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Evidence: Environmental issues

About 5 million tons of oil produced in

the world go to the ocean at the end,

contaminating the water and killing

many species

Oil spills in the ocean

1. What do you think about the problem?

●I think this is a really worrisome, if the companies do not take responsibility and
the laws are not stronger, there will be rivers and highly polluted seas, in the
future there will not be fish in the seas and rivers.
2. What would be a possible solution for it?

●The Only solution is to make companies control leaks and not affect the seas
and oceans if the government protects our ocean resources.
Oil spills in the ocean

3. Do you see this problem in your community? What do people do about it?

●This problem is very serious in my country and in all. Every day we see news
report how spills leave dead fish, in which each time damages nature, When in
my country there is no control, the people complain but nobody listens to it, if
we unite in the future there must be more regulation to control these spills.
4. What will you do in the future to help solve this problem?

●I will unite with the people and make peaceful protests so that these spills do
not arise, if in the future the laws are stronger and sanction the companies in a
straight way it will control and take care of the fauna and the oceans. When we
are all aware that we must take care of the planet, we must inherit these ideas
from our future generations.
●Yolima Chica Roa English 5

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