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Change Orders & Revisions with Vault Professional,

Inventor & AutoCAD
Christopher Benner
Powell Fabrication & Manufacturing LLC

Mark Lancaster
Synergis Engineering Design Solutions

Learning Objectives
• Set up the Vault Revision Table in Vault, Inventor and AutoCAD.
• Setting up Vault to use Lifecycle to manage Revisions
• Creating an ECO and adding markups.
• Adding the Revision information in the CAD files.

This class will be a discussion & demonstration of using Vault Professional, along with the Vault
Revision table and Engineering Change Orders, to control and document changes to your CAD
documents. Focus will be on Inventor and AutoCAD drawings, but may be applicable in many
other areas. I will show how to set up the Vault Revision table for Inventor & AutoCAD, and how
to use that along with Vault's Engineering Change orders to control and track revision level
drawing changes. This is one important step for maintaining an audit trail of document changes.

Chris Benner: I am the CAD department supervisor at Powell Fabrication & Manufacturing LLC
in St. Louis, Michigan. I have been a mechanical designer and drafter for more than 20 years,
using Autodesk products for most of that time. I am also the Vault administrator at Powell Fab. I
was inducted in the first class of Autodesk Expert Elites and am active on the Autodesk
discussion forums, and I post on my CAD Tips, Tricks & Workarounds blog. I've spoken at
Autodesk University 7 times, including a trip to Moscow in 2014 to speak at AU Russia. My
specialties are Inventor Tube & Pipe and Frame Generator, Content Center and Vault

Mark Lancaster: I am the Product Support Specialist/Help Desk Tech for Synergis Engineering
Design Solution, a gold level Autodesk reseller located in Quakertown PA. My support focus is
centered on Autodesk manufacturing & data management solutions along with Autodesk
subscription/licensing & Autodesk Account management. Although my certification recently
expired, I’ve have held the Autodesk Certified Inventor Professional for the past 5 years, been
an Autodesk Expert Elite for over 3 years now and recently became a certified Autodesk
instructor. Besides assisting Synergis’ customers with product support issues, I also spend
time on the Autodesk Licensing/Installation & Inventor forums assisting other users like
yourself. For Autodesk University, I’ve hosted (or been a co-speaker of) sessions since 2016.

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Vault Revision Table Overview
The Vault Revision table is a tool in Vault Professional that allows you to manage and update
revisions on your design documents, through lifecycle management, using the Vault Job
Processor. This enables you to manage these revisions without having to open each document
in the native CAD program to update the revision table.

Preparing to Use – Vault Professional

To use the Vault Revision Table, there are a number of steps to perform in Vault first. The tool
itself needs to be enabled, revision properties need to be chosen or created, revision schemes
and lifecycle definitions need to be set, and the Vault Job Processor needs to be enabled. For
an overview of Vault and some of the basics of setting it up, refer to these two classes on the
Autodesk University website, Vault overview, and Vault configuration.

Setting up Properties for Revisions

For my class from Autodesk University on managing properties in Vault Professional, please
see this link. In my examples I have set up four user defined properties to control the columns
in the Vault Revision Table. You can simply use existing properties, but you should double
check the mappings on these to ensure they are going to push out to your CAD files. The
images below show one of these property definitions in Vault, as an example.

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In the first example, I am showing the property definition settings. As a user defined property, I
have given it a property name, set its classifications so that it can be mapped to either files or
items, and made sure that it was set to enabled. In this screen you can also set and enforce
other characteristics that we will not cover here, such as a list of values to pick from, or a
minimum and maximum value length.

In the second example, you can see the property mappings to the corresponding custom
properties in the related CAD application (Inventor and/or AutoCAD). IMPORTANT: These
properties must already be created on a file of each type (AutoCAD .DWG or Inventor.
IDW/.DWG) you are mapping, so that a property exists to map to. This means that this step is
out of order for now. We will get into this a bit later, but it is important to note that mapping is a
two-way street.

