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Flight Control Replay Professional Edition

Flight Control Replay Professional Edition (P3DX
Enhanced version)

Flight Control Replay is a software that it permits to record and play flight situation in
PREPAR3D v4 / v3 /v3 /v1, Microsoft FSX, FSX:SE, Microsoft ESP.

Since FlightControlReplay v4 version installer package contains 2

version of FlightControlReplay Professional Edition:

 FlightControlReplay.EXE it works with all version of simulator

engine (PREPAR3D v4 / v3 /v3 /v1, Microsoft FSX, FSX:SE,
Microsoft ESP)
 FlightControlReplayP3DX.EXE (P3D Enhanced version) it
works with Prepar3d v3 and v4 in a native way , using new
Prepar3d SDK and optimizing replay algorithm for Replay and
for PlayASAI feature reducing jitter and improving

FlightControlReplay.EXE version needs .Microsoft .NET Framework

3.5 SP1 and it is required for running FlightControlReplay (not included
but downlodable at
5D1A-413D-8319-81DA479AB0D7&displaylang=en ).

FlightControlReplayP3DX.EXE P3DX Enhanced native version needs

.NET Framework 4.6.2

For other PREREQUISITES please read below at the end of this

Flight Control Replay main Features are:

- Re-Live InstantReplay. User while flying, using FlightControlReplay in

InstantReplay mode, can go backward for last 2 minutes of his flight and if he want , he can
Button. (Below a screen)
NEW with v4

- Rendering Video (Alpha). User can start Video Render pushing dedicated
command bar button. In that way FlightControlReplay starts video capture of Simulator
Main Camera View. At this time this feature is in Alpha stage. Video render creates an AVI
file uncompressed in Windows User Pictures folder, named with a TimeStamp of start video
rendering. In Options Dialog, User can change FramePerSecond of rendering (15-30) and
Quality recording percentage (10-100). FILE AVI IS UNCOMPRESSED (ALPHA) AND
CAN BE VERY BIG. This feature can be very useful for video makers used both with

- PMDG 737 / 777 / 747 enhanced recording and playing. User

can record and replay his Flight using PMDG planes with more accuracy.
NEW with v4
- InGame Menu. User can use FlightControlReplay v4 main features also using a
very useful InGame Menu directly displayed inside Simulators. For example User can Load a
FlightRecorded, Start stop and pause replay, start and stop video rendering, resume his
previous flight. (Below a screen)

NEW with v4

- InGame Dynamic Text during Replay. User can write Notes at any point
in a Replay Flight loaded in FCR using Dynamic Text buttons that appears below Yellow
Slider when User loads Flight Recorded. At this manner User will able to pause Flight
Recorded at a custom point into timeline and clicking DynamicText edit button or delete
button User can add , modify or delete notes. This Notes will be visible in FCR User Interface
and also in Simulator playing Replay Flight. Dynamic Text can be customized via FCR
Option dialog (Show duration in Seconds, Text Type and Text Color). (Below a screen)

NEW with v4

- PlayAsAI (Alpha Optimized using FlightControlReplay

P3DX Enhanced Native version). User can choose and play your preferred
Recorded Flight as AI Traffic. You have all options available that you already have in
standard playing mode, change simulation rate on the fly or use User Interface Yellow Slider
for choose exactly where your AI Traffic can start his flight. You can manage more than one
recorded flight as AI Traffic using more than one instance of FCR addon at the same time.
NEW with v4
FSFX Immersion effects in his airplane! Also during FlightControlReplay Play!

- MAJESTIC Q400 ENHANCED SUPPORT User can Record and Play

Flight Situation also with this fantastic plane! Thanks to Majestic
Software collaboration!

- HELICOPTER ENHANCEMENTS User can Record and Play Flight

Situation also with Helicopter!




Flight Situation also with !

