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1. Selection buttons........................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Work Center .................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1. Input Password ....................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2. Exit.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3. Saving the layout .................................................................................................................................... 8
3. Machine Register ........................................................................................................................................ 11
3.1. Machine register: Machine Card........................................................................................................... 12
3.4. Extra Info: Card types........................................................................................................................... 16
3.5. Extra Info: Documents .......................................................................................................................... 17
3.7. Machine register: Spare part list........................................................................................................... 19
3.8. Spare part selection.............................................................................................................................. 20
3.9. Machine to transfer............................................................................................................................... 21
3.10. Checking card..................................................................................................................................... 22
3.11. Editing spare part lists ........................................................................................................................ 28
4. Work Schedule ............................................................................................................................................ 29
4.1. Bars in work schedule .......................................................................................................................... 31
4.2. Input search conditions......................................................................................................................... 32
4.3. GSM - Alarm ......................................................................................................................................... 34
4.4. Work Schedule menu ........................................................................................................................... 35
4.5. Running time maintenances ................................................................................................................. 38
4.6.1. Creating Maintenance Plans.......................................................................................................... 40 Extra Documents..................................................................................................................... 42 Measuring titles of maintenance part ...................................................................................... 43 Definition of measuring titles ................................................................................................... 43 Materials for maintenance action ............................................................................................ 44
4.6.2. Printing the maintenance plan ....................................................................................................... 45
4.6.3. Generating job cards...................................................................................................................... 45
4.6.4. Reception of Work ......................................................................................................................... 46
4.6.5. Start Work ...................................................................................................................................... 47
4.6.7. Pause Work.................................................................................................................................... 49
4.7. Work Order Card .................................................................................................................................. 50
4.7.1. Quittance by phases ...................................................................................................................... 51
4.7.2. Measurings..................................................................................................................................... 53
4.7.3. Costs .............................................................................................................................................. 54
4.7.4 Spare Parts of the Work.................................................................................................................. 55
4.7.5. Work Card / Further Info ................................................................................................................ 56
4.7.6. Browsing Work Orders................................................................................................................... 56
4.8. Work queues......................................................................................................................................... 57
4.9. Loading ................................................................................................................................................. 61
4.10. Checking card..................................................................................................................................... 62
4.11. Quick search....................................................................................................................................... 62
4.12. Prepared searches ............................................................................................................................. 63
4.13. Involuntary fields................................................................................................................................. 64
5. Spare Parts ................................................................................................................................................. 66
5.1. Spare Part - Program ........................................................................................................................... 66
5.1.1. Spare Part Basic Data Form .......................................................................................................... 67
5.1.2. Machines of spare part .................................................................................................................. 68
5.1.3. Group cards ................................................................................................................................... 69
5.1.4. Spare Part Extra Card.................................................................................................................... 70
5.1.5. Documents ..................................................................................................................................... 71

5.2. Store - program..................................................................................................................................... 72

5.2.1. Store information............................................................................................................................ 74
5.2.2. Taking ............................................................................................................................................ 75
5.2.3. Arrival ............................................................................................................................................. 76
5.2.4. Inventory ........................................................................................................................................ 76
5.2.5. After-pricing.................................................................................................................................... 77
5.2.6. Extra card of Spare part................................................................................................................. 78
5.2.7. Group cards ................................................................................................................................... 79
5.2.8. Machines of spare part .................................................................................................................. 80
5.2.9. Order browse ................................................................................................................................. 81
5.2.10. Order screen ................................................................................................................................ 82
5.2.11. Order lines.................................................................................................................................... 83
5.2.12. Material delivery........................................................................................................................... 84
5.2.13. Material pick up............................................................................................................................ 85
5.2.14. Alarm lists..................................................................................................................................... 86
5.2.15. Order impulses............................................................................................................................. 87
5.2.16. Stores / Default store ................................................................................................................... 87
5.2.17. Store log....................................................................................................................................... 88
5.2.19. Purchase history .......................................................................................................................... 91
5.2.20. Pricelist......................................................................................................................................... 92
6. Basic data.................................................................................................................................................... 93
7. Deliverers .................................................................................................................................................... 95
7.1. Deliver register...................................................................................................................................... 96
7.2. Deliverer products ................................................................................................................................ 97
7.3. Deliverer contacts ................................................................................................................................. 97
7.4. Deliverer price lists ............................................................................................................................... 98
8. Failure Notice .............................................................................................................................................. 99
8.1. Failure notice ...................................................................................................................................... 100
8.2. Failure quittance ................................................................................................................................. 101
9. Maintena.cnf - configuration file ................................................................................................................ 103
10. User rights ............................................................................................................................................... 103
10.2. Program Settings .............................................................................................................................. 105

1. Selection buttons

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1. Search

Information search based on given search conditions.

Search brings all the records with the active search conditions for browsing from the register. If the
conditions have not been input, all of the records are retrieved to the screen.

The number of the retrieved records, and in which of the records the browsing is at the moment, can be
seen in the lower edge on the information panel.

2. Input Search Conditions

With the button the form is activated to the input of the search conditions. After this selection the form is
cleared and the desired search conditions can be input for all the fields. If the active screen is in work
browse, the conditions are input to the first row fields.

If search conditions have been input to the form earlier, they appear after the selection and they also can be

Search conditions can be input to all the fields; also to several fields simultaneously.

Search conditions in different kinds of fields can be used as follows:

Alphanumeric fields:

-Use * as wild card and ? to replace a single character

Numeric and date fields:
-Use =,>,<,>= and <=.

- Write 1* to the code field and select Search -> Searches for all the codes starting with one.
- Write >100 to the numeric field and select Search -> Searches for all with a number greater than 100.

3. Clear Conditions

Clears all the conditions that have been input with the “Input Search Conditions” - function from the form.

The conditions can also be cleared with “Input Search Conditions” - function by using Del and/or Backspace

4. Previous

Searches for the previous record. If there are no previous records, the function is not possible.

Click the right mouse button to get to the first record.


5. Next

Searches for the next record. If there are no more records, the function is not possible.

Click the right mouse button to get to the last record.

6. Save

Saves the records on the form.

If the active screen is in work browse, the active line is saved.

In Work browse, when moving from a line to another, save is automatic. To cancel a change, push {Esc} in
every field of the row before moving from a row to another.

7. New

Adds a new record to the register.

To add a new form, to add new rows to a table:

To add a new form:

1. Select New (+)

2. Write the information of the new form
3. Select Save

To add new rows to a table:

1. Select new (+)

2. Write the information to the empty line (The last line)
3. Select Save

You can also add a new row with a mouse by choosing the last empty line, which has a * sign on the left
side. You can input the new information and save.

8. Delete

Deletes the record on the form from the register. In a table the deletion concerns only the active line.

9. Transfer search to a previous screen

Transfers the active search conditions to previous screen.

10. Hierarchy

Opens a window with which the machine hierarchy can be opened. Right mouse button is used to open the
information a desired machine to the main screen.

11. Browse

This function opens a table with the information of the register. The search conditions can be used as usual
in the table. The conditions are input to the fields of the first line.

You can select the desired (Click the line) records when browsing and pick all the records of the desired line
to the main screen with the Pick -function.

PLEASE NOTE: When you pick the records from the line to the main screen the following happens: The
code from the line is set as a search condition on the main screen and only one card is available for
browsing. If you want to browse other machines later, the search condition must be deleted or changed.

12. Pick

The function is used to pick the records of the selected line to the main screen.

13. Print

Opens a window, where usually either preview (SCREEN) or default printer (PAPER) can be selected for
the output (Printing target).

14. Close

The form closes.

Date fields
Double click the date field to select a date from the calendar.

It is easy to move between the months by clicking the name of the

month, or by using the arrow buttons.

Click the year to change year, arrow buttons appear next to the

2. Work Center

From the ARROW Maintenance -Work Center all the maintenance programs are started. The bar is always
in use in addition to the other maintenance programs.

Work Center properties:

Double click to start programs, with or without edit rights. Edit rights are given in the user rights program .
Same user can have different rights in different programs. When the program is started for the first time
from the bar, user-code and password are asked, after this all the programs are opened according to the
rights of the given user. When a user quits using the programs, the start bar is closed with Exit-command,
so that other users can input their own code and password and programs are thus used with the rights given
to them.

To active programs: Double click the icon of the program.

To activate programs with a search condition: Click the icon of the program once with the right mouse
button. This activates/starts the program and search is performed according to what there is on the clipboard
at the time.

Please note. If the user is on the spare part -screen of a machine and selects the spare part -code to the
clipboard (Ctrl - C / Edit - Copy) and after selecting the code, clicks the icon of the Spare part - program on
the start bar with the right mouse button; the spare part -program is activated/started and the information of
the spare part in question will be automatically searched to its screen.

The fields, according to which the search is performed in different modules:

Module Search field

Machine register Machine code
Spare part register Spare part code
Deliverer register Deliverer name
Failure notice Machine code

Other programs can be opened / activated with search from the menu in all the programs: Use Open
program to open the desired program and to search at the same time, use Open program - Search.

2.1. Input Password

To the first field input the user-code and the password to the second field, they are determined for all the
users with the user rights -program. The user rights can only be viewed and defined by the users, whose
user group has the editing rights for the corresponding module (there is no viewing right for the module).

When the code and the password have been input, the program can be started by double clicking the icon
next the fields or by pressing Enter after the password is input.

