and saw Chen Ze came over to himself. His face was
very ugly. He never thought of it and did not dare to think about it. He actually
lost to an amateur driver, a Meisang Rui.

"I just wanted to tell you just now." When walking to Xu Ping, Chen Ze spoke.
Although his voice was not loud, it spread to the ears of everyone on the top of
the mountain. "The so-called professional drivers are not necessarily better than
amateurs. Strong! "

Chapter FTLS 48: Cao Fang was eyeed

"I didn't expect you to be so amazing."

Above the beautiful Sang Rui, Fang Qing looked at Chen Ze and said. At this moment,
the exhibition competition is all over. Chen Ze naturally made a sensation for
everyone. Many people wanted to come up close to Chen Zetao. Some people even
wanted to take a photo with Chen Ze. Qing drove off, otherwise it was not so simple
if he wanted to get away later.

After sitting in the car back to Yucheng, Fang Qing looked at Chen Ze and said.

"I thought you could win Moge and Chen Bailing very well. I never imagined that Xu
Ping was not your opponent." Fang Qing said.
"That's it." Chen Ze laughed. He looked at Fang Qing and saw that Fang Qing had a
little worship and joy on his face at this moment, obviously he was in a good mood
at the moment.

"Oh, I heard that Xu Ping can make millions in a professional team a year. You are
better than him. If you go to a professional team, will you get more money than
him? A few million Ah! "Fang Qing continued.

"There are so many?" Chen Ze stunned 愣, he had not thought that Xu Ping could make
so much money a year!

"I just got it from Baidu. His contract is really so big. There are millions of
dollars a year, and there are endorsements on his body. Maybe there are tens of
millions of money a year." Fang Qing said.

"So much."

泽 Chen Ze smashed and smashed his mouth, Xu Ping could take so much. Wouldn't it
be more if you replaced it with yourself? Rich, really rich!

"Please host not to try to participate in the professional league." At this time,
Chen Ze's mind sounded a loud voice.

"Why?" Chen Ze froze.

"After the driver's task is completed, the system will continue to publish tasks
for other occupations. Before the tasks of these occupations are completed, the
host must not do things that are not related to the task, otherwise it will be
wiped out." Opening.


When I heard what the system said, Chen Ze almost screamed. Being able to earn
hundreds of thousands of dollars without earning it really made Chen Ze feel a
little bit itchy.

"The host doesn't need to care about that little money." The system seemed to be
aware of Chen Ze's thoughts, and said.

"Small, little money?" Chen Ze shook his lips when he heard the words of the
system. "A few million is still called small money. If I have a few million, I can
switch to another GTR and drive. Why drive this broken car."

"It's really small money. Every time the host completes the task of a profession
and climbs to the highest level of the profession, the skills drawn will be bound
for life. Once all the tasks are completed, the host will become the only arbitrary
occupation in the world. People who are proficient and can do everything to the
extreme. At that time, money will not have any meaning to the host. "The system
said again.

After listening to the system, Chen Ze became silent. Yeah, if you really complete
all the tasks and become the pinnacle of all professions, then money is really

"Chen Ze, Chen Ze."

At this moment, Fang Qing's voice sounded, pulling Chen Ze back to reality: "What
are you doing?"
"Oh, nothing." Chen Ze shook his head. "Where did we just say?"

"Speaking of Xu Ping's several million a year." Fang Qingdao.

"It's just a few million." Chen Ze said, waved his hand, and said boldly, "Little


"Xu Ping lost, even Xu Ping lost to that Mei Sang Rui."

"It's hard to imagine. He really lost even Xu Ping."

"Big news, Xu Ping lost to a Mei Sang Rui in a performance match on Wangfeng
Mountain, and it was still a fiasco."

When Chen Ze drove Fang Qing away from Wangfeng Mountain in a car, the news that
Chen Ze won Xu Ping on Wangfeng Mountain quickly spread, and the whole amateur
driver circle was a sensation.

泽 Chen Ze and Mei Sangrui have been the hottest topics in the amateur driver
circle during this time. Everyone is guessing how quickly Chen Ze will be defeated
by Moge and Chen Bailing.

However, everyone didn't think that he could win even a professional driver, and Xu
Ping was still a big victory, which surprised all those who knew the news and
couldn't believe his ears.

"Mei Sang Rui, Mei Sang Rui even beat Xu Ping, and amateur drivers have won
professional drivers. This is very shocking."

"I ca n’t believe it, I really ca n’t believe it. Even if Xu Ping was n’t driving a
professional car, even if it was a mountain road race that day, but that was Xu
Ping, Cao Fang was the second, and he lost to an amateur driver, and it was a
fiasco. . "

"It's too inspirational. From today on, the Meisangrui driver is my idol. He can
beat the professional driver, so I must be able to."

"The last Mei Sangrui driver left behind is simply handsome, and his career is not
necessarily better than his amateur."

Everyone in the amateur driver circle has made a sensation ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~

Everyone has said that they regard Chen Ze as their idol. The impression that Chen
Ze left on them this time was really deep.

Including Yang Qi, Moge, and Chen Bailing, all drivers who know or have contacted
Chen Ze are all confused by Chen Ze.

Of course, Chen Ze not only impressed Cao Fang not only for all the amateur
drivers, but also deeply impressed.

Cao Fang's home, Cao Fang's home.

Cao Fang was sitting on the sofa. A video of a racing car was continuously
displayed on the TV. If you carefully identify it, you will find that this video is
the video of Chen Ze and Xu Ping that day.

"It's really hard to imagine. Someone can take Mei Sang Rui to this point."
Watching the video, Cao Fang said.

"Yeah, the amateur rider has another master like this, Lao Cao, I think he is the
real second you." Cao Fang beside him, another man sat.

This man's name is Zhang Wen. He has been a good friend of Cao Fang for decades. He
knew Cao Fang when he was an amateur driver. Later, when Cao Fang stepped into the
professional driver circle, he followed and became Cao. Party broker. After Cao
Fang retired, he also retired.

Now he was invited by Cao Fang to his home and watched this video together.
Watching this video, he couldn't help feeling a little bit of emotion, the amateur
driver could have such a high level, Chen Ze was the second he had ever seen. The
first one is naturally Cao Fang of that year.

"What do you think of him?" Suddenly, Cao Fang asked again, pointing to Chen Ze's
Mei Sangrui in the video.

"Very good, the second you." Zhang Wen said, suddenly realized something, and
quickly said, "You don't mean it!"

"Yes, I want him to be my opponent before my comeback."

Chapter FTLS 49: Cao Fang's challenge

Cao Fang, the legendary driver of Huaxia, retired at the peak two years ago. At
that time, it caused a worldwide uproar. No one thought that Cao Fang would retire
at this time. It was only later that it burst out. It turned out that his eyes had
a problem, and he couldn't see clearly at a high speed.

Squinting can be said to be one of the most important things in racing. If there
are problems with other parts around you, it may still be able to remedy, but if
there is a problem with the eyes, then go to the professional racing circuit and
just commit suicide.

Therefore everyone understands the reason for Cao Fang's retirement, and of course
he is very sorry for him.

However, after two years of treatment, Cao Fang's eyes gradually returned to
normal, so a natural comeback became his plan.

"I haven't played in two years, and I don't know how much I have left." In the
living room, Cao Fang laughed.

"This, although you haven't actually raced in two years, you don't want to race
against an amateur driver. Even if the driver of Mei Sangrui defeated Xu Ping, that
at best only proves that he has the professional driver level. It may be considered
a good technique among professional drivers, but it will not make you think about
racing with him. "

Zhang Wen hurriedly spoke, he thought it was ridiculous.

Who is Cao Fang? Before the retirement, the world ranking has broken into the top
five, and there is even hope for a higher status. Such a person would want to race
against an amateur driver. This is not a joke, it is all about losing their worth.

美 That Mei Sangrui driver is more powerful, but it is just the strength of the
professional driver level, and the gap with Cao Fang is not yet known. Cao Fang
wanted to play against him, just joking.
"If you really want to race two games before coming back to test your current
status and feelings, I think you should immediately contact your previous world-
class professional rider friends, I think they know you will come back They will be
very happy, and they will be happy to be your opponents. "Zhang Wen said,
disapproving Cao Fang and Chen Ze very much.

"No matter how good Mei Sangrui is, he can't be your opponent. If you play against
him, it won't help you at all, it will only affect your reputation."

"I don't think so. Is this Masanru driver really just an ordinary professional-
level ability? It is so easy to win Xuping with a Masanru, I think his strength is
by no means simple." Cao Fang said.

"The reason why Xu Ping can win a lot is because of the terrain. There are too many
curves in the terrain of Wangfeng Mountain. There is no difference between a good
car and a bad car. As long as the strength is a little stronger, it can occupy a
great advantage. When it comes to strength, I think that Mei Sangrui is at best
only a little stronger than Xu Ping. It's not worth your game with him at all.
"Zhang Wen poked his lips, apparently despising Chen Ze's strength.

I also think that for people like Zhang Wen who have been in the world-class
professional circle for so many years, it is too normal to look down on Chen Ze.

After hearing what he said, Cao Fang just smiled: "It's not that simple. Besides, I
think he is very similar to me. He is also an amateur driver but has reached this
level. I really want to compete with him on the mountain road race. A game. "

"It turned out to be this way." After hearing Cao Fang's words, Zhang Wencai made a
point vote. He thought he understood why Cao Fang had to compete with Chen Ze,
because they were both amateur drivers. Cao Fang might be in Chen Ze saw only his
former shadow.

"Since you are so persistent, then I will arrange it, and just use this victory to
announce to everyone that you Cao Fang is back."

Zhang Wen finally agreed, and had already figured out how to publicize it after the
game was won to achieve the maximum effect.

As for whether he will win, Zhang Wen feels that this is not a problem at all. Cao
Fang took the shot, and the other side was just an amateur driver. The capable
amateur driver was only an amateur driver, and it was impossible to threaten Cao

After thinking this way, Zhang Wen decided that to make this game vigorous, it is
best to make it known to everyone and let everyone know that Cao Fang is back.


"You are the driver of Meisangrui, hello I am your fan, I have watched your last
few games, you are too good, you can run so fast with a Meisangrui, you Have you
ever wanted to be a professional driver? "

"Hello, hello, I'm your fan, I was on the scene when you played against Xu Ping,
you are so bullish, can you tell me how you run so fast?"

"I'm your fan, because you and I also bought a Meisangrui, and when you can have
time, I want to compete with you at Yandang Mountain."

This series of conversations took place after Chen Ze returned from Wangfeng
Mountain. Since he returned, he has become famous in the entire amateur driver
circle, and countless people have paid attention to him.

Many people immediately knew that he was actually a driver, the driver of Yucheng's
online taxi. So many people came to Yucheng specifically to come and hit his car in
order to talk to him and take a picture.

In short, because of Wangfeng Mountain, Chen Ze is now much more famous than

"You walk slowly."

I sent another fan to him. Chen Ze took a long breath and then parked the car on
the side of the road. It was too much trouble for some fans, which completely
affected his normal work. Although he also made a lot of tolls from fans, Chen Ze
was very unaccustomed to being asked questions, so he simply stopped driving and
rested on the side of the road.

休息 While resting, Chen Ze opened the popularity page in the system.

"How come 968, unscientific, judging by the popularity of these two days, how
should we break a thousand."

Seeing popularity, Chen Ze muttered in his heart. UU Reading at www.uukanshu.com

"This is because popularity does not stack up. No matter how much a person admires
you, his popularity is fixed. Therefore, although your popularity seems to be much
higher in the past two days, it has not increased much. This is because most people
in the past two days have already increased your popularity for you. The amateur
driver circle is not big, so the popularity can be increased. "At this time, the
system began.

I heard the words of the system, Chen Ze was silent. He thought that this time
could reach a thousand anyway, but now it is almost a little bit, so the distance
of two thousand is too far away.

What's more important is that he even won Xu Ping, so almost all the potential of
the amateur driver circle has been dug up by him. In this case, even a thousand
have not been reached, that is to say, rely on this, It's almost impossible to
reach 2,000 popularity and complete the character.

如果 "If, if there can be better and more important races, the influence can exceed
the amateur race circle."

Chen Ze thought to himself that there was less than a month left until the deadline
of the mission. If you want to complete the task, it seems that this opportunity
can only be achieved by an influence that can surpass the amateur driver circle and
attract many people who do not care about the driver.

But where is this kind of competition?

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

At this moment, Chen Ze's phone rang suddenly. It was a strange number. He picked
it up and heard a voice over the phone: "Hello, I'm Zhang Wen, Cao Fang's agent!"

(PS: Recommend a friend's new book "The World's First Village", alternative farming
text, will be on the shelves soon, the current results are good, everyone can look
at it. Thanks also Ghoul _Ghoul, ghost face chess player Finally, please ask for
collection and recommendation tickets. Everyone has no tickets.)

Chapter FTLS 50: Accepted

所以 "So, you mean you want to invite me to play with Cao Fang." Chen Ze said.

"Yes, that's right. At 8 pm next Friday, in Yandang Mountain, everything follows

the rules of the mountain road race." Zhang Wen said at the other end of the phone.

I heard Zhang Wen's words, Chen Ze was silent. He never expected that Cao Fang
wanted to play against him, and was still in Yandang Mountain.

Cao Fang, even Chen Ze, will feel extremely pressure now when he hears the name.
The first person of the Huaxia Motorsport Championship and the genius of an amateur
driver represent the highest level of the racing session and the pride of the

A character like this has even challenged himself to play against himself!

Chen Ze felt that it was a bit dreamy and a little incredible.

"Wait, if the opponent is Cao Fang, then the influence of this race will definitely
exceed the average amateur driver circle. If that is the case, then winning will
greatly increase the popularity value to 2,000. Right. "

Suddenly, Chen Ze thought of such a possibility and immediately got excited.

"Sorry host, the system has to remind you here that the probability that you can
win Cao Fang is only 3%!" Suddenly, the system said again.

"Three percent?" Chen Ze stunned, "It's too low, I know Cao Fang is very powerful,
but I also have the hand of the car god, it is not so low."

"It's so low. Although you have the hand of the car god, but no matter it is
experience, car performance, or even car skills, Cao Fang is all over you. The
probability that you can win this race is only 100%. Third! "Said the system,
coldly, putting the current reality in front of Chen Ze.

"Three percent!" Chen Ze muttered, "Is there any way to increase this chance?"

不到 With less than a month left to complete the task, this match with Cao Fang may
be his only chance to complete the task, so Chen Ze thinks he must win anyway.

"Yes," said the system.

"What?" After hearing the system's answer, Chen Ze was immediately excited.

"Popularity reaches one thousand. Once again, draw a lottery and win the foot of
the car god. At the same time, getting the hand of the car **** and the foot of the
car **** is the same as the resurrection of the car god. The power of the hand of
the car **** and the power of the foot of the car **** Both can reach the maximum
at the same time, so that they can defeat Cao Fang. "The system said.

When Chen heard the words, Chen Ze was completely excited. Although it has not yet
reached a thousand popularity values, it is not far away. Maybe it can be achieved
before the game. When the time comes to draw the foot of the car god, and exert the
power of hands and feet, then you can win.
泽 Chen Zeke still remembers that this time he only used 70% of the power of the
car **** to defeat Xu Ping easily. If he played with his hands and feet together,
even Cao Fang would definitely not be an opponent.

"However, there are thousands of driver skills, and it is far less likely that you
will be able to defeat Cao Fang directly if you want to win the foot of the car
**** among thousands of skills. "At this point, the system spoke again.


I heard the system, and Chen Ze was completely speechless.

Thousands of species, why Nima has so many skills. With so many skills, how could
it be possible to get the foot of the car **** all at once, and the chance is
actually one in one thousand, isn't this a daddy!

泽 Chen Ze was just about to scold his mother, and suddenly heard Zhang Wen's voice
over the phone again: "Mr. Chen? Is Mr. Chen still? Is Mr. Chen still?"

"Yes, here," Chen Ze said quickly.

"How are you thinking? Are you willing to accept this game?" Zhang Wen said.

刚刚 He just found out why Chen Ze was suddenly silent over there, and he also
heard that there was a 3% victory rate. He almost thought that Chen Ze was a

"I am willing." Chen Ze agreed.

Although the winning percentage is only 3%, this is the last chance and Chen Ze can
never give up.

"All right, let's just say it, next night at eight o'clock, Yandang Mountain!"

Zhang Wendao, hung up the phone while talking, and then recalled what Chen Ze had
just said to himself: "Three percent, winning percentage. This guy wouldn't be
estimating his own winning percentage. He thinks he is only 100%. The third
possibility of winning? It looks too much to himself. If the opponent is Lao Cao,
he has no chance of winning. "

Zhang Wen poked his lips, thinking that Chen Ze had no chance at all this time.


Soon, Cao Fang decided to challenge Chen Ze, and the news of the match in Yandang
Mountain next Friday spread.

一 As soon as the news came out, everyone, not only the amateur driver circle, but
everyone who heard the news was shocked.

"Cao Fang is coming back? He has to race against an amateur driver? This, this is

"Oh my god, this news is really fake. It's not reliable. Isn't Cao Fang retired? He
is going to come back and race against an amateur driver?"

"Even if the amateur driver is a driver who has won Xu Ping, not an ordinary
amateur driver, it is still an amateur driver. How could Cao Fang compete with
Everyone is a bit unbelievable. Cao Fang is a living legend. Now this legend is
back in the race. The opponent is still an amateur driver. This is so surprising to
everyone. They all think that Cao Fang is totally a price drop. Even if that
amateur driver is even more powerful ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, it is definitely
impossible to be his opponent. How could Cao Fang take the initiative to race with

However, soon, some people thought that they had guessed Cao Fang's intentions:

"Cao Fang is going to race against that Mei Sangrui amateur driver? That's too
normal, I think it must be Cao Fang's comeback, so find an opponent to try it out.
The opponent must be a bit powerful, but not too powerful. What to do if Cao Fang
loses. That's why he picked this Mei Sangrui driver. No matter how good his
strength is, Cao Fang won't lose to him even if he is in poor condition, so he
picked him. "

I heard this guess, everyone felt very reasonable:

"Yeah, that Mei Sangrui is also a bit of strength. Playing against him can test Cao
Fang's condition. Besides, if the state is not good, it will not affect the final
outcome. With Cao Fang's strength, it is impossible. lose."

"It makes sense. Compared with those world-class drivers, that Meisangrui driver is
obviously not enough to see, and it is just the subject of experiments."

"That's the case, if that's the case, it makes sense."

Many people said that they guessed why Cao Fang challenged Chen Ze.

Think of it this way, they all felt that Chen Ze was a bit pitiful, just an
experiment subject.

Nevertheless, each of them decided. This is Cao Fang's first match after two years,
so in any case, you have to check it out. Although the results are doomed, it is
good to see the process.

It wasn't just ordinary car fans that were alarmed. The media, professional racing
clubs, and even foreign professional clubs also heard the news. One by one, they
decided to see Cao Fang's game next Friday. See how Cao Fang is now.

Chapter FTLS 51: Chen Ze's flaws

A car entered an upscale neighborhood, then stopped at the door of a house.

"Is this the home of Teacher Cao Fang?"

He drove a young man in his twenties who looked at the door of the house and asked.

"Of course, this is Teacher Cao Fang's home." There was a 30- or 40-year-old woman
sitting in the co-pilot, and nodded after hearing what he said. Several times at
home. "

It turned out that the two were reporters of the racing magazine. This time I heard
that Cao Fang was going to come back and decided to come and interview Cao Fang
immediately after racing with an amateur driver.

Although it is only an amateur competition, since one party is Cao Fang, the
meaning is completely different.

"I heard that Teacher Cao Fang spent a long time watching the opponent's videotape
before the game in the past. I hope to find the opponent's flaws in the videotape
to defeat the opponent on the field. I don't know if this legend is true. The young
man who drove said again, talking as he stopped.

"Of course it is true. This has always been the habit of Teacher Cao Fang. In the
past, even Li Ke, American Chris, and Khalil, Germany relied on Teacher Cao Fang to
watch the video of their game, and finally found out their weakness "The 30- or 40-
year-old woman nodded." But this time the estimate is different. The opponent is
just an amateur driver. It is not a grade at all compared with those of Cao Fang's
past world-class opponents. . "

"That's true too."

The young guy nodded, and after parking the car, the two got out of the car
together and walked towards Cao Fang's house. When they came to the door, the two
knocked on them, and someone came to open the door in a while. The person who
opened the door was not Cao Fang, but his good partner Zhang Wen.

"Mr. Zhang Wen, are you here?"

After seeing Zhang Wen, the 30- and 40-year-old female reporter was surprised.

"Yeah, it's been a long time." Zhang Wen nodded, apparently knowing this female
reporter for a long time.

"It's been a long time." The female reporter nodded. "Mr. Cao Fang, I have an
appointment with him this time."

"Ao, he is watching a videotape in the room and will come out immediately." Zhang

"Record, video?" The female reporter froze.

"Yeah, don't you know? Old Cao used to have this habit in the past. Before each
game, he must spend a lot of time studying opponents and watching opponents'
videotapes." Zhang Wen said.

"This, I know this habit, but isn't the opponent just an amateur driver, does it
also require Teacher Cao Fang to spend so much energy?" The female reporter said,
obviously extremely surprised.

In her mind, Cao Fang was able to win without any effort for an amateur driver like
Chen Ze. But now he is still watching his videotape, and it still takes such a long

This, isn't it a bit exaggerated!

"No exaggeration." Zhang Wen smiled, "Treat opponents, no matter what kind of
opponents, Lao Cao will not take it lightly and will go all out. This is the secret
of his ability to achieve today!"

"So it is." The female reporter nodded.

She was very shocked in her mind. In her opinion, Cao Fang had already won, but she
still paid so much attention. Now that I have watched the video again, the amateur
driver has no chance to win again.
At this moment, Cao Fang also came out of the room. After seeing the female
reporter, she quickly said, "I'm sorry, I just watched it for too long, and I
forgot to make an appointment with you."

"It's okay, Teacher Cao, can we start now?" The female reporter quickly stood up
and said.

"of course."

Cao Fang nodded, and then began to be interviewed by this female reporter. The
interview was not long, most of them were centered around Cao Fang's return. Cao
Fang's answer was also official.

But on the last question, the female reporter finally couldn't help but asked a
topic she was interested in: "Mr. Cao Fang, you have also watched this video for so
long, although we all think you It's not necessary, but I don't know if you see any
flaws in him. "

"Of course." Cao Fang laughed when she heard what the female reporter said.
"Although there is only one videotape, it is enough for me to see his flaws, and
there are still two!"

"Two flaws?"

When I heard Cao Fang's words, the two reporters' faces were curious, and they
wanted to know what the flaw was.

However, Cao Fang sold Guanzi and refused to say what the two flaws were, but just
said that they would go to the game site to see that day and they would understand
when they arrived.

I ca n’t help it. Since Cao Fang said so, they had to put away curiosity and leave
Cao Fang to go out.

After waiting for them to leave, Zhang Wen also said, "Lao Cao, what is the flaw?"
He was also very interested and wanted to know what flaws Chen Ze had.

"Come with me and see if you see."

Cao Fangdao said, walking into the room with Zhang Wen, and then turned on the
video recorder, and the video of Chen Ze and Xu Ping playing that day was
immediately released on the TV.

Cao Fang fast-forwarded the picture to several turns and released it separately:
"How about, did you see anything?"

没有 "No, this turn feels perfect, and did not you say that he has found the best
route that day? This turn feels no problem." Zhang Wen shook his head.

"Look again."

Cao Fang opened his mouth and said that the video tape had been slowed down several
times, and it was shown to Zhang Wen again. At this time, Zhang Wen finally saw
something, and I saw that Chen Ze's car every time there was a turn, there was a
strange stutter, and every time the stutter caused him to deviate from the best
route, or even make the car slightly. Slipping.

这 "Hey, Carton, why is there such a carton?" Zhang Wen shouted. He had never seen
anything so strange happen.

"Yes, this is the first flaw."

Cao Fang smiled: "Although the speed of this Sang Rui is very fast ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ Even the best route is grasped, but the speed has not reached
the best speed. At the time I It was a bit weird. Later, when I carefully looked
back at the video tape, I found that every time this corner of the Meisangrui, this
kind of strange stutter occurs, which only happens to extremely amateur riders. "

这 "This, what is going on here?" Zhang Wen asked.

"It's very simple. This is a problem that can't be flexibly coordinated with hands
and feet. Beginners will have this problem. After the speed is raised, the speed of
the feet cannot keep up with the speed of the hands, or the speed of the hands
cannot keep up with the speed of the feet This leads to a situation where tires and
engine gears cannot be perfectly unified, ”Cao Fangdao said.

"But this, isn't it going to disappear as long as you train for a long time or
improve your level? Even if you ca n’t drive fast, hands and feet should be able to
work together. With the strength of Chen Ze, even Xu Ping can win, no reason why
such a low-level error occurred. "Zhang Wen asked.

"Yeah, it really makes no sense to make such a low-level error." Cao Fang nodded.
"Even I can't figure it out. Judging from the video, it seems that the hand is one
person and the foot is another person. . The ability of the hand is very high, I am
afraid that I may not even be an opponent, but the ability of the foot is
relatively poor, so this is the strange situation. "

Having said that, Cao Fang shook his head: "Although I don't know how this
happened, if Chen Ze really did, he would be able to grasp the best route every
time he turned, but it would still be for nothing. "It's a waste of time. In high-
speed competitions, real masters will never make this mistake."

这个 "This is his first flaw! I won this game."

Chapter FTLS 52: Modified cars

"Great, really great."

At Chen Ze's home, Chen Ze muttered to himself in front of the laptop. The sound of
the engine and the cornering of the tires kept coming from the computer. It was the
video of Cao Fang's past games.

Like Cao Fang, after accepting his challenge, Chen Ze also found out the video of
his game and then watched it.

Although Cao Fang is famous in China, Chen Ze has heard of his name long ago. But
this is the first time. For the first time, Chen Ze watched Cao Fang's game

I do n’t know, I ’m shocked!

Cao Fang's performance in the video is simply perfect. Whether it is controlling

the vehicle, turning, or starting, each item has been perfected. It is indeed the
world's top racing driver.

After reading Cao Fang's performance, Chen Ze recalled his current level and had to
admit, yes, I am afraid that he is not his opponent.

If you play in your current state, the game on Friday will definitely be lost. If
you lose, I am afraid that this task will not be completed.

"Host, not only is he inferior to him in terms of your current car skills, but even
your Meisangrui is too far behind him. If you want to increase your winning rate, I
suggest that you have no way to draw Modify your vehicle. "At this time, the
system's voice suddenly rang in Chen Ze's mind.

"Refit the vehicle." Chen Ze muttered to himself.

"Yes, modify the vehicle." The system said, "Your Meisang Rui is really bad. Maybe
you can win someone like the previous race with the car skills. But you want to
compete with people like Cao Fang, not Modification is impossible to win. For
example, the tires, axles and suspension of the car must be changed, and even the
engine can be changed. "

"Can you help modify the system?"

Chen Ze asked with anticipation, since the system took the initiative to speak,
Chen Ze looked forward to it, and looked forward to whether the system would
actively help this time.

If the system can really help, it is not a problem to convert this Meisangrui into
the world's first car.

"Sorry host, if you want to modify the vehicle, you must also get the modification
skills. Judging by your current popularity, there is no way to draw a lottery." The
system said.


If Chen Ze is speechless for a while, and the system is unwilling to help him
modify the car, what should I do?

Chen Ze himself will not modify the car, and even if it does, there are not so many

"Refit, what should I do?"

嘀 Chen Ze whispered, if there is no way to modify, then we have to give up this


Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

At this moment, Chen Ze's cell phone rang, and he took it out and Yang Qi called

"What is he calling over at this time?"

Chen Ze murmured, but still connected to the phone.

喂 "Hey, Chen Ze is me, we all heard about it, I heard you really want to play
against Cao Fang." At the end of the phone, Yang Qi said.

"Yeah, at 8 o'clock this Friday at Yandang Mountain." Chen Ze nodded.

"It turned out to be true."

I heard Chen Ze's words, Yang Qi sighed on the phone, although he had heard the
news. But now that they heard Chen Ze say it again, they are still unbelievable.

Cao Fang, that's Cao Fang.

的 Such a legendary driver, who took the initiative to challenge Chen Ze, is really
hard to imagine, hard to imagine!

这个 "This, you are calling, not to ask this thing." Chen Ze asked.

当然 "Of course not." Yang Qi quickly said, "I have a suggestion, I don't know if
you want to listen to it."

"What advice?" Chen Ze asked.

"Cao Fang is definitely not an ordinary opponent. If you want to compete with this
kind of person, I am afraid that your Meisangrui will not work." Yang Qi said, "I
just have a friend here who has some racing parts on hand. If you want, we can help
you modify the car. I dare not say that it will be changed to a level with Cao
Fang's car, but it must be much better than you are now. "

"You, what are you talking about?" Hearing Yang Qi's words, Chen howled, then said.

这个 "This, help you modify the car." Yang Qi said.

"Yes, I am too willing."

Chen Ze spoke quickly and agreed with Yang Qi.


In Yucheng, inside a depot.

A few people in work clothes opened a car, and then they all stunned:

"Missang Rui, it is really the original configuration of Mesang Rui."

"This car can win Moge, Chen Bailing, and Xu Ping, it is unimaginable."

"Yeah, I thought that the legendary Mei Sangrui should have undergone a little
transformation, but there was no modification at all, terrible."

I heard what they said, a human who seemed to be their head: "Nonsense, this is the
power of this driver, otherwise how can Cao Fang also become interested in him.
Please stop talking nonsense, work hard."

After speaking, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com. He walked to Yang Qi and faced
Chen Ze: "Relax, you can leave the car with me for a day, and I will do it all for
you tomorrow. The original Mesangray performance is at least two grades higher. "

It turned out that after answering Yang Qi's phone call, Chen Ze drove immediately
and came to this depot at the address given by Yang Qi, and Yang Qi had already
waited there for a long time. Chen Ze modified it.

"Chen Ze, rest assured, the owner of this depot is my friend and a player who has
been playing for decades. This time I got some professional racing spare parts from
underground channels. I originally planned to play on my car. But I think that
since you can compete with Cao Fang's driver, it's the real best thing to put on
your car. "Yang Qi said at this moment.

"Yeah, yeah, it ’s a waste to install it on my car. Only you can give full play to
these parts." The boss of the car factory laughed. "This time we are supporting you
with Cao Fang. I hope you can run to your highest level. Even if you can't win Cao
Fang, you have to show everyone how good our amateur drivers are. "

I heard him say, everyone cheered, and said in support of Chen Ze. However,
obviously, everyone did not really think that Chen Ze could win. After all, the
opponent was Cao Fang. They all felt that they could run out of their highest
level, and Chen Ze had already won.

"Thank you, I must live up to everyone's expectations."

I listened to them, Chen Ze nodded and smiled. Although everyone is not optimistic
that he can win, Chen Ze has not planned to give in.

"By Chen Ze, you can go back to rest first. Anyway, you can't help here anyway. You
will have to go to Yandang Mountain for a test run when the car is modified
tomorrow. Go back and rest."

Chapter FTLS 53: Modified power

Late at night, although Chen Ze went back to rest in the depot, Yang Qi's
modification of Chen Ze's car continued.

While modifying Chen Ze's car, the owner of the car factory was also amazed at Yang
Qi: "This Chen Ze is too exaggerated. I just took a look. This car has already run
more than 60,000 kilometers, many parts They are all aging and need to be changed,
especially the tires are about to be flattened. He even won Moge, Chen Bailing and
Xu Ping with this kind of car, and then he has to confront Cao Fang. It is too
exaggerated, it ’s really It's too exaggerated. "

"Otherwise, how could he say that he is amazing." Yang Qi said, "To be honest, Chen
Ze is really amazing. The recent events are far beyond my imagination. A person can
win with Mei Sang Rui even in a row. Such three opponents are simply hard to
imagine. "

"Yeah, it's really hard to imagine." The owner of the depot also nodded.

"But I still have a strange feeling." Yang Qi said again, looking at Chen Ze's Mei

"Weird feeling? What's weird?" The owner of the depot froze.

"Although Chen Zelian won Moge, Chen Bailing and Xu Ping, I always feel that he is
not the same as the first time we met him. Although he is great now, I can still
feel the limitations of his car skills. Yes, I also know that he cannot be Cao
Fang's opponent this time. The first time I saw him, he felt differently to me.
"Yang Qi said.

"Different? What's different?" The depot owner asked again.

"Invincible, the true feeling of invincibility." Yang Qi frowned and sighed. "For
the first time, it feels like driving is not human, but car-like. If Chen Ze can
have the first state, It is not surprising that Cao Fang was defeated. "

一 Chen Ze came to the depot early in the morning the next day. After all the
overnight work of everyone in the depot, Chen Ze's car had been basically modified.
After hearing this news, Chen Ze was very happy. After thanking them, he drove a
car and planned to go to Yandang Mountain to try what the current car feels

Everyone else in the car depot was resting, but Yang Qi took the position of the
co-pilot of Chen Zeche and went up the mountain with Chen Ze. He also wanted to see
that after the modification, Chen Ze can now have more pieces.

Chen Ze was driving fast at this time, quickly rushed to the foot of Yandang
Mountain, and then looked inside the car: "After the modification, it is different,
it feels a lot better, and the acceleration is a lot faster. Everything feels a lot
better. "

Although he hasn't officially run on Yandang Mountain, but after just driving from
the car factory to here, Chen Ze clearly felt that the car is now driving a lot
better. If you have used this car for the first three times, it will be easier to

Now he wants to rush to the top of Yandang Mountain immediately and run down the
**** to try.

"Of course, we were busy all night yesterday, but you can change a lot of parts for
your car. Make sure your car has been reborn." Yang Qi laughed. "Hurry up the
mountain and try it. By the way, I am I will also give you a measure of how fast
you are down the mountain, and see how much you have improved. "

"Okay." Chen Ze nodded, then drove towards the mountain.

Chen Ze found on the way that although it was not Friday, Yandang Mountain had
already come with a lot of drivers, apparently all attracted by his previous
trials, all came to Yandang Mountain to train.

Chen Ze quickly reached the top of the mountain, and then under the timing of Yang
Qi, rushed towards the end of the mountain.


"Okay, fast, more than an minute faster than the last time with Chen Bailing. The
last time you run in Chen Ze was 18 minutes and 56 seconds. Today it took only 17
minutes and 28. second."

At the foot of Laoshan Mountain, Yang Qi was extremely surprised, and he turned
pale and said to Chen Ze.

Just now, Chen Ze ran with this newly modified car at full speed. It turned out to
be more than an minute faster than the last time when compared with Chen Bailing,
and the last 18 minutes and 56 seconds that Chen Ze ran out against Chen Bailing It
is already a record of Yandang Mountain's downhill slope. No one except Chen Ze can
approach this speed.

这次 And this time, just just ran for a minute, it turned out to be more than a
minute faster. More importantly, just now Yang Qi sat in Chen Ze's co-driver's
seat. This was the first time Yang Qi saw Chen Ze driving at close range.

Marveled at Chen Ze's ability to control the steering wheel and gears. In his
opinion, Chen Ze is simply a god. How can a person do the steering wheel and gear
control so well. Chen Ze's car skills are simply not what humans should be able to
"It's been more than a minute faster, this is just your first run and you haven't
fully adapted to this newly modified car. If you have adapted, maybe you can go two
or three minutes faster. In this case, this is the case Maybe it really can win.
"Yang Qi said, a little excited. Recalling Chen Ze's steering wheel and gear
technology, he came up with such an idea in his heart.

Hearing Yang Qi's words, Chen Ze also smiled and looked at the beautiful and
strange Mei Sangrui who made him familiar.

To be honest, the effects of the modification made him startled. Chen Ze thought
that it would be more than ten seconds and a half minutes at most, but it was more
than a minute faster.

And in the process of driving, Chen Ze found that whether it is cornering or

braking is indeed much better than before. This minute is not the limit. Chen Ze
thinks that there is still a lot of potential to be tapped.

So he felt very good at the moment. He even opened the system and started to check
his popularity: "The popularity is 983 ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ There are still a few
days before the competition. I don't know if I can reach a thousand before the game
so I can draw new skills. "

Chen Ze thought to himself that he was a little relaxed at the moment. I feel that
even if I don't draw new skills, I can beat Cao Fang by relying on this modified

宿主 "Host, your car is really well modified, and the performance has been improved
a lot."

At this moment, the system suddenly spoke again.

"Yes, I feel the same way. I feel that the car is well modified, and it seems to be
one minute faster. If so, maybe I can't take the second skill, I can beat Cao Fang.
"Chen Ze laughed.

"Sorry host, if you do n’t draw the second skill and you do n’t get the foot of the
car god, although your chance of winning has increased, it has only increased from
3% to 5%, which is equivalent to still losing. "The system spoke again at this
time, hitting Chen Ze.

"What?" Chen Ze paused. "The cars have been changed like this, and the chance has
only increased by this point?"

"Yes, although your car has been modified, it has only narrowed the gap between Cao
Fang and Cao Fang at best. The speed you have just completed this whole journey is
17 minutes and 28 seconds. According to calculations, you can reach the fastest
speed. The time is 16 minutes and 18 seconds. However, Cao Fang can reach 15
minutes and 10 seconds, even 14 minutes and 30 seconds. The gap between you and him
is still very large. "System Road.

"Is it so powerful that it can run in 14 minutes and 30 seconds? Impossible," Chen
Ze muttered.


At this moment, the sound of an engine came over, then a silver-colored vehicle
rushed down from the top of the mountain, and then the people on the road screamed
in excitement, as if something happened that made them extremely excited. general.
Chapter FTLS 54: Good luck
"Too, so great, you can run so fast the first time."

"This, this, this is a record."

好 "So horrible, the world-class professional rider has even reached this state."

"I can see such a powerful run with my own eyes, I have no regrets."

The riders around the foot of the mountain were all excited, and even became a
sensation. They surrounded the silver-colored car and opened their mouths.

"What's wrong? Why are all the drivers so excited? And who is that silver car?"
Chen Ze asked. He was surprised to see this scene.

"I don't know, let's take a look." Yang Qi shook his head and said. But before they
walked by, the news came over. The driver was actually Cao Fang. He came to Yandang
Mountain for the first time today to get familiar with the terrain in advance.

And just now it was his first test run in Yandang Mountain. The result of the test
run was 15 minutes and 23 seconds. The first time I ran, I was completely
unfamiliar with the terrain of Yandang Mountain. However, in this case, Chen Ze
easily broke the record set in the battle with Chen Bailing.

Even faster than the system's estimated Chen Ze currently can reach the fastest

Because of this, the riders around were sensational.

After hearing this news, Yang Qi stopped completely. Chen Ze, who just emerged, was
able to defeat Cao Fang's idea and disappeared completely. The first test run was
almost to this point. Yang Qi felt that this was not something that anyone could

No one can do it, even if it is Chen Ze, it is impossible!

And Chen Ze looked at Cao Fang and remembered what the system said, with some
murmurs in his mouth: "It seems that I really have to draw the second skill,
otherwise Cao Fang won't win. How can this guy be so strong? of."

In the next few days, Chen Ze had been practicing in Yandang Mountain, and as
expected, no matter how Chen Ze practiced, the speed could no longer be raised,
stuck at about 16 minutes and 20 seconds, and Cao Fangdi The gap in one run is

Not to mention these days Cao Fang also ran several times, each time setting a new

Every day, new drivers come to Yandang Mountain to contact and run the mountain
road. The performance of Chen Ze and Cao Fang naturally falls in the eyes of
everyone. Although Chen Ze and Cao Fang have not compared with each other, but all
Everyone knows that Chen Ze was a minute behind Cao Fang in speed.

"Sure enough, although this Sang Rui driver is really powerful, it is still far
behind Cao Fang. As of now, the shortest is more than one minute and the longest is
two minutes. Two people are not one level. "

"It's that Cao Fang is too powerful. It's not that this Meisang Rui is slow. This
Meisang Rui's driver is completely helpless."

"Cao Fang is really too strong, even if he has continuously defeated Mo Ge, Chen
Bailing and Xu Ping, it is far from his opponent."

The drivers passing by every day said that everyone realized how powerful Cao Fang
was. I also understand one thing. The gap between Chen Ze and Cao Fang is too
large. The result of Friday's game is already doomed.

However, Chen Ze did not give up at all, and he may win before the end of the game.
Besides, the game has not yet started, and it is not entirely hopeless.

Soon, the time has come to Thursday, and tomorrow is the day of the game. On this
day, Chen Ze ran on the mountain road for a long time, but unfortunately the speed
increased slightly. After dark, he ended the practice and opened the system to take
a look. The current popularity value is 992.

"There are still eight popularity points from a thousand. It may not seem to rise."

After reading it, Chen Ze frowned. The popularity has been rising these days, but
the rate of increase has been very slow. There is only one day left until
tomorrow's game, but there are still eight popularity values. The popularity of
eight is almost impossible to rise in one day.

系统 "System, can it rise to a thousand popularity points by 8 o'clock tomorrow

night?" Chen Ze asked.

"According to the current increase, it is impossible, it will take at least two

days." The system responded.

什么 "What, this is trouble."

Chen Ze thought to himself that he frowned and thought about it.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

But at this moment, his cell phone rang, and he took it out for a look and Fang
Qing called.


In Yucheng, inside a cafe.

Tong Fangqing called Chen Ze to meet at this cafe, and Chen Ze drove over.

As soon as I entered the cafe, I saw Fang Qing sitting there. Fang Qing apparently
saw him, and quickly waved and greeted him.

"What's wrong, now I'm going to meet you. What's the matter?" He walked in front of
Fang Qing and asked Chen Ze when he sat down.

听说 "I heard that you are going to play against Cao Fang tomorrow?" Fang Qing

"Yes." Chen Ze nodded.

"It turns out that you really want to play against Cao Fang, when I just heard it,
I thought it was fake. I didn't expect you to really play against Cao Fang." Fang
Qing said.
"Hey, it's me who Cao Fang took the initiative to challenge." Chen Ze laughed.
"It's eight o'clock tomorrow night. If you have time, you can come and see."

"Okay, I'll be fine tomorrow," Fang Qing said.

"Okay, but who do you support in this game?" Chen Ze looked at Fang Qing and said.

He knew that Cao Fang was actually Fang Qing's idol, so suddenly the problem came
to his mind.

"Of course it is Cao Fang, he is my idol, didn't I say it before, when I was in
high school, I liked Cao Fang very much." Fang Qing laughed.

"Hey, I can be in front of you, and you can't speak in support of me." Chen Ze

"Cut, what you think is beautiful, why should I support you." Fang Qing laughed,
said he suddenly took something out of his pocket, and then handed it to Chen Ze,
"But this is for you."

"what is this?"

Chen Ze stunned for a while, took a look at what Fang Qing handed over, as if it
was a rune or something.

"Good luck symbol." Fang Qing said, "This symbol was my mother's intention to go to
the temple for me before the college entrance examination ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~
Bless me to be able to pass the university I want to take. I originally used my
Results, it ’s difficult to get to the university I want to take. As a result,
after I got this amulet, I really played for a long time and got into college, so I
have kept this amulet to this day. "

Speaking, Fang Qing said, "Don't underestimate this charm. I have kept it for many
years, and it was also my mother who had no choice but to come back. It is now
given to you, hoping to bring you good tomorrow. luck."

"This!" Chen Ze froze a bit. I did not expect that Fang Qing was looking for him to
give him this thing. "Don't you say you support Cao Fang?"

"I support Cao Fang, but Cao Fang is so powerful. It doesn't matter if I am a
supporter or if I am less. It is you. This time, your opponent is Cao Fang.
Certainly no one supports you, even in the eyes of these people. Here you are the
villain of tomorrow night. So I just make it difficult to be your supporter. How
about, I am kind? "Fang Qing looked at Chen Ze and laughed.

Chen Ze looked at Fang Qing and seemed to be thinking about something, and then
nodded: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Fang Qing patted Chen Ze's shoulder and smiled, "But since I took
my wish sign, I must win this time."

这个 "This, I have no confidence!" Chen Zedao said.

"Cut, too bad, as a man, how can you say such things at this time." Fang Qing said.

"The opponent is a world-class driver like Cao Fang. If I have full confidence,
that's the hell." Chen Zedao said, "However, if I can win, I will ring three horns
before the finish."
"Hone three horns?" Fang Qing stunned.

对 "Yes, so you can know in advance that I will win in the end."

Chapter FTLS 55: I am villain

Friday, at 7 pm, Yandang Mountain.

Although Chen Ze or Cao Fang haven't appeared on the Yandang Mountain one hour
before the competition, Yandang Mountain is already full of enthusiasm at this
moment. I don't know how many people are here. Chen Ze's first two wars in Yandang
Mountain are not few, but compared with the current situation, he is completely a

看 "Look, isn't that a reporter for News Daily? Why is he here?"

"Yeah, I just saw the reporters from" Car Racing ", and several reporters from the
media all came. It was just an amateur competition and it attracted so many

"Not only reporters, I don't know if you just noticed the absence of the last few
cars. They are the cars of several famous racing clubs in China and in the world.
Obviously, they have also sent people to see this race."

"It's hard to imagine, it's really hard to imagine. A mountain amateur game has
attracted so many people."

"Not only these people, but also so many spectators who came to the scene today,
most of them are wearing Cao Fang's uniforms and are obviously fans of Cao Fang.
Obviously, almost everyone who comes today comes Look at Cao Fang. "

"Tonight that Mei San Rui's driver is under pressure. It looks like no one is
supporting him at all."

A few drivers spoke at a place on Laoshan Road. They have watched Chen Ze's several
games, but they all know that regardless of the number of people and the
classification of the people watching, this time far exceeds the previous two.

"Looking at this situation, not everyone will come to see Cao Fang. No one will
support that Mei Sangrui driver." Suddenly, one of these drivers spoke, and he
suddenly thought of this possibility and said to him Looking around at the others,
"Who are you supporting this time?"

这个 "This, although Mei Sangrui is really powerful, and the previous two matches
really convinced me, but this time the opponent is Cao Fang, I am his fan, so I
still support Cao Fang."

"Me too, I also support Cao Fang. After all, it is Cao Fang, and there should be no
suspense in this game, everyone must support him."

"I also support Cao Fang. See if it is just an amateur match, but it is because of
his participation that it has attracted such a big battle. How great his appeal can
be imagined. Tonight, it must be His supporters. "

People around me answered that they all started to support Cao Fang.

After hearing the words of the people around, the first person who asked the
question immediately understood one thing. Even the drivers who saw Mei Sanrui's
several races supported Cao Fang. So this time, I'm afraid No one really supports
Chen Ze!

"Ah, ah, here it is, Cao Fang is here."

"Cao Fang is here, Cao Fang, we are your fans, this time you have to cheer, I
deliberately came from hundreds of kilometers away to watch your game."

"Cao Fang, you can win, that amateur driver is definitely not your opponent."

Suddenly, there was a cheer ahead, and then a silver-colored vehicle appeared,
which was Cao Fang's car.

Although he is a world-class professional driver, Cao Fang does not have any
special dazzling skills at the moment, but he is driving on the mountain road
smoothly, just like an ordinary person.

Even though this is the case, it still attracted cheers all the way. Especially a
lot of people who came over from afar just to watch Cao Fang's game, maybe even Cao
Fang's opponents in this game were fans who didn't know anyone, they called louder.

After Cao Fang's car passed, people along the way were still discussing:

"Cao Fang is finally coming back. After winning this game, I can see him again in
the professional arena."

就是 "That is, I finally waited until today. After I got the news, I deliberately
drove hundreds of kilometers to witness the victory of Cao Fang's first game after
his return."

"Hey, hey, I've worn Cao Fang's uniform before. I'll go and sign him after he

These people spoke, and none of them talked about Chen Ze. Obviously they all came
here for Cao Fang. And obviously, they all support Cao Fang, and do not think that
Cao Fang will lose.

After hearing these people's discussion, the driver who first asked the question
immediately understood one thing.

"The beauty Sang Rui driver, this time not only stood on the opposite side of Cao
Fang, but also on the opposite side of all of us!"


"I really have become the opposite of everyone."

Inside the beautiful Sang Rui's car, Chen Ze looked at the people on both sides of
the mountain road and said. Today, he was taken aback by going up the mountain. The
scale of the mountain was much larger than he expected, making him have to lament
that Cao Fang's appeal and popularity were too strong.

And a large number of people standing on both sides of the mountain road were
wearing Cao Fang's former team members. Some people also raised banners supporting
Cao Fang and looked around. All of them were Cao Fang's supporters.

And faintly, UU reading book www.uukanshu.com Chen Ze was able to hear Cao Fang's
cheering sound from outside, as well as a few sporadic, booing and taunting voices.
He heard these voices and let Chen Ze know one thing. Today, he is not only
standing on the opposite side of Cao Fang, but also on the opposite side of all the

Or use a word that Fang Qing had told him yesterday, that is the villain. That's
right, Chen Ze has become a villain at this moment.

"Villains, I never thought I would be a villain." Chen Ze laughed while driving.

He drove all the way and found that there were a lot of people wearing Cao Fang's
uniforms on the side of the road. Sure enough, the people who came this time were
all his fans. Even if he is not a fan, he is also a supporter.

This made Chen Ze sure that the villain tonight is himself.

"Report host, according to statistics, a large number of people coming today are
not usually people who care about the amateur driver circle." When Chen Ze was
driving the car to the top of the mountain, Cao Fang and Yang Qi could be seen when
they had the system voice in mind It rang inside.

"What does this mean?" Chen Ze asked.

"Meaning, if you win the host tonight, then you can directly cross the two thousand
popularity value, absolutely no problem." The system said.

原来 "So it is." Chen Ze showed a firm look when he heard the host's words. "Since
this is the case, I must win today."

While talking, Chen Ze parked the car in front of Cao Fang, and then looked at the
good luck sign that Fang Qing sent last night hanging on the car with a smile on
his face, then opened the door and kicked Stepped out:

"Yes, I am a villain. But, sorry, everybody, tonight, evil will triumph over

Chapter FTLS 56: Sure enough

Buzz buzz! !! !! !!

At the top of Wuyandang Mountain, Chen Ze's car and Cao Fang's car stopped at the
starting point. The engines of the two cars kept making noises.

"Chen Ze, how is the condition of the car now?"

Yang Qi went to Chen Ze's car and asked.

I have modified Chen Ze's car for several days, and he really wanted to know what
was going on now.

"Very good." Chen Ze smiled, "I can definitely break the record I set last time."

"That's good, that's good."

Yang Qi smiled, and then left Chen Ze's car window without saying anything else.

I was able to break his own record last time. Yang Qi did not think that Chen Ze
could win the game today. The opponent is a bit scary.
"System, how popular is it now?" Chen Ze asked at this moment.

"Nine hundred and seventy-seven, there are still three popularity points to draw."
The system said.

"Are you still worth three hits? It looks like it really can't keep up."

Chen Ze muttered, the popularity of the three is not much. However, according to
the current situation, it can't keep up. According to the increase in these days,
the popularity of the three will be at least tomorrow morning.

"It seems that I really can only fight with Cao Fang with the hand of the car god."
Chen Ze looked at Cao Fang's car and thought to himself.

On the other side, Cao Fang closed her eyes and listened to her current voice with
her ears. As a world-class driver, Cao Fang has a skill that he can hear the state
of a car with only his ears, what model the engine is, how the gear axles run in,
etc. This is his talent.

"Yes, my car is in good condition now." After listening for a while, Cao Fang
nodded, then looked at Chen Ze's car again. "His car seems to have been modified?
The sound is different from before That's right, I want to see how fast he can
drive after the conversion! "

"The game starts right away."

At this moment, a voice came, and Cao Fang and Chen Ze immediately looked at the
lane in front of them.

"Five, four, three, two, one, start!" A sound sounded. After hearing one, Chen Ze
and Cao Fang started the car at the same time and ran out ahead.

However, it was beyond everyone's expectations. Chen Ze, who had been behind
several previous starts, was in front of Cao Fang this time, and he even took the
lead in the beginning.

这 "Here, Chen Ze actually leads."

"Leaded, Chen Ze actually led in the beginning."

"Oh my god, how could Chen Ze lead the way, did Cao Fang lose to Chen Ze on the

I saw this scene, the people on the top of the mountain were stunned, and never
thought that this would be the case.

They all know that although Cao Fang ’s car is not his professional car in the
past, it is far from being comparable to Chen Ze ’s Meisangrui. Whether it's the
horsepower of the engine or the acceleration, Cao Fang's car can throw this
Meisangrui a few streets away.

According to the general truth, Chen Ze is absolutely impossible to lead. But now,
Chen Ze is leading, and he is so leading that people can't believe it.

"This, it is difficult that our modification is so good, that directly makes Chen
Ze's Mei Sangrui's performance better than Cao Fang?" Yang Qi thought to himself,
although he thought it was impossible, but he thought it was the only one.
"What's weird about this is that Lao Cao did it on purpose."

At a time when everyone was extremely surprised, a loud voice suddenly sounded.
Everyone looked at the past. They all knew the person who spoke. It was Cao Fang's
agent Zhang Wen. When he saw no surprise on his face, he said. .

"So, intentionally?"

Hearing what he said, the crowd went on.

"Yes, deliberately, two years ago, Lao Cao researched this Meisangrui driver's game
video and found two fatal weaknesses of this driver. Now he deliberately lags
behind to verify whether the first weakness is as he imagined That way. "Zhang Wen
said, looking at the back of Chen Ze and Cao Fangche who had left.

"Two weaknesses?"

"To verify the first weakness?"

这 "What are these two weaknesses?"

I heard Zhang Wen's words, and everyone was more curious and started to speak,
wanting to know exactly what these two weaknesses of Chen Ze were.

"Two weaknesses, the first is!" Zhang Wen began, slowly explaining to everyone.

On the mountain road, at this moment Chen Ze took the lead and rushed down the
mountain. But while driving, Chen Ze looked into Cao Fang's car behind him through
the rearview mirror.

"What's the matter? Cao Fang's car should be faster than me. How can he keep
following me? What is his idea?" Chen Ze wondered, and he couldn't figure out what
Cao Fang was thinking about. what.

I soon arrived at the first corner.

On the top of the mountain, everyone listened to Zhang Wen's explanation at this
moment, and they all froze. "You said, you mean that the beauty Sang Rui's drivers
and feet can't cooperate perfectly, so there will be a freeze when cornering?" "

"Yes, Lao Cao wants to witness in the back, after all, he sees if this weakness is
a weakness." Zhang Wen nodded and smiled.

After hearing what he said, a person on the top of the mountain quickly picked up
the walkie-talkie in his hand: ‘Hey, is it the No. 1 turn? Where are the two cars
now? "

"Appeared, coming soon. Actually, it was Mei Sangrui who was ahead. It turned out
that Mei Sangrui was in front of Mr. Cao Fang's car. Oh my god, what happened ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ There was a sound, and he was extremely shocked at the back.
Obviously, the people on this curve had never thought that Cao Fang was behind at
the beginning.

"We already know this side. When the next two cars make a turn, you must take a
good look here, especially the Mei Sangrui. Be sure to take a good look at his
performance during the turn." This People speak.

"Okay, I know." There was a voice coming out of the walkie-talkie, and soon, the
voice came again, extremely shocked, "Fast, Mei Sang Rui entered the curve really
fast, and she could enter at such a fast speed. Turning, this is unimaginable. No,
Teacher Cao Fang turned into the turn so fast. It was completely parallel to Mei
Sang Rui, and he was close to him. The car control was really good. "

Listening to the words in the walkie-talkie, everyone was quiet and waiting,
wondering whether Zhang Wen, or the weakness that Cao Fang had observed, was real.

"Oh, that's strange."

At this moment, another voice sounded in the intercom.

"What's wrong?" Asked immediately on the top of the mountain.

"Just that Meisangrui, that Meisangrui has a strange stutter. For a moment, you
can't see it without looking carefully. But it is this stutter that makes his car
off track." The man in Turn No. 1 spoke again and reported what he found.

Then went to Turn 2 and Turn 3 as well, and all reported the news. When Chen Ze
turned the corner, every time there was a strange stutter.

I heard the news. Everyone on the top of the mountain looked at each other and saw
shock from each other's face. Everything was as expected by Cao Fang.

If Chen Ze had such a flaw, he would lose today!

Chapter FTLS 57: Cao Fang's powerful strength

Buzz! !! !! !!

Ooz! !! !! !!

On Yanshan Dangshan Road, the sound of the engine of Chen Ze and Cao Fang car and
the sound of brakes were continuously heard. It was still Chen Ze in front, Cao
Fang followed him closely.

I just passed three corners.

In Amami Sang Rui, although she still kept the lead, Chen Ze was already sweating.
From time to time, she looked up at Cao Fang in the rearview mirror and felt
endless pressure from behind.

Although he still kept the lead, Chen Ze always felt that Cao Fang didn't exert his
strength at this moment. Once he exerts his strength, I am afraid that the current
situation will immediately reverse.

"What the **** is this guy always keeping behind me for?"

I looked at Cao Fang again, and Chen Ze muttered to himself.

In fact, he hasn't played for a long time, it ’s just better than three games, and
his experience is very poor. So when Cao Fang kept following him like this, he was
a little disturbed. I do n’t know what Cao Fang really was. What I want to do.

When thinking of this, Chen Ze immediately shook his head again, and threw this
doubt away from his mind. Paying attention to such things at this moment just makes
himself slower, so Chen Ze controls not to let him pay attention to these things
After getting in the car, Cao Fang looked at Chen Sang's Mei Sangrui in the front,
a smile on his face: "Sure enough, it really is the same as the conclusion I
observed when I observed, every time I turn, there will be a freeze. It will be
your fatal flaw. "

Following three consecutive corners of Chen Ze, Cao Fang was finally determined.
Before he determined that his guess was correct, Chen Ze would have this strange
and fatal phenomenon when driving at high speed, which made him somewhat proud and
felt that everything was in Under his control.

既然 "Now that I have learned about your first flaw, I am not polite. The next
corner is the moment to surpass you!"

Cao Fang thought to himself, thinking so, he stepped on the accelerator and the
speed of the car began to increase, preparing to surpass Chen Ze.

At a place on the top of the mountain, several men in overalls of various clubs
stood together and looked at Chen Ze and Cao Fang's cars in the distance. These
people are members of the domestic and international racing clubs. This time, after
hearing that Cao Fang was coming back, he immediately rushed here to see how Cao
Fang's current status is.

"Who do you think will win this game?" Suddenly, one person spoke.

"Of course it is Cao Fang. According to my observations, his condition has not
declined at all, and even for the control of the entire race, it has improved from
two years ago. Don't look at the current Meisangrui, but the competition The rhythm
of Cao Fang has been firmly in his hands. "

"It's really amazing that Cao Fang retired for almost two years, but his
competitive status hasn't declined. Judging from his current status, he can
directly challenge the top five drivers in the world."

"The driver who has a good US beauty is very strong and has great potential. I
heard that he is still young. If he trains for a while, I am afraid that he will
also be a super driver. Unfortunately, this time he met Cao Fang . "

People from other clubs have spoken one after another, they all see that Cao Fang's
condition is actually very good, there is no decline at all. And more crucially,
although Chen Ze is currently leading, the rhythm of the entire game is in Cao
Fang's hands.

Even they have a feeling, for Cao Fang at this moment, for Chen Ze, simply want to
be super can be super.

"I think so." The man who spoke at the beginning nodded. "Even I think the result
of today's game will be decided very early, when Cao Fang passed. Once Cao Fang
overtakes, then the race It's over. "

"Fast, look, Cao Fang is speeding up. There is a curve ahead. It seems that he
wants to overtake here, on this fourth curve. And, unexpectedly, it is actually

As soon as the man's voice fell, such a voice came immediately. Everyone quickly
looked at the past, and sure enough, Cao Fang's car glowing with silver and white
was speeding up to catch up with Chen Ze. Moreover, it is still outside.

"Are you here? It's from outside."

Inside Amami Sang Rui, Chen Ze also saw Cao Fang's movement. Cao Fang's car drove
to the outside and was speeding up, and the front was the fourth corner. Obviously,
he intends to surpass Chen Ze on this turn.

"It turned out to be overtaking on the outside road, I will not be so easily
overtaken by you on the outside road."

Chen Ze thought to himself, and immediately raised the speed, a buzz, Mei Sangrui's
speed increased, and at the same time blocked Cao Fang's overtaking path.

"Here, Mei Sangrui is ahead. However, Cao Fang is speeding up the road and he wants
to overtake on the road."

"Cao Fang has caught up, and is very close to Mei Sang Rui, even if he wants to
overtake the road, how is this possible?"

"Even if it is Cao Fang, it is impossible to forcefully pass this Meisangrui car

from outside."

的 People who stood at the fourth curve also found the figures of Chen Ze and Cao
Fangche at this time, especially when they saw Cao Fang speeding up, and they
planned to overtake the road.

After seeing Cao Fang's actions, everyone was shocked.

Generally, overtaking on corners will be on the inside lane or on the inside,

because the distance of the inside lane is shorter. If you pass on the inside of a
curve that is not long before, it is likely to overtake you at once.

But if you are outside, the difficulty will increase several times. It is okay if
the strength is too disparate. Once the strength is not so disparate, then
overtaking on the road must fail.

Although Cao Fang is really powerful, everyone knows that Chen Sangrui's driver
Chen Ze is also very powerful, especially the cornering technology. Everyone felt
completely impossible except for Chen Ze's mistakes if he wanted to forcefully go
out on the outside road.

But now this Mei Sang Rui has not made a mistake, and Cao Fang is still planning to
force overtaking here.

Alas, everyone was stunned.

"It's impossible. Even Cao Fang can't force overtaking here directly."

"Why do you choose to be outsiders, it is impossible for them to exceed them."

"Even the outsider wants to surpass this Mei Sang Rui, even Cao Fang cannot do it."

Everyone spoke again, feeling that this was impossible.

Alas, while they were talking, two cars rushed over.

"It's impossible for you to go beyond www.mtlnovel.com ~ It's impossible to surpass

me outside."

Chen Ze looked at Cao Fang at the back and thought to himself. He also controls the
car very well at the moment, and there is absolutely no problem when entering the
corner. In this case, how could Cao Fang be overtaken.

Buzz! !! !!

在 At this moment, the two cars rushed into the fourth curve together, with Chen Ze
in front. He has a good grasp of the angle and speed of the turn. No, it should be
close to perfect.

"Very good."

泽 Chen Ze nodded, stretched out his feet and nodded the brakes. This is an action
he would do every time he took a turn. There had been no problems before, and it is
absolutely impossible now.

Ooz! !! !!

The speed of Chen Ze's car suddenly slowed down, which is also normal. He
originally planned to reduce the speed of the car a little. This time around the
corner, he thought he was very well controlled.

Buzz! !! !!

At this moment, an engine sound suddenly started. Not from the back, but from the
side of Chen Ze.


泽 Chen Ze quickly looked to the side, his eyes tightened suddenly, just a moment
ago, Cao Fang's car even caught up with him, and he was on a par with him.

In front of it, it is already the bay exit.

After Cao Fang speeded up, Chen Ze's car was immediately left behind.

Cao Fang actually turned out to be in this corner and overtake Chen Ze's car on the
outside road.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the fourth corner was shocked.

"Cao, Cao Fang overtakes. I don't know what happened. He clearly didn't overtake
when he entered the corner, but he even passed when he was out of the corner. A
corner, he's ahead! "

Chapter FTLS 58: Second weakness

"Cao, Cao Fang took the lead. In the fourth corner, he forcibly overtook the Mei
Sang Rui from the outside and he led."

On the top of Laoshan, the news came from the intercom inside the intercom.

I heard the news, everyone on the top of the mountain was silent. Although from the
words of Zhang Wen, everyone knew that it was only a matter of time before Cao Fang
surpassed Chen Ze, but he did not expect that it would be so fast. It was only the
fourth corner, and only the fourth corner. Exceeded Chen Ze.

Also from the outside, Chen Ze forced overtaking without any mistakes or accidents.
This, this is really terrifying.

"It is indeed Cao Fang. Obviously, his opponent continuously defeated Moge, Chen
Bailing and Xu Ping's driver. He was able to overtake from the outside."
"I really know how powerful a world-class driver is today. The gap between us and
him is really too big."

"The top five in the world, this is the strength of the top five in the world, even
if Mei Sangrui, who is constantly creating miracles, can only do nothing."

Everyone started talking, all sighing. Although they all know that Chen Ze is
unlikely to win over Cao Fang, after all, the gap between the two rounds is really
too big. But in my heart, who doesn't long for a miracle or an amateur driver, can
really beat Cao Fang, a world-class driver.

现在 But now, the facts have told them that there are no miracles in this world!

我们 "We, we shouldn't be sad, that's Cao Fang, but that's Cao Fang, isn't it
normal for Chen Ze to lose to him? No shame at all."

Yang Qi spoke at this time, watching the other Yandangshan riders look sad, he

"Yes, Captain, we shouldn't be sad, but I really, really hope that Chen Ze can

"Yeah, it would be nice if Chen Ze could win."

Everyone said, they were all a little lost.

"The game is not over yet. Which of the previous matches has Chen Ze not been in
the first half of the period, haven't all chased it back? Don't be disappointed
now, maybe Chen Ze can chase it back, even if the opponent is Cao Fang."

At this moment, Yang Qi spoke again.

"I urge you to stop dreaming about the daydream that the Mei San Rui driver can
chase back."

Suddenly, a voice reached Yang Qi's ears. When they looked back, they saw Zhang Wen
opening the mouth.

"Remember the two vulnerabilities of this driver analyzed by Lao Cao that I said?
The first one is that he gets stuck every time he turns, and the second one!" Zhang
Wen said, and he laughed here, "The second will be the decisive factor for his loss
this time."

On Fangshan Road, Cao Fang and Chen Ze were still running on the mountain road, and
the sound of the engine and the sound of the brakes kept ringing. Obviously, the
speed of both cars has reached a certain speed.

However, despite this, Cao Fang, who was full of horsepower, gradually opened his
distance from Chen Ze. Not only did he quickly remove Chen Ze's Mei Sang Rui from
his rearview mirror, but two The gap between Zhang Che is still widening.

Chen Ze's speed this time can be said to have reached the pinnacle of several
games, but still gradually pulled away from Cao Fang.

报告 "Report, how many seconds is there between the Mesang Rui and me!"

Inside the car, Cao Fang spoke to the walkie-talkie.

好的 "Okay, the Mesang Rui just passed me, the gap is forty-five seconds!"
Immediately, the voice came out of the intercom.

"Forty-five seconds, forty-five seconds, this gap is no longer small."

Cao Fang said in his mouth, he looked at the rear-view mirror, the back was dark,
and he couldn't see any lights at all.

Suddenly, he remembered the second flaw of Chen Ze that he had told Zhang Wen at
home that day.

"The second flaw is that this driver is too young and has no experience at all. You
must know that the pressure of each race is very high, especially the fierce
competition. Is a very big test. If it is behind, it is even more so in the case of
catching up. "

"Once you are behind and you are desperately trying to catch up, but you ca n’t
catch up anyway, then if you do n’t have a strong psychological quality, the driver
’s mentality will change. First, the attention will not be concentrated, and then
the fatigue will be thousands of times Double the attack, in the end, the whole
person's collapse and self-denial. Once this is the case, the race will be lost.
Even many professional drivers will encounter this situation. This is a Meisangrui
driver with no experience at all, If he finds that he can't catch up with me, what
would happen? "

"What the **** happened?" Cao Fang looked in the rearview mirror and smiled. "I'm
looking forward to it."

After Cao Fang's back, Chen Ze drove his car, and his sweat was soaked in his back.
He clenched his teeth and chased Cao Fang desperately. Everything is as expected by
Cao Fang, Chen Ze is indeed under tremendous pressure now.

"It's weird. How could this happen? I have clearly done my best, and the speed is
the fastest. I still can't catch up, but I can't catch it anyway. It's weird."

泽 Chen Ze murmured to himself, he felt that he had brought the performance of the
car to an extreme, but still could not catch up, how could he not catch up, not
even Cao Fang's shadow.

This makes Chen Ze really incredible, even his eyes are a bit spent, his hands are
a little trembling, and he has almost changed the gear just after shifting.

I will continue, Chen Ze will really be as Cao Fang said.

"Please reduce your speed immediately and stay calm. If you continue this way, you
will have an 80% chance of a car accident."

At this moment, the sound of the system in my head sounded.

"What did you say?" Chen Ze froze and said.

"Host, you are now in a state of extreme tension and anxiety. If you go on like
this, let alone catch up with Cao Fang, it is impossible to run this mountain
completely. UU reading www.uukanshu.com I think this is also Cao Fang One of the
strategies is to get you into anxiety and you can't calm down. "The system said.

"That's it, this is it."

I heard the system's words, Chen Zechang took a breath, and then he restored his
calmness: "Yes, I was so nervous and anxious just now, that's not the usual me at

Chen Ze suddenly thought about it. Before being forced to surpass Cao Fang in the
fourth corner, he was quite shocked. In addition, he was constantly tossed away, so
he lost his calm.

"Before Mingming and Moge and Chen Bailing, I kept falling behind in the first
half, but now I just changed to Cao Fang, there is no need to worry, just run at my
pace. System, thank you . "

泽 Chen Ze murmured to himself, with a smile on his face again, he finally wanted
to understand everything.

At this moment, another curve appeared in front of him, and Chen Ze was ready to
shift gears immediately, but at this moment, the sweat just above his forehead went
into his eyes, and all his sight was spent all at once.

In this case, Rao Yichen's current car skills, but could not control the car, even
ran into the mountain.

"It's over, Mei Sangrui is out of control."

"It's going to hit the mountain, it's not good."

"Oh my gosh, it's about to crash."

When I saw this scene, the audience and drivers at this corner yelled, and they
didn't think of this situation at all.

At this moment, Chen Ze quickly controlled the steering wheel and brakes to reduce
the speed to a minimum.

But I still thumped and stopped in front of the mountain.

美 "Mei Sang Rui, this Ma Sang Rui crashed and he stopped."

Immediately, the news spread throughout Yandang Mountain!

Chapter FTLS 59: Popularity 1000

"Crashed? Accidentally crashed? That Mei Sang Rui is fine."

"It actually crashed, and the technology of that Meisangrui driver would crash. It
seems that Cao Fang is putting too much pressure on him."

"No wonder, the opponent is Cao Fang. If we change it to us, I'm afraid that even
the car will not drive well. But if he crashes at once, I'm afraid he will lose."

Laoshan, the audience and drivers have discussed one after another, did not expect
that even at this time Chen Ze would even crash. They do n’t know what Chen Ze ’s
situation is now, but they all know that it must be that Cao Fang has put too much
pressure on him. Otherwise, judging from his first two battles against Moge and
Chen Bailing, he would n’t make sense. This Yandang Mountain crashed.

And now the car crashed, plus Cao Fang has been pulled so far.

Everyone knows that the game is over!

喂 "Hello? Did you crash? Is there any problem with that driver?"

Above the top of Laoshan Mountain, after hearing the news of Chen Ze's collision,
everyone quickly took the intercom and asked.

"It's okay, nothing serious. Before hitting the cliff, this Meisangrui driver
braked, the speed dropped, nothing happened." There was such a voice inside the

那 "So, that's good, just fine."

After hearing the news, everyone was relieved.

"The race is over." At this time, Zhang Wen said, and what he said attracted
everyone's attention. "Although the driver of Mei Sangrui did nothing, he was so
far behind Lao Cao, and he is still there There was an accident here. Then he would
not be able to catch up with Lao Cao, although it was not possible from the
beginning. So the game is over. "

I heard him say, everyone on the mountain, including Yang Qi, they were silent.
Although they are very reluctant to admit it, they all know that there is no
problem with this sentence, the game is really over.

On the road between Laoshan and the collision.

There are dozens of spectators and drivers standing at this corner, most of them
are wearing Cao Fang's uniforms, apparently Cao Fang fans. At the moment they all
looked at the stopped Mei Sang Rui. Even though Mei Sangrui stopped the car just
now, everyone was still a little worried about whether something would happen to
Chen Ze.

"It's okay, this Mei San Rui driver."

"Yeah, but it has just stopped, there should be nothing."

"This driver is already good enough. After all, his opponent is Cao Fang, and it is
very amazing to be able to do this step now."

Everyone started talking, and they were a little worried and admired for Chen Ze.
However, since they are Cao Fang fans, Cao Fang is naturally more happy now. After
all, Chen Ze had crashed here, and it was almost certain that Cao Fang had won.

看看 "Look, that rider is on his stomach and he is seated."

"He's lit, and it looks like nothing really happened."

"Is he going to continue the game again? This is a waste of at least twenty

Suddenly, everyone saw Mei Sangrui, Chen Ze sat up, he shook his head, and then
started to ignite.

Buzz buzz!

With Chen Ze's action, the entire car quickly shook and wanted to run forward. But
for a long time, the car just kept shaking. No step forward.

"It's a mud pit. The front tire of this Mesang Rui went into the mud pit."
At this moment, one person suddenly spoke, and the others took a quick look after
hearing what he said, and saw that the tire on the right front of Chen Ze's car was
actually trapped in a mud pit. Sang Rui, let it move.

"It's a house leak that happens to be rainy. It's a waste of time to crash a car.
Now it's happening again."

"It's a loser, this Mei San Rui driver should give up."

"I will definitely give up. I can't run Cao Fang originally. Now I have been here
for so long and the car can't get out. How can I not give up?"

"Yeah, it's my word and give up now."

Everyone said that Chen Ze had fallen into a desperate situation and had to give

But at this moment, they suddenly saw that Chen Ze came out of the car and came to
the back of the car and started to push it.

这 "Here, he wouldn't want to push the car out."

"Isn't this a joke, he just wanted to push the car out by himself? It was a

"Even if he can push it out, how long will it take to push it? I'm afraid Cao Fang
has already won."

Everyone started talking, and never thought that Chen Ze would do this. Some
accidents, and some thought Chen Ze was stupid.


However, Chen Ze ignored them, shouted, and began to push hard.

A moment, twice!

Chen Ze kept pushing hard, but the car remained motionless. Obviously, with his own
strength, it was not enough to push the car out. But looking at Chen Ze's
appearance, he did not intend to give up at all.

When I saw Chen Ze's appearance, the people in this curve were shocked. They looked
at each other, and some people said:

"Give up, even if you launch now, you can't catch up with Cao Fang."

"Yeah, and you can't push it out at all, you lose this game."

"The gap between you and Cao Fang is now at least one minute, and the cart is
simply meaningless. One minute, from any point of view of professional racing, you
can no longer win."

After hearing what they said, Chen Ze clenched his teeth and continued to push the
car, and smiled: "Give up? I won't give up until the opponent doesn't reach the
finish line. And you said that the experience of a professional driver is
meaningless to me .Don't forget, I'm just a driver! "

Chen Ze tightened his body and pushed the car. With Chen Ze's strength, the sweat
drenched his clothes again.

After hearing what he said, everyone around him looked at each other, and seemed to
be moved by Chen Ze's words.

In fact, they can help Chen Ze push the cart, but since they are Cao Fang's fans,
and Chen Ze is Cao Fang's opponent, naturally they will not help Chen Ze ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ But now, everything It's different!

"Let me push it for you."

"I'll help you push."

"Go ahead and start the engine, we will leave the cart to us."

Suddenly someone stood up and rushed to Chen Ze's side. More and more people stood
up, and all of them turned around Chen Ze and all of them helped Chen Ze to push a

你们 "You?" Chen Ze paused, "Aren't you all Cao Fang fans? How can you help me push
his opponent?"

"You can't win Cao Fang anyway, there is nothing we can do to help, everyone said

"Yeah," everyone said.

When I heard them, Chen Ze smiled: "Thank you so much, but I will win it for you.
At that time, don't regret it."

Soon, Chen Ze restarted the car. Under the concerted efforts of everyone, he
quickly pushed the car out of the mud pit. Time was tight and Chen Ze had no
nonsense. start again.

"Come on, don't give up. Since we launched it for you. Well, at least don't lose
too much."

Suddenly, a sound came from behind, a harmony of so many people behind.

I heard their voices and saw their appearance through the rearview mirror. Chen Ze
smiled: "A bunch of fools helped me this opponent."

When he stomped his foot on the accelerator, the whole car rushed straight out.

Then, at this moment, the system suddenly said: "Congratulations to the host, the
popularity has exceeded one thousand, and a lottery can be conducted."

It turned out that just now they not only helped Chen Ze push the car, but also
increased Chen Ze's popularity to a thousand.

Finally, Chen Ze was able to draw again.

Chapter FTLS 60: Car God's Foot

"It's finally a thousand."

Inside the car, Chen Ze said with a sigh of relief when he heard the words of the
system. Although he kept saying that he would not lose, it is indeed too far behind
Cao Fang now. If there were no accidents, Chen Ze knew that he had lost.
And now, finally I can draw a third skill.

三次 These three draws, Chen Ze has no other goal, is the foot of the car god. If
the listening system wins the foot of the car god, and it has the hand of the car
god, the two are used together, it is equivalent to the car **** possessed. In the
current situation, if you want to reverse today's game with Cao Fang, you must have
the car god.

So, this time there is nothing else, only the feet of the car god!

"Host, I would like to remind you here that the gap between you and Cao Fang has
been more than a minute and a half, and the probability of winning has dropped to
less than one percent. If any other skills are drawn, they will not Increase your
chances of winning tonight. If you want to win, you only have to win the foot of
the car god. "At this time, the system spoke and told Chen Ze the same thing.

"I know." Chen Ze nodded. "So what's the possibility of winning the car?"

"There are thousands of skills about the driver in the system, so the possibility
of winning the foot of the car **** is one in one thousand!" The system said.

"One thousandth?" Hearing the system's words, Chen Ze smiled at himself, "It is too
low. Unless the character is bursting, it is impossible to win the foot of the car

不过 "However, I have always believed in my character."

He said, Chen Ze opened the lottery page and started to draw.

"The feet of the car god, the feet of the car god."

Looking at the names of the skills flashing on the page, Chen Ze muttered to
himself, praying.

With a bang, the page stopped and displayed a line of words: "Car! God! Zhi! Feet!
Followed by a row of small words, the feet of the car god, the ability of the car
**** to brake, matching the hand of the car **** Use, is equivalent to the rebirth
of the car god! "


Seeing these four characters, Chen Ze laughed. His character finally played a role.

Not much to say nonsense, he was immediately equipped with the feet of the car god.
At this moment in equipment, Chen Ze felt different.

As if the second pulse of Ren Du was opened up, Chen Ze could clearly feel that his
hand of the car **** even had a slight resonance with the foot of the car god. For
a moment, Chen Ze had an illusion.

As if he is a car god!

"Cao Fang, here I am!"


At a corner of the second half of Yanyan Dangshan, Cao Fang has been passing this
curve for a minute, but the audience here is still immersed in the drifting car
posture just after Cao Fang passed.
"You just saw it. Cao Fang is really a god. That corner is really something I have
never seen before."

"It is truly a world-class professional driver. This cornering technology is too

good. I have watched this Mei San Rui race recently. Originally, in my opinion,
this Mei San Rui driver and Mog, Chen Bailing's cornering skills are already very
good. But compared to today's Cao Fang, it is far worse, it is not a grade at all.

"Cao Fang is too powerful. That Mei Sang Rui hasn't caught up now, I'm afraid that
she will lose today."

"He must have lost. The opponent is Cao Fang. No one can win at all. And he also
crashed. Although it seems all right, it is impossible to catch up."

Everyone started talking, while marveling at Cao Fang's turn, while discussing Chen
Ze again. They also all knew the news of Chen Ze's collision. As soon as the news
came out, they knew that Chen Ze was losing.

After all, Chen Ze's strength was much worse, and now this situation has appeared
again. If this still wins, this is a ghost. It is not that Chen Ze is too bad, but
that Cao Fang is too strong.

Buzz! !! !! !!

Ooz! !! !! !!

But at this moment, the sound of the engine and the sound of the brake suddenly
came from the mountain, as if some car was approaching.

"Is Mei Sang Rui here?"

They stunned for a while, and thought it was impossible. Mei Sangrui should have
been a minute and a half behind Cao Fang, and now it is only one minute. It is
impossible to catch up.

A gap of about half a minute, and it was Cao Fang, that Mei Sangrui crashed again,
it was impossible to catch up.

Therefore, everyone has ruled out the possibility of Mei Sangrui.

The sound of the engine and the brakes became louder and louder, and soon the sound
finally approached them completely. Along with the sound, there is a black car.

One person's eyes were sharpest, and he immediately saw the black car, and shouted,
"It's Meisangrui, it's the car, and that Meisangrui rushed back again.


Hearing this man's words, everyone couldn't believe it. They hurriedly looked at
it. Suddenly, a headlight came over and illuminated everyone's figure. Behind this
headlight is a black vehicle, which is Mei Sangrui.

"Mei Sang Rui, it really is Mei Sang Rui, he has caught up again."

"How could it be, how could this Mei Sangrui even chase Cao Fang up."

"Oh my gosh, what happened?"

On the top of the mountain, there was silence.

Although everyone is waiting for the result of the final match. However, everyone
felt that the outcome of the game had been set. Chen Ze could not catch up with Cao
Fang and then hit the car again. In this case, how could he catch up again.

Including Yang Qi and them ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ all shook their heads and had no
expectation for this game, just waiting for the result of the game.


At this moment, the interphone rang again, and then a panic voice came over: "Mei
Sang Rui, it is Mei Sang Rui that catches up again, my God, the speed is so fast,
how dare he make such a turn? The speed of entering the corner is faster than Cao
Fang just now, and he must not be able to get through. No, he passed, he even
passed. He, he, he has closed the gap with Cao Fang. "


After hearing this panic, everyone, including Zhang Wen, directly fry the pan, and
quickly walked to the walkie-talkie: "What are you talking about? That Mei Sangrui
catches up?"

"Yes, just passed by me. Oh my god, how can his speed reach such a fast speed, is
this still driving?" The words came from the intercom, a while of excitement,
obviously when Chen Ze gave the corner He was shocked.

Soon after, news came in the following corners:

"Mesang Rui, Mesang Rui is here again, so fast, unimaginable speed."

"I was able to turn at this speed. I am not dreaming."

"My God, it is unimaginable that this beautiful San Rui is faster than Cao Fang's

When I heard this news, Zhang Wen was completely stagnant. In his and Cao Fang's
prediction, Chen Ze, who had little experience at this time, should give up. But he
not only did not give up, he even chased back, even faster than Cao Fang.

"What happened? What happened?"

奇 And Yang Qi looked at each other, they suddenly remembered that the previous
game was the same, and every time a miracle happened.

"Did the miracle happen again?"

Chapter FTLS 61: Like a car god

Yan Yan Dangshan, a corner!

弯 This corner is also full of people, but unlike other corners, everyone here
stands with a camera, facing this corner, it seems to be taking photos.

Yes, they just want to take a photo, take a picture of the corner of Cao Fang.
These people are the reporters who came here from all over the country and even
abroad. They wanted to interview Cao Fang and take photos of Cao Fang's game from
the best angle to make news and tell everyone that Cao Fang is coming back.
Although this corner is not the most thrilling, nor is it the last corner, it has
the best sight and can clearly capture the corners of vehicles passing through

Therefore, all reporters have gathered here.

怎么 样 "How? Cao Fang should be here soon."

"It's almost fast. It's been a while since I left the last corner. I'm sure to be
here soon. Hurry up the camera."

"Okay, this has to be on the shelf. Today's goal is to shoot Cao Fang. I heard that
the amateur driver who competed with Cao Fang has been thrown away a long time, and
it looks like he lost."

"It's definitely a loss, Cao Fang is the opponent. But it doesn't matter if we
lose. Anyway, we just came to interview Cao Fang, and everyone else didn't matter."

"Yes, Cao Fang is better, so that we can take a good picture of his car turning in
this corner."

Everyone said, discussing this time. Like other audiences, they all heard the news
of Chen Ze's collision, so they all thought that Cao Fang had won today.

Buzz! !! !!

As soon as they were talking, the engine sounded, and then a car appeared in their
sight. The silver-colored body was exactly Cao Fang's car.

"Here it is, Cao Fang's car."

"Cao Fang, it is Cao Fang who is here, everyone is ready."

"Cao Fang is here, it really is him, and it is still him."

After seeing Cao Fang, the crowd spoke, and each of them became excited. He pointed
the camera at the corner and prepared to take a picture of Cao Fang's turn.

Buzz buzz! !! !! !!

But at this moment, another engine sound came from behind.

Everyone looked at them in an instant, and directly, everyone was stunned:

"Missang Rui, it is Mei Sang Rui."

"It turned out to be Mei Sangrui, this, this, how could this be, how could he
suddenly catch up."

"This is impossible, this is my dream, Mei Sangrui has caught up."

记者 Some reporters shouted that they couldn't believe their eyes at all. The car
that appeared behind Cao Fang was actually his opponent, Mei Sangrui.

Cao Fang did not shake off his opponent, but was chased up by the other party!

"How is this possible."

Inside the car, Cao Fang looked at the rearview mirror and muttered to himself. He
was sweating too much at the moment, obviously under tremendous pressure.

He originally heard the news of Chen Ze's collision and thought that Chen Ze would
give up in that place exactly as he expected. However, as a result, Chen Ze even
caught up, and he actually shortened the gap with himself.

Cao Fang couldn't believe his eyes at all. He thought about it carefully and found
out that he didn't make mistakes in any part of the game. Everything is playing
normally, even some long time. No more than three people can recover this gap.

Among them, the Meisangrui driver in the back will definitely not be included.

现在 But now, Mei Sangrui driver is chasing back. Regardless of whether he believes
it or not, Meisangrui drivers chase it back.

Not only that, but Cao Fang was looking at the black vehicle in the rear view
mirror at the moment and felt extreme pressure, which reminded him that he was
standing on the world stage for the first time, facing the king of the world ’s top
racing car at the time. Feeling when repairing Mach.

At that time, he was just racing with Xiu Mach in the lane, and he did not have the
heart to compete with the car king, but even so, he was breathless with the
pressure of the car king.

After so many years, Cao Fang himself has become the pinnacle of the car world. I
thought that this feeling of breathlessness would not happen again.

现在 But now, this feeling is back.

It seems that it is not Chen Ze that is driving the car behind, but a real car god!

怎么 "How is that possible, who is this Meisangrui driver Chen Ze?"

Cao Fang murmured to himself, and his distance was again approached by Chen Ze
while he was talking. The two cars almost entered the curve one after the other and
drifted out of the curve in parallel.


Seeing this situation, the reporters in this curve rushed to take pictures, only
different from their plan. Only Cao Fang was taken into the picture in the plan,
and now there is a Mei Sang Rui biting him tightly.

He even suppressed him tightly in terms of momentum.

Looking at Mei Sangrui behind, the reporters only have one feeling ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ It seems that the person who drives is really the legendary car

The original title of the original news that everyone wanted tonight is Cao Fang's
comeback, the victory of the amateur driver announced the return of the king. Now,
everyone knows that it needs to be changed. Tonight's victory and defeat, there is
really a big suspense.

Who can win? I don't know yet.

Buzz! !! !! !!
Ooz! !! !! !!

The two cars enter the turn in parallel, and then go out at the same angle. At this
time, Cao Fang discovered another terrible situation through the rearview mirror.
He had previously observed that Chen Ze's car would suddenly freeze, and it was

"Who is this driver behind?"


Soon after, the news that Chen Ze bite Cao Fang came out from this curve, and it
suddenly shocked everyone in Yandang Mountain.

"What? That Mei Sangrui catches up with Cao Fang again?"

"Oh my gosh, it's impossible, even catching up with Cao Fang."

"It's hard to imagine that Cao Fang was caught up by an amateur driver."

At the top of Laoshan, the staff of various clubs also stayed, totally did not
expect such a thing to happen. Cao Fang was overtaken by an amateur driver.

"This Mesang Rui driver, who is this Mesang Rui driver? I was able to catch up with
Cao Fang. This potential alone is enough for me to sign a contract with him. I
decided that after this race is over, I Must sign him. Even if he can catch up with
Cao Fang, he will be able to shine in the racing session in the future. Even if he
challenges the status of the car king, it is not impossible. "A club member said.

I heard what he said, and everyone in the other clubs had an idea. One by one, they
also intend to secretly sign Chen Ze, and Chen Ze's performance is enough to make
everyone excited.

Chapter FTLS 62: The last chance

"Oh my gosh, I caught up, and the driver of Mei Sangrui really caught up again. I'm
afraid there will be suspense this time. Who will win the final victory?"

"It's hard to imagine. At first it fell behind so much that it even crashed and
stopped, but it finally caught up. And the opponent, Cao Fang, was able to catch up
with Cao Fang, it was too hard to imagine."

"It's incredible, but I still think Cao Fang can win. He is a world-class driver,
how could he lose here."

Between Laoshan, everyone at the corner of the curve knew the news and knew that
Chen Ze had caught up.

Everyone was stunned, everyone was talking, talking about Chen Ze, talking about
the outcome of the game.

It turned out that everyone had no doubt that Cao Fang could win. But now,
everything is different. Although Cao Fang thought he could win the majority, many
people began to favor Chen Ze. Can be chased from behind, and still in a crash.

That being the case, then nothing unexpected should happen.

At this time, Chen Ze and Cao Fang were still fighting fiercely on the mountain
road. Chen Ze caught up with Cao Fang, but had not yet completed the overtaking.
After all, the opponent was Cao Fang, and Chen Ze could not take any advantage in a
straight line. .

"It's hard to imagine. It's really hard to imagine who is this Meisangrui driver
Chen Ze." In the front car, Cao Fang was driving and looking at Meisangrui in the
rearview mirror, "Mingming At the beginning, it was the same as I expected. No
matter it was his car skills or what would happen. But why is it totally different
next? It is impossible to catch up with me with his car skills. What is going on? ?

Cao Fang frowned. He kept wondering about it. Because in his calculations, it is
absolutely impossible for Chen Ze's car skills to catch up with him, whether in
straight lines or cornering, it is much worse than him.

But judging from the corners and straight lines just now, Chen Ze has improved his
technology quite a bit. The feeling of stuttering and lameness when cornering is
gone. The whole cornering is done in one go, even perfect.

Even if Cao was Cao Fang, he knew that the technique that Chen Ze had just shown
could not even do it. Even the car king Xiu Mach he suspected that this could not
be done, but Chen Ze did it, and he did it in such a short time.

This made Cao Fang too surprised and unbelievable: "There are only two things that
can happen to this kind of thing. First, he has been covering up his true strength
before, and now it is his real car skills. And No. Second, he has made such a rapid
improvement in such a short period of time. "

These two situations are the most likely in terms of common sense. After all, it is
impossible to mention so many in such a short period of time. But I don't know why,
Cao Fang always felt that it was actually the second kind, and Chen Ze suddenly
mentioned so many.

如果 "If this is the case, then Chen Ze, the driver behind it, is too terrible!"

If you change to another driver, such as Mog and Xu Ping, and suddenly see Chen Ze
has improved so much, I am afraid that both of them have already collapsed at this
time. But Cao Fang didn't, and although Chen Ze also brought him extreme shock, he
had restored peace at this moment.

"It's true that this driver's technology is beyond my expectations. I'm afraid I
will lose to him if I only fight for speed. But the race is not just about speed.
As long as I can reach him Finish, then the one who wins is me. "

Cao Fang thought that he had already figured out how to deal with Chen Ze's speed

I was quick, and then came a turn, and it was a very sharp turn.

"It is here, it is here that we can surpass Cao Fang."

Inside Amami Sang Rui, after seeing this curve, Chen Ze thought to himself.

After the car god's hand and the car god's foot are equipped at the same time, Chen
Ze really has a feeling of car **** being reborn. At this moment, he is the car
god. This Mei San Rui is no longer just an ordinary car, but has become his hands
and feet. He controls the car more qualitatively than before.

And he knew that there was a possibility to surpass Cao Fang right in front.

Ooz! !! !!
Cao Fang entered the corner first and got stuck inside.

Ooz! !! !! !!

Chen Ze also went into the corner, instead of competing for the inner path, he took
the outer path. Even on the outside road, Chen Ze knew that he could forcefully
overtake his car on the outside road like Cao Fang had done before.

However, at this moment, Chen Ze suddenly found that Cao Fang's front came over,
and suddenly blocked the space of the outer road, leaving Chen Ze unable to surpass
the past.

Until the corner, Cao Fang kept ahead.

The same is true for the next corner. Although Cao Fang couldn't beat Chen Ze in
the speed of entering and exiting the corner, he just occupied his leading edge and
blocked Chen Ze's route, so that Chen Ze could not overtake.

Although Chen Ze also thought of a way, this Cao Fang obviously had too much
experience and completely stuck his position, so that Chen Zechao could not pass.

Obviously, this is Cao Fang's response. Although not faster than Chen Ze's speed,
as long as Chen Ze gets stuck, he may win.

All in all, he doesn't know how many times he has used it in the professional car

Although Chen Ze is powerful, he really can't think of a good way for a while.

"Chen Ze tried to overtake, no, it was still stuck by Cao Fang, he couldn't pass."

"Cao Fang, Cao Fang is still ahead, Chen Ze still has not gone over."

"Cao Fang's experience is too rich. Chen Ze is stuck behind the curve."

On the top of Laoshan Mountain, such a voice was constantly heard from the


Everyone knows at this time that a fierce battle between the two is in progress.
Moreover, Cao Fang is currently leading.

"Unexpectedly, I didn't think this Mei Sangrui driver could force Lao Cao to use
this rogue running method." Zhang Wen muttered to himself, knowing that Cao Fang
generally would not use this trick. Once used, it shows that he has lost confidence
in a positive victory over his opponent.

After hearing the words on the walkie-talkie, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Zhang Wen
felt a little bit sad, he thought it would be a battle of hanging, who knows how it
turned out in the end.

"This Meisangrui driver is really too powerful." Zhang Wen said, "However, this
running method does not matter, who can lead to the finish, who is the final

"I didn't expect the competition to be so fierce, so who will win in the end? Is
Cao Fang? Or is that Mei Sangrui driver Chen Ze?"
At this moment, a man on the top of the mountain spoke.

"I do n’t know, but I will be able to know right away. Immediately I will go to the
V-shaped curve. With Cao Fang's running method, I will win as soon as I pass that
V-shaped curve, and the road behind will be much narrower. It is impossible for Cao
Fang to lose if he continues to run like this. "

对 "Yes, everything depends on the V-shaped curve."

Everyone spoke on the top of Laoshan. Everyone knew that the final decision was
still on the V-shaped curve.

"Here, here is the V-shaped big curve. The two cars have just passed. Mei Sang Rui
is really good, really good. The speed of turning in and out of the corner is
really good." At this time, came from the intercom There was a sound.

Everyone was nervous when he heard this voice, and someone quickly asked, "What's
wrong? Is Mei Sangrui more than Cao Fang?"

"No, no, Cao Fang's card is really good, it is him who leads the corner."


When I heard this, everyone on the top of the mountain looked at each other,
including Yang Qi and them.

After the V-shaped detour, it is all relatively narrow roads. It is almost

impossible to overtake here.

This, in other words, Chen Ze has no chance over Cao Fang!

On Meishan Road, inside Mei Sangrui, Chen Ze looked at Cao Fang: "No, there is
still a chance, and there is a last chance."

Chapter FTLS 63: Turn off the lights and hit

At night, a curve on Yandang Mountain Road.

弯 This curve is behind a large V-shaped curve. Although the road surface is still
relatively narrow, if someone intentionally blocks the road, it will be difficult
for the car behind to pass. But unlike other Yandangshan V-shaped large bends, this
is not only the widest bend in the last section of the road, but also the shortest
distance from the end point.

However, not many people noticed it, even unlike the busy curve before. No one was
standing at the corner of the curve, and everyone didn't notice the difference.


At this moment, a car came over, not Chen Ze's Mei Sangrui or Cao Fang's car, but a
white car. After driving to this curve, he stopped the car off the mountain road.
Then came down from the car, turned out to be Chen Bailing!

After walking down, he looked at the curve and said to himself: "I didn't think
anybody noticed that this curve is the most crucial point of the game tonight. It
seems that I can enjoy the most exciting game of the competition. Where is the
place. "

"Who said no one else noticed."

At this moment, suddenly a sound came from behind, Chen Bailing quickly turned to
look at it, and saw a man with a pigtail coming out of the darkness, it turned out
to be Mog.

"Captain, don't you think that only you noticed this curve?" Moog laughed.

When I heard Moge's words, Chen Bailing also smiled. He lit a cigarette and took a
long breath: "What are the differences in this curve?"

"This corner is wider than the other corners at the end. Although the car in the
back is difficult to surpass if the car in front is intentionally blocked. But it
is far more likely than other places in the last section. And It's almost the end,
in other words whoever leads at this corner will be the winner tonight. "Moog

"That's right." Chen Bailing smiled. "Although Cao Fang has taken the lead at the
V-shaped corner, it generally means that he has won, but it is different if the
opponent is that Mei Sang Rui. The Meisang Rui will surely create unimaginable
miracles. Their victory and defeat will not be divided until the last moment, that
is to say, this corner! "


At the same time, on the mountain road in front of Chen Bailing and Moge, the sound
of the engine and the tires rubbing against the ground one after another. Just as
Moge and Chen Bailing guessed, although they were behind in the V-shaped corners,
Chen Ze did not give up the game, but kept biting Cao Fang tightly!

Buzz! !! !! !!

Ooz! !! !! !!

The car in front, Cao Fang sweated a lot, and looked up from time to time to see
Chen Ze's car from time to time. He felt that although this game was only a trivial
amateur game, it was the one he felt the most stressful in his life so far. Games.

Chen Ze's feeling behind him through Mei Sangrui even surpassed the car king Xiu

"It's hard to imagine. No matter how hard I try, I can only slightly lead him a
little bit. This still completely occupies the performance of the car and has the
advantage of the mountain road. If it is on the regular field, I'm afraid he has
already been overtaken by him. went."

Cao Fang muttered to himself, he found that even if he had invested all his energy,
even if he had reached his highest level, but the gap between the two cars
continued to narrow, even if he played tricks, it was only able to Barely leading
Chen Ze.

Inside Mei Sangrui behind him, Chen Ze was very calm at this moment. Although the
road was getting worse for him, his eyes calmed down.

"Although the roads in this section are very narrow and it is very difficult to get
over, it is not impossible. There is still a detour that is enough for me to pass
him ahead."

Chen Ze murmured to himself, unlike Cao Fang who only ran Yandangshan Mountain Road
for a week. He has been to Yandang Mountain from childhood to most times. I do n’t
know how many times. Naturally, the mountain road of Yandang Mountain is very
natural. To understanding.

The first corner left, he knows that is the most critical point today.

Buzz! !! !! !! !!

The two cars kept accelerating, slackened on the mountain road, and after one after
another detour, Cao Fang's car reluctantly led Chen Ze.

Finally, I came to this bend after passing another bend.

"Come here, Cao Fang is ahead."

"I don't know what Cao Fang will do. Will he be overtaken here?"

After seeing Chen Ze and Cao Fang's car, Mo Ge and Chen Bailing, who were standing
at the corner of the curve, immediately spoke, and they were all excited.

"Huh?" The leading Cao Fang also found something wrong at this time. This curve was
even wider than other curves. "It turns out that there are still such wide curves
here. Chen Ze may want to surpass me here." "

Sure enough, after saying this, he found that Chen Ze's car was speeding up and
wanted to pass him here.

Seeing this, Cao Fang quickly put the car in the middle of the road, leaving some
free space on both sides, but neither side was enough for Chen Ze to overtake.

"Missang Rui speeded up, it looks like she wants to overtake."

"Cao Fang found his movement, blocked it, he blocked it in the middle, there was no
space at all, and it was impossible to overtake here."

Momo and Chen Bailing said, seeing that the final decisive battle had finally
begun, he was both nervous.

Buzz! !! !! !! Here! !! !! !!

At this moment, the two cars turned into a corner, but Cao Fang put the car in the
middle, leaving Chen Ze no chance of overtaking at all.

"Missang Rui is still trying to overtake, but without a chance, she can't pass at

"Cao Fang is too experienced, and the position of the block is really good. Mei
Sangrui has no chance to exceed it."

Moog and Chen Bailing said, they began to marvel at Cao Fang ’s skills and mental
quality. They are truly worthy drivers who are constantly winning in the
international arena. At this juncture, they are not nervous and flustered at all.
However, he still blocked well and did not give a chance of overtaking at all.

Both people know that if this goes on, Chen Ze may lose.

At this moment, Cao Fang also looked at Chen Ze in the rearview mirror in the car.
He was far less relaxed than Mo Ge and Chen Bailing imagined. In fact, he was very
nervous at the moment. He could feel the momentum from Chen Ze. As long as he was a
little careless, the loser tonight was him.
"However, I still won't lose." Cao Fang yelled, he will never give Chen Ze a chance
to overtake.


At this moment, a voice came, and Cao Fang looked back into the rearview mirror.
The back was completely dark, so Chen Ze's car disappeared!

"It's gone? How could it suddenly disappear?" Cao Fang paused, but instantly he
understood, not that Chen Ze's car was gone, but Chen Ze turned off the lights,
turned off the lights, naturally The car is invisible.

"This guy, because the madman couldn't make it, he turned off the lights here."

Cao Fang couldn't believe what was happening at the moment. With such a high speed,
Chen Ze turned off the lights. This behavior is tantamount to death.

However, Cao Fang realized immediately that this was Chen Ze intending to overtake,
so that he did not know where he intended to overtake.

"It doesn't matter where you overtake, I won't lose."

Cao Fang thought to himself that he knew that as long as he continued to maintain
this position, he could block Chen Ze. However, subconsciously, he still moved the
car a little inward. Normal cars would overtake in the inner lane, so Cao Fang, who
has rich experience in overtaking, made this move subconsciously.

"Outside, this Mei San Rui is trying to overtake outside."

"He turned out to want to overtake from the outside."

At this moment, the voices of Moge and Chen Bailing suddenly came from outside.
Although both of them were stunned by Chen Ze's lights off, they still saw clearly.
Chen Ze's Mei Sang Rui, his Mei Sang Rui Turned out to want to overtake from

I didn't know what was going on, Cao Fang turned to the inner road for no reason ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ gave way to the outer road.

"not good!"

After hearing this voice, Cao Fang thought to himself that suddenly a headlight
came on. It was Mei Sangrui's car light. Cao Fang's car lighted up instantly. With
this light, Cao Fang saw Chen Ze's clearly. The car, he turned out to be really
from the outside.

"It's not that simple, it won't let you go so easily."

Until this time, although he had fallen into an extremely disadvantaged position,
Cao Fang still did not panic. He hit the front of the car and turned to the outside
to block Chen Ze's road.

Although he gave a little space out, the remaining space is still not enough for
Mei Sangrui to pass.

"You want to surpass me, that is impossible." Cao Fang thought.

However, he suddenly saw that although there was not enough space left, Chen Ze
even drove up in a car, and it looked like he wanted to hit Cao Fang and rushed

不可能 "It's impossible, such a fast speed, let alone hit it, just rub it a little,
and the two cars will immediately run out of control,"

就是 "That is, this Chen Ze must be frightening Cao Fang. He would never dare to
hit him. He is still outside, and if he did hit him, he would have a great chance
to run down the cliff."

Seeing this, Moge and Chen Bailing said one after another that they had no way to
understand what Chen Ze did on this curve.


But when their voices just ended, Chen Ze actually bumped into it. The two cars
immediately made a muffled sound, but the out of control of the two cars did not

On the contrary, a lane long enough for Mei Sangrui to pass through, after a long
period of fierce battle, finally appeared in front of Chen Ze.

Chapter FTLS 64: 3 beeps

"In terms of time, the game will end soon. Who do you think can win?"

"Do you still need to ask? It must be Cao Fang, but he is a world-class driver, how
could he lose here?"

就是 "That is, I also think Cao Fang can win. Although it seems that the Mei
Sangrui driver has caught up with Cao Fang, Cao Fang must win in the end."

"It must be Cao Fang, but Cao Fang, can you imagine him losing here?"

At the end of Yanyan Dangshan, there were hundreds of people around the end.
Everyone looked at the mountain road in the distance, and then opened in pairs.

十 It has been more than ten minutes since the start of the game, and everyone
knows that the game is about to end soon, and the winner is about to appear in
front of them.

Although I do n’t know who is the winner, these hundreds of people are fans of Cao
Fang, so they all believe and think that the final winner must be Cao Fang.

That is Cao Fang, so many people feel that it is impossible to imagine how Cao Fang
would lose the game.

"It's so scary today, there are so many people here."

"Yeah, fortunately we are well prepared, otherwise there may be an accident."

And among so many people, a group of people quietly spoke. They were the policemen
of Yucheng, and like the previous times, they were all in order to maintain order.

According to previous experiences, there will not be many spectators and drivers
who come to this scene. After all, amateur mountain road racing is just a niche
circle. However, because of Cao Fang's reputation, they all felt that it would be
better to come with more people, so almost half of the police station and the
traffic police came.

After they came, they were startled, and found that so many people had come, far
more than they expected. Fortunately, there are so many policemen, otherwise the
order will not be maintained tonight.

Fang Qing was among these policemen. In fact, she can't come tonight, but since she
agreed to Chen Ze, she still asked to come. And she also wondered if Chen Ze would
win tonight.

"Who the **** will you win tonight?"

"Of course it is Cao Fang. Although the driver in front of Mei Sangrui catches up
with Cao Fang, it must be that Cao Fang did not do his best, otherwise it is
absolutely impossible to be overtaken. The person who wins tonight must be him."

就是 "That is, Cao Fang was in the top five in the world before he retired. Dare to
say that only the car king Xiu Mach can win him. How could he lose here?"

虽然 "Although we have all seen that Mei Sangrui driver, he is really good, but I
think it is impossible to compare with Cao Fang."

At this time, several policemen also spoke together, discussing the question of who
would win the game. In their opinion, only Cao Fang could win.

"That's not necessarily, maybe the driver of Mei Sangrui won." At this time, a
voice sounded, and it was Fang Qing who was talking.

In fact, according to Fang Qing's temperament, he would not like to compete with
others for such things. But I do n’t know why. When I heard that so many people
were supporting Cao Fang, even her colleagues were supporting Cao Fang, she was
particularly uncomfortable and couldn't help refuting it.


I heard Fang Qing's words, these colleagues were a little curious, but Fang Qing
would not discuss this with them. They all know that Fang Qing seems to be a fan of
Cao Fang, and now he supports that Mei Sangrui driver?

"I think it might be impossible for that Mei Sang Rui to win."

"Yeah, what does he win over Cao Fang."

"He and Cao Fang are not one level."

"Fang Qing, aren't you a fan of Cao Fang, how can you support Mei Sangrui?"

A few colleagues spoke, refuting Fang Qing's words.

After hearing what they said, Fang Qing bit her lip, and no longer continued to
argue with them. She turned to look at the distant mountain road, and said softly,
"On the good luck sign I gave you, don't lose." "

Buzz! !! !! !! !!

Ooz! !! !! !! !!

At this moment, the sound of the engine and the sound of the tires rubbing the
ground came from afar, immediately attracting everyone here, they all immediately
looked at the mountain road in the distance.

"Here? Who is it, and who will win?"

"Cao Fang, it must be Cao Fang."

"Yes, it must be Cao Fang."

Everyone spoke and looked forward to it.

Tong Fangqing listened to the words around her, but clenched her hands tightly. She
didn't know what was going on. She was very nervous at the moment. It is very hoped
that the winner will be Chen Ze, but reason tells her that Chen Ze is impossible to


在 At this moment, the car in front suddenly heard a horn.

所有人 Everyone was confused when they heard this horn. At this time, what horn does
this car honk?

Fang Qing immediately held her back. She suddenly thought of what Chen Ze had said
to her last night: "If I can win, I will ring three horns before the end, so you
can know in advance The winner is me! "

"Is it?"


At this moment, the second horn sounded again.


Then came the third sound.

I listened to the three horns, and suddenly tears poured into Fang Qing's eyes, and
she wept with joy: "Win, you win!"

"Look, the car coming is black, not Cao Fang's car. It's Mei Sang Rui, it turns out
to be Mei Sang Rui."

"My gosh, it turned out that Mei Sang Rui, Mei Sang Rui won, and Mei Sang Rui
defeated Cao Fang."

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible, Mei Sangrui won, and an amateur driver
driving Mei Sangrui defeated Cao Fang."

"Cao Fang, Cao Fang lost?"

Everyone saw that the car coming was a black one, which was Cao Fang's opponent,
Mei Sangrui tonight!

The final victory belongs to Chen Ze.


It was still at the corner just after being bumped and overtaken by Chen Ze, Cao
Fang stopped the car ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ stood on the side of the road, lit a
cigarette and slowly smoked, Don't know what is thinking.

Mo Moge and Chen Bailing came to his side, and wanted to talk to persuade, but did
not know what to say.

Who is Cao Fang? He is one of the top five in the world. Such a person even lost to
an amateur driver here.

Even if it was the two of them, they couldn't believe it. It felt like they were in
a dream. How could they comfort Cao Fang?

However, Cao Fang spoke first. He smiled with a self-deprecating smile: "It's a
talented person on behalf of Jiang Shan. I never thought I would lose here."

"Mr. Cao." Moge and Chen Bailing began to say something.

"Do you think that the last collision of Mei Sangrui was Chen Ze, but he was lucky
and did not have an accident?" Cao Fang said again.

"It should be luck."

"I also think that collision at such a high speed is very easy to roll over. At
that time I looked at it. I did not expect Chen Zegan to do this. His luck was
really good."

Moge and Chen Bailing said.

"Is it really luck?" Cao Fang laughed. "If not luck?"

"Not luck?"

After hearing Cao Fang's words, Mo Ge and Chen Bailing's faces changed.

If it is not luck, then it means that Chen Ze's control of the car has reached a
state of extreme horror. Under such a high-speed situation, he can run away without
an accident.

This kind of car technology is not something that human beings can possess.

"It's really unexpected. In the two years I retired, we have such talents in
Huaxia. In the future, he will shine in the professional racing session."

Chapter FTLS 65: Shocked racing circle

"First, the first car to pass the finish line is Mei Sang Rui. Cao Fang, Cao Fang

Immediately, the news at the end of the mountain spread along the mountain to
everyone who came to Yandang Mountain today.

"Cao Fang, Cao Fang lost? Cao Fang lost?"

"This, how is this possible, Cao Fang lost to a Mei Sang Rui?"

不可能 "No way, how could Cao Fang lose here. He is a world-class driver, how could
he lose here."

At various corners of Laoshan Road, people talked a lot. Everyone couldn't believe
their ears, especially those fans of Cao Fang. They purposely rushed from a
distance to witness the first game that Cao Fang returned.
He was so surprised that he lost? Lost to an amateur driver?

I can't believe it, these fans of Cao Fang are really unbelievable. That's Cao
Fang, how could he lose here, how could he lose here.

Especially the fans of Cao Fang who helped Chen Ze push out the car at the corner,
one by one did not know what it was like now. They were only moved by Chen Ze at
the time, and they never thought that Chen Ze could really defeat Cao Fang.

But now, Chen Ze has really won, and he has really won Cao Fang.

Do you regret it?

似乎 Those people seem to have a little bit in their hearts, but they are more
reminded of Chen Ze's actions and words at that time, and never give up. No matter
who the opponent is, they will never give up, a miracle will happen.

Now, the miracle really happened.

These people felt an inexplicable excitement, and they seemed to be quite inspired.

"Oh my god, that Mei Sang Rui, that driver Chen Ze, turned out to be such a strong

"Even Cao Fang can win. It's an exaggeration. Where did this Chen Ze come from?"

"Successfully defeated Moge, Chen Bailing and Xu Ping. Now even Cao Fang has lost.
This driver is too powerful."

Amateur riders at various corners of Laoshan also spoke one after another. As they
have some understanding of racing, their surprise and shock are deeper than those
of Cao Fang's fans.

After all, they all know what level of Cao Fang is, the top level in the world, and
Chen Ze can beat Cao Fang. Doesn't that also show that Chen Ze has reached this

Alas, from the perspective of the game, Chen Ze seems to have surpassed this level!

I wonder if one day in the future, Chen Ze will become the real king of cars,
standing on top of the world, and at that time, there will be a considerable amount
of power.

Thinking of this, these drivers are also excited. They think of such legendary
characters, they have even seen his race in person, which is a great honor.

Suddenly on the top of the mountain, the moment it got the news, it turned into an

However, this immersion is also divided into two parts. Zhang Wen and some Sunfire
drivers are extremely shocked. He never thought that Cao Fang would lose, he would
lose here, and he couldn't believe his ears.

Yang Qi and they were too surprised. They looked at each other and saw the
expression of unbelief in the eyes of each other. Although they all stood by Chen
Ze, they helped Chen Ze change the car.

But none of them believed that Chen Ze could defeat Cao Fang. But now he won, he
really won, and Chen Ze really won Cao Fang.

"Win? Chen Ze wins Cao Fang?"

"Really won?"

They talked to each other, and then shouted in excitement:

哈 "Hahaha, it's incredible, Chen Ze even won Cao Fang, my God."

"I go, Chen Ze is too powerful, Cao Fang has won."

"Myth, this is a myth-level game."

Hearing Yang Qi ’s shouts, Zhang Wen looked at him, and at the moment he was very
unhappy: "Lost, Lao Cao lost. He had made such preparations before the game and
played so well during the game. In the end, I still lost! "

At the corner of Laoshan Road, the people from the domestic and international
racing clubs were all shocked, and confirmed again and again, only to be convinced
of the news. An amateur driver driving Mei Sangrui actually defeated Cao Fang.

"My God, Cao Fang was actually won by an amateur driver driving Mei Sangrui. He can
beat Cao Fang with this kind of car. I am afraid that only the car king Xiu Mach is
in the world."

"It's incredible, I don't think there are such people in China."

"It's incredible, it's really incredible."

The people in these clubs started talking, and then they immediately made the same
action, took out their mobile phones, and dialed the phone:

喂 "Hey, Cao Fang is over this time, he lost, yes, he lost to an amateur driver. I
suggest that we recruit this amateur driver in the team, I am afraid he has enough
strength to challenge Machach."

"Hey, this amateur driver who competes with Cao Fang is really amazing. Our team
must take this person down, 10 million and 20 million. Take down his team and it
will definitely be a good thing for today's cars The altar made a huge impact. "

"Incredible results. We must sign Cao Fang's driver. His ability will surely shock
the world."

The people in these clubs all said the same thing, although this time they came to
observe Cao Fang's condition. But at the moment they were all attracted by Chen Ze
and conquered by Chen Ze's car skills. They all proposed to their clubs and signed
Chen Ze, no matter how much it cost!

And the car world all over the world is also shocked and boiling because of these
phone calls!

At the moment, at the foot of the mountain, the audience below is still discussing
the final result, and many people still can't believe it. Some people also looked
at the front with complicated eyes. In front, Chen Ze's car parked there ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ You are too great, and you actually won Cao Fang. Oh my god,
that's Cao Fang. "

Inside the car, Fang Qing opened her mouth. She took her colleague and noticed that
she slipped into Chen Ze's car and said hi to Chen Ze.

I heard Fang Qing's words, Chen Ze smiled: "It's not easy, Cao Fang is Cao Fang
after all, I almost lost."

"Hahaha, don't hesitate to give you my good fortune." Fang Qing laughed. "I heard
that there are reporters and other club people. Since you won, I think they will
all pay attention. Yours. What are you going to do in the future? There will
definitely be a lot of professional teams inviting you to join. "

"This, I." Chen Ze said, but before he finished speaking, there was a voice in his
mind: "Congratulations to the host, the popularity has reached 2,000, and the
driver task was successfully completed. All skills will be permanently bound. The
popularity is cleared and the calculation is restarted. "

I heard this voice, Chen Ze showed a look of ecstasy. Although he guessed that the
scale of the game tonight would definitely increase enough popularity, but now it
is enough, it still makes him very excited.

"Now post the next mission to become the first chef of China, to win the Chinese
God of Food Contest, popularity reached 5,000!"

At this moment, another voice sounded in my mind.

Hearing this voice, Chen Ze hesitated.

"Hey, Chen Ze." Seeing Chen Ze's appearance, Fang Qing quickly spoke.

"Ah?" Chen Ze responded, "What did you just say?"

"I said what do you do next? Are you going to be a professional driver?"

不 "No, I'm going to be a chef."


"Chef, be the first chef in China."

Chapter FTLS 66: New task chef

"My opinion is that our team must sign Chen Ze, no matter how much it costs, we
must sign him before other teams and Chen Ze negotiate."

In the office of a professional team, Cao Fang spoke to the team manager.

After last night's race, he determined one thing. Chen Ze had incredible racing
talent, and this talent even surpassed him far. He will definitely have a huge
impact on the entire racing session. It is not impossible to defeat the king of the
car in the future.

Furthermore, Cao Fang also knew that other clubs went to so many people yesterday,
and they would definitely not lose sight of Chen Ze's talent, so they would
definitely be excited, and then they would act and try to sign Chen Ze.

Therefore Cao Fang knows that time is urgent and must sign Chen Ze in front of
other teams. Such talents must not be snatched by others.

So he came to the office early this morning and spoke to the manager.

"Lao Cao, don't be so excited. Anything we can talk about slowly." The manager said
with a smile, looking unhurried.

"Can't be slow, you must act now. It would be a pity if Chen Ze was first signed by
another team. I think although Chen Ze is a newcomer, he can directly drive him 20
million. Sign his contract directly. "Cao Fang said anxiously.

He said in the end that even 20 million came out. You know that 20 million yuan is
not an ordinary signing fee, and Cao Fang himself has a little more than that. Chen
Ze is just a newcomer who doesn't understand anything at all. He even said that he
would directly sign 20 million to sign him, which is simply incredible on other
people. But on Chen Ze, Cao Fang felt right.

"Don't worry, sit down and listen to me slowly."

When I heard Cao Fang's words, the manager just smiled and poured a cup of tea for
Cao Fang, and then said, "In fact, I have already sent people out to communicate
with Chen Ze."

"What?" Cao Fang stopped at the words of the manager.

"I have sent someone to talk to Chen Ze. The game was spread all over the world as
soon as the game ended last night. I also know that Chen Ze is a rare talent, so I
made arrangements last night to arrange people today Go talk with Chen Ze early in
the morning and be sure to sign Chen Ze before other clubs. "The manager laughed.

It turned out that the reason why he was so calm and unhurried was that he had
already made arrangements and had sent someone to talk to Chen Ze.

"I have already been to Yucheng in the morning, and now I think I'll probably talk
about it soon, and there will be an answer soon." The manager laughed.

"That's good, just send someone out." Cao Fang breathed a long sigh of relief.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

At this moment, the phone in the manager's room rang, and the manager saw that it
was the call from the person he sent out, so he turned on the speakerphone and
said, "How's it going? Have you talked with Chen Ze? As long as he is willing to
join our team, he can drive on conditions. "

"No, no." A message came over the phone. "I found out when I came here today that
there have been several club members, and even people who came from the United
States and Europe overnight. To talk to Chen Ze. "


I heard the words of the people on the phone, the manager and Cao Fang were taken
aback, totally did not expect other clubs to act so fast.

Suddenly, they were a little nervous: "Which Chen Ze has promised which one?"

"No, his family didn't agree." A few words came from the phone.

Hearing this, both the manager and Cao Fang were relieved: "I didn't agree, I
didn't agree. But he didn't agree so many, did he have any particularly high
requirements? For example, the annual salary Does he have high requirements? "

The manager said, taking a sip of tea while talking.

"There is no requirement, he said that he regards money as dung, he will not join
any team, he wants, he wants to be a chef." The phone said.

Huh! !! !!

After hearing this, the manager sipped the tea directly, and Cao Fang stunned,
"What? Chen Ze, what did he want to do?"

"He is going to be a chef!"


Depressed, Chen Ze's heart was very depressed at the moment. Many people came one
after another early in the morning, and all of them were professional teams who
invited him to join the team.

And one by one, they have extremely attractive conditions, what is the annual
salary of ten million, what is a million luxury cars, what villas, and car models,
etc. It ’s really a mess, Chen Ze quickly heard the water. coming.

If you really join the professional team, then these are yours! !! !!

Unfortunately, a word of the system interrupted his illusion: "Please host to

reject everyone's invitation, you will continue to complete the next task."

"I depend!"

泽 Chen Ze secretly scolded it. This is a million-year salary. UU reading

www.uukanshu.com million luxury cars, as well as villas and car models, as long as
they promised to go down to the peak of life.

I ca n’t agree, but it ’s a pity!

Chen Ze is really heartache, but there is no way, the system rules are so, and he
ca n’t violate it. In the end, he can only endure the heartache, and he is very
proud to say to everyone: "Viewing money as scum, ten million annual salary
Millions of cars are nothing to me at all. I have other pursuits. "

"What is it?"

嗯 "Well, the pursuit of being a chef!"

Chen Ze felt that when he said these words, he felt a little bit windy and cold,
but when he sent these people out, they felt as if they were looking at themselves
with an extremely surprised and admired look.

I also give up ten million years salary to be a chef. Apart from the current Chen
Ze, who will do this kind of thing, who can do it.

After sending them away arrogantly, Chen Ze felt hurt.

10 million annual salary, what a small amount of money!

"The host doesn't need to be sad, this money is just a small amount of money. For
the host, the money has no meaning at all." The system began to try to comfort Chen

"Uh-huh." Chen Ze nodded. He was a bit rotten. Although it made sense, Chen Ze was
too lazy to listen again. He said, "The next task is to let me be a cook. If you
want to win the championship of the Chinese God of Food competition, your
popularity will also reach 5,000? "

"Yes, this is the task of the chef profession. As long as you complete this task,
you are the first chef in China." The system began.

"Well, but I have a question."

"what is the problem?"

"I do not know how to cook!"


Chapter FTLS 67: The legendary kitchen knife and God of Seasoning
Strictly speaking, Chen Ze does not know how to cook. He only cooks one dish,
shredded pork with green pepper. This is because he particularly likes to eat this
dish, so he has tried it, but it is also a poor recipe.

So facing this second task, Chen Ze felt his head hurt more!

算 "Forget it, let's see what skills this chef can draw."

I thought for a while, Chen Ze muttered, and he said to the system: "System, can I
draw again?"

"Yes, but this time you can draw two consecutive prizes. One is the lottery before
the mission starts, and the other is because the host has completed the first
lottery. There are two total prizes." The system said.

两次 "Two times." Chen Ze laughed. "This relationship is good. In case of picking

out some super-skills, it doesn't matter if I cook."

Thinking of this, Chen Ze took a deep breath, then opened the system's lucky draw
page, and started to draw.

"What will be the first draw?"

With his actions, the lottery page printed with the word "chef" quickly rotated,
from slow to fast, then from fast to slow, and stopped slowly. A line of words
appeared on it: "Use the legendary kitchen knife once Opportunity."

"The legendary kitchen knife?" Looking at this line, Chen Ze froze, "What is this
legendary kitchen knife?"

"The legendary kitchen knife is the kitchen knife that Shishine usually uses. It
has unimaginable abilities. Using it to cut vegetables, no matter what material,
can restore it to its peak taste, and the food made is better than the same
material. It's more than twice as delicious. "The system said.

"Restore the taste? More than twice as delicious?"

Chen Ze stunned, and then came to understand, this means that no matter what kind
of materials, such as dead fish and shrimp, because they have died early, the taste
will be much worse than those alive, but used This kitchen knife can restore its
taste, no, it is doubled!

这 "This, this good thing."

After understanding, Chen Ze was completely excited. He knows that no matter what
chef is, the ingredients are very important. Only good ingredients can make good

But with this kitchen knife, even if it is of poor quality, it can make good food,
or a good food that surpasses those excellent materials. This thing is indeed a
legendary kitchen knife.

泽 Chen Zemei is so mad, I think it's a good thing this time. But all of a sudden,
he seemed to react again: "Wait, take a chance with the legendary kitchen knife,
which means it won't be!"

没 "Yes, this legendary chopper host can only be used once and only once, so please
use it with caution." The system said.


泽 Chen Ze really wants to spit. This kitchen knife is really a good thing, but
once in a while, what is the use of this opportunity in Nima? Cheating, this is it.

"Forget it, there is a second draw anyway."

Chen Ze thought to himself that he tried to comfort himself, and then started the
second lottery. Soon, a second skill appeared on the lottery page: "The God of
Seasoning, the seasoning God will add when making food, but Food tastes the best! "

"Spices, spices?"

泽 Chen Ze was completely stunned. Although the first skill had only one chance,
how could it be a powerful chopper. What the **** is this seasoning? Who cooks by
cooking? Isn't this pumping again? Why are you so angry today?

泽 Chen Ze thought that two skills could be useful. But now it seems that both of
them are wasted. The first legendary kitchen knife is indeed superb, but the
problem can only be used once, which is equivalent to not.

第二 The second one is even more overdone. It is actually a seasoning. Although it

can be used unlimitedly, it won't even make meals. What is the use of a seasoning

"Be pitted, be pitted, today is completely pitted."

泽 Chen Ze murmured to himself, he felt that the chances of today's two lotteries
were wasted. In this case, how can this second task be completed? How to become the
first chef of Huaxia?

I shook my head, Chen Ze sat a little discouraged on the sofa


At this moment, his stomach screamed. He looked at the time, and it was already
noon. He was stopped by those in the club from early in the morning. He had not
eaten yet. hungry.

Therefore, immediately, Chen Ze stood up and boiled hot water, and then prepared
instant noodles. After just hitting him, he was too lazy to go to eat.

等 While waiting for the water to boil, Chen Ze took out the instant noodles,
turned on the computer, and looked at the Chinese food **** contest that the system

The key core of this task is this competition. Some of Chen Ze's faint memories of
this competition seem to be held every few years. It is the biggest ceremony of the
Chinese chefs. The winner wins the title of Chinese food god, that is, China. The
first chef.

So the key point of this mission is to win the game.

So when he turned on the computer, Chen Ze immediately went to Baidu and saw the
introduction of the game.

"The Chinese God of Foods Contest is held by the state and is held every five
years. The winner is the Chinese God of Foods and the first person in the Huaxia
Chefs Conference. Therefore, in order to compete for this title, each session will
attract a large number of Chinese chefs. The high level can be said to be the top
chef in China and even in the world. The final champion not only won the title of
Chinese food god, but also won a prize of two million. "

Looking at this introduction, Chen Ze smashed his mouth, he did n’t care about the
title of Chinese food eater, anyway, it was just a vanity, but the two million
bonus attracted his attention: "There are two million bonus Coupled with this name,
it will definitely attract real enough culinary masters to participate in the
competition, I am afraid that this competition is not good to win. "

Chen Ze didn't know that for the top chefs in the industry, the two million yuan
bonus is simply not as good as the title of the Chinese food **** contest champion.
This title is not only officially granted, but also of great value. As long as you
win this title, The value is several times smaller than that. At that time,
domestic and international do not know how many big hotels will break their heads
to invite the champion of this competition, so they do not know how many masters
have broken their foreheads to participate in this competition.

Therefore, the fierce competition in this competition is still far beyond Chen Ze's
imagination at this moment ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ But although underestimating the
competitiveness of this competition, Chen Ze frowned: "It's just me With a bottle
of God's Spice, I'm afraid I can't win such a game at all. "

He said, Chen Ze looked at the God-eating seasoning he had drawn, and he felt quite


At this time, Chen Ze opened the bag of instant noodles he had taken out, and the
water was almost boiling. He planned to start instant noodles now.

But just after opening, he stopped and saw that there was no seasoning bag except
the noodles and vegetable bag in the bag of instant noodles. It seems that Chen Ze
bought this kind of lacking seasoning bag. Of instant noodles.

"I rely on, what day is it today? The raffle draw has drawn garbage twice, and
there is no seasoning bag for making noodles."

泽 Chen Ze felt depressed, this side would not be able to eat without the seasoning
bag, so he is very frustrated now, and he doesn't know what to do with the bag.

But at this time, he suddenly saw the bottle of God's Spice seasoning he had drawn:
"Yes, this is not a seasoning bag, just look at the taste of adding this seasoning

Thinking like that, he quickly added a bit of freshness to the food, then poured
boiling water, and then waited for three minutes to open the instant noodles, but
he was disappointed.

I didn't expect the scene with golden light to appear. Although the instant noodles
were added with food flavoring, they could not be seen at all. It seemed to be like
noodles running with plain water without any seasonings. It was completely

"It won't work at all."

Chen Ze thought to himself that he picked up chopsticks, fed with a mouthful and
fed into his mouth, and chewed slowly.

Suddenly, two eyes opened wide:

这 "Here, what is this seasoning?"

Chapter FTLS 68: Magic food seasoning

Chen Zechen looked at this bowl of instant noodles and couldn't believe what just

Originally it was just a bag of ordinary instant noodles. It was such a magical
feeling that you could eat it. The taste was extremely smooth, but the instant
noodles were full of chewy. The vegetable bag inside made Chen Ze smell it. The
fragrance of vegetables, and the fragrance of the earth, all these together, close
your eyes as if you are in nature.

This instant noodle is the most instant instant noodle that Chen Ze has never eaten

"My God, is this a pack of three bucks, and it's unpalatable and nutritious instant

泽 Chen Ze quickly looked at the instant noodle bag that he had just thrown away.
It was indeed the type of instant noodle that he usually ate for three dollars.

"This unscientific!"

Chen Ze thought to himself, suddenly he thought of the added food seasoning. By the
way, it must be this food-eating seasoning. If you don't even have instant noodles
in a seasoning bag, you can achieve this taste by adding a little of this

Will it matter if I cook, can I just add some of this condiment? Regardless of what
you are a senior chef and a superb opponent, there is nothing that cannot be solved
with a pack of spices. If there is, then two packs!

"There is hope, this game is very promising, there are still two million won, two

Chen Ze said excitedly, and finally got rid of his bad mood from this morning.

Thinking like this, he ate two more instant noodles quickly, and the magical taste
appeared in his mouth again, which made him extremely surprised and enjoyed.
I usually feel that the instant noodles are hard to eat. Not only was he eaten up,
he drank all the soup in one bite.

"Comfortable, I can't think of instant noodles so delicious."

After eating, Chen Ze said with satisfaction that he patted his stomach and sighed.

Then he watched the Chinese food **** contest again. Just after watching the main
introduction, he was attracted by instant noodles. Now he must take a good look.

"The competition is divided into two parts: regional trials and national
competitions. The country is divided into eight regions. Each region chooses a
representative to play in a two-on-two battle. The winner of the championship is
the Chinese food god. The regional representatives are selected by each regional
organization. The trial is divided into two rounds, the preliminary and the final.
Those who win the final can become representatives of that region. "

After reading this paragraph, Chen Ze was able to understand the Chinese God of God
competition system. The regional selection contest was two rounds, and then the
eight regions of the national competition were played two or two, that is, three
rounds. In simple terms, there were five rounds The one who has won all five rounds
is the champion.

"Which region should I sign up for?"

Chen Ze thinking about this problem, he found that Yucheng is actually a place for
trials, and this national competition also happened to be held in Yucheng.

"It's great, so you don't have to go all the way to race elsewhere."

After seeing this, Chen Ze was very kind.

But immediately, he noticed the following text, which said the registration time,
the requirements and the time for the regional trials. The registration time was
only three days left. The requirement was to upload a restaurant business license.
You visit the competition on behalf of that visit, and the time for the competition
is set for next Saturday, less than a week.

"My God, the registration time is only three days, the competition time is less
than a week, and you have to get a business license. This is too fast."

泽 Chen Ze murmured to himself, knowing that from this situation, time is very
tense. But it's not just time constraints. You need a business license to register.
This proves that the person who signed up is indeed the hotel or the chef of the
hotel. Chen Ze does not have a business license now.

And he does not cook now, if you go to some big hotels to apply, those hotels will
definitely not ask him. It is not feasible to spend money to borrow the business
license of a small restaurant. This competition seems to be eligible for
investigation. If you just borrowed a restaurant license, it will also be found

Then there is only one way left, that is, Chen Ze runs a restaurant by himself and
quickly gets a business license. However, there are only three days left until the
end of the registration and less than a week from the competition. At this time, I
applied for a business license according to the early routine process. I am afraid
that the process has not been completed.
So Chen Ze fell into deep contemplation, so he didn't even have the qualification
to participate in the competition, let alone win the Chinese God of Food contest.

"By the way, I remember Yang Qi, they seem to have some background, maybe they can

Suddenly, Chen Ze thought of Yang Qi's group of people. Don't look at the poor car
skills of these people, but one by one can be regarded as the rich second
generation. After all, if you don't have money, you can't afford the car. If they
depend on them, maybe they can really get the business license in advance.

Thinking of this, Chen Ze quickly called Yang Qi: "Hey, it's me Chen Ze."

"Chen Ze? Why did you think of calling me?" Yang Qi's voice came from the other end
of the phone. He was a little strange. Normally Chen Ze would never call him.

"Yes, I plan to open a restaurant to participate in the Chinese God of Food

competition. However, the deadline for registration of the competition is
approaching, so I would like to ask if it has anything to do with you, and I can
quickly get the business license." Chen Ze Speak and talk about his problem.

"Restaurant? Participate in the Chinese God of God contest?"

奇 Yang Qi froze completely. After Chen Ze won Cao Fang last night, he had to think
that Chen Ze would definitely enter the professional car world. As a result, Chen
Ze now told him that he was going to be a cook. This is all right.

It took a long time for Yang Qi to reflect on it ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Accepted what

Chen Ze said, but with a rather unfortunate tone: "I do have some relationship with
the Administration of Industry and Commerce. The business license should be one day
It can be done, but Chen Ze, are you sure you want to be a chef? "

当然 "Of course, I will not only be a chef, but also the best chef." Chen Ze said,
confidently, "So this time, I'll trouble you."

"Okay, okay, I'll do it for you right away."

Yang Qi spoke, and after hanging up the phone, he suddenly slapped his hands a few
slaps, and then took a sip of air conditioning: "It hurts, it's not a dream. Chen
Ze, Chen Ze. He really wants to be a chef?"

Chen Ze, after finishing Yang Qi, he started looking for the place of his

He has no requirements for the place to open a restaurant, anyway, just to

participate in the competition this time, but not really want to open a restaurant,
so the smaller and cheaper the closer to where he lives, the better, the more
expensive it will lose more money.

Not to mention, according to this standard, Chen Ze really found a small rental
facade not far from his house that afternoon. The facade is very small, less than
thirty square meters, so the rent is not expensive. Chen Ze The bonuses from the
first few races and the prisoner's win are enough to pay. What's even more
wonderful is that this small facade can only be rented for two months. Just by the
end of the competition, Chen Ze didn't need to waste a penny.

The only bad thing is that a big hotel is not far from this small facade, and it is
also a very famous hotel in Yucheng, so there are no small restaurants near here,
Chen Ze is the first one.
However, Chen Ze did not plan to make money from this, so this shortcoming is not a
big deal.

完美 "Perfect, this small facade is really perfect."

Chen Ze thought to himself that he rented it out that day.

Chapter FTLS 69: Open

In the early morning, the sun just rose to the sky, and Yu Cheng was shrouded in
hazy sunlight.

Enter the street, as usual, the merchants have opened the door to start a business.

But because it's early morning, there is no business yet. However, these merchants
gathered together in twos and threes, discussing

I'm talking about something like you have eaten.

And some of them stood in front of a small facade and pointed at it:

"Have you heard that this facade was rented out, just rented out yesterday."

"No, this facade is so small, you can't open anything, and you can rent it out?
Which one is the most expensive one?"

就是 "That is, who would be stupid enough to rent this facade."

A few people spoke, discussing this facade:

"I don't know who it is, but yesterday I saw a young man come here to see the
house. The young man was very good. He had a problem with his brain. He not only
rented the facade, he even said that he would use it. Come and make a restaurant. "

After hearing this person's words, several other merchants were stunned as if they
heard something incredible:

"Meal, restaurant? This person is fine, right next to us is Jinyanhong Hotel. This
is a famous hotel in our city. Since this hotel opened, there are no other
restaurants nearby that can survive. This person will actually be there. Open a
restaurant here? "

"Yeah, my God, is this man a fool? The chef Jin Yanhong heard that this time he
will also participate in the Chinese God of Food competition. He is one of our
famous chefs in Yucheng, hoping to represent him with his strength. Let ’s enter
the national competition in Yucheng. There are people with such characters in the
hotel, and there are people here who open restaurants. This is just a joke. "

Everyone started talking and agreed that the person who rented this facade must be
a dumb fool, but they were also very interested and wanted to know who the dumb
fool rented this facade was.

So they are waiting here to see who the shop is here.

I just disappointed them. The people who rented this facade didn't come all
morning. They didn't come slowly until noon and opened the door of this facade.

"It's him, it looks good, and it doesn't look stupid. Why would you open a
restaurant here?"
"You can see by looking at his clothes. Obviously, it is not rich. It is normal to
just rent such a small facade. It is just silly to use this facade to make a

"It may be another unrealistic entrepreneur. I don't think anyone will come to eat
at this restaurant, and it won't even last a month."

Looking at this person's back, these nearby businesses said one after another.

But the young man didn't hear them, he just opened the facade and nodded with
satisfaction: "The area is ok, I don't plan to do it for a long time anyway, and
that's it, and there is a table, chairs and benches included. No need for me to buy
another. "

年轻人 This young man is Chen Ze, but the facade that the gang of merchants despise
is very good. Although there is no decoration, he does not plan to carry out any

Nevertheless, the necessary cleaning must be done, especially the facade has been
empty for several months, and the tables and chairs are dusty.

So Chen Ze took out the broom and rag, and started cleaning. He cleaned the table,
chair, bench, and all the garbage on the ground into the garbage bag. Then he went
out with the garbage bag and threw the garbage bag into the trash can next to it.

"You are the one who rents this facade."

When he returned, a nearby merchant couldn't help but spoke to Chen Ze.

"It's me, hello, my name is Chen Ze." Chen Ze nodded, "Hello."

听说 "I heard you are going to open a restaurant?" The merchant said again.

"Yeah, restaurant." Chen Ze nodded.

"I said, what do you think? There is a Jinyanhong Hotel next to it, and the chef in
it is still a famous chef in our city. I heard that people who are going to
participate in the Chinese God of God competition this time, dare to participate in
this kind of competition. People, think about his level. You are not trying to find
a way to open a restaurant here? There is no business at all. "The merchant said.

"This." Chen Ze smiled, for a moment I didn't know how to explain to this merchant,
saying that he had no intention of making money at all, but was just going to open
an empty shelf and put it here?

She must not consider herself a neurosis!

泽 Chen Ze shook his head and thought it was a bit difficult to explain.

However, the merchant went on to say, maybe she likes to teach people, or maybe she
really wanted to give Chen Ze a little advice: "I suggest you do n’t open a
restaurant, just look at your small broken facade and decorate it. No, the store is
not luxurious enough. To be honest, now everyone comes out to eat first to see if
it is not luxurious enough. The Jinyanhong Hotel next to it is similar to the Royal
Palace, and there are famous chefs who are going to participate in the Chinese God
of God competition. It is impossible to compare. No one will come to your
restaurant for dinner, let alone a rich person, even ordinary migrant workers will
not return. "

As she said, the merchant shook her head as if she had seen the end of Chen Ze's

Buzz! !! !!

At this time, a roar rang, and the merchant looked at it and saw a row of luxury
cars appearing on this street: "I go to www.mtlnovel.com ~ so many luxury cars are
rich people Ah, why did you come here? I must have eaten at Jinyanhong Hotel. "

I said, she said to Chen Ze again: "Seeing it, this is Jin Yanhong's signboard. So
many people driving luxury cars have to go to it for dinner. I think you can close
the door as soon as possible.

Ooz! !! !!

Just when the merchant's voice had just dropped, the row of luxury cars suddenly
stopped in front of her and Chen Ze, and then came down to a group of people. The
head of the person looked around and immediately saw Chen Ze: " Chen Ze, we're here
for dinner. "

He said, walking towards Chen Ze with a smile.

"I'm going? Chen Ze?"

I heard that, the merchant was stunned directly, but she still remembered that the
person in front of her was Chen Ze, and it was still a restaurant.

Suddenly, so many luxury cars and rich people came, and he even said that he would
come to eat here. This this, how is this possible!

Suddenly the merchant suddenly thought of the words she and Chen Ze had just said,
and she blushed immediately, anxious to find a place to dig into it.

I just said that this guy's restaurant will not be occupied, especially rich people
come to eat, and as a result, there are so many people driving luxury cars. It's
too fast, too.

After hearing someone calling himself, Chen Ze looked over and found out that it
was Yang Qi's group of people. He had an appointment with them today to have a meal
together. By the way, he took back Yang Qi's business license and was ready to sign
up. After they arrived, Chen Ze immediately greeted him.

But all of a sudden, he seemed to think of something. He turned to the merchant and
said, "Yeah, not only the chef of Jin Yanhong will participate in the Chinese God
of God competition, I will also participate. And, I will win this. Yucheng's
representative right next time. "

Chapter FTLS 70: Shredded pork


泽 Chen Ze walked in front of Yang Qi and drove a large signboard in Yang Qi's
hands. This signboard is not only very large in area, but also the three characters
Mei Ran Ju are also written in gold line, which looks extraordinary.

"How about, you told me yesterday that you named your store Mei Ran Ju, and then I
not only got you a business license, but I made a big signboard for you. Not bad."
Yang Qi laughed Road.

美 This sign of Meiranju is what he did after listening to Chen Ze yesterday, and
plans to give it to Chen Ze as the opening gift of Chen Ze shop today.

"The business license is here. I also deliberately brought my friends to dinner

today. They heard about you and Cao Fang, and they all worshiped you one by one."
Yang Qi said, saying he would do well. The business license was passed to Chen Ze.

Chen Ze took the business license and nodded: "Thank you so much, and thank you for
your support, just come in together."

"Well, then let's go in. Just look at what your restaurant looks like. Even
professional drivers don't do it. I think the restaurant should be very good." Yang
Qi laughed.

就是 "I heard that Chen Ze is also preparing to participate in this year's Chinese
God of Food competition. The specifications of this competition are incredible.
Those who dare to participate in this type of competition do not have two brushes
on their hands."

"Just let us have a look at your cooking skills today, and see if your car skills
are great or your cooking skills are great."

The people behind Yang Qi also laughed. Many of them were also from the Yandangshan
team. They had met Chen Ze before. After Chen Ze and Cao Fang battled one by one,
they were all confused by Chen Ze. I thought Chen Ze would definitely enter the
professional lap.

As a result, I suddenly heard that Chen Ze did not intend to be a professional

driver, but to open a restaurant and participate in the Chinese God of Food

After hearing this news, their chins almost fell on the ground, and they all knew
about the Chinese God of Food competition, which was the competition that only the
top chefs in China dared to participate in. Chen Ze actually wanted to participate
in this. Is his cooking so good?

Although everyone is hard to believe, one's car skills and cooking skills can be so
good. However, since Chen Ze dares to do so, they have to believe in Chen Ze, so
they have rushed over one by one today. The first is to congratulate Chen Ze, and
the second is to see what Chen Ze ’s cooking is like. They I'm curious how good a
culinary person can be if he has such a good car skills.

"Let's come in together, but you may be a little crowded with so many of you."

Chen Ze smiled again, saying that he was the first to walk into his restaurant.

"It's okay, how crowded we can be. We are less than ten of us."

Yang Qi laughed, before he finished speaking, his smile was frozen directly on his
face, and Chen Ze walked into a small facade of thirty or forty square meters.

门面 This facade doesn't even have any decoration, it looks shabby.

"I, sleep!"

Yang Qi was stunned. He thought that Chen Ze gave up being a professional driver to
become a chef and opened a restaurant. He must have opened a very large and
luxurious restaurant.

现在 But now, there is a big gap between the facts and his imagination.

Everyone else was stunned. They also did not expect that Chen Zekai's restaurant
was so small and so broken.

He just gave up ten million yuan for this small broken restaurant? Is there a
chance to become a professional driver?

Confused, these people walked into the restaurant. Really, as Chen Ze said,
although they were only ten people, they could hardly sit down.

帮 This group of people usually go in and out of fine restaurants. Wherever they
come to this small broken restaurant, all of them look a bit ugly.

"It's okay, this is just opened by Chen Ze, and it will definitely be expanded in
the future. Besides, a restaurant, the facade is not important, the skill of the
chef is the most important. Chen Ze's car skills are so good, I want to also It
must be very good. "Yang Qi said, facing the humanity.

"It's true that a restaurant still depends on the revenue, and what is decorated is
not important at all."

"Technology is still the first. Chen Ze dare to participate in the Chinese God of
God competition, the craft is definitely extraordinary."

"Even professional drivers don't do it, they must have considerable accomplishments
in cooking."

Everyone nodded, then turned to Chen Ze one by one, and spoke:

"Chen Ze, what are you better at doing? Will you cook French food? I like French
food best."

"What French food you eat, Chen Ze must be good at making Chinese food, otherwise
give us a Buddha jumping off the wall."

"Yes, Chen Ze, let's see what your favorite dish is."

I heard the words of everyone, Chen Ze said: "This, I will only make green pepper
shredded pork."


Everyone was stunned again and couldn't believe what Chen Ze said: "What did you

"I can only make green pepper shredded pork, I will make this for you." Chen Ze
helplessly said.


"Green pepper shredded pork, my gosh, I heard it right, Chen Ze said he would only
do this."

"Yeah, this is what we heard wrong, how can a person who is going to participate in
the Chinese God of God competition only make green pepper shreds."
"Here, this, isn't it? Only dare to open a restaurant with green pepper and
shredded pork? Or give up the tens of thousands of annual salary and run to open a
restaurant. Is this really a deep love for chefs, or is it confused?"

In the small broken restaurant of Chen Ze, Yang Qi said in succession, looking at
the busy figure of Chen Ze in the kitchen, one by one said that they were really

Ever since they knew that Chen Ze's restaurant was just here, their shock had never
stopped. Until just now, after listening to Chen Ze's words, they couldn't help it.

"I don't think Chen Ze can only make green pepper shreds. He doesn't even make
green pepper shreds. I just went in and looked at it. Doesn't it usually cut into
shreds? Chen Ze cuts a big one. It ’s a big piece, and the way of holding a spoon
does n’t look like a person who can cook. It feels like a person who has cooked a
meal or two. ”

Another humane, if his words were put before, then everyone else would sneer. A
person who even gave up ten million years of salary to become a chef, how could he
not even cook.

现在 But now, after so many shocking things, they don't think it seems impossible.
Can only make shredded green pepper, isn't it no different from not cooking?

"Here it is, ready."

At this moment, Chen Ze opened his mouth, holding out a plate of shredded pork and
then put it in front of them.

Everyone saw it and it was so. I saw that this plate of green pepper shredded pork
could not be called shredded pork. Not only is it big, but the meat has been burnt,
and one by one, it is not dark. The same is true for green peppers, which are also
dark and unappealing.

"Chen Ze, really can't cook."

Everyone looked at each other, and the idea was confirmed in their hearts.

But they still picked up the chopsticks, UU reading www.uukanshu. com hesitantly
clamped a chopstick meat and fed it into the mouth, even if it was unpalatable, but
after all, it was made by Chen Ze, and it was necessary to give Chen Ze a face.

Everyone has a pain in his face, ready to swallow it forcibly.

But after they chewed for the first time, something magic happened:

这 "Here, is this shredded pork with green peppers? The meat pieces are melted at
the entrance, and the green peppers have a three-point sweetness that complements
the meaty taste of the meat pieces."

"Oh my gosh, this dish doesn't have any sticky taste. The meat and green peppers
are combined with each other between the teeth. Instead, it has a taste of nature.
It feels like breathing in an open forest. It makes people feel vigorous."

"This dish is too delicious, how can a dish made with paste taste like this, this
is impossible."

Everyone said, one after another with a great shock on their faces. They all
thought that the shredded pork with green pepper was fried and couldn't eat it at
all. But after eating it, I realized that it was so delicious.

No, not only is it delicious, this feeling has already exceeded the green pepper
shreds, the general green pepper shreds simply cannot give people this feeling.

"It's delicious, it's delicious."

"It's delicious, it's delicious."

"It's so delicious, it's so delicious."

Everyone hurriedly grabbed the dish and kept feeding into their mouths. While
feeding, while opening the mouth, I couldn't stop at all.

I looked at everyone, Chen Ze smiled. In fact, this dish is really fried, because
he hasn't cooked for a long time.

But after adding the food seasoning, now it seems that the effect is better than he

"It looks like you can really use the God of Seasoning to carry out this Chinese
God of Competition."

Chapter FTLS 71: The first battle of Yucheng trials

Next, Chen Ze immediately shot the business license that Yang Qi helped him with
his mobile phone, uploaded it to the official website of the Chinese Food God
Contest, and then filled out his information form. Finally, before the registration
of the Chinese Food God Contest ended The registration was successful.

At this time, there were less than four days in the competition. Although there was
no business in these four days, after all, his small shop was indeed too small and
too broken, and there was Jinyanhong Hotel next to it. The customer's attention,
but Chen Ze doesn't matter, he didn't intend to make money from this small shop.

Conversely, these four days just left him to practice cooking. Yes, although there
is a food seasoning, Chen Ze felt that it would not work if he would only make a
green pepper shredded pork. He had to learn how to use other dishes.

I ca n’t say how good it is to do, at least it will do it, or even if there is a
food seasoning, there is no way to achieve results.

Therefore, in the past four days, Chen Ze downloaded a recipe of daily household
dishes on the Internet, from chopped peppers and fish heads to braised pork ribs to
mapo tofu. He has learned more than a dozen home-cooked dishes and made everything.
There is something different, at least if you test the practice of more than a
dozen dishes, there will no longer be cases where you won't even make it.

Now, he is waiting for the start of the trials in the Yucheng area of the Chinese
God of Food contest.


Jinyanhong Hotel, after cooking!

Jinyanhong Hotel is indeed one of the best hotels in the city. This chef is not
only huge, but also has all kinds of kitchen utensils. Even if it is a kitchen
knife, there are more than ten varieties, which is totally a chef's paradise.
At this moment, a man in his fifties was standing in the kitchen. He was holding a
kitchen knife in one hand and pressing a large piece of meat in the other. Hey, he
cut it with a kitchen knife.

His speed is very fast, almost like a machine, clearly under the other hand is
still just a large piece of meat, but he was cut into filaments almost instantly.

Obviously, this man's cooking skills are extremely high.

"Master Gao is so amazing. It is indeed the chef of our Jinyanhong Hotel."

"That is, as far as this knives are concerned, I don't think I can compare them in
the whole city of Yu."

"This year's Chinese Food God Contest, it looks like we must win the championship
in the Yucheng trials and enter the national competition."

Aside, several young chefs, dressed in chef uniforms, looked a little younger, and
marveled at the man's knife. In their eyes, this master is the strongest chef in
Quanyu City.

"What are you doing? Get together without work."

At this moment, the manager of Jinyanhong Hotel came in and yelled after seeing the
group of chefs together. After the group of chefs saw him, they all scattered away
in a hurry.

The manager walked into the kitchen and looked at the chefs' faces without any good
looks. When he looked at the master Gao just now, his face turned into an
incomparable smile: "Lao Gao, take a rest, too." Well, tomorrow is the first game,
don't get tired here. "

Every chef in the Chinese God of God competition has to fight on behalf of a hotel
restaurant. Therefore, it is not just the chef who is famous. The hotel behind him
will be famous all over the country. If he wins the competition, there will be
traffic and the hotel's signature value. Can at least double.

Therefore, each hotel very support their chefs to participate in this competition,
so is Jin Yanhong, not only to support this master, but also to leave him a half-
month vacation specially, let him prepare for the competition specifically, no need
to Go to work to win the game.

"No." After seeing the manager, Master Gao shook his head. "If you don't even have
this physical strength, what do you compare with other masters. Although I am
confident that my cooking skills will not be lost to anyone, but still There are a
few people who need attention, so I have to work harder. "

"Okay, Lao Gao, as long as you win this time, even as long as you win the regional
trials in Yucheng, our hotel will reward you 500,000 privately." The manager said.

"Rest assured, I will win in Yucheng." Master Gao said, looking at the kitchen
knife in his hand, "Yes, I heard that there seems to be a restaurant near our
hotel, it seems to be called Meiranju, I heard that the owner of that restaurant
will also participate in this regional trial. "

"Yes, I heard about it, but you don't need to worry about this at all." The manager
smiled. "I've seen this restaurant, it's just a small broken restaurant, and I
heard that the owner even has vegetables. I wo n’t do it, and I ’m still learning
all kinds of home-cooked food these two days. Such a person is not your opponent at
all. ”

"What? Are you still a regular scientist?" Master Gao lived. He passed by Chen Ze
when he was at work, and listened to the people next to him saying that Chen Ze
would also participate in the competition.

Although he doesn't think that Chen Ze can cause him any trouble, he is still a
little surprised to hear what the manager said. A person who signed up for the
Chinese God of Food competition is still learning to cook home-cooked food. How is
this possible!

"Yes, I've taken several people to see it. It is indeed a regular scientist, what
kind of mapo tofu and the like. Hahaha, I really don't know how such people dare to
have the courage to participate in this competition. I still do n’t know the
heights and heights, and I hurried to shame. And the broken restaurant dared to
open next to our hotel. I think that the boss has a problem in his head. "

Manager said, then waved his hand: "This dumb fool is not worthy of your opponent
at all, you don't need to pay attention to him."

"Really?" Master Gao nodded, "That's good, anyway, this person will never be my


On the next morning, Saturday morning, Chen Ze's phone rang early in the morning.
Fang Qing called.

Fang Qing also knew that he was playing today, so he made an appointment with him
specifically to watch his game. Anyway, the first game of the Chinese food ****
contest Yucheng trial was held in the banquet hall of a large hotel in Yucheng.
Regulations cannot be onlookers.

After receiving the call from Fang Qing, Chen Ze quickly got up, and after washing
for a while, he drove to pick up Fang Qing, and then came to the scene of the game.

After he arrived, Chen Ze was startled, and saw that there had been hundreds of
people at the scene, most of them were wearing chef clothes, apparently all came to
participate in this game.

Many people even carry pots and kitchen knives on their hands, and each chef's face
is excited and looking forward ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ What do they do with kitchen
knives and pots? Isn't this event all the organizers to provide such kitchenware?
Fang Qing also noticed the chefs and said.

"Some chefs are used to their own pots and kitchen knives, so I brought them here.
This makes it easier for them to show their standard." Chen Zedao, after a few days
of practice, he can be regarded as a chef. some.

"That's the case, why don't you bring anything?" Fang Qingdao.

"I do n’t have any custom kitchen utensils. I have only studied for three or four
days. It does n’t matter what I use.” Chen Ze spread his hands.


Fang Qing just remembered that Chen Ze had only learned cooking for a few days. She
had also been to Chen Ze ’s restaurant for two or three days. It was only after I
knew that Chen Ze had just learned to cook, and had studied for a few days. Dare to
participate in the competition.

Xi Fangqing really did not know where Chen Ze came from. This opponent is the best
cooking skill in Yucheng.

"Do you think you can win today? If you look at the others, they are all dressed in
chef clothes, so you wear casual clothes, which is completely unprofessional." Fang
Qing said.

当然 "Of course, I just haven't bought a chef's uniform." Chen Ze smiled, and he
seemed to see that Fang Qing questioned her somewhat.

"What bet?" Fang Qing said, she did not think that Chen Ze could win this one.

I just wanted to win this kind of game after learning three or four days. Isn't
this a joke.

"Just bet." Chen Ze thought about it, and suddenly saw Fang Qing's lips, her lips
were ruddy and rosy, and she seemed to want to take a bite.

"If I win, I kiss you, if I lose, you kiss me."


Chapter FTLS 72: Can i use my phone

Yuyu City, a banquet hall in a luxury hotel.

At the moment the banquet hall was cut into two parts by several red ropes. The
outside part gathered a lot of people. In addition to the chefs who came here to
participate in the competition wearing chef clothes, there were many outsiders,
obviously all came to see the lively.

There are dozens of stoves and kitchenware surrounded by red ropes, which are
obviously supplies for today's competition. The participating chefs showed their
admission tickets and lined up from the entrance and exit of the red rope.

"Well, isn't that the chef of Gimhae Hotel? His skill is awesome. I heard that even
the mayor is particularly fond of eating his meals, but he didn't expect to come to
the competition."

"And there, whether you are the chef of Jinlan Restaurant, he is particularly good
at Sichuan cuisine. I heard that he has studied at famous hotels all over the
country. In terms of cooking, I am afraid he is the best in our city. A batch of
them. "

"Here over there, look over there. Is that the private chef of Yanjing Restaurant?
He is the boss of Yanjing who paid for it from Modu. He heard that his annual
salary exceeds one million, even he Also come to this competition? "

Amongst the crowd, people who watched the crowd said that they all knew that this
Chinese God of Food contest would attract a lot of well-known chefs, so they came
to see the competition.

But when they came here, they knew how attractive the Chinese God of Food contest
was. It attracted all the famous chefs in Yucheng, and even some chefs who are very
famous and only serve private elite parties. Already.

Looking at this group of people over 40 years old on average, all of them are
wearing chef clothes and showing their best. Everyone stunned and felt that today's
game is good, I am afraid it will be more intense than imagined.

"Hey, look over there. That guy is so young. Is he also a participant in this

At this moment, one person opened his mouth, pointing at a humane who was standing
in the middle of the chef but not wearing a chef's uniform.

Others looked at it and saw that man was about 20 years old, not to mention that he
was n’t wearing a chef ’s clothes, and even the cooks that the chef should bring
were n’t brought, and he did n’t look like an elite chef. Look at lively people in

"Probably not. This person is so young, how can he participate in this competition,
but this is a qualifier for the Chinese God of Food. Which one dares to participate
is not a master chef who has been cooking for decades. He has just started his
career at most. It ’s just that the chef ’s men are out of the box. How could it be
possible to participate in this competition. "

就是 "That is, it should also be lively. How can there be so young to participate
in this kind of competition, and even the most basic chef uniforms are not worn, it
is impossible to come to participate."

"It's impossible, it's impossible, if he participates in this kind of competition,

he must be eliminated immediately, only a waste of time."

Everyone said that the young man could never come to participate in today's
competition. But before they finished speaking, they saw the young man at the
entrance of the red rope, handed the admission ticket to the staff of the
competition, and then entered the competition venue.

我 "I rub, here, this guy is really here for the game."

Seeing this scene, these people were stunned. I didn't expect that this young man
who didn't seem professional at all actually came to participate in the

The young man whom they talk about is Chen Ze. He is indeed the youngest player in
this competition.

After entering the playing field, Chen Ze slowly found his place. A small flag was
erected on each stove, and the small flag was written with the name of the hotel.
Chen Ze's nature is naturally beautiful.

"Meranju, Meiranju, ah, found it."

Chen Ze quickly found the small flag with Mei Ran Ju, which also found his cooktop.
He took a look. His position was in the middle of all the cooktops, not to mention
the eyes. There were various kitchen utensils on the cooktop, and there were
several kitchen knives alone. Obviously, the organizers of the competition were
very well prepared.

However, there is no ingredients. It seems that the organizer does not want the
contestants to see the ingredients in advance and know what to do today.

"I hope that the dishes prepared today will not be too difficult, otherwise it may
be dangerous to rely solely on the food of God."

泽 Chen Ze thought to himself that the food seasoning can bring out the
deliciousness of the dish, but the premise is that Chen Ze must make the dish
first, no matter how bad it is, it must be made.

If you ca n’t even make it, then the food-eating seasoning will not be of any use,
so Chen Ze studied hard these two days, hoping to learn all kinds of cooking
methods. Unfortunately, there are too many Chinese cuisines. In just a few days,
Chen Ze could never learn.

So Chen Ze now hopes that he will learn the dishes to be tested.

When Chen Ze thought about it, other chefs came in and stood on their own.

Huh! !! !! !!

A few bells rang, and the chefs all entered the field. Then the examiners of this
competition also entered the field, stood in the front, and spoke to all the chefs:
"Hello everyone, this is the Chinese food **** The contestant, Wu Min, the examiner
of the Yucheng trial, will be responsible for reviewing the two games today and
tomorrow together with me and the four beside me. "

"Wu Min, Wu Min, Wu Min of Yucheng Food Weekly", it is said that he is the most
discerning about food and has a bad temper. "

"Yeah, I can't think of him. He is the most famous foodie in Yucheng. His" Food
Weekly "is not ordinary fire. The food praised by his" Food Weekly "is all in the
city. It's a big sale, but I heard that his temper is really not very good. "

"Not only him, you see the four judges around him, they are also the chief editor
and deputy editor of the Food Weekly, and the chairman of the Food Association and
the Hotel Association. It can be said that we are the five most authoritative
people in Yucheng Food Now. "

After seeing Wu Min, people from all around said that the participating chefs were
a little moved. I did not expect that the jury's lineup would be so powerful.
Especially Wu Min, not only has a bad temper, but also has strict requirements on
food. After seeing him, many chefs with poor skills became ugly.

Chen Ze is okay, nor is he particularly confident ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ just because

he does n’t even know who Wu Min is, and there are four other judges, he does n’t
even know one, so After seeing Wu Min, I didn't feel anything at all.

"Here are the ingredients for today ’s chefs. The ingredients are cod, and the dish
to be tested today is pan-fried cod. The rules of today ’s competition are only the
top five chefs who have been approved by our five judges. I can enter the finals
tomorrow, so chefs, please speed up. Only the top five can pass, but the speed is
behind, even if you do well, there is only one way to be eliminated. "Wu Min
continued to speak.

With his words, the ingredients were distributed, and all the chefs on the scene
immediately moved anxiously, and only the top five were able to pass, so this
competition is not only about taste, but speed, so everyone thinks You can't waste
time at all, otherwise, no matter how good you are, speed is not enough.

But Chen Ze was a little dumbfounded, because he couldn't make this dish. Although
he has learned a lot of dishes, it does not include this dish at all. Do n’t say
that the cod is cooked. I have never eaten it before. How to do it?

I thought for a moment, Chen Ze raised his hand and said aloud, "Well, can I use a
cell phone?"
I heard Chen Ze's words, everyone's attention was attracted by Chen Ze, and they
didn't know what Chen Ze was going to do with his mobile phone.

"What are you doing with your phone?" Wu Min said.

那个 "I don't know how to make this dish. I want to do it on Baidu." Chen Ze said.

I heard Chen Ze's words, everyone at the scene, including all the chefs, was

I won't do it?

Do Nyima even participate in this kind of competition?

Is this right?

Chapter FTLS 73: Strict Wu Min

"Who is this, which chef doesn't even make pan-fried cod, and is coming to
participate in this competition. Isn't this a dead laugh?"

"That is, Mei Ran Ju. I have never heard of it. It must be a small roadside
restaurant. And you can see where he is so young and how good his cooking skills
are. He dared to come to participate in this kind of competition. what."

"Joke, really a big joke, I guess this guy should be a contestant who has n’t even
done food for so many years in the Chinese God of God contest."

The people around me said that after listening to Chen Ze's words, they thought it
was too funny. They didn't even make pan-fried cod and dared to come here to
compete. They didn't know the height of the sky.

And at the scene, the participating chefs all looked at Chen Ze in astonishment,
and some of them also had ridicule. Indeed, in their opinion, Chen Ze was just a
joke, and it would be ridiculous that even vegetables would not even come to
participate in this kind of competition.

However, Wu Min did not laugh. He thought about the question that Chen Ze had just
raised: "This guy actually wants to use his mobile phone to search for pan-fried
cod. This is unprecedented."

In the past, there was no chef in the Chinese God of God competition that would not
even do dishes, so naturally no one had proposed using a mobile phone. Therefore,
Chen Ze made this request for the first time, and Wu Min was in dilemma.

In principle, you ca n’t use a mobile phone for the competition exam, but there is
no clear rule for this competition, and even if the chef uses a mobile phone, it is
not cheating.

So after thinking about it, Wu Min nodded: "Allow you to use your mobile phone, but
only this time."


I heard Wu Min's words, and Chen Ze laughed. Although it could only be used once,
it was enough once. He quickly nodded his thanks, and then started searching for
pan-fried cod with his mobile phone.
The smile on his face fell into the eyes of other chefs, and everyone else shook
his head, feeling that Chen Ze could be removed from the list of competitors, and
he would not even do it. After getting permission, it would be so Glad, this is
completely impossible to be his opponent, this guy must be the cannon fodder of
today's game.

Chen Ze doesn't know what they think now, and he won't care if he knows it. He
happily searched out the practice of pan-fried cod, and then started to do it
according to the online practice:

"Rinse the cod first, then soak it in the white wine for five minutes, then mix the
oil consumption with black pepper, then put the oil in the pan and cook it to a
full maturity, then put the cod fillets in the pan Fry to high heat for thirty
seconds, then add seasoning ... "

According to the steps found on the Internet, Chen Ze slowly made this cod, but
although there is a practice, but he has not done it naturally. Chen Ze was clumsy
at first, and even used the wrong amount of various seasonings. Already.

你 "Look at the movement of that beautiful chef, clumsy, where is a little chef
like, I really don't understand what confidence he has to participate in this kind
of competition."

就是 "Yeah, look at him, you just sprinkled so much salt into it, can this thing be

"And the cod has been fried for so long, it must be fried, he dares to participate
in the game at this level, and I also admire his confidence."

Many people have been watching Chen Ze and found that Chen Ze was clumsy, even
after the materials were wrong, he shook his head and opened his mouth. It became
more and more felt that Chen Ze was exactly like today ’s cannon fodder, and it was
impossible to pass today ’s game.

But other chefs are okay. Everyone knows that today is not just about taste, but
speed, so they have focused on their own dishes.


At this moment, a person's voice sounded, and even in less than a few minutes,
someone finished the dish.

"Wow, so fast?"

"Done so soon? Who is this person?"

"My God, it's too exaggerated."

Everyone hurriedly looked at the past, including many chefs in the game, all of
them were stunned. According to the truth, it is impossible to finish this dish so
quickly, but this person finished it.

Everyone looked at it and found out that it was a man in his thirties. The hotel he
came from was completely unknown, but he actually finished it.

"Is it a dark horse?"

When I saw this man, all the people who watched thought that several people near
him were stunned. They all did only half of it, and some of them were slow or not
even half. But this guy is done.

"You're done?"

Wu Min and their five judges came to the man and said.

"Yes, it's done." The man nodded and smiled proudly.

"Well, then our tasting will begin."

民 Wu Min nodded, took the chopsticks first, clamped the cod made by the man, put
it in his mouth, and chewed slowly.

As he moved, everyone looked over and wanted to see what the man's dishes were

The other judges also nodded. With Wu Min's actions, he picked up the chopsticks
and prepared the dish.

Suddenly, Wu Min stretched out his hand, preventing the movement of the other four
people: "No more eating."

"What do you mean?"

I heard Wu Min's words, everyone was shocked.

也是 The same person who made this dish at such a fast speed also said, "So what is
my dish?"

"Let's pack up, you can go home." Wu Min said, faintly, "You are not qualified to
participate in the next game, you have been eliminated."


I heard Wu Min's words, all the onlookers were uproar, everyone did not expect that
such a result. This man first made the pan-fried cod, but it turned out to be

这 "This, what does this mean? Isn't it just as long as this dish is prepared
first? I was the first one to make it, why was I eliminated?" The man said aloud,
looking a little angry and anxious.

"You idiot." Wu Min suddenly said, "Yes, this time the requirement is to test the
speed of the chefs, but the reason why the chef is a chef is to ensure the taste of
the food. This is the first element of the chef. .It doesn't even taste, it doesn't
deserve to be called a chef. You look at your dish. In order to pursue speed, not
only the sauce is not adjusted properly, but also the cut corners are greatly cut
off during frying. The essence of cod fish. "

He said, Wu Min pointed at the man and said, "Sacrifice taste in pursuit of speed.
What qualifications do you have to be called a chef? What qualifications do you
have to participate in our competition?"

"This this!"

I heard Wu Min's words ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The man's face suddenly became

extremely ugly. He took a few steps back and fell to the ground. Obviously, he had
been hit by Wu Min's words.
"This is the case. It turned out that this man sacrificed his taste for speed. No
wonder it would be so fast. But Wu Min was really strict and eliminated him on the

"Yeah, but what he said is quite right. The first element of the chef is to ensure
the taste."

"Wu Min is too strict. When he just spoke, the aura was too strong, and it scared
the person directly."

People around me said, after hearing Wu Min's words, they admired him and felt that
he was really severe.

And the other chefs in the arena were all alert after hearing his words. Many of
them were also thinking of cutting corners to hurry up. Now after hearing Wu Min ’s
words, one by one immediately This idea was abandoned immediately. Some chefs even
dumped half of the dishes and made them again.

The game really started from this time.

"Stir fry for a minute and a half, and then pour sauce ..." At this time, Chen Ze
was still facing the mobile phone and continued to cook this dish. However, because
he was unfamiliar with the dish, he often made mistakes, either adding more salt or
other seasonings, or frying for too long.

I do n’t need to taste Chen Ze to know that this dish will not taste good. If Wu
Min is examined in this way, I am afraid that he will be sprayed even worse than
that person.

"It's okay, but fortunately there is the food seasoning, adding the flavor will
become better." Chen Ze thought.

"I have done."

At this moment, another voice came over, and another person prepared the dish.

Chapter FTLS 74: Li Qifeng

"I have done."

But at this moment, another voice reached Chen Ze's ear, but Chen Ze did not intend
to ignore the voice, but at this time, a deafening cheer came from the sidelines:

"Finally, you are the fastest, Qifeng is the best."

"Hahaha, first, first, this game must be our Qifeng win."

"Qifeng is the first, and he will definitely win this game."

Chen Ze looked up, and saw a group of girls in their twenties cheering, as if
cheering for the chef just now.

"No way."

泽 Chen Ze thought to himself that he quickly looked up at the voice just now. So
many girls are like stars, what kind of chef is this.
He looked up in the past, and saw a man in a chef's suit, probably no more than 25
years old, with a tall, straight-looking, handsome man who raised his hand, just
what he said.

"So handsome."

After seeing this chef, Chen Ze thought to himself. He looked at the chef next to
him, the same chef's clothes, and several chefs near him were dressed like gangs.
And he actually wore a strong suit, no wonder there are so many female fans outside
the field.

"It really is Li Qifeng, and it really was done by him first, hateful."

"Li Qifeng is known as a genius among geniuses. He is obviously a second-generation

rich man, but he has been interested in cooking since he was a child. Although he
is young, he is very good at cooking. It can be said that we are the top chefs in
Yucheng. And not even one. "

"It's awesome. Li Qifeng must have passed. He is different from the previous one.
If he is not sure, he will never say he is done."

The chefs around had a lot of discussions. Obviously this Li Qifeng was very
famous. Each of them knew him, and when he mentioned him, his face was full of
jealousy or unwillingness or admiration. When he heard the words around him, Chen
Ze then realized that the original person was called Li Qifeng, and it seemed that
he was one of the most famous chefs in Yucheng.

He looked at the female fans of Li Qifeng on the sidelines, no wonder, it is no

surprise that such a famous character has such a fan group.

While Chen Ze thought, Wu Min and they came to Li Qifeng and said, "Are you sure
you're done?"

"OK, please review." Li Qifeng said.

"Okay, the audit begins."

Wu Min nodded, then five people picked up chopsticks and prepared the dish of Li
Qifeng, but all of a sudden they were choked because the pan-fried cod in front of
them looked very beautiful.

No, it can't be said to be beautiful, or even beautiful. It's just an art-like

appearance. It's just food, but it looks so perfect. It's golden, and with various
accessories, people can't even give birth. Destroy and keep it in your heart.

For a while, Wu Min couldn't even get chopsticks.

"What's wrong, everyone?" At this time, Li Qifeng said.

"No, nothing."

Wu Min and they shook their heads quickly, but were extremely surprised in their
hearts. Although they have all heard of Li Qifeng's cooking, no one has really
eaten it, and now they are completely conquered after seeing it.

厨 Cooking such a beautiful appearance in such a short time, the cooking skills are
simply terrible.

In Wu Min's mind, they immediately looked forward to the taste of this dish. Then,
he picked up the chopsticks one by one, put a part in his mouth, and chewed slowly.

I started okay. I didn't feel anything special. But immediately, everyone changed

这 "This, this, this taste, the pan-fried cod is so delicious."

"Frying just right, the outer skin of the cod is very crispy, and with a special
sauce, the mouth is melted, so that the taste of the cod slowly expands from the
mouth to the whole body. It is really delicious.

"It's delicious. I didn't expect the pan-fried cod to be so delicious, as if it

were a seafood meal. With my eyes closed, I can even feel the sea."

Several judges said that everyone was thoroughly shaken by Li Qifeng's dish. I did
not expect that in addition to being so beautiful in appearance, they even tasted
better than the appearance and shocked them even more.

快 "Look, look, the expressions on the faces of those judges are like some
delicious taste on earth. Li Qifeng is really amazing."

"There is also Wu Min, such a strict person, and now his face also shows an
intoxicated look. Sure enough, Li Qifeng may be the best chef in Yucheng."

"Li Qifeng, it's really amazing, but there is such a culinary skill at such a young
age, I can hardly imagine it."

Outside the market, after seeing the expressions on the faces of several judges,
the crowd said one after another.

They have all heard of Li Qifeng's name, and they also know that Li Qifeng is known
as the genius among geniuses and the best chef in Yucheng. However, they don't
believe this name. Li Qifeng is still too young. Maybe he has good cooking skills,
but how could he be the first in Yucheng.

But now Li Qifeng is using the fastest speed to make the best dishes, and all of
them have shocked everyone and let everyone know that I am afraid that Li Qifeng's
cooking is really not good.

He may really be the best chef in Yucheng. This time, he is the most likely person
to represent Yucheng in the national competition.

Finally, the judges also announced as everyone imagined that Li Qifeng, the first
reader of UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com, passed today's exam and entered the final of
tomorrow's Yucheng trial.

"Great, Qifeng you are really the strongest."

"Qifeng, this time you must participate in the national competition."

"Not only the national competition, but also the Chinese God of Food this time you
must win."

Li Qifeng's fans shouted, and other onlookers also admired Li Qifeng from the
bottom of his heart, and felt that he was indeed the person most likely to
represent Yu Cheng and participate in the national competition.

Suddenly, the chefs in the field anxious one by one after seeing Li Qifeng's
passing, and quickly speeded up.
"I have done."

"I finished."

"I'm done."

"I'm ready."

Continuous people have announced their own completion, some have passed the review,
and some have failed.

However, in the end, three more people passed the audit, all of whom are very
famous chefs in Yucheng.

There is only one place left.

"Fast and fast, then pour this sauce and sprinkle with the food seasoning."

Chen Ze also speeded up, and compared with others, he did not need to take care of
the taste at all. So although he wanted Baidu, he was faster than most people.
After pouring sauce and sprinkled with the food seasoning, he immediately raised
his hand: "I'm done."

"I finished."

At this moment, a voice came from the other side, and another chef and Chen Ze
finished the dish together.

Chen Ze looked over and found that the small flag on the cooker's stove was written
with the words Jin Yanhong, which turned out to be the chef next to his restaurant,
the Jin Yanhong Hotel.

"Jin Yanhong's chef."

Chapter FTLS 75: Strange sales but excellent taste

"I rely on these two people to do it at the same time? So how to check, who is the
first to complete?"

"It's very simple. This situation should be the review of two people's dishes
together, and choose the better one."

"That beautiful person is finished. His opponent is Jin Yanhong's master. Master is
a well-known chef in our city. When it comes to cooking, I am afraid that he is not
under Li Qifeng. ? "

就是 "Yeah, but he can never pass even without Master Gao. If you think about it,
he won't even make this dish. He just learned it temporarily. How can it pass Wu
Min's review, it is impossible."

"It's true that Mei Ranju has never heard of it. It seems that the main point now
is whether Master Jin Yanhong can pass."

Outside the market, everyone said, everyone saw Chen Ze and Jin Yanhong's chef
raised their hands together, so they talked about it. In their minds, Chen Ze lost
this time. How can a chef who can't even cook be comparable to Jin Yanhong's chef.
"It turned out to be this guy. I was shocked just now. I was afraid of a strong
opponent. If he is this guy, there is no problem. A chef who is still learning how
Mapo tofu is made these two days is impossible. It's Lao Gao's opponent. "

Outside the field, the manager of Jin Yanhong thought that because this competition
was very important, and even related to whether Jin Yanhong could go further, not
only the master came to the competition, but even the manager came to the scene.

Just when the manager heard that someone and their hotel chef had done it together,
he was shocked. When he saw that he was the chef of the small restaurant next door,
the hanging heart was immediately put down. How could this chef be? Lao Gao's

On the other side, Fang Qing was extremely nervous. Although she said that she
didn't think Chen Ze could win, she saw that Chen Ze had such a strong opponent, so
she sweated heavily for Chen Ze.

既然 "Since the two of you are done at the same time, then come up together and let
us review at the same time."

At this time, Wu Min spoke, and as expected, Chen Ze and Master Gao brought the
pan-fried cod they cooked at the same time for their review.

I heard Wu Min's words, Chen Ze and Master Gao nodded, and took the dish and walked
in front of Wu Min's five of them. Then, they put the dish in front of them and
exposed it to the public.

When I saw the dishes of the two, the crowd first stunned, and then a deafening
laugh burst out:

"Hahaha, what kind of dish is this, why is it so ugly? This beautiful chef is too
confident, so dare to bring such an ugly dish."

"It ’s so ridiculous. I said how he made it so fast. It turned out to be a

slapstick. He actually fry the fish like this. It ’s too funny. Look at the food
made by Master Jin Yanhong Gao. This The contrast is too strong. "

"Did he come to make trouble on purpose? It's like this, and he's so embarrassed to
say that he's done, funny, it's too funny."

Everyone laughed, all laughing at Chen Ze. It turned out that Chen Ze's pan-fried
cod was very poorly sold. Although there was no paste, both the color and flavor
were much worse than those of other well-made chefs, especially the one made by
Master Jin Yanhong. Than, it is completely impossible to see.

I remembered that Chen Ze said he wouldn't do it before. If they wanted Baidu, they
all thought that Chen Ze was totally funny today. They dare to bring up this dish.
This courage is too much.

The master Gao next to Chen Ze, after seeing Chen Zecai's appearance, also showed a
hint of smirk. He did not put Chen Ze in his eyes from the beginning, and now it
turns out that this is indeed the case.

Wu Min's several judges were also stunned, and there was no idea that someone would
make the dish like this: "This is this."

They don't know what to say. Even the first one who sacrificed the taste for the
sake of progress, the appearance is not ugly. Chen Ze actually did this, Wu Min and
they all felt that there was really no one.
"Now the review begins, first from the start of Master Jin Yanhong Gao." Wu Min
spoke, and began the last review of the quota.

They looked at Master Gao's dishes, and saw that the dish fried by Master Gao was
golden and translucent, extremely delicate, and full of aroma, which made people
seem to have an appetite.

"Okay, it ’s a master dish you made. It looks appetizing just by its appearance."
One judge said, the other judges nodded, and everyone picked up chopsticks. Take a
bite to feed into the mouth, and then chew it carefully:

好 "Okay, crispy but not crispy. The frying is just right. This control ability is
really great."

"Not only is it fried well, the crust of the outer skin and the tenderness of the
fish meat inside are perfectly combined, and then it is served with a special
sauce, which makes people taste really endless.

"It's so delicious. This dish is really delicious. It's so delicious."

A few judges said, while praising Master Gao's dishes, an intoxicated expression
appeared on his face, and they seemed to be convinced by Master Gao's dish.

Seeing the appearance of the judges, Master Gao and Jin Yanhong's manager showed a
proud look, while others around him also spoke in succession:

"It looks really delicious, and I really want to take a bite."

"Sure enough, Jin Yanhong's chef is not ordinary. The last place to enter the
finals seems to be his."

"Master Gao is Master Gao, and the cooking skills are really good. The person next
to him who lives beautifully is far worse than him, it is not an order of magnitude
at all."

I looked at the judges and heard what the judges said. They all knew that the
master of Jin Yanhong this time was a winner.

After eating Master Gao's dishes, several judges wiped their mouths and turned to
Chen Ze's side, but they choked after picking up chopsticks. Chen Ze's cod looked
unpalatable, especially After tasting Master Gao, I feel even more so.

In the end, there was no way. Each of the five judges clipped a small piece, and
fed it into his mouth, as if to complete the task quickly, and his face was barely
and uncomfortable.

"Look at the look and know that this beautiful chef is losing."

"I do n’t know where he came from so confident. I just dare to join us in this kind
of cooking. I think my cooking is better than him. At least I can make a scent. The
words "color and fragrance" come out. "

"Joke, from today on, this Meiranju really becomes a joke."

Seeing the appearance of the judges ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ People from all around
watched again and again, everyone was waiting to see the judges, especially how Wu
Min would scold Chen Ze, and made the dishes like this, they all felt strictly
strict Wu Min, I'm afraid that Chen Ze will be sprayed for nothing, and the dog
blood that Mei Ranju is also degraded.

哐 Dang!

At this moment, a voice came over, and everyone quickly looked at it. It turned out
that the chopsticks of a judge fell to the ground, but then everyone was stunned by
the sight in front of them.

I saw five judges at this time, and the painful expression on his face was swept
away, replaced by incomparable shock and enjoyment, as if he was trying something
delicious on earth.

怎 "How, how can it be, how can a dish with such a poor sale have such a taste."

"The cod skin and the fish inside blend with each other, which seems extremely
ugly, but the miraculous burst of hair is beyond the unimaginable deliciousness,
how can this be done?

"Oh my God, how is it possible that pan-fried cod, pan-fried cod can be so
delicious? The appearance is very poor, but the taste is wonderful!"

The judges all said, one after another, the shock and enjoyment on their faces were
extremely shocking. Chen Ze's dish was not only unpalatable, it was so delicious.
And enjoyment is that this dish has such a taste.

It's so delicious, they can't even hold chopsticks. Immediately, they reminded them
of another dish, stinky tofu, which is also such a dish. It sells strangely but is
particularly delicious.

"It's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious."

Twenty-five judges spoke not only to taste this dish, but also to start eating it.
This has never happened in their review today.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked!

Chapter FTLS 76: Won game 1

"I depend, what is the case, can it still be so delicious?"

"True and fake, can you still eat it like this? Can it still be so delicious?"

"It's impossible, isn't the chef in Meiranju doing a mobile search and then selling
it so badly? How could it still be so delicious?"

Seeing the appearance of the judges, everyone said that everyone felt it was too
fake, it was obviously ugly to look like this, but looking at the expression of the
judges, it was like eating some amazing food, totally unable to control themselves.

Just now they have eaten Master Jin Yanhong Gao ’s dishes and they are considered
to be very delicious, but compared with the present look, they are not at the same

More importantly, this guy's dishes have TM color and fragrance, which doesn't
touch any of them, so it can be so delicious?

Although everyone feels fake, everyone knows that this group of judges will not
fake, especially Wu Min, as the city's most famous food expert, how can it be fake
for a restaurant and chef who do n’t know where to come from Already.

There is only one possibility. This dish that looks bad is really delicious. If
this is the case, then the beautiful chef in front of me will not cook at all, and
will not make this pan-fried cod. He also requires a mobile phone to search for

靠 "Fuck, it turned out that this guy was pretending to be such a powerful chef."

At last, everyone looked at Chen Ze, and one after another thought that Chen Ze was
regarded as the kind of chef with unpredictable cooking skills.

To the side, the manager of Jinyanhong Hotel and the master in the field were both
stunned, and they had no idea that this would be the result in the end.

The original goal was to defeat Li Qifeng, win the right to represent Yu Cheng this
time, and even win the final victory of the game, and get the title of Chinese God
of Food.

Therefore, they did not look at anyone at all, especially Chen Ze, who lived next
door to them. They all felt that he was just a cannon fodder and a joke, and would
not have any impact on themselves.

But now, cannon fodder and jokes have won themselves, how can this be
possible! !! !! !!

"How is it possible, how is it possible!"

Wu Jinyanhong's manager said that there was no way to accept this fact.

Suddenly, the master in the field has an unpredictable complexion, and obviously
feels very bad.

"Both dishes have been reviewed. Following the unanimous approval of our judges,
the winner of this last place is selected, this person is!" Finally, Wu Min said,
preparing to announce the winner of this first game.

泽 The winner of the first game is naturally Chen Ze.

At that moment, the master of Jinyanhong Hotel suddenly said, "Wait, I have
something to say."

知道 He knows that in the current situation, he is losing.

However, he definitely does not want to lose here.

"I definitely don't think how delicious a good-looking pan-fried cod can be. If the
boy wins this time, I can't accept it." Master Gao directly questioned the result.

"Do you think your dishes are better than hiss?" Wu Min said, looking at Master

"Yes, this guy's dish is not even cooked. How could it be delicious, several
judges, and your performance was just too exaggerated." Master Gao said, but only a
few judges wanted to Chen Ze will be sent to the finals.

When I heard Master Gao's words, the people around me suddenly burst into an
uproar. Although they were also very strange, they thought that Chen Ze's dishes
might not be delicious. However, after reviewing Wu Min and four other authority
figures, they did not suspect anything. Now I heard Master Gao's words, one by one
began to discuss.

"Yes, I also think that the beautiful boy's cooking should not be so delicious, but
it obviously doesn't look good, how can it be delicious."

"Is this the final result a little bit problematic? That beautiful dish looks so

"This is really a problem, and dishes with all colors and flavors are delicious.
This should be common sense."

Everyone whispered and talked.

"Okay, I'll answer your question below." After hearing the words of Master Gao and
others around him, Wu Min said, "This answer is very simple. If you taste it, you
will know if we just lied. "

Wu said, Wu Min pushed the last remaining Chen Ze's dishes to Master Gao.

"Try it? Try it, try it."

Master Gao nodded, he wished he could taste it for himself. Then he picked up the
chopsticks, put a piece of meat in his mouth, and chewed: "How can such a dish be
delicious, this is simply not possible!"

He hadn't finished talking, and suddenly he was totally in place, as if suspended,

and as if he saw something absolutely incredible:

"How could it be, how could it be so delicious. Obviously it's so poorly sold, but
the fish inside is still so tender, it even feels like eating the tongue. This is
this, this is how this is possible, this how is this possible!"

Master Gao Gao completely choked, and even some of them were in tears. Chen Ze's
dish is beyond his imagination. In his impression, the dish that is mashed out is
definitely not delicious.

现在 But now, this dish is so delicious. Master Gao knows that he did lose this
time, convinced!

"I lost!"

Finally, Master Gao said, and acknowledged the fact.

Hearing Master Gao's words, Wu Min nodded with satisfaction: "You understand it."
As he said, he looked at the crowd. "I announce that the winner of this last place
is from Meiranju Representative, Chen Ze! "

Hearing Wu Min ’s words, the scene boiled directly. The other four people who
passed the pass, such as Li Qifeng, were all famous chefs in Yucheng. Passing the
pass will not surprise them ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and now, the fifth Personally, he
is not the equally famous chef of Jin Yanhong, but a young chef who does not know
which small restaurant, even younger than Li Qifeng. This naturally, directly
shakes the audience:

"Won, the beautiful Chen Ze who actually lived won, master Gao."

"It's hard to imagine, Master Gao lost to such a person, where did this Chen Ze and
this Mei Ranju come from? Why suddenly we have such a master chef in Yucheng?"
"Positive and Master PK, and let Master Gao lose the convincing orally, this
beautiful Chen Ze is really too powerful, too powerful."

Everyone started talking and talking, and finally cheered and applauded directly
for Chen Ze.

Not only the chefs, but the four chefs represented by Li Qifeng who passed the
competition, after hearing Wu Min's words, they all looked at Chen Ze one by one,
and narrowed their eyes one by one: "Meranju? Chen Ze? It will be interesting
tomorrow. "

Chen Ze himself, after hearing Wu Min's words, was extremely excited and happy, and
wanted to laugh out loud. Although it is only the first step, it is still far from
winning the title of Chinese food god, but this first step is enough to make him

He quickly looked at Fang Qing and wanted the other side to make a victory gesture.
Before he could find it, he heard Wu Min say again: "Since all five people have
been selected, today's game is over. Yu Cheng The final of the regional trials will
be tomorrow, at the same time and place, and I announce the content of tomorrow's
competition. The content of the competition is: Knife! "

"What? Knife?"

Hearing Wu Min's words, Chen Ze was dumbfounded.

The trowel? I don't know any knives at all! !! !! !!

Chapter FTLS 77: Merchants are stunned

"My God, have you heard? Today, in the trials of Chinese food gods in our Yucheng
area, the chef of Jinyanhong Hotel lost to an unknown chef."

"How is it possible? No, I have tasted Master Gao's craftsmanship. That's a must.
He lost? He lost to an unknown chef? How is this possible?"

"It's true. He and the unknown chef reviewed it at the same time. As a result, the
chef passed him to the PK with the same dish, and he really lost."

"My God, it's really hard to imagine."

After this first game, the result of the game was passed on in the Yucheng food
circle. Shortlistings by Li Qifeng and others were very normal. Everyone had
expected it before this game, but Master Jin Yanhong is also the predicted
finalist, and may even represent Yu Cheng in the national competition.

But now the news came back. Such a person even lost in the first game, or was given
a positive PK, or a chef who has never heard of it in the past. Everyone stayed,
completely shocked. shocked.

很多 Many of you have tried Master Gao's craft. They think that everyone in Yucheng
except Li Qifeng has absolutely no strength to beat Master Gao.

I am now defeated by an unknown chef. Everyone is really unacceptable.

Everyone immediately became interested in this unknown chef. Where did he come
from? He used to work in that restaurant and where he works now, all of which have
become hot topics in Yucheng's food circle.
Soon, news came about the unknown chef. This guy's name is Chen Ze. Now he works in
a place called Meiranju. The most important thing is that he used to look like a
taxi driver!

When I heard the first two news, everyone didn't feel anything, they just
remembered the words Chen Ze and Mei Ranju, but when they heard the third one,
everyone was holding back. Already.

Driver, driver?

Nima is right, a taxi driver actually defeated Master Gao, or it was a positive
victory. This, this, this is simply impossible, how is this possible!

Everyone was stunned. For a while, everyone became very interested in Chen Ze and
his beauty, and all of them planned to go to Chen Ze's place of work.

At the same time, because there is no business on a street in Yucheng, several

merchants are surrounded by each other, pointing at the seeds while pointing at

"Have you all heard that this beautiful Ranju boss is the young man, this morning
really went to participate in the trial of the Chinese God of Food in our Yucheng

"Really? This young man is really brave enough. He doesn't even look at the chefs
who dare to participate in that kind of competition. Even he dares to participate.
In the past few days, he has opened a business. No. By the way, what was the end
result? "

"Who knows this, but it must have been eliminated. Do you think about the chefs who
participated in the competition? They are all our best chefs in Yucheng. Whatever
he is, he must be eliminated when he goes. "

也是 "Also, how can this guy have the ability to participate in this kind of

The merchants laughed, but these days, Chen Ze's shop has become a joke on this

I actually dared to open a restaurant near Jin Yanhong, just to death. And the fact
is exactly the same. This beauty has been open for several days, but there is no
single business. It has completely become a joke of nearby businesses, and Chen Ze
has naturally become the second fool in the hearts of everyone. Lose the fool.

"Hey, I said Sister Mei, why don't you say a few words, I remember that the
beautiful boss came that day, didn't you say the most powerful thing? Why now I
heard that the boss was foolish to participate in that kind of competition But you
didn't react at all. "

At this time, one of the merchants faced the other.

Another person, this sister Mei, just smiled bitterly after hearing her words. Chen
Ze left her impression on the first day of the store is too deep, obviously the
owner of this small shop, but there are such a group of friends.

In this case, no matter if Chen Ze is stupid or not, it is not her fault to

participate in this game, it is not caused by her. Naturally, she does not dare to
comment casually.
"You guys, it's better not to chew the tongue at the back of others casually."
Finally, Mei Mei said.

"What's the matter, this beautiful Ranju boss is the one who opened such a small
shop, and I'm afraid of him."

就是 "That is, let's say we are telling the truth. He went to participate in this
kind of competition to humiliate himself. Sister Mei, you don't think he can win."

"Hahaha, how could she possibly win, he must be the worst loser."

Everyone started talking and laughed at Chen Ze again. They absolutely did not
believe that Chen Ze could win today's game.


I just heard the crowd's voice, and suddenly there was a sound from outside. These
merchants looked outside, and there were several people standing directly outside,
all of them looked at them.

"Hello, hello, is there anything?" The merchants replied ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ This

is the case. Is there a restaurant called Meiranju nearby? We are all looking for
this restaurant . "The people outside said.

"What?" The businessmen were stunned when they heard what the outside man said,
"Beauty, Meiranju? Are you looking for Meiranju?"

Since the opening of Meimeiju, there has been no single business, so I suddenly saw
that so many people were looking for it, and these few merchants could not
understand it at all.

"Yes, Meiranju." A few people outside nodded. "The owner of Meiranju won today's
game, or the chef of Jin Yanhong who is a steel winner, so we all want to visit
this restaurant. Taste the craftsmanship of this boss. Even Chef Gao is not an
opponent's cooking, I think it will be delicious.

He said, the expressions of anticipation appeared on the faces of these people.

"Beautiful, Meiranju won today's game? Or Jin Yanhong's high chef?"

I heard the words of outsiders, and several merchants were shocked. I was still
laughing at Mei Ranju and Chen Ze for being overwhelmed. If they dare to
participate in this kind of competition, they will lose miserably without any

现在 But now, he was beaten immediately.

This, this is totally unacceptable.

A few merchants immediately wanted to say something, and wanted to say if you were
mistaken, then it was beautiful to live in that broken shop, that boss, how could
it win the game today. But they have n’t waited for them to speak, and a voice came
again: "Hello, may I ask, is there a restaurant called Meiranju near here? The boss
in it won today's game. All of us want to Taste his craft. "

I was actually a wave of people who came to Chen Ze and wanted to taste Chen Ze's
cooking skills.

Hearing what they said, all these merchants were shocked.

Chapter FTLS 78: Meiran is on fire
Chen Meiran was inside, Chen Ze held a kitchen knife, thinking about what Wu Min
said at the end of the game.

Tomorrow's battle will require a knife test, even a knife test.

If it's just a taste, Chen Ze knows that he can still rely on the God of Food
seasoning and confuse it like today. But tomorrow it will be a knifeman. If this is
the case, it will be troublesome. Chen Ze will not use a knife at all.

Chen Ze thought that when he cut a green pepper and shredded pork, he shredded the
pork into pieces of meat. Although he didn't know what it was going to be tomorrow,
as long as he was better than a knifeman, he felt he couldn't win.

Therefore he is in a dilemma now. He returns to the shop and prepares for a

temporary stance, and tries to improve the knifework in a short time.

I thought so. He took out a few radishes and planned to carve a few radishes for a


As soon as Xi carved it twice, Chen Ze took a breath and his knife cut his hand

"I depend, this knife is too difficult, without a few years of practice, it is
impossible to practice in full swing."

泽 Chen Ze murmured, I felt that it was only for a night to hold the Buddha's feet,
I am afraid that there is no way to promote the knifeman to the point where he can
compete with a chef like Li Qifeng tomorrow.

Thinking like this, Chen Ze was a little discouraged, and threw the kitchen knife
directly on the cutting board, sitting down and resting. While resting, he also
opened the system and wanted to see how much popularity he has gained today.

"There should be at least twenty or thirty, there are quite a few people going to
the scene today."

As he opened, Chen Ze muttered in his mouth. According to the previous driver's

increase, it should be able to increase to 100 a week at the beginning, which is
enough for the first draw. However, there were quite a lot of people watching this
morning's game. Chen Ze felt that the popularity should have risen a lot. It may be
possible to draw again in less than a week.

However, tomorrow is the final battle of the Yucheng trials. I am afraid this
lottery is too late.

I opened it for a look, and Chen Ze held on directly. I saw that his popularity had
already reached 52. It was just a race in the morning and it went up by 52, much
faster than the previous driver.

