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Measurement 138 (2019) 578–589

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A hybrid computational intelligence approach to predict spectral

Mohsen Akhani a, Ali R. Kashani b, Mehdi Mousavi a, Amir H. Gandomi c,⇑
Department of Civil Engineering, Arak University, Arak, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152, USA
Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, a new explicit method has been suggested to predict the spectral acceleration characteristic
Received 19 August 2018 of strong ground-motions based on hybridizing genetic algorithm (GA), multilayer perceptron neural net-
Received in revised form 13 January 2019 work (MLPNN), and regression analysis (RA), called GA-NN-RA. The predictor variables encompass a per-
Accepted 21 February 2019
iod of vibration, magnitude, closest distance co-seismic rupture, shear wave velocity averaged over the
Available online 22 February 2019
top 30 m and flag for reverse faulting earthquakes. To develop the model, a data set of strong ground-
motion records gathered by Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center has been employed. For con-
firmation and efficiency of proposed model, an additional set of test that is not involved in the modeling
Artificial neural network
Genetic algorithm
has been applied. The obtained results using GA-NN-RA show good accuracy in comparison with other
Regression analysis ground motion models. Also, the proposed model is capable of evaluating the spectral acceleration for
Spectral acceleration any records without restriction in a period of vibration.
Ground motion models Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and background PGA upon a strong ground-motion data from Turkey. Moreover,
Gandomi et al. [17] derived a new equation for ground-motion pre-
During the past few decades, empirical simulation by artificial diction using a hybrid method based on GP and orthogonal least
intelligence (AI) techniques has proposed several alternatives to a squares, called GP/OLS. In some other efforts, several variations
wide range of complicated engineering problems and challenging of ANNs have been employed to predict PGA (peak ground acceler-
issues. The trace of AI-based methods can be found in various fields ation) by Kerh and Chu [18] at two mainline sections of Kaohsiung
of engineering like civil engineering [1–6], aerospace engineering Mass Rapid Transit in Taiwan, Kerh and Ting [19] along a high-
[7,8], mechanical engineering [9,10], industrial engineering [11], speed rail system in Taiwan, Gullu and Ercelebi [20] and Gunaydin
and earthquake engineering [12,13]. One of the key concerns of [21] upon a strong ground-motion data set from Turkey. Ahmad
every engineering problem is finding a tradeoff between the et al. [22] founded ANN-based GMMs for PGA, PGV, and PGD using
observed incidents and anticipated occurrence. To be more exact, the European earthquake data. The main drawback of employing
there are lots of critical situations where nearly exact prediction ANNs in prediction problems is the possibility of being trapped
of a given problem is determinative. The greatest struggle with in local minima because of inefficient training [23]. Optimization
those cases is lack of enough records in addition to being compli- algorithms are proposed as effective tools for training ANNs to
cated to fit an exact formulation describing them. However, soft overcome this issue [24–30]. Genetic algorithm (GA) as one of
computing-based predictive tools such as ANN, genetic program- the most applicable evolutionary-based algorithms has been tack-
ming (GP), Bayesian approach, support vector machine (SVM), led for training ANNs several times e.g., da Silva Ferreira [31] for
etc, have facilitated this issue to a considerable extent. These evaluating power coupling efficiency of photonic couplers, Yuce
approaches have a wonderful ability to learn from experience et al. [32] for energy management in the domestic sector, Azadeh
and extracting various discriminators [14,15]. Cevik and Cabalar et al. [33] for optimizing machinery productivity. In addition, the
[16] employed Gene expression programming (GEP) as one of the successful application of coupling ANNs with GA in some recent
variations of GP programs to develop a prediction equation for engineering problems can be found in lots of studies accordingly:
Shahri and Mahdavinejad [34] for predicting temperature distribu-
⇑ Corresponding author. tion in laser process, Armaghani et al. [35] for air overpressure
E-mail address: (A.H. Gandomi). computing due to blasting operation, Khandelwal et al. [36] for
URL: (A.H. Gandomi). estimating the rock material cohesion, and Yan et al. [37] for
0263-2241/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Akhani et al. / Measurement 138 (2019) 578–589 579

