Model Question Paper OB EPBM

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The perception in many western countries that every muslim youth is a potential terrorist is an example


a) Stereotyping
b) Representative bias
c) Ethnic profiling
d) Anchoring bias

As soon as Kishore’s colleagues in an IT firm heard that he had got admission to a premier IIM,
they said, “Oh now you will forget us. You will only want to associate with other IIM graduates, or rich
and successful people. You will use management jargon and look down on us!” Kishore’s friends seem to
be engaging in:

a. projections
b. stereotypes
c. halo effect
d. selective perception

 According to the article “The Necessary Art of Persuasion” which of the following will undermine
and disable persuasion?

a. Adequate homework about the group who need to be persuaded

b. Framing for common ground
c. Poor credibility
d. Providing evidence

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