- PlayMode Simulation Rate. Use can modify SimulationRate (during the

PlayMode) using 4 buttons in main UI (2x,8x,Slow and Fast). This it permits to compose a
video or analize in a better way a flight manouvers. NEW with v3.5

- Introduce Multi Instaces. Thanks to the system architecture renewed now you
can manage more than one instance of FCR at the same time. NEW with v3.5

- Customizable Record FrameRate (FPS). User can now choose at which

FrameRate want record flight situation. FPS allowed are from 0 to 99.

- Custom Altitude Trigger Value for Start Recording. User can

choose at which Altitude (Above or Below) the system can start record flight.

- XBOX ONE S CONTROLLER support for move timeline slider and / or

map buttons for Play / Record / Stop / Pause features.

- Voice Command Recognition for all record and play features

of FCR. Now you can speak to software and it records, player, go forward and go
backward according with your voice command.
- Record a flight situation and also your voice during flight.
- Record an flight info with unlimited length (Aircraft model , position, heading, bank
- Simulation Variables recorded:
 Plane Latitude
 Plane Longitude
 Plane Altitude
 Plane Pitch Degrees
 Plane Bank Degrees
 Plane Heading Degrees True
 Flaps
 Gear
 Brake Position
 Engines Throttle Position
 Fuel Tanks Level
 World reference position
 Airspeed
 Ground Altitude on instruments
 Sim On Ground
 Smoke Effects
 Main Exit effects (Opening/Closing)
 INNER Marker, Outer Marker, Middle Marker
 Concorde Visor Nose Handle
 Much More...

Note: Not all variables littles above are supported by all addon aircraft

- Play / Pause saved Recorded flight in original Flight Situation (if available).
- Fast forward backward play.
- Start flight from an entry point of a recorded flight that user can define.
- User can choose sample rate for record a flight (6 times per second , 1 time per second,
Custom Visual Frame per second, every 4 seconds and Automatic ).
- Zoom In and Zoom Out flight simulator point of view from FCR client.
- User can change camera view from FCR client.
- Stop playback at any position to continue manually with FCR yellow slider.
- Show time stamp inside Flight simulator during play.
- User can define an hardware shortcut for start / stop recording, start / stop playing and
forward and backward (this is useful if users use full screen FlightSim option)
- User can choose custom file path where FCR put file with flight recorded (.FCR and all
Flight Simulator files attached)

When you start FlightControlReplay it will connect with your Flight Simulator(if it is running)
otherwise you can connect FCR by click Connect Button.

Connect …
Use this for make a connection between Microsoft flight simulator and Flight Control Replay.

Use this for load a playback .FCR file previously saved. When User choose a file Microsoft Flight
Simulator initialize it. For start a playback user can press PLAY Button (for automatically
continuos play) or drag yellow slider (for manual play).

Command Bar Buttons:

 Plus Button : Increase Zoom

 Minus Button : Decrease Zoom
 Cam : Take Screens
 Microphone: disable/enable “on-the-fly” voice recognition
 Red / Green Circle Arrow : Re-Live Instant Replay Enabled (GREEN Circle Arrow) -
Re-Live Instant Replay Disabled(RED Circle Arrow). During Re-Live InstantReplay
ENABLED , Yellow Timeline Slider will be at the right end of the same slider (see
picture below). This it permits User go back with slider and Re-Live previous minutes of
his flight. If Re-Live mode is Enabled User can't use Flight Recording feature at the
same time. But User can click Record button or Record Menu item in Simulator for
start a flight record switching mode between Re-Live mode and Recording Mode.

 Red / Green VideoCam: Video Rendering NOT STARTED (RED) - Video Rendering
STARTED (GREEN). Video Rendering capture your Main Simulator UI View using
configuration parameters defined in Options window.
 Slow 8x – 2x : Playback of recorded flight will go in slowmotion (8x: 1/8 2x 1/2).Useful
also for Video Rendering Capture
 Slow 8x – 2x : Playback of recorded flight will go in fastmotion (2x: x2 speed 8x: x8
speed). Useful also for Video Rendering Capture
Options and Features details

In Options dialog the user can manage all this settings.

Choose Sample Rate: User can choose a sample rate for record a flight (every one second, every 4
seconds, 6 times / seconds, Automatic and NEW FramePerSeconds).

