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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016


Central Executive Committee

1. Mr. Javed A. Kayani Chairman

2. Mr. Iskander M. Khan Senior Vice Chairman
3. Mr. Ahsan Latif Vice Chairman
4. Mr. Asim Ghani Vice Chairman
5. Mr. Abdul Qadar Khattak Vice Chairman
6. Mr. Ikram ul Haq Member
7. Mr. Muhammad Shakeel Member
8. Mr. Ahmed Ebrahim Hashim Member
9. Mr. Ahmed A. Bawany Member
10.Col. (R) Muhammad Wilayat Member
11.Mr. Muhammad Bilal Bhatti Member


Mr. Inayatullah Khan

Secretary General

Office 102, Gulistan Khan House,

Fazl-e-Haq Road, Blue Area, Islamabad
Phone: 051-2150073, 2150074,
Fax: 051-2150076


Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016


Zonal Committee Punjab

1. Mr. Ahsan Latif Chairman

2. Mr. Nauman Ahmed Khan Member
3. Mr. Ahmad Ali Tariq Member

Zonal Secretariat
Mr. Ashfaq Ahmad Acting Secretary
Unit No. 2, Happy Homes Tel: 042-35879840-2
38-A, Main Gulberg, Lahore Fax: 042-35752940

Zonal Committee Sindh

1. Mr.Asim Ghani Chairman

2. Mr. Ahmed A. Bawany Member
3. Mr. Baqir Jaffery Member

Zonal Secretariat
Mr. Muhammad Qasim Pahore Secretary
1st Floor, Modern Motors House, Tel: 021-35686526
Beaumont Road, Karachi Fax: 021-35680344

Zonal Committee Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

1. Mr. Abdul Qadar Khattak Chairman

2. Mr. Iqbal Nasim Member
3. Mr. Shahid Suleman Member

Zonal Secretariat
Mr. Wasiullah Acting Secretary
Premier Sugar Mills & Tel: 0937-862051-52
Distillery Co. Ltd, Mardan Fax: 0937-862989

Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Annual Review
51st Annual General Meeting
October 2016

Distinguished Members
It is a pleasure to present the Annual Review of Pakistan Sugar Mills Association for
the year ending 30th September, 2016. The Annual General Meeting is being held at
the conclusion of term of the Chairman and Central Executive Committee. The
names of newly elected members of Central Executive Committee will be announced
at the end of the meeting. I will now refer to the various events that the sugar industry
experienced during the preceding year.

Review 2015-16
In the year 2015-16, as per figures provided by the crop reporting department of the
Provincial Governments, sugarcane was planted over an area of 1.131 mln hectares
with a production of 65.451 mln tonnes. The increase in area of sugarcane plantation
was due to non-attractive prices received by the growers from other competing crops
like Rice and Cotton as sugarcane being a cash crop has proved to be more
beneficial to the farmers. The high production of sugarcane resulted in sugar
production of more than five mln tonnes as forecasted in 2014-15. The carry forward
stock in 2014-15 was 1.344 mln tonnes. This took the total availability to 6.459 mln
tonnes against the domestic requirement of 4.9 mln tonnes leaving a surplus of about
1.56 mln tonnes over the domestic requirement.

Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Sugar Production 2015-16

“000” hectares/tonnes(est.)
Sugarcane plantation = 11,31
Sugarcane produced = 65,451
Sugarcane crushed = 50,043
Utilization by mills = 76.45%
Sugar produced from cane = 5,082
Sugar produced from beet = 0.033
Sugar refined from raw = -----
Total sugar produced = 5,115
Carryover stocks (Mills & TCP) = 1,344
Sugar availability for 2015-2016 = 6,459
Export (source:Moip) = 0.294
Domestic consumption
2015-2016@25.1kg/capita. = 4,900
Carry forward for 2016-17 = 1,265

Sugar Export
Government of Pakistan allowed in December 2015 a quantity of 500,000 tonnes of
sugar for export until March 31, 2016. Since international sugar prices remained low
and the export parity was around Rs. 45-47 per kg, thus export was not feasible due
to high cost of sugar production and low price at domestic and international market
without the Government support in shape of some incentive. In addition the
Government fixed the sugarcane indicative price at Rs 180/40 kg in Punjab and KPK
and Rs 182/40 kg in Sindh for the year under review being the reason for the
escalated cost of sugar production over and above the international market. Some of
these facts were placed before the Government and a series of letters for allowing
incentive, PSMA was able to convince the Government and a cash support for

Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

incidental and freight @ Rs. 13 per kg was allowed. It was further decided by the
ECC of the Cabinet that this cash support would be shared equally by the Federal
Government and the respective Provincial Governments. Export to Afghanistan and
Central Asian Republic was also allowed by land routes in dollars terms with
minimum price of US $ 450/MT. The State Bank of Pakistan started receiving
application for quota allocation on first come first serve basis; however, some of the
mills could not utilize the quota in the given time. However a quantity of 0.294 mln
tonnes was exported. In order to discourage import of sugar from the global market,
efforts were made for imposition of regulatory duty (R.D) on import of sugar to protect
interests of the farmers.
Procurement of sugar by TCP
To improve the stock position in the country and to meet unforeseen domestic
demand, PSMA has already proposed in their previous meeting of Sugar Advisory
Board to maintain a strategic buffer stock to keep its supply line active for the public
sector outlets. Unfortunately, the proposal was not agreed by the Government based
on some technical reasons. By the end of August, 2016, TCP had 2,291 MT of sugar
in stock.
Sugarcane price
The continuous increase in the minimum indicative price of sugarcane and resultant
increase in area under cultivation of sugarcane puts pressure on price of sugar in
domestic and international market. PSMA has been pushing for a uniform sugarcane
price policy in line with the cost of sugar production or to link the sugarcane price with
the quality of cane. PSMA has argued consistently that linking price with the quality of
cane would benefit both the mills and the growers.
The growers who plant quality cane varieties and do more efforts for a better yield
and recovery would get more prices compared to inefficient crop harvest. The matter
is being discussed in various meetings and the PSMA stance has been highlighted.
Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

The indicative prices remained unchanged at Rs. 180/40 kg in Punjab and Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa and at Rs. 182/40 kg in Sindh as against low price of sugar. The price
fixed in Sindh remained sub judice. For 2016-17, the Provincial Governments are yet
to announce the sugarcane indicative price.
Domestic outlook 2016-17
The Provincial Governments in their second estimate for 2016-17 have indicated crop
area under sugarcane at 1.225 mln hectares compared to 1.131mln hectares of the
preceding year. Sugarcane production for 2016-17 is forecasted at 71.371 mln
tonnes compared to 65.451 mln tonnes of the previous year. The increase in area
has been reported in Punjab and Sindh over the corresponding period of last year by
about 12 % in Punjab and by almost 2.5 % in Sindh. Similarly the production in
Punjab has increased by 14 % compared to last year and 17% over 2014-15. In
Sindh the increase in production over 2014-15 remained at almost 9.0%. These
figures indicate an upward trend in the production of sugarcane and if the crop
condition remains favorable then we may expect a sugar production of about 5.5 mln
tonnes in the year to come with carry forward stock of 1.265 mln tonnes by the end of
the sugar year.
Note: (sugarcane production work out on average yield for last three year

Global outlook 2016-17

The ISO in its report for August 2016 has reported world production for 2016/17 at
168.010 mln tonnes versus 165.840 mln tonnes of the previous year. Similarly the
consumption for 2016-17 is estimated at 175.058 mln tonnes versus 171.584 mln
tonnes of last year thus creating a deficit of 7.048 mln tonnes in production and
upward trend of 2.02% in consumption. The first forecast of the World balance sheet
from October 2016 to September 2017 puts world production lower than the world
consumption mainly due to higher projected world consumption, import demand
Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

exceed export availability and reduced ending stock. The import demand has been
worked out at 56.695 mln tonnes versus 58.362 mln tonnes of last year and export
availability of 56.610 mln tonnes versus 58.501 mln tonnes in the previous year. It is
further added that from 2010-11 to 2015-16, the world production surpassed the
consumption but could not maintain the upward trend in 2015-16 and may continue
its deficit trend in 2016-17.
Sugar production in 2016-17 in the Indian Subcontinent is expected to decrease to
30.116 mln tonnes, down 1.0 mln tonnes or 3.2% from the previous season.
In India, at the beginning of July, the Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA) released
its first forecast for the 2016/17 season to start in October. Output is expected to
decrease to 23.26 mln tonnes, compared to 25.1 mln tonnes in the current season.
The total area under sugarcane is estimated at around 4.99 mln ha, down 5.5% from
2015/16. With stocks on October 1st at 7.1 mln tonnes, total sugar availability during
the next season is put at 30.4 mln tonnes more which is enough to meet the domestic
sugar consumption requirement of 26 mln tonnes. ISO forecast India sugar
production at 24.5 mln tonnes 4% down from 2015-16. While in Pakistan in 2016-17
ISO expect sugar production to stabilize.
In India, the world's largest consumer, domestic sugar prices rallied in recent months
as a response to a sharp fall in 2015/16 domestic output and expectations of even
smaller harvest in the coming season to start in October. At the end of July, prices
reached a multi-year high of INR 38,474/tonne (NCDEX, Sugar M2000, front month),
a jump of nearly 55% since the start of the season. Concerned with soaring prices, in
May the Government imposed limits on the quantity of the sweetener that traders and
large users such as confectioners and soft drink makers can stock. One month later
in a bid to keep the domestic prices of sugar under check, the central government
imposed a 20% duty on the export sugar.

Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Summary of the first assessment of the world sugar balance in 2016/17 is provided in
the table below.

World Sugar Balance
(Mln tonnes, tel quel)
2016/17 2015/16
In mln tonnes in %
Production 168.010 165.840 2.170 1.31
Consumption 175.058 171.584 3.474 2.02
Surplus/Deficit -7.048 -5.744
Import Demand 56.695 58.362 -1.667 -2.86
Export Availability 56.610 58.501 -1.891 -3.23

End Stocks 75.598 82.561 -6.963 -8.43

ratio in % 43.18 48.12
Export and import figures may not match due to rounding and time lags between exports and imports
Source: ISO Quarterly Market Outlook August, 2016

Source: ISO Quarterly Market outlook Aug, 2016

Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

International Sugar prices

International sugar prices showed nominal upward trend during the year under
review. The sugar year 2015-16 started with the price of sugar in international market
at around $ 388/tonnes, this continued to increase constantly till September 2016 to
$ 570.70/tonne.

