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English Dot Works 5

Evidence: Timelines

Evidence Timelines

Actividad de entrega actividad 2

Yolima Chica Roa C.C 52.435.519

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) 

English Dot Works 5

Bogotá D.C


Notas de Autor

Yolima Chica Roa C.C 52.435.519

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) 

Formación complementaria

Bogotá D.C

Evience Timelines

Custom Timeline Yolima Chica Roa

Model sentences

1. (1977-1980) When James Earl Carter Jr president of US ceases to be president, I

was born and was three years old

2. (1982) I had already been born when Gabriel Garcia Marquez won the Nobel

prize for literature in 1982

3. (1985) I had already eight years when the tragedy of Armero passed

4. (1989) When the Berlin Wall fell after 12 years built, already had been born and

was 13 years old

5. (2001) When Wikipedia goes online I was 24 years old

6. (2004) When I was 27 years old, Twitter did not exist, since it was launched in


7. (2015) When liquid water found on Mars, I was already 38 years old

8. (2017) When Cuba and USA reestablish diplomatic relations I had already turned

38 years old

9. (2017) When I graduated from specialization, Donald Trump became president of

the United States

10. (2018) By the time I was 41, Women allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia

once you finish writing the sentences, create an autobiographical composition where

you use them all.

I was born on November 10th, 1977. When When James Earl Carter Jr president of

US ceases to be president, he had already been born and was three years old. I had

already been born when Gabriel Garcia Marquez won the Nobel prize for literature in

1982. when I had already eight years when the tragedy of Armero passed.When the

Berlin Wall fell after 12 years built, already had been born and was 13 years old .

When Wikipedia goes online I was 24 years old.When I was 27 years old, Twitter did

not exist, since it was launched in 2006.When liquid water found on Mars, I was

already 38 years old. When Cuba and USA reestablish diplomatic relations I had

already turned 38 years old.When I graduated from specialization, Donald Trump

became president of the United States.By the time I was 41, Women allowed to drive

in Saudi Arabia.


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