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DATE: 6th September , 2018

Assignment: Women Security In Bangladesh

Submitted To:
Dr. Shireen Huq (SnH)
Submitted By:
Istiaque Hossain Tushar
Table Of Contents:
Section 1

1.1 Introduction:
In Asian countries, specially in Bangladesh, Women are not secured. Everyday there is news
of physical violence, sexual assault, or rape. In transports like bus, CNG or even at home
women are not safe. And this insecurity is becoming a big social problem in our society.
Women are viewed as a product of sexual enjoyment to the male attitudes. As a result,
violence is considered as a normal phenomenon from men’s perspective. Women suffer from
domestic violence, rape, dowry death, sexual harassment, suicide, forced marriage,
trafficking, psychological trauma, and financial oppression. There is almost no security for

1.2 Statement of the Problem:

According to the recent census, Bangladesh is one of the seven countries in the world where
men exceed women in terms of number. The population has traditionally been religious, and
women are mostly judged on the basis of their adherence to religious rituals. Societal
heights are mainly occupied by men in rural areas, whereas in urban areas the scenario is a
little better for women. Again, there is a lack of security for women’s travelling from
workplace, no transport facilities are provided for them travelling at night, no housing
facilities for migrant workers from rural areas and no institutionalized codes of conduct to
enable the workplace to overcome some of the negative cultural perceptions of women.

1.3 Hypothesis:

Lack of awareness, perverted/aggressive mentality, lack of respect of men towards condition

women etc. are some of the major causes for which women are not safe/ secured in
Bangladesh. Also, there is no strict law and punishment which would improve the security
condition for women in Bangladesh. It is the duty of the government to provide security for
its citizens, specially women. Women’s also need to learn defensive measures to protect
themselves like, keeping paper spray, learning karate, judo etc. Men need to have respect
towards women and always rise up/stand up if they see any incident regarding violence or
1.4 Significance of Research:
The significance of the research is to identify the reasons of this poor condition of women
security, establishing the causes of violence and assaults, suggesting preventive measures to
improve the security of women in Bangladesh.

1.5 Literature Reviews:

1. Zaman, H. (2nd January,1999) ,Violence against Women in Bangladesh: Issues and

Responses, Women’s Studies International Forum, V.22, Issue 1, pg 37-48. Retrieved

This article deals with various forms of violence & their shared links and common roots
in the sociopolitical and ideological relationship between men and women in Bangladesh
society. It raises issues inherent in considering the complexity of violence and presents
cases of resistance against violence.

2. Ahmed , I. (2004) “Women, Bangladesh and International Security: Methods Discourses

and politics, ” Banglabazar, Dhaka: The University Press Limited.

This book deals with the challenge that women face specially with their security in
Bangladesh as well as internationally. With themes as diverse as women’s voice,
insecurity, religion, law etc. the book challenges the so-called traditional role of women,
that is keeping themselves within the domain of the home, and make them active agents

3. Peace Direct (21st April,2009). “Women and violence in Bangladesh”. Retrieved from

This report talks about women to step up for themselves. As in reality, there are walls of
gender discriminations and sexual orientation in women’s sector. To confront this issue,
women need to step up, especially in Bangladesh, where women are not only primary
victim of violence and conflict, but also hold the key to the upbringing of children.
Section 2

Data Analysis:
 Participants profile: The bulk data was collected via survey and some online sources.
In order to do my research, the first source was a survey conducted on a group of students
of North South University and other institutions. In total 37 students participated in this
I also took the interview of an expert who is a counsellor at a well renowned school in
 Target age group:
I conducted the survey among four age groups. The age groups were 15-18 years of age,
19-23 years of age, 24-26 years and 26-30 years of age.
Among them, 81.1% were within the age group of 19-23 years, 8.1 % were within 23-26
years group, 5.4% within the age group of 26-30years and 15-18years.
The questionnaire focused on the questions related to the research topic. Questions were
written in English and was multiple choice. According to their answers, the charts are
Data Analysis 1:
The pie chart below shows out of those 37 respondents how many think women security in
Bangladesh is sufficient or not.

