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Mid Term Assignment: 1


BS 8th Evening A (Session 2016-2020)

Submitted by: Mehwish Hameed Khan

Roll No 48

Registration#: 2016-GCWF-3543

Submitted To: Dr.Faiza Ambreen

Course Title: Fish feeding Management

Course Code: ZOL-608

Credit Hours: 3(2-1)

“Define relation of water temperature with solubility of gases and
how temperature affects the energy need of fish”

What is solubility?

Solubility refers to the amount of a substance(solute) that will dissolve in each amount of a

solvent to give a saturated solution under specific conditions.

Water temperature:

Water temperature is a physical property that explains how much hot or cold water is.

Temperature can more clearly explained as amount of average thermal energy of a substance.

Relation of Gas Solubility and Temperature:

Solubility decrease with increase in temperature:

 Solubility of a gas in water decrease with increase in temperature, thus colder water has
more dissolved gas.
Temperature ∞1/solubility of gases
 The kinetic energy of water molecules increases as temperature increases. Thus, more
motion in molecules breaks intermolecular bonds and molecules can escape easily from

Solubility increase with decrease in temperature:

 Solubility of a gas in water increases with decrease in temperature, thus warmer water has
less dissolved gas.
 At low temperature, the kinetic energy of the gaseous molecules does not increase. So, there
is less chance for the escape of gaseous molecules. Therefore, gases can dissolve better in
cold water as compared to hot water.
 Although solubility of a gas in an organic solvent increase with increase in temperature.
 Decreases in solubility of a gas by increase in temperature is shown by graph.
 This is very similar to vapor pressure increase with temperature. Increased temperature
results an increase in kinetic energy. Higher kinetic energy causes more motion in molecules
which in turn break intermolecular bonds and escape from solution.

This relation plays a very important role in survival of aquatic life especially for fish. As
dissolved oxygen in water is important for fish, increase in temperature cause the depletion of
oxygen and can cause problems for fish.

How Does Water Temperature effect the Fish and their energy requirements?
 Water temperature is one of the important factors that affect the energy needs of fishes.
 Amount of energy required by the fish for survival depends upon the metabolic rate or
oxygen consumption. Metabolism require oxygen for conversion of nutrients to energy in our
bodies. Metabolic rate of an animal can estimated by measuring how quickly it animal
consumes oxygen. Fish metabolic rates are influenced by the temperature of surrounding
water as they are cold blooded animal.

Energy need of fish increase with increase in temperatures:

 With increase in temperature of surrounding water, metabolic rate of a fish increases.

Because level of dissolved oxygen in water decreases with increase in temperature.
 As we know every fish requires optimum amount of oxygen for survival. At this condition to
increase oxygen uptake, fish require a lot of energy for increase in respiration and opercular
 Thus, energy need of fish increase with increase in temperatures and in turn the metabolic
rate of fish also increases.
 Metabolic rate doubles with every 10 degree rise in temperature that means the fish needs
twice of energy to stay alive.
 Fish become lethargic due to decrease in amount of oxygen and affects the feeding and
reproduction of fish.
 If the temperature becomes too much high, then fish cannot breathe, and suffocation starts.
 So, in summer season, the feeding requirement is high.

Energy need of fish decrease with decrease in temperatures.

 Sufficient level of oxygen is present at low temperature. Thus, fish did not require a lot of
energy at low temperature to maintain their metabolism.
 Fish also have no need to work hard and breathe at faster rate in cold water to take oxygen.
 So, in winter the feeding requirement is lesser but not so much.

The energy needs of a fish also vary from species to species according to their body need.
Fish’s metabolic requirements or energy needs also at different points in its life.
For example, a female Chinook salmon preparing to spawn needs to produce enough energy to
survive and swim upriver, while also using energy to produce her eggs.

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