To cancel password input press Esc.

2.2. Exit

Exit the whole program


Use exit to quit using the program (Exit program) or to logout from the system (Logout). With logout all the
open modules are closed, and when the next time the program is opened, password and user-code must be
given again. “Exit program” closes all the open programs, Start bar being the last to be closed.

2.3. Saving the layout

There is a menu-selection on the main work browse of every register: Layout – Save changes / Reset
assumption. Forms can be altered to desired size, which also grows the table of the machines in
proportion. The width and location of every column can be changed, and when if needed, a column
can be hidden. Save changes -selection is used to save the layout changes for the next session. Reset
assumption brings back the default layout at any time.

There is a change to assort, categorize and transfer information to another program in every main work
browser of the register.

Assorting to ascending- and descending order: The program asks to choose ascending order or
descending order by clicking the column title.

Assorting by choosing multiple columns: Click the column title once and drag and drop it with the left
mouse button. Select the second column the same way.

Transferring data to another program:

It is possible to copy the fields to another program. Choose the area with the left mouse button and after that
choose Edit / Copy selected fields to clipboard.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S

The program gives a copy announcement. Complete lines can be chosen from the left side of lines.
Selection can be made easier by pressing Ctrl (to pick separate lines) or Shift (to pick sequential lines).

The copied data can be pasted for example to Microsoft Excel for further processing.

3. Machine Register

Extra info card Documents Spare part register

Define extra info General extra

cards information
Sort by selected

Machine register is the module for saving the machines technical records and formation of the machines
location hierarchy. The Machine register -module consists of the basic data form of the machine and of the
several help forms, which are meant for saving and viewing different extra information.

From the Machines form you can browse and change the extra information of the machine. The basic
data of the machine, however, can only be changed from the Machine card form. The search conditions are
input to the Machine card -form, and moved from there to the Machines form. The condition can be moved
also from the machine hierarchy -form. You can also choose a level as a search condition, in which case all
of the machines below the selected level will be output to the Machines -form.

The machine register consists of the following forms:

Machine register
Machine card
Extra info – General
Extra info - Documents
Spare part register
Extra info - Extra card
Extra info - Card types
Machine hierarchies
Hierarchy change

3.1. Machine register: Machine Card

The basic data of the machine is saved to the machine register. For example name, manufacturer, deliverer,
purchase information, cost center, person in charge and so on.

Type, manufacturer, deliverer, department, classification, shifts and cost center can be selected from lists,
which are maintained in their own modules (Deliverer register and Basic data.)

Compulsory information:

Machine code
Department - This information is needed in the formation of the hierarchy,
it can not be changed afterwards (only
Cost center by transferring the machine)

Copying a machine

If you need to input very similar information for several machines for the system, the machine information
can be copied to a new code. The copy:

- Search the machine that you want to copy the data from to the form
- Make the desired changes (Code must be changed)
- Select Function / Make a copy to save the data of the new machine, give a new code for the
- Next the program opens the machine hierarchy. Now you can choose where you want to place the
machine in the hierarchy. Pick the level where you want to place the new machine with the right
mouse button. The program will copy the machine under the selected level.

Please note!

Only the machine basic data and the extra card are saved when you copy. General extra information,
Documents and Machine spare parts are not saved.

If the running time maintenances are in use, you can save the estimated week hours as follows: select
Function - Estimated week hours for the machine.

3.2. Extra info: General

Extra info is for saving different extra information. You can save 100 characters of information in every
line of the table. The information is shown in the order that they were input to the database.

You can enter technical and functional characteristics of the machine in more detail, than is possible for
basic cards fields, in the extra info card. The amount of lines is not restricted.

The extra document that is saved for a machine is opened to a program that is associated to the file
terminal. If the document is in the default directory specified for the machine documents, you only need to
input the document name into the field, otherwise you need to input the directory path as well.

3.3. Extra Info: Extra Card

This selection is used to view the extra card that is associated with the machine type of the machine. The
information on the card is saved by using the Save - button in the machine basic data form. When search
conditions are input for the machine, they can also be input in the fields of the extra card.

3.4. Extra Info: Card types

You can define different extra card types for the machine types. The function is based on the user
being able to freely define different fields to every machine type, for registration of type specific information.
When browsing the machine register, the system automatically shows the type card of the machine, with the
field names defined for it.

New type card is defined as follows:

1. Select New function in CART TYPE form

2. Select Type from the option list
3. Define the desired titles
4. Select Save

When the card type has been defined, it can be viewed by selecting Extra info - Extra card.

3.5. Extra Info: Documents

Document selection Double click to open

from the directory

A list of the different documents of the machine can be shown on the form. Documents can be drawings,
instruction manuals etc. You can open a document by double clicking the line of the document on the
screen. If a directory tree has been input to a document file name, it will be opened automatically. If only the
name has been input, the program searches for the document from the directory, which has been defined in
Maintena.cnf file under DOCUMENTS - Machine. The document is opened with the program that is
associated with the documents file extension.

3.6. Machine Register: Hierarchy

Letter size

Close tree
and return
to upper
Select with right
mouse button

Formation of the machine hierarchy:

The place of a machine in the machine hierarchy is defined with the help of Department, cost centre, and
upper level information. Two first levels of the hierarchy are defined from the Department and the cost
centre. Deeper hierarchy level for a machine is defined by inputting to the upper level field the machine code
of the machine under which you want the machine moved. So the upper level code of the machine is used.

The hierarchy of the machines can be seen with the Hierarchy-button. If there is a machine selected in the
Machine card-form, the part of the hierarchy to which the machine belongs to, is opened. If the form is
empty, all the upper levels are opened.

If you double click a machine in the hierarchy, the hierarchy is opened, with all the machines under it in the
hierarchy. You can pick the machine information of a selected machine from the hierarchy to the main form
by clicking the selected machine with the right mouse button.

If the basic data form is in insert new machine mode, the upper level machine code that is saved for the
machine can be picked.

Select Style to change the print format of the hierarchy.


3.7. Machine register: Spare part list

In the spare part list you can see the spare part list of the machine that is on the main form.

Select spare part from the

spare part register

Click right mouse button for

details of the spare part

Move to Spare part or to Store -

program where you can
automatically select the spare part
in question

3.8. Spare part selection


You can pick the spare parts that are in the spare part register from the view of the spare part register on the

Spare parts can be selected in the following manner:

To select a spare part:

1. Select the spare part line that you want to move to the spare part list.

2. Select Pick-function

3. Specify amount, click OK

The program will include the selected item in the spare part list.

3.9. Machine to transfer

Upper level


Select the machine to be moved with the

right mouse button, also the machines that
are under it will be moved.

Choose the level, under

which the machine is
transferred to.

You can move devices from their original places to different places in the hierarchy.

In “Machine to transfer”,
Right mouse button selects the device which is to be moved. To cancel, click right mouse button again.
Selected device is marked with ”<”.

In “Where to transfer”,
To select the place where you want to move the device, click right mouse button.

Use Move icon (up arrow) to move the device. Before the move the amount of devices is checked.
If the amount of devices in incorrect, you can cancel the move.

You can move any level expect Department. (You can also move Cost center)
You can move to any level with the following restrictions:
- Cost centre can be moved only under Department.
- A machine can be moved only under another machine or under the Cost center; not directly under

If the selection disappears for some reason (trees are closed), click icon Upper level, which clears all
selections and user can restart selections.

3.10. Checking card

Basic data

First create the checking groups and the checking interval for the groups. This can be done in the Basic
Data module.

Meaning of the checking groups:

- checking rounds can be defined

- checking period for the group can be


- checking period of specified checking card

overrules the group definition

Checking card of the machine

The function is located in: Machine register/Function/Checking card


Checking card can be used for:

- controlling the maintenance based on running times of machines

- condition controlling (condition controlling rounds)
- managing smaller maintenance tasks i.e. lubrication rounds (enables fast quittance)

There can be one or several checking cards for one machine. Machine and Group information is the basis of
creating checking cards.

Please note! The letter behind the field explains the usage of information.
-P involuntary field
-K used in running time maintenance
-A system maintains automatically
-E no maintaining from the checking card
- blank writing down information is voluntary

Machine (P)
The machine is automatically selected when + mark is pressed.

Group (P)
Involuntary information. Chosen from the pull-down menu. Maintained at the Basic Data.

Location Field updates machine registers location field and vice versa.

Information (P)
Short info about checking (100 characters)

More information about maintenance (memo) can be given here. CHECKING CARD MEMO.RPT needed
when printing reports.

In checking (P)
If this is not chosen, it will not be on the checking list.

Make job card after receipt

If chosen, makes a work order card in to the work schedule at the quittance of checking.

Work hours
Transfers working hours in to the work order card.

Work type
A specific work type can be defined for the quittance. If not defined, uses a work type defined for

Previous checking date (A,E)

Previously made checking. System updates automatically.

Next checking date (P)

Next checking date. The task appears on the checking lists based on this date. Must be defined when
creating the checking card.

Checking interval
Checking period can be defined for the group at the Basic Data. If checking period is also entered to this
field it overruns the checking period that was given in the Basic Data.

Counter (K,E)
This is a counter of the previous checking date. It can be used in running time maintenance and maintained
in the work schedule.

