PDP Ziga Bulc 367018

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Personal Development Plan

Name: Žiga F. Bulc

STRENGHTS & WEAKNESSES...............................................................................................................2
MORAL COMPASS..................................................................................................................................4
ENVIRONMENTAL AWARNESS...............................................................................................................5

In this PDP I will present the personal development as a sport professional. It will show the
relations between my identity and the environment around me and how one influence the
other. It is important to understand that if we want to change the future, we need to be aware
of the past and the present because they all influence each other and their relation in our
If I want the world to see who I am, it is important that I see my self that way first. I see myself as a
very mentally strong built person, with the help of self-exploration and becoming aware of
everything that is happening to me. That gives me more confidence to stand up for my beliefs and it
enables me to ask questions about myself and the world around me. I put a lot of effort in trying to
be in control of my reactions and emotions.

Furthermore, throughout the self-exploration I discovered that I can have a stronger barrier towards
people than it may be perceived from others. I would describe myself as an extrovert with a
protection wall. I would not say that is a bad thing, because it allows me to be in control who comes
in my life and also who I let to get close to me. I will always act in a manner to avoid an unnecessary
conflict or a fight. The way I perceived my self I also try to project into the world for other people to
see me in such way.

With all that, I see myself as a very understandable person with a very high level of tolerance. I will
always try to understand the situation better, before I make a decision about it. I might disagree with
the situation but I will never judge anyone or anything. I let them be them as long as they let me be

My goal for my personal development is to be a genuine and strong person which can be achieved
either through challenging my own beliefs, which would make me do an emotionally challenging
action and encourage growth, or keeping an open mind about life and optimise what you take from


Teamwork Stating my point clearly
Personal reflection
Understandable Working in disorganised environment

Kind & polite Practical with tools

Controlling my emotions Active listening
Critical thinking Give sudden answers
Empathy Sustainable commitment
None judgmental

What makes me unique is my analytical ability of myself and trying to understand before judging. I
believe that will be very useful when it comes to projecting my identity to the world because I
believe that I need to keep understanding myself better so I can understand anything else.

I have been told once that “We perceive the world around us the way it is within ourselves” which
means that If I am in a good mood my perception of the world will also be good and if my mood is
bad, my perception of the world and people around me will be bad.

The way I see others is always my interpretation of them, if I like something about someone I like it
because it fits with how I am and If I have a problem, it bothers me not because its something
wrong with them, but because it doesn’t fit with the way I am. We must see people the way they are
and not the way we want them to be.
Intercultural management Teamwork Intracultural person
Self-awareness Self-monitoring Confidence
Creative/abstract ideas Leadership Hold back until I see the
necessity to take control
Sport marketing Decision making Persistent
Analytical knowledge Adaptable Flexible
Critical thinking

My set of skills and characteristics are supported by everything that I learn. I try to optimise every
situation to get the most out of it and through time grow from it. With the gain knowledge so far, I
believe that in the area where I would like to be working, are not sufficient yet and I know that I will
still need to learn a lot to work in sports and environment field.

What I need to work on is, to get myself motivated for gaining as much knowledge as possible about
the topic because I know it will be very important to have a very solid base to develop my work and
ideas in the future. First step is to become aware of it and understand why I need to do this, that will
subconsciously make me act upon it

The most important to me is that I will always stay who I am and will always be able to show who I
am with no shame. As much as me being me is important, as much it I also important when I am
interacting with people, I respect people for who they are but I don’t like when they are trying to be
something they are really not. Being real and sincere is a very important virtue for me.

I am enjoying the most in the situation when I am not thinking about whether I am happy or not, I
believe that thinking about it makes the real joy and authenticity disappear. My personal
enjoyments include doing sports, socialising, meditation, sitting by the fire and just watching it. The
vital part of me enjoying an activity is enjoying the moments because they are the ones that will
leave memories. Learning something new that I feel will benefit me is a great joy for me because I
know I did something good for me.

I get my motivation and energy mainly from within me, I am trying to avoid putting my mood on an
external object or person. I get motivated when I achieve my goals and I know that I have learned a
lot from the process. Achieving goals gives me additional energy to keep going forwards. Personal
goal is to turn the failure and down moments in to positive results and reimbursement.