ISO Monthly Average Prices of Refined Sugar
US $/Tonne

Months 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

October 592.38 682.97 676.87 557.85 499.90 428.59 388.48
November 596.70 719.41 635.55 521.88 471.25 420.59 400.87
December 648.25 747.52 604.92 518.54 449.61 397.97 409.23
January 729.90 770.36 620.66 505.36 424.34 397.80 415.73
February 705.84 746.21 634.83 499.06 454.76 384.33 388.39
March 529.62 701.88 638.24 518.01 471.84 364.95 436.29
April 479.21 655.56 601.56 500.88 468.19 367.38 438.45
May 453.94 599.94 555.14 482.20 478.00 365.28 474.05
June 482.59 688.47 571.02 483.03 476.27 352.15 527.53
July 542.17 769.50 621.14 477.42 458.03 358.72 541.33
August 534.13 736.20 568.77 484.63 437.52 341.01 538.80
September 601.31 694.41 560.65 485.20 421.61 348.83 570.70
Avg. Price 574.67 709.37 607.45 502.84 459.28 377.30 460.82
Source: Monthly Market Reports ISO

The global sugar surpluses ended in 2015/16. Global deficit is projected at 7.048mln
tonnes for 2016-17 and world output shows upturn of 2.17mln tonnes. World

Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

consumption is to grow by 2.02% or 3.47mln tonnes. The start of 2016-17 is faced

with world production of 168.010mln tonnes as per ISO first full assessment with
lower output projected for India, Brazil, Argentina Australia and higher consumption
anticipated in Thailand, India, Australia and Pakistan. World consumption for the
upcoming year has been forecast at 175.058 mln tonnes (2.02% growth) thus
creating a statistical deficit of 7.048 mln tonnes versus world production of
168.010mln tonnes. The export availability is short by about 3.23% lower than the
import demand. Similarly as indicated above, the international prices have improved
showing an impact of the current deficit under review. The sugar prices in the local
market have also improved closing to match the cost of production. For upcoming
year the sugarcane crop area reported by Provinces shows an upward trend of about
9% over the previous year with crop output of about 71 mln tonnes. This may lead to
sugar production of more than five mln tonnes over and above the domestic
consumption. Therefore consistent efforts would be required to offload the surplus
and to create a favorable environment for the stake holders, the sugar industry and
the growers. However, it has also been opined in the government circles to de-
regulate the sugarcane price in-order to create a market based environment and get
rid of the subsidies regime.
Power cogeneration:
Under the 2002 policy for IPP, incentives were announced for power cogeneration
units including sugar mills. Sugar mills in Pakistan have been producing surplus
bagasse, a renewable fuel as by-product in the sugar manufacturing process. The
power so produced could not be exported to grid due to low pressure 23 bar based
power system. To be able to generate surplus power, sugar mills have to switch to a
high pressure boilers and turbines. The amount of bagasse currently produced by
sugar mills has the potential to generate between 2000 to 3000 MW depending on
plant per day crushing capacity. By now four projects have achieved commercial
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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

operation and are supplying 145.10 MW to the national grid. Sugar mills are keen to
help the energy sector of the country; however, they are faced with some problems
like grid interconnection study, Power Acquisition request, Generation License and
award of upfront tariff with serious deviation from the timelines indicated in
LOI/framework. We appreciate the efforts of the AEDB and other relevant Deptt
encouraging sugar mills to produce power for export to national grid. The Annual
General Meeting of Pakistan Sugar Mills Association provides a platform to discuss
and review different aspects of development over the past years, appraise
performance and develop a uniformed opinion on a policy useful for the future
growth. To streamline the Association’s efforts in prioritizing its short and long term
objectives, efforts are also being made to provide services to the member mills in the
shape of feedback on local and global sugar situation and to create a climate
favorable for more planned expansion in sugar producing capacity and enhance
productivity through its theme of vertical expansion. PSMA has been promoting a
process of consultation and seeking guidelines/ideas from Association’s constituents
to further improve its performance.
In the end I would like to register my thanks to the Central and Zonal executive
committees, all members of PSMA, and the Secretaries PSMA for their cooperation,
assistance and support. At the same time I welcome the new Chairman and wish the
new management a success and assure them of my full support and cooperation and
would be available for guidance if need be to meet the future challenges faced by the
sugar industry.
Thank you.
Oct. 20, 2016 Iskander M. Khan

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016



Table No. Title of Table Page No.


TABLE 1 Sugarcane Plantation Area, Prod. Yield And Utilization By Mills 17,18,19

TABLE 2 Sugarcane Crushing, Sugar Prod. &Rec % 2001-2016 20,21

TABLE 3 Beet Sugar Position KP Sugar Mills, 2001-2016 22

TABLE 4 Consolidated Sugar Production, 2001-2016 22

TABLE 5 Molasses Production in Pakistan from cane, beet and raw 23

TABLE 6 (1) Sugarcane Indicative Price, Mill-gate Delivery 23

TABLE 6 (2) Sugarcane Indicative Prices vs. Avg. Retail Sugar Price 24

TABLE 7 Retail Price of Essential Commodities vs. Sugar 2005-16 25

TABLE 8 (1) Mill wise Sugar Position Punjab 2015-16 26,27

TABLE 8 (2) Mill wise Sugar Position Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2015-16 27

TABLE 8 (3) Mill wise Sugar Position Sindh 2015-16 28

TABLE 8 (4) Mill wise Sugar Position from Beet 2015-16 29

TABLE 8 (5) Total Sugar Production of Pakistan (Summary 2015-2016) 29

TABLE 9 (1) Estimated Gur Equivalent Prod. from Sugarcane Not Milled. 30

TABLE 9 (2) Sweetener Consumption, Sugar plus Gur Equiv. 2003-16 31

TABLE 10 Import of Refined Sugar.2001-2016 32

TABLE10(A) Import of Raw Sugar. 2001-2016 32

TABLE 11 Export of Sugar. 2001-2016 33

TABLE 12 Export of Molasses. 2001-2016 33

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

TABLE 13 Export of Fermentation Ethyl Alcohol. 2001-2016 34

Avg. Sugarcane Area, Production and Yield (1956 – 2016) 35

Sugarcane Area, Production and Yield (Graph) (1961 – 2016) 36

Sugar Consumption kg per capita in Pakistan (Graph) (2002 – 2016) 37

Seven Years Domestic Monthly Retail Sugar Prices with Graph 38


Ten Largest Sugar Producers and Consumers 40

Ten Largest Net-Exporters and Importers 41

World Sugar Balance 42

Seven Years Monthly Refined Sugar Prices (International Trade Market) 43

Monthly Domestic vs. International Sugar Prices for 2015-16 44

World Major Sugar Producing Countries 45

Former PSMA Chairmen 47

List Of Sugar Mills With Locations & Addresses 48-58

Sugar Production, Marketing & Stock Situation 59

Season’s Final as on 30th Sept. 2016

Sugar and sugarcane summary 60,61

Domestic Sugar Production, Availability & Consumption (Graph)

Domestic Sugar Cane Production (Graph)

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016


C.Y : Calendar year

CRD : Crop Reporting Department
DGTO : Directorate General Trade Organization
E.S.P : Economic Survey of Pakistan
ECC : Economic Coordination Committee
F.B.S : Federal Bureau of Statistics
F.Y : Fiscal year
FBR : Federal Board of Revenue
Hect. : Hectare
KP : Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
M.T : Metric Tonnes
Mln : Million
MOC : Ministry of Commerce
MOIP : Ministry of Industries & Production
Mol : Molasses
N.A : Not Applicable
P.G : Provincial Government
Pop : Population
Prod : Production
PSMA : Pakistan Sugar Mills Association
Q.P. : Quality Premium
Qty : Quantity
Rec. : Recovery
S.Y : Sugar year
SAB : Sugar Advisory Board
SBP : State Bank of Pakistan
TCP : Trading Corporation of Pakistan

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Internal DATA

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Table 1
Sugarcane Plantation Area, Production, Yield
and Utilization by Sugar Mills 2001-2016
Area: Hect.
Pakistan Prod: Tonnes
Yield: Tonnes/Hect.
Year Area Production Yield % by Mills
2001-02 999,700 48,041,000 48.06 76.33
2002-03 1,099,700 52,049,000 47.33 80.28
2003-04 1,074,700 53,800,000 50.00 81.19
2004-05 966,600 43,533,000 45.04 73.74
2005-06 906,980 44,292,000 48.80 67.94
2006-07 1,029,000 54,871,000 53.00 73.78
2007-08 1,241,300 63,920,000 51.49 82.60
2008-09 1,029,400 50,045,400 48.60 66.21
2009-10 942,870 49,372,900 52.36 70.09
2010-11 987,700 55,442,100 56.13 80.47
2011-12 1,046,000 58,038,200 55.48 83.13
2012-13 1,128,098 63,718,523 56.48 79.00
2013-14 1,171,687 67,427,975 57.55 84.00
2014-15 1,113,161 62,794,827 56.41 80.90
2015-16 1,130,820 65,450,704 57.88 76.45

2001-02 657,000 31,803,000 48.40 79.40
2002-03 735,000 33,169,000 45.12 83.15
2003-04 709,000 34,419,000 49.00 83.10
2004-05 645,000 29,332,000 45.47 77.65
2005-06 625,200 28,949,000 46.30 66.81
2006-07 712,000 37,542,000 53.00 70.85
2007-08 872,200 40,306,000 48.73 81.90
2008-09 666,500 32,294,700 48.50 64.02
2009-10 607,420 31,324,000 51.60 66.95
2010-11 672,200 37,481,000 55.75 74.37
2011-12 761,200 42,893,000 56.34 75.07
2012-13 767,670 42,982,070 56.00 74.50
2013-14 756,750 43,704,000 57.75 78.00
2014-15 683,934 41,074,000 60.06 72.50
2015-16 705,350 41,968,200 59.50 68.00
Source: Provincial Governments (CRD).