这 "Here, system, why is it rising so fast?" Chen Ze stunned and asked quickly.

宿主 "Host, this is because your race in the morning attracts more attention than
the driver before, and the rate of rise is naturally faster." The system said.
After hearing it, Chen Ze responded: "Yes, although the morning race was only the
first trial of the trial, not many people paid attention, but it has already been
much more than when it was racing before. After all, racing is just an extreme
Niche activities, and this race is much more popular. Not to mention, the food race
car is even more attractive. "

Thinking of this, Chen Ze was happy in his heart, and suddenly rose to fifty-two,
so maybe, maybe tomorrow, it can really rise to one hundred, enough for the first

If that's the case, wouldn't it be okay if I could get a skill related to the

Thinking of this possibility, Chen Ze quickly asked: "System, how many knives are
there in the skills of the chef?"

有 "Yes, and there are many types of knives, gorgeous, bold, rough and mad, as well
as different knives for different ingredients. Of course, there are the most
powerful, food knives!" System Road.

"God knife?" Chen Ze said.

"Yes, the God of Knives and Knives, and practicing God of Knives, is equivalent to
getting God's ability to hold a kitchen knife." The system opens.

"That's great. In this case, wouldn't it be the most likely to get a knife, no
matter which one, it must be much better than my current knife, anyway, it's too
good." Chen heard the system, Chen Ze smiled thoroughly and felt that there was
hope for tomorrow's game.

The most important thing right now is to increase your popularity.

"So, what should I do?"

Chen Ze thought to himself that he hadn't waited for him to come up with any ideas.
Suddenly there were footsteps and talking voices, and then a group of people came
in, "Excuse me, is this Meiranju?"


Chen Chen came out of the kitchen, and some of them were choked. I saw a group of
people walking in, and it seemed that they were here for dinner. His store has been
open for the past few days, but no one has come to eat.

"It's him, it's him. Today, the master of the game PK lost Jin Yanhong's master,
and the dish he made made a big splash in the audience. It was Chen Ze." At this
time, a person in the crowd pointed at Chen. Ze shouted, as if very surprised.

Hearing what he said, everyone else was cheering, excited and admired, looking at
Chen Ze:

"Hello, we are here for dinner. Excuse me, you are the one who defeated Master Gao
in the Yucheng Trial of the Chinese God of Food contest today."

"We have all heard of you. You actually defeated Master Gao directly. It is too
great. We came here specifically."

"Hello, we came here for dinner. I just wanted to try the pan-fried cod you made

Many people said in succession that after hearing what they said, Chen Ze came to
understand. It turned out that these people had heard about their own game today,
and heard that they had arrived.

Looking at their faces of worship and anticipation, Chen Ze suddenly came up with a
good idea: "Yes, as long as my small shop has a good business and high popularity,
isn't that just increasing popularity? Isn't it from the first draw With less than
50 popularity points, even if UU reads www.uukanshu.com tomorrow, it may be too
late. "

Chen Ze was completely excited. Looking at this group of people was as if he saw
his popularity. He quickly started bragging: "Come in, come in, come in, yes, it's
me. The person who defeated Jin Yanhong today is me. "

"It really is you. I didn't expect us to have a character like you in Yucheng. The
cooking skills are so good but the reputation is not obvious at all, and the shot
is a blockbuster. It is too great."

"You are so amazing, even Master Gao is not your opponent. Our group of people like
food, but I have never heard of you in the past."

"You can beat Master Jin Yanhong at such a young age, maybe you can still win
tomorrow's game this time, and play for Yucheng on our behalf."

Those people said one after another, worshiping and admiring Chen Ze. They also
said that they wanted to taste the dishes that Chen Ze made in the game today.

Chen Ze nodded naturally, but immediately found out that there were no food in his
shop. This group of food seems to have realized this possibility long ago, and he
came with the food and told Chen Ze to let him do it, and the money was still paid.

Chen Ze naturally agreed immediately, and can get money and earn popularity, there
is no more cost-effective than this.

I haven't waited for Chen Ze's action, but a group of people came from the shop.
Like the previous batch, they came here to hear the news. I wanted to taste Chen
Ze's cooking skills.

Chen Ze naturally let them sit down, and soon came the third and fourth batches.
This small shop until Chen Ze could not sit anymore, and people lined up to the old

I can say that, although it was only a match, Chen Ze's beauty was a bit of a fire.

Chapter FTLS 79: Yeah, my hand hurts again

"Boss, I'll get another one."

"Boss, I want one too."

"Boss, give us three copies."

"Boss, why haven't we got here yet?"

Yan Meiran was inside, the voices were one after another, and the voices of
customers were everywhere.
"I'm coming."

Chen Ze stood in the kitchen and responded aloud. He continued to cook the dish he
made during the game today.

When I saw so many guests at the beginning, to be honest, Chen Ze was still very
happy. I felt that the popularity would be okay if there were so many people, but
he was too busy to find that he was alone. come.

I'm already busy becoming a dog, but the sound of ordering and urging him outside
is still getting louder.

"If only there was a helper."

泽 Chen Ze thought to himself, because this store will not be open for long, so
Chen Ze did not intend to invite people, after all, if he asked someone to fire
someone for two or three months, he was really irresponsible.

And Chen Ze also felt that he was completely busy, anyway, the shop would not have
any good business.

A few days ago, things were indeed developing according to his imagination, but
today, Chen Ze found that he was really tired enough: "If only one person could

He was in a hurry, and he made a few more pan-fried cod, then took it out and put
it in front of several customers.

"Chen Ze, I'm here. Why is your business so good today?"

Suddenly came in alone, it was Fang Qing. After the game was over in the morning,
she was called away temporarily by the police station. The two had an appointment
to meet in Meiranju in the afternoon, so Fang Qing came over.

As soon as she came, she was startled. There are usually no restaurants. So many
people have come here now. This, this is usually come by myself, is that small
restaurant with a messy business?

"You are here at last, and I have finally given you hope." After seeing Fang Qing,
Chen Ze was overjoyed and said quickly, "Hurry up, I will leave the dishes to you,
I ca n’t be too busy. That's up to you. "

He said, Chen Ze put a few dishes in his hands on Fang Qing's hands.


Qi Fangqing stopped, she didn't expect it to happen at all, but looked around and
thought about Chen Ze's words just now, she nodded, "Relief, just leave it to me."

Speaking, Fang Qing and Chen Ze were busy together. This was a busy time until the
evening. The two were really tired and could not move. This was the end of today's
business. Waiting for a large number of guests.

"Exhausted, I didn't expect to be so tired to be a restaurant."

Chen Ze said, sitting on a bench.

"Yeah, I'm so tired. I didn't expect that your restaurant business would be so good
because of a game." Fang nodded and sat on the other bench. "Yes, you're not saying
you Are you practicing knife work today? This has been busy these things again,
don't you practice? "

这个 "This, haha, wait for dinner to start." Chen Ze said, in fact, he was trying
to say that he was practicing, increasing people's popularity, and picking a knife
was better than anything.

He said, Chen Ze was also hungry. He estimated that Fang Qing must also be hungry,
so he went out to the kitchen again, made some leftover vegetables and rice, made
dinner, and ate with Fang Qing. Naturally, the dinner with the God of Seasoning was
extremely delicious, and it caused Fang Qing to yell, and it was so delicious.

After dinner, Chen Ze checked his current popularity again. After one afternoon's
increase, his popularity increased by dozens, reaching 84, and it looks like it
will reach 100 before the game tomorrow. The problem is not great.

After knowing this, Chen Ze's hung heart was slightly relaxed, but he still picked
up the kitchen knife and prepared to practice the knives. If he didn't win the
knives tomorrow, then everything will be on his own.


Chen Ze cut on the chopping board and made a sound.

Wu Fangqing also came over and looked at Chen Ze curiously, and found that Chen
Ze's knives were surprisingly poor, let alone what skills, now it seems that even a
person who can generally cook can't compare.

"Chen Ze, you cut it blindly, cut the radish so big, is it still a slice of radish?
It has become a radish block, how do I feel that it is not as good as my knife?"

Wu Fangqing said, she was a little strange. This is the first time she has
carefully looked at Chen Ze's cutting vegetables, and found that Chen Ze's knife
work is really bad, not even a piece of radish, even worse than her own knife work.

As a person who passed the first battle of the Chinese Food Yucheng Trial, it was
impossible for the sword union to fall to this point.

"I, I am blind, just to cultivate the sense of the knife. Yes, cultivate the sense
of the knife." Chen Ze said, and his face was a little blushed when he heard Fang
Qing's words.

"Is this really the case? How do I feel you just can't cut vegetables." Fang

"That's it, that's right." Chen Ze said, turning his head to Fang Qingdao.

At that moment, a pain spread throughout his body, and he quickly looked back,
because it was because he was just distracted, his finger was cut by the knife, and
blood was flowing out now.

"It hurts." Chen Ze started, quickly put down the knife, and wanted to find a band-

"You, you, are you injured?"

Wu Fangqing also found that Chen Ze was injured, and hurriedly hurriedly, saying
that he even held Chen Ze's hand, then put his injured finger into her mouth and


Seeing Fang Qing's action, Chen Ze held his head directly and wanted to say
something, but he didn't say anything. His fingers were wrapped in Fang Qing's warm
and soft lips. It felt really good and strange. .

"Well, nothing will happen now. My grandma used to stop bleeding when I was a kid."

After a while, Fang Qing said vaguely, taking Chen Ze's finger out. Suddenly she
saw Chen Ze's strange face, and suddenly she understood something, her face turned
red suddenly: "You can Do n’t think about anything wrong. This is just my habit. My
grandmother used to help me stop bleeding when I was a kid. I will do it every time
I grow up. ”

"Oao, I know." Chen Ze nodded, but still remembering the feeling just now.

"Do it yourself, I'll take a break outside."

He seemed to feel that Chen Ze was still wondering, Fang Qing's face was flushed,
and he went out quickly.

泽 Chen Ze looked at Fang Qing's back, and then looked at his fingers. Suddenly he
picked up a kitchen knife and slashed gently on his fingers: "Yeah, my hand is hurt

"Stop bleeding yourself!"

Outside, Fang Qing's voice came.


Qi Yucheng, Qifeng Private Restaurant.

In the private restaurant, Li Qifeng was standing in the kitchen, holding a kitchen
knife in his hand, and chopping on the chopping board constantly. His speed is
extremely fast. If most people have such a fast speed, I'm afraid they have already
hurt their hands.

But he didn't. Not only did he not hurt his hands, but the chopped things were
evenly distributed. Obviously, Li Qifeng's knives reached a state of the art.

At this time ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ came in alone and said: "Manager, we have already
investigated clearly. The last Chen Ze passed by Meiranju today was just a taxi
driver and just changed his career. Chefs are not students trained elsewhere or
hotel chefs. "

I heard him say, Li Qifeng stopped his movements: "Just a driver?"

Today's game, Chen Ze left a deep impression on Li Qifeng. Li Qifeng felt that Chen
Ze threatened his strength to win this competition. Therefore, just after the end,
he asked people in his restaurant to inquire about Chen Ze's. backing.

司机 "Driver? Just how can a driver be so powerful?" Li Qifeng said, "Are you sure
you did not investigate wrong?"

"Absolutely nothing, I have asked many people and said that he was a driver
before." The man spoke and heard his words, Li Qifeng fell into deep contemplation.
"I said manager, that person is just a driver. It can never be your opponent. I
don't think you need to care about him at all. Even if he has secretly cultivated
somewhere, it will never be your opponent. . "The man couldn't help it.

"It's not that simple. The one he showed today shows that he is definitely not such
a simple person. He can beat Master Gao. Maybe he will be my biggest opponent this
time." Li Qifeng said.

"No way, no matter what, tomorrow is also the investigation of the knifeman. Even
if that guy has any magical ability to make his dishes so delicious, it is
absolutely impossible for you to compare with the knifeman. If you talk about the
knifeman, you That's the top range in the country. "The man said.

"It's true, too." Li Qifeng laughed. He looked at his kitchen knife and was quite
confident. "No matter who this Chen Ze is, I'm definitely better than him when it
comes to the knifeman."

Chapter FTLS 80: Sealed God of Knife

一 In the early morning the next morning, Chen Ze got up early in the morning, and
immediately checked his popularity. When he slept last night, his popularity was
approaching one hundred. Now Chen Ze thinks he should have exceeded it.

As expected, the influence of this regular competition is much greater than that of
running privately on the mountain road when the car was racing before. It is only
one day. His popularity has reached 103, and he can draw again.

"Hahaha, one hundred and thirty-three, the system, can draw a lottery again." Chen
Ze said happily.

"Of course, please host the lottery." The system said.


Chen Ze smiled, and then transferred to the lucky draw page, and started this lucky
draw again: "Knife, knife, knife, must be drawn!"

With Chen Ze ’s actions, the lottery page flashed continuously, and the skills of
the chef continued to appear. Finally, slowly and slowly stopped, showing the
skills that Chen Ze picked this time: (Seal), which is the method by which the God
of Food handles food, and winning this skill is equivalent to the ability of the
God of Food to hold a kitchen knife. "

"Hahaha, it's a god-killer, hahahaha, great."

After seeing that it was the God of Knives, Chen Ze laughed. It was really sleepy
and someone sent a pillow. Compared with the knife tester, he was able to win the
God of Knives immediately. Too lucky, he was so lucky.

"Congratulations to the host, even the God of Knives was drawn, but this God of
Knives is not the same as the general knife, he was sealed." While Chen Ze was
laughing, the system suddenly spoke.

"Seal, what is it?"

When he heard the words of the system, Chen Ze frowned. It was so difficult to win
the God of Knives, and he was actually sealed. Isn't that teasing himself?

"Yes, the skills are also very clear. It takes four hours to be sealed and
unsealed. That is, after the equipment is installed, it must be delayed for four
hours before it can be used." The system said.

"What?" Chen Ze was shocked when he heard what the system said. "Is this still the
case? Why is this happening?"

"This is added intentionally to test the host when entering skills. There are a lot
of skills that cannot be used directly. It is necessary to remove the seal. After
the seal is removed, it can be used normally." The system said.

"It turned out that."

When I heard the system, Chen Ze frowned even deeper. He did not expect that the
system would cause such difficulties. However, if you think about it, if it is as
smooth as before, it is too easy to complete such tasks.

Suddenly, Chen Ze seemed to think of something, and he quickly started to look at

the time on the mobile phone: "The game started at 10 o'clock, now it is, now it is
7 o'clock, which means that even if I have the equipment now, I have to Wait until
eleven o'clock, that is, one hour after the start of the game? Is this useless?

Chen Ze responded. According to his calculations, there must be one hour of game
time without using the God of Knives, that is, an hour is wasted, and it may even
be eliminated because of this hour.

Thought of this, Chen Ze quickly ordered the equipment, and immediately equipped
the God of Knife Equipment to his body. Then, a countdown appeared on this lottery
page, four hours, indicating that this skill can be used after four hours.

四个 "Four hours, four hours before I can use this skill, and the game is only
three hours away. One hour, what about the one hour difference?"

Chen Ze murmured to himself, thinking about this problem. But for a while, he
couldn't find a solution.

Because of this, he had no choice but to shake his head, intending to get up and go
to the game site to say.

The next step is to dress and wash, and then Chen Ze drove out with Mei Sangrui.
Fang Qing was on duty today, so he could not compete with Chen Ze.

Chen Ze drove directly towards the game site, while he was driving, he was also
thinking of a solution. Halfway through, he suddenly thought of a way: "Yes, it's
an hour. Isn't it enough to delay the game by an hour?

Along this line of thought, he immediately thought: "The main judge of this
competition is Wu Min, so just let him arrive at the scene one hour late."

When thinking of this, he immediately searched Wu Min's residence. Chen Ze is just

an ordinary person. It's impossible to want someone's residence, but Wu Min is just
different. He is a celebrity in Yucheng, and his residence is available online.

Therefore, Chen Ze found the residence according to the Internet, and quickly drove
to the neighborhood where Wu Min lived.

After I got there, he parked his car in the parking lot of a shopping mall, and
then walked into the neighborhood where Wu Min lived.

The community where Wu Min lives is a high-end community in Yucheng. It is very

difficult for ordinary people to mix in. Chen Ze also quietly mixed in when the
guards didn't pay attention.

Then, walking downstairs of Wu Min, Chen Ze thought again, thinking how to delay Wu
Min for an hour.

"What should I do? I can't go directly to the door and let Wu Min wait for an hour,
or attack him and knock him out. That's illegal, and he may not be able to knock
him out."

While thinking, Chen Ze walked up and walked, Chen Ze walked to the parking lot in
this neighborhood, watching the rows of cars in the parking lot, Chen Ze suddenly
thought, if you give Wu Min's car the anger Let it go, isn't that all right? Can at
least delay him for a while.

Thinking about it that way, he was ready to act, but suddenly he hesitated a little
bit: "There must be monitoring in this garage. If I deflate, I will definitely be
photographed, and I ’m so mad at Wu Min ’s car, yes It ’s not too much ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ The most important thing is, which one is Wu Min ’s car? ”

Hey, Chen Ze doesn't even know which car is Wu Min's car. How can he deflate his

Thinking of this, Chen Ze was a bit frustrated again.

Buzz buzz!

At this moment, there was a sound of engines in the parking lot, and then a black
car drove out. Chen Ze quickly gave way, but found that the driver was actually Wu
Min. He did not see Chen Ze and drove the car. Headed out.

这 "That's bad."

Chen Ze knew that Wu Min must have gone to the scene. Since he had already driven
out, it was too late to stop him.

Ooz! !! !!

But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of braking in front of him. Chen Ze
quickly looked at it, and Wu Min's car stopped. There was an old man not far from
the front. People nearby also ran past, it seems that They all found that the old
man suddenly fainted.

快 "Hurry up, whoever fights 120, I will send this old man to the hospital first."

In front of Wu, Wu Min said, saying that he quickly helped the old man into his
car, then changed his direction and drove towards the hospital.

"This kind of thing happens, then the old man will have nothing to do."

Chen Ze thought to himself that he was a little worried for the old man, but he did
not expect Wu Min to be so enthusiastic.

But suddenly, he thought of something again, with a smile on his face: "Yes, this
time Wu Min will give the teacher, it will certainly delay a lot of time, maybe
this hour has passed. Although not blocked To Wu Min, but the effect is still the
same. Lucky, really lucky. "

Although I was a little sorry for the fainted old man, Chen Ze really felt that it
was too timely for him to faint.

Chapter FTLS 81: Knife beef

"What's going on? Why the game hasn't started yet."

"Yeah, didn't you say the game started at 10 o'clock? It's already ten minutes. Why
hasn't the game started yet?"

听说 "I heard that it seems that Wu Min was delayed temporarily. He is the main
judge of this competition. If he does not come, the competition will not start."

"Did Wu Min come? What did he do? He was late for such an important game? No."

In the hotel where the final contest of the Chinese Food God Contest Yucheng Trial
was held, there was a lot of people talking. Everyone was talking. The time has
passed, but the game has not yet begun because they were very confused and did not
know what happened. what. Some knew it seemed to be delayed by Wu Min, and didn't
know what was going on.

The only thing I knew best was Chen Ze.

He has a proud smile on his face at the moment, and he feels very relaxed: "An hour
later, Wu Min, come again an hour later."

Everything develops in accordance with his expectations. As long as Wu Min comes

back an hour later, Chen Ze's selected skills can be used. At that time, no matter
what knife work he tries, he will not be afraid.

"Hello there."

When Chen Ze was so proud, suddenly a voice came over. Chen Ze looked back. A man
with a straight figure and a smile on his face passed the chef ’s suit out of his
suit. He stood in front of him. It was Li Qifeng, Chen Ze's biggest opponent this

"Hello." Chen Ze also quickly greeted him, but just did not know what he was doing
to find himself.

"I didn't expect this game to be delayed." Li Qifeng said, and it turned out to be
chatting with Chen Ze, "I don't know what it was.

"I heard that it seems to be something wrong with Wu Min." Chen Ze said.

"It is estimated that only one of the five judges has not yet come, it should be
that he was delayed by something." Li Qifeng nodded, then looked at Chen Ze with a
smile, "The hand you showed yesterday scared me. When you arrive, you ca n’t
imagine that the Mingming dishes have been fried, but you can still make it so
delicious. The master of Jin Yanhong is not an ordinary chef. Such people have lost
to your hands. It looks like you Should be very strong. "

"Haha, your strength is very strong. Yesterday you prepared the dish so fast and
passed Wu Min's review perfectly. I don't see the other three chefs on the field
today. It will be your opponent. "Chen Ze said.

"The other three chefs on the field." Li Qifeng recalled Chen Ze's words, "Then
you? Do you think you can win me today?"

"I?" Chen Ze froze a bit, unexpectedly Li Qifeng said suddenly.

"Let's make a bet today, bet on who can win, and those who lose will go to the
restaurant for the winner for a month for free, how about it?" Li Qifeng said,
watching Chen Zedao.

Confidence in his face, anyone who sees him now can see his state of mind, he
absolutely believes that he can win today, Chen Ze will not be his opponent.

He is Li Qifeng, and he does have this capital.

"This bet?"

愣 Chen Ze was stunned, totally did not expect Li Qifeng to suddenly make this bet
with him. Yes, Li Qifeng is really strong. Chen Ze also knows that he will be his
biggest opponent today. But I never thought that he would actually issue such a bet
to himself here.

However, Chen Ze is not panic. Li Qifeng is indeed strong, but he will not lose.

Moreover, the loser goes to the restaurant of the winner and helps one's work for
free. Wouldn't it be great if you won?

So immediately, Chen Ze nodded: "Okay, then I promise you."

"Okay." Li Qifeng smiled and nodded. "Then I look forward to the game."

At the same time, on the other side of the hotel's banquet hall, the chefs of the
three remaining games gathered together, they all saw Chen Ze and Li Qifeng
standing together.

"The two of them stood together, and it seemed that Li Qifeng came over, you guess
what they would say?" Said a chef.

"That's a question? Li Qifeng must be betting with him again, after wanting to win
the beautiful Chen Ze, let Chen Ze give him a hand, he will have this bet every
time he plays with others, and then flicker Others went to his restaurant to work
for free, so as to develop and grow his restaurant, who has never been in this job,
it is clear that he is following the beautiful Chen Ze this time. "

"Indeed, Li Qifeng must be working on this idea. Although the beautiful Chen Ze
performed well yesterday, according to investigations, he was only a chef. In terms
of cooking, Li Qifeng cannot be his opponent, let alone Li Qifeng That guy couldn't
possibly be the opponent of any of us, so Li Qifeng felt that he had eaten him and
made this bet with him. "

The other two chefs said one after another, saying that there was a bit of hatred,
and apparently they had also been fooled by Li Qifeng.

"But Li Qifeng is too confident this time, yes, his cooking is indeed him, but this
time may not be his victory. I have been training hard for a year, just to win this
competition. This time, I He will not lose to him. "

"Me too, what is Li Qifeng, I am going to get the Chinese God of Food, today I must
win the game."

Three chefs have said ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Everyone has a firm confidence that they
will definitely beat Li Qifeng and win today's competition.

Obviously, Li Qifeng is their biggest opponent today. The other thing is that Chen
Ze has not been regarded by them at all. A chef who has also been a driver in the
past, they do not think they can threaten themselves.


At this moment, the sound of footsteps from outside came in, and then Wu Min came
in: "I'm sorry everyone, I'm late, let's start the game now."

"it is good!"

Everyone cheered when they saw Wu Min, because everyone knows that today's game can
finally start.

However, Chen Ze was a little stunned. He looked at the time. It was only 10:20,
and it was forty minutes to unravel the seal of the God of Knives!

"Nima, how come so fast?"


"It's awful. It came so fast. Is this Wu Min's car driving so well? There are forty
minutes left now. It's a bit overwhelming."

泽 At the scene of the game, Chen Ze stood in front of his cooktop and thought to
himself. He thought that if Wu Min gave away someone, it would take more than an
hour. This time would be enough. Who knew that he would come so soon.

He looked at his watch again, and now the game has officially started, but it is
only half past ten and there is still half an hour.

下面 "I'm announcing the official start of today's competition. Yesterday's test,

we compared your control over taste. Besides the taste of a chef, his knife skills
are also very important. So today we are trying knife skills. The title is!"

At the very front of Wu, Wu Min spoke. With his words, four big characters appeared
in the big screen behind him: "庖丁解牛!"

Chapter FTLS 82: Wait

"庖丁解牛? What is this dingjiejiebu?"

"Wu Ding Jie Niu, what does this topic mean?"

"This topic is more than a knifeman, shouldn't it be!"

At the scene, those who came to watch today talked after seeing the words on the
big screen. Everyone knows that today is better than the trial knife, but never
thought it would be such a problem.

Isn't this idiom for solving cattle a idiom? If the name suggests, the content of
today's test is!

"Yes, the content of today's test is to dissolve the cattle. When the ancient
dumplings slaughtered the cattle to King Liang Hui, they could penetrate the gaps
between the bones and bones of the cattle according to the natural structure of the
cattle, and enter the knife along the empty space. The whole cow is cut. Today we
are also trying to test this question than the knife cutter. Within an hour, a
whole cow can be cut completely, and at the same time the highest knives showed in
the process, To win today. "

At the front of the table, Wu Min spoke and said today's topic.
I heard what he said, all the onlookers were uproar, and everyone did not expect
that it would be such a problem:

"It turned out to be a solution to the cow, and within an hour, it was necessary to
cut a whole cow without cutting the bones. This is too difficult."

就是 "That is, how big is a whole cow. How can it be cut in an hour and an hour
without breaking the bone? This is even more impossible."

"My God, a chef has to deal with a cow independently. Within an hour, he still
can't break the bones. This is really a race of Chinese gods, and the topic is
really abnormal."

Everyone thinks this topic is too difficult. It is impossible to deal with a cow in
such a short time.

Suddenly, when everyone was talking, five carts were pushed in, and there were five
cows on the cart. Then the cart stopped in front of Chen Ze and their five chefs.

"Oh my God, this is the kind of problem. They are too perverted by Wu Min. It ’s
such a difficult problem." Looking at the calf, Chen Ze thought to himself that he
thought it would be carved carrot or watermelon. Questions like this, turned out to
be so big, kill the cows directly, this is a joke.

泽 Chen Ze secretly looked at several other chefs, and found that their faces were
more or less showing a little embarrassment. Obviously, they were also very
difficult, and they felt a bit troublesome on this issue.

Not only must it be completed within an hour, but it is also very difficult to
determine today's winner based on the completion process and the degree of

"Here are all the kitchen knives available in the market. We have prepared five
each. You can pick up any knives you need. The amount of knives is not limited. You
can use as many knives as you want." .

With his words, another trolley was pushed up. There were all kinds of kitchen
knives on the cart, from the shortest few centimeters to the longest few meters.
There were really all kinds of kitchen knives.

Looking at such a complete range of choppers, everyone on the scene was amazed
again. Everyone knows that games like the Chinese God of Food, even if it is only a
regional qualifier, it is very formal and difficult.

But I did not expect that it was so formal and difficult to this point.

"Below, time starts, one hour, one hour, this calf in front of you has been dealt
with. Among them, the least mistakes and the strongest swordsman win." Wu Min said.

With his words, Li Qifeng and three other chefs hurried to these kitchen knives and
picked their own kitchen knives.

快 "Look at it, Li Qifeng seems to have picked five kitchen knives, and he picked
one from the shortest to the longest."

"Yes, the other chefs seem to be almost the same, and they have picked four or five
kitchen knives."
"That's natural. Of course, different parts of the cow must be treated with
different kitchen knives. If you just choose one, I am afraid there is no way to
handle all the cows."

"I'm really looking forward to it, I don't know what they will do, the time is only
one hour, I don't know if they will come in time."

"You can see them by looking at their movements. Each of them moves quickly and
obviously knows that time cannot be wasted."

当然 "Of course, in addition to completing within one hour, Wu Min also judged
based on the performance of this hour to determine the final winner. Then it is
clear that the person with the least time is most likely to win."

At the scene, the onlookers opened their mouths and looked at Li Qifeng's
movements. They could all feel the preciousness of time. Don't waste every minute.

"No, there is another chef. One chef has not been used until now. He didn't even
get a kitchen knife."

At this moment, another voice came, and a bystander pointed at a stove on the

Others hurriedly looked along his fingers, and there was actually a chef who didn't
move at all and stood in front of his cooktop without choosing a kitchen knife at

"Yes, it was the chef who defeated Master Jin Yanhong Gao yesterday, and Chen Ze
who lived in a beautiful place."

"Yes, that's him. What's going on, why can't he move? Why doesn't he choose a
kitchen knife?"

"Yeah, what's going on? Yesterday he just didn't make pan-fried cod. He finally
searched by mobile phone. Why don't he move now? What is he paying attention to?"

Everyone said in a row, everyone was stunned. I never expected that under such a
tight time, Chen Ze didn't move and dare to waste his own time.

Everyone is confused. I don't know what Chen Ze is thinking? Are you too confident
in yourself? Or is it something else?

Not only the onlookers, but the other four chefs, including Li Qifeng, and the
first five judges, all frowned, even they themselves did not know what Chen Ze was
thinking about, why Do not move.

For a moment, Chen Ze became the focus of everyone's attention.

At this moment, Chen Zedong was still standing still ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ but he
was helpless in his heart, not because he didn't want to move, because he couldn't
move at all.

It ’s thirty-five minutes before the God of Knives is unsealed, and now it ’s such
a difficult subject. With the knife of my own hand that cuts a dish now, I will cut
it out if I take the initiative. go with.

So there is only one way, that is, to wait for the unseal of the God of Food.

"Thirty-five minutes? I don't know if only twenty-five minutes will be able to

completely cut the cow open." Chen Ze murmured in his mouth, his heart dangling a
little. .

当然 "Of course, it takes less than twenty minutes to process this kind of thing,
so please rest assured the host, just wait." Just then, the system suddenly spoke.

I heard his words, Chen Ze's face showed a joyful expression, and the hanging heart
also relaxed: "If this is the case, that's great, then I'll just wait 35 minutes."

He said, Chen Ze was relaxed for a while, actually found a bench and sat down, but
also raised Erlang's legs and hummed the song. That way, there must be as much
leisure as there is leisure.

"I rely, what is the situation of this beautiful Chen Ze? This is actually sitting

"Yeah, this, this, I read that right. He actually sat down. Isn't he going to deal
with that cow? Or does he think that one hour is completely enough and he doesn't
need to do it now?"

"My God, what is this beautiful Chen Ze thinking about? He is really so confident
that he can handle it quickly?"

"This is a knockout. Is this guy crazy?"

Seeing Chen Ze's actions, everyone around him was shocked. Everyone has only one
idea: Chen Ze, this guy is crazy.

Chapter FTLS 83: Moved

Compared to Chen Ze's leisure, other chefs on the field moved, and they were indeed
a bit shocked by Chen Ze's leisure. However, after all, the chefs were chefs. The
four chefs, including Li Qifeng, quickly recovered and focused on the cows in front
of them.

Then, several chefs moved, holding the kitchen knife of their choice, standing in
front of the cow and started to raise their hands.

看 "Look, Li Qifeng started to deal with his cow. Oh my god, he put a total of five
kitchen knives beside him, now he uses the long one."

"Li Qifeng's action to dissolve the cow is so handsome, first use it to grow the
cow away, then use a short knife to handle the details of the cow's bones. And the
action is fast and accurate, it's just too handsome."

"Nima, they are all humans. How can this gap be so big. Li Qifeng is so handsome
when slaughtering a cow. We ordinary people are deliberately handsome and not so

Everyone in the fourteen surroundings said that everyone's attention naturally fell
on Li Qifeng first, and found that Li Qifeng's actions can only be described by
handsome words. The first is to plan the cattle quickly and fiercely, and then use
a knife to handle the details, the speed is fast, and the planing is good.

In the middle of the night, Li Qifeng wasn't just shaving a cow, but dancing like a

Not only the men around him were shocked, the girls, especially the girls who
deliberately looked at Li Qifeng, screamed one by one, and the entire scene was
focused on Li Qifeng.

However, it seems that Li Qifeng has become accustomed to such attention, he is not
affected at all, and continues to do his work quickly.

At this time, some onlookers turned their eyes away from Li Qifeng and looked at
the other three chefs. I saw that although their movements were not as clean and
rapid as Li Qifeng, they also progressed. Everyone's face With self-confidence and
patience, this kind of comparison is nothing to them.

也是 "Also, they are all our famous chefs in Yucheng. This kind of comparison is
nothing to them. Although it is difficult, they feel that they are all right."

Everyone thought in their hearts, but they immediately realized the existence of
Chen Ze, and quickly moved his head over, and looked at Chen Ze again. I saw that
Chen Ze was still sitting on the stool, and his face was not panic or busy. The hot
people formed a stark contrast.

"What is Chen Ze thinking about? Even if he is really sure, he should start doing
it now."

"Yeah, what exactly is he for? He hasn't moved? Will it not be a knifeman, but it
is impossible. People who can pass yesterday's preliminary round, how can a
knifeman be lost."

"Yeah, yesterday, but he lost Master Jin Yanhong's master. How could he not be a
knifemaker? What is going on?"

Looking at Chen Ze's leisurely look, everyone thought that they thought it was too
strange and didn't know what Chen Ze was thinking.

If you change to another person and do not do anything at this time, they will all
think that they will not do it. But Chen Ze is different. Everyone looked at Chen
Ze yesterday to win Master Gao. Obviously, he is also a strong man.

怎么 How could such a person not work?

So everyone is weird, thinking about this problem.

"No, it's not Chen Ze's intention. He relied on his knife to do it well. He
deliberately let other people do it first, and then he started, so he seemed even
more powerful." Suddenly, a person spoke.

When he heard what he said, the crowd would first say no, joking, how could such a
game be done. Really want to do it, then this man might have pretended to be out of
the sky.

But immediately, everyone felt that it made sense. In the last game, Chen Ze
intentionally said that he would not do it, and he needed to check the practice. In
the end, he lost his master PK and showed his profound skill. It is also very
possible to install this force now.

"It makes sense that this beautiful Chen Ze could indeed do such a thing."

"If this guess is true, then this person is too pretentious. No, if he still
succeeds, then this force is really heavenly."

"Oh my god, it was such an idea, it's against the sky."

Everyone said in succession that Chen Ze felt a little bit unpredictable.

"However, at most fifteen minutes later, this Chen Ze should start, fifteen
minutes, even if he is confident, let fifteen minutes win."

就是 "Yeah, fifteen minutes is the bottom line, it's impossible to make more."

"It's fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes, Chen Ze should start. If it's more than
fifteen minutes, I really can't imagine how he will win today's game."

Everyone spoke, and they felt that they had guessed Chen Ze's time.

Therefore, everyone looks at time, and Chen Ze, to see when Chen Ze will start.

The time passed quickly, and immediately, fifteen minutes passed, Li Qifeng and
their four chefs were still busy with their tasks, while Chen Ze remained

"Fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes, why haven't you moved?"

"Yeah, what's going on?"

"Why doesn't he move?"

Many people said that Chen Ze's actions exceeded their expectations.

Then, twenty minutes arrived, and Chen Ze still didn't move.

"Twenty, twenty minutes. Twenty minutes, still not moving?"

"My God, what's going on, what is this Chen Ze thinking about?"

"I don't understand, I really don't understand this person."

I was very quick. Twenty-five minutes passed, and thirty minutes passed, but Chen
Ze remained unchanged.

At this time, everyone at the scene was stunned and had no idea what to say:

"Thirty minutes. Thirty minutes have passed, but Chen Ze, who is in a beautiful
place, hasn't moved yet. Impossible, even if he is pretending to be forced, this
time he will take off. The thirty minute time is no matter what This task will
never be completed. "

就是 "That is, although I do n’t know why, this Chen Ze lost the game. What a joke,
wasted thirty minutes in vain, how can he win?"

"Must be playing off, or in fact he really does not work at all. With less than
half an hour left, he can never finish it."

"Anyway, this beautiful Chen Ze is too big, he is losing today."

Everyone said that Chen Ze could not complete it anyway, no matter what, half an
hour left. Chen Ze lost this time.

Today's winner will be selected from the remaining four chefs.

After another five minutes, UU reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly heard a voice.

"Is Chen Ze going to move?"

I heard this voice, and everyone looked at it quickly, but found that Chen Ze had
not moved yet. The speaker was Li Qifeng. He had dissected the cow in front of him.

The yak meat filled the table, but the bones of the beef remained intact on the

Obviously, he cut the cow perfectly, and it only took 35 minutes.

"It's amazing. Li Qifeng is still Li Qifeng. It took only thirty-five minutes to do

it. It's really amazing."

"It is indeed Li Qifeng, I think the person who represents us in Yucheng this time
is him."

一定 "It must be him, look at his knifework, it is perfect, and more importantly,
it only took 35 minutes, 35 minutes."

Everyone started talking and was amazed. Although this game is not more than time,
time is very important. If it is the same, the person with the least time will win.

So although the judges have not judged yet, everyone has made a judgment. Today, Li
Qifeng won. "Quick, look, moved, Chen Ze moved."

在 At this moment, a person suddenly spoke, as if he saw something extremely


After hearing what he said, everyone else looked at it quickly. I saw Chen Ze stood
up from the chair in front of Chen Ze's cooktop. With 25 minutes left in the game,
he finally moved !!

Chapter FTLS 84: Bulls Blue Dragon Slash

"He moved, Chen Ze finally moved."

"My God, he finally moved. I thought he wouldn't do it."

"What's the use of moving now? There are only 25 minutes left. Can he finish the
game? Even Li Qifeng took 35 minutes. Can Chen Ze be ten minutes faster than him?"

"It's too late, Chen Ze might as well move. Now that the overall situation is set,
he loses."

Looking at Chen Ze who slowly walked towards the place where the chopper was
placed, everyone said that everyone thought it was too late. Chen Ze only started
now. It was impossible to win anyway.

Many people even shook their heads, feeling that Chen Ze really lifted a stone and
hit his own foot this time.

"What is this guy thinking about? Twenty-five minutes are left. Does he really
think he can do it in twenty-five minutes?"

Aside, Li Qifeng, who finished the game, looked at Chen Ze and thought to himself
that he was also shocked by Chen Ze's behavior today.
Even for himself, it takes 35 minutes, 25 minutes? How could Chen Ze be able to

As a judge, Wu Min looked at Chen Ze in such a surprise and shock. He also had this
doubt in his heart. He had no idea what Chen Ze was thinking.

Yesterday Chen Ze left a deep impression on him, even deeper than Li Qifeng. He
thought that today would be his confrontation with Li Qifeng.

I never expected that Chen Ze would do such a thing, and only started with less
than half an hour left in the game.

In this case, how could he still win!

However, Chen Ze did not care about these people's eyes. He came to these kitchen
knives, but in his mind was talking to the system: "Time is up, you can equip the
God of Knives."

"Of course, please host." The system responded.

"Okay." Chen Ze nodded, transferred to the skills page, and immediately equipped
the God Knife to his body: "God God Knife, equipment!"

For a moment, Chen Ze felt completely different. With the various kitchen knives in
front of him, he felt as if he resonated slightly with his hands.

"Is the kitchen knife for dissecting cows?"

泽 Chen Ze muttered to himself, looked at the kitchen knives, smiled and said, "I
only need one." Then, he took the longest one out of these kitchen knives and
walked back to the front of his cooktop.

And all of his actions fell into the eyes of everyone else.

"What? Only one? Or the longest one? How is this possible, what is Chen Ze thinking

不可能 "It's impossible. Such a long machete cuts the cows apart, but those details
can't be done with this knife."

就是 "That is, even Li Qifeng used five kitchen knives, Chen Ze actually wanted to
use one? Or such a long one, how is this possible?"

Everyone said that they were shocked by Chen Ze's action, and they all thought that
Chen Ze's action was impossible. How could a long kitchen knife be able to
perfectly separate the cow? This is simply impossible.

However, Chen Zeke ignored these remarks. He walked in front of the cow and took a
deep breath. He remembered that there was a trick in the God of Knives for cattle.

what do you say that is?

I'm right, the Bulls and Dragons are chopped!

泽 Chen Ze waved a knife and cut it down with great strength.

"With such great strength, the bone of the cow will be cut off."

就是 "That is, even if it is cut continuously, it will definitely cut out the
wound, so it will not meet the requirements."

"Chen Ze is crazy, right?"

Looking at Chen Ze's movements, everyone spoke and shook his head, thinking that
Chen Ze was really crazy today.


The sound of the trowel chopping into the beef, but there was no sound of the knife
and beef bone. Obviously, although Chen Ze exerted great strength, he controlled
the knife peak with great precision, and did not let the knife peak cut into the
cow bone, but stopped in front of the cow bone.

Immediately, the bright red beef and beef bones separated in front of everyone.

"This, this, how is this possible." Everyone was stunned.

Chen Ze continued his hands, and Ma Li pulled out the knife and waved the machete
again. It was the same knife. He slammed it into the beef, but stopped precisely in
front of the beef bone, easily separating the beef from the bone Come on.

Then knife after knife, Chen Ze simply waved the knife like this, but there was no
knife at all, but it separated the beef from the beef bone.





This is the impression that Chen Ze left to everyone. Looking at Chen Ze's figure,
everyone feels like they are dreaming.

For content like this, people in the competition should be careful and careful, Li
Qifeng and the other three chefs are the same.

But Chen Ze had no fear of chopping off the bone of the cow, and he just waved the
kitchen knife. But the beef is so separated from the bone of the cow that it is an
unimaginable thing.

However, although it was unimaginable in the past, today it is in front of


"Chen Ze's knifework is almost unpredictable." Everyone sighed, "Unfortunately,

time is not enough."

"No, with Chen Ze's speed, this game can be completed in 25 minutes."

At this moment, a person spoke.

I heard what he said, the others quickly looked at the time, and then looked at
Chen Ze:

"Yes, there are still fifteen minutes before the end of the game, and Chen Ze has
already dealt with half of it. He only took ten minutes to deal with it. Twenty-
five minutes, twenty-five minutes is really enough He's done. "
"Oh my god, it's hard to imagine that even Li Qifeng took 35 minutes, and Chen Ze
could really complete it in 25 minutes ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Could this be Chen Ze's
knife work? Is it far better than Li Qifeng? "

Everyone said, not only was it extremely sighing, but they also remembered what
Chen Ze had sat for thirty-five minutes before he started.

At that time, everyone felt that Chen Ze was pretending to be forced, and as a
result, he lifted a stone and hit his own foot. Many people even secretly laughed
at Chen Ze.

But now, Chen Ze has proved with facts that he is so powerful, that he can complete
it in 25 minutes. He is just able to pretend it!

"Chen Ze, it's really amazing !!!"

The time elapsed in such a minute and one second. Several other chefs also slowly
completed this test, and everyone completed it very well. If you change it before,
it will surely cause a shock.

But now, none of them marveled at their achievements. Instead, they focused their
attention on Chen Ze, and wanted to see how much time Chen Ze would spend to
complete the test.

Finally, with four minutes left, Chen Ze cut the last knife, the beef and beef
bones were perfectly separated, and a white flowered beef bone appeared in front of

"Twenty-two minutes, Chen Ze only took twenty-one minutes."

"Oh my god, it's more than ten minutes less than Li Qifeng. How is this possible?"

"It's hard to imagine, it's hard to imagine someone can be so powerful."

Everyone said, Chen Ze was startled.

It wasn't just these onlookers who were stunned. The other four chefs, including Li
Qifeng and Wu Min, were all stunned, and some were speechless.

Chen Ze's hand revealed today is far beyond their imagination.

Chapter FTLS 85: Famous Food Circle

"It's too strong. I can't think of it. Chen Ze, who lives in this beautiful place,
is so strong."

"Yeah, his swordman has reached such a point, it took only 21 minutes, 21 minutes."

"It's 14 minutes shorter than Li Qifeng. There is no suspense for today's game."

"Who is this beautiful Chen Ze? Who could be so strong?"

In the banquet hall of the hotel, everyone looked at Chen Ze and said in

Hagiwara everyone felt that Chen Ze had lost, and wasted more than thirty minutes
in vain, how could he still win.
I never expected that there would be more than twenty minutes left in the last.
Within these twenty minutes, Chen Ze even handled this cow perfectly.

And it takes 13 minutes shorter than Li Qifeng!

If it was changed in the past, they ca n’t believe it. Li Qifeng and the other four
chefs are all people, but they are all Yucheng chefs.

But that's how he lost to Chen Ze.

This, how is this possible!

Not only are people looking around, but five judges, including Li Qifeng, three
other chefs, and Wu Min, all looked at each other in the competition venue. They
all saw the shock and incredibleness in the eyes of each other.

They didn't even think that someone could be so strong. In just 20 minutes, they
managed to handle such a cow. It was so much faster than the fastest Li Qifeng.
This is simply not what people should have. The knifeman is up.

"Impossible, this Chen Ze, he, how could he be so much faster than me, this, this,
this is impossible." Li Qifeng muttered to himself, doubting whether he was
dreaming, otherwise how could Chen Ze possibly be So fast.

无论 In any case, he can't believe that someone can do so much better than him. Too
much to make him almost have nothing to say.

After a long time, there was no one talking in the competition field, and everyone
was immersed in shock.

咳 "Ahem, is it time to start the review?"

At this moment, Chen Ze suddenly spoke and coughed twice to break the silence on
the scene.

After hearing what Chen Ze said, Wu Min then responded: "Austrian, you can start
reviewing, and win with the best knifeman."

I heard Wu Min's words, but all the people around me shrugged their lips. Is this a
review? The result of the game is already obvious, that is, Chen Ze wins.

Sure enough, Wu Min only commented on others in a hurry, and then announced that
Chen Ze won, without any suspense.

The chef who is able to handle cattle at such a fast speed and at the same time so
completely can be the representative of Yucheng without any doubt.

"Today's knife fight, the winner is Mei Ranju representative, Chen Ze. As a result,
Chen Ze has also been qualified to represent Yu Cheng to participate in the
National Chinese God of God competition." Wu Min said.


I heard Wu Min's words, Chen Ze cheered.

I was able to obtain Yu Cheng's qualifications, which means that the distance to
get the title of Chinese food god, to complete the task of the chef, took another
At the scene, applause rang out at this time, and some of the people around him
even cheered. The shock Chen Ze brought to them today is really a little too big.

Soon, the game ended completely. Immediately, this result spread throughout the
city's chefs and food circles, and everyone was rumored to be the story of Chen Ze,
and Mei Ran Ju.

"Have you heard? The winner of today's Chinese God of Food contest is the beautiful
Chen Ze."

什么 "What? Isn't today's test a better knife? I remember Li Qifeng's knife was
very good, but he finally lost to the beautiful Chen Ze?"

"That's right, I lost to Mei Ranju's Chen Ze. That Chen Ze's knifeman today, to be
honest, I doubt that no one in the country can win him on this."

"Chen Ze actually won, this, this, how is this possible. The opponent is Li Qifeng
and three other chefs. They are all our chefs in Yucheng, and they have
collectively lost."

"Here, what exactly is this Chen Ze is, even Li Qifeng is not his opponent."

Everyone talked about it. Everyone thought it was too surprised. They used to think
that Li Qifeng would win. Even if it was not Li Qifeng, then the other three chefs
would win.

最后 But in the end, the winner was Chen Ze, who was unknown and had never heard of
Chen Ze before.

This, how is this possible!

Many people are very surprised, can't believe this fact, and even wonder if
something is wrong. After knowing the whole game, these people were silent.

I was more than ten minutes faster than Li Qifeng. This knifeman, Li Qifeng can be
said that he is not a level at all.

Therefore, these people all sighed, knowing that they had despised Chen Ze before,
and they all admired Chen Ze quite. At the same time, a doubt came to mind: "What
kind of person is this Chen Ze?"


"Three hundred and twenty-eight, the popularity has already been three hundred and

In the room, Chen Ze opened the popularity value and looked at the page above the
popularity value. I saw that on this page, the number 328 was clearly displayed ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ Seeing this number, the smile on Chen Ze's face was revealed.

It was only one night after yesterday's game, but this night, the popularity value
even more than tripled to 328.

"This kind of competition is easier to increase popularity than a private car. In

less than a day, it has increased so much, which is very good."

泽 Chen Ze laughed. He remembered that anything he had done in the driver ’s

mission before rose from one hundred to one thousand, but it took several weeks.
But now, it has increased so much in one night. Even if it will definitely not
increase as quickly as the first day, it should soon be able to increase to a
thousand popularity values, and to a thousand, that can be Draw again.

Therefore Chen Ze was very happy. He quickly got up and was ready to go to the
store after washing.

Although he obtained the qualification of Yu Cheng, Chen Ze still has a lot of

shortcomings, and it is still one week before the next national competition. In
this week, Chen Ze plans to practice again.

I soon finished washing.

Chen Chen got dressed and walked towards the door of his shop.

But before he arrived, he was startled. I saw that although the store had not yet
opened, there was already a long line at the door of the store. These people all
came to eat.

"I rely, there are so many people?"

Seeing these people, Chen Ze was stunned.

Yes, it is good to have so many people, to make money, and to increase popularity.
But the problem is, the problem is that you can't be too busy!

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

At this moment, Chen Ze's cell phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and Li Qifeng

Chapter FTLS 86: Li Qifeng strikes

"Boss, give me another piece of shredded green pepper."

"I want one too."

"I'll have a pan-fried cod."

Amami Ran lived inside, and the customers were loud.

These people have heard about Chen Ze's winning again, and came over to
congratulate Chen Ze, who came here to taste Chen Ze's craftsmanship by the way.

There are a lot of people. Now the store is full of people, and there are long
lines outside. Chen Ze is alone, so he's tired enough.

Chen Ze also thought about whether to raise prices and drive away a group of
customers to avoid being so tired. For example, set a small goal, set an egg fried
rice 188, but think of Chen Ze still think it's okay.

After all, this is all money, and the more customers, the higher the popularity. If
you deliberately set a high price to catch customers, isn't it silly?

So Chen Ze was busy enough, but Chen Ze knew that this situation could be improved

I was walking in the store, and suddenly came in alone, tall and quite handsome,
but it felt like Li Qifeng was wearing a chef suit.
走进 He walked into Chen Ze's shop, and ended up in the spot.

Many of the people who came to eat in Chen Ze's shop were Yu Cheng's food.
Naturally, they also knew Li Qifeng. So after seeing him, they whispered

"My God, isn't this Li Qifeng? Why did he come here?"

"Yes, I have long wanted to eat Li Qifeng's private dishes, but his price is high,
and he only serves the elite circle. I don't know what he is doing here?"

"Is it because we lost to Chen Ze in this match, so I deliberately came to Chen

Ze's stubble?"

The crowd spoke, while looking at Li Qifeng.

They are all very curious, because Li Qifeng is too famous. His private dishes are
well-known in the city. Even many people from outside will come to Yucheng to taste
his craft.

But Li Qifeng's private dishes are also very expensive, and they are served by the
elite circle, so although Li Qifeng is famous, people here have only heard of him
and have not eaten his dishes, so it is very very Curious.

"Oh, you're finally here."

At this moment, Chen Ze held a bowl of vegetables and walked out. After seeing Li
Qifeng, he took a breath.

"Ah, yes, I, I'm here."

Li Qifeng nodded, and at this moment was also extremely surprised.

这次 He came to Chen Ze's shop this time in accordance with his prior gambling
agreement with Chen Ze.

奇 Li Qifeng, he has also heard that Chen Ze's store is small, but in his opinion,
since Chen Ze can have such craftsmanship, then he can't be too small.

I came to see it directly after he came. He looked at Mei Ranju, and his fame was
pretty good, but the store was too small. It was only 30 or 40 square meters. It
was not as large as a private dining room.

I will fight here in the next month?

靠 I rely on it, right.

"It's great that you come here, hurry up, come in and help, I'm almost dead by

After Chen Ze brought the dish in front of the customer, he immediately said to Li
Qifeng, and then pulled him into the kitchen.

Outside, after hearing Chen Ze's words, the customers were all in the same place:

我 "I, I haven't heard of it just now, what Chen Ze said was to let Li Qifeng come
to help?"
"Li Qifeng, is Li Qifeng here to help Chen Ze?"

"My God, this is impossible. If he really came to help, then I have eaten in this
beautiful Ranju for a while."

"Me too, this is Li Qifeng, if it is really him, then I have eaten here too."

Everyone said, they all wondered what was wrong with their ears. This is Li Qifeng.
Li Qifeng, who serves the elite circle, ordinary people are rich, and it is
impossible for them to eat his dishes.

A chef like this wants to help in this shop? If that's the case, then you have to
seize the opportunity.

At this time, in the kitchen, Chen Ze smiled and handed the big spoon to Li Qifeng:
"Hey, you just wore all your chef clothes. Let's get started now, and I'll leave
the work for you here."

Before yesterday's game, Li Qifeng and Chen Ze bet on the loser to fight for a
month. Chen Ze calculated it. In a month, it would be enough to carry over the
Chinese God of Food competition, that is, you can own this store. Open the door to
support it.

虽然 Although he has just become a dog, Chen Ze has no intention of hiring people.
Why would a person like Li Qifeng be a good candidate?

He also looked up and down Li Qifeng, a famous chef in Yucheng. With him, he can
let go of it this month. And with Li Qifeng's appeal, the flow of people will
definitely be more. More importantly, with Li Qifeng's ability and insight, he can
also follow him for a while to learn.

This way, you can be more confident when participating in the competition.

Therefore, Chen Ze was very satisfied and proud at the moment, and felt that the
bet he had made with Li Qifeng was really worthwhile.

"No, wait, this is your shop?" At this time, Li Qifeng opened his mouth and got out
of the aggressive state.

"Yeah." Chen Ze nodded. "It has been open for less than two weeks."

"Just opened in less than two weeks?"

奇 Li Qifeng's voice became even louder. He was completely aggressive. He just

opened it and opened it for less than two weeks. Then he defeated himself and so
many other chefs and became the representative of Yucheng.

Nima, this, this, this Chen Ze, who are you?

"Although it's less than two weeks ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ But with the Dongfeng of
the competition, business is good." Chen Ze laughed. "But I have to prepare for the
Chinese God of God competition, so in the next period, sorry to bother you."

"You, do you mean let me be the chef and cook for so many people outside?" Li
Qifeng heard Chen Ze's words. He has always followed the elite line, but he has
never cooked for so many people. And if you did, wouldn't you smash your own

More importantly, with so many outsiders, I really have to do it one by one. This
Nima must not exhaust herself.

So immediately, Li Qifeng wanted to refuse.

He didn't say anything, Chen Ze nodded: "Yes, so I leave it to you."

Speaking, without waiting for Li Qifeng to react, he shoved a large spoon into his
hand, and then went out with a big laugh: "Dear everyone, let me announce good news
for you, in the next month , Mr. Li Qifeng will be our chef at Meiranju. If you
want to eat the food made by Mr. Li Qifeng, please come to our restaurant. "

"Hey, I, I haven't agreed yet." Li Qifeng thought immediately after hearing the
words from Chen Ze.

But before he could say it, there was a cheer from outside immediately:

"That's a good boss, I'll order it today and give me a copy. I want to taste Li
Qifeng's craftsmanship."

"Me too, give me two more as is, one for packaging, and I will take it back to my
family to taste Li Qifeng's craftsmanship."

"Boss, you can actually invite Li Qifeng, you are too good."

Cheering loudly, directly suppressed Li Qifeng's voice.

I heard the words of everyone, Li Qifeng burst into tears: "I, I have not agreed

Chapter FTLS 87: Class C

怎么 样 "How about, have representatives been selected for each region?"

In a building, a man in his forties opened his mouth. The office where he lives is
part of a magazine called "Food and Tourism". As the name suggests, this magazine
specializes in the two topics of food and tourism.

The Chinese God of Food Contest, which is currently being held, has naturally
become the most recent priority of this magazine.

男人 The man's name is Yang Ming, the editor-in-chief of "Food and Tourism"
magazine. At the moment, he is preparing for the new issue of the magazine.

The content is naturally the regional trials that have just ended in the eight
regions of the country recently. They will introduce the eight representatives
selected in the regional trials one by one in the magazine.

"Come out, Yang, this is the list we just got from the organizing committee of the
Chinese Food God Contest." One said.

"Very good."

Yang Ming took over the list and then returned to his office.

要做 In this issue, an introductory article for these eight people will be made.
This article is very important. Yang Ming intends to write this article himself.

So when he returned to the office, he opened the list and looked at the list while
slowly conceiving.

"Zhang Qi, representative of the Yanjing area, is now 35 years old and has been
receiving chef training at the age of five. He has traveled to various countries to
learn about the food culture of various countries. He is currently a chef at
Yanjing Zhuju Restaurant."

Looking at the first list and his brief introduction, Yang Ming slowly read it. As
he read, he kept nodding.

As the editor-in-chief of Gourmet Magazine, he naturally knows some well-known

chefs in the country. And this Zhang Qi, he also knows a bit, he is indeed a very
competent and capable chef, and even foreign leaders have eaten his meals. It can
be said that under 40 years of age, his cooking skills are the most first class.

"He really became the representative of the Yanjing area, and I am probably one of
the most promising people to compete for the championship this year." Yang Ming
secretly thought, and then made a mark below this list and wrote the letter A.

This is also the habit of their magazines. They are used to assign chefs a level.
There are four levels of ABCD. Naturally, the A level is the best. Therefore, he
gave Zhang Qi an A level.

Then he looked at the second one: "Zhu Chengyi, um, this is the representative of
the Modu region, and also a famous chef. Many big businessmen in China like to
invite him to cook when they go to Modu. I am afraid of cooking skills. Not under
Zhang Qi, but also A. "

He said, Yang Ming once again gave this person an A grade.

He looked at the list one after another, and also successively ranked the people on
the list. Basically, they are all A grades and a few are B grades. After all, this
is already a selected list. All the well-known chefs can enter this list.

But soon, Yang Ming froze in front of a list: "Representative Yucheng, Meiranju
Chen Ze. What is this Meiranju shop? Who is Chen Ze? Why have I never heard of it
in the past? Li Qifeng Isn't Yu Cheng's representative even him? "

Yang Ming's list at the moment is Chen Ze's. He knows everyone else on the list,
but Chen Ze doesn't know it. Before opening the list, he thought that the person
who represented Yu Cheng in the competition would be Li Qifeng. He had heard of Li
Qifeng and knew that Li Qifeng's cooking skills were also very good, at least he
could get a B grade.

But now, it turned out to be someone he had never heard of.

And not only has he not heard of it, the list of him has been introduced very
little, he just said that he participated in the trials in Yucheng, and then won.
What energy did he have before and which university was he in? The hotel has
worked, these are not introduced at all, as if Chen Ze appeared out of thin air.

Yang Ming is a very rigorous person. After discovering that he has no information
about Chen Ze, he frowns. With this information alone, he has no way to score Chen

So immediately, he went online and wanted to search for information related to Chen
Ze and Mei Ranju.

As a result, after typing a few keywords of Chen Ze and Mei Ranju, the information
appeared to stun him. Someone broke the news on the Internet saying that Chen Ze
was only a taxi driver in the past and had not just become a chef for a long time.

The beautiful and beautiful residence is just a roadside shop of twenty or thirty
square meters, which is not a big hotel at all.

I saw here, Yang Ming was completely stupid.

taxi driver?

Roadside shop?

Such people can also pass the trials in Yucheng? Can you become a representative of

He frowned, thinking that this should not be the case.

But no matter how he searched, he still got only a few such messages. I even saw
news that a racing club wanted to invite Chen Ze to make him a professional driver.

Yang Ming naturally refuses to believe this news. He even sniffed, joking, how
could a chef be invited to become a professional driver by a professional club.

However, he was a little sure. It seems that Chen Ze has really been a taxi driver
in the past.

Since this is the case, then Chen Ze's cooking skills should not be very Yang Cai.

So in the end, although there was some hesitation, Yang Ming still gave Chen Ze a C
grade. Originally, according to these online statements, Yang Ming intended to give
Chen Ze a D grade, but considering that he was a chef who passed the trial, after
all, I still mentioned a level, and gave a comment: "It can be determined that this
is the worst chef in this competition, barely give a C level."

After rating all the lists ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ After commenting, Yang Ming gave
his article to his subordinates so that they would print it out immediately in the
latest issue and also on the Internet Published in the edition.

Immediately, this article naturally attracted the attention of readers of "Food and
Tourism" magazine.

These readers are all readers who like food and travel. Therefore, they are very
concerned about the recent Chinese Food God Contest and will read any news.

So immediately, they saw this article by Yang Ming:

"Zhang Qi really entered the list, or A level, I am optimistic that he can win this

"I think Zhu Chengyi is OK this time. He is well-known in the magic city and is
also A-level, indicating that his cooking skills are not under Zhang Qi, and I even
think his cooking skills are definitely above Zhang Qi."

"Not only are they two, but there are so many others, they are all A-level, there
is only one B-level. I think this time the competition is lively, it must be very

These readers have spoken online and discussed this list.

Suddenly, they all noticed that not all chefs on this list were A-grade or B-grade,
and there was even a C-grade.

"I rely, why is there a C-level, C-level is basically the worst, and the chef who
passed the trial still has a C-level?"

"Who is this Chen Ze, how could it be a C-level, a C-level can also pass the trial?
Do you dare to participate in this kind of competition? Laughing."

"Yeah, look at the comments Yang Ming gave him, it is definitely the worst chef
this time, ha ha ha, it is so funny, I can't think of such a chef."

"Hey, I don't know the best chef, but it looks like the worst is already known."

Chapter FTLS 88: Difficult opponent

"I rely, why am I a C-Class."

Chen Meiran was inside, Chen Ze said angrily with a magazine in his hand.

拿着 He is holding the "Food and Tourism" magazine in his hand, and is turning on
the page written by Yang Ming.

At the beginning, I saw several other players, either A or B. He also wondered if

he would also be A, but who knows that after seeing himself, he is actually C,
which is basically the worst. Level up.

"Of course, this judgement is generally based on the past experience and track
record of the chef. Those who can play the A-grade are well-known in the chef
world. A half-way monk like you has no previous experience. It's good to give you a
C-level. I thought you would be beaten to a D-level. "

Opposite to Chen Ze, Fang Qing spoke, without hesitation, Chen Ze said facelessly.

"Hey, can you give me some face." Chen Ze said.

"Okay." Fang Qing nodded his head and adjusted his tone. "Chen Ze is so good, you
are actually a C-class. You are really my idol."

"······" Chen Ze sweated, "This is not as good as you just hit me directly."

"Okay, okay, don't mind, don't mind, although it's the C grade, the worst grade
among the eight chefs. But this grade doesn't mean anything, you just have to wait
until the game proves to everyone. Opening.

"That's right." Chen Ze nodded.

Fang Qing looked at the crowded customers in Meiranju, and looked at Li Qifeng, who
was busy in the kitchen: "Sit here, and let Li Qifeng be busy alone, is that okay?"

"It's okay, Li Qifeng is terrible." Chen Ze said, looking relaxed.

泽 In the two days Li Qifeng joined, Chen Ze was able to breathe a sigh of relief.
Li Qifeng's power can be said to be beyond his imagination. Although he used to
make private dishes in the past, making such a large pot of rice is also extremely

Not only is good, he also called several chefs from his family to help, so although
there were many guests, he came here without Chen Ze's help. He still had time to
answer Chen Ze's questions about cooking.
Because of this, Chen Ze gave up the kitchen to Li Qifeng. He began to practice and
study cooking skills by himself, and from time to time he went to ask Li Qifeng for
some questions.

In just a few days, Chen Ze feels that his cooking has improved a lot.

"Really, I can't think of Li Qifeng so powerful." Fang Qing said, "Yes, who is your
next opponent?"

After the Yucheng trial, the next national game of Chinese God of Food is the next.
Today, the players in the national competition will be notified of the first game,
so Fang Qing took the time to run over. I want to know what Chen Ze ’s next game
will be. Who is the opponent.

"I don't know, the organizing committee said it would send a text message, but it
has not yet notified." Chen Ze said.

At this moment, the voice of Ding came from Chen Ze's mobile phone. Chen Ze quickly
took out the phone and took a look. It turned out to be a text message from the
organizing committee: "Congratulations, Mr. Chen Ze. The competition is divided
into three rounds. The first round will be held in Yucheng at 10am on Saturday
morning. Your opponent in the first round will be Zhang Zijian from Tiannan. "

"Zhang Zijian, this Zhang Zijian is my next opponent." Chen Ze looked at the text
message and said.

On the side of Fang Qing, after hearing Chen Ze's words, he quickly flipped through
this magazine and moved to the list of Zhang Zijian: "Zhang Zijian, a Class A chef,
is now 38 years old and has a talent. He started to learn cooking at the age of 13.
Yi, at the age of eighteen, became the chef of a local hotel, and later studied at
various famous hotels in the country. Now he has opened a hotel in his hometown and
has a good reputation. He is one of the seed players of the Chinese God of Food.
.But his life story is a bit weird and belongs to one of the unknown chefs. "

Listening to Fang Qing's words, Chen Ze smashed it, an A-level chef, who has
studied for decades, started to be a chef at the age of eighteen, and has his own
hotel, then this opponent is not good Deal with it.

But after hearing the next few words, he paused again: "Some strange life stories?
Unknown? What does this mean?"

"I don't know, it's not written in this article." Fang Qing shook his head.

"The life story is a bit weird, which refers to Zhang Zijian's past learning and
playing career." At this moment, a voice came from behind Chen Ze. Chen Ze looked
back and said that Li Qifeng opened his mouth. He seemed to know this article What
does it mean.

"What happened to his learning career?" Chen Ze asked.

"I don't understand this very well, but I have heard people say that Zhang Zijian
has studied with several chefs and participated in many competitions, but his
opponents will always have various accidents. Suddenly had a car accident before
participating in the game, but his hand was broken, or he suddenly lost his sense
of taste on the day of the game, and even suddenly there was a problem with the
food during the game. Because of the victory of the game, he was also rated A
level. "Li Qifeng said.
I heard Li Qifeng's words, Chen Ze frowned deeply: "So many accidents? Is this
Zhang Zijian doing it?"

"I don't know, because Zhang Zijian has a very good relationship with many senior
professionals in the industry, so although some of the accidents have been
investigated, they are finally gone. I heard that he used to rely on some when he
opened a hotel in his hometown. Another method will bring down another hotel. So I
can determine one thing, this person is definitely not a bright and clear person.
"Li Qifeng said.

"It turned out to be this way." Chen Ze nodded, and found that this time the
opponent didn't seem to solve it as expected ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I originally
thought you wouldn't meet this opponent, but unexpectedly, your luck is so bad,
Although his cooking skills are not the best among these people, they must be the
most difficult. Li Qifeng said, apparently he has also seen the list, "In short, in
the face of this opponent, you must be careful. "

Hearing Li Qifeng's words, Chen Ze didn't have any response yet, Fang Qing yelled,
"That's no good, wouldn't it mean that the one named Zhang Zijian might be bad for
Chen Ze, then you all have to Be careful. No, if it doesn't, I'd better protect
you. At least I'm a policeman, and he has to think about what he wants to do, in
front of me. "

The original Chen Ze was a little nervous and worried, but after hearing Fang
Qing's words, he laughed and said: "Relax, although the opponent is difficult, but
I will be fine."


Yuyu City, inside a large hotel.

三 A man in his forties and forties is sitting in the room with a phone in his
hand: "Hey, old money, how is it going? Can you do it?"

当然 "Of course, someone said over there, as long as your two million can be in
time, then they will try to protect you from entering the finals." Someone spoke.

很好 "Very well, I'll beat two million over here." The man in his 30s and 40s said,
"Yes, let them remember, I'm Zhang Zijian."

After speaking, Zhang Zijian hung up the phone, then he picked up the "Food and
Tourism" magazine at hand and turned it over, looking at the page written by Yang
Ming, his eyes stayed on his next opponent, Chen Ze's top chuckled: "A chef who has
become a monk halfway through the trials has been great. But unfortunately, he met
me this time."

Chapter FTLS 89: Focus on participation

On the road of Yucheng City, Chen Ze was driving in a car and was driving towards
the scene of the race. Today is Saturday, the day when the official race of the
Chinese God of Food contest opens.

Therefore, Chen Ze drove in the car early in the morning and drove towards the
scene of the game. In the co-pilot, Fang Qing was sitting. At this moment, she was
wearing a police outfit and looked alert.

"Hey, hey, I said it wasn't so exaggerated. I'm going to play, not to fight. You,
like you, don't know what I'm going to do." Chen Ze glanced at Fang Qing and said.
In the past few days, as long as there is time, Fang Qing will appear beside Chen
Ze, always wearing a police uniform, because Li Qifeng said about Zhang Zijian that
day. As a result, there was always a police officer in the Chenze shop, and they
thought that Chen Ze's shop was selling something illegal or disorderly.

"No, just in case where Zhang Zijian did it today, and what he did to you, it will
be troublesome." Fang Qing said in a serious manner, "It is about to start the
game, so be careful."


Chen Ze said, in fact, he also checked Zhang Zijian's affairs. It is true that when
he was young, his opponent always had some accidents before the game, but after he
became famous, this was no longer the case and replaced by It is many people on the
Internet that say he judged the buy-in competition, or someone like the organizing
committee, to let him win.

Therefore, Chen Ze was not worried about what Zhang Zijian would do before the
game, but was worried about what he would do during the game.

But since Fang Qing is so enthusiastic, Chen Ze is naturally not good at rejecting
her, but she is quite happy.

This game was still in the banquet hall of the previous hotel, not too close, but
with Chen Ze's car skills, he quickly came to the outside of that hotel.

Pushing the car door and holding it, it was full at the moment. Not only are people
full, but there are also many people dressed up as reporters waiting at the door to
prepare for interviews.

"It is truly a formal national competition. This scale is much stronger than the
previous trials." Looking at these people and reporters, Chen Ze thought to

带着 He took Fang Qing and walked towards the gate.

At this moment, many reporters are indeed waiting at the gate, as Chen Ze saw.

Although the competition allowed some people and reporters to go in for interviews
and onlookers, it was only a small number. A large number of reporters were still
blocked and interviews were not allowed.

So these reporters who are not allowed to enter the scene naturally can only wait

"Are those contestants here? Today is the first battle of the Chinese God of Food.
It must be very exciting. We must broadcast it as soon as possible."

就是 "That is, Zhang Qi, Zhu Chengyi, and Zhang Zijian. Are there any famous chefs
from all over the country? My editor in chief has told them that I will interview

"Me too, unfortunately I can't go to the scene, I can only interview outside, I'm

记者 These reporters spoke. They were all killed by the editor-in-chief. They must
interview the people who participated in the competition.

He said, a reporter suddenly pointed in one direction: "Look, someone is here."

The other players saw that the reporter pointed in the direction of Chen Ze. They
hurried to Chen Ze's side, and they seemed to be interviewing Chen Ze.

"I'm so famous now."

Chen Ze also noticed these reporters. He quickly tidy up his clothes and watched
the reporters walk in front of him, intending to be interviewed by these reporters.

"Hello, I am!"

泽 Chen Ze spoke, and before he finished speaking, all the reporters ran past him.
He quickly looked back and found that these reporters surrounded a person not far
behind him.

These reporters did not intend to come to interview Chen Ze.

After engaging in such a big oolong, Chen Ze flushed his face directly: "I rely on,
I'm not mistaken, who is the person behind, I am also a contestant, why not
interview me?" And Fang Qing Seeing Chen Ze's appearance, he also laughed.

"Hello Mr. Zhang Zijian, as one of the players in this competition, do you have
confidence in your victory?"

"From the schedule, today's match is against Yu Cheng, the local chef in Yucheng.
Can you beat him?"

"That beautiful Chen Ze is only a C-class. What do you think of him?"

Behind him, the reporter's words reached Chen Ze's ears.

After hearing this, Chen Ze quickly turned back and looked at the person surrounded
by reporters. That person is his opponent today, Zhang Zijian.

"Hello, since you came from a long distance, then I am naturally full of confidence
in winning this game." Among the crowd, Zhang Zijian opened his mouth and smiled.
"As for my opponent today, I don't really understand it. But since it is only C
Level, then I think it should be worse than me. After all, I am A level, he is two
levels behind me. "

"Do you mean that Chen Ze will not be your opponent?" A reporter said again.

"Although I didn't say that, but you can understand it that way." Zhang Zijian
laughed, quite confident, "I don't know Chen Ze, he is not a famous chef. But since
he can pass the trials, he should also have a certain It ’s a pity that he met me
today. In fact, I would like to suggest that the organizing committee should not
fight with me. His opponent should be a class B of us, but unfortunately, even if
it is a class B, I think The end result is the same. In short, for him, it is more
about participation. "

I heard Zhang Zijian's words, and those reporters were laughing and laughing:

"It is important to participate ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Haha, Mr. Zhang Zijian, your

comment is very interesting to Chen Ze."

就是 "Yes, but I also think that what you are saying is the fact that a C-class
chef should really be focused on participation. Today's game is not something he
can participate in."
"Hahaha, what you said is very good. In fact, I still can't figure out why a C-
class chef can pass the trials in Yucheng. There is only one explanation after
thinking about it. The level of chefs in Yucheng is too bad.

的 The reporters surrounding Zhang Zijian, and some onlookers opened their mouths,
and when they heard these people, everyone around them laughed:

"Yes, all the games today should be the least suspense between Zhang Zijian and
Chen Ze, C level vs. A level, I am really unfortunate for that Chen Ze."

"Well, he can participate in this match is good, it must be home in the first game,
which player is the same for him."

"Even for Chen Ze, participation is the best four words."

Obviously, the people around him did not know Chen Ze, and started talking.

When I heard them, Fang Qing was annoyed in her heart, but she also knew that what
these people said was almost true.

However, she quickly looked at Chen Ze, worried that Chen Ze would do something
because of these words.

When she looked at her, she found that Chen Ze had already walked towards the
hotel, with a smile on her mouth: "The emphasis is on participation? Then look at
who it is and focus on participation."

Chapter FTLS 90: Trap

"Welcome chefs from all places to come from afar to participate in our Chinese Food
God Contest, I announce the start of the contest."

In the banquet hall, a host is humane.

Although it is still the same banquet hall, but the specifications of the previous
competition are completely different. At this moment not only is the host presiding
over this competition, but the judges have also been replaced by nationally
renowned gourmets and authoritative figures in gourmet magazines.

And in the surroundings, there are reporters from all over the country constantly
holding cameras and taking pictures of the entire game.

Obviously, this Chinese God of Food Contest is the biggest flourishing event of the
Chinese Food Festival.

At this moment, Chen Ze and seven other chefs from all over the country who have
passed the trials are standing in the banquet hall.

There are two large cooktops in the banquet hall this time. The competition is a
two-on-two battle, so the preparation of kitchenware only needs two copies.

With the words of the host, the competition officially started.

既然 Since the game is a two-on-two match, eight people are four games, so
naturally the first thing is to draw lots to determine the order of the game.

So with the moderator's words, the five judges above the judges nodded, and the
person sitting in the middle of them put their hands in the lottery box and started
drawing lots, and then told the moderator the results, and the moderator spoke.
"The first group, Chen Ze and Zhang Zijian."

Hearing this host's words, Chen Zehuan stopped: "The first group is me?" He didn't
expect it to be so fast, the first group was him.

After hearing the words of the host, the reporters and audience at the scene also
spoke up:

"The first group is the Chen Ze and Zhang Zijian. C-level vs. A-level. This is
basically no suspense."

就是 "That's why Zhang Zijian is also a well-known chef in the country. That Chen
Ze who doesn't know where to come from is unlikely to win him."

"This is fine, anyway, the first group has no suspense, and it ends sooner than it

Everyone said, obviously, everyone didn't think Chen Ze could win. Some even think
that Chen Ze will be defeated quickly and will be disastrous.

In the competition venue, after the announcement of the first group of candidates,
the other six chefs left the competition venue and stood aside. In the competition
venue, only Chen Ze and Zhang Zijian remained.

I didn't see Zhang Zijian's look outside before. At this moment, Chen Ze glanced
over and looked at him again. I saw a man in his thirties who looks ordinary but
has many calluses and scars on his hands. Obviously It is caused by holding the
kitchen knife for many years.

However, despite this, Chen Ze did not take it lightly. He knew that this guy was
definitely not as simple as it looks. According to the past style of doing things,
this guy would definitely fiddle in this game: "Then this guy, what exactly What
will happen? "

Observing Zhang Zijian's affairs in Chen Ze, Zhang Zijian also looked at Chen Ze,
and then a few ridiculous smiles appeared on his face. Chef, I really don't
understand how he could pass the trial. This time, even if he didn't use any means,
this guy is definitely not my opponent. "

Although thinking so in his heart, although Zhang Zijian felt that Chen Ze would
never be his opponent even without any means, but due to careful consideration, he
would naturally use some means to make Chen Ze really defeated here.

He looked up and looked at the judges' seat. No, to be more precise, he looked at
the members of the organizing committee of the Chinese God of God contest.

This person is the one he spent two million buys this time to secretly help him win
the game.

的 The judges of this competition are all authoritative persons in the food
industry. Of course, Zhang Zijian cannot buy it. But it doesn't matter, as long as
the staff of the organizing committee is there to help, then this competition can
still be won.

"It's only two million yuan. As long as we can get the title of Chinese **** of
food, these two million yuan are too cheap."

Zhang Zijian murmured to himself that although two million bribes were expensive,
Zhang Zijian thought it was worth it. Not to mention how much the title of the
Chinese God of Food can bring to him, the prize money for the game alone is 2
million, which is enough to fill this loss.

And more importantly, in the external market of this game with Chen Ze, he has
bought himself to win, betting out most of his net worth, betting him to win. As
long as he can win today's game, his net worth can be improved several times.

If it was to fight against other people, Zhang Zijian might still be worried about
an accident and would not dare to bet. But the opponent is Chen Ze, a chef who
doesn't know where to come from.

Zhang Zijian feels that winning him is an easy task.

I thought at last that he smiled and nodded at the staff member. The staff member
nodded slightly and responded.

"I'm announcing the content of your game below. This is a comparison of the
processing of dishes. It will test what kind of dishes you will make in different
states of food. So our organizing committee prepared ten different today. The
materials and the state of the materials are from the best to the expiry date. The
number one is the best food and the number ten is the worst food. You two choose
your own materials from these ten foods to make today ’s dishes. . "The host said
at this time.

With his words, the staff pushed out ten wooden boxes, each containing ten portions
of food.

Hearing what he said, Chen Ze hesitated. He chose from No. 1 to No. 10. Is n’t that
a lot of luck today? If you are lucky enough to get the best ingredients, then the
dishes you make next will be delicious.

Unfortunately, if you get bad food, it is not easy to make the dishes you want to
compare with the previous one.

"I can't think of this as a problem. In case you are unlucky and get poor food,
then you are finished."

"Yeah, UU reading www.uukanshu.com the same dish, the impact of food is very large,
let's say live fish and dead fish, the taste of the dish is completely different."

"It's a fight now."

Around me, the onlookers and journalists also said that they also felt this
question and seemed to test their luck very much.

"So, let's start now, whoever of you will choose first." At this time, the host was

"Chen Ze is a local chef, let him choose first." Zhang Zijian began.

Hearing what he said, Chen Ze hesitated, but did not expect that he would let

"Well, then I choose the one on the left side in the middle." Chen Ze pointed to a
wooden box.

"Okay, open the wooden box and let us see the code on it." The host spoke, and the
staff immediately opened it, and saw that the code on the wooden box was nine!
"Nine, the code is nine, Chen Zexuan's wooden box is nine. His luck is really bad.
If the code is nine, the state of the dish there is very poor." The host said.

When I heard the host's words, Chen Ze also froze. He had no idea that his luck was
so bad that he chose the penultimate food.

"Such luck is so bad?" Chen Ze muttered to himself.

When he was a little bit stuck, Zhang Zijian also chose.

"Zhang, Zhang Zijian chose the second code, which is the second best food. His luck
is so good, let's congratulate him." The host spoke.

When I heard the host's words, Chen Ze was completely frightened, and he was nine,
while Zhang Zijian was two. Is n’t it that he is far behind in food?

He quickly looked at Zhang Zijian, but found that he and a staff member nodded

不好 "No, this is a trap!"

Chapter FTLS 91: Legendary kitchen knife

"No, this is a trap."

泽 Chen Ze has been thinking, always thinking about where Zhang Zijian will fiddle
with, this has already started the game, how could he not do it yet?

Now he understands that Zhang Zijian had already started.

Although Chen Ze didn't know what Zhang Zijian's staff was doing, he knew that this
must be Zhang Zijian's hand. I'm afraid this time no matter which wooden box he
chose, he would only get very bad food.

He looked at Zhang Zijian, only to see Zhang Zijian nodded slightly to the staff
member, with a slightly proud smile on his face.

Yes, Zhang Zijian is very proud at this time, he has got the inside story long ago,
saying that this game is better than this. Therefore, he also discussed with the
staff he bought through, and started to work on this, so that he could get good
food, and let Chen Ze get poor food.

"Your materials are so bad, plus the gap between you and me in cooking, this time,
you are losing." Zhang Zijian smiled and thought proudly in his heart.

At this moment, the people around us also knew the result of this choice, and they
also discussed it one after another:

"Oh my god, this beautiful Chen Ze luck is too bad, even if I get such food, No. 9,
isn't it better than the worst?"

"Yeah, if only he won the number nine, that would be fine, but Zhang Zijian won the
number two, and he will lose as soon as he comes."

"If you lose, Chen Ze will definitely lose. Originally, the cooking skills were
worse than Zhang Zijian. Now that he has drawn such poor materials, how can he
possibly win."

"Chen Ze, he is losing."

Everyone whispered, everyone didn't expect that Chen Ze's luck was so bad, he
picked such food, and coupled with the gap between him and Zhang Zijian, it was
really difficult for everyone to imagine what Chen Ze could do.

"How can this be, how can it be so bad."

Looking aside, Fang Qing looked at Chen Ze and muttered to herself. Her face was a
little pale. Knowing this, Chen Ze really lost.

下面 "Below, the game starts."

The host host spoke, and the staff also gave them the food drawn by Chen Ze and
Zhang Zijian. Zhang Zijian took the wooden box with a smile.

Chen Ze also took a long breath and took the wooden box. Then the two opened the
wooden box at the same time. Inside the wooden box was a fish!

"Today's food is fish. You use the fish in your hands to make a dish, and the five
judges will review it. The one who tastes the best will win."

I heard the moderator's words, and the audience around was uproar again.

If it's another dish, it's fine. If it's fish, then the fish in different periods
can have a great influence on the taste of the dish.

Live fish or dead fish, wild fish or domestic fish, healthy fish or sick fish, even
if the dishes are made by the same fish, the taste is definitely very different.

I can say that, even if Chen Ze's cooking skills are as good as Zhang Zijian's, the
dishes prepared are definitely not better than Zhang Zijian's. Moreover, in the
hearts of everyone, Chen Ze's cooking is far less than Zhang Zijian's.

So everyone reaffirmed the idea: "Chen Ze, he really lost."

And in the game, Zhang Zijian immediately started to work, with a smile and ease,
he thought he was winning this time.

On the other side, Chen Ze has been slow to move. In fact, these days he keeps
practicing, and he has mastered many fish practices. If it is the same fish, plus
food seasoning, Chen Ze believes that he will never lose to this Zhang Zijian.

But now he is in such a big disadvantage. Even if there is a food seasoning, the
gap between the food can never be recovered, so Chen Ze frowned at this moment,
thinking of a solution.

He first picked up the fish and observed the state of the fish: "It is still alive,
but it seems only one step away from death, and from the perspective of meat
quality, I am afraid that it is also the most common domestic fish."

Chen Ze knew that such a fish was indeed much worse than Zhang Zijian's fish.

那么 "So, what the **** is going on?"

Chen Ze thinking about this problem, if he does not solve the food, he knows that
he is really going to lose here today.

He recalled the cooking skills he learned during these days, but unfortunately
found that there was no way to restore the fish taste.
Then, he closed his eyes and frowned, and quietly opened the system's popularity
page. I saw that the popularity value above showed that his popularity was 683 at
this moment, although it rose very fast, faster than before. Hundreds of dollars,
but less than a thousand, which means that new skills cannot be drawn.

"New skills can't be extracted, so what should we do? Is it really necessary to

lose here?" Chen Ze thought, his frown deepened.

But at this moment, the sound of the system in his mind sounded: "Host, you forgot
that you have another skill that you haven't used. Given the situation now, I think
it's time to use that skill."

什么 "What? Do I still have skills?" Chen Ze stunned when he heard the words of the

"Yes, you forgot that you still have a chance to use the legendary kitchen knife."
The system said.

Hearing the words of the system, Chen Ze responded: "Yes, when the first chef draw,
I did draw this skill in addition to the food seasoning. This skill, this skill, I
remember what seems to restore the food To its peak and increase the taste by two
hundred percent. "

He quickly opened the skills page, and found that on this page ~ www.mtlnovel.com
~, it shows that he has another skill that is not used, which is the opportunity to
use the legendary kitchen knife once.

下面 The function of the legendary kitchen knife is also displayed below this skill
page. It is exactly the same as Chen Ze remembers. Using this kitchen knife to cut
vegetables can restore the dish to its peak state and increase the taste by 200%.

"Too, great. If that's the case, then it can be used now. To restore the taste to
its peak, wouldn't it be the same as turning No. 9 food into No. 1? From worst to
best, That's great. It's really great. "

泽 Chen Ze was ecstatic. He had never expected that the skills that he used to make
chicken ribs were so useful now.

At this moment, the people who were watching on the periphery of the game were also
watching Chen Ze and Zhang Zijian:

"Look, you see, Zhang Zijian has begun to do something, but Chen Ze has been slow
to do so, and his frown is so deep, obviously there is no way out."

"There must be no alternative. It is you, the food is worse than others, and the
cooking is worse than others. How do you do it? Can you not worry?"

"Let me say, this Chen Ze has nothing to worry about. Anyway, he is not Zhang
Zijian's opponent, it doesn't matter what the food is."

The crowd spoke, but at this moment, they suddenly discovered that Chen Ze, who had
frowned, had his brows loosened. Not only was the brow loose, but also a smile on
his face, a very confident smile.

It seems that he seems to have found a way to defeat Zhang Zijian.

"What is this guy doing with this expression? Did he find a way to defeat Zhang
不可能 "No way, how could he find a way to defeat Zhang Zijian, there is no way at

就是 "That's right, I think this guy is crazy."

Chapter FTLS 92: The power of the legendary kitchen knife

"What is his expression? Does he think he can still win?"

"It's weird to laugh even in this situation."

"What the **** is going on, is this guy crazy?"

The people around him looked at the smiles on Chen Ze's face and said strangely.

他们 In their opinion, Chen Ze was defeated, but Chen Ze showed such a kind of
smile that seemed to win, which really surprised them.

Looking at Chen Ze's smile, a strange thought rose in the hearts of everyone: "No
way, can this guy still win?"

On the one side, Fang Qing, after seeing Chen Ze's smile, suddenly thought of the
previous thing. Many times before, Chen Ze was like this. He was thought to be
losing, but he himself won in the end. Up.

Is this also the case this time?

In the game scene, Chen Ze did not pay attention to the views of others around him.
He exchanged the skill of using the legendary kitchen knife once, and then he felt
that the ordinary knife he held was different. As if having a soul, it shook

Even, Chen Ze felt a sound of dragon yin coming out of the knife and passed into
his soul, making Chen Ze shudder!

Chen Ze knew that the chopper in his hand had now become the legendary chopper.

这个 "This, is this the legendary kitchen knife?"

Chen Ze murmured to himself, he touched the kitchen knife in his hand.

Then, took out the fish provided by the organizing committee, aimed at the fish's
belly, slashed it in the past, and started processing the fish.


Suddenly, there was a sound of knives on the chopping board.

At this time, the legendary kitchen knife and Chen Ze's God-eating knife were
played at the same time, and immediately Chen Ze handled the fish very quickly.

"This, this Chen Chen's knives are so good? Can C-class chef knives be so good?"

"No, it's impossible, it's only C-level. How could a knifeman be so good?"

"My God, the movements are so fast and proficient, and there are even some
beautiful. A C-class chef, a C-class chef cannot reach this level."

这 "Here, is Food and Travel magazine wrong? Just by the knife of Chen Ze, he can
never be a C-class."

The people around me whispered, everyone was stunned, including several judges, as
well as the host, and the chefs waiting to prepare the next game, naturally, there
are also spectators and reporters around.

大部分 Most of these people came from outside the country. They have not seen the
previous games, and their understanding of Chen Ze came entirely from the article
"Food and Tourism".

Therefore, everyone thinks that Chen Ze is just a C-level chef. I am afraid that
his cooking skills are not good. It is only good luck to pass the regional trials.

So now, after seeing Chen Ze's knives, they are all stunned, and they look at each
other's faces, and they also see the expression of extreme surprise from the faces
of the nearby people.

Obviously, most of the people on the scene did not think at all, and did not expect
that Chen Ze, the representative of Yucheng, could have such a skill level.

"Oh my God, if the swordman is so strong, then this person's cooking is probably
quite extraordinary. This person is a strong enemy."

"I can't imagine that Yu Cheng's representative would be so strong. I am just not a
rival because of this knives."

"I can't think of Yang Ming making a mistake. The knives alone are enough for him
to enter the ranks of A."

Several other national chefs who waited next to prepare for the next exams said
that they were also shocked by Chen Ze's hand.

"But unfortunately, the fish he picked is really bad. Even if the knife is against
the sky, I am afraid it is not Zhang Zijian's opponent."

"Yeah, the fish is too bad. Even the best knives are meaningless. Unless he is far
better than Zhang Zijian, he won't win this time."

"It's a pity that seeing his knifeman, in fact, I still want to play against him."

Suddenly, several chefs spoke again, shaking their heads one by one, and said with

It turned out that although they were all shocked by Chen Ze's knife workers, they
all thought that if they were knife workers alone, he couldn't beat Zhang Zijian
because of the fish gap.

I want to beat Zhang Zijian in this situation, unless the cooking skills are much
better than Zhang Zijian. But much better cooking skills than Zhang Zijian, no one
thinks that Chen Ze can be achieved.

In fact, even if they are themselves, they have no confidence that they can defeat
Zhang Zijian under Chen Ze's situation.

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

In the end, all chefs thought that Chen Ze still couldn't win this game.

内 In the playing field, looking at Chen Ze moving so quickly, Zhang Zijian was
also stunned. He did not expect Chen Ze to have such a knife.

"I can't think of this guy's knives being so strong. If you look at knives alone,
I'm afraid his cooking is still above me." Zhang Zijian thought to himself,
"Fortunately, fortunately, I moved this hand and foot secretly, otherwise I'm
afraid to be the first Round, I'm about to lose. Fortunately fortunate. "

Zhang Zijian was shocked by Chen Ze's swordsman, and he was glad he had done it in
advance. He himself thought that Chen Ze still lost this time.

Chen Ze did not take into account the thoughts of others on the field. He could
feel and felt that the vitality of the fish near the knife was rapidly recovering
at the moment he cut it with his knife ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Although invisible ,
But it actually happened.

The state of the sturgeon meat and the taste of the fish meat are all recovering
and getting better.

At the end, the whole fish has become the best fish in the state. The cuisine made
with this fish will have far more taste than ordinary fish, and naturally, it will
far exceed Zhang Zijian's fish.

This is the power of the legendary kitchen knife! !! !!

Although he didn't know how it happened, Chen Ze knew that he had won this game.


Boom! !! !!

At the scene, Chen Ze and Zhang Zijian both devoted themselves to this dish.

The people watching around also calmed down, looking forward to what kind of dishes
the two would make.

Everyone thought that there was no suspense in this game, especially after seeing
that Chen Ze got the No. 9 fish. But now I have seen Chen Ze's knives. Although the
suspense is still very small, everyone is very looking forward to what exactly the
two people, especially Chen Ze will make.

Although there is no time limit for the game, but because it is only a fish dish,
both of them are fast. In less than 20 minutes, both of them have finished their


Zhang Zijian and Chen Ze spoke one after the other for less than thirty seconds.

"Okay, then the tasting of the first game begins."

I heard the words of Zhang Zijian and Chen Ze, hosted the humane, and then the
staff brought the dishes made by Zhang Zijian and Chen Ze separately.

"What kind of dishes will the two make separately?"

"Yeah, although Chen Ze's chances of winning are still very small, but I'm really
looking forward to what kind of dishes Chen Ze will make with such a good knife."

Chapter FTLS 93: Live

Zhang Zijian's dish was brought up first. He brought it to the five judges, opened
the lid, and immediately the aroma drifted, causing a lot of saliva to flow out

"Yes, it is braised fish, and Zhang Zijian makes braised fish."

"Yes, it's braised fish. It's so fragrant. It's much more fragrant than ordinary
braised fish. Does he add any seasoning? Why is it so fragrant?"

"No, it's not just fragrant. You can look at his braised fish. The fish is just
right, with red pepper and spring onion. It looks very attractive, far from
ordinary braised fish. He Xiang, these two are the ultimate. "

"It is indeed Zhang Zijian. The simple dish such as braised fish is so good."

I saw Zhang Zijian's dish and smelled it. People all around said, everyone thinks
that from the perspective of color and fragrance, his dish is almost to the

I was surprised not only by the crowd and reporters who were watching, but also by
the chefs who were waiting.

Actually they all know that there is a ghost in Zhang Zi's fitness, and he likes to
use some inferior methods, but he did not expect that his cooking skills would be
so good.

At the competition venue, after hearing the words of everyone, Zhang Zijian's mouth
slightly tilted, proudly: "Several judges, you taste it. One dish is about color
and fragrance. Although my dish is good in color and fragrance, the flavor is the

Yes, just as the chefs waiting for the game thought, although Zhang Zijian likes to
use some inferior methods, in fact his cooking skills are quite extraordinary.
Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to reach today's level by relying only on
the methods of inferiority.

好 "OK, let's try it."

One of the judges spoke and said that five people picked up chopsticks, one by one,
sandwiched a little fish, and fed them into their mouths. At first, his face was
quite calm, but soon his face changed one by one:

这 "This is so refreshing and tender, the taste of fish is so good."

"This dish, the flavor of vinegar and soy sauce is perfectly immersed in the fish,
and the spicy taste of red pepper, perfectly complements the taste of fish."

"My God, the fish is a little bit spicy, but it's spicy, it feels as if the fish is
still alive. In the mouth, swimming in the abdominal cavity, a braised fish, a
braised fish can have this taste . "

A few judges said, their faces flushed. Although they only took one bite, they were
completely conquered by the taste of this dish.

After a short while, several people immediately ate the second and third bites.
"Look at the expressions of the judges, as if you are eating something

"Yeah, I really want to watch it. What exactly does this braised fish taste like?"

"Originally thought that color and fragrance were the selling point of Zhang
Zijian's dish. Now it seems that taste is the best selling point."

Looking at the judges, people from all around looked at each other, and they found
that they seemed to have underestimated Zhang Zijian's dish.

Then the judges ignored the words of the people around them, and ate a few bites
one by one, and then sat down satisfactorily:

"A very wonderful dish, there is nothing to be faulty in color, fragrance or


"This is the best braised fish I have ever eaten. I can't think of such an ordinary
dish that can have such a taste."

"The taste of the fish is really good, especially after the ingredients are added.
Unfortunately, the fish itself is not the best fish, otherwise I think the taste
can be at least one level higher. But even so, it is already a rare Top dishes. "

Several judges sat on the position, smiling, and commenting on Zhang Zijian's dish.

Obviously, they are very satisfied with this dish one by one.

Even from their words, everyone could hear that Zhang Zijian seemed to have booked
the victory.

"So high evaluation, it seems that the person who won this time should be Zhang

"Yes, the judges just said, if Zhang Zijian's fish is one level higher, then the
dishes will be more delicious. And Chen Ze's fish is several levels lower than
Zhang Zijian's. This is not something that knife workers can make up for.
Obviously, no matter how advanced Chen Ze's cooking skills are, he loses. "

"It's a pity that Chen Ze's knife is so good, but the fish is really bad."

Everyone around him shook his head and said.

The same is true of the chefs, watching Chen Ze and Zhang Zijian:

"It seems that although Chen Ze's dishes have not been served, the one who wins
this time should be Zhang Zijian."

"Yeah, if Zhang Zijian makes a serious mistake, then Chen Ze may be able to make a
comeback. Now, like this, Chen Ze is losing."

看来 "It seems that the winner of this first game will be Zhang Zijian. I don't
know who of us will meet him in the next round. We can first consider how to win
after meeting him."

"Although the gap in food can be made up by culinary skills, if the gap in culinary
skills is not large, no one can make up for it, unless the **** of food comes."

Everyone around me spoke, one by one, thinking that Zhang Zijian had won.
Even Zhang Zijian himself looked at Chen Ze with a touch of pride and a look of
ridicule: "I won this game."

Listening to the words of people around, Fang Qing couldn't help it. She froze for
a long time and suddenly said loudly: "Chen Ze, come on!"

As a person on the side of Chen Ze, Fang Qing is naturally unable to endure that so
many people look at Chen Ze.

And her words immediately caught everyone's attention at the scene, everyone's eyes
were on her and Chen Ze:

"Who is this woman? It would not be his girlfriend if she supported Chen Ze so

"It is probably Chen Ze's girlfriend. I never thought Chen Ze had such a beautiful

"Unfortunately, no matter how beautiful your girlfriend is, he is losing today."

"I lost the game in front of such a beautiful girlfriend. I don't know what Chen Ze
thought about it."

Several people standing in front of Fang Qing also cleared each other: "Don't cheer
~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The representative of Chen Ranju is a loser, he cannot win.

In short, there was a loud noise at the scene.

"Quiet, please keep quiet on the spot." At this time, the host stepped forward to
maintain order, and heard the host's words, the scene gradually restored peace.

At this time, the host said, "Then, let's ask five judges to try the second dish,
Chen Ze's dish."

With his words, several staff members put Chen Ze's dish in front of the judges,
opened it, and it turned out to be a braised fish.

After seeing that Chen Ze and Zhang Zijian made the same dish, several judges

Then the audience whispered again:

"My God, Chen Ze's luck is too bad. He even made braised fish, now he's completely

"Yeah, if the different dishes are fine, the freshness of the fish can greatly
affect the game. If it is the same dish, Zhang Zijian is several grades better than
his fish. . "

"Luck, Chen Ze's luck is really bad."

The judges really did have this idea in mind. For the same dish, the difference in
the quality of the food alone basically determines the result of the dish.

Therefore, although they have not eaten, they all feel that they have reached the
result of this game.

Although they thought so, they picked up chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish, and
fed it into their mouths.

After chewing for a few bites, the voices of these judges sounded:

"This, this, how is this possible."

这 "This is alive, fish is alive."

"My God, how did this happen? This fish is alive."

Chapter FTLS 94: Zhang Zijian finished

"Oh my gosh, this, this is alive, the fish is still alive."

"Yeah, why, how could this fish be alive?"

"I didn't expect it, it was totally unexpected."

On the board of judges, several authorities from all over the country and the
Chinese Food Festival have spoken, one by one, as if they saw a ghost.

Listening to their words, everyone in the surroundings also stopped:

"What's the matter? What's going on, isn't it just a bite of Chen Ze's fish? How
come all these judges have become like this?"

"Yeah, live, fish live, what does this mean?"

"The judges are reasonably well-informed one by one. Why are they all like this?"

The onlookers and reporters felt that it was too strange to know exactly what
happened. Isn't it just a bite of Chen Ze's fish? As for the expression so

Tong Mingming has already eaten the same dish of Zhang Zijian, and it is the same
dish with more advanced fish. In this case, as for revealing it as if you have not
eaten this dish at all?

On the board of judges, several of the judges didn't care what the people around
them were thinking. They all focused on the taste in their mouths and were
conquered by Chen Ze's dish.

"It's almost the worst grade of fish, but the fish is so fresh, so tender and
smooth, it seems like the dishes made from the best fish. This is amazing."

"It is clear that the fish is not very good, but after eating into the mouth, close
your eyes as if the whole fish is alive, swimming in the mouth and inside the
chest, people feel a vibrant vitality."

"Oh my God, can the ninth fish taste like this? It's incredible, it's incredible."

"An incredible dish is really incredible."

A few judges spoke, eating one by one while trying to eat, regardless of the image
and the venue.

I heard what the judges said, and people around and reporters reacted.

Listen, listening to these judges, it seems that the dishes made by Chen Ze taste
very good. No, it's not very good, but with the ninth grade, which is almost the
worst grade, the taste of the top fish can be made.

这 "This, how is this possible, how can someone be able to accomplish this."

"Oh my god, the taste of top fish is made with ninth grade fish. This is

"Who is this beautiful Chen Ze? You have such a culinary skill."

Everyone was shocked, including Zhang Zijian and other chefs, all with extremely
shocked expressions on their faces.

The ninth grade of fish meat has made the taste of top fish, which is an impossible
thing for them to complete.

现在 But now, even a young chef, or a halfway monk, was made by a chef who was a
taxi driver before.

This, how is this possible!

I saw these judges intoxicated and satisfied, and they all knew that Chen Ze, a
half-way monk chef, actually did this incredible thing.

"Amazing, really amazing, this Chen Ze's cooking skills are so strong."

"It's incredible. I thought he was losing this time. Now it seems that the result
is just the opposite."

"It's incredible. Even me, I'm afraid I can't do what Chen Ze does now."

A few nationally renowned chefs whispered awaiting the game, looking at Chen Ze
with some complexities.

Originally, they thought that Zhang Zijian had won this time, and they even began
to think about how they would deal with Zhang Zijian in case they met Zhang Zijian.

现在 But now, it turns out that it is going to reverse.

Chen Ze is a more difficult opponent.

Not only these chefs, but also people and reporters from around the world reacted
one after another. The reporters quickly picked up the cameras in their hands and
snapped shots at Chen Ze and the judges.

The people around me know that one by one, according to the current situation, Chen
Ze is probably the final winner:

"Reversed, I did not expect that Chen Ze has reversed. Is his cooking so strong?"

"My God, I thought that Zhang Zijian's performance today, he was the winner. But
never expected that Chen Ze reversed."

"It's amazing, this representative of Meiranju is really amazing."

"The magazine" Tourism and Gourmet "is so ridiculous this time. How can a chef who
can make a top-grade fish flavor with ninth-level fish meat be C-level, it should
be top-level."

"Zhang Zijian, he lost."

In the arena, after several judges grabbed Chen Ze ’s dish one by one, they showed
a contented expression and announced the result: “Today ’s game is really exciting,
Zhang Zijian, you use No. 2 fish as the material, perfect. The taste of the fish is
played, and the reality is wonderful. "

The judges said, and turned to look at Chen Ze from Zhang Zijian's face: "But Chen
Ze is on your side, but with No. 9 fish, this is almost the worst grade of fish,
beyond the limits of fish. It tastes top-quality fish and brings us an unparalleled
vitality, which is even more rare, extremely rare. "

所以 "So from a comprehensive perspective, I announced that this competition, the

winner is from Yucheng Meiranju representatives, Chen Ze!"

With the last sentence of the judges, Chen Ze smiled and cheered, and Fang Qing's
face also smiled. Everyone at the scene cheered. The reporters desperately shot
Chen Ze's face. They all knew that a dark horse had appeared.

All of a sudden, the scene fell into a cheering atmosphere.

But Zhang Zijian's face was quite poor. He had no idea that Chen Ze could do this
step, and he could make such a taste of fish with Grade 9 fish. He even did not
expect that he spent two million, and even invested most of his family in gambling.
But lost the game in this first game.

一 After losing this game, Zhang Zijian can almost be said to have nothing.

Therefore, his face was very pale, and he suddenly said loudly, "I don't agree, I
don't agree."

I heard what he said, everyone else looked at him, not knowing what he wanted to
say at this time.

"I, it took me two million to get through the relationship, and let them fiddle
with this competition, so that Chen Ze could get the ninth fish, how could it be,
how could it be lost here." Zhang Zijian said, even faint He talked about bribes
under his head.

After hearing what he said, everyone was uproar. Everyone thought that Zhang Zijian
wanted to say something, but he did not expect that what he was going to say was

Bribe? Two million? Tricked Chen Ze to the ninth level of fish?

This is exactly a bomb that exploded in everyone's mind.

"I spent two million dollars, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can't just lose like
this, can't just lose like this."

Zhang Zijian spoke, but at this time it was a bit crazy, and walked directly
towards the staff who helped him.

"what did you say?"

The judges headed by Tong stood up, very angry, and did not expect such a game.
There was even such a scandal, and it was still exploded in the public.

However, Zhang Zijian did not answer the judge's words, but went to the staff
member: "Two million, I gave you two million, how can I lose here."
"I don't understand what you said." The staff member said, his face was pale, and
Zhang Zijian had no idea that he would be so dizzy.

After hearing the conversation between the two, it is not clear to all of them what
exactly happened.

I was so angry that I didn't expect Zhang Zijian to be so insidious and spent two
million to do this kind of thing. Fortunately, Chen Ze's superb cooking skills, or
Zhang Zijian really succeeded.

The reporters rushed to take pictures, and they all knew that this was big

"Security, take me to the back of these two people." The judges also said at this
time, and then said to the crowd, "Sorry that this happened, but please rest
assured that we will investigate this matter thoroughly, Give everyone an account.

He said, he took Zhang Zijian and the staff and walked towards the back.

I soon heard the news. Zhang Zijian confirmed that he was connected with this staff
member. Zhang Zijian was disqualified from the competition and was included in the
blacklist of the Chefs Industry Association. In the future, he would not be allowed
to engage in the chef industry again.

And the staff member was also directly expelled and even held legally responsible.

In a word, these two people are finished.

Chapter FTLS 95: Weakness (on)

"Hello Chen Ze, what is your opinion on what happened to Zhang Zijian this time?"

"This time Zhang Zijian did such hands and feet in private, but still can't beat
you. Is your goal to win the championship?"

"Hello Chen Ze, I'm a reporter from" Yucheng Local Food ". I'm very excited to see
you win Zhang Zijian today. I don't know what you think of your next game?"

Outside the banquet hall, a group of reporters spoke around Chen Ze, which was
completely different from the previous reporters when Chen went into the hall
without any attention from reporters. After he walked out this time, all the
reporters gathered up, and even many reporters inside came along , Surrounding Chen

In their opinion, Chen Ze's game was too shocking and worthy of reporting. Not only
did he perfectly counterattack, he defeated Zhang Zijian with a ninth level of
fish, showing his cooking skills. There was also an incident of Zhang Zijian giving
bribes to Chen Ze.

This is a big event anyway, so all reporters gathered around Chen Ze and spoke with
Chen Ze.

In the face of this group of reporters, Chen Ze also has a smile on his face, but
his heart is even happier.

Not only is glad that he won the game today, he is even more pleased that Zhang
Zijian blew himself up. The things he broke out are really amazing and will attract
more people to pay attention to this matter.
In this case, can't your own popularity increase faster?

Thinking of this, Chen Ze smiled with flowers on his face, and said in his mouth,
"I'm really shocked about this ..."

I opened the system in my mind and observed his popularity. After the last game,
his popularity increased to more than 300. After a few days of increase, it
increased to five or six hundred. There are only four or five thousand left in the
lottery. After this incident is reported, the popularity will definitely increase.
More than one thousand is very likely.

When the time comes, we will be able to draw again. How could Chen Ze be upset?

When Chen Ze was interviewed, the news that he won the first game spread all over
Yucheng, and other circles who followed the Chinese God of God competition,
everyone was shocked:

"Chen Ze, who is beautiful and beautiful, is this Chen Ze so powerful? A chef who
has never heard of it is so strong? He beat Zhang Zijian with the fish of almost
the worst quality?"

"It's too good for Chen Ze, isn't it that he was just a taxi driver before? The
driver can also be so powerful?"

"It's really unexpected that this kind of thing will happen. This Chen Ze looks
like a dark horse this time. Zhang Zijian's own chef is very good. Although he is
not the top chef, he is also a few people standing in the forefront. The chef, who
moved such hands and feet in private, still lost to this Chen Ze, and it was really
amazing. "

"I made the best quality dish with almost the worst quality fish, how did this Chen
Ze do this?"

上面 On the Internet, various small circles of food forums have said.

Although there are many Chinese and many Chinese netizens, when it comes to food,
it is a very small circle.

However, although the circle is not large, the forums are full. Now most of the
forums are talking about Chen Ze.

Everyone is amazed, and some can't believe it. I can't believe that a chef who is a
C-level judge of a leading magazine such as "Travel and Food" and has become a monk
would be so strong.

A chef of the level of Zhang Zijian, coupled with his hands and feet, failed to
settle Chen Ze, but was instead killed by Chen Ze.

Who is this Chen Ze?

Although the circle is not big, this time, in this small circle of cuisine, Chen
Ze's name is chanted, and everyone is very curious and admired for Chen Ze.

美 然 居, inside the shop.

Since the game was over, Chen Ze drove back and did not stay there to watch other
chefs' games.
Although he wants to see it, after all, there is Li Qifeng in the store who is
looking after the business. It is a bit bad to leave Li Qifeng alone in the shop.

After Chen Ze sent Fang Qing, he went back.

I just parked the car, and before I walked in, I saw the merchants around him and
the chefs in his shop.

"Chen Ze, I heard you won again? Great, really great."

"It's too good, Chen Ze. You're really good. You really glorify our city."

"Yes, Mr. Chen, after you win again this time, your Meiranju is likely to have
gained fame throughout the country, and maybe it will become a large national hotel
chain in the future."

The people around me spoke, and they obviously all got the news, one by one,
congratulations to Chen Zedao.

Chen Ze dealt with them for a long time with a smile, and then got out of the
crowd, walked out of the crowd, and walked into the kitchen. At this moment, Li
Qifeng is chopping vegetables inside.

"Trouble you today." Chen Ze said with a smile. This time is really troublesome Li
Qifeng, otherwise Chen Ze knows that it is absolutely impossible for him to support
the shop all the time.

"Nothing." Li Qifeng said, "But I was very surprised. I didn't expect you to win
again this time."

Then, he turned to look at Chen Ze, and then said, "This time his opponent is Zhang
Zijian. This guy likes playing tricks, and his cooking skills are very good. I
thought you would lose ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I really think you actually won again.

Frankly speaking, Li Qifeng was very sighed. Originally, he thought that Chen Ze
probably lost the chance this time. Even himself, he was totally unsure.

I never expected that Chen Ze won, and it was a Jedi comeback under extreme

I got this news. After hearing the whole process of the game, Li Qifeng was really
sighed. He and Chen Ze have been together for a while. I feel that although Chen
Ze's knives are powerful, he looks like he is not outstanding.

But this is the case. Chen Ze actually won again. He felt that Chen Ze was really a
real person, hiding a little too deep.

奇 Li Qifeng had a little dissatisfaction with Chen Ze at first, but now, this
little dissatisfaction is completely news. In its place, there was a tremendous
admiration for Chen Ze.

"Haha, it's just Zhang Zijian, it's nothing at all." Chen Ze said, proudly, "My
goal this time is the champion, the champion of the Chinese food god.

Chen Ze has never been as confident as he is now. The food seasoning, the food
knives, and the practice during this time, even if he has no other skills, as long
as no one plays tricks, he feels that he can win this Champion of the competition.
Yes, Chen Ze is very confident.

"Host, I have to remind you before you get stunned by victory."

At this time, the sound of the system rang in Chen Ze's mind.

"Fresh food seasoning, coupled with fresh food knives, your cooking skills are
almost at the peak. But it is not enough. You still have very obvious weaknesses."

"What?" Chen Ze hesitated when he heard the words of the system. "Weakness?"

"Yes, weakness!"Chapter FTLS 96: Weakness (below)

Cheng Yucheng, inside a hotel room.

"Boss, I'm back."

A man knocked on the door, walked into the room, and spoke to the man sitting in
the room.

好 "Okay, did you get something?"

The sitting man nodded and opened his mouth.

"I bought it. This is the food I just bought from Meiranju Chenze shop. He made it
by himself." The man said, saying that he had put the dishes he had on his hands on
the table.

"Very well, then you go out first."

The sitting man spoke.

"it is good."

The man nodded and turned away from the room.

Then, the sitting man stood up and opened the dish, which was a very ordinary fish-
flavored shredded pork.

Although the dishes are ordinary, just by looking at the appearance, you can see
that the skill of the chef is quite extraordinary, especially the hand knife, which
cuts the shredded pork and other side dishes neatly, almost exactly the same,
almost magical .

However, this man seems to have expected it. After seeing this knifeman, his face
has not changed in any way, but he still admired: "It is such a knifeman that it is
really amazing."

He said, he picked up the chopsticks, picked up the chopsticks and fed them into
his mouth.

"Tender and smooth, sweet and sour, this Chen Ze really has the ability to beat
Zhang Zijian. I can't think of being so young, the chef is so high."

He chewed, the man opened his mouth, and saw that there was no reaction on the
knife's face, but after tasting it, he finally had a slight change and a little
shock. Apparently, Chen Zecai's taste surprised him.

Suddenly, his brows frowned again: "No, this dish seems to have a little more salt,
a little less vinegar, and a little less sugar. This ingredient obviously did not
reach the perfection, how could it have such a taste? ? "

男人 This man is obviously quite rich in cooking experience. Although he was

shocked by the taste of Chen Ze's dish for the first time, after careful tasting,
he still found something wrong with Chen Ze's dish.

"It's weird. I obviously feel that there are problems in several places. The dishes
I made should not have this taste, but how could this taste be?" The man muttered
to himself, and he frowned deeply. .

He thinks that Chen Ze's dishes are a bit strange. It seems that some magic is
applied. It definitely shouldn't be the taste, but it just turned into this taste,
which made him feel very strange.

I thought about it for a long time, but he still hadn't figured out what happened
to Chen Ze's dish.

In the end, he shook his head: "No matter what is going on, if this is Chen Ze's
true level, then he will not be my opponent. Although he can't figure out by what
means, he will obviously not be this This kind of flavored dish is adjusted to this
taste, but it can never reach the top taste. If you can't master all kinds of
seasonings, side dishes, and heat, then he cannot be the top chef. "

Thought of this, the man smiled at the corner of his mouth, feeling that everything
was in his grasp.

Buzz buzz!

At this moment, the man's cell phone rang. He opened it and saw a text message sent
over: "Tomorrow's group list has come out. Mr. Zhao Yuan, your opponent tomorrow is
Mei Ran Ju's representative, Chen Ze!"


"Zhao Yuan? Who is Zhao Yuan?"

Chen Meiran was inside, Chen Ze asked.

At this time, it has been dark for a long time, and Mei Ran Ju has also closed its
business, leaving him and Li Qifeng in the shop.

Chen Ze also received a text message just now. The text message told him the group
of tomorrow's game. Tomorrow his opponent is Zhao Yuan. This made Chen Ze a little
bit confused, he didn't know who Zhao Yuan was at all.

"You don't even know Zhao Yuan?"

Hearing Chen Ze's words, Li Qifeng was cried and laughed. Recently, he found out
that although Chen Ze's chef is good, he is nothing but a chef in the field of
chefs. Not only does he not know all the famous chefs in the country, even Not even
the specific competition system of the Chinese God of God contest is clear.

If you haven't played against Chen Ze and know that Chen Ze's cooking skills are
very good, he would think that Chen Ze is completely culinary.

At this moment, after hearing Chen Ze's words, he felt cried and laughed: "Zhao
Yuan, he can be regarded as one of the most famous and best chefs among the young
generation of chefs, and maybe even one can be removed."
"Who the **** is this person, is it so powerful?" Chen Ze slammed it.

"Of course." Li Qifeng said. "He went abroad at the age of eighteen and has
apprenticed in hotels in India, the United States, the United Kingdom, France,
Italy and other countries. He has studied cooking in various countries. The
Michelin Star Hotel hired a chef, and he returned to China after another five
years. At present, his own restaurant will be judged by the Michelin Star Hotel
Samsung Hotel. In terms of cooking, although he is less than 35 years old , But it
can be said that it is the combination of the world's major culinary skills, and is
currently the world's most domestic chef. "

"It's so powerful, it sounds a lot more powerful than Zhang Zijian." Hearing Li
Qifeng's words, Chen Ze then knew what kind of character his opponent will be
tomorrow. I have studied in large hotels in so many countries, and I am the chef of
several Michelin hotels in succession. Now my own restaurant has to be rated as a
Samsung Hotel by Michelin. This experience is simply outrageous ~ www.mtlnovel.com
~ Compared with his own experience as a chef, Chen Ze feels that he seems
completely different from Zhao Yuan. Today's opponent, Zhang Zijian, seems to be
even more completely his opponent.

"Of course, although Zhang Zijian is powerful, he is not a level with Zhao Yuan.
Zhao Yuan is very famous all over the world, and many foreign tourists will come to
China to eat what he made." Li Qifeng said.

In fact, he meant that even if you were Chen Ze, he was not on the same level as
Zhao Yuan. However, because tomorrow is the day to compete with Zhao Yuan, he does
not want to attack Chen Ze's confidence, so the last sentence did not say.

However, in his heart, he did not think that Chen Ze would win at all. Even if he
had already won Zhang Zijian, Li Qifeng did not think he could win Zhao Yuan.

"Zhao Yuan is very strong, very strong. It may be one of the strongest chefs in
this session. Even if you lose tomorrow, it doesn't really mean anything." Finally,
Li Qifeng said, trying to give Chen Ze a shot.


泽 Chen Ze nodded his head. The Chinese God of God game is very compact. Today, he
defeated Zhang Zijian, and tomorrow he will play against people like Zhao Yuan.

However, Chen Ze was nothing, but I remembered what the system said to him in the
afternoon: "Host, you still have very obvious shortcomings. Indeed, you can beat
some chefs by relying on the food seasoning and food preparation knives. But once
you meet At the top chefs, the disadvantages of the food seasoning will be
revealed. Although this seasoning is magical, it can increase the food from 50 to
90. However, it is absolutely impossible to rise from seasoning to 90. If you meet
a chef who can cook more than ninety dishes, you must lose! "

"Tomorrow seems to be an opponent more than ninety."Chapter FTLS 97: Chen Ze lost
"Grouped out, tomorrow is the match between Chen Ze and Zhao Yuan who are in good

什么 "What, Chen Ze is facing Zhao Yuan? My God, is that Zhao Yuan who has traveled
to various countries and studied food in each country?"

"Isn't this Zhao Yuan said to be one of the chefs who have the most hope to become
the Chinese God of Food this time, Chen Ze originally met him."

"In terms of today's game, Chen Ze is already very powerful, but Zhao Yuan is even
more powerful."

一个 In a niche forum on the Internet, after the grouping of Chinese food today,
the people in the forum started a fierce discussion.

不 There are not many people in this forum, maybe hundreds or thousands of people,
but they are all people who like food, so they pay close attention to this Chinese
food **** contest.

Coupled with the God of God competition is about to reach the final game, so
everyone's attention is even higher.

After tomorrow, it will be the final, so tomorrow's two sets of competitions will
naturally be to compete for the final tickets. Everyone knows that the competition
will be very fierce, so everyone is naturally very concerned about this group.

听说 After hearing about the grouping tomorrow, naturally it was discussed again.

Chen Ze naturally knows that not many people know Chen Ze, but since he played
against Zhang Zijian today, there has not been a large-scale publicity, but most of
the netizens in this forum know him of.

He was a driver halfway through the road, but in the past he was a driver, but he
had a mastery of knives. His cooking skills were also quite amazing. Even Zhang
Zijian, who had made hands and feet, was not his opponent.

的 All these things let these netizens know that Chen Ze is not a simple chef, he
is definitely qualified to impact the title of Chinese food god.

Can't beat Zhao Yuan, they are more clear. At the age of eighteen, he has traveled
to various countries and has served as a chef at several Michelin Samsung hotels
abroad. He may be the most internationally renowned chef in China. He is also one
of the seed players in this competition.

的 All of this let everyone know that Zhao Yuan's cooking skills are really too
strong. Chen Ze is strong, but I am afraid he is not Zhao Yuan's opponent yet.

Therefore, after hearing this group, netizens knew that Chen Ze was dangerous this

He is hard to win, or more accurately, he loses!

"Chen Ze lost, Zhao Yuan, a chef with such an international reputation, cannot lose
to him here."

就是 "That is, Zhao Yuan should be one of the chefs most likely to win the title of
Chinese food **** in this competition, and it is impossible to lose to Chen Ze."

"Chen Ze had bad luck. Although he barely made it to the final four, he met Zhao
Yuan. Unfortunately, his knifework is really amazing."

"Where is the bad luck and met Zhao Yuan? Now Chen Ze, a beautifully ranked fourth,
is basically the worst. Although he defeated Zhang Zijian, the other three have the
strength to easily defeat Zhang Zijian. He can reach The quarter-finals are already
lucky. "

"That's all right, I think Chen Ze himself knows he can't win."


"I will win."

In the room late at night, Chen Ze murmured to himself, although it was late, but
he still did not fall asleep, thinking about tomorrow's game.

If tomorrow's game wins, then you can enter the finals next week, which is the
battle for the title of Chinese God of Food. In this case, it is impossible for
Chen Ze to fall down here.

However, he has been thinking about the system and his weaknesses that he has said.
The food seasoning is really good, but it cannot show the top taste of the food,
and there is no problem in meeting ordinary chefs. But if you meet top chefs, you
will definitely lose.

"Zhao Yuan, it should be the top chef."

Chen Ze murmured to himself, thinking about this problem.

Since the food seasoning is useless, Chen Ze knows that he must think of other

"I have also learned a lot of cooking skills during this time. If I ’m an ordinary
chef, I do n’t rely on food seasoning. I am also confident that they can compare
with them. Until the skills do, at least other skills will be needed. "

Thinking this way, Chen Ze quickly opened the system again and came to the
popularity value. I saw that the data above the popularity value was 923, and there
were more than 70 left from the 1,000 popularity value that can be drawn.

系统 "System, why not a thousand?"

Seeing this data, Chen Ze was a little disappointed.

参加 Since participating in the Chinese God of God competition, his popularity has
risen much faster in the race cars, after all, this race has attracted a lot of

However, at his most critical moment, he did not rise to a thousand, which made him
a little difficult.

"It didn't rise to one thousand, indicating that your popularity is not enough.
Although there are a lot of people paying attention to the God of God contest, it
takes time to convert the attention to adulthood. The time between the two games is
too short, so It hasn't been transformed for a while, "the system said.

那么 "So, before tomorrow's game, can these more than 70 popularity values be
transformed successfully?" Chen Ze said.

"There is a certain chance, but the system has no way to guarantee it." The system

"This, all right."

Finally, Chen Ze spoke, and he knew that regardless of the situation, he had to
participate in tomorrow's game.

No matter how popular he is, he will not admit defeat or lose.

The next day, at the entrance of the Chinese Food God Contest, as the game
progressed, more and more audiences and reporters paid attention to the game.

Today, the gate is full of reporters and spectators, all here to welcome the final
four of the competition today.

While greeted, they also discussed:

"It's finally the second to last game. The two people who won today will be the two
in the finals next week. I really don't know which two."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it, I don't know who will win."

"I don't know the other group, but there is a group I know who will win."

"You are talking about the group of Chen Ze and Zhao Yuan. The strength of that
group is very different. I think Zhao Yuan will win."

"Yes, I'm talking about this group. Yesterday, Chen Ze was able to win Zhang
Zijian. It is really amazing, but Zhao Yuanke is different from Zhang Zijian's
half-hungry chef. He has studied internationally for so many years Chef ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ When it comes to hard power, he can crush Zhang Zijian. "

"It is true that Chen Ze cannot win this time, and the person who entered the
finals should still be Zhao Yuan."

The reporters spoke. Like netizens, none of them looked good at Chen Ze, thinking
that Zhao Yuan was the winner.

"Zhu Chengyi is here."

At this moment, a reporter spoke, and he pointed out that Zhu Chengyi, one of the
top four players in today's competition, came.

With his words, all the reporters ran over and surrounded him.

Zhu Chengyi was also one of the seed players in this competition. After a hard
fight yesterday, he defeated Zhang Qi of the same level. Even their game yesterday
was hailed as the finals released in advance, which is the battle for the title of
Chinese God of Food.

After yesterday's battle, Zhu Chengyi jumped into the most likely candidate for
this competition, and even commented a little higher than Zhao Yuan, so after
seeing him, the reporters were naturally very excited.

When he met the reporter, he also smiled on his face and answered the questions of
the reporters.

Although there are many questions for journalists, they are basically very official
questions, such as whether you have confidence today, so Zhu Chengyi's answer is
also quite official.

However, a subsequent question caught his attention: "Excuse me, what do you think
of today's battle between Chen Ze and Zhao Yuan? Chen Ze is the **** horse this
time, and Zhao Yuan is an internationally renowned chef. You Who do you think will
win? "

After hearing this question, Zhu Chengyi said, without hesitation, "Zhao Yuan,
there is no doubt he. I played against him, and his chef is not under me. Although
this beautiful Chen Ze is awesome, he says If you are not polite, you are not at
the same level as Zhao Yuan. Today, Chen Ze lost the match. "

Chapter FTLS 98: The breadth of cooking

Ka 嚓 Ka 嚓!

At the scene of the Chinese Food God, countless reporters faced the scene and began
to take pictures.

Today is the penultimate game. Those who have won this game will be able to
participate in the finals and compete for the title of the last Chinese food god.
Therefore, this game can also be said to be attracting much attention.

Of course, the last game was not only the press conference of these newspapers and
websites, but even the TV station would also broadcast live. Everything showed a
fairly high standard.

Chen Ze was standing inside the match at this moment. He was standing not far away
from a 30- or 40-year-old man. He looked at the man and knew that it was Zhao Yuan.

"This person is Zhao Yuan!"

Chen Ze secretly looked at Zhao Yuan and thought to himself. Yesterday he returned
early, so he did not see Zhao Yuan and his opponents. However, I heard that it is
also very exciting, showing Zhao Yuan's strong cooking skills.

When Chen Ze looked at Zhao Yuan, Zhao Yuan also looked at Chen Ze: "Good young
chef. Although I saw it yesterday, I looked at it closely, but it was still too

Looking at Chen Ze, Zhao Yuan felt a bit sighed. He felt that Chen Ze was too
young, completely like a college student, where is he like a chef who can reach
where he is now.

But this young man has come step by step now, passed the regional trials, and
defeated Zhang Zijian yesterday. Zhao Yuan knew that if he was Chen Ze's age, it
would be impossible to defeat Zhang Zijian anyway.

"The afterlife is terrible." Zhao Yuan muttered to himself, "But unfortunately,

your cooking has not reached its peak. It is impossible to win me today."

Not only did Chen Ze and Zhao Yuan look at each other, everyone on the scene was
watching Chen Ze and Zhao Yuan.

"So young, especially when compared with Zhao Yuan, I feel Chen Ze is younger."

"Yeah, this representative of Meiranju really looks young. It is really amazing to

be able to come to this young age."

"It's a pity to meet Zhao Yuan. Otherwise, I really want to see if he can make it
to the finals, but he is so young, there will be opportunities in the future."

"Yes, there is no chance this time, but maybe there will be opportunities in the

Many people said in a row, they were also marveling at Chen Ze's youth, and also
felt sorry for Chen Ze. They all felt that Chen Ze could only come to this step,
and today is undoubtedly lost.
"Welcome everyone to continue to watch the semifinals of our Chinese God of God
contest today. I announce the semifinals now."

At this moment, the host came in and said. With his words, the judges sat down and
everyone's attention was attracted to him.

大家 "Everyone knows that today is the semi-final of our Chinese God of God
contest. Whoever wins today will enter the finals next week. In other words,
today's game will be extremely important."

The host continued to speak, and reporters on both sides also took pictures.

"I will announce the topic of today ’s competition. Since it is a semi-final, then
it is natural to have something real, so what I want to examine today is the
breadth of the chefs' cooking skills." The host spoke, watching Chen Ze and Zhao
Yuandao. "We prepared a variety of ingredients on the spot. You two can make the
most of it. Within two hours, whoever made more dishes and has more characteristics
within two hours will win. Of course. , The taste is still first. "

The host spoke up and explained the topic of today's game.

As soon as I heard what the host said, the scene whispered immediately:

"The breadth of culinary skills? There are more and more distinctive dishes than
anyone else. Then Zhao Yuan has an absolute advantage. He has traveled so many
countries. When it comes to mastering the types of dishes, I am afraid no one in
our country can match He compares. "

"Yes, Zhao Yuan's advantage on this topic is not ordinary, and in terms of breadth,
Chen Ze cannot compare with him at all."

"As the chef of several Michelin Samsung hotels, I have traveled and studied abroad
for so many years. Zhao Yuan's advantage over this thing is too great. Although we
also have several major cuisines in China, even if Chen Ze has mastered it all, It
is impossible to compare with Zhao Yuan who has visited so many countries. "

"This beautiful Chen Ze seems to be a halfway monk. If this is the case, coupled
with being so young, no matter how good the cooking skills, I am afraid that the
mastery of the cuisine is definitely not comparable to Zhao Yuan."

Everyone said, after listening to this topic, they all felt that Zhao Yuan's
advantage was really ordinary. As a chef who has studied abroad for so many years,
he naturally has an advantage on this topic. Coupled with the rival Chen Ze is a
young chef who is a halfway monk, this advantage has been further expanded.

At first, everyone thought that Chen Ze had little hope of winning this time, but
he probably lost.

After listening to this topic, everyone felt that the two words could be removed

内 In the game venue, after listening to the host's words ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen
Ze also frowned, he could feel that this issue seemed to be very bad for him.

"The breadth of cooking? This, this is a bit difficult."

泽 Chen Ze murmured to himself, that the original weakness had not been resolved,
but now he has a new disadvantage. Although Chen Ze has been learning continuously
for a while, he has also learned a lot of dishes from Li Qifeng. It is no longer
the half-way chef who did not even make pan-fried cod during the first competition.

But Chen Ze knows that no matter how he is currently, it is impossible in this

respect to be comparable to a chef like Zhao Yuan who masters multi-national
culinary skills.

After all, those famous dishes abroad, Chen Ze he will not make one.

Coupled with Zhao Yuan's cooking skills, Chen Ze knew that he was really dangerous
this time!

He looked at Zhao Yuan. Zhao Yuan's face was calm, but the corners of his mouth
were slightly raised. Obviously he was very happy after hearing this question.

Ye is right, Zhao Yuan is really very happy at the moment. He himself is a little
worried that in case Chen Ze is good at the problem, he himself may have a boat
overturn in the gutter.

But now on this topic, Zhao Yuan feels that he may not have any chance of
overturning the boat.

For two hours, within two hours, Zhao Yuan was confident to make all the special
dishes of the world's major gourmet countries. Compared to the breadth of cooking,
he is confident that he will not lose to anyone.

I was especially Chen Ze. According to his understanding, Chen Ze was a noble monk
completely. He would not even make pan-fried cod during the trials. It is
impossible for such a chef to compete with him on this.

So Zhao Yuan looked at Chen Ze with a smile and pride, "I'm curious, what kind of
dishes will you make?"Chapter FTLS 99: Number
"How popular is it now?"

内 At the competition site, Chen Ze opened the system and checked his current
popularity value: "985!"

"Is it 985?"

泽 Chen Ze muttered to himself. Last night, when he saw the popularity, it was more
than 920. After one night, it has risen to 985. It is not slow, but it is still 15
people away from 1,000.

"Fifteen popularity value, fifteen popularity value, this game is a total of two
hours, can it rise?"

泽 Chen Ze said, he knew that if he wanted to defeat Zhao Yuan anyway, he had to
draw skills again, so he checked the popularity of the system.

But now he is not sure, because the disadvantage is too great, even if a good skill
is drawn, it may not be able to bring the whole situation back.

系统 "System, is there any skill in the chef that can undo the situation now?" Chen
Ze asked.

有 "Yes." The system said, "Now hosting your disadvantages is mainly in two
aspects, one is the taste of the dish, and the other is the breadth of the dish. If
you want to solve these two problems at the same time, you have a skill."
"What skills?" Chen Ze asked.

"Spoon of the **** of eating." The system began.

"The spoon of the **** of food?" Chen Ze stunned.

"Yes, the spoon of the God of Food. This skill is the ability of the God of Food to
hold a large spoon. If you win this skill, it is equivalent to the ability of the
God of Food to hold a large spoon. With the help of the God of Knives, the dish
will be close to the God of Food. It ’s my own. And more importantly, this spoon of
God of God records all the methods that God of God will cook. In other words, if
you have this skill, you will get a recipe of God of God. ”The system said.

"so smart?"

When he heard the words of the system, Chen Ze was a little excited. The spoon of
the God of Food was so powerful, which was equivalent to the power of the God of
Food, and the recipe of the God of Food. If you have this skill, then the taste
will be no problem, and in terms of the breadth of cooking, a Zhao Yuan, how can
the mastery of the recipe be better than the **** of food.

I thought that Chen really had the skills to solve these two problems at once, Chen
Ze was completely excited.

"Yes, but there are hundreds of chef skills. The concept of hosting a spoon of God
of God is very low." The system said.

"I know." Chen Ze said, and he looked at the knife in his hand. "However, this is
my only chance, winning or losing depends on this one."

哇 "Wow, look, Zhao Yuan picked a fish. Does he want to make fish?"

"Not only fish, but also foie gras, but also beef, and pig's feet. So, what exactly
does Zhao Yuan want to do?"

"I have picked so many dishes in one breath. It is truly a Michelin Samsung chef
who has studied abroad for so many years. I am really curious about what dishes he
will make this time."

At this moment, a sound outside attracted Chen Ze to the past. He looked up and saw
that Zhao Yuan had come to the food table and carefully picked the food there.

The crowd watching around was excited by Zhao Yuan's selection.

我 "I, I know, I know what Zhao Yuan wants to do."

Suddenly, one of the crowd was humane, and with his words, others looked at him one
after another.

"Fish, foie gras, beef, pig's feet, these and other ingredients are all gourmet
ingredients from all over the world, RB's sashimi, French foie gras, Italian beef
elbow, German pork feet Famous dishes from various countries. Zhao Yuan, he wants
to make all the famous dishes in the world? "This person said.

I heard what he said, and then everyone understood what Zhao Yuan chose to do with
these ingredients. But immediately, everyone was more shocked.

Although the competition is about the breadth of culinary skills, everyone thinks
that Zhao Yuan should still focus on domestic cuisine, plus one or two famous
European dishes. However, it never occurred to him that Zhao Yuan had to make all
the dishes of all countries directly.

这 "This, this is amazing, is Zhao Yuan trying to show his accumulated experience
over the decades?"

"From RB to Germany, from Asia to Europe, the breadth of this cooking is really
amazing. Chen Ze, what a beautiful Chen Ze can compare to Zhao Yuanbi."

"Really, really worthy of Zhao Yuan. If we add our own Chinese dishes, this time
he's going to wipe out the world's famous dishes. Is he trying to kill Chen Ze?"

The crowd started to speak, admiring Zhao Yuan more in their hearts, and at the
same time they became more and more certain of the fact. Chen Ze lost this time.

Not only the crowd, but the reporters who looked around were also one by one,
pointing the camera at Zhao Yuan.

"Everyone has pointed the lens at Zhao Yuan. This time he must have won. He made
all the famous dishes in one breath. This is not ordinary and amazing. It must have
considerable reporting value. Do n’t miss it. . "

"Yeah, don't need to shoot that Chen Ze anymore. He lost because anyway. Let's
shoot Zhao Yuan. He is the protagonist today."

"Cooking so many dishes in one breath is really amazing, Zhao Yuan must report

The reporters also spoke, and pointed the camera at Zhao Yuan while talking, and
even many of the lenses originally facing Chen Ze, now also aimed at Zhao Yuan.

However, a small number of reporters and onlookers still looked at Chen Ze, and
wanted to see how Chen Ze would respond.

However, it turned out that Chen Ze was motionless, did not select materials, and
did not make any preparations, as if he had given up. It was just silently counting
~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ in his mouth as if counting something.

"What's going on? What's going on with this Chen Ze? Did he give up?"

"Yeah, what is he counting? Does he really give up, when will the game end?"

"I don't understand. I don't know what Chen Ze is counting."

Everyone started talking and couldn't understand what Chen Ze was thinking.

"Eighty-six, Eighty-six, Eighty-six, Eighty-seven, Eighty-seven, Eighty-seven ..."

Chen Ze spoke, he was counting something silently,

What I counted was nothing else, but his current popularity value, his current
popularity value was 986. While he was counting continuously, he hoped that the
popularity value would increase rapidly.

泽 Anyway, Chen Ze knows that he can't do anything right now. Even if he cooks the
dishes with the current cooking skills, the taste is not comparable to Zhao Yuan,
so he can only count them.

Not to mention, under his attention, the popularity value really rose faster, from
86 to 87, to 88, to 89, and it increased by 5 in less than 20 minutes. Popularity.

Of course, in fact, the popularity value has increased faster than before. It is
still related to the ongoing competition. When the game started, naturally more
people paid attention to Chen Ze. With the previous accumulation, the popularity
value increased naturally.

之前 The reason why the car was so slow before was because there were few people
who paid attention to amateur racing.

"Ninety one, ninety one, ninety one, ninety two, ninety two, ninety two ..."

Chen Ze kept counting, while on the other side Zhao Yuan continued to handle his
food, and for a time the two sides formed a very sharp contrast. This comparison
made everyone at the scene a little confused and wondered what Chen Ze was

Chapter FTLS 100: Spoon of god

"It's done, it's foie gras, and Zhao Yuan has done it."

"It's done again, it's sashimi, and Zhao Yuan has made another dish."

"Fast, he's really fast."

"Not only is it fast, but this category is too rich, does he really intend to make
all kinds of cuisine?"

内 At the game site, everyone spoke, everyone looked at Zhao Yuan, all looked a
little stunned.

I saw that Zhao Yuan was very skillful in processing the ingredients at the moment,
and even set up two pots at the same time and was cooking two dishes at the same
time. His action seems to really intend to show everything he has learned in the
past on this stage.

"Good condition, I'm in good shape now."

内 In the playing field, Zhao Yuan muttered to himself as he started. Although his
hands and feet are constantly busy, he still has other issues in mind.

What he thinks about is his current state, which is his experience in the past ten
years. Those experiences have taught him a lot, and allowed him to sharpen his
achievements to the present.

赵 In the past ten years or so, how many recipes of different countries have been
learned, even Zhao Yuan can't remember. He thought it would be impossible to use so
many different recipes he learned at the same time. But now, there really is this
opportunity for Zhao Yuan to show what he has learned for so many years at the same

And Zhao Yuan did not miss this opportunity. In his mind, he recalled the different
experiences in various countries in the past ten years, and presented all the
dishes he learned.

Talking about his state, he reached the pinnacle at this moment.

"Amazing, Zhao Yuan's momentum is really amazing."

"Yes, I have reported Zhao Yuan for some years, but this is the first time I have
seen this amazing momentum. I'm afraid Zhao Yuan will present his best cooking

"It's amazing, Zhao Yuan in this state cannot be defeated."

After seeing Zhao Yuan's state at the moment, the reporters around him also sighed.
They also noticed Chen Ze, knowing that Chen Ze didn't know what was going on, so
far they haven't done anything.

This made them feel strange, and made them feel that the outcome of today's game
has been decided. Especially when they saw Zhao Yuan at the moment, they were more
sure of what they thought.

On the one hand, Zhao Yuan was at the peak, and on the other hand, Chen Ze, who had
no idea what he was doing. Who wins and who wins, the results are already clear.

At this moment, Chen Ze is still counting.

"Ninety-six, ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-seven ..."

With the passage of time, the popularity value on the popularity plate also
continues to increase. However, Chen Ze was anxious a little, and his sweat was
flowing out of his face. He also saw Zhao Yuan at the moment and knew what kind of
state Zhao Yuan was in at the moment.

I was like this. On the one hand, Zhao Yuan kept cooking, and on the other hand,
Chen Ze waited.

"Ninety eight, ninety eight, ninety nine, ninety nine, one hundred !!!"

at last,

After a long wait of nearly an hour,

只 There is only one hour left in the remaining game time,

所有人 When everyone was puzzled or determined that Chen Ze lost,

The popularity of the system's popularity plate has finally risen to a thousand! !!

"Congratulations to the host, the popularity value has reached 1,000, and the
lottery can be carried out again. May I ask the host whether to start the lottery
immediately?" At this time, the system began.

"Raffle." Chen Ze said. With his words, the raffle page began to flash, and the
skills of countless chefs began flashing. Then, the flashing speed gradually slowed
down. Finally, a skill stopped and appeared in On the page.

Seeing this popularity, Chen Ze finally smiled on his face: "An hour of waiting was
finally in vain, and finally I was drawn to you."

The skills that appear on this page are the spoon of the **** of food! !!

"The spoon of the God of Food, the skill of the God of Food processing ingredients,
which contains countless recipes of the God of Food, drawing the spoon of the God
of Food, is equivalent to gaining the ability of the God of Food to hold a large
spoon. Used in conjunction with the God of Knives, it produces almost the power of
Looking at the introduction of the spoon of the **** of food on the page, Chen Ze
brought confidence on his face and possessed the spoon of the **** of food. Chen Ze
believes that today's game, he is the winner.

装备 "Equip the spoon of the **** of food." Chen Ze began, this skill immediately
began to equip him.

Instantly, a burning sensation burst out from Chen Ze's hands. Chen Ze looked at
his hands and seemed to see a pair of extremely white hands. Although white, he
felt that those hands could make the world. The best cuisine.

That's not his hand, but the hand of the **** of eat.

At the same time, a huge amount of information also rushed into his mind, which is
all the recipes that the food **** recorded in the spoon of food **** once made.

Suddenly, all kinds of weird recipes appeared in Chen Ze's mind. Many of them
appeared in the world, but more were actually recipes that had never appeared in
this world.

"This is the case, there are so many ingredients that can be processed this way,
and there are so many undiscovered dishes."

Looking at the recipes in his mind, especially those that have obvious ingredients
in the world, but the finished dishes have not been invented, Chen Ze muttered to
himself, then laughed, and at this moment he was sure. He has won the breadth of
cooking skills.

"What the hell? Why is this Chen Ze smirking?"

"Yes, is it crazy? Zhao Yuan has made three or four international famous dishes,
but he has not done one."

别 "Don't say he didn't do it. He hasn't even picked the ingredients. What's he
laughing at this time?"

When I heard Chen Ze's laughter, everyone started talking. Everyone thought that
Chen Ze was crazy.

But at this moment, everyone saw it and saw that Chen Ze finally moved. He went to
the ingredients area and began to pick out the ingredients.

"This guy finally started to work ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ What kind of ingredients

will he pick?"

"If it is a breadth, then you should make a different kind, I guess he should be
like Zhao Yuan, try to pick some dishes that are not common."

"Yes, I guess so."

The crowd spoke, but immediately after seeing the dishes selected by Chen Ze,
everyone was stunned:

"No, it's impossible, tomatoes and vegetables. How can he pick the most common

这 "Here, this Chen Ze shouldn't just plan to make home-cooked dishes."

"What is he thinking about? What dishes are he going to cook out? It is impossible
to make dishes that are even rarer than Zhao Yuan by relying on the ingredients on
his hands."

Everyone is really unbelievable. What Chen Zechao picks is too common. Although it
’s not that much to pick and choose, Zhao Yuanxuan has also seen everyone. But Chen
Ze's pick is too common, almost all of them are some of the most common dishes. It
is impossible for everybody to know that such ingredients are going to fight Zhao

"It's impossible to win, although I don't know what Chen Ze is thinking about, but
it's impossible to win Zhao Yuan just by the dishes he picked."

On the playing field, Chen Ze did not pay attention to the opinions of the crowd.
He selected a lot of ingredients and then brought them back to the playing table.

Then picked up the knife and began to prepare to deal with it.

神刀 刀, naturally used at this time is the God of Knife. However, at this moment,
Chen Ze has a new feeling, as if after the spoon of the God of Food, his God of
Food Knife has taken a step forward, even better than before.

I felt this, Chen Ze with a smile, picked up a kitchen knife, and slashed straight
down. With a bang, he started today's production.

Chapter FTLS 101: From Asia to Europe

"It's so smooth. Chen Ze's movements are too smooth."

"Yes, it is not only smooth, but also gives a special charm, not only the knifeman,
but also a special feeling when he cooks vegetables."

"Strange, I didn't feel that way before watching his game. Why is it now? Is it
impossible to hide his strength before?"

内 At the scene of the game, the spectators around him watched Chen Ze's movements
and muttered to each other.

They all saw that Chen Ze's movements were indescribable coordination and
indescribably comfortable. Before, it was just the knifework that gave them this
feeling. But now it's different. All the movements now, especially when Chen Ze
holds a big spoon, this feeling is even more profound.

It was as if Chen Ze had hidden his strength in the past, and now he has exploded
all his strength.

"No, it's impossible, is Chen Ze just out of his full strength now? How is this

Everyone thought in their hearts that they thought it was impossible. The game has
reached this stage today. How could anyone still have the strength to burst out

But Chen Ze's feeling at the moment is exactly the same.

In particular, compared with Zhao Yuan on the side, Zhao Yuan's momentum completely
overwhelmed Chen Ze before. But now, Chen Ze's momentum has chased back, even
faintly prevailing.

This advantage, everyone suddenly felt as if they had seen it.

Where is he?

By the way, the last game against Zhang Zijian.

When Chen Ze held the kitchen knife in the last game with Zhang Zijian, it gave
people this feeling and felt that he completely suppressed Zhang Zijian.

现在 Now, not only is Chen Ze holding the kitchen knife, but all the time, when
Chen Ze moves, he starts to suppress Zhao Yuan and completely suppresses it.

In the last game against Zhang Zijian, the final result was Chen Ze's victory.
Could this be the case?

Thought of this, everyone at the scene reacted, and they all looked at each other,
seeing the impossible from the other side's eyes. Everyone felt that Chen Ze could
not win before, but unexpectedly, this thought came up in each of them at the

Does the game really have a reverse? Even if the opponent is Zhao Yuan, even if
Zhao Yuan's qualifications are the same, will the game be reversed?

Thought of this, everyone looked at Chen Ze, and many people even started to get
excited, and the excitement shuddered slightly. Even the reporters quickly re-
pointed the lens that had been removed to Chen Ze, and Kakaka began to take

Not only everyone who was watching the scene, but even Zhao Yuan pointed Yu Chen at
Yu Guang. He also noticed Chen Ze's state and actions at this moment.

不可能 "No way, this guy, how can this guy's momentum reach this point?"

Zhao Yuan's shock was greater than everyone on the scene. The others were far
apart, and they could only feel faintly. However, Zhao Yuan is different. He is
standing not far from Chen Ze, and naturally feels deeper than Chen everyone about
the momentum emanating from Chen Ze.

Chen Ze's sense of oppression is unprecedented. Although Zhao Yuan has traveled to
so many countries over the years, he has seen countless elite chefs around the
world, although he has even worked as a chef in several three-star Michelin hotels.

But in the past, he has never seen anyone with the momentum like Chen Ze. This
sense of oppression has engraved two words in Zhao Yuan's heart: "Invincible!"

"Ha, I couldn't think of a chef who was halfway home in his early twenties, and it
gave me this feeling. It's funny, it's funny." Zhao Yuan muttered to himself, and
he clenched the big spoon on his hand. I still wo n’t lose, and based on my
accumulation over the years, I will never lose here. "

Huh! !! !!

With a drum sound, the two-hour period officially ended, and the cooking time for
this game officially ended.

"At the end of two hours, please stop the two chefs. Let's try the dishes prepared
by the two chefs within two hours one by one." The host began.

I heard the host's words, Chen Ze and Zhao Yuan also officially stopped, put their
dishes on the plate, and then the staff one by one in front of the judges.
Looking at the movement of the staff, the surrounding audience was completely
curious to discuss.

"It's finally done, I don't know what dishes the two have made?"

"Yes, you can only guess based on the ingredients they take. Zhao Yuan's is better
at guessing, probably the famous dishes of various countries, but what exactly will
Chen Ze be?"

"Not only is the dish, I don't know if I will win today. I thought Zhao Yuan had
won before, but now it seems that it's hard to guess."

"Yeah, I thought Zhao Yuan had won before. After watching Chen Ze's cooking
process, I think it's totally uncertain. Chen Ze's momentum is really exaggerated."

Everyone started to say, while wondering what the dishes were made by the two
people, on the other hand, they were also very curious about who would win today.
At first everyone thought it would be Zhao Yuan, but now everyone thinks the
suspense is too big.

At this time, the staff also brought the dishes made by the two to the judges. The
first was Zhao Yuan's dishes. Within two hours, he made five dishes in total. When
he opened the dishes, all the judges were a little surprised.

这 "Here, this is foie gras, French foie gras. It looks even more authentic than I
have eaten in France in the past."

"This is, this is sashimi, RB's sashimi."

"This is the Italian beef elbow, the famous Italian Milanese calf."

还有 "And German pork feet, German famous dishes."

"Last one, the last one is our Chinese shrimp, Longjing shrimp."

The judges spoke one after another. They were far away from Zhao Yuan. Before, they
could not see what Zhao Yuan did, so they were all very surprised at this moment.

I saw that at the moment on the table, from Asia to Europe, from China to Germany,
these five dishes made by Zhao Yuan are really as expected ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The
breadth is spread across Asia and Europe. No, or all over the world.

"These five dishes are my accumulation of many years. It can be said that I have
been a prototype of traveling the world for more than ten years. Starting from
China, I have reached RB Italy, Germany, France, and finally returned to China. It
is these experiences , I have become what I am now. And these five dishes, I think,
are the embodiment of my chef career. From Asia to Europe and back to Asia, there
is no better way to reflect the breadth of chef cooking Now. "

I stood in front of several judges and Zhao Yuan spoke.

"It's amazing. Zhao Yuan is really amazing. Within two hours, he actually made such
five dishes."

"Yeah, this is all his accumulation over the years. In terms of breadth, it is
really difficult for us in China to find a second person to compare with him."

"Not only is it made, but it looks so delicious. It is rare, it is too rare."

The people around me also spoke one after another. Although they had seen Zhao
Yuan's dishes before, but after seeing them again, everyone felt that they were too
amazing. It was really amazing.

Zhao Yuan breathed, almost can be said to include the world's famous cuisine
countries, so big, so big, what kind of dishes Chen Ze has to make to defeat him?

Unless, unless it is beyond the earth, make a dish that has not appeared on the
earth and cannot be made.

But how can Chen Ze make this kind of dish? Everyone who can make this dish thinks
that only the **** of food is possible.

Chen Ze, is he a **** of food? He was not, so after seeing Zhao Yuan's dishes,
everyone was moved by Zhao Yuan again, and felt that Chen Ze was falling behind

Chapter FTLS 102: Never appeared dishes

"Okay, delicious, so delicious, this French foie gras is really delicious,
extremely smooth, and the real entrance is instant."

"The taste of this sashimi is also very good, but it doesn't feel fishy at all, but
it has a touch of sweetness and freshness, which makes people feel too fresh."

"Also this Milanese calf elbow, I have been to Italy for business trips in the past
and have tasted the most authentic taste of this dish. This Zhao Yuan made the same
taste as I remember. No, it should be more Even better, this is definitely the most
authentic Italian dish. "

On the jury's seat, several judges spoke one after another. They tasted these five
dishes made by Zhao Yuan, and then continued to praise.

When these five dishes were originally seen, the judges were already impressed by
Zhao Yuan's cooking skills, but after tasting the taste, the judges knew that Zhao
Yuan not only mastered the shape of those foreign dishes, but also God gave them
Hold it.

味道 The taste of the five dishes he made is definitely the most authentic and the
best five dishes.

I tasted these five dishes, and the faces of several judges showed unprecedented
satisfaction. Also, at the same time, eating gourmet foods throughout Asia and
Europe is an unprecedented enjoyment.

看 "Look, look at the expressions on the faces of several judges, one by one is so
satisfied, it seems that Zhao Yuan's dishes are really delicious."

"Yeah, it's so amazing to let the judges show this look."

"I made such five dishes in one breath, and it looks like it's not the same. It's
terrible. It's just terrible."

"I won, I won. It looks like Zhao Yuan has won this time."

"In terms of the breadth of the cooking skills shown by Zhao Yuan, it is really
unthinkable. What kind of methods can Chen Ze use to make a comeback."
Seeing the appearance of the judges, the audience around the audience said, the
reporters quickly picked up the cameras one by one, aimed at the judges and began
to take pictures.

"From China to RB to France, Germany, and Italy, the five dishes spanned the
Eurasian continent. These five dishes are really good spirits." Finally, one of the
judges spoke, commenting to Zhao Yuan. "Zhao Yuan, just these five dishes, you are
indeed one of the best chefs in China."

When I heard what the judge said, the other judges nodded one after another, and
they thought the same. Being able to make such five dishes in one breath, it can
almost be said that the breadth of culinary arts is reflected to the fullest. Such
a Zhao Yuan is qualified to play this evaluation.

"Chen Ze, what kind of dishes would you use to deal with Zhao Yuan's five dishes?"

A jury member looked at Chen Ze and thought about it. He felt that it was
impossible to defeat him in the breadth currently shown by Zhao Yuan, so he was
very curious and wondered what kind of dishes Chen Ze would make.

"Below, ask the staff to bring Mei Ranju's representative, Chen Ze's works one by
one." Then, the host spoke, and it was time to try Chen Zecai.

I saw that after the host's words, the staff immediately brought Chen Ze's dishes,
which were also five courses.

"Hey, it's also five dishes. Chen Ze only has one hour to come. Can he make five

就是 "Yeah, it took Zhao Yuan two full hours to make it. Can Chen Ze do so much in
half the time?"

"I don't care about the quantity. I just want to know what kind of five dishes Chen
Ze has made. Looking at the ingredients he selected before, it seems that they are
some of the most common dishes. What exactly is he planning to do? dish?"

After seeing the five dishes, everyone started talking. They were a little
confused. Some people felt that there was not enough time. How did Chen Ze make
five dishes in the same amount as Zhao Yuan?

另外 The other part is very interested in the dishes made by Chen Ze. I want to
know what kind of dishes Chen Ze has made to confront Zhao Yuan.

"turn on."

In the attention of the crowd, the staff put the dish in front of the judges, and
then the host spoke and asked the staff to open the lid of the dish.

Instantly, five dishes appeared in front of everyone and the judges.

"This, this, what kind of dish is this?"

"My God, I have never seen this before. It seems to be cabbage and tomatoes, but
can cabbage and tomatoes do this?"

"My side is even stranger, it seems to be made of potatoes, but I have never seen
anyone make them like this."
"What I have here is, it seems like green peppers and leek, so I can't really
recognize them."

The judges said, one by one, they were a bit stunned. I saw five very strange
dishes in front of them. The materials seemed to be the most common dishes in daily
life, but the style of the dishes was the same as in the past. Not seen at all.

It surprised them a little, and there was some silence.

"Chen Ze, what exactly are these five dishes? Why don't I seem to have seen them
before?" A judge said, unable to resist the doubt in his heart.

"These five dishes are all made with cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, and other most
common ingredients in daily life. The reason why you have not seen a few judges is
very normal. Because these five dishes used to It has not appeared before the
public, this is my own original dish. "Chen Ze said.

"What? Your own original dishes?" Several judges were taken aback when they heard
Chen Ze's words. They did not expect that these five dishes were originally created
by Chen Ze. "No wonder, this is no wonder No wonder we have never seen it before. "

Speaking, these judges all looked at these five dishes made by Chen Ze, and at this
time they understood what dishes Chen Ze wanted to use to confront Zhao Yuan on the
breadth of this cooking ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Yes, it is original.

If it is breadth, then naturally original dishes are better than Zhao Yuan's dishes
learned from other places. But no matter how much breadth it is, the first thing is
the taste of the food, that is, the taste.

If the taste is not good, even if you play flowers on the original, it doesn't make
any sense. The five dishes of Chen Ze are too simple, just some of the most common
dishes in daily life.

With these dishes, how can the taste be compared with Zhao Yuan's international

Therefore, he has not moved the chopsticks. Everyone feels that the result of the
game has come out.

"That's the case. It turned out that Chen Ze wanted to use originality to fight
Zhao Yuan's dishes. The idea is good, but I can only say that he thinks something
is too good."

"Yeah, in this game of God-eating, no matter what, the most important thing is the
taste. How can Chen Ze's five dishes compare with Zhao Yuan's?"

"Some of the most common ingredients want to be compared to Zhao Yuan's meal, which
is a bit delusional."

The audience around me also spoke in succession, and everyone was just like the
judges thought.

虽 Although their voices were small, they spread throughout the scene immediately.

When I heard them, Zhao Yuan's face showed a smile. He also felt that Chen Ze had
taken off this time. Such a dish is absolutely impossible to compare with him.

"Judges try it. After you taste it, you will know why I dare to make these five
At this moment, a voice sounded in Zhao Yuan's ear. He quickly turned his head and
saw Chen Ze with a confident smile on his face.

He smiled very confidently, as if in Chen Ze's heart, the words of the people
around him were nothing.

Chapter FTLS 103: Advance to the final

"Well then, let's try it."

上面 Above the judges, after hearing Chen Ze's words, the judges spoke. The other
judges nodded, then picked up the chopsticks one by one, ready to taste.

Although they don't think Chen Ze's five dishes will taste, they still have to try.

Pick up the chopsticks, put a chopsticks in the mouth, chew a lot of judges while
thinking about it: "The original idea is really good, if it can be done, even if
the taste is not worse than Zhao Yuan , Then there may not be a fight. But these
few ordinary vegetables, how can the taste be comparable to Zhao Yuan. "

不可能 "It's impossible, although Chen Ze's idea is very good, but it's impossible
to compare it with Zhao Yuan's meal only by the most common vegetables."

"Yes, the ingredients used by Zhao Yuan are all international dishes. Chen Ze is
too far off in this way."

"Zhao Yuan's five dishes are so bold, they are not comparable to those of Chen Ze."

Just as the judges were tasting the dishes, the audience around them still
whispered. They waved their hands, and still thought that Chen Ze's dishes could
not compare with Zhao Yuan's dishes.

"Look, look at the faces of the judges."

At this time, an audience member spoke, his tone was very shocked, and it seemed
that something incredible happened. Hearing what he said, everyone else looked at
it quickly, and saw that several judges were still fine before, but all of them
suddenly showed shock and expression of enjoyment.

这 "This, this, does cabbage have this flavor?"

"It turns out that tomatoes can still do this, so they can be so delicious."

这 "This, the combination of several vegetables, makes people feel extremely


The judges all said that they all felt silently, or more accurately, enjoyed the
feeling brought by Chen Ze's dishes.

Originally thought that even if Chen Ze was a little creative, he could create
these five dishes, but the taste is definitely not comparable to Zhao Yuan.

I ate it in my mouth, and these judges felt that it was really inferior to Zhao
Yuan. In other words, it is not a feeling at all. Several kinds of vegetables in
the mouth are constantly giving out fragrance and pulsed vitality. Closing my eyes,
I even felt like I had reached the green earth.
It seems that the winter has just passed, everything has recovered, and the flowers
and trees that have survived the severe winter have all grown up. Birds pass by the
sky, and everything gives a vitality and vitality.

If Zhao Yuan ’s dishes bring the richness of the people from Asia and Europe, then
Chen Ze ’s dishes bring vitality to the judges.

Not the same, it feels completely different! !! !!

"It's so wonderful, I never thought about it, one day I could feel such vitality
from the vegetables."

"It's delicious, it's so delicious."

"I can't think of these dishes of Chen Ze's originality that give people such a
feeling. This feeling is not worse than Zhao Yuan's."

The judges are still talking, and obviously they are enjoying Chen Ze's dishes very

Seeing the appearance of the judges, everyone around was stunned.

Originally in their hearts, Zhao Yuan basically won the five dishes after he
brought them out. No matter what Chen Ze made, it was impossible to win Zhao Yuan.

现在 But now, things seem completely different. Chen Ze actually created these five
new dishes with such simple vegetables, and the taste looked so good, which brought
such a shock to these judges.

This effect is definitely far beyond everyone's imagination.

"Too powerful Chen Ze, actually caught up with the gap with Zhao Yuan."

"My God, Chen Ze actually made such a feeling with the five original dishes. I
thought he was losing this time."

"If you change it to any other person, you may lose the five dishes of Zhao Yuan.
But Chen Ze, Chen Ze even closed the gap stiffly. It's too powerful."

The people around me looked at each other, and all of them marveled.

"Who will win the final victory?"

Finally, everyone thought about this problem. Zhao Yuan's dishes are of course
great, spanning Eurasia. However, Chen Ze obviously did not lose to him. Using such
simple ingredients, he originally produced such five dishes, showing Chen Ze's
superb cooking skills.

Therefore, who will win in the end? No one knows, but everyone is very interested.
They quickly looked at Chen Ze and Zhao Yuan. I saw that Zhao Yuan's face was a bit
ugly, and Chen Ze's face was now But with a confident smile.

Yes, when I saw the appearance of the judges, after hearing the words from around,
Chen Ze's face showed such a smile. These five dishes are naturally not his
original, but five dishes from the **** of eating.

There were many dishes about the gods, but they can be completed within an hour,
and they will bring you such a shock. Basically these are dishes made of
To be honest, Chen Ze wasn't sure at first. He did n’t make the five dishes in the
recipe of Shishen before, and he did n’t know what the taste was. Come and fight
against Zhao Yuan's dish.

Although he took a lot of risks, it now appears that he has obviously won.

Understanding this, Chen Ze's face naturally smiled: "It seems that I won."

On the judges' table, after eating Chen Ze's dishes, the judges were silent,
thinking about the final result. While thinking, they also discussed fiercely and
exchanged their opinions.

The voice is very loud, and obviously the discussion is very fierce. At this
moment, everyone and everyone on the scene set their sights on these judges and
wanted to know the final result.

"I won't lose."

Zhao Yuan thought to himself that after reading Chen Ze's dishes, he was shocked by
Chen Ze's dishes, but still firmly believed that he could win. But his hands were
shaking a little at this time, and apparently he was not as firm as his tone

"Zhao Yuan and Chen Ze's two dishes are very exciting, it can be said that they
brought us a very wonderful performance." Finally, a judge said, apparently the
final result has come out, "the title of our test today It is the breadth of
culinary skills, and Zhao Yuan ’s five dishes, from China to Germany, from Asia to
Europe, this crosses the Asian and European continent. UU reading www.uukanshu.com
Obviously Zhao Yuan ’s interpretation of this subject It is very good. In addition
to the taste that is not lost to any chef, I have to say that Zhao Yuan got close
to full score on this question. "

I heard the judges say that everyone's heart was a little nervous. What did the
judges mean? Close to full score, that is to say that Zhao Yuan is going to win?

"And Chen Ze ’s dishes have brought us even more shock. Whether it is his
creativity, the taste of the dishes, or the feeling that the dishes bring, it is
refreshing and extraordinary. Especially the use of All of them are vegetables, and
the vitality of the earth is still broad with vegetables. From this point, Chen
Ze's interpretation of the topic is also perfect. "

The judges continued: "It can be said that this game is the most difficult to
distinguish. Zhao Yuan and Chen Ze are both highly skilled chefs. But since it is a
God of Food competition, it is natural to return to the taste of the food. "Under
the same interpretation of the topic, whoever tastes best will be the winner

After hearing the words of the judges, Zhao Yuan breathed a long sigh of relief. He
was afraid that just because the judges were creative, Chen Ze won the prize. If
not, Zhao Yuan feels that he has won: "If the taste is better than the taste, it is
absolutely impossible for me to lose to Chen Ze."

Zhao Yuan looked at Chen Ze. He remembered the taste of Chen Zecai that he ate
yesterday. Although the taste was good, he had the confidence to beat Chen Ze.
Thinking of this, Zhao Yuan was very proud.

所以 "So I announced that the party that tastes better today is Chen Ze from
Meiranju." The judge said, "So who passed this exam today and entered the final
finals, is Meiranju representative, Chenze!"


I heard this, Zhao Yuan was completely stupid.

Chen Ze was cheering immediately.

Chapter FTLS 104: shock

"Fast and fast, snap and snap, Chen Ze won again, this beautiful Chen Ze actually
won again."

"My God, this is big news. This halfway monk, Chen Ze, who was previously rated as
a C chef, has won again."

"Too great, this Chen Ze is really amazing."

After hearing the words of the judges, the reporters around him quickly took out
the camera and patted Chen Ze Ka Kaka's madness. They were all a bit surprised and
a little excited.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ze, who was not optimistic before the game, actually won. He
actually won Zhao Yuan. The one who has traveled abroad for so many years, is
Michelle Samsung Chef Zhao Yuan.

I was also excited by this result. Chen Ze won Zhao Yuan. This is big news,
completely big news.

So these reporters really couldn't help but rushed to Chen Ze and snapped one by

The people who looked around looked very shocked, and they couldn't believe their
ears at all:

"Chen Ze won, he actually won."

"He has come over, Chen Ze has come over, he has defeated Zhao Yuan."

"In terms of breadth of cooking skills, Zhao Yuan, who has traveled so many
countries, lost to Chen Ze."

"My God, it's really unimaginable."

The crowd said, everyone was really unthinkable. One by one, they all felt that
Chen Ze had lost, but they faced Zhao Yuan, especially after hearing the title of
the competition. Chen Ze could not win.

Although in the course of the game, after seeing Chen Ze's actions, everyone's
hearts were shaken. I think maybe Chen Ze also has a chance to win. However, after
seeing Zhao Yuan's five dishes across the Eurasian continent, his thoughts were
dispelled one after another.

"In the breadth of cooking, Zhao Yuan is invincible."

This is what they thought at the time, but it turned out that the invincible Zhao
Yuan lost, to Chen Ze, a representative of Meiranju, and to a halfway monk chef.
This, this is really incredible.

现场 At the game site, after hearing the words of the judges, Zhao Yuan was
completely slumped on the ground, but he couldn't believe the result.

"I, did I lose?"

He murmured and looked at Chen Ze, who had always felt that Chen Ze was just that,
and he was not his opponent at all. But now, suddenly, he felt that Chen Ze's back
was so high that he couldn't even see Chen Ze's back.

"This guy is so amazing."

Finally, Zhao Yuan spoke.

On the side of Chen Ze, after hearing the words of the judges, he immediately
raised his hands in excitement and laughed a little proudly: "I won, I won."

I won this battle, and then entered the finals. The only step left is to win the
Chinese God of God contest and get the title of Chinese God of God.

How can Chen Ze not be excited at this time.

"Congratulations, Chen Ze, and congratulations on your first entry to the finals.
The finals will be held next Saturday, and I hope you will be on time."

Finally, the judges spoke to Chen Ze.

"Of course." Chen Ze nodded and smiled.

After Speaking, the game was completely over, he walked out of the game scene, and
as soon as he came out, all the reporters gathered around immediately, took the
microphone and pointed at Chen Ze:

"Chen Ze, congratulations on entering the finals. Don't know what you want to say

"Chen Ze, how do you feel about your entering the finals this time, and you beat
the chef of Zhao Yuan this time, do you have any comment?"

"Do you have anything to say about Chen Ze for the finals? Do you think you can win
the final championship?"

In the face of questions from reporters, Chen Ze smiled on his face and answered
them one by one. Before that, he was a little rusty to reporters. However, after
these interviews, he is no longer familiar.

"Chef Zhao Yuan is indeed a very powerful opponent. I should be very happy to win
him. In fact, I have already consumed all my cooking skills in this game." Chen Ze
laughed. "As for the finals, Expectation, of course, to win. I want to win the
final championship and get the title of Chinese God of Food. "

Hearing Chen Ze ’s words of confidence, other reporters nodded. If they heard Chen
Ze ’s words before, they would all think it was a joke. This is a game of Chinese
God of Food. It was a dream to win the final championship.

But now seeing Chen Ze's game and seeing that he even eliminated Zhao Yuan,
everyone feels that Chen Ze is fully qualified and fully equipped with this
ability. He can win the final championship and he can become a Chinese **** of

"Come, Chen Ze, let's take a positive picture of you. Your match today is really
amazing. We want to take a positive picture as the cover of our next issue."
Finally, a reporter Opening.


Chen Zedao said, taking a front picture with the reporter.

At the moment, at the moment, Zhao Yuan was still a little distracted, and he
couldn't believe the final result. Just then, a person came to him: "Zhao Yuan, I
don't need such sadness, I will help you get revenge. Just in the finals, I will
let this guy know how powerful our chefs are, I'll let him know how ridiculous he
thinks he wants to win. "

After hearing this, Zhao Yuan looked up and saw Zhu Chengyi standing in front of
him. He and Zhao Yuan were good friends, and originally thought that Zhao Yuan
would win this time. However, it was never expected that Chen Ze won last, and just
now Chen Ze dare to say that his goal is to be the champion.

This made him very upset, so he wanted to learn from Chen Ze in the finals.

"You, don't underestimate Chen Ze, his strength is far beyond our imagination."
Hearing Zhu Chengyi's words, Zhao Yuan said, "And, haven't you entered the finals
yet? Win, etc. It will be said that the match will reach the finals. "

"Rest assured, I will win. I know my opponent. It's just a young chef in his
twenties. It's not my opponent at all." Zhu Chengyi said, looking at Chen Ze, "Wait
after entering the general manager In the final, I will also let Chen Ze know the
gap between him and us. "

While Chen Ze was being interviewed, the news came out immediately, immediately
sensational people who were watching the competition.

"Zhao Yuan lost? That Zhao Yuan even lost?"

"My God, who is this Chen Ze? Actually, Zhao Yuan is not his opponent."

"It's Zhao Yuan, and the title is completely in his favor. In this case, he lost.
Who is this Chen Ze?"

"It's incredible ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ It's incredible."

Everyone spoke, one by one, like the crowd on the scene, extremely shocked and

Yucheng, inside the police station!

"You and Fang Qing should tell this news."

"No, let's just talk about it. This work is Fang Qing's most important thing. We
didn't do it well in the end. I'm afraid she will scold us if she knows it. I won't
say it."

"No, you still have to say, I dare not go. Last time, one of our classmates didn't
do well. As a result, it was the dog blood shower that Fang Qing scolded. And I
heard that Fang Qing also today I was told by my superiors that I was in a bad
mood. When we say this at this time, we are considered dead. "
The two trainee policemen spoke to each other as if hesitating about something.

"What did you two say?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly heard from behind, Fang Qing even stood in front
of them. She was holding a water glass, apparently coming out to receive water.

"No, nothing." A policeman said.

"That's right, sister Fang, you didn't explain to us that day ..." Another intern
police officer expressed his heart and said things.

After I finished speaking, both looked pale, waiting to receive Fang Qing's

However, beyond their expectations, Fang Qing smiled and said, "It's okay, it's
okay. I thought it was a little bigger. I'll pay attention to it later. It's

He said, Fang Qing walked towards the tea room.

Behind me, the two trainee police officers completely choked: "Who said she was in
a bad mood, isn't she in a good mood?"

Tea room, Fang Qing went to the water, and said to himself: "It won!"

Chapter FTLS 105: Last opponent

"Chen Ze, you are so amazing. You have a long face for Yu Cheng. It was so amazing
to enter the finals of the Chinese God of Food."

"Chen Ze, you are too good. I have to take a photo with you, otherwise you will
become an international chef, or even a royal chef, then we can show off."

"Yeah, you are amazing."

She Meiran was inside, and the customers told Chen Ze one after another. They all
rushed over after hearing the news that Chen Ze won again. After seeing Chen Ze one
by one, they couldn't wait to say their congratulations.

"Haha, thank you, thank you everyone, I will continue to work hard." After hearing
the words of everyone, Chen Ze laughed out loud, obviously, he is in a good mood

"Then you have to cheer for this finals, you must take back the title of Chinese
God of Food."

"Yeah, it's all come to this point, we can win the finals and win for us."

"You must win the finals, you can't lose."

Everyone spoke again, facing Chen Zedao one by one. In fact, they did not even
think that Chen Ze could make it to the finals, let alone think, they would not
even think about it.

After all, although Chen Ze won the Yucheng trials, everyone still feels that he
has a big gap with those of the top chefs in China, and it is very remarkable to
win one game.
Who knows, who knows that Chen Ze has entered the finals all the way, which has
made everyone more expectations. Since even the finals have been advanced, it would
be a shame not to get the championship back.

Therefore one after another said, can also be regarded as cheering for Chen Ze.

"Everyone rest assured, I will win, I will get the final champion back." After
hearing the words of everyone, Chen Ze nodded and said firmly.


"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

After meeting the chef, Li Qifeng opened his mouth to Chen Ze. He had just heard
the conversation with Chen Ze in front of the chef.

"Your opponents in the finals are not ordinary people. The sensation caused by this
semi-final match with Zhu Chengyi is still above you." Li Qifeng went on to tell
Chen Ze's opponents in the finals. come out.

"Yeah, six Chinese cuisines that have been lost within two hours have been made. In
terms of breadth and taste, they have crushed Zhu Chengyi, which is really
powerful." Chen Ze said, "What is it, what's it called?" Are people here? "

"Ju hero," Li Qifeng said.

"Well, hero Ju, although he is a little older than me, it is really not an ordinary
chef." Chen Ze nodded, and he recalled that he had finished the game with Zhao Yuan
before, and the next scene of Zhu Chengyi and Ju hero .

At the time, the two of them had the same problem as Chen Ze's, and they also
compared the breadth of the chef. At the beginning, Zhu Chengyi was very arrogant
and even shouted the slogan of scheduling the finals.

However, the development of the subsequent competition has greatly exceeded

everyone's expectations. Although the hero Ju is far better than Zhu Chengyi, he is
far beyond cooking.

Within two hours, Ju Yingxiong had made six dishes, and they were all recorded in
the history books, but they have been lost to Chinese cuisine. When these six
dishes came out, it was a direct sensation.

The reproduction of the legendary cuisine directly attracted everyone ’s attention,

so that the legendary cuisine was reproduced as a boo. Ju hero easily defeated Zhu
Chengyi in the breadth of his cooking, and his six-course dish tasted even better
than Zhu Chengyi. The dishes are better, but in the end, they easily defeated Zhu

If Chen Ze was the last comeback that day, he barely defeated Zhao Yuan. Then Ju
hero is really crushing all the way, no suspense at all. Therefore, on the same
day, after the hero Ju contest was over, there was a big sensation in the scene
than before Chen Ze, and everyone's eyes were cast on the hero Ju hero.

"Ju hero, twenty-five years old, was the same as Chen Zeyou before, because he was
not very famous, and was rated as B-level by" Food and Tourism "magazine. The
legendary cuisine, this guy is not an ordinary person. "Li Qifeng said," And more
importantly, because of his appearance, it seems that the attention of the outside
world has run on him, after all, he can make a disappearing cuisine. Human.
Speaking of the current momentum, he is definitely above you. "
"You guy, you know my enemies so clearly. But it's too exaggerated to see any
momentum above me." Chen Ze pouted his lips and looked at Li Qifeng.

"It's really above you. Didn't a magazine say you were going to make their cover?
Now it's changed to Ju hero. A person who can make food that has disappeared in
Chinese history is definitely more worthy of public attention." Li Qifeng said,

"······" Chen Ze looked at Li Qifeng, "You have the intention to hit me, right?"

"Haha, I just introduce you to Ju Yingxiong." Li Qifeng said.

"You don't need to say anything, I know it." Chen Ze said.

"That is, but I have some information here that you do not know yet, information
about Ju hero." Li Qifeng said.

"What?" Chen Ze was a little excited when he heard what Li Qifeng said, and quickly
looked at him.

"This is what I asked my friends to ask, absolutely the first-hand top-secret

information about Ju hero." Li Qifeng said, "This guy is actually Ju Tian's
grandson. He has been learning cooking with his grandfather since he was young, but
he was not outside before Appear, just help out in his grandfather ’s friend ’s
hotel, this is the first time to stand up, so the previous review of “Food and
Tourism” is only a B grade, higher than you. Now you understand, why Ju The hero
will be so powerful ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Li Qifeng opens his mouth, with a look
that you should all understand.

"Don't understand at all." Chen Ze said, "Who is Ju Tian?"


奇 Li Qifeng was speechless. It took a long time before he began to say, "You don't
even know Master Jutian, he is the Royal Chef, Royal Chef."

"The imperial chef?" Chen Ze froze, "What do you mean by an imperial chef?"

"Yes, it means that he is the chef who cooks for the big names. And not only him,
the entire Ju-style family of the Ming and Qing dynasties were royal chefs, and I
heard that this royal chef family has the habit of collecting ancient traditional
famous recipes. It is conceivable that why heroes Ju can make the cuisine that has
disappeared is because of their hundreds of years of accumulation by their master
chefs. "Li Qifeng began.

"It turned out to be this way, I said how he can make those foods that have
disappeared. It turned out that there are recipes for those foods that
disappeared." Chen Ze nodded, and now he finally understands how powerful Ju
Yingxiong is. Place.

"And I also inquired that their family has a habit. If the culinary skills are not
successful, they cannot support the reputation of the Royal Chef family, and they
are not allowed to go outside to participate in activities. Therefore, Ju Yingxiong
has always been a member of the family. Anonymous, and this time he was able to
participate in the competition, it only illustrates one thing. "Li Qifeng opened
his mouth and looked at Chen Zedao.

"Indicates that Ju's cooking skills have been completed, enough to support the
signature of the Royal Chef family." Chen Ze began.

"Yes, his cooking skills must have been completed, coupled with the hundreds of
years of their royal chef family. Chen Ze, this Ju hero is probably the strongest
opponent you have to face." Li Qifeng said.

"It seems, indeed, the Royal Chef family, there are such opponents."

Chapter FTLS 106: Autumn tour

"Chen Ze, can these woods work?"

Near Yanyan Dangshan, a ten-year-old little girl with a pair of horsetails hugged a
pile of wood and opened her mouth to Chen Ze.

"Well, it's not bad." Chen Ze nodded, took over the little girl's wood, and
suddenly seemed to find something, and said to the little girl, "Hey red leaves,
how can you call me Chen Ze directly? Ah, anyway, I am more than ten years older
than you. As a elementary school student, I also have to learn to respect people.
You have to call my brother. "

"Well, it's simple to want me to respect you and call your brother very simple,
then you have to be someone I respect and be proud of." Hongye laughed.

"You little girl."

Chen Ze spoke, and he looked at the ten-year-old girl in front of him. The girl,
named Hongye, is his uncle's child. He is ten years old and is studying in
elementary school. She has had a good relationship with Chen Ze since she was a
child. Chen Ze often took her everywhere to play, and she was always the same as
Chen Ze.

这次 And this time, her school had an autumn tour, asking parents and children to
participate in school activities together, autumn tour in Yandang Mountain, lunch
must also be done in the mountain.

Hongye ’s parents, Chen Ze ’s aunt and aunt, happened to have nothing to do, so he
asked Chen Ze to take part in this event instead.

Chen Ze also thought it was an opportunity to relax, so he brought Hongye with the
other parents and children in the school, and when it was noon, he began to prepare
picnics for lunch.

So Chen Ze asked Hongye to pick up wood for firewood, and he was here to prepare a

"I'm telling you, Hongye, I'm a celebrity now, a big celebrity." Chen Ze put down
the firewood in his hand, and continued to build a stove while opening his mouth.

He has now reached the Finals of the Chinese God of Food. Whatever he thinks, he
should be considered a celebrity. Therefore, when he said this to Hongye, he felt
very strong.

"Really? What celebrity? How do I not know." Hongye said, and said in doubt, saying
that she had walked around to other parents who were also in the stove, and kept
saying, "I'm sorry, do you know my brother?" ?"

"Ah, I don't know."

"I don't know, I haven't seen it."

"Your brother, who is your brother?"

These parents are 愣愣, after looking at Chen Ze, they started talking.

"Look at Chen Ze, no one really knows you." Hongye walked back to Chen Ze again and
spread his hand.

"······" Chen Ze said, "You girl."

Chen Ze, who was instantly blushed by the red leaves, blushed a little. He knew
that although he was a little famous, he was not famous enough. If even the parents
who participated in the autumn tour knew him, it would not be a simple celebrity.
It's a big star, a complete big star.

With no way to continue to refute the red leaves, Chen Ze simply shifted the topic
and continued to set off.

"Hee hee, Chen Ze, I'm also for you. If you become a person whom I respect and be
proud of, you won't have no girl like you like now. I know, my aunt has always
wanted you to talk earlier Love. "Hongye went to Chen Ze and continued to speak.

"Hey, are you only ten years old, okay? Is this the topic you should be concerned
about? Do you still care more about what cartoons are going to be broadcast
recently?" Chen Ze continued while working. .

切 "Cut, what do you think of a ten-year-old girl now? Little girls are precocious
now, and this topic has been discussed for a long time." Hongye said.

"Yes, I really can't think that your child is so small as a ghost. But Hongye, I
tell you, you must not be in love early, or you must hit you." Chen Ze said.

"It doesn't matter, I will just hide from you at that time, anyway, Chen Ze can't
ignore me anyway." Hongye laughed. Hearing Hongye's words, Chen Ze stopped working
and wanted to say something to her.

It's okay to be ridiculous and precocious. But if you are in love early, it won't

But before Chen Ze said anything, Hongye said: "But rest assured, the boys around
me are too immature now, and they are all animated cartoons or games all day, too
young children, too Immature, I prefer to be mature. "

He said, Hongye also sighed, as if very disappointed with the boys around her.

When I heard Hongye's pretending mature words, Chen Ze was a little bit crying. Is
this what a normal ten-year-old girl should say?

He looked up and walked around, and the boys around him were indeed still running
nose, or chatting animatedly, which looked exactly like Hongye said.

"This girl said really well."

嘀 Chen Ze murmured, just ready to say something to Hongye, suddenly there was a
voice next to him: "Hongye is coming soon, the magical girl Xiaocao has a new
episode. Would you like to see it together?"
Chen Ze looked over and saw a little girl holding a cell phone.

"Yes, I want to watch, I like to watch it the most. Has it been updated so early
this week? I want to watch."

Immediately, Hongye spoke excitedly, and ran towards the little girl. Just now some
red leaves that despise others watching cartoons, immediately exposed her nature.

"Sure enough, it's just a ten-year-old kid."

Looking at Hongye's back, Chen Ze laughed. Suddenly he seemed to remember

something. When his face changed, he immediately said to Hongye's back, "I said
Hongye, didn't you say you're in charge of collecting firewood?

I heard Chen Ze's words, but Hongye didn't look back, but raised his hand and
waved: "It's over to you, brother!"

"Sure enough, only then will I think of it this way. I am your brother."

No way, Chen Ze had to set aside the work at hand, ready to go to the woods to pick
up some firewood.

It may be that other parents have already picked up the firewood in front of the
forest. As soon as Chen Ze walked in, he did not see too many suitable firewood, so
he had to go out into the forest and pick up firewood while walking. Soon he had a
lot of arms on his chest ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ almost ready to go back. "

泽 Chen Ze looked at the firewood in his arms and felt that it was almost the same,
so he was ready to go back. At this time, a voice came suddenly from behind: "Chen
Ze, it is you."

Chen Ze looked back, and it turned out that Fang Qing was standing behind him.

"Hey, why are you here?" Chen Ze asked.

"I came to Yandang Mountain to perform the task. Someone reported that the old man
in his family had not answered the phone. What might have happened. He happened to
be in the field again, so I hope we can come to his house to see."

"Result?" Chen Ze asked.

"It's all right, the old man is just a guest at someone's house." Fang Qingdao.

"That's it, just fine, just fine." Chen Ze nodded.

"How about you, why are you here and also holding so many firewood." Fang Qing

"Oh, I came here for an autumn tour."

Chen Ze opened his mouth and explained to Fang Qing, while explaining, Chen Ze also
took Fang Qing towards the place where they were traveling.

"It turned out so, that is to say you brought your sister here for an autumn tour."
Fang Qing said.

"Yes, look, that's my sister." Chen Ze nodded, pointing at Hongye Road.

Tong Hongye also saw Chen Ze and Fang Qing, and ran over quickly: "Chen Ze, why
have you been there for so long? I have finished watching all the cartoons, and you
haven't returned yet."

"It's not that easy to pick up firewood, and it was your job originally." Chen Ze

Hongye was trying to say something. Suddenly he saw Fang Qing and said, "This
sister is your girlfriend?"


I heard Hong Ye's words, Chen Ze fell straight and Fang Qing's face blushed.

Chapter FTLS 107: Borrow

所以 "So, you two are just friends?"

After cooking at Ye Ye, after listening to Chen Ze's explanation, Hongye looked at
Chen Ze and Fang Qing, and choked the other hand with his hands.

"That's it, so don't talk blindly." Chen Ze said.

"I just said, this sister looks so beautiful, how could it be Chen Ze your
girlfriend." Hongye laughed.

"You girl."

Chen Ze was a little mad, but before he could do anything, Hongye went to Fang Qing
and mumbled to Fang Qing: "Be careful with this sister, Chen Ze is stingy. It ’s
lascivious. When I was hanging out with me, I always refused to buy snacks for me,
and always sneaked up and down towards the girls on the road. "

"Red leaves!"

Although Hongye's voice was not loud, it immediately reached Chen Ze's ears, and
Chen Ze immediately blushed and yelled the name of Hongye.

Tong Hongye smiled, and made a face at Chen Ze, then ran towards her classmate.

"You girl." Chen Ze muttered as he looked at Hongye's back.

"Hee hee, stingy and lascivious, walking on the road and also like Chen Ze, a girl,
you are such a person."

Wu Fangqing came to Chen Ze and said with a smile.

"That's the red leaf girl talking nonsense, I'm serious." Chen Ze said with a
serious face.

"Is that so? I don't know whose car has the yellow magazine on it." Fang Qing said.

"Ou, my magazine was taken away by you. I said I've searched for a long time, why I
can't find it." Chen Ze suddenly realized, and immediately said, but he felt
something was wrong right after he said it, and quickly said "What yellow magazine,
I don't understand what you're talking about."

奥 "Oh, the magazine I picked up on your car wasn't yours. I guess it was one of
your customers who dropped it before. It's also an illegal item, so I'll tear it

"Don't, that's mine."


Chen Ze placed the firewood next to his well-established cooktop, then completely
finished the cooktop, and then he was ready to make lunch.

Fang Qing was standing beside him. She wanted to help Chen Ze, but found nothing
could help her, so she could only stand here, looking at the smiling faces of
Hongye and her classmates, and said, "Chen Ze I didn't expect that you and your
sister had such a good relationship. Generally, according to your age gap, the
relationship would not be so good. "

"That's because Hongye's girl has grown up as a kid and knows everything." Chen Ze
opened his mouth, putting firewood into the stove while opening.

"Really? I think it must have something to do with you. If it weren't for your
personality, Hongye wouldn't be so outgoing." Fang Qingdao said, "But why this time
you brought Hongye to the picnic in their school, generally not. Should all be her
parents? "

"Yes, it should be my uncle and aunt who came here, but they seem to have something
that they can't come, so they asked me to come." Chen Ze said.

事情 "Things? What things?" Fang Qing asked.

"This." After hearing Fang Qing's words, Chen Ze froze a bit, and he thought about
it carefully. "When I received the call from him, he only said that there was an
urgent matter. Now you speak, It does seem to be exactly what happened, I don't
know at all. "

"However, since it is impossible to come over even autumn leaves of autumn leaves,
I think it should be very urgent."

Chen Ze 舅舅, also in Hongye's home.

At this moment, a middle-aged couple is happily cooking a table of dishes, and both
have a happy smile on their faces.

"It's good, Hongye is not here, we just have a good time in the duo world."

"Yeah, thanks to Ozawa, let him go to accompany Hongye, otherwise we must be

troublesome if we go."

"Hehe, thanks to Ozawa, thanks to Ozawa."

Qiu Qiu traveled to the picnic ground, set the stove and firewood, and put the pot
on again. After the fire started, Chen Ze planned to start today's lunch.

"Fang Qing, you have a mouthful, I heard that today I asked Hongye to bring in Kobe
beef which he went to RB on a business trip." While opening the bag brought by
Hongye, Chen Ze opened his mouth.

"Kobe beef, it is a bit attractive." Fang Qing immediately looked forward to

hearing what Chen Ze said. She knows that Chen Ze's cooking skills are very good
recently. With Chen Ze's cooking skills and Kobe beef, it is a dish that people
look forward to.
However, Chen Ze was a little stunned at this time. He opened the whole bag of
Hongye. There was no Kobe beef in it, only some clothes.

"What's the matter? Hongye didn't say that all the vegetables she brought were
packed in this bag?" Chen Ze stunned, and then immediately said to Hongye, "Have
you brought vegetables in Hongye? Why is there no food in this bag?" ? "

"What?" Not far away, Hongye responded.

"Is the dish inside the bag?" Chen Ze loudly again, waved the bag inside.

泽 Chen Ze's 舅舅, Hongye home.

Hongye's parents are enjoying the two-person world, and suddenly they seem to see
something: "Hey, isn't that bag on the sofa that I used to fill Hongye with

"It won't be!"

糟 "Well, I got Hongye wrong in the morning."

Yan Yan Dangshan, picnic ground.

"Wrong?" Chen Ze yelled.

"Yes, it should have been wrong. My mother prepared it for me in the morning. She
was the most careless and must have taken it wrong." Hongye said helplessly,
frowning with both hands.

"This is troublesome, now we have no material to cook." Chen Ze frowned.

I heard that there might be no food, and a small face of Hongye wrinkled.

"Otherwise, I'll buy a little down the mountain and come back. I see a lot of
restaurants down the mountain." Fang Qing said.

"No, this time it's a picnic. It doesn't make sense to buy restaurant food to eat."
Hongye immediately said that she had been looking forward to this picnic for a long
time. If she ended up like this, she felt very sorry.

"Then you can't buy it, then, we have no food here." Fang Qing said with a smile.

算 "Forget it ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Don't go down, now it will take too long to come
back down the mountain, it must be too late." Chen Ze also said at this time, "It
is not completely without food.

While talking, Chen Ze stood up and looked around. The parents of the students were
busy everywhere, and there were all kinds of dishes beside them.

"Huh?" Fang Qing and Hongye looked at each other when they heard Chen Ze's words.
They didn't know what Chen Ze wanted to do.

"Let ’s wait, I'll get the dishes back right away, and it must be something you
will never forget."


"What does this man want to do? What kind of dish does he plan to do?"
"Yeah, what exactly does he want to do?"

"I don't understand, it's a bit unclear. How is this dish mixed and how does it
make a dish?"

In the wild cooking ground, parents around looked at Chen Ze and muttered.

Chen Ze's approach naturally was to ask each of them to borrow a dish, so the news
that Chen Ze did not bring the dish spread throughout the class. The students and
parents of the entire class looked at Chen Ze, and they borrowed a dish. To Chen
Ze, but one in my heart is very strange, I don't know what kind of dish Chen Ze
wants to produce.

Because each of their parents didn't bring much dishes, everyone just shared a
little dish for Chen Ze, and most of the dishes of dozens of parents were not

Therefore, although Chen Ze has got a lot of dishes now, it is too complicated and
messy. There is no way to make a dish.

Of course, you can do it by force, but I'm afraid the taste will be very bad.

Therefore everyone at the scene was very curious and wanted to know what Chen Ze
borrowed so many dishes from and what he planned to do.

Chapter FTLS 108: It turns out you are Chen Ze

"It's impossible. With so many and so many dishes, it is impossible to make a dish
no matter how much it is made. It is definitely not delicious when it is forcibly

"Yeah, it can't be delicious. I don't know what this person is thinking."

"Will this person cook? It's impossible to do so."

Everyone looked at Chen Ze's movements and whispered to each other, all of them
felt that Chen Ze was totally insincere.

The classmates who were almost the same size as Hongye also came to Hongye's side
one by one and began to speak:

红 "Red leaf, what is your brother's plan for this?"

"Yeah Hongye, can your brother make something delicious with these things?"

"If you don't have the red leaves, come and eat with me. Anyway, my dad brought a
lot of vegetables and you eat with me. I can see that your brother has nothing good
to do with these things."

Obviously, these students of Hongye also very doubt whether Chen Ze can make any
good dishes.

But when he heard what his classmates said, Hongye immediately shook his head: "No,
since my brother brought me, how can I be so indifferent, no matter how unpalatable
my brother is, I have to eat with him. "

He said, Hongye came to Chen Ze.

Chen Ze naturally also heard the words of the people around him. To be honest, if
this is before the match with Zhao Yuan, he may not be confident that he can
prepare such a mixed dish, but it will be different after the game. He remembers
the spoon of God It contains a recipe, which is to make a hodgepodge with so many
miscellaneous materials.

Although the taste is not comparable to the time he played before, it is definitely
better than all parents on the scene.

So although everyone around was questioning, he didn't feel anything. Instead, she
heard Hongye's words and heard that she was so supportive, Chen Ze was very happy.

He turned his head and wanted to praise Hongye for a few words, but then he saw the
sadness of Hongye's face, as if he was about to accept some painful punishment.

"Hey, what's your expression?" Chen Ze said.

Obviously, Hongye is still very worried that Chen Ze's dishes will be unpalatable.

"Red leaf, don't worry, your brother will make it delicious."

Wu Fangqing then walked to Hongye and said. She is the only one on the scene who
believes and is convinced that Chen Ze can use these dishes to make a delicious

"Huh?" Hong Fang looked at Fang Qing with some confusion when he heard Fang Qing's
words. He didn't seem to understand where Fang Qing's confidence came from.

因为 "Because, your brother is a **** of food, a Chinese **** of food." Fang Qing


"It's done, Xiaocheng, and dinner is ready."

"We are done here too, my heart, come and eat."

"Yu Xi, come and eat."

In the wild cooking place, at 12 noon, all parents prepared their own meals,
shouted their children's names aloud, and were ready to cook.

As they lifted the lid of the pot, a moment of rice and vegetable aroma permeated
the picnic ground.

Chen Ze also made the dishes he wanted to make.

"Red leaves, ready, I can eat when I lift the lid."

泽 Chen Ze laughed, such a mixed dish is naturally stewed in a pot. However, unlike
ordinary stew, whether it is the heat or time, or the use of ingredients, he has
not had it in the past.

Chen Ze knew that it would be a very delicious hodgepodge.

"Huh." Hongye nodded, although there was still some doubt whether Chen Ze could
make a pot of delicious food, but still looking forward to it, Liang Jingjing's
eyes kept staring at the pot.

Chen Ze smiled and said that he reached out and lifted the lid of the pot.
Instantly, an aroma overflowed from the pot, and it immediately attracted the red

"This, this is so fragrant, Chen Ze, you are so fragrant." Hong Ye said excitedly.

"Yeah, it's so fragrant, it's more fragrant than I expected." Fang Qing said

"Not only is fragrant, but it tastes better, you taste it quickly." Chen Ze


Hongye and Fang Qing nodded, one by one took out the chopsticks, simmered a bowl of
dishes and ate it.

“It ’s so fragrant, so how do you make it, Chen Ze? It ’s so delicious, it ’s much
better than my mother ’s. I remember you did n’t even cook before?”

"It's so delicious and delicious. Can such a mix of vegetables be made so

delicious? Chen Ze, your current cooking skills are so amazing, you just made such
dishes out of your hands. It's too good. . "

I took a sip, Hongye and Fang Qing both hurriedly said, one by one, couldn't stop
their mouths, and ate in a big mouth.

Not only them, but also the parents and students who have begun to eat by
themselves. They are also attracted by the words of Hongye and Fang Qing, as well
as the scattered fragrance, all looking at them:

"My God, it's so fragrant. Why is this man's dishes so fragrant?"

"It looks so delicious. How do you feel it is much more delicious than mine. Can
you make such a delicious dish with such a variety of things?"

不 "No, my saliva will just flow out when I smell this scent. It must be very

Parents and children talked one after another, everyone was very surprised, and
they were completely attracted by Chen Ze's dishes. Even after many children
smelled the scent, they were reluctant to eat their own home-cooked meals, and they
were all noisy. It ’s time for Chen Ze to cook.

However, although these parents also want to try it, they are not able to pull
their heads. After all, I just said that Chen Ze's recipe must not be delicious.