From the chart we can see that 97% respondents thinks women security in Bangladesh is not
sufficient and 3% thinks its sufficient.
Data Analysis 2:
The pie chart below shows the view of the respondents about the probable reasons for women
being harassed.

Among them, 48.6% thinks the reason is that women do not get enough respect in the society.
37.8% thinks the reason is men’s mentality about being superior to women. The rest thinks
influence of adult films, men are pervert, sex deprivation are also reasons for women being
harassed. 1 respondent thinks both women and men are responsible!

I kept a section containing 3 questions for GIRLS ONLY to answer.

Data Analysis 3:
The first question was if they think they are safe on road alone after 9pm. Their response is
stated below:
100% girls responded that they don’t think they are safe on road alone after 9pm!
Data Analysis 4:
The second question was if they would stay out after 9pm with aa boy/male friend and totally
feel secure that he will not harm her.

65% girls think they will not feel totally secure and 35% thinks they will feel secure that their
boy/male friend will not harm them.

Data Analysis 5:
The third question for them was WHY they will / will not feel secure to stay out with a boy/male
friend after 9pm.
Some of the answers are stated in their own language:
 Men mentality in our country.
 Trust issue
 If they are there they can save me from any kind of incident...
 I will be out after 9pm just with the people I know
 Only if that friend is that much trustable
 They don't respect a girl, they only have lust... they raped girl for no reason...they raped
and murdered...but in our country they don't get punishment, they are free....
 Because I'd definitely stay with someone I trust
 You can never know what’s on anyone’s mind and there have been cases of rape and
abuse by trustworthy friends and family in the past.
 because I have trust issue in this society
 I don’t trust any person if he is none but my husband & also don’t trust our society
 Cause even if he is my friend or anyone else I don’t know what’s in his mind that’s why

I also kept a section containing 3 questions for BOYS ONLY to answer.

Data Analysis 6:
The first question was if they will be able to/will provide security to the girl next to him on road.

Out of 22 respondents, 72% boys said that they will be able to/will provide security to the girl
next to them on road.
Data Analysis 7:
The second question was WHY will they provide security to the girl next to him on road.
Some of the respondent’s answers are given below in their own language:
 I will try my best!!! A girl next to me on road can be my sister or anyone else! Because of
being human! If there is any humanity exist in my mind, i will definitely do my best to
safe that girl! I try to give respect to all the girl!
 yes sure, because it is all about humanity :)
 if the road is not safe, that is kind of my duty.
 Cause no one is trustworthy
 It's not about the gender, everybody deserves security on the roads.
 Cause not everybody is good
 Because I would have done the same if the girl next to me was my friend or sister. No
matter if the girl is known to me or not but the thing that matters is I will try to protect
and secure women and women rights. Because they are a vital part of our society
 Because she is someone else's daughter or someone's sister
 I would like to, but don't know how. I would be willing to learn how to help women.
 As I respect women
 Even my own mother, sister, wife, girlfriend could be in that place at that time needing
security. Not being there myself, I would hope/ expect someone right next to them to
provide that security. Same goes with me. As simple as that.
 I think it's one of my duty, no matter what are my relation with that girl/women but a real
man will never accept any wrong incident to the ladies
 If I am not able to give my security then how would I give her?
 I will be able to provide security in exchange of getting a good beating.

Data Analysis 8:
The third question was to their opinion, why do men harm women.
Some of the respondent’s answers are given below in their own language:
 It is a psychological disorder
 Sick mentality
 Because of the deteriorated mentality
 Because they are coward
 Only to fulfill their lust....
 Personal insecurities and social stigmas
 Sex deprivation
 Sexual desires
 As the men of our society think themselves superior to women they take advantage of the
weakness of the women who are helpless and alone without proper social rights and
 They think they have the upper hand in everything
 Sick mentality and thinking of being superior to women
 Since I believe I’m not one of those who would cause harm to a women so I don’t why
some men have this tendency. But I’m guessing frustration
 Bangladesh is mainly a patriarchal society, which is unfortunate. Many men fail to see
women as individual human beings who deserve to be respected, and this should not be
the case.
 Lack of respect
 None can say with absolute clarity that only women get abused by men. But yes, being a
male dominant society, the rate of a woman being abused by man is far greater than the
opposite. It's not just the domination that's causing it. Lack of ethical education, respect
and responsibilities towards women, poor enforcement of laws, negligence, age old
cultural superstitions all these things give momentum to abuse/harm women.

