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A Review on Spatial Domain Technique Based on

Image Steganography
Neha Sharma Dr. Usha Batra
Research Scholar, CSE HOD R&D, CSE/IT.
G D Goenka University G D Goenka University
Gurugram, India Gurugram, India

Abstract—As we are moving towards a digital world with rapid widely known and used. Steganography hides the existence of
strides and advancements in the field of communication of information whereas cryptography ciphers a message so that it
information with effective use of technology, it becomes cannot be understood. In certain cases, sending the cipher
mandatory that the communicable information is kept in an information draws the attention, while the concealed
electronic format. Since the advancements in this field is a information does not. The enactment of a stenographically
continuous process, some need gaps are also created during this, encrypted system can be measured through key factors like
which creates a concern in terms of security of this information. In undetectability and capacity. Undetectability shows the
addition to cryptography, we can use steganography technique to difficulty to determine the hidden message. The other measure-
address these issues effectively. In nutshell, we can describe
capacity shows the maximum amount of secret message or data
steganography as security mechanisms which are used for the
concealed exchange of transmittable data. It can be defined as the
that can be hidden securely, & robustness, which denotes that
study of concealed information elucidation that explains how we how fine the steganographic system counterattacks the
can securely hide the existing communicable information. If we extraction of embedded data. Fig 1 illustrates the concept of
can successfully implement and achieve the principles and steganography in security mechanisms.
techniques of steganography, the communicated messages evade
the attention of cyber threats like eavesdropper and attackers. By
using steganography, we can hide the information into different
embedding mediums which are also known as carriers. It can be
anyone of these like images, audio files, video files, and text files.
In the paper, we are focusing on spatial domain image based
steganography. The technique is scrutinized and argued in the
terms of its payload capacity i.e., the ability to hide information,
how much information can be hidden, and its robustness.

Keywords—Cryptography, LSB, PVD, Spatial Domain,


I. INTRODUCTION Fig. 1. Role of steganography in security mechanism.

Communication over the internet is the most desired source The paper is categorized as: Section 2 briefly discusses
of transmission of secret messages now a days. Digital medium cryptography & its purpose. Section 3 describes steganography
has gained much importance these days and is becoming the
and its use in digital medium. Section 4 describes the spatial
reliable medium for the transfer of information. With the
development and admittance of internet to everyone, it has domain based technique of steganography and related Literature.
become easier and possible to duplicate and to distribute the Finally, conclusion is presented in Section 5.
digital information illegitimately [1]. Digitally transmitted data II. CRYPTOGRAPHY
can be unoriginal without any loss of content and quality as well,
which is a big problem to the security, authenticity and copyright Cryptography is a technique which has been used for years to
to the owner of the data [2] [3]. From past many years, people hide the data by encryption and decryption. Cryptography [4,5]
have been struggling to develop state-of-the-art techniques for is the “ art and science” of attaining security through the
secret communication. The three techniques related to security encoded messages in order to make them informative. The
systems are intertwined; steganography, watermarking and high rate of growth in the networks is leading a common
cryptography. Both the techniques of cryptography and culture for exchanging of the data at a very fast pace.
steganography used for handling of data and information to Cryptography is a word taken from the Greek word separated
encrypt and hide them respectively. Both the techniques are