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Area: Hect.
Sindh Prod.: Tonnes
Year Area Production Yield % by Mills
2001-02 241,000 11,416,000 47.37 89.90
2002-03 259,000 13,798,000 53.27 89.98
2003-04 260,000 14,612,000 56.00 88.90
2004-05 215,000 9,357,000 43.52 84.59
2005-06 183,180 11,243,000 61.40 81.67
2006-07 215,000 12,529,000 58.00 92.80
2007-08 308,800 18,793,900 60.86 89.05
2008-09 263,900 13,304,300 50.40 76.28
2009-10 233,950 13,505,400 57.70 85.04
2010-11 226,500 13,900,000 60.43 97.84
2011-12 245,000 14,455,000 59.00 92.02
2012-13 253,694 15,966,224 63.00 92.40
2013-14 297,558 *18,362,575 61.71 *102.48
2014-15 316,749 *16,613,835 52.45 *104.16??
2015-16 312,815 17,984,260 57.49 99.00

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
2001-02 101,000 4,787,000 47.40 26.94
2002-03 105,000 5,049,000 48.08 35.40
2003-04 105,000 4,745,000 45.00 43.53
2004-05 106,000 4,816,000 45.43 29.26
2005-06 98,600 4,100,000 41.60 38.23
2006-07 102,000 4,800,000 47.00 46.98
2007-08 104,800 4,792,000 45.73 62.11
2008-09 98,200 4,408,500 44.90 52.48
2009-10 100,800 4,507,900 44.70 47.77
2010-11 88,400 4,030,300 45.59 75.31
2011-12 94,400 4,325,500 45.82 69.47
2012-13 106,734 4,770,229 44.70 70.41
2013-14 117,379 5,361,400 45.68 67.00
2014-15 112,478 5,106,992 45.40 71.83
2015-16 112,655 5,498,244 48.81 67.02
* Variation is due to some unreported data on boarder.
Source: Provincial Governments (CRD).

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Area: Hect.
Prod.: Tonnes
Yield: Tonnes/Hect.

Year Area Production Yield Utilization %

By Mills
2000-01 600 30,000 50.00 -
2001-02 700 35,000 50.00 -
2002-03 700 33,000 47.14 -
2003-04 700 34,000 48.57 -
2004-05 600 27,960 46.60 -
2005-06 N.A N.A N.A -
2006-07 N.A N.A N.A -
2007-08 500 28,100 56.20 -
2008-09 800 37,900 47.40 -
2009-10 700 35,600 50.90 -
2010-11 600 30,800 51.00 -
2011-12 700 31,400 44.85 -
2012-13 700 31,000 45.00 -
2013-14 700 31,000 45.00 -
2014-15 N.A N.A N.A -
2015-16 N.A N.A N.A -
Source: Provincial Governments (CRD).

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Table 2
Sugarcane Crushing, Sugar Production
and Recovery 2001-2016
Cane Qty: Tonnes
Pakistan Sugar Qty: Tonnes
Rec.: Percent
Year Mills Cane Crushed Sugar Made Recovery
2001-02 69 36,708,638 3,197,745 8.71
2002-03 71 41,786,689 3,652,745 8.74
2003-04 71 43,661,378 3,997,010 9.15
2004-05 71 32,101,739 2,922,126 9.10
2005-06 74 30,090,632 2,588,177 8.60
2006-07 77 40,483,977 3,516,218 8.69
2007-08 78 52,776,922 4,740,913 8.98
2008-09 82 33,139,418 3,134,145 9.46
2009-10 83 34,611,003 3,133,494 9.05
2010-11 84 44,526,719 4,172,729 9.37
2011-12 86 48,248,535 4,670,380 9.64
2012-13 86 50,089,483 5,030,129 10.04
2013-14 88 56,460,524 5,587,568 9.90
2014-15 89 50,795,218 5,139,566 10.12
2015-16 89 50,042,249 5,082,110 10.16
2001-02 37 25,252,609 2,152,175 8.52
2002-03 38 27,583,062 2,351,102 8.52
2003-04 38 28,604,925 2,599,490 9.09
2004-05 38 22,776,832 2,046,633 8.99
2005-06 40 19,340,641 1,566,047 8.10
2006-07 41 26,601,603 2,268,174 8.53
2007-08 42 33,063,564 2,952,784 8.93
2008-09 45 20,677,089 1,963,957 9.50
2009-10 45 20,972,969 1,858,161 8.86
2010-11 44 27,890,459 2,598,085 9.32
2011-12 44 32,203,007 3,116,348 9.68
2012-13 44 31,980,732 3,172,408 9.92
2013-14 44 34,054,518 3,352,795 9.85
2014-15 45 29,776,144 2,967,266 9.97
2015-16 45 28,552,068 2,837,761 9.94
Source: PSMA Zonal Offices/P.G
04 Non members in sindh
01 Non member in KP

Cane Qty: Tonnes

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Sindh Sugar Qty: Tonnes

Rec.: Percent
Year Mills Cane Crushed Sugar Made Recovery
2001-02 27 10,162,607 940,959 9.26
2002-03 28 12,415,817 1,158,674 9.33
2003-04 28 12,990,824 1,221,268 9.40
2004-05 28 7,915,416 754,458 9.53
2005-06 28 9,182,553 902,907 9.83
2006-07 29 11,626,978 1,062,411 9.14
2007-08 29 16,737,003 1,561,378 9.33
2008-09 30 10,148,603 976,420 9.62
2009-10 31 11,484,422 1,095,104 9.54
2010-11 33 13,600,800 1,298,989 9.55
2011-12 34 13,040,210 1,267,050 9.72
2012-13 34 14,750,048 1,547,547 10.49
2013-14 37 18,818,581 1,920,819 10.21
2014-15 37 17,304,763 1,822,900 10.53
2015-16 38 17,821,668 1,898,191 10.65

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

2001-02 5 1,293,422 104,611 8.09

2002-03 5 1,787,810 144,917 8.11
2003-04 5 2,065,629 176,252 8.53
2004-05 5 1,409,491 121,034 8.59
2005-06 6 1,567,438 119,223 7.69
2006-07 7 2,255,395 185,634 8.23
2007-08 7 2,976,356 226,751 7.62
2008-09 7 2,313,725 193,768 8.37
2009-10 7 2,153,612 180,229 8.37
2010-11 7 3,035,460 275,655 9.08
2011-12 7 3,005,318 286,982 9.55
2012-13 7 3,358,702 310,174 9.23
2013-14 7 3,587,425 313,954 8.75
2014-15 7 3,714,311 349,400 9.41
2015-16 7 3,668,513 346,158 9.44
Source: PSMA Zonal Offices/P.G
04 Non members in sindh
01 Non member in KP

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Table 3
Beet Sugar Position KP Sugar Mills
Qty: Tonnes
Rec: Percent
Year Mills Beet Sliced Sugar made Rec. Molasses
2001-02 3 316,041 29,127 9.23 13,376
2002-03 3 222,063 22,066 9.94 8,490
2003-04 3 250,171 23,797 9.51 8,684
2004-05 2 120,903 11,373 9.41 4,287
2005-06 3 93,518 8,934 9.55 3,404
2006-07 1 83,580 7,865 9.04 2,973
2007-08 1 64,095 5,532 8.8 2,576
2008-09 1 9,301 947 10.55 419
2009-10 2 53,336 4,641 9.15 2,140
2010-11 2 151,265 13,535 8.95 7,027
2011-12 2 176,709 18,216 10.31 8,392
2012-13 2 306,341 33,028 10.78 12,040
2013-14 1 251,418 27,389 10.89 8,548
2014-15 1 216,243 22,727 10.51 9,731
2015-16 1 307,366 32,791 10.67 13,831

Table 4
Consolidated Sugar Production in Pakistan
Qty: Tonnes
Year Cane Sugar Beet Sugar Raw Sugar Total
2001-02 3,197,745 29,172 22,111 3,249,029
2002-03 3,652,748 22,066 1,945 3,676,759
2003-04 3,997,010 23,797 - 4,020,806
2004-05 2,922,126 11,373 182,302 3,115,801
2005-06 2,588,177 8,934 401,396 2,988,507
2006-07 3,516,218 7,865 2,860 3,526,943
2007-08 4,740,913 5,532 5,929 4,752,374
2008-09 3,134,145 947 - 3,135,092
2009-10 3,133,494 4,641 - 3,138,135
2010-11 4,119,418 13,535 39,679 4,172,726
2011-12 4,652,164 18,216 - 4,670,380
2012-13 5,030,129 33,028 5,063,158
2013-14 5,587,568 27,389 - 5,614,957
2014-15 5,139,566 22,727 - 5,162,293
2015-16 5,082,110 32,791 - 5,114,901
Source: PSMA Zonal Offices/P.G

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Table 5
Molasses Production in Pakistan
from Cane, Raw & Beet
Qty: Tonnes
Year Punjab Sindh K.P Pakistan
2001-02 1,224,905 522,939 75,115 1,822,959
2002-03 1,304,284 656,520 87,313 2,048,117
2003-04 1,351,728 667,160 103,211 2,122,099
2004-05 1,039,937 393,287 64,171 1,497,395
2005-06 937,337 458,050 42,568 1,437,954
2006-07 1,222,482 578,833 109,787 1,911,102
2007-08 1,607,042 889,566 167,172 2,663,708
2008-09 928,514 493,079 114,739 1,536,332
2009-10 927,056 529,370 101,131 1,557,457
2010-11 1,249,324 643,651 141,580 2,034,555
2011-12 1,445,830 624,956 153,583 2,224,369
2012-13 1,422,807 663,305 166,639 2,252,751
2013-14 1,495,781 854,225 174,196 2,524,202
2014-15 1,281,768 781,665 183,702 2,247,137
2015-16 1,279,715 787,910 178,914 2,246,540
Molasses figures estimated
Table 6 (1)
Sugarcane Indicative Price
Mill-Gate Delivery (Per 40 Kg)
Year Punjab Sindh K.P Q.P
2001-02 42 43 42 0.50
2002-03 40 43 40 0.50
2003-04 40 41 40 0.50
2004-05 40 43 40 0.50
2005-06 45 60 45 0.50
2006-07 60 67 65 0.50
2007-08 60 67 65 0.50
2008-09 80 81 80 0.50
2009-10 100 102 100 0.50
2010-11 125 127 125 0.50
2011-12 150 154 150 0.50
2012-13 170 172 170 0.50
2013-14 170 172 170 0.50
2014-15 180 *182 180 0.50
2015-16 180 *172 180 0.50
2016-17 180 182 180 0.50
Source: P.G
*Sub judicious