On the contrary, Chen Ze noticed the expressions of the crowd. He felt a little
funny and satisfied, and said, "Everyone else comes to try, anyway, it is a dish
borrowed from you. I have also made a lot, and you all have a taste. . "

"How embarrassing you are, you made it all by yourself."

就是 "That's it, just forget it, we have it ourselves."

"No, no, let's eat it ourselves."

I heard Chen Ze's words, these parents spoke one by one, shook their heads and
refused. But while talking, he walked in front of Chen Ze, took the spoon and
chopped himself a spoon to eat.

Although she said so, she couldn't control her body at all.

"······" Chen Zedao.

"It's so delicious. What do you do, this parent? Why is it so delicious?"

"Yeah, at first we thought you couldn't make anything delicious ~ www.mtlnovel.com

~ I didn't expect us to be beaten. What you make is so delicious."

"Great, it's so fragrant, it's so delicious."

While eating, these parents also spoke, one by one, completely moved by Chen Ze's

"Ou, I'm a chef, Meiranju's chef." Chen Ze said.

"Miranju chef, that's no wonder."

I heard Chen Ze's words, everyone nodded, silently remembering the name Mei Ranju,
ready to go back and try.

But suddenly, a person spoke, his voice trembling a little: "Beautiful, beautiful
chef? Are you Chen Ze?"

"Well, it's me." Chen Ze nodded.

"You are really beautiful Chen Ze. That Chen Ze who participated in the Chinese God
of Food contest and eliminated his opponent all the way to the finals? No wonder
you can make such a delicious dish. You gave us a lot of money Cheng raised his
face. "The man said, apparently recognizing Chen Ze.

And other parents, after hearing his words, all looked at Chen Ze quickly, with
some surprises and some excitement:

"It's you, you are Chen Ze, and I've heard of you. You eliminated Zhao Yuan this
time, which is really great."

"I know you too, the pride of our city."

"No wonder, it turned out to be Chen Ze you, you are too good."

My parents said in succession that they had all heard of Chen Ze more or less, and
now they knew that Chen Ze was standing in front of themselves, naturally excited
and worshipped.

Hearing what they said, Hongye froze a bit: "Is my brother so powerful?"

"Of course, he will get the Chinese God of Food." Fang Qing said, looking at Chen
Ze, and said proudly.

Chapter FTLS 109: Missed

"The meal you made today is really delicious."
I walked on the road between the mountains, Fang Qing faced Chen Zedao.

After lunch, Fang Qing will go back first, and Chen Ze will naturally give her one.

"That's, that's what I did." Chen Ze laughed at Fang Qing's words.

"Cut, you are really confident." Fang Qingdao, "So you are very confident in the
finals? I heard that, your opponents in the finals are not easy."

嗯 "Well, it's not easy. The Royal Chef family must not be a simple opponent." Chen
Ze nodded. "However, I will not lose. In any case, I must win this game."

"That's good, just have such confidence." Fang Qing said, "It's Saturday in the

"Yes, Saturday." Chen Ze said.

"I'm afraid I can't go to the scene to support you. Although Saturday is closed,
our police station has temporary activities that require each of us to attend."
Fang Qing said.

"It's okay, you just have to wait for the last news, and the news of my victory in
the end." Chen Ze said, "But if you have an apology in your heart, you might as
well send me something."

"what would you like?"

"The lucky charm you gave last time did bring me a lot of luck. If there is such a
charm, please give me another one."

"Fool, how could I have so many such charms, that lucky charm is my only one."

"That's bad, I don't necessarily win without a lucky charm." Chen Ze joked, "But
forget it, since it is so, change it."

"What to change?" Fang Qing stopped and looked at Chen Zedao.

"Um." Chen Ze thought for a while, "Come on."

"Is it just a cheer?"

"Yes, just tell me now."

"Okay." Fang Qing nodded and looked up at Chen Ze's eyes. "Come on, don't lose."

"Thank you," Chen Ze said.

"Come on, don't lose."

"Come on, don't lose."

He heard Fang Qing cheering again and again, and Chen Ze smiled, "It's okay, it's

"Come on, don't lose."

Chen Ze was silent and looked at Fang Qing: "I won't lose."

Saturday morning.

There will be two more hours of competition, and the final of the Chinese God of
God competition will begin.

应该 This should be the most intense time for Chen Ze, but Chen Ze is not nervous,
but is very excited, because finally, the popularity has broken through again.
After this week, it has reached 2,000, and there is another chance to draw.

"Congratulations to the host, the popularity value has reached 2,000, and another
lottery can be held." Deep in Chen Ze's mind, the system opened.

"It's great." Hearing the words of the system, Chen Ze said with a smile, "In
addition to the skills I have now drawn, what chef skills are the best?"

"The heart of the God of Food." The system said, "The heart of the God of Food
contains many years of experience of the God of Food and its understanding of
culinary skills. The host of the God of Knife and the spoon of the God of God were
already very good, but the distance is actually The true power of the God of Eaters
is very far away. But if you draw the heart of the God of Eaters, then you can
immediately reach the state of the God of Cookery. "

"The state of the **** of food? Doesn't it mean that if I draw the heart of the
**** of food, then that Ju hero will not be my opponent at all?" Chen Ze said, and
he was very excited when he heard the system.

Although he has always been confident, he will definitely win. But after all, the
opponent is the pervert of the Royal Kitchen family, and Chen Ze's grasp is not
100%. But if the heart of the **** of food is really drawn, as the system says,
wouldn't this royal chef family be able to directly crush it.

After all, no matter how powerful the Royal Chef family is, it can't be compared
with the real God of Food.

"Yes, if you can draw the God of Hearts, then you will be able to easily defeat any
of your opponents." The system said, "But I want to remind you that God of Hearts
is not so easy to draw."

"It's okay, I haven't drawn so many hard-to-get things before, this time it must be
the same, and I will definitely be able to draw the heart of the **** of food."
Chen Ze waved his hand, feeling that he would be able to draw.

He said, he immediately started to draw: "The heart of God, the heart of God, the
heart of God."

While looking at the flashing of skills on the raffle page, Chen Ze said in his

Finally, the skills page stopped and showed Chen Ze's draw skills: "The Jane of the
God of Food, one of the skills of the God of Food, can make the simplest dishes
show the original taste."

这 "This, what is this skill?" Looking at this skill, Chen Ze froze.

"Eat of God, one of the skills of God of God, as shown on the raffle page." The
system said.
"No, why isn't it God-eating? Why isn't it God-eating?" Chen Ze said. He had been
lucky before. He tried to pick whatever he wanted, so he thought he would win this

"Obviously, the host, you are out of luck this time, and did not win." The system
said, suddenly it changed a tone. "You haven't seen so many book friends in the
book review area, and said that your luck is too good, Whatever you want, you can
choose what you want. Although this book is a good starting point, it still needs
to be reasonable. This time, I dare you to choose what you want. "

"What are you talking about in the system? Why can't I understand it at all?" Chen
Ze's black question mark face didn't know what the system was saying.

"This, I don't know what I'm talking about." The system said, "In short, this time
you did not take the skill of God of God."

"Disappointed, I didn't win." Chen Ze said. The **** of food, Chen Ze felt too
chicken. What makes the simplest dishes the most original and delicious, how can
the food **** contest test this thing. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com how to say, it
has nothing to do with the simplest dishes.

"Will you equip this skill with the host?" The system asked.

当然 "Of course the equipment, although it is not useful, but the pump has been
drawn, it must be equipped." Chen Ze said, then he clicked on the equipment, and
then equipped this skill to Chen Ze.

It is different from the previous equipment of the God Knife, the legendary kitchen
knife and the God Spoon. When equipped with this skill, I don't feel anything at
all. Obviously, this is indeed a chicken rib skill that can no longer be eaten.

好 "Well, it's a waste of a lottery chance."


Cheng Yucheng, another big hotel room.

A young man who was about the same age as Chen Ze sat at the table and flipped
through a yellowed book. If there is a chef here, you will be very surprised,
because this yellowed book contains records of dishes that appear only in history
books, as well as many dishes that have been announced in ancient times.

This book is simply the crystallization of Chinese culture for thousands of years.

年轻人 The young man flipped carefully and looked very carefully.

实际上 Although he actually remembered and mastered the recipes in this book, he is
still reviewing them seriously at this moment.


At this moment, the alarm clock on his desk rang.

He looked up at the time: "So fast, it's time to go out."

Speaking, he quickly picked up the things, walked out of the door, stopped when he
reached the door, and looked at a magazine by the table. The magazine was a picture
of a young man smiling, exactly Chen Ze.
"This game, my hero will be the final winner."

Chapter FTLS 110: Most noticeable final

"Good morning, audience friends. Behind me is the scene of the hotel that is going
to hold the Chinese Food God Finals today. As you can see, a lot of people have
come outside this hotel, not only a lot of journalists, but also from all over the
country. The big hotel even sent someone here, obviously this game has attracted
considerable attention from the food industry. Naturally, I will continue to
broadcast this finals for everyone. "

Outside the hotel where the Chinese God of Food competition was held, a reporter
pointed at the camera. She was the host of the local TV station in Yucheng. This
time the Chinese God of Finals was broadcast by Yucheng TV, so she came to report
the whole process. .

In addition to her filming crew from Yucheng TV Station, major food magazines
across the country and even many regular news weekly magazines and websites have
sent people over to want to report on the competition.

There are also countless spectators who came to the scene to watch, chefs who have
been eliminated before, and many hotel leaders who have come from all over the
country. These people also want to see the final results of the Chinese God of God
competition finals.

I can say that, in this finals, the influence of Chinese food **** reached the

"Who do you think will win today? Is it Chen Ze or Ju Ju?"

"It's hard to say. These two people are dark horses. Ju Yingxiong was previously
rated as a B-level chef, and Chen Ze was even a C-level. It can be said that it was
considered to be the worst two of all the competitors. It was the two of them who
reached the finals. "

"Yes, from the course of the battle, the two have their own advantages. Chen Ze
defeated Zhao Yuan with his own original dishes in the battle with Zhao Yuan last
week, and Ju hero made The legendary Chinese cuisine is also quite incredible. I am
afraid the two are extremely close in strength. "

"Now it's hard to say who will win, neither of them are ordinary chefs, but I can
still understand that Heroes Ju is so strong. I heard that he is an heir to the
Royal Chefs family. Chen Ze, didn't he say he was a driver before? He actually Can
be so strong. "

"I am afraid that the strength of the two is between Bo Zhong, but if I really want
to choose, I still choose Ju hero. He is from the Royal Chef family. From the
inside, Chen Ze may not be his opponent."

Among the cricket crowd, many people eating melons began to whisper and discussed
the outcome of the game. Everyone feels that judging from the experience of the two
people, their strength is extremely close, and they can't see the outcome.

Of course, if you have to choose a winner, many people think that it may be the
hero Ju and the Royal Chef family, enough for them to choose him.

"Although I don't know who the two will win, but judging from the situation on the
scene today, no matter who wins, he will definitely be famous and estimated to be
mad by these big hotels. "At this point, one said again.

I heard what he said, and everyone else looked around. The eyes of the reporter
were countless reporters holding cameras, as well as those gathered at the door of
the hotel from across the country.

"Yeah, so many media, even TV stations, whoever wins this time will be really

"Not only is it famous, look at those in charge of the big hotels. Do you think
they are just for fun? After the result of the game, they will immediately invite
the winners to join their hotel. There is the title of Chinese food god, No matter
which hotel, the passenger traffic will definitely at least double. "

"Yeah, the people who have won will have a bonus of two million, plus the annual
salary of these big hotels, this tone will be at least a few million dollars
higher, plus the title of the Chinese **** of food, it really can Said to be the
winner of life. "

Everyone started talking again, saying that they even started to envy Chen Ze and
Ju hero.

"Here comes, Chen Ze comes."

"There are also heroes Ju, and heroes Ju are also here."

At this moment, a voice came over, and it turned out that Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong
came to the scene together.

After hearing this voice, these people eating melon were excited, and immediately
wanted to surround Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong. However, they have n’t waited for them
to act. The major medias in front of them, as well as those in charge of the big
hotels, ran faster than one, and walked directly towards Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong.

Suddenly, the scene was chaotic.

乱 This chaos also showed everyone that this finals today is the most watched
competition of this Chinese God of Food contest.


Yu Yucheng, inside the police station.

"Xiao Zhang, you have all your information ready, but there are superior leaders to
attend the meeting. Your information is the main purpose of the leaders this time,
but you must not make mistakes."

领导 A police officer with a leadership appearance said to a male policeman.

"Everything is ready." The male policeman started talking.

那就 "That's good, then I'll give you the speech after the meeting." The police
officer with a leadership appearance nodded.

Then he turned around and spoke to all the policemen in the hall: "When there will
be a superior leader to inspect the work ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Everyone must be
rigorous and serious, and don't be led to any problems. "

头 "Head, no problem." Everyone said after hearing his words.

"That's good." The leader-like man nodded, very satisfied. Suddenly, he seemed to
have found something, and said, "Well, Fang Qing? Why isn't she here? Today, there
is a superior to check the work, Where did she go? "

"Okutou, Fang Qing asked for leave." Upon hearing the words of the leader, a
policeman quickly stood up and said.

"Leave a leave? Why leave?" The leader-like person said.

"It seems to be a bad cold. I heard she said that she had fallen asleep last night.
She coughed aloud when she called to ask for leave, and she looked very sick." The
policeman said.

"In this case, let's forget, let Fang Qing take good care of her." The leader-like
man said, waved his hand and walked towards his office.

Behind the back, the policeman who explained for Fang Qing quickly wiped his sweat
and said to himself that he was very inadequate: "Fang Qing, you must take good
care of yourself, don't be discovered."



现场 At the scene of the Chinese God of God contest, a girl sneezed greatly: "Who
mentioned me again?"

After the beating, the girl quickly pressed the peaked cap she was wearing and her
mask. Her dress seemed to be afraid of being recognized by anyone.

After completing all of this, she nodded and looked at a figure in the distance.

There, Chen Ze was being interviewed around the media.

"Chen Ze, I deliberately skipped the class to watch your game. If you lose, I can't
spare you."

Chapter FTLS 111: Amazing final title

"Welcome everyone to our Chinese God of Food Finals. Entering the finals are Chen
Ze from Meiranju and Ju Yingxiong from the world downstairs. These two are
competing all the way, and cooking can be said to be us The top two participating
in this competition, and finally the title of Chinese God of Food, will also be
born on these two people. "

内 In the game hall, the host of the previous game, he held the microphone and
spoke to everyone on the scene. Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong stood in the playing
field, and media reporters clicked on the camera and camera lens at them.

At this time, Chen Ze also secretly looked at the Ju hero. Although Chen Ze had
seen him before, he did not impress Chen Ze deeply.

At this moment, if you take a closer look, Chen Ze knew why this guy was not
impressed. The height of about one meter seven, the ordinary appearance, and the
temperament are completely ordinary people. Such people are completely recognized
in the crowd. If you do n’t come out, no one will be able to know. This guy turned
out to be a chef from the Royal Chefs' family. The cooking skills are still very

"Although it looks ordinary, if you really treat this guy as an ordinary chef, then
you can be a big deal."

Chen Ze murmured to himself, although Ju hero was very ordinary in appearance, Chen
Ze knew that he was not ordinary at all. As far as the last match between him and
Zhu Chengyi, Zhu Chengyi was also a nationally renowned chef. After Ju hero, he did
not take Ju hero at all, and even announced in front of Ju hero that he would win
the victory of this game, and it was a quick victory.

The result turned out to be a fiasco in the end. Although Chen Ze knew that the
biggest reason for this fiasco was because the cooking skill of this Ju hero was
too high, but if it wasn't for Zhu Chengyi to underestimate Ju hero, Chen Ze
estimated that Zhu Chengyi's strength would definitely not You lost so badly.

Ordinary appearance is also one of Ju's weapons!

"This guy, it's not easy at all."

Looking at Ju hero, thinking about his match with Zhu Chengyi, Chen Ze muttered to

At this moment, Ju Yingxiong also noticed that Chen Ze was watching him, turned his
head, and smiled at Chen Ze.

With this smile, Ju's entire temperament has completely changed, and a sharp burst
of hair burst out from him. It seems to be laughing, but in fact it feels a bit

It seems that he is condescending, playing with his opponent with the certainty of

He seemed to be contempt, he was contempt of Chen Ze.

I'm right, win and contempt, at this time Ju hero has the temperament of winning.

Although he was laughing, Chen Ze was upset for a while: "Sure enough, this guy is
not easy at all."

As soon as Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong faced each other, the audience around the scene
also noticed the situation of the two of them at the moment.

"These two are in eye contact, I feel the sparks are about to come out."

"It's exciting. I don't know what kind of match the two will have today."

"One is the Royal Chef family, and the other is the Jedi Dark Horse. These two must
be very good today."

"I'm so curious, I'm so curious, who will win today."

Everyone started talking. They noticed that hostility was generated in Chen Ze and
Ju Yingxiong. One by one they immediately looked forward to it and wanted to hurry
up today's game.

However, the confusion surrounding all of them is still one of them, who can win
today, Chen Ze and Ju hero.
These two people feel that it is a bit difficult to distinguish between high and

"I'm announcing that the finals of the Chinese God of God competition officially
begins today!"

At this moment, the host who was standing in front spoke, and with his words, there
was a round of applause and cheers directly at the scene. The most anticipated
match finally began.

"Next I will announce the title of today ’s game." After the applause and cheers
stopped, the host continued, "Last week we compared the breadth of cooking, and
Chen Ze, who was standing in front of us, also had Ju The heroes showcased the
breadth of their cooking with original dishes and disappeared dishes, dedicating a
wonderful game for us. So today, we are comparing the depth of cooking. "

"Depth of cooking?"

When everyone heard what the host said, everyone was stunned. I had no idea what
the depth of the cooking was.

"The depth of cooking? What is this depth?"

是 "Yeah, what is the depth of cooking?"

"I don't understand, what is the depth of cooking?"

The audience around him asked.

In the competition venue, Chen Ze frowned. He faintly guessed the content of

today's test. The breadth of cooking is more than who has mastered the cuisine. So
the depth of cooking is naturally!

"The breadth of culinary arts is about the mastery of cooking by the chef. So
naturally, the depth of culinary arts is to examine the chef's deliberations on
cooking." The host said, "Or in other words, it is better than taste. The topic of
today's competition is Taste, unlimited raw materials, unlimited techniques,
whoever makes the dishes more delicious will win today's game. "

"What is it, it is better than taste ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ This is too simple, I

thought that the finals would be more than a trick. This topic is too simple, it is
better than taste."

是 "Yeah, it's too simple, it's too simple."

I heard the host's words, and everyone began to speak, all of them thought it was
too simple. In the end, it was better than taste. This was already tested in the
regional trials.

Listening to the words of the people around, the host smiled: "It's true that the
title of the final game is very simple. However, the judges who judge the results
of today's game are not so simple."


After hearing the words of the host, the people around me were stunned again. They
remembered the previous judges. The judges who were judged before were the food
experts from all over the country. They have judged many times, although They are
all big bulls in the industry, but nothing seems to be simple.
"No, the judges were not present today."

At this moment, one person spoke and heard his words. The others quickly looked
towards the judges 'seat and found that none of them were indeed on the judges'

what happened?

"It seems that everyone has found that there is indeed no one on the judges' seat,
because today's judges are not the previous ones." The host smiled and said, "But
ten, anorexic patients from all over the country."

Speaking, the host looked at Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong: "So Chen Ze and Ju
Yingxiong, your topic today is to make as many dishes as possible for these ten
anorexia patients in three hours. And whoever eats more of these ten anorexia
patients will be able to win today. "

"Anorexia, anorexia? My God!"

Chapter FTLS 112: Tangled

"Anorexic? Oh my God, are you right? Anorexic people are judges, and this is too
much fun."

就是 "Yeah, how can an anorexic person be a judge, how much delicious it must be to
make anorexic person eat it too."

"This, this, this is really the title of the finals. Anorexic people are judges,
it's too good."

I heard the host's words, and people around him spoke one by one, all of them were
a bit stunned. Everyone had no idea that the person who was the final judge would
be an anorexia patient.

When I first heard this question, everyone thought that this question was too
simple to test the taste. It was already tested in the regional trials.

But now everyone does n’t think so. It is too difficult to use anorexia patients as
judges and let them taste the dishes made by Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong. It ’s too
difficult to make anorexia. Patients love it, everyone thinks it is hard to
imagine, it is hard to imagine.

"Patients with anorexia? Somewhat interesting." On the playing field, Ju hero

murmured and smiled when he heard the host's words.

Chen Ze frowned. He did think of the subject, but the jury was a patient with this
anorexia, which he had never thought of.

"Patients with anorexia, this is not an ordinary judge. If it is an in-depth

patient, even if the dishes are as good as possible, they cannot be eaten. This is
already a disease." Chen Ze Speaking, he knew that even if it was an anorexia
patient, the competition organizing committee would definitely not be able to use a
deep anorexia patient. Such patients have completely lost their need for food, and
may even lose their taste.

This kind of judge, even if the **** of food comes in person, is useless at all.
Sure enough, the host continued: "Although they are anorexic patients, they are not
very deep and are already pathological. They are only patients with mild anorexia,
but if they are anorexia, If it is delicious, they can still impress them. Now, let
us invite these ten anorexia patients. "

"it is as expected."

Hearing to the host, Chen Zemuttered to himself.

After another, ten anorexic patients came out of the hall and sat on the jury seat.
Each of the ten of them is almost as skinny and has no gleam in his eyes. The whole
person is debilitated, making people know that they are anorexia patients.

Several of them were still yawning. Although there was a cooking competition
between Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong in front of them, they had no interest at all, and
even a few eyes showed a hint of disgust.

That is not an aversion to Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong, but an almost instinctive

aversion to food.

"It's really an anorexia patient. It's interesting now. Will it be Chen Ze's dish
or Ju Yingxiong's dish that will impress them?"

"Yeah, think carefully that this is really the ultimate problem. If even these
anorexia patients can be moved, then it is the true **** of food."

"Indeed, who is the true Chinese food god, you can see it at a glance."

After seeing the ten judges, the people around him whispered, one after another,
after learning about the topic of the final game, they became extremely excited.

Many media reporters took pictures of ten anorexic patients, and they all felt that
the last question of the organizing committee was too creative.

"The time is three hours. In three hours, there are no restrictions on ingredients
and cooking methods. You can make your favorite dishes, Chen Ze and Ju Juying, and
then give them to the judges of the ten anorexia patients. Those who have been
eaten more in these three hours, who is the final winner of this competition. Of
course, since this time is more than the Chinese food god, there is also a
prerequisite that all the dishes must be Chinese cuisine The typical
representative. "The host spoke again.

下面 "Below, the Finals of the Chinese Food God Contest, now officially started."

With the host's words, this competition officially started.

However, Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong were not in a hurry to pick the ingredients, but
they all stood still, thinking about the content of this competition.

"The test is delicious. Who can make these anorexia patients eat more food, and who
is the winner this time, then naturally it is to make the best food." Chen Ze stood
in place, silently Thinking about this topic, "And it is to be in Chinese cuisine,
so that is to choose the most delicious dishes in Chinese cuisine."

Chen Ze carefully thinks about it, Chinese cuisine is actually extremely extensive
and profound, there are several different cuisines, and each cuisine has a
different kind and taste. From ancient times to the present, the taste of the
dishes is also constantly changing. Some of these changes are getting better, while
others are getting worse.
There are really a lot of dishes to choose from, and Chen Ze didn't know which
dishes to choose. Change to the words of Chen Ze in the past ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~
Many dishes will not actually be cooked, but now he is different. After the spoon
of the **** of food, he has mastered all the dishes in the basic eight cuisines.

This is obviously good for Chen Ze, but there are disadvantages. If you choose too
many, you don't know which one to choose.

"There are eight cuisines in China, each of which corresponds to a different

region, and naturally people who like it are different. We in Yucheng belong to
Zhejiang cuisine. If these ten anorexia patients are people near Yucheng, then
natural Zhejiang cuisine It is the one that best suits their taste, and it is also
the best to make Zhejiang cuisine. "Chen Ze looked at the judges of the ten
anorexia patients and began to think.

"But no, since this is the National Finals of the Chinese Food God, then the ten
anorexia patients must be from all over the country. Since this is the case, then
they cannot guess their origin, and there is no way to make targeted dishes. . "

Chen Ze thought about this problem, he looked at the ten patients carefully, and he
couldn't see where the ten anorexia patients came from. He was desperately
scratching his hair.

究竟 "Exactly, which cuisine should I cook?"

Chen Ze thought.

"Moved, Ju hero has moved, he already thinks about the dishes he wants to make."

"It is indeed a person from the Royal Chef's family, so quickly think about what to
do for these ten anorexia jury judges."

"Look at his self-confidence, as if he is very sure."

At this moment, a voice came and made Chen Ze react. He quickly turned around and
saw that Ju Yingxiong had stood up, with a smile and confidence on his face, and
walked towards the ingredients area.

"Did he already think about what to do?"

Chapter FTLS 113: Powerful Royal Chef Family (1)

"Have you already figured out what to do?"

"Yeah, is he thinking so fast?"

"It is indeed from the Royal Chef's family. The speed is too fast."

Seeing that Ju Yingxiong walked towards the ingredients area, everyone thought that
many people also knew that the key to this game was what Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong
would choose to do, so when he saw such a quick Ju Yingxiong After thinking about
it, I was a little surprised.

"It's so fast."

After seeing Ju Yingxiong walk into the ingredients area and start picking up
ingredients, Chen Ze murmured to himself. He was also a bit surprised. He did not
expect that Ju Yingxiong would think so quickly.
"Forget about him, I still have to think about the dishes I make." Thinking so,
Chen Ze closed his eyes again and began to think.

虽然 "Although I don't know where these ten anorexia patients come from, the charm
of the food is always the same. As long as a dish is made delicious, it will
naturally be welcomed by these people."

Thinking of this, Chen Ze made a decision. He decided not to think from the source
of the ten anorexia patients, but decided to make the best of the taste of the
dishes at his own pace.

Since it is also stipulated in the title, if the dishes to be prepared are

representative of Chinese cuisine, then it is only natural, as long as the
representative dishes of the eight major cuisines are prepared. As long as the
charm of the representative dishes of the eight major cuisines is exerted, Chen Ze
believes that it will definitely attract the appetite of these ten anorexia

"Eight major cuisines are Sichuan, Cantonese, Shandong, Soviet, Zhejiang, Fujian,
Anhui, Hunan, and their representative dishes are Dongting wild duck, ham stewed
turtle, Buddha jumping wall, West Lake vinegar ..."

Chen Chen recalled the representative dishes of the eight major cuisines, muttering
to himself, while standing up and walking towards the location of the ingredients
area, ready to start picking his own ingredients.

"Look at it, look at it, Chen Ze has moved, and he has to choose his own

"I don't know what kind of dishes these two people will choose?"

"Yes, Ju hero moves very fast, but Chen Ze's movement is not slow, I really don't
know what dishes they will choose to impress this anorexia judge."

"Hey, I have a hunch, this final finals will definitely be the most exciting game
of this Chinese God of God contest."

After seeing Chen Ze also walking towards the food area, people around the road
said, everyone was a little excited and looking forward to it, and the reporters
even picked up the camera and took a picture of Chen Ze Kaka .

Chen Ze ignored the remarks around him. He went to the ingredients area and began
to pick the ingredients.

At the beginning, Chen Ze was still a little worried whether there would be
insufficient ingredients in this ingredients area, but after a closer look, Chen Ze
was somewhat surprised to find that the ingredients in this ingredients area were
extremely rich, and there were other competitions in the semi-finals than before
All the ingredients must be prepared. Obviously for the finals, the organizing
committee really did a lot of work.

"Yes, it's good to have plenty of ingredients."

Chen Ze spoke, and began to choose the ingredients according to his intentions.

There are three hours in total, so naturally, in addition to the representative

dishes of the eight major cuisines, Chen Ze also decided to make some dishes that
are famous all over the country, such as some of the more simple dishes in the
Manhan dinner.
In this way, Chen Ze selected for a period of time, be considered all the
ingredients he wanted. Then he returned to the stove with these ingredients and was
ready to start cooking.

"Beginning with Zhejiang cuisine, make Xihucuyu."

Chen Ze opened his mouth, he took out the selected fish, and started to handle the

Because of the relationship between God and the sword, Chen Ze handled it very
quickly. Although the audience around them have already seen it several times, they
are still amazed one by one:

"It's amazing. Although I've seen it several times, Chen Ze's knife is so amazing."

"Yeah, this sword is really too powerful. How did Chen Ze practice the sword to
such an extent?"

"Awesome, it's really awesome. I'm afraid no one can compare with Chen Ze when it
comes to the swordsman."

Huh! !! !!

At this moment, the other side also sounded a knife work sound. Everyone saw that
it turned out to be Ju hero. He also seemed to be handling a fish with a knife. And
his knives are quick and stern, and they are no worse than Chen Ze.

"Ju hero is also so powerful, it really deserves to be from the Royal Chefs."

"Yeah, I feel like I ’m hiding my strength all the way through the hero Ju game.
Now I have really exerted his full strength. I have never seen such a strong
swordman in the previous games."

"If anyone's knife is closest to Chen Ze, then it must be this Ju hero."

After seeing Ju Yingxiong's swordman, everyone started talking.

Even Chen Ze lamented a bit and stopped to look at the heroes of Ju Yingxiong: "It
is indeed a person from the Royal Chef family, and the knifework is not worse than

Chen Ze knows that his own knives are derived from the God of Knives. Although the
knife does not have the ability to exert 100% of the power of the God of Knives
because of the lack of God ’s heart, but also far exceeds the knife of ordinary
chefs. Already.

The swordman of the Cuju hero is the first time Chen Ze has ever seen him
comparable to him, so Chen Ze is a bit surprised, and also knows that this game
will really be a fierce battle.

However, compared to Chen Ze ’s marvel, in fact, the hero ’s marvel is even more
serious. As a member of the Royal Chef family, he was trained by his grandfather as
a chef since childhood, and this knifework is the most basic. He I didn't know how
many times I cut my hand with a knife when I was a kid, and now I have the knife.

Before coming to participate in the competition, his grandpa even told him that
judging by his swordsman ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ no one can beat him in this
In the past, Hero Ju has always believed in his grandfather's words, but now he
knows that his grandfather was wrong: "Grandpa, you are wrong. In this competition,
some people are really not worse than me in knifework. No, it is better than I'm
stronger. "

He said, Hero Ju also looked at Chen Ze: "But in terms of taste, he can't beat me.
With the accumulation of our royal chef family for hundreds of years, this kind of
thing will never happen."

Huh! !! !!

刀 The whole hall was ringing with the sound of a knife and a large spoon. Chen Ze
and Ju Yingxiong were very fast. It didn't take long to prepare the first dish.

"I did a good job."

"I did a good job."

Almost one after the other, the two spoke one after the other, saying that the two
did not expect that the other was actually done at this time, and they looked at
each other.

This competition is more popular with these anorexic judges than who made the
dishes, so it is natural to do a good job and let these anorexic patients taste it,
and finally eat more than anyone else.

"Okay, bring this first dish of both of them to the judges."

I heard Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong's words, the host spoke, and then the staff took
Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong's dishes over.

Chen Ze did not look at the taste of the next ten anorexia patients, time was
tight, he had to rush to make the next dish. The same is true of Ju hero.

"Next dish, next dish to do."

泽 Chen Ze murmured to himself, while thinking, watching the ingredients he picked



At this moment, a sound of surprise sounded at the scene, attracting Chen Ze's

Chapter FTLS 114: A powerful royal chef family (below)

这 "Here, these two dishes are the same."

"It's a coincidence that Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong's two dishes are the same."

"Oh my God, this is a coincidence."

People around him spoke in surprise, and the words also attracted Chen Ze's
attention. He looked up and saw that in addition to his dishes, there was another
West Lake vinegar fish in front of the ten judges.

"Here, Ju hero made the same dish as me?" Chen Ze froze a bit. He did not expect
that Ju hero would make the same dish as him. "Is he the same as the thought in my

Chen Ze had an idea in mind. There are so many dishes in Chinese cuisine, but it is
no coincidence that Ju Yingxiong will cook the same dishes as him. It only shows
one thing: Ju Yingxiong's plan is also in every cuisine. He picked a well-known
dish to make it, and it happened that in Zhejiang cuisine, he also picked West Lake
vinegar fish.

When I thought of this, Chen Ze quickly looked at Ju Yingxiong. Ju Yingxiong had a

little surprise on his face, and obviously he didn't expect that he would hit
vegetables with Chen Ze.

Chen Ze also looked at the ingredients he chose next to Ju Yingxiong, which are not
exactly the same as his own, but the types are almost the same, all of them are a
little different from the major cuisines.

Obviously, Ju Yingxiong's plan is really similar to Chen Ze's plan.

"Unexpectedly, there was such a coincidence." Chen Ze muttered to himself.

When Chen Ze was in a daze, ten judges began to taste Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong's
dishes from both sides at the same time.

They are indeed patients with anorexia. Although it is only mild, in the face of
the fragrant, full-colored dishes made by Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong, none of them
have any heartbeat on their faces, just Picking up chopsticks as if completing the
task, even with a hint of disgust on his face.

I saw the appearance of ten anorexic patients. Everyone at the scene looked at it.
Everyone was curious. What kind of expression would the anorexic patient have when
eating the dishes of Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong.


After tasting the dishes of Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong, the expressions on the faces
of the ten judges changed. The trace of disgust disappeared, and one of them opened
his eyes a bit, it seemed strange that he didn't dislike the two dishes.

Even, their faces showed an interest in these two dishes.

Then, although not as big as the previous judges ate, most of these anorexia
patients still picked up chopsticks and clamped the second and third mouthfuls.

"Look, they ate and seemed to be interested in Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong's dishes."

"Yeah, I can't think of it. I really can't think of Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong's
dishes. They really moved these ten special judges."

"My God, I really want to taste the taste of Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong's dishes. It
makes these ten anorexia patients judges so tempted. It is too hard to imagine."

After seeing the actions of the ten judges, people around me began to exclaim one
by one.

I heard the words of the people around him. After seeing the appearance of these
judges, Chen Ze smiled. Although he didn't seem to have the upper hand on the dish,
at least he didn't lose.
Thinking of this, Chen Ze lowered his head again, ready to start the second course.

哇 "Wow, everyone, look at it. The dishes of Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong have been
tasted by those ten judges, but they are different. The rest is different."

"Yes, ten judges have tasted Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong's first course, but
different, only one half of Ju Yingxiong and Chen Ze's still have more than half."

"What's going on, how can this happen, why suddenly the hero's leader is ahead?"

Suddenly, Chen Ze heard this voice again. He quickly looked up and saw that he and
Ju Yingxiong's dishes had been tasted by ten judges, but on the plate, Ju Xiong's
West Lake vinegar fish was left For a little while. But Chen Ze's is still more
than half.

"This, how can it be, how can I have so many more than Ju hero."

Chen Ze stopped completely this time. He did not expect that the ten judges would
eat more Ju heroes than they eat him. This game is more than taste. Whoever eats
more will be able to win the final game.

As far as this first dish is concerned, Chen Ze found that he lost!

"How come, it's all Xihu vinegar fish, and I still have the God of Knives and the
God of Spoons, so I lost both of the first dishes?"

"My God, if you only look at the first dish, Chen Ze will lose."

"Yeah, Ju hero is too strong, and the first dish has so much advantage."

"The Royal Chef Family, is the Royal Chef Family so strong? Well, that's Chen Ze,
even the first dish has lost so much."

Twenty weeks later, everyone was aware of this serious problem and whispered. They
all know that Chen Ze has fallen behind.

不可能 "It's impossible. I wouldn't lose by reason. It's impossible to lose so


泽 Chen Ze was still thinking about this problem, and this problem suddenly
unexpectedly exceeded his expectations, so Chen Ze was a little messy.


But at this moment, a sound of knives sounded around him, Chen Ze looked back, and
Ju Yingxiong had started his second course.

不要 "Don't panic, it's just the first course. Even if the wind falls, it doesn't
mean that today's game is lost. There is still a chance, it is just the beginning

Chen Ze thought to himself that he took a deep breath, calmed his mood, and then
started his second course.

The second dish is Sichuan cuisine, which is also a famous dish in Sichuan cuisine.
Chen Ze is very skilled and prepared this dish. And it's about the same speed, Ju
hero also prepared his second course.

However, this time it's different from Chen Ze's. He made a famous dish in
Cantonese cuisine.

"No more hitting the dishes." Chen Ze thought to himself when he saw the staff
bringing Ju Yingxiong's Cantonese dishes to the ten judges.

Then, he quickly looked at ten judges and wanted to see what it would look like
this time.

The judges are still the same, showing interest in these dishes, but after trying
them all, Chen Ze's dish is actually much more than Ju hero.

Obviously, on this second dish, Chen Ze fell into the wind again.

Then came the third dish and the fourth dish. Although Chen Ze made the trick, but
every dish still fell behind.

怎 "How, how is it possible, I have exerted my best strength, how can it still be
in such a disadvantage. How is this possible?"

Looking at the fourth dish, there are even more leftovers than Ju Yingxiong's dish.
Chen Ze murmured to himself, he was really unbelievable. He carefully recalled the
steps of cooking, the heat, and the control of the seasoning. There were no

Under normal circumstances, he can already have enough advantages. But this time,
he was standing in the wind.

"how can that be!"

Chen Ze murmured to himself, some couldn't believe what was happening right now ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ Nothing strange host. At this time, when Chen Ze was a little
flustered, the system spoke.

不可能 "It's impossible. With my ability to eat the knife and spoon of the god, it
doesn't make sense for four consecutive dishes to fall." Chen Ze said.

"If you have the heart of the God of Food and fully exert the power of the God of
Knife and the spoon of the God of God, you will naturally not fall behind. But now,
although your cooking skills are good, you have not really reached the state of God
of God There are still people in the world who are better at cooking than you. And
your opponent in front of you, I'm afraid it is one. "The system began.

"It's impossible. This Ju hero is only in his twenties. No matter how genius he is,
it doesn't make sense to be stronger than me now." Chen Ze said.

"Indeed, if it is better than cooking, Ju hero is not better than you. But you must
not forget that Ju hero is standing behind the royal chef family." The system

"The Royal Chef Family? What do you mean?"

"You are comparing the taste this time, and you and Ju Yingxiong just happened to
be creative. They all made classic famous dishes in the eight major cuisines. But
it turned out to be a famous dish. This royal chef family naturally paid attention
and was quite equivalent Research. I'm afraid how to make the most of the famous
dishes in these eight cuisines, and their royal chef family has enough research. "

所以 "So although it seems that the host is playing against Ju hero alone. In fact,
you are fighting against hundreds of famous royal chefs from the Ming to the
present. You are fighting against the entire royal chef family."

After hearing the words of the system, Chen Ze quickly looked at Ju Yingxiong, and
suddenly he saw that behind Ju Yingxiong, there were faintly standing figures of
ten or so. It is the famous chefs of the Royal Kitchen family.

Chapter FTLS 115: He will win

"Chen Ze is in danger now, and he has lost four consecutive courses."

"Yeah, I feel that Chen Ze is going to lose, but even four consecutive courses have
been lost to Ju hero, this is impossible."

"Ju hero, too strong, too strong and too strong, even let that Chen Ze lose four
consecutive courses to him."

"It's incredible, are the people in the Royal Chef family so strong? It's

Everyone spoke, and they also noticed the gap between Chen Ze and Ju Yingxiong. One
dish was almost half of the difference, and the gap between the four dishes was
very large.

And judging by the expressions of the ten judges, obviously they also like Ju hero
more. All of this illustrates the fact that Chen Ze is falling behind at the
moment. No, it should be said to be extremely disadvantaged.

In the game scene, Ju hero continued his fifth course. In fact, he also knew that
he already had a great advantage, and as the system said, the reason why he could
have such a great advantage was only because In the precipitation of these hundreds
of years, the family has developed a better way to make the taste of the eight
major cuisines.

These practices are exactly what Ju hero has from elementary school to big. So
although the game is not over yet, Ju Yingxiong is full of confidence.

"You can win, you can win this competition. The title of Chinese God of Food is
mine." Ju Yingxiong looked at Chen Ze with a smug and proud smile on his face. He
did not underestimate Chen Ze, even Take Chen Ze as his biggest opponent in this

But now he knows that he also has absolute confidence. This biggest enemy will not
be his opponent. He Ju hero is the final winner of this game.

"I won this game. Sorry Chen Ze, but it seems you are not my opponent."

While thinking about it, Ju hero continued his fifth course.

Chen Ze is the same. Although he finally knows the reason why he will fall behind,
he has not found a solution, and instead of wasting time, he continued his fifth

"The fifth dish is Lu cuisine. I want to make braised conch."

Chen Ze thought to himself and made it while thinking about him.

Although it fell behind at the moment, but I have to say that the God of Knives and
the God of Spoon are really powerful. Chen Ze made the dish very quickly, and the
color and fragrance were all complete. appetite.

However, Chen Ze's thoughts are not on this dish at the moment. He is still
thinking about what the system tells him: "The hero Ju's strength lies in the
accumulation of his family for hundreds of years, which lasts for hundreds of
years, and generation after generation. The research of the dishes has made the
famous dishes of Ju hero more than my taste. If I don't want to solve the problem,
I am afraid that I will really lose this game. "

陈 While Chen Ze was thinking about this problem, the staff of the organizing
committee came over and wanted to take away the dish that Chen Ze had just cooked.

Suddenly, when he stretched out his hand, Chen Ze suddenly reached out to stop his
movements, then gritted his teeth, and in front of the public eye, poured the dish
he had just cooked directly into the trash can next to him.

I saw Chen Ze's action, everyone was shocked.

这 "Hey, what is this Chen Ze doing? Are you upset and crazy? He dumped his own

"I rely on, Chen Ze didn't want to win, he even dumped the dishes, he actually
dumped the dishes."

"What is Chen Ze thinking about? He was worse than Ju Juying, but now he even
dumped his dishes."

"It's over. Although I don't know what Chen Ze wants to do, he will definitely lose
if he does so."

The people watching around, including all the staff members, and even Ju Yingxiong
themselves were a bit shocked, and they couldn't believe their eyes at all.

At the moment when the competition is the fiercest, Chen Ze actually turned the
dish over. Isn't this an automatic surrender?

"What happened to Chen Ze?"

Among the crowd, a girl with a peaked cap and a mask saw Chen Ze's movements on the
playing field, and said with an uneasy look in her eyes.

女孩 This girl is Fang Qing. She can't believe her eyes at all. She doesn't know
the real reason why Chen Ze did this. However, she knew that Chen Ze was probably
already standing on the edge of the cliff, and stepping forward was the abyss.

"It looks like Chen Ze wants to understand it."

At this moment, Fang Qing's ears rang, and Fang Qing turned his head to see that
the speaker was Li Qifeng. He also came to see Chen Ze's game today.

Li Fangqing knew Li Qifeng. The two met in Chen Ze's Meiran Residence, so she was
afraid that Li Qifeng would recognize her and quickly lowered her brim.

"No need to pretend, I know it's you, Fang Qing." Seeing Fang Qing's action, Li
Qifeng said, "Chen Ze told me yesterday that you have something and can't attend. I
was surprised at the time. It's so important to Chen Ze. You should be present at
the competition. As a result, I just saw you, and after careful identification, I
was sure that it was Fang Qing you. "
"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhehhhhhe heard Li Qifeng's words, Fang Qing quickly made a hissing
motion." I came to lie with the unit to ask for leave. In case someone recognized
it and passed it back to my unit, I would be in trouble. "

"I understand, I understand." Li Qifeng laughed, "I guess no one will know you
except me."

"What do you mean by what you just said? That is, what Chen Ze wants to understand.
UU reads www.uukanshu.com" Fang Qing said.

"What is Ju hero? He is the descendant of the Royal Kitchen family. I've probably
learned this famous dish since he was a kid. If he meets them on such a dish, it
must be Chen Ze who suffers. So he dumped him. I think it must be that he knows
this and can't compete with Ju hero here. "Li Qifeng opened his mouth and looked at
Chen Zedao in the venue.

"That's the case." Fang Qing felt better when he heard what Li Qifeng said. "So, do
you think Chen Ze has any hope of winning?"

"Yes, but the odds are very small." Li Qifeng said, "the opposite is the Royal Chef
family, and the cooking of this Ju hero is far beyond my expectation, I am afraid
that Chen Ze will have a hard time winning this time. However, there are You are
different. "

"Why am I different?" Fang Qing froze 愣.

"Chen Ze told me yesterday that you have something. When he couldn't come, his face
was disappointed." Li Qifeng laughed, as if he had seen everything through, "He
said that if you attend, his state will definitely be Better, it will definitely
win today's game. "

"Chen Ze was probably wrong, but I was here today." Fang Qing spoke and heard Li
Qifeng's words, sweetness and anxiety she couldn't say at the moment.

所以 "So, although the chance is small. However, Chen Ze will win." Li Qifeng
looked at Chen Ze and said with confidence, "And I believe he has now come up with
a way to deal with Ju hero."

"I can't think of a way to do it." At this moment, Chen Ze at the game site
suddenly spoke upset, and his voice spread throughout the hall.

"This." Fang Qing looked at Li Qifeng and pointed to Chen Ze.

"Ah, the scenery over there is good."

Chapter FTLS 116: Easiest dish

"What the **** to do? Continue to make this famous dish, I must lose this time.
What should I do?"

内 On the playing field, Chen Ze thought deeply. He knew that the system was right.
At present, if he continues the previous strategy and always compares with Ju Hero,
he will definitely lose. But if you don't compare famous dishes, what else can you

Thinking of this, Chen Ze frowned. The so-called famous dish is naturally the most
famous and most popular dish, so this kind of dish can impress these anorexia
patients. If you can't take advantage of this, then I am afraid it is difficult to
win this game.

He looked up at Ju Yingxiong and found that Ju Yingxiong's hands never stopped.

After he finished his fifth course, he started his sixth course. His fifth dish,
like the previous four, was welcomed by the judges of the ten anorexia patients.

Each dish is not eaten, but at least half of it is eaten. It was replaced by
ordinary heat, and the dish was only eaten half, which only showed that the dish
didn't sit well.

If you are facing anorexia patients, this shows that this dish is not generally

Therefore, Chen Ze knows that he has fallen a lot behind Ju heroes in this game,
and must think of ways to do it.

系统 "System, how popular is my popularity now, can I take the next draw?" Chen Ze
said, facing the system.

"Sorry host, your current popularity is 2,328, which is far from the next draw. It
is impossible to draw another prize anyway within this game." The system replied.

"This is the case, then, what should we do?" Chen Ze muttered to himself, pondered.

Even he sat down, crossed his legs with his knees, and sat on the ground thinking.

For a while, Chen Ze could not think of any countermeasures.

"Look, Chen Ze sat down. He actually sat down?"

"What on earth is he thinking about? He sat down? Now time is precious. He doesn't
even cook, he still sits down?"

这 "Here, did Chen Ze give up?"

Seeing Chen Ze's appearance, everyone said that they felt too strange. Chen Ze had
already dumped his own dishes before, and now he sat down again.

I want to know that the game is still underway, and it is still a very tight time.
This kind of behavior is simply suicide for the game.

As a result, everyone was completely confused and had no idea what Chen Ze was

"Want to give up?"

Everyone shook his head and thought it was impossible. Judging from Chen Ze's
performance during this time, he is by no means a confession to give up, and now
has reached the finals, how can he give up at this time.

However, everyone still does not know what Chen Ze is thinking.

In a short time, just like everyone watching Chen Zezhong walked by one minute and
one second, Ju Yingxiong made the sixth dish, the seventh dish, and the eighth
dish, which led Chen Ze four dishes.

Every dish he cooked was also welcomed by these special judges.

"It's impossible. Although I don't know what Chen Ze is thinking, he must lose. The
game has only the last hour left. Ju Yingxiong has led so much. Chen Ze has lost
anyway. Now. "

"Yeah, although this Chen Ze thought it was impossible to give up, but his current
result is like giving up, Ju hero has already won."

"If you lose, Chen Ze will lose anyway. Time is simply not enough. He cannot win
again. He loses."

I saw here, everyone said. At present, Ju hero has been leading by a large margin,
and only the last hour is left. No matter how you look at it, Chen Ze cannot win
again this time.

"Chen Ze, he lost."

This is what everyone thinks at the moment.

At the moment, at the scene, Chen Ze has not given up, and still thinks of a

"Famous dishes, famous dishes, if you can not compete with Ju heroes on this, then
what should I do?"

Chen Ze said to himself, there was still chaos in his head, and he did not think of
a clear solution. However, Chen Ze could feel that a faint light appeared in his
mind, making Chen Ze feel a turn for the better. But Chen Ze still couldn't catch
this faint light.

"What the **** is going on?"

"Host, when you feel confused, you can think back to your original heart." At this
time, the system said.

"My original intention?" Chen Ze yelled.

"Yes, that's how you like food for the first time. Or, what is the taste of the
food you eat for the first time," said the system.

"Are I eating for the first time?"

Chen Chen thought to himself, remembered.

When was the first time I ate the food?

By the way, it seems to be a long time ago. When I was still very young and noisy
and refused to eat, my mother made a bowl of delicious food for me, so that I can
remember it till now .

Hey, that's the food I ate for the first time.

"But what is that mother doing?"

Chen Ze thought to himself, he thought back carefully, remembering the original


Suddenly, the light that had been exploding in his mind ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~
reminded Chen Ze, remembering the original taste, the original dish:

"Dark, sweet, yes, sesame paste, sesame paste."

Chen Ze remembered that the original taste turned out to be sesame paste, and now
the sesame paste on the street has been rotten.

"Is sesame paste so delicious?"

Chen Ze frowned and thought, he didn't expect that the best thing in his memory was
just sesame paste. I left a deep impression on myself, so that what I remember now
is just sesame paste.

这 "Well, can sesame paste be compared with those of Ju Yingxiong's famous dishes?
This is just one of the most common dishes. No, it is not even a dish."

泽 Chen Ze opened his mouth, and he did not expect that the dish said by the system
turned out to be such a simple dish.

But as soon as the words came out, he froze and responded: "Yes, yeah, if there is
no way to fight against the famous heroes, why not use the simplest dishes? The
expensive dishes are not It must be better than the simplest and most home-cooked
dishes. Often the dishes that best meet people's tastes are actually the most
common home-cooked dishes. "

"Yes, the host doesn't necessarily mean that the expensive dishes are better than
the home-cooked dishes. When you have time, the most home-cooked dishes are the
ones that most suit people and can evoke people's memories. And don't forget, host
you I got that new skill, the God of Food, but this skill can bring out the
simplest and most original taste of the dish. "The system said.

"Yes, Jane Eater Jane, Jane Eater Jane, hahaha, I see, there is a way, and finally
a way."

Chen Ze smiled, his face regained confidence.

Then he stood up and walked step by step towards the ingredients area.

Chapter FTLS 117: miracle

"Stand up, stand up, Chen Ze stands up."

"He walked towards the ingredients area. What is he doing? Is he going to pick the
ingredients again?"

这 "Here, what exactly does Chen Ze want to do? Isn't the ingredients he chose
previously very good?"

After seeing Chen Ze stand up, people around him spoke one by one, staring at Chen
Ze one by one.

"It's late, there is only one hour left, Ju hero is so much ahead of him, no matter
how he loses this time."

"Yeah, even re-selecting the ingredients is useless now, he lost."

"He can't be Ju Yong's opponent in the competition of famous dishes, even if he

changes the ingredients, the winner will be Ju Hero."

Some people said, looking at Chen Ze's back.

他们 In their opinion, no matter what Chen Ze wants to do, it is impossible and it

is impossible to recover the disadvantage of the game. Chen Ze has lost.
More people stared at Chen Ze tightly and did not speak, but the thoughts in their
hearts were actually similar to those who spoke.

And in the ingredients area, Chen Ze did not care about these people. He carefully
selected them again, but unlike the last time, the ingredients he chose this time
were the simplest, the most common dishes, and all These are the dishes in the
memory of the Chinese generation.

"Come out, Chen Ze picked it out, he picked it so fast this time."

"Yeah, but why, how can it be the simplest ingredients."

"Yes, this material is completely down two grades. It is at least two grades lower
than Ju Yingxiong's dish. What is Chen Ze thinking about?"

Soon, everyone saw Chen Ze come out again, taking the dishes he picked again.
Everyone noticed that Chen Ze's choice of dishes this time is very simple.
Different from the ingredients of the famous dishes that he and Ju Yingxiong chose
before, this time he chooses the most common dishes. Ingredients.

这 "What is Chen Ze trying to do?"

When I saw these ingredients, everyone thought. Everyone felt very weird. Ju
Yingxiong used the best ingredients. This is how Chen Ze chose some of the most
common dishes for the second time.

"I, I know." At this moment, a crowd of onlookers said, "Chen Ze is because the
famous dish is not the opponent of Ju hero, so I want to try this simple dish, I
want to see if I can Take another path here. "

I have to say that quite a lot of people who were watching the scene were a bit
researched on food, and this person almost talked about Chen Ze's plan.

After hearing what he said, the other talents suddenly realized that they shook
their heads and scoffed at Chen Ze's behavior:

"It turned out to be this way, but if that's the case, Chen Ze's idea is too naive
and ridiculous."

就是 "That is, the taste of famous dishes must be much better than ordinary dishes.
Chen Ze is not the opponent of Ju Yingxiong in famous dishes. He even wanted to
rely on ordinary dishes to make a comeback. This is too naive."

"That is, Chen Ze thinks too beautiful. This is impossible. How could anyone be
able to counter famous dishes with simple dishes. And it is clear that Chen Ze's
cooking is under the hero Ju, how could he do it? To this point. "

Everyone spoke, shaking their heads one after another. Everyone thinks that Chen Ze
thought it was too good, and even wanting to use ordinary dishes to fight against
Ju Yingxiong's famous dishes is simply delusional and ridiculous.

"So it is."

In the vicinity of Chen Ze, Ju Yingxiong stopped his work and looked at Chen Ze. He
also guessed Chen Ze's idea, but like everyone else, he also thought that Chen Ze
was a bit ridiculous.

He can't compare himself to famous dishes, and now he still wants to use this
common dish to beat himself, which is impossible at all, it is simply too

"Looks like, I don't need to worry about what Chen Ze will do. He even thought of
this method. He must have lost this time."

Finally, watching Chen Ze's movement, Ju Yingxiong shook his head, and at the same
time felt that he was winning.

Chen Ze, although he also heard the words of the people around him, but he ignored
these words at all, but began to deal with these dishes just picked up.

There is only one hour left. Even simple dishes can be cooked better than those of
Ju Yingxiong's famous dishes, but it will take a lot of time. The gap between Chen
Ze and Ju Yingxiong is quite large, so Chen Ze knows that one minute and one second
cannot be wasted.

He picked up the kitchen knife in one hand and the ingredients in the other hand,
just ready to chop. But at that moment, his heart trembled, and then the blood in
his body accelerated.

It seems as if there is a fire burning in the body.

I'm not right. It's not as if there is a fire burning in Chen Ze's heart. And the
one who ignited the fire was the one that was eaten by Chen Ze before. It finally
played his role after Chen Ze made this simplest dish.

Feeling this blood, Chen Ze smiled. He was full of unprecedented confidence at the
moment. He knew that he could win, and he could win this game with this common


There was another knife, and Chen Ze began to cook.

"Okay, so fast, why is Chen Ze so fast?"

"Yeah, although Chen Ze is making some of the simplest dishes now, it's too fast."

"It's unbelievable, it's so fast. No, with his speed so fast, in the remaining one
hour, it seems that it is really possible to recover the gap with Ju hero."

Looking at Chen Ze's dazzling knife technique ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Although I have

already seen it before, everyone still thinks that Chen Ze's sword technique seems
to be faster again, and at this speed, I ’m afraid it ’s true. Hopefully catches up
with Ju hero in number.

"I'm done, my fifth course."

As expected by everyone at the scene, Chen Ze prepared this fifth dish very

The fifth dish is scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Speaking of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, this is probably the national dish of
China. No one has eaten them. Especially in the era when the economy was not yet
developed, there was not so much meat, so this scrambled eggs with tomatoes can
also be regarded as a dish of meat. , At least a dish that is enough to impress
many Chinese memories.
Therefore, Chen Ze chose the first dish when he re-departed.

I heard Chen Ze's words, the staff walked over and brought Chen Ze's dish to the
front of the ten judges.

"It's impossible, even if it's fast, but a tomato scrambled egg can't be compared
with those of Ju Yingxiong."

"That is, the tomato scrambled eggs beat the famous dishes of Ju hero, unless it is
a miracle."

"A miracle, this is impossible unless it is a miracle."

I saw the figures of the staff, and everyone said one by one, saying that unless it
was a miracle, Chen Ze ’s dish would not have won the hero ’s dish.

The Cuju hero also shook his head. It was ridiculous that the scrambled eggs with
tomatoes wanted to fight against themselves.

除了 Apart from them, Fang Qing and Li Qifeng also looked nervously at the staff
members, Fang Qing even closed his eyes and prayed to God: "God, please have a

Chapter FTLS 118: Chinese God of Food

The staff took the tomato scrambled eggs made by Chen Ze, and everyone stared at
the faces of ten anorexia judges.

I saw them a little surprised on their faces, and it seemed that I had never
expected that Chen Ze's new dish would be such a dish.

In addition, several people started to yawn again, apparently they have no interest
in Chen Ze's dish.

"Sure enough, surely Chen Ze's dish did not attract the interest of the judges."

"That is, even so many famous dishes, these people have no interest. How can this
anorexia jury be interested in this tomato scrambled egg?"

"Missed, Chen Ze is completely miscalculated this time. I don't have any suspense
at all in this game."

Seeing the expressions on the faces of the ten judges, everyone said that the
expressions on my faces were not what I expected. Obviously, they also guessed that
the ten judges had such expressions. There is no trace of interest in the dish.

They all feel that after the judges have tasted the first bite of Chen Ze's dish,
they will definitely not taste the second bite.

At this time, the ten judges on the jury board did pick up chopsticks and tasted
the first bite according to the rules.

From the first judge, he first tried it.

I saw a look of disgust on his face and tried this dish. It can be seen from his
expression that he would not even taste a sip if it is not required by the rules.

After eating in his mouth and chewing twice, the expression of this first judge
suddenly changed, some confused, and some shocked.

"How does this dish taste so delicious?"

He murmured, and unconsciously tasted the second one, followed by the third one,
and the fourth one, he suddenly found that he had developed an incomparable
interest in this dish, his taste buds, his tongue They are telling him that this
dish is very good.

I used his saying before suffering from anorexia, that is, this dish is really not
generally delicious.

Unconsciously, the first judge had been eating all the time, and his face and eyes
had an excited expression, and it seemed that he was completely attracted by the

大家 "Look at it, everyone, what's going on with this first judge and how have you
been eating that Chen Ze's dish."

"Yeah, I'm not mistaken. He used to eat only three or four mouthfuls of Cu Xiong's
dishes before, but now he has been trying Chen Ze's dishes."

不可能 "Impossible, how is this possible? This is just a scrambled egg with
tomatoes. How could it be so attractive to them?"

The people around me were stunned. They all saw the words of excitement and
satisfaction from the face of the first judge, and these words were obviously
brought by Chen Ze's dish.

Before that, no matter what dish Hero Ju made, it only made him move a few times
with chopsticks, and his face would not show any excitement at all, but now it is
completely different.

Looking at this judge who has completely changed his spirit, everyone was shocked.

Not only them, but the rest of the judges found that this first judge had been
eating, and actually showed such a look, and was curious about Chen Ze's dish.

"Hey, have you finished your meal, come here and let us try it too." Someone said.

"It's not a long time, I haven't eaten such a delicious thing for a long time, I'll
talk about it after I've had a good time." Protected this dish.

The other judges couldn't bear it because of his actions. They came over quickly,
picked up the chopsticks one by one, clamped the dish, and fed it into their

"My God, this, this, how can this be so delicious, can the scrambled eggs with
tomatoes be so delicious?"

"It's so delicious. Is this still scrambled eggs with tomatoes? It turns out that
scrambled eggs with tomatoes are so delicious."

"I, I, I, I have n’t eaten such delicious food for a long time, I have n’t had such
an appetite for a long time."
"How does this dish remind me a little bit of what my mother made for me when I was
a kid, then it's delicious."

The jury members said one by one, their faces were full of excitement and
satisfaction, one by one completely indulged in Chen Ze's dish, and even started to
grab it. Instantly they were robbed of it.

This performance is completely different from the performances of Ju Yingxiong and

Chen Ze before.

这 "Hey, my god, it turns out that the scrambled eggs with tomatoes can be so

"What magic did Chen Ze do? It made them so crazy."

"It's over, it's over in an instant. Is this, this, this TM or the ten anorexia

The people around me were stunned by the performance of the judges, one by one,
they couldn't believe their eyes at all.

And the judges, after eating Chen Ze ’s first dish, looked at Chen Ze with
excitement one by one: "This, this chef named Chen Ze, can you do it quickly, we
have been for a long time It ’s been a long time since I had such an appetite. What
you make is so delicious. "

"OK, no problem."

I heard them say, Chen Ze laughed, and then continued.

These are the most common dishes, so Chen Ze's speed is extremely fast. The second,
third, and fourth dishes, Chen Ze quickly made four dishes again, and these four
dishes were immediately Was brought before these ten judges.

Then, like the wind and the clouds, these four dishes were eaten by them in an
instant. Look at their mouthfuls and mouthfuls of food. Where is the look of
anorexic patients? They are all refugees, refugees who have been hungry for several
days and just gotten food.

But there is nothing wrong with it. For Chen Ze's dishes, they are refugees. They
are completely unable to resist Chen Ze's refugees.

这 "This is really a miracle. The four-plate dish, the gap between the four-plate
dish was wiped out by Chen Ze in an instant, and Chen Ze actually defeated Ju hero
with ordinary dishes."

"Yeah, how exactly does his dish actually have such great appeal, those judges are
not interested in Ju Yingxiong's famous dishes, and they like Chen Ze's dishes so

"My God, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe what happened
right now."

I saw that Chen Ze's dishes were so popular that everyone around them was stunned.
Although the game is not over yet, they all know that the result of the game seems
to be really settled, and Chen Ze has made a big comeback.

"What a joke, how could I lose to Chen Ze? As a heir to the Royal Kitchen family, I
made this famous Chinese food in the world, how could I lose to Chen Ze's ordinary
home-cooked dishes."

Looking at the judges on the judges' seat, Ju hero murmured to himself, his face
was very ugly, and he couldn't believe what was happening. He was also reluctant to
accept what was before him.

As he said, he packed another dish he just made, and then he walked to the judges
with this dish: "You all come and **** dish ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ My dish is a well-
known national dish, and it has also been improved by our family. It must be much
better than what you eat now. "

The ten judges were rushing to eat Chen Ze's dishes. After hearing what he said, he
paused, turned to look at him and his dishes, just glanced at them, then turned
back and continued to grab Chen. Ze ’s dish, he said, “It ’s impossible. We do n’t
have appetite at first glance. It ’s just that there ’s nothing good to eat, so
just eat it casually. Now there ’s such good things to eat, who still eats your."

就是 "That is, in fact, your dishes are far less than Chen Ze's."


Hearing the words of the ten judges, Ju Yingxiong's face was completely white. He
took a step back and snapped. The dish he was holding fell directly to the ground,
and he himself collapsed on the ground.

He looked around and looked at the dish that Ju Yingxiong fell to the ground, as
well as himself. Everyone confirmed the fact: "Jiu Yingxiong really lost. The
winner of this game is Chen Ze."


"Three hours are up, and the Chinese God of God competition has come to an end.
After three hours of competition, the champion of the Chinese God of God
Competition has finally been selected."

On the jury seat, the host spoke after the game ended: "I will announce the results
of this competition below, but in fact the results are no longer required for me to
announce. Everyone already knows very well. The winner of today ’s competition is,
A representative from Meiranju, Chen Ze. He will receive a prize of two million
matches, and he is the new, Chinese God of Food! "

"Congratulations to the host for completing the chef task and becoming a Chinese
**** of food. The skills extracted in this task will be permanently bound."

Chapter FTLS 119: Chen Ze was robbed

"The new Chinese God of Food is the representative from Meiranju, Chen Ze!"

The host spoke up and explained the final results of the Chinese God of Food
contest. His words spread throughout the scene, and everyone cheered immediately:

"Chen Ze won, he actually won, my God, the one who won last turned out to be Chen

"Chen Ze is so amazing. You are so amazing."

"Too strong, Chen Ze is really good at cooking."

The crowd yelled at Chen Ze. Although they already knew the result, they were
excited when they heard the host speak the result.

Who is Chen Ze? When he first participated in the competition, he was only rated as
c-level. It can be said that he was the worst chef. The opponent he encountered was
also stronger than one, from Zhang Zijian to Zhao Yuan to the current Ju hero. . As
far as he is concerned, he himself is only a half-way monk chef, and in the past,
no one liked him at all.

But this kind of person, this kind of chef, even won the final. In this final game,
he also completed the big comeback, won the final victory, and won the title of
Chinese food god.

Such a person, such an experience, can be called a miracle. Therefore, how can
everyone not be excited, how can everyone be not excited, everyone yelled at Chen

The media reporters standing on the sidelines were also excited and took a camera
and took pictures of Chen Ze. They know that this is definitely a huge news in the
food circle:

"Hurry up, big news. This is big news. You must take the result of this game and
still look like Chen Ze."

"Oh my God, if someone said that this beautiful Chen Ze could win the final
championship before this match, I must think he is crazy, but now it has become a

"This is definitely a big news and it must be filmed."

The reporters all said, Kaka Kaka lighted the flash and patted Chen Ze.

Fang Qing, who was standing on the sidelines, was also very excited when he heard
the host ’s words. The corner of his mouth raised under the mask: "Win, it's great,
it's really great."

Although she used to say that Chen Ze must win, she never thought that Chen Ze
could really win. But now the fact told her that Chen Ze really won, and he won

So Fang Qing was also very excited, with a touch of pride in the excitement.

"Chen Ze is so amazing, he actually won. It seems that I have to practice well,

otherwise I won't even

I'm afraid Chen Ze has no chance to fight. Fang Qing's side, Li Qifeng laughed and
said that he looked at Fang Qing, "Why, should you now go and say hello to Chen
Ze?" "

"No, I came to watch him play. Now that he has won, I don't need to say hello to
him." Fang Qing said, and said that she turned and walked towards the door.
"Besides, he will definitely wait Very busy, I'll wait for him to relax before
congratulating him. That's it, I'll go first. "

Speaking, Fang Qing walked directly towards the door.

After hearing Fang Qing's words, Li Qifeng looked around and saw that the bosses
who came from all over the country all looked at Chen Ze with hot eyes, if the
hungry wolf saw the little sheep: "Also, Chen Ze, etc. I can't escape them, and
I'll wait for him to relax before saying hello. "

With that said, Li Qifeng also went out towards the door.

But at the moment, after hearing the host and the system's words in the game venue,
Chen Ze couldn't hold back his excitement.

Won this game, won a prize of two million, and also won the title of Chinese God of
Food, and the system was announced to complete the task of the chef. What else is
more worthwhile than these.

So Chen Ze smiled, with a particularly happy smile on his face: "Great, I won."

The next step is to complete the final process of the competition. After receiving
the first trophy from the organizing committee, and the trophy engraved with the
Chinese food god, they reported their bank card numbers to the organizing
committee, and they will Two million came into the card.

After doing all of this, Chen Ze was really finished this game and won the name of
Chinese God of Food.

"That's great, and finally the task of the chef is completed."

Finally, holding two trophies, Chen Ze walked out of the playing field with a smile
on his face.

But as soon as he came out, Chen Ze saw a large group of people coming face to
face, one by one with madness and fiery expression on their faces, and rushed
towards Chen Ze.

"My God, are journalists? These reporters are too crazy."

Looking at the group of people in front of him, Chen Ze thought to himself. He

thought the people running towards him were journalists, but the facts far exceeded
his imagination:

"Hello Chen Ze, I am the manager of Yanjing Eat World Hotel. Congratulations on
your being awarded the title of Chinese God of Food. Our hotel would like to hire
you as our hotel chef for a million years salary."

"Hello Chen Ze, I'm the manager of Modu Jinhui Restaurant. Our Jinhui Restaurant is
one of the top ten hotels in Modu, and now hires you to be our hotel chef for two
million years."

"Chen Ze, I'm from Qingfeng Hotel in Yangcheng. We hire you for 2.5 million."

"We have three million."

These people surrounded Chen Ze, and then said one by one. It turned out that they
were not reporters as Chen Ze imagined, but they were all hotel leaders from all
over the country. After seeing Chen Ze win the final championship and seeing Chen
Ze become the new Chinese food god, Both have paid a million years salary, hoping
to hire Chen Ze.

Although they haven't even heard of Chen Ze before, they will never give Chen Ze
such a high price instead.

But at this moment it is completely different. After Chen Ze won the victory in
this game, his net worth has skyrocketed more than ten times. These people have
only one idea in mind, that is, no matter how much they spend, Chen Ze must be

Hearing what they said, Chen Ze directly held back ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ He thought
that these people were journalists, and only when the reporters smelled the big
news would they show such enthusiasm.

But who knows, it's not the reporters, but these hotel executives, even those who
usually seem very calm and calm.

"Thank you for your invitation, and thank you for looking at me this way. But now
that the competition has just ended, I haven't thought about it yet, and I will
give you a reply later." Chen Ze said, although in fact he didn't I thought about
agreeing to these people, but it seemed that if he didn't agree to them, Chen Ze
felt that he might not be able to get out of here today, so he finally lied.

Sure enough, after hearing Chen Ze's lies, everyone around gave way to Chen Ze, and
then said: "Okay, then we wait for your reply from Chen Ze. As long as you are
willing to join, you can do whatever you want. open."

"That is, our Jinhui Restaurant welcomes you at all times."

It is not only the leaders of these hotels. When the news that Chen Ze became a
Chinese **** of food spread, more hotels were sensational, and one after another
flew to Chen Ze and wanted to invite him. (To be continued.)


Chapter FTLS 120: Duck king

"My God, the winner of this Chinese God of Food contest is Chen Ze, and Chen Ze,
our beautiful city in Yucheng."

"What? It's Chen Ze? Really and fake, I thought it was impossible for him to win
the championship in his cooking."

"Yeah, I can't think of this result at all. The winner is Chen Ze, and the winner
is Chen Ze, which is amazing."

"No, now Chen Ze is a Chinese **** of food. Then I have to taste his craft and take
a photo with him. Maybe he will leave Yucheng and work in a big hotel."

"Yeah, I have to try his craft again."

In the Yucheng food circle, the news that Chen Ze won the last Chinese God of Food
contest has become the new Chinese God of Food. Everyone in Yucheng's food circle
was a little stunned. Everyone had no idea that this would happen.

Although everyone knows that the person representing Yu Cheng is Chen Ze, after
all, Chen Ze is too young and may be able to pass the trial, but in any case should
not be able to win the championship.

But in the end, Chen Ze actually won the championship, and he was really the

So everyone in the Yucheng food circle was excited, everyone was very excited, and
they all decided one by one. They would go to Chen Ze's Meiranju to taste his
craft, so they set off immediately, one by one Chen Ze's Meiranju set off.
Of course, in addition to the locals in Yucheng, many food and food lovers in
nearby cities also know about this, and one by one came towards Chen Zewei, plus
the big hotels from Tiannan Haibei, across the country Leader.

On the second day after the end of the game, Chen Ze's Meiranju was surrounded by a
leak, and everyone was waiting at Meiranju's door to try Chen Ze's craftsmanship.

But they were stunned, and now it was obviously noon, and Chen Zemei's door was
closed tightly.

At this moment, Mei Ran was not alone, but Chen Ze and Fang Qing were both sitting

"Chen Ze, you are not open for business at noon. What do you do to close the door?"

Fang Qing spoke and looked at Chen Zedao. She's okay today. She wanted to
congratulate Chen Ze for winning the championship. However, I did not expect that
as soon as I came here, I found that Chen Zemei's door was closed, and there were
many people around the door.

So she immediately called Chen Ze, and Chen Ze brought Fang Qing in from the back

"Why do you open the door?" Chen Ze asked.

"Why do you open the door?" Fang Qing froze, feeling a little speechless, "Do you
open the door to do business, haven't you seen so many people waiting for you
outside? You opened the door and just opened it, and you just took it At the name
of the Chinese **** of food, I think your business will be very good. "

"I know that the business will be very good, but I ca n’t be too busy here. It ’s
been a month, and Li Qifeng has already returned. Now I am the only one in
Meiranju. If I open the door for business, I am afraid Even if you are exhausted,
you ca n’t be too busy, so you do n’t bother to open the door. ”Chen Ze said, this
is why he has n’t opened the door today.

"That's right. You must not be too busy alone with so many people outside." Fang
counted it, but suddenly felt something wrong, "No, no business does it like you
do. Others can't wait. If you ca n’t be too busy, just hire a few more people. ”

Fang Qing felt that she couldn't figure out Chen Ze's idea at all. What meant it
was that she would not be in business if she was too busy. Isn't that the more
business, the better? How can there be such a way of doing business, this is too

"No need." Chen Ze stood up and stretched his arms. "I plan to close Meiranju and
close Meiranju's business."

"What!" Fang Qing screamed when he heard Chen Ze's words. Now when Chen Ze just got
the name of the Chinese food god, it was the hottest time. At this time, turning
off Mei Ran Ju, this is a joke. Right.

Fang Qing looked at Chen Ze and thought he must have a fever. But suddenly, she
understood again: "Oh, I know, it must be the hotel you plan to accept. I heard
that several hotels said they would invite you for two to three million years
salary. You Tell me, which one have you decided to accept? "

"No, I don't plan to accept any of them." Chen Ze said casually, "I have been a
cook for so long, and I'm tired, and I plan to change to another industry."


Fang Qing felt that there was something wrong with her ears, and she even heard
Chen Ze's words: "You said you don't plan to be a chef? I'm not mistaken."

"Yes, I just don't plan to be a chef anymore. I want to change my profession." Chen
Zedao said.

"What?" Fang Qing yelled again. "Chen Ze, are you kidding me? You just became a
Chinese **** of food, and you just reached the pinnacle of the culinary arts
session. At this time, this time, you say you don't plan to be a chef. Now? But
there are so many hotels out there that invite you at a yearly salary of several
million, and you just quit? "

"Well, quit. It's because you have reached the top and lost your fun, so there is
nothing to do." Chen Ze said with a smile, "Moreover, a few million annual salary,
a lot?"

Hearing Chen Ze's careless and even very willful words, Fang Qing was a little
speechless, and felt that he had no idea what Chen Ze was thinking. What does it
mean to lose fun when you stand at the top, and what does it mean to have an annual
salary of millions? Isn't it much?

She wanted to refute, but suddenly she thought about the previous thing. Before
that, Chen Ze drove Cao Fang to win a tens of millions of contracts.

Compared to that contract, this million-year salary seems to be really nothing. At

the time, Chen Ze also said that he gave up and gave up. Thinking about this, it
seemed that Chen Ze had this hobby. He would give up as soon as he reached the peak
of a career, and then enter the next career.

"Is it really the same as what he said, because climbing to the peak, so there is
no fun to enter the next profession?" Fang Qing muttered to herself, she thought it
was completely impossible, how can there be such people in the world, where Someone
who climbed to the peak of a career and then let go for the next career. How could
there be such a strong person? This is simply impossible. It's just a joke.

However, she looked at Chen Ze and found that although Chen Ze was indifferent, her
expression was very serious.

"He is serious!"

Fang Qing thought of it, and thought involuntarily. Although she felt that there
could be no such person in this world, Chen Ze had the possibility.

She said to Chen Ze, "Thinking?"

"Think well." Chen Ze said, saying very seriously, "Well, I thought about it
carefully. Is there a saying that the head is big and the neck is thick, or is it a
big money or a husband? Really, a handsome guy like me should not In the profession
of chef, it doesn't match my appearance at all. "


Hearing this from Chen Ze ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ she just wanted to say one sentence:
"I have never seen such a brazen person."
"Well, my next career has to choose a career that matches my appearance. The best
job is one that has less work but more money, is easy, and is popular with girls."
Chen Ze said, extremely Annoyed.

"I do know such a profession." Fang Qing laughed suddenly.

"What, what?" Chen Ze was very interested. This was originally a nonsense, but
didn't expect that there really was such a profession?

"You don't have to be a duck. It's easy and quick to make money. It's also popular
with women. It's nice."

"Good idea, I will be the king of ducks, duck king!" Chen Ze nodded and said
suddenly, saying that he looked up and down clearly, "or the first to serve you
Come on, I'm a loser and I'll give you 20% off. "

"........." (To be continued.)


Chapter FTLS 121: New mission, God of Gamblers

In the afternoon, Chen Ze posted a notice outside Meiranju, announcing that he
would retire from the chef session, and then returned the Meiranju to the landlord.

His notice immediately caused a stir among the people in Yucheng Food Circle who
ran to invite him:

"My God, this, this, this is really fake? Chen Ze is no longer a chef?"

"I can't, I, I must be dreaming. Chen Ze doesn't even cook anymore? He just got the
name of the Chinese **** of food, just disappeared from the chef class?"

"I depend, it's impossible, it's really fake, I can't believe it, Chen Ze just came
to the summit of the chef session, and then disappeared?"

No one can believe this notice from Chen Ze. Many of the chefs who have dealt with
Chen Ze, such as Zhao Yuan, are completely shocked. At first, they thought that
Chen Ze would have a grand exhibition at the Chefs' Conference After getting the
name of the Chinese God of Food, he would march towards becoming a true master of a
generation, but none of them thought of it. He actually quit, so he retired and
retired as a chef.

Everyone couldn't believe it, and thought that Chen Ze was kidding. But later, with
the confirmation of Li Qifeng, everyone knew it. This was not a joke. Chen Ze
really quit and disappeared from the chef session.

"My God, it turned out to be true, this, this Chen Ze is too wayward."

"Wow, it's impossible. I can't accept this. I already like to eat Chen Ze's rice.
Why would he say he retired and then retired?"

"I can't believe it at all, this is too exaggerated, Chen Ze is so wayward,

obviously it became difficult to become a chef legend, and then left?"

"It's impossible. This is writing a novel. How could anyone actually do this in
reality. Impossible, it must be impossible."

Many people simply cannot accept this fact, especially many people who have already
liked Chen Ze cuisine. It took them a long time to reluctantly accept this fact.
Chen Ze has really disappeared from the chef's class.

But at the same time, everyone was curious. What would Chen Ze do if he stopped
working as a cook?


"I don't know what I'm going to do." Chen Ze said, and suddenly he reacted with a
doubtful expression on his face. "Well, who am I talking to?"

"Host, please stay focused, this system is about to post the next mission."

At this moment, the systematic way in Chen Ze's mind.

Hearing it, Chen Ze quickly responded, refocused, waiting for the system to issue
the next task.

In fact, to this day, Chen Ze does n’t know what he is going to do. The duck king
and Fang Qing said before are all jokes. The next thing to do and the profession to
do are all in the system. Inside hands.

"Post the next task, the next task is to become the **** of gamblers, the
universally recognized **** of gambling, the time is three months, the popularity
value is cleared, and the calculation is restarted." At this time, the system
opened and released the next task.

Hearing this task, Chen Ze froze directly: "Why, what?"

"Gambler!" The system said again.

"Gambling God?" Chen Ze said, with an extremely shocked expression on his face. To
be honest, he did not expect that this next task would be to make him a God of
Gambling. He thought he would be an online novel writer or teacher. Class, who
knows what turned out to be this profession.


Chen Ze murmured to himself, a figure naturally appeared in his mind when talking
about the **** of gambling, wearing a black suit, a big back, chewing chocolate,
and then brought a bgm, which made people excited.

That's called Gambler!

"Are you going to be a **** of gambling this time?"

Thinking of Gao Jin's image, Chen Ze was a little excited. In fact, although he is
not a gambling addiction, he also likes playing cards, especially the landlord,
which is his favorite game to play.

Moreover, Chen Ze has dreamed of countless times. Like Gao Jin in "Gambling God",
sitting in the big casino in Las Vegas, surrounded by gambling masters and
celebrities around the world, sitting opposite the world gambling The first person
with a smile on his face pushed all the chips at hand: "I stud!"

The final result, as a result, was that Chen Ze had awoke from the dream before he
had dreamed of the result.

Therefore, the task this time turned out to be a **** of gambling. Chen Ze felt
that it was too pleasant, and finally there was a time to realize his dream.
"Host you have two chances to draw, the first time is to reward you for completing
the previous chef task, and the second time is your original prize value, please
start the lottery." At this time the system suddenly said.

Hearing the words of the system, Chen Ze was excited and said, "Okay."

Having said that, Chen Ze came to the lottery page: "Be sure to draw a good skill,
such as the gambling god's card cutting technique, or the gambling god's color
shake technique."

As he spoke, he started the raffle.

Then, the lottery page quickly turned, and the skills of God of Gamblers flashed on
the page, and then stopped slowly, and only four characters were displayed on the
page: "Luck of God of Gamblers."

There is a row of small characters following the big character, explaining this
skill: "Luck of God, luck of God. No matter how high the skill is, how good the
skill is, there are always times when the horse loses its forefoot. And God of
Gambling is all Among the gamblers, the luck is the best. The luck of God is the
luck of God. "

"Have luck with God of Gambling." Chen Ze muttered to himself, feeling that this
skill sounded great. This is the luck of God, the luck of God.

Wait, luck of the gambler, luck?

"Is this luck?"

Chen Ze spoke, UU reading www. uukanshu.com he was a little bit stuck in place. The
**** of gambling is terrible. That is not the best luck in him, but that his
gambling skills are the highest. There is luck in gambling alone. If it is only his
gambling skills, then, that is a fart.

"Please do n’t underestimate the luck of this **** of gambling." At this time, the
system seemed to be aware of Chen Ze's thoughts, and said, "Although the reason why
God of Gambling is a **** of gambling is mainly because his gambling is the
highest. It is also very important. Sometimes a good or bad card depends on luck.
Gambling luck is often the best of all gamblers. So this skill is actually very
good. "

"Oh, that's the case, that sounds pretty good indeed."

Hearing the system's explanation, Chen Ze nodded and thought that it looked really

Then he began to draw a second skill: "The second, the second, the second must be a
good skill."

The lottery page kept turning, and the second skill also stopped. There were still
four characters: "Gambling Master!" (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 122: God of Gamblers

"General Gambler!"

Chen Ze murmured to himself. He felt that this skill seemed to be awesome. Master
of Gambling, this was the most powerful skill of God of Gambling.
Quickly, he continued to look back.

"The so-called God of Gambling is not the God of Qianshu, but the God of Qianshu.
Although Qianshu is important, it is only a gossip. The so-called God of Gambling,
in one word, with a look, and even a smile, can be more than a thousand miles away.
Even before you bet, you decide the outcome. Only then can you call it a **** of
gambling! "

"It makes sense." After reading this, Chen Ze nodded, and he felt that this
sentence was very good. Although Chuan Qian is currently used by many gamblers,
Chuan Qian is very difficult in the real world competition, even It is impossible
at all.

At this time, the gambler's own gambling skills, such as observation ability,
calculation ability, and so-called energy spirit are very important. The reason why
the gambling **** is strong is that he is far stronger than the opponent in
psychological warfare.

This section of Gambling God seems to be saying this truth.

Therefore, Chen Ze strongly agreed with this statement.

But after nodding his head, Chen Ze responded, "No, that's the only thing?"

He quickly looked at the skills of this Gambler's Master, and found that there was
only this paragraph. Otherwise, there was nothing left.

"This Nima, there is a fart in this passage alone. I also know that the **** of
gambling can win a thousand miles with a smile. I can't do anything with the
problem. I know what it is."

Chen Ze feels that this skill is too bad. Although he has spoken a big truth, it is
just the truth. If it can make him become the gambler in the truth in an instant,
that's pretty much the same. Even if you understand the truth, what good is it if
you can't do it yourself.

"System, is this second skill just a paragraph? Can this be considered a skill?"
Chen Ze asked quickly.

"Of course, it is not only a skill, but also a very important skill." The system
said. "

"·····" Chen Ze was dumb, totally ignorant of what was a very important skill. He
felt that this was a complete waste of a skill.

"Forget it, no way."

In the end, Chen Ze waved his hand and could only accept the result.

But he immediately thought about it, how exactly should this task be completed?

"Become a universally recognized **** of gambling, how can this task be

accomplished? I ca n’t just go find someone to gamble. This gambling is illegal.
Even if I just find someone to gamble, I'm afraid that before I become a gambler,
Advanced jail. At present, I only have the luck of a gambling god. Even if I add my
own card skills, I am afraid that it is not a gambling god. Even if he is a real
gambling expert, he will not be an opponent. What should I do? "

Chen Ze was thinking, thinking about this. The task of God of Gambling is different
from that of the chef. It completely made Chen Ze unable to find a way to complete
it, but it was a bit imaginary of the previous driver's task.

After thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't find a solution.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Just then, Chen Ze's cell phone rang. He picked it up and looked at him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Chen Ze asked when he answered the phone.

"Ozawa, do you have time now?" He asked over the phone.

"Yes, what's wrong?" He shouted.

"Then you go to pick up the red leaves for me. She has half an hour to go to
school. There is something I can't get out of here. Your aunt has no time to clean
up the house at home, and he has no time." He started.

"Okay." Chen Ze agreed.

Anyway, being idle at home is boring, and I can't think of a solution. Chen Ze
thinks that it is just right to pick up Hongye and walk.

So after he promised to go down, he went straight out of the house and waited at
the entrance of the school where Hongye was located. Parents waiting to pick up
students all around don't say a lot. After waiting for about ten minutes, Chen Ze
saw a pair of ponytails, wearing school uniforms, carrying a small schoolbag with
red leaves and walking out of the school with a few classmates .

"Red leaves," said Chen Ze, who was far away.

"Chen Ze!"

After seeing Chen Ze, Hongye also yelled and rushed towards Chen Ze, looking very

"Why did you come to pick me up today?" Hongye went to Chen Ze and asked.

"Hey, there is something, so let me pick you up." Chen Ze said, "Let's go back with

"Okay." Hongye laughed and said she turned around and greeted a few classmates, and
then left Chen school with Chen Ze.

"Chen Ze, do you know that our class has been rated the best student of the week
for another week, and this week is me again." On the way home, Hongye face smiled
proudly and flaunted Chen Ze.

"Ah, yes, then you are amazing." Chen Ze replied, but he was still thinking about
how to complete the task of God of Gambling.

"Hey, yeah, this week is already my third best student this semester." Hongye

"You are amazing." Chen Ze continued thinking.

"So!" Hongye laughed.

"So?" Chen Ze continued thinking.

"So you're asking me to eat Haagen-Dazs," Hongye said.

"Oh, I want to invite you to eat Haagen-Dazs." Chen Ze replied, and suddenly he
responded, "No, why should I ask you to eat Haagen-Dazs?"

"This is what my dad promised me, as long as I get the best student once, ask me to
eat once on the way out of school." Hongye smiled, and she pointed at the back of
Chen Ze. "Look, this is the shop Haagen-Dazs. "

Chen Ze turned his head and looked at it. He didn't know when he had reached the
door of a Haagen-Dazs store.


"It's so cold now, you've bought so much, but don't eat anything wrong."

At the door of Hongye ’s house, Chen Ze was still saying to Hongye. He also agreed
to buy Haagen-Dazs for Hongye, but he did n’t expect Hongye to take a lot of
breath, which surprised him directly, so he only Worried.

"It's okay. I'm in good health. I recently broke the school's record for running a
hundred meters at the school's athletic meet." Hongye waved his hand and said quite

Talking ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The two walked to the door of her house. When Chen Ze
asked Hongye to open the door, her door was opened and Chen Ze's aunt came out.

Chen Ze just prepared to say hello to her, and when she saw Hongye, she said,
"Hongye, why are you eating ice cream again?"

"It was bought by Chen Ze."

Hongye opened her mouth and ran into the room.

"This is the aunt I bought, doesn't it mean that Xun and Hongye have agreed, as
long as she gets the best student, will she buy her a Haagen-Dazs once?" Chen Ze

"Yeah, but you bought it for her yesterday," said Chen Ze's aunt.

"·····" Chen Ze was speechless, "Hongye, you actually lied to me."

In the room, when hearing the words of Chen Ze, Hongye hid into the room with a
smile, and his face showed a sly and proud expression. (To be continued.)


Chapter FTLS 123: Chen Ze, come and fight for me

Genius remembers for a second and provides you with wonderful novel reading.

"Aunt, what did you do?"

After entering the house and sitting on the sofa, Chen Ze asked.

"Overtime, he called back and said that he would have to work overtime. Usually he
happened to be off work to pick up the red leaves. He said it was overtime today,
and I couldn't find time, so let Ozawa help you." Chen Ze's Aunt said.
"Oh, this is the case." Chen Ze nodded.

"By Ozawa, what are you doing now? I heard that you don't seem to be the driver of
the online taxi." Chen Ze's aunt said.

"Yeah, that's boring, don't do it. As for what you're doing now, I." Chen Ze said.
Although the Chinese food contest was enthusiastic, but it was just hot in the food
circle, and the average person really didn't know.

And his aunt, obviously belongs to ordinary people.

However, his aunt's question was stumbling him, and he didn't know how to answer it
at once. Say it's the driver, it's not done, say it's the chef, it's not done. Say
it is a **** of gambling, my aunt has to think of himself as a lunatic.

Therefore, Chen Ze was tangled and had no idea how to answer this question.

Ding Ding Ding! !! !!

At this time, Chen Ze's cell phone rang. He picked it up and turned it over again.

"Hey." Chen Ze answered the call.

"Hey, Ozawa, don't say a word now, just answer me yes or no, are you in my house
now?" He asked on the other end of the phone.

"Yes." Chen Ze was a little confused about his words, but still answered.

"That's good, that's good, then don't tell your aunt that I'm calling you." Chen
Ze's uncle said on the phone.

After hearing what he said, Chen Ze looked up at his aunt, and saw that she started
to focus on cleaning the house again: "Okay, but what's wrong?"

"That's right. I'm playing cards now. I came out to play cards without your aunt,
so don't tell her." On the other end of the phone, Chen Ze said, "Now the money I
brought is almost lost. See if you can pick up some money and send it to me. Don't
get too much, just a few thousand dollars.

"So it is."

After hearing what he said, Chen Ze realized what was happening to him. It turned
out that he didn't work overtime in the company, but ran to play cards. And it
looks like he's lost, and come to him to borrow money.

"Hundreds of them, no problem." Chen Ze said, his uncle has always been very good
to him, and his net worth has soared recently, plus the two million bonus from the
chef, his card already has a total of It's more than two million yuan, and he
really doesn't pay attention to this little money.

"That's good, that's good, I'll send you the address right away, and you should
hurry up." Hearing the relief of Chen Ze, "But don't tell your aunt . "

"Okay, rest assured." Chen Ze nodded.

Then he put the phone away and said to his aunt, "Aunt, I have something temporary,
and I'm leaving now."
"Okay, then be careful on the way." His aunt nodded.

Ok. "

Chen Ze stood up and walked towards the door. After leaving the door, immediately
walked towards the cash machine. []

He took out his card, took a thousand dollars, and then went all the way to the
address he sent.

Going downstairs from his address, Chen Ze called him, and soon he came downstairs.

"Ozawa, you're finally here." When he saw Chen Ze, he chuckled a smile on his face.
"Don't you know that I'm waiting for your money?"

"Well, what's going on, who are you fighting with and how much have you lost?" Chen
Ze asked.

"With some of my colleagues, everyone said I have n’t played cards for a long time,
so when I got together to play, I took out my private house money, not much, only a
few hundred dollars. Who knows how lucky I am today Hundreds of dollars are gone at
once, this is not, and I dare not tell your aunt, can only ask you for help. You
can rest assured, I will give you this money for two days. "

Chen Ze's martyrdom said that he planned to go straight up.

However, Chen Ze immediately followed him, followed his uncle and walked towards
the house.

"Ozawa, are you?" Chen Ze's choke stopped, he thought Chen Ze would leave directly,
who knows how to follow up.

"Oh, I'll go and see it with you. I'm very interested in playing cards recently, I
want to go up and see." Chen Zedao, he only thought of him on the way he was
playing cards, this is not right, Maybe there is a chance to verify the skills of
the two gamblers.

So Chen Ze decided to follow him and take a look.

"That's it, OK!"

Chen Ze froze, then nodded, and took Chen Ze into his colleague's house.

As soon as he walked in, Chen Ze saw two people who were about the same age as him
sitting on the sofa and smoking. The whole room was smoky. After seeing Chen Ze's
uncle, he quickly said: "Lao Zhao, you are finally back Get the money. "

"If you get it, just wait. I'm going to come back now." Chen Ze's uncle said with

"That's good, what is this one?" One saw Chen Ze and asked.

"Ao, he is my nephew, and said he wanted to come and see." Chen Ze's shouted.

"Welcome and welcome, by the way, it's okay to play two." One said.

"It ’s yours. Whoever does n’t know your unit ’s skills are good. My nephew has n’t
graduated from college for a long time. Where is your opponent? Is it against you
to give you money in vain? It ’s up to me. "" Chen Ze's uncle started, but he knew
Chen Ze, although he could play cards, but the card skills were not good, and he
couldn't compare with these old churros.

As he said, he sat down, and Chen Ze sat down beside his uncle.

"Hey, let's get started." The man said, and the other shuffled.

After they started fighting, Chen Ze then knew what his uncle was playing with his
colleagues. After a long while, he was fighting the landlord.

However, his luck today is really bad. The cards in his hand are very bad. The
local owner can't play it, and the landlord can't fight with others. After another
half an hour, he wins. One, plus they weren't too small, and Chen Ze's one thousand
dollars brought here was halfway away.

Chen Ze estimated that the money he had brought in before was like this.

"But it's not just luck."

Chen Ze observed for a while and found that the colleague Li, who had a surname of
Li, did have a hand. His card skills were much higher than those of his. Sometimes
the cards in his hand were not good, but he could still win.

It was another game. The colleague whose name was Li threw all the cards down:
"Airplane, hahaha, I won again."

"Oh, what happened to your luck today, you lost again."

Hearing the man's words ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen Ze's uncle also threw the card
down to the ground, and he lost another round: "It's a ghost today, I changed a few
positions, I'm still lucky So bad. "

"Hey hey, if you can't do it, you can't blame your luck. I already said that you
can't beat me." The colleague named Lao Li said with a smile.

"Who said it, who said that my card skills are not good, look at it, I haven't
lost, and I will win it back." Chen Ze's eyes stared.

He played another round and took a hand, but as he was about to start this new
round, Chen Ze's belly suddenly began to hurt: "Oh, I can't do it anymore, why is
my stomach starting to hurt, I want To the restroom."

"Ah, we're playing cards now, what do we do when you go to the toilet?" One of his
colleagues said.

"This, this." Chen Ze's puppet looked around and suddenly shoved the cards into
Chen Ze's hand. "Ozawa, you play for me for a while, and I will come back to the

Then, he rushed into the toilet, and behind him, Chen Ze froze a bit. (To be
continued.) For mobile phone users, please browse m for a better reading

Chapter FTLS 124: Won

Chen Ze held the card in his hand, and he was a bit stunned. He didn't expect to
have a chance to get started. [] Originally, he just followed to see. Although he
tried to get a chance, he also knew that there was usually no chance.

Who knows, who knows that there really is a chance.

"The old Zhao's nephew, just come and play a few games for you. Anyway, you win or
lose, you relax, you relax."

The colleague of Mr. Li, who is Chen Zehuan, spoke quickly, and saw Chen Ze's
cheeks pinched.

At this time, he was very lucky, and just won a few hundred dollars again. Where
can I stop, and seeing that Chen Ze is a young man, I think he must not be good at
playing cards, so he wants to win more Chen Ze beating him, he was almost welcome
with both hands.

"This." Chen Ze said.

"It's all right, you win or lose anyway." Chen Zeyi's colleague Li surname

"Okay." Chen Ze nodded, ready to play a few rounds for him, and by the way try what
exactly the two skills he picked.

Hearing Chen Ze's words, the colleague Li surnamed a smile on his face: "That's
right, I'm the landlord in this game, I'll play the card first."

"Um." Chen Ze nodded, and then began to sort out the deck of cards.

"This, this is too bad."

While finishing, Chen Ze thought. He found that his bad luck was really bad, and
this deck of cards was terrible. There were no kings, there was only one second,
and there was only one A. The small cards were all single. There aren't many pairs,
it's just bad cards in bad cards.

Don't say this card was played by Chen Ze, he suspects that even if the **** of
gambling comes, he may not be able to win.

"Okay, good."

At this time, a smile appeared on the face of the colleague Li, the landlord of
this round. Obviously, he had a good hand. ! "

This Chen Zeyi colleague started to play cards. It turned out that the cards were
really good. Two long straights, then four Aces, then a pair of 2, and finally the
two kings finished. Chen Ze and another Chen Zeyi's None of the cards were dealt,
so we lost the first game.

"Hahaha, I'm so lucky today. I'm really lucky."

This colleague of Chen Zeyi's Li surnamed himself proudly, and said excitedly while
collecting the money he received from Chen Ze and another colleague.

After speaking, he looked at the hundreds of dollars left in front of Chen Ze:
"That's all mine."

Then there was another round, this time it was Chen Ze who touched the cards

"The luck of the gods, the luck of the gods, you must play a role." Chen Ze thought
of the card.
Then Chen Ze looked at the card in his hand. Although the look on his face had not
changed, his heart was already excited: "Looks like this luck of gambling is really

"Hahaha, my card is very good, how can I be so lucky today." At this time, the
colleague of Li Ze, Chen Zeyi said again, touched the last three cards back, and
then laughed, "I don't need to fight this at all, you guys just give me the money
for this round."

He looked at the cards in his hand. Although it was not as good as the last time,
it was a long straight, plus four aces, plus a few pairs. There was no single card.
He felt that he was in this game again. It was won.

"Look at me, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine." The man threw a long
straight out again. "What, no one cares, then I'll do it again."

"Wait." When he was about to play another card, Chen Ze suddenly said, "I'm four,
five, six, seven, eight, ninety."

"Huh?" Chen Zeyi's colleague froze. He didn't expect Chen Ze to be able to manage
it, but he quickly responded, "Can't control it, you go out."

"Three K and four." Chen Ze said again.

"It still doesn't matter." The colleague Li surnamed shook his head again, and he
could get four A's, but he thought it was too wasteful to use this at this time.

Another colleague also said nothing.

"Okay, four twos, two kings." Chen Ze smiled and threw all the cards in his hand.
"It's over."


Hearing Chen Ze's words, the colleague with the surname Li was completely stunned.
He did not expect that the card in Chen Ze's hand was so good. He thought that he
could win this game. A card was dealt, and then he lost straight.

"It's okay, this guy is just lucky this time, just win it in the next game."

When he handed the money to Chen Ze, this colleague of Chen Zeyi thought to
himself. Although he lost the game, he didn't think it was any good. He just felt
that it was only Chen Ze's luck, and his luck could not be maintained at all.

Another round, this time Chen Ze is the landlord: "four five six seven eight
ninety, ninety JQKA, four two."

Directly, Chen Ze threw out all the cards in his hand. In this game, he got such a
smooth card, and he won the game by leaving them without even playing cards.

Then in the third, fourth, and fifth games ... With the luck of God of Gambling,
Chen Ze's luck with the cards really broke the table. Actually, almost every game
was a good card Nine games were won in the game, and the remaining game was just a
loss, and there were no bombs to double it.

In an instant, the money in front of Chen Ze immediately bulged. And two colleagues
of Chen Zezhen, especially the colleague of the surname Li, almost fell to the
ground with only one thought in mind: "what exactly is this guy? How can luck be so

"It's over. It's over. What did you eat yesterday? It took so long to eat."

In the bathroom of the room, Chen Ze's murmured to himself, he looked at the time,
he actually pulled it for almost twenty minutes.

If it is normal, then twenty minutes is fine.

But at this time, the outside was playing fiercely. One of them was his nephew Chen
Ze playing for him ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen Ze's uncle knew his two colleagues,
especially Lao Li ’s card skills. If you have a license, it's not like Chen Ze, a
young man like you.

Originally, he wanted to resolve it quickly, so that Chen Ze played a few games for
him, but who thought it had been so long. For such a long time, Chen Ze's concubine
was a little worried, whether Chen Ze had lost all his money.

So after washing his hands, he rushed out immediately: "I'm back, let me fight."

But as soon as he finished speaking, he found something wrong. The three of Chen Ze
had stopped playing cards. Chen Ze turned his back to him. He couldn't see the
expression on Chen Ze's face, but he saw his two colleagues. Each one was extremely
shocked and couldn't believe it, the chin was about to fall to the ground.

"Why, what's wrong?" Chen Ze's uncle asked. "Why didn't you hit?"

"Lao Zhao, what is your nephew?" The two colleagues stood up, facing Chen Ze's

"Nothing, nothing, just my nephew, just an ordinary person." Chen Ze's shouted.

"No, how could he be an ordinary person." Chen Zeyi's two colleagues began.

"Why, what do you mean?" Chen Ze froze, "Is it, did he lose all his money? If so,
let's forget it today, I don't have any extra money here."

"No, it's not that I lost everything." At this point, Chen Ze said, "Yes, it's my
two uncles' money that I won."

"What?" Chen Zexi yelled.

"I'm finished." Chen Ze picked up the money in front of him and waved.

"Win, you're done? Just twenty minutes, Chen Ze, you've won them all out? How is
this possible?" (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 125: Super Landlord

"Hahaha, Ozawa, you are too terrific. It took me twenty minutes to go to the
toilet. You actually won both of my colleagues. My God, with this technology, what
kind of work do you still have? Just make a fortune from this. "

Walking on the way home, Chen Ze's uncle laughed.

He had a bright smile on his face at the moment. He had lost more than a thousand
dollars today. This more than a thousand dollars was almost all his private house
money. Who knew that when he went to the toilet, he heard that Chen Ze had won the
money of his two colleagues.
He was almost shocked that his chin did not fall off. His two colleagues are old
fritters on the gaming table, not ordinary slick. Especially the old Li, he didn't
lose much in playing cards. Today, most of his money was lost to this old Li.

But it turned out that Chen Ze won both of them within 20 minutes. This shocked
Chen Ze's uncle, but when he saw the shock on Lao Li's face, he couldn't believe
it. The expression of heartache, he felt cool, it was really cool.

"Well, I'm just lucky. Speaking of card skills is definitely not the opponent of
your two colleagues." Chen Ze said, and said to his heart. He knew he was so
powerful today, and it was all because of luck. But it wasn't his luck, it was the
luck of a gambler.

Therefore, at this moment, Chen Ze is actually stingy about this skill, and feels
that this **** of gamblers is indeed a **** of gamblers, and luck is a bit too bad.

Although facing ordinary people, it is rare to be able to do so.

"Ah, modest, you are really modest." Chen Ze's chuckled, saying that he took all
the money he won today and handed it to Chen Ze, "This is what you won, it should
not belong to me, It's all for you. "

"No need to slap me, I used to win with your money, don't give it to me." Chen Ze
said. He just won a two million bonus and really didn't care about this money.

"Hold it for you. I can rush back to you because of your blessing. I can't ask for
the winning money." Chen Ze shouted, saying that he had passed the money to Chen

Chen Ze had no choice but to collect the money.

Then Chen Ze's concubine invited Chen Ze to eat at his house, but Chen Ze felt that
he had to study the task of God of Gambling, so he refused, and walked back in the
direction of the house he rented.

At the moment, at the home of Chen Zeyi's colleague, both colleagues were shocked
and couldn't believe what just happened.

"This card, this card is fine."

"Yes, the card belongs to my family, and the person is also the nephew of Lao Ye,
who came here temporarily. It is impossible to make any ghosts."

The two spoke, and checked the deck of cards they had just played.

Both of them still couldn't believe what just happened. They felt that Chen Ze's
luck was a little bit better, and it was totally unscientific. So check the cards
and see if they have been tricked by Chen Ze.

But after checking for a long time, they finally only came to a conclusion that the
cards were perfectly fine.

The person is also the nephew of Lao Ye, and it is basically impossible for

So both of them knew one thing: "Chen Ze didn't make a ghost, he really had such
good luck."
"This, this, this is really unscientific. How can one's luck be so good."

"Maybe, it's not just luck. A person's luck can be as good as his strength." The
colleague named Li sighed, and suddenly he said, "md, I can't play cards again in
the future. Let Lao Ye call him his nephew. "

At eight o'clock in the evening, after dinner, Chen Ze turned on the computer in
the rental room and hanged out on the Internet.

Although he was hanging around, he still thought about the task of God of Gambling.

"This afternoon proves that the skills of the **** of gambling are indeed superb.
The luck of a **** of gambling has completely destroyed two old churros, so if you
extract other skills, you will be able to compete with other real gambling masters.
Competition has always been to become a true gambler. So first of all, it is
necessary to draw more skills, that is, to gain more popularity. "

The popularity is not specified in this mission, just let Chen Ze be the **** of
gambling, but it is still the same as before, as long as the popularity standard is
reached, then the lottery can be drawn.

Therefore, although there is no requirement for popularity, Chen Ze knows that he

still has to work hard to accumulate popularity, otherwise he will not be able to
draw useful skills and there is no way to become a true gambler.

"There are still three months left, so the next most important thing is to return
to the consistent key of other tasks and gain popularity." Chen Zemur muttered to
himself, and felt that he had grasped the core of the problem again.

But all of a sudden, Chen Ze was a little bit embarrassed. How can he quickly gain

Like this afternoon, you may make a lot of money, but the speed of accumulating
popularity must be very slow. So this method is not feasible, you must think of a
new method.

But all of a sudden, Chen Ze couldn't think of it.


At this moment, Chen Ze's WeChat rang suddenly, and he opened it, and Fang Qing
sent it: "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, I'm bored hanging out on the Internet." Chen Ze replied, anyway, he
couldn't figure out a way anymore, Chen Ze simply chatted with Fang Qing, "What are
you doing?"

"I, I'm reading a novel." Fang Qing replied.

"Fiction? What novel?" Chen Ze asked.

"The" Full-time Lottery System "is very nice." Fang Qingdao.

"Ou, I know this one, this book seems to be on the shelves today, and I heard that
the author of this book, Xiaocheng residents, looks like Takeshi Kaneshiro." Chen
Ze returned.

"Really, I think he looks more like Wu Yanzu." Fang Qing replied.

"There is still something of Andy Lau between the eyebrows."

"The eyes are particularly like Liang Zhaowei."

"Yes, it's still like that" Chen Ze typed a few more words and suddenly responded,
"What are we talking about?"

"Advertisement, hurry up and contribute a first order to the" Full-time Lottery

System ", and it will be on the shelves today." Fang Qing returned a smiley face,
and said something that made Chen Ze somewhat inexplicable. "Super Landlord", if
you want to play, I will invite you if you want to play. "

"Super Landlord." Chen Ze stunned. This "Super Landlord" is currently the hottest
card game on the Internet. Many people are playing, not only young people, but also
many middle-aged and elderly people. Nobody has to play two games.

Chen Ze naturally played too, and he replied, "Okay, I'll log in right away, you
can build it and invite me."

"Haha, then you are ready to lose all the super beans to me ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I
am the best at this game. I have won more than 100 games this week alone. The
longest winning streak is Seventeen innings. "Fang Qing replied.

"More than eighty innings? You don't have to go to work, play this all day?" Chen
Ze opened the game on his computer and replied.

"Playing after work, I like to play this when I'm fine, so you have to be
prepared." Fang Qing replied and came over with an arrogant expression.

"Well, I wait for you to win my Super Bean." Chen Ze replied with a smile.

Soon, Fang Qing's invitation was sent, Chen Ze clicked to accept, and then entered
the room. Then immediately saw Fang Qing's record, let alone, she really won
seventeen games in a row.

This "Super Fighting Landlord" is played randomly by netizens and can win seventeen
games in a row.

"It's pretty good." Chen Ze muttered to himself, looking at Fang Qing's head in the
room, he suddenly responded, "Yes, if you want to build popularity by playing
cards, then you can't just play this game directly. ? "(To be continued.)


Chapter FTLS 126: Ogami

Genius remembers for a second and provides you with wonderful novel reading.

"It's started. [Literature Building]"

On WeChat, Fang Qing was facing Chen Zedao. In the game "Super Landlord" on the
computer, this first game was officially started after another person came in the

Chen Ze looked at the person who came in again. The longest winning streak was only
four wins, and the level was not high. It was obviously just a novice. From the
streak and level, Fang Qing is the strongest person at this table.

Fang Qing obviously also knew that she typed a few winning words directly in the
chat room.
Then, this round was just the beginning. The computer system issued a license to
the three of them.

Chen Ze looked at his cards, which was very bad, and he was completely inferior to
playing cards with a few of his colleagues in the afternoon.

"When the game of gambling seems to have no effect." Looking at the card in his
hand, Chen Ze muttered to himself.

"Hey, you have to be careful. My deck is particularly good." In WeChat, Fang Qing
sent another message at this time. Apparently, she had a good card and she sent it
to show off.

"Call the landlord." At the same time, a sound came from the computer. Chen Ze saw
that Fang Qing called the landlord.

"Grab the landlord." Chen Ze pressed the landlord's key. Although the cards were
not very good, but since Fang Qing showed off, how could he admit defeat.

"Grab the landlord." It surprised Chen Ze that the newcomer also robbed the
landlord. I don't know if it's a good card or simply grab it to play.

"Grab the landlord." Without hesitation, Fang Qing robbed the landlord again. At
this moment, the landlord and the last three cards fell into her hands.

"A, k ,." The computer shows that the last three cards are these three.

"Hey, all I want, I win." In WeChat, Fang Qing sent another one.

"Double it." At the same time, such a voice appeared in the computer, Fang Qing
actually doubled again.

The land grabbing by the three people has already turned many times, but Fang Qing
is still doubling.

"Awesome, it has doubled again. It looks like I want to win all my super beans at
once." Chen Ze replied.

"Hey, of course." Fang Qing replied.

Then the game started.

In fact, Chen Ze's card skills are not very good, although they are not bad, but
they are ordinary, and they belong to the type that usually plays cards with good
luck and can win a little, and bad luck cannot win.

Although his luck wasn't too bad this time, he found that Fang Qing's luck was
really good in the first round. There are two kings, three two, two a, and her card
skills are also very good, and Chen Ze The teammates here are really new, and their
skills and card skills are not good.

Therefore, in the first game, Chen Ze and his teammates failed unexpectedly.

Chen Ze didn't have many super beans, so he went a lot in the first game.

"Ha ha ha, eighteen consecutive victories." After winning, Fang Qing laughed in the
room, obviously she was very happy.
"Great, but you have to be careful, my luck has always been good, I will come back
after a while." Chen Ze replied to her in WeChat.

"Hum, you come, I'm not afraid of you." Fang Qing replied.

Then the second round began. This round of Chen Ze's cards was a little better than
the previous round, but it was still normal. Fang Qing continued to be the landlord
and turned the fighting beans many times. Although her cards in this round Not in
the last game, but her card skills are really good, plus Chen Ze's newbie's skills
and cards are too bad, Chen Ze and he lost the game again.

Chen Ze's fighting beans lost a lot to Fang Qing, and the novice even lost the game
and quit.

"Hey hey hey, it looks like Chen Ze really wants to lose all of your super beans."
On WeChat, Fang Qing sent a message.

"It's not over yet, I will definitely come back later." Chen Ze replied, but he was
still muttering in his heart, why this gambling **** seems to be too weak.

In the third game, a new player was added. This man's highest winning streak was
eight consecutive victories, which is a fair level.

Still Fang Qing as the landlord, she still doubled the Super Bean, and this third
round of Chen Ze's card got a little better, but still not very good.

However, the teammates and skills he newly added were not bad. Together with Chen
Ze, they lost to Fang Qing after the cooperation.

Naturally, Fang Qing showed off again in WeChat.

Looking at Fang Qing's flaunting words, Chen Ze was a little depressed: "What's the
situation, even if it's my own luck, it shouldn't be so bad. Is this the luck of
the gods of gambling, is there such a bad time of the gods of gambling? Continuous
All three games are so bad. "

He took a look at his own Super Bean, and in another round, he was about to lose.

"The fourth game, the fourth game must be transferred." Chen Ze muttered to

Then in the fourth round, he looked at his cards and immediately called out
excitedly: "Very good, very good, really good."

I saw two kings, two, two, and three a in his hands.

"This time, I won everything."

Chen Ze thought to himself that he had just prepared to show off a game to Fang
Qing, but suddenly received Fang Qing's WeChat: "Chen Ze, my leader called
temporarily and asked me to process the documents on the Internet. I will return
after finishing. You play first. "


Chen Ze stunned, he did not expect that when he was about to show his might, Fang
Qing had something to go.

"At least, at least finish this game."

Chen Ze wanted to send out this sentence, but before he did, he saw that the status
of Fang Qing's account on the computer had become hosting.


Chen Ze thought to himself that Fang Qing was still the landlord, but now that she
had become a trustee, it would be effortless to defeat her.

Although he won this round, Chen Ze didn't feel any pleasure at all ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ He originally wanted to win her in front of Fang Qing.

"Forget it, let me play it alone." Finally, Chen Zedao said, he also knew that Fang
Qing had a temporary problem, and there was no way.

Because Fang Qing was gone, the owner of this room fell on Chen Ze. Chen Ze was
going to quit to play in qualifying, but before he quit, a person was added.

Chen Ze looked at the man, and saw that there were two golden characters under his
head: "Big God."

His winning streak is 78 wins.

"I trust, here comes a real master." Seeing this state, Chen Ze thought to himself.
"Super Landlord" has a rule, winning a certain number of times in a row, or in
which competition won the top position, can get the title of great god.

This person is obviously like this.

"Our day, I got into the wrong room. Why did I get into this garbage room, the
highest one has eight consecutive victories, and the other one has only four
consecutive victories. It's just two garbage."

At this time, the chat version of the room suddenly appeared such a line of words,
the message was sent by the great **** who just came in.

Seeing this message, Chen Ze's brow frowned. He did not expect that although it was
a great god, his quality was so poor.

Eight-game winning streak refers to another person, and four-game winning streak,
Chen Ze knows that he is talking about himself. And garbage, naturally, refers to
yourself and another person.

"It's really two rubbish. Fighting with you is a waste of my time, but forget it,
anyway, I have time to play with you and teach you how to fight the landlord."

At this time, the great **** made another sentence. When he posted this sentence,
the game of this round also began. (To be continued.) For mobile phone users,
please browse m for a better reading experience.

Chapter FTLS 127: Bloodshed

"Everyone enters this room. They are all looking forward to seeing how I abuse
these two rubbish."

In a room, a man sent such a message in the group, and then reported the room
This man was the great **** who had strayed into Chen Ze's room, but uttered words.

This person is actually a bit well-known in the game "Super Landlord", which is one
of the more powerful experts, so naturally he has his own fan base.

Tonight, at the request of fans in his fan base, he only played this game, ready to
show his card skills to his fans.

He was going to play in several high-level rooms, but accidentally came to Chen
Ze's room.

Seeing that Chen Ze had another person's winning streak, he poked his lips and felt
that these two people were rubbish.

But soon he thought that cruelly abusing these two people in this room was also a
good display.

So he stayed, started the game, and then told his fans about the room number in the
group, and let them all go and watch in this room.

According to his words, it was watching how he abused Chen Ze and another person,
these two garbage.

"Great god."

"We like watching you abuse people."

"On these two people, you can abuse them in a matter of minutes."

"Hey, let them both regret coming to play Super Landlord tonight."

After seeing the words of the great god, his fans said one after another, and then
entered the room to watch the crowd according to the room number given by the great


"So arrogant?"

On the side of Chen Ze, when he saw the words of this great god, he was furious.

He didn't intend to fight this guy, but he didn't expect this guy to be so
arrogant. But if that's the case, then no wonder you are.

Chen Ze can feel that his luck as a **** of gambling has begun to play a role. At
this time, when this so-called great **** comes into the door, Chen Ze doesn't mind
taking his hands.

"Then let's start." Chen Ze also said a word.

The third person did not know what was in his heart, maybe he was not convinced,
and agreed to start.

"Very well, you two have good luck today, let you see how powerful a real master

Seeing that Chen Ze and the other person agreed to start, the great **** spoke, and
he was quite agitated.
Soon, the first game started, and the system dealt all three of them.

"Sure enough, Sure enough, Gambling God has begun to work."

Looking at the card in his hand, Chen Ze laughed.

"Call the landlord."

Just then, the great **** called the landlord.

"Grab the landlord." Chen Ze grabbed the landlord.

"Grab the landlord." The other person also robbed the landlord.

"Grab the landlord." The great **** didn't hesitate and grabbed the landlord. In
this lap, the super bean turned over many times in an instant.

"Double." After grabbing the landlord, the great **** directly doubled.

"Double." Chen Ze also doubled. The reason why he grabbed the landlord and doubled
was to impress the great **** in one game.

"Double again." There was another sound in the computer, and Chen Ze did not expect
that the third person would double.

"This guy?"

Looking at the third person's head, Chen Zemuttered to himself, he almost guessed
the person's thoughts, he also grabbed the landlord and doubled, it seems that if
he wants a game, he can give this great **** a deep lesson.

After Chen Ze and this person doubled and grabbed the landlord, it suddenly turned
hundreds of times.

"Hahaha, it's very good, the two of you have doubled, which is exactly what I
want." At this time, the great **** spoke again, and he could not think of Chen Ze
and the other person.

He just thought that Chen Ze and the other person were really stupid, so doubled,
but just gave him super beans in vain.

"Great God, it's so many times all of a sudden."

"The two people didn't know how to live or die. They dared to add so many times
when you played cards with the great god. I think they will lose you the super
beans in one game."

"That is, it's so funny, and dare to follow it twice, I will see how they lost
Super Beans."

In the fan group of that great god, after seeing Chen Ze and another person
doubling, these fans all smirked, one by one, they felt that Chen Ze and another
person did not know how to live or die. How dare to double it, it was like that. it
is ridiculous.

"Hey guys, don't worry, I let these two guys know how to write the word regret in
this round." The great **** spoke, "If you look at my cards, even if you don't use
technology, my round will also It is impossible to lose. "
Then, the great **** showed his cards to the fans in his group. It turned out that
he also got a good card in this game, which made him more confident and arrogant,
and felt that he won the first game.

"Great god, it's impossible to lose on this deck."

"These two guys are over. It's a pity that they can't see them. Otherwise, I really
want to see the expression on their faces after they see the big **** you."

"That is, it's ridiculous to see them daring to double."

After seeing this great god's deck, the fans in the group are boiling, one by one,
and they have determined that this game is impossible to lose. For this card, it
was simply a hang to the other two.

"Yes 3." Seeing the message in the group, the great **** laughed and then played
his card.

"Fried." Immediately, a sound came from the computer.


Hearing this sound, the great **** held it directly.

Fried? It will blow up at 3. Who came out of this tm? No problem in mind.

He took a quick look and found that the bomber was Ozawa, who was Chen Ze.

He actually blasted the Great God's Pair 3 with four k.

"Nima, this guy's brain is okay."

"That is, four k's are directly used for 3, which is really a problem."

"Is this guy a fool? How could he play such a card?"

After seeing Chen Ze's card, the fan of the great **** also said one after another
that there was no way to imagine Chen Ze's behavior.


Just when everyone was a little stunned, there was another sound in the computer.
When they saw it, Chen Ze played a card again, a straight, and a straight from
three to q.

"This, what's the situation? The card is so good?" Everyone thought of seeing Chen
Ze's card.

The great **** is helpless, but can only afford it.

"Fried again, double kings." Chen Ze played another card. "One 3."

At a stretch, he finished the hand and easily won the first game.

"I, I rely on, this, this, this I lose?"

Seeing that Chen Ze was so easy to win, this great **** couldn't believe his eyes.
He looked at his cards and Nima gave a pair of 3s. If nothing else, he lost. Lost.
Originally thinking about the first game, they tortured Chen Ze with blood, but
they never thought that they would lose without doing anything.

Feeling guilty, this makes this great **** feel guilty.

"It's okay, it's just this guy's luck."

"That is, no one can come to his card."

"It's just the first game. Will his luck last?"

Fans of this great **** said in the group, although they were also somewhat
surprised, they did not expect that great gods would be disadvantaged. But they
didn't feel anything, it was just a round, and it was just because this man's luck
was good, but can his luck continue to be so good?

"It's ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ this guy's luck can't be so good all the time, I will
start to abuse you in the second game."

When he saw his fans in the group, the big **** thought to himself that he did not
think that Chen Ze's luck could always be so good.

But soon, this great god, as well as his fans, were all stunned.

Chen Ze's luck was really so good all the time, and there were several consecutive
games in the back, all of them were full of luck, so that this great **** lost only
a few cards. There were even two innings that kept him from playing a card.

Of course, there are times when luck is bad, but when Chen Ze has bad luck, his
luck is even worse, and the cards he touches in his hand cannot be seen at all.

In this way, this great **** even lost Chen Ze's fifteen innings in a row, and the
fifteen innings were added together. This great **** did not have fifty cards.

It can be said that this great **** was really abused by Chen Ze's blood this time,
and was tortured by the garbage in his mouth. (To be continued.)


Chapter FTLS 128: The whole Super Landlord was shocked

"I have a slot. Who is this Ozawa, luck is too bad."

"Here, this is the 15th inning of the Great God. The gods have played more than 50
cards together. I ca n’t believe this from Nima."

"This, this person is too powerful. How could luck be so good, the Great God
directly lost fifteen innings."

"This, it seems that the great **** is not very powerful, even if he loses fifteen
innings directly, I won't even lose fifteen innings by myself."

In the fan group of that great god, after seeing him lose to Chen Ze fifteen
innings, they all boiled up. Most people think this card is too incredible to play.
Great God, the level is so high, and the great God is so good.

After losing 15 consecutive games without saying, and the 15 games together added
only 50 cards, this was completely unthinkable in the past, but now, now it has
Someone really won the 15th inning of the Great God, and it still looks like a
player with only four consecutive victories, which really shocks these Great God
fans and is too hard to imagine.

All of them quickly looked at Chen Ze's head, and deeply remembered the name Ozawa.
They felt that Chen Ze must not be an ordinary person, how could an ordinary
person's luck be so good.

There are many fans in the group, but all of them are very disappointed with this
great god, and feel that they used to look at him completely. Instead, they have no
chance of losing fifteen innings even if they play by themselves. This great ****
has even lost fifteen innings, and one by one feels that he is really a fan of this
great god:

"It seems that the Great God is not so good. He even lost fifteen innings."

"Yeah, I haven't lost such a long game myself."

"This tm is embarrassing. The great **** said before that he would crush the two
people, and it was crushed."

These disappointed people have left messages, and many even directly withdrew from
this fan base.

Seeing these people's speeches, the great **** almost didn't mention it directly.

He was aggrieved, he really felt aggrieved, and he hadn't been so aggrieved in the

This great **** remembers his playing experience for so many years, and has never
been like this today. Actually lost 15 games in a row, no one won.

What's more important is that the opponents of the fifteen games all rely on the
cards, that is, the cards are too good to win, rather than winning by technology.

That's why this great **** is so embarrassed. If the technology is crushed, he

doesn't think it is unacceptable. But this crushing of luck really left him unable
to accept it.

"It's a ghost, and I don't believe your luck will continue to be so good, come
another round."

The great **** thought to himself, thinking about him, he would have another round.

"Sorry, your super beans have been consumed today. Please come back tomorrow."

At this time, such a sound came from the computer. It turned out that the Super
Bean of this great **** has already lost all, and there may not even be another

Hearing this voice, the great **** vomited blood for a while: "Nima, I can't find
the copy."

No way, this great **** had to exit the room.

"Wait, wait for me to come again tomorrow." The great **** thought to himself, he
looked at Chen Ze's head, "How good is your luck tonight and what's the use? You
and I are still not at the same level, at least, You don't have these fans of mine.
"How did the Great God retreat? Did he give up?"

"I must have conceded it. Also, even losing 15 innings has changed my mind, and
this Ozawa is terrible."

"Well, it seems that the great **** is really not good. I still don't want to be a
fan of him. I want to be a fan of Ozawa. His luck is too bad."

"Me and I too, and I also plan to be a fan of Ozawa. Ogami is really bad."

Seeing this great **** retreating from the room, fans in the group said one after

Seeing their speeches, this great shout spit out blood.

"Aggrieved, really aggrieved."

Chen Ze naturally didn't know the conversation in this great god's fan group. After
he got out of this great god, he looked at his fifteen-game winning streak, and was
somewhat proud: "Is this luck of God of Gambling so good? For one thing, if there
is always such a good bet, then no other skills are needed at all. "

Chen Ze feels that this **** of gambling is really easy to use. It is too bad to
directly crush the people who have played against him. If it has been so easy to
use, there is no need to draw other skills.

"Host you, this is how you look at the luck of this gambling god." At this time,
the system suddenly said, "It is true that such things as gambling really exist.
The better a person's gambling luck, the more powerful he is. Or that The more
powerful, the better the natural gambling. And the opponents that you face the two
times are actually just ordinary people, not very powerful, natural gambling is not
very good, and you have the luck of gambling, Naturally they are crushed. But! "

"But?" Chen Ze asked.

"Yeah, but once you meet a real gambling expert, the gambling on the opposite side
will not be worse than you. At that time, you rely on other skills of gambling
gods. If you think that relying on only If the luck of God can go all the way, it
is absolutely wrong. "The system said.

"Okay, but it's not bad now." Chen Ze said. Although he couldn't rely on the ****
of gambling to complete this task, Chen Ze felt that this skill had exceeded his
imagination and he was satisfied.

Then Chen Ze looked at the time again, it was already late at night, but Fang Qing
had not finished her work yet.

So Chen Ze left a message to Fang Qing: "You haven't come yet, I'll sleep first,
good night."

Then he went to sleep.

Then, while Chen Ze was sleeping, the players in the game Super Landlord were

Because the great **** who played against Chen Ze opened a privilege to be able to
record his classic battle and push it to the homepage. Although it will not take
too long, it is enough for many people to see.
And before the big **** and Chen Ze started their game, he set this game as a
classic battle, because he felt that a match of this level with Chen Ze must be a
one-sided crush, and it was completely unexpected. Situation.

Although completely different from his imagination, UU reading www. uukanshu.com

However, this battle was recorded and pushed to the homepage, so that many players
can see it.

"I wipe, this person named Ozawa is too bad, luck is so good."

"Who is this man named Ozawa? I know the great **** who played against him. The
technology is not bad. He was crushed."

"Not only crushing, but also fifteen consecutive rounds, but also rolling by luck.
This, this, this is totally incredible."

"This is definitely the most bizarre battle I've ever seen. Isn't that Ozawa really
an official person? The cards are so good. This luck is really no one, it's too

Seeing this video, the entire "Super Landlord" players were shocked and
enthusiastic. They have left comments under this game, and they all feel that this
game is definitely the strangest and most incredible game they have ever seen.

The man named Ozawa, luck is really good, no one else. (To be continued.)


Chapter FTLS 129: Brother Luck (on)

"Well, what's my popularity!"

Early in the morning, Chen Ze, who had just got up, was a little stunned. He
habitually opened the system and found that the popularity page had changed.

Because of entering a new mission before, all the previous popularity has been
emptied, so the popularity before yesterday has always been zero. But now, the
popularity has reached forty-eight.

In just one night, popularity rose forty-eight.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Ze froze a bit, he didn't think of it at all. The popularity value displayed
on this popularity page is not the number of people. Forty-eight popularity values,
the number of people required is much larger than the forty-eight people, so the
increase in popularity before is so difficult.

But now, even so much in one night, which makes Chen Ze a little confused.

"What happened? What did I do? I don't seem to be doing anything."

Chen Ze smashed his mouth, carefully recalled what he did yesterday, and played two
cards, once with his colleagues and once in the game "Super Landlord".

"Even if the popularity has risen these two times, it shouldn't have risen so much.
What's the matter?"
Chen Ze is completely confused. Where does he know that his popularity has
increased because the video of him playing with that great **** last night was
recommended to the homepage. Although only a short time, it has attracted many
people to see. Naturally, he Popularity has increased.

"Unclear." Chen Ze shook his head, feeling that he was completely at a loss what
was going on. "But forget it, in any case, it should be related to" Super Landlord
". Anyway, the increase in popularity is only a good thing, not a bad thing. "

Thinking about it that way, Chen Ze let go of his heart and got up alone to wash.
But before that, he turned on his mobile phone and looked at WeChat. I saw that
about half an hour after he fell asleep last night, Fang Qing sent a WeChat:
"Sorry, sorry, the work last night was really complicated, I didn't finish it
all .Let ’s do it today, tonight, let ’s play a few more games together in the
game, I ’m fine tonight. ”

"Ok, but don't be surprised by me. I had a big winning streak last night." Chen Ze
returned a WeChat, then got up to wash, and then had breakfast.

While eating breakfast, while opening WeChat, he found that Fang Qing responded
with another one: "Cut, just one night, how many winning streaks can you get. I
have eighteen winning streaks, can you have more than mine? "With this WeChat,
there is also the arrogant smiley face of that green hat sunglasses.

Seeing this WeChat, Chen Ze did the calculations. Last night, he seemed to win the
fifteen-game winning streak with the so-called Great God, which was indeed better
than Fang Qing's eighteen-game winning streak.

"No, not as much as you." Chen Ze replied.

"That's it, you are not my opponent in this game, I am eighteen in a row. Hee hee,
let me teach you tonight, teach you how to play cards like this master of mine Yes.
"Fang Qing replied, and brought an expression pack pushing sunglasses.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your coaching." Chen Ze replied with a smile.

After replying, Chen Ze put his phone away, thinking about what to do today.

Normally this time is working time, but Chen Ze is not working now, the driver is
no longer working, and the chef is no longer working. The current work is to
develop towards the **** of gamblers.

The near-term goal is to accumulate enough popularity to conveniently draw enough

Gambler skills to complete this task.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Chen Ze decided to enter the "Super Landlord",
where the area is very popular.

Although the forty-eight popularity from last night to this morning, Chen Ze did
not know exactly how it came, but he felt that it must be related to this game.
Therefore, to gain popularity, it depends on this game.

So although it's the morning, at this time few people play this game, Chen Ze still
opened it, ready to spend it in this game today.

"Sure enough, there are not many people in the morning, and I am the only one here,
so just play around first."
Looking at the number of people who were online at the same time, Chen Zemuttered
to himself and said he opened the match and started playing randomly. Of course, it
is on the basis of playing the gambling god.

"One for eight."

"Four two."



"King fried."

"Sorry, I have Zhang Er."

While playing, Chen Ze muttered to himself, and he quickly played several plays in
a short time, which made him a lot of new discoveries.

The first is that despite playing several games, the popularity has not increased
significantly. Even Chen Ze has played more games than last night, but the increase
in popularity is not even a fraction.

The second is that the luck of the **** of gambling is indeed luck. Although luck
will be crushed against ordinary people, but since it is luck, it is natural to be
good and bad, and the cards that Chen Ze draws are also good and bad.

Therefore, although the number of games played was more than last night, the
winning streak has not been exceeded, and there is not even a long winning streak.
Winning a seven or eight game will lose the last game.

Noting this, it disappointed Chen Ze. But it also let him know that if he wants to
be a **** of gamblers, it is really far away from the luck of the gods of gambling

"No, you have to build popularity and get other skills."

Knowing this, Chen Ze murmured to himself.


eight pm!

Chen Ze was sitting in the room, in front of the computer. Although he has been
playing Super Landlord for a day, he still opens the game at this moment. Fang
Qing's voice came from the mobile phone.

"Chen Ze, my room has been built and I will invite you to come in immediately.
Please pay attention to the invitation message." In WeChat, Fang Qing's voice came.

"OK." Chen Ze picked up WeChat and replied.

Immediately afterwards, his game account received an invitation from Fang Qing to
invite him to participate in this game.


Chen Ze nodded to accept, and then he entered the room.

At this time, Chen Ze looked at Fang Qing, and saw that her 18-game winning streak
was yesterday.

"Well, Chen Ze, what's going on with you?"

Suddenly, Fang Qing sent another message back.

"What's wrong?" Chen Ze asked.

"Your streak record ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ How come your streak record is fifteen?
How is this possible? I remember yesterday that your top was still four, how did it
become fifteen today?" Fang Qing Qing asked, seeing this display by Chen Ze, she
was very surprised.

"Ah, strength, didn't I tell you? Don't be scared by me today, I made a long-term
improvement last night." Chen Ze responded with a smile.

"That was the case. It turned out that you did it last night." Seeing Chen Ze's
reply, Fang Qing muttered to herself, but she was still hard to believe. According
to Chen Ze's performance with her last night, she felt In any case, Chen Ze should
not be able to get a 15-game winning streak.

However, Fang Qing was somewhat surprised.

However, Chen Ze's fifteen-game winning streak made Fang Qing feel too exaggerated.
Fortunately, she didn't see Chen Ze's game situation last night, otherwise she
might not really believe her eyes.

Just then, another person came in the room, and he was also a dozen-game winning
streak. Obviously, the technology was pretty good.

After seeing Chen Ze's account, he froze, and then left a message on the chat
board: "Luck, are you in this room?" (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 130: Brother Luck (Part 2)

"Luck brother?"

After seeing this completely stranger leave a sentence like this, Chen Ze and Fang
Qing were stunned. Neither of them had heard the nickname, and he had no idea what
the man was saying.

"Here, you found the wrong room." Chen Ze replied.

"Yeah, who is this luck brother, neither of us know any luck brother." Fang Qing
also replied.

"Nothing wrong, luck brother is you, the same name, the same avatar, even the
number of winning streaks are the same. It is you, Ozawa." The man said again, and
finally typed out the account name of Chen Ze.

Seeing what he said, Chen Ze completely choked: "Me? Is it luck me?"

Fang Qing also froze: "He, why is he luck?"

"You still do n’t know, luck brother Ozawa, you are famous, but your fifteen-game
winning streak caused a sensation in Super Landlord. Everyone said that they have
never seen such good luck, So I call you luck brother. "This humane.
His words made Fang Qing even more confused, totally unaware of what he was saying.
However, Chen Ze's heart moved. He remembered his sudden soaring popularity. Is it
really related to this luck brother?

Just as the three of them talked, the game started.

Unlike the day, Chen Ze had good luck as soon as he came up this evening. It seems
that the luck of the **** of gambling has played a role here. He grabbed the
landlord, and Fang Qing, who played directly, had another person who did not play a
card , By the way, also brought a pair of king fried, easily won this hand.

"It ’s terrible, luck is luck, as soon as you get a card. When I saw your fifteen-
game winning streak yesterday, I thought it was an official bug. I did n’t expect
your luck to be so powerful. It's so good. "

After being won by Chen Ze, the man left a message.

Fang Qing couldn't bear it now, she asked directly, "Well, where can you see the
video you said?"

"It is in the video library of the elite card game. It was just entered into the
library yesterday and you can see it all at once." That humane.

"Thank you." Fang Qingdao, then she withdrew from the game and started towards the
video library.

Chen Ze couldn't help it, he also withdrew from the game, and wanted to see what
this video was.

He opened the video library and dragged it down to see his video. He was also
edited with a title: "Luck the luck of the sky, luck teaches you how to easily get
fifteen consecutive victories."

Chen Ze quickly rushed into the game, and the video of the game where he played
against that great **** and another person appeared directly last night. In the
video, his account Ozawa frequently played Wang Bo, Bomb, Airplane, Dalian Shun,
etc Group, easily crushed that great god.

Last night, because he was too involved, Chen Ze himself didn't feel it. Now he was
shocked when he saw it. Nima came very well in almost every hand. In the face of
this great god, he was easily and rude. Pressing him makes people feel completely
incredible and stunned.

"Oh my god, who is this luck brother? It won't be the insider of Super Landlord.
This luck is also very good."

"This tm is against the sky. I have played against the big **** who played cards
with Lucky Brother. The technology is really good. It is impossible to crush him
for fifteen innings with any one person, but even this is the luck. Brother crushed
so simply and rudely. "

"I saw this video, I can only use these three words to express my mood at the
moment, this tm is too unreal, so easily crushed that great god, it is too

"Luck brother is luck brother. I feel that this game can be played in one of the
top ten classic games of this year. It is not how classic you play, nor how good
the players are, that is, this luck can be played."
"Worship, this is incredible, totally incredible."

At the bottom of the video, many players left comments below, one by one almost
speaking in worship, and they all felt too incredible. The wave of Chen Ze was too
powerful and so on.

"That's it. It looks like my popularity is really related to this video."

Seeing these people's messages below, Chen Ze muttered to himself, he still had
some trouble at first, how exactly his popularity rose, and now he fully

At the same time, he was naturally excited when he understood the increase in
popularity. If this can increase popularity, as long as you play more in this game,
you will be able to increase popularity to the level you need.

Ding Ding Ding!

While he was excited, Chen Ze's cell phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and saw
it from Fang Qing.

"She, why are you calling?" Chen Ze muttered to himself, just now she was still
playing cards with her and chatting with her WeChat. Why did she suddenly call?

Chen Ze picked it up and immediately Fang Qing's voice came over from the phone.
The voice was extremely excited, shocked and incredible: "My God, Chen Ze, your
fifteen-game winning streak last night turned out to be so It was played. This is
also Mrs., it ’s too bad. It ’s totally unbelievable. How is it possible, how did
you play such a magical 15-game winning streak? ”

Fang Qing's voice was very loud. Obviously, she was indeed very excited. When she
heard her, Chen Ze quickly took the microphone away from her ears, so as not to be
bombarded by her words. After she finished speaking, calmed down, Chen Ze laughed
"I just typed it out. I already said that I was very lucky. But you don't have to
call and talk about it, just say it on WeChat."

"So what, how can we express this shock on WeChat, do you know how exaggerated your
fifteen-game winning streak?" On the phone, Fang Qing said, "My eighteen-game
winning streak are all You worked hard, and you almost lost it several times before
you hit it. You actually made fifteen consecutive victories so easily.

Fang Qing opened her mouth ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ with an incredible tone in her tone
and an envy of Chen Ze, she was very envious that Chen Ze was able to have such a
good card: "Although this luck It's impossible to continue, but even once, you're
amazing enough. "

"Maybe, maybe my luck can continue." Chen Ze smiled.

"How is this possible." Fang Qing shook his head on the other side of the phone.
"This luck is amazing once, how can it continue."

"Maybe, it's really possible." Chen Ze laughed. "I just take a break from work
these days. You can wait and see in this game, maybe you will really see me keep
copying this hand. "

"Impossible, impossible." Fang Qing still spoke like this, and once she thought it
was impossible, this was repeated many times, and she thought it was completely
"Would you like to bet then, I'll win you and invite me to dinner."

"Okay, you can invite me when I win."

"One word is final." (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 131: Brother Luck swipes the screen

"It's really not stable enough."

In front of the computer, Chen Ze murmured to himself, and after speaking with Fang
Qing in his mobile phone, Chen Ze opened a room with her and played again.

The result was different from Chen Ze's imagination. The original big kills did not
appear. Instead, they continued to play bad cards, as if the luck of God of
Gambling could not work. At the same time, this also led to Chen Ze. He lost seven
or eight innings in a row, but in this, he only won three or four innings, and he
also won intermittently.

"It seems that this gambling **** is indeed not stable enough." Chen Ze said to
himself, although he already knew during the day, but now he has confirmed this
matter. Gambling God's luck is very unstable, it may come in a big wave, or it may
be piecemeal.

When he came to the university, it was just like playing cards with that great ****
yesterday. He crushed him easily and simply. At other times, it is no different
from ordinary people's gambling. It is impossible to become a **** of gambling by
relying on the **** of gambling.

"It looks like it really needs to rely on other skills, and still have to continue
to draw." Finally, Chen Zedao.

"Hee hee, I said that your yesterday ’s luck was only temporary and cannot be
copied. How about it? Believe it now and wait to invite me to dinner." At this
time, Fang Qing's words came from WeChat and he took A smiley face.

Chen Ze could not refute. After all, he was almost defeated to Fang Qing again
tonight, so he said, "Wait, these two days will surely let you see my copy of that

He knows that even if gambling is not good for a while, but since it is the luck of
the gambling god, then it is absolutely impossible to go down like this.

"Okay, then I'll wait and see." Fang Qing came over with a smile.

The next day, Chen Ze got up early in the morning and started playing in the game
"Super Landlord."

At the beginning, luck didn't seem to be very good, winning two games and losing
one. Gradually, Chen Ze felt different. He felt that his luck seemed to be getting
better, and it seemed that a big wave was coming.

So immediately, he started video recording and was ready to record this wave and
push it to the homepage.

This is what he discovered when he groped for the past two days. As long as he
pushed it to the homepage, he could attract many people to watch it. Although this
function costs a little money, it is nothing to Chen Ze at present. It is
completely spent for popularity, and it is well worth it.
"Double kings, four 2, four k, and another long straight, sure enough."

After starting the video recording and starting the game, Chen Ze thought of the
deck of cards in his hand. Everything is really the same as his hunch, his gambling
luck has begun to play a role.

"Four k, Shunzi, Wang fried, four more 2." Chen Ze said, easily winning the first

Then the second game was the same. The cards were so good that Chen Ze won the
second game easily.

The third, fourth, and fifth games ...

The opponent has been changing constantly, but Chen Ze has always maintained this
luck, keeping the same simple and crude crushing of that great **** last time,
simply and easily and rudely won all the games.

It wasn't until the twelfth inning that the game was lost because of bad cards.

Although it was only twelve innings, it was already amazing enough, so Chen Ze
immediately pushed the recorded video to the homepage.

Immediately, many people on the front page saw it.

"Oh my god, this guy's luck is against the sky. He won 11 games in a row because of
his cards. I don't feel surprised to win 11 games in a row, but it was so easy."

"Fuck, it's too easy, who is this card player, and it's been so good for 11
consecutive games."

"Luck against the sky, it's luck against the sky, and actually won 11 consecutive
games like this."

The players who clicked into this video have spoken one by one. They are as same as
before. They all feel too incredible. Winning eleven games in such an easy way is
simply impossible.

"Well, that's wrong. Why do I feel like I've seen this happen before?"

"Yeah, I've seen it, and it seems like someone has done it before."

Suddenly, a few people left a message and felt like they had seen something similar
before. Although Chen Ze's previous events were amazing, many people were deeply

But after all, it is not a big deal. Most people forget it at first glance, at
least they forget Chen Ze's head and id. So now, everyone feels like they never
knew each other.

"By the way, the former luck brother was the same. No, Nima, this, this person is
the luck brother, and this one won 11 games.

Suddenly, one person spoke, and he finally found out that Chen Ze and his previous
luck brother were alone.

And after seeing his message, other people who seemed to have met now also
responded one after another:
"My God, yeah, this is the luck brother, he actually did this kind of thing again."

"It's impossible. Who is this luck brother? How could it be so hanging?"

"It's unbelievable. It's incredible that someone has done this kind of thing twice
in a row."

"Hanging heaven, this luck brother is so bullish, I will be his fan in the future."

These people left messages one by one, all stunned, and never thought that anyone
could accomplish such a thing. And, twice.

Everyone was amazed and expressed their admiration for Chen Ze.

Naturally, Chen Ze's popularity has continued to rise.

"It's seventy-eight, seventy-eight, hahaha, it's rising fast."

In the room, after posting the video, Chen Ze found that his popularity began to
rise again, and suddenly rose to seventy-eight. One hundred was able to draw the
first prize, which made Chen Ze very happy and Excited.

In addition, Chen Ze feels that this wave of gambling is just beginning, so there
are still a few votes that can be done today.

Immediately, he put himself in again, recording video again, while fighting with

Sure enough, as he thought, his cards were really good during this time, easily
crushing his opponents and achieving a winning streak. Although there is no
particularly long winning streak, each winning streak is easily and crudely

And after one recording was over, he immediately pushed the video up. It can be
said that the homepage of Super Landlord was the screen of Chen Ze.

As a result of swiping the screen, more and more people saw Chen Ze's video. At the
beginning, everyone was very shocked. They were also curious and worshipped by Chen

"I go to www.mtlnovel.com ~ luck brother is here again, it is a wave of winning

streak, and it is still so simple to crush."

"It's unbelievable. Someone else is amazing once. This luck brother came so many
times a day."

"Who is this luck brother? This is too great."

Later, when we saw Chen Ze's video again, everyone ’s mentality changed. The video
that was enough to shock everyone was another sensational video on others. On Chen
Ze, everyone had Already used to:

"Oh, here it is again."

"This wave is not working. Luck has only thirteen consecutive victories, and three
of them have allowed the opponent to play half of the cards."

"Well, luck wins again."

But the only thing that is common is that people are worshipping Chen Ze more and
more, and Chen Ze is becoming more and more popular.

Many people want to know, who is this luck brother? (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 132: Platinum Challenge

Upon returning home, Fang Qing immediately received Chen Ze's WeChat: "Haha, ready
to invite you to dinner, I have done it in" Super Landlord ". Lewen"

"what's the situation?"

Seeing this WeChat, Fang Qing froze directly. Of course, she knew that this was
what Chen Ze said before the two of them agreed. But, is it really possible to copy
that kind of miracle deck?

Fang Qing thought that it was completely impossible, and made this bet with Chen

"Did Chen Ze really copy it again?"

With this in mind, she quickly opened Super Landlord, went to the video library and
watched it. In the first video, she saw the words of luck, and knew that this was
Chen Ze's video.

"I'll see if you really copied it."

Speaking, Fang Qing opened the video and started watching it. Then she froze.

Because she saw in the video, Chen Ze's account was really the same as the first
video, constantly playing good cards, and easily and rudely winning, and it turned
out to be more than ten games in a row.

"This, how is this possible, how can it be copied."

Fang Qing murmured to himself, he couldn't believe his eyes. Chen Ze, who had
thought it impossible to copy, actually copied it.

It's incredible, it's incredible.

She slipped down the video and wanted to see how netizens commented. But at this
time, she was even more shocked:

"This video doesn't work. It seems that luck of Brother Luck has declined a little
bit, and it's just a 12-game winning streak."

"That is, and there is only one bomb in three or four consecutive games, and one of
them almost won the opponent."

"Average, I think it's average."

Looking at these evaluations, Fang Qing felt that she was going crazy all over, no!
general! There is only one bomb!

This, this is the evaluation of this video?

Such a bad luck video, these netizens turned out to be like this? What the **** is
going on?

Fang Qing, who did not play this game one day, felt that she had no idea about this
game. Not only Chen Ze copied this super luck card group, but also these players
who watched the video were not satisfied with each one, but also felt that .

This made Fang Qing feel too crazy and incredible. When and when did such decks
become ordinary words that can be described?

Fang Qing shook his head, his heart was full of doubts.

But then she understood why these netizens would leave messages like this.

Because after she quit this video, she suddenly found that there are five or six
videos below this video. Moreover, it was all Chen Ze's video.

Opening these videos, Fang Qing found that it was all a kind of luck battle.

Not once. This day, Chen Ze directly copied this magic card group five or six

"It's hard, no wonder, it's no wonder that those players are so ordinary, nothing
seems to happen. It took half a day because Chen Ze did it five or six times in one
breath. It's no wonder that everyone sees more."

Fang Qing muttered to herself, although she finally understood the reasons why
those players kept those words. However, she was extremely shocked. Chen Ze was
able to replicate this god-level luck deck five or six times.

"This, this is impossible. Chen Ze, how exactly did he copy it?"

Fang Qing murmured to herself, she picked up her mobile phone and looked at Chen
Ze's WeChat avatar, and suddenly felt that Chen Ze's magic seemed to be beyond her
expectations. No matter how she knew Chen Ze, Chen Ze seemed to be able to give her
new knowledge and new surprises.

"I lost, what you want to eat, choose it yourself, I will pay." Finally, Fang Qing
sent a message to Chen Ze in the past.


Super landlord, inside the game company, in the CEO's office.

The boss of the game "Super Fighting Landlord" is named Yang Xu. At the moment,
there is a touch of worry and toil on his face.

Of course, his company is not just a game called "Super Landlord", but it is
currently the most popular game with the most players and the most influential

Therefore, this one has become the top priority of their company. In order to make
this game a national game, Yang Xu also did not know how much hard work he made.

And now he was troubled by another worry. The trouble is that he opened an online
platinum qualifying game in this game to attract more netizens to pay attention to
the game, and also increase the popularity of the game.

His plan for this qualifying game is divided into two types. One is to invite ten
high-profile players with high skills in the game to attract attention. The other
is to open the registration channel, allowing players to register on their own, and
then eleven winners are battled out.

Then the 21 winners of these two kinds of elections were disrupted into groups, and
they faced each other. Finally, one, two, and three were selected.

The second type is currently in full swing. There are already a considerable number
of applicants, and only eleven winners are finally determined.

However, the first one encountered embarrassment, because it was necessary to

select ten high-profile and high-skilled players. They had already selected ten,
but suddenly one said that there was something that could not participate in this

The other candidates also failed to participate in this event because of other
things in the time period of the competition.

So to this day, the event is missing one person.

Of course, you can also choose one more person in the second one. But Yang Xu just
wanted to pick another one with high popularity, so that the gimmick was bigger.

So at this moment Yang Xu is worrying about this matter and don't know who to

"Mr. Yang, I have a candidate here, and this candidate will be fine."

At this time, an employee came in and said excitedly.

"Who?" Yang Xu asked, but his interest was not great. Because the person he
requires must be a player with a very famous or influential, ordinary little
player, he really looks down on it.

"It's him, luck brother Ozawa." The employee said, picking up the computer and
preparing a video of Chen Ze to Yang Xu.

"Luck brother? I haven't heard of it. It shouldn't be a very famous player." Yang
Xu frowned and said that this person totally did not meet his requirements.

"This person came out these two days, but the fame of these two days is very high.
Although it is not up to your standard, but after watching his match video, I feel
I can join him. This player, really It was so lucky. "The employee said excitedly.

"Too lucky?" Yang Xu was scratching his head and didn't understand what he was
talking about, but he still watched the video of Chen Ze's game, and then he was

"This, this, how can this be so lucky, how can such a good card come so many times
in a row? It won't be any bug in our system." Yang Xu said, feeling that Chen Ze
was too lucky. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"I checked President Yang ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Our game has no problems and no
bugs. This shows that it is the player's own luck to have so many such good decks.
And these videos of him have already ignited in our game. Everyone feels very
miracle and curious about this player. So I think this person is worthy of our
invitation. "The employee began.

He knows that although Chen Ze's popularity is incomparable with those of the most
popular players, the card skills don't seem to be very high. However, Chen Ze has
his own characteristics and characteristics. Such a good popularity, once he
participates in the game, other people must come to watch the game even if he wants
to see his luck.

If that's the case, then you can make money.

That's why he wanted to invite Chen Ze to invite Chen Ze to participate in this


"If that's the case, it's really worth the invitation." Yang Xu said, he looked at
Chen Ze's video, and still felt very incredible, then suddenly he laughed, "lucky
brother, the name is really appropriate. Then Just invite him. Although it seems
from the video that apart from luck, his card skills are not good, even if he
participates in the competition, I can't go far by relying on it. But try to let
him participate in this competition. With him, Our game will be more interesting.
"(To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 133: Gamble God

Genius remembers for a second and provides you with wonderful novel reading.

"Welcome Ozawa players to participate in our Platinum Challenge. We will have rich
prizes for the top three. If you are willing to participate, please click Yes, if
you do not have time to participate, please click Unwilling. If you want, two days
later There will be competitions. "

Looking at the news from the computer's "Super Landlord" game background, Chen Ze
was lost in thought. He has not heard of the Platinum Challenge before, and just
checked it on the official website. It looks like this game is very hot, and many
people participated in it. .

However, Chen Ze did not expect that the backstage of the game sent him an
invitation letter, and from the content of the letter, it turned out that he was
invited as a special guest to directly enter the finals.

Chen Ze knows that this competition is divided into two types of preliminaries and
finals. Normal players need to participate in the preliminaries, while players
invited by the game party can directly participate in the finals.

Chen Ze also thought about participating in this competition, but did not expect to
be invited like this.

But without hesitation, he clicked the agree button.

Because he himself wants to participate in this competition and wants to increase

his popularity through this competition, then accepting this invitation is no doubt
a thing. It's okay to lose anyway. Winning can win popularity and prizes.

And more important thing is that this time you can directly participate in the

To be honest, although there is luck in gambling, Chen Ze also knows that luck is
always good and bad. If you start from the preliminaries, you may kill the Quartet
all the way. Of course, it is very likely that because of bad luck, they fell
directly into the preliminary round.

So naturally, it would be much better to participate directly in the finals.

Although the final opponents are certainly not low, they may be eliminated at once.
But being eliminated in the finals and being eliminated in the preliminaries are
two completely different concepts, and the popularity that can be gained is also
completely different.

So naturally, Chen Ze would definitely agree.

And after clicking the consent, he turned off the computer, opened the system, and
before starting to watch, a sound came from the system: "Congratulations to the
host, your popularity has reached one hundred, and you can start the lottery."

"Can you draw?"

Hearing the words of the system, Chen Ze showed a rejoicing expression on his face.
In the past two days, due to the relationship between the videos, Chen Ze's
popularity has increased rapidly, so Chen Ze knows that he can almost draw today.

He turned on the system to see how far it was from a hundred.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned on the system, his popularity was full.

Therefore, Chen Ze was very excited, and opened the lucky draw page with WeChat on
his face, and then various gambling skills flashed on this page again.

"If you get a good skill, you must get a good skill."

Looking at the flashing skills, Chen Ze murmured to himself, although this time the
popularity value seems to be relatively good. But Chen Ze didn't want to waste any
chance, hoping to get a good skill every time.

Just as he began to pray, the flashing of the skill page stopped slowly, and then
four big characters appeared on the page, followed by a row of small characters:
"Gambling God. Analysis and Calculation of Gambling God". Ability, combined with
the eyes of the **** of gamblers, can accurately analyze the cards in the
opponent's hands, as well as his current state of mind. "

"The ability to analyze and calculate God of Gambler, this, this, this is great."

Seeing this line of big and small print, Chen Ze smiled on his face. He knows that
the so-called gambling is actually the ability to analyze and calculate. Who knows
the most detailed and reliable analysis on the board and who can figure out how to
play cards is the most beneficial method for himself. These can Is to determine the
outcome of a gamble.

The gambler tycoons recorded in many history books are actually not how good their
thousands of skills are, but that they have very strong analytical and computing

And the analysis and calculation ability of God of Gamblers, is that useless?

So Chen Ze was excited, very excited: "Gambling God's analysis and calculation
skills, if I got this ability, wouldn't it mean that I almost got the most
important skills of Gambling God."

"Sorry host, it seems you have misunderstood this skill."

At this time, the system said.

"Huh?" Chen Ze froze.

"It's true that Gambling God's analytical and computational skills are important,
but in fact this is not the most important ability. The reason why Gambling God can
become a Gambler is not his greatest willingness." System opening, "and actually
Even if you have acquired this skill, you still do not have the ability to analyze
and calculate God of Gambler. Is n’t that small line explained? You must cooperate
with the eye of God of Gambler to truly exert the ability of God of Gambler's
analysis and calculation. . "

Hearing the words of the system, Chen Ze hurriedly looked at the small print. Just
now he was too excited and didn't look carefully.

But now I have looked carefully and found that it is indeed the case. We must use
the eyes of God of Gamblers to analyze and calculate with the eyes of God of
Gamblers, in order to truly reach the realm of God of Gamblers in this respect.

It is far from enough to have the analytical and computing power of a gambler.

"It would be a pity, if this is not enough. I still want to win this Platinum
Challenge with this ability." Chen Ze sighed, feeling quite sorry.

"Do not feel sorry for the host." The system said at this time, "Yes, there is no
eye for God of Gamblers. There is no way to get the full analysis and computing
power of God of Gamblers, but that is for top gamblers. The words of ordinary
players in your game, even if they are more powerful, are definitely not your
opponents. The ability of analysis and calculation you can exert now is enough to
win those ordinary people, no doubt. "

"And this skill also has the effect of being able to change your aura. To know a
gambler, his aura is very important. It is very important to be able to overpower
others in the game. Things. And if equipped with this God of Gambler, you have a
hint of God ’s aura. "

"That ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ That's great."

Hearing the words of the system, Chen Ze was immediately excited, and he quickly
equipped this skill. Instantly, he felt that his mind was a lot clearer. Many
things about playing cards, not knowing gambling, and not being able to make a
decision, now he can figure them out one by one.

Even, Chen Ze had a feeling of reborn.

"This **** of gambling is really amazing." Chen Ze muttered to himself with a


If anyone who knows Chen Ze is here, it will be obvious that Chen Ze's aura and the
aura about gambling have changed.

If in the past he was just an ordinary person who likes to play two games, then now
he starts to have a temperament close to the **** of gambling.

"I won this Platinum Challenge."

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Just then, Chen Ze's cell phone rang, and he took it out to see that it was Fang
Qing's call. (To be continued.) For mobile phone users, please browse m for a
better reading experience.
Chapter FTLS 134: Open house
"Friends on the left, how are you?"

"Friend on the right, I can't hear you."

"Friends in the middle of the stands, please raise your hands."

In Yucheng Stadium, a singer stared at the audience with a microphone. He was

playing a concert here. Hearing his words, the fans shouted desperately.

"Is this exaggerated? Is it necessary to be so excited? Isn't it just a star?"

Chen Ze sat at one of the stands and muttered.

Fang Qing had called tonight to say he was going to be invited to dinner, but she
was brought here after eating.

Chen Ze doesn't like celebrities much, and scoffs at star chasing even more. So
seeing such a warm atmosphere around him, he poked his lips and couldn't

"Yes, Fang Qing, you think they are exaggerated."

Chen Ze said, turning while looking at Fang Qing beside him. After eating before,
Fang Qing said that there was nothing to do anyway, it was better to listen to the

Chen Zeyi summed up, I think it is really good, so I came here. He did not expect
that the atmosphere at the scene was so enthusiastic. He also felt that Fang Qing
was also very surprised.

He turned his head, trying to find identity with Fang Qing, but only saw that Fang
Qing stood up excitedly, shouting desperately, just like other fans.


Chen Ze suddenly realized at this moment, what Fang Qing said had nothing to do
after dinner, and came to listen to the song, she was lying to herself. Obviously
she likes the star so much, she seems to be looking at this concert.

"I'm still losing money."

Chen Ze spoke at this time, and he came across a problem.

Fang Qing invited him to dinner tonight, and it only cost more than 300. And he
asked Fang Qing to watch the concert, because they bought tickets from the cattle,
one is six hundred, and two spent a full twelve.

Counting it, he lost nearly a thousand dollars.

Thinking of this, Chen Ze wanted to say something to Fang Qing, but turned around
and found that Fang Qing became more excited, with excitement and smile on his
face, looking happy.

Therefore, his side face was also very beautiful, which caused Chen Ze's heart to
"Forget it, it's not a loss to see such a side face."

Thinking about this, Chen Ze simply turned around and looked at Fang Qing's face

"Ah, it's so nice. It's so nice. I like this singer the most. It's really not a
loss to come to this concert."

Suddenly, as the performance on the stage became more intense, Fang Qing became
more excited. She grabbed Chen Ze with both hands, and Chen Ze caught off guard and
fell directly to the ground:

"Sure enough, I still lose."


"Is that singer's song so good?"

After the concert, Chen Ze and Fang Qing were on the way out. Chen Ze rubbed his
fallen shoulder and said. This was his first time and he was so excited to see Fang

"Of course, this singer is my favorite singer when I was a kid. He is fifty years
old this year and he is nearing retreat. Now I can hear a concert from him, do you
know how difficult it is? Fang Qing said excitedly, saying she looked at Chen Ze
strangely, "Chen Ze, why are you rubbing your shoulder? What's wrong?"

It turned out that Fang Qing didn't even notice that she pushed Chen Ze to her.

"It's okay, it's just, I just fell a bit." Chen Ze said.

"Fell a bit? When? Chen Ze, you have to be careful. How can you fall without any
reason?" Fang Qing said with concern.

"..." After hearing Fang Qing's words, Chen Ze was a little speechless.

"Is that celebrity really good? Maybe that day, I will also be a singer." Chen Ze
said. He knew that it was only a matter of time. Sooner or later, he would be
released by the system to become a singer.

By then, he hopes Fang Qing will be his first fan.

"Hee hee, it's just feelings. The singer's voice can't be compared with what I
heard when I was a kid, it's just feelings." Fang Qing laughed. "But if you are a
singer, I will give my full support and wait for you At the concert, I must buy the
front row.

Fang Qing had a joke on her face, apparently she did not take Chen Ze's words to
heart, and did not think that Chen Ze would be a singer one day.

"That's good, let's say that." Chen Ze said, but he was very serious.

"A word is the answer." Fang Qing nodded.

The two spoke, and then walked out of the stadium. At this time, the two were
dumbfounded, and saw that people and cars were piled up outside. Looking at it, all
the traffic was already blocked.

Chen Ze and Fang Qing came from Mei Sang Rui who drove Chen Ze. The black Mei Sang
Rui was now blocked in the parking lot and couldn't get out at all.

At this time, Fang Qing turned to look at Chen Ze, and said with great confidence:
"Chen Ze, your car skills are so good, there must be a way to drive the car out."

"Not even the car **** can drive out." Chen Ze reluctantly cried.

What a joke, if this situation can drive the car out, then it is not the car god,
but Superman, because only Superman can fly out of the road with the car.

"It's troublesome, how can we go back?" Fang Qing said, frowning.

Yucheng is very big and is no smaller than the provincial capital. The location of
Yucheng Stadium is more than half an hour by car from Chen Ze and Fang Qing's

If Chen Ze was driving, it would naturally be faster, but now, there is no other

"Can't you go back? Go to the hotel to open a room?"

Suddenly, Chen Ze thought of this possibility, and his heart suddenly moved. He
wanted to tell Fang Qing this suggestion, but after looking at Fang Qing, he
couldn't say anything.

"Forget it, it looks like you can't go back with your car." Fang Qing said at this
time, looking helpless.

"Yes, yes, definitely can't go back." Chen Ze nodded quickly, looking forward to
what Fang Qing said later.

"So, let's go back by bus." Fang Qingdao.


Chen Ze nodded helplessly, so the two walked towards the outside. After walking a
long way, we came out of the crowded highway and saw a bus stop.

"That's where, let's wait there." Chen Ze said.

"it is good."

Fang nodded, but for a long time, no bus came.

"What's going on? Why hasn't there been a car? There should be buses now." Chen Ze
was a little strange.


At this time, Fang Qing's voice was suddenly heard. He turned around and saw that
Fang Qing was pointing at the bus stop, and a piece of paper was pasted on the stop
sign: "Maintenance of buses on this line, bus services are suspended for a day. "

"This." Chen Ze pointed to the paper, feeling a little happy.

"It looks like taking a bus is no longer possible."

"Let's take a taxi instead." Fang Qingdao.


No way, Chen Ze accompanied Fang Qing to the road and waited for a taxi.

While waiting, Chen Ze turned on his mobile phone and was ready to listen to the
broadcast from Yucheng, which was boring anyway.

"Now we report a message to you, because of the problem of rising taxi prices, all
taxis in this city have been on strike for a day. You must pay attention to taxis.
There are no taxis today."

"This one."

Hearing this news, Chen Ze felt a bit magical, and such a thing would happen, too

"It seems that God wants me to open a room with Fang Qing tonight ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen Ze thought to himself.

"It's okay, don't forget the taxi software."

At this time, Fang Qing said again. Then, she took out the taxi software and was
ready to take a taxi.

"Fuck, there is still this."

Hearing Fang Qing's words, Chen Ze was extremely annoyed. Although he was once a
driver of the online car hire, now he can't wait for such a car to never appear.

He looked at Fang Qing, who was seriously looking at the taxi software, and knew
that today was no drama. Fang Qing did not seem to be such a casual person and
could not go to open a room with himself.

Knowing this, Chen Ze was a bit regrettable, and felt that Fang Qing was indeed a
good girl.

"Chen Ze, let's go open the house."


Suddenly heard Fang Qing's words again, Chen Ze directly fell again. (To be

Chapter FTLS 135: Draw card

"I really saw a ghost today, the bus was stopped, the taxi was on strike, and even
the taxi software was maintained. It is not available today." Fang Qing said in the
hotel room.

"Yeah, it's bad luck, it's really bad luck."

Sitting on another bed, Chen Ze nodded and smiled.

"Why can't you feel the word" Unlucky "on your face?" Fang Qing looked at Chen Ze
and said.
"Where is it? I really feel bad." When Chen Fang heard what he said, Chen Ze's face
resumed seriousness, facing Fang Qing seriously. "Do you believe it, I can squeeze
some tears now."


Fang Qing continued: "Even if we open a house, why can't we open two."

"No money, I bought all the ox tickets for my money. If you have enough money, you
can open two." Chen Ze said.

"This." Fang Qing reluctantly, "My money has invited you to dinner, and the rest
are in the card, but the card was not brought out. I don't know if I have to open a
room to sleep today."

"Yeah, so it's helpless for us to open a room." Chen Ze said, looking at Fang
Qingdao with a good-looking gentleman. "Be assured, I won't do anything, you won't
be in danger."

"The more you say that, the more I think I'm dangerous." Fang Qing said.

"It's okay, please believe in my character." Chen Ze said. "And we are the starting
point. How can this kind of plot start with three years and the maximum death

Hearing his words, Fang Qing sat on the bed: "But it's okay, don't forget that I am
a policeman and a black belt of Tae Kwon Do. Really want to start, who of us is not
uniform yet."


After hearing Fang Qing's words, Chen Ze remembered it, yeah, she was a black belt
in Taekwondo, and she had accidentally discounted the hands of the gangsters.
Really want to start, the fallen man must be himself.

"Abominable, why my mission this time is to be a **** of gambling. If it's a boxer,

then it won't work." Chen Ze muttered to himself.

"What do you say, you can do it?" Fang Qing asked.

"Ao, it's okay, otherwise you go to the shower first, it's late at night, let's go
to bed earlier." Chen Ze said.

Although it may not beat Fang Qing, nothing can be done. But it's not bad to see
the beauty out of the bath.

So Chen Ze is looking forward to it, looking forward to Fang Qing's bath.

That scene must be very exciting.

"Forget it, I won't wash it, I'll wash it at home tomorrow." Fang Qing said, taking
off his jacket and getting into her quilt.

Not to mention taking a bath, not even taking off two pieces of clothes.


Chen Ze was disappointed and felt that the room was open for business today,
especially when he came out and found that Fang Qing was actually asleep.
"Sleeping really fast."

Looking at Fang Qing on the other bed, Chen Ze murmured to himself, a little
disappointed. Some of the expected fragrant plots did not happen, but Chen Ze also
yawned, and then turned into his quilt.

Soon, Chen Ze also whimpered and fell asleep.

"This guy sleeps really fast, and I was worried for nothing."

On the other bed, Fang Qing actually got up from the bed, and she didn't fall
asleep at all.

She looked at Chen Ze who was asleep, and looked at the moonlight coming through
the window: "In this case, I really can't sleep."

In the early morning the next morning, Chen Ze woke up in a burst of urine. This is
his habit every morning, and it is the same today. He was confused, getting up from
the bed, ready to go to the bathroom to solve this problem.

As he walked, Chen Ze yawned and rubbed his eyes.

Going to the bathroom, he reached out and pulled the door open.


As soon as he opened the bathroom door, there was a sound inside, and the confused
Chen Ze was instantly awake and he saw it.

Fang Qing, Fang Qing even took a bath in it. At this moment, nothing!


"on purpose."

"Not intentional."

"It must have been intentional, knowing that I was taking a bath in it, and
deliberately went to see it."

"I'm so sleepy, how could it be intentional." Chen Ze said, facing Fang Qingdao,
"Moreover, didn't you say last night that you went home to take a shower, why did
you take a shower in it early in the morning . "

"I can't help it. I can't go home at night. I have to go to work. I must take a
bath." Fang Qing said. "I thought I could take advantage of you if you didn't get
up in the morning to take a shower. "

"It's not an opportunity at all." Chen Ze said again. "Finally, my eyes are short-
sighted. Yes, my eyes are very poor. It's five or six hundred baidus. People and
animals can't be separated from three meters away. I just didn't see anything at
all. clear."

"Is this really the case? Then why don't you bring glasses?" Fang Qing asked.

"To maintain the image," Chen Ze said.

"Huh!" Fang Qing thought.

"Really, I never lie." Chen Ze added.

"That's pretty much." Fang nodded, "But you still have to pay me."

"What are you paying for?" Chen Ze asked.

"This." Fang Qing thought for a while and took out his mobile phone. "Yes, a super-
pussy card battle has recently been developed in Super Landlord. If you win me,
this time will be all right Now. "

"Really?" Chen Ze asked.

"Of course." Fang nodded.

"All right, let's try it."

Having said that, Chen Ze also took out his mobile phone, and then accepted Fang
Qing's invitation to enter this two-person draw card game.

This game is very simple, that is, draw cards with each other, and disappear when
you make a pair of cards. In the end, whoever the ghost card is, loses. Chen Ze has
played before, but this is his first time playing this on his phone.

"Come on," Chen Ze said.


Fang Qing nodded and drew the first card from Chen Ze.

Next, it was Chen Ze's turn, and he didn't have a ghost card in his hand, which
means that it was clear that the ghost card was in Fang Qing's hand.

However, it is not clear which one is Chen Ze.

He picked a random one and was ready to draw it. At that moment, he looked at the
expression on Fang Qing's face, and suddenly a data appeared in his mind: "This
card is a concept of ghost card, no more than 5%, it is recommended to draw."

"What?" Chen Ze was startled. He never played such a data analysis in the past.

"Host, this is the analysis and calculation power that you have drawn from God of
Gamblers. It runs automatically. When you start gambling, they will automatically
analyze the cards in your opponent's hands to give you the best response." The
system said at this time. .

"That was the case." Chen Ze nodded, but suddenly he became excited.

This God of Gambler's analysis and calculation ability seems to be more powerful
than he imagined. He can analyze the probability of cards in a probabilistic way.
After that, if you play cards with others yourself, wouldn't you be able to analyze
your opponent's cards so that it will not be disadvantageous?

"Host, your idea is also good. But the ability to calculate and analyze is also
based on your opponent's performance. If there are more flaws in their performance,
the analysis will be more accurate. If it is a real master, there is still a face
There will be a lot of confusion and concealment in the way the cards are played.
At that time, the analysis and calculation ability alone will not win. "The system
said again.
"That's the case." Chen Ze nodded, "but it's the same." He looked at Fang Qing:
"And this ability, there is no problem in dealing with Qing Dynasty."

"The probability of this card is less than 30%, it is recommended to draw."

"The probability of this card being a ghost card is 60%, and drawing is not

"The probability of this card being a ghost card is 20% ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ It is

recommended to draw."


With the help of this analysis and calculation, Chen Ze once again easily won Fang
Qing, and still won three games in a row, leaving Fang Qing dumb.

"Forget it, why not only do you have good luck fighting the landlord, but also the
luck of the ghost card. You have won three consecutive games."

"Is that really the case?" Chen Ze laughed.

"Well, forget it." Fang Qing nodded.

"If that's the case, then, wouldn't I be in the future." Chen Ze said, thinking
about it carefully, he felt that it would happen a little more like this in the

"No." At this moment, Fang Qing seemed to think of something, "Chen Ze, weren't you
a driver before? And you could drive the car so fast. I didn't see you with glasses
at that time, in principle. Your dynamic vision should be much better than ordinary
people, how could you be myopia !!! "(To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 136: dispute

"Come on, the list of Platinum Challenges should be released soon. @ 乐 @ 文 @"

"Of course, isn't the official saying that it will be released at three o'clock,
it's only a few minutes from three o'clock."

"Hey, I am looking forward to this game. After all, it is the first large-scale
game from Super Landlord. I really want to know which ten players they promote
directly into the final."

"I heard that these are the top people in the current rankings, and each one of
them is very good, and they are also very famous in this game."

At more than two in the afternoon, countless players gathered in "Super Landlord",
they are waiting for one thing, that is, the list of the Platinum Challenge is

Due to the rich rewards of this Platinum Challenge and the vigorous promotion of
the game's company, countless players know this game, and many of the same players
are looking forward to it.

At the same time, they also knew in the previous announcement that there will be
ten specially invited players this time directly into the finals, and the list of
these ten invited players will also be announced this afternoon, so everyone is
very curious and want to know this Who are the ten players invited to the finals?
Before the list was announced, players discussed in game forums and groups.

"Come out, come out, the list comes out."

"Let ’s go and see. The list is out. The list of ten players is out."

"Finally come out. Everyone go and see."

Soon, it was three o'clock, and then the entire game forum and the large groups of
people exploded. Everyone spread the news, and then countless players rushed to the
bottom of this announcement page and started to look at this. Ten players come.

"Feng Qingqu, I know this player. He has won more than 8,000 games in" Super
Landlord ", but he is the famous king of victory. I guess he should be there. . "

"I love Er Ha. This great **** has also played. His card skills are incredible. I
have played against him and he is not his opponent at all. Although he has only won
5,000 games, he is all. The game has the highest win rate of more than 5,000 games.

"The snow of the night actually invited this person. This person is also a well-
known player. I heard that he is a professional gambler in Macau casinos. He has a
very good card skills. We just relax and play this game."

"Awesome, sure enough, it really is some great gods."

Everyone looked at the list one by one, and suddenly they were a little stunned.
Everyone felt that it was the case, and indeed they invited some well-known players
and great gods.

But at this time, some players questioned one of the people on this list:

"Well, who is this Ozawa? Why hasn't he heard of him?"

"Yes, who is this Ozawa? Look at his record and he won more than a hundred games.
It is just an ordinary player among ordinary players. How can there be him?"

"Hey, why is there such a player in this group of great gods? This player will not
be the biological son of this game company, why will he be one of this great god?"

"Yeah, I don't agree."

Some players speak in forums and groups. Everyone thinks it's too strange. Although
Chen Zeyun luck brother is a little famous in this game, it is nothing compared
with the huge users. Most users actually listen Never heard the name of Chen Ze's
Ozawa player.

So now he suddenly saw that he was also on top, and immediately felt confused and

"I know this Ozawa. He's just luck."

"Yeah, I couldn't think luck was here."

"It's terrible. I didn't think I was lucky. Not only did he swipe the screen, he
was even selected among the ten great gods who went directly to the final."

However, players soon recognized Chen Ze, and then a large number of players
recognized or knew Chen Ze, and knew why he was selected to enter.
Many players who do n’t know Chen Ze stunned after watching Chen Ze ’s video.

But despite this, everyone's doubts about Chen Ze did not stop:

"Although this Ozawa's luck is indeed exaggerated, he is still not eligible to be

selected into the ten great gods who directly enter the finals."

"That is, in the final analysis, it's just luck. I watched his videos. Once his
cards were bad, he lost directly. The card skills were not good at all, let alone
the other nine. The people on the list are compared. "

"Why, this is just a shady, this Ozawa is not qualified at all. Why does a person
with bad card skills go directly to the finals by virtue of luck? I do n’t believe
that no matter how good his luck is, he can always win. ? "

"If it starts from the preliminary round, I guarantee that Ozawa won't make it to
the final. He now directly enters the final and there is absolutely a shady."

Many people left messages. Everyone was questioning Chen Ze. They all felt that
Chen Ze was ineligible and totally ineligible to be selected into the list of the
ten great gods who entered the finals directly. Many people even think that this
game has a shadow, otherwise Chen Ze would not be selected.

What's more, I feel that if Chen Ze starts from the preliminary round, it is
absolutely impossible for him to enter the final. Because they believe that no one
can win all the way by luck, and no one can.

The most important thing is that everyone thinks that Chen Ze is totally relying on
luck. If he has luck, he will definitely not be worse than Chen Ze. Therefore,
everyone's hearts are very unbalanced, and they feel that they have to start from
the preliminary round. Chen Ze was able to go directly to the final.

"This Ozawa is really not qualified."

Although many players have not spoken ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, they have the same idea
in their hearts.

Therefore, not only did they speak in the forums and groups, they also went to the
official website of Super Landlord and left a message, saying that Chen Ze was not
eligible, and asked to remove Chen Ze from that list.

However, it seems that the game company identified Chen Ze and ignored these
netizens' messages. There was even an announcement saying that Ozawa was a player
they identified as meeting the standards of one of the Ten Great Gods.

Seeing this attitude of the Super Landlord game company, many players were also
angered. They even thought that Chen Ze was completely ineligible and clamored:

"You wait, Ozawa. If I make it to the finals, I want you to look good."

"That is, by luck, if I reach the finals, I will hang you with a card."

"When I get to the finals, I don't believe your luck can be used in the finals."

"Hum, wait for you." (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 137: Little God King
Genius remembers for a second and provides you with wonderful novel reading.

Wang Jin was very depressed, very depressed.

Originally, he was one of the well-known players of Super Landlord, and even had
the title of great god. He also has a lot of fans, and he has opened several fan

Sometimes he even thinks that he can be a anchor and live broadcast fights with
landlords, maybe he has an annual income of over ten million.

However, since losing once, Wang Jin found his luck to go down sharply, not only
because of the winning streak was interrupted, the title of Great God was
automatically reduced to "Little God" by "Super Landlord", but also because of that
hand, he completely became After the joke in the mouth of the fan, I don't know how
many people took off the powder. Many people even called him another nickname, the
guy who was hanged by luck brother.

In contrast to him, the player who hanged him and the player's name was Ozawa. He
thought that time was just his luck, and this kind of luck is difficult to copy.
However, I never expected that the latter Ozawa kept copying it, and became a
famous person in this game through these videos.

Even many of his fans took off and ran to fan Ozawa.

So he was very depressed, very depressed.

"The guy who was smashed by luck, it's your turn."

Just when Wang Jin was depressed, a message came from his computer, which was sent
by another player in the game he was playing.

Seeing this news, Wang Jin responded quickly, played a card, and then seemed to
think of something, and quickly said: "I don't call the guy hanged by luck brother,
I am very powerful, I also used to Has the title of great god. [] "

"Isn't it a little **** now, and it was hanged that time, but everyone saw it. Your
performance was very good." Another player said.

"·····" Wang Jin was speechless and didn't know how to refute, but he was going to
give this guy a lesson in this card game, he looked at his card, no problem, today
this You can win a game.

"Let you see, I am a great god." Wang Jin thought to himself, waiting for the
person's card, and then showing his power.

"Plane, Wang Fang, 3456789, finished."

At this moment, such a voice came out from the computer, and the player turned out
to be so smooth that he suddenly won Wang Jin.


Seeing that he actually won himself in the opposite direction, Wang Jin couldn't
help but swear. He still had one victory to recover from the little **** to the big
god. Now, this is all done again.

Wang Jin was even more depressed. He felt that since he played against Chen Ze, the
card game had completely collapsed. It has been several times, and his winning
streak number of times has been able to return to the great god, but every time
this is the case, was terminated at the last step.

This time it was again, and he almost vomited blood.

"Thank you, the guy crushed by luck brother, I still have a great **** who can rise
in a row, and now I finally become a great god."

At this time, the other player spoke, and with his words, the word "great god" was
raised on the person's head.

"This, this Nima!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Jin finally couldn't help it, and an old blood spurted out.


"Have you heard? I heard that the Platinum Challenge has begun."

"Yes, the preliminaries will start in half an hour. The finals will be tomorrow.
The finals will be eleven people determined from the budget. In addition to the ten
people invited by the game party, I heard that those ten people are all real gods.
Not the title god, but the real god. "

"I also know, and I also looked at the list of the ten great gods, and one of them
turned out to be luck brother, that Ozawa."

"Yeah, I think he should not be up to standard except for his luck. How could he
suddenly be on the list of the ten great gods?"

In a group of "Super Landlords" by Wang Jinjia, suddenly everyone began to talk

about the Platinum Challenge.

Looking at these speeches, Wang Jin froze first.

He had also heard of the Platinum Challenge before, but was not very interested in
it and therefore did not plan to participate.

But after seeing these words now, his mind is different, especially after seeing
Chen Ze participating, and being selected as one of the ten great gods.

His mind immediately became active, and he was very jealous of Chen Ze and wanted
to participate in the competition.

Because he actually wanted to avenge Xue hate and want a shame before he was beaten
by Chen Ze that day. He felt that the reason he would lose that time was only
because of the good luck of Chen Ze. If he played another round, he didn't think he
would lose.

However, he never found a chance, because he was not Chen Ze's friend, he could not
invite Chen Ze, and could only hit luck to match. And matching, it is difficult to
meet Chen Ze, especially in so many games for players.

Sure enough, these days he has never matched Chen Ze.

But now, he saw the words of these people and knew that as long as he passed the
preliminaries, he would have a good chance to play against Chen Ze. Suddenly, Wang
Jin's mind became active, he quickly transferred to the registration entrance, and
clicked to sign up.

Then he waited, waiting for the official start of the preliminary round.

Soon, the preliminaries officially started. Not to mention, this Wang Jin really
had a few brushes, which actually played very well in the preliminaries. It can
even be said to be a big killer, and he successfully accumulated enough points. He
reached the top eleven in the preliminary rounds and even ranked sixth.

His position also guarantees that he has entered the finals tomorrow and hopes to
make a final matchup with Chen Ze.

After passing through, Wang Jin almost wanted to hang up in the sky. He felt
ashamed of it, and even the opportunity to become famous throughout the "Super
Landlord" came.

"The player named Ozawa, you are waiting for me. I must beat you in the final."

"I hope that the game will allow me to be in the same group as that luck brother,
and I want to defeat him with my own hands."

"Ozawa, you are nothing. If you are in a group with me, I will let you know that
the landlord cannot rely on luck alone."

Excited, Wang Jin constantly brushed the screen with the big speakers he bought on
the homepage, not only expressing his excitement, but also hoping that the game
company could see his requirements and really put him and Chen Ze in a group ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ These horns have not been noticed by the game company for a
while, but many players have noticed them.

Originally because of this incident, Chen Ze became the target of criticism.

Everyone stared at Chen Ze. Now I see that some people even blatantly challenged
Chen Ze, and naturally they all followed these remarks.

"Well, wasn't this guy being beaten by that luck brother? What did he say?"

"It seems that he passed the preliminaries of this Platinum Challenge. He wants to
make the finals and luck brother to a group, a shame before."

"Here, this seems to be big news. If it's really such a group, I feel like it's too
much to watch."

"Support, support you, I hope you can hang back to that luck brother, let him know
that the landlord is not only luck."

Everyone left a message, everyone was very excited, and they all supported Wang
Jin's words. Everyone had always questioned Chen Ze, but now he finally jumped out
and blatantly challenged Chen Ze. Everyone naturally chose to support him. (To be
continued.) For mobile phone users, please browse m for a better reading

Chapter FTLS 138: Battle King Jin

"That's it, so we want to arrange you into that group with that little ****
tomorrow. I wonder if you would like to accept this arrangement?"

Inside the room, a message came from the background of Chen Ze's Super Landlord
game, telling him about the grouping tomorrow, and he planned to arrange him and
Wang Jin into a group.
"Little **** advance?"

Seeing this news, Chen Ze froze. This news told him that Wang Jin passed the
preliminaries of the Platinum Challenge, and then continued to use the speaker to
swipe the screen on the homepage, saying that he would be challenged.

This made Chen Ze very strange. He didn't remember what little **** he knew. How
could this person suddenly come out to challenge himself?

"Who is this little god?" Chen Ze returned with a message.

On the backstage, there are people from the game company "Super Landlord". After
they noticed Wang Jin's message, they also carefully understood the process of the
matter, and then they knew what was going on. It is necessary to arrange Chen Ze
and Wang Jin into a group so as to increase the focus of this game.

However, because Chen Ze himself was involved, they still came to ask Chen Ze's
opinions. However, he did not expect that Chen Ze completely forgot who Wang Jin
was. This famous Wang Jin was hanged by him, Chen Ze actually completely forgot.

If you let Wang Jin know that he has gritted his teeth and wanted to revenge Xue
Heng, he has completely forgotten him, I am afraid he really has the heart to die.

"This person is the **** of your first video." The people from the game company
went back.

"Oao, it's him. It happened a few days ago. You don't say who I really can't
remember." Chen Ze replied.

Seeing Chen Ze's reply, the game company was speechless, and he did not expect that
Chen Ze really forgot him.

"Since it was his word, I agreed, and I can set my opponent in the first game as
him." Chen Ze replied.

In fact, although he remembered who Wang Jin was, Chen Ze did not take him to heart
at all. Although Wang Jin took the initiative to challenge him, this surprised him.

But it doesn't matter. If you want to be a gambler, it doesn't matter who the
opponent is.

And that Wang Jin, it seems that the card skills are not good.

"Uh-huh, it seems really bad."

Thinking about this, Chen Ze naturally nodded and agreed.

"Okay, I'll arrange it. One of your opponents in the first match tomorrow will be
this little god." People from the game company responded that they were actually a
bit worried about whether Chen Ze would agree.

Now seeing Chen Ze agree, it is naturally overjoyed.

After replying, they immediately made arrangements, reported the news, and hung up
on the official website.

And this news, naturally caused great discussion in the game forums and various
"Unexpectedly, that luck brother really agreed, he will play the first game with
that little **** tomorrow."

"Although I didn't expect that luck brother would agree, but since he agreed, then
he must lose. Although the opponent was hanged by him once, in fact, his opponent's
card skills are very good, and he once mixed with the great **** "This kind of card
skill is not comparable to that luck brother."

"That is, although the luck of luck brother is good, but it is actually not worth
mentioning when it comes to playing cards, especially not worthy of being one of
the top ten gods this time. How did that little **** enter the preliminaries? The
luck brother must not be His opponent. "

"Unless you have such good luck tomorrow, you will lose your luck."

In the forum and in the group, there was a lot of discussion. Everyone felt that
Chen Ze had lost the match. And they are very happy one by one, very happy that
someone can teach Chen Ze.

At this moment, in Wang Jin's fan base, the news is boiling.

"Everyone can rest assured. Since that Ozawa did not know that Tian Gaodi had
accepted my challenge, I will win tomorrow. By luck, he can win me once, can he win
me twice?"

Within the group, Wang Jin spoke. After knowing that Chen Ze accepted his challenge
and was about to play him in the first game tomorrow, he was very happy, and felt
that the opportunity for shame had finally arrived.

"That's right, on light card skills, your **** is definitely far above that luck
brother. The last time was just an accident. This time he must be able to let him
know what a real landlord is."

"Tomorrow is definitely the great **** you won, what luck brother, that is not your
opponent at all."

"Unless that luck brother suddenly rises in card skills, otherwise it's impossible
to beat the Great God you by luck alone."

"The Great God will see you tomorrow, and teach us this luck brother for us."

In the group, Wang Jin's fans spoke in succession.

Although there were a lot of fans in the group because of the last thing, there are
still many old fans of Wang Jin. In addition, this time Wang Jin entered the
finals, and a lot of new fans were flashed on the homepage.

These fans are very accustomed to Chen Ze, thinking that Wang Jin is a win this
time, and they hope that Wang Jin can give Chen Ze a lesson and desperately tout
Wang Jin.

Seeing their touting, Wang Jin laughed, he was a bit forgotten, and felt that
victory had been held in his hands. It felt as if he had seen the picture of
soaring popularity after his victory over Chen Ze tomorrow.

"Everyone rest assured, that luck brother Ozawa just depends on luck, and I will
tell him tomorrow. At the gaming table, the card skills are the first. Luck cannot
guarantee his victory at all." Wang Jin With a wave, he sent out such a message,
"Tomorrow, I win."
The next day, at seven in the evening.

The final of the Platinum Challenge was held at 8 pm on this day, so from 7
o'clock, a large number of people came in this game. I have to say that the game
company really did a great job this time. The majority ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ seems
to be well known to everyone, many people, not many people have come in, want to
see the results of this competition.

On the homepage, there are seven-room direct trains that lead directly to the seven
rooms, and they can watch their games throughout.

"Which room does everyone go to watch the game?"

"Is this a question? Of course it's luck brother and that little god's room."

"That is, the most interesting aspect of this room is to see if Xiaojinjin's
revenge is successful, or luck brother explodes again."

"I guess it must be that Xiaoshenjin can win. Luck brother's luck cannot always be
so good, and Xiaoshenjin's card skills are very good. As long as luck brother can't
keep up, then he loses."

"Luck's room, this is no doubt."

Inside the group and the forum, everyone was chatting.

Most people even have a point of view, they have to go to Chen Ze's and Wang Jin's
room to see the two of them. (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 139: Declaration

"Good luck today."

In the room, Chen Ze murmured in front of the computer and was about to start the
final of the Platinum Challenge, but he continued to play Super Landlord on his
mobile phone before the start.

Chen Ze was originally worried that if the luck of the **** of gambling cannot be
exerted today, it will only depend on the skill of the **** of gambling. Although
this skill can also be analyzed and calculated in front of the computer, a large
part of it needs to be faced with the gambler and judged by observing his facial

Without this link, the effect of God of Gambling will be greatly reduced. If you
are not careful, you may have a capsize. But what made Chen Ze very happy was that
he found that his luck seemed very good today, and he won several games in a row,
and they were easily crushed.

Chen Ze knows that the luck of the gambling gods is a period of time, or else, if
it comes, it is a period of gambling.

Now that he is here, he can feel that I am afraid he will win the Platinum
Challenge today, and he will win very easily.

"It's almost time, it's time to enter the room."

Chen Ze looked at the time, it was almost time for the game, so he turned off the
phone and turned on the computer to open Super Landlord. He originally planned to
enter it directly from the background link sent by the game company. The computer
shows that he has entered the game, and everyone who is watching can see it.

But somehow, Chen Ze did not enter directly from the link. But like other
onlookers, they entered from the through train on the homepage, and wanted to see
what perspective the onlookers would see this game.

Upon entering, Chen Ze was startled, and saw that many people had gathered in this
room, and a lot of words had been left under the message board.

"So many people, if I win this game today, it will be at least a thousand people."

Looking at the number of people in this room, Chen Zemuttered to himself.

Chen Ze knew that if he wanted to reach a popularity of one thousand, the number of
people needed would be far more than one thousand. And this popularity does not
mean that people who have watched their game can become popular. They must really
like it and hope that they can win, and admire their talents to contribute to

Therefore, although many people watch Chen Ze's game, Chen Ze's popularity has
increased slowly.

But since there are so many people in this room, Chen Ze feels that there should be
no problem with more than a thousand.

"I hope that when a thousand popularity values are available, I can draw another
good skill."

Chen Ze thought to himself, while thinking so, he was curious, and because the game
had not yet begun, he brushed up the message board and wanted to see what these
watchers were saying.

"Support Xiaoshenjin, you must win this time."

"That is, Xiaojinjin will win, and he will be able to pull down the man who only
entered the finals by luck and shady."

"What luck brother, I bet he will definitely lose in the first game, just by luck,
he entered the ranks of the top ten gods, it is a joke."

"Let ’s watch it. This game will be exposed. He is not qualified to go directly to
the final."

"I don't believe it. This luck brother can continue to have such good luck in this
game? Surely this game will be eliminated."


Looking at these speeches on the message board, Chen Ze froze directly. He was very
surprised. Why these people who spoke were so rushing, as if they were all directed
at themselves.

"I don't seem to offend anyone."

Chen Ze murmured to himself that he usually played games, did not visit the forums,
and did not add game groups. He did not know about many players who were
dissatisfied with him entering the finals. So after seeing these messages, I was a
bit stupid.
"As for targeting me this way? It seems strange that I have committed some serious
crimes." Chen Ze thought again.

He continued to look at these messages, and found that they were basically targeted
at him. It was difficult for someone to speak for him, and he was besieged by many
people, and he acted like a counter-revolutionary.

This makes Chen Ze unhappy, very unhappy.

Although looking at these messages, Chen Ze almost figured out why these people
targeted him. But the more he figured it out, the more upset he felt.

"Has it been a long time because I went directly to the final? Can this be hacked?"
Chen Ze thought to himself.

"Little **** comes in."

At this moment, he refreshed the message board, and the latest message appeared. It
turned out that Wang Jin entered the game.

As soon as he came in, the message board burst immediately:

"Support you, you must win."

"We all support you for the little gods. I believe the winner this time is you."

"You are here when Little God enters. The onlookers in our room support you. I
believe you will be able to give that luck brother a lesson and tell him that it is
impossible to win the game by luck alone."

The onlookers all said, one by one cheering on Wang Jin, let Wang Jin win this

Seeing that he was so popular, some of Wang Jin's burners forgot to get up:
"Everyone can rest assured that I will win. Today I won. What luck, I just want to
avenge him and let him know that It is impossible to win me by luck. When it comes
to real card skills, he is far behind me. "

"Okay, Great God said that."

"The great **** is the great god. That's great."

"Just say to you, I support you today."

Everyone said again.

After seeing their comments, Chen Ze was annoyed and wanted to laugh out loud. He
looked at the picture of Wang Jin, who had already turned on. "Since you said that
luck cannot win you, then I will Let me see if I can win you. "

Then, Chen Ze stepped out of the room and came in from the link in the background.
Instantly, his head lighted up, representing that Chen Ze also entered the game.

"Luck brother is here, and he is entering the game."

"He's finally here, too."

"Finally here. It looks like there is a good show today."

Seeing that Chen Ze entered the competition ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ everyone said.

On the other side, Wang Jin was also excited, shaking with excitement. He looked at
Chen Ze's bright head, only to feel that the opportunity for shame had finally

"Finally the opportunity comes, finally the opportunity comes."

Wang Jin murmured to himself, he immediately reacted to what should be said at this
time, so as to combat Chen Ze's momentum and strengthen his own prestige.

"I won this game today."

Wang Jin didn't say a word, but Chen Ze immediately sent a sentence.

"I won this game today."

This is what Chen Ze wants to tell Wang Jin, but also to everyone.

In other words, this is a war statement against everyone.

Since you all say I am not worthy to go directly to the finals, I will definitely
lose. Then come, just look at who the last loser will be! (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 140: History repeats itself

"Today's game, I won. The starting oh dear"

After seeing this message from Chen Ze, Wang Jin was furious. This sentence was
originally intended to be said by him. He just thought about it and was finally
uttered by Chen Ze.

As soon as he said it out, Wang Jin suddenly felt like he was standing in the wind.

"I'm going, this luck brother is really high-profile."

"Too confident, this luck brother, wouldn't think that his luck today can be so

"It's a win, this luck brother didn't take his opponent into account at all."

The players who entered the room and watched, after seeing Chen Ze's comments, they
all froze. They did not expect that Chen Ze was so high-profile and so confident,
he said this word when he came up.

They themselves just said that Chen Ze was defeated this time, and several even
felt that Chen Ze might not dare to participate in this competition. There must be
no confidence at all.

Who knows, who knows that Chen Ze actually said such a sentence similar to the
declaration of war as soon as he came up.

This, those who had looked at Chen Chen before were foolish.

"No, I have to say a word to save my face."

Wang Jin here, he thought. Chen Ze uttered this sentence first, which made him very
upset. He felt that if he didn't pull back a game, then this time, I am afraid that
he is really in a disadvantage before the game, which is too bad for the game.
"What did you say? Right, just say!" Wang Jin thought to himself, he thought of
something to pull back.

"I have been waiting for this game for a long time, I hope you will not let me
down." Suddenly, Chen Ze sent another message.

Seeing this message, Wang Jin was dumbfounded again: "I rely on, under what
circumstances, the lines I just thought of were snatched by him again."

Wang Jin was furious, and his own lines were snatched by Chen Ze twice in a row. He
felt that he was in an absolute disadvantage and he had to save the situation.
Especially in the presence of so many people on the sidelines, we must pull back a

"That's right, just a little tone, and show disdain for this guy's previous words."
Wang Jin thought to himself, he finally thought of a line to refute Chen Ze.

"The game can start now." At this time, Chen Ze said again.


Seeing Chen Ze's third line, Wang Jin almost vomited a bite of old blood. This line
was just what he had just thought of. He just planned to use this sentence to pull
back a city. Now, Chen Ze has taken the lead again, for the third time!