978-1-5386-0627-8/17/$31.00 2017
c IEEE 24
into two parts first is “Krypto” defines hidden and “graphene” Secret
means writing. Thus mutually it is considered as hiding the Message
written message from the correspondent to the recipient [6].
Selected Image after
Cryptography has been pooled with the systems known as image to
“cryptosystems” which has been used for coding and decoding Algorithm steganography
hide data
of the messages. Some of the concepts used in cryptography are encryption
described here [4]:
Fig. 2. Building blocks of steganography.
x Plain Text: Plain text is any text or data that is stored or
transmitted unencrypted. Accordingly, steganography is the process of hiding the
x Cipher Text: Cipher means encoded or encrypted secret message before transmitting it to the receiver. Secret
message. When we convert the plain text into the form message can be hidden within another digital medium such as
which is non-readable or non-understandable text using text, image, audio or video. With the application of this
any suitable scheme. technique intruder will not be able to suspect the existence of the
x Encryption: It is the process that involves the conversion message. Steganography can be applied with cryptography. The
combination of steganography with cryptography is feasible by
of plain text messages using some algorithms into cipher
first scribbling the message through cryptography and then
text messages. hiding the message through steganography. In Fig 3, the process
x Decryption: It is the process that involves the conversion of steganography along with cryptography is depicted. Here, the
of cipher text messages using some algorithms into plain message and cover image is selected and then the message is
text messages. encrypted by using the private key by the sender and then the
x Key: key is used for encryption and decryption of the encrypted message is hidden in the cover image, after then the
messages sent from the sender to the receiver that makes cover image is sent to the receiver. At receiving end the message
the process of cryptography secure. is extracted from the cover image and then the decryption of the
message is done by applying secret key shared by the sender [8].
A. Purpose of cryptography Basic idea or motivation behind implementation of image
Cryptography serves the following purposes [5]: Steganography is to communicate between the members without
having fear of being attacked of messages. Due to its advantages,
x Confidentiality: This specifies that only sender and it has been used in several areas e.g. military, intelligence
intended recipient can access the contents of message. operatives or bureaus. These fields of espionage require a
x Authentication: It ensures that who so ever is trying to method which can hide their critical data and no intermediate
access the content is an authentic user. person can evaluate the meaning of the data.
x Integrity: It ensures that content of the message has not
been altered. Secret
x Non-repudiation: It restricts the sender of a message to Stego
System Stego
disprove the claim of not sending the particular message. object
x Access Control: It specifies and controls the various
accesses to the user. Cover
x Availability: It ensures the availability of data every time Key Communic
to all the authorized users. ation
of secret
Steganography has originated from a Greek word i.e., message
“steganos” and “graphie” which mean “enclosed writing”. Decoder
Jointly it referred as concealed (secret or enclosed) message. In
1499 first term was used by the Johannes Trithemius in his Original
Stegno-graphia. He has written a thesis on the cryptography and cover
Steganography disguised as a book on magic. Thus message
which is hidden under the object is considered as cover which Fig. 3. Model of steganography process with crytography [6].
can be of anything i.e. images, articles, shopping lists or other
cover text. Therefore, it is a high security technique considered The main aim of using steganography is to divert the
for long data transmission. Fig 2, illustrates the building blocks attention of the attacker from the hidden information.
of steganography. First of all an image is selected to hide the
data. The secret data is then encrypted by choosing any one of A. Steganography in Digital Medium
the encryption algorithm. Finally, the Image with the hidden x Text Steganography: This technique hides the secret
data is obtained which is also called stego-image. message in a text file. The secret data is stored behind every
nth letter of every word. Currently there are many
methods/techniques available like Format Based Method,