For the example in this class I am creating (4) user defined properties: RevAuthor,
RevApproved, RevDate & RevText. IMPORTANT: Although the actual property name I’m
using in Vault doesn’t need to match the property name used in the CAD application, keeping a
consistent naming convention throughout will make your life much easier when configuring and
troubleshooting revision table issues. In addition to ensure that these properties are available
for editing on your files later, in Vault Client go to Tools\Administration\Vault
Settings\Behaviors\Categories. Choose the category your files will be associated with, and then
the Properties Tab. On the Properties tab select Assign. A dialog will open with a list of
available properties on the left, and those assigned to the category on the right. Add any
available properties to the list, and they will be available for editing later. You can also manually
add properties to your files one at a time by selecting a file, then on the Actions menu selecting
Add or Remove Property. This is what you will need to do for any files that have already been
assigned to a category before the list of properties for that category was edited. The images
below illustrate these.

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Setting Up the Lifecycle Definition

With the properties created and assigned to a category, now you can look at setting up your
lifecycle definition. This is what will move your files through a defined series of stages, and help
you manage the revisions. This is also where you will tell Vault that at certain transitions, you
want the Job Processor (more on that later), to synchronize the properties and update your

In Vault Client, go to (there is a pattern here) Tools\Administration\Vault

Settings\Behaviors\Lifecycles. Locate your file category and select or create a lifecycle
definition to use for your revisions and Edit. Add or remove lifecycle states as you see fit, to
customize the definition to your preferred workflow. For each state, you can edit the transitions,
to determine what, if anything, happens when the file is moved from state to state. For our
example in this class we will be editing the Work In Progress to In Review transition, to tell Vault
that we want the Job Processor to sync properties between Vault and the File, and update the
visualization. It is this transition which will update the Vault Revision table with the values
assigned to the properties we created above.

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Mark any other settings on this and the other transitions which apply to your workflow. You can
also change security and other settings for each transition, but we will not go into these in this
class. Refer to the link above for the class on Vault Configuration for more on these.

Enable and Configure Vault Revision Table

With your properties created and your lifecycle definition set up, now you need to enable the
Vault Revision Table itself and set it up to use the properties we have prepared. To set this up,
go to (here we go again) Tools\Administration\Vault Settings\Behaviors\Revision.

When you first select this tool, you will see this:

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Check the box to enable this tool and configure the properties. When you first enable the tool,
you are given a set of default properties which will match the properties in the AutoCAD Vault
Revision block. You can add, remove or change these properties by first editing the Column
Header, and then choosing a property to map that column to. IMPORTANT: The Vault system
property Revision must be included in the table, or the tool will not function. The columns may
be arranged in any order by dragging them up or down in the settings window. You may also
check the boxes to the right if you wish to show only released information. Leaving them
unchecked will show the latest information from Vault.

There are settings on the additional tabs that can control things such as how many revision
rows to allow, handling revision scheme changes, and what levels of revisions to show. You
can tweak these settings to come up with a look for your revision table that best suits your
needs. Once you have added and rearranged the revision properties we have created, your
table settings should look like this:

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IMPORTANT: The column headings used here need to be identical to what is in the AutoCAD
Revision Block or the related revision table style within Inventor, which we will discuss next.

Preparing Inventor to Use the Vault Revision Table

Vault revisions are placed on Inventor drawings (.IDW or .DWG) using the revision table style
that’s defined in your drawing template or per the global styles (Inventor Design Data) that you
use. Although we could define the revision table style first and then add our custom iProperties
for it, it makes sense to define the properties first, followed by defining the revision table style.

In our class example, bring up the drawing iProperties dialog in your Inventor drawing template
and select the “Custom” property tab. Why am I using “Custom” properties and not a provided
Inventor iProperties? This is a great question and the reasoning is… We have already
configured the column information when we enabled the Vault Revision function in the Vault
client. We have also pointed out the mapping aspect between the Vault property and what
property resides under the CAD application. And finally, as stated earlier, when you keep it
consistent throughout the entire configuration process, well it just makes your life much easier.
So, at this point there’s no existing Inventor iProperties that match what we have already
covered or configured. Basically, for our example, we’re going to add the following four (4)
custom “text” iProperties and leave their values as blanks:

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• RevAuthor Author of revision
• RevText  Description of revision
• RevDate  Date of revision
• RevApproved  Approval of revision

Our next step is to define the revision table style that we’re going to use. Although we’re not
getting into drawing styles and standards in this session or cover how you need to manage or
use these styles, for this class purpose we’re defining our revision table requirements by
copying and editing the existing revision table style that’s provided. If you want more
information in how to setup and configure your Inventor styles please review this AU handout.

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Right mouse click on existing style and select New Style.