My passion is contributing to the better of society, regardless what I will do, I will always put my
effort in trying to help the development and growth of the society. I wouldn’t say that my passions
or my goals are my motivators to get me out of bed but it’s the feeling of time being wasted and I
could do so much and be active. I don’t like having the feeling that I didn’t do anything and I could
get so much more out of the day. “Be the change you want to see in this world” Making selfless acts
to provide liveable and sustainable future.
Personally, I think that before I can make a concrete comment about a topic or the situation, I need
to understand it. I don’t like making opinions about the topics I do not have a sufficient knowledge
or experience from, but I feel comfortable and confident about my position on the topic I would not
hesitate to express that opinion. In the past I had a problem of expressing my opinions, I would just
go with the most suitable given option. I do believe that sharing opinions about the topic can make
every participate including myself think about their own ideas and make us have a more open mind
about it. Having an open mind about different opinions is a very useful skill to have because it shows
you are not narrow minded and shows that you know how to think about more complex problems
which requires more complex solutions. Through examining my own opinions and understanding
why I think the way I do makes it much easier to argue for it and its important that my main goal is
not convincing the other people but to state my view as best as I can.

Personally, I believe that my opinion should be based on many different sources that are all taken in
with a critical view because then it allows you to really form your own opinion which is entirely up to
me and my beliefs. It is especially hard to question the people who are close to you and have a
distance to not be influenced by their beliefs.

The behaviour I show to the world is a true representation of who I am. Everyone can see that I am
still a project of development and that everything I do is a reflection of my personality and beliefs.
The projection of my behaviour to the world can be explained with understanding of who I am. I am
an understandable and caring person and I am trying to show that through all of my actions. I must
not worry if some people see me in a different way than I try to show. Their perception of me is their
picture in their mind and its up to me if I will bother with it or not.

I am capable of differentiating between my behaviour in personal and professional life, although I

still believe that one has an influence on the other. These two behaviours have to connect and
influence each other. For example, if I want to be organised in a professional environment I can not
be disorganised in my personal life, it will be very hard to maintain this kind of behaviours.

A skill that has proven it self very useful is the adaptation of my behaviour regarding the situation.
Knowing how to behave in a professional or nonprofessional environment can leave a different
effect on the others. I have learned to adapt my behaviours through working in different
environments and I realise I still have a lot to learn. The main difference for me is the communication
and the interactions. There is still a lot to be done on my professional communication especially
writing. I believe that this will be learned in practice and the more I will practice it the better I will
In this life I have been very lucky with the possibilities I got in connection with academics and
professional sports environment. I realised that in this world it is very important to have connections
which increased my opportunities for my future career. So far, my main source of connections are
my parents. The provide me with the opportunity to be the best version of myself and develop my
passions and goals in life. I am aware of the importance of building your own network because with
the wide network the possibilities and opportunities comes.

Before I engage with the environment around me, I need to develop a strong environment inside
me. For me it’s very beneficial that I am aware of my own skills and strengths which also contributes
to the development of my identity and with a strongly developed identity my interaction with the
outside environment is much more effective.

I have discovered that my interest lies in the connection between the sports and the sustainable
environment solutions. Although that is a very new topic, I see a great opportunity in the future due
to current trends and development of the society. This is not yet a very developed topic which will
bring many challenges and at the same time it is a great opportunity to develop something new and
contribute to the development of this topic.

My strategy for achieving my goal is to first gain a lot of knowledge about the topic so I will need to
read a big amount of information that will give me a solid base where I will be able to grow further
and develop my professional identity as well as my personality. The beginning will be a challenge
because firstly, I don’t have the sufficient knowledge yet and secondly, it is a very new concept
which needs a lot of innovation and persistent attitudes.

The concept of my place in the society is a process. I am trying to contribute to my best abilities and
available resources to make the world a better place for me and for my future. My responsibility is to
ensure that my actions are going to be sustainable and minimise personal impact on our planet. I
think that I am a part of the generation whose responsibility is to prevent being the generation
which has gone from better life to worst. It will be dependent on individuals and how these
individuals can co-exist to their best potential. Connectivity and open mind will be my objectives in
the work I will be doing.

I can see that there is a lot to be done yet that does not frighten me. I am realising that the more I
am trying to change the environment around me, the more I am changing myself.

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