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Family and cultural diversity

Institutional affiliation

Information Page

Colorado Trust .1600 Sherman street-Denver, Colorado 80203-1604

303-837-1200 or 888-847-9140


Peter Alexandra- director, Martin Moses- project manager, and Elsie Marion- communications


Family and Cultural Diversity

Colorado Trust is a community-based organization located in Colorado that is dedicated to

ensuring all the citizens get the opportunity to thrive. The Trust partners with other community-

based organizations and well-wishers to make a positive change in the communities in Colorado.

Additionally, the Trust provides funding and resources to the communities in Colorado so that

people can make decisions on how they can improve their lives and those of their neighbors.

Colorado Trust believes the policies set by the state and local government should have a positive

impact on all citizens. Therefore, the Trust provides sponsorship and support to organizations

that advocate for policies that will ensure all people in Colorado live healthier lives. The vision

of the organization is to make sure that all people in Colorado have equal and fair opportunities

to live more robust regardless of their race, income, and ethnicity, and where they live. The

Colorado Trust implements and monitors social and economic programs. Additionally,

Colorado's Trust provides technical help to the communities in Colorado. Colorado's Trust also

works to change the rural areas by improving the health and nutrition status of the people of

Colorado. Some of the programs Colorado trust hold are health and education, micro-finance,

and microenterprise.

While I was at the Colorado Trust, I was able to work with a team that organized the various

community-based activities. I helped the team in the planning and running of the community

programs. During this time, I was able to interact with people from different communities. I was

also lucky to be part of the team that approved the proposals for grants of the day. Additionally, I

worked closely with the program director, who also showed me how to plan and execute


During community programs, I was able to interact with global families and immigrants. There

are immigrants and people from other countries in Colorado. I was able to communicate and

have a talk with them to understand their cultural perspectives about some perspectives. My

work in executing community-based programs helped me to understand some of the international

families found in Colorado. These programs helped understand the aspect of poverty and

inequality on global families. Some of the grants that I had the opportunity to revise were

directed to support the international families and immigrants who were experiencing poverty.

The ecological system theory states that an individual encounter with different environments

thought out his life will automatically influence their behaviors. The approach also explains how

the inherent attributes of children and the environment they interact with influences on how they

grow. In society, children find themselves interacting with different ecosystems from home up to

when they start going to school. Each of the environments they interact with will affect how they

behave. There are four types of setting an individual will encounter when growing up, which are

microsystems, mesosystems, macrosystems, and ecosystem.

The microsystem is the most proximal ecological level, which includes the settings in which a

person directly interact. Additionally, the microsystem is the direct environment that we have in

our lives. An individual family, friend, neighbors, classmates, and teachers are believed to have

direct contact with them. This group will affect how a child will grow. Furthermore, the reaction

of children in this system will influence how they will react when they are with other children.

Additionally, more nurturing and supportive relationships will foster child development

positively. Some of Colorado programs are structured to help individuals and children in

Colorado. Therefore, the operations by Colorado t4rust will influence an individual positively.

Its applications are well designed to improve an individual's life. These activities presented to

families and children will eventually affect how they react with other people and behave when

present in different environments. The experience that the community gets from Colorado's Trust

will influence how they treat each other.

Mesosystem is the process that occurs during the interaction between multiple microsystems.

This system involves communication between school and home, family, and community, and

when an individual interacts with their peer group. In cases where parents are included in the

friendships of their children, child development will be affected positively. Colorado's Trust has

a significant impact on the people of Colorado. The activities are done by Trust influences how

individuals develop. An example is sponsorship to improve a person's life. This act by the Trust

will influence an individual life positively. Additionally, Colorado has equal opportunities for all

families and individuals in Colorado.

The exosystem is the next level whereby individuals are involved, but they are not directly

embedded. This system goes down to influence the development of an individual involved in

other people's lives. Most families in Colorado expose their children to activities that they are

familiar with. One of essential Colorado's Trust key aspects is to make all families and

individuals feel important. If a community does something, it must make a difference. The

organizations work together with the community and other organizations. Additionally, The

Colorado Trust brings people together regardless of their different backgrounds. The sponsorship

given to global families and immigrants in Colorado will impact their lives positively.

Communities that Colorado trust operate in will also be influenced positively by the organization

programs to improve the wellbeing of people.

The macrosystem is composed of individual cultural patterns and norms. The social class and

culture of an individual are essential macro systems influencing various activities. Participating

in programs aligned with an individual's cultural beliefs has positive influences on the person.

Several government policies constrain the financing of minority groups and global families

experiencing poverty. However, Colorado trust sponsorship and grants are fair for all people

living in Colorado. These activities will improve the lives of families and individuals.

The chronosystem demonstrates the influence of change and constancy on an individual

environment. This system includes the difference in the structure of a family, status, and the

changes happening in society. Furthermore, chronosystem shows the diversity of interrelated

activities influencing the development of and individual. Colorado trust programs and activities

are designed to improve the lives of families and individuals in Colorado. Events like family

sponsorship will influence their children positively. The children will go to school, and that will

change how they interact with other people.

The exposure to different environment influences an individual's behavior. Families and

individuals should understand the importance of studying multiple environments to understand

their developments. Furthermore, the process of individual development is defined by ecological

theory. Community-based organizations should work hard to improve the lives of people.

Additionally, organizations should be far from all people in the community. Governments should

actively support Community-based organizations as they improve the lives of people.

Additionally, organizations should partner to help solve a common issue affecting society.



Job title

Peter Alexandra



Dear Alexandra,

As you already know, my project ends today, and I would like to take this time to thank you for

the opportunity and support during my time in Colorado Trust.

I have learned a lot of things and gained enough knowledge that was otherwise not possible. I am

also proud of the things that I have achieved for a short time. This was indeed a unique

experience that I did not want it to end.

I hope that I can get the opportunity to work with Colorado Trust again in the future; until then, I

would like to wish you the best of luck and success.

Best Regards

University of Colorado Denver

School of Education & Human Development
Human Development and Family Relations (HDFR) Program: Service Learning Timesheet

Student Name: _______________________________________________

Student Email Address: _______________________________________________________
Community Based Organization Name: __________________________________________
Name of Volunteer Coordinator: ________________________________________________
Phone or Email of Volunteer Coordinator: ___________________________________________

Date Timed served Type of service Coordinator signature

Total Number of Hours Served: Coordinator Signature:

I certify by my signature below that I have served __________ hours as part of the Service-
Learning assignment for HDFR ______________. I understand that providing false information
on my timesheet may result in a loss of points for this assignment.

Student Signature: ________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________

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