A unit to the counter data (hour, piece, meter…)

Alarm %
The Alarm percent concerning the whole system is defined in Maintena.cnf. If the alarm percent is defined in
the checking card, it overruns the definition from the Maintena.cnf. The difference field of the line changes to
green in the checking list, if the alarm percentage of the maintenance interval has exceeded and red if the
whole maintenance interval has exceeded.

For example the alarm percent is 20 and maintenance interval is 10000. When the counter runs over 8000
(80% on the interval) the difference field of the line changes to green, this indicates that service is
approaching. If the counter runs over 10000 (100% of the interval) the difference field of the line turns to red,
indicating that the maintenance interval has exceeded.

Last maintenance (A,E)

Date of the last maintenance. The information comes automatically from the work order card when quitting
work order card.

Maint counter (A,E)

Maint. counter of the last maintenance. The information comes automatically from the maint. (Work order

Maint.Interv. (K)
Maintenance interval (hour, piece, meter…). Used in running time maintenance, for example an oil change
that has to be done in every 10000 hour.

Work order card (A, E)

When a work order card is generated into the work schedule, the number of the work order card is saved
automatically in to this field.

Maintenance plans can be linked to the checking card. Here you can define the number of the maintenance
plan linked to checking card.

For example: an oil analysis is made on the basis of checking list. The oil analysis indicates there is a need
for an oil change. The instructions for the oil change are in the Maintenance Plans and linked to the
checking card. With the right button click of the mouse you can generate the linked maintenance task to the
work schedule.

Maint. part (from the Maintenance plans) NOTE! Maint.part must be set to be done ‘Once’

Checking list
Checking list starts.

Date indicates the oldest undone checking and by choosing the checking list above, the program
starts searching automatically.

Choose Date and Group. When pressing search, the list appears to the screen. All those checking cards
where the dates are equal or passed will appear to the screen.

A list can be printed either on screen or on paper.

Input manually collected counter data to the counter field (changing the row will save the information).

Quit the selected rows

Choose separate rows by pressing Ctrl or multiple rows by pressing Shift and sign the rows as checked.
The system will automatically define next checking point.

Quit all the rows

This will quit all the rows as checked.


If you choose the maker (made by) before quitting, the program will define a checker to the work order card.

Activating work

Choose the row and press right mouse button to get the list.

Generate work job card

This will create the maintenance work order into the work schedule which is defined (Maintenance Plan) to
the checking card. It is possible to choose multiple rows in this case. You can choose separate rows by
pressing Ctrl or multiple rows by pressing Shift.

Make a job card

You will be able to make a work order card (not Maintenance Plan) to machine.

Machine maintenances
This will show all the maintenance plans regarding the machine you have chosen. You can select a
maintenance plan from the list and generate it into the work schedule.

Job card

The counter data of this field will go to the ‘Last

maint’-field of the checking card. The next
maint is a sum of ‘Last Maint’ + ‘Maintenance
Interval’ defined for the machine

You can edit the checking card by

choosing ’Checking card’

Copying the checking card

Choose the machines for which you want to copy a certain checking card. After that you can choose Copy a
checking card from the functions.

Next you choose a machine and a group from which you want to copy the checking card information.
Confirm Copy.

Choosing ‘Yes’ will copy all the information of all fields to a new machine.

3.11. Editing spare part lists

Editing spare part lists is used in maintaining the spare parts of the machine.

You can do these things with the program:

- add, replace or remove a spare part from one or several machines with one function
- copy the spare parts from the machine you want to one or several machines at one function
- the amount of spare parts in the machine can be standard or defined part by part.

If you want to add, replace or Will copy the spare parts Adding a spare part, insert
remove, cross this selection of chosen machine to one spare part number here
or several machines.

This will remove the spare

part from the list of spare
parts of machines. Will not
Copy, add, remove or replace remove the spare part from
spare parts to one machine. the spare part register.

This will replace a spare part

with another spare part. You
have to add the spare part
you want to replace into the
spare part field.

Standard Asks the amount Picking up spare part from Executes

amount in of spare parts in the spare part register function
the machine the machine

4. Work Schedule
Work browse hierarchy Actions of the selected Double click to expand or
work minimize time view

Double click line to open Work Double click bar to

Active work card or select ‘Show work’ move the view up left

Work date / week Period of search

number condition

The work schedule screen shows all maintenances and services from a given time frame, in time order or
by machine code.

Users with EDIT rights can change the times of work by moving or expanding the bar with the mouse.
Double click to alter time bar.

Work queues, to left on the work list, can be stretched to right by selecting the point between time and work
list. This brings up all the information of the list: Code, machine code, work starts, work stops, duration of
work, work started, Time, Work hours, Work status and Work type.

Icons for altering the view.

Work browse Machine hierarchy

If you choose work browse, you can see all the work orders from the work schedule listed as a chart
instead of normal graphic bar view.

If you choose machine hierarchy, you can see the machine hierarchy on the left side of work schedule.
Clicking the machine code with the right mouse button you can see all the work of the machine and
submachines between the certain period.

Main views in the Work schedule – program

Work schedule
Work card

4.1. Bars in work schedule

Explanation of the bars:

If Noticed - start time of failure/Made by (who reported) , description of failure

If Started - Start time of work/Made by (who reported), description of failure
If Finished - description of failure
If the search conditions so define, also the name of machine is shown.
Search conditions also define if the point of time when the failure started is shown. It is shown with a blue
triangle in the work schedule.

Time bar:

Time bar of the work schedule can be altered by double clicking. Double clicking upper part of the bar alters
it as follows:
Month/Date -> Year/Weeks
Year/Weeks -> Year/Months
Year/Months -> Year/Quarters
Year/Quarters -> Year/Year
Double click the lower part of the bar for reverse order.
As the time bar changes, also the locations and lengths of the work bars change.

4.2. Input search conditions

Conditions form is accessed by clicking the Query conditions icon.

Search conditions.
Start date -field defines the start date after which failures are searched. Use “>” and “=” before the date.
When starting the program, default value is the amount of days passed, counted from the current date,
specified in maintena.cnf file.

Use “<” and “=” to input the date before which failures are searched to the End date -field.
Default value is the amount of days, counted from the current date, forward, specified in maintena.cnf.

Maintenance work can also be searched by a given machine. Input machine code or part of it to the field.
For example, 123* searches for all machines with code starting with 123*, machine code can also be
selecting from the hierarchy with the hierarchy icon.

Show machines show the machine code for the maintenance work.
Show failure start shows a dark blue triangle with date of failure, on the Work schedule.
Show departments, Show cost centers, Show Work type and Show weekdays show the corresponding
data for the machine work.

If running time maintenances is in use, search conditions can also search for maintenance work, execution
time depending on the amount of running hours of the machine.

For Search order select either time (execution) order or machine code order.

Required amount of Job statuses can be searched.

With Priority search can be defined to include only the work of defined priorities.

You can freely select the desired lines for search from Department-, Cost center-, Maker- and Work type
listings. Selections can be deleted by using the right mouse button.

These search conditions (except time frame for dates) can be saved with the Save icon, to a file, path of
which is defined in maintena.cnf file, specifically in searching time, under DefaultDir.
Search conditions can thus be saved either in the network or in the work station. If a default directory for
search conditions is not specified, it is saved in the Screens-folder of the workstation. When starting the
program, choices made for search conditions are defined as they have been saved.

Restore default - restores search conditions to the saved configuration, if they have been altered with the

In Extra cond -sheet, accessed with Extra cond icon, search conditions can be input in all the fields of the
work card.

Extra query conditions are taken into account in the search but are not saved.

4.3. GSM - Alarm

Define calling

Opens the log for GSM

Click to select line

If GSM - Alarm is active, call times can be defined in Options - GSM-contact - Phone number definitions.

Define work type and corresponding GSM phone number for the alarm. When a work type gets a work order
during a defined time frame, alarm is given.

In Calling time to GSM-phone screen, define the timeframe when GSM-alarms are phoned for each day
of the week. When GSM - Alarm is active, the program checks if new work orders have arrived, every x
minutes. Time frame is defined by the user. If a work order has arrived, the program sends a text message
about the work order to the given phone number.

4.4. Work Schedule menu

List works on screen or print the list

Print button:
Prints a grid of the work orders

Prints work order card with default printer.

All the work cards (which are on the screen) direct to the default printer.

Recent work orders of chosen machine.

Print screen with default printer

Printing definitions for near future works in Maintena.cnf file:

Start=100 * How many days are included for near future work printing
Stop=100 * Start = start date Stop = stop date
WTYPE= Maintenance plan Work types to be included, max 5, separated with commas without spaces
STATUS= Given, Started, Interrupted Work statuses to be included, max 5, separated with commas without

Function menu:

Automatic search and notification of work

Preview maintenance plan on screen and

Print maintenance plan

Selecting maintenance plans to be printed

from the list

Printing the materials planned for the maintenance plans

To the planning of running time

maintenances, see 6.5

If the work involves a checking card, you can use this function to get directly to the
checking card maintenance.

Maintenance history:

Searches for all the work of a given


Default search functions of maint. history.