The option Frame per second permits choose a FramePerSecond speed value FPS for
recording/playing situation! User can choose his preferred FPS number writing directly.

The option Automatic permits an automatic retrieving of frame rate for record and play a flight
Start recording automatically if you fly (above or below) determinated Altitude: Using this options
and writing an altitude value a user establish that system start recording above or below configured
altitude. User at the beginning of session MUST press Record Button from UserInterface. After that
the system manage correctly when start real recording.

Choose Default File Path for recorded flight: User can choose if a recorded flight file will be
saved in a custom location with a default file name (YearMonthDay.FCR format) or in default
location (the same directrory where FCR is installed with a custom user defined file name).

Automatically export flight data for GOOGLE Earth 3d and Maps Format (KML File): User can
choose to save automatically when record a flight a new file with same name as flight recorded for
view it in GOOGLE EARTH 3D (or Google Maps). With this feature user can view 3D
rendering of recorded flight in GOOGLE EARTH 3D and analyse it!!!

Record Audio During Flight Recording: User can choose an input audio hardware (ex.
Microphone) to record both audio and flight data.

Play Recorded Audio during Play Mode: User can choose to play recorded audio during a flight
replay or not.

Parameters for Render Video Recording: User can choose FPS (Frame per second) and Quality
(10-100). These parameters allow User to start a video rendering (into an uncompressed AVI file)
that will be saved into Pictures folder of the Windows User folder OR if you don’t have Access
Rights in local folder where FCR is installed. File Name can be choosed using Save window dialog
that it shows visible when user click on the VideoCamera button or in In-Game Menu’ . This
feature is Alpha stage with only uncompressed AVI support. More to come in next Service Packs!
Below you can see shortcut for Start and Stop Video Rendering in Simulator Main User Interface

Parameters for Show Dynamic Text: User can customize Text Type(SCROLL or FIXED TEXT
and TEXT COLORS) and Duration In Seconds of dynamic text that User can insert in already
opened Flight Recorded file. User can insert Text(via Button below yellow timeline slider) in every
Time stamp included in Flight Recorded timeline. This Text will show itself starting frame selected
until DurationInSecond ends. Users see Text both in Simulator and in FCR Main UI.

Below you can see Dynamic Text Button for add text during playback and Delete Dynamic Text for
delete text directly from UI:
Below you can see DynamicText rendering during playback in Simulator Main User Interface:

Voice Recognition(en-US) for record and play actions: User can enable a voice recognition feature
that it allows him to use FlightControlReplay with human voice. In this version voice recognition
recognize these commands:

 “Record” word for start Record

 “Stop” word for stop record
 “Stop Play” for stop play mode and reinitialize flight recorded.
 “Play” for play flight recorded and also for resume from a pause.
 “Pause” for pause flight recorded.
 “Forward” for go forward
 “Backward” for go backward.

Set Device Button shortcuts for in-flight actions: User can choose a device from combo box and
after should press Assign . After that user can press an hardware keys combination for define 4
hardware key shortcuts for:

 start/stop a flight recording or stop play a recorded flight

 play/pause a recorded flight
 fast forward
 fast backward

 Slider Back (Button for moving backward yellow slider for navigate into recorded frames)
 Slider Forw (Button for moving forward yellow slider in main UI for navigate into recorded

After user pressed the hardware combination should press Confirm button and after Save button,
close Configuration Dialog and press Disconnect and after Connect button in menu for apply all
changes. Please for Apply Changes Disconnect and Reconnect FlightControlReplay client via
Main UI button.

This new feature is added in this v1.1 .When you Load a previously saved flight situation with this
option user can export a custom file for view flight recorded in GOOGLE

Record Button
If user press Record Button there will be two different behaviour. If user choose a default file path
for a recorded file in Options Dialog , after press Record button , the flight recording will start
immediately otherwise after press Record button will show a dialog that it permits choose a file
name and a path for flight record data.