prediction of bond strength of glass fiber-reinforced polymer proposed model for all ground motions is gathered by the Pacific
(GFRP) bar reinforced concrete. Earthquake Engineering Research Center [48].
Multilayer perceptron neural network as one of the most robust
derivations of ANN considers a computational unit called percep- 2. Methodology
tron. Perceptron by taking a given threshold into account gives
two possible outputs based on a linear combination of inputs as 2.1. Multi-layer perceptron neural network
follows: 1 for the result bigger than the threshold, 1 for an other-
wise. This methodology is capable of proposing an ideal solution In the middle of the 20th century, McCulloch and his colleagues
for nonlinear problems by an appropriate setting of the number proposed Artificial Neural Network (ANN) as a computational
of layers and neurons, which are mostly not large [38]. approach to solving problems in the same way that human brains
As mentioned above one of the practical applications of artificial deal with problems [49]. In the brain neural network, biological
intelligence (AI) is in the earthquake field. In this study due to the neurons have been connected with axons. Similarly, each neural
great importance of seismic hazard analysis (SHA) as a subcategory unit in a computer simulation is connected to many others. The
of earthquake engineering, we tried to focus on this crucial issue by links between these units may make stronger or suppress during
using AI techniques. Seismic hazard analysis is a methodology that the evolving process depending on the activation state of con-
examines whether a structure can be stable under earthquake nected neural units. Every unit combines all the input information
stimulation or not. The most important characteristics of an earth- using a summation function and limiting or threshold function on
quake in seismological point of view are earthquake magnitude, the unit and connections that control the propagation of the infor-
distance, fault type, and soil effects. Time domain and response mation to other units. Neural networks are consisting of layers
domain parameters are two important engineering parameters of made up of a number of interconnected ’nodes’ contain an ’activa-
an earthquake that can be applied to risk estimation of structures. tion function’. Multilayer Perceptron neural network (MLP) as a
Time domain factors like peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak combination of Perceptron layers considers the effectiveness of
ground velocity (PGV) and peak ground displacement (PGD) are various neuron inputs to the other neurons [50]. In MLP, neurons
not dependent on the structural type. However, spectral parame- are linked to some of their neighbors, with respect to the weight
ters like Spectral acceleration (Sa) are directly linked to structures alterations. In this way, a weighted combination of inputs trans-
and are more efficient than time domain parameters. That is why formed to another input for the output neurons through at least
Sa is used frequently in seismic hazard studies [17,39]. Developing a hidden layer. Output neurons apply another metamorphosis
a direct correlation between Sa and other variables is difficult and propose the final results in the following form:
because of serious nonlinearity in GMMs. Although it is not an easy !
task, but there are a few papers in which this relationship has been X
developed [40,41]. By using regression analysis between strong hj ¼ f xi wij þ b ð1Þ
motion data, the attenuation relationships or ground motion mod-
els (GMMs) can be built [42–45]. ‘‘where f() is activation function, xi is the activation of ith hidden
In this study, due to lack of similar attempt for predicting com- layer node, wij is the weight of the connection joining the jth neuron
ponents of ground motion models like Sa in previous studies, an in a layer with the ith neuron in the previous layer, and b is the bias
explicit formula for GMMs using a three-step algorithm based on for the neuron. For nonlinear problems, the sigmoid functions
GA, multi-layer perceptron ANN, and regression analysis (GA-NN- (hyperbolic tangent sigmoid or log-sigmoid) are commonly adopted
RA) for the first time has been introduced. So, in this work, we as the activation function” [51].
addressed this issue through a mentioned mechanism. In this If we consider Q, as an output layer in which there are NQ num-
way, a set of aleatory standard deviations and correlation coeffi- ber of neurons, by minimizing the mean squared error through the
cients are calculated by residual analysis. Then, a multilayer per- learning procedure of MLP between the expected outputs rq and
ceptron neural network is trained with GA to reach a well- the obtained outputs Uq of each node of the output layer Q using
adjusted design of MLP architecture. As ANN is a black-box tool, back-propagation algorithms accordingly:
it is not usable for the later attempts. Hence, as the final step, a lin-
1 X
ear regression is applied to the output layer to evaluate weights in
EQ ¼ ðrq  Uq Þ2 ð2Þ
this layer and derive an explicit formula. The current study pro- NQ q¼1
poses a new simple model which is capable of estimating the spec-
tral acceleration as an essential output of any GMMs. After One of the most well-known MLP training algorithms is the
considerable simulations and data exploration, we decided to Conjugate Gradient which is used here in the back-propagation
include the following predictor variables in our new model: training procedure.
Moment magnitude (M), closest distance to fault rupture, shear
wave velocity averaged over top 30 m (Vs30), flag for reverse fault- 2.2. Genetic algorithm
ing earthquakes (FRV) and period of vibration (T). This model effec-
tively satisfied the conditions of assessed components in Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a convenient approach for handling
prediction models. This approach generally can be used for every nonlinear problems based on the natural evolution of organisms
period of vibration to estimate the spectral acceleration. Analogies over their reproduction [52,53]. GA is a random search technique
between our model and previous models of Campbell and Bozorg- capable of dealing with no differentiable, non-convex, and discon-
nia (CB08) [46] and Abrahamson and Silva (AS97) [47] shows that tinuous problems like capacitated plant location [54], fixed charge
our model is much simpler than the CB08 model. Our model pro- network design [55], minimum spanning tree [56], network design
duces appropriate outcomes without the need to investigate prior [57] and warehouse allocation [58].
forms of models. The GA-NN-RA-based approach predicts the coef- GA represents each string of potential solution as a chromo-
ficients of correlation and standard deviations for aleatory events some containing sub-strings as biological genes. Sub-strings con-
and shows good accuracy in comparison with CB08 and AS97 mod- vey candidate solution’s features to the next generations using
els. The most significant difference occurs at small-to-moderate three genetic operations: selection, crossover, and mutation.
magnitudes from smaller distances, where these models produce Before applying those operators, an additional mechanism is
lower spectral acceleration (SA) than our model. Database of the defined called reproduction operator. This operator transfers the
580 M. Akhani et al. / Measurement 138 (2019) 578–589