All the searches will be defined into the
MachineHistorySearch.cnf -file

Opens a screen for adjusting the search

Opens a screen where you can select

another machine and afterwards a screen
for inputting extra search conditions

Exits history and searches the work given

in default search conditions

Automatic search

Automatic search in given intervals (default 30 minutes) for new work notices. A light bulb flashes in the
upper right side of the screen to notify the user of new work notices.
When mouse is moved on the bulb, the following choices are available:

Number of new work notices

Search new work notices

Acknowledge, lamp stops flashing and search is reset

The program can be defined to beep and the window to come up, when new work orders have come. In
maintena.cnf you can also define other restrictions to automatic search:


AutoOn=On * define auto search as default

Beep=On * beeps when orders have come
PopUp=On * pops up the program when orders have come
AlarmDays=100 * defines the time frame how many days to the future are included in the alarm for new work
AlarmWork= * Work types that are included in alarm, max. 5 (not compulsory)
* separated with commas, no spaces in between
AlarmHurry=1,2 * Classes of urgency that are included in alarm, max. 5
* separated with commas, no spaces in between

If new work orders have come already before search is started, the program does not notify of them. Search
time can be changed with Change searching time.

4.5. Running time maintenances

Search running hours

Used only if running time maintenances system is active.

Current date of
maintenance Estimated date
of maintenance
Previous date of service,
current running hours,
difference and hours between
maintenances can be seen by
extending the bar or with the

Searches the status of running time maintenances with the search conditions that are in use.
Date of previous service, running hours of previous service, current running hours, difference in running
hours, hours between services and date of service are searched to the screen and used to count an
estimated date for service.

On the screen, you can examine the dates of running time maintenances in proportion to running hours and
estimate when services should be accomplished. If you want to change a date (to either the estimated
date or to another date), use mouse to drag the maintenance to the new date. When the screen is closed
after making the changes, services are searched to the main screen again.

4.6. How to:

4.6.1. Creating Maintenance Plans

4.6.2. Printing the maintenance plans
4.6.3. Generating job cards
4.6.4. Reception of Work
4.6.5. Start Work
4.6.6. End Work/Job card
4.6.7. Pause Work
4.6.8. Work queues
4.6.9. Loading
4.6.10. Checking list
4.6.11. Quick search
4.6.12. Prepared search cond.
4.6.13. Involuntary fields

4.6.1. Creating Maintenance Plans

Maintenance - program button on the Work schedule screen activates the creation of maintenance plans. If
a scheduled maintenance is selected on the table (in its work card there are the Maintenance-code and Part
numbers), its maintenance schedule is shown in the screen. If something else is chosen, all the
maintenances will be shown on the Maintenances - screen.
Print maintenance
Define maintenance documents plan
Save measuring titles to maintenance

Select machine from

Maintenance part lines of the hierarchy with the
selected maintenance, of the right mouse button. If
same machine the maintenance is
done for all the
machines of the same
model, use Shift + right
mouse button for the
machine model list
Actions of the
maintenance part

Show materials of the selected

action, with right mouse button

Maintenances - screen consists of three levels: Maintenance-, Maintenance part- and Action sections.
Every section is active when the titles are dark blue, the sections can be activated by clicking with the
mouse. Function buttons affect the active section.


Upper level in Maintenances is the Maintenance-section. It specifies the code of maintenance or a special
project and its name as well as the machine it is assigned to. The code of maintenance is calculated
automatically. You can also select the machine from the hierarchy by clicking the right mouse button in the
Machine-column. If the maintenances are to be generated for all of the machines of the model, use Shift +
right mouse button to show the machine model directory. To select from the hierarchy tree and the model
directory use right mouse button. Function-menu can be used to “Show machines of the model”.

Maintenance part

Middle level in maintenances is the maint. part-section (or a part projects of a project), to which are defined
maintenance part code, clarification, work type, maintenance interval, the time unit of the maintenance
interval, estimated hours for the work period, estimated length of the work period in days and the who does
the work.

If a project part (or maintenance) is to be performed only once, select Once. This transforms the
maintenance interval - field into a date - field and you can input the date of execution of a project part or
maintenance into it. If a maintenance or a project is to be performed only once, all of the project parts
must be input as being executed Once, the same maintenance cannot have both Once work and
maintenances in regular intervals.

Choose all the regular maintenances to day-, week-, month- or year- interval.

Type maintenances can be one time maintenances as well as regular maintenances. You can collect
several machines to the specified maint.part that have same needs of maint (same Maintenance Plan). You
can add machines by choosing maint.part, clicking the right mouse button and choosing Machines from the
list, after that all the machines connected to maint. will open.

Every machine will have an own work order card, maint interval.

If running time maintenances is in use, the time unit can also be running h. In this case, input the number
of running hours after which maintenances are executed to the maintenance interval field.

Maintenance works are generated into work cars with Generate job card in the Function menu. The
active maintenance part is generated into a work card.


To each maintenance part, actions of the maintenance can be defined in Actions in the Maintenances
screen. A number and a commentary of the action is input for each action.

Materials and work instructions

To each action the needed materials and work instruction for the action can be input by selecting the line
that includes the action and clicking the right mouse button to access the Materials screen.
42 Extra Documents

You can save a notification of an extra document to every service, service part and action with Extra
documents. The document opens when you double click its line. If no directory tree has been saved for the
document, it is searched from the folder specified in [DOCUMENTS] Maintenance= in the Maintena.cnf file.
43 Measuring titles of maintenance part

When maintenance part line is active on the screen, you can define default measuring titles to it. You select
the name of the defined type of measuring title and select Save. Measuring titles can be removed from the
maintenance part with Delete. Measuring title types must first be defined in Definition of measuring titles for
maint.part in the Function menu. Definition of measuring titles

This screen is for the definition of the types of measuring titles. Input a unique type name to a new type of
measuring titles and the desired number of measuring titles. Measuring field is only shown if a title has
been input for it. Type of measuring titles can be set as default for service part but it can also be freely
chosen for saving any service or maintenance measuring.
44 Materials for maintenance action

To select materials from the register or from the

machines spare parts

Input materials needed for the service action in the screen. You can also pick the material from the spare
part list with Browse button.

You can also include work instructions for the action. Length of the instructions is not limited.

4.6.2. Printing the maintenance plan

You can print the maintenance plan from various places:

Maintenances-screen: Print - button prints directly to printer

File – Print maintenance plans -> prints plans
File – Preview maintenance plan -> shows plan on screen

Work schedule – screen: Function – Preview maintenance plan -> shows the maintenance plan of the
selected work on the screen
Function – Print maintenance plans -> maintenance plan of the selected work is printed
Function – Print selected maintenance plans -> select the maintenance plans to be printed and click Print
button to print them - you can also select to print without breaks

4.6.3. Generating job cards

The program reports the amount of job

cards to be generated when starting

Generating job cards is specific to service part; it is done to the chosen service part or project part.

If service part is done only once, the job card is created only for the day defined in service part.

If service cards are generated for Machines of the model, job cards are generated to every machine for the
days within the time frame. The program informs of the number of cards when it is started.

To regularly repeated services generating needs only be done once for the chosen time frame.
After this, when one service is finished, a new job card is made automatically to be ready for the end of
services so there always are ready job cards for the desired time frame.
Service part times can be scheduled with the choice of Start date. First service is created for the start
date and the next ones according to the chosen intervals until the End date.

If the services are defined to be determined by the running time, time unit for repairs can also be
Running h.
In this case, you can define only the start date when the first service is generated. After this, a new card for
the next service is generated also when running time maintenances are acknowledged.
Date of the first service must be estimated based on running hours and running time maintenance

After generation work times can be examined on the work schelude screen by selecting Transfer
search on the Maintenances screen. Created maintenance times can be changed by dragging the bars,
from their start/end points with the mouse and you can move a bar by selecting its center with the pointer.

When using type service, you can generate work order cards for multiple Maintenance Plans
simultaneously. Choose the Maintenance Plans you want to generate (indicated blue in the picture) and then
press ‘Generate work order’

Question marks indicate that

the maint. is not generated.
Date indicates that the
maintenance has already been

4.6.4. Reception of Work

1. Select work

Noticed, not received works are shown with shaded red, yellow or white bars on the screen. When
the work is received/accepted, select the line of the work by clicking the line of the bar or by selecting the
line of the machine code from the list. After this select Receipt and the shading is removed, indicating
received work.

The work has been


4.6.5. Start Work

1. Select work

Work can be started when its balk is red, yellow or white (also shaded).
3. Input information
4. Select OK


With Start work - function a panel appears on the screen where you can input the start information. After this
the work state is started and the bar turns into bright green.

The work has

been started

4.6.6. End Work / Job card

1. Select work

When the work is ready, click the work in question and select End work. The same function can be done by
double clicking the line of the work. The job card screen for the selected work is opened.
At the same time the status changes to Finished and the Work ended date appears.

5. Save

3. Change status to Finished

4. Input

On the job card screen the information of the accomplishment of the work is input (see Work order card),
remember to change the work status to Ready. If the work is a maintenance that is repeated in regular
intervals, a new job card is created for it now (see generation). When the job card is closed, the information
of the work schedule is searched automatically back and the colour of the balk is changed into black.

4.6.7. Pause Work

1. Select work
If work status is started, it can be interrupted.

Work has been


Work status is changed into Interrupted and its bar is changed into dark green. When/if the work is
continued, the status can be changed back into started by selecting Interrupt again.

4.7. Work Order Card

Materials and Measuring results
To work extra documents

Quittance by phases

Checking card
Hourcards running hours

Work order card is used to maintain the information about the maintenance work and its status. A work card
specific text document (free format) can be opened with Move - Extra information.