"What's the situation, since the luck brother came in, the little **** couldn't say
a word when he came in, wasn't he very active before? Why can't he say a word when
he met luck brother?"

"Yeah, isn't that a shadow of luck for Brother Brother? It's so powerful that you
can't even let it go when you encounter Lucky Brother?"

"It's possible, it's very possible. Disappointed, really disappointed. I can't

think of this player."

Seeing the dialogue between Chen Ze and Wang Jin, it is accurate to see Chen Ze for
three consecutive sentences, but Wang Jin could not say a single sentence. Many
netizens said one after another, everyone shook their heads, distressed, and felt
that they looked at Wang Jin completely.

"Puff puff!"

After seeing these messages, Wang Jin finally spit out old blood: "Nima, it's not
what you think."


"This round of competition is divided into five innings, five innings and three
wins. After the completion of all seven groups, the number of advancements will be
judged based on the scores. If one of the players in one group loses the points,
the game in this group also Immediately terminated, the other two were waiting for
the ranking, and those who lost the points were eliminated. "

The Platinum Challenge officially began, and all players' computers displayed the
promotion rules for the competition. Then, seven groups of twenty-one players
officially started.

The visitors and players in each room opened their eyes wide and looked carefully.
And the most careful and most popular room is naturally Chen Zewang entering this

At the moment, under the attention of tourists in this room, Chen Ze Wang Jin also
had another player dealt a card.

Looking at the card he got, Wang Jin's mouth slightly tilted, quite proud: "Ha ha,
this time luck finally came to me, I have two bombs, a long straight, I See how you
win me. "

Looking at the cards in his hand, Wang Jin felt that he had won the first game
today, and finally he could have a shame against Chen Ze.

"Grab the landlord."

At this moment, a sound came from his computer. It turned out that Chen Ze was the
first to grab the landlord.

"I don't know whether to live or die, but dare to grab the landlord with me under
such a good situation."

After seeing that Chen Ze grabbed the landlord, Wang Jin poked his lips and thought
that Chen Ze was too unaware of life and death.

"I rob." Said, Wang Jin also clicked to grab the landlord.

"Grab the landlord." Another person also robbed the landlord.

"Grab the landlord." Chen Ze snatched it again. According to the rules, he got the

Although the landlord was lost, Wang Jin didn't panic at all. The card in his hand
is very good. There is only one extra card. As long as this card is played, then
Wang Jin knows that his hand can be discarded.

Therefore, although the landlord was lost, he didn't feel anything at all, but just
felt that Chen Ze was killing himself.


Just then, Chen Ze called again.

"Double." Wang Jin immediately followed. He is not afraid that Chen Ze will win. If
Chen Ze wants to win this game, unless he has the same luck as that day.

But with such bad luck, Wang Jin felt that Chen Ze could not possibly have it now.

"Double it." Another person followed, and the man seemed completely unconcerned.

In this way, the three people robbed the landlord, and the three people doubled. If
either side wins in this game, they can win a considerable score.

"I rely, whatever the circumstances, this first game was so big."

"Yeah, I turned it so many times in the first game. If I do that, I'm afraid I
can't play the fifth game."

"It's still the fifth game. I'm afraid this game will support the three games. The
doubling was picked by the luck brother. Is he so confident?"
"It's weird, isn't luck lucky again? Do you dare to double it now?"

Seeing Chen Ze and their three players, the onlookers were somewhat frightened.
Generally, if you do n’t care about the hand, just play casually, then it does n’t
matter how you double it.

But now it's in the game. It's so doubling now, it's really too unstable and too

Therefore, everyone looked at the person who provoked the doubling, Chen Ze, who
was very strange, wondering why he did it so much.

"Does luck have such good luck?" Everyone thought.


While everyone was thinking, Chen Ze was out of business, and his glasses suddenly
fell into disappointment. Everyone thought that Chen Ze was a great brand again,
but who knows, he actually came out with a three.

"Hahaha, player Ozawa, you lose, you dare to double that, I see how you died."

After seeing Chen Ze out a three, Wang Jin immediately spoke with a laugh.

In fact, although he didn't think that Chen Ze could still have such good luck at
all, but in the end, if anything happened, in case Chen Ze had such good luck, Wang
Jin felt that he would lose face.

Now that he saw Chen Ze's card, he felt better immediately. He only had a discarded
card. As long as the discarded card was played out, the remaining card king felt
that he had won.

Now I saw that Chen Ze played three. Just after letting him play, he finally
couldn't help it, Haha laughed, and played the superfluous card, holding Chen Ze's
card under control.

"Then, use two, then the bomb, then another long straight, and finally another
bomb. This won." After playing the deck, Wang Jin thought to himself.

"Four k. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com" At this moment, suddenly Chen Ze came

out, and the cards issued made everyone stunned. Only a single, Chen Ze actually
used four k to collect.

Especially when Wang Jin saw Chen Ze's four k's, he felt an unpleasant feeling

"Single small card, and ended up using a bomb to collect it. This, this seems a bit
familiar, the first card I played with this guy named Ozawa seemed like this."

Thinking of this, Wang Jin was more and more uneasy in his heart, afraid of history
repeating itself.

"It's impossible, impossible, and history can never repeat itself."

"Wang Beng, three, four, five, six, and seven planes are over." At this moment,
Chen Ze played cards again, throwing all the cards down in one breath.

Seeing this situation, Wang Jin was stupid. He looked at the cards in his hand and
looked at Chen Ze's finished play. He had a dreamy feeling and couldn't believe it.
"I, did I lose like this?"

History really repeats itself! (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 141: 1-way hanging

"I'm going, I just lost the first game."

"This, this, this Nima is too unscientific, and luck is so good, too unscientific."

"Oh my god, luck win again? And it's so simple and rude, my God."

"Unbelievable, this is impossible at all. Who is this luck brother? How could there
be such good luck, it was another slap."

After seeing Chen Ze flushing his cards, all the players in the room were stunned.

Most of them are specifically looking at Chen Ze's joke. I feel that Chen Ze will
never have any luck. It is impossible to be the same as before. This time to
participate in this final, it must be the first time. To lose, even to be smashed,
hanged without suspense.

However, the reality turned out to be exactly the opposite. Wang Jin did not
complete his revenge and beat Chen Ze. On the contrary, he was crushed by Chen Ze
again, and it was the simplest and ruthless, rude way to crush him.

"This, this, this is impossible."

In the end, everyone left such a sentence in their hearts, and they felt totally

"It's okay, it's just the first game. I don't believe it. The player Ozawa can
still be so lucky."

"That is, it is impossible to be so lucky all the time, it is impossible at all,

and the next few games will definitely be lost."

"Little God, we still support you. It doesn't matter if you lose a game, you will
be able to pull it back later."

At this time, many of Wang Jin's recent fans said that although they had also
suffered a considerable blow, they did not expect that the first game was like that
again, and Wang Jin was crushed by Chen Ze again.

But they still believe, or they only want to believe that Wang Jin can pull back,
so one after another.

But what happened next was completely the opposite of what they imagined or willing
to believe.

"Changsun, right, Wang fried."

"Three four five six seven, ten jqka, Xiao Wang, four two!"

When Chen Ze played cards, there were two more rounds and two crushing rounds.

Like the first game, Chen Ze once again easily crushed Wang Jin, crushing all his
opponents in this group. At the same time, it also hit the faces of everyone who
looked at him.

He actually won the first group of games with luck and ease.

"This, this, this is impossible, how is this possible. Who is this luck brother?
How can it be so powerful?"

In front of the computer, looking at the words in the computer that judged him to
lose, Wang Jin muttered to himself. He couldn't believe what happened during this

It was originally for revenge. It was originally intended to be ashamed. It was

originally thought that Chen Ze could not be so good.

But in the end, it turned out to be a fiasco. It was the same as the first time,
and there was no power to fight back. Even the cards in the hand were not defeated.

This made Wang Jin feel too incredible and completely unacceptable. It's been
decades since he learned to fight the landlord, and such things have never happened
before. During this time, it happened twice in one breath.

These two times still happened to the same person.

"This Ozawa, who is this Ozawa?"

Wang Jin muttered to himself and was hit too hard. On the one hand, he opened Chen
Ze's player account, and wanted to see who Chen Ze was.

"This is, God of Gamblers!"

Wang Jin murmured to himself, in his computer, spread the information of Chen Ze's
account, the account name was two characters, Ozawa. But I don't know how. In Wang
Jin's eyes, these two words changed, and they became two other words, God of

"This is so, this is so, my opponent is so powerful."


In the competition room, in addition to Wang Jin, the tourists watching the game
could not believe their glasses one by one. Chen Ze's game in this group was
greatly unexpected, or completely beyond their expectations.

"Bad luck, he won again, and he won again."

"It was again with such good luck that he won with such a good card. Who is this
luck brother?"

"It's incredible, it's too incredible. Brother Luck has won again, and he has won
another set of matches."

Everyone thinks that Chen Ze's luck is too exaggerated, and it seems that something
completely impossible has happened to Chen Ze constantly.

Unlike many people who expected Chen Ze to be defeated as soon as he entered the
finals, he actually won another game.

"Even this player Ozawa has good luck in this game, he can win a game, but he won't
win the next game."

"That is, it is absolutely impossible to continue to win. This luck is absolutely

impossible to replicate. In the second round, no, at most, he will lose, and he
will lose.

"It is impossible to win, it is absolutely impossible to win the next game."

"If I can still win later, I will streak live."

Then, after finally accepting Chen Ze and easily winning a game, many players left
messages in this room one after another. These people are the envy of Chen Ze
before, thinking that Chen Ze does not have any qualifications to become the top
ten players, directly into the final player.

They had previously asserted that Chen Ze was going to lose in the first game of
the final, and it was a fiasco.

But now the situation is exactly the opposite of what they said. Chen Ze easily
won, and again easily hanged. Chen Ze's win can be said to have severely swelled
their faces.

Therefore, these people naturally became embarrassed and angry, and jumped out one
after another and said that even if Chen Ze won the first game, he would definitely
not win the second game.

But the thing is exactly the opposite of what they said. Chen Ze's next game is
exactly the same as this first game. In each group of games, he is a card player,
easily hanged and crushed.

The competitions of other groups are time-consuming, labor-intensive, and incapable

of finishing a game in half a day ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, and Chen Ze has won easily
every time. The time of one game is actually only two. Between three minutes.

In this way, Chen Ze even hanged all the way to the final game. In the process of
hanging on the road, everyone was speechless.

Many of those who questioned Chen Ze before now have gone out. They couldn't find
anything at all, and then questioned Chen Ze again.

The previously so-called Chen Ze's luck was unsustainable, and the argument that he
could never win the game was absolutely a joke.

"This, luck brother entered the final game."

"Oh my god, luck of luck is really so good. He crushed all the way, but his
crushing opponents also had several people in the top ten gods. He was crushed by
him without temper."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today, I would be incredible. There would be
such a good guy in the world."

"It's incredible, it's incredible." (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 142: The last enemy

"Congratulations to Ozawa, who successfully entered the top three, and will hold
the final final at the same time tomorrow evening."
While Chen Ze won today's last game, such a message appeared on the entire homepage
of Super Landlord.

It turned out that according to the rules of the "Super Fighting Landlord" Platinum
Challenge, the players who entered the top three and could participate in the final
match tomorrow will be notified in this way.

At present, although the other teams are still quite a while away from the end of
their match, Chen Ze's continuous scoring of accumulated scores and records can
enter the top three anyway.

So naturally, the game company announced his information on the front page in

This announcement directly shocked the players in countless other rooms.

Although Chen Ze's room has the largest number of players, there are still a large
number of players, even more than the number of players in the room where Chen Ze
is watching.

These people did not watch Chen Ze's game, naturally they did not know the
situation of Chen Ze. Now that Chen Ze wins, they are all extremely shocked:

"My God, this, won so early? Impossible, won the top three points and record so

"Who is this Ozawa? Why is it so fast? It is impossible to play so fast. My room is

playing very slowly. I ca n’t wait more than ten minutes for a game. Why is he so

"It won so quickly? How is this Nima possible?"

These players said in succession that the most shocking thing for everyone was not
that Chen Ze won the game, but that Chen Ze actually won the game so quickly.

They played very cautiously in the room they were in, so they were very slow. Many
of them only hit half or even half of the time. But now, a player has emerged, and
he has won enough points and records to enter the top three, which really shocked
many players.

Everyone even couldn't believe their eyes, thinking that the game company was

They all looked at this message carefully and wanted to see who won. Then everyone
was shocked again.

"Ozawa, Ozawa, my God, this Ozawa will not be that luck brother."

"It's luck brother, luck brother who went directly to the finals. Isn't it that he
only has luck and can't win in the finals? Why this, how can he win?"

"My God, luck wins, and he wins so fast, so much faster than everyone else. It's
almost unbelievable."

These people recognized that Chen Ze's account was the former luck brother, and
they were all more shocked. Although these people did not go to see Chen Ze's game,
they were very concerned about Chen Ze. They all wanted to know whether Chen Ze
entered the final through the back door and whether his luck could pass in the

Although many people didn't say it, they thought it would never work. Chen Ze would
definitely lose or even fail in this game.

As a result, this, this now suddenly saw that Chen Ze actually won, a big victory,
and won the final match, and it was so fast.

How can this not surprise them, or in other words, their mouths are all about to
close, and quickly asked those players who watched the whole process of Chen Ze's
game to ask what was going on.

And after knowing what happened from other places, they were even more shocked,
feeling whether their ears were broken, otherwise how could they hear such
ridiculous words:

"It's fake. How can a person's cards be so good? It's impossible."

"Light, it's just the card game that led to the finals. Tomorrow's ultimate battle?
It's impossible."

"My God, this, this, this is unbelievable, it is impossible at all. Luck brother,
even crushed all his opponents by luck?"

These people are really surprised. One by one, it is difficult to imagine what
happened to Chen Ze. His mouth is wide and it feels difficult to digest.

While they were digesting this matter, Chen Ze was busy.

After this battle today, he has seen his popularity rise again, and it is rising
very fast. Therefore, Chen Ze even wants to win tomorrow's competition, so that the
popularity can rise by one step, a thousand popularity, and not far from the next

So although his game is over, he quietly entered the room of other people who were
playing, and wanted to see if there were any particularly difficult opponents in
it, so he could prepare in advance.

"This person is not bad. The card is very stable and looks like a veteran, but it
should not be my opponent yet."

"This person is average. He will fight tomorrow, and he will not be my opponent."

"This person is okay, but I can win him by luck alone."

While appearing in various rooms, Chen Ze muttered to himself, commenting on his

possible opponents tomorrow.

Although these people are OK, after all, they are the players who have reached the
last step. But in fact, most of Chen Ze doesn't feel very powerful, which is better
than Wang Jin who played against him.

Many of them may be crushed by luck alone, and even if they are unlucky, they
cannot play out. By counting on God of Gambling, Chen Ze felt that he could also
crush these people.

So he relaxed and prepared to watch this last room before leaving the game.

But after entering the last room and staying for a while, Chen Ze immediately felt
the extraordinaryness of one of them.

"Snow in the night, this player is amazing."

Chen Ze thought to himself that he saw a player named Night Snow. Although he was
across the computer, he could feel the momentum of this person, which was quite

In particular, his playing skills, the confusing nature of playing cards, and his
overall thinking, Chen Ze can feel that this player is far above the other two

It can be said that this hand has been firmly under his control.

In the past, Chen Ze couldn't see it ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ But since he had the idea
of gambling, Chen Ze could clearly see the situation on the poker table, but he was
evenly matched and thrilling, but In fact, the other two did not escape his

Sure enough, the final night of the game won the game, and like Chen Ze, it became
one of the three finalists tomorrow.

"Unexpectedly, there are such masters. I am afraid that the snow of the night is a
strong enemy."

Chen Ze thought to himself that he suddenly remembered something.

The luck of God of Gamblers can actually be crushed by those who have a large gap
with the God of Gamblers. The closer they are to the God of Gamblers, the stronger
their aura and fortune. I'm afraid it has no effect.

Although the snow of the night is still far from that level, Chen Ze knows that he
is far from the level of the **** of gamblers.

Therefore, it is very likely that in the face of the snow of the night, the luck of
God of Gambler cannot be played at all.

At that time, it was up to Chen Ze himself. (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 143: Finals start

"Okay, Chen Ze, I saw it as soon as I entered the game today. You have entered the
Platinum Finals tomorrow."

On the other side of the phone, Fang Qing said.

"Of course, I already said that my gambling has always been good." On the phone,
Chen Ze laughed.

"That's true, I watched your game video today and it was scary to death." Fang Qing
spoke and nodded. "If I didn't know you, I really thought you were cheating. How
can one's gambling be lucky? So good, incredible. "

"Mine is so good." Chen Ze said over the phone.

"Okay, let's talk until you win tomorrow." Fang Qing said, "I looked at tomorrow's
opponent, it seems that there is a night snow called, I heard that this person is
not an ordinary player, it seems to be a profession Gambler, the technology is very
good. Tomorrow's game is not so simple, you have to be careful. "
"Well, there is that night of snow." Chen Ze nodded. He just received the message
from the backstage of the game. One of the people who will play against him
tomorrow night is the night of snow.

"But it's okay, as long as your luck has been so good, even if it's the night snow,
it will definitely not be your opponent." On the other side of the phone, Fang
Qingdao, "Yes, the game is tomorrow at eight o'clock, I I'll definitely go watch it
then. "

"Yes, then you look forward to it tomorrow." Chen Ze replied.

"Snow in the night, snow in the night." After hanging up, Chen Ze muttered to

He was actually a little worried before that he would encounter the snow of the
night, because he felt that if he was really such an opponent, I am afraid that the
luck of God of Gambling would not play any role, and it would not be possible to
hang and crush all the way as before. Squeezed.

However, Chen Ze had bad luck, and in the end he actually encountered the snow of
the night, a real enemy.

"Hopefully tomorrow, my luck as a gambler will still work properly."


"Did you all watch? I heard that the list of tomorrow's finals is out. Both luck
brother and night snow are selected."

"I saw that it was no accident that the Snow of the Night was selected for me.
After all, he may be the strongest player in our game. I played against him and was
not an opponent at all. But I did not expect that Lucky Brother was also selected.
By luck, he went so far. "

"Tomorrow's finals will look great. One is the strongest game, and the other is the
strongest game. I really don't know who will win tomorrow's game, but I guess the
most likely is the snow of the night. "

"I also think it is the snow of the night. Although the luck of the luck brother is
indeed hanging, but this is uncontrollable, and the card skills of the snow of the
night are real. As long as the luck of luck is not so good, then he is absolutely
It will not be the opponent of the Snow of the Night. "

"It's not necessarily, if the luck of Lucky Brother suddenly erupts, just like
today and a few times before, there are such good cards, then it is normal to win
the Snow of the Night. Of course, if the luck of Brother Lucky Luck is a little bit
worse, then the luck of a night of snow, it is impossible for him to win. "

In the game's forum and post bar, many players and netizens have said that these
people are discussing the event of the Platinum Challenge Finals. To be more
precise, it is to discuss who wins and loses in the competition between Chen Ze and
this night's snow.

Although the game will only start tomorrow, everyone has a heart in mind now: If
Chen Ze's luck can be so good and maintained so well, then the winner may be Chen
Ze. As long as Chen Ze is almost out of luck, he will definitely lose.

"So, whoever wins or loses in tomorrow's game depends on whether luck can be played
like that again."
Finally, a netizen player summed up and won the approval of others.


"Well, it looks like my luck is really bad today."

The next day, sitting at home, Chen Ze muttered to himself.

He felt that his luck was really bad today. He was going to get up early in the
morning to practice in Super Landlord, but he overslept directly, and the adjusted
alarm clock didn't go off.

Then at noon, he ordered a takeaway. As a result, the delivery brother was late for
an hour directly and starved Chen Ze. When he opened the takeaway, all the soup
ordered was spilled again.

Then came the afternoon. In the afternoon, Chen Ze planned to go out for a walk and
buy some daily necessities.

As a result, the supermarkets he frequented downstairs actually closed, never

closed in the past, including during the New Year's Eve and the first day of the
year, but today they are closed. To buy those things, at least a few kilometers
away to the supermarket.

So at night, while waiting for the start of the game, he recalled what happened
today, and it seemed like his luck was really bad today.

"No luck is really so bad, even the luck of gambling gods is useless." Chen Ze
muttered to himself, feeling that this is likely to happen.

"No matter what, no matter how bad the luck is, this match is not luck, no
problem." Finally, opening the game, Chen Ze muttered to himself.

"The game is finally about to start. Who will win today?"

"Snow in the night, I'm your fan, you must let that luck brother who depends on
luck to enter the finals know that playing cards by luck alone will not work."

"Passers-by are neutral, but I also think that today's game is more conducive to
the snow of the night. It is impossible to win unless Luck's luck explodes again."

As soon as he entered the room, Chen Ze saw the barrage in the room and the
messages on the message board were blown out. Almost all of them have night snow
with him, and when it comes to who this game supports, most people have voted for
the night snow, and they feel that the night snow is much more powerful.

After Chen Ze entered the room, the barrage and messages disappeared immediately.
Although everyone did not support Chen Ze, many people would not say such things in
front of Chen Ze ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ And Chen Ze actually saw it all: "Are you
lucky? It looks like my luck is really bad today."

Just as Chen Ze spoke, the snow of the night also entered the room.

"Hello." He also greeted Chen Ze on his own initiative.

"Hello." Chen Ze also returned with a smile.

Soon, the third person also entered the room, but for Chen Ze and the Snow of the
Night, his name was much smaller, and naturally there was no attention to his

"Well, now that all three have entered the room, then I will announce the rules of
this game. In the end, there were seven games, seven games and four wins. You can
win. "At this time, the rules of the finals appeared in front of the computer.

Then the game started.

Chen Ze got his deck of cards. After reading the cards, Chen Ze frowned slightly.
(To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 144: No luck

"It's finally started. I don't know if this last finals will be the luck brother or
the night snow will win?"

"It's very simple, just look at the first game. You're lucky, luck is always wave
after wave. If the first game is the same as before, and it's easy to hang on to
the snow of the night, then the winner will be him .If he doesn't have a good hand
in the first game, then he loses. With rounds, he cannot be the opponent of the
Snow of the Night. "

"Yes, you can know the result just by watching the first game."

Seeing the computer room, the game of the three Chen Ze started, netizens and
players said one after another, they focused on the first game, they thought that
although it was only the first game, but the first game will determine the outcome.

On the side of Chen Ze, when he saw the card issued to his hand, he froze a bit:
"It seems that the luck of the **** of gambling has really failed after
encountering the snow in the night."

I saw that the card in Chen Ze ’s hand was not a small single card, or a piece by
piece. There was no long straight. The biggest card was only a two. The cards were
not very bad, but compared with the cards that were as powerful as yesterday. ,
It's totally impossible.

Looking at the cards in his hand, Chen Ze knew that, as the system said, he
encountered a master such as the snow of the night, and the luck of God of Gamblers
would not play a big role.

While Chen Ze was thinking, an option appeared in front of the computer and asked
him if he could grab the landlord.

"Do not grab." Chen Ze chose not to grab.

"Well, luck brother, luck luck didn't grab the landlord? What's wrong, didn't he
always grab the landlord before?"

"Yeah, Brother Luck didn't grab it this time, but he lost all the games yesterday.
Isn't his luck?"

"It's not necessarily, maybe he is cautious, after all, this is the last game, and
cautious is not a problem at all."

"That's true, let's keep watching."

Seeing that Chen Ze did not rob the landlord, many players were very surprised,
because in the past, when Chen Ze hanged and crushed others, he would always rob
the landlord. No matter if he grabbed it, he would rob it. Turned to the highest.

But in this round, Chen Ze didn't even grab it. This is a big surprise for netizens
and players. Some people have an idea, while others say that they want to continue
watching, but they also have an idea in their hearts.

"Grab the landlord."

The man below Chen Ze was the snow of the night, and he did not hesitate to choose
the landlord.

"Don't grab." The third player chose not to grab. I don't know if it's a bad card
or not.

In short, in this first game, the snow of night became the landlord. Naturally, it
was right with Chen Ze in the first game.

"Great, you can see the two of them in the first game."

"I was also worried that the two would become farmers. In this case, I would not be
able to see the confrontation between them."

"The snow in the night is the landlord, and luck is a peasant. That's great. This
arrangement is really great."

Seeing that Chen Ze and the Snow of the Night were right, the players said again
and again, everyone was very happy, and felt that the first game would be very


After becoming the landlord, the snow of the night was aggressive and hit the

"Can't control it." The third player chose to give up playing.

Then, it was Chen Ze's turn, and it was time for Chen Ze to deal with him.

Seeing this, netizens became more excited:

"At a glance, you can see if luck is out."

"Yes, according to Brother Luck's previous play, if his luck is still there, it
must be crushed, or the bomb will be ejected directly. No matter what card the
opponent plays, the cards in his hand are enough to overwhelm the opponent.

"Are you lucky today?"

Everyone left a message, then looked at it more carefully. Everyone knows this,
this time we can know whether Chen Ze is lucky today.

Then, you can know who will win today.


At this time, a sound came from the computer.

Everyone quickly looked at it, and saw that in front of the computer, in front of
the account where Chen Ze was located, a large word appeared there.

Chen Ze chose to give up.

And this abandonment is very obvious, and it has been made known to everyone.

Chen Ze, he is really bad today.

"Luck, luck, his cards are bad today!"

"This, luck brother gave up, his card luck does not look as good as before."

"Luck brother, let the night snow pass. This, this means that he has no cards in
his hand, that is, his cards are not so good?"

The netizens who watched the game were shocked. Everyone understood one thing at
this time. Chen Ze's card luck was really bad, at least not the situation that
crushed everything yesterday and in the previous video.

Without such a bad luck, the crowd knew one thing more with his card skills: "The
result of this game is doomed, and the winner will be the snow of the night!"


Macau, inside a hotel.

A 30- or 40-year-old man sat in front of the computer with a smile on his face and
said, "Looks, this luck brother is not very lucky today."

This man is the snow of the night. Like the news spread in Super Landlord, in fact
he is a professional gambler in Macau and other international casinos.

Of course, his gambling skills are completely incomparable with those of the truly
top-ranked world-class gamblers. The gambler alone has the ability to bet a big
casino, and he can only rely on the casino to barely mix Just stutter.

Even so ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ His ability is enough to crush ordinary amateurs.

And the reason why he likes to mix in games like "Super Landlord" is just because
he can enjoy betting to win everything, defeat everything, and even the kind of
pleasure that people worship.

It is also because he participated in this Platinum Challenge that the goal is to

win the final championship, so that his fame will be expanded in this game and
become a **** of gamble in this game.

After observing all the opponents, he knew that there was only one opponent who
could really threaten him, namely Chen Ze.

If Chen Ze's luck emerges, he knows that no matter how good his card skills are,
he's probably not an opponent. Therefore, in this first game, he was very cautious
in playing cards, and he was still looking to see if Chen Ze had any luck.

But now, with a smile on his face, he knew that Chen Ze today had no such luck as
before. Without that kind of bad luck, he didn't take Chen Ze into view at all.

"Sorry, it looks like the person who won today must be me." (To be continued.)
Chapter FTLS 145: I guess
"Sorry, it looks like the person who won today must be me."

Looking at the computer, the snow of the night spoke with a smile on his face.

Now that it's almost certain that Chen Ze is out of luck this time, he naturally
has absolute confidence to win Chen Ze.

He has seen Chen Ze's games before. Except for those who have good luck and crush
other people's games, the bad luck cards are not good. It's just horizontal.

At this level, he knows that even those masters in the game can easily win, let
alone himself.

Therefore, it is certain that the snow of the night is very certain that he has won
the game.

"One to four." While smiling, the snow in the night played another pair of cards.

In fact, his cards are not very good, but he is sure that he can win this time
without problems.

"One to six."

"One for eight."

"Right k."

"I'm sorry."






In this way, this night of snow, as well as Chen Ze and the third player played the
first round.

The Snow of the Night is indeed a professional gambler. Although it is nothing in

front of the world-class, real masters, it is really powerful in this game. His
cards are not good, but he has been firmly controlling the situation on the field
by playing cards and speculating on Chen Ze and another player's hands.

"King, there is only one left."

In the end, the snow of the night played the king, leaving a card. And Chen Ze had
another player who didn't have a bomb on his hands, and naturally couldn't care
about his king. The Snow of the Night played the last card and won the first round.

"The winner of the first game, Snow of the Night."

The system's evaluation of the game also confirmed that the snow of the night won,
and Chen Ze and another player were deducted and each lost a game.

"Sure enough, the Snow of the Night has won. It seems that Brother Luck is really
out of luck this time, and without luck, he cannot be the opponent of the Snow of
the Night at all."

"Luck brother is right without luck, I have been wondering, how could his luck have
been so good, and now he really has no luck. Without him, I feel that it is
impossible to even beat me, let alone the opponent is It ’s snowing in the night,
this guy is probably the strongest player in our game. "

"The snow of the night is too strong, obviously his cards are not good, but he can
suppress others. I feel that unless someone's cards are better than his grades, he
will definitely not be able to beat him. Professional gambler, is he Is it really a
professional gambler? "

"Sure enough, the winner of this game is the snow of the night. No, since Lucky
Brother has no luck, not only this game, but this game must be him, no suspense."

Everyone said that after seeing the snow in the night, although the cards were not
good, they still easily won the first game, and everyone felt that they really won
the first game as they expected.

And Chen Ze, the so-called luck brother, everyone knows that his luck is here, and
it is impossible to continue to win.

Then, the second game started, and the snow of the night continued to be the
landlord. Still, he easily won the game, just like the first game. On the other
hand, Chen Ze seems to have the same bad luck as the first game. The card is not
good, and his performance is the same as everyone else's thinking. In the face of
the night snow, there is almost no fight.

The third game was still the same. Although Chen Ze had another player's card much
better, even better than the snow of the night, he was defeated by the landlord of
the night of snow.

The snow of the night easily won three consecutive wins.

Seeing the words of three consecutive wins, although it is still one win away from
the night of snow, it can be said to win the game. But at the moment all the people
who are watching are thinking:

"It's too strong. The snow in the night is too strong. In this case, you can win,
and it is still a three-game winning streak. It looks like he has won this time."

"Luck brother loses, in this case it is impossible to come back. The snow of the
night is too strong, even if it is a few powerful opponents, it is not his
opponent, let alone the luck brother without luck.

"This game is really over. The Snow of the Night is impossible to be defeated.
Unless, a miracle happens."

"If you lose, Brother Luck really loses. Sure enough, luck alone cannot win."

The fourth round, that is, the last round, or the most crucial round.

After the beginning of this round, everyone held their breath, because everyone
knows that this round may mean the last round, the night of snow wins.
Therefore, although everyone thought that the snow of the night would win, everyone
was nervous. After all, gambling is very unexpected. Even if it is the snow of the
night, it is not impossible to be overturned in this game.

However, the Snow of the Night did not seem to leave Chen Ze with another player
who could leave the game. He is still the landlord and still has the upper hand.

"Six or seventy, the last two."

The snow of the night played a straight, and then the last two cards remained.

"Seventy j." Chen Ze played a straight, holding the card of Snow of the Night.

"Sure enough, this guy really has this straight in his hand."

The Snow of the Night murmured to himself, this straight of Chen Ze was within his
expectation, so although the card was controlled, he didn't have the slightest
confusion ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ He looked at him The last two cards are two
different cards, seven and k, not pairs. Neither card is big enough, and both can
be managed.

However, Snow of the Night is pretty sure he can win. After the cards in this
round, he has an estimate of Chen Ze and another player's card, knowing that they
have cards in both hands to let him play these two cards. come out.

Especially the seventh on his hand, as long as he can play this one, the remaining
k can win anyway. So he now expects that Chen Ze, who controls his cards, can play
a card less than seven. And he was sure that Chen Ze would definitely play as he
wanted, so he won.

"At the moment I have only two cards left, this guy will definitely be a single,
and it will definitely be a single card less than seven."

The snow of the night smiles, as if everything is in his grasp.

"I guess, the two cards in your hand are not pairs, and you want me to play a small
card no greater than six."

Just then, Chen Ze suddenly made a statement.

In a word, the snow of the night was caught directly. (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 146: The God of Gambling

In front of the computer, countless players saw only two cards left in the snow of
the night, and they were all amazed. They thought that the fourth game of the night
of snow had really won again. He was indeed the winner of this game.

At this time, everyone suddenly saw the words of Chen Zefa, and all of them were

"Here, what are you talking about, luck? There are only two cards left in Snow of
the Night, and they must be pairs."

"That is, under normal circumstances, it is all pairs, and there are many pairs in
front of the snow of the night, and this should be the pair."

"The luck of Brother Yun is so sure? I feel like it must be a pair. He actually
said it wasn't a pair. That's it. Even knowing that the snow of the night expects
him to show a small card no more than six, he will So surely Snow of the Night is
single, and at least one card is bigger than Six, how does he know? "

"Here, luck is talking nonsense. Seeing the snow of the night is about to win, so

Everyone said, everyone did not expect that Chen Ze would suddenly say such words,
and none of them believed Chen Ze.

On the side of the snow in the night, he held it directly. Chen Ze's words were
exactly the same as his thoughts, and he even guessed that he hoped that Chen Ze
had a card no greater than six.

This made the snow of the night too unexpected. He never thought that Chen Ze would
guess this step.

"Did he guess my card? No, it's impossible. I can clearly guess what card I have,
and even guess that I want a card no greater than six. This is not ordinary. The
ability to calculate and analyze is impossible with this guy. It must be fake, he
must be cheating me. As long as I calculate according to the previous, he cannot
win. "Psychological thought of the night snow.

Being able to guess his card so accurately, Snow of the Night knows that this is
definitely not something that ordinary people can do, at least it must be a
gambling master. And Chen Ze, through his observations during this period,
especially the three consecutive innings, he determined that Chen Ze was not such a

Therefore, he came to such a conclusion. However, he did not answer Chen Ze's

Chen Ze did not continue to leave a message, but played a card. However, different
from the prediction of the night snow, Chen Ze played a small pair.

"At this time, the luck brother has such a small pair? Is he really sure that the
snow in the night is not a pair?"

"This luck brother is too confident, is he really so sure of his guess?"

"Yeah, what's the matter with you, luck? If he guessed wrong, then he would just
let the night snow win."

When Chen Ze came up with a small pair, the crowds on the sidelines discussed one
after another. Everyone thinks that Chen Ze is too confident. Is it so sure that
the card of the night snow is the same as his guess?

If not, he would have lost today.

"Don't." Just when everyone was surprised, the snow came out of the computer. He
did not care about Chen Ze's young pair.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the operation of the Snow of the Night, and an
idea emerged in their hearts: "Is it really the same as the luck brother said. He
accurately guessed the card in the Snow of the Night?"

"Sure enough." Chen Ze left a message again, and then he continued to play the
cards in his hand.
Pair, or pair, continue to be pair!

Unlike the night before the snow of the night, there were many cards in the hands
of Chen Ze and another player. Chen Ze had a lot of pairs in his hand.

"This, how is this possible, this guy, this guy should reasonably have a lot of
leaflets, how can there be so many pairs. My calculations, my calculations should
not be a problem. This, how can that be."

Looking at Chen Ze's card, Snow of the Night felt extremely shocked. He thought
everything was in his hands, and he knew exactly what card Chen Ze had in his
hands. But now he guessed that he was wrong.

"How is it possible, how is this possible." The Snow of the Night murmured to
himself, suddenly thinking of a possibility, his face changed drastically, "unless,
unless this luck brother's computing power is far above me, those cards played
before, It's just giving me the illusion. "

"A pair of k, there are two left." Chen Ze played the cards, leaving two cards in
his hand.

And this pair of k, the snow of the night is naturally uncontrollable, Chen Ze just
played the last two, thus winning this round and winning this fourth round.

"It won, but Brother Luck actually won. Without luck, he even won the Snow of the

"This, how is this possible, luckless brother, who has no luck, even won the snow
of the night."

"The snow of the night was lost, to the luckless brother."

The players who watched in the room were stunned when they saw Chen Ze's Jedi
comeback and won the fourth game. Everyone has a common view. If Chen Ze had luck,
he would be able to defeat the snow in the night. And if he has no luck, then he
will definitely lose.

Now, with no luck, Chen Ze has overcome the snow in the night.

This really shocked everyone.

What shocked everyone was not only that Chen Ze defeated the Snow of the Night. But
at the last moment of this fourth game, everyone had a faint feeling.

It seems that it seems that before the big killing and special killing, the
invincible night's snow fell on the downwind, and his thoughts and his playing
methods were all guessed by Chen Ze.

Although it is only a game, it seems that in terms of gambling skills, Chen Ze

wants to overwhelm the night snow.

"Isn't Luck Brother's gambling skills actually better than the Snow of the Night.
The reason why he lost three sets and won in the last set, as well as the previous
losing games, is just playing pigs and eating tigers. ? "

Thinking about this, countless players looked at Chen Ze's account, and suddenly
all felt that Chen Ze was quite unpredictable.

"Of course it is not a pig to eat a tiger. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Chen Ze returned a message to Fang Qing. After winning the fourth game, Fang Qing
also sent a text message asking what everyone was most concerned about at the

"I lost three games in a row just to make him paralyzed. In addition, I want to see
his strength. I haven't played against him before. Although I know he's great, it's
impossible to figure out how powerful he is. So I will take a look at the situation
to see how powerful this person is. Now, I have mastered all his strengths. "Chen
Ze returned.

"That's tantamount to saying that you have the confidence to beat him now?" Fang
Qing replied.

"Of course, I have to admit that this guy has a very strong ability to calculate
and analyze the situation on the poker table. However, it is far from my opponent.
You see, he will not have any chance in the next three games. I won this game.
"Chen Ze replied.

Through three innings, he reached the bottom of the night snow. The reason why this
night's snow is great is because of his powerful calculation and analysis skills.
And these two points, Chen Ze knew he would not be his opponent.

The power of God of Gambling is far above this guy. (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 147: win the game

"In the next three games, there will not be any chance for this snow in the night.
I have won this game." Chen Ze replied.

He has absolute confidence, and in terms of calculation and analysis, he is

absolutely overwhelming. Just the fourth game is the best proof. Through the
calculation of God of Gamble, Chen Ze reached the abacus played by the snow of the
night, and by playing cards, he successfully confused the snow of the night, making
him mistakenly think that Chen Ze was in his hand. Many single cards misled him to
have two single cards in the end, and finally came over.

Therefore, the corner of Chen Ze's mouth slightly tilted, he believes that the next
three games, the winner will be him.

"So it is, but even then, you don't need to use three games to explore the bottom
of the night snow. After all, there is still a lot of coincidence in playing cards.
In case of losing another game, it will be over." Fang Qing Another message came

Seeing this news from Fang Qing, Chen Ze remembered one thing, or one of his
mistakes. In fact, he was also worried about an accident, because he only planned
to use two games to explore the bottom of the snow in the night. The field launched
a counterattack.

As a result, there was an accident in the third game, the cards were really bad,
and he accidentally had not yet countered the snow in the night, but he had won
another round.

At the time, Chen Ze was sweating nervously, and he did not expect that he lost
again in the third game. Fortunately, I pulled it back in the fourth game,
otherwise I really lost this time.
"Hahaha, how could there be an accident. It's just a night of snow, what are you
afraid of? I just intentionally let him have three games. Finally, winning four
games in a row, isn't it more exciting?" Chen Ze said without hesitation.

"······" Fang Qing.

Then, the fifth game began.

"Luck brother actually won a game, will he come back?"

"It's unlikely, even though luck wins the fourth game, but I still feel it's just
luck. Judging from the previous games, his cards are not good enough. In the next
three games, the snow of the night only needs to win one more game. It makes no
sense that luck can win. "

"That is, although the last game was a bit magical, and luck really made me look a
bit eye-catching, but the more promising is obviously the side of the night snow.
He only needs to win another game. In the three games, he only needs to win another
game. No reason to lose. "

Watching the start of the fifth game, the players in the room watching the comments
one after another, everyone still felt that Chen Ze should not be able to win.

"It's impossible. The last game must have been a coincidence, it must have been a
coincidence. It doesn't make sense that this luck brother's card skills will be so
much higher than me, completely confusing me. Yes, it must be a coincidence."

On the snow side of the night, watching the card issued to him in the computer, he
mumbled to himself.

To be honest, the defeat of the last game was completely unexpected to him, and he
even became extremely flustered. But soon he adjusted again, taking a deep breath
at this moment, carefully analyzing the situation on the scene.

He still thinks that Chen Ze can't compete with him on the cards, and the last game
was just a coincidence.

"Such a coincidence will never happen again. It must be me who wins today."

The night snow murmured to himself, carefully looking at his cards.

"Call the landlord."

"Grab the landlord."

"Grab the landlord."

"I rob."

The fifth game officially started, and Chen Ze was not polite, grabbed the landlord
directly, and then doubled the score. If he only wins the next three games, his
score is not necessarily higher than the snow in the night. Therefore, Chen Ze
intends to double each round, and directly win the scores of the night snow and
another player.

"To four."

After grabbing the landlord, Chen Ze also sorted out the cards and then played
"Right eight."

"Right k."

"To two."


"I'm sorry."

"Three four five six seven."

"Ten jq."


Chen Ze and Black Night Snow and three others started to fight. While Chen Ze was
playing, his eyes were staring at the Night Snow and another player was playing
cards. At the same time, there appeared in his mind for the two Player cards and
analysis of the entire situation:

"The probability that a player will make a pair next night is 23%, and the
probability of placing an order is 38%."

"The probability of getting out of the tube is 68%, and the probability of going
out to 10 is 21%."

"The probability that a player's card in the heart of the game is a straight is
16%, the probability of being an airplane is 11%, and the probability of being a
single card is 23%."

"It's probably 68% to leave a pair of cards and win a single card, and it's 5% to
leave a pair of cards to win a card."

Chen Ze's mind constantly appeared in the analysis of the situation on the field,
how to play cards is the optimal solution, although because the computer can not
see the expression on the other person's face, so there is no way to study very

Fortunately, the skills of these two people are not very high. The snow of the
night is indeed a little stronger than ordinary people, but it is actually very
limited, so Chen Ze's gambler can calculate these two hands more accurately. Cards.

So beyond all the expectations of the onlookers, Chen Ze easily won the fifth and
sixth innings, and even in the seventh inning, Chen Ze also played with one card
left: "King, there is one left . "

At this moment, the snow of the night was sweating, and his eyes were a little
confused, and he couldn't believe what just happened.

He thought he had won this time, and even if he lost in the fourth game, there
would be no problem. Chen Ze will not be his opponent at all.

But at this moment, even after losing three games, even after the final seventh
game reached the edge, he realized that he was wrong.

"How, how is it possible, how is this possible. Who is this luck brother, who is
luck? How could he seem to have guessed the card in my hand, or even every step of
mine? This, this is impossible. This kind of gambling Technology, it is impossible
for such a person to appear. "

The night snow murmured to himself, he was so shocked. The battle with Chen Ze made
him feel that everything was under Chen Ze's grasp. His cards, his thinking when
playing cards, and the order of playing cards, all seemed to be counted by Chen Ze.

Chen Ze and him play cards ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ like cats teasing mice.

This makes the Snow of the Night totally unbelievable, it is not that there is no
such master in the world. But it can be calculated so accurately and so finely. The
Snow of the Night knows that it is definitely not something a gambling expert can

Those who can do this are those who stand at the top of the world's gambling scene.

The snow of the night looked at the card in his hand at this moment and had lost.

He laughed at himself: "I thought that participating in this game could easily be
crushed and crushed, and I didn't expect to encounter such a character. I thought
that I could win him before. It was ridiculous, it was ridiculous."

Then, he looked at Chen Ze's account again: "Who is this person? Who has such
gambling skills? If he appears on the world gambling platform, I am afraid it will
have an unimaginable impact on the gambling platform."

"I, I lost." At last, the snow of the night typed these three words and conceded to
Chen Ze.

And Chen Ze has won the championship in this competition. (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 148: Hot discussion

"I, I lost. Ksany8uncsu"

The night of snow gave in, Chen Ze won the final victory, and because of winning
four games in a row, coupled with doubling the score, he became the champion of the
"Super Landlord" Platinum Challenge.

And seeing this concealment of the snow of the night, all the players who watched
the game diving were shocked and speechless.

Their shock was not to shock the snow of the night, but in fact they had already
guessed that the snow of the night would give in.

Their shock was that the performance of Chen Ze in the last four innings was
completely different from the luck brother that they knew before. He has been
pressing against the snow of the night, and every card, every step and every
thought of the snow of the night seems to be under the control of Chen Ze. Even the
poorest and least skilled player among all players can clearly see that in these
four games, the snow of the night is not Chen Ze's opponent at all.

Or, to be more precise, it is that Snow of the Night and Chen Ze are not a top-
level opponent at all. Chen Ze is above his level, at least several levels.

So all the people were shocked, and at the same time, it was not surprising that
the snow of the night would surrender:

"Oh my God, I'm not dreaming about these last four games. Lucky Brother, Lucky
Brother turned up, and he has no doubt defeated the snow of the night. Here, this
Lucky Brother did not come with any good cards Ah, did he have such a high skill? "

"It's hard to imagine, it's really hard to imagine. It turned out that the luck of
the original brother's card skills was so good that he won the four games of the
night of snow, and the snow of the night also took the initiative to concede. Is he
still a professional gambler, and even if he loses, who is luck? "

"Luck brother won, he won four games in a row. He is the champion of the Platinum
Challenge. This is too exaggerated. If I put it before and killed me, I would not
believe it. Luck brother won And won in such unfavorable circumstances. "

"Snow in the night has lost, he has lost."

Many netizens said secretly to their hearts that they were really shocked. Just a
few minutes ago, the snow of the night was still in full swing, winning three games
in a row, and even winning the fourth game was within reach.

However, at this time, Luck Brother stood up. With no luck at all, and the cards in
his hand were not very good, he even won the four nights of Snow in a row.

This, this is completely different from everyone's imagination, so everyone is

really shocked.

"Let me announce that the winner of this game is player Ozawa!"

Finally, the game company "Super Landlord" announced that Chen Ze was the champion
of the competition.

After seeing the official announcement of this news, countless players swiped the
screen. Today's game completely exceeded their expectations, whether it was three
consecutive wins in front of the night snow, or Chen Ze suddenly pulled behind.
Back to the four innings, they all shocked them, so in their opinion this is a very
classic game.

Naturally, after hearing Chen Ze's victory, they were all excited and swipe the

"Congratulations, luck brother, you are so great, even the snow of the night has

"Yeah, luck, you are really horrible. Before, I thought you were just relying on
luck. Now I find out that you do n’t do it, it ’s amazing."

"Congratulations on your luck, your card skills are really great."

Everyone swipes the screen, and the message board in the entire room is instantly
filled with such messages, and no other messages can be seen.

Obviously, after this battle, Chen Ze achieved his goal, and his popularity has

Soon, the game was completely over. Chen Ze's room for their game was cancelled,
and all the players who dived inside also left, but they were still discussing this
game, discussing Chen Ze.

So immediately, posts about the game appeared in various forums and posts about the
game. Naturally, the most discussed person in the post is naturally Chen Ze, and
everyone thinks he is too powerful.
Of course, there are many players who have not watched the game. After seeing these
people's posts, one after another ran to ask Chen Ze how powerful he is, so that
everyone can be so shocked.

And they all got this answer:

"How powerful is luck? That is definitely worse than the highest you can imagine.
In the end, the professional gambler won four games in a row, which is really not
what ordinary people can do."

"Let's say that, luck alone is scary. The luck he showed today shows that the
previous luck is nothing. After all, luck is just imaginary. I do n’t know when.
No. And the card skills are the real guarantee. "

"Very strong, very strong, there is no doubt that this match is the strongest."

All netizens who have watched Chen Ze's game have said one after another and touted
Chen Ze. And seeing these people touting, many people who eat melon naturally have
a feeling of admiration for Chen Ze.

And those who do not believe that these players are nonsense. They went to the
video of Chen Ze's game again, and even after watching them, they were shocked.

They all understand one thing. Those players said that there was really no
exaggeration. Chen Ze is really so powerful.


"That's it. Thank you Mr. Ozawa for participating in our competition. The first
prize of this competition will be sent to you soon. Please check it carefully."

On the phone, people from the game company were facing Chen Zedao.

Chen Ze devoted such a wonderful game ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ naturally they want to


"Don't worry, I just participated in the competition." On the phone, Chen Ze


"Mr. Chen Ze, you're humble, completely humble." On the other end of the phone, the
gaming company staff member said, "Then I won't disturb you, bye."

"Goodbye," Chen Ze replied.

After hanging up the phone, the smile on Chen Ze's face recovered, and he muttered
to himself: "It's great, I won such a heavyweight game. At least there will be a
burst of popularity. I don't know if I How much is it, if I can draw a few prizes,
this time I must draw a good skill. "

Although he did not check the popularity value, Chen Ze was sure that his
popularity would rise sharply today, so he was very much looking forward to what
extent it would rise.

After all, what other gambling skills will be drawn?

Thinking of this, Chen Ze opened a popular page with a smile on his face. (To be
Chapter FTLS 149: doubt
With a smile on his face, Chen Ze opened the system's popularity page, and saw that
his current popularity value was displayed above, 2,148.

Chen Ze's previous popularity just broke through one hundred and reached more than
two hundred. And now after winning this game, it has directly reached more than
2,100, which has directly increased the popularity of nearly 2,000.

"Sure enough, it went up by two thousand, ha ha ha." Chen Ze laughed, and rose by
nearly two thousand at a time, then he could draw two more prizes, once once, once
every two thousand, and then five thousand. , 10,000 times can continue to draw.

"Congratulations to the host. The popularity value has exceeded two thousand, and
you can draw two gambling gods at once." At this time, the system also spoke.

After hearing the words of the system, Chen Ze was even more excited. He directly
opened the lottery page and was ready to start the lottery.

"When the first lottery was drawn, it was the God of Gambling and the outline of
the **** of gambling, and when the second lottery was calculated, the **** of
gambling. This time, what will be drawn this time?

Thinking about it this way, Chen Ze started drawing the lottery, and saw that the
lottery page flashed quickly. When I stopped again, four big characters appeared on
the lottery page: "Ear of Gamblers."

Following the ears of God of Gamblers, there is a small line of explanation: "Ears
of God of Gamblers, ears of God of Gamblers, you can use this to hear the points of
the dice shaken by anyone, and cooperate with the God of Gambler Shakes, Invincible
in this gambling skill. "

"The ear of the **** of gambling, combined with the **** of gambling, is invincible
in this gambling technique. This sounds very powerful." Seeing the display on the
raffle page, especially seeing the gambling Explaining the ear of God, Chen Ze's
face showed an excited expression.

At first he was a little worried whether he would draw any useless skills, but now
it seems that he has drawn such a powerful skill, which really makes him very happy
and excited.

"Ear of God of Gamblers, with this skill, if you can draw Shake, then you will not
lose to anyone at least in terms of dice." Chen Ze muttered to himself. .

With this excitement, he quickly drew a lottery again, hoping that the second prize
could be drawn with Shaking Color. In this case, a skill about God of Gambling can
be filled directly.

Suddenly, the skills on the lottery page flashed again and again, and Chen Ze
muttered to himself: "Gambling God Shaking, Gambling God Shaking, Gambling God

Under Chen Ze's self-spoken words, the page stopped slowly, and four big characters
appeared again. Unfortunately, it wasn't shading.

"The power of the **** of gambling." Chen Ze muttered to himself after seeing the
four big characters, and then he looked at the explanation of the small characters
behind him. , At any time, is the most shining in the casino "

"This, this is also good."

Although there is no color shake, Chen Ze feels very good to see the explanation of
the power of the **** of gambling.

Gambling God's aura, as long as it is in the casino, at any time, anywhere, is the
most striking existence.

This, this directly made Chen Ze think of the gas field and bgm that were high in
and out in the movie "Gambler". It was really a blast. And the real **** of
gamblers, the aura is at least stronger than that.

Coupled with bgm, Chen Ze feels he must be handsome.

It's really invincible if you use it to pretend.

Therefore, he is very happy at this moment and can't wait to equip this skill
immediately. However, he has n’t waited for his equipment. He saw a line of
characters following the power of God of Gamblers: "The power of God of Gamblers is
an aura built on the skills of God of Gamblers, so only when the host gambling
skill is close to God of Gamblers. To unlock it. "

"What?" Seeing this small print, Chen Ze froze directly. He could not wait to equip
this skill immediately. But now it seems that he has to wait for his gambling
skills to be at least close to the **** of gambling before he can equip it.

"Close to the level of the gambler, isn't this a pit father?" Chen Ze muttered to
himself, knowing that although he does not need to spend years and years to
accumulate gambling schemes like those professional gamblers, he only needs to draw
a lottery.

But if you want to get closer to the level of the **** of gamblers, you have to
unlock at least several skills. Now, it is impossible to unlock.

Therefore, Chen Ze was disappointed, and took a long time to cheer up: "Forget it,
anyway, my task is to become a **** of gamblers, although this skill is not yet
available. But it will be available someday. And there is at least one **** of
gamblers. The ears are pretty good, too. "

Chen Ze said, he is not a decadent person, so although he was a little

disappointed, he quickly cheered up. After all, although the power of Gambling God
is not available now, it will definitely be available later. Add in the ears of the
**** of gambling, and this lottery is a good harvest.

Therefore, Chen Ze quickly became happy again. Leaving aside the power of God of
Gambling, he immediately equipped the ear of God of Gambling. As a result, he felt
that his ears were a little different.

Fuck, whip, coax!

In the past, some even small voices that were not noticed by him were now clear.
Chen Ze knows that with his current ears, if someone really shakes dice in front of
him, he will definitely be heard clearly, no matter how superb the person's skills

"Ears of God of Gambling, good, great skills." Finally, Chen Ze muttered to


Inside the night snow room in Macau.

At this moment there were two men sitting in front of the computer in the room. One
was the snow of the night, and the other was a professional gambler like him. This
man was exuding an extraordinary aura, with both hands and joints around Calluses,
these are the traces of years of practicing cards and mahjong dice.

Anyone standing in front of him ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ can clearly feel that this
person is a master, a gambling master, a master who is more powerful than the snow
in the night.

And the fact is true.

The two of them are now sitting in front of the computer, which is playing the
video of the match between the snow of the night and Chen Ze.

"Lao Du, if you haven't guessed this time, you have been deceived. This luck
brother Ozawa must have been made up by a game company. In fact, there is no such
person at all." Those who went up worse than the snow in the night spoke.

"What? I've been cheated?" After listening to this man, the snow of the night
froze. He showed this person the video of his game this time, just to show him
where he was losing and how strong Chen Ze was.

However, he never expected that after watching the video of the game, he even said
such a thing.

"That's right, you've been deceived. This so-called technically superb luck
brother, I don't think it exists in this world at all." People with higher
technology than the snow in the night spoke and nodded. (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 150: Good morning

"Lu Cheng, what do you mean by this?" Snow of the night said, looking at the person
in front of him and asking.

"It's very simple. Look at that so-called luck brother, don't you think his luck
was really good before?" This gambling skill was better than that of the snow in
the night.

"This." The Snow of the Night looked down and thought, in fact, he did doubt this
question, and wondered what happened to Chen Ze. The luck shown before was really
terrible, making him think that Chen Ze had either a plug-in or a bug made by a
game company.

However, the game company later let Chen Ze participate in the competition, and
also let him have such good luck all the way to the final, he dispelled this
suspicion. After all, if Chen Ze really has a problem, then the game company should
not Maybe let it go.

But now Lu Cheng raised this question again, making his doubts rise again.

"Also, I also watched the video of this lucky brother game before. At that time,
except for good luck, the card skills can be said to be completely bad. But why did
you seem to be completely different when you finally played against you? , Firmly
suppressing you, even your cards can easily guess it? There are indeed masters in
the world who can do this, but I don't believe that if this luck brother is really
such a master, he will go Participate in this kind of game competition. "Lu Cheng
As he said, he smiled: "To sum up, this so-called luck brother I think does not
exist, it should be a fake account created by the game company. Is the purpose
probably not to let you ordinary players get it? First. Or maybe deliberately
create such a player to attract more people to play the game. "

"These bastards." After hearing Lu Cheng's words, the dark night's face showed
anger. He had fully believed Lu Cheng's words and thought that Chen Ze really did
not exist. Everything was made by the game company. "No wonder that luck brother
suddenly It ’s changed so badly, I even feel like I was like this, it turned out to
be fake. "

"If you really can't swallow this breath, I think you can directly explode this
thing online. If you break the news of such a hot game in Super Landlord, I think
it will definitely attract a lot of people's attention. "Looking at the snow in the
night, Lu Cheng smiled.

"Yes, broke the news, it is necessary to explode the people of these game
companies." The snow of the night began, saying that he could not wait for him to
start breaking the news now. But suddenly, he stopped and said, "But just in case
this luck brother exists, what can I do?"

"That would be better, if this luck brother really exists." Lu Cheng said, smiling,
"then let me come and meet him for a while. If he really has the power to overwhelm
you, then I will return I really want to meet him and see how strong this guy is. "

Seeing what it looked like, the snow in the night shuddered suddenly. He suddenly
thought of one thing. Lu Cheng is a famous gambler in Macau and even in the world,
and he is famous for playing against some promising new gamblers. And even in
Macau, an international capital city where experts gather, his gambling skills can
be ranked in the top five.

However, Lu Cheng also has a bad habit, that is, he likes to play with some
novices, like a cat and a mouse. Obviously, he can win, but he won't win to play
with his opponent.

After winning the bet, he likes to ridicule or sneer at his opponents, and most of
the opponents are newcomers. Therefore, many people even have several newcomer
gamblers who are being followed by him, and they have withdrawn from the gambling

Many people are dissatisfied with Lu Cheng's vice, but because his gambling skills
are really good, so there is no way to take him. Therefore, Lu Cheng also got the
nickname of a newcomer killer, and the newcomer gambler he followed, generally had
no good end.

"Maybe what this guy said to me was not what he thought. His real purpose was just
to fight against luck and defeat him."

The night snow thought to him that although Chen Ze was strong, he knew that Chen
Chen Ze could not defeat Lu Cheng. If you really deal with Lu, then Chen Ze is
likely to embark on the old path of many newcomers.

Thinking that Chen Ze might have been followed by Lu Cheng, he directly prayed for
Chen Ze.


"Congratulations, Chen Ze. Congratulations on your victory in the Platinum

Challenge." In WeChat, Fang Qing sent a message to Chen Ze.
At this time, Chen Zezheng was immersed in the ears of the **** of gamblers. After
seeing her WeChat, he returned a handy message: "Thank you."

"By the way, do you have anything tomorrow, I want you to accompany me to a place."
Soon, Fang Qing sent another one back.

Seeing this, Chen Ze thought about it, and then went back: "Ou, I'm fine, where do
you want me to accompany you?"

"My grandma's house." Fang Qing posted on WeChat. "My grandma is sick. I think it
will be Saturday tomorrow. I'll go back and see her."

"Okay, no problem, I'll be fine tomorrow." Chen Ze replied, thinking he wanted him
to go somewhere, and it was just her grandma's house for a long time. Therefore,
Chen Ze agreed decisively.

"Chen Ze, you are great." Fang Qing came over with a smile, "then you remember to
refuel your car tomorrow."

"Fill the car and refuel it?" Chen Ze froze. He remembered that Fang Qing's family
was in Yucheng. What the **** was this fueling.

"Yes, haven't I told you? My family is indeed in Yucheng, but my grandmother is in

the countryside 300 kilometers away, so I want you to drive me tomorrow." Fang Qing

"It was originally waiting for me here, no wonder I was asked to go back with her."
Chen Ze thought to her, 300 kilometers, although her car skills were really good.
But for nothing, who wants to run 300 kilometers.

"Oh, yes, I suddenly remembered, I have something tomorrow, um, something." Chen Ze

"You guy!" Fang Qing replied, "But if you have anything to do, my grandma's house
had only two rooms. My grandma usually sleeps in one room, and I sleep in one room.
I thought that if you came, Although it is a bit troublesome, you can sleep with me
in my room. "

"Ao, I remembered it again. I seem to have misremembered, that thing is not

tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or I will send you tomorrow, you are a girl, I am
not assured." Chen Zeli immediately responded without blinking.

"Okay, great." Fang Qing replied, "Then you remember to fill up the oil, let's go
early and strive for the day and come back that day."

"Wait, wait a minute? Go that day, come back that day? Didn't you just say you want
to sleep all night?" Chen Ze replied.

"Yeah, if you can't come back, you'll sleep all night. So we have to go early so as
not to come back." Fang Qing sent a smile.

"Well, surely my business must be done tomorrow."

"·····" Fang Qing was speechless. "Forget it, give you a night to choose. It will
be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Hey, Sang Xin." With it, Fang Qing also sent
a crying face come.

Seeing this reply from Fang Qing, Chen Ze suddenly felt that what he was doing was
not appropriate. Fang Qing invited herself this way, and she shirk so much that she
was so sad. As a result, she gave her a choice, and she did something bad.

"So, I will come to you tomorrow morning, and then I will say good morning to you.
If you agree to go with me, then you will also return me a 'good morning'. If you
do not agree, then you tell me One sentence, and let Shi Shida make a reservation
for Dai Shengfang's hairdresser ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Well, just say this to me. "


Chen Ze was a little dumbfounded: "Let Shi Shida be to Dai Shengfang, what or what,
Nima, this sentence is illogical. It is too difficult to reply to disagree, is it
to give people a choice?"

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Ze got up and brushed his teeth. While
brushing, he was still thinking about Fang Qingfa's disagreement. In that sentence,
he seriously suspected that Fang Qing smacked it casually. There was no logic at
all in the sentence and he could not remember it.


Just as Chen Ze thought about this sentence, suddenly the door of his room was

He opened it, Fang Qing stood in front of him, and smiled, "Good morning."

"Good morning." Chen Ze responded, suddenly responding, and he himself said it out.

"Hee hee, now that you agree, when should we start?" (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 151: Amazing listening

"Grandma, I'm back."

Just getting out of the car, Fang Qing ran straight into the house. After Chen Ze
parked his car, he looked at the time first, it was already 11am.

"I and Fang Qing started at seven, and it took me four hours to arrive."

Chen Ze muttered to himself, in fact he can run fast, even fast. However, it was
not in the race, so Chen Ze did not mention the speed, and Qing Qing's grandmother
was in the country. Chen Ze left the highway and walked for a long time before
arriving. So it took only four hours.

After watching the time, Chen Ze also got out of the car and walked into Fang
Qing's grandma's house.

As he walked, he looked at Fang Qing's grandma's house.

His grandma's house is a typical rural house, but because it has been refurbished
and looks like it has not been renovated for two years, it looks relatively new.

Before she walked in, Chen Ze heard Fang Qing and her grandma.

Not to mention, since the ears of God of Gambling, Chen Ze felt that his ears were
really not good. Like Fang Qing and her grandmother had spoken in the past, he was
absolutely inaudible. But now, I heard it clearly.
However, it was just listening clearly, and what they were saying, Chen Ze did not
know at all, because the two people spoke in dialects, and Chen Ze could hardly
understand the dialects.

"It should be about her grandma's illness."

Chen Ze murmured to himself, and Fang Qing told him before he came. The reason why
she ran back so far, because she heard that her grandmother was ill and went back
to see her.

Thinking about it, Chen Ze walked in and immediately saw Fang Qing, and sitting
next to Fang Qing, who looked like sixty or seventy years old and had some gray
hair, was her grandma.

"Hello grandma." Chen Ze smiled as she walked in front of Fang Qing and her

"Oh, hello, hello." Her grandma said, speaking in dialect. Although in dialect,
Chen Ze understood this sentence.

"Grandma, he is Chen Ze. I just told you and sent my friend over." Fang Qing spoke,
speaking in Mandarin. Obviously, Fang Qing's grandma understood Mandarin, so when
Chen Ze was present, Fang Qing deliberately used Mandarin so that Chen Ze could not

"Ao, ao, I know, hello." Fang Qing's grandmother spoke, carefully looked at Chen
Ze, and said again.

Chen Ze also looked at Fang Qing's grandma, and soon found that her grandma was
ruddy and she looked healthy.

"Fang Qing, your grandma doesn't look ill." Chen Ze said.

"I just asked my grandma, and her illness was fine yesterday. My grandma was always
in good health, so she recovered so quickly." Fang Qing said.

"That's good, that's good." Chen Ze smiled. "Would you like to chat with your
grandma for a while, then I'll go to the kitchen and make our lunch?" Chen Ze said.

"No, you can sit in this living room for lunch and give it to me and my grandma. I
have loved to cook with my grandma since I was a kid. I finally came back today,
and of course I will cook it again, which will allow you Do it. "Fang Qing said.

"All right." Chen Ze nodded, then greeted her grandma again, then took a seat and
sat down.

Fang Qing then walked towards the kitchen with her grandma. Soon, there was a noise
in the kitchen.


Listening to the sound in the kitchen, Chen Ze discovered a more amazing thing.
Through the sound in the kitchen, he could hear Fang Qing and her milk.

"This, how is this possible." Chen Ze himself was very shocked, far away from the
kitchen, he could hear what kind of dish was just hearing the sound of knife-cut
vegetables and washing dishes. What a chef can't do.

And now, it has been done.

"Hey, is this ear of gambling gods so strong?"

Chen Ze murmured to himself, he found that he still underestimated the ability of

the ear of the **** of gambling. Through the power of the ears of God of Gambling,
such a thing can be achieved. Although this is definitely related to his previous
chef skills and accumulation, otherwise he can't tell the difference, but he hasn't
done it before, but now he has done it, it shows that the ear of God of Gambling is
indeed very important.

"No wonder, it's no wonder that any dice can hear it clearly. It turned out to be
so powerful." Chen Ze said.

When he was shocked by his own ears, Fang Qing stepped out and seemed to be looking
for something.

"Fang Qing, you and your grandma are making a shredded pork with green pepper and a
fish head with chopped pepper." After seeing Fang Qing, Chen Ze spoke, and he heard
these two dishes.

"How do you know?" Fang Qing spoke with surprise, hearing Chen Ze's words. "Did you
ask about the taste? Impossible, there is no taste here."

"Sure enough, it really is." After hearing Fang Qing's words, Chen Ze murmured to
himself that he was really sure that the ears of the **** of gambling were far
above his imagination.

"Chen Ze, how did you know?" Fang Qing asked, and after seeing the shocked and
joyful expression on Chen Ze's face, she became more and more curious about the

"I said I heard it. Do you believe it?" Chen Ze smiled.

"How is this possible? Who can hear it at such a distance? This is impossible."
Fang Qing waved his hand and did not believe Chen Ze's words at all.

"It's true. Your grandma is cooking a new dish now. It should be chicken from the
palace. Don't believe it, go and see." Chen Ze smiled.


Hearing Chen Ze's words, Fang Qing froze. Kung Pao chicken she knew her grandmother
would do, but was not sure when it would be done. And Chen Ze said that she was
doing it now, which really surprised her.

Because she never believed that Chen Ze's ears could be so good, and she could hear
them so far away. That's kidding. Fang Qing also felt that Chen Ze had peeked at
the two dishes mentioned before, or guessed with luck.

"I'll take a look." Fang Qing said, and she hurried to the kitchen, but still
couldn't believe what Chen Ze said.

But after she entered the kitchen, a scream came out immediately: "Chen, Chen Ze,
how did you do that? Gongbao chicken, really Gongbao chicken."


"Chen Ze, why are your ears so good? This is an exaggeration."

On the dining table, Fang Qing spoke to Chen Zedao. She has been asking Chen Ze
this question since just now. She is really shocked. I haven't seen anyone with
such good ears as Chen Ze in this life.

It's too exaggerated to even hear the dishes.

"Hey, talent, talent." Chen Ze smiled.

"I don't believe it is a gift. You shouldn't be blind." Fang Qingdao.

"How could it be blind? If you don't believe me, I'll perform for you again." Chen
Ze said.

"Okay, let's talk about the conversation between my grandma and Aunt Wang now."
Fang Qing pointed out the door, and her grandma was chatting with another woman
about the same age.

"Okay, but I don't understand your dialect here. Although you just taught me a
little bit, I guess I can only listen to it roughly." Chen Ze said.

"It's okay, probably." Fang Qingdao.

"That's good." Chen Ze nodded, closed his eyes, and listened carefully.
Immediately, the words of Grandma Chen Ze and Aunt Wang came to Chen Ze's ears.

"Your grandma seems to be saying that you came back to see her, and that aunt Wang
is bragging about you. Then the two seemed to talk about crops and food prices."
Chen Ze opened his mouth, closed his eyes, and said forcefully. Here.

Hearing Chen Ze's words, Fang Qing's complexion changed again. When she was just in
the kitchen, she heard her grandma talk about the price of food, and also said that
when the aunt Wang came, she would discuss the matter together.

And this matter ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ she has not spoken to Chen Ze. Now Chen Ze
said it accurately, and it was so accurate.

Is it possible that his ears are so good?

Fang Qing looked at Chen Ze with his eyes closed and a serious face, very shocked.
Suddenly, I was a little emotional.

"Changed the topic again. Now it's time to talk to you and me. Aunt Wang said who
is the guy who sent Fang Qing back, he looks very good, and it looks very promising
at first glance, and he won't be Fang Qing's man. Friend? "

Suddenly, Chen Ze spoke again, still serious.

Upon hearing Chen Ze's words, Fang Qing's face blushed directly. She looked at Chen
Ze and wanted to say something, but was embarrassed to say anything.

At this time, Chen Ze said again: "Your grandma said no, it's just an ordinary
friend. There is no such blessing in our family Qinger, I dare not think about it."


Fang Qing said, "Chen Ze, you are all making up." (To be continued.)
Chapter FTLS 152: Question online
Even when Chen Ze was a guest at Grandma Fangqing's house, the Snow of the Night
followed Lu Cheng's words and questioned Chen Ze online.

He wasn't really sure whether Chen Ze was real or fake at this time, but it didn't
matter. He had to question this question.

"Hello everyone, I am the snow of the night. I believe everyone must have watched
the Platinum Challenge in the previous two days. I am the second place. And the
first place is everyone ’s commonly-known luck brother Ozawa, according to the
Platinum Challenge finals. Judging from the strength he showed at that time, he did
have the ability of this first place. But I have a few doubts in my heart, and I
want to talk to you here. "

"First of all, this is the luck brother Ozawa. His luck in the game before is
really a bit better, almost equivalent to opening, and it can be a very good hand
for consecutive rounds. This allows I'm very surprised. In theory, a player's luck
cannot be so good, but why can the luck of this player Ozawa be so good? "

"The second point is just luck. But in this Platinum Challenge, this luck brother
went straight to the final. We all know that this time directly into the finals are
all old players of the game, both It is a familiar user. Only he is a player that
everyone does not know and are not familiar with. It can be said that with nine
other players including me, his qualifications are simply not enough, but this is
the case, he turned out to be Still directly into the finals. Is there any problem
in this? "

"Third point, I think it is a point that everyone is very puzzled. The luck of the
previous brother's card performance was not very good, it can be said that it is an
ordinary person's card technology. But after the finals, the card technology
suddenly rose. , Even more than my card skills. I think many of you know that I am
not proud of myself, who can surpass me, there are not many in this world. And this
luck brother should not be among these people. So why is he It ’s suddenly so
powerful that I am very puzzled. "

"In summary, is it possible to infer a conclusion. The so-called luck brother is

actually a non-existent player. He just launched it from the game company, in order
to attract everyone's attention, and maybe even to prevent The champion of the
Platinum Challenge fell to a virtual player in the hands of others. His luck, as
well as his card skills, were actually bugs in the background. "

The snow of the night wrote such a long paragraph, and then posted it in the game's
post, forum and qq group.

Who is Snow in the Night? It can be said to be one of the hottest players in Super
Landlord. Especially after this game, although he lost, his popularity has further

Now he has published such an article, pointing his finger directly at the game
company and this "Super Landlord", which naturally caused an uproar, and I don't
know how many players netizens

"I'm going, Snow of the Night. This is the company that directly bombarded Super
Landlord and this game. Big news, really big news."

"Does luck really not exist? Actually, I have thought about this problem. I thought
luck of luck is really good before, is there something like hanging. But I did not
expect that the snow of the night directly questioned luck Does this brother exist?
This, this, this is really something I didn't expect. "
"I have the same thoughts as the Snow of the Night. The luck before the brother is
too good, but the card skills are not good. The luck behind is bad, but the card
skills are advancing rapidly. I feel this is not what the gaming company feels. No,
so I turned it intentionally in the end. The player, luck, may not really exist. "

"I'm going, isn't this a liar? Lucky brother is a liar, and this game company is
also a liar. It was a joke to get such a virtual account to lie to us?"

"Really fake? I'm a fan of luck now. If it's really fake and luck really doesn't
exist, I'm too sad."

Netizens and players have said in succession that after seeing the posts of Night
Snow, many players agreed with him. Because these players actually have the same
feeling, they all feel like Chen Ze is indeed very problematic, luck is too good,
and the progress of the card skills is too exaggerated.

I just did n’t think about it before. Now, after thinking about it, one by one
thinks that the snow of the night is right. This luck brother may not really exist.

Therefore, many players are angry and disappointed, both disappointed with the game
company and disappointed with Chen Ze:

"What the hell, if it's really fake, then I won't play this game anymore, isn't
this lie?"

"Yeah, I'm still a fan of Luck Brother, and asked several of my classmates to come
and see Luck Brother playing cards. Did he actually not exist?"

"This, this, this is too sad. If luck really does not exist, it will be too sad."

Netizens said one by one that they felt very sad. Many people are already fans of
Chen Ze, or want to become fans of Chen Ze, and they are hit hard by this incident.

For a while, Chen Ze's credibility, as well as the game's credibility, were
seriously threatened.

Chen Ze naturally didn't know about this, but the game company stepped up quickly:
"Announcements, for the remarks of the online night snow, our company can only say
that his inferences are false. Player Ozawa does have this People, this is not a
virtual character introduced by our company. Please rest assured that this is the
point. We can guarantee it with the credibility of our entire company. "

This game company's statement of announcement is powerful, and generally it would

not be so powerful if it was not very assertive.

It's true that this time they are completely free from disaster. When they saw
online reviews, the people in the game company were almost blindfolded.

They really thought about whether to get a bully account out to attract traffic,
but in the end they didn't put it into action, because they felt that if it was
virtual, once it was exploded, it would be absolutely incredible.

So now seeing these words on the Internet ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ This game company
feels very wronged. I didn't do anything, so I was detained.

They also checked Chen Ze's id specifically, and made an announcement after
confirming that Chen Ze was there.
Although it was sent, few people believed it. After all, Chen Ze's previous
experience was indeed too bad.

"I don't believe it, I think this announcement is fake."

"That is, how could luck be so good, I think it's fake."

"This game company is completely deceiving, and luck is also deceiving."

Looking at the speech on the Internet, the game company's urgent fire is about to
burst out, but I don't know how to solve it.

But at this moment, the snow of the night came out again and proposed a method: "I
have a way to prove it. I hope the player Ozawa can stand up and play a game with
me and my friends. If this game Still he won, then I will admit that I was wrong.
"(To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 153: accept the challenge

"How about it, check it out? Does player Ozawa really use plug-ins?"

Inside the "Super Landlord" company, the manager asked his staff.

This incident that broke out on the Internet directly confuses them. There was
nothing at all before, but suddenly such a big thing broke out. And that thing is
completely fake.

What player Ozawa does not exist, what is caused by the game company to cheat
traffic, these accusations make them feel aggrieved, these accusations they have
never done.

The only thing that is doubtful is whether Chen Ze used the plug-in while playing
this game, so his luck and the card skills are so good, so this manager sent
someone to check it and wanted to make things clear.

"Manager, we checked, no, there are no traces of plug-ins. The player Ozawa has
never used plug-ins at all." The technician said to the manager.

"It's a bit weird. It's not a plug-in or a virtual character on our side. How can
this guy's luck and card skills be so good? Is it possible that he is really a
master of hidden identities?" The manager said .

In fact, he also feels very exaggerated and wrong about Chen Ze's luck and record.
It was just too lazy to check it. Now I check it. I didn't expect that there were
no problems at all.

"It looks like this Ozawa player is really no problem." The manager said, thinking
about how to deal with this incident.

The momentum on the Internet is so loud that this is not an ordinary statement that
can keep it going. Although he has checked it out, he can announce the results.

But this manager knows that the players may not accept the result, maybe they still
think that they deliberately made fakes and concealed, and intended to cover Ozawa.

So the manager frowned and couldn't find a good solution.

"Manager, come out, the night snow has issued a new statement." At this time, an
employee came over and said.
"What?" The manager froze, and immediately looked at the statement issued by Night
Snow. "If he still wins this game, then I will admit that I was wrong. According to
the description of Night Snow, as long as the player Ozawa came out and gambled
with him, and everything can be restored? "

Thinking about this, he became excited, and quickly said to the assistant next to
him: "Then as the snow of the night said, go to the Ozawa quickly, as long as he is
willing to play, our game company can It's been a difficult time. "

"But the manager, this night of snow is said to be a professional gambler from
Macau, and the technology is very good. According to his statement, he will bring
another person, obviously the same person as him. Such two people Then, I worry
that the player Ozawa does not agree to play, then we are in trouble. "The
assistant of the manager said.

"This is also, if the player Ozawa refuses to play, then we are really in trouble."
The manager said, he knew that the biggest trouble this time was not actually Chen
Ze, but their company.

Chen Ze can ignore the remarks on the Internet, but their company can't, which will
cause a big blow to the company's game reputation, so you must ask Chen Ze to move.

"In this way, you go and contact that player, as long as he is willing to play, our
company will pay 150,000, no, 200,000 appearance fee for him." Finally, the manager
gritted his teeth and said.

Hearing this number, the assistant was a little stunned. Two, two hundred thousand?

Generally, in such public activities, their companies have also invited many stars,
and those real front-line stars have quoted five or six hundred thousand. If they
have internal relations, they can get lower prices.

And now the player Ozawa is only one person, and he is not a star, even he was
quoted 200,000?

"Yes, it's 200,000. And more than 200,000. Tell him that we can meet any
requirements as long as he is willing to show up for this event." The manager
spoke, and he looked at the dumb assistant beside him , And quickly said, "Why are
you still doing it? Not yet!"

"Oaoao," the assistant responded, and hurriedly walked outside.


"Two, two hundred thousand?"

Seeing the numbers sent by the game company "Super Landlord" in WeChat, Chen Ze
directly held back.

He also knows things on the Internet, which surprised him. He never thought that
such a thing would happen. Moreover, he also noticed that after such a thing
happened, his popularity increased suddenly and then dropped. Obviously, these
remarks on the Internet had a great influence on his popularity increase.

Therefore, Chen Ze frowned and wanted to solve this problem.

However, before he could do anything, the people from the game company came to him
and told him that as long as he was willing to show up, and against the snow of the
night and his friends, he could send 200,000 give him.
This time, Chen Ze was stunned. He himself planned to accept the invitation of Snow
of the Night, and also thought about whether to communicate with the game and let
the game company arrange the game.

Who knew he hadn't waited for him to speak, the gaming company said that he would
give him 200,000, so that he must participate in this competition.

200,000, this is 200,000.

Although Chen Ze has a few million now, he was still stunned by this number, and
did not reply to the game company at once.

"Not only this 200,000, as long as you are willing to participate in the
competition, all the competition process will be handled by our company, as long as
you participate directly."

The game company's WeChat sent another message, seemingly afraid that Chen Ze
refused to agree, and quickly said.

"This, me." Chen Ze typed a few words in the past, and he was ready to agree
directly. After all, 200,000, and there was nothing wrong with being able to solve
this matter.

"Not only does this process not require you to manage, your return air tickets,
hotel accommodations, that are also our responsibility."

The people from the game company sent another WeChat. In fact, they prepared a lot
of conditions for Chen Ze to come to the game.

However, since it is negotiation, they also intend to say it little by little to

move Chen Ze with minimal loss.

"And plane tickets and hotels? That's the case." Chen Ze replied again, intending
to be polite.

"Not only these two, but if you can win this game, then we will have a big red
envelope for you after the game." The people from the game company said again,
obviously afraid that Chen Ze would not agree.

"There is a big red envelope ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ So I." Chen Ze replied again.

"If you have any other requirements, you can just say it. As long as you can
participate in this competition, we are willing to accept that the conditions just
said are already all the conditions we have prepared before." The game company
responded, they I prepared a lot of things to impress Chen Ze. I thought I could
impress him anyway. Who knew that he had finished talking and Chen Ze did not

"Lion speaks loudly." People in this game company thought to himself, he was in a
bad mood. I felt that this time I was probably slaughtered by Chen Ze. Chen Ze had
other conditions. The requirements must be particularly high .

"No, I always wanted to say that I agreed, and from the beginning you said this, I
wanted to agree." Chen Ze replied, and finally said what he had always wanted to

"One, promised at the beginning?" The game company responded.

"Yes, at the beginning." Chen Ze nodded.

"........." (To be continued.)


Chapter FTLS 154: sensation

"After discussing with the player Mr. Ozawa, our company has stated that they are
willing to accept the challenge of the snow of the night to dispel everyone's
doubts. The time will be next Saturday at the 17th floor of the b building of
Yanjing Building. Come and watch it. At the same time, we will also broadcast the
game live on the entire network. Welcome everyone to watch it. "

Soon, after Chen Ze promised to play, the game company of "Super Landlord"
immediately responded on the Internet. They set the time and place, and even the
live broadcast was set, and then these things were communicated in the
announcement. Sent out.

Seeing this announcement, those players and netizens are a little bit boiled.

"Responded, I didn't think I really responded. This is all right, and finally I can
know if luck is there or not, and how his card skills are."

"Luck brother actually agreed. It seems that there is such a person. Great. I'll
see what such a luck brother looks like next Saturday and who it is."

"Do n’t be too early, let ’s wait for Saturday to see the luck of the luck brother
and the card skills. Maybe it is the smoke bomb issued by the game company now,
just find someone to pretend, is it luck brother? Let's wait until that day to see.

"Excited, I'm really a little excited. Luck brother and the game company accepted
it. I don't know what will happen to the snow in the night. He said in the
announcement that he should bring one of his friends, but he didn't know what the
friend was Now. "

Netizens all said that everyone was very excited. After seeing Chen Ze and the game
company agree, they immediately confirmed the existence of Chen Ze. And there are
many, although they are still skeptical, but they are not so disappointed as
before, they all said that they had to wait and see next Saturday.

And almost all netizens have the same idea, that is, they must watch the live
broadcast next Saturday to see if Chen Ze does not exist and how strong he is.

However, in addition, many netizens turned back to the Snow of the Night. After
Chen Ze agreed, everyone wanted to see what would happen to the Snow of the Night,
and would he really come to challenge.

There is also a friend in his previous announcement, who does not know what kind of
person he is.

"Well, see you next Saturday at Yanjing Building." Snow of the Night also received
a notice from the game company before the game company made this announcement, so
after the announcement, he responded the first time. Get up, "In addition, my
friend's strength is much stronger than mine. If the player Ozawa you really exist,
you have to be careful."
Seeing Snow's response, netizens made another sensation.

Everyone was looking forward to what the Snow of the Night would respond to, and
never thought he was so direct. And really like many players' guesses, the friends
he brings are better than him.

"It's stronger than the snow of the night. It's impossible. I feel the snow of the
night is already very strong. Except this time I lost to luck brother, I have never
seen him lose to others. People who are stronger than him, Is there anyone besides
Chen Ze? "

"Haha, it is better than the snow in the night. If luck really exists, I think next
Saturday will be a blood-thirsty game."

"I think everyone has forgotten one thing. The reason why Snow in the Night is so
strong is because he is a professional gambler in Macau, and I heard that he ranks
higher among these people in Macau than he is. It's also awesome, it must be a
gambler with a higher ranking. "

"Yes, the snow of the night is really a professional gambler, isn't his friend a
professional gambler? And listening to the words of the snow of the night is even
better than him. Luck brother really wants one Hit two, and he's the one with the
best opponent. "

"One person fights with two professional gamblers, and both are still so strong.
This, this, even if it is luck, I am afraid they will not win."

Everyone discussed in the posts and groups. They were very enthusiastic, and they
all thought of one thing. I heard before the Snow of the Night that he is a
professional gambler. Those who are better than him must be of the same status.

In other words, Chen Ze will have to play two professional gamblers alone.

Everyone thinks that even if Chen Ze really exists, and it is really as powerful as
the computer, then I'm afraid I can't win this time. The opponent's lineup is
really terrifying.


"Great, I didn't expect that luck brother really agreed, I haven't bet against such
a character for a long time, this time I must seize the opportunity."

In the room of the night snow in Macau, Lu Cheng was excited.

Sure enough, as expected before the Snow of the Night, his suggestion was not at
all concerned about the Snow of the Night, and he was not right for him, but simply
wanted to gamble with Chen Ze.

"Lu Cheng, you should also be careful. If that luck brother is not made by a game
company, then it proves that he has sufficient strength, at least as a landlord. I
am afraid that even if you are, it will not be him Opponent. "

The snow of the night spoke, and he saw Lu Cheng so easily, he didn't seem to put
Chen Ze in his eyes at all, and his heart suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

When he made this announcement, he actually had some careful thoughts to restore
his reputation and status in the game. He didn't want to be regarded as a failure
of Chen Ze's men.
That's why he promised Lu Cheng and called him, because he felt that Chen Ze was
not the only one who could handle it.

But now that the game is far from starting, he saw that Lu Cheng was so paralyzed,
and his heart suddenly felt bad.

"That luck brother, is not so simple to deal with." Snow of the night said.

"Rest assured, although he does have a hand on the landlord, but the two of us
played together, there is no reason to beat him. We can't beat them together,
unless they are the top masters in the gambling industry." Hear of the night In the
case of snow, Lu Cheng grinned, and UU read the book www. uukanshu.com "And even if
the landlord loses, don't forget what my best gambling skill is, as long as you let
that luck brother and I bet on me, I guarantee he is not an opponent at all."

"So, that's the same." The Snow of the Night nodded, and he felt that Lu Cheng's
words made a little sense, it seemed that he was a little more cautious, and the
one who beat both of them at the same time must be the top figure in the world
gambling, luck brother No matter how great, it can't be so powerful.

So he relaxed his mind: "Yes, Lu, what is your best gambling skill?"


Hearing the words of the night snow, Lu Cheng almost fell down: "I rely on, our two
friends for so many years, you don't even know what I do best?"

"I don't know." Nocturne nodded without hesitation.

"Dice, dice." Lu Cheng said, "As long as that luck brother dares to compare dice
with me, I guarantee that the fart he loses will flow." (To be continued.)


Chapter FTLS 155: This Nima is impossible

Soon, it was time for the game. Chen Ze and the night snow and Lu Cheng flew
towards Yanjing from their respective places.

The majority of netizens have been watching this game closely.

"Did the game start?"

"It looks like it hasn't, but I can finally see the look of that luck brother. I
want to see what it looks like, luck can be so good."

"Is there any luck? I still have to say two things. The person who played today may
not be the luck brother. Maybe it was a person who the game company just looked
for. I think it is very likely that anyone has such good luck and so much skill.

"That is, just look at the games waiting for the meeting, and I also feel that
there is no luck at all."

On the Internet, the match between Chen Ze and Night Snow has not yet started. A
group of netizens commented on a live website. This live website is a website
created by the game company "Super Landlord" in order to broadcast this game live.
Good to dispel the doubts of all netizens.

Soon, the time for the game is up. The host first came out and said to the camera:
"Everyone in front of the computer, everyone is optimistic, and our game will begin
immediately. This game is divided into two Part, the first part is to ask our
player luck, brother Ozawa, to show you his luck, do n’t many people say that his
luck is too bad, so let ’s show it today. And the second part, Naturally, it's luck
and the night of the player and his friend's hand. "

Originally, this game only had the cards of Chen Ze and Night Snow and Lu Cheng,
but before the game, Chen Ze suddenly felt that his luck as a gambler seemed to be
good today, of course, because he was facing the night snow With his friends, Chen
Ze knows that he may not be able to play, but if it is simply a draw show, if it is
not compared with the two of them, it is still very likely to be shown.

Therefore, Chen Ze temporarily found a game company and added this first link.

When I heard the moderator's words, many netizens in front of the computer were

"I rely, there is still this link, this is great, I will see if this luck brother
is so good."

"666, I also want to see how good luck this luck brother can be."

"Great, now I can see what happened to luck before Brother Luck. I don't believe he
can have such good luck."

Netizens have left messages and a barrage.

In their message, Chen Ze came out and walked into the camera.

With a smile on his face, although it was the first time under this kind of live
camera, when he participated in the God of Food competition before, he was also
filmed by the TV station and magazine, so there was no tension.

"This is Luck Brother. It looks so young. It doesn't look like a master of gambling
at all."

"Yeah, it's not like a gambling master at all, it's so young. Although it looks
good, it doesn't look like the kind of person who can defeat the snow in the night.
Is he really a luck brother?"

"It's so young, so young, too young. If I meet him on the street, I can't imagine
he will be a luck brother."

After seeing Chen Ze's looks, netizens said again and again that everyone felt that
Chen Ze was too young.

In their impression, if it is really a gambling master, then it must be at least 30

or 40 years old, and it has been floating in the gambling world for decades. How
can there be such a young man, it looks like he is in his twenties. Such a person,
even a genius, is so powerful.

So although they saw Chen Ze, everyone was more skeptical. Everyone was staring
closely at Chen Ze, wanting to watch his movements today.

"Everyone is optimistic. I ’m sitting in the position where we are going to play. I

will take out an unopened card and let the site deal with it by myself. After the
deal, I will take my The card is shown to everyone. Is my luck so good, everyone
will wait and see to know. "At this time, Chen Ze began.
Immediately afterwards, someone sent an unopened card. Chen Ze showed it in front
of the camera with a card, so that everyone saw that it was indeed an unopened

Then Chen Ze opened the card, and then randomly ordered a person to shuffle the
cards. Then, according to the way the landlord dealt cards, Chen Ze and two other
positions were dealt separately.

Chen Ze picked up the card, then sorted it out, with a smile on his face: "Everyone
is optimistic."

With that said, he showed the cards. I saw two kings, four twos, Changshun and
company, and a pair of cards that could easily crush the opponent, exactly the same
as the cards Chen Ze got online .

"This, this, this Nima is impossible. How is this possible, how could it be
possible to get such a good card at once?"

"Yeah, this is completely impossible, how is this possible?"

"Oh my god, you're really lucky."

Seeing Chen Ze ’s card, many netizens blew up directly. Before that, they
questioned Chen Ze aloud, and questioned that luck brother did not exist at all.
Now I saw Chen Ze's display directly, and all of a sudden he was stupid, and he
couldn't believe his eyes at all.

"Ha ha ha, I believe that many people are still doubting that one game can't
explain anything, so let's go to three games and open another three games." To the
camera, Chen Ze seemed to guess everyone's thoughts. He Open up.

Facing this kind of vacancy, Chen Ze knows that it is the easiest way for him to
gamble with God. If there are people sitting there, those people ’s gambling will
have an impact on Chen Ze ’s gambling. The greater the impact of Ze. The opposite
is the opposite, so Chen Ze knows that this situation is the easiest time for him
to bet on God.

Then, he opened three games in a row, and as a result, the situation was the same
in each game, and Chen Ze easily got a good card in each game.

This is not only the netizens in front of the live broadcast camera, but even the
people from the game company on the spot, the anchor of the live broadcast, and
even the night snow and Lu Cheng, with extremely surprised expressions on their

"This is ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ this is simply impossible, is there really anyone in

the world who can be so lucky?"

"My God, it's such a good hand for four consecutive games, it's completely

"Oh my God, it's hard to imagine. Someone really has luck so well."

In front of the computer, as well as the staff in this game room, whispers,
especially those of the game company, these people are the people who prepared this
game, so they also prepared this deck of cards for Chen Ze.

When Chen Ze mentioned that he needed to add this link, they all felt that Chen Ze
was too confident. In case of bad luck, it would be a big ugly. For luck, they all
thought it was the most unreliable, so Chen Ze was advised not to engage in this

Who knows that Chen Ze doesn't listen at all and must do it. In the end, they can
only agree, but they have the worst plan in mind.

Who knows, even such a good result.

This, this Nima is simply impossible. (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 156: Real master

At the scene, people from the game company looked at each other

The cards were prepared by myself, and I confirmed that there were no problems, and
the scene was also arranged by myself, without any problems. network

However, Chen Ze played such a card without any problems.

This, this, this really makes them incredible. Many people looked at each other,
and they saw unbelievable expressions in each other's eyes.

"It's impossible, it must be fake, it must be fake. Yes, it must be the ghost of
the person who shuffled and dealt with you, so that you can sit in this specific
position, and you can get a good card just above your position."

"That is, it must be a ghost, and I don't believe in such good luck without it."

"Fake, it must be fake."

At this time, many netizens in front of the computer spoke again. They were not at
the scene and did not know what was happening at the scene. Therefore, many people
still thought that Chen Ze was counterfeiting here. For example, there may be
problems during the shuffle. Just got a good card for Chen Ze's position.

These people are people who yelled on the Internet before, thinking that luck
brother did not exist at all. Naturally at this time, they still couldn't believe
their eyes and what happened.

These barrage and messages were also seen by Chen Ze.

He still smiled on his face: "Okay, I know that many netizens still can't believe
my luck, so yes, with so many people at the scene, you can just point to a person
to give me a license, these three positions here, You can also just point one to
let me sit, and that's fine. "

Chen Ze said confidently that he is very confident, and today he will be able to
dispel the doubts of these netizens. And it must be destroyed, otherwise let this
message continue to pass, but it is not conducive to the growth of popularity.

When I heard Chen Ze's words, I saw Chen Ze's self-confident look. Those netizens
who had been watching live in front of the computer, even some netizens who had
always questioned Chen Ze and the game company, suddenly became frustrated.

Before, they did feel confident that Chen Ze must have been counterfeit here. Even
if just now, Chen Ze took out four consecutive good cards. Many people still think
that Chen Ze and the game company are counterfeiting. problem.
But now, seeing Chen Ze saying so, and seeing Chen Ze's confident expression,
everyone can't help but believe it. Maybe this guy's luck is really so good.

"It's impossible, it's impossible, no one can have such good luck, it's absolutely

"That is, it must have come to us, and deliberately showed confidence, so as to
dispel our doubts and let us not continue to question."

"If there is a problem, there must still be a problem. I don't believe it. I chose
someone to change the seat of this guy. He can still hold the card."

Many netizens continued to dispel the trust that had just arisen from Chen Ze in
their hearts, and they all started again.

Then, many people started to choose the licensee and Chen Ze's seat according to
Chen Ze's words:

"I think the man in the gray clothes in front of the camera is not bad. He doesn't
look like a person who can be faked. Let him license it."

"The one in the red dress is also very good. She has been standing almost outside
the camera. She must not be connected with Luck Brother. Let her deal with her."

"That luck brother, you can sit in another position, sitting on your right hand

"I think the left-hand side is fine, it's better to just the right-hand side, the
left-hand side."

These netizens left a message, they racked their brains, selected the licensee, and
Chen Ze's seat, in order not to allow Chen Ze the possibility of fraud, and to
expose Chen Ze's true face.

"Okay, so follow everyone."

After seeing the messages from these netizens, Chen Ze was still not panic, so they
selected those people to deal with the cards according to what they said, and then
continued to change seats. Everything followed the netizens' messages and opened
again Several rounds.

These rounds are exactly the same as the previous results.

"This, how is this possible, how is this possible. Is there really such good luck
in this world? There are so many games with such good luck."

"It's completely impossible. This is beyond imagination. How is this possible?"

"My God, it's completely impossible. It turns out that the luck you had before was
all true?"

"My God, although I have seen it on a computer before, it is not as shocking as it

is today. In reality, I have seen so many cards in this series, and it has been so
many consecutive games. It is too exaggerated."

Netizens are completely crazy. Even if they refuse to believe, they ca n’t believe
the people of Chen Ze. At this time, they have to believe in Chen Ze and believe in
their eyes. The guy in front of him is really such a lucky person.
The scene was completely sensational. The casual competition has not actually
started yet, but everyone has already boiled. Before this, no one had thought that
anyone could have such good luck. Now that I have seen it in person, I can't be

"Oh my god, this guy's luck is really so good."

"I didn't see it myself. I can't believe it."

"If his luck is really good, then he must be very good."

People around the game company all said that there was nothing more than shock and
admiration in the eyes of Chen Ze.

On the other side, the two men standing there were equally shocked. These two
people are the snow of the night and Lu Cheng.

"Old, old Lu, have you ever seen someone with such good luck before?" Snow of the
night swallowed the watercourse.

To be honest, he still had a very confident self before he thought that with him
and Lu Cheng, it was enough to defeat any luck brother, if he really existed.

But now, after seeing Chen Ze's luck ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ with his own eyes, this
confidence disappeared immediately.

In his many years of gambler career, it is not when he has no luck, but no matter
how good his luck is, he can never be as good as Chen Ze, let alone Chen Ze is so

Therefore, at this moment, his face was a little pale, and he felt that Chen Ze had
been far underestimated before.

"No, no, not only have I never seen it, even those world-class masters, I think
they should have never seen such luck." Lu Cheng said, also very shocked, "The so-
called fortune comes to the head, the word bet is Li Shi and Yun, Shi can be
practiced. But Yun is born. Only Shi and Yun together can truly become a true
gambling master. "

"What does this mean?" Snow of the Night said.

"Meaning is that if he played against you in the previous game, his momentum is
already very good. Coupled with such strong luck, I am afraid that this guy is a
master, a real master." Lu Cheng said, His face was very heavy, and he did not
expect that Chen Ze would be so powerful. "I'm afraid the two of us will deal with
him together." (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 157: 1 enemy 2

"It's too slippery, it's really slippery. I can't think that luck is so slippery,
luck is really so good, so I look forward to the next game."

"Yeah, although I still can't understand why luck is so good. But since luck can
really be so good, then the card skills he played in the last final should be true,
then the next card The game is interesting. "

"I'm looking forward to it. Although Luck's opponent is Snow of the Night and his
friends, according to the current situation, Luck is not necessarily lost."

In the live broadcast site, after the first round of Chen Ze's show, everyone left
a message. They no longer had a slight doubt about Chen Ze, and the rest was
endless admiration and expectations for the next game.

Although they all know that the snow of the night and his friends are very strong,
and even heard that they are professional gamblers, they are full of confidence in
Chen Ze. People who are lucky to this level, even if their opponents are more
powerful, It's impossible to lose.

In the eyes of everyone, Snow of the Night and Lu Cheng walked in front of the
camera, walked across from Chen Ze, sat down, and then said, "Hello, I'm Snow of
the Night, this is mine Friends Lu Cheng. "

"These two guys are exactly what I imagined, they look very imposing at first
glance, especially the Lu Cheng,"

"Both of them are in their 30s and 40s. They both look great, but I think luck will

"That is, Brother Luck is so lucky that he has no reason to lose. But the two guys
do look really good. I heard that both of them came from Macau. It is really
inappropriate to underestimate."

After seeing the snow in the night and Lu Cheng, netizens started talking.

And Chen Ze was moved in his heart. He took a closer look at the two men. Although
they were ordinary, they did carry a temperament, a master's temperament, and the
snow in the night was okay. Chen Ze felt slightly weaker. However, Lu Cheng made
him feel quite extraordinary.

And more importantly, Chen Ze can feel that his luck of God of Gambling is
declining. Obviously, after playing against these two people, the luck of God of
Gambling has been affected. It cannot be like when he was drawing a card. .

The speed of the decline is not faster than the previous game played on the
Internet with the Snow of the Night, but Chen Ze knows that this is not bad for Lu
Cheng, but because he himself has drawn two skills to improve his ability A grade,
so that the support of the **** of gambling is not falling too fast.

If it was changed to before, I am afraid that the luck of God of Gambling has
completely stopped working at this time.

However, despite this, Chen Ze knew that if he continued to do so, his luck as a
gambler would still be useless.

"Everything still depends on gambling." Chen Ze muttered to himself, his current

grasp of gambling is the luck of the gods, the calculation of the gods, the power
of the gods of gambling and the gambling of the gods of gambling, three of which I
am afraid it will not play any role in the next game. The only thing that can work
is the **** of gambling.

And this gambler's calculation is in reality, not online, or he used it for the
first time, and the opponent is two masters, so Chen Ze can not be sure what
exactly the gambling calculation can be played, Can't help him defeat these two

He looked at the camera until many netizens were watching the live broadcast. Once
lost at this time, the popularity will be a devastating blow, so Chen Ze knows: "No
matter whether the God of Gambling can list me to defeat these two people, I always
have to win and not lose."
But not only Chen Ze was observing the two men, they were also observing Chen Ze in

Their faces were calm at this moment, but the terror in their hearts was still
difficult to calm.

"It's so young, it's really too young. If such a young person were not to see it
with my own eyes, it would be hard for me to imagine such a fortune. This kind of
fortune is generally standing at the pinnacle of the world's gambling scene, even
close to the legend Only in the realm of gambling in China can such a young person
really have such gambling luck? "

Looking at Chen Ze, Lu Cheng thought to himself that at this moment he still had
difficulty accepting that Chen Ze had such good luck. He thought about his career
as a gambler, knowing that in general, the higher the gambling skill, the better
his luck. This is called fortune.

A real gambling expert is not only good at gambling, but also always very good at
gambling. And the higher the status, the better the gambling luck. Therefore, it is
not non-existent that you have very good luck and can draw a good card.

But those are the pinnacles of the gambling world today, and even if he is such a
character, he knows that it is almost impossible to have such luck as Chen Ze.

With such luck, Lu Cheng felt that it could only happen to one person, and that was
the legendary **** of gambling.

This **** of gambling does not refer to a person, but refers to an invincible state
of gambling. It is true that such legends are circulating in the world gambling
world, but no one has reached such a state yet.

Therefore, Lu Cheng only doubted that after seeing such good luck as Chen Ze, he
doubted whether Chen Ze had reached such a state. Only in this realm can such luck
be achieved.

But seeing Chen Ze being so young, he overturned this suspicion.

In any case, he couldn't believe it. A young man, but a man in his twenties,
reached a state that he didn't know how many people would pursue in his life ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~.

Even so, he and Snow of the Night changed their plans. Previously, their plan was
to defeat Chen Ze in this game by their own abilities. He felt that there was
absolutely no problem in defeating Chen Ze.

But now it's different. Now he saw Chen Ze's such bad luck with his own eyes.
Although he definitely didn't believe that Chen Ze would reach the realm of
gambling, he still didn't dare to be so entrusted. He had already discussed with
Night Snow.

Regardless of whether he is the next or the Snow of the Night to become the
landlord, there is only one goal, which is to let Chen Ze lose.

In other words, no matter whether Chen Ze will become a landlord or a peasant in

this game, he will face the cooperation of these two people. They know that the two
of them, unless they are the world's top gambling masters, otherwise it is
absolutely impossible to win both of them at the same time.
No matter how good Chen Ze's luck is, he definitely does not belong to that rank.

Lu Cheng and Snow of the Night looked at each other, and smiled at the corners of
their mouths: "Although I don't know how your bad luck came, but in the face of the
two of us, you lost. "(To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 158: so what

"I declare the rules of this hand. The hand is the landlord and still wins in seven
games. Whoever wins the first four games in the seven games wins."

At the scene, the host spoke.

With his words, the cards were reshuffled, and then Chen Ze and Night Snow and Lu
Cheng drew cards separately.

In front of the computer, with their lottery, netizens watching the live broadcast
also became nervous, and many of them stared at the game meticulously.

"It's too tense. Seven wins and four wins, and they are all masters. Each of these
games is very important."

"Yeah, I feel that this first game is very important. Whoever takes the lead in
winning the first game will be the first to start, and may even continue to win."

"Support Luck Brother, but Snowy Night and his friends don't look easy, just look
at who can win this first game."

"First, let's see who can get the landlord of the first round, who can get the
landlord first."

Netizens have left messages, and they all know that the three people at the scene
are all masters, and the momentum on the gambling board is very important. Whoever
gains momentum will be able to gain an advantage, even smooth sailing.

Therefore, this first game is the most important thing. Whoever can win the first
game wins the opportunity, and may even lay the foundation for winning this round
of games.

And since it is the landlord, then who is the landlord is the very important thing
in this first round, so everyone is most concerned about who will become the
landlord of the first round.

In the attention of all netizens, Chen Ze and the night snow and Lu Cheng kept
holding cards, but the person who finally received the landlord card was Lu Cheng.

"I got it." Lu Cheng took the landlord card and smiled at Chen Ze.

"Congratulations." Chen Ze said, and continued to draw cards without expression. It

seemed that Lu Cheng's landlord card had no effect on him.

Although it has no effect on Chen Ze, it has caused a sensation among netizens:

"Strange, if this guy got the landlord, and he became the landlord in the end, then
what is the calculation, is that the snow of the night and luck brother united to
hit him alone? But this time it is not the snow of the night to challenge this guy
together Are you lucky? "

"Yeah, I always have this doubt. Since it is a landlord, there must always be a
landlord. And this landlord is not necessarily a luck brother. If he is taken as
the landlord by the snow of night or his friend, How can they fight? Didn't these
two guys come to challenge luck? "

"Yes, if one of them becomes the landlord, and the other one joins the landlord to
beat the luck brother, and deliberately put a card to let the landlord pass, then
even if the luck brother is more powerful, I am afraid that he is not an opponent.

"Well, it makes a lot of sense. But I think that although they all came to
challenge the luck brother, they must still have a fair share. They must all be
thinking about winning by themselves. How could the landlord and the farmer unite
to come to the luck brother? People. If you do that, you do n’t have to fight. ”

"Yes, it should be."

Netizens have discussed one after another, and they all feel that this situation is
a bit subtle. If Chen Ze is not the landlord, wouldn't it have caused the situation
where the landlord and the peasant united to hit him as a peasant.

But if you think about it, they think it's not possible. Both of them are masters.
If they are combined in this way, then this hand can't be played at all.

Therefore, they all feel that although this situation exists, it is basically

However, things unexpectedly exceeded their expectations.

"I am the landlord." Lu Cheng spoke, then took three hole cards, sorted it out, and
started playing his first card: "Three."

"No." Lu Cheng's next home is the snow of the night. After hearing Lu Cheng's
leaflet three, he played such a card directly.

And what he said directly caught everyone on the scene and everyone in front of the
computer: "No, don't you?"

Everyone can't believe their ears. It's just three, or a three. Nima doesn't want

Immediately, the netizens in front of the computer were in a tight heart and
thought of a possibility, no, no. Regardless of whether they are the landlord and
the peasant, the two plan to join forces against Chen Ze alone.

Thought of this, everyone immediately looked nervous.

"Five." Chen Ze spoke, and he played a card. There was no surprise on his face at
this moment, and he continued to play his cards securely.

"Six." Lu Cheng said.

"Don't," Snow of the Night said.

"Eight." Chen Ze played another card.

"Q." Lu Cheng said.

"Don't." The snow of night spoke again.

"A." Chen Ze played another card.

"Two." Lu Cheng played another card.

"Don't," Snow of the Night said.

"I'm sorry." Chen Ze said, and he couldn't control the card at this time.

Seeing here, although the game of the first round has not ended, the netizens have
been holding back. They have not played a card for four consecutive games. Everyone
fully understands that the snow in the night and his friends are really true. After
discussion, whether landlord or peasant, we must deal with Chen Ze together.

"Here, isn't this Nima a pit man? The landlord and the peasants joined together,
and the peasants deliberately let the landlord win. How can this be fought?"

"Yeah, how can you fight this? It can't be beaten at all. The landlord and peasant
united to deal with another peasant, even if they are lucky, they can't fight."

"This can't be beaten at all, how to fight it, it's totally unfair. The landlord
and the peasants have joined together. The two men who were originally the night
snow were the masters, and now they are united like this, they can't fight at all."

Netizens have commented, and all are unhappy with Chen Ze. If Chen Ze is the
landlord, it doesn't matter. It's okay to be beaten by two people, but he is just a
farmer, and the landlord has someone else.

In this case, the landlord and the peasants joined together to fight, there was no
way to fight it. Everyone sighed for Chen Ze, and they all felt that Chen Ze was
defeated this time.

However, although netizens keep leaving messages, the snow in the night has
intensified, not only regardless of Lu Cheng's cards, but against Chen Ze
everywhere, so that Chen Ze's cards can't come out.

Coupled with his two masters, so this very first game came to the end soon.

"One-on-eight, I'm finished, ha ha ha." Lu Cheng said, he took the lead to finish
the cards in his hand, that is, as the landlord, he won the first game.

After winning, other people on the scene also criticized it, like the netizens, I
think this is too unfair, how can there be such a fight, people from several game
companies still want to come in and not let them do so continue.

"Snow player of the night, your play is not very good. After all, you are also a
farmer. Even if you come here to win the player Ozawa, you cannot join the landlord
as a farmer."

"Yeah, you do n’t have to play the game with player Ozawa at all. How do you fight
if you are a farmer and a landlord?"

"You guys are all cheating. Fortunately, he couldn't fight at ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~

Several game companies spoke, and he didn't want to let Night Snow and Lu Cheng
continue to fight like this.

"I remember the announcement I said before, let ’s play the player Ozawa alone with
both of us." At this time, the snow of the night also spoke, smiling, "Since this
is the case, then we are so united, there is no problem. "If the player Ozawa you
are so powerful, even if we are two, it should not be your opponent."

After hearing what he said, the people who wanted to come in to the game company
suddenly stopped and didn't know what to say. It seems that there is nothing wrong
with the snow of the night.

However, they all feel that this style of play is quite shameless. If it is played
like this, then Chen Ze loses completely. Faced with such two masters, there is no
way to win back.

Therefore, although they didn't speak, many people's faces turned red, and they
wanted to say something for Chen Ze.

However, at this time, Chen Ze smiled: "That's the case, it turns out that you
really play this way. If you want me to fight one or two, that's no problem.
Anyway, I have already figured out the details of the two of you. .Even if the two
of you are united, that's all right. "(To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 159: Rolling

"It's shameless to fight like this, the landlord and the peasant are united."

"That is, how can you fight like luck, just let it go."

"It's impossible to fight at all. Even if you are lucky, you won't be able to fight
like this. You can still win against these two people."

Watching the snow of the night and Lu Cheng, hearing the words of the night of
snow, the netizens in front of the computer filled with indignation, especially
after hearing the words of the night of snow, they were all speechless, knowing
that the snow of the night did not say Problem, but I feel that their behavior is
even more shameless.

But at this moment, they heard Chen Ze again: "That's the case, it turns out that
you really play this way. If you want me to fight one or two, that's no problem.
Anyway, the details of the two of you are already in the first game. Figure it out.
Even if the two of you are united, how about that. "

After hearing Chen Ze's words of self-confidence, many people stopped and did not
know what Chen Ze said.

"This, what does this luck brother mean? Does he think he can still win?"

"It's impossible, luck brother won't win anymore. If the two of them have always
been the landlord, and the other person has been cooperating, how can luck brother

"Yeah, you can figure it out in the first game. What does this mean?"

Netizens have left messages one after another, some wondering what Chen Ze is
talking about and what he means. However, seeing Chen Ze's confident smile in the
camera, everyone had an idea for no reason: "Maybe, maybe luck brother can really

In the camera, Chen Ze smiled confidently. Yes, he is very confident now.

In fact, he had expected that these two people might do so. After all, the two
people challenged themselves together. Since this is the case, how could they be
united with themselves, so Chen Ze had long expected that even one of them would As
the landlord, the other person will still cooperate.
This was the first game. In this first game, Chen Ze naturally cooperated with the
two. For nothing else, just touch the bottom of Lu Cheng.

Chen Ze has already played against him in the snow of the night, knowing his
jeopardy. But Lu Cheng and Chen Ze didn't, so Chen Ze wanted to analyze how high
his gambling skill was and whether he had a chance to win through this first game.

After the end of the first round, although he lost the round, Chen Ze's mind in the
mind of the gambler has also analyzed Lu Cheng.

"This guy is very strong, much stronger than the snow of the night. However,
according to calculations, he is not my opponent. Even if it is united with the
snow of the night, it will not be my opponent." Chen Ze looked at Lu Cheng ,
Thinking about the result of the calculation of the **** of gambling.

In fact, the power of God of Gambling made him startled. He was just in front of
the computer and couldn't see the human face to make calculations based on the
game, so the accuracy was not very high.

But this time is different. This time, in contrast to the night snow and Lu Cheng's
facial expression changes, Chen Ze was able to easily analyze the cards in the
hands of the two men with intentions, so it is not very difficult to find the
corresponding measures. difficult.

Although the gambling skills of these two people are good, they have not yet
reached the real heights. They can hide facial expressions, but they can't hide the
micro expressions and micro movements. Real gambling masters, these can also be
hidden, even used to confuse opponents. And if you meet such a master, with the
current ability of Chen Ze, there is no way to deal with it.

It is necessary to rely on the eyes of the **** of gamblers to be able to see

through this master's actions.

However, the snow of the night and Lu Cheng are not such masters, and their micro-
movements are all flawed under the analysis of the **** of gamblers.

That's why Chen Ze has such self-confidence. Even if he faces the union of these
two people, he will win.

And the night of snow and Lu Cheng, just because they won the first game, are
happy, and suddenly heard Chen Ze's words, both of them laughed and laughed:
"Hahaha, interesting, we won It ’s the first game. But it seems that, according to
you, the person who won the first game should be you. ”

These two people are professional gamblers in Macau. This time they joined together
again, and they just won the first game, and they won the first game very easily.
In this case, the two are naturally Gradually came the contempt of Chen Ze.

They all feel that although they do not know how Chen Ze's luck came, it seems that
the card skills are not good.

But at this time, they heard that Chen Ze said he had won. How can they hold back
without laughing, they all thought that Chen Ze's words were ridiculous.

"Hahaha, I think you're just talking hard."

"Yes, it is hard-mouthed." The two spoke, and both laughed at Chen Ze.

"Really, let's wait and see." After hearing the mockery of the two, Chen Ze was not
annoyed and said, "But I said in advance that you won't win the next game, and I
will win four in a row. Inning. "

"You guy, too arrogant."

Hearing Chen Ze's words, and seeing Chen Ze's so confident face, Lu Cheng suddenly
became very annoyed. He could feel that Chen Ze did not seem to be hard-mouthed,
but looked down on the two of them from his heart, and did not treat them at all.
Two eyes.

This feeling made him uncomfortable, and even reminded him of a game he had gambled
with a real world master in the past. In that game, the world-class master also had
this tone, which made him very upset and secretly vowed To make this world master

But the final result was that Lu Cheng was defeated, and there was no power to
fight back.

So at this moment Lu Chengcai was angry and opened his mouth to Chen Zedao.

But immediately, Cheng Cheng Lu felt his own disability, and quickly returned to
his original position: "In short, let me see what kind of confidence you have to
dare to say such things."

"No problem," Chen Ze laughed.

Then the second game started, or the landlord made by Lu Cheng, and the night snow
cooperated with him.

But this time is different. This time, Chen Ze's mind constantly showed that there
was still an analysis of the snow in the night and how to deal with it in the most

Chen Ze naturally, everything is played according to the analysis of the **** of


Suddenly, Lu Cheng and Night Snow felt different, not the same as in the first
game. Both felt that he seemed to be seen through by Chen Ze.

No matter what card the two played, Chen Ze anticipated in advance that they had a
way to deal with it.

No matter how the two of them cooperated, there was no way to grasp the situation.
On the contrary, Chen Ze played cards and went wrong, but his two long straights or
planes were forced to tear them apart.

"A pair of eights, I won." Chen Ze played all the cards and said with a smile.

In the end, Chen Ze easily won the second game.

"This, how is this possible."

"It's completely impossible."

Seeing Chen Ze played the second game so easily, the snow of the night and Lu Cheng
stopped, they couldn't believe their eyes at all, they couldn't believe what
happened to them just now.

With the cooperation of the two, it was so easy to lose the second game, even a
little struggle could not be done. This, this is really too hard for them to

Especially the snow in the night, his face was very ugly, because he thought about
the game that he had played against Chen Ze on the Internet before, and that game
was the same. He had the feeling that Chen Ze was in the palm of his hand, but
could not move .

He thought it was just his illusion, but now he realized that everything was true.

This feeling is back.

"It's impossible. I absolutely don't believe it. How could we just lose like this?
How can this be possible?" Lu Cheng said, his face was equally ugly, and he
couldn't believe what happened in the second round. "Come again, I will I don't
believe you can win us like this in every game. "

"No problem ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen Ze spoke again.

Then the third game was the same as the second game. Although they cooperated, they
were easily slaughtered by Chen Ze.

The fourth and fifth innings.

The next two innings were exactly the same as in the previous two innings. How did
Ren Yexue and Lu Cheng struggle against each other, but they were easily smashed by
Chen Ze, and they had no ability to resist.

"Three ten, I won."

In the final fifth game, Chen Ze smiled and spoke.

On the opposite side, the snow of the night and Lu Cheng were all stunned.

At the game site, the people of the game company and the anchor were also stunned.

In front of the computer, all the players and netizens were stunned.

Everyone did not expect that this would happen. Chen Ze, he even crushed the two.
To be continued.

Chapter FTLS 160: Test of dice

"Oh my God, luck, this is too much, but it's the cheating union of the night snow
and his friend. This is actually crushed. I feel that these two people have nothing
to fight back. Power. "

"Unbelievable, who is this luck brother? This is too great, it is impossible,

winning four games in a row, rolling four games in a row, and not just relying on
luck, but purely based on Won. "

"Hanging the sky, it turns out that luck is really not only good luck, but the card
skills are really high, it is hard to imagine, the snow of the night is itself a
master, this friend looks even more than him Great. And the two are almost still
cheating, in this case. In this case, luck luck crushed both of them. "

"It's hard to imagine. Brother Luck is too good. It's really good."
In the live broadcast, netizens have left messages and kept sighing.

Everyone was really shocked. Before seeing the night of snow and Lu Cheng united,
they yelled at the shame of the two men, but they also felt a little heavy, because
they all felt that Chen Ze was a loser this time. Already.

The latter fact is also true. Chen Ze lost the first game, which made them feel
that Chen Ze was dangerous this time.

However, I never expected that Chen Ze actually released the words and found out
the details, and then there was a four-game winning streak, letting the snow of the
night and his friends have no chance to pant. So won the game.

Before putting it forward, if someone said that Chen Ze could win the game, they
did not think it was completely impossible. But if someone said that Chen Ze would
be so easy, he would almost win the game.

Everyone will feel completely impossible, and they will even laugh at people who
say so, and think that the person who talks is just talking. But now, everyone
knows that this is not a dream but a fact.

Chen Ze really crushed the two men in Snow of the Night so easily.

"Shocked, unimaginable."

This is the thought of everyone in front of the computer at this time.

And at the scene, the people at the game company, the anchor, etc., all had very
surprised expressions on their faces. Before they saw the first game, they all felt
that Chen Ze was losing. The night snow and how Lu Cheng lie. But according to the
previous agreement, they do qualify.

Whether this is cheating or not, Chen Ze must continue. According to the situation
at the time, everyone did not think that Chen Ze might win.

But now, Chen Ze told everyone that not only did he win, but he also won four
straight games in a row, crushing the night snow and Lu Cheng.

"Amazing, Ozawa player, you are really awesome."

"Yeah, luck, you really aren't covered."

"Winning four innings in a row is simply too good. Although the snow of the night
and his friends are very good, and they are still deliberate, but they are almost
as papery as you are."

In the end, everyone in the live game company spoke up, even applauding
involuntarily, applauding Chen Ze. Of course, many people are not familiar with the
behavior before the snow of the night, so they deliberately speak loudly, not only
to applaud Chen Ze, but also to mock the snow of the night and Lu Cheng.

At this moment, the snow of the night and Lu Cheng heard their words, but their
faces did not change much. But that's not to say that they didn't take these
people's words to heart at all. On the contrary, after hearing these people's
words, whether it was the snow of the night or Lu Cheng, their hearts were very

The reason why their faces have not changed is because their faces are almost ugly
at this moment, and there can be no change at all.
As professional gamblers, Snow of the Night and Lu Cheng are naturally proud, and
they never thought of losing before coming to the game. Even if I just saw Chen
Ze's luck was so good that they had to join forces, they were still trying to win.
They never thought that they would lose, especially when they joined forces.

But who knows, who knows how to lose, and it turned out to be such a disastrous
defeat. Even losing four games, there is no trace of resistance, which is simply
impossible, but it actually happened today.

"Me, I'm not dreaming."

The snow of the night also slapped himself, determined that he was not dreaming.

Then he and Lu Cheng looked at Chen Ze with a complex look: "It turns out that the
two of us are joining forces, and neither of them are opponents of this guy. Who is
this guy?"

When they want to come, if they can face the joint of the two of them and win, then
only the world-class gambling experts are right.

Those masters have basically heard their names, and no one will come to this kind
of competition.

But now, there is a master of this level.

The two looked at Chen Ze, and still had an unreal feeling in their hearts.

"Hahaha, congratulations to player Ozawa, you won our game again. Of course, after
this game, it is enough to prove that you are the luck brother, the luck is against
the sky, and the card skills are against the sky. I think that the players and
netizens watching live broadcasts in front of our computers should not have any
doubts in their hearts. "At this time, the anchor said.

He knew what his mission was today, so after seeing Chen Ze win, he responded
quickly and spoke to the computer.

After hearing what he said, all the netizens in front of the computer also
responded one after another:

"No problem, we won't have any doubts anymore, luck is really luck, really good."

"I completely surrendered. Before that, I still felt that luck brother didn't
exist. This time, you were beaten by luck brother, but I played well enough. I can
watch this kind of game more than once."

"Sure enough, the luck brother is the luck brother, and I said how he could be a

Netizens have left messages after hearing the anchor's words.

Seeing these messages ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen Ze also smiled on his face, he was
in a good mood at the moment. Because the moment he wins, he can feel that his
popularity has suddenly improved significantly.

This let Chen Ze know that his purpose this time was achieved.

So he was relaxed and wanted to say something to the computer.

Suddenly, there was a voice behind him: "Chen Ze, would you dare to gamble with me

After hearing the words, Chen Ze turned around and found that Lu Cheng was talking.

"Bet with you again?" Chen Ze said.

"Yes, in a different way, I admit that I am not your opponent on the card, but
there is a way that you are absolutely impossible to win me, do you dare to
change?" Lu Cheng said.

After hearing what he said, Chen Ze smiled: "What do you want to change?"

"Dice, dice test." Lu Cheng said. To be continued.

Chapter FTLS 161: Continue rolling (on)

"A test of the dice?" Chen Ze began.

"Yes, the dice test. In fact, I am not very good at playing cards. My best test is
the dice test. If you have enough confidence, you dare not gamble with me on this."
Lu Cheng opened his mouth and looked at Chen Ze aggressively.

In fact, although Lu Cheng's gambling skills are very strong, the card type is
indeed his weakness, and his strongest is dice type.

It is also through the hand of dice that he has a certain status and reputation in

Now that he is almost lost, he wants to find his face, so Lu Cheng just ignored it
and made this request directly.

As soon as he heard Lu Cheng ’s request, the people at the live game company and
the netizens in front of the computer would open up against it.

What a joke, I obviously lost on the landlord, and what I lost was a mess. But now
it's so easy to want dice and to get back wherever they are.

"Of course, if you are scared, you can not compare, anyway, you have won this
time." At this time, Lu Cheng spoke again, and a scared hat buckled Chen Ze.

In this way, regardless of whether Chen Zebi is comparable, he is already


Moreover, his words made the people in the game company and the netizens do not
know what to say. They all felt that if Chen Ze spoke at this time, it seemed that
Chen Ze was afraid of him.

As a result, they are all dumb.

But at this moment, Chen Ze smiled: "How do you compare the dice?"

"It's very simple, just follow the general comparison method. We each take a dice
cup, put six dice in it, and then the size is fine. The game is determined." Lu
Cheng said, what he is best at is this, this In the first hand, he was even
confident that few people in Macau would be stronger than him, that is, if he got
the world, he felt he had the confidence to enter the top 20.
So although he saw Chen Ze's card so powerful, he still had absolute confidence and
was able to beat Chen Ze on this.

"How does this work? You didn't say anything better than this before."

"That is, what was said before is the landlord, and now you have added this one.
You are well prepared."

"Luck, you can just reject them, you don't have to compare with him."

Hearing Lu Cheng's words, seeing Lu Cheng's self-confident look, the people at the
scene felt that this aspect really seemed to be his best, and seemed to be very

Although Chen Ze played a lot of cards, but he did not perform at all in this
regard, so everyone was worried that Chen Ze would lose, and he began to talk,
urging Chen Ze not to accept.

"I accepted." Chen Ze said, greatly surpassing everyone's expectations. Lu Cost

also thought that Chen Ze would not accept it. Who knew he actually accepted it so
easily. When he heard Chen Ze's words, his face immediately Smiled.

"But I want to modify the content of the test." At this time, Chen Ze said again.

"Yes, whatever you want to modify." Lu Cheng said. He thought that Chen Ze was not
good at this, but because his face was accepted, he wanted to change it, and it
would be beneficial to him.

This Lu Cheng is completely indifferent. No matter how Chen Ze changes it, it is

better for him to change it. Lu Chengcheng has absolute confidence to defeat Chen

"One dice cup is enough. You can shake the six dice. I'll guess. It's not the size,
but the points. I will guess the points of the six dice. As long as one of the dice
is not guessed, then this game is not me. If you lose, you will win or lose in one
game. "

Chen Ze spoke and explained his changes.

Everyone was stunned to hear this change from Chen Ze.

Both Lu Cheng, everyone at the scene, and netizens in front of the computer were

They originally thought that Chen Ze was not good at dice, so he planned to modify
it in his favor.

But now it sounds, it sounds like this, it seems that modifying the favorable
object is Lu Cheng.

"I come to shake, you guess. You haven't guessed the size, but guessed the points,
and you have to guess every dice. If you guess the wrong one, even if you lose?" Lu
Cheng began, repeating Chen Ze's modification, He was a little bit unable to
believe his ears.

If it is compared with each other, then it is the simplest kind of test, as long as
you can ensure that you can shake as large as possible.

And guessing the dice will make it more difficult. If you are a master to shake the
dice, then guessing the size is already very difficult. But Chen Ze didn't guess
the size, he guessed the points, and he still had to guess the six dice. If he
missed one, he would lose.

This, this difficulty, but the geometric multiples increase.

Lu Cheng knew that even if it was him, in the face of his own words, it would be
impossible for him to guess every single one, and it would be great to barely guess
the size. But Chen Ze, Chen Ze actually wanted every one to guess.

"Here, is this guy crazy? Or do you not know the magnitude of this difficulty at
all?" Looking at Chen Ze, Lu Cheng thought to himself.

"That's right, every one has to guess." Chen Ze nodded and smiled.

"Here, what does this luck guy think? Is he really so good at dice? But it's
impossible, he is so young, it doesn't make sense to be so good at dice when cards
are so good."

"Yes, even if you are good at it, you can't do what he said. Looking at the face of
the person opposite, the content of the luck brother's proposal is not something
that can be done simply by being good at it. I am afraid it is very profound Only
with deep gambling skills. "

"What the **** is Brother Luck thinking about? Where does he come with so much

In front of the computer ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ After hearing Chen Ze's words,

netizens were shocked again, and they left messages, all feeling that Chen Ze was
pushing himself to the top of the road.

If you only compare the size of each other, maybe you can win with good luck. In
this case, there is no chance of winning.

At the scene, those of the game companies were also stunned. They looked at each
other and did not know what Chen Ze was thinking.

"Ha ha ha ha, okay, now that you have made such an opinion, how can I not follow
what you say." Suddenly, Lu Cheng said, "But I can tell you in advance, since you
are so so ignorant of the heights and heights, then This time, you are losing. "

Lu Cheng has already determined that Chen Ze dare to say such things, it is not
that he really has a good accomplishment in this aspect, but he has no idea of the
power of dice at all.

Then he taught him to know.

"No problem." Chen Ze smiled. "But you will know later. Who will be the winner."
(To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 162: Continue rolling (below)

"Here is the dice cup."

At the game site, the staff brought the dice cup. Although this match was not what
they expected, they also prepared the dice cup, so after hearing Chen Ze and Lu
Cheng's words, they immediately found the dice cup and handed it to Chen Zehe Lu

But despite giving them to them, the people in the game company still have anxiety
in their eyes.

This time it was Snow of the Night and Lu Cheng who came to trouble Chen Ze and
their game company, so Chen Ze and the game company were almost tied together.

Now that Chen Ze actually wants to compare dice with Lu Cheng, they all feel bad. I
feel that Chen Ze's decision this time is really hasty, and it seems that Lu Cheng
gave Ji Jifa's consent to test him.

And this Lu Cheng is obviously a real master in dice. Chen Ze was so arrogant. He
was unprepared to test with him before. The people of these companies are very
worried, and even several people think that Chen Ze That's it, lose.

In front of the computer, at the moment, many netizens stared at the computer
closely after seeing Lu Cheng and Chen Ze's test. Suddenly, a person said, "I found
it, I found it. I found the information of the person who was competing with luck
Now, his name is Lu Cheng, and he can be ranked in the top 150 in the ranking of
world gambling experts published abroad. "

This netizen has been looking for information on landings since Lu Cheng appeared.
Since there are rumors that Lu Cheng and Night Snow are professional gamblers in
Macao, naturally he is looking for those big casino websites abroad and related
websites to see if there is any information about this person.

Finally, before Chen Ze and Lu Cheng had a final test, he found Lu Cheng's

"One hundred and fifty? The top 150 in the world would not be very high."

"Yeah, although the 150 people are already a high ranking for ordinary people, I
feel that my luck brother should be stronger than him. If the 150 people, maybe
they can win."

"There is hope, although this guy's dice may be very powerful, but if it is only
one hundred and fifty, luck may be hopeful."

After seeing this netizen's message, other netizens said one after another.
Everyone is actually very worried about Chen Ze. He felt that if Chen Ze tried dice
with Lu Cheng like this, he would probably lose, especially if he put forward such
harsh conditions himself.

But now I heard that Lu Chengcai ranked 150, and they breathed a little sigh of
relief, and felt that maybe Chen Ze could win.

"No, it is a total of one hundred and fifty ranked by all gambling. But for the
dice of light theory, what is recorded online is that he is ranked eighteenth in
the world, and said that the top seventeen and his The gap is not very big. "At
this time, the netizen found it again.

"Ten, eighteen?"

Seeing this new message, all the netizens were stunned.

Eighteenth in the world, but this is already world-class and close to the top.

If we saw that his overall ranking was only 150, everyone thinks Chen Ze is very
hopeful. Now after hearing eighteen, this hope was immediately dashed.

Eighteenth in the world, that is to say, there are only seventeen people in the
world who can beat him on the dice. And now Chen Ze puts forward such harsh
requirements to himself, so that the number of people who can defeat him in this
situation will never exceed seventeen, or even far less than seventeen.

In this value range, everyone felt that they were losing, and Chen Ze was losing.
No matter how great he is, no matter how good his luck is, it is impossible to win
this game.

"Luck, I really lost."

At the competition site, no one knows Lu Cheng's ranking at the moment, but the
people in the game company are all grim and obviously very nervous.

Chen Ze was okay. He pushed the dice cup in front of Lu Cheng: "Please."

"Are you sure you want to compete with me like this?" Lu Cheng said again, Chen Ze
proposed the test method. He has absolute confidence. No more than five people in
the world can hear it. Among these five, Chen Ze is definitely not included.

"Of course." Chen Ze said.

"That's good, I hope you don't regret it."

Lu Cheng said with a smile. He thought he had settled Chen Ze this time.

Then, he waved his hand quickly towards the dice cup, and the dice cup appeared in
his hand, shaking violently.

In addition, there is a constant sound of dice in the dice cup.

Dangdang Dangdang Dangdang!

The sound is very messy, let alone say that it was heard. After all, if you calm
down and listen, you can't do it at all.

"How can this be heard, not to mention the points, it is whether there are six dice
in it now. If it was not confirmed before, I would not hear it at all."

"That is, the friend of the Snow of the Night has too fast a hand. I feel
afterimages, and I can't hear anything at all."

"If you can hear it, you're really alive."

Listening to the sound of the dice cup, I saw Lu Cheng shaking the dice cup.
Everyone at the game company at the game site spoke. They shook their heads and
felt that they couldn't hear it at all, even without any clue.

The same is true of netizens in front of the computer. Everyone listens to the
clouds in the mist, but just keeps sighing, the top 20 in the world is really very

None of them noticed that Chen Ze's ears actually moved up and down following the
sound of the dice cup.


When everyone felt that they couldn't hear anything, a sound made, and Lu Cheng put
the dice cup back on the table, apparently he had shaken it.
"Please." Lu Cheng smiled. The shake just now had already exerted his greatest
strength and skills. He believed that let alone Chen Ze, the first person in the
world came over to challenge, and he might not be able to hear him. What are the
numbers shaking at the moment.

So he was very relieved to see Chen Ze's calm face just sneer, thinking that Chen
Ze was just pretending to be calm at this moment ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I'd like to
see, when the dice cup opens, you What else can I take. Lu Cheng thought to

"That's it? That's it?" At this moment, Chen Ze said with a smile, "It's very
simple, it's not difficult at all, I really don't know where you put your
confidence in the dice."


After hearing Chen Ze's slight disdain, Lu Cheng froze.

The people at the game company froze,

All the netizens in front of the computer were stunned.

Everyone did not expect that Chen Ze could still say such things at this time.

No, it's not difficult?

"It's not difficult at all, I'll say it below." Chen Ze said, very relaxed, "the
first dice, six points, the second dice, four points, the third dice three points,
the fourth dice two Point. OK, my answer is complete. "(To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 163: World Gambler Contest

"The first dice, six points, the second dice, four points, the third dice three
points, and the fourth dice two points. Okay, my answer is complete."

Chen Ze spoke, and said his answer.

Hearing his answer, the people at the live game company and the netizens watching
the live broadcast in front of the computer were all stunned.

"Six o'clock, four o'clock, three o'clock, two o'clock, this, isn't this the point
of four dice? This is six dice."

"Yeah, in this case, how can you only say four? Even if all four are right, it's
impossible to be right. Brother Luck said before that he would have to say all to
be right. "

"What the **** is going on? Why did Brother Luck say only four?"

The people at the game company talked to each other, and the netizens watching the
live broadcast in front of the computer also left messages, all completely

"Hahaha, obviously it is six dice, you actually said only four, but you said that
as long as one of them is wrong, it is wrong. Now you have not said at least two,
but you lost this time.

At this time, Lu Cheng opened his mouth and said arrogantly.

"Yeah, luck, you have two more words that you forgot to say. Even if you don't hear
them, just guess one."

"Yeah, just guess two, maybe you can guess."

"This, this, this luck brother, you can just guess two, otherwise this must be a

Many people at the live game company also said that after hearing Lu Cheng's words,
they were even more anxious and thought that Chen Ze could not guess the last two,
so they only said four. So they talked one after another, and let Chen Ze guess the
two casually.

If you ca n’t tell, you will lose.

Just guess the two, although the possibility of losing is also very high, but it is
not impossible to win, at least greater than the possibility of the first.

So everyone started talking and wanted Chen Ze to guess two blindly.

"Otherwise, you can just get two, or you can lose." Lu Cheng said, still with a
smile on his face.

"No, let's go." Chen Ze said lightly.


Hearing Chen Ze so stubborn, he was still not prepared to guess blindly. The people
at the game company at the scene and the netizens in front of the computer were all

Many people want to say something, but at this moment, everyone saw it suddenly,
and saw Lu Cheng's face with confidence and smile suddenly, after Chen Ze said this
sentence, he froze, and gradually Calm was restored.

Then his face became extremely ugly.

"You actually heard it." Lu Cheng said.

"Of course." Chen Ze smiled.

"what's the situation?"

Seeing what it looked like, everyone heard the conversation between them, and
everyone was stunned. Everyone had no idea what the two were talking about.

But faintly, they all felt something.

"I can't think of it, I really can't think of it. I even met a master like you here
today. You are so good at card gambling, even so good at dice. I just got that hand
and the whole world can hear it. There will be no more than five people. I never
thought you could hear it. "Lu Cheng said.

"Not five people from now, six people." Chen Ze smiled.

Hearing here, everyone understood vaguely: "Is it?"

Lu Cheng opened the dice cup, and everyone quickly looked at it. I saw that there
were only six dice in the dice cup. At the moment, there are only four dice left,
and the four points are exactly the same as Chen Ze said.
Chen Ze, he guessed it!

"Oh my gosh, luck brother, luck luck guessed, he heard it."

At the scene, everyone at the game company was stunned when they saw this scene.
They all looked at each other and saw unbelievable glances from each other's eyes.

It was really the same as Chen Ze said, the points were the same, and even the
number was the same, only four!

"Too, so amazing."

In the end, everyone had only one sentence left in their hearts.

The players and netizens in front of the computer were even more shocked and
boiling. They all spoke, and the entire page was swiped by a barrage.

"Six six six, luck brother is too six, he actually heard only four, and two dice do
not know where to go."

"Oh my god, not only did you hear the number of points, but also only four of them.
This ear is too good, but I can't hear anything."

"I still want to hear it. It's great to be confused. This luck brother's opponent
is the eighteenth in the world. He also said that there are no more than five
people in this world who can hear it. Hear it out. "

"Wait, doesn't this mean that Lucky Brother is ranked in the top five in the world
on this? In addition to his card gambling, I feel that Lucky Brother is very
powerful in the world.

"Yeah, but I checked the rankings and there is no him at all."

Netizens said one by one that they were all amazed by Chen Ze's performance, even
at this time they realized how powerful Chen Ze's gambling was.

But at this time, a doubt suddenly appeared in their hearts. With such great luck,
how can there be no world ranking.

"It's amazing. I can't even imagine that there are hidden masters like you in the
world." At the game scene, Lu Cheng opened his mouth to Chen Ze. At this moment, he
was completely conquered by Chen Ze's gambling. Some worship Chen Ze.

"I have practiced this hand for many years ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Secretly take away
two dice, and then the other dice vibration mode I will simulate the feeling of six
dice. If it is just ordinary people, naturally it is I ca n’t see that I took the
dice, and I still ca n’t hear how many dice there are. Even if it is a master in
this field, it is absolutely impossible to hear. I did not expect that I
encountered a master in the master today, You actually heard only four. "Lu Cheng
began, admiring admirably.

This can almost be said to be the bottom of his gambling, but it was still easily
broken by Chen Ze, which really made him admire Chen Ze.

"Although I don't know why your gambling is so high, there is no ranking in the
world, but with your gambling strength, I think you can at least rank in the top
ten in the world. No, maybe higher."
Lu Cheng looked at Chen Zedao and heard Lu Cheng's words. Chen Ze smiled and wanted
to say something.

But suddenly, Lu Cheng's words caught Chen Ze's attention again:

"From your gambling perspective, you should go to the World Gambler Contest. Maybe,
you can win the championship and become the only Gambler in the world." (To be

Chapter FTLS 164: Popularity

"World Gambler Contest."

In front of the computer, Chen Ze muttered to himself.

Since the end of the game, he has been thinking about landing this game.

Although his popularity and gambling skills have been increasing recently, he is
still a little overwhelmed by the task. The requirement of the task is to become a
universally recognized **** of gambling.

The most important thing is that these four words are universally recognized. These
four words Chen Ze knows that no matter how good he plays in the game and how many
games he wins, it is impossible to do so.

After all, it's just a game. No matter how much you win, it's absolutely impossible
to become a universally recognized **** of gambling.

Therefore, in fact, Chen Ze has been a little confused recently. I do n’t know
where to start and become the world-recognized **** of gambling.

After hearing Lu Cheng's words, Chen Ze immediately responded. World Gambler

Contest, does that mean that as long as you win such a game, you can become a World

Therefore, Chen Ze wrote down the match and searched it online when he got home.

However, Chen Ze was puzzled. He searched for a long time, but did not find
anything related to the World God of Gamblers. As if this game did not exist at
all, it was Lu Cheng's fiction.

"It's impossible. That guy didn't lie to me. Reasonably, this game should exist.
But why, why can't I find it online?"

Chen Ze has been thinking about this problem, and suddenly he remembered one thing:
"Yes, the snow in the night, and this friend of hiss all came from Macau. In this
case, if so, will this match be Foreign news, so have to search through the wall? "

Thinking of this, Chen Ze was a little excited. He learned to turn over the wall
when he was in college. It was very simple. He turned to the Internet and continued
to search.

Needless to say, this one really made him find it. He found information about the
God of Gamblers game on a website called the World Gambling Federation.

"The World Gamblers Contest, the biggest event in the world of gambling, is co-
organized by 1,358 major casinos around the world. Las Vegas is the host location.
Las Vegas, Japan, Macau, China, Philippines , Singapore, Italy, Germany, France,
the United Kingdom, and other national casinos each ranked their own three
representatives to compete for the name of the **** of gambling in Las Vegas. The
winner will win a prize of 10 million US dollars and become the world gambling A
recognized **** of gamblers. "

Looking at this large piece of information, Chen Ze gradually understood what is

going on in the World Gambler Contest.

"It turned out that there were 1,358 big casinos in the world co-hosted, so many
countries have to participate, or are they playing games in Las Vegas. If it can
really win the game, it is not truly universally recognized Are you a gambler? "

Chen Ze murmured to himself, thinking he was very excited.

So he hurriedly looked at it and wanted to see how the registration still had time.

"This competition is designed to determine the highest gambling player in the

world, so private registration is not accepted. Representatives from each country
or region are selected by the local casino."

Seeing this section of the registration method, Chen Ze froze directly.

Private registration is not accepted and is selected by the local casino.

This, this in China, doesn't it mean that there should be a casino in Macau to
select three representatives and then go to participate in the competition?

However, Chen Ze knows that there must be a lot of gambling experts in Macau. Like
the opponents such as the night snow and Lu Cheng, I am afraid there are really a
lot of them. In other words, there are many alternatives for Macau's local casinos.

Chen Ze knows that even if his gambling skills are better than those of other
players, he doesn't know anyone in Macau casinos, and he has never even been to

In this case, it is too difficult to get one out of those three places in Macau

"What should I do?" Chen Ze thought about this problem, but for a long time, he
didn't figure out a solution.

"Forget it, let's take a look at the game time first. I don't have much time to
complete the task. If the game is held after a long time, then I don't need to go."
Thinking about the previous question, I started to find the start time of the game.

Suddenly, he saw the time of the game again, but immediately he was stuck in place
again. Because he saw that the time of the game was actually seven days later, and
the game was officially started after seven days.

"Seven days? Is there only seven days?"

Chen Zehuan stopped, there was no time to become the representative of Macau last
time, but now he knows that there are only seven days left.

In other words, it is not easy to obtain the right to represent Macau within seven
days. And more importantly, Chen Ze remembered that he didn't even have the Hong
Kong and Macau Pass. If the permit was issued, it would take at least a week to
half a month.
It really is impossible to count according to this time.

So Chen Ze was anxious. He quickly called Fang Qing's phone. At this time, the only
police officer he knew was Fang Qing, who might be able to rely on Fang Qing's
relationship to get the Hong Kong and Macau Pass as early as possible.

"Hey, it's me. I'm in a hurry. I plan to go to Macau, but I don't have a Hong Kong
and Macau Pass. Please see if you can think of a way to help me get this Hong Kong
and Macau Pass early." Fang Qing's call was connected. Later, Chen Ze hastily

However, while Chen Ze was busy with the Hong Kong and Macau Pass, he beat the news
of the night snow and Lu Cheng in the live broadcast, and the live video was spread
by netizens.

Although Chen Ze is not a celebrity, he has actually been quite hot recently
because of the game "Super Landlord", and many people notice him.

Later, after he was bombarded online by Snow of the Night, more people noticed him.

Although a large number of netizens are watching the live broadcast in this game,
there are still more netizens who have not watched the live broadcast because of
various things, so the news that Chen Ze defeated the night snow in Chen Ze was
spread. After the video was also spread, these netizens were all excited and

"I went. It turned out that luck really existed, and luck and card skills are so
hanged. Especially in the last dice cup game, this is so handsome, it is too

"Bad luck, I will be his fan ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ the kind of dead fan in the
future. He even won the eighteenth place in the world, he is really amazing."

"Not only is the luck great, but the card skills are so powerful, the luck brother
really hangs up."

"Well, this luck brother, this luck brother seems to be the chef of the Chinese
**** of food before."

"Yeah, I also feel like the chef."

Netizens have said that the more you watch this video and the more you understand
the process of Chen Ze's game, the more you admire Chen Ze. And the same, the more
widely the video of this game spread. Even many people who have followed the
Chinese God of Food competition before have recognized that luck brother Chen Ze.

Although there are not many people recognized, after all, people who are concerned
about the God of Food contest and those who like to play games online are not too
big, but many people still recognize it, and they are more surprised and admired.

Therefore, after Chen Ze finished the game, more and more people paid attention to
and admired Chen Ze. Corresponding person, his popularity has increased a lot.

Or to be more precise, it was soaring. (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 165: Macao

"Is it more than 6,000 popular now?"
Looking at the popularity value in the system, Chen Ze murmured to himself, seeing
this number, he was very happy, with a smile on his face.

Although he knew that his popularity would definitely increase greatly after this
live broadcast match, but he did not expect it to rise so sharply, rising directly
from two thousand to more than six thousand, and rose by four thousand in one

After understanding the system during this period of time, Chen Ze knew that the
increase in popularity was not simply an increase. It was not that ten people could
increase one popularity value, so one hundred people could increase ten popularity

But the more it goes up, the more difficult it will be to increase its popularity.
But ten people can increase their popularity, but ten people need more than one
hundred people, and one hundred people need more than a thousand people.

That is to say, the more people you need, the more difficult it may be. This is
also a headache for Chen Ze. The popularity of the front is okay to say, the more
difficult it is, the further back.

This time when the popularity has passed 2,000, and the power of the **** of
gambling and the ears of the **** of gambling have been drawn, Chen Ze knows that
it will be difficult to increase the popularity of the latter. I thought that at
least the popularity was over 5,000, and if I could draw again, it would take a
month or two, and maybe even the task time could not be completed.

Who knows, who knows that in just a few days, it has surpassed 5,000 that can be
used to draw again, and has reached more than 6,000 popularity.

This made Chen Ze really happy, and at the same time he realized that the spread of
this network seemed to be very beneficial to the increase in popularity.

Maybe in the future, when increasing popularity, you can also use the network and
this live broadcast.

However, in any case, it is necessary to return to the present. At this moment,

Chen Ze is thinking about one thing. The popularity value exceeds 5,000, and he can
draw again.

So he was very happy, and immediately opened up in the system: "System, I can draw

"Of course, the popularity value is more than 5,000, and of course you can take the
lottery again." The mechanical voice of the system came out.

"That's great, then I will start to draw."

Having said that, Chen Ze came to the draw page and then the draw started.
Immediately, the draw page flashed.

"Eye of God of Gamblers, Shake God of Gamblers and Cut Cards of God of Gamblers,
this is just one for me."

Looking at the flashing page, Chen Zemuttered to himself.

In fact, during this time, he also had some understanding of the skills of the ****
of gambling, knowing that the more important ones are these. There are many other
skills, but they are not as important as these skills.

With all these skills in hand, you can basically approach the realm of the **** of
gamblers and use the power of the **** of gamblers.

Therefore, Chen Ze's goal this time is nothing else, but one of these.

Slowly, the flashing page stopped. Then four big characters are displayed on the
page: "Hand of God of Gamblers."

Following the four big characters, as always, there is a row of small explanations:
"The hand of the **** of gambling, the hands of the **** of gambling. Having the
hand of the **** of gambling is the same as having the gambling technique that the
**** of gambling uses his hands."

"Bet, the hand of God?"

Seeing this skill, Chen Ze was shocked. Then, an ecstatic expression immediately
appeared on his face: "The hand of God Gambler, this is the hand of God Gambler.
Hahaha, how can I forget that God has such a skill."

The hand of God of Gamblers, just like the explanation of the small print, is the
hand of God of Gamblers. Having the hand of the **** of gambling is equivalent to
learning all the gambling techniques that are made with both hands.

So what kind of dice and card cut, then you don't need to draw anymore, this
gambling god's hand contains these skills. It can be said that the skills acquired
this time can be compared with the past several times.

So Chen Ze was very happy, and all excited laughed: "Hahaha, now I am completely at
ease, with the hand of God of Gambling, plus the ears of God of Gambling, the luck
of God, gambling God's power, this is almost about to gather the skills of God of
Gambling. Really so, then this trip to Macau, and even the championship of this
international competition, is completely out of China. "

Ding Ding Ding!

Just as Chen Ze laughed excitedly, Chen Ze's cell phone rang. He took it out and
saw that Fang Qing called.

Although I don't know what it means for Fang Qing to call himself, Chen Ze felt
vaguely that it would be a good thing again.

"Hey, it's me." Chen Ze answered the phone.

"Good news, good news, Chen Ze has issued your Hong Kong and Macau Pass. Thanks to
some of my classmates working in it, I will expedite your handling. This can be
done so quickly." Fang Qing laughed.

"It's so good, it's so good." Chen Ze muttered to himself after hearing Fang Qing's
words. He is really happy today. It can be said that it is a double happiness.

"The hands of the **** of gamblers are also available, and the pass has been
handled. Now, it is time to go to Macau."

Chen Ze murmured to himself, and then after getting the Hong Kong and Macau Pass,
Chen Ze immediately bought a high-speed rail ticket and drove towards the location
of Macau.

"Is this Macau?"

Out of the train station, Chen Ze looked around.

This is his first trip to Macau. Although Macau is famous in the past, he has never
been there. If it wasn't for this game, maybe he would not be here for quite some

Therefore, Chen Ze is very interested at this moment.

But in fact, there is nothing to see in Macau ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The location is

too small, and the infrastructure is not much better than the mainland. The only
thing Chen Ze is interested in is the casinos in Macau.

There are probably more than 20 casinos in Macau, and they accept gamblers from
mainland China to Hong Kong and even Southeast Asia. Every one of them has a very
good business. Some even say that Macau is supported by gambling.

And Chen Ze has heard of the legend of Macau since he was a child, so he was very
curious about this place. He wanted to know it for a long time. He wanted to know
what is going on in this Macau casino. Is it the same as the legend? .

So when he arrived in Macau, he walked non-stop and walked directly towards a


However, when he was about to enter the casino, Chen Ze frowned, and another
problem emerged in his mind:

"After all, how can I get one of those three representatives?"

The representatives of this competition were chosen by the major casinos all over
the world themselves, and Chen Ze knew that he didn't have any connections here. It
was very difficult for Chen Ze to get this representation.

And he has not yet thought of a way. (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 166: Dog man and woman

"what can we do about it?"

Looking at a family in the distance

It is less than a week before the start of the World Gambler Contest. Baidu search:
kanshu58 time is very tight, it may not even be possible that the representative of
Macau has already gone to Las Vegas.

Therefore, Chen Ze knew that in any case, he could not drag any longer, and this
time he came to Macau to solve this problem.

But how to solve it, he has not figured out a way.

In Macao, he doesn't know anyone, and even if he wants to recommend himself, he

can't. The only people who have seen both sides are Night Snow and Lu Cheng, but
Chen Ze has only seen them, leaving no contact information, so it is impossible to
contact them.

Therefore, Chen Ze is now tangled.

"Forget it, let's go to the casino and talk."

Chen Ze thought to himself, thinking of walking into the nearest casino in the

Upon entering, Chen Ze saw a machine similar to the airport security gate standing
there, and anyone who wanted to enter the casino had to line up for security.

"My God, the security measures of this casino are too strong." After seeing this
thing, Chen Ze thought to himself.

He also quickly walked in, and then entered the airport, went through the security
check, and then walked into the casino.

Upon entering, Chen Ze was stunned by the sight in front of him, and saw a hall of
at least thousands of square meters. There were various tables in the hall, and
countless people surrounded them, with excitement on his face In color, there are
stacks of chips in front.

On top of these tables, the sound of dice, mahjong, playing cards and even Russian
roulette is constantly emitted. Each table is a different gambling method.

"It looks exactly like the movie."

Looking at the sight in front of him, Chen Ze muttered to himself.

"Hello sir, if you need to exchange chips, you can come to our front desk to
exchange them."

At this moment, a voice reached Chen Ze. Chen Ze saw that she was a woman in
uniform, apparently the staff here.

Along the direction of her fingers, Chen Ze saw the place where the casino
specializes in chip exchange.

"Okay." Chen Ze nodded.

With this waitress, I went to the place where I changed chips.

"Excuse me, sir, how much do you want to change?" The staff at the place where the
chips were changed said.

"What's your denomination here?" Chen Ze asked.

"The smallest fifty, the largest two million." The staff member said.

"Two million?"

Hearing the words of the staff, Chen Ze pouted. Two million chips, this is how rich
people can play this.

"Yes, the maximum is two million, sir. If you exchange more than one million chips
at a time, you can go to our second floor and go to the VIP room to play. There is
the top service of our casino." Road.

"No, no need, I'll just play below." Chen Ze said, changing one million in one
breath. Although he has made so much money now, Chen Ze still cannot accept it for
so much.
"Then change it for fifty dollars." Chen Ze said, and took out fifty yuan.

"Five or fifty?"

Hearing Chen Ze's words, the staff who traded chips was completely frightened.
Fifty dollars, she's never seen anyone do that before.

Fifty dollars is the smallest chip, and there is only one, so if you lose it all at
once, no one can change it.

"Sir, are you sure you only exchange fifty yuan?" The staff member asked.

"Yes." Chen Ze nodded. In fact, his original plan was not to change even fifty
yuan, just to look at it first.

However, he was worried that there would be no chips at all, and the casino staff
would not allow him to enter, so in the end, Chen Ze decided to change the fifty
yuan first.

"Here, okay, now that you are sure to change, I will change it for you." The staff
member said, took Chen Ze's fifty dollars, and handed Chen the smallest chip. Ze.

Chen Ze closed his chips and walked into the casino.

"You fellow, let me go."

At this moment, Chen Ze suddenly heard such a sentence, and then felt pushed behind
him. He took a few steps, then looked back, and saw a fat man with a big ear,
probably in his forties. Behind him, there was a woman with a good face and figure
standing beside him.

It looks like the rich boss and his junior came here to relax.

"What are you doing?" Chen Ze said angrily. He stood still and was pushed by these
two guys.

"Why? Didn't see you blocking the way? Just like a guy in your country who still
wants to play in the casino, just rest." The man in his thirties opened his mouth
and looked at Chen Ze with a look of discrimination.

He and his Xiaomi were just at the place where they exchanged chips, and saw for
themselves that Chen Ze had only exchanged 50 yuan, which made them both hold back.

Then they looked at Chen Ze's clothes and found that they were extremely ordinary.
Immediately concluded that Chen Ze was a country guy who didn't know where to come
out. He only exchanged 50 yuan to run into the casino to watch the liveliness.

"Who are you talking about?" Chen Ze said again.

"I'm talking about you. I just dared to come in and play for just fifty dollars.
It's not what a country guy is." The fat boss said with a lip.

"That is, even fifty dollars dare to come in. I think you will lose all of your
money at once. If I were you, I would not dare to come in anyway. This kind of
place is not for you to play like a poor ghost "The boss' Xiaomi also laughed." Do
you know how much Mr. Wang just changed? Have you ever seen a whole 100,000 yuan,
100,000 chips? Hahaha. "

Said, this Xiaomi also waved 100,000 chips in front of Chen Ze.
These words made Chen Ze extremely annoyed, and he never expected to meet such two

"Forget it, don't talk to this poor ghost town guy, it's a waste of our time. Let's
hurry up and enjoy the fun of the casino." At this moment, the fat boss said, and
took it with him. He walked into the casino with his junior.

"You two guys."

Chen Ze could not wait to go up now and give the two dogs men and women a slap.
However, after all, he is in the casino. Chen Ze is worried that the trouble may
cause trouble and even affect his plan.

So in the end, Chen Ze could only temporarily suppress this resentment and walked
into the casino.

After coming in ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen Ze is a bit dazzled. He has seen all

kinds of gambling equipment he only saw in TV series and movies in the past, and
even just heard about it.

Not only did I see it, but I also felt the madness of many people up close.

Therefore, at the moment, Chen Ze was also a little tempted to find a table and try
his hand. After all, he still had fifty dollars in chips.

"Which table are you looking for?" Chen Ze thought to himself.

"Hahaha, I won again."

At this time, Chen Ze suddenly heard a sound behind him. He felt a little familiar,
and turned around to see that just now the fat man with big ears and his little
three were sitting at a table with an excited expression on his face.

That man just said it.

"I found it, this is the one."

Chen Ze muttered to himself, and walked towards the table where the two men were.
(To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 167: Lessons for men and women (on)

"Hahaha, I'm feeling lucky today."

At a gaming table, the man who had a conflict with Chen Ze laughed. At this moment,
the chip in front of him has changed from 100,000 to 230,000. Obviously, his luck
is indeed good, and he has won 130,000 in this short time.

Xiaomi beside him also smiled like flowers. She could not help but smack that man,
and coaxed the man even more happily. She couldn't help picking up a few small
chips and stuffing her chest.

"Let a let, let a let, let me play too."

At this moment, a voice came from behind them, then a person squeezed in and sat
beside the man.
"Who am I? It turned out to be you, the poor ghost township guy." The man turned
his head and frowned, and said. The person sitting next to him was Chen Ze.

"That's right, it's me, big boss, don't you mind if I play a few rounds with you."
Chen Ze smiled, different from just now. At this moment he heard the man's sarcasm,
but his face didn't change at all.

"Anyway, but with your fifty dollars, I think you can only play one game, and then
you have to get out of the way, ha ha ha." The man said.

"That is, the poor ghost still wants to come here to play, it is ridiculous, huh,
huh, huh." Xiaomi beside the man also spoke, mocking Chen Ze.

Chen Ze still smiled, turned his head and looked at the gambling equipment on the
gaming table, and saw a female dealer standing opposite them. There were several
grids marked on the gaming table, marked with words such as big, small and leopard:
"It turned out to be a dice cup. I'm good at this."

"Hahaha, are you good at it? Have you ever played this kind of thing?" Hearing Chen
Ze's words, the fat boss continued to laugh.

"That is, swollen cheeks filled with fat, just your fellow hunk, who is also good
at this, tell who believes." The woman began.

"Looking at you will make you look faint, and there will be no gambling at first
sight. When you guess what, I will follow you in the opposite direction, and I
think I will win." The boss said again, completely downplaying Chen Ze.

"Okay, this is what you said. Whenever I guess, you will follow me back." At this
moment, after hearing the boss's words, Chen Ze hurriedly yelled, saying the whole
table, and even All the people at the table next door heard it.

Originally, the table was full of vocals, but at the moment everyone stopped and
heard Chen Ze's words and looked at him and the boss.

This boss also did not expect that Chen Ze would suddenly be so loud. After seeing
so many people looking at him together, he suddenly became a little uncomfortable,
and yelled out loudly: "The opposite of you is the opposite of you, just you, I see
you first The game is about to lose your chips. "

"Well, let's say that." Chen Ze nodded and smiled.

"What's the situation, what's the situation of these two people?"

"Yeah, why are these two guys on the bar?"

"what happened?"

Hearing the words of Chen Ze and the boss, other people on the gambling table said
one after another.

Then, the female dealer on the gambling table started this round of dice cup. With
her movement, the sound of crackling came from the dice cup.

At the same time, Chen Ze's ears moved slightly without everyone noticed, and he
carefully listened to the dice in the dice cup.

"Well, guests, please bet."

After shaking, the female dealer lowered the dice cup and said with a smile.



"It must be big, and a lot of small ones have already been opened. This game is
definitely not going to be small."

"I can't do it yet. I'm overwhelmed in this game. I can't do it. I can't guess."

Hearing the female dealer's words, other people at the gambling table talked and
lost their chips.

And the boss who had a conflict with Chen Ze said: "Okay country guy, it's your
turn, I'll see what you press."

"I press." Chen Ze started, he looked at the grid above the gaming table, and the
big and small grids were almost full of chips. Only the leopard, this one was
hardly pressed.

"I press the leopard." Chen Ze said, smiling and pressing his fifty-dollar chip on

"Hahaha." Seeing Chen Ze's actions, the boss laughed again. "I said that you really
don't understand how to play this, but actually press the leopard. Do you know how
hard it is to drive a leopard? ? "

"That is, if you ca n’t play, just push it up or down. It ’s ridiculous to press a
leopard." Xiaomi also said, thinking that Chen Ze would not play at all, and she
wanted to drive a leopard. It's too difficult to meet, at least she hasn't
encountered so many games.

"I'm going, what is this guy thinking about? He actually pressed the leopard, but
the leopard is very difficult to drive. Why would he press this?"

"Yeah, he and the guy were still betting. I thought there would be a good show. Who
knows that it is a casino white to play. This kind of guessing game actually
guesses the leopard."

"If you lose, this guy won't be able to gamble at first sight. How could it be
possible to drive a leopard? I have been here for several hours. Today, the leopard
has never been played."

People all around said, shaking their heads one by one, talking softly, thinking
that Chen Ze obviously would not play at all, otherwise it would be impossible to
guess the leopard.

"Really? Maybe I'm lucky, so I met." Chen Ze smiled as if he hadn't heard anyone
else. "Big boss, it's your turn."

"Huh, you're lucky. I can get away after this round." The man said, picking up five
thousand chips, overwhelming, "I'm overwhelming, with my years of experience This
round must be big. "

"Everyone buys their hands and I will open the dice cup now." The female dealer

"big big big."

"Little little."

After hearing the words of the female dealer, I saw that the female dealer slowly
opened the dice cup, everyone around them said, staring at the dice cup without

Then the female dealer opened the dice cup, and everyone was stunned.

I saw that in the dice cup, the upward side of the three dice are three ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ three three, which is the leopard.

"Leopard, leopard, how is this possible?"

"It turned out that the leopard really came out. I go, this, this, how is this

"Leopard, actually a leopard."

The crowd opened their mouths and looked up at Chen Ze, with a shocked expression
on their faces: "This guy, really guessed it, how is this possible! Is this guy, in
fact, a gambling master?"

At this time, all the talents really looked at Chen Zelai carefully. They found
that Chen Ze was simple in dressing and very young. He didn't look like a big
gambling event, he was just an ordinary young man.

"It can't be a gambling master, it just seems to be lucky." Everyone thought in his
mind, and immediately overthrew the previous thought in their own hearts.

"It looks like I won." At this moment, Chen Ze smiled and spoke to the boss and his

The boss and Xiaomi were extremely ugly. (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 168: Dog lessons for men and women (below)
"It's just good luck, it's just a round, what are you happy with."

"Yeah, but it's just luck. All of a sudden, you were really wronged, but I see if
you can have such good luck next time."

The boss and his Xiaomi spoke one after the other, and their faces were very ugly.
I didn't expect that Chen Ze was really right. He pressed a leopard, but he was
really a leopard in the end.

"Hahaha, let's watch it later."

Chen Ze laughed and said he took over his winning chips. In this round, his fifty-
chip stack directly turned into several thousand.


The female dealer started shaking the dice cup again, and soon it was ready.

This time the female dealer just stopped, Chen Ze made the choice right away. He
pushed all his thousands of chips out. "I'm small."

After pushing, he looked provocatively at the man and his Xiaomi.

"Okay, then I'll be big, I still don't believe it, you poor man, and you can win
two games in a row, this second game must be me." The boss said, one gritted his
teeth, he took one directly Ten thousand chips, overwhelming.

Soon, the female dealer opened the dice cup. The three dice in the dice cup were
one, two, and five.

"Five o'clock, it's five o'clock. It won again. This guy won again."

"Yeah, what's wrong, this guy doesn't look like he often enters this kind of place
to play. Is he really so lucky?"

"It won two games in a row."

Around the crowd, everyone spoke, one after another, seeing Chen Ze win again, a
little surprised.

And Chen Ze, looking at the boss and his Xiaomi again, said, "Sorry, it seems like
I won again. It looks like my luck today is not as bad as you said."

Hearing Chen Ze ’s words, the boss and Xiaomi ’s face was so bad that they wanted
to say something but could n’t say anything. In the end, they could only say, “Come
again, I wo n’t believe it, and you can continue to win. . "

"Okay." Chen Ze smiled. "I'm afraid you won't play."

The third time, the female dealer shook the dice cup.

Chen Ze looked at the dice cup and made something that no one at this gambling
table had thought of. Before the female dealer had shaken and stopped, Chen Ze even
pushed out all the chips he just won: "I'm lucky today, I'll press it ahead of
time, I'm pressed."

In the first two games, Chen Ze used the ears of the **** of gambling and heard the
dice points in the dice cup. This third round is different. After the first two
rounds, Chen Ze found that his luck seemed to be up again. There were no masters on
the table, and his gambling was very good immediately.

This is good, so that Chen Ze knows that even if he guesses casually today, he can
guess correctly. So when the female dealer didn't finish shaking, Chen Ze threw all
his chips in.

Although outsiders seemed very risky, Chen Ze knew that there would be no danger.

Sure enough, everyone else on the gaming table was shocked when they saw Chen Ze's

Although they are basically guessing, they always have to wait until the female
dealer shakes the dice before guessing. I've never seen anything like Chen Ze, but
before I finished it, I threw out the chips.

This, this, isn't this completely foolish?

"Hahaha, you guys, dare to do this. I think you really want to die. You haven't
finished the dice, and you actually placed the chips. It's ridiculous, it's

After seeing Chen Ze's actions, the man who had contradiction with Chen Ze laughed.
He also did not expect Chen Ze's actions at all, and he was a little stunned. Then
he reacted and immediately laughed at Chen Zelai.

"Okay, since you're looking for death, then I'll let you die. You're pressing big
or not, I'm pressing small, and I think you've lost the game." The man continued,
saying that he threw another 20,000. Chips down.

Then, with everyone's attention, the female dealer opened the dice cup, and
everyone looked at it. At this time, they did not care about themselves, but wanted
to see whether the game was won by Chen Ze or the man.

"Five, six, five, sixteen, big." The female dealer looked at the dice in the dice
cup and said.

Hearing her words, seeing the dice points in the dice cup, everyone except Chen Ze,
everyone on this table was stunned again:

"Here, this, sixteen o'clock, this guy won again. He guessed in advance, but he won
again, and won three games in a row."

"I'm going, it's true. This guy is too good. Can he win in advance?"

"I rely, I haven't dreamed."

Everyone said, one by one, stunned, Chen Chen did not expect this, this turned out
to be right again.

Many people quickly looked at Chen Ze, and his face changed directly.

And that boss, as well as his little three, the faces of the two people were
extremely ugly: "Sixteen o'clock, sixteen o'clock, this, how is this possible, how
could this guy win again."

"Don't worry, it's only three games. You will know why I won after a while." Chen
Ze smiled.

In the fourth, fifth, and sixth innings, Chen Ze frequently guessed before the
female dealer rolled the dice, and even ordered a few soldiers to play the chips,
but he never missed it once.

This directly changed everyone's face, and they all felt that Chen Ze's luck was
too good, even if he guessed no matter how he guessed.

Later, directly, everyone on this gambling table followed Chen Ze, what Chen Ze
pressed, what they pressed.

Of course, with the exception of that boss, he continued to oppose Chen Ze in full

The final result is naturally a mess.

After more than one hundred thousand won, plus his own one hundred thousand, all
lost a clean. Not only that, he lost anxious, but also took out a check, signed
hundreds of thousands of chips back.

In order to win back, of course, almost all of them lost.

"The eagle catches the chicks, whoever it is."

In another game, Chen Ze clicked on the three grids of big, small and leopard, and
finally stayed on the small one. Then he pressed 10,000 yuan to go out and pressed
on the small one.

"Fast, fast, small, small, this time must be small."

Seeing Chen Ze's actions, the others on the gaming table quickly followed. Although
Chen Ze's method of over-riding and over-reducing was too outrageous and childish,
in the past, they would definitely not follow suit.

But at this moment, they all seemed to see Kong Ming lanterns, pressing down with
Chen Ze.

After pressing, they and Chen Ze looked at the boss and his Xiaomi together.

The boss has lost hundreds of thousands, or even millions, and everyone wants to
see if he will hit his own face and follow Chen Zeya.

"It's your turn, Big Boss." Chen Ze smiled.

The boss was pale and sweaty at the moment, and the hands holding the chips were

This was his last chip, and he had no idea that he would lose so badly this time.

In principle, he should be the big one, but after so many rounds, he also knows
that Chen Zeya is the right one.

So at this moment, he wants to be small and follow Chen Zeyao. But in front of so
many people, he couldn't hold back.

"Big boss, why don't you press it, I'm already pressed down, you should be pressed
down." Chen Ze smiled.

Hearing Chen Ze's words, the boss's hand shook even more. When he gritted his
teeth, he pressed his final chip directly to the small one: "I'm small."

In the end, he chose to follow Chen Zeya. Although losing face is ugly, in the eyes
of the boss at this moment, obviously nothing is more important than recovering

In fact, this man is not a big boss, just an accountant of a large company. This
time, he misappropriated the company's funds and came to Macao for consumption, in
order to show off in front of his primary three.

Therefore, he has no net worth, and the one million he lost is his company's money.
So even if he loses face at this moment, there is nothing more important than
winning back, so he chose to follow Chen Ze.

"Yeah, it's boring."

"That's right, I followed, and I've always been working on it."

"It's too irritating. This guy is really irritating."

Seeing the man's choice, others said.

The man did nothing, he looked at the dice cup with anticipation: "Little, this
time must be small."
"Four four six, fourteen, big."

Finally, the female dealer opened the dice cup, which was beyond everyone's
expectations. This time, it turned out to be big.

"It turned out to be big, this guy actually guessed wrong this time."

"It was wrong, I thought the man wouldn't guess wrong."

"It was finally wrong. Although I lost this game, I feel much better. Otherwise, if
I keep guessing this way, I feel that my three views are challenged.

After seeing Chen Ze's guess wrong, the crowd said one after another, a little
surprised, and relieved. Chen Ze's performance was beyond their expectations. If
they kept guessing, they felt that they might completely destroy Sanguan.

"This, this, how can UU read the book www.uukanshu.com? How is this possible?"

The man opened his mouth and saw the points in the dice cup. Everyone else was a
bit sorry, but thought that it was only Chen Ze who couldn't guess.

But the man couldn't believe his eyes, he was going to make a comeback by this

Who knows, who knows how wrong.

As soon as this game was lost, all his money was lost. The misappropriated
company's money will never have a chance to be recovered.

"Actually, I know this round is big, and I also know that you will follow me to
choose, so I deliberately pressed down, big boss, is it fun?"

At this moment, Chen Ze came to the man and whispered with a smile.

Hearing Chen Ze's words, the man's face was completely white. He covered his heart
and pointed at Chen Ze, "You guy, you guy."

Before he could finish speaking, he actually fainted. (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 169: Sweep

"So fainted like that? My eyes are too small."

Looking at the back of the man being carried out, Chen Zemuttered to himself. In
the last game, he saw that the man must repent and follow him, so he deliberately
pressed the wrong and let the guy lose all the final chips.

Although Chen Ze himself lost 10,000 in chips in the last game, he was so outraged
that he felt relieved.

Then, with a smile, Chen Ze began to sort out the chips in front of him.

I saw a lot of chips in front of him, and it was completely different from the
original one with only 50 yuan. Chen Zeda did a little calculation, and the money
he made on this gambling table would almost reach one million.

"Oh my God, this is huge profits."

Now that he has made so much money, Chen Ze murmured to himself, he was startled.

In the past, Chen Ze didn't like gambling, so he hasn't figured out why so many
people are obsessed with this.

Now he understands a little bit. He has just started using his hands and talking on
the table in less than an hour, and he has made so much at once. And it's a home
from fifty dollars. This feeling of gaining nothing is really great.

"It's almost the same as drug use." Chen Ze muttered to himself, but instead of
being obsessed with the feeling of gaining nothing, he felt a bit empty.

So he didn't plan to continue anymore, he packed up the chips in front of him, and
he was going to set up the table immediately.

"Brother, which gaming table are you going to play next?"

Just then, there was a voice beside him. Chen Ze turned his head and saw a man
sitting not far away from him saying, and while watching, he looked at him with hot

And not only him alone, Chen Ze is gambling on the table, everyone else is watching
him with hot eyes.

"Fuck, what?"

Seeing this scene, Chen Ze was stunned. He and these people didn't know each other
at all.

"I, I can take a look." Chen Ze said, and he was about to leave the gaming table.

"Don't brother, I will follow you wherever you go. How about a discussion, we want
to play with you today." The man said when he heard what Chen Ze said.

Others also said, "Yes brother, I want to play with you too. Your gambling today is
really good. I want to follow you to win a lot."

"Me too, let me follow you too. Brother, the reality of your watch just now is too
exaggerated and surprising. I feel that your gambling today is unreasonable. It can
be said that fortune is in the lead. In this case, it is basically impossible to
lose money. Yes, let me follow you too. "

"Let me follow, too, and I want to play with you."

It turned out that although these people didn't know Chen Ze, they were shocked and
admired by Chen Ze's performance of just making money constantly. They all felt
that Chen Ze's luck today is unbelievable. If he gambles with him, maybe he will
make a lot pen.

So they all started talking and wanted to make money with Chen Ze today.

"Oh, this is the case." Chen Ze nodded. "Then come along, but I'm not sure what I
want to play."

"It's okay, we play whatever you play." The others on the gaming table spoke

"That's good." Chen Ze smiled. "But my name is Chen Ze, don't call my brother, you
just call me Chen Ze."
"Chen Ze, good name."

"Good name, really good name."

"Good name brother, we'll follow Chen Ze you."

Everyone started talking, patting Chen Ze's fart.

Chen Ze enjoyed it, with a smile on his face. He looked at the crowd and suddenly
thought of a very important thing, or the solution: "Yes, I just showed it on a
gaming table. , Has attracted the attention of so many people, so if I win for a
while at every table, or even win a game at every casino in Macau, maybe it will
cause the highest level of these casinos Attention. In that case, maybe I will have
the opportunity to participate in the World Gambler Contest. "

Thinking of this, Chen Ze was completely excited. The more he thought about it, the
more likely it was, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter. In the
end, Chen Ze set the opportunity: sweeping Macau's gambling scene and attracting
the attention of casinos.

"Chen Ze, Chen Ze."

Just when Chen Ze was thinking about it, the man at the table said his name.

"Ah." Chen Ze responded, and he said, "Let's go, I'll take you to sweep the Macau
gambling scene."

Talking, Chen Ze stood up and walked in the forefront. The faces of the people
behind the gambling table all followed with an excited expression on the face of
Chen Ze.

First this casino, Chen Ze took everyone to play at other casino tables, Russian
Roulette, Pai Gow, Baccarat, Blackjack, Texas Hold'em, etc. ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~
This casino All the items in it were played by Chen Ze and everyone. In fact, Chen
Ze had never played many projects before. He only saw them in the movie, and some
of them were never even seen.

However, Chen Ze, who owns the hand of God, the luck of God, the ear of God, and
the **** of gambling, is completely indifferent to these projects, and easily wins
every project. Every table has left his brilliant record.

Of course, it also attracted more and more people in the casino to notice him.

"Won again, who is this guy, and he won again. The roulette seems to be under his
control. Guessing what it is is too scary."

"Oh my god, I won again. This guy is really terrified. Pai Gow won again. Who is
this guy?"

"Winning blackjack again, this is already the number of projects he won? And not
only did he win alone, but he could win with so many people too, it was amazing."

"I'll go and look at the chips on his hands and the chips of the people behind him.
I want to join in. The people who follow him all make a lot."

"It's amazing. This guy is really amazing. The average person is not his opponent
at all."
Watching Chen Ze's performance with many people, more and more gamblers said, they
were extremely amazed by Chen Ze's gambling scheme, and of course they all
surrounded the past, want to take a closer look at Chen Ze's gambling process.

Many people also quietly joined the crowd following Chen Ze. They also want to win
more money.

In this way, Chen Ze took this group of people to win this casino.

Then, Chen Ze took them to the next casino.

The goal is naturally to sweep the entire Macau casino! (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 170: Famous

Jiang Haitang has been very upset recently.

She was not bothered by anything else, it was the forthcoming World Gambler

As the heir to the Macau King of Gamblers family, this World Gambler Contest will
be her sole responsibility. From the selection of the contestants to the leader to
go to Las Vegas to participate in the competition, she will complete everything.

The reason for her irritability lies in the candidates for the Macau Gambling

In fact, in the past, there were no such games as the World Gamblers Contest. Some
were just poker tournaments in which the world's gambling experts learned from each
other. This is the first and may be the last.

She knows that this game was actually produced by Las Vegas in conjunction with
several other large casinos in Western Europe. The purpose is to divide the sphere
of influence of the casinos by the level of the competition, especially those in
the underground casinos.

The more you win, the higher the ranking of the casino, the larger the range of
natural power, and the lower the ranking, the natural range will be greatly
affected. After all, for gambling, it belongs more to the underworld that is not
allowed by the government. Once the other casinos are embarrassed, it is really
difficult to continue to grow.

As the largest gambling city in East Asia, Macau has naturally suffered the most.
Therefore, Jiang Haitang knows that this competition must be carefully prepared to
get the best ranking.

So the thing that made her sad is that in recent years, talents have emerged in the
world of gambling, but the generations are all Europeans and Americans, and even
the Japanese have also appeared a few geniuses, but China is far worse in this
regard. Master, but compared with the top ones in the real world, the gap is not

However, the ranking of this competition will be determined by the first few.

Therefore, although Jiang Haitang carefully selected a few months ago and actively
invited Chinese gambling experts, but she still couldn't find anything to satisfy
her and made her feel enough to compete with top European and American experts.
To this day, there are only a few days left before the game, but she just barely
found two masters, and she was only one to make up three.

Although these two masters are very powerful, Jiang Haitang feels that they are not
rivals compared to those top-level standards.

So she was very sad, frowning and thinking about this question: "Where the **** can
I find a real master again?"

After thinking about it for a long time, she still could n’t find the answer. She
finally shook her head and smiled bitterly: "It's really not possible, then I'm
afraid I can only pick up one person, but with three people like this, I'm afraid
this game is dangerous. Now. "


Just as she was thinking about it, the door of her office was knocked, and a rush
of noise came from above.

"Come in."

Hearing this noise, Jiang Haitang spoke.

Then the door was pushed open, and a man walked in. "Large, miss is bad."

"What a panic, Manager Lu, say something slowly." Jiang Haitang began.

"Our Ocean Casino was swept away." The man said.

"What? What is being swept away?" Jiang Haitang asked with a frown.

"That is, there is a master, a gambling master. He won a lot of money in our
casino. Not only did she win, but also brought a lot of people to win, and every
item he played, he actually won. In a short period of time, our casino lost at
least millions of dollars. "Manager Lu said.

"What? A gambling expert? What gambling expert dares come to us to make trouble?"
Jiang Haitang began.

In fact, this kind of thing isn't the first time it has been born. In the past,
there have been masters who have good gambling skills who go to the casino to win
money. For such masters, casinos generally have no way but to plug money privately
and tell that master not to come to their casino to play in the future.

If the gambling expert agrees, then it will be all right. And if you don't agree,
you must use some illegal violence.

Macau casinos have been around for a long time, and it did happen in the past.
However, after taking the money out, no such thing has happened in recent years.
Those gambling masters who can sweep the casino have been stuffed with money, and
they will never do it again.

In particular, I won every project again. Such a master, Jiang Haitang's impression
is that there are not many people in the entire world, and those people have been
jammed with money.

Therefore, Jiang Haitang frowned and asked, "Not many people can do this. Who are
they? Is it Morris in the United States? Forman in Germany? Or Yamada in Japan?"
"None, it's Chinese, we Chinese." The manager said.

"Chinese? How is this possible? Chinese people can do this even less, and it is
impossible to do such things." Jiang Haitang said, shaking his head.

While she was talking, hey, then someone knocked on the door, and then came in,
anxiously said, "Oh, Miss, we have a gambling expert at the Gimpo Casino. He, he,
he swept us. casino."

"What?" Jiang Haitang froze at the words of the man.

Alas, another person rushed over: "The young lady is bad, we have a master in the
casino, and our casino has suffered heavy losses."

"Miss, we also have a master here, so amazing, really amazing."

"Miss, our side ..."

The family where Jiang Haitang belongs is called the King of Gamblers family. This
King of Gamblers does not say that their family has a master of gambling, but
because most of the casinos in Macau belong to their Jiang family, so they are
called the King of Gamblers family. Macau casinos are also competing with their

At this moment, Jiang Haitang, the majority manager of her casino,

www.mtlnovel.com, even stood in front of her, saying that a gambling expert had
come into the casino.

Hearing what they said, Jiang Haitang was a bit embarrassed at first. Why are there
so many masters all at once, and all of them are so powerful, this is simply

Slowly she understood that it turned out that this was actually a master of
gambling. This master swept through most of her casino. And this master seems to be
a Chinese, a Chinese who has never heard of it in the past.

"This, how is this possible, how can it suddenly come up with such a strong
gambling master, or we Chinese." Jiang Haitang muttered to herself, suddenly she
seemed to think something, and her face was raised A hint of excitement, "such a
Chinese master, maybe, maybe."

"What, Miss?" All the managers asked, wondering how Jiang Haitang would look like
that on his face.

"It's nothing." Jiang Haitang came back and she stood up and walked towards the
door. "Let ’s go, we will meet this gambling master." (To be continued.)
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Chapter FTLS 171: The Test of Jiang Haitang

"Is it him?"

In the surveillance room of a casino, Jiang Haitang opened his mouth to the

Inside the monitor, a group of people surrounded a young man who was sitting at a
gaming table, opposite a female dealer who was rolling a dice.

This man is Chen Ze.

"Yes, that's him. He's just played blackjack, and roulette and Texas Hold'em are
invincible." The casino manager said, sweating his head.

"It's so powerful, it looks very young." Jiang Haitang started, he looked at Chen
Ze inside the monitor. Before, she thought he would be a man in his 30s, 40s, or
even 40s and 50s. After all, the masters are generally at this age.

But now it seems that he is only in his early twenties. Even the university student
who came to Macau to play at any university can be convinced.

Could such a young man be such a master of gambling?

"What do you think?"

Jiang Haitang spoke to another group of people behind him. These groups of people
were young and old. They were all so-called professional gambling professionals,
just like Lu Xue and Lu Cheng before.

Casinos like to have some of these people, and they can use them whenever something
goes wrong today. And even if there is no trouble, raising these masters is a good
thing for the face of the casino.

Looking at Chen Ze this time, Jiang Haitang also called these people and wanted
them to refer to them.

"It does look great, although a bit young."

"If that's exactly what these managers say, then this person should really be a

"Master, looks like a master."

These people spoke one after another, and they all thought that Chen Ze really
looked like a master.

"What a master, I think you were frightened by the words of these managers." At
this moment, one of the people in the group opened his mouth, poked his lips, and
said rather disdainfully.

"Ao, Wang Jin, do you have a different opinion?" Jiang Haitang said.

"Miss, this guy is so young, I don't think he is a master at all." Wang Jin said,
"As for how many casinos have been won, what has been swept or whatever, just
because our dealer technology is just that, change To be a slightly more technical
person, you can do this. If this man is really a master, he should have known the
Quartet already. How could I have never seen or even heard of it? , So I'm sure
this person is not a master at all. "

"Really?" Jiang Haitang looked at Chen Ze's figure in the video and heard the
words, thinking about it.

In fact, the reason why she is specifically looking at Chen Ze's gambling this time
is to see how Chen Ze's gambling is going. If it is really like what the managers
said, Jiang Haitang intends to invite him as the third participant in the team to
participate in the World God of Gamblers competition.
But now after hearing Wang Jin's words, she hesitated again. Although she knows
that Wang Jin's words are indeed underestimated by Chen Ze, who can sweep the Macau
casinos, it is absolutely impossible for anyone with a higher gambling skill to do

But she also knows that there is a saying that Wang Jin is right. If it is really a
master, it should have been famous in gambling. However, for Chen Ze, Jiang Haitang
found that she had never seen it before, and had not even heard of it. A gambling
master who had never heard of it, did she really have enough gambling skills to
participate in the World Gambler Contest? ?

"If the young lady really wants to know if this man is the same as me, then I
request a bet with this man. In one round, you can let the young lady know that the
man's gambling is actually not good. I can definitely kill him. "At this moment,
Wang Jin said again, looking at Jiang Haitang.

This Wang Jin actually guessed Jiang Haitang's thoughts at the moment, and Wang Jin
also wants to participate in the World Gamblers Contest. He knows that although his
strength is better than the other two masters who have already been determined, he
is confident except for those two. He is definitely not worse than them, and he is
the only person who is eligible to represent Macau in the World Gambler Contest as
the third person.

As long as he participated in the competition, Wang Jin knew that his value would
be doubled. Even if he lost in the end, it would definitely increase his reputation
in the world of gambling.

Therefore, Wang Jin very much wanted to determine this third place before he made
this statement.

After hearing Wang Jin ’s words, Jiang Haitang glanced at Wang Jin, and she knew
what Wang Jin thought: “Okay, Wang Jin, as long as you can defeat the man in the
video, this time represent Macau in the World Gambling. The third place in the God
Contest is yours. "

It's close to the game, and Jiang Haitang knows she can't find anyone else. If Chen
Ze can't, then Wang Jin is indeed the most suitable third person. Although his
strength is not enough to compete with the world's top masters, it is indeed
already the highest Macau gambling player besides the two people who have been

Hearing Jiang Haitang's words, Wang Jin was overjoyed: "Thank you Miss Ms. for your
trust, you look good, see how I killed that guy without leaving a piece of armor,
let him spit out all the money he won in our casino today Come out. Let him know
that gambling is not fun. "

With that said, Wang Jin strode out and walked towards Chen Ze's position in the

However, shortly after he went out, another person came in: "I'm sorry young lady,
I have something temporarily, and I just arrived now."

After hearing this, Jiang Haitang glanced at: "It's all right, Mr. Lu Cheng, you
can come."

Said, Jiang Haitang turned around and looked at the monitor, intending to take a
closer look at the gambling of Wang Jin and Chen Ze.
The man who came in also came to the monitor. He looked at the monitor, and
suddenly his face showed doubts, then he realized: "This, isn't this man Chen Ze?"

"Who, Mr. Lu Cheng, do you know the man in this monitor?" Upon hearing what Lu
Cheng said, Jiang Haitang and others looked at it in a hurry.

"Recognize, know, this is the man who is surrounded by everyone and sitting in
front of the gambling table. His name is Chen Ze. I once gambled with him." Lu
Cheng said, it turned out that he was Lu who had bet with Chen Ze. to make.

"You had a bet with him? So what's the outcome? Who won? How about his gambling?"
Jiang Haitang began.

"This." Lu Cheng felt a little embarrassed. "This Chen Ze is very powerful. I bet
against him as the landlord. I lost."

"It turned out to be the landlord. It's not surprising that you lost the old Lu,
who doesn't know that your card gambling is like that. It is the worst among us in
Macau." Hearing Lu Cheng's words, all around Other professional gamblers have
spoken, and they all know that Lu Cheng's card gambling skills are very poor.

Disappointment was also evident on Jiang Haitang's face.

"Who said, this Chen Ze is really good. I landed with him in the first game, and I
joined with another person who was not his opponent. Then I bet with him alone on
the dice ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ As a result, I still lost a lot. To be honest, I
haven't lost so badly on the dice in the past. This Chen Ze absolutely has the
highest level in the world. "Lu Cheng spoke angrily when he heard the words of

"What, Lao, you said you lost the dice too? Did you lose a little temper?"

"It's impossible, Lao Lu, you lost the dice? The dice is your strongest point. It
is hard to say if we are stronger in Macau than you. You actually lost on this

"You can win cards like landlords and dice. Who is this guy?"

After hearing Lu Cheng's words, everyone else was shocked. Everyone knows how
strong Lu Cheng's gambling skills are on the dice, but now he has lost, and he has
lost completely.

How is this possible?

And Jiang Haitang, after hearing Lu Cheng's words, quickly looked at the monitor,
with an extremely excited expression on his face: "Maybe, maybe this time I will
really meet a top master."

At this time, inside the monitor, Wang Jin had already walked in front of Chen Ze.
(To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 172: Hand of God of Gamblers (on)

"What old land, you said you lost the dice to this man?"

"Impossible, Lao Lu can almost say that we are the strongest in Macau, so have you
"This, is this man really so strong?"

Everyone whispered, although they thought that Chen Ze was not weak, but it should
not be strong. If it is really strong, then it should have been famous for a long

But now, when everyone heard Lu Cheng's words, they found that they seemed to
underestimate Chen Ze completely.

This man is so strong.

Thinking of this, everyone immediately thought of one thing, and they all looked at
Wang Jin in the monitor like Jiang Haitang. Now. "

At this moment, the casino, which is the gambling table monitored in the monitor,
is full of enthusiasm.

"Open the dealer, you open quickly."

"That is, we are all pressed, why can't you drive?"

"Hurry up."

The people who gambled with Chen Ze said one by one that they are now very excited.
The gains following Chen Ze this time far exceeded their expectations. They
originally thought that Chen Ze had good luck and wanted to follow along to see if
he could win a little money.

However, it was discovered that Chen Ze's gambling skills were so incredible that
no matter what the project or the gambling equipment, he could win.

Moreover, it is not a casino, it is to win from one casino to another, and then
change another one. This way swept all the way. By this time, it has already won a

Each of them has at least doubled or more.

Therefore, each of them is very excited at the moment. They continued to follow
Chen Ze, playing dice cups in this casino again.

Opposite to them, when the words of the crowd were heard, the female dealer sweat
directly flowed out. This was the first time she had encountered such a thing.

So many people come to gamble. According to past experience, they will surely be
divided into several groups, each of which will be big and small, and even risk
taking leopards. In this way, no matter how big or small the dice points are, the
casino will never lose.

But this time is different. This time, so many people are exactly the same as the
one who talked about it. With a young man constantly pushing up and down, no one

At first, the female dealer thought that everyone was making this young man's horse
fart, and this pressure method was easy to lose all. But after pressing these
rounds, the female dealer discovered in horror that the young people who took the
lead in this group were too horrible. Each round seemed to be casually pressed, but
each round was right Already.

Such a round of increase, just for this small meeting, she lost hundreds of
thousands of casinos and went out. These hundreds of thousands have to come out of
the casino, so at this moment, the female dealer is under extreme pressure, and she
is afraid that the group of people in front will win again.

She looked at Chen Ze. Although she did not want Chen Ze to win again, she had a
faint feeling that Chen Ze would win again this time. So all of a sudden, she dared
not open the dice cup.

"On, hurry up."

"Yeah, why can't I open it?"

"Hurry up."

Everyone said hesitant to see the female dealer.

After hearing the urging of the crowd, the female dealer shook her teeth and opened
the dice cup. The three dice inside were up one, two, two, five, and small.

"One, two, two, five, it's small, it's small."

"Ha ha ha, we won again, Chen Ze you, you are so godlike, god-man."

"Our **** of gamblers, this is, we actually won again, Chen Ze, you are a **** of

After seeing the dice in the dice cup, everyone laughed. These five points were
Chen Ze's choice. Naturally, they followed suit, so they were very happy at the
moment, and spoke loudly to Chen Ze.

By now, everyone really admires Chen Ze.

Hearing the words of everyone, Chen Ze also smiled.

Poppy poppy!

At that moment, a round of applause came over, and then a man came to the crowd:
"Great, this guest, your gambling skills are really good."

Hearing what he said, Chen Ze looked at the man. I saw the man in his thirties,
looking a bit aura, it seems not an ordinary person.

"Wang Jin, isn't this Wang Jin?"

"Yeah, why did Wang Jin come here? He is the first person in our gambling industry
in Macau. The gambling skills are amazing. Why is he suddenly here?"

"Did you see that we won too much, come over to trouble?"

After seeing this man, people around Chen Ze said one after another, they all
seemed to know Wang Jin, with a touch of admiration in his tone, and a little fear.

Hearing these people's words, Chen Ze moved in his heart, the first person in Macau
gambling? Gambling magical?

"finally come."

He thought to himself that Chen Ze knew that Wang Jin should have been discharged
from the top of the Macau gambling platform. He had spent his mind shaking the
Macau gambling platform. The plan to attract the attention of the gambling platform
was a success.

"Hello." Chen Ze said, although he was a little happy, but there was no expression
on his face.

"This gentleman, I'm very interested in you. Judging from your gambling, you should
not be an ordinary person. Then, I hope you can bet against me." Wang Jin said his
goal Speak it out.

Hearing Wang Jin's words, everyone around him whispered:

"What? Wang Jin took the initiative to challenge Chen Ze? He is the first person in
our Macau gambling industry. I heard that one-handed gambling is amazing, and this
time he is preparing to represent us in Macau to participate in the World Gambling
Contest. Such a man would challenge Chen Ze? "

"My God, it's impossible. Wang Jin is going to challenge Chen Ze. Although Chen Ze
is very powerful, he should not be Wang Jin's opponent yet. How could he challenge
Chen Ze?"

"Wang Jin actually took the initiative to challenge Chen Ze, which is a bit

Everyone said, although they had already admired Chen Ze, they even called him.

However, in their opinion, Chen Ze is even more powerful than ordinary people.

And Wang Jin is a real gambling expert, even in a place like Macau where the master
is like a cloud, he is still the first.

Such a master, even to directly challenge Chen Ze, is a bit unimaginable.

And Chen Ze, although he had already guessed that Wang Jinhui would challenge, but
he said, "Why should I compare with you? I'm here to make money and compare with

"In this way, since you are here to make money, sir, then we will bet on the chip
in front of you, if you win me in the next match, then I will double the chip in
front of you. And if you If you lose, leave all the chips in front of you. "

Wang Jin opened his mouth with a smile on his face.

Chen Ze's refusal made him feel better, because he was more sure that the guy in
front of him must be bad, otherwise he would not even accept the challenge.

And the chips that Chen Ze won in front of him know that they are all casinos. If
he can win back all at once, he will definitely get the favor of Jiang Haitang, so
the competition quota will be more certain.

So in the end, he made such a request to Chen Ze.

"My God, does Wang Jin think he will win? He bet so much."

"Yeah ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen Ze has less than 10 million chips in his mouth, and
he has to bet on tens of millions in this tone. Is this such a big bet, is he so

"It is of course that he has such confidence, but how could Wang Jin lose, but Chen
Ze, if I were him, I would not take it in this game. I won so much, how can I lose
again, What a joke. "

Hearing Wang Jin's words, everyone said, admiring Wang Jin's self-confidence,
thinking that Chen Ze must have lost, so they also thought that Chen Ze's rejection
was the best.

"Okay, then I promise." At this time, Chen Ze said, and what he said was completely
different from what everyone imagined. "How can you compare it?"

"Okay, sir, you are really refreshing." Hearing Chen Ze said, the smile on Wang
Jin's face was even brighter. "Let's compare it to two rounds, one round of dice
size, and one round of poker cards size. As long as one of them You win a round,
then even if you win this match. "

Wang Jin apparently did not take Chen Ze in his eyes, and said such a test that was
extremely beneficial to Chen Ze.

"No, only I lost in these two rounds, so even if I lose." At this time, Chen Ze
spoke. (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 173: God of Gamblers (middle)

"No, as long as I lose in these two rounds, even if I lose." Chen Ze said with a


Hearing Chen Ze's words, everyone, including Wang Jin, was stunned. Everyone did
not expect that Chen Ze would make such a request. Obviously Wang Jin retreated, as
long as Chen Ze won one round, he won. But now, even when Chen Ze said such a
thing, he even said that as long as he lost a round, he would lose.

This means that he determined that he could win both rounds, and Wang Jin was not
his opponent at all.

"My God, where is this self-confidence from Chen Ze? His opponent is Wang Jin. I
don't feel like he will lose in both rounds. Wang Jin only let him lose one round,
but he is actually Dare to say such a thing. "

"Yes, does Chen Ze not know Wang Jin? It would be incredible to say such a thing."