2017 International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies for Smart Nation (IC3TSN) 25
Random and Statistical Method and Linguistics Method for image. The techniques that falls under this category are: i) LSB
hiding secret message in text files. (Least Significant Bit), and ii) PVD (Pixel Value Differencing).
x Image Steganography: This is used to hide the data by LSB is a Least Significant Bit technique. It is a process in which
attractive cover object as image. To hide secret message the LSB pixels of the image are accustomed. It is a quite popular
pixel intensities are used. Here, images are extensively among various researchers for embedding the message behind
used as cover object because there are number of bits the image due to its various properties such as it is less complex
present in the digital representation of an image. and easy to implement. The implementation process of LSB
x Audio Steganography: The technique audio files for technique depends upon the type of image for example let’s
hiding the secret message. The cover object used here is consider a 8 bit image then in this case the 8th bit of each byte
WAV, AU, and MP3 sound files. Low Bit Encoding, Phase is indistinct to the bit of message which is going to encoded to
Coding, and Spread Spectrum are the methods used in it. PVD stands for Pixel Value Differencing. Here, two
audio steganography. consecutive pixels are selected and then these pixels are
x Video Steganography: This technique hides the secret embedded with the data. Payload is calculated through the
message in video format. The cover object in this case may difference between these two consecutive pixels and is treated
be H.264, MP4, MPEG, and AVI video files. as a base which helps in determining whether two pixels
x Network or Protocol Steganography: In this technique belongs to an edge or smooth area.
we hide the data/information in the cover object using The technique that combines PVD and LSB was proposed
network protocols such as TCP, UDP, ICMP, IP etc. There by [9], in order to enhance the capacity of PVD along with the
are secret channels in OSI layer network model where quality of the technique. LSB technique is an efficient way of
steganography can be used. data hiding but the loophole is that it is easily detectable by the
intruder so to resolve this problem PVD is combined with it
Let us now consider the terminologies associated with because it is an approach that can pass from various program
Steganography: detections. A techniques was proposed by [10], using the LSB
x Cover: It is nothing but an original image which is used as technique. In order to solve the problem of variations in pixels
a carrier for embedding the secret information. after embedding the message the researcher combines the LSB
and Laplacian model of pixel difference distribution. The
proposed method is able to estimate the number of zero
x Secret Message: It is the original message that is used to difference value using the number of non-zero difference values
hide into images. Message could be a plain text or some from stego-images and it also makes use of estimation error
other image. between the estimated and actual values. Lifang Yu et al. [11],
x Stego Key: It is a key that is used to embed or extract the proposed a steganography technique by using LSB for hiding
secret messages from the cover and stego-images. the message and then shuffles the message bit order based on
x Embedding Algorithm: The input to this algorithm is chaos in which the parameter selection was done on the basis of
cover image and message to be embedded and the output is genetic algorithm. This work enhances the performance of LSB
the stego-image which is sent simply to the extracting by collaborating it with chaos on the basis of genetic algorithm.
algorithm. Authors in [12], proposed a new technique for information
x Extraction Algorithm: The input to this algorithm is hiding through Image Steganography in spatial domain. The
stego-image which is the output of the embedding technique used for image steganography is PBMS i.e. Public
algorithm. This algorithm recovers the original message Bit Substitution Method along with the proposed STM i.e.
from the stego-image. Steganography Transformation Machine. The objective of this
technique is to solve the problem binary operations for
IV. TECHNIQUES OF STEGANOGRAPHY exploitation of original image by using LSB technique. The
There are many ways for classifying steganographic objective is achieved after applying Pixel encryption and
techniques. These ways can be categorized according to the decryption technique. [13], proposed a new steganographic
types of cover used with secret communication. Various method that uses geometric models in 3D. This algorithm
steganographic techniques that hides the information behind resists against linear mapping methods that preserves lines,
image files include: i) Spatial Domain Techniques, ii) Spread points, planes such as cropping, rotation, scaling. The algorithm
Spectrum techniques, iii) Transform Domain Techniques, iv) provides high data embedding capacity. The vertices of the
Statistical Techniques, and v) Distortion Techniques. However, triangle has been used for embedding the data. Mamta Juneja
in this paper spatial domain technique is covered in detail as et. al [14] proposed a two component based LSB (Least
under: Significant Bit) methods for embedding secret data. The
proposed algorithm also uses an adaptive LSB based
A. Spatial Domain based Image Steganography
steganography to make it more robust by integrating it with an
This technique encodes the message by using pixel gray level Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Authors in [15],
along with their color values. The spatial domain technique is defined a new approach for data hiding with respect to colored
referred as the most simple and less complex technique for image by using the combination of more than one technique.
embedding and extracting process of steganography. The The technique used in this are LSB and adaptive LSB for the
limitation of the technique is that it can lead to the noise in the

26 2017 International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies for Smart Nation (IC3TSN)
purpose of data substitution. Advanced Encryption Standards been carried in the spatial domain and is the most widely used
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filtering for the purpose of removing the noise from the final
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From the above work, it is concluded that the image
steganography is widely used technology for the purpose of
securing any kind of data whether it is text, digital, audio, video
etc. There are various techniques which are applied for
steganography. A considerable amount of research work has

2017 International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies for Smart Nation (IC3TSN) 27

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