New work card / compulsory information:

Status Noticed
Machine information available from the hierarchy screen
Duration in days determines the length of the timetable balk
Machine halts determine the color of the balk
Work can start -date and time determines the starting point of the balk
Made by
Work type information available on the work schedule

Accomplishment of the work:

Preferably input all the Reporting-information, so that the maintenance reports that may be taken in the
future would be reliable. The maintenance codes will be calculated according to dates, times and halt times.
For grouping the information, the cause of failure and place of failure are used. If running time maintenances
are in use, you can select a Show running hours -function from the Function - menu. It shows the last
update of the running hours of the machine. When maintenance is on Noticed-state, its running hours -field
show the time left for the maintenance to be performed. When maintenance is ready, the running hours of
the completion time are shown automatically on the screen, and a new maintenance job card is created for
the estimated time.

4.7.1. Quittance by phases

If the Quittance by phases - system is in use, when generating the job card, the quittance lines of the
maintenance operation are created for the scheduled (regular) maintenances.

The ready lines contain the following information:

Phase Number of the operation, in same order as in maintenance part operations
Operation From Action - field in maintenance part
Person From Person - field in maintenance part
Quittance Number of the quittance

Quittance: Select the line to be receipted; you can change it in the upper section of the screen. Input
the date (this day as assumption), Quittance-Yes, the used hours for the operation, and a comment in free

You can save quittance information of the operations also to other works, not only to regular maintenances.
Total amount of the hours can be moved into the job card, after which a save is performed on the job

Work time calculation is possible to perform through system. First you start the work, press End when you
stop working and when you press sum, the system will automatically count the working time.

Working hour report

A report can be printed about phase quittance hours. Hour information will be grouped by persons. This can
be done from the functions menu- report work hours.

4.7.2. Measurings

Measurings can be input to every job card, using the wanted measuring title type. If a maintenance job card
is used and default measuring titles have been defined for it, they appear on the screen automatically. If
there is no default, the measuring title type needs to be selected from the Type-list; the measuring
fields will appear and the measuring can be input.

4.7.3. Costs

On the screen, the costs of the work order are maintained.

The machine downtime costs consist of the machine downtime, which is retrieved to the screen from the
job card, and of the machine hour price, which is input for every machine in the Machine register -
program. The machine hour price can be changed specifically for a work order.

The work costs consists of the work hours of the work order, which are retrieved to the screen from the
work card, and of the work hour price, which is calculated in the following manner: Primarily hour price is
searched after the person saved in the job card, if the information is not available, the hour price will be
searched after the work type. If neither of these is available, the general hour price is used. The hour
prices for the person and the work type, and the general hour price are saved with the Basic data - program.
You can also change the hour price of work specifically for a work order.

The material costs are searched automatically from the material information saved on the job card. The
user can also save other figure, in which case the sum of the saved materials will not be taken into account.
If the material costs are chosen to be saved as zero, also the sum of the saved material information has to
be zero, because every time the Costs-screen will be opened and there is a zero in the material costs, the
program will automatically save the sum of the saved material information.

The other costs are retrieved from the corresponding field on the work order screen.

4.7.4 Spare Parts of the Work

Material picking from the

Cancel spare part register

Total cost of
the line


The spare parts of the work order are input on the Spare parts of the work screen. The spare part line is
processed in the upper section of the screen, state of which is always Edit or Increment. You can cancel
the function before saving with the Cancel - button. The total cost of the lines is calculated automatically, but
you can also calculate it with the Sum - button.

4.7.5. Work Card / Further Info

File selection from the directory



Other documents

You can open and create a work order extra document from the screen from the directory defined in the
Maintena.cnf - file and with the program that is associated with it. If the document is in some other directory,
input a directory tree on the field. If the document does not yet exist, the program creates an empty file and
opens it.

You can also save an unlimited number of other documents on the work card. The selection from the
directory tree is done by first activating the line where the document is to be moved and then double clicking
the document to be moved on the directory screen. Opening and creation of a file is done in the same way:
by first activating the line and then selecting Open. If the file already exists, it can be opened with a double

4.7.6. Browsing Work Orders

To browse work orders, search for them with the same search conditions that are used in the work card
screen. Input search conditions - state has to be active, when you press the Browse-button. You can
pick the desired work from browse to the work card screen with the Pick-button.

4.8. Work queues

Work queues will make it easier to quit multiple work orders at the same time. This function makes possible
to start, stop, move or remove several works at one order. Only those works are accepted to work queue
handling, which work type is defined to maintena.cnf file.



Choose the work you want you start (indicated blue) and press Start. Select who was the work made by and
press ‘Ok’. The work order status will be set ‘Started’.

Choose the work you want to end (indicated blue) and press End

Screen defaults (can be changed)

Made by (who began to do the work)
Work ending date and time
Work status: Finished

Operations will go to work order cards Operations field.

Working time used for the ended work orders can be divided in five different ways.

Hours estimated
If you choose hour estim. the program set the work hours based on the estimated ‘hour’ information in the
Maintenance Plans

This choice requires that the work orders that are being ended have to have a Maintenance Plan.

Hours altogether

If you choose hours altogether, you have to put work hours on the same line.

The program will divide hours equally among the selected work orders.

Hours altogether in proportion estim.

If you choose hours altogether in proportion estimated, you have to put work hours on the same line as
before. The program will divide the hours weighted on the Maintenance Plan estimated hours.
i.e. You end two planned maintenances and the first has an estimation of 2 hours and the other has an
estimation of 1 hour. Complete work hours have been 6 hours, the program divides for the first work 4 hours
(2/3 x 6 hours) and the other 2 hours (1/3 x 6 hours).

Same hour to all

If you choose same hour to all works, you have to put work hours to the same line as before. All the selected
work orders will get the same work hours.

Hours one by one

If you choose hours one by one, the program will ask work hours one job card at a time.


If the user has no rights to database manager, the program will ask user and password. Next the program
asks you to confirm the jobs you want to delete.

The principle of removal

The program will delete only:
- works chosen (blue color)
- work orders with status ’Noticed’
The program will save removed works to TKORTTIHIST –table. With database manager you can restore
deleted work orders if necessary.


You can transfer the chosen work orders days forward / backward (negative index) with Move –function. You
can give dates to work orders chosen (work order, able to start-date) and the program will transfer chosen
work orders to chosen dates

The principle of moving

The program will transfer only:
- works chosen (blue color)
- work orders with status ’Noticed’

4.9. Loading
Loading-function on the work schedule. If you select ‘Loading’ from the right side menu of the work schedule
you will see the load caused by the work orders on the scheduled view. Default view is based on the
maintenance estimated duration grouped daily.

You can define Loading view

- Estimation (work order estimation field)
- Work hours (you can see hours used to maintenance from the job cards Work hours)
- Halt time (you can see halt time caused by maint. from the job cards Halt time)

You can see previous hours: daily, weekly, by persons...

Prints loading to

4.10. Checking card

More specific information about checking card in paragraph 3.10. Checking card.

4.11. Quick search

Quick search makes it easier to do every day searches. With the quick search you can make the controlling
of the maintenance process more effective.

Quick search is defined in MyMWCSearch.cnf –file. The file is in maint -folder. Search function can be
defined one or two-level (hierarchy)

Making the search

- Numbering must be ascending
- with the index ’+’ the search takes a notice from the default dates in the search
- 2nd level searches max 20 pcs (1.0, 2.0, 3.0…)
- You can make searches from TKORTTI –table and other MAINT –tables.

4=48H WORK

1SQL=+ tkortti.Status <> 'Finished' and tkortti.tlaji = 'PREVENTIVE MAINT* ‘

2SQL=+ tkortti.Status <> ‘Finished’ and tkortti.tlaji = ' FAILURE REPAIR'
3SQL=tkortti.Status <> Finished’ and tkortti.voialpvm < date()-14
4SQL=tkortti.voialpvm < date()+1 and tkortti.voialpvm > date()-2
5SQL=+ tkortti.Status <> ‘Finished’
6SQL=+ tkortti.Status <> 'Finished' and tkortti.lkustpaik = 'AUTOMAINT LABORATORIO'

1.1SQL= tkortti.Status <> 'Finished' and tkortti.teki = '*SMITH’

1.2SQL= tkortti.Status <> 'Finished' and tkortti.teki = ' WARNER’
1.3SQL= tkortti.Status <> 'Finished' and tkortti.teki = ' JENKINS’
1.4SQL= tkortti.Status <> 'Finished' and tkortti.teki = ' JOHANSSON’

2.1SQL=tkortti.Status <> 'Finished' and tkortti.voialpvm < date()-14

2.2SQL=tkortti.Status <> 'Finished' and tkortti.voialpvm < date()-30
2.3SQL=tkortti.lkustpaik like 'DEPARTMENT 3*' and tkortti.koodi in (select tyokortti from tuntikortti where
TJKuittaus = 0) (TJKuittaus = Hm confirmation)

4.12. Prepared searches

Prepared search cond. is quite similar to Quick search.

Prepared search cond. is made for searching history information mainly. Prepared search recognizes the
active machine (selected in the work schedule) and all the searches are made to this machines work history.

Quick search functions are defined to MachineHistorySearch.cnf –file. File is in \maint\ –folder.
You can do quick search one or two level (hierarchy) Making a search
- Numbering must be ascending
- with the index ’+’ the search takes a notice from the default dates in the search
- 2nd level search max 20 pcs (1.0, 2.0, 3.0…)
- You can search from the HOUR CARD –table and other MAINT –tables.