"I'm going. I can't imagine it. How dare he say that?"

People all around said that everyone was completely stunned. Originally, they all
felt that Chen Ze was difficult to win, and they probably would not win in a round.
But Chen Ze actually made such a statement, which really made them too unexpected.

And Wang Jin was a little stunned, "What are you talking about?"

"I mean quite clearly, as long as I lose in one of these two rounds, then even if I
lose." Chen Ze smiled.

"Ha ha ha, well, now that you are so ignorant, let me see how strong your gambling

Wang Jin's anger laughed a lot. At this moment, he only wanted to learn a good
lesson from Chen Ze.
At this moment, in the monitoring room, I saw the movements of Chen Ze and Wang
Jin, and heard the words of Chen Ze and Wang Jin. The other professional gamblers
also looked at each other, and never expected that Chen Ze was so aggressive and
dare to directly Say something like this.

On the other hand, Jiang Haitang had a smile of admiration and satisfaction on his
face: "Be good, but you have such a state of mind in the face of a strong enemy.
This state of mind is worthy of appreciation."

In the casino, all other gaming tables were empty at this moment, and everyone was
around the gaming tables of Chen Ze and Wang Jin, watching the movements of Chen Ze
and Wang Jin.

Wang Jin and Chen Ze, each holding a dice cup, will start the first round of the

"The game is very simple. Both of us shake the dice cup at the same time, and then
the size of the point is smaller. Whoever has fewer points in the dice cup can win
the game." Wang Jin faced Chen Ze.

"No problem," Chen Ze laughed.

Speaking, the two hands waved at the same time, like an afterimage, took the dice
cup, put three dice neatly on the table, and then quickly shake.


Suddenly, the sound of the dice rang in the dice cups of both people.

Everyone around them stared at the two dice cups and whispered to each other:

"Who do you think could win these two?"

"Of course it is Wang Jin. When it comes to dice gambling, Wang Jin's strength is
almost the strongest, only second to Lu Cheng, and the world ranking is also in the
top 20. How can he lose on this? Now. "

"I think so too. It must be that Wang Jin can win. Although Chen Ze was powerful
before, he didn't show up on the dice, so it must be Wang Jin a little bit more

Everyone spoke, and they felt that Wang Jin should be more powerful.


Just as everyone said this, Wang Jin and Chen Ze simultaneously stopped the shake
of the dice cup, and the two together vigorously covered the dice cup on the table.

"Would you like to change the conditions? If you change your mind now, you can
still continue my conditions. You only need to win one round, even if you win. If
you wait until my dice cup is opened, it may be difficult for you to change it Now.

At this time, Wang Jin drove Chen Ze and said with a smile. Obviously, he is very
confident now.

When he heard what he said, Chen Ze smiled and responded, "No."

"All right, then you will regret it. According to your terms, you lost the first
round." Wang Jin said, opening his dice cup.

I saw that in his dice cup, two dice were one and the points were up, and the third
dice was broken into several pieces directly, no points.

That is, the final Wang Jin's points are 110, 2 points.

"I, my God, it's broken, and even one of the dice is broken. This, this, this is
impossible. Wang Jin even shattered all the dice. How is this possible?"

"This, this, shouldn't this happen only in the movie? The dice are shattered. How
is this possible?"

"I, this is the first time I have seen such an amazing thing. Wang Jin is indeed
the first person in Macau gambling. He even shook all the dice."

"Two points, only two points. This, this, it's set."

People around him saw the dice in Wang Jin's dice cup, and they were all shocked
and whispered.

Wang Jin even shattered a dice, only two points in the end. They all know that Wang
Jin is the winner.

In the monitoring room, everyone's face was even more shocked, even more shocked
than those of the onlookers.

These people just marveled that Wang Jin could shatter the dice, and they only knew
how powerful Wang Jinlu's hand was.

"This, how is this possible? When did Wang Jin reach this level, he could even
shatter the dice, which is incredible."

"This is not possible with Wang Jin's gambling in the past. At most, he shook out
three by one. But now that he has done this, he has made so much progress in

"Too, it's amazing, Wang Jinlu's hand is really amazing."

Everyone said, they all know that the real masters can shatter the dice, but that
requires extremely deep gambling and years of practice. All the people who can do
this are well-known characters in the gambling arena.

Although Wang Jin used to do research on the dice, he couldn't do it. And far from
this realm.

But now ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ he did it.

"Mr. Lu Cheng, can you do that?" Jiang Haitang asked suddenly, with a look of
surprise on his face.

"You can't do it," Lu Cheng said. "Unexpectedly, Wang Jin surpassed me so much on

When I heard Lu Cheng's words in the monitoring room, I felt that Chen Ze had won.
But now that they saw Wang Jin's performance, their minds quietly changed.

Poppy poppy!
When everyone was stunned, a burst of applause rang out, and the applause was Chen
Ze: "Great, really great. But Wang Jin you, it's too early to say that I lost."

Chen Ze smiled and said that he opened his dice cup, and saw that one dice showed a
little inside his dice cup, and the remaining two were broken.

Wang Jin broke a dice,

And Chen Ze, broke two! (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 174: God of Gamblers (Part 2)

"Two, two, Chen Ze, he actually shattered two."

"This, this, it's incredible. Shake one thing that has never been seen before. Now
Chen Ze shook two directly."

"Oh my god, I really can't think of it, I can't think of it at all, Chen Ze, this
is too great, it shook two of them."

"It's incredible, it's too exaggerated."

When people around looked at the dice cup in Chen Ze's dice cup, they opened their
mouths, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

Wang Jin shattered one in the front, something that they had never seen in the
past, and they were astonished.

But now, they actually saw this kind of thing again, and, still, two.

Not only them, the monitoring room, everyone was stunned at this moment, even more
shocked than them.

"Two, shattered two. Is this Chen Ze so strong?"

"It can be said that it is very difficult to shatter one, and non-top masters can't
do it. Shake two is much more difficult than one, even the difficulty is geometric
level plus. Chen Ze, he even shattered Two. "

"Oh my God, I didn't dream, I saw someone shatter two."

In the monitoring room, these people said one after another, they were extremely
amazed, even pinched their own cheeks, and determined that they were not dreaming.

Shattering one is already more difficult. But two words are more difficult than
shattering one. I don't know how much.

If only one, these people can understand. But now there are two, and Chen Ze
actually shattered the two, which really makes them too unbelievable to believe
their eyes.

"Oh my God, it turns out that Chen Ze, Chen Ze is so strong? Then my previous test
with him was a joke."

Lu Cheng looked at the monitor and muttered to himself.

Although he also knows that Chen Ze is strong, stronger than him, he can win
nothing he can say.

But even he did not expect Chen Ze to be so strong. He shattered two in one breath,
which was far beyond his knowledge.

Lu Cheng now knows that his gambling in front of Chen Ze is actually nothing at

And his challenge to Chen Ze was simply that the ants were looking for elephants in
general. Perhaps in Chen Ze's eyes, it was just a joke, not even a joke.

"It's so strong, this, this, this is really great."

Staring at the monitor, Jiang Haitang also spoke, extremely excited. She felt more
and more that she seemed to really find a very suitable contestant.

At the moment, everyone in the casino was shocked, with one exception: Wang Jin.

His face was extremely ugly, and he just smiled, feeling like he had won. And now,
it's so white: "This, how is this possible, two, how can it be possible to shatter

Wang Jin often secretly contacted the dice in recent years, and finally he was able
to shatter one recently. This time in order to compete for the last place for the
contest, Jiang Haitang believed him, and he did it. He used a knife to kill Chen Ze
in the way he thought he would win the game. It is impossible to win him.

However, it never occurred to him that he lost. Chen Ze, a young man who only
appeared in his twenties, shook two pieces. His accomplishments on the dice far
exceeded him.

This made him reluctant to believe it.

"How." At this time, Chen Ze said, smiling.

However, although he was very calm on the surface, his heart was also very shocked,
shocked by the power of the hand of the **** of gamblers.

This time, he used the hand of God of Gambling to dice the arrogant Wang Jin in
front of him. But he did not even think that the power of the hand of the **** of
gamblers was so great that he could shatter the dice with just two clicks, and
there were still two.

What's more important is that Chen Ze feels that his hand of God of Gambling has
not been used to the extreme, and there is still room for continued play.

In other words, two, is not the highest point of his ability.

Of course, if other people, such as Lu Cheng and Wang Jin, knew about them, they
would be so shocked now that they might just faint.

"I lost this game." Wang Jin said, biting his teeth.

Although he was reluctant to admit it, he finally admitted it.

"Assign." Chen Ze smiled.

"Win? This is the first round, Chen Ze is too good."

"I never thought that Chen Ze was so powerful that even Wang Jin could win."

"It's great. I'm going to look forward to it now. I don't know what the second
round will be like?"

After hearing the words of the two, the crowd said one after another.

At this moment, their state of mind is different. Before that, they all felt that
Chen Ze lost, and Wang Jin won. And now, their thoughts have quietly reversed.

At the same time, I look forward to the second round.

"The second round, the second round of playing cards, I have here a card that has
just been opened. The dealer throws this deck of cards into the sky. We both draw
five cards at the same time. Anyone can win. "Wang Jin said.

This is actually what he is best at. His hands move quickly and his dynamic vision
is very good. Therefore, in this kind of competition, he can occupy a very big

And for so many years in a similar gamble in Macau, he has not lost.

Therefore, after speaking, Wang Jin took a sigh of relief, and wanted to prove
himself in the second round, and learned Chen Ze well, and at the same time let him
lose the test.

"Although I lost the first round, according to your own rules, you must win both
rounds to be considered a winner. Then, I won this contest." Looking at Chen Ze,
Wang Jin thought to himself.

With his words, Chen Ze nodded, then the female dealer took out a pair of cards
that had just been opened, shuffled and shuffled, and showed it to Chen Ze Wang Jin
and everyone else at the scene.

Then, she went to the middle of Chen Ze and Wang Jin, and threw the deck high into
the sky.

Suddenly, the card was scattered and fell towards the ground.

"Where JQK is, I'll look for these three cards."

Seeing the action of the female dealer, Wang Jin thought to herself, and her eyes
immediately worked.

I have to say that his dynamic strength is indeed very good, much better than Chen
Ze. Even in front of top experts, there is no downside.

Therefore, the moment the female dealer threw a card, he saw a K. He looked at Chen
Ze with Yu Guang, and found that Chen Ze hadn't moved anything, obviously his eyes
couldn't match hiss.

Seeing this, Wang Jin smiled, and immediately, one hand stretched up, ready to take
this K into his hand.

However, just when his hand was about to touch the card, the other hand came first
and got the card first.

This hand is exactly Chen Ze's hand.

"No, it's impossible. How could that guy's hand be so fast? It's impossible. Didn't
he not even see the card?"

Wang Jin thought in his heart that he was very shocked, but he adjusted quickly and
continued to grab the next one.

Sure enough, he immediately saw another one, and then reached out to prepare for
it. This time, he deliberately accelerated it again.

But immediately, a dark shadow grabbed him in front of him and grabbed the card.

Then came the third, fourth, and fifth.

Every card that Wang Jin was about to grab ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ was grabbed by Chen
Ze. And every time, Chen Ze came first, and easily snatched the cards from his

"This, how is this possible. His hand, how can his hand be so fast, this is

Looking at the five cards in Chen Ze's hand, Wang Jin thought to himself that he
couldn't believe it.

Poppy poppy!

At this point, all the other cards fell to the ground.

Chen Ze grabbed five cards, but Wang Jin did not.

The final result is self-evident.

"Too, too fast, how could Chen Ze's hands be so fast, he is also too powerful."

People around me also saw what just happened, and they all had this common thought
in their hearts.

After these two games, they found that Chen Ze was far more powerful than they
thought. (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 175: Shake Macau

"This, how can Chen Ze's hand be so fast, my God, Wang Jin could not even get a
card suppressed by him. I have never seen Wang Jin so embarrassed."

"This Chen Ze, who is Chen Ze? Who ’s too strong? It ’s too strong. The dice
shattered two pieces directly. The king who robbed and robbed him could n’t get a
card. How is this possible? There may be such people. "

"At this level, this is at least the top level in the world. People with this level
have no idea before. How did this level of Chen Ze come out? Has he never
participated in any world competitions before?"

"Oh my god, this Chen Ze absolutely has the top level in the world, absolutely."

In the monitoring room, countless people said that everyone was like crazy. The
shock that Chen Ze had brought to them in the first round was already very great.

After watching this second round, I saw that Chen Ze's action was so fast. After he
failed to get a card to suppress Wang Jin who is best at this, everyone was
completely crazy. Everyone knew Chen. Ze's strength is already terrifying.
This kind of strength is far beyond their reach.

But now, it appears in a young man.

So everyone was really shocked.

Among them, Lu Cheng's shock was the deepest. He had bet with Chen Ze before.
Although he felt that Chen Ze was really powerful at that time, he never felt that
Chen Ze could be strong enough.

Now he understands how ridiculous he was then. With his strength, he even wanted to
challenge Chen Ze.

"It's ridiculous, I'm really ridiculous." Lu Cheng muttered to himself.

On the other hand, Jiang Haitang had a brilliant smile on his face: "It's so
strong, it's great, it's really great."

As she turned around, she said to everyone, "I decided to invite Chen Ze to be the
third person to represent us in the World Gamblers Contest, is there any

"No, it should be so." Everyone said in unison, if there were still some people
like Wang Jin who were thinking about whether they could participate in Macau, this
idea is now completely complete with the powerful strength that Chen Ze
demonstrated The smoke disappeared.

What a joke, Chen Ze's strength, he does not participate, who is eligible to

At the same time, people around the casino were extremely shocked, watching Chen Ze

They have never worshipped a person like they do today.

Chen Ze left a deep impression on them, and the gambling skills shown in front of
them were too powerful. Could not help but convince all of them.

"It's too strong. Chen Ze is really too strong. Even Wang Jin is not his opponent
at all."

"Unexpectedly, Chen Ze was so strong that he was so strong. How could his hands be
so fast?"

"Too exaggerated, Chen Ze is really exaggerated."

Everyone whispered, with a voice of immense reverence.

"You didn't get a card. It looks like I won again this time." At this time, Chen Ze
smiled and approached the king in front of him.

And Wang Jin looked pale and murmured, "How is it possible, how is this possible."
His eyes were a little stunned, and he never expected that Chen Ze would be so

In other words, he had no idea that he would lose to this point. As the first
gambler in Macau, Wang Jin never thought he would lose so badly. Especially the
second round is his best project, especially.
After hearing Chen Ze's words, he looked up, looked at Chen Ze, and wanted to say
something, but in the end he couldn't say anything. He knew that he had lost
outright this time.

"I lost." At last, Wang Jin sighed.

"Assign." Chen Ze smiled.

Macau is not big at first, and most of them are casinos. It can be said that a
large part of the life of Macau people is inseparable from gambling. The casino is
a little bit turbulent and can spread throughout Macau at once.

The news is the same now, and immediately, it spread throughout Macao, and many
Macao people knew the news.

"Have you heard that Wang Jin lost? Wang Jin lost to a young man in his twenties in
the casino. There are still two rounds, and one round is his best project, but he
lost both rounds. . "

"I also heard that the person who won him was Chen Ze, who had swept the Macau
casino before. Wang Jinben thought he could easily win Chen Ze, but Chen Ze won it,
and he still won. It's almost impossible to fight back. "

"I have also heard that I heard that the two rounds of gambling are quite fierce.
It is not that they can't win or lose, but that Chen Ze has almost crushed Wang

"Really fake? Wang Jin, isn't he known as the No. 1 player in Macau casinos? He
would lose so badly?"

"I also think that it is Wang Jin, who lost so badly? But Chen Ze has never heard
of it before. Where is the master? There is absolutely no such person in the world
gambling list."

"Oh my god, Wang Jin lost, or was defeated. Where did this Chen Ze come from?"

There are many people in Macau casinos who live in Macau, who are more interested
in gambling.

They are all too shocked. The name Wang Jin can be said to them like thunder, the
top player in Macau gambling and the facade of Macau casinos. I heard that this
time they may represent Macau to participate in the World Gamblers Contest.

Such a master, such a master even lost? And I lost to someone I have never heard of
before. How is this possible?

Everyone couldn't believe it. Everyone was shocked. They were also asking who Chen
Ze was, and how could they defeat Wang Jin.

At this time, Chen Ze, which caused a sensation in Macau, was staying in the most
luxurious hotel in Macau.

In fact, according to his style in the past, he would not live in such a good

But this time is different. This time, the money won at the casino in one breath,
plus the money won by Wang Jin, has tens of millions directly.
So easy to get so much money ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen Ze feels sorry for not

That's why he stayed in the most luxurious hotel in Macau, ready for a while of

"The power of the **** of gambling is indeed beyond my imagination."

Lying on the hotel bed, Chen Zemuttered to himself.

In fact, in the second round, he couldn't see any cards, because his eyes were not
trained, and he didn't have the eyes of God of Gambler, so he could not actually
see the cards.

But he just stared at Wang Jin's hand, and grabbed any card he was going to get.

Most people naturally can't do it, but Chen Ze's speed of relying on the hand of
God of Gambler has actually achieved this and has crushed Wang Jin.

This allowed Chen Ze to have a deeper understanding of the hand of God of Gambling
and was also very excited.

At the same time, he also thought of his purpose this time: "It's time, it's time
for someone from their casino to come to me." (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 176: bar

"Miss, this is the information of Chen Ze, which has just been investigated."

In a luxurious room, a man held a stack of information and walked to Jiang

Haitang's mouth.

"Okay, let it be."

Hearing his words, Jiang Haitang nodded and said. The man placed the information in
front of Jiang Haitang, and then withdrew from the room.

Jiang Haitang opened the stack of materials and slowly looked up.

This stack of information is exactly the material of Chen Ze that she made people
investigate. Now that Chen Ze has been invited to participate in the World God of
Gamblers, naturally, Chen Ze's background must be clarified first.

So after coming out of the casino today, she immediately sent people to the
mainland to investigate. The Chiang family is the Macau gambling king family.
Naturally, they also have considerable power in the Mainland. Chen Ze's background
can naturally be easily investigated.

Now I have sorted out this pile of information and put it in front of Jiang

Looking at Chen Ze's information in front of him, Jiang Haitang's brow frowned
slightly: "Student, driver, chef, recently played a famous role in the" Super
Landlord "game. This Chen Ze, what he did is true How much. "

Jiang Haitang originally thought that the information returned from the
investigation would be the reason why Chen Ze was so high in gambling. After
reading it, he was stunned. There was nothing about Chen Ze's gambling, but it was
all his past experience. And this experience is actually quite rich.

As a driver, he actually won Cao Cheng when he was a driver. I have been a chef,
and when I was a chef, I won the championship of the Chinese Food God Contest.

Recently played in the game "Super Landlord", and won the championship, and
defeated Lu Cheng casually.

"Hey, this guy's experience is so rich?"

Rao is Jiang Haitang's knowledgeable, but still startled by Chen Ze's experience,
she found that Chen Ze can be said to be about to reach the peak in both
professions, but they have not done so, but recently But he started to kill the
Quartet in gambling, and it looks like gambling is also amazing.

This really surprised her. Although she has seen some so-called all-rounders who
are proficient in many professions in the past, she just barely said that she is
proficient. In fact, it is not much, and it is not comparable to Chen Ze.

And Chen Ze seems to be really proficient, and at least three professions.

"This guy turned out to be a monster." After reading the materials of Chen Ze,
Jiang Haitang murmured to herself, she did not find the reason why Chen Ze was so
amazing, but her face showed a satisfied smile. However, it is also this kind of
monster that may have a chance to win the championship of this World Gambler
Contest. "

Talking, Jiang Haitang stood up and said loudly: "Uncle Fu, Uncle Fu."

Immediately, the man who had just given Jiang Haitang the information came in:
"Miss, what's the matter?"

"I asked you to send someone to protect Chen Ze secretly, so as not to find him, or
to prevent him from doing anything. Have you left this thing alone?" Jiang Haitang

"It's been arranged to ensure that Chen Ze will not disappear for no reason and
nothing will happen." The uncle Fu started.

"That's good. Where is that Chen Ze now?" Jiang Haitang asked.

"I checked into the hotel before, which is the most luxurious hotel in Macau. But
now, I heard that we are strolling down our streets in Macau. Miss, do you want me
to send someone to find him?" Uncle Fu asked.

"No." Jiang Haitang shook his head. "Such a master can't be slack, I'll see him in

Said, Jiang Haitang took Uncle Fu and walked out the door.

At this moment, Chen Ze, as Uncle Fu said, is walking alone in the streets of

Since he came to Macau and the people at the casino haven't come to him yet, Chen
Ze can't stay at the hotel alone, so he is going to stroll around the streets of
Macau, and by the way enjoy the night view of Macau, after all, he is the first
time This place in Macau.

But walking around, he found that it was not interesting. Macau was not big, most
of them were casinos. He had seen it during the day, and it was not interesting at

"Forget it, just go back to the hotel."

Chen Ze thought to himself, just as he was about to go back, suddenly a voice came
from behind him: "It's you, what a coincidence."

Chen Ze looked back and saw a 20-year-old girl standing behind him, saying with
some excitement.

"It's you, I can't think of such a coincidence." Chen Ze smiled when he saw the

The girl met him on the high-speed train that came to Macau. The two were sitting
together, and they both came to Macau, so they chatted casually.

From the chat, Chen Ze knew that the girl was named Yang Yu, who was still a
college student and came to Macau with her classmates. She was delayed because of
something, which caused her classmates to come to Macau one step earlier, and she
could only come by the car one day later, and happened to meet Chen Ze.

"Meet your classmates," Chen Ze smiled.

"Meet me." Yang Yu nodded, "What about you? I remember you said you came to Macau
to play, how are you today?"

"Not bad." Chen Ze nodded. "I went to a few casinos and took a look."

"Really, we haven't even been to the casino yet. We are going to play tomorrow."
Yang Yu said, apparently with some interest.

She was about to say something more, but a voice came from behind her immediately:
"Xiaoyu, is this?"

Hearing the sound behind him, Chen Ze looked over, and saw a few men and women
standing behind Yang Yu, all of them dressed stylishly, and the boys inside were
even very well dressed. At first glance, it was called the fashion tide .

"Ao, he is the person I met on the train." Yang Yu quickly said to these
humanities, and then turned his head to Chen Zedao, "They are my classmates, and
also my classmate's boyfriend . "

"Ao." Chen Ze nodded, and he almost guessed their relationship.

"Okay, no rain, we have to rush to the bar, let's go." At this time, Yang Yu's
classmates spoke again, urging Yang Yudao.

"Okay." Yang Yu said.

"So you are going to the bar." Chen Ze said.

"Yeah, a boyfriend of one of my classmates is a native of Macau. He said that a bar

here is particularly fun, so he wants to show us." Yang Yu nodded suddenly as if
thinking of something. Alone? Why do n’t you go play with us, I heard it ’s really
fun, you have nothing to do by yourself anyway. ”

"Me?" When Chen Yang heard what he said, Chen Ze froze. He didn't expect to receive
such an invitation from Yang Yu. To be honest, he has no interest in places like
bars, and has been to it a few times, but it feels not fun at all, so he doesn't
want to go again.

Now suddenly I was invited by Yang Yu again, and immediately wanted to refuse.
Rather than go to the bar, he would rather go back to the hotel and wait for
someone at the upper level of the casino to come to her.

"He, Xiaoyu, do you want him to go to the bar with us?" At this time, Yang Yu's
classmates spoke and heard Yang Yu and Chen Ze's conversation, and quickly pulled
Yang Yu in front of them. "You count Come on, Xiaoyu, look at his clothes and
clothes, obviously we are not the same. "

"Ye Xiaoyu, let's play with our friends, what is it about you to add a person.
Besides, add a person who can play together, look at him, can he play with us? Say
me I remember you said he came to Macau to play alone, who came here to play alone,
who is this? "

"That is, I don't think I've ever been to the bar to see him dressed up. I just
told you that I went to the casino today. It's obviously bragging. He has the money
to go to the casino? What's a joke?

"Just, don't let him come over. Let's just play a few together."

Several friends of Yang Yu spoke, especially the men inside. They all looked at
Chen Ze, and felt that Chen Ze's dress was too ordinary, apparently just an
ordinary person who could not be more ordinary.

And they themselves, although they are not particularly rich people at home, but
they are consciously still a bit of identity and status, so they do not want to
play with Chen Ze.

In particular, there is another local Macao man inside. He is a friend of Ms. Yang
Yu's boyfriend. The family in Macao can also be regarded as having a head and a
face and a little money. This time he came out was originally forcibly pulled out
by Yang Yu's boyfriend. This time it was the first time he saw Yang Yu, but he fell
in love at first sight and was ready to pursue Yang Yu.

But now I suddenly see Yang Yu and Chen Ze getting closer, and even more upset, he
said, "I'm familiar with Macau casinos. People who play in it are at least millions
or even tens of millions of people. Yang Rain is your friend, not me, not to
mention the casino, or whether to play dice is just a question, just bragging with
you. Such people, you still stay away from him. "

Hearing the words of his friends, Yang Yu was annoyed, and felt that they said Chen
Ze was overdone.

She had talked with Chen Ze, and UU Reading www.uukkanshu.com thought that Chen Ze
was still a good person, how could they be so bad.

"If you don't believe him, ask him, he certainly doesn't want to play with us." At
this time, a student of Yang Yu saw through Yang Yu's thoughts and said.

They didn't speak loudly, knowing that Chen Ze must have heard it. Therefore, they
felt that Chen Ze, who heard their words, would definitely not go along with them.

After hearing her words, Yang Yu hesitated, and walked to Chen Ze. She was very
annoyed by her friends' behaviors and words, especially the loud voice. Obviously
it was told to Chen Ze to make him ugly.
Yang Yu knew that if it was her, she would definitely not go.

So she asked Chen Ze, but she no longer expressed hope in her heart, and she did
not even want to go: "Chen Ze, would you like to play with us?"

"Go." Chen Ze said, beyond everyone's expectations.

Chen Ze did not intend to go at first, but now he is said so. Then Chen Ze felt
that he had to go. (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 177: Gambling

"This Fit Bar is one of our biggest and most lively bars in Macau. Every day when
it is dark, it must be full of people. Many of them come here to play in Macau.
There are also many mainland tourists who play in the casino during the day and
come here at night. It's lively. "

In a bar, a man took Yang Yu and they sat down with Chen Yu and then spoke. This
man's name is Jin Ming, who is a Macao native who wants to pursue Yang Yu.
Obviously he does come to this place often, and everything seems very familiar and

"This bar is good, really good, the atmosphere is really good." Upon hearing what
he said, a female student from Yang Yu spoke and looked around.

"That is, the lowest table here must be more than 500 yuan, of course, the
atmosphere is good." Jin Ming laughed, "I often come here, I am too familiar."

Listening to their conversation, Chen Ze frowned, not because of their

conversation, but because the bar was too noisy. The DJ didn't know where the loud
music was, and the light around him. It was dark, and there were dancing people on
the stage.

Noisy, it's really noisy.

Chen Ze all regretted whether he was too impulsive and should not follow over.

He had no idea why the louder the noise was, the better the so-called atmosphere

The noise is loud, but you can't even hear the voice. Just now Jin Ming and the
other people were talking so loudly, otherwise Chen Ze knew that he couldn't even
hear what they were talking about.

"Why? Not adapting to the environment here?" At this moment, Jin Ming spoke again,
smiling at Chen Zedao. He saw Chen Ze's frown, and said with a mockery, "It doesn't
matter, the bar is like this, people like you who are playing for the first time
are not used to it, it will be fine after a while. If you still don't, then Sorry,
you are not suitable for a bar. "

After hearing what he said, the other students of Yang Yu laughed. They looked at
Chen Ze and whispered:

"It's said that this guy can't play with us anymore, and actually came over,
hahaha, I knew it would be like this."

"Swollen cheeks and fat people, don't come over if you can't play in the bar, the
current watch is too ridiculous."

"Hey, look at how long he can stay, and after a while I guess he will understand
that he and we are not the same person, and will leave in advance."

They all looked at Chen Ze with a smile, waiting for Chen Ze to show ugliness.

Instead, Yang Yu sat next to Chen Ze and asked Chen Ze: "Don't adapt?"

"It's all right," Chen Ze said.

"Say it if you don't fit it. In fact, I don't like it. I don't like this kind of
place, but my classmates are clamoring to play. I can't help it, so I can only
follow it." Yang Yu laughed.

"For a long time, you didn't get used to it." Chen Ze laughed.

"That's why I thought about calling you, or I wouldn't adapt to it alone, and it
would be too boring to stay here all night." Yang Yu said.

"That's the case. It turned out that I was doing the backing." Chen Ze laughed.

"Where is it backed up, it's the same fallen man." Yang Yu said.

"Well, that's right." Chen Ze nodded.

"What do you want to drink?" Just as the two were chatting hotly, suddenly Jin
Ming's voice came over, and the voice was loud, "Yang Yu, what do you want to
drink? Or, your friend wants to drink What? "

Jin Ming looked at Chen Ze with jealousy. He originally wanted to pursue Yang Yu.
After arriving at the bar, Yang Yu sat next to Chen Ze with his buttocks, and even
talked with Chen Ze, and it looked like The atmosphere was still very good, so he
was jealous of death, and interrupted immediately.

"This, I don't drink, just drink it and even get drunk. Just drink fruit juice. Is
there any fruit juice?" Chen Ze said. He didn't like drinking very much, so he
ordered fruit juice.

But the words just came out, these friends of Yang Yu all around laughed:

"Just kidding, come to the bar and drink juice. It's too soily, so I won't find

"That is, drinking juice at the bar is really unthinkable."

"I want to drink fruit juice and go outside. Then come to the bar. How can I drink
fruit juice?"

They all said, in fact, these classmates and friends of Yang Yu could see that Jin
Ming wanted to pursue Yang Yu, and the Jin Ming family itself was a small family in
Macau, so they all wanted to knot Jin Ming. Now After seeing Yang Yu and Chen Ze
getting closer, they started to taunt.

"Yeah, it looks like you really haven't been to the bar, and you didn't drink juice
when you entered the bar." Jin Ming also said, faintly mocking, he seemed to think
of something, and said, "Drink, you must drink. So let's get some beer first, just
play a game and play **** battles to the end. "

With that said, Jin Ming ordered wine.

"OK, great, I like to play this **** game to the end."

"Exciting. This game is very exciting. I like it too."

"Great, I'm here for this game."

Hearing Jin Ming's words, everyone said that they seemed very interested in this
**** battle to the end.

"What kind of game is this blood battle in the end?" Chen Ze asked Yang Yu quietly,
he had never heard of this game.

"I haven't played it, but I have heard from my classmates. It seems to be a game of
gambling." Yang Yu said.

"The game of gambling?" Chen Ze stunned ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Yes, it seems like to

take out forty-eight cups, each of which is filled with wine. Forty-eight glasses
of wine are divided into four rounds, four glasses of wine in the first round,
eight glasses of wine in the second round, sixteen glasses of wine in the third
round, and twenty glasses of wine in the fourth round. Drinking, no matter how
much, you have to finish the four rounds, so it is called the **** battle to the
end. People with bad luck may drink these 48 glasses of wine in one breath, and
many people will spit out half of it. Yang Yu said, explaining the game to Chen Ze.

"It was such a game."

Chen Ze nodded, he had a hunch, this Jin Ming proposed this game, and when he said
he would not drink alcohol, he was probably targeting himself, specifically to find
his own trouble.

Soon, both the wine and the glass were brought by the bartender. The glass was not
large, but it was not small. Forty-eight glasses of wine is already a considerable

Chen Ze knew that if he drank, these forty-eight cups could not be drunk anyway,
and he had to vomit.

Sure enough, after both the wine and the wine glass were delivered, Jin Ming said
to Chen Ze with a smile: "How about brothers, let's play a game first?" (To be

Chapter FTLS 178: Like dead dog

"How about brother, let's play a game first?"

Jin Ming spoke and looked at Chen Zedao.

After hearing what he said, all of Yang Yu's classmates and friends stopped and
suddenly understood Jin Ming's intention. They looked at Chen Ze with playful eyes
and wanted to see how Chen Ze would respond.

"What are you doing? Didn't Chen Ze say he wouldn't drink? You still have to play
with him." Yang Yu also heard Jin Ming's words and said quickly.

"It's okay, just play casually. You can't drink alcohol or play games, so why do
you come to the bar? It's too soily," Jin Ming laughed.

"That is, I don't even play a game. Why do you follow me so deadly? I also said
that I went to the casino during the day and it was so funny."

"If you don't play the game, go back early, don't waste time here, and it will
hinder our eyes."

"It's too irritating, if you dare not play the game, then it's too irritating."

Yang Yu's classmates and friends said in succession that they laughed at Chen Ze
one by one, in order to prevent Chen Ze from coming to Taiwan.

"You guys." Yang Yu frowned when she heard the words from her classmates, but she
was really angry, but before her words came out, Chen Ze stopped Yang Yu and said,
"Well, use dice. Is it gambling? Then I'll play a game with you. "

"Yes, this is a man."

Jin Ming said, laughing.

At the same time, his heart was so proud that he finally forced Chen Ze to play
this game with him.

As a native of Macau, Jin Ming, although not a master of gambling, can not compare
with those of the real casino masters.

But if he is just playing dice with ordinary people, Jin Ming is confident that he
will not lose at all.

Especially in front of him was only a clay bun that hadn't even been played in a
bar. He felt that he could play Chen Ze in the applause and let Chen Ze finish
drinking these 48 glasses of wine alone.

So after hearing Chen Ze's promise at this moment, Jin Ming was very happy and
murmured: "I'll see, after drinking so much wine, what kind of dead dog will you

As he thought about it, he laid the wine glass, poured the wine into the glass, and
then took two dice cups from the bartender, one of which was passed to Chen Ze and
one of which he kept.

"There are a total of three dice in the dice cup. We are smaller than the size.
Which one is smaller, which one is the same round. There are four rounds in total.
Don't quit halfway. Understand?"

"Of course." Chen Ze nodded.

At this moment, when he heard what Jin Ming and Chen Ze said, Yang Yu and her
classmates were staring at Chen Ze and Jin Ming closely.

"Who said you would drink more of this? Jin Ming, or Yang Yu's friend?" One said,
asking quietly.

"Of course it is Yang Yu's friend. Jin Ming is a native of Macau. I heard that his
gambling skills are quite extraordinary, especially the dice. Most people are not
his opponent at all. Besides, it is Yang Yu's friend of soil buns. I think He has
not even played the dice. "

"That is, how could that bun bun be Jin Ming's opponent. Jin Ming proposed this
game to specifically make him ugly. I would like to see if he can drink forty-eight
glasses of wine in one breath, what can he be like."

"That soil bun is lost. I am going to drink a bar. Jin Ming has some research on
the dice."
Others said one by one that Jin Ming won.

Yang Yu also looked at Chen Ze with a nervous expression. Obviously, she also knew
Jin Ming was very powerful. In her impression, Chen Ze was afraid that she would
lose the game this time. She would have to drink so much wine in one breath to end.

"Come on," Jin Ming said.

With that said, he picked up the dice cup and shook it desperately. Suddenly, the
sound of his dice came out of his dice cup.

And don't say, Jin Ming really has a look and feel, really looks like a master of

"Amazing Jin Ming, it's really awesome."

"This action is simply a bet on God's rebirth, Jin Ming, you are too great."

"Just do this. If you don't win today, that's totally impossible."

Looking at Jin Ming's actions, those friends of Yang Yu spoke one after another,
half touting, half really admiringly.

They also didn't expect Jin Ming to be really different, so they all admire it at
this moment.

After looking at Jin Ming, they all looked at Chen Ze again, and then everyone

Seeing that drinking Jin Ming was completely different, Chen Ze took the dice cup
and waved it on the table, then stopped, indicating that he was shaken.

"Ha ha ha, what does this mean? Just shake it? Just laugh."

"Is it impossible to shake the dice at all? If you can't shake it, shake it two
more times, just shake it like this, it will really make people laugh.

"Just shake it, it just shakes it. Funny, it's ridiculous."

Yang Yu's friends said one by one that Chen Ze was completely stupid, and he didn't
know what adjectives to use to describe him.

After Chen Ze's opponent, Jin Ming saw Chen Ze's actions, his face also had a
mocking smile.

Laughing, his movement also stopped, and with a bang, he covered the dice cup on
the table.

He felt that he had won, so he felt very relaxed at this moment, and opened his
dice cup directly: "Four, five, six, fifteen, how about it."

I saw that in his dice cup, the three dice face up points are four, five, six, and
a total of fifteen points.

"Amazing Jin Ming, at fifteen o'clock, it's too fifteen when it comes up."

"That is, this time it's really amazing, it's pretty, and it can really shake out
such a big point. It's really amazing."
"It's totally different from some people. You are really amazing."

After seeing the points in Jin Ming's dice cup, others said that they were really
shocked by Jin Ming, and they all believed that Jin Ming had won.

"Hahaha, that's just a trifle." Hearing the words of the crowd, Jin Ming began,
saying that he looked at Chen Ze. "Well, this is the first round you should drink."

"I'm afraid not," Chen Ze said with a smile. "The person who wants to drink should
be you."

Then, Chen Ze opened the dice cup. The three dice were six, three six, and a total
of eighteen.

"Ten, eighteen? My God, how is this possible?"

"This, isn't it just a shake? Is it possible to shake it at eighteen? Exaggerated."

"My God, this is too great."

Seeing the dice in Chen Ze's dice cup, Yang Yu's friends said one after another,
they were completely shocked, and did not expect that Chen Ze could be so shaken at
once, and three out of six came out at once, which was the biggest point.

I used to think that Jin Ming was settled, but never expected that even after two
minutes had passed, Jin Ming reversed, and Jin Ming even lost.

"The loser seems to be you." Chen Ze smiled and took the dice cup with a smile.

"Here, that's your luck."

Jin Ming opened his mouth, biting his teeth. He didn't believe that Chen Ze was
made out of his strength. He thought it was just Chen Ze's luck.

Having said that, he drank four cups of the first round in one breath, and then
said, "Come again, I see if your next luck is so good.

The second game, alas.

The sound of dice came from Jin Ming's dice cup, and Jin Ming was desperately
shaking the dice.

Chen Ze, like the first time, shook it casually.

But in the end, Jin Ming shook out five five six and sixteen. And Chen Ze shook out
three at six or eighteen.

In the second round, Chen Ze won again.

"This, how is this possible. How could this soil bun be so powerful."

"Yeah, it doesn't make sense. One game can be said to be lucky. The two consecutive
games are simply incredible."

"Oh my God, who is this guy? Is he good at gambling too?"

Seeing the results of the second round, Yang Yu's friends all said that they were
completely shocked. Everyone knows that if Chen Ze is lucky in the first round,
then in the second round, this word will never be used.

"This, how is this possible?" Even Jin Ming said so, completely shocked. He had no
idea that Chen Ze, who had not even entered a bar, would be so strong.

As a last resort, he poured eight glasses into his mouth in the second round.

Then in the third and fourth rounds, each round was like this. Although Jin Ming
exerted his efforts, he was still defeated by Chen Ze's men with no waves.

Seeing the endings of the third and fourth rounds, Yang Yu's friends looked at each
other and felt completely incredible.

Obviously Jin Ming is already very powerful, but each round is an unsurprising

This, how is this possible.

Who is this Yang Yu's friend, Yang Yu's friend?

A man who looks like a bun and hasn't even been in a bar has played dice so well.
This is completely impossible.

"What kind of person is this guy?"

Everyone thought in their hearts that they all looked at Chen Ze. At the moment,
Chen Ze had no expression on his face.

Even so ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ but everyone suddenly felt something else.

This Chen Ze does not seem to be an ordinary person at all.

On the side of Jin Ming, because he lost sixteen and twenty cups, he had to drink

He had no idea that Chen Ze was so strong that he simply beat him. And the game he
proposed was completely digging a pit for himself, and fell deeply into it.

Goo Goo Goo Goo

Jin Ming desperately drank the last wine, because of the relationship between Chen
Ze, he would drink all the wine on the wine table alone. However, even if it was
Jin Ming, he could not actually drink so much alcohol alone, and he had never lost
so badly in the past.

Eventually, Jin Ming's face became flushed. He couldn't do it anymore. Wow, he spit
it out and fell to the ground.

That looks exactly like the dead dog he was expecting.

But the dead dog was not Chen Ze, but himself. (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 179: Turn over

"Oh my god, who is your friend, Yang Yu?"

"Yeah, it's amazing, actually let Jin Ming do that."

"Lin won the four games of Jin Ming, and they all won easily. Your friend is too

Inside the bar, Yang Yu's classmates pulled Yang Yu aside and started talking.

They were so shocked by what happened just now, and none of them thought that Chen
Ze was so powerful. Jin Ming, who looked very powerful, was fragile and fragile in
front of him.

I just dug a hole and jumped down and made myself like that.

Everyone knew that they seemed to underestimate Chen Ze, so they asked Yang Yu one
after the other.

"This, this I am not very clear, I just took the same high-speed rail with him, I
only know that his name is Chen Ze, who came to Macau alone to travel. As for why
it is so powerful, I really don't know.

Yang Yu spoke, and she was no less shocked than her classmates at this moment. She
began to think that the person who would suffer a lot this time would be Chen Ze.
Who knew that Chen Ze even won the fourth round of Jin Ming without drinking a
glass of wine.

Instead, it was Jin Ming who drank so much alcohol and spit it out.

"What's your name? Chen Ze?"

At this time, a person said. This person is also a native of Macau. When she heard
Yang Yu's words, she frowned: "Chen Ze, this name is so familiar, I seem to have
heard it somewhere."

"Don't care about Chen Ze first, let's think about how to deal with Jin Ming first.
His family in Macao can also be said to have a head and a face. This time he was so
miserable. I think that Chen Ze is miserable." At this time, another People said.

After hearing her words, others nodded one after another: "Yeah, I heard that Jin
Mingjia is a senior executive of the Macau casino, and he is still involved in
black, and he is considered a force in Macau. If he really wants to find Chen Ze's
troubles, I am afraid that Chen Ze is really miserable. "

"Yes, will it?" Yang Yu said with a tremor when they heard them, she was a little

"Of course it is, but this is Macau. Although your friend Chen Ze did a good dice
shake, how could he be really in trouble compared with Jin Ming," he said.

"What, me, then I'll let Chen Ze go quickly. Just when Jin Ming went to the toilet
and vomited, I let Chen Ze hurry away." Yang Yu said, and he was going to let Chen
Ze hurry.

But before speaking, I heard a voice coming: "Where are you going?"

Yang Yu looked back and saw a flushed Jin Ming walking back, holding a beer bottle
in his hand.

He walked in front of Yang Yu and her classmates and Chen Ze, facing Chen Ze, and
said arrogantly, "Your boy, you have made me lose so badly. Do you know that you
are a mainlander? What's the end result of offending me here? "
While talking, Jin Ming was still shaking, obviously he was indeed drunk, so he was
very bold when he said: "Such a kid, please kneel down and apologize to me, or all
the beer left here Give me a drink and I will forgive you for this behavior.
Otherwise, I promise you will not leave Macau, believe it or not. "

"Jin Ming, you are too much." Hearing Jin Ming's words, Yang Yu was the first
fryer, stood in front of Jin Ming, and said loudly.

When I met Jin Ming during the day, she also felt that Jin Ming was pretty good,
personable, and her family conditions were good. I never thought he was such a
person. Such arrogance is completely an evil one.

"You shut up." Jin Ming said to Yang Yu. "You woman don't give shame to you, who
you are talking to. I want to play with you, then I slowly seek to accommodate you.
I do not want to Feelings, come straight, believe it or not, I'll just force you
up. "

"You." Upon hearing Jin Ming's words, Yang Yu shuddered and turned pale, she was so

"And you guys, come to travel from the mainland one by one and be honest with me,
otherwise I won't let you all go back." Jin Ming said again, arrogantly facing all
the students of Yang Yu.

After hearing Jin Ming's words, those of her classmates were really able to see Jin
Ming as a person, but at the same time, each of them was very afraid of Jin Ming.

"Okay, then I'll apologize to Mr. Jin." At this time, Chen Ze said.

Then he picked up a beer bottle and walked towards Jin Ming.

"That's right. After you finish drinking the wine, and kneel down and apologize to
me, I will consider whether I will forgive you." Jin Ming said, pretending to be


Chen Ze smiled and walked in front of Jin Ming. Everyone else looked over and
wanted to see what was going on.


Just then, a voice came over. The crowd was stunned directly. They thought that
Chen Ze really apologized, but he actually picked up the beer bottle in his hand
and smashed it according to Jin Ming's head.

With a bang, Jin Ming was smashed.

"It's been a long time since I saw you." After the smashing, Chen Ze said lightly.

"You, you are crazy, this is Jin Ming, you dare to treat him directly like this."

"Yeah, but his family has a lot of power in Macau. You dare to move him like this."

"Crazy, you are really crazy."

Yang Yu's classmates were stunned, and they started talking, never thinking that
Chen Ze actually dared to do so, directly hit Jin Ming.
"It's over, this guy is over." They looked at Chen Ze and thought to themselves.

Chen Ze glanced at them and shook his head: "A group of cowards."

"Okay, boy, you dare hit me with a wine bottle. You are finished. I guarantee you
will not be able to walk out of Macao or out of this bar." Jin Ming responded, Chen
Ze did not knock him out, he said. Then I called and called up.

"Chen Ze, you, let's go." At this time, Yang Yu anxiously faced Chen Zedao, "Jin
Ming's family is really very powerful, but also has a relationship with the
underworld of Macau, you should hurry up, or there must be trouble."

"It's okay, no big problem." Chen Ze smiled and said he not only didn't run, but
sat down leisurely, as if he completely ignored Jin Ming.

This action surprised Yang Yu and her classmates.

"Okay, good boy, the courage is big enough. But wait, I see if you can be so
leisurely." Jin Ming was also startled by Chen Ze's action, and then said.

In this way, the atmosphere became weird. Yang Yu anxiously asked Chen Ze to leave,
but Chen Ze sat down leisurely. Jin Ming sat on the other side and looked at Chen
Ze with his teeth gritted.

It didn't take long before, a few footsteps came over, and many people, many people
in black, came towards Chen Ze and they came over.

Jin Ming recognized it right away. These people were the bodyguards of the casino.
He stood up and walked towards the people in black: "Here, I'm here. It's this guy,
grab this guy for me . "

"Chen, Chen Ze." When she saw so many people, Yang Yu said, she and her friends
were stunned. They had never seen such a battle before.

"It's okay." Chen Ze smiled.

As he talked, the men in black came to them, and Jin Ming pointed to Chen Ze: "This
guy, catch me, I want him to taste life is better than death."

"Take it down." A voice came from behind the man in black ~ www.mtlnovel.com.

Hearing this voice, Yang Yu and her classmates were completely frightened, each one
turning pale.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to them, the group of people in
black didn't catch Chen Ze. Instead, he dumped Jin Ming on the ground and tied it

"Why, what's going on?" Yang Yu and her classmates were stunned, totally unaware of
what happened.

These people, aren't these people Jin Ming coming to deal with Chen Ze? What, how
did he catch him instead.

what on earth is it?

"Mr. Chen, are you okay?"

At this time, the voice came again, and then a woman, a very beautiful woman, came
out from behind the man in black and came to Chen Ze's face: "Mr. Chen, are you

When I saw this woman, many people who looked lively in the bar changed their faces
directly: "Miss Gambling King Family, Jiang Haitang!" (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 180: I'm Chen Ze

"Miss Gambler Family, Jiang Haitang. She, why is she here?"

"My God, why did she even dispatch her? What the **** is going on?"

"Jiang Haitang, this is Begonia."

The people in the bar were originally attracted by Chen Zejinming's voice, and then
they looked lively. As a result, they did not expect one by one, and even Jiang
Haitang was dispatched in the end.

This is Jiang Haitang, a name that almost no one in Macau knows.

In Macau, the biggest is the Gambler's family, and Jiang Haitang, the new
generation's heir to the Gambler's family, naturally has such a reputation, and
many Macao people also know her.

So after she appeared this time, the local Macao people in these bars were stunned.
They all knew that as the heir to the Gambler's family, she was usually busy and
dying, how could she appear in such a place.

Especially recently, everyone knows that she is busy with the World Gambler
Contest. It is absolutely impossible for her to appear here. But now, it actually
appears here.

And it looks like it was for a man.

Everyone set their sights on that man, that is, Chen Ze: "Who is this man? It
actually attracted Jiang Haitang."

On the side of Chen Ze and Yang Yu, Yang Yu and her classmates were stunned. They
didn't know Jiang Haitang, and they didn't know what was going on. After hearing
the words of people around, they were a little confused.

"Jiang, who is Jiang Haitang?" Asked a student from Yang Yu.

"Jiang Haitang, Jiang Haitang is the heir of the Gambler's family. It can be said
that it is the actual owner of Macau. We have more than half of the casinos in
Macau. Who do you say she is? In front of Haitang, he didn't even have the
qualifications to raise shoes. "Yang Yu's boyfriend spoke. He is also a native of
Macau. After meeting Jiang Haitang, he was as surprised as other Macao people in
the bar.

"This is so powerful. Then why did she come? And it seems to be coming at that Chen
Ze." After hearing what he said, a classmate of Yang Yu said.

"I don't know, this Chen Ze Yang Yang knew was so powerful that he could have Jiang
Haitang dispatch him for him. He, who is he?" Yang Yu's boyfriend said, suddenly he
seemed to remember What happened, "Wait, Chen Ze, this name, this name, is that
Chen Ze?"
At this time, Jiang Haitang came to Chen Ze and said, "Mr. Chen, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Chen Ze shook his head. "You are the heir of the Gambler's family?
Jiang Haitang?"

In fact, before he came to Macau, he also checked the gambling king's family
online. After all, he wanted to go to their place, so he also knew that there was
Jiang Haitang.

However, he did not expect to see Jiang Haitang here. Actually, since he came out
of the casino during the day, he felt that someone was following him.

Chen Ze knows that this is a casino person. Following his own purpose is to avenge
himself or to find out his own residence so that he can find himself.

And if it is revenge, you don't have to worry about it at all, you can solve it in
the casino.

Therefore, I must want to find myself later.

Then things are very simple. Chen Ze knows that his plan must have worked. They are
going to discuss with themselves about the World Gambler Contest.

The reason why Chen Ze dared to attack Jin Ming directly without hesitation this
time was because he felt that the person following him was always there. If he and
Jin Ming had a contradiction, they could not ignore it.

As a result, it was indeed as expected by Chen Ze.

The only difference is that Chen Ze originally thought that there would be a casino
executive or the spokesperson for the gambling king's family. I did not expect that
the comer would be Jiang Haitang, the new generation of the gambler's family heir.

"It seems that this family of betting kings seems more urgent than I expected,
otherwise it is impossible for Jiang Haitang to go out in person." After seeing
Jiang Haitang, Chen Ze thought to himself.

"Bring here." Just then, Jiang Haitang spoke, and then a few men in black arrested
Jin Ming.

At this moment, Jin Ming's wine was almost awake, he was shaking, his heart was

When he saw Jiang Haitang, he knew he was finished this time.

"Dare to be against Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, tell me what you want to do with him."
Jiang Haitang pointed at Jin Ming and said to Chen Ze, "Did he interrupt one hand
or one leg? "

Jiang Haitang was furious. Chen Ze was originally her last hope, but she was on the
way to find Chen Ze. I heard that someone was going to be against Chen Ze.

This made her completely unbearable, and immediately led someone over and caught
Jin Ming.

What she said at the moment was to cheer herself on the one hand and to appease
Chen Ze on the other, so that Chen Ze would not cooperate with her and participate
in the competition.
Hearing Jiang Haitang's words, Jin Ming's face turned completely white. As a native
of Macao, especially a person with some influence in the family, he certainly knew
that what Jiang Haitang said could be done.

He was prestigious in front of others, but in front of Begonia, he was not even a

So Jin Ming was frightened, and he groaned, knelt on the ground, and cried while
crying, "It was I who did not know Taishan, and offended you brother, you will not
remember the villain. Please forgive me this time. I beg you. "

At this moment, Jin Ming no longer talked about any face or prestige, and trembled
and asked Chen Ze for mercy.

He was really scared and really regretted it. I thought that Chen Ze was just a
dumpling. I did not expect that Chen Ze had such great energy. Even Jiang Haitang
had to take the lead for him.

Jin Ming knew that if he knew Chen Ze had such a background, he would not dare to
challenge Chen Ze by borrowing his ten guts.

Perhaps he was afraid that Chen Ze could not be impressed, and Jin Ming even gave
Chen Ze a hoe.

"Forget it, let's go." Looking at Jin Ming like this, feeling the scorn of Jin Ming
around him, Chen Ze did not bother to care about Jin Ming and waved.

Hearing Chen Ze's words, Jiang Haitang also waved, letting the people in black let
go of Jin Ming.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for not remembering the villain." Jin Ming said,
rushing out of the bar after speaking, he was completely frightened, and never
dared to have any consideration with Chen Ze, even The courage to see Chen Ze is

"Then Mr. Chen, come with me. I have something to discuss with you." At this time,
Jiang Haitang said again.

"Okay." Chen Ze nodded, he knew what happened to Jiang Haitang.

Talking ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ he followed Jiang Haitang and went out.

"Chen Ze." At this moment, Yang Yu behind the back stopped Chen Ze, Chen Ze turned
back, she looked at Chen Ze, "You, who are you?"

"I." Chen Ze smiled. "I'm Chen Ze."

"I see. He is Chen Ze, the Chen Ze who swept the entire Macau casino during the

"Yeah, that's him. Even Chen Chen, who is not Wang Jin's opponent, is no wonder it
has inspired Jiang Haitang."

"Yes, yes, there is news that Jiang Haitang wants to invite him to participate in
the World God of Gamblers.

"It turned out that Chen Ze, that Jin Ming dare to mess with him, I really don't
know if he lives."
Hearing Chen Ze's remarks, all around said that many people remembered who Chen Ze

Hearing the words of people around, Yang Yu understood it, a bit bitter: "It turned
out that he is so amazing!" (.)

Chapter FTLS 181: invite

"Mr. Chen, please sit down. Heaven's novel WWW." ⒉3TXT.COM

In Jiang Haitang's study, she spoke to Chen Zedao.

"it is good."

Chen Ze nodded and sat on the sand in her study.

Later, Chen Ze looked at Jiang Haitang's study.

I said it was a study, but it was a big horror. A study was much larger than the
average person's entire home, and the decoration was also magnificent, especially
in a place like Macau, which is more expensive than Hong Kong.

And this is only just a study, as well as bedrooms, guest rooms, halls, kitchens,
etc. The whole is probably thousands of square meters. And when Chen Ze just walked
in, he noticed that there was no one else in the house, which means that it was
Jiang Haitang's house alone.

She's house is so big, then Chen Ze estimates that it is really difficult to

estimate the value of the house where they bet the Wang family.

"Really worthy of the gambling family, the emperor of Macau." Chen Ze muttered to

"Hello Mr. Chen, although I think you should know my identity, I will introduce
myself again." At this time, Jiang Haitang sat in front of Chen Ze and said, "My
name is Jiang Haitang, yes Our Chiang family is currently the head of the Macau
casino. "

"Hello." Chen Ze nodded with a smile. Then he looked carefully at a Jiang Haitang.
Now Jiang Haitang is not only very beautiful, but also has a good figure, but the
whole person exudes a smart and smart temperament, Obviously she should be
considered a strong woman.

"Presumably Mr. Chen Ze, you should also know why I invited you to come to me."
Jiang Haitang spoke, looking at Chen Zedao.

Not only is Chen Ze looking at her, in fact she is also looking at Chen Ze.
Although he had seen Chen Ze through the monitor during the day, he later saw his
picture in Chen Ze's profile.

But now when I see Chen Ze again, Jiang Haitang is still a little surprised.

Because she saw Chen Ze is too young, her bright eyes are just like ordinary
college students. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would have no way to
associate Chen Ze with the gambling master of the day.

What's more, she also knows that Chen Ze is still a first-rate driver and chef,
which makes her even more unbelievable. She feels that the old saying is right.
"Is it because of the God of Gamblers contest?" Chen Ze asked with a smile.

"Yes, each side of the God of Gambler contest has to take three contestants, but so
far we have only found two. The third contestant has no suitable candidate until
Mr. Chen's yours. Appear. "Jiang Haitang began.

"So it is." Chen Ze nodded, his face calmed, but his heart was crying out for
danger. He felt it was too dangerous, and there was just one missing. If not, he
would not be this time. Here comes nothing, there is no chance to participate in
the World Gambler Contest.

所以 "So, on behalf of us in Macau, I hope to invite Mr. Chen Ze as your third

contestant to participate in this World Gambler Contest." Jiang Haitang said,
saying her goal.

"Why should I enter? You know, I'm indifferent to fame and fortune, and I have no
interest in this kind of competition at all." Chen Ze said, speaking lightly, as if
he were an excellent man, in his tone, Jiang Haitang was rejected. the meaning of.

In fact, he could not wait to promise it, but he noticed that Jiang Haitang seemed
to be more anxious than him, and even sent himself to the bar to invite him. In
this case, it's better to take a look and see if there is any benefit.

"Indifferent to fame and fortune?"

I heard Chen Ze's words, Jiang Haitang froze. Through Chen Ze's information, she
almost learned who Chen Ze was.

A person who went racing with others for 20,000 yuan, a person who participated in
the God of Food contest for a prize of 2 million, who closed the hotel immediately
after receiving the prize, and a thousand miles ran to Macau Gambling easily won
Wang Jin's tens of millions of people.

Such people say they are indifferent to fame and fortune, is this teasing me?

海 Jiang Haitang thought that Chen Ze was totally teasing her, but looking at Chen
Ze's face, Jiang Haitang immediately thought of another thing.

泽 Chen Ze has such good gambling skills, but he has not participated in any
gambling contests in the past, nor has he played in Macau.

If he is really greedy for money, then as long as he enters the casino or

participates in the World Series, he needs to do the same tired and dangerous thing
as before to run for 20,000 yuan with others.

也许 "Maybe, Chen Ze is really the same as he said, indifferent to fame and

fortune?" Suddenly, Jiang Haitang thought to herself that she thought it was not

"As long as you are willing to participate in the competition on behalf of Macau,
no matter what the outcome of the final competition is, we will pay a million
dollars in Macau. , Get the final championship, and add another five million
dollars to the championship prize. What do you think of this? "

Jiang Haitang spoke, and she was anxious to persuade Chen Ze and threw her bottom
line directly.

这么 "So much." Chen Ze murmured to himself, "If you win the championship, the
championship bonus will be several million dollars, which will be several million,
which adds up to tens of millions of dollars."

Since you want to participate in the competition, the natural goal is to be the
champion. Therefore, Chen Ze calculated the prize money according to the
championship, which is not unknown. If you really win the championship, you will be
able to get tens of millions of dollars in bonuses, which is more than 60 million

泽 Chen Ze used to be just an ordinary person. After getting the system in the past
few months, he made only 2 million yuan. Now he should get more than 60 million
yuan at once, which really shocked him.

"Yes, if you can win the championship, then you can get tens of millions of
bonuses." Jiang Haitang smiled, but she did not think Chen Ze could win the
championship at all.

Chen Chen is indeed very strong, far beyond her expectations. However, Jiang
Haitang also knows that the world's gambling experts, such as the European and
American sides, have been in a monopoly position in recent years, and no one in
Macau can threaten them.

So although Chen Ze's gambling is really powerful ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, Jiang

Haitang is still very wise, knowing that Chen Ze is unlikely to win them. Even
entering the semi-finals is a very difficult task, and it is almost impossible to

However, she certainly wouldn't say this to Chen Ze, after all, there was no such
person who hurt her morale.

"Yes, but in addition to the bonus, we have other rewards. If you agree to our
invitation, we will give you ..." Jiang Haitang began, she believed that Chen Ze
said he was a fame and fortune People say that they want to talk to Chen Ze from
other places.

After all, Chen Ze would definitely not agree.

"I promised." At this time, Chen Ze said, "Just for this ten million dollar bonus,
I have to promise."

"You, don't you say you are indifferent to fame and fortune?" Jiang Haitang said.

当然 "Of course, I'm the most indifferent to fame and fortune, but if fame and
fortune are enough, I can choose to change my attitude." Chen Ze said openly,

"........." (to be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 182: Casino twins

"Miss, Mr. Chen, our plane will take off right away. It will take about 20 hours to
reach Las Vegas. Please fasten your seatbelts. Teana" Fiction WWW "W." 3TXT.COM

On a small private jet, the flight attendant faced Jiang Haitang and Chen Zedao,
who were sitting on the seat of the plane.

After Jiang Haitang talked about the cooperation with Chen Ze, due to time
constraints, he decided to go to Las Vegas the next morning.

I was so anxious to come out that I would naturally encounter a lot of


For example, although Chen Ze has previously issued a passport, he does not have a
US visa, and there is no such early flight.

However, these difficulties are not at all difficult for the King of Gamblers
family. Chen Ze's visa was just a phone call, and there was no problem with the
flight. Jiang Haitang almost did not make a large plane when he went out, but took
them. Private jet of the betting king family.

Therefore, this is not a problem. In the early morning the next day, Chen Ze and
Jiang Haitang sat on this private jet and were preparing to fly towards Las Vegas.


After hearing the flight attendant's words, Chen Ze nodded and fastened his seat
belt with Jiang Haitang. Then a roar came from Chen Ze's ear. The plane took off
and flew towards Las Vegas. .

He flew to high altitude, the plane stabilized, Chen Ze also unfastened his seat
belt, and Zai carefully looked at the private jet.

He only heard about private jets in the past, but never before. Not to mention
sitting, I have never seen it before, so this plane is indeed a rare thing for him.

看了 He looked over and saw that the private jet was not small. In addition to the
seats in the cabin, there was even a dining table, even a bathroom and a bed. It
was a small room.

I don't know where I want to be more comfortable than the economy class Chen Ze has
been in before.

"Mr. Chen, our plane will fly for about twenty hours, and the time to arrive in Las
Vegas should be around 4 pm local time, so Mr. Chen, you can take a break first."

Chen Zezheng looked curiously inside the private jet, but Jiang Haitang spoke.

"Okay." Chen Ze nodded. "But Miss Jiang, I have a question."

"What's the problem?" Jiang Haitang asked.

"Isn't that the three people who participated in the contest? Is it just me? Why
are the other two?" Chen Ze asked.

He has always been weird. He has been talking about three people, but he has never
seen the other two. Chen Ze doesn't know what will be in the World Gamblers
Contest. In case of a team match, he also wants to get in touch with the two in

"The two of them are in the United States," Jiang Haitang said.

"So, did you go ahead?" Chen Ze said.

"No, they are Chinese Americans themselves." Jiang Haitang said, "Mr. Chen, you
probably do n’t know much about the situation in the world of gambling. In recent
years, the gambling scene has been turbulent, and all major countries are experts,
and we have no masters in China. Appeared, even the strength continued to decline.
Just like Wang Jin, the one who lost to you, his strength is already second to none
in Macau, but in fact it is not much internationally, so I have no choice but to
When I found it in the United States, I found two others. If it wasn't for your
appearance, I might not find the third person at all, and I can only let Wang go in
for cannon fodder. "

"It turned out to be that way, can Wang Jin only be cannon fodder?" Chen Ze spoke
and heard Jiang Haitang's words. He was even more curious about the World God of
Gamblers competition.

Chen Ze's strength is a certain understanding through the fight. Gambling is

definitely extraordinary, but he was called cannon fodder by Jiang Haitang. So what
kind of strength will those real masters have? Chen Ze is very curious.

"Miss Jiang, the other two gambling techniques you are looking for must be
extremely extraordinary." Chen Ze said.

"He is a pair of twins. His brother is Gao Yi and his brother is Gaoli. He has the
nickname of a casino twin in the United States." Jiang Haitang said. "As for the
strength, honestly I do n’t even know because they are both. Casinos in the U.S.
haven't lost yet, so it's hard to assess their strength. "

"Haven't you lost?" Chen Ze stunned. He was a little surprised. If he hadn't lost,
it would be extraordinary, especially in American casinos.

"Yes, although this is because they have not yet competed with those gambling
masters who really rank the highest, but this is also their strength. And based on
their past record and opponents, the brother on the world gambling master ranking
is high. Righteousness is the ninth, and his brother Gaoli is the eleventh, very
powerful. "

海 Jiang Haitang opened her mouth and said that she even showed a touch of

In Jiang Haitang's mind, this pair of casino twins is her real hope for this game.
Although it looks like a ninth and an eleventh, it seems that the ranking is not
particularly high.

But because neither of these people have bet with the higher ranking people,
because it is actually unknown whether they can beat the top ranked players.

I have even been analyzed by the casino. These two people, especially his elder
brother Gao Yi, are underrated, and his personal strength may be able to break into
the top five.

Therefore, Jiang Haitang actually held very high hopes for these two people,
thinking that whether he can win this game is up to him.

As for Chen Ze, naturally also hope.

But although Chen Ze won Wang Jin ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and performed very well in
Macau. But after all, Chen Ze hasn't played against those real world-class experts.
Jiang Haitang doesn't really trust Chen Ze's strength.

She invited Chen Ze just to leave a third hope.

Even if this is not much hope.

"It turned out to be so powerful." Chen Ze nodded, and after listening to Jiang
Haitang's words, he became more interested in the casino twins. "But I don't know
if there are any group events in this World Gambler Contest. If there are any,
Then, I think I'll have to practice with him two more. "

"Relax Mr. Chen, this competition is a single-player competition, there will be no

team competitions. You only need to play your strength." Jiang Haitang said, while
she was lying next to the small side. On the bed, I covered my body with a quilt
and was ready to take a break. "But this World Gambler Contest is the largest and
largest game ever between casinos in the world. Therefore, the masters gathered are
also the strongest and most powerful. You can Have something to prepare. "

"Are you the strongest and most?" Chen Ze muttered to himself. He looked at Bai Yun
outside the plane window. "Now, I am more interested." (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 183: Party

"Finally arrived. Tianyi" Fiction Ww "W." Z3TXT.COM "

I walked out of the plane, and Chen Ze stretched his arms and said. After nearly
twenty hours of flight, he finally flew to Las Vegas.

It's four or five in the afternoon in Las Vegas, and it's not dark yet.

After getting off the plane, Chen Ze looked around, wanting to see what the world's
largest casino city he had ever heard in a movie.

Unfortunately, the surrounding area still belongs to the airport. He can't see
anything except the runway and plane.

"Mr. Chen, it's time to get on the bus. We're going to the hotel."

Just as Chen Ze looked around, Jiang Haitang said.

"it is good."

Chen Ze nodded, turned and followed Jiang Haitang into a luxury car, then drove out
of the airport and drove towards the hotel.

Walking in the car, through the window, Chen Ze finally saw the whole picture of
Las Vegas, with skyscrapers and large casinos everywhere, highlighting the status
of the world's first casino.

However, Chen Ze was a bit surprised. In addition to the casino, there were many
theaters, restaurants, churches, and so on.

"In addition to being the world ’s number one gambling city, Las Vegas is also an
eye-catching tourist destination. Every year, a large number of tourists come from
all over the world to travel, so there is everything. Even here, three times a day
can be held. More than a hundred weddings are known as flash marriage sacred
places. When we have free time in the game, I can take you around Mr. Chen. "

I seem to see that Chen Ze is very interested in Las Vegas, Jiang Haitang said with
a smile on his face. Obviously she has been to this place and I don't know how many
times, she seems familiar.

"Okay, then you will trouble Miss Jiang at that time." Chen Ze smiled when he heard
what Jiang Haitang said.

Soon, the car drove into the hotel.

泽 Chen Ze and Jiang Haitang checked in at the lobby with the help of the hotel
staff, and then stayed in the hotel room.
After entering his own room, Chen Ze set his luggage aside and murmured in bed:
"Just to say that Jiang Haitang is really the gambling king's family. Going out is
a private jet and picking up the car. With millions of luxury cars, even the hotels
are the best rooms in the best hotels. This time, even if I just traveled for
nothing, I feel I have made a lot of money. "

On this way, Chen Ze had a relatively clear understanding of the financial

resources of the betting king family, and he could not help thinking.


At this moment, the door of Chen Ze's room was knocked.


泽 Chen Ze quickly walked over to open the door and saw Jiang Haitang standing
outside. She came in and said, "Mr. Chen, how are you, are you satisfied with the

"Not bad." Chen Ze said, in fact he was very satisfied.

"That's good, then you prepare, we will go out soon." Jiang Haitang said.

"Go out? What are you going to do?" Chen Ze stunned.

"Go to the party, the game will start tomorrow. Tonight the host, the Casino
Alliance of Las Vegas, specially held a party to celebrate the arrival of all of us
around the world." Jiang Haitang began.

"Party? Does this mean that all the masters of this competition will participate?"
Chen Ze asked.

"Yes, they will participate. Whether it is from the United States, Japan or the
Philippines, or Germany, the United Kingdom, and Italy, as long as anyone who
participates in this competition, this party will appear. And it is not only you
who participate in the competition, The mayor of Las Vegas, as well as many
influential rich people in the city, and the rich and powerful politicians who came
to watch this game in the United States will all participate. "Jiang Haitang said.

"So many people?" Chen Ze was stunned when he heard Jiang Haitang's words. In his
mind, this game is just a game, how can it become so tall now, even the mayor of
Las Vegas, as well as the richest people, as well as the rich and political figures
in the United States will participate.

"Of course, this game was jointly held by more than one thousand of our casinos.
The attention is naturally very high, especially among these rich and dignitaries.
Many rich people usually like gambling, and now there is such a grand event.
Naturally, they can't help themselves, they have to come and watch the game. "Jiang
Haitang said," So Mr. Chen, please change your outfit and let's go to the party
together. "

"Okay." Chen Ze nodded. But he immediately remembered that he didn't have the right
clothes, although he brought a lot of clothes. But Chen Ze didn't bring any clothes
that could be worn on such important occasions.

Don't say it was brought, in fact, Chen Ze didn't have such clothes. How could he
have appeared in such a party in the past.
那个 "That." Just before Chen Ze was about to talk about this, Jiang Haitang said:
"The clothes suitable for Mr. Chen will be delivered right away, just wait a

Jiang Haitang is indeed the heir of the Gambler's family, and she is really
exquisite in her work. She has considered such things.

"OK." Chen Ze nodded with a smile.

Soon the clothes arrived, in white shirts and black evening dresses. Chen Ze put on
a look and immediately felt that he was handsome again: "It really looks more and
more advanced, handsome!"

Then, Chen Ze and Jiang Haitang sat in the car and drove past the party location.

However, when looking at Jiang Haitang, Chen Ze was surprised. Jiang Haitang was
wearing a red evening dress, and his chest was white, showing her excellent figure.
It really made Chen Ze look more Both eyes.

Soon, the car arrived at the party again. Chen Ze and Jiang Haitang got out of the
car and walked towards the hall.

He walked and walked, Chen Ze suddenly felt his feet were mixed, he looked down,
his shoe laces were loose, he was wearing leather shoes with laces.

"Miss Jiang, go ahead. I'll tie a shoelace."

Chen Ze opened his mouth and let Jiang Haitang go in first. He squatted down and
**** his shoes.

After he was tied up, he was going to catch up with Jiang Haitang, but suddenly his
body was stunned, and he felt he was pushed.

"Get out of the way, idlers wait out."

Chen Ze looked back at ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and saw a man in his 30s and 40s
wearing a whispering man surrounded by a group of black bodyguards and walked
towards the party. Black bodyguards were black and white, and he was pushed by

And this flowery person looks like a yellow man, but not like Chinese or Japanese,
but more like a person from Southeast Asia.


Chen Ze hastened to speak. He used to do well in English in the past. He has

recently replenished English, so he can communicate with foreigners in English.

"What's the matter with you? Just hit me? Want to be like this before?" Chen Ze
came to them and said.

Although he is only one person, there are so many people across from him. But in
front of this party, Chen Ze was really not afraid of so many of them.

"who are you?"

When Chen Ze was blocked in front of them, the man who wore the flowers whistled
and asked, frowning. (To be continued.)
Chapter FTLS 184: Make up
"Who are you?" The man said, looking at Chen Zedao. Nature's novel WWW. Y3TXT. Com

"You care who I am, and just now your bodyguards have pushed me, do you want to be
born?" Chen Ze asked.

"This." The man started, he looked at Chen Ze with some hesitation. In fact, his
bodyguard was so arrogant that he deliberately indulged, because he was such an
arrogant person.

However, after seeing Chen Ze blocked in front of them, the man hesitated a bit. He
was usually arrogant, and it was only for those who were inferior to him. In the
face of really powerful people, he would not do so. .

And he saw Chen Ze. Now Chen Ze is only a yellow race. He has never met a yellow
race. Therefore, he directly thought that Chen Ze was not good, maybe it was just a
service staff or the like. The bodyguard pushed him away.

He never expected Chen Ze to dare to stop him. He suddenly stopped, and some of
them could not recognize Chen Ze's identity.

怎么 "How do you talk to our boss? Our boss is Rhodes." At this moment, a man's
bodyguard said.

"Rhodo? I don't know." Chen Ze said.

"He doesn't know me?"

I heard Chen Ze's words, Roddu frowned even more. He pays his fame in the gambling
aren't too small, and the people who come to this party, especially those in the
gambling, should know him by himself.

I did n’t know Chen Ze in front of him. He suddenly thought whether he would be a
relative of a rich man in the United States. This time he just came to see the fun,
so he did n’t know him.

Thinking of this, Roddu wondered whether to apologize to Chen Ze and give Chen Ze a
step down.

"Who are you? You don't even know our boss." At this time, one of Roddu's
bodyguards said again.

"I am the player participating in the World Gamblers Contest, representing Chen Ze,
a Macau player." Chen Ze opened his mouth and introduced himself. "You just pushed
me, please apologize to me."

"Representative of Macau?" He heard Chen Ze's words, Rhodes froze and said, "Isn't
the representative of Macau two brothers Gao Yi and Gao Li?"

"Yes, I am the third representative." Chen Ze said.

"Hahahaha." Rhodes laughed when he heard Chen Ze's words, and at the same time his
suspended heart fell into his stomach. "So arrogant, who do I think it is, it
turned out to be the person who made up the numbers."

"What did you say?" Chen Ze frowned when he heard Roddu's words.
"I said you made up the numbers. Ms. Jiang Haitang, the gambling king of Macau, ca
n’t find a third representative other than the brothers Gao. The gambling world
knows it. In the past two days, she was rumored to have found one The person who
made up the numbers is you. No wonder you don't know me and I have never met you.
It seems that you really make up the numbers and they are really good. "

Luo Dedu looked at Chen Ze and said with a laugh.

Jiang Haitang who found the third representative knows all over the world, and
Rhodes naturally knows. Chen Ze is the third person she is looking for, and
everyone in the world knows it. However, there are rumors circulating in the world
of gambling, saying that Jiang Haitang can't find a third person, and can only find
a random number.

Rhodes did not quite believe this statement at first, but now that he saw Chen Ze,
he has never seen Chen Ze himself. Since this person has never appeared on the
world gambling platform in the past, Rhodes has Believe this statement.

I wasn't trying to figure it out, how could I find someone I had never seen before.

"Boy, let me tell you that you are just the one who makes up the numbers this time,
be honest. Do you know who I am? What about pushing you, who do you think you are?
It ’s just a number, but you still want me It's ridiculous to apologize to you,
"Roddu laughed, telling him to keep his bodyguard going forward.

"and many more."

Suddenly, someone spoke. The person who spoke was not Chen Ze, but came from behind
Chen Ze. Then the person who spoke came over. It was Jiang Haitang. She did n’t
follow up now, so she came back. "Since You have just pushed Chen Ze and you should
apologize to him. "

"Jiang, Jiang Haitang." Rodduo froze, and did not expect Jiang Haitang to appear

He doesn't take Chen Ze in his eyes, but can't help but face Jiang Haitang
squarely. After all, Jiang Haitang had the gambling family behind him, and Rhodes
knew that he couldn't offend the gambling family anyway.

"Apologize, or even if you can get a good ranking this time, I have a way for you
to get stuck in the world of gambling." Jiang Haitang said, talking lightly.

When I heard Jiang Haitang's words, Roddu's face was blue and white, and he finally
gritted his teeth. "Chen Ze, I'm sorry I just pushed you. I apologize to you."

"What do you think of this apology?" Jiang Haitang asked Chen Ze.

"Not sincere enough," Chen Ze said.

"You." At the words of Chen Ze, Roddu was furious.

"Then say it again." Jiang Haitang said to Rhodes again.

对 "Sorry, sorry, this time I was wrong, please forgive me." Roddu said again,
although he was very unwilling, but he must bow his head.

"It's almost the same this time." Chen Ze nodded. Although he still wanted to
continue to rhode Roddu, he also knew that he couldn't force him to live on.
"That way, Rhodes, you go." Jiang Haitang nodded and said.

Hearing what Jiang Haitang said, Roddu quickly walked forward, and suddenly turned
back, facing Chen Ze, gritted his teeth and said, "Chen Ze, I hope I can play
against you this time. At that time, I Will make you regret coming here. "

"I wait for you." Chen Ze smiled.

He doesn't know Roddu, but from Roddu's tone he can feel that he seems to be a
master of gambling.

But it doesn't matter if the master is not a master, Chen Ze is confident to defeat

After Rhodes left, Chen Ze and Jiang Haitang walked forward together.

"Who is this Rhodes?" Chen Ze asked.

"He is a Filipino casino man, a very arrogant gambling master." Jiang Haitang

"That's it, it's a Filipino." Chen Ze nodded. From Rhodesian's appearance, he could
feel that he seemed to be from the side of Xin Matei.

"If you really meet him, you have to be careful." Jiang Haitang said.

"Is he really amazing?" Chen Ze asked.

"He has a nickname called God Stealing, which is about his technique of stealing
cards, which can be said to be the top three in the world, or even the first."
Jiang Haitang said, "On this hand, stealing cards, his world ranking It's
thirteenth, and it's a very tricky opponent, so if you do meet, be careful. "

"Okay, I'll pay attention." Chen Ze nodded.

However, he did not take Rhodes to his heart. Many people participated in the
competition this time. It was really difficult to meet Rhodes.

I said, the two went to the party scene. Inside, a pair of twins are waiting for
Chen Ze and Jiang Haitang.

"Chen Ze, come here, let me introduce you to each other. These two are the Gao
brothers, brother Gao Yi, and brother Gaoli. Gao Yi Gaoli, this is Chen Ze." Jiang
Haitang took Chen Ze away. When they reached the brothers, they laughed.

"Hello, I'm Chen Ze." Chen Ze told the brothers with a smile. He knew that the two
were the casino twins that Jiang Haitang had said before.

"Hello Chen Ze, we have heard Miss Jiang say you, and hope that this time the three
of us will be able to rank for Macau and China." The two brothers said in unison,

"Well, I hope so." Hearing the words of Chen Ze and the two brothers, Jiang Haitang
opened his mouth ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and nodded and smiled.

When she was about to say something, suddenly someone called her behind.

"I'm sorry, there is a friend of mine, let me check it out." Jiang Haitang said to
Chen Ze and the two brothers, and walked towards the side that called her.
"I said, you are Chen Ze, let's make it up."

After Jiang Haitang left, the two men suddenly spoke, facing Chen Zedao.

Hearing the tone of contempt, Chen Ze frowned.

"I heard that you were in conflict with Rhodes outside the door? You better know
your identity. You just figure it out. Don't give us other troubles. One even ranks
the world, even the world competitions. People who haven't shown up dare to be so
arrogant. "

"That is, I think Miss Jiang invited you to come, and I didn't hope that you could
help anything, so you don't have to get in trouble. I really don't understand why
Miss Jiang asked you, the real master of the world, not your company. No one in the
world competition can imagine it. "(To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 185: I will let them know who i am

"I really do n’t understand, I do n’t understand why Miss Jiang wants you. Tian
Tian novel WWW.Z3TXT.COM"

高 The Gao brothers spoke, shaking their heads at the same time.

两 The two of them also knew that the third person Jiang Haitang had asked for was
Chen Ze, and Chen Ze didn't say he had seen it, that was the name, and they had
never heard of it.

The top gambling experts in the real world are all in the ranking and almost all
know each other.

Therefore, the Gao brothers also thought that Chen Ze, who Jiang Haitang was
looking for, had no choice but to find someone to figure it out.

Naturally, the two of them didn't look at Chen Ze at all. I just heard that Chen Ze
had a conflict with Rhodes outside. In his heart, Yue was dissatisfied with Chen
Ze. He thought that Chen Ze was completely confused about his identity and status,
and he dared to cause trouble.

"I advise you to be honest before the game. There are so many gambling masters here
that you can't offend. Anyway, you must be eliminated in the first round of the
game, and you should be honest before being eliminated. Know your identity, you
just make up the numbers. "The two spoke to Chen Ze again.

"Well, do you want to bet on a game." At this time, Chen Ze spoke, facing him two.

Hearing Chen Ze's words, the two froze, looked at each other, and then said, "What

"Just bet on us who can last longer in this game." Chen Ze said, "If I win, don't
you two do anything else, just wipe my shoes. If I lose, I will give you Two
shoeshine. But I can assure you that I must be the last one. "

Hearing Chen Ze ’s words, the two people were really stunned. I never expected that
Chen Ze dare to say such words, and then the two reacted: “Hahaha, what did Chen Ze
say, and who do we compare with? Longer? It's ridiculous. "

就是 "That is, Chen Ze, you are so overwhelmed that you want to compare with us,
hahaha, do you know who our two brothers are?"
"Why, dare not?" After listening to the laughter of the two, Chen Ze spoke.

When they heard Chen Ze ’s words, the laughter of the two converged, and they could
feel that Chen Ze was serious: “Okay, since you do n’t know how to live and die,
and you want to compare with us, then we will be perfect You. Just then, I hope you
can be more professional when you clean our shoes. "

"I also hope that when you two polish my shoes, you can be more professional." Chen
Ze said indifferently, and said that he turned and walked towards another place,
but suddenly stopped and turned around again, facing The two men said, "That's
right, I just said something wrong, I'm not going to stay to the end. Instead, I
want to be a gambler in this game!"


The party continued, more and more people went to the party at 66, and Chen Ze knew
that these people are celebrities, and many of them may be his opponents in this
game. However, Chen Ze did not know any of them, so he did not know who was the
opponent of this match.

As a result, Chen Ze quickly felt bored. He took the wine glass by himself and sat
on the sand.

海 Jiang Haitang quickly showed Chen Ze and also sat over: "How, Mr. Chen, why sit
here alone?"

"Boring, I don't know anyone here, what can I do if I'm alone?" Chen Ze said, and
he looked at Jiang Haitang, and said, "Ms. Jiang, can I go out and breathe?"

This party was held in a villa. When he just came in, Chen Ze noticed that there
was a garden outside the villa, so he wanted to take a look.

"Yes, but you have to wait for a while. I will introduce you players one by one.
After the introduction, you can leave." Jiang Haitang began.

"Okay." Chen Ze nodded and waited.

Soon, the party officially started, and the host stepped out. As expected, as Jiang
Haitang said, he began to introduce the contestants to all the guests.

大家 "Everyone, I want to introduce three masters from Germany. These three masters
can be said to represent the highest level of German gambling. The three of them
are ..."

The host host said, country by country, and after listening to his introduction,
the contestants in those countries raised their wine glasses and signaled to the
others at the party.

I soon arrived in Macau.

"I'm going to introduce three players from Macau, China. The three also represent
the highest level of Macau. They are Gao Yi, Gaoli and Mr. Chen Ze." The host
spoke, introducing Chen Ze and their three .

Hearing the host's words, Chen Ze and two others raised the wine glass in their
hands and gestured to the crowd.

The people at the scene were okay when they saw Gao Yi and Gao Li, and they nodded
with smiles, but after seeing Chen Ze, they were a little stunned:
"Who is this person? How have you never seen it in the past, Chen Ze? The name has
never been heard before."

"Yeah, who is this person? Strange?"

"Haven't heard of him, who is he?"

富 Many rich and famous celebrities on the scene, they often contact the gambling
arena, so they are more familiar with the gambling masters. The former masters
actually knew each other, but when they came to Chen Ze, they actually came up with
a person they didn't know at all, and they were all caught.

"This guy is the third person Jiang Haitang is looking for, just to make up the
numbers." At this moment, a loud voice sounded, and it was Rhodes that was talking.

"That's the case, it's him."

"It turned out to be a number, it's been like this for a long time."

"It's him, hahaha, it's so funny."

When I heard Roddu's words, everyone at the party was whispering and watching Chen
Zedao. Rich people all have smiles on their faces, while the masters of other
countries participating in the competition are either ridiculing or ignoring or
disdain. Obviously, none of them have put Chen Ze in their eyes.

After hearing what they said, Jiang Haitang was a little angry. In fact, although
she didn't have much hope for Chen Ze, she did not take Chen Ze as a number. She
really wanted to make a number, just find one in Macau. www.mtlnovel.com ~ So she
wants to stand up and refute two sentences for Chen Ze.

不用 "No, there is no one in the eyes, but I will let them know who I am Chen Ze."
At this time, Chen Ze stopped Jiang Haitang and said lightly.

I heard Chen Ze's words, Jiang Haitang looked at Chen Ze and saw Chen Ze's face
firm. Although the tone is light, it is very affirmative. Could not help but Jiang
Haitang believed Chen Ze's words: "Yes, they will know after you play."

Introduction continued, but Chen Ze was too lazy to stay in it. He said to Jiang
Haitang and walked out to the garden.

Suddenly, the flowers in the garden rushed.

"It's still comfortable here," Chen Ze said with a smile.

"Hello, do you play cards?"

At this moment, a voice came from behind Chen Ze. (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 186: Mysterious master

Chen Ze looked back, and now he was about the same age as him. The golden man stood
behind him, smiling. . * M

"You, ask me?" Chen Ze replied.

对 "Yes, can you play cards?" The man smiled. "Or should I ask more clearly, are
you Chinese? Will you fight the landlord? If you can, can you play me?"

Hearing this man's words, Chen Ze froze completely.

Fight, landlord?

Chen Ze knows that the landlord is purely Chinese, and foreigners, especially
Americans, do not play this. Don't talk about it, I have never heard of it.

But now, there was a golden-haired foreigner who said he wanted to fight the
landlord, and Chen Ze just held it, wondering if his ear was wrong.

"Don't be so surprised, I'm talking about your Chinese landlord." The man responded
with a smile. "I've loved to study all kinds of playing cards in the world since I
was a kid. We started in the US, we went to Western Europe, I have studied in East
Asia, Korea, Japan, etc. Recently, I am learning how to play Chinese landlords, but
unfortunately there are no people who can fight landlords around me, so I do n’t
know how I am learning, so I want to Find someone to play with. "

"Oh, this is the case." Chen Ze nodded when he heard the man's words, "I am indeed
a Chinese and I will fight the landlord."

"That's great, do you have time? If you have time, let's play a few games
together." The man smiled.

"Okay." Chen Ze nodded, he thought it was all right, instead of going to the party
to listen to those people, it would be better to play two rounds of fighting the
landlord here.

He said, the man took Chen Ze to a pavilion with tables, chairs and benches.

Chen Ze and the man sat down. In addition to the two of them, the man's bodyguard
also sat down.

"He's my bodyguard, and he's been with me for a while, so it's just the three of
us." The man said, Ze said, "Although it's the three of us, I just understood it.
The rules of the landlords are actually two of us one-to-one. "

He said, the man took a deck of cards from his pocket, and then shuffled them very
smoothly and skillfully. The movement of flowing clouds gave Chen Ze a very
comfortable feeling.

"Is it one to one?"

Chen Zeming muttered to the man's actions.

He was still guessing the identity of the man before, thinking that the gambling
masters who participated in the game today should be in the party hall, which
relative of the rich man or himself is a young rich man.

But now Chen Ze changed his mind because his man shuffles his cards too well.
Besides being familiar, he also gives a very smooth and natural feeling, which
makes people feel very comfortable. It seems that his simple movement has become an
art. There is no such thing as a simple rich man with such a method.

And more crucially, since sitting down, Chen Ze has been greatly affected by his

影响 This effect has never been seen by Chen Ze before. Although his luck with God
of Gambling was also affected in the test with 60% or Wang Jin, the impact at that
time was nothing compared with the current one.

For such a person, Chen Ze knows that it is absolutely impossible to be a rich

relative. He must be a real gambling master. Moreover, it is the kind that is

"Such a master is one-on-one with me, which is really good." Chen Ze murmured to
himself, although Chen Ze had eloquently spoken in the party hall before, in fact
Chen Ze was still a bit unsure.

Because he has no experience with the world's top masters, it is not clear what
level of this world's top gambling master is.

Therefore, facing this guy now, Chen Ze is very happy and thinks that maybe he can
finally figure this out by taking this opportunity.

He shuffled the cards, and Chen Ze, the man, and his bodyguards took the cards.
Because the man's bodyguard just understood the rules and would play cards, because
Chen Ze and the man also agreed that the two would take turns as landlords, so that
they could better compete.

In the first round, Chen Ze was the landlord.


After Chen Ze organized his cards, he played his first card. At the same time, the
mind of the **** of gambling began to calculate.

Although Chen Ze knows that the opposite is a master, Chen Ze still has the
confidence to win. Not to mention the skills he received, even if it is the content
of comparison, this is the landlord, who is extremely familiar with him, and the
landlord who has just learned the opposite.

Chen Guang is an advantage in this area, and Chen Ze has confidence that he will

对 "Five." The man smiled and played his card.

"Yes seven."



The card game gradually deepened, but Chen Ze gradually appeared that he seemed a
little man.

Although sitting face to face, the man's face was always smiling, without any other
expression. In addition, his playing cards are very confusing, so even if Chen
Zexian is a **** of gambling, there is no way to accurately predict the cards in
this man's hand and what his intentions are.

Even several times, Chen Ze has made a mistake in his prediction of gambling. This
guy can be said to be bottomless.

Although this has something to do with Chen Ze not having the eyes of the **** of
gambling, but this is the first time that this has happened.
"Master, real master, bottomless master." Chen Ze thought of a man. Although I knew
that this man was a very good master, it was only at this moment that Chen Ze
realized that the person in front of him was far beyond his imagination.

Or more accurately, this guy is Chen Ze's strongest opponent currently.

Twenty-six percent of Wang Jin's popularity did not have any qualifications
comparable to him.

Chen Ze had to bring up his twelve-point spirit, and used all the skills of the
**** of gambling he extracted to fight against this guy.

In the end, Chen Ze and this guy have been entangled until the end, when the cards
of both of them are almost exhausted, Chen Ze reluctantly defeated this guy by
relying on the landlord's advantage.

"I'm finished." Chen Ze said, it was only the first game, but he sweated a lot on
his forehead.

Although he won, Chen Ze didn't have any sense of joy. He knew that he could win
just because this guy was not very familiar with the landlord and the advantages of
his own landlord.

If the identity of the landlord and peasant are exchanged, Chen Ze knows that he
may not win this round.

"Congratulations, I didn't expect that I could meet a master and fight against a
landlord like you. It was really a pleasure." The man laughed, his face remained
unchanged. My local owner. "

"Okay." Chen Ze nodded, then roused all his energy and started the second round.

At the moment, the presentation at the party continues.

"Okay, the following gambling masters from all over the world have been introduced.
Finally it ’s our host in the United States ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ We have the
seventh place in the world in Las Vegas. Chris, a gambling expert. "The host said.

With his words, the world's seventh-ranked American master stood up, raised a glass
and smiled.

"The world's number five gambling master Herman." The host continued.

Herman also stood up and raised his glass. The scene also gave him applause and
cheers, and obviously everyone knew him.

"Below is our most heavyweight in the United States and the world's most
heavyweight master. He has never lost since his debut. He is proficient in all
kinds of gambling techniques in the world and is known as the world's number one in
the World Encyclopedia of Gambling. Great master of gambling, Gambler Kelzer! "Said
the host, explaining the final and most solemn introduction.

Hearing his words, the audience immediately rang out tonight's biggest cheers and

Alas, beyond this cheering and applause, no one stood up. (To be continued.) This
site recommends stockings beautiful legs, child face, plump fat buttocks pictures
and videos to watch online !! Quickly follow WeChat public account: meinvtao1 (long
press for three seconds to copy) to watch online!
Chapter FTLS 187: Gambler
Kelzer, the first person in the world's gambling world today, has never failed
since his debut, easily swept all his opponents, and has risen to the first place
in the world's top gambling rankings. emperor. Tian Yan Xiao "" said www. Y3TXT.

存在 His existence has made all other gambling masters lose their luster.

Moreover, because he is very young, many casino agencies even think that the first
person in the world will be fixed in the next few decades. No matter what kind of
talented masters appear, they can only compete for second place at most.

In other words, all casinos believe that no one can approach Kelzer in gambling.

The dominance of 力 Kelzer is evident.

I also have a lot of fans around the world, especially in the United States,
because of his unique gambling skills. Not only many ordinary people are his fans,
but also many celebrities and rich people who like gambling are also his fans.

所以 A large part of the reason why so many rich people came to the party this time
was to Kelzer.

So when they heard Kelzer's name, they all cheered. But who knew that Kelzer wasn't
even at the party.

"What's going on? Where has Kelzer gone?"

是 "Yeah, why didn't you see Kelzer? I came at him."

就是 "Yes, Kelzer? Where did he go?"

Many people whispered and asked.

那个 "Well, I think Kelzer should be in the garden. After he came here, he felt
that the hall was too stuffy and went straight to the garden." A Kelzer friend, his
teammate in this game, spoke.

"Hurry up, get him back now, we have so many people waiting for him, let him come
back and give everyone a word." The host of the party, the Casino Alliance of Las
Vegas, said.

"Okay, I'll check it out."

Kelzer's teammate Herman spoke and ran out.

On the other hand, the game between Chen Ze and the man is still going on. After
the first game, the two sides played five games in a row, and each game reached the

Suddenly the landlords took turns, so in the sixth round, Chen Ze and the man
battled three to three.

At this time, the sweat on Chen Ze's face had already flowed a lot. The more
surprised he was, the strength of the person opposite him was truly unfathomable.

But the man on the other side is not much better, he also sweats a lot, the same,
or in other words, looking at Chen Ze with more surprise.

Hit him, even more surprised than Chen Ze.

"In the seventh game, let's use this last game to win the game." Chen Ze said,
trying to determine today's victory in this last game.

"Okay." The man nodded, and the two sides began the final battle.

I couldn't help but beat, a footstep came over, and then a voice came over: "It
turns out you're here."

Chen Ze looked back, and a man of the same golden color came to this man: "We are
waiting for you in the lobby. Come back with me."

I heard him say, Chen Ze's opponent shrugged: "Wait for me to finish the game."

不 "No, everyone is waiting for you, you have to go now." The man looking for
someone started.

"Well, that's okay." Chen Ze's opponent was helpless and looked at Chen Ze sorry.
"I'm so sorry, it looks like we can only fight again next time."

"I have a chance to fight again." Chen Ze smiled.

I heard Chen Ze's words, Chen Ze's opponent put down his card, and he was ready to
follow him outside with his bodyguards. But immediately, the opponent turned back:
"Excuse me, what's your name? Is this the player of the World Gambler?"

"Yes, my name is Chen Ze." Chen Ze nodded.

"Okay, then I hope we can meet in the game and finish the game." The man laughed,
then followed his friend and walked outside.

"It's a pity, you got the last card upset, Herman." On the way, the man said.

"What a pity, but it is just a Chinese player." Herman laughed.

嗯 "Huh? Why, you know this Chen Ze?" The man said.

"Of course, you didn't hear it at the party, but I heard it clearly. This Chen Ze
was just a piece of money they had collected in Macau. There is no gambling at all.
I want to be sure that the first round will be Go home. There is nothing bad about
his gamble. "Herman shook his head and smiled.

"Make it? I don't think so." The man said, shaking his head, "I just played seven
games with him, do you know what the result was?"

"What?" Herman asked.

"Three to three, we lost three games in the first six games." The man said.

Herman was shocked when he heard what he said, with an unbelievable expression:
"Three to three, you lost that guy's three games? This, how is this possible.
Kelzer, you lost three games?"

It turned out that this man who fought with Chen Ze was the world's No. 1 Kelzer,
who is known as the gambler.
"Yes, we are playing the final tie." Kelzer said, "And I have a feeling that in the
seventh game, the loser may still be me. Therefore, this guy will definitely not be
a lottery person. . "

He said, Kerzer walked forward, but in his heart he was more interested in Chen Ze,
looking forward to confronting him again.

Behind him, Herman couldn't believe it: "Kelzer will lose? To the person who came
to Macau to make up the numbers? This, how is this possible?"


"Tomorrow morning we will draw lots to decide who our opponent will be in the first

Returning to the hotel car, Chen Ze asked Jiang Haitang.

"Yes, it will be decided tomorrow morning. I hope you and three of Gao Yi and Gao
Li will be able to draw a good lottery, especially don't draw the gambler Kelzer."
Jiang Haitang said.

"Gambler Kelzer?" Hearing Jiang Haitang's words ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen Ze was 愣

愣, this is the first time he heard the name, "Is he great?"

当然 "Of course, today's number one in the world and the biggest hotspot champion
in this competition. Many people even think that the champion does not need to be
compared, it must be him, you say it is not great." Jiang Haitang smiled.

"That's okay, really good." Chen Ze said.

"Yeah, and his power is not just a rendering of the casino and the media. Even the
masters who participated in the competition are trying to avoid encountering Kelzer
in the beginning, so as not to lose the game ahead. Take the brothers Gao Yi Gao
Li, their gambling skills are already very good. If they meet other people, they
may have a fight, but if they encounter Kelzer, then they do n’t have to fight,
they are determined. To lose, and I am afraid it may be a fiasco. "Jiang Haitang

"It's so powerful." Chen Ze muttered to himself, somehow, he suddenly thought of

the person who played with him tonight, and then Chen Ze remembered to ask his
name, "I don't know who that guy is ? "

However, this game seems more and more interesting. (To be continued.)

Chapter FTLS 188: Draw

The Spurges Casino, the largest casino in Las Vegas, is also the largest casino in
the world. . .

赌场 Located in the city center of Las Vegas, this casino is almost a landmark of
Las Vegas.

The casino covers a huge area, and there are all kinds of gambling methods and
gambling equipments in the world. Therefore, the venue of this World Gambler
Contest is naturally placed in this.

Early in the morning, Chen Ze followed Jiang Haitang here. After coming here, Chen
Ze was startled, and saw that many people had come inside and outside the casino.
In addition to the participants and related parties, there were also many tourists.
"So many people." Chen Ze stunned, he thought that this game is still a gambling
game in the end, at most it will come to some rich people or celebrities. Now it
seems that this is not the case at all.

"These are the audience, the audience who bought the ticket." Jiang Haitang said.

观众 "Audience?" Chen Ze stunned, "Are there audiences?"

"Of course, these Yankees are very smart and too good at doing business. Our
competition this time is the World Gambler Contest. This is the first time for such
a high-spec competition. I do n’t know how attractive it is. And this time dozens
of people came to Las Vegas from around the world to participate in the game. From
the first day of the game today to the last day of the game, there were four days
in total. Tickets for each day were more expensive than the previous day. , I heard
that the final ticket for the God of Gambler has already been bought for $ 5,000 a
ticket, and even the black market has been speculated for more than $ 10,000. "

"And this Bergsburg casino can accommodate at least thousands of spectators. Even
if the gaming table is too small and may be affected by a long distance, at least a
thousand people can come. Tickets alone, this time there may be Tens of millions.
In addition to the broadcasting fees sold to national television stations, etc., I
am afraid that this game alone will be able to break through the billions of
dollars. "

Jiang Haitang added: "This has not been counted as the casino privately opened a
bet on your players who can win the final championship. If you count them all, I am
afraid that the income of this game will be quite amazing. These Americans can be
said It's the ultimate business. "

He said, a look of envy and even jealousy appeared on Jiang Haitang's face.
Obviously, she admired and even envied these American business methods.

Hearing Jiang Haitang's words, Chen Ze was a little stunned. This time, the Las
Vegas casino revenue was hundreds of millions of dollars, so it is no wonder that
such a grand game will be held.

泽 Chen Ze originally thought that the prize money for the final winner of this
game was five million dollars. Compared with the income of these casinos, it seems
that it is nothing at all.

泽 Chen Ze is not really clear. Although the income of this game is very important,
it is more important to renegotiate and divide the world ’s casino powers based on
the results of this game, so Jiang Haitang is so motivated.

If it were hundreds of millions of dollars in income from this game, although it

was a lot, it would not make her so tempted.

"Let's go, Chen Ze. Our contestants have special channels, so we don't need to line
up here."

When Chen Ze was thinking about this, Jiang Haitang spoke. Chen Ze nodded and
followed her into the other channel of the casino.

After I came in, Chen Ze really got the panoramic view of the inside of the Sberger
Casino, which is known as the world's number one casino. The outside is actually
very spectacular, but when he came inside, Chen Ze felt dazzled.

There are more than 20 layers in the upper and lower floors. Although not very
high, the area is very large, and each floor is filled with various gambling
equipment. It is really moving all the gambling around the world here. Even on the
first floor, Chen Ze belongs to Chinese Mahjong.

Of course, the most popular are Stud Poker, Dice and other popular gambling methods
and tools.

The lottery was located on the top floor. Chen Ze followed Jiang Haitang and took
the elevator to the top floor.

As soon as Chen entered, Chen Ze had a lot of faces at the banquet last night. They
stood together in twos and threes, apparently they knew each other, and they were
all waiting for the start of the lottery.

Chen Ze swept around, did the guy who wanted to fight the landlord late come, but

"Miss Jiang, you are here."

At this moment, a voice came over, and Chen Zeyi and Gao Li brothers came over.
Both of them live in Las Vegas all the year round, naturally they came early and
did not follow Jiang Haitang.

"The two are good, I don't know how the two rested last night?" Jiang Yitang smiled
after Yihe Gaoli.

"Relax, Ms. Jiang, my brother and I had a good rest last night. Today's condition
is very good. I promise to kill the Quartet today."

"Miss Jiang, rest assured, since we have been entrusted by you, we will complete
the task. Although we dare not say that we must advance, we have the confidence to
reach the quarterfinals and even the semifinals on the third day."

Gao Yi and Gao Li said confidently that this game was a total of four days. Except
for the final day, which was only one match, the other three days had to be played
several times a day until the final decision was reached. Two people.

兄弟 The two brothers are very confident. They consciously kill themselves to the
third day and enter the quarter-finals or even the quarter-finals.

"There are some people, I hope not to lose on the first day or even the first one,
lose your face with Miss Jiang." Gao Yi said again, and gave Chen Ze a glance.

Gao Li nodded aside, agreeing with Gao Yi's words.

"Haha, what are you talking about, Mr. Gao Yi, let's just do our best. There is
nothing to lose face without losing face. After all, the people participating in
this competition are world-class. Master. "Jiang Haitang began, she heard that Gao
Yi was targeting Chen Ze, and also knew that the Gao brothers had a bit of Chen Ze,
and opened the round for Chen Ze.

"It's the best, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, you have our brothers, Miss Jiang.
The two of us are enough to ensure that the name of Macau appears at least in the
quarterfinals or even the semifinals." Gao Yi said again.

"Gaoyi, are you ready for shoe polish?" At this time, Chen Ze said lightly.

"Shoe polish?" Gao Yi froze when he heard Chen Ze's words.

"Yes, shoe polish, have you forgotten our betting contract? I'm ready, and as soon
as this game is over, I will ask your brothers to fulfill the betting contract."
Chen Ze said, returning his shoes. .

I heard Chen Ze's words, Gao Yi and Gaoli just remembered that they made a bet with
Chen Ze last night, who can be more persistent in this game, the loser will have to
polish the shoes of the winner.

What Chen Ze said now was obviously telling the two of them that they had lost this
time and it was time to get ready to polish their shoes.

"Arrogant, ridiculous."

"I don't know where you come from so confident, but I have to ask if your shoe
polish is ready."

After the two of them reacted, they both said angrily, they thought that the
gambling agreement was just a quick word of Chen Zehuan. Who knew that Chen Ze had
raised it now, and he was very confident.

This made him very angry, and he wanted to say something.

As a result, I heard a broadcast sound: "Below, this lottery ceremony of the World
Gambler Contest officially begins."

好 "Well, the lottery has begun. Let's go to the lottery quickly."

Jiang Haitang quickly rounded the road, originally Ze and the Gao brothers had a
tendency to quarrel, she was big head, do not know how to round the field, now
finally have an excuse.

"Without Miss Jiang, our brothers will go to the lottery by themselves, you can
take this guy. We don't want to walk with him like this arrogant person."

"That's ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen Ze, let me tell you, don't think about the bet
with us, you can stick to the first day and talk about it. There is no one in the
world rankings, but I want to challenge our brothers, it is ridiculous."

The brothers Gao said, and walked towards the lot.

Hearing the words of two people, Jiang Haitang looked apologetic, and replaced it
with someone else's words. She had already scolded her, but this time she was the
brother of Gao and she was the object of her reliance, so she could n’t help it. I
can apologize to Chen Ze myself: "Sorry Mr. Chen, that bet, I will let the two
brothers Gao do not care about it afterwards."

怎么 "Why, does Miss Jiang think I will lose?" Chen Ze smiled.


Jiang Haitang does not know how to speak. Although she knows that Chen Ze is very
powerful, she does not think that Chen Ze can really compete with the world's top

"I assure you, Miss Jiang, the one who wins in the end will be me." (To be
continued.) This site recommends stockings, beautiful legs, plump buttocks,
pictures and videos online! Quickly follow WeChat public account: meinvtao1 ( Long
press for three seconds to copy) Watch online!
Chapter FTLS 189: 1st opponent
readx (); "Our World Gamblers Contest is divided into four aBcd areas, each divided
into 20 groups and 10 groups for four sessions. The content of the competition is
also different. Which district ratio is decided by this lottery. "

主持 On the stage of the lottery, a host of the organizer spoke, explaining the
whole process of the competition.

It turned out that this competition was divided into four aBcd districts, each of
which had 20 people, and these 20 people divided two groups of two into ten groups
to compete. And the specific comparison, whether it is playing cards or dice or
mahjong, is determined by the lottery. Different groups and different groups have
different ratios.

"There are 20 people in a district, and a total of four districts. Doesn't that
mean that our competition is exactly 80 people participating?" Chen Ze said. It is
unclear how many people will participate in this competition. I know there are
eighty people.

"More than eighty, there are actually eighty-one people." Jiang Haitang began.

"Eighty-one people? Then according to this arrangement, there is one more person,
is it empty?" Chen Ze froze and said.

"Let's have a total of eighty-one people and eighty districts this time, do you
mean to take a turn by yourself?"

"Yes, are you going to be alone?"

"Do you really want to be alone?"

I heard the host's words, and many contestants also spoke, apparently they all
noticed that there was one more person.

"No, it's not a turn. One person was unanimously decided by our organizer. He
didn't directly participate in today's competition, but directly joined tomorrow's
competition." At this time, the host spoke.

"Is there a person directly participating in tomorrow's game? Why is this?"

"Yeah, who is this person? Why should we compete and he can directly participate in
tomorrow's competition?"

就是 "That is, I also want to participate directly in tomorrow's game."

"Your organizer decided directly? You are cheating." Dudu1 ();

I heard the host's words, and everyone started talking. Obviously, everyone is very
dissatisfied with this decision.

For a while, the lottery was noisy.

"What's noisy, what's noisy? The one who is by no means is the gambler Kelzer, who
disagrees? Yes, we can arrange you to compete directly with him. If you win, you
can also go directly to tomorrow's game." This At that time, a person standing on
the side of the host shouted loudly.

Hearing his words, he was silent, no one dared to say one more word. Everyone
froze, but it was Kelzer who did not expect it.

"No sooner said, if it was Kelzer, who would have an opinion."

就是 "Yes, that's Kelzer. Besides, there is no way even if there is an opinion. Now
compare with Kelzer. Isn't that finding out in advance?"

"If it is Kelzer, then there is nothing to say, who can compare with him."

Everyone whispered, completely lost the momentum. Obviously the name Kelzer
occupied too much of their hearts.

Or more accurately, it is causing too much heart shadow.

"This Kelzer is so amazing."

Seeing everyone like this, Chen Ze muttered to himself. He didn't expect this to be
the case, it was just a name, so many terrified masters who were scared could not
say a word.

Chen Ze wanted to know who this Kelzer was.

"Of course, that's Kelzer. Who hasn't lost to him here? Everyone can't avoid him.
How could they take the initiative to challenge him? That's all about death." Jiang
Haitang said, obviously in her heart. I also admire Kelzer very much, "If I want to
say that Kelzer is in a vacant situation, it would be fine not to participate in
today's game. If he participates, the people who play against him will be too

When I heard Jiang Haitang's words, Chen Ze became more and more interested. He
wanted to know what kind of person this Krze was and how high his level was. dudu2

The next lottery started. Chen Ze and their competitors lined up one by one and
stepped onto the stage one by one, pressing the random button prepared by the
organizer in front of everyone.

Next, the big screen on the side will show the competition divisions and group
numbers selected by the person pressing the button and the content of the

"Hodler, Germany, Group A, Blackjack."

"Fourch, France, Group B, Roulette."

"Ce, Italy, Group A, Group 10, Texas Hold'em."


On the stage, the host also reported the number of selected division groups and the
content of the competition one by one.

Gao Yi and the brothers Gao Li also came to power and chose their positions.

Then, Chen Ze also stepped onto the stage, ready to start pressing the button.

But after Ze, the people below the stage whispered.

"Isn't that the number in Macau? It would be nice if he were my opponent today."
就是 "It is him, I hope he is my opponent, if it is my opponent, then I will be
happy today."

"Haha, it turned out to be him, and I look forward to his division. It would be
nice if it was my opponent, so I will relax today."

Everyone started talking, and Chen Ze apparently became a "fragrant lotus" in their
eyes at the moment, and each of them was rushing to want to be an opponent with
Chen Ze. dudu3 ();

Everyone is very confident. If they can face Chen Ze, they will win, and they will
be the ones who can easily win.

"Miss Jiang, I hope you don't expect too much from this Chen Ze, you listen to the
voices around, I'm sure this guy will lose here in the first game."

"Yes, Miss Jiang, you two brothers, Chen Ze has nothing to look forward to."

At this moment, the brothers Gao went to Jiang Haitang again and began to speak.

After hearing the words around him, the two of them were very happy and very

And Jiang Haitang gritted his teeth: "Two sirs, I know that the two of you may be
Chen Ze and feel that his strength is not enough. But I believe that at least he
will not be as good as everyone around him. One If you are not careful, maybe you
have a bet with Chen Ze, and the two of you will lose. "

"This ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Gao Yi Gaoli brothers did not expect Jiang Haitang to
say such a word, all of a sudden hesitated.

On the stage, Chen Ze pressed the button at this moment, and then Chen Ze's group
appeared on the big screen.

"Six groups in area c, stud!"

The host host spoke and reported Chen Ze's grouping and the content of the game.

After the group Erzuo Ze, everyone at the bottom of the group quickly recalled
their group, not thinking that they and Chen Ze were assigned to a group.

"Haha, it's me, it's me, and I'm also in the sixth group of area c." At this time,
one person said, proudly, as if he had encountered a great happy event.

Chen Ze, and everyone went. The speaker is the one who had a conflict with Chen Ze
before. The Philippine master, Rhodes! (To be continued.) Announcement: APP
Android, Apple-specific version, bid farewell to all advertisements, please pay
attention to WeChat public account to download and install: appxsyd (press and hold
for three seconds to copy)

Chapter FTLS 190: God steals (on)


"It's him, it turned out to be Rhodes. This guy's luck is so good. It's actually a
group with that one." "Luck is really good, or Chen Ze's luck is really bad, this
But Rhodes, ranked 13th in the world, how Chen Ze won, I think he would lose at
once. "" I mean, honestly, I don't want to encounter Rhodes on the first day, I
can't think of it. I was met by that Chen Ze, and he was unlucky. "" Hey, how can
this be so. It seems like that Chen Ze can win with other people. Come to him,
whoever we are here can win, Rhodes. Or who has any difference? "" This one is,
hahaha. "After hearing Roddu's words, after seeing that Chen Ze's opponent turned
out to be Rhodes, the other contestants in the field all said with a smile, I felt
that Rhodesian was so lucky that he encountered Chen Ze. This time, naturally, he
won, and Chen Ze lost. "Sorry, sister Jiang. It looks like you were wrong just now.
The winner of this bet with Chen Ze will be our two brothers." "Yes, sister Jiang,
I really regret that Chen Ze actually started from the beginning. When he met
Rhodes, he lost this time, and there would be no chance. "Jiang Haitang, Gao Yi and
Gao Li brothers spoke. When they first heard Jiang Haitang's words, they didn't
know how to answer the words. When they saw Jiang Haitang's appearance, they
suddenly felt that such a possibility was possible. But now seeing that Chen Ze's
opponent turned out to be Rhodes, he immediately expelled this idea in his heart.
Jokingly, Chen Ze's opponent this time is Rhodes, how could he possibly win. In
this first game, he will be eliminated. "How could this be!" Jiang Haitang heard
nothing, but looked at Chen Ze, and she muttered to herself, "Actually, I met
Rhodes in the first game. Honestly, Jiang Haitang did not have particularly high
expectations for Chen Ze, but Chen Ze ’s performance in Macau over Wang Jin made
Jiang Haitang feel that Chen Ze might have a chance to enter the next day's game.
Even if the lottery is good, there is a slight chance to enter the third day. This
is enough. Jiang Haitang has no particularly great expectations. However, she never
expected that Chen Ze's luck was so bad. He met Rhodes in the first game of the
first day, which is the 13th in the world. And Jiang Haitang knows that although
Rhodes is only 13th in the world, he is actually very strong. The masters of
gambling in front of him, except Kelzer, have no certainty to win against him. Such
strength may be able to enter the finals. Such a person was met by Chen Ze in the
first game of the first day. This, how can Chen Ze win? Jiang Haitang looked at
Chen Ze with some regrets and some hopelessness. I did not expect that Chen Ze
might be out in the first game of the first day. "Hahaha, I have been expecting to
be able to meet you in this match since yesterday. I didn't expect that I really
waited for it." At this time, Roddu walked in front of Chen Ze and opened his eyes
and looked at Chen Ze. Laughing: "You guys, do you remember what I said yesterday?
If you let me meet, then I will make you regret coming here to play." Everyone
remembered Rhodes' words. Last night, Chen Ze seemed to have some conflict with
Roddu, and a contradiction occurred between the two. Now, the two are actually
rivals. "This is a good match at the moment. It turned out that the two of them
were playing against each other." "Listening to Roddu's tone, I'm afraid he's going
to do his best to deal with this Chen Ze. This Chen Ze, really It ’s miserable. ""
This Chen Ze is over. I hope he will have the confidence to stay in the gambling
this time when he compares with Roddu. "Everyone said, looking forward to the show,
looking forward. The gamble between the two men. At the same time, they also looked
at Chen Ze and wanted to see what Chen Ze would look like in the current situation.
"I'm also looking forward to it. I didn't expect the two of us to be together,
which is exactly what I want." Under the attention of everyone, Chen Ze smiled and
said lightly. Hearing Chen Ze's words, everyone, including Roddu, froze. Everyone
did not expect that under such circumstances, Chen Ze would be so calm and able to
say such things. "Okay, your guy's mental quality is really good. It's time to say
something like this. But after the game, I see what else is good for you." Rhodes
said, he had hoped When he saw Chen Ze, he shivered, even looking ashamed, and
looked at himself with horror. I did not expect Chen Ze to be so calm, so he was a
little bit angry. After hearing Rhodes ’words, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com.
Chen Ze smiled," Let ’s wait for the match. "The draw continued, and soon all the
groupings were completed except for Kelzer by turn. . Then, everyone came to
different floors and different gaming tables in accordance with the group they were
divided into, ready to play this game. Chen Ze and Roddu came to a gambling table
on the third floor, and Jiang Haitang followed. Gao Yi Gao Li's brothers in the
first round were not very strong opponents. Jiang Haitang estimated that the two
must have no problem in winning the first game, so they followed, although she did
not think that Chen Ze had a chance to win. But after all, Chen Ze was brought by
her. Even if she was out in the first game, she saw the whole process of Chen Ze's
exit. Soon, Chen Ze and Roddu were seated at the gaming table. This is a round
gaming table. The gaming table is not very large. After he sat well, he immediately
bought tickets to watch the game. , Have also come to their side, ready to watch
this game. These spectators are randomly selected to watch the game. All the
players are playing at the same time, so there are many games to watch. There are
also many spectators watching Chen Ze and Rhodes. "What's this table to compare?"
"Isn't it written next to it? Stud, stud." "It's stud, I like stud playing the
most, haha, I want to watch this game." "This game is actually stud. It looks like
the cards here should look good." Many audiences spoke to Chen Ze and Rhodes, and
all spoke to Chen Ze and Rhodes. The game generated interest. "Chen Ze, I tell you,
you lost this time, and in front of so many people." Seeing so many spectators
coming around, Rhodes said with a smile, "I will let you see, I God stole Rhodes
terribly. "City dwellers

The third one, and two more


Chapter FTLS 191: Thief (middle)


"God stole Rhodes? It turned out that Rhodes stole from one side." "Rhodo, is the
thirteenth-ranked man in the world who steals his cards and is known as a thief? It
is him." "I God, it was God who stole Rhodes. This scene was really right. "Hearing
Rhodes' words, Chen Ze had nothing to do, and the audience around him exploded.
They whispered, it is clear that many people have heard of Rhodes, and many have
even watched Rhodes' games. Knowing that Rhodes is very powerful, so very excited
at this moment. Immediately, they all looked at Chen Ze again, and wanted to see
who Rhodes' opponent was. "Hey, who is this person? Why doesn't it seem like he's
never met before? Rhodes's opponent should be very powerful and famous, right?"
"Yeah, I've never seen it before. Where did this person come from?" "I don't
understand, who is this person?" After seeing Chen Ze, many viewers froze, because
they found that they had never seen Chen Ze at all, don't see it, never heard it.
All at once were a little confused, and I didn't know who Rhodes's opponent was.
"This guy is from Macau. His name is Chen Ze. There is no world ranking, because he
is here to make up the numbers." At this moment, a player who followed to watch the
match between Chen Ze and Rhodes said. Although this competition was held at the
same time, many were held at different times, so there were also many players. The
so-called gambling masters did not compete, so many of them followed and wanted to
see how Chen Ze was Rhodes was tortured. And when he heard the words of this
opener, many other players also said one after another: "Yeah, this one is just
making up numbers, it's not good at all." "What? Making up numbers?" "No world
ranking? Then Rhodes. What is it like to him? There is nothing like this at all. ""
Yeah, this is no suspense, so to see. "After hearing what they said, many
unsuspecting audiences said in succession, they shook their heads, Both were a
little disappointed. After seeing Rhodes, they thought it would be a fierce match.
But I did not expect that Rhodes's opponent turned out to be just such a person. If
this is the case, the audience knows that this game will probably end soon, and it
will not be fierce at all. Therefore, they were very disappointed in their hearts.
He even complained a bit about Chen Ze: "You dare to come to participate in this
kind of competition at your level?" As if he didn't hear the words from everyone
around him, he nodded and looked at Rhodes: "God steal? Okay, Then let me see to
what extent your thief can be so powerful. "After returning to the hotel last
night, Chen Ze had investigated Roddu and knew where he came from. This guy's best
gambling technique is to exchange cards in the game, not only his own cards, but
also other people's cards. Numerous gambling masters and him have played his way
when betting against him, and he changed the hole cards, so he got his nickname. He
even even once said, "There are no cards in the world that I can't replace." Of
course, many people don't believe it. At least Kelzer's people have determined that
Rhodes can never be replaced. However, despite this, it can also reflect the
greatness of Rhodes, because in everyone's understanding, that is, except for
Kelzer, Rhodes can be traded for other people's cards. This type of card swap is
indeed a steal. Therefore, after reading Zede ’s materials last night, Chen Ze
became interested in Rhodes, and would like to see with his own eyes how much
Rhodes ’card swap has reached. Today, he just fulfilled his wish. "Each side of the
gamble has US $ 500,000. The gambling is in the form of a stud. Each time you place
a minimum of US $ 5,000, whoever loses US $ 500,000 first will win the bet on the
other side." , The female dealer who presided over the gamble started. With her
words, another staff member took two 500,000 US dollars chips to the gambling table
and placed them in front of Chen Ze and Rhodes. Then, the game officially started.
The so-called stud is actually similar to Texas Hold'em. However, it was a hole
card as a concealed card, and another four cards were dealt. Both sides keep
betting during the licensing process, and can give up. After giving up this round
of betting money is lost. And until the five cards are collected, if both sides do
not run away, the card can be opened. Of course, naturally the flush is the
largest, followed by four, then the flush, then the straight, then the three, then
the two pairs, then the pairs, and finally the flop. The rules are simple, that is,
a complex version of the fried golden flower. Chen Ze has also played before,
knowing that it is actually the type played in the movie "Gambler", that is called
stud. Then, Chen Ze and Rhodes each lost 5,000 US dollars each, and then the female
dealers began to deal with the cards. Therefore, Chen Ze was dealt two cards, one
bright and one dark. Then Rhodes was dealt another card. After getting the cards,
Chen Ze took a look at his hole cards and was lucky. The hole cards actually turned
into a box a, which means that Chen Ze's card protection this time is a scatter
card starting with a. Then his card is box 9. "Five thousand." Chen Ze smiled and
lost five thousand. Roddu also threw five thousand as a bet. He took a look at his
hole cards, his hole cards were spades 8, and his card was square 3. Then the
third, the third card is also Ming, Chen Ze's red peach j. And Rhodes's side is
Block 4. "Five thousand is too little. I make ten thousand." Chen Ze said, and
threw ten thousand more down. Although it is no longer possible to be the biggest
flush, Chen Ze knows that his winning face is bigger than Rhodes according to the
current card, so he does not hesitate to throw 10,000 down. "I have ten thousand
too." Roddu followed immediately. Then on the fourth card, Chen Ze's Hearts 7 and
Rhodes' Spades q. "Twenty thousand." Chen Ze said, at this time he added his chips
to twenty thousand. "Thirty thousand." Rhodes said, adding ten thousand more than
Chen Ze. Although his current cards did not look as powerful as Chen Ze's, he
actually offered to raise chips. Seeing that Rhodes had taken the initiative to
overweight, Chen Ze frowned, and predicted Rhodes's hole card with the spirit of
gambling. "Rhodo is holding a card. Ninety-three percent may not be an a. The
probability that the entire deck is a pair is not more than forty percent ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ In the mind of Chen Ze, immediately This kind of prediction data
appears, and Rhodes ’s expression is fundamental. Now that the two have got the
cards, and the situation on the scene, the gambler has made such a prediction. "If
this is the case, then this Rhodes lost the second hand. Chen Ze murmured to
himself. Roddow's current board will not be flush or straight, and the possibility
of pairing is not high, and it is almost impossible to start a card with a, if true
That's the case, Chen Ze is confident to win this first game. "I'm forty thousand.
Chen Ze smiled. Before the fifth card was dealt, he overweighted it to 40,000.
Then, the fifth card was dealt to Chen Ze and Roddu. Chen Ze's was Box 3, and Luo
Dedu's grass is 10. At this moment, Chen Ze's bright cards are box 9, red peach j,
red peach 7, box 3, and his hole card is box a. And Rhodes' bright cards are box 3,
box 4, and spade. Q, Caohua 10, and Spade 8. Although Chen Ze didn't know Rhodes's
hole card at the moment, Chen Ze knew that his chances of winning were already very
high, and even possible, he won. "Forty thousand. "At this point, Roddu said, very
calm." This guy, is he really good? still is? "Looking at Rhodes, Chen Ze muttered
to himself. Suddenly, he felt something wrong. It seemed that his hole card moved.
He quickly picked up his hole card and looked at it. At this moment, his hole card
turned out from the cube. a, became spades 8. From his own hole card to Rhodes
’hole card. That is, his hole card was actually replaced by Rhodes. Just now, he
was blinded by his gods. Chen Ze looked at Roddu and saw Roddu look at him proudly,
his expression is very arrogant. "This guy, the gambling of the card swap really
has a hand. "City residents

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Chapter FTLS 192: God steals (below)


"Oh my god, these two guys played too fast. This was the first game. I actually got
almost $ 100,000 in chips. I fell in love ..." "Yeah, it's too fast, according to
At this speed, half a million is gone. "" It's too fast, it's too fast. If anyone
loses in the first game, he will go one-fifth of the chips. "Looking at the first
game of Chen Ze and Rhodes, the audience around said one after another, they felt
that the two of them were playing too fast. But because of this, the audience
around is even more interested, because whoever wins this first game can not only
win the starter, but also occupy the advantage. "Obviously Rodeo has won this
round. Look at the look on his face at the moment. This is the look that he has
changed the cards and make sure that he wins." "Yes Ah, that Chen Ze does n’t just
look like bad gambling, but he really does n’t play cards. He would have to lose so
much to Rhodes at once. ”“ Great, if Rhodes really has changed now If the cards are
good, then I feel that his gambling skills have increased again. In the past, his
card swapping skills have not been as silent as they are now. "Inside the audience,
there were many onlookers in the game, and those gambling masters also spoke. They
both had a gamble with Rhodes and knew Rhodes's style of play, so they were
somewhat certain that Rhodes seemed to have won the first game. Poppy poppy! At
this moment, there was a clap of applause at the scene. The applause was Chen Ze.
He applauded and said, "It is indeed a thief. This card exchange is really
seamless." Chen Ze threw the card in his hand. Inside the deck, it means he gave up
the round. In this round, Roddu won the victory. "Sure enough, Rhodes won. Sure
enough, Chen Ze is not Rhodes' opponent." "Chen Ze lost so much in the first game.
I think he will probably lose in three or four games. His chips. "" Possibly, I
also feel that he will lose the game in three to four innings. "Hearing Chen Ze's
words, seeing Chen Ze's actions, the audience around him felt that everything was
really out of their reach. It was expected that Rhodes won the first hand. And
those opponents who came to watch the game also looked at each other and smiled.
They reached this consensus again at the moment: "Chen Ze, far from being Rhodes'
opponent." Among the audience, Jiang After seeing Chen Ze's actions, Begonia lost
his face. Although she had long guessed this possibility, she still felt very
uncomfortable now that she saw Chen Ze really lost the first game like this. In
fact, she still hoped that there would be a miracle: "Really, isn't there a
miracle?" Opposite Chen Ze, Rhodes smiled slightly: "Sure enough, this guy with a
lot of numbers is vulnerable." It is Rhodes who is playing against others. He will
not use this gambling technique so early, because this gambling technique has a lot
of flaws. If you use too much in a game, it will be easy to be beaten. The opponent
sees through. But now it's different. Now facing Chen Ze, a man who Rhodes thinks
is completely vulnerable and not an opponent. Therefore, at the beginning of the
game, he used a card swap, and as expected, he easily replaced Chen Ze's card. He
even suspected that Chen Ze could not detect when he changed cards. So Rhodes was
very excited at the moment, and felt that Chen Ze was vulnerable, not his opponent.
"It seems that as long as the next few rounds increase the chip a bit, within two
or three rounds, he can be solved. Gambling with such opponents for too long is
also detrimental to my reputation." Rhodes thought again, he thought Decided to
increase the chips in two to three innings and resolve Chen Ze as soon as possible.
However, the development of the incident was beyond his expectations. The opposite
Chen Ze actually used the turtle game in the next game. It seemed to be afraid of
him changing cards. As long as Roddu increased his chip count, he Abandon the game
immediately. This is the case every time, and there will be no more than three
cards in each hand, and then Chen Ze will definitely give up. Rhodes won five or
six innings in a row, but only won less than $ 40,000. Adding the five or six
innings, the winning chips were not as much as the first innings. "This guy is a
turtle." Looking at Chen Ze, Rhodes thought at this moment. He didn't expect that
Chen Ze would play against him this way. Although he could win this way, he would
have to end dozens of games before he could win the game. Therefore, Roddu was a
little impatient, and wanted to seduce Chen Zeduo to chip in and fight against him.
"Are you guy a turtle? If you dare not fight with me ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~,
surrender early. Anyway, you know you can't beat me, so why do you still lie on the
gaming table?" Luo De Du spoke, facing Chen Zedao, some vented his temper, and some
wanted to use words to make Chen Ze impulsive. "I like to fight like this, no?
There is no rule that you can't fight like this." Chen Ze said, indifferently.
"You!" Seeing Chen Ze's rogue, Roddu wanted something more, but had no idea what to
do. Next, he played three or four consecutive games. This time, Chen Ze went too
far. He gave up every time he got the final card. This was the case every time.
Rhodes had nothing to say, and he hadn't even bet. Chen Ze gave up. Already. At
this moment, Roddu was completely anxious and got angry: "You guys, it's too bad
for you to play like this." Not only Roddu, the surrounding audience, but also the
gambling masters who are watching all around. They all shouted loudly, and they
were very dissatisfied with Chen Ze's turtle play, which relied on the gaming
table: "I trust, where did this Chen Ze come from? Are you ready to play? How can
there be such a card, isn't this a waste of time? "" That is, it is really
shameless. If you do n’t play, and you are afraid of Rhodes, you can just give up
the game. What is better? "" Shameless, it is too much Shameless, this way of
playing is really shameless. "" It's really shameless, there is a kind of decisive
battle with Rhodes like a man. "Everyone yelled, especially those gambling masters
who participated in the game. They are numbered one by one. The shameless sound is
very loud. Suddenly, throughout the casino, there was actually condemnation of Chen
Ze. Finally, Chen Ze seemed to be irritated by everyone and couldn't help it. He
said loudly: "Decisive battle, decisive battle, 50,000!" Another round of cards had
just been dealt, and Chen Ze actually threw 50,000 directly. City dwellers

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Chapter FTLS 193: illusion

readx (); "Five thousand ...".

Chen Ze spoke, he seemed to be provoked by everyone's words at the scene, and threw
50,000 chips directly.

Seeing this action by Chen Ze, the onlookers at the scene were stunned, and each
other did not expect that Chen Ze would be so impulsive, just like a shrinking
turtle, now he suddenly threw 50,000. Come down.

For a moment, the scene quieted down and no one spoke.

"It's too impulsive. This Chen Ze is really impulsive. He was actually taken by
"Yeah, I guess that the reason why Chen Ze just did that kind of shrinking tortoise
is to find the flaws of Rhodes. There is no chance to come back. Although I don't
think that Chen Ze can find that opportunity, but Now being so irritated by the
audience, throwing down fifty thousand in one breath, as if trying to fight Rodeo.
This is simply the most wrong way. "

就是 "That is, this game should be able to separate the winner and loser. This Chen
Ze is still too young. When I was Rhodes, I was going to lose."

"Even if we lose, we don't waste our time."

For four weeks, those gambling masters who were also going to participate in the
game opened their mouths and shook their heads, feeling that Chen Ze was totally
offended by Rhodes.

They all guessed that Rhodes had no other intention to say such things, but just
wanted to force Chen Ze to fight against him. The words of the audience around him
were just led by Rhodes.

The most important thing to do at this time is to stabilize, don't fight with
Rhodes, don't be fooled by him.

The gambling masters around me felt that if they changed to themselves, this time
they would definitely not fight against Rhodes, so the winning rate is very low.

But this Chen Ze was so stupid that he was deceived and wanted to fight against

Everyone knows this moment, and the game will end after this game. And surely, the
winner will be Rhodes.

They all headed towards Chen Ze, and now the urge on Chen Ze's face shook his head
one after another: "Finally, it's just to make up the numbers, and we can only
reach this step."

To the side, when he heard Chen Ze's words, Ze directly threw 50,000 to the
gambling table, and Jiang Haitang also thought with everyone: "Oops, Chen Ze was
fooled, and Rhodes was fooled."

She lingered in her heart, knowing that she was finished now.

"Hahaha, well, this is the man, this is the way we men should have gambling."

At the gambling table, Rhodes laughed and praised Chen Ze, but in fact he was very
happy and despised Chen Ze. He knew that Chen Ze had been fooled by him this time.
dudu1 ();

"I also have fifty thousand." Roddu said, smiling.

He said, the female dealer nodded, and began to play this round of cards for Chen
Ze and Rhodes. First two, one bright and one dark.

泽 Chen Ze's bright card is plum 9 and his hole card is red peach k. Rhodes's open
card is spades 8 and his hole card is 1o.

Chen Ze has a big name card, and Chen Ze should speak.

"Come 50,000 more." Chen Ze said, seemingly totally unable to control himself, and
threw 50,000 directly to the table.

After seeing Chen Ze's 50,000, Roddu's smile is even brighter. After confirming
this game, he will win this first game.

"What's the meaning of 50,000, 80,000?" Rhodes said, referring to 80,000 chips.

"80,000, 80,000."

"Rhodo has reached 80,000, and this game is likely to end in the first game."

就是 "That is, 80,000 suddenly, Rhodes is really ready to decisive battle. As long
as that Chen Ze followed, then this game must be a decisive game."

After seeing Rhodes driving to 80,000, everyone spoke one after another, knowing
that if Chen Ze followed, this first game would end in this round.

"Stabilize Chen Ze, don't fight so fast in this round." Jiang Haitang thought to
herself, praying for Chen Ze, she did not want Chen Ze to fight Rhodes so soon.

Soon, the female dealer had a third card. In the third, Chen Ze is at block 7 and
Rhodes is at block 4.

"80,000, I followed." Chen Ze said, instead of following Jiang Haitang's thoughts,

he directly followed, and it seemed that he did intend to fight Rodeo in this


Seeing Chen Ze's actions, Jiang Haitang secretly shouted that she really planned to
fight Rodeo in this round. And she also knows that like this decisive battle, the
concept of Chen Ze's victory will not exceed 5% at present.

In other words, Chen Ze has lost.

Therefore Jiang Haitang was very anxious and wanted to make eye contact with Chen
Ze so that he should not be so impulsive, but Chen Ze seemed to have lost his mind.
dudu2 ();

"Okay, two people are really going to fight in this round. Good, good, really

"Just in this round of decisive battles, lest it will be a long time. Anyway, Chen
Ze is not Rhodes's opponent. An early decisive battle can be considered to save
everyone's time."

"I got so many chips at once and it was exciting. This round was really exciting."

The actions of Takizawa made everyone speak, and they were all glad that Chen Ze
planned to fight against Rhodes. However, they also knew that Chen Ze couldn't win
this. He did so only to take his own course.

"Good spirit, I'm 100,000."

At this moment, Roddu laughed on the gaming table and said he threw 100,000 down.
He's never been as happy as he is now. Facing Chen Ze, he was really stupid, and he
really hit his plan. This made him happy. He also felt that Chen Ze was totally
unsuccessful. In this way, the two sentences actually completely lost his mind.
In his heart, he shook his head at Chen Ze, and utterly despised Chen Ze.

The female dealer then had the fourth card, the fourth card, Chen Ze was a plum 6
and Rhodes was a red peach 7.

Then came the fifth card, the fifth card, Chen Ze was a **** 3, and Rhodes was a
square 5.

At this time, Chen Ze seemed completely impatient, lost all his patience, and
pushed all the chips directly to the gaming table: "I stud."

I saw Chen Ze's actions. Although everyone had already expected, Chen Ze and Rhodes
might be decisive in this round. However, he did not expect Chen Ze to stud, and
pushed all the chips out in one breath, leaving him no escape route at all.

If this game fails, then Chen Zeke is really out.

"Impulsive, impulsive."

At this moment, people all around the world have such thoughts. Everyone thinks
that Chen Ze doesn't seem to be gambling at all, so playing is really immature.

General gambling masters will not stud this way unless they think their strength is
absolutely overwhelmed by their opponents. This stud is almost an act of breaking
the boat. If it fails, the consequences will be lost.

So everyone was a bit shocked, and never thought that Chen Ze would dare to do so.

Although Chen Ze's current card is indeed higher than Rhodes on the Ming surface,
but there is still no hole cards, and everyone knows that Rhodes will steal the
card. Rhodes changed their cards, so Chen Zeke lost.

In this case, they actually dare stud, everyone thinks that Chen Ze is crazy. dudu3

Suddenly, when Rhodes saw Chen Ze stud, he felt a joy, and quickly used the card
swap technique to quietly exchange his and Chen Ze's hole cards.

After he changed cards, it turned out that Chen Ze's hole card turned out to be k,
which was bigger than him.

难 "No wonder dare stud, it turned out that the cards are really bigger than mine.
But unfortunately, you are losing." Roddu laughed. He Chen Ze, now Chen Ze did not
react at all, it seems that he didn't know that he had changed his hole cards.

The people around him also noticed the look on Roddu's face at this time. This
smile, this proud smile, was exactly the same as when he changed Chen Ze's card.

"Rhodo is that kind of smile again, he is sure he won."

是 "Yeah, Rhodes has won."

"Sure enough, it's really a number, it's not Rhodes' opponent at all."

Everyone started talking and talked about Rhodesian's expression. Everyone

confirmed one thing. After this game was over, Rhodesian won.

When I heard them, Jiang Haitang looked pale: "We, did you lose?"
"Haha, stupid, even dare to stud at this time, really not afraid of death." At this
time, Rhodes laughed loudly, "I and you, let you call the real gambling."

Rhodes laughed and said that he suddenly pushed out the chips in front of him, and
he studded.

He said, he flipped his hole card, or Chen Ze's hole card: "I won this game."

"Rhododu remakes this side ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ with a hole of 1o, plus his cards
of spades 8, boxes 4, hearts 7, and boxes 5. In the end, it starts with box 1o.
Scatter. "The female dealer spoke, announcing Rhodes's card.

When I heard the female dealer's words, the smile on Roddu's face solidified on his
face: "What, the hole card is 1o, this, how is this possible? I know it, I know

Roddu was stunned. He remembered that he had just exchanged Chen Ze's card. The
hole card should be the red card. Why, how could it be his own block 1o.

"You obviously, what are you obviously?" At this moment, Chen Ze also stood up and
smiled, "Do you want to say that you have changed my hole cards?"

说 As he said, Chen Ze turned over his hole cards, which was just the red peach k
just replaced by Rhodes.

开口 He spoke, condescending virtue, with a mockery on his face: "When did you have
the illusion that you can change my card?" (To be continued.) Announcement: APP is
online, supports Android, Apple. Please pay attention to WeChat public account to
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Chapter FTLS 194: Why did you win

"When did you get the illusion that you can exchange my cards?" Chen Zeju bowed, De
Du laughed. . .

At the scene, everyone was stunned.

Originally, they all thought that Rhodes was won. Chen Ze could not escape Rhodes's
card change, but because of Rhodes' stimulus, he directly studed, and Rhodes
revealed that This confident look, all these things make everyone believe that the
person who wins in the end must be Rhodes.

But now everyone has never expected that Rhodes is just a set of cards that start
with 1o, and Chen Zeguang's hole card is k, which is enough to beat Rhodes.

Everyone was stunned and had no idea that the biggest and last game of this bet
would end up like this.

这 "This, how is this, how is this possible. Rhodes, did Rhodes lose him?"

"How is it possible that Roddu's hole card is only 1o, and Chen Ze's hole card
turns out to be k. Doesn't Roddu change cards?"

"What happened? It ’s impossible. The opposite is just a number of Chen Ze. It ’s

impossible that Roddu will not succeed in changing cards, but if it succeeds, how
can it happen?"

"Here, this, what is going on? How could Rhodes have worse cards than Chen Ze? This
is the decisive game."

Everyone started talking, shaking their heads unbelievably.

Especially those gambling experts who watched in the audience, the expressions on
their faces seem to be something totally incredible.

These people are the most aware of Rhodes's gambling. They also know that Rhodes
will never fail in this case, especially only facing a person like Chen Ze who
makes up the numbers.

现在 But now, Rhodes has actually failed!

This is too hard for them to believe. They shook their heads one by one, feeling as
if they were dreaming. This round has caused too much impact on their cognition.

On the gambling table, on the opposite side of Chen Ze, Roddu's expression on his
face was ten times stronger than that of other people. He had been staring at his
1o card and couldn't believe it would be him. Hole card.

"Impossible, this is impossible. What the **** happened? I obviously, I have

obviously changed his hole cards, how could it be my own hole cards again? What is
going on here? What is going on? "

Rhodes murmured, looking pale.

"It's very simple." At this time, Chen Ze spoke, attracting the attention of Roddu,
and also attracting the attention of all the people. "You thought you changed to my
card, Rhodes, you think you just bet on that. Is it really possible to change my
cards? I changed it intentionally for you from the beginning. The Turtle play in
the back just reduces your vigilance. The purpose is to the last game. The last
game , You thought you changed to my card, in fact, I intentionally let you change
over, and then I changed back, otherwise you think you can really change to my card
with your two hits? "

Chen Ze smiled, he was in a good mood at the moment. Actually from the first game,
he gave Rhodes a set.

In the first game, he noticed Roddu's card swap, and he could directly interrupt.
But Chen Ze didn't. He just wanted to reduce Rodeo's vigilance, so that Rodeo could
play a stud with him like this, so he deliberately showed weakness. The turtle game
was also used deliberately in the end, and the final game also seemed to be
deliberate. The words of Rhodes and the other audiences on the scene were

Because in the data last night, although Chen Zexian Rhodes was an arrogant person,
he played very cautiously in the gambling arena. He would not attack easily when he
did not win, so he played cards with him. The hands are often very long.

Therefore, in response to his character, Chen Ze formulated the performance in

today's gamble.

Otherwise, although Rhodes ’s stealing is powerful, Chen Ze knows that his ability
to gamble with God ’s hand, a little Rhodes ’card swap, is simply incomparable to

Therefore, at the end of this round, Chen Ze asked Roddu to swap the cards, and
then, without even knowing him, swap the cards back.
In order to do that, it is to solve Rhodes in this round.

Now, everything is the same as Chen Ze thought, so he feels very good at the

"This, how is this possible. You guys, you mean that you were putting water in the
front. In fact, my card swap is useless to you at all, you can interrupt it
casually, even directly from me. Is the card swapped back? "

I heard Chen Ze's words, Rhodes said, still looks unbelievable.

In his mind, Chen Ze was just a person who made up numbers. How could it be, how
could gambling be so powerful?

The audience around was excited and incredible after hearing Chen Ze's words:

这 "This, does Chen Ze mean that Rhodes's card swap is nothing at all? How is this
possible? Rhodes's card swap is the top in the world, how could it be so bad."

"Chen Ze means that Rhodes has been in his calculations since the beginning. If
this is the case, then this person is terrible. Who is this Chen Ze? Where did it
come from? It will be so strong that even Roddu's card swap is not his opponent. "

"This Chen Ze even changed his hole card from Rhodes without knowing it, and stole
it again from God's steal. Is Chen Ze even better than Rhodes? "

"Oh my God, this Chen Ze is too strong, it is too strong."

Among the spectators watching around, everyone whispered. The audience was excited,
but Chen Ze actually counterattacked and defeated Rhodes.

And those gambling masters, one by one, are horrified, horrified by Chen Ze's
gambling. They used to be completely Chen Ze, and they all thought that Chen Ze had
come to make up the numbers.

But this number is even, in the field that Roddu is best at, he beat him ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ and also set up a set for Roddu to drill from the beginning.

With this gambling, this method, everyone feels their necks are cold, it is really
terrifying. They all have extremely complex eyes, Chen Ze, and there are surprises
in their eyes, and more of them are fear, fear of position masters.

Suddenly, Chen Ze changed from a number to a deadly enemy in the hearts of these

"This, how is this possible, how can he defeat me, impossible. I am the thirteenth
in the world, but I am a thief. He Chen Ze, he Chen Ze is just a number, how could
he be my opponent." This At that time, Roddu was still mumbling to himself, he
still couldn't believe these things.

"He certainly has the ability to defeat you." At this moment, a voice came from the
auditorium, and a man said, "I can't win him, why can you win."

Hearing these words, everyone went.

I saw a young blond man standing in the audience, turned out to be the gambler,
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Chapter FTLS 195: Shake Las Vegas (on)
Kelzer stood in the crowd and said with a slight smile on his face.

I heard him, everyone looked at him. After many people heard him, they thought
about who they were, and who dare to say such a big word.

He said that he could not win anything, and why Rhodestine won.

This is Rhodes, what else do I need to win?

But after looking at it, everyone was stunned. Kelzer wore a baseball cap. Everyone
hadn't noticed it before, but everyone noticed it at this moment, and they were all

"K, Kelzer, it's Gambler Kelzer."

"My God, how could it be him, Gambler Kelzer, when he came, he was watching this

"What did he just say? You can't win Chen Ze yourself? How is this possible?"

"My God, this is Gambler Kelzer. I heard him right, did he hear that he would not
win Chen Ze? What the **** is this?"

The frypots are on the spot. It doesn't matter how high Kelzer's popularity is, and
he now says that even he can't win Chen Ze. He is a gambler, but Kelzer, who has
never lost Kel Ze.

He said that even he couldn't win Chen Ze, this, how is this possible!

At this moment, everyone looked at Chen Ze again. If the audience was just excited
before a dark horse appeared, Chen Ze defeated Roddu. At this moment, it was
shocking, not only shocking, but also extremely unbelievable, and there was an
unprecedented interest in Chen Ze.

It turned out that the yellow race had a relationship with Kelzer!

It turned out that the original Chen Ze even said that Kelzer couldn't win him!

This Chen Ze, this Chen Ze is really amazing!

The audience at the site was already excited like this. Those gambling experts who
had been ridiculing Chen Ze before in the audience were even more shocked.

Themselves, after seeing that Chen Ze beat Rhodes on one of Roddu's best gambling
skills, they were already extremely horrified, and did not expect that Chen Ze
would be so strong.

现在 Now I see that even Kelzer has stood up and said that even he can't win Chen
Ze himself, which makes these gambling experts even more horrified.

They all trembled and looked at Chen Ze with a look of fear in their eyes:

这 "Here, even Kelzer can't win him, this guy, is this guy so strong?"

"My God, even before he said that he made up numbers, how can he make up such a
powerful number. But even Kelzer, Kelzer said that he can't win."
"This guy, it turned out to be so strong, how could this be possible!"

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't say anything for a while. It's just that
they regret their previous actions and regretted that they had mocked Chen Ze.

If I met him in this way, I'm afraid it will be very miserable, very miserable.

And the shock on Jiang Haitang's face was no better than them. After seeing that
Chen Ze had beaten Rodeo before, her face was already full of joy and shock, and
joy Chen Ze even won Rhodes. , Shocked Chen Ze even won Rhodes.

But always, Jiang Haitang still thinks this is not completely impossible. After
all, she has also seen Chen Ze's game before. Defeating Rhodes is not without

现在 Now, after hearing Kelzer's words, Jiang Haitang's face appeared as if he had
seen something incredible that was absolutely impossible.

克 "K, Kerzer said that even he can't win Chen Ze. Is Mr. Chen so strong?"

海 Jiang Haitang thought to herself that although she felt in her mind that she had
greatly increased her expectations of Chen Ze's gambling. But at this moment she
knew that she still greatly underestimated Chen Ze.

Even Kelzer said that he could not win Chen Ze, but Kelzer never talked big words,
and there was no need to say big words and false words on it.

也就是说 This means that Kerzer really played against Chen Ze and did not win.

Chen Ze, he reached the level of Kelzer!

Thought of this, Jiang Haitang looked at Chen Ze, his eyes exulting.

如果 "If this is the case, then at least, at least Mr. Chen he entered the third
day, it should be, there is no problem."

知道 She knows that she invited Chen Ze to participate in this competition, and she
was a bet!

At the gambling table, when he saw what Kelzer was saying, after hearing Kelzer's
words, Roddu was completely stuck in place.

He could not believe that he would lose to Chen Ze, to such a person in Macau who
had made up the numbers.

现在 But now, Kelzer said such a thing. That is to say, this so-called Chen Ze is
actually a master of Krze level.

I realized this, Roddu was stunned, and he knew exactly what kind of opponent he
was facing.

He recalled Chen Ze's words before, looked down on Chen Ze, set Chen Ze as a
number, even until just now, and thought that he could kill Chen Ze in a second.

All of these actions were taken for granted before, and at the moment he feels
ridiculous, very ridiculous.

If the opposite Chen Ze is really a level with Kelzer, then everything before
Rhodes is a clown, just a shame clown everywhere.

Thinking of this, Roddu shivered, regretted it, and finally said, "I, I lost."

And after hearing Rhodes ’words, the female dealer reacted to it ~ www.mtlnovel.com
~ She was also suddenly appeared by Krze before, and she was stunned by the words
she said:" According to the rules, the winner of this game is the representative
from Macau, Chen Ze, who will enter the next game. Rodeo from the Philippines,
eliminated. "

The maidservant spoke and announced the result.

If at other times, Rodeo, a seed player who can at least enter the third day, was
eliminated in the first game of the first day, it would have caused a big wave in
the audience.

But at the moment, everyone feels right.

I'm kidding, but the opponent is a person who even Kelzer can't win, a Rhodes, why
can he win!


There was applause and cheers at the scene, all for Chen Ze.

However, at this moment, Chen Ze was very surprised, not surprised that he had won
by himself, but surprised. The person who played against him that day was Kelzer.

He stepped off the gaming table and looked at Kelzer: "Unexpectedly, you are

"It's me." Kelzer smiled. "Chen Ze, congratulations on winning the first game. I
hope you can win until you meet with me, so that we can win the game on that day."

"Of course, I will never lose until I meet with you." Chen Ze said, facing the
gambler Kelzer, he smiled, "And even if it is against you, the winner It will be
me. "

Chapter FTLS 196: Shake Las Vegas (middle)

而且 "And even if it is against you, the winner will be me."

Chen Ze opened his mouth, even if he was facing the gambler Kelzer, he still said
very confidently.

自信 This confidence is not because of anything else, but because of the system.

Rhodes is already very strong, but after Chen Ze confronted him, he found that
Rhodes was far from his opponent. Therefore, although there are still several
gambling gods' skills that have not yet been drawn, Chen Ze already has the
confidence to face Kelzer and win.

When I heard Chen Ze's words, Kelzer smiled: "I will look forward to it, but the
winner will still be me."

He said, Kelzer turned and walked out, he was originally tomorrow's game, so today
was not intended to come.
However, he was a little curious about what the opponent's level will look like
this time, so he came here. I didn't expect to see Chen Ze who played against him
at once, so he immediately stood in the crowd and wanted to see Chen Ze's game.

Although Chen Ze's opponent saw that he was Rhodes, Krze knew that Chen Ze, who
could be tied with himself, could not lose to Rhodes.

The final result was as expected, and Chen Ze easily defeated Rhodes. Even before
Chen Ze defeated Rhodes, Kelzer guessed Chen Ze's idea and knew that Rhodes had
completely fallen into Chen Ze's suit.

I also because of this, when he heard that Roddu was still shocked there, and
couldn't believe it, he couldn't help but said. Tell Rhodes, and tell everyone that
Chen Ze and they are not at all a level. This is no surprise at all.

Looking at Kelzer's back, Chen Ze murmured with a smile: "I believe it must be me."

恭 "Congratulations, Chen Ze, congratulations on your victory in this competition."

"Hello Chen Ze, can you take a photo with me? You are so great, I will be your fan
in the future."

还有 "And me, I will also be your **** fan in the future, you can even let Kelzer
admit that he can't win you, you are really great."

恭 "Congratulations, Chen Ze, I want to be your fan too, I want your signature."

At this moment, the voices of chaos around came up.

Chen Ze looked towards the audience, even in all directions. They all turned
around, looking at Chen Ze with a look of extreme excitement and worship on their

After hearing Kelzer's words before, they already worshiped Chen Ze very much. But
just after hearing the conversation between Kerzer and Chen Ze, everyone admired
Chen Ze more.

Because everyone knows that Kelzer is actually a very proud person in the heart, if
he is not recognized for his strength, he will not talk to other people.

克 Kerze just said so much to Chen Ze, and more importantly, the tone is equal.

In other words, everything that Kelzer said is true. He really thinks that Chen Ze
and him are one level from the heart.

Therefore, everyone couldn't help but be extremely excited. After Kelzer left, all
of them quickly surrounded him, wanted Chen Ze's signature and photo, and he was
still a fan of Chen Ze.

Suddenly, the on-site casino was lively and noisy, of course, it was also noisy.

Moreover, not only ordinary audiences, but even Jiang Haitang and those who have
looked down on Chen Ze before and thought that Chen Ze was just a few gambling
masters also came to Chen Ze.

"Congratulations, Chen Ze." Jiang Haitang said, extremely happy.

"Congratulations, Miss Jiang, congratulations that you did not find the wrong
person, I was eliminated in the first game." Chen Ze smiled.
I heard Chen Ze's words, Jiang Haitang smiled with a pout, she was really very

刚刚 She just prepared to say something to Chen Ze again, and saw that Chen Ze was
surrounded by those gambling masters:

"Congratulations, Chen Ze from Macau, I want to apologize to you for my previous

remarks. I can beat Roddu, and even Kelzer can't win you. You are definitely not a
number, your strength is definitely the world. At the forefront. "

"Congratulations to Chen Ze. I, too, apologize to you."

"Hello Chen Ze, so do I, I hope you can forgive me."

These gambling masters scrambled to say to Chen Ze, apologize to Chen Ze.

This is actually not that they suddenly discovered their conscience, but that Chen
Ze's strength conquered them.

People who even Kelzer recognized, they naturally knew that they were definitely
not qualified to say Chen Ze.

And they also know that although they did not know Chen Ze in the past, since
Kelzer said so, then Chen Ze must occupy a very important position in the world
gambling world, so they all want to establish a relationship with Chen Ze in
advance. At least it will not worsen the relationship with Chen Ze because of these
previous statements.

The most realistic thing is that if Chen Ze meets this game, he will not be abused
by Chen Ze because of his speech. After all, this is a game in front of so many

Therefore, everyone said one after another and apologized to Chen Ze. And it seemed
that he was afraid that Chen Ze would not accept their apology, and said one after
another, some also said that he would give Chen Ze a gift.

Chen Ze didn't expect that such a thing would happen. All of a sudden he was
confused by them. They didn't know how to deal with it.

And just when Chen Ze became his biggest hot character in the casino, both Gao Yi
and Gao Li brothers also ended their game. They both won the first game and headed
towards the casino where Chen Ze was located. Come over ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~
Brother, what do you think of the match in Chen Ze? Asked his brother Gaoli.

"It goes without saying that his opponent, Rhodes, must have lost, and it must have
been a fiasco. We are right now to see how he failed, and let Miss Jiang know by
the way, only by relying on our two brothers. Able to score in this game. "

"Haha, that's it, let's go and have a look. Hurry up, Chen Ze must have been a
fierce defeat and accelerated defeat. In case we go a little late, I am afraid I
will not see Chen Ze's look . "

The two brothers said, talking about the accelerated pace, they walked to the
casino where Chen Ze was.

"How's it going?"

As soon as he entered, they both spoke, and then saw that the game on the table was
over. Rhodes is unknown, and Chen Ze is surrounded by a group of people.

Seeing the casino look like this, the two brothers knew the game was over. The two
looked at each other, then squeezed into the position where Chen Ze was, and then
said aloud, "How about Chen Ze, you lost, and it was a terrible defeat. Hahaha, now
I know you and us The gap between these world-class gambling masters. Just you, it
is not our opponents at this level. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the two realized something was wrong.

Hagi's original lively casino was quiet all of a sudden. Everyone looked at their
brothers and looked at them with a mentally handicapped look.

Chapter FTLS 197: Shake Las Vegas (below)


When the brothers Gao Yigao and Li found that everyone around them looked at them,
they muttered. They have a feeling, why they seem to be two fools in their eyes.

They saw a lot of gambling masters around Chen Ze. They thought their opening would
cause everyone's approval, and even satirize Chen Ze together.

I didn't expect it to be the case.

I was most annoyed by them. They saw Chen Zezheng look at them with a mocking look,
which made them very angry, but they faintly felt that they had made a mistake.

"Did Chen Ze win the game? Impossible, but Rhodes, the opponent, how can Chen Ze

The two thought to themselves that they had no idea what was going on.

"I said two, you guys don't know what happened."

At this moment, a gambling expert opened his mouth to the two Gao brothers.

"Fa, what happened?" The two brothers said together.

"Win, Chen Ze, no, it is Mr. Chen. He won. He defeated that Rhodes, and he easily
defeated that Rhodes." The man continued.


Hearing his words, the Gao brothers were shocked and couldn't believe their ears at

Chen, Mr. Chen?

He still won?

Hey, and easily beat that Rhodes?

how can that be!

The two of them were about to question a few words, and suddenly they were noisy
all around:

"I said that Mr. Chen would definitely win, and I guessed beforehand that although
Rodeo is powerful, it is definitely not Mr. Chen's opponent."
"I think so, too, that Rhodes is a thief in front of us, and nothing at all in
front of Mr. Chen."

"Mr. Chen, I look forward to your next fight with Kelzer."

Many people said that not only are gambling masters, many audiences looked at Chen
Ze with admiration, many of them desperately bragging about Chen Ze.

Hearing them, the two Gao brothers were completely aggressive and their brains were
in a state of power failure.

They still remember that before Chen Ze came out of the lottery, everyone was
ridiculed. Why, how did it suddenly become like this? So many people tout him and
still play against Kelzer again?

Hey, what happened?

"The two don't know what happened, I'll tell the two."

At this time, Jiang Haitang came to the two of them and told the Gao brothers what
had just happened.

"That's it. It seems that Mr. Chen has fought with Kelzer before. Although I don't
know when it is, it seems that Kelzer also recognized Mr. Chen's strength. And
according to himself, in that bet, He did not win Mr. Chen. "Jiang Haitang said.

When I heard what Jiang Haitang said, this Gao Yigaoli was completely stupid.

Chen Ze? Did he easily beat Rhodes? Have you ever gambled with Kelzer, but Kelzer
hasn't won him?

This, how is this possible, how is this possible that Chen Ze can do.

Both of them are stupid, completely stupid.

On the other side, except that Gao Yi and Gao Li's two brothers were stupid, Chen
Ze defeated Rhodes, and Kelzer personally admitted that he could not win Chen Ze.
The news immediately passed from the casino where Chen Ze was located. Spread it.

It's spread not only at the casino in Berg, but also throughout Las Vegas.

"Have you heard? I heard that Chen Ze beat Rhodes, and Gambler Kelzer said on the
scene that he could not win Chen Ze."

"Big news, that representative of Macau is Chen Ze. He even defeated Rhodes, the
thirteenth-ranked **** who stole Rhodes. He even once gambled with Kelzer Kelzer.
Erze did not win him. "

"Breaking news, that Chen Ze even said that Kelzer couldn't win him. He even easily
won Rhodes, where can he make up the numbers?"

The news spread very fast, and it didn't take long. The whole Las Vegas, from
casinos to tourists, to ordinary people, almost all knew the news. After hearing
this news, everyone was shocked.

Ordinary tourists are okay. They just come to Las Vegas for tourism. They have no
concept of Kelzer and Rhodes. They just know that a representative of Macau, China
won a gambling game.
The people in the casino, the gambling masters who participated in this game, and
the local residents who understand gambling, were completely shocked:

这 "This, how is this possible. That Chen Ze, that Chen Ze won Rhodes? Not even
Kelzer said he could not win him? How is this possible."

"My God, is it true? Doesn't it all say that Chen Ze was just made up by Macao to
make up a number? A person making up a number is so strong? Impossible."

"I can't believe it, it's hard to imagine, this, this, how is it possible. Just
defeating Rhodes, even Kelzer said that? How is this possible, that's the gambler."

These people said one after another, the first moment when they heard the news,
they couldn't believe it. After confirming the news, they were really stunned one
by one. They did not expect that they thought it was a number, and there was no
threat at all. Chen Ze, which was nothing at all, would be so powerful.

查 "Check, find out exactly where this Chen Ze came from? And when did he and
Kelzer gamble ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ what exactly do they gamble? These must be

After receiving this news, countless casinos, as well as casino representatives

from all over the world who came to participate in this World Gambler Contest, all
reacted and immediately prepared to investigate Chen Ze's background.

虽然 Although there are many players in this competition, they can actually predict
how the whole competition will be, which players will enter the quarterfinals,
which players will enter the semifinals, and who can compete with Kelzer.

These are what they expected, but now suddenly came out a Chen Ze, even a person
who Kelzer said that he could not win.

This is completely a super dark horse, and it is likely to completely disrupt the
forecast and planning of these casinos. Therefore, they are only doing one thing
now, which is to figure out the background of Chen Ze and what happened to the game
betting with Kelzer.

I then aimed at Chen Ze and thought of other ways.

After all the people in these casinos were busy, Chen Ze also continued the first
day of the game.

In addition to the match with Roddu on the first day, Chen Ze has to play several
games, and the content of the game is also different.

However, unlike Rhodes, the next game was very easy. The opponents were not strong.
In addition, I just heard about Chen Ze, and I was very afraid of Chen Ze, so they
all played abnormally.

In this way, Chen Ze easily entered the game the next day.

Chapter FTLS 198: Gao Brothers flutter street

"Three k, the winner of this game is Chen Ze, a representative from Macau, China ..
As a result, he also officially entered the second day of the game."

At a gamble in Bisberg, the dealer spoke and raised his hand to announce Chen Ze's
After the gambling with Rhodes, Chen Ze went through several gambling games again.
Of course, the opponents of these gambling games are not as difficult as Roddu's,
so Chen Ze defeated them like chopping melon and vegetables, officially ending his
first day of the game and entering the second day.


Along with the dealer's words, there was applause around, and the audience
applauded Chen Ze.

In addition, everyone whispered:

"What a terrific thing, it is indeed that Kelzer himself admits that he can't win,
it is too great."

"Yeah, but where did this Chen Ze come from? It might be a little bit worse."

"Enough to compete with Kelzer, I'm good, he is the biggest dark horse in this

开口 They spoke, one by one with admiration and wonder.

泽 Chen Ze is okay. After winning this game, he nodded toward the people around
him, and then walked towards the gambling game on the other floor.

Gao Yi's bet on the other baby floor was Gao Yi. In this scene, Chen Ze heard Jiang
Haitang said that Gao Yi's opponent was very powerful, so she watched the battle in
person there and cheered Gao Yi.

Therefore, Chen Ze also walked over. Although he had conflicts with his brothers
Gao Yi, Chen Ze didn't bother to cheer them up. However, after all, he is still a
team, so Chen Ze wants to know what the end of this game will look like.

"My God, is the representative of that Macao, Chen Ze."

"Yeah, yeah, it's him, I heard that even Kelzer couldn't win him, it was amazing."

"Extremely, this Chen Ze, maybe the final matchup in this game is between him and

"It is indeed possible, but there are many other masters, not necessarily, after
all, gambling is not known at the last minute, and you will never know the

Chen Ze walked towards Gao Yi and where Jiang Haitang was. After the people around
the road, they spoke in surprise and said.

After the morning match with Rhodes, after Kelzer appeared, Chen Ze was already
well-known and everyone knew him.

This has increased Chen Ze's popularity, but it is not without its drawbacks.

At this moment, after hearing about Chen Ze, many gambling masters took a sigh of
relief and wanted to win the people who even Kelzer could not admit.

I can say that, Chen Ze has suddenly become the target of other gambling masters,
one by one wants to defeat him.

For this situation, Chen Ze was not very comfortable at first, but now he is almost
used to it. He ignored the conversation around him and walked towards the place
where Jiang Haitang was.

As soon as I walked to the casino where Gao Yi and Jiang Haitang were located, the
audience was immediately full of enthusiasm. Obviously, the attention of the
audience here was not much less than that of Chen Ze.

Around Chen Zechao, Jiang Haitang's position, then squeezed to her side: "Miss

"Mr. Chen, you are here." After meeting Chen Ze, Jiang Haitang greeted.

"How is the gambling situation now?" Chen Ze asked.

"Gaoyi's opponent is very strong, very strong. In this game, I worry about danger."
Jiang Haitang started, with a worried expression on his face, apparently she had no
prospects for Gao Yi.

"Is it so bad?"

泽 Chen Ze murmured to himself, he hurried to the gambling table, there are two
people sitting directly on the gambling table, one is Gao Yi, the other is a
Japanese man in a kimono, about 40 years old.

There is a dice cup in front of both of them. Obviously they bet the dice.

At that moment, the Japanese man was not panic-stricken, very calm, and looked like
he was in his chest.

Gao Yi was sweating all over, and his hands holding the dice cup were shaking
slightly. Obviously, his current situation is really not very good.

Although Chen Ze did not like it, he even hated Gao Yi, and even thought that if he
could meet him in the game, he would defeat him personally.

But Chen Ze still knows that Gao Yi's gambling skills are very powerful. He and his
brother Gaoli are almost the top ten gambling experts in the gambling industry,
which can be said to be prestigious.

Chen Ze estimates that even if he encounters Gao Yi, it is not a very easy thing to
solve him.

Therefore, Chen Ze never thought that Gao Yi would show such an embarrassing state
at this moment. As he is now, Chen Ze seems to have been thoroughly grasped by the
Japanese man across from him. In this state, it is impossible to defeat the
opposite Japanese man.

"Miss Jiang, who is that Japanese man?" Chen Ze said.

"The man's name is Itakura Ichiro, a Japanese gambling master." Jiang Haitang
started, his face a little bit difficult. "His world ranking is the fourth in the
world, and his best item is the dice. If you talk about light For the dice, I am
afraid that Kelzer may not be his opponent. "

第四 Fourth in the world? What's the best at dice?

Chen Ze was shocked, and now he understood why Jiang Haitang was a little scared
from the beginning, and at this moment Gao Yi revealed the reason for such an
第四 The fourth-ranked master in the world compares with his best dice.

Then Gao Yi is in such a predicament at this moment and can understand.

"Miss Jiang, the game is not over yet, you do n’t have to worry about it so much.
Although this Japanese ranks higher than Gao Yi, everything on the gambling table
is not necessarily. It is not uncommon for a subordinate to beat a superior.
Things. I don't even have a world ranking, do I also win Rhodes? 'Chen Ze spoke,
comforting Jiang Haitang.

He bet on Gao Yi on the table. At this moment Gao Yi's face was pale. All the three
spirits most needed for UU reading www.uukanshu.com gambling have all disappeared.
In this state, such a master must be lost. deal.

Even so, Chen Ze spoke to comfort Jiang Haitang.

"I hope so." Jiang Haitang also seemed to expect the result of this match, and
barely revealed a smile. "But thank you, Mr. Chen, and Gaoli. Gaoli's opponent is
not strong, I think his gamble. No problem. "

"Boom, it's upset, the representative from Macao, the world's eleventh highest
ranked loser, lost to a player from Africa, that player ranked fifty-third in the

At this time, a sudden news came.

Hearing this news, Jiang Haitang hesitated: "Gao, Gao Li, why did he lose?"

"On, Gao Yi four or five five, Itakura Ichiro six six five, the winner of this game
is Japan's representative Itakura Ichiro."

At this time, Gao Yi's gambling game also had final news. The dealer spoke and
announced the final result.

This game, Gao Yi also lost, lost to Itakura Ichiro.

When I heard the news, Jiang Haitang was completely choked.

Chen Ze hastened this gambling game, and saw Gao Yi sitting on his place with a
sullen face.

The first day is just the first day!

The brothers Gao, who were so desperate, went out of the streets and were

Home » Full-time Lottery System FTLS » : 199 Chen Ze Sees You


Inside the hotel, Chen Ze stood at the door of Jiang Haitang's room and knocked on
the door of Jiang Haitang's room. ..

Chen Ze did not expect that the two brothers Gao Yi and Gao Li would both be
eliminated in one day, although they were annoying to Chen Ze, and even Chen Ze had
a lot of conflict with them.

However, Chen Ze thought that with the strength of these two men, how could he
enter the second day or even the third day.
I was unexpectedly eliminated on the first day.

Gao Yi was unlucky and met a hard opponent. Gao Li encountered a dark horse and was
eliminated by someone who was not as famous as him.

This time, there were only three people in this match, and two of them were
eliminated at once. Chen Ze knew that Jiang Haitang must be hit hard, so Chen Ze
wanted to comfort her.


Chen Ze knocked on the door again, then the door was opened and Jiang Haitang came

However, different from Chen Ze's thought, Jiang Haitang's face was not lost at the
moment, but she was still in a state of vitality. On the contrary, she was wearing
a pair of **** frames and seemed to be working.

"Mr. Chen? Do you have anything?" Jiang Haitang asked after meeting Chen Ze.

说 As she said, she gave up a position and let Chen Ze come in.

那个 "Well, do you have anything to do with me, Miss Chen?" Chen Ze said. After
entering Jiang Haitang's room, the computer in his room was turned on. There was a
lot of information in the computer, obviously she was indeed working.

"I'm really worried about it. I thought the Gao brothers were eliminated on the
first day. Miss Jiang must have been hit hard in my heart. I was worried that I
came here and thought that you should cheer up so quickly."

Chen Ze laughed, he suddenly remembered that Jiang Haitang was not an ordinary
woman. She is the heir of the Macau King of Gamblers family. If this thing makes
her sad, then her heir is too bad.

Hearing Chen Ze's words, Jiang Haitang laughed: "It turns out that you care about
me, Mr. Chen, and thank you very much. Honestly, I was really hit just now at the
casino. I had high hopes for the brothers Gao, originally Counting them on at least
the third day, unexpectedly they were eliminated on the first day. "

He said, Jiang Haitang sat down in front of the computer again.

"However, things have already happened. What is to be done now is not to be hit,
but how to restore the current situation. Besides," Jiang Haitang said, looking
back, looking forward to Chen Ze, "I do n’t pay back Are you Mr. Chen? "

When I heard Jiang Haitang's words, Chen Ze wanted to speak and say something. But
at this moment, the door heard a gurgling noise, and someone was knocking on the


海 Jiang Haitang said, stood up again, and walked to the door. As soon as they
opened, the brothers Gao Yi and Gao Li were standing at the door.

"Mr. Gao, are you two, what's the matter?" Jiang Haitang began, saying that Gao Yi
and Gao Li's brothers came in.

"We are here to return something like Miss Jiang, and by the way come to say
goodbye to Miss Jiang."

Gao Yi Gaoli said at the same time, saying that they both took one thing out of
their pockets and handed it to Jiang Haitang: "This is the commission that Miss
Jiang paid us when you invited us. We thought that at least On the third day, I
received this commission, but now I was eliminated on the first day. The two of our
brothers really have no face to take the money, so I will give it back to you now.

He said, they put the check in front of Jiang Haitang.

Seeing this, Jiang Haitang hurriedly stopped their behavior: "No two are needed,
this is what I paid to your brothers on behalf of our Macau casino, no matter what
your performance is this time. As long as you two attended the competition, this It
should be yours. Although you were eliminated on the first day, you did what we
asked you to do. You should take the money. "

"No, no, we can't take this money. We were eliminated on the first day, we really
have no face to take it. If we did, we would be laughed by the entire gambling
community." Gao Yi began.

Wu Gaoli said the same, and they were reluctant to accept Jiang Haitang's money.

Seeing the behavior of the two men, Chen Ze has made some changes to the two.

Although they were arrogant and arrogant, they were also to themselves. But at
least, they can be regarded as trustworthy people. I feel like I haven't made the
promise, and I don't even want the money.

Chen Ze knew that it was at least millions of dollars.

"It happens that Chen Ze is here, and we happen to solve the problem between us at

At this moment, Gao Yi opened his mouth, Ze said.

I heard Gao Yi's words, Chen Ze was stunned, I don't know what she meant by a

"Brother, do it," Gao Yi said.

"Okay, brother, do it." Gaoli also said.

Do it?

Hearing the words of the two, Chen Ze directly hesitated. What is this? They have
won, they have lost, so are they going to fight with themselves?

泽 Chen Ze suddenly became vigilant, but immediately the vigilance was released
again, because his brothers Gao Yili and Li took shoe polish and brushes from the
bag they brought.

"You guys?" Chen Ze froze.

The two of them came to Chen Ze: "Chen Ze, we abide by your bet with you. The loser
will polish the shoes of the winner. We lost and we will polish your shoes."

He said, the two let Chen Ze sit down, and then really, using shoe polish and a
brush, brushed Chen Ze's shoes.
Leaning aside, Jiang Haitang also froze. I didn't expect that the two brothers
actually came to brush their shoes.

"Chen Ze, the two of us want to apologize to you. I thought you were just making up
the numbers, so I didn't say anything wrong to you. I didn't expect you to be so
powerful, it was the two of us who were too arrogant."

"Yes, Chen Ze, the two of our brothers want to say sorry to you. We were so bad
before. I didn't expect you to be so powerful. We really watched the sky."

The two spoke while rubbing.

Sting their words, Chen Ze completely choked.

After a short while, Chen Ze's shoes were cleaned by the two of them, very bright.

Then they packed up the shoe polish and brushes again and said to Jiang Haitang:
"Ms. Jiang, we are saying goodbye to you this time. After this battle, we know that
our brothers are sitting in the sky and watching the sky. It turned out that There
are people like Chen Ze in the world, and the gambling we were proud of before was
nothing at all. Our brothers are going to leave the United States, go to Asia, and
go to Europe to learn gambling again. "

It turned out that after this game, the two guys were so distressed that they were
ready to travel to the world, and started to learn gambling skills from different
places to really improve the two of them.

"Two." Jiang Haitang froze, wondering what to say.

Chen Ze also froze, wondering what to say.

After saying this, the two brothers looked at each other a little, then packed
their things ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and walked out the door, they were ready to go

But when they came to the door, the two turned around again, Ze: "Chen Ze, the
honor of Macau China in this game is personal. We believe that you can win. Even if
our brothers leave the United States I will also pay attention to your game, don't
let us down! "

I said, the two did not return, leaving the hotel directly, headed for the airport,
they will leave the United States overnight and start their journey.

Suddenly, after hearing the words of the two, Chen Ze responded for a long time: "I
can't think of the two Gao brothers, who are so free and easy."

He remembered the conflict with the two before, and was a little emotional.

"Mr. Chen."

At this moment, Jiang Haitang's voice came over.

Chen Ze turned to pick up Jiang Haitang and stood in front of him, and said, "This
time, we are in Macau."

He said, Jiang Haitang bowed deeply to Chen Ze.

Although Jiang Haitang is okay on the surface, actually Jiang Haitang has been
dealt a considerable blow in his heart, but all of this has been disguised by her.

At this moment, after hearing the words of the Gao brothers, Jiang Haitang finally
couldn't help but opened his mouth to Chen Zedao with a tone of help.

I heard her say, Chen Ze spoke, with a touch of confidence on her face: "That's
natural, Miss Jiang."

Chapter FTLS 200: Itakura 1ro

"Miss Jiang, what are these?"

In Jiang Haitang's room, Chen Ze looked at Jiang Haitang's computer.

He thought that the contents of this computer belonged to Jiang Haitang and the
gambling family's industry work, which were classified, so he didn't intend to peek
or have this interest.

I just glanced at it accidentally, but the content inside caught him all at once.

I saw a form displayed in the computer, with various names in the form, and what
are the world rankings behind the names, as well as things like records.

It looks like something like a questionnaire, but also a questionnaire about the

"Ao, these are my collation. The questionnaire about the contestants in this
competition contains the current world rankings of those players, as well as his
past record, and so on. I have done it before. A large number of people were
eliminated. I sorted it out again and deleted those that were eliminated. And Mr.
Chen will inform you of your opponent ’s match the next day, so I am preparing to
wait for the notice to come. Zhang Biao shows you. "Jiang Haitang began.

"So it is."

Chen Ze nodded, which was almost what he guessed.

Didi Didi!

At this time, Jiang Haitang's cell phone rang, and she quickly took it out and
looked at Chen Ze: "Mr. Chen, the battle table for the next day is out."

"Really? Who is my opponent tomorrow?"

I heard Jiang Haitang's words, Chen Ze quickly walked over and wanted to see his
opponent tomorrow.

In fact, the first day of the game is decided by lottery, but after the second day,
this is not the case. It will be allocated in the four districts of abcd, one
person will be selected to enter the third day of the game, and then two Two heads-
up, entered the final, the final day of the fourth day.

On the third day of the second day, the games were randomly assigned by the
computer, and all players were told the night before.

The information that Jiang Haitang is receiving now is Chen Zedong ’s opponent
tomorrow sent to her by the Las Vegas organizer.

"You, your opponent tomorrow is Ichiro Itakura, the representative of Japan. The
game event is the dice." Jiang Haitang said. After reading this information, she
swallowed her mouth and said.

"Itakura Ichiro?"

When I heard Jiang Haitang's words, Chen Ze was stunned. He did not expect that his
opponent tomorrow would be Itakura Ichiro.

"Is Itakura Ichiro, is that the Japanese Gao Yi lost to him?" Chen Ze asked.

"Yes." Jiang Haitang said, his face was a bit bad. "It is this Itakura Ichiro. His
current world ranking is fourth in the world. And he can even be said to be the
first in the world in his best dice."

While talking, Jiang Haitang opened this statistical table in her computer and
transferred out the information of Itakura Ichiro. I saw only a few lines behind
Itakura Ichiro: "Now ranked fourth in the world, I am still good at it Dice, dice
is the best in the world. "

I saw here, Jiang Haitang's face became worse and worse, originally this time Gao
Yi was eliminated by him.

During his elimination of Gao Yi, Jiang Haitang witnessed this Itakura Ichiro
gambling process, knowing that his craps technique is almost perfect. So strong
Gaoyi was almost played with by applause, he was defeated effortlessly.

现在 And now Chen Ze also encountered this Itakura Ichiro, and actually it is also
a dice, Itakura Ichiro is the best dice.

Although Jiang Haitang's confidence in Chen Ze has greatly increased after the
day's events, at this moment she still feels guilty. If anything else, Kerzer can
admit that Chen Ze could not win, she is confident that she can win this Itakura

But if it is a dice, let alone Chen Ze, even if Kelzer is close, I am afraid it
will be difficult to beat Itakura Ichiro.

Therefore, Jiang Haitang's complexion changed suddenly after learning the news.

"It's all right, Miss Jiang." After seeing Jiang Haitang's complexion change, Chen
Ze asked.

"It's okay." Jiang Haitang shook his head, but his face remained the same.

"Relax, Ms. Jiang, although Ichiro Itakura is really powerful, but I am also very
good at rolling dice. Have you forgotten, I also compared with Wang Jin in Macau,
and shook two dice at that time." Chen Ze spoke, and he saw the worry in Jiang
Haitang's heart, and spoke comfortably.

"I know, Mr. Chen, you are really strong in this aspect. Shake the two dice, it is
indeed world-class." Jiang Haitang said, "But, but."

"But what?" Chen Ze asked.

"But this Itakura Ichiro, it is said that he can shatter three dice."

中 In the room of another large hotel in Las Vegas, a Japanese man in a kimono
looked at his mobile phone and said, "Unexpectedly, my opponent tomorrow will be a
Chinese again. And, it is still Chen Ze."

His mobile phone is also showing the opponent of this game, his opponent is Chen

"Chen Ze, even the one who won Rhodes, even Kelzer said he couldn't win his Chen
Ze." When the voice of Itakura Ichiro said, another Japanese spoke before him,
looking a little flustered.

Chen Ze's side feared Itakura Ichiro, and there was also someone who feared it.

"Yes, that's him." Itakura Ichiro said, with a slight smile on his face, and he had
no fear of Chen Ze.

"So, that's troublesome. This Chen Ze, but even Kelzer said that he can't win, Mr.
Itakura ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ We actually met him the next day. Isn't it too much
trouble? "The Japanese man said, anxiously.

"It's a bit of a hassle, but this is the trouble, too." Itakura Ichiro said.

什 "Why, what do you mean?" The Japanese man froze when Ichiro Itakura said. He
heard the contempt for Chen Ze from the words of Itakura Ichiro. Itakura Ichiro
actually despised Kelzer who could not win.

This made the Japanese man suddenly more anxious.

"I have found someone to check the process of this match between Chen Ze and
Kelzer. According to investigation, they only played once. And that time, they
played against the landlords. Both sides were tied 6-6, and no one won. But as far
as I know, the landlord is unique to China, and presumably that Chen Ze has been
practicing for many years. And Kelzer, just beginning to practice, I heard that the
time does not exceed half a month. "Itakura Ichiro Opening.

这 "What does this mean?" The Japanese man asked.

"Meaning, that Chen Ze is not as scary as we imagined. He just used his advantages
and Kelzer's extremely disadvantaged items to tie it. It is not that gambling is
really equal to Kelzer. A It's just Chinese, the difference is far. "

Ichiro Itakura smiled, he looked at his mobile phone, and smiled at the corner of
his mouth: "It's better to meet him tomorrow, it's better than the dice. Tomorrow I
will directly send him this last Chinese representative home. Let him know He and
their Chinese people on gambling are nothing. "

Chapter FTLS 201: The duel begins

"That's it. Itakura Ichiro was able to break two dice ten years ago. It has been
ten years since then. Itakura Ichiro has never shown the ability to break two dice.
But many people speculate that the board The talent of Kurichiro, in ten years, he
must be able to reach the level of broken three dice. "

As he walked towards the Sberg Casino, Jiang Haitang was still introducing Chen Ze
to the level of Itakura Ichiro's dice.

Chen Ze heard Jiang Haitang yesterday and said that Itakura Ichiro was able to
break three dice, which surprised Chen Ze very much. When he tried with Wang Jin
before, he only broke two dice. I didn't expect that Itakura Ichiro had practiced
this dice on the dice and was able to break three dice.

It is important to know that breaking three dice is not just about one more die
than breaking two dice. In fact, the difficulty factor is much larger, and it can
even be said that it is not a level at all.

In other words, if you look at the level of Chen Ze's two dice with Wang Jin at
that time, it is far less than the three dice of Itakura Ichiro.

"Well, if this Itakura Ichiro can really break three dice, then his level of dice
can really be said to have reached a rather amazing level."

I heard Jiang Haitang's words, Chen Ze said.

"That's it, so Mr. Chen, you will have to be careful when you wait. If the title of
this competition is smaller than the points, I'm afraid you have to double and be

海 Jiang Haitang said, his face was a little pale.

In fact, yesterday, after knowing that Chen Ze's opponent the next day was Itakura,
her face was not very good. The opponent is really too strong, and currently she
can only rely on Chen Ze, the Gao brothers have been eliminated.

And she also knows that although from the game with Wang Jin that day, Chen Ze has
the ability to break two dice. But if Itakura Ichiro can really break three dice,
then the level of Chen Ze and Itakura Ichiro are far from the same level.

As long as Itakura Ichiro can play three dice, Jiang Haitang knows that Chen Ze is
about to lose.

Therefore, although Chen Ze was encouraged by her mouth, she could only keep
praying in her heart. The legend of prayer was false. Itakura Ichiro has not yet
reached this level. Or, Itakura Ichiro is not in good shape today, and he will make

"Relax, Miss Jiang, I won't lose." Hearing Jiang Haitang's words, I felt Jiang
Haitang's worry, Chen Ze said with a smile, "Even if Itakura Ichiro can break three
dice, I can beat he."

Soon after, Chen Ze and Jiang Haitang walked into the casino.

As soon as I walked into the casino where Chen Ze is going to test today, there was
a burst of cheering. The audience gathered here. Many of them have become Chen Ze's
after yesterday ’s battle. Fans, now I can finally see Chen Ze's gamble again,
naturally one by one is very excited:

"Mr. Chen, come on, we support you."

"Great Chen Ze, we can watch your game again."

"To win today, Mr. Chen, at least before meeting Kelzer, don't lose."

These people spoke, but not only them, the audience is still the same as yesterday,
there are a lot of gambling masters who have no games at this time, and many
gambling masters who have been eliminated. They all come to see Chen Ze's level.

After yesterday's events, they all became quite interested in Chen Ze. Naturally,
they came to watch today's match between Chen Ze and Itakura Ichiro.

大家 "Everyone talk about, who will win today's match between Chen Ze and Itakura

A gambling master opened his mouth and looked at Chen Ze's back.

"This is hard to say. If it were someone else, I would guess Itakura Ichiro can
win. This time the bet is better than the dice. I am afraid that there is no other
player in the world that can compare with Itakura Ichiro. The master of the dice.
But if this is Chen Ze, it is not necessarily. Yesterday Kelzer said that he could
not win him, then this time he really may not lose to Itakura Ichiro. "

"I feel the same way. Itakura Ichiro is undoubtedly one of the strongest in the
field of dice. If you remove Kelzer, he can even be said to be the strongest. But
now he is facing this Kelzer. He said that Chen Ze could not be defeated, then this
suspense really got bigger. "

"I can't guess, but I know this game will be very exciting. One side is Itakura
Ichiro, and the other side is the one who beat Rhodes, and even Kelzer said he
couldn't beat it."

Other gambling masters spoke, one by one felt that this game was really
suspenseful, and it was difficult to predict the outcome of the game.

But at this moment, another gambling expert opened his mouth, as if he had heard a
joke, and said, "You say this Chen Ze hopes to win Itakura Ichiro? Haha, stop
joking, I promise he will lose this time. It's miserable. "


Hearing the words of this gambling master, everyone else was holding back, and
turned to him in a hurry, and asked, "What do you mean by this? Itakura Ichiro's
opponent is Chen Ze, and that even Kelzer Chen Ze, who said that he couldn't win,
even if it was Bancang, he was not sure he would win. "

"Haha, it seems that you still don't know what Kelzer said can't win Chen Ze.
What's going on?" The gambling master said, "I got the news last night. The
original Kelzer said Chen Ze couldn't win, it was only a private match they played.
And that match was also played by the landlord, which is the most popular game in
China. That kind of game, Chen Ze has probably been playing for 20 years, and
Kelzer just learned It's been less than a month. "

"Yes, it is in this case that the two were tied. This really shows that Chen Ze is
very powerful, just like he was able to win Rhodes yesterday. He is indeed not the
same as the previous legend. But It ’s definitely not up to the level of Kelzer.
Even I dare to say that he does n’t even mention Kelzer ’s level, not even the top
five in the world. ”

The gambling master spoke up and told the news he heard last night.


I heard what he said, and everyone else was stunned. They heard Kelzer's words
before, and they were all very horrified, thinking that another level of gambler
had emerged, an invincible gambling master.

如果 But if, according to this statement, then Chen Ze is far from reaching this
level anyway.
真的 Is it really that they overestimated Chen Ze?

Everyone looked at each other, thinking about this issue.

"I dare say that Chen Ze is definitely far from Kelzer's level. You are just scared
by Kelzer's words yesterday." The gambling master spoke again at this time. He
looked at Chen Ze. "He It is really powerful, but today's opponent is Ichiro
Ichikura, which is better than Ichiro Ichikura's expert. In addition to Kelzer, no
second person can compete with him. Therefore, this Chen Ze must be defeated
www.mtlnovel.com ~ After hearing what he said, everyone else also looked at Chen
Ze, and they all knew it. If everything this man said is true, then this time, Chen
Ze is really losing. deal.

"Itakura Ichiro, it's Itakura Ichiro."

At this moment, a voice sounded. With this voice, everyone looked at it and saw
that a Japanese man in a kimono came in, and it was Ichiro Ikura.

At this moment, Chen Ze has been sitting on one side of the gaming table, and
Itakura Ichiro walked over and sat on the other side.

"I'm sorry Mr. Chen, I'm late." Itakura Ichiro spoke and bowed his head to
apologize to Chen Ze, and he looked impassive.

"Nothing, Mr. Itakura, I'm just new here." Chen Ze spoke, and he looked at this
Itakura Ichiro and said lightly.

Although Ichiro Itakura looks harmless to humans and animals at this moment, he
doesn't seem to be a master.

However, yesterday he won Gao Yi, and even played with Gao Yi between applause.
Chen Ze still remembers clearly. And he also knows that the Japanese are so
respectful, in fact, maybe they are thinking about something.

加上 Plus Jiang Haitang's words before, the more this Itakura Ichiro is, the more
he is wary of Itakura Ichiro.

Howling dogs, biting talents!

既然 "Now that both are here, then I announce that this game, the dice duel, is now
officially started."

Chapter FTLS 202: Tie

既然 "Now that both are here, then I announce that this game, the dice duel, is now
officially started." The dealer spoke, and Chen Ze and Itakura Ichiro officially
started this gamble.

Hearing the dealer's words, everyone around the scene, including Jiang Haitang and
the Japanese who came with Itakura Ichiro, all looked at this gambling game

"This bet is divided into nine rounds, starting with two dice and going up to ten
dice. Each round is smaller than the size of the point. The smaller side wins and
wins this round. In the end, there are nine rounds of results. Whoever wins more in
these nine rounds will win the game even if he wins. "The dealer spoke again,
introducing the rules of today's game.
With his words, the staff immediately came up and took Chen Ze's nine dice cups and
Itakura Ichiro's nine dice cups for a total of eighteen dice cups. In front of Chen
Ze and Itakura Ichiro.

"My God, this is from the ratio of the two dice in the first dice cup to the last
ten dice. This is an exaggerated way of playing."

"Yeah, it's usually smaller than the size of a dice cup. Now it's more than nine
dice cups. And from two dice to nine dice, it's an exaggeration."

"The hardest thing is not the nine dice cups, but the dice inside. The more dice,
the more difficult it is to control the dice. Fortunately, three or four times, it
’s very difficult to reach the next eight or nine. Difficult. "

"But this time I can see the real level of Itakura Ichiro's dice. I know that he
can break two dice, but there are legends that he can break three dice. Now I can
just see if he can reach To this state. "

"Yeah, two pieces are usually extreme. See if it can really break three pieces."

"The key to this game is that Itakura and Chen Ze can break a few dice, because
they can't be broken, they can be shattered a little, so whoever breaks more can
win. And Itakura can break at least two. I don't know how many Chen Ze can break. "

"It goes without saying that it is definitely not as good as Itakura Ichiro. This
game must have been won by Itakura Ichiro."

After seeing the dice cup, the audience at the bottom spoke one after another. They
were surprised by the rules of this game. I did not expect that this would happen
and they would shake so many dice at once.

Suddenly surprised, they immediately grasped the key to this game. Although it is
difficult to control the dice, for the world's top people, this is not much and can
be rolled into a little.

So whoever breaks more dice can win the game.

This competition is not anything else, but the ability to break the dice.

In this ability, everyone is not clear about Chen Ze's ability, but they all know
that Itakura Ichiro has the ability to break two, even the legendary three.

Therefore everyone knows that, if nothing unexpected happens, the winner is

probably Ichiro Itakura.

"Really, I'm so afraid of anything."

When I saw the eighteen dice cups above the gambling table, Jiang Haitang murmured
to himself, his face was very ugly. After receiving news that Ichiro Itakura was
playing yesterday, she has been worried that the dice will be more than anyone who

Although she has seen that Chen Ze can break two dice, she estimates that it should
be Chen Ze's limit, which is already a very powerful limit. But this Itakura Ichiro
is a legend who can break three dice.

If it is really better than this, she knows that Chen Ze is afraid to lose.
Therefore Jiang Haitang has been praying, praying that today's dice contest will
not compare to this. Compared to this, Jiang Haitang felt that Chen Ze still had
hope of winning.

But now, this gamble is actually like this.

And broken dice, but the key of the key!

Therefore Jiang Haitang was completely panicked, and looked at Chen Ze with a
little overwhelmed: "This time, I am afraid I really want to lose."

At the gambling table, Chen Ze didn't care about other people's thoughts. He looked
at the nine dice in front of him, and smiled and said, "I can't think of it better
than this. Nine dice, it seems difficult."

At this moment, although Chen Ze is talking about difficulties, his face is calm.
Obviously, the current test has not been taken to his heart.

"Hahaha, this is just right, let me see Mr. Chen Ze, your strength." Itakura Ichiro
smiled, his face calmed equally.

虽然 Although he had previously determined that he would win Chen Ze this time, he
did not expect that this gambling game was better than what he was best at, broken

He is confident that he will not lose to anyone.

Therefore, he is in a very good mood at this moment and believes that the winning
ticket is in his hands. Although strange, I don't know why Chen Ze looks so calm,
but he didn't take it seriously, just thinking that Chen Ze hadn't figured out the
current situation.

"Looks like, I can really send you this last representative of China home."

I looked at Chen Ze, Itakura Ichiro smiled slightly, thought very proud.

"Below, the game starts. First, there is the first dice cup. There are two dice in
the first dice cup. Two people shake the dice cup at the same time. Then whoever
wins the dice will win the round." The dealer said.

After hearing his words, Chen Ze and Itakura Ichiro moved at the same time. Both
hands were very fast. It seemed to leave an afterimage. They copied the first dice
cup in front of them and shook them tremblingly. .

At the scene, after seeing the actions of the two people, everyone looked at the
dice cups of the two men, and wanted to see what kind of victory and defeat the two
men will face in this first dice cup. .

Among the crowd, many of the gambling experts who watched the game were quite
proficient in dice. They closed their eyes one by one and sounded the sound of two
people, including Ze Ze and Itakura Ichiro, with their ears. It is necessary to
know in advance what kind of points they will shake out in this first duel.


For a while, only Chen Ze and Itakura Ichiro shook the dice.

However, soon, those gambling masters who tried to hear Chen Ze and Itakura
Ichiro's first dice in the dice cup ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ all changed their faces.
发现 They found that they couldn't hear anything at all. They were very proficient
and proud of listening to dice, and they couldn't count anything in front of Chen
Ze and Itakura Ichiro, and they couldn't hear anything at all.

I can't hear Ichiro Itakura, this is what they had thought of. After all, Itakura
Ichiro can almost be said to be the first person in the world. Except for Kelzer,
how can it be heard.

But they never expected that even Chen Ze could not hear it. Chen Ze's technique
was even more complicated than Itakura Ichiro's, and he couldn't hear anything at

这 "This, how is this possible. I can't hear Ichiro Ikura, even if he can't even
hear that of Chen Ze. Isn't his dice worse than Ichikura Ichiro?"

想到 Some gambling masters thought to myself that everyone was extremely horrified
at the thought of this place.



At this moment, the two dice cups of both were put down, and the two finally shake
the first dice cup.

The dealer then opened the two dice cups, and they saw that both dice were broken
in the dice cups of the two.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Itakura Ichiro can break two dice. It turns out that Chen Ze can also!

In the first game, the two had a draw.

Chapter FTLS 203: Itakura broken 3 dice

"Broken, both of them are broken, even both of them are broken."

"My God, Itakura Ichiro can break two dice. This is what we all know. It turns out
that Chen Ze can also break two dice? He is so amazing."

"It's hard, it's hard to imagine. Chen Ze can even break two dice. In other words,
Chen Ze also reached the pinnacle of the world on the dice skill. He turned out to
be so strong."

When I saw the gambling table, the two dice in the dice cup of Chen Ze and Itakura
Ichiku were broken into pieces, and all the audience and gambling masters on the
scene were shocked.

Everyone didn't expect that even today, I saw that two people can break two dice.

Especially those gambling masters, they all know deeply what the level of breaking
two dice is, many people breaking one dice. But it can break two people, no more
than five people worldwide. It is not an exaggeration to say that being able to
break two dice is already the best person in the gambling world today.

Among these five people, Itakura Ichiro and Kelzer are at the top.

So everyone is not surprised to see Itakura Ichiro breaking two dice now. But
everyone didn't expect that even Chen Ze could break two dice.

岂 Doesn't this mean that it means that Chen Zeguang has entered the top ranks of
the world in dice?

Everyone immediately thought of the words of Kelzer before. Chen Ze's gambling on
the landlord could not even win Kelzer. He defeated Rhodes yesterday, and now he
can also break two dice and shake the dice. The surgery also reached the pinnacle
of the world.

Such a person, how can such a person be what was lost before, what is not a level
with Kelzer at all, can be described as far away.

Such a person, if he is so proficient in other aspects of gambling, then there is

no doubt that he can really enter the discussion range of the world's strongest
gambling expert, even if he is a hero of cooking with Kelzer And it is not

I'm not sure, Chen Ze really hopes to reach the finals this time, even beat Kelzer.