finest chromosomes to the next generation directly. Then, the Finally, a linear regression is applied to the output layer for finding
selection procedure finds two of the best exemplars as the parents and optimizing the weights in this layer. The mentioned steps are
for breeding. In the crossover, some parts of the parents’ chromo- visualized in Fig. 1.
somes displaced mutually to produce offspring. There are several
strategies for recombination of the chromosomes via crossover like 3. How to formulize of the GA-NN_RA model
single-point crossover, two-point crossover, and uniform cross-
over. Finally, based on a mutation a sub-string of the children will Seismologists are interested about the characteristics of
be altered with a predefined probability. We can see further infor- ground-motions that can possibly damage the structures during
mation/details regarding GA background in the other works [59]. earthquake. Duration of an earthquake, amplitude, and frequency
content are the major characteristics of the earthquake [17,64].
2.3. Regression Sa, PGD, PGV, and PGA play an important role in the explanation
of strong-motion characteristics. These factors are commonly sta-
Regression analysis is a type of statistical process which corre- ted as functions of various seismic parameters. Source effect, path
sponds a set of input variables (predictor) to an output one effect and site effect are the most important factors that can affect
(response). There are several techniques which correlate one or ground-motion parameters. [17] Source effect is related to some
more independent variables to a dependent one through different parameters like faulting mechanism. Site effect is related to dis-
modeling. In other words, regression analysis proposes the chang- tance from the fault. But site effect is a remarkable parameter
ing pattern of a dependent variable by independent variables’ vari- included in GMMs. nevertheless, modern GMMs [44,45] mainly
ations. To this end, a regression function will be developed which is use earthquake magnitude, source to site distance, fault type and
capable of estimating the dependent variable’s value using inputs. some other parameters of the site.
In a set of data obtained from either a mathematical model or Recently, new improved methods have been used to develop
empirical observation, regression can be used to evaluate any value the accuracy of regression based analysis. This research employs
of y given a value of x. A linear regression uses a linear function of x GA-NN-RA approach to derive alternative GMMs for Sa. In this
to describe y. Hence, if a linear regression will analyze a set of x in study, the most important characteristics of an earthquake that
the form of a vector, a linear combination of the values of x will can represent the behavior of ground motions are selected based
construct y. on the trial study.
One of the major applications of regression is in the field of Finally, the formulation of Sa is considered to be as follows:
machine learning for prediction. To be more precise, this tool will
be helpful to recognize effective factors on the outputs. In fact, lnðsaÞ ¼ f ðF RV ; T; M w ; Rrup ; V s30 Þ ð3Þ
by applying a linear regression to the output layer, it is possible
to create a leaner equation for finding the weights. This process  FRV: Fault type
will be done by applying the inverse of the activation function to  T: period
the target. This system of the equation may be solved by the  Mw: Earthquake magnitude
approach of Gauss and Jordan, while a better alternative may be  Rrup (km): closest distance co-seismic rupture
using the method of Singular Value Decomposition [60,61].  Vs30 (m/s): shear wave velocity averaged to 30 (m) depth