Machine history’s search menus
1=Maint. in the near future
2=Electrical faults
3=All work

'x.0 =Heading (x=1 to 10, consecutive numbering) with submenus x.j j=1 to n
1.0=By Failure types

2.0=All work in the near future

2.1=Old work 6 months backward
2.2=Upcoming work 6 months forward
2.3=Upcoming work after 6 months

' with the index ’+’ the search takes a notice from the default dates in the search conditions

‘Use table.Field –style because of Crystal printing!

1SQL=tkortti.huolto>0 AND tkortti.voialpvm>=DateAdd("m",-6,Date()) And

2SQL=tkortti.vikat like '*ELECTR*'
3SQL=tkortti.status like 'Finished'


1.1SQL=tkortti.tlaji like 'FAILURE MAINT'

1.2SQL=tkortti.tlaji like 'REGULAR MAINT'
1.3SQL=tkortti.tlaji like ‘CHECKING’
1.4SQL=tkortti.tlaji like '% MECHANICAL’

2.1SQL=tkortti.voialpvm>=DateAdd("m",-6,Date()) and tkortti.voialpvm<Date()

2.2SQL=tkortti.voialpvm>=Date() and tkortti.voialpvm<DateAdd("m",6,Date())

4.13. Involuntary fields

You can define job card fields involuntary field by field. Involuntarily does not intervene with the input
information. If the field is involuntary, it must have at least one mark.

Involuntary fields are supposed to improve the gathering data. To prevent forgetting important information
from the job card, the program gives instructions to the user. The missing information field is marked by
yellow colour.

Use Planning.exe if you want to start involuntary programs.

Planning.exe can be found in \maint\-folder.

Choose Work type and Work status. Then cross involuntary fields and save. You can use the involuntary
fields as a base to for example defining work type and work status. All those definitions will be saved to
pakolliset.cnf –file. You can look, change and delete the saved definitions from the saved definitions menu.

Involuntary fields are supposed to improve the gathered data. To prevent forgetting important information
from the job card, the program gives instructions to the user. The missing information field is marked by
yellow colour.

5. Spare Parts
In the maintenance-program there are two program modules for maintaining the spare parts. If the customer
is using the regular version of the maintenance-program, the Spare part - program is used. If the Store
system is in use, the more advanced Store-program is used.

5.1. Spare Part - Program

Group cards

Search Alarmlist

Extra card of Machines of

spare card spare part

Sorted by chosen column

To the spare part
maintenance on
the basic data

The information regarding the spare parts and accessories needed in the maintenance work are registered
in the spare part register.

You can browse spare part information on the main form. The information can be searched, with wanted
conditions with the Conditions - function, use Pass search browsing - button on the Basic data screen.

The spare parts that have balances on the alarm limit are printed on the alarmlist.

You can also include an Extra card to the spare part information. The extra cards are specific to spare part
groups. Select Group cards or use the Extra info -menu to fill an extra card. Also you can maintain a list of
the machines, to which the spare part on the form has been defined. The function is selected with the
button: Machines of spare part or from the Extra info -menu. You can also add Documents to the spare
part register. You can get into document defining by choosing Documents or choosing Further Info from the

The spare part register consists of the following forms:

Spare part browsing
Spare part basic data form
Machines of spare part
Group cards
Extra card of spare part
Spare part documents

5.1.1. Spare Part Basic Data Form

With the form are maintained basic data about the Spare parts that are included in the system.

Group, Class and Position information for the spare part can be selected from the lists. The data is saved in
Maintenance of the basic data.

Manufacturer, Deliverer1 and Deliverer2 data can also be selected from the list. Manufacturers and
deliverers are saved in the Deliverer register.

To copy a spare part

If new information that is very similar for several parts must be input to the system, a spare part’s data can
be copied to a new code.

- Search for the spare part that you want to copy the data from to the form
- Make the desired changes (Code must be changed)
- Select function / Make a copy to save the data of the new spare

5.1.2. Machines of spare part

Add: Select machine
from the hierarchy

Machines of spare part shows all machines, whose spare part lists include a given spare part.

Chosen spare part can also be saved to under a chosen machine by selecting the Add-function. The
machine is chosen from the hierarchy with the right mouse button and the number of spare part is

Spare part can be removed from the chosen machine with the Remove-key.

5.1.3. Group cards

Group cards are used to define extra cards that are specific to groups of spare parts. Input such titles to a
chosen group that defines the extra information, which can be either numerical, characters or dates. To an
extra card, 1-10 titles can be defined.

Titles are output as fields of the Extra card.


5.1.4. Spare Part Extra Card

Extra card of Spare part can be included for a Spare part. Titles that are output to the card are defined in
Group cards. If no titles are defined to a spare part group, you cannot access the Extra card screen.

To save information that is input to the Extra card, use the Save function in the Spare part form.

5.1.5. Documents

Save Add Delete Pick a file

By choosing Spare part documents, you can see all the documents attached to the spare part.

By choosing pick file, the program will open search function. If you double click the file you chose, the file

Push arrow up/down or save, if you want to save the information.

You can remove spare part from the list by pressing Delete.

5.2. Store - program Move

Order handling
Alarm lists
Order impulses
Store log
Store definitions/default store
Label printing
Storage value

Group cards Extra card Documents Inventory After-pricing

of spare
part Order browse
To Basic data display
Machines of
spare part
Sorted by chosen

Store information screen lists all spare parts, the screen can be resized to desired size to expand the
list. Browsing the list can be made easier by inputting search conditions and by changing the sorting order.
Search conditions are input in the following manner: Choose input search conditions. This opens a basic
data form in the input search conditions display. Input the search conditions to the basic data display
and choose Transfer search. The conditions will be placed in the list display.

The store information screen is for spare part store takings, arrivals and inventories. From the material
chosen to be active, you can also see an extra card and machines of the spare part. Spare part information
is maintained in the basic data display of the spare parts.

The program contains the following forms:

Store information
Spare parts basic data display
Storage taking
Extra card
Card type
Machines of the spare part
Order browse
Alarm list
Checklist for order material

Store definitions/default store

Label printing
With a password:
Store log

5.2.1. Store information

This form is for spare part data. It is also possible to print a material card from the form.

Code Code for the spare part, compulsory

Name Name of the spare part
Class Class of the spare part, compulsory
Group Group of the spare part, compulsory
Code of Supplier Material code of the supplier
Supplier 1 Supplier, mandatory
Supplier 2 Supplier
Manufacturer Manufacturer of the spare part
Location Location of the spare part
ABC-class Class of the spare part for the ABC-analysis
Quantity Total quantity in inventories

Unit Unit of the spare part

Store 1, 2, 3 Quantity of the spare part in store 1, 2, 3
Price Price of the spare part
Alarm border The amount which causes alarm for the spare part
Ordered Amount of spare parts in order
Order impulse Unit Amount, added to alarm border, which causes order impulse
Order impulse d Interval for checking the order impulse in, days
Order batch The amount of spare parts to be ordered
Comments 1 and 2 For comments (Note: to activate, click the number)

A store system is a multiple store environment. It means that same spare part can be in one or several
stores. Use Move to define stores: Store definitions/default store.
Store Store name
Quantity Store quantity
Location Location in store

5.2.2. Taking
Accept Cancel

Taking spares for machine:

Select machine code or
name for search

You can take spare parts to machine, cost alignment or work order card from the store you want. If
taking is for a machine, user is asked for machine code which is used for searching the name of the
machine. You can also search for the machine by inserting the name of the machine, which is then used for
searching the code. Machine code is saved as cost alignment for the transaction.

If taking is for a cost centre, you must select a cost centre from the list, which then is saved as a cost
alignment. If you make the storage taking to a work order card, choose Work order card and write job card
number to the field. The event will be saved as storelog cost alignment and as a taking to a work order card.

After accepting taking, next materials can be input by making the desired material active in the list by
clicking and using the Take button. The material is automatically placed in the Taking screen and you
only need to input the amount. You can also input the material code to the field. If the price is known, it is
automatically searched for the taking. The price can also be altered.

If you want to make takings from another store, you must first change default store.
The screen is always on top.

5.2.3. Arrival


An active material in the spare part list is automatically placed on the Arrival-screen, input quantity
and accept. Next material can be moved to Arrival by clicking it active in the spare part list and pressing
Arrival-button. You can also input the spare part code directly into the field, in which case it is used for
searching the other information.

Input the complete price of the batch to the price-field. At the same time you can pay attention to other costs
such as delivery costs. You don’t necessarily have to give price to the batch at the arrival. But then you have
to mark it unpriced. You can do the pricing later in after-pricing function.

The screen is always on top.

5.2.4. Inventory


Inventory-function is used to change the amount of material in a given store. Changes are saved under
the inventory table in the database. Report of inventory in a given store can be printed with the Reporting
program. You can also empty the inventory table of a store in the Reporting program.

The material which is active is placed on the Inventory screen with the Inventory-button. New amount
needs to be entered to the field. The screen is always on top.

5.2.5. After-pricing

Price the arrival

After-pricing screen is used to price the arrivals that have arrived unpriced. (Price = -1). Also the takings that
have occurred since arrival are priced to the set price which causes the storage value reports to be up to

To use the screen: select the line of arrival event and price it. When the change is saved,
the program also prices the takes automatically until the next arrival event.