"Strong, Chen Ze is too strong. Is Chen Ze actually so strong?"

"It's amazing. This Chen Ze is simply amazing. He is so strong in dice."

"It's too strong. Where did this Chen Ze come from? It would be so strong."

Several gambling masters opened their mouths, looked at Chen Ze, and couldn't help

And the gambling master who initially belittled Chen Ze stood beside them and heard
their words. After seeing Chen Ze's performance at the moment, his face turned red.
It's not shyness, but no face to face.

However, unlike other excited people, Jiang Haitang already knew that Chen Ze had
this level. At the moment, she had no excitement on her face, and she was even
worried about the three dice in the next game. Reaching the level of broken three
dice, then the game can be troublesome.

At the gambling table, Chen Ze and Itakura Ichiro did not change their faces.

Itakura Ichiro took a look at Chen Ze's two dice, and said with a smile: "Nice Chen
Ze, I can't think you are so young, you can even reach this level, breaking two
dice. When I was your age, only Can break a dice. "

When I heard Itakura Ichiro was so calm, Chen Ze moved in his heart. He knew what
Ibanokura Ichiro looked like. Maybe there was really a second hand and he could
really break three dice.

不过 "However, if you can only break two dice, you may not win me."

It seems to be in order to confirm Chen Ze's words, Itakura Ichiro continues to


不好 "No, it looks like the rumors are true. This Itakura Ichiro can really break
three dice."

When I saw Itakura Ichiro, Jiang Haitang was shocked, and felt very uncomfortable.

For a while, the audience and the gambling masters also seemed to see the meaning
in Itakura Ichiro's words:

"The meaning of Itakura Ichiro is that it is not his opponent to break two dice
alone? Then, can he really break three dice?"

"Oh my God, are you going to see miracles today? Three dice are broken. No such
person has appeared in the gambling house for many years."

"Is Itakura really able to shatter three dice? In the history of the gambling
industry, very few people can shatter three dice. At present, there is only hope in
the world, only he and Kelzer, legend Kelzer has reached this level. Is it really
Ichiro Itakura? "

"Itakura was able to shatter two dice ten years ago and practiced for another ten
years. If it was able to shatter three dice, it would not seem impossible."

Everyone started talking, and they all got excited when they heard Itakura. It is
already the pinnacle of the world to break two dice, and there are very few broken
three dice in history.

If Itakura can really do it, everyone thinks that this game, Chen Ze is definitely
not his opponent.

"It turned out that there was a second game. There were three dice in the second
game. Now, the bet starts."

I was talking excitedly, and the dealer spoke and announced the start of the second

Immediately, Chen Ze and Itakura moved again, picked up the dice cup, and quickly

Hey la la la la la!

There was a sound of dice crashing from the dice cup in the hands of Chen Ze and
Itakura Ichiro.

And this time is more serious than the last time ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ When the last
two dice, many gambling masters just felt completely unclear. But now, these
masters are not just unclear, they can't even confirm how many dice are in this
dice cup.

Each one is completely aggressive, compared with ordinary audiences, it is not much

The so-called gambling master is actually nothing in front of Itakura.

The current state of Kanbancang has already raised these people more than one



It didn't take long for them to cover the dice cup on the gambling table one after

Seeing the actions of the two people, everyone quickly looked at the past, and they
all wanted to see if the few people in history could do it. Is it possible to show
off the three-dice gambling?

"Chen Ze, do you think I can win this round?" At this moment, Bancang looked at
Chen Ze with a smile, and his face was extremely confident.

"Of course not." Chen Ze said.

"Really? Let's take a look and see if I can win."

Ichikura Ichiro spoke and said he opened his dice cup.

Inside, all three dice are shattered.

The gambling technique of breaking three dice was reproduced by Itakura Ichiro.

Hit him, he really reached this state.

Chapter FTLS 204: Is it difficult to break 3 dice?

这 "Here, it's broken, all three are broken, Itakura Ichiro, Itakura Ichiro
actually broke three dice."

"Oh my god, Itakura Ichiro actually reappeared, recreating the dice technique of
breaking three dice, and he actually reached this state."

"For so many years, someone really has reached this level. This game was won by
Ichiro Itakura."

I saw the three dice in Itakura Ichiro's dice cup being shattered. Everyone on the
scene was stunned. Although everyone was prepared, I knew that Itakura Ichiro might
reach the state of breaking three dice.

But now I really saw that he really broke three dice, and once again reproduced the
gambling technique of breaking three dice, everyone was still stunned, totally
unaware of what to say, and finally whispered.

"No, impossible, impossible."

On the other side, Jiang Haitang's face was gray and she couldn't accept the
situation in front of her. Although she also had the mentality of Itakura Ichiro to
be able to break three dice, after seeing Itakura Ichiro really did, she felt a
sense of despair in her heart.

知道 She knows that Chen Ze's only hope of winning is that Itakura Ichiro can't
break three dice, and if two dice are broken together, Chen Ze has hope of winning.
But Itakura Ichiro really broke three dice and reached this level.

As a result, Chen Ze had no hope of winning at all.

"Us, did we really lose?" Jiang Haitang started. When she came to the game, she
invited Gao's brother and Chen Ze, thinking that with these three people, how can
one enter the third day.

But the Gao brothers were eliminated on the first day, and Chen Ze's first game on
the second day seemed to be eliminated.

This made Jiang Haitang's mood sink to the bottom of the valley at this moment,
totally unaware of what to do.
"Hahaha, Itakura is great, we are the strongest in Japan. No Chinese
representative, no world master, is our opponent."

Just when everyone saw Ikura Ichiro's broken three dice, or whispered, or silent,
all shocked by Ichiro Ichiro's hand, a Japanese who followed Ikura Ichiro laughed
aloud. Rising, the smile was extremely arrogant, as if not taking anyone into

I heard this voice, and changed it to another time, I am afraid someone has jumped
out to fight back.

I do n’t have it now. All the gambling masters were shocked by Itakura Ichiro ’s
broken three-dice gambling. All were unable to refute, and I did n’t know how to

They all know that if you only consider it from the aspect of dice, Ichiro Ikura is
really qualified to say that, he is the strongest.

Chen Ze this time, I am afraid that he really lost.

"Broken three dice, it's amazing, it's really amazing."

"Yeah, I didn't expect this gambling realm that hasn't appeared in many years. It
actually appeared today."

"Great, too great."

At the same time, a group of people stared at the large screen in Spurge's
monitoring room, sighing with admiration. On the big screen, it is exactly the
picture of Chen Ze and Itakura Ichiro at the moment.

人 These people are the top executives of Spurges and the Las Vegas casino. This
game is not only related to hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue, but also to
the division of the world's gambling power in the next few decades.

So these high-level officials have put down everything in these days of the game
and come here to watch the game. At this moment, they are watching the match
between Chen Ze and Itakura Ichiro.

After seeing Itakura Ichiro reappearing the broken three-dice gambling history in
history, even these knowledgeable casino executives were all amazed and shocked by
Itakura Ichiro's hand.

"Kelzer, I think this Itakura Ichiro may be your biggest enemy this time."

"It is really amazing to be able to break three dice. Although you told us that
this guy who played against Itakura Ichiro is very powerful, but what do I think,
the person who wins this game must be Itakura Ichiro."

"It must be Ichiro Itakura. He is too powerful. He even broke three dice. I can't
think of the reason why Chen Ze of Macau, China, can win."

These casino executives talked to each other and spoke to a young man sitting
beside them.

This man is Kelzer.

As the first person in the world and an American, Kierzer is naturally the object
of Las Vegas' full support. At the moment, Kelzer is also not playing, so they
invited Kelzer to watch videos of other people's games with them, so that Kelzer
knew some of the other opponents and increased the winning rate.

In fact, they all heard what Kelzer said yesterday, and listed Chen Ze as a key
observation target. However, after seeing the game between Chen Ze and Itakura
Ichiro at the moment, they felt that the previous observation and research on Chen
Ze was wasted. In this game, Chen Ze lost, and the person who needs to be watched
is able to reproduce the broken three dice. Ichiro Itakura of gambling.

"It's true that I didn't expect that Ichiro Itakura was so strong that he really
reached the realm of broken three-dice gambling. I thought he couldn't reach this
level in his life. I didn't think he really broke through. Yourself. "

Looking at the figure of panel Ichiro in the big screen, Kelzer said lightly.
Although the words are exaggerating Itakura Ichiro, there is no emotional
fluctuation on his face, as if the three-headed gambling technique, which is
considered a miracle in the eyes of others, is nothing at all in his eyes.

"Yes ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ You also think he will be your opponent, Chen Ze, I don't
think you need to pay attention to him anymore." A casino executive said.

"No, I don't think so." At this time, Kelzer said again, he shook his head. "Ichiro
Ikura is really powerful, but in the final analysis, it is just three dice. It's
just a gamble. I don't think there is anything particularly remarkable about it. "

"Nothing extraordinary?" Everyone at the scene was stunned when they heard Kelzer's
words, and everyone quickly looked over. "K, Kelzer, what do you mean? Don't you?"

"It's just three dice. I have reached this level three years ago." Kelzer laughed,
saying that he turned his attention to Chen Ze. "If it is Chen Ze, I don't think I
will be gambled by this. Defeated. "

At this moment, the scene is silent, and everyone thinks Itakura Ichiro has won.

荷 Even the dealer spoke up, ready to announce the victory of Itakura Ichiro: "I
announce it below." In his opinion, although Chen Ze's dice cup has not been
opened, it is no longer necessary.

"Wait, my dice cup has not been opened yet, and the outcome has not been
determined." At this time, Chen Ze spoke.

Stinging his words immediately attracted everyone's attention to him. Everyone

looked at Chen Ze with doubtful eyes.

"It's hard to break three dice, is it difficult?" Chen Ze smiled and said he opened
his dice cup.

In his dice cup, all three dice are also crushed!

Chapter FTLS 205: Beyond history

The raven is silent, the real raven is silent.

I saw that Chen Ze picked up his dice cup, and showed that after the three dice
inside it were also crushed, everyone was really dead, one by one, speechless, and
did not know what to say.
All of a sudden, the entire casino was quietly weird.

Finally, the Japanese who spoke before, the extremely arrogant Japanese spoke, and
was extremely shocked: "This, how is this possible. You, how can you possibly reach
the state of broken three dice. This, this is impossible."

This Japanese is really shocked. He was extremely proud and arrogant before,
because he believed that Itakura Ichiro and them Japan won this time. Itakura
Ichiro has reached the state of broken three dice, it is impossible at all. Lost to
his opponent, the young Chen Ze.

But now, he just saw that even Chen Ze has reached this state, and he has actually
reached the state of broken three dice.

"How is it possible that Itakura Jun spent the last ten years and recently reached
the realm of broken three dice. How can you, a young man like this, reach this
realm." The Japanese continued. He was really shocked.

Hearing what he said, the others at the scene all reacted at this time, exclaiming
one by one:

"Oh my God, Chen Ze, Chen Ze has reached the realm of breaking three dice. In a
gamble, two people have reached this realm. How is this possible!"

"Chen Ze can actually break three dice, which is amazing. He is as many as 20 years
old. He has broken three dice? How is this possible? This is completely

"Chen Ze even broke three dice, this is not my dream. The broken three-dice
gambling, which only appeared in history, was shown by two people at the same time
today. And one of them was only one. Only young people in their twenties. "

The audience and the gambling experts who watched the crowd all spoke up, and even
became incoherent.

If Itakura Ichiro has reached the realm of broken three dice, although they are
surprised, they are still acceptable. Then Chen Ze reached this state, as if an
atomic bomb had burst in their hearts.

Ichikura Ichiro was able to reach the state of breaking two dice ten years ago.
After ten years of practice, he could reach three dice, which is acceptable.

But Chen Ze, it looks like he is only in his early twenties, and has never appeared
on the world gambling scene before. It can be said that before this game, no one
will know that there is such a gambling technique on the world. Master.

He is just such a person, it is such a person that he has even reached the realm of
broken three dice.

The gambling genius, ranked fourth in the world, may even be the first Itakura
Ichiro. It took a lifetime to reach the realm of broken three dice, and Chen Ze, in
his twenties, reached it.

This, how is this possible!

Everyone took this mood and looked at Chen Ze. Their eyes were extremely
complicated and they didn't know what they were thinking.

On the other side, Jiang Haitang covered her mouth with her hands, almost crying
with excitement.

She thought that she had lost. She thought that Chen Ze was only capable of
breaking two dice. She thought that under the powerful gambling technique of
Itakura Ichiro breaking three dice, Chen Ze could only regret losing, and she could
only get out of Macau.

But now, Chen Ze has reversed, and he can even break three dice and continue the

This, how can I not let her get excited.

She looked at Chen Ze, and her eyes were full of tears. If it was not for the end
of the game, she would really cry.

"Sure enough."

In the monitoring room of the Bisberg Casino, after seeing that Chen Ze also broke
three dice, Kelzer spoke, with a faint smile on his face, as if everything was

"I knew that with Chen Ze's gambling, I lost to Itakura Ichiro for no reason. He
really reached this level and was able to break three dice." Kelzer began.

Listening to him, watching the three dice crushed in the Chen Ze dice cup inside
the surveillance, these casino executives were also stunned:

"It's so strong, it's so strong. This Chen Ze is so strong."

"How is this possible, this Chen Ze is only in his twenties, how could it be so

"Yeah Kelzer, we investigated. He just played a few rounds with the landlord.
Although the two of you won or lost, but in terms of your familiarity with the
landlord, you were a big disadvantage. Even if he loses, it is normal. How could
his gambling be so strong? "

高层 The top of these casinos opened their mouths. They also investigated the
gambling game of Chen Ze and Kelzer. After knowing the exact content, they all
thought that Chen Ze was not so strong and should not be Kelzer's first enemy.

现在 But now, it seems that this is not the case at all.

"What was your investigation of that day?" Kelzer asked.

"You and Chen Ze are betting on the landlord. Although the outcome is not divided,
you have only studied for less than half a month, and that Chen Ze is Chinese, so
in principle, that Chen Ze did not oppose you. Wait for the strength. "A high-level

"Wrong." Kelzer said, "Who said I only studied for less than half a month?"

"This." Upon hearing Kelzer's words, the top executives looked at each other. Their
investigation did show that Kelzer had only studied for less than half a month.

"Actually, when I was very young, I followed my Chinese neighbor to learn to play
landlords, but later I went to attack the others." Kelzer started, watching these
casino high-level roads, "Actually recently these half For months, I just re-
familiarized myself. When it comes to familiarity with the landlord, I don't lose
to anyone. "

He said at the end, he looked at Chen Ze on the big screen again: "So this Chen Ze
has the same strength as me."

"how can that be!"

After hearing Kelzer's words, all the seniors looked at each other. Through his
words, Chen Ze once again shocked these people. They attached importance to Chen Ze
and were promoted to the first place.

They know that the person who threatens Kelzer the most this time is probably Chen

And Kelzer looked at Chen Ze on the big screen: "This gambling game is not over
yet, it's interesting now, it's just broken three dice. If Chen Ze is only this
level, you have to beat Itakura Ichiro, I'm afraid that It's that simple. Unless,
you can be more historical. "

内 Inside the casino, Chen Ze looked at Itakura Ichiro. The opposite Itakura Ichiro
was shocked when he saw that Chen Ze could also break three dice, and he didn't
know what to say.

如何 "How?" Chen Ze smiled. "Mr. Itakura, do you still remember the words you
unveiled the dice cup? You say you have won ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ now?"

"This." Itakura's heart was dull when he heard Chen Ze's words.

To be honest, he did not expect that Chen Ze could even reach the realm of broken
three dice, broken three dice, which is the realm of his life. It took a whole ten
years, a whole ten years, until recently he finally broke through. , Reached the
broken three dice.

He thought that relying on this gambling, in this realm, he must be the first in
the world of dice, even if Kelzer, he has the confidence to overcome.

I never expected that such a young man like Chen Ze, such a young guy would have
reached this state.

This makes Itakura Ichiro totally unbelievable and unable to accept it. He knew
that when he was Chen Ze's age, he was still breaking a dice.

But Chen Ze has reached this state. Doesn't this mean that Chen Ze has a higher
talent than he does not know how much.

This makes him a self-proclaimed genius unable to accept, so when he heard Chen
Ze's words, he gritted his teeth: "But it's just broken three dice, and I am in a
realm, and people who have reached this realm in history are not Little, what's so
proud of you, do you think you can win me? "

"Really?" Chen Ze smiled and smiled. He picked up the third dice cup in front of
him. "But if, my realm is beyond history?"

There are four dice in the third dice cup, and four dice are broken. No one in
history has ever done it. What Chen Ze has to do is to learn more about history! !!

Chapter FTLS 206: Stone Broken 5 Dice

"But what if I am past history?"
Chen Ze opened his mouth and smiled at the opposite Itakura

Hearing Chen Ze's words, Itakura Ichiro was a stunner at first, and it seemed that
Chen Ze would say such words, and then laughed: "You, just you? Chen Ze, no one in
history can shake He who broke four dice, do you think you can? "

He thought that Chen Ze was ridiculous. What he said was that he wanted to
challenge the four dice. Four dice have never been shattered in history. It is
harder than raising three dice from two dice. I do n’t know how much.

Ichikura Ichiro knows that although he has reached the realm of shattering three
dice. But if you want to shatter four dice, that's something you can't do in your

也 He also believes that no one in the world can do it.

But now, some people say nothing in front of him, saying that they want more

Even if this person is Chen Ze, Itakura Ichiro will never believe it. In the final
analysis, Chen Ze is only in his twenties. Being able to shatter three dice has
made him feel incredible. Now he says that he wants to challenge history and
shatter four. This is what he could n’t believe and would n’t believe. Believe

当然 "Of course, I can't do it, but I can do it." Chen Ze said, speaking lightly,
with a strong confidence in his tone.

Seeing Chen Ze's indifferent look, it seems that he can really shatter the four.
Itakura Ichiro was completely angry, and said loudly: "You guys, don't think you
have such a talent to be so arrogant. You even want to challenge Shattering the
four dice is ridiculous, ridiculous. "

Ichikura Ichiro's voice was loud, and his voice spread throughout the casino
immediately, and everyone heard Ikura Ichiro's words.

"You hear me, Itakura Ichiro said, saying that Chen Ze wanted to challenge the
shattering of four dice."

"Four dice? That's something no one has ever done in history. Does Chen Ze want to

"My God, if Chen Ze succeeds in the challenge, then he will definitely be the first
person in history on this dice."

Everyone said, they were all very surprised, but unexpectedly Chen Ze wanted to
challenge the four dice. But they were not as excited as Ichiro Itakura. Although
they all find it difficult, switching to others is impossible.

But if it is Chen Ze, who can shatter three dice, such a powerful Chen Ze, they
have an inexplicable trust in their hearts, and it seems that Chen Ze can complete
the general.

"Maybe Chen Ze can really challenge success."

"I also think that maybe Chen Ze can really succeed."

如果 "If Chen Ze succeeds, then we are the people who witness the progress of

The audience at the scene and those gambling masters have spoken one after another,
and they all showed extremely excited expressions on their faces.

After the performance of Chen Ze just now, they almost became fans of Chen Ze. At
this moment, they want Chen Ze to challenge success and witness history.

At the gambling table, after hearing so many people excited and looking forward,
Itakura Ichiro simply wanted to vomit blood. He thought that everyone would have an
attitude with him and mocked Chen Ze's wishful thinking.

Who knows, who knows that everyone supports Chen Ze, and supports him to shatter
the four dice to create new history.

"These idiots don't even know how difficult it is to shatter the four dice. Chen Ze
can do it? It's almost a laugh."

Ichikura Ichiro glanced at the audience and whispered quietly.

At this moment, Chen Ze picked up the dice cup and started shaking.

Hey la la la la la!

The sound of the dice hitting the dice cup came out from the Chen Ze dice cup and
resounded through the entire casino.

所有人 Everyone in the casino is watching Chen Ze's dice cup tightly, expecting Chen
Ze to set a new record.

"Be successful, be successful."

"I believe it will succeed, it will succeed."

"Don't succeed, but history."

Everyone thought in their hearts, including Jiang Haitang, that they were silently
hoping that Chen Ze would succeed.

"Impossible, it must be impossible." Itakura Ichiro also looked at Chen Ze's dice
cup and thought to himself.


在 At this moment, Chen Ze shakes the dice and puts the dice cup on the gaming
table. Then he looked at Ichiro Itakura: "Mr. Itakura, do you think I succeeded?"

"So, do you still need to ask, it must be no, no." Itakura Ichiro said, but in fact
he was not so sure.

Even listening to the sound of the dice just now, he has a feeling that Chen Ze has
really succeeded, and he has more history.

"It must have been successful."

就是 "Yes, it will succeed."

At this moment, the audience around him shouted, looking forward to Chen Ze's
"If it didn't work out, just open it up."

泽 Chen Ze opened his mouth with a smile. He reached out and took up the dice cup.

For a moment, the dice in the dice cup appeared in front of everyone.

Four dice, all crushed.

Chen Ze, he succeeded!

"Successful, really successful, Chen Ze he succeeded."

"Haha, four pieces are broken, it's amazing, it's really amazing."

"It's really successful, it's really beyond history. This is the first four dice.
It must be the first person who can shatter four dice."

I saw that all four dice were shattered, all of them cheered around, and laughed,
very happy one by one.

蒋 And Jiang Haitang was flushed with excitement and didn't know what to say. She
didn't expect Chen Ze to be so powerful. She felt that the invitation to Chen Ze
was really the right invitation.

"How, how is it possible, how can it be possible to really shatter four, this is

Ichiro Itakura, with a dead face on his face, had an unbelievable expression on his
face. He couldn't believe it. Chen Ze had succeeded, but he had succeeded.

The casino monitoring room, after seeing Chen Ze turned out to be really
successful, the casino executives in Las Vegas were all surprised to the extreme:
"My God, this Chen Ze turned out to be really successful."

"He has really succeeded, I am afraid he will really be the enemy of Kelzer."

"This person, this person must pay close attention."

Kelzer, with a smile on his face, seemed to have not exceeded his expectations:
"Sure enough, I would say that Chen Ze's gambling is really close to me. He did, of
course, reach the goal of shattering four dice. realm."


When I heard Kelzer's words, the high-level casinos around him were stunned:
"Kelzer, you also said, haven't you reached this state?"

"Yes, I just reached the realm of shattering the four dice some time ago." Kelzer
said, smiling. "So don't panic. Although Chen Ze is powerful, he still did not
exceed my expectations. I think even I His opponent is him, and I can win.
Everything about him is what I expected. "

"That's good, that's good. It turns out that you have reached the realm of
shattering four dice at Kelzer. That's great, I will say how can anyone in the
world bet gambling better than you. .com ~ Yeah, you are always the strongest. "

听到 "When you hear Kelzer say this, we can rest assured that Chen Ze is in your
grasp." The casino executives laughed.
But at this time, Chen Ze's voice came from the big screen: "Vietnamese history?
Not yet, I think in the world besides me, one person has reached the realm of
shattering four dice. That is Kelzer. So it's not over yet. If you want to go
further in history, you can only go further. "


Kelzer did not expect that Chen Ze would say such a thing. He did not expect that
Chen Ze had reached the realm of shattering the four dice. He quickly looked at the
big screen and saw that the big screen shook the four dice. Chen Ze did not stop.

He continued to pick up the fourth dice cup, ready to start shaking.

里面 In the fourth dice cup, there are five dice.

Chen Ze was so shocked that he wanted to challenge and shatter five dice.

"Five or five dice? This, how is this possible!"

I saw Chen Ze's actions on the big screen. For the first time, Kelzer had no
calmness and calmness on his face for the first time, as if everything was in his

It took a look of shock instead.

Shake five dice, which is something he can't even do.

Here are the five dice that Rock is shocking!

Chapter FTLS 207: God's realm

内 In the casino, after saying this, Chen Ze calmly looked at the dice cup with
five dice in front of him.

实际上 He doesn't actually know if Kelzer has reached the realm of breaking four
dice, but judging from the matchup at that time, plus what Chen Ze knows about him
these days.

Chen Ze believes that Kelzer must have reached the state of broken four dice. In
this case, and Chen Ze himself said to go beyond history and everything beyond the
past, then naturally, he would challenge the realm of broken five dice.

这个 At this time, everyone in the casino, after hearing Chen Ze's words, couldn't
believe his ears at all, thinking that they had heard it wrong.

我 "I, I have heard it right, this Chen Ze said, to challenge the broken five

"This, how is it possible that he just broke the four dice, and actually wants to
break the five dice? This is impossible. It has never been done in history. How can
anyone still break the five dice? of."

"My God, Chen Ze really wants to break five dice? This, it can't be done by

The audience and those gambling masters have said that even if they supported Chen
Ze's broken four dice before, even though Chen Ze has indeed broken the four dice,
this has reached a state that can be called no-previous.
But no one believes that Chen Ze can break five dice, and no one can believe that
Chen Ze can do this.

Break two dice, that is the top level in the world!

Broken three dice, very few in history can do this!

Breaking four dice, which has never happened in the past, can be called the limit
of human beings.

These three realms are deeper than one layer and rarer than the other, but everyone
knows that barely all are things that humans can do.

The five dice were broken and everyone shook the dice. They all know that humans
can never do this.

This is already the realm of God!

And today, Chen Ze, actually want to touch this realm?

"It's impossible. Chen Ze can't do this step. Breaking five dice, absolutely no one
can do it."

"Broken four dice is already the limit, and Chen Ze even wants to challenge it?
Does he think he is a god? Perhaps only a **** of gambling can do it."

"It's impossible. Even if Chen Ze can break four dice, I definitely don't believe
he can break five dice."

At this time, some gambling masters in the crowd spoke, and they absolutely did not
believe that Chen Ze could do this one by one.

At this moment, the focus of the entire scene is no longer on who can win this
game. Everyone looks at Chen Ze and wants to see if Chen Ze can do what he said.

所有人 Everyone actually doesn't believe this.

Even Jiang Haitang was the same. She couldn't believe that Chen Ze could do what he
said, broken five dice.

"Chen Ze, you are so naive, yes, I didn't expect you to break four dice. But do you
think that breaking five dice is just a little harder than breaking four dice? I
can tell you, absolutely no one, nothing People can do it. "

At this moment, Itakura Ichiro said opposite to Chen Ze and said very surely.

After breaking the four dice, Itakura Ichiro knew that he could not reach this
level, but he knew that someone would definitely reach it. Kelzer might have
reached this level. He did not expect that Chen Ze had also reached.

He believes that it is absolutely impossible for someone to reach it. That is the
realm of God. Human beings are absolutely impossible.

Therefore, although Chen Ze's broken four dice caused him a great impact, he did
not hesitate to think that Chen Ze could never reach this state.

"Congratulations, Chen Ze, congratulations on reaching the realm of broken four

dice, just like me."
At this moment, there was a sound in the casino, which was Kelzer's voice. After
hearing Chen Ze's words, he spoke to Chen Ze through a broadcast in the monitoring

Hearing what he said, the crowd then determined that it turned out that he had
really reached this state, and Kelzer had really reached the state of broken four

And just now, Chen Ze's words almost point to Kelzer, so they are all curious and
want to know exactly what Kelzer will say.

"However, I also want to remind you that it is impossible to break the five dice.
This is not a state that people can reach." At this time, Kelzer's voice continued
to be heard in the broadcast. No matter how powerful your dice roll is, it is
absolutely impossible to reach the realm of broken five dice. This is really a
realm that only God can reach! "

"Sure enough, I said that broken five dice can't be done at all."

"Kelzer now speaks, even he can only break four dice, I don't believe anyone can
break five dice, even Chen Ze."

"Broken five dice is impossible for humans to do, that is not a field that humans
can touch."

I heard Kelzer's words on the radio, and everyone spoke, confirming their thoughts
even more.

"What if I did it?" Chen Ze smiled, as if he didn't hear anything from the

如果 "If you do it, then I will admit that your gambling skills far surpass me on
the dice." Kelzer said.


In the monitoring room, when he heard Kelzer's words, the other senior casinos were
stunned and anxious, but he did not expect that Kelzer would say such words.

The reason why Kelzer is the undisputed first person in gambling is because of his
powerful gambling skills. And this gambling is not unilateral, it is reflected in
all aspects, it can even be said that in each gambling project, Kelzer has the
ability to compete for the first person.

Therefore Kelzer never said in the past, UU reading www. uukanshu.com On which
project he will be clearly inferior to a person, and still far less than.

Therefore, these casino executives are anxious, afraid that Kelzer's words will
affect his image, and then this time the gamble.

"It's okay, no one can break the five dice. I can't do it, even if it's Chen Ze,
it's absolutely impossible." After hearing the words from people around, Kelzer
said confidently.

Seeing Kelzer's appearance, the senior executives put away what they were going to
say. Since Kelzer said so, they all believed that Chen Ze could never do it.

"Have you heard? Kelzer, Kelzer made it clear that if Chen Ze does it, then he will
be far surpassed by Chen Ze on this project."
"My God, I heard it for the first time, and Kelzer said that he is far worse than
alone. If Chen Ze and Chen Ze can really do it, then Kelzer's words will come true.

惊人 "Amazing, it seems that Kelzer does indeed determine that no one can do this."

After hearing Kelzer's words, the crowd spoke. They never heard Kelzer saying such
things in the past. The most important sentence before was also said to Chen Ze. It
was just that I could not win Chen Ze, and did not say that he would Lost to Chen

现在 Now, even Kelzer made such a statement, everyone believed in this realm, Chen
Ze could not do it.

Chen Ze, after hearing Kelzer's words, his mouth slightly raised: "Well, then let
me try it and touch the realm of this god."

Chapter FTLS 208: Touching the Realm of God

"Okay, then let me try, touch this realm of God."

Chen Ze spoke, saying this.

As he said, he reached out and picked up the dice cup before him.

At this moment, whether it is the audience and gambling masters in the scene, or
Kelzer in the monitoring room and the high-level of the casino, his eyes are
watching Chen Ze's actions without any blinking, and he wants to see what the final
result will be .

At this moment, Chen Ze picked up the dice cup with his right hand and started

However, it was completely different from the two dice, three dice, and four dice
before. At this moment, Chen Ze was quite slow, even the average gambling expert
could not compare, it seemed to just shake it casually.

什么 "What happened? Why is Chen Ze so slow?"

这 "Well, can such a slow motion shake five dice?"

不可能 "It's impossible. With such slow movements, it's impossible to achieve such

Seeing Chen Ze's movement, everyone spoke and talked about it. They were all very
surprised, and never expected that Chen Ze would be so slow.

Generally speaking, this kind of dice is made at a very fast speed and at a
specific angle, let the dice and the dice cup hit each other, so as to achieve the
purpose of dice dice. The faster the speed and the more accurate the angle of
finding, the stronger the ability to break the dice.

Before Chen Ze shakes the dice cup, everyone thought that Chen Ze would speed up
one step further, and no one thought that Chen Ze's speed would be so slow.

If I changed it to someone else, everyone would laugh at it when they saw such a
slow speed. Not to mention the dice like five dice, it is a dice and it is
absolutely impossible to break it.
But this is Chen Ze, Chen Ze who has reached the broken four dice.

Therefore, although everyone does not think that Chen Ze can touch the **** of
broken five dice, everyone knows that this must be Chen Ze's intention, and he must
have any special method to do it.

Everyone at the scene followed Chen Ze's action and followed him more closely.

Sure enough, in the eyes of everyone, Chen Ze's movements gradually accelerated,
and then faster and faster, not only afterimages had appeared, but the sound of the
dice was rattling in the dice cup.

And more crucially, everyone was extremely surprised to find that Chen Ze's current
speed seems to have exceeded his speed of shattering four dice.

这 "This, the speed has exceeded the speed of shattering the four dice. It turned
out that the original reason why the original shake was so slow, just to adjust the
angle and the way of force."

"Okay, so fast, how can it be so fast, is it possible for humans to reach this

"No, it's impossible. How could Chen Ze's speed be so fast, how could it be so

I saw Chen Ze being so fast, an incredibly fast speed, and the audience screamed
one by one, all extremely surprised.

"Is it really possible for Chen Ze to do this step? Shatter five dice and touch the
realm that can only be touched by God?"

Looking at Chen Ze's current speed, some audiences at the scene thought to
themselves. Earlier, he firmly believed that Chen Ze could never shake the five
dice, and at this moment began to shake.

"Is it really possible?"

Not only in the scene, but also in the monitoring room, some of the casino
executives in Las Vegas also spoke. This person has been operating the casino for
many years, knowing that it is impossible to shatter five dice.

But now he saw the speed of Chen Ze in the surveillance, which he had never seen

So he was shocked and doubted what he thought.

And not only him, but everyone else in the monitoring room also had the same
expression on his face.

"No, it's impossible." At this moment, Kelzer opened his mouth, his face was
utterly shocked. "Yes, Chen Ze's current speed is quite amazing. This speed, even I
can't. It ’s just that it ’s fast, you ca n’t break five dice. If you want to break
five dice, you must make the five dice at the same angle and hit at the same time.
And letting the five dice find the right angle, the control ability required is
really against the sky. Humans, there is no such control ability at all. "

In fact, after shredding four dice, Kelzer studied whether to go further and
shatter five dice. But after some research, he found that trying to shake five dice
requires too much manual control of the dice cup.
Even if it was him, he knew that he could never do it, and he believed that no one
could do it.

Therefore he called this realm the realm of God, thinking that only the hand of God
has this control ability.

Therefore, although Chen Ze's fast speed made him dare not imagine, he did not
expect it at all, but he still believed that Chen Ze could not touch this realm. He
did not believe that Chen Ze's hand could reach such a control ability.

"Chen Ze, no matter how fast you are, your hands can never do this." Looking at
Chen Ze inside the monitor, Kelzer muttered to himself.


在 At this moment, a noise came from the monitor. Chen Ze finished shaking the dice
cup and covered the dice cup on the gaming table.

When I heard this voice, everyone looked at it for the first time and stared at
Chen Ze's dice cup.

They all know whether Chen Ze can touch the realm of God, and all of them are in
this dice cup.

"Hum, it's a mystery. Even if you are fast, I don't believe you have this control
ability, you can touch this realm." Opposite, Itakura Ichiro began.

He was also shocked by Chen Ze's speed, but he also did not believe that Chen Ze
could reach this state.

Therefore, when Chen Ze finished shaking the dice cup, he spoke for the first time,
mocking Chen Ze.

"That is, Chen Ze, you are only in your twenties, how can you reach this state."

Under the market, another Japanese spoke and mocked Chen Ze, thinking that Chen Ze
could not reach this state.

"It's impossible, even if it's so fast, it's impossible."

"Yeah, it's impossible, absolutely impossible."

"It can't be done ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Even Chen Ze can't do it."

Everyone else said that Chen Ze could not do it.

Hearing their words, Chen Ze smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Yes, the
difficulty of shattering the five dice is indeed far beyond my expectation. I
didn't expect it would be so difficult. It is indeed called the realm of God. "

"Haha, sure enough, I'll say you can't reach it, you have to put it on the table."

When I heard Chen Ze's words, the Japanese off the court immediately laughed.

"Sure enough."

Ichikura Ichiro also had a smile on his face. Chen Ze's words made him very happy.
The others nodded, but although they had expected this result long ago, when they
heard Chen Ze, they were still a little disappointed.

Maybe in their hearts, they hoped that Chen Ze created miracles and touched the
realm of this god.

不过 "However, this trouble is not in my eyes."

Suddenly, Chen Ze spoke again.

He said he reached out his hand and opened the dice cup.

In the dice cup, all five dice are crushed.

When I saw this scene, Itakura Ichiro and another Japanese laughter came to an
abrupt end, and everyone else opened their eyes and understood something.

Chen Ze, he really touched the realm of God!

Chapter FTLS 209: 1st person

"This, this, how is this possible!"

"My God, this, this, this Chen Ze actually did it. Five dice, he actually shook all
five dice."

"No, it's impossible, how could it be true, how could this be, one, two, three,
four, five, five dice, five dice turned out to be all shattered."

"God, God's realm, Chen Ze has really reached it!"

In the casino, watching the five dice shattered by Chen Ze, the audience was
stunned, shaking their bodies, pointing at the five dice shattered by Chen Ze, each
with a shocked expression on his face, it seemed that he did not know What to say.

Everyone is saying that Chen Ze can't shatter five dice, and no one can shatter
five dice.

But now, Chen Ze is shattered.

Everyone is speechless, and they don't know how to describe what happened.

Especially those gambling masters in the gambling field, looked at each other one
by one, can't believe their eyes, and some people even scratched their cheeks,
making sure they didn't dream:

"Shattered, Chen Ze actually shattered five dice."

"How is this possible? Shake five dice. That's the realm of God, how can a man do

"My God, how can Chen Ze do this step. He actually shook five dice."

These gambling masters opened their mouths and shook their heads after being sure
they had no dazzle.

很多 Many of them are real masters, and they are legends who have been playing in
major casinos all over the world all year round. It can be said that each of them
is well-informed, and there are few things that can shock them and make them look
But now, one by one, like children seeing a gambling table for the first time,
seeing a gambling game, the shocked expression on each face is even stronger than
those of the audience.

I was stunned, muttering to myself, as if I had seen the most difficult things in
the world.

蒋 And Jiang Haitang was so shocked.

Although she knew that Chen Ze was very good at rolling dice, her biggest estimate
was only two shatters.

今天 But today, Chen Ze touched the realm of God from breaking two dice, to three
dice, to four dice, to the current five dice.

The impact on Jiang Haitang's mind is no longer described by language.

She looked at Chen Ze at the moment, and she had only one thought in her mind: "I
was really lucky to find Chen Ze myself."

Not only in the casino, but also in the monitoring room, after seeing Chen Ze
breaking five dice, neither Kelzer nor the high-level of the casino were

I especially Kelzer, for the first time in his life, for the first time revealed a
completely unbelievable expression.

In the past, his predictions of gambling and casinos have never failed. He said
that whoever wins can win.

But today, he is extremely certain. Chen Ze can never shake five dice. No one can
do this, but he is wrong. The mistake is quite outrageous.

Chen Ze, he actually did it, and did what nobody thought that Kelzer could do,
including things he could not do by himself.

Kierzer was shocked, and even felt that his worldview was greatly impacted.

In the past, relying on talents far higher than ordinary people, Kelzer was very
fast no matter what gambling skills he learned, so he became the first person in
the world to play smoothly. Opponents, but he was extremely convinced that those
people were not his opponents.

虽然 Even though he had not defeated Chen Ze on the landlord before, he just felt
that Chen Ze was very powerful and was his opponent who did not win in that game.
But he has no doubt in his mind whether he can win Chen Ze.

But now, he had a doubt in his mind. In the face of Chen Ze, who was able to
shatter the five dice, he was a little skeptical: "Can you win him?"

For the first time, Krze's invincible confidence was hit!

And this blow is quite serious.

"how is it?"

At this time, Chen Ze's voice came from the monitor.

Kierze quickly looked at the monitor, and saw that inside the monitor, Chen Ze
stood up and said to everyone with a smile.

"This, how is this possible."

Opposite Chen Ze, Itakura Ichiro spoke. The shock in his heart was nothing better
than Kelzer. After seeing Chen Ze shattering five dice, his old face became
unbelievably red.

知道 He knew that Chen Ze, who was able to shatter five dice, was not something he
could handle at all.

Or more accurately, with his strength, barely enough in Chen Ze, it is completely
within the scope of being spiked.

With this in mind, Ichiro Itakura remembered the words he had said to Chen Ze
before, what he won, what Chen Ze did not matter at all, what sent Chen Ze back to
China and the like Kurichiro's face flushed, and he felt ashamed to go directly to
the ground.


At this moment, there was a round of applause in the casino. All the audience,
whether ordinary audiences or those gambling masters, reacted and then
spontaneously and enthusiastically applauded to cheer Chen Ze and shatter five for
Chen Ze. When the dice screamed, he was excited after being shocked, and he was
here to witness the miracle.

"It's too good for you, Chen Ze, you're really good."

"Oh my **** ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen Ze, you actually shattered five dice, you are
really amazing."

"Amazing, there is absolutely nothing to say. God's realm is really touched by


They cheered, and the cheers of one of them also attracted the attention of
everyone: "The first person, Chen Ze did not have to say, on the dice, Chen Ze you
are the first person, no doubt the first one person."

Shake the first person of the dice!

In fact, in the past, there was no such thing as the first person to roll the dice.
Before the world's best person to roll the dice, everyone defaulted to Kelzer and
Itakura Ichiro, but everyone knows that there are still many people in history.
These people The craps are no worse than them, so they can't choose one at all,
which convinces everyone, the real first person.

But now it's different. Chen Ze appeared and shook five dice, and touched the realm
of God directly.

This performance convinced all audiences, all audiences have the same
consciousness. In the gambling game, Chen Ze is the first person in history and the
first person without a doubt.

Moreover, it is the first person who is higher than everyone else.

"First person, Chen Ze, you are the first person."

"History first, Chen Ze is history first."

Everyone cheered and said this first person.

I heard them say, Chen Ze smiled: "Is this the first person? This title seems to be

Chapter FTLS 210: One more shake (top)

"I lost."

内 In the casino, Itakura Ichiro looked at Chen Ze and said innocently.

He never thought that he would lose to Chen Ze, but now it is different. Although
the game has not ended in accordance with the rules, but facing Chen Ze who can
shatter five dice, he knows that he has no chance at all.

Even if he continues to compete with Chen Ze, he may just be humiliating himself,
so he concedes and says.

第四 Ranked 4th in the world and ranked top 2 in the world by light theory dice,
even before the game was finished, I just lost.

At the same time, all the spectators off the court heard nothing of Itakura
Ichiro's words, and they didn't even react. They even thought it was right, Itakura
Ichiro should give in.

In fact, if you switch to other opponents and other games, if a master such as
Itakura Ichiro loses even before the game is over, the audience will definitely

But not now. Everyone knows that in the face of Chen Ze, who can shake five dice,
Itakura Ichiro admits that it is too much. He continues to play against Chen Ze,
which is the most unwise choice.

"Because the representative from Japan, Mr. Ichiro Itakura, has taken the
initiative to lose, let me announce that the winner of this game is a
representative from Macau, China, Mr. Chen Ze! He will enter the next round and
fight against his new opponent.

The dealer opened his mouth. After hearing the words of Itakura Ichiro, he spoke
and announced Chen Ze's victory.

After hearing this victory, the audience cheered. Many of the audience, or most of
the audience, have become Chen Ze after seeing the performance of Chen Ze,
especially the performance of broken five dice. Fans, after hearing Chen Ze's
victory, would cheer one after another.

"Great, Chen Ze, you won, it's great."

恭 "Congratulations, Chen Ze, you won this game."

"Chen Ze won, although it is quite reasonable, but still very happy, Chen Ze

The audience opened their mouths and cheered in front of Chen Zedao.

谢谢 "Thank you, thank you all."

I heard the cheers from the audience, and Chen Ze also smiled.
The game was broken to five dice. To be honest, Chen Ze was a bit tired, but he was
able to win Itakura Ichiro and can see everyone cheering on himself. Chen Ze felt
that everything was worth it.

This game is very fun to win! !! !!

"Thank you, Mr. Chen, thank you so much, you are too great."

At this time, Jiang Haitang came to Chen Ze and said with great excitement.

"Thank me? Thanks me?" Chen Ze smiled.

"Thank you for winning Ichiro Itakura." Jiang Haitang said.

In fact, just when the game started, when she heard the rules of the game, she had
already planned that Chen Ze would also lose the game.

I can say that who knows that the game is going round and round, Chen Ze not only
did not lose, but also demonstrated such amazing gambling skills, making Itakura
Ichiro helpless to admit defeat.

As a result, Jiang Haitang was excited. At the same time, he began to look forward
to the next game.

After the Gao Brothers lost before, she once thought that this game might be like
this. It depends on how many games Chen Ze can win and how many games he can earn.

But now it's different. After watching Chen Ze is so amazing, even after touching
the dice in the realm of God, Jiang Haitang became interested in future games.
Although it is basically impossible to compare the dice with the subsequent games,
if you want to continue to move, you must have other skills in gambling, Chen Ze
may not have.

But Jiang Haitang is still full of confidence: "Maybe, maybe I can really reach the
final on the fourth day. Maybe, maybe I can beat Kelzer and become the champion of
this competition."

I never thought of anything before, but now Jiang Haitang is really thinking about
it seriously.

At the same time, inside the monitoring room.

Everyone was looking heavy. The top executives of these casinos did not expect Chen
Ze to be so strong. They all just thought that Chen Ze might be strong, and might
even cause some trouble to Kelzer. However, also Just just trouble.

But now it's different. Now they know that Chen Ze surpassed Kelzer in the dice
game. So since the dice can be surpassed, will other gambling be surpassed?

This kind of thing that could not happen in the past, or even impossible to think
about, now appears in their minds:

不 "No, this Chen Ze, this Chen Ze can't really be your enemy of Kelzer, and may
even threaten your victory this time, we must find a solution."

"Yes, you must investigate. You must take this Chen Ze from the beginning to the
end of the investigation. Where did he come from and how high is the gambling
skill? You must master it. You must know it."
"You must send someone to China immediately to investigate where Chen Ze is. You
must find out what Chen Ze has done in the past, otherwise when Kelzer meets him, I
am afraid it is really dangerous."

高层 These high-levels spoke one by one, saying their thoughts.

I have a lot of ideas, but in the end there is only one point, which is to
thoroughly investigate Chen Ze.

Although they had conducted a survey of Chen Ze before, they were very superficial.
It was nothing more than knowing that Chen Ze was the representative of Macau. At
the previous banquet, there was a gamble with Kelzer.

This investigation is very shallow, but at that time, everyone was very confident
in Kelzer, thinking that Kelzer would not be defeated by anyone, including Chen Ze.

Therefore, they all feel that this kind of investigation is enough, but now they
have discovered that this kind of investigation is not enough.

What kind of person is Chen Ze, where did he come from, where did he learn gambling
in the past, and how high is his gambling? Know nothing.

In the past, if someone told them that there would be one who has never appeared in
the world gambling, but has unimaginable gambling, and may even threaten Kelzer and
defeat him, all the high-level casinos are not You will believe it, and you may
even feel that it is just a big joke.

But now it's different. Now this almost joke person really appeared.

Hit him, that's Chen Ze.

Therefore, the seniors are anxious and want to thoroughly understand Chen Ze's

And when the top executives were anxious, Kelzer looked at Chen Ze on the big
screen alone, and suddenly he laughed: "Chen Ze, I didn't think you were really so
strong. Yes, on the dice game. I may indeed not be your opponent. But gambling is
more than just dice. In other gambling, you must not be my opponent. "

There are thousands of gambling in the world. Every gambling has a person who is
good at it. The reason why Kelzer is the first in the world is because he is very
good at every gambling, even proficient.

Although Chen Ding was surpassed by the rolling dice, he was extremely shocked. But
soon, Kelzer cheered up.

相信 He believes that in other gambling techniques, especially what he is best at,

is also the gambling technique of the final game of this tournament. He will never
lose to Chen Ze in poker gambling.

"The winner of this game must be me."

Chapter FTLS 211: One more shake (below)

Bisberg Casino, inside another branch casino!

赌场 There is a fierce competition in this casino, a battle between a German master

and a French master.

两名 The two masters themselves have similar rankings in the world gambling world.
They have fought each other many times, and they have both lost and won, and no one
has absolute control over the opponent. In addition, in the history of the two
countries, there is a contest between the countries. Therefore, each time the two
masters are confronted with fierce, the two people have become a common enemy

Because of this, the attention of these two people is very high each time, each
time there will be a lot of viewers and even the media to watch and even report the
two people's games.

It's the same this time. When the two met today, I don't know how many spectators
and the media gathered in this gambling hall and watched the match between the two.

At this moment, the two men's game has reached the most critical moment, and a lot
of sweat has flowed on their faces. Obviously, both of them are very nervous.

And off the stage, countless spectators, the media, and those gambling masters who
came to watch the two men's games also became nervous because of the two men's game
on the stage, staring closely at the two men. Gamble.

They look like nothing seems to be able to distract them from the gamble of the two

"Come out, something big happened. The gamble of Chen Ze from Macau and Itakura
Ichiro from Japan came to an end. Chen Ze from Macau won."

At this moment, the news that Chen Ze defeated Itakura Ichiro and won another
victory came.

"alright, I got it."

"Oh, that Chen Ze won."

"It doesn't matter, it's still pretty good. Pay attention to it first."

When I heard this news, many audience members and media reporters nodded
inadvertently, and their attention was still on this scene.

Although the news of Chen Ze's victory over Itakura Ichiro surprised them a bit,
they also want to know the process of the two of them.

But now is the time when the competition between the two masters of Germany and
France is the most critical. At this time, they all feel that nothing is more
important than watching the two men's decisive battle.

The news of Chen Ze's victory over Itakura Ichiro was shocked and curious, but he
couldn't beat this game.

"It's not just simple to defeat. This time the two of them compared to rolling the
dice. On this, Itakura Ichiro shook three dice, and Chen Ze shattered five dice."

At this time, someone spoke again, telling all the news he just got.

"Oku, Isakura Ichiro shattered three, isn't it? It's amazing, and sure enough he
has reached this state."
"Yeah, yeah, it's amazing. Itakura is truly the first person in the world. But Chen
Ze shattered five, and it really looks more powerful."

Another audience spoke, or nodded casually while watching the gambling table above
the gaming table. It seemed that the news still could not turn their attention

But suddenly, these audiences were stunned, all reacted, and started to speak:

"No, no, what did you just say? Chen Ze, the Chen Ze from Macau, shattered five

"Five or five dice? That Chen Ze shook five dice?"

"No, it's impossible, are you sure you're not mistaken in this news?"

These audiences and the media spoke, one by one, they suddenly remembered. On the
dice roll, the historical record is that three people were shattered, and the
people who shattered four did not appear.

现在 And now, that Chen Ze, shattered five?

Everyone was shocked and diverted attention from the German and French gamble.

"That's right, that's it. I just came from the gamble of Chen Ze and Itakura
Ichiro, and Chen Ze shook five. And even Kelzer admitted that he was not as good as
the dice. Chen Ze. "The person who first said the news spoke quickly and
specifically about the situation of Chen Ze and Itakura Ichiro.

I heard Chen Ze and Itakura Ichiro's gambling situation. Everyone was completely
stunned, and they couldn't believe their ears. The shocked look was not much better
than the audience at the scene.

"Just kidding, that Chen Ze really shattered five? Touched the realm of God?"

"Oh my God, this, this, this is completely daring to imagine. It is said that
humans cannot shake five dice. Chen Ze, he did it?"

"Beyond Itakura Ichiro, beyond Kelzer, and everyone in history. How can this Chen
Ze, Chen Ze be so powerful?"

"Ah, ah, just listening to the progress of Chen Ze's gambling game, I feel so hot.
If I watched his game, I would be regretted. I really regret it."

观众 These audience spoke up and completely got rid of the gambling game in their
hall one by one, thinking about Chen Ze's broken five dice.

Although they didn't know Chen Ze very much, when they heard about Chen Ze, they
were really shocked one by one.

I have heard before that Chen Ze not only won Rhodes, but even Kelzer said that he
could not win Chen Ze.

听到 When I heard the news, these audiences just felt a little exaggerated. This
Chen Ze could not be so strong.

Now, after hearing that Chen Ze actually broke five dice, these audiences realized
how strong Chen Ze was, and how much he downplayed him before.
"Chen Ze, he is really amazing."

Not only the audience, all the media at this casino couldn't help but left their
casino lobby directly and ran towards the lobby where Chen Ze was located. These
media also regretted their deaths. I knew Chen Ze could actually engage When this
kind of thing comes out, they have to interview Chen Ze for everything.

And the gambling masters of this casino are even surprised that their mouths can't
be closed: "Chen Ze can break five dice, how can this be possible!"

They are the most surprised people in this gambling hall, because they are also the
ones who understand the difficulty of breaking five dice.

All of a sudden, no one in the entire gambling hall was paying attention to the
confrontation between the two people on the gambling table. They were thinking
about Chen Ze shaking five dice.

"I, I won."

At this time, after a hard fight, the German player defeated the French player. He
smiled and announced it to everyone on the scene.

Originally, he thought that when he said this, there would be applause and cheers
on the scene, and he was even prepared to win the game.

But things unexpectedly exceeded his expectations. After hearing his words, there
was no response at the scene, and no one seemed to notice his victory at all.
Everyone seems to be discussing something.

"What happened?" The German thought to himself, a heartbroken heart.

"How can Chen Ze be so powerful ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ even five dice can be


At this moment, a voice reached the German's ear. Hearing this voice, the smile on
the German's face froze: "Chen Ze? Shake five dice? This, how is this possible!"

The German was completely shocked, like him, and the French who heard the news!

Not only this casino, but throughout the entire Spelberg casino, in all the playing
fields, everyone who heard the news was shocked, and was shocked by this miracle of
Chen Ze.

"That Chen Ze from Macau shattered five dice? Oh my god, how is this possible?"

怎么 "How is it possible that humans can shake five dice?"

这 "This, this is too scary, is this Chen Ze really so strong?"

"What is Chen Ze, who is Chen Ze? He is so terrible that he is so strong."

讨论 These people discussed. In the entire Casino in Spree, no one had any
relationship with the gambling table on the table. Everyone was stunned by the

It was not only Sberg who was stunned, but the entire Las Vegas. When they heard
that Chen Ze actually shattered five dice, they were even more shocked than the
audience at the scene.
Suddenly, after yesterday, Chen Ze's name spread again in Las Vegas. Everyone knew
that it turned out that Chen Ze was so strong at school.

Chapter FTLS 212: Chen Ze

"Congratulations to the host, his popularity has reached 9,872."

In Chen Ze's mind, the sound of the system sounded and he reported to Chen Ze his
current popularity.

"Is it over nine thousand eight hundred?"

After hearing the system, seeing the numbers on the system's popularity page, Chen
Ze muttered to himself, very excited.

上次 Since the last challenge of Super Landlord, Chen Ze's popularity has slowly

Chen Ze knows that this is normal, after all, there is no exposure during that
time, and natural popularity will not rise. And after starting to participate in
the World Gambler Contest this time and being followed again by so many people,
Chen Ze knew that his popularity would continue to rise.

However, Chen Ze feels that even if it rises, I am afraid that it can rise to
10,000 before the decisive battle. It is good to be able to draw again. After all,
although this World Gambler Contest is very big and big, except for Las Vegas,
which has a relatively high degree of attention, there is not much attention

And more importantly, apart from the audience watching so far, Chen Ze has
participated in the competition, there is no large media or other reports, so Chen
Ze thinks that even if the rise, the popularity will not rise quickly.

So during this time he didn't pay attention to how far his popularity has risen.
Today, after ending the match with Ichiro Itakura in Japan, Chen Ze suddenly wanted
to see his popularity and opened The popularity page of the system, as a result,
found that the popularity has even reached more than 9,000, and it is about to
break through 10,000. This is greatly unexpected by Chen Ze.

He thought it would be good to be able to break through 10,000 before the final.
Who knows that it rose so fast, now it is about to break through 10,000.

"Unexpectedly, the popularity has risen so fast, and now it is going to break
10,000. After breaking 10,000, I can draw another prize. It seems that I have no
waste in these two days of competition." He thought about it, he was very happy,
"And I can draw another prize at 20,000. So, maybe, if it goes well, 20,000 can be
reached. Then I can draw another prize."

Thought of this, Chen Ze was completely excited.

To be honest, despite the battle with Rhodes yesterday and the battle with Ichiro
Itakura today, Chen Ze easily won, and it was considered to be an overhang.

But Chen Ze knows that the next game will definitely not be so smooth, especially
Kelzer. His gambling Chen Ze also learned a little on that day, it is indeed very
powerful, and it can even be said to be unfathomable.

泽 Chen Ze knew that he defeated Roddu and Itakura, both relying on the hands of
the **** of gamblers, and relying on the hands of the **** of gamblers to swap
cards and roll the dice so that they seemed to be able to beat them so easily.
But if you only rely on the hand of the **** of gambling, I am afraid it is
difficult to defeat Kelzer directly. After all, Kelzer is proficient in almost all
gambling skills, and is currently the world's number one gambling master.

With the hand of God of Gambling, you can defeat him on the dice. But once it is
not dice, but other things, then it may be very difficult.

Therefore, I now find that it is possible to draw two more prizes, at least one
more time. Chen Ze is very happy and looks forward to what new skills can be drawn.

Depending on these new skills, Kelzer will definitely be defeated.

"Chen Ze, Chen Ze."

At this time, a voice reached Chen Ze's ears, allowing Chen Ze to recover from the
system. He saw that the person calling him was Jiang Haitang.

"Ah, what happened to Miss Jiang?"

I heard Jiang Haitang's words, Chen Ze froze and said.

"Nothing, see how you seem to be in a daze." Jiang Haitang asked.

"Oh, I want something." Chen Ze said, and he looked at the gambling in front of
him. At this moment, another gambling is underway. "Miss Jiang, how long is my next

"There are about two hours left, and there are still two gambling games today. If
you win these two gambling games, even if you officially enter the third day."
Jiang Haitang laughed.

Honestly, although she was looking forward to Chen Ze before, she also felt that it
was unlikely, or very small, that Chen Ze would enter the third day. But now it's
different. After seeing Chen Zeshi's shocking broken five dice, she has extremely
confidence in Chen Ze.

Don't say it's the third day. She's looking forward to Chen Ze at the moment is to
enter the final and compete with Kelzer.

Of course, whether Jiang can win Kelzer, Jiang Haitang is not sure.

Although in the dice, she is sure that Chen Ze can win.

But after all, Kelzer is very powerful in his comprehensiveness. Each item of
Kelzer has almost the same level as the broken dice, that is, the level of broken
four dice, which has made him an unmatched bet. Emperor's name.

Therefore, if it is compared to other projects, Jiang Haitang is really not sure if

Chen Ze can win.

"If each of Chen Ze's gambling skills is the same as this dice skill, it will be as
strong as the **** of no one before and no one after. If it is true, then it will
be Erze must not be an opponent. "

Suddenly, Jiang Haitang had such an idea in his mind.

After thinking about this, she was shocked, she quickly shook her head:
"Impossible, impossible, no one can be so strong. Everyone can achieve the state of
breaking five dice, which is definitely not a person who can The level reached,
even if it is Chen Ze, is impossible. Perhaps only the **** of gambling can have
such a state. "

"Miss Jiang, those people are the gambling masters who participated in this
competition. What do they mean by looking at me?"

At this moment, Chen Ze spoke suddenly and said to Jiang Haitang.

Hearing Chen Ze's words, Jiang Haitang looked over and saw several gambling masters
standing together and pointing at Chen Ze with a lot of expressions like surprise,
fear, expectation and so on. His face was very complicated .

"Yes, those people are the masters of this competition. Even, some of them may be
your opponents for the rest of the game today." Jiang Haitang said, saying with a
smile on her face. "As they look at it like this Are you because of Chen Ze?
Because of your performance with Itakura Ichiro, you have become the target of
criticism. "

"The target of the public?" Chen Ze froze.

"Yeah, everyone agrees." Jiang Haitang nodded and smiled. "Because you didn't have
any world rankings before, no one puts your eyes on it. But now it's different. You
beat Rhodes for two consecutive days. There is also Ichiro Itakura. Today, there is
no record of the ancients on the dice, and there is likely to be no record of the
back. Everyone is stunned, especially these gambling that may meet you The master ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ is even more complicated for you. "

复杂 "Complicated?" Chen Ze asked for a moment, then asked again.

"Yeah, they didn't bother you before, but now you are so strong, this is the first
complicated mood, contrast. And the gambling you show far exceeds the average
gambling master, even if it is Kelzer, I do n’t dare to say that I can win you now,
this group of people is even more afraid, and they will be afraid to meet you, so I
have a second mood, fear. And you now beat the board Kuraichiro has officially
become one of the hot spots in this competition. I am afraid that some of these
gambling masters are still very excited and will want to challenge you, because as
long as they defeat you, they will be able to step on you. Now, there is a third
mood, expectation. Adding these three moods together is why you became the target
of criticism. "Jiang Haitang began.

"Contrast, fear, expectation, this is really, really complicated."

I heard Jiang Haitang's words, Chen Ze said, he did not expect that he would be so
complicated in the eyes of others one day.

"This is a good thing and a bad thing." Jiang Haitang said, "The good thing is that
these gambling experts have officially recognized your strength, otherwise you
won't have such a complicated mood for you. And bad things, I'm afraid you are the
next few It ’s a bad game. Everyone who meets you will desperately want to beat you
to prove themselves. Just like they want to beat Kelzer. "

I heard Jiang Haitang's words, and Chen Ze smiled: "Want to beat me? Come on, but I
was not defeated so well."

Chapter FTLS 213: Invitation from tv station

In the next two games the next day, Chen Ze's opponents are very powerful, and they
are also the top opponents in the world. Before, they didn't really take Chen Ze to
heart, but after hearing the battle between Chen Ze and Itakura Ichiro, they were
extremely horrified and had a great fear of Chen Ze.

Therefore, although they are very powerful, they did not play well after meeting
Chen Ze, and they were easily defeated and swept by Chen Ze. Chen Ze entered the
third day of the game.

如此 And so easily defeated two top-ranked experts in the world, and also
contributed to Chen Ze's fame, making Chen Ze more famous, but also more and more
attention and even fear of Chen Ze.

However, Chen Ze doesn't matter. All he cares about is entering the finals,
defeating Kelzer, becoming the champion of this competition, and becoming the
world's recognized **** of gambling.

After the game was over, Chen Ze returned to the hotel. He was going to rest early
to deal with tomorrow's game.

After all, the masters who enter the third day are all masters in the real sense, I
am afraid that each one is very difficult to deal with.

So Chen Ze wants to keep up his spirit so that he can deal with tomorrow's game.


However, it was not long before Chen Ze returned to the room, but the door of his
room was knocked.

打开 He opened it and Jiang Haitang stood outside.

"Ms. Jiang? What's the matter? Was the candidate for tomorrow selected?"

泽 Chen Ze asked, there are eight people who will enter tomorrow's game, so for
Chen Ze tomorrow there will be two games, one for eight and four for two, to
determine the two who finally entered the finals the day after tomorrow.

The person who enters tomorrow's competition this time, besides Chen Ze himself,
naturally also has Kelzer, which means that there is a great possibility that he
will meet Kelzer tomorrow, so Chen Ze is very concerned about the grouping
situation of tomorrow.

"No, not yet." Jiang Haitang said, "Tomorrow's group has not come down yet. It is
expected that it will not come down until eight or nine in the evening."

"Ao, are you here, Miss Jiang?" Chen Ze asked.

"I was invited to an event, I don't know if you are interested." Jiang Haitang

活动 "Activity? What activity?" Chen Ze asked.

"The TV station here in Las Vegas wants to invite you to a special event tonight to
show you the broken five dice in the casino during the day. This is a live TV event
and will be broadcast throughout Las Vegas. Out, I wonder if you are interested in
participating? "Jiang Haitang began.

Actually, this Las Vegas TV event has been prepared for a long time, but it has not
been determined who will be invited to participate. Today, I suddenly heard that
Chen Ze has achieved such a thing as no one in the past, and there may not be
anyone coming later, so this TV station temporarily decided to invite Chen Ze to
participate in a TV program.

"This." Chen Ze froze for a while, but he did not expect that the TV station in Las
Vegas would invite him to do TV activities.

"This TV station is a TV station that produces paid programs. I am afraid that

there will not be many people watching it. If you are unwilling, Mr. Chen, then let
it go. I will reject them." Jiang Haitang said when he saw Chen Zehuan stunned.

To be honest, Chen Ze's gambling technique is so superb, this is how Jiang Haitang
had never thought of before, and there is such a superb gambling technique, but he
has always been unknown, and he has never even played in any world competition

Even if it wasn't for her invitation this time, Jiang Haitang even thought that
Chen Ze would not come this time. (Of course, Jiang Haitang did not know that Chen
Ze actually invited Jiang Haitang to invite him.)

I have such gambling skills but are so low-key. Jiang Haitang feels that there is
only one reason that can be explained, that is, Chen Ze is a very low-key person
and does not like to be in the limelight. Therefore, this situation occurs.

So this time the TV station invitation, she felt that Chen Ze might not like it
very much. Now when she saw the surprised expression on Chen Ze's face, she
immediately subconsciously felt that Chen Ze must want to decline, so she said in
advance. .

"Oh, no." At this time, Chen Ze said, saying the opposite of Jiang Haitang's
thoughts. "Since it was an invitation from the TV station, I would like to

啊 "Ah, Mr. Chen, would you like to participate?" Jiang Haitang froze.

"Yes, I am willing." Chen Ze nodded and smiled.

Chen Ze is of course willing. This is a TV program. Even if it is a paid TV

station, the number of people watching it is not as high as those free TV stations,
but it is also targeted at the entire Las Vegas TV station. Such activities are
definitely an increase. The most popular event.

I have such an opportunity. How could Chen Ze be unwilling? He is too willing.

"Well, okay, then I will respond to their TV station now. The program should be
live at 7 pm, and you may be asked to go to the TV station with Mr. Chen." Jiang
Haitang said.

"OK." Chen Ze nodded.

Jiang Haitang walked out of the room, looking at her background, to be honest, Chen
Ze was excited. He has never been on a TV show in his life, he is still an American
TV show, so he is very excited.

At the same time, another side of the hotel.

"Brown, the TV station in Las Vegas here wants to invite you to one of their live
shows at night to promote this game." An old man sat on the bed facing one and was
constantly cutting poker in his hands. Man with a sign.

男人 That man cuts his cards very quickly, making people know at a glance that he
is a real player at playing cards. What's even more remarkable is that every time
he cuts the card ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ to shuffle the chaotic cards, it all starts
from a, all the way to k, and they come back in order and order.

If Chen Ze is here, he can immediately see that the man in front of him has reached
a very deep level of research accomplishment on playing cards.

"TV show?" The man shook his head when he heard the old man. "Forget it, what TV
show, I'm not interested, I have to prepare for tomorrow's game tonight."

"Also, tomorrow's game is more important." The old man nodded. "But I heard that
this TV station invited other people besides you."

"Oh, who else?" The man asked.

"Representative of Macau, China, Chen Ze." The old man said, and he was ready to
turn around and reject the TV station invitation.

等等 "Wait, you mean Chen Ze who broke five dice?" The man said.

"Yes, that's him." The old man said.

"That would be interesting, if it was him." The man said, with a look of excitement
on his face. "If it was him, I wouldn't mind participating in this TV show. Five
dice were broken, even Kelzer. They all said that he could not win his man, but I
really wanted to see who he was. "

I said, he turned to look at the old man: "Respond to that TV station, I promised
that show, and I promised John Brown."

John Brown, the world's number two gambling expert today, behind Kelzer!

Chapter FTLS 214: Face change magician

"John Brown, who is John Brown?"

Chen Ze asked in the video studio of Las Vegas TV station.

Just after I came to the studio, the TV station told him that the recording of the
show would start in 20 minutes, but in addition to him, one person was invited,
John Brown.

When I heard what the TV station said, Chen Ze asked Jiang Haitang.

名字 The name Chen Ze seems to have heard it somewhere, but suddenly I can't
remember it.

"John Brown is also one of the top eight to enter tomorrow's game." Jiang Haitang
began to explain to Chen Ze, but as he said, the expression on her face also
solemnly said, "Not only that, he is still the current The world's second best
gambling expert, behind Kelzer. "

"The world's second best gambling expert?" After hearing Jiang Haitang's words,
Chen Ze suddenly remembered that he had seen the name of this person in Jiang
Haitang's investigation report before.

"By the way, I remember that this second-ranked master in the world seems to be
about the same age as Kelzer. It seems that there is a nickname, what is a face-
changing magician." Chen Ze began, recalling Jiang Haitang's investigation What's
in the report.

"Yes, this John Brown is the same age as Kelzer. They were born in the same year.
They also made their debut in the world gambling world. Even in the years when they
first debuted, John Brown was both potential and back then. The gambling skills are
not inferior to Kelzer, so there was once a media that called the two people their
opponents of a lifetime. "Jiang Haitang said.

"So powerful? So why is Kelzer now the undisputed number one in the world?" Chen Ze

"This is because after several years of debut, Kelzer has shown incredible talent
in almost all gambling. No matter what gambling or gambling equipment, dice,
playing cards or roulette, etc. You will learn, you will be refined in a while, and
almost every aspect has reached its peak, so he became the undisputed first person
in the world. "

Jiang Haitang said: "And this John Brown is different. He doesn't have the
incredible talent of Kelzer. All he is good at is one kind of gambling equipment,
which is playing cards. Therefore, he has embarked on the path of studying playing
cards. After many years, no one knows to what extent his gambling has reached the
playing card, but just by studying the gambling of the playing card, he has become
the undisputed second in the world. Everyone even said that he The second place in
the world is much more stable than the first place in the world of Kelzer, the
third in the world behind, and the fourth in the world by Ichiro Itakura, and the
gap between him and him is too great. "

"Sounds, it is really very powerful." Chen Ze said.

A genius who was no less talented and brilliant than Kelzer when he debuted. He has
been studying the gambling of playing cards carefully over the years. I am afraid
that the accomplishments on this are really horrible. Describe it as bottomless.

"Well, which one of John Brown ’s gambling is the most powerful?" Chen Ze asked
again, knowing that if John Brown is really strong, then he is likely to meet him
tomorrow, so I want to know this John Brown in advance.

"He is very proficient in gambling on poker cards. Whether it is stealing cards or

something, he has almost no dead ends." Jiang Haitang said, "But to say that he is
the best, it is with him. The nickname changed to the magician. "

"Change face magician? What does this mean?" Chen Ze asked.

"The face-changing magician means that he can freely control the emotional changes,
micro-expression changes, etc. on his face, as if changing his face, and is as
magical as a magician. In fact, he is a micro-expressionist. The research topic is
What different kinds of human expressions convey different messages. "Jiang Haitang

"Micro-emotionist? Can you control the emotional changes on your face and the
reaction of your expression?"

I heard Jiang Haitang's words, Chen Ze frowned immediately. He realized exactly

where John Brown was strong. The so-called gambling, especially the playing card
gambling, such as landlords or studs, in addition to luck, to win, to a large
extent, depends on the calculation. Your own card counts as your opponent's card.

How to calculate the most accurate, in addition to relying on the ability to

observe the opponent's cards, observe the opponent's facial expressions, the tone
of the opponent when playing cards, the opponent's body movements, these are very

In such inadvertent times, the opponent's body will reveal very important
information, which can be said to be crucial for calculating the opponent's cards.

The calculation of Chen Ze's God of Gambling is largely based on this.

If this John Brown is really an expert in micro-expressions, then no one can do

better than these details. And he can hide the expression on his face at will, and
also can make his opponents not even know what the cards in his hand are.

So, it is almost invincible in the project of playing cards.

"If this guy's ability in this respect has reached the extreme, it is very likely
that he can't count his cards simply by counting on the gods of gambling."

Chen Ze murmured to himself, frowning. UU Reading Book www. uukanshu.com

"John Brown is here."

At this moment, there was a sudden sound from outside, and several people came in.
One of them, who looked about the same size as Kelzer, walked ahead with a smile on
his face.

I do n’t know why. Although I have never seen John Brown before, Chen Ze knows that
this person with a smile on his face is him.



In the video studio, the audience at the scene rang out a very warm applause, in
addition to applause, there were cheers.

At the center of the stage, Chen Ze sat on the table with a dice cup in front of
him. Inside the dice cup were five dice just shattered.

Just now he performed the dice shattering of the five dice in the daytime. After
opening the dice, after seeing that the five dice were actually shattered, the
applause rang directly at the scene. Audience They were all excited, and the lens
also gave a close-up of five shattered dice in the dice cup.

Then, the host said: "Okay, thank you Mr. Chen from Macau, China for the
performance, he was really able to shatter five dice in one breath, it is really
amazing, it is not that he can beat the world No. 4 Itakura Ichiro's master. "

Then, the host looked at John Brown sitting next to him, and said, "Below, it ’s
our second best master in the world, Mr. John Brown, the magician with a change of
face, and show everyone his magic gambling. . "

Chapter FTLS 215: Strong enemy (on)

下面 "Below, let's welcome Mr. John Brown and show everyone his magic gambling."
The host spoke.

Hearing his words, the audience immediately burst into applause. Compared to Chen
Ze, many of the audience who came to the scene have heard of John Brown before, and
have some understanding of his gambling skills, so they are also looking forward to

At this time, Chen Ze also walked back to the host and John Brown, and carefully
looked at this John Brown. Although he heard a little news of John Brown from Jiang
Haitang, but this guy is strong To what extent did his micro-expression reach, Chen
Ze now took this opportunity to take a good look.

谢谢 "Thank you, in fact, everyone should have heard of my gambling. It is called

mind reading when talking about fantasy, and it is called micro-expression analysis
when talking about scientific point." John Brown said with a smile on his face.

"Small expression, I believe many people have heard of it, but there may not be a
few who really understand it. Here are some examples." John Brown continued, all
the audience at the moment were quiet, all They all listened quietly.

"For example, if a person shakes his shoulders while giving a speech or answering a
question, what does this mean? This shows that the person is not confident enough.
He may not be sure about the content of his speech or the answer."

"For example, when a man and a woman are always rubbing their noses casually, what
does this mean? It means that the man is lying and what he wants to cover up."

"And when a person's eyes look to the left, it indicates that he is remembering
something. Looking to the right is just the opposite, he is thinking about lies."

"When there is still surprise, if a person's expression of surprise exceeds one

second, it means that the person is not actually surprised. The surprise expression
he has made is just a fake ..."

John Brown spoke, introducing the micro-expression analysis of human psychology.

Hearing these introductions, Chen Ze ’s surprise grew bigger and bigger, he found
that what John Brown said really stopped, and a slight expression could really
reveal so much information. .

"With one glance, you can see whether the other party is lying, so it would be a
bit scary to use this ability to gamble."

Chen Ze thought of looking at John Brown who was talking.

"And my research over the years is to combine these analyses of micro-expressions

with gambling to analyze the state of mind of the opponent at this moment and
guarantee his victory." John Brown laughed, "I brought today Some videos, through
these videos, I think I can better introduce my gambling to everyone. "

With his words, a video immediately appeared on the large screen at the scene. Chen
Ze also looked in the past and found that these videos turned out to be some in the
casino, recording both sides of the gaming table.

"Everyone can see, the gambling parties in my videos have different expressions on
their faces, which is exactly to show their state of mind at this moment, and from
this state of them, we can analyze them at this moment. What cards are they? "John
Brown pointed at the big screen.

"For example, like the first one on my big screen, he has a look of self-confidence
on his face at this moment. I don't know how good his cards really are."

With John Brown's words, others looked at the big screen carefully and found that
it was indeed the case. This man's self-confidence seemed to be able to satisfy the

不过 "But you can see that there is a slight jitter on his right shoulder, which
shows that he is actually lying, and his own card is actually not so good." John
Brown smiled.

He said the video went on. The man's card was the same as he said, but it was
actually not good. He was just scaring his opponent.


Seeing this scene, the audience all yelled. Everyone didn't expect that it was
really so spirited. John Brown said that if the opponent did not have a good card,
there was really no good card.

Then several people appeared in the video, all of which were the same as the first
one. In fact, the cards in their hands were completely different from the
expressions on their faces. They were usually not visible at all, but they were
easily passed by John Brown. I analyzed it.

"It's terrible, isn't this micro expression really so powerful?"

"No wonder it is the second best player in the world of gambling. With this one
hand analysis ability, it is not comparable to others."

"Yeah, this is really too strong."

Everyone in the audience said, one by one, they were all amazed. They all felt that
John Brown ’s ability to analyze the micro-expression was too strong. If he
analyzed it like this, would n’t it be invincible? Now, no matter what card your
opponent has, you can easily analyze it.

"It's really powerful. With this analysis ability alone, I am afraid that it is far
from the average gambler can win." Sitting beside John Brown, watching the video on
the big screen, Chen Ze thought to himself.

He saw John Braun's analysis closely before he knew how powerful he was.

不过 "However, if only this analytical ability is strong, I am afraid that it will

not be enough to make him the second best gambling expert in the world."

Chen Ze thought again, he knew that although John Brown ’s analysis just looked
amazing ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, but in fact, the more advanced the gambling person,
the stronger the ability to hide such small details and small details, maybe
ordinary The gambler will also reveal that his cards are actually not good because
of a shoulder shake. But for a true master, there will never be such a weakness.

The real gambling master may still have his own small moves and flaws, but the
flaws of each person are different, and it is definitely not something that can be
summarized by summing up the laws of the masses.

So in fact, the duel between two masters does not depend on how much you can see
your opponent's hole cards, but on whether you can deceive your opponent and make
the opponent mistakenly think that they are.

Only by deceiving his opponent can he win the game.

The so-called face-changing magician that John Brown actually means is that he can
cheat his opponent with his expression, so Chen Ze determined that although what
John Brown just said is already amazing, it is very useful for the average gambler.

But for the real master showdown, his killer 锏 did not make it out.

"But what I just said is just fur. These may be useful for ordinary gambling games,
but for real masters, this is not useful." At this time, John Brown spoke again
with a smile on his face.

"My real gambling skill is only going to be shown now. But this requires the help
of one person, can Mr. Chen Ze? Can you cooperate with me and gamble with me."

He said, John Brown looked at Chen Ze with a smile on his face.

Chapter FTLS 216: Strong enemy (below)

"Extremely happy." Chen Ze said with a smile.

To be honest, he did not expect that John Brown would invite him directly to a
game, but this is better. Chen Ze felt that he could face up to see how high John
Brown ’s gambling skills really are.

If it is really possible to meet him tomorrow, then just prepare in advance now.

Certainly, Chen Ze knew that John Brown had the same intention in his heart.

这 "Here, these two guys are going to bet on one game?"

"Great, this one is the second in the world. One has just shattered five dice, and
it is also a big hit in the current game. These two people have to bet on a game
and must be particularly good-looking."

一定 "It must be exciting. I look forward to it. I just feel excited when I think
about the gamble between these two people."

The audience at the scene, after hearing the conversation between the two, they
immediately became excited.

And the host is the same. After hearing the words of the two, they immediately
yelled, "If you two bet on a game, it can be said to be the highest level matchup
in the world, this is the preview of this semi-final."


The audience immediately burst into applause for Chen Ze and John Brown.

John Brown looked at Chen Ze with a smile on his face and said, "Very well, I am
grateful to Mr. Chen for agreeing to my request. This time my gamble was very
simple. Mr. Chen and I each took three out of the poker cards. The card comes out,
then open two of them, and use one sentence to describe the size of the remaining
card. Of course, this sentence can be true or false. Then guess each other whether
this third card is more than two of them. Zhang should be big or small, or
somewhere between the two.

This gamble is a way of gambling that John Brown himself came up with. Use one
sentence to describe the third card. Then you can use the opponent ’s sentence to
analyze the size of the remaining third card and use your own. This sentence
confuses the opponent and causes the opponent to fall into the wrong judgment.

It can be said that this method is the easiest way to detect the gap between
himself and his opponent in this area. Therefore, John Brown often uses this kind
of gambling game to confront people to understand how the opponent's ability is.

And he also knows that Chen Ze is likely to be one of his most important opponents
tomorrow, so he proposed this way.

After he finished speaking, Chen Ze nodded. Although he had never played this kind
of gambling before, it was very simple. Chen Ze also knew exactly what John Brown
wanted to do, as he himself thought. It was almost the same, so he immediately

Soon, the two came to the gambling table, a deck of playing cards was taken up, and
they were placed in front of the two after being shuffled.

At the same time, the audience and the scene were all gathered on the two people,
as well as the playing card.

"Looking forward, who will win?"

"You still need to ask, it must be John Brown. His micro expression is so powerful.
This is more like playing cards. I think he must win."

"I also think that although Chen Ze is also very powerful, but on the dice, it is
hard to say how his poker ability is, and his opponent is John Brown. I think it
may be relatively small."

"Don't forget, Chen Ze has won Rhodes before. Although Rhodes is completely
incomparable with John Brown, but I don't think Chen Ze will lose the game so

The audience underneath whispered and talked about their winning or losing. After
reading the analysis before John Brown tonight, most people feel that John Brown
has an even better advantage in this project.

However, many people think that Chen Ze will be more powerful, and he won't lose so

At the same time as the audience was in heated discussions, the gamble between Chen
Ze and John Brown officially began.

泽 Chen Ze and John Brown are each in this pile of chaotic cards and draw three

Then they both thought about it and showed two of them.

Chen Ze showed his two cards, Spades 5 and Spades 9.

约翰 And John Brown showed his two cards, Plum 5 and J.

"Mr. Chen, let me guess yours first. Please describe your third card in one
sentence." John Brown said.

"Okay." Chen Ze nodded, and then thought carefully, thinking about what the third
card should say, and then he said, his face calm, "My third card, no Bigger than
Spades 9. "

"This, how to guess, is not greater than spades 9, that is less than 9 is greater
than 5, or directly less than 5."
"No, just as John Brown said, this sentence can be true or false, everything
depends on judgment, so Chen Ze's sentence may not be true, it may be greater than
spades 9. "

"I rely on that, it can't be judged at all, I don't see any slight movement when
Chen Ze said this sentence, and there is no expression that lies or tells the

"It is indeed a top-level expert, and there are no flaws exposed at all. It is no
wonder that John Brown just said that his previous analysis was invalid for the
expert, and now Chen Ze has no reaction at all."

After hearing Chen Ze's words, the audience said one by one that this topic was too
difficult, and there was no way to analyze it through Chen Ze's sentence.

And everyone understands why John Brown said that his previous introduction had no
effect on the real master.

Everyone shook his head and felt that Chen Ze was completely impeccable, and he
couldn't guess at all.

"I guess ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Mr. Chen Ze, your card is bigger than Spades 9, which
is the biggest of your three cards." At this moment, John Brown spoke with a smile
on his face. And a confident smile.

Everyone didn't expect John Brown to guess it so quickly, he quickly looked over to
Chen Ze, and wanted to see if John Brown guessed right.


At this moment, Chen Ze applauded and applauded John Brown: "Mr. Brown, you are
really good."

Chen Ze opened his third card, the red peach q, which was bigger than the **** 9.
Chen Ze just said it was a lie.

"Great, John Brown really didn't blow it, he actually guessed it."

我 "I rely, how did John Brown guess this? I can't see that Chen Ze's sentence is a

"It's amazing, I don't know how John Brown analyzed it, it's really amazing."

After seeing that John Brown was right, everyone said, one by one, they were all
amazed, and they thought John Brown was too great.

"It's my turn, Mr. Chen Ze, my third card is greater than 5, less than j." John
Brown said, and his impeccable look left the audience completely unaware that what
he said was true. Still fake.

And Chen Ze is the same. Looking at John Brown, he really realized that this guy
will be a strong enemy of him tomorrow.

Chapter FTLS 217: weakness

"Now analyze the probability of John Brown's third card size."

Looking at John Brown, Chen Ze began to analyze the size of his three cards in his
mind with the principle of gambling.
The expressions and movements on John Brown's face and his words are not flawed.
Chen Ze knows that it is difficult to analyze, but he still has to try it.

At the beginning of his analysis, the audience on the stage whispered:

"John Brown is truly the world's second. Experts in this field, just now Chen Ze
has made me feel that he is not flawed, but it was still seen through by John
Brown. And he himself said better than just Chen Ze feels that there is no flaw in
it, I really can't see the size of his hand. "

"Me too, I can't see it at all. It is indeed the second in the world. The
accomplishment in the field of playing cards is too deep."

"I suspect that even if Kelzer came in person, he might not be able to see it. How
this looks, this is completely invisible."

Everyone said, one by one, they said that they could not see it at all, and that
John Brown's expression was impeccable. With the analysis he had just made, he
could not put it on himself.

"Too strong, John Brown is really too strong, looks really stronger than Chen Ze."
Finally, everyone thought.

"The probability of John Brown's third card is less than 5 for the concept of 31%,
the concept between 5 and j is 38%, and the concept of greater than j is 31%. "

At this time, Chen Ze's mind analyzed the concept of John Brown's third card, which
is the same as Chen Ze thought, because John Brown has almost no flaws, even if it
is a gambler, it is almost impossible The size of his cards, in the end, can only
give percentages according to the interval possible.

"It's hard to see through his cards with my current ability."

After seeing this probability, Chen Ze thought to himself that he knew that there
was indeed a gap between him and John Brown.

He was hesitant and didn't know which to guess.

"Mr. Chen Ze, you can guess." It seemed that Chen Ze's current hesitation was seen,
and John Brown smiled with a touch of pride in his smile.

At the same time, the audience seemed to see it. Chen Ze was indeed better than
John Brown on this.

"Sure enough, it seems that Chen Ze can't guess. In fact, he is still far worse
than John Brown in this respect."

"I think so, and it looks like he can't beat John Brown."

"If tomorrow's game is with him and John Brown, and playing cards again, I see him
as dangerous."

Everyone spoke, watching Chen Ze whisper.

"No matter, by luck, by the luck of God, and see if you can guess right."

At this moment, Chen Ze thought to himself that he knew he couldn't guess John
Brown's card at the moment, so he was going to try his best to guess one. Of
course, it was the luck of God.
"I think your card is between 5 and j." Finally, Chen Ze gritted his teeth.

When I heard Chen Ze's words, John Brown's fixed smile suddenly froze. He froze. He
didn't seem to think that Chen Ze would guess like this: "Congratulations, Mr.
Chen, you guessed right."

He said, John Brown opened his card, too, with a square 9 between 5 and j.

"Guess, guess right?"

When I saw that I was right, Chen Ze was a little bit frightened. I didn't expect
that the important moment of gambling played a role in making him guess correctly,
which surprised him a little.

"I went, I guessed it right, Chen Ze was also very lucky, I guessed it right."

"It's not necessarily luck. I think Chen Ze can see through it. Even if they are
playing tomorrow, it is not necessarily."

"I think so too, not necessarily. Judging from the current situation, it is not
necessarily true."

The audience on the stage said that they were also very surprised, but Chen Ze had
actually guessed it.

I also guessed because Chen Ze was right. The two were a tie in this game, so they
both started talking, and felt that the competition between the two was not
necessarily ah.

At the moment, opposite to Chen Ze, John Brown was a little bit mistaken. He did
not expect that Chen Ze could guess correctly.

In fact, he felt that Chen Ze was inferior to him in this respect, so he also
planned to overpower Chen Ze tonight, in case of a real match tomorrow, come first.

Who knows, who knows that Chen Ze's luck is so good, he guessed it right and tied

So John Brown's smile was a little froze, and he reluctantly said,

"Congratulations, Mr. Chen Ze, congratulations on your guessing."

"Thank you very much." Chen Ze said, seemingly to find something. Although he was
lucky to guess this game, he was in a good mood at the moment.

In the end, the game ended with a two-man draw, and the show ended there.

"Goodbye Mr. Chen Ze, if we are opponents tomorrow, I hope you will show mercy."

Finally, in front of the TV station, John Brown was sitting in the car, facing Chen
Zedao with a smile on his face.

He said, he closed the window and left with the car.

In the car, his smile disappeared, but his face was hazy: "It didn't win, except
for Kelzer, I was even tied with this Chen Ze."

Although Chen Ze is famous today, in fact, John Brown does not put Chen Ze in his
eyes. There is only one person in his eyes, which is Kelzer.
Although Chen Ze is powerful, he has not been taken into account. However, he did
not win Chen Ze today, which made him very upset, very upset.

"Brown, rest assured. Although you did not win that Chen Ze today, it is obviously
only that person who is lucky. I think if you meet him, you will definitely win him
in tomorrow's game." At this time The old man who came with John Brown spoke.

"That is of course. Today I have figured out Chen Ze's ability. Well, maybe it is
really strong on the dice. But on the playing card, he is not my opponent at all.
He can draw with me today, just He was just lucky. And I have discovered one of his
weaknesses, that weakness, and I promise that if he meets me, he will be defeated
to me. "John Brown said.

"Weakness?" The old man froze, but did not expect John Brown to discover a weakness
in Chen Ze.

对 "Yes, a weakness, a fatal weakness," John Brown said.

On the other side, Chen Ze also followed Jiang Haitang's car back to the hotel, but
in the hotel lobby he saw another person, who turned out to be Kelzer.

"Chen Ze, hello."

After seeing Chen Ze, Kelzer greeted with a smile.

Chen Ze asked Jiang Haitang to go up, and then he walked in front of Kelzer:
"Hello, I never thought you would come to me."

Chen Ze was surprised, and unexpectedly Kelzer would come to him.

"I heard you went to record the show today? Among the people who went there was
John Brown." Kelzer smiled.

"Yes." Chen Ze nodded. "How do you know?"

"I was also invited to that show. I didn't think I had trouble, but I know you and
John Brown went." Kelzer smiled ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ How about I think you should
know about John · Brown's ability, what do you think of his gambling skills? "

"Very strong, or very strong on the playing card." Chen Ze said, recalling today's
process, said.

"Yes, he is so strong. If I were to discuss playing cards, even I would not be able
to win him. Especially his control of micro expressions and movements, even for me,
would be difficult to see exactly what his cards were. What is it? "Kelzer smiled."
If you meet him tomorrow, I'm afraid it will be trouble. "

"Well, that's true." Chen Ze nodded.

"I don't want you to be eliminated so early. I have played against John the guy
many times. You and I have never played against each other, so if you are going to
play against him tomorrow, I hope you can win." Kelzer It turned out that he came
here to cheer Chen Ze, "So, I want to tell you something."

"What is it?" Chen Ze asked.

弱 "Weakness, John's weakness." Kelzer said, "That guy is really powerful, but it's
not without weaknesses. On the contrary, he has a very fatal weakness."
"If this is the case, then don't need it." Chen Ze smiled and said, and Kelzer was

Chen Ze turned around, walked into the hotel, waved his hands back to Kelzer, and
said, "That guy's weakness, I've figured it out tonight. Don't worry, if I meet
him, tomorrow The winner will be me. "

Chapter FTLS 218: Eye of the Gambler

"It's so worth participating in a TV show in Las Vegas this time. I didn't expect
that John Brown was so strong."

Chen Ze muttered to himself in Chen Ze's room.

I participated in this event, met John Brown, and also fought. Although it was only
a small bet, Chen Ze had already seen John Brown's weakness in that game.

Yes, John Brown ’s micro-expression read mind is really very strong, and his
ability to control expressions has almost reached its peak. With Chen Ze's current
ability, it is almost difficult to see through his mind.

However, this guy still has weaknesses, and it is a fatal weakness.

Through this weakness, Chen Ze knows that he can hope to defeat John Brown. Of
course, Chen Ze also knows that even if he wins, I am afraid it will be the most
dangerous battle so far. After all, John Brown ’s micro-expression analysis ability
is really It's too strong, and if you're not careful, you can really lose.

However, this time participating in the TV program, let him increase the
probability of winning, this is the value this TV station program brings to him.

But it's not just that. At this moment, Chen Ze has a smile on his face, watching
this program brings another value. Another value is the surge in popularity once

That's right, although this TV station's program is a paid program, and it's a
hurried one, but Chen Ze's popularity has once again ushered in a skyrocketing.
After all, it is also a TV program. After all, the audience is naturally more
online than before. Much famous.

At this moment, Chen Ze looked at the popularity page of his system. The page shows
that at this moment, Chen Ze's popularity has reached 13,521, which is an increase
of more than 3,000 compared with more than 9,000 during the day. Well, this is the
benefit of this show.

And the popularity is still rising, Chen Ze felt that before the fourth day, it
should be no problem to reach 20,000.

But even if it doesn't reach 20,000, it doesn't matter. If it exceeds 10,000, it

will be able to draw again.

Therefore, Chen Ze is now smiling and ready to draw again.

"The last time I got the hand of the **** of gambling, I made considerable progress
in my gambling. I don't know what will be drawn this time?" Chen Ze muttered to
himself, looking forward to this draw. .
Then, he closed the popularity page, opened the raffle page, and then started to
draw. The skill names on the raffle page continued to flash, showing what kind of
skills Chen Ze could draw at this moment.

"The skill of the **** of gambling, I don't remember much about this skill. No
matter what it is next, you should be able to take yourself one step further."

Watching these flashing skills, Chen Ze muttered to himself. He checked the skills
of God of Gambling, knowing that the skills of God of Gambling are not many, and at
present he has drawn the luck of God, the strategy of God of Gambling, the power of
God, the hand of God, the ear of God, almost The skills of God of Gamblers must be

Therefore, the skill of the gambler is really not much left. No matter which one is
drawn, Chen Ze knows that he will make his gambling skills go further.

"It is better to be able to deal with John Brown's skills." Chen Ze thought to
himself, he remembered the battle with John Brown tonight, it was really good luck
that he had a tie with John Brown. .

Although I also found John Brown ’s weaknesses, John Brown is still too strong. If
it is really better than playing cards, one is careless, and there is a real
possibility of losing. Therefore, Chen Ze hopes that the skills drawn this time
will be able to deal with John Brown's skills, such as camouflage of God of
Gamblers, etc., so that John Brown can't see through his mind and see what else is
on his hand brand.

陈 And just when Chen Ze thought about this, the flashing of the skill page began
to stop slowly, and then Chen Ze's draw skills stopped this time and appeared on
the page: "Eye of the God of Gambling."

"Eye of God of Gambling?"

愣 Chen Ze stunned, I don't know what kind of skills this is. He quickly looked at
a row of small characters behind these four large characters, and looked at the
explanation of these small characters for the eye of the **** of gamblers.

"The eye of the **** of gamblers, when the **** of gamblers sees all gambling and
camouflage, having the eye of the **** of gambles is equivalent to the ability of
the **** of gamblers to see through everything. In cooperation with the **** of
gamblers, it can be almost accurate Seeing through the opponent ’s psychology, he
calculated the cards in the opponent ’s hand, expected the enemy to take the lead,
and defeated the opponent. With the eyes of the **** of gambling and the
calculation of the **** of gambling, the **** of gambling was never lost.

"Cooperate with God of Gamblers, can you see everything?"

Chen Ze looked at this small line of words and muttered to himself, when he saw
this passage, he was all excited, and did not expect that the eyes of God of
Gambler would be so powerful.

"I've got the gambler's calculations, I've got the gambler's calculations, and now
I've got the gambler's eyes, isn't it really possible to see everything?"

Chen Ze opened his mouth with an excited expression on his face. He suddenly
remembered one of the previous things. When he was drawn to the **** of gambling,
he said that the **** of gambling was based on the words of the **** of gambling.
There is no way to accurately calculate the cards of those strong opponents. And if
you want to compete with a real gambling expert, you must have the eye of the ****
of gambling.

现在 And now, the eye of the **** of gambling is coming, and the two are combined
to see through everything! !! !!

对 "Well, if, if you can see through everything, then, wouldn't it mean that you
can also see John Brown's psychology and figure out the cards in John Brown's

Suddenly, Chen Ze thought of this situation. If he could really see through

everything, wouldn't it mean that he could see through John Brown? Seeing through
this might be the most powerful and subtle expression control in the world Your own
psychological gambling master!

Thinking of this, Chen Ze was completely excited. Although he discovered a weakness

of John Brown before, that weakness did not completely guarantee that he won John

现在 Now if you add this, then there is no problem, you can win John Brown!

"Great, if I meet John Brown tomorrow, I will definitely win him."

泽 Chen Ze muttered to himself, with an extremely excited smile on his face.


At this moment, Chen Ze's door was knocked.

Chen Ze opened it and it was Jiang Haitang.

"Mr. Chen, the list for tomorrow's battle is down."

奥 "Ao? Who is my opponent tomorrow? Is it John Brown?" Chen Ze asked quickly.

"No, it's another master who broke into the third day." Jiang Haitang said.


Hearing her words, Chen Ze froze a bit. He clearly had a hunch. He would meet John
Brown tomorrow. Why, why isn't his opponent?

If it wasn't for him, then the eye of the **** of gambling ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~
wouldn't it have been white.

"But in the second game, if you win the first game, you will meet him, he and you
are in a division, you two have only one person, can enter the finals the day after
tomorrow." Jiang Haitang said.

刚刚 She just got the news, and immediately came to tell Chen Ze when she saw it.
She still has a little worry and sorrow herself. After all, although Chen Ze is
strong on the dice, it does not mean that he is strong on other items.

In particular, tonight, it seems that Chen Ze is falling behind and is tied by


Therefore, after seeing that tomorrow's opponent may be John Brown in the second
round, Jiang Haitang is a bit worried, and she thought Chen Ze would be worried.
Who knows she saw it suddenly, after Chen Ze heard the news, he laughed aloud:
"Too, great, tomorrow, we can meet John Brown in the second round."

"Mr. Chen?" Jiang Haitang was completely stunned, but never thought that Chen Ze
would be so happy. John Brown was so strong that it didn't look like a pleasant
thing to meet him.

Therefore, Jiang Haitang could not think of Chen Ze and could not understand it.

Seeing Jiang Haitang's doubtful look, Chen Ze smiled back and said, "Relax, Miss
Jiang, I will be able to win John Brown tomorrow. The person entering the finals
will be us."

Although he did not know where Chen Ze came from, he was so confident that Jiang
Haitang was infected: "Well, I believe in you."

Chapter FTLS 219: Semi-finals start

我 "I declare that the victory of this game was won by a representative from Macau,
Chen Ze!"

In a casino hall in Bisberg, the dealer spoke and announced the victory of Chen Ze.

This game is the first game on the third day. Chen Ze's opponent is a 14th person
in the world. This person's luck is very good. Although the world ranking is only
14th, he managed to escape by group. I got to the top players and entered today's

But after facing Chen Ze, he had no such luck. He had no suspense from beginning to
end, and he lost miserably.

In fact, the 14th in the world ranking is already a very high ranking. If you put
it in any casino in the world, including Las Vegas, it is also treated as a guest
of the casino.

I still lost to the current Chen Ze, and still lost.

Now Chen Ze, such a dozen people have long been ignored by him.

"Too strong, this Chen Ze is really too strong. His opponent is also ranked 14th in
the world, and he is hanged from beginning to end just like the person who just
learned to gamble."

"It's really the biggest dark horse this time. Who had heard of this Chen Ze before
this game? But he even cut off Rhodes, Ikura Ichiro, and the 14th person in the
world today. He is a real master, but he is not even his opponent. "

"Did Chen Ze, really want to enter the finals tomorrow? Do you want to compete with

For four weeks, I don't know how many ordinary audiences are surrounded, and there
are many gambling experts who have been eliminated. All are watching Chen Ze and

They were all amazed, they felt that Chen Ze was too powerful, and they felt worse
every day.

"Looking at the momentum of Chen Ze in the first game, I think he definitely wants
to win the championship, and Kelzer also said that Chen Ze is the one he did not
win. Amazing. If Chen Ze really made it to the finals, I think there is really hope
to challenge Kerzer. "

"Yeah, I think so too, really promising."

Some gambling experts open their mouths and discuss whether Chen Ze hopes to win
the championship. If it is someone else who wants to face Kelzer, they will hardly
imagine that Kelzer will lose.

现在 But now, some people really think that although Kelzer is strong, Chen Ze is
not impossible to win.

"You think too much. Instead of thinking about Chen Ze entering tomorrow's finals
and what it will look like in the war with Kelzer, think about waiting for the next
Chen Ze game. If there is no accident, he will play next. His opponent is John
Brown. This John Brown is not comparable to the 14th man in the world. "

At this time, one person spoke. Although John Brown's first game was not over yet,
they all knew nothing unexpected, and the winner was John Brown. Since it is the
same, then the two will meet in the next game. Whoever can win and who can enter
tomorrow's game and challenge the status of King Kelzer depends on the next game.

"This, this I don't find it easy to say, if it was replaced by the person who was
closest to Kelzer and was able to win in this kind of competition, then it must be
John Brown, the number two in the world today. Ze, although he doesn't have a world
ranking, I don't think his level is worse than John Brown. "

"I also think so, the magician who changes face is really powerful, I am far less
than him. But if it is Chen Ze, then it is not necessarily, I think Chen Ze can

"I also believe in Chen Ze, I think he can beat John Brown."

A few people spoke, and these three people were convinced by Chen Ze's performance
over the past three days, and they became Chen Ze's fans completely.

So although opponents are John Brown, the second in the world, they all think that
Chen Ze can still win.

"Hahaha." Suddenly, a burst of laughter rang out, and others heard the words of
Chen Ze's fans, and some of them even laughed, "Joke, you can actually say such
things, I think you are simply I don't know the power of John Brown at all. "

"That is, the second-ranked genius in the world today. You are too underestimating
John Brown's gambling. The face-changing magician has an unfathomable skill in
poker. Even Kelzer has said that he may not be better than John Brown in this
regard. "

"People who say that Chen Ze can win John Brown have watched the TV show last
night. Last night, the two were in a match in the show. Although the last two were
tied, honestly, Chen Ze was just lucky. That's it. If there is a real sword, I
promise he will lose to John Brown. "

Others spoke. Many of these people were fans of the United Kingdom or John Brown,
so after hearing the words of Chen Ze fans, they started to refute. In their mind,
Kelzer is better than John Brown, let alone Chen Ze.

电视 The TV program they mentioned immediately reminded a lot of people, and many
people watched the show last night, and they were impressed by the match between
Chen Ze and John Brown.

"Yeah, I remembered it. In the game last night, it seemed that Chen Ze was

"If the next game is a playing card, according to last night's performance, I feel
that Chen Ze cannot win John Brown."

"In the last night's gambling, it was obvious that John Brown was on the upper hand
~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ If there is another round, I think Chen Ze will lose."

These people who have watched the TV show talked. Through the program last night,
they also confirmed that indeed, it does seem that Chen Ze is not John Brown's
opponent yet.

With the cause of the TV show, there was a lot of discussion at the scene, and they
were talking, and Chen Ze didn't seem to be John Brown's opponent.

Listening to these words, Chen Ze's fans were a little unconvinced and wanted to
say something. However, they have all watched the TV show last night, and it seems
that this is the case. So even though I was not convinced, I didn't say anything in
the end.

At the table, Chen Ze heard these people's voices. However, Chen Ze didn't say
anything, everything will be explained at the gambling game waiting for the

"Excuse me, when does the next game begin?" Chen Ze asked the dealer.

等 "After the game over there, the winner will come over, and then it will begin."
The dealer said.

"Okay." Chen Ze nodded.

"There is news on that side too, John Brown, John Brown won, and it was a big win."

At this moment, a news came over, and with all the news coming, and John Brown
himself, he came to the gamble with Chen Ze with a look of confidence.

It seems that the gas field is quite strong.

Looking at his figure, Chen Ze knows that the semi-final has begun!

Chapter FTLS 220: Full firepower (on)

"Congratulations to Chen Ze, you have reached the semi-final. As long as you win
another game, you will be able to enter the final." John Brown said, looking at
Chen Zedao.

He just won the game on his side. At this moment, he is full of momentum,
completely exposing his world's second gas field. Although at the moment he was
talking about congratulations to Chen Ze, everyone at the scene could feel that he
had no sense of this.

Chen Ze also smiled: "Congratulations, you have reached the semi-finals."

"Unfortunately, you can't do it, you can't make it to the final, because the person
who enters the final and fights Kelzer will be me. You lose today." John Brown
said. The voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the audience, and his tone
was also extremely firm. It seemed that his words would indeed be general.

"I advise you to give up the game. Last night's show, I have found your fatal
weakness. With this weakness, you can't win me. And you will be defeated."


When I heard him, everyone on the scene was very surprised. Everyone did not expect
that John Brown would speak so directly, almost like a declaration of war.

However, everyone who is familiar with John Brown knows that this is John Brown's
usual practice. Every time before a key match, he must overwhelm the opponent with
his speech and try to get a good start.

Therefore, this is exactly what Chen Ze said about Chen Ze.

"Weakness? If you do find it, then I congratulate you." At this moment, Chen Ze
said with a smile.

He was completely unaffected by John Brown, as if he was just facing an ordinary


"Very good, I am looking forward to the next game."

John Brown spoke, and sat down aside, waiting for the official start of the game.

Chen Ze also sat on the other side, waiting for the start of the game.

For a while, although the game had not yet begun, the atmosphere at the scene rose,
and the audience didn't even dare to speak loudly, just daring to look at Chen Ze
and John Brown, whispering in a whisper.

"Weakness? What weakness? What weakness does Chen Ze have? We never thought of it."

"Yeah, I watched last night's show, and I didn't feel that Chen Ze would have any

"What weakness will it be?"

The dealers were also a little stunned, and the atmosphere between Chen Ze and John
Brown was frozen. They reacted for a long time and began to prepare for the match
between the two.

"Brown, I don't think that Chen Ze's mental quality is really good. It seems that
he has not been affected by what you just said." At this time, he followed the old
man of John Brown and said.

He also understands John Brown ’s approach, knowing that it is also to overwhelm

Chen Ze in momentum, and there were not many people who could not be overwhelmed in
the past. Most of his opponents were frightened when facing such a momentum John
Brown. Disorders, a small part will also be affected considerably.

Is not affected at all, and there are few in the world. He looked at Chen Ze, and
found that Chen Ze was the last one.

"It's normal. How can anyone who can reach the semi-finals be scared by me with a
few words?" John Brown smiled. "I just said hello to him."
As he said, he turned to Chen Ze: "But since the greeting is over, I will be polite
when I meet. In the shortest time, I will defeat this guy. I want to let Kelzer
know that this game, The champion of the World Gambler is mine. "

John Brown extremely wanted to defeat Chen Ze, not only because Chen Ze was his
opponent this time, but also because he was the only one Kelzer admitted and could
not win.

This evaluation, he John Brown never got.

Therefore, such a person and such evaluation are too much for John Brown who is
determined to defeat Kelzer and become the world's number one. He wants to beat
Chen Ze to Kelzer and let him Erzer knows that he already has gambling skills that
surpass his Kelzer.

之前 Before that, John Brown's grasp was not very great. After all, Chen Ze shook
five dice, and created the person who broke the record.

But after last night, John Brown determined: "Although Chen Ze is awesome, he is
not my opponent. He can't see my slight expression. Even if he sees it, he still
has a weakness, a fatal one. Weakness. So I won this game. "

On the other side, Jiang Haitang looked at John Brown and then Chen Ze: "Mr. Chen,
are you okay, those words of John Brown just now are his usual methods. He just
likes to do this kind of preemptive trick. I hope you will not be affected by him.

"Miss Jiang, rest assured, just a few words, I will not be affected by these
words." Chen Ze smiled, "but looking at John Brown, I am afraid that I won today."

When I heard Chen Ze's words in the first half, Jiang Haitang was relieved, and
after hearing the second half, Jiang Haitang's heart mentioned his throat again:
"Then, Mr. Chen, you are fine."

海 Jiang Haitang knows that John Brown is very strong ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~

especially on the playing card, it can be said to be the first person in the world.
And today's semi-final, judging from the information received last night, it is
exactly playing cards.

Therefore, although Chen Ze is very powerful and even shook five dice, after all,
the dice and playing cards are completely different. From the record of the two
players last night, Chen Ze is indeed in a disadvantage, so Jiang Haitang is a bit
worried stand up.

"Relax Miss Jiang." Chen Ze spoke, and he also looked at John Brown with a faint
smile on his face. "Although John Brown said he found my weakness and won me. But
the game, again How could it be so simple. He would find a weak person, not just
him. "


Soon, the dealers' preparations were completed, and the final semi-final decided
whether Chen Ze and John Brown, who could enter the final, officially started.

"I announced that the game started. The two sides were representatives from Macau,
China, and Chen Ze. There was also a representative from the United Kingdom, John
Brown, the world's number two today. The game in this field is poker, stud . The
two have 500,000 chips each. Whoever loses the chips first loses the game. "
The dealer opened his mouth, announcing the rules of this match, which was actually
the same as the rules of Chen Ze's first match.

"Five innings, as long as Chen Ze has five innings, I will win you in the five
innings." John Brown sat opposite Chen Ze, looked at the chips in front of him, and
looked at Chen Ze again, and said.

He is extremely confident and ready to fire.

Chapter FTLS 221: Well-known

In the casino, everyone, including ordinary spectators and gambling masters who
were eliminated in this game, are standing on both sides of the gaming table,
watching this game of Chen Ze and John Brown.

This time the game was stud, and the rules were the same as Chen Ze ’s first game,
and even the chips were the same. It was in that match with the fierce Rhodes in
the Philippines that Chen Ze won a blockbuster. The newcomers that everyone does
not know have gradually become the biggest hit now.

Many people still remember that in that game, Chen Ze used Roddu's best stealer,
that is, Rhodes to solve the card swap.

However, they all know that in this game, it is difficult to use the card swap. In
the first game, the distance between the table and Chen Ze and Rhodes was much
closer than this one. The game used a large gaming table. Chen Ze, John Brown, and
the dealer were not close. There was no way to perform a card swap.

And more importantly, this time Chen Ze's opponent is John Brown, ranked second in
the world, proficient in poker. The card swap may be useful to others, but it will
certainly not be of much use to him.

Therefore, everyone knows that Chen Ze ’s gambling is probably restricted. He wants

to win John Brown and win his terrifying micro-expression mind-reading technique.
He must find other ways. Row.

"Do you think Chen Ze can win John Brown?"

"John Brown ’s micro-expression mind reading is too powerful. I don't know if Chen
Ze can do anything about it. From the video of last night's show, he couldn't do
anything at that time."

"Yes, who knows, but in my opinion, it is difficult."

The audience whispered, just as they were talking, the dealer started issuing
cards, first to Chen Ze with two cards, one for the open card, and two for John
Brown, one for the card. , A bright card.

泽 Chen Ze's card is Spades 8, John Brown's card is Hearts 9.

"John Brown's Hearts 9 is bigger than Spades 8, John Brown speaks first in this
game," the dealer said.

Hearing what the dealer said, John Brown said, "Good luck, then play first, ten

He said, John Brown threw it down 10,000. He didn't even see his hole cards, and
threw it down 10,000.
It was Chen Ze's turn to speak. Chen Ze looked at his hole card and said, "I have
ten thousand." Then, Chen Ze also threw ten thousand.

Then, the dealer dealt a third card, the third Chen Ze's card was a square 7, and
John Brown's card was a red peach 10.

I turned to John Brown to speak again, and at this time he opened the card, looked
at his hole cards, and then his face remained unchanged, and he threw another
20,000 down: "20,000."

Chen Ze looked at his hole card again, then looked at John Brown's hole card,
hesitated a little, thought for a while, then followed up, and threw 20,000.

"It's 20,000, and it's gone up to 20,000 at a time. What kind of hole cards will
the two people have? Looking at John Brown's determination, is his hole card really
a red heart, and maybe even a flush? ? "

Looking at the gambling table above them, the next audience spoke privately.

"Not necessarily. Maybe it's just pretending. With John Brown's ability, it's too
normal to pretend this."

"I also think it ’s just the third card. I do n’t have to rush to the conclusion.
Do n’t forget John Brown ’s nickname, face-changing magician. For him, it ’s good
to pack a deck of his own cards. too easy."

"Yes, don't worry about drawing conclusions yet. On the other hand, Chen Ze has
been a little decisive from the beginning. I think his cards are not in good

I heard the words of the audience, and others said. They have all stated their
analysis of this gamble.

At this moment, the dealers issued a fourth card, Chen Ze's plum j, John Brown's
red peach 8.

At this time, in addition to his hole cards, Chen Ze had spades 8, spades 9, and
plum j. It was impossible to have a flush, but it was still possible for a

约翰 John Brown's cards are Hearts 8, Hearts 9, Hearts 10, most likely flush.

我 "I go, John Brown, is it really a flush?"

"It's possible, hearts 8, 9, 10, it really could be a flush."

如果 "If it's a flush, then it's normal for John Brown to be so decisive."

When the fourth card came down, the audience said one after another that the
possibility of John Brown's flush was greatly increased, and Chen Ze was at a very
disadvantaged position.

"Forty thousand." It seems to confirm what the audience said. After seeing that his
card may be a flush, John Brown smiled slightly, and his eyelids did not explode.

Seeing that John Brown raised his bet to 40,000 at once, everyone felt more and
more that it was possible that John Brown's card was a flush.

On the other hand, Chen Ze, after seeing John Brown forty thousand, apparently
hesitated a little, thinking about frowning.

"I said Chen Ze, did you think about it? My card is not a straight flush. Although
you bet, I am giving you money." John Brown said when he saw Chen Ze.

My words made everyone around me laugh, and the more I heard John Brown talking,
the more they all thought that John Brown's card might be a flush.

"Follow me."

After thinking over and over again, Chen Ze decided to follow, and also went down
forty thousand.

In the next fifth card, Chen Ze is a Hearts K and John Brown is Hearts 7.

"It looks like my luck is really good today, 80,000." John Brown said, and suddenly
raised the bet to 80,000. Obviously, he is very confident in his own cards.

"Here, this John Brown's card must be a straight flush. It actually raised the bet
to 80,000, and they only had a total of 500,000 chips. He has already made more
than 100,000 in this round. If you lose, that would be miserable. And look at the
expression on his face, it looks exactly like a straight flush. "

"Not necessarily, not from the bet, but from the expression on his face and the
small movements and words just now, this looks so much like a flush, which makes me
very uncertain, but John Brown changed his face to magic. Teacher, if even I can
see it so easily, the title of this magician is too nonsense. So I feel that this
may be what he did intentionally, and deliberately let everyone easily see his
disguise, in fact he It's not a straight flush. "

"It may be intentional ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ but think about it the other way
around, maybe he expected us to think so, and deliberately made us think about it
the other way, he was a flush, and then misled Chen Ze into thinking he was not a
flush, and Keep up. Change face magician, this change is not just his own face, but
also the mind of the opponent. "

"According to your statement, I can also think that John Brown was expecting your
thoughts. Actually, he is not a flush, but knowing that Chen Ze might think like
you, and then behave so deliberately, as if flush. It is also very likely that Chen
Ze will be fooled. "

Seeing John Brown's appearance, many people spoke and discussed what John Brown's
brand was. Some people think it is a flush, and some people think it is not.

People who don't think that John Brown is intentionally showing it to mislead
everyone's thoughts, but people who think it may think that John Brown might have
expected Chen Ze to think so, in fact, he was a flush.

In short, everyone has their own ideas and speeches, and they feel that they are
thinking right. When it comes to the back, everyone is aggressive, and they don't
even know what they are talking about, let alone guess the hand of John Brown.

Talking, they all looked at John Brown's face. At this moment, John Brown still had
a confident smile on his face. But at the moment, this self-confidence has brought
a totally different feeling to everyone, and many people have even turned pale.

Everyone is aware of a problem. The face-changing magician is indeed a well-

deserved reputation. It is impossible to see what brand he is.
Chapter FTLS 222: Followed
这 "This, this is completely invisible, what is John Brown's hole card?"

是 "Yeah, I can't see it at all. John Brown's ability to control the micro
expressions is too strong. It is indeed a face-changing magician."

"I ca n’t see it, I really ca n’t see it. I guess Chen Ze ca n’t see it, and
depending on his appearance, his cards should not be very good. It is estimated
that he can only get one, because John Brown has a flush Or is there a flush with
Mont John Brown? "

"Now John Brown has dropped another 80,000. This is too big. Regardless of whether
Chen Ze follows or not, I think I will take a lot of risks."

The audience started to speak, they all shook their heads, feeling completely
aggressive, and couldn't see what kind of card John Brown was in his hand. And not
only them, the gambling masters standing beside them are also aggressive, even more
aggressive than their ordinary audience.

Most of these ordinary viewers usually rely on humor when gambling, and they can
see it rarely. Therefore, although they are aggressive, they have no deep
understanding of John Brown's ability to control micro expressions and small
movements. Recognition.

These gambling experts in the vertical and horizontal gambling world are different.
Many of them have studied poker technology, and even many of them are directly
masters. When playing poker cards in ordinary times, it is very important to rely
on luck and luck. Less, basically know what to do.

Because no matter how high the gambling technique is, how well the small movements
and micro expressions are controlled, there are more or less flaws. After all, it
is human beings. Human beings are subconscious, and in the subconscious, when they
encounter different situations, they always It is very difficult to control the
subconscious response.

Therefore they can make them aggressive, unless the gambling is really a few levels
higher than them.

Now, with horrific shock on their faces, and complete aggressiveness.

喂 "Hello, I said, can you see it? John Brown's flaw, can you see it a little bit?"
One said, very shocked.

人 This person is also a master of poker. He has never bet against John Brown
before. Therefore, he is very unconvinced that John Brown ’s poker gambling
technique has changed his face.

He feels that the gap between him and John Brown is not large. Even if there is a
gap, if he meets at the gaming table, he will definitely have the ability to fight.

But now, he was completely aggressive, and he was extremely shocked to discover
that let alone his ability to fight against John Brown, he couldn't even see a
slight flaw in John Brown.

I was real, and I couldn't see any flaws.

"I, I can't see it, John Brown's performance is perfect."

"Unexpectedly, I never imagined that John Brown ’s ability to control the
expression reached this point. It is impossible for anyone to see it. I do n’t
think he can see anything even if he is Chen Ze.

"Yeah, it seems that Chen Ze can only bet against John Brown with luck. But if it
is luck, the opponent is a master of this level John Brown, I'm afraid he loses."

I stood next to the gambling master who spoke first. Several gambling masters shook
their heads and said in shock that what they couldn't actually see.

看着 They looked at John Brown's expression at the moment, and they were as
impeccable as ever, and they could not see anything.

他们 And they know that John Brown who has this ability, it is absolutely
impossible for anyone to see it. Even if it is Chen Ze, he can't see it, and can't
see John Brown's card.

Therefore, they all know that Chen Ze can only be covered by luck.

In the face of an opponent of this level of John Brown, it is basically a loss!

At the moment, at the gaming table, John Brown had a confident smile on his face.
Of course, this self-confidence could not tell whether it was true self-confidence
or his disguise.

He looked at Chen Ze and smiled, "80,000, how about Chen Ze, follow?"

In fact, John Brown can hardly see the cards in Chen Ze's hand. He can only vaguely
see that the cards in Chen Ze's hand are not good.

However, this is enough. Gambling among gambling masters is, in itself, who is more
able to disguise themselves, so that opponents can not see the cards in their

布朗 John Brown is sure he can see a bit of Chen Ze, and Chen Ze can't see the card
in his hand.

So John Brown knew that Chen Ze had to rely on Mongolian to decide whether to play
with him.

"Will you follow? Or will you not?" John Brown smiled, thinking in his heart, "I
guess, you must not dare to follow."

Yes, John Brown was sure that Chen Ze didn't dare to follow, because the card in
his hand at this moment is very likely to be a flush, and the bet was too big.
Moreover, he checked Chen Ze's gambling video and observed Chen Ze's gambling

泽 Chen Ze gambling has never been the kind of taking risks and relying on
desperate bets to win. He always plans and moves. After making sure that he can
win, he thunders and does not give his opponent a chance to breathe.

Many times it seems that Chen Ze is taking a risk ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ in fact, he

is very confident in his actions.

Now, John Brown believes that Chen Ze can't see through, and can't see his card at
all, so he also determined that with Chen Ze's character, this game will not take
risks and will not follow.
Thinking like this, he looked at the hole card in his hand, and the last hole card
turned out to be plum 4, not a flush, or a straight, just plum 4.

In other words, John Brown ’s card is actually just a scatter card starting with a
red peach 10, and he made such a big bet that he was just pretending to frighten
Chen Ze.

However, he was certain that Chen Ze would not follow, and he would be frightened
by him.

He even thought about it. After Chen Ze gave up the card, he would use some
ridiculous words to tell Chen Ze, tell Chen Ze that he had just taken it on
himself. The card in his hand was actually only 10. , Much smaller than his cards.

In fact, he was just scared by himself!

I thought of this, thinking about the possible expressions such as Chen Ze, John
Brown smiled in his heart, but his face was still the same.

"80,000, I followed!"

At this moment, a voice reached John Brown's ear, and suddenly John Brown's smile
froze. He looked at Chen Ze and saw that Chen Ze had a faint smile on his face and
threw 80,000 chips on the gambling table.

I was different from John Brown, but Chen Ze followed!

Chapter FTLS 223: see through

"Here, Chen Ze actually followed. Did he take such a big risk?"

"I thought Chen Ze wouldn't follow him. He even followed, and now he won or lost
more than 100,000 chips."

"Unexpectedly, Chen Ze followed. I don't know what John Brown is."

After seeing Chen Ze follow, the audience and gambling experts at the scene said
one after another, everyone was a bit surprised, Chen Ze would not follow.

Although they all felt that Chen Ze could never see John Brown's card before, they
only had to choose to follow or not follow. But everyone thinks the possibility of
choosing not to follow is even higher.

After all, it seems that John Brown's card is indeed likely to be a flush. There is
no need to take such a big risk here. It is the safest way to give up this round
and then chase it back.

Therefore, everyone thought that Chen Ze would choose this method, but they never
thought that Chen Ze followed!

"If Chen Ze followed, what kind of brand is John Brown?"

Suddenly, many people thought, and then everyone quickly looked towards John Brown,
trying to see what John Brown was.

Suddenly everyone saw that John Brown had a confident smile on his face before, but
now he froze, as if he had never thought that Chen Ze would be normal, and his face
became a bit ugly.
"Isn't John Brown's card a flush?"

Seeing the look on John Brown's face, everyone had this idea in their hearts. They
thought that John Brown's card was likely to be a flush, and Chen Ze, if he
followed, was just looking for death.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all.

"Did Chen Ze win?"

Everyone thought in their hearts that they felt there was only this one

"Congratulations, Chen Ze, you won."

At this point, John Brown said, his face was still a bit ugly, and he opened his
hole card, Plum 4.

"Plum, Plum Blossom 4? Is it just Plum Blossom 4? My God, is it just such a small

"It's really not a straight flush, and it's still just such a small card, plum 4,
which means that the biggest card is only 10? Such a card, dare to gamble like

"Exaggerated, it's really exaggerated. Although John Brown lost the game, I still
want to say that his micro-expression control is too strong, he can't see that his
card is just such a small card. . "

When they saw the plum blossoms 4, everyone whispered, and they all froze, with a
very shocked expression on their faces.

One by one, they did not expect that John Brown's card was so small, starting with
10, that such a card would dare to bet so big, and more importantly, his face could
not even see that he was posing.

So although John Brown lost this time, although Chen Ze's hole card has not been
turned over, the current hand is already larger than John Brown's. But everyone was
still amazed and thought that John Brown's performance was too good, or that it was

A deck of cards starting with 10, dare to bet this way, and it is completely
invisible. With this skill, although everyone lost this time, everyone felt that
Chen Ze was dangerous. This time he got it wrong, but if the next time John Brown
is still the same, but if it is changed to a big name, then he will lose. Already.

Unless you can see through John Brown ’s gambling, otherwise, you can win a game,
but you will never win today's game.

Can Chen Ze see through? Everyone thought it was impossible. John Brown's ability,
they felt that no one could see through.

"Is it really blind? Or is he?"

At the gaming table, John Brown looked at Chen Ze and thought. He heard whispers
from all around, but in fact he didn't think it was as simple as those around him.

It looks right, this round is just that Chen Ze has good luck, he got it right. In
the next round, luck may not be so good.
But is it really blind?

John Brown looked at Chen Ze. He had a feeling, and he felt that Chen Ze at the
moment seemed different from Chen Ze when he recorded the program last night. At
that time, although Chen Ze was also very powerful, he was able to shake five dice.
However, in that betting round, he was certain that Chen Ze could not see his
gambling skills and could not guess his cards.

But now, that feeling has changed. He looked at Chen Ze again, and suddenly there
was a feeling that it seemed that Chen Ze could really see through his gambling
skills and see what his hand was.

"No, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible."

John Brown murmured to himself, he shook his head and expelled this idea from his
mind. Last night, he couldn't see his gambling. How could it be that after just one
night, there was such a big improvement, Can see through their gambling.

It's absolutely impossible, and John Brown absolutely doesn't believe it will

He made such progress in one night. He knew that even Kelzer would never do it. Not
to mention, a Chen Ze who had never had any fame in the past.

"Just scare yourself."

So John Brown thought, telling himself this way, comforting himself.

"In the first game, Chen Ze, the representative from Macau, won. Let's start the
second game."

At this moment, the dealer spoke and took away the cards on the gambling table, so
that Chen Ze took all the bets from the first round, and then took a new set of
cards to announce the start of the second round.

After hearing the dealer's words, the crowd continued to look at it intently.
Although Chen Ze won the first game, they all felt that Chen Ze's prospects were
still not optimistic, and they all wanted to see what kind of performance John
Brown would have in this game.

"Ten thousand."

In the second game, it was still John Brown's name card, he threw ten thousand in
the beginning.

This time his hand is the same as last time, but he is actually a small deck, and
John Brown is still the same as the last round. Each round is filled with
confidence and looks like the cards are very good, and Impeccable performance.

He believed that this time, seeing him performing the same, Chen Ze was absolutely
afraid to follow. Unless, he is not blind, but really can see through his cards.

"60,000 ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The fifth card was dealt, and John Brown spoke and
threw out 60,000 chips. After the throw, he still looked at Chen Ze with a smile.

Seeing his actions, the audience around him whispered:

"That's it again, this time I think it should be a big name, it doesn't make sense
that John Brown will be the same twice."

"I'm not sure. After all, this is John Brown. I can't see anything at all. But if
I'm Chen Ze, I won't follow."

"Unless Chen Ze has seen John Brown's card, otherwise I don't think he will follow.
The first game has already been won. It is better to play steadily."

Everyone spoke, and one by one felt that Chen Ze would definitely not follow.
Unless, Chen Ze saw John Brown's card.

"Sixty thousand, I followed." At this time, Chen Ze said, faintly said, "Mr. John,
I guess your card must be just a small card! There is no need to pretend, your
gambling, I have seen through Now! "Said the residents of the city

Chapter FTLS 224: The power of the eye of the **** of gamblers
"There is no need to pretend, Mr. John, I have seen through your gambling."

Chen Ze spoke, watching John Brown faintly say.


Hearing Chen Ze's words, there was an uproar all around, and all the audience and
those gambling masters could not believe their ears.

Chen Ze saw John Brown's gambling? Can he see through John Brown's card?

This this, how is this possible!

Everyone thought that they all thought it was completely impossible. They all saw
John Brown ’s performance just now, and it was almost impeccable. With this
performance, everyone felt that it was impossible for anyone to see through his
gambling. Even Kelzer is impossible.

Now, Chen Ze said that he saw through!

"This is impossible. Chen Ze must be bragging. How can he, how can he see John
Brown's gambling, see his cards?"

"Yeah, it's completely impossible. This is John Brown, the second-ranked player in
the world. How can he be seen through Chen Ze? Well, why would you see through now?

"Yes, it's impossible. Judging by the performance of John Brown today, it can be
said to be flawless. This kind of performance cannot be seen by anyone at all.

The crowd spoke, and they couldn't believe it. Especially those gambling masters,
although they are very convinced of Chen Ze, especially after Chen Ze shook five
dice last time, they all know themselves and are far from Chen Ze's opponent.

But even so, they couldn't believe that Chen Ze would have this ability, have such
eyes, and be able to see through John Brown's gambling, which is simply impossible.

"Although Chen Ze has great dice, even before the ancients, but seeing John Brown
’s card, it has nothing to do with dice. This is completely gambling in two
aspects. In both aspects, Chen Ze cannot reach both aspects. It's extreme. "

"That is, the person who can see through John Brown's gambling is at least the
highest in the playing card game. How can Chen Ze be so young, how can he be the
highest in both projects at the same time."

"It's impossible. Even Chen Ze can't see it."

The gambling masters shook their heads one after another and felt impossible.

"Hahaha, what did you say? Chen Ze, what did you say? You said that you can see
through my gambling? See my card? It's almost a laugh, how can you do that."

Just then John Brown laughed and said. He also did not believe Chen Ze's words at
all, and did not believe that Chen Ze could see through his gambling skills.

Although he lost the game again, he was confident that his gambling could not be
seen. This hand gambling was prepared for Kelzer and is now used by Chen Ze.

A Chen Ze, how could it be seen through.

So John Brown exclaimed: "You are just lucky, you're right. You actually said that
you saw my gambling skills and laughed dead, hahaha."

Hearing John Brown's words, everyone else nodded. Everyone thought that John Brown
was right. Chen Ze could win the game. It should be only good luck. It has nothing
to do with seeing or seeing.

Hearing the words of John Brown and others whispering, Chen Ze just smiled lightly.

He dares to say so, naturally it has his reason.

Yes, John Brown's ability is indeed very strong, and most people can never see
through his gambling. However, the eyes of the **** of gamble that Chen Ze relied
on, coupled with the calculation of the **** of gamble, the two together, in fact,
easily saw John Brown.

In fact, from the beginning of this competition, Chen Ze used the God of Gambling
and Eye of Gambling. The effect of the two together was amazing. Chen Ze found that
it was flawless in the eyes of others, and he could not see the flaws John Brown,
there was nothing in front of him.

In the last round, although his expression and movement were well controlled, Chen
Ze felt sharply that John Brown's heartbeat was three times faster than before.

He didn't do any strenuous exercise, just looked at the hole cards, and his
heartbeat accelerated three times. Obviously, his cards were not good, he was just
taking risks.

With the later release of cards and John Brown's more and more flaws, Chen Ze
gradually determined that the cards in his hand were only small cards, and even how
small, the approximate range had been calculated by Chen Ze. .

This is the power of the eye of the **** of gambling, coupled with the calculation
of the **** of gambling, even a figure like John Brown is just flawless in front of
Chen Ze.

Chen Ze is certain, John Brown, lose today!

"Joke, it's just a big joke, and Chen Ze's words are a big joke."

John Brown spoke, still laughing at Chen Ze's words.

"Okay, since you don't believe it, then I'd better guess your hole card. Of course,
I can't guess the specific number, but the approximate range, I can guess." At this
time, Chen Ze said, smiling Then said.

"Guess, guess the hole card?"

Hearing Chen Ze's words, everyone was holding back, one by one did not expect that
Chen Ze would do such a thing, and would come to guess John Brown's hole card. If
you guess blindly, even if you only guess the approximate range, there is almost no
probability of guessing.

"Did Chen Ze really see through John Brown's gambling?"

Everyone thought.

"Joke, then guess what my cards are." John Brown said, he didn't believe Chen Ze
could guess.

"Well, let me guess." Chen Ze smiled, and he looked at John Brown's hole card. "I
guess, your hole card should be a plum or **** ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ A small card
between 3 and 7, so your whole deck is actually just a deck of cards starting with
q. I ca n’t match the a in my case. "

"Plum blossoms or spades? 3 to 7 range?"

Chen Ze's words immediately spread to the ears of the audience around them, and
they immediately thought about it. Everyone thought that the approximate range of
Chen Ze's guess would be a large range. Who knows that there are even suits, and it
is only a small range .

Such a small range is almost impossible to guess.

And if it really is a card in the range of Chen Zechai, then John Brown really lost
this time.

"Did you guess?"

Everyone thought that they quickly looked at John Brown, and saw that John Brown
did not open his hole card, but the smile on his face completely froze, and he
looked at Chen Ze with an expression of disbelief.

Looking at this expression, everyone knew and was shocked: "Chen Ze, he was really
right. He actually saw John Brown's gambling!"

Chapter FTLS 225: Chen Ze's Weakness (Part 1)

"My God, I saw it. Chen Ze really saw it."

"Here, how did he do that? John Brown, but this is, it turned out to be pierced by

"This, if really seen by Chen Ze, then John Brown will lose."

Seeing John Brown ’s face completely stiffened at the gambling table, everyone
whispered, they were all shocked. They knew that Chen Ze was really, really saw
through John Brown ’s card, he actually saw through In second place in the world,
John Brown has been immersed in poker gambling for many years.

Change face magician, his magic was broken by Chen Ze after all!
"This, how is this possible!"

John Brown murmured to himself, he couldn't believe his ears at all, couldn't
believe that Chen Ze actually guessed the range of his hole cards, couldn't believe
that Chen Ze actually had the ability to see his gambling.

"No way. My micro-expression control ability has reached the extreme. I haven't
leaked any flaws just now. It is impossible for Chen Ze to see through me. This is
absolutely impossible, how is this possible!"

John Brown thought to himself that he shook his head and felt like he was dreaming.
Only in a dream can such an absurd thing happen.

"Mr. John, Mr. John, it's your turn to show your hole cards." At this moment, a
voice came, the words of the dealer, and John Brown reacted when he heard him. He
was not dreaming, but Chen Ze was really seen through.

He takes pride in his gambling, and even wants to use it to defeat Kelzer's
gambling. In this way, Chen Ze showed it!

"How could it be? He didn't even see my gambling at all last night. Just one night,
how could he have achieved this step."

John Brown was a little hesitant and he opened his hole card. The hole card was
Spades 5, which was exactly within the range that Chen Ze said.

"I really saw it. Spade 5, Chen Ze actually did it."

"My God, John Brown's myth is shattered."

"The second place in the world, the only one who has the hope of defeating Kelzer
in the field of poker cards, and so on, was seen by Chen Ze."

After seeing John Brown's hole cards, everyone said, although they had already
guessed this thing, but after seeing John Brown's hole cards and Chen Zechai had
the same range, everyone was extremely surprised.

Especially those gambling masters, they looked at each other, and they saw
incomparable glances from each other's eyes.

They all know how difficult it is to see through John Brown's gambling. Even
Kelzer, they all feel that they can't see John Brown's gambling, but Chen Ze has
really done it! !! !!

"Chen Ze, it's amazing!"

Looking at Chen Ze, everyone said this sentence in their hearts, they all know that
although the game has not ended, it is just the beginning of the second game.

But judging by the current situation, I am afraid that the outcome has been

On the other side of the gaming table, Chen Ze opened his card with a slight smile
on his face. His card was bigger than John Brown's, and he still won in the second

As a result, he was happy to put the cards back on the pile, and then returned the
chips from the second round to him.
He calculated carefully, after two games, he had already won more than 100,000 John
Brown. According to the rules, as long as the remaining 300,000 chips left in John
Brown ’s hands are all won, he will get Today's victory.

As far as the first two games are concerned, this problem is not very big.
Therefore, Chen Ze was very happy at the moment. After all, there was only one
final step left from the finals and only one last step from the name of the **** of


Just then, a burst of laughter rang out. The person who spoke was John Brown, who
was clearly in a very unfavorable situation at the moment, but he gave such a

Hearing his smile, Chen Ze frowned slightly, and the audience around him and those
gambling masters had no idea what John Brown was laughing at, and they were all

"Chen Ze, I really didn't expect you to be so powerful that you can see through my
gambling." After laughing, John Brown spoke and looked at Chen Zedao, "But do you
think you won this way? I tell You, you are terribly wrong. You also have a fatal
weakness in my hands. The one who wins this game must be me. "

"Chen Ze? Fatal weakness?"

Hearing John Brown ’s words, the audience around him was all stunned. Everyone had
no idea that it was time. John Brown even said such a thing, and said that Chen Ze
still had weaknesses in his hands. .

"Weakness? What weakness? Is this true or false? It won't be John Brown in a hurry,
so nonsense."

"I look like it. Now that Chen Ze has even seen John Brown's gambling, what other
weaknesses can he have? It feels like John Brown is talking nonsense, this is
simply impossible."

"That's not necessarily true. Although John Brown is in such a disadvantaged

position now, but in his position, it should not be said that. I think it is really
possible that Chen Ze has any weaknesses in his hands. . "

The audience all around said that some did not believe that Chen Ze would have any
weak points to be grasped by John Brown, and felt that John Brown was just talking
nonsense at this moment. Others believe in John Brown and want to see what John
Brown's weaknesses are.

However, although the two parties have different views, they share the same idea,
that is, they hope that they can enter the third round as soon as possible,
regardless of whether Chen Ze has any weaknesses, the third round will all know.

"Hurry up and start the third game."

"Yes, hurry and start the third game."

Everyone spoke, urging the dealer to start the third round.

"Okay, then!" The dealer said, preparing to start the third round, and suddenly a
message came from the next-door gambling hall.
"In three games, with only three games and only three games, Kelzer defeated his
opponent and advanced to the final."

It turned out that Kelzer's game was over. The person who played against Kelzer was
a gambler who did not lose to John Brown at all, but it was such a master. Kelzer
only used three games. The game resolved him.

Generally, such masters use tricks ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ There are no more than ten
or even dozens of games, which cannot solve the other party. If you want to solve
it in three games, unless the gap between the two sides is too big, one side can
crush the other.

This is almost impossible in the World Gamblers Contest, especially now that it has
reached the semi-finals.

And now, on the side of Kelzer, it appeared.

"My God, the opponent was eliminated in the third game. K, Kelzer is too good."

"Yeah, it only took three innings. Too, too fast. Although the opponent is strong,
it seems completely vulnerable in front of Kelzer."

"Just three innings, it's worth it, Gambler Kelzer!"

Hearing this news, all the audience in this hall of Chen Ze was stunned and began
to speak, admiring Kelzer's gambling.

Therefore, they want to know more whether the person who finally bet against Kelzer
will be Chen Ze or John Brown! Residents of the town said the first change, today's
New Year's Eve, I wish you all a happy New Year's Eve

Chapter FTLS 226: Chen Ze's weakness (middle)

"Congratulations, Mr. Kelzer, congratulations on reaching the final."

"It's the finals. I wonder if you have anything to say about Mr. Kelzer?"

"Mr. Kelzer, I don't know how you feel right now and what do you think of the

In another gambling hall, a group of reporters asked around Kelzer who had just won
the semi-final.

Although this is the work of these reporters, they are all a little excited.
Obviously, these reporters are also fans of Kelzer. After seeing Kelzer win, they
are a little excited.

"I'm very excited. The opponent is also a master. It's very happy to be able to
beat him." Kelzer said. Although he only won the opponent in three games, he still
gave the opponent face and said.

It was just a look of calmness, obviously not as excited as he said.

"As for the finals, I am looking forward to the opponents of the finals. I don't
know how the match between Chen Ze and John Brown is now." Kelzer smiled again.

"I know this. I just came over from there. Chen Ze saw John Brown's gambling
skills, but John Brown said he had grasped Chen Ze's fatal weakness." A reporter
said when he heard Kelzer's words.
"What?" When he heard what the reporter said, Kelzer froze. He was a little
surprised. He never thought that Chen Ze had really seen John Brown ’s gambling,
and even that John Brown had mastered Chen Ze. "Weakness? Chen Ze's weakness?"

"Yes, Chen Ze's weakness." The reporter nodded.


"I don't know Mr. John what weakness you have, but since you say you have it, I'll
wait and see." On the side of Chen Ze and John Brown's gamble, Chen Ze smiled at
John Brown.

It seems that although John Brown claims to have grasped his weaknesses, he is
completely attentive.

Seeing Chen Ze's relaxed and confident look, John Brown felt uneasy: "Well, now so
easy, I will let you know what your weakness is when you meet. But I'm afraid you
will cry when you lose." There is no place left. "

After hearing the words of these two people, the minds of all the onlookers around
him were recovered from the shock that Kelzer easily defeated his opponent. They
looked at the gamble of Chen Ze and John Brown, and they were all looking forward
to, thinking Know exactly what Chen Ze's weakness is.

"Next, the third game begins."

At this time, the dealer spoke, saying that the card that initiated the third round
was still a bright card and a hole card. Chen Ze's first bright card was red peach
7 and John Brown's first card. Ming card is Spades 6, and Chen Ze speaks.

"My grand, then, 20,000." Chen Ze smiled and threw 20,000 down.

"I followed." John Brown started, and threw 20,000 down.

Then the third card of Chen Ze and John Brown was dealt. The third card was Chen
Ze's Ace of Hearts 9 and John Brown's was the Block 10.

"Twenty thousand is too little, thirty thousand." Chen Ze smiled, added another ten
thousand chips, and directly threw thirty thousand down.

"Thirty thousand." John Brown didn't even think about it, and followed 30,000

Then on the fourth, Chen Ze's Hearts 10 and John Brown's Grass Flower k.

"The three Ming cards are all red peaches, and they are almost straight. This may
be a flush, such a good sign must be 50,000." Chen Ze smiled and threw 50,000.

"Five thousand." John Brown followed again.

At this moment, the two have already played 100,000 each, or the fifth card has not
been dealt yet.

The chips have been increased to this step, which was not expected by all the
audience at the scene, so everyone was very nervous, staring at the card, and
looked up without blinking.

On the fifth card, Chen Ze is a **** j and John Brown is a **** 8.

At this moment, remove the hole cards, the two cards are Chen Ze Hongtao 7, Hongtao
9, Hongtao 10, and Hongtao j. And John Brown is spades 6, spades 8, boxes 10, grass

"Chen Ze's card, Chen Ze's card is likely to be a flush."

"Yeah, it's just a flush of 8 and a straight flush. Will it be a straight flush?"

"It's very possible. Seeing Chen Ze's relaxed appearance, so confident, he

obviously has a flush flush."

Seeing Chen Ze and John Brown's cards at the moment, people around the crowd said
that they were a little nervous and didn't know who would win.

And when they saw that Chen Ze's cards were so neat, it was likely that they were
neat flush flushes, and they were all agitated and started talking.

"Ah, it seems my luck is really good. In this case, then I am a stud." At this
time, Chen Ze smiled, as if his cards were really flush, pushing all his chips to
the gaming table. Above.

This move of Chen Ze directly shocked all the people around him. They did not
expect that Chen Ze dared to stud directly, and still did so under his

"Flush, it must be a flush, this must be a flush."

"I feel the same way, if you dare to stud at this time, it can't be a flush."

"It looks like John Brown is going to lose in the third round. Chen Ze's flush is
straight. No matter what his hole card is, he won't win and he must give up this

Everyone spoke around, if you only saw Chen Ze's four bright cards ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ Everyone has doubts about whether Chen Ze is a flush. So now
there is no doubt at all. When you see Chen Ze stud, everyone is sure that Chen Ze
is a flush.

Otherwise, you are absolutely afraid to do so.

Thinking of this, everyone quickly looked up, Chen Ze looked confident and looked
at John Brown with a smile, seemingly in control.

Looking at Chen Ze's confident smile, everyone was completely sure. Chen Ze's card
must be a flush, and he would win the third round.

"Ha ha ha ha." At this moment, John Brown laughed again, while he laughed, he also
applauded Chen Ze, "Chen Ze, Chen Ze, have to say that on the control of micro
expressions, You did not lose to me at all, and it looked like your cards were all
flush. According to the general situation, I should surrender and lose cards, but
this time. "

As he talked, John Brown pushed all the chips in front of him to the gaming table:
"Chen Ze, you are smart but wrong, do you think your expression can fool me?
Remember what I told you Is that weak point of yours? Your weak point has already
told me that you are not a big name at all, just lie to me. In this game, I also
stud, you, lose! "

Chapter FTLS 227: Chen Ze's Weakness (2)

"This, John Brown is also stud, how can this be, how does he think, what exactly is
Chen Ze's weakness?"

"John Brown has also studded. What exactly did Chen Ze find out about Chen Ze's
weakness? Obviously, Chen Ze is all flush."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that two people would stud in the third game, and the two of
them would be decisive in the third game. What did John Brown find out?"

Seeing the actions of John Brown Stud, everyone around him, whether the audience or
the gambling master, was shocked.

Everyone thought that according to the situation of the Chen Ze deck, John Brown
should lose the card and concede in this round, and continue to the next round.
None of them thought that John Brown would do exactly the opposite. Also stud.

At this moment, both of them dropped all the chips in this third game, and they
were about to fight in this game.

What's more important is that everyone thinks that Chen Ze is a straight flush, but
why John Brown so swears that Chen Ze only has a small card, and that Chen Ze's
weakness tells him.

So what exactly is Chen Ze's weakness and how did he tell him?

In the surveillance room, at this moment Kelzer still has some casino executives
sitting here, and like last time, they continue to watch the gamble of Chen Ze and
John Brown here.

This game is about who will be Krze's next opponent, so these casino executives
naturally look here from scratch. Kelzer arrived at the reporter after knowing what
John Brown said, and wanted to see what John Brown had discovered about Chen Ze's

"So stupid, John Brown isn't such a calm man, how could he be stud here?"

"Yes, did John Brown really discover any weakness in Chen Ze? What weakness would
it be?"

"Strange, I can't see exactly what Chen Ze's weakness is, I can't see it at all."

Seeing John Brown ’s stud, these casino executives talked one by one, and they did
not expect that John Brown would do such a thing.

There was one thing in their minds. Did John Brown really find out what weakness in
Chen Ze?

To the side of these high-level executives, Kelzer frowned, watching the gamble of
John Brown and Chen Ze: "Suddenly stupid? Is it really John Brown that discovered
Chen Ze's weak point? But it should not be, Chen Ze shouldn't have such a big
weakness. It was John Brown who studed directly, wasn't it? "

At this moment, above the gambling game, after stud, John Brown looked at Chen Ze
with a smile on his face, proudly: "How about Chen Ze, you did not expect it, I
dare stud. In your plan, I You should be scared away, right. I tell you, this time
you think completely wrong, you, lose. "

Having said that, John Brown opened his hole card with ace of spades, and a scatter
card starting with a is not a big card. But it was such a card that he dared to
stud directly with Chen Ze.

"What is Chen Ze's weakness?"

Hearing John Brown's words of self-confidence, and seeing John Brown's hole cards,
the people around him couldn't bear it anymore and asked.

Hearing all four weeks asking this question, John Brown smiled with a smile on his
face: "Okay, then I'll tell everyone, and let Chen Ze die for you, and let you know
why you are smart and wrong. "

Speaking, John Brown stood up: "Actually, I have an interest in that, every time
before the game, I like to collect the past video of the game opponent to see if
the opponent has any special small moves. This time My opponent is Mr. Chen Ze, so
naturally I also collected the video of his game. "

"In principle, a gambling master like Mr. Chen Ze should not have any special
little moves, and he does not have any small moves. But after I watched all his
video games, I found him It's not that there is a small action that is particularly
concealed. "

"Every time when his cards are small, but he wants to scare away his opponent, his
right hand will always accidentally touch his nose. And if his cards are really
big, he is really a good card. It ’s not like that. Of course, the small actions in
this video may also be deliberately set by Chen Ze, so I checked all his videos,
including the ones he used to play against real people in a super-landlord in
China. The video and the small movements he observed yesterday when he faced him. "

"All of this led me to the conclusion that Chen Ze's small movement was his real
habitual movement." John Brown smiled and looked down at Chen Ze again with a smile
on his face, "I think, You do n’t even know Chen Ze about these little moves, but
you did it again just now. It has betrayed you. I bet your hole card is definitely
not a flush, it ’s just a small card. This time, you Lost. "

"Origin, is that so?"

"It turns out that Chen Ze's weakness is this. If this is the case, then Chen Ze
can really lose."

"It turned out to be this way."

Everyone heard John Brown's words, and suddenly realized why John Brown dared to
stagger like this. At the same time, they all knew that if it really did what John
Brown said, then this time, Chen Ze was losing.

At this moment, in the monitoring room, all the casino executives heard the words
of John Brown:

"It turned out to be this way. It seems that Chen Ze lost this time. Kelzer, your
opponent is John Brown."

"Chen Ze had such a weakness, and was discovered by John Brown, and he lost."

"Sure enough, Chen Ze is still not John Brown's opponent. This time our final
opponent is John Brown."

The crowd spoke, and they were all in a good mood. I saw Chen Ze break five dice
before ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ They were all extremely horrified, afraid of this
sudden emergence of Chen Ze, maybe they could really threaten Kelzer.
And now seeing Chen Ze losing here, to John Brown. Although John Brown is also very
strong, they all know that it will definitely not be Krze's opponent.

So everyone put down their hearts and they were all very happy.

"Is it really that simple? Is this so-called weakness really Chen Ze's weakness?"

Just then, Kelzer spoke, attracting everyone's attention.

At the gaming table, Chen Ze looked at the arrogant John Brown and applauded:

"I have to say, Mr. John, your observation is really rare in the world. You can see
such small movements. But unfortunately, you are wrong." Chen Ze smiled and opened
his hole card. Card, really a flush. "

I saw that Chen Ze's card was Hearts 8, and the deck was Hearts 7, 8, 9, 10, j,
which happened to be a flush! Residents of the small town said the first change,
today is the first day of the new year, small town is here to wish you a happy new

Chapter FTLS 228: Foreshadowing

泽 Chen Ze smiled and opened his hole card, Ace of Hearts 8. The deck was Ace of
Hearts 7, 8, 9, 10, J, flush!

Seeing Chen Ze's deck, John Brown was shocked, and his arrogant smile froze.

Around the week, the audience and the gambling masters were all stunned, and some
of their mouths couldn't be closed.

"Seven, eight, nine, ten, and j, straight flush, even straight flush."

"This, how is this possible, how could it be a flush? According to John Brown, Chen
Ze should be a small card."

"It's still a straight flush, this, this, what's going on? Isn't it that John Brown
discovered his weakness? How could it be a straight flush?"

The audience was completely stunned, and did not expect that Chen Ze's card was
still a flush.

Before they heard John Brown ’s words, after seeing John Brown ’s confident smile
and action, they all changed their minds, and they felt that Chen Ze should not be
a straight flush, they should be the same as John Brown ’s, just a small card
disguise Make it big and scare him.

But after Chen Ze opened the card, everyone found out that it was still a flush.

Chen Ze didn't frighten anyone, his card turned out to be a flush!

John Brown, his guess, his understanding of Chen Ze's weaknesses turned out to be
completely wrong.

This shocked everyone around him and couldn't believe their eyes. I thought John
Brown was right and took the initiative. Who knew that he was wrong.

Some of these people, especially those gambling experts, are even more shocked and
don't know how to use words to describe their mood.
"How could it be, how could John Brown be so ridiculous? He's all stud this time.
How could he be wrong?"

"This is John Brown, the second-ranked John Brown in the world. How could he be so

"What is going on? Is Chen Ze's weakness? Isn't it a weakness at all?"

These gambling masters spoke, and one by one couldn't believe what happened.

In their opinion, John Brown, a second-ranked expert in the world, was almost 100%
correct in this extremely confident tone, and it should be that Chen Ze's weakness
was discovered.

But in the end, it was exactly the opposite. They were so shocked. They all looked
at Chen Ze and found that at the moment Chen Ze smiled, and even looked at John
Brown with a touch of sarcasm.

At the moment, monitor the room!

The smile and happiness that had just disappeared completely. All of the seniors in
Las Vegas and the casinos in Las Vegas were extremely shocked. They looked at each
other and couldn't believe what happened. Things.

"What the **** is going on? How could Chen Ze's hole card still be flush?"

"John Brown guessed wrong? He stumbled and guessed wrong?"

"Don't you grasp Chen Ze's weakness? How could you be so miserable? What is this
John Brown doing? What is second in the world, such a mistake would be made."

The seniors spoke to each other, and they were very angry when they were shocked.

Originally they thought that John Brown was the winner, Chen Ze could not make it
to the final, and the person who finally won the final match with Kelzer must be
John Brown.

But who knows that things are going downhill, John Brown was so wrong and made such
a big mistake. Chen Ze was actually a straight flush, and the cards were much
bigger than hiss. At this time, he and Chen Ze studded in this game.

In this way, these seniors know that the winner will be Chen Ze, and Chen Ze is the
opponent they are most reluctant to face Kelzer, because Chen Ze is an unplanned
opponent this time. I don't know much.

Coupled with this game, Chen Ze's nearly invincible performance made them feel that
Kelzer really encountered the enemy. Tomorrow's game is really dangerous.

Therefore, at this moment, all the high-level minds are somewhat annoyed and

On the side of Kelzer, with a smile on his face, looking at the figures of Chen Ze
and John Brown in the display, he muttered to himself: "Sure enough, I said how
could Chen Ze be so big. The flaw was sold to John Brown intentionally. "

Kelzer remembered what Chen Ze had told him before that he had found John Brown's
Thinking of this, he almost understood what was going on in this bet.

At the gambling table, John Brown ’s smile froze. He did n’t expect that such an
expression would happen. He suddenly said loudly: “How is it possible, Chen Ze, how
could you really be a flush, how is this possible? Judging by your little moves,
you must be a small card, no doubt, how could it be a flush. "

Hearing John Brown's hysterical words, Chen Ze smiled on his face: "It's very
simple. The little movements you see are just my foreshadowing. The so-called small
movements in the video are just intentional additions. Let ’s deal with my opponent
someday. ”

It turned out that the so-called small movements of Chen Ze's nose ~
www.mtlnovel.com discovered by John Brown were all deliberately disguised by Chen
Ze. Although he did not draw any good skills before, gambling is not smart.

However, in the outline of the **** of gamblers, he realized a sentence, what is

called "decisive victory over the gambling table", that is, before the game, we
must do a foreshadowing, and then wait for the opponent to set on the line.

Therefore, he was very early, even in the game where he participated in Super
Landlord and Lu Cheng, he laid such a foreshadowing.

To be honest, he didn't know if it would be useful, and whether it would be used by

one of his opponents here until he participated in a TV show yesterday.

"Actually I'm not sure if my foreshadowing will be used until I participated in

that TV station yesterday." Chen Ze smiled and looked at John Brown. "There, I met
Mr. John, and you also pay attention It's a weakness for you. "

"My weakness?" John Brown said.

"Yes, your strength is the ability to observe and control micro-expressions is

amazing, and your weakness is because the observation of micro-expressions and
small movements is so amazing that you are too dependent on this ability. So I just
It is determined that Mr. John, you will definitely check my past videos to see if
I have any small movements. Naturally, you will be on the set. "

Chen Ze smiled and picked up the card of the Ace of Hearts 8: "The man who is smart
against being misunderstood is Mr. John!"

记住 Remember the first domain name in this book:. Mobile website reading URL:

Chapter FTLS 229: Terrible Chen Ze

"The man who is smart and wrong is Mr. John you!" Chen Ze smiled and spoke to John

Opposite, John Brown completely stopped after listening to Chen Ze's words.

I thought that Chen Ze's weakness was found.

I thought this game was won by myself.

I thought Chen Ze was nothing at all,

However, everything was just Chen Ze's next trick.

And myself, but easily got on the set, losing defeat!

John Brown looked at Chen Ze and suddenly remembered the whole process of the game.

From the beginning, he thought that he could be suppressed with a micro expression,
and was even seen by him later, and then thought that he could defeat Chen Ze
through the weaknesses of Chen Ze that he had observed before, but now he is
completely defeated. It is not Chen Ze at all. opponent!

John Brown suddenly realized that from the beginning, he was not Chen Ze's
opponent. Even in poker, which he is proud of, he was completely suppressed by Chen

He understood a truth: "Originally, he wasn't Chen Ze's opponent at all? Chen Ze is

really terrible."

Not only John Brown felt that Chen Ze was terrible, but even the surrounding
audience, especially those gambling masters, one by one also felt that Chen Ze was
terrible and strong, and this underwhelming mind was really terrible. .

"It's terrible. Chen Ze is terrible. Not only did he defeat the second-ranked John
Brown in poker gambling, but he also had such a deceptive ability. It was in the
video so long in advance. Be prepared. The depth of mind is really scary. "

"Yeah, it's too scary and terrible. Even so long ago, this small action was
deliberately made in the video to provoke John Brown. And John Brown, who has such
a high gambling skill, was completely fooled. With Chen Ze's deception, Chen Ze is
really terrible. "

"Oh my god, Chen Ze is not only so good at gambling, but his ability to do so is
too strong. It's terrible to have laid such a foreshadowing outside the gambling

Everyone said, looking at Chen Ze with shock.

Different from the previous admiration of Chen Ze's simple gambling, I heard Chen
Ze's words now, knowing that Chen Ze had begun to quit so early and fooled John
Brown to death.

They knew that even John Brown lost so miserably, and was so miserably fooled, and
it was even more miserable to replace it with their own words.

At this moment, in addition to the respect, everyone in the scene, Chen Ze, raised
a fear in his heart. With such gambling, who can be disrespectful and who can be

"I lost." At this moment, John Brown on the gaming table spoke with a smile on his
face and said to Chen Ze, "Chen Ze, you have such gambling skills and such a mind.
Lost on you, I don't feel embarrassed. On the contrary, I think I am afraid that
Kelzer really met his opponent in this match. "

John Brown spoke, and he realized that Chen Ze's gambling was far above him, and he
calmly chose to give in. Moreover, he had a feeling that Chen Ze in front of him
would pose a great threat to Kelzer and that invincible Kelzer.

It is even impossible to defeat him.

"Chen Ze, I hope you can defeat Kelzer this time." John Brown said.
He used to hope to beat Kelzer, but he never did it. Even many years ago, Kelzer
completely threw him away.

This time, although he refused to admit it, he knew that even if he reached the
final, he would probably lose to Kelzer. He is far from Kelzer's opponent.

But now, he pinned Chen Ze's hope on victory over Kelzer.

For the first time, he really felt that someone could beat Kelzer!

"Of course." After hearing John Brown's words, Chen Ze smiled and was extremely
confident. "My goal this time is to win the championship. Naturally, I must also
defeat Kelzer."

After hearing the words of John Brown and Chen Ze, all the audience at the scene
remembered it. Yes, after this scene, Chen Ze officially entered the finals and was
about to play the finals with Kelzer.

If it is another game, or another opponent. He said he was going to defeat Kelzer,

and everyone would just sniff, thinking it was a complete joke.

But at this moment, everyone had no idea in their hearts. They looked at Chen Ze
with a smile on their faces, and they had only one idea in their hearts. Yes,
Kelzer is indeed invincible and the world is invincible.

But maybe, Chen Ze can really challenge him!

"Maybe, maybe Chen Ze will really be the first person to challenge Kelzer. Although
Kelzer is really incredible, no one can fight it. But Chen Ze is also the same,
this game all the way to victory Rodeo, defeating Itakura Ichiro, and John Brown
are not what ordinary people can do. Maybe it is really possible. "

"It's very likely that Chen Ze may be the only one who can defeat Kelzer."

"This is really what we can say is the World God of Gamblers. Tomorrow's game,
whoever wins these two will be really qualified and called the God of Gamblers."

The audience said one by one that they thought it was very possible. Judging by the
performance of Chen Ze, it was very likely.

And now, monitor the room.

"It's terrible. It's terrible that Chen Ze could lay down John Brown so long ago."

"Terrible. I never thought that Chen Ze was such a person."

"It's terrible, it's terrible."

Spurges and other high-level casinos in Las Vegas all talked about them. They were
just like those onlookers, who felt that Chen Ze was terrible, amazed, and a hint
of coolness rose in his heart.

Suddenly, they all heard the conversation between John Brown and Chen Ze from the

"Chen Ze, you have to defeat Kelzer."

"That is, naturally."

Hearing this, all the high-level casinos at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com have
stayed. They all looked at each other, and they saw a hint of worry in each other's

They only remembered at this time, yes, Chen Ze was about to enter the finals and
played against Kelzer.

Apart from that, anyone who confronts Kelzer absolutely believes that Kelzer can
win, and there will be no accidents, because this is Kelzer!

But now, everyone has no such idea of absolute confidence.

After watching the game of Chen Ze during this time, a terrible idea rose in their

"Perhaps, even Kelzer is not this terrible Chen Ze's opponent!"

记住 Remember the first domain name in this book:. Mobile website reading URL:

Chapter FTLS 230: War of the century


At this moment, there was a burst of laughter in the monitoring room. All the
casino executives looked over and found that it was Kelzer, with a smile on his

"what's the situation?"

Kelzer's smile made these casino executives a little aggressive, they did not
expect Kelzer to laugh at this time. In principle, shouldn't he be shocked to see
Chen Ze's amazing performance?

Why is Kelzer still smiling?

"Honestly, Chen Ze's performance did exceed my expectations." At this time, Kelzer
stood up and opened his mouth to the top of the casino. "But please believe me,
tomorrow's game, I must win. I finally waited for an opponent so strong that he
could force me to use his best. Tomorrow, I will use my best to defeat him. "

"Full strength?"

Hearing Kelzer's words, the senior executives of the casino were stunned. From
Kelzer's words, they seemed to hear something, and finally waited for an opponent
who could force him to use his best?

Could it be said that for so many years, no one has been able to force Kelzer to
use his full strength?

Thinking of this, these casino executives are even more shocked. They looked at
Kelzer with a confident smile, knowing that if that was the case, the winner of
tomorrow would also be Kelzer.

"So, please give me your full support." At this time, Kelzer spoke again with a
smile on his face. "And you don't think that the so-called World Gambler Contest is
too boring now?"

Hearing Kelzer's words, these casino executives froze one by one. Looking at
Kelzer, it seemed to understand what Kelzer wanted to do.
"Let me make the finals more interesting." Kelzer said with a smile on his face.

While talking, he picked up the microphone in the monitoring room.

On the other side, inside the casino lobby.

The dealer who hosted the gambling game of Chen Ze and John Brown stepped forward
and said: "Because Mr. John Brown lost all his chips, plus his own confession, I
declare the victory of this game Those who can enter the finals tomorrow are
representatives from Macau, Mr. Chen Ze! "

Upon hearing the words of the dealer, Chen Ze immediately smiled on his face, and
everyone around him was ready to cheer and jump for Chen Ze.

But at this moment, a sound came from the horn inside the casino.

"Congratulations, Chen Ze. Congratulations on your official entry to tomorrow's

final." A voice came.

Hearing this voice, the people around him were stunned, because they all heard it,
and it was Kelzer who spoke.

"Congratulations, Kelzer, congratulations on your entering the finals tomorrow."

Chen Ze smiled.

"Then let's congratulate each other," Kelzer continued in the horn. "But this so-
called World Gambler Contest is a bit boring now, don't you think so?"

"Boring?" Chen Ze froze. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, it's not as good as tomorrow's finals, let's make him more interesting."
Kelzer said, "Tomorrow, I want to bet on you with a real sword."

"A real bet?" Chen Ze froze.

"Yes, it is no longer a so-called game, but a real bet. With a base of 10 million
US dollars, each round of betting must be more than 10 million real bets." Kelzer
said, his voice came to the horn Inside the ears of everyone in the gambling house.

Hearing Kelzer's words, all the people in the surrounding area were in an uproar.
Everyone had no idea that in the last battle, Kelzer made such a request.

"Ten ten million? Ten million as the bottom? This, then this round is likely to be
hundreds of millions, even hundreds of millions of dollars."

"It's too big a bet. If the bottom is 10 million US dollars, then the night's
victory is likely to be in the hundreds of millions, even more than 1 billion US
dollars. This, if you really follow this bet, Then this final is called the Century
Gamble. "

"My God, the stakes are so big. Ten million dollars is the bottom. This, this, this
is too scary."

People around, both the audience and those gambling masters were stunned.

This World Gambler Contest, after all, is just a game, so it's just to separate the
winner and the loser. The amount of the bet is not large, it is only hundreds of
thousands of dollars. This is nothing at all for representatives from casinos
around the world.
But now, Kelzer even mentioned hundreds of thousands directly to hundreds of
millions, maybe even more than a billion or even billions of dollars, and all of
them were shocked.

Such a big bet, even in the world of gambling, never appeared when the two gambling
masters actually confronted each other.

Everyone knows that if you really gamble according to Kelzer, then it is definitely
a century war.

And more importantly, such a huge amount of gambling, for both parties, whether
Kelzer or Chen Ze, must not accept failure.

Then, tomorrow, the two must go all out to exert their full level, even beyond
their level.

Such two masters can be said to be the confrontation between the two strongest men
in the world, which is definitely the battle of the century.

Therefore, everyone in the surroundings was shocked and excited. They know that if
you really gamble according to Kelzer's method, tomorrow's game will probably be
the most exciting battle in the world.

Real, battle of the century!

On Chen Ze's side, he understood Kelzer's words and knew what Kelzer wanted to do.
But he didn't speak immediately, it wasn't that he didn't want to accept it, it was
just such a big bet, he didn't have so much money.

The bottom of the bet is 10 million US dollars, which is to take out all the
current Chen Ze's net worth, or not even the bottom.

"We promised." Just when Chen Ze was staying, Jiang Haitang stood up and said, "Our
Jiang family in Macau will fully support Mr. Chen Ze to complete tomorrow's game ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ Jiang Haitang Speaking, she actually agreed to Kelzer's request
for Chen Ze. Moreover, she meant it very simply. Tomorrow's gambling money, their
Jiang family would support Chen Ze.

"Miss Jiang?" Chen Ze looked at Jiang Haitang, but did not expect Jiang Haitang to
make such a decision.

If Chen Ze loses tomorrow, it may be a direct loss of more than one billion US
dollars. Such a major decision was decided immediately by Jiang Haitang.

"Mr. Chen, I believe in you." Jiang Haitang smiled.

She really believed in Chen Ze. Through Chen Ze's performance once and again, and
today's performance of beating John Brown so easily, all this made Jiang Haitang
believe in Chen Ze and believe that he could defeat Kerr. Ze.

Moreover, Jiang Haitang still has an ambition in his mind. As long as Chen Ze
defeats Kerzer this time, in the situation of the world gambling world, their Jiang
family will rise greatly and the power of the casino will greatly expand.

By that time, the investment of more than one billion US dollars was quite

Seeing the smile on Jiang Haitang's face, Chen Ze moved a little, with a confident
smile on his face, and said to the monitor: "Kelzer, I promise you."

"Okay, tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, the finals are officially started!"

In this way, the battle of the century tomorrow is decided by this!

记住 Remember the first domain name in this book:. Mobile website reading URL:

Chapter FTLS 231: Shock the world

"My God, I heard that the representative of Macao won John Brown, and it only took
three games to win him."

"I also heard that the news just came out, it was too scary, that Chen Ze was
really scary, I heard that he had the next set, and then let John Brown drill in."

"Even John Brown, the number two in the world, lost in his hands. He is really
terrifying. Why such a person has never heard of it before."

After Chen Ze defeated John Brown, the news came out at the first time, spreading
to other casinos in Las Vegas, and other residents. Everyone heard about this, one
by one. Very surprised.

Although the news that Chen Ze and others had battled and won before has made them
very surprised, this time it is still different.

This time Chen Ze's opponent was the second-ranked John Brown, who had a difficult
time with Kelzer at that time, so although Chen Ze shined during this time, he
thought that John Brown could win , Still in most.

So suddenly I heard the news, heard that John Brown lost, and after almost a
fiasco, everyone was shocked, and also realized one thing, Chen Ze defeated John
Brown, so this time into the final, It was him who challenged Kerzer.

But before they recovered from the previous shock, another news came out.

Kelzer even took the initiative to raise the requirements for tomorrow's game, even
holding a gamble with a bottom of $ 10 million.

Hearing the news, everyone in Las Vegas was shocked.

With a base of 10 million US dollars, the amount involved in the entire gambling
game may be hundreds of millions of dollars, even billions of dollars.

Such a large amount of gambling, even in the entire Las Vegas, has never appeared.

"Based on 10 million US dollars? My God, how is this possible? If a bet is 10

million US dollars, then the entire gamble tomorrow finals will involve at least
hundreds of millions of dollars. The amount is so large? Kelzer dare to propose
Such a large amount, and that Chen Ze actually agreed? "

"My God, lunatics, there are lunatics on both sides. Such a large amount of
gambling is unprecedented. Hundreds of millions of dollars, or even billions of
dollars, so it is going to be decided in a gamble. Now, there has never been such a
big gamble in Las Vegas. "

"Both sides agree to such a big bet. If this bet is true, then tomorrow's battle
will really be the one recorded in history."

Las Vegas tourists, his professional gamblers, and the aboriginals all said, all of
them were amazed, all felt incredible.

Everyone did not expect that the gambling tomorrow would be so big. If it is really
that big, everyone knows tomorrow's gambling, I am afraid it will be really

Either way, there is absolutely no way to accept the outcome of losing the gamble.

Therefore, the entire Las Vegas was shocked, everyone was a sensation, and it was a
sensation for Chen Ze and Kelzer.

Of course, the sensation is not just Las Vegas.

Within the UK, one of the largest casinos.

The casino is in full swing, and the gamblers are shouting loudly.

Suddenly a message came back: "Today's World Gambler, John Brown lost and lost to a
representative from Macau, Ze Ze."

"What? John lost? He is the world's second, and our British pride, even lost? Who
is Chen Ze in Macau? How could he beat John Brown."

"Yeah, how could John lose before seeing Kelzer? This is absolutely impossible.
This representative of Macau, Chen Ze, has never heard of him in the past, how
could he have won John, this is absolutely impossible."

"How could John lose? The news must be false."

The people in the casino all said that these people are fans and supporters of John
Brown. At this moment, after hearing that John Brown has lost, naturally they are
all unacceptable. They shouted loudly, questioning the truth of the result Sex.

But immediately, they heard another news, which had two contents. First, John Brown
did lose, and was defeated in Chen Ze's hands. Secondly, Chen Ze and Kelzer were
going to hold a bet of 10 million dollars in the final.

When I saw the first news, everyone in the casino was extremely lost. I didn't
expect that the news was true. John Brown actually lost to Chen Ze.

But before they had enough time to be completely shocked, the second news exploded
directly in their minds, leaving them completely speechless.

"This, this, a $ 10 million gamble, this, how is this possible, this is too big."

"Really? This second news is a gambling game with a base of 10 million dollars.
There has never been such a big gambling game before. Who is this Chen Ze who
actually asked Kelzer to make such a request? . "

"Oh my god, this is too shocking. It's an exaggeration of 10 million dollars."

After hearing the news, people in the casino said one after another, everyone was
completely shocked by the news, and did not expect that the amount of the decisive
battle would be so large.

Ten million U.S. dollars, ten million U.S. dollars can only come to the bottom ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ This is a century war never before. Therefore, the people in
these casinos were really stunned, the news spread, and casinos throughout the UK
were also shocked.
At the same time, each one firmly remembered a name, Chen Ze.

Of course, it's not just the United Kingdom. The news spread. The world was a
sensation. All gamblers and gambling masters around the world could not believe
their ears and thought they were joking.

When they confirmed the news, they were speechless.

At the bottom of 10 million US dollars, up and down may involve more than one
billion, even billions of dollars of gambling, which is a shocking gamble they
never dreamed of.

Such a gambling game really exists soon.

This shocked them. At the same time, their hearts were full of expectations and

As gambling masters, which of these people do not want to experience such a high
amount of gambling. But they all know that it is absolutely impossible for them to
experience such a gamble.

Those who can go through this kind of gambling are the real masters of gambling,
far from being comparable.

Therefore, the entire world of gambling is a sensation, because of Chen Ze's name,
and because of this shocking gamble.

They all remembered Chen Ze's name firmly, and also remembered this century war.

记住 Remember the first domain name in this book:. Mobile website reading URL:

Chapter FTLS 232: Eve of the Final Battle (1)

Not only in other parts of the world, when the news came back to Macau, the entire
Macao was also shocked. All the gambling masters in Macau were caught in a
completely speechless atmosphere.

In fact, although Chen Ze is the representative of Macau, many people are

convinced. However, there are also many people who are not convinced. The
representative is Wang Jin who once challenged Chen Ze but was defeated by Chen Ze.
In fact, Chen Ze was quite unconvinced.

However, this kind of dissatisfaction gradually disappeared with the news returned
from Las Vegas, as Chen Ze defeated one after another world-renowned masters.

At this time, news suddenly came back. Chen Ze even defeated the world's second-
ranked master John Brown, and he was going to conduct a century of more than one
billion dollars with the first man in the world, Kelzer. gambling.

Hearing this news, Wang Jin's last bit of dissatisfaction disappeared completely,
with a bitter smile on his face: "This kind of character, what kind of character do
I have to be disqualified?"

Wang Jin remembered things about Chen Ze before, and knew that Chen Ze had
strength. In the eyes of Chen Ze at the time, he might just be a laughing stock.

The whole of Macao is full of news from Chen Ze. Everyone talks about Chen Ze's
game and the voice of the last century war. Everyone is looking forward to it with
"My God, I never imagined that Chen Ze was so powerful. I thought that even if he
could play for us in Macau, he would definitely not get a good ranking. I never
thought he was so powerful."

"Yeah, defeated John Brown, the world's second, and now has to fight the world war
with Kelzer, the world's number one. It's too great. Chen Ze is too powerful."

"Regardless of the outcome of the World War, Chen Ze is too powerful this time."

Everywhere in Macau, from casinos to bars to hotels, is talking about it.

"Lao Li, what do you think of the outcome of tomorrow's Century War?"

At this moment, in a black car, a gray-haired old man spoke to the other old man
sitting beside him.

"This, sir, I really can't say well. Although the lady is looking for a terrific
person, even the world's second John Brown has won, but this time it is the world's
number one Kelzer. I'm afraid "Old Li said. Although he said badly, the meaning of
the words was very clear.

"You think that Chen Ze can't win, right?" The gray-haired old man smiled after he
heard what he said, "I honestly find it difficult too. If it was me in Las Vegas ,
I may not support Chen Ze for such a large amount of century war. "

Said, the old man looked outside and said, "But Begonia said on the phone that she
said that Chen Ze was definitely a rare talent for a thousand years, that she
believed that Chen Ze could defeat Kelzer, that she believed Chen Ze It can change
Las Vegas' attitude towards us in Macau, so I promised her and let her support Chen
Ze to let go. "

"Master." After hearing the old man's words, the old Li didn't know what to say.

"Rest assured, even if we lose, it's only more than one billion. We in Macau still
lose." The old man said, "But although I don't believe in Chen Ze, I believe in my
granddaughter's vision! Since she said Chen Ze hopes to defeat Kelzer, so there
must be hope. "

At the moment, on the other side of the globe, Las Vegas's largest hotel, Jiang
Haitang's room.

Chen Ze sat in Jiang Haitang's room and said, "Miss Jiang, thank you for your
willingness to support me this time and fight with Kelzer in this century war."

"Nothing Mr. Chen, since Kelzer offered to take the initiative, how can we shrink
back. And I believe you can win." Jiang Haitang looked at Chen Ze with a smile.

"I know you believe it, but I think no one in your family should believe it except
you." Chen Ze smiled.

He knew that although Jiang Haitang had made a decision to support Chen Ze in the
war of the century, after all, it involved such a huge amount of money. Without her
family's nod, she alone would not have been able to really make so much money. of.

And her family, Chen Ze didn't even have to think about it, they knew that she
would definitely not support it.

"Haha, Mr. Chen, you really are as good as God." Jiang Haitang smiled when he heard
what Chen Ze said. "It is true that after I told this to the family, the people in
the family did not agree. However, in the end I Grandpa decided, and decided to
support you. "

"My grandpa said that although he didn't want to believe in Chen you, but he
believed in my vision and therefore believed in you." Jiang Haitang smiled. "So Mr.
Chen, I took a great risk to support you this time. You lose tomorrow, and I may
even lose the third generation inheritance right of our family. "

Then, there was a flash of worry in Jiang Haitang's eyes.

Although she believes in Chen Ze so much, after all, the things involved this time
are too big and important, so there is still a little worry in her heart.

But nevertheless, she never showed up in front of Chen Ze. Obviously, she didn't
want to put too much pressure on Chen Ze.

"Relax, Miss Jiang." Chen Ze noticed the trace of worry in Jiang Haitang's eyes and
said with a smile, "I will win tomorrow's game."

"Haha, that would be the best." Jiang Haitang said, she looked at Chen Ze, "But Mr.
Chen, if you really win tomorrow's game, then you are the first recognized gambler
in the world. So, Are you planning on after that? "

"My plan after that?" Chen Ze froze.

"Yes, after that you will be the **** of gambling in the world. I hope you can stay
in Macau if possible." Jiang Haitang said.

"Stay in Macau?" Chen Ze said.

"Yes, I would like to invite you to be our partner at the Chiang Kai-shek Casino in
Macau." Jiang Haitang said.

If Chen Ze really wins this time, Jiang Haitang knows that Chen Ze will leap in the
world gambling world. At that time, his net worth will be far more than that now,
even casinos around the world will rob him. At this moment, I want to start first.

"Hahaha, if that's the case, then Miss Jiang, I'm sorry." Chen Ze smiled.

"Sorry?" Jiang Haitang took his turn this time.

"Yes, after this victory, I don't think I will bet again. I want to retreat and do
something else." Chen Ze smiled.

"Retreat to do something else?"

Hearing Chen Ze's words, Jiang Haitang almost doubted his ears.

Chen Ze was so powerful that he managed to win the championship, and finally he had
to retreat. This is how this is possible.

Jiang Haitang thought it was ridiculous, but looked at Chen Ze, and found that Chen
Ze was serious.

"Then what are you going to do next?" Jiang Haitang asked.

"I don't know, but it will definitely be another profession." Chen Ze smiled. "I
hope that I can experience as many industries as possible in the future and leave
my footprint on each line. When someone knows each line in the future, In history,
such a sentence is always said, that Chen Ze, who has even done this business, is
really amazing! "


Jiang Haitang had no idea that Chen Ze would be such a plan ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~
What she wanted to say was ridiculous, how could anyone be able to do this.

But all of a sudden, she remembered the resume of Chen Ze who had been investigated
before, taxi driver, chef, and now, it seems that Chen Ze is really doing this.

And he seems to be able to do it.

Chen Ze is really an incredible person.

"Miss Jiang, those are just my personal plans and wishes. Maybe I can't get mixed
up in other industries. I will come to you to ask for food." Chen Ze noticed Jiang
Haitang's shock, and said Quickly round the road.

He didn't want Jiang Haitang to notice him, and he might discover the system.

Hearing Chen Ze's words, Jiang Haitang laughed: "Okay, I'll just look forward to
Mr. Chen, you can't mix in other industries."

"Haha, it must be." Chen Ze smiled, and suddenly his face became serious. "But now,
the most important thing is to defeat Kelzer!" The residents of the town said the
second one.

Chapter FTLS 233: Eve of the Final Battle (2)

"System, do you think I, Kelzer, who is more likely to win?"

In the room, Chen Ze spoke alone and asked the system.

Although he was extremely confident in front of Jiang Haitang, to be honest he was

still a little bit vacant, and he was not sure that he would be able to defeat

"Fifty percent," said the system, coldly.

"Fifty percent?" Chen Ze paused. "Is it only that low? I've already taken several
gambler skills."

Although Chen Ze was not sure whether he could beat Kelzer 100%, he felt that with
the skills of the eyes of God of Gambling, ears of God of Gambling, hands of God of
Gambling, calculation of God of Gambling, etc., he won tomorrow The possibility of
a gamble is at least 70%.

Who knows, the system says that it is only 50%.

"Yes, the host, only 50%." The system said, "You have indeed drawn a lot of skills.
In humans, your gambling has indeed reached the highest level. But that is also the
case with Kelzer. , He is a real gambling world, and he has reached the same level
as you. So the probability of you winning him is only 50%. "

"Did he reach the same realm as me?" Chen Ze said. He didn't expect this Kelzer to
be so strong. "But in theory, my skills are the skills of God of Gambling. Without
reason, he can communicate with me. It is right to compare them. "
"Yes, your skills are indeed the skills of gamblers, but you haven't actually fully
utilized these skills." The system said.

"Have not fully developed your skills?" Chen Ze asked, and he seemed to understand
something. "So, what's missing?"

"Missing one of the most important skills, the spirit of gambling." Systemically,
"The spirit of gambling is the experience and experience of gambling gods for many
years. Only by possessing the spirit of gambling can they truly be completely
complete. Use all the skills of Gambler. "

Hearing the words of the system, Chen Ze's heart suddenly moved, and he could play
all the skills of the gambling god. He had heard the system mentioned before. He
also wanted to win this gambling god, but unfortunately, he did not win it once.

"If you win the heart of gambling, can you beat Kelzer?" Chen Ze asked.

"Yes, as long as you host the heart of the **** of gamblers, then you will fully
become a **** of gamblers. At that time, no one will be your opponent." The system

"So, that would be great."

Chen Ze murmured to himself, he quickly opened the popularity page, and saw that
the popularity value had exceeded 20,000, reaching more than 23,000, which was a
full increase of more than 10,000 from the previous day.

This increase in popularity is due to the spread of the news of Chen Ze's victory
over John Brown. Of course, the news of the battle between the century and Krzeze
was more important. .

Naturally, Chen Ze's popularity skyrocketed so much at once. Moreover, it continues

to skyrocket.

Although Chen Ze wasn't entirely clear why his popularity had soared so much, he
also noticed that his popularity had increased so much, which had exceeded 20,000.

In this case, and he just heard the words of the system, it is natural to take the
next skill, the goal is naturally the spirit of gambling.

"System, the popularity value exceeds 20,000, I can draw the next skill." Chen Ze

"Sure," the system answered.

"That's great." Chen Ze smiled, and then began to draw: "Heart of gambling, it must
be God of gambling, it must be God of gambling." He said silently.

With his actions, the raffle page started to flash, and there were constant skills
appearing on the raffle page.

Then, the flashing stopped gradually, and finally this time the lottery draws the
skills: "Activate skills!"

"Activating skills?" Chen Ze froze when he saw this skill. "What kind of skill is

Chen Ze wants to bet on God, and he also thinks that his luck can be taken.
But how, how did you win this skill, what activation skill, what ghost?

He quickly looked over and looked at the row of explanations following these four
big words: "Activation skills are auxiliary skills for major occupations. They can
activate any skills that cannot be used temporarily due to conditions that cannot
be used. It can be used directly. "

"What does it mean?"

Looking at this explanation, Chen Ze was even more aggressive.

"A lot of skills have prerequisites, and they can only be used if they meet the
prerequisites. This activation skill can make skills that cannot be used without
the prerequisites available and can be used directly. It is a very good auxiliary
skill." The system spoke, explaining to Chen Ze.

"Oh, this is the case, then this is really a skill that is invaluable." Chen Ze
nodded and murmured, but suddenly he responded, "No, this skill is good, but I am
now I do n’t need this skill, it ’s just so bad. I want to bet on God. I want to
bet on God. ”

Chen Ze had some heartaches. He originally intended to draw the heart of the ****
of gambling this time, but he actually got this activation skill. It looks really

The problem is that it is imperative now to get the heart of the gambler to ensure
that Kelzer can be defeated. Rather than asking for this skill, but now, this
lottery opportunity is wasted.

Therefore, Chen Ze felt a bit of heartache. He looked at the system: "System, can
you give away another free lottery? This time it involves at least one billion US
dollars in gambling. The 50% certainty is really too low."

"Sorry host, this draw is over. If you want to draw again, please wait for the next
chance." The system said.

"Don't do this, we have been together for so long, so give it a chance for free,
the system." Chen Ze quickly started, trying to convince the system as much as

But for a long time, the system did not speak. Obviously, the system is working
strictly according to rules. Chen Ze wants the next lottery, he must wait until the
next lottery opportunity.

"..." Chen Ze said.


"Begonia ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I have let the money pass, this time the family fully
supports you and that Chen Ze, I hope you will not let the family down."

At the moment, in Jiang Haitang's room, Jiang Haitang's voice came from Jiang
Haitang's phone.

"Relax, grandpa, I believe Chen Ze, he will be able to beat Kelzer this time,"
Jiang Haitang said, saying she paused, and then said, "but I need something other
than money. "

"What?" Her grandpa asked.

"The gambling involved this time is too big, and it is also related to the dispute
between Las Vegas and our Macau casinos. I estimate that in addition to the
gambling, these Las Vegas casino executives will also do other things. With both
hands and feet, try to prevent Chen Ze from winning tomorrow's victory. Even, they
may directly kill Chen Ze. So in order to deal with them, I want other help from
the family. "Jiang Haitang began.

"So, what help do you want?" Her grandpa said.

"Some support!"

Chapter FTLS 234: Eve of the Final Battle (3)

Meanwhile, in another villa in Las Vegas.

This villa belongs to Kelzer and is the home of Kelzer in Las Vegas.

The decoration is very luxurious, especially filled with gambling elements such as
playing cards and dice, with a very obvious Kelzer style.

At this moment, Kelzer was sitting in a room in the villa, and in front of him,
collected all kinds of gambling equipment from the world.

He has a habit of liking that every time he defeats a master of gambling equipment,
he is used to collecting the gambling equipment he is good at as his loot.

Therefore, every gambling equipment here represents a master of gambling.

Also officially defeated so many gambling experts, he became today's Kelzer.

Tomorrow, he will have a past with Chen Ze. Even he, he has never gambled. The war
of the century, so at this moment he is very excited, even the hands touching these
gambling equipment are slightly shaking.

He looked at these gambling equipment: "Tomorrow, there will definitely be another

new gambling equipment, representing the playing cards of the landlord."

From this period of observation, Kerzer knows that Chen Ze, like him, is a master
of all kinds of gambling. But for Kelzer, what Chen Ze impressed him most was the
first time he met, the unfinished landlord battle.

Therefore, the landlord represents Chen Ze's representative in his heart.

And he said that to collect another playing card representing the landlord, the
meaning was very clear.

He is determined to defeat Chen Ze tomorrow.

For this game, it is also a real end to the first unfinished Landlord game.

Kelzer believes that it will be him who wins.

And just when Kelzer took out the past booty, appreciated it, and prepared for the
pumping up tomorrow, all the casino executives across Las Vegas gathered, and those
real casino tycoons who can be said to have mastered the benefits of global casino
leaders Get up, get together, and start a meeting.
"Tomorrow, Kelzer must not lose."

Inside the dim conference room, a casino tycoon spoke. At this moment, the
atmosphere in the conference room was quite silent, and everyone was thinking about
one thing.

"I think so too. Kelzer represents not only himself, but also the face and benefits
of our entire Las Vegas and even American casinos. He must not lose, especially to
a player from Huaxia representative. "Another casino tycoon spoke.

The reason why Kelzer can be the first person in the gambling market without a
doubt, far surpasses everyone else. In addition to his own superb gambling, a large
part is because of the support of these Las Vegas casino tycoons.

These casino tycoons need a master to deter international gambling, to show the
dignity of Las Vegas and even American casinos, so they choose to support Kelzer as
an American.

Even these world gamblers contests are said to be competitions. In fact, these
tycoons must not accept anyone other than Kelzer to win the championships of these

Before these games, they were very optimistic about the results of this game and
thought that no one could threaten Kelzer.

Even if Ichiro Itakura, or a master such as John Brown reached the final, they also
think that it is absolutely impossible to threaten Kerzer to win the final

But now it's different. Entering the finals and becoming Krze's opponent turned out
to be a dark horse from China. And the reality of this dark horse is too amazing.
Even the old international gambling masters like Itakura Ichiro and John Brown are
not even his opponents.

And looking at his performance, it seems that there is a real possibility of

threatening Kelzer.

Moreover, this time Kelzer even upgraded his gambling game to a century war
involving more than one billion US dollars, and this billion US dollars, since the
Chen family over Chen Ze showed support for Chen Ze, so naturally, They also need
to give full support to Kelzer in Las Vegas. Naturally, this one billion will be
for Kelzer.

Therefore, this century war is no longer a gamble between Chen Ze and Kelzer, it is
directly related to more than one billion US dollars, it is related to Las Vegas
and Macau, the face of the United States and China, casino power, etc. Waiting for
the competition, these Las Vegas casino tycoons couldn't sit still, and they
gathered together overnight to discuss countermeasures.

"Rest assured, Kelzer will not lose, I believe him, he has never let us down. With
his gambling, it is absolutely impossible to lose." Another tycoon spoke,
expressing his support for Kelzer.

"But just in case? What if Kelzer loses? The result is unacceptable." Another
tycoon said, "If Kelzer loses, our loss of more than one billion is small, but this
way let The people of Huaxia Macau take the first place. How can the subsequent
negotiations of the casino power be resolved? And we are the world's casino center
in Las Vegas. Can a Huaxia person get the first place? "
Upon hearing his words, all the other tycoons were silent, and they all knew that
such things were indeed unacceptable.

So the thing to do now is to ensure that Kelzer can get first place.

"So, what to do? From the perspective of Chen Ze's gambling, Kelzer may not be able
to defeat him." Another tycoon spoke.

"It's true, so we have to fix him." Another tycoon said.

"Solve him?" All the tycoons looked at the opening tycoon ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Yes,
as long as he does not appear on the tomorrow's gambling, then there is no problem.
"The tycoon smiled.

His meaning was very clear, and when he heard it, all the other tycoons were
silent: "However, this game is hosted by us in Las Vegas. If this is done, I am
afraid it will make the rest of the world Casino people are gossiping. "

"What's the gossip? Who dares to have the gossip?" Said the tycoon. "We are the
casinos in Las Vegas, but the World Casino Center. Who dares to have any gossip to

When he heard him, the other casino tycoons were silent, and they knew that this
man was a bit reasonable. And now, it is absolutely impossible to allow Kerzer to
be defeated by Chen Ze.

"So, what do you think you should do?" The other tycoon spoke, looking at the
tycoon. They looked at the tycoon and knew that he was ready.

"I'm ready. Tomorrow, on the way to the Zeizersberg Casino." The tycoon said,
smiling, "I promise, he can never come to the casino."

Chapter FTLS 235: Fright on the road (1)

The next day, at 6 pm, Chen Ze was driving in the car driven by Jiang Haitang and
headed for the Spoelberg Casino.

"Miss Jiang, I heard that in addition to the previous people, tonight's race,
representatives from major casinos in the world have sent representatives to
participate? And I heard that many reporters have also come over?" Sitting in the
front passenger seat Chen Ze asked.

This is the news he heard during the day. In fact, he didn't even hear it. He saw a
lot of people from casinos around the world with his own eyes. At this time, all of
them came to Las Vegas, and they were rushing towards the Casino of Berg Passed.

"Yes, after all, it is the last game of the World Gambler Contest. The winner will
become the recognized gambler in casinos all over the world. And Mr. Chen and you
and Kelzer are so big this time. This battle is considered to be the battle of the
century. Naturally, those in the casino, as well as journalists, must come over.
"Jiang Haitang began.

"This is the case, then." Chen Ze spoke, and suddenly he paused, because he found
that Jiang Haitang seemed to be unable to concentrate, and he looked at the
rearview mirror frequently while watching the car, and seemed to be worried.

"Miss Jiang, what are you looking at?" Chen Ze asked when he saw this action by
Jiang Haitang.

"This." Hearing Chen Ze's words, Jiang Haitang turned back and said, "Mr. Chen, I
didn't want to tell you, I want to rely on the strength of the family. But the
people in the family have not come yet. , I'm afraid they were stopped, so I have
to tell you now. "

"What's the matter?" Chen Ze asked, looking at the anxious Jiang Haitang, what
seemed to be a big deal.

"That's it, this time you and Kelzer's century war, I know these Las Vegas people
must ..."

海 Jiang Haitang spoke, and told Chen Ze about her fears.

She didn't want to tell Chen Ze about these things, but the person who called her
grandfather for help on the phone yesterday did not come. Jiang Haitang is
estimated to be stopped by these Las Vegas tycoons.

Now she and Chen Ze are the only two people. She knows that the journey to the
Spurge Casino must be dangerous this time, so she has to speak in advance and say
hello to Chen Ze earlier.

"That's the way it was. I didn't expect Mr. Chen to be able to reach the final, so
there was no preparation for this. But now, those Las Vegas casino tycoons will
definitely do something to Mr. Chen. Casino people, there is nothing kind to say.
For the benefit, they do everything. "Jiang Haitang began.

Hearing what Jiang Haitang said, Chen Ze was a little bit silent. He didn't
actually think that things would even reach this point, but suddenly he laughed:
"Miss Jiang, don't you just scold yourself in? ? "

"Ah?" Jiang Haitang froze when he heard Chen Ze's words. He didn't expect Chen Ze
to react this way. She only reacted when she heard Chen Ze's words. Her words
really scolded her in. Is n’t she the one who opened the casino herself?

"Haha, that's right, I'm the same person." Jiang Haitang laughed. "So I'm really
sorry to put Mr. Chen in such a dangerous situation this time. I'm trying not to go
back, if We will not go to the casino tonight. If we take the initiative to admit
defeat, these casino tycoons in Las Vegas should not do anything to Mr. Chen. "

"It's okay, don't need to go back." Chen Ze waved and smiled. "Even if I go back, I
don't think they will let me go for insurance. Instead, go to the casino. My luck
has always been good, I believe nothing will happen. "

"Okay, then Mr. Chen, let's go."

Jiang Haitang nodded and smiled. In fact, she and Chen Ze were dangerous in a car
at the moment. However, Chen Ze was brought by her. How could she leave Chen Ze and
hide herself?

Buzz! !! !!

I walked towards the front for a long time, and suddenly an engine sound came from
behind, and then more than one black car appeared behind Chen Ze and Jiang Haitang.

I heard the sound of this engine and saw these cars in the rearview mirror. Both
Chen Ze and Jiang Haitang knew that it was a Las Vegas-based car.

"Sit down Mr. Chen Ze, it seems that the cars behind are to prevent us from
entering the casino tonight." Jiang Haitang said.
"If you just send a car to block, then it is actually very easy to solve." Chen Ze
muttered to himself after seeing the next few cars.

"What did you say, Mr. Chen?" Jiang Haitang asked.

"Oh, nothing, I said, Miss Jiang, let's speed it up, I'm fine." Chen Ze nodded.

"Okay." Jiang Haitang nodded. After waiting for Chen Ze to nod, she kicked the
throttle, directly increased the speed, and rushed forward.

Sure enough, after the following vehicles saw Jiang Haitang speeding up, they all
quickly speeded up again and followed closely.

Not to mention, Jiang Haitang's driving skills are really good. Although the
performance of the car is not as good as the next few cars, the speed is actually
very fast, and the cornering speed is maintained very well. But it has never caught

"Miss Jiang, you can't see, your car skills are so good." Chen Ze smiled and said.

"Hahaha, don't hide from Mr. Chen, you said, when I was a teenager, I thought about
being a driver. This speed is nothing to me at all." Jiang Haitang smiled, quite
Some proud.

After discovering that the car behind her couldn't catch up, her mood stabilized a

When I heard Jiang Haitang's words, Chen Ze smiled and was preparing to say

Suddenly, there was a buzz, and several louder engine sounds came from behind.

泽 Chen Ze quickly looked back, and there were even several cars joining from both
sides. And these cars are different from the previous ones, no matter their
performance or speed, they are even better.

Therefore, slowly approaching the distance with Chen Ze and Jiang Haitang.

"It's not good ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ It looks like a real professional driver,

otherwise the speed can never be so fast. In order to stop Mr. Chen, they actually
sent a real professional driver."

海 Jiang Haitang said in shock when he saw the newly-added cars behind him. She can
handle ordinary riders. But if she is a professional driver, then she has nothing
to do.

At this moment, a large truck appeared in front of the road, and the car was slowly
crossing the center of the road, trying to block the way of Chen Ze and Jiang

"It's over."

After seeing this big truck, Jiang Haitang was frightened directly and did not know
what to do. At the speed of the current car, she knew she would run into it.

虽然 Although she has learned racing for a while, she is absolutely impossible to
hide by driving at this speed.

"Immediately apply the brakes with the accelerator."

Suddenly, a voice came over.

Then came over with two hands to help Jiang Haitang control the steering wheel of
the car.

"Do as I say immediately, rest assured, nothing will happen." Chen Ze said, holding
the steering wheel, and said lightly, as if the situation in front of him was
nothing to him, "because I still have an identity, the car God! "Said the residents
of the town

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Chapter FTLS 236: Fright on the road (below)

"They're done."

Inside the black cars behind Chen Ze and Jiang Haitang, one of them, the driver
said, with a cruel smile on his face.

This man's name is Covran and he is a former professional driver. And this time he
was hired by a Las Vegas casino tycoon to forge a traffic accident on the road.

And the requirement is that at least the man in the car must be seriously injured.

This thing is too simple for him who was a professional driver. So he called a few
friends and ambushed in the vicinity, ready to create this traffic accident after
the car came.

The back car came, but it made Cufflan a bit surprised. The people who drove it
seemed to be pretty good, but it was quite fast, so that several of Coffran's
friends couldn't catch up.

There was no other way, he had to go out in person.

As a result, I immediately caught up, and then watched the car in front of me hit a
large truck.

Seeing this scene, Covran knew that his task was completed. The speed of the car in
front was so fast that it was impossible for ordinary people to hide.

