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Unit 1

Unit 1 Extension
1 Complete the text with these words.

Adela’s explorer she holiday husband I moment my our their thirty-four wife work

Hi. My name’s Ivor Nash. I’m American but I’m not there very often because I travel all the time. How old
am I? I’m thirty - four. My wife, Adela, and I are similar in many ways. She is an explorer. She’s from the
same town as me, but she’s in East Africa at the moment. I’m in New Zealand for two weeks, but I’m not here
for work.
I’m on holiday with the children. Adela´s sister and her husband live in Auckland. Their son and
our children are great friends.

2 Complete the New Zealand immigration form for Ivor.

1 First name Ivor

2 Surname Nash
3 Age Thirty - four
4 Country United States
5 Job Travel
6 Marital status Married
7 Purpose of trip work / holiday

3 What questions does the customs officer ask for each part of the immigration form 1–7 in Exercise 2?

1 What is your name?

2 What is your surname ?
3 How old are you?
4 What is the name of the country where you currently live?
5 What is your job?
6 What is your marital status?
7 What is the purpose of the trip?
Work/ holiday

4 You are at the airport in Auckland. Complete the immigration form.

1 First name Evelyn

2 Surname Acán
3 Age nineteen
4 Country Ecuador
5 Job Student
6 Marital status Single
7 Purpose of trip work / holiday

Life Elementary © National Geographic Learning

Unit 1 Extension
5 Work in pairs. Take it in turns to be the customs officer. Ask questions to complete the form with your partner’s

1 First name Stefanie

2 Surname Torres
3 Age twenty-nine
4 Country Ecuador
5 Job in the restaurant
6 Marital status Married
7 Purpose of trip work / holiday

6 Work in groups of four. Take it in turns to introduce your partner to the other students.
Her name is Joselyn Chasi
He is 19 years old
She is from latacunga
She is a student

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