5.2.6. Extra card of Spare part

You can also include an Extra card of spare part to the information of the spare part. The titles that are
output to the extra card are defined in Group cards. If there are no titles defined to a card group, there is no
access to the extra card screen.

The information that is input to the extra card is saved with the Save-function of the Spare part screen.

5.2.7. Group cards

Group cards are used to define extra cards that are specific to groups of spare parts. Input such titles to a
chosen group that defines the extra information, which can be either numerical, characters or dates. To an
extra card, 1-10 titles can be defined.

Titles are output as fields of the Extra card.


5.2.8. Machines of spare part

Add: Choose machine
from hiearchy

Machines of spare part show all machines, spare part lists of which include a given spare part.

Chosen spare part can also be saved to a chosen machine by selecting the Add-function. The machine is
chosen from the hierarchy with the right mouse button and the number of spare part is input.

Spare part can be removed from the chosen machine with the Remove-key.

5.2.9. Order browse

To Order screen
Sorted by chosen

In the Order browse screen you can browse all orders. You can resize the screen to desired size in order to
expand the list.

Browsing the list can be made easier by inputting search conditions and by changing the sorting order.
Search conditions are input in the following manner: Choose input search conditions. This opens a basic
data form in the input search conditions display. Input the search conditions to the basic data display and
choose Transfer search. The conditions will be placed in the list display.

Choose desired order and click order button to open the order screen, which contains the basic data of the

5.2.10. Order screen

Choose from list

Choose order/lines

Click title to
choose status

Order screen contains the basic data of the order:

Field Explanation
Order number The program suggests the first characters of the order number (defined in maintena.cnf
file) which can be changed (max 7 characters). The next order number is saved to the
database and it can be changed from the Order screen.

Investment number
Purchaser Purchased by
Controller Controlled by
Acceptor Accepted by
Orderer Ordered by
Cost centre 1-5 Code of the cost centre
Ratio % 1-5 Ratio of cost centre in percentage
Supplier Name of the supplier; can be selected from the list
Street address Printed automatically according to the name of the supplier
Postal address -"-

Phone/Fax -”-
Terms of paym. Printed automatically according to the name of the supplier if the field is empty.
Terms of deliv. -"-
Method of deliv. -"-
Order date Date of the order
Delivery date Date of delivery
Delivery to Address of delivery, according to delivery
Status Status of the delivery. Click title and select from list
Total cost Input after filling the lines according to the total cost
Our ref. Reference of the orderer
Your ref. Reference of the receiver
Prelude It is possible to write or choose regular text to the header. You can create the text in
Notepad and save it to the location defined in the maintena.cnf.
Ending It is possible to write or choose regular text to the ending. You can create the text in
Notepad and save it to the location defined in the maintena.cnf.
ExtraTextDir1=c:\arrow2005\maint\doc\prelude\ (definition centre to prelude)
ExtraTextDir2=c:\arrow2005\maint\doc\ending\ (definition centre to ending)

Language Define the languages used into maintenana.cnf, for example Languages
=Eng,Swe,Ger. For purchase forms you have to create a language file for every
language you need to use. (for example language.eng, language.swe,

5.2.11. Order lines

Total cost of
delivery, changes
update the total
To spare part register
material pick up

Select material for the order lines to show up. Buttons will now function in the order lines. Input spare parts to be
ordered to the lines or select them with Material pick up function.

Field Description
Material code Material-ID
Code of suppl. Code that supplier use for the material. Codes of supplier and prices maintains in basic
information of supplier.
Name Name of material
Ordered Quantity ordered
Deliv. last Quantity last delivered. Input from Function - Material delivery
Total Total delivered
Delivery date Input from Function - Material delivery
Unit Unit of material
Price Price of a single spare part
Total cost Total price of delivery, changes update the total
Store 1, 2 and 3 Quantity ordered to the store, decreases in relation to deliveries, when all quantities
have been delivered, zero
Comment Space for comments
Discount % Discount for the row.

5.2.12. Material delivery

Quantity of delivery Delivery OK

to store

Choose order line and Function - Material delivery.

You can input the order data into the window which appears. Default values for the stores are (amount ordered -
amount already delivered) and default for the delivery date is the current date. The values can be changed but
more than what is ordered cannot be delivered. Press Check (Delivery OK) button for delivery. Delivery can also
be registered as arrival, as unpriced or as priced, in which case the price is searched from the unit price in the
order row.

If you choose Unpriced, the information on the order line will go to after-pricing, see 5.2.5.

The amount is set to default store when selected. If the default store is not selected, you have to define the
storages and amounts separately when making the order. Order amounts to different storages with F2-function.

Order amounts to different stores starts by

choosing a line and pressing button F2.

Moves the amounts from the

lines to the order line.

Delivering the whole order

If the whole order is desired to be delivered at once, select Function - Deliver whole order. The delivery quantities
of all the rows are marked equal to the quantities ordered and the order will be delivered to stores wanted, either
to default store or in advance defined stores.

5.2.13. Material pick up

Pick one Pick Advance Alarm list

search alarm list
results See 5.2.14.

Use material pick up button in Order screen to open Material pick up. You can browse materials and pick one or
all the search results for the order. Supplier of the order is automatically set as the search condition. It can be
reset if the materials of all suppliers are to be included in the search.

5.2.14. Alarm lists

Alarm list -ordered

Alarm list

Advance alarm

The alarm list and the Advance alarm list can be shown on the screen and printed with the Alarm list

Advance alarm list: A list of materials, in which the balance is smaller or equal to alarm limit + order
Alarm list: A list of materials, in which the balance is smaller or equal to alarm limit.
Alarm list – Ordered: A list of materials, in which the balance + amount ordered (undelivered) is smaller or
equal to alarm limit.
Make order: Makes order from the spare parts chosen to specified deliverer. Before choosing the spare
parts it is recommended to sort the information on grounds of SUPPLIER 1 column.

5.2.15. Order impulses

Checklist for order material shows a list of materials the quantity of which needs to be checked in certain
time intervals. After checking, the rows can be acknowledged (all or one at a time), which moves
forward the impulse day. Order impulses can also be printed.

5.2.16. Stores / Default store

In this window you can define active stores and change the default store.

5.2.17. Store log

Order by chosen

Store log screen is accessed with a user code and password. The screen can be used to edit the store
transaction table, which includes all takings, arrivals and inventories.

Search conditions are input in the upper part of the display to search the desired store transactions to the
Click the title of the column to arrange the information according to the chosen title. If you arrange the
information according to date or time, both columns are always taken into account.

With Edit-rights store transactions can also be altered, added and removed. The user must be well
aware of the consequences, as every store transaction also includes the current quantity of a given material
in store. This affects directly the reports of store value. So if, for example, the amount of arrivals is
altered, also the balance field must be altered accordingly, and all the balances of events that come
after the event!

You can print out the storage value (all the stores together) from any moment you want by choosing Print
storage value – function. Enter date to Value date –field and the report prints out the storage value from
specified moment.

5.2.18. Label printing

You can start label printing

From the front page of the store

Choose the labels you want to print

out from the list. Press Ctrl-button to
pick more than one and press Shift-
button to choose more than one at
the same time (line interv.)

Pcs / material: select the amount of


From the spare part card

Please note! Remember to choose the printing target.

From the order rows

Materials from the order list will be on the printing list. This enables the labelling of the material at the arrival.
Remember to choose the spare parts to be printed.

5.2.19. Purchase history

Purchase history will show you all the purchase events of the spare part wanted.

Choose the spare part card you want and choose purchase history. That function will show you the list of
those purchase orders that have the selected spare part. From this on the program will operate same as in
purchase order (5.2.10 & 5.2.11)

5.2.20. Pricelist
Pricelist shows all the prices of wanted spare part in different deliverers.

Pricelists is maintained in deliverers. Besides the price you can also give deliverer based code (index
number) to spare part. Deliverers code and spare parts price will print automatically to the purchase order.

6. Basic data

Click to choose
Search for

Basic data is used to maintain the basic registers for machines, spare parts, deliverers and work cards.

Basic data of the machines:

Department-file includes the departments of the machines. A department for a machine can be selected
from “Department” in the Machine card (mandatory). Length of the field is 30 characters.

Cost center-file includes the cost centers of the machines. Cost center can be selected from “Cost
center” in the Machine card (mandatory). Length of the field is 30 characters.

Machine type - file includes the types of the machines. Type can be selected from “Type” in the Machine
card. Length of the field is 30 characters.

Machine shifts-file includes the shifts of the machines. Shifts can be selected from “Shift” in the Machine
card. Length of the field is 3 characters.

Machine classification - file includes the classes of the machines. Classification can be selected from
“Classific.” in the Machine card. Length of the field is 1 character.

You can find locations of the machines in Machine location. You can define the location in machine register
(location-field) or in the Checking card

You can find grouping of checking cards from the Checking group. You can choose a checking group to
the checking card. Enter checking interv. in days into the second field of the checking group. Length of the
field is 30 characters.

Basic data of the spare parts

Location of the spare part - file includes the locations of spare parts needed for maintenance. The location
can be selected for the spare part from the Position - selection in the Spare part card. The length of the
field is 20 characters.