Even among professional drivers, Covran knew that he would never exceed ten.

Therefore, the person in the car in front was dead.

Thinking of this, Coffland knew that his mission was completed this time, with a
smile on his face, slowing down.

But at this time, he was stunned because he saw that the car in front suddenly
braked and hit the steering wheel sharply, and then used the steering wheel to
control the wheels, which turned out to be extremely precise. The whole car escaped
the big truck and drove past from the extremely narrow aisle.

"how is this possible!"

Seeing this scene, Covran was stunned, he had no idea, and did not expect that the
car in front could drive so well, actually escaped the large truck, and in such a
subtle way.
"This, this is not possible. Few people in the world can do this to avoid large
trucks. How can people in the car in front of them, and people in the car do it."

Cofflan muttered to himself, unable to believe his eyes at all, and even doubted
whether he was dreaming.

But then he responded: "Well, no matter who is in front of the car, and then daze
here, the task will not be completed."

Coughland's cars stopped because of shock. Now that he had reacted, he immediately
started the car again, started it, and along the narrow aisle, he took several
other cars and chased the car in front.

However, Coffland was worried. According to the performance of the car in front of
the large truck, he knew that he might not be able to catch up with that car.

But to his surprise, when he was driving through the aisle, the car in front didn't
know why it had just started. So he was relieved and ready to catch up with the car

He thought that the amazing response of the car before the big truck was just a
coincidence. The car in the car in front cannot be able to control the car with
such precision.

"Hals, Charlie Mo, you two drove a short drive and surrounded you from both sides,
blocking the road in front of the car. We can't let this car run this time."

At this time, Coffland spoke, facing the intercom inside the car.


Hearing what he said, two voices came from the intercom, and the two cars left
behind Cleveland and went in from both sides.

"This time, I will never let you run away."

After watching the two cars leaving, Coffland looked at the back of the car in
front of him, thinking in his mind that he decided to catch up with the car in
front and solve him.

Buzz! !! !!

He stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the car in front.

But soon, things seemed completely unexpected.

The car in front was so scary that it felt terrible. Although it had made him feel
very fast before, it was just great for ordinary people.

For a former professional driver like Cleveland, this speed is nothing at all.

But after this big truck, Coffland felt that the driver in front of the car seemed
to have completely changed to a person. It was really too fast and too scary.

It has not been half a year since Cofran retired, and he often went to the training
ground to maintain his feeling during this half year. He knew that although he
retired, the decline was not too great.
If the opponent is an ordinary person, it is the rhythm of a spike.

But now, he can't catch up with the car in front. The speed of the car in front is
really amazing, especially the speed when turning. He feels that the driver in
front has no sense of fear at all. Such a fast speed turned so easily.

This really made him a little scared. He knew that even at his peak, he would never
reach that speed.

"How could it be, how could it be so fast. Who was the driver in front of the car?
Who was it?" Coffran opened his eyes, shocked.

What he learned before was that the people in the car in front were all gamblers
from the East, so he thought it would be easy to solve.

But now he knows that this is not the case. The speed of the car in front, he knows
that even in the current professional driver circle, few people can reach it.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that no one except the car king Xiu Mach
dares to say that this speed can be achieved.

How can such a speed appear on a gambler!

"Wait a minute, the gambler of the East? Isn't it?" Covran said, suddenly he
thought of something, remembering something that he had heard about half a year

A Chinese amateur driver won Cao Fang in the mountain chase, which shocked the
entire professional driver circle. Later, everyone thought that this person would
join the professional car world, but he just disappeared.

"Is that the person driving in the car in front is the one who won Cao Fang?"
Kovlan thought to himself, he turned a corner again, only to find that the car had
been completely lost.

This time, he failed completely.

However, his mind was not on this at the moment. He thought in his heart, "What is
the name of that man, the one who won Cao Fang? Yes, Chen Ze!"

Just then ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ At the crossroads in front of Cleveland, there were

actually two cars coming across, and it was he who had previously let his two men
take a short approach to intercept the two cars in front.

Although the two cars copied the approach, they still couldn't catch up with the
car in front.

Instead, he blocked his way.

When he discovered this, it was too late.

boom! !! !!

The three cars collided together at an extremely fast speed, making a loud noise
and an explosion.

All three cars were scrapped.

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Chapter FTLS 237: Where did Chen Ze go

On the road, the car was parked beside him, Jiang Haitang squatted on the road and
vomited. Chen Ze stood next to her and looked at her helplessly.

"Miss Jiang, are you okay." Chen Ze asked.

"No, nothing."

Jiang Haitang waved his hand and said weakly.

After she vomited, she stood up tremblingly, her face utterly defeated. That look
was even worse than a fearful person who had just finished a roller coaster ride.

"I'm okay, Mr. Chen, but I don't know about you. Your car skills are so good."
Jiang Haitang started and smiled at Chen Ze.

Just after passing the big truck, she changed positions with Chen Ze and let Chen
Ze drive the car. But she did not expect that Chen Ze's speed would be so fast, and
Jiang Haitang, who was accustomed to big scenes, was shocked and screamed loudly.

Therefore, after confirming that he was getting rid of the chaser behind him, Jiang
Haitang couldn't help but rushed out of the car and vomited.

She looked at Chen Ze and recalled the feeling she had just sat in Chen Ze's car.
That feeling, it really feels like death is always around.

Terror is really terror.

When I heard Chen Ze said he was a car god, Jiang Haitang thought Chen Ze was
bragging. Now I know that this is exactly a sentence that evaluates himself.

Not a car god, how can you drive the car to this situation.

Jiang Haitang also wanted to say something to Chen Ze, and suddenly remembered the
previous resume of the investigation of Chen Ze, and knew that Chen Ze had once
been a driver and defeated Cao Fang.

In this section, she hadn't seriously thought about anything before, but just
thought that Chen Ze's car skills were also good.

But now I find out what's good about this, it's almost killing people. Chen Ze's
car skills are simply not under his gambling.

"Mr. Chen, his car skills are so amazing." Jiang Haitang muttered to himself.

"Miss Jiang, Miss Jiang."

At this time, Chen Ze's voice came over, making Jiang Haitang sober.

"Ah, what's wrong?" Jiang Haitang asked.

"Let's go, although we get rid of the people invited by Las Vegas. But if they
catch up again, it will be troublesome again." Chen Ze said.

"Yes, let's hurry." Jiang Haitang said.

With that said, she was going to sit in the co-driver's cab. Although Chen Ze was
driving horribly, it was an emergency, and she knew she had to be a car driven by
Chen Ze.

Hum! !! !! !!

At this time, a mess of car sounds and engine sounds came from behind. Accompanying
it was a burst of light.

Hearing this voice, Chen Ze's face changed, and I knew that it was the people who
had been invited by Las Vegas to catch up: "Actually chasing so fast, Miss Jiang,
sit down, I want to speed up."

"No, wait." At this time, Chen Ze suddenly heard Jiang Haitang's voice, and
suddenly made Chen Ze ready to step on the accelerator to empty the foot.

He quickly looked at Jiang Haitang, and found that Jiang Haitang looked at the
rearview mirror, his face gradually smiling: "It's them, it's them."

"What?" Chen Ze paused, and he also looked in the rearview mirror, and found that
there were many cars behind, at least a dozen. And these cars and the car that
chased them before are not a kind of car.

These more than ten cars turned out to be Bentley.

"So many luxury cars?"

Seeing that there were so many luxury cars behind him, Chen Ze just stopped.

"It's them, Mr. Chen, it's from us here in Macau." Jiang Haitang laughed and said
she got out of the car.

After hearing her words, Chen Ze froze, and then quickly got out of the car.

"I'm sorry Miss, we are late." Among the more than ten Bentleys, a group of
drivers, and a group of bodyguards wearing black suits, said the man headed to
Jiang Haitang.

"It's all right, you can come, it's not too late." Jiang Haitang smiled.

"Miss Jiang, are these cars?"

Chen Ze approached Jiang Haitang and asked.

He was completely stunned. He didn't know why there were so many cars here. There
were millions of Bentleys, and a dozen came out at once.

So many luxury cars, why are so many luxury cars here?

"Mr. Chen, this is the support I said to you. I looked for it in my house." Jiang
Haitang smiled. "These bodyguards are here to protect you."

"Then these luxury cars? Even if you want to protect me, don't you need so many
luxury cars?" Chen Ze asked.

"Hee hee, this century war is the gambling game that all casinos in the world care
about most. It is also a showdown between Macau and Las Vegas. In this case, as the
representative of Macau, you are the future God of Gambler, naturally you need to
be amazing enough and have enough style to play. Okay, Mr. Chen, get in the car.
"Jiang Haitang said, pointing at one of the dozen cars, and made one to Chen Ze.
Please gesture.

Chen Ze saw that the car in the middle was not Bentley. Instead, a longer Rolls

"Are you handsome?" Chen Ze murmured. "So, you can still do this."


At the moment, inside the Bergsburg Casino!

From the inside to the outside, it is already full of people.

The largest gambling hall inside has been opened. There is only one gambling table
in the hall. Kelzer is wearing a tuxedo. At this moment, he is sitting beside the
gambling table, and the surrounding lights are dim, full of casino representatives
from around the world. Those journalists, UU reads www.uukanshu. come to witness
the whole process of the game tonight.

In addition, outside the casino, the lights are bright. Although it is evening, it
is also full of people.

These people are all here and want to see the war of the century tonight. But they
are not eligible to enter, so they can only stand outside the door and wait for
news of the game.

Of course, a boulevard with enough vehicles to enter is still fenced out, otherwise
there are so many people around here that there is no way to let people in. And a
red carpet was laid on the ground to express the importance of this Las Vegas
casino to this last battle.

Time, it's about eight o'clock in the evening right now.

Kelzer was ready for a long time, but Chen Ze was slow to see him.

"What's going on? What's going on? Why is Chen Ze never coming?"

"It's weird. Chen Ze has never been late before. Now it's eight o'clock in the
evening. Why hasn't Chen Ze come yet?"

"It doesn't make sense, why hasn't Chen Ze come yet? Where is he going?"

Everyone in the casino is asking this question, it's going to be eight in the
evening, and the game is about to start.

But until now, Chen Ze still didn't show up.

Everyone had a question in his mind. Where did Chen Ze go?

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Chapter FTLS 238: Play

"Strange, it's eight o'clock right now? Why is Chen Ze not here yet?"

"Yeah, I just came here to watch this game. Why is Chen Ze not here yet?"

"With less than ten minutes left at eight o'clock, how come Chen Ze hasn't come
Countless people inside and outside the Casino at the Burgers, whispering about it.

Because of the amount of money, this last century war is spreading. Not only people
in Las Vegas, but also people from many casino places around the world have rushed
over to watch this last battle.

Kelzer came to the casino half an hour ago and was ready. However, another person
in this gambling game, Chen Ze, didn't even appear when the game was about to

This made the audience too surprised, and they all talked about it, all talking
about this issue.

Especially those reporters and spectators who are not qualified to enter the
casino, waiting outside the casino, all looked in the direction that Chen Ze should
come, and wanted to see if Chen Ze appeared, but they were disappointed again and
again. Looking at the bright lights in the past, it was just that Chen Ze had not
been seen.

Time, getting closer and closer to eight!

"What the **** is going on? It won't be something wrong."

"I heard that a car accident happened on the way that Chen Ze came to the casino. I
wouldn't just involve Chen Ze in it."

"It's impossible. How can there be such a coincidence? This is impossible."

Another spoke, and suddenly said that Chen Ze had a car accident on his way to the
Sberg Casino.

This incident shocked many people inside and outside the casino, but most people
shook their heads, and even said it was impossible. Where could there be such a
clever thing in the world?

However, some gambling experts came to watch the last gambling expert tonight.
After hearing the news, they were shocked.

They know that it is impossible to have such a coincidence under the sky, but if it
is not coincidence!

"This time the gambling game is a gamble that Las Vegas casinos can't fail, from
the perspective of the gambling game itself, or from the attention and influence.
Did the casino create the accident to ensure victory? "

Many gambling masters have thought of this, and they are very surprised when they
think of it. The idea is bold, but the more they think, the more likely they are.

And if that is the case, then Chen Ze will never appear here tonight!

At this moment, inside a private room on the second floor of the largest gambling
hall in Spberg, there is a big screen in the private room that broadcasts the last
battle downstairs. In the private room, these casinos in Las Vegas are seated.

When they heard the news of a car accident on the road that Chen Ze had to pass,
and Chen Ze had not heard of it for so long, each of them had a smile on their
No one spoke in the private room, and no one mentioned the car accident. But
everyone can see from their faces that they are very proud and have reached a
consensus: "Tonight's game, Kelzer won!"

"Everyone, there are less than three minutes left at eight o'clock. Chen Ze hasn't
come yet. I see waiting a while. If Chen Ze hasn't come yet, then he can directly
declare that Kelzer has won."

Just then, a casino tycoon in the private room spoke.

"Yes, this should be the case, and Kelzer should be declared a winner."

"Chen Ze is too careless about the game. If he is late, it is necessary to declare

Kelzer to win."

"With Chen Ze's attitude, he won't win tonight."

The other tycoons nodded one after another, and the tacit decision was that if Chen
Ze did not show up again, then Kelzer would be declared a winner.

And in several other private rooms near this private room, there are casino tycoons
from other parts of the world who are co-organizing this game at more than 1,700

Originally, they did not intend to attend this final battle, but later knew that
the final battle had actually increased to this point. And the two sides of the
game faintly have the shadow of the struggle between Las Vegas and Macau, the
United States and China, which can be said to be the biggest gamble in this

So in order to witness this gambling game, these casino executives rushed over from
other parts of the world. But so far, but did not wait for the other side of the
gambling Chen Ze appeared.

"What's the situation, there are only a minute or two before the start of the
gambling game, why hasn't the other party shown up yet?"

"Go on like this, I'm afraid the other party will lose."

"Why hasn't appeared."

In these private rooms, the tycoons elsewhere spoke.

"I'm afraid that Chen Ze's side will never show up. In this game, Las Vegas will
definitely not allow other forces, especially the Eastern forces to win." At this
time, one person spoke, and he probably guessed What happened?

After hearing what he said, other casino tycoons seemed to understand something:
"If this is the case, it is a pity that this century gambling game has attracted so
much attention."

"Everybody, everybody." At this moment, the radio in this gambling hall rang, and
the person who spoke was a casino tycoon in Las Vegas.

Hearing this voice, everyone gathered their spirits together.

"It's less than a minute away from 8 o'clock, but the other side of the gamble,
Chen Ze, a representative from Macau, has never appeared. I think if he does not
appear again, then he can announce it directly!

The tycoon spoke with pride in his tone, and what he wanted to do at this moment
was to declare Kelzer directly.

But at this moment, news came from the outside, from the outside audience and
reporters: "Chen Ze, Chen Ze appeared."

Suddenly, the scene inside the casino was all sensation, and everyone stood up from
their position.

In the private rooms in Las Vegas, all of them were stunned.

A minute ago, outside the casino, the onlookers and reporters all watched the time,
one by one knew that it was eight o'clock, but Chen Ze had not yet appeared.

"What the **** is going on, why hasn't Chen Ze yet appeared?"

Everyone was anxious, thinking about it. As the expectants of this game, they do
not want to see any accidents at all.

But after so long, Chen Ze still hasn't appeared, which made them feel a hint of
unknown feeling in their hearts.

"Look, there are cars coming, luxury cars, so many luxury cars."

At this moment, a person's voice sounded, with shock and excitement, pointing at
the road ahead.

Following his voice, everyone else outside looked at him.

I saw a dozen Bentleys in a row, and a Rolls-Royce in the middle. They opened their
cars slowly toward the door of the casino. They were extremely imposing.

"Yes, it's Chen Ze, it's Chen Ze here!"

One person yelled and was very excited. Although he didn't see anyone, he had such
a pomp and such a style. Except for Chen Ze, the other party in this match, he knew
that there could be no one else.

Not only him, but the rows of people around the casino all responded. The ordinary
audience looked at it with great anticipation and shock, and the reporters quickly
picked up the camera. Shot with the flash.

In this look of expectation, shock, and admiration, the traffic came over, and the
Rolls-Royce in the middle stopped steadily at the door of the casino. The passenger
in the co-cab stepped out of the car and opened it. Row of doors.

Seeing this action, everyone at the scene focused their eyes on the rear door.

Chen Ze, wearing a black evening dress, slowly walked out from the car door,
looking serious!

Click, click!

The moment Chen Ze came out, the flash drowned Chen Ze!

At the same time ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ also makes Chen Ze feel more serious and
Yes, it is the word sacred that describes Chen Ze.

Many viewers, including journalists, have seen Chen Ze from past gambling games and
TV shows. But at that time, Chen Ze felt to them that they were actually just a
young Chinese.

But now, everything is different.

Chen Ze felt different at the moment, and was very impressed. There is no
expression on his face and no action on his body, but it gives a great sense of

It seems that Chen Ze is no longer Chen Ze now. Under the background of the flash,
everyone seems to see one, a real gambler!

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Chapter FTLS 239: Century war, start

这 "This, is this Chen Ze? The representative of Macao, Krze's opponent, Chen Ze
fighting for the title of God of Gambler?"

"Chen Ze, is this Chen Ze? He, he has such an aura?"

"It's a very powerful aura. This aura, even in Kelzer, has never been seen before."

At the Casino in Berg, tycoons from other casinos in the world spoke, shockingly.

Not only the audience outside the casino, but also the reporters were shocked by
Chen Ze. Even everyone in this casino was shocked when they saw Chen Ze walk in.

Obviously Chen Ze is still Chen Ze, apparently he just changed into a black evening
gown, apparently with a smile on his face.

But everyone was stunned and speechless.

Everyone felt a strong sense of oppression from Chen Ze, and they could not speak.

Obviously many of them are also high-ranking casino tycoons. I do n’t know how many
strong winds and waves they have seen. They have never felt this way in the past,
but now they all feel this sense of oppression, which makes them very Uncomfortable
and very shocked.

Before coming, many casino tycoons have seen Chen Ze's photos. Chen Ze in the
photos gives people the impression that they are just ordinary Chinese youths.
There is no sense of oppression at all.

But now it's completely different. Chen Ze just walked in slowly, but made them all

Shocked, everyone was so shocked!

"This, this, it's impossible. Chen Ze hasn't had it before. It's only right that I
don't have this feeling."

Several people in the casino spoke, and they were the most shocked. These people
have seen Chen Ze's gambling before, and even contacted Chen Ze up close.

In the past, Chen Ze never gave them this feeling, this extremely strong sense of

But now, I feel it.

Because they were shocked, they were so shocked that they even wondered if it was
Chen Ze who appeared in front of them.

"How could it be, how could it happen, how could he have this kind of aura."

"This, this is impossible. It is absolutely impossible for Chen Ze to reappear.

Even if it does, there is absolutely no such aura."

"Here, is this still Chen Ze? Before, he was just good at gambling. Why is there
such a gas field now?"

In the private rooms in Las Vegas, all the Las Vegas casino tycoons have spoken one
by one, and they ca n’t believe what is happening, shaking their heads one by one,
saying unacceptably.

They thought Chen Ze was in the car accident. This time, Chen Ze has been dealt
with. It is impossible to appear in this casino again to participate in the final

However, Chen Ze appeared.

And more importantly, he actually appeared with this invincible momentum. All the
oppressed people, including them, could not speak, and it was completely different
from Chen Ze they had seen before.

Even Kelzer has absolutely no such momentum.

Looking at Chen Ze on the first floor, these Las Vegas casino tycoons have no idea
what happened to Chen Ze. However, they know that tonight's game, with the momentum
of Chen Ze, I am afraid it is troublesome.

"Sorry, everyone, I'm late!"

In the lobby on the first floor, Chen Ze came to the middle and shouted to

Looking at everyone's shocked face, Chen Ze had a faint smile on his face, but he
was very proud: "It looks like the power of God of Gambling is really easy to use.

Yes, the reason why Chen Ze has such a large aura now is that he used the skill of
God of Gambling.

This skill must be able to use all other gambling skills of God of Gamblers.

However, after Chen Ze picked up the activation skill yesterday, he can finally use
the activation skill to let this gambling god's power be used in advance.

Chen Ze, the mighty **** of gambling, had forgotten a bit, and did not intend to
use it. But when he heard Jiang Haitang's remarks, when he said he was going to
fight, Chen Ze finally remembered that this skill was still available.

And he also knows that using the power of God of Gambling to appear can definitely
overwhelm everyone when playing. After all, the majesty of the **** of gambling,
where can ordinary mortals live.
The final result was the same as he had guessed. He looked at the people around
him, and he was speechless.

This made him very proud, and of course he slightly closed up the power of the
gambler, otherwise I'm afraid that the game tonight will not be able to continue.

And after he had taken away the power of the **** of gambling, he found that
everyone around him was clearly relieved.

"It's okay, it's almost eight o'clock. It's all right."

An opening, responding to Chen Zegang's words.

"Chen Ze, we are all in support of you, we must go all out tonight."

"Yes, Chen Ze, we all support you and hope you can win the final title of God of

The audiences in several casinos also spoke one after another. They were all fans
of Chen Ze who had been sucked this time. They were very worried just after seeing
Chen Ze not coming, but now they see Chen Ze playing, especially with this kind of
nonsense. After the comparable sense of oppression, they were all very excited and

"Rest assured, tonight, I won." Chen Ze said with a smile.

In the end, his gaze moved to the private room of the Las Vegas casino tycoon, his
eyes provocative.

Looking at Chen Ze's winks, I thought of the pressure on Chen Ze. The tycoons in
the private rooms were extremely ugly.

And other casino tycoons in other private rooms saw Chen Ze's small gesture, with a
playful expression on his face: "It looks like the game tonight is really

"Ms. Jiang, then I'm in the gambling game ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen Ze speaks,
ready to walk to the gaming table.

"Okay, Mr. Chen." Jiang Haitang said, she looks very beautiful in a fiery red
evening dress tonight, but under the pressure of Chen Ze's strong gas field, no one
was able to pay attention to it before. The force shifted to her.

Chen Ze nodded and walked towards the gaming table.

When she looked at Chen Ze's back, she remembered that Chen Ze had no idea what had
happened, and she was shocked. Some powerful speechless fields.

I don't know why, Jiang Haitang suddenly believed that the one who won tonight
would be Chen Ze.

"Sorry, Mr. Kelzer, I'm late."

On the side of Chen Ze, he walked to the gambling table, sat opposite Kelzer, and
smiled at Kelzer.

"It doesn't matter, just come here," Kelzer said, "but I don't know, Mr. Chen Ze,
you have such a strong aura. It seems that I will have a difficult game tonight.
"Everyone another." Chen Ze laughed.

"I announced that the final of the World God of Gamblers Tonight, the game that
determines the title of the World God of Gamblers, now, officially started!"

At this moment, the dealer who presided over the gambling game of Chen Ze and
Kelzer spoke and announced that the last battle, the war of the century, officially

记住 Remember the first domain name in this book:. Mobile website reading URL:

Chapter FTLS 240: 28 ways to play

"Let me announce that this gambling game has officially started."

The dealer stood between Chen Ze and Kelzer and announced.

With his words, everyone in the audience set their sights on the gamble.

However, someone soon discovered the problem:

"I said, how can there be no gambling equipment on the table, what is it like

"Yeah, this is the final battle that determines the **** of gamblers today. What is
it better than, is it playing cards or dice or roulette?"

"Nothing has been announced today. It has never been announced. Now we can announce
what it is."

Many people began to yell.

Although the final battle of this World Gambler Contest has attracted the attention
of not many people. However, this final battle has not been announced. Before
entering the final, everything has been compared, such as dice, playing cards,
roulette, etc., all have been compared.

So everyone is curious as to what the last battle will be. And until now the
dealers have announced the start of the game, they are all looking up at the
gambling table, hoping to see what will be the last battle today.

However, it was found that there was nothing on the gaming table and no gambling
equipment was placed.

So everyone called out and asked.

Chen Ze was also a little puzzled. He also looked at the gaming table, and it was
empty. Until now, he hadn't been notified, what would be better than that.

For previous matches, you will be notified before each match.

"This game is the final final of the World Gambler Contest, in order to determine
everyone who is the title of the World Gambler. Therefore, the final final is
naturally extraordinary. There is no single gambling equipment and event.
Eligibility determines who to gamble on. "At this point, the dealer said.

"None of the gambling equipment and items are qualified. What does this mean?"
After hearing the words of the dealer, everyone thought, faintly guessed the
meaning of the dealer's words, and guessed that today's comparison Competition

"Yes, any individual gambling equipment and items are not eligible, so we have
selected 28 of the most classic gambling equipment and items from countries around
the world to determine the ownership of the God of Gambling Tonight. These 28 types
Items, including playing cards, dice, roulette, etc. Each type of gambling
equipment has different play methods from all over the world, adding up to a total
of 28 types. Chen Ze and Kelzer are in these 28 types of items. In China, whoever
wins more projects will win the competition. "

"And as agreed by Kelzer and Chen Ze, the minimum bet for each game is $ 10

The dealer spoke up and stated the rules of the final battle. With his words, the
other staff members even pushed out the 28 types of gambling equipment prepared
from the back with a trolley. The hall was focused by these 28 types of gambling
equipment for a while.

Hearing this rule, everyone saw a loud outcry when they saw this spectacular 28
kinds of gambling equipment.

"Twenty-eight different items are compared. There are too many of them. This is
unprecedented. There has never been such a game in the past, and there are too many
of them."

"Yes, in general, gambling equipment is compared around one item, such as stud or
blackjack. How can there be 28 kinds of games played at the same time?"

"And, more importantly, if this rule goes on, the amount will be at least 280
million. The sum of the two sides will be at least more than 500 million, which is
too big. This time the bet is too big. . "

Everyone said, they were all very surprised. I thought that the final gambling game
was still the same as before. Select an item and gameplay to bet the gambling game
and choose the final gambler.

Who knows, who knows that there will be 28 kinds of gambling equipment and
gameplay. This is a game that has never been played before. At the same time
betting on 28 types, where in the past have bet so much.

"The reason why there are 28 types of gambling is precisely because any kind of
gambling equipment and gameplay is not enough to represent the entire gambling
circle. Therefore, even if you win on one kind of gambling equipment and gameplay,
you can never be regarded as betting on your own. God. Only when these twenty-eight
types of gambling equipment have an advantage, is the real **** of gambling. "The
dealer then said again, explaining to everyone in the hall.

"So it is." Many people nodded, thinking that this explanation really made sense.

In such big scenes in the past, it was often studded to decide the outcome. Now
listening to the dealer's words, there is indeed some truth. Stud alone is not
enough to determine the title of the **** of gambling.

"No, it's not that simple." At this moment, one said quietly, suddenly.

"what happened?"

Hearing what he said, everyone else looked over and wanted to hear what he wanted
to say.
"This dealer said it seems a bit reasonable, but it is a bit abrupt to launch this
gambling method so suddenly. And more importantly, do you not remember why Kelzer
can occupy the first place in the world for so many years? ? "The man said.

Hearing what he said, the other people's hearts were so tense, they suddenly
remembered them, and they all came to understand:

"Yeah, the reason why Kelzer firmly holds the number one position in the world is
not that he is extraordinary on a certain gambling equipment, but his
comprehensiveness. Every gambling equipment he can play very well and enter Ranking
of the top few in the world. "

"If, if you think so, isn't this gambling game completely biased towards Kelzer?
Kelzer is so comprehensive that if you only say a certain gambling tool, everyone
may not lose to him. But if you say comprehensive Masters all kinds of gameplay, no
one can compare with him at all. "

"Yes, it must be so. Although Chen Ze is powerful, it can even be said to be

extremely powerful. But it should only be in certain types of items, such as dice
and stud. But now this is 28 kinds of gameplay, even if Chen Ze Two of them have
the advantage, and there are 26 remaining. He is not Kelzer's opponent anyway. "

"It turned out to be this way, and I suddenly made such a big gamble for this."

People from all around spoke up, and everyone was a little stunned and understood
the purpose of this gamble. Seems to be very fair, but in fact it is a rule made
for Kelzer's victory and for suppressing Chen Ze.

Twenty-eight types of gambling tools and gameplay. Who can win Kelzer with this
kind of comparison? Even Chen Ze, who was invincible before, is simply impossible!

"If it is such a comparison, I am afraid that Chen Ze, who is invincible in these
two days, will definitely lose to Kelzer."

In the end, everyone thought that they had reached the same consensus.

"So it is."

Jiang Haitang began to speak, and said something suddenly realized. She frowned,
her face a bit ugly.

The rules of the finals were also determined by Las Vegas. She had previously
thought that the finals might be a bit of a ghost in Las Vegas, but she never
expected that meeting would be so ugly, and she developed such a preference for
Kelzer. the rule of.

Twenty-eight ways of playing, Jiang Haitang shook her head. If this is really the
case, she knows that even if she is Chen Ze, I am afraid she won't win.

"Ha ha ha ha, guys, what's my plan?"

Las Vegas private room, a casino tycoon smiled proudly.

Although Chen Ze rushed to the casino scene in time, this made them very surprised,
and also made them very upset. However, some casino tycoons have specifically
formulated this rule to allow Kelzer to take advantage of this situation. Before, I
just thought about doing a precaution, but now I just use it.
The tycoon who made this rule laughed and was very proud, feeling that they won
this time: "Twenty-eight ways of playing, no matter how powerful Chen Ze is, it is
absolutely impossible to be Krze's opponent. Everyone, we have won this time. "


Hearing what he said ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Other casino tycoons also laughed, one by
one, just because Chen Ze was a little bit suspicious.

Yes, they feel that they have won this time.

While laughing, everyone looked at Chen Ze on the big screen, and all wanted to see
what Chen Ze's face would look like when he heard the news.

Then, everyone's laughter came to an abrupt end, because they saw the calmness of
Chen Ze's face, and they didn't seem to realize the danger of this gambling game to
him at all.

"This gambling game is a bit interesting, let's get started." Chen Ze said,

记住 Remember the first domain name in this book:. Mobile website reading URL:

Chapter FTLS 241: crisis

"This gamble is interesting, let's get started."

Chen Ze said, talking lightly.

His words, beyond the expectations of everyone on the scene, made everyone upset:

"Me, am I right? Chen Ze said something interesting? He thought this gamble was

"No, this gambling game is specifically aimed at Kelzer's strengths and his own
weaknesses. He thinks it is interesting?"

"What did Chen Ze think about it, and even accepted this gamble?"

Everyone was a little confused when they heard Chen Ze's words. At first they all
thought that this unfair gamble was not accepted by Chen Ze or he protested.
However, it never occurred to Chen Ze that he accepted it.

And, it's actually a bit interesting?

Where is this interesting? Don't you know that this is for you?

Everyone was stunned. I felt that my ears were broken, otherwise I heard Chen Ze's
words like this.

The same is true of Jiang Haitang. He looked at Chen Ze in shock and had no idea
what Chen Ze was thinking at the moment.

"What is Chen Ze thinking about?"

In the private room of the Lasway's casino tycoon, these tycoons were silent and
frowned at Chen Ze. They thought that this time they would be able to stun Chen Ze,
and Chen Ze lost.
But now that Chen Ze is so relaxed, if they accept it easily, they are all
confused, and I feel that something is wrong.

All at once not only failed, but also began to doubt himself.

"Chen Ze, you, are you sure you want to accept?"

Opposite Chen Ze, Kelzer spoke.

He actually didn't know the rules of the gambling. When he heard this rule, he was
shocked. Because he heard it, this rule was completely designed in his favor.

Therefore, he originally intended to refuse and wanted to gamble with Chen Ze

upright. But before he could say anything, Chen Ze actually spoke and accepted the
bet easily.

"Chen Ze, you know, what I am best at is the research and mastery of all gambling
games in the world. If it is only a single item such as dice, you may win me, but
if you follow this rule, at the same time With these 28 gambling tools and
gameplay, then I promise you, you have no hope at all. "Kelzer said, facing Chen

What was said was quite arrogant, and there was no hope that Chen Ze would win at
all. But these words were actually what he thought at the moment. He was very sure
that if he really followed this rule, Chen Ze would never have won him.

"Do you still want to follow this rule?" Finally, Kelzer looked at Chen Zedao

"Of course." Chen Ze smiled.

"Okay, okay, it was an opponent I saw early in the morning, and she was so
arrogant." Hearing Chen Ze's words, Kelzer laughed. "But since you dare to accept
this rule, I will go all out. "At most 18 games, Chen Ze will lose today's game."

Tonight's game will be a total of 28 games, and at this moment Kelzer said that at
most 18 games, Chen Ze will lose to him.

This means that Chen Ze can only win three games at most. After three games, Chen
Ze can't win another game.

This is Krze's self-confidence at the moment.

This kind of self-confidence is very arrogant, especially in the face of Chen Ze

who defeated Rhodes, Itakura Ichiro, John Brown and other masters and entered the
finals. If it was changed to another bet, the audience around him heard Kerzer's
This has long been an uproar.

But now it's different. Now everyone is looking at Chen Ze, shaking his head

They didn't know exactly why Chen Ze would accept this bet, but they all knew that
there was nothing wrong with what Kelzer said. In this kind of gamble, Kelzer
definitely has the confidence to defeat Chen Ze in eighteen games.

Chen Ze, he lost!

"Let's get started." Chen Ze smiled.

In fact, dare to take this gamble, Chen Ze naturally has his confidence. Although
the 28 kinds of gameplay are indeed exaggerated, for Chen Ze, who has the skills of
God of Gambling, Eye of God, Gambling God, and so on, this is not a loss that
everyone wants Dead road.

Chen Ze believes that he has a chance to win, and the gambling game does sound very
interesting, so in the end, he accepted the gamble, which was a little risky.

"Well, the game starts, the first game, stud." The dealer said, stating that the
first game was stud.

Then Chen Ze and Kelzer both threw 10 million US dollars as the base, and then the
dealer gave the cards to Chen Ze and Kelzer respectively.

Immediately, Chen Ze analyzed Kelzer's cards with the eyes of God of Gamblers and
the eyes of God of Gamblers.

"Twenty million." As he analyzed, Chen Ze increased his chips as soon as possible

and threw 20 million to the gambling table.

Needless to say, Kelzer's research on studs is indeed very extraordinary, and it is

nothing worse than the previous John Brown. However, it is still inferior to Chen
Ze's God of Gambling, and the power of the Eye of God of Gambling 2-in-1 skill.

Therefore, after a fight, the last two of the chips were thrown to 100 million US
dollars, and this was the difference. Of course, the winner is Chen Ze.

"In the first game, the representative from Macau, Chen Ze won." The dealer said,
declaring victory in the first game.

Chen Ze received the 100 million US dollars he had just won back. After hearing the
dealer's words, he smiled on his face.

Off the court, Jiang Haitang had a smile on his face.

Then in the second round, the dice is compared, and the size of the points is
compared. This is also one of Chen Ze's best gambling skills at present.

"I lost the game." Chen Ze was preparing to fight in this game. Suddenly, Kelzer
spoke and surrendered. "Chen Ze, you can shake five dice. I am not your opponent in
this game. No need to waste time, I give up. "

Then, Kelzer threw 10 million chips directly to Chen Ze.

For two consecutive games, Chen Ze won two consecutive games, and the winning money
has reached 110 million US dollars ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I went and won two games in
a row, this, this, this Not good. Chen Ze can win today. "

"I think so too, winning two games in a row, and the second game still so easy to
win. Is it true that Chen Ze can win today?"

"It's possible, it's really possible."

After seeing the situation on the court, several onlookers were all saying that
they were all fans of Chen Ze. After seeing Chen Ze so easy to win two games in a
row, they were very happy, and said, they all felt that Chen Ze It looks like it
might win today.
"Where is it so simple? The first two innings were just appetizers. Chen Ze's real
crisis is only now beginning.

Suddenly he opened his mouth and shook his head.

"The third round starts, the third round, European poker!" At this time, the dealer
spoke and announced the start of the third round.

The third game, playing European poker, is one of Krze's best games! Small town
residents said the second more

Chapter FTLS 242: 0 Jun 1 round

"European poker originated from ancient Greece and Rome. It is said that the Greek
and Roman army was invented during the expedition because it was too boring. The
gameplay is extremely complex and self-contained. It is very different from other
places in the world. Said to be one of the most special poker in the world. "

One person in the gambling room spoke and introduced this European poker.

In fact, most people in Europe are not familiar with it. Although it is called
European poker, there are not many ordinary people in Europe who play it. In
addition to those who specifically learn to play this game, there are also some
professional gamblers. It is also rare in Europe.

The main reason is that the gameplay is too complicated and does not match the
current world trend.

Therefore, many audiences at the scene, even several audiences from Europe, when
they heard this European poker, they were all aggressive, and they didn't seem to
have heard of this gameplay at all.

"This kind of poker is too complicated to play, and it has a very ancient European
style. Although I do n’t think Kelzer would play this too, I am afraid that Chen
Ze, a representative from Huaxia, would have a hard time playing with Kerr on this
game. Competition. Unless Kerzer is not very good at this European poker, if that
is the case, Chen Ze still has the hope of winning, otherwise he will lose the
game. "At first, the man said, saying that he was right for the next Analysis of
this bureau.

After hearing what he said, the people around him understood why he said that the
gambling game had just begun. If this is really the case, I am afraid that Chen Ze
is really difficult to fight Kelzer in this round.

Thinking of this, everyone gathered their eyes and looked at the gambling table to
see what would happen in the end.

"European Poker?"

Above the gaming table, after hearing this next play, Chen Ze frowned and muttered
to himself.

Indeed, as the audience around the world thought, this European poker is really not
very good at him. It can even be said that he has never played before.

However, this does not mean that he cannot play. On the contrary, after being
equipped with the hand of God of Gambling, there is no gambling game in the world
that he cannot play. But being able to play is one aspect, and it ’s very good,
even extreme. It is another aspect.
This European poker is different from the previous dice and stud. The dice and stud
Chen Ze are familiar with it. Naturally, after adding the hand of God of Gambling
and the calculation of God of Gambling, not only can it be grasped immediately, but
also quickly. Enter the extreme ranks.

But this European poker has never been played by Chen Ze before. Although he has
mastered the methods now, I am afraid it will be difficult to play well for a
while. Unless you can play a few more rounds in a row, you can gradually master and
master the gambling about this game.

But now there is only one round, and in a round, there is no time to master it.

So Chen Ze knew that this round was probably dangerous.

"But it is not entirely without chance. If Kelzer does not master this European
poker, then I still hope to win."

"Twenty million."

While thinking about this problem in Chen Ze's mind, Kelzer opened his mouth and
threw 20 million chips out, with a smile on his face: "It seems that no one knows
one thing. I once studied three in Europe. Years of gambling. And this European
poker is the first European gambling I learned. I won this round. "


Hearing Kelzer's words, both Chen Ze and the spectators were shocked. Everyone did
not expect that Kelzer had learned European poker, and seemed to be proficient. If
he did, Chen Ze would be in danger.

"In this round, the final winner is the representative of Las Vegas, Kelzer!"

The dealer spoke, and as expected, in this round of European poker, Kelzer did not
give Chen Ze any chance, and he won almost without flaws. By the way, he also won
back the two games that Chen Ze had just won. More than 100 million dollars.

"Thank you Chen Ze, thank you very much." Kelzer smiled after winning the game. His
face was very secure, and he seemed to have the chance to win.

And Chen Ze seemed to think of something. Although he still had the advantage at
the moment, his face was not very good-looking.

"Now it's two to one. Chen Ze still has the lead. Why is he so bad?"

"It's normal. Although Chen Ze is still two to one at the moment, we can all see
that the two games he won are still the most popular two games, that is, stud and
dice. In the face of the niche game of European poker, I think he probably guessed
that he was not Krze's opponent. "

"If this is the case, then Chen Ze has lost. Of the 28 games, the niche project
occupies at least half of it. If every round is really like the European poker
round, Then he is really afraid that he will be fragile in the future, even losing
15 games is possible. "

"Yeah, it looks like Chen Ze has rushed to dig a big pit for himself this time. Now
it looks like Chen Ze is really a bit dangerous."

"It's dangerous, Chen Ze is really dangerous."

Seeing the expressions on Chen Ze and Kerze's faces, the audiences all around said
that they were guessing what Chen Ze and Kerze were thinking at the moment, and
guessed the dangerous situation of Chen Ze at this moment, and they spoke.

At the same time, they looked closer at the next bet and wanted to see if the next
bet was the same as they had guessed.

"Fourth inning, the Indian tag."

The dealer said, and also explained the game of the fourth game, which is a niche
game in the United States. Speaking of them is not a niche, but for Chen Ze, an
Asian, ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ can indeed be regarded as a niche.

In this game, like in the third game, Chen Ze continued to lose the game, and was
defeated by Kelzer almost flawlessly.

Next, the fifth, sixth, and seventh innings ... all the way to the seventeenth
innings, each of which is a different way of playing around the world, and although
from all over the world, they are actually It was Krze who was familiar with the
game, and even reached the top.

For Chen Ze, it is still the same as in the third and fourth games. Although he can
play and play, it is difficult to compete with Kelzer who has reached such a high
level. In so many games, Chen Ze only won Just one game, and lost more than ten

As a result, Chen Ze has lost nearly a billion dollars in total.

What's more critical is that Chen Ze has lost fourteen innings, and one more
inning. Chen Ze's game will be completely lost.

Therefore, tonight's match for Chen Ze has reached a critical moment!

At this time, everyone looked at Chen Ze and had only one thought in his mind:
"Chen Ze, he lost!"

Chapter FTLS 243: Reversal method

Chen Ze and Kelzer sat opposite each other at the gaming table in the lobby of the
Spurge Casino.

At this moment, Chen Ze was pale and sweaty.

Kelzer has already won 14 games, and another game will win Kelzer's victory.
Therefore, Chen Ze is under great pressure at this moment. He knows that he cannot
let Kelzer win even one game.

In the next eleven games, it was impossible for Kelzer to win a game, which is
obviously an almost impossible task.

"Kelzer has already won 14 games. There are 28 games in total. He only needs to win
another game. Then there are 11 games, that is, Chen Ze is going to be in one of
the 11 games. It ’s simply impossible for Kelzer to win. "

"I feel the same way, it's too difficult, or it's impossible at all. In the eleven
games, it's almost impossible for Kelzer not to win a game."

"If you lose, Chen Ze will lose this time. And he has already lost a billion
dollars, and it is difficult to imagine how much pressure he has now."

"It's a pity that we finally got to the finals, but now we have lost. It's a pity.
If you don't follow this rule, Chen Ze has the hope of defeating Kelzer."

The spectators around looked at the situation on the gaming table, especially after
seeing that Chen Ze was sweating a little and his pale face shook his head.

It's a pity that Chen Ze is one by one. Everyone knows that Chen Ze is now under
tremendous pressure. Everyone thinks that Chen Ze is losing.

And among the crowd, those gambling experts who came to watch the game also behaved
like this:

"It's a loser. I didn't expect that Kelzer was really so strong. He has mastered
this situation all over the world. It is too great. It is not difficult for Chen Ze
to lose to him. Things. "

"It can only be said that Kelzer is too strong. If there is only dice than the
stud, Chen Ze does have hope of winning, but according to the current test, Chen Ze
is indeed not Kelzer's opponent at all."

"Kelzer is too strong, it is too strong. Even Chen Ze is not his opponent, and who
can threaten him."

"Chen Ze has done his best, but it looks like he is still not Krze's opponent."

These gambling masters have spoken one after another, and all of them are extremely

Many of them have played against Chen Ze this time. Those who have not played have
also watched Chen Ze's game, Chen Ze and Rhodes, Chen Ze and Itakura Ichiro, Chen
Ze and John They have all watched Brown's game.

After watching these games, they all confirmed that Chen Ze's gambling skills are
not under Kelzer. He will be the person who is most likely to challenge Kelzer for
so many years.

But now, the people who are most likely to challenge Kerzer have fallen into such a
situation, they are extremely sighed, lamenting that Kerzer's gambling is too
scared, and lamenting that Chen Ze is about to lose Already.

"Is Chen Ze really going to lose?"

Jiang Haitang thought to herself that she looked at Chen Ze and knew that what Chen
Ze had fallen into at the moment was the most difficult situation since the World
Gambler Contest. And his opponent is the strongest and most powerful gambling
player in the world.

Faced with such a situation, if such an opponent is replaced by anyone else, Jiang
Haitang will be sure to lose, and there is no hope of a comeback.

But if it is Chen Ze, if it is Chen Ze that has repeatedly created miracles, Jiang
Haitang still has a trace of faith in him. I believe that Chen Ze can recover, and
that Chen Ze still has a chance to come back.

"Chen Ze, I believe you will not lose just like that."

Just when everyone, including Jiang Haitang, looked at Chen Ze and looked at the
gambling game, the eighteenth game began.

This game is still a niche game, a traditional game in Southeast Asia. What pays
attention to the card ratio is still not familiar to Chen Ze, but to Kerze.

Therefore, at the beginning of the eighteenth inning, the rhythm of the game
entered into the grasp of Kelzer, and then the situation was a little detrimental
to Chen Ze, although Chen Ze relied on the ability of the **** of gambling to keep
the peace Kelzer made a round, but the balance of the victory was still tilted
towards Kelzer.

"There is hope, this round is not over yet." Chen Ze murmured and continued to play
the card in his hand.

Although the current situation is not good for him, he will not give up before the
game is over.

"Eighty million dollars, I pressed the hearts of eight." Kelzer started, threw
eighty million dollars, and then pressed a card from him.

Hearing Kelzer's voice, Chen Ze froze a bit. Kelzer's hand almost drove him to

"It's over. Lost. Kelzer pressed the red peach 8. Chen Ze could not turn over."

"Looking at the look on Chen Ze's face, Kelzer won. I don't think Chen Ze can do
anything about it."

"If this game is also won by Kelzer, then Kelzer won this game. Although Chen Ze is
powerful, he is not Kelzer's opponent at all."

"The one who wins is still Kelzer, he is really great. The title of God of Gambling
is still his."

Seeing Kelzer pressed another 80 million US dollars, pressing the red peach 8, and
seeing Chen Ze froze a bit.

All the audience, as well as the gambling masters, all spoke one after another, and
all knew that Kelzer would win the game again.

This also means that in the final finals, he will win again.

As long as Chen Ze won three games, and only within 18 games, he actually won Chen

"How, how can it, Mr. Chen Ze, how can it!"

Jiang Haitang murmured to herself, she was pale. Seeing that Chen Ze was about to
lose the game, she was really unwilling to believe what happened.

"Ha ha ha, everyone, Kelzer still won, or we are the best."

"I know that Chen Ze is not Kelzer's opponent at all. Even if he dare to promise
such a gamble with Kelzer, it is simply beyond his control."

"Hahaha, that is, I have seen through Chen Ze for a long time, and it is not
Kelzer's opponent at all."

In the private rooms of the Las Vegas casino tycoons, all Las Vegas casino tycoons
laughed out loud at this moment ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ They were very proud, and even
laughed at Chen Ze.

One by one completely forgotten, who was so afraid of Chen Ze before, fearing that
he won Kerzer.

For a time, throughout the Bergberg Casino, it was believed that Chen Ze lost, and
Kelzer won.

"Are there no alternatives?"

At this moment, Chen Ze thought to himself on the gambling table.

He knew that the gambling situation had not yet reached the irreparable situation,
but at present he could not think of a way.

He was unwilling to give up, always thinking of ways, but he couldn't think of

"Is there really no way?" Chen Ze thought, he was absolutely unwilling to accept
the defeat.

"There is still a way, a way to reverse it."

At this moment, a voice rang in Chen Ze's mind, and it was the system that spoke!

Chapter FTLS 244: Gambler's Heart

"There is another way."

The system spoke, and the sound immediately attracted Chen Ze's attention.

"There is still a way? Any way?" Chen Ze asked quickly.

"Lottery." The system said, the sound was cold like a machine, but at the moment it
was Chen Ze's last resort, so the sound also sounded good in Chen Ze's ears.

"In fact, with the hands of God of Gamblers, Eyes of God of Gamblers, Ears of God
of Gamblers, etc., any of your gambling skills are above Kelzer. The reason why you
encounter such a dilemma Just because you are unfamiliar with these gambling
techniques, you will not be able to play them for a while. So, you only need to
have another skill that is enough to familiarize the host with these game
techniques. "System Road.

"So it turns out, then, what skills can do this?" Chen Ze asked.

"Heart of Gambling God." Systemically, "Heart of Gambling God contains all the
experiences and lessons of Gambling God, including all the gambling games in this
world. No one is unfamiliar with Gambling God, so it will not. So as long as the
host you win With the heart of God of Gambling, you can fully accept the experience
of God of Gambling, and immediately become familiar with these games. "

"Is it the **** of gambling? That's it."

Chen Ze nodded. He didn't know how many times the system mentioned this gambler's
heart before, but he didn't get it. He pumped it several times. He always passed by
this gambler's heart. .
So at this moment, although listening to the system said that the spirit of
gambling is needed, Chen Ze doesn't know if he can get it.

"It's not necessarily possible to draw it. I already wanted to draw this gambling
heart twice, but I haven't got it, and now I'm not sure." Chen Ze said with some

"It's not necessarily true, but the odds are the greatest." The system said, "In
fact, the probability of what is drawn is not always fixed when the skill is drawn.
It is all related to what you have drawn before. If you have If a skill is drawn,
then the concept of skills related to this skill will be greatly increased. For
example, the hand of the car **** before, after drawing this, the possibility of
drawing the foot of the car **** will increase greatly. For example, the concept of
gambling gods will be increased after this is selected, and the concept of gambling
eyes that needs to be coordinated with the gambling gods will also increase. "

"It turned out to be this way. I said that my lucky draw seemed to be a bit good,
and I always got what I wanted. It turned out to be this way."

Chen Ze nodded, and suddenly he remembered it. At this moment, he has drawn the
hand of God of Gambling, the eye of God, the calculation of God, the ear of God,
the power of God, and the luck of God, almost All of Gambling God's major skills
have been drawn and used.

Well, that is to say!

"Yes, the host, you have already drained almost all of the most important skills of
Gambling God, then as the gambling **** of commanding these skills, there will
naturally be a considerable probability to be drawn. Even, it may be a 100% trigger
! "The system said.

"If that's the case, then, that would be great."

Chen Ze spoke, and after hearing the words of the system, his face showed a very
excited look: "What are you waiting for, please draw a lottery."

"Sorry host, you can't draw any prizes yet, you're not popular enough," said the


Hearing the system, Chen Ze almost fell off the chair: "Not popular enough? Can't
draw a prize?"

Chen Ze remembered that, last night, the lottery was drawn because his popularity
reached 20,000. If he wanted to draw again, he would get 50,000. How could it reach
50,000 in one day.

"Isn't that the nonsense you said earlier in the system? You can't win the prize.
You said so much, it made me excited for nothing." Chen Ze said.

"It can't be drawn now, but as long as we wait a little longer and have a maximum
of twenty minutes, I think I can draw." The system said.

"What?" Chen Ze was surprised when he heard the words of the system. "The lottery
can be drawn in twenty minutes? But isn't the popularity going to fifty thousand?
How could it be so fast in one day?"

Having said that, Chen Ze quickly opened the popularity value, and wanted to see
how much his popularity is now, only to find that it has reached, 48,623!

With a distance of 50,000, there are only over 1,000 popularity values left.

"How, how is it possible, how can the popularity increase so much?" Seeing this
figure, Chen Ze was completely stunned.

"This is because there are so many people following this finals. Since yesterday,
casinos all over the world are watching this last game, so your popularity has
skyrocketed. Looking at the rate of increase, It only takes another 20 minutes to
reach 50,000, and at that time, we will be able to draw again. "The system said.

"It turns out that's it."

Chen Zedao, he recovered from the shock. He knew that if that was the case, as long
as he had another 20 minutes, he might not have the chance to come back.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen."

At this moment, a voice sounded, pulling Chen Ze back from the conversation with
the system to reality.

"Ah, what's wrong?"

Chen Ze asked, and he found that the person asking him was a dealer.

"It's your turn," the dealer said.

"Oh, good."

Chen Ze nodded, ready to press. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that it was
already his last game. If he loses in this game now, it can be said that he lost

At that time, even if the heart of gambling is drawn in the back, it is useless.

"No, you can't press now. You have to delay time until you can draw another prize."
Chen Ze thought to himself, he looked around, everyone around him looked at him,
looking forward to this time his card.

"I, I press." Chen Ze said, suddenly painful on his face. "I, my stomach hurts, can
I go to the bathroom?"


After hearing Chen Ze's words, everyone at the scene was frightened, and everyone
was still waiting for Chen Ze to press the cards to determine the outcome of the
eighteenth inning. Why is Chen Ze going to the toilet all of a sudden?

And there is no precedent for going to the toilet for such an important bet.

"What the **** is Chen Ze doing? How could anyone go to the toilet at this time?"

"Yes, what is Chen Ze doing?"

"It's almost impossible for dogs to get to the table. How could anyone say they are
going to the toilet now."

People all around said that many people were shaking their heads, thinking that
after Chen Ze found out that he couldn't win, he was a little arrogant.

"I, I really can't stand it." Chen Ze said, "Give me twenty minutes, just twenty


The dealer was hesitant and didn't know what to do.

"Just give him twenty minutes."

At this moment, the voice of the casino tycoons in the Las Vegas private room came
from the lobby:

"It's only twenty minutes. I don't use Chen Ze whether you really want to go to the
toilet or if you have any other attempts."

"That is, we have won this game for Kelzer. No matter what Chen Ze wants to do, you
are just dying."

"I would love to see, what can you do in twenty minutes? Let's go off for twenty

The tycoons spoke, and all said very easily. They don't believe that Chen Ze really
wants to go to the toilet, but they are very confident. This time, no matter what
Chen Ze wants to do, it is absolutely impossible to make a comeback.

Kelzer is still one final step away and can win. At this time, how could Chen Ze
still have a chance to come back!

"It's also ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ No matter what Chen Ze wants to do, it's too late.
In 20 minutes, Chen Ze can't do anything that can come back."

"Chen Ze lost, now he is just dying."

"Twenty minutes, I want to see what else Chen Ze can do."

Hearing the tycoon's words, the audience all around said that they, like the
tycoon, thought that Chen Ze was losing this time. Whatever you want to do now is
just in vain.

"Thank you very much."

Chen Ze didn't seem to hear the words of the people around him and said with a
smile. With that said, he immediately stood up, ready to run towards the toilet. On
the way, Jiang Haitang passed by.

At the moment, Jiang Haitang was still pale, worried that Chen Ze was really going
to lose this time.

But suddenly, just as Chen Ze passed by, her face changed instantly.

Because she heard a sentence from Chen Ze: "Trust me, this time, I will win!"

Chapter FTLS 245: it's not finished yet

"This time, I will win."

Chen Ze's words were still swirling in Jiang Haitang's ears, which made Jiang
Haitang feel a little stunned.
In fact, until now, she felt that Chen Ze had lost the game and could not have the
opportunity to come back.

Having lost so many games in a row, how can it come back.

Want to come back, each of the next eleven games has to win, winning eleven games
in a row, the opponent is still Kelzer, just lost ten games in a row. How is this

This is simply impossible.

So Jiang Haitang was desperate, and his face was extremely pale.

But just then, I heard Chen Ze's words.

The tone is not strong, but it is extremely positive. Moreover, it is inexplicably


Yes, after hearing Chen Ze's words, Jiang Haitang once again raised hope: "Perhaps,
Chen Ze can really make another comeback."

In the surroundings, others did not hear Chen Ze's words. Because of the
termination of the gambling game, one by one got together and started chatting. Of
course, they also talked about the gambling situation of this game:

"There is no doubt that Chen Ze lost. Although I don't know exactly what he intends
to do in the toilet in the twenty minutes, no matter what he wants, he loses."

"I feel the same way. If it is better than anything else, I think both of them are
just between Pak Chung. But now Kelzer is the best at it, and Kelzer has won more
than ten games in a row. The final match is the final victory. In this case, Chen
Ze cannot possibly win. "

"Kelzer won, and Chen Ze was able to rush to the second place, which is already
great. But in this bet, he and the Macau family behind him at least lost more than
one billion dollars. This loss is too great. "

Everyone said that everyone was still the same as before, and they felt that Chen
Ze was losing. No matter what Chen Ze wants to do, there is no hope of a comeback.

Around, there are still many fans of Chen Ze. But after hearing these words, these
fans of Chen Ze were a little speechless. In fact, they also thought that Chen Ze

There were even others who, after Kerzer stepped down from the gaming table to
rest, came to Kerzer in front of them and congratulated Kerzer:

"Kelzer, congratulations, congratulations on winning the title of God of Gamblers.

Only you are worthy of the name of God of Gamblers."

"That is, I have long known that Chen Ze is not your opponent."

These people spoke and hurriedly patted Kelzer's fart.

"The game has not ended, and everything has not been determined yet. It is too
early for everyone to speak now." Kelzer spoke, watching the direction where Chen
Ze left, not knowing what he was thinking.
In fact, he carefully analyzed the current situation. He knew that if he stood on
the position of Chen Ze, it would not be possible to come back, and there was no
hope of a comeback.

However, he didn't know what was going on. He always felt that things would not be
so simple. When Chen Ze would return again, I was afraid that there would be any
way to come back.

So while everyone else thinks his Kerr won, he is not completely sure.

"Hi Kelzer, this result is already obvious. Obviously you have won this time. I
don't think there is any way for Chen Ze. Even in this game that has not been
completed, you You can win. "

"That is, Chen Ze is not your opponent at all. You have won so many games in a row.
How could he possibly come back again? This is simply impossible."

"Relax, Kelzer, you won this time, Chen Ze won't be your opponent at all. The title
of God of Gamblers must be yours."

Hearing Kelzer's words, everyone around laughed, and they all felt that Kelzer was
too cautious. Although the game is not over yet, the results are already very

Kelzer, it's set!

"Do you think Kelzer won?" On the other side, a man in a kimono asked an Englishman
beside him, "Mr. John Brown."

It turned out that the man standing next to this kimono man was second in the world
in gambling, and was just eliminated by Chen Ze yesterday, John Brown. And this
kimono man is Itakura Ichiro.

"Generally speaking, it is true." John Brown spoke at the voice of Itakura Ichiro.

"General situation?" Itakura Ichiro asked. "So Mr. John Brown, do you think it's
normal now?"

At the words of Ichiro Itakura, John Brown did not answer, but looked at him, then
smiled, "I think the answer in my heart is the same as Mr. Itakura."

"Hahaha, I don't think it's normal now." Itakura Ichiro laughed.

"I do the same," said John Brown. "Only those who have fought with Chen Ze know
that as long as they fight with him, then it must not be the case. No matter how
much advantage the situation in front of you has, Chen Ze also It will be able to
come back. "

"Yes, I feel that way too." Itakura Ichiro said. "This Chen Ze is truly
unfathomable. Even Kelzer, if you think that the game is now set, then I think,
It's too early to think about it. His opponent, but Chen Ze. "

Having said that, the two nodded. Both were obviously very impressed with the
battle with Chen Ze, and in their memory, Chen Ze was a terrible opponent.

Obviously he has the upper hand, and he has enough advantages to win.

But in the end, it failed.

Just because the opponent is Chen Ze!

So at this moment it is clear that the two men have the same meaning. Although the
current situation seems to be bad for Chen Ze, it seems that Kelzer has won.

However, everything is unknown.

Because of the opponent, but Chen Ze!

Twenty minutes later, Kelzer was seated at the gaming table again, and Chen Ze had
not yet come out of the toilet.

The entire gambling hall was waiting impatiently:

"What's the matter? Didn't you say it was twenty minutes? Why hasn't Chen Ze yet

"That is, what is going on? Chen Ze is not afraid of failure, so run away."

"It is possible that Chen Ze probably ran away. He is not Kelzer's opponent."

Everyone said, they were waiting impatiently, and the sound was heard in the hall.

Hearing this voice, the dealer and other casino staff were a little stunned. I
didn't know what to do. I wondered if I should go to the toilet to see Chen Ze to
see what was going on.

"Sorry guys, I'm a little late."

But at this moment, a voice came over, Chen Ze came in from the door again, with a
smile and self-confidence on his face, which was completely different from the
sweat on his face before, and he was under tremendous pressure.

It seems that the person in danger now is not him at all.

Seeing him, many spectators around him were speechless. Many of them really thought
that Chen Ze had run away and just laughed at Chen Ze.

But now, suddenly, I saw Chen Ze's self-confident face again. I don't know what
happened to Chen Ze.

"What the hell, so confident? Does he think he can still win? This is simply

"It's ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Anyway, it's lost, and there is still this expression on
his face, this person's heart is really big."

"It's a laughing man, and it still shows this look, I see what kind of look will
show on his face when he loses."

Several audience members started to mumble. They are Kelzer's supporters, and they
are somewhat dissatisfied with Chen Ze's expression at this moment.

And then Chen Ze's words directly made them, and everyone was shocked.

"Sorry everyone, next you will see a good show. Because I will win all the next
games in a row." Chen Ze walked to the gambling table and said with a smile.

His words surprised everyone directly.

And in his mind, a systematic voice came: "Heart of gambling, equipment

Chen Ze finally got the heart of God of Gambling and was equipped with this skill!

This gamble is not over yet!

Chapter FTLS 246: Straight 11 games (on)

"What? Chen Ze is crazy, even saying such a thing."

"It's so funny, he said that he was going to win all the next games."

"How is this possible, Chen Ze is going to the toilet and driving himself crazy?"

Hearing Chen Ze's words, the fryer was directly on the spot.

Just now, almost everyone is saying that they think that the outcome of this bet is
set, and Chen Ze loses.

Now Chen Ze came back and said that he could win.

And not to win a game, but to win all the next eleven games.

how can that be!

Everyone felt that this was completely impossible, that Chen Ze was completely
disheartened, otherwise how dare to say such a thing.

"Oh, I think this Chen Ze is helpless, really crazy."

"I feel the same way, he's not crazy, how dare to say such a thing."

"It's ridiculous, his words will make him the laughingstock of today."

Las Vegas casino tycoons sneered in the private rooms. They all heard Chen Ze's
words, but they also thought that Chen Ze was completely insincere in dreaming, and
it was all just crazy.

They looked at Chen Ze in the screen, and they all felt that Chen Ze was really

"If Mr. Chen Ze can really do it, I'm looking forward to it."

Kelzer said, smiling.

Although not like others, he laughed at Chen Ze. Obviously, he did not think that
Chen Ze had the ability to win his eleven games in a row.

"Okay, I'll let everyone see it."

Chen Ze smiled, and then sat back at the gaming table.

Then, the game continued.

The eighteenth inning continued, and it was Chen's turn to press.

Chen Ze looked at the cards on the gaming table, and it was completely chaotic
before. He didn't know what to press. He felt completely different.
Now, he suddenly fully analyzed the current situation of the fixed file, how to
come back.

"Is this the power of the God of Gambling?"

Seeing that it was so easy to solve the problem that had been difficult for him
before, Chen Ze muttered to himself, and said happily in his heart.

Just in the toilet, he finally waited for 50,000 renown, and at the time of the
lottery, he finally won the heart of the gambler.

Now, after using the gambling spirit, the situation that I felt so difficult in the
past has suddenly become so simple. Therefore, Chen Ze is very happy at this moment
and has more confidence to come back.

"Yes, the host, this is the power of the **** of gambling. The heart of the **** of
gambling is a collection of experience and lessons from the **** of gambling. In
conjunction with other skills of the **** of gambling that you choose, you will
have gambling skills close to the **** of gambling. . Now you are far from being
able to be defeated by Kelzer. "The system spoke, his voice ringing in Chen Ze's

"Really? Well, that's great."

Chen Ze smiled. He looked at Kelzer with great confidence: "One hundred million, I
pressed plum 8."

"Is Plum Blossom 8, if you press Plum Blossom 8, then I!"

Upon hearing Chen Ze's words, Kelzer spoke, ready to press his next card. Based on
his past experience of learning this Southeast Asian gameplay, no matter what Chen
Zeya has, he is confident that he can win this sentence.

Therefore, he was ready to press a card.

But at this moment, he was stunned.

Because he found something wrong, the gambling game in the previous round was very
beneficial to him. It can be said that he was going to push Chen Ze into a
desperate situation almost immediately.

However, with Chen Ze's hand, Kelzer found that the current situation turned over.

This big dragon, Chen Ze, actually jumped to the sky.

Moreover, he was pushed into despair.

Only one hand did it.

"This, how is this possible."

Kelzer murmured, with a totally unbelievable expression on his face: "Chen Ze, what
happened to Chen Ze in the toilet, and suddenly gambling improved so much, this
hand You can type out! "

He looked up at Chen Ze and found Chen Ze's face confident and smiling.

In this smile, Kelzer seemed to see another figure, that person is, God of

"I lost this game." In the end, Kelzer conceded. After a hard fight, Chen Ze won
the eighteenth game.

"Conceded? Kelzer conceded? Why is this? Obviously he has the upper hand, why did
he concede?"

"What the **** is going on? How did Kelzer concede?"

"Kelzer conceded, how could this be possible."

Hearing Kelzer's voice, everyone was stunned, including the Las Vegas casino
tycoons in the private room, all stunned.

In their impression, it should be that Kelzer now has the upper hand. But just
after Chen Ze played a hand, he actually conceded, and conceded this way. This,
this, how is this possible!

"What the **** happened?" Everyone thought about it.

"No, Chen Ze's hand is so exquisite. It is so exquisite."

"Yeah, that's the case. It's the case. No wonder Kelzer will concede. This is the

"Chen Ze's hand is a hand to reverse Qiankun."

At this moment, the gambling masters who looked around looked at each other one by
one, with an extremely shocked expression on their faces, and seemed to find
something extraordinary.

The audience around them, after hearing their words, looked carefully at it and
heard it, and then they understood what was happening.

"You mean, Chen and Chen Ze only played one hand and turned the whole situation
around. Kelzer had to admit defeat? This, how is this possible, why did Chen Ze
suddenly have such gambling?"

"My God, this is impossible. Did Chen Ze do it?"

"It's hard to imagine, when did Chen Ze become stronger again?"

Everyone was so surprised that Chen Ze could not have done this at all. It turned
out that Kelzer was forced to surrender just by pressing the cards with one hand.
This gambling technique really surprised everyone and couldn't believe it.

Immediately ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Some people thought about Chen Ze going to the

toilet before.

Before going to the toilet, Chen Ze was forced to run out of steam.

But after going to the toilet, things turned completely.

"After all, what happened to Chen Ze in the toilet?"

Many people are thinking about this problem, and everyone is completely confused.
They don't know what happened, which makes Chen Ze so powerful.
However, everyone knows that this game may not be so simple.

"I said, I want to win the next eleven games in a row. As a person, I can do it one
by one."

At this moment, Chen Ze smiled and his voice spread through the hall.

At this time, after hearing Chen Ze's words, the crowd was silent, and the reaction
was completely different from the first time.

Because everyone suddenly felt that Chen Ze was really possible.

Chapter FTLS 247: Straight 11 games (below)

"Is Chen Ze really possible?"

Hearing Chen Ze's words and looking at the confident smile on Chen Ze's face, all
the audience's minds came up with such an idea. Everyone suddenly thought that
maybe Chen Ze could possibly do it.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. The reason why Chen Ze was able to win this
hand with only one hand was because he thought about it in the toilet for twenty
minutes, and then there were ten games. How could he win all of them?"

"That is, absolutely impossible. Winning this round is why he has been thinking for
so long. There are also ten rounds. He will never win all ten rounds."

"No way, how could Chen Ze really do this."

Suddenly, many people at the scene yelled loudly. These people were all fans of
Kelzer, and they shouted loudly, as if to remove the idea that had just occurred to

As fans of Kelzer, they naturally do not want Chen Ze to win. In particular, Chen
Ze is still a Chinese.

And hearing what they said, many audiences who were shocked by Chen Ze ’s hand-
turned cards turned up. In fact, many of them could n’t believe that Chen Ze could
win 11 games in a row. The card turned the game over.

After hearing the words of those Kelzer fans, it seemed that they understood the
reason why Chen Ze could make a comeback.

"Yeah, the reason why Chen Ze was able to come back is because he thought about
this hand for twenty minutes in the toilet. But it is impossible for each of them
to give him such a long time to think, so it is not possible to win 11 games in a
row. possible."

"That's right, that must be the case. I was still wondering why Chen Ze went to the
toilet, as if he had changed a person. It turned out that, no wonder he was going
to the toilet."

"If this is the case, then the next gamble Chen Ze is unlikely to be the same as
this eighteenth inning."

These audiences have spoken in succession, many of them are masters of gambling. In
fact, after seeing Chen Ze's hand over Kelzer's gambling, he was extremely shocked,
and even some could not speak.

The opponent is Kelzer, the first Kelzer in the world today. In the face of such a
master, they turned up in the first hand, which made them feel too fantasy.
According to the daily truth, it is simply impossible, and they have no way to
accept it.

And when they heard the words of those in front, they just spoke and accepted it.
They all felt that this must be the case. It must be Chen Ze who had thought about
it in the toilet for twenty minutes before coming up with such a hand.

But it is still very amazing. If you change it to ordinary people, it is impossible

to think of it.

But in the end, this has become a possible event, so they all accepted it, agreed
with the possibility, and thought it must be like this.

"I'm afraid that's not the case."

Ichiro Itakura and John Brown whispered to hear the audience and gambling experts

One of them is ranked fourth in the world, the other is ranked second in the world,
and they have all played against Chen Ze.

Naturally, the understanding of Chen Ze and Kelzer's gambling game was more
profound than others.

In fact, they were extremely shocked in their hearts, and shocked Chen Ze to come
up with such a gambling technique.

But they all knew that Chen Ze hadn't figured it out after spending nearly twenty
minutes in the toilet.

Because they knew that, in the light of Chen Ze's style, he would definitely not go
to the toilet for such a long time just to come up with a game, but to struggle.

They all know that Chen Ze always does not do things that are not sure, and does
not say words that are not sure.

Now that he said he would win 11 games in a row, since he dared to say so, Itakura
Ichiro and John Brown knew that Chen Ze must have found a way and found the
possibility of defeating Kelzer.

However, the gambling game that just turned over in one hand was not what everyone
around him thought. Chen Ze finally dying, but it was his horn of counterattack.

However, despite knowing this, Itakura Ichiro and John Brown were still very
shocked and confused, shocked that Chen Ze could really do this.

And wondering how Chen Ze did it:

"How did Chen Ze do it?"

Looking at Chen Ze and Kelzer on the gaming table, they all know that today's
gambling game is about to undergo a major change.

"Start the next game."

Kelzer looked at Chen Ze and said.

In fact, he had the same idea as John Brown and Itakura Ichiro, knowing that the
last game was not a coincidence, nor was Chen Ze's final dying struggle. He really
found a way to deal with himself.

Therefore, Kelzer actually got a little flustered in his heart and lost some
confidence in the next bet.

For so many years, since Kelzer stepped into the gambling world, no one has ever
won him 11 games in a row, even if he hasn't even won three games.

But now, Chen Ze knows that Chen Ze in front of him is very likely to do this.

"Well, let me see if you can do that."

Finally, Kelzer thought.

Then, the dealer started the nineteenth inning.

"Fifty million!"

Chen Ze opened his mouth with a smile on his face. Although the nineteenth inning
has not yet officially started, he even threw out $ 50 million in chips. This move
directly caused an uproar to everyone at the scene, and everyone did not expect
Chen Ze to dare to do so.

Of course, everyone also knows what Chen Ze means. His meaning is simple: he won!

"50 million? I follow!"

Kelzer spoke and followed directly.

The dealer then dealt cards, this time again in a South American region. It was a
combination of playing cards and dice. The playing method was more difficult than
ordinary playing cards.

There aren't many people around the world in this game, but Kelzer will ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ He believes he wins.

When the audience around them heard that the nineteenth game was this way, they
also believed that Kelzer would win.

"Kelzer won."

"That is, Kelzer will win this nineteenth game."

But in the end, beyond everyone's expectations, it was a few simple hands and a few
simple gambling techniques. Chen Ze even defeated Kelzer in this game!

Then the twentieth inning, the twenty-first inning ... All the way to the final
twenty-eight inning, each of them, Chen Ze, with almost no effort, defeated Kelzer.

And every time he wins a game, Kelzer's face is one point white, and the audience's
voice is smaller.

In the end, Kelzer's face was pale, and the audience was silent.

No one can believe that Chen Ze has really won in a row, for a full 11 games!

Chen Ze, really did it.

Chapter FTLS 248: draw
In the gambling hall, the raven was silent.

Everyone looked at Chen Ze and Kelzer on the gaming table, all with unbelievable

They can't believe what just happened on the gaming table, especially those fans of
Kelzer, and some gambling experts, they can't believe their eyes at all.

Chen Ze, he actually did it. He won 11 games in a row, and the desperate comeback!

"This, how is this possible, how is it possible that Chen Ze actually won the
eleven games in a row. I am not dreaming."

"Who is Chen Ze? What happened when he went to the toilet and even won 11 games in
a row, is this really fake?"

"My God, how can such a thing happen, the opponent is Kelzer, and now Kelzer, the
number one gambler in the world, how can he lose the 11th game, how can Chen Ze
achieve this kind of thing! "

"What happened? If Chen Ze can win Kelzer in 11 consecutive games, why did he lose
so badly before?"

It took a long time for everyone to speak, with a look of shock, and shook his
head, saying that he couldn't believe his eyes.

They were all too shocked. I thought that even if Chen Ze could win the eighteenth
game, he would never win the next ten games. The opponent was Kelzer, who had lost
so many games before and was about to reach the edge of the cliff.

In this case, Chen Ze actually won back, he simply won 11 games in a row and
brought the situation back.

This is really, it's too incredible, I can't believe it.

Especially those gambling masters, one by one, feel that the impression of the
gambling establishment for a long time will be completely shattered.

In the past, deep in their minds, Kelzer was simply an invincible myth, and no one
could threaten him, no matter who it was, he could never do it.

Kelzer is the first person in the real world of gambling!

Even before this match, everyone saw Chen Ze's miraculous performance in the
previous match. They still thought that the last person to win would be Kelzer.

And after the start of the game, I heard how this game was played, which turned out
to be Kelzer's best. These gambling experts have deepened this impression one by

The subsequent matches were also in line with their impressions. Although Chen Ze
was strong, he was still fragile in front of Kelzer and lost fourteen innings

However, just in the fifteenth inning, Chen Ze came up with a big comeback. He even
reversed the situation with only one hand to press the card, and forced Kelzer to
surrender. In the next ten innings, the mythical Kelzer even lost all.
He unexpectedly lost ten games in a row.

Kelzer, a mythical Kelzer, was defeated by Chen Ze!

This impact on everyone's inner views is too great, so big that every gambling
expert can't accept it, shaking his head one after another, feeling that he is

Kelzer lost 11 games in a row, this kind of thing, how this kind of thing can

They closed their eyes and tried to wake up from the dream. But then I opened my
eyes and realized that it was not a dream.

Kelzer, really lost 11 games in a row and lost to Chen Ze!

"Kelzer, even Chen Ze won 11 consecutive games !!!"

Of course, not every gambling expert feels incredible and has no way to accept it.

Ichiro Itakura, as well as John Brown, who have played against Chen Ze, are all

"Sure enough, Chen Ze is really too powerful. Unfathomable, he can only be

described as unfathomable."

"Yeah, it's too strong. Kelzer can already be said to have reached the pinnacle of
human gambling. But Chen Ze is even stronger than him. Who is Chen Ze? Who is it? "

Itakura Ichiro and John Brown stood in a corner, and after seeing Chen Zelian win
the Kelzer eleven games, they marveled.

Until this moment, they were completely convinced by Chen Ze, and they knew that in
terms of Chen Ze's performance today, it turned out that Chen Ze had some water in
front of them.

No, they know they will lose even more ugly.

"Too, it's great, it's really good. Chen Ze, you're really good."

In another place, Jiang Haitang had an incomparable smile on her face, looking at
Chen Ze on the gaming table, she was extremely happy in her heart.

When I saw Chen Ze lost to that level, she was not under less pressure than Chen
Ze, and it could even be said to be even greater than Chen Ze.

If Chen Ze is really beaten by Kelzer without a fight back, a terrible defeat,

Jiang Haitang knows that she is likely to lose her family inheritance.

At that time, she was very flustered in the heart. It was still Chen Ze's words
that calmed her down and convinced her that the gamble would not end like this. She
believed in Chen Ze.

But now, everything is chasing back, and Chen Ze has actually recovered the gap
according to what he said.

This made Jiang Haitang so happy. If it wasn't for the end of the game, she would
like to go straight up and give Chen Ze a big hug!
However, Jiang Haitang was happy, and those casino tycoons in Las Vegas were not

When I saw Chen Ze, I really won 11 games in a row. When I saw Chen Ze's smile on
the big screen, these casino tycoons in the private room were almost mad. They
never expected that this would happen until now This step.

"How is that possible? Chen Ze is this, who is this guy? How can he do this? His
opponent is Kelzer. How could Kelzer lose 11 games to Chen Ze?"

"What happened? Kelzer, but Kelzer, how could Kelzer, our Las Vegas champion, lose
11 games in a row."

"My God ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ This is impossible at all, how could Chen Ze do it,
and do this kind of thing."

The tycoons were extremely ugly one by one. They thought they had won the game, and
they worked hard to finally get Kelzer to win.

However, it turned out that Chen Ze had come back without being able to come back.
This really made them unbelievable, and they were extremely shocked and angry.

They suddenly realized one thing, in which case Chen Ze could make a comeback.
Maybe, Kelzer's gambling skills are strong, but they are far from Chen Ze's

"Dear everyone, don't be so shocked now. The game is not over yet. Now, it's just a
tie." At this moment, Chen Ze spoke and looked at Kelzer.

He won 11 games in a row, plus the three games he won earlier, and won a total of
14 games.

Kelzer also won fourteen innings, which means that at this moment the two are
actually just tied.

Therefore, after hearing the words from everyone around him, Chen Ze spoke.

Chapter FTLS 249: I want to explore my bottom

"Is it just a tie?"

After hearing Chen Ze's words, everyone at the scene was stunned. They thought that
after Chen Ze won 11 innings, Chen Ze won. But now after hearing Chen Ze's words,
that's the reaction. Yeah, the two are just tied now, not that Chen Ze won the

"Yes, yes, just a tie. I was just scared by the momentum of Chen Zelian winning 11
games. Now I think of it. Kelzer also won 14 games in total. There were 28 games in
total. It was just a tie."

"I remembered it too, it was really just a tie, and the two of them won 14 games
each. It was just a tie."

"If it's a draw, wouldn't it mean that the outcome of this match has not been
determined yet, both people still hope to win?"

"It's true, it hasn't been determined yet."

Everyone in the hall spoke. Those fans of Kelzer and ordinary audiences all said
that they actually didn't dare to accept that Chen Ze could win Kelzer, but now
they found out that they had not yet won, and their hearts rose immediately. There
was a glimmer of hope that Kelzer could still pull it back.

"It doesn't make sense, Kelzer has lost."

At this time, someone inside the gambling expert spoke. Hearing them, the other
gambling experts nodded:

"Yeah, it doesn't make sense at all. Chen Ze can win Kelzer's eleven games in a
row, and it is almost impossible for Kelzer to fight. Even if it is just a draw
now, what's the point? Opponent. "

"Although it was a draw, it is clear that Chen Ze has won, and Kerzer is not his

"Yes, I all think that Kelzer may directly concede defeat. There is no point in
playing another game now."

Gambling masters have said, although very surprised, although very unwilling to

But they all know that although the game is currently tied, the victory or defeat
of the game has actually been set.

Chen Ze, who was able to win eleven games in a row and directly returned to the
Jedi, obviously has far exceeded Kelzer.

Kelzer is not his opponent, so the next game is meaningless!

Above the gambling table, Kelzer's face was pale. In fact, he himself and the
gambling masters had the same idea. He already knew that he was not Chen Ze's
opponent. Although the tie was now a draw, the tie was meaningless.

"I can't think of Chen Ze. It is so powerful, far beyond my imagination."

Looking at Chen Ze, Kelze thought. In fact, before this game, he had no intention
of losing himself. He believes that even if Chen Ze is the opponent, he will
definitely win.

The deepest conviction in his heart is that no one in the world can gamble better
than him.

But now, Kelzer faced the Jedi comeback, winning Chen Ze in his eleven games in a
row, his faith was broken, and he knew that his gambling skills could not compare
to Chen Ze.

"Mr. Chen Ze, this gamble is you!" Kelzer looked at Chen Ze, ready to admit defeat.
After knowing that he was not Chen Ze's opponent, although he was unwilling, he was
still prepared to admit defeat and did not plan to play overtime.

"No, Mr. Kelzer, since the game is not over yet, I hope to continue." At this
moment, Chen Ze opened his mouth, looked at Kelzer, and smiled. "I hope to continue
to test out this gamble to test out me. What level is gambling now? "

"Why, what do you mean?"

Hearing Chen Ze's words, Kelzer was stunned, and everyone in the audience was
Test out what level Chen Ze reached his gambling skills. What does Chen Ze mean by

"Mr. Chen Ze, what do you mean by this sentence?" Kelzer said, looking at Chen Ze.

"Honestly, although you are very strong, Mr. Kelzer, but with your gambling game, I
have not been able to show all my gambling skills, so in the next game, I hope to
increase the difficulty, Let me try my own gambling height. "Chen Ze said." Of
course, although it is more difficult, if I lose in the next game, I will lose the
final match. "


Hearing Chen Ze's words, all the people in the gambling hall were shocked. Then
they understood the meaning of Chen Ze's words. They actually suspected that
Kelzer's gambling was too weak and wanted to increase the difficulty to test his
own. What level of gambling has reached.

Chen Ze's words made no one think.

"Here, this Chen Ze is too arrogant. The opponent is Kelzer. Even if his gambling
skills are a little stronger than Kelzer, that is not much better. He actually
dislikes Kelzer's gambling. More difficult? "

"My God, Chen Ze is crazy, I admit that he is very strong, and maybe he is really
stronger than Kelzer. But, at best, it is a little bit stronger. How can there be
such a thing, he is completely I do n’t know how thick the sky is. "

"I really don't know Chen Ze's brain circuit. I believe he and Kelzer are also in
the same grade. Maybe he is stronger, and I don't know where he is confident in
saying these words."

People all around said that Chen Ze was too arrogant.

Even those masters of gambling, including Itakura Ichiro and John Brown, felt that
Chen Ze was too arrogant to say this, and he didn't know where he came from, and he
dared to say nothing like this.

On the opposite side of Chen Ze, Kelzer was silent, and he did not expect that Chen
Ze dare to say something like: "So, Mr. Chen Ze, how do you want to compare?"

For a long time ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ He spoke and looked at Chen Zedao.

After hearing Kelzer's words, Chen Ze smiled.

In fact, different from those around him, after having the heart of gambling, he
really feels that his gambling has evolved once again and has evolved to a level he
does not know.

Although Kerzer is strong, Chen Ze knows that he is not his opponent at all.

Therefore, although he has just won 11 games in a row, Chen Ze is not addicted. He
wants to see if he can find out his own bottom in the final tiebreaker and see how
strong he is now, so That's why I spoke.

When he heard Kelzer's words, Chen Ze smiled: "Mr. Kelzer, do you remember the
landlord that we didn't finish? I want to use the landlord that we didn't finish in
the last round. Decisive. Of course, the landlord is still me, and my opponent is
besides you, I hope that John Brown is the other person. "
Chen Ze said, his plan turned out to be one-on-two, a man who ranked first and
second in the world as a gambling master, Kelzer, the world's first, and second in
the world, proficient in poker gambling. John Brown!

Chapter FTLS 250: 1st World War 2

"One opponent is of course Mr. Kerzer, another, I hope it is, John Brown!"

Chen Ze spoke, smiling, and speaking out his plan.

When he heard what he said, everyone at the scene was shocked. They were completely
complete. I never expected that Chen Ze would say such a thing.

"Chen Ze, Chen Ze is crazy. He wants to challenge Kerzer and John Brown at the same
time? Even if he is strong, he cannot challenge the world's number one and number
two at the same time."

"Yeah, Chen Ze, this is so arrogant, how could it be possible to challenge these
two people at the same time? One is the first person in the world, the other is the
second best in the world who is proficient in poker gambling, and the world is
fundamental There can be no one who can defeat both of them at the same time. Chen
Ze is crazy, absolutely crazy! "

"My grass, I did not hear it wrong, Chen Ze, he said that Kelzer and John Brown
should be his opponents? Be his opponent in the tiebreaker?"

People from all around spoke, whether ordinary audiences or gambling masters, they
were stunned and unified their thinking, thinking that Chen Ze was crazy.

According to him, the opponents were Kelzer and John Brown, and the two men joined
forces. How could anyone in the world win? Even if it was Chen Ze, they felt
absolutely impossible.

Chen Ze who said such things must be crazy.

While discussing, many others also looked at John Brown, only to see that John
Brown was standing still, and was shocked.

"Mr. Itakura, Mr. Itakura, I heard you right. Chen Ze, he meant that Kelzer and me,
both of us acting as his opponents at the same time?" John Brown said, facing the
board next to him. Kuraichiro Road.

With a look of surprise, he even shook his head to make sure he didn't hear it

"No, no, Mr. John Brown, Chen Ze, Chen Ze said that." Itakura Ichiro also said
eloquently, at the same time feeling a bit stunned.

Although the two knew that Chen Ze was unfathomable, they were also the first to
know that Chen Ze might defeat Kelzer.

But even the two of them never thought about it.

Chen Ze dare to say such a thing and make such a request.

He unexpectedly wanted to challenge Kelzer and John Brown at the same time.

This matter, in the eyes of the two of them, is simply an incredible thing that was
impossible to think of in the past.
"Arrogant, this Chen Ze is really arrogant."

In the private room in Las Vegas, after hearing Chen Ze's words, there were several
of these casino tycoons.

They all thought that Chen Ze's remarks were too underestimated by Kelzer, that is,
underestimated Las Vegas. As a result, several of the tycoons were angry, and they
could not wait to see Chen Ze defeated on the spot immediately.

"Several people, don't worry, Chen Ze said this request, but it is a good thing for
us." At this time, another person in the private room spoke.

"Good thing? Where is this good thing? Chen Ze's attitude is too arrogant. He
obviously didn't take us to Las Vegas."

"That is, does he think he is really a **** of gambling? He wants to challenge

Kerzer and John Brown at the same time. In this world, it is absolutely impossible
for anyone to do this, to win both Kerzer and John · Brown's. "

Hearing his words, several tycoons spoke angrily.

"That's why it's good for us," said the tycoon, who laughed. "Like everyone else, I
think it's impossible for Chen Ze to win the union of Kelzer and John Brown. But
everyone remember Did Chen Ze say anything before? "


Several tycoons asked, and after hearing what he said, the tycoons in the private
room were choked.

"Chen Ze has said that no matter what the outcome of the tiebreaker is, if he
loses, the game is even if he loses." The tycoon said with a smug smile, "Everyone
thinks that Chen Ze might win?"

When he heard what he said, all the tycoons' eyes lit up, yeah, although this Chen
Ze said such a thing, it was indeed a bit arrogant. However, if he loses, the game
will come back. The winner is Kelzer.

"So, Chen Ze's words are not only a bad thing for us, but also a big good thing."
The tycoon laughed and said that he picked up the microphone in the private room
and said to the casino hall where Chen Ze was located: "Chen Ze, are you sure you
want to bet this way? "

"Of course, I'm sure." Chen Ze smiled with a confident smile on his face.
Obviously, he was very confident.

"Well, that final game, just follow Chen Ze." The tycoon said with a smile after
hearing Chen Ze's words, "I hope Chen Ze, you will not regret it at that time."

The tycoons laughed, feeling that Chen Ze had lifted a stone and smashed his feet
this time.

This time, he will definitely eat bad results!

"That's good, but I don't know Mr. Kelzer, and Mr. John Brown. Do you two have any
opinions on this gamble?" Chen Ze smiled, looked at Kelzer, and then looked at Look
at John Brown.
Kelzer gritted his teeth. He never expected that Chen Ze would make such a request,
nor did he expect that one day he would be asked to join hands with others to
gamble with him.

He felt that this time it was really underestimated, and Chen Ze was underestimated

Although he knew that Chen Ze had underestimated his capital.

However, he was still very upset. He had planned to give up, but now he intends to
teach Chen Ze well. Even if it is, join forces with John Brown.

"I have no opinion, this is exactly what I want," Kelzer said.

"I have no opinion," John Brown said.

Although it was his accident, he agreed immediately. Because he really wanted to

play against Chen Ze again, try his gambling, to what extent.

"Well, let's get started." Chen Zedao said, "Let's win or lose in one game, so I'll
stud first."

Chen Ze opened his mouth and said that he actually pushed the hundreds of millions
of dollars of chips in front of him ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ to the gaming table.

Obviously, what he meant was a decisive battle for this game.

"It turned out that all the chips were thrown out. Chen Ze was really crazy."

"Yeah, this is a few hundred million dollars. He managed to win it back in front of
him. Now he has pushed it out."

"He pushed it like throwing money into the water."

Seeing Chen Ze's actions, the audience all around said that everyone felt that Chen
Ze had lost the game, and his current chip was also lost.

Seeing Chen Ze's actions, Kelzer froze, and immediately pushed his chips out: "Me

Kelzer is confident that he can beat Chen Ze.

Suddenly, more than two billion US dollars were stacked on the gaming table.

In the eyes of everyone, this game, the final decisive battle, began!

Chapter FTLS 251: Disappointed

"The landlord of the game, the landlord Fang Chenze, the farmer Fang Kerze, John
Brown, now, the game starts!"

At the gaming table, the dealer spoke and announced that the final match had
officially started!

With his words, he came up with a new deck of cards and dealt Chen Ze and Kelzer
and John Brown.

In the action of his dealings, the audience was silent and silent, all watching the
dealer's actions.

In fact, although the landlord is a Chinese game, there are similar games in
foreign countries, but they are called differently.

Therefore, most people on the scene know what the rules are. Although many people
are not good at it, they all know Kelzer, and John Brown, who is proficient in
poker, has no reason or not.

Therefore, everyone on the scene is looking forward to this last hand.

Especially on the side of Kelzer and John Brown, the two of them are first in the
world and second in the world. Although they have known each other from a very
early age, they have never cooperated in the past like other landlords people.

Therefore, the audience, as well as the gambling experts, want to know what the two
will look like when they cooperate together, and how much fighting power will

"Looking forward, Kelzer and John Brown have known each other since childhood, and
although they have not cooperated in the past, they are very familiar with each

"Yeah, I don't know how much combat power they will have when they work together?"

"In any case, Chen Ze must have lost this time. Would you like to win the union
between Kelzer and John Brown?"

At a time when people were talking around, Chen Ze, Kelzer, and John Brown, after
getting the dealer's card, they all dealt with each other.

Chen Ze is the landlord, so he has three more cards than Krzeze and John Brown. He
looked at his card and nodded slightly in his heart: "The card is not bad."

However, the cards are good and useless. Chen Ze knows that Kelzer and John Brown
are opposite. This game will be very difficult. If the cards are good, I am afraid
that they will not be able to defeat them.

So after getting the card, Chen Ze quickly looked up and looked at the two men.

I saw that the two men smiled at each other after understanding their cards.

Obviously, although the two have never cooperated in the past, their familiarity
over the years has made them sufficiently tacit.

"Mr. Chen Ze, it's your turn to play cards." Kelzer also looked at Chen Ze with a

"Okay." Chen Ze nodded. "A pair of 3." He said he hit a pair of 3. Then, looking at
John Brown and Kelzer, he used the **** of gamblers, the eye of god, and God of
Gamblers analyzed the cards of the two of them.

"Yes 4." Kelzer played a pair of cards.

"Right 6." John Brown also played a pair of cards.

Then, Chen Ze played cards again, and Kelzer and John Brown played cards again.

"Yes 8."
"Yes 10."




The game is constantly going on, and the two of them are really like old friends
who have been working together for many years. They have a good understanding of
each other, knowing when to play cards, and when to stop Chen Ze, and not let him
play When should I let the opponent play.

So for a while, the two people cooperated with each other so much that Chen Ze
couldn't play a lot of cards, so he could only watch them play.

However, the two players played the cards in their hands easily with the
cooperation of each other.

For a moment, the situation of the landlords suddenly slipped towards the two men.

"Amazing, Kelzer and John Brown are truly the number one and number two in the
world. The combined power is too great. Sure enough, Chen Ze is not an opponent."

"It's too smooth. It's too smooth. The cooperation of these two people is really
smooth. If it is this cooperation, Chen Ze is not an opponent at all."

"It is truly worthy of the number one in the world and the number two in the world.
The two together are obviously greater than one plus one. Chen Ze is really
miscalculated this time, even if he is better than Kelzer. But with Kelzer and John
Brown, he is still not an opponent. "

Seeing Kelzer and John Brown playing cards again and again and taking the
initiative, people all around said, especially those fans and ordinary viewers, one
more than the other.

And in the private rooms in Las Vegas, those casino tycoons are even more excited:
"Haha, you have to win. Chen Ze, you are really too arrogant, you want to be second
to none."

At the gambling table, the gambling continued, and the cooperation between Kelzer
and John Brown became more and more tacit, and they continued to play cards.

And Chen Ze, it seems that they are not the opponent of these two at all. Under
their cards, even a card that has changed can't be played.

"10jqka, I also have a straight." Kelzer laughed. "Mr. Chen Ze, I only have the
last card left."

In the end, with the help of John Brown, Kelzer played a straight and left the last
card. John Brown didn't have many.

In Chen Ze's hand, there were more than ten cards that were not played.

Obviously, judging by the cards in his hands, the two men had completely burst Chen

"Sure enough, I said that Chen Ze was too arrogant. He couldn't possibly be the
opponent of Kerzer and John Brown, and it turned out to be this way."

"Kelzer only has one card left in his hand, and I estimate that the cards in both
hands are definitely big cards. Chen Ze has so many hands in his hand, he loses!"

"Sure enough, Chen Ze, lose."

Seeing the situation on the gambling table at this moment, people all around said
that Chen Ze was determined to lose!

Not only them, but the casino tycoons in the private room also smiled proudly. In
their opinion, Chen Ze also lost.

"Chen Ze lost."

Both Kelzer and John Brown thought so at the moment. One of the cards in Kelzer's
hand was 2 and John Brown's hand he knew was enough to support Kelzer's final card.

In the match with Chen Ze just now, they concluded that Chen Ze had no bomb in his
hand and could not control their straights. And there are many leaflets.

So they also know that they won this time.

"Disappointed!" At this moment, Chen Ze spoke, and suddenly said such a sentence.

This sentence stunned everyone.

"Disappointed? What is Chen Ze disappointed with?"

"Did he know that he was going to lose, UU reading www.uukanshu.com so disappointed


"It's possible, it's very possible."

Everyone thought.

At this time, Chen Ze continued: "Disappointed, although the two of you are united,
it is still not enough. I cannot test the depth of my gambling."

Speaking, Chen Ze took out four cards from his hand: "Four 9s."


When seeing Chen Ze's card, both Kelzer and John Brown froze.

They all thought that Chen Ze had no bombs in his hands.

But he still had a bomb in his hand.

Doesn't it mean that they have guessed all the cards in Chen Ze's hand! !! !!

"I won this round!" Chen Ze said lightly.

Chapter FTLS 252: God of Gamblers

"How is it possible, how can we be wrong, how is this possible!"

Looking at the cards played by Chen Ze, both Kelzer and John Brown were stunned.
The two did not expect that they would be wrong.
Not only them, but also the crowd around them:

"Kelzer and John Brown miscalculated? How is this possible? The landlord's playing
card game is not complicated at all, let alone a master of gambling at the level of
Kelzer and John Brown. The average person should not be wrong. "

"Yeah, how is this possible, I have played this landlord, it is not complicated,
how can it be that both Kelzer and John Brown are wrong."

"How, how is it possible !!!"

Everyone whispered, stunned, and felt that it was impossible.

Especially those gambling experts are totally unbelievable what happened in front
of them.

The landlord's gameplay is too simple for them, so it should be easy to calculate
the cards.

But now they look at Kerzer and John Brown, they are obviously wrong. The world's
number one and second gambling masters, when they joined together to play the
simple game of fighting landlords, they were wrong.

How is this possible!

"Difficult, is it!"

Suddenly, a master spoke. He seemed to think of something, and his face was

"What?" Everyone else hurried to hear him.

"It is said that in the realm of the highest gambling **** of gambling, in the
process of betting with opponents, they can rely on the way of playing cards, eyes,
momentum and so on to give the opponent an illusion, so that the opponent cannot
correct the cards in his hand Figured it out. Did Chen Ze reach this state? "The
man said with a look of shock.

This realm was only rumored in the past. No one has ever reached it. Even everyone
thought it was just nonsense.

Now seeing Kelzer and John Brown, the man suddenly thought of the rumor. As things
stand, it's shocking.

However, it seems that Chen Ze really has reached the realm of supreme gambling in
this legend! !! !!

Hearing what he said, all the gambling masters in the surrounding area were stunned
in their hearts, and they naturally all heard of this supreme state.

But again, they have never seen it before, and they all think it is nonsense.

But now, they know that it seems that Chen Ze has really reached this state.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Chen Ze at the gambling table.

Suddenly, everyone felt more and more that Chen Ze was really unfathomable!
"Even if Kerzer and John Brown are added together, it seems that Chen Ze is not an
opponent at all!"

"45678, three k!"

At the gambling table, the gambling continued at this moment, and Chen Ze spoke,
and all of his cards were played at once.

Just now Kelzer and John Brown still have a considerable advantage, and it can even
be said that the scale of victory is tilted greatly towards them.

But immediately, Chen Ze reversed the situation and he won!

"We lost!" After seeing Chen Ze finish playing the cards, Kelzer opened his mouth
and sighed, "I never thought you could actually reach that legendary realm. With
this realm, John and I "Brown can't win you. I lost this game, this game."

"Yeah, we lost. But being able to see this legendary state with my own eyes, I
think I have not lost."

John Brown spoke and acknowledged his failure.

Both of them also felt that Chen Ze had really reached the supreme realm in the
legend, so they both resolutely conceded. They knew that with such a Chen Ze as an
opponent, no matter how hard they struggled, even if they came a few more, they
still lost.

Therefore, they can only admit defeat, and only admit defeat!

And their voices immediately spread throughout the audience.

Those gambling masters are okay, they already know that Chen Ze has reached the
realm of legend. In this case, even Kelzer and John Brown will definitely not be

So the two gave up and they could guess.

But those ordinary audiences are not the same. They thought that Chen Ze, no matter
how powerful, would never be more powerful than Kerzer and John Brown.

But now, I saw Kelzer and John Brown give in.

Chen Ze was even better than the two together.

All of a sudden, they were completely stopped:

"Lost? Kelzer and John Brown together or lost? How is this possible?"

"Here, Chen Ze, Chen Ze is so strong? Kelzer and John Brown together, even lost!"

"How, how is that possible. This Chen Ze, this Chen Ze is so strong?"

Not only these ordinary audiences, but the Las Vegas casino tycoons in the private
rooms, seeing Kelzer and John Brown's condemnation, they were completely silent in
the private rooms.

They didn't think at all, they didn't expect that both Kelzer and John Brown would
lose, and they would all lose to Chen Ze.
This was put before today, it is simply impossible to imagine.

But now, it really happened!

Therefore, they were all stunned, and their faces were very ugly.

Because they know that Kelzer's admittance represents their Las Vegas admittance.

As the center of the world's gambling, Las Vegas, all the gambling mecca, has lost,
and it is lost to an Oriental Chinese who is not well known before!

"Here, this Chen Ze, he, who is he?"

In the end, a few tycoons said that they were out of breath and had only one idea
in their hearts.

Able to defeat Kelzer ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and defeated the combination of Kelzer

and John Brown, and it seems almost defeated with little effort.

They thought it was terrible, Chen Ze was terrible!

Who is this terrible Chen Ze?

"Dealer, can you announce the result of the match?"

At the moment, on the gambling table, when he heard the words of Kelzer and John
Brown, Chen Ze smiled and said to the dealer.

"Oh, okay." The dealer then reacted, after looking at more than 1,000 casino
representatives from the world, he said: "I announced that the world ’s **** of
gambling is jointly organized by more than 1,700 casinos worldwide The contest
officially ended. In the end, the person who won the title of God of Gambling was a
representative from Macau, China, Mr. Chen Ze! "

Poppy poppy!

After hearing the dealer's words, there was an applause at the scene. Everyone was
sincere in heart, applauding for the result.

They all know that Chen Ze, who won in this way, is qualified to be called, the
**** of gambling!

Chapter FTLS 253: New legend

"Gamble, God of Gamble !!!"

In the private room in Las Vegas, when the dealer was announced by Chen Ze as a
gambler, all the tycoons in the private room were extremely ugly.

In their original plan, this item was completely absent, and Chen Ze was not
expected at all. They actually won and became the **** of gamblers.

They can be said to have done everything to stop Chen Ze today, but in the end,
Chen Ze still defeated Kelzer, and even defeated the union of Kelzer and John
Brown, and became a gambler!

So they are so angry!

What makes them even more angry is that they have to admit it.
The people who come to watch this game, there are so many spectators, these
gambling experts, and even so many casino representatives from all over the world.

They all saw Chen Ze's victory with his own eyes, and it can be said to be an
unquestionable victory.

In this case, these casino tycoons in Las Vegas know that no matter if they no
longer want to admit that Chen Ze is a gambler, they must admit it.

Chen Ze has become a gambler, and it is already a thing that no one can stop!

Unlike the private rooms of Las Vegas casino tycoons, there are several other
private rooms from casino representatives from all over the world, as well as the
audience and gambling experts in the lobby. After hearing the dealer's words, they
all cheered. Get up and cheer for Chen Ze.

Although they were very surprised before, they did not expect Chen Ze to have such
a level, even Kelzer and John Brown were not his opponents.

But as soon as they heard what the dealer said, they just reacted. They just
witnessed history and witnessed one of the most powerful gambling masters ever.

Therefore, after accepting this, they all cheered and cheered for Chen Ze!

"Thank you, thank you!"

Chen Ze stood up and shouted loudly to everyone around him.

With Chen Ze's words, the cheers of the people around him became even warmer.

At this time, Chen Ze came to Jiang Haitang's face, Jiang Haitang's face flushed,
and there was even a little tear in his eyes.

She was so excited.

Today's game gave her too much excitement. From the beginning, Chen Ze fell behind
Kelzer so many games, to the subsequent Chen Ze straight eleven games to tie the

When Chen Ze challenged Kelzer and John Brown, he seemed to be facing a losing
situation. At the end of this moment, even Kerzer and John Brown are not Chen Ze's
opponents. Chen Ze has undoubtedly won the title of God of Gambler.

All these things made Jiang Haitang too irritating and almost committed a heart

Therefore, his face was flushed and he looked at Chen Ze with excitement.

"Chen, Mr. Chen Ze, congratulations, congratulations on becoming a **** of

gambling." Jiang Haitang said intermittently.

"Thank you, Miss Jiang. I can't do this without your support." Chen Ze smiled.

"Gambler, take a picture with me."

"Gambler, I'm your fan. I've watched your games these days. It's so handsome."

"Gambler, can you sign me?"

When Chen Ze was about to say something to Jiang Haitang, he was surrounded by
enthusiastic audiences around him.

At this moment, the news that Chen Ze has become a **** of gambling, with the end
of this battle, spread to the Las Vegas and other major casinos in the world in an

Las Vegas!

"The final result came out, Kelzer lost, and the final **** of gambler was Chen

"What? How is that possible? Kelzer, Kelzer even lost? Lost to Chen Ze?"

"Chen Ze has become a **** of gamblers? This, it's too crazy, it's too impossible,
how could Kelzer lose!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, Kelzer is impossible to lose, how is this


British Casino!

"The final result came out. The winner was Chen Ze. He not only defeated Kelzer,
but even Kelzer and John Brown's union were not his opponents. He was a **** of
gamblers and a true **** of gamblers . "

"Sure enough, I know that those who can defeat John Brown do have the strength to
defeat Kelzer."

"No, even if he has the strength to defeat Kelzer, but he defeated the combination
of Kelzer and John Brown? How is this possible, how can there be such a gambling
master in the world?"

"Yeah, it's possible to defeat Kelzer and John Brown separately. But to defeat the
union of these two, is this, can this be done? Chen Ze, who exactly is this Chen
Ze? How? Is it possible to do this? "

"My God, even defeated the union of John Brown and Kelzer? Such a person is
qualified to be called a **** of gambling!"


"It won, it was Chen Ze who won, and it was him who won in the end, and he defeated
the union of Kerzer and John Brown!"

"Chen Ze actually won, won the World Gambler Championship, and defeated the
combination of Kelzer and John Brown in the final battle? How is this possible?

"My God, is that Chen Ze? The Chen Ze that Miss Jiang asked for? He is so strong?"

"God of Gamblers, God of Gamblers even appeared in us!"


All the casinos around the world heard the news and were shocked when they heard
that Chen Ze defeated the union of Kelzer and John Brown.

Especially the two major casino bases in Las Vegas and Macau. After hearing the
news, people at these two major casino bases couldn't believe their ears.
In Las Vegas, Kelzer is the representative of myth, and is synonymous with
invincibility. And such a person has lost to Chen Ze. Moreover, even with John
Brown, there was no way to defeat Chen Ze.

This news, this fact, is too big for them. They even suspected that there was
something wrong with their ears. Otherwise, how could they hear such absurd news.

And when they heard the news turned out to be true, the entire Las Vegas fell into
a dead silence.

Here in Macau ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I can't believe my ears.

The gamblers here have all been in contact with Chen Ze, and they all feel that
although Chen Ze is strong, it is not possible to win the championship. Not to
mention winning the championship, even entering the quarterfinals may not be at

So after hearing this news, their chins also fell to the ground in shock.

The **** of gambling turned out to be from them.

This really shocked them.

The rest of the world, although a little better than these two places, they are
really shocked.

Chen Ze actually defeated the union of Kerzer and John Brown.

This made all casinos feel too shocked and scared. They know that, no matter what,
their own casino will never be Chen Ze's opponent.

And they also know one thing: "Kerzer's era of **** has passed, and now a new
legend is born, that is, God of Gamblers, Chen Ze !!!"

Chapter FTLS 254: Big harvest

"That's it, Mr. Chen Ze, you have to rest early, and we will fly back tomorrow

In the hotel, Jiang Haitang opened his mouth to the drunk Chen Ze.

After the game, it was a grand banquet, although these casino tycoons in Las Vegas
did not want to celebrate Chen Ze at all, celebrating his victory in the game and
becoming the world's gambler.

However, this banquet has been scheduled for a long time, and so many people came
from other casinos around the world, so the casino tycoons in Las Vegas had no
choice but to hold the celebration party for Chen Ze.

Since it was opened for Chen Ze, the natural protagonist is Chen Ze. So at the
celebration party, people kept coming to toast Chen Ze. Fortunately, Chen Ze's
alcohol was not bad, but he was not drunk, but he was drunk and drunk, and he
followed Jiang Haitang to the hotel.

"Okay, then Miss Jiang, you should rest early. We will start tomorrow."

Chen Ze nodded, said to Jiang Haitang, and walked into his own room.
After entering, Chen Ze's drunken eyes cleared a lot.

In fact, he is not as drunk as he is. The reason why he pretends to be drunk is to

prevent others from toasting, otherwise Chen Ze knows that he will be drunk.


After entering the room and closing the door, Chen Ze sat on the bed and sighed.

This task is the most troublesome and the most difficult task to complete. The
previous tasks were all solved in Yucheng.

And this time, it was not only out of Yucheng, but also in Macau. He even went
abroad and came to Las Vegas.

And on the opponents, the opponents are all well-known figures in the world
gambling, and even the opponents of the decisive battle are the overlords of the
world gambling.

Being able to win in this situation, complete the task, and become a **** of
gamblers, Chen Ze found it difficult, not easy.

"Although it is not easy, but the harvest is really not small."

Chen Ze murmured to himself that he was leaving from Las Vegas tomorrow, so before
leaving, he calculated the gains.

Needless to say, you have completed the mission and gained so many gambling skills.

I have finally gone abroad, and I have also come to a place like Las Vegas, which
is a lot of insight, and it goes without saying.

The most important gain is money!

That's right, Chen Ze has received a very large, very large, or even astronomical
sum of money for the completion of this mission.

The five million won, and the five million US dollars paid by Jiang Haitang, add up
to ten million US dollars.

And the victory of the last game, Chen Ze won a full billion dollars from Kelzer
and Las Vegas Casino.

With such a large sum of money, Chen Ze originally thought it would be good for him
to get 100 million. After all, the cost was not his, but Jiang Haitang, provided by
the Jiang family. They took the risk of losing at least one billion dollars. Most
of the money that naturally comes back should also be theirs.

However, Jiang Haitang was so arrogant that he waved his hands and told Chen Ze
that this billion-dollar Jiang family did not take any money, and all of them were
given to Chen Ze.

Hearing Jiang Haitang's words, Chen Ze froze. He didn't think of it at all.

After it was determined that it was true, Jiang Haitang actually had the intention,
Chen Ze quickly quit, after all, although the money was won by him, all the reason
was taken away by him.
However, no matter how Chen Ze quits, there is no way to quit, Jiang Haitang seems
to have made up her mind, and she has nothing to do with this billion.

Therefore, there was no way. In the end, all of the billions were transferred to
Chen Ze's account.

After seeing that his account had more than one billion US dollars, Chen Ze was a
little dazed.

Although the rate of earning money has increased rapidly since he got the system,
from hundreds of thousands of car gods to millions of food gods, he did not expect
that there would be such a big gain in this third task.

One billion dollars. This is one billion dollars.

Even in China, billions of dollars are a considerable sum.

Chen Ze did not go directly to a well-off, but directly to a life that can be
corrupted for a lifetime.

This one billion US dollars is Chen Ze's biggest gain this time. Therefore, Chen Ze
was a little dazed, and he was a little drunk. In the end, he fell asleep directly.

However, what Chen Ze didn't know was that the reason why Jiang Haitang didn't take
one billion pennies was because after Chen Ze won the game, the benefits that their
Chiang family could get far exceeded the one billion dollars.

In addition, Chen Ze's gambling is indeed too high and terrible. Jiang Haitang and
the entire Jiang family wanted to reach a good relationship with Chen Ze, so they
finally made such a decision.

But in any case, Chen Ze really got one billion real gold this time.

With so much money, maybe Chen Ze would wake up laughing in the past few days.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Ze and Jiang Haitang flew back to Macau
in Jiang Haitang's private jet.

When he came, he and Jiang Haitang were both, and when they returned, they were

But the mood is completely different.

After flying for another twenty hours, I finally returned to Macau.

"Mr. Chen, let's go out, many people are waiting for us." After arriving at the
airport, Jiang Haitang faced Chen Zedao.

"Oh, good." Chen Ze nodded, but quickly responded, "Many people?"

Out of the cabin, Chen Ze froze a bit.

I saw that the private airport was full of people, and these people were holding
flags and banners in their hands.

The flag and banner have Chen Ze's name ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Congratulations to
Chen Ze for being a gambler, and thank Chen Ze for winning the victory on behalf of
After seeing Chen Ze come out of the cabin, it was even more cheering.

That posture made Chen Ze a superstar superstar.

"Miss Jiang, is this?" Chen Ze froze and asked.

"Here, these are our local friends in Macau." Jiang Haitang laughed. "Mr. Chen, you
have won this competition, but this has greatly increased the atmosphere of our
Macau. So after hearing that you are coming back, they They all gathered together
and said they would come to pick you up. Mr. Chen, you are now a big celebrity in
Macau. "

"So it is."

Chen Ze nodded, looking at the cheers of so many people, Chen Ze felt very happy
and somewhat happy.

But suddenly, he seemed to think of something and patted his thigh: "Oh, it's a
pity, the popularity of so many people is all wasted. If I haven't completed the
task yet, the popularity here alone, I can draw at least two more prizes. "

Chapter FTLS 255: New mission

After returning to Macau, Chen Ze originally planned to return to Yucheng directly.
After all, he has been out for a while, and there is more than a month left before
the New Year, so Chen Ze wants to go back soon.

However, he could not leave at once. Jiang Haitang and Jiang Haitang's grandfather,
as well as the entire Jiang family, as well as other casino executives and gambling
experts in Macau casinos, invited Chen Ze to dinner and said that he would
celebrate him.

After pushing left and right, Chen Ze finally agreed to stay for another day. After
attending the celebration party in Macau, he returned to Yucheng.

"Mr. Chen Ze, I want to pay you a toast. You are so amazing. You don't know how
excited I was when I heard you won the union of Kelzer and John Brown. "

"Yes, Mr. Chen Ze, I also want to pay you a drink. In the past few years, our
Chinese have declined in the gambling arena. No gambling master has appeared, which
has made the entire gambling scene less worthy of our Chinese. Fortunately, you
appeared at this time I even got the title of God of Gambler and defeated Kelzer
and John Brown. This alone will give us the Chinese no idea how much power has
risen. I have to respect you. "

"And Mr. Chen Ze, I also want to toast you. You are too great. Originally, in the
hearts of us gambling players, it was impossible for Kelzer to be defeated. But you
won not only win him With him, even his union with John Brown has won, you are too
great. "

"Come and come, Mr. Chen Ze, and I also toast you."

At the banquet, I don't know how many people came around and wanted to toast Chen
Ze, one by one with admiration and wonder, like Chen Ze's brain powder, so that
Chen Ze had to accept their toast.

In the end, there was no way but to use the trick in Las Vegas to pretend to be
able to escape their toast, otherwise they really got drunk.

After Chen Ze pretended to be drunk, it was Jiang Haitang that sent Chen Ze back to
the hotel.

Back in the room, Jiang Haitang helped drunk Chen Ze to sit on the bed. "Well, Mr.
Chen, you have already returned to the hotel. You don't need to be drunk again."

It turned out that Jiang Haitang even realized that Chen Ze was pretending to be

Therefore, after hearing Jiang Haitang's words, Chen Ze woke up awkwardly and
smiled: "Miss Jiang, you have such a strong observation ability."

"Actually, when I was in Las Vegas before, I saw that you were drunk, Mr. Chen."
Jiang Haitang said, "but I didn't tear you apart at that time."

"So why are you going to tear me through Miss Jiang now?" Chen Ze asked.

"That's because I'm a little serious and want to discuss with Mr. Chen." Jiang
Haitang said, saying that she was sitting in front of Chen Ze. "Our Jiang family, I
hope to invite Mr. Chen to join us for an annual salary of 10 million US dollars. I
hope you can accept the Jiang family ’s casino business. "

It turned out that Jiang Haitang sent Chen Ze back because he wanted to invite Chen
Ze to join their Jiang family.

This time after Chen Ze won the title of God of Gambling, he can be said to have no
prestige in the world of gambling, and he saw that Chen Ze easily defeated Kierze
and John Brown who joined Jiang Haitang. He also knew that Chen Ze's Gambling is
also unfathomable.

It can be said that Chen Ze is the first person in the world to be a gambler at the
moment, and the true **** of gambling, and it is still the kind that no one will
threaten his **** of gambling.

Such people are absolutely valuable talents for every casino, especially for the
Jiang family and Macau, a casino that has no top gambling experts.

Therefore, Jiang Haitang and the Jiang family wanted to invite Chen Ze and invite
him to join the casino and become a real Macau casino.

And Chen Ze is leaving tomorrow. Jiang Haitang doesn't know why Chen Ze has to go
so fast, but also knows that only tonight can send an invitation to Chen Ze.

That's why he came back with Chen Ze and then said to Chen Ze.

When he heard what Jiang Haitang said, Chen Ze froze. He didn't seem to think that
Jiang Haitang would say such a thing, and then smiled, "Miss Jiang, I thank you for
your invitation. But let me join in, but forget it. "

"Why? It ’s Mr. Chen. Do you think we don't have enough annual salary? This is good
to say, as long as you can agree, the annual salary can be negotiated." Jiang
Haitang said quickly when he heard what Chen Ze said.

She thought it was not difficult to invite Chen Ze. After all, working with Chen Ze
was very pleasant during this time. She never expected that Chen Ze would reject
her invitation at one sip.

"It's not a matter of money. It's just that I plan to retreat and wash my hands
from the golden pot of gambling." Chen Ze said with a smile.
The annual salary of tens of millions of dollars is indeed very, very high, and
Chen Ze is very emotional. But he knew that he couldn't do it.

"Retreat? Jinpen wash your hands?" Jiang Haitang choked again when he heard Chen
Ze's words. She only saw these two words in the TV series and novels, and never
thought that she would say them from Chen Ze's mouth.

"But Mr. Chen, you are only in your twenties, and it would be a pity if your
gambling retreat?" Jiang Haitang said.

"It's no pity." Chen Ze smiled. "I think Miss Jiang, since you have investigated me
before, you should know that I have done a lot of things before. I have this
problem, and I like to challenge myself across the line. Now that I have reached
the height of the gambling scene, I should retreat, and I am going to do something
else. "

Hearing Chen Ze's words, Jiang Haitang remembered it. By the way, Chen Ze had
indeed done the driver and the chef before. He did not do it after reaching the

He really has this problem! !! !!

Thinking of this ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Jiang Haitang is a little speechless, I don't

even know how to persuade Chen Ze.

Although she is well-informed, she is used to things like Chen Ze and she can
really do so well. She has never seen it before.

And looking at Chen Ze's appearance, combined with his previous experience, Jiang
Haitang knew that Chen Ze had made up his mind. I am afraid there is no way to
change it.

Therefore, halfway through, Jiang Haitang said: "That, that's really a shame. If
you leave Mr. Chen Ze, it is really an irreparable loss. But Mr. Chen, you are
ready to receive What are you going to do? "

"What am I going to do?" Chen Ze froze at the words of Jiang Haitang.

At this time, a voice came from his mind, which was a systematic voice: "The God of
Gambling task was successfully completed, and the next task is started! The next
task, God of Boxing! Becomes the world's greatest, the greatest fighting force in
the world. The strongest boxer, God of Boxing! "

"Miss Jiang, my next goal is to be the strongest boxer in the world!" Chen Ze

Chapter FTLS 256: Boxing God Body and Boxing God

"Then, Mr. Chen, please rest first. The plane ticket I bought for you is tomorrow
afternoon. You can sleep for a little longer."

At the door of Chen Ze's room, Jiang Haitang was facing Chen Zedao.

"Okay, that's bothering you, Miss Jiang."

Chen Ze nodded and said that after Jiang Haitang had left, he closed the door of
the room and said to himself, "Jiang Haitang, would you think I was a lunatic?"
Chen Ze felt that since he had just said that he was going to become the strongest
boxer in the world, Jiang Haitang's eyes changed when he saw him, and he felt just
like watching a lunatic.

Also, a 20-year-old man who has no foundation needs to practice boxing suddenly,
and says that he wants to be the strongest boxing champion in the world. I am
afraid that anyone will think he is a lunatic.

"However, boxing is fun."

Chen Ze spoke. He knew that boxers can almost be said to be powerful

representatives, especially boxing champions, and it was arguably the strongest
unarmed man on the same level of the earth.

And how can a real man be without strong force?

Therefore, he was very satisfied and revered for the task that the system arranged
for him this time, and became a boxing god. Wouldn't it be more powerful than the
boxing champion.

If you really complete such a task, I am afraid that no one in the world can beat
yourself with bare hands.

Thinking of this, Chen Ze was so excited that he even bent down and made two boxing


Just two times, Chen Ze felt his waist flash.

"Here!" Chen Ze took a breath and lay down on the bed. "My body, I really need to
practice well."

Then, Chen Ze entered the system and directly on the task page, the task of God of
Gambler was confirmed to be completed, and the task of Boxing God appeared on the
task page: "Become the world's most recognized boxer in the world, Boxing God. "

After watching the task, Chen Ze nodded and said, "System, can I draw a lottery?"

Generally, there will be two lottery opportunities before starting the task. This
is already a convention, so Chen Ze said.

"Of course, host, you can extract the skills of this boxing god." The system said,
still cold.


Chen Ze nodded, and then transferred the system to the raffle page. The word
"gambler" on the raffle page has also been replaced by the boxer. At this moment,
Chen Ze can draw.

"A good skill, a good skill."

Chen Ze opened the lottery and started to draw.

Suddenly, the draw page flashed quickly. After a while, the blinking stopped
slowly, and then showed Chen Ze's first draw about boxers.

"The body of the boxing god? What is this?" Chen Ze said to himself, watching the
four words appearing on the raffle page.

He quickly looked at the small characters behind these four big characters: "The
body of the boxing **** is the body quality of the boxing **** when he has not
started to practice boxing, and the body of the boxing **** has the same starting
point as the boxing god. "

"Fist of God, this, this is good."

Seeing this skill, Chen Ze smiled on his face.

Boxing is also a sport, and as long as it is sports, the most important thing is
physical fitness. And Chen Ze knows that it is very difficult for him to become a
boxing **** if he lacks physical fitness.

Even if the skills of the boxing **** are punched, I am afraid it is difficult to
really use them.

But with this boxing **** body, everything is different.

Although it ’s just that the boxing **** did not practice the body before boxing,
since he is a boxing god, then he must be the top talent in boxing. As long as he
is good at training, he must be much better than Chen Ze himself.

"Yes, congratulations to the host. This boxing **** body is very good. The host you
have acquired this skill can be said to greatly reduce the difficulty of this
task." At this time, the system spoke and agreed with Chen Ze's idea. .

Hearing the words of the system, Chen Ze was a little bit proud, and his lips were

"It's time to draw the second one." Chen Ze smiled. "The second one, I hope to be
able to draw a boxing punch. In this way, no matter who the opponent is, I can blow
and punch. , Who can stop it. "

Chen Ze had good luck, and the first skill he picked was very good. Therefore, Chen
Ze immediately wanted the second and good skill. If he can really get a punch, Chen
Ze feels that he can now participate in professional boxing immediately.

He started the lottery, the lottery page flashed continuously, then stopped slowly,
and the four big characters appeared: "Learning of Boxing God!" It was not Chen
Ze's expectation, boxing **** heavy boxing and the like.

"Learning the God of Boxing? What is this?" Seeing the second skill, Chen Ze froze
a bit. He quickly looked at the few characters behind the Boxing God, "Learning the
God of Boxing, learning from the Boxer. Ability to help the host learn boxing
skills and methods. "

"What, is it the study of learning ability?" Chen Ze stunned, this second skill is
not very good. If he had drawn other skills, he wouldn't have to learn it, just
equip it.

If you learn this boxing god, you still have nothing to learn. Everything has to be
learned from the beginning.

Therefore, Chen Ze felt that a lottery opportunity was wasted.

"Host, please don't underestimate the study of the boxing god." At this time, the
system said again, "The study of the boxing **** is the learning ability of the
boxing god. In boxing, the boxing **** can be said to be a natural talent, No
matter what kind of boxing skills, the boxing gods can learn immediately. Although
it seems that they have to learn, it is not as good as those directly equipped
skills. But with a little study, the host can learn things that are more important
than the selected skills. Much more. "

"If that's the case, it's really good." Chen Ze said when he heard what the system

If this is what the system says, he thinks this skill is really good. Although
troublesome, it does have his benefits.

"Well, now that I have won two, I will be equipped."

Chen Ze smiled and started equipping these two skills.

The first is the study of boxing gods. This is okay. After being equipped, Chen Ze
has almost no feeling.

But when equipped with the body of the boxing god, Chen Ze felt completely
different. He felt as if an ant was drilling his heart. When equipped with this
skill, his whole body was very painful.

And at the joints and other places, Chen Ze even felt a crackling sound.

Instantly, Chen Ze's entire face turned pale, and his face was sweating.

"System, here, what's going on?"

In the past, Chen Ze was also equipped with a lot of skills, but he has not yet
done so.

"The body of the **** of boxing, since it is to make your body become the body of
the **** of boxing, then naturally it is a transformation of your body to make your
physical quality lean to the **** of boxing. So naturally, the body will have great
pain .But don't worry about the host, there will be nothing after a while. "The
system said.

"You didn't say it earlier, I wasn't prepared at all!"

Chen Ze said, this kind of pain is really a bit intrusive, which makes Chen Ze feel
unbearable, and even feels that a knife is cut on him, and he is living like a

I don't know how long it took before the pain stopped.

By this time ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen Ze had no blood on his face.

He sat up in front of him and found a thin layer of black impurities on the surface
of his skin.

When this boxing **** body was equipped with Chen Ze, he had a similar effect to
cutting hair and washing the pulp in the novel, and exhausted the impurities of
Chen Ze's body.

"No, no, just wash it off."

After discovering that there was a layer of such dirty things on his body, Chen Ze
was shocked, and quickly stood up, trying to wash it off.
But when he walked into the bathroom, he was shocked.

There is a large floor-to-ceiling mirror in the bathroom, and in the mirror, Chen
Ze feels that his hands and feet, his figure, height, hands and feet have changed,
a little higher!

"Congratulations to the host, the body of the boxing **** has successfully
transformed your body. Your body, whether it is muscle strength, cellular activity,
height or weight, has changed the length of your hands and feet. Now your body is
the best boxing in the world body of!"

Chapter FTLS 257: Hijack

"Then Mr. Chen, I will send you here. You are welcome to come to Macau next time,
and I will certainly treat you well."

In front of the Macau International Airport, Jiang Haitang stopped the car. After
Chen Ze got out of the car, Jiang Haitang faced Chen Zedao.

"Okay, Miss Jiang, go ahead if you have any questions. If you come to Yucheng in
the future, you can also tell me in advance, and I will do all the friendship of
the landlord." Chen Ze smiled.

Jiang Haitang nodded again, then drove away from the airport gate, and Chen Ze
walked into the airport.

He originally intended to go back by high-speed rail, but Jiang Haitang insisted on

buying him a first-class ticket for the plane and said that Chen Ze should be
returned by a private jet, but he could not fly to buy the plane ticket at once.

For Ze Haitang's enthusiasm, Chen Ze naturally accepted it.

Walking in front of the Macau International Airport, Chen Ze took a deep breath and
felt refreshed.

"The transformation of the boxing **** body is really effective."

Chen Ze murmured to himself, recalling yesterday's boxing **** body. When it comes
to equipping the body of the boxing god, the process is indeed extremely painful.
But the effect is also very amazing. Although there has not been any major change
in appearance height, Chen Ze can feel completely different. Although the muscles
and physical strength and boxing skills are not comparable to professional boxers,
but If it is about core talents such as explosiveness, height and wingspan, Chen Ze
feels that he will not lose to those people at all.

Therefore, he took a deep breath and felt refreshed, and his condition was very

Chen Ze knows that this is the effect of the boxing **** body, the effect is very

After taking another breath, Chen Ze nodded with satisfaction, then walked into the

Not to mention, Macau is not a big place, but the Macau International Airport is
not small. Chen Ze came to this place for the first time, so he searched for a long
time, and then passed the security check and found the boarding gate.
There is still half an hour before boarding. At this moment, the boarding gate is
full, and there is no seat.

Fortunately, Chen Ze's ticket is a first-class ticket, so you can go to the lounge
to rest.

Presenting his ticket, Chen Ze walked to the VIP lounge under the leadership of the
airport ground crew.

It was a lot more spacious than the outside, and there were a variety of snacks and
drinks. However, what attracted Chen Ze's attention was not these snack drinks, but
several others sitting in the VIP lounge.

The first one was a very beautiful girl who looked around twenty years old, with
long hair and a peaked cap. There is also an English name written on the hat. The
name Chen Ze has heard, called Mangula, is a very famous boxing champion in the
world today.

And the girl is watching a video on her mobile phone. Although Chen Ze can't see
the content of the video, the sound from the video lets him know that it seems to
be a boxing match, one of which is Mangula!

While watching, the girl was waving her fists and making gestures, obviously she
was very engaged.

"It looks like this girl is a boxing fan."

Chen Ze thought to himself that he didn't know much about boxing in the past, but
only knew that this might be the most men's sport.

After learning about his new task yesterday, he started to learn about the current
boxing world on the Internet. There are many famous boxing champions in the boxing
world. Mangula is one of them, and it is the one who is now in the limelight.

However, Chen Ze did not expect that he only knew about Mangula yesterday, and
today he saw his boxing fan, still a very beautiful female boxing fan.

"By the way, Mangula seems to have a boxing match in Macau the day before
yesterday. This girl should be here to watch his boxing match."

Chen Ze suddenly thought of this, and thought the girl was very likely.

After finally encountering a boxing fan, and she was still a girl, Chen Ze had a
heart to talk to her. However, I saw her watching the video very seriously, so this
idea can only be given up.

Then he found a sofa and sat down, and then saw three other strange people.

The three of them were sitting close together, and it could even be said that they
were sitting together. And the middle one, obviously the appearance of Southeast
Asians, even with a bit of fierce temperament. The two people on both sides looked
around with some vigilance, strangely.

"Really strange combination."

Chen Ze murmured to himself, thinking the three were a little strange.

But he did not care about these three people, but sat down and closed his eyes and
raised his head.

Not long after that, Chen Ze's flight was about to board. Some airport service
staff rushed to the VIP room to inform them.

Chen Ze nodded, and quickly walked towards the gate. At this time, he discovered
that the female boxing fan and the three weird people all went along with him.

Obviously, these four people also took Chen Ze's flight.

"It's a coincidence," Chen Ze thought to himself.

Next was boarding. Through the VIP channel, Chen Ze went to first class, and then
sat down according to the position of the ticket.

Then he looked around. This was a large plane, and there were already a hundred
people behind him.

However, there are few people in the first class. In addition to Chen Ze, the girl,
and the three, there are also a dozen people, all seated in their own positions,
and then quietly waiting for the plane to take off.

What made Chen Ze even more surprised was that the boxing fan girl was next to Chen

And after she sat down, because the flight attendant asked to turn off the
collection, she even took out a tablet and continued to watch the boxing game
inside the tablet.

"How much does this like boxing?"

Seeing that girl's movement, Chen Ze couldn't help crying.


Soon, the plane ran up the runway and then rushed into the sky.

"Do you like boxing?"

After flying to the sky, the man on the other side of the girl spoke, facing the

"Yeah." The girl took the headset off and heard her words.

"Me too. My favorite boxer is Mangula." The man laughed. I don't know if he really
likes Mangoura or sees the name on the girl's hat, he says.

"Really? I like Mangula the most."

The girl was obviously excited when she heard someone liked her idol.

"That's a coincidence," said the man. "Are you from Yucheng?"

"Yes, my family is from Yucheng. This time I came to Macau to watch the Mangula
match." The girl said, confirming Chen Ze's idea.

"That's great. I'm from Yucheng. I'm working as a fitness trainer." The man
laughed. "And I also practice boxing in my spare time. We can come out and practice
together when we have time."

Chen Ze thought to himself that he knew that the man must be following this topic
and had to contact him.

He turned to look at the man, and indeed he looked like a very strong man. He was
about twenty-seven or eighty years old, and at first glance he was a man who was
good at routine.

"Will this girl play?" Chen Ze thought to himself, wondering if he would see such a
beautiful girl, would he go to the man's routine.

"Toilet, we want to go to the toilet."

Just then, a loud noise came over, interrupting the boy and girl's conversation.

Chen Zeshun looked at the sound, and found that several men stood in front of the
stewardess, and said that he was going to the toilet.

"I'm sorry, sir. Just after the plane was under airflow, the toilet is temporarily
unavailable. Please bear with me for a while."

"Patience is patience. I spend money on a plane and go to the toilet whenever I


The men spoke, yelling loudly.

While talking, he pushed the stewardess towards the front.

"It turned out to be trouble."

After seeing these people, Chen Ze frowned, thinking to himself. fly

The area of the aircraft is small, and trouble can be heard on the plane. The whole
plane can be heard all at once, so not only Chen Ze, but also other people are
frowning, and some people are talking:

"What the hell? The stewardess said wait a while, then wait a while."

"Yeah, what's the rush to the toilet?"

"Don't worry about going to the toilet, just wait a while, noisy."

Everyone said, they were all dissatisfied.

But just then ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ something that shocked everyone happened. These
troubled people suddenly picked up the knife they didn't know where to take it, and
chopped it aside.

Suddenly, the blood reached the Quartet.

The people who were cut by these people were two of the three strange people Chen
Ze noticed before boarding the plane.

Suddenly, the whole plane screamed in panic.

The Southeast Asian in the middle did not have a trace of panic. At this time, he
stood up slowly, with a smile on his face. And handcuffs.
"No moves, hijacking !!!"

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Chapter FTLS 258: Do it

"Just be honest with me, we won't hurt you. Otherwise, you will end up like the two

The knife-bearers opened their mouths, and blood was still on their faces, and with
their words, they looked even more embarrassed.

The original plane was screamed in horror by the actions of these people. After
hearing what they said, everyone dared not scream, and sat honestly in their place,
but with a look of fear on their faces. , The body was slightly trembling.

"Brother, are you okay."

After watching the cabin quiet, the people surrounded the Southeast Asian and asked
in English.

"It's okay, thank you for coming here, otherwise I'm really finished this time."
The Southeast Asian said, as he said, he took out the key from the pocket of the
person who was severely injured by them, and handcuffs Picked it down.

After doing this, the Southeast Asians still hated kicking the two seriously
injured people: "Several mainland policemen actually want to catch me and lose
sand. When I was in the Golden Triangle for so many years, I was fooled. ? "

"Fumbled sand? Golden triangle?"

Hearing the Southeast Asian man talking to himself, Chen Ze finally remembered that
he had heard the name of the funeral on the Internet, as if it was a big drug lord
over the Golden Triangle in Southeast Asia, and heard that the Chinese police were
trying to deal with him Already sneaked into the arrest.

It seems that this was a quiet arrest, but just didn't want to cause any movement,
so he quietly sent it back, but he was followed by his men, and in order to save
him, he did a bold thing like hijacking.

"Drug dealers in the Golden Triangle, you're in trouble now."

Chen Ze murmured to himself, when he just heard the word hijacking, he was
startled. He did not expect to encounter such a thing on domestic flights.

Now that he knew that he was a drug dealer in the Golden Triangle, he knew that
things were even bigger. This drug dealer is no better than a terrorist, especially
the drug dealers in the Golden Triangle have no humanity at all. In order to fight
against the government, even boy scouts dare to train.

If they hijack the plane now, I am afraid that the people who are in trouble with
this plane will be finished.

"Brother, the door of the aircraft control room won't open."

While Chen Ze was thinking about this problem, one of Mengsha's men ran back and
opened his mouth to Mengsha Road.

"What?" Said Meng Sha, "how could it not be opened?"

"Fortunately, fortunately."

After hearing his two conversations, Chen Ze was relieved. The control room of the
aircraft, where the pilot was, was set up to deal with such hijackings. Therefore,
a special gate was set up, which could not be opened from the outside. .

Chen Ze had previously worried whether this would be useless to the drug dealers,
and they opened it to control the entire plane. Now he heard nothing, and he
breathed a sigh of relief.

The pilot is okay, so the most dangerous things will not happen.

"It's okay, it won't matter if you can't open it. You tell the pilots across the
door and tell them that the plane has been held by me. If they dare not listen to
us, we will kill in the cabin and start with the children. Funeral said at this
time, "And let them tell the Chinese police that we must meet our conditions. The
first few people have been caught before they were released, the second must ensure
that we leave safely, and the third must ensure that they will not be in the
future. Deal with us. Otherwise, there are now more than a hundred people on this
plane, and we will kill one by one, which is enough. "

Funeral opened his mouth, and said with great anger. Then, like a wolf looking at
its prey, it looked at all the people in the cabin.

Hearing his words, his men nodded and ran towards the control room.

"This is terrible."

Hearing their conversation, Chen Ze knew that the trouble was serious this time.
The country will never negotiate with such terrorists. Otherwise, once such an
instance occurs, all terrorists will learn from it.

However, Chen Ze knew that judging by the style of a person such as Meng Sha, if
the conditions were not met, he would definitely kill himself.

It is even possible that people in the plane will really be killed!

"No, we have to save ourselves."

At this moment, a voice sounded beside Chen Ze, and he turned to look at it, it
turned out that the boxing fan girl was talking.

"The country will not negotiate with such drug dealers, and this drug dealer is the
most brutal. They really do not meet their conditions, I am afraid they will really
kill people. At that time, we will be really dangerous, so we Save yourself, "the
girl continued.

"How do you want to save?" Chen Ze whispered and asked her.

"I just counted. There are about eight or nine drug dealers on this plane. Although
there are knives in their hands, they are not long weapons, so it is not difficult
to deal with them," the girl said.

"Not difficult to deal with?" Chen Ze froze.

There are eight or nine drug dealers, and they have weapons in their hands. Isn't
it difficult to deal with them?
"Yes, I've been boxing since I was young. Ordinary people five or six are not my
opponents." The girl said.

"Five or six are not your opponents?"

Chen Ze looked at the girl, she had a pretty face, she was very nice, she was very
slender, she didn't look like boxing, and she was the boxer who was not an

However, in this case, Chen Ze estimated that the girl should not lie.

"But there are eight or nine here, and the space is so small, and they have weapons
in their hands, I'm afraid I'm not an opponent alone." The girl said, "So I need
help, at least one person needs to be able to put my back Helping hand. "

Then, she looked at the fitness coach who spoke to her: "Don't you say, you also
practice boxing? Exactly, let's take a shot together."

"Open, what a joke. I lied to you, I wasn't a boxer, I just knew a little about
boxing." The fitness coach almost paralyzed when she heard what the girl said.

"And these people are all drug dealers, desperate people from the Golden Triangle,
and joking with them, what's the joke? Then, that is to find death. I don't go,
this is simply to find death, I would rather wait for the police to rescue us."

The fitness instructor said, shrinking his head, and refused directly. And he was
sweating on his forehead at the moment, his body shivering, and a kind of
counseling, obviously let him go to fight, it is completely impossible.

"What then?"

The girl was anxious to hear what the fitness coach said and saw him like this.

"let me try."

At this time, another voice sounded, and it was Chen Ze who spoke.

"You?" The girl froze.

"Yes, I." Chen Ze nodded. "Although I haven't studied boxing, I'm more interested
in this aspect, and I think my physical fitness must be better than the average
person, so it should be fine."

Although dangerous, Chen Ze knew that if he did not save himself now, it would be
even more dangerous.

"This one."

The girl froze. She did not expect that Chen Ze would say this, because it was
indeed very dangerous. If ordinary people deal with drug dealers, I am really
trying to die.

Therefore, the girl hesitated, and looked at Chen Ze. Suddenly, her eyes lit up,
and she even reached out and touched Chen Ze's body. The scared Chen Ze retracted a

"Your height and wingspan, as well as your entire body, look like the perfect
figure for boxing. How do you grow?"
Although in a dangerous situation ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, the girl got excited after
looking at Chen Ze's figure.

She has learned boxing since she was a child and she knows too much about boxing.

So after seeing Chen Ze's figure, he almost cried out. Chen Ze's figure, in her
opinion, is the perfect material for boxing.

"Well, you can just wait back to back with me. I'm in charge of the drug dealers on
this side, and you are in charge of the drug dealers on the other side. Remember,
you must be back to back with me and don't expose your back to the drug dealers."

After being excited, the girl immediately returned to her state and spoke.

With such a figure of Chen Ze, she is very confident that she will definitely be
able to save herself this time.

"Okay." Chen Ze nodded, and he wondered how strong the girl was, "when do we

"You two, what are you talking about here?"

At this moment, a drug dealer came over, holding a knife, and saw Chen Ze and the
girl whispering, saying.

"right now."

The girl said, answering Chen Ze's question.

Then he punched out with a speed that Chen Ze could not imagine.

Seeing the girl's punching speed, Chen Ze knew that the girl had not bragged at

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Chapter FTLS 259: Muay Thai Master


The drug dealer, who asked Chen Ze and the girl for an interview, fell to the
ground, was hit by the girl's head, and even fainted.

And this sound directly caught the attention of all the cabin owners.

"what happened?"

There are other drug dealers in Zhanbeisha, all looking at Chen Ze's location.

I saw that Chen Ze and the girl stood up, back to back, and faced the drug dealers
on both sides, all in a boxing posture.

"Remember, when I ’m back to back, and when I ’m making a fist, my index finger and
middle finger, little finger and ring finger are flexed together, my thumb is on
the middle and index finger, my fist is buckled, and the punch is facing the other
side. Do n’t push too hard, otherwise your arms will quickly fatigue. Just hit your
fist hard and go out immediately. ”

The girl turned her back to Chen Ze and said to Chen Ze.
Actually, there are still many techniques for boxing, but time is short and not as
detailed as time to teach, so she can only choose some simple and effective ways to
tell Chen Ze.

However, she does not think that Chen Ze can learn it directly. These skills sound
simple, but if you want to master it in actual combat, it is simply impossible for
ordinary people without a few months of training.

"it is good."

Chen Ze nodded and did as the girl said. However, different from the girl's
thinking, when she heard this, Chen Ze's other skills of boxing and gods were
launched, allowing Chen Ze to immediately grasp what she said.

Chen Ze adjusted it a bit, and changed her posture exactly.

At this time, the funerals of the funeral men reacted one by one, knowing that it
was Chen Ze and the girl who resisted, and there was no weapon in their hands, and
one of them was a woman, who dared to resist!

They were so angry that everyone rushed towards Chen Ze and the girl.


The girl said, looking closely at the opponent in front of her.

I have to say that this girl is indeed a boxing expert. The man in front of him is
a tall man with a dagger in his hand. She hid lightly, and then punched, hitting
the man's belly.

For a moment, the man changed his face, and he fell to the ground with a whisper.

A fierce drug dealer was hit by a single punch by the girl.

"The right and left feet should be forty-five degrees, and the distance between
left and right is 20 to 30 centimeters. Raise the heel about five centimeters, and
evenly drop your weight on the front and back phalanges, and your knees will flex
slightly. Also, the upper body must have the left arm in front, the right arm in
the back, the left fist slightly above the shoulder, and look at the opponent's
foot with eyes to judge the opponent's attack. "

While fighting, the girl continued to tell Chen Ze boxing skills.

The drug dealers on the girl's side, when they saw that the girl dared to give
pointers to Chen Ze at this time, everyone was furious, and several people rushed
together to deal with the girl.

For Chen Ze, there are only two opponents on his side, not big. So although he held
the knife, he did not attack directly.

After seeing Chen Ze pose according to the girl's words, he was a little hesitant
to dare to attack.

Not only was the two of them hesitant, Chen Ze was also nervous at the moment.

Although he has been used to big scenes, when he was a **** of gambling, he talked
directly with world masters and casino tycoons.

But this is the first time that the direct fight between life and death is like
this. Therefore, he was very nervous. Fortunately, he had indeed experienced a lot
of big scenes before, otherwise Chen Ze knew that he would not be able to remain
calm at this moment.

"What are you waiting for? Not ready to attack."

At this time, Meng Sha on the other side saw that the two men on the side of Chen
Ze were afraid to attack, and scolded directly.

I heard him say, the two gritted their teeth and chopped down towards Chen Ze with
a knife.

Chen Ze quickly flashed aside, avoiding the man's knife, and then punched the man
in the same manner as the girl said, using a punch to make the man take a few steps
back, even His face paled directly.

有用 "Useful, this girl teaches useful."

泽 Chen Ze thought to himself, but he didn't know that if it was not for his boxing
studies, he would not have been able to master the girl's method so easily.

And if the body of the boxing **** did not transform his body, his boxing would
never achieve this effect.

At this moment, everyone in the cabin looked at Chen Ze and the girl. Everyone was
full of expectations for Chen Ze and the girl, hoping that he could win.

泽 Chen Ze and the girl are getting better and better. The girl doesn't say
anything, and she has no worries, and it is easier to deal with the five or six big
men in front of her.

Chen Ze, though, was only two opponents, although he was a little bit embarrassed,
and it seemed far less relaxed than a girl, but he was gradually familiar with the
fight, and slowly gained the upper hand.

If there are other boxing or fighting masters here, you will be dazzled by Chen
Ze's mastery of speed.


With another punch, Chen Ze hit the two men's chests and beat them back.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

The two were pale, looked at each other, and then yelled, and the ghost cried and
wobbled up at last.

泽 Chen Ze flickered lightly, once again dodging the attacks of the two men,
punched him with a punch, and fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

At this moment, the other person caught the gap and chopped down towards Chen Ze.

Although Chen Ze grew rapidly, he grasped the whole situation.

But after all, this is the first fight, and it is a life-and-death fight, so he
finally exposed a flaw in front of the two men.

Xi Yuguang saw the other man's knife waving towards himself, Chen Ze thought to


在 At this moment, a voice came out, and the girl even punched in to help Chen Ze
stun the person.

Chen Ze quickly looked back, all of the girl's five or six opponents had been
knocked down by this girl. Either I was stunned, or I fell to the ground and

"Okay, great."

Chen Ze spoke, facing the girl.

女孩 This girl not only solved her opponent, but also helped Chen Ze solve an
opponent on his side, which made Chen Ze have to sigh, she was really powerful.

"You're amazing." The girl spoke, looking at Chen Zedao, "Did you really haven't
practiced boxing before? Your exertion, your dodge, and your posture are not laymen
at all. Did you do it? If you have never really learned boxing, just listen to me
and do this step, then you are really great. "

The girl said, sighing at Chen Ze.

其他 The other people in the cabin couldn't see it, but she could see that Chen
Ze's progress was too fast, and the speed was a bit exaggerated.

A newcomer who has never learned can actually do this, and only listen to what he

The puppet girl thought it was incredible. She looked at Chen Ze and knew that if
all this was true, then Chen Ze's talent in boxing was incredible.

I heard Chen ’s words, and Chen Ze was just about to say something, and suddenly
there was a popping sound, and there was applause in the whole cabin.

"You two are both amazing. I want to thank you both."

"Yeah, you two are so amazing. It's amazing that they have won so many drug

"so amazing."

The passengers said one after another, and the stewardess came over, saying to Chen
Ze and the girl.

They were all scared to death this time. I thought it was over and the drug dealer
hijacked. What better end would there be.

I didn't expect that Chen Ze and this girl came out halfway, and two people won so
many drug dealers. Two people won so many drug dealers. They really felt too happy,
so they spoke one by one, grateful. Holding them both.

Not only inside the cabin, the aircraft control room, where the pilot stayed, but
when they heard the sound outside, they were all relieved when they knew what was
happening outside.
To be honest, although the drug dealers were not able to come in, they were
completely blinded at this time and had no idea what to do. Now someone finally
came out to solve these drug dealers, and they all felt that the big stones in
their hearts had landed.

地面 "Ground ground, here I am flight A819, things have been resolved, things have
been resolved."

The pilot opened his mouth to the instrument. He just reported the drug trafficking
hijacking in the past. Now that the matter is resolved, he will naturally report

"What, what? Has the matter been resolved? How was it resolved?" The ground
replied, speaking with surprise and anxiety. UU 看书 www.uukanshu.com

"A girl and a young man took the shot, and they won the drug dealers. And those
drug dealers didn't seem to be effective and had been subdued," said the pilot.

"A man and a woman? The drug dealers are not strong in combat?" The ground said,
"No, you're careless. Hurry up and inform the man and the woman. I just got the
news from the police station. There is a master of Muay Thai from the drug dealer.
Real Muay Thai masters, let them be careful. "


I heard the news, both pilots were stunned.

At this time, Chen Ze still has the girl.

He heard the words of people around him and heard applause, Chen Ze smiled on his

Alas, he always felt a little upset.

I won so many drug dealers so easily and subdued them. These drug dealers, are they
not too weak?

This combat power turned out to be a drug dealer mixed in the Golden Triangle, but
also dare to hijack?

"I feel a bit wrong."

Chen Ze spoke, trying to tell the girl the anxiety in his heart.

Suddenly He Yuguang came over in a dark shadow, and he fisted alone, hitting the
girl at a very fast speed.

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Chapter FTLS 260: Crisis

"How's the situation now?"

In the general control room of Yucheng Airport, a middle-aged man in police uniform
came in.

Judging from the police ranks on his clothes, his status is very high.
With a serious face at this moment, he walked in and spoke to the leaders of the
airport in the general control room: "We have contacted the capital police. This
funeral sand is the largest drug dealer captured in Jinshanjiao during this time.
His lair , His elite men were almost swept away by us. But some die-hards escaped,
and they fled into the mainland, preparing to recover the lost sand. "

"Therefore, the Ministry of Public Security decided to arrange for two people to
**** the funeral sand to Beijing, and spread the fanfare all the way, attracting
the attention of the remaining drug dealers, looking for opportunities to directly
destroy them. Sha Jinjing. Unexpectedly, the news leaked, and the remaining drug
dealers knew where the sand was lost, and they brazenly hijacked it. Now, what's
going on?

"The news from the plane said that the drug dealers had been subdued, and they were
subdued by a man and a woman." The airport official said.

"Has been subdued?" Hearing the head of the airport, the police leader froze. "No,
the drug dealers are all fierce. Why were they subdued?"

"I don't know, it seems to mean that the man and the woman were all boxers, so they
subdued them." The airport leader said.

"Practice boxing?" The police leader frowned. "So, what happened to Zhong Erkun?
Has he been subdued? Is that Muay Thai master?"

"This, after hearing the news, it seems that I did not see that Muay Thai master."
The airport leader said.

"What? Impossible." The police leader said, "This Zhongkun is one of the most
important men in funeral sands. A pair of Muay Thai can be said to be an invincible
player in the Golden Triangle. Even in the world ’s underground black boxing, he is
also famous. In addition to his extremely brutal nature, it can be said that in the
Golden Triangle, it is a name that children will cry when they hear it. This time
we received news that he also came to rescue the funeral sand, how could it not
have appeared. "

"This!" Hearing the words of the police leader, the airport leader hesitated a bit.
He had an idea in his heart, a terrible idea.

"Isn't Zhong Erkun in the crowd of passengers yet to be found?" At this moment, the
police leader said, his face changed directly. "If that is the case, then the man
and the woman are in danger. Zhong Er Kun ’s Muay Thai is definitely not comparable
to ordinary boxing enthusiasts. Even professional boxers may not be his opponents.

And at this moment, in the cabin in the sky.

Looking at a dark shadow, Yu Guang rushed at the girl. Chen Ze was shocked and
quickly said, "Be careful."

However, the speed of the shadow was really scary. When he spoke, the shadow had
already rushed into the girl's side and punched him.


Fortunately, the girl's response was so fast that she made a noise with her two-
handed grid to block the fist of the shadow in the last moment.

However, the girl took a few steps back directly, and the area where her hands were
blocked also turned blue.

Obviously, the strength of this shadow fist, this girl can not stand.

"Everyone be careful, quickly disperse, this is a master." Chen Ze said, and

quickly let everyone around him avoid.

Then, he looked at the shadow, a man in his 30s and 40s in black. It is also a
typical look of Southeast Asians, with a stubborn look and a hat, so that Chen Ze
had never noticed him before.

"Muay, are you a Muay Thai master?"

At this moment, the girl said, she clearly recognized the man's boxing.

"I didn't expect your little girl to look so well. I just punched and you
recognized it." The man smiled when he heard the girl's words. "Yes, it's the
invincible Muay Thai, and I'm the sky The most powerful Muay Thai underneath, Zhong
Er Kun! "

"Zhong Erkun?" Chen Ze froze, he had never heard the name.

Not only him, the girl has never heard of it. Although Zhong Erkun is so famous for
many years, he is not just in the Golden Triangle, and he has not participated in
any world competition. Naturally, he has no reputation in the world.

Therefore, with the exception of the anti-drug police, most people do not know him
at all.

"I know the Muay Thai King, it's not you." The girl said, looking at Zhong Er Kun
Road, and said that she was posing in a boxing fight. "And who said that Muay Thai
is an invincible boxing method?

Looking at the girl's posture, she wanted to fight with Zhong Zhongkun.

"Ha ha ha ha, little girl, I admit that you are really good, boxing is very good,
and even close to the male professional boxer. A girl who can practice boxing so
well, I want to teach you who boxing must be Very powerful. But I tell you, you are
far from my opponent. "Zhong Erkun said, laughing at the girl.

"How can you know without giving it a try." The girl said, looking at Zhong Erkun.

Speaking, she said to Chen Ze again: "Hurry up and hide aside, this person is very
powerful, far from being comparable to you, you should run away."

Although it was only a punch from Zhong Erkun, the girl could feel that Zhong Erkun
was really strong.

She knew that even if she wasn't her opponent, let alone Chen Ze, she let Chen Ze
dodge it quickly.

"You have to be careful."

Chen Ze spoke and walked aside.

He also knows that Zhong Erkun is very powerful ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ If he stands

beside the girl, he just causes trouble for the girl, so he walks away.

However, he was very worried at the moment, because he also knew that no matter how
the girl played, I am afraid that he was not a rival to this mediocrity.

After seeing Chen Ze a little far away, the girl turned to Zhong Erkun again, with
a little enthusiasm in her eyes: "Very well, being able to play against a master
like you is my most desired thing."

Although the opponent is very powerful, the girl is now boiling with blood.

This made Chen Ze stunned, and Zhong Erkun was stunned. He felt belittled by the
girl and put a face down: "At once, you will know how regretful you are and met

With that said, he rushed towards the girl, and the speed was amazing.

"How to do?"

At this moment, Chen Ze was anxious, thinking about this problem.

Although the girl is strong, she must not be the opponent of this Zhongkun.

So what exactly should be done?

All of a sudden, Chen Ze and the girl, as well as everyone on the plane, were in

"Congratulations to the host. The popularity of Boxing God has reached one hundred,
and a lottery can be conducted."

记住 Remember the first domain name in this book:. Mobile website reading URL:

Chapter FTLS 261: Boxing

"Congratulations to the host. The popularity of the Boxing God mission has reached
one hundred, and a lottery can be conducted."

When Chen Ze was very anxious, a systemic sound suddenly sounded in his mind.


Hearing the words of the system, Chen Ze was a little stunned. His popularity was
100? Is there a hundred now?

Chen Ze remembered that the task he had only taken yesterday, how suddenly the
popularity was over a hundred?

"What's going on? Why is it suddenly a hundred people?" Chen Ze asked.

"It's the people in this aircraft that provide you with popularity." The system
said, "There are nearly two hundred people in this aircraft. The more people are on
the edge of life and death, the greater the hope placed on them, and the increased
popularity Naturally, the higher. "

"So it is."

Hearing the words of the system, Chen Ze nodded, then looked around. Everyone was
pale, hiding in his seat.

However, those who looked to Chen Ze and this girl's side had longing eyes.
Obviously, they all hope that Chen Ze and this girl can win so that they can

"It turned out to be this way, then the system, I can start the lottery now."

Chen Ze spoke, and he reacted. Although he is not the opponent of this middle and
high-level Muay Thai master at all, if he wins some good skills of boxing god, he
may win him.

"Of course you can." The system said, "But host, your opponent at this moment is
very powerful. Even if you are a professional boxer, I am afraid few people can
beat him. You want to be able to beat him immediately. I am afraid it will not be
easy. "

"That is hope, right?" Chen Ze said, understanding the system from another aspect.

"This is also true. Although this opponent is very powerful, there are still a lot
of boxing **** skills that can let the host win you immediately," said the system.

"That's okay," Chen Ze said. "Then I will start the lottery !!!"

Just when Chen Ze was talking with the system and was about to start the lottery,
the battle between the girl and Zhong Erkun began.

Muay Thai is very powerful in his elbow and knee hits. The maximum damage of elbow
hits is several times greater than that of boxing, and the highest knee hit is more
than 50 kilometers of car impact.

So as far as lethality is concerned, Muay Thai is indeed very powerful.

And at this moment, Zhong Erkun rushed up, jumped up, and struck the girl with his

However, this girl is obviously aware of the power of Muay Thai. Her feet are very
light and she hides very quickly. Therefore, although the attack speed of Zhong
Erkun is very fast, but this knee hit and the follow-up actions are still hidden by
the girl one by one.

But it is even more obvious that the girl fell completely into the wind from the
beginning. Because under this Zhongkun attack, she was just able to barely defend
herself and had no room to fight back.

Even one of his arms was rubbed away by Zhong Erkun's elbow, and he became blue.

"It's really amazing. Your speed is so fast. I really underestimate you." After
stopping, Zhong Erkun spoke to the girl with a little surprise, he thought he had
just A series of attacks was enough to make the girl hit and lose combat

Unexpectedly, she was avoided by one by one, which surprised Zhong Erkun.

He knows his strength. If it is an ordinary person, even an ordinary boxing

enthusiast, it is absolutely impossible to escape his series of attacks.

To be able to hide away, that strength must be extraordinary.

"Actually, it's not difficult, it's easy." The girl said, but although she said so,
her face was covered with sweat, and she began to breathe, apparently she was not
as easy as she said.

"Okay, a girl has practiced so hard and is so stubborn. I still saw it for the
first time." Hearing the girl's words, Zhong Erkun laughed. I didn't do my best.
Next, it's not that simple. "

As he said, he rushed towards the girl again, sweeping his legs and hitting the

At this moment, the general control room of the ground airfield was completely

Because the news from the pilot just came back, they knew that Zhong Erkun actually
appeared and hit the man and the woman.

With Zhong and Kun's fighting power, they knew that this man and a woman were
probably finished, and it would be possible to be killed by Zhong and Kun directly
on the spot. And once the man and the woman are killed by the grid, the more than a
hundred passengers in the entire cabin will probably be followed.

Therefore, at this moment, both the senior police officers and the leaders of the
airport are very dignified, watching the changes on the plane through the broadcast
of the pilot.

"What's the matter?" The senior officer of the policeman asked eagerly.

"The situation is very bad, not good. Although the girl is still insisting, it is
clear that she is not Zhong Erkun's opponent. And the boy looks even worse than
that girl. Looking at the situation at the scene, I am afraid that at most For a
minute, the girl would be unable to hold on. "The pilot's voice came from the
equipment in the control room.

The pilot looked at the situation inside the cabin and reported it to the ground.

Hearing this paragraph of the pilot, both the senior police leader and the airport
leader knew that things were slipping quickly towards the worst they expected.

"Zhang Ju, it seems that the man and the woman will not be Zhong and Kun's
opponents. We must prepare to deal with the worst situation." The airport leader

Upon hearing what he said, the senior police officer nodded his head and looked
serious: "Zhong Erkun is a famous Muay Thai master. That man and woman are not his
opponents' normal, but this Zhong and Kunsheng is very cruel. Having control of the
entire cabin, I'm afraid the worst could happen. "

In the worst case, naturally the entire cabin was killed. Once this happened, the
police leader and the airport leader knew that things would be really big.

They are absolutely reluctant to see this happen, but now they are powerless!

"Hopefully, a miracle will happen." The police leader said.

"Will there be?"

There are a lot of people in the control room, but we all know that I'm afraid they

At the moment, in the aircraft cabin, Zhong Erkun was still attacking the girl, and
his speed was getting faster and faster, but that girl's speed was getting slower
and slower because of exhaustion. It used to be, but there were still a lot of
places where it was hit.

So the girl's hands and even her cheeks started to turn red and blue.

However, the girl still did not retreat, as if accustomed to this injury, and
continued to fight against Zhongkun.


It was another knee blow. This time, the girl could not hide, and she fastened it
down with both hands, making a muffled sound, making the girl's entire body shake.

But at this moment, Zhong Zhongkun unexpectedly struck his elbow from another
angle, an angle that the girl could not escape at all.

This move is Zhong Erkun's killing move. He had a sloppy smile on his face, because
he knew the girl was unable to escape.

"Be careful!"

Seeing this, everyone in the cabin screamed, they also saw it, this was a killing
move. If you can't escape, not only will you be hit, but even the girl's life may
not be guaranteed.

The girl also reacted, but she was numb at the moment, and lost her ability to
control her body by this Zhonger Kun's last move.

Therefore, although I reacted, I couldn't do anything about it, so I just watched

Zhong Erkun.

"It's over!" Thought the girl.

Many of the passengers and flight attendants in the cabin closed their eyes and
couldn't bear to watch the next scene.

But at this moment, the girl suddenly felt that someone pulled her from the back,
making her take a few steps backwards, and escaped the attack of Zhong Erkun.

"Be careful." The person who pulled her started again, and it was Chen Ze ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ You were also very injured, look at me below. "

Chen Ze said, pushing the girl back again, and all of a sudden, he stood in front
of Zhong Erkun.

The girl wants to say something, she wants to say that Chen Ze is definitely not
Zhong Erkun's opponent, this is just to die.

But when she saw Chen Ze's appearance, when she heard Chen Ze's words, she suddenly
felt that Chen Ze had changed a person.

The changer has the ability to deal with Zhong and Kun.

"Three chances of using the boxing gods to punch. Will the host be sure to use it
for the first time at this moment?"

记住 Remember the first domain name in this book:. Mobile website reading URL:

Chapter FTLS 262: 1 punch bomber

报 "Report, report, the girl is okay and was rescued by the boy. But now, the boy
stood before Zhong Erkun."

At the airport's general control room, the pilot on the plane reported the latest


Hearing the news, the police in the general control room and the airport executive
were stunned.

They just heard that the girl was in danger and was going to be killed by Zhong
Erkun. Then suddenly rescued by the boy, the boy also stood opposite Zhong Erkun.

This, what is going on here?

"What's going on, don't you say that the boy is not as good as that girl? Why did
he stand opposite Zhong Erkun?" The airport leader asked loudly.

"It's true. The boy's strength looks a little better than ordinary people, but it
is obviously not as good as that girl, but now it is him, that is, he is facing
Zhong Erkun, and it looks like he will fight Zhong Erkun." , The sound was a little

"This is a joke."

Hearing the pilot's words, the high-ranking police officer spoke. He estimated that
it was the girl who could not do it, and Chen Ze had to step forward. However, if
the situation of the pilot was really followed, then Chen Ze would be useless.

The girl was able to stop for a few minutes. If Chen Ze could not stop the rescue,
she would be killed by Zhong Erkun.

Therefore, after hearing the news, the senior police officer's face turned
completely pale. He estimated that Chen Ze was over, and there would be one more
body on the plane.

Thinking of this, he was very anxious and wanted to find a solution.

However, he shook his head helplessly, he knew that at the moment, there was
nothing he could do.

Chen Ze's life can only be obeyed.

And at the moment, above the plane.

Looking at Chen Ze standing in front of him, Zhong Erkun shuddered, and then
laughed aloud: "Hahaha, you, just you? You want to stop me?"

He also carefully observed the fighting of Chen Ze before, his physical fitness is
really good, and he can even be said to be a genius practicing martial arts.

However, in terms of the current combat effectiveness, it is just a little better

than ordinary people, not even that girl, let alone his opponent.

Therefore, after seeing Chen Ze replace the girl and standing out, Zhong Erkun
laughed and thought it was ridiculous. Chen Ze even dare to challenge himself.

"It's up to you? Hahaha, I tell you, I can kill you with one stroke." Zhong Erkun
looked at Chen Ze and continued laughing, "You, you can't!"

"It's over. We're all over this time. It's this boy. Where is his opponent to the
drug dealer Zhong Erkun? He's just trying to die."

"Yeah, that girl isn't Zhong Erkun's opponent, let alone him. These drug dealers
are extremely cruel, and we're probably going to finish this time."

"It's over, I knew I wouldn't take this flight anymore, and I encountered such a
thing. Although the boy was courageous, he wouldn't be the opponent of Zhong and
Kun at all, we really want to finish this time Now. "

After seeing Chen Ze stand out, the passengers around also said one after another.

They also saw Chen Ze's previous struggles, knowing that Chen Ze would not be Zhong
and Kun's opponent at all.

Therefore, although they all admire Chen Ze's courage, but each one turned pale,
they knew they were finished, Chen Ze would definitely not be Zhong Erkun's
opponent, and he might even be killed by Zhong Erkun's first move.

And at that time, it was their turn.

In fact, there are more than a hundred people in this cabin. If they are swarmed,
even if they are strong, they will not be opponents.

But seeing Zhong Erkun being so strong, and hearing his identity as a drug dealer,
coupled with Zhong Erkun's helpers of drug dealers, where did they dare to rush up,
one can only sit in position and say that they are finished Already.

"Hey, you're not his opponent, let me come."

At this moment, the girl stood behind Chen Ze, and said to Chen Zedao, her face was
pale. Obviously, although he had just escaped the attack that Zhong and Kun had to
kill, he was still hit hard.

But even so, she still wanted to speak and let Chen Ze back down.

I just felt that Chen Ze's ability to deal with Zhong Erkun's idea was only a

Soon, she overthrew her own idea.

Therefore, from an intellectual point of view, an ordinary person who has not even
practiced boxing will not be a rival to Zhongkun anyway.

So she knew that Chen Ze was just trying to die, and was anxious in her heart, and
she wanted to replace Chen Ze.

"No need, take a good rest." Hearing the girl's words, Chen Ze turned his back to
the girl and said, "It's nothing but a queen, I think I can handle it!"

"That's it? Can it handle it?"

Hearing Chen Ze's words, the girl froze and everyone in the cabin froze.
Everyone thinks that Chen Ze is crazy in this kind of environment, otherwise how
dare he say such a thing.

On the side of Zhong Erkun, when he heard Chen Ze's words, the smile on his face
was frozen, and he looked coldly at Chen Ze: "Dare to look down on me, you are
still the first. Originally I just wanted I want to kill you directly and give you
a happy one. Since you say so, then I will let you know what is **** on earth. "

As he said, his figure moved forward, leaping forward high, and then hit him with
one knee.

On the side of Chen Ze, he fisted out, facing Zhong Erkun's knee, and was about to
fight back.

"No, don't use your fists against your knees."

Seeing Chen Ze's appearance, the girl quickly yelled.

The most powerful of Muay Thai is the knee strike. The impact of the same level is
several times greater than boxing. It is simply not hard-wired.

The gap between Chen Ze and Zhong Erkun has made this gap even larger.

The girl knows that if Chen Ze dare to brace the head, I am afraid that his entire
right hand will be fractured, and may even be directly interrupted.

So for a moment, the girl's face paled a little and reminded aloud.

At this moment, Chen Ze's heavy punches have been punched out, and the girl's
reminder is too late ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Boy, dare to directly hit my knee with a
heavy punch, you really don't know anything. Your right hand, ready to abolish it
completely. "

When Zhong Erkun saw Chen Ze, he said loudly. With a look of shiver, he struck
towards Chen Ze. His purpose was very clear, that is, to strike Chen Ze's right arm

When hearing Zhong Erkun's words, Chen Ze still had no changes, and continued to
fight against Zhong Erkun.

However, in my mind, the four big characters of Boxing God and Boxing emerged,
followed by a row of small words: "Boxing God and Boxing, a full blow of Boxing
God, all invincible! No battle is invincible! The host can hold it and crush
everything before him. enemy!"


Chen Ze's right fist collided with Zhong Erkun's knee, making a loud noise.


The girl closed her eyes quickly and did not want to see the tragic situation in
front of her. To her, Chen Ze's arm was considered to be complete.

But when she opened her eyes again, she froze completely.

Chen Ze stood firmly in place, stretched his right hand, nothing happened.

However, Zhong Erkun flew a few meters away, his knees were bleeding, his entire
leg was bent at ninety degrees, and he completely passed out!

He turned out to be bombed and killed by Chen Ze!

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Chapter FTLS 263: Are stunned

"How, how is it possible!"

内 In the cabin, everyone was stunned. Everyone thought that Chen Ze would be
scrapped by Zhong Erkun's right arm, and he might even be seriously injured or even
die directly.

But unexpectedly, now, unexpectedly, Chen Ze has nothing at all.

But Erzhong and Kun directly flew backwards, flying several meters away.

Also, fainted.

的 The result of the whole thing turned out to be the other way round.

"This, this, what's going on? It should happen!"

"My God, this is amazing. This boy is amazing. It is so amazing."

"It's amazing, this boy is really amazing."

People all around said, very surprised.

I was surprised, and they looked at Chen Ze one by one, with more admiration and

Because they know, because of this punch of Chen Ze, their danger is completely

"You, are you okay."

The girl reacted and rushed up, looking at Chen Ze's arm and saying.

Although Chen Ze's arm seemed to be okay, after all, it was He Zhong Erkun who had
a shocked face, so she was a bit worried about Chen Ze's arm.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

Chen Ze laughed and raised his arm. Obviously, he really had nothing at all.

"It's all right, all right."

The girl sighed, but then thought of something, and hurriedly walked in front of
Zhong Erkun, and then squatted down to check Zhong Erkun's condition.

"He passed out, will not wake up again."

Chen Chen also walked behind her and asked.

"It depends, it won't happen," the girl said.

"That's good, that's good."

泽 Chen Ze nodded and smiled. To be honest, he didn't have a concept about how
powerful the boxing and heavy boxing was. He just chose He Zhong and Kun to be
hard-hitting, and it was just because of trust in the system. He doesn't know
exactly how powerful the boxing punch is.

But now when I saw a punch, he punched Zhong Er Kun with all his strength for a few
meters, and he stunned.

Chen Ze didn't think of it at all. He didn't think that the power of this boxing
**** would be so great.

"There are still two opportunities to use it. It seems that this boxing heavy punch
cannot be used casually, otherwise it may directly kill someone."

泽 Chen Ze murmured to himself, he just got three chances to use the boxing punch.
I didn't pay much attention to it before, and now I see such a fierce Zhong Erkun,
it turned out to be this end, and he couldn't even catch his own blow.

泽 Chen Ze knew that this skill could not be used casually, otherwise it would be
very likely to kill people casually.

However, although he can't use it casually, Chen Ze still feels beautiful with such
strong skills.

"How do you do it, you?"

At this moment, on the opposite side of Chen Ze, the girl stood up and turned to
face Chen Zedao, with a look of shock and utter astonishment on her face.

"I just took a look at the situation of Zhong Erkun. Not only will he not wake up,
but his entire right leg will be abolished. Even if he wakes up in the future, I'm
afraid it's just a disability. If you punch Zhong Zhong Kunda became disabled. How
did you do it? "

The girl said, looking at Chen Zedao.

After checking Zhong Erkun's body, she was completely shocked.

Yun Zhongkun not only was beaten by Chen Ze a few meters away, but his right leg
was also directly abolished.

知道 She knows the practice of Muay Thai, the focus is on the elbows and legs,
especially the legs. Legs are the most important weapon of Muay Thai.

Even more so for masters like Zhong Erkun.

The girl knew that Zhong Erkun must have put a lot of effort on his leg, which is
not something that ordinary people can hurt.

But now, Chen Ze not only blocked Zhong Erkun's leg with his fist, but also
directly defeated Zhong Erkun's leg with a punch.

This, this is simply not something one can do.

She is very skeptical, let alone ordinary people, even the heavyweight boxing
champions in the world, I am afraid I can't do this.

And Chen Ze did it!

Especially this Chen Ze, she knew that she was obviously not a boxer before, she
even seemed to be just an ordinary person.

普通 An ordinary person has done such a shocking thing.

So the girl was too shocked. Looking at Chen Ze, she was speechless. It took a long
time to speak and asked this question.

"This one!"

泽 Seeing the girl, Chen Ze shouted badly. The situation was too urgent just now,
he had no time to pretend, and could not pretend.

If it is an ordinary person, I certainly can't see the power of Chen Ze's punch.

But Chen Ze knows that this girl who loves boxing so much, and even a boxing
expert, cannot see it.

So, how do you explain it yourself?

这个 "This, in fact, I am not quite sure, I just punched a punch, and then he did."
Finally, Chen Ze said, posing innocent, "I think it may be God bless me."


I heard Chen Ze's words, the girl was speechless.

God bless you, can it be a little more nonsense. And according to normal
circumstances, it should be this Zhong and Kun bless you to go to God.

The girl was killed and did not believe Chen Ze's words, but there was no way she
did not know how this happened

Alas, in other words, she couldn't believe that such a thing would happen. She
looked at Chen Ze: "This guy, really has unlimited potential!"

飞行员 The pilot's control room, the pilot cheered at the moment.

They also saw Chen Zezhong Zhongkun fainted ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ the crisis was
lifted. So each one cheered, or they didn't know what to do.

"What happened? What happened?"

At this moment, the voices of senior police officers and airport leaders came from
the communicator. They didn't know what had happened, so they asked quickly after
hearing the sound of cheers.

"Subdued, that Zhong Erkun was subdued. By the boy, he was knocked down with a
punch." The pilot said.

"You, what do you say?"

When I heard the pilot's words, everyone in the airport control room was shocked.
The airport leader quickly asked again, and he thought that his ears were wrong.

"I said Zhong Erkun was subdued, and the boy was stunned by a punch."

飞行员 The pilot's words came from inside the communicator.

Hearing this, the control room choked completely.

高层 The senior police officers and the airport leaders looked at each other, and
they both saw an incredible expression in the eyes of each other.

"Zhong Erkun, playing in the Golden Triangle invincible, and the underground black
fist world is also famous Zhong Erkun, was even subdued, and, still, one punch
uniform! This, how is this possible!" Said the residents of the town, the third
more, begging Recommended tickets for subscriptions

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Chapter FTLS 264: your name

"Thank you both for your efforts this time to subdue these drug dealers. Without
you, I'm afraid it's really dangerous today." The police officer in the airport's
medical office faced Chen Ze and the girl spoke. .

As soon as the plane landed, it was surrounded by the police regiments. Those drug
dealers, including funeral sand and Zhong Erkun, were taken away by the police, and
Chen Ze and the girl were also taken by the police to the airport's medical room.
Healing their injuries, on the other hand, asked them what was going on at the

Chen Ze was okay, almost nothing.

The girl was a bit miserable, because she had fought with Zhong Erkun, and she
suffered multiple injuries on her arms, but fortunately, they were basically
scratches and bruises. It was not serious. After being treated by the doctor, , She
will be fine.

"However, given their special status, we cannot report on what you are doing today,
or they will attract their accomplices. I am afraid that you are really dangerous.
Please forgive me," said the senior police officer. Road.

"Understand. Understand." Chen Ze said. "The general anti-drug police will not be
revealed. We understand this."

"That's good, but you don't have to tell what's going on here today, otherwise I'm
afraid there will be danger." The senior police officer said.

"We know." The girl also spoke, nodding.

"Okay, then our transcript is finished, you can go." The police officer spoke,
nodded, and said to Chen Ze and the girl.

Hearing the words of the high-level police officer, Chen Ze quickly stood up. He
and the girl have been here for several hours. They have been treating and being
asked about the things on the plane.

Although Chen Ze understood it, but after a long time, he was a little annoyed, so
after hearing the words of the senior police officer, he quickly stood up and said,
"Well, let's go now."

The girl also stood up, nodded towards the police officer, and then went out with
Chen Ze.

Looking at the back of the two, especially Chen Ze's, the senior police officer
still couldn't help sighing: "Somehow he punched Zhong Erkun into a stun. How did
this man do it?"
After knowing this from the pilot, the senior police officer was in extreme shock.
As the senior police officer, he knew that Zhong Erkun was powerful.

It can even be said that the strength of Zhong Erkun is far beyond the concept of
ordinary people.

But such a person was even subdued by Chen Ze, and he was fainted with a punch.

Putting it in the past, this senior police officer would never believe that such a
ridiculous thing would happen.

Today, things have happened.

After Chen Ze them and other passengers got off the plane, they asked this

The answers that came out were surprisingly consistent. Zhong Erkun was knocked out
by Chen Ze.

This surprised the senior police officers.

After just contacting Chen Ze, he determined that Chen Ze was just an ordinary
young man.

An ordinary young man did this, and he felt it was too unimaginable.

"Secretary, Zhong Erkun's medical examination results came out."

While the police officer was lamenting, a policeman came in and spoke to him.

"What happened?" The senior policeman asked.

"It doesn't matter much, just passed out." The policeman said, "But."

"But?" The senior policeman asked.

"However, his right leg was the one that was hit, the knee on his leg was broken
and broken into pieces." The policeman said.


Hearing the words of the policeman, the high-level policeman stood up, with a
tremendous shock on his face.

The kneecap is one of the hardest bones in the human body, so Muay Thai uses this
as a weapon.

But now it's broken, broken into pieces.

The senior police officer knew that it was broken by Chen Ze with a punch.

Zhong Erkun, a master of this level, was broken by a punch in the kneecap.

He was really shocked, thinking of Chen Ze, who looked like an ordinary person:
"What kind of person is this guy?"

Outside the airport, Chen Ze and the girl walked out.

While walking, the two were chatting.

"Thanks to you this time, it's not that you stunned Zhong Erkun. We're really in
trouble this time." The girl told Chen Ze that she still doesn't know how Chen Ze
did it.

But no matter how Chen Ze did it, she knew that she had to thank Chen Ze well.

Without Chen Ze, she knew she was really dangerous today.

"Haha, it's okay, I'm just lucky." Chen Ze laughed, and didn't want to let this
girl mention this matter at all. "Yes, your injury is okay. Zhong Erkun's strength
is not ordinary, although You're only scratched, but I guess it's not good, either.

"It's not good, but I'm used to it." The girl laughed when she heard Chen Ze's

"Get used to it?" Chen Ze froze.

"Yes, my dad is actually a boxer, and he is a former professional boxer. Since he

was a kid, he has often trained me to let me fight him. I have been used to this
kind of abrasion. Honestly, I hit my father Some of the injuries were more serious
than this. On one occasion, I was stunned by my father and was taken to the
hospital. "The girl laughed.

"Ex-professional boxer? It turned out to be like this ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I said

how your boxing was so good. It turned out to be this way."

Hearing the girl's words, Chen Ze nodded, and he finally understood why the boxing
of this girl was so good, and it was a little strange.

And in the face of an opponent like Zhong Erkun, there was no fear, even very

It turned out that she turned out to be the daughter of a professional boxer.

"Haha, then your dad must be very happy to see you so powerful." Chen Ze laughed.

"This, maybe." The girl said, a loneliness suddenly flashed on her face.

They talked and walked to the airport taxi.

Chen Ze helped the girl to open the door of the taxi, and then stuffed the girl's
luggage into the car.

"Then next time, we have a chance to see you again." The girl in the car smiled at
Chen Ze.

"OK." Chen Ze nodded.

Then the car started, with a buzz, it drove out into the distance.

Looking at the back of the car, Chen Ze suddenly remembered something, and quickly
reached out his hand, trying to catch it towards the taxi: "Yes, your name !!!"

After staying with this girl for so long, Chen Ze remembered that he didn't even
know her name.

记住 Remember the first domain name in this book:. Mobile website reading URL:

Chapter FTLS 265: Boxing club

"Mom, I'm back. Well, I just got home."

After coming out of the airport, Chen Ze immediately called his mother as soon as
he got home.

"It ’s good to be back, you are so grown up, and you suddenly ran out for a tour.
This time, you have to rest assured. Although you made a little money in the last
car and chef race, you still have to find something formal Work. "

Chen Ze's mother's voice came from the phone. This time when he went out of Macau
and Las Vegas, Chen Ze could not tell his true purpose, so he just told his mother
that he was traveling.

Hearing that his son was going to travel suddenly, Chen Ze's mother was a little
frightened. Generally, a person as large as Chen Ze can't say that if he goes on a
trip, he can't go on a job, save money to buy a house to marry his wife.

However, because Chen Ze made a lot of money in the car race and the chef's race
last time, his mother didn't have any opinion, so she went out to relax.

But after Chen Ze returned, he immediately stunned him.

"I know, I know."

Hearing his mother's words, Chen Ze spoke, but there was something in his heart
that could not help crying or laughing. When he went out this time, he made nearly
one billion US dollars, which was converted into six or seven billion yuan.

With so much money, even in the whole of China, it is barely ranked as the number
one. Where do I need to find a job?

However, Chen Ze naturally couldn't tell his mother about this, so he could only
agree with crying and laughing.

"By the way, I'd like to buy a new house for you and dad. Our family has lived
there for decades. I think the new houses that have been opened recently are quite

Chen Ze said, with so much money, he wanted to change his house for his parents.

"No, we are living well now," his mother said. "Aside, don't you just win a prize
of more than two million yuan? That's not a lot of money, don't you spend it
wildly, Ozawa, I don't know how much it took to travel this time. You can save the
rest. You will be able to get married and buy a house later. "

His mother didn't know that Chen Ze had made another one billion dollars, and
thought that Chen Ze had only two million.

Although there is already a lot of money, in front of the house, it is nothing.

So his mother said, fearing that Chen Ze was in a mess, he exhorted.

"Okay, I know." Chen Ze said. Since his mother said he was unwilling to change the
house, the billion-dollar bill could not be said again. Chen Ze decided not to
entangle with his mother on this issue, and wait for the next time When you go
home, bring back good supplements and medical equipment.

"That mother, I just came back and I was too tired to rest first." Chen Ze said.

"Then you rest first."

Chen Ze's mother said, hanging up the phone.

Chen Ze is also a bit tired. Not only did he take such a long flight, but he also
wrestled with drug dealers, especially Zhong Er Kun, a Muay Thai master.

So after hanging up the phone, he hurriedly took a shower, then lay on the bed and
looked at the walls of this small rental house.

"Yes, my mother doesn't want to change, why shouldn't I change it?" Suddenly, Chen
Ze spoke and suddenly sat up and said.

He rented a rental house at the moment when he had no money before, and the rent
for a month was less than a thousand.

The rent of this price is nothing at all in Yucheng, where house prices are soaring
today, so the environmental quality of this house can also be imagined.

Chen Ze had no money in the past, so he never changed.

But now it's different. How can Chen Ze be a person worth billions of RMB? How can
he still live here?

"Change, change tomorrow. This broken place, I have been tired of living."

Finally, Chen Ze spoke, preparing to change houses tomorrow.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Ze checked the situation of renting a
house in Yucheng on the Internet, from a few thousand to tens of thousands a month.

For the average person, the rent price is naturally their most concerned.

But Chen Ze is different. Rents of several thousand, or tens of thousands of rents,

have no meaning to Chen Ze, they are all small money.

Therefore, Chen Ze is more concerned about the environment around the rented house,
whether the transportation is convenient, and whether there are many supermarkets,
restaurants and the like.

"This is a two-bedroom, one-living room, five thousand six a month. The house is
not badly decorated, but it is too far from the subway."

"This one-bedroom, one-living room is 8,000 a month, the environment is good, and
the location is almost downtown, but it is too close to the train station."

"This is also good, traffic and environment are good."

While looking at the house introduction on the website, Chen Ze muttered to

himself. He took a lot of fancy, but after taking a closer look, he rejected them
one by one.

These houses are all good, but some of them are not exactly in his mind.
"Didn't it?" After searching for a long time, he couldn't find it, Chen Ze murmured
to himself.

But all of a sudden, his eyes brightened, and he found a house with a monthly rent
of 128,000, a two-bedroom, one-living room, and a hotel-style apartment. No matter
the environment or the traffic, he was very agreeable.

More crucially, in the introduction of the house, he saw a message that there was a
newly opened boxing club nearby.

For this task, Chen Ze felt that although there is a system to provide skills to
draw, but it is best to learn boxing systematically, so that the skills provided by
the system can be better utilized.

Therefore, before returning, Chen Ze decided to find a boxing club to join and
study hard.

So now when I see a newly opened boxing club near this house, Chen Ze is very
happy: "This is the house, this house is just for me."

Immediately, he called the agent according to the phone number on the webpage and
made an appointment to check the house.

At that time, Chen Ze followed the agent to see the house. It was really good. It
was really a hotel-style apartment, exactly the same as the hotel, but the
environment was much better than ordinary hotels.

And the surrounding environment, snacks, and transportation are indeed very in line
with Chen Ze's heart.

"It's good here ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen Ze started.

"Mr. Chen, you are satisfied. If you feel good, then we might as well sign a
contract." The agent said.

"No, I want to see one more thing." Chen Ze said.

"What?" The agent said.

"The boxing club here, I want to join the boxing club here." Chen Ze said, facing
the agent, "Do you know where the club is? I want to see it for myself. If it is
good, then I sign contract."

Hearing Chen Ze's words, the intermediary was stunned. This was the first time he
heard that someone came to rent a house and had to look at the boxing club.

记住 Remember the first domain name in this book:. Mobile website reading URL:

Chapter FTLS 266: Zhao Yamei

Yucheng, in front of a building!

Chen Ze stood in front of the building's door and looked up at the building: "Is
the boxing club on the 22nd floor?"

Chen Ze knew where the boxing club was from the intermediary, so he rushed over by

After he came over, he was startled. The location of the club was really luxurious,
almost the downtown area.
In such a place, there is even a newly opened boxing club. Chen Ze knows that this
club must be extraordinary. At least, the financial resources must be

After looking up at the club, Chen Ze walked into the building.

"Hello, there is a new boxing club opened on the 22nd floor. If you are interested
in boxing, you can go up and check it out. At present, the registration fee is 10%

While Chen Ze was walking inside, a voice suddenly came from the side, and then a
leaflet was jammed in front of Chen Ze.

Chen Ze hesitated, understand that this is the person invited by the boxing club to
send out leaflets to promote them.

He looked at the leaflet and saw the seven big words above: "Asia-American Boxing

"It turned out to be the Asian-American Boxing Club."

Chen Ze murmured to himself, he turned back, like to ask the leaflet carefully and
ask her about the club.

But suddenly, he froze.

The person who distributed the leaflet was a girl, wearing a uniform with the Asian
and American characters, and a peaked cap. She was very nice.

More importantly, she turned out to be the person Chen Ze met on the plane.

"It's you," Chen Ze said.

The girl was still focusing on handing out flyers to other people. After hearing
Chen Ze's words, she also froze and turned back: "It's you, so clever."

"What are you doing here?" Chen Ze asked, with some surprises and surprises.

"Flying leaflets." The girl waved at the few leaflets left in her hand. "I'm doing
a part-time job, and part-time job is just sending out leaflets."

"Are you doing a part-time job?" Chen Ze paused, seemingly did not expect the girl
to do such a thing.

"Yeah, I'm a college student, and I usually get a part-time job, isn't it strange?"
The girl said.

"No, I mean do you need to work part time?"

Chen Ze remembered that the girl went to Macau to watch a boxing match last time,
and a ticket for a boxing match was said to be too expensive.

And when she returned, she was still sitting in first class with herself.

Such a girl, no matter how you look at it, should not be a lack of money, need to
be a part-time person.

"This, I just sit idle and find something to do. Anyway, idle is also idle." The
girl said, and seemed to know the meaning of Chen Ze's questioning.

"So it is." Chen Ze nodded.

"Then why are you here?" The girl asked.

"I'm going to see the boxing club here." Chen Ze said, waving the leaflet sent by
the girl. "This is the boxing club you sent."

"Really? Do you want to come and learn boxing?" The girl suddenly got excited when
she heard what Chen Ze said.

"No, just look at it casually, let's see how it looks." Chen Ze said.

"Then you have to come and learn." The girl started, and seemed to want Chen Zexue
to box. "You wait for me. I will finish this leaflet soon. When I am done, I will
go up with you and show you around." "Guarantee you will want to learn boxing," the
girl said.

Talking about speeding up her speed, she almost sent out the few leaflets in her
hand in a situation of hard stopper.

Looking at the girl's figure, Chen Ze felt a little strange.

Last time she didn't even know her name, and Yu Cheng was big. Chen Ze originally
thought it might be difficult to meet her again.

Unexpectedly, she met her again so soon.

"Well, at least you have to know her name this time." Chen Ze thought to himself,
looking at the figure of the girl.

"Let's go, I'm done."

At this moment, the girl came over and said with a smile.

Then, he took Chen Ze into the elevator.

Chen Ze watched the leaflet while standing on the elevator.

I saw on the leaflet that, in addition to the name of the club, there are photos of
the facilities in the various clubs. It looks really professional and luxurious.

However, the last photo caught Chen Ze's attention. This photo doesn't seem to be a
photo in this club, but a boxing ring.

The fist ring was full of people, and everyone looked excited, as if cheering in
apathy. Just looking at their photos is like hearing cheers and cheers.

On the fist ring, the spotlights gathered. A man stood with his back to his face
and looked extremely sacred, wide and majestic.

When people look, they have a great admiration for this man and this boxing ring.

"This boxing ring is the San Diego Boxing Stadium." At this moment, the girl
suddenly said.

"San Diego Boxing Gym?" Chen Ze froze when he heard the girl's words. Where did he
seem to have heard the name.
"Yeah, it is the holy place for boxers and boxers all over the world." The girl
said, saying here, there is a layer of reverence on her face. "Every year there are
many boxing matches for professional boxers all over the world, but the
specifications are the highest. The title boxing competition with the largest
number of followers will only be held in the San Diego Grand Boxing Stadium. It can
be said that this boxing stadium is the cradle of the boxing champion and
represents the highest honor of boxing. "

"Therefore, I don't know how many boxers, the goal of my life is to hope to be able
to ascend to the San Diego Boxing Stadium. Only there can you prove that you have
reached the highest level of boxing. Only there can you be born, the world The
strongest man! "

Hearing the girl's words, Chen Ze looked upright.

If this is the case, then this San Diego Boxing Hall is really the title of a holy
place for boxing.

So many professional boxers every year, the goal is to rush to the San Diego Boxing
Stadium, where they truly prove themselves. To this end, continuous sweating and
constant struggle.

Thinking of this, Chen Ze even got a little blood boiling.

"But since it is the holy place of boxing, so naturally it is not so good." At this
time, the girl spoke again and said dimly. It's hard to get here. In the end, it
just failed in the overcrowding of the shock, and finally retired. "

Hearing the girl's words ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen Ze was also speechless.

Just then, the elevator reached the 22nd floor and reached Chen Ze's goal today.

"Come in, I'll show you around."

The girl said again, and she got excited again, and while walking out of the

Chen Ze was also preparing to go out, and suddenly the girl turned back again:
"Yes, I forgot to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Chen Ze froze.

"My name is Yamei, Zhao Yamei!"

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Chapter FTLS 267: Kicking

"Zhao Yamei?" Chen Ze froze.

"Yes, just call me Amei." The girl laughed.


Looking at Zhao Yamei, Chen Ze was a little stunned. He wanted to ask Zhao Yamei's
name, but she didn't expect to speak, but she said it automatically.
"What did you suddenly tell me?" Chen Ze asked.

"I remember when I was separated from you at the airport, I faintly seemed to hear
someone asking my name." Zhao Yamei said, looking at Chen Ze with a smile.

"Really?" Chen Ze said, pretending to be stupid. "Why didn't I hear that?"

"Ao, and if I don't tell you my name, I feel like I'm losing." Zhao Yamei said.

"You lost?" Hearing Zhao Yamei's words, Chen Ze was more stunned, "What is it?"

"I know your name, but you don't know my name. Isn't that what I lost?" Zhao Yamei

"Do you know my name?" Chen Ze paused, and he remembered that he hadn't told her
the name, how could she know?

"Yes, your name is Chen Ze." Zhao Yamei said.

"How do you know?" Chen Ze was surprised.

"Guess." Zhao Yamei laughed. "Can I guess?"


Out of the elevator, Chen Ze led by Zhao Yamei and walked towards the door of the

As soon as he reached the door, Chen Ze saw a large glass door, and on the glass
door, there was a big picture of a character.

The character in this photo is a man in his forties, with a bald head, a beard, and
a fierce look.

"Who is this person?" Chen Ze asked.

"This person has two identities, one is the owner of this club." Zhao Yamei said.

"Oh, that person is kind of narcissistic." Chen Ze said. "The fierce look of a long
man, he dare to put his picture so big, and put it here, the courage is really
commendable. Second identity Anymore? "

"My father." Zhao Yamei said.

After hearing Zhao Yamei's words, Chen Ze was almost shocked that his jaw did not
fall to the ground: "You, your father?"

Chen Ze carefully looked at Zhao Yamei, and then looked at her father. Zhao Yamei
was naturally very beautiful, and she also had a sense of brilliance in her beauty.
However, she was completely similar to the person in the photo. This, is this
surely the father and daughter?

Chen Ze suddenly responded: "Yes, this Zhao Yamei said that her father was a former
professional boxer, and the name of this boxing club is also Yamei, yes, it must be
named after Zhao Yamei."

Thinking of this, Chen Ze quickly spoke, sweating: "Haha, I said how uncle was so
brave and brave, it turned out to be your father."
"Asian America."

When Chen Ze spoke and remedied what he had just said, suddenly a voice came out.
Chen Ze looked up, and a distant person greeted Zhao Yamei.

"What is this person?" Chen Ze asked.

"My fierce father." Zhao Yamei said, waving her father.


After entering, Zhao Yamei greeted her father and then took Chen Ze around to

Not to mention, this boxing club is indeed exceptionally luxurious, and all kinds
of boxing practice facilities are also very perfect, with hanging sandbags

In the center, there is also a ring!

In addition to Chen Ze, there are many people practicing in vests, obviously all
members here.

There are many more people, like Chen Ze, who visited these four weeks. Obviously,
they are also considering joining the club, so they came to visit.

"Is Uncle a former professional player? When did you retire? Why doesn't it seem
like I've never seen it before?"

While visiting, Chen Ze looked at Zhao Yamei's father and asked.

After knowing that his task is boxing, he searched the Internet and had a general
understanding of the current boxing, especially the world ’s famous boxers in
recent years.

However, in Chen Ze's impression, he never met Zhao Yamei's father.

"It's been a long time, maybe about a decade." Zhao Yamei said, thinking for a
while, "I remember that my father retired when I was in elementary school."

"That's it." Chen Ze nodded. If it was ten years ago, Chen Ze hadn't really learned
that long. "So after retirement, did Uncle start such a club?"

"Yeah, after retiring, my dad started this kind of boxing club. In his words, at
first it was just looking for something to avoid boring after retiring, so the
initial size of the club was not large, but with my dad At that time, the club grew
step by step. Until now, several clubs have been opened, and one has been opened in
this city center. "Zhao Yamei said.

Speaking, she pointed to the wall aside: "Look at Chen Ze, this TV broadcast is the
video of my dad's game that year. Take a quick look. The next trick is my father's
proud boxing skills. . "

Hearing Zhao Yamei's words, Chen Ze quickly looked at the wall TV. In the TV, two
**** boxers stood in the ring to fight, one of them was Zhao Yamei's father with
his head bare.

However, at this moment, he is not in a good position. He was forced into the
corner by another boxer, and seemed to be totally unable to resist the attack of
the other boxer.

However, when another boxer swung a punch with gravity and hit Zhao Yamei's father,
a magical thing happened, and Zhao Yamei's father suddenly disappeared.

Then he appeared next to the boxer, punched hard, and knocked the boxer to the
ground with one punch, directly KO him.

"This ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ How can this happen?" After seeing this paragraph, Chen
Ze froze, and suddenly didn't understand it at all.

"Hey, this is my dad's unique stunt. The name is disappearing boxing." Zhao Yamei
smiled, seemingly proud. "The point of this trick is not actually the fist, but the
footwork. You must deliberately seduce the other side to force yourself A corner,
and then wait for the opponent to form a 45-degree angle with yourself, and relax
your vigilance, you can use that footwork, escape from the corner, and give the
opponent an unexpected blow. "

On the one hand, Zhao Yamei also showed Chen Ze that step.

Listening to Zhao Yamei said it was simple, but the footwork she showed was very

"This step is very difficult to master. I asked my dad to teach this step from a
young age, but it wasn't until I graduated from junior high school that I really
fully grasped this step." Zhao Yamei said.

Chen Ze nodded, he took it seriously: "It's really subtle."

"Brother Zhao, you opened another club. How can you not notify me? I'd like to
congratulate you."

At this moment, there was another voice at the gate. Chen Ze looked back. A person
who was about the same age as Zhao Yamei's father brought a group of young people
into the room.

Seeing these people, Zhao Yamei frowned: "The kicker is here again."

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Chapter FTLS 268: Strong kicker


When I heard Zhao Yamei's words, Chen Ze was stunned, and did not expect that such
a thing would happen.

I came to a professional boxer here to kick the hall, this, this, this is death.

"Brother Zhao, you are really not interesting enough, and you have opened a new
club, but you didn't come to inform me, so I didn't know it today, so I came here
to congratulate you."

When Chen Zeyi lived, the person who was about the same size as Zhao Yamei's father
came to Zhao Yamei's father and said.