3.1. Database of strong-motions

2.4. Hybridization artificial neural network-genetic algorithm with
regression (GA-NN-RA)
The utilized data base for improvement of the model is col-
lected from the PEER-NGA project. It contains ‘‘shallow crustal
Evolution of neural networks in the brain in order to diagnose,
earthquakes recorded data at tectonic regions of the world” [48]
decide, recognize, and predict of different phenomena will be done
with a wide range of magnitudes and distances. In this research,
based on different experiences within the process of getting
some data are excluded because of filtering strategies proposed
matured. By imitating such rules, ANNs predicts outputs based
by Campbell and Bozorgnia [46]. Finally, 1561 records for two dif-
on learning from specific data. The learning procedure will be done
ferent fault types are selected to develop the model. As mentioned,
using two data sets: a training set and a testing set. The architec-
ture of the networks which defines as the networks’ weights and
neurons’ interconnections will be adjusted within the training pro-
cess. Then by redesigning the architecture, it will be tried to min-
imize the difference between the outputs and trial category [62].
The process of training is broadly separated into two principal
steps: (1) ‘‘initialization” and (2) ‘‘optimization”. In the initializa- Genetic Algorithm
tion step, preliminary random values will be allocated to the
weights of the network while the best adjustment for the intercon-
nections of the layers will be defined through the optimization
step. Using random search techniques such as evolutionary-based
algorithms for initialization can propose an appropriate starting Back-propagation Neural Network:
point to the gradient-based algorithms for the optimization pro- Conjugate Gradient
cess [63]. Another concern with ANN is not revealing the content
of layers like weight and architecture of the network. Therefore,
at the final step, a linear regression is applied to the output layer
to examine the weights configuration in this layer.
In this study, a three step-algorithm (GA-NN-RA) is tackled to Last Step:
handle our proposed problem. In the first step, GA starts from a
population of solutions and tries to detect the best weights in
Linear Regression Analysis
the layers by minimizing the mean square error. Next, back-
propagation training performs by Conjugate Gradient method. Fig. 1. The main steps of GA-NN-RA algorithm.
M. Akhani et al. / Measurement 138 (2019) 578–589 581

the predictors are FRV; Mw; Rrup; T; Vs30 while Sa is ground motion Bozorgnia developed an empirical model for Sa, that is a part of
parameter that should be formulated. Next-generation attenuation (NGA). These models belong to a dif-
The whole data set is randomly separated into learning and ferent generation, and that is why they were chosen. Hence, they
testing subsets for the analysis. The learning data are employed can be considered as a good benchmark for MLP-based models.
for training algorithm and involved in the modeling process. Even- An effective method to observe whether there is any non-
tually, the testing data are utilized to evaluate the efficiency of the conformity between the prediction and observation is to employ
models estimated by MLP on the data. Of the all data sets which are residual analysis. In this study, we intend to investigate the resid-
as the same as CB08 model, 85% of data vectors are used for the ual analysis and compare our new MLP-based ground- motion rela-
training process. The remaining data (15%) are taken for testing. tion with these two ground motion relations.
Here the random uncertainty model by the general equation is
3.2. Proposed Sa explicit model given accordingly:

In order to produce an explicit model, it is necessary to fix lnY ij ¼ lnY ij þgi þ eij ð5Þ
weights and biases after well training the GA-NN-RA. A mathemat-
where gi is the source related inter-event randomness for the ith
ical expression which describes Sa is depicted accordingly: 
!! earthquake, and where lnY ij and ln Yij are the median estimate,
nh X
and the observed value of the jth recording for the ith earthquake,
LnðSa Þ ¼ 10  Logsig Bias þ V h Logsig biash þ wih xi
respectively. The gi and eij are independent normally distributed
h¼1 i¼1
variates with variances s2 and r2. The aleatory standard deviations
and correlation coefficients are listed in Table 4. The rT, total stan-
where ni is number of inputs which is equal 5 and nh is number of dard deviation, is square root of sum of squares of tau and sigma.
hidden neurons which is equal to 6. In this formula, variables (xi) In order to measure the goodness of the standard deviation of
should be normalized based on the values presented in Table 1 as our model, the corresponding deviation parameters of the CB08
follows: model are also presented in the above table. As shown in this table,
the standard deviation of our model is comparable with the CB08
x1 ¼ T=12; x2 ¼ Mw =10; x3 ¼ RRup =200; x4 ¼ F RV =3; and in most of the period. It is notable that the CB08 is a classic model
x5 ¼ Vs30 =2; 500: which uses different coefficient for each period. However, our
developed model is a unique formula that can be used for each
The weights and biases between the input layer and the hidden
arbitrarily period.
layers, and between the hidden layers and the output layer are pre-
In the following, first, residual analyzes of this model as func-
sented in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.
tions of all considered parameters, for evaluation the model are
depicted. The residuals are shown for spectral periods of 0.01,
4. Results and discussions 0.3, 1.5, 3 s. Figs. 2 and 3 show the dependence of inter-event
and intra-event residuals on magnitude. As indicated in these fig-
4.1. Analogies between this model and existing prediction models ures, there is no systematic magnitude dependence in the residuals
of the calibrated model.
Numerous GMMs can estimate Sa. The results of this model are The model is also evaluated through closest distance and shear
analogous to two well-known models of Campbell and Bozorgnia wave velocity over the top 30 m. Dependence of the intra-event
(CB08) [46] and Abrahamson and Silva (AS97) [47]. Campbell and residuals, fault type dependence of the inter-event residuals and

Table 1
Normalization values.

Parameter T Mw Rrup (km) FRV Vs_30 Ln(Sa)

Normalization Value 12 10 200 3 2500 10

Table 2
Weight (Wih) and bias values between the input and hidden layer.

Inputs (i) Number of hidden neurons (h)

1 2 3 4 5 6
x1 0.7511 0.6120 0.9099 5.6342 20.8904 26.3488
x2 5.8982 3.6076 6.1565 3.0586 5.2773 0.7304
x3 0.1290 8.3205 1.4052 3.2277 0.0121 0.1765
x4 0.1697 0.2172 8.2564 1.8615 0.1752 0.3126
x5 0.4482 0.4402 0.1261 11.8363 0.8051 0.3963
biash 0.9228 0.3912 4.5749 2.5589 3.2183 2.4668

Table 3
Weight (Vh) and bias values between the hidden and output layer.

Number of hidden neurons (h) Bias

1 2 3 4 5 6
5.7724 3.9523 2.6079 0.1672 1.1700 8.6133 5.2863
582 M. Akhani et al. / Measurement 138 (2019) 578–589

Table 4
The aleatory standard deviations and correlation coefficients.