Enter name of your “Revision” table and check Add to standard if needed.

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The upper portion of the revision table style allows for additional revision table configurations
such as specifying the text style being used, direction of revision table, spacing etc. For our
session, we are going to skip these options because it adds no value to our example. However,
it’s something that you’ll need to consider when configuring your own revision table style.

Since we copied an existing revision table style, our columns are already configured but for our
example they do not match the format or properties that we’re using. Select Column Chooser to

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Because I know none of these existing column properties (except the Rev property) match what
I require in our example, I’m going to select “Zone”, “Description”, “Date”, and “Approved” along
with the remove button to clear those given columns from the “Selected Properties” list

Since the properties I want to use instead are defined as a custom iProperty, I need to select
the “New Property” button and enter the name of the (custom) iProperties I recently created.

• RevAuthor Author of revision

• RevText  Description of revision
• RevDate  Date of revision
• RevApproved  Approval of revision

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Again, keeping consistency throughout this process will surely make your life easier.

Depending on the order in which you added these properties, you many need to move up or
down the properties to match the order in which the revision table is being configured.

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Adjust the column cell value as needed (we can always go back later and change the width if

Now for this session or example we’re going to skip the associated revision tag information but if
you require it on your Inventor drawings, make sure to review its settings before moving on.

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Finally, depending on how you created this revision table style, you may or may not need to
define its standard under the related “Object Defaults” style configuration. For our example
since we did create a new style, we have to define the revision table annotation to use this new

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Preparing AutoCAD to Use the Vault Revision Table
The Vault Revision Table Block

Vault revisions are placed on AutoCAD drawings using a very specific block that is set up to
synchronize the properties set up in the steps above. Not very easy to find, and a bit tricky to
modify. So, lets pinpoint the exact location right here.

C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD {version} Vault Add-in\)

The file names to look for are:

• vaac_RevBlockImperial.dwg - For English units-based drawings

• vaac_RevBlockMetric.dwg - For Metric units-based drawings

It is recommended to leave these drawings in this folder. Removing them will cause the Vault
Add In to reinstall them the next time you run AutoCAD with Vault. This will blow away any
changes you have made to the block, causing fits of frustration and possible hair loss.
Once you have located and modified the block, I recommend placing it onto a tool palette to
make it easier to find, or placing it into your drawing templates.

Once you have located the files, open either or both of them in AutoCAD. The table is stored as
a block inside the drawing. DO NOT explode the block. Use the block editor to modify the
columns to match the properties we created above, or to customize it to your own properties.

The default Vault Revision block will have the same column headers we saw in the setup in
Vault, before we modified them above. It will look something like this:

Using the block editor, modify the column headers to EXACTLY match the ones we added in
Vault, like so:

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With the column headers matching those in Vault, the revision table should update properly
when we give it a test run later. Also, very important to note that the revision table will only work
on files that have been saved in the current release of AutoCAD.

Setting Up Revision Properties for AutoCAD

This is a little backward, but I mentioned up above that in order to map the properties to
AutoCAD, they had to already exist on an AutoCAD drawing. Let’s set these up now. Open an
empty AutoCAD drawing file, or one that you do not mind adding these properties to. It needs
to be within the Vault working folder area so Vault can find it.

From the File menu, select Drawing Properties and go to the Custom tab. Select Add and give
the new property a name. Value is optional, so let’s just leave it blank. Create all of the revision
properties that you want to map in Vault and save the file. Optionally you may check it into
Vault. When mapping Vault properties to a file property you can search for the file either in
Vault or locally on your working drive.

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Job Processor

Another key component of the revision table workflow is setting up the Vault Job Processor to
process the required information of the revision table. For those who are not familiar with the
job processor, let’s first go over the basics.

The processor is a separate application (running service) that gets installed with your Vault
Workgroup or Vault Professional client. When enabled on the Vault server (ADMS console),
those machines acting as your job processor will pull the queued information from the server
and processes them as needed.

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In your organization you can have a single machine running as the job processor or multiple
ones to suit your needs. Although we’re not going to get into the inner workings of the job
processor or the operations/functions of it, some key components to consider:

• Requires a Vault license (network or single user subscription)

• If you designate an existing CAD machine as the job processor, you may see
performance impacts based on the specs of the machine
• When processing AutoCAD files, no AutoCAD license is needed, but Autodesk DWG
Trueview needs to be installed.
• When processing Inventor files, Inventor version 2018.1 or earlier requires Inventor to be
installed on that machine and have access to an Inventor license. Inventor 2018.2 or
newer, no Inventor license is required, and Inventor does not need to be installed on the
machine. However, Inventor View must be installed instead.

