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Configuring your

Sitecore Environment

Module Objectives

end of this youmodule,
will learnyouhowwilltobe
able to:Sitecore, how to publish in
 Set up a and how
Sitecore to extend
instance Sitecore
on a development
functionality. You will also get an
 Describe the
overview of basic development
Sitecore basic architecture of
 Describe the basic features of SIM and use it to install
 Use the default admin username and password to log
in to a Sitecore instance.
 Install a Sitecore package into Sitecore.
 Configure Sitecore to host multiple websites
 Use the Include folder to apply configuration patches.
 Define the file structure and files of a clean Sitecore
© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
The Development System

Sitecore Production Architecture

Sitecore Development Architecture
Development Computer Prerequisites
Visual Studio and Sitecore Rocks
The Development System
Sitecore Production Architecture

Sitecore® Experience Management Sitecore® Experience Database Details

Delivery Delivery
Databases Servers
State  Content
Core Database
contains the configuration
 Content Management
information about the Sitecore
user interfaces and the security
Collection  Processing/Aggregation
tables (Users and Roles).
 Reporting
Master Service
SQL contains every version of every
Core Master Web
 Collection
item in everyDatabase
language, including
unpublished work in progress.
 Core Databases
Reporting Web Database
Processing  Reporting Database
Authoring Server contains only the published
version(s) of each item including
 Session database
the different language versions
 Indexing
that have been published.
(SOLR only)

Management Search Database
Server Index
Web traffic

© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Sitecore Development Architecture

Sitecore® Experience Management Sitecore® Experience Database Details

Development Standalone installation

Core Master Web
The Sitecore Experience
Platform supports a
standalone, all-in-one
Collection configuration, retaining the
ability to run on a single server.
This enables easy deployment
of a development environment
or a small, low-traffic
production instance.
Delivery, Database

Search Database
Web traffic

© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Sitecore Application File Structure

There are three folders in the physical path

of the content folder that hosts the Sitecore
 Website: Web root of your Sitecore application
 Data: License file, Sitecore logs, packages, indexes
and more
 Databases: Master, Core, Web, Analytics (Reporting ),
and Session State

Note: the default path is


© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Development Computer Prerequisites

The following are software prerequisites for Sitecore development:

 Windows 7 or later
 .NET Framework 4.5
 IIS Version 7 or later
 SQL Server (2008 R2 SP1 or later)
 MongoDB Database 2.6 mmapv1, 3.0 mmapv1 or 3.0 Wired Tiger
 RoboMongo or MongoVUE
 Visual Studio 2012 or later; Visual Studio 2013 or later for Sitecore Rocks 2.0

The following are hardware prerequisites for Sitecore development:

 Processor: Pentium 4 2 GHz or faster; 4 core (4 threads minimum; 8 threads recommended)
 SSD drive recommended for best performance
 RAM: 8GB (16GB recommended)
 1024x768 or later screen resolution required for advanced operations

© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Visual Studio and Sitecore Rocks

Any version of Visual Studio, with the exception Keep Sitecore Rocks up-to-date by using the
of Express versions, will work with your Sitecore Visual Studio Tools Extensions and Updates
project. dialog box.
Visual Studio allows you to: Sitecore Rocks allows you to:
 Configure and manage Sitecore projects  Create and manage site content from Visual Studio
 Code layouts and renderings  Create presentation component items and code files
 Manage configuration files  Integrate with your Visual Studio project.
 Use site management tools
 Create and install Sitecore packages

© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Installing Sitecore

Installation Files and Documentation

Sitecore Installation Options
Sitecore Instance Manager
Sitecore License
Installing Sitecore
Installation Files

Options for Installing Sitecore

 Download installation files at:
 Click Download in the banner to download
the latest Sitecore version.
 Use the link in the All Downloads section for
other versions.
Perform a manual installation by downloading
the EXE file to install with a wizard or a ZIP file.

© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Installation Documentation

Installation Guide
Release Notes
Known issues
Upgrade guide
Configuration file changes

© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Sitecore Installation Options

There are many ways to install Sitecore:

 Executable

 Manual installation


 Scripted

© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Sitecore Instance Manager (SIM)

You can install and manage your

Sitecore instances with SIM.
SIM Installation Features a
 Install any version of Sitecore from a
repository of installers
 Install modules and packages
 Reinstall the same configuration

SIM Import/Export Feature

 Export an entire set of Sitecore databases
with content a
 Import to a new environment

© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Sitecore License

The Sitecore license file is found by default in your Sitecore application root
folder at \Data\license.xml. It contains all of your license details.
View license detail in Control Panel> Installed Licenses.

© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Demo: Installing Sitecore
Using SIM
In this demo, you will use SIM to install
Sitecore on your development computer.
After you have installed the instance, you will
log in to it using the Sitecore admin user
Lab: Installing Sitecore using
In this lab, you will use SIM to install Sitecore
on your development computer. After you
have installed the instance, you will log in to
it using the Sitecore admin user account.
Sitecore Publishing

The Publishing Process

Delayed Publishing
Publishing Performance
Publishing Service
Sitecore Publishing
The Publishing Process

Sitecore Publishes items from the master to the web database

master Database Publishing web Database
synchronizes master
and web databases:
Adding new items
Updating edited items
Removing deleted or
Work in Progress Live
unpublishable items

© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Delayed Publishing

© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Publishing Performance

Parallel Publishing
 Speeds performance up to 25 times
 Lets you use your server hardware to capacity
 Turned off by default
Dedicated Publishing
 No search configurations
 No indexing via Indexing.UpdateInterval
 No memory monitor
 No scheduled tasks
 Increases tread priority of publishing

© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Sitecore Publishing Service

Stand-alone micro-service that can be

deployed onto an IIS web-server
Calculates everything that is going to be
moved or has publishing restrictions
Publishes large number of items in bulk
Publishes to all targets in parallel
Geo-distributed publishing

© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Lab: Starting the Publishing
In this lab, you will add a new item and
publish the changes to the Web database.
Sitecore Module and
Extending the Sitecore Framework
Building a Package
Installing a Package
Sitecore Modules and Packages
Extending the Sitecore Framework

Sitecore is an extensible application. You can extend Sitecore functionality

in the following ways:
Package Module
 Created by developers  Most Modules are
 Zip file used by
Sitecore's Installation  Used to extend
Wizard functionality
 Contains serialized  Found on the Marketplace
Sitecore items
 Can contain code and configuration files
 Can contain security accounts
 Used to transfer items and files between
Sitecore instances
© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Building a Package

Sitecore Package Designer

 Adds items statically or dynamically
 Sets installation options
• Overwrite
• Merge
• Skip
• Ask User
 Package definitions can be saved as
XML files.
Sitecore Rocks
 Manages packages from Visual Studio
 Can create Anti Package for Undo
 Sets up dependencies in the package

© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Installing a Package

Packages can be installed using:

 Sitecore Instance Manager (SIM)

 Sitecore Rocks

 Control Panel

© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Lab: Installing a
Sitecore Package
In this lab, you will install a Sitecore package
containing the Jobs site called Careers.
Lab: Binding
Hostnames to a Site
In this lab, you will configure your new
Careers microsite. You can navigate to the
microsite using careers.tac.local as the
Review Questions

Q What is the recommended Q What tools can you use to Q What additional databases
version of Visual Studio for install Sitecore? are required when running
Sitecore development? xDB?

Q How do you patch in Q You have just created new

changes to the <sitecore> content but you cannot see
section of web.config? it on your live website. Why

© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Module Summary

Install Sitecore with the EXE (which runs a wizard), the ZIP or manual install,
and with SIM.
Move content from the authoring environment to the live website by
Publishing can be automated.
Sitecore is an extensible application. Packages are Zip files containing items
and files.

© 2001-2016 Sitecore Corporation A/S. All rights reserved. Sitecore® and Own the Experience® are registered trademarks of Sitecore Corporation A/S. All other brand and product names are the property of their respective owners.

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