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Importance of constructing a storage or diversion structure.

Diversion dams are installed to raise the water level of a body of water to allow the water to be
redirected. The redirected water can be used to supply irrigation systems, reservoirs, or
hydroelectric power generation facilities. The water diverted by the diversion dam to the
reservoirs can be used for industrial applications or for municipal water supply.

What is the difference between a barrage and a dam?

A dam creates a deep reservoir of water that can be stored and used at a later date. These uses
can include irrigation, water supply or even electricity generation. A dam is built for the sole
purpose of storing water and to raise the level of water contained within it.
A barrage is a type of dam; however, instead of being a massive concrete wall that the water
can’t flow over, the barrage is full of gates. A barrage is constructed when water doesn’t need
to be stored but rather diverted.
Unlike a dam, which will raise waters nearly to its height, a barrage will only raise the water
level by a few feet. Dams have gates just as barrages do, but the difference is that dams have
the gates and sluices at the top to prevent flooding and spillage.

Explain 2 advantages of reservoir

 Reservoirs store water, especially during periods of prolonged or heavy rain which
reduces flooding
 The water in the reservoir is used as drinking water and can be used as drinking water
and be used to generate hydroelectric power (HEP)

What are the causes of failure of an earth dam?

Overtopping failures result from the erosive action of water on the embankment. Erosion is due
to uncontrolled flow of water over, around, and adjacent to the dam. Once erosion has begun
during overtopping, it is almost impossible to stop.
All earth dams leak to some extent and this is known as seepage. This is the result of water
moving slowly through the embankment and/or percolating slowly through the dam's
foundation. If uncontrolled, seepage can progressively erode soil from the embankment or its
foundation, resulting in failure of the dam.
Structural failure typically refers to the collapse of non-earthen embankment dams such as
those made from concrete, masonry, or other materials not consisting of a soil matrix. In
addition, failure of a dam's appurtenant structures such as a concrete chute spillway slab, gate
structures and components, or other such features may lead to failure of the dam itself.

What are the purposes of spillways?

A spillway is a structure used to provide the controlled release of flows from a dam or levee
into a downstream area, typically being the river that was dammed.

Spillways release water so that the water does not overtop and damage or even destroy the

What are the advantages and disadvantages of dams?

One of the most beneficial aspects of dams is the potential to create hydroelectric power. Flood
control dams specifically mitigate floodwaters by impounding water and then safely diverting
the water towards other places. The presence of a dam creates a reservoir that can be used as a
great source of water, specifically for farm and industrial activities. Some dams help protect the
environment by trapping hazardous materials in water and capturing sediment that could
contain harmful or toxic substances.

When water rushes through a dam can create a great spot for sediment layers to be trapped
and congregate, which then can pollute the water and disrupt the ecology of the water
environment. After the construction of many dams, erosion of the surrounding land has been
noticed. Dams also fragment rivers making it difficult for aquatic fauna to migrate for spawning
to produce eggs. It also resulted in displacement of local communities. The multipurpose
projects induced earthquake, caused waterborne disease

How does a quicksand form and how does it contribute to the failure of a damn or

Quicksand forms in saturated loose sand when the sand is suddenly agitated. When water in
the sand cannot escape, it creates a liquefied soil that loses strength and cannot support
weight. Quicksand leads to a seepage failure. Seepage can cause dam failure by saturating the
embankment, thus weakening the dam, or by increasing internal pressure within the
embankment. Saturation and internal pressure within the dam are difficult to determine
without proper instrumentation.

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