Stop Button
If user press Stop button once, while playback is running, FCR stop playback and freeze
If the user press Stop Button twice (while playback is running or when playback is freezed by a
single click on Stop Button) Microsoft Flight Simulator or Prepar3d close playback session and the
normal flight and Load previous situation before played a recorded flight.
ONLY DURING RE-LIVE INSTANT REPLAY MODE: If User Press "Stop" Button restart
his flight from datetime that selected moving Yellow Slider.

Yellow Slider
If User drag the Yellow Slider ,when Playback is in pause , he can manual playback a recorded
flight and / or choose a new start point in time line for init a playback session (with aPlay Button
During a playback session yellow slider move forward and under time line it will be show Altitude ,
Pitch and Heading parameters of Airplane during all time of the recorded flight.

Play Button
If User press Play Button , FCR start with a playback session.

Forward and Backward Buttons

If User want to play backward or forward frame can use these two buttons for do that.

Microphone Button
If User want to disable/enable “on-the-fly” voice recognition can use this button for do that directly
in main UI.

Installation and Run Tips:

 Flight Control Replay must be used with Administrator privilege (Run as Administrator) in
Windows Vista and Windows 7.
 Before installation of FlightControlReplay you must install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.
 It is a best practice record and play a flight situation with a Fixed Frame per seconds
(not using Unlimited Frame per Second option in FSX settings)
 It is a best practice adjust Frame per second values in options dialog when you play a
recorded flight situation in another machine with different performance.
 Use Flight Control Replay with Administrator privileges in your Windows machine. This is
possible with Run As Administrator option (right click on FlightControlReplay.exe and
after click Rus as Administrator).


 Lockheed Martin Prepar3d v1 - v2 - v3 , Microsoft Flight Simulator X with Service Pack

2 or Acceleration Pack installed in the
same machine of FlightControlReplay.
 Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 , Windows 8.1, Windows 10
 In Speech Properties of Windows set Language property like this screenshot
Microsoft Speech Recognizer for Windows(English – US)
 .NET Framework 3.5 (not included but downlodable at
8319-81DA479AB0D7&displaylang=en )
 .NET Framework 4.6.2 FOR FlightControlReplay v4 P3DX Enhanced Native
 10 MB available in hard disk
 PDF reader installed in your computer.

 If you have issue with PMDG animations please try advice to make these steps that
PMDG recommended between one flight and another (in our case between the flight
recorded and a load of replay with the same PMDG airplane).

1. After stop recording PMDG session and before Load flight recorded via FCR, please
quit P3D4.

2. Start P3D4 and choose default flight and wait till this is fully loaded.

3. Then on top of that load the saved flight from FCR and the correct PMDG replay
will show up.

 If you have issue when you click in Option menu item try to delete
SimFrameworkOption.xml file in your application folder.

 If you use PMDG 777 , Aerosoft Airbus series MAY BE issue playing surfaces
animations. Try disable ELAC2 (PMDG/Aerosoft) or only for Aerosoft Airbus series
only disable FlyByWire before Load a flight situation to play (from FCR) . For disable
FlyByWire go into Copilot MCDU (Options->FlyByWire->OFF).

 If you use FlightControlReplay v4 P3DX Enhanced version you ll have Native

experience for Prepar3D ! FlightControlReplayP3DX.EXE works only with Prepar3d.
If you want use FSX launch FlightControlReplay.EXE

 If software crash starting or when you click “Option” button please check if you have
installed (PREREQUISITES):

o SimConnect Managed
Install Simconnect.MSI available into your P3D main folder in this path
redist\Interface\FSX-SP2-XPACK\retail\lib or if you use FSX Steam Edition in your
Steam main folder in this path steamapps\common\FSX\SDK\Core Utilities
Kit\SimConnect SDK\LegacyInterfaces\FSX-XPACK

o Directx_Jun2010_redist

o VisualStudio 2008 C++ redist

o .NET FRAMEWORK 3.5 for FlightControlReplay v4

o .NET FRAMEWORK 4.6.2 for FlightControlReplay v4 P3DX Enhanced Native

If not please download and install these.

Contact Info:

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