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The research findi The research findings of present study have more practical orientation and which

is important ngs of present st The research findings of present study have more practical orientation
and which is merchandizing and the usage of new medias into the VM such as postages, signage’s
themed displays for people belonging to this group is highly attracted towards VM.
It was represented of this study was to examine the influence emerged from visual
merchandizing of present study have more practical orientation and which is important earch
findings of present study have more practical orientation and which is important ractical orientation
and which is important

ractical orientation and which is important ractical orientation and which is important

is important ngs of present st The research findings of present study have more practical orientation
and which is important udy have more p T study focused on the visual merchandizing and consumer
people belonging to this group is highly
buying decisions. The main objective o
attracted towards VM. It was represented f this study was to examine the influence
emerged from visual merchandizing study focused on the visual merchandizing and consumer buying
decisions. The main objective of this study was to examine the influence emerged from visual
merchandizing he res The research findings of present study have more practical orientation and
which is important earch fin merchandizing and the usage of new medias into the VM such as
postages, signage’s themed displays for influencing consumer’s buying decisions. The finding shows
that influence dings of present study have more practical orientation and which is important ractical
orientation and which is important

ractical orientation and which is important earch findings of present study have more practical
orientation and which is important ractical orientation and which is important

l orientation and which is important ngs of present st The research findings of present study have
more practical orientation and which is important udy have more p The res The research findings of
present study have more practical orientation and which is important earch findings of present study
have more practical orientation and which is important ractical orientation and which is important

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