LO4 Unit 4 Guidelines

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LO4 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between leadership

and management in a contemporary business environment

Here you need to select and explain in details at least two of these factors
(Corporate Social responsibility (CSR)
(Meet stakeholders need )
Values, ethics and sustainability)

Define each factors by add the importance of how these factors impact on
environment and community support your answer by examples (company)

‫يجب على الطالب اختيار اثنين من العوامل داخل بيئة العمل تؤثر على إدارة العمليات مثل (المسؤولية‬
)‫ الثقافة والقيم واألخالق واالستدامة‬, ‫االجتماعية= و اصحاب= المصالح‬

‫تعريف كل مصطلح وتحليل تأثير هذه العوامل على البيئة الداخلية للعمل والمجتمع ادعم اجابتك مع مثال‬
‫عن شركة‬

Critically evaluate by providing advantages and disadvantages the factors you discussed
in the previous criteria on winder business environment and objectives supported by
, ‫ القيم‬,‫ الثقافة‬, ‫تقييم نقدي من خالل اضافة االيجابيات والسلبيات العوامل التي تم شرحها(المسؤؤولية االجتماعية‬
‫ االستدامة) على اعمال واهداف الشركة واضافة الرأي الشخصي للطالب‬, ‫االخالق‬
Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) : is a self-regulating business model that
helps a company be socially accountable—to itself, its stakeholders, and the
public. By practicing corporate social responsibility.
Companies can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects
of society, including economic, social, and environmental.
Corporate social responsibility is a broad concept that can take many forms
depending on the company and industry. Through CSR programs, philanthropy,
and volunteer efforts, businesses can benefit society while boosting their brands.
As important as CSR is for the community, it is equally valuable for a company.
CSR activities can help forge a stronger bond between employees and
corporations; boost morale; and help both employees and employers feel more
connected with the world around them.

impact on company:
impacts a business’ ability to attract top talent and affects employees’ job satisfaction
levels and retention rates. The next generation of workers currently entering the
workforce seek out employers with a clear and effective CSR strategy.
CSR is the way to show the human face of your business. Businesses deal with humans
so you can only connect with them through human language by showing some humanity.
For most businesses, it makes sense to get involved in progression of the community
solely, depending on CSR initiatives related to your product or service.
CSR is the thoughtful and practical way to give back to the society. When businesses are
walking extra miles to do good to the people, do good to the environment and society .
Example of CSR :
 General Electric: The GE Foundation contributed $88 million to community and
educational programs in 2016. They also match contributions by employees and retirees
through their GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program. The foundation’s signature
Developing Health programs focus on health-care access for communities around the
Meet stakeholders needs:
the process of managing stakeholders is an activity of communicating with stakeholders
and managing their expectations for the purpose of meeting the stakeholders needs ,
addressing issues - resolving conflict situations and achieving the project goals

The process is generally based on holding communications and taking change requests to
gathering feedback and make changes to the project documentation.


internal stakeholders of IKEA : (employees) fair salaries, job security, personal

development ,working conditions.

external stakeholders of IKEA : (Customers) quality products , fair prices and good
customer service.

impact of company : employee will be more loyal for the company which contribute on
the company goals and when IKEA meet customers needs this impact positively by
increase their satisfaction and sales.

impact on society: company name will be the trusted one and well known in the market
and will be the one who the customer will think of it first when they want to buy things.


Advantages It improves value and stakeholder's value is

profitability. partially his business
experience and partially his
it assist to bring motivation book of business
among the employees relationships. The business
acumen an experienced
business leader has is
highly beneficial for a
business owner.

Disadvantages It can increase investor’s

resistance. Representing Own Interests

it needs higher costs and

expenses Block Progress

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