Period Here Developed Model CB08 Model

r s rT q r s rT q
0.01 0.493 0.221 0.540 0.831 0.478 0.219 0.526 1.000
0.02 0.496 0.247 0.554 0.832 0.480 0.219 0.528 0.994
0.03 0.502 0.268 0.569 0.835 0.489 0.235 0.543 0.979
0.05 0.504 0.279 0.576 0.840 0.510 0.258 0.572 0.927
0.075 0.512 0.200 0.550 0.841 0.520 0.292 0.596 0.880
0.1 0.527 0.306 0.610 0.836 0.531 0.286 0.603 0.871
0.15 0.530 0.302 0.610 0.829 0.532 0.280 0.601 0.885
0.2 0.535 0.309 0.618 0.815 0.534 0.249 0.589 0.913
0.25 0.529 0.279 0.598 0.813 0.534 0.240 0.585 0.873
0.3 0.535 0.265 0.597 0.804 0.544 0.215 0.585 0.848
0.4 0.541 0.297 0.617 0.796 0.541 0.217 0.583 0.756
0.5 0.568 0.320 0.652 0.781 0.550 0.214 0.590 0.631
0.75 0.596 0.357 0.695 0.770 0.568 0.227 0.612 0.442
1 0.599 0.365 0.702 0.782 0.568 0.255 0.623 0.290
1.5 0.619 0.335 0.704 0.804 0.564 0.296 0.637 0.290
2 0.643 0.258 0.693 0.818 0.571 0.296 0.643 0.290
3 0.649 0.250 0.695 0.847 0.558 0.326 0.646 0.290
4 0.693 0.395 0.798 0.855 0.576 0.297 0.648 0.290
5 0.751 0.380 0.841 0.856 0.601 0.359 0.700 0.290
7.5 0.839 0.413 0.935 0.851 0.628 0.428 0.760 0.290
10 0.880 0.574 1.051 0.854 0.667 0.485 0.825 0.290

Fig. 2. Dependence of inter-event residuals on earthquake magnitude.

also dependence of intra-event residual for shear wave velocity. models. Fig. 7 is for an earthquake of magnitude 7 and attenuation
These can be illustrated in Figs. 4–6. As it is clear from these fig- curve closely follow our model at all distances. A high consistency
ures, the regression model is unbiased with respect to the men- can be shown between acceleration values predicted by our model
tioned parameters. At short periods, where the Vs30s are smaller and CB080 NGA model and AS97 model. The only noticeable differ-
in Fig. 6, the few points show a positive bias and behaviors are vice ence lies in the acceleration value at the distance equal to 20 km
versa in long periods. We do not have any particular explanation and moment magnitude over 7 at short periods in Fig. 8. In Figs. 7
for this under-prediction except it might be an artifact of the and 8, Vs30 is constant and just magnitude or closest distance rup-
sampling. ture is varied from time to time. As it can be observed, the results
In order to compare the obtained model with the classic spec- of our model demonstrate good agreements with those of two
tral GMMs, CB08 and AS97 models have been chosen here. Figs. 7 other models. We believe that better magnitude-independent or
and 8 show the trend of acceleration toward components of GMMs distance-dependent aleatory uncertainty predicted by our model
in different periods and compare our model to those mentioned is convenient even at close distances or high magnitudes. In
M. Akhani et al. / Measurement 138 (2019) 578–589 583

Fig. 3. Dependence of intra-event residuals on earthquake magnitude.

Fig. 4. Dependence of intra-event residuals on rupture distance.

Fig. 7 There are small differences between the values of our model Most of the existing ground motion prediction models include
and other models especially at short periods that are related to the several parameters, for example, CB08 involves nine parameters.
consideration of rupture model uncertainties [65]. However, the proposed GA-NN-RA model only uses five predictors
584 M. Akhani et al. / Measurement 138 (2019) 578–589

Fig. 5. Dependence of inter-event residuals on faulting type.

Fig. 6. Dependence of intra-event residuals on 30 m shear wave velocity.

(FRV, Mw, R, T, Vs30). As more data could be available on NGA, this ysis method is that they produce GMMs without considering pre-
model can show more accuracy for a broader range of data. Note vious forms of relationships.
that these two models which were in this comparative paper were
employed by using regression analysis. By controlling a small num- 4.1.1. Model validation
ber of equations over the regression, the results of these models are Based on logical theory [66], the predicted values are strongly
obtained. However, the interactions between predictors and out- correlated with the measured values, if a model gives R  0:8
put cannot be examined effectively [17]. One advantage that and the error values are minimized. It can be seen from Table 5
makes MLP-based method better than traditional regression anal- that GA-NN-RA model provide an acceptable amount of values
M. Akhani et al. / Measurement 138 (2019) 578–589 585

Fig. 7. Comparison of GMMs of CB08 and AS97 for Mw7.0, VS30 = 760 m/s to corresponding results of this study.