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Table 6 (2).
Sugarcane Indicative Price per 40 kg in Comparison
with Season’s Avg. Retail Price per kg 2006-2016
Year Punjab Sindh K.P Avg. Sugar
2006-07 60 67 65 31.85
2007-08 60 67 65 27.92
2008-09 80 81 80 38.72
2009-10 100 102 100 57.11
2010-11 125 127 125 72.72
2011-12 150 154 150 60.99
2012-13 170 172 170 53.25
2013-14 170 172 170 53.82
2014-15* 180 *182 180 56.37
2015-16 180 *172 180 **62.30
2016-17 180 182 180 -
Sugarcane indicative price (Rs. per 40 Kg),
Retail price (season’s Average/kg)
Source: P.G, E.S.P
* Sub Judicious
** 2015-16: (July-April)

Series1 Series2
80 200.00
Average Sugar Retail Price Rs./kg

70 180.00

Sugarcane indicative Price

50 120.00
40 100.00

10 20.00
0 0.00

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Table 7
Retail Prices of Essential Commodities versus sugar
Wheat Veg. Basmati
Flour Ghee Gur Fresh Rice
Years (Avg.Qty) (Loose) Sugar* (Sup.Qty) Milk/ltr (Broken)
2005-06 13.06 58.95 31.16 35.90 23.90 20.16
2006-07 13.64 70.81 31.85 39.26 26.72 23.11
2007-08 18.07 108.43 27.92 32.86 30.45 37.77
2008-09 25.64 110.69 38.72 43.65 36.62 47.12
2009-10 28.77 112.04 57.11 70.74 42.32 43.92
2010-11 29.56 150.31 72.72 83.86 50.10 50.32
2011-12 30.26 166.26 60.99 78.27 58.17 60.36
2012-13 34.53 160.73 53.25 74.50 65.24 69.01
2013-14 40.98 160.57 53.82 82.83 69.86 74.09
2014-15 39.58 153.91 56.37 82.96 76.00 73.01
2015-16* 38.86 138.22 62.30 89.44 77.98 63.69
% age 297.55 234.5 200* 249.14 326.28 315.92

Graph showing Percentage of Price Increase


% age
Basmati Rice (Broken)

Fresh Milk/ltr

Gur (Sup.Qty)

Sugar* % age

Veg. Ghee (Loose)

Wheat Flour (Avg.Qty)

0 100 200 300 400

Source: E.S.P (Fiscal Year),

* 2015-16(July-April)
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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Table 8 (1)
Mill wise Sugar Position Punjab
Season 2015-16
Qty: Tonnes
Cane Sugar *Mol
PUNJAB Days Rec. % Rec. %
Crushed Prod. Prod.
1 ABDULLAH (Depalpur) 238,507 23,085 9.68 10,733 4.50
3 ADAM 113 464,014 43,979 9.48 21,194 4.57
4 ASHRAF 987,184 96,975 10.17 44,423 4.50
5 BABA FARID 261,931 23,943 9.14 11,787 4.50
6 BROTHERS 68,411 3,991 7.25 3,078 4.50
7 CHANAR 112 676,252 64,258 9.50 31,800 4.70
8 CHAUDHRY 740,470 67,770 9.15 33,321 4.50
9 CHISHTIA 6,016
12 ETIHAD 118 1,135,166 121,125 10.67 48,159 4.24
13 FATIMA 113 1,103,618 111,923 10.14 46,431 4.21
14 DARYA KHAN (Fecto) 213,099 15,873 7.45 9,589 4.50
15 HAMZA 2,672,712 287,316 10.75 120,272 4.50
16 HAQ BAHU 213,183 18,519 8.69 9,593 4.50
17 H. WAQAS 199,791 15,529 7.77 8,991 4.50
18 HUDA (Fauji) 103,476 9,027 8.72 4,656 4.50
19 HUNZA (I) 718,701 67,195 9.35 32,342 4.50
20 HUNZA (II) 618,955 56,930 9.20 27,853 4.50
21 HUSEIN 486,587 44,685 9.18 21,896 4..50
22 INDUS 935,032 101,306 10.83 42,076 4.50
23 ITTEFAQ 238,440 25,035 10.50 10,730 4.50
24 J.D.W –I (United) 2,550,953 280,418 10.99 114,793 4.50
25 J.D.W –II (United) 1,545,523 169,872 10.99 69,549 4.50
26 JAUHARABAD 95 340,519 33,205 9.75 15,990 4.70
27 KAMALIA 260,122 22,647 8.71 11,705 4.50
28 KASHMIR 509,063 44,390 8.72 22,908 4.50
29 LAYYAH (TIC) 1,187,302 108,800 9.66 53,429 4.50
30 MACCA 38,223 3,157 8.34 1,720 4.50
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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

31 MADINA 710,202 67,590 9.52 31,959 4.50
32 NOON 86 401,084 39,015 9.75 16,845 4.50
33 POPULAR 450,405 45,201 10.04 20,268 4.50
34 PATTOKI 460,581 42,584 9.30 20,726 4.50
35 RAMZAN 898,125 84,435 9.40 40,416 4.50
36 RASOOL NAWAZ 363,705 34,830 9.66 16,367 4.50
37 R.Y.K 1,093,448 106,270 9.72 49,205 4.50
38 SAFINA (TIC) 652,629 64,808 9.93 29,368 4.50
39 SHAHTAJ 97 716,070 71,599 10.00 32,377 4.52
40 SHAKARGANJ-(I) 269,018 26,729 10.29 12,106 4.50
41 SHAKARGANJ-(II) 181,786 18,350 10.09 8,180 4.50
42 SHEIKHOO 1,465,280 146,336 9.99 65,938 4.50
43 TANDLIANWALA-(I) 587,335 50,391 8.58 26,430 4.50
44 TANDLIANWALA-(II) 1,190,695 117,900 9.90 53,581 4.50
45 AL-MOIZ-(II) 598,455 60,770 10.24 26,930 4.50
TOTAL 2015-2016 28,552,068 2,837,761 9.94 1,279,715 4.48
TOTAL 2014-2015 29,776,144 2,967,266 9.97 1,281,768 4.30

Table 8 (2)
Mill wise Sugar Position K.P
Season 2015-16
Qty: Tonnes
Cane Sugar *Mol Rec.
Crushed Prod. Prod. %
1 Al-MOIZ 778,809 78,566 10.09 35,046 4.50
2 CHASHMA (Unit-I) 1,053,006 96,753 9.19 47,385 4.50
3 CHASHMA (Unit-II) 636,627 58,690 9.22 28,648 4.50
4 KHAZANA 171,733 17,999 10.48 7,728 4.50
5 PREMIER 178,273 17,677 9.94 8,022 4.50
6 850,065 76,473 9.00 38,253 4.50
Non- Members
TOTAL 2015-2016 3,668,513 346,158 9.44 165,083 4.50
TOTAL 2014-2015 3,714,311 349,400 9.41 173,971 4.68
* Molasses Figures estimated

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Table 8 (3)
Mill wise Sugar Position Sindh
Season 2015-16
SINDH Days Sugar Prod. Rec. % *Mol Prod. Rec. %
1 AL-ABBAS 93 560,786 58,730 10.47 25,574 4.71
2 Abdullah Shah Ghazi* 54 102,698 8,195 7.98 4,108 4.00
3 AL-NOOR 102 907,287 92,501 10.20 42,824 4.72
4 ALLIANCE 104 720,985 74,859 10.38 32,444 4.50
5 ANSARI 100 499,872 54,996 10.99 22,794 4.56
6 ARMYWELFARE 88 262,397 26,361 10.05 12,350 4.71
7 BAWANY 94 339,952 39,100 11.50 15,298 4.50
8 Chamber 115 346,473 38,200 11.03 14,552 4.20
9 DEHARKI 105 1,462,632 160,388 10.97 58,438 4.00
10 DEWAN 78 246,872 23,365 9.46 11,109 4.50
11 DIGRI 107 417,009 42,954 10.30 17,514 4.20
12 FARAN 104 789,657 86,785 11.00 34,020 4.31
13 J.D.W.-III (United) 100 1,415,041 152,588 10.78 53,525 3.78
14 HABIB 111 821,801 88,271 10.74 35,362 4.30
15 KHAIRPUR 114 647,634 66,817 10.31 25,148 3.88
16 KHOSKI 81 271,919 31,280 11.50 12,236 4.50
17 KIRAN* 115 304,901 30,040 9.85 18,142 5.95
18 LARR 103 240,041 27,605 11.50 10,802 4.50
19 MATIARI 147 522,582 53,428 10.22 23,600 4.52
20 MEHRAN 105 940,626 106,400 11.31 38,160 4.06
21 MIRPURKHAS 106 616,716 66,753 10.82 28,325 4.59
22 MIRZA 48 45,797 4,088 8.93 2,370 5.18
24 NAUDERO 117 264,020 31.749 12.03 11,881 4.50
25 NEW DADU 107 400,231 46,096 11.52 18,451 4.61
27 RANIPUR 106 343,537 33,947 9.88 15,631 4.55
28 SAKRAND 99 296,274 29,925 10.10 12,355 4.17
29 SANGHAR 117 563,617 57,388 10.20 29,928 5.31
31 SHAHMURAD 88 496,109 52,578 10.6 22,722 4.58
32 SINDABADGAR 90 490,605 48,671 9.92 24,195 4.93
34 TANDO ALLAHYAR 99 486,398 53,650 11.03 24,612 5.06
Non- Members
35 BANDI 123 610,670 62,860 10.29 26,245 4.30
36 THARPARKAR 106 307,767 29,143 9.50 14,650 4.76
37 S.G.M 103 411,328 44,310 10.77 18,510 4.50
38 Gulf 113 667,434 74,170 11.10 30,035 4.50
TOTAL 2015-2016 17,821,668 1,898,191 10.65 787,910 4.42
TOTAL 2014-2015 17,304,763 1,822,900 10.53 781,665 4.52
* Estimated
Source: PSMA Zonal Offices/P.G

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Table 8 (4)
Mill wise Sugar Position from Beet
Season 2015-16
Qty: Tonnes

Beet Sugar Mol.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Days Rec. % Rec.%
sliced Prod. Prod.