Not only him, but everyone following him also came over.
Although I ca n’t say congratulations on my lips, all of them are aggressive,
obviously the purpose is not so simple.

At this moment, everyone in the audience watched it, apparently attracted attention
by this person's words.

"Who the **** is this person?" Chen Ze frowned and asked Zhao Yamei, "Why did he
kick the hall?"

"This man is called Han Bo, and he is also a former professional boxer. He has
known my dad for many years." Zhao Yamei said, looking at the humane. "But although
this Han Bo was also a professional player, it was not my dad. The opponent was
beaten many times by my dad on the boxing ring, and even directly KO. So he hated
my dad. Since my dad opened the first club, he always opens every time Will come
over and make trouble for my dad. "

"It turned out to be this way." Chen Ze nodded. He knew that if he really did
according to Zhao Yamei, this Han Bo had always lost to Zhao Yamei's father in the
past professional game, and he would indeed make it if he had a small amount of
energy. This kind of thing comes.

"But there should be nothing. According to the past record, even if he comes to
play, he is definitely not your father's opponent." Chen Ze said.

"It would be good if he kicked the pavilion by himself. My dad could just teach
him. However, it was not him who kicked the pavilion." Zhao Yamei said, with a
depressed and angry expression on his face.

韩 "Hambo, what do you want?"

At this moment, a voice reached Chen Ze's ear, and it was Zhao Yamei's father who

"If you want to fight with me again in order to report the enemies you lost to me
in a row, I can give you a chance." Zhao Yamei's father said.

"Haha, don't, the record of our two, I think everyone knows where I am your
opponent." Han Bo said with a smile. When he said that he was not as good as Zhao
Yamei's father, he still had a smile on his face, obviously there were other plans
in his heart.

"I'm here this time to really congratulate Brother Zhao on the opening of your new
club. You can see that there are so many people, Brother Zhao, you are really
powerful." Han Bo smiled. "But since this is the case, Many people. I'd rather let
our students compare each other. I also have a club, just to show you the gap
between the two of us. "

"So it is."

After hearing what Han Bo said, Chen Ze finally understood what Zhao Yamei said
about his other method. It turned out to be a contest between students.

Here it just opened again today. So many people have come to wait and see if they
want to join this club. Therefore, if it is a contest between such students and
rejection, I am afraid it will have a considerable adverse effect on reputation and
word of mouth.

If you accept, Chen Ze looks at Han Bo with a confident look. Obviously, he feels
that his student is much better than the student of Zhao Yamei's father.
"Is this Han Bo's teaching ability much better than your father's? Why do I think
he is so confident?"

Chen Ze opened his mouth, he was very weird, apparently that Han Bo had always lost
to Zhao Yamei's father, why he looks so confident now.

当然 "Of course not." Zhao Yamei said, "He taught his students just the same, like
my dad. The reason why he is so confident is because of his son."

儿子 "Son?" Chen Ze asked.

"Yeah, people like his son have been trained by him since he was a kid, and they do
n’t know how much better than ordinary people. Even some trainees who have
practiced for a long time are definitely not his son's opponents. That ’s why he Be
so assured and bold, because he will definitely send his son to the battle. "Zhao
Yamei said.

"This Han Bo's son is so powerful? So, compared to you?" Chen Ze asked, and
suddenly he remembered that Zhao Yamei was not ordinary. If it's Han Bo's son, she
can shoot.

"His son is certainly not my opponent." Zhao Yamei said, a little dull, "but
according to the boxing rules, women are not eligible to fight with men, and if I
go up to fight, they will be laughed at. Our club is relying on a Women stand up,
so there is no way. "

He said, Zhao Yamei gritted her teeth, a little unwilling: "Damn, it would be nice
if I were a man."

"Of course, my son, of course, is my son, Han Shu. Brother Zhao, you can do
whatever you want on the spot." Han Bo said, just as Zhao Yamei said, and sent his
son away. come out.

With his words, a man in his twenties who looks a bit like Han Bo stood up.

When I heard Han Bo's words, Zhao Yamei's dad looked a little ugly.

Although he is very powerful, he knows that none of his students can compare with
Han Shu. But now so many people are watching. If it is better than admitting
defeat, then they will not be able to step down from the stage, especially now that
they are just opening and are recruiting students.

"Teacher, let me do it."

"Teacher, let me do it."

"Come on, teacher."

Behind Zhao Yamei's father, after hearing Han Bo's words, they felt greatly
insulted, one by one immediately yelling, trying to teach Han Bo and Han Shu a good

人 These people haven't studied with Zhao Yamei's father for a long time, and they
don't know how powerful Han Shu is.

怎么 样 "How? Brother Zhao, who do you send out?" Han Bo looked at Zhao Yamei's
father and said with a smile.
"I come."

Zhao Yamei's father didn't speak, but behind him stood up alone, walked to the
platform, and said.

人 This man is about eighteen meters tall and strong, and he does look like he has
two brushes.

"Li Li." Seeing this man walked up, Zhao Yamei's father spoke and wanted to say

"Teacher, don't worry, I have followed you for almost a year. I believe I can deal
with him ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Li Guo said, very confidently.

"Okay, then you." Han Bo laughed, and then said to his son, "Han Shu, take good
care of your uncle Zhao students."

"Relax Dad, rest assured Uncle Zhao, I will take good care of him." Han Shu
laughed, said with gloves, and went to the ring.

At this moment, everyone at the scene, including the ordinary audience, has set
their sights on these two people.

Chen Ze also looked at the two men, and judging from their physical appearance,
there seemed to be no gap between the two men.

"Oops, Li Guo will not be Han Shu's opponent at all." Zhao Yamei said next to him.
"Li has only studied boxing for a year. Although he is strong enough, his pace and
speed are too slow. And Han Shu's speed Very fast, the strength is also above Li
Guo. I am afraid that Li Guo is not only his opponent, but I am afraid he will be
quickly KO. "

As soon as Zhao Yamei's words landed, the fight broke out on the platform.
Everything was as expected by Zhao Yamei.

Li punched out with one punch, but hit nothing.

Han Shu was astonishingly fast, flashed aside, and before Li Guo had time to
collect his punches, he hit Li Guosan's heavy punches all at once.

Straight, lying on the ground, Li Guoda can't get up.

"Okay, great!"

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Chapter FTLS 269: Let me try

"It's awesome. It's only been about ten seconds. It actually knocked this person
down to the ground."

"This guy is so strong, he's just fast, and he has a lot of strength. That Li Guo
is about the same size as his body, but he was hit by a punch."

"It's too fast. I didn't even see what happened just now. He hit the opponent. It
was too great."

Around me, when I saw Han Shu from the ring, he hit Li Guo with a punch and came
around to participate. People who thought about whether to join the club said one
after another.

They thought it would be a fierce boxing match, and they were all excited. They did
not expect that it would end so soon, and one side was killed by a second.

These ordinary viewers looked at Han Shu, and they were all amazed. Han Shu is
really amazing!

More shocked than these ordinary people, the students in Zhao Yamei's Dad Club were
even more shocked.

Although Li Guo is not the most powerful of them, it is also in the middle of the
eighth class. It is impossible for them to hit Li Guo so quickly. It is simply

So when they saw Li Guo being hit so easily, they couldn't speak any more, they
looked at Han Shu, and even some sweat came out nervously.

"Hahaha." At this moment, there was a burst of laughter in the field. The person
who laughed was Han Shu's father, Han Bo.

He came this time to pick up Zhao Yamei's father, and now he can't help but see his
son killing the student of Zhao Yamei's father in front of so many people.

"Han Shu, you are too much. What does this opponent say is also a student of your
Uncle Zhao, how can you not give face to him so directly?" Han Bo said to Han Shu,

Although it is blame, from his words, there is no smell in this aspect.

"Brother Zhao, it seems that the students you teach are not good enough. You were
killed by my son directly. Wasn't you so powerful when you were young? I think your
teaching staff's skills need to grow further." Han Bo said, Turning his head again,
he spoke to Zhao Yamei's dad with a blue face.

"Sorry, Uncle Zhao, I didn't expect your trainees to be so weak, and their hands
were a little heavier." At this moment, Han Shu leaned his hands on the barricades
of the ring and smiled.

Although he was also apologizing, there was no sense of apology, but it was full of

After hearing the words of these two people, I looked around and considered whether
the mentality of ordinary people who want to register has changed directly.

After many of them had originally arrived, they saw Zhao Yamei's father and such
professional equipment and were ready to sign up.

But now I see that the students here have been spiked, and all of a sudden I think
it's not OK, and my thoughts have changed:

"No, it looks like we have to think again. People in this club have been killed in
seconds. The hard strength of this club is not necessarily reliable."

"I also think that if you learn so long for nothing, and you are killed in the end,
you will lose money."

"You have to think it over, think it over."

People around spoke, one by one, saying their thoughts.

"These guys are too much."

Seeing the appearance of Han Bo and Han Shu, hearing the words of people around,
Zhao Yamei's face was also very ugly, and he whispered.

Chen Ze can also figure out what the purpose of these people is.

He looked at Han Shu from the ring, and just now Han Shu's boxing fell into his

"This person does have two sons." Chen Ze murmured to himself, he felt that this
person's level is not necessarily worse than Zhao Yamei, and it may not even be

"Uncle Zhao, is there anyone else? Are there any other students who want to come
up? I just happened to be interested, so I will help you to teach your students
well. Rest assured, I just missed, I won't give you that heavy hand again this
time. Anyone who is interested can come up. I will teach you and teach you what
real boxing is. "Han Shu said again, laughing.

Obviously, today he is going to completely drop the face of Zhao Yamei's father's

"How about Brother Zhao, send another person to discuss with my son?" Han Bo stood
beside Zhao Yamei's father and smiled.

Hearing the words of these two people, Zhao Yamei's father clenched his fists, and
he could not wait for him to go up and learn this Han Shu.

But with so many people watching here, he knew that if he went up by himself, he
would really lose face.

A boxing club, in the end, actually needs the boss to go up to solve the person who
kicks the hall, and it is still a young man, which makes people laugh.

Therefore, Zhao Yamei's father did not know how to pick up Han Shu and Han Bo's

"I come."

At this moment, a voice rang again, and another group of students from Zhao Yamei's
father stood up.

This man's body and physique are much better than Han Shu. If he cannot receive Han
Shu, he stands on the ring.

"It's Lei Yang, Lei Yang got on."

"Lei Yang is the best of our students. If he gets on, this Han Shu must not be an

"That is, Ray Yang, come on."

After seeing this person on board, the group of students said excitedly.

After hearing what they said, everyone around knew that it was Zhao Yamei's father,
and the strongest person got on.

"You are the best here?" Han Shu heard that too, he looked at Lei Yang and laughed.

"It's me," Lei Yang said.

"Okay, then I'll let you hit with one hand and one with your right hand." Han Shu

After hearing what he said, there was an uproar all around. Everyone knows that
both hands are very important for boxing. If one hand is lower, the other is very

At the moment, Han Shugan said so, because he did not take into account the most
powerful Lei Yang.

"You don't underestimate people."

Hearing Han Shu's words, Lei Yang was furious and hit his fist.

With one hand, if Han Shu really only had one hand, Lei Yang felt that he was
insulted. At the same time, he felt that he had won.

However, the facts were completely different from what he imagined.

Although he was just one hand, Han Shu's movement was very fast. With only one
right hand, he even blocked all Lei Yang's offenses and even had the ability to
fight back.

On the side of Lei Yang, Lei Yang's attack was blocked by one hand.

This made him even more angry, and at the same time both fists hit Han Shu faster
and more violently.

And it was this quick and violent, that made him flawed.

After an attack was blocked by Han Shu, he did not have any protection on his

Taking this opportunity, I snorted.

Han Shu's action accelerated again, punching out a punch, hitting Lei Yang's body
in the middle, and Lei Yang hit back a few steps.

The last bang fell to the ground.

The first of the Asian American Club students was hit by Han Shu with one hand!

Seeing this scene, everyone at the scene was stunned. Especially for those who come
here for a visit, the mentality has completely changed at this moment, and no one
intends to register here.

Han Shu turned to Zhao Yamei with a provocative expression: "Is there anyone who
dares to come up and fight with me?"

Obviously, his goal is Zhao Yamei.

That's right, this time Han Bo Han came over, the goal is Zhao Yamei.
They will force Zhao Yamei out and win.

This completely defeated Zhao Yamei's father's confidence and let him know that the
daughter he taught was not the opponent of Han Bo's son at all.

On the other hand, it was also possible to spread the news and let ordinary people
know that in the end, the Asian-American Boxing Club turned to a woman to confront
the enemy, and it also lost.

In this way ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ the reputation of this club is completely ruined.

For Han Shu, there are also his personal reasons. He had played with Zhao Yamei in
the past, but he lost. He lost to a woman, which made him uncomfortable, so he
wanted to find a chance to get revenge.

Now, he feels that his strength is enough to revenge on the last arrow.

And Zhao Yamei also knew about Han Shu's plan.

However, at this moment she was anxious, and her anger was a little dazed, and she
was going to teach this arrogant Han Shu.

At this moment, Chen Ze was walking in front of Zhao Yamei, blocking Zhao Yamei:
"Well, let me try."

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Chapter FTLS 270: Battle

不 "Well, let me try."

Chen Ze blocked in front of Zhao Yamei and said.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes focused on Chen Ze.

Originally Han Shu had another hand and easily won Lei Yang. Whether it was
ordinary visitors or those of Zhao Yamei's father, all of them were a little
shocked and timid. At the same time, I was afraid that no one would dare to fight.

Those who dare to fight in this situation are probably those who are courageous.

Therefore, after hearing Chen Ze's words, they looked at each other and wanted to
see who this courageous person was.

At first glance, it turned out to be just ordinary people wearing clothes just like
ordinary visitors.

"Who is this person? It doesn't look like a student here."

"Yeah, I think he should also be a visitor. Does the visitor dare to fight this

"It's impossible, that person is so powerful, isn't this trying to die?"

After seeing Chen Ze, people all around said.

"Who are you?" Standing on the ring, Han Shu frowned, looking at Chen Zedao.
His original goal was Zhao Yamei. He did not expect that someone else would emerge,
or someone he did not know at all.

"Me, I'm here to visit and consider whether to join this club to learn boxing."
Chen Ze said.

"What is your relationship with Zhao Yamei?"

Han Shu spoke and continued to ask Chen Ze.

From what he saw, Chen Ze seemed to be in the early stage for Zhao Yamei. While
Zhao Yamei is a very powerful boxer, Han Shu is a bit worried, and Chen Ze is also
a very powerful boxer.

"What's the relationship?" Chen Ze considered, and the problem suddenly stumped
him. "It should be regarded as a friend relationship, but more accurately, it
should be a teacher-student relationship. She taught me some boxing two days ago.
Introductory knowledge, so barely we can count the relationship between teachers
and students. "

"Getting started?" Han Shu paused when he heard what Chen Ze said. "Do you mean,
did you learn the basics of boxing the other day?"

"Yes, I am here to consider whether to learn boxing systematically." Chen Zedao


"Hahaha!" Han Shu laughed loudly when he heard what Chen Ze said. "You only learned
introductory knowledge two days ago, which means that you have never learned boxing
before. That ’s how you got the courage. Dare to fight me? "

Han Shu felt that he was going to laugh to death. He was still worried that Chen Ze
would be a hidden boxing master. Now when he hears it, he turns out to be a boxer.

Such a person wants to fight with himself, this is exactly death.

Suddenly, he attributed Chen Ze to the range of completely incapable people.

And all around, after hearing Chen Ze's words, both those students and those who
came to visit have fryer.

"This person who has never studied boxing at all wants to fight with Han Shu. Isn't
this to death? Ordinary people and professional boxers have no chance of winning at

"That is, I don't know what this person thinks. It's all about death. Especially
this Han Shu is not so powerful. He even wanted to fight with him, and he couldn't
help but reach a certain level."

"There is no comparability between the amateur and the professional, not to mention
that this person is not even an amateur. It is too much for him."

Humanely, Chen Ze shook his head one after another, all of them regarded Chen Ze as
a totally uncontrollable person.

"Chen Ze." Zhao Yamei also whispered, facing Chen Ze, "Although you have great
talent, this Han Shu is really powerful. You will not be his opponent, and you may
be injured by him. You Don't go on. "

Obviously, Zhao Yamei is not optimistic about Chen Ze at all.

"It's okay." Chen Ze turned his head and said to Zhao Yamei, "You forgot to be on
the plane? I won the Zhong Er Kun, this Han Shu is nothing."


Upon hearing Chen Ze's words, Zhao Yamei was speechless.

In the plane, Chen Ze won the victory of Zhong Er Kun, which was something she
could not understand until now. Obviously Chen Ze is just an ordinary person, how
could he win such a strong Zhong Er Kun.

If Chen Ze really has the strength to defeat Zhong Erkun, then winning Han Shu is

But Zhao Yamei knew that Chen Ze was completely absent.

But why did Chen Ze defeat Zhong Erkun?

Zhao Yamei didn't know, she just couldn't speak.

She knew that if Chen Ze could defeat Zhong Erkun, then he would indeed defeat Han

"Are you sure, are you going to fight me? Fight me, you have to be mentally
prepared for injury."

At this moment, Han Shu's voice came over, with a disdainful meaning.

"Of course." Chen Ze turned his head and looked at Han Shu: "I saw your play just
now, and I think you are actually not good!"

When Chen Ze's words were heard, there was an uproar all around. Everyone did not
expect that Chen Ze dared to say such words.

"Good boy." And Han Shu's side was immediately furious. "Then you come up, I will
let you know how serious the consequences of the sentence you said are."

"Okay." Chen Ze smiled and agreed to Han Shu's request.

Then, under the leadership of Zhao Yamei, Chen Ze changed into a vest, a boxing
suit, and then began to warm up.

Zhao Yamei stood not far from Chen Ze, and the students of Zhao Yamei's dad's club
surrounded him at the moment, and said to Zhao Yamei, "Amei, who is this person? Is
it a hidden boxer?"

"Yeah, he said that he only learned the basics of boxing from you two days ago ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ this is impossible."

They spoke one after another, and they couldn't believe what Chen Ze had just said.

Those of them, the short ones, have also been studying for a few months under Zhao
Yamei's father, and the long ones have been studying for several years.

But even so, they also knew that they were not Han Shu's opponents at all, and even
after watching the first two games, they did not even have the courage to fight
against Yantai and Han Shu.
How could an ordinary person like Chen Ze have such courage.

"It's true, he did learn a little bit of introductory knowledge from me." Zhao
Yamei said, his face still had a lot of worry.

After seeing Chen Ze's basic warm-up, she walked in front of Chen Ze and said,
"Chen Ze, if you can't wait, you will give up, otherwise, with Han Shu's nature, I
am afraid he will really hurt you."

"Relax, I won't admit defeat." Chen Ze smiled. "Because the loser will be him."

Although Han Shu is really powerful, Chen Ze has the certainty to win.

In the final analysis, Han Shu is also a boxer similar to Zhao Yamei. It really
can't do it. Just hit the boxer with a punch. Even a master like Zhong Erkun can't
stop a punch, what is this Han Shu?

What's more, I have learned other killers, and now it's time to fight!

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Chapter FTLS 271: Zhao Yamei's footsteps

Building, 22nd floor, Asian American Boxing Club!

On the ring, Chen Ze and Han Shu stood facing each other.

"You still have a chance. You can choose to surrender directly to me now, or you
won't regret it later." Han Shu smiled at Chen Ze and smiled very easily.

"No." Chen Ze smiled.

"Well, now that you don't know people well, don't blame me." Han Shudao said, "But
I'm still the same as the last one. I will only use one hand and one right hand to
deal with you. Against you , One right hand is enough. "

Han Shu said, putting his left hand back.

Obviously, he determined that a right hand could win Chen Ze.

At the scene, everyone else had the same idea.

"Although there is only one hand, Han Shu won, and that person is definitely not
Han Shu's opponent."

"Yeah, absolutely not. The man loses, just look at Han Shu's hand and what kind of
man he can be."

"Ordinary people, if they start with heavy hands, this person may be in danger of
life. Of course, Han Shu will not drop such a heavy hand, but at least he will be
injured. This person actually beats Han Shu, which is beyond his control."

People all around spoke up, and they all had an idea in their hearts. Han Shu had
just one right hand, and they were able to beat Lei Yang directly. What does this
Chen Ze do?

He lost today!

"All right, let's get started." Chen Ze started, then bent slightly, and put on a
boxing posture.
"Position is good, but it can be used for nothing but posture." Han Shu laughed.

Immediately after the speech, Han Shu hit a straight punch. The speed was very
fast, which scared everyone around.

Obviously, he wants to resolve Chen Ze as quickly as possible, so as to force Zhao

Yamei out again.

In Han Shu's heart, fighting against ordinary people like Chen Ze is too cheap, and
there is no suspense.

He believed that Chen Ze might not be able to react to this straight blow.

However, it was beyond his expectations. Although Chen Ze did not respond at the
beginning, but there was a change soon. He responded, and took a step back
slightly, avoiding Han Shu's record. fist.

"It's a good speed, but it was able to dodge my attack. Your response is good in
ordinary people."

Seeing his straight fist fail, Han Shu not only did not have any anger, but also
laughed. Obviously, although this straight fist failed, in his mind, Chen Ze was
still just the meat on the cutting board.

Chen Ze did not speak, and put his hands on his chest, waiting quietly for Han
Shu's attack.

His current boxing level is naturally not comparable to that of Han Shu, so instead
of aggressively attacking and possibly being caught by Han Shu, it is better to
wait for Han Shu to attack to catch his weakness.

Seeing Chen Ze look like this, Han Shu smiled, opened up again, and hit his right

At this moment, everyone is looking at Chen Ze and Han Shu.

Although everyone thinks that Han Shu has won, but everyone wants to see how he
will win.

Also, how long can Chen Ze last.

"Haha, Brother Zhao, who do you think will win these two?" At the moment, Han Bo
said to Zhao Yamei's father, he naturally thought that Han Shu would win, so he
asked deliberately.

"Even if your family Han Shu wants to win, I don't think it's that simple." Zhao
Yamei's father said.

Although he also felt that Han Shu had won, in the face of a deadly opponent, he
naturally could not recognize it.

"Okay, let's wait and see." Han Bo laughed. He thought that Zhao Yamei's father was
just talking hard.

At this moment, on the ring, although Han Shu used only one hand, his offensive
boxing skills were very sharp, and his speed was very fast.

Therefore, although there is only one hand, it has achieved the effect of two hands
of the average person. Just now, it was with this hand that Lei Yang won.

The audience around them was very nervous, and they all felt that Han Ze could not
cope with this move.

But above the ring, something unexpected happened to them.

In the face of Han Shu's fierce boxing offensive, Chen Ze even dodged one by one.
Every time, every attack of Han Shu was missed.

"Here, this person has a great ability to evade."

"Yeah, all of them have avoided the past. I am afraid that most people cannot

"It's so amazing."

Seeing Chen Ze's dodge, the humanity around.

"Yes, it's footsteps, it's his footsteps that are too good to hide away." Suddenly,
one person spoke.

After hearing his words, everyone looked at Chen Ze's footsteps. As a result, he
saw that Chen Ze's footsteps took a strange and regular step. With this step, he
easily avoided Han. Beam attack.

"Here, this footstep is that of Amei."

Suddenly, among the students under Zhao Yamei's group, one of them spoke and was
extremely surprised.

He recognized that the steps used by Chen Ze now turned out to be the steps of Zhao

After hearing what he said, other students looked at it:

"Yeah, it ’s Ami ’s footsteps. After learning the steps of her teacher, Ami has
improved a lot and formed her own footsteps. I remember that Ami has only recently
improved successfully. Learned? "

"That's the footsteps of Amei. Oh my god, Chen Ze would get the footsteps of Amei.
How could he?"

"No, doesn't Amei say she just taught some of the most basic knowledge? How could
this guy, her steps?"

They were all stunned. They all knew the steps of Zhao Yamei. It was Zhao Yamei's
teaching based on her father's teachings and her own improvement. It was just

But now, the steps used by Chen Ze are actually the steps of Zhao Yamei.

Now they were all stunned.

It ’s not just them who are stunned ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Zhao Yamei is also
stunned, looking at Chen Ze dumbly: "This guy, when did this guy learn?"

Zhao Yamei was too surprised. She remembered that she had never taught Chen Ze at
all, or even used it once in front of Chen Ze, that was, when playing Zhong Er Kun,
how did Chen Ze learn this?

Suddenly, an idea poured into her mind: "Is it when I hit Zhong Er Kun, did Chen Ze
see it? I read it once, and learned it?"

Thinking of this, Zhao Yamei was stunned. She couldn't believe the idea, and it was
really amazing.

If that is the case, then Chen Ze's learning ability is too strong!

Learn it again, it's unimaginable!

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Chapter FTLS 272: Disappearing boxing

"It's awesome, this person isn't the kind of dish that he had imagined."

"Yeah, it looks pretty good. It's been so long, and Han Shuda has never hit him."

"Footsteps are too flexible, so great."

Around the ring, those audiences said one after another.

They thought they would see a one-sided massacre, and even Chen Ze was quickly

Who knew that after watching for so long, they also fought for so long. Han Shu,
who had thought that Han Shu would solve the battle quickly, had not even touched
Chen Ze's skin.

Suddenly, everyone around them was amazed. Although they didn't know that Chen Ze
was using Zhao Yamei's footsteps, they could still feel that Chen Ze was more
powerful than they thought.


On the ring, Han Shu suddenly yelled.

It was a shame that Chen Ze hadn't even been hit for a long time, which made him
feel very humiliated, so he was completely angry and anxious.

Again, Chen Ze avoided a right uppercut from Han Shu.

However, at this time, Han Shu's left fist, which was originally said to be unused,
hit out from the other side: "Go and die."

Obviously, the angry Han Shu no matter what the left fist will not use, he only has
one goal at the moment, which is to bring down Chen Ze, even by any means.

On the side of Chen Ze, obviously he did not expect it, even Han Shu would destroy
his promise and use his left fist.

So all of a sudden, a large gap appeared in his left half of the body, exposed in
front of Han Shu.

"not good."

Seeing this scene, whether it was Zhao Yamei or the students here, or Zhao Yamei's
father, they all yelled secretly in their hearts.
Nor did they expect that Han Shu would be so shameless that she would not keep her

But they also know that at this moment, Chen Ze, there is no way to stop Han Shu's
fist. And once moved, then Chen Ze, even if it is over.

"You're done."

On the ring, I felt that I would hit Chen Ze with this punch, and Han Shu's face
showed a sloppy smile.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw that Chen Ze's left and right hands were in a
very strange posture, blocking it like a cross. The speed of Chen Ze's hands was
very fast, and then he made his first come, blocking the punch of Han Shu.


Their fists collided and a muffled sound was heard.

Han Shu's fist is very powerful, but it did not cause any damage to Chen Ze.

His near-sneak punch didn't work again.

"Ten, cross-blocking!"

Seeing this block from Chen Ze, the students here were shocked again:

"Here, isn't this cross-blocking method also Amei's own improved blocking method?"

"Yeah, this, this is also Amei's unique skill. How did Chen Ze get it?"

"Here, here are the steps, here is the block method. How could Chen Ze have these
two unique skills of Amei?"

They were all stunned, and all of a sudden they looked at Chen Ze differently.

According to Chen Ze and Zhao Yamei, the two were just friends they had just met
the other day.

But if you are just new friends, will you suddenly learn these two unique skills?

Everyone felt that Chen Ze and Zhao Yamei must not be so simple.

Zhao Yamei was also stunned here: "Two, I have learned two kinds of tricks in
succession. Are Chen Ze learned on the plane? How is this possible?"

Zhao Yamei was so surprised that she had no psychological preparation at all, and
did not expect that Chen Ze had only seen her perform once, and she had learned

Suddenly, she had another crazy idea in her heart: "My two unique skills, Chen Ze
just learned it after watching it again. Then I just demonstrated my father's
tricks in front of Chen Ze. With one move, will Chen Ze also learn? "

Thinking of this, Zhao Yamei quickly shook her head and thought it was completely
impossible: "Impossible and impossible. Although my two skills are my unique
skills, they are actually very simple to practice. They are just my improvement
tips. But my father's The trick, but the real boxing trick, without a few years of
practice, it is impossible to use it in actual combat. Even Chen Ze, it is
absolutely impossible. "

At this moment, Zhao Yamei's father and Han Bo are here.

Seeing a rare deadlock on the ring, although Zhao Yamei's dad was also surprised,
surprised how Chen Ze could have the skill of her daughter.

But more, he is happy.

Seeing his dead son, it's been so long, even an ordinary person who can't fight
boxing can't take it down, he feels really good.

"I can't think of it, brother Zhao, your daughter, even have such friends." Han Bo
said, his face was very ugly at the moment, "but don't think that my son can't do
anything about it now, it's my son who plays when."

"Really? Then I'll wait and see!" Zhao Yamei's father said, smiling.

On the ring, after Chen Ze stopped another attack, Han Shu stopped and looked very
ugly: "Unexpectedly, I can't think of you as an ordinary person who just learned
boxing, but you can stand still with me until now. , I'm going to KO you in 30
seconds. Next, I want to play it for real. "

Han Shu was so angry that he did not expect to be so long with Chen Ze.

So he decided to completely peel off his face and use his fists to deal with Chen
Ze. He believed that under the full attack of his two fists, Chen Ze could not last
for thirty seconds.


Han Shu yelled, a rush, raised his fists and waved directly to Chen Ze. This is his
set of combined punches, first right, then left, then upper hook, then right.

The main point of this combination of punches is speed. As long as it is fast, it

can strike the opponent.

Indeed, after using this combination of punches, Han Shu's action suddenly
increased by another level.

And Chen Ze, although using Zhao Yamei's footsteps, has not been hit by Han Shu.

But now it's a lot harder to just parry, and I keep going back, back, until I was
pushed into a corner.

"Nowhere to retreat, let's die."

Han Shu shouted, actually pushing Chen Ze into the corner, which is the purpose of
his set of boxing punches.

At this moment, Chen Ze finally had no place to retreat.

Han Shu had a straight punch and planned to settle Chen Ze at this moment.

"It's over, there's nowhere to retreat ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Yeah, it's over."

People around, saw that Chen Ze was forced to the corner, and after Han Shu punched
a punch, he opened his mouth one by one with a tense expression on his face.
They all felt that Chen Ze was finished.

"go to hell."

Han Shu yelled and punched straight, as if he had hit his greatest strength in his


Suddenly something happened that didn't even occur to him.

Just when his fist was about to hit Chen Ze, Chen Ze suddenly disappeared and
disappeared out of thin air!

"What, what's going on?"

Han Shu was stunned, and suddenly he remembered something.

Before he came here, his father had told him that although it is almost impossible,
be careful of the students here to use Zhao Yamei's father's tricks.

"Remember, there is a boxing technique that disappears?"

A voice came over, but Han Shu hadn't had time to turn back, and Yu Guang saw a
fist beating towards his right face.


With a muffled sound, Han Shu flew heavily, then fell to the ground and passed out.

Around, the raven was silent!

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Chapter FTLS 275: Personal education

Chapter FTLS 274: He will definitely become the champion

The boxing king, in just two words, represents the strongest player in the world's
boxing arena, the highest honor in boxing, and at the same time, it may also be the
strongest unarmed man on the planet!

The glory and status carried and carried by the two short words are far from being
able to describe them.

Therefore, when he heard Zhao Yamei's words, Chen Ze froze a bit: "The King of

"Yeah, I want to use your talents and practice for a few years, and I will
definitely become a boxing champion." Zhao Yamei looked at Chen Ze and said with
great excitement, "Your talent is really good, it ’s my past I've never seen it
before. We just do n’t have a boxer in Huaxia. Maybe you will be our first boxer in
Huaxia. It may even be possible to go to the San Diego Boxing Stadium. "

Talking, Zhao Yamei became more excited.

After seeing Chen Ze last time on the plane and this performance on the platform,
she was certain that Chen Ze had amazing talents and talents that no ordinary
person would have. Once such talents and talents are realized, they will definitely
become boxing champions.

Especially now that Huaxia has no boxing champions, and no one is able to ascend to
the sanctuary of San Diego.

Zhao Yamei looked at Chen Ze, and she determined that Chen Ze could rush to the San
Diego Boxing Gymnasium and become the number one boxer in China and even in the

"This." Chen Ze said, not knowing how to answer Zhao Yamei.

Want to be the champion?

That is of course necessary, not only to become the champion of boxing, but also to
become the king of the champion, the **** of boxing!

This is his task this time.

But when it comes to wanting to be?

Chen Ze thought for himself. If he wanted to think about it, he didn't think so
much. After all, he wasn't really interested in boxing, it was just a task.

So Chen Ze hesitated, looking at Zhao Yamei's look of expectation and excitement,

not knowing how to answer her.

"Chen Ze, you are too good."

"Yeah, how can you be so powerful?"

"Too strong for you, even Han Shu was defeated."

At this time, those students also gathered around, facing each other excitedly.

Like Zhao Yamei, they were completely impressed by Chen Ze's performance on the
ring. After seeing Chen Ze stepping off the ring, they all gathered around one by
one and said excitedly to Chen Ze.

"Thank you. Actually, I'm not that great." Chen Ze smiled.

In fact, Han Shu was able to win this time, and indeed there was luck in it.

Han Shu despised Chen Ze too much. He did not think that Chen Ze could
counterattack him at all. Therefore, Chen Ze easily caught the opportunity and
knocked back easily.

If Han Shu attaches great importance to it, even if Chen Ze is a close match with
him, Chen Ze knows that unless he uses his boxing skills today, he will definitely
not win Han Shu.

It may even be that you will really lose.

"No matter what, no matter how lucky you are, being able to win Han Shu is your

"That is, being able to win Han Shu means that Chen Ze is very powerful."

Hearing Chen Ze's words, these students all marched again, one by one thinking that
Chen Ze was better than Han Shu.
After hearing what they said, Zhao Yamei also laughed, her eyes became crescent-
shaped: "Yes, I think so too."

"By the way, Chen Ze, when did you learn the disappearing boxing technique? Did she
teach you Amei?"

"Yeah, this trick is not generally complicated. I have studied it for two years,
but I still haven't learned anything. I am really shocked to see you make it

"When did you learn?"

The students spoke again and asked Chen Zedao one by one with a look of worship.

"Well, just now, I watched the video, and I watched Zhao Yamei's demonstration, and
then I learned." Chen Ze spoke, telling the truth.

Look, watch the video, and watch Zhao Yamei's demo, and you learned?

After hearing Chen Ze's words, everyone was holding back.

Everyone thinks that they have heard their ears wrongly. Watch the video and watch
the demo to learn. How is this possible?

If it is really that simple to be able to learn, then they still work so hard, they
have n’t even learned it for several years. What is this and how is it possible!

Therefore, everyone suddenly became dissatisfied and felt that Chen Ze did not tell
the truth, what he said was simply impossible.

"Oh, that's the case. It's almost what I thought. You really learned it just now."

Just then, everyone heard such a sentence, and it was Zhao Yamei. She nodded,
affirming Chen Ze's words.


Hearing Zhao Yamei's words, and hearing Zhao Yamei actually agree with Chen Ze that
this was obviously very nonsense. If the fake can't be fake anymore, everyone will
hold back.

They all looked at Chen Ze: "Oh my God, is he telling the truth?"


It's getting dark, and it's time for the Asian American Boxing Stadium to close.

At this moment, the people in the boxing gym are basically gone, Chen Ze is gone,
Han Shu Hanbo is also gone, those who visited are gone, and the students are also

Only Zhao Yamei and her father remained.

Zhao Yamei packed up the boxing gym equipment, which is also the content of her
part-time job.

And her dad sat aside and laughed proudly: "That's good. After that trouble, we
have so many people sign up in the boxing gym. We're rich, and we're really rich

People who came to visit were touched after seeing Chen Ze's disappearing boxing.
Most of them signed up. The number of boxing gyms suddenly increased. UU reading
www.uukanshu. com made Zhao Yamei's father very happy.

"Congratulations to your father." Zhao Yamei packed her things, and then walked in
front of her father. "Well, please give me 200 yuan for part-time work today!"

"Come here with your dad to help, and money."

Zhao Yamei's father spoke, taking money out of his wallet while talking.

"Of course, if you don't give money, I'll go to work elsewhere." Zhao Yamei said,
putting two hundred yuan in her pocket.

"Then I'd rather pay, you come here every day. Since I divorced your mother, I
haven't had a chance to see you," said Zhao Yamei's father.

"You don't have to worry, I will always come over this time." Zhao Yamei said.

"Huh? Is that because of Chen Ze? Do you really think he can become the champion of
boxing?" Zhao Yamei's dad said, "I don't think that's necessarily true. Your dad
was so talented at the time, and finally went to San Diego. The museum didn't rush
in, let alone the boxing champion. Chen Ze did have some talent, but when it comes
to talent, it may not be better than I was then. "

"No, he's much better than your dad." Zhao Yamei said, not giving her dad any


"I believe he can be the champion of boxing!"

记住 Remember the first domain name in this book:. Mobile website reading URL:

Chapter FTLS 275: personal trainer

Out of the Asian American Club, Chen Ze returned to the small house he had
previously rented.

Today's harvest was not small. Not only did I look at the house, but I also found a
boxing club. Zhao Yamei's club was really good. Chen Ze felt that he could join
there and learn about boxing.

"Yes, just rent that house, and then you can join boxing in Zhao Yamei's father's
club to learn boxing." Chen Ze muttered to himself.

He then called the agency and told the agency that he was ready to rent the house.

In the next few days, Chen Ze was busy going through the formalities, moving, and
buying some new furniture.

After everything is done, it is five or six days later.

"It's finally done, and it will be a new home in the future."

After doing everything, looking at the new environment at home, Chen Ze looked
around and nodded in satisfaction.

Just then, suddenly his door was knocked.


Chen Ze asked, he was a little weird. No one except his parents had told his new
home. Who would come?

And even if it is his parents, he shouldn't come home at this time. He will make a
phone call before going home.

So Chen Ze was a little weird and a little curious. He walked to the door, opened
the door and took a look. There was a young girl in her twenties standing there, it
was Zhao Yamei.

"Zhao Yamei, is it you? Why are you here?"

Chen Ze was stunned, but the person who came unexpectedly turned out to be Zhao
Yamei. He quickly turned to let Zhao Yamei come in, and then asked.

"Chen Ze, this is really your new home."

Zhao Yamei laughed. After entering the house, she looked around and said, "Yeah,
that's good, Chen Ze, your new house is pretty good."

"It's okay," Chen Ze said. "But why are you here? How do you know I have a new home

Chen Zehuan lived, he remembered that he did tell Zhao Yamei, he rented a house
near the club, but did not tell him the specific room location. How did Zhao Yamei
find it?

"Also, don't you tell me that you want to rent a house near the club? I checked
online to find out what houses are near our club for rent, and then I went over one
by one and it took me several days. Then I found it, exhausted me. "Zhao Yamei

Then she took out her mobile phone and faced Chen Ze: "Hurry up, give me your phone
number, and WeChat and everything, lest I can't find you again."

"Oh, okay." Chen Ze nodded and gave Zhao Yamei both his phone number and WeChat
signal, and then he said, "But why are you so anxious to find me?"

"Practice boxing, haven't you promised me that you will come to practice boxing?"
Amei said, saved Chen Ze's mobile phone number and WeChat, and then said, "As a
result, I was there early the next morning The club is waiting for you, but you are
not waiting for you on the left, you are still not waiting for you on the right.
There is no way but to go to you one by one, and finally let me find it. "

Hearing what Zhao Yamei said, Chen Ze was a little stunned.

I did it for a long time, and for a long time it turned out to be this matter, it
turned out to be boxing.

Chen Ze remembers that he did promise to sign up for boxing, but he moved too many
things in the past two days, so it was too late to take care of it.

He intends to wait for the new home to be settled before going to that club to
start practicing boxing.

Unexpectedly, I did not expect that Zhao Yamei was even more anxious than him.
Seeing that he didn't come, he came directly to him.

"What's happening? Why is she even more anxious than me?" Chen Ze froze, wondering
if Zhao Yamei was over-enthusiastic?

The average person, if it is a salesperson, is really enthusiastic about being a

member for soliciting customers.

But Zhao Yamei is not necessary. She is not a salesperson. That club is still a
club run by her father. What is she so enthusiastic about?

All of a sudden, Chen Ze froze.

"Are you doing anything right now?" Just then, Zhao Yamei asked again.

"No, no," Chen Ze said.

"All right, then let's go." Zhao Yamei said.

"Go?" Chen Ze asked.

"Yeah, let's go and practice boxing. I think your home should be settled." Zhao
Yamei said, pulling Chen Ze's clothes and walking out.

Looking at Zhao Yamei's back, Chen Ze still had the problem in his heart: "Too, so

At the Asian American Club, Chen Ze was somewhat surprised by what was happening.

I saw in the club, or the installation in the previous few days, but there are more
people than in the previous few days.

Although there were a lot of people a few days ago, because of the large club, it
still looks sparse.

But now, there are almost twice as many people, and they are all wearing member
clothes of the Asian American Club, apparently they have become members.

"So many people have joined?" Chen Ze asked.

"Yes, thanks for your blessing. After seeing you playing the power of my dad that
day, these people all moved their hearts, and then joined in. So many people
joined, and my dad walked with him on both days "Laughter." Zhao Yamei said, "You
stand here for a while, I'll get you a membership form, and then you fill out is
our member here."

Talking, Zhao Yamei left to get the membership watch.

As soon as Zhao Yamei left, Chen Ze attracted the attention of everyone around him,
especially those newly joined members who saw Chen Ze's disappearing boxing
technique that day and won Han Shu.

After they saw Chen Ze, they all yelled in surprise:

"My God, it's him, it's Chen Ze, he's finally here."
"It's finally here, great."

"I came at him, but I haven't seen him for the past two days, and now I finally saw
him. It's great."

While yelling, they gathered around, their faces were extremely excited, facing
Chen Ze said:

"Chen Ze, you finally came. I just joined you after watching your performance that
day, but I have been disappointed without you in the past few days."

"Yeah, I came for you too. Now that you are finally here, we will be members of the
same club in the future. You can teach me how to lose the boxing skills."

"Me and I too, I am also aiming at your performance. But after two days of
contacting the disappearing boxing technique, I only know how powerful you are.
That boxing technique is really too difficult, we Such ordinary people don't feel
like they can learn at all. "

They said one after another, admiring Chen Ze.

Obviously, these people have almost become fans of Chen Ze. After seeing Chen Ze's
performance that day, they completely took Chen Ze as their idol and the goal of
struggle, and look forward to one day like Chen Ze.

Hearing these people's words, Chen Ze smiled and waved his hands, he didn't know he
was so popular here.

He spoke, just ready to say something.

Suddenly Zhao Yamei returned: "Everyone let me give you a hand. I will first
register for Chen Ze, and he will be our member in the future."

Hearing Zhao Yamei's words, everyone let it go and let Zhao Yamei walk in front of
Chen Ze. A large part of them came for Chen Ze, and now I heard that Chen Ze is
going to become a member here, naturally one by one very happy.

Zhao Yamei handed Chen Ze a form: "Chen Ze, fill it out. After you fill it out, you
will be our member."

"Okay." Chen Ze nodded and took a look at it. The content on the direct membership
form is very simple, such as name, height, weight, and the time and shift you want
to learn, which is similar to other clubs.

But in the last empty space, Chen Ze froze.

The last space has been filled in by Zhao Yamei ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The space
above is a question: "Are you asking for a personal trainer, and if so, which one
of the club would you like?"

In addition to Zhao Yamei's father, this club also has several personal trainers.
This is normal. After all, a club of this size cannot have only one personal

However, the contents filled in this blank let Chen Ze stun:

"Yes, the coach I hired was Zhao Yamei."

"This." Chen Ze looked at Zhao Yamei.

"From today on, I am your personal teacher." Zhao Yamei laughed. "I will be
responsible for everything you do about boxing."

记住 Remember the first domain name in this book:. Mobile website reading URL:

Chapter FTLS 276: Harsh Zhao Yamei (Part 1)

"Then Chen Ze, goodbye, let's start tomorrow.?"

At the Xiamen mouth, Zhao Yamei's eyes smiled into a crescent shape, facing Chen


Chen Ze nodded, then turned and walked towards his new home.

"Zhao Yamei is too aggressive."

While walking, Chen Ze muttered.

Just in the club, Zhao Yamei took him through the admission procedures, and then
became his personal trainer. And during the procedures, Chen Ze learned that
although this club was run by her father, it seems that Zhao Yamei is not a member
of this club, but only occasionally comes to work, not to mention coaching.

In other words, she is just Chen Ze's own coach.

This confuses Chen Ze a bit. I don't know why Zhao Yamei is so active.

However, Chen Ze had some expectations in her mind. Zhao Yamei was his personal
trainer. How would such a beautiful girl teach herself?

And in the course of teaching, how can there be contact with hands, feet and even

For a moment, Chen Ze flashed in his mind some pictures of manual feet, not even
suitable for children.

"Really, I have some expectations." Chen Ze thought to himself.

At night in a room.

The night was already deep, but next to the desk in the room, a girl was still
sitting. The girl was holding a pen in her hand and writting something in a book.

From time to time, he stopped again, and seemed to think something, with a smile on
his face.

"Amei, haven't slept yet?"

Suddenly, a woman in her forties walked in and spoke to the girl. Although this
woman is more than forty, she is extremely gentle and beautiful, and she can't see
her age at all.

"Mom, I'm going to sleep right away," said the girl, and while she was picking up
her pen, she continued to write on the notebook.

"It's so late? What are you still writing? It won't be your diary."
The girl's mother spoke curiously and came over to look at: "Chen Ze boxing
training schedule, what is this?"

"It's a training plan," the girl said.

"I know, I mean this Chen Ze, the name sounds familiar." The girl's mother frowned,
and then she realized, "This is the Chen Ze. After you return from Macao, you have
been thinking about the Chen Chen Ze? Especially in these two days, every day he
was thinking about his Chen Ze? "

The girl blushed suddenly when she heard what her mother said: "Mom, where do I
mumble every day?"

"Yes, as long as you are at home, you will be mentioned in three sentences. I'm
tired of hearing these days. I haven't seen you so much in a life like a boy, even
if it's your father. You've read it that way. You keep saying that you want to find
him, why, find it? "The girl's mother said.

"I mentioned him where there were three sentences. Mom, you talk too much." The
girl's face turned redder, and she closed her notebook. "But I believe that my
vision will not be wrong."

As she said, the girl's eyes flashed with anticipation.

The next day, early in the morning.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

In a jumble, Chen Ze was awakened by a phone call. He picked up the phone and
looked at it. Zhao Yamei called.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Chen Ze responded, speaking weakly, and he did not wake up.

"Get up soon," Zhao Yamei said.

"Get up, what time is it now." Chen Ze responded. He barely opened his eyes and
looked at the outside. Outside, the sky was not yet bright. "The sky is still dark.
Why do you get up now?"

"Training, didn't you say yesterday? I'll be your personal trainer." Zhao Yamei
said, "Get up, I'm right outside your house, you come out."

"What did you say?" Chen Zeqing woke up when he heard Zhao Yamei's words. "You said
you were outside my house?"

"Yeah, I'm here, you get up, I'll take you to the morning jog." Zhao Yamei said.

With her words, there was a knock at the door.

Obviously, Zhao Yamei did stay outside Chen Ze's door.

"So early!"

Chen Ze muttered, after confirming that Zhao Yamei was indeed outside the door,
Chen Ze immediately got up, dressed in two clothes, and opened the door for Zhao
Yamei: "It's too early for you."

Outside the door, there really was Zhao Yamei. She was wearing a white sportswear
and a white headscarf tied to her head. From the outside, it looks more youthful
and beautiful.

"Where it's early, morning jogging is usually so early. Hurry up, I got up half an
hour ago and specifically called you for a morning jog. You go and get dressed, and
then we'll go out." Zhao Yamei said. , Looks particularly motivated.

"Morning, you didn't tell me this before." Chen Ze said, he used to not run in the
morning. Rather than running in the morning, he is more willing to spend time in
the bed, "How long will it run?"

"It won't take long." Zhao Yamei said, looking very relaxed. "You just ran, so the
shortest time is short, you can run ten kilometers in the morning."

"Ten, ten kilometers?" Chen Ze was frightened at once, "So far?"

"Where is this far? I ran like this since I was a kid. Boxers need a lot of
stamina. Otherwise, if they can't fight for a while on the ring, their physical
strength will be consumed. "And these ten kilometers are just the beginning of
today. I made a very detailed plan for you last night. When you finish according to
my plan, I guarantee that your boxing ability will greatly improve."

"There are other plans?" Chen Ze said, stunned. "And, what else?"

"I'll take a look." Zhao Yamei said, taking out a notebook from her pocket, and
then looked up. "After running it is 10,000 skipping ropes, then sit-ups and push-
ups, then equipment fitness , Sandbag exercises, then ...

Zhao Yamei spoke to this notebook for a long time, but she hadn't finished it yet.

Chen Ze quickly took her notebook and took a look at the top characters: Chen Ze
Boxing Training Schedule. In the back, even the dense records on a notebook are all
training content.

"This ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Is this what I want to do?" Chen Ze said, somewhat


"Yes, these are the most basic training." Zhao Yamei laughed. "Let's go."

He regretted it. Chen Ze completely regretted it at this moment. I did not expect
Zhao Yamei to get such a training list for him. This is all for the dead. Chen Ze
now regrets it, and regretted that he invited Zhao Yamei to be a private teacher
for him.

"Well, can we change this personal education?" Chen Ze asked.

"No," Zhao Yamei laughed.

"Why? Still buying and selling?" Chen Ze said.

"Of course not." Zhao Yamei said. "You can change it if you want."

"Really?" Chen Ze was excited.

"Of course, when you can beat me!"

Chapter FTLS 277: Harsh Zhao Yamei (below)
Can you beat Zhao Yamei?

Chen Ze thought about it for a moment. If he used the boxing **** to punch, he
would have hit her.

However, the power of boxing and punching is too great, and it is possible to
accidentally kill someone.

Therefore, Chen Ze will certainly not take this out to deal with Zhao Yamei.

And if you remove this, Chen Ze feels that he is the current one, I am afraid it
will not be Zhao Yamei's opponent.

The dodging steps he learned, as well as the block and even the disappearing boxing
skills, were learned from Zhao Yamei here. And although he has the learning of
boxing, he is certainly not as skilled as Zhao Yamei for so many years.

Therefore, Chen Ze feels that he is not Zhao Yamei's opponent at present.

So there was no way, Chen Ze could only wash quickly in the end, and then went out
to train with Zhao Yamei.

The first is ten kilometers, running ten kilometers on the road before daylight.

This is something Chen Ze has never run in the past. At first Chen Ze felt that it
was difficult for him to survive.

But to his surprise, he actually finished the ten kilometers very easily, and still
kept up with Zhao Yamei's speed, although his face was sweaty, his breath was a bit

But it was still over and I didn't feel particularly strenuous. It seems that
running this ten kilometers is about the same as ordinary people jogging for four
hundred meters.

"I see. It's the body of the boxing god. The body of the boxing **** makes me so

After running, Chen Ze muttered to himself, thinking about it.

The past few things have actually given him a superficial understanding of the body
of the boxing god, recognizing his current explosive power, as well as the body's
ability to sense, even the most basic physical qualities of boxing. Excellent.

But after running these ten kilometers today, he realized that not only was the
basic physical fitness of boxing, but even the quality of endurance, which required
acquired training, was already very good.

This made Chen Ze very satisfied. He knew that in this case, he was one step
further from completing the task.

"Chen Ze, okay you, even after ten kilometers, you have nothing to do with your
body. I thought you would definitely not be able to persist. I didn't think you
would not only persist but also look so relaxed." Zhao Yamei stopped and said

Rao is her. After running, her breath was completely chaotic, and she gasped.
But she found that Chen Ze's breath was not so chaotic. From the outside, she
looked better than her current condition.

This made Zhao Yamei too surprised. Originally, she thought that no matter how
talented Chen Ze was, she had to practice this aspect of endurance. I didn't expect
that even Chen Ze didn't need to practice in this area, it seemed better than her
who has been practicing for more than 10 years and 20 years.

"What talent is this? It's too strong."

As she talked, Zhao Yamei thought. She was a bit unbalanced. Looking at Chen Ze,
she felt that God was really unfair sometimes.

Even Chen Ze, who has amazing learning ability and explosive ability, is not even
required. Even the ability that needs to be cultivated, such as endurance, is so
innate. This looks like a peerless genius in boxing.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yamei felt unbalanced for ordinary people like her.

But in fact, Zhao Yamei's talent is already very amazing. The talent she inherited
from her dad is far beyond ordinary people.

If Zhao Yamei's talent is given to any man, this man will definitely make a
difference in the boxing world.

However, now facing Chen Ze, in contrast to Chen Ze, who has a system.

In this way, Zhao Yamei's talent is naturally not enough.

"It's nothing, maybe I'm talented." Chen Ze said with a smile. He felt that he was
telling the truth. If he had the body of the boxing god, if he was not qualified to
say this.

Well, no one in this world is qualified for this.

However, his words made Zhao Yamei a little upset. She had a fighting heart in her
heart, and wanted to compare Chen Ze with her talent.

"Okay, then let's see how powerful your talent is." Zhao Yamei said, and she had a
decision in her heart. She decided to work with Chen Zebi on the remaining
exercises in the boxing training plan. One ratio.

Then, after having breakfast and taking a break, Chen Ze and Zhao Yamei went to the
boxing club together, and then started training according to the training plan
formulated by Zhao Yamei.

The first is skipping, ten thousand jumps.

This project is Zhao Yamei's most confident. She used to do rope skipping training
almost every day in the past. She is confident to win Chen Ze.

But soon, the results came out. Chen Ze was faster than her, and in the end it was
almost three minutes faster.

The second item is sit-ups.

In this project, Chen Ze also easily defeated Zhao Yamei.

The third item is sandbag hitting practice.

Chen Ze still easily won Zhao Yamei.

The fourth item ...

In this way, according to Zhao Yamei's prior formulation of the project, Chen Ze
and Zhao Yamei did it again.

Almost every time, Chen Ze won.

"Okay, it's amazing. Chen Ze's physical strength and endurance are so powerful that
even Zhao Yamei is not her opponent."

"Yes, Chen Ze's physical strength is also too great. Actually, almost every item is
stronger than Zhao Yamei."

"It's too strong. Is Chen Ze's talent so good?"

The comparison between Chen Ze and Zhao Yamei naturally attracted the attention of
the club owners. Everyone froze and talked.

They were really shocked by Chen Ze, very shocked.

Although Zhao Yamei is only a girl, in fact, she has the best physical strength and
endurance in the club. This is due to her learning boxing under her father's
guidance ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~.

Therefore, although there are many students in the club, no one can match her.

Now, even Chen Ze, who has just joined the club and has never been trained in the
past, is even stronger than Zhao Yamei.

Everyone was stunned and knew what it meant.

They looked at each other, both stunned, and they both saw the shock in the eyes of
each other: "This Chen Ze, his talent, is really horrible."

Not only them, but even Zhao Yamei was stunned. She looked at Chen Ze, and couldn't
believe what happened before.

Although she knew that Chen Ze's talent was very good in the past, she did not
expect it to be so good.

So she was completely shocked, looked at Chen Ze, and suddenly took out a pair of
gloves from the cabinet and threw it to Chen Ze: "Chen Ze, let's formally play two
of them. I want to see, your talent How strong is it? "

For the first time, Zhao Yamei had a fight with Chen Ze.

Chapter FTLS 278: Bull Bull Blue Dragon Fist

"Who do you think can win?"

Inside the club, looking at Zhao Yamei and Chen Ze preparing on both sides, the
students inside had a discussion.

Honestly, they were all very surprised. They did not expect that Zhao Yamei would
say such words, and she would take the initiative to challenge Chen Ze.

Although Chen Ze's talent is very strong, and even a little bit strange, in their
opinion, Chen Ze is far from Zhao Yamei.

But now, Zhao Yamei took the initiative to challenge Chen Ze.

"It must be Asia-American. Although Chen Ze's talent is too horrible, after all,
Chen Ze is just just learning to play boxing. Even if he is talented, it doesn't
make sense to win Asia-American at this time."

"I also think that although Chen Ze won Han Shu a few days ago, they all used
Asian-American tricks. The same tricks definitely affirm that Asian-Americans are
more proficient than Chen Ze and they know how to restrain themselves, so The
winner must be Zhao Yamei. "

"I think the same way. The one who wins in the end must be Zhao Yamei."

They all spoke, thinking that Zhao Yamei had won.

No matter how good Chen Ze's talent is, it is impossible to win Zhao Yamei at this

On the other side of Zhao Yamei, she put on a fist boxer cap and punched out,
moving her body.

"Yami, do you really want to fight with Chen Ze?" Next to him, Zhao Yamei's father
said, "Although Chen Ze's talent is indeed ridiculous, but I think it should not be
your opponent."

"Maybe." Zhao Yamei said, and she looked at Chen Ze on the other side. "But maybe
Chen Ze will create a miracle again. My two wishes, maybe Chen Ze can help me
complete it."

While talking, Zhao Yamei moved and went to the ring.

On the other side, Chen Ze also stepped onto the ring and stood facing Zhao Yamei.

He felt a bit ridiculous, obviously practicing, why suddenly he had a fight with
Zhao Yamei.

"I should, but I can't beat Zhao Yamei." Chen Ze thought to himself, but he had
seen Zhao Yamei's powerful.

Rao is a strong Muay Thai master like Zhong and Kun, and Zhao Yamei can last that

Chen Ze knows that even now he is unlikely to be able to use his boxing skills
without punching.

Therefore, Chen Ze knows that he is not currently Zhao Yamei's opponent.

"Chen Ze, our game is very simple. There is no referee. We will play until one side
confesses to losing or completely faints before the game is completely over." At
this time, Zhao Yamei spoke and looked at Chen Zedao.

"OK." Chen Ze nodded.

"I also told you in advance that I will use my best effort this time. You also have
to use your best effort, otherwise in case you hurt, don't blame me." Zhao Yamei
said again at this time.
"I see." Chen Ze said.

Seeing Zhao Yamei's appearance and hearing Zhao Yamei's words, he knew that Zhao
Yamei was serious. So he took it seriously.

"Begin." Zhao Yamei's father spoke, announcing the start of the game.

After hearing his words, Zhao Yamei and Chen Ze rushed towards each other.

And all around, all the students held their breaths and wondered what the final
result of the two men's game was.

On the ring, although Chen Ze's physical quality is higher than Zhao Yamei, whether
it is speed, explosive power, or dynamic vision, it is higher than Zhao Yamei.

But after all, the battle experience is still insufficient, so from the beginning,
it fell into a disadvantage.

Zhao Yamei punched her over. Chen Ze had only the ability to fight at first, but
had no ability to resist.

Even Zhao Yamei's dodging steps he had learned before did not work anymore. Those
who played against Han Shu played a big role, so that Han Shu could not beat him at

Even Zhao Yamei could see through Chen Ze's dodging direction in advance and
punched him in the past.

In this way, Chen Ze fell into the downwind and suffered a few punches from Zhao

"Sure enough, it really is Zhao Yamei's most powerful. Although Chen Ze is

powerful, after all, he learned from Zhao Yamei here. No matter what he wants to
do, Zhao Yamei is predicted in advance.

"Yes, Chen Ze's steps have been used very well, but after all, this is still Zhao
Yamei's invention. No matter what Chen Ze wants to do, Zhao Yamei will see through
in advance."

"Asian America is still the most powerful, and still more powerful than Chen Ze."

Seeing Chen Ze and Zhao Yamei's moves on the ring, people all around said that they
believed that their previous views were very correct.

The current Chen Ze is far from being Zhao Yamei's opponent.

"No, you guys have a look."

At this moment, one person spoke, very surprised, as if he had seen something very

When he heard him, everyone else looked at it.

I saw that Zhao Yamei's fist gradually fell out on the ring.

From the beginning, the enemy was almost expected, and then Chen Ze could not be
beaten gradually. Then, every punch began to be avoided by Chen Ze.

"Hide, hide, Chen Ze hides, what's going on? Didn't you just hide completely?"
"Yes, it's footsteps. Chen Ze's footsteps have changed. His footsteps have

"Yes, the footsteps have changed, and the footsteps created by Yamei before and
before are different."

The crowd spoke with shock in their faces.

They all saw that the footsteps of Zhao Yamei used by Chen Ze had changed.

It is still some kind of regular footsteps, but it is no longer the footsteps

created by Zhao Yamei.

Moreover, the pace is more flexible and more powerful than Zhao Yamei.

Everyone understood Chen Ze's footsteps.

"Chen Ze, Chen Ze even unexpectedly improved the footsteps of Amei. Therefore, Amei
couldn't hit him with a single punch."

Everyone was stunned and had no idea that even on this ring, Chen Ze temporarily
upgraded Zhao Yamei's footsteps.

From the footsteps of Yamei, he has become the footsteps of Chen Ze!

So all of a sudden, everyone was shocked!

"Sure enough, it really is a talent." On the ring, Zhao Yamei spoke and looked at
Chen Ze. "However, if you can only escape my fist, there is no way to defeat me.
Without a powerful attacking fist, you It's impossible to beat me. "

Talking, Zhao Yamei's fist hit Chen Ze more quickly.

Chen Ze continued to dodge left and right, avoiding Zhao Yamei's fist.

He knew that Zhao Yamei was right. If she could only escape her attack, there would
be no way to defeat her.

In order to defeat her, you must have a strong attack fist.

Now, the only boxing technique learned by Chen Ze is the disappearing boxing

And that boxing technique, although Chen Ze wants to show, but must enter the
corner despair, this is possible.

Only now ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Zhao Yamei, who is also familiar with this boxing
technique, is simply not able to give her this opportunity.

Therefore, Chen Ze quickly thought about it. Since knowing this boxing task, Chen
Ze has not thought so carefully.

There was only one reason, he didn't want to lose to Zhao Yamei.

Or, I do n’t know why, he felt Zhao Yamei wanted him to beat her.

Therefore, he wants to defeat Zhao Yamei.

"Boxing? What other boxing?"

Chen Ze murmured to himself, suddenly, a flash of light flashed from his mind:
"Yes, when he was a chef, there was a world-famous sword-knife called Raging Bull
Qinglong Chop. If the sword was replaced by a fist. , What will happen then? "

Chen Ze looked at Zhao Yamei: "I still have one of my own boxing skills."


"Buffalo Qinglongquan!"

Chapter FTLS 279: San Diego Boxing

"Chen Ze's talent is so horrible that he can complete the transformation of
footsteps on the ring."

Around the ring, everyone was still immersed in the steps of Chen Ze's

They are all learning boxing, especially many people have been learning for a long
time, naturally know the difficulty of boxing. Especially the temporary
transformation steps on the platform like Chen Ze, this is simply impossible to

So when they saw Chen Ze's movement, all of them were shocked and said.

Even so, their views on them from the beginning did not change.

"However, even if Chen Ze completes the transformation of his footsteps, he will

not be able to win Amei. It is impossible to win her by simply hiding Amei's fist."

"Yeah, definitely the one who won last is still Yamei. Although Chen Ze's footsteps
are great, it is impossible to win Yamei. How can he win Yamei without a strong
offensive ability?

They spoke, although Chen Ze's change of footsteps surprised them all.

But the defense ability has become stronger, but if the offense does not threaten
Zhao Yamei, they do not think that Chen Ze can win Zhao Yamei.

"Buffalo Qinglongquan!"

Just then, a voice was uploaded from the ring, and everyone quickly looked at the

I saw Chen Ze's right fist suddenly speeded up and hit Zhao Yamei on an extremely
weird track. In fact, it is quite extraordinary, looking far away, like a dragon.

Even the sound of dragon groan appeared in their ears.


Zhao Yamei was hit by Chen Ze, flew high, smashed into the cable of the ring
platform, and then bounced to the ground.

"Amei, you, are you okay."

Chen Ze rushed over and asked.

Everyone around him hurried around in the past, stunned by the recent change, and
wanted to see what happened to Zhao Yamei.

None of them had thought that Chen Ze would blow Zhao Yamei in one punch.

"it's okay no problem."

Zhao Yamei spoke and stood up and laughed.

"Fortunately, fortunately."

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Zhao Yamei, Chen Ze took a long breath and
he was scared to death.

This fierce bull green dragon fist is the first time he has performed this way, and
he never expected that the power would be so great.

It turned out that Zhao Yamei flew out with one punch.

If Zhao Yamei was really hit by something wrong, then Chen Ze would regret it.

"Forget it, I'm in this game."

At this time, Chen Ze spoke, and he was ready to admit defeat.

Although he has not lost yet, he even has the upper hand. But he was worried that
something really happened, so he was ready to give in!

"You win!"

Chen Ze had not spoken yet, but Zhao Yamei's voice came out suddenly.

She actually gave up first.


Everyone was stunned when they heard what Zhao Yamei said.

Many of them have known Zhao Yamei for a long time, knowing that Zhao Yamei's
character is very stubborn. I haven't even lost, let alone conceded.

So when they heard that Zhao Yamei had conceded, they were shocked.

And Chen Ze, the same.

He still remembered that on the plane, even if he faced Zhong Erkun, Zhao Yamei
didn't give in, and he didn't even plan to shrink back.

In that case, you did not admit defeat, but now you admit defeat?

Chen Ze knows that although he has the advantage, he may not be able to defeat Zhao

But Zhao Yamei confessed!

"Admit it, admit it. Chen Ze, you are too good. It looks like I can't beat you."
Zhao Yamei laughed and said that she took off the gloves and caps on her hand, and
then walked off the ring.

Everyone looked around at her, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Not only did I lose in this game, I will no longer punch in the future." At this
time, Zhao Yamei suddenly spoke, smiling at everyone, especially Chen Ze, and said.

Everyone was even more shocked to hear Zhao Yamei's words.

"This, why is that? Amei, you shouldn't lose this game. Although Chen Ze beat you,
you haven't lost yet."

"Yeah, you haven't lost yet. And even if you lose, you don't have to stop punching,
what's going on?"

"Why? Why are you, Amei?"

Everyone was stunned. Everyone had no idea that Zhao Yamei no longer punched.

Chen Ze, in particular, was stuck in place.

"There is no reason, I just don't want to fight. Think about it, there is no girl
who is punching." Zhao Yamei opened her mouth, with a smile and ease she never had
before, and went into the locker room, ready to change clothes.

At the moment, everyone in the hall was even more confused. They didn't know why
Zhao Yamei was.

"Because, Yamei's first wish was completed." At this time, Zhao Yamei's father
spoke, seeming to think something, and said with some sigh.

"Wish? What wish?" Everyone said when he heard what Zhao Yamei's father said.

"She hopes to meet one that will make her willing to admit defeat. If she meets,
she decides not to punch any more." Zhao Yamei's father spoke and looked at Chen
Ze. "Obviously, she met now."

Hearing what Zhao Yamei's father said, Chen Ze's heart moved. He seemed to think of
something, and was a little uncertain.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Just then, Zhao Yamei's scream came from the locker room.

Then she rushed out, holding her phone, and said to everyone: "Announced, this
year's San Diego boxing match, announced."

"What? Announced?" After hearing Zhao Yamei's words, a lot of people around the
place made a sensation and asked.

"Yeah, it will start early next month." Zhao Yamei said.

"It's great. There are matches to watch now."

"Yeah, this is the San Diego boxing match. What year was not exciting."

"It's great, it's really great."

Hearing Zhao Yamei's words, people all around said.

And Chen Ze was confused: "San Diego Boxing? What is this game?"

"This is the highest competition in our boxing world ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The

crowds have spoken." Organized by the World Boxing Organization, each continent is
organized, and the competition is organized by the best boxers in the world. I Budo
Assembly. Especially in the finals, it will be held in the sanctuary of boxing, San
Diego Boxing Hall, and the winner will become the first boxer in the world.
Therefore, this game is the biggest event in our boxing world. "

"So it is." Chen Ze nodded when he heard them.

"It's great. I watched the game last year. It was so exciting. This year's finally
started. Our ordinary audience can finally watch it again."

"Yeah, as an audience, I'm so happy." Several others began.

"Audience? Who said we are the audience?" Zhao Yamei said at this moment.

Hearing her words, everyone froze.

"Chen Ze, will participate in this competition. And, he will definitely board in
San Diego's Big Boxing Gym." ()

Chapter FTLS 280: Goal, San Diego Boxing Stadium

"Chen Ze wants to participate in this competition?"

Hearing Zhao Yamei's words, all the others in the boxing hall stopped.

This San Diego Boxing Tournament is the world ’s highest-profile and most
noticeable boxing match. All the participants are elite boxers, and even many
people who already have the title of World Boxer will also participate in this
competition. .

Chen Ze wants to participate in this kind of competition? A person who has only
learned boxing for a few days to participate?

"Of course, although Chen Ze hasn't studied boxing for a few days, the speed of
progress is really too fast. There is still some time before the start of the game.
When the game starts, I think Chen Ze must have the ability to participate."

Zhao Yamei spoke and said with great confidence.

After hearing her words, the others reacted and remembered. Yes, Chen Ze's talent
is indeed high terror, and even now he has the ability to fight Zhao Yamei.

If he participates in this competition, it is not incomprehensible.

Thinking of this, everyone nodded, all facing Chen Ze:

"Sister Yamei also said, Chen Ze is so talented that you might be able to get a
good place in Yanjing."

"This San Diego Boxing Tournament is first of all countries, and after the
countries are compared, it ’s all continents, and then the outstanding boxers will
be on the San Diego Boxing Hall. Chen Ze maybe you can really get a good place in
our country. "
"Yeah yeah, Chen Ze, you have to cheer, at least stay in Yanjing for a while."

Everyone started talking.

This San Diego Boxing Tournament is from the various countries to all continents to
the San Diego Boxing Stadium. Each level is upgraded. Only the best boxers on each
continent are eligible to enter the San Diego Boxing Stadium and compete in this
boxing sanctuary. The world boxer, even the title of the world's first boxer.

In China, the place of competition is naturally in Yanjing.

And although boxers also have other professional competitions and professional
boxers, but this is the largest boxing world in which there is no restriction on
professional or non-professional registration. Anyone can register.

Therefore, Chen Ze can also sign up.

The words of these people obviously felt that Chen Ze could only play a dozen in
Yanjing, and it was impossible to represent China, let alone to represent Asia.

Even they all felt that even in Yanjing, Chen Ze could not stay long, so they
always encouraged Chen Ze to stay longer.

This kind of thinking is actually very normal. As the world ’s highest boxing age,
Chen Ze, a person who has just learned boxing for a short time, can win the last
match in Yanjing. They all think it is a very great achievement. . As for the
others, they dare not even think about it.

However, their thoughts directly caused Zhao Yamei to frown, and said dissatisfied:
"What can stay in Yanjing for a longer period of time, this is too unmotivated. We
either do n’t participate, if there is only one goal, that is San Diego Boxing
Stadium. "

Zhao Yamei's words stunned everyone else, and then many people even laughed.

Laughing and speaking:

"Sister Yamei, your goal is too big. San Diego Grand Boxing Hall, where is that?
The world ’s boxing shrine, no one in China has been on that place for many years.
Not to mention Chen Ze Now, how can this be achieved. "

"Yeah, it's not that we defeated Chen Ze's prestige. No matter how talented he is,
it is impossible to rush to the San Diego Boxing Stadium. But only where the world
’s top boxer elite can enter, anyone who enters Can be called the strongest man in
the world with unarmed combat. Chen Ze, let's forget it. "

"I also don't think it's the San Diego Boxing Stadium. It's impossible to win in
Yanjing and gain China's representation. We have also seen a lot of young boxer
elites in China in the past two years. Some have even achieved some results in
other professional competitions. Chen Ze, how could they have defeated them. "

People started talking around and shook their heads.

Obviously, they totally disagree with Zhao Yamei's goal. Even, I think Zhao Yamei's
goal is completely myth.

Chen Ze, a person who hasn't practiced boxing very much, would n’t have been a
miracle if he could get to the San Diego Boxing Stadium.
God, only the boxing **** can complete it!

"you guys."

After hearing the words of people around, Zhao Yamei rolled her sleeves and wanted
to hit someone.

"Yamei, you said you would stop punching." Seeing Zhao Yamei's appearance, everyone
around was startled, and some people spoke quickly.

"I really won't fight anymore, but if I hit someone, I will still fight." Zhao
Yamei said.

But in the end, she didn't really hit people, but instead said: "The goal is just
the goal. Of course, I also know that Chen Ze can't do it now, but five years
later? Ten years later? Maybe, Chen Ze will do it by then. "

Zhao Yamei said, in fact, she is familiar with the boxing world, and she knows that
it is impossible for Chen Ze to enter the San Diego Boxing Gym.

Not to mention that Chen Ze is at best only about the same level as Zhao Yamei.
Even if he is much stronger than Zhao Yamei, Zhao Yamei knows that Chen Ze did not
enter the San Diego Boxing Stadium this year.


Zhao Yamei remembered, unless Chen Ze really had the strength to hit Fei Zhongkun
on the plane at that time. Unless this is the case, Chen Ze has little hope.

"Let a let, let a let!"

Just then, Chen Ze suddenly spoke, holding a large piece of blank paper, and walked
to the wall: "Just stick it here."

"What?" Everyone froze.

Chen Ze picked up the glue and affixed the blank paper to himself. Until then,
everyone noticed that there was still a big line on the blank paper: "Target, San
Diego Boxing Stadium."

This line of words was just written by Zhao Zemei when he heard Zhao Yamei's words.

"Of course, I will enter the San Diego Boxing Gym this year." Chen Ze said, turning
to face everyone.

Although everyone, even Zhao Yamei, did not think that Chen Ze could get in at this
time. But Chen Ze has his confidence.

This is his goal.

It is also his task that must be completed.

Chen Ze is confident that it will be completed this year!

And looking at Chen Ze's smile, everyone suddenly had a feeling.

It seems that Chen Ze really has this hope.

"Then we have agreed. The goal this time is San Diego Boxing Stadium."
In the end, Zhao Yamei laughed and stretched her fist towards Chen Ze.

"of course."

Chen Ze smiled ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ struck out his fist and touched Zhao Yamei!

Of course, it's not just Chen Ze.

When the news of San Diego Boxing came out, the whole world was a sensation.

The highest event in the world boxing world immediately set off the world boxing

I do n’t know how many, how many boxing elites, and even the boxer-level masters
immediately signed up.

They all secretly set the same goals as Chen Ze.

Goal, San Diego Boxing Stadium!

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Chapter FTLS 281: I also look forward to

"Here it is, here is Yanjing."

After arriving at Yanjing High-speed Railway Station, Chen Ze opened his mouth to
Zhao Yamei Road.

After deciding to register for the competition that day, another half a month
later, it was finally the time for the opening of the San Diego Boxing China
Tournament, so Chen Ze, who had already completed the online registration, came to
Yanjing on the high-speed rail.

Of course, there was Zhao Yamei with him.

Chen Ze originally planned to come alone, but who thought that Zhao Yamei had
proposed to join him.

The reason is also very positive. She is Chen Ze's personal trainer. Chen Ze
participates in the game, and she will certainly follow.

To be honest, this boxing match does require a coach, and there must be one in
accordance with the rules.

According to Chen Ze's actual requirements, one must be available.

Although before this game, he trained for more than half a month.

But he still can't figure out many rules of boxing, and some tactics in the game.

So having a coach is the best.

However, Chen Ze did not expect that Zhao Yamei would come to be his coach and
offered to come to Yanjing with him.

This makes Chen Ze a little hesitant. After all, there are differences between men
and women. The two people come together to participate in the game, he still feels
not very good.
And Zhao Yamei remembers that he was a college student. Does n’t a college student
need to go to school?

"Of course not, I am a senior student, no class, just look for work directly. And
work, as your coach of Chen Ze, isn't it just work?" Zhao Yamei smiled.

In this way, Chen Ze had nothing to say, and took Zhao Yamei to Yanjing together.

"Finally, it's exhausting to sit."

Zhao Yamei spoke. Although it was a high-speed rail, she also sat for hours.

So Zhao Yamei was also a little tired, she took a long breath, and carried her
luggage and followed Chen Ze and went out.

Although Yan Jing is Chen Ze's first visit, he has no curiosity and interest in the
high-rise buildings of Yan Jing after seeing Macau and Las Vegas, especially Zhao

After they left the high-speed rail station, they immediately took a taxi and drove
towards the booked hotel.

"The Chinese event of the San Diego Boxing Tournament will start tomorrow."

After getting in the car, Chen Ze asked.

"Yeah, it will open tomorrow, and the match list will be revealed at the moment of
opening." Zhao Yamei said, "I hope there will be good luck tomorrow and a weak

"The people who signed up for this boxing match are probably some of them?" Chen Ze

"I'm not quite sure. I won't know until I arrive at the scene tomorrow." Zhao Yamei
said. "But I guess that the strongest boxers in China must have signed up."

While they were talking, the taxi quickly arrived at the hotel.

After giving the car money, Chen Ze took Zhao Yamei into the hotel and got the
booked room.

There are two rooms in total, two next door!

"Yo, isn't this Zhao Yamei?"

As soon as Chen Ze and Zhao Yamei had completed the check-in procedures and were
about to leave with their luggage, there was a sudden sound behind them.

Chen Ze turned around and turned out to be an acquaintance. The young man in his
twenties was Han Shu who had been defeated by Chen Ze by the disappearing boxing

"Han Shu? Why are you here?" Zhao Yamei frowned after seeing Han Shu.

"Of course I participated in this San Diego boxing match. This is the biggest event
in our boxing world. I certainly can't miss it." Han Shudao said, "How about you?
Why are you here?"
"I have the same purpose," Zhao Yamei said.

"You? I heard you right, hahaha." After hearing Zhao Yamei's words, Han Shu
laughed. "I remember this San Diego boxing match, but only men can participate. You
are a girl and want to participate This kind of competition? Didn't you wake up? If
you want to participate in this competition, let's have a good life in the next
life. "

After hearing Han Shu's words, Zhao Yamei's face was a little ugly.

Chen Ze also looked at Zhao Yamei. Although he and Zhao Yamei had known each other
for less than a month, Chen Ze could vaguely feel that it seemed that Zhao Yamei
was concerned about gender.

I don't know why, it seems that Zhao Yamei has a knot, and she seems to be
particularly annoyed that she is not a boy, otherwise she can participate in

Therefore, after hearing Han Shu's words, Chen Ze quickly looked at Zhao Yamei. He
also knows that Han Shu must also know Zhao Yamei's heart knot. He must have said
Zhao Yamei intentionally when he said this.

"I know, so the person who participated in the competition this time was not me."
At this time, Zhao Yamei said again, saying she looked at Chen Ze. "The person who
wants to participate in the competition is Chen Ze."

Hearing Zhao Yamei's words, Han Shu turned his head and looked at Chen Ze, his face
became worse all of a sudden. At this time, he recognized Chen Ze, remembering that
it was him, who had defeated him in front of so many people and let him Almost lost
his face.

"You want to participate?" Han Shu looked at Chen Ze and asked in a low voice.

"Of course." Chen Ze said.

And when he heard what Chen Ze said, Han Shu suddenly laughed: "Okay, I haven't
seen such an uncontrollable person for a long time. Chen Ze, you want to
participate in this kind of competition. Do you think You won me that day, which
means you are very good? I told you that you could win that day, but I was
negligent. 100 more times, I can KO you within a minute. You even think To
participate in this kind of competition is simply blasphemy about it. "

After being defeated by Chen Ze, Han Shu was very angry. He thought about the game
with Chen Ze that day. Obviously, Chen Ze's speed was not very fast, the boxing
movements were not very standard, and he seemed to be a novice.

And myself, even lost to such a novice!

This made him very annoyed, and when he was annoyed, he felt that he would lose,
just because he did not think of novice Chen Ze, and he would lose the boxing

Han Shu believes that as long as he takes care of this, Chen Ze is not his opponent
at all.

He wanted to get back where he was, but he didn't expect to receive the news of the
San Diego Boxing match immediately.

No way, this game is the most important, so Han Shu is going to go to Chen Ze's
trouble after finishing this game.

I didn't expect to meet Chen Ze directly here ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and also heard
the news, this novice Chen Ze even had to participate in this competition.

"Joke, it's just a big joke." Han Shu faced Chen Zedao, suddenly a smile on his
face, as if thinking of something, "But this joke is also very good. I hope the two
of us can compete in the game Meet inside, so that I can get back where I am.
Although, this is unlikely. At your level, it must be eliminated in the first game.

Han Shu's boxing level has almost reached the professional level, so he is
confident to support at least three innings in this game.

And Chen Ze, he felt that Chen Ze could not even survive the first game.

That's why I say so.

After hearing Han Shu's remarks, Zhao Yamei was furious and was just about to

Chen Ze said in front of him, smiling: "I hope your words will come true, and I am
looking forward to it, we will meet again."

After hearing Chen Ze's words, Han Shu was also a little angry, and did not expect
Chen Ze to dare to say so.

He was just about to say something, but looking at Chen Ze's smile, he was a little
stunned, and he seemed to understand something.

"Chen Ze, he is serious. This guy is really looking forward to his encounter! So
what is he thinking?"

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Chapter FTLS 282: Opening

"If only I could meet Han Shu really."

Chen Ze spoke in the hotel room.

Generally, professional boxing matches are classified according to weight, from

lightweight to heavyweight. But this game is different. This game is to determine
the strongest man in boxing, so regardless of the level, the strongest wins.

So although Chen Ze and Han Shu have different weights, they can meet each other.

And just after listening to Han Shu's words below, Chen Ze also hoped to play
against Han Shu.

"I also think that he always thought you were just the same day as you. If you
really meet this time, I think you will give him a big surprise." Zhao Yamei said
with a smile.

Chen Ze's learning ability is really too strong, and his progress in boxing is
almost a step a day.

Half a month ago, Zhao Yamei was confident that she could defeat Chen Ze. But now,
she knew that she was no longer Chen Ze's opponent.

However, Han Shu still looked at Chen Ze with his eyes more than ten days ago. Zhao
Yamei knew that if there was really a match between the two of them. Chen Ze will
definitely give Han Shu a big surprise.

"Unfortunately, the chance of meeting is too small." Chen Ze said.

Chen Ze, who participated in the Chinese competition this time, did not know how
many there was, but he knew it would not be less. As for Han Shu's boxing ability,
Chen Ze knew that he could only support at most three rounds.

After three rounds, he will definitely be eliminated.

In this case, the chance of meeting Han Han in these three rounds is indeed too

"It's okay to meet no one. As long as you can get good results and rankings in the
Chinese competition this time, naturally Han will have nothing to say." Zhao Yamei

"No, I don't know if I can beat him on the fist box. Where can I get deflated?"
Chen Ze said. He felt that hitting the face directly was more pleasurable than
hitting it indirectly, "let's say!"

"What more?" Zhao Yamei said.

"Moreover, if I can't meet him, I can't get revenge on you." Chen Ze said.

"Revenge for me?" Zhao Yamei froze for a while before reacting.

Chen Ze said to take revenge for her, which originally meant that Han Shuxian
started to ridicule her for being a girl.

Knowing this, Zhao Yamei looked at Chen Ze, warmed up, and wanted to say something,
but in the end she just smiled: "Thank you."

As she said, she stood up: "I've got your feelings, whether you can meet with Han
Shu, or can you teach him in person, I think you can help me out. So, the game that
starts tomorrow must win. what."

Hearing Zhao Yamei's words, Chen Ze also stood up, looked at Zhao Yamei, and
smiled, "So, of course!"

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Ze and Zhao Yamei got up and came to the
largest stadium in Yanjing.

Here, the San Diego China Tournament will officially open.

After entering the stadium, Chen Ze was startled by the scene inside.

There are already a lot of people in it. Numerous people are crowding around the
stadium and watching a big screen.

"This, so many people?"

Chen Ze said. Although he expected that there would be many people, he never
expected that there would be so many people.
"Not so much." Zhao Yamei said. "At least a large part of them are the coaches of
the players, even the reserve team. Especially those professional boxers, they have
a whole team. In addition, many reporters come early. The audience who watch the
boxing match, most of it, I think it must not be a contestant. "

"It turned out to be this way." Chen Ze nodded. "But even then, there are already a
lot of people. Also, this big screen won't be the battle table today, so many
people are watching."

"I guess that's it, otherwise there won't be so many people watching." Zhao Yamei
said, "But now there are at least ten minutes from the battle table. We don't have
to stand here, we have to find a place first. Sit down. "

"it is good."

Chen Ze nodded, found a spot with Zhao Yamei, sat down, and looked at everyone in
the stadium.

"These people don't seem to have a familiar boxer?" Chen Ze said. Before coming to
the competition, he also checked which professional boxers are currently in China,
but now it seems that no one has seen them.

"None of those boxers will compete today." Zhao Yamei said, "Today is the first
qualifying match in China. Those people have the privilege. This initial qualifying
match will not be entered. They will participate, at least they will Wait until
tomorrow's game. "

"So it is." Chen Ze nodded.

"Brother, brother." At this moment, a voice came over, Chen Ze looked back, and a
man looked at him.

"Call me?" Chen Ze asked.

"Yes, I'm calling you." The man nodded, and he sat beside Chen Ze. "Brother, did
you come to the competition?"

"Yeah, I'm from Yucheng to come to the competition." Chen Ze nodded.

"I'm from Beicheng." The humane said, "Brothers, how many years have you been
boxing? I've been practicing for almost ten years, not too long, so I want to be
able to support two or three rounds this time. "

"This one."

Hearing the man's words, Chen Ze froze a bit, not knowing how to talk to him.

He looked at this guy, thinking that this guy meant it on purpose. After ten years
of practice, he didn't have enough practice on his own. Isn't it deliberately

But when Chen Ze saw the man's face, he found that he looked at himself sincerely,
apparently without any pretense.

"This guy really thinks that he hasn't practiced for ten years?" Chen Ze thought to

He thinks this problem is a bit tricky. This guy has practiced for ten years, and
he says he hasn't practiced enough to win two or three rounds.
What about yourself? I have been practicing for less than a month. In this case, I
really should not even come to this competition.

Suddenly, Chen Ze felt that he understood what Han Shu said yesterday.

"This guy is just a new guy who has practiced for more than ten days."

At this moment, a voice came again, and Chen Ze felt very familiar. Looking back,
it turned out to be Han Shu. A man was standing beside him.

"Ten or more days?"

Hearing Han Shu's words, the man was obviously stunned.

"Yes, more than ten days, I have come to participate in the game." Han Shu said,

"how can that be?"

Hearing Han Shu's words, the man was completely stunned. He looked at Chen Ze
before and found that Chen Ze's body shape was perfect, almost the standard figure
for boxing.

Judging by that figure, at least for several years. But now it sounds like more
than ten days?

How is this possible!

"Yes ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ He's right." Chen Ze nodded.

"Ao, Han Shu, the unreasonable person you said before is this Chen Ze."

At this time, a voice came from beside Han Shu, and the person who followed Han Shu
spoke and smiled.

"Yes, that's him." Han Shu said, "In light of his experience, he dared to come to
this competition. You said it was funny or not."

"That's really interesting," said Han Shu's friend, smiling. That smile was
obviously mocking Chen Ze.

"Such people dare to come to participate in this kind of competition. I really

don't know who is so lucky to be able to meet him as an opponent. If he meets him,
then it is equal to a direct take." Han Shu said.

"Han Shu."

Hearing Han Shu's words, Chen Ze hadn't said anything yet, but Zhao Yamei was so
angry that she spoke.

"Playlist, come out."

Just then, a voice came out.

It turned out that the battle table came out.

Hearing this voice, everyone looked at the big screen.

Chen Ze is no exception. He quickly looked over and saw it in the lower left of the
battle table:

"In the first round, Yu Cheng Chen Ze, battle, Yu Cheng Han Shu!"

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Chapter FTLS 283: 1st opponent

"First round, Yu Cheng Chen Ze, battle, Yu Cheng Han Shu!"

One side of the big screen reads such a sentence.

Seeing this group, Chen Ze was a bit surprised.

He really wanted to fight with Han Shu, but he didn't expect that he could actually
be encountered, let alone unexpectedly, he met Han Shu in the first round.

He looked at Zhao Yamei beside him and found that Zhao Yamei was also surprised.
Obviously, she didn't even think about it.


At this moment, a burst of laughter came over, and Chen Ze saw that the person who
laughed was Han Shu.

"It's so good, it's so good." Han Shu said, "I would have said that who can be so
lucky to meet you as an opponent. Now I can't think of it, it's me. This is good, I
can report This is the enemy of the arrow. "

"Congratulations, Han Shu, you didn't expect you to meet him as your opponent. This
is the first round."

Han Shu's friend spoke and smiled at Han Shu.

His friend, who is also a boxing expert, has known Han Han for a long time.

This time Han Shu came to Yanjing, he also came, so he also teamed up with Han Shu.

Then I learned about Chen Ze from Han Shu's mouth yesterday.

At that time, when I heard that Chen Ze had studied for more than ten days and
dared to come to participate in the competition, he felt that it was too
ridiculous, it was simply impossible, was Han Shu wrong?

Who the **** is this person who will come to the competition in more than ten days?
I do n’t know too much about the heights and heights, I do n’t know if I live or

Today, after meeting Chen Ze and hearing Chen Ze's own acknowledgement, he knew
that there were actually such people in the world. Someone really learned boxing
for more than ten days and dared to participate in this kind of competition.

To be honest, he just had some prayers, praying that he could meet Chen Ze himself,
so as to ensure the first round.

Now, I can only congratulate Han Shu with my mouth, and I have a secret envy of Han

When he met Chen Ze as his opponent in the first round, he felt that Han Shu was
too cool, wouldn't it win?

"Congratulations, Han Shu, this time you won." The man said, facing Han Shu.

"That's it." Han Shu still had a smile on his face, and he was very happy.

It turned out that Chen Ze was really met in the first round. He had already
decided that this time he would get back to the last place on the ring and give
Chen Ze a good lesson.

"It's so good, Chen Ze, you really met Han Shu, congratulations."

Just then, a voice came over. After hearing this voice, Han Shu froze, and looked
back quickly. The person who spoke was actually Zhao Yamei, with a smile on her
face, and she also congratulated Chen Ze.

"Congratulations, it's great to meet Han Shu, it's satisfied our wishes." Zhao
Yamei said.

"Yeah, I didn't think luck was so good. I actually met Han Shu. It's a great deal.
This is a steady win." Chen Ze also said, smiling at Han Shu.

The words of the two of them directly fixed the smile on Han Shu's face, and his
nose almost crooked away.

What do you mean? What do Chen Ze and Zhao Yamei mean? How can I look happier than
myself? Do they really think that Chen Ze can beat me again? Isn't this a big joke?

Han Shu is very depressed, very depressed.

He originally thought that seeing this group, Chen Ze and Zhao Yamei must be
extremely annoyed, and even a little scared and flinched. But it turned out that
neither of them had such a look on their faces.

On the contrary, both people were very happy, even happier than themselves.

It seems like he is a soft persimmon.

This made Han Shu, who was vengeful, feel that he was completely underestimated,
and almost spit out old blood: "You two!"

He spoke loudly, trying to say something.

"Ah, hey, don't be so angry with Han Shu." At this moment, his friend stopped him,
"I think the two of them must have acted so intentionally so that you might be
angry and even affect waiting for you So, do n’t be so angry. Just Chen Ze who has
practiced for more than ten days, which boxer here we ca n’t beat him, why do you
have such a big fire and wait to solve him on the ring. ”

This friend of Han Shu saw that Chen Ze and Zhao Yamei were so happy, it was a
surprise first, and it felt like the two were crazy. When they met Han Shu, they
were so happy, even happier than Han Shu.

But soon, he felt that he wanted to understand.

This must be the two men's treacherous plan, deliberately so happy, disturbing Han
Shu's mind, so that he can not show his strength, to see if there is a possibility
of defeating defeat.
After thinking about this, he screamed that the two were too poisonous, and at the
same time, he told Han Shu about their plans.

After hearing what his friend said, Han Shu nodded, and felt that it was justified:
"It makes sense, this Chen Ze is not my opponent at all, he must have said it
intentionally, and wanted to do this crooked trick Yes, thanks to you, or I will be
fooled by him. "

"It's okay, as long as Han Shu is not affected by him, no matter what crooked trick
he does, he won't be your opponent." Han Shu's friend said.

"Yes, yes." Han Shu nodded. He looked at Chen Ze and Zhao Yamei. The faces of the
two men still had the happy and excited expression on his face, and he was half-
hearted and angry.

"Forget it, this must be the two of them deliberately, so I want to disturb my
mind, can't be here again, can't be here anymore."

Han Shu thought to himself, thinking so, he took his friend away.

"That ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The two people have already left, you two, don't need to

After seeing Han Shu and the two leaving, the humane who first spoke to Chen Ze.

"Pretend? What pretend?"

Hearing his words, Chen Ze continued to smile, and said.

"Pretend to be happy, they have already left. It is not necessary to pretend to hit
Han Shu." The man said, he and Han Shu think they are the same, and they all think
Chen Ze is pretending to attack Han Shu of.

"No, I didn't pretend." Chen Ze smiled. "I'm real, I'm very happy. I couldn't think
of such good luck, but I really met him."

"All said, they have already left, there is no need to ..." After hearing Chen Ze's
words, the man spoke again, he still felt that Chen Ze was pretending.

But right here, he saw the smiles on Chen Ze and Zhao Yamei's face.

Very sincere, sincere from the heart.

This kind of sincerity cannot be pretend at all.

"That is to say, this Chen Ze said all true. He is true and very happy to meet Han
Shu. How is this possible!"

The man was stunned. He looked at Chen Ze and suddenly felt it.

Although Chen Ze has practiced boxing for more than ten days, it is
unfathomable! !! !! !!

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Chapter FTLS 284: Who is Chen Ze

Huh! Zizi!

In the Yanjing University Gymnasium, the first day of the San Diego Chinese Boxing
Tournament has begun.

Although the stadium is large, because there are too many people, there are only
ten ringstands on the inner court for ten groups of opponents to play at the same
time, and others line up.

Therefore, at this moment, the sound of boxing and footsteps in the inner arena,
and the applause of many spectators, reporters and onlookers of boxers are
constantly sounding, one after another.

At this moment, Chen Ze was standing aside, doing some preparatory activities.

"Chen Ze, waiting for the match is the highest level of boxing. There are twelve
rounds, three minutes per round, one minute rest in the middle. After twelve
rounds, if there is no KO, then according to the points, who has the highest
points, Anyone can win. Also, hoods are not allowed during the game. "

Zhao Yamei stood aside and told Chen Ze the rules of the game.

Although the first match was Han Shu, Zhao Yamei was confident that Chen Ze would
be able to defeat him.

However, this is Chen Ze's first official match after all. Before that, it was just
an amateur slapstick, so she started to introduce Chen Ze, and was still a bit

"I see." Chen Ze nodded, "Relax, I will win."

He knew that Zhao Yamei was worried about this, so he spoke.

Having said that, he looked at a ring platform at close range. Above the ring
platform, the two boxers were fighting hard. In addition, the two men seem to have
good strength, they are very fast, and their fists look extremely powerful.

Therefore, Chen Ze who watched was also a little bit enthusiastic and began to look
forward to the games waiting for the meeting.

Soon, the first group of ten games was all completed, and then it was Chen Ze's
second group to play against Han Shu.

Chen Ze went to the ring platform to which he was assigned, and then stood up.

On the other side, Han Shu also stood up.

After seeing Han Shu, the audience, reporters, and boxers who didn't watch the game
all recognized Han Shu:

"Oh, this, this is not the professional boxer of the year, Han Bo's son, Han Shu?
Did he even come to the competition?"

"Yeah, I heard that his level is approaching the professional level, maybe it is to
follow this game and go to professional boxers. I see him, in this game, he can
support at least three rounds . "

"Yeah, I heard that he also inherited his father's boxing talent. His boxing skills
are extraordinary."

Although Han Shu is only 20 years old, he is not very young. However, because his
father was also a well-known figure in boxing, Han Shu was considered a little
famous in boxing.

After seeing him, many people recognized it, and because of his father's
relationship, they were very optimistic about him.

After watching Han Shu, they naturally looked at Han Shu's opponent, Chen Ze.

However, after seeing Chen Ze, they were a little stunned.

Because they looked at it, Chen Ze was about the same age as Han Shu. However, they
did not have any impression.

Many people here pay attention to the elders of many people in the boxing world.
They are very familiar with boxing masters, boxing stars and the like.

However, no one knew Chen Ze.

After seeing Chen Ze, they all had a doubt in their hearts: "Who is this guy?"

On the ring platform, after seeing Chen Ze, Han Shu smiled on his face: "Chen Ze,
if you think about it, this game is not the last time I played. There is no hood to
protect you this time. Don't blame me if I'll beat you in a moment. "

In amateur games, hoods are required to protect boxers. However, professional

competitions are just the opposite. In order to increase the enjoyment, it is not
allowed to wear a hood.

Therefore, neither Chen Ze nor Han Shu wore hoods, and Han Shu smiled.

"If you want to surrender, you still have time." Han Shu said again.

"Yeah, just for you who have been practicing for more than ten days, I advise you
to surrender, lest you be seriously injured or even killed."

On the ring, the friend of Han Shu also spoke aloud and smiled at Chen Ze.

Hearing what they said, Chen Ze hadn't responded yet. The people around him reacted
immediately. To be exact, they were all frightened.

From these words, they finally knew who the young man was facing Han Shu in front
of him, his name was Chen Ze!

But they got another very important news. This guy, Chen Ze, just learned boxing
for more than ten days.

Only after more than ten days, dare to come to participate in this competition!

When they heard the news, they all froze and looked at each other.

If that's the case, they all know why they don't know Chen Ze at all.

But this news is too incredible.

"Ten, more than ten days? More than ten days to participate in this San Diego
boxing match? This, how is this possible?"

"Who is this Chen Ze? He dared to come to the game after practicing for more than
ten days? Is he a fairy? For more than ten days, I am afraid that he has not even
figured out the basic rules of boxing. How dare he come to the competition?
"That is, this is completely death-seeking. After only practicing for more than ten
days, it can be said that it is just an ordinary person. Ordinary people come to
participate in the San Diego Boxing Tournament. Even if it is only our preliminary
round of China, that is also a death-seeking. Boxers and ordinary professional
boxers are definitely not comparable to ordinary people. "

"It seems that Han Shu won this game ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ No wonder he dare to say
these words."

People all around opened their mouths. For a while, everyone's eyes were on Chen
Ze, who was thinking who Chen Ze was? What kind of person dare to participate in
this kind of competition after only practicing for more than ten days.

All of a sudden, everyone was questioning Chen Ze.

After hearing the questions around him, Han Shu smiled again. He laughed loudly:
"Hahaha, Chen Ze, have you heard? Have you heard everything? Now you should know
how much you are. You ca n’t help it. So many people, none of them, support you. "

"That is, you still have to admit defeat, just your strength, waiting for the match
is just looking for death." Han Shu's friends said.

Both of them were talking aloud, in addition to mocking Chen Ze, the purpose was to
disrupt his mind and make him completely confused before the game.

Now, the situation on the scene is better than they thought, and everyone is
questioning Chen Ze.

They believe that no one can hold up in this situation.

Including Chen Ze!

But suddenly, Chen Ze spoke, with a smile on his face: "No one believes in
supporting me? What's this? When the game is over, they will know, Chen Ze, who is

Talking, Chen Ze made a move to prepare for boxing.

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Chapter FTLS 285: Game start

"Both are ready."

On the ring, the referee stood between Chen Ze and Han Shu and asked.


Chen Ze and Han Shu nodded together.

"That's good, that match, officially started!"

The referee spoke and gestured to start the game. Then, he immediately stepped
aside and left the space of Yantai to Han Shu and Chen Ze.

At this moment, Han Shu and Chen Ze raised their fists in front of their heads and
faced each other.

"Honestly, I'm really happy to be able to meet you again." Han Shu said, with a
smile on his face, and said to Chen Ze, "Last time I accidentally lost to you, this
time, I want Double it back. This time, I won't do any more watering. "

As soon as the voice fell, Han Shu's fist came out, very fast, much faster than the
last time he played with Chen Ze.

Last time, I heard that Chen Ze was just a novice who was just learning boxing, so
he didn't put Chen Ze in his eyes. He felt that Chen Ze could be leveled out if he
made any effort.

Who knows that Chen Ze's toughness is far beyond his expectations, let alone three
or four points, until he added eight or nine points in the last game, there was no
way to solve Chen Ze.

In addition, he accidentally hit Chen Ze's boxing, and was actually used by Chen Ze
to lose his boxing skills, knocking him to the ground.

This matter, this thing that was fainted by Chen Ze, a new boxing player, made him
feel a shame.

Therefore, after coming up this time, he decided at the beginning to use all his
strength to attack Chen Ze with the force of a tiger and a rabbit, and he decided
not to give Chen Ze any chance. Use the fastest speed to get rid of him the first

On the ring, sure enough, after he exerted his full strength, the situation
suddenly leaned towards him, although Chen Ze did not really hit Chen Ze vigorously
because of Chen Ze's desperate dodge.

However, Chen Ze was forced to retreat all the way around, and he was constantly
hit by his front chest, frequently allowing him to score.

"Sure enough, surely this Chen Ze will not be Han Shu's opponent."

"That's for sure, who is Han Shu, he was a well-known professional boxer and the
son of Han Bo. How can such a person, Chen Ze, be his opponent. Without being
directly KO by Han Shu, it is already very That's great. "

"I bet Chen Ze will be stunned by Han Shu KO, and there will be a maximum of six
rounds, and this kind of thing will definitely happen in six rounds."

Around him, after seeing Han Shu's fierce attack, people all around said that one
by one, Chen Ze had fallen from the beginning.

Judging from this situation, Han Shu won this time.

"Score, score, score again!"

On the ring, the referee continued to signal Han Shu's continuous scoring. Soon,
the whole situation, as everyone thought, was developing in a direction that was
extremely beneficial to Han Shu.

"Sure enough, this Chen Ze is nothing at all, not Han Shu's opponent at all."

Off the court, the friend of Han Shu said, murmured with a smile on his face.

To be honest, before seeing Chen Ze and Zhao Yamei's look, he was still a little
worried. He was worried that Chen Ze would not be a wizard who was not born. Ten
days of practice would win Han Shu.
But now, seeing Chen Ze falling into such a disadvantage in the first game, his
heart was completely relieved.

In general boxer duels, there will not be a particularly large gap in the first few
games. Only after the physical strength begins to decline and the gaps start to
increase will the gap widen.

But now, in the first game, Han Shu has frequently attacked in the first game, and
even he feels that he is about to push Chen Ze to a dead end.

That was the case in the first game, so later!

Han Shu's friends feel that the overall situation is set, and Han Shu has won.

And not only wins, but also big wins.

Even directly KO Chen Ze, it is not impossible!

"Now, the look on Zhao Yamei's face should be wonderful."

Han Shu's friends thought that he thought Zhao Yamei was about to die anxiously at
this moment. She brought those who participated in the game, the first game of the
first game was so miserable, the look on her face must be very wonderful.

Therefore, Han Shu's friends looked at Zhao Yamei, but they stopped.

Because he saw that Zhao Yamei looked calm and looked on the ring, as if nothing
had happened.

"What the **** is going on?"

Seeing the look on Zhao Yamei's face, Han Shu's friends were a little dazed and
didn't know what was going on.

Obviously, she should be extremely anxious. When she should be desperate, Zhao
Yamei's face had no expression on her face, as if what happened on the ring was
what she had expected.

"Did Zhao Yamei see that the gap between Chen Ze and Han Shu was too large, so she
gave up? So she didn't have any expression?"

This friend of Han Shu thought that he knew this might be the only explanation,
explaining why Zhao Yamei was still so calm at the moment.

But suddenly, another terrible idea poured into his mind: "Or maybe, this is what
Zhao Yamei had expected, or even this, she and Chen Ze deliberately made it!"

"No, it's impossible, how is it possible, how can I do this kind of thing." After
thinking of this idea, Han Shu's friends quickly shook his head again, feeling that
it was impossible at all.

How could Chen Ze be beaten so miserably by Han?

This is simply impossible!


At this moment, a bell rang on the ring, and three minutes had arrived ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ The first round was over.

The referee hurried over, separated Han Shu and Chen Ze, and let them return to the
corner and rest.

"Chen, Chen Ze, you are real, you will hide. No, but in the next game, I will, I
will directly KO you, you, wait for you."

After being separated, Han Shu gasped and said.

After this first game, although he did not directly KO Chen Ze, he felt that he had
mastered all the situations. He is very confident. In the next game, he will KO off
Chen Ze and report his last revenge.

"All right, then I'll wait for you."

Chen Ze smiled and nodded to Han Shu.

Then he turned and walked back to the rest area.

Zhao Yamei quickly handed over the towel, and then said, "How about Chen Ze, what
is the strength of this Han Shu?"

"It's okay, much worse than you." Chen Ze wiped his face with a towel and opened
his mouth.

"So, you can start fighting him back." Zhao Yamei said. "In the first game, you
said that you only want to defend and not attack, you must see the strength of Han
Shu. Now you can see clearly, you can fight back."

"Of course!" Chen Ze laughed, and he looked at Han Shu from another corner. "In the
next round, I will solve him."

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Chapter FTLS 286: Handicap match

"No, Han Shu, I feel a bit wrong."

On the other side of the ring, Han Shu's friends spoke, and after passing the towel
to Han Shu, they were quite worried.

"No? Why not?" Han Shu asked, wiping his towel.

"I don't know, but I have a faint feeling, it seems that Chen Ze is not so weak,
just in the first round, he pretended." Han Shu's friend said.

After hearing what he said, Han Shu first stunned, then laughed: "I, I heard you
right, you said he pretended? Hahaha, how is this possible, this is too much you
think Come on. "

Han Shu didn't believe it at all, and he would never believe what his friend said.

"Maybe, but." Han Shu's friend said, still worried.

"Nothing, Chen Ze is just a man who has practiced boxing for more than ten days. To
be honest, he can survive the first game without being KO. It is already his luck.
Pretend to be like this, how can this be! It ’s too much to think about, ”Han Shu
laughed.“ Besides, you listen to all around, what people say around you. ”

With his words, this friend heard him, only to hear the people around him,
marveling at Han Shu's boxing:

"It's truly Han Bo's son. Although he is only twenty years old, his strength is
already extraordinary. In the future, he will definitely be able to fight his way
into professional boxing."

"I think so too. The first game is already obvious. The gap between Chen Ze and Han
Shu is too big. He lost."

"For an average person, being able to survive the first inning of Han Shu's offense
is already a big luck. He must have lost, how could he win Han Shu."

People all around opened their mouths, taking advantage of the rest time of the
first game, they all lamented Han Shu's boxing skills, and one by one thought that
Chen Ze was defeated.

The first game was so miserable. I'm afraid it's impossible to watch at the back.

Hearing the words of the people around him, the friend of Han Shu's face relaxed a
little. Since everyone said so, he felt that he might really be too worried.

"I think, maybe I really think too much." The friend of Han Shu said.

"That's natural, Chen Ze, it can't be my opponent at all. You wait, the second
game, I will solve him in the second game." Han Shu said, looking very confident.


At this moment, the bell rang again, the game continued, and the second round

Chen Ze and Han Shu once again stood on the ring, or the referee stood in the
middle, asking whether the two were ready, and then signaled the game again.

"Chen Ze, this game, this game I will knock you down. You are lucky in the first
game, but you have completely avoided it. But this game is different, and I will
definitely KO you. Shu opened her mouth and said to Chen Ze quite arrogantly.

"Okay, then I'll wait, and wait for you to KO me." Chen Ze smiled.

"it is good."

Han Shu loudly said that another punch had passed, and the speed of this punch was
even faster than the first inning. And when Chen Ze was talking, he suddenly called

Han Shu exerted his utmost strength, and he had to deal with Chen Ze in this punch.

He also believed that Chen Ze could not escape his punch.

"So fast, so fast, unexpectedly, Han Shu was able to increase his boxing speed even

"Yes, that Chen Ze can't hide away. A person who has only practiced boxing for more
than ten days, it's impossible to hide away."
"It's over, this game is over. Unexpectedly, the game was over at the beginning of
the second game."

Seeing Han Shu's fist, people all around said that everyone had some fryers. I did
not expect that Han Shu's fist speed could continue to increase.

With his full punch, everyone felt that Chen Ze was defeated!

Even more likely to be directly KO!

"Go to death." With a punch, Han Shu shouted aloud, and Chen Ze was directly solved
when he prepared the punch.

However, things were unexpected.

This punch, Han Shu's full strength, and a punch that meant sneak attack, even

Han Shu's boxing speed is very fast, but Chen Ze's speed is faster than this
boxing. His whole body receded to the back, and he avoided Han Shu's inevitable
punch, which made this box missed.

"Okay, fast."

"Why is it so fast, Chen Ze, how fast can he be?"

"Really fake? In the first game, this Chen Ze was not so fast."

Seeing Chen Ze's dodging speed, everyone was frightened, and one by one did not
expect that Chen Ze actually hid in the past, even so fast.

This speed really broke out in the anxiety of Chen Ze?

Or does he have the speed he already has?

"I didn't expect to be hidden from you again, but it doesn't matter, I don't
believe that you can hide from my punch and all my fists."

Han Shu loudly, he didn't think so much. After seeing his fist fail, he immediately
raised his fist and continued to strike Chen Ze.

The speed is still the same as that punch.

However, the result turned out to be the same as before.

Chen Ze stood still and did not move. He actually hid in the past and avoided all
the attacks of Han Shu.

Whether it was a straight punch, an uppercut, or a left-and-right uppercut, all of

Han Shu's full-strength attacks were hidden by Chen Ze, and he stood in hiding.

"This, how is this possible!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. Everyone had no idea that Chen Ze could do
this step, and he could hide Han Shu's attacks.

Even everyone understands, UU reads www. uukanshu.com Chen Ze, turned out to have
such a speed to escape the attack from Han Shu.
"how can that be!"

Han Shu stopped, and after an attack, he was exhausted, panting, and looked at Chen
Ze with great shock: "This, this how, how is it possible. You, how can you escape
my attack, how, how it is possible They all hid, they could hide. "

Han Shu himself felt that his attack was ten times more fierce than the last time
he fought with Chen Ze.

Last time, Chen Ze could not escape his attack.

How can it be, how can it be avoided now.

This, this is impossible!

"It's almost enough for handicap games now."

At this moment, Chen Ze suddenly spoke, and his voice spread all around.

"Handicap game?"

Everyone heard Chen Ze's words, and he didn't expect Chen Ze to say such words.

Handicap game?

What does it mean?

Does Chen Ze mean that he was letting Han Shu in the first game before and just

A person who has only practiced boxing for more than ten days, who brings his
strength close to a professional boxer?

how can that be!

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Chapter FTLS 287: 1 fist KO

"It's here."

Outside the Yanjing Stadium, a group of men approached the door and spoke to the
headed person.

"Yes, that's right here. The Chinese match today will be held here." Another person

"Okay, let's all go in and have a look and see how powerful these preliminaries

"Hey, in fact, there is nothing good-looking. Our strongest boxers in China are
among our group of people. Those inside will not be our opponents."

"Yeah, there is nothing good at all, anyway, no matter who wins today, it is
impossible to win us."

"We are the strongest. This time in the San Diego Boxing Asian Games, the Chinese
boxers will definitely be selected from us."
Hearing the headed man's words, others spoke.

It turned out that this group of people is the first group of boxers in China at
present, and it is also a group of boxers who do not need to participate in the
first day of the competition.

The person headed by is the first professional boxer in China, who is also known
internationally, Guo Yu!

On the first day of the game, the other boxers did not intend to watch it. They did
not look at the people on the first day of the game at all. In their view, whoever
wins on this first day is unlikely to threaten them.

In the end, those who can represent China in Asian competitions, who rush to the
San Diego Boxing Stadium, will definitely appear in them.

However, Guo Yu suddenly said that he would come and take a look to see who would
be in this match. No way, although everyone else doesn't find it necessary to come
and see.

But since Guo Yu spoke, they naturally followed.

After walking to the door, others heard Guo Yu's words.

"Hey, come here, just look at it." Guo Yu said, "Maybe there is a wizard who has
not been born in the first day of the preliminaries."

Talking, Guo Yu walked into Daquan Hall.

When others saw Guo Yu, they followed suit.

"For handicap games, this should be enough."

I just walked into the inner court of the gymnasium and saw that there were people
on the ring. After the game, a voice came suddenly.

Guo Yu, and others were attracted to the past by this voice. Looking up, not far
away, Chen Ze opened his mouth and said to Han Shu.

"Handicap game?"

Hearing Chen Ze's words, Guo Yu and others were also a bit stunned, and one after
another went over to see what was going on.

"You, what are you talking about? Handicap game? You make me game? Hahaha, it's a
laughing man, this is the biggest joke I've ever heard in my life." Han Shu said on
the stage at the moment.

After hearing Chen Ze's words, Han Shu first froze, then reacted and laughed.

"Chen Ze, do you think that you have escaped my attack, and can you compare with
me? Still giving up the game. You, a person who has only practiced boxing for more
than ten days, say that you and me are giving up. It's crazy, it's a laugh. "

Han Shu continued, he did not believe what Chen Ze said at all, and he did not
believe that the handicap game that Chen Ze said was really a handicap game.

He felt that Chen Ze was crazy, and he was talking loudly after seeing that he
could avoid his attack.

A person who has practiced boxing for more than ten days, even said that someone
who has practiced boxing for more than ten years.

Han Shu thought it was so funny, it was the biggest joke.

"Yeah, that's impossible, yes, Chen Ze's speed is really fast and scary, but this
may be that he was an athlete engaged in other sports in the past, so the speed
will be so fast. Only practice For more than ten days, it was said to be a handicap
match, which was too arrogant. "

"It's impossible, it's impossible at all, how is this possible. One Chen Ze and one
Chen Ze who practiced boxing for more than ten days, even said to let Han Shu, how
is it possible, Han Shu is Han Bo's son, how can this . "

"It must be false. This Chen Ze is too arrogant. How could it really be a handicap
match? This is simply impossible."

People all around also shook their heads, feeling that it was impossible at all.

However, the friend of Han Shu seemed to think of something again, his face was
very ugly, and he seemed to be worried about something.

"This man is arrogant, giving up the game."

When Guo Yu, a group of boxers, heard Chen Ze's words, he spoke alone.

"Yeah, I don't know if this guy is qualified," the other said.

They looked at Yantai, thinking they were a close match. The reason why Chen Ze
said those words was just that he wanted to attack his opponents. This was also
their usual tactics.

But as soon as the words were spoken, they heard what was in the audience.

Immediately, I understood what was going on.

"Well, that Han Shu was the son of Han Bo, the character of the year? And the man
who spoke with him was just an ordinary person who had practiced boxing for more
than ten days?"

One person spoke, everyone was stunned, and did not expect that the two people on
the ring platform would be like this.

If this situation is true, then Chen Ze could not be Han Shu's opponent at all.

Not to mention, what a handicap!

"Really fake? The name of the person who said the handicap match was Chen Ze? Just
an ordinary person who has practiced boxing for more than ten days? Really this is
the case, how dare he say such a thing. No, how dare he come Are you competing
here? "

"Yeah, this, this is simply impossible."

This group of experts said that they all felt completely impossible.

If the situation is true, then Chen Ze could not make any handicap games.
"No, I think Chen Ze is right." At this moment, Guo Yu suddenly spoke.


Hearing Guo Yu's words, everyone else froze and quickly looked at him.

"Did you not notice? The breath of the two people on the ring, Han Shu has been
completely messed up, and that Chen Ze, who has only practiced boxing for more than
ten days, is completely clutter-free. Seems like on the ring Fighting is nothing to
him at all. "Guo Yu smiled." On this basis, I am afraid he is much better than this
Han Shu. "

After hearing what he said, everyone looked at the ring again.

Sure enough, everyone noticed that the sound of Chen Ze's breathing was not
disturbed at all.

Everyone looked and knew that this situation represented only one thing.

Chen Ze's strength ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ is far higher than Han Shu.

"Ah, this time I'm going to knock you down and see what else you have to say about

At this moment, Han Shu yelled on the ring, and a set of punches was directed at
Chen Ze.

However, things were different, Chen Ze suddenly rushed forward, and after
approaching the scope of Han Shu's attack, his body flickered left and right to
hide all the set of Han Shu's combined punches.

Then he rushed in front of Han Shu.

With a punch, he hit Han Shu's chest heavily and hit Han Shu flying.


Han Shu hit the ground and passed out.

With one punch, Chen Ze only made one punch in this game, and even KO dropped Han
Shu directly.

All around, after seeing this scene, all the talk and cheers for Han Shu all
stopped abruptly!

Everyone looked at the ring and looked at Chen Ze.

One by one, they all feel like they are in a dream.

How could this happen in reality!

Chen Ze, who has only practiced boxing for more than ten days, actually KO Han Han.

And yes, one punch KO.

how can that be!

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Chapter FTLS 288: Is a monster
"one two three four five six······"

On the ring, the referee counted the numbers. In front of him, Han Shu fell to the
ground without any trace of waking up.

He really was knocked out by Chen Ze with a punch.

But all around, Crow and Bird was silent, everyone was stunned, and never expected
that things would change so fast.

Although Han Shu could not hit Chen Ze just now, he still had the upper hand after

But suddenly, he was suddenly counterattacked by Chen Ze.

Moreover, Chen Ze only made one punch, and one punch turned Han Shu to KO.

Especially in the first round, Chen Ze still completely dominated, and it seemed
that he had no ability to fight back.

Thinking of this, everyone was stunned.

They suddenly remembered what Chen Ze said before: "For handicap games, these
should be enough."

Before, no one believed in Chen Ze's words, and all felt that he was simply
amplifying the words, which was impossible.

But now, everyone has only one thought in their minds: "Chen Ze's words turned out
to be true."

"This, this, this Chen Ze even punched Han Shu in a punch, how could it be."

"The words that Chen Ze said before were all true, and he was really in front of
Han Shu."

"Impossible, how is this possible. Chen Ze, hasn't this person only practiced
boxing for more than ten days? The opponent, but Han Shu's son Han Shu, has said
less than ten years of boxing. So, Chen Ze Can you kill him? "

The audience opened their mouths and looked shocked one after another. Looking at
Chen Ze and Han Shu on the platform, Chen Ze stood upright, Han Shu fell aside,
completely fainted.

This scene let them know that this is true, Chen Ze, this Chen Ze, is really KO off
Han Shu.

"What kind of person is Chen Ze? He just dodged very fast. The last punch was even
more powerful. I think Han Shu is about to have the strength of a professional
boxer, but this Chen Ze is at least one of his first class. on."

"Yes, yeah, this Chen Ze can never be just a boxer who has practiced boxing for
more than ten days. How can he have such dodge and reaction ability, and the last
punch, after only boxing for more than ten days. "
"Who is Chen Ze? His strength should be relatively well-known in the boxing world.
How could he never see him, who is he?"

On Guo Yu's side, the group of true boxing elites and masters were stunned.
Compared with the spectators who usually watched the crowd, they were more able to
see that Chen Ze had knocked down Han Shu's doorway.

Chen Ze's ability to dodge, footsteps, speed, reaction, and the power of the final
punch in the process of knocking down Han Shu are definitely not masterable by
ordinary people.

No, to be more precise, even a boxer who has reached a professional level may not
be more powerful than Chen Ze.

Chen Ze's strength demonstrated at this moment is definitely the strength of a

professional boxer.

A person who has only practiced boxing for more than ten days can reach this level?

This is absolutely impossible!

This group of people looked at each other, and they were surprised by each other's

Each of them absolutely did not believe that Chen Ze could reach this level just
after practicing for more than ten days.

"What kind of person is this Chen Ze? If this level is really reached in just over
ten days, I'm afraid his talent is a bit strange." Finally, Guo Yu looked at Chen
Ze, narrowed his eyes, and muttered. Said.

"Eight, nine, ten!"

On the ring, the referee has finished the countdown. Within ten seconds, Han Shu
didn't stand up, not even the momentum to wake up.

"I announced that Han Shu was KO in this game, so the winner was Chen Ze, the
boxer!" Finally, the referee spoke and announced Chen Ze's victory.

Hearing the referee's words, Chen Ze raised his hands and motioned for joy.

Aside, Zhao Yamei jumped up excitedly.

In the surroundings, countless audiences began to applaud Chen Ze.

Although they were not optimistic about Chen Ze before, they even felt that Chen Ze
was defeated and would be defeated.

However, after seeing Chen Ze's wonderful performance and easily knocking down Han
Shu, they were all conquered by Chen Ze's performance and loudly applauded Chen Ze.

Aside, Han Shu's friend had a pale face and looked at Han Shu who was fainted and
lifted. Until this time, Han Shu hadn't woke up. Obviously, although Chen Ze had
only made one punch, the power of that punch was indeed extraordinary.

"This guy is really a monster."

This friend of Han Shu looked back at Chen Ze on the ring and thought to himself.
He knew exactly that Chen Ze had only practiced boxing for more than ten days, and
boxing for only more than ten days turned out to be so powerful.

This friend of Han Shu thinks that all of this is even hard to imagine. If there is
a forced explanation, there is only one explanation.

Chen Ze, he is really a monster!

Soon, the news of Chen Ze's victory over Han Shu spread throughout the stadium.

Boxing is a very personal sport that relies heavily on individual abilities.

This means that unlike basketball and football, even if he lacks strength, he has a
chance to come back.

Boxing, if hard power can not be compared to others, it is almost impossible to

come back.

Therefore, the first day of the qualifiers so far, no weak people have come back
against the situation.

Chen Ze is the first case.

In addition, Han Shu's identity is extremely special. He was the son of the boxing
figure Han Bo at that time, so he was paid a lot of attention.

Although limited by strength and age, no one thinks he can win in this Chinese
competition ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, but everyone expects him to play a wonderful
performance in this competition, at least in the third round .

But now, even in the first round, and still lost in the second round of the first
round, and the opponent is still a little famous, Chen Ze has even practiced boxing
for more than ten days.

So as soon as the news came out, the whole stadium was immediately detonated, and
everyone was shocked.

"What? Han Shu lost? He lost in the first round? He even lost in the second round
of the first round? The opponent is still a man who has only practiced boxing for
more than ten days? This, how is this possible!"

"My God, what is going on here? Who is this Chen Ze? Who is it that can actually do
such a thing?"

"Han Shu lost to Chen Ze? And this Chen Ze only took one punch to KO him? This,
this, this is impossible."

"Who is this Chen Ze?"

Everyone in the stadium was shocked and discussing this.

The common thought in their hearts: Who is this Chen Ze?

They have no answer, because Chen Ze has indeed never appeared in the boxing world
in the past.

But they know that if things about Chen Ze are true.

Then this person must be a monster!

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Chapter FTLS 289: Draw

恭 "Congratulations, Chen Ze, you won the first game."

On the ring, Zhao Yamei smiled at Chen Ze.

Honestly, although Zhao Yamei was shocked by the whole gym, she was not surprised
at all.

Before the match with Han Shu, she already knew that with Chen Ze's current
ability, defeating Han Shu was no problem at all.

Although he had only practiced for more than ten days, Chen Ze's progress was
really too great.

In these short ten days, Zhao Yamei watched Chen Ze study little by little, improve
little by little, whether it is footsteps, boxing strength, and reaction ability,
are better than before. I do n’t know. How many.

Coupled with Chen Ze's gifted physical talent, Zhao Yamei knows that Chen Ze's
current strength has surpassed her. Even a normal professional boxer is definitely
not his opponent.

But Han Shu still looked at Chen Ze with an old eye, how could he be undefeated.

"Physical talent, and the ability to learn boxing skills, these two things, Chen Ze
is too abnormal."

Looking at Chen Ze, Zhao Yamei congratulated Chen Ze, thinking of it.

However, Zhao Yamei also knows that although Chen Ze's current strength can
probably shine in this Chinese game, if he really meets those professional boxing
masters, I am afraid it is impossible to defeat them.

Therefore, Zhao Yamei didn't actually think that Chen Ze could represent China in
Asian competitions, let alone go to the San Diego Boxing Stadium, compete with the
world's top boxer, and compete for the name of the world's first boxer.

All this, she feels that in the next five to seven years, Chen Ze hopes to

And this time, she just hoped that Chen Ze could meet those real boxers later and
be able to go as far as possible in this Chinese match.

"It's very easy, it's finally out of this bad breath." Chen Ze said with a smile,
winning Han Shu in one breath, which made him very happy.

"Well, the next goal is to win all the remaining games today and enter the top 16
tomorrow." Zhao Yamei said, this year's game is actually just a qualifier, and the
opponents are not too strong. Only after entering tomorrow's game can we truly say
that we have participated in the Chinese competition of San Diego Boxing.

For today's game, several rounds will be decided, then eight players will be
selected, and then they will compete against the eight players who did not
participate in the game today and will directly enter the tomorrow's top 16.

Then one boxing match a day until the final China's strongest was decided.
Therefore, Zhao Yamei's goal is to guarantee the bottom to enter tomorrow's top 16
and then how far can go.

"This goal seems to be very easy to achieve." Chen Ze smiled.

"Cut, although you are really strong now, there must be many boxing masters in
today's match. Don't be so complacent, one accidentally will really lose today."
Hearing Chen Ze's words, Zhao Yamei laughed.

Although she also felt that with Chen Ze's current strength, there is nothing wrong
with entering tomorrow's game.

But afraid that Chen Ze was too proud and underestimated, he started.

"Rest assured, I never underestimate the enemy." Chen Ze laughed.

Then, after Chen Ze had rested for more than ten minutes, the next game began.

The opponent in this game is even worse than Han Shu, obviously an amateur boxer to
increase experience. So easy, Chen Ze won this second round.

Then in the third and fourth rounds, Chen Ze reached the final round in one breath.

Although there were so many matches in one day, Rao's body was a bit overwhelmed by
the body of Chen Ze Boxing God, but the other boxers who played in the later games
were also more unbearable, so Chen Ze beat them. .

In the end, after winning another boxer, Chen Ze finally won all the matches today,
and entered the top 16 of tomorrow with seven other boxers.

Of course, the price was that Chen Ze was beaten with many punches all over his
body, even with a few punches on his face, and swelled in some places.

However, from the perspective of boxing gods, these are trivial, and within one
night, these injuries will immediately heal.

"Chen Ze, Fang Ming, Yang Yi, Kodak, Chen Ren, Zhang Fan, Wu Jinhua, Ye Yitian.
Congratulations to the eight of you entering the top 16 of the Chinese

Finally, on a ring, the referee announced that Chen Ze and eight others entered the
top 16 tomorrow.

Hearing his words, the audience around the audience cheered.

"So you can draw now." The referee spoke again.

"Drawing?" Hearing the referee's words, Chen Ze and seven other people froze. "What

"Draw your opponents tomorrow." The referee said, "Tomorrow's opponents will be the
eight other people who are taking turns today. Each of you will draw one of those
eight people as your tomorrow's opponent."

It turned out that the referee was the opponent who asked them to draw tomorrow.
And it turned out that they were exactly one-to-one, eight of them, facing the
elite of the eight Chinese boxing circles.
"Wow, is tomorrow's game going to be like this?"

"These eight people face the eight true boxing elites directly? How does this win?"

"Unfortunately, these eight people are unlucky today. It was hard to win today's
game, but they actually have to face the eight elites directly. Can't we say that
all of them will be eliminated tomorrow?"

"Yeah, these eight people are miserable."

Hearing the referee's words, people all around spoke.

The eight people who are qualified to take turns are carefully selected by the
Chinese Boxing Association, and can be said to represent the eight highest level of
Chinese boxing. Only such people are eligible to take turns.

So in a sense, they are officially identified as the eight strongest Chinese


The boxing association of today's qualifiers was not intended to be held, and it
was intended to directly choose one of these eight people as the representative of
China to participate in the Asian competition.

However, due to the rules, such competitions must be held.

Therefore, the Boxing Association let the eight men take turns, and then in order
to avoid killing each other in advance, the next day, that is, tomorrow's match,
the eight people killed from today's match will be one by one with them. People are
fighting, so this is the draw.

The meaning of the Boxing Association is simple. They think that the eight talents
are the strongest. Even people killed from the qualifiers are definitely not their

Therefore, after hearing the referee's words, the spectators around him also
changed their faces and began to talk. Obviously, they all share this idea.

Not only these ordinary audiences, but even the eight people who won today, Chen
Ze, have changed their faces.

They also think that they may not be the opponents of the eight people. After
winning today, they are thinking that if the lottery is lucky, they may go further
in China if they do not meet the eight people in advance.

But I didn't expect that there was such a rule.

This lottery requires them to be selected by the Boxing Association one by one
tomorrow, China's top eight!

As a result, several people's faces have changed, because they do not think they
have this ability at all.

On the ring, Zhao Yamei's face was also the same, very ugly.

Like the boxers on the ring, she is counting on a good sign. Don't meet the eight
people prematurely, maybe you can go further.

Who knows, these eight people were encountered so early.

And Zhao Yamei knew that with Chen Ze's strength, it was difficult to win any of
these eight people.

For a while, the audience yelled, but the eight people on the ring were all silent,
and no one was willing to go forward to draw. They all think that this is
tantamount to death.

"No, why are there such rules? No such rule has been said before."

"Yeah, why do we have to directly confront eight of them? We should all speak by

Several people on the ring platform spoke and were unwilling to draw lots.

"No reason? This is the rule." At this moment, a sound came out. Everyone looked at
it. Eight people came over. The person headed was Guo Yu.

These eight people were directly taken by turns and were officially identified as
the eight strongest people in China.

"If you are strong enough, you can win us directly. If you are not strong enough,
it is useless to expect to draw lots." Guo Yu said.

"That is, you think we will draw lots together. If you are lucky, will you be able
to enter a few more places? Winning us will be able to enter the top eight."

"You'd better see your strength clearly, instead of questioning the rules here. If
you are strong enough, you can win us directly tomorrow ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ If you
think you can't beat us, you can just admit defeat."

"That is, if you don't dare to fight with us, just give up."

"You don't have to question the rules. As long as you win us, you will naturally be
in the top 8.

The other seven spoke with smiles.

They were extremely relaxed, apparently they did not think that Chen Ze and the
eight of them could beat them.

And hearing what they said, everyone, whether it was the audience or the others on
the ring, were all silent.

Although they were angry, they all knew that all eight were telling the truth.

The eight selected by the official organization, the Boxing Association, are indeed
the eight strongest people in China.

It is easier said than done.

Therefore, there was silence, no one spoke, and only the laughter of eight of them
was on the scene.

And these eight people looked at other people with amusement and looked at
themselves for a few words, so that everyone could not speak, and their threat was
so powerful that they were extremely proud.

"You can draw lots."

Just then, in the silence, a voice sounded.

The person who spoke was Chen Ze.

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Chapter FTLS 290: Tyrannosaurus Shen Yu

"You can start drawing lots now."

Chen Ze spoke, breaking the silence on the scene.

His voice was calm, as if asking an insignificant question.

And his voice immediately spread to the audience.

In addition, the other seven players, as well as the audience at the scene, and
even eight of them, Guo Yu, all looked at Chen Ze.

"Hey, why is there no reaction on Chen Ze's face? Just ask if he can draw lots?
Does he not respond to this rule?"

"Yeah, does he think he can beat those eight guys, or is he just breaking the jar?"

"I don't understand. It should be a broken jar, but how do I feel that Chen Ze
looks so relaxed? It seems that there is no pressure at all."

Around the audience, after hearing Chen Ze's words, the audience whispered again.

They looked at Chen Ze, and they did not think that Chen Ze would draw lots if they
were so decisive, as if they had no opinion on this rule.

Faced with such strong eight people, Chen Ze did not respond at all, and the
audience thought it was too strange.

In principle, Chen Ze's reaction is only possible in two ways. One is that Chen Ze
is very confident to defeat any of the eight of them, so it is so different.

The other is that Chen Ze is completely broken in a jar and feels that he can't
beat anyway. Anyone can do it.

Everyone's intuition is the second kind, but seeing the calm expression and calm
words on Chen Ze's face. There was a faint feeling in the hearts of everyone, Chen
Ze was probably the first!


Not only the spectators around, but even the seven people on the platform, as well
as the referees, were a little stunned. I did not expect that Chen Ze took the
initiative to ask for a lottery, not to mention that Chen Ze looked very calm, as
if it didn't matter who the opponent was.

"Is this guy really so sure?" Everyone on the ring thought, and immediately they
shook their heads again. "No way, although this guy is very powerful, he can't see
it, but he has been practicing for more than ten days The boxer. But no matter
what, he should not be Guo Yu's eight opponents. How could he be sure? "

The other seven people knew each other's record and naturally knew Chen Ze.

They all know that Chen Ze is a man who has only practiced boxing for more than ten
days, but has reached a professional level.

This surprised them so much that they never thought that there would be such a

But in shock, they have all watched Chen Ze's game.

Everyone felt that although Chen Ze's strength was strong, he was not his opponent.

Even their opponents are not, naturally, they all feel that it is even more
unlikely that they will be Guo Yu's opponent of these eight people.

Therefore, they were all confused, not knowing where Chen Ze's confidence came
from, exactly where his calmness came from.

"Hum, arrogant, so pretentious, do you think you can really win any of the eight of

At this time, a person beside Guo Yu spoke.

With his words, everyone looked over.

I saw that this man was almost one meter nine, and although he was wearing clothes,
a sense of strength was revealed from the clothes.

Obviously, this person's muscles are not generally developed.

In addition to being muscular, this person is also very irritable.

I was really proud of seeing myself playing and shocking all the words.

Who knows when suddenly I heard Chen Ze's words, and the expression on his face was
so calm.

It seems that eight of them are really not in their eyes.

This made the man unbearable, and he said immediately.

"Do you really think you can be our opponent? Pretending to be so calm, I'm afraid
the sea has already been stormy." The man said again.

"It's Tyrannosaurus Shen Yu. He's talking."

"Yeah, this tyrannosaurus Shen Yu has the worst temper, and he was the first one
who couldn't help it, and spoke."

"This guy also has the best face. I think he thought Chen Ze's words hurt his face.
But this guy is really strong."

After seeing this person speaking, people all around said.

They all know that although the strength of this tyrannosaurus Shen Yu is strong,
his temper is not bad. The people he followed were particularly miserable.

So after seeing him staring at Chen Ze, everyone began to worry about Chen Ze.

"It's not a pretense, I really think so." Suddenly on the stage, Chen Ze said,
"Anyway, my goal is to win the Chinese championship. It doesn't matter who draws.
Everyone was frightened when they heard Chen Ze's words. Everyone did not expect
that Chen Ze dared to say such things.

In front of Shen Yu and Guo Yu, they even said that his goal was to win the Chinese
championship, so it doesn't matter who the opponent is!

"Here, this Chen Ze is too arrogant, dare to say such a thing. Indeed, he is a bit
of strength. But his strength is not enough to become the champion of the Chinese
race, even dare to say such a thing."

"Yeah, let alone the champion of the Chinese race. It is Guo Yu and the eight of
them. With his strength, it is impossible to win one of them."

"This Chen Ze's talent is indeed strong, but it is too arrogant. How can he
possibly win the Chinese championship?"

The audience all around said that they were shocked by Chen Ze's words.

"Ha ha ha ha, champion, you said you want to win the Chinese championship? Are you
too funny, are you serious?" After hearing Chen Ze's words, Shen Yu laughed and
thought that Chen Ze was really funny. .

He has also watched Chen Ze's game, and it is indeed a bit powerful. But when it
comes to championships, he knows that Chen Ze is still not good enough ~
www.mtlnovel.com ~ Of course it is serious. Not only is the Chinese champion, I
also want to win the Asian championship and board the San Diego Boxing Stadium .
Finally, he won the title of the world's first boxer. "Chen Ze said, faintly
speaking out his goal this time," So it doesn't matter who the opponent is. Even
you, I don't think it's okay. " "

Hearing Chen Ze's words, everyone in the surrounding area was completely shocked.
Everyone did not expect that Chen Ze dared to say such words.

However, Shen Yu's face was gloomy. He felt that he had been underestimated by Chen

"Even me, it doesn't matter? Well, then, do you dare to accept my challenge?
Tomorrow, I, Tyrannosaurus Shen Yu, will play against you." Shen Yu said.

"Tyrannosaurus Shen Yu? I haven't heard of it." Chen Ze said, almost making Shen Yu
furious again. "But I accept your challenge."

"Okay, well, then, I look forward to tomorrow." Shen Yu said, looking at Chen Ze,
word by word.

Hearing Chen Ze's words, especially after he hadn't heard of him, he was completely
angry, and planned to teach Chen Ze a lesson.

"Me too." Chen Ze smiled.

Around, listening to the words of the two, especially when Chen Ze was a little
provocative, everyone was shocked.

They all felt that Chen Ze was crazy!

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Chapter FTLS 291: That Chen Ze is too arrogant

"Have you really not heard of Shen Yu?"
In the hotel room, Zhao Yamei sat on Chen Ze's back and massaged Chen Ze to relax
her body.

At this moment, she pulled Chen Ze's right hand and pulled it hard. Chen Ze
directly called out, "It hurts, it hurts!"

"Yamei, please be light." After the pain, Chen Ze turned his head and said to Zhao
Yamei, "Don't you say that you studied as a nurse at university?"

"It's a nurse." Zhao Yamei said.

"Then this massage is the same as killing?" Chen Ze said.

Usually after boxing, he will find someone to massage, but in Yucheng, it was a
professional in the club to help press.

When I came to Yanjing, there was no such condition, but Zhao Yamei volunteered,
saying that she studied nursing in college and wanted to give Chen Ze a massage.

Chen Ze is doubtful, after all, Zhao Yamei doesn't look like a nurse at all. But in
the end, I agreed, but I didn't expect that it was so painful to be pressed by her,
it was just like killing.

"I am a nurse, but my grade is the last in our department." Zhao Yamei said, quite

"..." Chen Ze was speechless.

"You haven't answered me yet?" Zhao Yamei said, while continuing to massage Chen
Ze, she said, "Have you really not heard of Shen Yu?"

"Of course." Chen Ze said. Although Shen Yu seems to be quite famous in the boxing
world, Chen Ze has never really heard of him.

He hasn't been in boxing for a month, and most of the time he just practiced by
himself. And even if you pay attention, you are also paying attention to the world
of boxing, so he really has not heard of Shen Yu.

"No wonder, then it's no wonder that you dare to speak so and accept Shen Yu's
challenge directly." Zhao Yamei said.

"What do you mean by that?" Chen Ze asked.

"I mean, you are too hasty, and you directly accepted the challenge of Shen Yu."
Zhao Yamei said, "That Shen Yu, he is famous for being careful. You just said in
front of so many people that you didn't know him I am afraid he will want to find
it back in tomorrow's game. "

"I'm afraid of nothing. Even if he still has the stinky **** of a few others, even
if I know them, I will say no." Chen Ze smiled. In fact, he was watching those
people on the ring Unhappy.

"Yes, your mouth is refreshing, but do you know how dangerous this next game will
be?" Zhao Yamei said. Talking from Chen Ze's back, she signaled that Chen Ze had
been pressed.

Chen Ze sat up, and suddenly found that his body was actually very comfortable. The
soreness after the game was completely gone.
"It's awesome, you." Chen Ze smiled, but found Zhao Yamei's face worried. "So,
what's the danger?"

"That Shen Yu, nicknamed Tyrannosaurus. The origin of this Tyrannosaurus refers to
his boxing power." Zhao Yamei said, "In a test a year ago, Shen Yu's boxing power
was measured up to 560. Ten pounds is already close to the top of the world. It is
said that this year he has made a lot of progress, I am afraid that it has reached
more than 600 pounds. Such a boxing force is already the first person in China. It
is because of his strength and Like a dragon, he has a bad temper, so he is called
a Tyrannosaurus. "

"So heavy?" Chen Ze said when he heard what Zhao Yamei said. If you really follow
Zhao Yamei's words, this Shen Yu does have a little pride in her capital, and her
boxing power is so heavy, I am afraid that it has really reached the top of the

This fist is a simple thing to kill an ordinary person.

"Yes, and more importantly, his ability to resist attack is also very good. If the
boxing power does not reach a considerable level, even his defense cannot be
broken. In addition, his slow speed, If you fight him tomorrow, I am afraid you
will be very dangerous. "

Zhao Yamei said, quite worried.

She knows that Chen Ze's boxing has indeed reached a certain level, but there is
still a considerable distance from Tyrannosaurus.

With the pair of tyrannosaurus fists, Zhao Yamei knew that the power was not
comparable to the current Chen Ze. Even with the punches that Chen Ze now plays,
Shen Yu's defense is not necessarily broken.

Coupled with Shen Yu's speed, Zhao Yamei was very worried.

Not worried about whether Chen Ze would lose, in her opinion, Chen Ze lost this

What she was worried about was whether Chen Ze would be seriously injured by Shen
Yu's revenge because of today's words.

After all, Shen Yu's eyes are very small. If this is the case, Zhao Yamei thinks
that Chen Ze is really dangerous.

"The speed is not slow, the ability to resist attack is strong, and the boxing
power has reached the top of the world, and it is extremely overbearing. So it
seems that I am really dangerous." After hearing what Zhao Yamei said, Chen Ze

Although he said this in his mouth, the tone was very relaxed, apparently he did
not take Zhao Yamei's words to heart.

"I'm telling the truth, why are you so relaxed." Zhao Yamei frowned when she heard
what Chen Ze said.

"Okay, I'm serious." Chen Ze said, with a smile on his face. "You said, instead of
Shen Yu's words, with his fist, can you get rid of Zhong on the plane that day? And
Kun? "
"This, of course, is impossible. Even Shen Yu can never do this. Zhong Erkun is not
an ordinary master." Zhao Yamei said, suddenly she seemed to think, "Chen Ze, you

"Yes, Shen Yu's boxing power is not in my eyes. If he really wants to compete with
me, he is really looking forward to it."

When Chen Ze and Zhao Yamei started talking, the news and results of the first day
of the game immediately spread to Yanjing ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and also spread to
the ears of boxing enthusiasts across the country through the Internet.

Boxing is a niche profession in China and not many people like it. But there are
too many Chinese, so there are really a lot of people who love boxing.

After hearing the news of today's game, especially Chen Ze, a boxer who practiced
for more than ten days, entered the top 16 competition. They were shocked. I did
not expect that there would be such people. Some people couldn't believe it. Own

Then I heard the conflict between him and Tyrannosaurus Shen Yu. He heard that he
didn't know Shen Yu. It didn't matter whether Shen Yu came or everyone else.

Hearing this news, these boxing enthusiasts were even more shocked to say nothing.

"This, is this news true or false? That Chen Ze, that Chen Ze dare to accept Shen
Yu's challenge, and he said that it doesn't matter who the opponent is? He is too

"Yeah, it's too arrogant. Although he can enter tomorrow's game, how can a person
who has only practiced boxing for more than ten days be an opponent of Shen Yu. I
think with the power of Shen Yu's fist, a fist Will be able to solve him. "

"It's so arrogant, it's too arrogant."

"There is such a arrogant guy. I think he will lose tomorrow and it will be a

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Chapter FTLS 292: The three stages of boxing


In a professional boxing gym in Yanjing, a man with gloves was constantly hitting
the sandbag hanging in front of him.

Although this punching bag is the heaviest one in the boxing gym, but under his
hit, he constantly shakes, swings up and down, as if to break.

Obviously, this man's boxing power is really great and terrible.

"Brother Shen, stay a little bit stronger and play tomorrow."

Just then, another man came in and said to the man.

Hearing what he said, the man stopped and said, "It's okay, where is this? If this
exercise can consume my physical strength, then I will not be what I am today."

"It's true, but be careful." The man who walked in said, "And Brother Shen, I have
found out what you want me to investigate for you. That Chen Ze, it seems that it
was really not our boxing industry before people."

"What?" The man said, after hearing what he said, "Did you really say that Chen Ze
wasn't the one who practiced boxing before? So he really only practiced boxing for
more than ten days?"

The man froze. He was the tyrannosaurus Shen Yu.

After a conflict with Chen Ze today, and agreed to play tomorrow, he returned and
asked his agent to check the details of Chen Ze.

He doesn't believe anyone in the world can be so talented to practice boxing in

more than ten days.

But I did not expect that in the end I got such a result.

"Yes, at least in the circumstances of my investigation, this Chen Ze is indeed

like this. He is from Yucheng, not from abroad, so it is impossible to train abroad
in the past. And at home, whether it ’s boxing organizations I have not found any
information about this kind of professional or amateur competition, indicating that
he has not participated in such things before. If he has really practiced boxing
for a considerable time, it is unlikely that he will not participate in these
activities. "

Shen Yu's agent said, frowning, "And more importantly, I found out about him in
another game."

"Au, what match?" Shen Yu asked.

"Chef contest." Shen Yu's agent said, he is not a particularly powerful person, so
Chen Ze went to Las Vegas, and the previous driver racing, he did not know. But on
a coincidence, I saw the news of Chen Ze participating in the God of Food contest.

After seeing it, he was directly shocked.

Because this news can prove that Chen Ze is true, he only practiced boxing for more
than ten days.

"That Chen Ze participated in the God of Food contest and also won the first place.
From this perspective, he should have been a chef before. So I'm afraid he really
just learned boxing. Even if it's more than ten days, I'm afraid I won't How long
is it. "Shen Yu's agent said.

After hearing what he said, Shen Yu's face was ugly: "If it is true, then this Chen
Ze is really a genius, a real genius."

"Yes, so Brother Shen, this time I can't look down on us!" Shen Yu's agent said.

He hadn't spoken yet, but immediately heard a sound of laughter. He froze and
turned to look at it. The person who laughed was Shen Yu.

"Ha ha ha ha, interesting, if it is a genius, it is even better. The thing I like

most is to kill the genius." Shen Yu laughed.

Although Chen Ze's talents shocked him, in terms of the level of Chen Ze's
performance today, Shen Yu determined that he was far from his own opponent.

So he was very confident and even very excited.

The only thing he wanted to do at the moment was to kill Chen Ze, a genius.

"Chen Ze, you are unlucky when you meet me." Finally, Shen Yu muttered to herself.

"Ah!" Chen Ze sneezed in the hotel room. "Who is thinking of me?"

"Congratulations to the host. The popularity has reached 2,000, and two more draws
can be performed." At this time, the system began.

Hearing this sudden system, Chen Ze froze: "System, what are you talking about? You
say that the popularity has reached 2,000? I can do two draws?"

"Yes, the host. After the first day of the war today, your celebrity has spread
widely. Although most of them have not yet become popular, a few have been
converted into popularity. It is this popularity Two thousand popularity. "The
system said.

"Okay, it's good. If so, that would be great." Hearing the system, Chen Ze laughed.

This time against Shen Yu, Chen Ze actually had some confidence, but it was not
100%. But now I can draw again, twice.

In this case, Chen Ze felt that the certainty of winning Shen Yu could be

"Then draw the lottery quickly, I can't wait a bit." Chen Ze said with a smile, and
said that the lottery page was brought out. Then, the first lottery started.

With Chen Ze's actions, the raffle page flashed immediately.

Slowly, the flashing stopped. A large line of text appears on the page: "Fist of
God Boxing!"

There is also a row of small characters following the big character: "The boxing
**** breathing method, the boxing **** breathing method in the battle, with this
breathing method, you can save your physical strength to the maximum, which is the
basic skill of the boxing **** sweeping the wasteland, invincible One."

"this is not bad."

Seeing this skill, Chen Ze murmured to himself. After more than ten days of
training, he knew that in the fierce battle, if he could maintain a better
breathing, he would save a lot of energy. Then, fight The odds of winning are
naturally greatly increased.

So he has been learning, but he has never learned the best. It may be better than
Han Shu, but compared to those top-level, it seems to be a lot worse.

And this boxing **** breathing method, since it is the boxing **** breathing
method, Chen Ze knows that it must be the top one on top of this.

In this way, Chen Ze's short board can be considered to be made up.

Therefore, Chen Ze thinks this skill is good.

Then he started the second draw.

The second time, there was another row of characters on the lottery page: "22-year-
old boxing **** footsteps."
Seeing this large line of characters, Chen Ze froze a bit: "Twenty-two years old?
What does this 22-year-old mean?"

He knows the meaning of Boxing God's footsteps ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ But he doesn't

understand this 22-year-old, and has not acquired this skill in the past.

"The boxing career of Boxing God is divided into three stages." At this moment, the
system said, "Twenty-two, twenty-five, and twenty-eight."

"At the age of 22, the Boxing God just made his debut. Although he was shocked when
he debuted, after all, he was young and did not reach the peak in all aspects.
Therefore, he could not be invincible in boxing. "

"By the age of twenty-five, the boxing **** is already one of the top figures in
boxing. Except for a few three or five people, the others are no longer his

"By the twenty-eighth year, the boxing **** was officially crowned as the god,
sweeping the eight wasteland Liuhe, and the boxing world is invincible. Even the
opponent who connected him with a punch no longer exists."

"The life of Boxing God is divided into these three stages, so his main skills are
also divided into these three stages. What you are drawing now is the footsteps he
used to deal with powerful opponents when he was 22 years old. "

"And host the three times you used to use the boxing and heavy boxing
opportunities, those three boxing and heavy boxing, is the punch of the 28th year
of the peak of boxing god. Unfortunately, host other physical fitness can not keep
up, Otherwise, the power of that punch will be far beyond your imagination. "

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Chapter FTLS 293: Won

原来 "So it's no wonder that when you were on a plane, the power of that punch
would hit that level."

After hearing the words of the system, Chen Zemuttered to himself.

Until now, he still remembers the power of that punch on the plane. One punch will
be so powerful that Zhong Erkun will be crippled. He really explained what it means
to be able to drop ten sessions!

Chen Ze made only one punch and only three punches at the time, but the boxing ****
can always maintain this state.

With such heavy punches, it is no wonder that they are called the boxing gods.

Chen Ze sighed a little, imagining the invincible boxing world after the 28-year-
old boxing god, not even one person took his style.

That should be, how high it is.

But soon, Chen Ze's attention returned to the skill he was drawing now.

The 22-year-old Boxing God's footsteps are also the skills of the Boxing God, but
at the age of 22, will the Boxing God skills be very powerful during this period?

"Unfortunately, if you draw the 28-year-old boxing god, or the skill of the 25-
year-old, it is the skill of the 22-year-old who just debuted." Chen Ze said,
thinking that the draw this time is considered Some waste.

The 22-year-old boxing **** skills, although still the boxing **** skills, may not
be comparable to the 25-year-old and the 28-year-old.

And since it is a lottery, the best is definitely to be drawn. But now, only 22-
year-olds are drawn, which seems to be the worst skill.

As a result, Chen Ze felt a loss, a big loss.

"Of course, there is no way to compare with the boxing **** skills of 25 and 28
years old." At this time, the system spoke again, it seems to see through Chen Ze's
mind, "but you do n’t underestimate this. The 22-year-old Boxing God skill,
especially the 22-year-old Boxing God footsteps. This skill is not as simple as it
seems. "

"What does this mean?" Chen Ze froze a bit when he heard the words of the system.

"Fist God debuted at the age of 22. At the beginning of his debut, he shocked the
whole boxing world and even defeated a lot of senior boxers and masters. It is not
his boxing skills that have not yet matured, but his footsteps." "I said before
that the 22-year-old footsteps of Boxing God have reached a considerable level.
Although it has not reached the top, it is already quite powerful. As long as it is
not the kind of special practice footsteps, or the gap is too great The big boxer
cannot even touch the body of the boxer, let alone hit the boxer. "

"What do you mean?" Chen Ze said, and he seemed to understand something.

"Host your tomorrow's opponent is not an opponent who is flexible and good at
footsteps, nor is it the ultimate figure in the real world boxing. So in other
words, as long as you are equipped with the 22-year-old boxing **** footsteps, then
he, Maybe you can't even touch the whole game. You are already invincible. "The
system said.

"That's great."

Hearing the words of the system, Chen Ze was excited, and now he really understood
the power of these 22-year-old boxing gods. The boxing gods have shocked the boxing
world with this oh skill, and also won many boxing box masters, if they are
themselves, if the opponent is Shen Yu.

If it is true as the system says, then tomorrow, Chen Ze knows that he has won!

"Then this boxing **** breathing method, and the 22-year-old boxing **** footsteps,
now equip it."

Speaking, Chen Ze was equipped with these two skills.

Once equipped, Chen Ze immediately felt different, and his whole body felt

This feeling, Chen Ze knew that he won!


Early the next morning, Chen Ze got up, took a taxi with Zhao Yamei, and drove past
the place where the competition was held.
Yesterday's match was held in Yanjing University because of the large number of

But today is different. Starting from today, the Chinese competition of the Real
San Diego Boxing begins.

Therefore, the location of the event also changed to the largest boxing hall in

"Why, Amei, it looks like you didn't sleep well last night."

Inside the car, Chen Ze spoke to Zhao Yamei.

He found that although it was morning, Zhao Yamei's mental state was not good, so
he asked.

"Of course, I thought about it all night. Is there any way you can defeat Shen Yu."
Zhao Yamei said.

"Did you think of a way?" Chen Ze asked.

"No, there is no way." Zhao Yamei started, her face a bit ugly.

She has been learning boxing for more than ten years, and she knows all kinds of
boxing skills and ring fight skills. How she can shorten the gap with her
opponents, she also knows all kinds of methods.

But no matter what she thought, she couldn't think of a way to get Chen Ze to
defeat Shen Yu.

After all, in her opinion, the gap between Chen Ze and Shen Yu's strength is really
a little too big.

What kind of method is nothing in the face of this strength gap, it will be
directly crushed.

Unless, Zhao Yamei knows that unless Chen Ze can suddenly use his power to defeat
Zhong Erkun on the plane that day, and fight against Shen Yu with that magical
power, he will have hope of victory.

But after this period of understanding, Zhao Yamei considered Chen Ze's strength,
and it was impossible to reach that strength.

I do n’t know where that power comes from.

From any point of view, Chen Ze is losing this time.

So she was in a bad mood and didn't fall asleep all night, and her face was so ugly
the next day.

"Relax, don't be so anxious." Seeing Zhao Yamei's face, Chen Ze smiled and said

"You're quite easy ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ It doesn't seem to worry about today's game
at all, it's really big."

After seeing Chen Ze's appearance, Zhao Yamei spoke.

She didn't expect that she was so anxious. Chen Ze didn't react at all. The relaxed
appearance seemed to be just playing an insignificant game.

You know, the opponent this time is Shen Yu, who is strong in boxing and narrow-
minded, but Chen Ze offended her yesterday.

In this case, Chen Ze was not in a hurry. Zhao Yamei felt that Chen Ze's heart was
too big.

"I have something to worry about, anyway, it is a game that will win." Chen Ze

What he said made Zhao Yamei stunned.

"Must win?"

After hearing Chen Ze's words, Zhao Yamei couldn't figure it out. At this time,
Chen Ze was so confident that she would definitely win Shen Yu.

Where does this guy, his confidence, come from?


Zhao Yamei just wanted to ask what, but suddenly heard Chen Ze's words, then the
taxi stopped.

Chen Ze got out of the taxi first, then turned his head and smiled confidently:
"Amei, look at it, this time, I won!"

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Chapter FTLS 294: Battle Tyrannosaurus

"Come here, it's Chen Ze, he's here."

"Which? Which is Chen Ze? Is it him? It looks like an ordinary young man. It feels
like he is about twenty years old. He turned out to be the one who passed out
yesterday and only won boxing for more than ten days. After Han Bo's son Han Shu,
who was in conflict with Tyrannosaurus Shen Yu? "

"It is him. Although he can beat Han Shu, he has shown that he is indeed a little
talented. But he dare to challenge the Tyrannosaurus directly, I think he is
miserable today."

"That is, Shen Yu's current strength is likely to be one of our strongest boxers.
If Chen Ze practices for four or five years, I think there is still a possibility
of a battle. But now, he is finished today."

"Yes, the current Chen Ze, it is impossible to win Shen Yu anyway."

As Chen Ze and Zhao Yamei walked into the boxing hall, everyone in the hall was
boiling, staring at Chen Ze and speaking.

A small part of these audiences are people who have watched Chen Ze's game
yesterday, and most of them, although they have not watched Chen Ze's game, have
also heard of Chen Ze's deeds.

They knew that Chen Ze was the boxer who had only practiced for more than ten days,
but had already beaten Han Shu's boxer, and was very surprised.

But they knew better that Chen Ze was the one who confronted Shen Yu.
And they all know that even though Chen Ze can win Han Shu at present, at most Chen
Ze can say that he has the strength of a professional boxer. But Shen Yu, but one
of the eight strongest boxers in China determined by the Boxing Association, and
even his heavy boxing power, can be called the first in the country.

Even if it is placed in the world, it is definitely close to the top level.

Therefore, everyone felt that there was no suspense in this match between Chen Ze
and Shen Yu.

They all think that Chen Ze is too impulsive. If Chen Ze can really win Han Shu
after only practicing for more than ten days, with this talent, he will not be able
to catch up with Shen Yu if he works hard for four to five years .

But it's too early.

No matter how strong Chen Ze's talent is, at present, they feel that it is
impossible to win Shen Yu anyway.

So after seeing Chen Ze come in, many of them pointed and shook their heads and
sighed, thinking that Chen Ze was too arrogant.

Today, he will pay for his arrogance.

"Chen Ze, have you heard? Everyone is talking about you."

After entering the boxing hall, Zhao Yamei opened her mouth and whispered to Chen

"Of course I heard it, well said, really well said." Chen Ze laughed.

Hearing the doubts surrounding him, he didn't feel angry at all, but was very

With so many people questioning themselves so much, after I win Shen Yu today, I am
afraid that the popularity gained will be a big number.

Therefore, Chen Ze was very happy, and even wished that the game would start now.

"Chen Ze, I didn't expect you to come."

At this moment, a voice came from behind Chen Ze.

Chen Ze looked back, and the person who spoke was Shen Yu.

He was wearing a white vest at the moment, it seemed that his body was too strong,
the white vest was tightly attached to his body, and the muscles on his body were
vividly displayed.

Coupled with his height of 1.99 meters, he looks full of visual impact.

It is simply a human-shaped tyrannosaurus!

"Look at it, that's Shen Yu. It's too strong, it's a tyrannosaurus. Although Chen
Ze looks good, in front of him, it's no different from ordinary people."

"That is, one of the big reliances on boxing is height and weight. For a weight
advantage like Shen Yu, facing Chen Ze, it is simply crushing."
"I even wonder if Chen Ze can survive a round. Can he catch Shen Yu's full blow? It
seems that few people in our country can catch it. Chen Ze, won't give KO a punch.

"Haha, very likely."

After seeing Shen Yu's appearance, the audience around him was boiling and started

In particular, many people are Shen Yu's boxing fans, and they are completely
inclined to Shen Yu in their discussions, thinking that Shen Yu has won.

Neutral passers-by also saw this idea after seeing Shen Yu's figure.

"I originally thought you were just amplifying the words yesterday, and you
definitely wouldn't dare to come today. Unexpectedly, you came." Shen Yu said
again, facing Chen Ze.

"Why didn't I dare to come?" Chen Ze said lightly. "You can't scare me if you come
to be an opponent."

Shen Yu's body is indeed full of oppression, but Chen Ze cannot be suppressed.

"That's good, that's good." Shen Yu said, laughing out loud, "Today with so many
spectators in this boxing gym, I will definitely treat you well. Hope, you can at
least stand on the stage when you meet. Three rounds, otherwise the game would be
too boring. "

With that said, Shen Yu patted Chen Ze's shoulder, and then laughed and walked
towards the backstage.

"I also hope that you can survive three rounds."

Looking at Shen Yu's back, Chen Zemuttered to himself.

Then he took Zhao Yamei to the backstage, the player rest area, waiting for the
start of the game.

Today's game has a total of eight games, which must be completed in one day to
determine the top eight places.

And soon, after all the players arrived one after another, the time scheduled for
today's game came out.

The match between Chen Ze and Shen Yu was just the first game.

It seems that the organizers of this game also know that the match between Chen Ze
and Shen Yu is the biggest focus of the audience today, so in order to bring out
the atmosphere of the game, they arranged Chen Ze and Shen Yu to play the first

Soon after changing clothes and gloves, Chen Ze and Shen Yu both got on the ring.

Instantly, the audience in the audience set their sights on both of them. There was
cheering with the eyes, especially the cheering of Shen Yu's boxing fans.

What kind of boxer is there ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ what kind of boxer is there.

A boxer's boxer personality is very similar to their own.

And Shen Yu itself is extremely arrogant, a stark figure.

So is his boxing fan.

"Tyrannosaurus refueling, give this KO Chen Ze who doesn't know the heights and

"Just, give him a lesson and let him know what it means to be real boxing."

"Tyrannosaurus, show your fist power to show us, let this kid know what the real
boxer is."

These boxing fans spoke loudly, snorting and talking.

With their words, the atmosphere of the entire scene reached its highest point.

Many ordinary spectators and boxing fans also shouted together. For a time, the
entire scene was in support of Shen Yu's voice.

"Have you heard? In the end, these boxing fans have already made it very clear.
What can you do with so many people questioning?" On the ring, Shen Yu laughed when
he heard the cheers around him. Road, extremely proud.

"Really? But my favorite thing to do is to shut up all questioning voices." Chen Ze

said, "It's the same today."


"Game start!"

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Chapter FTLS 295: Heavy Fist Spark

"Game start."

In the middle of Chen Ze and Shen Yu, the referee shouted aloud, announcing this
game, officially started!

With his words, Chen Ze and Shen Yu rushed towards each other.

Although Shen Yu is one meter nine, but the speed is indeed not slow, it can even
be said to be very fast, a little faster than Chen Ze's speed.

I saw him facing Chen Ze, directly facing Chen Ze, a heavy punch came over.

"So fast, so strong."

After seeing this heavy punch, Chen Ze thought to himself.

He could even feel the punch fisted out by Shen Yu, with a faint sound of breaking

Obviously, Shen Yu's fist might be really scary.

Therefore, for the first time, Chen Ze used two hands to stand in front of him, and
used a block to block Shen Yu's punch.
Generally, if the opponent blocks, the other side will want to attack from another
angle to avoid the block.

But Shen Yu didn't, not at all.

He didn't seem to see Chen Ze's block. He punched directly, just like a locomotive
crashing into a blocking vehicle. He whistled and hit him with two punches.

With a touch, a loud noise was made.

At the same time, between his heavy punch and Chen Ze's arm, it seemed as if a
spark had broken out.

"So much energy."

Under this punch, Chen Ze thought to himself that although he expected that Shen
Yu's fist would be very powerful, he never expected that it would be so great.

Rao was a blocker in advance, but he still couldn't stop it. Under the attack of
his fist, he backed away.

"Heavy, heavy fist sparks."

In the background of the game, all the other fourteen boxers gathered here. They
watched the live broadcast of Chen Ze and Shen Yu's boxing table reproduced on the
big screen in the background.

After seeing Shen Yu ’s fist, all of them thought about this term.

The heavy fist spark is a description of Shen Yu's heavy fist. Because his heavy
fist is really too powerful, when it hits the opponent, it will blow out sparks
just like a meteorite fell to the ground.

Therefore, his heavy fist is called a heavy fist spark.

But even with Shen Yu, he doesn't use this trick every time.

Because he also knows that his punches are so powerful that he can easily hurt his

Therefore, unless it is a very important game, he generally will not make all his
efforts to make this heavy punch. And even in those extremely important matches,
most of them will only be used in the late part of the game.

Like now, the first punch of the game actually made this fist, very very rare.

So at the backstage of the game, everyone was shocked to see Shen Yu's punch.

"Looks like this Chen Ze really annoyed him. Otherwise, Shen Yu wouldn't be able to
make this fist at the beginning. He is trying to say that this game, he must take
it down . "

"Yeah, the heavy punch sparks, but Shen Yu's trick. As early as two years ago, the
power of this punch was close to the world's top level. Judging from that punch, I
am afraid that it has reached the top of the world. .The whole world, there are not
many boxers who can make this fist. He actually used Chen Ze from the beginning. It
seems that he is really annoyed with Chen Ze. "

"It's terrible, this Chen Ze is terrible now. Even if I am the furious, Shen Yu is
probably not an opponent. His heavy punches are a bit scary. Now he actually met
Chen Ze from the beginning. If I were Chen Ze, I would surrender directly,
otherwise this boxing match would be a nightmare. "

Seeing the big screen, around Guo Yu, those boxing fighters who have been
designated as the top eight said.

They were all very surprised, and did not expect that Shen Yu used such a fierce
fist at the beginning. In the face of such fierce boxing, they all felt that Chen
Ze was finished.

Such fierce boxing is definitely not something Chen Ze can resist.

On the other side, like Chen Ze, the seven selected from yesterday's qualifier
looked at the big screen and looked a little ugly.

They actually hope that Chen Ze can win, although the top eight players selected
are indeed very powerful.

But now that we have reached this step, it is natural to hope that we can defeat
the top eight and create miracles.

And if Chen Ze can win Shen Yu, it proves that the top eight are not particularly
remarkable and can be defeated.

But now, after seeing Shen Yu's fist sparks, their faces have changed.

Because they all know that if Chen Ze replaced them, then Shen Yu's fierce punches
would be irresistible anyway.

And they couldn't resist themselves, they naturally thought that Chen Ze could not
be blocked.

They both looked at each other, and they saw the thought at the moment in the eyes
of each other: "It is only a matter of time before Chen Ze's defeat."

On the ring, Chen Ze finally regained his footing.

He looked at the places where Shen Yu was hit, those places had become red.

"It's amazing, Shen Yu, your fist is even stronger than I expected." Chen Ze said.

"Of course." Shen Yu laughed. "And just now, just to give you a greeting. Now, I'm
going to come true. I advise you to admit defeat, otherwise, you will lose very

Then, Shen Yu waved his fist and hit Chen Ze.

And each punch looks no less powerful than that one!

"Good Shen Yu, you are the Tyrannosaurus. Just use your heavy fist sparks to let
that kid know how powerful you are."

"Come on Shen Yu, let the kid know how powerful you are ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Your
punches are definitely not comparable to those of a hairy kid."

"Shen Yu, let's watch your KO match again and solve that kid with one punch."

Around the ring, after seeing Shen Yu's use of his tricks from the beginning,
everyone around him was completely excited.

Especially Shen Yu ’s boxing fans. The reason why they like Shen Yu is that she
likes Shen Yu ’s absolute violence. Fists can destroy everything.

And now, Shen Yu is here, and they are naturally excited, one by one, speaking

"You think, how long can Chen Ze survive under Shen Yu's attack?"

"I guess it's only up to three rounds. As long as he is hit once by Shen Yu in the
front, I guess he won't work."

"Hey, I think to make two rounds. Within two rounds, Shen Yu must KO off that Chen

In the background, watching the situation on the ring, the set of the first eight
boxers laughed and all felt that Shen Yu had won the game. The question now is, how
many rounds will he win.

And their consensus, at most two or three rounds, is enough!

"No, it's not that simple."

At this moment, one of them spoke, and it was Guo Yu who spoke.

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Chapter FTLS 296: Playing with Tyrannosaurus

"No, it's not that simple."

At this moment, Guo Yu suddenly said.

Before this sentence, he never spoke. So his opening now directly attracted
everyone's attention.

"Not so easy? Isn't it easy?"

"Yeah, Guo Yu, what do you mean?"

The others looked at Guo Yu and asked. It's all a doubt, don't understand what Guo
Yu is talking about.

Shen Ming's situation on the field was very good, and the situation was already
very clear. But Guo Yu, why did he say such a thing.

"Look at it yourself, take a closer look at the current steps of Chen Ze and see
what is happening on the field." Guo Yu said lightly.

I heard him say, these people quickly looked into the big screen.

At the beginning, they didn't see anything, and saw Chen Ze hurriedly avoiding
under the attack of Shen Yu.

接着 And then quickly, their faces slowly changed, and one person said, his face
was a little dignified: "No, the situation is wrong."

"That's right, this, Chen Ze's footsteps seem messy, as if he stepped out casually.
But if you take a closer look, there seems to be some pattern. Look at Shen Yu's
fist, although it is powerful, but it is a punch Missed Chen Ze. "

"Yeah, what is going on with Chen Ze, what is going on with his steps? How can he
do this?"

"My God, did Chen Ze's footsteps come out? Or is it a coincidence?"

Everyone else said, everyone was shocked.

Because they all saw it, above the ring, Chen Ze avoided the very threatening
attack of Shen Yu. The steps seemed very flustered.

But in fact, it was far less panic than it seemed. Shen Yu's powerful fist never
hit Chen Ze with a punch except the beginning.

Every time it seemed that Chen Ze was going to be hit, but Chen Ze avoided it.

After seeing this through, everyone in the backstage was stunned.

They also know that Chen Ze will be a little footsteps. They have all seen it in
his match with Han Shu yesterday.

But yesterday, Chen Ze's footsteps, although very powerful, but for their level of
people, even if it is nothing, they can easily crack.

But now, they found out that Chen Ze had taken a new step.

And the effect of this footstep is strong, which makes people feel a little scary.

I unexpectedly let Shen Yu, who is not slow, lose every punch.

No matter how powerful the fist is, but if you can't hit your opponent, it will be

"Chen Ze, this Chen Ze, he still has such a magical pace? How can this be possible,
hasn't he only practiced boxing for more than ten days? How can the footsteps of
more than ten days reach this level."

Finally, they spoke one after another, all completely stunned.

It's not only them, but also in the auditoriums outside the platform, many
audiences have also discovered this.

At this moment, a lot of audiences can see that Chen Ze, who is flustered on the
platform, seems far less flustered than he seems.

I looked panic, but the situation throughout the game was faintly in his hands.

Although the power of Shen Yu's fist is strong, it has no threat to Chen Ze now.

I saw this, I saw the situation on the platform, and gradually fell into Chen Ze's

I just kept cheering, and the sound of cheering for Shen Yu stopped.

甚至 Everyone even started to feel a sense of uneasiness in their hearts.

On the ring, it is indeed as everyone found out.

Each punch of Shen Yu Yu has a broken sound, and the power is indeed extraordinary.

But even Chen Ze's body could not be touched. Chen Ze looked panic, but every wave
of Shen Yu's attack was hidden by him.

"Great, this 22-year-old boxer really has great footsteps. It is truly a boxing
god's skill. Although it is only the 22-year-old footsteps, it is enough that Shen
Yu can't hit me at all."

Chen Chen thought while avoiding Shen Yu's attack.

刚刚 At the beginning of the game, he wanted to know how powerful Shen Yu's punch
was, so he took a punch from Shen Yu directly.

The result is that Shen Yu's punch is more powerful than he imagined.

Therefore, Chen Ze no longer made direct contact with Shen Yu, but instead used the
skills that were drawn yesterday, the 22-year-old footsteps of God of Boxing.

效果 This skill has a good effect beyond Chen Ze's expectations, even let him
easily escape every attack of Shen Yu.

This makes Chen Ze very happy.

He even looked at the other side panting and tried his best, but he couldn't hit
his own Shen Yu at all.

泽 Chen Ze was so proud of himself that he even got up.

He walked in the 22-year-old footsteps of the God of Boxing, hiding in front of

Shen Yu, hiding in the west, and then constantly hitting Shen Yu with his fist.

虽然 Although these fists are not powerful, they are not enough to hit Shen Yu. But
it got Chen Ze a lot of points.

These points are enough for Chen Ze to win the first round.

Therefore, at this moment, although the platform looks very unfavorable to Chen Ze,
in fact Chen Ze has steadily grasped the whole situation, and has also scored many
points from Shen Yu.

"Abominable, abominable, abominable!"

I watched every fist fail, and felt that Chen Ze kept hitting himself and
constantly scored points.

Shen Yu's whole body is going to explode. His original plan was to use his heavy
punch to knock down Chen Ze positively, so as to let out the evil, let Chen Ze know
who is the real master.

Who knows that Chen Ze's footsteps are so good, and hiding is so fast.

He not only made him completely miss Chen Ze ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ but also made
Chen Ze take a lot of points.

And in accordance with the rules of boxing, Shen Yu knew that if he went on like
this, he would lose.

Therefore, at this moment, Shen Yu's entire person was about to explode, speeding
up and the strength of his fist, and began to make a big wave.

What a pity, still missed Chen Ze completely.

"Damn, don't run if you have the skills."

Xun punched out another fist, but still missed.

Shen Yu was anxious, just then, he suddenly found a flaw in Chen Ze. That flaw, he
felt enough to bring down Chen Ze.

Therefore, he immediately punched him, but immediately, his body lost balance.

He felt that he was mixing under his feet, tripping his left foot over his right
foot, and the whole man fell on the ring.

"Is this flaw Chen Chen playing with me, trying to make me fall, and showing it on

I fell on the stage, Shen Yu thought.

突然 He suddenly understood that Chen Ze's flaw was actually not a flaw at all. But
it was only intentionally exposed to play him and make him fall.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu shuddered all over.

He is true, and will be mad by Chen Ze.

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Chapter FTLS 297: Positive

"What's going on? Why does it seem that Shen Yu is falling into the downwind? Not
only did she trip over herself, she also lost the first round."

"Yeah, what's the situation? Isn't the opponent just a boxer who has practiced
boxing for more than ten days? Even if he is very talented and a little bit
powerful, then Shen Yu should not be defeated like that. What is going on?"

"Shen Yu lost in the first round, and his heavy fist spark couldn't beat Chen Ze at
all. My God, this, what is going on?"

"Shen Yu lost in the first round, and in the case of using heavy fist sparks, it is
incredible, it is incredible."

以后 After the first round, Chen Ze and Shen Yu returned to their own rest areas.

After a while, the audience saw that after Chen Ze won the first round by points,
they whispered and discussed in a low voice.

They originally thought that Chen Ze would lose, or even fail fiercely.

After seeing Shen Yu's **** sparks just beginning, they recognized this idea in
their hearts and confirmed that this time Chen Ze lost.

I never thought that the development of things was completely different from what
they expected.
Chen Ze actually sent to the top, relying on the magic footsteps, let Shen Yu's
heavy fist spark completely useless, and even, won the first round.

Although it is only the first round, there are eleven rounds later.

But through this first round, they knew that Shen Yu had fallen into the control of
Chen Ze.

As long as Chen Ze has been entangled with Shen Yu with this magical footstep, Shen
Yu's heavy punches are useless. Then, Shen Yu lost.

"Chen Ze will win!"

Countless viewers, countless viewers now have this idea in their hearts, an idea
that would never have been thought of before.

At the moment, even Shen Yu ’s fan boxers are sitting silently in their positions
at this moment, and there is no more blood for chickens.

They also felt faintly that Shen Yu was about to lose in this game.

Backstage, looking at the big screen, saw Chen Ze win the first round.

I saw this, and the other seven boxers who played with Chen Ze yesterday showed
excitement on their faces. All of them were extremely excited, and they wanted to
laugh out loud:

"I can't think of it, I can't think of it, even Chen Ze is going to win Shen Yu."

"Yeah, he is going to win Shen Yu. Where did he learn that footsteps? It ’s

如果 "If, if Chen Ze can really win Shen Yu, does it mean that we also hope to win
our opponents?"

These people whispered and said that they were completely excited.

They are thoroughly encouraged by Chen Ze. If Chen Ze can win, they feel that they
also hope to win.

It seems that the predetermined first eight boxers are not so scary.

"Abominable, abominable, that Chen Ze, that Chen Ze won the first game."

"He is simply the shame of our boxing session. See how Chen Ze won in the end. He
hid in Tibet like a thief and then secretly punched Shen Yu with two punches. In
this winning game, where is there a little boxer in front? It looks like a battle.
Such a Chen Ze, even if he wins, is just our shame. "

"That is, if it is positive, Chen Ze will not be Shen Yu's opponent. He is now
relying on the rules. His fists are simply laughing and dying. Although he can
score, he cannot hurt Shen Yu at all. "If it really hits, Shen Yu can hit three
Chen Ze by himself."

"Shame, Chen Ze is the shame of our boxing session. If he wins this time, I won't
accept it first. His playing style is really disgusting."

At this moment, on the other side, several of Guo Yu cried out.

They are all Shen Yu's good friends, and this time they are all looking forward to
Shen Yu giving a lesson to Chen Ze.

I did not expect that Shen Yu not only failed to teach Cheng Chen Ze, but even lost
the first round.

This made them all unexpected, and not only didn't expect them, they immediately
yelled at Shen Yu.

他们 In their opinion, the reason why Chen Ze was able to win the first round was
only by walking well, hiding in Tibet, and then attacking Shen Yu to score.

I just use the rules to score, and she is not Shen Yu's opponent at all.

Therefore, they are even more angry, and feel that Chen Ze is too shameless, and is
simply not worthy of the victory of this game.

Hearing what they said, the remaining few people also called out.

Everyone thinks so, and thinks that Chen Ze's play is not worthy of victory, but it
is a shame.

"Okay, don't say more." At this moment, Guo Yu suddenly spoke up. "Chen Ze's plan
is in line with the rules, no matter how you call it. It is necessary for Chen Ze
to fight directly with Shen Yu. , Are you Chen Ze being a fool? How could he do
this? "

Guo Yu's meaning is very clear, Chen Ze's play is completely in line with the
rules, that is, a reasonable play. When Chen Ze went to fight with Shen Yu, he felt
that Chen Ze would not be so stupid.

Guo Yu's fist is so strong that he feels a fool to do so.

At this moment, on the stage.

Looking aside, Shen Yu's face was gloomy, looking at Chen Ze who was resting not
far away.

He was very upset. Originally within his plan, this show would be a performance
show for him. He would abuse Chen Ze ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ to let Chen Ze know how
powerful he is.

Who knows that the development of things far exceeded his expectations.

Not only was Chen Ze unable to abuse him, but Chen Ze won the first round instead.

Plus hearing the words from the audience at the moment, Shen Yu was really angry.

"Abominable, that Chen Ze is really abominable." Shen Yu said, "This guy will just
hide everywhere. If he hits me directly, he will not be my opponent at all. This
guy is really abominable. .I disagree, I disagree. "

Shen Yu's temper is inherently strong, and she has no pain in her heart, and she
likes to speak loudly to vent.

Therefore, his voice of this sentence is very loud, and in the end, almost roared

Hearing what he said, the audience and Guo Yu on the big screen, they are also very
much in agreement with him.

All of them felt that although Chen Ze won the first game.

But if it is face to face, then Chen Ze will not be Shen Yu's opponent.

"Okay, since you don't agree, then I will give you a chance." At this moment, a
voice sounded. The person who spoke was Chen Ze. He looked at Shen Yu and smiled.
Will be positive with you! I hope you can really do as you say. "

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Chapter FTLS 298: The second boxing punch

"In the second round, I will challenge you positively! I hope you can do it."

Chen Chen opened his mouth and looked at Shen Yudao.

When he heard what he said, Zhao Yamei beside him was stunned, and the opposite
Shen Yu was stunned. The audience around him was stunned, even Guo Yu in front of
the big screen was stunned!

Everyone felt that there was something wrong with their ears. Chen Ze, Chen Ze dare
to say such things.

I want to know that now that Chen Ze is playing in the first round, he almost wins.
And at this time, he even said such things, and wanted to face Shen Yugang in the
second round? Especially in the case that his front is far worse than that of Shen

This is not wrong, isn't Chen Ze crazy?

"Is this right, am I right? Chen Ze wants to be positive with Shen Yugang?"

"Yeah, I heard it too. This Chen Ze is crazy. How powerful is Shen Yu's fist,
everyone saw it. He even wanted to be right with him?"

"Crazy, this Chen Ze must be crazy. I don't need to play in the first round, but I
really want to face Shen Yugang. It's really crazy."

观众 The audience all around said that everyone felt that they had heard it wrong
and had hallucinations. Otherwise, Chen Ze is crazy.

If his ears are normal and Chen Ze is not crazy, how can he make such a request and
make such an almost inevitable request.

Therefore, while talking, everyone looked at Chen Ze, as if they were crazy.

In front of the big screen in the background, Guo Yu and their group of seven other
boxers were stunned in front of the big screen.

In particular, Guo Yu just said that unless Chen Ze is a fool, he will never face
Shen Yugang.

现在 And now, even Chen Ze hit his face and said such a thing.

This, this is really incredible to all of them.

"Hey, what is this guy Chen Ze thinking about? He actually chose to face Shen
Yugang, how could he possibly fight?" Guo Yu said, Rao has been practicing boxing
for more than 20 years, but still nothing at all. Ways to figure out what Chen Ze
is thinking now.

"Hahaha, what else can it be. I think this Chen Ze is too arrogant, thinking that
he won Shen Yu's first game, and he really won him. Funny, positive, how could he
be Shen Yu's opponent? "At this time, Guo Yu was speaking next to him, and said his

He heard what he said, and everyone else realized it.

"That is, it must be so. But this Chen Ze is going to be planted here. How powerful
is Shen Yu ’s front fist? I am afraid that few of us in China can prevail in the
front. One Chen Ze thought that I just want to face him.

"If Chen Ze is not a lunatic, then he must be a fool. If he played according to the
method of the first round, maybe he really won this match. Now he wants to play
head to head with Shen Yu. Face to face Fight, I see that Chen Ze can't hold on
even for a round. "

"That is, she must be KO off by Shen Yu in the second round."

Others said one after another, shaking their heads and laughing at each other,
feeling that Chen Ze was overconfident, and now he lost.

Not only are they, but even the other seven boxers who have been supporting Chen Ze
just now, it is ugly at this moment.

虽然 Although they didn't say anything on their lips, the thoughts in their hearts
are actually the same as Guo Yu's, if they are positive.

Chen Ze, will definitely not be Shen Yu's opponent.

"Really, will it be that simple?" At this moment, Guo Yu looked at the big screen
and muttered to himself.

At this moment, inside the big screen, on the platform.

Shen Yu was most shocked and couldn't believe his ears at all.

Suwa originally was so angry that Chen Ze was invincible in the first round.
However, he also knew that if Chen Ze had been following the first round, he would
really have no way to take Chen Ze.

Therefore, he concluded that Chen Ze would continue to use this method until his

现在 And now, even heard Chen Ze's words, Chen Ze actually said that he wanted to
face himself just for a round.

This surprised Shen Yu, looking at Chen Ze, muttering to himself: "You, what do you

"I said, I'm going to fight you for a round. I hope you really do what you just
said." Chen Ze smiled.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Shen Yu laughed immediately when he heard Chen Ze's words.
Although he didn't know why Chen Ze made such a request, he knew that this was
obviously in his favor and not in his favor. Ze's request.

However, he Shen Yu was confident that if he really played this round, he could win
Chen Ze in one round.

So he laughed and was very proud: "Okay, Chen Ze, since you don't know how to live
or die, then I will agree to your request. Within one round, within one round, I
will KO you. I want You taste, my punches are so powerful. "

"Okay, I hope you can do it." Faced with such arrogant Shen Yu's words, Chen Ze
still smiled and said those words.


At this moment, the bell rang, the rest period ended, and the second round began.

"Chen Ze, really, is there any problem?"

Chen Ze stood up and was going to walk towards the middle of the ring. Suddenly,
Zhao Yamei spoke.

When she first heard Chen Ze's words, she was stunned.

Xu Yuan was very excited after seeing that Chen Ze had won the first round. She did
not expect that she could win, and she was very excited.

When she heard that Chen Ze made another request ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ her smile
froze. She didn't expect that Chen Ze dare to make such a request, and even gave up
her strengths to come with Shen Yu Just positive.

If Yan Gang was positive, Zhao Yamei felt that Chen Ze was losing.

But she never said anything. Based on her understanding of Chen Ze, she knew that
Chen Ze would not do these things for no reason.

But when she saw Chen Ze got up and started the second round, she couldn't help but

相信 "Trust me, there will be no problem." Chen Ze turned his head and smiled at
Zhao Yamei. "And you have to be mentally prepared. The game will end in this second


When I heard Chen Ze's words, Zhao Yamei immediately held her back. She didn't
understand what Chen Ze said, what the game will end in the second round.

I couldn't help but look at Chen Ze's smile, but her heart settled down.

Chen Ze, never do things that are not sure.

Since now, he said that the game will end in the second round.

Then it will definitely end!

Moreover, Chen Ze, will definitely win!

Chen Ze turned his head, looking at the other side, with the arrogant taste of Shen
Yu, and said silently in his heart: "The second boxing **** is heavy, now, open!"
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Chapter FTLS 299: Also 1 fist KO

"Are both ready?"

On the ring, the referee stood between Chen Ze and Shen Yu and asked.


Chen Ze and Shen Yu answered at the same time.

好 "Okay, that's it!" The referee said, backing out.

几乎 Almost at the same time as the referee stepped back, a dark shadow surged in
front of Chen Ze.

He was Shen Yu. His speed was very fast. Almost immediately, the whole person
rushed to Chen Ze.

With a fist, naturally, he thundered towards Chen Ze with a thunderous trend.

Seeing this, Chen Ze quickly stepped on the 22-year-old footsteps of the Boxing
God, and escaped the punch of Shen Yu.

"What's the matter? Come on fast, don't you say you want to fight me head on? Why
are you hiding again? Come on fast."

On Shen Yu's side, he continued to punch left and right to Chen Ze.

At the same time, shouted loudly in his mouth.

Hearing Shen Yu's words, Chen Ze just kept dodging and did not respond to his

Yes, in fact, Chen Ze is now equipped with the second boxing punch, but each boxing
punch is actually only one punch, that is to say, only one punch is used to make
the boxing punch. Opportunity.

If this opportunity is wasted, or if a fist is thrown without hitting the opponent.

Well, this fist is wasted.

Therefore, although he has been equipped with the boxing heavy punch, Chen Ze did
not use this punch as soon as he came up.

He is waiting, waiting for the best opportunity.

Because of this, he kept dodging from side to side.

Chen Ze's move naturally made Shen Yu even more arrogant: "Why did you just say you
were going to face me, and now you are like a mouse, hiding in Tibet? Disappointed,
really disappointed."

All around, the audience heard Shen Yu's words, and when they saw the scene on the
platform, they all laughed:

哈 "Hahaha, I know, how can Chen Ze's front face be Shen Yu's opponent? I think he
can continuously avoid it like a mouse."
就是 "That is, just amplifying the words, he was hit like a mouse again. I think he
was like this, and he wanted to fight Shen Yu directly, which was ridiculous."

"Joke, Chen Ze is really a joke."

The audience opened their mouths, especially those fans of Shen Yu. Although Shen
Yu's fist did not hit Chen Ze at the moment, according to this situation, Shen Yu
may still be defeated in Chen Ze's hands like the first round. .

But when I saw Chen Ze amplifying his words, but hitting his own face, they were
naturally very happy, laughing at the ridicule.

Not only them, but also the group of Guo Guo in the background. Looking at the big
screen, they all shook their heads and sighed. They also felt that Chen Ze's
performance in the second round was just his own mouth.

"A joke, this Chen Ze is really a joke. As far as his performance today, he will
only hide in Tibet. Even if he wins, it is the biggest joke in our boxing world."

Looking at Chen Ze and Shen Yu on the big screen, they both spoke this view.

On top of the ring, at this time, although there were taunts all around, Chen Ze
was still unhurried, avoiding Shen Yu's attack.

He's been looking, and he's been looking for the right shot.

Suddenly, Shen Yu is indeed an experienced boxer. He kept clinging to Chen Ze, so

that although Chen Ze barely avoided his attack every time, he was forced into the
corner step by step. There was no way for him to hide around.

Finally, after being completely abducted by Shen Yu, Chen Ze stopped.

At this moment, Shen Yu was so excited in his heart that he waved his right fist,
sparking one of his most powerful punches in this game, and struck Chen Ze.

If this punch is hit on Chen Ze, Shen Yu believes that the game will be completely

"Look, this punch is the heaviest punch of Shen Yu today, and Chen Ze has no scope
to avoid. If he is hit, then the game will definitely end."

"Yeah, a punch that is fast and powerful, this punch is not only the most powerful
punch of Shen Yu in this game. Even I feel that it may be the most powerful punch
that Shen Yu has ever seen."

"Too, too strong, this punch is really too strong. Chen Ze loses the set, he can't
catch it. He, loses the set."

Around the ring, they saw that Chen Yu had no way to retreat, and there was no
scope for evasion. After making the strongest punch, they were stunned and excited.

They all believe that under this punch, Chen Ze will no longer be able to continue
the game.

"The game is over!"

Backstage, in front of the big screen, seeing Shen Yu's fist, Guo Yu and their
boxers said one after another.
Compared with the audience in the front auditorium, they can feel the power of Shen
Yu's fist.

With this punch, they all knew that Chen Ze could not continue the game.

The game is really over!

"The game is over!"

On the ring, while punching the strongest punch, Shen Yu said aloud and said with
great excitement.

Suddenly, suddenly, Chen Ze waved his right fist at this moment. At this moment, he
finally punched for the first time and struck Shen Yu in the past.

The direction of the strike was Shen Yu's unbeatable right fist.

At this moment, Chen Ze has been waiting for a long time, the most appropriate time
to shoot.

合适 What is the right time to shoot? It is not the moment when Shen Yu reveals his

It is also not a moment when Shen Yu relaxes his vigilance and punches with a
punch. If the opponent relaxes his vigilance and then shoots, that is a great
disgrace to the reputation of the punch.

Is not the moment when Shen Yu is in the offensive and defensive transition.

什么 When was that?

By the way, this is the moment that can best prove the power of the boxing god, the
moment that can most directly destroy the confidence of Shen Yu, and the moment
that can stop the audience's words and make everyone speechless. Even more, prove
your moment to everyone.

This moment ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ has finally arrived.

泽 Chen Ze will use this punch to smash the strongest punch of Shen Yu directly,
tell the boxer, and tell everyone in the boxer.

Chen Ze, here!

Therefore, Chen Ze punched Shen Yu's strongest punch in the same way and punched

"Look for death!"

Seeing that Chen Ze actually hit him, Shen Yu said, laughing loudly.

He absolutely thinks that this is Chen Ze seeking death.

How can Chen Ze's fist compare to himself.

He was not only him, but even the audience around him thought that it was Chen Ze's

I dared to beat Shen Yu's fist.

This is just to die.


In the end, Chen Ze's fist collided with Shen Yu's fist and made a noise.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, Chen Ze stood firmly on the platform.

When he hit the opposite side, Shen Yu flew up heavily, and flew out of the
platform directly, hitting the ground, completely fainted.

Chen Ze made another punch in the second round.

Take a punch and make Shen Yu KO!

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Chapter FTLS 300: Speechless

In the boxing gym, there was silence and the crows were silent.

Everyone sat idly above their seats and looked at the ring with an unbelievable

Above the ring platform, Chen Ze stood alone in the center.

His opponent, Shen Yu, fell out of the ring and passed out completely.

Looking at this scene, everyone felt like they were dreaming.

It's clear that Shen Yu has the upper hand just now. Before that, Shen Yu always
had the advantage. Obviously, Shen Yu was going to KO Chen Ze.

However, in a blink of an eye, he was beaten by Chen Ze and flew out of the ring,
and he even fainted completely.

Fainted, it means that he was given to KO by Chen Ze, and on this behalf, he lost,
but Chen Ze won!

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes, they couldn't believe that such a big change
had taken place.

Shen Yu turned out to be KO by Chen Ze!

"This, this, how is this possible, what happened? Positive, wasn't Chen Ze and Shen
Yu facing a punch just now? Why, how did Chen Ze have nothing at all. Instead, Shen
Yu was beaten to the ground. out?"

"This, I can't believe it, how is this possible. Obviously, Shen Yu always has the
absolute advantage. Why, Chen Ze won instead. He actually fought Shen Yu directly,
even Shen Yu's heavy punches were not him Opponent. "

"Shen Yu lost. Shen Yu's strongest punch, the heaviest move, was actually smashed
by Chen Ze in the front. How is this possible?"

The audience said one after another, especially those **** boxing fans of Shen Yu,
they were really shocked.

They all remember that just now, Shen Yu made his strongest punch. That punch was
supposed to be destructive, and Chen Ze was right.
However, it turned out that Chen Ze had broken him in the front, and KO dropped him
in the front.

Doesn't this mean that the power of Chen Ze's fist is stronger than that of Shen
Yu? !! !!

Compared to Shen Yu, it may be the strongest boxer in China at present, even

"How is that possible? How is this possible!"

These **** boxing fans of Shen Yu shook their heads and murmured one by one.

They were all shocked, they were all incredulous.

Chen Ze, Chen Ze, a boxer who has only practiced for more than ten days, is clearly
a boxer who is in a disadvantage. This obvious boxing force is not better than Shen
Yu's fist, which actually broke Shen Yu's strongest punch in the front. Gave him to

how can that be!

However, Rao is that they dare not dare to believe it anyway, but look at Chen Ze
on the ring, and Shen Yu who fell to the ground outside the ring.

They all knew that Chen Ze had really done this incredible thing.

They had always been ridiculed and scoffed at Chen Ze. But now, one by one,

And it's not just them who are speechless. The owner of the boxing gym is everyone.
Everyone is speechless.

Backstage, in front of the big screen, Guo Yu, they are the same.

Looking at Chen Ze in the big screen, they were all silent, and several of them
couldn't believe their eyes at all.

"How is this possible? Shen Yu's first punch is definitely his strongest punch. I
think that, even if it is the top boxer in the world, there are not a few that can
be beaten. Chen Ze, How could Chen Ze be able to break him directly. Who is this
Chen Ze? "

"Yeah, just looking at it from the big screen, Chen Ze's fist power shouldn't be so
strong. How could he be able to break Shen Yu's punch and directly Shen Yu KO."

"It's terrible. The fist power of Shen Yu was defeated by this person. What is the
origin of this person?"

Around Guo Yu, the boxers were stunned and started talking.

Compared with the audience, they are all more professional, and therefore they are
more professional in terms of breaking Chen Yu's incident.

They could feel the power of Chen Ze just punched. That punch is probably earth-

One Chen Ze actually made such a punch.

They were all speechless, and even the most arrogant boxer had nothing to say.

Because they all know that if they were Shen Yu, they would never stop Chen Ze's

Therefore, no one dares to say more.

And not only them, on the other side, the seven boxers who entered the match with
Chen Ze yesterday yesterday were all stunned.

If the former Chen Ze had the upper hand, they were mostly happy and excited, and
excited that they might be able to do this.

Well, now they have only horror in their hearts.

They never thought that Chen Ze had such a level, and Chen Ze's fist even had this

Chen Ze unexpectedly broke Shen Yu's offensive.

They all know that if it is their words, then they are probably losing.

Therefore, at this moment, Chen Ze can no longer do it in their hearts, then they
will certainly be able to do it. All that remained was the fear of Chen Ze.

They all know that they are far better than Chen Ze. If Chen Ze comes to beat them
according to the rules, then they know they will lose.

It may even be impossible to keep a small life.

So they were stunned and speechless. They all know that it is absolutely impossible
for them to do what Chen Ze did.

At the moment ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ out of the ring, Zhao Yamei looked at Chen Ze
with a look of surprise.

Although she had a little expectation in her mind, she expected that Chen Ze might
win. But seeing that Chen Ze used this trick again, he directly broke Shen Yu, and
KO dropped him.

Zhao Yamei was still stunned. She also never expected that Chen Ze would have
boxing so high!

"Referee, you can start counting."

At this moment, above the ring, Chen Ze said to the referee.

Just now the referee was stunned. I did not expect that Chen Ze could win, but he
did not expect that Chen Ze would win so neatly, or even unexpectedly.

"Yes, you can."

The referee reacted, spoke, and counted against Shen Yu: "One, two, three,
four ..."

At the end of the count, Shen Yu didn't respond at all.

He apparently was really badly beaten by Chen Ze.

"The end of the countdown time, this game because Chen Ze KO lost Shen Yu. Then the
victory of this game is Chen Ze." Finally, the referee spoke.

"Good!" Chen Ze laughed.

Not enough for four weeks, still immersed in the incredible punch that Chen Ze had
just made, all of them were speechless. Seeing Chen Ze's appearance, no one stood
up to speak.

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