The next three questions were for everyone to answer.

Data Analysis 9:
The pie chart below shows the response of the respondents on the question regarding if the
current Bangladeshi law and order are enough to provide security to women.
Among all the respondents, 83% respondents think Bangladesh’s current law and order are not
enough to provide security to women, 2.75 thinks they are enough and 13.5% thinks the current
law and order maybe able to provide security to women.

Data Analysis 10:

The respondents were asked to rate on a scale of 1-5 the influence of adult film on increasing
rape incidence.

21.6% respondents rated 5 on the influence of adult films on increasing rape incidents. 24.3 %
rated 4, 13.5% rated 2,10.8% rated 1 and the highest, 29.7% rated 3 out of 5 about the influence
of adult film in increasing rape incidents.
Data Analysis 11:
The last question of the survey was what were the possible reasons for not decreasing violence
against women. The pie chart below shows the respondent’s answers.

32.4% respondents think neglected mentality of society towards women is the possible cause for
not decreasing violence against women. 10.8% thinks men thinking themselves superior to wmen
is a possible reason, and the rest 56.8% respondents thinks Lack of proper/severe punishment is
the possible reasons for not decreasing violence against women!

I took a short interview of one of the counsellor of International Turkish Hope School, Tammat
Binte Mizan asking a few questions regarding women security . First I asked her if she ever had
any female student coming to her after being harassed or being bullied. She said she used to have
1-2 cases monthly, a few times weekly even. She thinks men’s mentality about being superior to
women, male dominance culture etc. plays a vital role for the lack of security of women in
Bangladesh. According to her, measures like formulating strict law regarding any sort of
violence , awareness increasing campaigns should be organized by the government. People
should be responsible about their action and behavior towards women and be aware of the
negative impact of violence against women. She suggests her students to participate in awareness
campaigns, learn Judo, karate ,to always carry pepper spray for protection.
Section 3
Summary of Findings:

 Women’s are not 100% secured .

 Current Bangladeshi law & order are not enough to provide security to women.
 One of the major reason of violence against women is that men’s mentality of being
superior to women.
 Women should learn karate, judo & always carry pepper spray with them for self-
 Lack of proper/severe punishment is a big reason for not decreasing violence against
 Adult films have a big influence on the increase of rape incidents in our country.

 Skill & defense training for women.
 Every year, government should conduct study on violence against women with the
 Women should be given chance to prove that they are equal to men, like allowing to do
jobs, increasing economic status etc.
 Mentality of society needs to be changed and women should be given proper respect.

Security for women is decreasing day by day in our country. From home to roads, nowhere
women are safe. Its high time government should take some big and serious steps regarding the
security of women issue. Government should maintain ZERO TOLERANCE policy in this cases
and punish the criminals to set example for others so that they do not dare to engage in any
unacceptable act violating the security of women.

1. Zaman, H. (2nd January,1999) ,Violence against Women in Bangladesh: Issues and
Responses, Women’s Studies International Forum, V.22, Issue 1, page 37-48. Retrieved
2. Peace Direct (21st April,2009). “Women and violence in Bangladesh”. Retrieved from

Women Security in Bangladesh

1. Name *

2. Occupation *

3. Gender

4. Age *

5. Do you think women security is sufficient in


6. Why do you think women are being harassed *

Men's mentality about being superior to women
Influence of adult film
Women do not get enough respect in the


To girls only

7. Do you think you are safe on road alone after 9pm?.


8. Would/Do you stay out after 9 pm with a boy/male friend and totally feel secure that he
will not harm you?

Yes No

9. Why?

To boys only

10.Will you be able to/ will you provide security to the girl next to you on road?

Yes No


12.To you, why do men harm women?

For everyone

13. Do you think Bangladesh's current law and order and enough to provide
security to women?

14.On a scale of 1-5, rate how much adult film influences on increasing rape incidence?

1 2 3 4 5

15. Possible reasons for not decreasing violence against women?.

Lack of proper/severe punishment

Neglected mentality of society towards
Men thinks themselves superior to women

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