1 AL-MOIZ 307,366 32,791 10.67 13,881 4.50

2 PREMIER - - - - -

TOTAL 2015-2016 307,366 32,791 10.67 13,881 4.50

TOTAL 2014-2015 216,243 22,727 10.51 9,731 4.50

Table 8 (5)
Total Sugar Production
Summary 2015-16
Qty: Tonnes
Cane Raw Beet Sugar Prod. Total Mol.
Crushed Utilized Sliced (Cane) (Raw) (Beet) Sugar C+R+B*

Punjab 28,552,068 - - 2,837,761 - - 2,837,761 1,279,715

Sindh 17,821,668 - - 1,898,191 - - 1,898,191 787,910

K.P 3,668,513 - 307,366 346,158 - 32,791 378949 178,914

2015-16 50,042,249 307,366 5,082,110 32,791 5,114,901 2,246,540
2014-15 50,795,218 - 216,243 5,139,566 - 22,727 5,162,293 2,247,135
* Estimated
Source: PSMA Zonal Offices/P.G

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Table 9 (1)
Estimated Gur Equivalent Production
From Sugarcane Not Milled After Deduction
for Seed, Fodder and Wastage Etc.

Qty: Tonnes
1993-94 653,400
1994-95 827,100
1995-96 875,000
1996-97 709,400
1997-98 346,485
1998-99 332,990
1999-00 511,470
2000-01 649,623
2001-02 354,341
2002-03 208,672
2003-04 175,833
2004-05 416,611
2005-06 642,393
2006-07 523,292
2007-08 132,182
2008-09 789,930
2009-10 625,256
2010-11 169,150
2012-13 270,000
2013-14 390,000
2014-15 342,000
2015-16 395,000

Note: * Gur equivalent is based on 8.5% recovery.

* These are not Gur production figures.
* (Recovery rate of Gur is 13.5-14.5%)

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Table 9(2)
Sweetener Consumption in Pakistan
Sugar plus Gur Equivalent
Qty: Mln. Metric Tonne

Sugar Population Sugar Consumption Gur Total Sweetener

Year Millions Year’s Kg Per Capita Equivalent Sweetener kg / capita
2003-04 148.72 3.855 25.92 0.174 4.029 27.09
2004-05 152.53 3.941 25.83 0.416 4.357 28.56
2005-06 153.45 3.846 25.06 0.642 4.488 29.24
2006-07 162.91 3.958 24.29 0.523 4.481 27.50
2007-08 166.41 4.297 25.82 0.132 4.429 26.16
2008-09 169.94 3.628 21.34 0.789 4.410 25.95
2009-10 173.51 4.186 24.12 0.625 4.810 27.72
2010-11 177.10 4.096 23.12 0.169 4.265 24.08
2011-12 180.71 4.385 24.27 0.240 4.625 25.59
2012-13 184.35 4.420 24.60 0.270 4.690 25.44
2013-14 188.02 4.512 24.00 0.390 4.902 26.07
2014-15 191.71 4.600 24.00 0.342 4.942 25.78
2015-16 195.40 4.904 25.10 0.395 5.299 27.12
Source: - Pop: Economic Survey 2015-16
Sweetener: - Sugar + Gur

Pakistan Sugar Mills Association Sweetener

Consumption kg/capita in Pakistan

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Table 10
Import of Refined Sugar
Qty: M/T
Value: ‘000’ Rs.
Avg. Price: Rs./MT
*Year Quantity Value Avg. Price
2001-02 85,037 1,472,326 17,314
2002-03 8,315 152,746 18,370
2003-04 11,398 188,509 16,539
2004-05 266,707 5,288,976 19,606
2005-06 1,527,322 37,365,929 24,465
2006-07 586,543 15,721,704 26,804
2007-08 36,692 912,073 24,858
2008-09 125,743 4,505,407 35,830
2009-10 370,000 14,811,000 40,029
2010-11 1,031,919 58,669,007 56,854
2011-12 17,221 1,166,825 67,756
2012-13 7,308 500,644 68,506
2013-14 9,824 635,370 64,675
2014-15 10,056 631,427 62,791
2015-16 535 28,517 53,303
Table 10 (A)
Import of Raw Sugar
*Year Quantity Value Avg. Price
2001-02 500 7,172 14,344
2002-03 607 - -
2003-04 264 - -
2004-05 185,604 - -
2005-06 472,039 7,794,642 16,512
2006-07 11,033 N.A -
2007-08 714 N.A -
2008-09 - - -
2009-10 - - -
2010-11 - - -
2011-12 - - -
2012-13 - - -
2013-14 - - -
2014-15 - - -
2015-16 - - -
*Fiscal year
Source: PBS

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Table 11
Export of Sugar
Qty: MT
Value: ‘000’ Rs.
Avg. Price: Rs/MT
*Year Quantity Value Avg. Price
2001-02 - - -
2002-03 45,669 627,949 13,750
2003-04 116,175 1,589,210 13,679
2004-05 54,771 1,028,710 18,782
2005-06 61,047 1,590,555 26,055
2006-07 12 330 27,500
2007-08 260,840 5,738,856 22,015
2008-09 23,980 639,677 26,675
2009-10 - - -
2010-11 - - -
2011-12 48,672 2,575,403 52,913
2012-13 1,064,215 51,692,066 48,573
2013-14 647,333 29,638,230 45,785
2014-15 708,356 32,685,502 46,143
2015-16 293,541 13,817,628 47,072

Table 12
Export of Molasses
*Year Quantity Value Avg. Price
2001-02 1,607,380 3,898,800 2,425.56
2002-03 1,272,630 2,652,975 2,084.63
2003-04 1,457,283 2,698,964 1,852.05
2004-05 1,151,431 4,297,617 3,732.00
2005-06 497,161 2,612,342 5,255.00
2006-07 373,177 1,704,034 4,566.00
2007-08 780,807 3,490,864 4,471.00
2008-09 936,338 7,486,584 7,996.00
2009-10 961,300 7,784,000 8,097.36
2010-11 86,437 892,087 10,321.00
2011-12 55,608 577,981 10,394.00
2012-13 225,221 2,747,341 12,198.00
2013-14 197,342 2,510,421 12,721.00
2014-15 83,229 1,010,347 12,139.00
2015-16 73,067 874,398 11,967
*Fiscal year
Source: PBS

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Table 13
Export of Fermentation Ethyl Alcohol
(Not Denatured)
Qty: Liters
Value: ‘000’ Rs.
Avg. Price: Rs./Liter
*Year Quantity Value Avg. Price
2001-02 14,594,000 341,438 23.39
2002-03 16,341,575 342,658 20.96
2003-04 35,921,065 692,840 19.29
2004-05 36,669,688 1,067,445 29.00
2005-06 33,789,535 1,066,048 32.00
2006-07 34,116,438 1,122,000 32.00
2007-08 28,609,832 892,222 31.19
2008-09 27,045,396 1,209,025 44.70
2009-10 101,260,099 4,679,269 46.21
2010-11 168,509,200 9,506,883 56.00
2011-12 215,814,894 14,234,428 65.96
2012-13 142,065,426 8,735,649 61.49
2013-14 492,476,805 32,168,695 65.21
2014-15 421,881,994 25,749,257 61.00
2015-16 396,940,741 22,929,248 58.00
* Fiscal Year.
Source: PBS

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Pakistan Sugar Mills Association

Avg. Sugarcane Area, Production and Yield Tonnes/Ha
Projected 1956- 2016
Years Sugarcane
Area Yield
(‘000’hectares) (Tonnes/Ha)
Avg. Avg.

1956-1960 366 10,319 28.19

1961-1965 469 15,849 33.79

1966-1970 582 22,312 38.34

1971-1975 608 21,647 35.60

1976-1980 757 27,994 36.98

1981-1985 897 33,580 37.44

1986-1990 823 32,656 39.68

1991-1995 927 40,902 44.12

1996-2000 1,030 48,371 46.96

2001-2005 1,009 48,343 47.91

2006-2010 1,063 54,365 51.10

2011-2012 1,046 55,480 58.03

2012-2013 1,128 63,719 56.50

2013-2014 1,172 67,428 57.55

2014-2015 1,113 62,795 56.41

2015-2016 1,131 65,451 57.88

Source: PG(CRD)

- 35 -
Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

140 80
120 70 ('10,000'hect)
Area (10,000 Hect) Yield (Tonnes/Ha)


Sugarcane Prod. M. Tonne

80 Yield
20 Sugarcane
20 10 ('000'tonnes)
0 0

Source: CRD

- 36 -
Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Pakistan Sugar Mills Association

Sugar Consumption Per Capita in Pakistan





Sugar Year Sugar Kg per capita

2002-03 23.86
2003-04 25.92
2004-05 25.83
2005-06 25.06
2006-07 24.29
2007-08 25.82
2008-09 21.34
2009-10 24.12
2010-11 23.12
2011-12 24.27
2012-13 24.00
2013-14 24.00
2014-15 24.00
2015-16 25.10

- 37 -
Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Domestic Monthly Retail Sugar Prices

Rs. Per Kg



























Months 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Oct 45.75 81.91 72.01 50.53 55.68 59.17 61.55
Nov 49.25 87.98 67.25 54.07 58.86 56.78 59.56
Dec 60.05 73.78 55.52 53.04 54.12 54.12 57.14
Jan 66.44 72.65 52.39 52.52 51.39 53.92 59.80
Feb 68.55 67.02 50.44 51.83 51.25 54.23 62.80
Mar 64.87 76.95 56.39 52.89 53.35 54.28 62.93
Apr 62.14 67.14 56.48 53.79 52.60 56.92 63.76
May 61.28 65.77 55.22 53.66 52.27 59.53 63.75
Jun 63.27 69.19 55.66 54.50 53.84 62.49 64.37
Jul 66.68 70.74 55.25 54.90 55.92 65.41 67.34
Aug 72.26 74.65 55.25 54.68 57.83 65.36 71.17
Sep 80.43 76.03 54.11 54.50 60.49 64.75 71.03
Average Retail Rs. 63.41 73.65 57.16 53.41 54.80 58.91 63.76
Source: PBS