On the Autodesk Vault server (ADMS console), someone with Vault administrator rights must
log on and enable the Job Server via the Tools/Vault Administration/Global Settings (pulldown

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On the (Vault) client machine acting as the job processor, the job processor application must be
started through the Windows start menu and the responsible Vault user account used to log in.

A couple of other key components…

• The “Start on Windows Logon” option as shown above is optional but recommended. If
the job processor is not running on any machine, the job server will back up and might
end up erroring out.
• The credentials used to run the job processor on the PC/laptop must have the ability to
view and work with categories, lifecycles and have access (permissions/roles) to the
related files (or items).

Configuring the Change Order

Another aspect of our Vault Revision Table workflow is configuring the change order system
within Vault Administration. This is not required for the Vault Revision to work, but we wanted
to show it to you as an added dimension that you could use to manage your data.

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If you’re not currently using the change order interface within Vault Professional, here’s a quick
definition. “Change orders are a component of the change management process that
describe why, how, and when changes are made to a design.” The change order process
basically walks individuals through different states and controls who has what responsibilities in
each of those states. Certain steps must be performed before the change order can moved
from one state to another.

Although the change order workflow (shown above) is written in stone, there are additional
configurable options and we will only be focusing on the ones associated to the revision table

Change Order Routing List

Since all change orders must have a routing list assigned and configured when the change
order is started and processed throughout the workflow, I believe it’s a great starting point for
setting up your change order system.

Again, if you’re currently not using the change order system within Vault (Professional), most
likely you wouldn’t have defined any change order routing list. The change order routing list
defines the roles of those individuals who are participating in the change order. Your
organization may have a single routing list or multiple ones to support your needs. In the end
this is the upfront (global) routing list that will be used to start the change order. Under certain
states of a given change order, the routing list can be modified by certain individuals who hold
the correct role within the change order.

On the Vault Professional client, someone with Vault administrator rights, must log on and pre-
define the routing list that will be used in your change order workflow. Access through
Tools/Vault Administration/Global Settings (pulldown menu):

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Select “New”

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Define the routing name and select the Vault users that will participate in the change order or at
least get the change order started. The routing list has numerous roles associate to it but in
order for someone to be included in the up-front designation, they must have the role of vault
administrator, “Change Order Editor (Level 1) or Level 2. In the example above, users
“Designer_1” and “Designer_2” appear in the list because under their Vault account/group
access, they have a role of “Change Order Editor (Level 2) assigned to them

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When it comes to roles, you may already be familiar with “roles” while defining your Vault’s
users and groups. The change order system has its own role definitions and it’s important to
keep them separate from the normal roles (as defined when creating your users and/or groups).
In the end if the user doesn’t have the specific user/group roles as stated above, the Vault user
account/name will not appear in the list as shown in the image above.

Before we get into the change order roles, I wanted to point out that we could spend a
significant amount of time discussing the change order roles and the related workflow. For this
class we’re going to give you a bird’s eye view of this interface.

The roles under a change order are:

APPROVER: This is the individual or individuals that will review and approve the change order
after the required work has been performed.

Depending on this (global) routing setting

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If checked, any individual in the routing list holding the “APPROVER” role must review and
approve the change order before the change order can move forward out of the change order
review state.

If un-checked, any individuals holding the “APPROVER” role can review and approve the
change order to move it forward past the review state of the change order. Under this
condition, any other individual holding the approval role for the change order no longer needs to
review & approve the change order and this given action (approving change order) is removed
from their change order task list.

CHANGE ADMINISTRATOR: Mainly this individual or individuals is your change order

administrator or is in charge of the given change order process. This role has the most power
and ability throughout the change order process. In addition, from my experience, many times
people get this confused with the main Vault administrator role. Meaning just because you’re a
Vault admin, doesn’t mean you have access to your organization’s change orders or a specific
change order that’s currently being processed.

CHANGE REQUESTOR: This role is automatically assigned to the individual who starts the
change order process. That individual name and role is added to the routing list of that given
change order they started. Unless you’re restricting who can start a change order, pre-defining
this role is not needed.