Fig. 8. Comparison of GMMs of CB08 and AS97 for R = 20 km, VS30 = 760 m/s to corresponding results of this study.

because of high R and low MAE. New criteria for external validation (Ro2), or the coefficient between experimental and predicted values
which was suggested by Golbraikh and Tropsha [67], is also (Ro0 2) [1,67]. The obtained relevant results and the acceptable vali-
assessed in this study. It suggests that at least one slope of regres- dation criteria by the models satisfy other conditions, and they are
sion lines (k or k ) should be close to 1, as well as the squared cor- illustrated in the table. The validation results show that the GA-NN-
relation coefficient between predicted and experimental values RA model is valid and can dependably be employed to estimate Sa.
586 M. Akhani et al. / Measurement 138 (2019) 578–589

Table 5
Statistical parameters of the GA-NN-RA and CB08 models for the external validation.

Item Formula Condition GA-NN-RA CB08

1 RRMSE (%) – 14.389 15.329
2 RMAE (%) – 11.166 11.937
3 R R > 0.8 0.928 0.919
4 ðhi t i Þ 0.85 < K < 1.15 0.999 1.013
k ¼ i¼1 2
Pn i
5 0 ðhi t i Þ 0.85 < K0 < 1.15 0.982 0.967
k ¼ i¼1t2
6   Rm > 0.5 0.542 0.514
Rm ¼ R2  1  R2  Ro2 
where ðti hoi Þ
o 1.000 0.999
Ro2 ¼ 1  Pi¼1 n
  2 ; hi ¼ k  ti
ti t i
ðhi toi Þ
0 0.997 0.990
Ro02 ¼ 1  Pi¼1 2 ; t i ¼ k  hi
ðhi hi Þ

Table 6
Statistical comparison of GA-NN-RA, ANN and RA using six different metrics.

Model Measure Time (s)

GA-NN-RA 0.0036 24.4371 0.982 0.06 0.0539 21.248 N.A.
RA_Andrews 0.0089 20.4955 0.9554 0.0945 0.0849 29.1754 0.55
RA_bisquare 0.0089 20.4957 0.9554 0.0945 0.0849 29.1754 3.83
RA_cauchy 0.0089 20.5057 0.9555 0.0943 0.0848 29.2246 0.53
RA_fair 0.0089 20.5129 0.9556 0.0943 0.0848 29.2599 0.51
RA_huber 0.0089 20.5045 0.9555 0.0944 0.0848 29.2248 0.51
RA_logistic 0.0089 20.5086 0.9556 0.0943 0.0848 29.2374 0.57
RA_OLS 0.0089 20.5286 0.9558 0.0941 0.0846 29.2393 0.25
RA_talwar 0.0089 20.5033 0.9555 0.0944 0.0848 29.2331 0.32
RA_welsch 0.0089 20.4998 0.9555 0.0944 0.0849 29.1966 0.59
Levenberg-Marquardt 0.0113 19.4742 0.9436 0.1062 0.0955 29.3351 31.34
Bayesian Regularization 0.0113 19.472 0.9436 0.1063 0.0955 29.2846 983.39
BFGS Quasi-Newton 0.0113 19.4712 0.9436 0.1063 0.0956 29.3277 15.12
Resilient Backpropagation 0.0113 19.4650 0.9435 0.1064 0.0956 29.3693 9.73
Scaled Conjugate Gradient 0.0113 19.4648 0.9435 0.1064 0.0956 29.4663 5.37
Conjugate Gradient 0.0114 19.4438 0.9432 0.1066 0.0959 29.3285 16.58
Fletcher-Powell 0.0113 19.4687 0.9436 0.1063 0.0956 29.7228 8.95
Polak-Ribiére 0.0113 19.4702 0.9436 0.1063 0.0956 29.4499 13.54
One Step Secant 0.0113 19.4543 0.9434 0.1065 0.0957 29.3923 11.67
Variable Learning 0.0114 19.4237 0.9430 0.1069 0.0961 29.4254 13.54
Gradient Descent with Momentum 0.5911 2.2837 1.9522 0.7688 0.6912 261.4579 2.33
Gradient Descent 0.0234 16.3164 0.8834 0.1528 0.1374 44.8417 103.21