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016


- 39 -
Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

10 Largest
(in mln metric tonnes, telquel)
1 Brazil 34.24 1 India 26.00
2 India 28.87 2 EU-28 17.88
3 EU-28 15.30 3 China 15.45
4 Thailand 11.00 4 Brazil 11.01
5 China 10.26 5 USA 10.83
6 USA 7.70 6 Indonesia 6.05
7 Pakistan 6.13 7 Russian Fed. 5.50
8 Mexico 5.88 8 Pakistan 4.86
9 Russian Fed. 5.10 9 Mexico 4.37
10 Australia 4.82 10 Egypt, Arab R. 3.27


(in mln metric tonnes, telquel)

1 Brazil 34.24 1 EU-28 15.04
2 India 28.87 2 Russian Fed. 5.10
3 Thailand 11.00 3 USA 4.43
4 China 9.49 4 Turkey 2.00
5 Pakistan 6.10 5 Ukraine 1.43
6 Mexico 5.88 6 Egypt, Arab R. 1.37
7 Australia 4.82 7 China 0.77
8 USA 3.28 8 Iran 0.66
9 Guatemala 2.84 9 Japan 0.62
10 Indonesia 2.51 10 Belarus 0.49

Source: - ISO Sugar Year Book 2016 data 2015

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

10 Largest
10 LARGEST NET-EXPORTERS (in mln metric tonnes, telquel)
1 Brazil 24.01 1 Brazil 18.93 1 Brazil 5.08
2 Thailand 7.97 2 Australia 4.20 2 Thailand 4.13
3 Australia 4.28 3 Thailand 3.83 3 India 2.50
4 Guatemala 2.16 4 Guatemala 1.14 4 Guatemala 1.02
5 Mexico 1.67 5 Mexico 1.02 5 Mexico 0.65
6 India 1.26 6 Cuba 1.01 6 Pakistan 0.56
7 Cuba 1.07 7 EI Salvador 0.47 7 EU-28 0.53
8 Colombia 0.66 8 Nicaragua 0.29 8 Colombia 0.50
9 Pakistan 0.66 9 Swaziland 0.24 9 Mauritius 0.40
10 Swaziland 0.62 10 Mozambique 0.23 10 Belarus 0.38
10 LARGEST NET-IMPORTERS (in mln metric tonnes, telquel)
1 China 5.65 1 China 4.13 1 China 1.52
2 Indonesia 3.62 2 Indonesia 3.53 2 Sudan 1.46
3 USA 3.16 3 EU-28 2.33 3 USA 0.87
4 Bangladesh 2.15 4 USA 2.30 4 Uzbekistan 0.56
5 EU-28 1.80 5 Bangladesh 2.14 5 Saudi Arabia 0.56
6 Malaysia 1.70 6 Malaysia 1.78 6 Sri Lanka 0.54
7 Algeria 1.53 7 Korea, Rep. of of 1.68 7 Syria. 0.43
8 Korea, Rep. of 1.51 8 Algeria 1.67 8 Chile 0.36
9 Nigeria 1.48 9 Nigeria 1.48 9 Myanmar. 0.35
10 Sudan 1.29 10 Japan. 1.28 10 Russian Fed. 0.33

Source: - ISO Sugar Year Book 2016 data 2015

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

World Sugar Balance(October/September)

in ‘000; tonnes, raw value

2016/17 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 2012/13 2011/12 2010/11

168,010 165,840 170,789 174,600 172,029 164,629 154,927

175,058 171,584 168,113 166,007 164,227 157,912 153,146


-7,048 -5,744 2,676 8,593 7,802 6,717 1,781


56,695 58,362 57,586 57,993 60,600 54,325 53,870

Import demand

56,610 58,501 57,583 57,983 60,605 54,322 53,867

Export availability

75,598 82,561 88,444 85,765 77,162 69,365 62,645

End stocks

43.18 48.12 52.61 51.66 46.98 43.93 40.91

ratio in %
Source: -ISO World Sugar Balance August, 2016

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

ISO Monthly Average Price of Refiend Sugar

US $/Ton

Months 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

October 592.38 682.97 676.87 557.85 499.90 428.59 388.48
November 596.70 719.41 635.55 521.88 471.25 420.59 400.87
December 648.25 747.52 604.92 518.54 449.61 397.97 409.23
January 729.90 770.36 620.66 505.36 424.34 397.80 415.73
February 705.84 746.21 634.83 499.06 454.76 384.33 388.39
March 529.62 701.88 638.24 518.01 471.84 364.95 436.29
April 479.21 655.56 601.56 500.88 468.19 367.38 438.45
May 453.94 599.94 555.14 482.20 478.00 365.28 474.05
June 482.59 688.47 571.02 483.03 476.27 352.15 527.53
July 542.17 769.50 621.14 477.42 458.03 358.72 541.33
August 534.13 736.20 568.77 484.63 437.52 341.01 538.80
September 601.31 694.41 560.65 485.20 421.61 348.83 570.70

Avg. Price 574.67 709.37 607.45 502.84 459.28 377.30 460.82

Source: Monthly Market Reports ISO

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Monthly Domestic & International Sugar Prices Comparison

For Sugar Year 2015-16

 International price in US$ / Tonne

 Domestic price in Rs./ Kg

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

World Major Sugar Producing Countries

Five Year Production & Ranking
“000, Tonnes raw value (Oct – Sept.)
S. # Name 15-16 14-15 13-14 12-13 11-12 Ranking
1 Brazil 37,750 33,896 37,811 39,186 34,729 1
2 India 25,500 28,310 24,396 25,315 26,345 2
3 Thailand 9,750 11,296 11,284 11,284 10,213 3
4 China 8,700 10,556 14,218 12,784 11,358 4
5 USA 7,450 7,592 7,169 7,619 7,192 5
6 Mexico 6,119 5,985 6,021 6,991 5,048 6
7 Pakistan 5,325 5,948 5,347 5,097 4,643 7
8 Russia 5,200 4,638 4,772 4,506 5,065 8
9 Australia 4,950 4,909 4,012 4,879 3,579 9
10 France 3,670 3880 4,969 3,941 4,573 10
11 Germany 3,415 3769 4,394 3,819 4,417 11
12 Guatemala 2,883 2,976 2,858 2,700 2,545 12
13 Indonesia 2,475 2,507 2,528 2,556 2,512 13
14 Philippines 2,150 2,274 2,480 2,472 2,296 14
15 Turkey 2,040 2,053 2,332 2,185 2,247 15
* Prod. ranking based on 2015-16

Source: Word Sugar Balances ( Aug-2016 – ISO)

World Sugar Production 2015-16 (Est)

Total Production: 165.84 mln tonnes

Sugar production
from Cane: 132.81 mln tonnes

Sugar production
from Beat: 33.03 mln tonnes

Source: Quarterly Market Outlook (August. 2016)

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016


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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Former Chairmen
Pakistan Sugar Mills Association (PSMA)
1968-1969 Nawabzada M. Munir Khan
1969-1970 Mr. Hussain
1970-1971 Mr. Khaliq Dar Noon
1971-1972 Mr. Ahmed Ibrahim
1972-1973 Mr. Taj Muhammad Khanzada
1973-1974 Ch. Bashir Ahmed
1974-1975 Mr. M. Akram
1975-1976 Mr. Taj Muhammad Khanzada
1976-1977 Mr. Mian Bashir Ellahi
1977-1978 Mr. M. Akram
1978-1979 Mr. Taj Muhammad Khanzada
1979-1980 Malik Manzoor Hayat Noon
1980-1982 Mr. M.Akram
1982-1983 Mr. Taj Muhammad Khanzada
1983-1984 Mr. Altaf M.Saleem
1984-1985 Mr. M. Akram
1985-1986 Mr. Taj Muhammad Khanzada
1986-1987 Mr. Altaf M. Saleem
1988-1990 Mr. M. Akram
1990-1992 Syed Abbas Shah
1992-1994 Mr. Altaf M. Saleem
1994-1996 Mr. Ismail Zakaria
1996-1998 Mr. Abbas Sarfaraz Khan
1998-2000 Mr. S. M. Tahir
2000-2002 Mr. Ashraf W. Tabani
2002-2004 Mr. Iskander M Khan
2004-2006 Ch. M Zaka Ashraf
2006-2008 Mr. Shunaid Qureshi
2008-2010 Mr. Iskander M Khan
2010-2012 Mr. Javed A. Kayani
2012-2014 Mr. Shunaid Qureshi
2014-2016 Mr. Iskandar M Khan
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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Zone wise List of Sugar Mills

Locations and Districts

Mills Location/
Mills Name & Address Tel & Fax Dist.