Spare part group - file includes the spare part groups needed for maintenance. The group can be selected
for the spare part from the Group selection in the Spare part card. The length of the field is 20 characters.

Spare part class - file includes the classifications needed for maintenance. The class can be selected for
the spare part from the Group selection in the Spare part card. The length of the field is 20 characters.

Unit -file includes the units that can be seen in the selection list of the spare part. The length of the field is 5
characters and the type is alphanumeric.

Cost alignments are used to save the cost alignments. They are used in the store system as order
alignments and as store intake alignments.

Basic data of the deliverers

Terms of delivery - file includes the different terms of delivery. They can be selected for the deliverer in the
Deliverer registry - program. The length of the field is 20 characters.

Method of delivery - file includes the different methods of delivery. They can be selected for the deliverer in
the Deliverer registry - program. The length of the field is 20 characters.

Terms of Payment - file includes the different terms of payment. They can be selected for the deliverer in
the Deliverer registry - program. The length of the field is 20 characters.

Basic data of the work cards

Failure type - file includes the different failure types that are shown in the selection list of the Work card.
The length of the information is 30 characters and the type is alphanumeric.

Cause of failure - file includes the different causes of failure that are shown in the selection list of the Work
card. The length of the information is 30 characters and the type is alphanumeric.

Place of failure -file includes the different places of failure that that are shown in the selection list of the
Work card. The length of the information is 30 characters and the type is alphanumeric.

Machine part - file includes the machine parts that the failure can be directed to. They are shown in the
selection list of the Work card. The length of the information is 30 characters and the type is alphanumeric.

Persons - file includes the persons who are shown, for example, in Person liab. lists of the Work card and
Machine card. The length of the information is 30 characters and the type is alphanumeric.

Work types - are used to save all the work types that are available for a work order. Work types can be
selected in the Failure notice and in the Work schedule programs. The length of the field is 30 characters.

If a Cost control - version of the program is in use, you can maintain the hour prices of persons and work
types and the general hour price with this screen.

7. Deliverers

Choice is shown only if job

order system is active

To Maintaining

The whole deliverer register is shown on the screen. A deliverer can be selected to the basic data screen
for maintenance. Search conditions are available also in the basic data screen.

The deliverer register consists of the following forms:

Deliverer register
Basic data of the deliverer
Deliverer products
Deliverer contacts
Extra info
Price list

If the system has been installed with the work order -option, through this module are also maintained
Customers and their customer units, which replace the department and the cost centre information of a

7.1. Deliver register

The deliverer and manufacturer information used by maintenance - program are recorded in the deliverer
register. The information of the deliverer register is listed in the Machine register and in the Spare part
register. Name - field is shown in these selections.

Every deliverer is given a unique code. The code can include any characters (for example the abbreviation
of the name). With the help of the code, every card of the deliverer register can be identified.

In addition to the basic data, information of two contact persons can be registered for the deliverer.

Copying a deliverer

If very similar information for many deliverers needs to be input in the system, the deliverer information can
be copied to a new code. To copy:

- Search the deliverer from which the information is to be copied from to the form
- Change information to the desired (The code must be changed)
- Select Make a copy in the Function - menu, the information of the new deliverer is saved

7.2. Deliverer products

This screen maintains the product information of the selected deliverer. The product information can be 30
characters in length.

7.3. Deliverer contacts

This screen maintains the information of the contact persons of the deliverer.

7.4. Deliverer price lists

Spare part codes and supplier prices of spare part are maintained in Price lists. At the order there can be
several suppliers for the same spare part and every deliverer can have their own codes and prices for the
spare part. This information will come automatically when making a purchase order.

This function enables coding the spare parts differently for every supplier.

8. Failure Notice

Failure notice - program is used to make failure notices, for failure quittance and for browsing the
failure history. The functions are directed to the machine selected in the hierarchy tree, which
therefore has to be selected before the function.

With an extra attribute you can also make a predefined failure notice that includes all the information of a
usual failure notice but has default data for many of the fields so it is quick to input.

Before saving it is possible to

8.1. Failure notice
choose and save the titles of the
measurings. When they are empty
when saving, their titles are
automatically output to the work
order card.

When you select machine and failure notice - on the main screen, a screen comes up with predefined
machine information, code of a new failure notice, date and time defaults and the status of work. Input the
rest of the notice information and save. If you do not want to make a notice the function can be cancelled.

Mandatory information:

Machine class automatically from the hierarchy screen
Cost center
Machine halts
Work able to start date and time
Work status (Noticed)
Work type

After you have saved the notice,

you can print it to the default printer
or exit without printing.

8.2. Failure quittance


When you select Machine and failure quittance in the main screen, the machine work card, state of which
is noticed or started, is automatically searched to the Failure quittance - screen. If noticed or started works
are not found for the machine, the screen that comes up is empty.

For failure quittance, select “Ready” as work status. In addition you need to input the reporting information
to the lower part of the form. You can input measuring information with Measurings - function in the same
way as in the work card - screen of the Work schedule, see 4.7.2.

8.3. Failure history

All the work orders of the selected machine are searched for the screen for browsing. On the screen
there are only the input functions of browsing and search conditions and the function for viewing the
measurings available for selection.

9. Maintena.cnf - configuration file

The MAINTENA.CNF - file is used for the configuration of the program.

MAINTENA.CNF file must be located in cnf-folder under the program directory in the network. When
starting, the program loads the configurations.

10. User rights

To move between the upper and lower parts of
the screen (F1-F2), buttons are used in the
active part

Database settings
Program settings


The user groups and the users who belong to them are chosen in the user rights module. The user groups
define the rights of the users in the different modules. There are two kinds of rights: editing right (EDIT) and
viewing right (NOEDIT), they are selected for the user groups in the list. The rights are set for every
module separately. The module is selected for the user group in the manner as the rights, from the list (The
store log of the the store system is typed). If some module is not defined for a group, the users who belong
to the group can not start it.

The User rights module can be used only when it is set with the editing right. There is no viewing right for it.

The user group and the password are defined for every user. The password is case sensitive and thus has
to be input exactly like it was defined (upper and lower case letters, such as d and D are different letters).

Activate menu (or F1 and F2) is used to move between the usergroups and users, functions of the
buttons affect the part of the screen that is active at the time.

10.1. Database changes

If structural changes are made to the database, for example when updating the program version, the
changes can be made with this screen. The changes require the use of an alteration (change) file that
includes the commands for the changes. The change file will be delivered to the user by Arrow Engineering
Oy. All the base changes can not be done with the file, for example the extensions of the fields. For the
more complicated base changes the base must be delivered to Arrow Engineering Oy to be changed. During
this, using the program needs to be interrupted, or has to be limited.

10.2. Program Settings

File search

Save setting (file)

New line: Variable and Value

Approve changes
and move the
new line to the

You can change the settings of the files (Maintena.cnf and Language.cnf) used by program on the
Program settings screen. First select the file to be changed from the File to open - section. The program will
search all the setting file sections to the screen. Select the section the settings of which you want to change.
The variables of the section will be seen on the lower list. Select a variable and change its value in the
Changing the value - section. The change is approved with the Arrow up - button. When all the desired
changes have been done, they can be saved with the Save - button.

11. Common errors and how to fix them

1. When starting the program error message “Type mismatch” appears

Error may be found in the Maintena.cnf configuration file, which is located in the Windows
directory of the workstation or in the cnf directory of the program. Check, that a proper value is
found in every configuration section. Comments are not allowed to be located in the same line with
the configurations.

2. When starting the program error “Runtime error 3024 Couldn’t find file …” appears

The program can not find the file the error refers to, usually a database. Check the database paths
of the Maintena.cnf file in the sections: [DATABASE] Dir= and Database=, please note that the
last character after Database= must be “\”.

3. When starting the program all the texts are “NOT_FOUND”

The program can not find the language file that has to be located in the database directory. Check
the configuration of the Maintena.cnf file: [DATABASE] Database=, the path here must lead to a
database directory, last character being “\”
Check that there is the file Language.cnf in the database directory.

4. When starting the program the error “Runtime error 3049 can’t open database … It may
not be a database or the file may be corrupt” appears.

Database the error refers to is not a database or it is damaged. Check the configuration of the
Maintena.cnf file: [DATABASE] Dir=, the path must lead to the database in the maintenance
If the configuration is right, the database is damaged. Contact a contact person at Arrow
Engineering Oy, so that a repair run can be run to the database.

5. Report not printed.

Run a work station installation again to the computer. If this does not help, update the computers
data access components, ask a contact person for advice if needed.

6. Error notice “Invalid use of null”

Mikäli ilmoitus tulee Laiterekisterin Laitteen siirto-näytöllä, jollekin laitteelle ei ole syötetty kaikkia
hierarkian muodostukseen tarvittavia tietoja, jotka ovat Osasto ja Kustannuspaikka.

If the error appears in the Machine transfer screen of the Machine register, all the information that
is needed for the hierarchy has not been input for a machine. If such a machine is found, open the
machine card, remove the machine from the hierarchy and input the information for the machine

If the error notice appears in some other screen, the information needs to be examined specifically
to the case. Usually one of the mandatory information is missing.

7. Error notice “Overflow”

If you get the error notice in the Work schedule screen, some Work card probably has a false work
period. For example, work period is way too large or small a number, in which case the program
cannot calculate the length of the bar. If the error notice appears in some other screen, the
probable cause is some false figure which is needed for some calculation.

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