CHECKER: This role comes into play when the change order “Check State” is enabled in the
global change order settings:

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If the “Check State” is not enabled, the role of checker would not appear in the routing list as
shown above.

When the “Check State” is enabled, another state is added to the workflow between the
“WORK” and “REVIEW” state of the change order.

Many times, I’ve been asked why would I want to add this extra step and what does it offer?
This is a great question and always answer in how I was trained many years ago as a Vault
administrator. The “Check” state is basically designed as a pre-check before the actual review
and approval of the change order occurs. Meaning it gives you a chance to mentally check the
information and work before it goes into the official review (approved) state. Is it necessary?
From my experience I haven’t come across too many that have implemented this option but
again, the choice is yours.

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NOTIFICATION USER: This role is used to send notification (when the change order is closed)
to others that are not participating in the given change order. For example you want to notify a
user (who has a Vault account and works in a given department) about a design that was
changed (approved/released in the change order) but they had no input in creating, reviewing or
approving the change order related to the design. Pre-defining this role is only necessary if the
notification is going to the same individuals for every change order you process.

RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER: Many times, people get a chuckle out of this change order role or
don’t fully understand what the role means and its ability in the change order process.
Basically, this role is defined as the individual or individuals that will be responsible for the
change order in the (change order) work state. In help documentation it’s also designated as
the individual who’s actually performing the work on the native file. Although in most cases this
is true, the change order mechanism or this role doesn’t restrict who can check out the actual
vaulted file in the (change order) work state and make the changes. As long as they have the
normal Vault user/group roles and permission to do so, anybody can modify the native file and
they don’t need to be participating in the change order routing (list).

REVIEWER: The individual or individuals assigned this role is just another set of eyes on the
change order while in the review state of the change order process. This role is just limited to
viewing the change order information and adding comments related to the change order.
Actually approval of the change order in this state must still be completed by those who hold the
approver role on the routing list.

Roles of “Approver”, “Change Administrator” and “Responsible Engineer” must be assigned to

an individual (or individuals) for every change order created and processed. If the “check state”
option is enabled, then the role of “Checker” must be assigned to an individual as well.
Although later on in the change order process, the individuals assigned to these roles can be
modified, however when defining the routing list as we’re doing here, these role assignments
are mandatory.

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Also, any individual that’s participating in a change order may have multiple change order roles
assigned to them or other individuals in a routing list may hold the same roles as others.
Outside of the mandatory routing list roles, there’s no set guidelines on the routing list and you
have to decide who gets what roles for a given change order.

We finish by dragging our newly defined routing list from the left pane to the active routing list.
Depending on your needs, you can also set it as the default routing list that would be used when
the change order is started.

Change Order Restrict State Change

When managing the lifecycle states of your files (or items), you have a choice to change them
with or without a change order. Because we’re using the change order system to interact with
the revision table, we want to restrict the lifecycle states of our files (or items) through the
change order mechanism. To do this, a Vault admin using the vault client and Tools/
Administration/Vault Settings/Change Orders (tab)

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The first “configuration” option is to enable it through a change order or restrict lifecycle changes
to only occur under a change order workflow

If you’re using “Items” to manage your data, make sure to adjust the settings as needed.

The second “configuration” option is to control the change order when it moves out of the
“WORK” state of the change order. If there’s a certain lifecycle state in which the files can’t be
in when moving forward (with the change order process), this is where you would designate

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For example, if I indicate the lifecycle state of the files can’t be in “Work In Progress” and they
are… A message would appear, and the change order could not proceed forward until the
lifecycle state of those (change order) files (or items) were changed.

Change Order Markup Folders

Participants taking part in a given change order have the ability to (electronically) markup the
related files using the design review (DWF) file output. You can control where these DWF
markups will be stored.

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Change Order Numbering Scheme

Our last crucial change order configuration option is the numbering scheme that will be used to
number each change order that’s created. Through the Vault client using vault admin rights,
Tools/Administration/Vault Settings/Behaviors tab

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Change Order Creation
Although starting a change order in Vault is a simple process, you still have to consider what
information (3D models, drawings, word documents, items and etc) needs to be included. For
this session we’re not going into details about that but we will still give you an overview in how
to start the change order mechanism.

In Vault and with the correct roles and permissions, locate the information that will be part of the
change order, right mouse click and “Add to Change Order”/”To New”.