Abdullah Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35917321-3 Depalpur

6-F, Model Town, Fx. (042)-35917317 Okara
Lahore Email:

Abdullah (Yousaf) Sugar Mills Ltd.,. Ph. (042)-35917321-3 Shahpur

6-F, Model Town, Fx. (042)-35917317 Sargodha
Lahore Email:

Adam Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)-32417812-16 Chistian

(042)-35757216 Bahawalnagar
Haji Adam Chambers, 1st Floor, Altaf
Fx. (021)-32427560
Hussain Road, New Challi
Karachi Email:
Liaison Office
345-A-I, Gulberg-lll, P&F (042)-35757216
Opp-Nisar Art Press, Fx. (042)-35874220

Ashraf Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35717555-7333 Ashrafabad

11-Upper Mall, Fx. (042)-35716999 Bahawalpur
Lahore. E.mail:

Baba Farid Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. 042-35884180-85 Faisalabad

42-G, Firdous Market,, Fx. 042-35884139 Okara
Gulberg III, E.mail:

Brother Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35757013-6 Chunian

135-Upper Mall, Fx. (042)-35710417 Kasur
Lahore. E.mail: bsml

Chanar Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35868077-78 Faisalabad

7-A, New Muslim Town, Fx. (042)-35862264
Lahore. E.mail:

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Chaudhry Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35858135 –6 Gojra

146- Abu Bakar Block, Fx. (042)-35858477 Toba Tek Singh
New Garden Town, Lahore E.mail:

Chishtia Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35755175-6 Sillanwali

240, Y Block, DHA Fx. (042)-35762187 Sargodha
Lahore E.mail:

Colony (Phalia) Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35758970-72 Phalia

Ismail, Aiwan-e-Science Building, Fx. (042)-35763247 MandiBahauddi
205 -Ferozpur Road, E.mail:

Colony (Punjab) Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35758970-72 Mian Channu

Ismail, Aiwan-e-Science Building, Fx. (042)- 35763247 Khanewal
205 -Ferozpur Road, E.mail:

Etihad Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35751865-66 Karamabad

03, Bawa Park,Uppar Mall (042)-35758114 Rahimyar Khan
Lahore Fx. (042)-35751867

Fatima Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. 061-4512031 Kot Addu

2nd Floor, Trust Plaza, 042-111-328-462 Muzafargarh
Opp.Telephone Exchange Fx. 061-4584288
LQM Road, Multan 042-36621389

Darya Khan Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35744305-9 Darya Khan

42-G, Firdous Market, Gulberg III, 045-3252027 Bhakhar
Lahore. Fx. (042)-35884139

GunjBuksh(Pasrur) Sugar Mills Ltd., 042-35752123 Pasrur

21/69, F.C.C, Green Villas, FX. (042)-35760329 Sailkot
Gulberg III, Lahore. E.mail:

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Hamza Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)-32561101-5 Khanpur

A/22, S.I. T. E. Mauripur Road, Fx. (021)-32561873 Rahimyar Khan
Karachi E.mail:

HaqBahu Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-36834016-22 Layyah Road

65-Infantry Road, Fx. (042)-36811253 Jhang
Military Accounts Colony, E.mail:
Lahore Cantt.

Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35917321-3

6-F, Model Town, Fx. (042)-35917317 Nankana Sahib
Lahore. E.mail:

Huda Sugar Mills Pvt Ltd., Ph. (042)-36674345 Sangla Hill

Askari Villas # 2, 041-2560884 Nankana Sahib
Army Housing Scheme, Fx. (042)-36681599
Sarwar Shaheed Road, Lahore 041-2669090

Hunza Unit –I &II Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. 042-111-161-161 Shahkot

1-A, New Muslim Town, 042-35882941-4 Faisalabab
Lahore. Fx.. 042-35882945/35862245

Husein Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35762089-90 Jaranwala

30-A/E-1, old FCC Gulberg III, Fx. (042)-35712680 Faisalabad
Behind Gaddafi Stadium, E.mail:

Indus Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35882801-2 Kot Bahadur

17-Tipu Block, New Garden Town, Fx. (042)-35835180 RajanPur
Lahore E.mail:

Ittefaq Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35765021-6 Pakpattan

40-B-II, Gulberg III, Fx. (042)-35759546 Pakpattan
Lahore E.mail:

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Jauharabad Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35785540-43 Jauharabad

109-A, Street No.03 Fx. (042)-35785539 Khushab
Cavalary Ground,I, E.mail:
Lahore Cantt..

JDW-1 Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-36664891-92 Mouza Shirin

17- AbidMajeed Road, Fx. (042)-36654490 Rahimyar Khan
Lahore -Cantt E.mail:

JDW-ll (United) Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)- 36664891-6 Sadiqabad

17- AbidMajeed Road Fx. (042)-36654490 Rahim Yar Khan
Lahore Cantt. E.mail:

Kamalia Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (041)-8660270/8660370 Kamalia

C/o Punjab Beverages Co. (Pvt) Ltd Fx. (041)- 8660700 Toba Tek Singh
Nisar Colony, Samundri Road, E.mail:
Askari Villas # 2, Sarwar Road, 042-36674345
Lahore Cantt. Fx. 042-36668092

Kashmir Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35765021-6 Shorkot

40-B-II, Gulberg -III, Fx. (042)-35759546 Jhang
Lahore E.mail:

Macca Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-36834016-20 Manga Road

65- Infantry Road, Fx. (042)-36811253 Kasur
Lahore Cantt. E-mail:

Madina Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (041)-8869891-96 Chiniot

Gate No. 3, The University of Fx. (041)-8869899
Faisalabad, Sargodha Road,
Faisalabad. E.mail:

Noon Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-36655777/36662242 Bhalwal

4 Sarwar Road, Fx. (042)-36662244 Sargodha
Lahore Cantt. E.mail:

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Popular (Ex-National) Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)-32468013-14 Jan

Suit # 901-903,9th Floor, Chapal
Plaza , Hasrat Mohani Road, Muhammadwala
II Chundrigar Road, Karachi Fx. (021)-32468011
E.mail: Sargodha

Pattoki Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35884180-85 Pattoki

42-G,Firdous Market,Gulberg III, Fx (042)-35884139 Kasur
Lahore. E.mail:

Ramzan Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35857234-5 Chiniot

55-K, Model Town Fx. (042)-35857232 Jhang
Lahore E.mail:

R.Y. K Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-36601381-4 Rahim Yar Khan

75/4D Sarfaraz Rafiqui Road, Fx. (042)-36601385
Lahore Cantt.
Shahtaj Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35710482-4 MandiBahauddin
72/C-1, Gulberg III Fx. (042)-35711904 Gujrat
Lahore E.mail:

Shakarganj (I) Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. 042-35783801-3 Toba Road

10thfloor,10-B, Block E-II, (047)-7631001-4 Jhang
Main Boulevard, Gulberg III, Lahore Fx. (047)-7631011

Shakarganj -II Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35783801-4 AddaBhone

10thfloor,10-B, Block E-II, 047)-7631001-4 Jhang
Main Boulevard, Gulberg III, Lahore Fx. (042)-35783811

Rasool Nawaz Sugar Mills (Pvt) Ltd, 042-35213791-93 Gojra

70-3F, Quaid-e-Azam Industrial Fx. (042)-35213794 Faisalabad
State,Kot Lakhpat, Lahore. E.mail:
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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Sheikhoo Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (042)-35892508 Kot Adu

11-F Commercial Area, (042)-35893531 Muzafargarh
Phase-1 D.H.A Lahore, Fx. (042)-35728904
Lahore Cantt. E.mail:

Tandlianwala-l&ll Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. 042-111-111-725 Kanjwani

66-L, Gulberg II, (042)-35712901
Lahore. Fx. (042)-35710929 Faisalabad

The Thal Industries Corporation Ltd (042)-35771070-71

(Unit. I, Layyah), Ph. (042) -35771068 Layyah
2D-1, Gulberg III, Fx. (042)-35756687/35771175
Lahore E.mail:

The Thal Industries Corporation Ltd., (042)-35771066-71 Lalian

(Unit-II, Safina) Fx. (042)-35756687 Jhang
2D-1, Gulberg III, E.mail:

Mills Location /
Mills Name & Address Tel & Fax Dist.

Abdullah Shah Ghazi Sugar Mills Ltd., (042)-35500225 Gharo

65-Infantry Road, FX: (042)-35758777 Thatta
Military Accounts Colony, Lahore E-mail:

Al-Abbas Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. 021-32470220-29 MirwahGorchani

Pardeis House, Survey # 2/1, 021-32470087 Mirpurkhas
R.Y – 16, Old Queens Road, Fx. 021-32470090/32470467
Karachi 74000. E-mail:

Al-Noor Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. 021-34550161-63 Taluka Moro

96-A, Sindhi Muslim Society, 021-34551990 Nawabshah
Karachi Fx. 021-34556675

- 53 -
Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Alliance Sugar Mills(Pvt LTD) Ph. 042-36660051-52 Ubauro

3B, Nisar colony, Nisar Road Fax 042-36660066
Lahore cantt. Email. Ghotki

Ansari Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. 021-35655131-49 Matli

2nd Floor, Block-4, Hockey Club Fx. 021-35680533/ 5657710 Hyderabad
Of Pakistan stadium, E.mail:

Army Welfare Sugar Mills Ltd, Ph. (0297) 861205, 051-5701210 Badin
Army welfare Trust, AWT Plaza, Fx. (0297) 861733
6th Floor, The Mall, E.mail:

Bawany Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. 021-35655131-4 Talhar

2ndFloor, Block-4, Fx. 021-35680533 Badin
Hockey Club of Pakistan Stadium, E.mail:

Dewan Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. 021-35204601-3/35205244 Budho Talpur

7th Floor, Block-A, Finance & Trade
Centre, 021-111-364-111 Thatta
Main Shahrah-e- Faisal, Fx. 021-35630814
Karachi. 021-35630826

Digri Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. 021-34541195-8 Digri

48 J /1, Block 6, P.E.C.H.S. Fx. 021- 34534501 Mirpurkhas
Karachi. E.mail:

Faran Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. 021-32418050-4 Sheikh Bhirkio

3rd Floor, Bank House # 1, 111-786-878 Hyderabad
Habib Square, M.A. Jinnah Road, Fx. 021-32421010/ 32421241
Karachi E.mail:

J.D.W-III (Ghotki) Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. 042-36664891-92 Channu

17-Abid Majeed Road, Fx. 042-36654490
Lahore Cantt. 042-36602573-74 Ghotki

- 54 -
Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Habib Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)- 35680036-9 Nawabshah

3rd Floor, Imperial Courts, Fx. (021)- 35684086
Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed Road, Karachi E.mail:

Khairpur Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)- 35810771-75 NarooDhoro

2nd & 3rd Floor, Plot No. 15-C, 9-
Commercial Lane Phase-V, Fx. (021)- 35810776 Khairpur
Zamzama, D.H.A E.mail:

Khoski Sugar Mills Pvt. Ltd. Ph. (021)-35655131-4 Khoski

2nd Floor, Fx: (021)-35680533 Badin
Hockey Club of Pakistan Stadium,

Kiran Sugar Mills Pvt. Ltd. Ph. (021)-35879148-149 Khoski

Office No. 301, 3rd Floor, Fx: (021)-35879199 Badin
Clifton Center, Khayban-e-Roomi, E.mail:
Block # 5, Clifton

Larr Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)- 34545591-94 DehKinjhar –

16-E, Block 6, Fx. (021)-34537720 Sajawal
Rashid Minhas Street, E.mail: Thatta
P.E.C.H.S Karachi

Matiari Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)-34521382, 34529698 Matiari

