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Production is the basic activity of all industrial units. Production is the process by
which goods and services are created. The other word used synonymously with
production is manufacturing. Manufacturing is understood to mean production of only
tangible goods whereas production includes creation of both, tangible goods and
intangible services. All other activities revolve around production activities. The end
product of production activities is the creation of goods and services for the
satisfaction of human wants. Production activity is nothing but step-by-step
conversion of one form of materials into another, either chemically or mechanically.
Production function is the conversion of raw materials into finished products.

 Chart No. 1.2 Process Chart

 Chart No.1.3 Production Flow Process Chart

Marketing is so basic that it cannot be considered as a separate function. Marketing
has been defined in various ways. The definition that serves our purpose best is as
follows: “marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and
groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and exchanging
products of value with others.”

This definition of marketing rests on the following core concepts, needs, wants&
demands, products, value, cost & satisfaction, exchange and transactions, relationship
and networks, markets and marketers and prospects.

“Marketing management is the process of planning and executing the conception,

pricing, promotion & distribution of ideas, good and services to create exchanges that
satisfy individual and organizational goals.” This definition recognizes that marketing
management is a process involving analysis, planning, implementation and control;
that it covers goods, services and ideas; that it rests on the notion of exchange, and
that he goal is to produce satisfaction of the parties involved.

Marketing management takes place when at least one party to a potential exchange
thinks about the means of achieving the desired responses from the other parties.
Marketing management has the task of influencing the level; timing and composition
of demand in a way that will the organization achieve its objectives. Marketing
management is essentially demand management.


FY ’06 expenditure in R&D was Rs. 66mn. Daman plant houses the most modern
R&D centre equipped with various imported sophisticated equipments.

1.R&D efforts put in specific areas for new product development during the year

 Ecological friendly liquid packaging ink system with excellent bond strength
for food packaging.
 Heat set web inks with instant ink/water equilibrium to minimize the paper
 High thermal class and faster cure wire enamels with UL approval
 Eco based sheet-fed process colour inks for high hold out on paper and abroad
for packaging and commercial printing.
 Energy curable screen printing inks on various plastics for OEM

2. Benefits derived as a result of R&D.

The company has successfully developed the previously mentioned technologies and
product listed above and the process of technology. They have resulted:

 Opportunity to expand business in new areas.

 Cost and quality advantage in highly competitive web inks market.
 Product range extensions in enamel coatings, which will increase the market
 Screen inks range expanded to cater high end customers and will act as an
important substitute.

3. Future plan of action.

The Companies R&D is working continuously for the development of new products,
processes and improved formulation to high quality performance inks for different
application to customers worldwide

4. Expenditure on R&D

The company has setup a most modern R&D centre. It has also imported various
sophisticated equipment for R&D and Quality Control System. During the year, the
company has incurred on R&D facilities:

Capital expenditure Rs. 4.85 mn

Recurring expenditure Rs. 61.4 mn

Total expenditure Rs.66.4 mn

Total R&D expenditure as a percentage to total turnover was 0.72%


HRM is a management function concerned hiring, motivating and maintaining people

in the organization. It focuses on people in the organization. The primary objective of
the HRM is to ensure the availability of the competent and willing workforce to an
organization. HRM is not a standalone department, but rather a means to assist the
organization with its primary objective.

Whereas HRD is a function more concerned with training and development, career
planning and development and organization development. Therefore, HRD is a part of

At Hubergroup , the HRM activities include:

 HR planning
 Job analysis and design
 Recruitment and selection
 Orientation and placement
 Training and development [proposed]
 Job evaluation and Performance appraisal
 Remuneration
 Safety and health
Let us now try and understand each of these functions in the general aspect as well as
how does the company does it.

 Chart No. 1.4 HR Process

The primary purpose of any business is to earn profits. To earn profit, the business has
to produce goods or render services. To do either, management of business must have
adequate supply of funds. It is the responsibility of the finance department to ensure
the supply of the needed funds.

Financial management is the application of planning and control to the finance

function of a business to ensure that the funds needed are raised and used effectively
for its benefits. Financial management means procurement of funds at minimum cost
and its effective use in order to maximize the wealth of shareholders.

 Chart No.1.5 Finance Chart


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