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You can also select the information, Actions (menu)/Add to Change Order/To New. Fill in the
required change order information on the “General” tab.

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Again, we could spend a significant amount of time on the change order process, for this
session we’re going to just cover the basics to get you going. On the “Routing” tab, select one
of the pre-defined routing list that we spoke of earlier.

As we configured it earlier, you can see our routing list has defined users, their roles and we
also set that all individuals assigned the approver role must approve before the change order
can move forward past the review state. Additional participates can be added later. On the
“Status” tab you can see we are currently in the “Create” state and now we’re ready to submit
the change order to the open state or start the actual change order workflow process

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To move forward we’re going to first save our change order and if you look at the “Routing” tab
again, you will notice the individual who started the change order is now added to the routing list
as the “Change Requestor”

At this time, you could add additional members to this given change order routing list, but in our
case, we are simply going to submit and move the change order to the “Open” state. This can
be done in a couple of ways:

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Add any comment or information you deemed necessary or even email others about this. In
this example, this Vault currently doesn’t have it configured to send out notification and thus the
message as shown.

Now as the user who initiated the change order, a link to the change order appears on “My

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However, since this user is only the change requestor, there’s no further action needed. As
you can see when I click on that change order under “My Worklist” and check its status, you will
notice the change order is now in the “Open” state

While in the “Open” state, anyone who’s assigned the “Change Administrator” role in the routing
list can log into their Vault client and submit the change order to the “Work” state.

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Executing the Change Order

Once the Change Order has been submitted to the Work State, the Responsible Engineer can
edit it and perform the needed changes. Based on our settings in the lifecycle definition, moving
a file from Released state to Work in Progress will automatically bump the revision. The
responsible engineer will perform this task on the files attached to the change order. With the
files in WIP, you can now edit the custom revision properties that have been added to the
change order form. These are the same properties that are controlling the Vault Revision table.
Let’s look at the steps involved for both AutoCAD and Inventor.

Executing the Changes – AutoCAD

After editing the change order to set the files to work in progress and modify the revision
properties, the responsible engineer will open the appropriate file(s) in AutoCAD software. The
files will be checked out from Vault, but do not update the properties when prompted. We want
to save that for when we check it back into Vault so we can watch them magically update
through the job processor.

Make any necessary drawing changes based on the instructions and markups in the change
order. If not already present on the drawing, add the Vault Revision block that we modified
earlier. Save, and check the drawing(s) back into the Vault.

Executing the Changes – Inventor

The steps here are almost exactly the same as in AutoCAD. Check the files out but do not
update the properties. Make the necessary changes and save the file. The Vault Revision table
is added from the Annotation tab on the Inventor ribbon menu. There is a pull-down menu for
revisions that includes the standard revision table, the Vault Revision table, and also the
revision marker symbol. Once the table is added, check the drawing(s) back into Vault.

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Finishing the Change Order – Vault

Once the drawing changes have been made and all files are checked back into the Vault, the
responsible engineer will finish his scope of the change order in Vault. Edit the change order
and update all records to make sure that the new versions are attached. Change the state of
the files to In Review, and then submit the ECO to the Review state. This is where the magic
will happen. Once the files are set to In Review, the settings we put into the lifecycle state
transitions will kick in. The files will be pushed out to the Job Processor which will synchronize
the properties between the Vault and the files, and then update the visualization. At this stage,
a row will be added to the Vault Revision table showing the latest revision information.

Modifying Configuration Settings

Warning: Not for the faint of heart, and not to be attempted without consulting a CAD
Manager or IT Manager.

For those brave people who want to take this process up a notch, and allow the revision table to
update without the use of the Job Processor, there is a configuration file that can be modified to
allow you to do this inside Vault Client by manually synchronizing properties on a file. This
Autodesk Knowledge Network document walks you through the steps of first locating the file,
and then making the necessary changes.



A lot of steps to follow on the front end, and a lot of things to remember and keep track of, all
leading up to that last magic moment where you were able to modify the revision table on your
drawings without even opening them in your CAD application. I need to reiterate that this
process does not work with Items, so you will need to investigate other revision control methods
of you are using Item Lifecycle management.

Mark and I hope we’ve given you some good information to consider, and that you saw at least
a few things in this class that you may want to try at home. Thank you!

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