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Universidad del Valle Campus Sur

Licda. Marina Vives

Inglés II
Yacira Reyes
Carné 161419

Special education program changed the culture of a Minnesota school


The program started nearly a decade ago, with an idea from special education
teacher Jessica Cherne and a handful of students. Soon, Peer Insights attracted
dozens of eager participants who must fill out applications and sit for an interview
to land a spot. South View's Peer Insights program pairs students in special
education with their general-education peers, opening lines of connection between
them. The students sit side by side in the classroom and at the lunch table, join for
special events like a dance marathon or the homecoming parade and hang out on
the weekend. The program is transforming the culture of the school and the way
students think about themselves, their peers and the world outside of South View.
It's become one of the most popular activities for students at the school and has
captured the attention of other school districts and recognition from Special
Olympics Minnesota. Some students are now imagining careers in special

Personal opinion:

Our world and people is changing, it’s incredible that exist people who is interested
to give a better life to others. This program is amazing because teaches them that
his disability "is not something to be afraid of”, it’s not weird, everybody’s got
differences. In different parts of the world exist a lot of kids that have disabilities,
and it’s difficult for them to be part of the society because no one is interested to
find a solution for them. That’s why we as educators have to increment programs
that can help to all these kids in our classes. To make them feel comfortable and

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