C-48, KDA Scheme No.1 Fx. (021)- 34541734 Hyderabad
Karachi. 75350 E.mail:

Mehran Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)-35297814-17 Tando Allah Yar

14-B, 14th floor, Dolmen City, Fx. (021)- 35297818-27 Hyderabad
Executive Tower, HC-3, Block # 04, E.mail:
Marine Drive, Clofton Karachi

Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)-35682565-9 Mirpurkhas

2ndFloor, Modern Motors House, Fx. (021)-35688036/35682839 Mirpurkhas
Beaumont Road, Karachi. E.mail:

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Mirza Sugar Mills Ltd., (021)-35680151-4 DehCharo

10th Floor, Lakson Square, Fx. (021)- 35680183 Tappo Badin
Building No. 1, Portion 'B', E.mail:
Sarwar Shaheed Road, Karachi

Najma (Thar) Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)-35831082 Jhuddo

Sikander House F-58, Park Lane Fx. (021)-35831069 Mirpurkhas
Block –5 Clifton, Karachi E.mail:

Naudero Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)-35655131-4 Naudero

2ndFloor, Block-4, Hockey Fx. (021)-35680533 Larkana
Club of Pakistan Stadium, E.mail:

New Dadu Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)-35655131-4 Piarogoth

2ndFloor, Block # 4, Fx. (021)-35680533 Dadu
Hockey Club of Pakistan (021)-35657788
Stadium ,Karachi E.mail:

Pangrio Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)- 35680151-4 Deh Rajauri-2

10th Floor Lakson Square, Fx. (021)- 35680183 Badin
Building No. 1 Portion ‘B’ E-mail:
Sarwar Shaheed Road, Karachi

Ranipur Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)-34314854-6 Ranipur

23-F/1, Block 6, Fx. (021)-34314857 Khairpur
PECHS, Karachi E.mail:

Sakrand Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. 021-111-484-848 Qazi Ahmed

41-K, Block -6 , P.E.C.H.S., Ph. (021)- 34531642 Nawabshah
Karachi Fx. (021)- 34546456

Sanghar Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)-35371441-3 Sindhri

C-27, Plot # F-24, Block-9, Fx. (021)- 35371444 Sanghar
Clifton, Karachi 75600 E.mail:

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Seri Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)-32439630 DehNoraiJagir

1st Floor, Hassan Ali Centre, (021)-32437828 Hyderabad

Opp. M.W. Tower, Fx. (021)-32413600
M.A. Jinnah Road, Karachi. E.mail:

Shahmurad Sugar Mills, Ltd., Ph. (021)-34550161-3/ 34550031 Jhok Sharif

96-A, Sindhi Muslim Society, Fx. (021)-34556675/34551370 Thatta
Karachi E.mail:

Sindh Abadgar’s Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)-35638212-13 Deenpur

209, 2nd
Floor, Progressive plaza, Fx. (021)-35638219 Hyderabad
Beaumont Road, Karachi E.mail:

TMK Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)-32439630 TMK

Floor, Hassan Ali Centre, (021)-32437828 Hyderabad
Opp. M.W. Tower, Fx. (021)-332413600
M.A. Jinnah Road, Karachi. E.mail:

SGM Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. 042-32404550-2

(Sardar Ghulam Mohammad) Fx. (042)-32404554
National Hockey Stadium E.mail:
Gate No. 16, Gulberg,

Tharparkar Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (021)-35863730 Tharparkar

108/ 03, 3rd
Avenue, Fx. (021)-35863729 Mirpurkhas
Block # 5, Main Clifton, E.mail:
Near Police Club, Karachi

- 57 -
Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Mills Location/
Mills Name & Address Tel & Fax Dist.

Al-Moiz Industries Ltd., (042)-35771066-71

2-D-1, Gulberg–III, Lahore Ph. 0966-720910 Chashma
Fx. (042)-35756687, 35771175 D.I. Khan
E. mail:

Bannu Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (0969)-351022/ 352444 SeraiNaurang

SeraiNaurang, Bannu Fx. (0969) 350112 Bannu

Chashma-I Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (0966)750090-91 D.I. Khan

Unit-I , University Road
Dera Ismail Khan Fx. (0966)750092
E. Mail:

Chashma-II Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. (0966)756365, 756365 D.I. Khan

Unit 2, Ramak, Dera Ismail Khan Fx. (0966)756327

Khazana Sugar Mills(Pvt) Ltd., Ph. 091-2041694 Peshawar

Charsadda Road ,Khazana,
Peshawar 091-2045732
Fx. 091-2040550

Premier Sugar Mills Ltd., Ph. 0937-862051-2 Mardan

Mardan. 0966-606370
Fx. 0937-862989

Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Ltd. Ph. 0966-756153/756158 Miran

(Ext. Zamand) Fx. 0966-756301/756298 Dera Ismail
66-L, Gulberg II, E.mail: Khan

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Sugar Production Marketing & Stock

Summary (Season 2015-16)
as on 30th September, 2016
Area: hect.
Prod: tonnes
Yield: T/hect
Sugarcane Plantation Area 1,130,820
Sugarcane Production 65,450,704
Average Yield 57.88
Sugarcane Sugar
Crushing Produced
Punjab 28,552,068 2,837,761
Sindh 17,821,668 1,898,191
KP 3,668,513 346,158
(Cane sugar)Total 50,042,249 5,082,110
Sugar refined from raw -
Sugar produced from beet 32,791
Total sugar produced 5,114,901
Carryover stock (2014-15) 1,344,421
Import/TCP stock(31-08-2015) * 535
Total Availability (2015-16) 6,459,322
Export (2015-16) (Source: MOIP) 293,541
Total consumption (2015-16) @ 25.1 kg/capita 4,900,000
Carry Forward (2016-17) 1,265,781
* Ignored
Source: PSMA Zonal Offices/ P.G

Monthly Retail Sugar Price Rs. per KG (2015-16)

October 61.55
November 59.56
December 57.14
January 59.80
February 62.80
March 62.93
April 63.76
May 63.75
June 64.37
July 67.34
August 71.17
September 71.03
Average 63.76
Source: PBS

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Sugar Year (Oct-Sept.) 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Sugarcane Area (Hect) 1,241,300 1,029,400 942,870 987,700 1,046,000
Sugarcane produced 63,920,000 50,045,400 49,372,860 55,444,100 58,038,200
Yield (Tonnes/Hect) 51.49 48.6 52.36 56.4 55.48
Cane Utilized by Mills 52,776,922 33,733,266 34,604,070 44,511,571 48,248,535

percentage of utilization 82.6 67.41 70.09 82.36 83

Cane indicative price
Punjab, KP / Sindh 60 / 65 / 67 80 / 80 / 81 100/100/102 125/125/127 150/150/152
Average Recovery (%) 8.98 9.45 9.05 9.25 9.68
Sugar Production (Cane) 4,740,913 3,188,561 3,132,709 4,119,516 4,652,164
Sugar Production (Beet) 5,532 947 4,641 13,535 18,216
Sugar Production (Raw) 5,929 - 39,678 -
Total Sugar Production 4,752,374 3,189,508 3,137,350 4,172,729 4,670,380
Beginning Stocks 1st Oct. 986,160 1,188,689 1,033,003
Imports/TCP 24,531 125,743 478,155 755,417 -
Total Available 5,763,065 4,503,940 4,482,062 5,205,732 5,779,701
Export 277,339 23,980 Nil 48,672
End Stock 30th Sep. 1,188,689 866,557 100,000 1,109,321 1,394,013
Consumption / Marketing 4,297,037 3,613,403 4,186,062 4,096,411 4,385,688
Average Consumption /
month 358,086 301,117 348,839 341,367 365,688
Season’s Av. retail price
Rs./ kg 28.62 43.39 63.41 72.82 57.16
International Sugar Price
US $/Tonne 344.44 417.76 574.52 709.37 607.45

Molasses Prod. (C+B+R)* 2,663,780 1,560,286 1,557,457 2,034,729 2,207,632

* Cane + Beet + Raw
Sources: FBS, ISO, Zonal Offices

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Sugar Year(Oct-Sept.) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (Estimated)

Sugarcane area (hect) 1,128,098 1,171,687 1,113,161 1,130,820 1,225,096

produced(Tonnes) 63,718,523 67,427,975 62,794,827 65,450,704 71,371,856

Yield ( Tonnes/Hect) 56.5 57.55 56.41 57.88 58.26

Cane Utilized by Mills 50,089,483 56,460,524 50,795,218 50,042,249 55,670,047

Percentage of utilization 80 84 80.9 76.45 78

Cane indicative price 180/182***

Punjab, KP, Sindh 170/170/172 170/172/170 180/182/180 / 180 180/182/180

Average recovery (%) 10.04 9.9 10.12 10.16 9.97

Sugar Production (cane) 5,030,129 5,587,568 5,139,566 5,082,110 5,550,303

Sugar Production (beet) 33,028 27,389 22,727 32,791 30,000

Sugar Production (raw) - - - - -

Total Sugar Production 5,063,158 5,614,957 5,162,293 5,114,901 5,580,303

Beginning Stocks 1st Oct. *1,394,013 844,171 1,197,128 1,344,421

Imports/TCP **25,043 **32,259 **28,166 **535
Total Available 6,457,171 6,459,128 6,359,421, 6,459,322
Export 1,193,000 750,000 415,000 293,541
End Stock 30th Sep. (Mills) 844,171 1,197,128 1,344,421 12,65,781
Consumption / Marketing 4,420,000 4,512,000 4,600,000 4,900,000
Average Consump. / month 368,333 376,000 383,333 408,333
Season’s Av. Retail price /
kg 53.41 54.80 58.91 63.76
Intl. Av. Sugar Trade Price
US $/T 502.84 459.28 377.30 460.82
Molasses Prod. (C+B+R) * 2,252,751 2,524,202 2,247,135 2,246,540

* C: Cane, B: Beet, R: Raw

** TCP stock as on 31-08-2015(Ignored)
*** Sub Judicious
Sources: FBS, ISO, Zonal Offices

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Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2007

Pakistan Sugar Mills Association

Domestic Production, Availability & Consumption
Sugar Year Oct. to Sept. 2000-2016







Production Consumption Availability

Pakistan Sugar Mills Association ANNUAL REPORT 2006

Sugarcane Production at Glance










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