4.2. Parametric analysis explained by the predicted model. Based on this metric GA-NN-
RA with the highest R-value is the best tool in this study. The -
To better confirm the GA_NN_RA model, its obtained results are root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) is another metric to bench-
compared to the ones by linear regression and ANN models sepa- mark our utilized tools. Based on this method, a non-negative
rately. To this end five different measures are tackled to provide value describes the better fit between the predicted and original
a comparison between here utilized methods and real observed data with lower RMSD value. According to Table 6, GA-NN-RA
dataset as presented in Table 6. As it can be seen in Table 6, linear obtained the lowest value of RMSD again. The mean absolute per-
regression with nine different weight functions and ANN with 12 centage error (MAPE), is another measure to examine the accuracy
training schemes are provided. of the estimator in statistics by defining the percentage of error.
Mean Squared Error (MSE) is defined as the cumulative differ- Obviously, the lower values of error percentage represent the bet-
ence between the original dataset and the predicted one. There- ter performance of the predictor. In this study, the lowest value of
fore, as shown in Table 6, GA-NN-RA with the lowest value of MAPE obtained by GA-NN-RA proves all the previous observation
MSE provided the most compatibility with the observed Ln(Sa). and betterness of this algorithm. The training time for ANN and
Normalized Root-mean-square deviation (NRMSE) is also demon- analysis time for RA are gathered in Table 6. However, the training
strated that GA-NN-RA by the lowest vale performed better than time for GA-NN-RA is not recorded. Of course, it takes more time
other algorithms in this study. Quality estimation through peak than both ANN and RA.
signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) affirmed the results from MSE metric. Moreover, a parametric analysis was carried out herein. It
It can be seen the highest value of PSNR is obtained by GA-NN-RA examines the response of predicted parameters to a set of vari-
which shows the best performance of this method. Moreover, RA ables. The robust performance of the equations depends on how
methods illustrated better conformities to the original dataset than good the predicted Sa values agree with the physical behavior of
ANNs. The r-squared method is another statistical measure utilized ground-motions [22]. The Sa attenuation curves, by GA-NN-RA
for evaluating how close the predicted data are to the original data. model, are shown in Figs. 9 and 10. As it can be seen from Fig. 9,
This method is defined as the response variable variation that is by increasing distance from 10 to 200 km while Mw is constant,
M. Akhani et al. / Measurement 138 (2019) 578–589 587

Fig. 9. Comparison of the predicted acceleration spectrum of CB08 and AS97 for Mw7.0, VS30 = 760 m/s and different distances to corresponding results of this study.

Fig. 10. Comparison of the predicted acceleration spectrum of CB08 and AS97 for R = 20 km, VS30 = 760 m/s and different magnitudes to corresponding results of this study.

the amount of spectral acceleration is decreasing. In Fig. 9 which ground motions for Mw = 6 are more substantial in the new model.
distance is constant and magnitude varies from 5 to 8, the values However, there is a growth trend for short periods in Mw = 5 and a
of spectral acceleration are showing the same trend, and by rising decline for extended periods.
Mw, Sa values increases. Fig. 9 shows that the median spectra from
this model are very similar to the spectra from the previous model
of CB08 an AS97. There are not any significant differences between 5. Conclusions
all models in this diagram. In all distances, the current model leads
to lower median ground motion at short periods and long periods. In this study, a new constructive hybrid method combining a
In Fig. 10, the models are in close agreement with Mw = 7, but genetic algorithm, neural network, and regression analysis called
the new model leads to smaller ground motions for Mw = 8. The GA-NN-RA is employed to derive a GMMs for ground motion
588 M. Akhani et al. / Measurement 138 (2019) 578–589

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